How to teach

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Joy is reciprocally transmitted between teachers and students: evidence on facial mimicry in the classroom [d]
  2. () Growing songwriting: student creativities in the classroom and beyond [i] [d]
  3. () Straighten your back, open your arms! Effects of instructor's body postures in educational videos on students' interest and motivation [d]
  4. Erin VanLaningham [ed] () Called beyond our selves: vocation and the common good [i] [d]
  5. () Seeking connections: an interdisciplinary perspective on music teaching and learning [i] [d]
  6. () 'Yes, please!': an improvisational framework for contemporary art education [d]
  7. () Can schools save democracy?: civic education and the common good [i]
  8. () Teaching and collecting technical standards: a handbook for librarians and educators [i]
  9. Clint Randles [ed] () Milestones in music education [i] [d]
  10. () Embracing relational teaching: how strong relationships promote student self-regulation and efficacy [i]
  11. () Recalibrating the compass in a changing world: education for meaning and meaningful education [d]
  12. () Privileged careerists, working-class idealists: complicating the relationship of class, college values, and curricular choices [d]
  13. () From ambiguity to action: integrating collective sensemaking and rational decision making in management pedagogy and practice [d]
  14. () Promoting scientific literacy in evolution through citizen science [p] [d] [u]
  15. () Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
  16. () Morning classroom conversations: build your students' social-emotional, character, and communication skills every day [i]
  17. () Placing history: using digital maps to situate historical research and foreground student authorship [i]
  18. () Deconstructing depth of knowledge: a method and model for deeper teaching and learning [i]
  19. Silke Higgins & Ngoc Yen Tran [ed] () Embracing change: alternatives to traditional research writing assignments [i]
  20. Ekaterina Ivanova & Isabel Rimanoczy [ed] () Revolutionizing sustainability education: stories and tools of mindset transformation [i] [d]
  21. () How teaching happens: seminal works in teaching and teacher effectiveness and what they mean in practice [i] [d]
  22. () Argumentation and scientific consensus-building: using the nonfiction narrative to generate contextual understanding [d]
  23. () Empowering young children: how to nourish deep, transformative learning for social justice [i] [d]
  24. () What fascinates you?: infographics as research-based inquiry for artists [i]
  25. () Music teacher as music producer: how to turn your classroom into a center for musical creativities [i] [d]
  26. () The restorative practices playbook: tools for transforming discipline in schools [i]
  27. () Education for sustainability: sourcing inner qualities and capacities for transformation [i] [d]
  28. () Is historical thinking unnatural? [d]
  29. () Integrations: the struggle for racial equality and civic renewal in public education [i] [d]
  30. () Intellectual dependability: a virtue theory of the epistemic and educational ideal [i] [d]
  31. () Cognitive development for academic achievement: building skills and motivation [i]
  32. () Peace for racial progress: exploring the integration of peace and antiracist education [i] [u]
  33. () Document-based historical role-playing as a tool to promote empathy and structural understanding in historical memory education [i] [d]
  34. () Is that a philosophical question?: the philosopher as teacher: the tension between democratizing the classroom and building skills in philosophy for children [d]
  35. () Honoring trans and gender-expansive students in music education [i] [d]
  36. Matilda Keynes, Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Daniel Lindmark, & Björn Norlin [ed] () Historical justice and history education [i] [d]
  37. () Schools that heal: design with mental health in mind [i]
  38. () Empowerment for teaching excellence through virtuous agency [i] [d]
  39. () Moral education for social justice [i]
  40. () Critical integrative argumentation: toward complexity in students' thinking [d]
  41. () Student success and the high school–university transition: 100 years of chemistry education research [d]
  42. () Beyond students: how teacher psychology shapes educational inequality [p] [d]
  43. Jason Wingard & Christine A. Farrugia [ed] () The great skills gap: optimizing talent for the future of work [i] [d]
  44. () Why geography is so important [i] [d]
  45. () Visual representation construction for collective reasoning in elementary science classrooms [d]
  46. () Finding the place of argumentation in science education: epistemics and whole science [d]
  47. James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani, & Kathleen Wallace [ed] (/2021) Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
  48. () Revisiting Peirce's account of scientific creativity to inform classroom practice [d]
  49. () Indian education for all: decolonizing Indigenous education in public schools [i]
  50. () Teaching argument through relationships [d]
  51. () Teaching and learning by questioning [i] [d]
  52. () Distracted: why students can't focus and what you can do about it [i]
  53. () Post-truth and science identity: a virtue-based approach to science education [d]
  54. () The 'six-line essay' writing intervention for first-year philosophy students: a preliminary report [d]
  55. () From walls to bridges: education as dialectic and the educator as curator of the affective conditions of dialogue [i] [d]
  56. () Learning and teaching musical heritage in immigrant Chicago [d] [u]
  57. Neil Mercer, Rupert Wegerif, & Louis Major [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of research on dialogic education [i] [d]
  58. () The lost moral purpose of science education [d]
  59. John Russon, Siby K. George, & P. G. (Pravesh) Jung [ed] () Teaching in unequal societies [i] [d]
  60. () Reframed: self-reg for a just society [self-regulation] [i] [d]
  61. () 'Knowledge is power': barriers to intellectual humility in the classroom [i] [d]
  62. () Using adapted studio critique to teach peer review in the document design classroom [d]
  63. Iris M. Yob & Estelle R. Jorgensen [ed] () Humane music education for the common good [i] [j]
  64. () Escape from teaching [i]
  65. () Unconscious bias in schools: a developmental approach to exploring race and racism [i]
  66. () Data visualization literacy: definitions, conceptual frameworks, exercises, and assessments [p] [d] [u]
  67. () Teaching about poverty and social class: fostering class consciousness [i] [d] [j]
  68. () Do you love us?: higher education as an interfaith conversation about the good life [i] [d]
  69. () Creating dialectics to learn: infrastructures, practices, and challenges [i] [d]
  70. () Managing uncertainty in scientific argumentation [in education] [d] [u]
  71. () Targeting conceptual understanding: how to improve learning and course retention in research methods courses [d]
  72. () Supporting the development of a professional identity: general principles [p] [d]
  73. () Using computer-aided argument mapping to teach reasoning [i] [d] [u]
  74. () Finding the question: a puzzle-based approach to the logic of discovery [d]
  75. () Designing student reflections to enable transformative learning experiences [d]
  76. () Teaching in the now: John Dewey on the educational present [i] [j]
  77. () Teaching critical thinking as if our future depends on it, because it does [i] [d]
  78. Ute Harms & Michael J. Reiss [ed] () Evolution education re-considered: understanding what works [i] [d]
  79. () Diversity is not enough: the importance of inclusive pedagogy [d]
  80. () 3 ways to help give all students 'information privilege' [u]
  81. () Dialogical argumentation and reasoning in elementary science classrooms [i] [d]
  82. () A loaf for learning: teaching the study of religion with food [d]
  83. () Who me?: ideas for faculty who never expected to be teaching public health students to write [p] [d] [u]
  84. () Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
  85. Elizabeth Ann McKinley & Linda Tuhiwai Smith [ed] () Handbook of indigenous education [i] [d]
  86. () With a little help from my friends: conversation-based instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) classrooms [i]
  87. Jasmine A. Mena & Kathryn Quina [ed] () Integrating multiculturalism and intersectionality into the psychology curriculum: strategies for instructors [i] [d] [j]
  88. Na'ilah Suad Nasir, Jarvis R. Givens, & Christopher P. Chatmon [ed] () 'We dare say love': supporting achievement in the educational life of Black boys [i]
  89. () 33 simple strategies for faculty: a week-by-week resource for teaching first-year and first-generation students [i]
  90. Dolores Perin [ed] () The Wiley handbook of adult literacy [i] [d]
  91. Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, & Alexander J. Means [ed] () Education and technological unemployment [i] [d]
  92. () Argumentation strategies in the classroom [i]
  93. () Evaluation and promotion of argumentative reasoning among university students: the case of academic writing [d] [u]
  94. () Teachers' scaffolding science reading comprehension in low-income schools: how to improve achievement in science [d]
  95. () How we teach science: what's changed, and why it matters [i] [d]
  96. () A wantless, workless world: how the origins of the university can inform its future [i] [d]
  97. () Teaching complex ideas: how to translate your expertise into great instruction [i] [d]
  98. () Teaching as the art of staging: a scenario-based college pedagogy in action [i]
  99. () Reflections on the purpose of indigenous environmental education [i] [d]
  100. () From advocacy to accountability in experiential learning practices [d]
  101. () Crits: a student manual [art studio critiques] [i] [d]
  102. () 'All of us together in a blurred space': principles for co-creating curriculum with international partners [d]
  103. () Why don't more Indians do better in school?: the battle between U.S. schooling & American Indian/Alaska Native education [d] [j]
  104. () Service learning: the Peace Corps, American higher education, and the limits of modernist ideas of development and citizenship [d]
  105. () Music, education, and diversity: bridging cultures and communities [i]
  106. Yehudit Judy Dori, Zemira R. Mevarech, & Dale R. Baker [ed] () Cognition, metacognition, and culture in STEM education: learning, teaching and assessment of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—STEM [i] [d]
  107. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  108. Elaine E. Englehardt & Michael S. Pritchard [ed] () Ethics across the curriculum—pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
  109. () The best leaders are great teachers [u]
  110. () Unlocking student talent: the new science of developing expertise [i]
  111. () Saner citizens of tomorrow: intercultural education at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis [from the 1930s] [u]
  112. () An asset-based approach to Latino education in the United States: understanding gaps and advances [i] [d]
  113. () Note-taking during discussion: using a weekly reflection assignment to motivate students to learn from their peers [d]
  114. Jennifer H. Herman & Linda Burzotta Nilson [ed] () Creating engaging discussions: strategies for 'avoiding crickets' in any size classroom and online [i]
  115. () Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
  116. () Training social studies teachers to develop inquiry-based GIS lessons [d]
  117. () Critical financial literacy: an agenda [d]
  118. Gerald Kayingo & Virginia McCoy Hass [ed] () The health professions educator: a practical guide for new and established faculty [i]
  119. Kenneth D. Keith [ed] () Culture across the curriculum: a psychology teacher's handbook [i] [d]
  120. () Understanding education: history, politics and practice [i] [d]
  121. () Bring the world to your classroom: using Google geo tools [i]
  122. Laura Kerslake & Rupert Wegerif [ed] () Theory of teaching thinking: international perspectives [i] [d]
  123. () The learning benefits of teaching: a retrieval practice hypothesis [d]
  124. Joe Lockard & Sherry Rankins-Robertson [ed] () Prison pedagogies: learning and teaching with imprisoned writers [i] [j]
  125. () Helping students overcome social anxiety: skills for academic and social success (SASS) [i]
  126. () Learner assessment and remediation [i]
  127. () Reading for meaning: the foundational knowledge every teacher of science should have [d]
  128. () What's the use of conflict in Dewey?: toward a pedagogy of compromise [d] [j] [u]
  129. () Engineering cognition: a process of knowledge acquisition and application [i] [d]
  130. () Transforming 'ecosystem' from a scientific concept into a teachable topic: philosophy and history of ecology informs science textbook analysis [d]
  131. Harvey Shapiro [ed] () The Wiley handbook on violence in education: forms, factors, and preventions [i] [d]
  132. () Writing without words: designing for a visual learning experience [with digital infographics] [d]
  133. () Big history as a scaffold for futures education [d]
  134. () Undergraduate students demonstrate common false scientific reasoning strategies [d]
  135. () Making the grade: promoting positive outcomes for students with learning disabilities [i]
  136. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Gabriel Wittum, & Andreas Dengel [ed] () Positive learning in the age of information: a blessing or a curse? [i] [d]
  137. Jaime Ahlberg & Michael Chobli [ed] () Procreation, parenthood, and educational rights: ethical and philosophical issues [i] [d]
  138. () Don't you dare try to teach science without building models! [u]
  139. () Processes of negotiation in socio-scientific argumentation about vegetarianism in teacher education [i] [d]
  140. () State of the world 2017: EarthEd: rethinking education on a changing planet [i] [d]
  141. () The impacts of domain-general vs. domain-specific diagramming tools on writing [d]
  142. () Experimental evidence for diagramming benefits in science writing [d]
  143. () Hidden treasure on the road to Xanadu: what connecting library service usage data to unique student IDs can reveal [d]
  144. () Measuring what we do in schools: how to know if what we are doing is making a difference [i]
  145. () The role of the teacher in promoting argumentative interactions in the learning contexts of higher education [i] [d]
  146. Clare Brooks, Graham Butt, & Mary Fargher [ed] () The power of geographical thinking [i] [d]
  147. () (Re)educating the senses to multicultural communities: prospective teachers using digital media and sonic cartography to listen for culture [d]
  148. Carol A. Chapelle & Shannon Sauro [ed] () The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning [i] [d]
  149. () Toward an open learning analytics ecosystem [i] [d]
  150. () Flipped classrooms: a review of key ideas and recommendations for practice [d]
  151. () Critical thinking: conceptual perspectives & practical guidelines [i] [d]
  152. () Teaching the art and craft of drafting public law: statutes, rules, and more [u]
  153. () GIS and the power of geographical thinking [i] [d]
  154. Michael Filimowicz & Veronika Tzankova [ed] () Teaching computational creativity [i] [d]
  155. Robert A. Fox & Nina K. Buchanan [ed] () The Wiley handbook of school choice [i] [d]
  156. () Argumentation scheme-based argument generation to support feedback in educational argument modeling systems [d]
  157. () Acting it out: using drama in the classroom to improve student engagement, reading, and critical thinking [i] [d]
  158. () Teachers are designers: addressing problems of practice in education [d]
  159. () The development of empathic perspective-taking in an engineering ethics course [d]
  160. () The writing revolution: a guide to advancing thinking through writing in all subjects and grades [one sentence at a time] [i]
  161. () Making learning interesting and its application to the science classroom [d]
  162. () Experiential learning theory: the importance of outdoor classrooms in environmental education [d]
  163. Phyllis Katz [ed] () Drawing for science education: an international perspective [i] [d]
  164. Ben Kei Daniel [ed] () Big data and learning analytics in higher education: current theory and practice [i] [d]
  165. () Climate change, collections and the classroom: using big data to tackle big problems [d]
  166. () Dialogue, integration, and action: empowering students, empowering community [d]
  167. () Deconstructing race: multicultural education beyond the color-bind [i]
  168. () Why do we need government?: the role of civic education in the face of the free-rider problem [i] [u]
  169. Elizabeth C. Matto, Alison Rios Millett McCartney, Elizabeth A. Bennion, & Dick Simpson [ed] () Teaching civic engagement across the disciplines [i] [u]
  170. () Graphs as images vs. graphs as diagrams: a problem at the intersection of semiotics and didactics [i] [d]
  171. () Natural-born arguers: teaching how to make the best of our reasoning abilities [d]
  172. () Spatial thinking assists geographic thinking: evidence from a study exploring the effects of geospatial technology [d]
  173. Tema Milstein, Mairi Pileggi, & Eric Morgan [ed] () Environmental communication pedagogy and practice [i] [d]
  174. () Environmental privilege walk: unpacking the invisible knapsack [i] [d]
  175. () Natural history collections: teaching about biodiversity across time, space, and digital platforms [d]
  176. Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins, & Arthur J. Stewart [ed] () Animals and science education: ethics, curriculum and pedagogy [i] [d]
  177. Martin Mulder [ed] () Competence-based vocational and professional education: bridging the worlds of work and education [i] [d]
  178. () Challenging the dominance of formalism in accounting education: an analysis of the potential of stewardship in light of the evolution of legal education [d]
  179. () Educating girls: the key to tackling global poverty [u]
  180. () Learning to argue via apprenticeship [p] [d]
  181. () Twelve tips for developing and delivering a massive open online course in medical education [p] [d]
  182. () Teaching close reading and compelling writing with the 'New Sentences' column [u]
  183. () Teaching ethics in business schools: a conversation on disciplinary differences, academic provincialism, and the case for integrated pedagogy [d] [j]
  184. () Dialogue, argumentation, and education: history, theory, and practice [i] [d]
  185. Timothy J. Shaffer, Nicholas V. Longo, Idit Manosevitch, & Maxine S. Thomas [ed] () Deliberative pedagogy: teaching and learning for democratic engagement [i] [j]
  186. () C. S. Peirce and the teaching of drawing [i] [d]
  187. () From me to we: revolutionising mindfulness in schools [d]
  188. () Teaching common morality: using Bernard Gert's account of the moral system in the classroom [d]
  189. () Problem-oriented learning in geography education: construction of motivating problems [d]
  190. () Vulnerability in the art room: explorations of visual journals and risks in the creation of a psychologically safe environment [d]
  191. () Finance-informed citizens, citizen-informed finance: an essay occasioned by the International handbook of financial literacy [d] [u]
  192. () Wilful ignorance and the emotional regime of schools [d]
  193. () Remixing the classroom: toward an open philosophy of music education [i] [j]
  194. Andrew Peterson, Robert Hattam, Michalinos Zembylas, & James Arthur [ed] () The Palgrave international handbook of education for citizenship and social justice [i] [d]
  195. A. J. Angulo [ed] () Miseducation: a history of ignorance-making in America and abroad [i] [d]
  196. Carmela Aprea, Eveline Wuttke, Klaus Breuer, Noi Keng Koh, Peter Davies, Bettina Greimel-Fuhrmann, & Jane S. Lopus [ed] () International handbook of financial literacy [i] [d]
  197. () Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
  198. () Get better faster: a 90-day plan for developing new teachers [i]
  199. Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Bernadette Doykos, Nina C. Martin, & Alison McGuire [ed] () Academics in action!: a model for community-engaged research, teaching, and service [i] [d] [j]
  200. () Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
  201. () Mathematical mindsets: unleashing students' potential through creative math, inspiring messages, and innovative teaching [i]
  202. () Mindful makers: question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations [d]
  203. () Toward a more just approach to poverty simulations [d]
  204. () The role of epistemic cognition in teacher learning and praxis [i] [d]
  205. () Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity [d]
  206. () Self-with-other in teacher practice: a case study through care, Aristotelian virtue, and Buddhist ethics [d]
  207. () Children's rights: from philosophy to public policy [i] [d]
  208. () Lit up: one reporter, three schools, twenty-four books that can change lives [i]
  209. () Teaching, learning and leading in today's complex world: reaching new heights with a developmental approach [d]
  210. Ross E. Dunn, Laura Jane Mitchell, & Kerry Ward [ed] () The new world history: a field guide for teachers and researchers [i] [d] [j]
  211. () Creativity with students [i] [d]
  212. (/2020) Lives of museum junkies: the story of America's hands-on education movement [i]
  213. () Best teaching practices in anatomy education: a critical review [p] [d]
  214. () Interventions for disruptive behaviors: reducing problems and building skills [i]
  215. Nancy Fawley & Nikki Krysak [ed] () Discovery tool cookbook: recipes for successful lesson plans [i]
  216. () Now that's a good question!: how to promote cognitive rigor through classroom questioning [i]
  217. () What do Ode to Joy, the Nobel Peace Prize, umbrellas and cartoons have in common?: why critical thinking matters and how higher education moulds [d]
  218. () Learning and education [and personal construct theory] [i] [d]
  219. () Transforming science education for the Anthropocene—is it possible? [d]
  220. () Creating and promoting lifelong learning in public libraries: tools and tips for practitioners [i]
  221. () Becoming brilliant: what science tells us about raising successful children [i] [d] [j]
  222. () The elusive sentence: recovering the rudiments of writing [i]
  223. Ajay Heble & Mark Laver [ed] () Improvisation and music education: beyond the classroom [i] [d]
  224. () Promoting caring: mindfulness- and compassion-based contemplative training for educators and students [i] [d]
  225. () Teachers' knowledge in argumentation: contributions from an explicit teaching in an initial teacher education programme [d]
  226. () What are the attributes of a good health educator? [p] [d] [u]
  227. () Learning to feel like a scientist [d]
  228. () Social science as a tool in developing scientific thinking skills in underserved, low-achieving urban students [p] [d]
  229. () Institutional resource centres and design education [d]
  230. () The field school in intercultural education as a model for international service-learning and collaborative action-research training [i] [d] [j]
  231. () The emotional dimension in becoming a teacher [i] [d]
  232. () Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student: a knowledge structures perspective on teaching and learning at university [i] [d]
  233. () Small teaching: everyday lessons from the science of learning [i]
  234. () How to teach fundamental communication skills [i] [d]
  235. () Embodying the path of sustainability: reflections on 'learning to juggle' in environmental pedagogy [d]
  236. () Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set [u]
  237. () IRE/F as a cross-curricular collaborative genre of implicit argumentation [d]
  238. () On attentive love in education: the case of Courage to Teach [i] [d]
  239. John Loughran & Mary Lynn Hamilton [ed] () International handbook of teacher education [i] [d]
  240. () Argument relevance and structure: assessing and developing students' uses of evidence [d]
  241. () Developing argumentation strategies in electronic dialogs: is modeling effective? [d]
  242. Donald McCown, Diane Reibel, & Marc S. Micozzi [ed] () Resources for teaching mindfulness: an international handbook [i] [d]
  243. Kate McCoy, Eve Tuck, & Marcia McKenzie [ed] () Land education: rethinking pedagogies of place from Indigenous, postcolonial, and decolonizing perspectives [i] [d]
  244. () Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: developing core capacities to engage with complex problems [d]
  245. () Sense-making innovative systems: prestigious MOOCs [d]
  246. () Argumentation in history classrooms: a key path to understanding the discipline and preparing citizens [d]
  247. () Universities, disruptive technologies, and continuity in higher education: the impact of information revolutions [i] [d]
  248. Somnath Mookherjee & Ellen M. Cosgrove [ed] () Handbook of clinical teaching [i] [d]
  249. () Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  250. () How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
  251. Michele Notari, Rebecca B. Reynolds, Samuel Chu, & Beat Döbeli Honegger [ed] () The wiki way of learning: creating learning experiences using collaborative web pages [i]
  252. () Socratic pedagogy: the importance of argument [i] [d] [j]
  253. () Evidence for curricular and instructional design approaches in undergraduate medical education: an umbrella review [p] [d]
  254. Julinna C. Oxley [ed] () Experiential learning in philosophy [i] [d]
  255. () Progressive mastery through deliberate practice: a promising approach for improving writing [d]
  256. () The confident teacher: developing successful habits of mind, body and pedagogy [i] [d]
  257. () The use of argument maps as an assessment tool in higher education [d]
  258. () Tapping the power of personalized learning: a roadmap for school leaders [i]
  259. () Skills-based learning for reproducible expertise: looking elsewhere for guidance [d]
  260. () Use of digital technologies in education: the complexity of teachers' everyday practice [i] [u]
  261. () A competence development framework for learning and teaching system dynamics [d]
  262. Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl & Robert W. Roeser [ed] () Handbook of mindfulness in education: integrating theory and research into practice [i] [d]
  263. () I'm not joking. But maybe I should start? [u]
  264. () An unfinished life: David Wildon Carr [d]
  265. () What works in girls' education: evidence for the world's best investment [i] [j]
  266. () Crafting instructions collaboratively: student questions and dual addressivity in classroom task instructions [d]
  267. () Social justice and educational measurement: John Rawls, the history of testing, and the future of education [i] [d]
  268. () Building problem forums: on troubleshooting in the professional writing classroom [d]
  269. () From computing to computational thinking [i] [d]
  270. () The world becomes what we teach: educating a generation of solutionaries [i]
  271. (/2018) Athletic skills model: optimizing talent development through movement education [i] [d]
  272. () A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
  273. () Teaching critical thinking as inquiry [i] [d]
  274. Danilo M. Baylen & Adriana D'Alba [ed] () Essentials of teaching and integrating visual and media literacy: visualizing learning [i] [d]
  275. () Good teaching is good teaching: a narrative review for effective medical educators [p] [d]
  276. () Can multiple-choice testing induce desirable difficulties?: evidence from the laboratory and the classroom [d] [j]
  277. Harry C. Boyte [ed] () Democracy's education: public work, citizenship, & the future of colleges and universities [i] [j]
  278. () How to teach philosophy of science [d]
  279. () The game of social life: an assessment of a multidimensional poverty simulation [d]
  280. () Proofs, mathematical practice and argumentation [d]
  281. Lap Ki Chan & Wojciech Pawlina [ed] () Teaching anatomy: a practical guide [i] [d]
  282. () Using scientific visualization to enhance the teaching and learning of core concepts [i] [d]
  283. () Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
  284. () Using bingo to keep your classroom focused [u]
  285. () Designing effective MOOCs [d]
  286. () Reasoning about benefits, costs, and risks of chemical substances: mapping different levels of sophistication [d]
  287. () A model of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  288. Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  289. () Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
  290. Joseph A. Durlak, Celene E. Domitrovich, & Joseph L. Mahoney [ed] (/2025) Handbook of social and emotional learning [i]
  291. () The four-sentence paper: a template for considering objections and replies [d]
  292. Ingo Eilks & Avi Hofstein [ed] () Relevant chemistry education: from theory to practice [i] [d]
  293. () The end of the rainbow: how educating for happiness not money would transform our schools [i]
  294. () The role of visual representations in scientific practices: from conceptual understanding and knowledge generation to 'seeing' how science works [d]
  295. () Making students responsible for their learning—empowering learners to build shared mental models [i] [d]
  296. () Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
  297. () Learner-centered design of computing education: research on computing for everyone [i] [d]
  298. () Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students [i]
  299. () The knowledge capital of nations: education and the economics of growth [i] [d] [j]
  300. () John Dewey and the future of community college education [i] [d]
  301. () Using argument diagramming to teach critical thinking in a first-year writing course [i] [d]
  302. () Everybody eats: using hunger banquets to teach about issues of global hunger and inequality [d]
  303. () Facilitating problem-based learning by means of collaborative argument visualization software [d]
  304. () The flipped classroom in medical education: engaging students to build competency [d]
  305. () Service-learning essentials: questions, answers, and lessons learned [i]
  306. Osvaldo Muñiz Solari, Ali Demirci, & Joop van der Schee [ed] () Geospatial technologies and geography education in a changing world: geospatial practices and lessons learned [i] [d]
  307. () Developing an analytical framework for argumentation on energy consumption issues [d]
  308. () Behavioral education in the 21st century [d]
  309. () Intentional interruption: breaking down learning barriers to transform professional practice [i]
  310. () How to learn about teaching: an evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  311. () Better conversations: coaching ourselves and each other to be more credible, caring, and connected [i]
  312. () Reaching students: what research says about effective instruction in undergraduate science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
  313. () Using T-groups to develop action research skills in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments [i] [d]
  314. () Argumentation as core curriculum [d]
  315. () Thinking together and alone [d]
  316. () Developing multivariable thinkers [d]
  317. () Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
  318. () Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
  319. () Teach students how to learn: strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study skills, and motivation [i]
  320. () Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking [u]
  321. () Conducting the instrumentalists: a framework for engineering liberal education [d]
  322. () Anxiety and depression in the classroom: a teacher's guide to fostering self-regulation in young students [i]
  323. () Positively transforming classroom practice through dialogic teaching [i] [d]
  324. () Creating cultures of thinking: the 8 forces we must master to truly transform our schools [i]
  325. () Personal visualization for learning [u]
  326. () Developing meaning-making to promote critical thinking [i] [d]
  327. Richard B. Simon, Mojgan Behmand, & Thomas Burke [ed] () Teaching big history [i] [d] [j]
  328. () Classwide positive behavior interventions and supports: a guide to proactive classroom management [i]
  329. Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, & Jinfa Cai [ed] () Mathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice [i] [d]
  330. () Education technology and the failure of American schools [i]
  331. () Psychological influences on philosophical questions: implications for pedagogy [d]
  332. Troy A. Swanson & Heather Jagman [ed] () Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information [i]
  333. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  334. () Music education for all through participatory ensembles [d]
  335. () A model of how different biology experts explain molecular and cellular mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
  336. () Design thinking for life [d]
  337. Rupert Wegerif, Li Li, & James C. Kaufman [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking [i] [d]
  338. () 'Edu-speak' is a disease that undermines efforts to improve U.S. schools: time to take a stand against confusing acronyms and overused jargon in education [u]
  339. () Not another boring lecture: engaging learners with active learning techniques [p] [d]
  340. () Learning personalized: the evolution of the contemporary classroom [i]
  341. () The role of the teacher in mindfulness-based approaches: a qualitative study [d]
  342. Sandra K. Abell & Norman G. Lederman [ed] () Handbook of research on science education [i] [d]
  343. () Culturally relevant schooling in science for indigenous learners worldwide: stressing the all in science literacy for all [i] [d]
  344. () The good in standardized testing: standardized testing can be good—but only if we put students first [u]
  345. () Challenges and remedies for identifying and classifying argumentation schemes [d]
  346. () The schooled society: the educational transformation of global culture [i] [d]
  347. () Hanging in: strategies for teaching the students who challenge us most [i]
  348. () Culture-based arts education that teaches against the grain: a model for place-specific material culture studies [d] [j]
  349. () The central role of assessment in pedagogy [i] [d]
  350. () Assessment frequency in introductory computer programming disciplines [d]
  351. () Make it stick: the science of successful learning [i] [d]
  352. () Teach smart: 11 learner-centered strategies that ensure student success [i] [d]
  353. () Transforming your teaching: practical classroom strategies informed by cognitive neuroscience [i]
  354. () Explicit argumentation instruction to facilitate conceptual understanding and argumentation skills [d]
  355. Egan J. Chernoff & Bharath Sriraman [ed] () Probabilistic thinking: presenting plural perspectives [i] [d]
  356. () Designing classrooms to maximize student achievement [d]
  357. () Deciding 'what to teach' health professionals: a human-centred systems engineering perspective [p] [d]
  358. () Using SAFMEDS and direct instruction to teach the model of hierarchical complexity [d]
  359. () Cognitive capital: investing in teacher quality [i]
  360. () Changing 'course': reconceptualizing educational variables for massive open online courses [d]
  361. () Teacher personal information management (PIM) practices: finding, keeping, and re-finding information [d]
  362. () Knowledge design: a conceptual and curricular challenge [d]
  363. Billie Eilam & John K. Gilbert [ed] () Science teachers' use of visual representations [i] [d]
  364. () Classroom civility is another of our instructor responsibilities [d] [j]
  365. Thomas Jekel, Eric Sanchez, Inga Gryl, Caroline Juneau-Sion, & John Lyon [ed] () Learning and teaching with geomedia [i]
  366. Michael Fosmire & David F. Radcliffe [ed] () Integrating information into the engineering design process [i] [j] [u]
  367. () Towards a dialogical undergraduate introductory economics course [d]
  368. () Teaching poverty with geographic visualization and geographic information systems (GIS): a case study of East Buffalo and food access [d]
  369. () Teaching rational entitlement and responsibility: a Socratic exercise [d] [u]
  370. () The teacher wars: a history of America's most embattled profession [i]
  371. () The distinction between experimental and historical sciences as a framework for improving classroom inquiry [d]
  372. () Hear, listen, play!: how to free your student's aural, improvisation, and performance skills [i]
  373. () Gaia: 'thinking like a planet' as transformative learning [d]
  374. () From authoritative discourse to internally persuasive discourse: discursive evolution in teaching and learning the language of science [d]
  375. Mary Renck Jalongo [ed] () Teaching compassion: humane education in early childhood [i] [d]
  376. Maria Anna Jankowska [ed] () Focus on educating for sustainability: toolkit for academic libraries [i]
  377. () Connected code: why children need to learn programming [i] [j]
  378. Adina Kalet & Calvin L. Chou [ed] () Remediation in medical education: a mid-course correction [i] [d]
  379. () Retaining students by embedding librarians into undergraduate research experiences [d]
  380. (/2016) Argue with me: argument as a path to developing students' thinking and writing [i] [d]
  381. () Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
  382. () A teaching strategy with a focus on argumentation to improve undergraduate students' ability to read research articles [d] [u]
  383. () Assessment of uncertainty-infused scientific argumentation [d]
  384. () Contextualising the teaching and learning of ecology: historical and philosophical considerations [i] [d]
  385. James N. Levitt [ed] () Conservation catalysts: the academy as nature's agent [i]
  386. () Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through programming: what is next for K–12? [d]
  387. () How can students' diagnostic competence benefit most from practice with clinical cases?: the effects of structured reflection on future diagnosis of the same and novel diseases [p] [d]
  388. Michael R. Matthews [ed] () International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching [i] [d]
  389. () MOOCs, wicked problems, and the spirit of the liberal arts [d] [j]
  390. () Start a new fire: measuring the value of academic libraries in undergraduate learning [d]
  391. () Guide to teaching puzzle-based learning [i] [d]
  392. Sarah Mills & Peter Kraftl [ed] () Informal education, childhood and youth: geographies, histories, practices [i] [d]
  393. Daniel R. Montello, Karl E. Grossner, & Donald G. Janelle [ed] () Space in mind: concepts for spatial learning and education [i] [d] [j]
  394. () Race, empire, and English language teaching: creating responsible and ethical anti-racist practice [i]
  395. () 'If I am not doing my own playing then I am not able to truly share the gift of play with children': using poststructuralism and care ethics to examine future early childhood educators' relationships with play in adulthood [d]
  396. Harold F. O'Neil, Ray S. Perez, & Eva L. Baker [ed] () Teaching and measuring cognitive readiness [i] [d]
  397. () Scientific practices and inquiry in the science classroom [i] [d]
  398. () Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
  399. () The best teacher in you: how to accelerate learning and change lives [i]
  400. () The teaching brain: an evolutionary trait at the heart of education [i]
  401. () Learning in the fast lane: 8 ways to put ALL students on the road to academic success [i]
  402. () Guardians of the Earth: teaching children to care for all living things [i] [d]
  403. () Classrooms of spatial justice: counter-spaces and young men of color in a GED program [d]
  404. () Should everybody learn to code? [d]
  405. () Formative and stealth assessment [i] [d]
  406. () How to teach adults: plan your class, teach your students, change the world [i]
  407. () Taking emotion seriously: meeting students where they are [p] [d]
  408. () Beyond reason and tolerance: the purpose and practice of higher education [i] [d]
  409. () Social justice in outdoor experiential education: a state of knowledge review [d]
  410. () The activist learner: inquiry, literacy, and service to make learning matter [i]
  411. () Existential inquiry: the process of integrating service learning into the curriculum: asking existential questions [i]
  412. (/2018) Other people's English: code-meshing, code-switching, and African American literacy [i]
  413. () The state of MOOCs from 2008 to 2014: a critical analysis and future visions [i] [d]
  414. () The art of coaching: effective strategies for school transformation [i]
  415. Roger Azevedo & Vincent Aleven [ed] () International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies [i] [d]
  416. () The garden of meeting and speaking [or: The monastic field of meeting and speaking] [u]
  417. () Understanding biological mechanisms: using illustrations from circadian rhythm research [i] [d]
  418. () A framework for designing scaffolds that improve motivation and cognition [p] [d]
  419. Tim Bilham [ed] () For the love of learning: innovations from outstanding university teachers [i]
  420. () Self-regulated learning: beliefs, techniques, and illusions [p] [d]
  421. () Leadership, violence, and school climate: case studies in creating nonviolent schools [i]
  422. () Effects of direct and indirect instruction on fostering decision-making competence in socioscientific issues [d]
  423. () Using rationale to assist student cognitive and intellectual development [i] [d]
  424. Kenneth J. Burhanna [ed] () Informed transitions: libraries supporting the high school to college transition [i]
  425. () Education for social change: Highlander education in the Appalachian Mountains and study circles in Sweden [d]
  426. () Could HPS improve problem-solving? [history and philosophy of science] [d]
  427. () Design representations [for learning interventions] [i] [d]
  428. () Designing for learning in an open world [i] [d]
  429. Arthur L. Costa & Pat Wilson O'Leary [ed] () The power of the social brain: teaching, learning, and interdependent thinking [i]
  430. () The social neuroscience of education: optimizing attachment and learning in the classroom [i]
  431. () Atoms, honeycombs, and fabric scraps: rethinking timelines in the undergraduate classroom [j] [u]
  432. () Imagination of science in education: from epics to novelization [i] [d]
  433. () Interactions of economics of science and science education: investigating the implications for science teaching and learning [d]
  434. () A cognitive approach to teaching philosophy [d]
  435. () Birds of a feather: applied behavior analysis and quality of life [d]
  436. () Broken when entering: the stigmatization of goodness and business ethics education [d]
  437. (/2018) Reaching and teaching students in poverty: strategies for erasing the opportunity gap [i]
  438. () Towards automated analysis of student arguments [i] [d]
  439. () New school art styles: the project of art education [d] [u]
  440. () Structuring case-based ethics training: how comparing cases and structured prompts influence training effectiveness [d]
  441. () The importance of developing employability [d]
  442. () 'Follow' me: networked professional learning for teachers [d]
  443. Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Andrew Wei-Min Lee [ed] () Educating negotiators for a connected world [i] [u]
  444. () Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way? [i] [d]
  445. Djordje M. Kadijevich, Charoula Angeli, & Carsten Schulte [ed] () Improving computer science education [i] [d]
  446. () Teaching about adaptation: why evolutionary history matters [d]
  447. Kostas Kampourakis [ed] () The philosophy of biology: a companion for educators [i] [d]
  448. () Integrating epistemological perspectives on chemistry in chemical education: the cases of concept duality, chemical language, and structural explanations [d]
  449. () Restoring the professor and the students: a circle process and contemplative practices in a restorative justice seminar [d]
  450. () High-impact instruction: a framework for great teaching [i]
  451. () Visible learners: promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools [i]
  452. Andrejs Young Kulnieks, Dan Roronhiakewen Longboat, & Kelly Young [ed] () Contemporary studies in environmental and indigenous pedagogies: a curricula of stories and place [i] [d]
  453. () Meritocratic education and social worthlessness [i] [d]
  454. H. Chad Lane, Kalina Yacef, Jack Mostow, & Philip Pavlik [ed] () Artificial intelligence in education: 16th international conference, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, USA, July 9–13, 2013: proceedings [i] [d]
  455. () Student learning: what has instruction got to do with it? [p] [d]
  456. () Visualizing communication structures in science classrooms: tracing cumulativity in teacher-led whole class discussions [d]
  457. () Top ten signs you are an academic careerist [u]
  458. () Teaching qualitative methods using a research team approach: publishing grounded theory projects with your class [d]
  459. () Interdisciplinary lessons for the teaching of biology from the practice of evo-devo [d]
  460. () Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy [i] [d]
  461. () What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
  462. () Promoting conceptual development in physics teacher education: cognitive-historical reconstruction of electromagnetic induction law [d]
  463. () Essential questions: opening doors to student understanding [i]
  464. () Conducting student-driven interviews: practical strategies for increasing student involvement and addressing behavior problems [i] [d]
  465. () Towards a learning progression of energy [d]
  466. () Coherence of pre-service physics teachers' views of the relatedness of physics concepts [d]
  467. () The 21st century challenge for science education: assessing scientific reasoning [d]
  468. () The potential of perspectivism for science education [d]
  469. () What is meant by argumentative competence?: an integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education [d]
  470. () Classifying life, reconstructing history and teaching diversity: philosophical issues in the teaching of biological systematics and biodiversity [d]
  471. () Student thought and classroom language: examining the mechanisms of change in dialogic teaching [d]
  472. () Inferring teacher epistemological framing from local patterns in teacher noticing [d]
  473. () Developing the next generation of community-based researchers: tips for undergraduate students [d]
  474. () Using a blended learning approach to simulate the negotiation of a multilateral environmental agreement [d]
  475. () Causes & cures in the classroom: getting to the root of academic and behavior problems [i]
  476. () STEM career changers' transformation into science teachers [d]
  477. () A review of generic program visualization systems for introductory programming education [d]
  478. () Assessing students' problem solving ability and cognitive regulation with learning trajectories [i] [d]
  479. Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, & Arjen E. J. Wals [ed] () International handbook of research on environmental education [i] [d]
  480. () Healing, mental energy in the physics classroom: energy conceptions and trust in complementary and alternative medicine in grade 10–12 students [d]
  481. () Assessing students' understanding of inquiry: what do prospective science teachers notice? [d]
  482. () Three computing traditions in school computing education [i] [d]
  483. () Developing a theory of ambitious early-career teacher practice [d] [j]
  484. () What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
  485. David F. Treagust & Chi-Yan Tsui [ed] () Multiple representations in biological education [i] [d]
  486. () Resilience begins with beliefs: building on student strengths for success in school [i]
  487. () How to teach critical thinking [d]
  488. () Daily behavior report cards: an evidence-based system of assessment and intervention [i]
  489. () Key ideas in teaching mathematics: research-based guidance for ages 9–19 [i]
  490. () Know thy biases!: bringing argumentative virtues to the classroom [u]
  491. () Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors [d]
  492. () Social justice and music education: the call for a public pedagogy [d] [u]
  493. () Learning progressions: significant promise, significant challenge [d]
  494. () Financial literacy education: neoliberalism, the consumer and the citizen [i] [d]
  495. () Provocative pedagogy, or: Youngsters need the brain to challenge worldview formation [d]
  496. () What the best college students do [i] [d] [j]
  497. Antje Barabasch & Felix Rauner [ed] () Work and education in America: the art of integration [i] [d]
  498. () Enhancing instructional problem solving: an efficient system for assisting struggling learners [i]
  499. () Teaching contested narratives: identity, memory, and reconciliation in peace education and beyond [i] [d]
  500. () Four slogans for cultural change: an evolving place-based, imaginative and ecological learning experience [d]
  501. () Enhancing on-task behavior in fourth-grade students using a modified color wheel system [d]
  502. () Expanding the horizons of accounting education: incorporating social and critical perspectives [d]
  503. () Argumentation step-by-step: learning critical thinking through deliberate practice [d]
  504. () Extending the purposes of science education: addressing violence within socio-economic disadvantaged communities [d]
  505. () Fostering compassionate attitudes and the amelioration of aggression through a science class [d]
  506. () Lessons from learner experiences in a field-based inquiry in geography using mobile devices [d]
  507. () Looking through the lenses of science literacy and cultural diversity: learning from Helena's mistake [d]
  508. () Formative assessment: assessment is for self-regulated learning [d]
  509. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
  510. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
  511. () Computer-aided argument mapping as a tool for teaching critical thinking [d]
  512. () Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers [p] [d] [u]
  513. () Bridging between brain science and educational practice with design patterns [i] [d]
  514. () Their own best teachers: how we help and hinder the development of learners' independence [d]
  515. () Policy World: a cognitive game for teaching deliberation [i] [d]
  516. Noam Ebner, James Coben, & Christopher Honeyman [ed] () Assessing our students, assessing ourselves [i] [u]
  517. () How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
  518. () Eight things skilled teachers think, say, and do [u]
  519. Sarah J. Fletcher & Carol A. Mullen [ed] () The Sage handbook of mentoring and coaching in education [i] [d]
  520. () Lifelong learning in public libraries: principles, programs, and people [i]
  521. () Making it difficult to teach journalism ethics [d]
  522. () Ecoliterate: how educators are cultivating emotional, social, and ecological intelligence [i]
  523. () An environmental pedagogy of care: emotion, relationships, and experience in higher education ethics learning [d]
  524. () Assessing 21st century skills: a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning [i]
  525. Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings, & Graham Walton [ed] () The road to information literacy: librarians as faciliators of learning [i] [d]
  526. () Fostering a sense of wonder in the science classroom [d]
  527. () Encouraging a 'romantic understanding' of science: the effect of the Nikola Tesla story [d]
  528. Alice Hansen [ed] () Reflective learning and teaching in primary schools [i]
  529. () Energy and matter: differences in discourse in physical and biological sciences can be confusing for introductory biology students [d] [j]
  530. () Integration of geospatial science in teacher education [d]
  531. () Ethnobotanical research skills for undergraduate students of underrepresented minorities in STEM disciplines [d] [u]
  532. () Integrating online GIS into the K–12 curricula: lessons from the development of a collaborative GIS in Michigan [d]
  533. Clyde Freeman Herreid, Nancy A. Schiller, & Ky F. Herreid [ed] () Science stories: using case studies to teach critical thinking [i]
  534. (/2021) The together teacher: plan ahead, get organized, and save time! [i] [d]
  535. () A macro–micro–symbolic teaching to promote relational understanding of chemical reactions [d]
  536. Sean Kelly [ed] () Assessing teacher quality: understanding teacher effects on instruction and achievement [i]
  537. () Planetary science in higher education: ideas and experiences [d]
  538. () Engaging students in scientific practices: what does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom? [u]
  539. R. Eric Landrum & Maureen A. McCarthy [ed] () Teaching ethically: challenges and opportunities [i] [d]
  540. () Theatre for change: education, social action and therapy [i]
  541. () Inspiring and training students for social action: renewing a needed tradition [d]
  542. () Misconceptions about 'misconceptions': preservice secondary science teachers' views on the value and role of student ideas [d]
  543. () Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology [i] [d]
  544. () Bit by bit or all at once?: splitting up the inquiry task to promote children's scientific reasoning [d]
  545. () Developing character and values for global citizens: analysis of pre-service science teachers' moral reasoning on socioscientific issues [d]
  546. () Attending and responding to student thinking in science [d] [j]
  547. () Improving ethics education in accounting: lessons from medicine and law [d]
  548. Thomas A. Lucey & James D. Laney [ed] () Reframing financial literacy: exploring the value of social currency [i]
  549. () Effective practices for creating transformative informal science education programs grounded in Native ways of knowing [d]
  550. () Mario Bunge, systematic philosophy and science education: an introduction [d]
  551. () Reflective journal assignments in teaching negotiation [i] [u]
  552. () Using inquiry and tenets of multicultural education to engage Latino English-language learning students in learning about geology and the nature of science [d]
  553. Andrew J. Milson, Ali Demirci, & Joseph J. Kerski [ed] () International perspectives on teaching and learning with GIS in secondary schools [i] [d]
  554. () From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
  555. () Classroom of hope: the voice of one courageous teacher on the US–Mexico border [d]
  556. () Learning to pose cognitively demanding tasks through letter writing [d]
  557. () Argumentation and student-centered learning environments [i] [d]
  558. () Understanding how young children learn: bringing the science of child development to the classroom [i]
  559. () Creating an environment that supports diversity [u]
  560. James W. Pellegrino & Margaret L. Hilton [ed] () Education for life and work: developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century [i] [d] [u]
  561. () Comparing and combining traditional teaching approaches and the use of video clips for learning how to identify species in an aquarium [d]
  562. Niels Pinkwart & Bruce M. McLaren [ed] () Educational technologies for teaching argumentation skills [i] [d]
  563. () Does classroom explicitation of initial conceptions favour conceptual change or is it counter-productive? [d]
  564. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  565. () Practical work at school reduces disgust and fear of unpopular animals [d]
  566. () Modelling ecosystem structure and energy flow in a first year environmental biology practical: not a complete waste of energy [u]
  567. () Learning by mapping across situations [d]
  568. () Teaching the conceptual structure of mathematics [d]
  569. () White privilege in experiential education: a critical reflection [d]
  570. Jane F. Schielack & Stephanie L. Knight [ed] () Strengthening science education leadership: an information technology-based learning ecology model [i]
  571. () Teaching a new negotiation skills paradigm [u]
  572. () The value of fieldwork in life and environmental sciences in the context of higher education: a case study in learning about biodiversity [d]
  573. () Socially responsible literacy: teaching adolescents for purpose and power [i]
  574. () Republic of noise: the loss of solitude in schools and culture [i]
  575. Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] () Problem solving, spatial thinking, and the use of representations in science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
  576. Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] () Discipline-based education research: understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
  577. () Transformational teaching: theoretical underpinnings, basic principles, and core methods [d]
  578. () An inconvenient truth: the need to educate emotionally competent lawyers [u]
  579. Scott A. Snook, Nitin Nohria, & Rakesh Khurana [ed] () The handbook for teaching leadership: knowing, doing, and being [i]
  580. () Enabling remote access to fieldwork: gaining insight into the pedagogic effectiveness of 'direct' and 'remote' field activities [d]
  581. () Philosophy has consequences!: developing metacognition and active learning in the ethics classroom [d]
  582. () Accuracy of teachers' judgments of students' academic achievement: a meta-analysis [d]
  583. () The role of field exercises in ecological learning and values education: action research on the use of campus wetlands [d]
  584. () Young people and the hidden meanings of the everyday: time-space path as a methodological opportunity [d]
  585. () Using video to analyze one's own teaching [d]
  586. () Feedback-giving as social practice: teachers' perspectives on feedback as institutional requirement, work and dialogue [d]
  587. () Searching for hope: life at a failing school in the heart of America [i]
  588. () The role of the visual arts in enhancing the learning process [p] [d] [u]
  589. () Learning gardens and sustainability education: bringing life to schools and schools to life [i] [d]
  590. () Financial education: lessons not learned and lessons learned [i] [u]
  591. () Science education for global sustainability: what is necessary for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? [d]
  592. () Getting 'messy' with problems: the challenges of teaching 'soft' OR [d]
  593. () Problem-based learning [d]
  594. Gary D. Beckman [ed] () Disciplining the arts: teaching entrepreneurship in context [i]
  595. () Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
  596. Alan M. Blankstein & Paul D. Houston [ed] () Leadership for social justice and democracy in our schools [i]
  597. () The implementation of a geospatial information technology (GIT)-supported land use change curriculum with urban middle school learners to promote spatial thinking [d]
  598. () Reflective teaching, effective learning: instructional literacy for library educators [i]
  599. () Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
  600. () Towards creative learning spaces: re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory education [i] [d]
  601. () Paper-based GIS: a practical answer to the implementation of GIS education into resource-poor schools in South Africa [d]
  602. () Designing programs with a purpose: to promote civic engagement for life [d]
  603. () Why school is not easy: an analytical perspective [d]
  604. Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw, & Donna Berthelsen [ed] () Personal epistemology and teacher education [i] [d]
  605. () The call to teach and teacher hopefulness [d]
  606. () Natural learning for a connected world: education, technology, and the human brain [i]
  607. () Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
  608. () Constructing patriotism: teaching history and memories in global worlds [i]
  609. () Understanding English language variation in U.S. schools [i]
  610. May M. H. Cheng & Wing-mui Winnie So [ed] () Science education in international contexts [i] [d]
  611. () Teaching negotiation in the context of environmental regulatory enforcement: an experiential learning approach [d]
  612. () On the concept of energy [i] [d]
  613. () Does participation in citizen science improve scientific literacy?: a study to compare assessment methods [d]
  614. Linda Darling-Hammond & Ann Lieberman [ed] () Teacher education around the world: changing policies and practices [i] [d]
  615. Christopher Day & Zijian Li [ed] () New understandings of teachers' work: emotions and educational change [i] [d]
  616. () Using geographic information systems (GIS) at schools without a computer laboratory [d]
  617. () Road maps for learning: a bird's eye view [d]
  618. () Education for animal welfare [i] [d]
  619. () Ethical dilemmas: a model to understand teacher practice [d]
  620. (/2014) Art critiques: a guide [i]
  621. () Helping students motivate themselves: practical answers to classroom challenges [i] [d]
  622. () The natural school counselor: using nature to promote mental health in schools [d]
  623. () The formative assessment action plan: practical steps to more successful teaching and learning [i]
  624. () Marriage and relationship education: what works and how to provide it [i]
  625. Brian Hand & Lori Norton-Meier [ed] () Voices from the classroom: elementary teachers' experience with argument-based inquiry [i] [d]
  626. () Time management for department chairs [i]
  627. () Budgeting your time [i]
  628. () Group-centered prevention programs for at-risk students [i] [d]
  629. () Education for socially engaged art: a materials and techniques handbook [i]
  630. () Commentary on Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
  631. () Beyond service learning: civic engagement in ethics classes [d]
  632. () A family resemblance approach to the nature of science for science education [d]
  633. () Learning to solve problems: a handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments [i] [d]
  634. () Narrative in the teaching and practice of conflict analysis, transformation, and peacebuilding [i]
  635. Myint Swe Khine & Issa M. Saleh [ed] () Models and modeling: cognitive tools for scientific enquiry [i] [d]
  636. () Visualising knowledge structures in biology: discipline, curriculum and student understanding [d]
  637. () Unmistakable impact: a partnership approach for dramatically improving instruction [i]
  638. () Transforming the power of education for young minority women: narrations, metareflection, and societal change [d]
  639. () Integrating geospatial technologies in an energy unit [d]
  640. () Introducing dialogic teaching to science student teachers [d]
  641. () Global citizens are made, not born: multiclass role-playing simulation of global decision making [d]
  642. () Possible pathways for conceptual development related to energy and the human body [i] [d]
  643. () Going deep into mechanisms for moral reasoning growth: how deep learning approaches affect moral reasoning development for first-year students [d]
  644. () Handbook of counselor preparation: constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches [i] [d]
  645. () Science visual literacy: learners' perceptions and knowledge of diagrams [d]
  646. () Resisting plateauing: four veteran teachers' stories [d]
  647. () Teaching science as a cultural way of knowing: merging authentic inquiry, nature of science, and multicultural strategies [d]
  648. (/2021) Child and adolescent suicidal behavior: school-based prevention, assessment, and intervention [i]
  649. () A philosophical analysis of David Orr's theory of ecological literacy: biophilia, ecojustice and moral education in school learning communities [d]
  650. () Educating health professionals in low-resource countries: a global approach [i]
  651. () Report of a workshop on the pedagogical aspects of computational thinking [i] [d] [u]
  652. () Promoting metacognition in first year anatomy laboratories using plasticine modeling and drawing activities: a pilot study of the 'blank page' technique [d]
  653. () Argumentation, dialogue theory, and probability modeling: alternative frameworks for argumentation research in education [d]
  654. () Critical questions and argument stratagems: a framework for enhancing and analyzing students' reasoning practices [d]
  655. () What teachers of science need to know about models: an overview [d]
  656. () Seeing the destination but not the path: effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on school-focused possible self content and linked behavioral strategies [d]
  657. () The under-examined life: a proposal for critically evaluating teachers' and students' philosophies of teaching [d]
  658. () Motivational interviewing for effective classroom management: the classroom check-up [i]
  659. () Making thinking visible: how to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners [i]
  660. () Toward a visually-oriented school mathematics curriculum: research, theory, practice, and issues [i] [d]
  661. () Make just one change: teach students to ask their own questions [i]
  662. () Learning to map and mapping to learn our students' worlds [j]
  663. () Good teaching in difficult times: demoralization in the pursuit of good work [d] [j]
  664. () The failure of environmental education (and how we can fix it) [i] [d] [j]
  665. Laura Browne Sayre & Sean Clark [ed] () Fields of learning: the student farm movement in North America [i]
  666. () Teaching minds: how cognitive science can save our schools [i]
  667. () Environmental literacy in science and society: from knowledge to decisions [i] [d]
  668. () Stealth assessment in computer-based games to support learning [i]
  669. () The meanings of teaching from the perspective of exemplary and experienced teachers [u]
  670. () Doing poverty: learning outcomes among students participating in the community action poverty simulation program [d]
  671. () Case-based knowledge and ethics education: improving learning and transfer through emotionally rich cases [p] [d]
  672. () Development of a 'universal' rubric for assessing undergraduates' scientific reasoning skills using scientific writing [d]
  673. () Mind, brain, and education science: a comprehensive guide to the new brain-based teaching [i]
  674. () Internationalist utopias of visual education: the graphic and scenographic transformation of the universal encyclopaedia in the Work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath [d]
  675. () The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems, and other tutoring systems [d]
  676. () Out of the classroom and into the world: learning from field trips, educating from experience, and unlocking the potential of our students and teachers [i]
  677. () Are these the poems to remember? [u]
  678. () Assessing teacher candidates' general pedagogical/psychological knowledge: test construction and validation [d]
  679. () Cultivating urban naturalists: teaching experiential, place-based learning through nature journaling in Central Park [d]
  680. () Using technology to personalize learning and assess students in real-time [u]
  681. () Constraints on learning from expository science texts [i] [d]
  682. () Helping students know what they know and do not know [d]
  683. () Traditional versus three-dimensional teaching of peritoneal embryogenesis: a comparative prospective study [d]
  684. Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, & Alana Kumbier [ed] () Critical library instruction: theories and methods [i]
  685. () How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching [i]
  686. () The diversity education dilemma: exposing status hierarchies without reinforcing them [d]
  687. () Is science me?: high school students' identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine [d]
  688. Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht [ed] () Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice [i] [d]
  689. () A learning progression for scientific argumentation: understanding student work and designing supportive instructional contexts [d]
  690. () Reflections on student journals and teaching about inequality [d]
  691. () Teaching modeling in critical thinking [d]
  692. () Teaching family systems theory: a developmental-constructivist perspective [d]
  693. (/2021) Constructing a personal orientation to music teaching: growth, inquiry, and agency [i] [d]
  694. () Educating physicians: a call for reform of medical school and residency [i]
  695. () Students as learners and teachers: taking responsibility, transforming education, and redefining accountability [d] [j]
  696. () The practicality and relevance of second language critical pedagogy [d]
  697. () Teaching the practical relevance of propositional logic [d]
  698. () Our worlds in our words: exploring race, class, gender, and sexual orientation in multicultural classrooms [i]
  699. () Learning from each other: a portrait of family–school–community partnerships in the United States and Mexico [d] [j]
  700. () The quality of reflection in student journals: a review of limiting and enabling factors [d]
  701. Kath Engebretson, Marian de Souza, Gloria Durka, & Liam Gearon [ed] () International handbook of inter-religious education [i] [d]
  702. () Surrounded by science: learning science in informal environments [i] [d] [u]
  703. () Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings [d]
  704. () The economists of tomorrow: the case for assertive pluralism in economics education [d]
  705. () Participatory mapping for raising disaster risk awareness among the youth [d]
  706. () Compassionate, spiritual, and creative listening in teaching and learning [d]
  707. () Roles, caring and learning to teach science [d]
  708. () What is a good question? [i]
  709. () Building a professional learning community at work: a guide to the first year [i]
  710. Domenico Grasso & Melody Brown Burkins [ed] () Holistic engineering education: beyond technology [i] [d]
  711. () The achievement gap and the discipline gap: two sides of the same coin? [d]
  712. () School–family–community partnerships: applying Epstein's theory of the six types of involvement to school counselor practice [d] [j]
  713. () Playing, creativity, possibility [d] [u]
  714. () How students come to be, know, and do: a case for a broad view of learning [i] [d]
  715. Paul D. Houston, Alan M. Blankstein, & Robert W. Cole [ed] () Leadership for family and community involvement [i]
  716. (/2019) Why race and culture matter in schools: closing the achievement gap in America's classrooms [i]
  717. () Learning from the inside out: a method for analyzing reflective journals in the college classroom [d]
  718. () Arguing to learn and learning to argue: design justifications and guidelines [d]
  719. () Education for human rights, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue: the role of UNESCO [i] [d]
  720. () The relation of story structure to a model of conceptual change in science learning [d]
  721. () The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on social entrepreneurship start up intentions [d] [j]
  722. () Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
  723. () Teaching and learning science as argument [d]
  724. () Using computer supported collaborative learning strategies for helping students acquire self-regulated problem-solving skills in mathematics [d]
  725. () Diversity and equity in science education: research, policy, and practice [i]
  726. () A behavioral and systems view of professionalism [d]
  727. () The effectiveness of service-learning: it's not always what you think [d]
  728. () Culturally proficient education: an asset-based response to conditions of poverty [i]
  729. () What expert teachers do: enhancing professional knowledge for classroom practice [i] [d]
  730. Nona Lyons [ed] () Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
  731. () Incongruity and provisional safety: thinking through humor [d]
  732. () Critical reading of science-based news reports: establishing a knowledge, skills and attitudes framework [d]
  733. () Using mindfulness meditation to teach beginning therapists therapeutic presence: a qualitative study [d]
  734. () Teaching mindfulness: a practical guide for clinicians and educators [i] [d]
  735. () Teaching for clinical reasoning: helping students make the conceptual links [p] [d]
  736. () Fanaticism, fundamentalism and the promotion of reflexivity in religious education [i] [d]
  737. () Social and emotional learning in the classroom: promoting mental health and academic success [i]
  738. () Some implications of expertise research for educational assessment [d]
  739. () Putting the 'world' in world history [d]
  740. () Moral-ethical character and science education: ecojustice ethics through socioscientific issues (SSI) [i] [d]
  741. () Helping college students find purpose: the campus guide to meaning-making [i]
  742. () Progressive drawing: a novel 'lid-opener' and 'monotony-breaker' [d]
  743. () From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback processes in mass higher education [d]
  744. () From argument and philosophy to critical thinking across the curriculum [d]
  745. (/2016) Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities [i] [d] [j]
  746. () Wisdom (hikmah) as a holistic basis for inter-religious education [i] [d]
  747. () How can we improve school discipline? [d]
  748. () A strengths-based approach to outdoor and adventure education: possibilities for personal growth [d]
  749. () The effectiveness and relative importance of choice in the classroom [d]
  750. () Exploring how students think: a new method combining think-aloud and concept mapping protocols [p] [d]
  751. Jack Rhoton [ed] () Science education leadership: best practices for the new century [i]
  752. () Local matters, ecojustice, and community: opportunities of village life for teaching science [i] [d]
  753. () Evidence-centered design of epistemic games: measurement principles for complex learning environments [u]
  754. () Our teachers want to be the best: on the necessity of intra-professional reflection about moral ideals of teaching [d]
  755. () Cultural exploration through mapping [d]
  756. () Teaching students to think critically about science and origins [d]
  757. () Freezing time: what mathematics and science teachers 'see' while teaching [u]
  758. () Pedagogy of passion for sustainability [d]
  759. () El rincón de los olvidados: participatory GIS, experiential learning and critical pedagogy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic [d]
  760. () Youth participatory action research groups as school counseling interventions [d] [j]
  761. David A. Sousa, Joanna A. Christodoulou, Donna Coch, & Stanislas Dehaene [ed] () Mind, brain, and education: neuroscience implications for the classroom [i]
  762. () Writing as a tool in teaching sketching: implications for architectural design education [d]
  763. () Enlightened publics: popular education movements in Europe, their legacy and promise [d]
  764. () A broader and bolder approach to school reform: expanded partnership roles for school counselors [d] [j]
  765. () Developing a hypothetical multi-dimensional learning progression for the nature of matter [d]
  766. () The roles of the formal and informal sectors in the provision of effective science education [d]
  767. () Promoting academic engagement among immigrant adolescents through school–family–community collaboration [d] [j]
  768. Tim Swanwick, Kirsty Forrest, & Bridget C. O'Brien [ed] (/2019) Understanding medical education: evidence, theory, and practice [i] [d]
  769. Roger S. Taylor & Michel Ferrari [ed] () Epistemology and science education: understanding the evolution vs. intelligent design controversy [i] [d]
  770. () Skill in questions: how the Buddha taught [o] [u]
  771. () Disrupting injustice: principals narrate the strategies they use to improve their schools and advance social justice [d]
  772. () Facilitator, teacher, or leader?: managing conflicting roles in outdoor education [d]
  773. Deborah J. Tippins [ed] () Cultural studies and environmentalism: the confluence of ecojustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems [i] [d]
  774. Lila Waldman & Donna R. Everett [ed] () Cross-cultural and international business education [i]
  775. () Why do parents become involved in their children's education?: implications for school counselors [d] [j]
  776. () Teaching time–space compression [d]
  777. () The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
  778. Margaret Whitehead [ed] () Physical literacy: throughout the lifecourse [i] [d]
  779. () Critical thinking in physical geography: linking concepts of content and applicability [d]
  780. () Asking 'Who are you?' when going into the wild: moving beyond an individualized form of outdoor education [d]
  781. () Having hard conversations [i]
  782. () The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google [i]
  783. () Why we need to teach the evolution of morality [d]
  784. () Teaching kindness: the promise of humane education [d]
  785. () Etnobotánica, modernidad y pedagogía crítica del lugar [u]
  786. () Argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: indications from protocol analyses of peer-to-peer dialog [p] [d]
  787. () Action learning in schools: reframing teachers' professional learning and development [i] [d]
  788. () A/r/tography, secondary theatre teaching, and the Theatre of Possibilities project [d]
  789. Philip Bell, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Andrew W. Shouse, Michael A. Feder, & National Research Council [ed] () Learning science in informal environments: people, places, and pursuits [i] [d] [u]
  790. () The music teaching artist's bible: becoming a virtuoso educator [i]
  791. () Training from the back of the room!: 65 ways to step aside and let them learn [i]
  792. () Habitus, social fields, and circuits in rural science education [d]
  793. () Addressing partisan perceptions [i] [u]
  794. () A rural math, science, and technology elementary school tangled up in global networks of practice [d]
  795. () Curriculum and the value of knowledge [i] [d]
  796. Carmel Cefai & Paul Cooper [ed] () Promoting emotional education: engaging children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties [i]
  797. () Facilitating conceptual change in gases concepts [d]
  798. () The psychology of giving and its effect on negotiation [i] [u]
  799. (/2012) Something incredibly wonderful happens: Frank Oppenheimer and his astonishing Exploratorium [or: Something incredibly wonderful happens: Frank Oppenheimer and the world he made up] [i] [d]
  800. () Compassion and mindfulness in research among colleagues [d]
  801. Robert Cowen & Andreas M. Kazamias [ed] () International handbook of comparative education [i] [d]
  802. () The philosopher leader: on relationalism, ethics and reflexivity: a critical perspective to teaching leadership [d]
  803. () Indigenous knowledge in the life sciences classroom: put on your de Bono hats! [d] [j]
  804. () Teaching evolution with historical narratives [d]
  805. () Community engaged parent education: strengthening civic engagement among parents and parent educators [d]
  806. () Close encounters of the third-grade kind: thoughts on teacherhood [i]
  807. () Ending the silence of the Mexican immigrant voice in public education: creating culturally inclusive family–school–community partnerships [d] [j]
  808. () Leading adult learning: supporting adult development in our schools [i]
  809. () Social-emotional and character development and academics as a dual focus of educational policy [d]
  810. () Diagnostic error in medical education: where wrongs can make rights [d]
  811. Anwei Feng, Michael Byram, & Michael Fleming [ed] () Becoming interculturally competent through education and training [i] [d]
  812. () Which mathematics for the information society? [i] [d]
  813. () Revitalization of the shared commons: education for sustainability and marginalized cultures [d]
  814. () Ethics education and the practice of wisdom [d]
  815. () Structures for facilitating student reflection [d] [j]
  816. () Teaching practice: a cross-professional perspective [d]
  817. () Beyond explanations: what else do students need to understand science? [d]
  818. () Notes on collaboration: assessing student behaviors [d]
  819. (/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
  820. () Good influence: teaching the wisdom of adulthood [i]
  821. Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Giuseppe De Palo [ed] () Rethinking negotiation teaching: innovations for context and culture [i] [u]
  822. () Teaching what you don't know [i] [j]
  823. () Teaching with poverty in mind: what being poor does to kids' brains and what schools can do about it [i]
  824. () Designing heuristics: hybrid computational models for teaching the negotiation of complex contracts [i] [u]
  825. () An assessment of students' understanding of ecosystem concepts: conflating ecological systems and cycles [d]
  826. () What should every citizen know about ecology? [d]
  827. () How students and field geologists reason in integrating spatial observations from outcrops to visualize a 3-D geological structure [d]
  828. () Motivational design for learning and performance: the ARCS model approach [i]
  829. () Learning through life books: teaching human growth and development in an emotionally rich community context [u]
  830. () Education and resilience: social and situated learning among university and secondary students [u]
  831. () Novice teachers' attention to student thinking [d]
  832. () The role of 'accomplished teachers' in professional learning communities: uncovering practice and enabling leadership [d]
  833. () Aesthetic experience as an aspect of embodied learning: stories from physical education student teachers [d]
  834. () Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice [d]
  835. Michael R. Matthews & Hugh G. Gauch [ed] () Science, worldviews and education [i] [d]
  836. () Teaching the philosophical and worldview components of science [d]
  837. Claire McGlynn [ed] () Peace education in conflict and post-conflict societies: comparative perspectives [i] [d]
  838. () Lessons learned from the landscape: an integrated approach [d]
  839. Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont [ed] () Argumentation and education: theoretical foundations and practices [i] [d]
  840. () Simulation: Art or science? How to teach it? [d]
  841. () The development of rationality [i] [d]
  842. () Liberty and learning: academic freedom for teachers and students [i]
  843. () Environmental and science education in developing nations: a Ghanaian approach to renewing and revitalizing the local community and ecosystems [d]
  844. () The power of nature and the nature of power [u]
  845. () Wounded by school: recapturing the joy in learning and standing up to old school culture [i]
  846. () Self-determination in medical education: encouraging medical educators to be more like blues artists and poets [d]
  847. () The deceptive simplicity of teaching negotiation: reflections on thirty years of the negotiation workshop [d]
  848. () Making learning whole: how seven principles of teaching can transform education [i]
  849. () Teacher action research: building knowledge democracies [i] [d]
  850. () Teacher practice online: sharing wisdom, opening doors [i]
  851. () Clock watchers: six steps to motivating and engaging disengaged students across content areas [i]
  852. () Helping college students: developing essential support skills for student affairs practice [i]
  853. () Using experiential activities with adolescents to promote respect for diversity [d] [j]
  854. (/2014) Why school?: reclaiming education for all of us [i]
  855. () Principals matter: a guide to school, family, and community partnerships [i]
  856. () Mindful teaching & teaching mindfulness: a guide for anyone who teaches anything [i]
  857. () At home in the world: human nature, ecological thought, and education after Darwin [i]
  858. Harvey Siegel [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education [i] [d]
  859. () Argumentation in school science: breaking the tradition of authoritative exposition through a pedagogy that promotes discussion and reasoning [d]
  860. Ryan Sittler & Douglas Cook [ed] () The library instruction cookbook [i]
  861. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas [ed] () Social justice through multilingual education [i] [d]
  862. () Building resiliency to childhood trauma through arts-based learning [d]
  863. () Remembering to laugh and explore: improvisational activities for literacy teaching in urban classrooms [u]
  864. () Teaching energy conservation as a unifying principle in physics [d]
  865. () Visual literacy: the missing piece of your technology integration course [d]
  866. () Teaching yoga: essential foundations and techniques [i]
  867. () Journal keeping: how to use reflective writing for effective learning, teaching, professional insight, and positive change [i]
  868. Randy Stoecker, Elizabeth A. Tryon, & Amy Hilgendorf [ed] () The unheard voices: community organizations and service learning [i]
  869. () Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
  870. () Closing the poverty & culture gap: strategies to reach every student [i]
  871. () Distinctive qualities of expert teachers [d]
  872. () Adventure-based group therapy to promote social skills in adolescents [d]
  873. () Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
  874. (/2013) Behavior analysis for effective teaching [i]
  875. (/2013) Punishment and why to avoid it [i]
  876. () Beyond the bake sale: a community-based relational approach to parent engagement in schools [d] [u]
  877. Kathryn R. Wentzel & Allan Wigfield [ed] () Handbook of motivation at school [i]
  878. () Why don't students like school?: a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom [i]
  879. () Exploration and meaning making in the learning of science [i] [d]
  880. () Learning as problem design versus problem solving: making the connection between cognitive neuroscience research and educational practice [d]
  881. () The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific concepts [i] [d]
  882. () Deviations: designing architecture: a manual [i]
  883. () Connecting hand, mind, and community: vocational education for social and environmental renewal [d] [u]
  884. () Biological processes in prevention and intervention: the promotion of self-regulation as a means of preventing school failure [p] [d] [u]
  885. () Discursive geographies in science: space, identity, and scientific discourse among indigenous women in higher education [d]
  886. () Strengths-based partnerships: a school–family–community partnership approach to empowering students [d] [j]
  887. (/2012) Implementing response-to-intervention in elementary and secondary schools: procedures to assure scientific-based practices [i]
  888. () From foreign language education to education for intercultural citizenship: essays and reflections [i] [d]
  889. () Learning to teach ethics from the heart: a journey of discovery form the inside out [i]
  890. () Considering the ethical potential of professional communities [d]
  891. () What's the point of school?: rediscovering the heart of education [i]
  892. () Student/teacher co-construction of visualizable models in large group discussion [i] [d]
  893. (/2014) Using Compendium as a tool to support the design of learning activities [i] [d]
  894. Pierre R. Dasen & Abdeljalil Akkari [ed] () Educational theories and practices from the majority world [i] [d]
  895. () How to coach teachers who don't think like you: using literacy strategies to coach across content areas [i]
  896. () Increased family involvement in school predicts improved child–teacher relationships and feelings about school for low-income children [d]
  897. () Thinking critically about critical thinking: towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture [d]
  898. Michel Ferrari & Georges Potworowski [ed] () Teaching for wisdom: cross-cultural perspectives on fostering wisdom [i] [d]
  899. (/2021) Better learning through structured teaching: a framework for the gradual release of responsibility [i]
  900. () Assessing students' perceptions of inappropriate and appropriate teacher humor [d]
  901. John K. Gilbert, Miriam Reiner, & Mary Bird Nakhleh [ed] () Visualization: theory and practice in science education [i] [d]
  902. () Some principles for ethics education: implementing the acculturation model [d]
  903. () The tempest: anthropology and human development [i] [d]
  904. () School [i]
  905. () No computer program required: even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills [d]
  906. () Talking about success: implications for achievement motivation [d]
  907. () Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
  908. Toru Iiyoshi & M. S. Vijay Kumar [ed] () Opening up education: the collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge [i] [d] [u]
  909. () Contemplative education and youth development [d]
  910. Terese C. Jiménez & Victoria L. Graf [ed] () Education for all: critical issues in the education of children and youth with disabilities [i]
  911. () Pedagogy for addressing the worldview challenge in sustainable development of agriculture [d]
  912. () On course: a week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching [i] [j]
  913. () Insights into the integration of traditional Filipino arts in art and design education: voices from the academe [d]
  914. () How curricular content and pedagogical strategies affect moral reasoning development in college students [d]
  915. () Integrating teacher behaviors with character strengths and virtues for faculty development [d]
  916. () The Second City guide to improv in the classroom: using improvisation to teach skills and boost learning [i]
  917. () Dialogue mapping and collaborative learning [i] [d]
  918. () The trouble with Black boys: essays on race, equity, and the future of public education [i]
  919. Larry P. Nucci, Tobias Krettenauer, & Darcia Narváez [ed] (/2014) Handbook of moral and character education [i] [d]
  920. () 'You choose to care': teachers, emotions and professional identity [d]
  921. (/2014) Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps [i] [d]
  922. () Silent pedagogy and rethinking classroom practice: structuring teaching through silence rather than talk [d]
  923. () Diversity knowledge in science teacher education—translating concept to instruction: an example specific to African Americans [d]
  924. Mica Pollock [ed] () Everyday antiracism: getting real about race in school [i]
  925. PRATEC [ed] () Diálogo de saberes y escuela rural andina [i] [u]
  926. () Mobilizing the community to help students succeed [i]
  927. () Urban youths' hybrid positioning in science practices at the margin: a look inside a school–museum–scientist partnership project and an after-school science program [d]
  928. Alan Reid [ed] () Participation and learning: perspectives on education and the environment, health and sustainability [i] [d]
  929. () Contextual shifting: teachers emphasizing students' academic identity to promote scientific literacy [d]
  930. () Playgrounds, studios and hiding places: emotional exchange in creative learning spaces [d]
  931. () Why Dewey matters [d] [u]
  932. () ENGAGE: a blueprint for incorporating social skills training into daily academic instruction [d]
  933. () Spectacular things happen along the way: lessons from an urban classroom [i]
  934. () Sustainability education, whole school approaches, and communities of action [i] [d]
  935. (/2014) Mapping the curriculum: how concept maps can improve the effectiveness of course development [i] [d]
  936. () Learning friendship: the 'indispensable basis of a good society' [d]
  937. () Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
  938. () Perfectionism in school teachers: relations with stress appraisals, coping styles, and burnout [d]
  939. Diane L. Swanson & Dann G. Fisher [ed] () Advancing business ethics education [i]
  940. () Why culture counts: teaching children of poverty [i]
  941. () Teaching teachers to just say 'know': reflections on drug education [d]
  942. () On teaching and learning: putting the principles and practices of dialogue education into action [i]
  943. Stella Vosniadou [ed] (/2013) International handbook of research on conceptual change [i] [d]
  944. () The educator's guide to solving common behavior problems [i]
  945. () Mega-simulations in negotiation teaching: extraordinary investments with extraordinary benefits [d]
  946. () Beyond the scientific method: model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations [d]
  947. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part I) [j]
  948. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part II) [j]
  949. () How sustained conflict makes moral education impossible: some observations from Palestine [d]
  950. () Creating welcoming schools: a practical guide to home–school partnerships with diverse families [i]
  951. () Joining the conversation about educating our poorest children: emerging leadership roles for school counselors in high-poverty schools [d] [j]
  952. David N. Aspin & Judith D. Chapman [ed] () Values education and lifelong learning: principles, policies, programmes [i] [d]
  953. () Educational research and undiscovered public knowledge [d]
  954. () An acculturation model for ethics training: the ethics autobiography and beyond [d]
  955. () The impact of service-learning on ethnocentrism in an intercultural communication course [d]
  956. Liora Bresler [ed] () International handbook of research in arts education [i] [d]
  957. () Building skills for school success: improving the academic and social competence of students [d] [j]
  958. (/2010) The critique handbook: the art student's sourcebook and survival guide [i]
  959. () A guide to great field trips [i]
  960. () Learning to teach: teacher candidates reflect on the relational, conceptual, and contextual influences of responsive mentorship [d] [j]
  961. () Puzzle them first!: motivating adolescent readers with question-finding [i]
  962. () Developmental counseling and therapy as a model for school counselor consultation with teachers [d] [j]
  963. () Informal learning: rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance [i]
  964. () Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive [d]
  965. () The model-based view of scientific theories and the structuring of school science programmes [d]
  966. () Teaching of energy issues: a debate proposal for a global reorientation [d]
  967. () Journal writing on wilderness expeditions as a tool for sustainability education—reflections on the potential and the reality [d]
  968. () Multicultural education, pragmatism, and the goals of science teaching [d]
  969. () Movement expressiveness, solidarity and the (re)shaping of African American students' scientific identities [d]
  970. () Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social-ecological resilience [d]
  971. () Cognitive load and classroom teaching: the double-edged sword of automaticity [d]
  972. () Observations on biology [d] [j]
  973. () Preparing America's teachers: a history [i]
  974. () Simulating planning: SimCity as a pedagogical tool [d]
  975. () Educating world teachers for cosmopolitan classrooms and schools [d]
  976. () Learning community formats [d]
  977. () Art, ecology and art education: locating art education in a critical place-based pedagogy [d] [j]
  978. () A new use for practitioners in teaching negotiation [d]
  979. () Teachers' resilience: a necessary condition for effectiveness [d]
  980. () Fostering independent learning: practical strategies to promote student success [i]
  981. () Beyond the bake sale: the essential guide to family–school partnerships [i]
  982. (/2013) Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education [i]
  983. () Fish swim, rocks sit, and lungs breathe: expert–novice understanding of complex systems [d]
  984. () Teaching quantum physics without paradoxes [d]
  985. () Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
  986. () Group approaches to reducing aggression and bullying in school [d]
  987. () We feel, therefore we learn: the relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education [d]
  988. () Understanding scale: Powers of ten [d]
  989. () Democracy as discussion: civic education and the American forum movement [i]
  990. () Teaching discipline & self-respect: effective strategies, anecdotes, and lessons for successful classroom management [i]
  991. () Models and modelling in physics education: a critical re-analysis of philosophical underpinnings and suggestions for revisions [d]
  992. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  993. Jacqueline P. Leighton & Mark J. Gierl [ed] () Cognitive diagnostic assessment for education: theory and applications [i] [d]
  994. () Culturally proficient coaching: supporting educators to create equitable schools [i]
  995. () Meditative dialogue: a tool for engaging students in collaborative learning processes [d]
  996. () Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
  997. () Japanese spirituality and music practice: art as self-cultivation [i] [d]
  998. () Dialogue and the development of children's thinking: a sociocultural approach [i]
  999. (/2018) Ten steps to complex learning: a systematic approach to four-component instructional design [i] [d]
  1000. () Freeing music education from schooling: toward a lifespan perspective on music learning and teaching [d]
  1001. () Rebuilding communities: the contribution of integrated literacy and conflict resolution programmes [u]
  1002. () Team leadership: critical steps to great projects [d]
  1003. () On performing concepts during science lectures [d]
  1004. () A web-based authoring tool for intelligent tutors: blending assessment and instructional assistance [i] [d]
  1005. () Beyond more Jews doing Jewish: clarifying the goals of informal Jewish education [d]
  1006. () Unfulfilled promises: how inventories, instruments and institutions subvert discourses of diversity and promote commonality [d]
  1007. () Autonomous motivation for teaching: how self-determined teaching may lead to self-determined learning [d]
  1008. () Deliberative pedagogy: ideas for analysing the quality of deliberation in conflict management in education [d]
  1009. Melvin L. Silberman [ed] () The handbook of experiential learning [i]
  1010. () The strategic teacher: selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson [i]
  1011. Diana Stuart Sinton & Jennifer J. Lund [ed] () Understanding place: GIS and mapping across the curriculum [i]
  1012. () Counting the cost of an absent mind: mind wandering as an underrecognized influence on educational performance [p] [d]
  1013. () A school like mine: a unique celebration of schools around the world [i]
  1014. () Leading for results: transforming teaching, learning, and relationships in schools [i]
  1015. () A conceptualisation of emotion within art and design education: a creative, learning and product-orientated triadic schema [d]
  1016. () Finding narratives of time and space [i]
  1017. () Tips & tools: the art of experiential group facilitation [i]
  1018. () Ethical school leadership: defining the best interests of students [d]
  1019. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  1020. () Teaching for a better world: the why and how of student-initiated curricula [i] [d]
  1021. () Ethics education: using inductive reasoning to develop individual, group, organizational, and global perspectives [d]
  1022. () The professionalization of museum educators: the case in science museums [d]
  1023. () Teaching students to shape the game: negotiation architecture and the design of manageably dynamic simulations [d]
  1024. () A story of visual cultural and pedagogical webs [i] [d]
  1025. () Reenergizing small communities: a vital role for rural schools [d]
  1026. () Implementing and sustaining service-learning at the institutional level [d]
  1027. () From family deficit to family strength: viewing families' contributions to children's learning from a family resilience perspective [j]
  1028. () Role-play teaching: acting in the classroom [d]
  1029. () Facilitating the development of moral insight in practice: teaching ethics and teaching virtue [p] [d]
  1030. () Letters to a new teacher: a month-by-month guide to the year ahead [i]
  1031. () Efficiency in learning: evidence-based guidelines to manage cognitive load [i]
  1032. () Teaching professionalism: general principles [p] [d]
  1033. (/2009) How to teach students who don't look like you: culturally relevant teaching strategies [i]
  1034. () Essential use cases for pedagogical patterns [d]
  1035. (/2012) Educational leadership: together creating ethical learning environments [i]
  1036. Maurice J. Elias & Harriett Arnold [ed] () The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: social-emotional learning in the classroom [i]
  1037. () Humor in pedagogy: how ha-ha can lead to aha! [d] [j]
  1038. Eric A. Hanushek & Finis Welch [ed] () Handbook of the economics of education [i]
  1039. () Contemplative practices: educating for peace and tolerance [d]
  1040. () Field trips as cognitive motivators for high level science learning [d] [u]
  1041. (/2015) Conservation education and outreach techniques [i] [d]
  1042. () Not just for fun: using cartoons to investigate geographical issues [d]
  1043. Suzanne Lane, Mark R. Raymond, & Thomas M. Haladyna [ed] (/2015) Handbook of test development [i] [d]
  1044. () Differing profiles of developmental experiences across types of organized youth activities [p] [d]
  1045. () Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
  1046. () Critique of the 'tragic case' method in ethics education [p] [d] [u]
  1047. () 'To remain an Indian': lessons in democracy from a century of Native American education [i]
  1048. () Preparing students for conservation careers through project-based learning [p] [d] [j]
  1049. () Collaborative learning through argument visualisation in secondary school [i]
  1050. () Getting it right: keeping it complicated [book review] [d] [u]
  1051. () Making modern lives: subjectivity, schooling, and social change [i]
  1052. () Learning to think spatially [i] [d] [u]
  1053. () Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice [d]
  1054. () Science, art, and experience: constructing a science pedagogy from Dewey's aesthetics [d]
  1055. () Learning and livelihood [u]
  1056. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  1057. () Supporting young children drawing: developing a role [d]
  1058. () Pass it on!: ready-to-use handouts for asset builders [i]
  1059. (/2014) Knowledge building and knowledge creation: theory, pedagogy, and technology [i] [d]
  1060. () Home is a prison in the global city: the tragic failure of school-based community engagement strategies [d]
  1061. () The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: a fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons [d]
  1062. () Repertoire of practice: reconceptualizing instructor competency in contemporary adventure education [d]
  1063. () College students in distress: a resource guide for faculty, staff, and campus community [i]
  1064. () Common sense clarified: the role of intuitive knowledge in physics problem solving [d]
  1065. () Learning to teach argumentation: research and development in the science classroom [d]
  1066. () Textbooks: expectations vs. reality: the DNA story [d] [j]
  1067. () Learning to research environmental problems from a functional socio-cultural constructivism perspective: the transdisciplinary case study approach [d]
  1068. () Promoting an endogenous approach to education at the local community level [d]
  1069. () The behavior of tutoring systems [u]
  1070. () La interculturalidad en la educación básica: reformas curriculares de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia [i]
  1071. () Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools [i]
  1072. () Literacy in structural graphics: the higher education imperative [i] [d]
  1073. () Science as story: communicating the nature of science through historical perspectives on science [d] [j]
  1074. () Learning and teaching with maps [i] [d]
  1075. () The half-second delay: what follows? [d]
  1076. () Love and knowledge: recovering the heart of learning through contemplation [d]
  1077. () Simulation-based medical education: an ethical imperative [d]
  1078. () Radical possibilities: public policy, urban education, and a new social movement [i]
  1079. () Flow among music teachers and their students: the crossover of peak experiences [d]
  1080. () Collaborative learning techniques: a handbook for college faculty [i]
  1081. () Does assessment kill student creativity? [d] [u]
  1082. () Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
  1083. () Developmentally attentive communities [i] [d]
  1084. Chet A. Bowers & Frédérique Apffel-Marglin [ed] () Rethinking Freire: globalization and the environmental crisis [i] [d]
  1085. (/2010) Response to intervention: principles and strategies for effective practice [i]
  1086. () Notebook know-how: strategies for the writer's notebook [i]
  1087. () Challenges in fostering ethical knowledge as professionalism within schools as teaching communities [d]
  1088. () Using drawings to assess student perceptions of schoolyard habitats: a case study of reform-based research in the United States [u]
  1089. () Preparing teachers for a changing world: what teachers should learn and be able to do [i]
  1090. () 32 third graders and one class bunny: life lessons from teaching [i]
  1091. Mark Dudek [ed] () Children's spaces [i]
  1092. Celia B. Fisher & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Encyclopedia of applied developmental science [i] [d]
  1093. () The game of school: why we all play it, how it hurts kids, and what it will take to change it [i]
  1094. () Teaching critical thinking: some lessons from cognitive science [d] [j]
  1095. John K. Gilbert [ed] () Visualization in science education [i] [d]
  1096. () Reducing violence and aggression in schools [d]
  1097. () Discovering hidden transformations: making science and other courses more learnable [d] [j]
  1098. () Using argument diagramming software in the classroom [d]
  1099. () Sketching in nature: journaling helps students develop observation skills and a deep appreciation of nature [j]
  1100. () Teaching E = mc²: mass without mass [d]
  1101. () Dynamic geometry: an agent for the reunification of algebra and geometry [d]
  1102. () The paper mirror: understanding reflective journaling [d]
  1103. Edward Arnold Johnson & Michael Mappin [ed] () Environmental education and advocacy: changing perspectives of ecology and education [i]
  1104. () Education for thinking [i]
  1105. () Extending the stay: using community-based research and service learning to enhance short-term study abroad [d]
  1106. () The personal map: a lesson in similarities, differences, and the invisible [d]
  1107. (/2013) Teaching high school science through inquiry and argumentation [i]
  1108. (/2008) Last child in the woods: saving our children from nature-deficit disorder [i]
  1109. () The role of education in American Indian self-determination: lessons from the Ramah Navajo community school [d]
  1110. () The visual core of science: definition and applications to education [d]
  1111. () Field-based education and indigenous knowledge: essential components of geoscience education for native American communities [d]
  1112. () Critical graphicacy: understanding visual representation practices in school science [i] [d]
  1113. () Epistemology for the masses: the origins of 'the scientific method' in American schools [d] [j] [u]
  1114. () What it means to be a naturalist and the future of natural history at American universities [d]
  1115. () The worldwide expansion of higher education in the twentieth century [d] [j]
  1116. () The architecture of participation [i]
  1117. () Prolegomenon to scientific visualizations [i] [d]
  1118. () Patterns—a fundamental idea of mathematical thinking and learning [d]
  1119. Anna Held Audette [ed] () 100 creative drawing ideas [i]
  1120. () Creating a reusable learning objects strategy: leveraging information and learning in a knowledge economy [i]
  1121. () From dilemmas to experience: shaping the conditions of learning [in music] [i] [u]
  1122. () Creating optimal work environments: exploring teacher flow experiences [d]
  1123. () Geographic information systems: a tool to support geography and environmental education? [d]
  1124. () Silence as the foundation of learning [d]
  1125. () Enhancing introductory symbolic logic with student-centered discussion projects [d]
  1126. (/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
  1127. (/2010) Responding to problem behavior in schools: the behavior education program [i]
  1128. Diana Denton & Will Ashton [ed] () Spirituality, action, & pedagogy: teaching from the heart [i]
  1129. () Effective group facilitation in education: how to energize meetings and manage difficult groups [i]
  1130. (/2009) Classroom activators: more than 100 ways to energize learners [i]
  1131. () Studying science in action: the case for using cases in teaching the philosophy of science [d]
  1132. () 'Failure dances to the tune of insecurity': affective issues in the assessment and evaluation of access learning [o]
  1133. () Learning to live together: preventing hatred and violence in child and adolescent development [i]
  1134. () Drawing on education: using drawings to document schooling and support change [d]
  1135. () Energy flow diagrams for teaching physics concepts [d]
  1136. () A natural history of place in education [i]
  1137. () Open to outcome: a practical guide for facilitating & teaching experiential reflection [i]
  1138. () The impact of informal music learning practices in the classroom, or how I learned how to teach from a garage band [d]
  1139. () Choice words: how our language affects children's learning [i]
  1140. (/2009) 30 reflective staff development exercises for educators [i]
  1141. (/2010) The complete guide to service learning: proven, practical ways to engage students in civic responsibility, academic curriculum, & social action [i]
  1142. John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton, Vicki Kubler LaBoskey, & Tom Russell [ed] () International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices [i] [d]
  1143. () Latino education in the United States: a narrated history from 1513–2000 [i] [d]
  1144. () Competence, persistence, and success: the positive psychology of behavioral skill instruction [d]
  1145. Karsten Mündel & Daniel Schugurensky [ed] () Lifelong citizenship learning, participatory democracy and social change [o] [u]
  1146. () A child's work: the importance of fantasy play [i] [d]
  1147. () Dialogic activity structures for project-based learning environments [d]
  1148. PRATEC [ed] () Una escuela amable con el saber local [i] [u]
  1149. () The best of times, the worst of times [u]
  1150. () Making minds less well educated than our own [i] [d]
  1151. () No longer theory: correctional practices that work [j]
  1152. Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco & Desirée Qin-Hilliard [ed] () Globalization: culture and education in the new millennium [i] [d] [j]
  1153. () I am a pencil: a teacher, his kids, and their world of stories [i]
  1154. () The teacher as partner: exploring participant structures, symmetry, and identity work in scaffolding [d]
  1155. (/2012) 'Sit & get' won't grow dendrites: 20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain [i]
  1156. (/2010) Assessment clear and simple: a practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education [i]
  1157. John Zubizarreta [ed] (/2009) The learning portfolio: reflective practice for improving student learning [i]
  1158. Maenette K. P. Ah Nee-Benham & Wayne J. Stein [ed] () The renaissance of American Indian higher education: capturing the dream [i] [d]
  1159. Narntip Aksornkool [ed] () Literacy as freedom: a UNESCO round-table [o] [u]
  1160. () Mutual learning and democratic action in instrumental music education [d]
  1161. () When smart groups fail [d]
  1162. () Beyond visual culture: seven statements of support for material culture studies in art education [d] [j]
  1163. () School-based health centers: accessibility and accountability [d]
  1164. Robert Brooke [ed] () Rural voices: place-conscious education and the teaching of writing [i]
  1165. (/2015) The school I'd like: revisited: children and young people's reflections on an education for the future [i] [d]
  1166. () Skillfully instructing learners: how communicators effectively convey messages [i] [d]
  1167. (/2013) Creating significant learning experiences: an integrated approach to designing college courses [i]
  1168. () Appreciating the beauty of science ideas: teaching for aesthetic understanding [d]
  1169. () Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through coordinated social, emotional, and academic learning [p] [d]
  1170. () At home with the other: reclaiming the ecological roots of development and literacy [d]
  1171. () Counselling pupils in schools: skills and strategies for teachers [i]
  1172. () Beyond book learning: cultivating the pedagogy of experience through field trips [d]
  1173. () Compassionate education: a prolegomena for radical schooling [i]
  1174. Richard M. Lerner & Peter L. Benson [ed] () Developmental assets and asset-building communities: implications for research, policy, and practice [i] [d]
  1175. () Indigenous education: addressing current issues and developments [d] [j]
  1176. () Observational diary: the merits of journal writing as case-based instruction in introductory psychology [d]
  1177. () Impeding sustainability?: the ecological footprint of higher education [o] [u]
  1178. (/2009) Schools as professional learning communities: collaborative activities and strategies for professional development [i]
  1179. () What exactly is a youth development program?: answers from research and practice [d]
  1180. () Listening: a framework for teaching across differences [i]
  1181. () Building vs. borrowing: the challenge of actively constructing ideas [o] [u]
  1182. () The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
  1183. () Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
  1184. (/2014) Seeing red: an anger management and anti-bullying curriculum for kids [i]
  1185. () Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
  1186. () Constructive conflict: how controversy can contribute to school improvement [d] [u]
  1187. () In search of a pedagogy of conflict and dialogue for mathematics education [i] [d]
  1188. () The SAFI model as a critical link between marginalized families and schools: a literature review and strategies for school counselors [d]
  1189. () Avoiding the pediatrician's error: how neuroscientists can help educators (and themselves) [p] [d]
  1190. () Trust in schools: a core resource for improvement [i] [j]
  1191. () Environmental education as facilitator of the use of ecological information: a case study in Mexico [d]
  1192. () Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities [i] [d]
  1193. () Seeking challenge, finding skill: flow experience and music education [d]
  1194. () The role of the child in adult development [d]
  1195. () Mentor manager, mentor parent: how to develop responsible people and build successful relationships at work and at home [i]
  1196. () Clarifying visual culture art education [d] [j]
  1197. Lyn D. English & Maria G. Bartolini Bussi [ed] (/2008) Handbook of international research in mathematics education [i]
  1198. () Learning to notice: scaffolding new teachers' interpretations of classroom interactions [u]
  1199. () Better hearts: teaching applied virtue ethics [d]
  1200. () School counselors: becoming key players in school reform [j]
  1201. () Integrating a decision support system into a school: the effects on student functioning [d]
  1202. () Rediscovering rites of passage: education, transformation, and the transition to sustainability [j] [u]
  1203. John Loughran & Tom Russell [ed] () Improving teacher education practices through self-study [i]
  1204. () Navigating the social world: a curriculum for individuals with Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism and related disorders [i]
  1205. () African-centered pedagogy: developing schools of achievement for African American children [i]
  1206. () Can self-study challenge the belief that telling, showing, and guided practice constitute adequate teacher education? [i]
  1207. () Arguments, contradictions, resistances, and conceptual change in students' understanding of atomic structure [d]
  1208. () No place to learn: why universities aren't working [i]
  1209. () A teacher's responsibility [u]
  1210. () At the elbow of another: learning to teach by coteaching [i]
  1211. () Being and becoming in the classroom [i]
  1212. () Place-based education: learning to be where we are [d]
  1213. () Policy implementation and cognition: reframing and refocusing implementation research [d]
  1214. () The workshop book: from individual creativity to group action [i]
  1215. (/2018) Qualities of effective teachers [i]
  1216. Nathan Stucky & Cynthia Wimmer [ed] () Teaching performance studies [i]
  1217. Peter C. Taylor, Penny J. Gilmer, & Kenneth George Tobin [ed] () Transforming undergraduate science teaching: social constructivist perspectives [i]
  1218. () Bringing the biosphere home: learning to perceive global environmental change [i] [d]
  1219. () Analysis of gender identity through doll and action figure politics in art education [d] [j]
  1220. () Spreading the wealth: graduate students and educational outreach [d] [j]
  1221. () Becoming the village: education across lives [i] [d]
  1222. () Confronting undergraduate dualism with problem-based learning [i]
  1223. () A pattern language for initial course design [i] [d]
  1224. () Learning about and learning from expert teachers [d]
  1225. () Risky writing: self-disclosure and self-transformation in the classroom [i]
  1226. Arthur C. Bohart & Deborah J. Stipek [ed] () Constructive & destructive behavior: implications for family, school, & society [i] [d]
  1227. () Educating for eco-justice and community [i]
  1228. Pat Campbell & Barbara Burnaby [ed] () Participatory practices in adult education [i] [d]
  1229. () Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
  1230. () Learning from human tutoring [d]
  1231. () Bringing sounds into the everyday classroom [o]
  1232. () Teacher testing and the improvement of practice [d]
  1233. () Biological drawing: a scientific tool for learning [d] [j]
  1234. () Why art cannot be taught: a handbook for art students [i] [j]
  1235. () Goals for a critical thinking curriculum and its assessment [i]
  1236. (/2011) School, family, and community partnerships: preparing educators and improving schools [i] [d]
  1237. John H. Falk, Elizabeth Donovan, & Rosalie Woods [ed] () Free-choice science education: how we learn science outside of school [i]
  1238. () Teacher education and cultural imagination: autobiography, conversation, and narrative [i]
  1239. () A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning [d]
  1240. () Promoting cognitive complexity in graduate written work: using Bloom's taxonomy as a pedagogical tool to improve literature reviews [d]
  1241. () Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
  1242. () Hands-on science [i] [u]
  1243. () Teaching metacognitively [i] [d]
  1244. () A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based [d]
  1245. () Gracious play: discipline, insight, and the common good [d]
  1246. () Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
  1247. () 10 traits of highly effective teachers: how to hire, coach, and mentor successful teachers [i]
  1248. (/2008) Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide [i]
  1249. () Educating children with autism [i] [d] [u]
  1250. () Brown v. Board of Education: a civil rights milestone and its troubled legacy [i]
  1251. () Finding or losing yourself?: working-class relationships to education [d]
  1252. () What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
  1253. () The value of a developmental approach to evaluating character development programmes: an outcome study of Facing History and Ourselves [d]
  1254. () The development of a goal to become a teacher [d]
  1255. (/2015) Teaching and learning reflective practice in the action science/action inquiry tradition [i] [d]
  1256. Bruce Torff & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind: student and teacher learning [i]
  1257. () Rethinking diversity in learning science: the logic of everyday sense-making [d]
  1258. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  1259. () Science education as conceptual change [d]
  1260. () Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
  1261. (/2022) The art of awareness: how observation can transform your teaching [i]
  1262. () Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms [d]
  1263. () The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
  1264. () Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
  1265. () Utility of psychosocial screening at a school-based health center [d]
  1266. Maureen T. Hallinan [ed] () Handbook of the sociology of education [i] [d]
  1267. () Portraying science accurately in classrooms: emphasizing open-mindedness rather than relativism [d]
  1268. (/2007) Strategies that work: teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement [i]
  1269. David H. Jonassen & Susan M. Land [ed] (/2012) Theoretical foundations of learning environments [i] [d]
  1270. (/2008) Personalized instruction: the key to student achievement [i]
  1271. () The soul of education: helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school [i]
  1272. () Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
  1273. () Education as the cultivation of intelligence [i]
  1274. () Time for science education: how teaching the history and philosophy of pendulum motion can contribute to science literacy [i] [d]
  1275. (/2021) Motivating students who don't care: proven strategies to engage all learners [or: Motivating students who don't care: successful techniques for educators] [i]
  1276. Jonathan Osborne & Justin Dillon [ed] (/2010) Good practice in science teaching: what research has to say [i]
  1277. () The art of teaching art: a guide for teaching and learning the foundations of drawing-based art [i]
  1278. () Coloring outside the lines: raising a smarter kid by breaking all the rules [i]
  1279. (/2014) Schools that learn: a fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education [i]
  1280. () Silk screening across the curriculum [o]
  1281. () Communities as curricula [o]
  1282. () Intercultural education and literacy: an ethnographic study of indigenous knowledge and learning in the Peruvian Amazon [i] [d]
  1283. () Schooling and development: eroding Amazon women's knowledge and diversity [i]
  1284. () The wise teacher: a developmental model of teaching [d]
  1285. Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres [ed] (/2007) Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local [i]
  1286. () Silence is stranger than it used to be: teaching silence and the future of humankind [d]
  1287. (/2011) Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does [i]
  1288. John Bransford, Ann L. Brown, Rodney R. Cocking, & National Research Council [ed] (/2000) How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school [i] [d] [u]
  1289. () Imagining rural life: schooling as a sense of place [u]
  1290. () A teaching approach to time-geography: some results of an educational experiment [d]
  1291. () A case for an art education of everyday aesthetic experiences [d] [j]
  1292. () Analysis of design: an exploration of patterns and pattern languages for pedagogy [u]
  1293. () Color coding [d] [j]
  1294. () The thumbnail: a project for teaching a visual shorthand [d] [j]
  1295. Christine Heward & Sheila S. Bunwaree [ed] () Gender, education, and development: beyond access to empowerment [i]
  1296. (/2010) Begin with the brain: orchestrating the learner-centered classroom [i]
  1297. () Into the field: a guide to locally focused teaching [i]
  1298. () Instilling professionalism in medical education [d]
  1299. () Visual-spatial thinking: an aspect of science overlooked by educators [d]
  1300. () Preparing students for competent scientific practice: implications of recent research in science and technology studies [d]
  1301. () Connecting life-course challenges of caring with the college curriculum [d]
  1302. () The role of abstraction in scientific illustration: implications for pedagogy [d]
  1303. Martha C. Monroe [ed] () What works: a guide to environmental education and communication projects for practitioners and donors [i] [u]
  1304. (/2006) Learning journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development [i]
  1305. () The heartbeat of indigenous Africa: a study of the Chagga educational system [i]
  1306. () Is there method in our madness?: improvisation in the practice of museum education [i]
  1307. () Deprogramming from the academic cult [u]
  1308. Bonnie Pitman [ed] () Presence of mind: museums and the spirit of learning [i]
  1309. () Vocation as meaning making narrative: implications for vocational education [o]
  1310. () Description and immediate impacts of a preventive intervention for conduct problems [p] [d]
  1311. () Educating for mission, meaning, and compassion [i]
  1312. () Concept mapping as a tool for learning: broadening the framework for student-centered instruction [d] [j]
  1313. () Sparks of genius: the thirteen thinking tools of the world's most creative people [i]
  1314. () Differential participation during science conversations: the interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arrangements [d]
  1315. Gregory A. Smith & Dilafruz R. Williams [ed] () Ecological education in action: on weaving education, culture, and the environment [i]
  1316. () Relations between teachers' approaches to teaching and students' approaches to learning [d]
  1317. () Swap meet: a cross-cultural lens project [d] [j]
  1318. Dennis Carlson & Michael W. Apple [ed] () Power, knowledge, pedagogy: the meaning of democratic education in unsettling times [i] [d]
  1319. (/2008) Building expertise: cognitive methods for training and performance improvement [i]
  1320. () Collected wisdom: American Indian education [i]
  1321. () Self-disclosure as an approach to teaching ethical decision-making [d]
  1322. () On the limits to empowerment through critical and feminist pedagogies [i] [d]
  1323. () Nonfiction matters: reading, writing, and research in grades 3–8 [i]
  1324. () Two parts textbook, one part love: a recipe for successful teaching [i]
  1325. (/2004) Secrets for secondary school teachers: how to succeed in your first year [i]
  1326. () Making it up as we go along: the story of the Albany Free School [i]
  1327. () Re-creating schools: places where everyone learns and likes it [i]
  1328. () Radical presence: teaching as contemplative practice [i]
  1329. () Public purpose and the preparation of teachers for rural schools [d]
  1330. (/2014) Motivating students to learn [i]
  1331. () Timelines and rhythm patterns: representing time [i]
  1332. () The jigsaw classroom: building cooperation in the classroom [i]
  1333. () Improving academic writing [d] [u]
  1334. (/2006) All kids are our kids: what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents [i]
  1335. () Role play simulations: the assessment of an active learning technique and comparisons with traditional lectures [d]
  1336. () Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators [i]
  1337. (/2009) School, family, and community partnerships: your handbook for action [i]
  1338. () The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
  1339. () Drama as a discussion starter in research and education [u]
  1340. () How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education [i] [d] [j]
  1341. () Teaching in the midst of belatedness: the paradox of natality in Hannah Arendt's educational thought [d]
  1342. () Rehearsing for reality: using role-play to transform attitudes and behaviour [u]
  1343. (/2008) Solution-focused counseling in schools [i]
  1344. Arthur B. Powell & Marilyn Frankenstein [ed] () Ethnomathematics: challenging eurocentrism in mathematics education [i]
  1345. (/2008) Starting small: teaching tolerance in preschool and the early grades [o] [u]
  1346. () Teaching the commons: place, pride, and the renewal of community [i] [d]
  1347. () Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey on the science of education [d] [j]
  1348. () Volunteerism as the seedbed of democracy: the educational thought and practice of Guy Henson of Nova Scotia [d]
  1349. (/2008) You gotta BE the book: teaching engaged and reflective reading with adolescents [i]
  1350. () Using questioning to guide student thinking [d]
  1351. (/2011) Engaging ideas: the professor's guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom [i]
  1352. () Teaching and learning in agriculture: a guide for agricultural educators [i]
  1353. () 101 nature experiments [i]
  1354. () Node-link mapping as an alternative to traditional writing assignments in undergraduate psychology courses [d]
  1355. () Staying alive to learning: integrating enactments with case teaching to develop leaders [d]
  1356. Matt Hern [ed] () Deschooling our lives [i]
  1357. () Forward to Deschooling our lives [i]
  1358. David R. Olson & Nancy Torrance [ed] () The handbook of education and human development: new models of learning, teaching, and schooling [i] [d]
  1359. () Re-ruralizing education [i] [j]
  1360. () 500 tips for trainers [i]
  1361. (/2005) Non-Western educational traditions: indigenous approaches to educational thought and practice [i]
  1362. () Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
  1363. () Curriculum development guide: population education for non-formal education programs of out-of-school rural youth [u]
  1364. () New entries: learning by writing and drawing [i]
  1365. () Reinventing the university: a radical proposal for a problem-focused university [i]
  1366. Roger Soder [ed] () Democracy, education, and the schools [i]
  1367. () The rootless professors [i] [j]
  1368. James A. Banks & Cherry A. McGee Banks [ed] (/2004) Handbook of research on multicultural education [i]
  1369. (/2006) Other people's children: cultural conflict in the classroom [i]
  1370. () Prospects for scientific visualization as an educational technology [d]
  1371. () Towards a social geography of teacher education [i]
  1372. (/2010) Physics: concepts & connections [i]
  1373. () Practices that support teacher development: transforming conceptions of professional learning [o]
  1374. (/2012) I see what you mean: visual literacy K–8 [i]
  1375. () The professional educator: a new introduction to teaching and schools [i]
  1376. () Cognitive conflict as a teaching strategy in solving chemistry problems: a dialectic–constructivist perspective [d]
  1377. John G. Nicholls & Theresa A. Thorkildsen [ed] () Reasons for learning: expanding the conversation on student–teacher collaboration [i]
  1378. () On schools as learning organizations: a conversation with Peter Senge [u]
  1379. () The reflective educator [p] [d]
  1380. () The big catch: a practical introduction to development [i] [d]
  1381. () Culture, community, and the promise of rural education [u]
  1382. (/2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms [i]
  1383. (/2000) A warning to students of all ages [o] [u]
  1384. (/2015) Cognitive coaching: developing self-directed leaders and learners [i]
  1385. () Does the use of analogies contribute to conceptual change? [d]
  1386. () Question asking during tutoring [d] [j]
  1387. () Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom [i]
  1388. () The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: from self-improvement to adult education in America, 1750–1990 [i]
  1389. (/2015) Science teaching: the contribution of history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1390. () Our lives are our best teaching tools [d]
  1391. () Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect [i]
  1392. (/2010) Deculturalization and the struggle for equality: a brief history of the education of dominated cultures in the United States [i]
  1393. (/2007) Acting lessons for teachers: using performance skills in the classroom [i]
  1394. (/2002) Learning to listen, learning to teach: the power of dialogue in educating adults [i]
  1395. (/2006) Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism [i]
  1396. () The mind's journey from novice to expert: if we know the route, we can help students negotiate their way [u]
  1397. () General system theory: toward a conceptual framework for science and technology education for all [d] [j] [u]
  1398. () Removing barriers to professional growth [j]
  1399. Carolyn P. Edwards, Lella Gandini, & George E. Forman [ed] (/2012) The hundred languages of children: the Reggio Emilia experience in transformation [i]
  1400. () Radical reflections: passionate opinions on teaching, learning, and living [i]
  1401. (/2007) Counseling skills for teachers [i]
  1402. () Science as argument: implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking [d]
  1403. () Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for education [i]
  1404. () Zen and the art of reflective practice in teacher education [d]
  1405. (/2012) Critical incidents in teaching: developing professional judgement [i]
  1406. () Drawing your own conclusions: graphic strategies for reading, writing, and thinking [i]
  1407. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  1408. () The incorporation of American Indian philosophy into undergraduate philosophy courses [d]
  1409. (/1997) Processing the experience: strategies to enhance and generalize learning [i]
  1410. () The traditions of the university in the face of the demands of the twenty-first century [and comments] [or: The intellectual, moral and professional values in the face of the modern university in transition] [j]
  1411. () Analogy, explanation, and education [d]
  1412. Jonathan Baron & Rex V. Brown [ed] () Teaching decision making to adolescents [i]
  1413. C. Roland Christensen, David A. Garvin, & Ann Sweet [ed] () Education for judgment: the artistry of discussion leadership [i]
  1414. () Premises and practices of discussion teaching [i]
  1415. () Arts as epistemology: enabling children to know what they know [d]
  1416. () Retrieving the language of compassion: the education professor in search of community [d] [u]
  1417. () The GOFER course in decision making [i]
  1418. Donald A. Schön [ed] () The reflective turn: case studies in and on educational practice [i]
  1419. () Active talk: the use of discussion in learning [i]
  1420. () Rationality as a goal of education [d]
  1421. (/1994) What is education for? [i]
  1422. (/2006) Active training: a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips [i]
  1423. () Killing the spirit: higher education in America [i]
  1424. () Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
  1425. (/1996) Any child can read better: developing your child's reading skills outside the classroom [i] [d]
  1426. () Scientific illiteracy: causes, costs, and cures [i] [u]
  1427. Audrey B. Champagne, Barbara E. Lovitts, & J. Calinger, Betty [ed] () Scientific literacy: papers from the 1989 AAAS Forum for School Science [i]
  1428. () Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
  1429. (/2004) Nonformal education (NFE) manual [o] [u]
  1430. () Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
  1431. () Philosophical issues in education: an introduction [i] [d]
  1432. () Mediation in the schools: self-regulation, self-esteem, and self-discipline [d]
  1433. () The competitive ethos and democratic education [i]
  1434. () An operant pursuit of generalization [d]
  1435. () El Programa de Formación de Maestros Bilingües de la Amazonía peruana [d] [u]
  1436. Arthur L. Wilson & Elisabeth Hayes [ed] (/2000) Handbook of adult and continuing education [i]
  1437. (/2001) Developing a scope and sequence for thinking skills instruction [i]
  1438. (/2006) The silenced dialogue: power and pedagogy in educating other people's children [i]
  1439. () To copy or not to copy: a review [d] [j]
  1440. (/1999) The Prepare curriculum: teaching prosocial competencies [i]
  1441. () Effectiveness of the GOFER course in decision making for high school students [d]
  1442. () Role play [i]
  1443. () Summary writing, Rogerian listening, and dialectic thinking [d] [j]
  1444. () Teachers and machines: the classroom use of technology since 1920 [i]
  1445. (/1990) Teaching through self-instruction: how to develop open learning materials [i]
  1446. (/2010) Child, family, school, community: socialization and support [i]
  1447. Arthur L. Costa [ed] (/2001) Developing minds: a resource book for teaching thinking [i]
  1448. (/2007) Gender equity in visual arts and dance education [i] [d]
  1449. Susan S. Klein [ed] (/2007) Handbook for achieving gender equity through education [i] [d]
  1450. (/2013) Discipline in the secondary classroom: a positive approach to behavior management [i]
  1451. (/2017) Enhancing adult motivation to learn: a comprehensive guide for teaching all adults [i]
  1452. (/2009) Effective teaching: preparation and implementation [i]
  1453. Dale Larson [ed] () Teaching psychological skills: models for giving psychology away [i] [u]
  1454. (/1997) Técnicas participativas para la educación popular [i]
  1455. () Ah-hah!: a new approach to popular education [i]
  1456. (/1989) The effective use of role-play: a handbook for teachers and trainers [i]
  1457. () Designerly ways of knowing: design discipline versus design science [d]
  1458. (/2016) The new meaning of educational change [i]
  1459. () Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
  1460. (/2018) The skillful teacher: the comprehensive resource for improving teaching and learning [or: The skillful teacher: building your teaching skills] [i]
  1461. Arthur W. Chickering [ed] () The modern American college [i]
  1462. () The planning of nonformal education [i] [u]
  1463. () Teaching critical thinking in the 'strong' sense: a focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis [d] [u]
  1464. () Logic as a liberal art [d]
  1465. Trilochan Singh Bakshi & Zev Naveh [ed] () Environmental education: principles, methods, and applications [i] [d]
  1466. () Wilderness travel as an art and as a paradigm for outdoor education [d]
  1467. (/1997) Skillstreaming the adolescent: new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills [i]
  1468. (/1983) Promoting moral growth: from Piaget to Kohlberg [i]
  1469. () When to begin writing [d]
  1470. () Multicultural education: what's it all about? [d]
  1471. () Comic books: an effective teaching tool [u]
  1472. () Two hats [o] [u]
  1473. (/1996) Music, society, education: a radical examination of the prophetic function of music in Western, Eastern, and African cultures with its impact on society and its use in education [i]
  1474. () The diploma disease: education, qualification, and development [i]
  1475. () Counseling and counselor education: a developmental approach [d]
  1476. (/1997) Preparing instructional objectives: a critical tool in the development of effective instruction [i]
  1477. () The community as textbook [i] [u]
  1478. (/2003) Teacher effectiveness training: the program proven to help teachers bring out the best in students of all ages [i]
  1479. () The one best system: a history of American urban education [i]
  1480. () Learning together: how to foster creativity, self-fulfillment, and social awareness in today's students and teachers [i]
  1481. () Development as the aim of education [d]
  1482. Philip C. Ritterbush [ed] () Talent waste: how institutions of learning misdirect human resources [i]
  1483. () 'Your homework assignment for tonight: compassion, empathy, and understanding' [d]
  1484. () Teaching and learning as performing arts = Lehren und Lernen als Auffuehrungskuenste [o]
  1485. (/1999) Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years: a scheme [i]
  1486. (/1993) Education and identity [i]
  1487. () Teaching as a subversive activity [o]
  1488. (/1994) Freedom to learn [i]
  1489. () Education for individual development [o] [u]
  1490. () Towards a dynamic 'world' education [o] [d]
  1491. (/1985) A talk to teachers [i]
  1492. (/1966) Education in our changing times [o] [d]
  1493. Arthur A. Lumsdaine & Robert Glaser [ed] () Teaching machines and programmed learning: a source book [o]
  1494. Eugene Galanter [ed] () Automatic teaching: the state of the art [o]
  1495. () The education of an artist [o]
  1496. () The science teacher and problem solving [j]
  1497. () Preparing teachers for rural schools [j]
  1498. (/2014) McKeachie's teaching tips: strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers [i]
  1499. () Assignment for life [d]
  1500. (/1963) Education for modern man: a new perspective [o]
  1501. () The elements of scientific method [in science education] [d]
  1502. () A survey of research studies dealing with the elements of scientific method as objectives of instruction in science [d]
  1503. () Negro higher education and democratic Negro morale [d] [j]
  1504. () Experience and education [o]
  1505. () Enrichment of the common life [o] [u]
  1506. () Art a way of life [o] [u]
  1507. (/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
  1508. () Field Museum and the child: an outline of the work carried on by the Field Museum of Natural History among school children of Chicago through the N.W. Harris public school extension and the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond public school and children's lectures [o] [u]
  1509. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  1510. (/2017) Constructive elements in the class-room [and in independent study] [o] [u]
  1511. (/1917) The aims of education—a plea for reform [o] [u]
  1512. () Ethics and education [o] [u]
  1513. () Michigan's preparation of teachers for rural schools [j] [u]
  1514. () Science and education: essays [o] [u]
  1515. () The inculcation of scientific method by example, with an illustration drawn from the quaternary geology of Utah [u]
  1516. () Scientific instruction: its aims and methods [o] [u]
  1517. (/1896) On the educational value of the natural history sciences [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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