How to transform emotions
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- Matthew Coleman & David DeSteno (2024) Intertemporal empathy decline: feeling less distress for future others' suffering [and its amelioration through imagination] [p] [d]
- Shawn R. Criswell (2024) Applying process-oriented hypnosis to treat perfectionism-related depression [p] [d]
- Anne C. Frenzel, Muhterem Dindar, Reinhard Pekrun, Corinna Reck, & Anton K. G. Marx (2024) Joy is reciprocally transmitted between teachers and students: evidence on facial mimicry in the classroom [d]
- Ronald F. Levant & Shana Pryor [ed] (2024) Assessing and treating emotionally inexpressive men [i] [d]
- Agnes Moors (2024) An overview of contemporary theories of emotions in psychology [i] [d] [u]
- Alexandra Plakias (2024) Feeling awkward [i] [d]
- Andrea Scarantino [ed] (2024) Emotion theory: the Routledge comprehensive guide [in two volumes: History, contemporary theories, and key elements; Theories of specific emotions and major theoretical challenges] [i] [d]
- Livio Tarchi, Giovanni Stanghellini, Valdo Ricca, & Giovanni Castellini (2024) The primacy of ocular perception: a narrative review on the role of gender identity in eating disorders [p] [d] [u]
- Kathryn A. Thomas & William T. Hoyt (2024) The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: exploring retrospective trajectories of distress in exonerees [p] [d]
- Sue Varma (2024) Practical optimism: the art, science, and practice of exceptional well-being [i]
- Craig J. Bryan, Samantha E. Daruwala, Jeffrey V. Tabares, Jonathan E. Butner, Emil F. Coccaro, & Stephanie M. Gorka (2023) Heightened threat perceptions and reduced stability in anxiety and fear among U.S. adults who carry handguns [p] [d] [u]
- Susanne A. Denham (2023) The development of emotional competence in young children [i]
- Stacey Freedenthal (2023) Loving someone with suicidal thoughts: what family, friends, and partners can say and do [i]
- Willie Hale, Sarah Vacek, Meghan Crabtree, Kaitlin Grelle, Craig J. Bryan, Donald D. McGeary, & Kathryn E. Kanzler (2023) The benefits of making peace with pain: chronic pain acceptance moderates the indirect effect of perceived burdensomeness between pain severity and suicidal cognitions [p] [d] [u]
- Becky Kennedy & Manoush Zomorodi (2023) No parent is perfect! So try to get good at repair [u]
- Zoey Lavallee (2023) Affective scaffolding in addiction [d]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2023) Borderline personality disorder and the weaponization of words [u]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2023) Why some people with BPD engage in character assassination and how to avoid becoming a target [borderline personality disorder] [u]
- David A. Moscovitch, Morris Moscovitch, & Signy Sheldon (2023) Neurocognitive model of schema-congruent and -incongruent learning in clinical disorders: application to social anxiety and beyond [p] [d]
- Gøril Solberg Kleiven, Aslak Hjeltnes, Eli Natvik, & Christian Moltu (2023) Engaging with difficult topics and emotional experiences in psychotherapy: a study of helpful therapist acts [p] [d]
- Michael Cholbi (2022) Grief: a philosophical guide [i] [j]
- Ana Isabel Correia, São Luís Castro, Chloe MacGregor, Daniel Müllensiefen, E. Glenn Schellenberg, & César F. Lima (2022) Enhanced recognition of vocal emotions in individuals with naturally good musical abilities [p] [d]
- Daniel Dukes, Eric A. Walle, & Andrea C. Samson [ed] (2022) The Oxford handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
- Douglas G. Flemons (2022) The heart and mind of hypnotherapy: inviting connection, inventing change [i]
- Joel Givens & Brett D. Wilkinson (2022) More than a feeling: constructing emotion in theory and practice [d]
- Amelia Hill (2022) Standup comedy course for men at risk of suicide wins NHS funding ['Comedy on Referral'] [u]
- Tamara Keefner, Mary E. Minton, & Kathy Antonen (2022/2024) Embracing emotional pain: a case study of adolescent suicidality and spirituality [p] [d]
- Dacher Keltner (2022) Awe: the new science of everyday wonder and how it can transform your life [i]
- Randi Kreger, Christine A. Adamec, & Daniel S. Lobel (2022) Stop walking on eggshells for parents: how to help your child (of any age) with borderline personality disorder without losing yourself [i]
- Richard D. Lane, Claudia Subic-Wrana, Leslie S. Greenberg, & Iftah Yovel (2022) The role of enhanced emotional awareness in promoting change across psychotherapy modalities [d]
- Falk Lieder, Mike Prentice, & Emily R. Corwin-Renner (2022) An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing [d]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2022) The relationship between BPD disassociation and gaslighting: how memory gaps may affect relationships for people with BPD [borderline personality disorder] [u]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2022) When someone you love has borderline personality disorder: a compassionate guide to building a healthy and supportive relationship [i]
- Qiang Luo & Barbara J. Sahakian (2022) Brain sex differences: the androgynous brain is advantageous for mental health and well-being [p] [d] [u]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Etzel Cardeña, Joseph P. Green, & Jean-Roch Laurence (2022) The case for clinical hypnosis: theory and research-based do's and don'ts for clinical practice [d]
- Erica D. Marshall Lee, Cassandra Hinger, Hope Lam, & Keith A. Wood (2022) Addressing deep poverty-related stress across multiple levels of intervention [d]
- Agnes Moors (2022) Demystifying emotions: a typology of theories in psychology and philosophy [i] [d]
- Melanie Munroe & Michel Ferrari [ed] (2022) Post-traumatic growth to psychological well-being: coping wisely with adversity [i] [d]
- Camilla L. Nord & Sarah N. Garfinkel (2022) Interoceptive pathways to understand and treat mental health conditions [p] [d]
- Luiz Pessoa (2022) The entangled brain: how perception, cognition, and emotion are woven together [i] [d]
- Neema Trivedi-Bateman & Emma L. Crook (2022) The optimal application of empathy interventions to reduce antisocial behaviour and crime: a review of the literature [d]
- Glenn D. Walters (2022) Criminality and crime: a social-cognitive-developmental theory of delinquent and criminal behavior [i]
- Jill P. Weber (2022) Overcoming stress-induced brain fog [i]
- Maayan Abargil & Orya Tishby (2021) Fluctuations in therapist emotions and their relation to treatment processes and outcomes [d]
- Rajen A. Anderson, Rachana Kamtekar, Shaun Nichols, & David A. Pizarro (2021) 'False positive' emotions, responsibility, and moral character [p] [d]
- Artur Brzozowski, Steven M. Gillespie, Louise Dixon, & Ian J. Mitchell (2021) Cardiac autonomic function and psychological characteristics of heterosexual female perpetrators of intimate partner physical aggression [p] [d]
- Kris Clarke & Michael Yellow Bird (2021) Decolonizing pathways towards integrative healing in social work [i] [d]
- Lise Eliot (2021) Brain development and physical aggression: how a small gender difference grows into a violence problem [d]
- Robert Elliott & James Macdonald (2021) Relational dialogue in emotion-focused therapy [p] [d]
- Owen J. Flanagan (2021) How to do things with emotions: the morality of anger and shame across cultures [i] [j]
- Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois (2021) Complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Kathryn H. Gordon (2021) The suicidal thoughts workbook: CBT skill to reduce emotional pain, increase hope, and prevent suicide [i]
- Nevin Harper & Will W. Dobud [ed] (2021) Outdoor therapies: introduction to practices, possibilities, and critical perspectives [i] [d]
- Olivia K. Harrison, Laura Köchli, Stephanie Marino, Roger Luechinger, Franciszek Hennel, Katja Brand, Alexander J. Hess, Stefan Frässle, Sandra Iglesias, Fabien Vinckier, Frederike H. Petzschner, Samuel J. Harrison, & Klaas E. Stephan (2021) Interoception of breathing and its relationship with anxiety [p] [d] [u]
- Colin Henning, A. Geoffrey Crane, Robyn N. Taylor, & James D. A. Parker (2021) Emotional intelligence: relevance and implications for addiction [d]
- Edgar Gerrard Hughes (2021) How do you feel?: a spectacular compendium of ideas, interactive games, provocations, tests, and tricks that explore the world of what you feel and why [i]
- Eva Kahana, Tirth R. Bhatta, Boaz Kahana, & Nirmala Lekhak (2021) Loving others: the impact of compassionate love on later-life psychological well-being [p] [d] [u]
- Isaac Kinley, Morgan Porteous, Yarden Levy, & Suzanna Becker (2021) Visual perspective as a two-dimensional construct in episodic future thought [p] [d]
- Stefanie Lis, Miriam Biermann, & Zsolt Unoka (2021) Trust and personality disorders: phenomenology, determinants, and therapeutical approaches [i] [d]
- Butch Losey (2021) Managing the aftermath of infidelity: a sequential guide for therapists and couples [i] [d]
- Buuma Maisha, Stephanie Massicotte, & Melanie Morin [ed] (2021) Fostering resilience before, during, and after experiences of trauma: insights to inform practice across the lifetime [i] [d]
- Oded Na'aman (2021) The rationality of emotional change: toward a process view [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2021) New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
- Michael D. Robinson & Laura E. Thomas [ed] (2021) Handbook of embodied psychology: thinking, feeling, and acting [i] [d]
- Razia S. Sahi, Macrina C. Dieffenbach, Siyan Gan, Maya Lee, Laura I. Hazlett, Shannon M. Burns, Matthew D. Lieberman, Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory, & Naomi I. Eisenberger (2021) The comfort in touch: immediate and lasting effects of handholding on emotional pain [p] [d] [u]
- Richard G. Tedeschi & Bret A. Moore (2021) Posttraumatic growth as an integrative therapeutic philosophy [d]
- Kathryn A. Thomas (2021) The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: the role of meaning making in recovery from trauma [o] [u]
- Breeshia Wade (2021) Grieving while Black: an antiracist take on oppression and sorrow [i]
- Michael D. Yapko (2021) Process-oriented hypnosis: focusing on the forest, not the trees [i]
- Amalia Amaya & Maksymilian Del Mar [ed] (2020) Virtue, emotion, and imagination in law and legal reasoning [i] [d]
- Arnoud Arntz (2020) A plea for more attention to mental representations [d]
- Theodore P. Beauchaine & Sheila E. Crowell [ed] (2020) The Oxford handbook of emotion dysregulation [i] [d]
- Eric Bui, Meredith E. Charney, & Amanda W. Baker [ed] (2020) Clinical handbook of anxiety disorders: from theory to practice [i] [d]
- Patricia Greenspan (2020) Emotions in practical reasoning [i] [d]
- Jennifer Corns (2020) The complex reality of pain [i] [d]
- Jennifer D. Dorman & Shelley Raffin Bouchal (2020) Moral distress and moral uncertainty in medical assistance in dying: a simultaneous evolutionary concept analysis [p] [d]
- Bruce Ecker & Sara K. Bridges (2020) How the science of memory reconsolidation advances the effectiveness and unification of psychotherapy [d]
- Diana Fosha & Nathan C. Thoma (2020) Metatherapeutic processing supports the emergence of flourishing in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Anna Gotlib [ed] (2020) The moral psychology of regret [i]
- Julie Holland (2020) Good chemistry: the science of connection, from soul to psychedelics [i]
- Judy Z. Koenigsberg (2020) Anxiety disorders: integrated psychotherapy approaches [i] [d]
- Richard D. Lane & Lynn Nadel [ed] (2020) Neuroscience of enduring change: implications for psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Falk Lieder & Thomas L. Griffiths (2020) Resource-rational analysis: understanding human cognition as the optimal use of limited computational resources [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2020) Why do people with BPD self-victimize? [borderline personality disorder] [u]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Irving Kirsch, Devin B. Terhune, & Joseph P. Green (2020) Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and suggestion: separating fact and fiction [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2020) A relational conception of emotional development [and comments and reply] [d]
- Bruce S. McEwen & Huda Akil (2020) Revisiting the stress concept: implications for affective disorders [p] [d] [u]
- Marissa Ogren & Scott P. Johnson (2020) Factors facilitating early emotion understanding development: contributions to individual differences [and reply by Eric A. Walle] [d]
- Ashley L. Ruba & Seth D. Pollak (2020) The development of emotion reasoning in infancy and early childhood [d]
- Evan M. Russek, Rani Moran, Daniel McNamee, Andrea M. F. Reiter, Yunzhe Liu, Raymond J. Dolan, & Quentin J. M. Huys (2020) Opportunities for emotion and mental health research in the resource-rationality framework [p] [d]
- Louis A. Schmidt & Kristie L. Poole [ed] (2020) Adaptive shyness: multiple perspectives on behavior and development [i] [d]
- Stuart Shanker (2020) Reframed: self-reg for a just society [self-regulation] [i] [d]
- Matt Stichter (2020) Learning from failure: shame and emotion regulation in virtue as skill [d]
- Jenn Turner [ed] (2020) Embodied healing: survivor and facilitator voices from the practice of trauma-sensitive yoga [i]
- Daniel N. Albohn, Joseph C. Brandenburg, & Reginald B. Adams (2019) Perceiving emotion in the 'neutral' face: a powerful mechanism of person perception [i] [d]
- Stephen T. Asma & Rami Gabriel (2019) The emotional mind: the affective roots of culture and cognition [i] [d]
- David Bain, Michael S. Brady, & Jennifer Corns [ed] (2019) Philosophy of suffering: metaphysics, value, and normativity [i] [d]
- Amit Bernstein, Yuval Hadash, & David M. Fresco (2019) Metacognitive processes model of decentering: emerging methods and insights [p] [d]
- Manfred E. Beutel, Leslie S. Greenberg, Richard D. Lane, & Claudia Subic-Wrana (2019) Treating anxiety disorders by emotion-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy (EFPP)—an integrative, transdiagnostic approach [p] [d]
- Katrina L. Boterhoven de Haan, Eva Fassbinder, Chris Hayes, & Christopher W. Lee (2019) A schema therapy approach to the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder [d]
- Michael S. Brady (2019) Learning from adversity: suffering and wisdom [i] [d]
- Donald M. Broom (2019) Abnormal behavior and the self-regulation of motivational state [d]
- Laura Candiotto [ed] (2019) The value of emotions for knowledge [i] [d]
- Deborah J. Cantrell (2019) Love, anger, and social change [u]
- Soljana Çili & Lusia Aldona Stopa (2019) Autobiographical memory and the self: relationship and implications for cognitive-behavioural therapy [i] [d]
- Bradford Cokelet & Corey J. Maley [ed] (2019) The moral psychology of guilt [i]
- Michael J. Constantino, Robert K. Sommer, Brien J. Goodwin, Alice E. Coyne, & Elizabeth C. Pinel (2019) Existential isolation as a correlate of clinical distress, beliefs about psychotherapy, and experiences with mental health treatment [d]
- Justin D'Arms & Richard Samuels (2019) Could emotion development really be the acquisition of emotion concepts? [p] [d]
- Beth Darnall (2019) Psychological treatment for patients with chronic pain [i] [d] [j]
- Agneta H. Fischer, Lisanne S. Pauw, & Antony S. R. Manstead (2019) Emotion recognition as a social act: the role of the expresser–observer relationship in recognizing emotions [i] [d]
- Diana Fosha, Nathan C. Thoma, & Danny Yeung (2019) Transforming emotional suffering into flourishing: metatherapeutic processing of positive affect as a trans-theoretical vehicle for change [d]
- Mario Garcés & Lucila Finkel (2019) Emotional theory of rationality [p] [d] [u]
- Bill Gayner (2019) Emotion-focused mindfulness therapy [d]
- Jonathan Gratch & Celso M. de Melo (2019) Inferring intentions from emotion expressions in social decision making [i] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Rhonda N. Goldman [ed] (2019) Clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
- Shlomo Hareli, Simon Elkabetz, & Ursula Hess (2019) The use of emotions to infer norms and standards [i] [d]
- Ursula Hess & Shlomo Hareli [ed] (2019) The social nature of emotion expression: what emotions can tell us about the world [i] [d]
- Katie Hoemann & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2019) Concepts dissolve artificial boundaries in the study of emotion and cognition, uniting body, brain, and mind [p] [d] [u]
- Katie Hoemann, Fei Xu, & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2019) Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: a constructionist hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
- Jacob Israelashvili, Suzanne Oosterwijk, Disa Sauter, & Agneta H. Fischer (2019) Knowing me, knowing you: emotion differentiation in oneself is associated with recognition of others' emotions [p] [d]
- Robert J. Jagers, Deborah Rivas-Drake, & Brittney Williams (2019) Transformative social and emotional learning (SEL): toward SEL in service of educational equity and excellence [d]
- John F. Kihlstrom (2019) The motivational unconscious [d]
- Ueli Kramer (2019) Personality, personality disorders, and the process of change [p] [d]
- Colin Wayne Leach (2019) After motivational hedonism: feeling bad can be good, feeling good can be bad [i] [d]
- Rotem Leshem, Pascal H. H. M. van Lieshout, Sarah Ben-David, & Boaz M. Ben-David (2019) Does emotion matter? The role of alexithymia in violent recidivism: a systematic literature review [p] [d]
- Heidi M. Levitt, William J. Whelton, & Shigeru Iwakabe (2019) Integrating feminist-multicultural perspectives into emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
- Vanessa LoBue, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, & Kristin A. Buss [ed] (2019) Handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
- Marina López-Solà, Stephan Geuter, Leonie Koban, James A. Coan, & Tor D. Wager (2019) Brain mechanisms of social touch-induced analgesia in females [p] [d]
- Mark A. Lumley & Howard Schubiner (2019) Emotional awareness and expression therapy for chronic pain: rationale, principles and techniques, evidence, and critical review [p] [d]
- Mark A. Lumley & Howard Schubiner (2019) Psychological therapy for centralized pain: an integrative assessment and treatment model [p] [d] [u]
- Mark A. Lumley (2019) Reflections on hybrid transdiagnostic treatment, pain reduction, and emotion regulation [p] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2019) Emotive meaning in political argumentation [d] [u]
- George E. Marcus, Nicholas A. Valentino, Pavlos Vasilopoulos, & Martial Foucault (2019) Applying the theory of affective intelligence to support for authoritarian policies and parties [d]
- José Medina (2019) Racial violence, emotional friction, and epistemic activism [d]
- Dina Mendonça & João Sàágua (2019) Emotional reflexivity in reasoning: the function of describing the environment in emotion regulation [i] [d]
- Maite M. van der Miesen, Martin A. Lindquist, & Tor D. Wager (2019) Neuroimaging-based biomarkers for pain: state of the field and current directions [p] [d] [u]
- Carla Naumburg (2019) How to stop losing your sh*t with your kids: a practical guide to becoming a calmer, happier parent [i]
- Arthur M. Nezu & Christine Maguth Nezu (2019) Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: client workbook [i]
- Arthur M. Nezu & Christine Maguth Nezu (2019) Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: treatment guidelines [i]
- Lauri Nummenmaa & Heini Saarimäki (2019) Emotions as discrete patterns of systemic activity [p] [d]
- Bunmi O. Olatunji [ed] (2019) The Cambridge handbook of anxiety and related disorders [i] [d]
- Henry Otgaar, Mark L. Howe, Peter Muris, & Harald Merckelbach (2019) Associative activation as a mechanism underlying false memory formation [d]
- W. Gerrod Parrott (2019) Emotions as signals of moral character [i] [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone, Nikita Yeryomenko, Tsubasa Sawashima, & Serine H. Warwar (2019) Building emotional resilience over 14 sessions of emotion focused therapy: micro-longitudinal analyses of productive emotional patterns [p] [d]
- Björn N. Persson (2019) Searching for Machiavelli but finding psychopathy and narcissism [p] [d]
- Seth D. Pollak, Linda A. Camras, & Pamela M. Cole (2019) Progress in understanding the emergence of human emotion [p] [d]
- Christine Robitschek, Amy Yang, Rendueles Villalba Ii, & Yuki Shigemoto (2019) Personal growth initiative: a robust and malleable predictor of treatment outcome for depressed partial hospital patients [p] [d]
- Loretta Ross (2019) I'm a Black feminist; I think call-out culture is toxic: there are better ways of doing social justice work [u]
- Juanita Feros Ruys, Michael W. Champion, & Kirk Essary [ed] (2019) Before emotion: the language of feeling, 400–1800 [i] [d]
- Oliver C. Schultheiss & Pranjal H. Mehta [ed] (2019) Routledge international handbook of social neuroendocrinology [i] [d]
- Alice Shires, Louise Sharpe, & Toby R. O. Newton John (2019) The relative efficacy of mindfulness versus distraction: the moderating role of attentional bias [p] [d]
- Joanna Stewart, Sandra Garrido, Cherry Hense, & Katrina McFerran (2019) Music use for mood regulation: self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression [p] [d] [u]
- Patrizia Velotti, Carlo Garofalo, Giancarlo Dimaggio, & Peter Fonagy (2019) Mindfulness, alexithymia, and empathy moderate relations between trait aggression and antisocial personality disorder traits [d]
- Sam Wilkinson, George Deane, Kathryn Nave, & Andy Clark (2019) Getting warmer: predictive processing and the nature of emotion [i] [d]
- Rana Abaalkhail, Benjamin Guthier, Rajwa Alharthi, & Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (2018) Survey on ontologies for affective states and their influences [d] [u]
- Assen Alladin (2018) Cognitive hypnotherapy for psychological management of depression in palliative care [p] [d]
- Dana Alonzo & Robin E. Gearing (2018) Suicide assessment and treatment: empirical and evidence-based practices [i]
- Inna Arnaudova, Angelos-Miltiadis Krypotos, Marieke Effting, Merel Kindt, & Tom Beckers (2018) Manipulating affective state influences conditioned appetitive responses [p] [d]
- Matthew Barnidge, Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu, & Homero Gil de Zúñiga (2018) Content-expressive behavior and ideological extremity: an examination of the roles of emotional intelligence and information network heterogeneity [d]
- Ilya Baryshnikov, Jaana Suvisaari, Kari Aaltonen, Maaria Koivisto, Tarja Melartin, Petri Näätänen, Kirsi Suominen, Boris Karpov, Martti Heikkinen, Jorma Oksanen, Tiina Paunio, Grigori Joffe, & Erkki Isometsä (2018) Self-reported psychosis-like experiences in patients with mood disorders [p] [d]
- Isabelle Blanchette, Serge Caparos, & Bastien Trémolière (2018) Emotion and reasoning [i] [d]
- Maria Paola Brugnoli, Giancarlo Pesce, Emanuela Pasin, Maria Francesca Basile, Stefano Tamburin, & Enrico Polati (2018) The role of clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis to relief pain and anxiety in severe chronic diseases in palliative care: a 2-year long-term follow-up of treatment in a nonrandomized clinical trial [p] [d]
- Joseph Burgo (2018) Shame: free yourself, find joy, and build true self-esteem [i]
- Myisha V. Cherry & Owen J. Flanagan [ed] (2018) The moral psychology of anger [i]
- Mara-Daria Cojocaru (2018) Passionate reasoning as emotional understanding: pragmatism and using emotions in inquiry [d]
- Luana Colloca [ed] (2018) Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 1 [i] [d]
- Luana Colloca [ed] (2018) Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 2 [i] [d]
- Howard J. Curzer (2018) Healing character flaws [i] [d]
- Berre Deltomme, Gaetan Mertens, Helen Tibboel, & Senne Braem (2018) Instructed fear stimuli bias visual attention [p] [d]
- Susanne A. Denham (2018) Keeping SEL developmental: the importance of a developmental lens for fostering and assessing SEL competencies [social and emotional learning] [u]
- Andrew Dillon, Ladislav Timulak, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2018) Transforming core emotional pain in a course of emotion-focused therapy for depression: a case study [p] [d]
- Tsachi Ein-Dor & Gilad Hirschberger (2018) On sentinels and rapid responders: the adaptive functions of emotion dysregulation [i] [d]
- Gary R. Elkins, R. Lynae Roberts, & Lauren Simicich (2018) Mindful self-hypnosis for self-care: an integrative model and illustrative case example [p] [d]
- Andrea W. M. Evers, Luana Colloca, Charlotte Blease, Marco Annoni, Lauren Y. Atlas, Fabrizio Benedetti, Ulrike Bingel, Christian Büchel, Claudia Carvalho, Ben Colagiuri, Alia J. Crum, Paul Enck, Jens Gaab, Andrew L. Geers, Jeremy Howick, Karin B. Jensen, Irving Kirsch, Karin Meissner, Vitaly Napadow, Kaya J. Peerdeman, Amir Raz, Winfried Rief, Lene Vase, Tor D. Wager, Bruce E. Wampold, Katja Weimer, Katja Wiech, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Regine Klinger, & John M. Kelley (2018) Implications of placebo and nocebo effects for clinical practice: expert consensus [p] [d] [u]
- Patrick H. Finan, Bethany Remeniuk, & Kelly E. Dunn (2018) The risk for problematic opioid use in chronic pain: what can we learn from studies of pain and reward? [p] [d]
- Stacey Freedenthal (2018) Helping the suicidal person: tips and techniques for professionals [i] [d]
- Shaun Gallagher (2018) The therapeutic reconstruction of affordances [d]
- Carlo Garofalo, Patrizia Velotti, & Giulio Cesare Zavattini (2018) Emotion regulation and aggression: the incremental contribution of alexithymia, impulsivity, and emotion dysregulation facets [d]
- Mayte Navarro Gil, Carlos Escolano Marco, Jesús Montero-Marín, Javier Minguez Zafra, Edo Shonin, & Javier García Campayo (2018) Efficacy of neurofeedback on the increase of mindfulness-related capacities in healthy individuals: a controlled trial [d]
- Steven M. Gillespie, Carlo Garofalo, & Patrizia Velotti (2018) Emotion regulation, mindfulness, and alexithymia: specific or general impairments in sexual, violent, and homicide offenders? [d]
- Ellen Gunst & Siebrecht Vanhooren (2018) The destructive pattern: an experiential and existential theory-building case study [d]
- Cindy Harmon-Jones, Elizabeth Summerell, & Brock Bastian (2018) Anger increases preference for painful activities [d]
- Wai Kai Hou & George A. Bonanno (2018) Emotions in everyday life during social movements: prospective predictions of mental health [p] [d]
- İlhan İnan [ed] (2018) The moral psychology of curiosity [i]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk & Franklin G. Miller (2018) Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits? [p] [d]
- Melissa M. Karnaze & Linda J. Levine (2018) Sadness, the architect of cognitive change [i] [d]
- Joachim Keppler (2018) Shedding light on the fundamental mechanism underlying hypnotic analgesia [p] [d]
- Sahib S. Khalsa, Ralph Adolphs, Oliver G. Cameron, Hugo D. Critchley, Paul W. Davenport, Justin S. Feinstein, Jamie D. Feusner, Sarah N. Garfinkel, Richard D. Lane, Wolf E. Mehling, Alicia E. Meuret, Charles B. Nemeroff, Stephen Oppenheimer, Frederike H. Petzschner, Olga Pollatos, Jamie L. Rhudy, Lawrence P. Schramm, W. Kyle Simmons, Murray B. Stein, Klaas E. Stephan, Omer Van den Bergh, Ilse Van Diest, Andreas von Leupoldt, & Martin P. Paulus (2018) Interoception and mental health: a roadmap [p] [d]
- Clare Lambert, Susana Da Silva, Amanda K. Ceniti, Sakina J. Rizvi, George Foussias, & Sidney H. Kennedy (2018) Anhedonia in depression and schizophrenia: a transdiagnostic challenge [p] [d]
- Mathieu Landry, Moriah Stendel, Michel Landry, & Amir Raz (2018) Hypnosis in palliative care: from clinical insights to the science of self-regulation [p] [d]
- Richard D. Lane, Frances Sommer Anderson, & Ryan Smith (2018) Biased competition favoring physical over emotional pain: a possible explanation for the link between early adversity and chronic pain [p] [d]
- Robert L. Leahy [ed] (2018) Science and practice in cognitive therapy: foundations, mechanisms, and applications [i]
- Heather C. Lench [ed] (2018) The function of emotions: when and why emotions help us [i] [d]
- Michelle Mason [ed] (2018) The moral psychology of contempt [i]
- Andy McNiel & Pamela Gabbay (2018) Understanding and supporting bereaved children: a practical guide for professionals [i] [d]
- Mark D. Miller & Andy Clark (2018) Happily entangled: prediction, emotion, and the embodied mind [d] [j]
- Tais Silveira Moriyama, Marjan Drukker, Ary Gadelha, Pedro Mario Pan, Giovanni Abrahão Salum, Gisele Gus Manfro, Jair de Jesus Mari, Eurípedes Constantino Miguel, Luis Augusto Rohde, Guilherme Vanoni Polanczyk, Jim van Os, & Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan (2018) The association between psychotic experiences and traumatic life events: the role of the intention to harm [p] [d]
- Frauke Nees & Susanne Becker (2018) Psychological processes in chronic pain: influences of reward and fear learning as key mechanisms—behavioral evidence, neural circuits, and maladaptive changes [p] [d]
- Thuy-vy T. Nguyen, Richard M. Ryan, & Edward L. Deci (2018) Solitude as an approach to affective self-regulation [p] [d]
- Lauri Nummenmaa & Lauri Tuominen (2018) Opioid system and human emotions [p] [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2018) The monarchy of fear: a philosopher looks at our political crisis [i]
- Chökyi Nyima (2018) Sadness, love, openness: the Buddhist path of joy [i]
- Makenzie J. O'Neil, Alexander F. Danvers, & Michelle N. Shiota (2018) Nurturant love and caregiving emotions [i] [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone (2018) How clients 'change emotion with emotion': a programme of research on emotional processing [p] [d]
- Casey A. Pederson, Paula J. Fite, & Marco Bortolato (2018) The role of functions of aggression in associations between behavioral inhibition and activation and mental health outcomes [d]
- Mathias Pessiglione, Fabien Vinckier, Sébastien Bouret, Jean Daunizeau, & Raphaël Le Bouc (2018) Why not try harder?: computational approach to motivation deficits in neuro-psychiatric diseases [p] [d]
- Quentin Raffaelli, Caitlin Mills, & Kalina Christoff (2018) The knowns and unknowns of boredom: a review of the literature [p] [d]
- Olivia Sagan & Eric D. Miller [ed] (2018) Narratives of loneliness: multidisciplinary perspectives from the 21st century [i] [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter, Alexis C. Carpenter, Aleea Devitt, Reece P. Roberts, & Donna Rose Addis (2018) Constructive episodic simulation, flexible recombination, and memory errors [p] [d]
- Jonathan D. Schaefer, Terrie E. Moffitt, Louise Arseneault, Andrea Danese, Helen L. Fisher, Renate Houts, Margaret A. Sheridan, Jasmin Wertz, & Avshalom Caspi (2018) Adolescent victimization and early-adult psychopathology: approaching causal inference using a longitudinal twin study to rule out noncausal explanations [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Shermer (2018) Negativity bias [i] [u]
- Justin Storbeck & Jordan Wylie (2018) The functional and dysfunctional aspects of happiness: cognitive, physiological, behavioral, and health considerations [i] [d]
- Nina Strohminger & Victor Kumar [ed] (2018) The moral psychology of disgust [i]
- Raymond Chip Tafrate, Damon Mitchell, & David J. Simourd (2018) CBT with justice-involved clients: interventions for antisocial and self-destructive behaviors [i]
- David A. Treleaven (2018) Trauma-sensitive mindfulness: practices for safe and transformative healing [i]
- Alyssa N. Van Denburg, Jennifer Plumb Vilardaga, Rebecca A. Shelby, & Francis J. Keefe (2018) Opioid therapy and persistent pain: can cognitive behavioral therapy help? [p] [d]
- Gerd T. Waldhauser, Martin J. Dahl, Martina Ruf-Leuschner, Veronika Müller-Bamouh, Maggie Schauer, Nikolai Axmacher, Thomas Elbert, & Simon Hanslmayr (2018) The neural dynamics of deficient memory control in heavily traumatized refugees [p] [d] [u]
- Lisa A. Williams (2018) Emotions of excellence: communal and agentic functions of pride, moral elevation, and admiration [i] [d]
- Claire A. Wolniewicz, Mojisola F. Tiamiyu, Justin W. Weeks, & Jon D. Elhai (2018) Problematic smartphone use and relations with negative affect, fear of missing out, and fear of negative and positive evaluation [p] [d]
- Cedric Huchuan Xia, Zongming Ma, Rastko Ciric, Shi Gu, Richard F. Betzel, Antonia N. Kaczkurkin, Monica E. Calkins, Philip A. Cook, Angel García de la Garza, Simon N. Vandekar, Zaixu Cui, Tyler M. Moore, David R. Roalf, Kosha Ruparel, Daniel H. Wolf, Christos Davatzikos, Ruben C. Gur, Raquel E. Gur, Russell T. Shinohara, Danielle S. Bassett, & Theodore D. Satterthwaite (2018) Linked dimensions of psychopathology and connectivity in functional brain networks [p] [d] [u]
- Kaite Yang & Emily Pronin (2018) Consequences of thought speed [i] [d]
- Maisa S. Ziadni, Jennifer N. Carty, Heather K. Doherty, John H. Porcerelli, Lisa J. Rapport, Howard Schubiner, & Mark A. Lumley (2018) A life-stress, emotional awareness, and expression interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
- Ram Adapa (2017) Consciousness and anesthesia [i] [d]
- Lynne E. Angus, Tali Zweig Boritz, Emily Bryntwick, Naomi Carpenter, Christianne Macaulay, & Jasmine Khattra (2017) The Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0: a multi-methodological approach to identifying and assessing narrative-emotion process markers in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Inna Arnaudova, Merel Kindt, Michael S. Fanselow, & Tom Beckers (2017) Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment [p] [d]
- Yang Bai, Laura A. Maruskin, Serena Chen, Amie M. Gordon, Jennifer E. Stellar, Galen D. McNeil, Kaiping Peng, & Dacher Keltner (2017) Awe, the diminished self, and collective engagement: universals and cultural variations in the small self [p] [d]
- Jane C. Ballantyne & Mark D. Sullivan (2017) Discovery of endogenous opioid systems: what it has meant for the clinician's understanding of pain and its treatment [p] [d]
- Erica N. Baranski, Patrick J. Morse, & William L. Dunlop (2017) Lay conceptions of volitional personality change: from strategies pursued to stories told [p] [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2017) How emotions are made: the secret life of the brain [i]
- Jeremy Barris (2017) The logic of comprehensive or deep emotional change [d]
- Danielle J. P. Bartels, Antoinette I. M. van Laarhoven, Naomi Heijmans, Dirk Hermans, Elise Debeer, Peter C. M. van de Kerkhof, & Andrea W. M. Evers (2017) Cognitive schemas in placebo and nocebo responding: role of autobiographical memories and expectations [p] [d]
- Danielle J. P. Bartels, Antoinette I. M. van Laarhoven, Michiel Stroo, Kim Hijne, Kaya J. Peerdeman, A. Rogier T. Donders, Peter C. M. van de Kerkhof, & Andrea W. M. Evers (2017) Minimizing nocebo effects by conditioning with verbal suggestion: a randomized clinical trial in healthy humans [p] [d] [u]
- Tom Beckers & Merel Kindt (2017) Memory reconsolidation interference as an emerging treatment for emotional disorders: strengths, limitations, challenges, and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
- Laurent Berthoud, Antonio Pascual-Leone, Franz Caspar, Hervé Tissot, Sabine Keller, Kristina B. Rohde, Yves de Roten, Jean-Nicolas Despland, & Ueli Kramer (2017) Leaving distress behind: a randomized controlled study on change in emotional processing in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
- Simon E. Blackwell & Emily A. Holmes (2017) Brightening the day with flashes of positive mental imagery: a case study of an individual with depression [p] [d] [u]
- Jane Bolitho (2017) Inside the restorative justice black box: the role of memory reconsolidation in transforming the emotional impact of violent crime on victims [d]
- Stephanie Burnett Heyes, Arnaud Pictet, Heather Mitchell, Sophie-Marie Raeder, Jennifer Y. F. Lau, Emily A. Holmes, & Simon E. Blackwell (2017) Mental imagery-based training to modify mood and cognitive bias in adolescents: effects of valence and perspective [p] [d] [u]
- J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon [ed] (2017) The moral psychology of pride [i]
- Alessia Celeghin, Matteo Diano, Arianna Bagnis, Marco Viola, & Marco Tamietto (2017) Basic emotions in human neuroscience: neuroimaging and beyond [p] [d] [u]
- Victor Chavarria, João Vian, Círia Pereira, João Data-Franco, Brisa S. Fernandes, Michael Berk, & Seetal Dodd (2017) The placebo and nocebo phenomena: their clinical management and impact on treatment outcomes [p] [d]
- Alice Chirico, Pietro Cipresso, David B. Yaden, Federica Biassoni, Giuseppe Riva, & Andrea Gaggioli (2017) Effectiveness of immersive videos in inducing awe: an experimental study [p] [d] [u]
- Margaret S. Clark, Lucylle A. Armentano, Erica J. Boothby, & Jennifer L. Hirsch (2017) Communal relational context (or lack thereof) shapes emotional lives [p] [d]
- Susan C. Cloninger & Steven A. Leibo [ed] (2017) Understanding angry groups: multidisciplinary perspectives on their motivations and effects on society [i]
- Allen Coates (2017) Moral rationalism and psychopathy: affective responses to reason [d]
- Kate Cole-Adams (2017) Anesthesia: the gift of oblivion and the mystery of consciousness [i]
- Jennifer Corns [ed] (2017) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of pain [i] [d]
- Monique F. Crane [ed] (2017) Managing for resilience: a practical guide to individual wellbeing and organizational performance [i] [d]
- Jill M. Daniel & Kevin D. Beck (2017) Hormones and memory [i] [d]
- Felipe De Brigard (2017) Nostalgia and mental simulation [i]
- Robert J. DeRubeis & Daniel R. Strunk [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of mood disorders [i] [d]
- Marcos F. DosSantos, Brenda de Souza Moura, & Alexandre F. DaSilva (2017) Reward circuitry plasticity in pain perception and modulation [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher Eccleston & Geert Crombez (2017) Advancing psychological therapies for chronic pain [p] [d] [u]
- Kyle H. Elliott, Gustavo S. Betini, & D. Ryan Norris (2017) Fear creates an Allee effect: experimental evidence from seasonal populations [p] [d]
- Robert Elliott & Ben Shahar (2017) Emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety (EFT-SA) [d]
- James W. B. Elsey & Merel Kindt (2017) Breaking boundaries: optimizing reconsolidation-based interventions for strong and old memories [p] [d]
- James W. B. Elsey & Merel Kindt (2017) Tackling maladaptive memories through reconsolidation: from neural to clinical science [p] [d]
- Aftab Erfan (2017) Confronting collective traumas: an exploration of therapeutic planning [d]
- Albert Feliu-Soler, Juan Carlos Pascual, Matilde Elices, Ana Martín-Blanco, Cristina Carmona, Ausiàs Cebolla, Vicente Simón, & Joaquim Soler (2017) Fostering self-compassion and loving-kindness in patients with borderline personality disorder: a randomized pilot study [p] [d]
- Janina Fisher (2017) Healing the fragmented selves of trauma survivors: overcoming internal self-alientation [i] [d]
- Christopher A. Flessner & John Piacentini [ed] (2017) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders in children and adolescents: a step-by-step treatment manual [i]
- Judy Foreman (2017) The global pain crisis: what everyone needs to know [i]
- Darius Gadeikis, Nikita Bos, Susanne Schweizer, Fionnuala Murphy, & Barnaby D. Dunn (2017) Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories [p] [d] [u]
- Mirta Galesic (2017) We need more precise, quantitative models of sentiments [p] [d]
- Łukasz Gawęda, Marta Staszkiewicz, & Ryan P. Balzan (2017) The relationship between cognitive biases and psychological dimensions of delusions: the importance of jumping to conclusions [p] [d]
- Anna Gotlib [ed] (2017) The moral psychology of sadness [i]
- Phillip W. Graham, Anna Yaros, Ashley Lowe, & Mark S. McDaniel (2017) Nurturing environments for boys and men of color with trauma exposure [p] [d]
- Stephen E. Harris (2017) The skillful handling of poison: bodhicitta and the kleśas in Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra [d]
- Lorraine Hedtke & John Winslade (2017) The crafting of grief: constructing aesthetic responses to loss [i] [d]
- Rachel Hershenberg (2017) Activating happiness: a jump-start guide to overcoming low motivation, depression, or just feeling stuck [i]
- Lara K. Hilton, Susanne Hempel, Brett A. Ewing, Eric Apaydin, Lea Xenakis, Sydne Newberry, Ben Colaiaco, Alicia Ruelaz Maher, Roberta M. Shanman, Melony E. Sorbero, & Margaret A. Maglione (2017) Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Stefan G. Hofmann & Gordon J. G. Asmundson [ed] (2017) The science of cognitive behavioral therapy [i]
- Emily A. Holmes, Simon E. Blackwell, Stephanie Burnett Heyes, Fritz Renner, & Filip Raes (2017) Mental imagery in depression: phenomenology, potential mechanisms, and treatment implications [p] [d]
- René Hurlemann & Nina Marsh (2017) Deciphering the modulatory role of oxytocin in human altruism [p] [d]
- Adela-Maria Isvoranu, Claudia D. van Borkulo, Lindy-Lou Boyette, Johanna T. W. Wigman, Christiaan H. Vinkers, & Denny Borsboom (2017) A network approach to psychosis: pathways between childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms [p] [d]
- Zorana Ivcevic & Emily C. Nusbaum (2017) From having an idea to doing something with it: self-regulation for creativity [i] [d]
- Julie L. Ji, Emily A. Holmes, & Simon E. Blackwell (2017) Seeing light at the end of the tunnel: positive prospective mental imagery and optimism in depression [p] [d] [u]
- Rebecca Kingston, Kiran Banerjee, James McKee, Yi-Chun Chien, & Constantine Christos Vassiliou [ed] (2017) Emotions, community, and citizenship: cross-disciplinary perspectives [i] [d]
- Leonie Koban, Rebecca Schneider, Yoni K. Ashar, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna, Lauren Landy, David A. Moscovitch, Tor D. Wager, & Joanna J. Arch (2017) Social anxiety is characterized by biased learning about performance and the self [p] [d]
- María C. Krawczyk, Rodrigo S. Fernández, María E. Pedreira, & Mariano M. Boccia (2017) Toward a better understanding on the role of prediction error on memory processes: from bench to clinic [p] [d]
- Andreas Laddis, Paul F. Dell, & Marilyn Korzekwa (2017) Comparing the symptoms and mechanisms of 'dissociation' in dissociative identity disorder and borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
- Markus A. Landolt, Marylène Cloitre, & Ulrich Schnyder [ed] (2017) Evidence-based treatments for trauma related disorders in children and adolescents [i] [d]
- Joseph E. LeDoux (2017) Semantics, surplus meaning, and the science of fear [p] [d]
- Joseph E. LeDoux & Richard Brown (2017) A higher-order theory of emotional consciousness [p] [d] [u]
- Joseph E. LeDoux, Justin M. Moscarello, Robert M. Sears, & Vincent D. Campese (2017) The birth, death and resurrection of avoidance: a reconceptualization of a troubled paradigm [p] [d] [u]
- Jonathan L. C. Lee, Karim Nader, & Daniela Schiller (2017) An update on memory reconsolidation updating [p] [d]
- Karolina M. Lempert, Megan E. Speer, Mauricio R. Delgado, & Elizabeth A. Phelps (2017) Positive autobiographical memory retrieval reduces temporal discounting [p] [d]
- Bert Lenaert, Yannick Boddez, Johan W. S. Vlaeyen, & Caroline M. van Heugten (2017) Learning to feel tired: a learning trajectory towards chronic fatigue [p] [d]
- A. Stephen Lenz, Abdulkadir Haktanir, & Karisse Callender (2017) Meta-analysis of trauma-focused therapies for treating the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder [d]
- Joseph John Loizzo, Miles Neale, & Emily J. Wolf [ed] (2017) Advances in contemplative psychotherapy: accelerating healing and transformation [i] [d]
- Andrew MacLeod (2017) Prospection, well-being, and mental health [i] [d]
- Denise Manahan-Vaughan (2017) Learning-related hippocampal long-term potentiation and long-term depression [i] [d]
- Sandra Manninen, Lauri Tuominen, Robin I. M. Dunbar, Tomi Karjalainen, Jussi Hirvonen, Eveliina Arponen, Riitta Hari, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams, & Lauri Nummenmaa (2017) Social laughter triggers endogenous opioid release in humans [p] [d] [u]
- Dean McKay, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, & Eric A. Storch [ed] (2017) Treatments for psychological problems and syndromes [i] [d]
- Per-Erik Milam (2017) In defense of non-reactive attitudes [d]
- Shannon R. Miles, Carla Sharp, Andra Teten Tharp, Matthew S. Stanford, Melinda Stanley, Karin E. Thompson, & Thomas A. Kent (2017) Emotion dysregulation as an underlying mechanism of impulsive aggression: reviewing empirical data to inform treatments for veterans who perpetrate violence [d]
- Adrián Montesano, Miguel M. Gonçalves, & Guillem Feixas (2017) Self-narrative reconstruction after dilemma-focused therapy for depression: a comparison of good and poor outcome cases [p] [d]
- Christoph Nissen, Marion Kuhn, Elisabeth Hertenstein, & Nina Landmann (2017) Sleep-related interventions to improve psychotherapy [i] [d]
- K. Juston Osborne, Emily C. Willroth, Jordan E. DeVylder, Vijay A. Mittal, & Matthew R. Hilimire (2017) Investigating the association between emotion regulation and distress in adults with psychotic-like experiences [p] [d]
- Henry Otgaar, Peter Muris, Mark L. Howe, & Harald Merckelbach (2017) What drives false memories in psychopathology?: a case for associative activation [p] [d] [u]
- Anna Ovaska (2017) Detuned selves: evoking and conveying affects and emotions in depression writing [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Jaak Panksepp, Richard D. Lane, Mark Solms, & Ryan Smith (2017) Reconciling cognitive and affective neuroscience perspectives on the brain basis of emotional experience [p] [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone & Ueli Kramer (2017) Developing emotion-based case formulations: a research-informed method [p] [d]
- Rachel E. Pauletti, Meenakshi Menon, Patrick J. Cooper, Christopher D. Aults, & David G. Perry (2017) Psychological androgyny and children's mental health: a new look with new measures [d]
- Eiluned Pearce, Rafael Wlodarski, Anna Machin, & Robin I. M. Dunbar (2017) Variation in the β-endorphin, oxytocin, and dopamine receptor genes is associated with different dimensions of human sociality [p] [d] [u]
- Luiz Pessoa & Brenton McMenamin (2017) Dynamic networks in the emotional brain [p] [d] [u]
- Luiz Pessoa (2017) A network model of the emotional brain [p] [d] [u]
- Luiz Pessoa (2017) Cognitive–motivational interactions: beyond boxes-and-arrows models of the mind-brain [d]
- Max Pete (2017) 3 ways to use fear to your advantage [u]
- Anthony J. Porcelli & Mauricio R. Delgado (2017) Stress and decision making: effects on valuation, learning, and risk-taking [p] [d] [u]
- Frank Porreca & Edita Navratilova (2017) Reward, motivation, and emotion of pain and its relief [p] [d] [u]
- Katarzyna Prochwicz, Joanna Kłosowska, & Milena Karpowska (2017) Threatening events theme of cognitive biases mediates the relationship between fear of social situations and delusion-like experiences among healthy adults [p] [d]
- Abha K. Rajbhandari, Jennifer E. Tribble, & Michael S. Fanselow (2017) Neurobiology of fear memory [i] [d]
- Sissel Reichelt, Jan Skjerve, & John McCleod (2017) Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy for depression and emotional turmoil [d]
- Anna Robinson & Robert Elliott (2017) Emotion-focused therapy for clients with autistic process [d]
- Andrew G. Ryder, Yue Zhao, & Yulia E. Chentsova-Dutton (2017) Disordered mood in cultural-historical context [i] [d]
- Ji-Ho Ryu, Pil-Jong Kim, Hong-Gee Kim, Yong-Seo Koo, & Teo Jeon Shin (2017) Investigating the effects of nitrous oxide sedation on frontal-parietal interactions [d]
- Luca Saba [ed] (2017) Neuroimaging of pain [i] [d]
- Robert M. Sapolsky (2017) Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst [i]
- Natalie Schroyens, Tom Beckers, & Merel Kindt (2017) In search for boundary conditions of reconsolidation: a failure of fear memory interference [p] [d] [u]
- Lisa Schwarz, Frank M. Corrigan, Alastair Hull, & Rajiv Raju (2017) The comprehensive resource model: effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of complex trauma [i] [d]
- Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill [ed] (2017) The evolution of psychopathology [i] [d]
- Elise Sloan, Kate Hall, Richard Moulding, Shayden Bryce, Helen Mildred, & Petra K. Staiger (2017) Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic treatment construct across anxiety, depression, substance, eating and borderline personality disorders: a systematic review [p] [d]
- Scott Slotnick (2017) Cognitive neuroscience of memory [i] [d]
- Pietro Spataro, Clelia Rossi-Arnaud, & Neil W. Mulligan (2017) Implicit versus explicit memory [i] [d]
- Megan E. Speer & Mauricio R. Delgado (2017) Reminiscing about positive memories buffers acute stress responses [p] [d] [u]
- Peter Sturmey [ed] (2017) The Wiley handbook of violence and aggression [i] [d]
- Abby Tabor, Edmund Keogh, & Christopher Eccleston (2017) Embodied pain—negotiating the boundaries of possible action [p] [d]
- Yi-Yuan Tang (2017) The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation: how the body and mind work together to change our behaviour [i] [d]
- Devin B. Terhune, Axel Cleeremans, Amir Raz, & Steven Jay Lynn (2017) Hypnosis and top-down regulation of consciousness [p] [d]
- Jens C. Thimm & Jason M. Holland (2017) Early maladaptive schemas, meaning making, and complicated grief symptoms after bereavement [d]
- Alina Thompson & Ottmar V. Lipp (2017) Extinction during reconsolidation eliminates recovery of fear conditioned to fear-irrelevant and fear-relevant stimuli [p] [d]
- Michael Treanor, Lily A. Brown, Jesse Rissman, & Michelle G. Craske (2017) Can memories of traumatic experiences or addiction be erased or modified?: a critical review of research on the disruption of memory reconsolidation and its applications [p] [d]
- Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald, Farah Qureshi, Allison A. Appleton, & Laura D. Kubzansky (2017) A healthy mix of emotions: underlying biological pathways linking emotions to physical health [d]
- Patrizia Velotti, Carlo Garofalo, Federica Bottazzi, & Vincenzo Caretti (2017) Faces of shame: implications for self-esteem, emotion regulation, aggression, and well-being [p] [d]
- Patrizia Velotti, Robert B. Casselman, Carlo Garofalo, & Melissa D. McKenzie (2017) Unique associations among emotion dysregulation dimensions and aggressive tendencies: a multisite study [p] [d]
- Jerome C. Wakefield, Allan V. Horwitz, & Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces (2017) Uncomplicated depression as normal sadness: re-thinking the boundary between normal and disordered depression [i] [d]
- Scott H. Waltman & Leslie Sokol (2017) The generic model of cognitive behavioral therapy: a case conceptualization-driven approach [i] [d]
- James A. Waltz (2017) The neural underpinnings of cognitive flexibility and their disruption in psychotic illness [p] [d] [u]
- Jeanne C. Watson & Leslie S. Greenberg (2017) Emotion-focused therapy for generalized anxiety [i] [d]
- Margaret Wehrenberg (2017) Tough-to-treat anxiety: hidden problems & effective solutions for your clients [i]
- Keith M. Welker, Rachel E. Norman, Stefan Goetz, Benjamin J. P. Moreau, Shinobu Kitayama, & Justin M. Carré (2017) Preliminary evidence that testosterone's association with aggression depends on self-construal [d]
- Sam Wilkinson, Guy Dodgson, & Kevin Meares (2017) Predictive processing and the varieties of psychological trauma [p] [d] [u]
- Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall (2017) Constructing emotion through simulation [p] [d]
- Allison B. Wolf (2017) 'Tell me how that makes you feel': philosophy's reason/emotion divide and epistemic pushback in philosophy classrooms [d]
- Michalinos Zembylas (2017) Wilful ignorance and the emotional regime of schools [d]
- Assen Alladin (2016) Integrative CBT for anxiety disorders: an evidence-based approach to enhancing cognitive behavioural therapy with mindfulness and hypnotherapy [i] [d]
- Martina Amanzio & Sara Palermo (2016) Conceptualizing placebo as active component and adjunct in psychological treatment [i] [d]
- Marion A. Baker, Jacqueline Ford, Brittany Canfield, & Traci Grabb (2016) Identifying, treating, and preventing childhood trauma in rural communities [i]
- Alex Balch (2016) Immigration and the state: fear, greed and hospitality [o] [d]
- Thorsten Barnhofer, Julia M. Huntenburg, Michael Lifshitz, Jennifer Wild, Elena Antonova, & Daniel S. Margulies (2016) How mindfulness training may help to reduce vulnerability for recurrent depression: a neuroscientific perspective [d]
- Aaron T. Beck & Keith Bredemeier (2016) A unified model of depression: integrating clinical, cognitive, biological, and evolutionary perspectives [d]
- Renzo Bianchi & Irvin Sam Schonfeld (2016) Burnout is associated with a depressive cognitive style [d]
- David Borsook, Clas Linnman, Vanda Faria, Andrew M. Strassman, Lino Becerra, & Igor Elman (2016) Reward deficiency and anti-reward in pain chronification [p] [d]
- Juliette Bowers (2016) Flow and peak experiences [and hypnosis] [i]
- Sean Boyle, Bryan Roche, Simon Dymond, & Dirk Hermans (2016) Generalisation of fear and avoidance along a semantic continuum [p] [d]
- Alison Wood Brooks, Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino, Adam D. Galinsky, Michael I. Norton, & Maurice E. Schweitzer (2016) Don't stop believing: rituals improve performance by decreasing anxiety [d]
- Ralf C. Buckley (2016) Qualitative analysis of emotions: fear and thrill [p] [d] [u]
- Alexandra Burgess & Patricia Marten DiBartolo (2016) Anxiety and perfectionism: relationships, mechanisms, and conditions [i] [d]
- Elisa Carlino & Fabrizio Benedetti (2016) Different contexts, different pains, different experiences [p] [d]
- Naomi Carpenter, Lynne E. Angus, Sandra C. Paivio, & Emily Bryntwick (2016) Narrative and emotion integration processes in emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma: an exploratory process-outcome analysis [d]
- Daniel C. Cherkin, Karen J. Sherman, Benjamin H. Balderson, Andrea J. Cook, Melissa L. Anderson, Rene J. Hawkes, Kelly E. Hansen, & Judith A. Turner (2016) Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction vs cognitive behavioral therapy or usual care on back pain and functional limitations in adults with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial [p] [d] [u]
- Jasleen Chhatwal & Richard D. Lane (2016) A cognitive-developmental model of emotional awareness and its application to the practice of psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Bryan H. Choi, Alberta E. Pos, & Magnus S. Magnusson (2016) Emotional change process in resolving self-criticism during experiential treatment of depression [p] [d]
- Gerald L. Clore & Alexander J. Schiller (2016) New light on the affect–cognition connection [i]
- Elliot D. Cohen (2016) Logic-based therapy and everyday emotions: a case-based approach [i]
- Luana Colloca (2016) Consciousness, placebo, and nocebo effects on pain [i]
- Angélique O. J. Cramer, Claudia D. van Borkulo, Erik J. Giltay, Han L. J. van der Maas, Kenneth S. Kendler, Marten Scheffer, & Denny Borsboom (2016) Major depression as a complex dynamical system [p] [d] [u]
- Paula Cristóbal-Narváez, Tamara Sheinbaum, Sergi Ballespí, Mercè Mitjavila, Inez Myin-Germeys, Thomas R. Kwapil, & Neus Barrantes-Vidal (2016) Impact of adverse childhood experiences on psychotic-like symptoms and stress reactivity in daily life in nonclinical young adults [p] [d] [u]
- Carolyn Daitch & Lissah Lorberbaum (2016) The road to calm workbook: life changing tools to stop runaway emotions [i]
- Thomas Dixon (2016) Angers past or anger's past? [u]
- E. Thomas Dowd (2016) Anger management [and hypnosis] [i]
- Marcus Eckert, David D. Ebert, Dirk Lehr, Bernhard Sieland, & Matthias Berking (2016) Overcome procrastination: enhancing emotion regulation skills reduce procrastination [d]
- Jens Eder (2016) Films and existential feelings [d]
- Robert R. Edwards, Robert H. Dworkin, Mark D. Sullivan, Dennis C. Turk, & Ajay D. Wasan (2016) The role of psychosocial processes in the development and maintenance of chronic pain [p] [d] [u]
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- Jennifer S. Lerner, Ye Li, Piercarlo Valdesolo, & Karim S. Kassam (2015) Emotion and decision making [p] [d]
- Kenneth N. Levy & J. Wesley Scala (2015) Integrated treatment for personality disorders: a commentary [d]
- W. John Livesley, Giancarlo Dimaggio, & John F. Clarkin [ed] (2015) Integrated treatment for personality disorder: a modular approach [i]
- Jill Lobbestael & Richard J. McNally (2015) An empirical test of rejection- and anger-related interpretation bias in borderline personality disorder [d]
- Allan Lokos (2015) Through the flames: overcoming disaster through compassion, patience, and determination [i]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Jean-Roch Laurence, & Irving Kirsch (2015) Hypnosis, suggestion, and suggestibility: an integrative model [p] [d]
- Tina Malti & Sebastian P. Dys (2015) A developmental perspective on moral emotions [d]
- Lesley S. Martin, Lindsay G. Oades, & Peter Caputi (2015) Clients' experiences of intentional personality change coaching [u]
- Bilyana Martinovski [ed] (2015) Emotion in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
- Francisco Moreira Mattos Júnior, Rafael Villanova Mattos, Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira, Silvia Regina Dowgan Tesseroli de Siqueira, & Jose Tadeu Tesseroli de Siqueira (2015) Chronic pain relief after the exposure of nitrous oxide during dental treatment: longitudinal retrospective study [p] [d]
- Andrew S. McClintock & Timothy Anderson (2015) The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: effects of a brief intervention [d]
- Shelley F. McMain, Tali Zweig Boritz, & Michelle J. Leybman (2015) Common strategies for cultivating a positive therapy relationship in the treatment of borderline personality disorder [d]
- Emily McRae (2015) Buddhist therapies of the emotions and the psychology of moral improvement [j]
- Emily McRae (2015) Metabolizing anger: a Tantric Buddhist solution to the problem of moral anger [d] [j]
- Paul W. Meerts & Siniša Vuković (2015) Reputation and egotiation: the impact of self-image on the negotiator [i] [d]
- Maria Miceli, Cristiano Castelfranchi, & Andrew Ortony [ed] (2015) Expectancy and emotion [i]
- Mario Mikulincer & Phillip R. Shaver (2015) The psychological effects of the contextual activation of security-enhancing mental representations in adulthood [d]
- Kayoko Murase (2015) The art of communication through drawing: the case of 'Mr. R', a young man professing misanthropy while longing for connection with others [d] [u]
- Amie C. Myrick, Gregory S. Chasson, Ruth A. Lanius, Barry Leventhal, & Bethany L. Brand (2015) Treatment of complex dissociative disorders: a comparison of interventions reported by community therapists versus those recommended by experts [p] [d]
- Michael R. Nadorff, Danielle K. Nadorff, & Anne Germain (2015) Nightmares: under-reported, undetected, and therefore untreated [p] [d] [u]
- Tal Narkiss-Guez, Yael Enav Zichor, Jonathan Guez, & Gary M. Diamond (2015) Intensifying attachment-related sadness and decreasing anger intensity among individuals suffering from unresolved anger: the role of relational reframe followed by empty-chair interventions [d]
- Weiting Ng (2015) Boosting well-being with positive psychology interventions: moderating role of personality and other factors [d]
- Natasha Odou & Jay Brinker (2015) Self-compassion, a better alternative to rumination than distraction as a response to negative mood [d]
- Karin Örmon, Marie Torstensson-Levander, Christel Bahtsevani, & Charlotta Sunnqvist (2015) The life course of women who have experienced abuse: a life chart study in general psychiatric care [d]
- Mia Skytte O'Toole, Douglas S. Mennin, & David M. Fresco (2015) Emotion regulation therapy: an experiential approach to chronic anxiety and recurring depression [i]
- Esther K. Papies & Lawrence W. Barsalou (2015) Grounding desire and motivated behavior: a theoretical framework and review of empirical evidence [i]
- Joel Paris (2015) Applying the principles of psychotherapy integration to the treatment of borderline personality disorder [d]
- Maria Paul (2015) How traumatic memories hide in the brain, and how to retrieve them [u]
- Madeline Lee Pe, Katharina Kircanski, Renee J. Thompson, Laura F. Bringmann, Francis Tuerlinckx, Merijn Mestdagh, Jutta Mata, Susanne M. Jaeggi, Martin Buschkuehl, John Jonides, Peter Kuppens, & Ian H. Gotlib (2015) Emotion-network density in major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Michelle J. Pearce, Harold G. Koenig, Clive J. Robins, Bruce Nelson, Sally F. Shaw, Harvey J. Cohen, & Michael B. King (2015) Religiously integrated cognitive behavioral therapy: a new method of treatment for major depression in patients with chronic medical illness [p] [d] [u]
- Mathias Pessiglione & Mauricio R. Delgado (2015) The good, the bad and the brain: neural correlates of appetitive and aversive values underlying decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Daniela M. Pfabigan, Jürgen Pripfl, Sara L. Kroll, Uta Sailer, & Claus Lamm (2015) Event-related potentials in performance monitoring are influenced by the endogenous opioid system [p] [d]
- Jan Luca Pletzer, Xavier Sanchez, & Susanne Scheibe (2015) Practicing psychotherapists are more skilled at downregulating negative emotions than other professionals [p] [d]
- Michael Pluess [ed] (2015) Genetics of psychological well-being: the role of heritability and genetics in positive psychology [i] [d]
- Philip A. Powell, Paul G. Overton, & Jane Simpson [ed] (2015) The revolting self: perspectives on the psychological, social, and clinical implications of self-directed disgust [i] [d]
- Theodore J. Price & Kufreobong E. Inyang (2015) Commonalities between pain and memory mechanisms and their meaning for understanding chronic pain [i] [d]
- Donald D. Price (2015) Unconscious and conscious mediation of analgesia and hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
- Theodore J. Price & Greg Dussor [ed] (2015) Molecular and cell biology of pain [i] [d]
- Gertie Quitangon & Mark R. Evces [ed] (2015) Vicarious trauma and disaster mental health: understanding risks and promoting resilience [i] [d]
- Shanaya Rathod, David G. Kingdon, Narsimha Pinninti, Douglas Turkington, & Peter Phiri (2015) Cultural adaptation of CBT for serious mental illness: a guide for training and practice [i] [d]
- Nadja Reilly (2015) Anxiety and depression in the classroom: a teacher's guide to fostering self-regulation in young students [i]
- Emma Restifo, Shraddha Kashyap, Geoff R. Hooke, & Andrew C. Page (2015) Daily monitoring of temporal trajectories of suicidal ideation predict self-injury: a novel application of patient progress monitoring [p] [d]
- Alexander Rice (2015) Common therapeutic factors in bereavement groups [p] [d]
- Marieke Roskes (2015) Constraints that help or hinder creative performance: a motivational approach [d]
- Terri Rubinstein (2015) Relational theory: a refuge and compass [d]
- Carolyn Saarni (2015) Improving negotiation effectiveness with skills of emotional competence [i] [d]
- Marilyn P. Safir, Helene S. Wallach, & Albert (Skip) Rizzo [ed] (2015) Future directions in post-traumatic stress disorder: prevention, diagnosis, and treatment [i] [d]
- Ulrich Schnyder & Marylène Cloitre [ed] (2015) Evidence based treatments for trauma-related psychological disorders: a practical guide for clinicians [i] [d]
- Hans S. Schroder, Sindes Dawood, Matthew M. Yalch, M. Brent Donnellan, & Jason S. Moser (2015) The role of implicit theories in mental health symptoms, emotion regulation, and hypothetical treatment choices in college students [d]
- Jaakko Seikkula, Anu Karvonen, Virpi-Liisa Kykyri, Jukka Kaartinen, & Markku Penttonen (2015) The embodied attunement of therapists and a couple within dialogical psychotherapy: an introduction to The Relational Mind research project [p] [d]
- Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, Eckhard Roediger, & Bruce A. Stevens (2015) Schema therapy with couples: a practitioner's guide to healing relationships [i] [d]
- Dan Simon, Douglas M. Stenstrom, & Stephen J. Read (2015) The coherence effect: blending cold and hot cognitions [p] [d]
- Jeanne M. Slattery & Crystal L. Park (2015) Spirituality and making meaning: implications for therapy with trauma survivors [i] [d]
- Justin D. Smith, Thomas J. Dishion, Daniel S. Shaw, & Melvin N. Wilson (2015) Negative relational schemas predict the trajectory of coercive dynamics during early childhood [d]
- Jack B. Soll, Katherine L. Milkman, & John W. Payne (2015) A user's guide to debiasing [i] [d]
- Anastassios Stalikas, Marilyn R. Fitzpatrick, P. Mistkidou, Alkmini Boutri, & Christina Seryianni (2015) Positive emotions in psychotherapy: conceptual propositions and research challenges [i] [d]
- Ervin Staub (2015) The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
- Eliezer J. Sternberg (2015) NeuroLogic: the brain's hidden rationale behind our irrational behavior [i]
- Sai Sun, Ziqing Yao, Jaixin Wei, & Rongjun Yu (2015) Calm and smart?: a selective review of meditation effects on decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Artur H. Swiergiel, Grzegorz R. Juszczak, & Adrian M. Stankiewicz (2015) Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms linking pain and psychiatric disorders [p] [d]
- Richard M. Sword, Rosemary K. M. Sword, & Sarah R. Brunskill (2015) Time perspective therapy: transforming Zimbardo's temporal theory into clinical practice [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2015) Value maps in applied ethics [d]
- Paul Thagard (2015) The cognitive–affective structure of political ideologies [i] [d]
- Nathan C. Thoma & Leslie S. Greenberg (2015) Integrating emotion-focused therapy into cognitive behavioral therapy [i]
- Nathan C. Thoma & Dean McKay [ed] (2015) Working with emotion in cognitive-behavioral therapy: techniques for clinical practice [i]
- Ladislav Timulak (2015) Transforming emotional pain in psychotherapy: an emotion-focused approach [i] [d]
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- Michael T. Treadway (2015) Liking little, wanting less: on (lacking) desire in psychopathology [i]
- Sophie L. van Uijen & Marieke B. J. Toffolo (2015) Safety behavior increases obsession-related cognitions about the severity of threat [p] [d]
- Sasha Vaziri, John Serak, & Michael Wang (2015) Long-term potentiation of pain 'memory' in the spinal cord [p] [d]
- Patrizia Velotti & Carlo Garofalo (2015) Personality styles in a non-clinical sample: the role of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity [d]
- E. Grace Verbeck, Meline A. Arzoumanian, Jan E. Estrellado, Jillian DeLorme, Kristen Dahlin, Emily Hennrich, Heather E. Rodriguez, Jessica M. Stevens, & Constance J. Dalenberg (2015) Religion, spirituality, and the working alliance with trauma survivors [i] [d]
- Johan W. S. Vlaeyen (2015) Learning to predict and control harmful events: chronic pain and conditioning [p] [d]
- Vera Walburg & Stéphanie Chiaramello (2015) Link between early maladaptive schemas and defense mechanisms [d]
- Harry Walker (2015) Joy within tranquility: Amazonian Urarina styles of happiness [d] [u]
- Donald F. Walker, Christine A. Courtois, & Jamie D. Aten [ed] (2015) Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for trauma [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Dean Webster & Xiaolei Charlie Deng (2015) Paths from trauma to intrapersonal strength: worldview, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom [d]
- Brian E. Weeks (2015) Emotions, partisanship, and misperceptions: how anger and anxiety moderate the effect of partisan bias on susceptibility to political misinformation [d]
- Ken Welburn (2015) Juggling-exposure therapy: an innovation in trauma treatment [p] [d]
- Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Lawrence W. Barsalou (2015) Variety in emotional life: within-category typicality of emotional experiences is associated with neural activity in large-scale brain networks [p] [d]
- Maria Wimber, Arjen Alink, Ian Charest, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, & Michael C. Anderson (2015) Retrieval induces adaptive forgetting of competing memories via cortical pattern suppression [p] [d] [u]
- Katja Wingenfeld & Oliver T. Wolf (2015) Effects of cortisol on cognition in major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder [d]
- Victoria J. Wood, Wilbert M. Gesler, Sarah E. Curtis, Ian H. Spencer, Helen J. Close, James Mason, & Joe G. Reilly (2015) 'Therapeutic landscapes' and the importance of nostalgia, solastalgia, salvage and abandonment for psychiatric hospital design [d]
- Joel Yager (2015) Addressing patients' psychic pain [p] [d]
- Michael C. Anderson & Simon Hanslmayr (2014) Neural mechanisms of motivated forgetting [p] [d] [u]
- Jessica Argo, Minhua Ma, & Christopher Kayser (2014) Immersive composition for sensory rehabilitation: 3D visualisation, surround sound, and synthesised music to provoke catharsis and healing [i] [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett & James A. Russell [ed] (2014) The psychological construction of emotion [i]
- Aaron T. Beck & Emily A. P. Haigh (2014) Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: the generic cognitive model [p] [d]
- Reto Bisaz, Alessio Travaglia, & Cristina M. Alberini (2014) The neurobiological bases of memory formation: from physiological conditions to psychopathology [d]
- Isabelle Blanchette [ed] (2014) Emotion and reasoning [i] [d]
- Theodore Y. Blumoff (2014) When nature and nurture collide: early childhood trauma, adult crime, and the limits of criminal law [i]
- Liz Bondi (2014) Feeling insecure: a personal account in a psychoanalytic voice [d]
- Robert P. Bonin & Yves De Koninck (2014) A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
- Bethany L. Brand & Ruth A. Lanius (2014) Chronic complex dissociative disorders and borderline personality disorder: disorders of emotion dysregulation? [p] [d] [u]
- Andrea Brandt & Brookes Nohlgren (2014) Mindful anger: a pathway to emotional freedom [i]
- Todd S. Braver, Marie K. Krug, Kimberly S. Chiew, Wouter Kool, J. Andrew Westbrook, Nathan J. Clement, R. Alison Adcock, Deanna M. Barch, Matthew M. Botvinick, Charles S. Carver, Roshan Cools, Ruud Custers, Anthony Dickinson, Carol S. Dweck, Ayelet Fishbach, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Thomas M. Hess, Derek M. Isaacowitz, Mara Mather, Kou Murayama, Luiz Pessoa, Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin, Leah H. Somerville, & MOMCAI group (2014) Mechanisms of motivation–cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
- Donald M. Broom (2014) Sentience and animal welfare [i] [d]
- Vanessa H. Chafos & Peter Economou (2014) Beyond borderline personality disorder: the mindful brain [p] [d]
- Ted Chapin & Lori A. Russell-Chapin (2014) Neurotherapy and neurofeedback: brain-based treatment for psychological and behavioral problems [i] [d]
- Junichi Chikazoe, Daniel H. Lee, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, & Adam K. Anderson (2014) Population coding of affect across stimuli, modalities and individuals [p] [d] [u]
- Shauna L. Clen, Douglas S. Mennin, & David M. Fresco (2014) Emotion regulation strategies [i] [d]
- Jane F. Compson (2014) Meditation, trauma and suffering in silence: raising questions about how meditation is taught and practiced in western contexts in the light of a contemporary trauma resiliency model [d]
- Christopher C. Conway, George M. Slavich, & Constance Hammen (2014) Dysfunctional attitudes and affective responses to daily stressors: separating cognitive, genetic, and clinical influences on stress reactivity [d]
- Pim Cuijpers, Erick H. Turner, David C. Mohr, Stefan G. Hofmann, Gerhard Andersson, Matthias Berking, & James C. Coyne (2014) Comparison of psychotherapies for adult depression to pill placebo control groups: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
- Constance J. Dalenberg (2014) On building a science of common factors in trauma therapy [p] [d]
- Bryan T. Denny, Kevin N. Ochsner, Jochen Weber, & Tor D. Wager (2014) Anticipatory brain activity predicts the success or failure of subsequent emotion regulation [d]
- Guy S. Diamond, Gary M. Diamond, & Suzanne A. Levy (2014) Attachment-based family therapy for depressed adolescents [i] [d]
- Dawn M. Ehde, Tiara M. Dillworth, & Judith A. Turner (2014) Cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals with chronic pain: efficacy, innovations, and directions for research [p] [d]
- Jeff Elison, Carlo Garofalo, & Patrizia Velotti (2014) Shame and aggression: theoretical considerations [d]
- Giovanni A. Fava & Chiara Ruini [ed] (2014) Increasing psychological well-being in clinical and educational settings: interventions and cultural contexts [i] [d]
- Guillem Feixas, Adrián Montesano, Victoria Compañ, Marta Salla, Gloria Dada, Olga Pucurull, Adriana Trujillo, Clara Paz, Dámaris Muñoz, Miquel Gasol, Luis Ángel Saúl, Fernando Lana, Ignasi Bros, Eugénia Ribeiro, David A. Winter, María Jesús Carrera-Fernández, & Joan Guàrdia (2014) Cognitive conflicts in major depression: between desired change and personal coherence [d]
- Paulo Correia Ferrajão & Rui Aragão Oliveira (2014) Self-awareness of mental states, self-integration of personal schemas, perceived social support, posttraumatic and depression levels, and moral injury: a mixed-method study among Portuguese war veterans [d]
- Scott D. Findlay & Paul Thagard (2014) Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
- Sebern F. Fisher (2014) Neurofeedback in the treatment of developmental trauma: calming the fear-driven brain [i]
- Catherine M. Flanagan (2014) Unmet needs and maladaptive modes: a new way to approach longer-term problems [d]
- Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois (2014) Complex PTSD, affect dysregulation, and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Kenneth A. Frank (2014) Out from hiding [i] [d]
- Paul A. Frewen & Ruth A. Lanius (2014) Trauma-related altered states of consciousness: exploring the 4-D model [p] [d]
- Adrian F. Furnham & John D. Crump (2014) A bright side facet analysis of borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Pierre Gagnepain, Richard N. A. Henson, & Michael C. Anderson (2014) Suppressing unwanted memories reduces their unconscious influence via targeted cortical inhibition [p] [d] [u]
- Frank L. Gardner & Zella E. Moore (2014) Contextual anger regulation therapy: a mindfulness and acceptance-based approach [i] [d]
- R. Kelly Garrett, Shira Dvir Gvirsman, Benjamin K. Johnson, Yariv Tsfati, Rachel Neo, & Aysenur Dal (2014) Implications of pro- and counterattitudinal information exposure for affective polarization [d]
- Jean-Louis van Gelder, Henk Elffers, Danielle Reynald, & Daniel Nagin [ed] (2014) Affect and cognition in criminal decision making [i] [d]
- Philip Gerrans (2014) The measure of madness: philosophy of mind, cognitive neuroscience, and delusional thought [i] [d] [j]
- Angela Ghesquiere (2014) 'I was just trying to stick it out until I realized that I couldn't': a phenomenological investigation of support seeking among older adults with complicated grief [d]
- Paul Gilbert (2014) The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy [d]
- Lisa R. Grossman & Steven Walfish [ed] (2014) Translating psychological research into practice [i]
- Erika K. Gubrium, Sony Pellissery, & Ivar Lødemel [ed] (2014) The shame of it: global perspectives on anti-poverty policies [i] [d]
- Gerald J. Haeffel & Jennifer L. Hames (2014) Cognitive vulnerability to depression can be contagious [d]
- Christopher Hall (2014) Bereavement theory: recent developments in our understanding of grief and bereavement [d]
- József Haller (2014) Neurobiological bases of abnormal aggression and violent behaviour [i] [d]
- Leonard Handler & Antoinette D. Thomas [ed] (2014) Drawings in assessment and psychotherapy: research and application [i] [d]
- Raha Hassan, Taigan L. MacGowan, Kristie L. Poole, & Louis A. Schmidt (2014/2021) Evolutionary and neuroscientific perspectives on adaptive shyness [i] [d]
- Jane E. Heiy & Jennifer S. Cheavens (2014) Back to basics: a naturalistic assessment of the experience and regulation of emotion [p] [d]
- Caroline Hewson (2014) The impact of pet loss: an update on the research and evidence-based ways to help grieving clients [d]
- Devon E. Hinton & Baland Jalal (2014) Guidelines for the implementation of culturally sensitive cognitive behavioural therapy among refugees and in global contexts [d]
- Irwin Hirsch (2014) Emerging from the oppositional and the negative [i] [d]
- Andreas Hirschi & Philipp Alexander Freund (2014) Career engagement: investigating intraindividual predictors of weekly fluctuations in proactive career behaviors [d]
- Thomas Homer-Dixon, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Tobias Schröder, & Paul Thagard (2014) The conceptual structure of social disputes: cognitive-affective maps as a tool for conflict analysis and resolution [d]
- Steven K. Huprich & Sharon M. Nelson (2014) Malignant self-regard: accounting for commonalities in vulnerably narcissistic, depressive, self-defeating, and masochistic personality disorders [d]
- Tamar Icekson, Marieke Roskes, & Simone Moran (2014) Effects of optimism on creativity under approach and avoidance motivation [p] [d] [u]
- Mark P. Jensen & Dennis C. Turk (2014) Contributions of psychology to the understanding and treatment of people with chronic pain: why it matters to ALL psychologists [p] [d]
- Suzanne Jolley, Claire Thompson, James Hurley, Evelina Medin, Lucy Butler, Paul Bebbington, Graham Dunn, Daniel Freeman, David Fowler, Elizabeth Kuipers, & Philippa A. Garety (2014) Jumping to the wrong conclusions?: an investigation of the mechanisms of reasoning errors in delusions [p] [d] [u]
- Eva Jonas, Ian McGregor, Johannes Klackl, Dmitrij Agroskin, Immo Fritsche, Colin Holbrook, Kyle A. Nash, Travis Proulx, & Markus Quirin (2014) Threat and defense: from anxiety to approach [i] [d]
- Veronica Kallos-Lilly & Jennifer Fitzgerald (2014) An emotionally focused workbook for couples: the two of us [i] [d]
- John F. Kihlstrom (2014) Hypnosis and cognition [d]
- Merel Kindt (2014) A behavioural neuroscience perspective on the aetiology and treatment of anxiety disorders [d]
- Nkaku Kisaalita, Roland Staud, Robert Hurley, & Michael Robinson (2014) Placebo use in pain management: the role of medical context, treatment efficacy, and deception in determining placebo acceptability [p] [d] [u]
- Charlotte Knight (2014) Emotional literacy in criminal justice: professional practice with offenders [i] [d]
- Philip A. Kragel & Kevin S. LaBar (2014) Advancing emotion theory with multivariate pattern classification [d]
- Annegret Krause-Utz, Bernet M. Elzinga, Nicole Y. L. Oei, Christian Paret, Inga Niedtfeld, Philip Spinhoven, Martin Bohus, & Christian Schmahl (2014) Amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate connectivity during an emotional working memory task in borderline personality disorder patients with interpersonal trauma history [p] [d] [u]
- Levent Kurt, Katharina G. Kugler, Peter T. Coleman, & Larry S. Liebovitch (2014) Behavioral and emotional dynamics of two people struggling to reach consensus about a topic on which they disagree [p] [d] [u]
- Beatriz Caiuby Labate & Clancy Cavnar [ed] (2014) The therapeutic use of ayahuasca [i] [d]
- Peter J. Lang (2014) Emotion's response patterns: the brain and the autonomic nervous system [d]
- Falk Leichsenring & Simone Salzer (2014) A unified protocol for the transdiagnostic psychodynamic treatment of anxiety disorders: an evidence-based approach [p] [d]
- Larry Letich & Helene G. Brenner (2014) Applying attachment theory and interventions to focusing therapy [i]
- Heidi M. Levitt & Maria R. Ippolito (2014) Being transgender: navigating minority stressors and developing authentic self-presentation [d]
- Shan Luo, George Ainslie, & John Monterosso (2014) The behavioral and neural effect of emotional primes on intertemporal decisions [d]
- Paul H. Lysaker, Giancarlo Dimaggio, & Martin Brüne (2014) Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: psychopathology and treatment approaches [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2014) Emotive language in argumentation [i] [d]
- Greg Madison [ed] (2014) Emerging practice in focusing-oriented psychotherapy: innovative theory and applications [i]
- Kathleen Mairet, Simon Boag, & Wayne Warburton (2014) How important is temperament?: the relationship between coping styles, early maladaptive schemas, and social anxiety [u]
- Marc O. Martel, Robert N. Jamison, Ajay D. Wasan, & Robert R. Edwards (2014) The association between catastrophizing and craving in patients with chronic pain prescribed opioid therapy: a preliminary analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Lesley S. Martin, Lindsay G. Oades, & Peter Caputi (2014) A step-wise process of intentional personality change coaching [u]
- Tessa Marzi, Antonio Regina, & Stefania Righi (2014) Emotions shape memory suppression in trait anxiety [d]
- Aphrodite Matsakis (2014) Loving someone with PTSD: a practical guide to understanding and connecting with your partner after trauma [i]
- Katrina Skewes McFerran & Suvi Saarikallio (2014) Depending on music to feel better: being conscious of responsibility when appropriating the power of music [d]
- Siobhan McNally, Ladislav Timulak, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2014) Transforming emotion schemes in emotion focused therapy: a case study investigation [d]
- Ross G. Menzies & Steven Laurent (2014) The anger fallacy workbook: practical exercises for overcoming irritation, frustration and anger [i]
- Andrea Miller [ed] (2014) All the rage: Buddhist wisdom on anger and acceptance [i]
- Elizabeth A. Mundy & Stefan G. Hofmann (2014) Cognitive-behavioral therapy: next generation of treatments [d]
- Randolph M. Nesse (2014) Comment: A general 'theory of emotion' is neither necessary nor possible [d]
- Saima Noreen, Raynette N. Bierman, & Malcolm D. MacLeod (2014) Forgiving you is hard, but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting? [d]
- Greg J. Norman, Gary G. Berntson, & John T. Cacioppo (2014) Emotion, somatovisceral afference, and autonomic regulation [d]
- Elizabeth Nosen & Sheila R. Woody (2014) Acceptance of cravings: how smoking cessation experiences affect craving beliefs [d]
- Lauri Nummenmaa, Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, & Jari K. Hietanen (2014) Bodily maps of emotions [p] [d] [u]
- Keith Oatley & Philip N. Johnson-Laird (2014) Cognitive approaches to emotions [p] [d]
- William Hudson (Bill) O'Hanlon (2014) Out of the blue: six non-medication ways to relieve depression [i]
- Acacia C. Parks & Stephen M. Schueller (2014) Act well to be well: the promise of changing personality states to promote well-being [i] [d]
- Glen Pettigrove & Koji Tanaka (2014) Anger and moral judgment [d]
- Alberta E. Pos (2014) Emotion focused therapy for avoidant personality disorder: pragmatic considerations for working with experientially avoidant clients [d]
- Karen S. Quigley & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2014) Is there consistency and specificity of autonomic changes during emotional episodes?: guidance from the Conceptual Act Theory and psychophysiology [d]
- John Rhodes (2014) Narrative CBT: distinctive features [i] [d]
- António P. Ribeiro, Inês Mendes, William B. Stiles, Lynne E. Angus, Inês Sousa, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2014) Ambivalence in emotion-focused therapy for depression: the maintenance of problematically dominant self-narratives [d]
- Terri Roberton, Michael Daffern, & Romola S. Bucks (2014) Maladaptive emotion regulation and aggression in adult offenders [d]
- Aaron B. Rochlen & Fredric Eldon Rabinowitz [ed] (2014) Breaking barriers in counseling men: insights and innovations [i] [d]
- Beatriz Rodriguez Vega, Javier Melero-Llorente, Carmen Bayon Perez, Susana Cebolla, Jorge Mira, Carla Valverde, & Alberto Fernández-Liria (2014) Impact of mindfulness training on attentional control and anger regulation processes for psychotherapists in training [p] [d]
- Tom Rosenström, Pekka Jylhä, C. Robert Cloninger, Mirka Hintsanen, Marko Elovainio, Outi Mantere, Laura Pulkki-Råback, Kirsi Riihimäki, Maria Vuorilehto, Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen, & Erkki Isometsä (2014) Temperament and character traits predict future burden of depression [p] [d]
- Andrew A. G. Ross (2014) Mixed emotions: beyond fear and hatred in international conflict [i] [d]
- Lilian Roth, Tina Kaffenberger, Uwe Herwig, & Annette B. Brühl (2014) Brain activation associated with pride and shame [d]
- Nicole Ruysschaert (2014) The use of hypnosis in therapy to increase happiness [p] [d]
- Bart Santen (2014) Into the fear-factory: connecting with the traumatic core [d]
- Christina Sauer, Elisabeth A. Arens, Malte Stopsack, Carsten Spitzer, & Sven Barnow (2014) Emotional hyper-reactivity in borderline personality disorder is related to trauma and interpersonal themes [p] [d]
- Reijo Savolainen (2014) Emotions as motivators for information seeking: a conceptual analysis [d]
- Annett Schirmer (2014) Emotion [i] [d]
- Robert Schleicher & Jan-Niklas Antons (2014) Evoking emotions and evaluating emotional impact [i] [d]
- Karina Schumann, Ian McGregor, Kyle A. Nash, & Michael Ross (2014) Religious magnanimity: reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility after threat [p] [d]
- Lars Schwabe, Karim Nader, & Jens C. Pruessner (2014) Reconsolidation of human memory: brain mechanisms and clinical relevance [d]
- Dieuwke Sevenster, Tom Beckers, & Merel Kindt (2014) Prediction error demarcates the transition from retrieval, to reconsolidation, to new learning [p] [d] [u]
- Ben Shahar (2014) Emotion-focused therapy for the treatment of social anxiety: an overview of the model and a case description [p] [d]
- Shaul Shalvi, Jean-Louis van Gelder, & Job van der Schalk (2014) Emotional justifications for unethical behaviour [i] [d]
- Dan Short (2014) The blood and guts of experiential psychotherapy [u]
- Jelle J. Sijtsema, Lotte Baan, & Stefan Bogaerts (2014) Associations between dysfunctional personality traits and intimate partner violence in perpetrators and victims [p] [d]
- Sebastian Simonsen & Erik Simonsen (2014) Contemporary directions in theories and psychotherapeutic strategies in treatment of personality disorders: relation to level of personality functioning [d]
- Heather J. Smith & Yuen J. Huo (2014) Relative deprivation: how subjective experiences of inequality influence social behavior and health [d]
- Achim Stephan, Sven Walter, & Wendy Wilutzky (2014) Emotions beyond brain and body [d]
- Robert Stephens II (2014) The left's self-destructive obsession with shame [u]
- Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen (2014) Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
- Mary E. Sunderland (2014) Taking emotion seriously: meeting students where they are [p] [d]
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- Melanie K. T. Takarangi, Daisy A. Segovia, Evan Dawson, & Deryn Strange (2014) Emotional impact feedback affects how people remember an analogue trauma event [p] [d]
- Hannah E. Taylor, Suzanne L. K. Stewart, Graham Dunn, Sophie Parker, David Fowler, & Anthony P. Morrison (2014) Core schemas across the continuum of psychosis: a comparison of clinical and non-clinical groups [p] [d]
- Bradley K. Taylor & Gregory Corder (2014) Endogenous analgesia, dependence, and latent pain sensitization [p] [d] [u]
- Paul Thagard & A. David Nussbaum (2014) Fear-driven inference: mechanisms of gut overreaction [i] [d]
- Ladislav Timulak (2014) Witnessing clients' emotional transformation: an emotion-focused therapist's experience of providing therapy [p] [d]
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- Bessel A. van der Kolk (2014) The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma [i]
- Naomi Vanlessen, Valentina Rossi, Rudi De Raedt, & Gilles Pourtois (2014) Feeling happy enhances early spatial encoding of peripheral information automatically: electrophysiological time-course and neural sources [p] [d]
- Patrizia Velotti, Jeff Elison, & Carlo Garofalo (2014) Shame and aggression: different trajectories and implications [d]
- Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen, & Ger Schurink (2014) Mindfulness and schema therapy: a practical guide [i] [d]
- Paul L. Wachtel (2014) Cyclical psychodynamics and the contextual self: the inner world, the intimate world, and the world of culture and society [i] [d]
- Adam Waytz, Liane L. Young, & Jeremy Ginges (2014) Motive attribution asymmetry for love vs. hate drives intractable conflict [p] [d] [u]
- Carl F. Weems, Justin D. Russell, Donice M. Banks, Rebecca A. Graham, Erin L. Neill, & Brandon G. Scott (2014) Memories of traumatic events in childhood fade after experiencing similar less stressful events: results from two natural experiments [p] [d]
- Margaret Wehrenberg (2014) Anxiety + depression: effective treatment of the big two co-occurring disorders [i]
- Stefan Westermann, Winfried Rief, & Tania Marie Lincoln (2014) Emotion regulation in delusion-proneness: deficits in cognitive reappraisal, but not in expressive suppression [p] [d]
- Lauren White (2014) Borderline personality disorder: a personal construct approach [o] [u]
- Brenda K. Wiederhold & Stéphane Bouchard [ed] (2014) Advances in virtual reality and anxiety disorders [i] [d]
- Anna Wierzbicka (2014) Human emotions and English words: are anger and disgust universal? [i] [d]
- Sarah Wilker, Thomas Elbert, & Iris-Tatjana Kolassa (2014) The downside of strong emotional memories: how human memory-related genes influence the risk for posttraumatic stress disorder—a selective review [p] [d]
- Dorina Winter, Bernet M. Elzinga, & Christian Schmahl (2014) Emotions and memory in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
- Kaite Yang, Dara G. Friedman-Wheeler, & Emily Pronin (2014) Thought acceleration boosts positive mood among individuals with minimal to moderate depressive symptoms [d]
- Rongjun Yu, Randy L. Gollub, Mark Vangel, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Jordan W. Smoller, & Jian Kong (2014) Placebo analgesia and reward processing: integrating genetics, personality, and intrinsic brain activity [d]
- Rick A. Adams, Klaas Enno Stephan, Harriet R. Brown, Christopher D. Frith, & Karl J. Friston (2013) The computational anatomy of psychosis [p] [d] [u]
- George Ainslie (2013) Grasping the impalpable: the role of endogenous reward in choices, including process addictions [d]
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- Alysha Baker, Leanne ten Brinke, & Stephen Porter (2013) Will get fooled again: emotionally intelligent people are easily duped by high-stakes deceivers [d]
- Marijke Baljon & Grieteke Pool (2013) Hedgehogs in therapy: empathy and insecure attachment in emotion-focused therapy [d]
- Andrea Bari & Trevor W. Robbins (2013) Inhibition and impulsivity: behavioral and neural basis of response control [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2013) Psychological construction: the Darwinian approach to the science of emotion [d]
- Fabrizio Benedetti & Elisa Frisaldi (2013) Neurochemistry of placebo analgesia: opioids, cannabinoids and cholecystokinin [i] [d]
- Hadley C. Bergstrom, Craig G. McDonald, Smita Dey, Gina M. Fernandez, & Luke R. Johnson (2013) Neurons activated during fear memory consolidation and reconsolidation are mapped to a common and new topography in the lateral amygdala [d]
- David Berle & Michelle L. Moulds (2013) Emotional reasoning processes and dysphoric mood: cross-sectional and prospective relationships [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Edwin Bernard [ed] (2013) The strength of self-acceptance: theory, practice, and research [i] [d]
- Niels Birbaumer, Sergio Ruiz, & Ranganatha Sitaram (2013) Learned regulation of brain metabolism [p] [d]
- Timothy Bird, Warren Mansell, Chris Dickens, & Sara Tai (2013) Is there a core process across depression and anxiety? [d]
- Matthew Tyler Boden & James J. Gross (2013) An emotion regulation perspective on belief change [i] [d]
- Vanessa K. Bohns & Francis J. Flynn (2013) Guilt by design: structuring organizations to elicit guilt as an affective reaction to failure [d] [j]
- Marc H. Bornstein, Chun-Shin Hahn, & Joan T. D. Suwalsky (2013) Developmental pathways among adaptive functioning and externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems: cascades from childhood into adolescence [d]
- Michael S. Brady (2013) Emotional insight: the epistemic role of emotional experience [i] [d]
- Andrea Brandt (2013) 8 keys to eliminating passive-aggressiveness: strategies for transforming your relationships for greater authenticity and joy [i]
- Timo Brockmeyer, Martin Grosse Holtforth, Tobias Krieger, David Altenstein, Nadja Doerig, Hans-Christoph Friederich, & Hinrich Bents (2013) Ambivalence over emotional expression in major depression [d]
- Tobias Brosch (2013) Comment: On the role of appraisal processes in the construction of emotion [d]
- Arjen Buijs & Anna Lawrence (2013) Emotional conflicts in rational forestry: towards a research agenda for understanding emotions in environmental conflicts [d]
- Lawrence G. Calhoun & Richard G. Tedeschi (2013) Posttraumatic growth in clinical practice [i] [d]
- Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue, & Benjamin L. Hankin (2013) Transactional relationships among cognitive vulnerabilities, stressors, and depressive symptoms in adolescence [p] [d]
- Deborah J. Cantrell (2013) Re-problematizing anger in domestic violence advocacy [u]
- Jenna R. Carl, Christopher P. Fairholme, Matthew W. Gallagher, Johanna Thompson-Hollands, & David H. Barlow (2013) The effects of anxiety and depressive symptoms on daily positive emotion regulation [d]
- Isabel Caro Gabalda & William B. Stiles (2013) Irregular assimilation progress: reasons for setbacks in the context of linguistic therapy of evaluation [d]
- Melissa L. Cast, Grace Ann Rosile, David M. Boje, & Rohny Saylors (2013) Restorying a hard day's work [i] [d]
- Jason C. K. Chan & Jessica A. LaPaglia (2013) Impairing existing declarative memory in humans by disrupting reconsolidation [p] [d] [u]
- Gabriele Chiari (2013) Emotion in personal construct theory: a controversial question [d]
- Pema Chödrön (2013) Meditating with emotions [u]
- Joshua Cisler, George Andrew James, Shanti Prakash Tripathi, Tanja C. Mletzko, Christine Heim, Xiaoping P. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, Charles B. Nemeroff, & Clinton D. Kilts (2013) Differential functional connectivity within an emotion regulation neural network among individuals resilient and susceptible to the depressogenic effects of early life stress [d]
- Jason A. Clark (2013) Intersections between development and evolution in the classification of emotions [d]
- Verónica Coccoz, Adolfo Villalón Sandoval, Jimmy Stehberg, & Alejandro Delorenzi (2013) The temporal dynamics of enhancing a human declarative memory during reconsolidation [d]
- Giovanna Colombetti (2013) The feeling body: affective science meets the enactive mind [i] [d]
- Dennis R. Combs, Jacob A. Finn, Whitney Wohlfahrt, David L. Penn, & Michael R. Basso (2013) Social cognition and social functioning in nonclinical paranoia [d]
- Paul Condon & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2013) Conceptualizing and experiencing compassion [p] [d] [u]
- Ann Weiser Cornell (2013) Focusing in clinical practice: the essence of change [i]
- Eduardo Coutinho & Nicola Dibben (2013) Psychoacoustic cues to emotion in speech prosody and music [p] [d]
- William A. Cunningham, Kristen A. Dunfield, & Paul E. Stillman (2013) Emotional states from affective dynamics [d]
- Sidney Dekker (2013) Second victim: error, guilt, trauma, and resilience [i] [d]
- Greg J. Detre, Annamalai Natarajan, Samuel J. Gershman, & Kenneth A. Norman (2013) Moderate levels of activation lead to forgetting in the think/no-think paradigm [p] [d] [u]
- Lorenzo Díaz-Mataix, Raquel Chacon Ruiz Martinez, Glenn E. Schafe, Joseph E. LeDoux, & Valérie Doyère (2013) Detection of a temporal error triggers reconsolidation of amygdala-dependent memories [d]
- E. Thomas Dowd (2013) Nocturnal bruxism and hypnotherapy: a case study [p] [d]
- Kenneth F. Dunham (2013) I hate you, but we can work it out: dealing with anger issues in mediation [o]
- Roy J. Eidelson (2013) How leaders promote war by exploiting our core concerns [d]
- Robert Elliott (2013) Person-centered/experiential psychotherapy for anxiety difficulties: theory, research and practice [d]
- Igor Elman, David Borsook, & Nora D. Volkow (2013) Pain and suicidality: insights from reward and addiction neuroscience [p] [d] [u]
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- Douglas G. Flemons & Leonard M. Gralnik (2013) Relational suicide assessment: risks, resources, and possibilities for safety [i]
- Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois [ed] (2013) Treating complex traumatic stress disorders in children and adolescents: scientific foundations and therapeutic models [i]
- Daniel Freeman, Claire Thompson, Natasha Vorontsova, Graham Dunn, Lucy Carter, Philippa A. Garety, Elizabeth Kuipers, Mel Slater, Angus Antley, Edward Glucksman, & Anke Ehlers (2013) Paranoia and post-traumatic stress disorder in the months after a physical assault: a longitudinal study examining shared and differential predictors [d]
- Nicole M. Gage & Bernard J. Baars (2013/2018) Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience: a beginner's guide [i] [d]
- James I. Gerhart, Nicole M. Heath, Carey Fitzgerald, & Michael Hoerger (2013) Direct and indirect associations between experiential avoidance and reduced delay of gratification [d]
- James I. Gerhart, Bailey Seymour, Kim Maurelli, Krista Holman, & George Ronan (2013) Health and relationships in violence reduction participants: indirect effects of angry temperament [d]
- Rhonda N. Goldman & Leslie S. Greenberg (2013) Working with identity and self-soothing in emotion-focused therapy for couples [p] [d]
- Joseph S. Graham (2013) Expressive therapy as a treatment preference for Aboriginal trauma [u]
- Liz Grauerholz, Mandi Barringer, Timothy Colyer, Nicholas Guittar, Jaime Hecht, Rachel L. Rayburn, & Elizabeth Swart (2013) Attraction in the field: what we need to acknowledge and implications for research and teaching [d]
- Sabine Groch, Ines Wilhelm, Suzanne Diekelmann, & Jan Born (2013) The role of REM sleep in the processing of emotional memories: evidence from behavior and event-related potentials [d]
- June Gruber, Aleksandr Kogan, Jordi Quoidbach, & Iris B. Mauss (2013) Happiness is best kept stable: positive emotion variability is associated with poorer psychological health [p] [d]
- Daniel Grühn, Mark A. Lumley, Manfred Diehl, & Gisela Labouvie-Vief (2013) Time-based indicators of emotional complexity: interrelations and correlates [p] [d] [u]
- Dan W. Grupe & Jack B. Nitschke (2013) Uncertainty and anticipation in anxiety: an integrated neurobiological and psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
- Kathrin Hansen, Volkmar Höfling, Tana Kröner-Borowik, Ulrich Stangier, & Regina Steil (2013) Efficacy of psychological interventions aiming to reduce chronic nightmares: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
- Rick Hanson (2013) Hardwiring happiness: the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence [i]
- Eddie Harmon-Jones, Cindy Harmon-Jones, & Tom F. Price (2013) What is approach motivation? [d]
- Rona Hart, Itai Ivtzan, & Dan Hart (2013) Mind the gap in mindfulness research: a comparative account of the leading schools of thought [d]
- Dirk Hermans, Bernard Rimé, & Batja Mesquita [ed] (2013) Changing emotions [i] [d]
- Stefan G. Hofmann (2013) The pursuit of happiness and its relationship to the meta-experience of emotions and culture [p] [d] [u]
- Tom Hollenstein, Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff, & Georges Potworowski (2013) A model of socioemotional flexibility at three time scales [d]
- Jana Holtmann, Maike C. Herbort, Torsten Wüstenberg, Joram Soch, Sylvia Richter, Henrik Walter, Stefan Roepke, & Björn H. Schott (2013) Trait anxiety modulates fronto-limbic processing of emotional interference in borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas Homer-Dixon, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder, & Paul Thagard (2013) A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
- Paul Hutton & Anthony P. Morrison (2013) Collaborative empiricism in cognitive therapy for psychosis: a practice guide [d]
- Ian A. James, Matt Goodman, & F. Katharina Reichelt (2013) What clinicians can learn from schema change in sport [d]
- Jeremy P. Jamieson, Katrina Koslov, Matthew K. Nock, & Wendy Berry Mendes (2013) Experiencing discrimination increases risk taking [d]
- Peter J. Jankowski, Steven J. Sandage, & Peter C. Hill (2013) Differentiation-based models of forgivingness, mental health and social justice commitment: mediator effects for differentiation of self and humility [d]
- Im Hong Jeon, Kyung Ran Kim, Hwan Hee Kim, Jin Young Park, Mikyung Lee, Hye Hyun Jo, Se Jun Koo, Yu Jin Jeong, Yun Young Song, Jee In Kang, Su Young Lee, Eun Lee, & Suk Kyoon An (2013) Attributional style in healthy persons: its association with 'theory of mind' skills [d]
- Susan M. Johnson (2013) Love sense: the revolutionary new science of romantic relationships [i]
- Christopher J. Joyce, Jennifer Dillane, & Eduardo A. Vasquez (2013) The role of anger in offending: a grounded theory analysis of mentally disordered patients [d]
- Jayne Jubb & Jozien M. Bensing (2013) The sweetest pill to swallow: how patient neurobiology can be harnessed to maximise placebo effects [p] [d]
- Yoona Kang, June Gruber, & Jeremy R. Gray (2013) Mindfulness and de-automatization [d]
- Todd B. Kashdan & Patrick E. McKnight (2013) Commitment to a purpose in life: an antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Leon Kenemans & Nick Ramsey (2013) Psychology in the brain: integrative cognitive neuroscience [i]
- Guan Soon Khoo & Mary Beth Oliver (2013) The therapeutic effects of narrative cinema through clarification: reexamining catharsis [d]
- Birgit Koopmann-Holm, Jocelyn Sze, Camaron Ochs, & Jeanne L. Tsai (2013) Buddhist-inspired meditation increases the value of calm [p] [d]
- Sanjeev V. Kothare & Anna Ivanenko [ed] (2013) Parasomnias: clinical characteristics and treatment [i] [d]
- Kurt Kotrschal (2013) Emotions are at the core of individual social performance [i] [d]
- Ueli Kramer, Cynthia Vaudroz, Ornella Ruggeri, & Martin Drapeau (2013) Biased thinking assessed by external observers in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
- Ueli Kramer, Franz Caspar, & Martin Drapeau (2013) Change in biased thinking in a 10-session treatment for borderline personality disorder: further evidence of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship [p] [d]
- Ueli Kramer & Rainer Sachse (2013) Early clarification processes in clients presenting with borderline personality disorder: relations with symptom level and change [d]
- Peter Kuppens (2013) Comment: Appraisal affords flexibility to emotion in more ways than one [d]
- Calvin K. Lai, Kelly M. Hoffman, & Brian A. Nosek (2013) Reducing implicit prejudice [d]
- Marie-Laure B. Lapointe, Isabelle Blanchette, Mélanie Duclos, Frédéric Langlois, Martin D. Provencher, & Sébastien Tremblay (2013) Attentional bias, distractibility and short-term memory in anxiety [d]
- Steven Laurent & Ross G. Menzies (2013) The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
- Bernhard Leidner, Linda R. Tropp, & Brian Lickel (2013) Bringing science to bear—on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace [p] [d] [u]
- David E. Lewis, Matthew J. O'Reilly, Sieu K. Khuu, & Joel Pearson (2013) Conditioning the mind's eye: associative learning with voluntary mental imagery [d]
- Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] (2013) Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
- Susan A. Lord (2013) Meditative dialogue: cultivating compassion and empathy with survivors of complex childhood trauma [d]
- Justin Macarthur (2013) An integrative approach to addressing core beliefs in social anxiety [d]
- Serge Marchand & Isabelle Gaumond (2013) Placebo and nocebo: how to enhance therapies and avoid unintended sabotage to pain treatment [d]
- James A. Marcum (2013) The role of emotions in clinical reasoning and decision making [p] [d]
- Cristina Martinelli, Kate Cavanagh, & Robert E. J. Dudley (2013) The impact of rumination on state paranoid ideation in a nonclinical sample [p] [d]
- Shelley F. McMain, Paul S. Links, Tim Guimond, Susan Wnuk, Rahel Eynan, Yvonne Bergmans, & Serine Warwar (2013) An exploratory study of the relationship between changes in emotion and cognitive processes and treatment outcome in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
- Brian P. Meier & Benjamin M. Wilkowski (2013) Reducing the tendency to aggress: insights from social and personality psychology [d]
- Sharon Melnick (2013) Success under stress: powerful tools for staying calm, confident, and productive when the pressure's on [i]
- Mary E. Minton & Kathy Antonen (2013) Carrying the pain: the journey from suffering to transformation—perspectives from Shakespearean tragedy and pastoral care [p] [d]
- Agnes Moors, Phoebe C. Ellsworth, Klaus R. Scherer, & Nico H. Frijda (2013) Appraisal theories of emotion: state of the art and future development [d]
- Katherine C. Morasch, Vinaya Raj, & Martha Ann Bell (2013) The development of cognitive control from infancy through childhood [i] [d]
- David A. Moscovitch, Caitlin A. Chiupka, & Dubravka L. Gavric (2013) Within the mind's eye: negative mental imagery activates different emotion regulation strategies in high versus low socially anxious individuals [p] [d]
- Karen Niven, Peter Totterdell, Eleanor Miles, Thomas L. Webb, & Paschal Sheeran (2013) Achieving the same for less: improving mood depletes blood glucose for people with poor (but not good) emotion control [p] [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2013) Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
- Danielle Ofri (2013) What doctors feel: how emotions affect the practice of medicine [i]
- Delphine Oudiette & Ken A. Paller (2013) Upgrading the sleeping brain with targeted memory reactivation [p] [d]
- Ryan G. Parsons & Kerry J. Ressler (2013) Implications of memory modulation for post-traumatic stress and fear disorders [p] [d] [u]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone & Sandra C. Paivio (2013) Emotion-focused therapy for anger in complex trauma [i] [d]
- Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Silvia A. Bunge, Michael C. Anderson, & Simona Ghetti (2013) Strength of coupling within a mnemonic control network differentiates those who can and cannot suppress memory retrieval [p] [d] [u]
- Luiz Pessoa (2013) The cognitive–emotional brain: from interactions to integration [i] [d]
- Jennifer R. Piazza, Susan T. Charles, Martin J. Sliwinski, Jacqueline Mogle, & David M. Almeida (2013) Affective reactivity to daily stressors and long-term risk of reporting a chronic physical health condition [p] [d] [u]
- Cheryl Ann Picard & Janet Siltanen (2013) Exploring the significance of emotion for mediation practice [d]
- Jocelyn Pixley [ed] (2013) New perspectives on emotions in finance: the sociology of confidence, fear and betrayal [i] [d]
- Gilles Pourtois, Antonio Schettino, & Patrik Vuilleumier (2013) Brain mechanisms for emotional influences on perception and attention: what is magic and what is not [d]
- Stephen A. Rains (2013) The nature of psychological reactance revisited: a meta-analytic review [d]
- Candace M. Raio, Temidayo A. Orederu, Laura Palazzolo, Ashley A. Shurick, & Elizabeth A. Phelps (2013) Cognitive emotion regulation fails the stress test [p] [d] [u]
- Nilam Ram, Michael Coccia, David Conroy, Amy Lorek, Brian Orland, Aaron L. Pincus, Martin J. Sliwinski, & Denis Gerstorf (2013) Behavioral landscapes and change in behavioral landscapes: a multiple time-scale density distribution approach [d]
- Daniel Reisberg [ed] (2013) The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology [i] [d]
- Stefan Roepke, Aline Vater, Sandra Preißler, Hauke R. Heekeren, & Isabel Dziobek (2013) Social cognition in borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Gentiana Sadikaj, Debbie S. Moskowitz, Jennifer J. Russell, David C. Zuroff, & Joel Paris (2013) Quarrelsome behavior in borderline personality disorder: influence of behavioral and affective reactivity to perceptions of others [p] [d]
- Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins (2013) Dodging monsters and dancing with dreams: success and failure at different levels of approach and avoidance [d]
- Richard C. Schwartz (2013) Moving from acceptance toward transformation with Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) [p] [d]
- Anil K. Seth (2013) Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self [p] [d] [u]
- Dieuwke Sevenster, Tom Beckers, & Merel Kindt (2013) Prediction error governs pharmacologically induced amnesia for learned fear [p] [d] [j]
- Edo Shonin, William Van Gordon, Karen Slade, & Mark D. Griffiths (2013) Mindfulness and other Buddhist-derived interventions in correctional settings: a systematic review [d]
- Dan Short (2013) The evolving science of anger management [u]
- Judith P. Siegel (2013) Breaking the links in intergenerational violence: an emotional regulation perspective [d]
- Simkje Sieswerda, Sven Barnow, Roel Verheul, & Arnoud Arntz (2013) Neither dichotomous nor split, but schema-related negative interpersonal evaluations characterize borderline patients [p] [d]
- C. Alexander Simpkins & Annellen M. Simpkins (2013) Neuroscience for clinicians: evidence, models, and practice [i] [d]
- Richard H. Smith (2013) The joy of pain: schadenfreude and the dark side of human nature [i]
- Marieke Soeter & Merel Kindt (2013) High trait anxiety: a challenge for disrupting fear memory reconsolidation [p] [d] [u]
- Denise Solomon & Jennifer Theiss (2013/2022) Emotions and communication [i] [d]
- Tish Squillaro & Timothy I. Thomas (2013) Headtrash: cleaning out the junk that stands between you and success [i]
- Simona Stefan & Daniel David (2013) The functions of worry and its relation to performance in controllable and uncontrollable situations [p] [d]
- Natalie R. Stevens, James I. Gerhart, Rachel E. Goldsmith, Nicole M. Heath, Samantha A. Chesney, & Stevan E. Hobfoll (2013) Emotion regulation difficulties, low social support, and interpersonal violence mediate the link between childhood abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms [p] [d]
- Nele Stinckens, Germain Lietaer, & Mia Leijssen (2013) Working with the inner critic: therapeutic approach [d]
- Eric A. Storch & Dean McKay [ed] (2013) Handbook of treating variants and complications in anxiety disorders [i] [d]
- Steven Stosny (2013) Living & loving after betrayal: how to heal from emotional abuse, deceit, infidelity, and chronic resentment [i]
- Margaret S. Stroebe, Henk Schut, & Jan Van den Bout [ed] (2013) Complicated grief: scientific foundations for health care professionals [i] [d]
- Charlotta Sunnqvist, Ulla Persson, Åsa Westrin, Lil Träskman-Bendz, & Bo Lenntorp (2013) Grasping the dynamics of suicidal behaviour: combining time-geographic life charting and COPE ratings [d]
- Martha Sweezy (2013) Emotional cannibalism: shame in action [i]
- Karl K. Szpunar & Daniel L. Schacter (2013) Get real: effects of repeated simulation and emotion on the perceived plausibility of future experiences [p] [d] [u]
- Yuri Terasawa, Hirokata Fukushima, & Satoshi Umeda (2013) How does interoceptive awareness interact with the subjective experience of emotion?: an fMRI study [p] [d]
- Kate N. Thieda (2013) Loving someone with anxiety: understanding & helping your partner [i]
- David P. Valentiner, Simon Jencius, Eva Jarek, Stephanie L. Gier-Lonsway, & Patrick B. McGrath (2013) Pre-treatment shyness mindset predicts less reduction of social anxiety during exposure therapy [p] [d]
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- Tyler J. Wereha & Timothy P. Racine (2013) A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
- Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Lawrence W. Barsalou (2013) Situating emotional experience [p] [d] [u]
- Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Lawrence W. Barsalou (2013) Neural evidence that human emotions share core affective properties [p] [d]
- Abraham W. Wolf, Marvin R. Goldfried, & J. Christopher Muran [ed] (2013) Transforming negative reactions to clients: from frustration to compassion [i] [d]
- Carolyn F. Wong, Karol Silva, Aleksandar Kecojevic, Sheree M. Schrager, Jennifer Jackson Bloom, Ellen Iverson, & Stephen E. Lankenau (2013) Coping and emotion regulation profiles as predictors of nonmedical prescription drug and illicit drug use among high-risk young adults [p] [d] [u]
- Mary C. Zanarini, Frances R. Frankenburg, & Garrett Fitzmaurice (2013) Defense mechanisms reported by patients with borderline personality disorder and axis II comparison subjects over 16 years of prospective follow-up: description and prediction of recovery [p] [d] [u]
- Manuela Zebunke, Birger Puppe, & Jan Langbein (2013) Effects of cognitive enrichment on behavioural and physiological reactions of pigs [p] [d]
- Wencai Zhang, Jianyou Guo, Jianxin Zhang, & Jing Luo (2013) Neural mechanism of placebo effects and cognitive reappraisal in emotion regulation [p] [d]
- Piyanjali Zoysa (2013) The use of mindfulness practice in the treatment of a case of obsessive compulsive disorder in Sri Lanka [p] [d]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2013) Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
- Dino Zuccarini, Susan M. Johnson, Tracy L. Dalgleish, & Judy A. Makinen (2013) Forgiveness and reconciliation in emotionally focused therapy for couples: the client change process and therapist interventions [d]
- Jonathan M. Adler (2012) Living into the story: agency and coherence in a longitudinal study of narrative identity development and mental health over the course of psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Thomas Agren, Jonas Engman, Andreas Frick, Johannes Björkstrand, Elna-Marie Larsson, Tomas Furmark, & Mats Fredrikson (2012) Disruption of reconsolidation erases a fear memory trace in the human amygdala [p] [d] [j]
- Salman Akhtar (2012) Normal and pathological generosity [p] [d]
- Sara B. Algoe & Annette L. Stanton (2012) Gratitude when it is needed most: social functions of gratitude in women with metastatic breast cancer [p] [d]
- Timothy Anderson, Lynne M. Knobloch-Fedders, William B. Stiles, Tatiana Ordoñez, & Bernadette D. Heckman (2012) The power of subtle interpersonal hostility in psychodynamic psychotherapy: a speech acts analysis [d]
- Michael H. Antoni, Susan K. Lutgendorf, Bonnie Blomberg, Charles S. Carver, Suzanne C. Lechner, Alain Diaz, Jamie Stagl, Jesusa M.G. Arevalo, & Steven W. Cole (2012) Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics [p] [d] [u]
- Arnoud Arntz, Lisa D. Hawke, Lotte Bamelis, Philip Spinhoven, & Marc L. Molendijk (2012) Changes in natural language use as an indicator of psychotherapeutic change in personality disorders [d]
- Arnoud Arntz & José ten Haaf (2012) Social cognition in borderline personality disorder: evidence for dichotomous thinking but no evidence for less complex attributions [d]
- Franz E. Babl, Dianne Crellin, Joyce Cheng, Thomas P. Sullivan, Ronan O'Sullivan, & Adrian Hutchinson (2012) The use of the faces, legs, activity, cry and consolability scale to assess procedural pain and distress in young children [p] [d]
- Ruth A. Baer, Jessica R. Peters, Tory A. Eisenlohr-Moul, Paul J. Geiger, & Shannon E. Sauer (2012) Emotion-related cognitive processes in borderline personality disorder: a review of the empirical literature [d]
- Karen A. Baikie, Liesbeth Geerligs, & Kay Wilhelm (2012) Expressive writing and positive writing for participants with mood disorders: an online randomized controlled trial [d]
- Roger Baker, Matthew Owens, Sarah Thomas, Anna Whittlesea, Gareth Abbey, Phil Gower, Lara Tosunlar, Eimear Corrigan, & Peter W. Thomas (2012) Does CBT facilitate emotional processing? [d]
- Carrie Barron & Alton Barron (2012) The creativity cure: a do-it-yourself prescription for happiness [i]
- Jennifer M. Belus, Amy Brown-Bowers, & Candice M. Monson (2012) Thinking about your thoughts: investigating different cognitive change strategies [d]
- Larry E. Beutler, Bryan Forrester, Delores Gallagher-Thompson, Larry Thompson, & Joseph B. Tomlins (2012) Common, specific, and treatment fit variables in psychotherapy outcome [d]
- James Binnie (2012) Using cognitive behavioural therapy with complex cases: using the therapeutic relationship to change core beliefs [p] [d]
- Marianna Blackburn, Liam Mason, Marco Hoeksma, Elizabeth H. Zandstra, & Wael El-Deredy (2012) Delay discounting as emotional processing: an electrophysiological study [p] [d]
- Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Christopher Hertzog, & Michelle Horhota (2012) Violate my beliefs? Then you're to blame! Belief content as an explanation for causal attribution biases [d]
- Tara Brach (2012) True refuge: finding peace and freedom in your own awakened heart [i]
- C. Brené Brown (2012) Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead [i]
- Emile G. Bruneau, Nicholas Dufour, & Rebecca Saxe (2012) Social cognition in members of conflict groups: behavioural and neural responses in Arabs, Israelis and South Americans to each other's misfortunes [p] [d] [u]
- Emile G. Bruneau, Agnieszka Pluta, & Rebecca Saxe (2012) Distinct roles of the 'shared pain' and 'theory of mind' networks in processing others' emotional suffering [p] [d]
- Joshua W. Buckholtz & Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (2012) Psychopathology and the human connectome: toward a transdiagnostic model of risk for mental illness [p] [d]
- Deborah M. Capaldi & Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling (2012) Informing intimate partner violence prevention efforts: dyadic, developmental, and contextual considerations [d]
- Joëlle Carpentier, Geneviève A. Mageau, & Robert J. Vallerand (2012) Ruminations and flow: why do people with a more harmonious passion experience higher well-being? [d]
- Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] (2012) Transformation in psychotherapy: corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches [i] [d]
- Flavia Cavazotte, Valter Moreno, & Mateus Hickmann (2012) Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance [d]
- Suparna Choudhury & Jan Slaby [ed] (2012) Critical neuroscience: a handbook of the social and cultural contexts of neuroscience [i] [d]
- Mina Cikara & Susan T. Fiske (2012) Stereotypes and schadenfreude: affective and physiological markers of pleasure at outgroup misfortunes [d]
- James J. Clark, Ginny Sprang, Benjamin Freer, & Adrienne Whitt-Woosley (2012) 'Better than nothing' is not good enough: challenges to introducing evidence-based approaches for traumatized populations [p] [d]
- C. Robert Cloninger, Ada H. Zohar, Schmuel Hirschmann, & Dana Dahan (2012) The psychological costs and benefits of being highly persistent: personality profiles distinguish mood disorders from anxiety disorders [p] [d]
- Karin G. Coifman, Kathy R. Berenson, Eshkol Rafaeli, & Geraldine Downey (2012) From negative to positive and back again: polarized affective and relational experience in borderline personality disorder [d]
- Víctor Corral Verdugo (2012) The positive psychology of sustainability [d]
- J. David Creswell, Michael R. Irwin, Lisa J. Burklund, Matthew D. Lieberman, Jesusa M. G. Arevalo, Jeffrey Ma, Elizabeth Crabb Breen, & Steven W. Cole (2012) Mindfulness-based stress reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
- E. Mark Cummings & Julie N. Schatz (2012) Family conflict, emotional security, and child development: translating research findings into a prevention program for community families [d]
- Carla Cunha, Miguel M. Gonçalves, Clara E. Hill, Inês Mendes, António P. Ribeiro, Inês Sousa, Lynne E. Angus, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2012) Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-focused therapy for depression [p] [d]
- Carolyn Daitch & Lissah Lorberbaum (2012) Anxious in love: how to manage your anxiety, reduce conflict & reconnect with your partner [i]
- Richard J. Davidson & Sharon Begley (2012) The emotional life of your brain: how its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live—and how you can change them [i]
- James Peter Davies (2012) The importance of suffering: the value and meaning of emotional discontent [i] [d]
- Timothy G. Dinan & John F. Cryan (2012) Regulation of the stress response by the gut microbiota: implications for psychoneuroendocrinology [d]
- Thomas Dixon (2012) 'Emotion': the history of a keyword in crisis [d]
- Maja Djikic, Keith Oatley, & Jordan B. Peterson (2012) Serene arts: the effect of personal unsettledness and of paintings' narrative structure on personality [d]
- John F. Dovidio & Susan T. Fiske (2012) Under the radar: how unexamined biases in decision-making processes in clinical interactions can contribute to health care disparities [d]
- E. Thomas Dowd (2012) Cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy: a cognitive-developmental approach [u]
- Barnaby D. Dunn (2012) Helping depressed clients reconnect to positive emotion experience: current insights and future directions [p] [d]
- Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic, & Laurel Hulley (2012/2024) Unlocking the emotional brain: memory reconsolidation and the psychotherapy of transformational change [or: Unlocking the emotional brain: eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation] [i] [d]
- Bruce Ecker, Robin Ticic, & Laurel Hulley (2012/2024) Emotional coherence and the great attachment debate [i] [d]
- Thane M. Erickson & James L. Abelson (2012) Even the downhearted may be uplifted: moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults [d]
- Lorena M. Estrada-Martínez, Cleopatra H. Caldwell, José A. Bauermeister, & Marc A. Zimmerman (2012) Stressors in multiple life-domains and the risk for externalizing and internalizing behaviors among African Americans during emerging adulthood [d]
- Catherine Eubanks-Carter, Bernard S. Gorman, & J. Christopher Muran (2012) Quantitative naturalistic methods for detecting change points in psychotherapy research: an illustration with alliance ruptures [p] [d]
- Jacob Farnsworth & Kenneth W. Sewell (2012) Fearing the emotional self [d]
- Stephen E. Finn, Constance T. Fischer, & Leonard Handler [ed] (2012) Collaborative/therapeutic assessment: a casebook and guide [i]
- Lone Overby Fjorback (2012) Mindfulness and bodily distress [p]
- Mark V. Flinn, Davide Ponzi, & Michael P. Muehlenbein (2012) Hormonal mechanisms for regulation of aggression in human coalitions [p] [d]
- Daniel Freeman, Nicole Evans, & Rachel Lister (2012) Gut feelings, deliberative thought, and paranoid ideation: a study of experiential and rational reasoning [p] [d] [u]
- Myrna L. Friedlander, Olga Sutherland, Steven Sandler, Laura Kortz, Shaina Bernardi, Hsin-Hua Lee, & Agata Drozd (2012) Exploring corrective experiences in a successful case of short-term dynamic psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Amelia Gangemi, Francesco Mancini, & Marcel van den Hout (2012) Behavior as information: 'If I avoid, then there must be a danger' [d]
- Omar C. G. Gelo & Erhard Mergenthaler (2012) Unconventional metaphors and emotional-cognitive regulation in a metacognitive interpersonal therapy [d]
- Maria Gendron, Kristen A. Lindquist, Lawrence W. Barsalou, & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2012) Emotion words shape emotion percepts [p] [d]
- Roger Giner-Sorolla, Jennifer K. Bosson, T. Andrew Caswell, & Vanessa E. Hettinger (2012) Emotions in sexual morality: testing the separate elicitors of anger and disgust [p] [d]
- Misty M. Ginicola, Cheri Smith, & Jessica Trzaska (2012) Counseling through images: using photography to guide the counseling process and achieve treatment goals [d]
- Peter Goldie (2012) The mess inside: narrative, emotion, and the mind [i] [d]
- Meagan M. Graydon, Sally A. Linkenauger, Bethany A. Teachman, & Dennis R. Proffitt (2012) Scared stiff: the influence of anxiety on the perception of action capabilities [p] [d] [u]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (2012) Emotions, the great captains of our lives: their role in the process of change in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Angela H. Gutchess & Daniel L. Schacter (2012) The neural correlates of gist-based true and false recognition [p] [d] [u]
- Roberto Gutierrez, Roger Giner-Sorolla, & Milica Vasiljevic (2012) Just an anger synonym?: moral context influences predictors of disgust word use [p] [d]
- David J. Hallford, Marita P. McCabe, David Mellor, Tanya E. Davison, & Denisa L. Goldhammer (2012) Depression in palliative care settings: the need for training for nurses and other health professionals to improve patients' pathways to care [d]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2012) Fear: essential wisdom for getting through the storm [i]
- Timothy F. Hartnagel & Laura J. Templeton (2012) Emotions about crime and attitudes to punishment [d]
- Nick Haslam, Elise Holland, & Peter Kuppens (2012) Categories versus dimensions in personality and psychopathology: a quantitative review of taxometric research [d]
- Allan V. Horwitz & Jerome C. Wakefield (2012) All we have to fear: psychiatry's transformation of natural anxieties into mental disorders [i]
- Shanto Iyengar, Gaurav Sood, & Yphtach Lelkes (2012) Affect, not ideology: a social identity perspective on polarization [d]
- Mun-Hyun Jang (2012) Three-dimensional visualization of an emotional map with geographical information systems: a case study of historical and cultural heritage in the Yeongsan River Basin, Korea [d]
- Albert A. Johnstone (2012) The deep bodily roots of emotion [d]
- Thomas M. Kelley & Eric G. Lambert (2012) Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals [d]
- Margaret E. Kemeny, Carol Foltz, James F. Cavanagh, Margaret Cullen, Janine Giese-Davis, Patricia A. Jennings, Erika L. Rosenberg, Omri Gillath, Phillip R. Shaver, B. Alan Wallace, & Paul Ekman (2012) Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses [p] [d]
- Russell L. Kolts (2012) The compassionate-mind guide to managing your anger: using compassion-focused therapy to calm your rage and heal your relationships [i]
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- Ethan Kross & Igor Grossmann (2012) Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
- Peter A. Levine & Maggie Phillips (2012) Freedom from pain: discover your body's power to overcome physical pain [i]
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- Jill Lobbestael & Arnoud Arntz (2012) Cognitive contributions to personality disorders [i] [d]
- Allan Lokos (2012) Patience: the art of peaceful living [i]
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- Colin MacLeod & Andrew Mathews (2012) Cognitive bias modification approaches to anxiety [d]
- Rachel MacLeod, Robert Elliott, & Brian Rodgers (2012) Process-experiential/emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety: a hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study [d]
- Warren Mansell, Timothy A. Carey, & Sara J. Tai (2012) A transdiagnostic approach to CBT using method of levels therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
- Ann Mapham & Kate Hefferon (2012) 'I used to be an offender—now I'm a defender': positive psychology approaches in the facilitation of posttraumatic growth in offenders [d]
- Malia F. Mason & Moshe Bar (2012) The effect of mental progression on mood [p] [d] [u]
- Akihiko Masuda & Erin C. Tully (2012) The role of mindfulness and psychological flexibility in somatization, depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress in a nonclinical college sample [d]
- Bruce S. McEwen, Lisa Eiland, Richard G. Hunter, & Melinda M. Miller (2012) Stress and anxiety: structural plasticity and epigenetic regulation as a consequence of stress [p] [d] [u]
- Kelly McGonigal (2012) The willpower instinct: how self-control works, why it matters, and what you can do to get more of it [i]
- Tony McHugh, David Forbes, Glen Bates, Malcolm Hopwood, & Mark Creamer (2012) Anger in PTSD: is there a need for a concept of PTSD-related posttraumatic anger? [d]
- Julia McQuoid & Martin Dijst (2012) Bringing emotions to time geography: the case of mobilities of poverty [d]
- Kateri McRae, Scott E. Jacobs, Rebecca D. Ray, Oliver P. John, & James J. Gross (2012) Individual differences in reappraisal ability: links to reappraisal frequency, well-being, and cognitive control [d]
- Emily McRae (2012) Emotions, ethics, and choice: lessons from Tsongkhapa [u]
- Donald Meichenbaum (2012) Roadmap to resilience: a guide for military, trauma victims, and their families [i]
- Erin K. Moran, Neera Mehta, & Ann M. Kring (2012) Emotional responding in depression: distinctions in the time course of emotion [p] [d] [u]
- Leslie A. Morland, Allison R. Love, Margaret-Anne Mackintosh, Carolyn J. Greene, & Craig S. Rosen (2012) Treating anger and aggression in military populations: research updates and clinical implications [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2012) Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
- Daniel Nettle & Melissa Bateson (2012) The evolutionary origins of mood and its disorders [p] [d]
- Elena Novak & Tristan E. Johnson (2012) Assessment of student's emotions in game-based learning [i] [d]
- Keith Oatley (2012) The cognitive science of fiction [d]
- William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] (2012) Cognitive behavior therapy: core principles for practice [i] [d]
- Suzanne Oosterwijk, Kristen A. Lindquist, Eric Anderson, Rebecca Dautoff, Yoshiya Moriguchi, & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2012) States of mind: emotions, body feelings, and thoughts share distributed neural networks [d]
- Jesse J. Owen, Kelley Quirk, Mark J. Hilsenroth, & Emil R. Rodolfa (2012) Working through: in-session processes that promote between-session thoughts and activities [d]
- Matthew M. Suarez Pace & Jonathan G. Sandberg (2012) Emotion and family therapy: exploring female and male clinicians' attitudes about the use of emotion in therapy [d]
- Christine A. Padesky & Kathleen A. Mooney (2012) Strengths-based cognitive-behavioural therapy: a four-step model to build resilience [p] [d]
- Joaquina Palomar-Lever & Amparo Victorio-Estrada (2012) Factors that influence emotional disturbance in adults living in extreme poverty [d]
- Dennis Palumbo (2012) Turning anxiety into creativity [u]
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- Antonio Pascual-Leone, Phoenix Gillis, Terence Singh, & Cristina A. Andreescu (2012) Problem anger in psychotherapy: an emotion-focused perspective on hate, rage, and rejecting anger [d]
- Martin P. Paulus & Angela J. Yu (2012) Emotion and decision-making: affect-driven belief systems in anxiety and depression [p] [d] [u]
- Jasmin Peacock, Anna Chur-Hansen, & Helen Winefield (2012) Mental health implications of human attachment to companion animals [p] [d]
- Seth D. Pollak (2012) The role of parenting in the emergence of human emotion: new approaches to the old nature–nurture debate [d]
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- Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke, & Brendan Wallace (2012) Secrets and lies: involuntary leakage in deceptive facial expressions as a function of emotional intensity [d]
- Ronald T. Potter-Efron (2012) Healing the angry brain: how understanding the way your brain works can help you control anger & aggression [i]
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- Terri Roberton, Michael Daffern, & Romola S. Bucks (2012) Emotion regulation and aggression [d]
- Roma Robertson, Ann Robertson, Ruth Jepson, & Margaret Maxwell (2012) Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis [d]
- Sabine Roeser (2012) Moral emotions as guide to acceptable risk [i] [d]
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- Sandra Scheinbaum (2012) How to give clients the skills to stop panic attacks: don't forget to breathe [i]
- Michelle Schoenleber & Howard Berenbaum (2012) Shame regulation in personality pathology [d]
- Deborah Schwartzman, Constantina Stamoulos, Debora D'Iuso, Katherine Thompson, Keith S. Dobson, Ueli Kramer, & Martin Drapeau (2012) The relationship between cognitive errors and interpersonal patterns in depressed women [p] [d]
- Susie Scott, Tamsin Hinton-Smith, Vuokko Härmä, & Karl Broome (2012) The reluctant researcher: shyness in the field [d] [u]
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- Brian Theriault (2012) Radical acceptance: a nondual psychology approach to grief and loss [d]
- Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, & Jennifer A. Griffith (2012) Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: different emotions, different strategies [d]
- Dennis D. Tirch, Robert L. Leahy, Laura R. Silberstein, & Poonam S. Melwani (2012) Emotional schemas, psychological flexibility, and anxiety: the role of flexible response patterns to anxious arousal [d]
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- Hans Welling (2012) Transformative emotional sequence: towards a common principle of change [d]
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- Drew Westen, Jonathan Shedler, Bekh Bradley, & Jared A. DeFife (2012) An empirically derived taxonomy for personality diagnosis: bridging science and practice in conceptualizing personality [p] [d] [u]
- Stefan Westermann, Marie-Luise Kesting, & Tania M. Lincoln (2012) Being deluded after being excluded?: how emotion regulation deficits in paranoia-prone individuals affect state paranoia during experimentally induced social stress [p] [d]
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- Jonathan S. Adelstein, Zarrar Shehzad, Maarten Mennes, Colin G. DeYoung, Xi-Nian Zuo, Clare Kelly, Daniel S. Margulies, Aaron Bloomfield, Jeremy R. Gray, F. Xavier Castellanos, & Michael P. Milham (2011) Personality is reflected in the brain's intrinsic functional architecture [p] [d] [u]
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- Markus Appel (2011) A story about a stupid person can make you act stupid (or smart): behavioral assimilation (and contrast) as narrative impact [d]
- Thomas G. Arizmendi (2011) Linking mechanisms: emotional contagion, empathy, and imagery [d]
- Arnoud Arntz, Anoek Weertman, & Sjoerd Salet (2011) Interpretation bias in cluster-C and borderline personality disorders [d]
- Gordon J. G. Asmundson, Justin W. Weeks, R. Nicholas Carleton, Michel A. Thibodeau, & Mathew G. Fetzner (2011) Revisiting the latent structure of the anxiety sensitivity construct: more evidence of dimensionality [p] [d]
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- John P. Baker & Howard Berenbaum (2011) Dyadic moderators of the effectiveness of problem-focused and emotional-approach coping interventions [d]
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- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2011) Was Darwin wrong about emotional expressions? [d]
- Jack J. Bauer, Joseph R. Schwab, & Dan P. McAdams (2011) Self-actualizing: where ego development finally feels good? [d]
- Nancy L. Beckerman & Michele Sarracco (2011) Enhancing emotionally focused couple therapy through the practice of mindfulness: a case analysis [d]
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- Paul Boxer, Ashley Schappell, Keesha Middlemass, & Ignacio Mercado (2011) Cognitive and emotional covariates of violence exposure among former prisoners: links to antisocial behavior and emotional distress and implications for theory [d]
- Renay P. Cleary Bradley, Daniel J. Friend, & John M. Gottman (2011) Supporting healthy relationships in low-income, violent couples: reducing conflict and strengthening relationship skills and satisfaction [d]
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- Timothy A. Carey (2011) Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
- Laura L. Carstensen, Bulent Turan, Susanne Scheibe, Nilam Ram, Hal Ersner-Hershfield, Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin, Kathryn P. Brooks, & John R. Nesselroade (2011) Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling [d]
- Lorraine B. Cates (2011) Nonverbal affective phenomena revisited [d]
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- Russell Cropanzano, Jordan H. Stein, & Thierry Nadisic (2011) Social justice and the experience of emotion [i] [d]
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- Ian M. Evans & Pia Pechtel (2011) Phagophobia: behavioral treatment of a complex case involving fear of fear [d]
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- Stephen E. Finn (2011) Journeys through the valley of death: multimethod psychological assessment and personality transformation in long-term psychotherapy [d]
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- Samuel T. Gladding (2011) Perceptions: changing the picture [i] [d]
- Andrew T. Gloster, Jens Klotsche, Samia Chaker, Katrin V. Hummel, & Jürgen Hoyer (2011) Assessing psychological flexibility: what does it add above and beyond existing constructs? [d]
- Scott A. Golder & Michael W. Macy (2011) Diurnal and seasonal mood vary with work, sleep, and daylength across diverse cultures [p] [d] [j]
- Miguel M. Gonçalves, António P. Ribeiro, William B. Stiles, Tatiana Conde, Marlene Matos, Carla Martins, & Anita Santos (2011) The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: exploring one path to therapeutic failure [d]
- John M. Gottman (2011) The science of trust: emotional attunement for couples [i]
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- Brooke Guerrero, Jessica Lipkind, & Audrey Rosenberg (2011) Why did she put nail polish in my drink?: applying the therapeutic assessment model with an African American foster child in a community mental health setting [d]
- Antje Gumz, Johanna Lucklum, Anja Herrmann, Michael Geyer, & Elmar Brähler (2011) Verbal expression of emotions in the stage-wise progress of a case of long-term psychodynamic therapy [d]
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- Marianne E. Haydel, Barbara L. Mercer, & Erin Rosenblatt (2011) Training assessors in therapeutic assessment [d]
- Cornelia Herbert, Roland Deutsch, Stefan Sütterlin, Andrea Kübler, & Paul Pauli (2011) Negation as a means for emotion regulation?: startle reflex modulation during processing of negated emotional words [p] [d]
- Sally Higginson, Warren Mansell, & Alex M. Wood (2011) An integrative mechanistic account of psychological distress, therapeutic change and recovery: the Perceptual Control Theory approach [d]
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- Clifford Alan Hooker (2011) Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
- Henrik Hopp, Allison S. Troy, & Iris B. Mauss (2011) The unconscious pursuit of emotion regulation: implications for psychological health [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher J. Hopwood, Emily B. Ansell, Aaron L. Pincus, Aidan G. C. Wright, Mark R. Lukowitsky, & Michael J. Roche (2011) The circumplex structure of interpersonal sensitivities [p] [d]
- Richard C. Howard (2011) The quest for excitement: a missing link between personality disorder and violence? [d]
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- Steven L. Kanter (2011) Think with your head and with your heart [p] [d]
- Matthew J. Kaplowitz, Jeremy D. Safran, & J. Christopher Muran (2011) Impact of therapist emotional intelligence on psychotherapy [p] [d]
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- Kenneth S. Kendler, Peter Zachar, & Carl F. Craver (2011) What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
- Amanda Kesek, William A. Cunningham, Dominic J. Packer, & Philip David Zelazo (2011) Indirect goal priming is more powerful than explicit instruction in children [d]
- Belinda Siew Luan Khong (2011) Mindfulness: a way of cultivating deep respect for emotions [d]
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- Luciano L'Abate (2011) Hurt feelings: theory, research, and applications in intimate relationships [i] [d]
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- Richard D. Lane, Cheryl Carmichael, & Harry T. Reis (2011) Differentiation in the momentary rating of somatic symptoms covaries with trait emotional awareness in patients at risk for sudden cardiac death [d]
- Clair Le Boutillier, Mary Leamy, Victoria J. Bird, Larry Davidson, Julie Williams, & Mike Slade (2011) What does recovery mean in practice?: a qualitative analysis of international recovery-oriented practice guidance [d]
- Robert L. Leahy (2011) Personal schemas in the negotiation process: a cognitive therapy approach [i] [d]
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- Frederick T. L. Leong & Zornitsa Kalibatseva (2011) Effective psychotherapy for Asian Americans: from cultural accommodation to cultural congruence [d]
- Janxin Leu, Jennifer Wang, & Kelly Koo (2011) Are positive emotions just as 'positive' across cultures? [p] [d]
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- Kenneth N. Levy, Benjamin N. Johnson, Caroline V. Gooch, & Yogev Kivity (2011/2019) Attachment style [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
- Catherine Lewis (2011) Providing therapy to children and families in foster care: a systemic-relational approach [d]
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- Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl & Dan P. McAdams (2011) Constructing stories of self-growth: how individual differences in patterns of autobiographical reasoning relate to well-being in midlife [p] [d] [u]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld (2011) Distinguishing scientific from pseudoscientific psychotherapies: evaluating the role of theoretical plausibility, with a little help from Reverend Bayes [d]
- Tania M. Lincoln, Stefan Salzmann, Michael Ziegler, & Stefan Westermann (2011) When does jumping-to-conclusions reach its peak?: the interaction of vulnerability and situation-characteristics in social reasoning [d]
- Mark A. Lumley, Jay L. Cohen, George S. Borszcz, Annmarie Cano, Alison M. Radcliffe, Laura S. Porter, Howard Schubiner, & Francis J. Keefe (2011) Pain and emotion: a biopsychosocial review of recent research [p] [d] [u]
- Steven Jay Lynn & Joseph P. Green (2011) The sociocognitive and dissociation theories of hypnosis: toward a rapprochement [p] [d]
- Tara M. Madhyastha, Ellen L. Hamaker, & John M. Gottman (2011) Investigating spousal influence using moment-to-moment affect data from marital conflict [d]
- Danielle Magaldi-Dopman, Jennie Park-Taylor, & Joseph G. Ponterotto (2011) Psychotherapists' spiritual, religious, atheist or agnostic identity and their practice of psychotherapy: a grounded theory study [d]
- Shari Y. Manning (2011) Loving someone with borderline personality disorder: how to keep out-of-control emotions from destroying your relationship [i]
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- Raymond A. Mar, Keith Oatley, Maja Djikic, & Justin Mullin (2011) Emotion and narrative fiction: interactive influences before, during, and after reading [p] [d]
- Kristian E. Markon, Michael Chmielewski, & Christopher J. Miller (2011) The reliability and validity of discrete and continuous measures of psychopathology: a quantitative review [p] [d]
- Akihiko Masuda, Page L. Anderson, Johanna W. Wendell, Ying-Yi Chou, Matthew Price, & Amanda B. Feinstein (2011) Psychological flexibility mediates the relations between self-concealment and negative psychological outcomes [d]
- Iris B. Mauss, Amanda J. Shallcross, Allison S. Troy, Oliver P. John, Emilio Ferrer, Frank H. Wilhelm, & James J. Gross (2011) Don't hide your happiness!: positive emotion dissociation, social connectedness, and psychological functioning [p] [d] [u]
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- Michael E. McCullough & Evan C. Carter (2011) Waiting, tolerating, and cooperating: did religion evolve to prop up humans' self-control abilities? [i]
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- Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, & Patricia Zurita Ona (2011) Mind and emotions: a universal treatment for emotional disorders [i]
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- Gerald J. Mozdzierz, Paul R. Peluso, & Joseph Lisiecki (2011) Evidence-based psychological practices and therapist training: at the crossroads [d]
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- Stephanie D. Nelson (2011) The posttraumatic growth path: an emerging model for prevention and treatment of trauma-related behavioral health conditions [d]
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- John M. Owen (2011) Transdiagnostic cognitive processes in high trait anger [d]
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- Antonio Pascual-Leone, Ralph Bierman, Robert Arnold, & Eugene Stasiak (2011) Emotion-focused therapy for incarcerated offenders of intimate partner violence: a 3-year outcome using a new whole-sample matching method [p] [d]
- Kristine A. Peace & Kimberly A. Masliuk (2011) Do motivations for malingering matter?: symptoms of malingered PTSD as a function of motivation and trauma type [d]
- Kristine A. Peace & Stephen Porter (2011) Remembrance of lies past: a comparison of the features and consistency of truthful and fabricated trauma narratives [d]
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- Matthew Price, Erin B. Tone, & Page L. Anderson (2011) Vigilant and avoidant attention biases as predictors of response to cognitive behavioral therapy for social phobia [d]
- Peter Putman & Karin Roelofs (2011) Effects of single cortisol administrations on human affect reviewed: coping with stress through adaptive regulation of automatic cognitive processing [d]
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- António P. Ribeiro, Tiago Bento, João Salgado, William B. Stiles, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2011) A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy: a case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids [p] [d]
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- Jenny Roe & Peter Aspinall (2011) The emotional affordances of forest settings: an investigation in boys with extreme behavioural problems [d]
- Mary K. Rothbart (2011) Becoming who we are: temperament and personality in development [i]
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- Richard M. Ryan, Martin F. Lynch, Maarten Vansteenkiste, & Edward L. Deci (2011) Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: a look at theory and practice [d]
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- Douglas B. Samuel & Thomas A. Widiger (2011) Conscientiousness and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder [d]
- Elisabeth Schanche, Tore C. Stiles, Leigh McCullough, Martin Svartberg, & Geir Høstmark Nielsen (2011) The relationship between activating affects, inhibitory affects, and self-compassion in patients with Cluster C personality disorders [p] [d]
- Seth J. Schwartz, Theo A. Klimstra, Koen Luyckx, William A. Hale, Tom Frijns, Annerieke Oosterwegel, Pol A. C. van Lier, Hans M. Koot, & Wim H. J. Meeus (2011) Daily dynamics of personal identity and self-concept clarity [d]
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- Sonya Shin, Maribel Muñoz, Adolfo Caldas, Ying Wu, Jhon Zeladita, Milagros Wong, Betty Espiritu, Eduardo Sanchez, Miriam Callacna, Christian Rojas, Jorge Arevalo, Jose Luis Sebastian, & Jaime Bayona (2011) Mental health burden among impoverished HIV-positive patients in Peru [d]
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- Benjamin A. Tabak & Michael E. McCullough (2011) Perceived transgressor agreeableness decreases cortisol response and increases forgiveness following recent interpersonal transgressions [d]
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- Peter Tyrer, Michael J. Crawford, & Roger Mulder (2011) Reclassifying personality disorders [p] [d]
- Julie Vallée, Emmanuelle Cadot, Christelle Roustit, Isabelle Parizot, & Pierre Chauvin (2011) The role of daily mobility in mental health inequalities: the interactive influence of activity space and neighbourhood of residence on depression [p] [d]
- Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet, Nathaniel J. DeYoung, Alicia J. Hofelich, & Paul A. DeYoung (2011) Compassionate reappraisal and emotion suppression as alternatives to offense-focused rumination: implications for forgiveness and psychophysiological well-being [d]
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- Michael D. Yapko (2011) Mindfulness and hypnosis: the power of suggestion to transform experience [i]
- Kristin Elizabeth Yarris (2011) The pain of 'thinking too much': dolor de cerebro and the embodiment of social hardship among Nicaraguan women [d]
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- Gary Ansdell, Jane W. Davidson, Wendy L. Magee, John Meehan, & Simon Procter (2010) From 'This f***ing life' to 'that's better'... in four minutes: an interdisciplinary study of music therapy's 'present moments' and their potential for affect modulation [d]
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- John Beebe (2010) Psychotherapy in the aesthetic attitude [d]
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- Larry E. Beutler (2010) Predictors of sustained therapeutic change: some thoughts about conceptualizations [p] [d]
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- Roddy Cowie (2010) Describing the forms of emotional colouring that pervade everyday life [i] [d]
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- Erica Crome, Andrew Baillie, Tim Slade, & Ayelet Meron Ruscio (2010) Social phobia: further evidence of dimensional structure [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Allan Abbass, & Albert W. Wu (2010) Emotional influences in patient safety [p] [d]
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- Joseph P. Gone (2010) Psychotherapy and traditional healing for American Indians: exploring the prospects for therapeutic integration [d]
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- Christopher W. Gowans (2010) Medical analogies in Buddhist and Hellenistic thought: tranquillity and anger [d]
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- Rachel Hoogasian & Ruth Lijtmaer (2010) Integrating Curanderismo into counselling and psychotherapy [d]
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- Martin P. Paulus & Murray B. Stein (2010) Interoception in anxiety and depression [d]
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- Diane Reay (2004) Gendering Bourdieu's concept of capitals?: emotional capital, women and social class [i] [d]
- Andrew E. Roffman (2004) Is anger a thing-to-be-managed? [d]
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- John E. Schulenberg, Alison L. Bryant, & Patrick M. O'Malley (2004) Taking hold of some kind of life: how developmental tasks relate to trajectories of well-being during the transition to adulthood [d]
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- Beverley Skeggs (2004) Exchange, value and affect: Bourdieu and 'the self' [i] [d]
- Lynn Sorsoli (2004) Hurt feelings: emotional abuse and the failure of empathy [d]
- Daniel N. Stern (2004) The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
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- Catherine C. Ayoub, Kurt W. Fischer, & Erin E. O'Connor (2003) Analyzing development of working models for disrupted attachments: the case of hidden family violence [d]
- Jo-Anne Bachorowski & Michael J. Owren (2003) Sounds of emotion: production and perception of affect-related vocal acoustics [d]
- Ruth A. Baer (2003) Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: a conceptual and empirical review [d]
- Michael Basseches (2003) Adult development and the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- George G. Bear, Maureen A. Manning, & Carroll E. Izard (2003) Responsible behavior: the importance of social cognition and emotion [d]
- Lorna Smith Benjamin (2003/2006) Interpersonal reconstructive therapy: an integrative, personality-based treatment for complex cases [i]
- James Bennett-Levy (2003) Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy: the case of automatic thought records and behavioural experiments [d]
- Charles Berde & Joanne Wolfe (2003) Pain, anxiety, distress, and suffering: interrelated, but not interchangeable [p] [d]
- Liz Bondi & Judith Fewell (2003) Unlocking the cage door: the spatiality of counselling [d]
- Brant Raney Burleson (2003) Emotional support skills [i] [d]
- Emily A. Butler, Boris Egloff, Frank H. Wlhelm, Nancy C. Smith, Elizabeth A. Erickson, & James J. Gross (2003) The social consequences of expressive suppression [p] [d]
- Don R. Catherall (2003) How fear differs from anxiety [d]
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- Bruce Ecker (2003) The hidden logic of anxiety: look for the emotional truth behind the symptom [u]
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- Robert Firestone, Lisa A. Firestone, & Joyce Cartlett (2003) Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Peter J. Frost (2003) Toxic emotions at work: how compassionate managers handle pain and conflict [i]
- Alicia A. Grandey (2003) When 'the show must go on': surface acting and deep acting as determinants of emotional exhaustion and peer-rated service delivery [d] [j]
- Barbara Gray (2003) Negotiating with your nemesis [d]
- Daria Halprin (2003) The expressive body in life, art, and therapy: working with movement, metaphor, and meaning [i]
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- Jon Kabat-Zinn (2003) Mindfulness-based interventions in context: past, present, and future [d]
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- Steven R. Pliszka (2003/2016) Neuroscience for the mental health clinician [i]
- Lisa M. Poupart (2003) The familiar face of genocide: internalized oppression among American Indians [d] [j]
- Joseph M. Price & Kathy Glad (2003) Hostile attributional tendencies in maltreated children [p] [d]
- Hilde Rapp (2003) The importance of emotional literacy for building a peace culture: understanding individual and social meanings and individual and social realities [d]
- Ian H. Robertson (2003) Opening the mind's eye: how images and language teach us how to see [i]
- Anthony Ryle (2003) Something more than the 'something more than interpretation' is needed: a comment on the paper by the Process of Change Study Group [p] [d]
- MaryDale Salston & Charles R. Figley (2003) Secondary traumatic stress effects of working with survivors of criminal victimization [d]
- Marc J. Schabracq, Jacques A. M. Winnubst, & Cary L. Cooper [ed] (2003) The handbook of work and health psychology [i] [d]
- Wilmar B. Schaufeli & Bram P. Buunk (2003) Burnout: an overview of 25 years of research and theorising [i] [d]
- Jeff Schimel, Jeff Greenberg, & Andy Martens (2003) Evidence that projection of a feared trait can serve a defensive function [p] [d]
- Allan N. Schore (2003) Affect regulation & the repair of the self [i]
- Thomas L. Sexton, Gerald R. Weeks, & Michael S. Robbins [ed] (2003) Handbook of family therapy: the science and practice of working with families and couples [i]
- Jennifer Simmonds (2003/2014) Seeing red: an anger management and anti-bullying curriculum for kids [i]
- Elizabeth A. Skowron, Sarah E. Holmes, & Ronald M. Sabatelli (2003) Deconstructing differentiation: self regulation, interdependent relating, and well-being in adulthood [d]
- Charles L. Slater (2003) Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development [d]
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- Sanjay Srivastava, Oliver P. John, Samuel D. Gosling, & Jeff Potter (2003) Development of personality in early and middle adulthood: set like plaster or persistent change? [d]
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler [ed] (2003) Being human at work: bringing somatic intelligence into your professional life [i]
- Eva C. Sundin & Mardi Jon Horowitz (2003) Horowitz's Impact of Event Scale: evaluation of 20 years of use [d]
- George E. Vaillant (2003) Mental health [p] [d]
- Jerry S. Wiggins, Yossef S. Behrends, Rebecca S. Ben-Porath, Sidney J. Blatt, Paul T. Costa Jr., Michael B. Gurtman, Dan P. McAdams, Ralph L. Piedmont, Aaron L. Pincus, & Krista K. Trobst (2003) Paradigms of personality assessment [i]
- Sheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, & Todd O'Hearn (2003) Treatment planning in psychotherapy: taking the guesswork out of clinical care [i]
- Judith Wright (2003/2006) The soft addiction solution: break free of the seemingly harmless habits that keep you from the life you want [or: There must be more than this: finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions] [i]
- Jeffrey E. Young, Janet S. Klosko, & Marjorie E. Weishaar (2003) Schema therapy: a practitioner's guide [i]
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- Judith Acosta & Judith Simon Prager (2002/2014) The worst is over: what to say when every moment counts [i]
- Debra K. Anderson (2002) A psychodynamic analysis of discourse theory: understanding the influence of emotions, regression, and change [d] [j]
- Duncan Barford [ed] (2002) The ship of thought: essays on psychoanalysis and learning [i] [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett & Peter Salovey [ed] (2002) The wisdom in feeling: psychological processes in emotional intelligence [i]
- Larry E. Beutler, Carla Moleiro, & Hani Talebi (2002) How practitioners can systematically use empirical evidence in treatment selection [p] [d]
- Thomas Bien & Beverly Bien (2002) Mindful recovery: a spiritual path to healing from addiction [i]
- Brad J. Bushman (2002) Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
- W. Keith Campbell, Eric A. Rudich, & Constantine Sedikides (2002) Narcissism, self-esteem, and the positivity of self-views: two portraits of self-love [d]
- Kathleen M. Carroll & Kathryn F. Nuro (2002) One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
- Denise A. Chavira, Murray B. Stein, & Vanessa L. Malcarne (2002) Scrutinizing the relationship between shyness and social phobia [p] [d]
- Alex Cohen, Arthur Kleinman, & Benedetto Saraceno [ed] (2002) World mental health casebook: social and mental health programs in low-income countries [i] [d]
- Jennifer Crocker (2002) The costs of seeking self-esteem [d]
- Frank Davidoff (2002) Shame: the elephant in the room [d]
- Lance M. Dodes (2002) The heart of addiction [i]
- Theodore L. Dorpat (2002) Wounded monster: Hitler's path from trauma to malevolence [i]
- Diane H. Engelman & Steven A. Frankel (2002) The three person field: collaborative consultation to psychotherapy [d]
- Christopher R. Erbes & Stephanie Lewis Harter (2002) Constructions of abuse: understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse [i]
- Michael J. Evans & Marcia Tyler-Evans (2002) Aspects of grief in conflict: re-visioning response to dispute [d]
- Stephen E. Finn & Mary E. Tonsager (2002) How therapeutic assessment became humanistic [d]
- Paula J. Gilroy, Lynne Carroll, & Jennifer Murra (2002) A preliminary survey of counseling psychologists' personal experiences with depression and treatment [d]
- Danya Glaser (2002) Emotional abuse and neglect (psychological maltreatment): a conceptual framework [p] [d]
- Arnold P. Goldstein (2002) The psychology of group aggression [i] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (2002/2015) Emotion-focused therapy: coaching clients to work through their feelings [i] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (2002) Evolutionary perspectives on emotion: making sense of what we feel [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (2002) Integrating an emotion-focused approach to treatment into psychotherapy integration [d]
- Fred J. Hanna (2002) Therapy with difficult clients: using the precursors model to awaken change [i] [d]
- John H. Harvey & Amy Wenzel [ed] (2002) A clinician's guide to maintaining and enhancing close relationships [i] [d]
- Barbara S. Held (2002) The tyranny of the positive attitude in America: observation and speculation [p] [d]
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- Lynn Hoffman (2002) Family therapy: an intimate history [i]
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- Lara Honos-Webb & William B. Stiles (2002) Assimilative integration and responsive use of the assimilation model [d]
- Howard H. Irving & Michael Benjamin (2002) Therapeutic family mediation: helping families resolve conflict [i] [d]
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- Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, Lynanne McGuire, Theodore F. Robles, & Ronald Glaser (2002) Emotions, morbidity, and mortality: new perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology [p] [d]
- D. Lawrence Kincaid (2002) Drama, emotion, and cultural convergence [d]
- Carolynn S. Kohn & David O. Antonuccio (2002) Treatment of kleptomania using cognitive and behavioral strategies [d]
- Stephen J. Lepore & Joshua M. Smyth [ed] (2002) The writing cure: how expressive writing promotes health and emotional well-being [i] [d]
- Vera Sonja Maass (2002) Women's group therapy: creative challenges and options [i]
- Stuart Macintyre, Carol Ronken, Tim Prenzler, & Ian K. McKenzie (2002) The MMPI-2 as a tool for preventing police misconduct: a Victoria (Australia) police study [o] [u]
- Carol Magai & Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones (2002) The hidden genius of emotion: lifespan transformations of personality [i] [d]
- Eric Maisel (2002) The Van Gogh blues: the creative person's path through depression [i]
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- John C. Norcross & Michael J. Lambert [ed] (2002/2019) Psychotherapy relationships that work [in two volumes: Evidence-based therapist conributions; Evidence-based therapist responsiveness] [i] [d]
- Donald W. Pfaff & Marian Joëls [ed] (2002/2017) Hormones, brain and behavior [i]
- Pierre Philippot, Gaëtane Chapelle, & Sylvie Blairy (2002) Respiratory feedback in the generation of emotion [d]
- Ayala Malakh-Pines (2002) A psychoanalytic–existential approach to burnout: demonstrated in the cases of a nurse, a teacher, and a manager [d]
- Susan Roos (2002/2018) Chronic sorrow: a living loss [i] [d]
- Lori S. Schreier (2002) Emotional intelligence and mediation training [d]
- Paul Slovic, Melissa L. Finucane, Ellen Peters, & Donald G. MacGregor (2002) The affect heuristic [i] [d]
- David Spero (2002) The art of getting well: a five-step plan for maximizing health when you have a chronic illness [i]
- Tree Staunton [ed] (2002) Body psychotherapy [i]
- Nele Stinckens, Germain Lietaer, & Mia Leijssen (2002) The inner critic on the move: analysis of the change process in a case of short-term client-centred/experiential therapy [d]
- Bas Van Stokkom (2002) Moral emotions in restorative justice conferences: managing shame, designing empathy [d]
- Verta Taylor & Leila J. Rupp (2002) Loving internationalism: the emotion culture of transnational women's organizations, 1888–1945 [d]
- Georgiana Shick Tryon, Sarah E. Birch, & Jay Verkuilen (2002/2019) Goal consensus and collaboration [with clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
- Philip M. Ullrich & Susan K. Lutgendorf (2002) Journaling about stressful events: effects of cognitive processing and emotional expression [d]
- George E. Vaillant (2002) Aging well: surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development [i]
- Timothy D. Wilson (2002) Strangers to ourselves: discovering the adaptive unconscious [i]
- Irvin D. Yalom (2002) The gift of therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients [i]
- George Ainslie (2001) Breakdown of will [i] [d]
- Adebowale Akande (2001) A way of being: a program for aggression control of male children [d]
- Roger P. Allen (2001/2004) Scripts and strategies in hypnotherapy: the complete works [i]
- Katherine D. Arbuthnott, Dennis W. Arbuthnott, & Lucille Rossiter (2001) Guided imagery and memory: implications for psychotherapists [d]
- Jeffrey Berman (2001) Risky writing: self-disclosure and self-transformation in the classroom [i]
- Andrea M. Bodtker & Jessica Katz Jameson (2001) Emotion in conflict formation and its transformation: application to organizational conflict management [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart (2001) A meditation on the nature of self-healing and personality change in psychotherapy based on Gendlin's theory of experiencing [d]
- George W. Burns (2001) 101 healing stories: using metaphors in therapy [i]
- Gervase R. Bushe (2001/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
- Andrew J. Calder, Andrew D. Lawrence, & Andrew W. Young (2001) Neuropsychology of fear and loathing [p] [d]
- Tullio Carere-Comes (2001) Assimilative and accommodative integration: the basic dialectics [d]
- Thubten Chödrön (2001) Working with anger [i]
- Pema Chödrön (2001) Thinking bigger [i]
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- Joseph Ciarrochi, Joseph P. Forgas, & John D. Mayer [ed] (2001/2006) Emotional intelligence in everyday life [i] [d]
- Ken Cloke (2001) Mediating dangerously: the frontiers of conflict resolution [i]
- Lillian Comas-Díaz & Frederick M. Jacobsen (2001) Ethnocultural allodynia [p] [u]
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- W. Ray Crozier [ed] (2001) Shyness: development, consolidation, and change [i] [d]
- Caroline R. Ellermann & Pamela G. Reed (2001) Self-transcendence and depression in middle-age adults [p] [d]
- Robert Elliott (2001) Contemporary brief experiential psychotherapy [d]
- Elisha S. Fisch (2001) What is the end point of psychotherapy integration?: a commentary [d]
- Judy Ford (2001) Getting over getting mad: positive ways to manage anger in your most important relationships [i]
- Claude Gratton (2001) Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
- Don Greene (2001) Fight your fear and win: seven skills for performing your best under pressure—at work, in sports, on stage [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2001) Anger: wisdom for cooling the flames [i]
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- Pamela A. Hays (2001/2016) Addressing cultural complexities in practice: assessment, diagnosis, and therapy [i] [d]
- Stefan G. Hofmann & Patricia M. DiBartolo [ed] (2001/2014) Social anxiety: clinical, developmental, and social perspectives [i] [d]
- Neil S. Jacobson, Christopher R. Martell, & Sona Dimidjian (2001) Behavioral activation treatment for depression: returning to contextual roots [d]
- Tricia S. Jones & Andrea M. Bodtker (2001) Mediating with heart in mind: addressing emotion in mediation practice [d]
- William A. Kahn (2001) Holding environments at work [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001) How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
- Frances E. Kuo & William C. Sullivan (2001) Aggression and violence in the inner city: effects of environment via mental fatigue [d]
- Georgios K. Lampropoulos (2001) Bridging technical eclecticism and theoretical integration: assimilative integration [d]
- George Loewenstein, Elke U. Weber, Christopher K. Hsee, & Ned Welch (2001) Risk as feelings [p] [d]
- Ruth Luban (2001) Are you a corporate refugee?: a survival guide for downsized, dissillusioned, and displaced workers [i]
- William J. Lyddon & Alissa Sherry (2001) Developmental personality styles: an attachment theory conceptualization of personality disorders [d]
- Christopher R. Martell, Michael E. Addis, & Neil S. Jacobson (2001) Depression in context: strategies for guided action [i]
- Susan J. McPhee & Amy J. Markowitz (2001) Psychological considerations, growth, and transcendence at the end of life: the art of the possible [d]
- Kenneth W. Merrell (2001/2008) Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide [i]
- Dale T. Miller (2001) Disrespect and the experience of injustice [p] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2001) Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss [i] [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2001) Upheavals of thought: the intelligence of emotions [i] [d]
- Karl Peltzer (2001) An integrative model for ethnocultural counseling and psychotherapy of victims of organized violence [d]
- Walter B. Roberts & Allan A. Morotti (2001) What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
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- Waleed A. Salameh & William F. Fry [ed] (2001) Humor and wellness in clinical intervention [i]
- Jeff Schimel, Jamie Arndt, Tom Pyszczynski, & Jeff Greenberg (2001) Being accepted for who we are: evidence that social validation of the intrinsic self reduces general defensiveness [d]
- Chris Segrin (2001) Interpersonal processes in psychological problems [i]
- Kenneth W. Sewell & Amy M. Williams (2001) Construing stress: a constructivist therapeutic approach to posttraumatic stress reactions [i] [d]
- Thomas M. Skovholt & Michelle Trotter-Mathison (2001/2016) The resilient practitioner: burnout and compassion fatigue prevention and self-care strategies for the helping professions [i] [d]
- Marilyn E. Smith & Lillian M. Kelly (2001) The journey of recovery after a rape experience [p] [d]
- Dennis Sullivan & Larry Tifft (2001/2005) Restorative justice: healing the foundations of our everyday lives [i]
- June Price Tangney (2001) Constructive and destructive aspects of shame and guilt [i] [d]
- Robert E. Thayer (2001) Calm energy: how people regulate mood with food and exercise [i]
- Dianne M. Tice, Ellen Bratslavsky, & Roy F. Baumeister (2001) Emotional distress regulation takes precedence over impulse control: if you feel bad, do it! [d]
- Didier Truchot & Marie Deregard (2001) Perceived inequity, communal orientation and burnout: the role of helping models [d]
- George E. Vaillant & Kenneth Mukamal (2001) Successful aging [p] [d]
- Michaela Wesson & Karen Salmon (2001) Drawing and showing: helping children to report emotionally laden events [d]
- Barry E. Wolfe (2001) A message to assimilative integrationists: it's time to become accommodative integrationists: a commentary [d]
- Michael D. Yapko (2001) Treating depression with hypnosis: integrating cognitive-behavioral and stategic approaches [i]
- Robert B. Zajonc (2001) Mere exposure: a gateway to the subliminal [d]
- Tomasz Zaleskiewicz (2001) Beyond risk seeking and risk aversion: personality and the dual nature of economic risk taking [d]
- Mari Alschuler (2000) Healing from addictions through poetry therapy [d]
- Teresa M. Amabile & Colin M. Fisher (2000/2009) Stimulate creativity by fueling passion [i] [d]
- Thomas Attig (2000) The heart of grief: death and the search for lasting love [i]
- Howard Brody & Daralyn Brody (2000) The placebo response: how you can release the body's inner pharmacy for better health [i]
- Darlene Cohen (2000) Finding a joyful life in the heart of pain [or: Turning suffering inside out: a Zen approach to living with physical and emotional pain] [i]
- Frank M. Dattilio, Arthur E. Jongsma, & Sean D. Davis (2000/2015) The family therapy treatment planner [i]
- E. Thomas Dowd (2000) Cognitive hypnotherapy [i]
- Karen Kangas Dwyer (2000) The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
- Bruce Ecker & Laurel Hulley (2000) The order in clinical 'disorder': symptom coherence in depth-oriented brief therapy [i] [d]
- Eric Eich, John F. Kihlstrom, Gordon H. Bower, Joseph P. Forgas, & Paula M. Niedenthal [ed] (2000) Cognition and emotion [i]
- Nancy Eisenberg (2000) Emotion, regulation, and moral development [p] [d]
- Claudia M. Elliott (2000) Tuning and practicing the therapeutic instrument: the therapist's life experience [d]
- Robert D. Enright & Richard P. Fitzgibbons (2000/2015) Forgiveness therapy: an empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope [i] [d]
- Aubrey H. Fine (2000/2015) Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: foundations and guidelines for animal-assisted interventions [i] [d]
- Diana Fosha (2000) The transforming power of affect: a model for accelerated change [i]
- Barbara L. Fredrickson (2000) Why positive emotions matter in organizations: lessons from the broaden-and-build model [d]
- Walter J. Freeman (2000) Emotion is essential to all intentional behaviors [i]
- Willard Gaylin (2000) Talk is not enough: how psychotherapy really works [i]
- Paul Gilbert (2000) The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: the role of the evaluation of social rank [d]
- Oscar F. Gonçalves, Yifaht Korman, & Lynne E. Angus (2000) Constructing psychopathology from a cognitive narrative perspective [i] [d]
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- Vicki S. Helgeson & Heidi L. Fritz (2000) The implications of unmitigated agency and unmitigated communion for domains of problem behavior [p] [d]
- Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, & Cynthia L. Turk (2000/2019) Managing social anxiety: a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach: workbook [i] [d]
- Christina Howard, Keith Tuffin, & Christine Stephens (2000) Unspeakable emotion: a discursive analysis of police talk about reactions to trauma [d]
- Cheri Huber (2000) How to get from where you are to where you want to be [i]
- Alice M. Isen (2000) Some perspectives on positive affect and self-regulation [j]
- Anita E. Kelly (2000) Helping construct desirable identities: a self-presentational view of psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Paulina F. Kernberg, Alan S. Weiner, & Karen K. Bardenstein (2000) Personality disorders in children and adolescents [i]
- John F. Kihlstrom, Shelagh Mulvaney, Betsy A. Tobias, & Irene P. Tobis (2000) The emotional unconscious [i] [u]
- Marc D. Lewis & Isabela Granic [ed] (2000) Emotion, development, and self-organization: dynamic systems approaches to emotional development [i]
- Alphonso Lingis (2000) Dangerous emotions [i]
- Edwin A. Locke (2000/2009) Attain emotional control by understanding what emotions are [i] [d]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2000) Core ordering and disordering processes: a constructive view of psychological development [i] [d]
- Diana Milia (2000) Self-mutilation and art therapy: violent creation [i]
- Daniel C. Molden & Carol S. Dweck (2000) Meaning and motivation [i] [d]
- Nancy E. Mooney (2000) The therapeutic use of humor [p]
- John D. Morgan [ed] (2000) Meeting the needs of our clients creatively: the impact of art and culture on caregiving [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer & Jonathan D. Raskin [ed] (2000) Constructions of disorder: meaning-making frameworks for psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Paula M. Niedenthal & Jamin B. Halberstadt (2000) Emotional response as conceptual coherence [i]
- Joanna Overing & Alan Passes [ed] (2000) The anthropology of love and anger: the aesthetics of conviviality in Native Amazonia [i]
- William C. Pedersen, Candace Gonzales, & Norman Miller (2000) The moderating effect of trivial triggering provocation on displaced aggression [d]
- Suzanne M. Retzinger & Thomas J. Scheff (2000) Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving intractable conflict [d]
- Ian H. Robertson (2000) Mind sculpture: unlocking your brain's untapped potential [i]
- Robert Scott Root-Bernstein & Michèle Root-Bernstein (2000) Learning to think with emotion [u]
- Jeremy D. Safran & J. Christopher Muran (2000) Negotiating the therapeutic alliance: a relational treatment guide [i]
- Carol Sansone & Judith M. Harackiewicz [ed] (2000) Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: the search for optimal motivation and performance [i] [d]
- Richard Sorabji (2000) Emotion and peace of mind: from Stoic agitation to Christian temptation [i]
- Julian F. Thayer & Richard D. Lane (2000) A model of neurovisceral integration in emotion regulation and dysregulation [d]
- Ruut Veenhoven (2000) The four qualities of life [d]
- Aldert Vrij (2000/2008) Detecting lies and deceit: pitfalls and opportunities [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (2000) Scare tactics: arguments that appeal to fear and threats [i] [d]
- David C. Watson & Birendra K. Sinha (2000) Stress, emotion, and coping strategies as predictors of personality disorder pathology [d]
- Adrian Wells (2000) Emotional disorders and metacognition: innovative cognitive therapy [i] [d]
- John Welwood (2000) Toward a psychology of awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation [i]
- Arnoud Arntz, Roos Dietzel, & Laura Dreessen (1999) Assumptions in borderline personality disorder: specificity, stability and relationship with etiological factors [p] [d]
- Peter C. Badgio, Gregory S. Halperin, & Jacques P. Barber (1999) Acquisition of adaptive skills: psychotherapeutic change in cognitive and dynamic therapies [p] [d]
- Charles K. B. Barton (1999) Getting even: revenge as a form of justice [i]
- Arthur C. Bohart & Karen Tallman (1999) How clients make therapy work: the process of active self-healing [i] [d]
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- Liz Bondi (1999) Stages on journeys: some remarks about human geography and psychotherapeutic practice [d]
- Brad J. Bushman, Roy F. Baumeister, & Angela D. Stack (1999) Catharsis, aggression, and persuasive influence: self-fulfilling or self-defeating prophecies? [d]
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- Raymond DiGiuseppe (1999) End piece: reflections on the treatment of anger [p] [d]
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- Carol S. Dweck (1999) Self-theories: their role in motivation, personality, and development [i] [d]
- Robert A. Emmons (1999) The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality [i]
- Antoinette Errante (1999) Peace work as grief work in Mozambique and South Africa: postconflict communities as context for child and youth socialization [d]
- Richard Fisch & Karin Schlanger (1999) Brief therapy with intimidating cases: changing the unchangeable [i]
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- Keith Oatley (1999) Why fiction may be twice as true as fact: fiction as cognitive and emotional simulation [d]
- Lucy M. O'Neill, Amanda J. Barnier, & Kevin McConkey (1999) Treating anxiety with self-hypnosis and relaxation [d]
- Sandra C. Paivio (1999) Experiential conceptualization and treatment of anger [p] [d]
- Raymond F. Paloutzian, James T. Richardson, & Lewis R. Rambo (1999) Religious conversion and personality change [d]
- Christine Purdon (1999) Thought suppression and psychopathology [d]
- Karen S. Quigley & Lisa Feldman Barrett (1999) Emotional learning and mechanisms of intentional psychological change [i] [d]
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- Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, & Sheila Heen (1999) Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
- Richard G. Tedeschi (1999) Violence transformed: posttraumatic growth in survivors and their societies [d]
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- Richard G. Wilkinson (1999) Health, hierarchy, and social anxiety [d]
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- Larry W. Bennett, Samuel Cardone, & John Jarczyk (1998) Effects of a therapeutic camping program on addiction recovery: the Algonquin–Haymarket relapse prevention program [d]
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- Warwick Pudney & Éliane Whitehouse (1996) A volcano in my tummy: helping children to handle anger: a resource book for parents, caregivers and teachers [i]
- Michael Robbins (1996) Conceiving of personality [i] [d] [j]
- John E. Roberts, Ian H. Gotlib, & Jon D. Kassel (1996) Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression: the mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem [d]
- Nikolas S. Rose (1996) Inventing our selves: psychology, power, and personhood [i] [d]
- Hugh Rosen & Kevin T. Kuehlwein [ed] (1996) Constructing realities: meaning-making perspectives for psychotherapists [i]
- Anthony Roth & Peter Fonagy (1996/2005) What works for whom?: a critical review of psychotherapy research [i]
- Thomas J. Scheff & Suzanne M. Retzinger (1996) Strategy for community conferences: emotions and social bonds [i]
- Robert E. Thayer (1996) The origin of everyday moods: managing energy, tension, and stress [i]
- Edward L. Trembley (1996) Relational therapy concepts [o]
- Dennis C. Turk & Robert J. Gatchel [ed] (1996/2018) Psychological approaches to pain management: a practitioner's handbook [i]
- Jeanne C. Watson (1996) The relationship between vivid description, emotional arousal, and in-session resolution of problematic reactions [d]
- Jerry S. Wiggins [ed] (1996) The five-factor model of personality: theoretical perspectives [i]
- Gerald R. Williams (1996) Negotiation as a healing process [u]
- Kenneth Yeager & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (1996/2015) Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research [i]
- Arnoud Arntz, Michael Rauner, & Marcel van den Hout (1995) 'If I feel anxious, there must be danger': ex-consequentia reasoning in inferring danger in anxiety disorders [d]
- Michael Franz Basch (1995) Doing brief psychotherapy [i]
- Laura L. Carstensen, John M. Gottman, & Robert W. Levenson (1995) Emotional behavior in long-term marriage [d]
- Cathy Caruth [ed] (1995) Trauma: explorations in memory [i]
- John L. Coulehan (1995) Tenderness and steadiness: emotions in medical practice [p] [d]
- Philip Cushman (1995) Constructing the self, constructing America: a cultural history of psychotherapy [i]
- Harlon L. Dalton (1995) Racial healing: confronting the fear between Blacks and Whites [i]
- Robert R. Desjarlais (1995) World mental health: problems, and priorities in low-income countries [i]
- James Epps & Philip C. Kendall (1995) Hostile attributional bias in adults [d]
- Peter Fenner (1995) Dismantling fixations [u]
- Newman Robert Glass (1995) Constructing a philosophy of essence: reading Buddhism through the two natures of desire [i]
- Daniel Grant (1995) How the criticized deal with criticism [o] [u]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Juan Pascual-Leone (1995) A dialectical-constructivist approach to experiential change [i] [d]
- Dennis Greenberger & Christine A. Padesky (1995/2016) Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think [i]
- James J. Gross & Ricardo F. Muñoz (1995) Emotion regulation and mental health [d]
- Stephanie Lewis Harter (1995) Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
- T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, & Gary Groth-Marnat [ed] (1995/2011) Integrative assessment of adult personality [i]
- Susan M. Hingley (1995) Cognition, emotion and defence: processes and mechanisms of change in a brief psychotherapy for depression [d]
- Dorota Iwaniec (1995/2006) The emotionally abused and neglected child: identification, assessment and intervention: a practice handbook [i]
- Arthur E. Jongsma, L. Mark Peterson, & Timothy J. Bruce (1995/2021) The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner [i]
- M. Audrey Korsgaard, David M. Schweiger, & Harry J. Sapienza (1995) Building commitment, attachment, and trust in strategic decision-making teams: the role of procedural justice [d] [j]
- Janet Landman, Elizabeth A. Vandewater, Abigail J. Stewart, & Janet E. Malley (1995) Missed opportunities: psychological ramifications of counterfactual thought in midlife women [d]
- Fran J. Levy, Judith Pines Fried, & Fern Leventhal (1995) Dance and other expressive art therapies: when words are not enough [i]
- Elmer P. Martin & Joanne Mitchell Martin (1995) Social work and the Black experience [i]
- Brian Massumi (1995/2002) The autonomy of affect [i] [d]
- Christopher J. Mruk (1995/2006) Self-esteem research, theory, and practice: toward a positive psychology of self-esteem [i]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (1995) Constructivist psychotherapies: features, foundations, and future directions [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer & Michael J. Mahoney [ed] (1995) Constructivism in psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Michael P. Nichols (1995/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
- Aina O. Nucho (1995) Spontaneous creative imagery: problem-solving and life-enhancing skills [i]
- Brian Parkinson (1995) Ideas and realities of emotion [i] [d]
- James W. Pennebaker [ed] (1995) Emotion, disclosure & health [i] [d]
- Bruce D. Perry, Ronnie A. Pollard, Toi L. Blakley, William L. Baker, & Domenico Vigilante (1995) Childhood trauma, the neurobiology of adaptation, and 'use-dependent' development of the brain: how 'states' become 'traits' [d]
- Ethel Spector Person (1995) By force of fantasy: how we make our lives [i]
- Ronald T. Potter-Efron & Patricia S. Potter-Efron (1995/2006) Letting go of anger: the eleven most common anger styles & what to do about them [i]
- Laura Reiter (1995) The client's affective impact on the therapist: implications for therapist responsiveness [d]
- David K. Reynolds (1995) A handbook for constructive living [i]
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick & Adam Frank [ed] (1995) Shame and its sisters: a Silvan Tomkins reader [i]
- June Price Tangney & Kurt W. Fischer [ed] (1995) Self-conscious emotions: the psychology of shame, guilt, embarrassment, and pride [i]
- Silvan S. Tomkins & E. Virginia Demos (1995) Exploring affect: the selected writings of Silvan S. Tomkins [i]
- Mark Weiser, Ilan Kutz, Sue Jacobson Kutz, & Daniel Weiser (1995) Psychotherapeutic aspects of the martial arts [p] [d]
- Liz Willis & Jenny Daisley (1995) The assertive trainer: a practical handbook on assertiveness for trainers and running assertiveness courses [i]
- Michael D. Yapko (1995/2015) Essentials of hypnosis [i] [d]
- Roy F. Baumeister, Todd F. Heatherton, & Dianne M. Tice (1994) Losing control: how and why people fail at self-regulation [i]
- Benina Berger Gould & Donna Hilleboe DeMuth [ed] (1994) The global family therapist: integrating the personal, professional, and political [i]
- Pema Chödrön (1994) Start where you are: a guide to compassionate living [i]
- Lillian Comas-Díaz & Beverly Greene [ed] (1994) Women of color: integrating ethnic and gender identities in psychotherapy [i]
- Francisco Gaspar Cruz & Laura Essen (1994) Adult survivors of childhood emotional, physical, and sexual abuse: dynamics and treatment [i]
- Graham Davey & Adrian Wells [ed] (1994/2006) Worry and its psychological disorders: theory, assessment, and treatment [i] [d]
- Jerry Dorsman & Bob Davis (1994) How to achieve peace of mind: your guide for attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being [i]
- Val Farmer (1994) Rural stress survival guide [o] [u]
- Kurt W. Fischer & Catherine C. Ayoub (1994) Affective splitting and dissociation in normal and maltreated children: developmental pathways for self in relationships [i]
- Arnold P. Goldstein (1994) The ecology of aggression [i] [d]
- Fred J. Hanna (1994) A dialectic of experience: a radical empiricist approach to conflicting theories in psychotherapy [d]
- Susan M. Johnson & Leslie S. Greenberg [ed] (1994) The heart of the matter: perspectives on emotion in marital therapy [i]
- Robert Kegan (1994) In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
- Paulina F. Kernberg (1994) Mechanisms of defense: development and research perspectives [p]
- Antoon A. Leenaars, Robert A. Neimeyer, & John T. Maltsberger [ed] (1994) Treatment of suicidal people [i] [d]
- Sherry S. McHenry (1994) When the therapist needs therapy: characterological countertransference issues and failures in the treatment of the borderline personality disorder [d]
- Nancy McWilliams (1994/2011) Psychoanalytic diagnosis: understanding personality structure in the clinical process [i]
- Marsha Pravder Mirkin [ed] (1994) Women in context: toward a feminist reconstruction of psychotherapy [i]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (1994/2009) The therapy of desire: theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics [i] [d] [j]
- Myrtle Parnell & Jo Vanderkloot (1994) Poor women: making a difference [i]
- Frank S. Pittman III (1994) A buyer's guide to psychotherapy [u]
- Deborah R. Richardson, Georgina S. Hammock, Stephen M. Smith, Wendi L. Gardner, & Manuel Signo (1994) Empathy as a cognitive inhibitor of interpersonal aggression [d]
- Thomas J. Scheff (1994) Bloody revenge: emotions, nationalism, and war [i] [d]
- Howard F. Stein (1994) Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
- Robert E. Thayer, J. Robert Newman, & Tracey M. McClain (1994) Self-regulation of mood: strategies for changing a bad mood, raising energy, and reducing tension [d]
- Jerald Wạllulis (1994) The complexity of bodily feeling [and reply by Eugene Gendlin] [d] [j]
- Michael D. Yapko (1994) Suggestions of abuse: true and false memories of childhood sexual trauma [i]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, & Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones [ed] (1993/2016) Handbook of emotions [i]
- Roy F. Baumeister [ed] (1993) Self-esteem: the puzzle of low self-regard [i]
- Lorna Smith Benjamin (1993/1996) Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders [i]
- Patricia E. Blumenreich & Susan Lewis [ed] (1993) Managing the violent patient: a clinician's guide [i]
- Arthur C. Bohart (1993) Experiencing: the basis of psychotherapy [d]
- Donald M. Broom & Ken G. Johnson (1993/2019) Stress and animal welfare: key issues in the biology of humans and other animals [i] [d]
- Frank Joe Bruno (1993) Psychological symptoms [i]
- Sue L. Cataldi (1993) Emotion, depth, and flesh: a study of sensitive space: reflections on Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of embodiment [i]
- Margaret C. Donaldson (1993) Human minds: an exploration [i]
- Seymour Epstein (1993/1998) Constructive thinking: the key to emotional intelligence [i]
- Dodi Goldman [ed] (1993) In one's bones: the clinical genius of Winnicott [i]
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- Leslie S. Greenberg, Laura North Rice, & Robert Elliott (1993) Facilitating emotional change: the moment-by-moment process [i]
- Martin Kantor (1993/2003) Distancing: avoidant personality disorder [i]
- Robert J. Landy (1993) Persona and performance: the meaning of role in drama, therapy, and everyday life [i]
- Joe Langford & Pauline Rose Clance (1993) The imposter phenomenon: recent research findings regarding dynamics, personality and family patterns and their implications for treatment [d]
- Marsha M. Linehan (1993/2015) DBT skills training manual [dialectical behavior therapy] [i]
- William J. Lyddon (1993) Contrast, contradiction, and change in psychotherapy [d]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Judith W. Rhue, & Irving Kirsch [ed] (1993/2010) Handbook of clinical hypnosis [i]
- James E. Maddux (1993/2004) The mythology of psychopathology: a social cognitive view of deviance, difference, and disorder [i]
- Ayala Malakh-Pines (1993) Burnout: an existential perspective [i] [d]
- Ursula Markham (1993) How to deal with difficult people [i]
- William Ian Miller (1993) Humiliation: and other essays on honor, social discomfort, and violence [i]
- Susan Nolen-Hoeksema & Jannay Morrow (1993) Effects of rumination and distraction on naturally occurring depressed mood [d]
- Fred Plaut (1993) Analysis analysed: when the map becomes the territory [i]
- Charles E. Schaefer & Athena A. Drewes [ed] (1993/2014) The therapeutic powers of play: 20 core agents of change [i]
- Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Christina Maslach, & Tadeusz Marek [ed] (1993) Professional burnout: recent developments in theory and research [i] [d]
- Stephen Soldz, Michael Davis, Simon H. Budman, & Annette Demby (1993) Beyond the interpersonal circumplex in group psychotherapy: the structure and relationship to outcome of the individual group member interpersonal process scale [p] [d]
- John Sommers-Flanagan & Rita Sommers-Flanagan (1993/2017) Clinical interviewing [i]
- Paul L. Wachtel (1993/2011) Therapeutic communication: knowing what to say when [i]
- James R. Averill & Elma P. Nunley (1992) Emotions as an art form [i]
- James R. Averill & Elma P. Nunley (1992) Voyages of the heart: living an emotionally creative life [i]
- Philip J. Barker (1992) Severe depression: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
- Rebecca Coleman Curtis (1992) Self-organizing processes, anxiety, and change [d]
- Michael W. Eysenck (1992) Anxiety: the cognitive perspective [i]
- Peter Fenner (1992) The complete fulfillment (dzogchen) tradition and existential psychology [u]
- Judith Lewis Herman (1992/1997) Trauma and recovery [i]
- Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (1992) Shattered assumptions: towards a new psychology of trauma [i]
- Michael P. Leiter (1992) Burn-out as a crisis in self-efficacy: conceptual and practical implications [d]
- Paul E. Meehl (1992) Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind [d]
- Donald L. Nathanson (1992) Shame and pride: affect, sex, and the birth of the self [i]
- John C. Norcross & Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] (1992/2019) Handbook of psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
- Jacqueline J. Schechter (1992) Contemplative photography as practice and therapy [u]
- Michael F. Scheier & Charles S. Carver (1992) Effects of optimism on psychological and physical well-being: theoretical overview and empirical update [d]
- June Price Tangney, Patricia Wagner, Carey Fletcher, & Richard Gramzow (1992) Shamed into anger?: the relation of shame and guilt to anger and self-reported aggression [p] [d]
- Paul Watzlawick (1992/1996) The construction of clinical 'realities' [i]
- Karen Kissel Wegela (1992) Contemplative psychotherapy: a path of uncovering brilliant sanity [u]
- Rebecca Coleman Curtis (1991) Toward an integrative theory of psychological change in individuals and organizations: a cognitive-affective regulation model [i] [d]
- Hartvig Dahl (1991) The key to understanding change: emotions as appetitive wishes and beliefs about their fulfillment [i]
- Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari (1991/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
- David Dunning & Amber L. Story (1991) Depression, realism, and the overconfidence effect: are the sadder wiser when predicting future actions and events? [d]
- David E. Engle, Larry E. Beutler, & Roger J. Daldrup (1991) Focused expressive psychotherapy: treating blocked emotions [i]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1991) Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
- Mario Jacoby (1991/1994) Shame and the origins of self-esteem: a Jungian approach [i]
- Philip C. Kendall [ed] (1991/2012) Child and adolescent therapy: cognitive-behavioral procedures [i]
- Helen B. Landgarten & Darcy Lubbers [ed] (1991) Adult art psychotherapy: issues and applications [i]
- Richard S. Lazarus (1991) Emotion and adaptation [i]
- Michael P. Nichols (1991) No place to hide: facing shame so we can find self-respect [i]
- Laura Rogers & Robert Kegan (1991) 'Mental growth' and 'mental health' as distinct concepts in the study of developmental psychopathology: theory, research, and clinical implications [i]
- Kathleen Ryan & Daniel K. Oestreich (1991/1998) Driving fear out of the workplace: creating the high-trust, high-performance organization [i]
- Jeremy D. Safran & Leslie S. Greenberg [ed] (1991) Emotion, psychotherapy, and change [i]
- Jeremy D. Safran & Leslie S. Greenberg (1991) Affective change processes: a synthesis and critical analysis [i]
- Thomas J. Scheff & Suzanne M. Retzinger (1991) Emotions and violence: shame and rage in destructive conflicts [i]
- Nicholas Tavuchis (1991) Mea culpa: a sociology of apology and reconciliation [i] [d]
- Lee Wallas (1991) Stories that heal: reparenting adult children of dysfunctional families using hypnotic stories in psychotherapy [i]
- Marvin Zuckerman (1991/2005) Psychobiology of personality [i]
- Godfrey T. Barrett-Lennard (1990) The therapy pathway reformulated [i] [u]
- Arthur C. Bohart (1990) A cognitive client-centered perspective on borderline personality development [i] [u]
- John W. Burton [ed] (1990) Conflict: human needs theory [i]
- Ravi Dykema (1990) Perspective on psychology through the practice of yoga [u]
- Beverly Besmer Feinberg-Moss & Keith Oatley (1990) Guided imagery in brief psychodynamic therapy: outcome and process [d]
- Kurt W. Fischer, Phillip R. Shaver, & Peter Carnochan (1990) How emotions develop and how they organise development [d]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1990) The small steps of the therapy process: how they come and how to help them come [i] [u]
- George S. Howard & Paul R. Myers (1990) Predicting human behavior: comparing idiographic, nomothetic, and agentic methodologies [d]
- Bradford P. Keeney (1990) Improvisational therapy: a practical guide for creative clinical strategies [i]
- John F. Kihlstrom (1990/2008) The psychological unconscious [i] [u]
- Irving Kirsch (1990) Changing expectations: a key to effective psychotherapy [i]
- Ron Kurtz (1990/2007) Body-centered psychotherapy: the Hakomi method: the integrated use of mindfulness, nonviolence, and the body [i]
- Richard D. Lane, Donald M. Quinlan, Gary E. Schwartz, Pamela A. Walker, & Sharon Zeitlin (1990) The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale: a cognitive-developmental measure of emotion [p] [d]
- Germain Lietaer, Jan Rombauts, & Richard van Balen [ed] (1990) Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties [i] [u]
- Roland Littlewood (1990) How universal is something we can call 'therapy'?: some implications of non-Western healing systems for intercultural work [d]
- Vija Bergs Lusebrink (1990) Imagery and visual expression in therapy [i]
- Nancy J. Napier (1990/1996) Recreating your self: building self-esteem through imaging and self-hypnosis [i]
- James W. Pennebaker (1990/1997) Opening up: the healing power of expressing emotions [i]
- Edward M. Podvoll (1990/2003) Recovering sanity: a compassionate approach to understanding and treating psychosis [or: The seduction of madness: revolutionary insights into the world of psychosis and a compassionate approach to recovery at home] [i]
- Robert E. Quinn, Sue R. Faerman, Michael P. Thompson, Michael R. McGrath, & David S. Bright (1990/2015) Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach [i]
- Laura North Rice & Leslie S. Greenberg (1990) Fundamental dimensions in experiential therapy: new directions in research [i] [u]
- Rainer Sachse (1990) Concrete interventions are crucial: the influence of the therapist's processing proposals on the client's intrapersonal exploration in client-centered therapy [i] [u]
- Paul Sites (1990) Needs as analogues of emotions [i]
- Arthur W. Staats & Georg H. Eifert (1990) The paradigmatic behaviorism theory of emotions: basis for unification [d]
- William B. Stiles, Robert Elliott, Susan P. Llewelyn, Jenny A. Firth-Cozens, Frank R. Margison, David A. Shapiro, & Gillian E. Hardy (1990) Assimilation of problematic experiences by clients in psychotherapy [d]
- Shaké G. Toukmanian (1990) A schema-based information processing perspective on client change in experiential psychotherapy [i] [u]
- Frances Tustin (1990) The protective shell in children and adults [i] [d]
- Abraham J. Twerski (1990/1997) Addictive thinking: understanding self-deception [i]
- Geoffrey M. White (1990) Moral discourse and the rhetoric of emotions [i]
- Moni Yakim & Muriel Broadman (1990) Creating a character: a physical approach to acting [i]
- Fred Zimring (1990) Cognitive processes as a cause of psychotherapeutic change: self-initiated processes [i] [u]
- James Crosswhite (1989) Mood in argumentation [j]
- William D. Fezler (1989) Creative imagery: how to visualize in all five senses [i]
- Gerard Fromm & Bruce L. Smith [ed] (1989) The facilitating environment: clinical applications of Winnicott's theory [i]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Jeremy D. Safran (1989) Emotion in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Emmy Gut (1989) Productive and unproductive depression: success or failure of a vital process [i]
- Ronald A. Havens & Catherine Walter (1989/2002) Hypnotherapy scripts: a neo-Ericksonian approach to persuasive healing [i]
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- Leo Montada & Angela Schneider (1989) Justice and emotional reactions to the disadvantaged [d]
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- Paul G. Quinnell (1989) The key to successful therapy [u]
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- John Bowlby (1988) A secure base: parent–child attachment and healthy human development [i]
- Roger J. Daldrup, Larry E. Beutler, David E. Engle, & Leslie S. Greenberg (1988) Focused expressive psychotherapy: freeing the overcontrolled patient [i]
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- Craig Nakken (1988/1996) The addictive personality: understanding the addictive process and compulsive behavior [i]
- Raymond Ruyer & R. Scott Walker (1988) There is no subconscious: embryogenesis and memory [d]
- Jeremy D. Safran, Leslie S. Greenberg, & Laura North Rice (1988) Integrating psychotherapy research and practice: modeling the change process [d]
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