How to walk
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- Tom Johnson (2023) Wayfinding requires you to be present in the world [u]
- Robert M. Searns (2023) Beyond greenways: the next step for urban trails and walking routes [i]
- Jacek Smolicki [ed] (2023) Soundwalking: through time, space, and technologies [i] [d]
- Bruce Baugh (2022) Philosophers' walks [i] [d]
- Lynn Peterson & Elizabeth Doerr (2022) Roadways for people: rethinking transportation planning and engineering [i]
- Annabel Streets (2022) 52 ways to walk: the surprising science of walking for wellness and joy, one week at a time [i]
- Melissa Bruntlett & Chris Bruntlett (2021) Curbing traffic: the human case for fewer cars in our lives [i]
- Jeremy DeSilva (2021) Why walking helps us think [i]
- Sara Cook & Christian van Nieuwerburgh (2020) The experience of coaching whilst walking: a pilot study [u]
- Vanessa Zuisei Goddard (2020) Still running: the art of meditation in motion [i]
- Scott T. Grafton (2020) Physical intelligence: the science of how the body and the mind guide each other through life [i]
- Chris Napier & Arran Lewis (2020) Science of running: analyze your technique, prevent injury, revolutionize your training [i]
- Shane M. O'Mara (2020) In praise of walking: a new scientific exploration [i]
- Angie Schmitt & Charles T. Brown (2020) Right of way: race, class, and the silent epidemic of pedestrian deaths in America [i]
- David Borthwick, Anna Stenning, & Pippa Marland [ed] (2019) Walking, landscape and environment [i] [d]
- Allie Martin (2019) Hearing change in the chocolate city: soundwalking as Black feminist method [u]
- Paola Cossermelli Messina (2019) Soundwalking on the edges: sound, safety and privilege in São Paulo, Brazil [u]
- Christopher Ives (2018) Zen on the trail: hiking as pilgrimage [i]
- Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Marialena Barouti, & Eleni Koustriava (2018) Differences in spatial knowledge of individuals with blindness when using audiotactile maps, using tactile maps, and walking [d]
- Alpa V. Patel, Janet S. Hildebrand, Corinne R. Leach, Peter T. Campbell, Colleen Doyle, Kerem Shuval, Ying Wang, & Susan M. Gapstur (2018) Walking in relation to mortality in a large prospective cohort of older U.S. adults [p] [d]
- Ernesto Pujol (2018) Walking art practice: reflections on socially engaged paths [i]
- Prabha Siddarth, Alison C. Burggren, Harris A. Eyre, Gary W. Small, & David A. Merrill (2018) Sedentary behavior associated with reduced medial temporal lobe thickness in middle-aged and older adults [p] [d] [u]
- Jeff Speck (2018) Walkable city rules: 101 steps to making better places [i] [d]
- Maryam Banaei, Javad Hatami, Abbas Yazdanfar, & Klaus Gramann (2017) Walking through architectural spaces: the impact of interior forms on human brain dynamics [p] [d] [u]
- Steven R. Gehrke & Kelly J. Clifton (2017) A pathway linking smart growth neighborhoods to home-based pedestrian travel [d]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh, Marc Francis, Max Pugh, Nicolas Chaudeurge, Alan Mackay, Anna Bertmark, Benedict Cumberbatch, & Germaine Franco (2017) Walk with me [o] [u]
- Cam Honan, Robert Klanten, & Anja Kouznetsova (2017) Wanderlust: hiking on legendary trails [or: Wanderlust: a hiker's companion] [i]
- Mizzo Kwon, Chanam Lee, & Yu Xiao (2017) Exploring the role of neighborhood walkability on community currency activities: a case study of the Crooked River Alliance of TimeBanks [d]
- Tema Milstein & Stephen Griego (2017) Environmental privilege walk: unpacking the invisible knapsack [i] [d]
- Andrea Polli (2017) Soundwalking, sonification and activism [i] [d]
- Jess Rae, Mick Abbott, & Jacky Bowring (2017) Walking as inquiry [u]
- Derek D. Randolph & Patrick J. O'Connor (2017) Stair walking is more energizing than low dose caffeine in sleep deprived young women [p] [d]
- Mike Sager (2017) Knocking down your creative blocks [u]
- David Shearing (2017) Audience immersion, mindfulness and the experience of scenography [i] [d]
- Arthur Turner (2017) Coaching through walking [u]
- Silas Chamberlin (2016) On the trail: a history of American hiking [i] [d]
- Robert Moor (2016) On trails: an exploration [i]
- Stephanie Revell & John McLeod (2016) Experiences of therapists who integrate walk and talk into their professional practice [d]
- Janette Sadik-Khan & Seth Solomonow (2016) Streetfight: handbook for an urban revolution [i]
- Sarah Hanson & Andy Jones (2015) Is there evidence that walking groups have health benefits?: a systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Mike Lydon & Anthony Garcia (2015) Tactical urbanism: short-term action for long-term change [i] [d]
- Eric A. Morris (2015) Should we all just stay home?: travel, out-of-home activities, and life satisfaction [d]
- Laura A. Orrico (2015) 'Doing intimacy' in a public market: how the gendered experience of ethnography reveals situated social dynamics [d]
- Hillary Rettig (2015) How to get out of a slump [u]
- Gretchen Reynolds (2015) A 2-minute walk may counter the harms of sitting [u]
- Stephen Zavestoski & Julian Agyeman [ed] (2015) Incomplete streets: processes, practices and possibilities [i] [d]
- Christina Bernardo & Chandra Bhat (2014) Non-motorized travel as a sustainable travel option [i] [d]
- Erik Elldér (2014) Residential location and daily travel distances: the influence of trip purpose [d]
- Tristan Gooley (2014/2015) The lost art of reading nature's signs: use outdoor clues to find your way, predict the weather, locate water, track animals—and other forgotten skills [or: The walker's guide to outdoor clues and signs: their meaning and the art of making predictions and deductions by sceptre] [i]
- Andrew Gulliford [ed] (2014) Outdoors in the Southwest: an adventure anthology [i]
- Andrew Gulliford (2014) Mountain hiking and climbing [i]
- John Horton, Pia Christensen, Peter Kraftl, & Sophie Hadfield-Hill (2014) 'Walking... just walking': how children and young people's everyday pedestrian practices matter [d]
- Kevin Klinkenberg (2014) Why I walk: taking a step in the right direction [i]
- Marily Oppezzo & Daniel L. Schwartz (2014) Give your ideas some legs: the positive effect of walking on creative thinking [p] [d]
- Soora Rasouli & Harry J. P. Timmermans (2014) Benefits of travel: needs versus constraints in uncertain environments [i] [d]
- Karen E. Adolph & Scott Robinson (2013) The road to walking: what learning to walk tells us about development [i] [d]
- Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani (2013) The big world in the small: layered dynamics of meaning-making in the everyday [d]
- Jane Desmond (2013) Requiem for roadkill: death and denial on America's roads [i] [d]
- Alexandra Horowitz (2013) On looking: eleven walks with expert eyes [i]
- Brian B. Knudsen & Terry N. Clark (2013) Walk and be moved: how walking builds social movements [d]
- Barbara McCann (2013) Completing our streets: the transition to safe and inclusive transportation networks [i] [d]
- Mark Schimmoeller (2013/2014) Slowspoke: a unicyclist's guide to America [i]
- Dragos Simandan (2013) Learning wisdom through geographical dislocations [d]
- Torsten Wissmann (2013) Tuning the field trip: audio-guided tours as a replacement for 1-day excursions in human geography [d]
- Evan Allen Eason & Rockey Robbins (2012) Walking in beauty: an American Indian perspective on social justice [d]
- Pat Farmer (2012) Pole to pole: one man, 20 million steps [i]
- David George Haskell (2012) The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature [i]
- Mary A. Hood (2012) Walking seasonal roads [i]
- Xun (Irene) Huang, Ping Dong, Xianchi Dai, & Robert S. Wyer Jr. (2012) Going my way?: the benefits of travelling in the same direction [d]
- Jerald Jariyasunant, André Carrel, Venkatesan Ekambaram, D. J. Gaker, Thejovardhana Kote, Raja Sengupta, & Joan L. Walker (2012) The quantified traveler: using personal travel data to promote sustainable transport behavior [u]
- Andrew T. Kaczynski & Troy D. Glover (2012) Talking the talk, walking the walk: examining the effect of neighbourhood walkability and social connectedness on physical activity [d]
- Seth LaJeunesse & Daniel A. Rodríguez (2012) Mindfulness, time affluence, and journey-based affect: exploring relationships [d]
- Katrín Lund (2012) Landscapes and narratives: compositions and the walking body [d]
- Denver V. Nixon (2012) A sense of momentum: mobility practices and dis/embodied landscapes of energy use [d]
- Perdita Phillips (2012) Walk 'til you run out of water [d]
- Roma Robertson, Ann Robertson, Ruth Jepson, & Margaret Maxwell (2012) Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis [d]
- Claudia W. Ruitenberg (2012) Learning by walking: non-formal education as curatorial practice and intervention in public space [d]
- Jeff Speck (2012) Walkable city: how downtown can save America, one step at a time [i]
- Gregg Whelan (2012) Running through a field: performance and humanness [d]
- Angela A. A. Willeto (2012) Happiness in Navajos (diné ba' hózhó) [i] [d]
- Joe Bryan (2011) Walking the line: participatory mapping, indigenous rights, and neoliberalism [d]
- Steven Farber & Antonio Páez (2011) Running to stay in place: the time-use implications of automobile oriented land-use and travel [d]
- Adam Ford (2011) The art of mindful walking: meditations on the path [i]
- Tristan Gooley (2011) The natural navigator: a watchful explorer's guide to a nearly forgotten skill [i]
- Jennie Middleton (2011) Walking in the city: the geographies of everyday pedestrian practices [d]
- Nina J. Morris (2011) Night walking: darkness and sensory perception in a night-time landscape installation [d]
- Tim Ingold (2010) Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing [d]
- Tim Ingold (2010) Ways of mind-walking: reading, writing, painting [d]
- Sylvie Miaux, Louis Drouin, Patrick Morency, Sophie Paquin, Lise Gauvin, & Christophe Jacquemin (2010) Making the narrative walk-in-real-time methodology relevant for public health intervention: towards an integrative approach [d]
- John Rennie Short & Luis Mauricio Pinet-Peralta (2010) No accident: traffic and pedestrians in the modern city [d]
- Chris C. Streeter, Theodore H. Whitfield, Liz Owen, Tasha Rein, Surya K. Karri, Aleksandra Yakhkind, Ruth Perlmutter, Andrew Prescot, Perry F. Renshaw, Domenic A. Ciraulo, & J. Eric Jensen (2010) Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels: a randomized controlled MRS study [p] [d] [u]
- Richard M. Carpiano (2009) Come take a walk with me: the 'go-along' interview as a novel method for studying the implications of place for health and well-being [d]
- Gordon Hempton & John Grossmann (2009) One square inch of silence: one man's search for natural silence in a noisy world [i]
- Alexandra Millonig & Georg F. Gartner (2009) Ways of walking: developing a pedestrian typology for personalised mobile information systems [i] [d]
- Rosie Swale-Pope (2009) Just a little run around the world: 5 years, 3 packs of wolves and 53 pairs of shoes [i]
- Laurene Vaughan (2009) Walking the line: affectively understanding and communicating the complexity of place [d]
- Julie Welch (2009) Out on your feet: the hallucinatory world of hundred-mile walking [i]
- Jane Ricketts Hein, James Evans, & Phil I. Jones (2008) Mobile methodologies: theory, technology and practice [d]
- Tim Ingold & Jo Lee Vergunst [ed] (2008) Ways of walking: ethnography and practice on foot [i] [d]
- Kate Jackson (2008) Mean and lowly things: snakes, science, and survival in the Congo [i] [d] [j]
- Phil I. Jones, Griff Bunce, James Evans, Hannah Gibbs, & Jane Ricketts Hein (2008) Exploring space and place with walking interviews [u]
- Ronald N. Buliung & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou (2006) A GIS toolkit for exploring geographies of household activity/travel behavior [d]
- Susan Handy, Xinyu Cao, & Patricia L. Mokhtarian (2006) Self-selection in the relationship between the built environment and walking: empirical evidence from northern California [d]
- Chet Raymo (2006) Walking zero: discovering cosmic space and time along the Prime Meridian [i]
- Jason Roberts (2006) A sense of the world: how a blind man became history's greatest traveler [i]
- Timothy D. Weaver & Richard G. Klein (2006) The evolution of human walking [i]
- John D. Barbour (2005) The ethics of intercultural travel: Thomas Merton's Asian pilgrimage and orientalism [d]
- Erika Block (2005) The walking project: desire lines, walking and mapping across continents [u]
- Debashish Chowdhury, Andreas Schadschneider, & Katsuhiro Nishinari (2005) Physics of transport and traffic phenomena in biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms [d]
- John Francis (2005/2008) Planetwalker: 22 years of walking, 17 years of silence [i]
- Catrine Tudor-Locke, Michael Bittman, Dafna Merom, & Adrian Bauman (2005) Patterns of walking for transport and exercise: a novel application of time use data [d]
- John Wylie (2005) A single day's walking: narrating self and landscape on the South West Coast Path [d] [j]
- Joseph Anthony Amato (2004) On foot: a history of walking [i] [j]
- Tim Ingold (2004) Culture on the ground: the world perceived through the feet [d]
- A. J. T. Johnsingh (2004) On Jim Corbett's trail and other tales from tree-tops [i]
- Alva Noë (2004) Action in perception [i]
- Richard T. T. Forman, Daniel Sperling, John A. Bissonette, Anthony P. Clevenger, Carol D. Cutshall, Virginia H. Dale, Lenore Fahrig, Robert L. France, Charles R. Goldman, Kevin Heanue, Julia A. Jones, Frederick J. Swanson, Thomas Turrentine, & Thomas C. Winter (2003) Road ecology: science and solutions [i]
- Lisa Marie Jakubowski (2003) Beyond book learning: cultivating the pedagogy of experience through field trips [d]
- Jim Merkel (2003) Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
- Rolf Potts (2003) Vagabonding: an uncommon guide to the art of long-term world travel [i]
- Francesco Careri (2002) Walkscapes: el andar como práctica estética = Walking as an aesthetic practice [i]
- Laura M. Rival (2002) Trekking through history: the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador [i] [d] [j]
- Bernd Heinrich (2001/2002) Why we run: a natural history [i]
- Tim Knight (2001) Journey into the rainforest [i]
- Philip Toshio Sudo (2001/2005) Zen strolling [i]
- Chris Townsend (2001) The advanced backpacker: a handbook of year-round, long-distance hiking [i]
- Joseph J. Campos, David I. Anderson, Marianne A. Barbu-Roth, Edward M. Hubbard, Matthew J. Hertenstein, & David Witherington (2000) Travel broadens the mind [d]
- Gomercindo Rodrigues & Linda Rabben (2000/2007) Walking the forest with Chico Mendes: struggle for justice in the Amazon [i]
- Martin G. Lockley (1999) The eternal trail: a tracker looks at evolution [i]
- Margaret Lowman (1999) Life in the treetops: adventures of a woman in field biology [i]
- Katya Bloom & Rosamund Shreeves (1998) Moves: a sourcebook of ideas for body awareness and creative movement [i]
- Carolyn Scott Kortge (1998) The spirited walker: fitness walking for clarity, balance, and spiritual connection [i]
- Gaylen D. Lee (1998) Walking where we lived: memoirs of a Mono Indian family [i]
- William L. Balée (1994) Footprints of the forest: Ka'apor ethnobotany: the historical ecology of plant utilization by an Amazonian people [i]
- Michael Hodgson & Devin Wick (1992/2007) Basic essentials: weather forecasting [i]
- Satish Kumar (1992/2000) Path without destination: the long walk of a gentle hero [i]
- Gary Snyder (1990) Walking on water [i]
- David M. Fetterman (1989/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
- Eric Hansen (1988/2000) Stranger in the forest: on foot across Borneo [i]
- Cliff Jacobson (1988/2007) Basic essentials: map and compass [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1985/1996) The long road turns to joy: a guide to walking meditation [i]
- Dervla Murphy (1983/2003) Eight feet in the Andes: travels with a mule in unknown Peru [i]
- Jessica Rose & James Gibson Gamble [ed] (1981/2006) Human walking [i]
- Alan R. Drengson (1980) Wilderness travel as an art and as a paradigm for outdoor education [d]
- John Man (1979) Walk!: It could change your life: a handbook [i]
- Bernard Rudofsky (1969/1982) Streets for people: a primer for Americans [i]
- John Muir & William Frederic Badè (1916) A thousand-mile walk to the Gulf [o] [u]
- Vachel Lindsay (1914/1916) Adventures while preaching the gospel of beauty [o] [u]
- Washington Matthews & Pliny Earle Goddard (1907) Navaho myths, prayers and songs [o] [u]
- Henry David Thoreau (1862/1964) Walking [i] [u]
- Dōgen (1240/1985) Mountains and waters sūtra [i]