How to train
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- Eric A. Storch, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, & Dean McKay [ed] (2022) Training and supervision in specialized cognitive behavior therapy: methods, settings, and populations [i] [d] [j]
- Jason Wingard (2022) The college devaluation crisis: market disruption, diminishing ROI, and an alternative future of learning [i] [d]
- Jannette L. Finch [ed] (2021) Envisioning the framework: a graphic guide to information literacy [i]
- Sylvia R. Cruess, Richard L. Cruess, & Yvonne Steinert (2019) Supporting the development of a professional identity: general principles [p] [d]
- Jennifer Hofmann & Willibald Ruch (2019) Moving forward in fostering humour: towards training lighter forms of humour in multicultural contexts [i] [d]
- Vanessa Hammler Kenon & Sunay Vasant Palsole [ed] (2019) The Wiley handbook of global workplace learning [i] [d]
- Andrew Olson, Joseph Rencic, Karen S. Cosby, Diana Rusz, Frank Papa, Pat Croskerry, Brenda Zierler, Gene Harkless, Michael A. Giuliano, Stephen Schoenbaum, Cristin Colford, Maureen Cahill, Laura Gerstner, Gloria R. Grice, & Mark L. Graber (2019) Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care [p] [d]
- Anthony Weston (2019) Teaching as the art of staging: a scenario-based college pedagogy in action [i]
- Veronica Allan, Matthew Vierimaa, Heather L. Gainforth, & Jean Côté (2018) The use of behaviour change theories and techniques in research-informed coach development programmes: a systematic review [d]
- Glen Bandiera, Ayelet Kuper, Maria Mylopoulos, Cynthia Whitehead, Mariela Ruetalo, Kulamakan Kulasegaram, & Nicole N. Woods (2018) Back from basics: integration of science and practice in medical education [p] [d]
- Antoine C. M. van den Bogaart, Hans G. K. Hummel, & Paul Arthur Kirschner (2018) Explicating development of personal professional theories from higher vocational education to beginning a professional career through computer-supported drawing of concept maps [d]
- David S. Busch (2018) Service learning: the Peace Corps, American higher education, and the limits of modernist ideas of development and citizenship [d]
- Olle ten Cate, Eugène J. F. M. Custers, & Steven J. Durning [ed] (2018) Principles and practice of case-based clinical reasoning education: a method for preclinical students [i] [d] [u]
- Hui Chen & Eugene Soltes (2018) Why compliance programs fail—and how to fix them [u]
- Jane Edwards (2018) The extant rationale for mandated therapy during psychotherapy and counselling training: a critical interpretive synthesis [d]
- Mayte Navarro Gil, Carlos Escolano Marco, Jesús Montero-Marín, Javier Minguez Zafra, Edo Shonin, & Javier García Campayo (2018) Efficacy of neurofeedback on the increase of mindfulness-related capacities in healthy individuals: a controlled trial [d]
- Monika Hamori (2018) Can MOOCs solve your training problem? [u]
- Gerald Kayingo & Virginia McCoy Hass [ed] (2018) The health professions educator: a practical guide for new and established faculty [i]
- Jeanie McHugo (2018) Learner assessment and remediation [i]
- Deborah S. Mower (2018) Increasing the moral sensitivity of professionals [i] [d]
- Barbara S. Tint (2018) From hell, no to yes, and: applied improvisation for training in conflict resolution, mediation, and law [i] [d]
- Mark P. Alavosius, Ramona A. Houmanfar, Steven J. Anbro, Kenneth Burleigh, & Christopher Hebein (2017) Leadership and crew resource management in high-reliability organizations: a competency framework for measuring behaviors [d]
- María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre & Pablo Brocos (2017) Processes of negotiation in socio-scientific argumentation about vegetarianism in teacher education [i] [d]
- Ayelet Baram-Tsabari & Bruce V. Lewenstein (2017) Science communication training: what are we trying to teach? [d]
- Andrés J. Consoli, Héctor Fernández Álvarez, & Sergi Corbella (2017) The training and development of psychotherapists: a life-span perspective [i]
- Jill E. Ellingson & Raymond A. Noe [ed] (2017) Autonomous learning in the workplace [i] [d]
- Heidi M. Levitt & Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin (2017) The professionalization and training of psychologists: the place of clinical wisdom [p] [d]
- Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett & Victoria A. Foster (2017) Student counselors' moral, intellectual, and professional ethical identity development [d]
- Martin Mulder [ed] (2017) Competence-based vocational and professional education: bridging the worlds of work and education [i] [d]
- Geoffrey R. Norman, Sandra D. Monteiro, Jonathan Sherbino, Jonathan S. Ilgen, Henk G. Schmidt, & Silvia Mamede (2017) The causes of errors in clinical reasoning: cognitive biases, knowledge deficits, and dual process thinking [p] [d]
- Tony Rousmaniere, Rodney K. Goodyear, Scott D. Miller, & Bruce E. Wampold [ed] (2017) The cycle of excellence: using deliberate practice to improve supervision and training [i] [d]
- Marnie Shapiro & Ellie Kazemi (2017) A review of training strategies to teach individuals implementation of behavioral interventions [d]
- Stuart Baker (2016) Working in the present moment: the impact of mindfulness on trainee psychotherapists' experience of relational depth [d]
- Amy L. Baltzell [ed] (2016) Mindfulness and performance [i] [d]
- Stephen Billett, Darryl Dymock, & Sarojni Choy [ed] (2016) Supporting learning across working life: models, processes and practices [i] [d]
- Welton Chang & Philip E. Tetlock (2016) Rethinking the training of intelligence analysts [d]
- Carissa D'Aniello & Susan N. Perkins (2016) Common factors come alive: practical strategies for implementing common factors in MFT training [d]
- Donna Deegan, Padraig Wims, & Tony Pettit (2016) Practical skills training in agricultural education—a comparison between traditional and blended approaches [d]
- Iddo Dror, Jean-Joseph Cadilhon, Marc Schut, Michael Misiko, & Shreya Maheshwari [ed] (2016) Innovation platforms for agricultural development: evaluating the mature innovation platforms landscape [i] [d]
- K. Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool (2016) Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise [i]
- Abigail H. Gewirtz & Kate Gliske (2016) Enhancing positive adaptation, well-being, and psychosocial functioning in children by promoting positive parenting [i] [d]
- Jeff E. Harris, John A. Maddoux, & Amanda L. Stretcher (2016) Testing the impact of Key Strategies Training for Individual Psychotherapy on understanding, confidence, and intention to use skills in practice [d]
- Stefannie de Sá Ibraim & Rosária Justi (2016) Teachers' knowledge in argumentation: contributions from an explicit teaching in an initial teacher education programme [d]
- Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan, Jordan B. Hearod, Kim Tran, Keith C. Norris, & Dedra Buchwald (2016) An examination of cultural competence training in US medical education guided by the Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training [p] [u]
- Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey, Matthew L. Miller, Andy Fleming, & Deborah Helsing (2016) An everyone culture: becoming a deliberately developmental organization [i]
- Andrew M. Lane, Peter Totterdell, Ian MacDonald, Tracey J. Devonport, Andrew P. Friesen, Christopher J. Beedie, Damian Stanley, & Alan Nevill (2016) Brief online training enhances competitive performance: findings of the BBC Lab UK psychological skills intervention study [p] [d] [u]
- Ryan Laponis & Calvin L. Chou (2016) How to teach fundamental communication skills [i] [d]
- Heidi M. Levitt & Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin (2016) Wisdom and psychotherapy: studying expert therapists' clinical wisdom to explicate common processes [p] [d]
- John Loughran & Mary Lynn Hamilton [ed] (2016) International handbook of teacher education [i] [d]
- Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, Monja Thiebach, & Regina Jucks (2016) Let me critically question this!: insights from a training study on the role of questioning on argumentative discourse [d]
- Bridie McGreavy, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Leah Sprain, Jessica L. Thompson, & Laura A. Lindenfeld (2016) Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: developing core capacities to engage with complex problems [d]
- Somnath Mookherjee & Ellen M. Cosgrove [ed] (2016) Handbook of clinical teaching [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Matthew Woodward, Alison Pickover, & Melissa Smigelsky (2016) Questioning our questions: a constructivist technique for clinical supervision [d]
- Jesse J. Owen, Bruce E. Wampold, Mark Kopta, Tony Rousmaniere, & Scott D. Miller (2016) As good as it gets?: therapy outcomes of trainees over time [p] [d]
- Elizabeth Resor (2016) The neo-humanitarians: assessing the credibility of organized volunteer crisis mappers [d]
- Kevin M. Roessger (2016) Skills-based learning for reproducible expertise: looking elsewhere for guidance [d]
- Michael Helge Rønnestad, David E. Orlinsky, & Hadas Wiseman (2016) Professional development and personal therapy [i] [d]
- Courtney Schriek, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Antony Tang, & Floris J. Bex (2016) Software architecture design reasoning: a card game to help novice designers [i] [d] [u]
- Michael C. Stevens, Alexandra Gaynor, Katie L. Bessette, & Godfrey D. Pearlson (2016) A preliminary study of the effects of working memory training on brain function [d]
- Erin J. Wamsley, Kelly Hamilton, Yvette Graveline, Stephanie Manceor, & Elaine Parr (2016) Test expectation enhances memory consolidation across both sleep and wake [p] [d] [u]
- Rachel Wu, George W. Rebok, & Feng Vankee Lin (2016) A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
- Naijian Zhang & Richard D. Parsons (2016) Field experience: transitioning from student to professional [i] [d]
- Kate Byrne, Iain McGowan, & Wendy Cousins (2015) Delivering mental health first aid: an exploration of instructors' views [d]
- Lap Ki Chan & Wojciech Pawlina [ed] (2015) Teaching anatomy: a practical guide [i] [d]
- Arlo Clark-Foos, Gene Brewer, & Richard L. Marsh (2015) Judging the reality of others' memories [p] [d]
- Pat Croskerry (2015) Clinical decision making [i] [d]
- Catherine Eubanks-Carter, J. Christopher Muran, & Jeremy D. Safran (2015) Alliance-focused training [p] [d]
- Herco Fonteijn (2015) Making students responsible for their learning—empowering learners to build shared mental models [i] [d]
- Chris Forsythe, Huafei Liao, Michael Trumbo, & Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera (2015) Cognitive neuroscience of human systems: work and everyday life [i] [d]
- Rebecca Grossman, James Oglesby, & Eduardo Salas (2015) The training process: using the science each step of the way [i] [d]
- Jerry L. Harbour (2015) Lean human performance improvement [i] [d]
- Hannah Holt, Larry E. Beutler, Satoko Kimpara, Sandra Macias, Nancy A. Haug, Nicole Shiloff, Peter Goldblum, Rainey Sealey Temkin, & Mickey Stein (2015) Evidence-based supervision: tracking outcome and teaching principles of change in clinical supervision to bring science to integrative practice [p] [d]
- Eli A. Karam, Adrian J. Blow, Douglas H. Sprenkle, & Sean D. Davis (2015) Strengthening the systemic ties that bind: integrating common factors into marriage and family therapy curricula [p] [d]
- Steven Katz & Lisa A. Dack (2015) Intentional interruption: breaking down learning barriers to transform professional practice [i]
- Gideon Keren & George Wu [ed] (2015) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of judgment and decision making [i] [d]
- Bruce S. Liese & Kate M. Esterline (2015) Concept mapping: a supervision strategy for introducing case conceptualization skills to novice therapists [p] [d]
- Gregor MacLennan (2015) Open maps for everyone [u]
- Philip R. Magaletta & Alix M. McLearen (2015) Promoting cognitive complexity in corrections practice: clinical supervision processes with psychotherapist trainees [p] [d]
- Holly K. Osburn, Jenifer M. Hatcher, & Bianca M. Zongrone (2015) Training and development for organizational planning skills [i] [d]
- James C. Paterson (2015) Lean auditing: driving added value and efficiency in internal audit [i] [d]
- Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, & Larry J. Leifer [ed] (2015) Design thinking research: building innovators [i] [d]
- Jonathan C. Roberts, Christopher Headleand, David Perkins, & Panagiotis D. Ritsos (2015) Personal visualization for learning [u]
- Henk G. Schmidt & Sílvia Mamede (2015) How to improve the teaching of clinical reasoning: a narrative review and a proposal [p] [d]
- Eric Schwitzgebel & Fiery Cushman (2015) Philosophers' biased judgments persist despite training, expertise and reflection [p] [d]
- Miroslav Sirota, Lenka Kostovičová, & Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau (2015) How to train your Bayesian: a problem-representation transfer rather than a format-representation shift explains training effects [p] [d]
- Nicholas C. Soderstrom & Robert A. Bjork (2015) Learning versus performance: an integrative review [p] [d] [j]
- Jack B. Soll, Katherine L. Milkman, & John W. Payne (2015) A user's guide to debiasing [i] [d]
- Neville A. Stanton & Rich C. McIlroy (2015) Specifying system requirements using cognitive work analysis [i] [d]
- Joshua K. Swift, Jennifer L. Callahan, Tony Rousmaniere, Jason L. Whipple, Kyle Dexter, & Elizabeth R. Wrape (2015) Using client outcome monitoring as a tool for supervision [p] [d]
- Reema Eda Upadhyaya, Sagun Giri, & Michael Lamport Commons (2015) Reinforced correct answers to next stage problems produced the highest stage performance in traditional nonliterates found in the world [d]
- Charlotte E. Vickery & Dusana Dorjee (2015) Mindfulness training in primary schools decreases negative affect and increases meta-cognition in children [p] [d] [u]
- Hedy S. Wald, David Anthony, Tom A. Hutchinson, Stephen Liben, Mark Smilovitch, & Anthony A. Donato (2015) Professional identity formation in medical education for humanistic, resilient physicians: pedagogic strategies for bridging theory to practice [p] [d]
- Margaret Wolff, Mary Jo Wagner, Stacey Poznanski, Jocelyn Schiller, & Sally Santen (2015) Not another boring lecture: engaging learners with active learning techniques [p] [d]
- Joël R. van Aalderen, Walter J. Breukers, Rob P. B. Reuzel, & Anne E. M. Speckens (2014) The role of the teacher in mindfulness-based approaches: a qualitative study [d]
- Harry J. Aponte & Karni Kissil (2014) 'If I can grapple with this I can truly be of use in the therapy room': using the therapist's own emotional struggles to facilitate effective therapy [d]
- Clare E. Aslan, Malin L. Pinsky, Maureen E. Ryan, Sara Souther, & Kimberly A. Terrell (2014) Cultivating creativity in conservation science [p] [d]
- Roy A. Bean, Sean D. Davis, & Maureen P. Davey [ed] (2014) Clinical supervision activities for increasing competence and self-awareness [i]
- James W. Begun & Jan Malcolm (2014) Leading public health: a competency framework [i]
- Rinad S. Beidas, Wendi Cross, & Shannon Dorsey (2014) Show me, don't tell me: behavioral rehearsal as a training and analogue fidelity tool [p] [d] [u]
- James Bennett-Levy & Christine A. Padesky (2014) Use it or lose it: post-workshop reflection enhances learning and utilization of CBT skills [d]
- James Bennett-Levy & Nicole K. Lee (2014) Self-practice and self-reflection in cognitive behaviour therapy training: what factors influence trainees' engagement and experience of benefit? [p] [d]
- Stephen Billett, Christian Harteis, & Hans Gruber [ed] (2014) International handbook of research in professional and practice-based learning [i] [d]
- Daniel Bor, Nicolas Rothen, David J. Schwartzman, Stephanie Clayton, & Anil K. Seth (2014) Adults can be trained to acquire synesthetic experiences [p] [d] [u]
- Henny P. A. Boshuizen & Margje W. J. van de Wiel (2014) Expertise development through schooling and work [i] [d]
- Lyle Eugene Bourne & Alice F. Healy (2014) Train your mind for peak performance: a science-based approach for achieving your goals [i] [d]
- Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger, & Mark A. McDaniel (2014) Make it stick: the science of successful learning [i] [d]
- Ray Bull [ed] (2014) Investigative interviewing [i] [d]
- Calvin L. Chou, James Bell, Carol M. Chou, & Anna Chang (2014) Remediation of interpersonal and communication skills [i] [d]
- Anna T. Cianciolo (2014) Deciding 'what to teach' health professionals: a human-centred systems engineering perspective [p] [d]
- Michael Lamport Commons, Darlene Eleanor Crone-Todd, & Shuling Julie Chen (2014) Using SAFMEDS and direct instruction to teach the model of hierarchical complexity [d]
- Gavin Ivey (2014) The ethics of mandatory personal psychotherapy for trainee psychotherapists [d]
- Maria Anna Jankowska [ed] (2014) Focus on educating for sustainability: toolkit for academic libraries [i]
- Adina Kalet & Calvin L. Chou [ed] (2014) Remediation in medical education: a mid-course correction [i] [d]
- Charlotte Knight (2014) Emotional literacy in criminal justice: professional practice with offenders [i] [d]
- Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P. Dow, & Scott R. Klemmer (2014) Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
- William J. Lahneman & Rubén Arcos Martín [ed] (2014) The art of intelligence: simulations, exercises, and games [i]
- Allison Littlejohn & Anoush Margaryan [ed] (2014) Technology-enhanced professional learning: processes, practices, and tools [i] [d]
- Sílvia Mamede, Tamara van Gog, Alexandre Moura Sampaio, Rosa Malena Delbone de Faria, José Peixoto Maria, & Henk G. Schmidt (2014) How can students' diagnostic competence benefit most from practice with clinical cases?: the effects of structured reflection on future diagnosis of the same and novel diseases [p] [d]
- Daniel Markovitz (2014) What event are you training for? [u]
- John Matthews (2014) Anatomy of performance training [i] [d]
- Justin Presseau, Marie Johnston, Tarja Heponiemi, Marko Elovainio, Jill J. Francis, Martin P. Eccles, Nick Steen, Susan Hrisos, Elaine Stamp, Jeremy M. Grimshaw, Gillian Hawthorne, & Falko F. Sniehotta (2014) Reflective and automatic processes in health care professional behaviour: a dual process model tested across multiple behaviours [p] [d]
- Sandra Prince-Embury & Donald H. Saklofske [ed] (2014) Resilience interventions for youth in diverse populations [i] [d]
- Daniel Reisberg (2014) The science of perception and memory: a pragmatic guide for the justice system [i] [d]
- Ronald E. Riggio & Sherylle J. Tan [ed] (2014) Leader interpersonal and influence skills: the soft skills of leadership [i] [d]
- Beatriz Rodriguez Vega, Javier Melero-Llorente, Carmen Bayon Perez, Susana Cebolla, Jorge Mira, Carla Valverde, & Alberto Fernández-Liria (2014) Impact of mindfulness training on attentional control and anger regulation processes for psychotherapists in training [p] [d]
- Shauna L. Shapiro, Sonica Thakur, & Sarah de Sousa (2014) Mindfulness for health care professionals and therapists in training [i] [d]
- Maura E. Sullivan, Kenneth A. Yates, Kenji Inaba, Lydia Lam, & Richard E. Clark (2014) The use of cognitive task analysis to reveal the instructional limitations of experts in the teaching of procedural skills [p] [d]
- Leigh L. Thompson & Brian J. Lucas (2014) Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them [i]
- Lindsay Van Thoen (2014) Learn by doing: lessons from a programmer [u]
- C. Edward Watkins Jr. & Derek L. Milne [ed] (2014) The Wiley international handbook of clinical supervision [i] [d]
- Greg Wilson (2014/2016) Software Carpentry: lessons learned [d] [u]
- Paul Wyton & Robin Payne (2014) Exploring the development of competence in lean management through action learning groups: a study of the introduction of lean to a facilities management function [d]
- Sarah E. Allen (2013) Memory stabilization and enhancement following music practice [d]
- Marie-Claude Audétat, Suzanne Laurin, Gilbert Sanche, Caroline Béïque, Nathalie Caire Fon, Jean-Guy Blais, & Bernard Charlin (2013) Clinical reasoning difficulties: a taxonomy for clinical teachers [p] [d]
- Jessica L. Blickley, Kristy Deiner, Kelly Garbach, Iara Lacher, Mariah H. Meek, Lauren M. Porensky, Marit L. Wilkerson, Eric M. Winford, & Mark W. Schwartz (2013) Graduate student's guide to necessary skills for nonacademic conservation careers [p] [d]
- Juleen K. Buser, Trevor J. Buser, & Christina Hamme Peterson (2013) Counselor training in the use of spiritual lifemaps: creative interventions for depicting spiritual/religious stories [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Geeta Singhal, & Sílvia Mamede (2013) Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory of debiasing [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Geeta Singhal, & Sílvia Mamede (2013) Cognitive debiasing 2: impediments to and strategies for change [d]
- William B. Cutrer, William M. Sullivan, & Amy E. Fleming (2013) Educational strategies for improving clinical reasoning [p] [d]
- Linda Forst, Emily Ahonen, Joseph Zanoni, Alfreda Holloway-Beth, Michele Oschner, Louis Kimmel, Carmen Martino, Eric Rodriguez, Adam Kader, Elisa Ringholm, & Rosemary Sokas (2013) More than training: community-based participatory research to reduce injuries among hispanic construction workers [d]
- Maeda J. Galinsky, Mark W. Fraser, Steven H. Day, & Jack M. Richman (2013) A primer for the design of practice manuals: four stages of development [d]
- W. Kim Halford & Guy Bodenmann (2013) Effects of relationship education on maintenance of couple relationship satisfaction [p] [d]
- Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, & Lynn D. Devenport (2013) Structuring case-based ethics training: how comparing cases and structured prompts influence training effectiveness [d]
- Tal Harmelech & Rafael Malach (2013) Neurocognitive biases and the patterns of spontaneous correlations in the human cortex [p] [d]
- Peter D. Harms & Bradley J. Brummel (2013) The importance of developing employability [d]
- Calvin K. Lai, Kelly M. Hoffman, & Brian A. Nosek (2013) Reducing implicit prejudice [d]
- Jean Christophe Le Coze (2013) What have we learned about learning from accidents?: post-disasters reflections [d]
- Allyson P. Mackey, Alison T. Miller Singley, & Silvia A. Bunge (2013) Intensive reasoning training alters patterns of brain connectivity at rest [p] [d] [u]
- Carla. L. MacLean, C. A. Elizabeth Brimacombe, & D. Stephen Lindsay (2013) Investigating industrial investigation: examining the impact of a priori knowledge and tunnel vision education [d]
- Terhi Mäntylä (2013) Promoting conceptual development in physics teacher education: cognitive-historical reconstruction of electromagnetic induction law [d]
- David I. Miller & Diane F. Halpern (2013) Can spatial training improve long-term outcomes for gifted STEM undergraduates? [d]
- Richard John Ormerod (2013) OR competences: the demands of problem structuring methods [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone & Cristina A. Andreescu (2013) Repurposing process measures to train psychotherapists: training outcomes using a new approach [d]
- Alex L. Pieterse, Minsun Lee, Arthur Ritmeester, & Noah M. Collins (2013) Towards a model of self-awareness development for counselling and psychotherapy training [d]
- David A. Rasch & Meehan Rasch (2013) Overcoming writer's block and procrastination for attorneys, law students, and law professors [u]
- Thomas C. Ricketts & Erin P. Fraher (2013) Reconfiguring health workforce policy so that education, training, and actual delivery of care are closely connected [p] [d]
- Laura Ryser, Sean Markey, & Greg Halseth (2013) Developing the next generation of community-based researchers: tips for undergraduate students [d]
- Hikaru Takeuchi, Yasuyuki Taki, Rui Nouchi, Hiroshi Hashizume, Atsushi Sekiguchi, Yuka Kotozaki, Seishu Nakagawa, Calros M. Miyauchi, Yuko Sassa, & Ryuta Kawashima (2013) Effects of working memory training on functional connectivity and cerebral blood flow during rest [d]
- Robert L. Trowbridge, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, & Karen S. Cosby (2013) Educational agenda for diagnostic error reduction [d]
- Anita R. Tucker & Christine Lynn Norton (2013) The use of adventure therapy techniques by clinical social workers: implications for practice and training [d]
- David H. Uttal & Nathaniel G. Meadow (2013) The psychology of practice: lessons from spatial cognition [i] [d]
- Robert J. Volpe & Gregory A. Fabiano (2013) Daily behavior report cards: an evidence-based system of assessment and intervention [i]
- Ulrich W. Weger & Stephen Loughnan (2013) Mobilizing unused resources: using the placebo concept to enhance cognitive performance [p] [d]
- Helen Y. Weng, Andrew S. Fox, Alexander J. Shackman, Diane E. Stodola, Jessica Z. K. Caldwell, Matthew C. Olson, Gregory M. Rogers, & Richard J. Davidson (2013) Compassion training alters altruism and neural responses to suffering [p] [d] [u]
- Reinout W. Wiers, Thomas E. Gladwin, Wilhelm Hofmann, Elske Salemink, & K. Richard Ridderinkhof (2013) Cognitive bias modification and cognitive control training in addiction and related psychopathology: mechanisms, clinical perspectives, and ways forward [d]
- M. Wijnen-Meijer, M. Van der Schaaf, E. Booij, S. Harendza, C. Boscardin, J. Van Wijngaarden, & Th J. Ten Cate (2013) An argument-based approach to the validation of UHTRUST: can we measure how recent graduates can be trusted with unfamiliar tasks? [d]
- Yan Xiao, Sarah Henrickson Parker, & Tanja Manser (2013) Teamwork and collaboration [and training to improve them] [d]
- Antje Barabasch & Felix Rauner [ed] (2012) Work and education in America: the art of integration [i] [d]
- Paula Baron & Lillian Corbin (2012) Thinking like a lawyer/acting like a professional: communities of practice as a means of challenging orthodox legal education [d]
- Gordon Boyce, Susan Greer, Bill Blair, & Cindy Davids (2012) Expanding the horizons of accounting education: incorporating social and critical perspectives [d]
- Jennifer Gerarda Brown (2012) Empowering students to create and claim value through the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [d]
- Jennifer Gerarda Brown (2012) Deeply contacting the inner world of another: practicing empathy in values-based negotiation role plays [u]
- Rebecca S. Crane, Willem Kuyken, J. Mark G. Williams, Richard P. Hastings, Lucinda Cooper, & Melanie J. V. Fennell (2012) Competence in teaching mindfulness-based courses: concepts, development and assessment [d]
- Laura Anne Cutts (2012) A case study exploring a trainee counselling psychologist's experience of coding a single session of counselling for therapeutic intentions [d]
- Gaëlle Desbordes, Lobsang T. Negi, Thaddeus W. W. Pace, B. Alan Wallace, Charles L. Raison, & Eric L. Schwartz (2012) Effects of mindful-attention and compassion meditation training on amygdala response to emotional stimuli in an ordinary, non-meditative state [p] [d] [u]
- Julie Dirksen (2012) Design for how people learn [i]
- Barry Egener, Walter McDonald, Bernard Rosof, & David Gullen (2012) Organizational professionalism: relevant competencies and behaviors [p] [d]
- Mark L. Graber, Stephanie Kissam, Velma L. Payne, Ashley N. D. Meyer, Asta Sorensen, Nancy Lenfestey, Elizabeth Tant, Kerm Henriksen, Kenneth LaBresh, & Hardeep Singh (2012) Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review [d]
- David J. Hallford, Marita P. McCabe, David Mellor, Tanya E. Davison, & Denisa L. Goldhammer (2012) Depression in palliative care settings: the need for training for nurses and other health professionals to improve patients' pathways to care [d]
- Geoff Harrison, Mat Erpelding, & Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education [ed] (2012) Outdoor program administration: principles and practices [i]
- Jeffrey C. Milder, Louise E. Buck, Fabrice DeClerck, & Sara J. Scherr (2012) Landscape approaches to achieving food production, natural resource conservation, and the Millennium Development Goals [i] [d]
- Dietsje D. Jolles & Eveline A. Crone (2012) Training the developing brain: a neurocognitive perspective [p] [d] [u]
- Donna H. Kaiser, Charles R. McAdams, & Victoria A. Foster (2012) Disequilibrium and development: the family counseling internship experience [d]
- Thomas M. Kelley & Eric G. Lambert (2012) Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals [d]
- Margaret E. Kemeny, Carol Foltz, James F. Cavanagh, Margaret Cullen, Janine Giese-Davis, Patricia A. Jennings, Erika L. Rosenberg, Omri Gillath, Phillip R. Shaver, B. Alan Wallace, & Paul Ekman (2012) Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses [p] [d]
- Daijaku Judith Kinst (2012) Cultivating an appropriate response: educational foundations for Buddhist chaplains and pastoral care providers [i]
- Shannon R. Lane, Julie Cooper Altman, Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, Njeri Kagotho, Elizabeth Palley, & Marilyn S. Paul (2012) Inspiring and training students for social action: renewing a needed tradition [d]
- Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway, & Katie Yezzi (2012) Practice perfect: 42 rules for getting better at getting better [i]
- Freddy Limpens & Denis Gillet (2012) A competence bartering platform for learners [i] [d]
- Mishka Lysack (2012) Building capacity for environmental engagement and leadership: an ecosocial work perspective [d]
- Robert McCandless & Virginia Eatough (2012) 'Her energy kind of went into a different place': a qualitative study examining supervisors' experience of promoting reflexive learning in students [d]
- Adam W. Moore, Thomas Gruber, Jennifer Derose, & Peter Malinowski (2012) Regular, brief mindfulness meditation practice improves electrophysiological markers of attentional control [p] [d] [u]
- Margaret O'Connor, Jo-Anne Abbott, & Katrina Recoche (2012) Getting the message across: does the use of drama aid education in palliative care? [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone (2012) Therapy training as a transformative process [i]
- Howard Rheingold (2012) Stewards of digital literacies [u]
- Tomas Rihacek, Ester Danelova, & Ivo Cermak (2012) Psychotherapist development: integration as a way to autonomy [d]
- Sara Rubinelli & Claudia Zanini (2012/2014) Teaching argumentation theory to doctors: why and what [i] [d]
- Eduardo Salas, Scott I. Tannenbaum, Kurt Kraiger, & Kimberly A. Smith-Jentsch (2012) The science of training and development in organizations: what matters in practice [p] [d]
- Danielle Saucier, Line Paré, Luc Côté, & Lucie Baillargeon (2012) How core competencies are taught during clinical supervision: participatory action research in family medicine [p] [d]
- Paul Schmitz (2012) Everyone leads: building leadership from the community up [i]
- Andrea Kupfer Schneider (2012) Teaching a new negotiation skills paradigm [u]
- Leslie E. Sekerka, Lindsey N. Godwin, & Richard Charnigo (2012) Use of balanced experiential inquiry to build ethical strength in the workplace [d]
- Thomas M. Skovholt (2012) Becoming a therapist: on the path to mastery [i]
- Tonya Tripp & Peter Rich (2012) Using video to analyze one's own teaching [d]
- Sam V. Wass, Gaia Scerif, & Mark H. Johnson (2012) Training attentional control and working memory—is younger, better? [d]
- Noga Zerubavel & Margaret O'Dougherty Wright (2012) The dilemma of the wounded healer [p] [d]
- Fran Ackermann (2011) Getting 'messy' with problems: the challenges of teaching 'soft' OR [d]
- Jamie Allen, Rachel Clarke, Areti Galani, & Kamila Wajda (2011) Creative ecologies in action: technology and the workshop-as-artwork [i] [d]
- John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, & Sue Liechti (2011) Can charisma be taught?: tests of two interventions [d]
- Gary D. Beckman [ed] (2011) Disciplining the arts: teaching entrepreneurship in context [i]
- Rinad S. Beidas, Kelly Koerner, Kenneth R. Weingardt, & Philip C. Kendall (2011) Training research: practical recommendations for maximum impact [p] [d] [u]
- Roy Benson & Declan Connolly (2011) Heart rate training [i]
- Heather A. Van den Berg, Shawn J. Riley, & Shari L. Dann (2011) Conservation education for advancing natural resources knowledge and building capacity for volunteerism [d]
- Linda Darling-Hammond & Ann Lieberman [ed] (2011) Teacher education around the world: changing policies and practices [i] [d]
- John W. Ely, Mark L. Graber, & Pat Croskerry (2011) Checklists to reduce diagnostic errors [p] [d]
- Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (2011) The formative assessment action plan: practical steps to more successful teaching and learning [i]
- Susan H. Godley, Bryan R. Garner, Jane Ellen Smith, Robert J. Meyers, & Mark D. Godley (2011) A large-scale dissemination and implementation model for evidence-based treatment and continuing care [d]
- Maralee Harrell (2011) Understanding, evaluating, and producing arguments: training is necessary for reasoning skills [d]
- Marianne E. Haydel, Barbara L. Mercer, & Erin Rosenblatt (2011) Training assessors in therapeutic assessment [d]
- Patricio Herbst, Daniel Chazan, Chia-Ling Chen, Vu-Minh Chieu, & Michael Weiss (2011) Using comics-based representations of teaching, and technology, to bring practice to teacher education courses [d]
- Shannon Hodges (2011/2016) The counseling practicum and internship manual: a resource for graduate counseling students [i]
- Jonathon Leigh Howard (2011) Using a virtual national park to teach workplace skills in conservation management [d]
- Daniel C. Huston, Eric L. Garland, & Norman A. S. Farb (2011) Mechanisms of mindfulness in communication training [d]
- James K. Luiselli & Derek D. Reed [ed] (2011) Behavioral sport psychology: evidence-based approaches to performance enhancement [i] [d]
- Brian K. Martens & Scott R. Collier (2011) Developing fluent, efficient, and automatic repertoires of athletic performance [i] [d]
- Garrett J. McAuliffe & Karen Eriksen (2011) Handbook of counselor preparation: constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches [i] [d]
- Gerald J. Mozdzierz, Paul R. Peluso, & Joseph Lisiecki (2011) Evidence-based psychological practices and therapist training: at the crossroads [d]
- Joyce P. Murray (2011) Educating health professionals in low-resource countries: a global approach [i]
- Dilani M. Perera-Diltz & Kathryn C. MacCluskie [ed] (2011) The counselor educator's survival guide: designing and teaching outstanding courses in community mental health counseling and school counseling [i] [d]
- Eric Ries (2011) The lean startup: how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses [i]
- Laura Browne Sayre & Sean Clark [ed] (2011) Fields of learning: the student farm movement in North America [i]
- Birgit Schyns, Tina Kiefer, Rudolf Kerschreiter, & Alex Tymon (2011) Teaching implicit leadership theories to develop leaders and leadership: how and why it can make a difference [d]
- Johanna Shapiro (2011) Does medical education promote professional alexithymia? A call for attending to the emotions of patients and self in medical training [p] [d]
- Angela I. Sheely-Moore & Leslie Kooyman (2011) Infusing multicultural and social justice competencies within counseling practice: a guide for trainers [d]
- John Sweller, Paul L. Ayres, & Slava Kalyuga (2011) Cognitive load theory [i] [d]
- Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, Lauren N. Harkrider, Lynn D. Devenport, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, & Michael D. Mumford (2011) Case-based knowledge and ethics education: improving learning and transfer through emotionally rich cases [p] [d]
- Brigitte Vachon & Jeannette LeBlanc (2011) Effectiveness of past and current critical incident analysis on reflective learning and practice change [p] [d]
- Kurt A. VanLehn (2011) The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems, and other tutoring systems [d]
- Rachel Varley, Thomas L. Webb, & Paschal Sheeran (2011) Making self-help more helpful: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of augmenting self-help materials with implementation intentions on promoting the effective self-management of anxiety symptoms [d]
- John R. Weisz, Ana M. Ugueto, Jenny Herren, Sara R. Afienko, & Christopher Rutt (2011) Kernels vs. ears, and other questions for a science of treatment dissemination [d]
- Matthias Berking, Caroline Meier, & Peggilee Wupperman (2010) Enhancing emotion-regulation skills in police officers: results of a pilot controlled study [p] [d]
- Gretchen A. Case & Daniel J. Brauner (2010) The doctor as performer: a proposal for change based on a performance studies paradigm [p] [d]
- Andrea J. Casey & Ellen F. Goldman (2010) Enhancing the ability to think strategically: a learning model [d]
- Louis G. Castonguay, James F. Boswell, Michael J. Constantino, Marvin R. Goldfried, & Clara E. Hill (2010) Training implications of harmful effects of psychological treatments [p] [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Allan Abbass, & Albert W. Wu (2010) Emotional influences in patient safety [p] [d]
- David V. Day (2010) The difficulties of learning from experience and the need for deliberate practice [d]
- Niccy Fraser & Jan Wilson (2010) Self-case study as a catalyst for personal development in cognitive therapy training [d]
- Eric L. Garland, Susan A. Gaylord, Charlotte A. Boettiger, & Matthew O. Howard (2010) Mindfulness training modifies cognitive, affective, and physiological mechanisms implicated in alcohol dependence: results of a randomized controlled pilot trial [d]
- Antonio Giangreco, Andrea Carugati, Antonio Sebastiano, & David Della Bella (2010) Trainees' reactions to training: shaping groups and courses for happier trainees [d]
- Kathryn Goldman Schuyler (2010) Increasing leadership integrity through mind training and embodied learning [d]
- Stan Gully & Gilad Chen (2010) Individual differences, attribute–treatment interactions, and training outcomes [i] [d]
- Timothy Hedeen, Susan S. Raines, & Ansley B. Barton (2010) Foundations of mediation training: a literature review of adult education and training design [d]
- Eric S. Holmboe, Jonathan Sherbino, Donlin M. Long, Susan R. Swing, & Jason R. Frank (2010) The role of assessment in competency-based medical education [p] [d]
- Jon Jagger (2010) Do lots of deliberate practice [i]
- Rebecca L. Kelley (2010) An innovative and practical course for environmental educators [d]
- Kevin P. Kennedy (2010) Training: the key to keeping your head in a crisis situation [d]
- Martin Klubeck, Michael Langthorne, & Donald Padgett (2010) Why organizations struggle so hard to improve so little: overcoming organizational immaturity [i]
- Steve W. J. Kozlowski & Eduardo Salas [ed] (2010) Learning, training, and development in organizations [i] [d]
- Cara S. Lesser & Catherine R. Lucey (2010) A behavioral and systems view of professionalism [d]
- Kristina Marquardt Arévalo, Lennart Salomonsson, & Ulrika Geber (2010) Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
- Trevor G. Mazzucchelli & Matthew R. Sanders (2010) Facilitating practitioner flexibility within an empirically supported intervention: lessons from a system of parenting support [d]
- Donald McCown, Diane Reibel, & Marc S. Micozzi (2010) Teaching mindfulness: a practical guide for clinicians and educators [i] [d]
- Lori Mestre (2010) Librarians serving diverse populations: challenges and opportunities [i]
- Matthew Mutchler & Stephen Anderson (2010) Therapist personal agency: a model for examining the training context [d]
- Helen Newing (2010) Interdisciplinary training in environmental conservation: definitions, progress and future directions [d]
- Pierre Pottier, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Brian D. Hodges, Marc-Antoine Pistorius, Jérome Connault, Cécile Durant, Renaud Clairand, Véronique Sebille, Jacques-Henri Barrier, & Bernard Planchon (2010) Exploring how students think: a new method combining think-aloud and concept mapping protocols [p] [d]
- Felix Rauner & Erica Smith [ed] (2010) Rediscovering apprenticeship: research findings of the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) [i] [d]
- Janine Roberts (2010) Teaching and learning with therapists who work with street children and their families [d]
- Thomas L. Sexton, Christopher W. Hanes, & Jeremy C. Kinser (2010) Translating science into clinical practice [i] [d]
- Tracie L. Stewart, Ioana M. Latu, Kerry Kawakami, & Ashley C. Myers (2010) Consider the situation: reducing automatic stereotyping through situational attribution training [d]
- Tim Swanwick, Kirsty Forrest, & Bridget C. O'Brien [ed] (2010/2019) Understanding medical education: evidence, theory, and practice [i] [d]
- Jay C. Thomas & Michel Hersen [ed] (2010) Handbook of clinical psychology competencies [i] [d]
- Clark Aldrich (2009) The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google [i]
- Frederik Anseel, Filip Lievens, & Eveline Schollaert (2009) Reflection as a strategy to enhance task performance after feedback [d]
- Sharon L. Bowman (2009) Training from the back of the room!: 65 ways to step aside and let them learn [i]
- Valerie Nash Chang, Carol L. Decker, & Sheryn Thompson Scott (2009/2017) Developing helping skills: a step-by-step approach to competency [i]
- Amy E. Duchelle, Kelly Biedenweg, Christine Lucas, Arika Virapongse, Jeremy Radachowsky, Deborah J. Wojcik, Marina Londres, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Diana Alvira, & Karen A. Kainer (2009) Graduate students and knowledge exchange with local stakeholders: possibilities and preparation [d]
- Robert A. Duke, Amy L. Simmons, & Carla Davis Cash (2009) It's not how much; it's how: characteristics of practice behavior and retention of performance skills [d]
- Arielle Dylan (2009) Mutual empathy: a means of improving the quality of emergency health care services rendered to marginalized, addicted individuals [i]
- Arthur S. Elstein (2009) Thinking about diagnostic thinking: a 30-year perspective [p] [d]
- K. Anders Ericsson [ed] (2009) Development of professional expertise: toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments [i] [d]
- Peter Jae Fadde (2009) Instructional design for advanced learners: training recognition skills to hasten expertise [d]
- Anwei Feng, Michael Byram, & Michael Fleming [ed] (2009) Becoming interculturally competent through education and training [i] [d]
- John Fien, Rupert Maclean, & Man-Gon Park [ed] (2009) Work, learning, and sustainable development: opportunities and challenges [i]
- Kristian Firing, Ragnheidur Karlsdottir, & Jon Christian Laberg (2009) Social influence in military leadership training [d]
- Nadya A. Fouad, Catherine L. Grus, Robert L. Hatcher, Nadine J. Kaslow, Philinda Smith Hutchings, Michael B. Madson, Frank L. Collins, & Raymond E. Crossman (2009) Competency benchmarks: a model for understanding and measuring competence in professional psychology across training levels [d]
- Mark Graban (2009/2012) Lean hospitals: improving quality, patient safety, and employee engagement [i]
- Pamela Grossman, Christa Compton, Danielle Igra, Matthew Ronfeldt, Emily Shahan, & Peter Williamson (2009) Teaching practice: a cross-professional perspective [d]
- Knut Gundersen & Frode Svartdal (2009) Aggression replacement training: decreasing behaviour problems by increasing emotional competence [i]
- Nadine J. Kaslow, Catherine L. Grus, Linda F. Campbell, Nadya A. Fouad, Robert L. Hatcher, & Emil R. Rodolfa (2009) Competency assessment toolkit for professional psychology [d]
- John Korsmo, Jacquelyn Baker-Sennett, & Trula Nicholas (2009) Learning through life books: teaching human growth and development in an emotionally rich community context [u]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld, Rachel Ammirati, & Kristin Landfield (2009) Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare? [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Cindy Lustig, Priti Shah, Rachael Seidler, & Patricia Reuter-Lorenz (2009) Aging, training, and the brain: a review and future directions [d]
- Bobbi McAdoo & Melissa Manwaring (2009) Teaching for implementation: designing negotiation curricula to maximize long-term learning [d]
- Gerald J. Mozdzierz, Paul R. Peluso, & Joseph Lisiecki (2009/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
- Amitava Mukherjee (2009) Frontiers in participatory rural appraisal and participatory learning and action: PRA and PLA in applied research [i]
- National Research Council (2009) Strengthening forensic science in the United States: a path forward [i] [d] [u]
- David N. Perkins (2009) Making learning whole: how seven principles of teaching can transform education [i]
- Eugene Sadler-Smith & Lisa A. Burke (2009) Fostering intuition in management education: activities and resources [d]
- David Vernon (2009) Human potential: exploring techniques used to enhance human performance [i]
- Peter Willis, Stephen McKenzie, & Roger Harris [ed] (2009) Rethinking work and learning: adult and vocational education for social sustainability [i] [d]
- Susan Lesley Woods (2009) Training professionals in mindfulness: the heart of teaching [i] [d]
- Timothy B. Baker, Richard M. McFall, & Varda Shoham (2008) Current status and future prospects of clinical psychology: toward a scientifically principled approach to mental and behavioral health care [p] [d] [u]
- Bent Erik Bakken (2008) On improving dynamic decision-making: implications from multiple-process cognitive theory [d]
- David Bartholomew (2008) Building on knowledge: developing expertise, creativity and intellectual capital in the construction professions [i] [d]
- Thomas F. Cleary (2008) Training the samurai mind: a bushidō sourcebook [i]
- Noreen C. Facione & Peter A. Facione [ed] (2008) Critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the health sciences: an international multidisciplinary teaching anthology [i]
- Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey (2008/2021) Better learning through structured teaching: a framework for the gradual release of responsibility [i]
- Thomas H. Gillingwater (2008) The importance of exposure to human material in anatomical education: a philosophical perspective [d]
- Michael C. Gottlieb, Mitchell M. Handelsman, & Samuel Knapp (2008) Some principles for ethics education: implementing the acculturation model [d]
- Deborah Gross, Christine Garvey, Wrenetha Julion, Louis Fogg, Sharon Tucker, & Hartmut Mokros (2008) Efficacy of the Chicago Parent Program with low-income African American and Latino parents of young children [d]
- Deborah Helsing, Annie Howell, Robert Kegan, & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2008) Putting the 'development' in professional development: understanding and overturning educational leaders' immunities to change [d]
- Lee Higgins (2008) The creative music workshop: event, facilitation, gift [d]
- Nicholas Ladany, Jessica A. Walker, Lia M. Pate-Carolan, & Laurie Gray Evans (2008) Practicing counseling and psychotherapy: insights from trainees, supervisors, and clients [i] [d]
- Mark M. Lowenthal (2008/2014) The education and training of intelligence analysts [i]
- M. Kyle Matsuba, Gavin J. Elder, Franca Petrucci, & Tammy Marleau (2008) Employment training for at-risk youth: a program evaluation focusing on changes in psychological well-being [d]
- Brian Cole Miller (2008) Quick meeting openers for busy managers: more than 50 icebreakers, energizers, and other creative activities that get results [i]
- Philip H. Mirvis (2008) Executive development through consciousness-raising experiences [d]
- Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples, & Lynn D. Devenport (2008) A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: preliminary evidence of training effectiveness [d]
- James T. Reason (2008) The human contribution: unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries [i]
- Cheryl L. Rosaen, Mary Lundeberg, Marjorie Cooper, Anny Fritzen, & Marjorie Terpstra (2008) Noticing noticing: how does investigation of video records change how teachers reflect on their experiences? [d]
- Naomi A. Schoenfeld, Robert B. Rutherford, Robert A. Gable, & Marcia L. Rock (2008) ENGAGE: a blueprint for incorporating social skills training into daily academic instruction [d]
- David Sibbet (2008) Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
- Brandon D. Stewart & B. Keith Payne (2008) Bringing automatic stereotyping under control: implementation intentions as efficient means of thought control [p] [d]
- Glyn Thomas (2008) Preparing facilitators for experiential education: the role of intentionality and intuition [d]
- Glyn Thomas (2008) Facilitate first thyself: the person-centered dimension of facilitator education [d]
- Gunnar Wiedenbauer & Petra Jansen-Osmann (2008) Manual training of mental rotation in children [d]
- Etiony Aldarondo [ed] (2007) Advancing social justice through clinical practice [i]
- Allison Bashe, Sharon K. Anderson, Mitchell M. Handelsman, & Robin Klevansky (2007) An acculturation model for ethics training: the ethics autobiography and beyond [d]
- Kate Batha & Professor Marie Carroll (2007) Metacognitive training aids decision making [d]
- Sharon Begley (2007) Train your mind, change your brain: how a new science reveals our extraordinary potential to transform ourselves [i]
- Mark E. Bouton (2007/2016) Learning and behavior: a contemporary synthesis [i]
- Elizabeth Chell (2007) The training and development of managers and entrepreneurs: the role of integrative capacity [i] [d]
- Nisha Dogra, James Giordano, & Nicholas France (2007) Cultural diversity teaching and issues of uncertainty: the findings of a qualitative study [p] [d]
- Susan J. Ellspermann, Gerald W. Evans, & Min Basadur (2007) The impact of training on the formulation of ill-structured problems [d]
- K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, & Edward T. Cokely (2007) The making of an expert [p] [u]
- Kevin W. Eva, Rose M. Hatala, Vicki R. Leblanc, & Lee R. Brooks (2007) Teaching from the clinical reasoning literature: combined reasoning strategies help novice diagnosticians overcome misleading information [p] [d]
- Eileen D. Gambrill (2007) Transparency as the route to evidence-informed professional education [d]
- Frank L. Gardner & Zella E. Moore (2007) The psychology of enhancing human performance: the mindfulness–acceptance–commitment approach (MAC): a practitioner's guide [i]
- Ludwig Grepmair, Ferdinand Mitterlehner, Thomas Loew, Egon Bachler, Wolfhardt Rother, & Marius Nickel (2007) Promoting mindfulness in psychotherapists in training influences the treatment results of their patients: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study [d]
- Harvard Business School Publishing (2007) Managing teams for high performance [o] [u]
- Clara E. Hill, Jessica Stahl, & Melissa Roffman (2007) Training novice psychotherapists: helping skills and beyond [p] [d]
- Amism P. Jha, Jason Krompinger, & Michael J. Baime (2007) Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention [p] [d]
- Nicholas Ladany (2007) Does psychotherapy training matter?: maybe not [p] [d]
- Robert W. Lucas (2007) Creative learning: activities and games that really engage people [i]
- Fred McVittie (2007) Top-down and bottom-up approaches to actor training [d]
- Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer & Paul Arthur Kirschner (2007/2018) Ten steps to complex learning: a systematic approach to four-component instructional design [i] [d]
- Nick R. Milton (2007) Knowledge acquisition in practice: a step-by-step guide [i] [d]
- HRD Unit at PRADAN & Vishal A. Jamkar (2007) Immersions as a form of apprenticeship at PRADAN [u]
- Aron Shlonsky & Susan B. Stern (2007) Reflections on the teaching of evidence-based practice [d]
- Melvin L. Silberman [ed] (2007) The handbook of experiential learning [i]
- Liz Sutton, Michael Townend, & Jeannie K. Wright (2007) The experiences of reflective learning journals by cognitive behavioural psychotherapy students [d]
- Yi-Yuan Tang, Yinghua Ma, Junhong Wang, Yaxin Fan, Shigang Feng, Qilin Lu, Qingbao Yu, Danni Sui, Mary K. Rothbart, Ming Fan, & Michael I. Posner (2007) Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation [p] [d] [u]
- Yehuda Baruch (2006) Role-play teaching: acting in the classroom [d]
- James Bennett-Levy (2006) Therapist skills: a cognitive model of their acquisition and refinement [d]
- John Chambers Christopher, Suzanne E. Christopher, Tim Dunnagan, & Marc Schure (2006) Teaching self-care through mindfulness practices: the application of yoga, meditation, and qigong to counselor training [d]
- Ruth Colvin Clark, Frank Nguyen, & John Sweller (2006) Efficiency in learning: evidence-based guidelines to manage cognitive load [i]
- Beth Crandall, Gary A. Klein, & Robert R. Hoffman (2006) Working minds: a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis [i] [d]
- Richard L. Cruess & Sylvia R. Cruess (2006) Teaching professionalism: general principles [p] [d]
- Anne M. Fields (2006) Ill-structured problems and the reference consultation: the librarian's role in developing student expertise [d]
- Marjan J. B. Govaerts, Cees P. M. Vleuten, Lambert W. T. Schuwirth, & Arno M. M. Muijtjens (2006) Broadening perspectives on clinical performance assessment: rethinking the nature of in-training assessment [d]
- Susan Kay Jacobson, Mallory D. McDuff, & Martha C. Monroe (2006/2015) Conservation education and outreach techniques [i] [d]
- Thupten Jinpa, Gźon-nu-rgyal-mchog, & Dkon-mchog-rgyal-mtshan [ed] (2006) Mind training: the great collection [i]
- Mishka Lysack (2006) Developing one's own voice as a therapist: a dialogic approach to therapist education [d]
- Nanette Miner (2006) The accidental trainer: a reference manual for the small, part-time, or one-person training department [i]
- Jaime Phillip Muñoz, Sara Dix, & Diana Reichenbach (2006) Building productive roles: occupational therapy in a homeless shelter [d]
- Sandy Newsome, John Chambers Christopher, Penny Dahlen, & Suzanne E. Christopher (2006) Teaching counselors self-care through mindfulness practices [d] [u]
- Oscar Ortiz (2006) Evolution of agricultural extension and information dissemination in Peru: an historical perspective focusing on potato-related pest control [d]
- George A. Peters & Barbara J. Peters (2006) Human error: causes and control [i]
- Alan A. Schreier, Kenneth Wilson, & David B. Resnik (2006) Academic research record-keeping: best practices for individuals, group leaders, and institutions [p] [d] [u]
- Beatrice Schultz & Patricia Kushlis (2006) Empirically derived training techniques for facilitators of group discussions [i]
- Jayson Seaman & Andrew D. Coppens (2006) Repertoire of practice: reconceptualizing instructor competency in contemporary adventure education [d]
- Melvin L. Silberman (2006) Training the active training way: 8 strategies to spark learning and change [i]
- Nikki Highmore Sims (2006) How to run a great workshop: the complete guide to designing and running brilliant workshops and meetings [i]
- Michael Stauffacher, Alexander I. Walter, Daniel J. Lang, Arnim Wiek, & Roland W. Scholz (2006) Learning to research environmental problems from a functional socio-cultural constructivism perspective: the transdisciplinary case study approach [d]
- Elizabeth K. Strickland (2006) Putting 'counselor' back in the lawyer's job description: why more states should adopt collaborative law statutes [u]
- Tom Williamson [ed] (2006) Investigative interviewing: rights, research, and regulation [i]
- Tom Williamson (2006) Towards greater professionalism: minimizing miscarriages of justice [i]
- Jochanan Benbassat & Reuben Baumal (2005) Enhancing self-awareness in medical students: an overview of teaching approaches [p] [d]
- Pearl S. Berman & Susan Shopland (2005) Interviewing and diagnostic exercises for clinical and counseling skills building [i] [d]
- Carmen Candelo Reina, Gracia Ana Ortiz R., & Barbara Unger (2005) Organizing and running workshops: a practical guide for trainers [u]
- Donald A. Dinero (2005) Training within industry: the foundation of lean [i]
- Mark Donati & Mary Watts (2005) Personal development in counsellor training: towards a clarification of inter-related concepts [d]
- Jesse D. Geller, John C. Norcross, & David E. Orlinsky [ed] (2005) The psychotherapist's own psychotherapy: patient and clinician perspectives [i]
- Peter Gerasch & Arturo Durán (2005) Training in modest housing construction for those who need it most: an example from Nicaragua [i] [d]
- Charles F. von Gunten, Martha L. Twaddle, Michael Preodor, Kathy Johnson Neely, Jeanne Martinez, & John Lyons (2005) Evidence of improved knowledge and skills after an elective rotation in a hospice and palliative care program for internal medicine residents [d]
- Robert L. Jolles (2005/2017) How to run seminars and workshops: presentation skills for consultants, trainers, teachers, and salespeople [i]
- Anton-Rupert Laireiter & Ulrike Willutzki (2005) Personal therapy in cognitive-behavioral therapy: tradition and current practice [i]
- Deborah Roth Ledley, Brian P. Marx, & Richard G. Heimberg (2005/2010) Making cognitive-behavioral therapy work: clinical process for new practitioners [i]
- Ann Lexton, Martin Smith, David Olufemi, & Gaye Poole (2005) Taking a risk and playing it safe: the use of actors in interagency child protection training [d]
- Bernd Overwien (2005) Informal learning and the role of social movements [i] [d]
- Fran Rees (2005) 25 activities for developing team leaders [i]
- Roger M. Schwarz (2005) The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
- Madhu Singh [ed] (2005) Meeting basic learning needs in the informal sector: integrating education and training for decent work, empowerment and citizenship [i] [d]
- Jean Morrissey (2005/2020) Training supervision: professional and ethical considerations [i] [d]
- Patricia Tuecke (2005) The architecture of participation [i]
- Chuck Barritt & F. Lee Alderman Jr. (2004) Creating a reusable learning objects strategy: leveraging information and learning in a knowledge economy [i]
- Emanuel Berman (2004) Detoxifying the toxic effects of psychoanalytic training: a case study [i]
- Douglas Brooks (2004) The complete book of personal training [i]
- Ruth Colvin Clark & Chopeta C. Lyons (2004/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
- Christopher Connolly & Aaron Williamon (2004) Mental skills training [i] [d]
- Ursula Cornish & Fiona Ross (2004) Social skills training for adolescents with general moderate learning difficulties [i]
- Vasudha Kathleen Deming (2004) The big book of leadership games: quick, fun activities to improve communication, increase productivity, and bring out the best in your employees [i]
- Donna Dunning (2004) TLC at work: training, leading, coaching all types for star performance [i]
- Kevin W. Eva, John P. W. Cunnington, Harold I. Reiter, David R. Keane, & Geoffrey R. Norman (2004) How can I know what I don't know?: poor self assessment in a well-defined domain [d]
- Carol A. Falender, Jennifer A. Erickson Cornish, Rodney K. Goodyear, Robert L. Hatcher, Nadine J. Kaslow, Gerald Leventhal, Edward Shafranske, Sandra T. Sigmon, Cal Stoltenberg, & Catherine L. Grus (2004) Defining competencies in psychology supervision: a consensus statement [p] [d]
- Ben B. Graham (2004) Detail process charting: speaking the language of process [i]
- Thomas Lans, Renate Wesselink, Harm J. A. Biemans, & Martin Mulder (2004) Work-related lifelong learning for entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector [d]
- Brian K. Martens & Joseph C. Witt (2004) Competence, persistence, and success: the positive psychology of behavioral skill instruction [d]
- Ronald B. Miller (2004) Facing human suffering: psychology and psychotherapy as moral engagement [i] [d]
- Amitava Mukherjee [ed] (2004) Participatory rural appraisal: methods and applications in rural planning: essays in honour of Robert Chambers [i]
- Marcia L. Tate (2004/2012) 'Sit & get' won't grow dendrites: 20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain [i]
- Samuel Vuchinich (2004) Problem-solving training for families [i] [d]
- Winfred Arthur Jr., Winston Bennett Jr., Pamela S. Edens, & Suzanne T. Bell (2003) Effectiveness of training in organizations: a meta-analysis of design and evaluation features [d]
- Carmen Candelo Reina, Gracia Ana Ortiz R., & Barbara Unger (2003) Hacer talleres: una guía práctica para capacitadores [i] [u]
- CARE (2003) Guía de planificación para el desarrollo de competencias [u]
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- Saul Carliner (2003) Training design basics [i]
- John A. Daly & Anita L. Vangelisti (2003) Skillfully instructing learners: how communicators effectively convey messages [i] [d]
- Wellesley R. Foshay, Kenneth H. Silber, & Michael B. Stelnicki (2003) Writing training materials that work: how to train anyone to do anything: a practical guide for trainers based on current cognitive psychology and ID theory and research [i]
- Robert Hogan & Rodney Warrenfeltz (2003) Educating the modern manager [d]
- John W. Hunt & Yehuda Baruch (2003) Developing top managers: the impact of interpersonal skills training [d]
- James E. Loehr & Tony Schwartz (2003) The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
- Joseph A. Mayo (2003) Observational diary: the merits of journal writing as case-based instruction in introductory psychology [d]
- Gerald F. Smith (2003) Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
- Bill Withers & Keami D. Lewis (2003) The conflict and communication activity book: 30 high-impact training exercises for adult learners [i]
- AIDS Alliance (2002) A facilitator's guide to participatory workshops with NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS [o] [u]
- Stephen Bax (2002) The social and cultural dimensions of trainer training [d]
- Ben Bennett (2002) Market scoping: methods to help people understand their marketing environment [u]
- Marlene Caroselli (2002) The big book of meeting games: 75 quick, fun activities for leading creative, energetic, productive meetings [i]
- Robert Chambers (2002) Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities [i] [d]
- Carlos Galindo-Leal (2002) Design and analysis of conservation projects in Latin America: an integrative approach to training [j] [u]
- Rebecca S. Morrison, Diane M. Sainato, Delia Benchaaban, & Sayaka Endo (2002) Increasing play skills of children with autism using activity schedules and correspondence training [d]
- Charles B. Myers (2002) Can self-study challenge the belief that telling, showing, and guided practice constitute adequate teacher education? [i]
- Jack J. Phillips & Ron D. Stone (2002) How to measure training results: a practical guide to tracking the six key indicators [i]
- Lori S. Schreier (2002) Emotional intelligence and mediation training [d]
- R. Brian Stanfield (2002) The workshop book: from individual creativity to group action [i]
- Thomas D. Carlson & Martin J. Erickson (2001) Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
- Linda Darling-Hammond (2001) Teacher testing and the improvement of practice [d]
- Fern Dickey (2001) Last minute meetings [i]
- Peter Fraenkel & William M. Pinsof (2001) Teaching family therapy-centered integration: assimilation and beyond [d]
- Louis R. Franzini (2001) Humor in therapy: the case for training therapists in its uses and risks [p] [d]
- Alfonso Gumucio Dagrón (2001) Making waves: stories of participatory communication for social change [i]
- Robin M. Hogarth (2001) Educating intuition [i]
- Scott J. Josiah (2001) Approaches to expand NGO natural resource conservation program outreach [d]
- Kat Koppett (2001) Training to imagine: practical improvisational theatre techniques for trainers and managers to enhance creativity, teamwork, leadership, and learning [i]
- Terrence Morrison (2001/2003) Actionable learning: a handbook for capacity building through case based learning [i] [u]
- Rebecca M. Pliske, Michael J. McCloskey, & Gary A. Klein (2001) Decision skills training: facilitating learning from experience [i]
- Sara A. Quandt, Thomas A. Arcury, Colin K. Austin, & Luis F. Cabrera (2001) Latino immigrants: preventing occupational exposure to pesticides: using participatory research with latino farmworkers to develop an intervention [d]
- Leslie Rae (2001) Develop your training skills [i]
- Eduardo Salas & Gary A. Klein [ed] (2001) Linking expertise and naturalistic decision making [i]
- Robert C. Bordone (2000) Teaching interpersonal skills for negotiation and for life [d]
- Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch, & Eric Colton Marcus [ed] (2000/2014) The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice [i]
- Altha J. Cravey, Thomas A. Arcury, & Sara A. Quandt (2000) Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
- Robert Epstein (2000) The big book of stress-relief games: quick, fun activities for feeling better at work [i]
- Donald L. Finkel (2000) Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
- W. Timothy Gallwey (2000) The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
- Jerry W. Gilley & Ann Maycunich Gilley (2000) Beyond the learning organization: creating a culture of continuous growth and development through state-of-the-art human resource practices [i]
- Charles D. Hayes (2000) Training yourself: the 21st century credential [i]
- Paul Z. Jackson (2000/2003) 58 1/2 ways to improvise in training: improvisation games and activities for workshops, courses, and team meetings [i]
- David Krasner [ed] (2000) Method acting reconsidered: theory, practice, future [i]
- Manfred Oepen & Winfried Hamacher [ed] (2000) Communicating the environment: environmental communication for sustainable development [i]
- William J. Rothwell, Carolyn K. Hohne, & Stephen B. King (2000/2007) Human performance improvement: building practitioner competence [i]
- Doni Tamblyn & Sharyn Weiss (2000) The big book of humorous training games [i]
- Ian Bruce Watson [ed] (2000/2001) Performer training: developments across cultures [i]
- Bruce Klatt (1999) The ultimate training workshop handbook: a comprehensive guide to leading successful workshops & training programs [i]
- Andrew J. McClurg (1999) Good cop, bad cop: using cognitive dissonance theory to reduce police lying [u]
- Bimal Kumar Phnuyal (1999) Rejecting 'the manual' for more critical and participatory analysis: REFLECT's experience in El Salvador [u]
- Omkar Singh Rathore (1999/2008) Handbook of extension education [i]
- Melvin L. Silberman & Kathy Clark (1999) 101 ways to make meetings active: surefire ideas to engage your group [i]
- Edie West (1999) The big book of icebreakers: 50 quick, fun activities for energizing meetings and workshops [i]
- Shirley A. White [ed] (1999) The art of facilitating participation: releasing the power of grassroots communication [i]
- Alexander Berzin (1998) Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
- Cyril Charney & Kathy Conway (1998/2005) The trainer's tool kit [i]
- Ruth Colvin Clark (1998/2008) Building expertise: cognitive methods for training and performance improvement [i]
- John Collins (1998) Perfect presentations: the essential guide to thinking and working smarter [i]
- Keshav Gautam (1998) An encounter with a 17th century manual [u]
- Ford Harding (1998/2006) Creating rainmakers: the manager's guide to training professionals to attract new clients [i] [d]
- Paul Z. Jackson (1998/2001) The inspirational trainer: making your training flexible, spontaneous & creative [i]
- Anne Jellema (1998) Talking out of turn: notes on participation, learning and action in REFLECT [u]
- Karen Lawson (1998) Train-the-trainer: facilitator's guide [i]
- Charles B. Myers & Douglas J. Simpson (1998) Re-creating schools: places where everyone learns and likes it [i]
- John W. Newstrom & Edward E. Scannell (1998) The big book of team-building games: trust-building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do [i]
- Mathilda Roos & Mampone Mohatle (1998) Investigating local markets using PRA [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
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- Izzy Gesell (1997) Playing along: 37 learning activities borrowed from improvisational theater [i]
- Tom W. Goad (1997/2010) The first-time trainer: a step-by-step quick guide for managers, supervisors, and new training professionals [i]
- Korrie de Koning (1997) Drama as a discussion starter in research and education [u]
- Rose Mbowa (1997) Rehearsing for reality: using role-play to transform attitudes and behaviour [u]
- Raymond G. Miltenberger (1997/2016) Behavior modification: principles and procedures [i]
- Leslie Rae (1997) How to train the trainer: 23 complete lesson plans for teaching basic skills to new trainers [i]
- Laurens van Veldhuizen, Laurens van Veldhuizen, Ann Waters-Bayer, & Henk de Zeeuw (1997) Developing technology with farmers: a trainer's guide [i]
- David Archer (1996) REFLECT mother manual: regenerated Freirean literacy through empowering community techniques [i] [u]
- Brian N. Baird (1996/2014) The internship, practicum, and field placement handbook: a guide for the helping professions [i]
- Ian Christoplos & Ulrich Nitsch (1996) Pluralism and the extension agent: changing concepts and approaches in rural extension [i]
- Robert L. Craig [ed] (1996) The ASTD training and development handbook: a guide to human resource development [i]
- Thomas N. Gilmore & Ellen Schall (1996) Staying alive to learning: integrating enactments with case teaching to develop leaders [d]
- Lynn Kern Koegel, Robert L. Koegel, & Glen Dunlap [ed] (1996) Positive behavioral support: including people with difficult behavior in the community [i]
- Michael Lawlor & Peter Handley (1996) The creative trainer: holistic facilitation skills for accelerated learning [i]
- Dorothy MacKeracher (1996/2004) Making sense of adult learning [i] [d] [j]
- Steven Ungerleider (1996/2005) Mental training for peak performance: top athletes reveal the mind exercises they use to excel [i]
- Cees P. M. van der Vleuten (1996) The assessment of professional competence: developments, research and practical implications [d]
- Edward R. Hirt & Keith D. Markman (1995) Multiple explanation: a consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments [d]
- Jules N. Pretty, Irene Guijt, Ian Scoones, & John Thompson (1995) A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
- Nancy Stern & Maggi Payment (1995) 101 stupid things trainers do to sabotage success [i]
- Carol A. Tomlinson (1995/2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms [i]
- Liz Willis & Jenny Daisley (1995) The assertive trainer: a practical handbook on assertiveness for trainers and running assertiveness courses [i]
- Aubrey C. Daniels (1994/2000) Bringing out the best in people: how to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement [i]
- Donald L. Kirkpatrick & James D. Kirkpatrick (1994/2005) Evaluating training programs: the four levels [i]
- Ariel Phillips, Abigail Lipson, & Michael Basseches (1994) Empathy and listening skills: a developmental perspective on learning to listen [i]
- Robert Plutchik, Hope R. Conte, & T. Byram Karasu (1994) Critical incidents in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Roger M. Schwarz (1994/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
- Katie Smith (1994) The human farm: a tale of changing lives and changing lands [i]
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- Tim L. Wentling & Kah Khee Lai (1993) Planning for effective training: a guide to curriculum development [i]
- Ralph E. Wileman (1993) Visual communicating [i]
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- Lyra Srinivasan (1992) Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
- Jonathan Zeitlyn (1992) Appropriate media for training and development [i]
- Leon Mann, Ros Harmoni, & Colin Power (1991) The GOFER course in decision making [i]
- Paul W. Meerts (1991/2002) Training of negotiators [i]
- Tony Pont (1991/1996) Developing effective training skills: a practical guide to designing and delivering group training [i]
- Alan M. Thomas (1991) Beyond education: a new perspective on society's management of learning [i]
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- John Heron (1990/2001) Helping the client: a creative practical guide [i]
- Benjamin Kleinmuntz (1990) Why we still use our heads instead of formulas: toward an integrative approach [p] [d]
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- Robert E. Quinn, Sue R. Faerman, Michael P. Thompson, Michael R. McGrath, & David S. Bright (1990/2015) Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach [i]
- Barbara Rogoff (1990) Apprenticeship in thinking: cognitive development in social context [i]
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- Anne Grodzins Lipow (1989) Why training doesn't stick: who is to blame? [o] [u]
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- Israel Goldiamond (1984) Training parent trainers and ethicists in nonlinear analysis of behavior [i]
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