How to transform conflict

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Outraged: why we fight about morality and politics and how to find common ground [i]
  2. () Calling in: how to start making change with those you'd rather cancel [i]
  3. () Wreckonomics: why it's time to end the war on everything [i] [d]
  4. () For peace or against war?: rethinking our understanding of American peace advocacy [d]
  5. () Toward a more collaborative democracy: bridging political divides through dialectical problem-solving [i] [d]
  6. () Possible: how we survive (and thrive) in an age of conflict: lessons from a lifetime of negotiations [i]
  7. () Sinking into the honey trap: the case of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict [i] [u]
  8. Heather Devere [ed] () Friendship, peace and social justice [i] [d]
  9. Richard Iron & Damien Kingsbury [ed] () How wars end: theory and practice [i] [d]
  10. () No parent is perfect! So try to get good at repair [u]
  11. () How to deal with passive and passive-aggressive people [u]
  12. () Borderline personality disorder and the weaponization of words [u]
  13. () Three ways to hold a blame-shifter responsible [u]
  14. () Why some people with BPD engage in character assassination and how to avoid becoming a target [borderline personality disorder] [u]
  15. () Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
  16. () Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication [p] [d] [u]
  17. () One woman is holding politicians accountable for nasty speech; it's changing politics [Tami Pyfer and the Dignity Index] [u]
  18. () The dangerous weave of historical maximalism [u]
  19. () Sustaining social conflict: hatred, money, and genocide [i]
  20. () Stepping outside the echo chamber: is intellectual humility associated with less political myside bias? [p] [d]
  21. () Vaccinating against hate: using attitudinal inoculation to confer resistance to persuasion by extremist propaganda [d]
  22. () Shoring up the shaky psychological foundations of a micro-economic model of ideology: adversarial collaboration solutions [d]
  23. Sarah Federman & Ronald Niezen [ed] () Narratives of mass atrocity: victims and perpetrators in the aftermath [i] [d]
  24. () I never thought of it that way: how to have fearlessly curious conversations in dangerously divided times [i]
  25. () Conflict coaching fundamentals: working with conflict stories [i] [d]
  26. () Democracy by deterrence: norms, constitutions, and electoral tilting [d]
  27. () Bridging partisan divides: dialectical engagement and deep sociality [d] [u]
  28. () Cultural appropriation is necessary for cultural development [u]
  29. () The neutrality trap: disrupting and connecting for social change [i]
  30. () The power of dignity: how transforming justice can heal our communities [i]
  31. () The restorative practices playbook: tools for transforming discipline in schools [i]
  32. () Criminality and crime: a social-cognitive-developmental theory of delinquent and criminal behavior [i]
  33. () A psychology of ideology: unpacking the psychological structure of ideological thinking [p] [d] [u]
  34. () Narrative justice?: ten tools to deconstruct narratives about violent pasts [i] [d]
  35. () Patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes: II. long-term change and stability, regardless of group membership [p] [d]
  36. () Peace for racial progress: exploring the integration of peace and antiracist education [i] [u]
  37. () The way out: how to overcome toxic polarization [i] [d] [j]
  38. () Document-based historical role-playing as a tool to promote empathy and structural understanding in historical memory education [i] [d]
  39. () Masculinity and war [d]
  40. () Getting to zero: how to work through conflict in your high-stakes relationships [i]
  41. () Consensus building and its epistemic conditions [d]
  42. () The paranoid style in American politics revisited: an ideological asymmetry in conspiratorial thinking [d]
  43. Wilson López-López & Laura K. Taylor [ed] () Transitioning to peace: promoting global social justice and non-violence [i] [d]
  44. () Seeing the other side?: perspective-taking and reflective political judgements in interpersonal deliberation [d]
  45. () Empathy and common ground [d]
  46. () Controlling corruption: the social contract approach [i] [d]
  47. () Character assassination and reputation management: theory and applications [i] [d]
  48. () A pattern of violence: how the law classifies crimes and what it means for justice [i] [d]
  49. () The irrational attempt to impute irrationality to one's political opponents [i] [d]
  50. Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch [ed] () Polarisation, arrogance, and dogmatism: philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
  51. () Supporting peace by broadening 'youth' and attending to their diverse development in transitional societies [i] [d]
  52. () Crisis and redemption: the history of American police reform since World War II [d]
  53. () The moral triangle: Germans, Israelis, Palestinians [i] [d] [j]
  54. Nikola Balvin & Daniel J. Christie [ed] () Children and peace: from research to action [i] [d] [u]
  55. () Equilibration, development, and epistemic adequacy [i] [d]
  56. () Weaponized words: the strategic role of persuasion in violent radicalization and counter-persuasion [i] [d]
  57. () From wargaming to peacegaming: digital simulations with peacekeeper roles needed [d]
  58. () American affective polarization in comparative perspective [i] [d]
  59. () Populism as a problem of social integration [d]
  60. () Problem-oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis [d]
  61. () Reducing exclusionary attitudes through interpersonal conversation: evidence from three field experiments [using non-judgmental exchange of narratives] [d]
  62. () 7 ideas to reduce political polarization: and save America from itself [u]
  63. () Tit for tat and beyond: the legendary work of Anatol Rapoport [d]
  64. () Nonviolent resistance and democratic consolidation [i] [d]
  65. () Ethics and international relations: a tragic perspective [i] [d]
  66. () The tough standard: the hard truths about masculinity and violence [i]
  67. () A qualitative analysis and eleven-factor typology of hypothesized factors encouraging or discouraging the development of problem solving courts in various countries [d]
  68. () Sociopolitical values: the neglected factor in culturally-competent psychotherapy [i] [d]
  69. () Thinking clearly about causal inferences of politically motivated reasoning: why paradigmatic study designs often undermine causal inference [d]
  70. () Calling a cease fire: ending psychology's long conflict with religion [i] [d]
  71. () The role of cognitive rigidity in political ideologies: theory, evidence, and future directions [d]
  72. () Enforcement is central to the evolution of cooperation [p] [d]
  73. () The dark side of morality: group polarization and moral epistemology [d] [u]
  74. () We must not be enemies: restoring America's civic tradition [i]
  75. () The empathic foundations of security dilemma de-escalation [d]
  76. () Prisoners of politics: breaking the cycle of mass incarceration [i] [d]
  77. () Charged: the new movement to transform American prosecution and end mass incarceration [i]
  78. () Managing conflict in online debate communities: foregrounding moderators' beliefs and values on Kialo [d] [u]
  79. () World peace: and how we can achieve it [i]
  80. () Why are we yelling?: the art of productive disagreement [i]
  81. () Victim and perpetrator groups' divergent perspectives on collective violence: implications for intergroup relations [d]
  82. Darryl K. Brown, Jenia I. Turner, & Bettina Weisser [ed] () The Oxford handbook of criminal process [i] [d]
  83. () Love, anger, and social change [u]
  84. () Patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes: I. long-term change and stability from 2007 to 2016 [p] [d]
  85. () Understanding conspiracy theories [d]
  86. () Revisiting the form and function of conflict: neurobiological, psychological, and cultural mechanisms for attack and defense within and between groups [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  87. () Why we elect narcissists and sociopaths: and how we can stop! [i]
  88. Matthew B. Evans, Lesley Jeffries, & Jim O'Driscoll [ed] () The Routledge handbook of language in conflict [i] [d]
  89. () A new dance on the global stage: introducing a cultural value-based toolbox to optimize problem-solving, innovation, and growth [u]
  90. () Remedy without diagnosis: how to optimize results by leveraging the appropriate dispute resolution and shared decision-making process [u]
  91. () Seeing from all sides [i] [d]
  92. () Ideology justifies morality: political beliefs predict moral foundations [d] [j]
  93. () Making music in divided cities: transforming the ethnoscape [d]
  94. () Empathy in the service of intra- and interpersonal peace [i] [d]
  95. () War as symbolic politics [d]
  96. () Militant Buddhism: the rise of religious violence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand [i] [d]
  97. () Emotive meaning in political argumentation [d] [u]
  98. () Antisocial: online extremists, techno-utopians, and the hijacking of the American conversation [i]
  99. () Belief in conspiracy theories: the predictive role of schizotypy, Machiavellianism, and primary psychopathy [p] [d] [u]
  100. () Applying the theory of affective intelligence to support for authoritarian policies and parties [d]
  101. () Constructing intercultural selves: bridging cultural conflict through dialectical engagement [d]
  102. () Polarization: what everyone needs to know [i]
  103. () Global human identification and citizenship: a review of psychological studies [d]
  104. Mary Gloria C. Njoku, Leonard A. Jason, & R. Burke Johnson [ed] () The psychology of peace promotion: global perspectives on personal peace, children and adolescents, and social justice [i] [d]
  105. () Peace stories: a model for creating and sustaining peace [i] [d]
  106. () Lazy, not biased: susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning [p] [d]
  107. () Searching for Machiavelli but finding psychopathy and narcissism [p] [d]
  108. Devon L. L. Polaschek, Andrew Day, & Clive R. Hollin [ed] () The Wiley international handbook of correctional psychology [i] [d]
  109. () Empowerment as a tool to reduce belief in conspiracy theories [i] [d]
  110. () Crises, inquiries and the politics of blame [i] [d]
  111. () I'm a Black feminist; I think call-out culture is toxic: there are better ways of doing social justice work [u]
  112. H. Eric Schockman, Vanessa Hernández Soto, & Aldo Boitano de Moras [ed] () Peace, reconciliation and social justice leadership in the 21st century: the role of leaders and followers [i] [d]
  113. () Until we reckon: violence, mass incarceration, and a road to repair [i]
  114. () Diplomacy in the 21st century: a brief introduction [i] [d]
  115. () Where opinions come from [i] [d]
  116. () Vengeful citizens, violent states: a theory of war and revenge [i] [d]
  117. Robert J. Sternberg, Howard C. Nusbaum, & Judith Glück [ed] () Applying wisdom to contemporary world problems [i] [d]
  118. Joseph E. Uscinski [ed] () Conspiracy theories and the people who believe them [i] [d]
  119. () Must politics be war?: restoring our trust in the open society [i] [d]
  120. () The crime of aggression: the quest for justice in an age of drones, cyberattacks, insurgents, and autocrats [i] [d] [j]
  121. () Content-expressive behavior and ideological extremity: an examination of the roles of emotional intelligence and information network heterogeneity [d]
  122. () Victim or perpetrator? [the difficulty of differentiating between victim and perpetrator in some cases] [i] [d]
  123. () Building conflict resilience: it's not just about problem-solving [u]
  124. () See ideology as cognitive and not just political [u]
  125. Thomas Frederick Burke & Jeb Barnes [ed] () Varieties of legal order: the politics of adversarial and bureaucratic legalism [i] [d]
  126. () Shame-proneness, guilt-proneness and anxiety symptoms: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  127. () Living with no: political polarization and transformative dialogue [u]
  128. Hugh Collins, Gillian L. L. Lester, & Virginia Mantouvalou [ed] () Philosophical foundations of labour law [i] [d]
  129. Asbjørn Dyrendal, David G. Robertson, & Egil Asprem [ed] () Handbook of conspiracy theory and contemporary religion [i] [d]
  130. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  131. () 5 types of people who can ruin your life: identifying and dealing with narcissists, sociopaths, and other high-conflict personalities [i]
  132. () Complex thinking as a result of incongruent information exposure [d]
  133. Andrew Fiala [ed] () The Routledge handbook of pacifism and nonviolence [i] [d]
  134. Stephen Gibson [ed] () Discourse, peace, and conflict: discursive psychology perspectives [i] [d]
  135. () Leading with dignity: how to create a culture that brings out the best in people [i] [d] [j]
  136. Seth Lazar & Helen Frowe [ed] () The Oxford handbook of ethics of war [i] [d]
  137. () Making peace in drug wars: crackdowns and cartels in Latin America [i] [d]
  138. () Failures of American methods of lawmaking in historical and comparative perspectives [i] [d]
  139. () Polarization and the global crisis of democracy: common patterns, dynamics, and pernicious consequences for democratic polities [d]
  140. () Why we can't 'just all get along': dysfunction in the polity and conflict resolution and what we might do about it [u]
  141. () Food from the radical center: healing our land and communities [i] [d]
  142. Manfred Nowak & Anne Charbord [ed] () Using human rights to counter terrorism [i] [d]
  143. () Deliberation in deeply divided societies [i] [d]
  144. () Avoiding the terrorist trap: why respect for human rights is the key to defeating terrorism [i] [d]
  145. () What's the use of conflict in Dewey?: toward a pedagogy of compromise [d] [j] [u]
  146. () Radicalization: a relational perspective [d]
  147. () How to take offense: responding to microaggression [d]
  148. () Conflict transformation in indigenous peoples' territories: doing environmental justice with a 'decolonial turn' [d] [u]
  149. () Metacognitive failure as a feature of those holding radical beliefs [p] [d] [u]
  150. () Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability: an overview and conceptual framework [d]
  151. () Frenemies: how social media polarizes America [i] [d]
  152. Harvey Shapiro [ed] () The Wiley handbook on violence in education: forms, factors, and preventions [i] [d]
  153. () How fascism works: the politics of us and them [i]
  154. () Deliberative democracy and public dispute resolution [i] [d]
  155. () Wisdom over justice [o] [u]
  156. () From hell, no to yes, and: applied improvisation for training in conflict resolution, mediation, and law [i] [d]
  157. () Models of law [u]
  158. () The arts as a catalyst for human prosociality and cooperation [d]
  159. Peter Verbeek & Benjamin A. Peters [ed] () Peace ethology: behavioral processes and systems of peace [i] [d]
  160. Tod Augusta-Scott, Katreena Scott, & Leslie M. Tutty [ed] () Innovations in interventions to address intimate partner violence: research and practice [i] [d]
  161. () Reducing separateness with presence: how mindfulness catalyzes intergroup prosociality [i] [d]
  162. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  163. () Inside the restorative justice black box: the role of memory reconsolidation in transforming the emotional impact of violent crime on victims [d]
  164. () The long shadow of Leninist politics: radical strategy and revolutionary warfare after a century [i] [d]
  165. Susan C. Cloninger & Steven A. Leibo [ed] () Understanding angry groups: multidisciplinary perspectives on their motivations and effects on society [i]
  166. () Faces of moderation: the art of balance in an age of extremes [i] [d]
  167. Susan Dieleman, David Rondel, & Christopher J. Voparil [ed] () Pragmatism and justice [i] [d]
  168. () Empirical approaches to problems of injustice: Elizabeth Anderson and the pragmatists [i] [d]
  169. Sharon Dolovich & Alexandra Natapoff [ed] () The new criminal justice thinking [i] [d] [j]
  170. () Teaching the art and craft of drafting public law: statutes, rules, and more [u]
  171. () Forgiveness and the ego: why hypo-egoic states foster forgiveness and prosocial responses [i] [d]
  172. () Cognition, cultural practices, and the working of political institutions: an adult developmental perspective on corruption in Russian history [d]
  173. () Liberals and conservatives are similarly motivated to avoid exposure to one another's opinions [d]
  174. () Ethnonationalism and conflict transformation [i] [j]
  175. () 'Critogenic harms' in criminal law: what are they, and how can they be prevented? [u]
  176. () Understanding what makes terrorist groups' propaganda effective: an integrative complexity analysis of ISIL and Al Qaeda [d]
  177. Edwin Daniel Jacob [ed] () Rethinking security in the twenty-first century: a reader [i] [d]
  178. () Transforming communities: how people like you are healing their neighborhoods [i]
  179. () Ideological asymmetries and the essence of political psychology [d]
  180. () Digital justice: technology and the internet of disputes [i] [d]
  181. () Neither liberal nor conservative: ideological innocence in the American public [i]
  182. () Contesting injustice: why pragmatist political thought needs Du Bois [i] [d]
  183. Margaret Bull Kovera [ed] () The psychology of juries [i] [d]
  184. Claus Kreß & Stefan Barriga [ed] () The crime of aggression: a commentary [i] [d]
  185. () Practical wisdom: a virtue for resolving conflicts among practical reasons [i] [d]
  186. () Reintegrating extremists: deradicalisation and desistance [i] [d]
  187. () The transformation of a white supremacist: a dialectical-developmental analysis [d]
  188. () The rhetorical complexity of competitive and common victimhood in conversational discourse [d]
  189. (/2019) Dewey on the authority and legitimacy of law [i] [d]
  190. () Representational contamination: how does an unexpected armed encounter psychologically stunt a peace process? [d]
  191. () Proportionality, equality laws and religion: conflicts in England, Canada and the USA [i] [d]
  192. Scott W. Phillips & Dilip K. Das [ed] () Change and reform in law enforcement: old and new efforts from across the globe [i] [d]
  193. () Creating great choices: a leader's guide to integrative thinking [i]
  194. () A new rhetoric for a decolonial world [d]
  195. () Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst [i]
  196. Peter Sturmey [ed] () The Wiley handbook of violence and aggression [i] [d]
  197. () Democracy without generalized trust may lead to violence [i] [u]
  198. () Security and ideology [i] [d]
  199. () The end of policing [i]
  200. () Disagreement as an opportunity, not a threat [book review of: Constructive controversy: theory, research, practice, by David W. Johnson] [d]
  201. () What can studying designed marital argument interventions contribute to argumentation scholarship? [i] [d]
  202. () Talking conflict: the loaded language of genocide, political violence, terrorism, and warfare [i]
  203. () Accelerated multi-organization conflict resolution [d]
  204. A. J. Angulo [ed] () Miseducation: a history of ignorance-making in America and abroad [i] [d]
  205. () Violence begets violence—but how?: a decision-making perspective on the victim–offender overlap [d]
  206. () New technology for peace & protection: expanding the r2p toolbox [d] [j]
  207. () Preventing crime: a holistic approach [i] [d]
  208. () Towards a guide for constructing and disseminating counternarratives to reduce support for terrorism [d]
  209. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, & Jürgen Scheffran [ed] () Handbook on sustainability transition and sustainable peace [i] [d]
  210. () Climate change, security risks and conflict reduction in Africa: a case study of farmer–herder conflicts over natural resources in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Burkina Faso 1960–2000 [i] [d]
  211. () Designing and implementing programmes to tackle radicalization and violent extremism: lessons from criminology [d]
  212. Carlos A. Cuevas & Callie Marie Rennison [ed] () The Wiley handbook on the psychology of violence [i] [d]
  213. Joseph F. Donnermeyer [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of rural criminology [i] [d]
  214. () The big data of violent events: algorithms for association analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling [d]
  215. () You have the right to remain innocent: what police officers tell their children about the Fifth Amendment [i]
  216. David Dyzenhaus & Malcolm Thorburn [ed] () Philosophical foundations of constitutional law [i] [d]
  217. () The making of an expert detective: the role of experience in English and Norwegian police officers' investigative decision-making [d]
  218. () Adult development meets social sciences—reviewing the state of the art [d]
  219. () Defusing an emotionally charged conversation with a colleague [u]
  220. () Impact: how law affects behavior [i]
  221. () The Reunited States of America: how we can bridge the partisan divide [i]
  222. () Cultural values, emotional intelligence, and conflict handling styles: a global study [d]
  223. () Questioning the victim status of complainants in professional ethics investigations [d]
  224. () Alternatives to blame, powerlessness, recriminations, and stuckness in highly charged and entrenched conflicts [u]
  225. () Emotions in conflict: inhibitors and facilitators of peace making [i] [d]
  226. () Decriminalizing violence: a critique of restorative justice and proposal for diversionary mediation [u]
  227. () Varieties of fairness and procedural cultures: a comparative discussion [d]
  228. () 'Harm as harm': gang membership, perpetration trauma, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among youth in the juvenile justice system [d]
  229. Dejun Tony Kong & Donelson R. Forsyth [ed] () Leading through conflict: into the fray [i] [d]
  230. Alison L. LaCroix, Richard H. McAdams, & Martha Craven Nussbaum [ed] () Fatal fictions: crime and investigation in law and literature [i] [d]
  231. () The law's flaws: rethinking trials and errors? [i]
  232. () Dangerous speech and dangerous ideology: an integrated model for monitoring and prevention [d] [u]
  233. () The path to last resort: the role of early warning & early action [d] [j]
  234. () Interpretative disputes, explicatures, and argumentative reasoning [d]
  235. () Social metabolism and conflicts over extractivism [i] [d]
  236. Ross McGarry & Sandra Walklate [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of criminology and war [i] [d]
  237. Shelley McKeown, Reeshma Haji, & Neil Ferguson [ed] () Understanding peace and conflict through social identity theory: contemporary global perspectives [i] [d]
  238. () Protest and policing: conflict, justice, and history in Ferguson, Missouri [i] [d]
  239. () Affective arousal during blaming in couple therapy: combining analyses of verbal discourse and physiological responses in two case studies [d]
  240. () The pragmatists' approach to injustice [d] [u]
  241. () Practising insight mediation [i]
  242. () Nation on the take: how big money corrupts our democracy and what we can do about it [i]
  243. () Freedom's edge: religious freedom, sexual freedom, and the future of America [i] [d]
  244. () Calling the shots: why parents reject vaccines [i] [d] [j]
  245. () Good neighbors: the democracy of everyday life in America [i] [d] [j]
  246. () Conflict is not abuse: overstating harm, community responsibility, and the duty of repair [i]
  247. Keren Sharvit & Eran Halperin [ed] () A social psychology perspective on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict: celebrating the legacy of Daniel Bar-Tal, volume II [i] [d]
  248. James A. Thurber & Antoine Yoshinaka [ed] () American gridlock: the sources, character, and impact of political polarization [i] [d]
  249. () How to preempt team conflict [p] [u]
  250. () Personal construct psychology and restorative justice [i] [d] [u]
  251. () Difficult dialogue between next of kin: a Brazilian perspective on obstacles to integration [d]
  252. () Escalating, accusing, and rationalizing: a model of distortion and interaction in couple conflict [d]
  253. () Thinking about you: perspective taking, perceived restraint, and performance [i] [d]
  254. () The heart of the fight: a couple's guide to 15 common fights, what they really mean, & how they can bring you closer [i]
  255. () Punishment, forgiveness and reconciliation [d]
  256. () Reliable debiasing techniques in legal contexts?: weak signals from a darker corner of the social science universe [i]
  257. () Constructing 'the others' during conflict: how journalism's norms and structures temper extreme portrayals [d]
  258. () Adversarial operational psychology is unethical psychology: a reply to Staal and Greene (2015) [d]
  259. () Why is it so difficult to resolve intractable conflicts peacefully?: a sociopsychological explanation [i] [d]
  260. () Unfair: the new science of criminal injustice [i]
  261. () Emotions and the therapist: a systemic-dialogical approach [i] [d]
  262. () Deep violence: military violence, war play and the social life of weapons [i]
  263. () The utility of narratives for promoting radicalization: the case of the Animal Liberation Front [d]
  264. () 'A vile and violent thing': female traffickers and the criminal justice response [d]
  265. () Peace psychology and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  266. () Buddhist concepts as implicitly reducing prejudice and increasing prosociality [p] [d]
  267. () Empathic accuracy and aggression in couples: individual and dyadic links [p] [d] [u]
  268. () Empathy and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  269. Francesca D'Errico, Isabella Poggi, Alessandro Vinciarelli, & Laura Vincze [ed] () Conflict and multimodal communication: social research and machine intelligence [i] [d]
  270. () Tolerance: an elusive but fundamental aspect of sociality [i] [d]
  271. () The development of wisdom in judicial decision-making [d]
  272. () Criminal infliction of emotional distress [u]
  273. (/2016) The restorative workplace: an organizational learning approach to discrimination [u]
  274. () Dangerous trade: arms exports, human rights, and international reputation [i] [d] [j]
  275. () The world the game theorists made [i] [d]
  276. () Wedged: how you became a tool of the partisan political establishment, and how to start thinking for yourself again [i]
  277. Mauro Galluccio [ed] () Handbook of international negotiation: interpersonal, intercultural, and diplomatic perspectives [i] [d]
  278. (/2016) Reinventing the trial: the innocence revolution and proposals to modify the American criminal trial [u]
  279. Eran Halperin & Keren Sharvit [ed] () The social psychology of intractable conflicts: celebrating the legacy of Daniel Bar-Tal, volume I [i] [d]
  280. () Discursive strategies of blame avoidance in government: a framework for analysis [d]
  281. () Counter-recruitment and the campaign to demilitarize public schools [i] [d]
  282. () Dignity in negotiation: its transforming power [i] [d]
  283. (/2019) A war for the soul of America: a history of the culture wars [i]
  284. () What the #@!* are they fighting about?!?: reflections on fairness, identity, social capital, and peacemaking in family conflicts [d]
  285. () Fear and loathing across party lines: new evidence on group polarization [d] [j]
  286. () Arrests as regulation [u]
  287. () Fear and hope in intractable conflicts: the automatic vs. reflective attributes of collective emotional orientations [i] [d]
  288. () Constructive controversy: theory, research, practice [i] [d]
  289. () Integrating the differentiated: a review of the personal construct approach to cognitive complexity [d]
  290. () 10 tips for reducing anger [u]
  291. () The problem with cynical prosecutor's syndrome: rethinking a prosecutor's role in post-conviction cases [d] [u]
  292. () Judicial wisdom: the process of constructing wise decisions [d]
  293. () Unearthing conflict: corporate mining, activism, and expertise in Peru [i] [d]
  294. () An empirical test of rejection- and anger-related interpretation bias in borderline personality disorder [d]
  295. () The conflict paradox: seven dilemmas at the core of disputes [i]
  296. () Moral disengagement in 'war fever': how can we resist? [i] [d]
  297. Gerard McElwee & Robert Smith [ed] () Exploring criminal and illegal enterprise: new perspectives on research, policy & practice [i]
  298. () Epistemic cognition and development: the psychology of justification and truth [i] [d]
  299. () Public health, youth violence, and perpetrator well-being [d]
  300. () Terrorists at the table: why negotiating is the only way to peace [i]
  301. Nati Ron'el & Dana Segev [ed] () Positive criminology [i] [d]
  302. () Improving negotiation effectiveness with skills of emotional competence [i] [d]
  303. David A. Schroeder & William G. Graziano [ed] () The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  304. Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal [ed] () How is global dialogue possible?: foundational research on values, conflicts, and intercultural thought [i] [d]
  305. () Cure Violence: treating violence as a contagious disease [i] [d]
  306. () A user's guide to debiasing [i] [d]
  307. () Ordering proof: beyond adversarial and inquisitorial trial structures [u]
  308. () The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
  309. () Withstanding tensions: scientific disagreement and epistemic tolerance [i] [d]
  310. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  311. () The cognitive–affective structure of political ideologies [i] [d]
  312. () Beyond the Thomas–Kilmann model: into extreme conflict [d]
  313. Mark V. Tushnet, Mark A. Graber, & Sanford Levinson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the U.S. Constitution [i] [d]
  314. () The paradox of liberation: secular revolutions and religious counterrevolutions [i] [d]
  315. () Emotions, partisanship, and misperceptions: how anger and anxiety moderate the effect of partisan bias on susceptibility to political misinformation [d]
  316. Tom Woodhouse, Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham, & Christopher Mitchell [ed] () The contemporary conflict resolution reader [i]
  317. () Turning up the lights on gaslighting [d]
  318. () Legally blind: hyperadversarialism, Brady violations, and the prosecutorial organizational culture [u]
  319. () Throwing babies out with the bathwater: adversarialism, ADR and the way forward [alternative dispute resolution] [u]
  320. () The outrage industry: political opinion media and the new incivility [i]
  321. () Law, moral attitudes, and behavioral change [i] [d]
  322. () Engineering and war: militarism, ethics, institutions, alternatives [i] [d]
  323. () When nature and nurture collide: early childhood trauma, adult crime, and the limits of criminal law [i]
  324. () Interpersonal justice, relational conflict, and commitment to change: the moderating role of social interaction [d]
  325. () NGOs, political protest, and civil society [i] [d]
  326. () Human security intelligence: towards a comprehensive understanding of complex emergencies [i] [d]
  327. () Early warning signals for war in the news [d]
  328. () Power and conflict [i]
  329. () Making conflict work: harnessing the power of disagreement [i]
  330. () Tracking managerial conflict adaptivity: introducing a dynamic measure of adaptive conflict management in organizations [d]
  331. () The gun debate: what everyone needs to know [i]
  332. () Political intolerance, right and left [d]
  333. () Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts [d]
  334. Markus Dirk Dubber & Tatjana Hörnle [ed] () The Oxford handbook of criminal law [i] [d]
  335. () So, what's your proposal?: shifting high-conflict people from blaming to problem-solving in 30 seconds! [i]
  336. () Shame and aggression: theoretical considerations [d]
  337. Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Rema E. Reynolds, Katrice A. Albert, & Lori Latrice Martin [ed] () Trayvon Martin, race, and American justice: writing wrong [i] [d]
  338. () Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
  339. () Implications of pro- and counterattitudinal information exposure for affective polarization [d]
  340. Jean-Louis van Gelder, Henk Elffers, Danielle Reynald, & Daniel Nagin [ed] () Affect and cognition in criminal decision making [i] [d]
  341. () Conflict 101: hot, cold, or just right? [or: To resolve a conflict, first decide: is it hot or cold?] [u]
  342. () Evidence matters: science, proof, and truth in the law [i] [d]
  343. () People claim objectivity after knowingly using biased strategies [p] [d]
  344. () Emerging from the oppositional and the negative [i] [d]
  345. Christopher Hobbs, Matthew Moran, & Daniel Salisbury [ed] () Open source intelligence in the twenty-first century: new approaches and opportunities [i] [d]
  346. () The conceptual structure of social disputes: cognitive-affective maps as a tool for conflict analysis and resolution [d]
  347. () Corruption, contention and reform: the power of deep democratization [i] [d]
  348. () Deliberative methods for complex issues: a typology of functions that may need scaffolding [u]
  349. () False polarization: debiasing as applied social epistemology [d] [j]
  350. () The role of deterrence in Buddhist peace-building [u]
  351. () Radical beliefs and violent actions are not synonymous: how to place the key disjuncture between attitudes and behaviors at the heart of our research into political violence [d]
  352. () Rethinking historical trauma [p] [d]
  353. Gregory Klass, George Letsas, & Prince Saprai [ed] () Philosophical foundations of contract law [i] [d]
  354. () The long shadow of the adversarial and inquisitorial categories [i] [d]
  355. () Searching for injustice: the challenge of postconviction discovery, investigation, and litigation [u]
  356. () Public goods in relation to competition, cooperation, and spite [p] [d] [u]
  357. () Vindicating vindictiveness: prosecutorial discretion and plea bargaining, past and future [u]
  358. () Peace and conflict as group norms [d]
  359. () Emotive language in argumentation [i] [d]
  360. () Unsettling the lawyers: other forms of justice in Indigenous claims of expropriation, abuse, and injustice [d] [j]
  361. () The anger fallacy workbook: practical exercises for overcoming irritation, frustration and anger [i]
  362. () The virtues of ingenuity: reasoning and arguing without bias [d]
  363. () 'A letter to the loser'?: public law and the empowering role of the judgment [d]
  364. () Law and the possibilities of peace [u]
  365. () Forgiving you is hard, but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting? [d]
  366. John Oberdiek [ed] () Philosophical foundations of the law of torts [i] [d]
  367. () Civil litigation and excessive adversarialism [i] [d]
  368. () The other voice in the room: restorative justice facilitators' constructions of justice [d]
  369. Allison D. Redlich, James R. Acker, Robert J. Norris, & Catherine L. Bonventre [ed] () Examining wrongful convictions: stepping back, moving forward [i]
  370. () The fog of peace: human face of conflict resolution [i] [d]
  371. () Just violence [u]
  372. () Everyday bias: identifying and overcoming unconscious prejudice in our daily lives [i]
  373. () Mixed emotions: beyond fear and hatred in international conflict [i] [d]
  374. () Organizing anarchy: the food security–biodiversity–climate crisis and the genesis of rural land use planning in the developing world [d]
  375. () Lessons from inquisitorialism [u]
  376. () Racial disparities in legal outcomes: on policing, charging decisions, and criminal trial proceedings [d]
  377. () Gun crime in global contexts [i] [d]
  378. () The left's self-destructive obsession with shame [u]
  379. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  380. () Comprehensive rhetorical pluralism and the demands of democratic discourse: partisan perfect reasoning, pragmatism, and the freeing solvent of Jaina logic [d] [u]
  381. () The problem is my partner: treating couples when one partner wants the other to change [d]
  382. () Fear-driven inference: mechanisms of gut overreaction [i] [d]
  383. () Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them [i]
  384. () Beyond reason and tolerance: the purpose and practice of higher education [i] [d]
  385. () Resolution of an impasse at a network meeting: dialogical sequence analysis of the use of a shared formulation [d]
  386. () Intimate partner violence and the victim–offender overlap [d]
  387. Juan Esteban Ugarriza & Didier Caluwaerts [ed] () Democratic deliberation in deeply divided societies: from conflict to common ground [i] [d]
  388. () Shame and aggression: different trajectories and implications [d]
  389. () Cyclical psychodynamics and the contextual self: the inner world, the intimate world, and the world of culture and society [i] [d]
  390. () Motive attribution asymmetry for love vs. hate drives intractable conflict [p] [d] [u]
  391. Eyal Zamir & Doron Teichman [ed] () The Oxford handbook of behavioral economics and the law [i] [d]
  392. () Managing conflict in information system design stakeholder conferences: the role of transparency work [i] [d]
  393. () Promoting positive peace one block at a time: lessons from innovative community conferencing programs [i] [d]
  394. () Epidemiological criminology: a public health approach to crime and violence [i]
  395. () 'Borderline' provocations: how not to respond [u]
  396. Randall Amster & Elavie Ndura-Ouédraogo [ed] () Exploring the power of nonviolence: peace, politics, and practice [i] [j]
  397. () Dissensus in science as a fact and as a norm [i] [d]
  398. () Deconstruct and superstruct: examining bias across the legal system [u]
  399. () Sticks and stones: the new problem of bullying and how to solve it [i]
  400. () What moves us: dance and neuroscience implications for conflict approaches [d]
  401. () Evil transformations: social-psychological processes underlying genocide and mass killing [i]
  402. () Leadership, violence, and school climate: case studies in creating nonviolent schools [i]
  403. () 8 keys to eliminating passive-aggressiveness: strategies for transforming your relationships for greater authenticity and joy [i]
  404. () The ways of one and many: exploring the integration of conflict coaching and dialogue-facilitation [u]
  405. () Emotional conflicts in rational forestry: towards a research agenda for understanding emotions in environmental conflicts [d]
  406. () Re-problematizing anger in domestic violence advocacy [u]
  407. () The dance of opposites: explorations in mediation, dialogue and conflict resolution systems [i]
  408. () Public health approaches to violent crime can complement law enforcement [u]
  409. () Second victim: error, guilt, trauma, and resilience [i] [d]
  410. () I hate you, but we can work it out: dealing with anger issues in mediation [o]
  411. () How leaders promote war by exploiting our core concerns [d]
  412. () The failure of counterinsurgency: why hearts and minds are seldom won [i]
  413. () First, do no harm: on addressing the problem of implicit bias in juror decision making [u]
  414. Jan Marie Fritz [ed] () Moving toward a just peace: the mediation continuum [i] [d]
  415. Agnieszka Golec de Zavala & Aleksandra Cichocka [ed] () Social psychology of social problems: the intergroup context [i]
  416. () A framework to assess the harms of crimes [d]
  417. Stephen J. Hartnett, Eleanor Novek, & Jennifer K. Wood [ed] () Working for justice: a handbook of prison education and activism [i] [j]
  418. () Divergent views of mining in Appalachia: reconciling stakeholders in environmental conflict [i]
  419. () A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
  420. () Law as engineering: thinking about what lawyers do [i] [d]
  421. () What is Mandela's secret? [u]
  422. () Differentiation-based models of forgivingness, mental health and social justice commitment: mediator effects for differentiation of self and humility [d]
  423. () Principles of social change [i] [d]
  424. () The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
  425. () Establishing evidence through undercover and collective intelligence interviewing [d]
  426. Mary Kaldor & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () The quest for security: protection without protectionism and the challenge of global governance [i] [d] [j]
  427. Diana Kapiszewski, Gordon Silverstein, & Robert A. Kagan [ed] () Consequential courts: judicial roles in global perspective [i] [d]
  428. () Neural activity during free association to conflict-related sentences [p] [d] [u]
  429. () Restoring the professor and the students: a circle process and contemplative practices in a restorative justice seminar [d]
  430. () The law and economics of norms [u]
  431. () The open hand: arguing as an art of peace [i]
  432. () On minimal deliberation, partisan activism, and teaching people how to disagree [d]
  433. () Public choice theory and overcriminalization [u]
  434. () The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
  435. () Bringing science to bear—on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace [p] [d] [u]
  436. Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] () Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
  437. () Perspective-taking and outgroup helping: the moderating role of warmth impression and outgroup status [d]
  438. () Cognitive systems for revenge and forgiveness [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  439. () Harsh childhood environmental characteristics predict exploitation and retaliation in humans [p] [d] [u]
  440. () Energizing and de-motivating effects of norm-conflict [p] [d]
  441. () Reducing the tendency to aggress: insights from social and personality psychology [d]
  442. () Animal oppression and human violence: domesecration, capitalism, and global conflict [i] [j]
  443. () Constitutional violence: legitimacy, democracy and human rights [i] [d]
  444. () Political ideologies and political parties in America [i] [d]
  445. John T. Parry & L. Song Richardson [ed] () The constitution and the future of criminal justice in America [i] [d]
  446. James E. Penner & Henry E. Smith [ed] () Philosophical foundations of property law [i] [d]
  447. () The anthropology of law [i] [d]
  448. () The nature of psychological reactance revisited: a meta-analytic review [d]
  449. () Implicitly unjust: how defenders can affect systemic racist assumptions [u]
  450. () Understanding and managing conservation conflicts [d]
  451. () Ham sandwich nation: due process when everything is a crime [u]
  452. () Designing systems and processes for managing disputes [i]
  453. () Tackling a wicked problem: water issues! How the Delta Dialogues Project is using dialogue mapping to build shared understanding [u]
  454. () Are the misinformed more punitive?: beliefs and misconceptions in forensic psychology [d]
  455. () Feeling relational: the use of Buddhist mediation in restorative practices [o]
  456. () Breaking the links in intergenerational violence: an emotional regulation perspective [d]
  457. () Neither dichotomous nor split, but schema-related negative interpersonal evaluations characterize borderline patients [p] [d]
  458. () The joy of pain: schadenfreude and the dark side of human nature [i]
  459. () Civil disobedience and deliberative democracy [i] [d]
  460. () Retribution and forgiveness: the healing effects of punishing for just deserts [d]
  461. () Interpersonal power in the criminal system [u]
  462. () Action inquiry and the Boston Marathon bombings: unilateral vs. mutual power [u]
  463. () The psychology of cooperation: implications for public policy [i] [d] [j]
  464. () Attracted to conflict: dynamic foundations of destructive social relations [i] [d]
  465. Katherine S. Van Wormer & Lorenn Walker [ed] () Restorative justice today: practical applications [i] [d]
  466. () Changing on the inside: restorative justice in prisons: a literature review [u]
  467. () Blessed peacemakers: 365 extraordinary people who changed the world [i]
  468. () A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
  469. () Forgiveness and reconciliation in emotionally focused therapy for couples: the client change process and therapist interventions [d]
  470. () Contentious land change in the Amazon's arc of deforestation [d]
  471. () Teaching contested narratives: identity, memory, and reconciliation in peace education and beyond [i] [d]
  472. () The flywheel effect of intimate partner violence: a victim–perpetrator interactive spin [d]
  473. () Common principles of couple therapy [p] [d]
  474. () Using visual representations as boundary objects to resolve conflict in collaborative model-building approaches [d]
  475. () Violate my beliefs? Then you're to blame! Belief content as an explanation for causal attribution biases [d]
  476. Gary E. Bolton & Rachel T. A. Croson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of economic conflict resolution [i] [d]
  477. () Empowering students to create and claim value through the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [d]
  478. () Social cognition in members of conflict groups: behavioural and neural responses in Arabs, Israelis and South Americans to each other's misfortunes [p] [d] [u]
  479. () The power of being heard: the benefits of 'perspective-giving' in the context of intergroup conflict [d]
  480. () Associations between law, competitiveness, and the pursuit of self-interest [i] [d]
  481. () Informing intimate partner violence prevention efforts: dyadic, developmental, and contextual considerations [d]
  482. () 'Psychopaths' at work?: implications of lay persons' use of labels and behavioural criteria for psychopathy [d] [j]
  483. () Do actions speak louder than words?: differential effects of apology and restitution on behavioral and self-report measures of forgiveness [d]
  484. () 'Forgiveness isn't a simple process: it's a vast undertaking': negotiating and communicating forgiveness in nonvoluntary family relationships [d]
  485. () Citizens, community, and crime control: the problems and prospects for negotiated order [d]
  486. () Stereotypes and schadenfreude: affective and physiological markers of pleasure at outgroup misfortunes [d]
  487. () Building sustainable peace and compassionate community [i] [d]
  488. Peter T. Coleman & Morton Deutsch [ed] () The psychological components of sustainable peace [i] [d]
  489. () Getting down to basics: a situated model of conflict in social relations [d]
  490. () Family conflict, emotional security, and child development: translating research findings into a prevention program for community families [d]
  491. () Finding faults: how moral dilemmas illuminate cognitive structure [p] [d]
  492. Brian L. Cutler [ed] () Conviction of the innocent: lessons from psychological research [i] [d]
  493. () Addressing intractable conflict through interactive problem-solving [i] [d]
  494. () Beyond prejudice: are negative evaluations the problem and is getting us to like one another more the solution? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  495. Joel A. Dvoskin, Jennifer L. Skeem, Raymond W. Novaco, & Kevin S. Douglas [ed] () Using social science to reduce violent offending [i] [d]
  496. () What if psychology redesigned the criminal justice system? [i] [d]
  497. () Not in my watershed! Will increased federal supervision really bring better coordination between land use and water planning? [d]
  498. () Punishment, participatory democracy, and the jury [i] [d]
  499. () Splitting America: how politicians, super PACs and the news mirror high conflict divorce [i]
  500. () The parties versus the people: how to turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans [i] [d] [j]
  501. () When the direct route is blocked: the extended contact pathway to improving intergroup relations [d]
  502. () Racecraft: the soul of inequality in American life [i]
  503. () The science of attorney advocacy: how courtroom behavior affects jury decision making [i] [d] [j]
  504. () Buddhism, punishment, and reconciliation [u]
  505. () Transforming communication for peace [i] [d]
  506. () Climate triggers: rainfall anomalies, vulnerability and communal conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa [d]
  507. () Hormonal mechanisms for regulation of aggression in human coalitions [p] [d]
  508. () Betrayal: an inevitable part of leadership? [d]
  509. Jared Genser & Irwin Cotler [ed] () The responsibility to protect: the promise of stopping mass atrocities in our time [i] [d]
  510. () Using private rights to manage natural resources: is stewardship linked to ownership? [d]
  511. () Transitional justice and truth commissions: exploring narratives of repair and healing in the post-Holocaust era [d]
  512. () On settling [i] [d] [j]
  513. () Just an anger synonym?: moral context influences predictors of disgust word use [p] [d]
  514. () The global power of talk: negotiating America's interests [i] [d]
  515. Jon Hanson [ed] () Ideology, psychology, and law [i] [d]
  516. () The problem of policing [u]
  517. () Emotions about crime and attitudes to punishment [d]
  518. () An introduction to modern CBT: psychological solutions to mental health problems [i]
  519. () Sex and world peace [i] [j]
  520. () Water diplomacy: a negotiated approach to managing complex water networks [i]
  521. () Affect, not ideology: a social identity perspective on polarization [d]
  522. David Jensen & Stephen C. Lonergan [ed] () Assessing and restoring natural resources in post-conflict peacebuilding [i] [d]
  523. () Useful enemies: when waging wars is more important than winning them [i] [d] [j]
  524. () Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals [d]
  525. () Bias perception and the spiral of conflict [i] [d]
  526. () Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
  527. Hélène Landemore & Jon Elster [ed] () Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  528. Dan Landis & Rosita D. Albert [ed] () Handbook of ethnic conflict: international perspectives [i] [d]
  529. () Clearly we've only just begun: developing effective prevention programs for intimate partner violence [d]
  530. Janice H. Laurence & Michael D. Matthews [ed] () The Oxford handbook of military psychology [i] [d]
  531. () Still convicting the innocent [book review] [u]
  532. () The party is over: how Republicans went crazy, Democrats became useless, and the middle class got shafted [i]
  533. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  534. () California's Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta conflict: from cooperation to chicken [d]
  535. () Transforming the negotiator: the impact of critical learning on teaching and practicing negotiation [d]
  536. () Confronting criminal law's violence: the possibilities of unfinished alternatives [u]
  537. () Prosecution complex: America's race to convict, and its impact on the innocent [i] [d] [j]
  538. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow [ed] () International dispute resolution [i]
  539. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow [ed] () Multi-party dispute resolution, democracy and decision-making [i]
  540. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow [ed] () Foundations of dispute resolution [i]
  541. () Pax ethnica: where and how diversity succeeds [i]
  542. () Intergroup dialogue: a critical-dialogic model for conflict engagement [i] [d]
  543. () When suffering begets suffering: the psychology of competitive victimhood between adversarial groups in violent conflicts [p] [d]
  544. () Predictors of violence and delinquency among high risk youth and youth gang members in San Salvador, El Salvador [d]
  545. () Pursuit of happiness and resolution of conflict: an agenda for the future of ADR [alternative dispute resolution] [u]
  546. () The central place of race in crime and justice [d]
  547. () Emotion differentiation moderates aggressive tendencies in angry people: a daily diary analysis [p] [d]
  548. () An initial study on how families deal with ridicule and being laughed at: parenting styles and parent–child relations with respect to gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism [d]
  549. () Radical distortion: how emotions warp what we hear [i]
  550. () Unraveling victim–offender overlap: exploring profiles and constellations of risk [d]
  551. () Bullying in schools: addressing desires, not only behaviours [d]
  552. () Emotion regulation and aggression [d]
  553. () (Re)forming the jury: detection and disinfection of implicit juror bias [u]
  554. Paul Roberts & Jill B. Hunter [ed] () Criminal evidence and human rights: reimagining common law procedural traditions [i] [d]
  555. () Tough guys and true believers: managing authoritarian men in the psychotherapy room [i] [d]
  556. () Independents rising: outsider movements, third parties, and the struggle for post-partisan America [i]
  557. Jürgen Scheffran, Michael Brzoska, Hans Günter Brauch, Peter Michael Link, & Janpeter Schilling [ed] () Climate change, human security and violent conflict: challenges for societal stability [i] [d]
  558. () Stressed by colleagues who disagree with you? [u]
  559. Matthew A. Schnurr & Larry A. Swatuk [ed] () Environmental change, natural resources and social conflict [i] [d]
  560. () Splitting and emotional regulation in partner violence [d]
  561. () Escalation and mindfulness [d]
  562. () Delta theory and psychosocial systems: the practice of influence and change [i] [d]
  563. Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi [ed] () Handbook of social resource theory: theoretical extensions, empirical insights, and social applications [i] [d]
  564. () Severe public humiliation: its nature, consequences, and clinical treatment [p] [d]
  565. Linda R. Tropp [ed] () The Oxford handbook of intergroup conflict [i] [d]
  566. () The rationality of extremists: a Talmonist insight we need to respond to [d]
  567. () El Salvador's pandilleros calmados: the challenges of contesting mano dura through peer rehabilitation and empowerment [d]
  568. () Blame narratives and the news: an ethical analysis [d]
  569. Mark D. Alicke & Constantine Sedikides [ed] () Handbook of self-enhancement and self-protection [i]
  570. Mark Anstey, Paul W. Meerts, & I. William Zartman [ed] () The slippery slope to genocide: reducing identity conflicts and preventing mass murder [i] [d]
  571. Francesco Aquilar & Mauro Galluccio [ed] () Psychological and political strategies for peace negotiation: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
  572. () Mobilizing communities to implement evidence-based practices in youth violence prevention: the state of the art [p] [d]
  573. () Moral hypocrisy: a self-enhancement/self-protection motive in the moral domain [i]
  574. () A map of 21st century conflicts in Europe [d]
  575. () A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  576. () Strategic moral diplomacy: understanding the enemy's moral universe [i]
  577. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czesław Mesjasz, John Grin, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Béchir Chourou, Pál Dunay, & Jörn Birkmann [ed] () Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks [i] [d]
  578. () Don't advocate from a position of hate [or anger/aggression] [u]
  579. () It's the local economy, stupid!: geographic wealth dispersion and conflict outbreak location [d]
  580. () Violent video games cause an increase in aggression long after the game has been turned off [d]
  581. () Why civil resistance works: the strategic logic of nonviolent conflict [i] [j]
  582. () Us and them: intergroup failures of empathy [d]
  583. () Us versus them: social identity shapes neural responses to intergroup competition and harm [d]
  584. () Adversarial science: conflict resolution and scientific review in British Columbia's central coast [d]
  585. () The conservation game [d]
  586. () The terrorist rhetorical style and its consequences for understanding terrorist violence [d]
  587. () The hidden implications of radical group rhetoric: integrative complexity and terrorism [d]
  588. () Social justice and the experience of emotion [i] [d]
  589. () An examination of conflict style preferences in India [d]
  590. () The social psychology of identity and inter-group conflict: from theory to practice [d]
  591. () Comprehensive law practice: law as a healing profession [i]
  592. () Honing the stone: refining restorative justice as a vehicle for emotional redress [d]
  593. () Restorative justice and democracy: fostering public accountability for criminal justice [d]
  594. () Suffering for water, suffering from water: emotional geographies of resource access, control and conflict [d]
  595. () Escalation of images in international conflicts [i] [d]
  596. (/2012) Adversarial inquisitions: rethinking the search for the truth [u]
  597. () Envy up, scorn down: how status divides us [i] [j]
  598. () Post-adversarial and post-inquisitorial justice: transcending traditional penological paradigms [d]
  599. () Compassion and healing in medicine and society: on the nature and use of attachment solutions to separation challenges [i]
  600. () Arne Naess, peace and Gandhi [d]
  601. () Convicting the innocent: where criminal prosecutions go wrong [i] [d] [j]
  602. () A call for a social network-oriented approach to services for survivors of intimate partner violence [d]
  603. () The science of trust: emotional attunement for couples [i]
  604. () To escape blame, don't be a hero—be a victim [d]
  605. () Argumentation in dispute mediation: a reasonable way to handle conflict [i] [d]
  606. () Dignity: the essential role it plays in resolving conflict [i] [d] [j]
  607. () Analyzing framing processes in conflicts and communication by means of logical argument mapping [i] [u]
  608. Joan Serra Hoffman, Lyndee M. Knox, & Robert Cohen [ed] () Beyond suppression: global perspectives on youth violence [i]
  609. () Crime, punishment, and the psychology of self-control [u]
  610. () Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
  611. () Grounding human rights in a pluralist world [i] [j]
  612. () Conceptualizing the challenge of reducing interpersonal violence [d]
  613. () Narrative in the teaching and practice of conflict analysis, transformation, and peacebuilding [i]
  614. () Drugs and drug policy: what everyone needs to know [i]
  615. () Alter-geopolitics: other securities are happening [d]
  616. () Personal schemas in the negotiation process: a cognitive therapy approach [i] [d]
  617. () The impact of civility interventions on employee social behavior, distress, and attitudes [d]
  618. () Bullying, suicide, and homicide: understanding, assessing, and preventing threats to self and others for victims of bullying [i] [d]
  619. () Religion, clubs, and emergent social divides [d]
  620. () Psychological abuse in young couples: risk factors [d]
  621. () Explaining support for violating out-group human rights in conflict: attitudes toward principles of human rights, trust in the out-group, and intergroup contact [d]
  622. () The United States of America: 'a culture of war' [d]
  623. Thomas Matyók, Jessica Senehi, & Sean Byrne [ed] () Critical issues in peace and conflict studies: theory, practice, and pedagogy [i]
  624. () Failures of American civil justice in international perspective [i] [d]
  625. Kelly E. Maxwell, Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda, Monita C. Thompson, & Patricia Gurin [ed] () Facilitating intergroup dialogues: bridging differences, catalyzing change [i]
  626. () 'Transforming justice': challenges for restorative justice in an era of punishment-based corrections [d]
  627. () Ways to improve political decision-making: negotiating errors to be avoided [i] [d]
  628. () Queer (in)justice: the criminalization of LGBT people in the United States [i]
  629. () A deliberative look at alternative dispute resolution and the rule of law [u]
  630. () Consciousness in culture-based conflict and conflict resolution [d]
  631. () Elusive peace: how modern diplomatic strategies could better resolve world conflicts [i]
  632. (/2014) Healing the heart of democracy: the courage to create a politics worthy of the human spirit [i]
  633. Alexander Papachristou [ed] () Blind goddess: a reader on race and justice [i]
  634. () Using social norms to reduce bullying: a research intervention among adolescents in five middle schools [d]
  635. () Learning through deepening conversations: a key strategy of insight mediation [d]
  636. () The positive effect of negative emotions in protracted conflict: the case of anger [d]
  637. () Systemic hypothesising for challenging behaviour in intellectual disabilities: a reflecting team approach [d]
  638. () The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice: an epistemic needs approach to racial categorization [d]
  639. () Join the club: how peer pressure can transform the world [i]
  640. () The quality of government: corruption, social trust, and inequality in international perspective [i] [d]
  641. () Rethinking conflict: perspectives from the insight approach [d]
  642. () American policing at a crossroads: unsustainable policies and the procedural justice alternative [u]
  643. () The justice cascade: how human rights prosecutions are changing world politics [i]
  644. () Kinds of environments—a framework for reflecting on the possible contours of a better world [d]
  645. () Agonistic intimacy and moral aspiration in popular Hinduism: a study in the political theology of the neighbor [d]
  646. () Juveniles at risk: a plea for preventive justice [i] [d]
  647. () The nature of juristic paradigms: exploring the theoretical and conceptual relationship between adversarialism and therapeutic jurisprudence [u]
  648. () Retributive and inclusive justice goals and forgiveness: the influence of motivational values [d]
  649. () Rethinking insurgency: criminality, spirituality, and societal warfare in the Americas [d]
  650. () Achieving forgiveness and trust in postconflict societies: the importance of self-disclosure and empathy [i] [d]
  651. () Perceived transgressor agreeableness decreases cortisol response and increases forgiveness following recent interpersonal transgressions [d]
  652. () The political economy of power-sharing [d]
  653. Linda R. Tropp & Robyn K. Mallett [ed] () Moving beyond prejudice reduction: pathways to positive intergroup relations [i] [d]
  654. () The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
  655. () A faithful compass: rethinking the term restorative justice to find clarity [d]
  656. () Compassionate reappraisal and emotion suppression as alternatives to offense-focused rumination: implications for forgiveness and psychophysiological well-being [d]
  657. () Humiliation, self-esteem and violence [d]
  658. () The effects of neutral, evaluative, and pressing mediator strategies [d]
  659. () The communication of hate [i]
  660. () Deliberative assessment in complex socioecological systems: recommendations for environmental assessment in drylands [d]
  661. () Unlocking the legal system from vengeance, harm, and punitive justice: toward a compassionate revolution of peace, caring, and unitive justice [u]
  662. () Adolescents' implicit theories predict desire for vengeance after peer conflicts: correlational and experimental evidence [p] [d]
  663. () The ombudsman handbook: designing and managing an effective problem-solving program [i]
  664. () Environmental harms, use conflicts, and neutral baselines in environmental law [u]
  665. (/2012) The new Jim Crow: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness [i]
  666. () The diversity education dilemma: exposing status hierarchies without reinforcing them [d]
  667. () Conflict, power, and violence in families [d]
  668. () From freedom to self-governance: complementing human needs with responsibilities, a critical appraisal [o] [u]
  669. () Facilitated dialogues with teachers in conflict-ridden areas: in search of pedagogical openings that move beyond the paralysing effects of perpetrator–victim narratives [d]
  670. () Frames of injustice: the bias we overlook [u]
  671. () Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
  672. Jennifer M. Brown & Elizabeth A. Campbell [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of forensic psychology [i] [d]
  673. Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté, Sean M. Lynn-Jones, & Steven E. Miller [ed] () Contending with terrorism: roots, strategies, and responses [i] [j]
  674. () Peacemaking in the culture war between gay rights and religious liberty [u]
  675. () The structure of justification in political constructivism [d] [j]
  676. () Dealing with dilemmas: where business analytics fall short [i] [d]
  677. Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer [ed] (/2012) The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research [i] [d]
  678. () Beyond drug wars: transforming factional conflict in Mexico [d]
  679. Robert J. Chaskin [ed] () Youth gangs and community intervention: research, practice, and evidence [i] [d] [j]
  680. Richard J. Crisp [ed] () The psychology of social and cultural diversity [i] [d]
  681. () Glucose consumption decreases impulsive aggression in response to provocation in aggressive individuals [d]
  682. () Practical poetry: Thich Nhat Hanh and the cultivation of a problem-oriented officer [d]
  683. () Punitive emotions and norm violations [d]
  684. () The way you make me feel: evidence for individual differences in affective presence [d]
  685. () Challenges of power asymmetry and justice for problem-solving workshops [d]
  686. () The case for needs in psychotherapy [d]
  687. () Streetworkers, youth violence prevention, and peacemaking in Lowell, Massachusetts: lessons and voices from the community [d]
  688. () Emotional display rules and emotion self-regulation: associations with bullying and victimization in community-based after school programs [d]
  689. () American citizen, global citizen: how expanding your identity makes you richer, stronger, wiser—and builds a better world [i]
  690. () Hybrid peace: the interaction between top-down and bottom-up peace [d]
  691. () Militarizing culture: essays on the warfare state [i] [d]
  692. () Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age [p] [d] [u]
  693. () Facilitating conflict transformation: mediator strategies for eliciting emotional communication in a workplace conflict [d]
  694. Ani Kalayjian & Dominique Eugene [ed] () Mass trauma and emotional healing around the world: rituals and practices for resilience and meaning-making [i]
  695. () Moving forward by agreeing to disagree: a response to 'Healing ecology' [u]
  696. Philip Keefer & Norman Loayza [ed] () Innocent bystanders: developing countries and the war on drugs [i]
  697. Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams, & Robert J. Smith [ed] () Trade-offs in conservation: deciding what to save [i] [d]
  698. () When blood and bones cry out: journeys through the soundscape of healing and reconciliation [i]
  699. () Causes of war [i]
  700. () Self and other justice beliefs, impulsivity, rumination, and forgiveness: justice beliefs can both prevent and promote forgiveness [d]
  701. () Coping with control and manipulation: making the difference between being a target and becoming a victim [i]
  702. () Psychodynamic techniques: working with emotion in the therapeutic relationship [i]
  703. () Fight club: doctors vs. lawyers—a peace plan grounded in self-interest [u]
  704. () Values for peace: ethnographic lessons from the Semai of Malaysia and the Mardu of Australia [d]
  705. () Bargaining with the devil: when to negotiate, when to fight [i]
  706. () Civilians into warriors: mechanisms of mobilization in US Army recruitment and training [d]
  707. () Understanding the spread of malignant conflict: a dynamical systems perspective [d]
  708. Douglas W. Nangle [ed] () Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills [i]
  709. Margaret Ann Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix, & Elizabeth Mullen [ed] () Fairness and groups [i] [d]
  710. () Crisis early warning and decision support: contemporary approaches and thoughts on future research [d]
  711. Randy K. Otto & Kevin S. Douglas [ed] () Handbook of violence risk assessment [i] [d]
  712. () Promoting human dignity: an evaluation of a programme for racially motivated offenders [d]
  713. () The effectiveness and relative importance of choice in the classroom [d]
  714. () Divergent social worlds: neighborhood crime and the racial–spatial divide [i] [j]
  715. (/2014) False justice: eight myths that convict the innocent [i] [d]
  716. () Dominance signals in debates [i] [d]
  717. James Ptacek [ed] () Restorative justice and violence against women [i]
  718. () Transforming violent conflict: radical disagreement, dialogue and survival [i] [d]
  719. () Unsettling the settler within: Indian residential schools, truth telling, and reconciliation in Canada [i]
  720. () Fundamentalism in American religion and law: Obama's challenge to patriarchy's threat to democracy [i] [d]
  721. () 'We had a constant battle': the role of attachment status in counselling psychologists' experiences of personal therapy: some results from a mixed-methods study [d]
  722. () Peacebuilding: preventing violent conflict in a complex world [i]
  723. Sandy Schuman [ed] () The handbook for working with difficult groups: how they are difficult, why they are difficult and what you can do about it [i]
  724. () NIMBY, agent-relative reasons and public reason: an open peer commentary on Simon Feldman and Derek Turner's 'Why not NIMBY?' [d]
  725. () Stop overreacting: effective strategies for calming your emotions [i]
  726. () Beyond restorative justice: radical organizing against violence [i] [d]
  727. () The cognitive processing of politics and politicians: archival studies of conceptual and integrative complexity [p] [d]
  728. () Learning as core of psychological science and clinical practice [u]
  729. () Why people cooperate: the role of social motivations [i] [d] [j]
  730. () Essentialist theory of 'hybrids': from animal kinds to ethnic categories and race [d]
  731. () Huikahi restorative circles: a public health approach for reentry planning [u]
  732. () Predicting conflict in space and time [d]
  733. () Framing innocents: the wrongly convicted as victims of state harm [d]
  734. () The ballot and the badge: democratic policing [d]
  735. () The effect of essentialism in settings of historic intergroup atrocities [d]
  736. () The reconciliation pyramid—a narrative-based framework for analyzing identity conflicts [d]
  737. () Ordinary injustice: how America holds court [i]
  738. () A sense of self-perceived collective victimhood in intractable conflicts [d]
  739. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  740. () Using empathy to improve intergroup attitudes and relations [d]
  741. () The geography of criminal law [u]
  742. () Using strategic sustainable development as an approach to conflict resolution [d]
  743. Tore Bjørgo & John Horgan [ed] () Leaving terrorism behind: individual and collective disengagement [i]
  744. () The problems with blaming [i] [u]
  745. () Common ecology quantifies human insurgency [p] [d]
  746. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czesław Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, & Heinz Krummenacher [ed] () Facing global environmental change: environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts [i] [d]
  747. James H. Bray & Mark Stanton [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of family psychology [i] [d]
  748. () Addressing partisan perceptions [i] [u]
  749. () Political mindset: effects of schema priming on liberal–conservative political positions [d]
  750. () Official incidents of domestic violence: types, injury, and associations with nonofficial couple aggression [d]
  751. () The challenge of leading on unstable ground: triggers that activate social identity faultlines [d]
  752. () Thinking with culture in law and development [u]
  753. () Never being able to say you're sorry: barriers to apology by leaders in group conflicts [u]
  754. () Family group conferences in child welfare: the fit with restorative justice [d]
  755. (/2016) Downward and upward spirals in intergroup interactions: compassionate goals and transcending the ego [or: the role of egosystem and ecosystem goals] [i] [d]
  756. () Putting perspectives into participation: constructive conflict methodology for problem structuring in stakeholder dialogues [i] [u]
  757. () Non-state armed actors, new imagined communities, and shifting patterns of sovereignty and insecurity in the modern world [d]
  758. () Offender emotion and self-regulation: implications for offender rehabilitation programming [d]
  759. () An individual-group belief framework: predicting life satisfaction, group identification, and support for the 'war on terror' [d]
  760. () Environmental conflict resolution: evaluating performance outcomes and contributing factors [d]
  761. David M. Engel & Michael W. McCann [ed] () Fault lines: tort law as cultural practice [i] [d]
  762. () Viewing cognitive conflicts as dilemmas: implications for mental health [d]
  763. () Dealing with differences: dramas of mediating public disputes [i]
  764. () Negotiation as a post-modern process [i] [u]
  765. Sharon Morgillo Freeman, Bret A. Moore, & Arthur Freeman [ed] () Living and surviving in harm's way: a psychological treatment handbook for pre- and post-deployment of military personnel [i]
  766. (/2016) A common ingroup identity: categorization, identity, and intergroup relations [i] [d]
  767. () Mental, physical, and behavioral outcomes associated with perceived work stress in police officers [d]
  768. () Extremism and social learning [d]
  769. () Ethical analysis: a structured approach to facilitate the resolution of forest conflicts [d]
  770. () Aggression replacement training: decreasing behaviour problems by increasing emotional competence [i]
  771. () Transforming societies after political violence: truth, reconciliation, and mental health [i] [d]
  772. () Film collaboration and creative conflict [d]
  773. () Walking away from terrorism: accounts of disengagement from radical and extremist movements [i]
  774. () Exploring the role of emotion in conflict transformation [d]
  775. () Becoming ethical: a parallel, political journey with men who have abused [i]
  776. () Chicago program applies public health principles to street violence [u]
  777. Gareth A. Jones & Dennis Rodgers [ed] () Youth violence in Latin America: gangs and juvenile justice in perspective [i] [d]
  778. () Gangs, urban violence, and security interventions in Central America [d]
  779. () Forgiveness in spite of denial, revisionism, and injustice [i] [d]
  780. Ani Kalayjian & Raymond F. Paloutzian [ed] () Forgiveness and reconciliation: psychological pathways to conflict transformation and peace building [i] [d]
  781. () Non-adversarial justice [i]
  782. () When brute force fails: how to have less crime and less punishment [i] [d] [j]
  783. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  784. () Controversies involving gender and intimate partner violence in the United States [d]
  785. (/2022) What we say matters: practicing nonviolent communication [i]
  786. () Here we go again: a dynamic systems perspective on emotional rigidity across parent–adolescent conflicts [p] [d]
  787. () Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  788. () Emotion and conflict: how human rights can dignify emotion and help us wage good conflict [i]
  789. () A different 'enlightened' jurisprudence? [u]
  790. () The conflict over environmental regulation in the United States: origins, outcomes, and comparisons with the EU and other regions [i] [d]
  791. () Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
  792. () Staying with conflict: a strategic approach to ongoing disputes [i]
  793. () Nonviolence and peace psychology: intrapersonal, interpersonal, societal and world peace [i] [d]
  794. Claire McGlynn [ed] () Peace education in conflict and post-conflict societies: comparative perspectives [i] [d]
  795. Thomas W. Miller [ed] () Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan [i] [d]
  796. () Problem solving courts: a measure of justice [i]
  797. () The geopolitics of emotion: how cultures of fear, humiliation, and hope are reshaping the world [i]
  798. Maritza Montero & Christopher C. Sonn [ed] () Psychology of liberation: theory and applications [i]
  799. () Living beyond war: a citizen's guide [i]
  800. () Snitching: criminal informants and the erosion of American justice [i] [d] [j]
  801. () Ushahidi, or 'testimony': Web 2.0 tools for crowdsourcing crisis information [u]
  802. () Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW): nationwide organization development intervention at Veterans Health Administration [d]
  803. () The goals of adversarialism [u]
  804. Todd L. Pittinsky [ed] () Crossing the divide: intergroup leadership in a world of difference [i]
  805. () The perils of global legalism [i] [d]
  806. () Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis in natural resource management [d]
  807. () Managing the rivalry of competing institutional logics [d]
  808. () Awareness and ethics in dispute resolution and law: why mindfulness tends to foster ethical behavior [u]
  809. () When development meets culture and conflict: the challenges and paradoxes of the good samaritan [d]
  810. Dennis J. D. Sandole, Sean Byrne, Ingrid Sandole-Staroste, & Jessica Senehi [ed] () Handbook of conflict analysis and resolution [i] [d]
  811. () Pain and defense versus grace and justice: the relational conflict and restoration model [d]
  812. () Learning values for living together [d]
  813. () Appropriate treatment works, but how?: rehabilitating general, psychopathic, and high-risk offenders [i]
  814. () The dilemma of the vengeful client: a prescriptive framework for cooling the flames of anger [u]
  815. () Reactions to discrimination, stigmatization, ostracism, and other forms of interpersonal rejection: a multimotive model [d]
  816. () Becoming who we are: a theoretical explanation of gendered social structures and social networks that shape adolescent interpersonal aggression [d]
  817. (/2010) In praise of the guilty project: a criminal defense lawyer's growing anxiety about innocence projects [u]
  818. () Common factors in couple and family therapy: the overlooked foundation for effective practice [i]
  819. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  820. () Who brings which peace?: neutral versus biased mediation and institutional peace arrangements in civil wars [d]
  821. () Identity fusion: the interplay of personal and social identities in extreme group behavior [p] [d]
  822. () Dialogue, forgiveness, and reconciliation [i] [d]
  823. () Participatory planning of interventions to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts [p] [d]
  824. () The role of victim beliefs in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict: risk or potential for peace? [d]
  825. () Coalitions, science, and belief change: comparing adversarial and collaborative policy subsystems [d]
  826. () Police and their perceived image: how community influence officers' job satisfaction [d]
  827. () Love as a battlefield: attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence [d]
  828. () Transformative family therapy: just families in a just society [i]
  829. () Simple kindness can go a long way: relationships, social identity, and engagement [d]
  830. () Cross-cultural perspectives on intimate partner violence [p]
  831. () Managing conflict in construction megaprojects: leadership and third-party principles [d]
  832. () A fighting chance: can conservation create a platform for peace within cycles of human conflict? [i]
  833. () Peacemaking circles & urban youth: bringing justice home [i]
  834. (/2014) Knowledge cartography for controversies: the Iraq debate [i] [d]
  835. () Peace psychology for a peaceful world [p] [d]
  836. (/2015) Conflict revolution: designing preventative solutions for chronic social, economic and political conflicts [or: Conflict revolution: mediating evil, war, injustice and terrorism: how mediators can help save the planet] [i]
  837. () Negotiation, meet new governance: interests, skills, and selves [d]
  838. () The geography of genocide [i]
  839. Joseph De Rivera [ed] () Handbook on building cultures of peace [i] [d]
  840. () Mindfulness, compassion, and the police in America: an essay of hope [u]
  841. () It's all your fault!: 12 tips for managing people who blame others for everything [i]
  842. Victoria M. Esses & Richard Vernon [ed] () Explaining the breakdown of ethnic relations: why neighbors kill [i] [d]
  843. () The responsibility to protect: ending mass atrocity crimes once and for all [i]
  844. () Antidotes to envy: a conceptual framework [i] [d]
  845. () Not so innocent: does seeing one's own capability for wrongdoing predict forgiveness? [p] [d]
  846. () Ten points on war [d]
  847. () Innocents at risk: adversary imbalance, forensic science, and the search for truth [u]
  848. () Challenging conflict: mediation through understanding [i]
  849. () Learning from extant cultures of peace [i] [d]
  850. () Meeting universal human needs as the foundation of individual and social development and of social and global justice [d]
  851. () Indigenous peace-making versus the liberal peace [d] [j]
  852. () The ontology of conflict [d]
  853. () Differential effects of emotion-focused therapy and psychoeducation in facilitating forgiveness and letting go of emotional injuries [d]
  854. () Emotion-focused couples therapy: the dynamics of emotion, love, and power [i] [d]
  855. () Adding the temporal and spatial aspects of routine activities: a further test of routine activity theory [d]
  856. () Avoidance motivation in psychological problems and psychotherapy [p] [d]
  857. (/2010) Preventing genocide: practical steps toward early detection and effective action [i] [d]
  858. () Mindfulness as a means of reducing aggressive behavior: dispositional and situational evidence [d]
  859. () You did that on purpose: understanding and changing children's aggression [i] [d] [j]
  860. C. Ronald Huff & Martin Killias [ed] (/2013) Wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice: causes and remedies in North American and European criminal justice systems [i]
  861. () Who fights?: the determinants of participation in civil war [d] [j]
  862. () Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
  863. () A typology of domestic violence: intimate terrorism, violent resistance, and situational couple violence [i]
  864. () Conflict coaching: conflict management strategies and skills for the individual [i]
  865. () Commitment to connection in a culture of fear [d]
  866. () Values as protective factors against violent behavior in Jewish and Arab high schools in Israel [p] [d] [j]
  867. () Blocking the transmission of violence [u]
  868. () Paths to interpersonal forgiveness: the roles of personality, disposition to forgive and contextual factors in predicting forgiveness following a specific offence [d]
  869. () Desistance from terrorism: what can we learn from criminology? [d]
  870. () Envy, inferiority, and injustice: three bases of anger about inequality [i] [d]
  871. () The 'chicken and egg' of subjective and social factors in desistance from crime [d]
  872. () Transformative aspects of genogram work: perceptions and experiences of graduate students in a counseling training program [d]
  873. () Restorative dispute resolution in Anishinaabe communities: restoring conceptions of relationships based on Dodem [u]
  874. () Emotion, affect displacement, conflict and cooperation [i]
  875. Fathali M. Moghaddam, Rom Harré, & Naomi Lee [ed] () Global conflict resolution through positioning analysis [i]
  876. () Procedural justice and compliance behaviour: the mediating role of emotions [d]
  877. Arie Nadler, Thomas E. Malloy, & Jeffrey D. Fisher [ed] () The social psychology of intergroup reconciliation [i]
  878. Mitchell O'Brien, Rick Stapenhurst, & Niall Johnston [ed] () Parliaments as peacebuilders in conflict-affected countries [i]
  879. () Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus [i]
  880. () Peace education: exploring ethical and philosophical foundations [i]
  881. () Geography of advice seeking [d]
  882. () Kicking the (barking) dog effect: the moderating role of target attributes on triggered displaced aggression [p] [d]
  883. (/2015) The hidden structure of violence: who benefits from global violence and war [i]
  884. () How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
  885. () Positioning and conflict involving a person with dementia: a case study [i] [d]
  886. Rafe Sagarin & Terence Taylor [ed] () Natural security: a Darwinian approach to a dangerous world [i] [d]
  887. () The role of acceptance and empowerment in promoting reconciliation from the perspective of the needs-based model [d]
  888. () Splitting as a focus of couples treatment [d]
  889. () The language of violence: distinguishing terrorist from nonterrorist groups by thematic content analysis [d]
  890. () Conflict prevention in project management: strategies, methods, checklists, and case studies [i] [d]
  891. () From organizational meaning through splitting to organizational meaning through integration: healing the great divide [o]
  892. () The nature of hate [i] [d]
  893. Brandon A. Sullivan, Mark Snyder, & John L. Sullivan [ed] () Cooperation: the political psychology of effective human interaction [i]
  894. () The conflict-positive organization: it depends upon us [d]
  895. Mary Adams Trujillo, S. Y. Bowland, Linda James Myers, Phillip M. Richards, & Beth Roy [ed] () Re-centering culture and knowledge in conflict resolution practice [i]
  896. () Mutual learning as an agenda for social development [i]
  897. () Security, unpredictability, and evolution: policy and the history of life [i] [d]
  898. () Witness testimony evidence: argumentation, artificial intelligence, and law [i] [d]
  899. () Beyond ideology: dialogue [i] [d]
  900. () Retributive and restorative justice [d]
  901. () The handbook of community safety, gender and violence prevention: practical planning tools [i] [d]
  902. () Clients' experiences of difference with therapists: sustaining faith in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  903. () News media and peace building in asymmetrical conflicts: the flow of news between Jordan and Israel [d]
  904. () Poverty and peacemaking criminology: beyond mainstream criminology [d]
  905. () Social responsibility therapy for adolescents and young adults: a multicultural treatment manual for harmful behavior [i]
  906. () Negotiation and conflict management: essays on theory and practice [i] [d]
  907. () How sustained conflict makes moral education impossible: some observations from Palestine [d]
  908. () Reframing practices in moral conflict: interaction problems in the negotiation standoff at Waco [d]
  909. () Sustainable agriculture: towards a conflict management based agricultural extension [u]
  910. () Popular culture and the adversary system [u]
  911. Michael W. Brough, John W. Lango, & Harry van der Linden [ed] () Rethinking the just war tradition [i]
  912. () Political violence and the authoritarian state in Peru: silencing civil society [i] [d]
  913. (/2011) Violencia y autoritarismo en el Perú: bajo la sombra de Sendero y la dictadura de Fujimori [i]
  914. () Typological approaches to violence in couples: a critique and alternative conceptual approach [d]
  915. () Awakening warrior: revolution in the ethics of warfare [i]
  916. () Punishment beyond the legal offender [d]
  917. () The hidden dimensions: profound sorrow and buried potential in violent youth [d]
  918. (/2017) Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization [or: Just culture: balancing safety and accountability] [i] [d]
  919. () Crimes of punishment: America's culture of violence [i]
  920. () Understanding the popular appeal of fascism, National Socialism and Soviet communism: the revival of totalitarianism theory and political religion [d]
  921. () Does peacekeeping work?: shaping belligerents' choices after civil war [i] [d] [j]
  922. () Beyond war: the human potential for peace [i]
  923. Theresa A. Gannon [ed] () Aggressive offenders' cognition: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  924. () 'The struggle made me a nonracialist': why there was so little terrorism in the antiapartheid struggle [d]
  925. () When morality opposes justice: conservatives have moral intuitions that liberals may not recognize [d]
  926. Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, & Philip C. Rodkin [ed] () Aggression and adaptation: the bright side to bad behavior [i]
  927. () Facilitating multicultural groups: a practical guide [i]
  928. () Group approaches to reducing aggression and bullying in school [d]
  929. Ruthellen Josselson, Amia Lieblich, & Dan P. McAdams [ed] () The meaning of others: narrative studies of relationships [i] [d]
  930. () Playing Pygmalion: how people create one another [i]
  931. () Conflict dialogue: working with layers of meaning for productive relationships [i] [d]
  932. () Unbearable shame, splitting, and forgiveness in the resolution of vengefulness [d]
  933. () Promoting peace with information: transparency as a tool of security regimes [i] [j]
  934. Kenya T. Malcolm & Timothy A. Cavell [ed] () Anger, aggression and interventions for interpersonal violence [i]
  935. () The opposable mind: how successful leaders win through integrative thinking [i]
  936. (/2011) The borders of inequality: where wealth and poverty collide [i] [j]
  937. () Intergroup forgiveness: East Timorese and Angolan perspectives [d]
  938. () Rebuilding communities: the contribution of integrated literacy and conflict resolution programmes [u]
  939. () The detrimental dynamics of delegitimization in intractable conflicts: the Israeli–Palestinian case [d] [u]
  940. () On the path of perpetual revolution: from Marx's millenarianism to Sendero Luminoso [d]
  941. () Constructing a criminal justice system free of racial bias: an abolitionist framework [u]
  942. () The case for developmental methodologies in democratization [d]
  943. () Deliberative pedagogy: ideas for analysing the quality of deliberation in conflict management in education [d]
  944. () Reconciliation [i]
  945. () Refocusing crime prevention: collective action and the quest for community [i] [d]
  946. () Small talk—big cure!: talking your way to a better life [i]
  947. () Governing through crime: how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear [i]
  948. () Reducing youth gang violence: the Little Village Gang Project in Chicago [i]
  949. (/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
  950. () Out of range: why the Constitution can't end the battle over guns [i]
  951. () Replenishing connectedness: reminders of social activity reduce aggression after social exclusion [d]
  952. () The power of a positive No: how to say No and still get to Yes [i]
  953. () Police stress: history, contributing factors, symptoms, and interventions [d]
  954. () Teaching students to shape the game: negotiation architecture and the design of manageably dynamic simulations [d]
  955. Charles Webel & Johan Galtung [ed] () Handbook of peace and conflict studies [i]
  956. () The role of motivation, responsibility, and integrative complexity in crisis escalation: comparative studies of war and peace crises [d]
  957. () Human factors in project management: concepts, tools, and techniques for inspiring teamwork and motivation [i]
  958. () Restorative justice: ideals and realities [i]
  959. () Working through intergenerational conflicts by sharing personal stories in dialogue groups [i]
  960. () The psychology of demonization: promoting acceptance and reducing conflict [i] [d]
  961. () The production of tyrannical space [d]
  962. (/2012) System justification theory and research: implications for law, legal advocacy, and social justice [i] [d]
  963. () Environmental security: a geographic information system analysis approach: the case of Kenya [d]
  964. () Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
  965. () Leadership for the common good [i]
  966. () Caucus mediation—putting conciliation back into the process: the peacemaking approach to resolution, peace, and healing [u]
  967. () Avoiding ghettos of like-minded people: random selection and organizational collaboration [i]
  968. () Why not kill them all?: the logic and prevention of mass political murder [i] [d] [j]
  969. () Older adults who overcame oppression [d]
  970. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  971. () The speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything [i]
  972. () Dispositional and state forgiveness: the role of self-esteem, need for structure, and narcissism [d]
  973. () Difference and conflict in the struggle over natural resources: a political ecology framework [d]
  974. () I AM being fair: the bias blind spot as a stumbling block to seeing both sides [d]
  975. () Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
  976. (/2007) Liderazgo ante la adversidad: cómo los buenos líderes transforman los conflictos en oportunidades [i]
  977. () Bullying in schools: a plea for measure of human rights [d]
  978. () Make-or-break roles in collaboration leadership [i]
  979. () Fostering dialogue across divides: a nuts and bolts guide from the Public Conversations Project [o]
  980. () Contemplative practices: educating for peace and tolerance [d]
  981. () The use of stories as a tool for intervention and research in the arena of peace education in conflict areas: the Israeli-Palestinian story [d]
  982. () How interpersonal motives clarify the meaning of interpersonal behavior: a revised circumplex model [d]
  983. () Religious extremism: the good, the bad, and the deadly [d]
  984. () The effectiveness of argumentative strategies [d]
  985. () Reflection on the universal nature of vulnerability [p] [d]
  986. () Burning books and leveling libraries: extremist violence and cultural destruction [i]
  987. () Adversarial justice: America's court system on trial [i]
  988. () Finding common ground in land use conflicts using PGIS: lessons from Ghana [u]
  989. () Interpersonal rejection as a determinant of anger and aggression [d]
  990. () Making enemies: humiliation and international conflict [i]
  991. () The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
  992. () Combining MCDA and conflict analysis: an exploratory application of an integrated approach [d] [j]
  993. Rachel MacNair [ed] () Working for peace: a handbook of practical psychology and other tools [i]
  994. () Beyond prisons: a new interfaith paradigm for our failed prison system [i]
  995. () Peace and justice: notes on the evolution and purposes of legal processes [u]
  996. () Eye for an eye [i] [d]
  997. Michael Moran, Martin Rein, & Robert E. Goodin [ed] () The Oxford handbook of public policy [i] [d]
  998. Nathan Pino & Michael D. Wiatrowski [ed] () Democratic policing in transitional and developing countries [i]
  999. () It was like a fever: storytelling in protest and politics [i] [d]
  1000. () Behavioural coherence in group robbery: a circumplex model of offender and victim interactions [d]
  1001. () Evaluating deliberative and analytical methods for the resolution of environmental conflicts [d]
  1002. () Unlikely teachers: finding the hidden gifts in daily conflict [i]
  1003. () Promoting a paradigm of collaboration in an adversarial legal system: an integrated problem solving perspective for shifting prevailing attitudes from competition to cooperation within the legal profession [o] [u]
  1004. Sandy Schuman [ed] () Creating a culture of collaboration: the International Association of Facilitators handbook [i]
  1005. () Mindful staff increase learning and reduce aggression in adults with developmental disabilities [d]
  1006. () Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
  1007. () The politics of shamanism and the limits of fear [u]
  1008. () Enhanced communication by developing a non-anxious presence [d]
  1009. () Putting 'counselor' back in the lawyer's job description: why more states should adopt collaborative law statutes [u]
  1010. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  1011. Robert Trappl [ed] () Programming for peace: computer-aided methods for international conflict resolution and prevention [i] [d]
  1012. () Knowledge networking: implications for peacebuilding activities [j]
  1013. () Facilitating dialogue and deliberation in environmental conflict: the use of groups in collaborative learning [i]
  1014. () Shaping the game: the new leader's guide to effective negotiating [i]
  1015. () Psychosocial assistance for youth: toward reconstruction for peace in Angola [d]
  1016. () Frequent social comparisons and destructive emotions and behaviors: the dark side of social comparisons [d]
  1017. () The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers: social and psychological transformation in Sierra Leone [d]
  1018. () Comics media in conflict resolution programs: are they effective in promoting and sustaining peace? [o] [u]
  1019. () Designing information resources for transboundary conflict early warning networks [i] [d] [j]
  1020. () A reciprocal approach to peacemaking criminology [d]
  1021. () A cognitive perspective on hate and violence [i] [d]
  1022. () Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
  1023. () Explaining gender differences in crime and violence: the importance of social cognitive skills [d]
  1024. () Advanced facilitation strategies: tools & techniques to master difficult situations [i]
  1025. () Psychological functioning in families that blame: from blaming events to theory integration [d]
  1026. () Chewing on it can chew you up: effects of rumination on triggered displaced aggression [d]
  1027. () A life span developmental systems perspective on aggression toward a partner [i]
  1028. () Getting to 'we': examining the relationship between geographic scale and ingroup emergence in collaborative watershed planning [j] [u]
  1029. (/2009) Managing conflict and workplace relationships [i]
  1030. (/2012) Connecting across differences: an introduction to compassionate, nonviolent communication [i]
  1031. Colette Daiute, Zeynep Beykont, Craig Higson-Smith, & Larry P. Nucci [ed] () International perspectives on youth conflict and development [i] [d]
  1032. Ronald J. Fisher [ed] () Paving the way: contributions of interactive conflict resolution to peacemaking [i]
  1033. (/2007) Social computing technology and genocide prevention [u]
  1034. () The case against punishment: retribution, crime prevention, and the law [i]
  1035. () Reducing violence and aggression in schools [d]
  1036. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  1037. () Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management [u]
  1038. () A relational-cultural model: healing through mutual empathy [p] [d]
  1039. () Being benevolence: the social ethics of engaged Buddhism [i] [d] [j]
  1040. () Mediation, conciliation, and emotions: a practitioner's guide for understanding emotions in dispute resolution [i]
  1041. (/2019) Dispute resolution: beyond the adversarial model [i]
  1042. () The role of emotions in envisioning outcomes in conflict analysis [d]
  1043. (/2013) Crucial accountability: tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments, and bad behavior [i]
  1044. William M. Pinsof & Jay Lebow [ed] () Family psychology: the art of the science [i]
  1045. () Marxism-Leninism as a political religion [d]
  1046. () Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
  1047. (/2013) Why great leaders don't take yes for an answer: managing for conflict and consensus [i]
  1048. () Mindfulness mediation, the cultivation of awareness, mediator neutrality, and the possibility of justice [u]
  1049. () Social traps and the problem of trust [i] [d]
  1050. () Ritual and symbol in peacebuilding [i]
  1051. (/2019) Family communication [i] [d]
  1052. () Waging nonviolent struggle: 20th century practice and 21st century potential [i]
  1053. () Creating environmental stakeholder profiles: a tool for dispute management [d]
  1054. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () The psychology of hate [i] [d]
  1055. () Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
  1056. Julia Sudbury [ed] () Global lockdown: race, gender, and the prison-industrial complex [i]
  1057. () Worldview skills: transforming conflict from the inside out [i]
  1058. () Social hierarchy, social conflicts, and moral development [i] [d]
  1059. () Being hurt and hurting others: children's narrative accounts and moral judgments of their own interpersonal conflicts [d]
  1060. () If only I had known: avoiding common mistakes in couples therapy [i]
  1061. Everett L. Worthington [ed] () Handbook of forgiveness [i]
  1062. I. William Zartman & Viktor Aleksandrovich Kremenyuk [ed] () Peace versus justice: negotiating forward- and backward-looking outcomes [i]
  1063. () Compulsory compassion: a critique of restorative justice [i]
  1064. () A history of alternative dispute resolution: the story of a political, cultural, and social movement [i]
  1065. () Integrating remorse and apology into criminal procedure [d] [j]
  1066. () So 'prison works', does it?: the criminal careers of 130 men released from prison under Home Secretary, Michael Howard [d]
  1067. () Women's involvement in aggression in young adult romantic relationships: a developmental systems model [i]
  1068. () The kids' guide to working out conflicts: how to keep cool, stay safe, and get along [i]
  1069. () Reconsidering the clinical utility of bias as a mental health problem: intervention strategies for psychotherapy practice [d]
  1070. Thomas J. D'Zurilla, Edward C. Chang, & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Social problem solving: theory, research, and training [i] [d]
  1071. () They both matter: reality and belief: reply [p] [d]
  1072. () Too proud to let go: narcissistic entitlement as a barrier to forgiveness [d]
  1073. () 'Nothing that feels bad is ever the last step': the role of positive emotions in experiential work with difficult emotional experiences [d]
  1074. () Laws of men and laws of nature: the history of scientific expert testimony in England and America [i]
  1075. () Strong opposition: frame-based resistance to collaboration [d]
  1076. () Integration of emotion and cognitive control [d]
  1077. () Learning to live together: preventing hatred and violence in child and adolescent development [i]
  1078. () The joy of conflict resolution: transforming victims, villains and heroes in the workplace and at home [i]
  1079. Nick Haslam [ed] () Relational models theory: a contemporary overview [i]
  1080. Paddy Hillyard, Christina Pantazis, Steve Tombs, & David Gordon [ed] () Beyond criminology: taking harm seriously [i]
  1081. () Negotiating local livelihoods: scales of conflict in the Se San River Basin [d]
  1082. () Skill is not enough: seeking connectedness and authority in mediation [d]
  1083. () The effect of legal culture and proof in decisions to prosecute [d]
  1084. Judith V. Jordan, Linda M. Hartling, & Maureen Walker [ed] () The complexity of connection: writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute [i]
  1085. () Intimate partner violence: a clinical training guide for mental health professionals [i]
  1086. () Solving tough problems: an open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities [i]
  1087. () Our inquisitorial tradition: equity procedure, due process, and the search for an alternative to the adversarial [u]
  1088. () I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
  1089. () Expanding a community's justice response to sex crimes through advocacy, prosecutorial, and public health collaboration: introducing the RESTORE program [p] [d]
  1090. Harvey J. Langholtz & Chris E. Stout [ed] () The psychology of diplomacy [i]
  1091. () Beyond neutrality: confronting the crisis in conflict resolution [i]
  1092. () Paradigm muddle: the threat to restorative justice posed by its merger with community justice [d]
  1093. () Transitions through out-of-keeping acts [d]
  1094. () Conflict transformation: a multi-dimensional task [u]
  1095. Marlene Marie Moretti, Candice L. Odgers, & Margaret A. Jackson [ed] () Girls and aggression: contributing factors and intervention principles [i] [d]
  1096. () Information sharing and group conflict: going beyond decision making to understand the effects of information sharing on group performance [d]
  1097. () Equity, diversity, and interdependence: reconnecting governance and people through authentic dialogue [i]
  1098. () Reconciliation between nations: overcoming emotional deterrents to ending conflicts between groups [i]
  1099. (/2015) Deciding on and preparing the path: convening a mediation [i]
  1100. (/2015) The art and practice of mediation [i]
  1101. Martha Putallaz & Karen L. Bierman [ed] () Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls: a developmental perspective [i]
  1102. () Shame, rage and racist violence [d]
  1103. () Building community capacity for violence prevention [p] [d]
  1104. () Moving beyond the blame game: toward a discursive approach to negotiating conflict within couple relationships [d]
  1105. Wesley G. Skogan, Kathleen Frydl, & National Research Council [ed] () Fairness and effectiveness in policing: the evidence [i] [d] [u]
  1106. () From words to action: exploring the relationship between a group's value references and its likelihood of engaging in terrorism [d]
  1107. () Hurt feelings: emotional abuse and the failure of empathy [d]
  1108. Walter G. Stephan & W. Paul Vogt [ed] () Education programs for improving intergroup relations: theory, research, and practice [i]
  1109. () Desistance from persistent serious delinquency in the transition to adulthood [d]
  1110. () Conferencing when therapy is stuck [d] [u]
  1111. () Endosymbiosis: lessons in conflict resolution [p] [d] [u]
  1112. () Your identity zones: Who am I? Who are you? How do we get along? [i]
  1113. () Decoupling task and relationship conflict: the role of intragroup emotional processing [d]
  1114. () Reaching beyond adversarial activism [i]
  1115. () The tao of democracy: using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all [i]
  1116. () Type I and Type II errors in culturally sensitive conflict resolution practice [d]
  1117. () Restorative justice: the empowerment model [i]
  1118. Daniel Bowling & David A. Hoffman [ed] () Bringing peace into the room: how the personal qualities of the mediator impact the process of conflict resolution [i]
  1119. () Managing interpersonal conflict: a model of events related to strategic choices [i] [d]
  1120. (/2009) Violence assessment and intervention: the practitioner's handbook [i]
  1121. () Breaking the cycle of distrust [i]
  1122. () Eating the ashes: seeking rehabilitation within the US penal system [i]
  1123. (/2007) Schools where everyone belongs: practical strategies for reducing bullying [i]
  1124. Mirjana N. Dedaić & Daniel N. Nelson [ed] () At war with words [i] [d]
  1125. () Fundamental retribution error: criminal justice and the social psychology of blame [o] [u]
  1126. () Dangerous ideas: five beliefs that propel groups toward conflict [p] [d]
  1127. Ståle Einarsen, Helge Hoel, Dieter Zapf, & Cary L. Cooper [ed] (/2011) Bullying and harassment in the workplace: developments in theory, research, and practice [i]
  1128. () Detrimental effects of sanctions on human altruism [p] [d]
  1129. () Communication skills for group decision making [i] [d]
  1130. () Creating true peace: ending violence in yourself, your family, your community, and the world [i]
  1131. () Women and conflict transformation: influences, roles, and experiences [d]
  1132. P. J. van Koppen & Steven Penrod [ed] () Adversarial versus inquisitorial justice: psychological perspectives on criminal justice systems [i] [d]
  1133. () Emerging systems for managing workplace conflict: lessons from American corporations for managers and dispute resolution professionals [i]
  1134. () Practice—thought—practice [i]
  1135. () Peacemaking: practicing at the intersection of law and human conflict [i]
  1136. () Peacemaking circles: from crime to community [i]
  1137. () Beyond intractability: a free knowledge base on more constructive approaches to destructive conflict [u]
  1138. Adam Przeworski & José María Maravall [ed] () Democracy and the rule of law [i] [d]
  1139. () The importance of emotional literacy for building a peace culture: understanding individual and social meanings and individual and social realities [d]
  1140. () The role of cognition in managing conflict to maximize team effectiveness: a team member schema similarity approach [i] [d]
  1141. () The unconquerable world: power, nonviolence, and the will of the people [i]
  1142. () The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
  1143. Thomas L. Sexton, Gerald R. Weeks, & Michael S. Robbins [ed] () Handbook of family therapy: the science and practice of working with families and couples [i]
  1144. () Beyond the comfort zone: a guide to the practice of community conferencing [i]
  1145. () Negotiation: communication for diverse settings [i] [d]
  1146. () Moving personal construct psychology to politics: understanding the voices with which we disagree [i] [d]
  1147. () Constructive conflict: how controversy can contribute to school improvement [d] [u]
  1148. () Social aggression among girls [i]
  1149. () City of courts: socializing justice in Progressive Era Chicago [i]
  1150. () The soul of a terrorist: reflections on our war with the 'other' [i]
  1151. () Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
  1152. Michael N. Dobkowski & Isidor Wallimann [ed] () On the edge of scarcity: environment, resources, population, sustainability, and conflict [i]
  1153. () Wounded monster: Hitler's path from trauma to malevolence [i]
  1154. (/2011) Assessing responses to problems: an introductory guide for police problem-solvers [i] [u]
  1155. () Aspects of grief in conflict: re-visioning response to dispute [d]
  1156. () What we know now about bias and intergroup conflict, the problem of the century [d]
  1157. () Terrorist beliefs and terrorist lives [i]
  1158. () The psychology of group aggression [i] [d]
  1159. Deborah Goodwin & Matthew Midlane [ed] () Negotiation in international conflict: understanding persuasion [i]
  1160. () Family therapy: an intimate history [i]
  1161. () Therapeutic family mediation: helping families resolve conflict [i] [d]
  1162. () Gerrymandering and political cartels [d] [j] [u]
  1163. () War of the worlds: what about peace? [i]
  1164. () Bridging troubled waters: conflict resolution from the heart [i]
  1165. () Partnerships, information and public safety: community policing in a time of terror [d]
  1166. () The MMPI-2 as a tool for preventing police misconduct: a Victoria (Australia) police study [o] [u]
  1167. () Rent-seeking through litigation: adversarial and inquisitorial systems compared [d]
  1168. (/2012) Crucial conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high [i]
  1169. () Rigidity of thought and behavior: 100 years of research [p]
  1170. () Liberal conservative socialism and the politics of a complex center [d] [u]
  1171. Chris E. Stout [ed] () The psychology of terrorism [in four volumes: A public understanding; Clinical aspects and responses; Theoretical understandings and perspectives; Programs and practices in response and prevention] [i]
  1172. () Loving internationalism: the emotion culture of transnational women's organizations, 1888–1945 [d]
  1173. () Zen and the art of dealing with the difficult patron [d]
  1174. (/2007) Becoming evil: how ordinary people commit genocide and mass killing [i]
  1175. () Legal argumentation and evidence [i]
  1176. () Tea for two—creating in pairs [i]
  1177. () Victim and offender accounts of interpersonal conflict: autobiographical narratives of forgiveness and unforgiveness [d]
  1178. Hayward R. Alker, Ted Robert Gurr, & Kumar Rupesinghe [ed] () Journeys through conflict: narratives and lessons [i]
  1179. (/2004) Berghof handbook for conflict transformation [u]
  1180. () Emotion in conflict formation and its transformation: application to organizational conflict management [d]
  1181. (/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
  1182. Daniel J. Christie, Richard V. Wagner, & Deborah Du Nann Winter [ed] () Peace, conflict, and violence: peace psychology for the 21st century [i]
  1183. () Mediating dangerously: the frontiers of conflict resolution [i]
  1184. () Integrative complexity and political decisions that lead to war or peace [i]
  1185. () Managing activism: a guide to dealing with activists and pressure groups [i]
  1186. () The market for social norms [d]
  1187. () Not fair!: the typology of commonsense unfairness [i] [d]
  1188. () The prosecutor's duty to truth [u]
  1189. () The adversary system and historical accuracy: can we do better? [i]
  1190. () Decision aiding, not dispute resolution: creating insights through structured environmental decisions [d]
  1191. () Institutionalized aggression: cultural and individual factors that support war [i] [d]
  1192. () Middle school bullying as a context for the development of passive observers to the victimization of others [d]
  1193. (/2019) Adversarial legalism: the American way of law [i] [d]
  1194. () Managing conflict in a negotiated world: a narrative approach to achieving dialogue and change [i] [d]
  1195. () Peace skills: a manual for community mediators [i]
  1196. () Aggression and violence in the inner city: effects of environment via mental fatigue [d]
  1197. () The police role in wrongful convictions: an international comparative study [i]
  1198. () Making good: how ex-convicts reform and rebuild their lives [i] [d]
  1199. () Peace power for adolescents: strategies for a culture of nonviolence [i]
  1200. (/2019) The law of international watercourses [i]
  1201. () Disrespect and the experience of injustice [p] [d]
  1202. () Negotiation training and interpersonal development: an exploratory study of early adolescents in Argentina [p]
  1203. () In the name of hate: understanding hate crimes [i] [d]
  1204. David Louis Schoem & Sylvia Hurtado [ed] () Intergroup dialogue: deliberative democracy in school, college, community, and workplace [i] [d]
  1205. () Interpersonal processes in psychological problems [i]
  1206. () Improving intergroup relations [i]
  1207. (/2005) Restorative justice: healing the foundations of our everyday lives [i]
  1208. () Constructive and destructive aspects of shame and guilt [i] [d]
  1209. () Managing intercultural conflict effectively [i]
  1210. () Young adult women resolving interpersonal conflicts [d]
  1211. Saundra Davis Westervelt & John A. Humphrey [ed] () Wrongly convicted: perspectives on failed justice [i]
  1212. (/2011) Terrorism versus democracy: the liberal state response [i]
  1213. () Racial identity development and the mediation of conflicts [i]
  1214. () Understanding militarism: money, masculinity, and the search for the mystical [i]
  1215. () A clearing in the forest: law, life, and mind [i]
  1216. Filippo Aureli & Frans B. M. de Waal [ed] () Natural conflict resolution [i]
  1217. () From intractable conflict through conflict resolution to reconciliation: psychological analysis [d]
  1218. (/2012) Facilitating with ease!: core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers [i]
  1219. () Social intelligence – empathy = aggression? [d]
  1220. () Cultures of peace: the hidden side of history [i]
  1221. () Truth and legitimacy in the American criminal process [book review of: Trials without truth, by William Pizzi] [d] [j]
  1222. Daniel J. Buckles [ed] () Cultivar la paz: conflicto y colaboración en el manejo de los recursos naturales [i]
  1223. () Dewey on democracy [i] [d] [j]
  1224. (/2014) Reconcilable differences: rebuild your relationship by rediscovering the partner you love—without losing yourself [i]
  1225. (/2011) Resolving conflicts at work: ten strategies for everyone on the job [or: Resolving conflicts at work: a complete guide for everyone on the job] [i]
  1226. Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch, & Eric Colton Marcus [ed] (/2014) The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice [i]
  1227. (/2015) The family therapy treatment planner [i]
  1228. () Reaching for higher ground in conflict resolution: tools for powerful groups and communities [i]
  1229. () Working with conflict: skills and strategies for action [i]
  1230. () Preventing 'critogenic' harms: minimizing emotional injury from civil litigation [d]
  1231. () The enemy with a thousand faces: the tradition of the other in western political thought and history [i]
  1232. (/2014) Constructive controversy: the value of intellectual opposition [i]
  1233. () The codes of adversarialism [o] [u]
  1234. (/2012) The dynamics of conflict: a guide to engagement and intervention [i]
  1235. () Aboriginal reconciliation and the Dreaming: Warramiri Yolngu and the quest for equality [i]
  1236. () Community change, community stasis, and the law [i] [d]
  1237. () Beyond winning: negotiating to create value in deals and disputes [i]
  1238. () The moderating effect of trivial triggering provocation on displaced aggression [d]
  1239. () Adversarial and non-adversarial thinking [i]
  1240. () Alternative dispute resolution: skills, science, and the law [i]
  1241. () Law and social norms [i]
  1242. () El análisis de los interesados y el manejo de los conflictos [i]
  1243. () Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving intractable conflict [d]
  1244. () Wicked problems and networking approaches to resolution [u]
  1245. () Truth v. justice: the morality of truth commissions [i] [d] [j]
  1246. () Grabbing the tiger by the tail: a conversation with Robert Kegan [u]
  1247. () Reconnecting systems maintenance with social justice: a critical role for conflict resolution [d]
  1248. () Task conflict and relationship conflict in top management teams: the pivotal role of intragroup trust [d]
  1249. () Harmony and conflict in the living world [i]
  1250. (/2017) Understanding property law [i]
  1251. () Alcanzar la paz: diez caminos para resolver conflictos en la casa, el trabajo y el mundo [i]
  1252. () The neutral prosecutor: the obligation of dispassion in a passionate pursuit [u]
  1253. (/2008) Detecting lies and deceit: pitfalls and opportunities [i]
  1254. () Scare tactics: arguments that appeal to fear and threats [i] [d]
  1255. () Victimized by 'victims': a taxonomy of antecedents of false complaints against psychotherapists [d]
  1256. () Narrative mediation: a new approach to conflict resolution [i]
  1257. (/2009) Peace, power, righteousness: an indigenous manifesto [i]
  1258. () Getting even: revenge as a form of justice [i]
  1259. () The psychology of prejudice: ingroup love and outgroup hate? [d]
  1260. Daniel J. Buckles [ed] () Cultivating peace: conflict and collaboration in natural resource management [i]
  1261. () Catharsis, aggression, and persuasive influence: self-fulfilling or self-defeating prophecies? [d]
  1262. () Advising clients to apologize [u]
  1263. () Enhancing autonomy for battered women: lessons from Navajo peacemaking [o]
  1264. () The dispossessed: domestic terror and political extremism in the American heartland [d]
  1265. () Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
  1266. () When all the evils come together: cocaine, corruption, and Shining Path in Peru's Upper Huallaga Valley, 1980 to 1995 [d]
  1267. () Peace work as grief work in Mozambique and South Africa: postconflict communities as context for child and youth socialization [d]
  1268. () Structuration, human development and desistance from crime [d]
  1269. Daniel J. Flannery & C. Ronald Huff [ed] () Youth violence: prevention, intervention, and social policy [i]
  1270. () Catastrophes and conflicts: scientific approaches to their control [i] [d]
  1271. (/2009) Transforming practices: finding joy and satisfaction in the legal life [i]
  1272. () Breaking cycles of violence: conflict prevention in intrastate crises [i]
  1273. (/2007) Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families [i]
  1274. () Bioregional conflict resolution: rebuilding community in watershed planning and organizing [d]
  1275. () Trials without truth: why our system of criminal trials has become an expensive failure and what we need to do to rebuild it [i]
  1276. () Stakeholder analysis and conflict management [i]
  1277. (/2011) Contemporary conflict resolution: the prevention, management and transformation of deadly conflicts [i]
  1278. () The role of empathy in improving intergroup relations [d]
  1279. () Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
  1280. () Conducting a conflict assessment [i]
  1281. Lawrence Susskind, Sarah McKearnan, & Jennifer Thomas-Larmer [ed] () The consensus building handbook: a comprehensive guide to reaching agreement [i]
  1282. () Violence transformed: posttraumatic growth in survivors and their societies [d]
  1283. () No future without forgiveness [i]
  1284. (/2000) The third side: why we fight and how we can stop [or: Getting to peace: transforming conflict at home, at work, and in the world] [i]
  1285. Froma Walsh [ed] (/2009) Spiritual resources in family therapy [i]
  1286. () Conditions for cultural negotiation in civil conflicts [i]
  1287. () The narcissism of minor differences [d]
  1288. () Juárez: the laboratory of our future [i]
  1289. () Ethnic conflict and the psychology of liberation in Guatemala, Peru, and Puerto Rico [p] [d]
  1290. () Reconciliation and the role of empathy [o]
  1291. John L. Davies & Ted Robert Gurr [ed] () Preventive measures: building risk assessment and crisis early warning systems [i]
  1292. (/2007) Repeat victimization and problem-oriented policing: surmounting crime by attending to victims' needs [i]
  1293. Michael N. Dobkowski & Isidor Wallimann [ed] () The coming age of scarcity: preventing mass death and genocide in the twenty-first century [i]
  1294. (/2007) The abusive personality: violence and control in intimate relationships [i]
  1295. () The common place of law: stories from everyday life [i]
  1296. () Justice in Aboriginal communities: sentencing alternatives [i]
  1297. () Comparison study of women who have and have not murdered their abusive partners [d]
  1298. Peter Harris & Ben Reilly [ed] () Democracy and deep-rooted conflict: options for negotiators [i]
  1299. Jack B. Kamerman [ed] () Negotiating responsibility in the criminal justice system [i]
  1300. () Moral disengagement and the role of ideology in the displacement and diffusion of responsibility among terrorists [i]
  1301. (/2011) The evolution of international human rights: visions seen [i] [d] [j]
  1302. () Enactment: when the patient's and analyst's pasts converge [d]
  1303. () Pride, shame and empathy among peers: community conferencing as transformative justice in education [i]
  1304. Thorana Strever Nelson & Terry S. Trepper [ed] () 101 more interventions in family therapy [i]
  1305. () Sustainable peace: the role of the UN and regional organizations in preventing conflict [i]
  1306. () A draft for unifying controversies in philosophy of science [d] [j]
  1307. () Theatre for community, conflict & dialogue: the Hope is Vital training manual [i]
  1308. () Territorial games: understanding and ending turf wars at work [i]
  1309. () Controlling the costs of conflict: how to design a system for your organization [i]
  1310. () Breaking the cycle of violence among youth living in metropolitan Atlanta: a case history of Kids Alive and Loved [d]
  1311. (/2015) The mind and heart of the negotiator [i]
  1312. () American acts of force: results and misperceptions [d]
  1313. () The dynamics of Navajo peacemaking [d]
  1314. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  1315. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
  1316. () Water conflicts in the Western United States [d]
  1317. () News you can use: Pema Chödrön and bell hooks talk over life and all its problems [u]
  1318. (/2010) Competence in interpersonal conflict [i]
  1319. () Essential injustice: when legal institutions cannot resolve environmental and land use disputes [i]
  1320. () The gift of fear: survival signals that protect us from violence [i]
  1321. () Emotional blackmail: when the people in your life use fear, obligation, and guilt to manipulate you [i]
  1322. () Coalescent argumentation [i]
  1323. () Toward families of stories in context [d]
  1324. () Love in a time of hate: liberation psychology in Latin America [i]
  1325. () Not a one-time event: environmental change, ethnic rivalry, and violent conflict in the Third World [d]
  1326. () Unarmed bodyguards: international accompaniment for the protection of human rights [i]
  1327. () The healing connection: how women form relationships in therapy and in life [i]
  1328. Laura L. O'Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, & Margie L. Kiter Edwards [ed] (/2007) Gender violence: interdisciplinary perspectives [i]
  1329. () Moral conflict: when social worlds collide [i]
  1330. () Resolving identity-based conflict in nations, organizations, and communities [i]
  1331. () Emotions, the social bond, and human reality: part/whole analysis [i]
  1332. () Community policing, Chicago style [i]
  1333. () The cognitive geometry of war [i]
  1334. () When is a circumplex an 'interpersonal circumplex'?: the case of supportive actions [i] [d]
  1335. Jacob Bercovitch [ed] () Resolving international conflicts: the theory and practice of mediation [i]
  1336. () When contact is not enough: social identity and intergroup cooperation [d]
  1337. () The strategy of nonviolent defense: a Gandhian approach [i]
  1338. () From diatribe to dialogue on divisive public issues: approaches drawn from family therapy [d]
  1339. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  1340. () Rogerian rhetoric: ethical growth through alternative forms of argumentation [i] [u]
  1341. Burt Galaway & Joe Hudson [ed] () Restorative justice: international perspectives [i]
  1342. () Peace by peaceful means: peace and conflict, development and civilization [i] [d]
  1343. () Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
  1344. () Intelligence power in peace and war [i] [d]
  1345. () Courts, law, and politics in comparative perspective [i]
  1346. (/2014) Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making [i]
  1347. Sebastian Kraemer & Jane Roberts [ed] () The politics of attachment: towards a secure society [i]
  1348. () Shifting our attention from content to process [d]
  1349. () Evolution of the problem-solving workshop: an introduction to social-psychological approaches to conflict resolution [d]
  1350. (/2007) Doing justice, doing gender: women in legal and criminal justice occupations [i]
  1351. () The trouble with the adversary system in a postmodern, multicultural world [u]
  1352. () The tension between empathy and assertiveness [d]
  1353. () The anti-group: destructive forces in the group and their creative potential [i]
  1354. () The actor–observer effect revisited: effects of individual differences and repeated social interactions on actor and observer attributions [d]
  1355. () Returning to the teachings: exploring aboriginal justice [i]
  1356. () Strategy for community conferences: emotions and social bonds [i]
  1357. () When push comes to shove: a practical guide to mediating disputes [i]
  1358. () The witch hunt as a structure of argumentation [d]
  1359. () Why the Serbs fought: motives and misperceptions [in Bosnia] [d]
  1360. () Negotiation as a healing process [u]
  1361. (/2009) The way of council [i]
  1362. () Argument is war—and war is hell: philosophy, education, and metaphors for argumentation [d] [u]
  1363. (/2007) Codes of ethics [i]
  1364. Morton Deutsch, Barbara Benedict Bunker, & Jeffrey Z. Rubin [ed] () Conflict, cooperation, and justice: essays inspired by the work of Morton Deutsch [i]
  1365. () Hostile attributional bias in adults [d]
  1366. () Coping with intractable controversies: the case for problem structuring in policy design and analysis [d]
  1367. () Feminist conflict resolution [i]
  1368. () Trust in relationships: a model of development and decline [i]
  1369. (/2011) Renegotiating health care: resolving conflict to build collaboration [i]
  1370. (/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
  1371. () Actual versus assumed differences in construal: 'naive realism' in intergroup perception and conflict [d]
  1372. () Mediating interpersonal conflicts: a pathway to peace [i]
  1373. () Conflict and its management [d]
  1374. () A response to Philip Tetlock's critique [d] [j]
  1375. () The assertive trainer: a practical handbook on assertiveness for trainers and running assertiveness courses [i]
  1376. () Rethinking 'Don't blame the victim': the psychology of victimhood [d]
  1377. () A pound of cure: facilitating participatory processes in technological hazard disputes [d]
  1378. Benina Berger Gould & Donna Hilleboe DeMuth [ed] () The global family therapist: integrating the personal, professional, and political [i]
  1379. (/2005) The promise of mediation: the transformative approach to conflict [i]
  1380. () The construction of negotiated meaning: a social cognitive theory of writing [i]
  1381. () The ecology of aggression [i] [d]
  1382. () All her paths are peace: women pioneers in peacemaking [i]
  1383. () In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
  1384. () The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
  1385. () Empathy and listening skills: a developmental perspective on learning to listen [i]
  1386. () Some trouble with cows: making sense of social conflict [i] [d] [j]
  1387. () Bloody revenge: emotions, nationalism, and war [i] [d]
  1388. () Frame reflection: toward the resolution of intractable policy controversies [i]
  1389. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  1390. Leslie E. Sponsel & Thomas Gregor [ed] () The anthropology of peace and nonviolence [i]
  1391. Patricia E. Blumenreich & Susan Lewis [ed] () Managing the violent patient: a clinician's guide [i]
  1392. () Managing differences in conflict resolution: the role of relational empathy [i]
  1393. () Story and legend: powerful tools for conflict resolution [d]
  1394. (/2021) Working through conflict: strategies for relationships, groups, and organizations [i] [d]
  1395. () How to deal with difficult people [i]
  1396. () Humiliation: and other essays on honor, social discomfort, and violence [i]
  1397. (/1996) Ultimate security: the environmental basis of political stability [i]
  1398. Albert J. Reiss, Jeffrey A. Roth, Klaus A. Miczek, & National Research Council [ed] (/1994) Understanding and preventing violence [i] [d] [u]
  1399. Dennis J. D. Sandole & Hugo Van der Merwe [ed] () Conflict resolution theory and practice: integration and application [i]
  1400. () Use of complex thought and resolving intragroup conflicts: a means to conscious adult development in the workplace [i]
  1401. () Explaining the limited effectiveness of legalistic 'remedies' for trust/distrust [d] [j]
  1402. () Heuristics for reconciling independent knowledge bases [d]
  1403. () Argument in satisfied and dissatisfied married couples [i]
  1404. (/2005) Leadership for the common good: tackling public problems in a shared-power world [i]
  1405. () Metaphor in family therapy [d]
  1406. () Culture of battering and the role of mediation in domestic violence cases [o]
  1407. () Space, time, and policing: towards a contextual understanding of police work [d]
  1408. () The space between us: exploring the dimensions of human relationships [i]
  1409. () Peace: an idea whose time has come [i]
  1410. Kumar Rupesinghe & Michiko Kuroda [ed] () Early warning and conflict resolution [i]
  1411. () Egocentric interpretations of fairness and interpersonal conflict [d]
  1412. () The eight essential steps to conflict resolution: preserving relationships at work, at home, and in the community [i]
  1413. (/2012) Lawyers as counselors: a client centered approach [i]
  1414. () Order without law: how neighbors settle disputes [i] [j]
  1415. () Buddhism and nonviolent global problem-solving [o] [u]
  1416. Harold E. Pepinsky & Richard Quinney [ed] () Criminology as peacemaking [i]
  1417. () Emotions and violence: shame and rage in destructive conflicts [i]
  1418. () Mea culpa: a sociology of apology and reconciliation [i] [d]
  1419. (/2005) Police as problem solvers: how frontline workers can promote organizational and community change [i] [d]
  1420. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  1421. () Mediation of youth conflict: a multi-system perspective [d]
  1422. () Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
  1423. John W. Burton [ed] () Conflict: human needs theory [i]
  1424. (/1992) Helping teens stop violence: a practical guide for counselors, educators, and parents [i]
  1425. () The social psychology of intergroup and international conflict resolution [i] [d]
  1426. () Rethinking victimization: an interactional approach to victimology [d] [j]
  1427. () Impaired inquiry [i] [j]
  1428. () Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
  1429. () Getting justice and getting even: legal consciousness among working-class Americans [i]
  1430. () A path where no man thought: nuclear winter and the end of the arms race [i]
  1431. () Civilian-based defense: a post-military weapons system [i]
  1432. (/2006) Why people obey the law [i]
  1433. Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo, Geoffrey M. White, & Andrew Arno [ed] () Disentangling: conflict discourse in Pacific societies [i]
  1434. () Collaborating: finding common ground for multiparty problems [i]
  1435. Jack R. Greene [ed] (/2007) The encyclopedia of police science [i]
  1436. () Irrational systems and rational subsystems; conflicts within persons and conflicts between persons [i]
  1437. (/1995) The origins of violence: approaches to the study of conflict [i]
  1438. (/2020) Group processes: dynamics within and between groups [i] [d]
  1439. (/1989) Getting together: building relationships as we negotiate [i]
  1440. () Family evaluation: an approach based on Bowen theory [i]
  1441. () The apprehension of beauty: the role of aesthetic conflict in development, violence and art [i]
  1442. (/2012) Techniques and guidelines for social work practice [i]
  1443. Arthur H. Westing [ed] () Cultural norms, war and the environment [i]
  1444. (/2011) Aggression replacement training: a comprehensive intervention for aggressive youth [i]
  1445. () Role play [i]
  1446. () Taking action [i]
  1447. () Breaking the impasse: consensual approaches to resolving public disputes [i]
  1448. () Conciliation: responses to the emotional content of disputes [d]
  1449. (/2014) The mediation process: practical strategies for resolving conflict [i]
  1450. (/2004) Social conflict: escalation, stalemate, and settlement [i]
  1451. Ralph K. White [ed] () Psychology and the prevention of nuclear war: a book of readings [i]
  1452. (/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
  1453. (/2011) Managing conflict in organizations [i]
  1454. () The strife of systems: an essay on the grounds and implications of philosophical diversity [i] [u]
  1455. () Cognitive processes and the persistence of aggressive behavior [d]
  1456. () Fearful warriors: a psychological profile of U.S.–Soviet relations [i]
  1457. () Toward another view of legal negotiation: the structure of problem solving [o]
  1458. (/1989) The effective use of role-play: a handbook for teachers and trainers [i]
  1459. (/1999) A model for nonviolent communication [o]
  1460. () A landscape with figures: political geography with human conflict [d]
  1461. (/2012) The mediator's handbook [i]
  1462. () Using video to resolve community conflict [u]
  1463. () The council = Zuguswediwin [i]
  1464. Monica McGoldrick, Joseph Giordano, & Nydia Garcia-Preto [ed] (/2005) Ethnicity and family therapy [i]
  1465. (/2000) The fate of the earth: and, The abolition [i] [d]
  1466. (/2011) Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in [i]
  1467. Melvin J. Lerner & Sally C. Lerner [ed] () The justice motive in social behavior: adapting to times of scarcity and change [i]
  1468. (/1997) Skillstreaming the adolescent: new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills [i]
  1469. (/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
  1470. Gordon Bermant, Herbert C. Kelman, & Donald P. Warwick [ed] () The ethics of social intervention [i]
  1471. (/1985) Family therapy in clinical practice [i]
  1472. () The ideology of advocacy: procedural justice and professional ethics [o]
  1473. () Dialectics: a controversy-oriented approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
  1474. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
  1475. (/1992) Zen and creative management [i]
  1476. (/1987) The myth of the framework [i] [d]
  1477. () Structural analysis of social behavior [d]
  1478. (/2005) Gandhi and group conflict: explorations of nonviolent resistance, satyāgraha [i] [d]
  1479. (/1982) The demystification of the law [i] [d]
  1480. Joseph Rotblat [ed] () Scientists in the quest for peace: a history of the Pugwash conferences [i]
  1481. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  1482. () Role reversal: a summary and review of the research [u]
  1483. () Portfolio for peace: excerpts from the writings and speeches of U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on major world issues 1961–1970 [o] [u]
  1484. () Rhetoric: discovery and change [i]
  1485. () Three not-so-obvious contributions of psychology to peace [d]
  1486. () Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders [o] [u]
  1487. () The effects of role-reversal during the discussion of opposing viewpoints [d] [j]
  1488. (/1969) The question of relevance [j]
  1489. () Negotiating reality: notes on power in the assessment of responsibility [d] [j]
  1490. (/1970) Nobody wanted war: misperception in Vietnam and other wars [o]
  1491. (/1993) No religion [i] [u]
  1492. () Where do we go from here: chaos or community? [o]
  1493. () Conflict management as a learning process [and comments and reply] [o] [d]
  1494. Stuart Mudd [ed] () Conflict resolution and world education [o] [d]
  1495. () 'Socialism' and 'capitalism': an international misunderstanding [d] [j] [u]
  1496. () Gandhi and the nuclear age [o]
  1497. (/1995) Ideology and affect [i]
  1498. (/2004) On nuclear disarmament: a letter to the editor ['Nuclear policy is based on the willingness to commit genocide'] [u]
  1499. () Three modes of conflict [d] [j]
  1500. () Fights, games, and debates [o] [d]
  1501. () Decisional conflicts: a theoretical analysis [d]
  1502. () Common sense and nuclear warfare [o]
  1503. (/1963) The atom bomb and the future of man [or: The future of mankind] [i]
  1504. () A Burmese view of world tensions [j]
  1505. (/1964) The functions of social conflict [i]
  1506. () Democracy, ideology, and objectivity: studies in the semantics and cognitive analysis of ideological controversy [o]
  1507. (/1972) The Russell–Einstein manifesto [against weapons of mass destruction] [i] [u]
  1508. (/1963) Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving [i]
  1509. (/1952) Communication: its blocking and its facilitation [j]
  1510. () Courts on trial: myth and reality in American justice [o]
  1511. () Race, values, and guilt [d] [j]
  1512. (/1966) Our inner conflicts: a constructive theory of neurosis [i]
  1513. () War is a racket [o] [u]
  1514. (/2018) The power of nonviolence [i] [d]
  1515. () Must philosophers disagree? [d]
  1516. (/1970) Convicting the innocent: errors of criminal justice [i]
  1517. () The growth of international thought [o]
  1518. () Non-violent coercion: a study in methods of social pressure [o] [u]
  1519. (/2002) Peace and bread in time of war [i] [u]
  1520. () The causes of war [o] [u]
  1521. (/1994) Ressentiment [i]
  1522. (/1937) The principles of judicial proof: or, The process of proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials [o]
  1523. (/1909) On the witness stand: essays on psychology and crime [o] [u]
  1524. (/2007) Newer ideals of peace [i] [u]
  1525. (/2011) Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, July 27, 1783 ['there never was a good war, or a bad peace'] [i] [u]
  1526. (/1819) An essay on crimes and punishments [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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