How to work interculturally

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. Heather Devere [ed] () Friendship, peace and social justice [i] [d]
  2. () Overcoming religious distance: epiphanies in cross-cultural settings [i] [d]
  3. () 'All humans are strangers—almost everywhere': reflections on human belonging [i] [d]
  4. () Why friendship matters in research fieldwork [u]
  5. () Plain language + machine translation as a form of cultural hospitality for knowledge representation [i] [d]
  6. () Counseling across cultures: a half-century assessment [d]
  7. () How shall we all work together?: achieving diversity and equity in work settings [d]
  8. (/2022) Foundations of global communication [i] [d]
  9. () A new dance on the global stage: introducing a cultural value-based toolbox to optimize problem-solving, innovation, and growth [u]
  10. Vanessa Hammler Kenon & Sunay Vasant Palsole [ed] () The Wiley handbook of global workplace learning [i] [d]
  11. () Negotiating therapy goals and tasks in cross-cultural psychotherapy [d]
  12. () Creativity and humor across cultures: where aha meets haha [i] [d]
  13. () Constructing intercultural selves: bridging cultural conflict through dialectical engagement [d]
  14. () 'All of us together in a blurred space': principles for co-creating curriculum with international partners [d]
  15. () Complexity management and multi-scale governance: a case study in an Amazonian indigenous association [d]
  16. () Ethnographic thinking: from method to mindset [i] [d]
  17. Naomi Haynes & Jason Hickel [ed] () Hierarchy and value: comparative perspectives on moral order [i] [d] [j]
  18. () Developing a working model of cross-cultural supervision: a competence- and alliance-based framework [d]
  19. () Evidence and presumptions for analyzing and detecting misunderstandings [d]
  20. () Taking criticism while privileged: advice for dealing with criticism as a person of privilege in academe [u]
  21. () Conflict transformation in indigenous peoples' territories: doing environmental justice with a 'decolonial turn' [d] [u]
  22. () Cultural humility and Dewey's pattern of inquiry: developing good attitudes and overcoming bad habits [d]
  23. () International experience in the academic field: knowledge production, symbolic capital, and mobility fetishism [d]
  24. () Field study handbook [i]
  25. () Cognition, cultural practices, and the working of political institutions: an adult developmental perspective on corruption in Russian history [d]
  26. Stefan G. Hofmann [ed] () International perspectives on psychotherapy [i] [d]
  27. () The virtualism of 'capacity building' workshops in indigenous Amazonia: ethnography in the new middle grounds [d] [u]
  28. () Cultural humility [i] [d]
  29. () Field notes: a guided journal for doing anthropology [i]
  30. () How to assess intercultural competence [i] [d]
  31. () Cultural values, emotional intelligence, and conflict handling styles: a global study [d]
  32. () The perception of people: integrating cognition and culture [i] [d]
  33. () An examination of cultural competence training in US medical education guided by the Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training [p] [u]
  34. () The field school in intercultural education as a model for international service-learning and collaborative action-research training [i] [d] [j]
  35. Raymond Pun, Scott Collard, & Justin Parrott [ed] () Bridging worlds: emerging models and practices of U.S. academic libraries around the globe [i] [u]
  36. () Gastrodiplomacy: assessing the role of food in decision-making [d] [u]
  37. () Tacit knowledge awareness and its role in improving the decision-making process in international negotiations [i] [d]
  38. Mauro Galluccio [ed] () Handbook of international negotiation: interpersonal, intercultural, and diplomatic perspectives [i] [d]
  39. () Transcultural competence: navigating cultural differences in the global community [i] [d]
  40. Roy Moodley, Marguerite Lengyell, Rosa Wu, & Uwe P. Gielen [ed] () International counseling case studies handbook [i] [d]
  41. Marianne Moyaert [ed] () Ritual participation and interreligious dialogue: boundaries, transgressions, and innovations [i] [d]
  42. () Cultural adaptation of CBT for serious mental illness: a guide for training and practice [i] [d]
  43. Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal [ed] () How is global dialogue possible?: foundational research on values, conflicts, and intercultural thought [i] [d]
  44. () Reclaiming travel [i] [d]
  45. () Succeeding in rural mental health practice: being sensitive to culture by fitting in and collaborating [d]
  46. Allan Charles Dawson, Laura Zanotti, & Ismael Vaccaro [ed] () Negotiating territoriality: spatial dialogues between state and tradition [i] [d]
  47. () Black passports: travel memoirs as a tool for youth empowerment [i]
  48. Pnina Fichman & Noriko Hara [ed] () Global Wikipedia: international and cross-cultural issues in online collaboration [i]
  49. () Reframing the intercultural dialogue on human rights: a philosophical approach [i] [d]
  50. () Establishing therapeutic dialogue with refugee families [d]
  51. () Guidelines for the implementation of culturally sensitive cognitive behavioural therapy among refugees and in global contexts [d]
  52. () Tensions in livelihoods: a rural perspective [i] [d]
  53. () Practical ethnography: a guide to doing ethnography in the private sector [i] [d] [u]
  54. () Negotiating new roles and relationships in the jungle: rain forest imaginations and community-based ecotourism in Ecuador [u]
  55. () Animist intersubjectivity as argumentation: Western Shoshone and Southern Paiute arguments against a nuclear waste site at Yucca Mountain [d]
  56. () International mobility of women in science and technology careers: shaping plans for personal and professional purposes [d]
  57. () The necessity of strangers: the intriguing truth about insight, innovation, and success [i]
  58. () Connecting across cultures: the helper's toolkit [i] [d]
  59. Thomas H. Hohenshil, Norman E. Amundson, & Spencer G. Niles [ed] () Counseling around the world: an international handbook [i]
  60. () Culturally competent research: using ethnography as a meta-framework [i] [d]
  61. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] () Internationalizing multiculturalism: expanding professional competencies in a globalized world [i] [d]
  62. () Using a blended learning approach to simulate the negotiation of a multilateral environmental agreement [d]
  63. () Learning wisdom through geographical dislocations [d]
  64. Katia Sycara, Michele J. Gelfand, & Allison Abbe [ed] () Models for intercultural collaboration and negotiation [i] [d]
  65. () Constructing anthropologists: culture learning and culture making in U.S. doctoral education [d]
  66. () Community mapping for intercultural dialogue [u]
  67. () A future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán environmental politics [i]
  68. () Strange powers: conservation, science, and transparency in an indigenous political project [d]
  69. () Let me tell you what to do: cultural differences in advice-giving [d]
  70. Michael H. Crawford & Benjamin C. Campbell [ed] () Causes and consequences of human migration: an evolutionary perspective [i] [d]
  71. () International expertise and local know-how in the trading zone [d]
  72. () When the direct route is blocked: the extended contact pathway to improving intergroup relations [d]
  73. Hans Peter Hahn & Karlheinz Cless [ed] () People at the well: kinds, usages and meanings of water in a global perspective [i]
  74. () Confessions of a field research addict [u]
  75. Rebecca Hardin & Kamari Maxine Clarke [ed] () Transforming ethnographic knowledge [i]
  76. () Global leadership: a developmental shift for everyone [and comments and reply] [d]
  77. () Globalization, localization, and cross-cultural user-interface design [i] [d]
  78. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow [ed] () International dispute resolution [i]
  79. () A cross-cultural comparison of colour emotion for two-colour combinations [d]
  80. () Culture as situated cognition: cultural mindsets, cultural fluency, and meaning making [d]
  81. () Crossing the cultural divide: issues in translation, mistrust, and cocreation of meaning in cross-cultural therapeutic assessment [d]
  82. () Missed understandings: cultural and communication disconnects in indigenous livelihood revitalization and conservation [d]
  83. () Displacing activism?: the impact of international service trips on understandings of social change [d]
  84. May M. H. Cheng & Wing-mui Winnie So [ed] () Science education in international contexts [i] [d]
  85. () Don't make decisions based on culture (alone) [u]
  86. Sarah H. Davis & Melvin J. Konner [ed] () Being there: learning to live cross-culturally [i] [d]
  87. () Contrasting the footloose company: social capital, organizational fields and culture [d]
  88. () Fire and ice: testing a model on culture and complex problem solving [d]
  89. () Theorising international youth volunteering: training for global (corporate) work? [d] [j]
  90. () Cultural niche construction and human learning environments: investigating sociocultural perspectives [d]
  91. () Interdisciplinary analysis of the environment: insights from tropical forest research [d]
  92. () Global citizens are made, not born: multiclass role-playing simulation of global decision making [d]
  93. () Possible pathways for conceptual development related to energy and the human body [i] [d]
  94. () Relational accountability: complexities of structural injustice [i]
  95. () The fieldwork model: an anthropological perspective on the process of change in long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy [d]
  96. () Elusive peace: how modern diplomatic strategies could better resolve world conflicts [i]
  97. Pitman B. Potter & Ljiljana Biukovic [ed] () Globalization and local adaptation in international trade law [i]
  98. () The complexity of moral learning: diversity, deprovincialisation and privilege [d]
  99. () Transnational migration and global health: the production and management of risk, illness, and access to care [d]
  100. () Researcher journeying and the adventure/danger impulse [d]
  101. () Being in-between: the relevance of ethnography and auto-ethnography for psychotherapy research [d]
  102. (/2019) Cultural adaptations and multicultural competence [in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  103. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  104. () How to work in someone else's country [i]
  105. James Peter Davies & Dimitrina Spencer [ed] () Emotions in the field: the psychology and anthropology of fieldwork experience [i] [d]
  106. () Culture and cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  107. () American citizen, global citizen: how expanding your identity makes you richer, stronger, wiser—and builds a better world [i]
  108. () Willing to work: agency and vulnerability in an undocumented immigrant network [d]
  109. Manuela Guilherme, Evelyne Glaser, & María del Carmen Méndez García [ed] () The intercultural dynamics of multicultural working [i] [d]
  110. () The arrogance of ethnnography: managing anthropological research knowledge [u]
  111. () Cultural constraints in the design of pictographic symbols [d]
  112. () Autonomous cross-cultural hardship travel (ACHT) as a medium for growth, learning, and a deepened sense of self [d]
  113. () The social capital of global ties in science: the added value of international collaboration [d]
  114. () Water sustainability: anthropological approaches and prospects [d]
  115. () NGO–anthropologist collaboration: lessons learned from working in Argentina [d] [j]
  116. () Seeing (and doing) conservation through cultural lenses [d]
  117. () 'We share the same biology...': cultivating cross-cultural empathy and global ethics through multilingualism [d]
  118. () Psychological contracts across cultures [d]
  119. () From 'water boiling in a Peruvian town' to 'letting them die': culture, community intervention, and the metabolic balance between patience and zeal [p] [d]
  120. Lila Waldman & Donna R. Everett [ed] () Cross-cultural and international business education [i]
  121. () The culture of Mexican migration [d]
  122. () Moving with emotional resilience between and within cultures [d]
  123. Claudio Baraldi [ed] () Dialogue in intercultural communities: from an educational point of view [i] [d]
  124. Katherine E. Browne & B. Lynne Milgram [ed] () Economics and morality: anthropological approaches [i]
  125. () The challenge of leading on unstable ground: triggers that activate social identity faultlines [d]
  126. () Thinking with culture in law and development [u]
  127. () Conversations between anthropologists and economists [i] [d] [j]
  128. () Global linguistics: an introduction [i] [d]
  129. Anwei Feng, Michael Byram, & Michael Fleming [ed] () Becoming interculturally competent through education and training [i] [d]
  130. Kenneth J. Gergen, Stuart M. Schrader, & Mary M. Gergen [ed] () Constructing worlds together: interpersonal communication as relational process [i]
  131. (/2016) The elephant in the room: cultural distrust directed at White counselors [i]
  132. () Exploring hierarchies of knowledge in Peru: scaling urban grassroots women health promoters' expertise [d]
  133. Leslie M. Johnson & Eugene S. Hunn [ed] () Landscape ethnoecology: concepts of biotic and physical space [i] [d] [j]
  134. () Moving beyond developmental paradigms: a case study and analysis of a TfD workshop in Bangladesh [d]
  135. () Culture sensitive arguments [and comment by Ruth Amossy] [u]
  136. () Beyond cultural competence: critical consciousness, social justice, and multicultural education [p] [d]
  137. () How power influences moral thinking [p] [d]
  138. () Promoting cultural relativism in counselors through the cultural de-centering model [d]
  139. () Interfaith dialogue in global perspective and the necessity of youth involvement [d]
  140. (/2015) Doing sensory ethnography [i] [d]
  141. () The perils of global legalism [i] [d]
  142. () When development meets culture and conflict: the challenges and paradoxes of the good samaritan [d]
  143. () Learning values for living together [d]
  144. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas [ed] () Social justice through multilingual education [i] [d]
  145. Toby Alice Volkman, Joan Dassin, & Mary Sabina Zurbuchen [ed] () Origins, journeys and returns: social justice in international higher education [i]
  146. () Negotiation nimbleness when cultural differences are unidentified [i] [u]
  147. () Synchrony and cooperation [d]
  148. Robert S. Wyer Jr., Chi-yue Chiu, & Ying-yi Hong [ed] () Understanding culture: theory, research, and application [i] [d]
  149. () Psychophysical acting: an intercultural approach after Stanislavski [i]
  150. () Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: a meta-analysis [d]
  151. () Cross-cultural perspectives on intimate partner violence [p]
  152. () Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competencies [d]
  153. Molefi Kete Asante, Yoshitaka Miike, & Jing Yin [ed] (/2014) The global intercultural communication reader [i] [d]
  154. () From foreign language education to education for intercultural citizenship: essays and reflections [i] [d]
  155. () Getting to know one another through drawing [d]
  156. () Paradoxes of culture and globalization [i] [d]
  157. () Economy's tension: the dialectics of community and market [i] [d] [j]
  158. () Virtual returns: fieldwork recollected in tranquility [i]
  159. () Executive development through consciousness-raising experiences [d]
  160. () Cofán Indians help map out rain forest, produce DVDs on quickly disappearing tribal traditions [u]
  161. () Inclusive cultural empathy: making relationships central in counseling and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  162. () Reflections on management education in the context of poverty [d]
  163. Martin Pütz & JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer [ed] () Developing contrastive pragmatics: interlanguage and cross-cultural perspectives [i] [d]
  164. () Interculturalidad, conocimiento y poder: alcances de un proceso de investigación-acción en dos escuelas de la Amazonía peruana [i]
  165. Mary Adams Trujillo, S. Y. Bowland, Linda James Myers, Phillip M. Richards, & Beth Roy [ed] () Re-centering culture and knowledge in conflict resolution practice [i]
  166. () Life's recurring challenges and the fundamental dimensions: an integration and its implications for cultural differences and similarities [d]
  167. () Using the genogram to facilitate the intercultural competence of Mexican immigrants [d]
  168. () Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature [p] [d] [u]
  169. () The impact of service-learning on ethnocentrism in an intercultural communication course [d]
  170. COMPAS [ed] () Learning endogenous development: building on bio-cultural diversity [i] [d] [u]
  171. Madonna G. Constantine [ed] () Clinical practice with people of color: a guide to becoming culturally competent [i]
  172. Leo Paul Dana & Robert Brent Anderson [ed] () International handbook of research on indigenous entrepreneurship [i] [d]
  173. () Educating world teachers for cosmopolitan classrooms and schools [d]
  174. Marion Grein & Edda Weigand [ed] () Dialogue and culture [i] [d]
  175. Elizabeth Hallam & Tim Ingold [ed] () Creativity and cultural improvisation [i] [d]
  176. () Facilitating multicultural groups: a practical guide [i]
  177. () Culturally proficient coaching: supporting educators to create equitable schools [i]
  178. (/2017) Volunteer: a traveller's guide to making a difference around the world [i]
  179. () The critical role of the librarian/information officer as boundary spanner across cultures: humans as essential components in global digital libraries [i] [d]
  180. Leila Frances Monaghan & Jane E. Goodman [ed] () A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: essential readings [i]
  181. (/2011) The borders of inequality: where wealth and poverty collide [i] [j]
  182. Sarah Pink [ed] () Visual interventions: applied visual anthropology [i] [j]
  183. () Racial and ethnic identity: developmental perspectives and research [d]
  184. Yoku Shaw-Taylor & Steven A. Tuch [ed] () The other African Americans: contemporary African and Caribbean immigrants in the United States [i]
  185. Melvin L. Silberman [ed] () The handbook of experiential learning [i]
  186. () Are you selling the right colour?: a cross-cultural review of colour as a marketing cue [d]
  187. Srilatha Batliwala & L. David Brown [ed] () Transnational civil society: an introduction [i]
  188. Beatriz Canabal Cristiani, Gabriela Contreras Pérez, & Arturo León [ed] () Diversidad rural: estrategias económicas y procesos culturales [i]
  189. (/2007) The Cofán experiment: expanding an indigenous Amazonian world [o] [u]
  190. (/2009) How to teach students who don't look like you: culturally relevant teaching strategies [i]
  191. () What is the middle ground, anyway? [d] [j]
  192. () Transcultural nursing principles: an application to hospice care [o]
  193. () Truth-telling in a culturally diverse world [d]
  194. Serge-Christophe Kolm & Jean Mercier Ythier [ed] () Handbook of the economics of giving, altruism and reciprocity [i]
  195. (/2012) Global business etiquette: a guide to international communication and customs [i]
  196. () The art of connecting: how to overcome differences, build rapport, and communicate effectively with anyone [i]
  197. () Coaching from a cultural perspective [i]
  198. () Geographies, spatial concepts and mediating imaginations: on justification of translation in ex-centric human geography [u]
  199. () Adventure and regulation in contemporary anthropological fieldwork [i] [j]
  200. () La interculturalidad en la educación básica: reformas curriculares de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia [i]
  201. () English: meaning and culture [i] [d]
  202. () Globalization and the emerging culture of planning [d]
  203. () A developmental model of intercultural maturity [d]
  204. () Ethnicity and race, Understanding of [i] [d]
  205. Michael A. West, Dean Tjosvold, & Ken G. Smith [ed] () The essentials of teamworking: international perspectives [i]
  206. () The role of status differentials in group synchronization [i] [d]
  207. Carol R. Ember & Melvin Ember [ed] () Encyclopedia of medical anthropology: health and illness in the world's cultures [i] [d]
  208. () Comunicación para el desarrollo estudio de caso: Yasarekomo: una experiencia de comunicación indígena en Bolivia [u]
  209. Michele J. Gelfand & Jeanne M. Brett [ed] () The handbook of negotiation and culture [i]
  210. (/2019) Translation: an advanced resource book [i] [d]
  211. Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan [ed] () Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development [i]
  212. () Confrontations with power: moving beyond the 'tyranny of safety' in participation [i]
  213. () Global politics and multinational health-care encounters: assessing the role of transnational competence [d]
  214. () Native anthroplogy: the Japanese challenge to Western academic hegemony [i]
  215. () The intercultural performance handbook [i]
  216. () Failing forward: going beyond PRA and imposed forms of participation [participatory rural appraisal] [i]
  217. PRATEC [ed] () Una escuela amable con el saber local [i] [u]
  218. PRATEC [ed] () Watunakuy = Visitas de encariñamiento [i] [u]
  219. Walter G. Stephan & W. Paul Vogt [ed] () Education programs for improving intergroup relations: theory, research, and practice [i]
  220. Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco & Desirée Qin-Hilliard [ed] () Globalization: culture and education in the new millennium [i] [d] [j]
  221. () Your identity zones: Who am I? Who are you? How do we get along? [i]
  222. () Type I and Type II errors in culturally sensitive conflict resolution practice [d]
  223. () The six dilemmas of collaboration: inter-organisational relationships as drama [i]
  224. Daniel J. Canary & Marianne Dainton [ed] () Maintaining relationships through communication: relational, contextual, and cultural variations [i] [d]
  225. () Acculturation and psychological adaptation [i]
  226. () New directions in intercultural communication competence: the process model [i] [d]
  227. () Over the wall: experiences with multicultural literacy [d]
  228. (/2011) 1001 smart travel tips [i]
  229. (/2010) The rough guide to first-time around the world [i]
  230. Kit S. Ng [ed] () Global perspectives in family therapy: development, practice, and trends [i]
  231. () Vagabonding: an uncommon guide to the art of long-term world travel [i]
  232. () 'I want to be global': theorising the gentrifying class as an emergent elite global community [d]
  233. () Coaching across cultures: new tools for leveraging national, corporate, and professional differences [i]
  234. () The global negotiator: making, managing, and mending deals around the world in the twenty-first century [i]
  235. () Democracy and its global roots: why democratization is not the same as westernization [u]
  236. () From fieldwork to mutual learning: working with PRATEC [d] [j]
  237. Alex Cohen, Arthur Kleinman, & Benedetto Saraceno [ed] () World mental health casebook: social and mental health programs in low-income countries [i] [d]
  238. () Cross-cultural usability of the library metaphor [i] [d] [u]
  239. () Transnational competence in an emergent epoch [d]
  240. () War of the worlds: what about peace? [i]
  241. () Designing across cultures [i]
  242. () Creating student awareness to improve cultural competence: creating the critical incident [p] [d]
  243. (/2008) Cross-cultural management: essential concepts [i]
  244. () The cultural mediator: bridging the gap between a non-Western community and professional social work practice [d]
  245. () Anthropologist: scientist of the people [i]
  246. (/2014) Negotiating globally: how to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions across cultural boundaries [i]
  247. () Ethnocultural allodynia [p] [u]
  248. Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari [ed] () Participation: the new tyranny? [i]
  249. () The anthropology of economy: community, market, and culture [i]
  250. (/2016) Addressing cultural complexities in practice: assessment, diagnosis, and therapy [i] [d]
  251. () Improving intergroup relations [i]
  252. () Managing intercultural conflict effectively [i]
  253. () The 10 lenses: your guide to living & working in a multicultural world [i]
  254. Wilhelmina Wosińska, Robert B. Cialdini, Daniel W. Barrett, & Janusz Reykowski [ed] () The practice of social influence in multiple cultures [i]
  255. () The natural and cultural invariants of the representation of time in face of globalization [d]
  256. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  257. Ann Florini [ed] () The third force: the rise of transnational civil society [i] [j]
  258. () Conflict and engagement: an empirical study of a farmer–extension partnership in a sustainable agriculture program [d]
  259. () Exploring the gaps: vital links between trade, environment, and culture [i]
  260. (/2016) Multicultural teams [i]
  261. Ian Bruce Watson [ed] (/2001) Performer training: developments across cultures [i]
  262. () Intercultural education and literacy: an ethnographic study of indigenous knowledge and learning in the Peruvian Amazon [i] [d]
  263. () Schooling and development: eroding Amazon women's knowledge and diversity [i]
  264. () Writing for culture: why a successful concept should not be discarded [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  265. Christine Clark & James O'Donnell [ed] () Becoming and unbecoming white: owning and disowning a racial identity [i]
  266. Christine Heward & Sheila S. Bunwaree [ed] () Gender, education, and development: beyond access to empowerment [i]
  267. () Riegel, dialectics, and multiculturalism [d] [j]
  268. () Seeing things as they are [i]
  269. () A cultural perspective on resistance [d]
  270. () Conditions for cultural negotiation in civil conflicts [i]
  271. () The bridge over the racial divide: rising inequality and coalition politics [i] [d] [j]
  272. Frédérique Apffel-Marglin [ed] () The spirit of regeneration: Andean culture confronting Western notions of development [i]
  273. (/2007) The Amazon [i]
  274. () The art of the state: culture, rhetoric, and public management [i]
  275. () Reasons for success: learning from instructive experiences in rural development [i]
  276. () Cross-cultural filmmaking: a handbook for making documentary and ethnographic films and videos [i]
  277. () Moral conflict: when social worlds collide [i]
  278. (/2005) Multicultural manners: essential rules of etiquette for the 21st century [or: Multicultural manners: new rules of etiquette for a changing society] [i]
  279. (/2012) Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management [i]
  280. (/2005) Non-Western educational traditions: indigenous approaches to educational thought and practice [i]
  281. Maria P. P. Root [ed] () The multiracial experience: racial borders as the new frontier [i] [d]
  282. () Managing across cultures: a learning framework [i]
  283. James A. Banks & Cherry A. McGee Banks [ed] (/2004) Handbook of research on multicultural education [i]
  284. () The shifting middle ground: Amazonian Indians and eco-politics [d]
  285. () Racial healing: confronting the fear between Blacks and Whites [i]
  286. () World mental health: problems, and priorities in low-income countries [i]
  287. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  288. () Intercultural dialogue and the human image [i]
  289. () Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
  290. Joseph G. Ponterotto [ed] (/2001) Handbook of multicultural counseling [i]
  291. () The cultural shaping of accounting [i]
  292. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas [ed] () Multilingualism for all [i]
  293. () Culture, community, and the promise of rural education [u]
  294. Benina Berger Gould & Donna Hilleboe DeMuth [ed] () The global family therapist: integrating the personal, professional, and political [i]
  295. Lillian Comas-Díaz & Beverly Greene [ed] () Women of color: integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy [i]
  296. () Between worlds: interpreters, guides, and survivors [i]
  297. () In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
  298. James R. Silkenat, Jeffrey M. Aresty, & Jacqueline Klosek [ed] (/2009) The ABA guide to international business negotiations: a comparison of cross-cultural issues and successful approaches [i]
  299. () Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
  300. () Story and legend: powerful tools for conflict resolution [d]
  301. () Mediation around the medicine wheel [d]
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  313. (/2009) Volunteer vacations: short-term adventures that will benefit you and others [i]
  314. () Economics as culture: models and metaphors of livelihood [i]
  315. (/2011) Work your way around the world [i]
  316. () About understanding: ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication [i]
  317. Monica McGoldrick, Joseph Giordano, & Nydia Garcia-Preto [ed] (/2005) Ethnicity and family therapy [i]
  318. (/2004) Accounting theory [i]
  319. () Made to measure: children's books in developing countries [i]
  320. () Aesthetics of risk: culture or context? [o] [d]
  321. (/1979) Guide to convivial tools [i]
  322. (/1985) Family therapy in clinical practice [i]
  323. () Beyond culture [i]
  324. (/1987) The myth of the framework [i] [d]
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  326. (/1997) Through Navajo eyes: an exploration in film communication and anthropology [i]
  327. () Voluntary service: good will or evil goods? [o]
  328. (/1970) To hell with good intentions [o]

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14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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