How to question

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Disagreeing despite the data: the destruction of the factual commons [i]
  2. () Scientific evidence [i] [d]
  3. Stephen Case & Lukas M. Verburgt [ed] () The Cambridge companion to John Herschel [i] [d]
  4. () The illusion of information adequacy [p] [d] [u]
  5. () What makes us smart? [p] [d]
  6. () Herald of a restless world: how Henri Bergson brought philosophy to the people [i]
  7. () How to make a philosopher [i] [d]
  8. () The two ideals shaping the content of modern science [d]
  9. Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn [ed] () The Routledge handbook of the philosophy of evidence [i] [d]
  10. () Evidence in logic [i] [d]
  11. () Rationalizing inquiry and historical understanding [d]
  12. Yafeng Shan [ed] () Alternative approaches to causation: beyond difference-making and mechanism [i] [d]
  13. Nick Shannon, Michael F. Mascolo, & Anastasia Belolutskaya [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of dialectical thinking [i] [d]
  14. Cornelis de Waal [ed] () The Oxford handbook of Charles S. Peirce [i] [d]
  15. () Why philosophers must be pragmatists: taking cues from Peirce [i] [d]
  16. () How can 'evidence' be normative? [i] [d]
  17. () Why does anything need to be called wild? [i] [u]
  18. Mark Thomas Young & Mark Coeckelbergh [ed] () Maintenance and philosophy of technology: keeping things going [i] [d]
  19. () Indigenous epistemologies of North America [d]
  20. () Drawing as a pragmatist visual epistemology [i] [d] [j] [u]
  21. () From coding to curing: functions, implementations, and correctness in deep learning [d]
  22. () Debunking interface theory: why Hoffman's skepticism (really) is self-defeating [d]
  23. () How to work with (almost) anyone: five questions for building the best possible relationships [i]
  24. () Philosophers ought to develop, theorize about, and use philosophically relevant AI [artificial intelligence] [d]
  25. () Contrary imaginations: radical empiricism or pragmatism? [in ecological psychology] [i] [d]
  26. () Is it bad to prefer attractive partners? [d]
  27. () Epistemic sanity or why you shouldn't be opinionated or skeptical [d] [u]
  28. () The importance of values for science [d]
  29. Sarah Flavel & Chiara Robbiano [ed] () Key concepts in world philosophies: a toolkit for philosophers [i] [d]
  30. () Epistemic norms on evidence-gathering [d]
  31. () Dynamical phenomena and their models: truth and empirical correctness [d]
  32. () Idealism in modern philosophy [i] [d]
  33. () Can a good philosophical contribution be made just by asking a question? [d]
  34. () Commentary on 'Can a good philosophical contribution be made just by asking a question?' [d]
  35. () All knowledge is orientation: Marjorie Grene's ecological epistemology [i] [d]
  36. () Using artificial neural networks to ask 'why' questions of minds and brains [p] [d]
  37. Lorenzo Magnani [ed] () Handbook of abductive cognition [i] [d]
  38. () Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
  39. () What is biological normativity? [i] [d]
  40. () There's far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit [u]
  41. () On defining 'fundamentalism' [d]
  42. () Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication [p] [d] [u]
  43. () Hasty generalizations are pervasive in experimental philosophy: a systematic analysis [d]
  44. () Jingle-jangle fallacies in intellectual humility research [d]
  45. () Why probability isn't magic [d]
  46. () Knowing science, by Alexander Bird [book review] [u]
  47. () Cost–benefit analysis as moral science [i] [d]
  48. () Living together: inventing moral science [i] [d]
  49. () A hybrid theory of induction [d]
  50. () Plant sentience?: between romanticism and denial: science [and comments] [d] [u]
  51. () Digitising reflective equilibrium [in personal knowledge base software] [d]
  52. () Epistemic dimensions of gaslighting: peer-disagreement, self-trust, and epistemic injustice [d] [u]
  53. () Journaling with powerful questions [u]
  54. () Epistemological scientism and the scientific meta-method [d]
  55. () Idealist implications of contemporary science [or perspectivist implications?] [d]
  56. () The mindful interview method: retrieving cognitive evidence [i] [d]
  57. Scott F. Aikin & Robert B. Talisse [ed] () The Routledge companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
  58. () The virtues and limitations of randomized experiments [d]
  59. () Knowing science [i] [d]
  60. () Re-engineering contested concepts: a reflective-equilibrium approach [p] [d] [u]
  61. () Science, health, and human rights [p] [d]
  62. () Realism for realistic people: a new pragmatist philosophy of science [i] [d]
  63. () Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
  64. () Keep your enemies close: adversarial collaborations will improve behavioral science [and comments and reply] [d]
  65. () Shoring up the shaky psychological foundations of a micro-economic model of ideology: adversarial collaboration solutions [d]
  66. () How do people make sense of wealth and poverty? [p] [d]
  67. () Thinking about progress: from science to philosophy [d] [u]
  68. () On addressability, or what even is computation? [d]
  69. () Progressive and degenerative journals: on the growth and appraisal of knowledge in scholarly publishing [d]
  70. () Do bumble bees play? [d]
  71. () On the difference between realistic and fantastic imagining [d]
  72. () Public reason and diversity: reinterpretations of liberalism [i] [d]
  73. Neil Gross, Isaac Ariail Reed, & Christopher Winship [ed] () The new pragmatist sociology: inquiry, agency, and democracy [i] [d] [j]
  74. () I never thought of it that way: how to have fearlessly curious conversations in dangerously divided times [i]
  75. () Evaluating reasoning in natural arguments: a procedural approach [d]
  76. () Demarcation without dogmas [the boundaries of science] [d] [u]
  77. () Existential physics: a scientist's guide to life's biggest questions [i]
  78. Stavros Ioannidis, Gal Vishne, Meir Hemmo, & Orly Shenker [ed] () Levels of reality in science and philosophy: re-examining the multi-level structure of reality [i] [d]
  79. () Neurofeedback as placebo: a case of unintentional deception? [p] [d]
  80. () Argumentation and scientific consensus-building: using the nonfiction narrative to generate contextual understanding [d]
  81. () Religion: the WEIRDest concept in the world? [d]
  82. () Normative reasons: between reasoning and explanation [i] [d] [u]
  83. () Coding relevance [in argumentation] [d]
  84. () Perspectival realism [i] [d]
  85. Moti Mizrahi [ed] () For and against scientism: science, methodology, and the future of philosophy [i]
  86. () Where research begins: choosing a research project that matters to you (and the world) [i] [d]
  87. Laura Nicolì [ed] () The great protector of wits: Baron d'Holbach and his time [i] [d]
  88. () Replicability, robustness, and reproducibility in psychological science [p] [d]
  89. () Analysing the dialectic of questions and answers in study and research paths [i] [d]
  90. () The primacy of doubt: from quantum physics to climate change, how the science of uncertainty can help us understand our chaotic world [i]
  91. (/2024) Abstraction in the Marxian oeuvre: tendencies, laws and dialectics [d]
  92. () Generalization bias in science [p] [d]
  93. Helle Porsdam & Sebastian Porsdam Mann [ed] () The right to science: then and now [i] [d]
  94. () What is a nation? [d]
  95. () Historical case studies: the 'model organisms' of philosophy of science [d]
  96. () What's up with anti-natalists?: an observational study on the relationship between dark triad personality traits and anti-natalist views [d]
  97. () The nature of physical computation [i]
  98. () Enlightenment 2.0: restoring sanity to our politics, our economy, and our lives, by Joseph Heath [book review] [u]
  99. () Interdisciplinarity can aid the spread of better methods between scientific communities [d]
  100. () Qualitative literacy: a guide to evaluating ethnographic and interview research [i] [j]
  101. () How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going [i]
  102. () Choosing a research design for qualitative research: a Ferris wheel of approaches [i]
  103. () Consensus and scientific classification [d] [u]
  104. () Integrating the human sciences: enhancing progress and coherence across the social sciences and humanities [i] [d]
  105. () Act like a scientist [u]
  106. () Visual essentialism & social kinds [d]
  107. () Starry messenger: cosmic perspectives on civilization [i]
  108. () The sum total of all human knowledge [u]
  109. () Bergsonism and the history of analytic philosophy [i] [d]
  110. () One statistical analysis must not rule them all: any single analysis hides an iceberg of uncertainty; multi-team analysis can reveal it [p] [d]
  111. () The embodied philosopher: living in pursuit of boundary questions [i] [d]
  112. () Of witches and white folks [d]
  113. () Levels, kinds and multiple realizability: the importance of what does not matter [i] [d]
  114. () The generalizability crisis [in psychology] [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  115. () Is historical thinking unnatural? [d]
  116. () Pragmatism and Confucian empiricism [i] [d]
  117. () Definitions of life as epistemic tools that reflect and foster the advance of biological knowledge [d]
  118. () Narrative justice?: ten tools to deconstruct narratives about violent pasts [i] [d]
  119. Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree, & Thomas Grundmann [ed] () The epistemology of fake news [i] [d]
  120. Alessandro Bertinetto & Marcello Ruta [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy and improvisation in the arts [i] [d]
  121. () Ontologies as knowledge organization systems [d] [u]
  122. () The systemic concept of contextual truth [d]
  123. Ricki Bliss & James T. M. Miller [ed] () The Routledge handbook of metametaphysics [i] [d]
  124. () Scientific representation and dissimilarity [d]
  125. () Rethinking natural kinds, reference and truth: towards more correspondence with reality, not less [d]
  126. () The emperor's new Markov blankets [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  127. () How to make sense of science [book review of: The great paradox of science: why its conclusions can be relied upon even though they cannot be proven, by Mano Singham] [d]
  128. () Intellectual dependability: a virtue theory of the epistemic and educational ideal [i] [d]
  129. () A modesty proposal [in epistemology] [d]
  130. () Everyone a librarian!? [d]
  131. () Is that a philosophical question?: the philosopher as teacher: the tension between democratizing the classroom and building skills in philosophy for children [d]
  132. () Living models or life modelled?: on the use of models in the free energy principle [d]
  133. Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of skill and expertise [i] [d]
  134. () What is philosophy? [u]
  135. () Good questions [i] [d] [j]
  136. () What makes us smart: the computational logic of human cognition [i] [d] [j]
  137. () Vaccine hesitancy: public trust, expertise, and the war on science [i] [j]
  138. () What makes us so certain that we're conscious? [p] [d]
  139. () What every researcher should know about searching—clarified concepts, search advice, and an agenda to improve finding in academia [d]
  140. (/2024) What's the point of authors? [d] [u]
  141. Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder [ed] () The Routledge handbook of political epistemology [i] [d]
  142. () Janus-faced race: is race biological, social, or mythical? [p] [d]
  143. () Aspiring to greater intellectual humility in science [d]
  144. () The cultural evolution of epistemic practices: the case of divination [p] [d]
  145. () The significance of the past [d]
  146. () Discovering patterns: on the norms of mechanistic inquiry [d]
  147. Markus Knauff & Wolfgang Spohn [ed] () The handbook of rationality [i] [d]
  148. () There are no mathematical explanations [d]
  149. () Is meaning in life constituted by value or intelligibility? [d]
  150. David Ludwig, Inkeri Koskinen, Zinhle Mncube, Luana Poliseli, & Luis Reyes-Galindo [ed] () Global epistemologies and philosophies of science [i] [d]
  151. () Knowing our world: an artificial intelligence perspective [i] [d]
  152. () Mario Bunge (1919–2020): conjoining philosophy of science and scientific philosophy [d]
  153. () Eight journals over eight decades: a computational topic-modeling approach to contemporary philosophy of science [d]
  154. () Logical predictivism [d]
  155. () Classification, kinds, taxonomic stability and conceptual change [d]
  156. () Antiethnocentrism: new strategies needed? [u]
  157. Diane P. Michelfelder & Neelke Doorn [ed] () The Routledge handbook of the philosophy of engineering [i] [d]
  158. () More than merely verbal disputes [d]
  159. () What, if anything, are species? [i] [d] [u]
  160. () Conspiracy theories and evidential self-insulation [i] [d]
  161. () Reichenbach: scientific realist and logical empricist? [d]
  162. () The material theory of induction [i] [j] [u]
  163. () The dialogical roots of deduction: historical, cognitive, and philosophical perspectives on reasoning [i] [d]
  164. () Critical integrative argumentation: toward complexity in students' thinking [d]
  165. () Our world isn't organized into levels [i] [d] [u]
  166. () How do you fight a horse-sized duck?: secrets to succeeding at interview mind games and getting the job you want [i]
  167. () How stereotypes deceive us [i] [d]
  168. Emanuele Ratti & Thomas A. Stapleford [ed] () Science, technology, and virtues: contemporary perspectives [i] [d]
  169. () On radical solutions in the philosophy of biology: what does 'individuals thinking' actually solve? [d]
  170. () Incredible utility: the lost causes and causal debris of psychological science [d]
  171. () Invisible hands and fine calipers: a call to use formal theory as a toolkit for theory construction [in psychology] [p] [d]
  172. Melvin L. Rogers & Jack Turner [ed] () African American political thought: a collected history [i] [d]
  173. () Scientific explanation and trade-offs between explanatory virtues [d]
  174. () Why hypothesis testers should spend less time testing hypotheses [and 'should spend more time forming concepts, developing valid measures, establishing the causal relationships between concepts and the functional form of those relationships, and identifying boundary conditions and auxiliary assumptions'] [p] [d] [u]
  175. () Democratization and struggles against injustice: a pragmatist approach to the epistemic practices of social movements [i]
  176. () A scientific-realist account of common sense [i] [d]
  177. John R. Shook & Sami Paavola [ed] () Abduction in cognition and action: logical reasoning, scientific inquiry, and social practice [i] [d]
  178. () Don't forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget [d]
  179. () Do you have to reply to this paper? [d]
  180. () What is merit, that it can be transferred? [d]
  181. () The irrational attempt to impute irrationality to one's political opponents [i] [d]
  182. () A rational disagreement about myside bias [response to Neil Levy] [u]
  183. () Angelic devil's advocates and the forms of adversariality [d]
  184. () Illuminating the mind: an introduction to Buddhist epistemology [i] [d]
  185. () The business of extracting knowledge from academic publications [u]
  186. () Meaningfulness and kinds of normative reasons [d]
  187. Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch [ed] () Polarisation, arrogance, and dogmatism: philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
  188. () Conceptual engineering: when do we need it? How can we do it? [d]
  189. () Is human culture cumulative? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  190. () Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey [d]
  191. Riccardo Viale [ed] () Routledge handbook of bounded rationality [i] [d]
  192. () Recovering John Dewey's lost vision for social science in contemporary American sociology [d]
  193. () Socratic questioning for therapists and counselors: learn how to think and intervene like a cognitive behavior therapist [i] [d]
  194. () Quantum mechanical atom models, legitimate explanations and mechanisms [d]
  195. () How we think about human nature: cognitive errors and concrete remedies [d]
  196. () Misinformation in and about science [p] [d] [u]
  197. () Intellectual humility and argumentation [i] [d]
  198. Mark Alfano, Michael P. Lynch, & Alessandra Tanesini [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of humility [i] [d]
  199. () Finding the place of argumentation in science education: epistemics and whole science [d]
  200. () Empiricisms: experience and experiment from antiquity to the Anthropocene [i] [d]
  201. James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani, & Kathleen Wallace [ed] (/2021) Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
  202. () The epistemology of justice [d]
  203. () How to be a pragmatist [i] [d]
  204. () Is bargaining a form of deliberating? [d]
  205. () Equilibration, development, and epistemic adequacy [i] [d]
  206. () Practical rationality: critical questions for rational decision making [u]
  207. () Scientific perspectivism in the phenomenological tradition [p] [d] [u]
  208. Andrea Bianchi [ed] () Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: themes from Michael Devitt [i] [d]
  209. () The anthropologist, the moralist, and the diplomat: Bruno Latour in the world of knowledges [d] [u]
  210. Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman [ed] () A guide to field philosophy: case studies and practical strategies [i] [d]
  211. Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia [ed] () The epistemology of non-visual perception [i] [d]
  212. () Science and moral imagination: a new ideal for values in science [i] [j] [u]
  213. () The wheel of inquiry [i] [j] [u]
  214. () Conceptual re-engineering: from explication to reflective equilibrium [d] [j] [u]
  215. Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen, & David Plunkett [ed] () Conceptual engineering and conceptual ethics [i] [d] [u]
  216. Lucas Payne Butler, Samuel Ronfard, & Kathleen H. Corriveau [ed] () The questioning child: insights from psychology and education [i] [d]
  217. () How to answer an unanswerable question [u]
  218. () The nature of mathematical objects [i] [d]
  219. () Epistemology and domination: problems with the coloniality of knowledge thesis in Latin American decolonial theory [d] [u]
  220. () Knowledge synthesis: a conceptual model and practical guide [u]
  221. Ruth Chang & Kurt Sylvan [ed] () The Routledge handbook of practical reason [i] [d]
  222. () How might I be wrong? [u]
  223. () The multiple dimensions of multiple determination [d]
  224. () The scientific method: an evolution of thinking from Darwin to Dewey [i] [d]
  225. Ana-Maria Creţu & Michela Massimi [ed] () Knowledge from a human point of view [i] [d] [u]
  226. Katherine Dormandy [ed] () Trust in epistemology [i] [d]
  227. () Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis: a systematic comparison [d] [j]
  228. () Perspectival objectivity, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love observer-dependent reality [d] [u]
  229. Roberto Frega & Steven Levine [ed] () John Dewey's ethical theory: the 1932 Ethics [i] [d]
  230. () Performance and practice: situating the aesthetic qualities of theories [i] [d]
  231. () There are no such things as theories [i] [d]
  232. () Theories and models: what they are, what they are for, and what they are about [in the social sciences] [d]
  233. () The epistemic and the zetetic [norms of knowledge and of inquiry] [d]
  234. () Children's questions in social and cultural perspective [i] [d]
  235. Ingeborg van der Geest, Henrike Jansen, & Bart van Klink [ed] () Vox populi: populism as a rhetorical and democratic challenge [i] [d]
  236. Wenceslao J. González [ed] () New approaches to scientific realism [i] [d]
  237. () Folk standards of sound judgment: rationality versus reasonableness [p] [d] [u]
  238. () With all this pseudoscience, why so little pseudotechnology? [d]
  239. () The data detective: ten easy rules to make sense of statistics [or: How to make the world add up: ten rules for thinking differently about numbers] [i]
  240. Julia S. Hermann, Jeroen K. G. Hopster, Wouter Kalf, & Michael Klenk [ed] () Philosophy in the age of science?: inquiries into philosophical progress, method, and societal relevance [i]
  241. () Why practice philosophy as a way of life? [d]
  242. () How not to criticise scientism [d]
  243. () The anatomy of fake news: a critical news literacy education [i] [d] [j]
  244. () Arguing for questions [i] [d]
  245. () Have you seen this before? [u]
  246. () Realism, reference & perspective [d]
  247. Milena Ivanova & Steven French [ed] () The aesthetics of science: beauty, imagination and understanding [i] [d]
  248. () Race and medicine in light of the new mechanistic philosophy of science [d]
  249. () Humility, contingency, and pluralism in the sciences [i] [d]
  250. () Epistemic radicals and the vice of arrogance as a counterfeit to the virtue of assured epistemic ambition [i] [d]
  251. Frode Kjosavik & Camilla Serck-Hanssen [ed] () Metametaphysics and the sciences: historical and philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
  252. () Teaching and learning by questioning [i] [d]
  253. Enoch Lambert & John Schwenkler [ed] () Becoming someone new: essays on transformative experience, choice, and change [i] [d]
  254. () Duped: truth-default theory and the social science of lying and deception [i]
  255. () The role of knowledge calibration in intellectual humility [i] [d]
  256. () Reflective practice in clinical psychology: reflections from basic psychological science [d]
  257. () Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood [d]
  258. () 'Learning by thinking' in science and in everyday life [i] [d]
  259. () The logic of academic writing [i]
  260. () The unknowable: a study in nineteenth-century British metaphysics [i] [d]
  261. () The attentional shaping of perceptual experience: an investigation into attention and cognitive penetrability [i] [d]
  262. Masaharu Mizumoto, Jonardon Ganeri, & Cliff Goddard [ed] () Ethno-epistemology: new directions for global epistemology [i] [d]
  263. () Two forms of American critical realism: perception and reality in Santayana/Strong and Sellars [d]
  264. () Alien reasoning: is a major change in scientific research underway? [d]
  265. () Science on a mission: how military funding shaped what we do and don't know about the ocean [i]
  266. () What makes a good question?: towards an epistemic classification [i] [d]
  267. Rik Peels, Jeroen de Ridder, & René van Woudenberg [ed] () Scientific challenges to common sense philosophy [i] [d]
  268. () French historical epistemology: discourse, concepts, and the norms of rationality [d]
  269. () Belief bias and its significance for modern social science [d]
  270. () Heraclitus redux: technological infrastructures and scientific change [i]
  271. () From fact-checking to rhetoric-checking: extending methods for evaluating populist discourse [i] [d]
  272. () Advancing theory with review articles [d]
  273. () Searching for the impossible: parapsychology's elusive quest [p] [d]
  274. () Lessons for a young scientist [u]
  275. () Understanding, values, and the aims of science [d]
  276. () What are the drivers of induction?: towards a material theory+ [d]
  277. () Knowledge at the boundaries [i] [d]
  278. () The limits of philosophy [i] [d]
  279. () Outlandish hypotheses and the limits of thought experimentation [i] [d]
  280. () Philosophical purpose and purposive philosophy: an interview with Nicholas Rescher [d]
  281. () The rational inescapability of philosophizing [i] [d]
  282. () Friedman and some of his critics on the foundations of general relativity [i] [d]
  283. () Novel & worthy: creativity as a thick epistemic concept [d]
  284. () What if our species is epistemically immature? [d] [j]
  285. () Integrating epistemic knowledge and logical reasoning skills in adult cognitive development [i] [d]
  286. () The problem of the empirical basis in the Popperian tradition: Popper, Bartley, and Feyerabend [d]
  287. () Human social evolution: self-domestication or self-control? [p] [d] [u]
  288. () The great paradox of science: why its conclusions can be relied upon even though they cannot be proven [i]
  289. () How to build a strong theoretical foundation [in psychology] [d]
  290. () Breaking the epistemic pornography habit: cognitive biases, digital discourse environments, and moral exemplars [d]
  291. () Gaslighting, confabulation, and epistemic innocence [d]
  292. () Can all work have meaning? [i]
  293. () Who you are: the science of connectedness [i] [d]
  294. () Humility and self-knowledge [i] [d]
  295. () Thinking clearly about causal inferences of politically motivated reasoning: why paradigmatic study designs often undermine causal inference [d]
  296. () A pragmatic method for normative conceptual work [i] [d] [u]
  297. () The accusations were lies. But could we prove it? [u]
  298. () Mechanisms and causal histories: explanation-oriented research in human ecology [d]
  299. () Expertise: a philosophical introduction [i] [d]
  300. () 'Knowledge is power': barriers to intellectual humility in the classroom [i] [d]
  301. Eric Thomas Weber [ed] () America's public philosopher: Dewey's essays on social justice, economics, education, and the future of democracy [i] [d] [j]
  302. () The scientific spirit of American humanism [i] [d]
  303. () When maps become the world [i] [d]
  304. () What happens when we practice religion?: textures of devotion in everyday life [i] [d] [j]
  305. () Speculation: within and about science [i] [d]
  306. () Bunge contra Popper [i] [d]
  307. () Ignorant cognition: a philosophical investigation of the cognitive features of not-knowing [i] [d]
  308. Valtteri Arstila, Adrian Bardon, Sean Enda Power, & Argiro Vatakis [ed] () The illusions of time: philosophical and psychological essays on timing and time perception [i] [d]
  309. () Knowing and seeing: groundwork for a new empiricism [i] [d]
  310. () The search for knowledge and understanding [i]
  311. () On giants' shoulders: on Dorothy Maud Wrinch and getting things wrong [u]
  312. () Unlocking leadership mindtraps: how to thrive in complexity [i] [d]
  313. () Systematicity, knowledge, and bias: how systematicity made clinical medicine a science [d] [j]
  314. J. Anthony Blair [ed] () Studies in critical thinking [i] [d] [u]
  315. () Problems with the concept of capitalism in the social sciences [d]
  316. () Framing questions and modes of inquiry in illustration process and critique [i] [d]
  317. () The dark side of technological progress [i] [d]
  318. () Suing for peace in the war against mentalism [d]
  319. () Bad language [i]
  320. (/2023) The pragmatic theory of truth [u]
  321. () Do you love us?: higher education as an interfaith conversation about the good life [i] [d]
  322. () Nature, the artful modeler: lectures on laws, science, how nature arranges the world and how we can arrange it better [i]
  323. Jordi Cat & Adam Tamas Tuboly [ed] () Neurath reconsidered: new sources and perspectives [i] [d]
  324. () Knowing how [d]
  325. () Introducing SIFT, a four moves acronym [u]
  326. () Pragmatism, perspectivism, and the historicity of science [i] [d] [u]
  327. () Managing uncertainty in scientific argumentation [in education] [d] [u]
  328. () Inquisitive semantics [i] [d] [u]
  329. David Coady & James Chase [ed] () The Routledge handbook of applied epistemology [i] [d]
  330. () Is it good to cooperate?: testing the theory of morality-as-cooperation in 60 societies [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  331. () Safe-and-substantive perspectivism [i] [d] [u]
  332. () Could emotion development really be the acquisition of emotion concepts? [p] [d]
  333. () A–Z of digital research methods [i] [d]
  334. () Finding the question: a puzzle-based approach to the logic of discovery [d]
  335. () How can you be sure?: epistemic feelings as a monitoring system for cognitive contents [i] [d]
  336. () Should scientific realists embrace theoretical conservatism? [p] [d]
  337. () Mario Bunge as a public intellectual [i] [d]
  338. () Complexities in the evaluation of the scientific status of psychoanalysis [or pseudoscientific status] [i] [d]
  339. () Explanation, interdisciplinarity, and perspectives [i] [d] [u]
  340. () The logic of information: a theory of philosophy as conceptual design [i] [d]
  341. Miranda Fricker, Peter J. Graham, David K. Henderson, & Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen [ed] () The Routledge handbook of social epistemology [i] [d]
  342. () Academia as cargo cult [i] [d]
  343. () Assessing the credibility of conceptual models [i] [d]
  344. () What is race?: four philosophical views [i] [d]
  345. () Googling as a mode of inquiry [i] [d]
  346. () Post 'post-truth': are we there yet? [d]
  347. () Knowledge-how, abilities, and questions [d]
  348. () Teaching critical thinking as if our future depends on it, because it does [i] [d]
  349. () Fractured knowledge: 'fake news' [i] [d]
  350. () What is the good of money? [i] [d]
  351. () Vindicating methodological triangulation [d] [j]
  352. () Race and reference [d]
  353. () Cognitive errors and diagnostic mistakes: a case-based guide to critical thinking in medicine [i] [d]
  354. () Replies [to comments on Systematicity: the nature of science] [d] [j]
  355. () Mario Bunge and the current revival of causal realism [i] [d]
  356. () How do people learn how to plan? [u]
  357. () Verification and validation of simulations against holism [d]
  358. () The challenges and benefits of mechanistic explanation in folk scientific understanding [i] [d]
  359. () Emergence and evidence: a close look at Bunge's philosophy of medicine [d]
  360. () Question asking as a dyadic behavior [critique of Huang et al., 'It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking'] [p] [d] [u]
  361. () Essay on perspectivism in the philosophy of science [u]
  362. () Life ≠ alive: What can Schrödinger's cat say about 3D printers on Mars? [u]
  363. () Are clinical delusions adaptive? [p] [d]
  364. () Not in their name: are citizens culpable for their states' actions? [i] [d]
  365. () Argumentative discussion: the rationality of what? [d]
  366. () How can pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative capacity of experienced multimedia designers? [d]
  367. () How race travels: relating local and global ontologies of race [d] [j] [u]
  368. () What is this thing called philosophy of science?: a computational topic-modeling perspective, 1934–2015 [d]
  369. () Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
  370. () Bunge's mathematical structuralism is not a fiction [i] [d] [u]
  371. Michela Massimi & Casey D. McCoy [ed] () Understanding perspectivism: scientific and methodological prospects [i] [d] [u]
  372. Michael R. Matthews [ed] () Mario Bunge: a centenary festschrift [i] [d]
  373. () The scientific attitude: defending science from denial, fraud, and pseudoscience [i] [d]
  374. Sharon M. Meagher, Samantha Noll, & Joseph S. Biehl [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of the city [i] [d]
  375. () Perspectives, representation, and integration [i] [d] [u]
  376. () Explaining delusional beliefs: a hybrid model [p] [d]
  377. () A problem in theory [in the growth of psychology] [p] [d]
  378. () Systematicity is necessary but not sufficient: on the problem of facsimile science [d] [j]
  379. () Why trust science? [i] [d] [j]
  380. () Values in psychological science: re-imagining epistemic priorities at a new frontier [i] [d]
  381. () Associative activation as a mechanism underlying false memory formation [d]
  382. () Dealing with false memories in children and adults: recommendations for the legal arena [d]
  383. () Recipes for science: an introduction to scientific methods and reasoning [i] [d]
  384. () Philosophy of immunology [i] [d]
  385. () Argumentation strategies in the classroom [i]
  386. () Connecting humans to equations: a reinterpretation of the philosophy of mathematics [i] [d]
  387. () The inquiring eye: illustration and the production of knowledge [i] [d]
  388. () The intelligence trap: why smart people make dumb mistakes [i]
  389. () The epistemic significance of diversity [i] [d]
  390. Richard Samuels & Daniel A. Wilkenfeld [ed] () Advances in experimental philosophy of science [i] [d]
  391. () Hume's problem solved: the optimality of meta-induction [i] [d]
  392. () Pragmatic perspectives: constructivism beyond truth and realism [i] [d]
  393. () Doubly counterintuitive: cognitive obstacles to the discovery and the learning of scientific ideas and why they often differ [i] [d]
  394. () How to do a systematic review: a best practice guide for conducting and reporting narrative reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses [p] [d]
  395. () Better methods can't make up for mediocre theory [p] [d]
  396. () Unconceived alternatives and conservatism in science: the impact of professionalization, peer-review, and Big Science [d] [j] [u]
  397. () From moral theology to moral philosophy: Hume's academic scepticism [and epilogue] [i] [d]
  398. () Clean hands?: philosophical lessons from scrupulosity [i] [d]
  399. () What is perspectivism, and does it count as realism? [i] [d] [u]
  400. () Natural philosophy: from social brains to knowledge, reality, morality, and beauty [i] [d]
  401. () Problematizing 'wickedness': a critique of the wicked problems concept, from philosophy to practice [d]
  402. () Must politics be war?: restoring our trust in the open society [i] [d]
  403. () Supporting discussions about forensic Bayesian networks using argumentation [i] [d]
  404. () Systematicity and the continuity thesis [d] [j]
  405. () The knowledge problem, or what can we really 'know'? [i] [d]
  406. () What science is and how it really works [i] [d]
  407. Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] () Wandering towards a goal: how can mindless mathematical laws give rise to aims and intention? [i] [d]
  408. () Ruling or serving society?: the case for reforming financial services [i] [d]
  409. () Rethinking the problem of cognition [d] [j]
  410. () A cool experiment [Richard Feynman's tabletop experiment and theorematic versus problematic sciences] [d] [u]
  411. () The lies that bind: rethinking identity, creed, country, color, class, culture [i]
  412. (/2019) Idealism and religion in Dewey's philosophy [i] [d]
  413. Linden J. Ball & Valerie A. Thompson [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
  414. () If Indigenous peoples stand with the sciences, will scientists stand with us? [d] [j]
  415. Sorin Bangu [ed] () Naturalizing logico-mathematical knowledge: approaches from philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science [i] [d]
  416. Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile [ed] () Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts [i] [d]
  417. Heather Battaly [ed] () The Routledge handbook of virtue epistemology [i] [d]
  418. () The secret life of science: how it really works and why it matters [i] [d] [j]
  419. () Are computer simulations experiments? And if not, how are they related to each other? [d]
  420. () The book of beautiful questions: the powerful questions that will help you decide, create, connect, and lead [i]
  421. () Why conserve biodiversity?: a multi-national exploration of stakeholders' views on the arguments for biodiversity conservation [d]
  422. () Capitalism: the future of an illusion [i] [d] [j]
  423. () Victim or perpetrator? [the difficulty of differentiating between victim and perpetrator in some cases] [i] [d]
  424. Giorgio Bongiovanni, Gerald Postema, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Chiara Valentini, & Douglas N. Walton [ed] () Handbook of legal reasoning and argumentation [i] [d]
  425. () Stranger than fiction: costs and benefits of everyday confabulation [d]
  426. () Selection bias in news coverage: learning it, fighting it [i] [d] [u]
  427. () Corruption & state capture: what can citizens do? [d] [j]
  428. () Why don't more Indians do better in school?: the battle between U.S. schooling & American Indian/Alaska Native education [d] [j]
  429. () Du Bois' democratic defence of the value free ideal [in science] [d] [j]
  430. John Brockman [ed] () This idea is brilliant: lost, overlooked, and underappreciated scientific concepts everyone should know [i] [u]
  431. () Vaccinate against bad arguments [u]
  432. () The surprising power of questions [u]
  433. () The significance of levels of organization for scientific research: a heuristic approach [p] [d]
  434. () Failure in science and why it is a good thing [book review of: Failure: why science is so successful, by Stuart Firestein] [p] [d]
  435. Otávio Bueno, Ruey-lin Chen, & Melinda Bonnie Fagan [ed] () Individuation, process, and scientific practices [i] [d]
  436. () From a scientific point of view: reasoning and evidence beat improvisation across fields [or: The scientific stance: using evidence-based arguments across fields] [i]
  437. () Is a nervous system necessary for learning? [d]
  438. (/2019) Dewey's Chicago-functionalist conception of logic [i] [d]
  439. () Fixing language: an essay on conceptual engineering [i] [d]
  440. Walter A. Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski [ed] () Contradictions, from consistency to inconsistency [i] [d]
  441. () Basic questions [or: The questioning attitude] [d]
  442. () Theory building as problem solving [i] [d]
  443. () Restructuring structured analytic techniques in intelligence [d]
  444. () The duty to work? [d]
  445. () Priors and prejudices: comments on Susanna Siegel's The rationality of perception [d]
  446. () A nice surprise?: predictive processing and the active pursuit of novelty [d]
  447. () Deceptively dodging questions: a theoretical note on issues of perception and detection [d]
  448. () Delusions, harmful dysfunctions, and treatable conditions [d]
  449. () Formal approach to the metaphysics of perspectives: points of view as access [i] [d]
  450. () Contextual debiasing and critical thinking: reasons for optimism [d]
  451. Javier Cumpa & Bill Brewer [ed] () The nature of ordinary objects [i] [d]
  452. () Classical logic, argument and dialectic [d]
  453. () Pragmatic inquiry and religious communities: Charles Peirce, signs, and inhabited experiments [i] [d]
  454. David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] () Building theories: heuristics and hypotheses in sciences [i] [d]
  455. () Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials [p] [d] [u]
  456. () Scientific progress: four accounts [d]
  457. () When expert disagreement supports the consensus [d]
  458. () The scientific method: reflections from a practitioner [i] [d]
  459. () Précis of Talking to our selves: reflection, ignorance, and agency [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  460. () The enduring enigma of reason [d]
  461. () Paradoxes and structural rules from a dialogical perspective [d]
  462. () When is inequality fair? [d]
  463. () Natural kinds, mind independence, and defeasibility [d] [j]
  464. Frank Fischer, Clark Chinn, Katharina Engelmann, & Jonathan Osborne [ed] () Scientific reasoning and argumentation: the roles of domain-specific and domain-general knowledge [i] [d]
  465. () Inductive reasoning in the context of discovery: analogy as an experimental stratagem in the history and philosophy of science [d]
  466. () Hallucinating oneness: is oneness true or just a positive metaphysical illusion? [i] [d] [j]
  467. () Thomas Hunt Morgan and the invisible gene: the right tool for the job [p] [d] [j]
  468. () Keeping globally inconsistent scientific theories locally consistent [i] [d]
  469. () Predictive hypotheses are ineffectual in resolving complex biochemical systems [p] [d] [u]
  470. () Reflexive questions as constructive interventions: a discursive perspective [i] [d]
  471. () Between politics and suprapolitics: Karl Jaspers and the flight from force [u]
  472. () The complexity of a diverse moral order [u]
  473. () Fake news: a definition [d] [u]
  474. () Don't characterize replications as successes or failures [p] [d]
  475. () What is probability? [u]
  476. () 'Physics is a kind of metaphysics': Émile Meyerson and Einstein's late rationalistic realism [d]
  477. Michael Glanzberg [ed] () The Oxford handbook of truth [i] [d]
  478. () Are theoretical results 'results'? [p] [d] [u]
  479. () Scientific realism [i] [u]
  480. Mark Goodale [ed] () Letters to the contrary: a curated history of the UNESCO human rights survey [i] [d]
  481. () How to relate models to reality?: an epistemological framework for the validation and verification of computational models [d] [u]
  482. () Expediting inquiry: Peirce's social economy of research [d] [j] [u]
  483. () Method matters in psychology: essays in applied philosophy of science [i] [d]
  484. Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks [ed] () Introduction to formal philosophy [i] [d]
  485. () Information privilege outreach for undergraduate students [d] [u]
  486. Stephen Cade Hetherington [ed] () What makes a philosopher great?: thirteen arguments for twelve philosophers [i] [d]
  487. () Psychotic-like experiences in esoterism: a twilight zone? [p] [d]
  488. () Critical thinking [u]
  489. () Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
  490. () Emergentist naturalism in early Buddhism and Deweyan pragmatism [i] [d]
  491. () Memory and miscarriages of justice [i] [d]
  492. İlhan İnan [ed] () The moral psychology of curiosity [i]
  493. () Heuristic logic: a kernel [i] [d]
  494. () How far to nudge?: assessing behavioural public policy [i] [d]
  495. () Late stages of adult development: one linear sequence or several parallel branches? [u]
  496. () Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits? [p] [d]
  497. () When should we use simple decision models?: a synthesis of various research strands [d]
  498. () Systematizing the theoretical virtues [d] [j]
  499. Paul T. Keyser & John Scarborough [ed] () The Oxford handbook of science and medicine in the classical world [i] [d]
  500. () A role for reasoning in a dialogic approach to critical thinking [d]
  501. () Do reasoning limitations undermine discourse? [d]
  502. () Randomistas: how radical researchers are changing our world [i] [d]
  503. () Relating traditional and academic ecological knowledge: mechanistic and holistic epistemologies across cultures [p] [d] [u]
  504. () Practical reasoning arguments: a modular approach [d]
  505. () Evidence and presumptions for analyzing and detecting misunderstandings [d]
  506. () More data, new problems: audiences, ahistoricity, and selection bias in terrorism and insurgency research [d]
  507. () An act of Anishinaabe resistance [i] [d]
  508. () Humility [i] [u]
  509. () Knowledge organization system (KOS): an introductory critical account [d] [u]
  510. () Are you in science to understand, describe or predict? [u]
  511. () What is community operational research? [d]
  512. () The character gap: how good are we? [i]
  513. () Eliciting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: the effect of question phrasing on deception [d]
  514. () The pragmatist theory of truth [i] [d]
  515. () Delusions and beliefs: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
  516. () Contrarian or jerk? [u]
  517. () From ontic structural realism to metaphysical coherentism [d]
  518. () Visual representations in science: concept and epistemology [i] [d]
  519. () Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
  520. () An inquiry into views, beliefs and faith: lessons from Buddhism, behavioural psychology and constructivist epistemology [d]
  521. () Truth-seeking by abduction [i] [d]
  522. () Leibniz as librarian [i] [d]
  523. () Real-world problems [d]
  524. () 'Trained satisfaction': self-limiting of inquiry [u]
  525. () The book of why: the new science of cause and effect [i]
  526. Gordon Pennycook [ed] () The new reflectionism in cognitive psychology: why reasons matter [i] [d]
  527. () Why not try harder?: computational approach to motivation deficits in neuro-psychiatric diseases [p] [d]
  528. Bernd Reiter [ed] () Constructing the pluriverse: the geopolitics of knowledge [i] [d]
  529. () Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: a use case in gender documents [d]
  530. Jeroen de Ridder, Rik Peels, & René van Woudenberg [ed] () Scientism: prospects and problems [i] [d]
  531. () (You drive me) crazy: how gaslighting undermines autonomy [u]
  532. () Scientific philosophy [i] [d]
  533. J. Peter Rosenfeld [ed] () Detecting concealed information and deception: recent developments [i]
  534. () Triangulation in qualitative research [u]
  535. () Attitudes towards science [i] [d]
  536. Juha Saatsi [ed] () The Routledge handbook of scientific realism [i] [d]
  537. () Why not all evidence is scientific evidence [d]
  538. () Constructive episodic simulation, flexible recombination, and memory errors [p] [d]
  539. () Incorporating mindfulness: questioning capitalism [d]
  540. () Theoretical virtues in science: uncovering reality through theory [i] [d]
  541. () Transforming 'ecosystem' from a scientific concept into a teachable topic: philosophy and history of ecology informs science textbook analysis [d]
  542. () Scenes from a marriage: on the confrontation model of history and philosophy of science [d]
  543. () Sustainably sourced junk food?: big food and the challenge of sustainable diets [d] [u]
  544. () The value of methodological deductivism in argument construction [d] [u]
  545. () For the love of science: combating science denial with science pleasure [d] [u]
  546. () Psychology, science, and knowledge construction: broadening perspectives from the replication crisis [p] [d]
  547. () Perception as guessing versus perception as knowing: replies to Clark and Peacocke [d]
  548. () Scientific method: how science works, fails to work, and pretends to work [in the human sciences] [i] [d]
  549. () Who is afraid of commitment?: on the relation of scientific evidence and conceptual theory [d] [j] [u]
  550. () Shortcut roundup: quick guides to become media literate [and what they have in common] [u]
  551. () Several logics for the many things that people do in reasoning [i] [d]
  552. () Why reason?: Hugo Mercier's and Dan Sperber's The enigma of reason: a new theory of human understanding [d]
  553. () Human brain evolution: history or science? [i] [d]
  554. () Munchausen syndrome and the wide spectrum of factitious disorders [p] [d]
  555. Paul C. Taylor, Linda Martín Alcoff, & Luvell Anderson [ed] () The Routledge companion to philosophy of race [i] [d]
  556. () Fictional models and fictional representations [d]
  557. () Referential and perspectival realism [d]
  558. () Working, but poor: the good life in rural America? [d]
  559. () Mediators and mechanisms [d]
  560. () Cultural humility and Dewey's pattern of inquiry: developing good attitudes and overcoming bad habits [d]
  561. () Narration in judiciary fact-finding: a probabilistic explication [d]
  562. () Creationism and conspiracism share a common teleological bias [p] [d]
  563. () Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
  564. () Curiosity and inquisitiveness [i] [d]
  565. () What is a question? [d]
  566. () The illusion of explanatory depth [i] [u]
  567. () A guide to argumentative research writing and thinking: overcoming challenges [i] [d]
  568. (/2019) Dewey, Addams, and design thinking: pragmatist feminist innovation for democratic change [i] [d]
  569. () Peirce knew why abduction isn't IBE—a scheme and critical questions for abductive argument [vs. inference to the best explanation] [d]
  570. () Logic, reasoning, argumentation: insights from the wild [d] [u]
  571. () Psychoanalysis today—a pseudoscience?: a critique of the arbitrary nature of psychoanalytic theories and practice [p] [d]
  572. () Associations between belief inflexibility and dimensions of delusions: a meta-analytic review of two approaches to assessing belief flexibility [p] [d]
  573. () Making replication mainstream [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  574. Evandro Agazzi [ed] () Varieties of scientific realism: objectivity and truth in science [i] [d]
  575. () Pragmatism and metaphilosophy [i] [d]
  576. () Who was the first philosopher? Or, how many philosophers does it take? [d]
  577. () Return to meaning: a social science with something to say [i] [d]
  578. () 'Pragmatic complexity' a new foundation for moving beyond 'evidence-based policy making'? [d]
  579. () On doing better science: from thrill of discovery to policy implications [d]
  580. () The politics of research—or why you can't trust anything you read, including this article! [d]
  581. () Do better science by answering your questions in public: StackExchange for open science [u]
  582. () Therapeutic conversations: therapists' use of observational language contributes to optimal therapeutic outcomes [p] [d]
  583. () Argumentation and abduction in dialogical logic [i] [d]
  584. () Reflective thought and actively open-minded thinking [i] [d]
  585. () Could we advance the science of religion (better) without the concept 'religion'? [d]
  586. Jakob Bek-Thomsen, Christian Christiansen, Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, & Mikkel Thorup [ed] () History of economic rationalities: economic reasoning as knowledge and practice authority [i] [d]
  587. Floris J. Bex, Floriana Grasso, Nancy L. Green, Fabio Paglieri, & Chris Reed [ed] () Argument technologies: theory, analysis, and applications [i]
  588. Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick [ed] () Philosophy's future: the problem of philosophical progress [i] [d]
  589. () Why do irrational beliefs mimic science?: the cultural evolution of pseudoscience [d]
  590. () Recollection, belief and metacognition: a reality check [p] [d]
  591. () Models in geosciences [i] [d]
  592. () Models and explanation [i] [d]
  593. () Improving intelligence analysis: harnessing intuition and reducing biases by means of structured methodology [d]
  594. Maarten Boudry & Massimo Pigliucci [ed] () Science unlimited?: the challenges of scientism [i] [d]
  595. () Using a Bayesian network to clarify areas requiring research in a host–pathogen system [p] [d]
  596. () Don't dodge the question [u]
  597. () Treat cross-examination questions as a flashlight in a dark room [and turn on the overhead lights instead] [u]
  598. () Multiple religious belonging: conceptual advance or secularization denial? [d]
  599. () Pragmatism and engineering [i] [d]
  600. () Doing science: in the light of philosophy [i] [d]
  601. () In the beginning was the problem [i] [d]
  602. () Real patterns in biological explanation [d] [j]
  603. () Robustness, intersubjective reproducibility, and scientific realism [i] [d]
  604. () What makes time special? [i] [d]
  605. () Journalistic authority: legitimating news in the digital era [i] [d] [j]
  606. David Carré, Jaan Valsiner, & Stefan Hampl [ed] () Representing development: the social constructions of models of change [i] [d]
  607. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () How and why are some therapists better than others?: understanding therapist effects [i] [d]
  608. () Rethinking knowledge: the heuristic view [i] [d]
  609. () Confronting the 'seeker of newspaper notoriety': pathological lying, the public, and the press, 1890–1920 [d]
  610. () Science, lies and video-taped experiments [p] [d]
  611. () Taxonomising delusions: content or aetiology? [p] [d]
  612. Bruce M. Z. Cohen [ed] () Routledge international handbook of critical mental health [i] [d]
  613. () How long can we keep doing this?: sustainability as a strictly temporal concept [d]
  614. () Belief and belief formation: insights from delusions [i] [d]
  615. () Shared reality makes life meaningful: are we really going in the right direction? [d]
  616. () Employee profit sharing: a moral obligation or a moral option? [u]
  617. () What's the problem?: frameworks and methods from policy analysis for analyzing complex problems [d]
  618. () Ecological commitments: why developmental science needs naturalistic methods [p] [d] [u]
  619. () Getting beyond analysis by anecdote: improving intelligence analysis through the use of case studies [d]
  620. () 'Fake news': incorrect, but hard to correct: the role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions [d]
  621. () What is the essence of hypnosis? [p] [d]
  622. () Seeing what you want to see: how imprecise uncertainty ranges enhance motivated reasoning [d]
  623. Susan Dieleman, David Rondel, & Christopher J. Voparil [ed] () Pragmatism and justice [i] [d]
  624. () Empirical approaches to problems of injustice: Elizabeth Anderson and the pragmatists [i] [d]
  625. () Physical actor training: what shall I do with the body they gave me? [i] [d]
  626. Steffen Ducheyne [ed] () Reassessing the radical Enlightenment [i] [d]
  627. Ian T. Durham & Dean Rickles [ed] () Information and interaction: Eddington, Wheeler, and the limits of knowledge [i] [d]
  628. () Reasoning biases, non-monotonic logics and belief revision [d]
  629. () Critical thinking: conceptual perspectives & practical guidelines [i] [d]
  630. () Since Sandy Hook: strategic maneuvering in the gun control debate [d]
  631. () The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics [p] [d] [u]
  632. () Scientific revolutions and the explosion of scientific evidence [d] [j] [u]
  633. Steven Fesmire [ed] (/2019) The Oxford handbook of Dewey [i] [d]
  634. () Weapon of choice: small arms and the culture of military innovation [i] [d]
  635. () Assessing the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making in terms of adequate support for conclusions [d]
  636. () Open innovation and the core of the engineer's domain [i] [d]
  637. () Delusions: a project in understanding [i] [d]
  638. () Which functions assumed to be religious and spiritual in nature are ultimately attributable or reducible to purely secular mechanisms? [d]
  639. () Pursuing fundamental advances in human reasoning [i] [d]
  640. () The ontology of models [i] [d]
  641. () Beyond subjective and objective in statistics [and comments and reply] [d]
  642. () The statistical crisis in science: how is it relevant to clinical neuropsychology? [p] [d]
  643. Partha Ghose [ed] () Einstein, Tagore, and the nature of reality [i] [d]
  644. () Is schizophrenia a disorder of consciousness?: experimental and phenomenological support for anomalous unconscious processing [p] [d] [u]
  645. Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari [ed] () The Routledge handbook of mechanisms and mechanical philosophy [i] [d]
  646. () What will you do with your surplus? ['If you're not drowning, you're a lifeguard'] [u]
  647. () How to map theory: reliable methods are fruitless without rigorous theory [p] [d] [u]
  648. Sara Green [ed] () Philosophy of systems biology: perspectives from scientists and philosophers [i] [d]
  649. () Are formal planners more likely to achieve new venture viability?: a counterfactual model and analysis [d]
  650. () Stop guessing: the 9 behaviors of great problem solvers [i]
  651. () Predictive processing, source monitoring, and psychosis [p] [d] [u]
  652. () What is a good medical decision?: a research agenda guided by perspectives from multiple stakeholders [p] [d] [u]
  653. () Critical thinking: the basics [i] [d]
  654. () Tell, ask, repair: early responding to discordant reality [d]
  655. Lisa Herzog [ed] () Just financial markets?: finance in a just society [i] [d]
  656. () The writing revolution: a guide to advancing thinking through writing in all subjects and grades [one sentence at a time] [i]
  657. () Why should any body have a self? [i] [d]
  658. () Public deliberation and the fact of expertise: making experts accountable [d]
  659. () How do social norms influence prosocial development? [p] [d]
  660. () It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking [p] [d]
  661. () Three remarks on 'reflective equilibrium': on the use and misuse of Rawls' balancing concept in contemporary ethics [d]
  662. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, & Dietram Scheufele [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication [i] [d]
  663. () When do scientific explanations compete?: steps toward a heuristic checklist [d]
  664. () Science curiosity and political information processing [d]
  665. (/2018) Is cost–benefit analysis the only game in town? [u]
  666. () Evidence in engineering [i] [d]
  667. () Illusions in reasoning [d]
  668. Ian James Kidd, José Medina, & Gaile Pohlhaus Jr. [ed] () The Routledge handbook of epistemic injustice [i] [d]
  669. () Coal is not black, snow is not white, food is not a reinforcer: the roles of affordances and dispositions in the analysis of behavior [d]
  670. () Validity and scope as criteria for deliberative epistemic quality across pluralism [d]
  671. () Contesting injustice: why pragmatist political thought needs Du Bois [i] [d]
  672. () Arguing deep ideational change [d]
  673. () Can engaging in science practices promote deep understanding of them? [d]
  674. () How will you die? [u]
  675. () The meaning of 'epistemology': science, common sense and philosophy according to Émile Meyerson [d]
  676. () Because without cause: non-causal explanation in science and mathematics [i] [d]
  677. () Perceiving necessity [d] [u]
  678. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee, & David Coady [ed] () A companion to applied philosophy [i] [d]
  679. () Letting go of 'natural kind': toward a multidimensional framework of nonarbitrary classification [d] [j] [u]
  680. () How reliable is perception? [d] [u]
  681. () The abductive structure of scientific creativity: an essay on the ecology of cognition [i] [d]
  682. Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti [ed] () Springer handbook of model-based science [i] [d]
  683. () Why do we remember?: the communicative function of episodic memory [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  684. () Why do we need government?: the role of civic education in the face of the free-rider problem [i] [u]
  685. () Improving how to think in intelligence analysis and medicine [d]
  686. () How is awe connected to wisdom? [u]
  687. () For the sake of argument: how to do philosophy [i]
  688. () Modeling the social organization of science: chasing complexity through simulations [d]
  689. Kevin McCain & Ted Poston [ed] () Best explanations: new essays on inference to the best explanation [i] [d]
  690. () Association of the jumping-to-conclusions and evidence-integration biases with delusions in psychosis: a detailed meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  691. () How gullible are we?: a review of the evidence from psychology and social science [d]
  692. () The enigma of reason [i] [d]
  693. Diane P. Michelfelder, Byron Newberry, & Qin Zhu [ed] () Philosophy and engineering: exploring boundaries, expanding connections [i] [d]
  694. () Forms of abduction and an inferential taxonomy [i] [d]
  695. (/2019) Dewey on the authority and legitimacy of law [i] [d]
  696. () Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design: a suite of research-based design patterns [i] [d]
  697. () What's so bad about scientism? [d]
  698. () A cognitive cost of the need to achieve? [d]
  699. () On the political vernaculars of 'value creation' [d]
  700. () Challenging the dominance of formalism in accounting education: an analysis of the potential of stewardship in light of the evolution of legal education [d]
  701. () Strict empiricism versus explanation in science [i] [d]
  702. () A robust preference for cheap-and-easy strategies over reliable strategies when verifying personal memories [p] [d]
  703. () Not strange but not true: self-reported interest in a topic increases false memory [p] [d]
  704. () Scientific progress in clinical psychology and epistemically virtuous research [j] [u]
  705. Henry Otgaar & Mark L. Howe [ed] () Finding the truth in the courtroom: dealing with deception, lies, and memories [i] [d]
  706. () What drives false memories in psychopathology?: a case for associative activation [p] [d] [u]
  707. Søren Overgaard & Giuseppina D'Oro [ed] () The Cambridge companion to philosophical methodology [i] [d]
  708. () Question types [for researchers] [i] [d]
  709. () Why should we be pessimistic about antirealists and pessimists? [d]
  710. () The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence [i] [d]
  711. () Virtues and vices in scientific practice [d] [j]
  712. () 'Why these laws?': multiverse discourse as a scene of response [d] [u]
  713. () The evolution of analytic thought? [p] [d]
  714. () Conditionals, counterfactuals, and rational reasoning: an experimental study on basic principles [d]
  715. Ian Phillips [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of temporal experience [i] [d]
  716. () How do you know you have a drug problem?: the role of knowledge of negative consequences in explaining drug choice in humans and rats [i] [d]
  717. Sami Pihlström [ed] () Pragmatism and objectivity: essays sparked by the work of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
  718. () The role of technologies in undermining the perennial philosophy [i] [d]
  719. () Levels and fields of science [i] [d]
  720. () Idealization and the aims of science [i] [d]
  721. () Pragmatism as a way of life: the lasting legacy of William James and John Dewey [i] [d]
  722. () Using argumentation theory to analyse software practitioners' defeasible evidence, inference and belief [d]
  723. () The Argument Web: an online ecosystem of tools, systems and services for argumentation [d]
  724. () Understanding scientific understanding [i] [d]
  725. Ursula Renz [ed] () Self-knowledge: a history [i] [d]
  726. Rick Repetti [ed] () Buddhist perspectives on free will: agentless agency? [i] [d]
  727. () Philosophy as rational systematization [i] [d]
  728. () Why is belief in God not a delusion? [d]
  729. () Beyond realism and antirealism?: the strange case of Dewey's instrumentalism [i] [d]
  730. () What is extreme about Mises's extreme apriorism? [d]
  731. () Laypeople's evaluation of arguments: are criteria for argument quality scheme-specific? [d]
  732. () How does religious experience work in predictive minds? [d]
  733. () What sort of question was Kant answering when he answered the question: 'What is enlightenment?'? [i]
  734. () Realistic idealism [i] [d]
  735. Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards [ed] () Handbook of the philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  736. () Dialogue, argumentation, and education: history, theory, and practice [i] [d]
  737. () A mega-analysis of memory reports from eight peer-reviewed false memory implantation studies [p] [d]
  738. () Reason and justice: the optimal and the maximal [d] [j]
  739. () What makes everyday scientific reasoning so challenging? [d]
  740. () Scienceblind: why our intuitive theories about the world are so often wrong [i]
  741. () The rationality of perception [or lack of rationality] [i] [d]
  742. () Exact thinking in demented times: the Vienna Circle and the epic quest for the foundations of science [i]
  743. () Constraints on generality (COG): a proposed addition to all empirical papers [p] [d]
  744. Matthew H. Slater & Zanja Yudell [ed] () Metaphysics and the philosophy of science: new essays [i] [d]
  745. () The knowledge illusion: why we never think alone [i]
  746. () Knowledge in mind: Piaget's epistemology [i] [d]
  747. Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, & Harold Kincaid [ed] () The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  748. () Peter Singer, R.M. Hare, and the trouble with logical consistency [in moral reasoning] [d] [u]
  749. () Hot air or comprehensive progress?: a critical assessment of the SDGs [sustainable development goals] [d]
  750. () The methodology of 'The witch-hunt narrative': a question of evidence—evidence questioned [p] [d]
  751. () So long and thanks for all the fish: metaphysics and the philosophy of science [i] [d]
  752. () Rhetoric, ethics, and the principle of charity: pragmatist clues to the democratic riddle [d]
  753. () Is birdsong music?: outback encounters with an Australian songbird [i] [j]
  754. () Metaphysics and conceptual negotiation [d]
  755. (/2019) Dewey and environmental philosophy [i] [d]
  756. () The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
  757. () Meaning in dialogue: an interactive approach to logic and reasoning [i] [d]
  758. () Security and ideology [i] [d]
  759. Isaac E. Ukpokolo [ed] () Themes, issues and problems in African philosophy [i] [d]
  760. () Normal rationality: decisions and social order [i] [d]
  761. () Are atheists undogmatic? [d]
  762. () Our obsession with eminence warps research [p] [d]
  763. () Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
  764. () Field notes: a guided journal for doing anthropology [i]
  765. Leonard J. Waks & Andrea English [ed] () John Dewey's Democracy and education: a centennial handbook [i] [d]
  766. () The slippery slope argument in the ethical debate on genetic engineering of humans [p] [d]
  767. () Unification, the answer to resemblance questions [d] [j]
  768. () Are you solving the right problems? [u]
  769. () The value of rationality [i] [d]
  770. () Informed reflexivity: enacting epistemic virtue [d]
  771. () Originality through questions [i] [d]
  772. () Search out your 'flat-earthers' if you want to argue better [u]
  773. () 'Tell me how that makes you feel': philosophy's reason/emotion divide and epistemic pushback in philosophy classrooms [d]
  774. () Epistemic things in Charles and Ray Eames's Powers of ten [i] [d]
  775. () Argument Mapper: countering cognitive biases in analysis with critical (visual) thinking [i] [d]
  776. () Wilful ignorance and the emotional regime of schools [d]
  777. () Scientific realism within perspectivism and perspectivism within scientific realism [d]
  778. Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] () How should humanity steer the future? [i] [d]
  779. () Dewey and the art of experience [u]
  780. () The problem of the empirical basis in critical rationalism [i] [d]
  781. A. J. Angulo [ed] () Miseducation: a history of ignorance-making in America and abroad [i] [d]
  782. () Which individual therapist behaviors elicit client change talk and sustain talk in motivational interviewing? [p] [d] [u]
  783. () Thought experiments as model-based abductions [i] [d]
  784. () What's wrong with money?: the biggest bubble of all [i]
  785. () Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
  786. () The 'big picture': the problem of extrapolation in basic research [d] [j]
  787. () Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
  788. () Seeing is believing: observer perceptions of trait trustworthiness predict perceptions of honesty in high-stakes emotional appeals [d]
  789. () How big should our government be? [i] [d] [j]
  790. () Are fallacies vices? [d]
  791. () Electrophysiology, chronometrics, and cross-cultural psychometrics at the Biosignal Lab: why it began, what we learned, and why it ended [d]
  792. () Revolution, reconciliation, integration: is there a way to bring social and biological anthropology together? [d]
  793. () Enhancing rationality: heuristics, biases, and the Critical Thinking Project [d] [u]
  794. () Are there levels of consciousness? [conclusion: no] [p] [d]
  795. () Why are offenders victimized so often? [i] [d]
  796. () Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
  797. () Anthropology and knowledge organization: affinities and prospects for engagement [o] [d] [u]
  798. () Truth in evidence and truth in arguments without logical omniscience [d] [j]
  799. () Combining explanation and argumentation in dialogue [d] [u]
  800. () Empiricism and after [i] [d]
  801. () Bias in legitimate ad hominem arguments [and comment by Andrew Aberdein and reply] [u]
  802. () Can citizen science enhance public understanding of science? [p] [d]
  803. (/2023) The Chicago guide to fact-checking [i] [d]
  804. () Digital detachment: how computer culture undermines democracy [i] [d]
  805. () Mindful makers: question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations [d]
  806. Michael S. Brady & Miranda Fricker [ed] () The epistemic life of groups: essays in the epistemology of collectives [i] [d]
  807. () If you don't know the answer, then that's your answer [u]
  808. (/2024) Don't get lost in your own story [u]
  809. () Analysing practical argumentation [i] [d]
  810. () Explication as a method of conceptual re-engineering [d] [j]
  811. () Evidence mapping for decision making: feasibility versus accuracy—when to abandon high sensitivity in electronic searches [p] [d] [u]
  812. () Practical philosophy [i] [d]
  813. () Between two worlds: memoirs of a philosopher-scientist [i] [d]
  814. () Antidualism and antimentalism in radical behaviorism [and comments and reply in subsequent volume] [j] [u]
  815. () Bayesian epistemology vs. Susan Haack [u]
  816. () Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity [d]
  817. () Single case causes: what is evidence and why [i] [d]
  818. () Fuzzy pictures as philosophical problem and scientific practice: a study of visual vagueness [i] [d]
  819. () Reflective equilibrium [i] [d]
  820. () Is there a scientific method?: the analytic model of science [i] [d]
  821. () What is money?: a qualitative study of money as experienced [d]
  822. Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss [ed] () Philosophy of science in practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning [i] [d]
  823. () The inquiring organization: how organizations acquire knowledge and seek information [i] [d]
  824. () In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return?: the eternal recurrence of the public deficit [p] [d]
  825. () Deconstructing the mission: a critical content analysis of public library mission statements [d]
  826. () Interests and epistemic integrity in science: a new framework to assess interest influences in scientific research processes [i]
  827. () 'You are as you read': do students' reading interests contribute to their individuality? [d]
  828. () How relevant is copyright to online artists?: a qualitative study of understandings, coping strategies, and possible solutions [d] [u]
  829. () Defining Peirce's reasoning processes against the background of the mathematical reasoning of computability theory [i] [d]
  830. () The why and how of middleware [for scholarly research and communication] [u]
  831. () Tropes in the rhetoric of gun rights: a pragma-dialectic analysis [d]
  832. () Reductio ad absurdum from a dialogical perspective [d] [j]
  833. () How can physics underlie the mind?: top-down causation in the human context [i] [d]
  834. () Robustness is the kind of coherence that matters: a comment on Kendler (2015) [p] [d]
  835. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi [ed] () Critical mindfulness: exploring Langerian models [i] [d]
  836. () The doxastic shear pin: delusions as errors of learning and memory [p] [d]
  837. () Humor, law, and jurisprudence: on Deleuze's political philosophy [d]
  838. () Now that's a good question!: how to promote cognitive rigor through classroom questioning [i]
  839. () What makes a good experiment?: reasons & roles in science [i] [j]
  840. () Are mental disorders brain diseases, and what does this mean?: a clinical-neuropsychological perspective [p] [d]
  841. () Argumentation and decision making in professional practice [d]
  842. () How to do science with models: a philosophical primer [i] [d]
  843. () Feyerabend's perspectivism [p] [d]
  844. () Transforming science education for the Anthropocene—is it possible? [d]
  845. () Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
  846. () Do psychotherapists improve with time and experience?: a longitudinal analysis of outcomes in a clinical setting [p] [d]
  847. Wenceslao J. González [ed] () The limits of science: an analysis from 'barriers' to 'confines' [i] [d]
  848. () What does research reproducibility mean? [p] [d]
  849. () Deciding what's true: the rise of political fact-checking in American journalism [i] [d]
  850. () What is the DSM?: diagnostic manual, cultural icon, political battleground: an overview with suggestions for a critical research agenda [d]
  851. Jeffrey Alan Greene, William A. Sandoval, & Ivar Bråten [ed] () Handbook of epistemic cognition [i] [d]
  852. () Searching for the middle term: Descartes, Gassendi, and modern biology [j]
  853. () Starry reckoning: reference and analysis in mathematics and cosmology [i] [d]
  854. () Questioning the victim status of complainants in professional ethics investigations [d]
  855. () A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation [d] [j]
  856. () Realist inquiry in social science [i]
  857. () Slippery slope arguments imply opposition to change [p] [d]
  858. () The decentralization of knowledge: how Carnap and Heidegger influenced the Web [d] [u]
  859. () Decriminalizing violence: a critique of restorative justice and proposal for diversionary mediation [u]
  860. () Why don't we grieve for extinct species? [u]
  861. Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn [ed] () The argumentative turn in policy analysis: reasoning about uncertainty [i] [d]
  862. () The explanation frame [i]
  863. Jim Haslam & Prem Sikka [ed] () Pioneers of critical accounting: a celebration of the life of Tony Lowe [i] [d]
  864. () Mathematics as an empirical phenomenon, subject to modeling [i] [d]
  865. () An ethical perspective on accounting standard setting: professional and lay-experts' contribution to GASB's Pension Project [d]
  866. () One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
  867. () The bleeding edge: why technology turns toxic in an unequal world [i]
  868. Paul Humphreys, Anjan Chakravartty, Margaret Morrison, & Andrea Woody [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of science [i] [d]
  869. () Argumentative reasoning [i] [d]
  870. Emiliano Ippoliti, Fabio Sterpetti, & Thomas Nickles [ed] () Models and inferences in science [i] [d]
  871. () Discovery without a 'logic' would be a miracle [d] [j]
  872. Catherine Kendig [ed] () Natural kinds and classification in scientific practice [i] [d]
  873. () Oral history and the epistemology of testimony [d]
  874. () In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return? How do the shifting information flows in healthcare affect the deficit model of science communication? [p] [d]
  875. () Beware dichotomies [p] [d]
  876. () Open-mindedness as a critical virtue [d]
  877. (/2018) Human rights on trial: a genealogy of the critique of human rights [i] [d]
  878. () The law's flaws: rethinking trials and errors? [i]
  879. () System failure?: why humanitarian assistance can't meet its objectives without systems thinking—and why it finds it so hard to use it [i] [d]
  880. () A field guide to lies: critical thinking in the information age [i]
  881. () Motivated rejection of science [d]
  882. () Who's responsible for global poverty? [d]
  883. () What could you really learn on your own?: understanding the epistemic limitations of knowledge acquisition [p] [d] [u]
  884. () Plausibility judgments in conceptual change and epistemic cognition [d]
  885. () Where and how to search?: search paths in open innovation [d]
  886. () Theory, experience and practice [p] [d]
  887. () Ontological choices and the value-free ideal [d] [j]
  888. () Interpretative disputes, explicatures, and argumentative reasoning [d]
  889. Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio [ed] () Model-based reasoning in science and technology: logical, epistemological, and cognitive issues [i] [d]
  890. () Taking nature seriously in the Anthropocene [d]
  891. () Explanatory pluralism [i] [d]
  892. () Linguistic obfuscation in fraudulent science [d]
  893. () Believing that humans swallow spiders in their sleep: false beliefs as side effects of the processes that support accurate knowledge [i] [d]
  894. () First person action research: living life as inquiry [i] [d]
  895. () Let me critically question this!: insights from a training study on the role of questioning on argumentative discourse [d]
  896. () Socratic questions with children: recommendations and cautionary tales [d]
  897. () Can network analysis transform psychopathology? [d]
  898. () Should the international accounting standards board have responsibility for human rights? [d]
  899. () Equanimity and the moral virtue of open-mindedness [j] [u]
  900. () Cultivating constructivism: inspiring intuition and promoting process and pragmatism [d]
  901. () In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return? [p] [d]
  902. () Why be an intellectually humble philosopher? [d]
  903. () The history of science as a graveyard of theories: a philosophers' myth? [d]
  904. () The philosophy of biological information [i] [d]
  905. Fathali M. Moghaddam & Rom Harré [ed] () Questioning causality: scientific explorations of cause and consequence across social contexts [i]
  906. () Progress isn't natural [u]
  907. () The construct of mindfulness amidst and along conceptions of rationality [i] [d]
  908. () Value uncertainty [in practical decision-making] [i] [d]
  909. () Argumentation in history classrooms: a key path to understanding the discipline and preparing citizens [d]
  910. () Logical and causal reasoning [i] [d]
  911. () What is populism? [i] [d]
  912. () In praise of simple physics: the science and mathematics behind everyday questions [i] [d] [j]
  913. () Intersection of argumentation and the use of multiple representations in the context of socioscientific issues [d]
  914. () John Dewey: the global public and its problems [i] [u]
  915. Robert A. Nash & James Ost [ed] () False and distorted memories [i] [d]
  916. () Questioning our questions: a constructivist technique for clinical supervision [d]
  917. () Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  918. () Deleuze and psychology: philosophical provocations to psychological practices [i] [d]
  919. () Fast and frugal heuristics at research frontiers [i] [d]
  920. () On philosophy and religion and their discontents: in defense of going over the hill [u]
  921. () Why we reason: intention-alignment and the genesis of human rationality [d]
  922. () Socratic pedagogy: the importance of argument [i] [d] [j]
  923. () The design, manufacture, and reporting of weak and pseudo-tests: the case of ACT [d]
  924. () Changing conspiracy beliefs through rationality and ridiculing [p] [d] [u]
  925. Fabio Paglieri, Laura Bonelli, & Silvia Felletti [ed] () The psychology of argument: cognitive approaches to argumentation and persuasion [i]
  926. () The pragmatists' approach to injustice [d] [u]
  927. () John Dewey's radical logic: the function of the qualitative in thinking [d] [j] [u]
  928. () How delusion is formed? [p] [d]
  929. () Appeals to evidence for the resolution of wicked problems: the origins and mechanisms of evidentiary bias [d]
  930. () What do we really know about workers' co-operatives? [i] [d]
  931. () Analogies we suffer by: the case of the state as a household [i]
  932. () On Popper's contributions to psychology as part of biology [i] [d]
  933. () The visualizable, the representable and the inconceivable: realist and non-realist mathematical models in physics and beyond [p] [d]
  934. () Criticism without fundamental principles [d] [u]
  935. () Head in the cloud: why knowing things still matters when facts are so easy to look up [or: Head in the cloud: the power of knowledge in the age of Google] [i]
  936. () Hallucinations as top-down effects on perception [p] [d] [u]
  937. () How does a story start? [u]
  938. () Early forms of metaethical constructivism in John Dewey's pragmatism [d] [u]
  939. () Calling the shots: why parents reject vaccines [i] [d] [j]
  940. () Inference from the best systematization [d]
  941. () Honest advocacy for nature: presenting a persuasive narrative for conservation [d]
  942. () Exposing fraud: skills, process and practicalities [i] [d]
  943. () Case rethinking: a protocol for reviewing criminal investigations [d]
  944. () Seeing mobility: how software engineers produce unequal representations [d]
  945. Frank Scalambrino [ed] () Social epistemology and technology: toward public self-awareness regarding technological mediation [i]
  946. () A tale of seven scientists and a new philosophy of science [i]
  947. () Decision-making: are plants more rational than animals? [p] [d]
  948. () Just where does local food live?: assessing farmers' markets in the United States [d]
  949. () The memory illusion: remembering, forgetting, and the science of false memory [i]
  950. Jeremy Shearmur & Geoff Stokes [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Popper [i] [d]
  951. () 'Think with me': David Carr's enduring invitation [d] [u]
  952. () Abduction, complex inferences, and emergent heuristics of scientific inquiry [d]
  953. () Can you be like Erickson? [u]
  954. () Pluralism as a bias mitigation strategy [u]
  955. () The lure of rationality: why does the deficit model persist in science communication? [p] [d]
  956. () The natural selection of bad science [p] [d] [u]
  957. () Not even wrong: imprecision perpetuates the illusion of understanding at the cost of actual understanding [p] [d]
  958. () Does writing summaries improve memory for text? [d]
  959. () Crafting instructions collaboratively: student questions and dual addressivity in classroom task instructions [d]
  960. () Could this be true? I think so!: expressed uncertainty in online rumoring [i] [d]
  961. Robert J. Sternberg, Susan T. Fiske, & Donald J. Foss [ed] () Scientists making a difference: one hundred eminent behavioral and brain scientists talk about their most important contributions [i] [d]
  962. () The virtuous arguer: one person, four roles [d]
  963. () Supporting intelligence analysis through visual thinking [i] [d]
  964. () Representation in science [i] [d]
  965. Frank Swain [ed] () How long is now?: fascinating answers to 191 mind-boggling questions: questions and answers from the popular 'Last word' column [i]
  966. () Recalling IBIS: can argumentation be disciplined? [o] [u]
  967. () Is philosophy all about the meaning of life? [d] [j]
  968. () Intelligence analysis as discovery of evidence, hypotheses, and arguments: connecting the dots [i] [d]
  969. () Belief echoes: the persistent effects of corrected misinformation [d]
  970. () Thick, thin, and becoming a virtuous arguer [d]
  971. () Knowing but not knowing: systematic conservation planning and community conservation in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico [d]
  972. () Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
  973. () Computer models and the evidence of anthropogenic climate change: an epistemology of variety-of-evidence inferences and robustness analysis [p] [d]
  974. () Arguing against confirmation bias: the effect of argumentative discourse goals on the use of disconfirming evidence in written argument [d]
  975. () When stories and numbers meet in court: constructing and explaining Bayesian networks for criminal cases with scenarios [i] [u]
  976. () Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? [i]
  977. () In praise of error [p] [d]
  978. () Truth or truthiness: distinguishing fact from fiction by learning to think like a data scientist [i] [d]
  979. () Deliberation, practical reasoning and problem-solving [u]
  980. () Argument evaluation and evidence [i] [d]
  981. () The end of scientific articles as we know them? [p] [d]
  982. () Problems and meaning today: what can we learn from Hattiangadi's failed attempt to explain them together? [d]
  983. () A way forward beyond Karl Popper's and Donald T. Campbell's dead-end evolutionary epistemologies [p] [d] [j]
  984. () Does consciousness disappear in dreamless sleep? [p] [d]
  985. () Are we losing diversity?: navigating ecological, political, and epistemic dimensions of agrobiodiversity conservation [d]
  986. () The fragility of argument [i]
  987. () What is Buddhist enlightenment? [i] [d]
  988. Leo Zaibert [ed] () The theory and practice of ontology [i] [d]
  989. () The polysemy of 'fallacy'—or 'bias', for that matter [u]
  990. () Reliable debiasing techniques in legal contexts?: weak signals from a darker corner of the social science universe [i]
  991. () What is stupid?: people's conception of unintelligent behavior [d]
  992. Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] () Questioning the foundations of physics: which of our fundamental assumptions are wrong? [i] [d]
  993. () Correcting the 'self-correcting' mythos of science [u]
  994. () Pragmatist interpretivism [i] [d]
  995. () The benefit to philosophy of the study of its history [d] [u]
  996. Michał Araszkiewicz & Krzysztof Płeszka [ed] () Logic in the theory and practice of lawmaking [i] [d]
  997. () Teaching critical thinking as inquiry [i] [d]
  998. () Conductive argumentation, degrees of confidence, and the communication of uncertainty [i] [d]
  999. () Land for food & land for nature? [d] [j]
  1000. () Why is it so difficult to resolve intractable conflicts peacefully?: a sociopsychological explanation [i] [d]
  1001. () Reasoned connections: a dual-process perspective on creative thought [d]
  1002. () Bringing assumptions to the surface [i] [d]
  1003. () Perspectives of open borders and no border [d]
  1004. () Unfair: the new science of criminal injustice [i]
  1005. () Simple habits for complex times: powerful practices for leaders [i] [d]
  1006. () The need for reporting standards in forensic science [d]
  1007. () Personality assessment, 'construct validity', and the significance of theory [d]
  1008. () The fake, the flimsy, and the fallacious: demarcating arguments in real life [d]
  1009. () Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design [d]
  1010. () The practice of 'learning history': local and open system approaches [i] [d]
  1011. () Empirical philosophy: using your everyday life in theoretical psychology [i] [d]
  1012. John Brockman [ed] () This idea must die: scientific ideas that are blocking progress [i] [u]
  1013. () Fight the 'flight from facts' [u]
  1014. () The dark side of the loon: explaining the temptations of obscurantism [d]
  1015. () Questions for an open cultural institution: thinking together in provocative places [u]
  1016. () All concepts are ad hoc concepts [i] [d] [j]
  1017. () The skillful means of engaged research [i] [d]
  1018. () How crises shaped economic ideas and policies: wiser after the events? [i] [d]
  1019. () Judging the reality of others' memories [p] [d]
  1020. () Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
  1021. () The Socratic method in cognitive behavioural therapy: a narrative review [d]
  1022. () Perceptual representation, veridicality, and the interface theory of perception [p] [d]
  1023. () Breaking our addiction to problem solving [u]
  1024. (/2022) Doing philosophy comparatively: foundations, problems, and methods of cross-cultural inquiry [i] [d]
  1025. () Discussing design: improving communication and collaboration through critique [i]
  1026. () Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture?: four common misconceptions [d]
  1027. () How do you feel?: an interoceptive moment with your neurobiological self [i] [d] [j]
  1028. () Reasoning and public health: new ways of coping with uncertainty [i] [d]
  1029. () The last straw fallacy: another causal fallacy and its harmful effects [d]
  1030. Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  1031. () Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
  1032. Tamás Demeter, Kathryn Murphy, & Klaus Zittel [ed] () Conflicting values of inquiry: ideologies of epistemology in early modern Europe [i] [d]
  1033. () The moral basis for conservation: how is it affected by culture? [d]
  1034. () Cognitive fallacies and criminal investigations [d]
  1035. () The politics of attachment: lines of flight with Bowlby, Deleuze and Guattari [p] [d] [u]
  1036. () The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance [d]
  1037. () The four-sentence paper: a template for considering objections and replies [d]
  1038. Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen [ed] () Reflections on theoretical issues in argumentation theory [i] [d]
  1039. () The hungry mind: the origins of curiosity in childhood [i] [d] [j]
  1040. () The ant trap: rebuilding the foundations of the social sciences [i] [d]
  1041. () Scientific kinds [d] [j]
  1042. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  1043. () Levels of organization: a deflationary account [d]
  1044. () Are there levels out there? [conclusion: no] [u]
  1045. () Robustness and reality [d] [j]
  1046. () Learning to question everything [d]
  1047. () How (not) to bring psychology and biology together [d] [j] [u]
  1048. () Critical priorities for the psychotherapy and counselling community [i] [d]
  1049. () Through what mechanisms do protected areas affect environmental and social outcomes? [p] [d]
  1050. () The argument form 'appeal to Galileo': a critical appreciation of Doury's account [d] [u]
  1051. () What's the use of consciousness?: how the stab of conscience made us really conscious [i] [d]
  1052. () Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
  1053. () Assessing connections between behavior change theories using network analysis [p] [d]
  1054. Niall Galbraith [ed] () Aberrant beliefs and reasoning [i] [d]
  1055. () Cognitive mechanisms of change in delusions: an experimental investigation targeting reasoning to effect change in paranoia [p] [d] [u]
  1056. () Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
  1057. () What is decision engineering? [u]
  1058. () Surrogate science: the idol of a universal method for scientific inference [d]
  1059. () Fieldwork: Gary Snyder, libraries, and book learning [i] [u]
  1060. () Radical alterity is just another way of saying 'reality': a reply to Eduardo Viveiros de Castro [d]
  1061. () Heuristics as methods: validity, reliability and velocity [i] [d]
  1062. () Coaching the brain: neuro-science or neuro-nonsense? [u]
  1063. () On muddled reasoning and mediation modeling [d]
  1064. Matthias Gross & Linsey McGoey [ed] (/2022) Routledge international handbook of ignorance studies [i] [d]
  1065. () Changing my mind: one professor's story of rethinking psychotropic medication [d]
  1066. () Getting democratic priorities straight: pragmatism, diversity, and the role of beliefs [d]
  1067. () Willingness to inquire: the cardinal critical thinking virtue [i] [d]
  1068. () What have plants ever done for us?: Western civilization in fifty plants [i]
  1069. () Is STEM too broad a category? [u]
  1070. () Scientific method [u]
  1071. () Contextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology [d]
  1072. () What's it all about?: a qualitative study of meaning in life for counseling psychology doctoral students [d]
  1073. () Theories are knowledge organizing systems (KOS) [d] [u]
  1074. () Six questions for the resource model of control (and some answers) [d]
  1075. () Is it possible to recognize a major scientific discovery? [p] [d]
  1076. Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] () Heuristic reasoning [i] [d]
  1077. () Design thinking in argumentation theory and practice [d]
  1078. () Arrests as regulation [u]
  1079. () Philosophical and logic-based argumentation-driven reasoning approaches and their realization on the WWW: a survey [d]
  1080. () Do meditators have higher awareness of their intentions to act? [d]
  1081. () Philosophy of science for scientists [i] [d]
  1082. () How much sustainability substance is in urban visions?: an analysis of visioning projects in urban planning [d]
  1083. () Précis of Naturalizing critical realist social ontology [and comments and reply] [d]
  1084. () Is your dream too expensive?: six questions to ask about your life goals [u]
  1085. Gideon Keren & George Wu [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of judgment and decision making [i] [d]
  1086. () Habit, action, and knowledge, from the pragmatist perspective [i] [u]
  1087. () The mediation myth [in mediation analysis in psychology] [d]
  1088. () The emotional logic of capitalism: what progressives have missed [i] [d]
  1089. () Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
  1090. () Delusion proneness and 'jumping to conclusions': relative and absolute effects [p] [d]
  1091. () Intellectual empathy: critical thinking for social justice [i] [d]
  1092. () Model robustness as a confirmatory virtue: the case of climate science [p] [d]
  1093. () Theory building, replication, and behavioral priming: where do we need to go from here? [p] [d] [j]
  1094. Del Loewenthal [ed] () Critical psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and counselling: implications for practice [i] [d]
  1095. () The ability to live with incongruence: aintegration—the concept and its operationalization [d]
  1096. () A pluralist theory of the mind [i] [d]
  1097. () Debatable truths: what Buddhist argumentation reveals about critical thinking [d]
  1098. () Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
  1099. () A means-end classification of argumentation schemes [i] [d]
  1100. () When analytic thought is challenged by a misunderstanding [d]
  1101. Michael D. Maltz & Stephen K. Rice [ed] () Envisioning criminology: researchers on research as a process of discovery [i] [d]
  1102. Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, & Kathleen L. Slaney [ed] () The Wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology: methods, approaches, and new directions for social sciences [i] [d]
  1103. () What would an integrative constructivism look like? [i]
  1104. Mohan Matthen [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of perception [i] [d]
  1105. () Moral disengagement in 'war fever': how can we resist? [i] [d]
  1106. () How did abduction get confused with inference to the best explanation? [d] [j] [u]
  1107. () Dissemination and its deprivation: extending the behavioral enlightenment [d]
  1108. () Experts and laymen grossly underestimate the benefits of argumentation for reasoning [d]
  1109. () Visual false memories in posttraumatic stress disorder [p] [d]
  1110. () Is there an explanation for... the diversity of explanations in biological studies? [i] [d]
  1111. () Biodiversity at twenty-five years: revolution or red herring? [d]
  1112. () Should we all just stay home?: travel, out-of-home activities, and life satisfaction [d]
  1113. () Reconstructing reality: models, mathematics, and simulations [i] [d]
  1114. () Epistemic cognition and development: the psychology of justification and truth [i] [d]
  1115. () The soul fallacy: what science shows we gain from letting go of our soul beliefs [i]
  1116. () On the persuadability of memory: is changing people's memories no more than changing their minds? [d]
  1117. () Mindware: tools for smart thinking [i]
  1118. () Why forget?: on the adaptive value of memory loss [p] [d] [j]
  1119. Ronald L. Numbers & Kostas Kampourakis [ed] () Newton's apple and other myths about science [i] [d] [j]
  1120. () Scientific metaphysics and ontology [in clinical psychology] [i] [d]
  1121. () Deweyan approaches to abduction? [i] [u]
  1122. () Is truth stranger than fiction?: bizarre details and credibility assessment [d]
  1123. () Tall tales across time: narrative analysis of true and false allegations [d]
  1124. () What makes us think?: a three-stage dual-process model of analytic engagement [p] [d]
  1125. () The diverse aims of science [d]
  1126. () Law and logic: a review from an argumentation perspective [d]
  1127. () None of the above: the catuṣkoṭi in Indian Buddhist logic [i] [d]
  1128. () Cognitive complications: epistemology in pragmatic perspective [i]
  1129. () A journey through philosophy in 101 anecdotes [i] [j]
  1130. () Natural kinds no longer are what they never were [book review of: Natural categories and human kinds: classification in the natural and social sciences, by Muhammad Ali Khalidi] [d]
  1131. () A sustainable agriculture? [d] [j]
  1132. () When love is not all we want: queers, singles and the therapeutic cult of relationality [i] [d]
  1133. (/2017) Twilight of history [i]
  1134. () Philosophers' biased judgments persist despite training, expertise and reflection [p] [d]
  1135. () Synoptic reference: introducing a polymathic approach to reference services [o] [d] [u]
  1136. () Reasons for withdrawing belief in vivid autobiographical memories [p] [d]
  1137. Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal [ed] () How is global dialogue possible?: foundational research on values, conflicts, and intercultural thought [i] [d]
  1138. Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, & Jinfa Cai [ed] () Mathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice [i] [d]
  1139. () Constructing psychological objects: the rhetoric of constructs [d]
  1140. () Surprisability and practical rationality: knowledge advancement through the explication of interpretation [i] [d]
  1141. () How can archaeologists make better arguments? [u]
  1142. () Lessons from Einstein's 1915 discovery of general relativity [u]
  1143. () Signs and reality [d]
  1144. () Critical rationalism and engineering: methodology [d] [j]
  1145. () Reclaiming travel [i] [d]
  1146. () Psychological influences on philosophical questions: implications for pedagogy [d]
  1147. () Withstanding tensions: scientific disagreement and epistemic tolerance [i] [d]
  1148. () Wiser: getting beyond groupthink to make groups smarter [i]
  1149. Troy A. Swanson & Heather Jagman [ed] () Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information [i]
  1150. () On the overuse and misuse of mediation analysis: it may be a matter of timing [d]
  1151. () Shift toward prior knowledge confers a perceptual advantage in early psychosis and psychosis-prone healthy individuals [p] [d] [u]
  1152. () Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
  1153. () Introduction to the special issue on mediation analyses: what if planetary scientists used mediation analysis to infer causation? [d]
  1154. () Ontology and database schema: what's the difference? [d]
  1155. () Wikipedia and the ecosystem of knowledge [d] [u]
  1156. () There is no one logic to model human reasoning: the case from interpretation [u]
  1157. Susann Wagenknecht, Nancy J. Nersessian, & Hanne Andersen [ed] () Empirical philosophy of science: introducing qualitative methods into philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1158. () What's so funny about arguing with God?: a case for playful argumentation from Jewish literature [d]
  1159. () Is life fundamental? [i] [d]
  1160. () The importance and trickiness of definition strategies in legal and political argumentation [d] [u]
  1161. () The basic slippery slope argument [d] [u]
  1162. () A classification system for argumentation schemes [d]
  1163. () Critical reflections on ownership [i] [d]
  1164. () Why ask: the epistemology of questioning [o] [u]
  1165. () Climate change demands behavioral change: what are the challenges? [j] [u]
  1166. () A disease called childhood: why ADHD became an American epidemic [i]
  1167. Rupert Wegerif, Li Li, & James C. Kaufman [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking [i] [d]
  1168. () Six strategies for generalizing software engineering theories [d]
  1169. () What was Kant's critical philosophy critical of? ['His targets were materialism, naturalism, and fatalism'] [i] [d]
  1170. (/2020) The structure of scientific theories [u]
  1171. () Encouraging eyewitnesses to falsely corroborate allegations: effects of rapport-building and incriminating evidence [d]
  1172. () Digital paper: a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials [i] [d]
  1173. () Turning up the lights on gaslighting [d]
  1174. () Belief bias in the perception of sample size adequacy [d]
  1175. () Should we build more large dams?: the actual costs of hydropower megaproject development [d]
  1176. () States, goals and values: revisiting practical reasoning [u]
  1177. () A theoretical approach to intuition in design: does design methodology need to account for unconscious processes? [i] [d]
  1178. () Reconsidering personal epistemology as metacognition: a multifaceted approach to the analysis of epistemic thinking [d]
  1179. () A more beautiful question: the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas [i]
  1180. () Liberties and constraints of the normative approach to evaluation and decision in forensic science: a discussion towards overcoming some common misconceptions [d]
  1181. Zvi Biener & Eric Schliesser [ed] () Newton and empiricism [i] [d]
  1182. () Incommensurability, relativism, and the epistemic authority of science [d]
  1183. () Demystifying 'free will': the role of contextual information and evidence accumulation for predictive brain activity [p] [d]
  1184. Adam Brandenburger [ed] () The language of game theory: putting epistemics into the mathematics of games [i] [d]
  1185. () How smart is democracy?: you can't answer that question a priori [d]
  1186. () Is memory for remembering?: recollection as a form of episodic hypothetical thinking [d] [j]
  1187. () Belief bias is stronger when reasoning is more difficult [d]
  1188. () Consulting in uncertainty: the power of inquiry [i] [d]
  1189. () On the essential nature of business [d]
  1190. Ray Bull [ed] () Investigative interviewing [i] [d]
  1191. () Big questions come in bundles, hence they should be tackled systemically [p] [d]
  1192. () Toward philosophy of science's social engagement [d] [j]
  1193. () How do artists learn and what can educators learn from them? [d] [u]
  1194. () Improve your thinking by mapping it [u]
  1195. () Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications [d]
  1196. () Biased argumentation and critical thinking [i]
  1197. () Salvaging psychotherapy research: a manifesto [u]
  1198. (/2022) Questions [u]
  1199. () The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
  1200. () Conventionalism [i] [d]
  1201. () What is the future of conservation? [p] [d]
  1202. () Computing trust as a form of presumptive reasoning [i] [d]
  1203. () Pure science and the problem of progress [d]
  1204. () The assessment of cognitive errors using an observer-rated method [p] [d]
  1205. () What is learning?: a review of the safety literature to define learning from incidents, accidents and disasters [d]
  1206. () What is it like to be diagnosed with bipolar illness, borderline personality disorder or another diagnosis with mood instability? [p] [d]
  1207. () So, what's your proposal?: shifting high-conflict people from blaming to problem-solving in 30 seconds! [i]
  1208. () Handbook of argumentation theory [i] [d]
  1209. () Do biological explanations of psychological difficulties reduce empathy in mental health professionals? [u]
  1210. () Rationality, legitimacy, & the law [u]
  1211. Abrol Fairweather [ed] () Virtue epistemology naturalized: bridges between virtue epistemology and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1212. () The nature of scientific thinking: on interpretation, explanation, and understanding [i] [d]
  1213. () Philosophical intuitions, heuristics, and metaphors [d] [j]
  1214. Jeffrey E. Foss [ed] () Science and the world: philosophical approaches [i]
  1215. () The structure of the world: metaphysics and representation [i] [d]
  1216. () The consensus paradox: does deliberative agreement impede rational discourse? [d]
  1217. () Are thoughts private? [u]
  1218. Thomas Fuchs, Thiemo Breyer, & Christoph Mundt [ed] () Karl Jaspers' philosophy and psychopathology [i] [d]
  1219. Maria Carla Galavotti, Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] () New directions in the philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1220. () Are empathic abilities learnable?: implications for social neuroscientific research from psychometric assessments [d]
  1221. () What is a memory schema?: a historical perspective on current neuroscience literature [p] [d]
  1222. () Capitalism and freedom, by Milton Friedman [book review] [u]
  1223. () The island of knowledge: the limits of science and the search for meaning [i]
  1224. () Alien landscapes?: interpreting disordered minds [i] [d] [j]
  1225. () Teaching rational entitlement and responsibility: a Socratic exercise [d] [u]
  1226. () How philosophy makes progress [u]
  1227. () The distinction between experimental and historical sciences as a framework for improving classroom inquiry [d]
  1228. () A priori revisability in science [i]
  1229. () Should I give money to panhandlers? [u]
  1230. () Democracy and epistocracy [d]
  1231. () Evidence matters: science, proof, and truth in the law [i] [d]
  1232. () Do not block the way of inquiry [d] [j] [u]
  1233. () We have never been digital [d]
  1234. () People claim objectivity after knowingly using biased strategies [p] [d]
  1235. () Mill, informal logic and argumentation [i] [d]
  1236. () Human intelligence interviewing and interrogation: assessing the challenges of developing an ethical, evidence-based approach [i] [d]
  1237. () Natural kinds in psychiatry: conceptually implausible, empirically questionable, and stigmatizing [i] [d]
  1238. () Systems without a graphical causal representation [d] [j]
  1239. () Psychotherapy as science or knack?: a critique of the hermeneutic defense [d]
  1240. () Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention [p] [d] [u]
  1241. () Becoming more reflective about the role of design in communication [d]
  1242. () Science unshackled: how obscure, abstract, seemingly useless scientific research turned out to be the basis for modern life [i] [d]
  1243. () Jumping to the wrong conclusions?: an investigation of the mechanisms of reasoning errors in delusions [p] [d] [u]
  1244. Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R. Scholz, Daniel Plenge, & Andreas Hüttemann [ed] () Explanation in the special sciences: the case of biology and history [i] [d]
  1245. () Classical American pragmatism: practicing philosophy as experiencing life [d]
  1246. () A taxonomy of inductive problems [p] [d]
  1247. () False polarization: debiasing as applied social epistemology [d] [j]
  1248. () Identity and the hybridity of modern finance: how a specifically modern concept of the self underlies the modern ownership of property, trusts and finance [d]
  1249. Harold Kincaid & Jacqueline A. Sullivan [ed] () Classifying psychopathology: mental kinds and natural kinds [i] [d]
  1250. Christopher C. Kirby [ed] () Dewey and the ancients: essays on Hellenic and Hellenistic themes in the philosophy of John Dewey [i] [d]
  1251. () Tuneable resolution as a systems biology approach for multi-scale, multi-compartment computational models [p] [d] [u]
  1252. () A psychologically-based taxonomy of misdirection [p] [d] [u]
  1253. (/2016) Argue with me: argument as a path to developing students' thinking and writing [i] [d]
  1254. () How to be critically open-minded: a psychological and historical analysis [i] [d]
  1255. () 'Jumping to conclusions' in delusion-prone participants: an experimental economics approach [p] [d]
  1256. () Contextualising the teaching and learning of ecology: historical and philosophical considerations [i] [d]
  1257. () The contributions of explanation and exploration to children's scientific reasoning [d]
  1258. () Contingency horizon: on private events and the analysis of behavior [p] [d] [u]
  1259. () Metacognition and intellectual virtue [i] [d]
  1260. () Curious: the desire to know and why your future depends on it [i]
  1261. () Searching for injustice: the challenge of postconviction discovery, investigation, and litigation [u]
  1262. Franck Lihoreau & Manuel Rebuschi [ed] () Epistemology, context, and formalism [i] [d]
  1263. () Misreporting signs of child abuse: the role of decision-making and outcome information [d]
  1264. Michael Lissack & Abraham Graber [ed] () Modes of explanation: affordances for action and prediction [i] [d]
  1265. () The ideals of inquiry: an ancient history [i] [d]
  1266. Antis Loizides [ed] () Mill's A system of logic: critical appraisals [i] [d]
  1267. () Philosophical thought and its existential basis: the sociologies of philosophy of Randall Collins and Pierre Bourdieu [d]
  1268. () How important is temperament?: the relationship between coping styles, early maladaptive schemas, and social anxiety [u]
  1269. () What event are you training for? [u]
  1270. () Unifying psychology: shared ontology and the continuum of practical assumptions [d]
  1271. () Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
  1272. () Where do cinematic ideas come from? [d]
  1273. () Reality and accounting: ontological explorations in the economic and social sciences [i] [d]
  1274. () Is satire saving our nation?: mockery and American politics [i] [d]
  1275. () Accusatorial and information-gathering interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions: a meta-analytic review [d]
  1276. () The problem of unconceived objections [d]
  1277. () How arbitrary is language? [p] [d] [u]
  1278. () Exploiting liars' verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details [d]
  1279. () Forgiving you is hard, but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting? [d]
  1280. () A material dissolution of the problem of induction [d] [j]
  1281. () Scientific practices and inquiry in the science classroom [i] [d]
  1282. () Do institutions for collective action evolve? [d]
  1283. () Trust, relevance, and arguments [d]
  1284. () Seventy-one important questions for the conservation of marine biodiversity [p] [d] [u]
  1285. () Argument schemes for reasoning about trust [d]
  1286. () Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
  1287. () The end of mental illness thinking? [d]
  1288. () Harnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology [d]
  1289. () The lean mindset: ask the right questions [i]
  1290. () Causal patterns and adequate explanations [d] [j] [u]
  1291. () Find out anything from anyone, anytime: secrets of calculated questioning from a veteran interrogator [i]
  1292. () Does segregation create winners and losers?: residential segregation and inequality in educational attainment [d]
  1293. () The science of perception and memory: a pragmatic guide for the justice system [i] [d]
  1294. () Academic citation practice: a sinking sheep? [d]
  1295. () Metaphilosophy: philosophy in philosophical perspective [i]
  1296. () The machinations of luck [d] [j]
  1297. Henrique Jales Ribeiro [ed] () Systematic approaches to argument by analogy [i] [d]
  1298. () Formality in logic: from logical terms to semantic constraints [j] [u]
  1299. (/2022) Scientific discovery [u]
  1300. () Intentions and voluntary actions: reframing the problem [p] [d]
  1301. () Cognitive success: instrumental justifications of normative systems of reasoning [p] [d] [u]
  1302. () Evidence-informed person-centered healthcare, part I: do 'cognitive biases plus' at organizational levels influence quality of evidence? [p] [d]
  1303. () Evidence-informed person-centred health care, part II: are 'cognitive biases plus' underlying the EBM paradigm responsible for undermining the quality of evidence? [p] [d]
  1304. () Varieties of logic [i] [d]
  1305. () Should everybody learn to code? [d]
  1306. () Tainted: how philosophy of science can expose bad science [or: Tainted: exposing bad science, practicing philosophy of science] [i] [d]
  1307. () The gospel according to Deleuze [i]
  1308. () Open science and the three cultures: expanding open science to all domains of knowledge creation [i] [d]
  1309. Lawrence Sklar [ed] () Physical theory: method and interpretation [i] [d]
  1310. () Is there overshoot of planetary limits?: new indicators of human appropriation of the global biogeochemical cycles relative to their regenerative capacity based on 'ecotime' analysis [d]
  1311. Tibor Solymosi & John R. Shook [ed] () Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism: brains at work in the world [i] [d]
  1312. () Swimming against the stream?: mindfulness as a psychosocial research methodology [d]
  1313. () Critical rationalism and engineering: ontology [d] [j]
  1314. () The ethical imperative to think about thinking: diagnostics, metacognition, and medical professionalism [p] [d]
  1315. () Bias neglect: a blind spot in the evaluation of scientific results [p] [d]
  1316. () The Oxford guide to effective argument and critical thinking [i]
  1317. () What do we gain by calling something bad art? [u]
  1318. Dawn Langan Teele [ed] () Field experiments and their critics: essays on the uses and abuses of experimentation in the social sciences [i] [d]
  1319. () Fear-driven inference: mechanisms of gut overreaction [i] [d]
  1320. () Does coaching work?: a meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context [d]
  1321. Torkild Thellefsen & Bent Sørensen [ed] () Charles Sanders Peirce in his own words: 100 years of semiotics, communication and cognition [i] [d]
  1322. () Intuitions in moral reasoning: normative empirical reflective equilibrium as a model for substantial justification of moral claims [i] [d]
  1323. () Is it a problem for us to say, 'it is a coincidence that the patient does well'? [d]
  1324. () From analyst to sense-maker [with IBIS] [u]
  1325. () Michel Meyer's problematology: questioning and society [i] [d]
  1326. () How does mindfulness reduce anxiety, depression, and stress?: an exploratory examination of change processes in wait-list controlled mindfulness meditation training [d]
  1327. () What is life? And what might be said of the role of behaviour in its evolution? [d]
  1328. () Collective interviewing: a transactive memory approach towards identifying signs of truthfulness [d]
  1329. () The beginning and the end: the meaning of life in a cosmological perspective [i] [d]
  1330. () Is this testimony truthful, fabricated, or based on false memory?: credibility assessment 25 years after Steller and Köhnken (1989) [d]
  1331. () The inconsistent suspect: a systematic review of different types of consistency in truth tellers and liars [i] [d]
  1332. () Argumentation schemes for argument from analogy [i] [d]
  1333. () On a razor's edge: evaluating arguments from expert opinion [d]
  1334. () Burden of proof, presumption and argumentation [i] [d]
  1335. () Can humans form four-dimensional spatial representations? [i] [d] [j]
  1336. (/2017) Pragmatics and information structure [i] [d]
  1337. (/2017) Rationality as a virtue [i] [d]
  1338. () Mindful ignorance [i] [d]
  1339. () Willful ignorance: the mismeasure of uncertainty [i] [d]
  1340. () Human emotions and English words: are anger and disgust universal? [i] [d]
  1341. () Perspectival knowing: Karl Jaspers and Ronald N. Giere [i] [d]
  1342. () Existential inquiry: the process of integrating service learning into the curriculum: asking existential questions [i]
  1343. () Can a White person understand the Black experience? [u]
  1344. () Why does guessing incorrectly enhance, rather than impair, retention? [p] [d]
  1345. () Understanding with theoretical models [d]
  1346. () One quintillion ways to have PTSD comorbidity: recommendations for the disordered DSM-5 [d]
  1347. () Evidence and method: scientific strategies of Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell [i] [d]
  1348. () Bunge nevertheless [book review] [d]
  1349. () Pragmatic norms in science: making them explicit [d] [j]
  1350. () The use of useless knowledge: Bergson against the pragmatists [d] [j]
  1351. Hanne Andersen, Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Thomas E. Uebel, & Gregory Wheeler [ed] () New challenges to philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1352. () Dissensus in science as a fact and as a norm [i] [d]
  1353. () Intersectional what?: social divisions, intersectionality and levels of analysis [d]
  1354. () The sacred is the profane: the political nature of 'religion' [i] [d]
  1355. () Can a trait-based multi-taxa approach improve our assessment of forest management impact on biodiversity? [d]
  1356. () Will get fooled again: emotionally intelligent people are easily duped by high-stakes deceivers [d]
  1357. () The current status of energy psychology: extraordinary claims with less than ordinary evidence [d]
  1358. () Curiosity: how science became interested in everything [i] [d]
  1359. () Psychological construction: the Darwinian approach to the science of emotion [d]
  1360. () Deconstruct and superstruct: examining bias across the legal system [u]
  1361. () Argumentation and pseudoscience: the case for an ethics of argumentation [i] [d]
  1362. () Debate dynamics: how controversy improves our beliefs [i] [d]
  1363. () Revamping hypothetico-deductivism: a dialectic account of confirmation [d] [j]
  1364. () On logical specifications of the Argument Interchange Format [d]
  1365. () Is there a core process across depression and anxiety? [d]
  1366. () Outer space religion and the overview effect: a critical inquiry into a classic of the pro-space movement [d]
  1367. () Why did eukaryotes evolve only once?: genetic and energetic aspects of conflict and conflict mediation [p] [d]
  1368. () 'Variation and selective retention' as an evolutionary epistemology: were Donald Campbell's life histories sufficient? [d]
  1369. () A new history of the humanities: the search for principles and patterns from Antiquity to the present [i] [d]
  1370. () The hypothesis that saves the day: ad hoc reasoning in pseudoscience [j] [u]
  1371. () Investigating children's Why-questions: a study comparing argumentative and explanatory function [d]
  1372. () Zooland: the institution of captivity [i] [d]
  1373. () John Dewey: science for a changing world [i] [d]
  1374. () Lessons learned from the climate change disinformation campaign about responsible scientific skepticism [i] [d]
  1375. () Medical philosophy: conceptual issues in medicine [i] [d]
  1376. () Men and women are from Earth: examining the latent structure of gender [p] [d]
  1377. () Rethinking logic: logic in relation to mathematics, evolution, and method [i] [d]
  1378. () Look for disconfirming evidence [u]
  1379. () Confronting the data-divide in a time of spatial turns and volunteered geographic information [d]
  1380. () Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1381. () The evidence that evidence-based medicine omits [evidence of mechanisms] [p] [d]
  1382. () Standards of decision in law: psychological and logical bases for the standard of proof, here and abroad [i]
  1383. () What makes people healthy, happy, and fulfilled in the face of current world challenges? [p] [d] [u]
  1384. () Could HPS improve problem-solving? [history and philosophy of science] [d]
  1385. () Robustness, solidity, and multiple determinations [book review of: Characterizing the robustness of science] [d]
  1386. () Idealisations in normative models [d] [j]
  1387. () Are you a computer addict? [u]
  1388. Barry S. Cooper, Dorothee Griesel, & Marguerite Ternes [ed] () Applied issues in investigative interviewing, eyewitness memory, and credibility assessment [i] [d]
  1389. Andre Costopoulos & Stephen Chrisomalis [ed] () Human expeditions: inspired by Bruce Trigger [i] [d] [j]
  1390. () In search of mechanisms: discoveries across the life sciences [i] [d]
  1391. () Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory of debiasing [d]
  1392. () Cognitive debiasing 2: impediments to and strategies for change [d]
  1393. () Deep rhetoric: philosophy, reason, violence, justice, wisdom [i] [d]
  1394. Ann E. Cudd & Sally J. Scholz [ed] () Philosophical perspectives on democracy in the 21st century [i] [d]
  1395. () Troubling freedom: migration, debt, and modern slavery [d]
  1396. () The little engine who could not: 'rehabilitating' the individual in safety research [d]
  1397. () On the epistemology and ethics of communicating a Cartesian consciousness [d]
  1398. () Simplicity: a meta-metaphysics [i]
  1399. () A dialogical account of deductive reasoning as a case study for how culture shapes cognition [d]
  1400. () Messy hectares: questions about the epistemology of land grabbing data [d]
  1401. () The placebo response in medicine: minimize, maximize or personalize? [d]
  1402. () Role-induced bias in court: an experimental analysis [d]
  1403. () Beyond sustainababble [i] [d]
  1404. () Which relationship skills count most? [d]
  1405. () No levels, no problems: downward causation in neuroscience [d] [j]
  1406. () A cognitive approach to teaching philosophy [d]
  1407. Katharine Farrell, Tommaso Luzzati, & Sybille van den Hove [ed] () Beyond reductionism: a passion for interdisciplinarity [i] [d]
  1408. Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman [ed] () Handbook of the psychology of science [i]
  1409. () Does science presuppose naturalism (or anything at all)? [d]
  1410. () Simplicity in the philosophy of science [u]
  1411. Maarten Franssen, Peter Kroes, Thomas A. C. Reydon, & Pieter E. Vermaas [ed] () Artefact kinds: ontology and the human-made world [i] [d]
  1412. () Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux [p] [d]
  1413. () Hayek's two epistemologies and the paradoxes of his thought [d]
  1414. () Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
  1415. () Humans as scientists: scientists as humans [d]
  1416. Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris [ed] () Science in the age of Baroque [i] [d]
  1417. () Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  1418. () It is value that brings universes into being [d] [u]
  1419. () What's the point if we can't have fun? [d]
  1420. () Client subversions of DSM knowledge [d]
  1421. () Just say 'no' to logical negativism [i.e., to the falsificationist philosophy of Karl Popper] [i]
  1422. (/2016) The fragmentation of philosophy, the road to reintegration [i] [d]
  1423. () Testimony and argument: a Bayesian perspective [i] [d]
  1424. () Detecting psychological phenomena: taking bottom-up research seriously [p] [d] [j]
  1425. () Who's reporting the protests?: converging practices of citizen journalists and two BBC World Service newsrooms, from Iran's election protests to the Arab uprisings [d]
  1426. () What is approach motivation? [d]
  1427. () Why do we (still) lack data on policing? [u]
  1428. () The rise of liberal religion: book culture and American spirituality in the twentieth century [i] [d]
  1429. Klaus von Heusinger, Alice G. B. ter Meulen, & Hans Kamp [ed] () Meaning and the dynamics of interpretation: selected papers of Hans Kamp [i] [d]
  1430. () Delusions, illusions and inference under uncertainty [d]
  1431. () The role of pattern recognition in creative problem solving: a case study in search of new mathematics for biology [p] [d]
  1432. () Who? What? When? Using a timeline technique to facilitate recall of a complex event [d]
  1433. () Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way? [i] [d]
  1434. () Uncertainties in landscape analysis and ecosystem service assessment [d]
  1435. () Systematicity: the nature of science [i] [d]
  1436. Michael F. Hoyt [ed] () Therapist stories of inspiration, passion, and renewal: what's love got to do with it? [i] [d]
  1437. () John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
  1438. () What is Mandela's secret? [u]
  1439. () Neural mechanisms of reactivation-induced updating that enhance and distort memory [p] [d] [u]
  1440. () Establishing evidence through undercover and collective intelligence interviewing [d]
  1441. () To value or not to value?: that is not the question [d]
  1442. () Validating the interpretations and uses of test scores [d]
  1443. () Prisoners of abstraction?: the theory and measure of genetic variation, and the very concept of 'race' [d] [u]
  1444. () Structuring and analyzing competing hypotheses with Bayesian networks for intelligence analysis [d]
  1445. () Integrating epistemological perspectives on chemistry in chemical education: the cases of concept duality, chemical language, and structural explanations [d]
  1446. () Toward a Peircean theory of human learning: revealing the misconception of belief revision [i] [d]
  1447. () Saying meritocracy and doing privilege [d]
  1448. Myint Swe Khine [ed] () Critical analysis of science textbooks: evaluating instructional effectiveness [i] [d]
  1449. () Could working less reduce pressures on the environment?: a cross-national panel analysis of OECD countries, 1970–2007 [d]
  1450. () Belief buddies versus critical communities: the social organization of pseudoscience [i] [d]
  1451. () What is it about Emily? [science communicator Emily Graslie] [u]
  1452. () Reasoning [and developmental psychology] [i] [d]
  1453. () The dream of a democratic culture: Mortimer J. Adler and the great books idea [i] [d]
  1454. () The neuroscience of memory: implications for the courtroom [p] [d] [u]
  1455. () Sorting the liars from the truth tellers: the benefits of asking unanticipated questions on lie detection [d]
  1456. () The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
  1457. () What have we learned about learning from accidents?: post-disasters reflections [d]
  1458. () Why isn't evidence based practice improving health care for minorities in the United States? [p] [d]
  1459. () Science, practice and mythology: a definition and examination of the implications of scientism in medicine [d]
  1460. () What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
  1461. () Dialogue & deliberation [i]
  1462. Alan R. Malachowski [ed] () The Cambridge companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
  1463. () Japanese philosophy as a lens on Greco-European thought [d] [u]
  1464. () Objectivity in journalism [i]
  1465. () Student says to the master, 'Do I need therapy?' [u]
  1466. () Essential questions: opening doors to student understanding [i]
  1467. () Constructs, inferences, and mental measurement [d]
  1468. () Can spatial training improve long-term outcomes for gifted STEM undergraduates? [d]
  1469. () Knowing when to doubt: developing a critical stance when learning from others [p] [d] [u]
  1470. () Does ecologically unequal exchange occur? [d]
  1471. () The knowledge acquisition workshops: a remarkable convergence of ideas [d]
  1472. () Philosophy versus literature?: against the discontinuity thesis [d] [j]
  1473. () Can we handle the truth? [u]
  1474. () Delusions about evidence: on why scientific evidence should not be the main concern in socioscientific decision making [d]
  1475. () Constitutional violence: legitimacy, democracy and human rights [i] [d]
  1476. David S. Oderberg [ed] () Classifying reality [i] [d]
  1477. () Beyond DSM and ICD: introducing 'precision diagnosis' for psychiatry using momentary assessment technology [d]
  1478. () Refining expertise: how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges [i] [d] [j]
  1479. () Guided discovery: problem-solving therapy integrated within the Socratic method [d]
  1480. () The practice of collaborative counseling & psychotherapy: developing skills in culturally mindful helping [i] [d]
  1481. () The potential of perspectivism for science education [d]
  1482. () Evidence models and proof of causation [d]
  1483. () Unifying psychology through situational realism [d]
  1484. (/2021) Critical thinking for strategic intelligence [i]
  1485. Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry [ed] () Philosophy of pseudoscience: reconsidering the demarcation problem [i] [d]
  1486. () The dangers of pseudoscience [u]
  1487. () How many trees are there in the Amazon? [u]
  1488. () The development of delusion revisited: a transdiagnostic framework [p] [d]
  1489. () Teleology, discontinuity and world history: periodization and some creation myths of modernity [d]
  1490. () Defusing ideological defenses in biology [d] [j]
  1491. () Committed to what? [u]
  1492. () 'What do I know?': scholastic fallacies and pragmatic religiosity in mental health-seeking behaviour in India [d]
  1493. () What is meant by argumentative competence?: an integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education [d]
  1494. () Epistemic merit: and other essays on human knowledge [i] [d]
  1495. () Implicit bias and the problem of certainty in the criminal standard of proof [u]
  1496. () The science of the individual [d]
  1497. () Psychobiography and the psychology of science: encounters with psychology, philosophy, and statistics [i] [u]
  1498. () Defining the burden of proof in conservation [d]
  1499. () Memory and law: what can cognitive neuroscience contribute? [p] [d]
  1500. () Humble inquiry: the gentle art of asking instead of telling [i]
  1501. () An age of infidels: the politics of religious controversy in the early United States [i] [d] [j]
  1502. () Renaissance or requiem: is nuclear energy cost effective in a post-Fukushima world? [d]
  1503. () Are the misinformed more punitive?: beliefs and misconceptions in forensic psychology [d]
  1504. () Why do biologists use so many diagrams? [d] [j]
  1505. () Contradictions at the confluence of commerce, consumption and conservation; or, an REI shopper camps in the forest, does anyone notice? [d]
  1506. () Philosophy and the foundations of dynamics [i] [d]
  1507. () Morally, should we prefer never to have existed? [d]
  1508. () Unsettling the privilege of self-reflexivity [i] [d]
  1509. () Argument revision and its role in dialogue [u]
  1510. () Epistemological boot camp: the politics of science and what every qualitative researcher needs to know to survive in the academy [d]
  1511. () The logic of medical diagnosis [p] [d]
  1512. () Why humans are (sometimes) less rational than other animals: cognitive complexity and the axioms of rational choice [d]
  1513. Linda Starke, Erik Assadourian, Thomas Prugh, & Worldwatch Institute [ed] () State of the world 2013: is sustainability still possible? [i] [d]
  1514. () What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? [u]
  1515. () False memories [i] [d]
  1516. () No understanding without explanation [d]
  1517. () Why prevention? Why now? [prevention of sexual abuse] [d]
  1518. () Assessing students' understanding of inquiry: what do prospective science teachers notice? [d]
  1519. () How does interoceptive awareness interact with the subjective experience of emotion?: an fMRI study [p] [d]
  1520. () Without hierarchy: the scale freedom of the universe [i] [d]
  1521. () The secret life of decisions: how unconscious bias subverts your judgement [i]
  1522. () How the great scientists reasoned: the scientific method in action [i]
  1523. () What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
  1524. () Reconsidering philosophical questions and neuroscientific answers: two pillars of inquiry [d]
  1525. () The neural basis of free will: criterial causation [i] [d]
  1526. () The epistemology of fact checking [d]
  1527. () In defense of reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
  1528. () Teleological justification of argumentation schemes [d]
  1529. () Methods of argumentation [i] [d]
  1530. () The epistemology of scientific evidence [d]
  1531. () Dialectics, complexity, and the systemic approach: toward a critical reconciliation [d] [u]
  1532. () Scientific explanation [i] [d]
  1533. () Levels of infinity: selected writings on mathematics and philosophy [i]
  1534. () What kind of scientist are you?: science and interdisciplinary research [d] [u]
  1535. () Karl Jaspers' multiperspectivalism [p] [d]
  1536. () Still radical after all these years: George Kelly's The psychology of personal constructs [p] [d]
  1537. () How useful are the strategic tools we teach in business schools? [d]
  1538. () The sins of interviewing: errors made by investigative interviewers and suggestions for redress [i] [d]
  1539. Frank Zenker [ed] () Bayesian argumentation: the practical side of probability [i] [d]
  1540. () Know thy biases!: bringing argumentative virtues to the classroom [u]
  1541. () How many cells are in your body? [u]
  1542. () On sort of knowing: the Daoist unhewn [d] [u]
  1543. () Meaning between sense and reference: impacts of semiotics on philosophy of science [d]
  1544. () Well-being as an object of science [d] [j]
  1545. () Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors [d]
  1546. () Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? [d]
  1547. () Financial literacy education: neoliberalism, the consumer and the citizen [i] [d]
  1548. () Mentoring: apprenticeship or co-inquiry? [i] [d]
  1549. () Does CBT facilitate emotional processing? [d]
  1550. () Are the new mass media subverting cultural transmission? [d]
  1551. () Constructing anthropologists: culture learning and culture making in U.S. doctoral education [d]
  1552. () Why do ideas get more creative across time?: an executive interpretation of the serial order effect in divergent thinking tasks [d]
  1553. () Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: a scientific and philosophical challenge [d]
  1554. () How can computer simulations produce new knowledge? [d]
  1555. () Why Monte Carlo simulations are inferences and not experiments [d]
  1556. () Fuzzy reasoning [d] [u]
  1557. () Solving a murder case by asking critical questions: an approach to fact-finding in terms of argumentation and story schemes [d] [u]
  1558. () Burdens and standards of proof for inference to the best explanation: three case studies [d] [u]
  1559. () Keywords, frames and the reconstruction of material starting points in argumentation [d]
  1560. () Groundwork in the theory of argumentation: selected papers of J. Anthony Blair [i] [d]
  1561. () Are diagrams always helpful tools?: developmental and individual differences in the effect of presentation format on student problem solving [d]
  1562. () Can we recreate delusions in the laboratory? [d]
  1563. () How convenient!: the epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems [d]
  1564. () Fair value accounting: simulacra and simulation [d]
  1565. () Questioning the idea of the individual as an autonomous moral agent [d]
  1566. () Science cannot fix this: the limitations of evidence-based practice [d]
  1567. () John Dewey's logic of science [d] [j]
  1568. Phil Brown, Rachel Morello-Frosch, & Stephen Zavestoski [ed] () Contested illnesses: citizens, science, and health social movements [i] [d] [j]
  1569. () The normativity of automaticity [d]
  1570. () Styles of reasoning: a pluralist view [d]
  1571. () Does quantum physics refute realism, materialism and determinism? [conclusion: no] [i] [d]
  1572. () Evaluating philosophies [i] [d]
  1573. () A social history of knowledge II: from the Encyclopédie to Wikipedia [i]
  1574. () Scientific perspectivism: a philosopher of science's response to the challenge of big data biology [p] [d]
  1575. () Ruminations and flow: why do people with a more harmonious passion experience higher well-being? [d]
  1576. () Will this policy work for you?: predicting effectiveness better: how philosophy helps [d] [j]
  1577. () Is water H₂O?: evidence, pluralism and realism [i] [d]
  1578. () The limits of the Buddhist embrace of science: commentary on 'Compassion, ethics, and neuroscience: neuroethics through Buddhist eyes' [p] [d]
  1579. () Enlightenment in global history: a historiographical critique [d]
  1580. () Ecosystem services and integrated water resource management: different paths to the same end? [d]
  1581. () The ethics of argumentation [d] [u]
  1582. (/2021) Good thinking: seven powerful ideas that influence the way we think [i] [d]
  1583. () Finding faults: how moral dilemmas illuminate cognitive structure [p] [d]
  1584. (/2019) Does goal pursuit require conscious awareness? [or: Unconscious goal pursuit: nonconscious goal regulation and motivation] [i] [d]
  1585. () When should I trust my gut?: linking domain expertise to intuitive decision-making effectiveness [d]
  1586. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
  1587. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
  1588. () Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers [p] [d] [u]
  1589. (/2016) What would animals say if we asked the right questions? [i] [j]
  1590. () OCD and cognitive illusions [d]
  1591. () Patterns? What patterns? [u]
  1592. () Analysis and interpretation in the philosophy of modern physics [i] [d]
  1593. () When friends deflect questions about sensitive information: questioners' cognitive complexity and explanations for friends' avoidance [d]
  1594. () Popper's world 3 and role of semiotic mediation in epistemology and psychology [Popper's three worlds as confused semiotics] [i] [u]
  1595. () How is this paper philosophy? [u]
  1596. () Processes of life: essays in the philosophy of biology [i] [d]
  1597. () Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study [u]
  1598. () Formal languages in logic: a philosophical and cognitive analysis [i] [d]
  1599. () What if psychology redesigned the criminal justice system? [i] [d]
  1600. () Not in my watershed! Will increased federal supervision really bring better coordination between land use and water planning? [d]
  1601. Ricca Edmondson & Karlheinz Hülser [ed] () Politics of practical reasoning: integrating action, discourse and argument [i]
  1602. () Layered history: styles of reasoning as stratified conditions of possibility [d]
  1603. () Coherentism and the epistemic justification of moral beliefs: a case study in how to do practical ethics without appeal to a moral theory [d]
  1604. () How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
  1605. (/2019) Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks [i] [d]
  1606. () Could you please phrase 'home range' as a question? [d]
  1607. () Tunnel vision [i] [d]
  1608. () Meta-argumentation: prolegomena to a Dutch project [i] [d]
  1609. () What do we do and why do we do it? [philosophy of librarianship] [u]
  1610. Mélanie Frappier, Derek H. Brown, & Robert DiSalle [ed] () Analysis and interpretation in the exact sciences: essays in honour of William Demopoulos [i] [d]
  1611. () Pluralism and 'bad' mathematical theories: challenging our prejudices [i] [d]
  1612. () Perceptions as hypotheses: saccades as experiments [p] [d] [u]
  1613. () Writing scripts for silent movies: how officer experience and high-crime areas turn innocuous behavior into criminal conduct [u]
  1614. () Mapping uncertainty in conservation assessment as a means toward improved conservation planning and implementation [d]
  1615. () Posing questions and searching for answers [i]
  1616. () Behavior as information: 'If I avoid, then there must be a danger' [d]
  1617. () Scientific method in brief [i] [d]
  1618. () Emotion words shape emotion percepts [p] [d]
  1619. () Mostly pointless spatial econometrics? [d]
  1620. () The role of psychology in an agent-centered theory of science [i] [d]
  1621. () 50+ better questions to ask than how to be more productive [u]
  1622. () Using private rights to manage natural resources: is stewardship linked to ownership? [d]
  1623. () Intellectuals and society, by Thomas Sowell [book review] [u]
  1624. () Fragments of an anarchist anthropology, by David Graeber [book review] [u]
  1625. () Truth and objectivity and the dangers of our fictionalizing tendencies [i] [d]
  1626. () Dewey's pragmatism from an anthropological point of view [d] [j] [u]
  1627. () Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review [d]
  1628. Anna Grear [ed] () Should trees have standing?: 40 years on [i]
  1629. () Six signs of scientism [d] [u]
  1630. () Rational argument [i] [d]
  1631. Jon Hanson [ed] () Ideology, psychology, and law [i] [d]
  1632. () Why is achieving good ecological outcomes in rivers so difficult? [d]
  1633. () (Pseudo)scientific history? [u]
  1634. Casey High, Ann Kelly, & Jonathan Mair [ed] () The anthropology of ignorance: an ethnographic approach [i] [d]
  1635. () Fiction, counterfactuals: the challenge for logic [i] [d]
  1636. () Shopping around for theories for counseling psychology practice: reaction [d]
  1637. () Cultural validity of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 empirical correlates: is this the best we can do? [d]
  1638. Keith J. Holyoak & Robert G. Morrison [ed] () The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
  1639. () Problem solving [i] [d]
  1640. () Pragmatism, perspectival realism, and econometrics [i] [d]
  1641. () Reasoning and argumentation: towards an integrated psychology of argumentation [d]
  1642. () Why science is not necessarily self-correcting [p] [d] [j]
  1643. () Measuring the prevalence of questionable research practices with incentives for truth telling [d]
  1644. () Why is drawing important to research? [d]
  1645. () What is conservation science? [d] [j]
  1646. () Does valuing androgyny and femininity lead to a female advantage?: the relationship between gender-role, transformational leadership and identification [d]
  1647. () What is systemic about systemic therapy?: therapy models muddle embodied systemic practice [d]
  1648. () When figurative analogies fail: fallacious uses of arguments from analogy [i] [d]
  1649. Harold Kincaid [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of social science [i] [d]
  1650. () Distributed cognitive agency in virtue epistemology [d]
  1651. () Spatial information theory meets spatial thinking: is topology the Rosetta stone of spatio-temporal cognition? [d]
  1652. () Preference, principle, and political casuistry [i] [d]
  1653. () Post-credit crisis: what new concepts are needed? Which old notions or practices should be abandoned? [d]
  1654. () What if you don't want to be a manager? [u]
  1655. () The uncertain geographic context problem [d] [u]
  1656. () 'What are you going to do with that major?': colloquial speech and the meanings of work and education [d]
  1657. Elaine M. Landry & Dean Rickles [ed] () Structural realism: structure, object, and causality [i] [d]
  1658. () Does involvement in food preparation track from adolescence to young adulthood and is it associated with better dietary quality?: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study [d]
  1659. () Bit by bit or all at once?: splitting up the inquiry task to promote children's scientific reasoning [d]
  1660. () Are landscape ecologists addressing uncertainty in their remote sensing data? [d]
  1661. () Is ecology a holistic science, after all? [i]
  1662. () Exploring explanation: explaining inconsistent evidence informs exploratory, hypothesis-testing behavior in young children [p] [d] [j]
  1663. Aki Petteri Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski, & Petri Ylikoski [ed] () Economics for real: Uskali Mäki and the place of truth in economics [i] [d]
  1664. () Drawing on liars' lack of cognitive flexibility: detecting deception through varying report modes [d]
  1665. Brian Levine & Fergus I. M. Craik [ed] () Mind and the frontal lobes: cognition, behavior, and brain imaging [i] [d]
  1666. () Public skepticism of psychology: why many people perceive the study of human behavior as unscientific [p] [d]
  1667. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  1668. () Criteria of empirical significance: foundations, relations, applications = Criteria voor empirische significantie [o] [u]
  1669. () Character attacks as complex strategies of legal argumentation [u]
  1670. () Presumptive reasoning in interpretation: implicatures and conflicts of presumptions [d]
  1671. Uskali Mäki [ed] () Philosophy of economics [i] [d]
  1672. () Thinking and reasoning: an introduction to the psychology of reason, judgment and decision making [i] [d]
  1673. () Science, pseudo-science and urban design [d]
  1674. () Delusional inference [d]
  1675. () What do clients want from therapy?: a practice-friendly review of research into client preferences [d]
  1676. () Fly and be damned: what now for aviation and climate change? [i]
  1677. () Prosecution complex: America's race to convict, and its impact on the innocent [i] [d] [j]
  1678. () The case for informal argument [about assessment] [d]
  1679. Lynn Nadel & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong [ed] () Memory and law [i] [d]
  1680. () Six myths about spatial thinking [d]
  1681. () Rescuing political theory from fact-insensitivity [d] [u]
  1682. () Computer applications for handling legal evidence, police investigation, and case argumentation [i] [d]
  1683. () Models all the way down [book review of: A vast machine: computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming, by Paul N. Edwards] [d]
  1684. () The philosophy of modelling or does the philosophy of biology have any use? [p] [d] [u]
  1685. () Why have children?: the ethical debate [i] [d] [j]
  1686. () What would John Dewey say about deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism? [d]
  1687. () Metaphysics as modeling: the handmaiden's tale [d] [j] [u]
  1688. (/2018) Pluralist theories of truth [u]
  1689. () Are we good at detecting conflict during reasoning? [p] [d]
  1690. () On being unreasonable in modern society: are mental health problems special? [d]
  1691. () Who gets to draw the map?: the contentious creation of the American road/map system, 1917–1926 [d]
  1692. () Beyond 'benefits'?: looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach [d]
  1693. Olga Pombo, Juan Manuel Torres, John Symons, & Shahid Rahman [ed] () Special sciences and the unity of science [i] [d]
  1694. () Secrets and lies: involuntary leakage in deceptive facial expressions as a function of emotional intensity [d]
  1695. () How to avoid moralism, apologetics, and intimidation [d] [j]
  1696. () Conceived in doubt: religion and politics in the new American nation [i] [d]
  1697. () The limitations of hierarchical organization [d] [j]
  1698. () Does classroom explicitation of initial conceptions favour conceptual change or is it counter-productive? [d]
  1699. () What is a home range? [d]
  1700. Robert W. Proctor & E. John Capaldi [ed] () Psychology of science: implicit and explicit processes [i] [d]
  1701. () What is a model, why people don't trust them, and why they should [i] [u]
  1702. () Uncomfortable knowledge: the social construction of ignorance in science and environmental policy discourses [d]
  1703. () On the nature of philosophy and other philosophical essays [i] [d]
  1704. () Pragmatism: the restoration of its scientific roots [i]
  1705. Sabine Roeser, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Per Sandin, & Martin Peterson [ed] () Handbook of risk theory: epistemology, decision theory, ethics, and social implications of risk [i] [d]
  1706. () How can we know if investors are coherently linking sustainability concepts? [d]
  1707. () White privilege in experiential education: a critical reflection [d]
  1708. Sara Rubinelli & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans [ed] (/2014) Argumentation and health [i] [d]
  1709. (/2014) Teaching argumentation theory to doctors: why and what [i] [d]
  1710. () Cognitive schemas among mental health professionals: adaptive or maladaptive? [p] [u]
  1711. () Doublethinking or dialectical thinking: a critical appreciation of Hoffman's 'doublethinking' critique [d]
  1712. () The origins of inquiry: inductive inference and exploration in early childhood [p] [d]
  1713. () Finding new facts; thinking new thoughts [i] [d]
  1714. () Multi-perspective modelling of complex phenomena [d]
  1715. () What is your personal knowledge management ecosystem? [u]
  1716. () In doubt: the psychology of the criminal justice process [i] [d]
  1717. () Jumping to conclusions, a lack of belief flexibility and delusional conviction in psychosis: a longitudinal investigation of the structure, frequency, and relatedness of reasoning biases [p] [d] [u]
  1718. () Can remote sensing estimate fine-scale quality indicators of natural habitats? [d]
  1719. Ron Sun [ed] () Grounding social sciences in cognitive sciences [i] [d]
  1720. () On Charles S. Peirce's lecture 'How to theorize' (1903) [d]
  1721. () Modeling, truth, and philosophy [d] [j]
  1722. () The cognitive science of science: explanation, discovery, and conceptual change [i] [d]
  1723. () What makes you not a Buddhist?: a preliminary mapping of values [d]
  1724. () What can design thinking learn from behavior group therapy? [i] [d]
  1725. Jan Toporowski & Jo Michell [ed] () Handbook of critical issues in finance [i] [d]
  1726. () Performativity and complex adaptive systems: working with multiple narratives across knowledge traditions [u]
  1727. () The need for systematic ethnopsychology: the ontological status of mentalistic terminology [d]
  1728. () What is a responsible supply chain? [d]
  1729. Frank Vander Valk [ed] () Essays on neuroscience and political theory: thinking the body politic [i] [d]
  1730. () When are we speculating on history?: a Mandelbaumian theory [d]
  1731. () From critical thinking to non-conclusive argument and back again [d]
  1732. () Building a system for finding objections to an argument [d]
  1733. () Buddhist epistemology and economics: deconstructing dysfunctional delusions [u]
  1734. () Cognitive sophistication does not attenuate the bias blind spot [p] [d]
  1735. () The rationality of extremists: a Talmonist insight we need to respond to [d]
  1736. () Meaning and relevance [i] [d]
  1737. Michael Yellow Bird & Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson [ed] () For Indigenous minds only: a decolonization handbook [i]
  1738. () Science education for global sustainability: what is necessary for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? [d]
  1739. () Resistance or disconnection?: a relational-cultural approach to supervisee anxiety and nondisclosure [d]
  1740. () Reasonable atheism: a moral case for respectful disbelief [i]
  1741. () Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
  1742. () The cloud of knowing: blurring the difference with China [d] [u]
  1743. () Generating research questions through problematization [d]
  1744. () Mechanisms, laws, and regularities [d] [j]
  1745. () Unity without myths [in science] [i] [d]
  1746. () Can charisma be taught?: tests of two interventions [d]
  1747. () The dream is freedom: Pauli Murray and American democratic faith [i] [d]
  1748. () Was Darwin wrong about emotional expressions? [d]
  1749. () Do conscious thoughts cause behavior? [p] [d]
  1750. () The philosophy of software: code and mediation in the digital age [i] [d]
  1751. () Do educated leaders matter? [d]
  1752. Roy Bhaskar, Karl G. Høyer, & Petter Naess [ed] () Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions [i] [d]
  1753. () Location-based questions and local knowledge [d]
  1754. () Dissenting in reflective conversations: critical components of doing action research [d]
  1755. () Does effort matter in mindful parenting? [d]
  1756. () Explanation in personality psychology: 'verbal magic' and the five-factor model [d]
  1757. () Information hazards: a typology of potential harms from knowledge [u]
  1758. () Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
  1759. () The epistemic predicament of a pseudoscience: social constructivism confronts Freudian psychoanalysis [d]
  1760. () Driven, distracted, or both?: a performance-based ex-Gaussian analysis of individual differences in anxiety [p] [d]
  1761. () Personal epistemology: nomenclature, conceptualizations, and measurement [i] [d]
  1762. () Ecosystem services and fictitious commodities [d]
  1763. () Two unification strategies: analysis or reduction, and synthesis or integration [i] [d]
  1764. Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke, & Matthew H. Slater [ed] () Carving nature at its joints: natural kinds in metaphysics and science [i] [d] [j]
  1765. () On the distinction between Peirce's abduction and Lipton's inference to the best explanation [d] [j]
  1766. () Unfinished lives [i]
  1767. () Foucault in the forest: questioning environmentality in Amazonia [d]
  1768. () Displacing activism?: the impact of international service trips on understandings of social change [d]
  1769. () When is a bunch of marks on paper a diagram?: diagrams as homomorphic representations [d]
  1770. () What the ravens really teach us: the intrinsic contextuality of evidence [i] [d]
  1771. () Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? [p] [d]
  1772. () The old solutions are the new problem: how do we better use what we already know about reducing the burden of mental illness? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1773. () Complexity: against systems [d]
  1774. () Making capability lists: philosophy versus democracy [d]
  1775. (/2015) Cross-examination handbook: persuasion, strategies, and techniques [i]
  1776. () Can expectancies produce placebo effects for implicit learning? [d]
  1777. () A philosopher's view of theory: a response to Gorelick [d]
  1778. () Does participation in citizen science improve scientific literacy?: a study to compare assessment methods [d]
  1779. () What are the benefits of mindfulness?: a practice review of psychotherapy-related research [p] [d]
  1780. () To walk in their shoes: the problem of missing, misunderstood, and misrepresented context in judging criminal confessions [u]
  1781. () Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
  1782. Philip Dawid, William L. Twining, & Mimi Vasilaki [ed] () Evidence, inference and enquiry [i] [d]
  1783. Kevin deLaplante, Bryson Brown, & Kent A. Peacock [ed] () Philosophy of ecology [i] [d]
  1784. Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] () Explanation, prediction, and confirmation [i] [d]
  1785. (/2013) The art of thinking clearly [i]
  1786. (/2013) Why you should visit cemeteries: survivorship bias [i]
  1787. (/2013) Why you should keep a diary: hindsight bias [i]
  1788. () Dewey's science: a transactive model of research processes [i] [d]
  1789. () From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
  1790. () The meaning of career success: avoiding reification through a closer inspection of historical, cultural, and ideological contexts [d]
  1791. (/2019) How to find the right questions [u]
  1792. () The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science [i]
  1793. () The innovator's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators [i]
  1794. () Peasants' rights and the UN system: quixotic struggle? Or emancipatory idea whose time has come? [d]
  1795. () What do I say?: the therapist's guide to answering client questions [i] [d]
  1796. () The placebo response in clinical trials: more questions than answers [p] [d] [u]
  1797. () Property: Faustian pact or new covenant with Earth? [i] [d]
  1798. () 'Search' vs. 'browse': a theory of error grounded in radical (not rational) ignorance [d]
  1799. () Metaknowledge [p] [d] [j]
  1800. (/2016) Think critically [i]
  1801. () What (good) is historical epistemology? [d] [j]
  1802. (/2012) Adversarial inquisitions: rethinking the search for the truth [u]
  1803. () Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
  1804. () Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving? [d]
  1805. Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay & Malcolm R. Forster [ed] () Philosophy of statistics [i]
  1806. () Extending the dynamics of reason [d] [j]
  1807. () Evidence-based practice and the ethics of discretion [d]
  1808. () What does living in a democracy mean for kids? [d]
  1809. () Convicting the innocent: where criminal prosecutions go wrong [i] [d] [j]
  1810. () Expertise, argumentation, and the end of inquiry [d]
  1811. Fred Gifford [ed] () Philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  1812. () 'Consumption' [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  1813. () Logic, mathematics, heterogeneity [and comment by Valeria Giardino] [i]
  1814. () Understanding, evaluating, and producing arguments: training is necessary for reasoning skills [d]
  1815. () What's wrong with this picture?: an experiment in quantifying accuracy in 2D portrait drawing [d]
  1816. () Argument quality in Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting [or lack of quality] [o] [u]
  1817. () To tell the truth: on scientific counterpublics [d]
  1818. () How to know: a practicalist conception of knowledge [i] [d]
  1819. (/2015) Structured analytic techniques for intelligence analysis [i]
  1820. () Great man or great myth?: a quantitative review of the relationship between individual differences and leader effectiveness [d]
  1821. () The unity of knowledge and the diversity of knowers: science as an agent of cultural integration in the United States between the two world wars [d]
  1822. () Reform or transformation?: the pivotal role of food justice in the U.S. food movement [d]
  1823. () Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
  1824. Clifford Alan Hooker [ed] () Philosophy of complex systems [i] [d]
  1825. () Intellectual curiosity and the scientific revolution: a global perspective [i] [d]
  1826. () A family resemblance approach to the nature of science for science education [d]
  1827. () Neuroticism explained?: from a non-informative vulnerability marker to informative person–context interactions in the realm of daily life [d]
  1828. () Change blindness and inattentional blindness [d]
  1829. () What is a conservation actor? [d] [j]
  1830. () Learning to solve problems: a handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments [i] [d]
  1831. () 'Bet you think this song is about you': whose narrative is it in narrative research? [u]
  1832. () John Dewey and Friedrich von Hayek on individualism and freedom [i] [d]
  1833. () What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
  1834. () So you're a creative genius—now what? [i]
  1835. () Personal epistemology and philosophical epistemology: the view of a philosopher [i] [d]
  1836. () How do models give us knowledge?: the case of Carnot's ideal heat engine [d]
  1837. () Spirituality: an overlooked predictor of placebo effects? [p] [d] [u]
  1838. () Genealogical pragmatism: how history matters for Foucault and Dewey [d]
  1839. () The rise and fall of falsificationism in the light of Neurath's criticism [i] [d]
  1840. () Computational logic and human thinking: how to be artificially intelligent [i] [d] [u]
  1841. () Thinking critically about critical thinking: ability, disposition or both? [p] [d]
  1842. () Complex predictions and assessor mystique [d]
  1843. () How can we capture the subject's perspective?: an evidence-based approach for the social scientist [d]
  1844. () Rationale for considering typical critical thinking skills [d]
  1845. () What does recovery mean in practice?: a qualitative analysis of international recovery-oriented practice guidance [d]
  1846. () Trust yourself ['How does it feel?'] [i]
  1847. () Zen questions: zazen, Dōgen, and the spirit of creative inquiry [i]
  1848. () Using sketch drawing to induce inconsistency in liars [d]
  1849. () Which are the basic meaning dimensions of observable interpersonal behavior? [d]
  1850. () The secret identity of science education: masculine and politically conservative? [d]
  1851. () Effects of an evidence-based text on scepticism, methodological reasoning, values and juror decision-making [d]
  1852. () Are positive emotions just as 'positive' across cultures? [p] [d]
  1853. () When does jumping-to-conclusions reach its peak?: the interaction of vulnerability and situation-characteristics in social reasoning [d]
  1854. () Multidimensional reality [d] [u]
  1855. () Why do people work?: individual wants versus common goods [d]
  1856. () Argument schemes—an epistemological approach [and comment by Ian J. Dove] [i] [u]
  1857. () Unsustainable development: could it be a Ponzi scheme? [u]
  1858. (/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
  1859. Seymour H. Mauskopf & Tad M. Schmaltz [ed] () Integrating history and philosophy of science: problems and prospects [i] [d]
  1860. Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos [ed] () Error and inference: recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the objectivity and rationality of science [i] [d]
  1861. () Domestic wastewater treatment as a net energy producer: can this be achieved? [d]
  1862. () Could EFT have saved the Buddha's marriage?: a reflection on Beckerman and Sarracco [d]
  1863. () Productivity tie-breaker: how will you feel afterwards? [u]
  1864. () When experts argue: explaining the best and the worst of reasoning [d]
  1865. () Why do humans reason?: arguments for an argumentative theory [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1866. () What good is moral reasoning? [d]
  1867. () Teaching science as a cultural way of knowing: merging authentic inquiry, nature of science, and multicultural strategies [d]
  1868. () Narrative nonfiction: essential or overrated? [u]
  1869. () Wage slavery or creative work? [d]
  1870. Susan Albers Mohrman & Edward E. Lawler [ed] () Useful research: advancing theory and practice [i]
  1871. () Critical thinking and disciplinary thinking: a continuing debate [d]
  1872. () One phenomenon, many models: inconsistency and complementarity [d]
  1873. () Skepticism about inductive knowledge [i] [d]
  1874. (/2019) A workbook for arguments: a complete course in critical thinking [i]
  1875. () Models, scientific realism, the intelligibility of nature, and their cultural significance [d]
  1876. () Intelligence analysis for tomorrow: advances from the behavioral and social sciences [i] [d] [u]
  1877. () Argumentation, dialogue theory, and probability modeling: alternative frameworks for argumentation research in education [d]
  1878. () Critical questions and argument stratagems: a framework for enhancing and analyzing students' reasoning practices [d]
  1879. () Science as psychology: sense-making and identity in science practice [i] [d]
  1880. () Why do we need to protect institutional diversity? [d]
  1881. () Relativizing the relativized a priori: Reichenbach's axioms of coordination divided [d] [j]
  1882. () Dewey's ethical-political philosophy as resource in today's global crises and as a guide to a post-ideological politics for the 21st century [i] [d]
  1883. () On the limits of physical theories [i] [u]
  1884. Sami Pihlström [ed] () The Continuum companion to pragmatism [i]
  1885. () What is soundscape ecology?: an introduction and overview of an emerging new science [d]
  1886. () What went wrong?: therapists' reflections on their role in premature termination [p] [d]
  1887. () Neurath and the encyclopaedic project of unity of science [i] [d]
  1888. () Effects of epistemological sensitization on source choices [d]
  1889. () A Neurathian conception of the unity of science [d] [j] [u]
  1890. () Argumentation without arguments [d]
  1891. () The under-examined life: a proposal for critically evaluating teachers' and students' philosophies of teaching [d]
  1892. () Evolutionary analogies: is the process of scientific change analogous to the organic change? [i]
  1893. (/2012) The mirage of immediate factual knowledge [i] [d]
  1894. () Biased advice [u]
  1895. () Paradoxes of learning and memory [i] [d]
  1896. () The un-making of a method: from rating scales to the study of psychological processes [d]
  1897. () Make just one change: teach students to ask their own questions [i]
  1898. () Local actions, global effects?: understanding the circumstances in which locally beneficial environmental actions cumulate to have global effects [u]
  1899. () Are Zen people better? [u]
  1900. () The logic of diagnosis [i] [d]
  1901. () Erasing the invisible hand: essays on an elusive and misused concept in economics [i] [d]
  1902. () Invoking experience as evidence [d]
  1903. () What's happening in the coaching conversation with an executive at risk of derailing? [u]
  1904. () The logic of explanatory power [d] [j]
  1905. () How are you feeling? [u]
  1906. () How many slaves are working for you? [u]
  1907. () Perplexities of consciousness [i] [d]
  1908. () Becoming dialogical: psychotherapy or a way of life? [d]
  1909. () Is timing everything?: temporal considerations in emotion regulation [d]
  1910. () Law, truth and reason: a treatise on legal argumentation [i] [d]
  1911. () False-positive psychology: undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant [p] [d]
  1912. () How many levels are there?: how insights from evolutionary transitions in individuality help measure the hierarchical complexity of life [i] [d] [j]
  1913. () On the nature of concepts [d]
  1914. Léna Soler, Emiliano Trizio, Thomas Nickles, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] () Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science [i] [d]
  1915. () The solidity of scientific achievements: structure of the problem, difficulties, philosophical implications [i] [d]
  1916. () Neuropragmatism, old and new [d]
  1917. () Damn the consequences: projective evidence and the heterogeneity of scientific confirmation [d] [j]
  1918. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  1919. () Rationality and the reflective mind [i] [d]
  1920. () Retractions in the scientific literature: is the incidence of research fraud increasing? [p] [d]
  1921. () Time scarcity: another health inequality? [d]
  1922. John Symons, Olga Pombo, & Juan Manuel Torres [ed] () Otto Neurath and the unity of science [i] [d]
  1923. () Critical thinking and informal logic: neuropsychological perspectives [d] [u]
  1924. () Objectivity sans intelligibility: Hermann Weyl's symbolic constructivism [o] [d] [u]
  1925. () Does fast or slow evaluation foster greater certainty? [p] [d]
  1926. () What is it like to be a person who knows nothing?: defining the active intersubjective mind of a newborn human being [d]
  1927. () No ownership of common factors [p] [d]
  1928. () John Dewey's conception of scientific explanation: moving philosophers of science past the realism–antirealism debate [d]
  1929. () Reclassifying personality disorders [p] [d]
  1930. () Local knowledge: who cares? [p] [d] [u]
  1931. () Are these the poems to remember? [u]
  1932. () Are high hypnotizables especially vulnerable to false memory effects?: a sociocognitive perspective [conclusion: no] [p] [d]
  1933. () Childhood temperament: dimensions or types? [d]
  1934. () Reasoning about knowledge using defeasible logic [d]
  1935. () Mechanismic explanation in social science: an assessment [i] [d]
  1936. () From macro to micro—how much micro is too much? [d]
  1937. () Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming arguments in mock jurors' verdict justifications [d]
  1938. () Models and mechanisms in psychological explanation [d] [j]
  1939. () Should you be practicing right now? [u]
  1940. () Psychodynamic psychotherapy: from psychoanalytic arrogance to evidence-based modesty [i] [d]
  1941. () Letting the brain speak for itself [p] [d] [u]
  1942. () The fallacy of careless contrarianism [u]
  1943. () Science as (historical) narrative [d] [j]
  1944. () How can the financial sector better serve people and the planet?: the need to reimagine finance [d]
  1945. () Reel conservation: can big screen animations save tropical biodiversity? [u]
  1946. () Helping students know what they know and do not know [d]
  1947. () The nature of dynamical explanation [d] [j]
  1948. () Is collaboration a viable target for family therapists? [d]
  1949. () How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
  1950. () Positioning place: polylogic approaches to research methodology [d] [u]
  1951. () What does doodling do? [d]
  1952. () On making causal claims: a review and recommendations [d]
  1953. () Are older adults wiser than college students?: a comparison of two age cohorts [d]
  1954. () Is science me?: high school students' identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine [d]
  1955. () Who can do what, therapeutically, with whom, in what way? [d]
  1956. () Who decides what is fair in fair trade?: the agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price [d]
  1957. () Successful reentry: what differentiates successful and unsuccessful parolees? [d]
  1958. () 1001 solution-focused questions: handbook for solution-focused interviewing [i]
  1959. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  1960. () What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health?: a multi-study analysis [d]
  1961. () Argumentation schemes: from informal logic to computational models [i] [u]
  1962. () Can geographic coordinates in the catalog record be useful? [d]
  1963. () Ethics as moral inquiry: Dewey and the moral psychology of social reform [i] [d]
  1964. () Immunizing strategies and epistemic defense mechanisms [d]
  1965. () Sensemaking software for crime analysis [i] [u]
  1966. () Teaching modeling in critical thinking [d]
  1967. () Does plantation forestry restore biodiversity or create green deserts?: a synthesis of the effects of land-use transitions on plant species richness [d]
  1968. () Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology [d] [j]
  1969. () The structure of justification in political constructivism [d] [j]
  1970. () Matter and mind: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
  1971. () What's love got to do with it?: contemporary lessons on lawyerly advocacy from the preacher Martin Luther King, Jr. [u]
  1972. () Can compassionate practice also be good legal practice?: answers from the lives of Buddhist lawyers [u]
  1973. () Is the practice of yoga associated with positive outcomes?: the role of passion [d]
  1974. () Models: parables v. fables [i] [d]
  1975. () Psychotherapists, researchers, or both?: a qualitative analysis of psychotherapists' experiences in a practice research network [p] [d]
  1976. () Does an argument-based approach to validity make a difference? [d]
  1977. () Only ask how if you know why [u]
  1978. Molly Cochran [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Dewey [i] [d]
  1979. () The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
  1980. () Abductive inference and delusional belief [p] [d]
  1981. () What do psychotherapists really do in practice?: an Internet study of over 2,000 practitioners [p] [d] [u]
  1982. () Teaching the practical relevance of propositional logic [d]
  1983. () Can an ethical person be an ethical prosecutor?: a social cognitive approach to systemic reform [u]
  1984. () Deleuze: against interpretation [i] [d]
  1985. () Laws of biology: why so few? [p] [d] [u]
  1986. () How would we know if psychotherapy were harmful? [p] [d]
  1987. () Synthesis, the synthetic a priori, and the origins of modern space-time theory [i]
  1988. () A vast machine: computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming [i] [j]
  1989. Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer [ed] () The place of probability in science: in honor of Ellery Eells (1953–2006) [i] [d]
  1990. () Two kinds of evidence: how information systems form rhetorical arguments [d]
  1991. () Asking about ambivalence: a different kind of therapist neutrality [d]
  1992. Michael Friedman, Mary Domski, & Michael Dickson [ed] () Discourse on a new method: reinvigorating the marriage of history and philosophy of science [i]
  1993. () Human rationality challenges universal logic [d]
  1994. () Well-being as discourse: potentials and problems for studies of organizing and health inequalities [d]
  1995. () On being thoroughly evidence-based [through second-order evidence] [u]
  1996. () An agent-based conception of models and scientific representation [d] [j]
  1997. () What is right with 'Bayes net methods' and what is wrong with 'hunting causes and using them'? [d] [j] [u]
  1998. () Can linguistic predictors detect fraudulent financial filings? [d]
  1999. () Adding theoretical grounding to grounded theory: toward multi-grounded theory [d] [u]
  2000. () What is a good question? [i]
  2001. () Writing in the life sciences: a critical thinking approach [i]
  2002. () The achievement gap and the discipline gap: two sides of the same coin? [d]
  2003. () Ignorance and surprise: science, society, and ecological design [i] [d]
  2004. () Why don't we practice what we preach?: a meta-analytic review of religious racism [d]
  2005. () 'Ethnophilosophy' redefined? [d]
  2006. () The agonistic metaphor in psychotherapy: should clients battle their blues? [p] [d]
  2007. () Causal effects in psychotherapy: counterfactuals counteract overgeneralization [p] [d]
  2008. () The governance of problems: puzzling, powering, participation [i] [d] [j]
  2009. () A narrative policy framework: clear enough to be wrong? [d]
  2010. () Learning to be surprised: how to foster reflective practice in a high-reliability context [d]
  2011. () What is behavioral activation?: a review of the empirical literature [d]
  2012. () 'Whose inquiry is this anyway?': money, power, reports, and collaborative inquiry [d]
  2013. () Selfish or selfless?: the role of empathy in economics [p] [d] [u]
  2014. () Philosophy of science after feminism [i]
  2015. () How do we empathize with someone who is not like us?: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study [d]
  2016. () Delusion and confabulation: mistakes of perceiving, remembering and believing [p] [d]
  2017. () What are your priorities right now?: identifying service needs across recovery stages to inform service development [p] [d] [u]
  2018. () Mathematics and reality [i] [d]
  2019. () What is sexual addiction? [d]
  2020. () What is it like to be someone else? [d]
  2021. () The second book of general ignorance: everything you think you know is (still) wrong [i]
  2022. () How does a visual artist create an artwork? [i] [d]
  2023. () Psychologism, overpsychologism, and action [d] [u]
  2024. () Philosophy, ethics, medicine and health care: the urgent need for critical practice [p] [d]
  2025. () Idealization in evolutionary developmental investigation: a tension between phenotypic plasticity and normal stages [p] [d] [u]
  2026. () Is there harm in silence? [p] [d]
  2027. Nona Lyons [ed] () Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
  2028. () What we hide in words: emotive words and persuasive definitions [d]
  2029. (/2019) Knowledge synthesis [in health professions] [i] [d]
  2030. () What is psychotherapy for?: an alternative to the profession of psychotherapy [i]
  2031. () Why was Darwin's view of species rejected by twentieth century biologists? [d]
  2032. () The ambiguities of experience [i] [d] [j]
  2033. Trevor H. J. Marchand [ed] () Making knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment [i] [d]
  2034. () Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
  2035. () What is intimacy in Zen? [u]
  2036. () Forest certification as a global environmental governance tool: what is the macro-effectiveness of the Forest Stewardship Council? [d]
  2037. () Does ethical theory have a place in post-Kohlbergian moral psychology? [d]
  2038. () Critical reading of science-based news reports: establishing a knowledge, skills and attitudes framework [d]
  2039. () How should the risk associated with the introduction of biological control agents be estimated? [d]
  2040. () Are there any true adult-onset offenders? [d]
  2041. () Confabulation, delusion, and anosognosia: motivational factors and false claims [d]
  2042. () The data avalanche is here: shouldn't we be digging? [d]
  2043. () Moral complexity: the fatal attraction of truthiness and the importance of mature moral functioning [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2044. () Understanding the changing planet: strategic directions for the geographical sciences [i] [d] [u]
  2045. () There are no universal rules for induction [d] [j]
  2046. () Cosmic confusions: not supporting versus supporting not [d] [j]
  2047. () From argument and philosophy to critical thinking across the curriculum [d]
  2048. () Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
  2049. () What is an exemplary ontology? [u]
  2050. () Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming [i]
  2051. () How can we improve school discipline? [d]
  2052. () How similar are personality scales of the 'same' construct?: a meta-analytic investigation [d]
  2053. () Why argue?: towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation [d]
  2054. () Breaking the expertise barrier: understanding activist strategies in science and technology policy domains [d]
  2055. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  2056. (/2014) False justice: eight myths that convict the innocent [i] [d]
  2057. () Completely out of control or the desire to be in complete control?: how low self-control and the desire for control relate to corporate offending [d]
  2058. Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt [ed] () Theory and applications of ontology: philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
  2059. () Dangerous decisions: the impact of first impressions of trustworthiness on the evaluation of legal evidence and defendant culpability [d]
  2060. () What does it mean to be human? [i]
  2061. () On the nature of argument schemes [i]
  2062. () The interaction between local and general understanding [i] [d]
  2063. () The trouble with experts [d]
  2064. () Cartography and the reality of boundaries [j] [u]
  2065. () Untangling the environmentalist's paradox: why is human well-being increasing as ecosystem services degrade? [d] [j]
  2066. Chris Reed & Christopher W. Tindale [ed] () Dialectics, dialogue and argumentation: an examination of Douglas Walton's theories of reasoning and argument [i]
  2067. () What is social learning? [u]
  2068. (/2018) The explainability of experience: realism and subjectivity in Spinoza's theory of the human mind [i] [d]
  2069. () Reality and its appearance [i]
  2070. () Can ecosystem services lead ecology on a transdisciplinary pathway? [d]
  2071. () Ernst Cassirer and Michael Friedman: Kantian or Hegelian dynamics of reason? [i]
  2072. () Should we trust grand bazaar carpet sellers (and vice versa)? [i] [u]
  2073. () The epistemology of mathematical and statistical modeling: a quiet methodological revolution [p] [d]
  2074. Don Ross [ed] () What is addiction? [i] [d]
  2075. () Ethical inquiry as problem-resolution: objectivity, progress, and deliberation [o] [u]
  2076. () Reflective interviewing: a guide to theory and practice [i] [d]
  2077. () Between the general and the unique: overcoming the nomothetic versus idiographic opposition [d]
  2078. () Being wrong: adventures in the margin of error [i]
  2079. () Interviewing: an insider's insight into learning [i] [d]
  2080. () Teaching students to think critically about science and origins [d]
  2081. () Evidence and simplicity: why we should reject homeopathy [p] [d]
  2082. () Informed social reflection: its development and importance for adolescents' civic engagement [i] [d]
  2083. () John Dewey's reception in 'Schönian' reflective practice [u]
  2084. () Did Peirce have a cosmology? [d] [j] [u]
  2085. Clifford Siskin & William Warner [ed] () This is enlightenment [through communication/mediation] [i] [d]
  2086. () The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning [i] [d]
  2087. () Epistemic vigilance [d]
  2088. () Protecting rainforest realism [d]
  2089. () Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
  2090. () Psychotherapist-as-philosopher-of-science [i]
  2091. () Coherence between emotional experience and physiology: does body awareness training have an impact? [p] [d] [u]
  2092. () Skill in questions: how the Buddha taught [o] [u]
  2093. () The wisdom of property and the politics of the middle classes [i] [d] [j]
  2094. () Why the world economy needs a financial crash and other critical essays on finance and financial economics [i] [d] [j]
  2095. () Snap judgment? Not so fast: thought, reasoning, and choice as psychological realities [d] [j]
  2096. () What do banks do, what should they do and what public policies are needed to ensure best results for the real economy? [u]
  2097. (/2015) BACH: Bayesian analysis of competing hypotheses: a robust decision support and analytical tool [u]
  2098. () Psychotherapy integration and integrative psychotherapy: process or product? [d]
  2099. () Experiencing flow: is doing it together better than doing it alone? [d]
  2100. () Why do parents become involved in their children's education?: implications for school counselors [d] [j]
  2101. () Dementia: continuum or distinct entity? [d]
  2102. () Wrenching from context: the manipulation of commitments [d]
  2103. () A dialogue model of belief [d]
  2104. () Why fallacies appear to be better arguments than they are [d] [u]
  2105. () Is there a genetic contribution to cultural differences?: collectivism, individualism and genetic markers of social sensitivity [d]
  2106. () The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
  2107. () Dewey's moral philosophy [i] [d]
  2108. () Explanatory depth [d] [j]
  2109. () Twelve examples of illusion [i]
  2110. () Framing innocents: the wrongly convicted as victims of state harm [d]
  2111. () The data-driven life [u]
  2112. () Why do I get angry?: a componential appraisal approach [i] [d]
  2113. () What can pest management learn from laboratory animal ethics? [d]
  2114. () Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
  2115. () Scientific reasoning and epistemological commitments: coordination of theory and evidence among college science students [d]
  2116. () Asking 'Who are you?' when going into the wild: moving beyond an individualized form of outdoor education [d]
  2117. () How to choose a good scientific problem [d]
  2118. () Editorial: Why no borders? [u]
  2119. () How similar are wise men and women?: a comparison across two age cohorts [d]
  2120. () Is there utility in the transtheoretical model [of behaviour change]? [p] [d]
  2121. () Scientific models in philosophy of science [i] [j] [u]
  2122. () Why can't we be more idiographic in our research? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2123. () Conversation and psychotherapy: how questioning reveals institutional answers [d]
  2124. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  2125. Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández [ed] () Delusion and self-deception: affective and motivational influences on belief formation [i] [d]
  2126. Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock, & Peter Menzies [ed] () The Oxford handbook of causation [i] [d]
  2127. () Doctoring the mind: is our current treatment of mental illness really any good? [i] [d] [j]
  2128. (/2013) Critical thinking: reasoning and communicating with Rationale [i]
  2129. () Geographies of circulation and exchange: constructions of markets [d]
  2130. () How to tell if a particular memory is true or false [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2131. () Analysing stories using schemes [i] [d] [u]
  2132. () Why did I change when I went to therapy?: a qualitative analysis of former patients' conceptions of successful psychotherapy [d]
  2133. () How science textbooks treat scientific method: a philosopher's perspective [d] [j]
  2134. () No silver bullet for inquiry: making sense of teacher change following an inquiry-based research experience for teachers [d]
  2135. () Is it necessary to discuss person-oriented research in community psychology? [p] [d]
  2136. () Social learning for solving complex problems: a promising solution or wishful thinking?: a case study of multi-actor negotiation for the integrated management and sustainable use of the Drentsche Aa area in the Netherlands [d]
  2137. () The two disciplines of scientific psychology, or: The disunity of psychology as a working hypothesis [i] [d]
  2138. (/2018) Delusion [u]
  2139. () The empire of civilization: the evolution of an imperial idea [i] [d]
  2140. (/2021) Theory and observation in science [u]
  2141. () Learning without error [i] [d]
  2142. () Why economics needs ethical theory [i] [d]
  2143. () Models and perspectives on stage: remarks on Giere's Scientific perspectivism [d]
  2144. () You've got to be kidding!: how jokes can help you think [i] [d]
  2145. () Curriculum and the value of knowledge [i] [d]
  2146. () Turning qualitative into quantitative evidence: a well-used method made explicit [d] [j]
  2147. () Why are modern scientists so dull?: how science selects for perseverance and sociability at the expense of intelligence and creativity [p] [d]
  2148. () No harm in a little gossip, right? [u]
  2149. () Falsificationism and statistical learning theory: comparing the Popper and Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimensions [d] [j]
  2150. () Does Milton Friedman support a vigorous business ethics? [d] [j] [u]
  2151. () Action research essentials [i]
  2152. () Does farm worker health vary between localised and globalised food supply systems? [d]
  2153. () Space and time in ecology: noise or fundamental driver? [i] [d]
  2154. () Vegetarianism, sentimental or ethical? [d]
  2155. Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, & Melvin M. Mark [ed] (/2015) Credible and actionable evidence: the foundations for rigorous and influential evaluations [or: What counts as credible evidence in applied research and evaluation practice?] [i] [d]
  2156. () Science, policy, and the value-free ideal [i] [j] [u]
  2157. William Edelglass & Jay L. Garfield [ed] () Buddhist philosophy: essential readings [i]
  2158. () Rationality and effectiveness: does EIA/SEA treat them as synonyms? [d]
  2159. () Which mathematics for the information society? [i] [d]
  2160. () Narrow assessments misrepresent development and misguide policy [p] [d]
  2161. () Logical fallacies as informational shortcuts [d] [j]
  2162. () How do feelings influence effort?: an empirical study of entrepreneurs' affect and venture effort [d]
  2163. () Statistical machine learning and the logic of scientific discovery [u]
  2164. () How many birds are there in a city of half a million people? [d]
  2165. () Resiliency in the face of disadvantage: do Hispanic cultural characteristics protect health outcomes? [p] [d]
  2166. () What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
  2167. () What is argument mapping? [u]
  2168. () What is decision mapping? [u]
  2169. () We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
  2170. () Why the brain talks to itself: sources of error in emotional prediction [p] [d] [u]
  2171. () Defeating bigenderism: changing gender assumptions in the twenty-first century [d] [j]
  2172. (/2014) The bounds of reason: game theory and the unification of the behavioral sciences [i] [d] [j]
  2173. () Extremism and social learning [d]
  2174. () Visual representations in science [d] [j]
  2175. () Proof burdens and standards [i] [d]
  2176. () The influence of diversity in clinical supervision: a framework for reflective conversations and questioning [d]
  2177. () Popper's fundamental misdiagnosis of the scientific defects of Freudian psychoanalysis and of their bearing on the theory of demarcation [i] [d]
  2178. () Global development?: monitored object(ive)s, omitted subject(ivitie)s [d]
  2179. () Learning styles as self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
  2180. () Inference to the best explanation: a neglected approach to theory appraisal in psychology [p] [j]
  2181. () Why we make mistakes: how we look without seeing, forget things in seconds, and are all pretty sure we are way above average [i]
  2182. () Beyond explanations: what else do students need to understand science? [d]
  2183. () The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
  2184. William Hirstein [ed] () Confabulation: views from neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and philosophy [i] [d]
  2185. Giora Hon, Jutta Schickore, & Friedrich Steinle [ed] () Going amiss in experimental research [i] [d]
  2186. () Zero-sum world: challenges in conceptualizing environmental load displacement and ecologically unequal exchange in the world-system [d]
  2187. () What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?: a critique of scientific reason [i] [d] [j]
  2188. () Where thought belongs: an anthropological critique of the project of philosophy [d]
  2189. Dale Jacquette [ed] () Reason, method, and value: a reader on the philosophy of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
  2190. () What should every citizen know about ecology? [d]
  2191. () 'Maybe I made up the whole thing': placebos and patients' experiences in a randomized controlled trial [d]
  2192. Hendrik Kaptein, Henry Prakken, & Bart Verheij [ed] () Legal evidence and proof: statistics, stories, logic [i] [d]
  2193. () Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
  2194. () Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
  2195. () Can tropical farmers reconcile subsistence needs with forest conservation? [d]
  2196. () Source separation: will we see a paradigm shift in wastewater handling? [d]
  2197. () Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
  2198. () Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2199. () Understanding without explanation [i] [j]
  2200. () Disciplines in the making: cross-cultural perspectives on elites, learning, and innovation [i] [d]
  2201. () Typology reconfigured: from the metaphysics of essentialism to the epistemology of representation [d]
  2202. () A different 'enlightened' jurisprudence? [u]
  2203. () Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning [i] [d]
  2204. () Diet and the environment: does what you eat matter? [d]
  2205. Michael R. Matthews & Hugh G. Gauch [ed] () Science, worldviews and education [i] [d]
  2206. () Unsimple truths: science, complexity, and policy [i] [d]
  2207. () The development of rationality [i] [d]
  2208. () Liberty and learning: academic freedom for teachers and students [i]
  2209. () On advocacy by environmental scientists: what, whether, why, and how [p] [d]
  2210. () Think, blink or sleep on it?: the impact of modes of thought on complex decision making [d]
  2211. () Critical appraisal of physical science as a human enterprise: dynamics of scientific progress [i] [d]
  2212. () Ecosystem services: from eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder [d]
  2213. () Prime suspect: an examination of factors that aggravate and counteract confirmation bias in criminal investigations [d]
  2214. () The entangled roots of objective knowledge [i] [d]
  2215. () Limits to systems engineering [i] [d]
  2216. Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen [ed] () Rethinking Popper [i] [d]
  2217. () Developments in task analysis: new methods to study change [p] [d]
  2218. () Path dependence in the production of scientific knowledge [d]
  2219. (/2012) Defending underdetermination or why the historical perspective makes a difference [i] [d]
  2220. () Pragmatist metaphysics: an essay on the ethical grounds of ontology [i]
  2221. () What makes parties trust mediators? [d]
  2222. () How science became technical [d] [j]
  2223. () The interrogative mood: a novel? [i]
  2224. () Does spatial visualization ability improve after studying technical drawing? [d]
  2225. () The introspection illusion [i] [d]
  2226. Iyad Rahwan & Guillermo R. Simari [ed] () Argumentation in artificial intelligence [i] [d]
  2227. Henk W. de Regt, Sabina Leonelli, & Kai Eigner [ed] () Scientific understanding: philosophical perspectives [i] [j]
  2228. () Logic, hermeneutics, or both? [d] [u]
  2229. () Aporetics: rational deliberation in the face of inconsistency [i] [j] [u]
  2230. () Ignorance: on the wider implications of deficient knowledge [i] [j] [u]
  2231. () Unknowability: an inquiry into the limits of knowledge [i]
  2232. () 'Who do they think we are, anyway?': perceptions of and responses to poverty stigma [p] [d]
  2233. () Does unconscious thought improve complex decision making? [d]
  2234. () Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
  2235. Sarah Robins, John Symons, & Paco Calvo [ed] () The Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology [i] [d]
  2236. () The undiscovered Dewey: religion, morality, and the ethos of democracy [i] [d] [j]
  2237. (/2014) Why school?: reclaiming education for all of us [i]
  2238. () Science and religion: what is at stake? [d]
  2239. () The merits of democracy in famine protection—fact or fallacy? [d]
  2240. () Reflexivity in economics: an experimental examination on the self-referentiality in economic theories [i] [d]
  2241. () The death of 'why?': the decline of questioning and the future of democracy [i]
  2242. () Engineering to help: the value of critique in engineering service [d] [u]
  2243. () Unsettling questions: cognitive dissonance in self-deception [d]
  2244. () Is geography (the discipline) sustainable without geography (the subject)? [d]
  2245. () Videogames: the new GIS? [u]
  2246. Harvey Siegel [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education [i] [d]
  2247. () Invasions of plant communities: more of the same, something very different, or both? [d]
  2248. () Appropriate treatment works, but how?: rehabilitating general, psychopathic, and high-risk offenders [i]
  2249. () Piaget's developmental epistemology [i] [d]
  2250. () Why do different individuals progress along different life trajectories? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  2251. (/2010) In praise of the guilty project: a criminal defense lawyer's growing anxiety about innocence projects [u]
  2252. (/2017) Underdetermination of scientific theory [u]
  2253. () What intelligence tests miss: the psychology of rational thought [i] [d] [j]
  2254. (/2018) More precisely: the math you need to do philosophy [i]
  2255. () Popper and communitarianism: justification and criticism of moral standards [i] [d]
  2256. () Logical operations in theory-building case studies [d] [u]
  2257. () Building trust with parties: are mediators overdoing it? [d]
  2258. () Manufacturing doubt: journalists' roles and the construction of ignorance in a scientific controversy [p] [d]
  2259. () Are we talking the walk of community-based research? [d]
  2260. () Rethinking intergenerational transmission(s): does a wellbeing lens help?: the case of nutrition [d]
  2261. () Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
  2262. () The Zen doctrine of 'no-method' [d]
  2263. () Provisional knowledge [i] [d]
  2264. () Why cognitive science needs philosophy and vice versa [d]
  2265. () Answerable and unanswerable questions [i]
  2266. () Psychotherapy, American culture, and social policy: immoral individualism [i] [d]
  2267. () Bourdieu's distinction between philosophical and sociological approaches to science studies [d]
  2268. () Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
  2269. () Accepting the truth of a story about the facts of a criminal case [i] [d] [u]
  2270. () The Toulmin argument model in artificial intelligence, or: how semi-formal, defeasible argumentation schemes creep into logic [i] [d]
  2271. () Norms and practices [i] [j]
  2272. () Today's food system: how healthy is it? [d]
  2273. () Event ecology, causal historical analysis, and human–environment research [d]
  2274. () Jumping to a conclusion: fallacies and standards of proof [d] [u]
  2275. () Argumentation theory: a very short introduction [i] [d]
  2276. () Coalitions, science, and belief change: comparing adversarial and collaborative policy subsystems [d]
  2277. () Can nature make us more caring?: effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity [p] [d]
  2278. () On the art of being wrong: an essay on the dialectic of errors [d]
  2279. () Why don't students like school?: a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom [i]
  2280. () Method versus model—two sides of the same coin? [i] [d]
  2281. () The illusion of depth of understanding in science [i] [j]
  2282. () Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
  2283. () Naturalizing as an error-type in biology [u]
  2284. Robert F. Almeder [ed] () Rescher studies: a collection of essays on the philosophical work of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
  2285. () What makes organic agriculture move: protest, meaning or market?: a polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture [d]
  2286. () Could the use of a knowledge-based system lead to implicit learning? [i] [d]
  2287. () What is intellectual responsibility? [u]
  2288. () Can plantations develop understory biological and physical attributes of naturally regenerated forests? [d]
  2289. () A fighting chance: can conservation create a platform for peace within cycles of human conflict? [i]
  2290. () What's stopping you?: shatter the 9 most common myths keeping you from starting your own business [i]
  2291. () Elements of argumentation [for artificial intelligence] [i] [d]
  2292. () Relational epistemology, immediacy, and conservation: or, what do the Nayaka try to conserve? [d]
  2293. () What Heidegger and Dewey could learn from each other [d] [j]
  2294. Eugene Borgida & Susan T. Fiske [ed] () Beyond common sense: psychological science in the courtroom [i] [d]
  2295. () Are tropical streams ecologically different from temperate streams? [i] [d]
  2296. () Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving [d]
  2297. () Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? [d]
  2298. () Volitional pragmatism [d]
  2299. () Can environmental history save the world? [d]
  2300. () Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
  2301. () Are theories to be evaluated in isolation or relative to alternatives?: an abductive view [p] [d] [j]
  2302. () How far and with whom do people socialize?: empirical evidence about distance between social network members [d]
  2303. () Who's afraid of the big bad Whorf?: crosslinguistic differences in temporal language and thought [d]
  2304. () Language and empiricism: after the Vienna Circle [i] [d]
  2305. () After the philosophy of mind: replacing scholasticism with science [d] [j] [u]
  2306. () Socially responsible entrepreneurs: what do they do to create and build their companies? [d]
  2307. Liana Chua, Casey High, & Timm Lau [ed] () How do we know?: evidence, ethnography, and the making of anthropological knowledge [i]
  2308. () What's the point of school?: rediscovering the heart of education [i]
  2309. () Where do people draw lines? [d]
  2310. () Is probability the only coherent approach to uncertainty? [d]
  2311. () Ecological knowledge shrinks as economies grow [d]
  2312. () Pluralism, scientific values, and the value of science [i]
  2313. Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos [ed] (/2014) The Routledge companion to philosophy of science [i] [d]
  2314. () Credibility and the use of geospatial media in activism and advocacy [d]
  2315. () Understanding psychology as a science: an introduction to scientific and statistical inference [i]
  2316. () Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable? [d]
  2317. () What is debate for?: the rationality of Tibetan debates and the role of humor [d]
  2318. () Thinking critically about critical thinking: towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture [d]
  2319. () Whataboutism [u]
  2320. () Is character fate, or is there hope to change my personality yet? [d]
  2321. () Why model? [u]
  2322. () The myth of mental disorder: transsubstantive behavior and taxometric psychiatry [u]
  2323. () Not so innocent: does seeing one's own capability for wrongdoing predict forgiveness? [p] [d]
  2324. () On reason: rationality in a world of cultural conflict and racism [i] [d]
  2325. Louise Fortmann [ed] () Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
  2326. () What makes one person paranoid and another person anxious?: the differential prediction of social anxiety and persecutory ideation in an experimental situation [d]
  2327. () Whose rules rule?: contested projects to certify 'local production for distant consumers' [d]
  2328. Carl C. Gaither & Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither [ed] (/2012) Gaither's dictionary of scientific quotations [i]
  2329. Kathleen Gallagher [ed] () The methodological dilemma: creative, critical, and collaborative approaches to qualitative research [i]
  2330. () On the process of becoming a great scientist [p] [d] [u]
  2331. () Incommensurability from a modelling perspective: commentary on 'Of course idealizations are incommensurable' by Paul Teller [i] [d]
  2332. () Rationality for mortals: how people cope with uncertainty [i]
  2333. Lisa M. Given [ed] () The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods [i] [d]
  2334. () Who conceives of society? [u]
  2335. () Become a more effective leader by asking one tough question ['What am I willing to change now?'] [u]
  2336. Michael K. Goodman, Max Boykoff, & Kyle Evered [ed] () Contentious geographies: environmental knowledge, meaning, scale [i]
  2337. () 'Indigenous knowledge' and 'science': reframing the debate on knowledge diversity [d]
  2338. () Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? [d]
  2339. () The false paths, the endless labors, the turns now this way and now that: participatory action research, mutual vulnerability, and the politics of inquiry [d]
  2340. (/2013) Putting philosophy to work: inquiry and its place in culture: essays on science, religion, law, literature, and life [i]
  2341. Charles R. Hale [ed] () Engaging contradictions: theory, politics, and methods of activist scholarship [i] [d] [j]
  2342. () Enrichment effects on adult cognitive development: can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and enhanced? [p] [d]
  2343. () Dewey: a beginner's guide [i]
  2344. () Will progress in science and technology avert or accelerate global collapse?: a critical analysis and policy recommendations [d]
  2345. () Who fights?: the determinants of participation in civil war [d] [j]
  2346. () Argumentation in science: the cross-fertilization of argumentation theory and science studies [i]
  2347. () Toulmin's rhetorical logic: what's the warrant for warrants? [d] [j] [u]
  2348. Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas [ed] () Philosophical issues in psychiatry: explanation, phenomenology, and nosology [i] [d]
  2349. () The recurrence of an illusion: the concept of 'evil' in forensic psychiatry [p] [u]
  2350. () What needs to develop in the development of inquiry skills? [d]
  2351. () Beyond control of variables: what needs to develop to achieve skilled scientific thinking? [d]
  2352. () Narrators defend their side of the story metaphorically at troubled narrative junctions [d]
  2353. () On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
  2354. Annette Lareau & Dalton Conley [ed] () Social class: how does it work? [i] [j]
  2355. () How'd you score that gig?: a guide to the coolest jobs—and how to get them [i]
  2356. () Science and pseudoscience in law enforcement: a user-friendly primer [d]
  2357. () Mixed method nursing studies: a critical realist critique [p] [d]
  2358. () Reason, reality and objectivity—shared dogmas and distortions in the way both 'scientistic' and 'postmodern' commentators frame the EBM debate [p] [d]
  2359. () Explaining evolutionary innovations and novelties: criteria of explanatory adequacy and epistemological prerequisites [d] [j]
  2360. () Power, politics, and psychotherapy: a constructive caution on unification [d]
  2361. () Who cares about wildlife?: social science concepts for exploring human–wildlife relationships and conservation issues [i]
  2362. () The local industrial complex?: questioning the link between local foods and energy use [d]
  2363. () Can strategic investing transform the corporation? [d]
  2364. () Idealism and praxis: the philosophy of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
  2365. () Do humans homogenize or differentiate biotas?: it depends [d]
  2366. (/2014) The virtues of a good theory [i] [d]
  2367. () The unification of systems thinking: is there gold at the end of the rainbow? [d]
  2368. () A culture of justification: the pragmatist's epistemic argument for democracy [d] [u]
  2369. () Explaining complex behavior [i] [d]
  2370. () Personality: a new positionality? [d]
  2371. Katherine Munn & Barry Smith [ed] () Applied ontology: an introduction [i] [d]
  2372. () Creating scientific concepts [i] [d]
  2373. () Aspects of rationality: reflections on what it means to be rational and whether we are [i] [d]
  2374. () On there being wide reflective equilibria: why it is important to put it in the plural [d] [u]
  2375. () What would the Ottawa Charter look like if it were written today? [d]
  2376. () Asking the right questions in the right way: the need for a shift in research on psychological treatments for addiction [p] [d]
  2377. () John Dewey's ethics: democracy as experience [i]
  2378. () Empiricism is not a matter of faith [d]
  2379. () On the psychogenesis of the a priori: Jean Piaget's critique of Kant [d]
  2380. () How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
  2381. () Why are there so many banking crises?: the politics and policy of bank regulation [i] [d] [j]
  2382. () Noticing noticing: how does investigation of video records change how teachers reflect on their experiences? [d]
  2383. Howard L. Rosenthal & David J. Rothman [ed] () What do we owe each other?: rights and obligations in contemporary American society [i] [d]
  2384. () The role of generativity in psychological well-being: does it differ for childless adults and parents? [d]
  2385. () Purpose, argument fields, and theoretical justification [d]
  2386. Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri, Al F. Kracklauer, & Katherine Creath [ed] () The nature of light: what is a photon? [i] [d]
  2387. () Why Dewey matters [d] [u]
  2388. () The ethics of investing: making money or making a difference? [i]
  2389. () Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
  2390. () Saving forests, protecting people?: environmental conservation in Central America [i]
  2391. (/2018) The confabulating mind: how the brain creates reality [i] [d]
  2392. () Patterns of abduction [d] [j]
  2393. () The unreliability of naive introspection [d] [j]
  2394. () Parents who abuse: what are they thinking? [d]
  2395. () Can visualisation save the world?: lessons for landscape architects from visualizing local climate change [i]
  2396. () Is poverty more acute near parks?: an assessment of infant mortality rates around protected areas in developing countries [d]
  2397. () Peirce on science and philosophy [d] [j]
  2398. () Writing for all, for some, or for no one?: some thoughts on the applications and evaluations of the writing technique [i] [d]
  2399. Léna Soler, Howard Sankey, & Paul Hoyningen-Huene [ed] () Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison: stabilities, ruptures, incommensurabilities? [i] [d]
  2400. () Exploring scientific misconduct: isolated individuals, impure institutions, or an inevitable idiom of modern science? [d]
  2401. () On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability [p] [d]
  2402. () Coaching questions: a coach's guide to powerful asking skills [i]
  2403. () Depth: an account of scientific explanation [i] [j]
  2404. () Classification, interdisciplinarity, and the study of science [d]
  2405. () Art leisure instead of art work: a conversation with Randall Szott [u]
  2406. () Are cattle, sheep, and goats endangered species? [d]
  2407. () Unmasking the truth beneath the beauty: why the supposed aesthetic judgements made in science may not be aesthetic at all [d]
  2408. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  2409. () Seduction without cause: uncovering explanatory neurophilia [p] [d]
  2410. () Dewey's philosophy of questioning: science, practical reason and democracy [d]
  2411. () What is cartographic rationality? [book review essay] [d]
  2412. () Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy [d]
  2413. () Open questions invite dialogue [i]
  2414. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
  2415. () Joyful ignorance and the civic mind [i]
  2416. () What are we measuring?: convergence of leadership with interpersonal and non-interpersonal personality [d]
  2417. () Outsmarting the liars: the benefit of asking unanticipated questions [d]
  2418. () Argumentation schemes [i] [d]
  2419. () Rescher on dialog systems, argumentation, and burden of proof [i] [d]
  2420. () Witness testimony evidence: argumentation, artificial intelligence, and law [i] [d]
  2421. () Why do we keep turning time into space? [i] [d] [u]
  2422. () Beyond ideology: dialogue [i] [d]
  2423. () When is dying? [p] [d]
  2424. () Psychological research and the epistemological approach to argumentation [d] [u]
  2425. () Beyond the scientific method: model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations [d]
  2426. () Cognitive behaviour therapy: from rationalism to constructivism? [d]
  2427. () Critical thinking as disciplinary practice [d]
  2428. () Critical examination of information: a discursive approach and its implementations [u]
  2429. () Why current publication practices may distort science [p] [d] [u]
  2430. () Real kinds but no true taxonomy: an essay in psychiatric systematics [i] [d]
  2431. () Mind is primarily a verb: an examination of mistaken similarities between John Dewey and Herbert Spencer [d] [u]
  2432. (/2017) Power in psychotherapy and counseling: re-thinking the 'power differential' myth and exploring the moral, ethical, professional, and clinical issues of power in therapy [u]
  2433. () Argumentation and distortion [d] [u]
  2434. () Turning back the linguistic turn in the theory of knowledge [d]
  2435. () Does philosophy improve critical thinking skills? [o] [u]
  2436. () Practical reasoning as presumptive argumentation using action based alternating transition systems [d]
  2437. () Indigenous knowledge and western science: the possibility of dialogue [d]
  2438. () Rational fundamentalism?: an explanatory model of fundamentalist beliefs [d] [u]
  2439. () Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments? [d] [u]
  2440. (/2012) The 'logic' of informal logic [i] [d]
  2441. () Spaces speak, are you listening?: experiencing aural architecture [i] [d]
  2442. () Childhood origins of adult resistance to science [p] [d] [j]
  2443. () Sustainable economic organisation: simply a matter of reconceptualisation or a need for a new ethics? [d]
  2444. () Employing philosophical dialogue in collaborative science [d] [j]
  2445. () Hypermedia discourse: contesting networks of ideas and arguments [i] [d] [u]
  2446. () Appreciative inquiry is not (just) about the positive [o]
  2447. (/2017) The unity of science [u]
  2448. () Personality and music: can traits explain how people use music in everyday life? [d]
  2449. () Children's questions: a mechanism for cognitive development [d]
  2450. () Puzzle them first!: motivating adolescent readers with question-finding [i]
  2451. () Virtue epistemology and argumentation theory [u]
  2452. () Rethinking expertise [i] [d]
  2453. () Mathematical recreation versus mathematical knowledge [i]
  2454. (/2022) Liberalism [u]
  2455. () Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive [d]
  2456. () Cooperation versus competition: is there really such an issue? [d]
  2457. () Objectivity [i]
  2458. () Perceiving causation via videomicroscopy [d] [j]
  2459. () The model-based view of scientific theories and the structuring of school science programmes [d]
  2460. () What is migration? [d] [j]
  2461. () The global diffusion of public policies: social construction, coercion, competition, or learning? [d]
  2462. (/2010) Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari: intersecting lives [i] [j]
  2463. () Revisiting Chamberlin: multiple working hypotheses for the 21st century [d] [j]
  2464. () Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology [d]
  2465. () Ten simple rules for doing your best research, according to Hamming [p] [d] [u]
  2466. () Thinking and reasoning in human decision making: the method of argument and heuristic analysis [i]
  2467. () Thinking beyond the shown: implicit inferences in evidence and argument [d]
  2468. Tom Flynn [ed] () The new encyclopedia of unbelief [i]
  2469. () Does peacekeeping work?: shaping belligerents' choices after civil war [i] [d] [j]
  2470. () Are there such things as 'Narcissists' in social psychology?: a taxometric analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory [d]
  2471. () Incompleteness, error, approximation, and uncertainty: an ontological approach to data quality [i] [d]
  2472. () Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing [i] [d]
  2473. Michael Friedman & Richard Creath [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Carnap [i] [d]
  2474. () Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
  2475. () Visual thinking in mathematics: an epistemological study [i] [d]
  2476. () In a shade of blue: pragmatism and the politics of Black America [i] [d]
  2477. () Whose science and whose religion?: reflections on the relations between scientific and religious worldviews [d]
  2478. () What has psychotherapy inherited from Carl Rogers? [p] [d]
  2479. () Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and beyond: the brain, story sharing, and social organization [u]
  2480. () The burden of proof and its role in argumentation [d]
  2481. () The illusion of knowledge: when more information reduces accuracy and increases confidence [d]
  2482. () Style of knowing regarding uncertainties [d] [j]
  2483. () Less is more original? [d]
  2484. () Beyond the epistemology industry: Dewey's theory of inquiry [i] [d] [j] [u]
  2485. () The end of life: unknown and unplanned? [d]
  2486. () Socratic epistemology: explorations of knowledge-seeking by questioning [i] [d]
  2487. (/2014) How to measure anything: finding the value of 'intangibles' in business [i]
  2488. () Biology and beyond: the science of 'back to nature' farming in the United States [d]
  2489. () Technical rationality in Schön's reflective practice: dichotomous or non-dualistic epistemological position [p] [d]
  2490. () Ways of reading as religious power in print globalization [d]
  2491. () Models and modelling in physics education: a critical re-analysis of philosophical underpinnings and suggestions for revisions [d]
  2492. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  2493. () Is abstraction the key to computing? [d]
  2494. Theo A. F. Kuipers [ed] () General philosophy of science: focal issues [i] [d]
  2495. () Does psychotherapy training matter?: maybe not [p] [d]
  2496. () Therapeutic collaboration: how does it work? [d]
  2497. () A discussion of Habermas' reading and use of Toulmin's model of argumentation [i] [u]
  2498. Scott O. Lilienfeld & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () The great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health professional should understand [i] [d]
  2499. () Why Bataille now? [i] [u]
  2500. () Do you look to the future or focus on today?: the impact of life experience on intertemporal decisions [d]
  2501. () Do we need to challenge thoughts in cognitive behavior therapy? [d]
  2502. () How healthy is your organization?: the leader's guide to curing corporate diseases and promoting joyful cultures [i]
  2503. () Demarcating science from non-science [i] [d]
  2504. Deena Mandell [ed] () Revisiting the use of self: questioning professional identities [i]
  2505. (/2015) What therapists say and why they say it: effective therapeutic responses and techniques [i] [d]
  2506. () Preservation or degradation?: communal management and ecological change in a southeast Michigan forest [d]
  2507. () Clarifying the purposes of educational assessment [d]
  2508. () Verificationism [i]
  2509. () Theories of scientific method: an introduction [i] [d]
  2510. () Intellectuals searching for publics: who is out there? [d]
  2511. Huw Price & Richard Corry [ed] () Causation, physics, and the constitution of reality: Russell's republic revisited [i]
  2512. () In what sense are addicts irrational? [p] [d] [u]
  2513. () Error: on our predicament when things go wrong [i] [j]
  2514. () Dialectics: a classical approach to inquiry [i] [d]
  2515. () Issues in the philosophy of religion [i] [d]
  2516. () The price of truth: how money affects the norms of science [i]
  2517. () Individual differences in the analysis of informal reasoning fallacies [d]
  2518. () Pseudo-PTSD [p] [d]
  2519. () Did meditating make us human? [d]
  2520. (/2013) Wisdom [as epistemic humility, as epistemic accuracy, as knowledge, as rationality, or as a hybrid of these] [u]
  2521. (/2018) Monism [in ontology] [u]
  2522. () Assessing the competence and credibility of human sources of intelligence evidence: contributions from law and probability [d]
  2523. () What are we?: the social construction of the human biological self [d]
  2524. () So why aren't counselors reporting n = 1 research designs? [d]
  2525. () Quantitative behavior analysis and human values [d]
  2526. () Governing through crime: how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear [i]
  2527. () Fads and fallacies about logic [d] [u]
  2528. () Popper, laws, and the exclusion of biology from genuine science [p] [d]
  2529. () Natural myside bias is independent of cognitive ability [d]
  2530. () Diagrammatology: an investigation on the borderlines of phenomenology, ontology, and semiotics [i] [d]
  2531. Arthur A. Stone [ed] () The science of real-time data capture: self-reports in health research [i]
  2532. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  2533. () Teaching for a better world: the why and how of student-initiated curricula [i] [d]
  2534. (/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
  2535. () Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge [d] [j]
  2536. () Ordinary objects [i] [d]
  2537. () The psychology of scientific explanation [d]
  2538. () Out of range: why the Constitution can't end the battle over guns [i]
  2539. Thomas E. Uebel & Alan W. Richardson [ed] () The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism [i] [d]
  2540. () Equity and excellence in the public library: why ignorance is not our heritage [i]
  2541. () Why are cooperatives important in agriculture?: an organizational economics perspective [d]
  2542. () Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
  2543. () Redefining knowledge in a way suitable for argumentation theory [and comment by Derek Allen] [u]
  2544. () Jumping to conclusions and the continuum of delusional beliefs [d]
  2545. () Are you your own worst enemy?: the nine inner strengths you need to overcome self-defeating tendencies at work [i]
  2546. () The seductive allure of neuroscience explanations [d]
  2547. () Who is a modeler? [d] [j] [u]
  2548. () How can a knowledge of the past help to conserve the future?: biodiversity conservation and the relevance of long-term ecological studies [p] [d] [u]
  2549. () Re-engineering philosophy for limited beings: piecewise approximations to reality [i] [j]
  2550. () Mechanisms and psychological explanation [i] [d]
  2551. () John Dewey's view of situations, problems, means and ends [i] [d]
  2552. () Means, ends and medical care [i] [d]
  2553. George Yancy [ed] () Philosophy in multiple voices [i]
  2554. () Reframing rhetoric: a liberal politics without dogma [i] [d]
  2555. () Why science needs metaphysics: a plea for structural realism [i]
  2556. () When is a patient's behavior unacceptable? [u]
  2557. () Dewey, dualism, and naturalism [i] [d]
  2558. () The epistemology of democracy [d] [u]
  2559. () Do self-help books help? [d] [j] [u]
  2560. () Are you selling the right colour?: a cross-cultural review of colour as a marketing cue [d]
  2561. Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] () Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
  2562. () Prediction [and philosophy of science] [i] [d]
  2563. () Discovering cell mechanisms: the creation of modern cell biology [i] [d]
  2564. () Chemistry and the pendulum: what have they to do with each other? [d]
  2565. () The person-oriented versus the variable-oriented approach: are they complementary, opposites, or exploring different worlds? [d]
  2566. () How do adaptive immune systems control pathogens while avoiding autoimmunity? [d]
  2567. () Are we 'experienced listeners'?: a review of the musical capacities that do not depend on formal musical training [p] [d]
  2568. () Diversity of theories in mathematics education—how can we deal with it? [d]
  2569. (/2012) System justification theory and research: implications for law, legal advocacy, and social justice [i] [d]
  2570. () Spinning our way to sustainability? [d]
  2571. () Chasing reality: strife over realism [i] [d] [j]
  2572. () Do you see what I see?: examining the epistemic barriers to sustainable agriculture [d]
  2573. () How should nations measure the quality of end-of-life care for older adults?: recommendations for an international minimum data set [d]
  2574. Colin Cheyne & John Worrall [ed] () Rationality and reality: conversations with Alan Musgrave [i] [d]
  2575. () Commonalities in the experience of household food insecurity across cultures: what are measures missing? [p] [d]
  2576. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  2577. () Peirce's pragmatic theory of inquiry: fallibilism and indeterminacy [i]
  2578. () Creativity through the life span from an evolutionary systems perspective [i]
  2579. () What happened to civil rights? [d]
  2580. () Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence [d]
  2581. () Reconsidering qualitative and quantitative research approaches: a cognitive developmental perspective [d]
  2582. () Do children really confuse appearance and reality? [p] [d]
  2583. () What is the middle ground, anyway? [d] [j]
  2584. () Understanding space-time: the philosophical development of physics from Newton to Einstein [i] [d]
  2585. () Mathematical structure, 'world structure', and the philosophical turning-point in modern physics [i] [d]
  2586. () What changes in cognitive therapy?: the role of tacit knowledge structures [u]
  2587. () Mapping whose reality?: geographic information systems (GIS) and 'wild science' [d]
  2588. () From flawed self-assessment to blatant whoppers: the utility of voluntary and involuntary behavior in detecting deception [d]
  2589. () Psychotherapy as religion: the civil divine in America [i]
  2590. () Randomized clinical trials in psychotherapy outcome research [d] [j]
  2591. () The psychology of science and the origins of the scientific mind [i] [d] [j]
  2592. () A mind of its own: how your brain distorts and deceives [i]
  2593. () I AM being fair: the bias blind spot as a stumbling block to seeing both sides [d]
  2594. () The power of why: engaging the goal paradox in program evaluation [d]
  2595. (/2020) Models in science [u]
  2596. () Are 'implicit' attitudes unconscious? [p] [d]
  2597. () Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
  2598. () Perspectival knowledge and distributed cognition [i] [d]
  2599. () Scientific perspectivism [i] [d]
  2600. () Why should anyone be led by you?: what it takes to be an authentic leader [i]
  2601. () What is a good death?: terminally ill patients dealing with normative expectations around death and dying [d]
  2602. () How much should a person consume?: environmentalism in India and the United States [i]
  2603. () Is 'shy bladder syndrome' (paruresis) correctly classified as social phobia? [p] [d]
  2604. David Hitchcock & Bart Verheij [ed] () Arguing on the Toulmin model: new essays in argument analysis and evaluation [i] [d]
  2605. () Investigative research as a knowledge-generation method: discovering and uncovering [d]
  2606. () What we do not know: using information murals to portray scientific ignorance [d]
  2607. () Demonstrating environmental citizenship?: a study of everyday life among green activists [i]
  2608. () Decision and experience: why don't we choose what makes us happy? [p] [d]
  2609. () Management as a design science mindful of art and surprise: a conversation [d]
  2610. (/2016) What is environmental history? [i]
  2611. Susan L. Hurley & Matthew Nudds [ed] () Rational animals? [i] [d]
  2612. () The capacity for music: what is it, and what's special about it? [p] [d]
  2613. () How we reason [i] [d]
  2614. () Memory and reality [p] [d]
  2615. () Why doesn't the writing cure help poets? [d]
  2616. () Can between-session (homework) activities be considered a common factor in psychotherapy? [d]
  2617. () Matrices or node-link diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? [d]
  2618. Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino, & C. Kenneth Waters [ed] () Scientific pluralism [i] [j]
  2619. () Don't believe everything you think: the 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking [i]
  2620. () Endophyte or parasite—what decides? [d]
  2621. () On the paradox of corporate social responsibility: how can we use social science and natural science for a new vision? [d]
  2622. () Ways of questioning that can transform organizations—and people [i]
  2623. () Truth, error, and criminal law: an essay in legal epistemology [i] [d]
  2624. () Researching the psychotherapy process: a practical guide to transcript-based methods [i]
  2625. () Strategies of abstraction [d]
  2626. () The book of general ignorance [i]
  2627. () Sustainability of mangrove harvesting: how do harvesters' perceptions differ from ecological analysis? [u]
  2628. () Who defines indigenous?: identities, development, intellectuals, and the state in northern Mexico [i]
  2629. () Getting it right: keeping it complicated [book review] [d] [u]
  2630. () A critical realist rationale for using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods [d]
  2631. () Need for closure, jumping to conclusions, and decisiveness in delusion-prone individuals [p] [d]
  2632. () Ambiguity in tempo perception: what draws listeners to different metrical levels? [d]
  2633. () Credentialed persons, credentialed knowledge [d]
  2634. () Multi-criteria decision analysis in natural resource management: a critical review of methods and new modelling paradigms [d]
  2635. () Why hasn't the world gotten to yes?: an appreciation and some reflections [d]
  2636. () Biological control of invasive species: solution or pollution? [d]
  2637. () Where do we go from here?: the goal perspective in psychotherapy [d]
  2638. () Who trusts?: personality, trust and knowledge sharing [d]
  2639. () Smells like?: sources of uncertainty in the history of the Great Lakes environment [d]
  2640. () ¿Acaso comemos plata? [o] [u]
  2641. () The innovation killer: how what we know limits what we can imagine—and what smart companies are doing about it [i]
  2642. () Philosophies versus philosophy: in defense of a flexible definition [d] [j]
  2643. () Epistemetrics [i] [d]
  2644. () How much can be known?: a Leibnizian perspective on the quantitative discrepancy between linguistic truth and objective fact [i] [d]
  2645. () Philosophical dialectics: an essay on metaphilosophy [i]
  2646. () Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition [i] [d]
  2647. () Who has the D? [o] [u]
  2648. () What keeps cells in tissues behaving normally in the face of myriad mutations? [d]
  2649. () Psychobiography and the psychology of science: understanding relations between the life and work of individual psychologists [d] [u]
  2650. () Toward enlightenment: Kant and the sources of darkness [in contrast to other early modern philosophers such as Spinoza, Hume, d'Holbach] [i] [d]
  2651. Donald Rutherford [ed] () The Cambridge companion to early modern philosophy [i] [d]
  2652. () Let the brain explain the mind: the case of attention [d]
  2653. () Why is it rational to believe scientific theories are true [when they pass a sufficient range of rigorous tests and cohere with other knowledge]? [i] [d]
  2654. Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer [ed] () The philosophy of science: an encyclopedia [i] [d]
  2655. (/2013) Philosophy of science: a unified approach [i] [d]
  2656. () On 'arriving on time', but what is 'on time'? [d]
  2657. () Identity and violence: the illusion of destiny [i]
  2658. () Freedom to think [i]
  2659. John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis [ed] () A companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
  2660. () The dimensionality of counterproductivity: are all counterproductive behaviors created equal? [d]
  2661. () Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives [i]
  2662. () The seven deadly sins of argumentative writing [u]
  2663. () 'Are you at peace?': one item to probe spiritual concerns at the end of life [d]
  2664. () Who benefits from disclosure?: exploration of attachment style differences in the effects of expressing emotions [d]
  2665. () What do managers do when subordinates just say 'no'?: an analysis of incidents involving refusal to perform downward requests [i]
  2666. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  2667. () Why?: what happens when people give reasons, and why [i]
  2668. () To what ends?: psychotherapy goals and outcomes, the good life, and the principle of beneficence [p] [d]
  2669. () Reasoning in theory and practice [i] [d]
  2670. () Corruption in evidence presentations: effects without causes, cherry picking, overreaching, chartjunk, and the rage to conclude [i]
  2671. () How should we theorise public policy?: problem solving and problematicity [d]
  2672. () Evaluating arguments based on Toulmin's scheme [i] [d]
  2673. (/2021) Critical reading and writing for postgraduates [i]
  2674. () Carving nature at its joints: Paul Meehl's development of taxometrics [d]
  2675. Niels G. Waller, Leslie J. Yonce, William M. Grove, David Faust, & Mark F. Lenzenweger [ed] () A Paul Meehl reader: essays on the practice of scientific psychology [i] [d]
  2676. () Fundamentals of critical argumentation [i] [d]
  2677. () Rules for reasoning from knowledge and lack of knowledge [d]
  2678. () Principles of problem solving [d]
  2679. () Identification of informal reasoning fallacies as a function of epistemological level, grade level, and cognitive ability [d]
  2680. () The transtheoretical model of behaviour change and the scientific method [d]
  2681. () The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945, by I. C. Jarvie [book review] [d] [j]
  2682. () English: meaning and culture [i] [d]
  2683. () The half-second delay: what follows? [d]
  2684. () The ambiguity advantage: what great leaders are great at [i] [d]
  2685. Tom Williamson [ed] () Investigative interviewing: rights, research, and regulation [i]
  2686. () Overcoming the illusion of will and self-fabrication: going beyond naïve subjective personal introspection to an unconscious/conscious theory of behavior explanation [d]
  2687. () Comics media in conflict resolution programs: are they effective in promoting and sustaining peace? [o] [u]
  2688. Peter Achinstein [ed] () Scientific evidence: philosophical theories and applications [i]
  2689. () Humor in hospice care: who, where, and how much? [d]
  2690. () Why don't stage-based activity promotion interventions work? [p] [d]
  2691. () Knowledge [i] [u]
  2692. Craig Anthony Arnold [ed] () Wet growth: should water law control land use? [i]
  2693. () Does assessment kill student creativity? [d] [u]
  2694. () Empirically based guidelines for goal-finding procedures in psychotherapy: are some goals easier to attain than others? [p] [d]
  2695. () Epistemology and the psychology of human judgment [i] [d]
  2696. (/2010) What's wrong?: applied ethicists and their critics [i]
  2697. Chet A. Bowers & Frédérique Apffel-Marglin [ed] () Rethinking Freire: globalization and the environmental crisis [i] [d]
  2698. () Just one question: if one question works, why ask several? [p] [d] [u]
  2699. () The science of false memory [i]
  2700. () Leisure and health: why is leisure therapeutic? [d]
  2701. () Answers in search of a question: 'proofs' of the tri-dimensionality of space [d]
  2702. () Making accounting accountable in the public sector [d]
  2703. () Some Whiteheadian assumptions about religion and pluralism [i]
  2704. () You know what land cover is but does anyone else?: an investigation into semantic and ontological confusion [d]
  2705. (/2011) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument [i]
  2706. () Am I respected or not?: inclusion and reputation as issues in group membership [d]
  2707. () What is journalism?: professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered [d]
  2708. () Are you really listening?: keys to successful communication [i]
  2709. () Are we prisoners of Shangrila?: orientalism, nationalism, and the study of Tibet [u]
  2710. () Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself [i] [d]
  2711. () Why Paul Meehl will revolutionize the philosophy of science and why it should matter to psychologists [p] [d]
  2712. () Arguments about arguments: systematic, critical, and historical essays in logical theory [i] [d]
  2713. () The game of school: why we all play it, how it hurts kids, and what it will take to change it [i]
  2714. () The dynamics of thought [i] [d]
  2715. () Teaching critical thinking: some lessons from cognitive science [d] [j]
  2716. () Making the unconscious conscious, and vice versa: a bi-directional bridge between neuroscience/cognitive science and psychotherapy? [d]
  2717. () Public pragmatism: Jane Addams and Ida B. Wells on lynching [j]
  2718. () Should your lips be zipped?: how therapist self-disclosure and non-disclosure affects clients [d]
  2719. () Brain fiction: self-deception and the riddle of confabulation [i] [d]
  2720. () The curse of the Hegelian heritage: 'dialectic', 'contradiction', and 'dialectical logic' in activity theory [u]
  2721. () Why most published research findings are false [p] [d] [u]
  2722. () Treatment outcomes, common factors, and continued neglect of mechanisms of change [d]
  2723. () Domain-specific identity, epistemic regulation, and intellectual ability as predictors of belief-biased reasoning: a dual-process perspective [d]
  2724. () Problem detection [d]
  2725. (/2017) Defeasible reasoning [u]
  2726. () What really is strategic process? [i]
  2727. () When asking 'why' does not hurt: distinguishing rumination from reflective processing of negative emotions [d]
  2728. () Ecological sanitation—a way to solve global sanitation problems? [d]
  2729. () Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory [i]
  2730. () To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure [i] [d]
  2731. (/2013) Teaching high school science through inquiry and argumentation [i]
  2732. () Planting misinformation in the human mind: a 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory [d]
  2733. () Deconstructing, reconstructing, preserving Paul E. Meehl's legacy of construct validity [d]
  2734. () Leading with questions: how leaders find the right solutions by knowing what to ask [i]
  2735. () Evidence as passing severe tests: highly probable versus highly probed hypotheses [i]
  2736. () Peircean induction and the error-correcting thesis [j] [u]
  2737. () Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring levels of work in organisations [u]
  2738. () ICU psychosis and patient autonomy: some thoughts from the inside [p] [d]
  2739. Arne Næss, Harold Glasser, & Alan R. Drengson [ed] () The selected works of Arne Naess [i] [d]
  2740. () The quantitative imperative vs the imperative of presuppositions [d]
  2741. () What's an integrationist?: a study of self-identified integrative and (occasionally) eclectic psychologists [p] [d]
  2742. () Sustainability: a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management [i] [d]
  2743. () A critical epistemology of analytical statistics: addressing the sceptical realist [d]
  2744. () Twelve years of correspondence with Paul Meehl: tough notes from a gentle genius [i] [d]
  2745. (/2007) Causal perspectivalism [i] [u]
  2746. () Is your genius at work?: 4 key questions to ask before your next career move [i]
  2747. (/2013) Why great leaders don't take yes for an answer: managing for conflict and consensus [i]
  2748. () Whose oppression is this?: the cultivation of compassionate action in dissolving the dualistic barrier [i] [d]
  2749. () Lessons from biology for philosophy of the human sciences [d]
  2750. () Civilizing knowledge [book review of: Knowledge and civilization, by Barry Allen] [d] [j]
  2751. () Epistemology for the masses: the origins of 'the scientific method' in American schools [d] [j] [u]
  2752. () Perspectival models and theory unification [d] [j] [u]
  2753. () Who are the oppressed? [i] [d]
  2754. William Todd Schultz [ed] () Handbook of psychobiography [i]
  2755. () On a Bayesian analysis of the virtue of unification [d] [j]
  2756. () Explanations in science and the logic of why-questions: discussion of the Halonen-Hintikka-approach and alternative proposal [d] [j]
  2757. () 'It is a horrible term for someone': service user and provider perspectives on 'personality disorder' [d]
  2758. () Older but not wiser?: the relationship between age and wisdom [d]
  2759. () Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
  2760. () The edifice complex: how the rich and powerful shape the world [i]
  2761. (/2010) Art practice as research: inquiry in visual arts [i]
  2762. () Unruly complexity: ecology, interpretation, engagement [i] [d]
  2763. () Why is connection with others so critical?: the formation of dyadic states of consciousness and the expansion of individuals' states of consciousness: coherence governed selection and the co-creation of meaning out of messy meaning making [i]
  2764. () False allegations of parental alienation [u]
  2765. () Multiplicity, criticism and knowing what to do next: way-finding in a transmodern world: response to Meera Nanda's Prophets facing backwards [d]
  2766. () Developmental differences in metacognition and their connections with cognitive development in adulthood [d]
  2767. () Pragmatic and idealized models of knowledge and ignorance [j]
  2768. () Why devise? Why now? Why breathe? [d]
  2769. Mary E. Williams [ed] () Constructing a life philosophy: opposing viewpoints [i]
  2770. Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson & Michael Yellow Bird [ed] () For Indigenous eyes only: a decolonization handbook [i]
  2771. () Why is drawing interesting? [d]
  2772. Peter Achinstein [ed] () Science rules: a historical introduction to scientific methods [i]
  2773. () Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
  2774. () How not to criticize feminist epistemology: a review of Scrutinizing feminist epistemology [u]
  2775. () Intuitive inquiry: an epistemology of the heart for scientific inquiry [d]
  2776. () Thing knowledge: a philosophy of scientific instruments [i] [d]
  2777. () Detoxifying the toxic effects of psychoanalytic training: a case study [i]
  2778. () What motivates members to participate in co-operative and mutual businesses? [d]
  2779. () From daily life to philosophy [d] [j]
  2780. () What we reason about and why: how evolution explains reasoning [i] [d]
  2781. () Logical non-apriorism and the 'law' of non-contradiction [i] [d]
  2782. () How does it work?: the search for explanatory mechanisms [d]
  2783. () What Coyote and Thales can teach us: an outline of American Indian epistemology [i]
  2784. () So 'prison works', does it?: the criminal careers of 130 men released from prison under Home Secretary, Michael Howard [d]
  2785. () Iberian science in the Renaissance: ignored how much longer? [d] [u]
  2786. () Inventing temperature: measurement and scientific progress [i] [d]
  2787. () Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning [i] [d]
  2788. () The irreducible complexity of objectivity [d] [j]
  2789. (/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
  2790. () Are religious people nicer people?: taking a closer look at the religion–empathy relationship [d]
  2791. () They both matter: reality and belief: reply [p] [d]
  2792. () Evidence, logic and moral authority: experience and the erosion of certainties in illiterate and literate societies [i] [d]
  2793. () How can I know what I don't know?: poor self assessment in a well-defined domain [d]
  2794. () Playing sick?: untangling the web of Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen by proxy, malingering & factitious disorder [i] [d]
  2795. () Wishful reality distortions in confabulation: a case report [p] [d]
  2796. () Realism and biological knowledge [i] [d]
  2797. () How models are used to represent reality [d] [j]
  2798. () Laws of men and laws of nature: the history of scientific expert testimony in England and America [i]
  2799. () Why we need a philosophy of engineering: a work in progress [d]
  2800. (/2015) Red pedagogy: Native American social and political thought [i]
  2801. () Help or hindrance?: the Global Environment Facility, biodiversity conservation, and indigenous peoples [u]
  2802. () Computational modeling as a philosophical methodology [i] [d]
  2803. (/2013) Truth and justice, inquiry and advocacy, science and law [i]
  2804. () Where do spacing and timing happen?: two movements in the loss of cosmological innocence [d]
  2805. () Essentialist beliefs about personality and their implications [p] [d]
  2806. (/2012) Dialectics—a Marxist 'rosetta stone'? [i]
  2807. Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan [ed] () Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development [i]
  2808. (/2019) Einstein's philosophy of science [u]
  2809. () Pampered or enslaved?: the moral dilemmas of pets [d]
  2810. () The heart of the actor: let it all out or keep a healthy distance? [i] [d]
  2811. () Native anthroplogy: the Japanese challenge to Western academic hegemony [i]
  2812. () Do occupational groups vary in expressed organizational culture preferences? [d]
  2813. (/2008) What should we do with our brain? [i] [j]
  2814. (/2011) Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time [i]
  2815. () Modeling: a study in words and meanings [i] [d]
  2816. Erin McKenna & Andrew Light [ed] () Animal pragmatism: rethinking human–nonhuman relationships [i]
  2817. Cheryl Misak [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Peirce [i] [d]
  2818. () From inference to reasoning: the construction of rationality [d] [u]
  2819. () Just work [i]
  2820. () Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
  2821. () From consent to mutual inquiry [d]
  2822. () Systems and mechanisms: a symposium on Mario Bunge's philosophy of social science [d]
  2823. () If ontology is the solution, what is the problem? [i] [p]
  2824. () What are you afraid of?: a body/mind guide to courageous living [i]
  2825. Rüdiger Pohl [ed] (/2017) Cognitive illusions: intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgement and memory [i] [d]
  2826. () Decision support for practical reasoning: a theoretical and computational perspective [i] [d]
  2827. () Is anger a thing-to-be-managed? [d]
  2828. () Reasoning to hypotheses: where do questions come? [d]
  2829. () Beyond concepts: ontology as reality representation [i] [u]
  2830. () Common factors and our sacred models [d]
  2831. Friedrich Stadler [ed] () Induction and deduction in the sciences [i] [d]
  2832. () The reference librarian as non-expert: a postmodern approach to expertise [d]
  2833. () What is dokusan? [u]
  2834. () The (im)morality of (un)naturalness [questioned] [p] [d]
  2835. Mark L. Taper & Subhash Lele [ed] () The nature of scientific evidence: statistical, philosophical, and empirical considerations [i] [d]
  2836. () Proscribed forms of social cognition: taboo trade-offs, blocked exchanges, forbidden base rates, and heretical counterfactuals [i]
  2837. () Epistemological metaphors and the nature of philosophy [d] [j]
  2838. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  2839. () Deriving the Engel curve: Pierre Bourdieu and the social critique of Maslow's hierarchy of needs [d]
  2840. Anne Waters [ed] () American Indian thought: philosophical essays [i]
  2841. () The scientist as philosopher: philosophical consequences of great scientific discoveries [i] [d]
  2842. () Missing the point or missing the norms?: epistemological norms as predictors of students' ability to identify fallacious arguments [d]
  2843. () Income inequality, the income cost of housing, and the myth of market efficiency: 'optimal' for whom? [d]
  2844. () Your identity zones: Who am I? Who are you? How do we get along? [i]
  2845. () The death of argument: fallacies in agent based reasoning [i] [d]
  2846. () 'How can I be a Buddhist if I don't like to sit?' [i]
  2847. () Science and culture [i] [d]
  2848. () Scientific myth-conceptions [d]
  2849. () A life full of learning [d]
  2850. () How (un) ethical are you? [p] [u]
  2851. () Philosophy & this actual world: an introduction to practical philosophical inquiry [i]
  2852. () Confronting the gaps by being present in 'not knowing' [u]
  2853. () Truth-centred ethics and ideology [i] [d] [j]
  2854. () Emergence and convergence: qualitative novelty and the unity of knowledge [i] [d] [j]
  2855. () Revisits: an outline of a theory of reflexive ethnography [d] [j]
  2856. () Can we dissolve physical entities into mathematical structures? [d] [j]
  2857. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  2858. () Science and partial truth: a unitary approach to models and scientific reasoning [i] [d]
  2859. (/2016) Reflective equilibrium [u]
  2860. () Understanding the language of science [i]
  2861. Janet E. Davidson & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () The psychology of problem solving [i] [d]
  2862. () What can we learn by looking for the first code of professional ethics? [p] [d]
  2863. (/2006) Two regimes of madness: texts and interviews 1975–1995 [i]
  2864. () Why aren't you your own boss?: leaping over the obstacles that stand between you and your dream [i]
  2865. Frans H. van Eemeren, J. Anthony Blair, Charles A. Willard, & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans [ed] () Anyone who has a view: theoretical contributions to the study of argumentation [i] [d]
  2866. () When change in the self is mistaken for change in the world [p] [d]
  2867. () Practice-based evidence [d]
  2868. (/2005) A practical logic of cognitive systems [in two volumes: Agenda relevance: a study in formal pragmatics; The reach of abduction: insight and trial] [i] [d]
  2869. () Scientific method in practice [i] [d]
  2870. () Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology [i] [d]
  2871. () Counterexamples by possible conjunction and the sufficiency of premises [d]
  2872. Nicholas Griffin [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell [i] [d]
  2873. (/2007) Defending science—within reason: between scientism and cynicism [i]
  2874. () Representing uncertainty: does it help people make better decisions? [u]
  2875. () Beyond realism and antirealism: John Dewey and the neopragmatists [i]
  2876. M. Jonathan Sessions Hodge & Gregory Radick [ed] (/2009) The Cambridge companion to Darwin [i] [d]
  2877. () A perspective on judgment and choice: mapping bounded rationality [p] [d]
  2878. () Toward ecologically sustainable democracy? [i]
  2879. () Folkscience: coarse interpretations of a complex reality [p] [d]
  2880. () Discussion of the method: conducting the engineer's approach to problem solving [i]
  2881. () Peirce's notion of abduction and Deweyan inquiry [u]
  2882. () Key management questions: smart questions for every business situation [i]
  2883. () Unregulated Internet usage: addiction, habit, or deficient self-regulation? [d]
  2884. Kennon A. Lattal & Philip N. Chase [ed] () Behavior theory and philosophy [i] [d]
  2885. (/2011) Zazen as inquiry [i] [u]
  2886. Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, & Jeffrey M. Lohr [ed] (/2014) Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology [i]
  2887. David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers [ed] (/2020) The Cambridge history of science [o]
  2888. () Using focus groups in research [i]
  2889. () Putting science in its place: geographies of scientific knowledge [i] [d]
  2890. () Protest, collaboration, and creation of alternative models: women's health activists using the Internet [i] [d]
  2891. (/2014) Constructing the past: problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy [i]
  2892. () Minding science: constructivism and the discourse of inquiry [d]
  2893. () Do you need to have them or should you believe you have them?: resources, their appraisal, and well-being in adulthood [d]
  2894. () Mario Bunge: physicist and philosopher [d]
  2895. () Imagination can create false autobiographical memories [d]
  2896. () Science as systemic intervention: some implications of systems thinking and complexity for the philosophy of science [d]
  2897. () Substance and structure in assessment arguments [d]
  2898. () In memoriam Ivan Illich: critic of professionalized design [d] [j]
  2899. () A Dalit defense of the Deweyan-Buddhist view of science [i]
  2900. () Modern science as the standpoint of the oppressed: Dewey meets the Buddha of India's Dalits [i]
  2901. () Causation as folk science [u]
  2902. () A material theory of induction [d] [j]
  2903. () Unified science as political philosophy: positivism, pluralism and liberalism [d]
  2904. () Recognizing, defining, and representing problems [i] [d]
  2905. () Argumentation-based negotiation [d]
  2906. () Impeding sustainability?: the ecological footprint of higher education [o] [u]
  2907. () Epistemology: an introduction to the theory of knowledge [i]
  2908. () Sensible decisions: issues of rational decision in personal choice and public policy [i]
  2909. (/2008) Weaving self-evidence: a sociology of logic [i]
  2910. () What exactly is a youth development program?: answers from research and practice [d]
  2911. () Is there a fundamental level? [d] [j]
  2912. () The blind men and the elephant: mastering project work: how to transform fuzzy responsibilities into meaningful results [i]
  2913. (/2006) The leader's guide to skills: unlocking the creativity and innovation in you and your team [i]
  2914. () Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
  2915. () Mathematics and the theory of multiplicities: Badiou and Deleuze revisited [d]
  2916. () Deleuze and the liberal tradition: normativity, freedom and judgement [d]
  2917. () Development of personality in early and middle adulthood: set like plaster or persistent change? [d]
  2918. () Confucian democracy: a Deweyan reconstruction [i]
  2919. () Dialectical argumentation with argumentation schemes: an approach to legal logic [d]
  2920. () The everyday production of knowledge: individual differences in epistemological understanding and juror-reasoning skill [d]
  2921. () The five biggest unsolved problems in science [i]
  2922. () What is time geography? [u]
  2923. () The scientist as autodidact [i] [d]
  2924. () Why are artists poor?: the exceptional economy of the arts [i]
  2925. () An anthropology of knowledge [and comments and reply] [d] [j] [u]
  2926. () Decomposing the mind-brain: a long-term pursuit [d]
  2927. () How does the relationship facilitate productive client thinking? [d]
  2928. () Iatrogenic symptoms in psychotherapy: a theoretical exploration of the potential impact of labels, language and belief systems [p] [d]
  2929. () What should 'forgiveness' mean? [d]
  2930. F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester, & Robert B. Talisse [ed] () Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations [i]
  2931. () Prospects for mathematizing Dewey's logical theory [i]
  2932. () Qualities, universals, kinds, and the new riddle of induction [i]
  2933. () Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
  2934. () Achieving pluralism: why AIDS activists are different from creationists [i]
  2935. () One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
  2936. () Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
  2937. () 78 important questions every leader should ask and answer [i]
  2938. () Economic aspects of social and environmental violence [d] [j]
  2939. () Why Deleuze? [i]
  2940. (/2004) Desert islands and other texts, 1953–1974 [i]
  2941. () Reconsidering Kant, Friedman, logical positivism, and the exact sciences [d] [j]
  2942. () What makes librarianship exciting to you? [i]
  2943. () The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or utopian sunshine? [d]
  2944. () Food ethics: a decision making tool for the food industry? [d]
  2945. John Earman, Clark N. Glymour, & Sandra D. Mitchell [ed] () Ceteris paribus laws [i] [j]
  2946. (/2017) Argumentation: analysis and evaluation [i] [d]
  2947. Mitchell Eisen, Jodi A. Quas, & Gail S. Goodman [ed] () Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview [i] [d]
  2948. () Rethinking science: a philosophical introduction to the unity of science [i] [d]
  2949. () Medicalising everyday life [and critique of Ivan Illich] [u]
  2950. () The problem of the soul: two visions of mind and how to reconcile them [i]
  2951. () Underestimating costs in public works projects: error or lie? [d]
  2952. Dov M. Gabbay, Ralph H. Johnson, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, & John Woods [ed] () Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: the turn towards the practical [i]
  2953. () Models as parts of distributed cognitive systems [i] [d]
  2954. Randall E. Auxier & Lewis Edwin Hahn [ed] () The philosophy of Marjorie Grene [i]
  2955. () Becoming a reflective practitioner: a continuing professional development strategy through humanistic action research [d]
  2956. Graham Harvey [ed] () Readings in indigenous religions [i]
  2957. Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich [ed] () Personal epistemology: the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing [i] [d]
  2958. Lee Hoinacki & Carl Mitcham [ed] () The challenges of Ivan Illich: a collective reflection [i]
  2959. () Is art good for us?: beliefs about high culture in American life [i]
  2960. Christopher Johns [ed] (/2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice [i] [d]
  2961. () Pragmatism in action: themes, tasks and tools [i] [d]
  2962. () Mind the gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? [d]
  2963. () Theorizing is important, and collateral information constrains how well it is done [i] [d]
  2964. () Is GIS for women?: reflections on the critical discourse in the 1990s [d] [u]
  2965. () Illusory causation in the courtroom [d]
  2966. () War of the worlds: what about peace? [i]
  2967. () The mistaken dimensionality of CAD [d]
  2968. Marilyn T. MacCrimmon & Peter Tillers [ed] () The dynamics of judicial proof: computation, logic, and common sense [i] [d]
  2969. Lorenzo Magnani & Nancy J. Nersessian [ed] () Model-based reasoning: science, technology, values [i] [d]
  2970. () Deliberative dialogue to expand civic engagement: what kind of talk does democracy need? [d]
  2971. () Fitness and leadership: is there a relationship?: regular exercise correlates with higher leadership ratings in senior-level executives [d]
  2972. () Who is 'forest-dependent'?: capturing local variation in forest-product sale, eastern Honduras [d]
  2973. () When 'stupid' is smarter than we are: mindlessness and the attribution of stupidity [i] [d] [j]
  2974. () Can self-study challenge the belief that telling, showing, and guided practice constitute adequate teacher education? [i]
  2975. () Arguments, contradictions, resistances, and conceptual change in students' understanding of atomic structure [d]
  2976. () Who says change can be managed?: positions, perspectives and problematics [d]
  2977. (/2010) Mastering the art of asking questions [i]
  2978. () No place to learn: why universities aren't working [i]
  2979. () Engineering philosophy of science: American pragmatism and logical empiricism in the 1930s [d] [j]
  2980. () The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth [p] [d] [u]
  2981. (/2011) Questions to ask when writing and editing a narrative that reconstructs events [u]
  2982. () Transference: shibboleth or albatross? [i]
  2983. () The limits of explication [d]
  2984. () Dewey's logical forms [i]
  2985. () The epistemological significance of the interrogative [i] [d]
  2986. () Abnormality: does it define us or do we define it? [i]
  2987. () All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist [d]
  2988. () 'Diagnosing' behaviour: cui bono? [i]
  2989. () Explanation is a genus: an essay on the varieties of scientific explanation [d] [j]
  2990. () Questions of skill [o] [u]
  2991. () Pragmatism, discourse ethics and occasional philosophy [and comment by Pieter Pekelharing] [i] [d]
  2992. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  2993. () Bikeability checklist: how bikeable is your community? [o] [u]
  2994. () Palms as rainforest resources: how evenly are they distributed in Peruvian Amazonia? [d]
  2995. () Legal argumentation and evidence [i]
  2996. () Making babies: is there a right to have children? [i]
  2997. () The language of psychoanalytic discourse [d]
  2998. () Did Śāntideva destroy the bodhisattva path? [u]
  2999. () A philosophy of culture: the case for holistic pragmatism [or: A philosophy of culture: the scope of holistic pragmatism] [i] [d] [j]
  3000. () Encyclopedia of positive questions: using appreciative inquiry to bring out the best in your organization [i]
  3001. () The book of evidence [i] [d]
  3002. () Error types [d]
  3003. () The unfinished system of nonknowledge [i]
  3004. () Does global inequality matter? [d] [j]
  3005. Hilary Bradbury [ed] (/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
  3006. (/2020) Evolutionary epistemology [u]
  3007. () Facing up to management faddism: a new look at an old force [i]
  3008. Jed Z. Buchwald & Andrew Warwick [ed] () Histories of the electron: the birth of microphysics [i] [d]
  3009. () Philosophy in crisis: the need for reconstruction [i]
  3010. () Scientific realism: selected essays of Mario Bunge [i]
  3011. (/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
  3012. () What's in an image? [i] [d]
  3013. () Rational ignorance versus rational irrationality [d]
  3014. () Sit still and pay attention? [d]
  3015. () Business ethics: brightening the corner where we are [d]
  3016. (/2014) Doing action research in your own organization [i] [d]
  3017. Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari [ed] () Participation: the new tyranny? [i]
  3018. Michael Davis & Andrew Stark [ed] () Conflict of interest in the professions [i]
  3019. () Everyday irrationality: how pseudo-scientists, lunatics, and the rest of us systematically fail to think rationally [i] [d]
  3020. Frans H. van Eemeren [ed] () Crucial concepts in argumentation theory [i]
  3021. () Goals for a critical thinking curriculum and its assessment [i]
  3022. () What is the end point of psychotherapy integration?: a commentary [d]
  3023. () Making social science matter: why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again [i] [d]
  3024. () A tale of three blind men on the proper subject matter of clinical science and practice: commentary on Plaud's behaviorism vs. Ilardi and Feldman's cognitive neuroscience [p] [d]
  3025. () Dynamics of reason: the 1999 Kant lectures at Stanford University [i]
  3026. () The new logic [d] [u]
  3027. () Critical hypothetical evolutionary naturalism [i]
  3028. () A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning [d]
  3029. () The adversary system and historical accuracy: can we do better? [i]
  3030. () Discriminators of moral orientation: gender role or personality? [d]
  3031. () Henry Johnstone, Jr.'s still-unacknowledged contributions to contemporary argumentation theory [d] [u]
  3032. () Toward an anthropological theory of value: the false coin of our own dreams [i] [d]
  3033. () Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
  3034. () Designing scientific knowledge infrastructures: the contribution of epistemology [d]
  3035. (/2010) Rational choice in an uncertain world: the psychology of judgment and decision making [i]
  3036. Cecilia M. Heyes & David L. Hull [ed] () Selection theory and social construction: the evolutionary naturalistic epistemology of Donald T. Campbell [i]
  3037. () A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based [d]
  3038. () The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945 [i]
  3039. () Placebo insight: the rationality of insight-oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
  3040. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  3041. () Doing versus knowing [p] [d]
  3042. () Abduction, reason, and science: processes of discovery and explanation [i] [d]
  3043. () Ethnic diversity and the use of humor in counseling: appropriate or inappropriate? [d]
  3044. () Abductive inference, design science, and Dewey's theory of inquiry [j]
  3045. () Is gratitude a moral affect? [p] [d]
  3046. () Building better theory: time and the specification of when things happen [d] [j]
  3047. () Invariances: the structure of the objective world [i]
  3048. () Truth, verification, verisimilitude, and evidence: philosophical aspects [i] [d]
  3049. () Terms in tension: what do you do when all the good words are taken? [i]
  3050. () Qualitative methods for reasoning under uncertainty [i] [d]
  3051. () What is complexity science, really? [d]
  3052. () Where has all the education gone? [d]
  3053. (/2004) The three enlightenments [i]
  3054. () Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
  3055. () Cognitive pragmatism: the theory of knowledge in pragmatic perspective [i] [u]
  3056. () What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
  3057. () A stage model of behavioral therapies research: getting started and moving on from stage I [d]
  3058. () The seven sins of memory: how the mind forgets and remembers [i]
  3059. () Behavior as a social construction [d]
  3060. () Twilight of the perfect-model model [d] [j]
  3061. () Will the circle be unbroken?: reflections on death, rebirth, and hunger for a faith [i]
  3062. () Return to reason [i]
  3063. () The trouble with disciplines [i]
  3064. () Johnstone's view of rhetorical and dialectical argument [d] [u]
  3065. () Can robots make good models of biological behaviour? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  3066. Saundra Davis Westervelt & John A. Humphrey [ed] () Wrongly convicted: perspectives on failed justice [i]
  3067. () Some notes on theoretical constructs: types and validation from a contextual behavioral perspective [u]
  3068. Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer [ed] (/2016) Methods of critical discourse studies [or: Methods of critical discourse analysis] [i]
  3069. () The philosophy of Donald T. Campbell: a short review and critical appraisal [d]
  3070. (/2017) Quantum leaps in the wrong direction: where real science ends—and pseudoscience begins [i]
  3071. () Bipolarity... or not?: some conceptual problems relating to bipolar rating scales [d]
  3072. Evandro Agazzi & Massimo Pauri [ed] () The reality of the unobservable: observability, unobservability, and their impact on the issue of scientific realism [i] [d]
  3073. (/2004) What was epistemology? [i] [d]
  3074. (/2015) Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science [u]
  3075. () Stages of thought: the co-evolution of religious thought and science [i] [d]
  3076. Leonard Bickman [ed] () Donald Campbell's legacy [in two volumes: Validity and social experimentation; Research design] [i]
  3077. () Truth and legitimacy in the American criminal process [book review of: Trials without truth, by William Pizzi] [d] [j]
  3078. () Be your own coach: your pathway to possibility [i]
  3079. () Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
  3080. () Philosophy from the outside [book review of: The sociology of philosophies, by Randall Collins] [d]
  3081. (/2001) Energy: between physics and metaphysics [i]
  3082. () A social history of knowledge: from Gutenberg to Diderot [i]
  3083. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  3084. () Naturalism, pragmatism, and design [d] [j]
  3085. Martin Carrier, Gerald J. Massey, & Laura Ruetsche [ed] () Science at century's end: philosophical questions on the progress and limits of science [i] [j] [u]
  3086. () Myth as ideology, and scholarship as myth with footnotes [book review] [d]
  3087. () A science of meaning: can behaviorism bring meaning to psychological science? [p] [d]
  3088. () Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms [d]
  3089. James H. Fetzer [ed] () Science, explanation, and rationality: aspects of the philosophy of Carl G. Hempel [i]
  3090. Linda Flower, Elenore Long, & Lorraine Higgins [ed] () Learning to rival: a literate practice for intercultural inquiry [o] [d]
  3091. () Hempel and the Vienna Circle [i]
  3092. () Portraying science accurately in classrooms: emphasizing open-mindedness rather than relativism [d]
  3093. (/2007) Strategies that work: teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement [i]
  3094. () Training yourself: the 21st century credential [i]
  3095. () The unity of science [i] [d]
  3096. (/2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [i]
  3097. (/2014) Constructive controversy: the value of intellectual opposition [i]
  3098. (/2005) The philosophy of Karl Popper [i]
  3099. () Can wicked problems be tackled through abductive inferencing? [d]
  3100. () Personal theories, intellectual ability, and epistemological beliefs: adult age differences in everyday reasoning biases [p] [d]
  3101. () Exploring science: the cognition and development of discovery processes [i] [d]
  3102. () What is practical judgement? [d]
  3103. () From instrumentalism to constructive realism: on some relations between confirmation, empirical progress, and truth approximation [i] [d]
  3104. () The construct of mindfulness [d]
  3105. () Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
  3106. () Qigong: Chinese medicine or pseudoscience? [i]
  3107. () What does it mean to say that logic is formal? [o] [u]
  3108. () Accounting as simulacrum and hyperreality: perspectives on income and capital [d]
  3109. () The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
  3110. () Truth, politics, morality: pragmatism and deliberation [i] [d]
  3111. William Herbert Newton-Smith [ed] () A companion to the philosophy of science [i] [d]
  3112. () Myths of childhood [i] [d]
  3113. () Voodoo science: the road from foolishness to fraud [i]
  3114. () Psychological inquiry and the pragmatic and hermeneutic traditions [d]
  3115. () Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
  3116. () Plausible rival hypotheses in measurement, design, and scientific theory [i]
  3117. (/2020) The philosophy of science: a contemporary introduction [i] [d]
  3118. () Truth v. justice: the morality of truth commissions [i] [d] [j]
  3119. () Systems of knowledge: dialogue, relationships and process [d]
  3120. () The language of science: meaning variance and theory comparison [d]
  3121. (/2006) Coaching and consultation revisited: are they the same? [i]
  3122. () On slowness in philosophy [d] [j]
  3123. () Three paradigms of assessment: measurement, procedure, and inquiry [j]
  3124. (/2009) Denying history: who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it? [i]
  3125. (/2007) Moving pictures of thought: diagrams as centerpiece of a Peircean epistemology [i] [d] [u]
  3126. () Uncertain hazards: environmental activists and scientific proof [i] [d] [j]
  3127. () Rationality and the disunity of the sciences [i] [d]
  3128. () Scare tactics: arguments that appeal to fear and threats [i] [d]
  3129. () Basic questions on truth [i] [d]
  3130. () Victimized by 'victims': a taxonomy of antecedents of false complaints against psychotherapists [d]
  3131. () Realism and appearances: an essay in ontology [in early modern philosophy] [i]
  3132. () Real science: what it is, and what it means [i] [d]
  3133. () What is the point of equality? [d] [j] [u]
  3134. () What is the problem of ad hoc hypotheses? [d]
  3135. () The history of nature and the nature of history: Stephen Jay Gould on science, philosophy, and history [d] [j]
  3136. () What, then, is time? [i]
  3137. (/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
  3138. () Beyond psychotherapy: dialectical therapy [d]
  3139. () The limits of exact science, from economics to physics [d] [u]
  3140. () Junk skepticism and recovered memory: a reply to Piper [d]
  3141. () The ethics of belief and other essays [i]
  3142. Richard J. Contrada & Richard D. Ashmore [ed] () Self, social identity, and physical health: interdisciplinary explorations [i]
  3143. () The philosopher as Andy Warhol [i]
  3144. () Why don't people change? What stops them from changing? An integrative commentary on the special issue on resistance [d]
  3145. () Why do whales and children sing?: a guide to listening in nature [i]
  3146. () How valuable are psychotherapy experiments?: the idiographic problem [p] [d]
  3147. (/2000) How much joy can you stand?: a creative guide to facing your fears and making your dreams come true [i]
  3148. () Against and beyond core theoretical models [i] [d]
  3149. Colin Feltham [ed] () Controversies in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
  3150. () Conquest of abundance: a tale of abstraction versus the richness of being [i]
  3151. () The case for pragmatic psychology [i]
  3152. () Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
  3153. () Science without laws [i]
  3154. () Knowledge in a social world [i] [d]
  3155. () 'Limits to therapy and counselling': deconstructing a professional ideology [d]
  3156. () Dialogue and the art of thinking together: a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life [i]
  3157. () What can we learn from time-use data? [u]
  3158. () On seeking first to understand [d]
  3159. Lorenzo Magnani, Nancy J. Nersessian, & Paul Thagard [ed] () Model-based reasoning in scientific discovery [i] [d]
  3160. () Interrogatives and contrasts in explanation theory [d] [j]
  3161. () Living life as inquiry [d]
  3162. () Anatomy of nonsense [u]
  3163. () Deprogramming from the academic cult [u]
  3164. () Have you ever?: questions about you, your friends, and your world [i]
  3165. () On being a secularist all the way down [i]
  3166. () Critical scientific realism [i] [d]
  3167. () Defending abduction [d] [j]
  3168. (/2008) Caring enough to lead: how reflective practice leads to moral leadership [i]
  3169. () Why don't continents move? Why don't people change? [d]
  3170. () H.G. Wells's idea of a World Brain: a critical reassessment [d]
  3171. Richard Lee Rhodes [ed] () Visions of technology: a century of vital debate about machines, systems, and the human world [i]
  3172. () Science associations in the international sphere, 1875–1900: the rationalization of science and the scientization of society [i] [d]
  3173. () Explanation as unification [d] [j]
  3174. (/2012) Decolonizing methodologies: research and indigenous peoples [i]
  3175. () Testability [d] [j]
  3176. Stephen Soldz & Leigh McCullough [ed] () Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience: the art and science of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  3177. () Rationality and reflective equilibrium [i]
  3178. () Who is rational?: studies of individual differences in reasoning [i]
  3179. () How scientists explain disease [i] [d] [j]
  3180. () The distinctive questions developmental action inquiry asks [d] [u]
  3181. () Rescher's metaphilosophy [book review of: Philosophical standardism; The strife of systems; Metaphysical inquiries] [d] [j]
  3182. () One-sided arguments: a dialectical analysis of bias [i]
  3183. () The fallacy of many questions: on the notions of complexity, loadedness and unfair entrapment in interrogative theory [d]
  3184. () Beyond belief and unbelief [i]
  3185. () Pragmatism, science, and moral inquiry [i]
  3186. () Isolation: artist's friend or foe? [o]
  3187. Leonard Bickman & Debra J. Rog [ed] (/2009) The Sage handbook of applied social research methods [i]
  3188. () Of two minds: the nature of inquiry [i]
  3189. () At what level of cognition does meaning exist? [i]
  3190. (/2012) The limits of the dialogue model of argument [i] [d]
  3191. () Juárez: the laboratory of our future [i]
  3192. () Elogio de la curiosidad [i]
  3193. () The vulnerable therapist: practicing psychotherapy in an age of anxiety [i]
  3194. () What is an artifact? [d]
  3195. () Whose development?: an ethnography of aid [i]
  3196. Frederick C. Crews [ed] () Unauthorized Freud: doubters confront a legend [i]
  3197. (/2013) The art and science of evaluation in the arts therapies: how do you know what's working? [i]
  3198. A. A. Derksen & Ton Derksen [ed] () The promise of evolutionary epistemology [i]
  3199. () What's in a case formulation?: development and use of a content coding manual [p] [u]
  3200. () Is critical thinking culturally biased? [d]
  3201. () Whose knowledge, whose nature?: biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements [d] [u]
  3202. (/2004) Double exposure: cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses [i]
  3203. Richard Wightman Fox & Robert B. Westbrook [ed] () In face of the facts: moral inquiry in American scholarship [i]
  3204. () What good are positive emotions? [d]
  3205. () Behavior analysis of private events is possible, progressive, and nondualistic: a response to Lamal [d]
  3206. () Weaving, bending, patching, mending the fabric of reality: a cognitive science perspective on worldview inconsistency [d]
  3207. () Greatness [as a symptom] [i]
  3208. () Symptoms of culture [i]
  3209. () The art of the question: a guide to short-term question-centered therapy [i]
  3210. () On the limits to empowerment through critical and feminist pedagogies [i] [d]
  3211. () Whose dying?: a sociological critique of the 'good death' [d]
  3212. () Innate talents: reality or myth? [and comments and reply] [d]
  3213. () Expanding hermeneutics: visualism in science [i]
  3214. () From the world of science to the world of research? [d] [j]
  3215. () Inattentional blindness [i] [d]
  3216. (/2015) The Oxford guide to library research [i]
  3217. () The philosophy of science (and of life) of Donald T. Campbell [d]
  3218. () Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
  3219. () The epistemological significance of Piaget's developmental stages: a Lakatosian interpretation [d]
  3220. () Confirmation bias: a ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises [d]
  3221. () A draft for unifying controversies in philosophy of science [d] [j]
  3222. () Fallibilism [i] [d] [u]
  3223. () Complexity: a philosophical overview [i] [d]
  3224. () Leading by asking good questions [i]
  3225. () The development of logic in adulthood: postformal thought and its applications [i] [d]
  3226. Gertrudis van de Vijver, Stanley N. Salthe, & Manuela Delpos [ed] () Evolutionary systems: biological and epistemological perspectives on selection and self-organization [i] [d]
  3227. () The new dialectic: conversational contexts of argument [i] [d] [j]
  3228. (/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
  3229. () Worry versus anxiety: is there really a difference? [d]
  3230. () Is happiness a cause of health? [d]
  3231. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  3232. () An introduction to comparative philosophy: a travel guide to philosophical space [i]
  3233. () History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
  3234. () Circular questioning: an introductory guide [d]
  3235. () Mechanism and explanation [d]
  3236. () From evolutionary epistemology via selection theory to a sociology of scientific validity [u]
  3237. () The persuasive pen: an integrated approach to reasoning and writing [i]
  3238. () Whose reality counts?: putting the first last [i] [d]
  3239. () An examination of the constraints on mutual inquiry in a participatory action research project [d]
  3240. () A refutation of pure conjecture [in Popper's theory of science] [j]
  3241. () Why can't most people draw what they see? [d]
  3242. () Critical thinking and some diesel mechanics' lifeworlds [d]
  3243. () The unit of selection: what do reinforcers reinforce? [d]
  3244. () Epistemological anarchy and the many forms of constructivism [d]
  3245. () The responsive order: a new empiricism [d] [u]
  3246. (/2019) How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare [i]
  3247. () The puzzle of 'scientific method' [j]
  3248. () The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
  3249. Lisa L. Harlow, Stanley A. Mulaik, & James H. Steiger [ed] () What if there were no significance tests? [i]
  3250. () Objective, subjective and intersubjective selectors of knowledge [u]
  3251. () The development of epistemological theories: beliefs about knowledge and knowing and their relation to learning [d]
  3252. () Marxism and dualism in Deleuze [u]
  3253. () Knowing and erring: the consolations of error: essay on developmental epistemology [i]
  3254. David Michael Kleinberg-Levin & Eugene T. Gendlin [ed] () Language beyond postmodernism: saying and thinking in Gendlin's philosophy [i]
  3255. () Arguing about public issues: what can we learn from practical ethics? [d] [j]
  3256. () Making us crazy: DSM: the psychiatric bible and the creation of mental disorders [i]
  3257. () How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education [i] [d] [j]
  3258. () Danger ahead: the risks you really face on life's highway [i]
  3259. (/2010) Tools of critical thinking: metathoughts for psychology [i]
  3260. () Foundations of biophilosophy [i] [d]
  3261. () How to give advice [u]
  3262. () Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
  3263. () Pluralism: against the demand for consensus, by Nicholas Rescher [book review] [d] [j]
  3264. () The problem is epistemology, not statistics: replace significance tests by confidence intervals and quantify accuracy of risky numerical predictions [i]
  3265. () Who is arguing about the cat?: moral action and enlightenment according to Dōgen [d] [j]
  3266. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  3267. () Insects: a sustainable source of food? [d]
  3268. () Broken-backed naturalism [book review of: Religion, science, and naturalism, by Willem Drees] [d]
  3269. () How can we be sure?: using truth criteria to validate memories [i]
  3270. () Rationality redeemed?: further dialogues on an educational ideal [i] [d]
  3271. () Should I be grateful to you for not harming me? [d] [j]
  3272. (/1998) Fashionable nonsense: postmodern intellectuals' abuse of science [i]
  3273. () Reasoning independently of prior belief and individual differences in actively open-minded thinking [d]
  3274. () Power and invention: situating science [i]
  3275. () Towards a methodology of psychological practice: the regulative cycle [d]
  3276. () Health psychology: what is an unhealthy environment and how does it get under the skin? [p] [d]
  3277. (/2014) Believing in magic: the psychology of superstition [i]
  3278. () Judging how heavily a question is loaded: a pragmatic method [d] [u]
  3279. () The liberty tree [u]
  3280. () 75 cage-rattling questions to change the way you work: shake-em-up questions to open meetings, ignite discussion, and spark creativity [i]
  3281. () Using questioning to guide student thinking [d]
  3282. () Developmental aspects of expertise: rationality and generalization [d]
  3283. () Finding philosophy in social science [i] [d] [j]
  3284. () The boat: Neurath's image of knowledge [i] [d]
  3285. () Otto Neurath: philosophy between science and politics [i] [d]
  3286. () Public libraries and intellectual freedom [i] [u]
  3287. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  3288. () Religion, science, and naturalism [i] [d]
  3289. () The social construction of nature: a sociology of ecological enlightenment [i]
  3290. () Reasoning about reasoning [i] [d]
  3291. Don Garrett [ed] (/2021) The Cambridge companion to Spinoza [i] [d]
  3292. (/2006) The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy [i] [j]
  3293. () Acceptable ignorance, negotiable disagreement: alternative views of learning [i] [d]
  3294. () Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
  3295. Melissa A. Heckler & Carol Birch [ed] () Who says?: essays on pivotal issues in contemporary storytelling [i]
  3296. Matt Hern [ed] () Deschooling our lives [i]
  3297. () Intellectual responsibility: implications for thought and action today [d] [j]
  3298. () Forward to Deschooling our lives [i]
  3299. () Living off the waste of development [o]
  3300. Evelyn Fox Keller & Helen E. Longino [ed] () Feminism and science [i]
  3301. () John Dewey and religious non-realism: neither a theist nor an atheist [o] [u]
  3302. () Theory and evidence: the development of scientific reasoning [i] [d]
  3303. () Cosmology and controversy: the historical development of two theories of the universe [i] [j]
  3304. (/2015) InterViews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing [i]
  3305. () Life without principles: reconciling theory and practice [i]
  3306. () The symptom of beauty, by Francette Pacteau [book review] [d] [j]
  3307. () Where is your body?: and other essays on race, gender, and the law [i]
  3308. () Error and the growth of experimental knowledge [i] [d]
  3309. (/1997) Why doesn't GM sell crack? [i]
  3310. Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler [ed] () Encyclopedia and utopia: the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945) [i]
  3311. () Naturalism without foundations [i]
  3312. (/2022) Paraconsistent logic [u]
  3313. () Process metaphysics: an introduction to process philosophy [i]
  3314. () Priceless knowledge?: natural science in economic perspective [i]
  3315. () From cultural to existential diversity: the impossibility of psychotherapy integration within a traditional framework [d]
  3316. () Champions of a cause: American librarians and the Library Bill of Rights in the 1950s [o] [u]
  3317. () Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
  3318. () What's the problem?: an introduction to problem structuring methods [d]
  3319. (/2005) What works for whom?: a critical review of psychotherapy research [i]
  3320. (/2004) The forgotten revolution: how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn [i] [d]
  3321. () Frontiers of illusion: science, technology, and the politics of progress [i] [j]
  3322. James Schmidt [ed] () What is enlightenment?: eighteenth-century answers and twentieth-century questions [i] [d] [j]
  3323. () Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
  3324. () Reinventing the university: a radical proposal for a problem-focused university [i]
  3325. () Back to Roy Wood Sellars: why his evolutionary naturalism is still worthwhile [d] [u]
  3326. Don W. Stacks & Michael Brian Salwen [ed] (/2009) An integrated approach to communication theory and research [i]
  3327. Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] () Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
  3328. () Ethical norms, particular cases [i] [d] [j]
  3329. () Argument structure: a pragmatic theory [i] [d] [j]
  3330. () The witch hunt as a structure of argumentation [d]
  3331. () The fetish of technique: methodology as a social defence [d]
  3332. () Individual differences in listening styles: Do you hear what I hear? [d]
  3333. () The individual–society antinomy revisited: productive tensions in theories of human development, communication, and education [i] [d]
  3334. () Statistics as principled argument [i]
  3335. () Can we talk?: on the elusiveness of dialogue [d]
  3336. () How do public managers manage?: bureaucratic constraints, organizational culture, and the potential for reform [i]
  3337. (/2016) The craft of research [i]
  3338. (/2016) Making good arguments: an overview [i]
  3339. () Science of chaos or chaos in science? [d]
  3340. () Concepts and paradigms in spatial information: are current geographical information systems truly generic? [d]
  3341. John Carey [ed] (/1997) Eyewitness to science [i]
  3342. () A bigger picture: cause and cognition in relation to differing scientific frameworks [d]
  3343. () The illusion of psychotherapy [i]
  3344. Nina Felshin [ed] () But is it art?: the spirit of art as activism [i]
  3345. () Beyond one-dimensional change: parallel, concurrent, socially distributed processes in learning and development [d] [j]
  3346. () What might cognition be, if not computation? [d] [j]
  3347. () A philosophical testament [i]
  3348. (/2003) Masterful coaching: inspire an 'impossible future' while producing extraordinary leaders and extraordinary results [i]
  3349. () Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
  3350. () Proving you're qualified: strategies for competent people without college degrees [i]
  3351. () Objectivity as responsibility [d] [j]
  3352. () Multiple explanation: a consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments [d]
  3353. () Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
  3354. () Personal problem solving in a simulated setting: do perceptions accurately reflect behavior? [d]
  3355. () Critique of accounting: examination of the foundations and normative structure of an applied discipline [i]
  3356. () Verificationism: its history and prospects [i] [d]
  3357. () Reasoning as self-constrained thinking [and comment by Graeme S. Halford] [d] [j]
  3358. () On transforming philosophy: a metaphilosophical inquiry [i] [d]
  3359. Anthony O'Hear [ed] () Karl Popper: philosophy and problems [i] [d]
  3360. (/2006) Philosophical education and intellectual labor [i]
  3361. () Naturalism; or, Living within one's means [d] [j]
  3362. () Pseudo-philosophy [i] [u]
  3363. () What is design? [i]
  3364. () Integrating self and system: an empty intersection? [d]
  3365. () The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark [i]
  3366. Daniel L. Schacter & Joseph T. Coyle [ed] () Memory distortion: how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past [i]
  3367. () Is there a moral obligation to have children? [d] [j]
  3368. () Knowledge growth and maintenance across the life span: the role of print exposure [d]
  3369. () Defying the crowd: cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity [i]
  3370. () How do we know what is true? [d]
  3371. () 'What should I draw today?': sketchbooks in early childhood [d] [j]
  3372. (/2000) A warning to students of all ages [o] [u]
  3373. () Critical rationalism: a restatement and defence, by David Miller [book review] [d] [j]
  3374. (/2001) Science and other indigenous knowledge systems [i] [d]
  3375. () Styles of rationality [d]
  3376. (/2018) Perspectives on argument [i]
  3377. () The problem of the empirical basis [in Popper's philosophy] [i] [d]
  3378. () Rethinking 'Don't blame the victim': the psychology of victimhood [d]
  3379. () Smoke and mirrors: how science reflects reality [i] [d]
  3380. () Argumentation-based design rationale: what use at what cost? [d]
  3381. () Scientific problems and questions from a logical point of view [d] [j] [u]
  3382. () Dewey's new logic: a reply to Russell [i]
  3383. () The double mirror: a skeptical journey into Buddhist tantra [i]
  3384. () The metaphysics of the disunified world [d] [j] [u]
  3385. () Business ethics: knowing ourselves [d] [j]
  3386. () Where is the mind?: constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development [d]
  3387. () Are psychological models of adult development still important for the practice of adult education? [d]
  3388. (/2023) Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches [i]
  3389. () Styles of scientific thinking in the European tradition: the history of argument and explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts [i]
  3390. () Does the use of analogies contribute to conceptual change? [d]
  3391. () House of cards: psychology and psychotherapy built on myth [i]
  3392. () Incurable unemployment: a progressive disease of modern societies? [d]
  3393. () Why do we work? [u]
  3394. (/2005) How logic emerges from the dynamics of information [i] [d]
  3395. James W. Garrison [ed] (/1995) The new scholarship on Dewey [i] [d]
  3396. () Explanation, unification, and content [d] [j]
  3397. () Question asking during tutoring [d] [j]
  3398. () Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom [i]
  3399. () Orientation to inquiry in a reflective professional psychology [i]
  3400. (/2001) Death to dust: what happens to dead bodies? [i]
  3401. () False rape allegations [d]
  3402. () The self as a knowledge structure [i] [u]
  3403. Carl Avren Levenson & Jonathan Westphal [ed] () Reality [i]
  3404. (/2015) Science teaching: the contribution of history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  3405. () Reason, reasons and reasoning: a constructivist account of human rationality [d]
  3406. () Philosophy within the limits of wide reflective equilibrium alone [j]
  3407. () Methods of ethics: wide reflective equilibrium and a kind of consequentialism [d]
  3408. (/2007) Ecological understanding: the nature of theory and the theory of nature [i] [d]
  3409. () The myth of the framework: in defence of science and rationality [i] [d]
  3410. () Behaviorism and mentalism: is there a third alternative? [d] [j]
  3411. () Naturalistic conceptions of morality: a question-answering approach [d]
  3412. () Planning science: Otto Neurath and the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science [d]
  3413. () American philosophy today, and other philosophical studies [i]
  3414. () On writing philosophy [i]
  3415. () Creativity in social sciences: the computer enhancement of qualitative data analysis [i] [d]
  3416. () Is naturalism irrational? [conclusion: no] [d] [u]
  3417. () Balancing inquiry and advocacy [i]
  3418. () The ladder of inference [i]
  3419. () Frame reflection: toward the resolution of intractable policy controversies [i]
  3420. () The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning [i]
  3421. () Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents of human values? [d]
  3422. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  3423. Claude Whitmyer [ed] () Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
  3424. () Suggestions of abuse: true and false memories of childhood sexual trauma [i]
  3425. () Value in ethics and economics [i]
  3426. () The thick conceptual structure of the space of reasons [i]
  3427. (/2010) Discovering complexity: decomposition and localization as strategies in scientific research [i] [d]
  3428. (/2001) Explaining creativity [i]
  3429. () Telling your own stories: a new resource for discovering and creating your own stories [i]
  3430. () What to ask when you don't know what to say: 555 powerful questions to use for getting your way at work [i]
  3431. (/1997) Literature and life [i]
  3432. () Chan insights and oversights: an epistemological critique of the Chan tradition [i]
  3433. Frank Fischer & John Forester [ed] () The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning [i] [d]
  3434. () The environment and the epistemological lesson of complementarity [d]
  3435. () Metamodeling: the epistemology of system science [d]
  3436. () A logical approach to discrete math [i] [d]
  3437. (/2009) Evidence and inquiry: a pragmatist reconstruction of epistemology [or: Evidence and inquiry: towards reconstruction in epistemology] [i]
  3438. () 'Power in the service of love': John Dewey's Logic and the dream of a common language [d] [j]
  3439. Mark Hobart [ed] () An anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance [i] [d]
  3440. () Science and anti-science [i]
  3441. () How much is enough?: controlling water demand in apartment buildings [i]
  3442. () Science as argument: implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking [d]
  3443. () A response to Orzack and Sober: formal analysis and the fluidity of science [d] [j]
  3444. () Questions about questions: situating the therapist's curiosity in front of the family [i]
  3445. () What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
  3446. (/2006) Philosophy of science: help or hindrance? [i] [d]
  3447. Kay Milton [ed] () Environmentalism: the view from anthropology [i] [d]
  3448. () Does life have a meaning? [i]
  3449. () Relativism and wide reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
  3450. () Human constructivism: a unification of psychological and epistemological phenomena in meaning making [d]
  3451. () The process of change in cognitive therapy: schema change or acquisition of compensatory skills? [d]
  3452. () Analysis analysed: when the map becomes the territory [i]
  3453. () Is it painful to think?: conversations with Arne Næss [i] [j]
  3454. () Decision science or decision-aid science? [d]
  3455. David-Hillel Ruben [ed] () Explanation [i]
  3456. () Does business ethics make economic sense? [d]
  3457. () The unlikeliest cult in history [u]
  3458. () Cultural politics of everyday life: social constructionism, rhetoric and knowing of the third kind [i]
  3459. () Method in ecology: strategies for conservation [i] [d]
  3460. () Decision making: rational, nonrational, and irrational [d]
  3461. () Thinking with machines: intelligence augmentation, evolutionary epistemology, and semiotic [d]
  3462. () The invention of modern science [i]
  3463. (/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
  3464. (/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
  3465. (/2012) Applications of case study research [i]
  3466. Alfred Jules Ayer & Jane O'Grady [ed] (/1994) A dictionary of philosophical quotations [i]
  3467. (/2013) Ten questions: a sociological perspective [i]
  3468. () Objectivity and the escape from perspective [d]
  3469. () How much is enough?: the consumer society and the future of the earth [i]
  3470. () Sick societies: challenging the myth of primitive harmony [i]
  3471. (/2019) Calls for papers: excerpts ['We need a continuous wake-up call'] [d] [u]
  3472. Ronald N. Giere [ed] () Cognitive models of science [i] [j]
  3473. () The cognitive construction of scientific knowledge: response to Pickering [d]
  3474. (/2015) Experience, knowledge, and belief [i] [j]
  3475. () The self-vindication of the laboratory sciences [i] [d]
  3476. () The particular-circumstance model of scientific explanation [i]
  3477. () Knowledge in transition: toward a Winnicottian epistemology [p] [u]
  3478. () Thinking as argument [d]
  3479. () Piaget's child as scientist [i] [d]
  3480. () About misunderstandings about misunderstandings [d]
  3481. () Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind [d]
  3482. () Pushing Toulmin too far: learning from an argument representation scheme [u]
  3483. (/2005) The rise and fall of analytic philosophy [i] [d]
  3484. () Why plan?: a multi-rationality foundation for planning [d]
  3485. () The theory of inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education [d] [j]
  3486. (/1995) Conversations on science, culture, and time [i] [d]
  3487. () What is it to question? [j]
  3488. () Scientific management: technique or cultural ideology? [d]
  3489. Kerry S. Walters [ed] (/2011) Revolutionary deists: early America's rational infidels [i]
  3490. () After analytic philosophy, what's next?: an analytic philosopher's perspective [on progress in philosophy] [j] [u]
  3491. () Toward better problems: new perspectives on abortion, animal rights, the environment, and justice [i] [j]
  3492. () Personal construct theory and alternative constructions of psychological disorder and therapy [i]
  3493. () The unnatural nature of science: why science does not make (common) sense [i]
  3494. () American health quackery: collected essays [i] [d] [j]
  3495. () John Stuart Mill and experiments in living [d] [j]
  3496. (/2005) Analysis of evidence [i] [d]
  3497. () Have all won and must all have prizes?: revisiting Luborsky et al.'s verdict [d]
  3498. (/2012) What is the right amount of support for a conclusion? [i] [d]
  3499. (/1992) My elders taught me: aspects of Western Great Lakes American Indian philosophy [i]
  3500. () What is science? Does it matter to distinguish it from pseudoscience? A reply to my commentators [d]
  3501. () Philosophers and the nature of wisdom [d] [j]
  3502. () The new aspects of time: its continuity and novelties: selected papers in the philosophy of science [i] [d]
  3503. (/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
  3504. () The rhetoric of immediacy: a cultural critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism [i] [j]
  3505. Kendrick Frazier [ed] () The hundredth monkey and other paradigms of the paranormal: a Skeptical Inquirer collection [i]
  3506. () Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure [i] [d]
  3507. () Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
  3508. () How we know what isn't so: the fallibility of human reason in everyday life [i]
  3509. () What if—?: toward excellence in reasoning [i]
  3510. () Michel Meyer's philosophy of problematology: toward a new theory of argument [d]
  3511. (/2000) The scenes of inquiry: on the reality of questions in the sciences [i] [d]
  3512. (/1993) We have never been modern [i]
  3513. () Human change processes: the scientific foundations of psychotherapy [i]
  3514. () Question answering and the organization of world knowledge [i]
  3515. Paul E. Meehl, C. Anthony Anderson, & Keith Gunderson [ed] () Selected philosophical and methodological papers [of Paul E. Meehl] [i] [j]
  3516. () Questioning the sacred cow of the transference [i] [d]
  3517. (/2005) Should we try to relieve clear cases of suffering in nature? [i] [d]
  3518. () Maslow's theory of motivation: a critique [d]
  3519. () On religious freedom [i]
  3520. (/1999) All life is problem solving [and other essays] [i] [d]
  3521. () Three kinds of anti-intellectualism: rethinking Hofstadter [d]
  3522. () Inductive learning by machines [d] [j]
  3523. () The philosopher Otto Neurath [i] [d]
  3524. Donald A. Schön [ed] () The reflective turn: case studies in and on educational practice [i]
  3525. Mike U. Smith [ed] () Toward a unified theory of problem solving: views from the content domains [i] [d]
  3526. () 'What we have here, is a failure to communicate': on the inherent indefensibility of behaviorist metaphysics [d]
  3527. Robert J. Sternberg & Peter A. Frensch [ed] () Complex problem solving: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  3528. () A theory of preliminary fact investigation [u]
  3529. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  3530. Thomas E. Uebel [ed] () Rediscovering the forgotten Vienna Circle: Austrian studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle [i] [d]
  3531. () Ontology and its discontent [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
  3532. Gloria Anzaldúa [ed] () Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras: creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color [i]
  3533. () Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
  3534. () Scientific evidence: creating and evaluating experimental instruments and research techniques [d] [j]
  3535. () In defense of good reasons [against Popperian opposition to 'good reasons'] [d]
  3536. () What are people for?: essays [i]
  3537. () The scholastic point of view [d]
  3538. () What kind of discipline is psychology: autonomous or dependent, humanistic or scientific, biological or sociological? [d]
  3539. () Developmental epistemology and self-knowledge: towards a reinterpretation of self-esteem [i]
  3540. () What is text, really? [d]
  3541. (/2012) Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgments and decisions [i]
  3542. () Evolutionary models of science [i]
  3543. () Meyer's theory of problematology [j]
  3544. () What makes a good answer to a question?: testing a psychological model of question answering in the context of narrative text [d]
  3545. () QUEST: a cognitive model of question answering [d]
  3546. Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach [ed] () Theories of the evolution of knowing [i]
  3547. () Some narrative conventions of scientific discourse [i]
  3548. () The psychology of human cognition: mainstream and Genevan traditions [i]
  3549. () Wisdom and reflective judgment: knowing in the face of uncertainty [i] [d]
  3550. () Can psychotherapists transcend the shackles of their training and superstitions? [p] [d]
  3551. () A developmental contextual critique of evolutionary epistemology [i]
  3552. () Impaired inquiry [i] [j]
  3553. () Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
  3554. () How universal is something we can call 'therapy'?: some implications of non-Western healing systems for intercultural work [d]
  3555. () Partial truths about partial truth [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
  3556. () The loss of wisdom [i] [d]
  3557. () Corroboration and verisimilitude: against Lakatos's 'sheer leap of faith' [u]
  3558. () Why summaries of research on psychological theories are often uninterpretable [d]
  3559. () What is really unethical about insider trading? [d] [j]
  3560. () Words of power: a feminist reading of the history of logic [i]
  3561. (/1994) What is education for? [i]
  3562. Nicholas Rescher [ed] () Evolution, cognition, and realism: studies in evolutionary epistemology [i]
  3563. () A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
  3564. () Human rights in the context of global problem-solving: a Buddhist perspective [i]
  3565. () Killing the spirit: higher education in America [i]
  3566. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Wisdom: its nature, origins, and development [i] [d]
  3567. () The adult problem solver as person scientist [d]
  3568. () Creative understanding: philosophical reflections on physics [i] [d]
  3569. (/2006) Rethinking evidence: exploratory essays [i] [d]
  3570. Paul Weingartner & George J. W. Dorn [ed] () Studies on Mario Bunge's Treatise [i]
  3571. () Professionalism as purification ritual: alienation and disintegration in the university [d] [j]
  3572. () Evolutionary epistemology and its implications for humankind [i]
  3573. () The problem of the problem [i]
  3574. () Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
  3575. () Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
  3576. () Mood in argumentation [j]
  3577. (/1992) What is a dispositif? [i]
  3578. () The philanthropic vision: the Owatonna Art Education Project as an example of 'private' interests in public schooling [d] [j]
  3579. (/1996) Interruptions [i]
  3580. (/2003) Ilha das flores = Isle of flowers [or: Island of flowers] [o] [u]
  3581. Barry Gholson [ed] () Psychology of science: contributions to metascience [i] [d]
  3582. () Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
  3583. (/2004) The Buddha's 'undetermined questions' and the religions [u]
  3584. () Natural reasons: personality and polity [i]
  3585. () Explanatory unification and the causal structure of the world [i] [u]
  3586. Philip Kitcher & Wesley C. Salmon [ed] () Scientific explanation [i] [u]
  3587. () When is an object not an object?: the effect of 'meaning' upon the copying of line drawings [d]
  3588. Elaine P. Maimon, Barbara F. Nodine, & Finbarr W. O'Connor [ed] () Thinking, reasoning, and writing [i]
  3589. () Why methodological behaviorism is mentalistic [d]
  3590. () The creative construction of rationality: a paradox? [i] [d]
  3591. () The (even) bolder model: the clinical psychologist as metaphysician–scientist–practitioner [p] [d]
  3592. () Cognitive economy: the economic dimension of the theory of knowledge [i] [u]
  3593. () Issue-based information systems for design [o]
  3594. () The aesthetic component in the logic of discovery and detection [i] [d]
  3595. () Contemporary behaviorism versus the old behavioral straw man in Gardner's The mind's new science: a history of the cognitive revolution [d] [u]
  3596. () Collingwood's logic of question and answer [d] [j]
  3597. () Where guesses come from: evolutionary epistemology and the anomaly of guided variation [d]
  3598. () The powers of problem definition: the case of government paperwork [d]
  3599. () How can Chinese children draw so well? [j]
  3600. () The causal mechanical model of explanation [i] [u]
  3601. (/2008) Thinking and deciding [i] [d]
  3602. () Methodology and epistemology for social science: selected papers [i]
  3603. () gIBIS: a hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion [d]
  3604. () Five perspectives on validity argument [in psychological assessment] [i] [d]
  3605. (/1993) What is an event? [i]
  3606. () When did I begin?: conception of the human individual in history, philosophy, and science [i] [d]
  3607. () Making intuitive knowledge explicit through future technology [i]
  3608. () Ambiguity and rationality [d]
  3609. () Explaining science: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
  3610. () Individuality: an essay on the foundations of metaphysics [i]
  3611. Adolf Grünbaum & Wesley C. Salmon [ed] () The limitations of deductivism [i]
  3612. () Limits of a deductive construal of the function of scientific theories [and comment by Yemima Ben-Menachem] [i] [d]
  3613. () Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research: rationale, aims, and methods [p] [d]
  3614. () Why triangulate? [during data collection] [d]
  3615. () What happens when the 'brute data' of psychological inquiry are meanings: nurturing a dialogue between hermeneutics and empiricism [and comment by Jerome Wakefield] [i]
  3616. Michel Meyer [ed] () Questions and questioning [i] [d]
  3617. () Questioning and problems in philosophy of science: problem-solving versus directly truth-seeking epistemologies [i] [d]
  3618. () Rationality: a philosophical inquiry into the nature and the rationale of reason [i]
  3619. (/2008) Clinical assessment of malingering and deception [i]
  3620. () Alternatives to psychoanalytic psychobiography [i] [u]
  3621. () The creative attitude: learning to ask and answer the right questions [i]
  3622. () Computational philosophy of science [i] [d]
  3623. () The recovery of practical philosophy [j]
  3624. () Are all maps mental maps? [d]
  3625. () Seven desiderata for rationality [i] [d]
  3626. () Philosophy of psychology [i] [d]
  3627. (/2001) What is the creative act? [i]
  3628. () Are there cultures to communicate across? An appraisal of the 'culture' concept from the perspective of anthropological semiotics [i] [u]
  3629. (/1992) The scientific attitude [i]
  3630. (/1992) The insanity of normality: realism as sickness: toward understanding human destructiveness [i]
  3631. () A realistic theory of science [i]
  3632. () The persistence of error: essays in developmental epistemology [i]
  3633. () Confirmation, disconfirmation, and information in hypothesis testing [d]
  3634. () How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? [d]
  3635. () Constructive philosophy [i]
  3636. Nancy J. Nersessian [ed] () The process of science: contemporary philosophical approaches to understanding scientific practice [i] [d]
  3637. () 'Twixt method and madness [i] [d]
  3638. Michael Foot & Isaac Kramnick [ed] () Thomas Paine reader [i]
  3639. Gerard Radnitzky & William Warren Bartley [ed] () Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge [i]
  3640. () Scientific realism: a critical reappraisal [i] [d]
  3641. () Ethical idealism: an inquiry into the nature and function of ideals [i] [d]
  3642. () Forbidden knowledge: and other essays on the philosophy of cognition [i] [d]
  3643. () Life's seasons: the conceptual phenomenology of age-periodization [i] [d]
  3644. Abner Shimony & Debra Nails [ed] () Naturalistic epistemology: a symposium of two decades [i] [d]
  3645. () Science, protoscience, and pseudoscience [i] [d]
  3646. () Interpretation and social criticism [i]
  3647. () Meyerson's 'relativistic deduction': Einstein versus Hegel [d] [j]
  3648. William Bechtel [ed] () Integrating scientific disciplines [i] [d]
  3649. () Evolutionary epistemology, durational metaphysics, and theoretical physics: Čapek and the Bergsonian tradition [i]
  3650. (/2000) The biographical illusion [i]
  3651. () Assessing evolutionary epistemology [d]
  3652. () Learning how to ask: a sociolinguistic appraisal of the role of the interview in social science research [i]
  3653. () In defense of realism and scientism [d]
  3654. (/1988) Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences [i]
  3655. () The extraterrestrial life debate, 1750–1900: the idea of a plurality of worlds from Kant to Lowell [i]
  3656. (/1988) Foucault [i]
  3657. () Evolution and the triumph of homology, or why history matters [j]
  3658. (/2010) You and your research [i] [d] [u]
  3659. () What the hell do we want an artist here for? [i]
  3660. () Projecting the order of nature [i] [d]
  3661. () Scientific change: philosophical models and historical research [d] [j]
  3662. () But is it rigorous?: trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation [d]
  3663. (/1995) Of problematology: philosophy, science, and language [i]
  3664. () In search of artistic excellence: the social construction of artistic values [d] [j]
  3665. () Learning concepts by asking questions [i] [u]
  3666. (/2001) The necessity of pragmatism: John Dewey's conception of philosophy [i]
  3667. (/2019) How to think straight about psychology [i]
  3668. (/2018) Questioning [as an interpersonal communication skill] [i] [d]
  3669. (/1989) Reflexive epistemology: the philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath [i] [d]
  3670. () The price of the ticket: collected nonfiction, 1948–1985 [i]
  3671. () Visions of excess: selected writings, 1927–1939 [i]
  3672. () From mindless neuroscience and brainless psychology to neuropsychology [and comments and reply] [d]
  3673. () Kinds of knowledge [i] [d]
  3674. () The alleged unity of Popper's philosophy of science: falsifiability as fake cement [d] [j]
  3675. () To what degree was Freud wrong—and how much difference does it make in psychotherapy? [d]
  3676. Arthur C. Graesser & John B. Black [ed] () The psychology of questions [i] [d]
  3677. () Epistemic dependence [d] [j]
  3678. () Interview methodologies for construct elicitation: searching for the core [i]
  3679. () The dialectical biologist [i]
  3680. () Equality and liberty: a defense of radical egalitarianism [i]
  3681. () Experimental method and psychodynamic theory: discussion paper [p] [d] [u]
  3682. () New perspectives on complexity [i]
  3683. () Are philosophical problems pseudoproblems? [i] [u]
  3684. () The strife of systems: an essay on the grounds and implications of philosophical diversity [i] [u]
  3685. () The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism: a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen [i]
  3686. (/1992) The cult of empiricism in psychology, and beyond [i] [d]
  3687. () Theory reform caused by an argumentation tool [NoteCards] [u]
  3688. () Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
  3689. (/1993) The ideal problem solver: a guide for improving thinking, learning, and creativity [i]
  3690. () The classification of psychology among the sciences from Francis Bacon to Boniface Kedrov [j] [u]
  3691. () What is pseudoscience? [o]
  3692. (/1991) Particles or events? [i] [d]
  3693. () Definitions of religion: a matter of taste? [d]
  3694. () What is enlightenment? [i]
  3695. () The problem situation [i]
  3696. (/2014) Thought and knowledge: an introduction to critical thinking [i] [d]
  3697. (/2002) The logic of questions [i] [d]
  3698. () The question of doctrinalism in the Buddhist epistemologists [d] [j]
  3699. () Popper and after: four modern irrationalists, by D. C. Stove [book review] [d] [j]
  3700. () Is science progressive? [i] [d]
  3701. () The role of problems and problem solving in Popper's early work on psychology [d]
  3702. (/1999) The limits of science [i] [j] [u]
  3703. () Knowledge of freedom: time to change [i]
  3704. () The new philosophy of science and the 'paranormal' [o]
  3705. () Science and scepticism [i] [d] [j]
  3706. Paul Watzlawick [ed] () The invented reality: how do we know what we believe we know?: contributions to constructivism [i]
  3707. (/1986) Small wins: redefining the scale of social problems [i]
  3708. (/2014) Case study research: design and methods [i]
  3709. Peter Achinstein [ed] () The concept of evidence [i]
  3710. () Knowing our place in the animal world [i] [d]
  3711. () Piagetian insights and critical thinking [d] [u]
  3712. (/1988) The unavowable community [i]
  3713. () Geography is a field subject [j]
  3714. (/1985) Epistemology & methodology [in three volumes: Exploring the world; Understanding the world; Philosophy of science and technology] [o] [d]
  3715. (/1991) Time-space rather than space-time [i] [d]
  3716. () How the laws of physics lie [i] [d]
  3717. Robert S. Cohen, Marie Neurath, & Carolyn R. Fawcett [ed] () Philosophical papers, 1913–1946 [selected papers by Otto Neurath] [i] [d]
  3718. () Précis of Knowledge and the flow of information [and comments and reply] [d]
  3719. John Earman [ed] () Testing scientific theories [i] [j] [u]
  3720. (/1987) Involvement and detachment [i]
  3721. () Foundations of space-time theories: relativistic physics and philosophy of science [i] [d] [j]
  3722. () The modern liberal theory of man [i] [d]
  3723. () Representing and intervening: introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science [i] [d]
  3724. () Perception, learning, and the self: essays in the philosophy of psychology [i]
  3725. () Cognition, metacognition, and epistemic cognition: a three-level model of cognitive processing [d] [j]
  3726. (/1984) How to know what is known: designing crutches for communication [i]
  3727. () What good is temporal logic? [i] [u]
  3728. () Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
  3729. () The social relations of physics, mysticism, and mathematics: studies in social structure, interests, and ideas [i] [d]
  3730. () Eliciting the real problem [and comments] [i] [d]
  3731. () Constructs are hypotheses [i] [u]
  3732. () From genetic epistemology to historical epistemology: Kant, Marx and Piaget [i] [d]
  3733. () Reducing unrealistic optimism about illness susceptibility [d]
  3734. () Inquiring systems and problem structure: implications for cognitive development [d] [j]
  3735. () Logic of discovery or psychology of invention? [d] [j]
  3736. Joseph Agassi & Robert S. Cohen [ed] () Scientific philosophy today: essays in honor of Mario Bunge [i] [d]
  3737. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  3738. () From axiom to dialogue: a philosophical study of logics and argumentation [i] [d]
  3739. (/2004) Asking questions: the definitive guide to questionnaire design—for market research, political polls, and social and health questionnaires [i]
  3740. () Experiments as arguments [d]
  3741. () Plurality of worlds: the origins of the extraterrestrial life debate from Democritus to Kant [i]
  3742. () Reforms as arguments [d]
  3743. () Identifying implicit assumptions [d] [j]
  3744. () The problem of the problem [i]
  3745. Edward S. Reed & Rebecca K. Jones [ed] () Reasons for realism: selected essays of James J. Gibson [i] [d]
  3746. () On the concepts of period, phase, stage, and level [d] [j]
  3747. () How do we learn from argument?: toward an account of the logic of problems [d] [j]
  3748. () Are individuals really subordinated to genes?: a theory of living entities [d]
  3749. Robin M. Hogarth [ed] () Question framing and response consistency [i]
  3750. () Who dies?: an investigation of conscious living and conscious dying [i]
  3751. () On the structure of dialectical reasoning in the social and policy sciences [d]
  3752. () Policy as argument—a logic for ill-structured decision problems [d]
  3753. () The construction of logical necessity [d] [j]
  3754. () Cartoons: when are they effective? [u]
  3755. () Refutation and the appropriation of truth in psychoanalysis [p] [d]
  3756. () Empirical inquiry [i]
  3757. () Recognition of the possible: an advantage of empiricism in ecology [d]
  3758. () Telling it like it isn't: language misuse & malpractice, what we can do about it [i]
  3759. (/1985) On anthropological knowledge: three essays [i] [u]
  3760. () Piaget's genetic epistemology and the Marxist theory of knowledge [j]
  3761. () The target of space and the arrow of time [d] [j]
  3762. Marilynn B. Brewer & Barry E. Collins [ed] () Scientific inquiry and the social sciences: a volume in honor of Donald T. Campbell [i]
  3763. () A critique of dialectics [i] [d]
  3764. (/2008) Scientific progress: a study concerning the nature of the relation between successive scientific theories [i] [d]
  3765. () Knowledge and the flow of information [i]
  3766. Ian Hacking [ed] () Scientific revolutions [i]
  3767. () Formalist rationality: the limitations of Popper's theory of reason [d] [j]
  3768. () A scientific ontology [book review of: Ontology, by Mario Bunge] [d]
  3769. () The nature and scope of genetic epistemology [d] [j]
  3770. () Hypothesis testing in students: sequences, stages, and instructional strategies [d]
  3771. () The rationality of science [i] [d]
  3772. () What is a problem that we may solve it? [d] [j]
  3773. () Teaching critical thinking in the 'strong' sense: a focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis [d] [u]
  3774. Peter Reason & John Rowan [ed] () Human inquiry: a sourcebook of new paradigm research [i]
  3775. () Logic as a liberal art [d]
  3776. () Scientific discovery as problem solving [d] [j]
  3777. () Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
  3778. () Evolution, adaptation, and human understanding [i]
  3779. () The inertia of fear and the scientific worldview [i] [d]
  3780. () Robustness, reliability, and overdetermination [i]
  3781. () Inner contradictions of rigorous research [i]
  3782. (/2009) The logic book [i]
  3783. Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] () The philosophy of Brand Blanshard [i]
  3784. () The mind-body problem: a psychobiological approach [i] [d]
  3785. () The truth doesn't explain much [j] [u]
  3786. (/1987) How do you make yourself a body without organs? [i]
  3787. (/1987) A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia [i]
  3788. () Essay on mind [i]
  3789. () The language of behavior analysis: its community, its functions, and its limitations [j]
  3790. () Philosophy and public policy [and other essays] [i]
  3791. () Are there limits to freedom of expression? [i]
  3792. (/1990) The psychology of transcendence [i]
  3793. () Induction: an essay on the justification of inductive reasoning [i]
  3794. () Cognitive science: the newest science of the artificial [d]
  3795. () The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
  3796. Tarthang Tulku, Ralph H. Moon, & Stephen Randall [ed] () Dimensions of thought: current explorations in time, space, and knowledge [i]
  3797. () The alternative tradition: religion and the rejection of religion in the ancient world [i] [d]
  3798. () Hypothetical fallibilism in Peirce and Jevons [j]
  3799. (/1984) Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste [i]
  3800. () Systemism supersedes atomism and holism [i] [d]
  3801. () Quasi-experimentation: design & analysis issues for field settings [i]
  3802. () On the nature of problems in consulting practice [d]
  3803. () The logic of question and answer: writing as inquiry [d] [j]
  3804. () Elihu Palmer, radical deist, radical republican: a reconsideration of American free thought [d]
  3805. (/2006) Understanding scientific reasoning [i]
  3806. () Michel Foucault's immature science [d] [j]
  3807. (/2014) Logic for problem solving, revisited [i] [u]
  3808. (/1996) Eyewitness testimony [i]
  3809. () Development of formal hypothesis-testing ability [d]
  3810. () Teleology revisited and other essays in the philosophy and history of science [i] [d]
  3811. (/1985) The problem of political obligation: a critique of liberal theory [i]
  3812. () Cognitive systematization: a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge [i]
  3813. (/1997) Can we know the universe?: reflections on a grain of salt [i]
  3814. () 'You know my method': a juxtaposition of Charles S. Peirce and Sherlock Holmes [d]
  3815. (/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
  3816. () The test–trait fallacy [d]
  3817. () Models: representation and the scientific understanding [i] [d]
  3818. () Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
  3819. () The supposed asymmetry between falsification and verification [d] [j]
  3820. () Development of concepts of self, mind, reality, and knowledge [d]
  3821. () Ethical problems of psychological jargon [d]
  3822. () Experience and the growth of understanding [i]
  3823. () Toward a history of needs [i]
  3824. () The right to useful unemployment and its professional enemies [i]
  3825. () Validity and rhetoric in philosophical argument: an outlook in transition [o]
  3826. () The rise of systems theory: an ideological analysis [i]
  3827. () On the structure and use of issue systems in design [o] [u]
  3828. (/1984) Notes on Popper as follower of Whewell and Peirce [i] [d]
  3829. () Psychology, mon amour: a countertext [i]
  3830. () The acquisition of knowledge [i]
  3831. Linda S. Siegel & Charles J. Brainerd [ed] () Alternatives to Piaget: critical essays on the theory [i]
  3832. () The ideology of advocacy: procedural justice and professional ethics [o]
  3833. () The presumptions of science [j]
  3834. () Buddhist hermeneutics [d] [j]
  3835. () Has history any meaning?: a critique of Popper's philosophy of history [i]
  3836. (/1991) Reliable knowledge: an exploration of the grounds for belief in science [i]
  3837. Joseph Ben-David & Terry Nichols Clark [ed] () Culture and its creators: essays in honor of Edward Shils [i]
  3838. (/1980) Conversations with Jean Piaget [i]
  3839. () A sense of the future: essays in natural philosophy [i]
  3840. (/1979) Ontology [in two volumes: The furniture of the world; A world of systems] [o] [d]
  3841. (/1987) Dialogues [i]
  3842. () The philosophy of John Dewey: a critical exposition of his method, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge [i] [d]
  3843. (/1979) Scientific rationality: analytic vs. pragmatic perspectives [i] [u]
  3844. () Medical hubris: a reply to Ivan Illich [i]
  3845. () Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science [d] [j]
  3846. (/1997) Creative interviewing: the writer's guide to gathering information by asking questions [i]
  3847. () Epicycles and the homocentric earth: or what is wrong with 'stages' of cognitive development? [d]
  3848. () Confirmationism vs. falsificationism [i]
  3849. () Dialectics: a controversy-oriented approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
  3850. () Methodological pragmatism: a systems-theoretic approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
  3851. () The systematization of knowledge [d]
  3852. () A comparison between John Dewey's theory of inquiry and Jean Piaget's genetic analysis of intelligence [p] [d]
  3853. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
  3854. () The phenomenon of science [i] [u]
  3855. () Tools for thought: how to understand and apply the latest scientific techniques of problem solving [i]
  3856. () Social proof structures: the dialectic of method and theory in the work of psychology [i] [d]
  3857. () Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making [d] [j]
  3858. () Reliability and validity of traits measured by Kelly's repertory grid [d]
  3859. (/2013) What is this thing called science? [i]
  3860. (/1987) Introduction: rhizome [i]
  3861. () Investigative social research: individual and team field research [i]
  3862. () Problem finding and creativity [i]
  3863. () Relevant evidence [d] [j]
  3864. () An approach to problematology [d]
  3865. () A review of Illich's Medical nemesis [p] [u]
  3866. () Inquiry and reality: a discourse in pragmatic synthesis [o]
  3867. (/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
  3868. (/1987) The myth of the framework [i] [d]
  3869. () How real is real?: confusion, disinformation, communication [i]
  3870. () Nature and formulation of biogeographical hypotheses [d]
  3871. () Questioning [d] [j]
  3872. () The flight from reason: essays on intellectual freedom in the academy, the press, and the library [i]
  3873. () Psychiatry and psychotherapy as political processes [p] [d]
  3874. () The diploma disease: education, qualification, and development [i]
  3875. () Dialogue and inquiring systems: the development of a social logic [d] [j]
  3876. () Philosophy and meta-philosophy of science: empiricism, Popperianism and realism [d] [j]
  3877. (/1976) Medical nemesis: the expropriation of health [i]
  3878. (/1985) The equilibration of cognitive structures: the central problem of intellectual development [i]
  3879. () Semantics [i]
  3880. () Toward a dialectical theory of development [d] [j]
  3881. () The concept of energy flow and nutrient flow between trophic levels [and its flaws] [i] [d]
  3882. (/1979) The macroscope: a new world scientific system [i] [u]
  3883. () Delphi critique: expert opinion, forecasting, and group process [i]
  3884. () Semantics [in two volumes: Sense and reference; Interpretation and truth] [o] [d]
  3885. () Interpretation and exactification [i] [d]
  3886. (/1985) Cargo cult science [i]
  3887. () Explanation and scientific understanding [d] [j]
  3888. (/1996) Deviant logic, fuzzy logic: beyond the formalism [i]
  3889. () The role of analogy, model, and metaphor in science [i]
  3890. Trina J. Magi & Martin Garnar [ed] (/2015) Intellectual freedom manual [i]
  3891. () Human knowledge: the role of models, metaphors, and analogy [d]
  3892. () The subjective side of science: a philosophical inquiry into the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists [i]
  3893. (/2001) The book of questions = El libro de las preguntas [i]
  3894. (/1978) Success and understanding [i] [d]
  3895. Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] () The philosophy of Karl Popper [i]
  3896. (/2010) Should trees have standing?: law, morality, and the environment [or: Should trees have standing?: toward legal rights for natural objects] [i]
  3897. () Whose invisible religion? Luckmann revisited [d] [j]
  3898. (/1992) The step not beyond [i]
  3899. () Method, model, and matter [i] [d]
  3900. () Philosophy of physics [i] [d]
  3901. () Testability today [i] [d]
  3902. (/2004) Nomadic thought [i]
  3903. () The life and mind of John Dewey [i]
  3904. () The logical requirements for explanations of systematic desensitization [d]
  3905. (/1982) The demystification of the law [i] [d]
  3906. (/1974) Energy and equity [i]
  3907. () The sociology of science: theoretical and empirical investigations [i]
  3908. (/2002) Precision journalism: a reporter's introduction to social science methods [i]
  3909. () Epistemology as general systems theory: an approach to the design of complex decision-making experiments [d]
  3910. (/1997) Practical reasoning in natural language [i]
  3911. (/1979) Perception, representation, and the forms of action: towards an historical epistemology [i] [d]
  3912. (/1976) Practical logic [i] [d]
  3913. (/2000) The logical categories of learning and communication [i]
  3914. () The politics of expertise [i]
  3915. (/2001) Hume [i]
  3916. (/1982) Groupthink: psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascoes [i]
  3917. () Development as the aim of education [d]
  3918. () Psychological man as scientist, humanist and specialist [o]
  3919. (/2001) A historical introduction to the philosophy of science [i]
  3920. () What time is this place? [i]
  3921. () The modeling process [in systems modeling] [d]
  3922. () How does it feel to grow old?: eleven essayists answer [p] [d]
  3923. () Human understanding: the collective use and evolution of concepts [i]
  3924. (/1973) Is scientific metaphysics possible? [i] [d] [j]
  3925. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  3926. (/1991) The fiction of instants [i] [d]
  3927. () The design of inquiring systems: basic concepts of systems and organization [i]
  3928. Billy J. Franklin & Harold W. Osborne [ed] () Research methods: issues and insights [o]
  3929. () Conversation with Karl Popper [on 'the knowledge stored in our libraries as more important than the knowledge stored in our heads'] [o]
  3930. Theodore Mischel [ed] () Cognitive development and epistemology [i] [d]
  3931. () Human problem solving: the state of the theory in 1970 [d]
  3932. () The concept of 'stages' in psychological development [i] [d]
  3933. () A Black ghetto's research on a university [d] [j]
  3934. () Science through the looking glass [i]
  3935. (/1974) Evolutionary epistemology [i]
  3936. () Voluntary service: good will or evil goods? [o]
  3937. (/1987) Ciencia propia y colonialismo intelectual: los nuevos rumbos [i]
  3938. David Faust & Jay Ziskin [ed] (/2011) Coping with psychiatric and psychological testimony: based on the original work by Jay Ziskin [i]
  3939. () A religion for the new materialism [o] [d]
  3940. () What about people in regional science? [d]
  3941. (/1993) Fallacies [i]
  3942. () Constraints and restraints [d] [j]
  3943. (/1996) Hypothesis and perception: the roots of scientific method [i]
  3944. () The one-man revolution in America [i]
  3945. () Celebration of awareness: a call for institutional revolution [o]
  3946. Howard Evans Kiefer & Milton Karl Munitz [ed] () Ethics and social justice [i]
  3947. () Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
  3948. Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave [ed] () Criticism and the growth of knowledge [i]
  3949. (/1978) The web of belief [i]
  3950. () Principles of emergent realism: the philosophical essays of Roy Wood Sellars [o]
  3951. () How do contact systems affect regional development? [d]
  3952. Stephen Toulmin [ed] () Physical reality: philosophical essays on twentieth-century physics [i]
  3953. (/1993) The infinite conversation [i]
  3954. () Metaphysics and the philosophy of science: the classical origins: Descartes to Kant [i]
  3955. (/2004) Gilles Deleuze talks philosophy [i]
  3956. () What's really wrong with phenomenalism? [u]
  3957. () An essay on liberation [i]
  3958. () Teaching as a subversive activity [o]
  3959. () The process of problem finding [u]
  3960. (/1998) False witness [i]
  3961. () Reflections on American philosophy from within [o]
  3962. (/1996) The sciences of the artificial [i] [d]
  3963. Jerry M. Anderson & Paul John Dovre [ed] () Readings in argumentation [o]
  3964. () The onion and the moebius strip [o] [u]
  3965. (/2004) Nietzsche and the image of thought [i]
  3966. G. William Domhoff & Hoyt B. Ballard [ed] () C. Wright Mills and the power elite [o]
  3967. (/1970) Modern science and social responsibility [and comments] [i] [d]
  3968. (/1970) To hell with good intentions [o]
  3969. () The cultural role of scientific behavior [d]
  3970. Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave [ed] () Problems in the philosophy of science [o]
  3971. () What's the point of history? [j]
  3972. () Realism, materialism, and the mind: the philosophy of Roy Wood Sellars [o]
  3973. (/1979) The quest for uncertainty [critique of Popper's analysis of the logic of science] [i] [d]
  3974. (/1969) The question of relevance [j]
  3975. () Between science and philosophy: an introduction to the philosophy of science [o]
  3976. () Conceptual foundations of scientific thought: an introduction to the philosophy of science [o]
  3977. () A comprehensible world: on modern science and its origins [o]
  3978. (/1998) Logic of problems [i]
  3979. (/1998) Philosophy of science [or: Scientific research; in two volumes: From problem to theory; From explanation to justification] [i]
  3980. () Science is not enough: reflections for the present and future [o]
  3981. () History of epistemology [o] [u]
  3982. () Meditations on genesis [in organismic-developmental psychology] [p] [d] [j]
  3983. () Where do we go from here: chaos or community? [o]
  3984. (/1970) The ecological context [o]
  3985. () Theory-testing in psychology and physics: a methodological paradox [d] [j]
  3986. (/2018) Epistemology and its varieties [u]
  3987. Jean Piaget [ed] () Logique et connaissance scientifique [o]
  3988. (/1971) Biology and knowledge: an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes [i]
  3989. () Escape from paradox [j]
  3990. () Realism 1900–1930: an emerging epistemology [d] [j]
  3991. () Psychology as an exercise in paradox [o] [u]
  3992. () Why-questions [o]
  3993. Robert Garland Colodny [ed] () Mind and cosmos: essays in contemporary science and philosophy [o]
  3994. () The uses of computers in technology [j]
  3995. (/1988) Bergsonism [i]
  3996. () Men and molecules [o]
  3997. () The ways of reason: a critical study of the ideas of Émile Meyerson [o]
  3998. () The psychology of science: a reconnaissance [o]
  3999. (/2005) Precization and definition [i] [d]
  4000. () The uses of computers in science [j]
  4001. (/1969) The problem of common mechanisms in the human sciences [i] [d]
  4002. () A revolution in historiography of science [book review of: The structure of scientific revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn; Towards an historiography of science, by Joseph Agasasi] [d]
  4003. (/1993) The foundations of metaphysics in science [i]
  4004. () Aspects of scientific explanation: and other essays in the philosophy of science [o]
  4005. () Towards an historiography of science, by Joseph Agassi [book review] [d] [j]
  4006. () General system theory and systems research: contrasting conceptions of systems science [o] [u]
  4007. Mario Bunge [ed] (/1999) Critical approaches to science & philosophy [or: The critical approach to science and philosophy] [i]
  4008. (/1972) Time and method: an essay on the methodology of research [i]
  4009. () The nature of psychological inquiry [o]
  4010. () The age of the symbol: a philosophy of library education [d] [j]
  4011. (/1998) The conduct of inquiry: methodology for behavioral science [i]
  4012. () Strong inference: certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others [p] [d] [j]
  4013. () The myth of simplicity: problems of scientific philosophy [o]
  4014. (/1966) Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research [i]
  4015. (/1973) Philosophical problems of space and time [i] [d]
  4016. (/1977) The psychology of the unknown [i]
  4017. () Reason and the common good: selected essays [o]
  4018. (/1997) Ecology: a bridge between science and society [i]
  4019. () Psychotherapy today or where do we go from here? [p] [d]
  4020. () Toward a science of the person [d] [u]
  4021. Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] () The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap [o]
  4022. () Philosophy and scientific realism [o] [d]
  4023. () Zen and science: a treatise on causality and freedom [o]
  4024. () Scientific method: optimizing applied research decisions [o]
  4025. (/1985) The creative process [i]
  4026. Richard B. Brandt [ed] () Social justice [o]
  4027. () Intuition and science [o]
  4028. (/2002) Silent spring [i]
  4029. (/1983) Nietzsche and philosophy [i]
  4030. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  4031. () A concept of critical thinking [u]
  4032. (/1997) Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective [i]
  4033. () The map was redrawn to make man's agony a part of the geography [book review of: Being and time, by Martin Heidegger] [u]
  4034. (/1984) The development of logic [i]
  4035. () An essay on mind [o]
  4036. Jordan M. Scher [ed] () Theories of the mind [o]
  4037. () The architecture of complexity [j]
  4038. () Political discipline in a free society: the sustained initiative [o] [d]
  4039. () The concept of method [o] [d]
  4040. () The philosophical impact of contemporary physics [o]
  4041. (/2015) The faith of a heretic [i] [d] [j]
  4042. (/2015) Against theology [i] [d] [j]
  4043. (/2008) Psychoanalysis: its image and its public [i]
  4044. () The structure of science: problems in the logic of scientific explanation [o]
  4045. () Querying Whitehead's framework [and its limitations] [j]
  4046. () The future of mankind, by Karl Jaspers [book review] [d] [j]
  4047. () The place of induction in science [d] [j]
  4048. (/2002) Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view [i]
  4049. Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, & Alfred Tarski [ed] (/1962) Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science: proceedings of the 1960 international congress [o]
  4050. () Dewey's conception of philosophy [j]
  4051. () A neural-identity theory of mind [o]
  4052. () Fights, games, and debates [o] [d]
  4053. () Panpsychism or evolutionary materialism [d] [j]
  4054. () Review issue: A history of technology [j]
  4055. (/1962) Models of data [o] [d] [u]
  4056. () Philosophical peculiarities of Zen [d]
  4057. () The biological way of thought [o]
  4058. (/2009) Causality and modern science [or: Causality: the place of the causal principle in modern science] [i]
  4059. () On the epistemology of the inexact sciences [d] [j]
  4060. () Levels of causality: the emergence of guidance and reason in nature [d] [j]
  4061. () Power and morality: who shall guard the guardians? [o]
  4062. () Pragmatism as a theory of historical knowledge: John Dewey on the nature of historical inquiry [d] [j]
  4063. (/1967) The 'mental' and the 'physical': the essay and a postscript [o] [j]
  4064. () How much should a country consume? [o]
  4065. (/1998) The affluent society [i]
  4066. (/1963) The atom bomb and the future of man [or: The future of mankind] [i]
  4067. () The sources of value [o]
  4068. (/1969) The new rhetoric: a treatise on argumentation [o] [j]
  4069. (/2015) Personal knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy [i] [d]
  4070. (/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
  4071. () Basic doctrines of Buddhism and modern science [d]
  4072. () Induction and hypothesis: a study of the logic of confirmation [o] [d] [j]
  4073. () The image: knowledge in life and society [o] [d]
  4074. (/1998) The sense of wonder [i]
  4075. (/2000) The power elite [i]
  4076. (/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
  4077. Lewis Leary [ed] () The unity of knowledge [o]
  4078. () Can we survive technology? [u]
  4079. () My philosophical position: a rejoinder [d] [j]
  4080. () Knowledge as unity [o]
  4081. (/2013) Why is the world four-dimensional? [i]
  4082. (/1967) On philosophical style [o]
  4083. (/1958) Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications [o]
  4084. (/1998) The real world around us [i]
  4085. () Methods of research: educational, psychological, sociological [o] [d]
  4086. (/1958) Machines which seem to think [o] [u]
  4087. () Formal and informal logic [o]
  4088. () John Dewey, my son, and education for human freedom [j]
  4089. () Sociological aspects of the relation between language and philosophy [d] [j]
  4090. () Interpretation and preciseness: a contribution to the theory of communication [o]
  4091. () Operational philosophy: integrating knowledge and action [o] [u]
  4092. () The philosophy of science: an introduction [o]
  4093. (/2013) Axiomatic versus constructive procedures in mathematics [i]
  4094. () The validation of scientific belief: a conspectus of the symposium [j]
  4095. () A biosocial approach to ethics [o]
  4096. () Foundations of a theory of bibliography [d] [j]
  4097. () Flying saucers [d] [j]
  4098. () The nature of historical explanation [o]
  4099. () Mind–body, causation and correlation [d] [j]
  4100. (/1959) On intellectual craftsmanship [i]
  4101. () Scientific method in cosmology [d] [j]
  4102. () An introduction to scientific research [o]
  4103. () The dangers of literacy [d] [j]
  4104. () What is chance? [j]
  4105. () The doctrine of necessity re-examined [j]
  4106. () Mechanism, organism, and society: some models in natural and social science [d] [j]
  4107. () On the heuristic value of scientific models [d] [j]
  4108. () Outline of a decision procedure for ethics [d] [j]
  4109. () The rise of scientific philosophy [o]
  4110. () Culture and personality: the natural history of a false dichotomy [p] [d]
  4111. () The wisdom of insecurity [o]
  4112. () Practical logic [o]
  4113. (/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
  4114. (/1955) Reflections of a physicist [o]
  4115. () The human community: its philosophy and practice for a time of crisis [o]
  4116. () The place of John Dewey in modern thought [o]
  4117. Sidney Hook [ed] () John Dewey, philosopher of science and freedom: a symposium [o]
  4118. Gail Kennedy [ed] () Pragmatism and American culture [o]
  4119. () The nature of physical reality: a philosophy of modern physics [o]
  4120. (/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
  4121. () The democratization of philosophy [j]
  4122. () Knowing and the known [o]
  4123. () Philosophy's future in our scientific age: never was its role more critical [u]
  4124. () The messes animals make in metaphysics [d] [j]
  4125. () Probability and induction [o]
  4126. () Science and the moral life: selected writings [o]
  4127. () Philosophy for the future: the quest of modern materialism, edited by Roy Wood Sellars, V. J. McGill, Marvin Farber [book review] [j]
  4128. (/2002) The concept of mind [i]
  4129. Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (/1970) Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist [o]
  4130. Roy Wood Sellars, Vivian Jerauld McGill, & Marvin Farber [ed] () Philosophy for the future: the quest of modern materialism [o]
  4131. () Some notes on research on the role of models in the natural and social sciences [d] [j]
  4132. () Human knowledge, its scope and limits [o]
  4133. () Science and complexity [j]
  4134. () Time, communication, and the nervous system [p] [d]
  4135. (/1995) Concerning the accounts given by the residents of Hiroshima [i]
  4136. () On understanding science: an historical approach [o]
  4137. () Race, values, and guilt [d] [j]
  4138. () Social science and normative ethics [d] [j]
  4139. () Assignment for life [d]
  4140. () The locus of mathematical reality: an anthropological footnote [d] [j]
  4141. () Religious liberals reply [o]
  4142. () Will science meet a new challenge? [d] [j]
  4143. () The faith of a liberal [o]
  4144. () Peirce's theory of linguistic signs, thought, and meaning [d] [j]
  4145. () Problems of men [and women] [o] [u]
  4146. () Scientific method and human values [j]
  4147. (/1963) Education for modern man: a new perspective [o]
  4148. (/2000) The question of German guilt [i] [j]
  4149. () Science and world community [j]
  4150. (/1992) On Nietzsche [i]
  4151. () Philosophy in the community [o]
  4152. (/1985) How to solve it: a new aspect of mathematical method [i] [d] [j]
  4153. () The role of models in science [d] [j]
  4154. () Modern philosophy [and its connection with political and social circumstances] [o]
  4155. () Productive thinking [o]
  4156. () Concepts of plane, standard, level and satisfaction of consumption and of living [d] [j]
  4157. Yervant H. Krikorian [ed] () Naturalism and the human spirit [o] [d]
  4158. () Can a reformed materialism do justice to values? [d] [j]
  4159. () Does naturalism need ontology? [d] [j]
  4160. () Reformed materialism and intrinsic endurance [d] [j]
  4161. () Is naturalism enough? [d] [j]
  4162. (/1988) Inner experience [i]
  4163. (/1989) The normal and the pathological [i]
  4164. () Negro higher education and democratic Negro morale [d] [j]
  4165. (/1973) The normative structure of science [or: Science and technology in a democratic order] [i]
  4166. () World hypotheses: a study in evidence [i]
  4167. (/1996) What is mathematics?: an elementary approach to ideas and methods [i]
  4168. () Social change and original sin: answer to Niebuhr [o]
  4169. (/1975) On my philosophy ['a development of the individual into community and from there to the plane of history, without breaking with contemporary life'] [i]
  4170. (/1951) A biologist's view of Whitehead [o]
  4171. Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (/1951) The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead [o]
  4172. (/1951) Philosophy of organism and physical realism [o]
  4173. () Free minds and free men [and women] [o]
  4174. (/1998) An essay on metaphysics [i]
  4175. (/2007) Dusk of dawn: an essay toward an autobiography of a race concept [i]
  4176. (/2007) Science and empire [i]
  4177. () Analyzable and unanalyzable abstractions [o] [u]
  4178. () Reason, social myths and democracy [o] [u]
  4179. () Sense and nonsense in dialectic [o] [u]
  4180. () The human enterprise: an attempt to relate philosophy to daily life [o]
  4181. () What is dialectic? [j]
  4182. (/1978) An autobiography [i]
  4183. (/1978) Question and answer [i]
  4184. () Theory of valuation [o] [u]
  4185. (/1989) Experience, knowledge and value: a rejoinder [i]
  4186. () Freedom and culture [o] [u]
  4187. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  4188. (/1958) The philosophy of physical science [o]
  4189. () Vagueness and logic [d] [j]
  4190. () John Dewey, an intellectual portrait [i] [u]
  4191. () Knowledge for what?: the place of social science in American culture [o] [d] [j]
  4192. () Principles of the theory of probability [i]
  4193. Paul Arthur Schilpp & Lewis Edwin Hahn [ed] (/1989) The philosophy of John Dewey [i]
  4194. () A statement of critical realism [j]
  4195. () Thinking to some purpose [o] [u]
  4196. (/2002) The formation of the scientific mind: a contribution to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge [i]
  4197. Glenn D. Considine & Peter H. Kulik [ed] (/2008) Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia [i]
  4198. (/2020) Does human nature change? [i] [d] [j]
  4199. () Experience and education [o]
  4200. () Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
  4201. () The problem of historical knowledge: an answer to relativism [o]
  4202. () Dare we look ahead? [o]
  4203. (/2021) World brain [i] [d] [u]
  4204. () Whitehead's philosophy [d] [j]
  4205. () Today's distress and horrors basically intellectual [d] [j]
  4206. () Remarks [or: Analysis of meaning; in response to John Dewey and others] [d] [j]
  4207. (/1950) The philosophical type of research [o]
  4208. (/1950) The elements of research [o]
  4209. (/2014) Annihilation of caste [i]
  4210. () Liberalism in religion [d] [j] [u]
  4211. (/1983) Encyclopedia as 'model' [i] [d]
  4212. (/1952) The origins of intelligence in children [o]
  4213. () Liberty vs. equality [o] [u]
  4214. () American philosophies of religion [o]
  4215. () War is a racket [o] [u]
  4216. () Liberalism and social action [o]
  4217. Horace Meyer Kallen & Sidney Hook [ed] () American philosophy today and tomorrow [o]
  4218. () Philosophy of science and science of philosophy [d] [j]
  4219. (/1983) Pseudorationalism of falsification [i] [d]
  4220. (/1959) Degrees of testability [i]
  4221. (/1988) Unanswerable questions? [i] [d]
  4222. (/1946) The creative mind [o] [u]
  4223. () An introduction to logic and scientific method [o]
  4224. (/2020) Intelligence and power [i] [d] [j] [u]
  4225. () To sleep, perchance to dream [d] [j]
  4226. () What is materialism? [d] [j]
  4227. (/1938) The place of value in a world of facts [o]
  4228. (/2009) Mind and nature: selected writings on philosophy, mathematics, and physics [i] [d] [j]
  4229. () Earth is enough: an essay in religious realism [o]
  4230. () An introduction to library science [o] [u]
  4231. () The philosophy of physical realism, by Roy Wood Sellars [book review] [d] [j]
  4232. (/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
  4233. () Republican religion: the American Revolution and the cult of reason [or: Religion of the American enlightenment] [o] [u]
  4234. () Must philosophers disagree? [d]
  4235. () Remembering: a study in experimental and social psychology [o] [u]
  4236. (/1970) Convicting the innocent: errors of criminal justice [i]
  4237. (/1935) The scientific basis of evolution [o]
  4238. () Where is science going? [o] [u]
  4239. () Cultural anthropology and psychiatry [d]
  4240. (/1966) The philosophy of physical realism [o]
  4241. () Methods of social study [o] [u]
  4242. (/1953) Reason and nature: an essay on the meaning of scientific method [o]
  4243. () The quest for social justice, 1898–1914 [o]
  4244. () Religion in John Dewey's philosophy [j]
  4245. () The revolt against dualism: an inquiry concerning the existence of ideas [o] [u]
  4246. () Scientific method in some embryonic sciences [d] [j]
  4247. () The organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences [o] [u]
  4248. (/1950) A history of experimental psychology [o]
  4249. () What is a question? [d] [j]
  4250. (/1960) The quest for certainty: a study of the relation of knowledge and action [o] [u]
  4251. (/1947) Gestalt psychology: an introduction to new concepts in modern psychology [o]
  4252. () The world man lives in [o]
  4253. (/1978) Process and reality: an essay in cosmology [i] [u]
  4254. () The philosophy of dialectical materialism: I [d] [j]
  4255. () The philosophy of dialectical materialism: II [d] [j]
  4256. (/1958) The philosophy of space & time [i]
  4257. () Chemistry in relation to biology and medicine with especial reference to insulin and other hormones [p] [d] [j]
  4258. (/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
  4259. () A history of socialist thought [o] [u]
  4260. () The relation of biology to physics [p] [d] [j]
  4261. () Objective relativism in Dewey and Whitehead [d] [j]
  4262. (/2009) Philosophy of mathematics and natural science [i]
  4263. (/1985) On being the right size and other essays [i]
  4264. () Thinking about thinking [o] [u]
  4265. () The meaning of a liberal education [o] [u]
  4266. () Microscopy in the service of man [and woman] [o] [u]
  4267. () Induction and probability [j]
  4268. () Experience and nature, by John Dewey [book review] [j]
  4269. (/1970) The principles, perspectives, and problems of philosophy: an exploration in depth [o]
  4270. () What is a race? [u]
  4271. (/1929) Experience and nature [i] [u]
  4272. (/1985) The relativistic deduction: epistemological implications of the theory of relativity [i] [d]
  4273. (/1974) General theory of knowledge [i] [d]
  4274. () Science and the modern world [o] [u]
  4275. (/1928) Essentials of scientific method [o] [u]
  4276. James Ford [ed] () Social problems and social policy: principles underlying treatment and prevention of poverty, defectiveness, and criminality [o] [u]
  4277. Francis Sydney Marvin [ed] () Science and civilization [i] [u]
  4278. () Scientific method: an inquiry into the character and validity of natural laws [o] [d] [u]
  4279. (/1968) Potestas clavium [o] [u]
  4280. () On the nature of mathematical thinking [d]
  4281. () The elements of social justice [o] [u]
  4282. () Mathematical philosophy: a study of fate and freedom: lectures for educated laymen [o] [u]
  4283. () Evolutionary naturalism [o] [u]
  4284. () Metaphysics and materialism [d]
  4285. (/1952) What is science? [o] [u]
  4286. (/1991) Explanation in the sciences [i] [d]
  4287. (/1973) Anti-Spengler: dedicated to the young and the future they shape [i] [d]
  4288. () A new system of scientific procedure: being an attempt to ascertain, develop, and systematise the general methods employed in modern enquiries at their best [o] [u]
  4289. (/1946) The possible and the real [o] [u]
  4290. () The idea of progress: an inquiry into its origin and growth [o] [u]
  4291. (/1957) Foundations of science: the philosophy of theory and experiment [or: Physics, the elements] [o] [u]
  4292. (/1948) Reconstruction in philosophy [o] [u]
  4293. () Essays in critical realism: a co-operative study of the problem of knowledge [o] [u]
  4294. (/2003) Darkwater: voices from within the veil [i] [u]
  4295. () Space, time and gravitation: an outline of the general relativity theory [i] [u]
  4296. () Modern science and materialism, by Hugh Elliot [book review] [d] [j]
  4297. () Science and life: Aberdeen addresses [o] [u]
  4298. () The order of nature: an essay [o] [d] [u]
  4299. () Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, and gorilla [d]
  4300. (/1925) The essentials of logic [o] [u]
  4301. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  4302. (/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
  4303. (/1969) Thinking as a science [i]
  4304. () The human worth of rigorous thinking: essays and addresses [o] [u]
  4305. () Critical realism: a study of the nature and conditions of knowledge [o] [u]
  4306. (/1917) The aims of education—a plea for reform [o] [u]
  4307. () The Negro [o] [u]
  4308. (/1945) The directiveness of organic activities [o] [u]
  4309. () Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]
  4310. () Pragmatism and French voluntarism: with especial reference to the notion of truth in the development of French philosophy from Maine de Biran to Professor Bergson [o] [u]
  4311. (/1921) An introduction to philosophy [o] [u]
  4312. () Has the Emancipation Act been nullified by national indifference? [o] [u]
  4313. () A history of freedom of thought [o] [u]
  4314. (/1983) The lost wanderers of Descartes and the auxiliary motive (on the psychology of decision) [i] [d]
  4315. (/1937) The principles of judicial proof: or, The process of proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials [o]
  4316. () Is a scientific explanation of life possible? [u]
  4317. () Aristotle's researches in natural science [o] [d] [u]
  4318. () Formal logic: a scientific and social problem [o] [u]
  4319. () Matter and energy [o] [u]
  4320. () Science and race prejudice [o] [d] [u]
  4321. () Creative evolution [o] [u]
  4322. () Liberalism [o] [u]
  4323. () An introduction to mathematics [o] [u]
  4324. () Origin and evolution of ethics: were moral laws supernaturally revealed, or are they products of human experience and evolution? [o] [u]
  4325. () Dogmatism and evolution: studies in modern philosophy [o] [u]
  4326. (/1977) A pluralistic universe [i] [u]
  4327. (/1970) The unity of the physical world-picture [i]
  4328. () Causality [d] [j]
  4329. (/1932) Ethics [o]
  4330. (/2009) The world I live in [i] [u]
  4331. (/1909) On the witness stand: essays on psychology and crime [o] [u]
  4332. (/2007) Newer ideals of peace [i] [u]
  4333. (/1978) Pragmatism, a new name for some old ways of thinking; The meaning of truth, a sequel to Pragmatism [i] [u]
  4334. () Realism and the physical world [d] [j]
  4335. (/2001) The value of science: essential writings of Henri Poincaré [i]
  4336. () The nature of experience [d] [j]
  4337. (/1911) Thought and things: a study of the development and meaning of thought or genetic logic [o] [u]
  4338. (/1909) The electron theory: a popular introduction to the new theory of electricity and magnetism [o] [u]
  4339. (/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
  4340. (/1961) The integrative action of the nervous system [o] [u]
  4341. (/1974) Theoretical physics and philosophical problems: selected writings [i] [d]
  4342. (/1914) The algebra of logic [o] [u]
  4343. () The realism of pragmatism [d] [j]
  4344. (/1909) Democracy and reaction [o] [u]
  4345. () Does 'consciousness' exist? [d] [j]
  4346. (/1994) Reality is mobility, from An introduction to metaphysics [i]
  4347. (/2007) Of the dawn of freedom [i] [u]
  4348. (/1934) How to theorize [or: On selecting hypotheses] [i] [u]
  4349. (/2002) Democracy and social ethics [i] [u]
  4350. (/1913) The discovery of the future [o] [u]
  4351. (/2007) Some stages of logical thought [i] [j] [u]
  4352. (/1989) Interpretations of poetry and religion [i] [u]
  4353. () The scientific basis of morality [o] [u]
  4354. () Psychology and history [d]
  4355. (/1963) Los tónicos de la voluntad: reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica: discurso leído con ocasión de la recepción del autor en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales [o] [u]
  4356. () The study of the Negro problems [d] [j]
  4357. () General analysis of experience [o] [d] [u]
  4358. (/1935) The backward state of metaphysics [i] [u]
  4359. (/1992) Reasoning and the logic of things: the Cambridge conferences lectures of 1898 [i]
  4360. (/1992) Training in reasoning [i]
  4361. () A group of hypotheses bearing on climatic changes [d] [j]
  4362. () Strivings of the Negro people [u]
  4363. (/1912) Introduction to the study of history [o] [u]
  4364. () Faith or fact [o] [u]
  4365. () The origin of hypotheses, illustrated by the discussion of a topographic problem [p] [d] [j]
  4366. () The theory of knowledge: a contribution to some problems of logic and metaphysics [o] [u]
  4367. (/1986) Popular scientific lectures [i] [u]
  4368. () History and natural science, by Wilhelm Windelband [book review] [d]
  4369. () The dawn of a new religious era [d] [j]
  4370. () Science and education: essays [o] [u]
  4371. (/1998) History and natural science [d]
  4372. () The grammar of science, by Karl Pearson [book review] [u]
  4373. (/2002) On lynchings: Southern horrors, A red record, Mob rule in New Orleans [i] [u]
  4374. () The architecture of theories [d] [j]
  4375. (/1965) The method of multiple working hypotheses: with this method the dangers of parental affection for a favorite theory can be circumvented [p] [d] [j]
  4376. (/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
  4377. (/1960) Time and free will: an essay on the immediate data of consciousness [o] [u]
  4378. () The ethics of democracy [o] [u]
  4379. (/1993) The autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–1882: with original omissions restored [i] [u]
  4380. () Science and pseudo-science [u]
  4381. () The inculcation of scientific method by example, with an illustration drawn from the quaternary geology of Utah [u]
  4382. (/1981) The perception of time [i] [u]
  4383. (/1914) The analysis of sensations and the relation of the physical to the psychical [i] [u]
  4384. () The common sense of the exact sciences [o] [u]
  4385. () The relation of philosophy to science, physical and psychological [o] [u]
  4386. () The numerical measure of the success of predictions [p] [d] [j]
  4387. () The importance of chemistry in biology and medicine [p] [d] [j]
  4388. (/2015) Critical or genetic method? [i]
  4389. () The scientific basis of national progress, including that of morality [o] [u]
  4390. (/1962) Popular scientific lectures [o]
  4391. (/1895) Some reasons why: a lecture [o] [u]
  4392. (/1894) Symbolic logic [o] [u]
  4393. (/1912) Spinoza: his life and philosophy [o] [u]
  4394. () The art of scientific discovery, by George Gore [book review] [d]
  4395. () The art of scientific discovery: or, The general conditions and methods of research in physics and chemistry [o] [u]
  4396. (/1898) Intellectual development [o] [u]
  4397. (/1934) How to make our ideas clear [i] [u]
  4398. (/2018) Elements of a philosophy of technology: on the evolutionary history of culture [i] [j]
  4399. (/1934) The fixation of belief [i] [u]
  4400. (/1999) The ethics of belief [i] [u]
  4401. () The life-work of Liebig in experimental and philosophic chemistry: with allusions to his influence on the development of the collateral sciences and of the useful arts [o] [u]
  4402. (/1877) Philosophical discussions [o] [u]
  4403. (/1906) The evolution of culture and other essays [o] [u]
  4404. (/1878) The gods, and other lectures [o] [u]
  4405. (/1877) The principles of science: a treatise on logic and scientific method [o] [u]
  4406. (/2004) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex [i] [u]
  4407. () Scientific instruction: its aims and methods [o] [u]
  4408. (/1934) Grounds of validity of the laws of logic: further consequences of four incapacities [i] [u]
  4409. () On molecular and microscopic science [o] [d] [u]
  4410. (/1934) Questions concerning certain faculties claimed for man [and woman] [i] [j] [u]
  4411. (/1934) Some consequences of four incapacities [i] [j] [u]
  4412. (/1887) Darwin and the origin of species [o] [u]
  4413. (/1893) On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge [o] [u]
  4414. (/1925) The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance [o] [u]
  4415. (/1888) The logic of chance: an essay on the foundations and province of the theory of probability, with especial reference to its logical bearings and its application to moral and social science, and to statistics [o] [u]
  4416. (/1957) An introduction to the study of experimental medicine [i] [u]
  4417. (/1906) The coal question: an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines [o] [u]
  4418. () Passages from the life of a philosopher [o] [u]
  4419. () On the philosophy of discovery: chapters historical and critical, including the completion of the third edition of The philosophy of the inductive sciences [o] [u]
  4420. (/2008) On the origin of species: by means of natural selection [i] [u]
  4421. (/1896) On the educational value of the natural history sciences [o] [u]
  4422. (/2002) Journal [1837–1854] [o] [u]
  4423. (/1855) What to the slave is the Fourth of July? [o] [u]
  4424. (/1964) Civil disobedience [i] [u]
  4425. () The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by female examples [o] [u]
  4426. () Rationalism: a treatise for the times [o] [u]
  4427. (/1997) Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe [i] [u]
  4428. (/1859) Familiar letters on chemistry: in its relations to physiology, dietetics, agriculture, commerce, and political economy [o] [u]
  4429. () Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. [with extensive notes by the translator, Augusta Ada King, Countess Lovelace] [o] [u]
  4430. (/1900) A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive: being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation [o] [u]
  4431. () Pursuit of knowledge [o] [u]
  4432. () The philosophy of the inductive sciences: founded upon their history [o] [u]
  4433. (/1988) Letters on the equality of the sexes, and the condition of women, and other essays [i] [u]
  4434. (/1975) On the connexion of the physical sciences [i] [u]
  4435. () Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causes [o] [u]
  4436. (/1872) The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by memoirs of eminent men [o] [u]
  4437. (/1987) A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy [i] [u]
  4438. () Course of popular lectures [o] [u]
  4439. () Posthumous pieces [o] [d] [u]
  4440. () An address to men of science [o] [u]
  4441. () The temple of nature: or, The origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes [o] [u]
  4442. Elihu Palmer [ed] (/1805) Prospect: or, View of the moral world [o] [u]
  4443. (/1806) The power of intellect, its duty, and the obstacles that oppose its progress [o] [d] [u]
  4444. (/1806) Principles of nature, or, A development of the moral causes of happiness and misery among the human species [o] [d] [u]
  4445. () An enquiry relative to the moral & political improvement of the human species: an oration, delivered in the City of New-York on the fourth of July, being the twenty-first anniversary of American independence [o] [u]
  4446. (/1796) Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind [o] [u]
  4447. () An investigation of the principles of knowledge: in three parts: and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy [o] [u]
  4448. (/2009) A vindication of the rights of woman [i] [u]
  4449. (/1987) The rights of man [i] [u]
  4450. () Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France, &c. [o] [u]
  4451. (/2008) A vindication of the rights of men [i] [u]
  4452. (/1912) The first essay on the political rights of women [or: On the admission of women to the rights of citizenship] [o] [u]
  4453. (/1843) Essays on the active powers of the human mind; An inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense; and An essay on quantity [o] [u]
  4454. (/2011) Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, July 27, 1783 ['there never was a good war, or a bad peace'] [i] [u]
  4455. (/1976) Reception speech at the French Academy [i]
  4456. (/1987) Letter to the Abbé Raynal [i] [u]
  4457. (/1995) Letter to Joseph Priestley, February 8, 1780 ['The rapid progress true science now makes, occasions my regretting sometimes that I was born so soon'] [i] [u]
  4458. (/1998) Dialogues concerning natural religion; the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul, and Of suicide; from An enquiry concerning human understanding, Of miracles [i] [u]
  4459. (/1971) Political disquisitions: an enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses [i] [u]
  4460. (/1975) Letter to Joseph Priestley, September 19, 1772 ['moral or prudential algebra'] [i] [u]
  4461. () An essay on the first principles of government: and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty, including remarks on Dr. Brown's code of education, and on Dr. Balguy's sermon on church authority [o] [u]
  4462. (/1836) The system of nature: or, Laws of the moral and physical world [with notes by Denis Diderot] [o] [u]
  4463. (/1775) The history and present state of electricity: with original experiments [o] [u]
  4464. (/1819) An essay on crimes and punishments [o] [u]
  4465. () An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances [d]
  4466. (/1976) The natural history of religion [i] [u]
  4467. (/1885) The improvement of the mind, or: A supplement to the art of logic: containing a variety of remarks and rules for the attainment and communication of useful knowledge in religion, in the sciences, and in common life [o] [u]
  4468. (/1978) A treatise of human nature: being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects [i] [u]
  4469. (/1750) Preface [to the Cyclopædia] [o] [u]
  4470. (/1901) Of the conduct of the understanding [o] [u]
  4471. (/2003) Leibniz on the limits of human knowledge [or: On the horizon of human knowledge] [d]
  4472. (/1912) Treatise on light: in which are explained the causes of that which occurs in reflexion, & in refraction, and particularly in the strange refraction of Iceland crystal [o] [u]
  4473. (/1990) Conversations on the plurality of worlds [i] [d] [j] [u]
  4474. (/1995) The letters [i]
  4475. (/1996) Ethics [i] [u]
  4476. (/2007) Theological-political treatise [i] [d]
  4477. (/1961) Micrographia: or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, with observations and inquiries thereupon [o] [d] [u]
  4478. (/2018) The discourse on the anatomy of the brain [i] [d]
  4479. (/1998) The principles of Cartesian philosophy; and, Metaphysical thoughts [i]
  4480. (/1995) The anatomical exercises: De motu cordis and De circulatione sanguinis, in English translation [i]
  4481. (/2000) The new organon [i] [d]
  4482. (/2015) Dialogues in a dream [i]
  4483. (/1986) The whole works [i]
  4484. (/2004) Informal talks: recorded by Ejo [i]
  4485. (/1985) Actualizing the fundamental point [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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