How to walk

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Wayfinding requires you to be present in the world [u]
  2. () Beyond greenways: the next step for urban trails and walking routes [i]
  3. Jacek Smolicki [ed] () Soundwalking: through time, space, and technologies [i] [d]
  4. () Philosophers' walks [i] [d]
  5. () Roadways for people: rethinking transportation planning and engineering [i]
  6. () 52 ways to walk: the surprising science of walking for wellness and joy, one week at a time [i]
  7. () Curbing traffic: the human case for fewer cars in our lives [i]
  8. () Why walking helps us think [i]
  9. () The experience of coaching whilst walking: a pilot study [u]
  10. () Still running: the art of meditation in motion [i]
  11. () Physical intelligence: the science of how the body and the mind guide each other through life [i]
  12. () Science of running: analyze your technique, prevent injury, revolutionize your training [i]
  13. () In praise of walking: a new scientific exploration [i]
  14. () Right of way: race, class, and the silent epidemic of pedestrian deaths in America [i]
  15. David Borthwick, Anna Stenning, & Pippa Marland [ed] () Walking, landscape and environment [i] [d]
  16. () Hearing change in the chocolate city: soundwalking as Black feminist method [u]
  17. () Soundwalking on the edges: sound, safety and privilege in São Paulo, Brazil [u]
  18. () Zen on the trail: hiking as pilgrimage [i]
  19. () Differences in spatial knowledge of individuals with blindness when using audiotactile maps, using tactile maps, and walking [d]
  20. () Walking in relation to mortality in a large prospective cohort of older U.S. adults [p] [d]
  21. () Walking art practice: reflections on socially engaged paths [i]
  22. () Sedentary behavior associated with reduced medial temporal lobe thickness in middle-aged and older adults [p] [d] [u]
  23. () Walkable city rules: 101 steps to making better places [i] [d]
  24. () Walking through architectural spaces: the impact of interior forms on human brain dynamics [p] [d] [u]
  25. () A pathway linking smart growth neighborhoods to home-based pedestrian travel [d]
  26. () Walk with me [o] [u]
  27. () Wanderlust: hiking on legendary trails [or: Wanderlust: a hiker's companion] [i]
  28. () Exploring the role of neighborhood walkability on community currency activities: a case study of the Crooked River Alliance of TimeBanks [d]
  29. () Environmental privilege walk: unpacking the invisible knapsack [i] [d]
  30. () Soundwalking, sonification and activism [i] [d]
  31. () Walking as inquiry [u]
  32. () Stair walking is more energizing than low dose caffeine in sleep deprived young women [p] [d]
  33. () Knocking down your creative blocks [u]
  34. () Audience immersion, mindfulness and the experience of scenography [i] [d]
  35. () Coaching through walking [u]
  36. () On the trail: a history of American hiking [i] [d]
  37. () On trails: an exploration [i]
  38. () Experiences of therapists who integrate walk and talk into their professional practice [d]
  39. () Streetfight: handbook for an urban revolution [i]
  40. () Is there evidence that walking groups have health benefits?: a systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  41. () Tactical urbanism: short-term action for long-term change [i] [d]
  42. () Should we all just stay home?: travel, out-of-home activities, and life satisfaction [d]
  43. () 'Doing intimacy' in a public market: how the gendered experience of ethnography reveals situated social dynamics [d]
  44. () How to get out of a slump [u]
  45. () A 2-minute walk may counter the harms of sitting [u]
  46. Stephen Zavestoski & Julian Agyeman [ed] () Incomplete streets: processes, practices and possibilities [i] [d]
  47. () Non-motorized travel as a sustainable travel option [i] [d]
  48. () Residential location and daily travel distances: the influence of trip purpose [d]
  49. (/2015) The lost art of reading nature's signs: use outdoor clues to find your way, predict the weather, locate water, track animals—and other forgotten skills [or: The walker's guide to outdoor clues and signs: their meaning and the art of making predictions and deductions by sceptre] [i]
  50. Andrew Gulliford [ed] () Outdoors in the Southwest: an adventure anthology [i]
  51. () Mountain hiking and climbing [i]
  52. () 'Walking... just walking': how children and young people's everyday pedestrian practices matter [d]
  53. () Why I walk: taking a step in the right direction [i]
  54. () Give your ideas some legs: the positive effect of walking on creative thinking [p] [d]
  55. () Benefits of travel: needs versus constraints in uncertain environments [i] [d]
  56. () The road to walking: what learning to walk tells us about development [i] [d]
  57. () The big world in the small: layered dynamics of meaning-making in the everyday [d]
  58. () Requiem for roadkill: death and denial on America's roads [i] [d]
  59. () On looking: eleven walks with expert eyes [i]
  60. () Walk and be moved: how walking builds social movements [d]
  61. () Completing our streets: the transition to safe and inclusive transportation networks [i] [d]
  62. (/2014) Slowspoke: a unicyclist's guide to America [i]
  63. () Learning wisdom through geographical dislocations [d]
  64. () Tuning the field trip: audio-guided tours as a replacement for 1-day excursions in human geography [d]
  65. () Walking in beauty: an American Indian perspective on social justice [d]
  66. () Pole to pole: one man, 20 million steps [i]
  67. () The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature [i]
  68. () Walking seasonal roads [i]
  69. () Going my way?: the benefits of travelling in the same direction [d]
  70. () The quantified traveler: using personal travel data to promote sustainable transport behavior [u]
  71. () Talking the talk, walking the walk: examining the effect of neighbourhood walkability and social connectedness on physical activity [d]
  72. () Mindfulness, time affluence, and journey-based affect: exploring relationships [d]
  73. () Landscapes and narratives: compositions and the walking body [d]
  74. () A sense of momentum: mobility practices and dis/embodied landscapes of energy use [d]
  75. () Walk 'til you run out of water [d]
  76. () Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis [d]
  77. () Learning by walking: non-formal education as curatorial practice and intervention in public space [d]
  78. () Walkable city: how downtown can save America, one step at a time [i]
  79. () Running through a field: performance and humanness [d]
  80. () Happiness in Navajos (diné ba' hózhó) [i] [d]
  81. () Walking the line: participatory mapping, indigenous rights, and neoliberalism [d]
  82. () Running to stay in place: the time-use implications of automobile oriented land-use and travel [d]
  83. () The art of mindful walking: meditations on the path [i]
  84. () The natural navigator: a watchful explorer's guide to a nearly forgotten skill [i]
  85. () Walking in the city: the geographies of everyday pedestrian practices [d]
  86. () Night walking: darkness and sensory perception in a night-time landscape installation [d]
  87. () Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing [d]
  88. () Ways of mind-walking: reading, writing, painting [d]
  89. () Making the narrative walk-in-real-time methodology relevant for public health intervention: towards an integrative approach [d]
  90. () No accident: traffic and pedestrians in the modern city [d]
  91. () Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels: a randomized controlled MRS study [p] [d] [u]
  92. () Come take a walk with me: the 'go-along' interview as a novel method for studying the implications of place for health and well-being [d]
  93. () One square inch of silence: one man's search for natural silence in a noisy world [i]
  94. () Ways of walking: developing a pedestrian typology for personalised mobile information systems [i] [d]
  95. () Just a little run around the world: 5 years, 3 packs of wolves and 53 pairs of shoes [i]
  96. () Walking the line: affectively understanding and communicating the complexity of place [d]
  97. () Out on your feet: the hallucinatory world of hundred-mile walking [i]
  98. () Mobile methodologies: theory, technology and practice [d]
  99. Tim Ingold & Jo Lee Vergunst [ed] () Ways of walking: ethnography and practice on foot [i] [d]
  100. () Mean and lowly things: snakes, science, and survival in the Congo [i] [d] [j]
  101. () Exploring space and place with walking interviews [u]
  102. () A GIS toolkit for exploring geographies of household activity/travel behavior [d]
  103. () Self-selection in the relationship between the built environment and walking: empirical evidence from northern California [d]
  104. () Walking zero: discovering cosmic space and time along the Prime Meridian [i]
  105. () A sense of the world: how a blind man became history's greatest traveler [i]
  106. () The evolution of human walking [i]
  107. () The ethics of intercultural travel: Thomas Merton's Asian pilgrimage and orientalism [d]
  108. () The walking project: desire lines, walking and mapping across continents [u]
  109. () Physics of transport and traffic phenomena in biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms [d]
  110. (/2008) Planetwalker: 22 years of walking, 17 years of silence [i]
  111. () Patterns of walking for transport and exercise: a novel application of time use data [d]
  112. () A single day's walking: narrating self and landscape on the South West Coast Path [d] [j]
  113. () On foot: a history of walking [i] [j]
  114. () Culture on the ground: the world perceived through the feet [d]
  115. () On Jim Corbett's trail and other tales from tree-tops [i]
  116. () Action in perception [i]
  117. () Road ecology: science and solutions [i]
  118. () Beyond book learning: cultivating the pedagogy of experience through field trips [d]
  119. () Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
  120. () Vagabonding: an uncommon guide to the art of long-term world travel [i]
  121. () Walkscapes: el andar como práctica estética = Walking as an aesthetic practice [i]
  122. () Trekking through history: the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador [i] [d] [j]
  123. (/2002) Why we run: a natural history [i]
  124. () Journey into the rainforest [i]
  125. (/2005) Zen strolling [i]
  126. () The advanced backpacker: a handbook of year-round, long-distance hiking [i]
  127. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  128. (/2007) Walking the forest with Chico Mendes: struggle for justice in the Amazon [i]
  129. () The eternal trail: a tracker looks at evolution [i]
  130. () Life in the treetops: adventures of a woman in field biology [i]
  131. () Moves: a sourcebook of ideas for body awareness and creative movement [i]
  132. () The spirited walker: fitness walking for clarity, balance, and spiritual connection [i]
  133. () Walking where we lived: memoirs of a Mono Indian family [i]
  134. () Footprints of the forest: Ka'apor ethnobotany: the historical ecology of plant utilization by an Amazonian people [i]
  135. (/2007) Basic essentials: weather forecasting [i]
  136. (/2000) Path without destination: the long walk of a gentle hero [i]
  137. () Walking on water [i]
  138. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  139. (/2000) Stranger in the forest: on foot across Borneo [i]
  140. (/2007) Basic essentials: map and compass [i]
  141. (/1996) The long road turns to joy: a guide to walking meditation [i]
  142. (/2003) Eight feet in the Andes: travels with a mule in unknown Peru [i]
  143. Jessica Rose & James Gibson Gamble [ed] (/2006) Human walking [i]
  144. () Wilderness travel as an art and as a paradigm for outdoor education [d]
  145. () Walk!: It could change your life: a handbook [i]
  146. (/1982) Streets for people: a primer for Americans [i]
  147. () A thousand-mile walk to the Gulf [o] [u]
  148. (/1916) Adventures while preaching the gospel of beauty [o] [u]
  149. () Navaho myths, prayers and songs [o] [u]
  150. (/1964) Walking [i] [u]
  151. (/1985) Mountains and waters sūtra [i]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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