How to storytell

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Conceptualizing the history of the present time [i] [d]
  2. () Telling stories with data: with applications in R [i] [u]
  3. () High-stakes decisions do not require narrative conviction but narrative flexibility [p] [d]
  4. () Conviction narrative theory: a theory of choice under radical uncertainty [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  5. () The dangerous weave of historical maximalism [u]
  6. () The special liveliness of hooks in popular music and beyond [i] [d]
  7. Sarah Federman & Ronald Niezen [ed] () Narratives of mass atrocity: victims and perpetrators in the aftermath [i] [d]
  8. () Conflict coaching fundamentals: working with conflict stories [i] [d]
  9. () Janelle Monáe's queer afrofuturism: defying every label [i] [d] [j]
  10. () Argumentation and scientific consensus-building: using the nonfiction narrative to generate contextual understanding [d]
  11. () How minds change: the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion [i]
  12. () Hero on a mission: a path to a meaningful life [i]
  13. () The memory librarian: and other stories of Dirty computer [i]
  14. () Cognitive empathy [as a criterion for evaluating social field research] [i] [j]
  15. () Qualitative literacy: a guide to evaluating ethnographic and interview research [i] [j]
  16. () Self-awareness [as a criterion for evaluating social field research] [i] [j]
  17. () Beyond polarization: public process and the unlikely story of California's marine protected areas [i]
  18. () Narrative justice?: ten tools to deconstruct narratives about violent pasts [i] [d]
  19. () The shapes of stories: a 'resonator' model of plot structure [d]
  20. () Sustainability narratives as transformative solution pathways: zooming in on the circular economy [d]
  21. () On revision: the only writing that counts [i] [d]
  22. () Taking speed seriously: motion, simultaneity, and context in map-making for historical analysis [d]
  23. () Listening to people: a practical guide to interviewing, participant observation, data analysis, and writing it all up [i] [d]
  24. () Pretreatment in action: interactive exploration from homelessness to housing stabilization [i]
  25. () The craft of qualitative longitudinal research [or: Qualitative longitudinal research: the craft of researching lives through time] [i]
  26. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
  27. () Making news funny: differences in news framing between journalists and comedians [d]
  28. () Comics as a research practice: drawing narrative geographies beyond the frame [i] [d]
  29. () Self-transcendence and life stories of humanistic growth among late-midlife adults [p] [d]
  30. () El narrar en asháninka: la oralidad del río y escuela [d] [u]
  31. () The feel-good film: genre features and emotional rewards [d]
  32. () Documentary narrative visualization: features and modes of documentary film in narrative visualization [d]
  33. () Historicity and explanation [d]
  34. () Narrative change: how changing the story can transform society, business, and ourselves [i] [d] [j]
  35. () The organised writer: how to stay on top of all your projects and never miss a deadline [i]
  36. () Reducing exclusionary attitudes through interpersonal conversation: evidence from three field experiments [using non-judgmental exchange of narratives] [d]
  37. () Perspective as a communication tool: third-person (vs. first-person) imagery facilitates analytical (vs. dynamic) language style [o] [u]
  38. () 'Is he talking to me?': how breaking the fourth wall influences enjoyment [d]
  39. () I like you better when you are coherent: narrating autobiographical memories in a coherent manner has a positive impact on listeners' social evaluations [p] [d] [u]
  40. () The accusations were lies. But could we prove it? [u]
  41. () Mechanisms and causal histories: explanation-oriented research in human ecology [d]
  42. () What growth sounds like: redemption, self-improvement, and eudaimonic growth across different life narratives in relation to well-being [p] [d]
  43. () Design for life: research methods, design thinking, and authorial illustration practice [i] [d]
  44. () Working: researching, interviewing, writing [i]
  45. () Autobiographical memory and the self: relationship and implications for cognitive-behavioural therapy [i] [d]
  46. () The story doctors are in [u]
  47. () Preserving our roots: my journey to save seeds and stories [i]
  48. () Essays one [i]
  49. () Revising one sentence [i]
  50. () Illustrators: collaborative problem solvers in three environments [i] [d]
  51. () The implicit narrativity of objects and ornaments—widening the view [d] [j]
  52. () What autobiographical narratives tell us about the life course: contributions of qualitative sequential analytical methods [p] [d]
  53. () Inside science: stories from the field in human and animal science [i] [d]
  54. () Literature's contributions to scientific knowledge: how novels explored new ideas about human nature [i]
  55. () Liquid rules: the delightful and dangerous substances that flow through our lives [i]
  56. () Peace stories: a model for creating and sustaining peace [i] [d]
  57. () Losing Earth: a recent history [or: Losing Earth: the decade we could have stopped climate change] [i]
  58. () New ways of seeing: the democratic language of photography [i] [d]
  59. () Why women read fiction: the stories of our lives [in Great Britain] [i]
  60. Sweeney Windchief & Timothy San Pedro [ed] () Applying indigenous research methods: storying with peoples and communities [i] [d]
  61. () A concise history of history: global historiography from antiquity to the present [i] [d]
  62. () Representation of real-world event schemas during narrative perception [p] [d] [u]
  63. () Problem–solution history [u]
  64. () Food justice and narrative ethics: reading stories for ethical awareness and activism [i] [d]
  65. () Rethinking narrative: leveraging storytelling for science learning [d]
  66. () Enculturation and narrative practices [d]
  67. () Rediscovering the potential of indigenous storytelling for conservation practice [d]
  68. () What the eyes don't see: a story of crisis, resistance, and hope in an American city [i]
  69. () Visual storytelling with color and light [i]
  70. () Charles Johnson: The art of fiction No. 239 [u]
  71. Todd I. Lubart [ed] () The creative process: perspectives from multiple domains [i] [d]
  72. () Burned to death because of a rumour on WhatsApp [u]
  73. () Once upon a spacetime: visual storytelling in cognitive and geotemporal information spaces [d]
  74. () Identity development in cultural context: the role of deviating from master narratives [p] [d]
  75. Michelle L. Meade, Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton, & Amanda J. Barnier [ed] () Collaborative remembering: theories, research, and applications [i] [d]
  76. () Maps telling stories? [d]
  77. () Comic strip narratives in time geography [d]
  78. Morten Nielsen & Nigel Rapport [ed] () The composition of anthropology: how anthropological texts are written [i] [d]
  79. () Elena Poniatowska: The art of fiction No. 238 [u]
  80. () Storylines: an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change [d]
  81. () Temporal affordances in the news [d]
  82. () Wisdom over justice [o] [u]
  83. () Elements of surprise: our mental limits and the satisfactions of plot [i] [d]
  84. () Narration in judiciary fact-finding: a probabilistic explication [d]
  85. (/2019) Free solo [i]
  86. () A guide to argumentative research writing and thinking: overcoming challenges [i] [d]
  87. () Evidence of disturbances of deep levels of semantic cohesion within personal narratives in schizophrenia [p] [d]
  88. () Script as a hypothesis: scriptwriting for documentary film [d]
  89. () A most improbable journey: a big history of our planet and ourselves [i]
  90. () Science journalism: an introduction [i] [d]
  91. () The Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0: a multi-methodological approach to identifying and assessing narrative-emotion process markers in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  92. () Spark curiosity [u]
  93. () Getting beyond analysis by anecdote: improving intelligence analysis through the use of case studies [d]
  94. () Decoding the neural representation of story meanings across languages [p] [d]
  95. () True south: Henry Hampton and 'Eyes on the prize', the landmark television series that reframed the civil rights movement [i]
  96. () Once upon an algorithm: how stories explain computing [i] [d]
  97. () Curated stories: the uses and misuses of storytelling [i] [d]
  98. () Group pleasures: collaborative commitments, shared narrative, and the sociology of fun [d] [u]
  99. () Novel math: great literature is surprisingly arithmetic [d] [u]
  100. () The art of creative research: a field guide for writers [i] [d]
  101. () 7 ways to plant the seed of your story [u]
  102. Peter Ginna [ed] () What editors do: the art, craft, and business of book editing [i] [d]
  103. () Telling the story of science [d] [j]
  104. () The form of the story: measuring formal aspects of narrative activity in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  105. () Walk with me [o] [u]
  106. Ursula K. Heise, Jon Christensen, & Michelle Niemann [ed] () The Routledge companion to the environmental humanities [i] [d]
  107. () Write no matter what: advice for academics [i]
  108. () Narrative complexity and dissonant cognitions [i] [d]
  109. () Narrative of the annotated space–time cube: revisiting a historical event [d]
  110. () Because without cause: non-causal explanation in science and mathematics [i] [d]
  111. () Design is storytelling [i]
  112. () Discombobulations and transitions: using blogs to make meaning of and from within liminal experiences [d]
  113. Kevin McCain & Ted Poston [ed] () Best explanations: new essays on inference to the best explanation [i] [d]
  114. () Self-narrative reconstruction after dilemma-focused therapy for depression: a comparison of good and poor outcome cases [p] [d]
  115. () A robust preference for cheap-and-easy strategies over reliable strategies when verifying personal memories [p] [d]
  116. Paula Olmos [ed] () Narration as argument [i] [d]
  117. () Detuned selves: evoking and conveying affects and emotions in depression writing [i] [d] [j] [u]
  118. () Not so very bad beginnings: what fiction can teach lawyers about beginning a persuasive legal narrative before a court [u]
  119. () Editing and cognition beyond continuity [d]
  120. () Keeping the faith [u]
  121. () A mega-analysis of memory reports from eight peer-reviewed false memory implantation studies [p] [d]
  122. () Does reactivation trigger episodic memory change?: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  123. () Find your why: a practical guide for discovering purpose for you and your team [i]
  124. () The methodology of 'The witch-hunt narrative': a question of evidence—evidence questioned [p] [d]
  125. () Uses of oral history and digital storytelling in public health research and practice [p] [d]
  126. () Personal narratives as a method of writing [i] [d]
  127. () Strikingly low agreement in the appraisal of motion pictures [d]
  128. () Analysis as history, and history as analysis: a search for common goals and standards [intelligence analysis] [d]
  129. R. Charles Weller [ed] () 21st-century narratives of world history: global and multidisciplinary perspectives [i] [d]
  130. () Constructing emotion through simulation [p] [d]
  131. () A synoptic visualization framework for the multi-perspective study of biography and prosopography data [u]
  132. () The act of documenting: documentary film in the 21st century [i] [d]
  133. () Grasping the mechanisms of narratives' incoherence in schizophrenia: an analysis of the temporal structure of patients' life story [p] [d]
  134. () A methodology of loving kindness: how interpersonal neurobiology, compassion and transference can inform researcher–participant encounters and storytelling [d]
  135. () Screenwriting studies, screenwriting practice and the screenwriting manual [d]
  136. () Reading pictures for story comprehension requires mental imagery skills [p] [d] [u]
  137. (/2023) The Chicago guide to fact-checking [i] [d]
  138. () Towards a guide for constructing and disseminating counternarratives to reduce support for terrorism [d]
  139. (/2024) Don't get lost in your own story [u]
  140. () Explication as a method of conceptual re-engineering [d] [j]
  141. () Assembling arguments: multimodal rhetoric & scientific discourse [i] [j]
  142. () Robert Caro: The art of biography No. 5 [u]
  143. () Narrative and emotion integration processes in emotion-focused therapy for complex trauma: an exploratory process-outcome analysis [d]
  144. () Big history: examines our past, explains our present, imagines our future [i]
  145. () Disaster drawn: visual witness, comics, and documentary form [i]
  146. () Seeing yourself in the past: the role of situational (dis)continuity and conceptual metaphor in the understanding of complex cases of character perception [d]
  147. () Immersion: a writer's guide to going deep [i] [d]
  148. () Pondering quirky quandaries [writing advice] [u]
  149. () The evolution of pace in popular movies [d]
  150. () Narrative theory and the dynamics of popular movies [d]
  151. () The sustainability story: exposing truths, half-truths, and illusions [i] [d] [j]
  152. () Lit up: one reporter, three schools, twenty-four books that can change lives [i]
  153. () The big data of violent events: algorithms for association analysis using spatio-temporal storytelling [d]
  154. () Films and existential feelings [d]
  155. () How to tell when it's time to move beyond the editing stage [u]
  156. () The explanation frame [i]
  157. () From PGIS to participatory deep mapping and spatial storytelling: an evolving trajectory in community knowledge representation in GIS [d]
  158. () The elusive sentence: recovering the rudiments of writing [i]
  159. () One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
  160. (/2018) Alone on the wall [i]
  161. Alison L. LaCroix, Richard H. McAdams, & Martha Craven Nussbaum [ed] () Fatal fictions: crime and investigation in law and literature [i] [d]
  162. () Explanatory pluralism [i] [d]
  163. () Memoir ethics: good lives and the virtues [i]
  164. (/2018) Luisa now and then [i]
  165. Phillip McIntyre, Janet Fulton, & Elizabeth Paton [ed] () The creative system in action: understanding cultural production and practice [i] [d]
  166. () Narratives of nature [d]
  167. () Where to invade next [o] [u]
  168. () Sit [a short documentary film about purpose in life, seen through the eyes of a Buddhist monk and his son] [u]
  169. () The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
  170. () How does a story start? [u]
  171. () The magic of TK [u]
  172. () In praise of forgetting: historical memory and its ironies [i] [d]
  173. () Script development and the hidden practices of screenwriting: perspectives from industry professionals [d]
  174. () At land's end: novel spaces and the limits of planetarity [d]
  175. () Remembering northern Michigan author Jim Harrison [u]
  176. () When stories and numbers meet in court: constructing and explaining Bayesian networks for criminal cases with scenarios [i] [u]
  177. () Fast forward: the future(s) of the cinematic arts [i]
  178. () The poetry of everyday life: storytelling and the art of awareness [i] [d] [j]
  179. () Physics and narrative [i] [d]
  180. () From mechanisms to mathematical models and back to mechanisms: quantitative mechanistic explanations [i] [d]
  181. () Generalizing mechanistic explanations using graph-theoretic representations [i] [d]
  182. David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, & Trevor M. Harris [ed] () Deep maps and spatial narratives [i] [j]
  183. () What can measures of text comprehension tell us about creative text production? [p] [d] [u]
  184. () The utility of narratives for promoting radicalization: the case of the Animal Liberation Front [d]
  185. Pierre-Alain Braillard & Christophe Malaterre [ed] () Explanation in biology: an enquiry into the diversity of explanatory patterns in the life sciences [i] [d]
  186. () Optimal eventfulness of narratives [i] [d] [u]
  187. () Action starring narratives and events: structure and inference in visual narrative comprehension [p] [d] [u]
  188. () Lydia Davis: The art of fiction No. 227 [u]
  189. () Enriching self-narratives: advanced phases of treatment [i]
  190. () Creating comics as journalism, memoir and nonfiction [i] [d]
  191. () Media boundaries and conceptual modelling: between texts and maps [i] [d] [u]
  192. Amy J. Elias & Christian Moraru [ed] () The planetary turn: relationality and geoaesthetics in the twenty-first century [i] [u]
  193. () From stories to scientific models and back: narrative framing in modern macroscopic physics [d]
  194. () Getting a life takes time: the development of the life story in adolescence, its precursors and consequences [d] [j]
  195. () 'All the world's a stage': a GIS framework for recreating personal time-space from qualitative and quantitative sources [d]
  196. () Black atlas: geography and flow in nineteenth-century African American literature [i] [d]
  197. () Is there an explanation for... the diversity of explanations in biological studies? [i] [d]
  198. () Story credibility in narrative arguments [i] [d]
  199. () Storyboarding: a critical history [i] [d]
  200. () Is truth stranger than fiction?: bizarre details and credibility assessment [d]
  201. () Tall tales across time: narrative analysis of true and false allegations [d]
  202. (/2017) Twilight of history [i]
  203. () Telling a story that must be heard: participatory indicators as tools for community empowerment [d]
  204. Richard B. Simon, Mojgan Behmand, & Thomas Burke [ed] () Teaching big history [i] [d] [j]
  205. () Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
  206. () The cognitive function of narratives [d]
  207. () Deconstructing pathology: a narrative view of the intake process [d]
  208. Lynn A. Watson & Dorthe Berntsen [ed] () Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory [i] [d]
  209. () Ottawa stories from the Springs: anishinaabe dibaadjimowinan wodi gaa binjibaamigak wodi mookodjiwong e zhinikaadek [i] [j]
  210. () Algorithmic authors [d]
  211. () GIS as a narrative generation platform [i] [j]
  212. () Heuristics, descriptions, and the scope of mechanistic explanation [i] [d]
  213. () Digital paper: a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials [i] [d]
  214. () Smartphone screenwriting: creativity, technology, and screenplays-on-the-go [i] [d]
  215. Marsha Berry & Max Schleser [ed] () Mobile media making in an age of smartphones [i] [d]
  216. () Arguments as a new perspective on character motive in stories [d] [u]
  217. () What's the story: essays about art, theater and storytelling [i] [d]
  218. () The creativity maze: exploring creativity in screenplay writing [d]
  219. () The witch-hunt narrative: politics, psychology, and the sexual abuse of children [i] [d]
  220. () Argument diagramming and planning cognition in argumentative writing [o] [u]
  221. () 'Nature was helping us': forests, trees, and environmental histories of the Holocaust [d]
  222. () Retelling the stories of our lives: everyday narrative therapy to draw inspiration and transform experience [i]
  223. () Models of writing and text production [i] [d]
  224. () Do biological explanations of psychological difficulties reduce empathy in mental health professionals? [u]
  225. () Start me up: lean screenwriting for American entrepreneurial cinema [d]
  226. () More than pretty pictures?: how illustrations affect parent–child story reading and children's story recall [p] [d] [u]
  227. () Dynamic publication formats and collaborative authoring [i] [d]
  228. () Issue-relevant thinking and identification as mechanisms of narrative persuasion [d]
  229. Eva-Maria Jakobs & Daniel Perrin [ed] () Handbook of writing and text production [i] [d]
  230. () Professional domains: writing as creation of economic value [i] [d]
  231. Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R. Scholz, Daniel Plenge, & Andreas Hüttemann [ed] () Explanation in the special sciences: the case of biology and history [i] [d]
  232. () Ethical darkness made visible: Michael Moore's Roger and me [i] [d]
  233. Michael Lissack & Abraham Graber [ed] () Modes of explanation: affordances for action and prediction [i] [d]
  234. () Production media: writing as using tools in media convergent environments [i] [d]
  235. () Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
  236. () Where do cinematic ideas come from? [d]
  237. () Screenwriting in a digital era [i] [d]
  238. Bruce Joshua Miller [ed] () Curiosity's cats: writers on research [i]
  239. () Stuff matters: exploring the marvelous materials that shape our manmade world [i]
  240. () Where are you from?: place as a form of scripting in independent cinema [d]
  241. Suzanne Oakdale & Magnus Course [ed] () Fluent selves: autobiography, person, and history in lowland South America [i]
  242. () Changing the clinical narratives patients live by: a cognitive behavioral approach of a clinical case of paruresis [d]
  243. () Taking self-help books seriously: the informal aesthetic education of writers [d] [j] [u]
  244. () The web, the tree, and the string [i]
  245. () Narrative CBT: distinctive features [i] [d]
  246. () Ambivalence in emotion-focused therapy for depression: the maintenance of problematically dominant self-narratives [d]
  247. () Viajes: de la Amazonia a las Malvinas [i]
  248. () Global muckraking: 100 years of investigative journalism from around the world [i]
  249. () Beyond news: the future of journalism [i] [d] [j]
  250. () Towards (re)constructing narratives from georeferenced photographs through visual analytics [d]
  251. () 'A story is not a story but a conference': story conferences and the classical studio system [d]
  252. () Collective interviewing: a transactive memory approach towards identifying signs of truthfulness [d]
  253. () Is this testimony truthful, fabricated, or based on false memory?: credibility assessment 25 years after Steller and Köhnken (1989) [d]
  254. (/2017) Pragmatics and information structure [i] [d]
  255. () Dramatic circumstances: on acting, singing, and living inside the stories we tell [i]
  256. () Understanding with theoretical models [d]
  257. () Value creation and business models: refocusing the intellectual capital debate [d]
  258. () The screenwriter activist: writing social issue movies [i] [d]
  259. () Overlap your stories [u]
  260. () Breaking new ground: a personal history [i]
  261. () Restorying a hard day's work [i] [d]
  262. () Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  263. () Prediction, events, and the advantage of agents: the processing of semantic roles in visual narrative [p] [d] [u]
  264. () Visual narrative structure [p] [d]
  265. (/2015) Four fields [i]
  266. () Opening the closed mind: the effect of exposure to literature on the need for closure [d]
  267. Jill Doerfler, Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, & Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark [ed] () Centering Anishinaabeg studies: understanding the world through stories [i] [j]
  268. () Diagrammatic writing [d] [u]
  269. () Imagination of science in education: from epics to novelization [i] [d]
  270. () The animator's eye: adding life to animation with timing, layout, design, color and sound [or: The animator's eye: composition and design for better animation] [i]
  271. () It is value that brings universes into being [d] [u]
  272. () Writing science in plain English [i] [d]
  273. () Narrative, truth, and trial [u]
  274. () Change your story, change your life: a path to your success [i]
  275. () Being story [u]
  276. Michael F. Hoyt [ed] () Therapist stories of inspiration, passion, and renewal: what's love got to do with it? [i] [d]
  277. () John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
  278. () Similarity, causality and argumentation [i]
  279. () Just write [u]
  280. () Power stories: the 8 stories you must tell to build an epic business [i]
  281. () The therapeutic effects of narrative cinema through clarification: reexamining catharsis [d]
  282. () Good prose: the art of nonfiction [i]
  283. () Strategies of visual argumentation in slideshow presentations: the role of the visuals in an Al Gore presentation on climate change [d]
  284. () Remembering your (im)moral past: autobiographical reasoning and moral identity development [d]
  285. () More on how and why: cause and effect in biology revisited [d]
  286. () Video journalism for the web: a practical introduction to documentary storytelling [i] [d]
  287. () Building great sentences: how to write the kinds of sentences you love to read [i]
  288. () Ursula K. Le Guin: The art of fiction No. 221 [u]
  289. () The impact of subtitles on comprehension of narrative film [d]
  290. () Pretreatment guide for homeless outreach & housing first: helping couples, youth, and unaccompanied adults [i]
  291. () StoryFlow: tracking the evolution of stories [d]
  292. () Returning to the Lakota way: old values to save a modern world [i]
  293. M. Elise Marubbio & Eric L. Buffalohead [ed] () Native Americans on film: conversations, teaching, and theory [i]
  294. () Structure: the writing life [u]
  295. () Performance and cross-racial storytelling in post-Katrina New Orleans: interviews with John O'Neal, Carol Bebelle, and Nicholas Slie [d]
  296. () New narratives using conversational sculptures [3D models of conversation] [u]
  297. () The design and composition of persuasive maps [d]
  298. () Philosophy versus literature?: against the discontinuity thesis [d] [j]
  299. () Teleology, discontinuity and world history: periodization and some creation myths of modernity [d]
  300. () The foolscap method [u]
  301. () Psychobiography and the psychology of science: encounters with psychology, philosophy, and statistics [i] [u]
  302. () Religious meaning making: positioning identities through stories [d]
  303. () Storygraph: telling stories from spatio-temporal data [i] [d]
  304. () Constraints on localization and decomposition as explanatory strategies in the biological sciences [d] [j]
  305. () How to write productively [u]
  306. () Authoring personal histories: exploring the timeline as a framework for meaning making [i] [d]
  307. (/2017) Writing without a parachute: the art of freefall [i]
  308. () The reflexive turn: the rise of first-person ethnography [d]
  309. () Subjectivity and story-telling in journalism: examining expressions of affect, judgement and appreciation in Pulitzer Prize-winning stories [d]
  310. () Methods of argumentation [i] [d]
  311. () Simulation and similarity: using models to understand the world [i]
  312. () Sister: an African American life in search of justice [i]
  313. () Essentialism in biology [i] [d]
  314. () The hazards of explanation: overgeneralization in the face of exceptions [p] [d]
  315. () On polycubism: outlining a dynamic information visualization framework for the humanities and social sciences [u]
  316. () Building imaginary worlds: the theory and history of subcreation [i] [d]
  317. () Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing [p] [d] [u]
  318. () Living into the story: agency and coherence in a longitudinal study of narrative identity development and mental health over the course of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  319. () Writing to clients and referring professionals about psychological assessment results: a handbook of style and grammar [i] [d]
  320. () The influence of paratext on narrative persuasion: fact, fiction, or fake? [d]
  321. () Teaching contested narratives: identity, memory, and reconciliation in peace education and beyond [i] [d]
  322. () Fuzzy reasoning [d] [u]
  323. () Photographic representation and depiction of temporal extension [d]
  324. Dorthe Berntsen & David C. Rubin [ed] () Understanding autobiographical memory: theories and approaches [i] [d]
  325. () Solving a murder case by asking critical questions: an approach to fact-finding in terms of argumentation and story schemes [d] [u]
  326. () Burdens and standards of proof for inference to the best explanation: three case studies [d] [u]
  327. () Newspaper journalism and video: motion, sound, and new narratives [d]
  328. () Distinguishing explanatory from nonexplanatory fictions [d] [j]
  329. () Don't put 'story' on too high a pedestal [u]
  330. () Talk to the eyes: if it can't be visualized, it's not a story [u]
  331. () History from within?: contextualizing the new neurohistory and seeking its methods [d]
  332. () A drawing of the world: documentary and comic book [u]
  333. () Pixar tips: 'Brave' artist Emma Coats shares her storytelling wit and wisdom on Twitter [u]
  334. () Charismatizing the routine: storytelling for meaning and agency in the Burning Man organization [d]
  335. () Life without the story line [i]
  336. () Developing an integrated history and future of people on earth (IHOPE) [d]
  337. () Wired for story: the writer's guide to using brain science to hook readers from the very first sentence [i]
  338. () Perceiving event dynamics and parsing Hollywood films [d]
  339. () Ethical considerations of using narrative to communicate science [d]
  340. () The persuasive influence of narrative causality: psychological mechanism, strength in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time [d]
  341. () Serene arts: the effect of personal unsettledness and of paintings' narrative structure on personality [d]
  342. () Vernacular eloquence: what speech can bring to writing [i] [d]
  343. () Racecraft: the soul of inequality in American life [i]
  344. () Writing scripts for silent movies: how officer experience and high-crime areas turn innocuous behavior into criminal conduct [u]
  345. () To make you see: screenwriting, description and the lens-based tradition [d]
  346. () Truth and objectivity and the dangers of our fictionalizing tendencies [i] [d]
  347. () The mess inside: narrative, emotion, and the mind [i] [d]
  348. () The storytelling animal: how stories make us human [i]
  349. () Contextual frames and their argumentative implications: a case study in media argumentation [d]
  350. () The evolving narrative of the Darfur conflict as represented in The New York Times and The Washington Post, 2003–2009 [d]
  351. () The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature [i]
  352. () Modeling and remodeling writing [d]
  353. () The story of Earth: the first 4.5 billion years, from stardust to living planet [i]
  354. () Changing beliefs and behavior through experience-taking [p] [d]
  355. () Several short sentences about writing [i]
  356. () Imagining the forest: narratives of Michigan and the Upper Midwest [i] [d]
  357. () Care and possibility: enacting an ethic of care through narrative practice [d]
  358. () Art of explanation: making your ideas, products, and services easier to understand [i]
  359. () Landscapes and narratives: compositions and the walking body [d]
  360. () Grant Snider, remarkable cartoonist, and future orthodontist [u]
  361. () Exploiting the e-serialization of nano-fiction to enhance undergraduate health and safety lectures: a back to the future perspective [d]
  362. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
  363. () The cognitive science of fiction [d]
  364. () Against Hollywood: American independent film as a critical cultural movement [d] [u]
  365. () Turning anxiety into creativity [u]
  366. () Fractal journeys: narrative structure of the path and of tantric practice [u]
  367. () Finding 'real' [u]
  368. () Inside the 'all is lost' moment [u]
  369. () Something unique to say [u]
  370. () Peak oil and the everyday complexity of human progress narratives [u]
  371. () How to see a world in a grain of sand: transmedia production bibles as middle-state forms [u]
  372. () Beyond the screenplay: a dialectical approach to dramaturgy [i]
  373. () Winning the story wars: why those who tell—and live—the best stories will rule the future [i]
  374. () Finding new facts; thinking new thoughts [i] [d]
  375. () Lead with a story: a guide to crafting business narratives that captivate, convince, and inspire [i]
  376. () 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
  377. () Achieving psychological simplicity: measures and methods to reduce cognitive complexity [i] [d]
  378. () Performativity and complex adaptive systems: working with multiple narratives across knowledge traditions [u]
  379. () Narrating the environmental apocalypse: how imagining the end facilitates moral reasoning among environmental activists [d]
  380. () The creative screenwriter: exercises to expand your craft [i]
  381. () Story similarity in arguments from analogy [d] [u]
  382. () Blame narratives and the news: an ethical analysis [d]
  383. (/2017) The new digital storytelling: creating narratives with new media [i]
  384. () Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives [i] [d]
  385. () A story about a stupid person can make you act stupid (or smart): behavioral assimilation (and contrast) as narrative impact [d]
  386. () The calling card script: a writer's toolbox for stage, screen and radio [i]
  387. () Stereoscopic-3D storytelling: rethinking the conventions, grammar and aesthetics of a new medium [d]
  388. () Movies that move us: screenwriting and the power of the protagonist's journey [i] [d]
  389. () When what had to happen was not bound to happen: history, chance, narrative, evolution [d]
  390. () Linguistic correlates of self in deceptive oral autobiographical narratives [p] [d]
  391. () Arguments, stories and criminal evidence: a formal hybrid theory [i] [d]
  392. () Narrative and emotion integration in psychotherapy: investigating the relationship between autobiographical memory specificity and expressed emotional arousal in brief emotion-focused and client-centred treatments of depression [d]
  393. () Find the 'universal morality' in your case story [u]
  394. () Your opening: tell it like a story, but tailor it like a strategy [u]
  395. Noël Carroll & John Gibson [ed] () Narrative, emotion, and insight [i]
  396. () TextFlow: towards better understanding of evolving topics in text [d]
  397. Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] () Explanation, prediction, and confirmation [i] [d]
  398. () Breaking addiction: a 7-step handbook for ending any addiction [i]
  399. () Hindsight bias, visual aids, and legal decision making: timing is everything [d]
  400. () William Gibson: The art of fiction No. 211 [u]
  401. () The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: exploring one path to therapeutic failure [d]
  402. (/2014) Debt: the first 5,000 years [i]
  403. () Story line: finding gold in your life story [i]
  404. () Autobiographical reasoning: arguing and narrating from a biographical perspective [i] [d]
  405. (/2021) Storycraft: the complete guide to writing narrative nonfiction [i] [d]
  406. () Authorial ethics: how writers abuse their calling [i]
  407. () Slowmation: preservice elementary teachers representing science knowledge through creating multimodal digital animations [d]
  408. () 'Bet you think this song is about you': whose narrative is it in narrative research? [u]
  409. () Narrative in the teaching and practice of conflict analysis, transformation, and peacebuilding [i]
  410. Robert Klanten, Sven Ehmann, Floyd Schulze, & Andrew Losowsky [ed] () Visual storytelling: inspiring a new visual language [i]
  411. () Toward an integrated history to guide the future [d]
  412. () Constructing stories of self-growth: how individual differences in patterns of autobiographical reasoning relate to well-being in midlife [p] [d] [u]
  413. () The gardens of democracy: a new American story of citizenship, the economy, and the role of government [i]
  414. (/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
  415. () Emotion and narrative fiction: interactive influences before, during, and after reading [p] [d]
  416. () Narrative nonfiction: essential or overrated? [u]
  417. (/2019) A workbook for arguments: a complete course in critical thinking [i]
  418. Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, & James L. McClelland [ed] () The memory process: neuroscientific and humanistic perspectives [i] [d]
  419. () Such stuff as dreams: the psychology of fiction [i] [d]
  420. (/2013) The getaway car: a practical memoir about writing and life [i]
  421. () Doubling back: psychoanalytical literary theory and the perverse return to Jungian space [u]
  422. () Coherence of personal narratives across the lifespan: a multidimensional model and coding method [p] [d] [u]
  423. () A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy: a case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids [p] [d]
  424. Donald A. Ritchie [ed] () The Oxford handbook of oral history [i] [d]
  425. () The logic of explanatory power [d] [j]
  426. () The power of your past: the art of recalling, reclaiming and recasting [i]
  427. () The constructive use of film genre for the screenwriter: the relevant knowledge component of the mental space of film genre [d]
  428. () Becoming planetary [d]
  429. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  430. () The brain is wider than the sky: analogy, emotion, and allegory [d]
  431. () Encyclopedia, network, hypertext, database: the continuing relevance of 'encyclopedic narrative' and 'encyclopedic novel' as generic designations [d]
  432. () The right to play oneself: looking back on documentary film [i] [d] [j]
  433. () Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming arguments in mock jurors' verdict justifications [d]
  434. () Science as (historical) narrative [d] [j]
  435. (/2017) Persuasive communication: how audiences decide [i] [d]
  436. () Storyworld: the bigger picture—investigating the world of multi-platform/transmedia production and its affect on storytelling processes [d]
  437. () Storytelling globalization from the Chaco and beyond [i] [d]
  438. () Ray Bradbury: The art of fiction No. 203 [u]
  439. () Acting as narrative [i] [d]
  440. () Integrated socio-ecological history: could looking at the past help direct society's future? [u]
  441. () The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: an example from science communication [d]
  442. () Comic book visualities: a methodological manifesto on geography, montage and narration [d] [j]
  443. () Understanding characters [d]
  444. () Louise Erdrich: The art of fiction No. 208 [u]
  445. () Hindsight: the promise and peril of looking backward [i]
  446. () Review of 'Screenwriting: history, theory and practice' by Steven Maras [d]
  447. Larry A. Golemon [ed] () Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
  448. () Writing in the life sciences: a critical thinking approach [i]
  449. Mary Banks Gregerson [ed] () The cinematic mirror for psychology and life coaching [i] [d]
  450. () Deleuze, style and literature [d]
  451. () The process [of scriptwriting] [u]
  452. () A narrative policy framework: clear enough to be wrong? [d]
  453. () Trauma and the media: how movies can create and relieve trauma [i] [d]
  454. () The relation of story structure to a model of conceptual change in science learning [d]
  455. () Some epistemological implications of economic complexity [d]
  456. () Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
  457. () The ambiguities of experience [i] [d] [j]
  458. () Framed ink: drawing and composition for visual storytellers [i]
  459. () John McPhee: The art of nonfiction No. 3 [u]
  460. () After the typewriter: the screenplay in a digital era [d]
  461. () Exploring the role of meaningful experiences in users' appreciation of good movies [d]
  462. () On telling the whole story: facts and interpretations in autobiographical memory narratives from childhood through midadolescence [p] [d]
  463. () Developing moral agency through narrative [d] [j]
  464. () The call of passive history [u]
  465. () Stages in screenplay development [i]
  466. () The land of the free and The elements of style [d]
  467. () Geoscience explanations: identifying what is needed for generating scientific narratives from data models [d]
  468. () Meanwhile [i]
  469. () You can do a graphic novel [i]
  470. () Explanatory depth [d] [j]
  471. () The brain's cutting-room floor: segmentation of narrative cinema [p] [d] [u]
  472. () Blendings of real, fictional, and other imaginary people [d]
  473. () Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction [p] [d] [u]
  474. () Narrative development in improvisational theatre [i] [d]
  475. Roger Beard, Debra Myhill, Jeni Riley, & Martin Nystrand [ed] () The Sage handbook of writing development [i] [d]
  476. () Analysing stories using schemes [i] [d] [u]
  477. () Living in history: how war, terrorism, and natural disaster affect the organization of autobiographical memory [d]
  478. () A place in biography for oneself [d] [j]
  479. () Measuring narrative engagement [d]
  480. () Foreshadowing contemporary digital cartography: a historical review of cinematic maps in films [d]
  481. () Mapping globalization: a conversation between a filmmaker and a cartographer [d]
  482. () Life as a source of theory: Erik Erikson's contributions, boundaries, and marginalities [i] [d]
  483. () Hermeneutic analysis of virtuous exemplar narratives of Cambodian-American Buddhists and Christians [d]
  484. () The collected stories of Lydia Davis [i]
  485. () Defenseless against art?: impact of reading fiction on emotion in avoidantly attached individuals [d]
  486. (/2017) The dramatic writer's companion: tools to develop characters, cause scenes, and build stories [i] [d]
  487. () Creativity and integrity: marketing the 'in development' screenplay [d]
  488. () Directing the story: professional storytelling and storyboarding techniques for live action and animation [i] [d]
  489. () From idea to text [i] [d]
  490. () Basic elements of narrative [i] [d]
  491. () Stories against classification: transport, wayfaring and the integration of knowledge [i] [d] [j]
  492. Hendrik Kaptein, Henry Prakken, & Bart Verheij [ed] () Legal evidence and proof: statistics, stories, logic [i] [d]
  493. () Training advanced writing skills: the case for deliberate practice [d]
  494. () Looking at the present through the future: science-fiction urbanism and contingent and relational creativity [i] [d]
  495. () Integrated writing environment [u]
  496. () Writing like a programmer [u]
  497. (/2021) Indigenous methodologies: characteristics, conversations, and contexts [i]
  498. () The process of personal change through reading fictional narratives: implications for psychotherapy practice and theory [d]
  499. () Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
  500. () Genocide and GIScience: integrating personal narratives and geographic information science to study human rights [d]
  501. () Screenwriting: history, theory and practice [i]
  502. () Maps as comics, comics as maps [o] [u]
  503. () Listening for avoidance: narrative form and defensiveness in adolescent memories [d]
  504. () Sharing one's story: on the benefits of writing or talking about emotional experience [i] [d]
  505. () Developmental editing: a handbook for freelancers, authors, and publishers [i] [d]
  506. () Information recall of Internet news: does design make a difference?: a pilot study [d]
  507. () The interrogative mood: a novel? [i]
  508. () The narratives of offenders [d]
  509. () Write what you don't know [u]
  510. () 50 years of stupid grammar advice [u]
  511. () Rules of engagement [for writing nonfiction] [i] [d] [j]
  512. () Voice & vision: a guide to writing history and other serious nonfiction [i] [d] [j]
  513. (/2016) The subversive copy editor: advice from Chicago (or, How to negotiate good relationships with your writers, your colleagues, and yourself) [i] [d]
  514. () Every patient tells a story: medical mysteries and the art of diagnosis [i]
  515. () Transmedia storytelling: implicit consumers, narrative worlds, and branding in contemporary media production [u]
  516. () Drop the storyline and feel the underlying energy [u]
  517. (/2010) In praise of the guilty project: a criminal defense lawyer's growing anxiety about innocence projects [u]
  518. () Reading stories activates neural representations of visual and motor experiences [d]
  519. () Drawn to life: 20 golden years of Disney master classes [i] [d]
  520. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  521. () Family legacies: constructing individual and family identity through intergenerational storytelling [d]
  522. () A good story: children with imaginary companions create richer narratives [p] [d] [j]
  523. () Explanations in gesture, diagram, and word [i] [d]
  524. () Explaining human actions and environmental changes [i]
  525. () Accepting the truth of a story about the facts of a criminal case [i] [d] [u]
  526. () Dialogical journal writing as 'self-therapy': 'I matter' [d]
  527. () Advanced presentations by design: creating communication that drives action [i]
  528. () The narrative reconstruction of psychotherapy and psychological health [p] [d]
  529. () Your screenplay sucks!: 100 ways to make it great [i] [u]
  530. () Jacob's well: a case for rethinking family history [i]
  531. () The shut up and shoot documentary guide: a Down & dirty DV production [i]
  532. () Meta-emotion: how films and music videos communicate emotions about emotions [d]
  533. Charles Bazerman [ed] () Handbook of research on writing: history, society, school, individual, text [i] [d]
  534. () Humor in the advertising business: theory, practice, and wit [i]
  535. () Animation unleashed: 100 principles every animator, comic book writer, filmmaker, video artist and game developer should know [i]
  536. () Rethinking news and myth as storytelling [i] [d]
  537. () Poetics of cinema [i]
  538. () Fictionality and perceived realism in experiencing stories: a model of narrative comprehension and engagement [d]
  539. () Production culture: industrial reflexivity and critical practice in film and television [i] [d]
  540. () Native speakers: Ella Deloria, Zora Neale Hurston, Jovita González, and the poetics of culture [i]
  541. () Slide:ology: the art and science of creating great presentations [i]
  542. () Stories in GeoTime [d]
  543. () Producing with passion: making films that change the world [i]
  544. Prue Goodwin [ed] () Understanding children's books: a guide for education professionals [i] [d]
  545. () The levity effect: why it pays to lighten up [i]
  546. () Keep it real: everything you need to know about researching and writing creative nonfiction [i]
  547. () Healing fictions: stories as obstacles and gateways [i]
  548. () Mediation and genre [d]
  549. () Text as it happens: literary geography [d]
  550. () Mean and lowly things: snakes, science, and survival in the Congo [i] [d] [j]
  551. () Training writing skills: a cognitive developmental perspective [d]
  552. () Akira Kurosawa: interviews [i]
  553. (/2014) Working with stories in your community or organization: participatory narrative inquiry [i] [u]
  554. () Geo-narrative: extending geographic information systems for narrative analysis in qualitative and mixed-method research [d] [u]
  555. () The function of fiction is the abstraction and simulation of social experience [p] [d] [j] [u]
  556. () What's your story?: storytelling to move markets, audiences, people, and brands [i]
  557. () Stories of the young and the old: personal continuity and narrative identity [p] [d]
  558. () Narration and vividness as measures of event-specificity in autobiographical memory [d]
  559. () Framing the days: place and narrative in cartography [d]
  560. () Awareness and authoring: the idea of self in mindfulness and narrative therapy [d]
  561. () The continuous present in Ozu Yasujirō's Late spring [d]
  562. () Reading our lives: the poetics of growing old [i] [d]
  563. () Mike Leigh on Mike Leigh [i]
  564. () Presentation Zen: simple ideas on presentation design and delivery [i]
  565. () The nonfictionist's guide: on reading and writing creative nonfiction [i]
  566. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  567. () Presidential charismatic leadership: exploring the rhetoric of social change [d]
  568. () The common neural basis of autobiographical memory, prospection, navigation, theory of mind, and the default mode: a quantitative meta-analysis [d]
  569. () One Native life [i]
  570. () Argumentation schemes [i] [d]
  571. () Witness testimony evidence: argumentation, artificial intelligence, and law [i] [d]
  572. () Truth: personas, needs, and flaws in the art of building actors and creating characters [i]
  573. () The artful edit: on the practice of editing yourself [i]
  574. () Story telling in sustainable development projects [d]
  575. () Therapeutic storytelling revisited [p] [d]
  576. () Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: a developmental paradox [d]
  577. () Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments? [d] [u]
  578. () Adding silence to stories: narrative therapy and contemplation [d]
  579. () Storytelling, time, and evolution: the role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems [d]
  580. () Narrative closure [d] [j]
  581. () Puzzle them first!: motivating adolescent readers with question-finding [i]
  582. () Project hindsight: exploring necessity and possibility in cycles of structuration and co-evolution [d]
  583. () Cartographic cinema [i] [j]
  584. () The secret language of leadership: how leaders inspire action through narrative [i]
  585. () Recentering North American environmental history: pedagogy and scholarship in the Great Lakes region [d]
  586. () Interview with Toc Fetch [u]
  587. John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer, & Luca Pocci [ed] () A sense of the world: essays on fiction, narrative, and knowledge [i] [d]
  588. () Making a performance: devising histories and contemporary practices [i] [d]
  589. () Storytelling as a medium for balanced dialogue on conservation in Cameroon [d]
  590. (/2013) Inside reporting: a practical guide to the craft of journalism [i]
  591. () Made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die [i]
  592. () Using narratives to assess competencies and risks in young children: experiences with high risk and normal populations [d]
  593. Lewis D. Hopkins & Marisa Zapata [ed] () Engaging the future: forecasts, scenarios, plans, and projects [i]
  594. (/2018) Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative filmmaking [or: Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative film and DV production] [i] [d]
  595. () Getting things written [u]
  596. () Thinking animation: bridging the gap between 2D and CG [i]
  597. () The ethical attitude in narrative research: principles and practicalities [i] [d]
  598. Ruthellen Josselson, Amia Lieblich, & Dan P. McAdams [ed] () The meaning of others: narrative studies of relationships [i] [d]
  599. () From prophets to profits: the occupational rhetoric of management consultants [d]
  600. () The power of story: rewrite your destiny in business and in life [i]
  601. () Writing for animation, comics & games [i]
  602. () Write is a verb: sit down, start writing, no excuses [i]
  603. () The emergence of the ability to track a character's mental perspective in narrative [p] [d]
  604. (/2009) The invisible cut: how editors make movie magic [i]
  605. () Dialogue editing for motion pictures: a guide to the invisible art [i]
  606. (/2019) How to write a lot: a practical guide to productive academic writing [i] [d] [j]
  607. () Whoever tells the best story wins: how to use your own stories to communicate with power and impact [i]
  608. () Back on the fire: essays [i]
  609. () Leading for results: transforming teaching, learning, and relationships in schools [i]
  610. () Finding narratives of time and space [i]
  611. () Scriptwriting [i]
  612. () Reframing rhetoric: a liberal politics without dogma [i] [d]
  613. () Storylines as a neglected cause of crime [d]
  614. Gary Backhaus & John Murungi [ed] () Ecoscapes: geographical patternings of relations [i]
  615. () Questions of character: illuminating the heart of leadership through literature [i]
  616. () Placebo, meaning, and health [p] [d]
  617. () The way Hollywood tells it: story and style in modern movies [i] [d] [j]
  618. (/2016) Writing tools: 55 essential strategies for every writer [i]
  619. () Older adults who overcame oppression [d]
  620. () The mechanism of storymaking: a grounded theory study of the 6-part story method [d]
  621. () Making meaning: how successful businesses deliver meaningful customer experiences [i]
  622. () The music of form: rethinking organization in writing [j]
  623. () Metaphor interpretation as embodied simulation [d]
  624. () What is a good death?: terminally ill patients dealing with normative expectations around death and dying [d]
  625. () Reading cinnamon activates olfactory brain regions [d]
  626. () Storytelling: a workshop for inspiring group action [i]
  627. () Germs and angels: the role of testimony in young children's ontology [d]
  628. (/2021) Wordcraft: the complete guide to clear, powerful writing [i] [d]
  629. () Selling your story in 60 seconds: the guaranteed way to get your screenplay or novel read [i]
  630. () The use of stories as a tool for intervention and research in the arena of peace education in conflict areas: the Israeli-Palestinian story [d]
  631. (/2016) What is environmental history? [i]
  632. () Sweet anticipation: music and the psychology of expectation [i] [d]
  633. () Keewaydinoquay, stories from my youth [i] [d]
  634. Julian Kunnie & Nomalungelo I. Goduka [ed] () Indigenous peoples' wisdom and power: affirming our knowledge through narratives [i]
  635. () Bookworms versus nerds: exposure to fiction versus non-fiction, divergent associations with social ability, and the simulation of fictional social worlds [d]
  636. () Inside story: the power of the transformational arc [i]
  637. () Making comics: storytelling secrets of comics, manga and graphic novels [i]
  638. () Resilience and posttraumatic growth: a constructive narrative perspective [i] [d]
  639. () Writing for the screen: beyond the gospel of story [u]
  640. () Mercy in her eyes: the films of Mira Nair [i]
  641. () Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity: problems with using long words needlessly [d]
  642. () Narrative identity processing of difficult life experiences: pathways of personality development and positive self-transformation in adulthood [p] [d]
  643. () The information book genre: its role in integrated science literacy research and practice [d]
  644. () Writing true: the art and craft of creative nonfiction [i]
  645. () It was like a fever: storytelling in protest and politics [i] [d]
  646. () Embodied categorizing in the grounded theory method: methodical hermeneutics in action [d]
  647. () Psychobiography and the psychology of science: understanding relations between the life and work of individual psychologists [d] [u]
  648. () Stories, visions, and values in voluntary organisations [i]
  649. () Bio-regional patterns and spatial narratives for integrative landscape research and design [i]
  650. Lori L. Silverman [ed] () Wake me up when the data is over: how organizations use stories to drive results [i]
  651. () Writers and the war against nature [i]
  652. () The seven deadly sins of argumentative writing [u]
  653. () Why?: what happens when people give reasons, and why [i]
  654. () Artful sentences: syntax as style [i]
  655. () Weinberg on writing: the fieldstone method [i]
  656. () Science as story: communicating the nature of science through historical perspectives on science [d] [j]
  657. () What's your story?: using stories to ignite performance and be more successful [i]
  658. () Struggling with the fragility of life: a relational-narrative approach to ethics in palliative nursing [p] [d]
  659. (/2011) Beyond bullet points: using Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentations that inform, motivate and inspire [i]
  660. () Storycatcher: making sense of our lives through the power and practice of story [i]
  661. () The viewpoints book: a practical guide to viewpoints and composition [i]
  662. () 101 healing stories for kids and teens: using metaphors in therapy [i]
  663. () 'Where has the future gone?': rethinking the role of integrated land-use models in spatial planning [d]
  664. () The art of the documentary: ten conversations with leading directors, cinematographers, editors, and producers [i]
  665. () The leader's guide to storytelling: mastering the art and discipline of business narrative [i]
  666. () What is journalism?: professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered [d]
  667. Michael Dooley & Steven Heller [ed] () The education of a comics artist: visual narrative in cartoons, graphic novels, and beyond [i]
  668. () Media and the make-believe worlds of children: when Harry Potter meets Pokémon in Disneyland [i] [d]
  669. () Writing for emotional impact: advanced dramatic techniques to attract, engage, and fascinate the reader from beginning to end [i]
  670. () Association and argument: hypertext in and around the writing process [d]
  671. () 99 ways to tell a story: exercises in style [i]
  672. (/2015) Ties that bind: the story of an Afro-Cherokee family in slavery and freedom [i] [d] [j]
  673. () Drawing stories from around the world and a sampling of European handkerchief stories [i]
  674. () The when of knowing [d]
  675. () Flesh, blood, and word: creativity and writing as physiological phenomena [o] [u]
  676. () The narrative aspect of scenario building: how story telling may give people a memory of the future [d]
  677. () Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
  678. () Black, White, and Indian: race and the unmaking of an American family [i]
  679. (/2011) Narrative exposure therapy: a short-term intervention for traumatic stress disorders after war, terror, or torture [i]
  680. () Acting: advanced techniques for the actor, director, and teacher [i]
  681. () Portraits of life: patterns of events over the lifespan [d]
  682. William Todd Schultz [ed] () Handbook of psychobiography [i]
  683. () Creating language crimes: how law enforcement uses (and misuses) language [i] [d]
  684. () Aging and spirituality: reclaiming connection through storytelling [d]
  685. (/2008) Making short films: the complete guide from script to screen [i]
  686. () Why devise? Why now? Why breathe? [d]
  687. () Form and function in introducing narrative and expository texts: a developmental perspective [d]
  688. (/2007) Documentary storytelling: making stronger and more dramatic nonfiction films [i]
  689. Gillie Bolton [ed] () Writing cures: an introductory handbook of writing in counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  690. () The shameful admissions of an insatiable, impenitent, incurable research addict [u]
  691. () The power of the actor: the Chubbuck technique [i]
  692. () Lifepaths: geography and biography [d]
  693. () Hollywood economics: how extreme uncertainty shapes the film industry [i]
  694. () Narrative processing: building consumer connections to brands [d]
  695. () Sustainability requires the ability to generate useful narratives capable of surfing complex time [i] [d]
  696. () Transportation into narrative worlds: the role of prior knowledge and perceived realism [d]
  697. () How to build a great screenplay: a master class in storytelling for film [i]
  698. () On Jim Corbett's trail and other tales from tree-tops [i]
  699. Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, & Ruthellen Josselson [ed] () Healing plots: the narrative basis of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  700. () Blue-collar work, career, and success: occupational narratives of sisu [d]
  701. () Vanishing point: a novel [i]
  702. () Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
  703. Virginia D. Nazarea, Rafael Guitarra, & Maricel Pineiro [ed] () Ñaupa rimaikunata charishpa katinamanta = Cuentos de la creación y resistencia = Stories of creation and resistance [i]
  704. () A child's work: the importance of fantasy play [i] [d]
  705. () Acting that matters [i]
  706. (/2005) Diarios de motocicleta = Motorcycle diaries [i]
  707. () Narrative exposure therapy in children: a case study [u]
  708. () Moving beyond the blame game: toward a discursive approach to negotiating conflict within couple relationships [d]
  709. () The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
  710. John Temple & Joel Beeson [ed] () Cancer stories: lessons in love, loss & hope [i]
  711. Marie Arana [ed] () The writing life: writers on how they think and work: a collection from the Washington post book world [i]
  712. Robert Brooke [ed] () Rural voices: place-conscious education and the teaching of writing [i]
  713. () Visual storytelling: the art and technique [i]
  714. () Computer-supported planning of essay argument structure [i]
  715. (/2006) $30 film school [i]
  716. Robert N. Emde, Dennie Wolf, & David Oppenheim [ed] () Revealing the inner worlds of young children: the MacArthur story stem battery and parent–child narratives [i]
  717. () Tracing the footprints: documenting the process of performance [i]
  718. () Einstein, Poincaré & modernity: a conversation [j]
  719. () Leadership presence: dramatic techniques to reach out, motivate, and inspire [i]
  720. () Shifting boundaries on a Wisconsin landscape: can GIS help historians tell a complicated story? [d] [j]
  721. David Holman & Richard Thorpe [ed] () Management and language: the manager as a practical author [i] [d]
  722. (/2015) Narrative form [i] [d]
  723. (/2005) The truth about stories: a native narrative [i]
  724. () How to 'do things' with narrative: a communication perspective on narrative skill [i] [d]
  725. () Cops, teachers, counselors: stories from the front lines of public service [i] [d]
  726. () Imagination can create false autobiographical memories [d]
  727. () Pause & effect: the art of interactive narrative [i]
  728. () Causation as folk science [u]
  729. (/2009) The elements of narrative nonfiction: how to write & sell the novel of true events [i]
  730. () From the study of lives and psychohistory to historicizing psychology: a conceptual journey [i] [u]
  731. () Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the 'problematic situation' [d]
  732. () Modes of discourse: the local structure of texts [i] [d]
  733. (/2014) Computers, visualization, and history: how new technology will transform our understanding of the past [i] [d]
  734. (/2014) Visualization as an alternative to prose [i] [d]
  735. () Dying to meet you: facing mortality and enabling patient styles [d]
  736. () Scrivere con la luce = Writing with light [i]
  737. () Ethical argumentation [i]
  738. () Rethinking home: a case for writing local history [i] [d] [j]
  739. (/2008) Tangled routes: women, work, and globalization on the tomato trail [i]
  740. () How the doctor's words affect the patient's brain [d]
  741. () Getting into character: seven secrets a novelist can learn from actors [i]
  742. Alison Hawthorne Deming & Lauret E. Savoy [ed] (/2011) The colors of nature: culture, identity, and the natural world [i]
  743. () The comic vision of Anishinaabe culture and religion [d]
  744. () Off to the side: a memoir [i]
  745. Dennis Jackson & John Sweeney [ed] () The journalist's craft: a guide to writing better stories [i]
  746. () COI stories: explanation and evidence in the history of science [d]
  747. () Word people vs. picture people: normative differences and strategies for control over work among newsroom subgroups [d]
  748. () Deconstructing the placebo effect and finding the meaning response [p] [d]
  749. Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
  750. () The royal we: the mathematical study of genealogy indicates that everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne [u]
  751. () Mapping human history: discovering the past through our genes [i]
  752. Jeffrey Quilter & Gary Urton [ed] () Narrative threads: accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu [i]
  753. () Thinking like your editor: how to write great serious nonfiction—and get it published [i]
  754. () Between director and actor: strategies for effective performance [i]
  755. () The one-page proposal: how to get your business pitch onto one persuasive page [i]
  756. (/2011) Questions to ask when writing and editing a narrative that reconstructs events [u]
  757. () The psychological basis of historical explanation: reenactment, simulation, and the fusion of horizons [d]
  758. () The zoom in popular cinema: a question of performance [d]
  759. () Victim and offender accounts of interpersonal conflict: autobiographical narratives of forgiveness and unforgiveness [d]
  760. () Advancing a political ecology of global environmental discourses [d]
  761. Hayward R. Alker, Ted Robert Gurr, & Kumar Rupesinghe [ed] () Journeys through conflict: narratives and lessons [i]
  762. (/2008) Le souvenir d'un avenir = Remembrance of things to come [o]
  763. () Telling the stories of life through guided autobiography groups [i]
  764. (/2021) The visual story: creating the structure of film, TV, and digital media [i] [d]
  765. () 101 healing stories: using metaphors in therapy [i]
  766. () Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
  767. () Narrative medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, and trust [d]
  768. (/2004) Koyangi rŭl put'ak'ae = Take care of my cat [o]
  769. () Everyday irrationality: how pseudo-scientists, lunatics, and the rest of us systematically fail to think rationally [i] [d]
  770. () Teacher education and cultural imagination: autobiography, conversation, and narrative [i]
  771. Carolyn Forché & Philip Gerard [ed] () Writing creative nonfiction: instruction and insights from teachers of the Associated Writing Programs [i]
  772. (/2014) Writing for visual media [i] [d]
  773. (/2016) Getting it published: a guide for scholars and anyone else serious about serious books [i] [d]
  774. (/2002) The situation and the story: the art of personal narrative [i]
  775. () The 101 habits of highly successful screenwriters: insider secrets from Hollywood's top writers [i]
  776. () The role of myth in creative advertising design: theory, process and outcome [j]
  777. () Leaving a trace: on keeping a journal: the art of transforming a life into stories [i]
  778. () Managing conflict in a negotiated world: a narrative approach to achieving dialogue and change [i] [d]
  779. () The hard road to the good life: the happy, mature person [d]
  780. () Journey into the rainforest [i]
  781. (/2014) The elements of journalism: what newspeople should know and the public should expect [i]
  782. () Story medicine: multicultural tales of healing and transformation [i]
  783. () Cognitive coherence relations and hypertext: from cinematic patterns to scholarly discourse [i] [d] [u]
  784. () The Lakota way: stories and lessons for living [i]
  785. Dan P. McAdams, Ruthellen Josselson, & Amia Lieblich [ed] () Turns in the road: narrative studies of lives in transition [i] [d]
  786. () To work or play?: junior age non-fiction as objects of design [d]
  787. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss [i] [d]
  788. () Shakespeare's invention of theater as simulation that runs on minds [d]
  789. (/2017) Film directing fundamentals: see your film before shooting [i] [d]
  790. () Stories at the forest edge: the KEMALA approach to crafting good governance and sustainable futures [o]
  791. () Vectors: aphorisms & ten-second essays [i]
  792. () Research as therapy: the power of narrative to effect change [i] [d]
  793. () Creating conversations: improvisation in everyday discourse [i]
  794. () The seven sins of memory: how the mind forgets and remembers [i]
  795. () New perspectives on autobiographical memory: the integration of narrative processing and autobiographical reasoning [d]
  796. () Sound design: the expressive power of music, voice, and sound effects in cinema [i]
  797. () The world of where and when [i]
  798. () Living our language: Ojibwe tales & oral histories [i]
  799. () The heart of grief: death and the search for lasting love [i]
  800. () The films of Mike Leigh: embracing the world [i]
  801. (/2019) The copyeditor's handbook: a guide for book publishing and corporate communications, with exercises and answer keys [i] [d] [j]
  802. () Writing a book that makes a difference [i]
  803. () Play and the power of news [d]
  804. () Constructing psychopathology from a cognitive narrative perspective [i] [d]
  805. () Some stories are better than others: doing what works in brief therapy and managed care [i]
  806. () Waiting for the bus [d]
  807. () 10 pages a day [i]
  808. (/2010) The forest for the trees: an editor's advice to writers [i]
  809. () Movie worlds: production design in film = Das Szenenbild im Film [i]
  810. (/2010) The first five pages: a writer's guide to staying out of the rejection pile [i]
  811. () The skin of the film: intercultural cinema, embodiment, and the senses [i] [d]
  812. (/2006) How picturebooks work [i]
  813. () Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving intractable conflict [d]
  814. () Reporting and writing: basics for the 21st century [i]
  815. (/2007) Storyboards: motion in art [i]
  816. () Owning the story: ethical considerations in narrative research [d]
  817. () Grassroots journalism: a practical manual for doing the kind of newswriting that doesn't just get people angry, but active—that doesn't just inform, but inspires [i]
  818. () Narrative mediation: a new approach to conflict resolution [i]
  819. () The literature of journalism: text and context [i]
  820. () The history of nature and the nature of history: Stephen Jay Gould on science, philosophy, and history [d] [j]
  821. () Stages on journeys: some remarks about human geography and psychotherapeutic practice [d]
  822. () The six part story method (6PSM): as an aid in the assessment of personality disorder [d]
  823. (/2006) Writer's guide to character traits: includes profiles of human behaviors and personality types [i]
  824. () Context is everything: the nature of memory [i]
  825. () Missing persons: the impossibility of auto/biography [i]
  826. () Narratives of recovery from addictive behaviours [p] [d]
  827. () Impro for storytellers [i]
  828. () Psychotherapy process measure research and the evaluation of psychotherapy orientation: a narrative analysis [d]
  829. () Life in the treetops: adventures of a woman in field biology [i]
  830. () Traditional storytelling today: an international sourcebook [i]
  831. () Storylines: craftartists' narratives of identity [i]
  832. () Holdfast: at home in the natural world [i]
  833. () Identity and forgetting [d] [j]
  834. () Why fiction may be twice as true as fact: fiction as cognitive and emotional simulation [d]
  835. () Meetings of minds: dialogue, sympathy, and identification, in reading fiction [d]
  836. () Reformulating dispute narratives through active listening [d]
  837. () The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage [i]
  838. () Explanation as unification [d] [j]
  839. () How we write: writing as creative design [i]
  840. () Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
  841. () The bodily complexity of truth-telling in qualitative research: some implications of Gendlin's theory [d]
  842. () The clockwork muse: a practical guide to writing theses, dissertations, and books [i] [j]
  843. () The social life of stories: narrative and knowledge in the Yukon Territory [i]
  844. (/2008) Writing dialogue for scripts: effective dialogue for film, TV, radio and stage [i]
  845. () Custodians of conscience: investigative journalism and public virtue [i]
  846. () The common place of law: stories from everyday life [i]
  847. () Helen Keller: a life [i]
  848. () Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
  849. () A newcomer gains power: an analysis of the role of rhetorical expertise [d]
  850. (/2015) Steering the craft: a twenty-first century guide to sailing the sea of story [i]
  851. () Empathy, shame, guilt, and narratives of interpersonal conflicts: guilt-prone people are better at perspective taking [d]
  852. () Medicine stories: history, culture, and the politics of integrity [i]
  853. () The power of personal storytelling: spinning tales to connect with others [i]
  854. () The role of defense in the life story [d]
  855. Michael J. Nakkula & Sharon M. Ravitch [ed] () Matters of interpretation: reciprocal transformation in therapeutic and developmental relationships with youth [i]
  856. () Memory & narrative: the weave of life-writing [i]
  857. () Blue as the lake: a personal geography [i]
  858. () Pretty pictures: production design and the history film [i]
  859. () The pale of words: reflections on the humanities and performance [i]
  860. () A narrative approach to the practice of mediation [d]
  861. () Cross-cultural filmmaking: a handbook for making documentary and ethnographic films and videos [i]
  862. () Green space, green time: the way of science [i] [d]
  863. (/1999) La vita è bella = Life is beautiful [i]
  864. () Improving academic writing [d] [u]
  865. () History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
  866. () The persuasive pen: an integrated approach to reasoning and writing [i]
  867. () Toward families of stories in context [d]
  868. (/2007) Making documentary films and videos: a practical guide to planning, filming, and editing documentaries [i]
  869. Walt Harrington [ed] () Intimate journalism: the art and craft of reporting everyday life [i]
  870. () Guerrilla bookmaking: preserving your community's heritage [i] [u]
  871. () Story: substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting [i]
  872. () Autobiography, voice, and developmental theory [i]
  873. () Fugitive pieces [i]
  874. () Cultures of habitat: on nature, culture, and story [i]
  875. () From the land of the white birch [i]
  876. () Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative [i]
  877. (/2011) How we grieve: relearning the world [i] [d]
  878. () Nohow on: three novels [i]
  879. () Deleuze's style [d]
  880. () Rewriting: the arts and sciences of improving expository instructional text [i] [d]
  881. () The continuing circle: Native American storytelling past and present [i]
  882. () One river: explorations and discoveries in the Amazon rain forest [i]
  883. (/2003) Best words, best order: essays on poetry [i] [d]
  884. () The art of technique: an aesthetic approach to film and video production [i]
  885. (/2011) The power of framing: creating the language of leadership [i]
  886. () Justifying work: occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens [d] [j]
  887. () Narrative therapy: the social construction of preferred realities [i]
  888. Melissa A. Heckler & Carol Birch [ed] () Who says?: essays on pivotal issues in contemporary storytelling [i]
  889. () Narrative, social constructionism, and Buddhism [i]
  890. C. Michael Levy & Sarah E. Ransdell [ed] () The science of writing: theories, methods, individual differences, and applications [i] [d]
  891. () Reader's block [i]
  892. (/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
  893. () Kitchen table wisdom: stories that heal [i]
  894. Hugh Rosen & Kevin T. Kuehlwein [ed] () Constructing realities: meaning-making perspectives for psychotherapists [i]
  895. () New entries: learning by writing and drawing [i]
  896. () An account of writing as creative design [i] [d]
  897. () The passionate fact: storytelling in natural history and cultural interpretation [i]
  898. () Helen Vendler: The art of criticism No. 3 [u]
  899. () The relationship between vivid description, emotional arousal, and in-session resolution of problematic reactions [d]
  900. Louwrien Wijers [ed] () Writing as sculpture, 1978–1987 [i]
  901. () Writing well as a form of social knowledge [i]
  902. () Communication and the other: beyond deliberative democracy [i]
  903. () Samuel Beckett: the complete short prose, 1929–1989 [i]
  904. (/2016) The craft of research [i]
  905. (/2016) Making good arguments: an overview [i]
  906. () To assert that essentially all human knowledge and memory is represented in terms of stories is certainly wrong [i]
  907. () Communicating through story characters: radio social drama [i]
  908. () The end of the story [i]
  909. (/2011) Writing ethnographic fieldnotes [i] [d]
  910. () On printed matter and beyond: media, orality and literacy [i]
  911. () A dialectical-constructivist approach to experiential change [i] [d]
  912. () The art of writing for publication [i]
  913. () White gloves: how we create ourselves through memory [i]
  914. (/2011) Visual communication: images with messages [i]
  915. () The storytelling coach: how to listen, praise, and bring out people's best [i]
  916. () Constructivist psychotherapies: features, foundations, and future directions [i] [d]
  917. Robert A. Neimeyer & Michael J. Mahoney [ed] () Constructivism in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  918. (/2009) Writing better lyrics: the essential guide to powerful songwriting [i]
  919. (/2013) Leading out loud: a guide for engaging others in creating the future [i]
  920. James W. Pennebaker [ed] () Emotion, disclosure & health [i] [d]
  921. () The avant-garde finds Andy Hardy [i]
  922. () How to write: advice and reflections [i]
  923. () The big catch: a practical introduction to development [i] [d]
  924. Daniel L. Schacter & Joseph T. Coyle [ed] () Memory distortion: how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past [i]
  925. () Massacre of the dreamers: essays on Xicanisma [i]
  926. () Discourse, consciousness, and time: the flow and displacement of conscious experience in speaking and writing [i]
  927. () Cuentos completos [i]
  928. () Uncovering lives: the uneasy alliance of biography and psychology [i]
  929. () Personal accounts of successful versus failed attempts at life change [d]
  930. () Our lives are our best teaching tools [d]
  931. Ulric Neisser & Robyn Fivush [ed] () The remembering self: construction and accuracy in the self-narrative [i]
  932. () Devising theatre: a practical and theoretical handbook [i]
  933. () On writing philosophy [i]
  934. (/2010) The screenwriter's bible: a complete guide to writing, formatting, and selling your script [i]
  935. (/2010) Shaking the money tree: how to get grants and donations for film and video projects [i]
  936. () Talking on the water: conversations about nature and creativity [i]
  937. () Telling your own stories: a new resource for discovering and creating your own stories [i]
  938. (/1997) Essays critical and clinical [i]
  939. (/1997) Literature and life [i]
  940. () Story and legend: powerful tools for conflict resolution [d]
  941. () How problems evolve and dissolve: integrating narrative and strategic concepts [p] [d]
  942. (/2010) The complete film production handbook [i]
  943. () Story earth: native voices on the environment [i]
  944. () Literacy through the book arts [i]
  945. () Toni Morrison: The art of fiction No. 134 [u]
  946. () Short-term psychotherapy and the rise of the life-sketch [d]
  947. () Mapping the invisible landscape: folklore, writing, and the sense of place [i] [j]
  948. () Improvising real life: personal story in playback theatre [i]
  949. Jack Selzer [ed] () Understanding scientific prose [i]
  950. () Magic eyes: scenes from an Andean girlhood [i]
  951. () Filmmaking: narrative & structural techniques [i]
  952. () Mediator neutrality and storytelling order [d]
  953. () Um astronauta no Chipre: incluindo os roteiros de 'Ilha das Flores', 'Esta não é a sua vida' e o inédito 'A Matadeira' [i]
  954. () A chorus of stones: the private life of war [i]
  955. () The particular-circumstance model of scientific explanation [i]
  956. (/2004) Cinematic motion: a workshop for staging scenes [i]
  957. Matthew H. Nitecki & Doris V. Nitecki [ed] () History and evolution [i]
  958. () Telling the tree: narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history [d]
  959. (/2007) The actor's checklist: creating the complete character [i]
  960. () Ecological literacy: education and the transition to a postmodern world [i]
  961. (/1996) The construction of clinical 'realities' [i]
  962. () Creating stories for storytelling [i]
  963. () Film directing shot by shot: visualizing from concept to screen [i]
  964. () Awakening the hidden storyteller: how to build a storytelling tradition in your family [i]
  965. () Toward a new discourse for mediation: a critique of neutrality [d]
  966. () Stories that heal: reparenting adult children of dysfunctional families using hypnotic stories in psychotherapy [i]
  967. Eliot Wigginton [ed] () Refuse to stand silently by: an oral history of grass roots social activism in America, 1921–64 [i]
  968. () Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print [i]
  969. () Zen in the art of writing [i]
  970. () Cancer stories: creativity and self-repair [i]
  971. () From chaos to cosmos: the telling of a life story reconsidered [d]
  972. () Some narrative conventions of scientific discourse [i]
  973. () Iris Murdoch: The art of fiction No. 117 [u]
  974. (/1997) Opening up: the healing power of expressing emotions [i]
  975. (/2007) Writing, directing, and producing documentary films and videos [i]
  976. (/1995) Tell me a story: narrative and intelligence [i]
  977. () Frog's riddle & other draw-and-tell stories [i]
  978. () Psychotherapy as shared reconstruction [d]
  979. () Creating a character: a physical approach to acting [i]
  980. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  981. (/2003) Ilha das flores = Isle of flowers [or: Island of flowers] [o] [u]
  982. (/2002) Hypnotherapy scripts: a neo-Ericksonian approach to persuasive healing [i]
  983. Elaine P. Maimon, Barbara F. Nodine, & Finbarr W. O'Connor [ed] () Thinking, reasoning, and writing [i]
  984. (/1993) The unreality industry: the deliberate manufacturing of falsehood and what it is doing to our lives [i]
  985. () Roger & me [o]
  986. (/2020) Directing: film techniques and aesthetics [i] [d]
  987. () Ozu and the poetics of cinema [i]
  988. (/2008) American Indian autobiography [i]
  989. () Nervous conditions: a novel [i]
  990. () Jim Harrison: The art of fiction No. 104 [u]
  991. () How to write a movie in 21 days: the inner movie method [i]
  992. (/1998) The new way things work [or: The way things work] [i]
  993. () Alternatives to psychoanalytic psychobiography [i] [u]
  994. William McKinley Runyan [ed] () Psychology and historical interpretation [i]
  995. (/2012) Borderlands = La frontera: the new mestiza [i]
  996. () The psychology of written composition [i] [d]
  997. () Der Lauf der Dinge = The way things go [o]
  998. () Mother Earth: an American story [i]
  999. () The interface between the written and the oral [i]
  1000. (/2010) Handbook for academic authors [i] [d]
  1001. (/1989) Pauli Murray: the autobiography of a Black activist, feminist, lawyer, priest, and poet [or: Song in a weary throat: an American pilgrimage] [i]
  1002. (/2015) Directing the documentary [i] [d]
  1003. () Your life & times: how to put a life story on tape: an oral history handbook [o]
  1004. () Perceiving cinematic episodes: a cross-cultural repertory grid study of a narrative film segment [d]
  1005. (/2000) The biographical illusion [i]
  1006. () History from below: how to uncover and tell the story of your community, association, or union [i]
  1007. (/1988) Annie stories: a special kind of storytelling [i]
  1008. () How to get your point across in 30 seconds—or less [i]
  1009. (/1995) The knowing body: the artist as storyteller in contemporary performance [i]
  1010. () Writing coaches: their strategies for improving writing [d]
  1011. () Narration in the fiction film [i]
  1012. () Dignity: lower income women tell of their lives and struggles: oral histories [i] [d]
  1013. () The essential delay: when writer's block isn't [i]
  1014. () James Baldwin: The art of fiction No. 78 [u]
  1015. (/1985) Flaubert's parrot [i]
  1016. (/2006) The screenwriter's workbook [i]
  1017. () Outliving the self: generativity and the interpretation of lives [or: Outliving the self: how we live on in future generations] [i]
  1018. () El hombre que murió de un rumor [i]
  1019. () The story vine: a source book of unusual and easy-to-tell stories from around the world [i]
  1020. (/1991) Film scheduling, or, How long will it take to shoot your movie?: the complete step-by-step guide to professional motion picture scheduling [i]
  1021. () The improvised play: the work of Mike Leigh [i]
  1022. () Revising functional documents: the scenario principle [i] [d]
  1023. () Healing fiction [i]
  1024. () Progressive contextualization: methods for research in human ecology [d] [j]
  1025. (/1987) Taleworlds and storyrealms: the phenomenology of narrative [i] [d]
  1026. () The psychology of chance encounters and life paths [d]
  1027. () Another way of telling [i]
  1028. () Parti-colored blocks for a quilt [i] [d]
  1029. () Narrative truth and historical truth: meaning and interpretation in psychoanalysis [i]
  1030. (/2017) Style: lessons in clarity and grace [or: Style: ten lessons in clarity & grace] [i]
  1031. (/1986) The writing of the disaster [i]
  1032. () The pride of Mrs. McBride [o]
  1033. (/2020) Film art: an introduction [i]
  1034. () The logic of question and answer: writing as inquiry [d] [j]
  1035. () When to begin writing [d]
  1036. (/1993) One less manifesto [i]
  1037. (/1993) Ojibway tales [or: Moose meat & wild rice] [i]
  1038. () The snow leopard [i]
  1039. (/1993) New handbook for storytellers: with stories, poems, magic, and more [i]
  1040. () Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science [d] [j]
  1041. () Daughters of the earth: the lives and legends of American Indian women [i]
  1042. (/1990) The world of storytelling [i]
  1043. () Ojibway heritage [i]
  1044. (/2010) A seventh man: a book of images and words about the experience of migrant workers in Europe [i]
  1045. () Explanation and scientific understanding [d] [j]
  1046. () Working: people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do [i]
  1047. (/1997) The night country [i]
  1048. (/2003) The education of the un-artist [i]
  1049. () Bury my heart at Wounded Knee: an Indian history of the American West [i]
  1050. (/1998) The invisible pyramid [i]
  1051. () Rhetoric: discovery and change [i]
  1052. () The camera and I [o]
  1053. (/1980) A guide to historical method [i]
  1054. () La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos [i]
  1055. () Saul Bellow: The art of fiction No. 37 [u]
  1056. (/1999) The art of memory [i]
  1057. (/1984) Rayuela [i]
  1058. (/1992) La jetée: ciné-roman [i]
  1059. () Henry Miller: The art of fiction No. 28 [u]
  1060. (/2014) Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers [i]
  1061. (/1999) The firmament of time [i]
  1062. () Pragmatism as a theory of historical knowledge: John Dewey on the nature of historical inquiry [d] [j]
  1063. (/2004) The modern researcher [i]
  1064. () Frederic L. Paxson and his approach to history [and his large card file] [d] [j]
  1065. () The nature of historical explanation [o]
  1066. (/1959) On intellectual craftsmanship [i]
  1067. (/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
  1068. (/1985) Hiroshima [i]
  1069. () Judgment as spatio-temporal determination: narration-description [i] [u]
  1070. () The problem of historical knowledge: an answer to relativism [o]
  1071. (/2003) American Indian stories, legends, and other writings [i] [u]
  1072. () The writing of history: an introduction to historical method [o] [u]
  1073. (/1999) The elements of style [i]
  1074. () A history of northern Michigan and its people [o] [u]
  1075. (/2011) Ogimawkwe mitigwaki = Queen of the woods: a novel [i] [u]
  1076. (/1912) Introduction to the study of history [o] [u]
  1077. (/2002) On lynchings: Southern horrors, A red record, Mob rule in New Orleans [i] [u]
  1078. (/2009) History of the Ojibway people [i] [u]
  1079. (/1995) A century of dishonor: a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes [i] [u]
  1080. (/2009) Incidents in the life of a slave girl: written by herself [i] [u]
  1081. () Indian life and Indian history by an Indian author: embracing the traditions of the North American Indians regarding themselves, particularly of that most important of all the tribes, the Ojibways [o] [u]
  1082. () My bondage and my freedom [o] [u]
  1083. (/2012) Twelve years a slave [i] [u]
  1084. (/2001) The life and adventures of Henry Bibb: an American slave [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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