How to teach
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- Anne C. Frenzel, Muhterem Dindar, Reinhard Pekrun, Corinna Reck, & Anton K. G. Marx (2024) Joy is reciprocally transmitted between teachers and students: evidence on facial mimicry in the classroom [d]
- Clint Randles (2024) Growing songwriting: student creativities in the classroom and beyond [i] [d]
- Sören J. Traulsen & Lysann Zander (2024) Straighten your back, open your arms! Effects of instructor's body postures in educational videos on students' interest and motivation [d]
- Erin VanLaningham [ed] (2024) Called beyond our selves: vocation and the common good [i] [d]
- Janet Revell Barrett (2023) Seeking connections: an interdisciplinary perspective on music teaching and learning [i] [d]
- Jennifer R. Ferrari (2023) 'Yes, please!': an improvisational framework for contemporary art education [d]
- Michael J. Feuer (2023) Can schools save democracy?: civic education and the common good [i]
- Chelsea Leachman, Erin M. Rowley, Margaret Phillips, & Daniela Solomon (2023) Teaching and collecting technical standards: a handbook for librarians and educators [i]
- Clint Randles [ed] (2023) Milestones in music education [i] [d]
- Anthony R. Reibel (2023) Embracing relational teaching: how strong relationships promote student self-regulation and efficacy [i]
- Pninit Russo-Netzer (2023) Recalibrating the compass in a changing world: education for meaning and meaningful education [d]
- Mary L. Scherer (2023) Privileged careerists, working-class idealists: complicating the relationship of class, college values, and curricular choices [d]
- Kailash Awati & Natalia Nikolova (2022) From ambiguity to action: integrating collective sensemaking and rational decision making in management pedagogy and practice [d]
- Miriam Brandt, Quentin J. Groom, Alexandra Magro, Dusan Misevic, Claire L. Narraway, Till Bruckermann, Anna Beniermann, Tom Børsen, Josefa González, Sofie Meeus, Helen E. Roy, Xana Sá-Pinto, Jorge Roberto Torres, & Tania Jenkins (2022) Promoting scientific literacy in evolution through citizen science [p] [d] [u]
- Ying-Chih Chen (2022) Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
- Maurice J. Elias, Nina A. Murphy, & Kellie A. McClain (2022) Morning classroom conversations: build your students' social-emotional, character, and communication skills every day [i]
- Jason Ezell & Lucy Rosenbloom (2022) Placing history: using digital maps to situate historical research and foreground student authorship [i]
- Erik M. Francis (2022) Deconstructing depth of knowledge: a method and model for deeper teaching and learning [i]
- Silke Higgins & Ngoc Yen Tran [ed] (2022) Embracing change: alternatives to traditional research writing assignments [i]
- Ekaterina Ivanova & Isabel Rimanoczy [ed] (2022) Revolutionizing sustainability education: stories and tools of mindset transformation [i] [d]
- Paul A. Kirschner, Carl Hendrick, & Jim Heal (2022) How teaching happens: seminal works in teaching and teacher effectiveness and what they mean in practice [i] [d]
- Karen D. Larison (2022) Argumentation and scientific consensus-building: using the nonfiction narrative to generate contextual understanding [d]
- Wendy L. Ostroff (2022) Empowering young children: how to nourish deep, transformative learning for social justice [i] [d]
- Tammi M. Owens & Camille Hawbaker Voorhees (2022) What fascinates you?: infographics as research-based inquiry for artists [i]
- Clint Randles (2022) Music teacher as music producer: how to turn your classroom into a center for musical creativities [i] [d]
- Dominique B. Smith, Douglas Fisher, & Nancy Frey (2022) The restorative practices playbook: tools for transforming discipline in schools [i]
- Christine Wamsler, Iris Maria Hertog, & Lucia Di Paola (2022) Education for sustainability: sourcing inner qualities and capacities for transformation [i] [d]
- Jong-pil Yoon (2022) Is historical thinking unnatural? [d]
- Lawrence A. Blum & Zoë Burkholder (2021) Integrations: the struggle for racial equality and civic renewal in public education [i] [d]
- T. Ryan Byerly (2021) Intellectual dependability: a virtue theory of the epistemic and educational ideal [i] [d]
- James P. Byrnes (2021) Cognitive development for academic achievement: building skills and motivation [i]
- Joshua Chittum (2021) Peace for racial progress: exploring the integration of peace and antiracist education [i] [u]
- Javier Corredor, Carolina Castro-Morales, & Tiffany Alexandra Jiménez-Rozo (2021) Document-based historical role-playing as a tool to promote empathy and structural understanding in historical memory education [i] [d]
- Karen S. Emmerman (2021) Is that a philosophical question?: the philosopher as teacher: the tension between democratizing the classroom and building skills in philosophy for children [d]
- Matthew L. Garrett & Joshua Palkki (2021) Honoring trans and gender-expansive students in music education [i] [d]
- Matilda Keynes, Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Daniel Lindmark, & Björn Norlin [ed] (2021) Historical justice and history education [i] [d]
- Claire Latané (2021) Schools that heal: design with mental health in mind [i]
- Hennie Lötter (2021) Empowerment for teaching excellence through virtuous agency [i] [d]
- Larry P. Nucci & Robyn Ilten-Gee (2021) Moral education for social justice [i]
- E. Michael Nussbaum (2021) Critical integrative argumentation: toward complexity in students' thinking [d]
- David C. Stone (2021) Student success and the high school–university transition: 100 years of chemistry education research [d]
- Kate M. Turetsky, Stacey L. Sinclair, Jordan G. Starck, & J. Nicole Shelton (2021) Beyond students: how teacher psychology shapes educational inequality [p] [d]
- Jason Wingard & Christine A. Farrugia [ed] (2021) The great skills gap: optimizing talent for the future of work [i] [d]
- Michael L. Ulica (2021) Why geography is so important [i] [d]
- Hye-Gyoung Yoon, Mijung Kim, & Eun Ah Lee (2021) Visual representation construction for collective reasoning in elementary science classrooms [d]
- Douglas Allchin & Gábor Á. Zemplén (2020) Finding the place of argumentation in science education: epistemics and whole science [d]
- James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani, & Kathleen Wallace [ed] (2020/2021) Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
- Joseph Paul Ferguson & Vaughan Prain (2020) Revisiting Peirce's account of scientific creativity to inform classroom practice [d]
- John P. Hopkins (2020) Indian education for all: decolonizing Indigenous education in public schools [i]
- William M. Keith, Roxanne Mountford, & Timothy Steffensmeier (2020) Teaching argument through relationships [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Anahid S. Modrek, & William A. Sandoval (2020) Teaching and learning by questioning [i] [d]
- James M. Lang (2020) Distracted: why students can't focus and what you can do about it [i]
- Daniel Lapsley & Dominic Chaloner (2020) Post-truth and science identity: a virtue-based approach to science education [d]
- Ewa Latecka (2020) The 'six-line essay' writing intervention for first-year philosophy students: a preliminary report [d]
- Kym Maclaren (2020) From walls to bridges: education as dialectic and the educator as curator of the affective conditions of dialogue [i] [d]
- Joseph Michael Maurer (2020) Learning and teaching musical heritage in immigrant Chicago [d] [u]
- Neil Mercer, Rupert Wegerif, & Louis Major [ed] (2020) The Routledge international handbook of research on dialogic education [i] [d]
- John L. Rudolph (2020) The lost moral purpose of science education [d]
- John Russon, Siby K. George, & P. G. (Pravesh) Jung [ed] (2020) Teaching in unequal societies [i] [d]
- Stuart Shanker (2020) Reframed: self-reg for a just society [self-regulation] [i] [d]
- Lani Watson (2020) 'Knowledge is power': barriers to intellectual humility in the classroom [i] [d]
- Julie Watts (2020) Using adapted studio critique to teach peer review in the document design classroom [d]
- Iris M. Yob & Estelle R. Jorgensen [ed] (2020) Humane music education for the common good [i] [j]
- Rolf Arnold (2019) Escape from teaching [i]
- Tracey A. Benson & Sarah E. Fiarman (2019) Unconscious bias in schools: a developmental approach to exploring race and racism [i]
- Katy Börner, Andreas Bueckle, & Michael Ginda (2019) Data visualization literacy: definitions, conceptual frameworks, exercises, and assessments [p] [d] [u]
- Heather E. Bullock & Bernice Lott (2019) Teaching about poverty and social class: fostering class consciousness [i] [d] [j]
- Jeffrey Carlson (2019) Do you love us?: higher education as an interfaith conversation about the good life [i] [d]
- John M. Carroll, Na Sun, & Jordan Beck (2019) Creating dialectics to learn: infrastructures, practices, and challenges [i] [d]
- Ying-Chih Chen, Matthew J. Benus, & Jaclyn Hernandez (2019) Managing uncertainty in scientific argumentation [in education] [d] [u]
- Nathan J. Combes (2019) Targeting conceptual understanding: how to improve learning and course retention in research methods courses [d]
- Sylvia R. Cruess, Richard L. Cruess, & Yvonne Steinert (2019) Supporting the development of a professional identity: general principles [p] [d]
- W. Martin Davies, Ashley Barnett, & Tim van Gelder (2019) Using computer-aided argument mapping to teach reasoning [i] [d] [u]
- Christopher Day & Kendra L. Koivu (2019) Finding the question: a puzzle-based approach to the logic of discovery [d]
- Michael Flierl & Russ Hamer (2019) Designing student reflections to enable transformative learning experiences [d]
- Jeff Frank (2019) Teaching in the now: John Dewey on the educational present [i] [j]
- Diane F. Halpern & Heather A. Butler (2019) Teaching critical thinking as if our future depends on it, because it does [i] [d]
- Ute Harms & Michael J. Reiss [ed] (2019) Evolution education re-considered: understanding what works [i] [d]
- Melissa Jacquart, Rebecca Scott, Kevin Hermberg, & Stephen Bloch-Schulman (2019) Diversity is not enough: the importance of inclusive pedagogy [d]
- Doug Johnson (2019) 3 ways to help give all students 'information privilege' [u]
- Mijung Kim & Wolff-Michael Roth (2019) Dialogical argumentation and reasoning in elementary science classrooms [i] [d]
- Sarah J. King (2019) A loaf for learning: teaching the study of religion with food [d]
- Thomas A. Lang (2019) Who me?: ideas for faculty who never expected to be teaching public health students to write [p] [d] [u]
- Frank T. Manheim (2019) Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
- Elizabeth Ann McKinley & Linda Tuhiwai Smith [ed] (2019) Handbook of indigenous education [i] [d]
- Paula J. Mellom, Rebecca K. Hixon, & Jodi P. Weber (2019) With a little help from my friends: conversation-based instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) classrooms [i]
- Jasmine A. Mena & Kathryn Quina [ed] (2019) Integrating multiculturalism and intersectionality into the psychology curriculum: strategies for instructors [i] [d] [j]
- Na'ilah Suad Nasir, Jarvis R. Givens, & Christopher P. Chatmon [ed] (2019) 'We dare say love': supporting achievement in the educational life of Black boys [i]
- Lisa M. Nunn (2019) 33 simple strategies for faculty: a week-by-week resource for teaching first-year and first-generation students [i]
- Dolores Perin [ed] (2019) The Wiley handbook of adult literacy [i] [d]
- Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić, & Alexander J. Means [ed] (2019) Education and technological unemployment [i] [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta (2019) Argumentation strategies in the classroom [i]
- Chrysi Rapanta & Fabrizio Macagno (2019) Evaluation and promotion of argumentative reasoning among university students: the case of academic writing [d] [u]
- Sandra Patricia Rojas Rojas, Alejandra Meneses, & Emilio Sánchez Miguel (2019) Teachers' scaffolding science reading comprehension in low-income schools: how to improve achievement in science [d]
- John L. Rudolph (2019) How we teach science: what's changed, and why it matters [i] [d]
- Nathan Schneider (2019) A wantless, workless world: how the origins of the university can inform its future [i] [d]
- Arnold Wentzel (2019) Teaching complex ideas: how to translate your expertise into great instruction [i] [d]
- Anthony Weston (2019) Teaching as the art of staging: a scenario-based college pedagogy in action [i]
- Kyle Powys Whyte (2019) Reflections on the purpose of indigenous environmental education [i] [d]
- Sarah Wright, Jeanie M. Forray, & Kathy Lund Dean (2019) From advocacy to accountability in experiential learning practices [d]
- Terry Barrett (2018) Crits: a student manual [art studio critiques] [i] [d]
- Rebecca Bilous, Laura Hammersley, Kate Lloyd, Felicity Rawlings-Sanaei, Greg Downey, Maria Amigo, Samantha Gilchrist, & Michaela Baker (2018) 'All of us together in a blurred space': principles for co-creating curriculum with international partners [d]
- Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy & K. Tsianina Lomawaima (2018) Why don't more Indians do better in school?: the battle between U.S. schooling & American Indian/Alaska Native education [d] [j]
- David S. Busch (2018) Service learning: the Peace Corps, American higher education, and the limits of modernist ideas of development and citizenship [d]
- Patricia Shehan Campbell (2018) Music, education, and diversity: bridging cultures and communities [i]
- Yehudit Judy Dori, Zemira R. Mevarech, & Dale R. Baker [ed] (2018) Cognition, metacognition, and culture in STEM education: learning, teaching and assessment of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—STEM [i] [d]
- Albert W. Dzur (2018) This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
- Elaine E. Englehardt & Michael S. Pritchard [ed] (2018) Ethics across the curriculum—pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
- Sydney Finkelstein (2018) The best leaders are great teachers [u]
- Robin J. Fogarty, Gene M. Kerns, & Brian M. Pete (2018) Unlocking student talent: the new science of developing expertise [i]
- Rhonda Gambill (2018) Saner citizens of tomorrow: intercultural education at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis [from the 1930s] [u]
- Eugene E. García & Mehmet 'Dali' Öztürk (2018) An asset-based approach to Latino education in the United States: understanding gaps and advances [i] [d]
- Emily O. Gravett (2018) Note-taking during discussion: using a weekly reflection assignment to motivate students to learn from their peers [d]
- Jennifer H. Herman & Linda Burzotta Nilson [ed] (2018) Creating engaging discussions: strategies for 'avoiding crickets' in any size classroom and online [i]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2018) Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
- Jung Eun Hong & Ashley Melville (2018) Training social studies teachers to develop inquiry-based GIS lessons [d]
- Moritz Hütten, Daniel Maman, Zeev Rosenhek, & Matthias Thiemann (2018) Critical financial literacy: an agenda [d]
- Gerald Kayingo & Virginia McCoy Hass [ed] (2018) The health professions educator: a practical guide for new and established faculty [i]
- Kenneth D. Keith [ed] (2018) Culture across the curriculum: a psychology teacher's handbook [i] [d]
- Stephen Kemmis & Christine Edwards-Groves (2018) Understanding education: history, politics and practice [i] [d]
- Kelly Kermode & Kim Randall (2018) Bring the world to your classroom: using Google geo tools [i]
- Laura Kerslake & Rupert Wegerif [ed] (2018) Theory of teaching thinking: international perspectives [i] [d]
- Aloysius Wei Lun Koh, Sze Chi Lee, & Stephen Wee Hun Lim (2018) The learning benefits of teaching: a retrieval practice hypothesis [d]
- Joe Lockard & Sherry Rankins-Robertson [ed] (2018) Prison pedagogies: learning and teaching with imprisoned writers [i] [j]
- Carrie Masia Warner (2018) Helping students overcome social anxiety: skills for academic and social success (SASS) [i]
- Jeanie McHugo (2018) Learner assessment and remediation [i]
- Alexis Patterson, Diego Roman, Michelle Friend, Jonathan Osborne, & Brian Donovan (2018) Reading for meaning: the foundational knowledge every teacher of science should have [d]
- Christophe Point (2018) What's the use of conflict in Dewey?: toward a pedagogy of compromise [d] [j] [u]
- Senay Purzer, Tamara J. Moore, & Emily Dringenberg (2018) Engineering cognition: a process of knowledge acquisition and application [i] [d]
- Dimitrios Schizas, Efimia Papatheodorou, & George Stamou (2018) Transforming 'ecosystem' from a scientific concept into a teachable topic: philosophy and history of ecology informs science textbook analysis [d]
- Harvey Shapiro [ed] (2018) The Wiley handbook on violence in education: forms, factors, and preventions [i] [d]
- Sharon Stoerger (2018) Writing without words: designing for a visual learning experience [with digital infographics] [d]
- Joseph Voros (2018) Big history as a scaffold for futures education [d]
- Jenica Sera Woolley, Austen Michael Deal, Juliette Green, Faith Hathenbruck, Shelby Ann Kurtz, Trent K. H. Park, Samuel VarSelle Pollock, M. Bryant Transtrum, & Jamie Lee Jensen (2018) Undergraduate students demonstrate common false scientific reasoning strategies [d]
- Nicholas D. Young, Kristen Bonanno-Sotiropoulos, & Jennifer A. Smolinksi (2018) Making the grade: promoting positive outcomes for students with learning disabilities [i]
- Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Gabriel Wittum, & Andreas Dengel [ed] (2018) Positive learning in the age of information: a blessing or a curse? [i] [d]
- Jaime Ahlberg & Michael Chobli [ed] (2017) Procreation, parenthood, and educational rights: ethical and philosophical issues [i] [d]
- Rhett Allain (2017) Don't you dare try to teach science without building models! [u]
- María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre & Pablo Brocos (2017) Processes of negotiation in socio-scientific argumentation about vegetarianism in teacher education [i] [d]
- Erik Assadourian, Lisa Mastny, & Worldwatch Institute (2017) State of the world 2017: EarthEd: rethinking education on a changing planet [i] [d]
- Brendan Barstow, Lisa Fazio, Jordan Lippman, Mohammad Falakmasir, Christian D. Schunn, & Kevin D. Ashley (2017) The impacts of domain-general vs. domain-specific diagramming tools on writing [d]
- Brendan Barstow, Lisa Fazio, Christian D. Schunn, & Kevin D. Ashley (2017) Experimental evidence for diagramming benefits in science writing [d]
- Penny Beile, Kanak Choudhury, & Morgan C. Wang (2017) Hidden treasure on the road to Xanadu: what connecting library service usage data to unique student IDs can reveal [d]
- Victoria L. Bernhardt (2017) Measuring what we do in schools: how to know if what we are doing is making a difference [i]
- Antonio Bova (2017) The role of the teacher in promoting argumentative interactions in the learning contexts of higher education [i] [d]
- Clare Brooks, Graham Butt, & Mary Fargher [ed] (2017) The power of geographical thinking [i] [d]
- Cassie J. Brownell & Jon M. Wargo (2017) (Re)educating the senses to multicultural communities: prospective teachers using digital media and sonic cartography to listen for culture [d]
- Carol A. Chapelle & Shannon Sauro [ed] (2017) The handbook of technology and second language teaching and learning [i] [d]
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Arham Muslim, & Ulrik Schroeder (2017) Toward an open learning analytics ecosystem [i] [d]
- Sarah J. DeLozier & Matthew G. Rhodes (2017) Flipped classrooms: a review of key ideas and recommendations for practice [d]
- Christopher P. Dwyer (2017) Critical thinking: conceptual perspectives & practical guidelines [i] [d]
- J. Lyn Entrikin & Richard K. Neumann Jr. (2017) Teaching the art and craft of drafting public law: statutes, rules, and more [u]
- Mary Fargher (2017) GIS and the power of geographical thinking [i] [d]
- Michael Filimowicz & Veronika Tzankova [ed] (2017) Teaching computational creativity [i] [d]
- Robert A. Fox & Nina K. Buchanan [ed] (2017) The Wiley handbook of school choice [i] [d]
- Nancy L. Green (2017) Argumentation scheme-based argument generation to support feedback in educational argument modeling systems [d]
- Juliet Hart, Mark Onuscheck, & Mary T. Christel (2017) Acting it out: using drama in the classroom to improve student engagement, reading, and critical thinking [i] [d]
- Danah Henriksen & Carmen Richardson (2017) Teachers are designers: addressing problems of practice in education [d]
- Justin L. Hess, Johannes Strobel, & Andrew O. Brightman (2017) The development of empathic perspective-taking in an engineering ethics course [d]
- Judith Hochman & Natalie Wexler (2017) The writing revolution: a guide to advancing thinking through writing in all subjects and grades [one sentence at a time] [i]
- Brady Michael Jack & Huann-shyang Lin (2017) Making learning interesting and its application to the science classroom [d]
- Sara Jose, Patricia G. Patrick, & Christine Moseley (2017) Experiential learning theory: the importance of outdoor classrooms in environmental education [d]
- Phyllis Katz [ed] (2017) Drawing for science education: an international perspective [i] [d]
- Ben Kei Daniel [ed] (2017) Big data and learning analytics in higher education: current theory and practice [i] [d]
- Eileen A. Lacey, Talisin T. Hammond, Rachel E. Walsh, Kayce C. Bell, Scott V. Edwards, Elizabeth R. Ellwood, Robert P. Guralnick, Stefanie M. Ickert-Bond, Austin R. Mast, John E. McCormack, Anna K. Monfils, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis, & Joseph A. Cook (2017) Climate change, collections and the classroom: using big data to tackle big problems [d]
- Danielle Lake, Hannah Swanson, & Paula Collier (2017) Dialogue, integration, and action: empowering students, empowering community [d]
- Jabari Mahiri (2017) Deconstructing race: multicultural education beyond the color-bind [i]
- Jane J. Mansbridge (2017) Why do we need government?: the role of civic education in the face of the free-rider problem [i] [u]
- Elizabeth C. Matto, Alison Rios Millett McCartney, Elizabeth A. Bennion, & Dick Simpson [ed] (2017) Teaching civic engagement across the disciplines [i] [u]
- Michael May (2017) Graphs as images vs. graphs as diagrams: a problem at the intersection of semiotics and didactics [i] [d]
- Hugo Mercier, Maarten Boudry, Fabio Paglieri, & Emmanuel Trouche (2017) Natural-born arguers: teaching how to make the best of our reasoning abilities [d]
- Sandra Metoyer & Robert S. Bednarz (2017) Spatial thinking assists geographic thinking: evidence from a study exploring the effects of geospatial technology [d]
- Tema Milstein, Mairi Pileggi, & Eric Morgan [ed] (2017) Environmental communication pedagogy and practice [i] [d]
- Tema Milstein & Stephen Griego (2017) Environmental privilege walk: unpacking the invisible knapsack [i] [d]
- Anna K. Monfils, Karen E. Powers, Christopher J. Marshall, Christopher T. Martine, James F. Smith, & L. Alan Prather (2017) Natural history collections: teaching about biodiversity across time, space, and digital platforms [d]
- Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins, & Arthur J. Stewart [ed] (2017) Animals and science education: ethics, curriculum and pedagogy [i] [d]
- Martin Mulder [ed] (2017) Competence-based vocational and professional education: bridging the worlds of work and education [i] [d]
- Tim Murphy & Vincent O'Connell (2017) Challenging the dominance of formalism in accounting education: an analysis of the potential of stewardship in light of the evolution of legal education [d]
- Laura Paddison (2017) Educating girls: the key to tackling global poverty [u]
- Lia Papathomas & Deanna Kuhn (2017) Learning to argue via apprenticeship [p] [d]
- James D. Pickering, Lars Henningsohn, Marco C. DeRuiter, Peter G. M. de Jong, & Marlies E. J. Reinders (2017) Twelve tips for developing and delivering a massive open online course in medical education [p] [d]
- Natalie Proulx (2017) Teaching close reading and compelling writing with the 'New Sentences' column [u]
- Gastón de los Reyes, Tae Wan Kim, & Gary R. Weaver (2017) Teaching ethics in business schools: a conversation on disciplinary differences, academic provincialism, and the case for integrated pedagogy [d] [j]
- Baruch B. Schwarz & Michael J. Baker (2017) Dialogue, argumentation, and education: history, theory, and practice [i] [d]
- Timothy J. Shaffer, Nicholas V. Longo, Idit Manosevitch, & Maxine S. Thomas [ed] (2017) Deliberative pedagogy: teaching and learning for democratic engagement [i] [j]
- Seymour Simmons (2017) C. S. Peirce and the teaching of drawing [i] [d]
- Daniel Simpson (2017) From me to we: revolutionising mindfulness in schools [d]
- Timm Triplett (2017) Teaching common morality: using Bernard Gert's account of the moral system in the classroom [d]
- Günther Weiss (2017) Problem-oriented learning in geography education: construction of motivating problems [d]
- Libba Willcox (2017) Vulnerability in the art room: explorations of visual journals and risks in the creation of a psychologically safe environment [d]
- Lauren E. Willis (2017) Finance-informed citizens, citizen-informed finance: an essay occasioned by the International handbook of financial literacy [d] [u]
- Michalinos Zembylas (2017) Wilful ignorance and the emotional regime of schools [d]
- Randall Everett Allsup (2016) Remixing the classroom: toward an open philosophy of music education [i] [j]
- Andrew Peterson, Robert Hattam, Michalinos Zembylas, & James Arthur [ed] (2016) The Palgrave international handbook of education for citizenship and social justice [i] [d]
- A. J. Angulo [ed] (2016) Miseducation: a history of ignorance-making in America and abroad [i] [d]
- Carmela Aprea, Eveline Wuttke, Klaus Breuer, Noi Keng Koh, Peter Davies, Bettina Greimel-Fuhrmann, & Jane S. Lopus [ed] (2016) International handbook of financial literacy [i] [d]
- Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby (2016) Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
- Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (2016) Get better faster: a 90-day plan for developing new teachers [i]
- Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Bernadette Doykos, Nina C. Martin, & Alison McGuire [ed] (2016) Academics in action!: a model for community-engaged research, teaching, and service [i] [d] [j]
- Leema K. Berland, Christina V. Schwarz, Christina Krist, Lisa Kenyon, Abraham S. Lo, & Brian J. Reiser (2016) Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
- Jo Boaler (2016) Mathematical mindsets: unleashing students' potential through creative math, inspiring messages, and innovative teaching [i]
- Leanne Bowler & Ryan Champagne (2016) Mindful makers: question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations [d]
- Laurie P. Browne & Susan Roll (2016) Toward a more just approach to poverty simulations [d]
- Michelle M. Buehl & Helenrose Fives (2016) The role of epistemic cognition in teacher learning and praxis [i] [d]
- John M. Carroll, Yu Wu, Patrick C. Shih, & Saijing Zheng (2016) Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity [d]
- Dave Chang & Heesoon Bai (2016) Self-with-other in teacher practice: a case study through care, Aristotelian virtue, and Buddhist ethics [d]
- Mhairi Cowden (2016) Children's rights: from philosophy to public policy [i] [d]
- David Denby (2016) Lit up: one reporter, three schools, twenty-four books that can change lives [i]
- Eleanor Drago-Severson (2016) Teaching, learning and leading in today's complex world: reaching new heights with a developmental approach [d]
- Ross E. Dunn, Laura Jane Mitchell, & Kerry Ward [ed] (2016) The new world history: a field guide for teachers and researchers [i] [d] [j]
- Vladimir Džinović (2016) Creativity with students [i] [d]
- Marilynne Eichinger (2016/2020) Lives of museum junkies: the story of America's hands-on education movement [i]
- Mohamed Estai & Stuart Bunt (2016) Best teaching practices in anatomy education: a critical review [p] [d]
- Gregory A. Fabiano (2016) Interventions for disruptive behaviors: reducing problems and building skills [i]
- Nancy Fawley & Nikki Krysak [ed] (2016) Discovery tool cookbook: recipes for successful lesson plans [i]
- Erik M. Francis (2016) Now that's a good question!: how to promote cognitive rigor through classroom questioning [i]
- Amanda H. R. Franco (2016) What do Ode to Joy, the Nobel Peace Prize, umbrellas and cartoons have in common?: why critical thinking matters and how higher education moulds [d]
- Martin Fromm (2016) Learning and education [and personal construct theory] [i] [d]
- Jane Gilbert (2016) Transforming science education for the Anthropocene—is it possible? [d]
- Donna L. Gilton (2016) Creating and promoting lifelong learning in public libraries: tools and tips for practitioners [i]
- Roberta M. Golinkoff & Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (2016) Becoming brilliant: what science tells us about raising successful children [i] [d] [j]
- Rita Eulalie Hatfield & Leta Marie Young (2016) The elusive sentence: recovering the rudiments of writing [i]
- Ajay Heble & Mark Laver [ed] (2016) Improvisation and music education: beyond the classroom [i] [d]
- Brooke D. Lavelle Heineberg (2016) Promoting caring: mindfulness- and compassion-based contemplative training for educators and students [i] [d]
- Stefannie de Sá Ibraim & Rosária Justi (2016) Teachers' knowledge in argumentation: contributions from an explicit teaching in an initial teacher education programme [d]
- Dragan Ilic, Jessica L. Harding, Christie Allan, & Basia Diug (2016) What are the attributes of a good health educator? [p] [d] [u]
- Lama Z. Jaber & David Hammer (2016) Learning to feel like a scientist [d]
- Elizabeth Jewett & Deanna Kuhn (2016) Social science as a tool in developing scientific thinking skills in underserved, low-achieving urban students [p] [d]
- Banhi Jha (2016) Institutional resource centres and design education [d]
- Holly L. Karakos, Benjamin W. Fisher, Joanna Geller, Laurel Lunn, Neal A. Palmer, Douglas D. Perkins, Nikolay Mihaylov, William L. Partridge, & Sharon Shields (2016) The field school in intercultural education as a model for international service-learning and collaborative action-research training [i] [d] [j]
- Geert Kelchtermans & Ann Deketelaere (2016) The emotional dimension in becoming a teacher [i] [d]
- Ian M. Kinchin (2016) Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student: a knowledge structures perspective on teaching and learning at university [i] [d]
- James M. Lang (2016) Small teaching: everyday lessons from the science of learning [i]
- Ryan Laponis & Calvin L. Chou (2016) How to teach fundamental communication skills [i] [d]
- Brendon M. H. Larson (2016) Embodying the path of sustainability: reflections on 'learning to juggle' in environmental pedagogy [d]
- Susan Lawler (2016) Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set [u]
- Ann M. Lawrence & Sandra Crespo (2016) IRE/F as a cross-curricular collaborative genre of implicit argumentation [d]
- Daniel P. Liston (2016) On attentive love in education: the case of Courage to Teach [i] [d]
- John Loughran & Mary Lynn Hamilton [ed] (2016) International handbook of teacher education [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2016) Argument relevance and structure: assessing and developing students' uses of evidence [d]
- Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, Fabrizio Macagno, & Deanna Kuhn (2016) Developing argumentation strategies in electronic dialogs: is modeling effective? [d]
- Donald McCown, Diane Reibel, & Marc S. Micozzi [ed] (2016) Resources for teaching mindfulness: an international handbook [i] [d]
- Kate McCoy, Eve Tuck, & Marcia McKenzie [ed] (2016) Land education: rethinking pedagogies of place from Indigenous, postcolonial, and decolonizing perspectives [i] [d]
- Bridie McGreavy, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Leah Sprain, Jessica L. Thompson, & Laura A. Lindenfeld (2016) Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: developing core capacities to engage with complex problems [d]
- Mike Metcalfe & Saras Sastrowardoyo (2016) Sense-making innovative systems: prestigious MOOCs [d]
- Chauncey Monte-Sano (2016) Argumentation in history classrooms: a key path to understanding the discipline and preparing citizens [d]
- Gavin Moodie (2016) Universities, disruptive technologies, and continuity in higher education: the impact of information revolutions [i] [d]
- Somnath Mookherjee & Ellen M. Cosgrove [ed] (2016) Handbook of clinical teaching [i] [d]
- Mansoor Niaz (2016) Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Jens C. Niemeyer (2016) How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
- Michele Notari, Rebecca B. Reynolds, Samuel Chu, & Beat Döbeli Honegger [ed] (2016) The wiki way of learning: creating learning experiences using collaborative web pages [i]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2016) Socratic pedagogy: the importance of argument [i] [d] [j]
- Betty Onyura, Lindsay Baker, Blair Cameron, Farah Friesen, & Karen Leslie (2016) Evidence for curricular and instructional design approaches in undergraduate medical education: an umbrella review [p] [d]
- Julinna C. Oxley [ed] (2016) Experiential learning in philosophy [i] [d]
- Nell Scharff Panero (2016) Progressive mastery through deliberate practice: a promising approach for improving writing [d]
- Alex Quigley (2016) The confident teacher: developing successful habits of mind, body and pedagogy [i] [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta & Douglas N. Walton (2016) The use of argument maps as an assessment tool in higher education [d]
- James Rickabaugh (2016) Tapping the power of personalized learning: a roadmap for school leaders [i]
- Kevin M. Roessger (2016) Skills-based learning for reproducible expertise: looking elsewhere for guidance [d]
- Sadaf Salavati (2016) Use of digital technologies in education: the complexity of teachers' everyday practice [i] [u]
- Martin F. G. Schaffernicht & Stefan N. Groesser (2016) A competence development framework for learning and teaching system dynamics [d]
- Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl & Robert W. Roeser [ed] (2016) Handbook of mindfulness in education: integrating theory and research into practice [i] [d]
- Alan Seidman (2016) I'm not joking. But maybe I should start? [u]
- Jeffrey K. Smith (2016) An unfinished life: David Wildon Carr [d]
- Gene B. Sperling, Rebecca Winthrop, & Christina Kwauk (2016) What works in girls' education: evidence for the world's best investment [i] [j]
- Oliver St John & Jakob Cromdal (2016) Crafting instructions collaboratively: student questions and dual addressivity in classroom task instructions [d]
- Zachary Stein (2016) Social justice and educational measurement: John Rawls, the history of testing, and the future of education [i] [d]
- Kyle P. Vealey (2016) Building problem forums: on troubleshooting in the professional writing classroom [d]
- Paul S. Wang (2016) From computing to computational thinking [i] [d]
- Zoe Weil (2016) The world becomes what we teach: educating a generation of solutionaries [i]
- René Wormhoudt, Geert Savelsbergh, Jan Willem Teunissen, & Keith W. Davids (2016/2018) Athletic skills model: optimizing talent development through movement education [i] [d]
- Rachel Wu, George W. Rebok, & Feng Vankee Lin (2016) A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
- Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby (2015) Teaching critical thinking as inquiry [i] [d]
- Danilo M. Baylen & Adriana D'Alba [ed] (2015) Essentials of teaching and integrating visual and media literacy: visualizing learning [i] [d]
- Anthony C. Berman (2015) Good teaching is good teaching: a narrative review for effective medical educators [p] [d]
- Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Nicholas C. Soderstrom, & Jeri L. Little (2015) Can multiple-choice testing induce desirable difficulties?: evidence from the laboratory and the classroom [d] [j]
- Harry C. Boyte [ed] (2015) Democracy's education: public work, citizenship, & the future of colleges and universities [i] [j]
- Alexandra Bradner (2015) How to teach philosophy of science [d]
- Kosha D. Bramesfeld & Arla Good (2015) The game of social life: an assessment of a multidimensional poverty simulation [d]
- Begoña Carrascal (2015) Proofs, mathematical practice and argumentation [d]
- Lap Ki Chan & Wojciech Pawlina [ed] (2015) Teaching anatomy: a practical guide [i] [d]
- S. Raj Chaudhury, Lynn Mandeltort, Amy B. Mulnix, Eleanor V. H. Vandegrift, & Jennifer R. Yates (2015) Using scientific visualization to enhance the teaching and learning of core concepts [i] [d]
- Susan G. Clark & Richard L. Wallace (2015) Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
- Paul Conderino (2015) Using bingo to keep your classroom focused [u]
- Gráinne Conole (2015) Designing effective MOOCs [d]
- Steven Cullipher, Hannah Sevian, & Vicente Talanquer (2015) Reasoning about benefits, costs, and risks of chemical substances: mapping different levels of sophistication [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2015) A model of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
- Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett [ed] (2015) The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
- Bas De Leng & Hannie Gijlers (2015) Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
- Joseph A. Durlak, Celene E. Domitrovich, & Joseph L. Mahoney [ed] (2015/2025) Handbook of social and emotional learning [i]
- Dennis Earl (2015) The four-sentence paper: a template for considering objections and replies [d]
- Ingo Eilks & Avi Hofstein [ed] (2015) Relevant chemistry education: from theory to practice [i] [d]
- Susan L. Engel (2015) The end of the rainbow: how educating for happiness not money would transform our schools [i]
- Maria Evagorou, Sibel Erduran, & Terhi Mäntylä (2015) The role of visual representations in scientific practices: from conceptual understanding and knowledge generation to 'seeing' how science works [d]
- Herco Fonteijn (2015) Making students responsible for their learning—empowering learners to build shared mental models [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2015) Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
- Mark Guzdial (2015) Learner-centered design of computing education: research on computing for everyone [i] [d]
- Zaretta Hammond (2015) Culturally responsive teaching and the brain: promoting authentic engagement and rigor among culturally and linguistically diverse students [i]
- Eric A. Hanushek & Ludger Woessmann (2015) The knowledge capital of nations: education and the economics of growth [i] [d] [j]
- Clifford Perry Harbour (2015) John Dewey and the future of community college education [i] [d]
- Maralee Harrell & Danielle Wetzel (2015) Using argument diagramming to teach critical thinking in a first-year writing course [i] [d]
- Deborah A. Harris, Whitney M. Harris, & Kristi M. Fondren (2015) Everybody eats: using hunger banquets to teach about issues of global hunger and inequality [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Jeremy A. Lingle (2015) Facilitating problem-based learning by means of collaborative argument visualization software [d]
- Larry Hurtubise, Elissa Hall, Leah Sheridan, & Heeyoung Han (2015) The flipped classroom in medical education: engaging students to build competency [d]
- Barbara Jacoby (2015) Service-learning essentials: questions, answers, and lessons learned [i]
- Osvaldo Muñiz Solari, Ali Demirci, & Joop van der Schee [ed] (2015) Geospatial technologies and geography education in a changing world: geospatial practices and lessons learned [i] [d]
- Hui Jin, Cathy E. Mehl, & Deborah H. Lan (2015) Developing an analytical framework for argumentation on energy consumption issues [d]
- Kent R. Johnson (2015) Behavioral education in the 21st century [d]
- Steven Katz & Lisa A. Dack (2015) Intentional interruption: breaking down learning barriers to transform professional practice [i]
- Michelle Ann Kline (2015) How to learn about teaching: an evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Jim Knight (2015) Better conversations: coaching ourselves and each other to be more credible, caring, and connected [i]
- Nancy Kober (2015) Reaching students: what research says about effective instruction in undergraduate science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
- Michael Krot & Lisa Stefanac (2015) Using T-groups to develop action research skills in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments [i] [d]
- Deanna Kuhn & Wendy Moore (2015) Argumentation as core curriculum [d]
- Deanna Kuhn (2015) Thinking together and alone [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Stephanie Ramsey, & Toi Sin Arvidsson (2015) Developing multivariable thinkers [d]
- Joe Y. F. Lau (2015) Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno, Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, & Deanna Kuhn (2015) Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
- Saundra Yancy McGuire & Stephanie McGuire (2015) Teach students how to learn: strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study skills, and motivation [i]
- Greg Michaelson (2015) Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking [u]
- Dean Nieusma (2015) Conducting the instrumentalists: a framework for engineering liberal education [d]
- Nadja Reilly (2015) Anxiety and depression in the classroom: a teacher's guide to fostering self-regulation in young students [i]
- Alina Reznitskaya & Ian A. G. Wilkinson (2015) Positively transforming classroom practice through dialogic teaching [i] [d]
- Ron Ritchhart (2015) Creating cultures of thinking: the 8 forces we must master to truly transform our schools [i]
- Jonathan C. Roberts, Christopher Headleand, David Perkins, & Panagiotis D. Ritsos (2015) Personal visualization for learning [u]
- Sarah E. Schoper & Craig E. Wagner (2015) Developing meaning-making to promote critical thinking [i] [d]
- Richard B. Simon, Mojgan Behmand, & Thomas Burke [ed] (2015) Teaching big history [i] [d] [j]
- Brandi Simonsen & Diane Myers (2015) Classwide positive behavior interventions and supports: a guide to proactive classroom management [i]
- Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, & Jinfa Cai [ed] (2015) Mathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice [i] [d]
- Charles K. Stallard & Julie S. Cocker (2015) Education technology and the failure of American schools [i]
- J. Alden Stout & Chris Weigel (2015) Psychological influences on philosophical questions: implications for pedagogy [d]
- Troy A. Swanson & Heather Jagman [ed] (2015) Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information [i]
- Paul Thagard (2015) Value maps in applied ethics [d]
- Matthew D. Thibeault (2015) Music education for all through participatory ensembles [d]
- Caleb M. Trujillo, Trevor R. Anderson, & Nancy J. Pelaez (2015) A model of how different biology experts explain molecular and cellular mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
- Andrew D. Watson (2015) Design thinking for life [d]
- Rupert Wegerif, Li Li, & James C. Kaufman [ed] (2015) The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking [i] [d]
- Liz Willen (2015) 'Edu-speak' is a disease that undermines efforts to improve U.S. schools: time to take a stand against confusing acronyms and overused jargon in education [u]
- Margaret Wolff, Mary Jo Wagner, Stacey Poznanski, Jocelyn Schiller, & Sally Santen (2015) Not another boring lecture: engaging learners with active learning techniques [p] [d]
- Allison Zmuda, Diane Ullman, & Greg Curtis (2015) Learning personalized: the evolution of the contemporary classroom [i]
- Joël R. van Aalderen, Walter J. Breukers, Rob P. B. Reuzel, & Anne E. M. Speckens (2014) The role of the teacher in mindfulness-based approaches: a qualitative study [d]
- Sandra K. Abell & Norman G. Lederman [ed] (2014) Handbook of research on science education [i] [d]
- Eleanor Abrams, Larry D. Yore, Megan Bang, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy, Angelina Castagno, Joanna Kidman, Huei Lee, Mary Grace Villanueva, Ming Huey Wang, Paul Webb, & Chiung-Fen Yen (2014) Culturally relevant schooling in science for indigenous learners worldwide: stressing the all in science literacy for all [i] [d]
- Lelac Almagor (2014) The good in standardized testing: standardized testing can be good—but only if we put students first [u]
- Robert Anthony & Mijung Kim (2014) Challenges and remedies for identifying and classifying argumentation schemes [d]
- David Baker (2014) The schooled society: the educational transformation of global culture [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Benson (2014) Hanging in: strategies for teaching the students who challenge us most [i]
- James W. Bequette (2014) Culture-based arts education that teaches against the grain: a model for place-specific material culture studies [d] [j]
- Paul Black & J. Myron Atkin (2014) The central role of assessment in pedagogy [i] [d]
- Miguel A. Brito & Filipe de Sá-Soares (2014) Assessment frequency in introductory computer programming disciplines [d]
- Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger, & Mark A. McDaniel (2014) Make it stick: the science of successful learning [i] [d]
- P. J. Caposey & Todd Whitaker (2014) Teach smart: 11 learner-centered strategies that ensure student success [i] [d]
- Kimberly Carraway (2014) Transforming your teaching: practical classroom strategies informed by cognitive neuroscience [i]
- Pinar Seda Çetin (2014) Explicit argumentation instruction to facilitate conceptual understanding and argumentation skills [d]
- Egan J. Chernoff & Bharath Sriraman [ed] (2014) Probabilistic thinking: presenting plural perspectives [i] [d]
- Sapna Cheryan, Sianna A. Ziegler, Victoria C. Plaut, & Andrew N. Meltzoff (2014) Designing classrooms to maximize student achievement [d]
- Anna T. Cianciolo (2014) Deciding 'what to teach' health professionals: a human-centred systems engineering perspective [p] [d]
- Michael Lamport Commons, Darlene Eleanor Crone-Todd, & Shuling Julie Chen (2014) Using SAFMEDS and direct instruction to teach the model of hierarchical complexity [d]
- Arthur L. Costa, Robert J. Garmston, & Diane P. Zimmerman (2014) Cognitive capital: investing in teacher quality [i]
- Jennifer DeBoer, Andrew D. Ho, Glenda S. Stump, & Lori Breslow (2014) Changing 'course': reconceptualizing educational variables for massive open online courses [d]
- Anne R. Diekema & M. Whitney Olsen (2014) Teacher personal information management (PIM) practices: finding, keeping, and re-finding information [d]
- Johanna Drucker (2014) Knowledge design: a conceptual and curricular challenge [d]
- Billie Eilam & John K. Gilbert [ed] (2014) Science teachers' use of visual representations [i] [d]
- Lloyd J. Feldmann (2014) Classroom civility is another of our instructor responsibilities [d] [j]
- Thomas Jekel, Eric Sanchez, Inga Gryl, Caroline Juneau-Sion, & John Lyon [ed] (2014) Learning and teaching with geomedia [i]
- Michael Fosmire & David F. Radcliffe [ed] (2014) Integrating information into the engineering design process [i] [j] [u]
- Indradeep Ghosh & Benjamin Wolcott (2014) Towards a dialogical undergraduate introductory economics course [d]
- Christopher D. Gjesfjeld & Jin-Kyu Jung (2014) Teaching poverty with geographic visualization and geographic information systems (GIS): a case study of East Buffalo and food access [d]
- David Godden (2014) Teaching rational entitlement and responsibility: a Socratic exercise [d] [u]
- Dana Goldstein (2014) The teacher wars: a history of America's most embattled profession [i]
- Ron Gray (2014) The distinction between experimental and historical sciences as a framework for improving classroom inquiry [d]
- Lucy Green (2014) Hear, listen, play!: how to free your student's aural, improvisation, and performance skills [i]
- Martin Haigh (2014) Gaia: 'thinking like a planet' as transformative learning [d]
- Pei-Ling Hsu & Wolff-Michael Roth (2014) From authoritative discourse to internally persuasive discourse: discursive evolution in teaching and learning the language of science [d]
- Mary Renck Jalongo [ed] (2014) Teaching compassion: humane education in early childhood [i] [d]
- Maria Anna Jankowska [ed] (2014) Focus on educating for sustainability: toolkit for academic libraries [i]
- Yasmin B. Kafai & Quinn Burke (2014) Connected code: why children need to learn programming [i] [j]
- Adina Kalet & Calvin L. Chou [ed] (2014) Remediation in medical education: a mid-course correction [i] [d]
- Jeffrey A. Knapp, Nicholas J. Rowland, & Eric P. Charles (2014) Retaining students by embedding librarians into undergraduate research experiences [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Laura Hemberger, & Valerie Khait (2014/2016) Argue with me: argument as a path to developing students' thinking and writing [i] [d]
- Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P. Dow, & Scott R. Klemmer (2014) Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
- Edwin B. Van Lacum, Miriam A. Ossevoort, & Martin J. Goedhart (2014) A teaching strategy with a focus on argumentation to improve undergraduate students' ability to read research articles [d] [u]
- Hee-Sun Lee, Ou Lydia Liu, Amy Pallant, Katrina Crotts Roohr, Sarah Pryputniewicz, & Zoë E. Buck (2014) Assessment of uncertainty-infused scientific argumentation [d]
- Ageliki Lefkaditou, Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, & Tasos Hovardas (2014) Contextualising the teaching and learning of ecology: historical and philosophical considerations [i] [d]
- James N. Levitt [ed] (2014) Conservation catalysts: the academy as nature's agent [i]
- Sze Yee Lye & Joyce Hwee Ling Koh (2014) Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through programming: what is next for K–12? [d]
- Sílvia Mamede, Tamara van Gog, Alexandre Moura Sampaio, Rosa Malena Delbone de Faria, José Peixoto Maria, & Henk G. Schmidt (2014) How can students' diagnostic competence benefit most from practice with clinical cases?: the effects of structured reflection on future diagnosis of the same and novel diseases [p] [d]
- Michael R. Matthews [ed] (2014) International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching [i] [d]
- Maureen W. McClure (2014) MOOCs, wicked problems, and the spirit of the liberal arts [d] [j]
- Frank Menchaca (2014) Start a new fire: measuring the value of academic libraries in undergraduate learning [d]
- Edwin F. Meyer III, Nickolas Falkner, Raja Sooriamurthi, & Zbigniew Michalewicz (2014) Guide to teaching puzzle-based learning [i] [d]
- Sarah Mills & Peter Kraftl [ed] (2014) Informal education, childhood and youth: geographies, histories, practices [i] [d]
- Daniel R. Montello, Karl E. Grossner, & Donald G. Janelle [ed] (2014) Space in mind: concepts for spatial learning and education [i] [d] [j]
- Suhanthie Motha (2014) Race, empire, and English language teaching: creating responsible and ethical anti-racist practice [i]
- Julie Nicholson, Priya Mariana Shimpi, & Colette Rabin (2014) 'If I am not doing my own playing then I am not able to truly share the gift of play with children': using poststructuralism and care ethics to examine future early childhood educators' relationships with play in adulthood [d]
- Harold F. O'Neil, Ray S. Perez, & Eva L. Baker [ed] (2014) Teaching and measuring cognitive readiness [i] [d]
- Jonathan Osborne (2014) Scientific practices and inquiry in the science classroom [i] [d]
- Cynthia Passmore, Julia Svoboda Gouvea, & Ronald N. Giere (2014) Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
- Robert E. Quinn, Katherine Heynoski, Mike Thomas, & Gretchen M. Spreitzer (2014) The best teacher in you: how to accelerate learning and change lives [i]
- Vanessa Rodriguez & Michelle Fitzpatrick (2014) The teaching brain: an evolutionary trait at the heart of education [i]
- Suzy Pepper Rollins (2014) Learning in the fast lane: 8 ways to put ALL students on the road to academic success [i]
- Audrey C. Rule & Ksenia S. Zhbanova (2014) Guardians of the Earth: teaching children to care for all living things [i] [d]
- Joni Schwartz (2014) Classrooms of spatial justice: counter-spaces and young men of color in a GED program [d]
- Esther Shein (2014) Should everybody learn to code? [d]
- Valerie J. Shute & Yoon Jeon Kim (2014) Formative and stealth assessment [i] [d]
- Dan Spalding (2014) How to teach adults: plan your class, teach your students, change the world [i]
- Mary E. Sunderland (2014) Taking emotion seriously: meeting students where they are [p] [d]
- Robert J. Thompson (2014) Beyond reason and tolerance: the purpose and practice of higher education [i] [d]
- Karen Warren, Nina S. Roberts, Mary Breunig, & M. Antonio (Tony) G. Alvarez (2014) Social justice in outdoor experiential education: a state of knowledge review [d]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, & Sara W. Fry (2014) The activist learner: inquiry, literacy, and service to make learning matter [i]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, & Sara W. Fry (2014) Existential inquiry: the process of integrating service learning into the curriculum: asking existential questions [i]
- Vershawn Ashanti Young, Rusty Barrett, Y'Shanda Young-Rivera, & Kim Brian Lovejoy (2014/2018) Other people's English: code-meshing, code-switching, and African American literacy [i]
- Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Ulrik Schroeder, Marold Wosnitza, & Harald Jakobs (2014) The state of MOOCs from 2008 to 2014: a critical analysis and future visions [i] [d]
- Elena Aguilar (2013) The art of coaching: effective strategies for school transformation [i]
- Roger Azevedo & Vincent Aleven [ed] (2013) International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies [i] [d]
- Zentatsu Richard Baker (2013) The garden of meeting and speaking [or: The monastic field of meeting and speaking] [u]
- William Bechtel (2013) Understanding biological mechanisms: using illustrations from circadian rhythm research [i] [d]
- Brian R. Belland, ChanMin Kim, & Michael J. Hannafin (2013) A framework for designing scaffolds that improve motivation and cognition [p] [d]
- Tim Bilham [ed] (2013) For the love of learning: innovations from outstanding university teachers [i]
- Robert A. Bjork, John Dunlosky, & Nate Kornell (2013) Self-regulated learning: beliefs, techniques, and illusions [p] [d]
- Kyle E. Blanchfield & Peter D. Ladd (2013) Leadership, violence, and school climate: case studies in creating nonviolent schools [i]
- Florian Böttcher & Anke Meisert (2013) Effects of direct and indirect instruction on fostering decision-making competence in socioscientific issues [d]
- Janet E. Burge & Bo Brinkman (2013) Using rationale to assist student cognitive and intellectual development [i] [d]
- Kenneth J. Burhanna [ed] (2013) Informed transitions: libraries supporting the high school to college transition [i]
- Bo Chang (2013) Education for social change: Highlander education in the Appalachian Mountains and study circles in Sweden [d]
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho (2013) Could HPS improve problem-solving? [history and philosophy of science] [d]
- Gráinne Conole (2013) Design representations [for learning interventions] [i] [d]
- Gráinne Conole (2013) Designing for learning in an open world [i] [d]
- Arthur L. Costa & Pat Wilson O'Leary [ed] (2013) The power of the social brain: teaching, learning, and interdependent thinking [i]
- Louis J. Cozolino (2013) The social neuroscience of education: optimizing attachment and learning in the classroom [i]
- Catherine J. Denial (2013) Atoms, honeycombs, and fabric scraps: rethinking timelines in the undergraduate classroom [j] [u]
- Michiel Wilbert van Eijck & Wolff-Michael Roth (2013) Imagination of science in education: from epics to novelization [i] [d]
- Sibel Erduran & Ebru Z. Mugaloglu (2013) Interactions of economics of science and science education: investigating the implications for science teaching and learning [d]
- Emily Esch (2013) A cognitive approach to teaching philosophy [d]
- Eileen D. Gambrill (2013) Birds of a feather: applied behavior analysis and quality of life [d]
- Robert A. Giacalone & Mark D. Promislo (2013) Broken when entering: the stigmatization of goodness and business ethics education [d]
- Paul Gorski (2013/2018) Reaching and teaching students in poverty: strategies for erasing the opportunity gap [i]
- Nancy L. Green (2013) Towards automated analysis of student arguments [i] [d]
- Olivia Gude (2013) New school art styles: the project of art education [d] [u]
- Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, & Lynn D. Devenport (2013) Structuring case-based ethics training: how comparing cases and structured prompts influence training effectiveness [d]
- Peter D. Harms & Bradley J. Brummel (2013) The importance of developing employability [d]
- Kathryn Holmes, Greg Preston, Kylie Shaw, & Rachel Buchanan (2013) 'Follow' me: networked professional learning for teachers [d]
- Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Andrew Wei-Min Lee [ed] (2013) Educating negotiators for a connected world [i] [u]
- Paul Horwitz (2013) Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way? [i] [d]
- Djordje M. Kadijevich, Charoula Angeli, & Carsten Schulte [ed] (2013) Improving computer science education [i] [d]
- Kostas Kampourakis (2013) Teaching about adaptation: why evolutionary history matters [d]
- Kostas Kampourakis [ed] (2013) The philosophy of biology: a companion for educators [i] [d]
- Ebru Kaya & Sibel Erduran (2013) Integrating epistemological perspectives on chemistry in chemical education: the cases of concept duality, chemical language, and structural explanations [d]
- Sara Ellen Kitchen (2013) Restoring the professor and the students: a circle process and contemplative practices in a restorative justice seminar [d]
- Jim Knight (2013) High-impact instruction: a framework for great teaching [i]
- Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Melissa Rivard, & Daniel G. Wilson (2013) Visible learners: promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools [i]
- Andrejs Young Kulnieks, Dan Roronhiakewen Longboat, & Kelly Young [ed] (2013) Contemporary studies in environmental and indigenous pedagogies: a curricula of stories and place [i] [d]
- Khen Lampert (2013) Meritocratic education and social worthlessness [i] [d]
- H. Chad Lane, Kalina Yacef, Jack Mostow, & Philip Pavlik [ed] (2013) Artificial intelligence in education: 16th international conference, AIED 2013, Memphis, TN, USA, July 9–13, 2013: proceedings [i] [d]
- Hee Seung Lee & John R. Anderson (2013) Student learning: what has instruction got to do with it? [p] [d]
- Sami Lehesvuori, Jouni Viiri, Helena Rasku-Puttonen, Josephine Moate, & Jussi Helaakoski (2013) Visualizing communication structures in science classrooms: tracing cumulativity in teacher-led whole class discussions [d]
- Peter Levine (2013) Top ten signs you are an academic careerist [u]
- Heidi M. Levitt, Divya Kannan, & Maria R. Ippolito (2013) Teaching qualitative methods using a research team approach: publishing grounded theory projects with your class [d]
- Alan C. Love (2013) Interdisciplinary lessons for the teaching of biology from the practice of evo-devo [d]
- Alan C. Love (2013) Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Aikaterini Konstantinidou (2013) What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
- Terhi Mäntylä (2013) Promoting conceptual development in physics teacher education: cognitive-historical reconstruction of electromagnetic induction law [d]
- Jay McTighe & Grant P. Wiggins (2013) Essential questions: opening doors to student understanding [i]
- John J. Murphy (2013) Conducting student-driven interviews: practical strategies for increasing student involvement and addressing behavior problems [i] [d]
- Knut Neumann, Tobias Viering, William J. Boone, & Hans E. Fischer (2013) Towards a learning progression of energy [d]
- Maija Nousiainen (2013) Coherence of pre-service physics teachers' views of the relatedness of physics concepts [d]
- Jonathan Osborne (2013) The 21st century challenge for science education: assessing scientific reasoning [d]
- Jacob V. Pearce (2013) The potential of perspectivism for science education [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta, Merce Garcia-Mila, & Sandra Gilabert (2013) What is meant by argumentative competence?: an integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2013) Classifying life, reconstructing history and teaching diversity: philosophical issues in the teaching of biological systematics and biodiversity [d]
- Alina Reznitskaya & Maughn Gregory (2013) Student thought and classroom language: examining the mechanisms of change in dialogic teaching [d]
- Rosemary S. Russ & Melissa J. Luna (2013) Inferring teacher epistemological framing from local patterns in teacher noticing [d]
- Laura Ryser, Sean Markey, & Greg Halseth (2013) Developing the next generation of community-based researchers: tips for undergraduate students [d]
- Matthew A. Schnurr, Elizabeth De Santo, & Rachael Craig (2013) Using a blended learning approach to simulate the negotiation of a multilateral environmental agreement [d]
- Margaret Searle (2013) Causes & cures in the classroom: getting to the root of academic and behavior problems [i]
- Catherine Snyder, Alandeom W. Oliveira, & Lawrence M. Paska (2013) STEM career changers' transformation into science teachers [d]
- Juha Sorva, Ville Karavirta, & Lauri Malmi (2013) A review of generic program visualization systems for introductory programming education [d]
- Ron Stevens, Carole R. Beal, & Marcia Sprang (2013) Assessing students' problem solving ability and cognitive regulation with learning trajectories [i] [d]
- Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, & Arjen E. J. Wals [ed] (2013) International handbook of research on environmental education [i] [d]
- Annika M. Svedholm & Marjaana Lindeman (2013) Healing, mental energy in the physics classroom: energy conceptions and trust in complementary and alternative medicine in grade 10–12 students [d]
- Vicente Talanquer, Debra Tomanek, & Ingrid Novodvorsky (2013) Assessing students' understanding of inquiry: what do prospective science teachers notice? [d]
- Matti Tedre & Mikko Apiola (2013) Three computing traditions in school computing education [i] [d]
- Jessica L. Thompson, Mark Windschitl, & Melissa Braaten (2013) Developing a theory of ambitious early-career teacher practice [d] [j]
- Unsal Umdu Topsakal & John Oversby (2013) What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
- David F. Treagust & Chi-Yan Tsui [ed] (2013) Multiple representations in biological education [i] [d]
- Sara Truebridge (2013) Resilience begins with beliefs: building on student strengths for success in school [i]
- Dale R. Turner (2013) How to teach critical thinking [d]
- Robert J. Volpe & Gregory A. Fabiano (2013) Daily behavior report cards: an evidence-based system of assessment and intervention [i]
- Anne Watson, Keith Jones, & Dave Pratt (2013) Key ideas in teaching mathematics: research-based guidance for ages 9–19 [i]
- Frank Zenker (2013) Know thy biases!: bringing argumentative virtues to the classroom [u]
- Douglas Allchin (2012) Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors [d]
- Randall Everett Allsup & Eric Shieh (2012) Social justice and music education: the call for a public pedagogy [d] [u]
- Alicia C. Alonzo (2012) Learning progressions: significant promise, significant challenge [d]
- Chris Arthur (2012) Financial literacy education: neoliberalism, the consumer and the citizen [i] [d]
- Ina ter Avest, Gerdien Bertram-Troost, & Siebren Miedema (2012) Provocative pedagogy, or: Youngsters need the brain to challenge worldview formation [d]
- Ken Bain (2012) What the best college students do [i] [d] [j]
- Antje Barabasch & Felix Rauner [ed] (2012) Work and education in America: the art of integration [i] [d]
- John C. Begeny, Ann C. Schulte, & Kent R. Johnson (2012) Enhancing instructional problem solving: an efficient system for assisting struggling learners [i]
- Zvi Bekerman & Michalinos Zembylas (2012) Teaching contested narratives: identity, memory, and reconciliation in peace education and beyond [i] [d]
- Sean Blenkinsop (2012) Four slogans for cultural change: an evolving place-based, imaginative and ecological learning experience [d]
- Carolyn Blondin, Christopher Skinner, John Parkhurst, Allison Wood, & Jamie Snyder (2012) Enhancing on-task behavior in fourth-grade students using a modified color wheel system [d]
- Gordon Boyce, Susan Greer, Bill Blair, & Cindy Davids (2012) Expanding the horizons of accounting education: incorporating social and critical perspectives [d]
- Ann J. Cahill & Stephen Bloch-Schulman (2012) Argumentation step-by-step: learning critical thinking through deliberate practice [d]
- Carolina Castano (2012) Extending the purposes of science education: addressing violence within socio-economic disadvantaged communities [d]
- Carolina Castano (2012) Fostering compassionate attitudes and the amelioration of aggression through a science class [d]
- Chew-Hung Chang, Kalyani Chatterjea, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Yin Leng Theng, Ee-Peng Lim, Aixin Sun, Khasfariyati Razikin, Thi Nhu Quynh Kim, & Quang Minh Nguyen (2012) Lessons from learner experiences in a field-based inquiry in geography using mobile devices [d]
- Pauline W. U. Chinn (2012) Looking through the lenses of science literacy and cultural diversity: learning from Helena's mistake [d]
- Ian Clark (2012) Formative assessment: assessment is for self-regulated learning [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping as a tool for teaching critical thinking [d]
- Sanne Dekker, Nikki C. Lee, Paul Howard-Jones, & Jelle Jolles (2012) Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers [p] [d] [u]
- Michael W. Connell, Zachary Stein, & Howard Gardner (2012) Bridging between brain science and educational practice with design patterns [i] [d]
- Robert A. Duke (2012) Their own best teachers: how we help and hinder the development of learners' independence [d]
- Matthew W. Easterday (2012) Policy World: a cognitive game for teaching deliberation [i] [d]
- Noam Ebner, James Coben, & Christopher Honeyman [ed] (2012) Assessing our students, assessing ourselves [i] [u]
- Randi A. Engle, Diane P. Lam, Xenia S. Meyer, & Sarah E. Nix (2012) How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
- Larry Ferlazzo (2012) Eight things skilled teachers think, say, and do [u]
- Sarah J. Fletcher & Carol A. Mullen [ed] (2012) The Sage handbook of mentoring and coaching in education [i] [d]
- Donna L. Gilton (2012) Lifelong learning in public libraries: principles, programs, and people [i]
- Theodore L. Glasser (2012) Making it difficult to teach journalism ethics [d]
- Daniel Goleman, Lisa Bennett, & Zenobia Barlow (2012) Ecoliterate: how educators are cultivating emotional, social, and ecological intelligence [i]
- Lissy Goralnik, Kelly Millenbah, Michael P. Nelson, & Laurie Thorp (2012) An environmental pedagogy of care: emotion, relationships, and experience in higher education ethics learning [d]
- Laura Greenstein (2012) Assessing 21st century skills: a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning [i]
- Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings, & Graham Walton [ed] (2012) The road to information literacy: librarians as faciliators of learning [i] [d]
- Yannis Petros Hadzigeorgiou (2012) Fostering a sense of wonder in the science classroom [d]
- Yannis Petros Hadzigeorgiou, Stephen Klassen, & Cathrine Froese Klassen (2012) Encouraging a 'romantic understanding' of science: the effect of the Nikola Tesla story [d]
- Alice Hansen [ed] (2012) Reflective learning and teaching in primary schools [i]
- Laurel M. Hartley, Jennifer Momsen, April Maskiewicz, & Charlene D'Avanzo (2012) Energy and matter: differences in discourse in physical and biological sciences can be confusing for introductory biology students [d] [j]
- Peggy Hauselt & Jennifer Helzer (2012) Integration of geospatial science in teacher education [d]
- Flor Henderson, Ina Vandebroek, Michael J. Balick, & Edward J. Kennelly (2012) Ethnobotanical research skills for undergraduate students of underrepresented minorities in STEM disciplines [d] [u]
- Paul Henry & Hugh Semple (2012) Integrating online GIS into the K–12 curricula: lessons from the development of a collaborative GIS in Michigan [d]
- Clyde Freeman Herreid, Nancy A. Schiller, & Ky F. Herreid [ed] (2012) Science stories: using case studies to teach critical thinking [i]
- Maia Heyck-Merlin, Marin Smith, & Maggie G. Sorby (2012/2021) The together teacher: plan ahead, get organized, and save time! [i] [d]
- Lama Ziad Jaber & Saouma BouJaoude (2012) A macro–micro–symbolic teaching to promote relational understanding of chemical reactions [d]
- Sean Kelly [ed] (2012) Assessing teacher quality: understanding teacher effects on instruction and achievement [i]
- Akos Kereszturi & David Hyder (2012) Planetary science in higher education: ideas and experiences [d]
- Joseph S. Krajcik & Joi Merritt (2012) Engaging students in scientific practices: what does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom? [u]
- R. Eric Landrum & Maureen A. McCarthy [ed] (2012) Teaching ethically: challenges and opportunities [i] [d]
- Robert J. Landy & David T. Montgomery (2012) Theatre for change: education, social action and therapy [i]
- Shannon R. Lane, Julie Cooper Altman, Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg, Njeri Kagotho, Elizabeth Palley, & Marilyn S. Paul (2012) Inspiring and training students for social action: renewing a needed tradition [d]
- Douglas Larkin (2012) Misconceptions about 'misconceptions': preservice secondary science teachers' views on the value and role of student ideas [d]
- Diana Laurillard (2012) Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology [i] [d]
- Ard W. Lazonder & Ellen T. Kamp (2012) Bit by bit or all at once?: splitting up the inquiry task to promote children's scientific reasoning [d]
- Hyunju Lee, Hyunsook Chang, Kyunghee Choi, Sung-Won Kim, & Dana L. Zeidler (2012) Developing character and values for global citizens: analysis of pre-service science teachers' moral reasoning on socioscientific issues [d]
- Daniel M. Levin, Terrence Grant, & David Hammer (2012) Attending and responding to student thinking in science [d] [j]
- Chunhui Liu, Lee J. Yao, & Nan Hu (2012) Improving ethics education in accounting: lessons from medicine and law [d]
- Thomas A. Lucey & James D. Laney [ed] (2012) Reframing financial literacy: exploring the value of social currency [i]
- Elizabeth Mack, Helen Augare, Linda Different Cloud-Jones, Dominique Davíd, Helene Quiver Gaddie, Rose E. Honey, Angayuqaq O. Kawagley, Melissa Little Plume-Weatherwax, Lisa Lone Fight, Gene Meier, Tachini Pete, James Rattling Leaf, Elvin Returns From Scout, Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer, Hi'ilani Shibata, Shelly Valdez, & Rachel Wippert (2012) Effective practices for creating transformative informal science education programs grounded in Native ways of knowing [d]
- Michael R. Matthews (2012) Mario Bunge, systematic philosophy and science education: an introduction [d]
- Bobbi McAdoo (2012) Reflective journal assignments in teaching negotiation [i] [u]
- Xenia S. Meyer, Daniel K. Capps, Barbara A. Crawford, & Robert Ross (2012) Using inquiry and tenets of multicultural education to engage Latino English-language learning students in learning about geology and the nature of science [d]
- Andrew J. Milson, Ali Demirci, & Joseph J. Kerski [ed] (2012) International perspectives on teaching and learning with GIS in secondary schools [i] [d]
- Katharyne Mitchell & Sarah Elwood (2012) From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
- Judith Munter, Lyn McKinley, & Kristine Sarabia (2012) Classroom of hope: the voice of one courageous teacher on the US–Mexico border [d]
- Anderson Norton & Signe Kastberg (2012) Learning to pose cognitively demanding tasks through letter writing [d]
- E. Michael Nussbaum (2012) Argumentation and student-centered learning environments [i] [d]
- Wendy L. Ostroff (2012) Understanding how young children learn: bringing the science of child development to the classroom [i]
- Tom Peace (2012) Creating an environment that supports diversity [u]
- James W. Pellegrino & Margaret L. Hilton [ed] (2012) Education for life and work: developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century [i] [d] [u]
- Vanessa D. I. Pfeiffer, Katharina Scheiter, & Sven Gemballa (2012) Comparing and combining traditional teaching approaches and the use of video clips for learning how to identify species in an aquarium [d]
- Niels Pinkwart & Bruce M. McLaren [ed] (2012) Educational technologies for teaching argumentation skills [i] [d]
- Patrice Potvin, Julien Mercier, Patrick Charland, & Martin Riopel (2012) Does classroom explicitation of initial conceptions favour conceptual change or is it counter-productive? [d]
- Son Preminger (2012) Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
- Christoph Randler, Eberhard Hummel, & Pavol Prokop (2012) Practical work at school reduces disgust and fear of unpopular animals [d]
- Gerry Rayner (2012) Modelling ecosystem structure and energy flow in a first year environmental biology practical: not a complete waste of energy [u]
- Stephen K. Reed (2012) Learning by mapping across situations [d]
- Lindsey E. Richland, James W. Stigler, & Keith J. Holyoak (2012) Teaching the conceptual structure of mathematics [d]
- Jeff Rose & Karen Paisley (2012) White privilege in experiential education: a critical reflection [d]
- Jane F. Schielack & Stephanie L. Knight [ed] (2012) Strengthening science education leadership: an information technology-based learning ecology model [i]
- Andrea Kupfer Schneider (2012) Teaching a new negotiation skills paradigm [u]
- Graham W. Scott, Raymond Goulder, Phillip Wheeler, Lisa J. Scott, Michelle L. Tobin, & Sara Marsham (2012) The value of fieldwork in life and environmental sciences in the context of higher education: a case study in learning about biodiversity [d]
- Paula M. Selvester & Deborah G. Summers (2012) Socially responsible literacy: teaching adolescents for purpose and power [i]
- Diana Senechal (2012) Republic of noise: the loss of solitude in schools and culture [i]
- Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] (2012) Problem solving, spatial thinking, and the use of representations in science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
- Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] (2012) Discipline-based education research: understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
- George M. Slavich & Philip G. Zimbardo (2012) Transformational teaching: theoretical underpinnings, basic principles, and core methods [d]
- Robin Wellford Slocum (2012) An inconvenient truth: the need to educate emotionally competent lawyers [u]
- Scott A. Snook, Nitin Nohria, & Rakesh Khurana [ed] (2012) The handbook for teaching leadership: knowing, doing, and being [i]
- Alison Stokes, Trevor Collins, John Maskall, John Lea, Paul Lunt, & Sarah Davies (2012) Enabling remote access to fieldwork: gaining insight into the pedagogic effectiveness of 'direct' and 'remote' field activities [d]
- Patrick Stokes (2012) Philosophy has consequences!: developing metacognition and active learning in the ethics classroom [d]
- Anna Südkamp, Johanna Kaiser, & Jens Möller (2012) Accuracy of teachers' judgments of students' academic achievement: a meta-analysis [d]
- Chutamas Sukhontapatipak & Sompoad Srikosamatara (2012) The role of field exercises in ecological learning and values education: action research on the use of campus wetlands [d]
- Sirpa Tani & Outi Surma-aho (2012) Young people and the hidden meanings of the everyday: time-space path as a methodological opportunity [d]
- Tonya Tripp & Peter Rich (2012) Using video to analyze one's own teaching [d]
- Jackie Tuck (2012) Feedback-giving as social practice: teachers' perspectives on feedback as institutional requirement, work and dialogue [d]
- Matthew Tully (2012) Searching for hope: life at a failing school in the heart of America [i]
- Christopher W. Tyler & Lora T. Likova (2012) The role of the visual arts in enhancing the learning process [p] [d] [u]
- Dilafruz R. Williams & Jonathan D. Brown (2012) Learning gardens and sustainability education: bringing life to schools and schools to life [i] [d]
- Lauren E. Willis (2012) Financial education: lessons not learned and lessons learned [i] [u]
- Uri Zoller (2012) Science education for global sustainability: what is necessary for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? [d]
- Fran Ackermann (2011) Getting 'messy' with problems: the challenges of teaching 'soft' OR [d]
- Deborah E. Allen, Richard S. Donham, & Stephen A. Bernhardt (2011) Problem-based learning [d]
- Gary D. Beckman [ed] (2011) Disciplining the arts: teaching entrepreneurship in context [i]
- Paul Black, Mark R. Wilson, & Shih-Ying Yao (2011) Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
- Alan M. Blankstein & Paul D. Houston [ed] (2011) Leadership for social justice and democracy in our schools [i]
- Alec M. Bodzin (2011) The implementation of a geospatial information technology (GIT)-supported land use change curriculum with urban middle school learners to promote spatial thinking [d]
- Char Booth (2011) Reflective teaching, effective learning: instructional literacy for library educators [i]
- Florian Böttcher & Anke Meisert (2011) Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
- Jos Boys (2011) Towards creative learning spaces: re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory education [i] [d]
- Gregory Breetzke, Sanet Eksteen, & Erika Pretorius (2011) Paper-based GIS: a practical answer to the implementation of GIS education into resource-poor schools in South Africa [d]
- Robert G. Bringle, Morgan Studer, Jarod Wilson, Patti H. Clayton, & Kathryn S. Steinberg (2011) Designing programs with a purpose: to promote civic engagement for life [d]
- David W. Brooks (2011) Why school is not easy: an analytical perspective [d]
- Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw, & Donna Berthelsen [ed] (2011) Personal epistemology and teacher education [i] [d]
- Robert V. Bullough & Kendra M. Hall-Kenyon (2011) The call to teach and teacher hopefulness [d]
- Renate Nummela Caine & Geoffrey Caine (2011) Natural learning for a connected world: education, technology, and the human brain [i]
- Timothy A. Carey (2011) Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
- Mario Carretero (2011) Constructing patriotism: teaching history and memories in global worlds [i]
- Anne H. Charity Hudley & Christine Mallinson (2011) Understanding English language variation in U.S. schools [i]
- May M. H. Cheng & Wing-mui Winnie So [ed] (2011) Science education in international contexts [i] [d]
- Marisa S. Choy, Stephen A. Johnson, & Leonard Ortolano (2011) Teaching negotiation in the context of environmental regulatory enforcement: an experiential learning approach [d]
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho (2011) On the concept of energy [i] [d]
- Ruth Cronje, Spencer Rohlinger, Alycia Crall, & Greg Newman (2011) Does participation in citizen science improve scientific literacy?: a study to compare assessment methods [d]
- Linda Darling-Hammond & Ann Lieberman [ed] (2011) Teacher education around the world: changing policies and practices [i] [d]
- Christopher Day & Zijian Li [ed] (2011) New understandings of teachers' work: emotions and educational change [i] [d]
- Ali Demirci (2011) Using geographic information systems (GIS) at schools without a computer laboratory [d]
- Timothy T. Dunne (2011) Road maps for learning: a bird's eye view [d]
- Edward N. Eadie (2011) Education for animal welfare [i] [d]
- Lisa Catherine Ehrich, Megan Kimber, Jan Millwater, & Neil Cranston (2011) Ethical dilemmas: a model to understand teacher practice [d]
- James Elkins (2011/2014) Art critiques: a guide [i]
- Larry Ferlazzo (2011) Helping students motivate themselves: practical answers to classroom challenges [i] [d]
- Barbara Flom, Carol Johnson, Jodi Hubbard, & David Reidt (2011) The natural school counselor: using nature to promote mental health in schools [d]
- Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (2011) The formative assessment action plan: practical steps to more successful teaching and learning [i]
- W. Kim Halford (2011) Marriage and relationship education: what works and how to provide it [i]
- Brian Hand & Lori Norton-Meier [ed] (2011) Voices from the classroom: elementary teachers' experience with argument-based inquiry [i] [d]
- Christian K. Hansen (2011) Time management for department chairs [i]
- Christian K. Hansen (2011) Budgeting your time [i]
- Elaine Clanton Harpine (2011) Group-centered prevention programs for at-risk students [i] [d]
- Pablo Helguera (2011) Education for socially engaged art: a materials and techniques handbook [i]
- Margaret Heritage (2011) Commentary on Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
- Ramona Ilea & Susan Hawthorne (2011) Beyond service learning: civic engagement in ethics classes [d]
- Gürol Irzik & Robert Nola (2011) A family resemblance approach to the nature of science for science education [d]
- David H. Jonassen (2011) Learning to solve problems: a handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments [i] [d]
- Peter M. Kellett (2011) Narrative in the teaching and practice of conflict analysis, transformation, and peacebuilding [i]
- Myint Swe Khine & Issa M. Saleh [ed] (2011) Models and modeling: cognitive tools for scientific enquiry [i] [d]
- Ian M. Kinchin (2011) Visualising knowledge structures in biology: discipline, curriculum and student understanding [d]
- Jim Knight (2011) Unmistakable impact: a partnership approach for dramatically improving instruction [i]
- Michalis Kontopodis (2011) Transforming the power of education for young minority women: narrations, metareflection, and societal change [d]
- Violet A. Kulo & Alec M. Bodzin (2011) Integrating geospatial technologies in an energy unit [d]
- Sami Lehesvuori, Jouni Viiri, & Helena Rasku-Puttonen (2011) Introducing dialogic teaching to science student teachers [d]
- Ekaterina Levintova, Terri Johnson, Denise Scheberle, & Kevin Vonck (2011) Global citizens are made, not born: multiclass role-playing simulation of global decision making [d]
- Michael Mann & David F. Treagust (2011) Possible pathways for conceptual development related to energy and the human body [i] [d]
- Matthew J. Mayhew, Tricia A. Seifert, Ernest T. Pascarella, Thomas F. Nelson Laird, & Charles F. Blaich (2011) Going deep into mechanisms for moral reasoning growth: how deep learning approaches affect moral reasoning development for first-year students [d]
- Garrett J. McAuliffe & Karen Eriksen (2011) Handbook of counselor preparation: constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches [i] [d]
- Erin M. McTigue & Amanda C. Flowers (2011) Science visual literacy: learners' perceptions and knowledge of diagrams [d]
- Denise G. Meister & Patricia Ahrens (2011) Resisting plateauing: four veteran teachers' stories [d]
- Xenia S. Meyer & Barbara A. Crawford (2011) Teaching science as a cultural way of knowing: merging authentic inquiry, nature of science, and multicultural strategies [d]
- David Neil Miller (2011/2021) Child and adolescent suicidal behavior: school-based prevention, assessment, and intervention [i]
- Debra B. Mitchell & Michael P. Mueller (2011) A philosophical analysis of David Orr's theory of ecological literacy: biophilia, ecojustice and moral education in school learning communities [d]
- Joyce P. Murray (2011) Educating health professionals in low-resource countries: a global approach [i]
- National Research Council (2011) Report of a workshop on the pedagogical aspects of computational thinking [i] [d] [u]
- Helen L. Naug, Natalie J. Colson, & Daniel G. Donner (2011) Promoting metacognition in first year anatomy laboratories using plasticine modeling and drawing activities: a pilot study of the 'blank page' technique [d]
- E. Michael Nussbaum (2011) Argumentation, dialogue theory, and probability modeling: alternative frameworks for argumentation research in education [d]
- E. Michael Nussbaum & Ordene V. Edwards (2011) Critical questions and argument stratagems: a framework for enhancing and analyzing students' reasoning practices [d]
- Phil Seok Oh & Sung Jin Oh (2011) What teachers of science need to know about models: an overview [d]
- Daphna Oyserman, Elizabeth Johnson, & Leah James (2011) Seeing the destination but not the path: effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on school-focused possible self content and linked behavioral strategies [d]
- Jeffrey S. Reber (2011) The under-examined life: a proposal for critically evaluating teachers' and students' philosophies of teaching [d]
- Wendy M. Reinke, Keith C. Herman, & Randall S. Sprick (2011) Motivational interviewing for effective classroom management: the classroom check-up [i]
- Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, & Karin Morrison (2011) Making thinking visible: how to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners [i]
- Ferdinand D. Rivera (2011) Toward a visually-oriented school mathematics curriculum: research, theory, practice, and issues [i] [d]
- Dan Rothstein & Luz Santana (2011) Make just one change: teach students to ask their own questions [i]
- Laurie H. Rubel, Haiwen Chu, & Lauren Shookhoff (2011) Learning to map and mapping to learn our students' worlds [j]
- Doris A. Santoro (2011) Good teaching in difficult times: demoralization in the pursuit of good work [d] [j]
- Charles Saylan & Daniel T. Blumstein (2011) The failure of environmental education (and how we can fix it) [i] [d] [j]
- Laura Browne Sayre & Sean Clark [ed] (2011) Fields of learning: the student farm movement in North America [i]
- Roger C. Schank (2011) Teaching minds: how cognitive science can save our schools [i]
- Roland W. Scholz & Claudia R. Binder (2011) Environmental literacy in science and society: from knowledge to decisions [i] [d]
- Valerie J. Shute (2011) Stealth assessment in computer-based games to support learning [i]
- Janice E. Smith (2011) The meanings of teaching from the perspective of exemplary and experienced teachers [u]
- Laura West Steck, Jennifer N. Engler, Mary Ligon, Perri B. Druen, & Erin Cosgrove (2011) Doing poverty: learning outcomes among students participating in the community action poverty simulation program [d]
- Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, Lauren N. Harkrider, Lynn D. Devenport, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, & Michael D. Mumford (2011) Case-based knowledge and ethics education: improving learning and transfer through emotionally rich cases [p] [d]
- Briana E. Crotwell Timmerman, Denise C. Strickland, Robert L. Johnson, & John R. Payne (2011) Development of a 'universal' rubric for assessing undergraduates' scientific reasoning skills using scientific writing [d]
- Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa (2011) Mind, brain, and education science: a comprehensive guide to the new brain-based teaching [i]
- Wouter Van Acker (2011) Internationalist utopias of visual education: the graphic and scenographic transformation of the universal encyclopaedia in the Work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath [d]
- Kurt A. VanLehn (2011) The relative effectiveness of human tutoring, intelligent tutoring systems, and other tutoring systems [d]
- Salvatore Vascellaro (2011) Out of the classroom and into the world: learning from field trips, educating from experience, and unlocking the potential of our students and teachers [i]
- Helen Vendler (2011) Are these the poems to remember? [u]
- Thamar Voss, Mareike Kunter, & Jürgen Baumert (2011) Assessing teacher candidates' general pedagogical/psychological knowledge: test construction and validation [d]
- Traci Warkentin (2011) Cultivating urban naturalists: teaching experiential, place-based learning through nature journaling in Central Park [d]
- Darrell M. West (2011) Using technology to personalize learning and assess students in real-time [u]
- Jennifer Wiley & Christopher A. Sanchez (2011) Constraints on learning from expository science texts [i] [d]
- Karen M. Zabrucky & Rebecca B. Bays (2011) Helping students know what they know and do not know [d]
- Bassem Abid, Nejmeddine Hentati, Jean-Marc Chevallier, Ali Ghorbel, Vincent Delmas, & Richard Douard (2010) Traditional versus three-dimensional teaching of peritoneal embryogenesis: a comparative prospective study [d]
- Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, & Alana Kumbier [ed] (2010) Critical library instruction: theories and methods [i]
- Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, & Marie K. Norman (2010) How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching [i]
- Lisa M. Amoroso, Denise Lewin Loyd, & Jenny M. Hoobler (2010) The diversity education dilemma: exposing status hierarchies without reinforcing them [d]
- Pamela R. Aschbacher, Erika Li, & Ellen J. Roth (2010) Is science me?: high school students' identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine [d]
- Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht [ed] (2010) Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice [i] [d]
- Leema K. Berland & Katherine L. McNeill (2010) A learning progression for scientific argumentation: understanding student work and designing supportive instructional contexts [d]
- Emily R. Blumenfeld (2010) Reflections on student journals and teaching about inequality [d]
- Peter Bradley (2010) Teaching modeling in critical thinking [d]
- Karen Caldwell & Chuck Claxton (2010) Teaching family systems theory: a developmental-constructivist perspective [d]
- Mark Robin Campbell, Linda K. Thompson, & Janet Revell Barrett (2010/2021) Constructing a personal orientation to music teaching: growth, inquiry, and agency [i] [d]
- Molly Cooke, David M. Irby, & Bridget C. O'Brien (2010) Educating physicians: a call for reform of medical school and residency [i]
- Alison Cook-Sather (2010) Students as learners and teachers: taking responsibility, transforming education, and redefining accountability [d] [j]
- Graham Crookes (2010) The practicality and relevance of second language critical pedagogy [d]
- Marvin J. Croy (2010) Teaching the practical relevance of propositional logic [d]
- Mary Dilg (2010) Our worlds in our words: exploring race, class, gender, and sexual orientation in multicultural classrooms [i]
- Kylie P. Dotson-Blake (2010) Learning from each other: a portrait of family–school–community partnerships in the United States and Mexico [d] [j]
- Janet E. Dyment & Timothy S. O'Connell (2010) The quality of reflection in student journals: a review of limiting and enabling factors [d]
- Kath Engebretson, Marian de Souza, Gloria Durka, & Liam Gearon [ed] (2010) International handbook of inter-religious education [i] [d]
- Marilyn Fenichel & Heidi A. Schweingruber (2010) Surrounded by science: learning science in informal environments [i] [d] [u]
- Eric Frauman (2010) Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings [d]
- Alan Freeman (2010) The economists of tomorrow: the case for assertive pluralism in economics education [d]
- Jean-Christophe Gaillard & Maria Lourdes Carmella Jade D. Pangilinan (2010) Participatory mapping for raising disaster risk awareness among the youth [d]
- Jim Garrison (2010) Compassionate, spiritual, and creative listening in teaching and learning [d]
- David R. Geelan, Felicia Moore Mensah, Jrène Rahm, & Maria Rivera Maulucci (2010) Roles, caring and learning to teach science [d]
- Arthur C. Graesser, Yasuhiro Ozuru, & Jeremiah Sullins (2010) What is a good question? [i]
- Parry Graham & William Ferriter (2010) Building a professional learning community at work: a guide to the first year [i]
- Domenico Grasso & Melody Brown Burkins [ed] (2010) Holistic engineering education: beyond technology [i] [d]
- Anne Gregory, Russell J. Skiba, & Pedro A. Noguera (2010) The achievement gap and the discipline gap: two sides of the same coin? [d]
- Dana Griffin & Sam Steen (2010) School–family–community partnerships: applying Epstein's theory of the six types of involvement to school counselor practice [d] [j]
- Olivia Gude (2010) Playing, creativity, possibility [d] [u]
- Leslie Rupert Herrenkohl & Véronique Mertl (2010) How students come to be, know, and do: a case for a broad view of learning [i] [d]
- Paul D. Houston, Alan M. Blankstein, & Robert W. Cole [ed] (2010) Leadership for family and community involvement [i]
- Tyrone C. Howard (2010/2019) Why race and culture matter in schools: closing the achievement gap in America's classrooms [i]
- Delaura L. Hubbs & Charles F. Brand (2010) Learning from the inside out: a method for analyzing reflective journals in the college classroom [d]
- David H. Jonassen & Bosung Kim (2010) Arguing to learn and learning to argue: design justifications and guidelines [d]
- Linda King (2010) Education for human rights, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue: the role of UNESCO [i] [d]
- Stephen Klassen (2010) The relation of story structure to a model of conceptual change in science learning [d]
- Joyce Koe Hwee Nga & Gomathi Shamuganathan (2010) The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on social entrepreneurship start up intentions [d] [j]
- Fred A. J. Korthagen & Angelo Vasalos (2010) Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
- Deanna Kuhn (2010) Teaching and learning science as argument [d]
- Georgia Lazakidou & Symeon Retalis (2010) Using computer supported collaborative learning strategies for helping students acquire self-regulated problem-solving skills in mathematics [d]
- Okhee Lee & Cory A. Buxton (2010) Diversity and equity in science education: research, policy, and practice [i]
- Cara S. Lesser & Catherine R. Lucey (2010) A behavioral and systems view of professionalism [d]
- Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Timothy Knapp, & Bradley Fisher (2010) The effectiveness of service-learning: it's not always what you think [d]
- Randall B. Lindsey, Michelle Karns, & Keith Myatt (2010) Culturally proficient education: an asset-based response to conditions of poverty [i]
- John Loughran (2010) What expert teachers do: enhancing professional knowledge for classroom practice [i] [d]
- Nona Lyons [ed] (2010) Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
- Cris Mayo (2010) Incongruity and provisional safety: thinking through humor [d]
- Billy McClune & Ruth Jarman (2010) Critical reading of science-based news reports: establishing a knowledge, skills and attitudes framework [d]
- Eric E. McCollum & Diane R. Gehart (2010) Using mindfulness meditation to teach beginning therapists therapeutic presence: a qualitative study [d]
- Donald McCown, Diane Reibel, & Marc S. Micozzi (2010) Teaching mindfulness: a practical guide for clinicians and educators [i] [d]
- Wendy Jayne McMillan (2010) Teaching for clinical reasoning: helping students make the conceptual links [p] [d]
- Wilna A. J. Meijer (2010) Fanaticism, fundamentalism and the promotion of reflexivity in religious education [i] [d]
- Kenneth W. Merrell & Barbara A. Gueldner (2010) Social and emotional learning in the classroom: promoting mental health and academic success [i]
- Robert J. Mislevy (2010) Some implications of expertise research for educational assessment [d]
- Ruth Mostern (2010) Putting the 'world' in world history [d]
- Michael P. Mueller & Dana L. Zeidler (2010) Moral-ethical character and science education: ecojustice ethics through socioscientific issues (SSI) [i] [d]
- Robert J. Nash & Michele C. Murray (2010) Helping college students find purpose: the campus guide to meaning-making [i]
- Satheesha B. Nayak & Soumya Kodimajalu (2010) Progressive drawing: a novel 'lid-opener' and 'monotony-breaker' [d]
- David J. Nicol (2010) From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback processes in mass higher education [d]
- Gerald Nosich (2010) From argument and philosophy to critical thinking across the curriculum [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2010/2016) Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities [i] [d] [j]
- Mehmet Önal (2010) Wisdom (hikmah) as a holistic basis for inter-religious education [i] [d]
- David Osher, George G. Bear, Jeffrey R. Sprague, & Walter Doyle (2010) How can we improve school discipline? [d]
- Angela Passarelli, Eric Hall, & Mallory Anderson (2010) A strengths-based approach to outdoor and adventure education: possibilities for personal growth [d]
- Erika A. Patall, Harris Cooper, & Susan R. Wynn (2010) The effectiveness and relative importance of choice in the classroom [d]
- Pierre Pottier, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Brian D. Hodges, Marc-Antoine Pistorius, Jérome Connault, Cécile Durant, Renaud Clairand, Véronique Sebille, Jacques-Henri Barrier, & Bernard Planchon (2010) Exploring how students think: a new method combining think-aloud and concept mapping protocols [p] [d]
- Jack Rhoton [ed] (2010) Science education leadership: best practices for the new century [i]
- Wolff-Michael Roth (2010) Local matters, ecojustice, and community: opportunities of village life for teaching science [i] [d]
- André A. Rupp, Matthew Gushta, Robert J. Mislevy, & David Williamson Shaffer (2010) Evidence-centered design of epistemic games: measurement principles for complex learning environments [u]
- Doret J. de Ruyter & J. Jos Kole (2010) Our teachers want to be the best: on the necessity of intra-professional reflection about moral ideals of teaching [d]
- Janine M. Schall (2010) Cultural exploration through mapping [d]
- Mark A. Seals (2010) Teaching students to think critically about science and origins [d]
- Bruce L. Sherin & Miriam Gamoran Sherin (2010) Freezing time: what mathematics and science teachers 'see' while teaching [u]
- Paul Shrivastava (2010) Pedagogy of passion for sustainability [d]
- Bjørn Sletto, Solange Muñoz, Shawn M. Strange, Rosa E. Donoso, & Martin Thomen (2010) El rincón de los olvidados: participatory GIS, experiential learning and critical pedagogy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic [d]
- Laura Smith, Kathryn Davis, & Malika Bhowmik (2010) Youth participatory action research groups as school counseling interventions [d] [j]
- David A. Sousa, Joanna A. Christodoulou, Donna Coch, & Stanislas Dehaene [ed] (2010) Mind, brain, and education: neuroscience implications for the classroom [i]
- Sema Soygenis, Murat Soygenis, & Emine Erktin (2010) Writing as a tool in teaching sketching: implications for architectural design education [d]
- Tom Steele (2010) Enlightened publics: popular education movements in Europe, their legacy and promise [d]
- Sam Steen & Pedro A. Noguera (2010) A broader and bolder approach to school reform: expanded partnership roles for school counselors [d] [j]
- Shawn Y. Stevens, César Delgado, & Joseph S. Krajcik (2010) Developing a hypothetical multi-dimensional learning progression for the nature of matter [d]
- Susan M. Stocklmayer, Léonie J. Rennie, & John K. Gilbert (2010) The roles of the formal and informal sectors in the provision of effective science education [d]
- Carola Suárez-Orozco, Marie Onaga, & Cécile Lardemelle (2010) Promoting academic engagement among immigrant adolescents through school–family–community collaboration [d] [j]
- Tim Swanwick, Kirsty Forrest, & Bridget C. O'Brien [ed] (2010/2019) Understanding medical education: evidence, theory, and practice [i] [d]
- Roger S. Taylor & Michel Ferrari [ed] (2010) Epistemology and science education: understanding the evolution vs. intelligent design controversy [i] [d]
- Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (2010) Skill in questions: how the Buddha taught [o] [u]
- George Theoharis (2010) Disrupting injustice: principals narrate the strategies they use to improve their schools and advance social justice [d]
- Glyn Thomas (2010) Facilitator, teacher, or leader?: managing conflicting roles in outdoor education [d]
- Deborah J. Tippins [ed] (2010) Cultural studies and environmentalism: the confluence of ecojustice, place-based (science) education, and indigenous knowledge systems [i] [d]
- Lila Waldman & Donna R. Everett [ed] (2010) Cross-cultural and international business education [i]
- Joan Walker, Susan Shenker, & Kathleen Hoover-Dempsey (2010) Why do parents become involved in their children's education?: implications for school counselors [d] [j]
- Barney Warf (2010) Teaching time–space compression [d]
- R. Scott Webster (2010) The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
- Margaret Whitehead [ed] (2010) Physical literacy: throughout the lifecourse [i] [d]
- Joy Wolf, Michael Stanton, & Laura Gellott (2010) Critical thinking in physical geography: linking concepts of content and applicability [d]
- Robyn Zink (2010) Asking 'Who are you?' when going into the wild: moving beyond an individualized form of outdoor education [d]
- Jennifer Abrams (2009) Having hard conversations [i]
- Clark Aldrich (2009) The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google [i]
- Douglas Allchin (2009) Why we need to teach the evolution of morality [d]
- Rose Arbour, Tania Signal, & Nicola Taylor (2009) Teaching kindness: the promise of humane education [d]
- Alberto Arenas & Carlos del Cairo (2009) Etnobotánica, modernidad y pedagogía crítica del lugar [u]
- Christa S. C. Asterhan & Baruch B. Schwarz (2009) Argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: indications from protocol analyses of peer-to-peer dialog [p] [d]
- Peter Aubusson, Robyn Ewing, & Garry F. Hoban (2009) Action learning in schools: reframing teachers' professional learning and development [i] [d]
- David Beare (2009) A/r/tography, secondary theatre teaching, and the Theatre of Possibilities project [d]
- Philip Bell, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Andrew W. Shouse, Michael A. Feder, & National Research Council [ed] (2009) Learning science in informal environments: people, places, and pursuits [i] [d] [u]
- Eric Booth (2009) The music teaching artist's bible: becoming a virtuoso educator [i]
- Sharon L. Bowman (2009) Training from the back of the room!: 65 ways to step aside and let them learn [i]
- Carol B. Brandt, Wesley Shumar, Lorie Hammond, Heidi B. Carlone, Sue Kimmel, & Christina Tschida (2009) Habitus, social fields, and circuits in rural science education [d]
- Jennifer Gerarda Brown (2009) Addressing partisan perceptions [i] [u]
- Heidi B. Carlone, Sue Kimmel, & Christina Tschida (2009) A rural math, science, and technology elementary school tangled up in global networks of practice [d]
- David Carr (2009) Curriculum and the value of knowledge [i] [d]
- Carmel Cefai & Paul Cooper [ed] (2009) Promoting emotional education: engaging children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties [i]
- Pinar Seda Çetin, Ebru Kaya, & Ömer Geban (2009) Facilitating conceptual change in gases concepts [d]
- Habib Chamoun & Randy Hazlett (2009) The psychology of giving and its effect on negotiation [i] [u]
- K. C. Cole (2009/2012) Something incredibly wonderful happens: Frank Oppenheimer and his astonishing Exploratorium [or: Something incredibly wonderful happens: Frank Oppenheimer and the world he made up] [i] [d]
- Hilary Gehlbach Conklin (2009) Compassion and mindfulness in research among colleagues [d]
- Robert Cowen & Andreas M. Kazamias [ed] (2009) International handbook of comparative education [i] [d]
- Ann L. Cunliffe (2009) The philosopher leader: on relationalism, ethics and reflexivity: a critical perspective to teaching leadership [d]
- Josef De Beer & Elrina Whitlock (2009) Indigenous knowledge in the life sciences classroom: put on your de Bono hats! [d] [j]
- Esther van Dijk & Ulrich Kattmann (2009) Teaching evolution with historical narratives [d]
- William J. Doherty, Jenet I. Jacob, & Beth Cutting (2009) Community engaged parent education: strengthening civic engagement among parents and parent educators [d]
- Phillip Done (2009) Close encounters of the third-grade kind: thoughts on teacherhood [i]
- Kylie P. Dotson-Blake, Victoria A. Foster, & Charles Gressard (2009) Ending the silence of the Mexican immigrant voice in public education: creating culturally inclusive family–school–community partnerships [d] [j]
- Eleanor Drago-Severson (2009) Leading adult learning: supporting adult development in our schools [i]
- Maurice J. Elias (2009) Social-emotional and character development and academics as a dual focus of educational policy [d]
- Kevin W. Eva (2009) Diagnostic error in medical education: where wrongs can make rights [d]
- Anwei Feng, Michael Byram, & Michael Fleming [ed] (2009) Becoming interculturally competent through education and training [i] [d]
- João F. Ferreira, Alexandra Mendes, Roland Backhouse, & Luís S. Barbosa (2009) Which mathematics for the information society? [i] [d]
- George E. Glasson (2009) Revitalization of the shared commons: education for sustainability and marginalized cultures [d]
- Maughn Gregory (2009) Ethics education and the practice of wisdom [d]
- Robert W. Grossman (2009) Structures for facilitating student reflection [d] [j]
- Pamela Grossman, Christa Compton, Danielle Igra, Matthew Ronfeldt, Emily Shahan, & Peter Williamson (2009) Teaching practice: a cross-professional perspective [d]
- Karim M. Hamza & Per-Olof Wickman (2009) Beyond explanations: what else do students need to understand science? [d]
- Ted Hardin (2009) Notes on collaboration: assessing student behaviors [d]
- Richard Heinberg (2009/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
- Daniel R. Heischman (2009) Good influence: teaching the wisdom of adulthood [i]
- Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Giuseppe De Palo [ed] (2009) Rethinking negotiation teaching: innovations for context and culture [i] [u]
- Therese Huston (2009) Teaching what you don't know [i] [j]
- Eric Jensen (2009) Teaching with poverty in mind: what being poor does to kids' brains and what schools can do about it [i]
- Gregory Todd Jones (2009) Designing heuristics: hybrid computational models for teaching the negotiation of complex contracts [i] [u]
- Rebecca C. Jordan, Steven A. Gray, Marylee Demeter, Lei Lui, & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (2009) An assessment of students' understanding of ecosystem concepts: conflating ecological systems and cycles [d]
- Rebecca C. Jordan, Frederick Singer, John Vaughan, & Alan Berkowitz (2009) What should every citizen know about ecology? [d]
- Kim A. Kastens, Shruti Agrawal, & Lynn S. Liben (2009) How students and field geologists reason in integrating spatial observations from outcrops to visualize a 3-D geological structure [d]
- John M. Keller (2009) Motivational design for learning and performance: the ARCS model approach [i]
- John Korsmo, Jacquelyn Baker-Sennett, & Trula Nicholas (2009) Learning through life books: teaching human growth and development in an emotionally rich community context [u]
- Marianne E. Krasny, Keith G. Tidball, & Nadarajah Sriskandarajah (2009) Education and resilience: social and situated learning among university and secondary students [u]
- Daniel M. Levin, David Hammer, & Janet E. Coffey (2009) Novice teachers' attention to student thinking [d]
- Ann Lieberman & Désirée H. Pointer Mace (2009) The role of 'accomplished teachers' in professional learning communities: uncovering practice and enabling leadership [d]
- Ninitha Maivorsdotter & Suzanne Lundvall (2009) Aesthetic experience as an aspect of embodied learning: stories from physical education student teachers [d]
- Andrew J. Martin & Martin Dowson (2009) Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice [d]
- Michael R. Matthews & Hugh G. Gauch [ed] (2009) Science, worldviews and education [i] [d]
- Michael R. Matthews (2009) Teaching the philosophical and worldview components of science [d]
- Claire McGlynn [ed] (2009) Peace education in conflict and post-conflict societies: comparative perspectives [i] [d]
- Kathy Miraglia & Cathy Smilan (2009) Lessons learned from the landscape: an integrated approach [d]
- Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont [ed] (2009) Argumentation and education: theoretical foundations and practices [i] [d]
- Istvan Molnar, Alfredo O. Moscardini, & Reiner Breyer (2009) Simulation: Art or science? How to teach it? [d]
- David Moshman (2009) The development of rationality [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2009) Liberty and learning: academic freedom for teachers and students [i]
- Michael P. Mueller & Michael L. Bentley (2009) Environmental and science education in developing nations: a Ghanaian approach to renewing and revitalizing the local community and ecosystems [d]
- Alison Laurie Neilson (2009) The power of nature and the nature of power [u]
- Kirsten Olson (2009) Wounded by school: recapturing the joy in learning and standing up to old school culture [i]
- Heather Patrick & Geoffrey C. Williams (2009) Self-determination in medical education: encouraging medical educators to be more like blues artists and poets [d]
- Bruce Patton (2009) The deceptive simplicity of teaching negotiation: reflections on thirty years of the negotiation workshop [d]
- David N. Perkins (2009) Making learning whole: how seven principles of teaching can transform education [i]
- Gerald J. Pine (2009) Teacher action research: building knowledge democracies [i] [d]
- Désirée H. Pointer Mace (2009) Teacher practice online: sharing wisdom, opening doors [i]
- Stevi Quate & John McDermott (2009) Clock watchers: six steps to motivating and engaging disengaged students across content areas [i]
- Amy L. Reynolds, John A. Mueller, & Marcia Roe Clark (2009) Helping college students: developing essential support skills for student affairs practice [i]
- Gail Roaten & Eric Schmidt (2009) Using experiential activities with adolescents to promote respect for diversity [d] [j]
- Mike Rose (2009/2014) Why school?: reclaiming education for all of us [i]
- Mavis G. Sanders & Steven B. Sheldon (2009) Principals matter: a guide to school, family, and community partnerships [i]
- Deborah R. Schoeberlein & Suki Sheth (2009) Mindful teaching & teaching mindfulness: a guide for anyone who teaches anything [i]
- Eilon Schwartz (2009) At home in the world: human nature, ecological thought, and education after Darwin [i]
- Harvey Siegel [ed] (2009) The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education [i] [d]
- Shirley Simon & Katherine Richardson (2009) Argumentation in school science: breaking the tradition of authoritative exposition through a pedagogy that promotes discussion and reasoning [d]
- Ryan Sittler & Douglas Cook [ed] (2009) The library instruction cookbook [i]
- Tove Skutnabb-Kangas [ed] (2009) Social justice through multilingual education [i] [d]
- Cathy Smilan (2009) Building resiliency to childhood trauma through arts-based learning [d]
- Katy Smith & Katherine S. McKnight (2009) Remembering to laugh and explore: improvisational activities for literacy teaching in urban classrooms [u]
- Jordi Solbes, Jenaro Guisasola, & Francisco Tarín (2009) Teaching energy conservation as a unifying principle in physics [d]
- Teri Sosa (2009) Visual literacy: the missing piece of your technology integration course [d]
- Mark Stephens (2009) Teaching yoga: essential foundations and techniques [i]
- Dannelle D. Stevens & Joanne E. Cooper (2009) Journal keeping: how to use reflective writing for effective learning, teaching, professional insight, and positive change [i]
- Randy Stoecker, Elizabeth A. Tryon, & Amy Hilgendorf [ed] (2009) The unheard voices: community organizations and service learning [i]
- Joanna Swann (2009) Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
- Donna Walker Tileston & Sandra K. Darling (2009) Closing the poverty & culture gap: strategies to reach every student [i]
- Amy B. M. Tsui (2009) Distinctive qualities of expert teachers [d]
- Anita R. Tucker (2009) Adventure-based group therapy to promote social skills in adolescents [d]
- Gordon E. Uno (2009) Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
- Julie S. Vargas (2009/2013) Behavior analysis for effective teaching [i]
- Julie S. Vargas (2009/2013) Punishment and why to avoid it [i]
- Mark R. Warren, Soo Hong, Carolyn Heang Rubin, & Phitsamay Sychitkokhong Uy (2009) Beyond the bake sale: a community-based relational approach to parent engagement in schools [d] [u]
- Kathryn R. Wentzel & Allan Wigfield [ed] (2009) Handbook of motivation at school [i]
- Daniel T. Willingham (2009) Why don't students like school?: a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom [i]
- Bernard Zubrowski (2009) Exploration and meaning making in the learning of science [i] [d]
- Jason L. Ablin (2008) Learning as problem design versus problem solving: making the connection between cognitive neuroscience research and educational practice [d]
- Shaaron Ainsworth (2008) The educational value of multiple-representations when learning complex scientific concepts [i] [d]
- Marc M. Angélil & Dirk Hebel (2008) Deviations: designing architecture: a manual [i]
- Alberto Arenas (2008) Connecting hand, mind, and community: vocational education for social and environmental renewal [d] [u]
- Clancy Blair & Adele Diamond (2008) Biological processes in prevention and intervention: the promotion of self-regulation as a means of preventing school failure [p] [d] [u]
- Carol B. Brandt (2008) Discursive geographies in science: space, identity, and scientific discourse among indigenous women in higher education [d]
- Julia Bryan & Lynette Henry (2008) Strengths-based partnerships: a school–family–community partnership approach to empowering students [d] [j]
- Matthew K. Burns & Kimberly Gibbons (2008/2012) Implementing response-to-intervention in elementary and secondary schools: procedures to assure scientific-based practices [i]
- Michael Byram (2008) From foreign language education to education for intercultural citizenship: essays and reflections [i] [d]
- Jerry M. Calton, Steve L. Payne, & Sandra A. Waddock (2008) Learning to teach ethics from the heart: a journey of discovery form the inside out [i]
- C. Elizabeth Campbell (2008) Considering the ethical potential of professional communities [d]
- Guy Claxton (2008) What's the point of school?: rediscovering the heart of education [i]
- John J. Clement (2008) Student/teacher co-construction of visualizable models in large group discussion [i] [d]
- Gráinne Conole (2008/2014) Using Compendium as a tool to support the design of learning activities [i] [d]
- Pierre R. Dasen & Abdeljalil Akkari [ed] (2008) Educational theories and practices from the majority world [i] [d]
- Bonnie M. Davis (2008) How to coach teachers who don't think like you: using literacy strategies to coach across content areas [i]
- Eric Dearing, Holly Kreider, & Heather B. Weiss (2008) Increased family involvement in school predicts improved child–teacher relationships and feelings about school for low-income children [d]
- Paul Duncum (2008) Thinking critically about critical thinking: towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture [d]
- Michel Ferrari & Georges Potworowski [ed] (2008) Teaching for wisdom: cross-cultural perspectives on fostering wisdom [i] [d]
- Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey (2008/2021) Better learning through structured teaching: a framework for the gradual release of responsibility [i]
- Ann Bainbridge Frymier, Melissa Bekelja Wanzer, & Ann M. Wojtaszczyk (2008) Assessing students' perceptions of inappropriate and appropriate teacher humor [d]
- John K. Gilbert, Miriam Reiner, & Mary Bird Nakhleh [ed] (2008) Visualization: theory and practice in science education [i] [d]
- Michael C. Gottlieb, Mitchell M. Handelsman, & Samuel Knapp (2008) Some principles for ethics education: implementing the acculturation model [d]
- Peter Gow (2008) The tempest: anthropology and human development [i] [d]
- Ian Grosvenor & Catherine Burke (2008) School [i]
- Maralee Harrell (2008) No computer program required: even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills [d]
- Gail D. Heyman (2008) Talking about success: implications for achievement motivation [d]
- Kathleen M. Hunzer (2008) Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
- Toru Iiyoshi & M. S. Vijay Kumar [ed] (2008) Opening up education: the collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge [i] [d] [u]
- Patricia A. Jennings (2008) Contemplative education and youth development [d]
- Terese C. Jiménez & Victoria L. Graf [ed] (2008) Education for all: critical issues in the education of children and youth with disabilities [i]
- Nicholas R. Jordan, Richard J. Bawden, & Luke Bergmann (2008) Pedagogy for addressing the worldview challenge in sustainable development of agriculture [d]
- James M. Lang (2008) On course: a week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching [i] [j]
- Cynthia B. Loza, Allan B. de Guzman, & Regalado T. Jose (2008) Insights into the integration of traditional Filipino arts in art and design education: voices from the academe [d]
- Matthew J. Mayhew & Patricia M. King (2008) How curricular content and pedagogical strategies affect moral reasoning development in college students [d]
- Thomas V. McGovern & Samantha Leigh Miller (2008) Integrating teacher behaviors with character strengths and virtues for faculty development [d]
- Katherine S. McKnight & Mary Scruggs (2008) The Second City guide to improv in the classroom: using improvisation to teach skills and boost learning [i]
- Fung Fai Ng (2008) Dialogue mapping and collaborative learning [i] [d]
- Pedro A. Noguera (2008) The trouble with Black boys: essays on race, equity, and the future of public education [i]
- Larry P. Nucci, Tobias Krettenauer, & Darcia Narváez [ed] (2008/2014) Handbook of moral and character education [i] [d]
- Kate Eliza O'Connor (2008) 'You choose to care': teachers, emotions and professional identity [d]
- Alexandra Okada (2008/2014) Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps [i] [d]
- Ros Ollin (2008) Silent pedagogy and rethinking classroom practice: structuring teaching through silence rather than talk [d]
- Eileen Carlton Parsons, Stephanie Foster, Crystall Travis Gomillion, & Jamila Smith Simpson (2008) Diversity knowledge in science teacher education—translating concept to instruction: an example specific to African Americans [d]
- Mica Pollock [ed] (2008) Everyday antiracism: getting real about race in school [i]
- PRATEC [ed] (2008) Diálogo de saberes y escuela rural andina [i] [u]
- Hugh B. Price (2008) Mobilizing the community to help students succeed [i]
- Jrène Rahm (2008) Urban youths' hybrid positioning in science practices at the margin: a look inside a school–museum–scientist partnership project and an after-school science program [d]
- Alan Reid [ed] (2008) Participation and learning: perspectives on education and the environment, health and sustainability [i] [d]
- John M. Reveles & Bryan A. Brown (2008) Contextual shifting: teachers emphasizing students' academic identity to promote scientific literacy [d]
- Olivia Sagan (2008) Playgrounds, studios and hiding places: emotional exchange in creative learning spaces [d]
- John Saltmarsh (2008) Why Dewey matters [d] [u]
- Naomi A. Schoenfeld, Robert B. Rutherford, Robert A. Gable, & Marcia L. Rock (2008) ENGAGE: a blueprint for incorporating social skills training into daily academic instruction [d]
- Brian D. Schultz (2008) Spectacular things happen along the way: lessons from an urban classroom [i]
- Tony Shallcross & John Robinson (2008) Sustainability education, whole school approaches, and communities of action [i] [d]
- Tony Sherborne (2008/2014) Mapping the curriculum: how concept maps can improve the effectiveness of course development [i] [d]
- Frank Shushok Jr. (2008) Learning friendship: the 'indispensable basis of a good society' [d]
- David Sibbet (2008) Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
- Joachim Stoeber & Dirk Rennert (2008) Perfectionism in school teachers: relations with stress appraisals, coping styles, and burnout [d]
- Diane L. Swanson & Dann G. Fisher [ed] (2008) Advancing business ethics education [i]
- Donna Walker Tileston & Sandra K. Darling (2008) Why culture counts: teaching children of poverty [i]
- Kenneth W. Tupper (2008) Teaching teachers to just say 'know': reflections on drug education [d]
- Jane Kathryn Vella (2008) On teaching and learning: putting the principles and practices of dialogue education into action [i]
- Stella Vosniadou [ed] (2008/2013) International handbook of research on conceptual change [i] [d]
- Raymond J. Waller (2008) The educator's guide to solving common behavior problems [i]
- Stephen E. Weiss (2008) Mega-simulations in negotiation teaching: extraordinary investments with extraordinary benefits [d]
- Mark Windschitl, Jessica L. Thompson, & Melissa Braaten (2008) Beyond the scientific method: model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations [d]
- Randall Wright & Thom Gehring (2008) From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part I) [j]
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- Saida Jaser Affouneh (2007) How sustained conflict makes moral education impossible: some observations from Palestine [d]
- JoBeth Allen (2007) Creating welcoming schools: a practical guide to home–school partnerships with diverse families [i]
- Ellen S. Amatea & Cirecie A. West-Olatunji (2007) Joining the conversation about educating our poorest children: emerging leadership roles for school counselors in high-poverty schools [d] [j]
- David N. Aspin & Judith D. Chapman [ed] (2007) Values education and lifelong learning: principles, policies, programmes [i] [d]
- Jean Barr (2007) Educational research and undiscovered public knowledge [d]
- Allison Bashe, Sharon K. Anderson, Mitchell M. Handelsman, & Robin Klevansky (2007) An acculturation model for ethics training: the ethics autobiography and beyond [d]
- Amanda Borden (2007) The impact of service-learning on ethnocentrism in an intercultural communication course [d]
- Liora Bresler [ed] (2007) International handbook of research in arts education [i] [d]
- Greg A. Brigman, Linda D. Webb, & Chari Campbell (2007) Building skills for school success: improving the academic and social competence of students [d] [j]
- Kendall Buster & Paula Crawford (2007/2010) The critique handbook: the art student's sourcebook and survival guide [i]
- Kathleen Carroll (2007) A guide to great field trips [i]
- Finney Cherian (2007) Learning to teach: teacher candidates reflect on the relational, conceptual, and contextual influences of responsive mentorship [d] [j]
- A. Vincent Ciardiello (2007) Puzzle them first!: motivating adolescent readers with question-finding [i]
- Elysia Clemens (2007) Developmental counseling and therapy as a model for school counselor consultation with teachers [d] [j]
- Jay Cross (2007) Informal learning: rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance [i]
- Anne French Dalke, Kim Cassidy, Paul Grobstein, & Doug Blank (2007) Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive [d]
- Maria Develaki (2007) The model-based view of scientific theories and the structuring of school science programmes [d]
- Josep Lluis Doménech, Daniel Gil-Pérez, Albert Gras-Martí, Jenaro Guisasola, Joaquín Martínez-Torregrosa, Julia Salinas, Ricardo Trumper, Pablo Valdés, & Amparo Vilches (2007) Teaching of energy issues: a debate proposal for a global reorientation [d]
- Janet E. Dyment & Timothy S. O'Connell (2007) Journal writing on wilderness expeditions as a tool for sustainability education—reflections on the potential and the reality [d]
- Charbel Niño El-Hani & Eduardo Fleury Mortimer (2007) Multicultural education, pragmatism, and the goals of science teaching [d]
- Rowhea Elmesky & Gale Seiler (2007) Movement expressiveness, solidarity and the (re)shaping of African American students' scientific identities [d]
- Ioan Fazey, John A. Fazey, Joern Fischer, Kate Sherren, John Warren, Reed F. Noss, & Stephen R. Dovers (2007) Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social-ecological resilience [d]
- David F. Feldon (2007) Cognitive load and classroom teaching: the double-edged sword of automaticity [d]
- Maura C. Flannery (2007) Observations on biology [d] [j]
- James W. Fraser (2007) Preparing America's teachers: a history [i]
- John Gaber (2007) Simulating planning: SimCity as a pedagogical tool [d]
- Tara Goldstein (2007) Educating world teachers for cosmopolitan classrooms and schools [d]
- James B. Gould (2007) Learning community formats [d]
- Mark A. Graham (2007) Art, ecology and art education: locating art education in a critical place-based pedagogy [d] [j]
- Brian Ibbotson Groth & Sølvi Glevoll (2007) A new use for practitioners in teaching negotiation [d]
- Qing Gu & Christopher Day (2007) Teachers' resilience: a necessary condition for effectiveness [d]
- Virginia Smith Harvey & Louise A. Chickie-Wolfe (2007) Fostering independent learning: practical strategies to promote student success [i]
- Anne T. Henderson (2007) Beyond the bake sale: the essential guide to family–school partnerships [i]
- Lois Hetland, Ellen Winner, Shirley Veenema, & Kimberly M. Sheridan (2007/2013) Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education [i]
- Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Surabhi Marathe, & Lei Liu (2007) Fish swim, rocks sit, and lungs breathe: expert–novice understanding of complex systems [d]
- Art Hobson (2007) Teaching quantum physics without paradoxes [d]
- David R. Hodge & Suzanne Bushfield (2007) Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
- Arthur M. Horne, Jennifer L. Stoddard, & Christopher D. Bell (2007) Group approaches to reducing aggression and bullying in school [d]
- Mary Helen Immordino-Yang & Antonio Damasio (2007) We feel, therefore we learn: the relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education [d]
- M. Gail Jones, Amy Taylor, James Minogue, Bethany Broadwell, Eric Wiebe, & Glenda Carter (2007) Understanding scale: Powers of ten [d]
- William M. Keith (2007) Democracy as discussion: civic education and the American forum movement [i]
- SiriNam S. Khalsa (2007) Teaching discipline & self-respect: effective strategies, anecdotes, and lessons for successful classroom management [i]
- Ismo Tapio Koponen (2007) Models and modelling in physics education: a critical re-analysis of philosophical underpinnings and suggestions for revisions [d]
- Robert Kramer (2007) How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
- Jacqueline P. Leighton & Mark J. Gierl [ed] (2007) Cognitive diagnostic assessment for education: theory and applications [i] [d]
- Delores B. Lindsey, Richard S. Martinez, & Randall B. Lindsey (2007) Culturally proficient coaching: supporting educators to create equitable schools [i]
- Susan A. Lord (2007) Meditative dialogue: a tool for engaging students in collaborative learning processes [d]
- Domenico Masciotra, Wolff-Michael Roth, & Denise Morel de Marnand (2007) Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
- Koji Matsunobu (2007) Japanese spirituality and music practice: art as self-cultivation [i] [d]
- Neil Mercer & Karen Littleton (2007) Dialogue and the development of children's thinking: a sociocultural approach [i]
- Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer & Paul Arthur Kirschner (2007/2018) Ten steps to complex learning: a systematic approach to four-component instructional design [i] [d]
- David E. Myers (2007) Freeing music education from schooling: toward a lifespan perspective on music learning and teaching [d]
- Katy Newell Jones & Juliet McCaffery (2007) Rebuilding communities: the contribution of integrated literacy and conflict resolution programmes [u]
- Dennis O'Connor & Leodones Yballe (2007) Team leadership: critical steps to great projects [d]
- Lilian Pozzer-Ardenghi & Wolff-Michael Roth (2007) On performing concepts during science lectures [d]
- Leena Razzaq, Mingyu Feng, Neil T. Heffernan, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Brian Junker, Goss Nuzzo-Jones, Michael A. Macasek, Kai P. Rasmussen, Terrence E. Turner, & Jason A. Walonoski (2007) A web-based authoring tool for intelligent tutors: blending assessment and instructional assistance [i] [d]
- Joseph Reimer (2007) Beyond more Jews doing Jewish: clarifying the goals of informal Jewish education [d]
- Leonora Ritter (2007) Unfulfilled promises: how inventories, instruments and institutions subvert discourses of diversity and promote commonality [d]
- Guy Roth, Avi Assor, Yaniv Kanat-Maymon, & Haya Kaplan (2007) Autonomous motivation for teaching: how self-determined teaching may lead to self-determined learning [d]
- Klas Roth (2007) Deliberative pedagogy: ideas for analysing the quality of deliberation in conflict management in education [d]
- Melvin L. Silberman [ed] (2007) The handbook of experiential learning [i]
- Harvey F. Silver, Richard W. Strong, & Matthew J. Perini (2007) The strategic teacher: selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson [i]
- Diana Stuart Sinton & Jennifer J. Lund [ed] (2007) Understanding place: GIS and mapping across the curriculum [i]
- Jonathan Smallwood, Daniel J. Fishman, & Jonathan W. Schooler (2007) Counting the cost of an absent mind: mind wandering as an underrecognized influence on educational performance [p] [d]
- Penny Smith & Zahavit Shalev (2007) A school like mine: a unique celebration of schools around the world [i]
- Dennis Sparks (2007) Leading for results: transforming teaching, learning, and relationships in schools [i]
- David Spendlove (2007) A conceptualisation of emotion within art and design education: a creative, learning and product-orientated triadic schema [d]
- David J. Staley (2007) Finding narratives of time and space [i]
- Jennifer Stanchfield (2007) Tips & tools: the art of experiential group facilitation [i]
- Jacqueline Stefkovich & Paul T. Begley (2007) Ethical school leadership: defining the best interests of students [d]
- Dorothy Strachan (2007) Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
- Joanna Swann (2007) Teaching for a better world: the why and how of student-initiated curricula [i] [d]
- Susan H. Taft & Judith White (2007) Ethics education: using inductive reasoning to develop individual, group, organizational, and global perspectives [d]
- Lynn Uyen Tran & Heather King (2007) The professionalization of museum educators: the case in science museums [d]
- Michael D. Watkins (2007) Teaching students to shape the game: negotiation architecture and the design of manageably dynamic simulations [d]
- Brent Wilson (2007) A story of visual cultural and pedagogical webs [i] [d]
- Kathleen Anne Wright (2007) Reenergizing small communities: a vital role for rural schools [d]
- Cheri A. Young, Rachel S. Shinnar, Robert L. Ackerman, Cynthia P. Carruthers, & Deborah A. Young (2007) Implementing and sustaining service-learning at the institutional level [d]
- Ellen S. Amatea, Sondra Smith-Adcock, & Elizabeth Villares (2006) From family deficit to family strength: viewing families' contributions to children's learning from a family resilience perspective [j]
- Yehuda Baruch (2006) Role-play teaching: acting in the classroom [d]
- Ann M. Begley (2006) Facilitating the development of moral insight in practice: teaching ethics and teaching virtue [p] [d]
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- Ruth Colvin Clark, Frank Nguyen, & John Sweller (2006) Efficiency in learning: evidence-based guidelines to manage cognitive load [i]
- Richard L. Cruess & Sylvia R. Cruess (2006) Teaching professionalism: general principles [p] [d]
- Bonnie M. Davis (2006/2009) How to teach students who don't look like you: culturally relevant teaching strategies [i]
- Michael Derntl & Luca Botturi (2006) Essential use cases for pedagogical patterns [d]
- Patrick A. Duignan (2006/2012) Educational leadership: together creating ethical learning environments [i]
- Maurice J. Elias & Harriett Arnold [ed] (2006) The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: social-emotional learning in the classroom [i]
- Randall L. Garner (2006) Humor in pedagogy: how ha-ha can lead to aha! [d] [j]
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- Susan Kay Jacobson, Mallory D. McDuff, & Martha C. Monroe (2006/2015) Conservation education and outreach techniques [i] [d]
- Grant Kleeman (2006) Not just for fun: using cartoons to investigate geographical issues [d]
- Suzanne Lane, Mark R. Raymond, & Thomas M. Haladyna [ed] (2006/2015) Handbook of test development [i] [d]
- Reed W. Larson, David M. Hansen, & Giovanni B. Moneta (2006) Differing profiles of developmental experiences across types of organized youth activities [p] [d]
- Julie Leoni (2006) Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
- Joan Liaschenko, N. Yasmine Oguz, & Donald Brunnquell (2006) Critique of the 'tragic case' method in ethics education [p] [d] [u]
- K. Tsianina Lomawaima & Teresa L. McCarty (2006) 'To remain an Indian': lessons in democracy from a century of Native American education [i]
- Jeremy A. Martinich, Susan L. Solarz, & James R. Lyons (2006) Preparing students for conservation careers through project-based learning [p] [d] [j]
- Miika Marttunen & Leena Laurinen (2006) Collaborative learning through argument visualisation in secondary school [i]
- Susan Jean Mayer (2006) Getting it right: keeping it complicated [book review] [d] [u]
- Julie McLeod & Lyn Yates (2006) Making modern lives: subjectivity, schooling, and social change [i]
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- David J. Nicol & Debra Macfarlane-Dick (2006) Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice [d]
- Kevin J. Pugh & Mark Girod (2006) Science, art, and experience: constructing a science pedagogy from Dewey's aesthetics [d]
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- Kevin Rathunde & Mihály Csikszentmihályi (2006) The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
- Kathy Ring (2006) Supporting young children drawing: developing a role [d]
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- Marlene Scardamalia & Carl Bereiter (2006/2014) Knowledge building and knowledge creation: theory, pedagogy, and technology [i] [d]
- Aaron Schutz (2006) Home is a prison in the global city: the tragic failure of school-based community engagement strategies [d]
- Philip H. Scott, Eduardo Fleury Mortimer, & Orlando G. Aguiar (2006) The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: a fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons [d]
- Jayson Seaman & Andrew D. Coppens (2006) Repertoire of practice: reconceptualizing instructor competency in contemporary adventure education [d]
- Bruce S. Sharkin (2006) College students in distress: a resource guide for faculty, staff, and campus community [i]
- Bruce Sherin (2006) Common sense clarified: the role of intuitive knowledge in physics problem solving [d]
- Shirley Simon, Sibel Erduran, & Jonathan Osborne (2006) Learning to teach argumentation: research and development in the science classroom [d]
- William D. Stansfield (2006) Textbooks: expectations vs. reality: the DNA story [d] [j]
- Michael Stauffacher, Alexander I. Walter, Daniel J. Lang, Arnim Wiek, & Roland W. Scholz (2006) Learning to research environmental problems from a functional socio-cultural constructivism perspective: the transdisciplinary case study approach [d]
- Faozi Ujam & Sherif El-Fiki (2006) Promoting an endogenous approach to education at the local community level [d]
- Kurt A. VanLehn (2006) The behavior of tutoring systems [u]
- Catalina Vélez Verdugo (2006) La interculturalidad en la educación básica: reformas curriculares de Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia [i]
- Tony Wagner & Robert Kegan (2006) Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools [i]
- John N. Warfield (2006) Literacy in structural graphics: the higher education imperative [i] [d]
- Will Wieder (2006) Science as story: communicating the nature of science through historical perspectives on science [d] [j]
- Patrick Wiegand (2006) Learning and teaching with maps [i] [d]
- Dylan Wiliam (2006) The half-second delay: what follows? [d]
- Arthur Zajonc (2006) Love and knowledge: recovering the heart of learning through contemplation [d]
- Amitai Ziv, Paul Root Wolpe, Stephen D. Small, & Shimon Glick (2006) Simulation-based medical education: an ethical imperative [d]
- Jean Anyon (2005) Radical possibilities: public policy, urban education, and a new social movement [i]
- Arnold B. Bakker (2005) Flow among music teachers and their students: the crossover of peak experiences [d]
- Elizabeth F. Barkley, K. Patricia Cross, & Claire Howell Major (2005) Collaborative learning techniques: a handbook for college faculty [i]
- Ronald A. Beghetto (2005) Does assessment kill student creativity? [d] [u]
- Martin Benjamin (2005) Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
- Peter L. Benson, Peter C. Scales, & Marc Mannes (2005) Developmentally attentive communities [i] [d]
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- Rachel Brown-Chidsey & Mark W. Steege (2005/2010) Response to intervention: principles and strategies for effective practice [i]
- Aimee E. Buckner (2005) Notebook know-how: strategies for the writer's notebook [i]
- C. Elizabeth Campbell (2005) Challenges in fostering ethical knowledge as professionalism within schools as teaching communities [d]
- Linda L. Cronin-Jones (2005) Using drawings to assess student perceptions of schoolyard habitats: a case study of reform-based research in the United States [u]
- Linda Darling-Hammond & John Bransford (2005) Preparing teachers for a changing world: what teachers should learn and be able to do [i]
- Phillip Done (2005) 32 third graders and one class bunny: life lessons from teaching [i]
- Mark Dudek [ed] (2005) Children's spaces [i]
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- Robert L. Fried (2005) The game of school: why we all play it, how it hurts kids, and what it will take to change it [i]
- Tim van Gelder (2005) Teaching critical thinking: some lessons from cognitive science [d] [j]
- John K. Gilbert [ed] (2005) Visualization in science education [i] [d]
- Michael B. Greene (2005) Reducing violence and aggression in schools [d]
- Robert W. Grossman (2005) Discovering hidden transformations: making science and other courses more learnable [d] [j]
- Maralee Harrell (2005) Using argument diagramming software in the classroom [d]
- April Hobart (2005) Sketching in nature: journaling helps students develop observation skills and a deep appreciation of nature [j]
- Art Hobson (2005) Teaching E = mc²: mass without mass [d]
- Meira Hockman (2005) Dynamic geometry: an agent for the reunification of algebra and geometry [d]
- Delaura L. Hubbs & Charles F. Brand (2005) The paper mirror: understanding reflective journaling [d]
- Edward Arnold Johnson & Michael Mappin [ed] (2005) Environmental education and advocacy: changing perspectives of ecology and education [i]
- Deanna Kuhn (2005) Education for thinking [i]
- Tammy L. Lewis & Richard A. Niesenbaum (2005) Extending the stay: using community-based research and service learning to enhance short-term study abroad [d]
- Deborah R. Litvin & Bonita L. Betters-Reed (2005) The personal map: a lesson in similarities, differences, and the invisible [d]
- Douglas Llewellyn (2005/2013) Teaching high school science through inquiry and argumentation [i]
- Richard Louv (2005/2008) Last child in the woods: saving our children from nature-deficit disorder [i]
- Kathryn Manuelito (2005) The role of education in American Indian self-determination: lessons from the Ramah Navajo community school [d]
- James H. Mathewson (2005) The visual core of science: definition and applications to education [d]
- Eric M. Riggs (2005) Field-based education and indigenous knowledge: essential components of geoscience education for native American communities [d]
- Wolff-Michael Roth, Lilian Pozzer-Ardenghi, & Jae Young Han (2005) Critical graphicacy: understanding visual representation practices in school science [i] [d]
- John L. Rudolph (2005) Epistemology for the masses: the origins of 'the scientific method' in American schools [d] [j] [u]
- David J. Schmidly (2005) What it means to be a naturalist and the future of natural history at American universities [d]
- Evan Schofer & John W. Meyer (2005) The worldwide expansion of higher education in the twentieth century [d] [j]
- Patricia Tuecke (2005) The architecture of participation [i]
- Barbara Tversky (2005) Prolegomenon to scientific visualizations [i] [d]
- Rose Vogel (2005) Patterns—a fundamental idea of mathematical thinking and learning [d]
- Anna Held Audette [ed] (2004) 100 creative drawing ideas [i]
- Chuck Barritt & F. Lee Alderman Jr. (2004) Creating a reusable learning objects strategy: leveraging information and learning in a knowledge economy [i]
- Lee Roy Bartel & Linda Cameron (2004) From dilemmas to experience: shaping the conditions of learning [in music] [i] [u]
- Margaret R. Basom & Larry Frase (2004) Creating optimal work environments: exploring teacher flow experiences [d]
- Sarah Witham Bednarz (2004) Geographic information systems: a tool to support geography and environmental education? [d]
- Angelo Caranfa (2004) Silence as the foundation of learning [d]
- Carl Chung (2004) Enhancing introductory symbolic logic with student-centered discussion projects [d]
- Ruth Colvin Clark & Chopeta C. Lyons (2004/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
- Deanne A. Crone, Leanne S. Hawken, & Robert H. Horner (2004/2010) Responding to problem behavior in schools: the behavior education program [i]
- Diana Denton & Will Ashton [ed] (2004) Spirituality, action, & pedagogy: teaching from the heart [i]
- John Eller (2004) Effective group facilitation in education: how to energize meetings and manage difficult groups [i]
- Jerry Evanski (2004/2009) Classroom activators: more than 100 ways to energize learners [i]
- Rick Fairbanks (2004) Studying science in action: the case for using cases in teaching the philosophy of science [d]
- Judith George, John Cowan, Lindsay Hewitt, & Pete Cannell (2004) 'Failure dances to the tune of insecurity': affective issues in the assessment and evaluation of access learning [o]
- David A. Hamburg & Beatrix A. Hamburg (2004) Learning to live together: preventing hatred and violence in child and adolescent development [i]
- Walt Haney, Michael Russell, & Damian Bebell (2004) Drawing on education: using drawings to document schooling and support change [d]
- Art Hobson (2004) Energy flow diagrams for teaching physics concepts [d]
- David Hutchison (2004) A natural history of place in education [i]
- Micah Jacobson & Mari Ruddy (2004) Open to outcome: a practical guide for facilitating & teaching experiential reflection [i]
- Sheri E. Jaffurs (2004) The impact of informal music learning practices in the classroom, or how I learned how to teach from a garage band [d]
- Peter H. Johnston (2004) Choice words: how our language affects children's learning [i]
- Stephen S. Kaagan (2004/2009) 30 reflective staff development exercises for educators [i]
- Cathryn Berger Kaye (2004/2010) The complete guide to service learning: proven, practical ways to engage students in civic responsibility, academic curriculum, & social action [i]
- John Loughran, Mary Lynn Hamilton, Vicki Kubler LaBoskey, & Tom Russell [ed] (2004) International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices [i] [d]
- Victoria-María MacDonald (2004) Latino education in the United States: a narrated history from 1513–2000 [i] [d]
- Brian K. Martens & Joseph C. Witt (2004) Competence, persistence, and success: the positive psychology of behavioral skill instruction [d]
- Karsten Mündel & Daniel Schugurensky [ed] (2004) Lifelong citizenship learning, participatory democracy and social change [o] [u]
- Vivian Gussin Paley (2004) A child's work: the importance of fantasy play [i] [d]
- Joseph L. Polman (2004) Dialogic activity structures for project-based learning environments [d]
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- Vimala Ramachandran (2004) The best of times, the worst of times [u]
- Roger C. Schank (2004) Making minds less well educated than our own [i] [d]
- Harvey Shrum (2004) No longer theory: correctional practices that work [j]
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- Sam Swope (2004) I am a pencil: a teacher, his kids, and their world of stories [i]
- Iris Tabak & Eric Baumgartner (2004) The teacher as partner: exploring participant structures, symmetry, and identity work in scaffolding [d]
- Marcia L. Tate (2004/2012) 'Sit & get' won't grow dendrites: 20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain [i]
- Barbara E. Fassler Walvoord (2004/2010) Assessment clear and simple: a practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education [i]
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- Narntip Aksornkool [ed] (2003) Literacy as freedom: a UNESCO round-table [o] [u]
- Randall Everett Allsup (2003) Mutual learning and democratic action in instrumental music education [d]
- Brigid Barron (2003) When smart groups fail [d]
- Paul E. Bolin & Doug Blandy (2003) Beyond visual culture: seven statements of support for material culture studies in art education [d] [j]
- Claire D. Brindis, Jonathan Klein, John Schlitt, John Santelli, Linda Juszczak, & Robert J. Nystrom (2003) School-based health centers: accessibility and accountability [d]
- Robert Brooke [ed] (2003) Rural voices: place-conscious education and the teaching of writing [i]
- Catherine Burke & Ian Grosvenor (2003/2015) The school I'd like: revisited: children and young people's reflections on an education for the future [i] [d]
- John A. Daly & Anita L. Vangelisti (2003) Skillfully instructing learners: how communicators effectively convey messages [i] [d]
- L. Dee Fink (2003/2013) Creating significant learning experiences: an integrated approach to designing college courses [i]
- Mark Girod, Cheryl Rau, & Adele Schepige (2003) Appreciating the beauty of science ideas: teaching for aesthetic understanding [d]
- Mark T. Greenberg, Roger P. Weissberg, Mary Utne O'Brien, Joseph E. Zins, Linda Fredericks, Hank Resnik, & Maurice J. Elias (2003) Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through coordinated social, emotional, and academic learning [p] [d]
- David Gruenewald (2003) At home with the other: reclaiming the ecological roots of development and literacy [d]
- Garry Hornby, Carol Hall, & Eric Hall (2003) Counselling pupils in schools: skills and strategies for teachers [i]
- Lisa Marie Jakubowski (2003) Beyond book learning: cultivating the pedagogy of experience through field trips [d]
- Khen Lampert (2003) Compassionate education: a prolegomena for radical schooling [i]
- Richard M. Lerner & Peter L. Benson [ed] (2003) Developmental assets and asset-building communities: implications for research, policy, and practice [i] [d]
- Stephen May & Sheila Aikman (2003) Indigenous education: addressing current issues and developments [d] [j]
- Joseph A. Mayo (2003) Observational diary: the merits of journal writing as case-based instruction in introductory psychology [d]
- William E. Rees (2003) Impeding sustainability?: the ecological footprint of higher education [o] [u]
- Sylvia M. Roberts & Eunice Z. Pruitt (2003/2009) Schools as professional learning communities: collaborative activities and strategies for professional development [i]
- Jodie L. Roth & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (2003) What exactly is a youth development program?: answers from research and practice [d]
- Katherine Schultz (2003) Listening: a framework for teaching across differences [i]
- Marc S. Schwartz & Kurt W. Fischer (2003) Building vs. borrowing: the challenge of actively constructing ideas [o] [u]
- Robert L. Selman (2003) The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
- Israela Silberman (2003) Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
- Jennifer Simmonds (2003/2014) Seeing red: an anger management and anti-bullying curriculum for kids [i]
- Gerald F. Smith (2003) Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
- Cynthia L. Uline, Megan Tshannen-Moran, & Lynne Perez (2003) Constructive conflict: how controversy can contribute to school improvement [d] [u]
- Renuka Vithal (2003) In search of a pedagogy of conflict and dialogue for mathematics education [i] [d]
- Fred Bemak & Laura Cornely (2002) The SAFI model as a critical link between marginalized families and schools: a literature review and strategies for school counselors [d]
- John T. Bruer (2002) Avoiding the pediatrician's error: how neuroscientists can help educators (and themselves) [p] [d]
- Anthony S. Bryk & Barbara L. Schneider (2002) Trust in schools: a core resource for improvement [i] [j]
- Alicia Castillo, Salvador García-Ruvalcaba, & Luis M. Martinez R. (2002) Environmental education as facilitator of the use of ecological information: a case study in Mexico [d]
- Robert Chambers (2002) Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities [i] [d]
- Lori Custodero (2002) Seeking challenge, finding skill: flow experience and music education [d]
- James J. Dillon (2002) The role of the child in adult development [d]
- Linda Culp Dowling & Cecile Culp Mielenz (2002) Mentor manager, mentor parent: how to develop responsible people and build successful relationships at work and at home [i]
- Paul Duncum (2002) Clarifying visual culture art education [d] [j]
- Lyn D. English & Maria G. Bartolini Bussi [ed] (2002/2008) Handbook of international research in mathematics education [i]
- Elizabeth A. van Es & Miriam Gamoran Sherin (2002) Learning to notice: scaffolding new teachers' interpretations of classroom interactions [u]
- James B. Gould (2002) Better hearts: teaching applied virtue ethics [d]
- Reese M. House & Richard L. Hayes (2002) School counselors: becoming key players in school reform [j]
- Poria Kalay & David Chen (2002) Integrating a decision support system into a school: the effects on student functioning [d]
- David Adam Lertzman (2002) Rediscovering rites of passage: education, transformation, and the transition to sustainability [j] [u]
- John Loughran & Tom Russell [ed] (2002) Improving teacher education practices through self-study [i]
- Jeanette L. McAfee (2002) Navigating the social world: a curriculum for individuals with Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism and related disorders [i]
- Peter C. Murrell (2002) African-centered pedagogy: developing schools of achievement for African American children [i]
- Charles B. Myers (2002) Can self-study challenge the belief that telling, showing, and guided practice constitute adequate teacher education? [i]
- Mansoor Niaz, Damarys Aguilera, Arelys Maza, & Gustavo Liendo (2002) Arguments, contradictions, resistances, and conceptual change in students' understanding of atomic structure [d]
- Tom Pocklington & Allan Tupper (2002) No place to learn: why universities aren't working [i]
- Yvonne Rand (2002) A teacher's responsibility [u]
- Wolff-Michael Roth & Kenneth George Tobin (2002) At the elbow of another: learning to teach by coteaching [i]
- Wolff-Michael Roth (2002) Being and becoming in the classroom [i]
- Gregory A. Smith (2002) Place-based education: learning to be where we are [d]
- James P. Spillane, Brian J. Reiser, & Todd Reimer (2002) Policy implementation and cognition: reframing and refocusing implementation research [d]
- R. Brian Stanfield (2002) The workshop book: from individual creativity to group action [i]
- James H. Stronge (2002/2018) Qualities of effective teachers [i]
- Nathan Stucky & Cynthia Wimmer [ed] (2002) Teaching performance studies [i]
- Peter C. Taylor, Penny J. Gilmer, & Kenneth George Tobin [ed] (2002) Transforming undergraduate science teaching: social constructivist perspectives [i]
- Mitchell Thomashow (2002) Bringing the biosphere home: learning to perceive global environmental change [i] [d]
- Anna Wagner-Ott (2002) Analysis of gender identity through doll and action figure politics in art education [d] [j]
- Todd Wellnitz, Nicole MacRury, Ana Child, & Delwin Benson (2002) Spreading the wealth: graduate students and educational outreach [d] [j]
- Jay L. Lemke (2002) Becoming the village: education across lives [i] [d]
- Harold B. White III (2002) Confronting undergraduate dualism with problem-based learning [i]
- Joseph Bergin (2001) A pattern language for initial course design [i] [d]
- David C. Berliner (2001) Learning about and learning from expert teachers [d]
- Jeffrey Berman (2001) Risky writing: self-disclosure and self-transformation in the classroom [i]
- Arthur C. Bohart & Deborah J. Stipek [ed] (2001) Constructive & destructive behavior: implications for family, school, & society [i] [d]
- Chet A. Bowers (2001) Educating for eco-justice and community [i]
- Pat Campbell & Barbara Burnaby [ed] (2001) Participatory practices in adult education [i] [d]
- Thomas D. Carlson & Martin J. Erickson (2001) Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
- Michelene T. H. Chi, Stephanie A. Siler, Heisawn Jeong, Takashi Yamauchi, & Robert G. Hausmann (2001) Learning from human tutoring [d]
- Michael Cumberland (2001) Bringing sounds into the everyday classroom [o]
- Linda Darling-Hammond (2001) Teacher testing and the improvement of practice [d]
- Brian C. Dempsey & B. J. Betz (2001) Biological drawing: a scientific tool for learning [d] [j]
- James Elkins (2001) Why art cannot be taught: a handbook for art students [i] [j]
- Robert H. Ennis (2001) Goals for a critical thinking curriculum and its assessment [i]
- Joyce Levy Epstein (2001/2011) School, family, and community partnerships: preparing educators and improving schools [i] [d]
- John H. Falk, Elizabeth Donovan, & Rosalie Woods [ed] (2001) Free-choice science education: how we learn science outside of school [i]
- Susan Florio-Ruane & Julie DeTar (2001) Teacher education and cultural imagination: autobiography, conversation, and narrative [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (2001) A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning [d]
- Darcy Haag Granello (2001) Promoting cognitive complexity in graduate written work: using Bloom's taxonomy as a pedagogical tool to improve literature reviews [d]
- Claude Gratton (2001) Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
- Richard L. Gregory (2001) Hands-on science [i] [u]
- Hope J. Hartman (2001) Teaching metacognitively [i] [d]
- Richard A. Huber & Christopher J. Moore (2001) A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based [d]
- Patricia O'Connell Killen (2001) Gracious play: discipline, insight, and the common good [d]
- Georgios K. Lampropoulos (2001) Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
- Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins (2001) 10 traits of highly effective teachers: how to hire, coach, and mentor successful teachers [i]
- Kenneth W. Merrell (2001/2008) Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide [i]
- National Research Council (2001) Educating children with autism [i] [d] [u]
- James T. Patterson (2001) Brown v. Board of Education: a civil rights milestone and its troubled legacy [i]
- Diane Reay (2001) Finding or losing yourself?: working-class relationships to education [d]
- Walter B. Roberts & Allan A. Morotti (2001) What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
- Lynn Hickey Schultz, Dennis J. Barr, & Robert L. Selman (2001) The value of a developmental approach to evaluating character development programmes: an outcome study of Facing History and Ourselves [d]
- Paul A. Schutz, Kirsten C. Crowder, & Victoria E. White (2001) The development of a goal to become a teacher [d]
- Steven S. Taylor, Jenny W. Rudolph, & Erica Foldy (2001/2015) Teaching and learning reflective practice in the action science/action inquiry tradition [i] [d]
- Bruce Torff & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] (2001) Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind: student and teacher learning [i]
- Beth Warren, Cynthia Ballenger, Mark Ogonowski, Ann S. Rosebery, & Josiane Hudicourt-Barnes (2001) Rethinking diversity in learning science: the logic of everyday sense-making [d]
- Joseph J. Campos, David I. Anderson, Marianne A. Barbu-Roth, Edward M. Hubbard, Matthew J. Hertenstein, & David Witherington (2000) Travel broadens the mind [d]
- Susan Carey (2000) Science education as conceptual change [d]
- Altha J. Cravey, Thomas A. Arcury, & Sara A. Quandt (2000) Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
- Deb Curtis & Margie Carter (2000/2022) The art of awareness: how observation can transform your teaching [i]
- Rosalind Driver, Paul E. Newton, & Jonathan Osborne (2000) Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms [d]
- Karen Kangas Dwyer (2000) The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
- Donald L. Finkel (2000) Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
- Gail Gall, Maria E. Pagano, M. Sheila Desmond, James M. Perrin, & J. Michael Murphy (2000) Utility of psychosocial screening at a school-based health center [d]
- Maureen T. Hallinan [ed] (2000) Handbook of the sociology of education [i] [d]
- Patricia Harding & William Hare (2000) Portraying science accurately in classrooms: emphasizing open-mindedness rather than relativism [d]
- Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis (2000/2007) Strategies that work: teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement [i]
- David H. Jonassen & Susan M. Land [ed] (2000/2012) Theoretical foundations of learning environments [i] [d]
- James W. Keefe & John M. Jenkins (2000/2008) Personalized instruction: the key to student achievement [i]
- Rachael Kessler (2000) The soul of education: helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school [i]
- Ruth Leitch & Christopher Day (2000) Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
- Michael E. Martinez (2000) Education as the cultivation of intelligence [i]
- Michael R. Matthews (2000) Time for science education: how teaching the history and philosophy of pendulum motion can contribute to science literacy [i] [d]
- Allen N. Mendler (2000/2021) Motivating students who don't care: proven strategies to engage all learners [or: Motivating students who don't care: successful techniques for educators] [i]
- Jonathan Osborne & Justin Dillon [ed] (2000/2010) Good practice in science teaching: what research has to say [i]
- Deborah A. Rockman (2000) The art of teaching art: a guide for teaching and learning the foundations of drawing-based art [i]
- Roger C. Schank (2000) Coloring outside the lines: raising a smarter kid by breaking all the rules [i]
- Peter M. Senge, Nelda Cambron-McCabe, Timothy Lucas, Bryan Smith, Janis Dutton, & Art Kleiner (2000/2014) Schools that learn: a fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education [i]
- Robert C. Sommerfeld, Kevin Kissel, Ruby Hageman, & Michael A. De Miranda (2000) Silk screening across the curriculum [o]
- Paul Theobald & Jim Curtiss (2000) Communities as curricula [o]
- Sheila Aikman (1999) Intercultural education and literacy: an ethnographic study of indigenous knowledge and learning in the Peruvian Amazon [i] [d]
- Sheila Aikman (1999) Schooling and development: eroding Amazon women's knowledge and diversity [i]
- Patricia Kennedy Arlin (1999) The wise teacher: a developmental model of teaching [d]
- Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres [ed] (1999/2007) Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local [i]
- Jerome W. Berryman (1999) Silence is stranger than it used to be: teaching silence and the future of humankind [d]
- John B. Biggs & Catherine So-kum Tang (1999/2011) Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does [i]
- John Bransford, Ann L. Brown, Rodney R. Cocking, & National Research Council [ed] (1999/2000) How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school [i] [d] [u]
- Mary Bushnell (1999) Imagining rural life: schooling as a sense of place [u]
- María de los Ángeles Díaz-Muñoz, María Jesús Salado-García, & Concepción Díaz-Castillo (1999) A teaching approach to time-geography: some results of an educational experiment [d]
- Paul Duncum (1999) A case for an art education of everyday aesthetic experiences [d] [j]
- Sally Fincher (1999) Analysis of design: an exploration of patterns and pattern languages for pedagogy [u]
- Olivia Gude (1999) Color coding [d] [j]
- Susanna Heller (1999) The thumbnail: a project for teaching a visual shorthand [d] [j]
- Christine Heward & Sheila S. Bunwaree [ed] (1999) Gender, education, and development: beyond access to empowerment [i]
- Martha Kaufeldt (1999/2010) Begin with the brain: orchestrating the learner-centered classroom [i]
- Clare Walker Leslie, John Tallmadge, Tom Wessels, & Ann Zwinger (1999) Into the field: a guide to locally focused teaching [i]
- Kenneth M. Ludmerer (1999) Instilling professionalism in medical education [d]
- James H. Mathewson (1999) Visual-spatial thinking: an aspect of science overlooked by educators [d]
- Michelle K. McGinn & Wolff-Michael Roth (1999) Preparing students for competent scientific practice: implications of recent research in science and technology studies [d]
- John A. Meacham (1999) Connecting life-course challenges of caring with the college curriculum [d]
- Punya Mishra (1999) The role of abstraction in scientific illustration: implications for pedagogy [d]
- Martha C. Monroe [ed] (1999) What works: a guide to environmental education and communication projects for practitioners and donors [i] [u]
- Jennifer A. Moon (1999/2006) Learning journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development [i]
- R. Sambuli Mosha (1999) The heartbeat of indigenous Africa: a study of the Chagga educational system [i]
- Mary Ellen Munley (1999) Is there method in our madness?: improvisation in the practice of museum education [i]
- Margaret Newhouse (1999) Deprogramming from the academic cult [u]
- Bonnie Pitman [ed] (1999) Presence of mind: museums and the spirit of learning [i]
- Marsha L. Rehm (1999) Vocation as meaning making narrative: implications for vocational education [o]
- John B. Reid, J. Mark Eddy, Rebecca Ann Fetrow, & Mike Stoolmiller (1999) Description and immediate impacts of a preventive intervention for conduct problems [p] [d]
- Rachel Naomi Remen (1999) Educating for mission, meaning, and compassion [i]
- Nancy R. Romance & Michael R. Vitale (1999) Concept mapping as a tool for learning: broadening the framework for student-centered instruction [d] [j]
- Robert Scott Root-Bernstein & Michèle Root-Bernstein (1999) Sparks of genius: the thirteen thinking tools of the world's most creative people [i]
- Wolff-Michael Roth, Michelle K. McGinn, Carolyn Woszczyna, & Sylvie Boutonne (1999) Differential participation during science conversations: the interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arrangements [d]
- Gregory A. Smith & Dilafruz R. Williams [ed] (1999) Ecological education in action: on weaving education, culture, and the environment [i]
- Keith Trigwell, Michael Prosser, & Fiona Waterhouse (1999) Relations between teachers' approaches to teaching and students' approaches to learning [d]
- Patricia Wood (1999) Swap meet: a cross-cultural lens project [d] [j]
- Dennis Carlson & Michael W. Apple [ed] (1998) Power, knowledge, pedagogy: the meaning of democratic education in unsettling times [i] [d]
- Ruth Colvin Clark (1998/2008) Building expertise: cognitive methods for training and performance improvement [i]
- Linda Miller Cleary & Thomas D. Peacock (1998) Collected wisdom: American Indian education [i]
- Ellen Cole (1998) Self-disclosure as an approach to teaching ethical decision-making [d]
- Jennifer M. Gore (1998) On the limits to empowerment through critical and feminist pedagogies [i] [d]
- Stephanie Harvey (1998) Nonfiction matters: reading, writing, and research in grades 3–8 [i]
- LouAnne Johnson (1998) Two parts textbook, one part love: a recipe for successful teaching [i]
- Ellen Kottler, Jeffrey A. Kottler, & Cary J. Kottler (1998/2004) Secrets for secondary school teachers: how to succeed in your first year [i]
- Chris Mercogliano (1998) Making it up as we go along: the story of the Albany Free School [i]
- Charles B. Myers & Douglas J. Simpson (1998) Re-creating schools: places where everyone learns and likes it [i]
- Mary Rose O'Reilley (1998) Radical presence: teaching as contemplative practice [i]
- Paul Theobald & Craig Howley (1998) Public purpose and the preparation of teachers for rural schools [d]
- Kathryn R. Wentzel & Jere E. Brophy (1998/2014) Motivating students to learn [i]
- Tracey Wright, Ricardo Nemirovsky, & Cornelia C. Tierney (1998) Timelines and rhythm patterns: representing time [i]
- Elliot Aronson & Shelley Patnoe (1997) The jigsaw classroom: building cooperation in the classroom [i]
- Jonathan Bennett & Samuel Gorovitz (1997) Improving academic writing [d] [u]
- Peter L. Benson (1997/2006) All kids are our kids: what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents [i]
- Kristina M. DeNeve & Mary J. Heppner (1997) Role play simulations: the assessment of an active learning technique and comparisons with traditional lectures [d]
- Maurice J. Elias, Joseph E. Zins, Karin S. Weissberg, Mark T. Greenberg, Norris M. Haynes, Rachael Kessler, Mary E. Schwab-Stone, & Timothy P. Shriver (1997) Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators [i]
- Joyce Levy Epstein, Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn, & Steven B. Sheldon (1997/2009) School, family, and community partnerships: your handbook for action [i]
- Richard W. Hamming (1997) The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
- Korrie de Koning (1997) Drama as a discussion starter in research and education [u]
- David F. Labaree (1997) How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education [i] [d] [j]
- Natasha Levinson (1997) Teaching in the midst of belatedness: the paradox of natality in Hannah Arendt's educational thought [d]
- Rose Mbowa (1997) Rehearsing for reality: using role-play to transform attitudes and behaviour [u]
- John J. Murphy (1997/2008) Solution-focused counseling in schools [i]
- Arthur B. Powell & Marilyn Frankenstein [ed] (1997) Ethnomathematics: challenging eurocentrism in mathematics education [i]
- Teaching Tolerance (1997/2008) Starting small: teaching tolerance in preschool and the early grades [o] [u]
- Paul Theobald (1997) Teaching the commons: place, pride, and the renewal of community [i] [d]
- Stephen Tomlinson (1997) Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey on the science of education [d] [j]
- Michael R. Welton & James Lecky (1997) Volunteerism as the seedbed of democracy: the educational thought and practice of Guy Henson of Nova Scotia [d]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm (1997/2008) You gotta BE the book: teaching engaged and reflective reading with adolescents [i]
- Emily van Zee & Jim Minstrell (1997) Using questioning to guide student thinking [d]
- John C. Bean (1996/2011) Engaging ideas: the professor's guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom [i]
- Abraham Blum (1996) Teaching and learning in agriculture: a guide for agricultural educators [i]
- David Burnie (1996) 101 nature experiments [i]
- Michael Czuchry & Donald F. Dansereau (1996) Node-link mapping as an alternative to traditional writing assignments in undergraduate psychology courses [d]
- Thomas N. Gilmore & Ellen Schall (1996) Staying alive to learning: integrating enactments with case teaching to develop leaders [d]
- Matt Hern [ed] (1996) Deschooling our lives [i]
- Ivan Illich (1996) Forward to Deschooling our lives [i]
- David R. Olson & Nancy Torrance [ed] (1996) The handbook of education and human development: new models of learning, teaching, and schooling [i] [d]
- David W. Orr (1996) Re-ruralizing education [i] [j]
- Philip Race & Brenda Smith (1996) 500 tips for trainers [i]
- Timothy G. Reagan (1996/2005) Non-Western educational traditions: indigenous approaches to educational thought and practice [i]
- Barbara Rogoff, Eugene Matusov, & Cynthia White (1996) Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
- Gwen El Sawi (1996) Curriculum development guide: population education for non-formal education programs of out-of-school rural youth [u]
- Ruth Shagoury & Karen Ernst (1996) New entries: learning by writing and drawing [i]
- Jan D. Sinnott & Lynn Johnson (1996) Reinventing the university: a radical proposal for a problem-focused university [i]
- Roger Soder [ed] (1996) Democracy, education, and the schools [i]
- Eric Zencey (1996) The rootless professors [i] [j]
- James A. Banks & Cherry A. McGee Banks [ed] (1995/2004) Handbook of research on multicultural education [i]
- Lisa D. Delpit (1995/2006) Other people's children: cultural conflict in the classroom [i]
- Douglas N. Gordin & Roy D. Pea (1995) Prospects for scientific visualization as an educational technology [d]
- Andy Hargreaves (1995) Towards a social geography of teacher education [i]
- Art Hobson (1995/2010) Physics: concepts & connections [i]
- Ann Lieberman (1995) Practices that support teacher development: transforming conceptions of professional learning [o]
- Steve Moline (1995/2012) I see what you mean: visual literacy K–8 [i]
- Charles B. Myers & Lynn K. Myers (1995) The professional educator: a new introduction to teaching and schools [i]
- Mansoor Niaz (1995) Cognitive conflict as a teaching strategy in solving chemistry problems: a dialectic–constructivist perspective [d]
- John G. Nicholls & Theresa A. Thorkildsen [ed] (1995) Reasons for learning: expanding the conversation on student–teacher collaboration [i]
- John O'Neil & Peter M. Senge (1995) On schools as learning organizations: a conversation with Peter Senge [u]
- Donald R. Peterson (1995) The reflective educator [p] [d]
- A. F. Robertson (1995) The big catch: a practical introduction to development [i] [d]
- Paul Theobald & Paul Nachtigal (1995) Culture, community, and the promise of rural education [u]
- Carol A. Tomlinson (1995/2001) How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms [i]
- Raoul Vaneigem (1995/2000) A warning to students of all ages [o] [u]
- Arthur L. Costa, Robert J. Garmston, Carolee Hayes, & Hane Ellison (1994/2015) Cognitive coaching: developing self-directed leaders and learners [i]
- Zoubeida R. Dagher (1994) Does the use of analogies contribute to conceptual change? [d]
- Arthur C. Graesser & Natalie K. Person (1994) Question asking during tutoring [d] [j]
- Bell Hooks (1994) Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom [i]
- Joseph F. Kett (1994) The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: from self-improvement to adult education in America, 1750–1990 [i]
- Michael R. Matthews (1994/2015) Science teaching: the contribution of history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Mary McClintock (1994) Our lives are our best teaching tools [d]
- David W. Orr (1994) Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect [i]
- Joel H. Spring (1994/2010) Deculturalization and the struggle for equality: a brief history of the education of dominated cultures in the United States [i]
- Robert T. Tauber & Cathy Sargent Mester (1994/2007) Acting lessons for teachers: using performance skills in the classroom [i]
- Jane Kathryn Vella (1994/2002) Learning to listen, learning to teach: the power of dialogue in educating adults [i]
- Colin Baker (1993/2006) Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism [i]
- John T. Bruer (1993) The mind's journey from novice to expert: if we know the route, we can help students negotiate their way [u]
- David Chen & Walter Stroup (1993) General system theory: toward a conceptual framework for science and technology education for all [d] [j] [u]
- Daniel L. Duke (1993) Removing barriers to professional growth [j]
- Carolyn P. Edwards, Lella Gandini, & George E. Forman [ed] (1993/2012) The hundred languages of children: the Reggio Emilia experience in transformation [i]
- Mem Fox (1993) Radical reflections: passionate opinions on teaching, learning, and living [i]
- Jeffrey A. Kottler & Ellen Kottler (1993/2007) Counseling skills for teachers [i]
- Deanna Kuhn (1993) Science as argument: implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking [d]
- Roy D. Pea (1993) Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for education [i]
- Robert Tremmel (1993) Zen and the art of reflective practice in teacher education [d]
- David Tripp (1993/2012) Critical incidents in teaching: developing professional judgement [i]
- Mary Frances Claggett & Joan Brown (1992) Drawing your own conclusions: graphic strategies for reading, writing, and thinking [i]
- Tim Hatfield & Susan Rickey Hatfield (1992) As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
- Marilyn Holly (1992) The incorporation of American Indian philosophy into undergraduate philosophy courses [d]
- John L. Luckner & Reldan S. Nadler (1992/1997) Processing the experience: strategies to enhance and generalize learning [i]
- Walter Rüegg (1992) The traditions of the university in the face of the demands of the twenty-first century [and comments] [or: The intellectual, moral and professional values in the face of the modern university in transition] [j]
- Paul Thagard (1992) Analogy, explanation, and education [d]
- Jonathan Baron & Rex V. Brown [ed] (1991) Teaching decision making to adolescents [i]
- C. Roland Christensen, David A. Garvin, & Ann Sweet [ed] (1991) Education for judgment: the artistry of discussion leadership [i]
- C. Roland Christensen (1991) Premises and practices of discussion teaching [i]
- Karen Gallas (1991) Arts as epistemology: enabling children to know what they know [d]
- Maxine Greene (1991) Retrieving the language of compassion: the education professor in search of community [d] [u]
- Leon Mann, Ros Harmoni, & Colin Power (1991) The GOFER course in decision making [i]
- Donald A. Schön [ed] (1991) The reflective turn: case studies in and on educational practice [i]
- Morry van Ments (1990) Active talk: the use of discussion in learning [i]
- David Moshman (1990) Rationality as a goal of education [d]
- David W. Orr (1990/1994) What is education for? [i]
- Melvin L. Silberman & Carol Auerbach (1990/2006) Active training: a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips [i]
- Page Smith (1990) Killing the spirit: higher education in America [i]
- Lyra Srinivasan (1990) Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
- Harvey S. Wiener (1990/1996) Any child can read better: developing your child's reading skills outside the classroom [i] [d]
- John H. Bishop (1989) Scientific illiteracy: causes, costs, and cures [i] [u]
- Audrey B. Champagne, Barbara E. Lovitts, & J. Calinger, Betty [ed] (1989) Scientific literacy: papers from the 1989 AAAS Forum for School Science [i]
- John J. Clement, David E. Brown, & Aletta Zietsman (1989) Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
- Helen Fox & Linda Abrams (1989/2004) Nonformal education (NFE) manual [o] [u]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld (1989) Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
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- Richard W. Paul (1981) Teaching critical thinking in the 'strong' sense: a focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis [d] [u]
- Thomas Schwartz (1981) Logic as a liberal art [d]
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- Bob H. Suzuki (1979) Multicultural education: what's it all about? [d]
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- John Hug (1977) Two hats [o] [u]
- Christopher Small (1977/1996) Music, society, education: a radical examination of the prophetic function of music in Western, Eastern, and African cultures with its impact on society and its use in education [i]
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- Robert Frank Mager (1975/1997) Preparing instructional objectives: a critical tool in the development of effective instruction [i]
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- Thomas Gordon & Noel Burch (1974/2003) Teacher effectiveness training: the program proven to help teachers bring out the best in students of all ages [i]
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- William G. Perry Jr. (1970/1999) Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years: a scheme [i]
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