How to transform emotions

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Intertemporal empathy decline: feeling less distress for future others' suffering [and its amelioration through imagination] [p] [d]
  2. () Applying process-oriented hypnosis to treat perfectionism-related depression [p] [d]
  3. () Joy is reciprocally transmitted between teachers and students: evidence on facial mimicry in the classroom [d]
  4. Ronald F. Levant & Shana Pryor [ed] () Assessing and treating emotionally inexpressive men [i] [d]
  5. () An overview of contemporary theories of emotions in psychology [i] [d] [u]
  6. () Feeling awkward [i] [d]
  7. Andrea Scarantino [ed] () Emotion theory: the Routledge comprehensive guide [in two volumes: History, contemporary theories, and key elements; Theories of specific emotions and major theoretical challenges] [i] [d]
  8. () The primacy of ocular perception: a narrative review on the role of gender identity in eating disorders [p] [d] [u]
  9. () The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: exploring retrospective trajectories of distress in exonerees [p] [d]
  10. () Practical optimism: the art, science, and practice of exceptional well-being [i]
  11. () Heightened threat perceptions and reduced stability in anxiety and fear among U.S. adults who carry handguns [p] [d] [u]
  12. () The development of emotional competence in young children [i]
  13. () Loving someone with suicidal thoughts: what family, friends, and partners can say and do [i]
  14. () The benefits of making peace with pain: chronic pain acceptance moderates the indirect effect of perceived burdensomeness between pain severity and suicidal cognitions [p] [d] [u]
  15. () No parent is perfect! So try to get good at repair [u]
  16. () Affective scaffolding in addiction [d]
  17. () Borderline personality disorder and the weaponization of words [u]
  18. () Why some people with BPD engage in character assassination and how to avoid becoming a target [borderline personality disorder] [u]
  19. () Neurocognitive model of schema-congruent and -incongruent learning in clinical disorders: application to social anxiety and beyond [p] [d]
  20. () Engaging with difficult topics and emotional experiences in psychotherapy: a study of helpful therapist acts [p] [d]
  21. () Grief: a philosophical guide [i] [j]
  22. () Enhanced recognition of vocal emotions in individuals with naturally good musical abilities [p] [d]
  23. Daniel Dukes, Eric A. Walle, & Andrea C. Samson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
  24. () The heart and mind of hypnotherapy: inviting connection, inventing change [i]
  25. () More than a feeling: constructing emotion in theory and practice [d]
  26. () Standup comedy course for men at risk of suicide wins NHS funding ['Comedy on Referral'] [u]
  27. (/2024) Embracing emotional pain: a case study of adolescent suicidality and spirituality [p] [d]
  28. () Awe: the new science of everyday wonder and how it can transform your life [i]
  29. () Stop walking on eggshells for parents: how to help your child (of any age) with borderline personality disorder without losing yourself [i]
  30. () The role of enhanced emotional awareness in promoting change across psychotherapy modalities [d]
  31. () An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing [d]
  32. () The relationship between BPD disassociation and gaslighting: how memory gaps may affect relationships for people with BPD [borderline personality disorder] [u]
  33. () When someone you love has borderline personality disorder: a compassionate guide to building a healthy and supportive relationship [i]
  34. () Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being [p] [d] [u]
  35. () The case for clinical hypnosis: theory and research-based do's and don'ts for clinical practice [d]
  36. () Addressing deep poverty-related stress across multiple levels of intervention [d]
  37. () Demystifying emotions: a typology of theories in psychology and philosophy [i] [d]
  38. Melanie Munroe & Michel Ferrari [ed] () Post-traumatic growth to psychological well-being: coping wisely with adversity [i] [d]
  39. () Interoceptive pathways to understand and treat mental health conditions [p] [d]
  40. () The entangled brain: how perception, cognition, and emotion are woven together [i] [d]
  41. () The optimal application of empathy interventions to reduce antisocial behaviour and crime: a review of the literature [d]
  42. () Criminality and crime: a social-cognitive-developmental theory of delinquent and criminal behavior [i]
  43. () Overcoming stress-induced brain fog [i]
  44. () Fluctuations in therapist emotions and their relation to treatment processes and outcomes [d]
  45. () 'False positive' emotions, responsibility, and moral character [p] [d]
  46. () Cardiac autonomic function and psychological characteristics of heterosexual female perpetrators of intimate partner physical aggression [p] [d]
  47. () Decolonizing pathways towards integrative healing in social work [i] [d]
  48. () Brain development and physical aggression: how a small gender difference grows into a violence problem [d]
  49. () Relational dialogue in emotion-focused therapy [p] [d]
  50. () How to do things with emotions: the morality of anger and shame across cultures [i] [j]
  51. () Complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  52. () The suicidal thoughts workbook: CBT skill to reduce emotional pain, increase hope, and prevent suicide [i]
  53. Nevin Harper & Will W. Dobud [ed] () Outdoor therapies: introduction to practices, possibilities, and critical perspectives [i] [d]
  54. () Interoception of breathing and its relationship with anxiety [p] [d] [u]
  55. () Emotional intelligence: relevance and implications for addiction [d]
  56. () How do you feel?: a spectacular compendium of ideas, interactive games, provocations, tests, and tricks that explore the world of what you feel and why [i]
  57. () Loving others: the impact of compassionate love on later-life psychological well-being [p] [d] [u]
  58. () Visual perspective as a two-dimensional construct in episodic future thought [p] [d]
  59. () Trust and personality disorders: phenomenology, determinants, and therapeutical approaches [i] [d]
  60. () Managing the aftermath of infidelity: a sequential guide for therapists and couples [i] [d]
  61. Buuma Maisha, Stephanie Massicotte, & Melanie Morin [ed] () Fostering resilience before, during, and after experiences of trauma: insights to inform practice across the lifetime [i] [d]
  62. () The rationality of emotional change: toward a process view [d]
  63. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
  64. Michael D. Robinson & Laura E. Thomas [ed] () Handbook of embodied psychology: thinking, feeling, and acting [i] [d]
  65. () The comfort in touch: immediate and lasting effects of handholding on emotional pain [p] [d] [u]
  66. () Posttraumatic growth as an integrative therapeutic philosophy [d]
  67. () The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: the role of meaning making in recovery from trauma [o] [u]
  68. () Grieving while Black: an antiracist take on oppression and sorrow [i]
  69. () Process-oriented hypnosis: focusing on the forest, not the trees [i]
  70. Amalia Amaya & Maksymilian Del Mar [ed] () Virtue, emotion, and imagination in law and legal reasoning [i] [d]
  71. () A plea for more attention to mental representations [d]
  72. Theodore P. Beauchaine & Sheila E. Crowell [ed] () The Oxford handbook of emotion dysregulation [i] [d]
  73. Eric Bui, Meredith E. Charney, & Amanda W. Baker [ed] () Clinical handbook of anxiety disorders: from theory to practice [i] [d]
  74. () Emotions in practical reasoning [i] [d]
  75. () The complex reality of pain [i] [d]
  76. () Moral distress and moral uncertainty in medical assistance in dying: a simultaneous evolutionary concept analysis [p] [d]
  77. () How the science of memory reconsolidation advances the effectiveness and unification of psychotherapy [d]
  78. () Metatherapeutic processing supports the emergence of flourishing in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  79. Anna Gotlib [ed] () The moral psychology of regret [i]
  80. () Good chemistry: the science of connection, from soul to psychedelics [i]
  81. () Anxiety disorders: integrated psychotherapy approaches [i] [d]
  82. Richard D. Lane & Lynn Nadel [ed] () Neuroscience of enduring change: implications for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  83. () Resource-rational analysis: understanding human cognition as the optimal use of limited computational resources [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  84. () Why do people with BPD self-victimize? [borderline personality disorder] [u]
  85. () Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and suggestion: separating fact and fiction [d]
  86. () A relational conception of emotional development [and comments and reply] [d]
  87. () Revisiting the stress concept: implications for affective disorders [p] [d] [u]
  88. () Factors facilitating early emotion understanding development: contributions to individual differences [and reply by Eric A. Walle] [d]
  89. () The development of emotion reasoning in infancy and early childhood [d]
  90. () Opportunities for emotion and mental health research in the resource-rationality framework [p] [d]
  91. Louis A. Schmidt & Kristie L. Poole [ed] () Adaptive shyness: multiple perspectives on behavior and development [i] [d]
  92. () Reframed: self-reg for a just society [self-regulation] [i] [d]
  93. () Learning from failure: shame and emotion regulation in virtue as skill [d]
  94. Jenn Turner [ed] () Embodied healing: survivor and facilitator voices from the practice of trauma-sensitive yoga [i]
  95. () Perceiving emotion in the 'neutral' face: a powerful mechanism of person perception [i] [d]
  96. () The emotional mind: the affective roots of culture and cognition [i] [d]
  97. David Bain, Michael S. Brady, & Jennifer Corns [ed] () Philosophy of suffering: metaphysics, value, and normativity [i] [d]
  98. () Metacognitive processes model of decentering: emerging methods and insights [p] [d]
  99. () Treating anxiety disorders by emotion-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy (EFPP)—an integrative, transdiagnostic approach [p] [d]
  100. () A schema therapy approach to the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder [d]
  101. () Learning from adversity: suffering and wisdom [i] [d]
  102. () Abnormal behavior and the self-regulation of motivational state [d]
  103. Laura Candiotto [ed] () The value of emotions for knowledge [i] [d]
  104. () Love, anger, and social change [u]
  105. () Autobiographical memory and the self: relationship and implications for cognitive-behavioural therapy [i] [d]
  106. Bradford Cokelet & Corey J. Maley [ed] () The moral psychology of guilt [i]
  107. () Existential isolation as a correlate of clinical distress, beliefs about psychotherapy, and experiences with mental health treatment [d]
  108. () Could emotion development really be the acquisition of emotion concepts? [p] [d]
  109. () Psychological treatment for patients with chronic pain [i] [d] [j]
  110. () Emotion recognition as a social act: the role of the expresser–observer relationship in recognizing emotions [i] [d]
  111. () Transforming emotional suffering into flourishing: metatherapeutic processing of positive affect as a trans-theoretical vehicle for change [d]
  112. () Emotional theory of rationality [p] [d] [u]
  113. () Emotion-focused mindfulness therapy [d]
  114. () Inferring intentions from emotion expressions in social decision making [i] [d]
  115. Leslie S. Greenberg & Rhonda N. Goldman [ed] () Clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
  116. () The use of emotions to infer norms and standards [i] [d]
  117. Ursula Hess & Shlomo Hareli [ed] () The social nature of emotion expression: what emotions can tell us about the world [i] [d]
  118. () Concepts dissolve artificial boundaries in the study of emotion and cognition, uniting body, brain, and mind [p] [d] [u]
  119. () Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: a constructionist hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
  120. () Knowing me, knowing you: emotion differentiation in oneself is associated with recognition of others' emotions [p] [d]
  121. () Transformative social and emotional learning (SEL): toward SEL in service of educational equity and excellence [d]
  122. () The motivational unconscious [d]
  123. () Personality, personality disorders, and the process of change [p] [d]
  124. () After motivational hedonism: feeling bad can be good, feeling good can be bad [i] [d]
  125. () Does emotion matter? The role of alexithymia in violent recidivism: a systematic literature review [p] [d]
  126. () Integrating feminist-multicultural perspectives into emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
  127. Vanessa LoBue, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, & Kristin A. Buss [ed] () Handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
  128. () Brain mechanisms of social touch-induced analgesia in females [p] [d]
  129. () Emotional awareness and expression therapy for chronic pain: rationale, principles and techniques, evidence, and critical review [p] [d]
  130. () Psychological therapy for centralized pain: an integrative assessment and treatment model [p] [d] [u]
  131. () Reflections on hybrid transdiagnostic treatment, pain reduction, and emotion regulation [p] [d]
  132. () Emotive meaning in political argumentation [d] [u]
  133. () Applying the theory of affective intelligence to support for authoritarian policies and parties [d]
  134. () Racial violence, emotional friction, and epistemic activism [d]
  135. () Emotional reflexivity in reasoning: the function of describing the environment in emotion regulation [i] [d]
  136. () Neuroimaging-based biomarkers for pain: state of the field and current directions [p] [d] [u]
  137. () How to stop losing your sh*t with your kids: a practical guide to becoming a calmer, happier parent [i]
  138. () Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: client workbook [i]
  139. () Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: treatment guidelines [i]
  140. () Emotions as discrete patterns of systemic activity [p] [d]
  141. Bunmi O. Olatunji [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of anxiety and related disorders [i] [d]
  142. () Associative activation as a mechanism underlying false memory formation [d]
  143. () Emotions as signals of moral character [i] [d]
  144. () Building emotional resilience over 14 sessions of emotion focused therapy: micro-longitudinal analyses of productive emotional patterns [p] [d]
  145. () Searching for Machiavelli but finding psychopathy and narcissism [p] [d]
  146. () Progress in understanding the emergence of human emotion [p] [d]
  147. () Personal growth initiative: a robust and malleable predictor of treatment outcome for depressed partial hospital patients [p] [d]
  148. () I'm a Black feminist; I think call-out culture is toxic: there are better ways of doing social justice work [u]
  149. Juanita Feros Ruys, Michael W. Champion, & Kirk Essary [ed] () Before emotion: the language of feeling, 400–1800 [i] [d]
  150. Oliver C. Schultheiss & Pranjal H. Mehta [ed] () Routledge international handbook of social neuroendocrinology [i] [d]
  151. () The relative efficacy of mindfulness versus distraction: the moderating role of attentional bias [p] [d]
  152. () Music use for mood regulation: self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression [p] [d] [u]
  153. () Mindfulness, alexithymia, and empathy moderate relations between trait aggression and antisocial personality disorder traits [d]
  154. () Getting warmer: predictive processing and the nature of emotion [i] [d]
  155. () Survey on ontologies for affective states and their influences [d] [u]
  156. () Cognitive hypnotherapy for psychological management of depression in palliative care [p] [d]
  157. () Suicide assessment and treatment: empirical and evidence-based practices [i]
  158. () Manipulating affective state influences conditioned appetitive responses [p] [d]
  159. () Content-expressive behavior and ideological extremity: an examination of the roles of emotional intelligence and information network heterogeneity [d]
  160. () Self-reported psychosis-like experiences in patients with mood disorders [p] [d]
  161. () Emotion and reasoning [i] [d]
  162. () The role of clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis to relief pain and anxiety in severe chronic diseases in palliative care: a 2-year long-term follow-up of treatment in a nonrandomized clinical trial [p] [d]
  163. () Shame: free yourself, find joy, and build true self-esteem [i]
  164. Myisha V. Cherry & Owen J. Flanagan [ed] () The moral psychology of anger [i]
  165. () Passionate reasoning as emotional understanding: pragmatism and using emotions in inquiry [d]
  166. Luana Colloca [ed] () Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 1 [i] [d]
  167. Luana Colloca [ed] () Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 2 [i] [d]
  168. () Healing character flaws [i] [d]
  169. () Instructed fear stimuli bias visual attention [p] [d]
  170. () Keeping SEL developmental: the importance of a developmental lens for fostering and assessing SEL competencies [social and emotional learning] [u]
  171. () Transforming core emotional pain in a course of emotion-focused therapy for depression: a case study [p] [d]
  172. () On sentinels and rapid responders: the adaptive functions of emotion dysregulation [i] [d]
  173. () Mindful self-hypnosis for self-care: an integrative model and illustrative case example [p] [d]
  174. () Implications of placebo and nocebo effects for clinical practice: expert consensus [p] [d] [u]
  175. () The risk for problematic opioid use in chronic pain: what can we learn from studies of pain and reward? [p] [d]
  176. () Helping the suicidal person: tips and techniques for professionals [i] [d]
  177. () The therapeutic reconstruction of affordances [d]
  178. () Emotion regulation and aggression: the incremental contribution of alexithymia, impulsivity, and emotion dysregulation facets [d]
  179. () Efficacy of neurofeedback on the increase of mindfulness-related capacities in healthy individuals: a controlled trial [d]
  180. () Emotion regulation, mindfulness, and alexithymia: specific or general impairments in sexual, violent, and homicide offenders? [d]
  181. () The destructive pattern: an experiential and existential theory-building case study [d]
  182. () Anger increases preference for painful activities [d]
  183. () Emotions in everyday life during social movements: prospective predictions of mental health [p] [d]
  184. İlhan İnan [ed] () The moral psychology of curiosity [i]
  185. () Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits? [p] [d]
  186. () Sadness, the architect of cognitive change [i] [d]
  187. () Shedding light on the fundamental mechanism underlying hypnotic analgesia [p] [d]
  188. () Interoception and mental health: a roadmap [p] [d]
  189. () Anhedonia in depression and schizophrenia: a transdiagnostic challenge [p] [d]
  190. () Hypnosis in palliative care: from clinical insights to the science of self-regulation [p] [d]
  191. () Biased competition favoring physical over emotional pain: a possible explanation for the link between early adversity and chronic pain [p] [d]
  192. Robert L. Leahy [ed] () Science and practice in cognitive therapy: foundations, mechanisms, and applications [i]
  193. Heather C. Lench [ed] () The function of emotions: when and why emotions help us [i] [d]
  194. Michelle Mason [ed] () The moral psychology of contempt [i]
  195. () Understanding and supporting bereaved children: a practical guide for professionals [i] [d]
  196. () Happily entangled: prediction, emotion, and the embodied mind [d] [j]
  197. () The association between psychotic experiences and traumatic life events: the role of the intention to harm [p] [d]
  198. () Psychological processes in chronic pain: influences of reward and fear learning as key mechanisms—behavioral evidence, neural circuits, and maladaptive changes [p] [d]
  199. () Solitude as an approach to affective self-regulation [p] [d]
  200. () Opioid system and human emotions [p] [d]
  201. () The monarchy of fear: a philosopher looks at our political crisis [i]
  202. () Sadness, love, openness: the Buddhist path of joy [i]
  203. () Nurturant love and caregiving emotions [i] [d]
  204. () How clients 'change emotion with emotion': a programme of research on emotional processing [p] [d]
  205. () The role of functions of aggression in associations between behavioral inhibition and activation and mental health outcomes [d]
  206. () Why not try harder?: computational approach to motivation deficits in neuro-psychiatric diseases [p] [d]
  207. () The knowns and unknowns of boredom: a review of the literature [p] [d]
  208. Olivia Sagan & Eric D. Miller [ed] () Narratives of loneliness: multidisciplinary perspectives from the 21st century [i] [d]
  209. () Constructive episodic simulation, flexible recombination, and memory errors [p] [d]
  210. () Adolescent victimization and early-adult psychopathology: approaching causal inference using a longitudinal twin study to rule out noncausal explanations [p] [d] [u]
  211. () Negativity bias [i] [u]
  212. () The functional and dysfunctional aspects of happiness: cognitive, physiological, behavioral, and health considerations [i] [d]
  213. Nina Strohminger & Victor Kumar [ed] () The moral psychology of disgust [i]
  214. () CBT with justice-involved clients: interventions for antisocial and self-destructive behaviors [i]
  215. () Trauma-sensitive mindfulness: practices for safe and transformative healing [i]
  216. () Opioid therapy and persistent pain: can cognitive behavioral therapy help? [p] [d]
  217. () The neural dynamics of deficient memory control in heavily traumatized refugees [p] [d] [u]
  218. () Emotions of excellence: communal and agentic functions of pride, moral elevation, and admiration [i] [d]
  219. () Problematic smartphone use and relations with negative affect, fear of missing out, and fear of negative and positive evaluation [p] [d]
  220. () Linked dimensions of psychopathology and connectivity in functional brain networks [p] [d] [u]
  221. () Consequences of thought speed [i] [d]
  222. () A life-stress, emotional awareness, and expression interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  223. () Consciousness and anesthesia [i] [d]
  224. () The Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0: a multi-methodological approach to identifying and assessing narrative-emotion process markers in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  225. () Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment [p] [d]
  226. () Awe, the diminished self, and collective engagement: universals and cultural variations in the small self [p] [d]
  227. () Discovery of endogenous opioid systems: what it has meant for the clinician's understanding of pain and its treatment [p] [d]
  228. () Lay conceptions of volitional personality change: from strategies pursued to stories told [p] [d]
  229. () How emotions are made: the secret life of the brain [i]
  230. () The logic of comprehensive or deep emotional change [d]
  231. () Cognitive schemas in placebo and nocebo responding: role of autobiographical memories and expectations [p] [d]
  232. () Minimizing nocebo effects by conditioning with verbal suggestion: a randomized clinical trial in healthy humans [p] [d] [u]
  233. () Memory reconsolidation interference as an emerging treatment for emotional disorders: strengths, limitations, challenges, and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
  234. () Leaving distress behind: a randomized controlled study on change in emotional processing in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  235. () Brightening the day with flashes of positive mental imagery: a case study of an individual with depression [p] [d] [u]
  236. () Inside the restorative justice black box: the role of memory reconsolidation in transforming the emotional impact of violent crime on victims [d]
  237. () Mental imagery-based training to modify mood and cognitive bias in adolescents: effects of valence and perspective [p] [d] [u]
  238. J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon [ed] () The moral psychology of pride [i]
  239. () Basic emotions in human neuroscience: neuroimaging and beyond [p] [d] [u]
  240. () The placebo and nocebo phenomena: their clinical management and impact on treatment outcomes [p] [d]
  241. () Effectiveness of immersive videos in inducing awe: an experimental study [p] [d] [u]
  242. () Communal relational context (or lack thereof) shapes emotional lives [p] [d]
  243. Susan C. Cloninger & Steven A. Leibo [ed] () Understanding angry groups: multidisciplinary perspectives on their motivations and effects on society [i]
  244. () Moral rationalism and psychopathy: affective responses to reason [d]
  245. () Anesthesia: the gift of oblivion and the mystery of consciousness [i]
  246. Jennifer Corns [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of pain [i] [d]
  247. Monique F. Crane [ed] () Managing for resilience: a practical guide to individual wellbeing and organizational performance [i] [d]
  248. () Hormones and memory [i] [d]
  249. () Nostalgia and mental simulation [i]
  250. Robert J. DeRubeis & Daniel R. Strunk [ed] () The Oxford handbook of mood disorders [i] [d]
  251. () Reward circuitry plasticity in pain perception and modulation [p] [d] [u]
  252. () Advancing psychological therapies for chronic pain [p] [d] [u]
  253. () Fear creates an Allee effect: experimental evidence from seasonal populations [p] [d]
  254. () Emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety (EFT-SA) [d]
  255. () Breaking boundaries: optimizing reconsolidation-based interventions for strong and old memories [p] [d]
  256. () Tackling maladaptive memories through reconsolidation: from neural to clinical science [p] [d]
  257. () Confronting collective traumas: an exploration of therapeutic planning [d]
  258. () Fostering self-compassion and loving-kindness in patients with borderline personality disorder: a randomized pilot study [p] [d]
  259. () Healing the fragmented selves of trauma survivors: overcoming internal self-alientation [i] [d]
  260. Christopher A. Flessner & John Piacentini [ed] () Clinical handbook of psychological disorders in children and adolescents: a step-by-step treatment manual [i]
  261. () The global pain crisis: what everyone needs to know [i]
  262. () Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories [p] [d] [u]
  263. () We need more precise, quantitative models of sentiments [p] [d]
  264. () The relationship between cognitive biases and psychological dimensions of delusions: the importance of jumping to conclusions [p] [d]
  265. Anna Gotlib [ed] () The moral psychology of sadness [i]
  266. () Nurturing environments for boys and men of color with trauma exposure [p] [d]
  267. () The skillful handling of poison: bodhicitta and the kleśas in Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra [d]
  268. () The crafting of grief: constructing aesthetic responses to loss [i] [d]
  269. () Activating happiness: a jump-start guide to overcoming low motivation, depression, or just feeling stuck [i]
  270. () Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  271. Stefan G. Hofmann & Gordon J. G. Asmundson [ed] () The science of cognitive behavioral therapy [i]
  272. () Mental imagery in depression: phenomenology, potential mechanisms, and treatment implications [p] [d]
  273. () Deciphering the modulatory role of oxytocin in human altruism [p] [d]
  274. () A network approach to psychosis: pathways between childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms [p] [d]
  275. () From having an idea to doing something with it: self-regulation for creativity [i] [d]
  276. () Seeing light at the end of the tunnel: positive prospective mental imagery and optimism in depression [p] [d] [u]
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  550. () Exploring dissociation and dissociative identity disorder: a roundtable discussion [d]
  551. () Fear and loathing across party lines: new evidence on group polarization [d] [j]
  552. () Breaking negative thinking patterns: a schema therapy self-help and support book [i] [d]
  553. () Cognitive behavioral therapy-based interventions for borderline personality disorder and mood disorders [i] [d]
  554. () Fear and hope in intractable conflicts: the automatic vs. reflective attributes of collective emotional orientations [i] [d]
  555. () Classical conditioning of analgesic and hyperalgesic pain responses without conscious awareness [p] [d] [u]
  556. () Implicit theories about willpower predict self-regulation and grades in everyday life [p] [d]
  557. () GABAergic mechanisms regulated by miR-33 encode state-dependent fear [p] [d] [u]
  558. () Violated expectancies: cause and function of exploration, fear, and aggression [p] [d]
  559. () The psychology of fear in organizations: how to transform anxiety into well-being, productivity and innovation [i]
  560. () The emotional logic of capitalism: what progressives have missed [i] [d]
  561. () The upward spiral: using neuroscience to reverse the course of depression, one small change at a time [i]
  562. () Beyond facial expression: spatial distance as a factor in the communication of discrete emotions [i] [d]
  563. () Civic ecology: adaptation and transformation from the ground up [i] [d]
  564. () Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal and the process of change in psychotherapy: new insights from brain science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  565. () The integration of mood, behavior, and temperament in mood spectrum disorders [i] [d]
  566. () 10 tips for reducing anger [u]
  567. () The role of emotion dysregulation in suicide as considered through the ideation to action framework [d]
  568. () The affective dimension of pain as a risk factor for drug and alcohol addiction [p] [d] [u]
  569. () Feelings: what are they & how does the brain make them? [d] [j]
  570. () Emotion and decision making [p] [d]
  571. () Integrated treatment for personality disorders: a commentary [d]
  572. W. John Livesley, Giancarlo Dimaggio, & John F. Clarkin [ed] () Integrated treatment for personality disorder: a modular approach [i]
  573. () An empirical test of rejection- and anger-related interpretation bias in borderline personality disorder [d]
  574. () Through the flames: overcoming disaster through compassion, patience, and determination [i]
  575. () Hypnosis, suggestion, and suggestibility: an integrative model [p] [d]
  576. () A developmental perspective on moral emotions [d]
  577. () Clients' experiences of intentional personality change coaching [u]
  578. Bilyana Martinovski [ed] () Emotion in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  579. () Chronic pain relief after the exposure of nitrous oxide during dental treatment: longitudinal retrospective study [p] [d]
  580. () The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: effects of a brief intervention [d]
  581. () Common strategies for cultivating a positive therapy relationship in the treatment of borderline personality disorder [d]
  582. () Buddhist therapies of the emotions and the psychology of moral improvement [j]
  583. () Metabolizing anger: a Tantric Buddhist solution to the problem of moral anger [d] [j]
  584. () Reputation and egotiation: the impact of self-image on the negotiator [i] [d]
  585. Maria Miceli, Cristiano Castelfranchi, & Andrew Ortony [ed] () Expectancy and emotion [i]
  586. () The psychological effects of the contextual activation of security-enhancing mental representations in adulthood [d]
  587. () The art of communication through drawing: the case of 'Mr. R', a young man professing misanthropy while longing for connection with others [d] [u]
  588. () Treatment of complex dissociative disorders: a comparison of interventions reported by community therapists versus those recommended by experts [p] [d]
  589. () Nightmares: under-reported, undetected, and therefore untreated [p] [d] [u]
  590. () Intensifying attachment-related sadness and decreasing anger intensity among individuals suffering from unresolved anger: the role of relational reframe followed by empty-chair interventions [d]
  591. () Boosting well-being with positive psychology interventions: moderating role of personality and other factors [d]
  592. () Self-compassion, a better alternative to rumination than distraction as a response to negative mood [d]
  593. () The life course of women who have experienced abuse: a life chart study in general psychiatric care [d]
  594. () Emotion regulation therapy: an experiential approach to chronic anxiety and recurring depression [i]
  595. () Grounding desire and motivated behavior: a theoretical framework and review of empirical evidence [i]
  596. () Applying the principles of psychotherapy integration to the treatment of borderline personality disorder [d]
  597. () How traumatic memories hide in the brain, and how to retrieve them [u]
  598. () Emotion-network density in major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
  599. () Religiously integrated cognitive behavioral therapy: a new method of treatment for major depression in patients with chronic medical illness [p] [d] [u]
  600. () The good, the bad and the brain: neural correlates of appetitive and aversive values underlying decision making [p] [d] [u]
  601. () Event-related potentials in performance monitoring are influenced by the endogenous opioid system [p] [d]
  602. () Practicing psychotherapists are more skilled at downregulating negative emotions than other professionals [p] [d]
  603. Michael Pluess [ed] () Genetics of psychological well-being: the role of heritability and genetics in positive psychology [i] [d]
  604. Philip A. Powell, Paul G. Overton, & Jane Simpson [ed] () The revolting self: perspectives on the psychological, social, and clinical implications of self-directed disgust [i] [d]
  605. () Commonalities between pain and memory mechanisms and their meaning for understanding chronic pain [i] [d]
  606. () Unconscious and conscious mediation of analgesia and hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
  607. Theodore J. Price & Greg Dussor [ed] () Molecular and cell biology of pain [i] [d]
  608. Gertie Quitangon & Mark R. Evces [ed] () Vicarious trauma and disaster mental health: understanding risks and promoting resilience [i] [d]
  609. () Cultural adaptation of CBT for serious mental illness: a guide for training and practice [i] [d]
  610. () Anxiety and depression in the classroom: a teacher's guide to fostering self-regulation in young students [i]
  611. () Daily monitoring of temporal trajectories of suicidal ideation predict self-injury: a novel application of patient progress monitoring [p] [d]
  612. () Common therapeutic factors in bereavement groups [p] [d]
  613. () Constraints that help or hinder creative performance: a motivational approach [d]
  614. () Relational theory: a refuge and compass [d]
  615. () Improving negotiation effectiveness with skills of emotional competence [i] [d]
  616. Marilyn P. Safir, Helene S. Wallach, & Albert (Skip) Rizzo [ed] () Future directions in post-traumatic stress disorder: prevention, diagnosis, and treatment [i] [d]
  617. Ulrich Schnyder & Marylène Cloitre [ed] () Evidence based treatments for trauma-related psychological disorders: a practical guide for clinicians [i] [d]
  618. () The role of implicit theories in mental health symptoms, emotion regulation, and hypothetical treatment choices in college students [d]
  619. () The embodied attunement of therapists and a couple within dialogical psychotherapy: an introduction to The Relational Mind research project [p] [d]
  620. () Schema therapy with couples: a practitioner's guide to healing relationships [i] [d]
  621. () The coherence effect: blending cold and hot cognitions [p] [d]
  622. () Spirituality and making meaning: implications for therapy with trauma survivors [i] [d]
  623. () Negative relational schemas predict the trajectory of coercive dynamics during early childhood [d]
  624. () A user's guide to debiasing [i] [d]
  625. () Positive emotions in psychotherapy: conceptual propositions and research challenges [i] [d]
  626. () The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
  627. () NeuroLogic: the brain's hidden rationale behind our irrational behavior [i]
  628. () Calm and smart?: a selective review of meditation effects on decision making [p] [d] [u]
  629. () Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms linking pain and psychiatric disorders [p] [d]
  630. () Time perspective therapy: transforming Zimbardo's temporal theory into clinical practice [i] [d]
  631. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  632. () The cognitive–affective structure of political ideologies [i] [d]
  633. () Integrating emotion-focused therapy into cognitive behavioral therapy [i]
  634. Nathan C. Thoma & Dean McKay [ed] () Working with emotion in cognitive-behavioral therapy: techniques for clinical practice [i]
  635. () Transforming emotional pain in psychotherapy: an emotion-focused approach [i] [d]
  636. () New developments for case conceptualization in emotion-focused therapy [p] [d]
  637. () Liking little, wanting less: on (lacking) desire in psychopathology [i]
  638. () Safety behavior increases obsession-related cognitions about the severity of threat [p] [d]
  639. () Long-term potentiation of pain 'memory' in the spinal cord [p] [d]
  640. () Personality styles in a non-clinical sample: the role of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity [d]
  641. () Religion, spirituality, and the working alliance with trauma survivors [i] [d]
  642. () Learning to predict and control harmful events: chronic pain and conditioning [p] [d]
  643. () Link between early maladaptive schemas and defense mechanisms [d]
  644. () Joy within tranquility: Amazonian Urarina styles of happiness [d] [u]
  645. Donald F. Walker, Christine A. Courtois, & Jamie D. Aten [ed] () Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for trauma [i] [d]
  646. () Paths from trauma to intrapersonal strength: worldview, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom [d]
  647. () Emotions, partisanship, and misperceptions: how anger and anxiety moderate the effect of partisan bias on susceptibility to political misinformation [d]
  648. () Juggling-exposure therapy: an innovation in trauma treatment [p] [d]
  649. () Variety in emotional life: within-category typicality of emotional experiences is associated with neural activity in large-scale brain networks [p] [d]
  650. () Retrieval induces adaptive forgetting of competing memories via cortical pattern suppression [p] [d] [u]
  651. () Effects of cortisol on cognition in major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder [d]
  652. () 'Therapeutic landscapes' and the importance of nostalgia, solastalgia, salvage and abandonment for psychiatric hospital design [d]
  653. () Addressing patients' psychic pain [p] [d]
  654. () Neural mechanisms of motivated forgetting [p] [d] [u]
  655. () Immersive composition for sensory rehabilitation: 3D visualisation, surround sound, and synthesised music to provoke catharsis and healing [i] [d]
  656. Lisa Feldman Barrett & James A. Russell [ed] () The psychological construction of emotion [i]
  657. () Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: the generic cognitive model [p] [d]
  658. () The neurobiological bases of memory formation: from physiological conditions to psychopathology [d]
  659. Isabelle Blanchette [ed] () Emotion and reasoning [i] [d]
  660. () When nature and nurture collide: early childhood trauma, adult crime, and the limits of criminal law [i]
  661. () Feeling insecure: a personal account in a psychoanalytic voice [d]
  662. () A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
  663. () Chronic complex dissociative disorders and borderline personality disorder: disorders of emotion dysregulation? [p] [d] [u]
  664. () Mindful anger: a pathway to emotional freedom [i]
  665. () Mechanisms of motivation–cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
  666. () Sentience and animal welfare [i] [d]
  667. () Beyond borderline personality disorder: the mindful brain [p] [d]
  668. () Neurotherapy and neurofeedback: brain-based treatment for psychological and behavioral problems [i] [d]
  669. () Population coding of affect across stimuli, modalities and individuals [p] [d] [u]
  670. () Emotion regulation strategies [i] [d]
  671. () Meditation, trauma and suffering in silence: raising questions about how meditation is taught and practiced in western contexts in the light of a contemporary trauma resiliency model [d]
  672. () Dysfunctional attitudes and affective responses to daily stressors: separating cognitive, genetic, and clinical influences on stress reactivity [d]
  673. () Comparison of psychotherapies for adult depression to pill placebo control groups: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  674. () On building a science of common factors in trauma therapy [p] [d]
  675. () Anticipatory brain activity predicts the success or failure of subsequent emotion regulation [d]
  676. () Attachment-based family therapy for depressed adolescents [i] [d]
  677. () Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: efficacy, innovations, and directions for research [p] [d]
  678. () Shame and aggression: theoretical considerations [d]
  679. Giovanni A. Fava & Chiara Ruini [ed] () Increasing psychological well-being in clinical and educational settings: interventions and cultural contexts [i] [d]
  680. () Cognitive conflicts in major depression: between desired change and personal coherence [d]
  681. () Self-awareness of mental states, self-integration of personal schemas, perceived social support, posttraumatic and depression levels, and moral injury: a mixed-method study among Portuguese war veterans [d]
  682. () Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
  683. () Neurofeedback in the treatment of developmental trauma: calming the fear-driven brain [i]
  684. () Unmet needs and maladaptive modes: a new way to approach longer-term problems [d]
  685. () Complex PTSD, affect dysregulation, and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  686. () Out from hiding [i] [d]
  687. () Trauma-related altered states of consciousness: exploring the 4-D model [p] [d]
  688. () A bright side facet analysis of borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  689. () Suppressing unwanted memories reduces their unconscious influence via targeted cortical inhibition [p] [d] [u]
  690. () Contextual anger regulation therapy: a mindfulness and acceptance-based approach [i] [d]
  691. () Implications of pro- and counterattitudinal information exposure for affective polarization [d]
  692. Jean-Louis van Gelder, Henk Elffers, Danielle Reynald, & Daniel Nagin [ed] () Affect and cognition in criminal decision making [i] [d]
  693. () The measure of madness: philosophy of mind, cognitive neuroscience, and delusional thought [i] [d] [j]
  694. () 'I was just trying to stick it out until I realized that I couldn't': a phenomenological investigation of support seeking among older adults with complicated grief [d]
  695. () The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy [d]
  696. Lisa R. Grossman & Steven Walfish [ed] () Translating psychological research into practice [i]
  697. Erika K. Gubrium, Sony Pellissery, & Ivar Lødemel [ed] () The shame of it: global perspectives on anti-poverty policies [i] [d]
  698. () Cognitive vulnerability to depression can be contagious [d]
  699. () Bereavement theory: recent developments in our understanding of grief and bereavement [d]
  700. () Neurobiological bases of abnormal aggression and violent behaviour [i] [d]
  701. Leonard Handler & Antoinette D. Thomas [ed] () Drawings in assessment and psychotherapy: research and application [i] [d]
  702. (/2021) Evolutionary and neuroscientific perspectives on adaptive shyness [i] [d]
  703. () Back to basics: a naturalistic assessment of the experience and regulation of emotion [p] [d]
  704. () The impact of pet loss: an update on the research and evidence-based ways to help grieving clients [d]
  705. () Guidelines for the implementation of culturally sensitive cognitive behavioural therapy among refugees and in global contexts [d]
  706. () Emerging from the oppositional and the negative [i] [d]
  707. () Career engagement: investigating intraindividual predictors of weekly fluctuations in proactive career behaviors [d]
  708. () The conceptual structure of social disputes: cognitive-affective maps as a tool for conflict analysis and resolution [d]
  709. () Malignant self-regard: accounting for commonalities in vulnerably narcissistic, depressive, self-defeating, and masochistic personality disorders [d]
  710. () Effects of optimism on creativity under approach and avoidance motivation [p] [d] [u]
  711. () Contributions of psychology to the understanding and treatment of people with chronic pain: why it matters to ALL psychologists [p] [d]
  712. () Jumping to the wrong conclusions?: an investigation of the mechanisms of reasoning errors in delusions [p] [d] [u]
  713. () Threat and defense: from anxiety to approach [i] [d]
  714. () An emotionally focused workbook for couples: the two of us [i] [d]
  715. () Hypnosis and cognition [d]
  716. () A behavioural neuroscience perspective on the aetiology and treatment of anxiety disorders [d]
  717. () Placebo use in pain management: the role of medical context, treatment efficacy, and deception in determining placebo acceptability [p] [d] [u]
  718. () Emotional literacy in criminal justice: professional practice with offenders [i] [d]
  719. () Advancing emotion theory with multivariate pattern classification [d]
  720. () Amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate connectivity during an emotional working memory task in borderline personality disorder patients with interpersonal trauma history [p] [d] [u]
  721. () Behavioral and emotional dynamics of two people struggling to reach consensus about a topic on which they disagree [p] [d] [u]
  722. Beatriz Caiuby Labate & Clancy Cavnar [ed] () The therapeutic use of ayahuasca [i] [d]
  723. () Emotion's response patterns: the brain and the autonomic nervous system [d]
  724. () A unified protocol for the transdiagnostic psychodynamic treatment of anxiety disorders: an evidence-based approach [p] [d]
  725. () Applying attachment theory and interventions to focusing therapy [i]
  726. () Being transgender: navigating minority stressors and developing authentic self-presentation [d]
  727. () The behavioral and neural effect of emotional primes on intertemporal decisions [d]
  728. () Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: psychopathology and treatment approaches [i] [d]
  729. () Emotive language in argumentation [i] [d]
  730. Greg Madison [ed] () Emerging practice in focusing-oriented psychotherapy: innovative theory and applications [i]
  731. () How important is temperament?: the relationship between coping styles, early maladaptive schemas, and social anxiety [u]
  732. () The association between catastrophizing and craving in patients with chronic pain prescribed opioid therapy: a preliminary analysis [p] [d] [u]
  733. () A step-wise process of intentional personality change coaching [u]
  734. () Emotions shape memory suppression in trait anxiety [d]
  735. () Loving someone with PTSD: a practical guide to understanding and connecting with your partner after trauma [i]
  736. () Depending on music to feel better: being conscious of responsibility when appropriating the power of music [d]
  737. () Transforming emotion schemes in emotion focused therapy: a case study investigation [d]
  738. () The anger fallacy workbook: practical exercises for overcoming irritation, frustration and anger [i]
  739. Andrea Miller [ed] () All the rage: Buddhist wisdom on anger and acceptance [i]
  740. () Cognitive-behavioral therapy: next generation of treatments [d]
  741. () Comment: A general 'theory of emotion' is neither necessary nor possible [d]
  742. () Forgiving you is hard, but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting? [d]
  743. () Emotion, somatovisceral afference, and autonomic regulation [d]
  744. () Acceptance of cravings: how smoking cessation experiences affect craving beliefs [d]
  745. () Bodily maps of emotions [p] [d] [u]
  746. () Cognitive approaches to emotions [p] [d]
  747. () Out of the blue: six non-medication ways to relieve depression [i]
  748. () Act well to be well: the promise of changing personality states to promote well-being [i] [d]
  749. () Anger and moral judgment [d]
  750. () Emotion focused therapy for avoidant personality disorder: pragmatic considerations for working with experientially avoidant clients [d]
  751. () Is there consistency and specificity of autonomic changes during emotional episodes?: guidance from the Conceptual Act Theory and psychophysiology [d]
  752. () Narrative CBT: distinctive features [i] [d]
  753. () Ambivalence in emotion-focused therapy for depression: the maintenance of problematically dominant self-narratives [d]
  754. () Maladaptive emotion regulation and aggression in adult offenders [d]
  755. Aaron B. Rochlen & Fredric Eldon Rabinowitz [ed] () Breaking barriers in counseling men: insights and innovations [i] [d]
  756. () Impact of mindfulness training on attentional control and anger regulation processes for psychotherapists in training [p] [d]
  757. () Temperament and character traits predict future burden of depression [p] [d]
  758. () Mixed emotions: beyond fear and hatred in international conflict [i] [d]
  759. () Brain activation associated with pride and shame [d]
  760. () The use of hypnosis in therapy to increase happiness [p] [d]
  761. () Into the fear-factory: connecting with the traumatic core [d]
  762. () Emotional hyper-reactivity in borderline personality disorder is related to trauma and interpersonal themes [p] [d]
  763. () Emotions as motivators for information seeking: a conceptual analysis [d]
  764. () Emotion [i] [d]
  765. () Evoking emotions and evaluating emotional impact [i] [d]
  766. () Religious magnanimity: reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility after threat [p] [d]
  767. () Reconsolidation of human memory: brain mechanisms and clinical relevance [d]
  768. () Prediction error demarcates the transition from retrieval, to reconsolidation, to new learning [p] [d] [u]
  769. () Emotion-focused therapy for the treatment of social anxiety: an overview of the model and a case description [p] [d]
  770. () Emotional justifications for unethical behaviour [i] [d]
  771. () The blood and guts of experiential psychotherapy [u]
  772. () Associations between dysfunctional personality traits and intimate partner violence in perpetrators and victims [p] [d]
  773. () Contemporary directions in theories and psychotherapeutic strategies in treatment of personality disorders: relation to level of personality functioning [d]
  774. () Relative deprivation: how subjective experiences of inequality influence social behavior and health [d]
  775. () Emotions beyond brain and body [d]
  776. () The left's self-destructive obsession with shame [u]
  777. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  778. () Taking emotion seriously: meeting students where they are [p] [d]
  779. Raymond Chip Tafrate & Damon Mitchell [ed] () Forensic CBT: a handbook for clinical practice [i] [d]
  780. () Emotional impact feedback affects how people remember an analogue trauma event [p] [d]
  781. () Core schemas across the continuum of psychosis: a comparison of clinical and non-clinical groups [p] [d]
  782. () Endogenous analgesia, dependence, and latent pain sensitization [p] [d] [u]
  783. () Fear-driven inference: mechanisms of gut overreaction [i] [d]
  784. () Witnessing clients' emotional transformation: an emotion-focused therapist's experience of providing therapy [p] [d]
  785. Michele M. Tugade, Michelle N. Shiota, & Leslie D. Kirby [ed] () Handbook of positive emotions [i]
  786. () How does mindfulness reduce anxiety, depression, and stress?: an exploratory examination of change processes in wait-list controlled mindfulness meditation training [d]
  787. () The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma [i]
  788. () Feeling happy enhances early spatial encoding of peripheral information automatically: electrophysiological time-course and neural sources [p] [d]
  789. () Shame and aggression: different trajectories and implications [d]
  790. () Mindfulness and schema therapy: a practical guide [i] [d]
  791. () Cyclical psychodynamics and the contextual self: the inner world, the intimate world, and the world of culture and society [i] [d]
  792. () Motive attribution asymmetry for love vs. hate drives intractable conflict [p] [d] [u]
  793. () Memories of traumatic events in childhood fade after experiencing similar less stressful events: results from two natural experiments [p] [d]
  794. () Anxiety + depression: effective treatment of the big two co-occurring disorders [i]
  795. () Emotion regulation in delusion-proneness: deficits in cognitive reappraisal, but not in expressive suppression [p] [d]
  796. () Borderline personality disorder: a personal construct approach [o] [u]
  797. Brenda K. Wiederhold & Stéphane Bouchard [ed] () Advances in virtual reality and anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  798. () Human emotions and English words: are anger and disgust universal? [i] [d]
  799. () The downside of strong emotional memories: how human memory-related genes influence the risk for posttraumatic stress disorder—a selective review [p] [d]
  800. () Emotions and memory in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  801. () Thought acceleration boosts positive mood among individuals with minimal to moderate depressive symptoms [d]
  802. () Placebo analgesia and reward processing: integrating genetics, personality, and intrinsic brain activity [d]
  803. () The computational anatomy of psychosis [p] [d] [u]
  804. () Grasping the impalpable: the role of endogenous reward in choices, including process addictions [d]
  805. Salman Akhtar [ed] () Fear: a dark shadow across our life span [i] [d]
  806. () Socioeconomic status and paranoia: the role of life hassles, self-mastery, and striving to avoid inferiority [p] [d]
  807. Jorge Armony & Patrik Vuilleumier [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of human affective neuroscience [i] [d]
  808. () Will get fooled again: emotionally intelligent people are easily duped by high-stakes deceivers [d]
  809. () Hedgehogs in therapy: empathy and insecure attachment in emotion-focused therapy [d]
  810. () Inhibition and impulsivity: behavioral and neural basis of response control [d]
  811. () Psychological construction: the Darwinian approach to the science of emotion [d]
  812. () Neurochemistry of placebo analgesia: opioids, cannabinoids and cholecystokinin [i] [d]
  813. () Neurons activated during fear memory consolidation and reconsolidation are mapped to a common and new topography in the lateral amygdala [d]
  814. () Emotional reasoning processes and dysphoric mood: cross-sectional and prospective relationships [p] [d] [u]
  815. Michael Edwin Bernard [ed] () The strength of self-acceptance: theory, practice, and research [i] [d]
  816. () Learned regulation of brain metabolism [p] [d]
  817. () Is there a core process across depression and anxiety? [d]
  818. () An emotion regulation perspective on belief change [i] [d]
  819. () Guilt by design: structuring organizations to elicit guilt as an affective reaction to failure [d] [j]
  820. () Developmental pathways among adaptive functioning and externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems: cascades from childhood into adolescence [d]
  821. () Emotional insight: the epistemic role of emotional experience [i] [d]
  822. () 8 keys to eliminating passive-aggressiveness: strategies for transforming your relationships for greater authenticity and joy [i]
  823. () Ambivalence over emotional expression in major depression [d]
  824. () Comment: On the role of appraisal processes in the construction of emotion [d]
  825. () Emotional conflicts in rational forestry: towards a research agenda for understanding emotions in environmental conflicts [d]
  826. () Posttraumatic growth in clinical practice [i] [d]
  827. () Transactional relationships among cognitive vulnerabilities, stressors, and depressive symptoms in adolescence [p] [d]
  828. () Re-problematizing anger in domestic violence advocacy [u]
  829. () The effects of anxiety and depressive symptoms on daily positive emotion regulation [d]
  830. () Irregular assimilation progress: reasons for setbacks in the context of linguistic therapy of evaluation [d]
  831. () Restorying a hard day's work [i] [d]
  832. () Impairing existing declarative memory in humans by disrupting reconsolidation [p] [d] [u]
  833. () Emotion in personal construct theory: a controversial question [d]
  834. () Meditating with emotions [u]
  835. () Differential functional connectivity within an emotion regulation neural network among individuals resilient and susceptible to the depressogenic effects of early life stress [d]
  836. () Intersections between development and evolution in the classification of emotions [d]
  837. () The temporal dynamics of enhancing a human declarative memory during reconsolidation [d]
  838. () The feeling body: affective science meets the enactive mind [i] [d]
  839. () Social cognition and social functioning in nonclinical paranoia [d]
  840. () Conceptualizing and experiencing compassion [p] [d] [u]
  841. () Focusing in clinical practice: the essence of change [i]
  842. () Psychoacoustic cues to emotion in speech prosody and music [p] [d]
  843. () Emotional states from affective dynamics [d]
  844. () Second victim: error, guilt, trauma, and resilience [i] [d]
  845. () Moderate levels of activation lead to forgetting in the think/no-think paradigm [p] [d] [u]
  846. () Detection of a temporal error triggers reconsolidation of amygdala-dependent memories [d]
  847. () Nocturnal bruxism and hypnotherapy: a case study [p] [d]
  848. () I hate you, but we can work it out: dealing with anger issues in mediation [o]
  849. () How leaders promote war by exploiting our core concerns [d]
  850. () Person-centered/experiential psychotherapy for anxiety difficulties: theory, research and practice [d]
  851. () Pain and suicidality: insights from reward and addiction neuroscience [p] [d] [u]
  852. Ephrem Fernandez [ed] () Treatments for anger in specific populations: theory, application, and outcome [i] [d]
  853. () Relational suicide assessment: risks, resources, and possibilities for safety [i]
  854. Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois [ed] () Treating complex traumatic stress disorders in children and adolescents: scientific foundations and therapeutic models [i]
  855. () Paranoia and post-traumatic stress disorder in the months after a physical assault: a longitudinal study examining shared and differential predictors [d]
  856. (/2018) Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience: a beginner's guide [i] [d]
  857. () Direct and indirect associations between experiential avoidance and reduced delay of gratification [d]
  858. () Health and relationships in violence reduction participants: indirect effects of angry temperament [d]
  859. () Working with identity and self-soothing in emotion-focused therapy for couples [p] [d]
  860. () Expressive therapy as a treatment preference for Aboriginal trauma [u]
  861. () Attraction in the field: what we need to acknowledge and implications for research and teaching [d]
  862. () The role of REM sleep in the processing of emotional memories: evidence from behavior and event-related potentials [d]
  863. () Happiness is best kept stable: positive emotion variability is associated with poorer psychological health [p] [d]
  864. () Time-based indicators of emotional complexity: interrelations and correlates [p] [d] [u]
  865. () Uncertainty and anticipation in anxiety: an integrated neurobiological and psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  866. () Efficacy of psychological interventions aiming to reduce chronic nightmares: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  867. () Hardwiring happiness: the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence [i]
  868. () What is approach motivation? [d]
  869. () Mind the gap in mindfulness research: a comparative account of the leading schools of thought [d]
  870. Dirk Hermans, Bernard Rimé, & Batja Mesquita [ed] () Changing emotions [i] [d]
  871. () The pursuit of happiness and its relationship to the meta-experience of emotions and culture [p] [d] [u]
  872. () A model of socioemotional flexibility at three time scales [d]
  873. () Trait anxiety modulates fronto-limbic processing of emotional interference in borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  874. () A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
  875. () Collaborative empiricism in cognitive therapy for psychosis: a practice guide [d]
  876. () What clinicians can learn from schema change in sport [d]
  877. () Experiencing discrimination increases risk taking [d]
  878. () Differentiation-based models of forgivingness, mental health and social justice commitment: mediator effects for differentiation of self and humility [d]
  879. () Attributional style in healthy persons: its association with 'theory of mind' skills [d]
  880. () Love sense: the revolutionary new science of romantic relationships [i]
  881. () The role of anger in offending: a grounded theory analysis of mentally disordered patients [d]
  882. () The sweetest pill to swallow: how patient neurobiology can be harnessed to maximise placebo effects [p] [d]
  883. () Mindfulness and de-automatization [d]
  884. () Commitment to a purpose in life: an antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder [p] [d] [u]
  885. () Psychology in the brain: integrative cognitive neuroscience [i]
  886. () The therapeutic effects of narrative cinema through clarification: reexamining catharsis [d]
  887. () Buddhist-inspired meditation increases the value of calm [p] [d]
  888. Sanjeev V. Kothare & Anna Ivanenko [ed] () Parasomnias: clinical characteristics and treatment [i] [d]
  889. () Emotions are at the core of individual social performance [i] [d]
  890. () Biased thinking assessed by external observers in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  891. () Change in biased thinking in a 10-session treatment for borderline personality disorder: further evidence of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship [p] [d]
  892. () Early clarification processes in clients presenting with borderline personality disorder: relations with symptom level and change [d]
  893. () Comment: Appraisal affords flexibility to emotion in more ways than one [d]
  894. () Reducing implicit prejudice [d]
  895. () Attentional bias, distractibility and short-term memory in anxiety [d]
  896. () The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
  897. () Bringing science to bear—on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace [p] [d] [u]
  898. () Conditioning the mind's eye: associative learning with voluntary mental imagery [d]
  899. Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] () Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
  900. () Meditative dialogue: cultivating compassion and empathy with survivors of complex childhood trauma [d]
  901. () An integrative approach to addressing core beliefs in social anxiety [d]
  902. () Placebo and nocebo: how to enhance therapies and avoid unintended sabotage to pain treatment [d]
  903. () The role of emotions in clinical reasoning and decision making [p] [d]
  904. () The impact of rumination on state paranoid ideation in a nonclinical sample [p] [d]
  905. () An exploratory study of the relationship between changes in emotion and cognitive processes and treatment outcome in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  906. () Reducing the tendency to aggress: insights from social and personality psychology [d]
  907. () Success under stress: powerful tools for staying calm, confident, and productive when the pressure's on [i]
  908. () Carrying the pain: the journey from suffering to transformation—perspectives from Shakespearean tragedy and pastoral care [p] [d]
  909. () Appraisal theories of emotion: state of the art and future development [d]
  910. () The development of cognitive control from infancy through childhood [i] [d]
  911. () Within the mind's eye: negative mental imagery activates different emotion regulation strategies in high versus low socially anxious individuals [p] [d]
  912. () Achieving the same for less: improving mood depletes blood glucose for people with poor (but not good) emotion control [p] [d]
  913. () Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
  914. () What doctors feel: how emotions affect the practice of medicine [i]
  915. () Upgrading the sleeping brain with targeted memory reactivation [p] [d]
  916. () Implications of memory modulation for post-traumatic stress and fear disorders [p] [d] [u]
  917. () Emotion-focused therapy for anger in complex trauma [i] [d]
  918. () Strength of coupling within a mnemonic control network differentiates those who can and cannot suppress memory retrieval [p] [d] [u]
  919. () The cognitive–emotional brain: from interactions to integration [i] [d]
  920. () Affective reactivity to daily stressors and long-term risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition [p] [d] [u]
  921. () Exploring the significance of emotion for mediation practice [d]
  922. Jocelyn Pixley [ed] () New perspectives on emotions in finance: the sociology of confidence, fear and betrayal [i] [d]
  923. () Brain mechanisms for emotional influences on perception and attention: what is magic and what is not [d]
  924. () The nature of psychological reactance revisited: a meta-analytic review [d]
  925. () Cognitive emotion regulation fails the stress test [p] [d] [u]
  926. () Behavioral landscapes and change in behavioral landscapes: a multiple time-scale density distribution approach [d]
  927. Daniel Reisberg [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology [i] [d]
  928. () Social cognition in borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  929. () Quarrelsome behavior in borderline personality disorder: influence of behavioral and affective reactivity to perceptions of others [p] [d]
  930. () Dodging monsters and dancing with dreams: success and failure at different levels of approach and avoidance [d]
  931. () Moving from acceptance toward transformation with Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) [p] [d]
  932. () Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self [p] [d] [u]
  933. () Prediction error governs pharmacologically induced amnesia for learned fear [p] [d] [j]
  934. () Mindfulness and other Buddhist-derived interventions in correctional settings: a systematic review [d]
  935. () The evolving science of anger management [u]
  936. () Breaking the links in intergenerational violence: an emotional regulation perspective [d]
  937. () Neither dichotomous nor split, but schema-related negative interpersonal evaluations characterize borderline patients [p] [d]
  938. () Neuroscience for clinicians: evidence, models, and practice [i] [d]
  939. () The joy of pain: schadenfreude and the dark side of human nature [i]
  940. () High trait anxiety: a challenge for disrupting fear memory reconsolidation [p] [d] [u]
  941. (/2022) Emotions and communication [i] [d]
  942. () Headtrash: cleaning out the junk that stands between you and success [i]
  943. () The functions of worry and its relation to performance in controllable and uncontrollable situations [p] [d]
  944. () Emotion regulation difficulties, low social support, and interpersonal violence mediate the link between childhood abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms [p] [d]
  945. () Working with the inner critic: therapeutic approach [d]
  946. Eric A. Storch & Dean McKay [ed] () Handbook of treating variants and complications in anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  947. () Living & loving after betrayal: how to heal from emotional abuse, deceit, infidelity, and chronic resentment [i]
  948. Margaret S. Stroebe, Henk Schut, & Jan Van den Bout [ed] () Complicated grief: scientific foundations for health care professionals [i] [d]
  949. () Grasping the dynamics of suicidal behaviour: combining time-geographic life charting and COPE ratings [d]
  950. () Emotional cannibalism: shame in action [i]
  951. () Get real: effects of repeated simulation and emotion on the perceived plausibility of future experiences [p] [d] [u]
  952. () How does interoceptive awareness interact with the subjective experience of emotion?: an fMRI study [p] [d]
  953. () Loving someone with anxiety: understanding & helping your partner [i]
  954. () Pre-treatment shyness mindset predicts less reduction of social anxiety during exposure therapy [p] [d]
  955. Shigeru Watanabe & Stan A. Kuczaj [ed] () Emotions of animals and humans: comparative perspectives [i] [d]
  956. () A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
  957. () Situating emotional experience [p] [d] [u]
  958. () Neural evidence that human emotions share core affective properties [p] [d]
  959. Abraham W. Wolf, Marvin R. Goldfried, & J. Christopher Muran [ed] () Transforming negative reactions to clients: from frustration to compassion [i] [d]
  960. () Coping and emotion regulation profiles as predictors of nonmedical prescription drug and illicit drug use among high-risk young adults [p] [d] [u]
  961. () Defense mechanisms reported by patients with borderline personality disorder and axis II comparison subjects over 16 years of prospective follow-up: description and prediction of recovery [p] [d] [u]
  962. () Effects of cognitive enrichment on behavioural and physiological reactions of pigs [p] [d]
  963. () Neural mechanism of placebo effects and cognitive reappraisal in emotion regulation [p] [d]
  964. () The use of mindfulness practice in the treatment of a case of obsessive compulsive disorder in Sri Lanka [p] [d]
  965. () Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
  966. () Forgiveness and reconciliation in emotionally focused therapy for couples: the client change process and therapist interventions [d]
  967. () Living into the story: agency and coherence in a longitudinal study of narrative identity development and mental health over the course of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  968. () Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala [p] [d] [j]
  969. () Normal and pathological generosity [p] [d]
  970. () Gratitude when it is needed most: social functions of gratitude in women with metastatic breast cancer [p] [d]
  971. () The power of subtle interpersonal hostility in psychodynamic psychotherapy: a speech acts analysis [d]
  972. () Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics [p] [d] [u]
  973. () Changes in natural language use as an indicator of psychotherapeutic change in personality disorders [d]
  974. () Social cognition in borderline personality disorder: evidence for dichotomous thinking but no evidence for less complex attributions [d]
  975. () The use of the faces, legs, activity, cry and consolability scale to assess procedural pain and distress in young children [p] [d]
  976. () Emotion-related cognitive processes in borderline personality disorder: a review of the empirical literature [d]
  977. () Expressive writing and positive writing for participants with mood disorders: an online randomized controlled trial [d]
  978. () Does CBT facilitate emotional processing? [d]
  979. () The creativity cure: a do-it-yourself prescription for happiness [i]
  980. () Thinking about your thoughts: investigating different cognitive change strategies [d]
  981. () Common, specific, and treatment fit variables in psychotherapy outcome [d]
  982. () Using cognitive behavioural therapy with complex cases: using the therapeutic relationship to change core beliefs [p] [d]
  983. () Delay discounting as emotional processing: an electrophysiological study [p] [d]
  984. () Violate my beliefs? Then you're to blame! Belief content as an explanation for causal attribution biases [d]
  985. () True refuge: finding peace and freedom in your own awakened heart [i]
  986. () Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead [i]
  987. () Social cognition in members of conflict groups: behavioural and neural responses in Arabs, Israelis and South Americans to each other's misfortunes [p] [d] [u]
  988. () Distinct roles of the 'shared pain' and 'theory of mind' networks in processing others' emotional suffering [p] [d]
  989. () Psychopathology and the human connectome: toward a transdiagnostic model of risk for mental illness [p] [d]
  990. () Informing intimate partner violence prevention efforts: dyadic, developmental, and contextual considerations [d]
  991. () Ruminations and flow: why do people with a more harmonious passion experience higher well-being? [d]
  992. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () Transformation in psychotherapy: corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches [i] [d]
  993. () Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance [d]
  994. Suparna Choudhury & Jan Slaby [ed] () Critical neuroscience: a handbook of the social and cultural contexts of neuroscience [i] [d]
  995. () Stereotypes and schadenfreude: affective and physiological markers of pleasure at outgroup misfortunes [d]
  996. () 'Better than nothing' is not good enough: challenges to introducing evidence-based approaches for traumatized populations [p] [d]
  997. () The psychological costs and benefits of being highly persistent: personality profiles distinguish mood disorders from anxiety disorders [p] [d]
  998. () From negative to positive and back again: polarized affective and relational experience in borderline personality disorder [d]
  999. () The positive psychology of sustainability [d]
  1000. () Mindfulness-based stress reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  1001. () Family conflict, emotional security, and child development: translating research findings into a prevention program for community families [d]
  1002. () Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-focused therapy for depression [p] [d]
  1003. () Anxious in love: how to manage your anxiety, reduce conflict & reconnect with your partner [i]
  1004. () The emotional life of your brain: how its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live—and how you can change them [i]
  1005. () The importance of suffering: the value and meaning of emotional discontent [i] [d]
  1006. () Regulation of the stress response by the gut microbiota: implications for psychoneuroendocrinology [d]
  1007. () 'Emotion': the history of a keyword in crisis [d]
  1008. () Serene arts: the effect of personal unsettledness and of paintings' narrative structure on personality [d]
  1009. () Under the radar: how unexamined biases in decision-making processes in clinical interactions can contribute to health care disparities [d]
  1010. () Cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy: a cognitive-developmental approach [u]
  1011. () Helping depressed clients reconnect to positive emotion experience: current insights and future directions [p] [d]
  1012. (/2024) Unlocking the emotional brain: memory reconsolidation and the psychotherapy of transformational change [or: Unlocking the emotional brain: eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation] [i] [d]
  1013. (/2024) Emotional coherence and the great attachment debate [i] [d]
  1014. () Even the downhearted may be uplifted: moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults [d]
  1015. () Stressors in multiple life-domains and the risk for externalizing and internalizing behaviors among African Americans during emerging adulthood [d]
  1016. () Quantitative naturalistic methods for detecting change points in psychotherapy research: an illustration with alliance ruptures [p] [d]
  1017. () Fearing the emotional self [d]
  1018. Stephen E. Finn, Constance T. Fischer, & Leonard Handler [ed] () Collaborative/therapeutic assessment: a casebook and guide [i]
  1019. () Mindfulness and bodily distress [p]
  1020. () Hormonal mechanisms for regulation of aggression in human coalitions [p] [d]
  1021. () Gut feelings, deliberative thought, and paranoid ideation: a study of experiential and rational reasoning [p] [d] [u]
  1022. () Exploring corrective experiences in a successful case of short-term dynamic psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1023. () Behavior as information: 'If I avoid, then there must be a danger' [d]
  1024. () Unconventional metaphors and emotional-cognitive regulation in a metacognitive interpersonal therapy [d]
  1025. () Emotion words shape emotion percepts [p] [d]
  1026. () Emotions in sexual morality: testing the separate elicitors of anger and disgust [p] [d]
  1027. () Counseling through images: using photography to guide the counseling process and achieve treatment goals [d]
  1028. () The mess inside: narrative, emotion, and the mind [i] [d]
  1029. () Scared stiff: the influence of anxiety on the perception of action capabilities [p] [d] [u]
  1030. () Emotions, the great captains of our lives: their role in the process of change in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1031. () The neural correlates of gist-based true and false recognition [p] [d] [u]
  1032. () Just an anger synonym?: moral context influences predictors of disgust word use [p] [d]
  1033. () Depression in palliative care settings: the need for training for nurses and other health professionals to improve patients' pathways to care [d]
  1034. () Fear: essential wisdom for getting through the storm [i]
  1035. () Emotions about crime and attitudes to punishment [d]
  1036. () Categories versus dimensions in personality and psychopathology: a quantitative review of taxometric research [d]
  1037. () All we have to fear: psychiatry's transformation of natural anxieties into mental disorders [i]
  1038. () Affect, not ideology: a social identity perspective on polarization [d]
  1039. () Three-dimensional visualization of an emotional map with geographical information systems: a case study of historical and cultural heritage in the Yeongsan River Basin, Korea [d]
  1040. () The deep bodily roots of emotion [d]
  1041. () Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals [d]
  1042. () Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses [p] [d]
  1043. () The compassionate-mind guide to managing your anger: using compassion-focused therapy to calm your rage and heal your relationships [i]
  1044. () How cognitive performance-induced stress can influence right VLPFC activation: an fMRI study in healthy subjects and in patients with social phobia [d]
  1045. () Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
  1046. () Freedom from pain: discover your body's power to overcome physical pain [i]
  1047. () The brain basis of emotion: a meta-analytic review [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  1048. () Cognitive contributions to personality disorders [i] [d]
  1049. () Patience: the art of peaceful living [i]
  1050. () Post-traumatic stress disorder: cognitive hypnotherapy, mindfulness, and acceptance-based treatment approaches [p] [d]
  1051. () Cognitive bias modification approaches to anxiety [d]
  1052. () Process-experiential/emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety: a hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study [d]
  1053. () A transdiagnostic approach to CBT using method of levels therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1054. () 'I used to be an offender—now I'm a defender': positive psychology approaches in the facilitation of posttraumatic growth in offenders [d]
  1055. () The effect of mental progression on mood [p] [d] [u]
  1056. () The role of mindfulness and psychological flexibility in somatization, depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress in a nonclinical college sample [d]
  1057. () Stress and anxiety: structural plasticity and epigenetic regulation as a consequence of stress [p] [d] [u]
  1058. () The willpower instinct: how self-control works, why it matters, and what you can do to get more of it [i]
  1059. () Anger in PTSD: is there a need for a concept of PTSD-related posttraumatic anger? [d]
  1060. () Bringing emotions to time geography: the case of mobilities of poverty [d]
  1061. () Individual differences in reappraisal ability: links to reappraisal frequency, well-being, and cognitive control [d]
  1062. () Emotions, ethics, and choice: lessons from Tsongkhapa [u]
  1063. () Roadmap to resilience: a guide for military, trauma victims, and their families [i]
  1064. () Emotional responding in depression: distinctions in the time course of emotion [p] [d] [u]
  1065. () Treating anger and aggression in military populations: research updates and clinical implications [d]
  1066. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
  1067. () The evolutionary origins of mood and its disorders [p] [d]
  1068. () Assessment of student's emotions in game-based learning [i] [d]
  1069. () The cognitive science of fiction [d]
  1070. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () Cognitive behavior therapy: core principles for practice [i] [d]
  1071. () States of mind: emotions, body feelings, and thoughts share distributed neural networks [d]
  1072. () Working through: in-session processes that promote between-session thoughts and activities [d]
  1073. () Emotion and family therapy: exploring female and male clinicians' attitudes about the use of emotion in therapy [d]
  1074. () Strengths-based cognitive-behavioural therapy: a four-step model to build resilience [p] [d]
  1075. () Factors that influence emotional disturbance in adults living in extreme poverty [d]
  1076. () Turning anxiety into creativity [u]
  1077. () Development of self-regulation abilities as predictors of psychological adjustment across the first year of college [d]
  1078. () Problem anger in psychotherapy: an emotion-focused perspective on hate, rage, and rejecting anger [d]
  1079. () Emotion and decision-making: affect-driven belief systems in anxiety and depression [p] [d] [u]
  1080. () Mental health implications of human attachment to companion animals [p] [d]
  1081. () The role of parenting in the emergence of human emotion: new approaches to the old nature–nurture debate [d]
  1082. () Emotion differentiation moderates aggressive tendencies in angry people: a daily diary analysis [p] [d]
  1083. () Secrets and lies: involuntary leakage in deceptive facial expressions as a function of emotional intensity [d]
  1084. () Healing the angry brain: how understanding the way your brain works can help you control anger & aggression [i]
  1085. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  1086. () An initial study on how families deal with ridicule and being laughed at: parenting styles and parent–child relations with respect to gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism [d]
  1087. () Neuroscience and therapist self-disclosure: deepening right brain to right brain communication between therapist and patient [d]
  1088. () The construction of emotional experience requires the integration of implicit and explicit emotional processes [p] [d]
  1089. () Practical work at school reduces disgust and fear of unpopular animals [d]
  1090. () Friends with benefits: social support and its relevance for farm animal welfare [d]
  1091. () Radical distortion: how emotions warp what we hear [i]
  1092. () Hypnosis for behavioral health: a guide to expanding your professional practice [i]
  1093. () Bullying in schools: addressing desires, not only behaviours [d]
  1094. () Emotion regulation and aggression [d]
  1095. () Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis [d]
  1096. () Moral emotions as guide to acceptable risk [i] [d]
  1097. () Ventromedial prefrontal-subcortical systems and the generation of affective meaning [p] [d] [u]
  1098. () An investigation of the relationships among negative affect, difficulties in emotion regulation, and features of borderline personality disorder [d]
  1099. () Vulnerable self, poor understanding of others' minds, threat anticipation and cognitive biases as triggers for delusional experience in schizophrenia: a theoretical model [p] [d]
  1100. () How to give clients the skills to stop panic attacks: don't forget to breathe [i]
  1101. () Shame regulation in personality pathology [d]
  1102. () The relationship between cognitive errors and interpersonal patterns in depressed women [p] [d]
  1103. () The reluctant researcher: shyness in the field [d] [u]
  1104. () Retrieval per se is not sufficient to trigger reconsolidation of human fear memory [p] [d]
  1105. () Splitting and emotional regulation in partner violence [d]
  1106. () Age-related differences in emotional reactivity, regulation, and rejection sensitivity in adolescence [p] [d] [u]
  1107. () An inconvenient truth: the need to educate emotionally competent lawyers [u]
  1108. () Escalation and mindfulness [d]
  1109. () Parental overprotection and metacognitions as predictors of worry and anxiety [d]
  1110. () Automaticity in anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder [d]
  1111. () Radical acceptance: a nondual psychology approach to grief and loss [d]
  1112. () Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: different emotions, different strategies [d]
  1113. () Emotional schemas, psychological flexibility, and anxiety: the role of flexible response patterns to anxious arousal [d]
  1114. () Paranoid thinking, suspicion, and risk for aggression: a neurodevelopmental perspective [d]
  1115. () Severe public humiliation: its nature, consequences, and clinical treatment [p] [d]
  1116. () Why humans like to cry: tragedy, evolution and the brain [i]
  1117. () Triumphs of experience: the men of the Harvard Grant Study [i] [d]
  1118. () Pain-related fear: exposure-based treatment for chronic pain [i]
  1119. Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen, & Marjon Nardort [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of schema therapy: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  1120. () Transformative emotional sequence: towards a common principle of change [d]
  1121. () Everyday distress: psychosocial and economic impact of forced migration on children and families [i] [d]
  1122. () An empirically derived taxonomy for personality diagnosis: bridging science and practice in conceptualizing personality [p] [d] [u]
  1123. () Being deluded after being excluded?: how emotion regulation deficits in paranoia-prone individuals affect state paranoia during experimentally induced social stress [p] [d]
  1124. (/2019) Motivation in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1125. () Motivational interviewing in the treatment of anxiety [i]
  1126. Thomas A. Widiger [ed] () The Oxford handbook of personality disorders [i] [d]
  1127. Howard Robin Winokuer & Darcy L. Harris [ed] (/2016) Principles and practice of grief counseling [i]
  1128. () Water cognition and cognitive affective mapping: identifying priority clusters within a Canadian water efficiency community [d]
  1129. () Men, addiction, and intimacy: strengthening recovery by fostering the emotional development of boys and men [i] [d]
  1130. () Mindsets that promote resilience: when students believe that personal characteristics can be developed [d]
  1131. () On the emotional connection of medical specialists dealing with death and dying: a qualitative study of oncologists, surgeons, intensive care specialists and palliative medicine specialists [p] [d]
  1132. () The dilemma of the wounded healer [p] [d]
  1133. () Exposure therapy for anxiety: principles and practice [i]
  1134. () Invisible men: men's inner lives and the consequences of silence [i]
  1135. () Personality is reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional architecture [p] [d] [u]
  1136. Renato D. Alarcón & Julia B. Frank [ed] () The psychotherapy of hope: the legacy of Persuasion and healing [i] [d]
  1137. Mark D. Alicke & Constantine Sedikides [ed] () Handbook of self-enhancement and self-protection [i]
  1138. () Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives [i] [d]
  1139. () A story about a stupid person can make you act stupid (or smart): behavioral assimilation (and contrast) as narrative impact [d]
  1140. () Linking mechanisms: emotional contagion, empathy, and imagery [d]
  1141. () Interpretation bias in cluster-C and borderline personality disorders [d]
  1142. () Revisiting the latent structure of the anxiety sensitivity construct: more evidence of dimensionality [p] [d]
  1143. () The power of specificity in psychotherapy: when therapy works and when it doesn't [i]
  1144. () Dyadic moderators of the effectiveness of problem-focused and emotional-approach coping interventions [d]
  1145. () Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: therapist guide [i]
  1146. () Was Darwin wrong about emotional expressions? [d]
  1147. () Self-actualizing: where ego development finally feels good? [d]
  1148. () Enhancing emotionally focused couple therapy through the practice of mindfulness: a case analysis [d]
  1149. () Culturally adapted psychotherapy and the legitimacy of myth: a direct-comparison meta-analysis [d]
  1150. Robert Biswas-Diener [ed] () Positive psychology as social change [i] [d]
  1151. () Deception as treatment: the case of depression [p] [d]
  1152. () Coping with trauma-related dissociation: skills training for patients and their therapists [i]
  1153. () Narrative and emotion integration in psychotherapy: investigating the relationship between autobiographical memory specificity and expressed emotional arousal in brief emotion-focused and client-centred treatments of depression [d]
  1154. () Cognitive and emotional covariates of violence exposure among former prisoners: links to antisocial behavior and emotional distress and implications for theory [d]
  1155. () Supporting healthy relationships in low-income, violent couples: reducing conflict and strengthening relationship skills and satisfaction [d]
  1156. () True belonging: mindful practices to help you overcome loneliness, connect with others, and cultivate happiness [i]
  1157. Ingrid Brdar [ed] () The human pursuit of well-being: a cultural approach [i] [d]
  1158. () Meaning-centered group psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1159. () 'Pray for those who mistreat you': effects of prayer on anger and aggression [p] [d]
  1160. () Violent video games cause an increase in aggression long after the game has been turned off [d]
  1161. () Spirituality, religion, and emotional labor in the workplace [d]
  1162. () Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
  1163. () Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling [d]
  1164. () Nonverbal affective phenomena revisited [d]
  1165. () Promoting emotional well-being through the use of humour [d]
  1166. () Social justice and the experience of emotion [i] [d]
  1167. () The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior [d]
  1168. () Disgust as an adaptive system for disease avoidance behaviour [p] [d] [u]
  1169. () Patterns of moral judgment derive from nonmoral psychological representations [p] [d]
  1170. () Comprehensive law practice: law as a healing profession [i]
  1171. Christopher Day & Zijian Li [ed] () New understandings of teachers' work: emotions and educational change [i] [d]
  1172. Ronda L. Dearing & June Price Tangney [ed] () Shame in the therapy hour [i] [d]
  1173. () Starting off on the right foot: common factor elements in early psychotherapy process [d]
  1174. () Psychological selection and optimal experience across cultures: social empowerment through personal growth [i] [d]
  1175. () The ratio between positive and negative affect and flourishing mental health across adulthood [d]
  1176. () Fear is only as deep as the mind allows: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on the regulation of negative affect [d]
  1177. () Honing the stone: refining restorative justice as a vehicle for emotional redress [d]
  1178. () Breaking addiction: a 7-step handbook for ending any addiction [i]
  1179. () Attachment and the processing of social information across the life span: theory and evidence [p] [d]
  1180. () Contrasting prototypes and dimensions in the classification of personality pathology: evidence that dimensions, but not prototypes, are robust [d]
  1181. () Control of impulsive emotional behaviour through implementation intentions [p] [d]
  1182. () The missing p in psychiatric training: why it is important to teach pain to psychiatrists [p] [d] [u]
  1183. () Overcoming trauma through yoga: reclaiming your body [i]
  1184. () Phagophobia: behavioral treatment of a complex case involving fear of fear [d]
  1185. () Suffering for water, suffering from water: emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict [d]
  1186. () Current research on cognitive aspects of anxiety disorders [d]
  1187. () Journeys through the valley of death: multimethod psychological assessment and personality transformation in long-term psychotherapy [d]
  1188. () The essence of therapy: what is essential for a therapeutic engagement and psychic change to take place and what model/models explain it best? [d]
  1189. () A quantitative method for the analysis of nomothetic relationships between idiographic structures: dynamic patterns create attractor states for sustained posttreatment change [d]
  1190. () Envy up, scorn down: how status divides us [i] [j]
  1191. () The relation of emotions to placebo responses [p] [d] [u]
  1192. Susan Folkman [ed] () The Oxford handbook of stress, health, and coping [i] [d]
  1193. (/2015) The older adult psychotherapy treatment planner [i]
  1194. () Compassion and healing in medicine and society: on the nature and use of attachment solutions to separation challenges [i]
  1195. () Emotional and personality-related aspects of career decision-making difficulties: facets of career indecisiveness [d]
  1196. () Perceptions: changing the picture [i] [d]
  1197. () Assessing psychological flexibility: what does it add above and beyond existing constructs? [d]
  1198. () Diurnal and seasonal mood vary with work, sleep, and daylength across diverse cultures [p] [d] [j]
  1199. () The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: exploring one path to therapeutic failure [d]
  1200. () The science of trust: emotional attunement for couples [i]
  1201. (/2017) Emotion-focused therapy [i] [d]
  1202. () Why did she put nail polish in my drink?: applying the therapeutic assessment model with an African American foster child in a community mental health setting [d]
  1203. () Verbal expression of emotions in the stage-wise progress of a case of long-term psychodynamic therapy [d]
  1204. () Explicit and implicit emotion regulation: a dual-process framework [p] [d] [u]
  1205. () Oxford guide to imagery in cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  1206. () Being of two minds: switching mindsets exhausts self-regulatory resources [d]
  1207. () What is neurofeedback: an update [d]
  1208. Darcy L. Harris [ed] () Counting our losses: reflecting on change, loss, and transition in everyday life [i] [d]
  1209. () Allostasis and the development of internalizing and externalizing problems: changing relations with physiological systems across adolescence [d]
  1210. () Training assessors in therapeutic assessment [d]
  1211. () Negation as a means for emotion regulation?: startle reflex modulation during processing of negated emotional words [p] [d]
  1212. () An integrative mechanistic account of psychological distress, therapeutic change and recovery: the Perceptual Control Theory approach [d]
  1213. () The impact of group drumming on social-emotional behavior in low-income children [d]
  1214. () Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
  1215. () The unconscious pursuit of emotion regulation: implications for psychological health [p] [d] [u]
  1216. () The circumplex structure of interpersonal sensitivities [p] [d]
  1217. () The quest for excitement: a missing link between personality disorder and violence? [d]
  1218. () The effects of humor and depression labels on reactions to social comments [d]
  1219. () Neuroticism explained?: from a non-informative vulnerability marker to informative person–context interactions in the realm of daily life [d]
  1220. () The effect of interpersonal psychotherapy and other psychodynamic therapies versus 'treatment as usual' in patients with major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
  1221. () The effects of cognitive therapy versus 'treatment as usual' in patients with major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
  1222. () Hypnosis for chronic pain management: therapist guide [i] [d]
  1223. () Hypnosis for chronic pain management: workbook [i] [d]
  1224. John R. Jordan & John L. McIntosh [ed] () Grief after suicide: understanding the consequences and caring for the survivors [i] [d]
  1225. () When love is not blind: rumination impairs implicit affect regulation in response to romantic relationship threat [p] [d]
  1226. () The resolution of anger in psychotherapy: a task analysis [d]
  1227. () Think with your head and with your heart [p] [d]
  1228. () Impact of therapist emotional intelligence on psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1229. () Post-traumatic distress and the presence of post-traumatic growth and meaning in life: experiential avoidance as a moderator [d]
  1230. () Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: a self-regulatory framework and treatment implications [d]
  1231. () What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
  1232. () Indirect goal priming is more powerful than explicit instruction in children [d]
  1233. () Mindfulness: a way of cultivating deep respect for emotions [d]
  1234. David W. Kissane & Maggie Watson [ed] () Handbook of psychotherapy in cancer care [i] [d]
  1235. Robert H. Klein, Harold S. Bernard, & Victor L. Schermer [ed] () On becoming a psychotherapist: the personal and professional journey [i]
  1236. () Therapeutic work with the present moment: a comparative conversation analysis of existential and cognitive therapies [d]
  1237. () 'I feel better but I don't know why': the psychology of implicit emotion regulation [p] [d]
  1238. (/2016) The self-regulation of emotion: theoretical and empirical advances [i]
  1239. () Seven steps toward freedom and two ways to lose it: overcoming limitations of intentionality through self-confrontational coping with stress [d]
  1240. () Hurt feelings: theory, research, and applications in intimate relationships [i] [d]
  1241. () Sourcebook of interactive practice exercises in mental health [i] [d]
  1242. () Differentiation in the momentary rating of somatic symptoms covaries with trait emotional awareness in patients at risk for sudden cardiac death [d]
  1243. () What does recovery mean in practice?: a qualitative analysis of international recovery-oriented practice guidance [d]
  1244. () Personal schemas in the negotiation process: a cognitive therapy approach [i] [d]
  1245. () Emotion regulation in psychotherapy: a practitioner's guide [i]
  1246. () Which are the basic meaning dimensions of observable interpersonal behavior? [d]
  1247. () Effective psychotherapy for Asian Americans: from cultural accommodation to cultural congruence [d]
  1248. () Are positive emotions just as 'positive' across cultures? [p] [d]
  1249. () Therapists' and clients' significant experiences underlying psychotherapy discourse [d]
  1250. (/2019) Attachment style [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1251. () Providing therapy to children and families in foster care: a systemic-relational approach [d]
  1252. () Three time scales of neural self-organization underlying basic and nonbasic emotions [d]
  1253. () Constructing stories of self-growth: how individual differences in patterns of autobiographical reasoning relate to well-being in midlife [p] [d] [u]
  1254. () Distinguishing scientific from pseudoscientific psychotherapies: evaluating the role of theoretical plausibility, with a little help from Reverend Bayes [d]
  1255. () When does jumping-to-conclusions reach its peak?: the interaction of vulnerability and situation-characteristics in social reasoning [d]
  1256. () Pain and emotion: a biopsychosocial review of recent research [p] [d] [u]
  1257. () The sociocognitive and dissociation theories of hypnosis: toward a rapprochement [p] [d]
  1258. () Investigating spousal influence using moment-to-moment affect data from marital conflict [d]
  1259. () Psychotherapists' spiritual, religious, atheist or agnostic identity and their practice of psychotherapy: a grounded theory study [d]
  1260. () Loving someone with borderline personality disorder: how to keep out-of-control emotions from destroying your relationship [i]
  1261. () Psychological abuse in young couples: risk factors [d]
  1262. () Emotion and narrative fiction: interactive influences before, during, and after reading [p] [d]
  1263. () The reliability and validity of discrete and continuous measures of psychopathology: a quantitative review [p] [d]
  1264. () Psychological flexibility mediates the relations between self-concealment and negative psychological outcomes [d]
  1265. () Don't hide your happiness!: positive emotion dissociation, social connectedness, and psychological functioning [p] [d] [u]
  1266. () Psychodynamic change in psychotherapy: cycles of patient–therapist linguistic interactions and interventions [d]
  1267. Brenda C. McClain & Santhanam Suresh [ed] () Handbook of pediatric chronic pain: current science and integrative practice [i] [d]
  1268. () Could EFT have saved the Buddha's marriage?: a reflection on Beckerman and Sarracco [d]
  1269. () Cardiovascular–emotional dampening: the relationship between blood pressure and recognition of emotion [d]
  1270. () Waiting, tolerating, and cooperating: did religion evolve to prop up humans' self-control abilities? [i]
  1271. () Mindfulness, self-care, and wellness in social work: effects of contemplative training [d]
  1272. () Mind and emotions: a universal treatment for emotional disorders [i]
  1273. () The psychodynamic diagnostic manual: an effort to compensate for the limitations of descriptive psychiatric diagnosis [d]
  1274. () The placebo effect and the autonomic nervous system: evidence for an intimate relationship [p] [d] [u]
  1275. () Narrative change in emotion-focused psychotherapy: a study on the evolution of reflection and protest innovative moments [p] [d]
  1276. () Psychological assessment of children in a community mental health clinic [d]
  1277. Konrad Michel & David A. Jobes [ed] () Building a therapeutic alliance with the suicidal patient [i] [d]
  1278. (/2021) Child and adolescent suicidal behavior: school-based prevention, assessment, and intervention [i]
  1279. () Researcher race in narrative interviews on traumatic racism [d]
  1280. () The voices of fellow travellers: experienced therapists' strategies when facing difficult therapeutic impasses [d]
  1281. Bret A. Moore & Walter E. Penk [ed] (/2019) Treating PTSD in military personnel: a clinical handbook [i]
  1282. () Lessons learned from placebo groups in antidepressant trials [p] [d] [u]
  1283. () Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder [d]
  1284. () Evidence-based psychological practices and therapist training: at the crossroads [d]
  1285. () Self-compassion: stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind [i]
  1286. Robert A. Neimeyer, Darcy L. Harris, Howard R. Winokuer, & Gordon F. Thornton [ed] () Grief and bereavement in contemporary society: bridging research and practice [i] [d]
  1287. () The posttraumatic growth path: an emerging model for prevention and treatment of trauma-related behavioral health conditions [d]
  1288. () Elusive peace: how modern diplomatic strategies could better resolve world conflicts [i]
  1289. () Current emotion research in psychophysiology: the neurobiology of evaluative bivalence [d]
  1290. () Anger dysregulation: driver of violent offending [d]
  1291. Ivan Nyklíček, Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets, & Marcel Zeelenberg [ed] () Emotion regulation and well-being [i] [d]
  1292. Rory C. O'Connor & Jane Pirkis [ed] (/2016) The international handbook of suicide prevention [i] [d]
  1293. () Speaking the unspeakable: 'the implicit', traumatic living memory, and the dialogue of metaphors [d]
  1294. () Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in high trait anger [d]
  1295. () Experiences of shame and empathy in violent and non-violent young offenders [d]
  1296. () Emotion-focused therapy for incarcerated offenders of intimate partner violence: a 3-year outcome using a new whole-sample matching method [p] [d]
  1297. () Do motivations for malingering matter?: symptoms of malingered PTSD as a function of motivation and trauma type [d]
  1298. () Remembrance of lies past: a comparison of the features and consistency of truthful and fabricated trauma narratives [d]
  1299. () Up close and personal: a consideration of the role of personal therapy in the development of a psychotherapist [i]
  1300. () Placebo mechanisms across different conditions: from the clinical setting to physical performance [p] [d] [u]
  1301. () Vigilant and avoidant attention biases as predictors of response to cognitive behavioral therapy for social phobia [d]
  1302. () Effects of single cortisol administrations on human affect reviewed: coping with stress through adaptive regulation of automatic cognitive processing [d]
  1303. () Developing practice competencies: a foundation for generalist practice [i]
  1304. () The positive effect of negative emotions in protracted conflict: the case of anger [d]
  1305. () A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy: a case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids [p] [d]
  1306. () A life course approach to the development of mental skills [p] [d] [u]
  1307. () Personality dynamics: insights from the personality social cognitive literature [d]
  1308. () The emotional affordances of forest settings: an investigation in boys with extreme behavioural problems [d]
  1309. () Becoming who we are: temperament and personality in development [i]
  1310. () When the past is always present: emotional traumatization, causes, and cures [i] [d]
  1311. () Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: a look at theory and practice [d]
  1312. () Emotional competence and effective negotiation: the integration of emotion understanding, regulation, and communication [i] [d]
  1313. () The association between trauma and delusional-like experiences [p] [d]
  1314. () The association between general psychological distress and delusional-like experiences: a large population-based study [d]
  1315. () Conscientiousness and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder [d]
  1316. () The relationship between activating affects, inhibitory affects, and self-compassion in patients with Cluster C personality disorders [p] [d]
  1317. () Daily dynamics of personal identity and self-concept clarity [d]
  1318. () Use of priming-based interventions to facilitate psychological health: commentary on Kazdin and Blase (2011) [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1319. () Does medical education promote professional alexithymia? A call for attending to the emotions of patients and self in medical training [p] [d]
  1320. () Is timing everything?: temporal considerations in emotion regulation [d]
  1321. () Mental health burden among impoverished HIV-positive patients in Peru [d]
  1322. () Regulating emotions during stressful experiences: the adaptive utility of coping through emotional approach [i] [d]
  1323. () Overreaction to fearsome risks [d]
  1324. () Treating trauma after dialectical behavioral therapy [d]
  1325. () The teenager's confession: regulating shame in internal family systems therapy [p] [d]
  1326. () The effect of emotion regulation strategies on anger [d]
  1327. () Perceived transgressor agreeableness decreases cortisol response and increases forgiveness following recent interpersonal transgressions [d]
  1328. () How does mindfulness transform suffering? II: the transformation of dukkha [d]
  1329. () How does mindfulness transform suffering? I: the nature and origins of dukkha [d]
  1330. () Self-compassion, self-regulation, and health [d]
  1331. () Critical thinking and informal logic: neuropsychological perspectives [d] [u]
  1332. () Implicit interpretation biases affect emotional vulnerability: a training study [p] [d]
  1333. () No ownership of common factors [p] [d]
  1334. () Reclassifying personality disorders [p] [d]
  1335. () The role of daily mobility in mental health inequalities: the interactive influence of activity space and neighbourhood of residence on depression [p] [d]
  1336. () Compassionate reappraisal and emotion suppression as alternatives to offense-focused rumination: implications for forgiveness and psychophysiological well-being [d]
  1337. () Patients' direct experiences as central elements of placebo analgesia [p] [d] [u]
  1338. () Large-scale brain networks and psychopathology: a unifying triple network model [p] [d]
  1339. () Fixing our focus: training attention to regulate emotion [d]
  1340. () Humiliation, self-esteem and violence [d]
  1341. () Lifestyle and mental health [p] [d]
  1342. () Childhood temperament: dimensions or types? [d]
  1343. () When the seemingly innocuous 'stings': racial microaggressions and their emotional consequences [p] [d]
  1344. () Stirring the depths: transference, countertransference and touch [d]
  1345. () An examination of the relationships among clients' affect regulation, in-session emotional processing, the working alliance, and outcome [p] [d]
  1346. () Doing and being: mindfulness, health, and quiet ego characteristics among Buddhist practitioners [d]
  1347. () Psychodynamic psychotherapy: from psychoanalytic arrogance to evidence-based modesty [i] [d]
  1348. () Mindfulness and hypnosis: the power of suggestion to transform experience [i]
  1349. () The pain of 'thinking too much': dolor de cerebro and the embodiment of social hardship among Nicaraguan women [d]
  1350. () Adolescents' implicit theories predict desire for vengeance after peer conflicts: correlational and experimental evidence [p] [d]
  1351. () Affective neuroscientific and neuropsychoanalytic approaches to two intractable psychiatric problems: why depression feels so bad and what addicts really want [p] [d]
  1352. () One and the same pathogenetic process for cognitive therapy and experiential dynamic therapy? [d]
  1353. () Matters of the heart: history, medicine, and emotion [i]
  1354. () From 'This f***ing life' to 'that's better'... in four minutes: an interdisciplinary study of music therapy's 'present moments' and their potential for affect modulation [d]
  1355. () The honor code: how moral revolutions happen [i]
  1356. () Why emotions matter: expectancy violation and affective response mediate the emotional victim effect [d]
  1357. () Composition and consistency of the desired affective state: the role of personality and motivation [d]
  1358. () Natural memory beyond the storage model: repression, trauma, and the construction of a personal past [p] [d] [u]
  1359. () Analyzing negative experiences without ruminating: the role of self-distancing in enabling adaptive self-reflection [d]
  1360. () Who can do what, therapeutically, with whom, in what way? [d]
  1361. Ruth A. Baer [ed] () Assessing mindfulness & acceptance processes in clients: illuminating the theory & practice of change [i]
  1362. () Confabulations are emotionally charged, but not always for the best [p] [d]
  1363. () Negative effects from psychological treatments: a perspective [p] [d]
  1364. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  1365. () What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health?: a multi-study analysis [d]
  1366. () Belongingness as a protective factor against loneliness and potential depression in a multicultural middle school [d]
  1367. () Psychotherapy in the aesthetic attitude [d]
  1368. () The person and the variable in developmental psychology [d]
  1369. () Enhancing emotion-regulation skills in police officers: results of a pilot controlled study [p] [d]
  1370. () A single nitrous oxide (N2O) exposure leads to persistent alleviation of neuropathic pain in rats [p] [d]
  1371. () Predictors of sustained therapeutic change: some thoughts about conceptualizations [p] [d]
  1372. () Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
  1373. Jennifer M. Brown & Elizabeth A. Campbell [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of forensic psychology [i] [d]
  1374. () Gestalt therapy: a guide to contemporary practice [i]
  1375. Brian Bruya [ed] () Effortless attention: a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action [i] [d]
  1376. () The insular cortex: a comparative perspective [d]
  1377. () Interpersonal subtypes in social phobia: diagnostic and treatment implications [d]
  1378. Clare Carlisle & Jonardon Ganeri [ed] () Philosophy as therapeia [i]
  1379. () Insomnia and anxiety [i] [d]
  1380. () Optimal levels of emotional arousal in experiential therapy of depression [p] [d]
  1381. () Your creative brain: seven steps to maximize imagination, productivity, and innovation in your life [i]
  1382. () Similarities and differences in four views of David [d]
  1383. () Foreword: The case of David [d]
  1384. Louis G. Castonguay, J. Christopher Muran, Lynne E. Angus, Jeffrey A. Hayes, Nicholas Ladany, & Timothy Anderson [ed] () Bringing psychotherapy research to life: understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers [i] [d]
  1385. () Helpful and hindering events in psychotherapy: a practice research network study [p] [d]
  1386. () Training implications of harmful effects of psychological treatments [p] [d]
  1387. () Functional neural correlates of mindfulness meditations in comparison with psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and placebo effect: is there a link? [d]
  1388. () Grief and bereavement issues and the loss of a companion animal: people living with a companion animal, owners of livestock, and animal support workers [d]
  1389. () Deconstructing mindfulness and constructing mental health: understanding mindfulness and its mechanisms of action [d]
  1390. () Symptom-focused dynamic psychotherapy [d]
  1391. () The 5-step method: principles and practice [d]
  1392. () Coping styles and behavioural flexibility: towards underlying mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
  1393. () Emotional imagery: assessing pleasure and arousal in the brain's reward circuitry [d]
  1394. () Describing the forms of emotional colouring that pervade everyday life [i] [d]
  1395. () The sentient self [d]
  1396. () Rescuing speech: teaching a writing aesthetic for counseling practice [d]
  1397. () Social phobia: further evidence of dimensional structure [d]
  1398. () Emotional influences in patient safety [p] [d]
  1399. () Space, place and mental health [i]
  1400. () The roots of the recovery movement in psychiatry: lessons learned [i] [d]
  1401. James Peter Davies & Dimitrina Spencer [ed] () Emotions in the field: the psychology and anthropology of fieldwork experience [i] [d]
  1402. () Glucose consumption decreases impulsive aggression in response to provocation in aggressive individuals [d]
  1403. () Bracing for the worst, but behaving the best: social anxiety, hostility, and behavioral aggression [p] [d]
  1404. () The integration of CBT, multicultural and feminist psychotherapies with Latinas [d]
  1405. Giancarlo Dimaggio & Paul H. Lysaker [ed] () Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: from research to treatment [i] [d]
  1406. () How would we know if psychotherapy were harmful? [p] [d]
  1407. () Resilient, overcontrolled, and undercontrolled personality types: issues and controversies [d]
  1408. () Understanding and enhancing the effects of homework in cognitive-behavioral therapy [d]
  1409. () Punitive emotions and norm violations [d]
  1410. () The way you make me feel: evidence for individual differences in affective presence [d]
  1411. () Preconscious processing biases predict emotional reactivity to stress [d]
  1412. () Psychotherapy change process research: realizing the promise [p] [d]
  1413. () Time course of processing emotional stimuli as a function of perceived emotional intelligence, anxiety, and depression [p] [d] [u]
  1414. () The case for needs in psychotherapy [d]
  1415. () Self-disclosure in psychotherapy and recovery [i]
  1416. () The affective neuropsychology of confabulation and delusion [d]
  1417. () The first year and the rest of your life: movement, development, and psychotherapeutic change [i] [d]
  1418. () Care and compromise: developing a conceptual framework for work-related stress [d]
  1419. () Successful and unsuccessful psychopaths: a neurobiological model [d]
  1420. () Upward spirals of positive emotions counter downward spirals of negativity: insights from the broaden-and-build theory and affective neuroscience on the treatment of emotion dysfunctions and deficits in psychopathology [d]
  1421. () Emotional display rules and emotion self-regulation: associations with bullying and victimization in community-based after school programs [d]
  1422. () Individual differences in prefrontal cortex function and the transition from drug use to drug dependence [p] [d] [u]
  1423. Eliana Gil [ed] () Working with children to heal interpersonal trauma: the power of play [i]
  1424. () The compassionate mind: a new approach to life's challenges [i]
  1425. () An introduction to compassion focused therapy in cognitive behavior therapy [d]
  1426. () Compassion focused therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1427. Peter Goldie [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of emotion [i] [d]
  1428. () Innovative moments and change in emotion-focused therapy: the case of Lisa [d]
  1429. () Psychotherapy and traditional healing for American Indians: exploring the prospects for therapeutic integration [d]
  1430. () Predicting treatment outcome by combining different assessment tools: toward an integrative model of decision support in psychotherapy [d]
  1431. () Medical analogies in Buddhist and Hellenistic thought: tranquillity and anger [d]
  1432. () Emotion-focused therapy: a clinical synthesis [d]
  1433. () Learning emotions and ethics [i] [d]
  1434. () Patients can diagnose too: how continuous self-assessment aids diagnosis of, and recovery from, depression [d]
  1435. Mary H. Guindon [ed] () Self-esteem across the lifespan: issues and interventions [i] [d]
  1436. () Instability and discontinuous change in the experience of therapeutic interaction: an extended single-case study of psychodynamic therapy processes [p] [d]
  1437. Alan S. Gurman [ed] () Clinical casebook of couple therapy [i]
  1438. () When self-help is no help: traditional cognitive skills training does not prevent depressive symptoms in people who ruminate [d]
  1439. () A bridge over troubled water: reconsolidation as a link between cognitive and neuroscientific memory research traditions [p] [d]
  1440. Sybil Hart & Maria Theresia Legerstee [ed] () Handbook of jealousy: theories, principles and multidisciplinary approaches [i] [d]
  1441. () Suffering in a productive world: chronic illness, visibility, and the space beyond agency [d]
  1442. () Mobilising bodies: visceral identification in the Slow Food movement [d] [j]
  1443. () The agonistic metaphor in psychotherapy: should clients battle their blues? [p] [d]
  1444. () The role of therapist self-disclosure in psychotherapy: a qualitative review [d]
  1445. () Travel diaries as a therapeutic tool: my interior road to noh, waka, haiku, and renga [d]
  1446. () Using spiritually modified cognitive behavioral therapy to help clients wrestling with depression: a promising intervention for some older adults [d]
  1447. () The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: a meta-analytic review [d]
  1448. () Small steps [d]
  1449. () The latent structure of dietary restraint, body dissatisfaction, and drive for thinness: a series of taxometric analyses [d]
  1450. () Stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala [d]
  1451. () Integrating Curanderismo into counselling and psychotherapy [d]
  1452. () Personality: life span compass for health [d]
  1453. () An interpersonal perspective on the personality assessment process [d]
  1454. () Treating scrupulosity in religious individuals using cognitive-behavioral therapy [d]
  1455. Dana Crowley Jack & Alisha Ali [ed] () Silencing the self across cultures: depression and gender in the social world [i]
  1456. Lisa R. Jackson-Cherry & Bradley T. Erford [ed] (/2017) Crisis assessment, intervention, and prevention [i]
  1457. () Anxiety as social practice [d]
  1458. () Goal dysregulation in the affective disorders [i]
  1459. () Case study on boundary dissolution: an instrument anyone can play [d]
  1460. Ani Kalayjian & Dominique Eugene [ed] () Mass trauma and emotional healing around the world: rituals and practices for resilience and meaning-making [i]
  1461. () Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health [d]
  1462. Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, & Arthur Freeman [ed] () Cognitive and behavioral theories in clinical practice [i]
  1463. () Meta-analysis of homework effects in cognitive and behavioral therapy: a replication and extension [d]
  1464. () Maintaining the will to live of patients with advanced cancer [d]
  1465. () Etiology and treatment of post-cumulative traumatic stress disorders in different cultures [d]
  1466. () Psychotherapy after brain injury: principles and techniques [i]
  1467. () Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions [p] [d]
  1468. Dora Kohen [ed] () Oxford textbook of women and mental health [i]
  1469. () Why religion's burdens are light: from religiosity to implicit self-regulation [d]
  1470. Ann M. Kring & Denise M. Sloan [ed] () Emotion regulation and psychopathology: a transdiagnostic approach to etiology and treatment [i]
  1471. () Oxytocin attenuates amygdala reactivity to fear in generalized social anxiety disorder [p] [d] [u]
  1472. () Emotion modulation in PTSD: clinical and neurobiological evidence for a dissociative subtype [p] [d] [u]
  1473. () Psychopathology, defence mechanisms, and the psychosocial work environment [d]
  1474. () What is sexual addiction? [d]
  1475. () Facilitating client change: principles based upon the experience of eminent psychotherapists [p] [d]
  1476. () Conflict begets conflict: executive control, mental state vacillations, and the therapeutic alliance in treatment of borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  1477. () 50 great myths of popular psychology: shattering widespread misconceptions about human behavior [i]
  1478. () Classroom ratings of likeability and popularity are related to the Big Five and the general factor of personality [d]
  1479. () Healing dimensions of Somali poetry in response to military humanitarian intervention [d]
  1480. () Predictors of complicated grief: a systematic review of empirical studies [p] [d]
  1481. () Insufficient emotion: soul-searching by a former indicter of strong emotions [d]
  1482. () Risk, resources and state-dependent adaptive behavioural syndromes [p] [d] [u]
  1483. () What we hide in words: emotive words and persuasive definitions [d]
  1484. () Prevention and intervention approaches [for lonely children and adolescents] [i] [d]
  1485. () Psychodynamic techniques: working with emotion in the therapeutic relationship [i]
  1486. () The dynamic development of thinking, feeling, and acting over the life span [i] [d]
  1487. () Shame as a traumatic memory [p] [d]
  1488. () Self-regulation: integration of cognition and emotion [i] [d]
  1489. () Using mindfulness meditation to teach beginning therapists therapeutic presence: a qualitative study [d]
  1490. () Hypnosis and the treatment of anxiety disorders [i]
  1491. () Narrative change in emotion-focused therapy: how is change constructed through the lens of the innovative moments coding system? [p] [d]
  1492. () Emotion regulation as an integrative framework for understanding and treating psychopathology [i]
  1493. () Saliency, switching, attention and control: a network model of insula function [d]
  1494. () Social and emotional learning in the classroom: promoting mental health and academic success [i]
  1495. Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] () The mind in context [i]
  1496. Theodore Millon, Robert F. Krueger, & Erik Simonsen [ed] () Contemporary directions in psychopathology: scientific foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-11 [i]
  1497. () Psychic retreats in other places: clients who seek healing with traditional healers and psychotherapists [d]
  1498. Lyndsey Moon [ed] () Counselling ideologies: queer challenges to heteronormativity [i]
  1499. () Automatic constructive appraisal as a candidate cause of emotion [d]
  1500. () Effects of personal goal disturbance on psychological distress [d]
  1501. J. Christopher Muran & Jacques P. Barber [ed] () The therapeutic alliance: an evidence-based guide to practice [i]
  1502. Douglas W. Nangle [ed] () Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills [i]
  1503. () Symptoms and significance: constructivist contributions to the treatment of performance anxiety [d]
  1504. () Personality: bridging the literatures from human psychology and behavioural ecology [p] [d] [u]
  1505. () An ethics of emotion? [i] [d]
  1506. () Age differences in big five behavior averages and variabilities across the adult life span: moving beyond retrospective, global summary accounts of personality [d]
  1507. () Psychological resilience predicts decreases in pain catastrophizing through positive emotions [p] [d] [u]
  1508. Michael W. Otto & Stefan G. Hofmann [ed] () Avoiding treatment failures in the anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  1509. () You've got to believe: core beliefs that underlie effective psychotherapy [d]
  1510. () Emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma: an integrative approach [i] [d]
  1511. () Clinical hypnosis for pain control [i] [d]
  1512. () Interoception in anxiety and depression [d]
  1513. () Non-interference and awareness [d]
  1514. () Poetry as self-supervision for mental health professionals: the use of poetry to process and understand clinical work [d]
  1515. () Traumatic events, posttraumatic stress disorder, attachment style, and working alliance in a sample of people with psychosis [p] [d]
  1516. () Life unlocked: 7 revolutionary lessons to overcome fear [i]
  1517. () Meta-analysis of psychological assessment as a therapeutic intervention [d]
  1518. Michael Potegal, Gerhard Stemmler, & Charles Donald Spielberger [ed] () International handbook of anger: constituent and concomitant biological, psychological, and social processes [i] [d]
  1519. () Self-conscious emotions and ridicule: shameful gelotophobes and guilt free katagelasticists [d]
  1520. () Written emotional disclosure: testing whether social disclosure matters [d]
  1521. () Schema therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1522. () Who benefits from Pennebaker's expressive writing paradigm?: research recommendations from three gender theories [d]
  1523. () Different components of metacognition and their relationship to psychotic-like experiences [p] [d]
  1524. () Moral aspects of psychiatric diagnosis: the Cluster B personality disorders [d]
  1525. () Cultural consonance and psychological well-being: estimates using longitudinal data from an Amazonian society [d]
  1526. C. Steven Richards & Michael G. Perri [ed] () Relapse prevention for depression [i] [d]
  1527. () 'We had a constant battle': the role of attachment status in counselling psychologists' experiences of personal therapy: some results from a mixed-methods study [d]
  1528. () Emotions and the canons of evaluation [i] [d]
  1529. () Emotional intelligence: toward a consensus of models and measures [d]
  1530. () Investigating the form and dynamics of crisis episodes in early adulthood: the application of a composite qualitative method [d]
  1531. () The stormy search for self in early adulthood: developmental crisis and the dissolution of dysfunctional personae [d]
  1532. () The rational-choice theory of neurosis: unawareness and an integrative therapeutic approach [d]
  1533. Don Ross [ed] () What is addiction? [i] [d]
  1534. () Personification: using the dialogical self in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
  1535. Kenneth H. Rubin & Robert J. Coplan [ed] () The development of shyness and social withdrawal [i]
  1536. () The latent structure of social anxiety disorder: consequences of shifting to a dimensional diagnosis [d]
  1537. () Affect dysregulation in individuals with borderline personality disorder: persistence and interpersonal triggers [p] [d]
  1538. () Emotion-focused/interpersonal cognitive therapy [i]
  1539. () Innovative moments and poor outcome in narrative therapy [d]
  1540. () The cow in the parking lot: a zen approach to overcoming anger [i]
  1541. () Shame and shame/anger loops [d]
  1542. () Preventing the return of fear in humans using reconsolidation update mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
  1543. () The psychotherapist's path: psychotherapy practice as Buddhist practice [u]
  1544. () Poetry therapy and schizophrenia: clinical and neurological perspectives [d]
  1545. () From signal to semantic: uncovering the emotional dimension of negotiation [u]
  1546. () The trauma treatment handbook: protocols across the spectrum [i]
  1547. () The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1548. () The 'shoulds' and 'should nots' of moral emotions: a self-regulatory perspective on shame and guilt [p] [d]
  1549. () Psychological interventions in the management of common skin conditions [p] [d] [u]
  1550. Martha Elizabeth Shenton & Bruce I. Turetsky [ed] () Understanding neuropsychiatric disorders: insights from neuroimaging [i] [d]
  1551. () Stop overreacting: effective strategies for calming your emotions [i]
  1552. () Confusion and interest: the role of knowledge emotions in aesthetic experience [d]
  1553. () Mental illness and well-being: the central importance of positive psychology and recovery approaches [d]
  1554. () Psychology, poverty, and the end of social exclusion: putting our practice to work [i]
  1555. () Dissociating response systems: erasing fear from memory [d]
  1556. () The mind's Bermuda Triangle: philosophy of emotions and empirical science [i] [d]
  1557. () Developmental perspectives on personality: implications for ecological and evolutionary studies of individual differences [p] [d] [u]
  1558. () Anatomy & physiology for psychotherapists: connecting body and soul [i]
  1559. () Hypnosis, exercise, and sport psychology [i]
  1560. Murray B. Stein & Thomas Steckler [ed] () Behavioral neurobiology of anxiety and its treatment [i] [d]
  1561. () Partners in thought: working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactment [i] [d]
  1562. () Who benefits from Pennebaker's expressive writing?: more research recommendations: a commentary on Range and Jenkins [d]
  1563. () Constructing a self: the role of self-structure and self-certainty in social anxiety [d]
  1564. () A study of silent disengagement and distressing emotion in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1565. () Theory of mind and emotional awareness deficits in patients with somatoform disorders [d]
  1566. () Coherence between emotional experience and physiology: does body awareness training have an impact? [p] [d] [u]
  1567. () Zen and the transformation of emotional and physical stress into well being [i]
  1568. () Emotional complexity and the neural representation of emotion in motion [d]
  1569. () Attention and emotion regulation [i]
  1570. () Hurtful words: exposure to peer verbal aggression is associated with elevated psychiatric symptom scores and corpus callosum abnormalities [p] [d] [u]
  1571. () Therapeutic journal writing: an introduction for professionals [i]
  1572. () Gestalt therapy and cognitive therapy—contrasts or complementarities? [p] [d]
  1573. () The pleasures of play: pharmacological insights into social reward mechanisms [d]
  1574. () The virtues of cultural resonance, competence, and relational collaboration with Native American Indian communities: a synthesis of the counseling and psychotherapy literature [d]
  1575. () Becoming an effective psychotherapist: adopting a theory of psychotherapy that's right for you and your client [i] [d]
  1576. () Learning as core of psychological science and clinical practice [u]
  1577. () Brain connectivity in listening to affective stimuli: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study and implications for psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1578. () Emotional expressive writing to alleviate euthanasia-related stress [u]
  1579. (/2016) Combat and operational stress control [o] [u]
  1580. () The Buddha & the borderline: my recovery from borderline personality disorder through dialectical behavior therapy, Buddhism, & online dating [i]
  1581. () Default network connectivity reflects the level of consciousness in non-communicative brain-damaged patients [d]
  1582. Peter J. Verhagen, Herman M. Van Praag, Juan José López-Ibor, John Cox, & Driss Moussaoui [ed] () Religion and psychiatry: beyond boundaries [i] [d]
  1583. () Psychotherapy integration and integrative psychotherapy: process or product? [d]
  1584. () Promotoras as mental health practitioners in primary care: a multi-method study of an intervention to address contextual sources of depression [d]
  1585. () Dementia: continuum or distinct entity? [d]
  1586. () Determining what works in the treatment of PTSD [d]
  1587. () Case formulation in EFT [d]
  1588. () Hypnosis, mindfulness, and acceptance: artful integration [i]
  1589. (/2012) Paradoxical relaxation: the theory and practice of dissolving anxiety by accepting it [i]
  1590. () An explanatory framework for adaptive personality differences [p] [d] [u]
  1591. () Mediators, moderators, and evidence-based explanation: comment on Blatt et al. [p] [d]
  1592. () A person-centered approach to clinical practice [d]
  1593. () Energy every day [i]
  1594. () Why do I get angry?: a componential appraisal approach [i] [d]
  1595. () Sleep consistency as a mechanism for improving inhibitory system strength [d]
  1596. () Defending the validity of pragmatism in the classification of emotion [d]
  1597. () Improving the efficacy of intervention for bereaved individuals: toward a process-focused psychotherapeutic perspective [d]
  1598. () Moving with emotional resilience between and within cultures [d]
  1599. () Witnessing excellence in action: the 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration [d]
  1600. () Participants' experiences of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: 'It changed me in just about every way possible' [d]
  1601. () Upsetting experiences for the therapist in-session: how they can be dealt with and what they are good for [d]
  1602. () The bright side of being blue: depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems [d]
  1603. Martin M. Antony & Murray B. Stein [ed] () Oxford handbook of anxiety and related disorders [i] [d]
  1604. () Brain-based therapy with adults: evidence-based treatment for everyday practice [i] [d]
  1605. () Latent structure of fear of pain: an empirical test among a sample of community dwelling older adults [d]
  1606. Jamie D. Aten & Mark M. Leach [ed] () Spirituality and the therapeutic process: a comprehensive resource from intake to termination [i] [d]
  1607. () Emotional creativity: toward 'spiritualizing the passions' [i] [d]
  1608. () 'I'm tired': differential effects of physical and emotional fatigue on workload management strategies [d]
  1609. () See it with feeling: affective predictions during object perception [p] [d] [u]
  1610. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  1611. Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans, & Patrick Wilken [ed] () The Oxford companion to consciousness [i] [d]
  1612. () A Black experience-based approach to gender-based violence [p] [d] [j]
  1613. () Doctoring the mind: is our current treatment of mental illness really any good? [i] [d] [j]
  1614. () 'Liking' and 'wanting' food rewards: brain substrates and roles in eating disorders [d]
  1615. () Dissecting components of reward: 'liking', 'wanting', and learning [d]
  1616. () Trait anxiety and impoverished prefrontal control of attention [p] [d]
  1617. () A structural-developmental psychodynamic approach to psychopathology: two polarities of experience across the life span [d]
  1618. () Embodied attentiveness: recognising the language of movement [d]
  1619. Andrea Bloomgarden & Rosemary B. Mennuti [ed] () Psychotherapist revealed: therapists speak about self-disclosure in psychotherapy [i]
  1620. () The problems with blaming [i] [u]
  1621. James H. Bray & Mark Stanton [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of family psychology [i] [d]
  1622. () Imagery rescripting as a brief stand-alone treatment for depressed patients with intrusive memories [d]
  1623. () Space for emotion in the spaces of activism [d]
  1624. (/2019) The human brain book [i]
  1625. () Threat sensitivity, incentive sensitivity, and the experience of relief [p] [d]
  1626. () Anger is an approach-related affect: evidence and implications [p] [d]
  1627. Carmel Cefai & Paul Cooper [ed] () Promoting emotional education: engaging children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties [i]
  1628. () Taking the leap: freeing ourselves from old habits and fears [i]
  1629. () Stress and disorders of the stress system [p] [d]
  1630. (/2015) Conservation psychology: understanding and promoting human care for nature [i]
  1631. () Positive emotions [i] [d]
  1632. () Exploring the helpfulness of arts-based methods with children living in foster care [d]
  1633. () Experience sampling methods: a modern idiographic approach to personality research [d]
  1634. Cary L. Cooper, James C. Quick, & Marc J. Schabracq [ed] () International handbook of work and health psychology [i] [d]
  1635. Philip J. Corr & Gerald Matthews [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology [i] [d]
  1636. () Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1637. () A self-report measure of subtle avoidance and safety behaviors relevant to social anxiety: development and psychometric properties [p] [d]
  1638. () Misplaced epistemological certainty and pharmaco-centrism in mental health nursing [p] [d]
  1639. () Using dark side personality traits to identify potential failure [d]
  1640. () A picture is worth a thousand words: the case for graphic representations [d]
  1641. () The making of psychotherapists: an anthropological analysis [i] [d]
  1642. () Offender emotion and self-regulation: implications for offender rehabilitation programming [d]
  1643. () Mindfulness and rumination: does mindfulness training lead to reductions in the ruminative thinking associated with depression? [p] [d]
  1644. Fabrizio Didonna [ed] () Clinical handbook of mindfulness [i] [d]
  1645. Ed Diener & Dong-Won Choi [ed] () Culture and well-being: the collected works of Ed Diener [i]
  1646. () Defenseless against art?: impact of reading fiction on emotion in avoidantly attached individuals [d]
  1647. () Addiction as a psychological symptom [d]
  1648. () Paranoid personality has a dimensional latent structure: taxometric analyses of community and clinical samples [d]
  1649. () Shameless yet angry: shame and its relationship to anger in male young offenders and undergraduate controls [d]
  1650. () When the boss feels inadequate: power, incompetence, and aggression [d]
  1651. () Illusory control: a generative force behind power's far-reaching effects [d]
  1652. Beverley Anne Fehr, Susan Sprecher, & Lynn Underwood Gordon [ed] () The science of compassionate love: theory, research, and applications [i] [d]
  1653. () The many faces of empathy in experiential, person-centered, collaborative assessment [d]
  1654. () Narrow assessments misrepresent development and misguide policy [p] [d]
  1655. () Metacognitive therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1656. () The mindful path through shyness: how mindfulness and compassion can help free you from social anxiety, fear, and avoidance [i]
  1657. (/2013) Body sense: the science and practice of embodied self-awareness [or: The psychophysiology of self-awareness: rediscovering the lost art of body sense] [i]
  1658. () How do feelings influence effort?: an empirical study of entrepreneurs' affect and venture effort [d]
  1659. Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois [ed] (/2020) Treating complex traumatic stress disorders in adults: scientific foundations and therapeutic models [or: Treating complex traumatic stress disorders: an evidence-based guide] [i]
  1660. () Positive affects and the transformation of suffering into flourishing [d]
  1661. () Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire, and the emergent phenomenology of transformational experience [i]
  1662. Diana Fosha, Daniel J. Siegel, & Marion Fried Solomon [ed] () The healing power of emotion: affective neuroscience, development, and clinical practice [i]
  1663. () Living like you mean it: use the wisdom and power of your emotions to get the life you really want [i]
  1664. () Routes to psychotic symptoms: trauma, anxiety and psychosis-like experiences [p] [d] [u]
  1665. Sharon Morgillo Freeman, Bret A. Moore, & Arthur Freeman [ed] () Living and surviving in harm's way: a psychological treatment handbook for pre- and post-deployment of military personnel [i]
  1666. () Theory and practice in the cognitive psychotherapies: convergence and divergence [d]
  1667. () The mindfulness solution to pain: step-by-step techniques for chronic pain management [i]
  1668. () Mental, physical, and behavioral outcomes associated with perceived work stress in police officers [d]
  1669. () Why the brain talks to itself: sources of error in emotional prediction [p] [d] [u]
  1670. () Extremism and social learning [d]
  1671. () The relationship between emotion dysregulation and deliberate self-harm among inpatients with substance use disorders [d]
  1672. Nick Grey [ed] () A casebook of cognitive therapy for traumatic stress reactions [i] [d]
  1673. () Aggression replacement training: decreasing behaviour problems by increasing emotional competence [i]
  1674. () Exploring personality with the interpersonal circumplex [d]
  1675. () Personality traits among burnt out and non-burnt out health-care personnel at the same workplaces: a pilot study [d]
  1676. () Meanings of staying healthy in a context where others developed burnout: phenomenological–hermeneutic interpretation of healthcare personnel's narratives [d]
  1677. () Thriving as becoming resolute in narratives of women surviving childhood maltreatment [d]
  1678. () And some of us are braver: stress and coping among African American women [d]
  1679. () 'Why won't my parents help me?': therapeutic assessment of a child and her family [d]
  1680. () Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
  1681. () Preventing vicarious traumatization of mental health therapists: identifying protective practices [p] [d]
  1682. () Drama, talk, and emotion: omitted aspects of public participation [d]
  1683. () Parenting a child who has intense emotions: dialectical behavior therapy skills to help your child regulate emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviors [i]
  1684. () A new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and treatment of social phobia: an examination and reaction to Moscovitch's model [d]
  1685. () Differentiating social phobia from shyness [p] [d] [u]
  1686. () Gender differences in the transformation narrative: implications for revised reentry strategies for female offenders [d]
  1687. () Therapist characteristics influencing the quality of alliance in long-term psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1688. () Looking on the bright side: accessing benign meanings reduces worry [d]
  1689. () Personality theory and positive psychology: strategic self-awareness [i]
  1690. () Winnicott, Tomkins, and the psychology of affect [d]
  1691. () Counseling strategies for loss and grief [i]
  1692. () Emotional exorcism: expelling the four psychological demons that make us backslide [i]
  1693. () The search for style and the urge for fame: emotion regulation and hip-hop culture [i] [d]
  1694. () Exploring the role of emotion in conflict transformation [d]
  1695. Robert B. Kaiser [ed] () The perils of accentuating the positive [i]
  1696. () Challenges facing the developing feminist psychotherapist in training [d]
  1697. () When social anxiety disorder co-exists with risk-prone, approach behavior: investigating a neglected, meaningful subset of people in the National Comorbidity Survey–Replication [d]
  1698. () Understanding how and why psychotherapy leads to change [p] [d]
  1699. () Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
  1700. () Motivational design for learning and performance: the ARCS model approach [i]
  1701. Yong-Kyu Kim [ed] () Handbook of behavior genetics [i] [d]
  1702. Laurence J. Kirmayer & Gail Guthrie Valaskakis [ed] () Healing traditions: the mental health of Aboriginal peoples in Canada [i]
  1703. () Spiritual/religious coping as intentional activity: an action theoretical perspective [d] [u]
  1704. () Psychotherapy and Alcoholics Anonymous: an integrated approach [d]
  1705. () The psychology of emotion regulation: an integrative review [d]
  1706. () Creative breakthroughs in therapy: tales of transformation and astonishment [i] [d]
  1707. () Association of an educational program in mindful communication with burnout, empathy, and attitudes among primary care physicians [d]
  1708. () Process transforms inputs to determine outcomes: therapists are responsible for managing process [d]
  1709. Morten L. Kringelbach & Kent C. Berridge [ed] () Pleasures of the brain [i]
  1710. () The role of humor in transforming stressful life events [i] [d]
  1711. () Collaborative case conceptualization: working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy [i]
  1712. () Emotional addictions: a reference book for addictions and mental health counseling [i]
  1713. () Public health significance of neuroticism [p] [d] [u]
  1714. () Creating change: using the arts to help stop the stigma of mental illness and foster social integration [d]
  1715. () Some observations on studying therapists instead of treatment packages [d]
  1716. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  1717. () The rebirth of neuroscience in psychosomatic medicine, part I: historical context, methods, and relevant basic science [d]
  1718. () The rebirth of neuroscience in psychosomatic medicine, part II: clinical applications and implications for research [d]
  1719. () Mindfulness versus positive evaluation [i] [d]
  1720. () Rapid emotion regulation after mood induction: age and individual differences [p] [d] [u]
  1721. Mark R. Leary & Rick H. Hoyle [ed] () Handbook of individual differences in social behavior [i]
  1722. () Mixed feelings: emotional phenomena, rationality and vagueness [i] [d]
  1723. () The process of personal change through reading fictional narratives: implications for psychotherapy practice and theory [d]
  1724. Raymond A. Levy & J. Stuart Ablon [ed] () Handbook of evidence-based psychodynamic psychotherapy: bridging the gap between science and practice [i] [d]
  1725. () Here we go again: a dynamic systems perspective on emotional rigidity across parent–adolescent conflicts [p] [d]
  1726. () Emotion and conflict: how human rights can dignify emotion and help us wage good conflict [i]
  1727. () Expression of emotion: when it causes trauma and when it helps [d]
  1728. Shane J. Lopez [ed] () Encyclopedia of positive psychology [i] [d]
  1729. () Emotional skillfulness as a key mediator of aggression [d]
  1730. () Inhabiting the image: photography, therapy and re-enactment phototherapy [d]
  1731. () The role of psychological flexibility in mental health stigma and psychological distress for the stigmatizer [d]
  1732. () Affect-focused short-term dynamic therapy: empirically supported strategies for resolving affect phobias [i] [d]
  1733. () The neural bases of distraction and reappraisal [d]
  1734. () The funny thing about mediation: a rationale for the use of humor in mediation [u]
  1735. () Cognitive bias as an indicator of animal emotion and welfare: emerging evidence and underlying mechanisms [d]
  1736. Thomas W. Miller [ed] () Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan [i] [d]
  1737. () Daily stressors in the lives of Sri Lankan youth: a mixed methods approach to assessment in a context of war and natural disaster [d]
  1738. () When you don't like what you feel: experiential avoidance, mindfulness and meta-emotion in emotion regulation [d]
  1739. () The geopolitics of emotion: how cultures of fear, humiliation, and hope are reshaping the world [i]
  1740. Maritza Montero & Christopher C. Sonn [ed] () Psychology of liberation: theory and applications [i]
  1741. () Mindfulness and experiential avoidance as predictors and outcomes of the narrative emotional disclosure task [p] [d] [u]
  1742. () Linguistic predictors of mindfulness in written self-disclosure narratives [d]
  1743. () Exposure-based treatments for anxiety disorders: theory and process [i] [d]
  1744. () What is the core fear in social phobia?: a new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and treatment [d]
  1745. () Affect and hypnosis: on paying friendly attention to disturbing thoughts [p] [d]
  1746. () Listening for avoidance: narrative form and defensiveness in adolescent memories [d]
  1747. () Sharing one's story: on the benefits of writing or talking about emotional experience [i] [d]
  1748. () Treatment of adult post-traumatic stress disorder using a future-oriented writing therapy approach [d]
  1749. () The restraint bias: how the illusion of self-restraint promotes impulsive behavior [d]
  1750. () Neurotic styles and the five factor model of personality [u]
  1751. Mary Ellen O'Connell, Thomas F. Boat, & Kenneth E. Warner [ed] () Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: progress and possibilities [i] [d] [u]
  1752. () Capturing the ebb and flow of psychiatric symptoms with dynamical systems models [p] [d]
  1753. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () General principles and empirically supported techniques of cognitive behavior therapy [i]
  1754. () Latent structure of aversion: taxometric exploration [p] [d]
  1755. () Personality factors in the anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  1756. () Developments in task analysis: new methods to study change [p] [d]
  1757. () Dynamic emotional processing in experiential therapy: two steps forward, one step back [d]
  1758. () The neurophysiological bases of emotion: an fMRI study of the affective circumplex using emotion-denoting words [d]
  1759. () Toward a physical basis of attention and self-regulation [d]
  1760. () I second that emotion!: on self-disclosure and its metaprocessing [i]
  1761. () Time-structured and net intraindividual variability: tools for examining the development of dynamic characteristics and processes [d]
  1762. () Focusing-oriented art therapy: accessing the body's wisdom and creative intelligence [i]
  1763. () Predictors of anxiety and depression in emerging adulthood [d]
  1764. () Psychosocial functioning in the context of diagnosis: assessment and theoretical issues [d]
  1765. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler & Hans J. Markowitsch [ed] () Emotions as bio-cultural processes [i] [d]
  1766. () The neurobiology of meditation and its clinical effectiveness in psychiatric disorders [d]
  1767. () A general factor of personality in the Comrey Personality Scales, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, and the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire [d]
  1768. () Perfectionism, fear of failure, and affective responses to success and failure: the central role of fear of experiencing shame and embarrassment [p] [d]
  1769. () Culture-specific appraisal biases contribute to emotion dispositions [d]
  1770. () Pain and defense versus grace and justice: the relational conflict and restoration model [d]
  1771. (/2017) The art and science of mindfulness: integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions [i] [d]
  1772. () Treating child and adolescent aggression through bibliotherapy [i] [d]
  1773. () Negative emotional reactions to project failure and the self-compassion to learn from the experience [d]
  1774. () Looking past pleasure: anger, confusion, disgust, pride, surprise, and other unusual aesthetic emotions [d]
  1775. () Drop the storyline and feel the underlying energy [u]
  1776. () Appropriate treatment works, but how?: rehabilitating general, psychopathic, and high-risk offenders [i]
  1777. () The dilemma of the vengeful client: a prescriptive framework for cooling the flames of anger [u]
  1778. () Shifting moods, wandering minds: negative moods lead the mind to wander [p] [d]
  1779. () Exploring the when and why of schadenfreude [d]
  1780. () 'Why do I get in trouble so much?': a family therapeutic assessment case study [d]
  1781. C. R. Snyder & Shane J. Lopez [ed] () Oxford handbook of positive psychology [i] [d]
  1782. () Common factors in couple and family therapy: the overlooked foundation for effective practice [i]
  1783. () Common factors of cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy in the treatment of social phobia [d]
  1784. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  1785. () Responsiveness as an obstacle for psychotherapy outcome research: it's worse than you think [d]
  1786. () Why is the self important in understanding and treating social phobia? [d]
  1787. Lusia Aldona Stopa [ed] () Imagery and the threatened self: perspectives on mental imagery and the self in cognitive therapy [i]
  1788. () Reconceptualizing the self [d]
  1789. () Construct validity: advances in theory and methodology [d]
  1790. () The case for cultural competency in psychotherapeutic interventions [p] [d]
  1791. () The benefits of meditation practice in the correctional setting [d]
  1792. () The painted dragons in affective science: can the Chinese notion of ganlei add a transformative detail? [d]
  1793. () Transforming 'apathy into movement': the role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change [d]
  1794. () Psychotherapy, American culture, and social policy: immoral individualism [i] [d]
  1795. () Competing visions of the implications of neuroscience for psychotherapy [d]
  1796. () For your client's sake: practicing clinically constructive self-disclosure [i]
  1797. () Memory modification as an outcome variable in anxiety disorder treatment [p] [d]
  1798. () Life-time adversities, reported thirteen years after a suicide attempt: relationship to recovery, 5HTTLPR genotype, and past and present morbidity [p] [d]
  1799. () Compassion in psychotherapy: the perspective of therapists nominated as compassionate [p] [d]
  1800. (/2016) Grief and loss across the lifespan: a biopsychosocial perspective [i] [d]
  1801. () Caregiver factors contributing to psychological elder abuse behavior in long-term care facilities: a structural equation model approach [d]
  1802. () The courage to be present: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the awakening of natural wisdom [i]
  1803. () Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression [i]
  1804. Kathryn R. Wentzel & Allan Wigfield [ed] () Handbook of motivation at school [i]
  1805. (/2013) Theory of addiction [i] [d]
  1806. () Self-deception and the therapist: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive [p] [d]
  1807. () Adding a motivational interviewing pretreatment to cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: a preliminary randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  1808. () The unconscious regulation of emotion: nonconscious reappraisal goals modulate emotional reactivity [p] [d] [u]
  1809. () Potential benefits of expressive writing for male college students with varying degrees of restrictive emotionality [d] [u]
  1810. () Emotions and sport performance: an exploration of happiness, hope, and anger [p] [d]
  1811. () Training professionals in mindfulness: the heart of teaching [i] [d]
  1812. () Intrahousehold disparities in women and men's experiences of water insecurity and emotional distress in urban Bolivia [p] [d]
  1813. () Depression is contagious: how the most common mood disorder is spreading around the world and how to stop it [i]
  1814. () Psychiatric comorbidity: more than a Kuhnian anomaly [d] [u]
  1815. () The narrative reconstruction of psychotherapy and psychological health [p] [d]
  1816. () Age differences in five personality domains across the life span [p] [d] [u]
  1817. () Feeding your demons: ancient wisdom for resolving inner conflict [i]
  1818. () Love as a battlefield: attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence [d]
  1819. Hal Arkowitz, William R. Miller, & Stephen Rollnick [ed] (/2015) Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems [i]
  1820. () Differentiating forms and functions of aggression in emerging adults: associations with hostile attribution biases and normative beliefs [d]
  1821. () The efficacy of problem-focused and emotional approach interventions varies as a function of emotional processing style [d]
  1822. () Passionate participation: emotional experiences and expressions in deliberative forums [d]
  1823. () Mindfulness meditation may lessen anxiety, promote social skills, and improve academic performance among adolescents with learning disabilities [d]
  1824. () The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
  1825. () Emotion-regulation skills as a treatment target in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1826. () Biological processes in prevention and intervention: the promotion of self-regulation as a means of preventing school failure [p] [d] [u]
  1827. () Hypertension and happiness across nations [d]
  1828. () Polarities of experience: relatedness and self-definition in personality development, psychopathology, and the therapeutic process [i] [d]
  1829. () An empirical analysis of autobiographical memory specificity subtypes in brief emotion-focused and client-centered treatments of depression [p] [d]
  1830. () The twelve-step recovery model of AA: a voluntary mutual help association [p] [d]
  1831. Gregory John Boyle, Gerald Matthews, & Donald H. Saklofske [ed] () The Sage handbook of personality theory and assessment [in two volumes: Personality theories and models; Personality measurement and testing] [i] [d]
  1832. () Making a difference in patients' lives: emotional experience in the therapeutic setting [i]
  1833. () Seeing red: anger, sentimentality, and American Indians [i]
  1834. () What works with children, adolescents, and adults: a review of research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1835. () Bold jaguars and unsuspecting monkeys: the value of fearlessness in Cofán politics [d]
  1836. Louis C. Charland & Peter Zachar [ed] () Fact and value in emotion [i] [d]
  1837. () The geography of genocide [i]
  1838. (/2016) Interoception and emotion: a neuroanatomical perspective [i]
  1839. () Emotion-based dispositions to rash action: positive and negative urgency [p] [d] [u]
  1840. Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets, Ivan Nyklíček, & Johan Denollet [ed] () Emotion regulation: conceptual and clinical issues [i] [d]
  1841. () Mindfulness, compassion, and the police in America: an essay of hope [u]
  1842. () Following passionate interests to well-being [d]
  1843. () Hedonic tone and activation level in the mood-creativity link: toward a dual pathway to creativity model [p] [d]
  1844. () It's all your fault!: 12 tips for managing people who blame others for everything [i]
  1845. () Is character fate, or is there hope to change my personality yet? [d]
  1846. Andrew R. Eisen [ed] () Treating childhood behavioral and emotional problems: a step-by-step, evidence-based approach [i]
  1847. () New insights into the placebo and nocebo responses [p] [d]
  1848. () Neural mechanisms underlying the vulnerability to develop compulsive drug-seeking habits and addiction [p] [d] [u]
  1849. () Antidotes to envy: a conceptual framework [i] [d]
  1850. () Whole life satisfaction concepts of happiness [d]
  1851. () Positive emotions as generators of therapeutic change [d]
  1852. () Integrating positive emotions into theory, research, and practice: a new challenge for psychotherapy [d]
  1853. () Mental health checkups for children and adolescents: a means to identify, prevent, and minimize suffering associated with anxiety and mood disorders [d]
  1854. () What makes one person paranoid and another person anxious?: the differential prediction of social anxiety and persecutory ideation in an experimental situation [d]
  1855. () Addicted?: recognizing destructive behavior before it's too late [i]
  1856. Pamela Gallagher, Deirdre Desmond, & Malcolm MacLachlan [ed] () Psychoprosthetics [i] [d]
  1857. () Contrasting exposure and experiential therapies for complex posttraumatic stress disorder [p] [d]
  1858. () Written emotional disclosure: a controlled study of the benefits of expressive writing homework in outpatient psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1859. () Addiction as a complex social process: an action theoretical perspective [d]
  1860. () Differential effects of emotion-focused therapy and psychoeducation in facilitating forgiveness and letting go of emotional injuries [d]
  1861. () Emotion-focused couples therapy: the dynamics of emotion, love, and power [i] [d]
  1862. () Emotion and cognition in psychotherapy: the transforming power of affect [d]
  1863. () Diverse pathways to positive and negative affect in adulthood and later life: an integrative approach using recursive partitioning [p] [d]
  1864. () Meanings of becoming and being burnout: phenomenological–hermeneutic interpretation of female healthcare personnel's narratives [d]
  1865. () Attributing aberrant emotionality to others [i] [d]
  1866. Noah Hass-Cohen & Richard Carr [ed] () Art therapy and clinical neuroscience [i]
  1867. () The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
  1868. () Assessing client progress session by session in the treatment of social anxiety disorder: the Social Anxiety Session Change Index [d]
  1869. () Mindfulness as a means of reducing aggressive behavior: dispositional and situational evidence [d]
  1870. () Contact with nature, sense of humor, and psychological well-being [d]
  1871. Steven F. Hick & Thomas Bien [ed] () Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship [i]
  1872. (/2018) Cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: evidence-based and disorder-specific treatment techniques [i] [d]
  1873. () Acceptance and mindfulness-based therapy: new wave or old hat? [d]
  1874. () Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory [u]
  1875. () Hogan Personality Inventory [u]
  1876. () Hogan Development Survey [u]
  1877. () Evidence-based health outcomes of expressive writing [d]
  1878. () A course in happiness: mastering the 3 levels of self-understanding that lead to true and lasting contentment [i]
  1879. () You did that on purpose: understanding and changing children's aggression [i] [d] [j]
  1880. () Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness [p] [d]
  1881. Krzystof Izdebski [ed] () Emotions in the human voice [i]
  1882. () The neurophysiology of pain perception and hypnotic analgesia: implications for clinical practice [p] [d]
  1883. () Talking cures and placebo effects [i] [d]
  1884. () Commitment to connection in a culture of fear [d]
  1885. () Emotional responses to music: the need to consider underlying mechanisms [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1886. Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas [ed] () Philosophical issues in psychiatry: explanation, phenomenology, and nosology [i] [d]
  1887. (/2016) Memory and emotion [i]
  1888. () Treatment for deliberate self-harm: integrating emotion-focused therapy [d]
  1889. () Values as protective factors against violent behavior in Jewish and Arab high schools in Israel [p] [d] [j]
  1890. () A brief primer of helping skills [i] [d]
  1891. () Overcoming negative aspects of perfectionism through group treatment [d]
  1892. Ken Laidlaw & Bob G. Knight [ed] () Handbook of emotional disorders in later life: assessment and treatment [i] [d]
  1893. () How people live with or get over being suicidal: a review of qualitative studies [d]
  1894. () Positive psychology and the humanistic tradition [d]
  1895. () On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
  1896. () Linking human systems: strengthening individuals, families, and communities in the wake of mass trauma [d]
  1897. () Neural substrates of implicit and explicit emotional processes: a unifying framework for psychosomatic medicine [d]
  1898. () Envy, inferiority, and injustice: three bases of anger about inequality [i] [d]
  1899. () General and multicultural case conceptualization skills: a cross-sectional analysis of psychotherapy trainees [p] [d]
  1900. () Effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy [d]
  1901. () Meaningfulness in daily occupations among individuals with persistent mental illness [d]
  1902. () Emotional habits in brain and behavior: a window on personality development [i] [d]
  1903. () Psychotherapy with infants and young children: repairing the effects of stress and trauma on early attachment [i]
  1904. () Transformative aspects of genogram work: perceptions and experiences of graduate students in a counseling training program [d]
  1905. () The mental simulation of motor incapacity in depression [d]
  1906. () Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation [p] [d] [u]
  1907. Wanda M. Malcolm, Nancy DeCourville, & Kathryn Belicki [ed] () Women's reflections on the complexities of forgiveness [i] [d]
  1908. () Cognitive behavioral processes across psychological disorders: a review of the utility and validity of the transdiagnostic approach [d]
  1909. () Compassionate mind training with people who hear malevolent voices: a case series report [p] [d]
  1910. () Moral distress reconsidered [d]
  1911. () Meditation and psychiatry [p] [u]
  1912. () Developing clinical skills in suicide assessment, prevention, and treatment [i]
  1913. () Why social anxiety persists: an experimental investigation of the role of safety behaviours as a maintaining factor [p] [d]
  1914. () Association between trait emotional awareness and dorsal anterior cingulate activity during emotion is arousal-dependent [d]
  1915. () Emotion, affect displacement, conflict and cooperation [i]
  1916. () Explaining complex behavior [i] [d]
  1917. () What explains variations in the clinical use of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a diagnostic category? [d]
  1918. () 'I felt like a new person': the effects of mindfulness meditation on older adults with chronic pain: qualitative narrative analysis of diary entries [p] [d] [u]
  1919. () Procedural justice and compliance behaviour: the mediating role of emotions [d]
  1920. Michael R. Nash & Amanda J. Barnier [ed] () The Oxford handbook of hypnosis: theory, research and practice [i] [d]
  1921. () Self-compassion: moving beyond the pitfalls of a separate self-concept [i] [d]
  1922. () The social-emotional processing stream: five core constructs and their translational potential for schizophrenia and beyond [p] [d] [u]
  1923. () Personal approaches to psychotherapy integration [d]
  1924. () Asking the right questions in the right way: the need for a shift in research on psychological treatments for addiction [p] [d]
  1925. () Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus [i]
  1926. () Kicking the (barking) dog effect: the moderating role of target attributes on triggered displaced aggression [p] [d]
  1927. () The case formulation approach to cognitive-behavior therapy [i]
  1928. () On the relationship between emotion and cognition [p] [d]
  1929. () 'Am I going crazy, doc?': a self psychology approach to therapeutic assessment [d]
  1930. () Thought speed, mood, and the experience of mental motion [p] [d] [j]
  1931. () Psychological effects of thought acceleration [p] [d]
  1932. () Popular self-help books for anxiety, depression, and trauma: how scientifically grounded and useful are they? [d]
  1933. (/2014) The neurobiology of learning and memory [i]
  1934. () The genetics and evolution of the general factor of personality [d]
  1935. () Emotional and personality-related aspects of career-decision-making difficulties [d]
  1936. (/2018) The confabulating mind: how the brain creates reality [i] [d]
  1937. () Parents who abuse: what are they thinking? [d]
  1938. () The role of positive emotion in the therapeutic process of family therapy [d]
  1939. James Y. Shah & Wendi L. Gardner [ed] () Handbook of motivation science [i]
  1940. () The role of acceptance and empowerment in promoting reconciliation from the perspective of the needs-based model [d]
  1941. () Splitting as a focus of couples treatment [d]
  1942. () The relation between value priorities and proneness to guilt, shame, and empathy [d]
  1943. () Unleash your dreams: tame your hidden fears and live the life you were meant to live [i]
  1944. Richard H. Smith [ed] () Envy: theory and research [i] [d]
  1945. () Expressive writing in the clinical context [i] [d]
  1946. () Writing for all, for some, or for no one?: some thoughts on the applications and evaluations of the writing technique [i] [d]
  1947. () Metacognition, perceived stress, and negative emotion [d]
  1948. () Empathy fatigue: healing the mind, body, and spirit of professional counselors [i]
  1949. () The nature of hate [i] [d]
  1950. Sherry H. Stewart & Patricia J. Conrod [ed] () Anxiety and substance use disorders: the vicious cycle of comorbidity [i] [d]
  1951. () Etiology of the dimensions of anxiety sensitivity: a behavioral–genetic analysis [p] [d]
  1952. () Assessment feedback with parents and preadolescent children: a collaborative approach [d]
  1953. () Reassessing emotion regulation [d]
  1954. () Dissonance induction and reduction: a possible principle and connectionist mechanism for why therapies are effective [d]
  1955. () Mindfulness: the present moment in clinical social work [d]
  1956. () Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy [d]
  1957. () Shame and resilience in adulthood: a grounded theory study [d]
  1958. Marie Vandekerckhove, Christian von Scheve, Sven Ismer, Susanne Jung, & Stefanie Kronast [ed] () Regulating emotions: culture, social necessity, and biological inheritance [i]
  1959. () Social rejection in social anxiety disorder: the role of performance deficits, evoked negative emotions and dissimilarity [d]
  1960. () Anticipation is the key to understanding music and the effects of music on emotion [d]
  1961. () Beyond cognition: broadening the emotional base of motivational interviewing [p] [d] [u]
  1962. () Multidimensional perfectionism and the self [d]
  1963. () Constructive and unconstructive repetitive thought [p] [d] [u]
  1964. () Toward psychologies of liberation [i] [d]
  1965. Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] () Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
  1966. () Making the need salient and the benefits clear: a commentary on mental health checkups for children and adolescents [d]
  1967. () The cognitive basis of trait anger and reactive aggression: an integrative analysis [d]
  1968. () Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1969. () Balancing emotion and cognition: a case for decision aiding in conservation efforts [p] [d] [j]
  1970. () The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: two longitudinal studies [d]
  1971. () Clinical utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) scales in therapeutic assessment: a case study [d]
  1972. () Staring at the sun: overcoming the terror of death [i]
  1973. () Social responsibility therapy for adolescents and young adults: a multicultural treatment manual for harmful behavior [i]
  1974. () A triptych on affective science: response to the commentary [d]
  1975. () Real kinds but no true taxonomy: an essay in psychiatric systematics [i] [d]
  1976. () Cold and lonely: does social exclusion literally feel cold? [d]
  1977. () The role of personality in psychotherapy for anxiety and depression [p] [d]
  1978. Michael J. Zvolensky & Jasper A. Smits [ed] () Anxiety in health behaviors and physical illness [i] [d]
  1979. Etiony Aldarondo [ed] () Advancing social justice through clinical practice [i]
  1980. () Why good people make bad choices: how you can develop peace of mind through integrity [i]
  1981. Harlene Anderson & Diane R. Gehart [ed] () Collaborative therapy: relationships and conversations that make a difference [i] [d]
  1982. () Beyond parallel play: science befriending the art of method acting to advance healing relationships [p] [d]
  1983. () Empathic relational bonds and personal agency in psychotherapy: implications for psychotherapy supervision, practice, and research [p] [d]
  1984. () Treatment of PTSD: a comparison of imaginal exposure with and without imagery rescripting [p] [d]
  1985. () Interactive effects of traits on adjustment to a life transition [p] [d]
  1986. () Childhood origins of adult resistance to science [p] [d] [j]
  1987. () Assessment of positive emotions in animals to improve their welfare [p] [d]
  1988. () Emotions that build networks: geographies of human rights movements in Argentina and beyond [d]
  1989. () The importance of being we: human nature and intergroup relations [p] [d]
  1990. () Mindfulness: theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects [d]
  1991. () The centrality of emotion to psychological change [d]
  1992. () Emotion regulation and culture: are the social consequences of emotion suppression culture-specific? [p] [d]
  1993. () Bodily holding in the dialogic–dialectical approach [d]
  1994. () A vision of the next generation of behavioral therapies research in the addictions [p] [d] [u]
  1995. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () Insight in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1996. () Personality and music: can traits explain how people use music in everyday life? [d]
  1997. () Shame: mechanisms of activation and consequences for social perception, self-image, and general negative emotion [p] [d]
  1998. () Assessment and diagnosis of personality disorder: perennial issues and an emerging reconceptualization [p] [d]
  1999. Madonna G. Constantine [ed] () Clinical practice with people of color: a guide to becoming culturally competent [i]
  2000. () The hidden dimensions: profound sorrow and buried potential in violent youth [d]
  2001. () Leaders as attachment figures: leaders' attachment orientations predict leadership-related mental representations and followers' performance and mental health [d]
  2002. () The empathic brain and its dysfunction in psychiatric populations: implications for intervention across different clinical conditions [d]
  2003. () Affect is a form of cognition: a neurobiological analysis [p] [d] [u]
  2004. () Restructuring implicational meaning through memory-based imagery: some historical notes [p] [d]
  2005. () An integral approach to drug craving [d]
  2006. () Movement expressiveness, solidarity and the (re)shaping of African American students' scientific identities [d]
  2007. James R. Evans [ed] () Handbook of neurofeedback: dynamics and clinical applications [i]
  2008. () The psychodynamics of self-observation [d]
  2009. () Low self-esteem [i] [d]
  2010. () In our clients shoes: theory and techniques of therapeutic assessment [i] [d]
  2011. () Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD: emotional processing of traumatic experiences: therapist guide [i]
  2012. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  2013. () Are there such things as 'Narcissists' in social psychology?: a taxometric analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory [d]
  2014. () Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: a means of improving depression and preventing relapse in bipolar disorder [p] [d]
  2015. () Second-order change in psychotherapy: the golden thread that unifies effective treatments [i] [d]
  2016. () Emotion refinement: a theory inspired by Chinese poetics [p] [d] [j]
  2017. () Treating health anxiety and fear of death: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  2018. () Personality and intelligence at work: exploring and explaining individual differences at work [i] [d]
  2019. () Feeling guilty as a source of information about threat and performance [d]
  2020. Theresa A. Gannon [ed] () Aggressive offenders' cognition: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  2021. () The psychology of enhancing human performance: the mindfulness–acceptance–commitment approach (MAC): a practitioner's guide [i]
  2022. () Repression: finding our way in the maze of concepts [d]
  2023. () Developmental changes in the coherence of essentialist beliefs about psychological characteristics [p] [d] [j]
  2024. Paul Gilbert & Robert L. Leahy [ed] () The therapeutic relationship in the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies [i]
  2025. () Moral stealth: how 'correct behavior' insinuates itself into psychotherapeutic practice [i] [d]
  2026. () Unlock your creative genius [i]
  2027. () Recognizing the passion in deliberation: toward a more democratic theory of deliberative democracy [d] [j]
  2028. () Pathways to embodied empathy and reconciliation after atrocity: former boy soldiers in a dance/movement therapy group in Sierra Leone [d]
  2029. () Visual art making for therapist growth and self-care [d]
  2030. () Fostering independent learning: practical strategies to promote student success [i]
  2031. () The latent structure of mental disorders: a taxometric update on the categorical vs. dimensional debate [d]
  2032. () Knowing what others know, feeling what others feel: a controlled study of empathy in psychotherapists [p] [d]
  2033. Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, & Philip C. Rodkin [ed] () Aggression and adaptation: the bright side to bad behavior [i]
  2034. () Change is not always linear: the study of nonlinear and discontinuous patterns of change in psychotherapy [d]
  2035. () Experience sampling method: measuring the quality of everyday life [i] [d]
  2036. () The dynamics of personality states, goals, and well-being [p] [d]
  2037. (/2019) The neuroscience of clinical psychiatry: the pathophysiology of behavior and mental illness [i]
  2038. () The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction [d]
  2039. Stefan G. Hofmann & Joel L. Weinberger [ed] () The art and science of psychotherapy [i]
  2040. () Cognitive factors that maintain social anxiety disorder: a comprehensive model and its treatment implications [d]
  2041. () Imagery rescripting in cognitive behaviour therapy: images, treatment techniques and outcomes [p] [d]
  2042. () Group approaches to reducing aggression and bullying in school [d]
  2043. () Understanding and ameliorating revenge fantasies in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2044. () The loss of sadness: how psychiatry transformed normal sorrow into depressive disorder [i]
  2045. () Using drawings to elicit nonverbal constructs in experiential personal construct psychotherapy [d]
  2046. () Research-informed benchmarks for psychological treatments: efficacy studies, effectiveness studies, and beyond [d]
  2047. () Basic emotions, natural kinds, emotion schemas, and a new paradigm [p] [d] [j]
  2048. () A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation versus relaxation training: effects on distress, positive states of mind, rumination, and distraction [d]
  2049. () Schemas as memories: implications for treatment [d]
  2050. () Leadership agility: five levels of mastery for anticipating and initiating change [i]
  2051. () Playing Pygmalion: how people create one another [i]
  2052. () Social anxiety and romantic relationships: the costs and benefits of negative emotion expression are context-dependent [p] [d]
  2053. () Dynamic patterns in mood among newly diagnosed patients with major depressive episode or panic disorder and normal controls [p] [u]
  2054. Nikolaos Kazantzis & Luciano L'Abate [ed] () Handbook of homework assignments in psychotherapy: research, practice, and prevention [i] [d]
  2055. () Conflict dialogue: working with layers of meaning for productive relationships [i] [d]
  2056. Laurence J. Kirmayer, Robert Lemelson, & Mark Barad [ed] () Understanding trauma: integrating biological, clinical, and cultural perspectives [i] [d]
  2057. () A whole new world: complexity theory and mood variability in mental disorders [p] [u]
  2058. () Individual differences in core affect variability and their relationship to personality and psychological adjustment [p] [d]
  2059. () Adolescents' anxiety in dating situations: the potential role of friends and romantic partners [d]
  2060. Luciano L'Abate [ed] () Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: theory, research, and practice [i]
  2061. () Six-year change in affect optimization and affect complexity across the adult life span: a further examination [d]
  2062. () Building a secure internal attachment: an intra-relational approach to ego strengthening and emotional processing with chronically traumatized clients [p] [d]
  2063. () Unbearable shame, splitting, and forgiveness in the resolution of vengefulness [d]
  2064. () Some methodological and statistical issues in the study of change processes in psychotherapy [d]
  2065. () Cognition, emotion, and neurobiological development: mediating the relation between maltreatment and aggression [d]
  2066. () Psychodynamic psychotherapy: a systematic review of techniques, indications and empirical evidence [p] [d]
  2067. () Theory, technique, and person: technical integration in experiential constructivist psychotherapy [d]
  2068. () Commentary: 'A fundamental polarity in psychoanalysis: implications for personality development, psychopathology, and the therapeutic process' [d]
  2069. () The self-regulating brain: cortical–subcortical feedback and the development of intelligent action [d]
  2070. () Applying acceptance, mindfulness, and values to the reduction of prejudice: a pilot study [d]
  2071. () Reinforcement sensitivity theory at work: punishment sensitivity as a dispositional source of job-related stress [d]
  2072. (/2009) Trauma stewardship: an everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others [i]
  2073. () The power of story: rewrite your destiny in business and in life [i]
  2074. () How healthy is your organization?: the leader's guide to curing corporate diseases and promoting joyful cultures [i]
  2075. () If practitioners want new and better methods, shop in the public marketplace [d]
  2076. Kenya T. Malcolm & Timothy A. Cavell [ed] () Anger, aggression and interventions for interpersonal violence [i]
  2077. () Emotion and evolving treatments for adult psychopathology [d]
  2078. () Relation between childhood peer victimization and adult perfectionism: are victims of indirect aggression more perfectionistic? [d]
  2079. Alan Monat, Richard S. Lazarus, & Gretchen Reevy [ed] () The Praeger handbook on stress and coping [i]
  2080. () Normal and abnormal fear and anxiety in children and adolescents [i] [d]
  2081. () Embodying emotion [p] [d] [j]
  2082. () Why hospice nurses need high self-esteem [p] [d]
  2083. () Find your focus zone: an effective new plan to defeat distraction and overload [i]
  2084. () Emotional processing in experiential therapy: why 'the only way out is through' [p] [d]
  2085. () Reversing chronic pain: a 10-point all-natural plan for lasting relief [i]
  2086. () The polyvagal perspective [d]
  2087. John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] () Listening from the heart of silence [i]
  2088. () Interactive use of genograms and ecomaps in family caregiving research [d]
  2089. Lawrence P. Riso, Pieter L. du Toit, Dan J. Stein, & Jeffrey E. Young [ed] () Cognitive schemas and core beliefs in psychological problems: a scientist-practitioner guide [i] [d]
  2090. () The power of personality: the comparative validity of personality traits, socioeconomic status, and cognitive ability for predicting important life outcomes [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2091. () More than mindfulness: when you have a tiger by the tail, let it eat you [d]
  2092. () Pseudo-PTSD [p] [d]
  2093. () The Couples Emotion Rating Form: psychometric properties and theoretical associations [p] [d]
  2094. (/2016) Trauma systems therapy for children and teens [i]
  2095. () Creating an onion: alternatives to biopsychiatry [d]
  2096. Robert F. Schmidt & William D. Willis [ed] (/2013) Encyclopedia of pain [i] [d]
  2097. () Effort: a behavioral neuroscience perspective on the will [i] [d]
  2098. () Defense mechanism differences between younger and older adults: a cross-sectional investigation [d]
  2099. () Small talk—big cure!: talking your way to a better life [i]
  2100. () Group counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  2101. () Adult attachment and developmental personality styles: an empirical study [d]
  2102. () The mindful brain: reflection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being [i]
  2103. () Individuals with mental illness can control their aggressive behavior through mindfulness training [d]
  2104. () Adolescents with conduct disorder can be mindful of their aggressive behavior [d]
  2105. () The endorsement of dysfunctional attitudes is associated with an impaired retrieval of specific autobiographical memories in response to matching cues [p] [d]
  2106. () Compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burnout: factors impacting a professional's quality of life [d]
  2107. () Of sleep, memories and trauma [p] [d]
  2108. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  2109. () Multidimensional patterns of change in outpatient psychotherapy: the phase model revisited [p] [d]
  2110. () Engaging depressed patients in psychotherapy: integrating techniques from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing to improve treatment participation [d]
  2111. () Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation [p] [d] [u]
  2112. () Disgust is a factor in extreme prejudice [d]
  2113. () Mindful relating: exploring mindfulness and emotion repertoires in intimate relationships [d]
  2114. () Attachment in psychotherapy [i]
  2115. () Insight as a common factor [in psychotherapies] [i] [d]
  2116. () Work, happiness, and unhappiness [i] [d]
  2117. () Police stress: history, contributing factors, symptoms, and interventions [d]
  2118. () Case studies in emotion-focused treatment of depression: a comparison of good and poor outcome [i] [d]
  2119. () When the present visits the past: updating traumatic memories in social phobia [p] [d] [u]
  2120. () A qualitative investigation of eminent therapists' values within psychotherapy: developing integrative principles for moment-to-moment psychotherapy practice [d]
  2121. () Dynamic organization of the emotional brain: responsivity, stability, and instability [d]
  2122. Allison Williams [ed] () Therapeutic landscapes [i]
  2123. () Principles for facilitating agency in psychotherapy [d]
  2124. () The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness [i]
  2125. () Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder [p] [d]
  2126. () Social behavior and network therapy for drug problems: evidence of benefits and challenges [d]
  2127. () Informalization: manners and emotions since 1890 [i] [d]
  2128. () Psychiatric disorders: a conceptual taxonomy [p] [d]
  2129. () Cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD: a case formulation approach [i]
  2130. () Resurrecting the village: integration and recovery through a community of care [u]
  2131. () Beyond brand names of psychotherapy: identifying empirically supported change processes [p] [d]
  2132. () Responding to patient-initiated humor: guidelines for practice [p]
  2133. Jean Addington, Shona M. Francey, & Anthony P. Morrison [ed] () Working with people at high risk of developing psychosis: a treatment handbook [i] [d]
  2134. () Adult attachment and working models of emotion [d]
  2135. () The psychology of demonization: promoting acceptance and reducing conflict [i] [d]
  2136. () The mind in therapy: cognitive science for practice [i] [d]
  2137. () Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness [d]
  2138. () The emotions and reproductive health [d]
  2139. () The person-oriented versus the variable-oriented approach: are they complementary, opposites, or exploring different worlds? [d]
  2140. Lisa V. Blitz & Mary Pender Greene [ed] () Racism and racial identity: reflections on urban practice in mental health and social services [i] [d]
  2141. () Hello, cruel world: 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws [i]
  2142. () In my mind I was alone: suicidal adolescents' perceptions of attachment relationships [d]
  2143. () Fear: a cultural history [i]
  2144. () Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
  2145. Stephanie L. Brooke [ed] () Creative arts therapies manual: a guide to the history, theoretical approaches, assessment, and work with special populations of art, play, dance, music, drama, and poetry therapies [i]
  2146. () A therapeutic approach to the treatment of racist-incident-based trauma [d]
  2147. () Sudden gains and outcome: a broader temporal analysis of cognitive therapy for depression [p] [d]
  2148. James Neal Butcher [ed] () MMPI-2: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  2149. Lawrence G. Calhoun & Richard G. Tedeschi [ed] () Handbook of posttraumatic growth: research and practice [i] [d]
  2150. Louis G. Castonguay & Larry E. Beutler [ed] () Principles of therapeutic change that work [i] [d]
  2151. () Emotional expression and psychological symptoms: a comparison of writing and drawing [d]
  2152. () Cognitive therapy versus exposure and applied relaxation in social phobia: a randomized controlled trial [d]
  2153. () Older adults who overcame oppression [d]
  2154. () Symptom-focused dynamic psychotherapy [i]
  2155. () Factors contributing to optimal human functioning in people of color in the United States [d]
  2156. Mihály Csikszentmihályi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihályi [ed] () A life worth living: contributions to positive psychology [i]
  2157. Peter Cummins [ed] () Working with anger: a constructivist approach [i] [d]
  2158. () Cognitions in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies: toward an integrative model [d]
  2159. () Emotion, perception and perspective [d] [j]
  2160. () What changes in cognitive therapy?: the role of tacit knowledge structures [u]
  2161. Maurice J. Elias & Harriett Arnold [ed] () The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: social-emotional learning in the classroom [i]
  2162. () Investigating the compass of shame: the development of the Compass of Shame Scale [d]
  2163. () Ambivalence in psychotherapy: facilitating readiness to change [i]
  2164. () Psychotherapy as religion: the civil divine in America [i]
  2165. () Being in the safety zone: emotional experiences of suicidal adolescents and emerging adults [d]
  2166. Eva L. Feindler [ed] () Anger-related disorders: a practitioner's guide to comparative treatments [i]
  2167. () Therapeutic assessment with the MMPI-2 [i] [d]
  2168. () Self-forgiveness versus excusing: the roles of remorse, effort, and acceptance of responsibility [d]
  2169. () Accelerated experiential-dynamic psychotherapy: the seamless integration of emotional transformation and dyadic relatedness at work [i] [d]
  2170. () Postmodern strategies for working with resistance: problem resolution or self-revolution? [d]
  2171. () Moving on: dump your relationship baggage and make room for the love of your life [i]
  2172. () Depression, self-esteem, and anger in emerging adulthood: seven-year trajectories [p] [d]
  2173. () Therapeutic realities: collaboration, oppression, and relational flow [i]
  2174. () Outpatient psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: randomized trial of schema-focused therapy vs transference-focused psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2175. () The effects of adding emotion-focused interventions to the client-centered relationship conditions in the treatment of depression [d]
  2176. () Emotion in psychotherapy: a practice-friendly research review [p] [d]
  2177. () Positive emotionality at age 3 predicts cognitive styles in 7-year-old children [d]
  2178. () Listening to depression: how understanding your pain can heal your life [i]
  2179. (/2019) Managing social anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach: therapist guide [i] [d]
  2180. () How interpersonal motives clarify the meaning of interpersonal behavior: a revised circumplex model [d]
  2181. () Future orientation in the self-system: possible selves, self-regulation, and behavior [p] [d]
  2182. () Responding to desire to die statements from patients with advanced disease: recommendations for health professionals [d]
  2183. Thupten Jinpa, Gźon-nu-rgyal-mchog, & Dkon-mchog-rgyal-mtshan [ed] () Mind training: the great collection [i]
  2184. () The scripto-trauma genogram: an innovative technique for working with trauma survivors intrusive memories [d]
  2185. () The deeper work of executive development: outgrowing sensitivities [d]
  2186. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  2187. Renée S. Katz & Therese A. Johnson [ed] (/2016) When professionals weep: emotional and countertransference responses in palliative and end-of-life care [i] [d]
  2188. () Why doesn't the writing cure help poets? [d]
  2189. () Can between-session (homework) activities be considered a common factor in psychotherapy? [d]
  2190. () Externalizing problems through art and writing: experience of process and helpfulness [p] [d]
  2191. () Schema therapy for borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  2192. () A systems approach to behavioral neurobiology: integrating psychodynamics and neuroscience in a psychiatric curriculum [d]
  2193. () Hypo-egoic self-regulation: exercising self-control by diminishing the influence of the self [p] [d]
  2194. () Interpersonal rejection as a determinant of anger and aggression [d]
  2195. () What clients find helpful in psychotherapy: developing principles for facilitating moment-to-moment change [d]
  2196. () Making enemies: humiliation and international conflict [i]
  2197. () The function of humor in relation to affects: a longitudinal case study [d]
  2198. () Wittgenstein's philosophy and a dimensional approach to the classification of mental disorders—a preliminary scheme [d]
  2199. () A spherical conceptualization of personality traits [d]
  2200. () Inside story: the power of the transformational arc [i]
  2201. () From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
  2202. () Treating chronic depression with disciplined personal involvement: cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) [i] [d]
  2203. () Color me beautiful: racism, identity formation, and art therapy [d]
  2204. () Resilience and posttraumatic growth: a constructive narrative perspective [i] [d]
  2205. () Emotion regulation therapy: an integrative approach to treatment-resistant anxiety disorders [d]
  2206. () Cognitive assessment and differentiating the 3 Ds (dementia, depression, delirium) [d]
  2207. () Personality reflected in a coherent idiosyncratic interplay of intra- and interpersonal self-regulatory processes [p] [d]
  2208. Marcus R. Munafò & Ian P. Albery [ed] () Cognition and addiction [i] [d]
  2209. () Maladaptive schemas in non-clinical adolescents: relations to perceived parental rearing behaviours, Big Five personality factors and psychopathological symptoms [d]
  2210. () The role of emotion in decision making: a cognitive neuroscience perspective [d]
  2211. () A 'stuck case' and a 'frozen person': summary of an integrative approach [i] [d]
  2212. (/2017) Psychology of emotion: interpersonal, experiential, and cognitive approaches [i]
  2213. Ana V. Nikčević, Andrzej R. Kuczmierczyk, & Michael Bruch [ed] () Formulation and treatment in clinical health psychology [i] [d]
  2214. () Personality and the prediction of consequential outcomes [p] [d]
  2215. () Narrative identity processing of difficult life experiences: pathways of personality development and positive self-transformation in adulthood [p] [d]
  2216. (/2017) The boy who was raised as a dog: and other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook: what traumatized children can teach us about loss, love, and healing [i]
  2217. () Case formulation–driven psychotherapy [d]
  2218. () Emotion facilitates perception and potentiates the perceptual benefits of attention [d]
  2219. () Manic thinking: independent effects of thought speed and thought content on mood [d]
  2220. () 'Disgust, disgust beyond description': shame cues to detect shame in disguise, in interviews with women who were sexually abused during childhood [d]
  2221. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  2222. () 'I've lost my husband, my house and I need a new knee... why should I smile?': action research evaluation of a group cognitive behavioural therapy program for older adults with depression [d]
  2223. () De-investment in work and non-normative personality trait change in young adulthood [d]
  2224. () The neuroscience of observing consciousness & mirror neurons in therapeutic hypnosis [p] [d]
  2225. () Staying whole in a fragmented world: one Afro-Caribbean social worker's journey through wholeness—a psycho-spiritual perspective [d]
  2226. Lawrence J. Sanna & Edward C. Chang [ed] () Judgments over time: the interplay of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors [i] [d]
  2227. () How to increase and sustain positive emotion: the effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves [d]
  2228. () Imagery in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2229. () Mindful staff increase learning and reduce aggression in adults with developmental disabilities [d]
  2230. () Risk perception and affect [d]
  2231. () The dimensionality of counterproductivity: are all counterproductive behaviors created equal? [d]
  2232. () Exercise interventions for mental health: a quantitative and qualitative review [d]
  2233. () Who benefits from disclosure?: exploration of attachment style differences in the effects of expressing emotions [d]
  2234. () Social anxiety, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal adjustment [d]
  2235. () Hot thought: mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition [i] [d]
  2236. () The emotional coherence of religion [i] [d]
  2237. () Treating depression: a remedy from the future [i]
  2238. () Appraisal antecedents of shame and guilt: support for a theoretical model [p] [d]
  2239. () The pain survival guide: how to reclaim your life [i] [d]
  2240. Kathleen D. Vohs & Eli J. Finkel [ed] () Self and relationships: connecting intrapersonal and interpersonal processes [i]
  2241. () Mental balance and well-being: building bridges between Buddhism and Western psychology [p] [d]
  2242. () Carving nature at its joints: Paul Meehl's development of taxometrics [d]
  2243. () Jumping to conclusions and delusion proneness: the impact of emotionally salient stimuli [p] [d]
  2244. () The attachment working models concept: among other things, we build script-like representations of secure base experiences [p] [d]
  2245. () Clients' emotional processing in psychotherapy: a comparison between cognitive-behavioral and process-experiential therapies [d]
  2246. () Reconciling different voices—developing as an integrative scientist practitioner [d]
  2247. () Detached mindfulness in cognitive therapy: a metacognitive analysis and ten techniques [d]
  2248. () Frequent social comparisons and destructive emotions and behaviors: the dark side of social comparisons [d]
  2249. Reinout W. Wiers & Alan W. Stacy [ed] () Handbook of implicit cognition and addiction [i] [d]
  2250. () Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for prevention of recurrence of suicidal behavior [p] [d]
  2251. () Psychosocial interventions, or integrated programming for well-being? [d]
  2252. () The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers: social and psychological transformation in Sierra Leone [d]
  2253. Michael D. Yapko [ed] () Hypnosis and treating depression: applications in clinical practice [i]
  2254. () Rhetoric and anger [j]
  2255. () Utilizing hypnosis in addressing anger issues in treating depression [i]
  2256. Lauren B. Alloy & John H. Riskind [ed] () Cognitive vulnerability to emotional disorders [i] [d]
  2257. () Affect and creativity at work [d]
  2258. () Emotional intelligence predicts life skills, but not as well as personality and cognitive abilities [d]
  2259. () A cognitive perspective on hate and violence [i] [d]
  2260. () Cognitive therapy for challenging problems: what to do when the basics don't work [i]
  2261. () Young children's adjustment as a function of maltreatment, shame, and anger [d]
  2262. () Interviewing and diagnostic exercises for clinical and counseling skills building [i] [d]
  2263. () Forgivingness, vengeful rumination, and affective traits [p] [d]
  2264. () Making connections and thinking through emotions: between geography and psychotherapy [d] [j]
  2265. () Psychological functioning in families that blame: from blaming events to theory integration [d]
  2266. () Resonant leadership: renewing yourself and connecting with others through mindfulness, hope, and compassion [i]
  2267. () The economy of esteem: an essay on civil and political society [i]
  2268. () Moving beyond the comfort zone in psychotherapy [i]
  2269. () A geography of men's fear [d]
  2270. () 101 healing stories for kids and teens: using metaphors in therapy [i]
  2271. () Chewing on it can chew you up: effects of rumination on triggered displaced aggression [d]
  2272. () Childhood sexual abuse and adult defensive functioning [p] [d]
  2273. () Finding the words to say it: the healing power of poetry [d]
  2274. () Removing pathogenic memories: a neurobiology of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2275. () Personality and intellectual competence [i] [d]
  2276. Anita V. Clark [ed] () Psychology of moods [i]
  2277. () Temperament as a unifying basis for personality and psychopathology [d]
  2278. (/2012) Connecting across differences: an introduction to compassionate, nonviolent communication [i]
  2279. () A conceptual and psychometric framework for distinguishing categories and dimensions [d]
  2280. () Control over brain activation and pain learned by using real-time functional MRI [p] [d] [u]
  2281. () A psychosocial analysis of the human-sanitation nexus [d]
  2282. () Getting started with neurofeedback [i]
  2283. () Multidimensional perfectionism and ego defenses [d]
  2284. () State of mind organization in personality disorders: typical states and the triggering of inter-state shifts [d]
  2285. () Low self-esteem is related to aggression, antisocial behavior, and delinquency [d]
  2286. Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck [ed] () Handbook of competence and motivation [i]
  2287. () Love promotes health [p]
  2288. () How psychological assessment taught me compassion and firmness [d]
  2289. () Beyond reason: using emotions as you negotiate [i]
  2290. () Perfectionism, ego defense styles, and depression: a comparison of self-reports versus informant ratings [p] [d]
  2291. Suzy Fox & Paul E. Spector [ed] () Counterproductive work behavior: investigations of actors and targets [i] [d]
  2292. () Hidden addictions: assessment practices for psychotherapists, counselors, and health care providers [i]
  2293. Christopher K. Germer, Ronald D. Siegel, & Paul R. Fulton [ed] (/2013) Mindfulness and psychotherapy [i]
  2294. () Extreme facilitation: guiding groups through controversy and complexity [i]
  2295. () Focused therapies and compassionate mind training for shame and self-attacking [i]
  2296. () An exploration into depression-focused and anger-focused rumination in relation to depression in a student population [d]
  2297. Paul Gilbert [ed] () Compassion: conceptualisations, research and use in psychotherapy [i]
  2298. () The role of relationship and technique in therapeutic change [d]
  2299. () Emotion-focused therapy for depression [i] [d]
  2300. () Reducing violence and aggression in schools [d]
  2301. () Making the unconscious conscious, and vice versa: a bi-directional bridge between neuroscience/cognitive science and psychotherapy? [d]
  2302. () The homology of emotionality and rationality [u]
  2303. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  2304. () Should your lips be zipped?: how therapist self-disclosure and non-disclosure affects clients [d]
  2305. Charmine E. J. Härtel, Wilfred J. Zerbe, & Neal M. Ashkanasy [ed] () Emotions in organizational behavior [i] [d]
  2306. () Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and habitual non-consumers of caffeine [p] [d]
  2307. () Avoidance and processing as predictors of symptom change and positive growth in an integrative therapy for depression [d]
  2308. () Poetry, therapy, and emotional life [i]
  2309. (/2011) Helping grieving people: when tears are not enough: a handbook for care providers [i] [d]
  2310. () Becoming an emotionally focused couple therapist: the workbook [i]
  2311. () A relational-cultural model: healing through mutual empathy [p] [d]
  2312. () Incorporating if...then... personality signatures in person perception: beyond the person–situation dichotomy [d]
  2313. () The gift of self: the art of transparent facilitation [i]
  2314. () Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: the elaborated intrusion theory of desire [d]
  2315. () The dangers of feeling like a fake [p] [u]
  2316. () Cognitive therapy of schizophrenia [i]
  2317. () Book review: Schema therapy: a practitioner's guide [d]
  2318. () Transformation through poetic awareness of the inner pain of the prisoner [d]
  2319. () When asking 'why' does not hurt: distinguishing rumination from reflective processing of negative emotions [d]
  2320. () Grieving mindfully: a compassionate and spiritual guide to coping with loss [i]
  2321. () Mediation, conciliation, and emotions: a practitioner's guide for understanding emotions in dispute resolution [i]
  2322. () Becoming alive: psychoanalysis and vitality [i]
  2323. () Becoming aware of feelings: integration of cognitive-developmental, neuroscientific, and psychoanalytic perspectives [d]
  2324. () The worry cure: seven steps to stop worry from stopping you [i]
  2325. () See Spot mediate: utilizing the emotional and psychological benefits of 'dog therapy' in victim–offender mediation [u]
  2326. () Not all patients want to participate in decision making [d]
  2327. () The role of emotion in employee counterproductive work behavior: integrating the psychoevolutionary and constructivist perspective [i] [d]
  2328. () Developmental trajectory modeling: a view from developmental psychopathology [d]
  2329. () 'Sleights of mind': delusions, defences, and self-deception [d]
  2330. () Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  2331. () 35 years of working with suicidal patients: lessons learned [d]
  2332. () Taking stock of the developmental literature on shame [d]
  2333. () Integrating traditional healing practices into counseling and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2334. (/2013) Cultivating attention and compassion [i]
  2335. Jacqueline Nadel & Darwin Muir [ed] () Emotional development: recent research advances [i]
  2336. () The 'something more' than interpretation revisited: sloppiness and co-creativity in the psychoanalytic encounter [and comments] [p] [d]
  2337. () Seeing through tears: crying and attachment [i]
  2338. () What's an integrationist?: a study of self-identified integrative and (occasionally) eclectic psychologists [p] [d]
  2339. () Early maladaptive schemas in patients with or without personality disorders: does schema modification predict symptomatic relief? [d]
  2340. () Level of emotional awareness as a differentiating variable between individuals with and without generalized anxiety disorder [p] [d]
  2341. () The role of emotions in envisioning outcomes in conflict analysis [d]
  2342. () Saving lives in New York: suicide prevention and public health in New York City [o]
  2343. () Post-traumatic factors and resilience: the role of shelter management and survivours' attitudes after the earthquakes in El Salvador (2001) [d]
  2344. () Empiricism, mechanism, and the practice of cognitive-behavior therapy [d]
  2345. () Stress and burnout: the significant difference [d]
  2346. William M. Pinsof & Jay Lebow [ed] () Family psychology: the art of the science [i]
  2347. () Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
  2348. () A unique vulnerability common to all anxiety disorders: the looming maladaptive style [i] [d]
  2349. () Mindfulness mediation, the cultivation of awareness, mediator neutrality, and the possibility of justice [u]
  2350. () What we regret most... and why [p] [d] [u]
  2351. () If only: how to turn regret into opportunity [i]
  2352. () African American grief [i] [d]
  2353. (/2011) Narrative exposure therapy: a short-term intervention for traumatic stress disorders after war, terror, or torture [i]
  2354. () Relationship of distress and perceived control to coping with perceived racial discrimination among Black youth [d]
  2355. () Dopamine supersensitivity correlates with D2high states, implying many paths to psychosis [p] [d] [u]
  2356. () Reducing the tendency to self-handicap: the effect of self-affirmation [d]
  2357. () Personality and psychotherapy: treating the whole person [i]
  2358. () Phase-oriented treatment of structural dissociation in complex traumatization: overcoming trauma-related phobias [d]
  2359. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () The psychology of hate [i] [d]
  2360. () Deliberative group dynamics: power, status and affect in interactive policy making [d]
  2361. () The course of depressive symptoms in men from early adolescence to young adulthood: identifying latent trajectories and early predictors [d]
  2362. () The capacity to consent to treatment and research: a review of standardized assessment tools [d]
  2363. () Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
  2364. () The daily life of the garden-variety neurotic: reactivity, stressor exposure, mood spillover, and maladaptive coping [p] [d]
  2365. (/2013) Relational mindfulness [i]
  2366. () Assessing strengths, resilience, and growth to guide clinical interventions [d]
  2367. () Why is connection with others so critical?: the formation of dyadic states of consciousness and the expansion of individuals' states of consciousness: coherence governed selection and the co-creation of meaning out of messy meaning making [i]
  2368. () Possible mechanisms for why desensitization and exposure therapy work [d]
  2369. () Positive emotions in earthquake survivors in El Salvador (2001) [p] [d]
  2370. () A dynamic duo: emotion and development [d]
  2371. () If only I had known: avoiding common mistakes in couples therapy [i]
  2372. () Cognitive vulnerability to anxiety disorders: an integration [i] [d]
  2373. () Hypnotic disgust makes moral judgments more severe [d]
  2374. () Psychological techniques in the management of pain [d]
  2375. Everett L. Worthington [ed] () Handbook of forgiveness [i]
  2376. () Avoiding patient distortions in psychotherapy with borderline personality disorder patients [d]
  2377. () History repeats itself in transference–countertransference [d]
  2378. () Sensitivity to punishment, sensitivity to reward and sexuality in females [d]
  2379. Gordon J. G. Asmundson, Johan W. S. Vlaeyen, & Geert Crombez [ed] () Understanding and treating fear of pain [i]
  2380. () Development of spiritual self-schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addictive and HIV risk behavior: a convergence of cognitive and Buddhist psychology [d]
  2381. () Addiction motivation reformulated: an affective processing model of negative reinforcement [d]
  2382. () Personality disorder prevalence surprises researchers [d]
  2383. () Couples therapy: a relational approach [i]
  2384. () 101 defenses: how the mind shields itself [i]
  2385. () Four dimensions of self-defining memories (specificity, meaning, content, and affect) and their relationships to self-restraint, distress, and repressive defensiveness [p] [d]
  2386. () Attention processes in the maintenance and treatment of social phobia: hypervigilance, avoidance and self-focused attention [d]
  2387. Gillie Bolton [ed] () Writing cures: an introductory handbook of writing in counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  2388. () The importance of being flexible: the ability to both enhance and suppress emotional expression predicts long-term adjustment [d]
  2389. () Empirical studies of defense style: relationships with psychopathology and change [d]
  2390. Timothy D. Brewerton [ed] () Clinical handbook of eating disorders: an integrated approach [i]
  2391. () Women's involvement in aggression in young adult romantic relationships: a developmental systems model [i]
  2392. () Feeling good: the science of well-being [i]
  2393. () Issues in psychotherapy with terminally ill patients [p] [d]
  2394. () Young children with autism show atypical brain responses to fearful versus neutral facial expressions of emotion [d]
  2395. () Expanding the cognitive therapy model: imagery, meditation, and hypnosis [d]
  2396. David J. A. Dozois & Keith S. Dobson [ed] () The prevention of anxiety and depression: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  2397. () We are one: grief, weeping, and other deep emotions in response to nature as a path toward wholeness [d]
  2398. () Reconsidering the clinical utility of bias as a mental health problem: intervention strategies for psychotherapy practice [d]
  2399. () Rap therapy: a practical guide for communicating with youth and young adults through rap music [i]
  2400. () Learning emotion-focused therapy: the process-experiential approach to change [i] [d]
  2401. () The neurobiology of pleasure, reward processes, addiction and their health implications [p]
  2402. () Too proud to let go: narcissistic entitlement as a barrier to forgiveness [d]
  2403. () Ethical issues in therapy: therapist self-disclosure of sexual feelings [d]
  2404. () Emotional intelligence and negotiation: the tension between creating and claiming value [d]
  2405. () 'Nothing that feels bad is ever the last step': the role of positive emotions in experiential work with difficult emotional experiences [d]
  2406. () Brief integrative therapy comes of age: a commentary [d]
  2407. () Wishful reality distortions in confabulation: a case report [p] [d]
  2408. () The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions [p] [d] [u]
  2409. () Clinical applications of hypnosis [i]
  2410. () 'Failure dances to the tune of insecurity': affective issues in the assessment and evaluation of access learning [o]
  2411. Uwe P. Gielen, Jefferson M. Fish, & Juris G. Draguns [ed] () Handbook of culture, therapy, and healing [i] [d]
  2412. () Emotion, argumentation and informal logic [d] [u]
  2413. () Diffusion of mental health and substance abuse treatments: development, dissemination, and implementation [d]
  2414. () Integration of emotion and cognitive control [d]
  2415. () Emotional dynamics in restorative conferences [d]
  2416. () Cognitive behavioural processes across psychological disorders: a transdiagnostic approach to research and treatment [i]
  2417. Nick Haslam [ed] () Relational models theory: a contemporary overview [i]
  2418. () Clarifying the construct of mindfulness in the context of emotion regulation and the process of change in therapy [d]
  2419. Michael Heap, Richard J. Brown, & David A. Oakley [ed] () The highly hypnotizable person: theoretical, experimental, and clinical issues [i]
  2420. () Perceived reasons for depression among low income women of Mexican descent [d]
  2421. H. J. M. Hermans & Giancarlo Dimaggio [ed] () The dialogical self in psychotherapy [i]
  2422. () A socioanalytic model of maturity [d]
  2423. () Well-being: towards an integration of psychology, neurobiology and social science [p] [d] [u]
  2424. Janis D. Jenkins & Robert J. Barrett [ed] () Schizophrenia, culture, and subjectivity: the edge of experience [i] [d]
  2425. () Healthy and unhealthy emotion regulation: personality processes, individual differences, and life span development [p] [d]
  2426. Judith V. Jordan, Linda M. Hartling, & Maureen Walker [ed] () The complexity of connection: writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute [i]
  2427. () The color-coded timeline trauma genogram [d]
  2428. () Individual differences in emotional complexity: their psychological implications [p] [d]
  2429. () The turbulence within: how sensitivities throw off performance in executives [i]
  2430. () Getting a grip on your feelings: effects of action orientation and external demands on intuitive affect regulation [d]
  2431. () Acquisitive desire: assessment and treatment [i] [d]
  2432. Robin M. Kowalski & Mark R. Leary [ed] () The interface of social and clinical psychology: key readings [i]
  2433. () Motivational enhancement therapy: a tool for professional school counselors working with adolescents [j]
  2434. () Psychotherapy with suicidal people: a person-centred approach [i] [d]
  2435. () Freedom from fear: overcoming anxiety, phobias and panic [i]
  2436. () Trust [i]
  2437. () Self-regulation: context-appropriate balanced attention [i]
  2438. () Psychoanalytic psychotherapy: a practitioner's guide [i]
  2439. () Self-conscious emotions as dynamic cultural processes [j]
  2440. Marlene Marie Moretti, Candice L. Odgers, & Margaret A. Jackson [ed] () Girls and aggression: contributing factors and intervention principles [i] [d]
  2441. () Flux, pulse, and spin: dynamic additions to the personality lexicon [d]
  2442. () Reconciliation between nations: overcoming emotional deterrents to ending conflicts between groups [i]
  2443. () Giving the self a voice in MMPI self-report: Jerry Wiggins and the content scales [d]
  2444. () Hiding from humanity: disgust, shame, and the law [i] [d] [j]
  2445. Ivan Nyklíček, Lydia Temoshok, & Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets [ed] () Emotional expression and health: advances in theory, assessment and clinical applications [i] [d]
  2446. () Contemporary psychotherapy: moving beyond a therapeutic dialogue [d]
  2447. Costas Papageorgiou & Adrian Wells [ed] () Depressive rumination: nature, theory, and treatment [i] [d]
  2448. () What are you afraid of?: a body/mind guide to courageous living [i]
  2449. () Shame in the habitus [i] [d]
  2450. Martha Putallaz & Karen L. Bierman [ed] () Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls: a developmental perspective [i]
  2451. () Shame, rage and racist violence [d]
  2452. () Gendering Bourdieu's concept of capitals?: emotional capital, women and social class [i] [d]
  2453. () Is anger a thing-to-be-managed? [d]
  2454. () The practice of community family therapy [d]
  2455. () The role of avoidance of emotional material in the anxiety disorders [d]
  2456. () Narrative exposure therapy in children: a case study [u]
  2457. () Taking hold of some kind of life: how developmental tasks relate to trajectories of well-being during the transition to adulthood [d]
  2458. () The role of affective experience in work motivation [d] [j]
  2459. () Moving beyond the blame game: toward a discursive approach to negotiating conflict within couple relationships [d]
  2460. () Exchange, value and affect: Bourdieu and 'the self' [i] [d]
  2461. () Hurt feelings: emotional abuse and the failure of empathy [d]
  2462. () The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
  2463. () Light on body image treatment: acceptance through mindfulness [p] [d]
  2464. () The impact of depression on social skills: a review [p] [d]
  2465. Kathleen D. Vohs & Roy F. Baumeister [ed] (/2016) Handbook of self-regulation: research, theory, and applications [i]
  2466. () From discord to dialogue: internal voices and the reorganization of the self in process-experiential therapy [i]
  2467. () Stability and fluctuation in adult attachment style over a 6-year period [d]
  2468. () Analyzing development of working models for disrupted attachments: the case of hidden family violence [d]
  2469. () Sounds of emotion: production and perception of affect-related vocal acoustics [d]
  2470. () Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: a conceptual and empirical review [d]
  2471. () Adult development and the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2472. () Responsible behavior: the importance of social cognition and emotion [d]
  2473. (/2006) Interpersonal reconstructive therapy: an integrative, personality-based treatment for complex cases [i]
  2474. () Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy: the case of automatic thought records and behavioural experiments [d]
  2475. () Pain, anxiety, distress, and suffering: interrelated, but not interchangeable [p] [d]
  2476. () Unlocking the cage door: the spatiality of counselling [d]
  2477. () Emotional support skills [i] [d]
  2478. () The social consequences of expressive suppression [p] [d]
  2479. () How fear differs from anxiety [d]
  2480. Edward C. Chang & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Virtue, vice, and personality: the complexity of behavior [i] [d]
  2481. Susan D. Clayton & Susan Opotow [ed] () Identity and the natural environment: the psychological significance of nature [i] [d]
  2482. () Organizational flux and its destabilizing influence on employee identity [d]
  2483. () Toward building a better brain: neurobehavioral outcomes, mechanisms, and processes of environmental enrichment [i] [d]
  2484. Jack Demick & Carrie Andreoletti [ed] () Handbook of adult development [i] [d]
  2485. () The hidden logic of anxiety: look for the emotional truth behind the symptom [u]
  2486. () Emotions revealed: recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life [i]
  2487. () Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2488. () Toxic emotions at work: how compassionate managers handle pain and conflict [i]
  2489. () When 'the show must go on': surface acting and deep acting as determinants of emotional exhaustion and peer-rated service delivery [d] [j]
  2490. () Negotiating with your nemesis [d]
  2491. () The expressive body in life, art, and therapy: working with movement, metaphor, and meaning [i]
  2492. () Rock my soul: Black people and self-esteem [i]
  2493. () Brief gestalt therapy [i] [d]
  2494. () Longitudinal hierarchical linear modeling analyses of California Psychological Inventory data from age 33 to 75: an examination of stability and change in adult personality [p] [d]
  2495. () Mindfulness-based interventions in context: past, present, and future [d]
  2496. () Toward a conceptualization of optimal self-esteem [d] [j] [u]
  2497. Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, & Jeffrey M. Lohr [ed] (/2014) Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology [i]
  2498. () Positive adaptation to trauma: wisdom as both process and outcome [p] [d]
  2499. () Practical management of personality disorder [i]
  2500. () The role of affect in decision making [i]
  2501. Suniya S. Luthar [ed] () Resilience and vulnerability: adaptation in the context of childhood adversities [i] [d]
  2502. (/2014) Constructing the past: problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy [i]
  2503. Cathy A. Malchiodi [ed] () Handbook of art therapy [i]
  2504. (/2011) When the body says no: exploring the stress–disease connection [i]
  2505. () Poetry therapy: theory and practice [i]
  2506. () Memory and emotion: the making of lasting memories [i]
  2507. () Fostering client creativity in family therapy: a process research study [d]
  2508. () Identifying signals of suffering by linking verbal and facial cues [p] [d]
  2509. Kit S. Ng [ed] () Global perspectives in family therapy: development, practice, and trends [i]
  2510. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] (/2008) Cognitive behavior therapy: applying empirically supported techniques in your practice [i]
  2511. () The marketing power of emotion [i]
  2512. () Putting self psychology to good use: when social and clinical psychologists unite [d]
  2513. (/2016) Neuroscience for the mental health clinician [i]
  2514. () The familiar face of genocide: internalized oppression among American Indians [d] [j]
  2515. () Hostile attributional tendencies in maltreated children [p] [d]
  2516. () The importance of emotional literacy for building a peace culture: understanding individual and social meanings and individual and social realities [d]
  2517. () Opening the mind's eye: how images and language teach us how to see [i]
  2518. () Something more than the 'something more than interpretation' is needed: a comment on the paper by the Process of Change Study Group [p] [d]
  2519. () Secondary traumatic stress effects of working with survivors of criminal victimization [d]
  2520. Marc J. Schabracq, Jacques A. M. Winnubst, & Cary L. Cooper [ed] () The handbook of work and health psychology [i] [d]
  2521. () Burnout: an overview of 25 years of research and theorising [i] [d]
  2522. () Evidence that projection of a feared trait can serve a defensive function [p] [d]
  2523. () Affect regulation & the repair of the self [i]
  2524. Thomas L. Sexton, Gerald R. Weeks, & Michael S. Robbins [ed] () Handbook of family therapy: the science and practice of working with families and couples [i]
  2525. (/2014) Seeing red: an anger management and anti-bullying curriculum for kids [i]
  2526. () Deconstructing differentiation: self regulation, interdependent relating, and well-being in adulthood [d]
  2527. () Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development [d]
  2528. Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb & Nancy Amendt-Lyon [ed] () Creative license: the art of gestalt therapy [i]
  2529. () Development of personality in early and middle adulthood: set like plaster or persistent change? [d]
  2530. Richard Strozzi-Heckler [ed] () Being human at work: bringing somatic intelligence into your professional life [i]
  2531. () Horowitz's Impact of Event Scale: evaluation of 20 years of use [d]
  2532. () Mental health [p] [d]
  2533. () Paradigms of personality assessment [i]
  2534. () Treatment planning in psychotherapy: taking the guesswork out of clinical care [i]
  2535. (/2006) The soft addiction solution: break free of the seemingly harmless habits that keep you from the life you want [or: There must be more than this: finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions] [i]
  2536. () Schema therapy: a practitioner's guide [i]
  2537. Millicent H. Abel [ed] () An empirical reflection on the smile [i]
  2538. (/2014) The worst is over: what to say when every moment counts [i]
  2539. () A psychodynamic analysis of discourse theory: understanding the influence of emotions, regression, and change [d] [j]
  2540. Duncan Barford [ed] () The ship of thought: essays on psychoanalysis and learning [i] [d]
  2541. Lisa Feldman Barrett & Peter Salovey [ed] () The wisdom in feeling: psychological processes in emotional intelligence [i]
  2542. () How practitioners can systematically use empirical evidence in treatment selection [p] [d]
  2543. () Mindful recovery: a spiritual path to healing from addiction [i]
  2544. () Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
  2545. () Narcissism, self-esteem, and the positivity of self-views: two portraits of self-love [d]
  2546. () One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
  2547. () Scrutinizing the relationship between shyness and social phobia [p] [d]
  2548. Alex Cohen, Arthur Kleinman, & Benedetto Saraceno [ed] () World mental health casebook: social and mental health programs in low-income countries [i] [d]
  2549. () The costs of seeking self-esteem [d]
  2550. () Shame: the elephant in the room [d]
  2551. () The heart of addiction [i]
  2552. () Wounded monster: Hitler's path from trauma to malevolence [i]
  2553. () The three person field: collaborative consultation to psychotherapy [d]
  2554. () Constructions of abuse: understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse [i]
  2555. () Aspects of grief in conflict: re-visioning response to dispute [d]
  2556. () How therapeutic assessment became humanistic [d]
  2557. () A preliminary survey of counseling psychologists' personal experiences with depression and treatment [d]
  2558. () Emotional abuse and neglect (psychological maltreatment): a conceptual framework [p] [d]
  2559. () The psychology of group aggression [i] [d]
  2560. (/2015) Emotion-focused therapy: coaching clients to work through their feelings [i] [d]
  2561. () Evolutionary perspectives on emotion: making sense of what we feel [d]
  2562. () Integrating an emotion-focused approach to treatment into psychotherapy integration [d]
  2563. () Therapy with difficult clients: using the precursors model to awaken change [i] [d]
  2564. John H. Harvey & Amy Wenzel [ed] () A clinician's guide to maintaining and enhancing close relationships [i] [d]
  2565. () The tyranny of the positive attitude in America: observation and speculation [p] [d]
  2566. Michel Hersen & William H. Sledge [ed] () Encyclopedia of psychotherapy [i]
  2567. (/2011) Flexibility: the key to a healthy personality [u]
  2568. () Family therapy: an intimate history [i]
  2569. Stefan G. Hofmann & Martha C. Tompson [ed] () Treating chronic and severe mental disorders: a handbook of empirically supported interventions [i]
  2570. () Assimilative integration and responsive use of the assimilation model [d]
  2571. () Therapeutic family mediation: helping families resolve conflict [i] [d]
  2572. () Sustainable development and emotion [i] [d]
  2573. () Emotions, morbidity, and mortality: new perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology [p] [d]
  2574. () Drama, emotion, and cultural convergence [d]
  2575. () Treatment of kleptomania using cognitive and behavioral strategies [d]
  2576. Stephen J. Lepore & Joshua M. Smyth [ed] () The writing cure: how expressive writing promotes health and emotional well-being [i] [d]
  2577. () Women's group therapy: creative challenges and options [i]
  2578. () The MMPI-2 as a tool for preventing police misconduct: a Victoria (Australia) police study [o] [u]
  2579. () The hidden genius of emotion: lifespan transformations of personality [i] [d]
  2580. () The Van Gogh blues: the creative person's path through depression [i]
  2581. Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
  2582. John C. Norcross & Michael J. Lambert [ed] (/2019) Psychotherapy relationships that work [in two volumes: Evidence-based therapist conributions; Evidence-based therapist responsiveness] [i] [d]
  2583. Donald W. Pfaff & Marian Joëls [ed] (/2017) Hormones, brain and behavior [i]
  2584. () Respiratory feedback in the generation of emotion [d]
  2585. () A psychoanalytic–existential approach to burnout: demonstrated in the cases of a nurse, a teacher, and a manager [d]
  2586. (/2018) Chronic sorrow: a living loss [i] [d]
  2587. () Emotional intelligence and mediation training [d]
  2588. () The affect heuristic [i] [d]
  2589. () The art of getting well: a five-step plan for maximizing health when you have a chronic illness [i]
  2590. Tree Staunton [ed] () Body psychotherapy [i]
  2591. () The inner critic on the move: analysis of the change process in a case of short-term client-centred/experiential therapy [d]
  2592. () Moral emotions in restorative justice conferences: managing shame, designing empathy [d]
  2593. () Loving internationalism: the emotion culture of transnational women's organizations, 1888–1945 [d]
  2594. (/2019) Goal consensus and collaboration [with clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  2595. () Journaling about stressful events: effects of cognitive processing and emotional expression [d]
  2596. () Aging well: surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development [i]
  2597. () Strangers to ourselves: discovering the adaptive unconscious [i]
  2598. () The gift of therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients [i]
  2599. () Breakdown of will [i] [d]
  2600. () A way of being: a program for aggression control of male children [d]
  2601. (/2004) Scripts and strategies in hypnotherapy: the complete works [i]
  2602. () Guided imagery and memory: implications for psychotherapists [d]
  2603. () Risky writing: self-disclosure and self-transformation in the classroom [i]
  2604. () Emotion in conflict formation and its transformation: application to organizational conflict management [d]
  2605. () A meditation on the nature of self-healing and personality change in psychotherapy based on Gendlin's theory of experiencing [d]
  2606. () 101 healing stories: using metaphors in therapy [i]
  2607. (/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
  2608. () Neuropsychology of fear and loathing [p] [d]
  2609. () Assimilative and accommodative integration: the basic dialectics [d]
  2610. () Working with anger [i]
  2611. () Thinking bigger [i]
  2612. () The places that scare you: a guide to fearlessness in difficult times [i]
  2613. Joseph Ciarrochi, Joseph P. Forgas, & John D. Mayer [ed] (/2006) Emotional intelligence in everyday life [i] [d]
  2614. () Mediating dangerously: the frontiers of conflict resolution [i]
  2615. () Ethnocultural allodynia [p] [u]
  2616. (/2013) Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change: selecting and planning interventions [i]
  2617. W. Ray Crozier [ed] () Shyness: development, consolidation, and change [i] [d]
  2618. () Self-transcendence and depression in middle-age adults [p] [d]
  2619. () Contemporary brief experiential psychotherapy [d]
  2620. () What is the end point of psychotherapy integration?: a commentary [d]
  2621. () Getting over getting mad: positive ways to manage anger in your most important relationships [i]
  2622. () Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
  2623. () Fight your fear and win: seven skills for performing your best under pressure—at work, in sports, on stage [i]
  2624. () Anger: wisdom for cooling the flames [i]
  2625. (/2006) Transformation at the base: fifty verses on the nature of consciousness [or: Understanding our mind] [i]
  2626. Yutaka Haruki [ed] () Respiration and emotion [i] [d]
  2627. (/2016) Addressing cultural complexities in practice: assessment, diagnosis, and therapy [i] [d]
  2628. Stefan G. Hofmann & Patricia M. DiBartolo [ed] (/2014) Social anxiety: clinical, developmental, and social perspectives [i] [d]
  2629. () Behavioral activation treatment for depression: returning to contextual roots [d]
  2630. () Mediating with heart in mind: addressing emotion in mediation practice [d]
  2631. () Holding environments at work [d]
  2632. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  2633. () Aggression and violence in the inner city: effects of environment via mental fatigue [d]
  2634. () Bridging technical eclecticism and theoretical integration: assimilative integration [d]
  2635. () Risk as feelings [p] [d]
  2636. () Are you a corporate refugee?: a survival guide for downsized, dissillusioned, and displaced workers [i]
  2637. () Developmental personality styles: an attachment theory conceptualization of personality disorders [d]
  2638. () Depression in context: strategies for guided action [i]
  2639. () Psychological considerations, growth, and transcendence at the end of life: the art of the possible [d]
  2640. (/2008) Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide [i]
  2641. () Disrespect and the experience of injustice [p] [d]
  2642. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss [i] [d]
  2643. () Upheavals of thought: the intelligence of emotions [i] [d]
  2644. () An integrative model for ethnocultural counseling and psychotherapy of victims of organized violence [d]
  2645. () What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
  2646. () Greed: gut feelings, growth, and history [i]
  2647. () A stage model of behavioral therapies research: getting started and moving on from stage I [d]
  2648. Waleed A. Salameh & William F. Fry [ed] () Humor and wellness in clinical intervention [i]
  2649. () Being accepted for who we are: evidence that social validation of the intrinsic self reduces general defensiveness [d]
  2650. () Interpersonal processes in psychological problems [i]
  2651. () Construing stress: a constructivist therapeutic approach to posttraumatic stress reactions [i] [d]
  2652. (/2016) The resilient practitioner: burnout and compassion fatigue prevention and self-care strategies for the helping professions [i] [d]
  2653. () The journey of recovery after a rape experience [p] [d]
  2654. (/2005) Restorative justice: healing the foundations of our everyday lives [i]
  2655. () Constructive and destructive aspects of shame and guilt [i] [d]
  2656. () Calm energy: how people regulate mood with food and exercise [i]
  2657. () Emotional distress regulation takes precedence over impulse control: if you feel bad, do it! [d]
  2658. () Perceived inequity, communal orientation and burnout: the role of helping models [d]
  2659. () Successful aging [p] [d]
  2660. () Drawing and showing: helping children to report emotionally laden events [d]
  2661. () A message to assimilative integrationists: it's time to become accommodative integrationists: a commentary [d]
  2662. () Treating depression with hypnosis: integrating cognitive-behavioral and stategic approaches [i]
  2663. () Mere exposure: a gateway to the subliminal [d]
  2664. () Beyond risk seeking and risk aversion: personality and the dual nature of economic risk taking [d]
  2665. () Healing from addictions through poetry therapy [d]
  2666. (/2009) Stimulate creativity by fueling passion [i] [d]
  2667. () The heart of grief: death and the search for lasting love [i]
  2668. () The placebo response: how you can release the body's inner pharmacy for better health [i]
  2669. () Finding a joyful life in the heart of pain [or: Turning suffering inside out: a Zen approach to living with physical and emotional pain] [i]
  2670. (/2015) The family therapy treatment planner [i]
  2671. () Cognitive hypnotherapy [i]
  2672. () The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
  2673. () The order in clinical 'disorder': symptom coherence in depth-oriented brief therapy [i] [d]
  2674. Eric Eich, John F. Kihlstrom, Gordon H. Bower, Joseph P. Forgas, & Paula M. Niedenthal [ed] () Cognition and emotion [i]
  2675. () Emotion, regulation, and moral development [p] [d]
  2676. () Tuning and practicing the therapeutic instrument: the therapist's life experience [d]
  2677. (/2015) Forgiveness therapy: an empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope [i] [d]
  2678. (/2015) Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: foundations and guidelines for animal-assisted interventions [i] [d]
  2679. () The transforming power of affect: a model for accelerated change [i]
  2680. () Why positive emotions matter in organizations: lessons from the broaden-and-build model [d]
  2681. () Emotion is essential to all intentional behaviors [i]
  2682. () Talk is not enough: how psychotherapy really works [i]
  2683. () The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: the role of the evaluation of social rank [d]
  2684. () Constructing psychopathology from a cognitive narrative perspective [i] [d]
  2685. () Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model: emotion–performance relationship in sport [i]
  2686. Yuri L. Hanin [ed] () Emotions in sport [i]
  2687. () Successful and poor performance and emotions [i]
  2688. () The implications of unmitigated agency and unmitigated communion for domains of problem behavior [p] [d]
  2689. (/2019) Managing social anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach: workbook [i] [d]
  2690. () Unspeakable emotion: a discursive analysis of police talk about reactions to trauma [d]
  2691. () How to get from where you are to where you want to be [i]
  2692. () Some perspectives on positive affect and self-regulation [j]
  2693. () Helping construct desirable identities: a self-presentational view of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2694. () Personality disorders in children and adolescents [i]
  2695. () The emotional unconscious [i] [u]
  2696. Marc D. Lewis & Isabela Granic [ed] () Emotion, development, and self-organization: dynamic systems approaches to emotional development [i]
  2697. () Dangerous emotions [i]
  2698. (/2009) Attain emotional control by understanding what emotions are [i] [d]
  2699. () Core ordering and disordering processes: a constructive view of psychological development [i] [d]
  2700. () Self-mutilation and art therapy: violent creation [i]
  2701. () Meaning and motivation [i] [d]
  2702. () The therapeutic use of humor [p]
  2703. John D. Morgan [ed] () Meeting the needs of our clients creatively: the impact of art and culture on caregiving [i] [d]
  2704. Robert A. Neimeyer & Jonathan D. Raskin [ed] () Constructions of disorder: meaning-making frameworks for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2705. () Emotional response as conceptual coherence [i]
  2706. Joanna Overing & Alan Passes [ed] () The anthropology of love and anger: the aesthetics of conviviality in Native Amazonia [i]
  2707. () The moderating effect of trivial triggering provocation on displaced aggression [d]
  2708. () Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving intractable conflict [d]
  2709. () Mind sculpture: unlocking your brain's untapped potential [i]
  2710. () Learning to think with emotion [u]
  2711. () Negotiating the therapeutic alliance: a relational treatment guide [i]
  2712. Carol Sansone & Judith M. Harackiewicz [ed] () Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: the search for optimal motivation and performance [i] [d]
  2713. () Emotion and peace of mind: from Stoic agitation to Christian temptation [i]
  2714. () A model of neurovisceral integration in emotion regulation and dysregulation [d]
  2715. () The four qualities of life [d]
  2716. (/2008) Detecting lies and deceit: pitfalls and opportunities [i]
  2717. () Scare tactics: arguments that appeal to fear and threats [i] [d]
  2718. () Stress, emotion, and coping strategies as predictors of personality disorder pathology [d]
  2719. () Emotional disorders and metacognition: innovative cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  2720. () Toward a psychology of awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation [i]
  2721. () Assumptions in borderline personality disorder: specificity, stability and relationship with etiological factors [p] [d]
  2722. () Acquisition of adaptive skills: psychotherapeutic change in cognitive and dynamic therapies [p] [d]
  2723. () Getting even: revenge as a form of justice [i]
  2724. () How clients make therapy work: the process of active self-healing [i] [d]
  2725. () Intuition and creativity in psychotherapy [d]
  2726. () Stages on journeys: some remarks about human geography and psychotherapeutic practice [d]
  2727. () Catharsis, aggression, and persuasive influence: self-fulfilling or self-defeating prophecies? [d]
  2728. (/2010) Spiritual diversity in social work practice: the heart of helping [i]
  2729. Jude Cassidy & Phillip R. Shaver [ed] (/2016) Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications [i]
  2730. () Twelve-step and mutual-help programs for addictive disorders [p] [d]
  2731. () Decision-making in the physician–patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model [p] [d]
  2732. (/2015) Handbook of nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation [i] [d]
  2733. () Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
  2734. () End piece: reflections on the treatment of anger [p] [d]
  2735. () Why don't people change? What stops them from changing? An integrative commentary on the special issue on resistance [d]
  2736. Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller [ed] (/2010) The heart & soul of change: delivering what works in therapy [i] [d]
  2737. () Self-theories: their role in motivation, personality, and development [i] [d]
  2738. () The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality [i]
  2739. () Peace work as grief work in Mozambique and South Africa: postconflict communities as context for child and youth socialization [d]
  2740. () Brief therapy with intimidating cases: changing the unchangeable [i]
  2741. Daniel J. Flannery & C. Ronald Huff [ed] () Youth violence: prevention, intervention, and social policy [i]
  2742. () Your money or your life: behavioral and emotional predictors of money pathology [d]
  2743. () Spirituality and trauma: an essay [d]
  2744. (/2022) Body image: understanding body dissatisfaction in men, women, and children [i] [d]
  2745. () Fifty strategies for counseling defiant, aggressive adolescents: reaching, accepting, and relating [d]
  2746. () Incidence and impacts of psychotherapists' feelings toward their clients: a review of the empirical literature [d]
  2747. () Working it out: using exercise in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2748. () A layoff story: trauma, prevention, and poetry [d]
  2749. (/2020) Helping skills: facilitating exploration, insight, and action [i] [d]
  2750. () Noninterpretive interventions in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy: a developmental perspective [d]
  2751. () On the relationship between affect and creative problem solving [i]
  2752. () Ambulatory blood pressure responses and the circumplex model of mood: a 4-day study [p] [d]
  2753. () The big five personality traits, general mental ability, and career success across the life span [d]
  2754. () Expressing emotion: myths, realities, and therapeutic strategies [i]
  2755. () The meaning of movement: developmental and clinical perspectives of the Kestenberg Movement profile [i]
  2756. () Psychosocial processes underlying the maintenance and persistence of depression: implications for understanding chronic depression [p] [d]
  2757. () Starving for salvation: the spiritual dimensions of eating problems among American girls and women [i]
  2758. () Psychotherapy process measure research and the evaluation of psychotherapy orientation: a narrative analysis [d]
  2759. () The two-person unconscious: intersubjective dialogue, enactive relational representation, and the emergence of new forms of relational organization [d]
  2760. (/2007) Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families [i]
  2761. () No shame in my game: the working poor in the inner city [i]
  2762. () Treating anger in psychotherapy: introduction and cases [p] [d]
  2763. () Why fiction may be twice as true as fact: fiction as cognitive and emotional simulation [d]
  2764. () Treating anxiety with self-hypnosis and relaxation [d]
  2765. () Experiential conceptualization and treatment of anger [p] [d]
  2766. () Religious conversion and personality change [d]
  2767. () Thought suppression and psychopathology [d]
  2768. () Emotional learning and mechanisms of intentional psychological change [i] [d]
  2769. () Composure at any cost?: the cognitive consequences of emotion suppression [d]
  2770. () Contemporary art therapy with adolescents [i]
  2771. () Dealing with the anger and hostility of those who grieve [d]
  2772. Sandra Walker Russ [ed] () Affect, creative experience, and psychological adjustment [i]
  2773. () Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
  2774. () Violence transformed: posttraumatic growth in survivors and their societies [d]
  2775. () Antecedents of problem behaviours of adults with intellectual disability who exhibit different behavioural syndromes [d]
  2776. (/2010) The four immeasurables: practices to open the heart [i]
  2777. Froma Walsh [ed] (/2009) Spiritual resources in family therapy [i]
  2778. () The seed of our undoing [u]
  2779. Daniel J. Wiener [ed] () Beyond talk therapy: using movement and expressive techniques in clinical practice [i] [d]
  2780. () Health, hierarchy, and social anxiety [d]
  2781. () Emotions in negotiation: how to manage fear and anger [d]
  2782. () Rocks and rituals in producing therapeutic change [d]
  2783. () Effects of a therapeutic camping program on addiction recovery: the Algonquin–Haymarket relapse prevention program [d]
  2784. () Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
  2785. (/2011) Humility, augmented by the deep breath technique [i] [d]
  2786. (/2011) Hypnotically enhanced interactive cognitive rehearsal [i] [d]
  2787. () Hypnotic analgesia: a constructivist framework [p] [d]
  2788. () The development of anxiety: the role of control in the early environment [p] [d]
  2789. (/2011) Rebuilding shattered lives: treating complex PTSD and dissociative disorders [i] [d]
  2790. () Personal meanings of death in relation to fear of death [p] [d]
  2791. () The vulnerable therapist: practicing psychotherapy in an age of anxiety [i]
  2792. (/2013) The art and science of evaluation in the arts therapies: how do you know what's working? [i]
  2793. () From silencing the self to action: experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS [p] [d]
  2794. (/2013) Assessment and treatment of anger as a clinical problem [i] [d]
  2795. Kenneth J. Doka & Joyce Davidson [ed] () Living with grief: who we are, how we grieve [i]
  2796. () The self-fulfilling prophecy in close relationships: rejection sensitivity and rejection by romantic partners [d]
  2797. () Panic patients in the non-panic state: physiological and cognitive dysfunction [p] [d]
  2798. (/2007) The abusive personality: violence and control in intimate relationships [i]
  2799. () Process-experiential therapy for posttraumatic stress difficulties [i]
  2800. () Therapy and meditation: a path to wholeness [and: Patient wisdom: a conversation with psychiatrist Mark Epstein] [u]
  2801. () Stranger than fiction: when our minds betray us [i]
  2802. () Culture and biology in emotional development [i] [d]
  2803. () On feeling good and getting your way: mood effects on negotiator cognition and bargaining strategies [p] [d]
  2804. () What good are positive emotions? [d]
  2805. Howard S. Friedman [ed] () Encyclopedia of mental health [i]
  2806. (/2011) Working from client experiential vignettes [i] [d]
  2807. () A logic of the heart: re-reading Taoism and Zen Buddhism [d]
  2808. () Personality test item validity: insights from 'self' and 'other' research and theory [d]
  2809. Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, & Germain Lietaer [ed] () Handbook of experiential psychotherapy [i]
  2810. () The theory of experience-centered therapies [i]
  2811. () Mad travelers: reflections on the reality of transient mental illnesses [i]
  2812. () A genogram with an attitude [d]
  2813. () Comparison study of women who have and have not murdered their abusive partners [d]
  2814. () Setting aside the model in family therapy [d]
  2815. () Assimilation analysis of process-experiential psychotherapy: a comparison of two cases [d]
  2816. (/2006) Building the bonds of attachment: awakening love in deeply troubled children [i]
  2817. () Listening to the music: emotion as a natural part of systems theory [d]
  2818. () TILT: teaching individuals to live together [i] [d]
  2819. () From taxonomy to ontogeny: thoughts on Loevinger's theory in relation to subject–object psychology [i] [d]
  2820. () Breathing life into a manual: flexibility and creativity with manual-based treatments [d]
  2821. () Unemployment and psychological distress: mediator effects [d]
  2822. () Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
  2823. () Putting politics into practice: feminist therapy as feminist praxis [d]
  2824. () Enactment: when the patient's and analyst's pasts converge [d]
  2825. () The role of defense in the life story [d]
  2826. () The natural limitations of youth: the predispositions that shape the adolescent character [i]
  2827. () Pride, shame and empathy among peers: community conferencing as transformative justice in education [i]
  2828. (/2002) Life's philosophy: reason & feeling in a deeper world [i] [j]
  2829. (/2021) The addiction treatment planner [i]
  2830. () After silence: rape and my journey back [i]
  2831. () The confident performer [i]
  2832. () From normal fear to pathological anxiety [d]
  2833. Howard G. Rosenthal [ed] (/2011) Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: therapists share their most creative strategies [i] [d]
  2834. () Leave taking: emotional cutoff as lack of differentiation [d]
  2835. () Control therapy: an integrated approach to psychotherapy, health, and healing [i]
  2836. () The development of logic in adulthood: postformal thought and its applications [i] [d]
  2837. () Non-interpretive mechanisms in psychoanalytic therapy: the 'something more' than interpretation: the Process of Change Study Group [p]
  2838. () On holy ground: the impact of psychotherapists' spirituality on their practice [i]
  2839. () Feminism and behavior analysis: a framework for women's health research and practice [i]
  2840. P. Michiel Westenberg, Augusto Blasi, & Lawrence Cohn [ed] () Personality development: theoretical, empirical, and clinical investigations of Loevinger's conception of ego development [i] [d]
  2841. () Horney, Zen, and the real self [d]
  2842. () Wild hunger: the primal roots of modern addiction [i]
  2843. () Worry versus anxiety: is there really a difference? [d]
  2844. () Is happiness a cause of health? [d]
  2845. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  2846. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
  2847. (/2004) Social skills training for schizophrenia: a step-by-step guide [i]
  2848. (/2019) Case conceptualization and treatment planning: integrating theory with clinical practice [i]
  2849. () News you can use: Pema Chödrön and bell hooks talk over life and all its problems [u]
  2850. () When things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times [i]
  2851. () Happy, happy, happy [d]
  2852. () Emotional unavailability: recognizing it, understanding it, and avoiding its trap [i]
  2853. () The gift of fear: survival signals that protect us from violence [i]
  2854. () Self-respect: moral, emotional, political [d] [j]
  2855. Tracy D. Eells [ed] (/2007) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation [i]
  2856. () Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators [i]
  2857. () Information-gathering and therapeutic models of assessment: complementary paradigms [d]
  2858. () Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways [p]
  2859. () Emotional blackmail: when the people in your life use fear, obligation, and guilt to manipulate you [i]
  2860. () The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy [p] [d]
  2861. () What memory is for: creating meaning in the service of action [and comments and reply] [d]
  2862. () Object relations psychotherapy: an individualized and interactive approach to diagnosis and treatment [i]
  2863. Ian H. Gotlib & Blair Wheaton [ed] () Stress and adversity over the life course: trajectories and turning points [i] [d]
  2864. () Working with emotions in psychotherapy [i]
  2865. () What emotions really are: the problem of psychological categories [i] [d]
  2866. () Changes: the personal consequences of the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2867. Marcia Hill [ed] () More than a mirror: how clients influence therapists' lives [i] [d]
  2868. () Love in a time of hate: liberation psychology in Latin America [i]
  2869. (/2018) Therapist's guide to clinical intervention: the 1-2-3's of treatment planning [i]
  2870. Judith V. Jordan [ed] () Women's growth in diversity: more writings from the Stone Center [i]
  2871. () Jung on active imagination [i] [d] [j]
  2872. () Merger and unconditional love as transformative experiences [i] [d]
  2873. () Stress for success: the proven program for transforming stress into positive energy at work [i]
  2874. () Mindfulness: a proposed common factor [d]
  2875. () Changing character: short-term anxiety-regulating psychotherapy for restructuring defenses, affects, and attachment [i]
  2876. () The anatomy of disgust [i]
  2877. () The healing connection: how women form relationships in therapy and in life [i]
  2878. () Rethinking women's anger: the personal and the global [i]
  2879. () From empathy to community [o]
  2880. (/2010) Undoing depression: what therapy doesn't teach you and medication can't give you [i]
  2881. () Comparison of specific and nonspecific factors in a group cognitive therapy for depression [d]
  2882. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  2883. () Personal warmth and psychological health at midlife [d]
  2884. Robert Plutchik & Hope R. Conte [ed] () Circumplex models of personality and emotions [i] [d]
  2885. Elizabeth B. Robertson, Zili Sloboda, Gayle M. Boyd, & Nicholas J. Kozel [ed] () Rural substance abuse: state of knowledge and issues [o]
  2886. () Clients' expectancies and their relationship to pretreatment symptomatology and outcome of cognitive-behavioral group treatment for social phobia [d]
  2887. () Emotions, the social bond, and human reality: part/whole analysis [i]
  2888. () Formations of class and gender: becoming respectable [i]
  2889. () Breaking the patterns of depression [i]
  2890. () Getting your emotional act together: it's simple but it ain't easy [o]
  2891. () Core transformation: a brief therapy approach to emotional and spiritual healing [i]
  2892. (/2011) How we grieve: relearning the world [i] [d]
  2893. (/2015) Neuroscience: exploring the brain [i]
  2894. Joan Berzoff, Laura Melano Flanagan, Patricia Hertz, & Joan Berzoff [ed] (/2008) Inside out and outside in: psychodynamic clinical theory and psychopathology in contemporary multicultural contexts [i]
  2895. () Rating scales for measuring the interpersonal circle in forensic psychiatric patients [d]
  2896. () Procrastination and blocking: a novel, practical approach [i]
  2897. (/2013) Biological psychology: an introduction to behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience [i]
  2898. () Change processes in a creation of meaning event [d]
  2899. Patricia A. Comella, Joyce Bader, Judith S. Ball, Kathleen K. Wiseman, & Ruth Riley Sagar [ed] () The emotional side of organizations: applications of Bowen theory [o]
  2900. () The power of focusing: a practical guide to emotional self-healing [i]
  2901. () Empowerment-oriented social work practice: impact on late life relationships of women [d]
  2902. () Implicit learning, tacit knowledge, and implications for stasis and change in cognitive psychotherapy [d]
  2903. () Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
  2904. () Narrative therapy: the social construction of preferred realities [i]
  2905. () Psychiatric implications of displacement: contributions from the psychology of place [p] [d]
  2906. () Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
  2907. () Parental meta-emotion philosophy and the emotional life of families: theoretical models and preliminary data [d]
  2908. () Emotion and cognition in experiential therapy: a dialectical constructivist perspective [i]
  2909. () The power of empathic exploration: a process-experiential/gestalt perspective on the case of Jim Brown [i]
  2910. () Comparative efficiency of informal (subjective, impressionistic) and formal (mechanical, algorithmic) prediction procedures: the clinical–statistical controversy [d]
  2911. Marcia Hill & Esther D. Rothblum [ed] () Couples therapy: feminist perspectives [i]
  2912. () Attributional bias and reactive aggression [p]
  2913. (/2004) The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: creating connection [i]
  2914. () Speaking of sadness: depression, disconnection, and the meanings of illness [i]
  2915. (/2015) InterViews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing [i]
  2916. () Perfectionism: a sure cure for happiness [i]
  2917. Mark F. Lenzenweger & John F. Clarkin [ed] (/2005) Major theories of personality disorder [i]
  2918. (/2000) Beauty and lust [i]
  2919. () Psychotherapy and the ethics of attention [p] [d] [j]
  2920. () Out of control: visceral influences on behavior [d]
  2921. Lester Luborsky [ed] () The symptom-context method: symptoms as opportunities in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2922. () Cognitive-behavioral treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder from a narrative constructivist perspective: a conversation with Donald Meichenbaum [i]
  2923. () Illegal action—official reaction [i]
  2924. () The self-fulfilling nature of positive illusions in romantic relationships: love is not blind, but prescient [d]
  2925. () Positive affect [and religion] [u]
  2926. (/2019) Understanding emotions [i]
  2927. () Specific and nonspecific factors in psychotherapy: a case of cognitive therapy for depression [d]
  2928. () Effect of comfort on mood states affecting performance [d]
  2929. () A volcano in my tummy: helping children to handle anger: a resource book for parents, caregivers and teachers [i]
  2930. () Conceiving of personality [i] [d] [j]
  2931. () Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression: the mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem [d]
  2932. () Inventing our selves: psychology, power, and personhood [i] [d]
  2933. Hugh Rosen & Kevin T. Kuehlwein [ed] () Constructing realities: meaning-making perspectives for psychotherapists [i]
  2934. (/2005) What works for whom?: a critical review of psychotherapy research [i]
  2935. () Strategy for community conferences: emotions and social bonds [i]
  2936. () The origin of everyday moods: managing energy, tension, and stress [i]
  2937. () Relational therapy concepts [o]
  2938. Dennis C. Turk & Robert J. Gatchel [ed] (/2018) Psychological approaches to pain management: a practitioner's handbook [i]
  2939. () The relationship between vivid description, emotional arousal, and in-session resolution of problematic reactions [d]
  2940. Jerry S. Wiggins [ed] () The five-factor model of personality: theoretical perspectives [i]
  2941. () Negotiation as a healing process [u]
  2942. Kenneth Yeager & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research [i]
  2943. () 'If I feel anxious, there must be danger': ex-consequentia reasoning in inferring danger in anxiety disorders [d]
  2944. () Doing brief psychotherapy [i]
  2945. () Emotional behavior in long-term marriage [d]
  2946. Cathy Caruth [ed] () Trauma: explorations in memory [i]
  2947. () Tenderness and steadiness: emotions in medical practice [p] [d]
  2948. () Constructing the self, constructing America: a cultural history of psychotherapy [i]
  2949. () Racial healing: confronting the fear between Blacks and Whites [i]
  2950. () World mental health: problems, and priorities in low-income countries [i]
  2951. () Hostile attributional bias in adults [d]
  2952. () Dismantling fixations [u]
  2953. () Constructing a philosophy of essence: reading Buddhism through the two natures of desire [i]
  2954. () How the criticized deal with criticism [o] [u]
  2955. () A dialectical-constructivist approach to experiential change [i] [d]
  2956. (/2016) Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think [i]
  2957. () Emotion regulation and mental health [d]
  2958. () Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
  2959. T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, & Gary Groth-Marnat [ed] (/2011) Integrative assessment of adult personality [i]
  2960. () Cognition, emotion and defence: processes and mechanisms of change in a brief psychotherapy for depression [d]
  2961. (/2006) The emotionally abused and neglected child: identification, assessment and intervention: a practice handbook [i]
  2962. (/2021) The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner [i]
  2963. () Building commitment, attachment, and trust in strategic decision-making teams: the role of procedural justice [d] [j]
  2964. () Missed opportunities: psychological ramifications of counterfactual thought in midlife women [d]
  2965. () Dance and other expressive art therapies: when words are not enough [i]
  2966. () Social work and the Black experience [i]
  2967. (/2002) The autonomy of affect [i] [d]
  2968. (/2006) Self-esteem research, theory, and practice: toward a positive psychology of self-esteem [i]
  2969. () Constructivist psychotherapies: features, foundations, and future directions [i] [d]
  2970. Robert A. Neimeyer & Michael J. Mahoney [ed] () Constructivism in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2971. (/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
  2972. () Spontaneous creative imagery: problem-solving and life-enhancing skills [i]
  2973. () Ideas and realities of emotion [i] [d]
  2974. James W. Pennebaker [ed] () Emotion, disclosure & health [i] [d]
  2975. () Childhood trauma, the neurobiology of adaptation, and 'use-dependent' development of the brain: how 'states' become 'traits' [d]
  2976. () By force of fantasy: how we make our lives [i]
  2977. (/2006) Letting go of anger: the eleven most common anger styles & what to do about them [i]
  2978. () The client's affective impact on the therapist: implications for therapist responsiveness [d]
  2979. () A handbook for constructive living [i]
  2980. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick & Adam Frank [ed] () Shame and its sisters: a Silvan Tomkins reader [i]
  2981. June Price Tangney & Kurt W. Fischer [ed] () Self-conscious emotions: the psychology of shame, guilt, embarrassment, and pride [i]
  2982. () Exploring affect: the selected writings of Silvan S. Tomkins [i]
  2983. () Psychotherapeutic aspects of the martial arts [p] [d]
  2984. () The assertive trainer: a practical handbook on assertiveness for trainers and running assertiveness courses [i]
  2985. (/2015) Essentials of hypnosis [i] [d]
  2986. () Losing control: how and why people fail at self-regulation [i]
  2987. Benina Berger Gould & Donna Hilleboe DeMuth [ed] () The global family therapist: integrating the personal, professional, and political [i]
  2988. () Start where you are: a guide to compassionate living [i]
  2989. Lillian Comas-Díaz & Beverly Greene [ed] () Women of color: integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy [i]
  2990. () Adult survivors of childhood emotional, physical, and sexual abuse: dynamics and treatment [i]
  2991. Graham Davey & Adrian Wells [ed] (/2006) Worry and its psychological disorders: theory, assessment, and treatment [i] [d]
  2992. () How to achieve peace of mind: your guide for attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being [i]
  2993. () Rural stress survival guide [o] [u]
  2994. () Affective splitting and dissociation in normal and maltreated children: developmental pathways for self in relationships [i]
  2995. () The ecology of aggression [i] [d]
  2996. () A dialectic of experience: a radical empiricist approach to conflicting theories in psychotherapy [d]
  2997. Susan M. Johnson & Leslie S. Greenberg [ed] () The heart of the matter: perspectives on emotion in marital therapy [i]
  2998. () In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
  2999. () Mechanisms of defense: development and research perspectives [p]
  3000. Antoon A. Leenaars, Robert A. Neimeyer, & John T. Maltsberger [ed] () Treatment of suicidal people [i] [d]
  3001. () When the therapist needs therapy: characterological countertransference issues and failures in the treatment of the borderline personality disorder [d]
  3002. (/2011) Psychoanalytic diagnosis: understanding personality structure in the clinical process [i]
  3003. Marsha Pravder Mirkin [ed] () Women in context: toward a feminist reconstruction of psychotherapy [i]
  3004. (/2009) The therapy of desire: theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics [i] [d] [j]
  3005. () Poor women: making a difference [i]
  3006. () A buyer's guide to psychotherapy [u]
  3007. () Empathy as a cognitive inhibitor of interpersonal aggression [d]
  3008. () Bloody revenge: emotions, nationalism, and war [i] [d]
  3009. () Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
  3010. () Self-regulation of mood: strategies for changing a bad mood, raising energy, and reducing tension [d]
  3011. () The complexity of bodily feeling [and reply by Eugene Gendlin] [d] [j]
  3012. () Suggestions of abuse: true and false memories of childhood sexual trauma [i]
  3013. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, & Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones [ed] (/2016) Handbook of emotions [i]
  3014. Roy F. Baumeister [ed] () Self-esteem: the puzzle of low self-regard [i]
  3015. (/1996) Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders [i]
  3016. Patricia E. Blumenreich & Susan Lewis [ed] () Managing the violent patient: a clinician's guide [i]
  3017. () Experiencing: the basis of psychotherapy [d]
  3018. (/2019) Stress and animal welfare: key issues in the biology of humans and other animals [i] [d]
  3019. () Psychological symptoms [i]
  3020. () Emotion, depth, and flesh: a study of sensitive space: reflections on Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of embodiment [i]
  3021. () Human minds: an exploration [i]
  3022. (/1998) Constructive thinking: the key to emotional intelligence [i]
  3023. Dodi Goldman [ed] () In one's bones: the clinical genius of Winnicott [i]
  3024. () In search of the real: the origins and originality of D.W. Winnicott [i]
  3025. () Facilitating emotional change: the moment-by-moment process [i]
  3026. (/2003) Distancing: avoidant personality disorder [i]
  3027. () Persona and performance: the meaning of role in drama, therapy, and everyday life [i]
  3028. () The imposter phenomenon: recent research findings regarding dynamics, personality and family patterns and their implications for treatment [d]
  3029. (/2015) DBT skills training manual [dialectical behavior therapy] [i]
  3030. () Contrast, contradiction, and change in psychotherapy [d]
  3031. Steven Jay Lynn, Judith W. Rhue, & Irving Kirsch [ed] (/2010) Handbook of clinical hypnosis [i]
  3032. (/2004) The mythology of psychopathology: a social cognitive view of deviance, difference, and disorder [i]
  3033. () Burnout: an existential perspective [i] [d]
  3034. () How to deal with difficult people [i]
  3035. () Humiliation: and other essays on honor, social discomfort, and violence [i]
  3036. () Effects of rumination and distraction on naturally occurring depressed mood [d]
  3037. () Analysis analysed: when the map becomes the territory [i]
  3038. Charles E. Schaefer & Athena A. Drewes [ed] (/2014) The therapeutic powers of play: 20 core agents of change [i]
  3039. Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Christina Maslach, & Tadeusz Marek [ed] () Professional burnout: recent developments in theory and research [i] [d]
  3040. () Beyond the interpersonal circumplex in group psychotherapy: the structure and relationship to outcome of the individual group member interpersonal process scale [p] [d]
  3041. (/2017) Clinical interviewing [i]
  3042. (/2011) Therapeutic communication: knowing what to say when [i]
  3043. () Emotions as an art form [i]
  3044. () Voyages of the heart: living an emotionally creative life [i]
  3045. () Severe depression: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  3046. () Self-organizing processes, anxiety, and change [d]
  3047. () Anxiety: the cognitive perspective [i]
  3048. () The complete fulfillment (dzogchen) tradition and existential psychology [u]
  3049. (/1997) Trauma and recovery [i]
  3050. () Shattered assumptions: towards a new psychology of trauma [i]
  3051. () Burn-out as a crisis in self-efficacy: conceptual and practical implications [d]
  3052. () Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind [d]
  3053. () Shame and pride: affect, sex, and the birth of the self [i]
  3054. John C. Norcross & Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] (/2019) Handbook of psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
  3055. () Contemplative photography as practice and therapy [u]
  3056. () Effects of optimism on psychological and physical well-being: theoretical overview and empirical update [d]
  3057. () Shamed into anger?: the relation of shame and guilt to anger and self-reported aggression [p] [d]
  3058. (/1996) The construction of clinical 'realities' [i]
  3059. () Contemplative psychotherapy: a path of uncovering brilliant sanity [u]
  3060. () Toward an integrative theory of psychological change in individuals and organizations: a cognitive-affective regulation model [i] [d]
  3061. () The key to understanding change: emotions as appetitive wishes and beliefs about their fulfillment [i]
  3062. (/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
  3063. () Depression, realism, and the overconfidence effect: are the sadder wiser when predicting future actions and events? [d]
  3064. () Focused expressive psychotherapy: treating blocked emotions [i]
  3065. () Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
  3066. (/1994) Shame and the origins of self-esteem: a Jungian approach [i]
  3067. Philip C. Kendall [ed] (/2012) Child and adolescent therapy: cognitive-behavioral procedures [i]
  3068. Helen B. Landgarten & Darcy Lubbers [ed] () Adult art psychotherapy: issues and applications [i]
  3069. () Emotion and adaptation [i]
  3070. () No place to hide: facing shame so we can find self-respect [i]
  3071. () 'Mental growth' and 'mental health' as distinct concepts in the study of developmental psychopathology: theory, research, and clinical implications [i]
  3072. (/1998) Driving fear out of the workplace: creating the high-trust, high-performance organization [i]
  3073. Jeremy D. Safran & Leslie S. Greenberg [ed] () Emotion, psychotherapy, and change [i]
  3074. () Affective change processes: a synthesis and critical analysis [i]
  3075. () Emotions and violence: shame and rage in destructive conflicts [i]
  3076. () Mea culpa: a sociology of apology and reconciliation [i] [d]
  3077. () Stories that heal: reparenting adult children of dysfunctional families using hypnotic stories in psychotherapy [i]
  3078. (/2005) Psychobiology of personality [i]
  3079. () The therapy pathway reformulated [i] [u]
  3080. () A cognitive client-centered perspective on borderline personality development [i] [u]
  3081. John W. Burton [ed] () Conflict: human needs theory [i]
  3082. () Perspective on psychology through the practice of yoga [u]
  3083. () Guided imagery in brief psychodynamic therapy: outcome and process [d]
  3084. () How emotions develop and how they organise development [d]
  3085. () The small steps of the therapy process: how they come and how to help them come [i] [u]
  3086. () Predicting human behavior: comparing idiographic, nomothetic, and agentic methodologies [d]
  3087. () Improvisational therapy: a practical guide for creative clinical strategies [i]
  3088. (/2008) The psychological unconscious [i] [u]
  3089. () Changing expectations: a key to effective psychotherapy [i]
  3090. (/2007) Body-centered psychotherapy: the Hakomi method: the integrated use of mindfulness, nonviolence, and the body [i]
  3091. () The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale: a cognitive-developmental measure of emotion [p] [d]
  3092. Germain Lietaer, Jan Rombauts, & Richard van Balen [ed] () Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties [i] [u]
  3093. () How universal is something we can call 'therapy'?: some implications of non-Western healing systems for intercultural work [d]
  3094. () Imagery and visual expression in therapy [i]
  3095. (/1996) Recreating your self: building self-esteem through imaging and self-hypnosis [i]
  3096. (/1997) Opening up: the healing power of expressing emotions [i]
  3097. (/2003) Recovering sanity: a compassionate approach to understanding and treating psychosis [or: The seduction of madness: revolutionary insights into the world of psychosis and a compassionate approach to recovery at home] [i]
  3098. (/2015) Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach [i]
  3099. () Fundamental dimensions in experiential therapy: new directions in research [i] [u]
  3100. () Concrete interventions are crucial: the influence of the therapist's processing proposals on the client's intrapersonal exploration in client-centered therapy [i] [u]
  3101. () Needs as analogues of emotions [i]
  3102. () The paradigmatic behaviorism theory of emotions: basis for unification [d]
  3103. () Assimilation of problematic experiences by clients in psychotherapy [d]
  3104. () A schema-based information processing perspective on client change in experiential psychotherapy [i] [u]
  3105. () The protective shell in children and adults [i] [d]
  3106. (/1997) Addictive thinking: understanding self-deception [i]
  3107. () Moral discourse and the rhetoric of emotions [i]
  3108. () Creating a character: a physical approach to acting [i]
  3109. () Cognitive processes as a cause of psychotherapeutic change: self-initiated processes [i] [u]
  3110. () Mood in argumentation [j]
  3111. () Creative imagery: how to visualize in all five senses [i]
  3112. Gerard Fromm & Bruce L. Smith [ed] () The facilitating environment: clinical applications of Winnicott's theory [i]
  3113. () Emotion in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  3114. () Productive and unproductive depression: success or failure of a vital process [i]
  3115. (/2002) Hypnotherapy scripts: a neo-Ericksonian approach to persuasive healing [i]
  3116. () The circular mood scale: a new technique of measuring ambulatory mood [d]
  3117. () Justice and emotional reactions to the disadvantaged [d]
  3118. (/1994) Community mental health: a practical guide [i]
  3119. () Rationality as a goal of psychotherapy [d]
  3120. () The key to successful therapy [u]
  3121. David K. Reynolds [ed] () Flowing bridges, quiet waters: Japanese psychotherapies, Morita and Naikan [i]
  3122. () Depression: a discussion of Jung's ideas [d]
  3123. E. Mark Stern [ed] () Psychotherapy and the remorseful patient [i]
  3124. () A secure base: parent–child attachment and healthy human development [i]
  3125. () Focused expressive psychotherapy: freeing the overcontrolled patient [i]
  3126. (/1996) Freedom from anger [i]
  3127. () A systems, process-oriented approach to cognitive therapy [i]
  3128. Keith S. Dobson [ed] (/2010) Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies [i]
  3129. () Phases of burnout: developments in concepts and applications [i]
  3130. (/2000) Prescription for anger: coping with angry feelings and angry people [i]
  3131. () Family evaluation: an approach based on Bowen theory [i]
  3132. () The search for the real self: unmasking the personality disorders of our age [i]
  3133. (/1996) The addictive personality: understanding the addictive process and compulsive behavior [i]
  3134. () There is no subconscious: embryogenesis and memory [d]
  3135. () Integrating psychotherapy research and practice: modeling the change process [d]
  3136. () Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health [p] [d]
  3137. (/2011) Interpersonal process in therapy: an integrative model [i]
  3138. () Cognition–excitation interdependences in aggressive behavior [d]
  3139. () Gestalt therapy and feminist therapy: a proposed integration [d]
  3140. () Therapeutic households [u]
  3141. (/2011) Aggression replacement training: a comprehensive intervention for aggressive youth [i]
  3142. () Emotion in psychotherapy: affect, cognition, and the process of change [i]
  3143. (/1992) The insanity of normality: realism as sickness: toward understanding human destructiveness [i]
  3144. () Complexity of the self: a developmental approach to psychopathology and therapy [i]
  3145. () The treatment utility of assessment: a functional approach to evaluating assessment quality [p] [d]
  3146. () Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving [d]
  3147. () Feel the fear and do it anyway [i]
  3148. (/1993) Body process: working with the body in psychotherapy [i]
  3149. () Hatred of health [u]
  3150. () Self-complexity as a cognitive buffer against stress-related illness and depression [d]
  3151. (/2000) You are the eyes of the world: a guide to the meaning of pure and total presence [i]
  3152. Donald S. Milman & George D. Goldman [ed] () Techniques of working with resistance [i]
  3153. Donald L. Nathanson [ed] () The many faces of shame [i]
  3154. () The artist as therapist [i]
  3155. () Conciliation: responses to the emotional content of disputes [d]
  3156. () Shame [i]
  3157. () Depression as a loss of heart [u]
  3158. (/1988) Annie stories: a special kind of storytelling [i]
  3159. () The influence of positive affect and visual access on the discovery of integrative solutions in bilateral negotiation [d]
  3160. (/2003) Spectrum of ecstasy: embracing the five wisdom emotions of Vajrayana Buddhism [i]
  3161. () Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information [p] [d]
  3162. () The self as mediator of cognitive change in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  3163. Lorne M. Hartman & Kirk R. Blankstein [ed] () Perception of self in emotional disorder and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  3164. () Phenomenological analysis of splitting [d]
  3165. (/2004) Widow to widow: how the bereaved help one another [i] [d]
  3166. () Anger: the struggle for emotional control in America's history [i]
  3167. (/2019) The fifteen minute hour: efficient and effective patient-centered consultation skills [or: The fifteen minute hour: applied psychotherapy for the primary care physician] [i] [d]
  3168. () Home is where we start from: essays by a psychoanalyst [i]
  3169. (/1989) The skin ego [i]
  3170. David H. Barlow [ed] (/2021) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: a step-by-step treatment manual [i]
  3171. (/2012) Sport psychology: concepts and applications [i]
  3172. () Differential effects of experiential and problem-solving interventions in resolving marital conflict [p] [d]
  3173. () Creativity and depression: an idiographic study [i]
  3174. (/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
  3175. () Personal reconstruction during group cognitive therapy for depression [i]
  3176. () Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
  3177. () Integrating affect and cognition: a perspective on the process of therapeutic change [d]
  3178. () Hot cognition—emotion coming in from the cold: a reply to Rachman and Mahoney [d]
  3179. (/1998) The key: and the name of the key is willingness [i]
  3180. () Cognitive processes and the persistence of aggressive behavior [d]
  3181. () Neurotic style and organizational pathology [d] [j] [u]
  3182. () Toward a personal construct conceptualization of depression and suicide [i]
  3183. () Playing ball on running water: the Japanese way to building a better life [i]
  3184. () Constructive living [i]
  3185. () Task analysis of the resolution of problematic reactions [i]
  3186. Laura North Rice & Leslie S. Greenberg [ed] () Patterns of change: intensive analysis of psychotherapy process [i]
  3187. () Conditions of happiness [i] [d]
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  3189. () Empathic understanding: a review of the concept and some theoretical considerations [d]
  3190. () Cognitive processes and emotional disorders: a structural approach to psychotherapy [i]
  3191. () The situation is hopeless, but not serious (the pursuit of unhappiness) [i]
  3192. () Anger and aggression: an essay on emotion [i] [d]
  3193. Leo Goldberger & Shlomo Breznitz [ed] (/1993) Handbook of stress: theoretical and clinical aspects [i]
  3194. Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] () Converging themes in psychotherapy: trends in psychodynamic, humanistic, and behavioral practice [i]
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  3198. (/2002) The tangled wing: biological constraints on the human spirit [i]
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  3205. () Boundary and space: an introduction to the work of D.W. Winnicott [i]
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  3208. (/1988) Career burnout: causes and cures [i]
  3209. () Behavioural concepts and treatments of neuroses [d]
  3210. () The distancing of emotion in psychotherapy [d]
  3211. (/1997) Skillstreaming the adolescent: new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills [i]
  3212. (/1992) Shame: the power of caring [i]
  3213. () Making meaning: the constructive-developmental approach to persons and practice [d]
  3214. () The quiet therapies: Japanese pathways to personal growth [i]
  3215. () Mind-play: the creative uses of fantasy [i]
  3216. () Personal constructs among depressed patients [p] [d]
  3217. () Foundations of dialectical psychology [i] [d]
  3218. () Learning to fear: a case study of emotional conditioning [d]
  3219. () Catharsis in healing, ritual, and drama [i]
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  3222. () The body's releasing steps in experiential process [i]
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  3225. Jerome L. Singer & Kenneth S. Pope [ed] () The power of human imagination: new methods in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  3226. () Sentics: the touch of emotions [i]
  3227. () A reconstruction of emotion [i]
  3228. Alan Monat & Richard S. Lazarus [ed] (/1991) Stress and coping: an anthology [i]
  3229. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
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  3232. () Hypnosis and behavior modification: imagery conditioning [i]
  3233. (/1987) Sex and the superego: psychic war in men and women [i]
  3234. (/2012) Neuropsychological assessment [i]
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  3236. Frederick H. Kanfer & Arnold P. Goldstein [ed] (/1991) Helping people change: a textbook of methods [i]
  3237. () Empathic: an unappreciated way of being [d]
  3238. (/1998) Compassion and self-hate: an alternative to despair [i]
  3239. () Zen, hypnosis and creativity [o]
  3240. () Otto Rank and the step beyond psychology [o]
  3241. () How do you feel?: a guide to your emotions [i]
  3242. (/1996) Acting-in: practical applications of psychodramatic methods [i]
  3243. (/1995) Letter to a harsh critic: I have nothing to admit [i]
  3244. (/2004) Nomadic thought [i]
  3245. Herbert Arthur Otto [ed] () Love today: a new exploration [i]
  3246. () Therapeutic factors in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  3247. (/1988) Spinoza: practical philosophy [i]
  3248. () Knots [i]
  3249. (/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
  3250. Louis A. Gottschalk & Arthur H. Auerbach [ed] () Methods of research in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  3251. () Self & society: social change and individual development [o] [d]
  3252. () Natural history method in psychotherapy: communicational research [i] [d]
  3253. () Neurosis and treatment: a holistic theory [o]
  3254. () The use of symptoms as an integral part of hypnotherapy [p] [d]
  3255. (/1995) Ideology and affect [i]
  3256. () The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development [o]
  3257. (/1985) Culture and mental disorders [i]
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  3259. (/1977) Clinical and experimental hypnosis in medicine, dentistry, and psychology [i]
  3260. (/1975) Bodily sensations [i]
  3261. (/1983) Nietzsche and philosophy [i]
  3262. (/1997) Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective [i]
  3263. Jean Lassner [ed] (/1964) Hypnosis in anesthesiology: an international symposium held at the First European Congress of Anesthesiology of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists, Vienna, Austria, September 5, 1962 [o] [d]
  3264. (/2008) Affect imagery consciousness [i]
  3265. (/1991) Persuasion and healing: a comparative study of psychotherapy [i]
  3266. () Decisional conflicts: a theoretical analysis [d]
  3267. (/1984) Metamorphosis: on the development of affect, perception, attention, and memory [i] [u]
  3268. () The sources of value [o]
  3269. () The four sublime states: brahma-vihara: contemplations on love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity [o] [u]
  3270. (/1972) The ethics of Spinoza: the road to inner freedom [i]
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  3278. (/2002) The concept of mind [i]
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  3283. () Self-analysis [i]
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  3285. (/1972) Foundations for a science of personality [i]
  3286. () Disgust and related aversions [d]
  3287. (/1998) Morita therapy and the true nature of anxiety based disorders (shinkeishitsu) [i]
  3288. (/1992) Reason and emotion [i]
  3289. (/1996) Active and passive therapy [i]
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  3291. (/1989) Art and artist: creative urge and personality development [i]
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  3293. () Intelligent living [o]
  3294. () The psychology and pedagogy of anger [o] [u]
  3295. () Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, and gorilla [d]
  3296. (/1994) Ressentiment [i]
  3297. () Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]
  3298. (/2008) The nature of sympathy [i] [d]
  3299. (/1919) A first book in psychology [o] [u]
  3300. (/1961) The integrative action of the nervous system [o] [u]
  3301. (/1985) The varieties of religious experience [i] [u]
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  3303. (/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
  3304. (/1912) Spinoza: his life and philosophy [o] [u]
  3305. (/1998) The expression of the emotions in man and animals [i] [u]
  3306. (/1812) The dignity of human nature: or, A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence [o] [u]
  3307. (/1978) A treatise of human nature: being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects [i] [u]
  3308. (/1996) Ethics [i] [u]

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