How to socialize

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () The other significant others: reimagining life with friendship at the center [i]
  2. () Why does it feel so fake?: overcoming authenticity challenges in professional networking [d]
  3. () Awkwardness: a theory [i] [d]
  4. () Why we should be curious about each other [d]
  5. () How to work with (almost) anyone: five questions for building the best possible relationships [i]
  6. Heather Devere [ed] () Friendship, peace and social justice [i] [d]
  7. () Group life: an invitation to local sociology [i]
  8. () The practice of belonging: six lessons from vibrant communities to combat loneliness, foster diversity, and cultivate caring relationships [i]
  9. () Well-being in social interactions: examining personality–situation dynamics in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication [p] [d]
  10. () Undersociality is unwise [d]
  11. () Hanging out: the radical power of killing time [i]
  12. () 'All humans are strangers—almost everywhere': reflections on human belonging [i] [d]
  13. () Hey Siri, I love you: people feel more attached to gendered technology [d]
  14. () Why friendship matters in research fieldwork [u]
  15. () The good life: lessons from the world's longest scientific study of happiness [i]
  16. () Kindness in short supply: evidence for inadequate prosocial input [p] [d]
  17. () The six forces that fuel friendship [u]
  18. () Intervening to enhance proactivity for socialization: a longitudinal field experiment [d]
  19. () Fostering perceptions of authenticity via sensitive self-disclosure [p] [d]
  20. () Awe: the new science of everyday wonder and how it can transform your life [i]
  21. () Emerging adults' cultural values, prosocial behaviors, and mental health in 14 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic [d]
  22. () Humble: free yourself from the traps of a narcissistic world [i]
  23. () Agreeableness and its consequences: a quantitative review of meta-analytic findings ['the trait has effects in a desirable direction for 93% of variables'] [p] [d]
  24. () Interpersonal aspects of hypnosis: twisted pears and other forbidden fruit [d]
  25. () Surprisingly happy to have helped: underestimating prosociality creates a misplaced barrier to asking for help [p] [d]
  26. Frank Krueger [ed] () The neurobiology of trust [i] [d]
  27. () Alone versus together: finding the right balance for creativity [i] [d]
  28. () Quantifying collective intelligence in human groups [p] [d] [u]
  29. () Non-work obligations: on the delicate art of dealing with disagreeableness [i] [d]
  30. () Authentic self-expression on social media is associated with greater subjective well-being [p] [d] [u]
  31. () Relating through technology: everyday social interaction [i] [d]
  32. () Survival of the friendliest: understanding our origins and rediscovering our common humanity [i]
  33. () Good chemistry: the science of connection, from soul to psychedelics [i]
  34. () Learning from friends and terminating friendships: retrieving friendship as a moral educational concept [d]
  35. () You belong: a call for connection [i]
  36. () Human social evolution: self-domestication or self-control? [p] [d] [u]
  37. () I like you better when you are coherent: narrating autobiographical memories in a coherent manner has a positive impact on listeners' social evaluations [p] [d] [u]
  38. () Perceiving emotion in the 'neutral' face: a powerful mechanism of person perception [i] [d]
  39. () Social relations across the life span: scientific advances, emerging issues, and future challenges [d]
  40. () Emotion recognition as a social act: the role of the expresser–observer relationship in recognizing emotions [i] [d]
  41. () Stress-free small talk: how to master the art of conversation and take control of your social anxiety [i]
  42. () Inferring intentions from emotion expressions in social decision making [i] [d]
  43. () The use of emotions to infer norms and standards [i] [d]
  44. Ursula Hess & Shlomo Hareli [ed] () The social nature of emotion expression: what emotions can tell us about the world [i] [d]
  45. () Transformative social and emotional learning (SEL): toward SEL in service of educational equity and excellence [d]
  46. () Question asking as a dyadic behavior [critique of Huang et al., 'It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking'] [p] [d] [u]
  47. () The many faces of smiles [i] [d]
  48. Oliver C. Schultheiss & Pranjal H. Mehta [ed] () Routledge international handbook of social neuroendocrinology [i] [d]
  49. () The theory and practice of social machines [i] [d]
  50. () Rural social networks along Amazonian rivers: seeds, labor and soccer among communities on the Napo River, Peru [d]
  51. () Belong: find your people, create community, & live a more connected life [i]
  52. () Informal creative labour practices: a relational work perspective [d]
  53. () Social incentives in organizations [d]
  54. () Treating people well: the extraordinary power of civility at work and in life [i]
  55. () The social significance of subtle signals [p] [d]
  56. () Expectations and obligations [d]
  57. () Religious congregations as community hubs and sources of social bonding [i] [d]
  58. () The anatomy of friendship [p] [d]
  59. () Reinforcements: how to get people to help you [i]
  60. () Helping students overcome social anxiety: skills for academic and social success (SASS) [i]
  61. () The art of gathering: how we meet and why it matters [i]
  62. Olivia Sagan & Eric D. Miller [ed] () Narratives of loneliness: multidisciplinary perspectives from the 21st century [i] [d]
  63. () Religion, social signaling, and health: a psychoneuroimmunological approach [d]
  64. () Tradition's hidden economy [d]
  65. () Laughter as a neurochemical mechanism aimed at reinforcing social bonds: integrating evidence from opioidergic activity and brain stimulation [p] [d] [u]
  66. () Forgiveness and the ego: why hypo-egoic states foster forgiveness and prosocial responses [i] [d]
  67. () Group pleasures: collaborative commitments, shared narrative, and the sociology of fun [d] [u]
  68. () Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
  69. () It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking [p] [d]
  70. () On the benefits of giving social support: when, why, and how support providers gain by caring for others [d]
  71. Heidi Keller & Kim A. Bard [ed] () The cultural nature of attachment: contextualizing relationships and development [i] [d]
  72. () Mutualistic cooperation: why religion is common but saints are rare [d]
  73. () The magnetic leader: how irresistible leaders attract employees, customers, and profits [i]
  74. () Variation in the β-endorphin, oxytocin, and dopamine receptor genes is associated with different dimensions of human sociality [p] [d] [u]
  75. () The primacy of social support [in religion] [d]
  76. () Discerning devotion: testing the signaling theory of religion [d]
  77. () On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
  78. () How to create a social circle as a freelancer [u]
  79. () Reciprocity outperforms conformity to promote cooperation [p] [d]
  80. () Predicting psychotherapy outcome based on therapist interpersonal skills: a five-year longitudinal study of a therapist assessment protocol [p] [d]
  81. () Social network size and cognitive functioning in middle-aged adults: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations [p] [d] [u]
  82. () Beyond viral: the proliferation of social media usage has not resulted in significant social change [d]
  83. () Information and communication technology and the social inclusion of refugees [u]
  84. () The bright and dark side of altruism: demographic, personality traits, and disorders associated with altruism [d] [j]
  85. () Flourishing in the company of like-minded people [u]
  86. () The perception of people: integrating cognition and culture [i] [d]
  87. () Quick thinkers are smooth talkers: mental speed facilitates charisma [p] [d]
  88. () Pain tolerance predicts human social network size [p] [d] [u]
  89. () The social skills guidebook: manage shyness, improve your conversations, and make friends, without giving up who you are [i] [u]
  90. () The behavioral immune system: implications for social cognition, social interaction, and social influence [i] [d]
  91. () Free will in social and psychological contracts [d]
  92. () Perfectionists do not play nicely with others: expanding the social disconnection model [i] [d]
  93. () Why are some individuals more resilient than others: the role of social support [d]
  94. () Gastrodiplomacy: assessing the role of food in decision-making [d] [u]
  95. () When strangers meet: how people you don't know can transform you [i]
  96. () The social media trap: how knowledge workers learn to deal with constant social connectivity [i] [d]
  97. () Sociality: the behaviour of group-living animals [i] [d]
  98. () Stretch: how to future-proof yourself for tomorrow's workplace [i] [d]
  99. () Beyond contagion: reality mining reveals complex patterns of social influence [p] [d] [u]
  100. () The relationship inventory: a complete resource and guide [i] [d]
  101. () Focus on the success of others leads to selfish behavior [p] [d] [u]
  102. () Peace psychology and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  103. () Presence: bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges [i]
  104. () Empathy and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  105. () Tolerance: an elusive but fundamental aspect of sociality [i] [d]
  106. () The mix matters: complex personal networks relate to higher cognitive functioning in old age [p] [d]
  107. () The social psychology of attraction and romantic relationships [i]
  108. () Seven life lessons from humanistic behaviorism: how to bring the best out of yourself and others [d]
  109. Aleksandra Kostić & Derek Chadee [ed] () The social psychology of nonverbal communication [i] [d]
  110. () Beyond facial expression: spatial distance as a factor in the communication of discrete emotions [i] [d]
  111. () Prosocial behavior in late life [i] [d]
  112. () The psychological effects of the contextual activation of security-enhancing mental representations in adulthood [d]
  113. () Blending in at the cost of losing oneself: dishonest self-disclosure erodes self-concept clarity in social anxiety [d]
  114. () The architecture of social relationships and thinking spaces for growth [i] [d]
  115. Charis Psaltis, Alex Gillespie, & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont [ed] () Social relations in human and societal development [i] [d]
  116. Greg Richards, Lénia Marques, & Karen Mein [ed] () Event design: social perspectives and practices [i] [d]
  117. () A false sense of security: safety behaviors erode objective speech performance in individuals with social anxiety disorder [p] [d]
  118. () The like switch: an ex-FBI agent's guide to influencing, attracting, and winning people over [i]
  119. David A. Schroeder & William G. Graziano [ed] () The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  120. () Morality and prosocial judgments and behavior [i] [d]
  121. () Strategies for advice taking: the role of epistemic social information [d]
  122. () Cognitive distortion in interpersonal relations: clinical implications of social cognitive research on person perception [d]
  123. () Underestimating our influence over others' unethical behavior and decisions [p] [d]
  124. () Interpersonal justice, relational conflict, and commitment to change: the moderating role of social interaction [d]
  125. () I'm sorry about the rain!: superfluous apologies demonstrate empathic concern and increase trust [d]
  126. Joey T. Cheng, Jessica L. Tracy, & Cameron Anderson [ed] () The psychology of social status [i] [d]
  127. () Remediation of interpersonal and communication skills [i] [d]
  128. Robert J. Coplan, Julie C. Bowker, & Larry J. Nelson [ed] (/2021) The handbook of solitude: psychological perspectives on social isolation, social withdrawal, and being alone [i] [d]
  129. () Do your dark side traits fit?: dysfunctional personalities in different work sectors [d]
  130. () The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy [d]
  131. () Cognitive vulnerability to depression can be contagious [d]
  132. (/2021) Evolutionary and neuroscientific perspectives on adaptive shyness [i] [d]
  133. () Accounting as personal apology [d]
  134. () Mapping family connectedness across space and time [d]
  135. () Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: psychopathology and treatment approaches [i] [d]
  136. () Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness [d]
  137. () Sociality influences cultural complexity [p] [d] [u]
  138. () Selfless or selfish?: generativity and narcissism as components of legacy [d]
  139. () Relating anatomical and social connectivity: white matter microstructure predicts emotional empathy [p] [d]
  140. () Argument schemes for reasoning about trust [d]
  141. () Connecting to change the world: harnessing the power of networks for social impact [i]
  142. Ronald E. Riggio & Sherylle J. Tan [ed] () Leader interpersonal and influence skills: the soft skills of leadership [i] [d]
  143. () Emotion-focused therapy for the treatment of social anxiety: an overview of the model and a case description [p] [d]
  144. () Circumventing anxiety during interpersonal encounters to promote interest in contact: an implementation intention approach [d]
  145. () A talent for friendship: rediscovery of a remarkable trait [i]
  146. () Collective interviewing: a transactive memory approach towards identifying signs of truthfulness [d]
  147. Maria Xenitidou & Bruce Edmonds [ed] () The complexity of social norms [i] [d]
  148. () The social functions of the emotion of gratitude via expression [p] [d]
  149. () Socioeconomic status and paranoia: the role of life hassles, self-mastery, and striving to avoid inferiority [p] [d]
  150. () The dark side of competition for status [d]
  151. () Social cognition and social functioning in nonclinical paranoia [d]
  152. () Assessing aberrant personality in managerial coaching: measurement issues and prevalence rates across employment sectors [d]
  153. () The role of social connectors in seeking computer-mediated information in rural societies [u]
  154. () The adaptive function of distributed remembering: contributions to the formation of collective memory [d]
  155. () The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: a time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility [d]
  156. () Agency–communion and self-esteem relations are moderated by culture, religiosity, age, and sex: evidence for the 'self-centrality breeds self-enhancement' principle [p] [d]
  157. () Give and take: a revolutionary approach to success [i]
  158. () The necessity of strangers: the intriguing truth about insight, innovation, and success [i]
  159. () Employability and career success: bridging the gap between theory and reality [d]
  160. () Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies [p] [d] [u]
  161. () 8 keys to building your best relationships [i]
  162. () Eating together: food, friendship, and inequality [i] [j]
  163. () Understanding politeness [i] [d]
  164. () Belief buddies versus critical communities: the social organization of pseudoscience [i] [d]
  165. () Emotions are at the core of individual social performance [i] [d]
  166. () Harsh childhood environmental characteristics predict exploitation and retaliation in humans [p] [d] [u]
  167. () Clarifying the links between social support and health: culture, stress, and neuroticism matter [d]
  168. () Social cognition in borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  169. () From a disconnected society to an interconnected society [j]
  170. () The emerging field of human social genomics [p] [d] [u]
  171. (/2022) Interpersonal communication: putting theory into practice [i] [d]
  172. (/2022) Emotions and communication [i] [d]
  173. () Reciprocal interactions between group perceptions of leader charisma and group mood through mood contagion [d]
  174. () Land your dream career: eleven steps to take in college [i]
  175. () Early maladaptive schemas and interpersonal problems: a circumplex analysis of the YSQ-SF [u]
  176. () Social strain and executive function across the lifespan: the dark (and light) sides of social engagement [d]
  177. () Implicit and explicit social mentalizing: dual processes driven by a shared neural network [p] [d] [u]
  178. () Under a watchful eye: self, power, and intimacy in Amazonia [i] [d] [j]
  179. () A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
  180. () Impact at the 'bottom of the pyramid': the role of social capital in capability development and community empowerment [d]
  181. () Risk pooling, risk preferences, and social networks [d]
  182. () The complex position of the intermediary in telecenters and community multimedia centers [u]
  183. () Self-regulation and social cognition in adulthood: the gyroscope of personality [i] [d]
  184. () Social cognition in members of conflict groups: behavioural and neural responses in Arabs, Israelis and South Americans to each other's misfortunes [p] [d] [u]
  185. () The charisma myth: how anyone can master the art and science of personal magnetism [i]
  186. () Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps [d]
  187. () Let me tell you what to do: cultural differences in advice-giving [d]
  188. () Getting down to basics: a situated model of conflict in social relations [d]
  189. () Look at me, I'll remember you: the perception of self-relevant social cues enhances memory and right hippocampal activity [d]
  190. () Beyond prejudice: are negative evaluations the problem and is getting us to like one another more the solution? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  191. () When friends deflect questions about sensitive information: questioners' cognitive complexity and explanations for friends' avoidance [d]
  192. () Social cognition on the Internet: testing constraints on social network size [p] [d] [u]
  193. () Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold [p] [d] [u]
  194. () Flustered and faithful: embarrassment as a signal of prosociality [p] [d]
  195. Susan T. Fiske & Hazel Rose Markus [ed] () Facing social class: how societal rank influences interaction [i] [j]
  196. () Hierarchical integration of agency and communion: a study of influential moral figures [p] [d]
  197. () Trusting what you're told: how children learn from others [i]
  198. () Examining concurrent and longitudinal relations between personality traits and social well-being in adulthood [d]
  199. () Personality trait development and social investment in work [d]
  200. () Social capital and social quilts: network patterns of favor exchange [d]
  201. () Passing the salt: how eating together creates community [u]
  202. () The 11 laws of likability: relationship networking—because people do business with people they like [i]
  203. () The relational dimension of identity—theoretical and empirical exploration [d]
  204. () Beyond traits: personality as intersubjective themes [d]
  205. () Policy implications of implicit social cognition [d]
  206. () Attention in a social world [i]
  207. () Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
  208. () Friends with benefits: social support and its relevance for farm animal welfare [d]
  209. () Children's and adolescents' reasons for socially excluding others [d]
  210. () Emotion regulation and aggression [d]
  211. () The essential role of ritual in the transmission and reinforcement of social norms [p] [d]
  212. () Social networks and spatial configuration—how office layouts drive social interaction [d]
  213. () The reluctant researcher: shyness in the field [d] [u]
  214. () 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
  215. () Delta theory and psychosocial systems: the practice of influence and change [i] [d]
  216. Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi [ed] () Handbook of social resource theory: theoretical extensions, empirical insights, and social applications [i] [d]
  217. () Agentic and communal values: their scope and measurement [d]
  218. () Temporal stability and psychological foundations of cooperation preferences [d]
  219. () Social connection enables dehumanization [d]
  220. () Being deluded after being excluded?: how emotion regulation deficits in paranoia-prone individuals affect state paranoia during experimentally induced social stress [p] [d]
  221. () Fictive kinship as it mediates learning, resiliency, perseverance, and social learning of inner-city high school students of color in a college physics class [d]
  222. () Cracking the hidden job market: how to find opportunity in any economy [i]
  223. () The evolution of religion: how cognitive by-products, adaptive learning heuristics, ritual displays, and group competition generate deep commitments to prosocial religions [d]
  224. () Local, global and virtual buzz: the importance of face-to-face contact in economic interaction and possibilities to go beyond [d]
  225. Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin, & Matthew O. Jackson [ed] () Handbook of social economics [i]
  226. () In search of our true selves: feedback as a path to self-knowledge [p] [d] [u]
  227. () A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  228. () True belonging: mindful practices to help you overcome loneliness, connect with others, and cultivate happiness [i]
  229. () Personality accounts for stable preferences and expectations across a range of simple games [d]
  230. () Culture–gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality [p] [d]
  231. () Us versus them: social identity shapes neural responses to intergroup competition and harm [d]
  232. () Touchpoints: creating powerful leadership connections in the smallest of moments [i]
  233. () The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments, and their outcomes in organizations [d]
  234. () The neural sociometer: brain mechanisms underlying state self-esteem [p] [d]
  235. () Envy up, scorn down: how status divides us [i] [j]
  236. () Compassion and healing in medicine and society: on the nature and use of attachment solutions to separation challenges [i]
  237. () The integration of agency and communion in moral personality: evidence of enlightened self-interest [p] [d]
  238. () Exchanging social positions: enhancing perspective taking within a cooperative problem solving task [d]
  239. () The compassionate-mind guide to building social confidence: using compassion-focused therapy to overcome shyness and social anxiety [i]
  240. () Drunk, powerful, and in the dark: how general processes of disinhibition produce both prosocial and antisocial behavior [p] [d] [j] [u]
  241. () The circumplex structure of interpersonal sensitivities [p] [d]
  242. () What we think we do (to each other): how personality can bias behavior schemas through the projection of if–then profiles [p] [d]
  243. () Personality and interpersonal communication [i]
  244. () Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception [d]
  245. () Don't hide your happiness!: positive emotion dissociation, social connectedness, and psychological functioning [p] [d] [u]
  246. () Amazonian agriculturalists bound by subsistence hunting [d]
  247. Ivan Nyklíček, Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets, & Marcel Zeelenberg [ed] () Emotion regulation and well-being [i] [d]
  248. () Time-critical social mobilization [p] [d] [j]
  249. () Moral psychology is relationship regulation: moral motives for unity, hierarchy, equality, and proportionality [d]
  250. () Join the club: how peer pressure can transform the world [i]
  251. () Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
  252. () Learning to be bad: adverse social conditions, social schemas, and crime [d]
  253. () Achieving forgiveness and trust in postconflict societies: the importance of self-disclosure and empathy [i] [d]
  254. Linda R. Tropp & Robyn K. Mallett [ed] () Moving beyond prejudice reduction: pathways to positive intergroup relations [i] [d]
  255. () The embarrassed bystander: embarrassability and the inhibition of helping [d]
  256. () Belongingness as a protective factor against loneliness and potential depression in a multicultural middle school [d]
  257. () Being 'in' with the in-crowd: the effects of social exclusion and inclusion are enhanced by the perceived essentialism of ingroups and outgroups [p] [d]
  258. () Neighbor networks: competitive advantage local and personal [i]
  259. () Interpersonal subtypes in social phobia: diagnostic and treatment implications [d]
  260. () Social understanding through social interaction [i] [d]
  261. () Well connected: an unconventional approach to building genuine, effective business relationships [i]
  262. () Bracing for the worst, but behaving the best: social anxiety, hostility, and behavioral aggression [p] [d]
  263. () Social eavesdropping and the evolution of conditional cooperation and cheating strategies [p] [d] [u]
  264. () Origins and applications of the interpersonal circumplex [i] [d]
  265. () Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks [p] [d] [u]
  266. () Emotional display rules and emotion self-regulation: associations with bullying and victimization in community-based after school programs [d]
  267. () Markets, religion, community size, and the evolution of fairness and punishment [p] [d] [j]
  268. () Professionalism: self-control matters [p] [d]
  269. Leonard M. Horowitz & Stephen Strack [ed] () Handbook of interpersonal psychology: theory, research, assessment and therapeutic interventions [i] [d]
  270. () Punishment and spite, the dark side of cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  271. () Social development as preference management: how infants, children, and parents get what they want from one another [i] [d]
  272. () Long-term effects of social investment: the case of partnering in young adulthood [p] [d]
  273. () Religion, social networks, and life satisfaction [d] [j]
  274. () Classroom ratings of likeability and popularity are related to the Big Five and the general factor of personality [d]
  275. () Autonomy and relatedness reconsidered: learning from Indian families [d]
  276. () Coping with control and manipulation: making the difference between being a target and becoming a victim [i]
  277. () Close social associations in animals and humans: functions and mechanisms of friendship [d]
  278. () Variation and the response to variation as a basis for successful cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  279. Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] () The mind in context [i]
  280. Douglas W. Nangle [ed] () Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills [i]
  281. () Provisioning responsibilities: how relationships shape the work that women do [d]
  282. () Embodied economics: how bodily information shapes the social coordination dynamics of decision-making [p] [d] [u]
  283. () Power: why some people have it—and others don't [i]
  284. () Dominance signals in debates [i] [d]
  285. () Should we trust grand bazaar carpet sellers (and vice versa)? [i] [u]
  286. Theresa M. Robinson [ed] () Social anxiety: symptoms, causes, and techniques [i]
  287. Kenneth H. Rubin & Robert J. Coplan [ed] () The development of shyness and social withdrawal [i]
  288. () The building-up of social relationships: behavioural types, social networks and cooperative breeding in a cichlid [p] [d] [u]
  289. () Incivility: the rude stranger in everyday life [i] [d]
  290. () Why people cooperate: the role of social motivations [i] [d] [j]
  291. () Identification, screening and stereotyping in labour market discrimination [d]
  292. () Experiencing flow: is doing it together better than doing it alone? [d]
  293. () Using empathy to improve intergroup attitudes and relations [d]
  294. () The art of conversation: a guided tour of a neglected pleasure [i]
  295. () In the eye of the beholder: individual differences in perceived social isolation predict regional brain activation to social stimuli [d]
  296. () Perceived social isolation and cognition [p] [d] [u]
  297. () The myth of individualism: how social forces shape our lives [i]
  298. Joan Y. Chiao [ed] () Cultural neuroscience: cultural influences on brain function [i] [d]
  299. () Neural basis of individualistic and collectivistic views of self [d]
  300. () Examining social isolation by gender and geography: conceptual and operational challenges using population health data in Canada [d]
  301. () Social distance as a moderator of the effects of transformational leadership: both neutralizer and enhancer [d]
  302. Peter Thorpe Ellison & Peter B. Gray [ed] () Endocrinology of social relationships [i] [d] [j]
  303. () Well-being for all: concepts and tools for social cohesion = Le bien-être pour tous: concepts et outils de la cohésion sociale [i]
  304. () Time and scheduling [i] [d]
  305. () The ethics of interpersonal relationships [i] [d]
  306. () The mindful path through shyness: how mindfulness and compassion can help free you from social anxiety, fear, and avoidance [i]
  307. Kenneth J. Gergen, Stuart M. Schrader, & Mary M. Gergen [ed] () Constructing worlds together: interpersonal communication as relational process [i]
  308. () Relational being: beyond self and community [i]
  309. () Exploring personality with the interpersonal circumplex [d]
  310. () Notes on collaboration: assessing student behaviors [d]
  311. () Relationship connection: a redux on the role of minding and the quality of feeling special in the enhancement of closeness [i] [d]
  312. () Positive mood and social relatedness as information about meaning in life [d]
  313. () Eavesdropping on social life: the accuracy of stranger ratings of daily behavior from thin slices of natural conversations [d]
  314. () Being nice [u]
  315. () The thermometer of social relations: mapping social proximity on temperature [d]
  316. () Effective apology: mending fences, building bridges, and restoring trust [i]
  317. () When social anxiety disorder co-exists with risk-prone, approach behavior: investigating a neglected, meaningful subset of people in the National Comorbidity Survey–Replication [d]
  318. () Folk theory of social change [d]
  319. Paul R. Kleindorfer & Yoram Wind [ed] () The network challenge: strategy, profit, and risk in an interlinked world [i]
  320. Mark R. Leary & Rick H. Hoyle [ed] () Handbook of individual differences in social behavior [i]
  321. () Autonomy and relatedness reconsidered: learning from the Inuit [d]
  322. () Life is friends: a complete guide to the lost art of connecting in person [i]
  323. () Shifting ground: the variable use of essentialism in contexts of inclusion and exclusion [d]
  324. () When rejection sensitivity matters: regulating dependence within daily interactions with family and friends [p] [d]
  325. () Psychosocial functioning in the context of diagnosis: assessment and theoretical issues [d]
  326. () Gaps in social support resources in later life: an adaptational challenge in need of further research [d]
  327. () Why the garden club couldn't save Youngstown: the transformation of the Rust Belt [i]
  328. () Grasping the dynamic nature of intersubjectivity [i] [d]
  329. () Unanticipated gains: origins of network inequality in everyday life [i] [d]
  330. () Reactions to discrimination, stigmatization, ostracism, and other forms of interpersonal rejection: a multimotive model [d]
  331. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  332. () Alone and without purpose: life loses meaning following social exclusion [d]
  333. () Transforming 'apathy into movement': the role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change [d]
  334. () The empathy gap: building bridges to the good life and the good society [i]
  335. () Adventure-based group therapy to promote social skills in adolescents [d]
  336. () Social cognition and the brain: a meta-analysis [d]
  337. Robert S. Wyer Jr., Chi-yue Chiu, & Ying-yi Hong [ed] () Understanding culture: theory, research, and application [i] [d]
  338. () Depression is contagious: how the most common mood disorder is spreading around the world and how to stop it [i]
  339. () The dark side of creativity: biological vulnerability and negative emotions lead to greater artistic creativity [p] [d]
  340. () Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
  341. () Simple kindness can go a long way: relationships, social identity, and engagement [d]
  342. () Punishing hubris: the perils of overestimating one's status in a group [p] [d]
  343. () Polarities of experience: relatedness and self-definition in personality development, psychopathology, and the therapeutic process [i] [d]
  344. () The economics and psychology of personality traits [d]
  345. () Loneliness: human nature and the need for social connection [i]
  346. () Agency in social activity interactions: the role of social networks in time and space [d]
  347. () The healthy aging brain: sustaining attachment, attaining wisdom [i]
  348. () 'She did what? There is no way I would do that!': the potential interpersonal harm caused by mispredicting one's behavior [d] [j]
  349. () The connect effect: building strong personal, professional, and virtual networks [i]
  350. () Nice guys can get the corner office: eight strategies for winning in business without being a jerk [i]
  351. () Empathy-related and prosocial responding: conceptions and correlates during development [i]
  352. () The social behavior and reputation of the attributionally complex [d]
  353. () Balance is everything: bicycle messengers, work and leisure [d]
  354. () Social cognition: from brains to culture [i]
  355. () Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality [d]
  356. () Communication and group perception: extending the 'saying is believing' effect [d]
  357. () The myth of the alpha male: a new look at dominance-related beliefs and behaviors among adolescent males and females [d]
  358. () Positive social interactions and the human body at work: linking organizations and physiology [d] [j]
  359. () Antisocial punishment across societies [p] [d] [j]
  360. () Importance of personal goals in people with independent versus interdependent selves [d]
  361. () Mirroring people: the new science of how we connect with others [i]
  362. () Children's role in meaning making through their participation in an environmental education program [d]
  363. () The multi-voicedness of independence and interdependence: the case of the Cameroonian Nso [d]
  364. () Power, distress, and compassion: turning a blind eye to the suffering of others [d]
  365. () Class and the transition to adulthood [i] [j]
  366. () The expert's edge: become the go-to authority people turn to every time [i]
  367. () Social hierarchy: the self-reinforcing nature of power and status [d]
  368. () The function of fiction is the abstraction and simulation of social experience [p] [d] [j] [u]
  369. () The 29% solution: 52 weekly networking success strategies [i]
  370. () Personality dominance and preferential use of the vertical dimension of space: evidence from spatial attention paradigms [d]
  371. Jeylan T. Mortimer [ed] () Social class and transitions to adulthood [i]
  372. () The origin and evolution of religious prosociality [p] [d] [j]
  373. () Female and male antisocial trajectories: from childhood origins to adult outcomes [d]
  374. () Systemic leadership and the emergence of ethical responsiveness [d] [j]
  375. () Staying connected: the lived experiences of volunteers and older adults [d]
  376. () Group well-being: morale from a positive psychology perspective [d]
  377. () Understanding the meaning of social well-being at the end of life [d]
  378. () Personality trait change in adulthood [d]
  379. () ENGAGE: a blueprint for incorporating social skills training into daily academic instruction [d]
  380. () People as resources: exploring the functionality of warm and cold [d]
  381. () Learning friendship: the 'indispensable basis of a good society' [d]
  382. Susan Sprecher, Amy Wenzel, & John H. Harvey [ed] () Handbook of relationship initiation [i] [d]
  383. () Knowing me, knowing you: the accuracy and unique predictive validity of self-ratings and other-ratings of daily behavior [p] [d]
  384. () Social rejection in social anxiety disorder: the role of performance deficits, evoked negative emotions and dissimilarity [d]
  385. Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] () Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
  386. () The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: two longitudinal studies [d]
  387. () Life's recurring challenges and the fundamental dimensions: an integration and its implications for cultural differences and similarities [d]
  388. () Social psychological face perception: why appearance matters [d]
  389. () Cold and lonely: does social exclusion literally feel cold? [d]
  390. () Agency and communion from the perspective of self versus others [p] [d]
  391. () The perverse effects of competition on scientists' work and relationships [p] [d]
  392. () Survival of the knitted: immigrant social networks in a stratified world [i]
  393. () Keeping the audience in mind: relationships between symbol production and social cognition [j]
  394. Stein Bråten [ed] () On being moved: from mirror neurons to empathy [i] [d]
  395. () The importance of being we: human nature and intergroup relations [p] [d]
  396. () Emotion regulation and culture: are the social consequences of emotion suppression culture-specific? [p] [d]
  397. () The economics of a good party: social mechanics and the legitimization of art/culture [d]
  398. Jane E. Dutton & Belle Rose Ragins [ed] () Exploring positive relationships at work: building a theoretical and research foundation [i] [d]
  399. () Ten simple rules for doing your best research, according to Hamming [p] [d] [u]
  400. () Universal dimensions of social cognition: warmth and competence [p] [d]
  401. () Leadership, power, and positive relationships [i] [d]
  402. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  403. Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, & Philip C. Rodkin [ed] () Aggression and adaptation: the bright side to bad behavior [i]
  404. () Why humans cooperate: a cultural and evolutionary explanation [i]
  405. () Cognitive factors that maintain social anxiety disorder: a comprehensive model and its treatment implications [d]
  406. Ruthellen Josselson, Amia Lieblich, & Dan P. McAdams [ed] () The meaning of others: narrative studies of relationships [i] [d]
  407. () Playing Pygmalion: how people create one another [i]
  408. () Social anxiety and romantic relationships: the costs and benefits of negative emotion expression are context-dependent [p] [d]
  409. () How to improve your marriage without talking about it: finding love beyond words [i]
  410. () Actor–observer asymmetries in explanations of behavior: new answers to an old question [d]
  411. () Does social exclusion motivate interpersonal reconnection?: resolving the 'porcupine problem' [d]
  412. () Two sides of the same coin?: the relations between prosocial and physically aggressive behaviors [d]
  413. () Relation between childhood peer victimization and adult perfectionism: are victims of indirect aggression more perfectionistic? [d]
  414. Leila Frances Monaghan & Jane E. Goodman [ed] () A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: essential readings [i]
  415. () Contextual influences on interpersonal complementarity [p] [d]
  416. () Personal relationships and personal networks [i] [d]
  417. () The power of personality: the comparative validity of personality traits, socioeconomic status, and cognitive ability for predicting important life outcomes [p] [d] [j] [u]
  418. () Small talk—big cure!: talking your way to a better life [i]
  419. () Social exclusion decreases prosocial behavior [d]
  420. () Replenishing connectedness: reminders of social activity reduce aggression after social exclusion [d]
  421. () The influence of articulation, self-monitoring ability, and sensitivity to others on creativity [d]
  422. () Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
  423. () Fit in!: the unofficial guide to corporate culture [i]
  424. () Informalization: manners and emotions since 1890 [i] [d]
  425. Mark Zachry & Charlotte Thralls [ed] () Communicative practices in workplaces and the professions: cultural perspectives on the regulation of discourse and organizations [i] [d]
  426. () The automaticity of social life [p] [d] [u]
  427. () When whites flock together: the social psychology of white habitus [d]
  428. () In my mind I was alone: suicidal adolescents' perceptions of attachment relationships [d]
  429. () The bioecological model of human development [i] [d]
  430. () The speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything [i]
  431. () A new philosophy of society: assemblage theory and social complexity [i]
  432. () Self-forgiveness versus excusing: the roles of remorse, effort, and acceptance of responsibility [d]
  433. () Helping one's way to the top: self-monitors achieve status by helping others and knowing who helps whom [d]
  434. () Nonverbal communication in close relationships [i] [d]
  435. () Psychological essentialism, implicit theories, and intergroup relations [d]
  436. () Costly punishment across human societies [p] [d] [j]
  437. () How interpersonal motives clarify the meaning of interpersonal behavior: a revised circumplex model [d]
  438. () Motivation and interpersonal regulation across adulthood: managing the challenges and constraints of social contexts [i]
  439. Reed W. Larson, Kathryn R. Branscomb, & Angela R. Wiley [ed] () Family mealtime as a context of development and socialization [i]
  440. () Interpersonal rejection as a determinant of anger and aggression [d]
  441. () Physiology and interpersonal relationships [i] [d]
  442. () Goodbye to shy: 85 shybusters that work! [i]
  443. Valerie Lynn Manusov & Miles L. Patterson [ed] () The Sage handbook of nonverbal communication [i] [d]
  444. () Bookworms versus nerds: exposure to fiction versus non-fiction, divergent associations with social ability, and the simulation of fictional social worlds [d]
  445. (/2012) Global business etiquette: a guide to international communication and customs [i]
  446. () The social nature of recovery: discussion and implications for practice [d]
  447. () 'Meaningful' social inferences: effects of implicit theories on inferential processes [d]
  448. () Social entrepreneurship: a critical review of the concept [d]
  449. () Social yet creative: the role of social relationships in facilitating individual creativity [d]
  450. () The art of connecting: how to overcome differences, build rapport, and communicate effectively with anyone [i]
  451. () Patterns of mean-level change in personality traits across the life course: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies [p] [d]
  452. () The art of civilized conversation: a guide to expressing yourself with style and grace [i]
  453. () Rethinking friendship: hidden solidarities today [i] [d] [j]
  454. () Social anxiety, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal adjustment [d]
  455. () Reconciliation, right and wrong [o] [u]
  456. () Talking about interest: exploring the role of social interaction for regulating motivation and the interest experience [d]
  457. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  458. Anita L. Vangelisti & Daniel Perlman [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of personal relationships [i] [d]
  459. Kathleen D. Vohs & Eli J. Finkel [ed] () Self and relationships: connecting intrapersonal and interpersonal processes [i]
  460. () Frequent social comparisons and destructive emotions and behaviors: the dark side of social comparisons [d]
  461. () To err is human: embarrassment, attachment, and communication apprehension [d]
  462. () I can tell her anything: the power of girl talk [i]
  463. Mark W. Baldwin [ed] () Interpersonal cognition [i]
  464. () Dying to be men: youth, masculinity and social exclusion [i]
  465. () Explaining gender differences in crime and violence: the importance of social cognitive skills [d]
  466. () Power over, power with, and power to relations: critical reflections on public relations, the dominant coalition, and activism [d]
  467. () The economy of esteem: an essay on civil and political society [i]
  468. () Am I respected or not?: inclusion and reputation as issues in group membership [d]
  469. () Low self-esteem is related to aggression, antisocial behavior, and delinquency [d]
  470. () Individuality, deliberation and welfare in Donald Winnicott [d]
  471. () The unwritten rules of social relationships [i]
  472. () Conscious use of self: tuning the instrument of social work practice with cultural competence [u]
  473. () An integrative review of theories of interpersonal cognition: an interdependence theory perspective [i]
  474. () Bonds of civility: aesthetic networks and the political origins of Japanese culture [i]
  475. () Incorporating if...then... personality signatures in person perception: beyond the person–situation dichotomy [d]
  476. () The etiquette edge: the unspoken rules for business success [i]
  477. () Young professionals: cultivate the habits of friendship [u]
  478. () Biosociology of dominance and deference [i]
  479. Calvin Morrill, David A. Snow, & Cindy H. White [ed] () Together alone: personal relationships in public places [i]
  480. () Strategies for learning proper names: expanding retrieval practice, meaning and imagery [d]
  481. () The likeability factor: how to boost your L-factor & achieve your life's dreams [i]
  482. () Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
  483. (/2013) Relational mindfulness [i]
  484. () Torsten Hägerstrand and social theory [d]
  485. () Vickers' concept of 'relationship-maintenance' as an alternative to 'goal-seeking' models of organisation: a difference in the notion of control [d]
  486. Lisa Adkins & Beverley Skeggs [ed] () Feminism after Bourdieu [i] [d]
  487. () Social norms and money [d]
  488. () Peer rejection: developmental processes and intervention strategies [i]
  489. () What motivates members to participate in co-operative and mutual businesses? [d]
  490. () Survival of the savvy: high-integrity political tactics for career and company success [i]
  491. () Understanding 'people' people [p] [u]
  492. () The role of status differentials in group synchronization [i] [d]
  493. () Do you 'want' to play?: distinguishing between conflicted shyness and social disinterest in early childhood [p] [d]
  494. () Social skills training for adolescents with general moderate learning difficulties [i]
  495. () The hidden power of social networks: understanding how work really gets done in organizations [i]
  496. () First impressions: what you don't know about how others see you [i]
  497. () Agency and communion attributes in adults' spontaneous self-representations [d]
  498. () Relationships in groups: connection, resonance and paradox [i]
  499. Nick Haslam [ed] () Relational models theory: a contemporary overview [i]
  500. () A socioanalytic model of maturity [d]
  501. () Building reputational capital: strategies for integrity and fair play that improve the bottom line [i]
  502. Judith V. Jordan, Linda M. Hartling, & Maureen Walker [ed] () The complexity of connection: writings from the Stone Center's Jean Baker Miller Training Institute [i]
  503. () Self-conscious emotions as dynamic cultural processes [j]
  504. () Flux, pulse, and spin: dynamic additions to the personality lexicon [d]
  505. () Gendering Bourdieu's concept of capitals?: emotional capital, women and social class [i] [d]
  506. (/2011) Systematic motivational counseling at work: improving employee performance, satisfaction, and socialization [i] [d]
  507. () Being part of the world: Detroit women's perceptions of health and the social environment [d]
  508. () Working PeopleSmart: 6 strategies for success [i]
  509. () The impact of depression on social skills: a review [p] [d]
  510. () Cat culture: the social world of a cat shelter [i]
  511. (/2006) Interpersonal reconstructive therapy: an integrative, personality-based treatment for complex cases [i]
  512. () Executive charisma [i]
  513. () Avoiding cheap grace: medical harm, patient safety, and the culture(s) of forgiveness [p] [d] [j]
  514. () Emotional support skills [i] [d]
  515. () The social consequences of expressive suppression [p] [d]
  516. Daniel J. Canary & Marianne Dainton [ed] () Maintaining relationships through communication: relational, contextual, and cultural variations [i] [d]
  517. () Acculturation and psychological adaptation [i]
  518. () Differentiating autonomy from individualism and independence: a self-determination theory perspective on internalization of cultural orientations and well-being [d]
  519. () Persuasion as a social skill [i] [d]
  520. () Energize your workplace: how to create and sustain high-quality connections at work [i]
  521. () Thinking of you: nonconscious pursuit of interpersonal goals associated with relationship partners [d]
  522. () Changes in friendship relations over the life course: implications for desistance from crime [d]
  523. John O. Greene & Brant Raney Burleson [ed] () Handbook of communication and social interaction skills [i] [d]
  524. Ernest V. E. Hodges & Noel A. Card [ed] () Enemies and the darker side of peer relations [i]
  525. () The space between in group psychotherapy: application of a multidimensional model of relationship [d]
  526. () Theories of communication networks [i]
  527. () The cultural nature of human development [i]
  528. () Friendship interaction skills across the life-span [i] [d]
  529. () The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
  530. () Deconstructing differentiation: self regulation, interdependent relating, and well-being in adulthood [d]
  531. () Social aggression among girls [i]
  532. () Religiousness, spirituality, and psychosocial functioning in late adulthood: findings from a longitudinal study [d]
  533. () Interpersonal personality measures show circumplex structure based on new psychometric criteria [d]
  534. (/2007) Make your contacts count: networking know-how for business and career success [i]
  535. () Four motives for community involvement [d]
  536. () Narcissism, self-esteem, and the positivity of self-views: two portraits of self-love [d]
  537. Edward Fullbrook [ed] () Intersubjectivity in economics: agents and structures [i] [d]
  538. William G. Graziano & Brett Paul Laursen [ed] () Social exchange in development [i]
  539. () Careers in and out of organizations [i] [d]
  540. John H. Harvey & Amy Wenzel [ed] () A clinician's guide to maintaining and enhancing close relationships [i] [d]
  541. () Navigating the social world: a curriculum for individuals with Asperger's syndrome, high functioning autism and related disorders [i]
  542. () Increasing play skills of children with autism using activity schedules and correspondence training [d]
  543. (/2015) Working with and strengthening social networks [i]
  544. Joseph Ciarrochi, Joseph P. Forgas, & John D. Mayer [ed] (/2006) Emotional intelligence in everyday life [i] [d]
  545. W. Ray Crozier [ed] () Shyness: development, consolidation, and change [i] [d]
  546. () The market for social norms [d]
  547. () Reconceptualizing mentoring at work: a developmental network perspective [d] [j]
  548. Stefan G. Hofmann & Patricia M. DiBartolo [ed] (/2014) Social anxiety: clinical, developmental, and social perspectives [i] [d]
  549. Mark R. Leary [ed] () Interpersonal rejection [i]
  550. () On deconstructing and reconstructing masculinity–femininity [d]
  551. () Peace power for adolescents: strategies for a culture of nonviolence [i]
  552. (/2006) When the little things count—and they always count: 601 essential things that everyone in business needs to know [i]
  553. () Continuity in problems of social functioning in adulthood: a cumulative perspective [d]
  554. () Schema, promise and mutuality: the building blocks of the psychological contract [d]
  555. () Creating conversations: improvisation in everyday discourse [i]
  556. () Being accepted for who we are: evidence that social validation of the intrinsic self reduces general defensiveness [d]
  557. () Interpersonal processes in psychological problems [i]
  558. Wilhelmina Wosińska, Robert B. Cialdini, Daniel W. Barrett, & Janusz Reykowski [ed] () The practice of social influence in multiple cultures [i]
  559. (/2017) The shyness and social anxiety workbook: proven, step-by-step techniques for overcoming your fear [i]
  560. () Regulating the interpersonal self: strategic self-regulation for coping with rejection sensitivity [d]
  561. () Time and intimacy: a new science of personal relationships [i]
  562. () Teaching interpersonal skills for negotiation and for life [d]
  563. () Mindfulness and interpersonal communication [d]
  564. () Relational wealth and the quality of life [d]
  565. () The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: the role of the evaluation of social rank [d]
  566. () Beyond transactions: on the interpersonal dimension of economic reality [d]
  567. () The implications of unmitigated agency and unmitigated communion for domains of problem behavior [p] [d]
  568. () Understanding and changing social systems: an ecological view [i] [d]
  569. () Creating harmonious relationships: a practical guide to the power of true empathy [i]
  570. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  571. () Law and social norms [i]
  572. () People smart: developing your interpersonal intelligence [i]
  573. () Social isolation and gender [d]
  574. () Virtue, personality, and social relations: self-control as the moral muscle [p] [d]
  575. () The psychology of prejudice: ingroup love and outgroup hate? [d]
  576. () Charismatic leadership: strategies for effecting social change [d]
  577. () Fear of intimacy [i]
  578. Wyndol Furman, B. Bradford Brown, & Candice Feiring [ed] () The development of romantic relationships in adolescence [i]
  579. () John Holland's vocational typology and personality theory [d]
  580. () The two-person unconscious: intersubjective dialogue, enactive relational representation, and the emergence of new forms of relational organization [d]
  581. () Misperceiving negotiation counterparts: when situationally determined bargaining behaviors are attributed to personality traits [d]
  582. () Have you ever?: questions about you, your friends, and your world [i]
  583. () Building relationships: developing skills for life [i]
  584. Pierre Philippot, Robert S. Feldman, & Erik J. Coats [ed] () The social context of nonverbal behavior [i]
  585. () Health, hierarchy, and social anxiety [d]
  586. () Isolation: artist's friend or foe? [o]
  587. () Dynamic stability of behavior: the rhythms of our interpersonal lives [d]
  588. Kathryn Dindia & Daniel J. Canary [ed] (/2006) Sex differences and similarities in communication [i] [d]
  589. () The self-fulfilling prophecy in close relationships: rejection sensitivity and rejection by romantic partners [d]
  590. () Rejection sensitivity and children's interpersonal difficulties [p] [d] [j]
  591. (/2006) Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: implication for prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  592. () Shyness [i] [u]
  593. () TILT: teaching individuals to live together [i] [d]
  594. () Social well-being [d] [j]
  595. () The power of personal storytelling: spinning tales to connect with others [i]
  596. () Learning in relationship: foundation for personal and professional success [i]
  597. Phillip T. Slee & Ken Rigby [ed] () Children's peer relations [i]
  598. Brian H. Spitzberg & William R. Cupach [ed] () The dark side of close relationships [i]
  599. () Social anxiety and its effects on performance and perception [p] [d]
  600. (/2011) Communication mosaics: an introduction to the field of communication [i]
  601. () Dimensions of perfectionism: a study exploring their relationship with perceived social rank and status [d]
  602. () Smart networking: how to turn contacts into cash, clients & career success [i]
  603. (/2004) Social skills training for schizophrenia: a step-by-step guide [i]
  604. () Emotional unavailability: recognizing it, understanding it, and avoiding its trap [i]
  605. () The secrets of effective networking [u]
  606. () Overcoming your strengths: 8 reasons why successful people derail and how to get back on track [i]
  607. () The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy [p] [d]
  608. () Toward families of stories in context [d]
  609. (/2001) A society without fathers or husbands: the Na of China [i]
  610. () The healing connection: how women form relationships in therapy and in life [i]
  611. () Personal warmth and psychological health at midlife [d]
  612. (/2001) Salons: the joy of conversation [i]
  613. Robert L. Selman, Caroline L. Watts, & Lynn Hickey Schultz [ed] () Fostering friendship: pair therapy for treatment and prevention [i]
  614. () Formations of class and gender: becoming respectable [i]
  615. () When is a circumplex an 'interpersonal circumplex'?: the case of supportive actions [i] [d]
  616. () Reading faces: window to the soul? [i] [d]
  617. () Rating scales for measuring the interpersonal circle in forensic psychiatric patients [d]
  618. () When contact is not enough: social identity and intergroup cooperation [d]
  619. () Gender shock: exploding the myths of male and female [i]
  620. Patricia A. Comella, Joyce Bader, Judith S. Ball, Kathleen K. Wiseman, & Ruth Riley Sagar [ed] () The emotional side of organizations: applications of Bowen theory [o]
  621. () Babies, bodies, and the production of personhood in North America and a Native Amazonian society [d]
  622. (/2007) Social networks in youth and adolescence [i]
  623. () Empowerment-oriented social work practice: impact on late life relationships of women [d]
  624. (/2005) The fine art of small talk: how to start a conversation, keep it going, build networking skills, and leave a positive impression [i]
  625. () Lies!, lies!!, lies!!!: the psychology of deceit [i]
  626. (/2012) Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management [i]
  627. () Liberating intimacy: enlightenment and social virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism [i]
  628. Lynn Kern Koegel, Robert L. Koegel, & Glen Dunlap [ed] () Positive behavioral support: including people with difficult behavior in the community [i]
  629. Sabrina P. Ramet [ed] () Gender reversals and gender cultures: anthropological and historical perspectives [i]
  630. () The actor–observer effect revisited: effects of individual differences and repeated social interactions on actor and observer attributions [d]
  631. () Bullying as a group process: participant roles and their relations to social status within the group [d]
  632. () VGM's complete guide to career etiquette: from job search through career advancement [i]
  633. () An informal history of the interpersonal circumplex tradition [d]
  634. () Psychological maturity in early adulthood: relationships between social development and identity [d]
  635. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  636. () Trust in relationships: a model of development and decline [i]
  637. () Going public: a practical guide to developing personal charisma [i]
  638. (/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
  639. (/2013) Leading out loud: a guide for engaging others in creating the future [i]
  640. () 52 ways to reconnect, follow-up, and stay in touch: when you don't have time to network [i]
  641. (/2012) Communicate with confidence!: how to say it right the first time and every time [i]
  642. William R. Cupach & Brian H. Spitzberg [ed] (/2007) The dark side of interpersonal communication [i]
  643. () Working the shadow side: a guide to positive behind-the-scenes management [i]
  644. () Everyday acts & small subversions: women reinventing family, community, and home [i]
  645. () Sociality and optimal functioning [d]
  646. () Situational influences on gender differences in agency and communion [d]
  647. () The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
  648. (/1999) Interpersonal communication [i]
  649. (/2003) Distancing: avoidant personality disorder [i]
  650. () Tailoring the therapeutic relationship, or being an authentic chameleon [d]
  651. () How to deal with difficult people [i]
  652. () Creating community anywhere: finding support and connection in a fragmented world [i]
  653. () Beyond the interpersonal circumplex in group psychotherapy: the structure and relationship to outcome of the individual group member interpersonal process scale [p] [d]
  654. () The social network of the psychotherapy patient and effective psychotherapeutic process [d]
  655. (/2007) High impact commucation: how to build charisma, credibility and trust [i]
  656. (/1998) Rituals for our times: celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and our relationships [i]
  657. () The space between us: exploring the dimensions of human relationships [i]
  658. () The art and practice of compassion & empathy [i]
  659. () How to change behavior [i] [d]
  660. () Order without law: how neighbors settle disputes [i] [j]
  661. (/2008) Person to person: positive relationships don't just happen [i]
  662. () Attachment styles and patterns of self-disclosure [d]
  663. John W. Burton [ed] () Conflict: human needs theory [i]
  664. () The solitary side of life: an examination of the time people spend alone from childhood to old age [d]
  665. () Making a friend in youth: developmental theory and pair therapy [i]
  666. () Professionalism as purification ritual: alienation and disintegration in the university [d] [j]
  667. () Personal opacity and social information gathering: explorations in strategic communication [d]
  668. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  669. () The interpersonal basis of everyday problem solving [i]
  670. () A secure base: parent–child attachment and healthy human development [i]
  671. (/1989) Getting together: building relationships as we negotiate [i]
  672. (/2007) The importance of friendliness [i]
  673. (/1999) The Prepare curriculum: teaching prosocial competencies [i]
  674. (/2011) Interpersonal process in therapy: an integrative model [i]
  675. () Male daughters, female husbands: gender and sex in an African society [i]
  676. () Holding back: why we hide the truth about ourselves [i]
  677. () Games for social and life skills [i]
  678. () A passion for friends: toward a philosophy of female affection [i]
  679. (/2010) Child, family, school, community: socialization and support [i]
  680. (/2001) How to start a conversation and make friends [i]
  681. (/2009) Messages: the communication skills book [i]
  682. William Thomas Singleton [ed] () Social skills [i] [d]
  683. () Psychological androgyny and social desirability [p] [d]
  684. () Circumplex models of interpersonal behavior in clinical psychology [i]
  685. (/2017) Skilled interpersonal communication: research, theory, and practice [or: Social skills in interpersonal communication] [i] [d]
  686. Melvin J. Lerner & Sally C. Lerner [ed] () The justice motive in social behavior: adapting to times of scarcity and change [i]
  687. () Straight talk: a new way to get closer to others by saying what you really mean [i]
  688. Elizabeth A. Carter & Monica McGoldrick [ed] (/2005) The expanded family life cycle: individual, family, and social perspectives [i]
  689. () The meaning of work [i]
  690. (/1997) Skillstreaming the adolescent: new strategies and perspectives for teaching prosocial skills [i]
  691. (/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
  692. () Cognitive complexity and social perspective-taking [d]
  693. () Human territories: how we behave in space-time [i]
  694. (/2008) Your perfect right: assertiveness and equality in your life and relationships [i]
  695. () Structural analysis of social behavior [d]
  696. (/2014) Reaching out: interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization [i]
  697. (/2010) Nonverbal communication in human interaction [i]
  698. () Knots [i]
  699. () The duality of human existence: an essay on psychology and religion [o]
  700. (/1984) Group processes: an introduction to group dynamics [i]
  701. (/1988) Social change in rural societies: an introduction to rural sociology [i]
  702. () The psychology of interpersonal relations [i] [d]
  703. () A theoretical model for personality studies [p] [d]
  704. (/1970) Try giving yourself away: a tonic for these troubled times [i] [u]
  705. () Intelligent living [o]
  706. (/1955) Mutual aid, a factor of evolution [i] [u]
  707. (/1998) Women and economics: a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution [i] [u]
  708. (/1903) The laws of imitation [o] [u]
  709. () The guide to politeness: a hand-book of good manners, and a manual of modern etiquette [o] [u]
  710. () A juvenile guide: or, Manual of good manners: consisting of counsels, instructions & rules of deportment, for the young [o] [u]
  711. (/1812) The dignity of human nature: or, A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence [o] [u]

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14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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