How to question
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- David Apgar (2024) Disagreeing despite the data: the destruction of the factual commons [i]
- Alexander Bird (2024) Scientific evidence [i] [d]
- Stephen Case & Lukas M. Verburgt [ed] (2024) The Cambridge companion to John Herschel [i] [d]
- Hunter Gehlbach, Carly D. Robinson, & Angus Fletcher (2024) The illusion of information adequacy [p] [d] [u]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich & Michael Muthukrishna (2024) What makes us smart? [p] [d]
- Emily Herring (2024) Herald of a restless world: how Henri Bergson brought philosophy to the people [i]
- Julie R. Klein (2024) How to make a philosopher [i] [d]
- Janet A. Kourany (2024) The two ideals shaping the content of modern science [d]
- Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn [ed] (2024) The Routledge handbook of the philosophy of evidence [i] [d]
- Ben Martin & Ole Thomassen Hjortland (2024) Evidence in logic [i] [d]
- Lilian O'Brien (2024) Rationalizing inquiry and historical understanding [d]
- Yafeng Shan [ed] (2024) Alternative approaches to causation: beyond difference-making and mechanism [i] [d]
- Nick Shannon, Michael F. Mascolo, & Anastasia Belolutskaya [ed] (2024) The Routledge international handbook of dialectical thinking [i] [d]
- Cornelis de Waal [ed] (2024) The Oxford handbook of Charles S. Peirce [i] [d]
- Cornelis de Waal (2024) Why philosophers must be pragmatists: taking cues from Peirce [i] [d]
- Ralph Wedgwood (2024) How can 'evidence' be normative? [i] [d]
- Kyle Powys Whyte (2024) Why does anything need to be called wild? [i] [u]
- Mark Thomas Young & Mark Coeckelbergh [ed] (2024) Maintenance and philosophy of technology: keeping things going [i] [d]
- Barry Allen (2023) Indigenous epistemologies of North America [d]
- Chiara Ambrosio (2023) Drawing as a pragmatist visual epistemology [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Nicola Angius & Alessio Plebe (2023) From coding to curing: functions, implementations, and correctness in deep learning [d]
- Jeffrey N. Bagwell (2023) Debunking interface theory: why Hoffman's skepticism (really) is self-defeating [d]
- Michael Bungay Stanier (2023) How to work with (almost) anyone: five questions for building the best possible relationships [i]
- Graham Clay & Caleb Ontiveros (2023) Philosophers ought to develop, theorize about, and use philosophically relevant AI [artificial intelligence] [d]
- Alan Costall (2023) Contrary imaginations: radical empiricism or pragmatism? [in ecological psychology] [i] [d]
- William D'Alessandro (2023) Is it bad to prefer attractive partners? [d]
- Danilo Fraga Dantas (2023) Epistemic sanity or why you shouldn't be opinionated or skeptical [d] [u]
- Heather Douglas (2023) The importance of values for science [d]
- Sarah Flavel & Chiara Robbiano [ed] (2023) Key concepts in world philosophies: a toolkit for philosophers [i] [d]
- Carolina Flores & Elise Woodard (2023) Epistemic norms on evidence-gathering [d]
- Marco Giunti (2023) Dynamical phenomena and their models: truth and empirical correctness [d]
- J. Paul Guyer & Rolf-Peter Horstmann (2023) Idealism in modern philosophy [i] [d]
- Joshua Habgood-Coote, Lani Watson, & Dennis Whitcomb (2023) Can a good philosophical contribution be made just by asking a question? [d]
- Joshua Habgood-Coote, Lani Watson, & Dennis Whitcomb (2023) Commentary on 'Can a good philosophical contribution be made just by asking a question?' [d]
- Phillip Honenberger (2023) All knowledge is orientation: Marjorie Grene's ecological epistemology [i] [d]
- Nancy Kanwisher, Meenakshi Khosla, & Katharina Dobs (2023) Using artificial neural networks to ask 'why' questions of minds and brains [p] [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani [ed] (2023) Handbook of abductive cognition [i] [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2023) Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
- Paul-Antoine Miquel (2023) What is biological normativity? [i] [d]
- Ivan Oransky & Adam Marcus (2023) There's far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit [u]
- Rik Peels (2023) On defining 'fundamentalism' [d]
- Gordon Pennycook, Bence Bago, & Jonathon McPhetres (2023) Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication [p] [d] [u]
- Uwe Peters & Olivier Lemeire (2023) Hasty generalizations are pervasive in experimental philosophy: a systematic analysis [d]
- Tenelle Porter (2023) Jingle-jangle fallacies in intellectual humility research [d]
- Fabio Rigat (2023) Why probability isn't magic [d]
- Don Ross (2023) Knowing science, by Alexander Bird [book review] [u]
- David Schmidtz (2023) Cost–benefit analysis as moral science [i] [d]
- David Schmidtz (2023) Living together: inventing moral science [i] [d]
- Adrià Segarra (2023) A hybrid theory of induction [d]
- Miguel Segundo-Ortin & Paco Calvo (2023) Plant sentience?: between romanticism and denial: science [and comments] [d] [u]
- Charlie Harry Smith (2023) Digitising reflective equilibrium [in personal knowledge base software] [d]
- Andrew D. Spear (2023) Epistemic dimensions of gaslighting: peer-disagreement, self-trust, and epistemic injustice [d] [u]
- Doug Toft (2023) Journaling with powerful questions [u]
- Petri Turunen, Ilmari Hirvonen, & Ilkka Pättiniemi (2023) Epistemological scientism and the scientific meta-method [d]
- Jan Westerhoff (2023) Idealist implications of contemporary science [or perspectivist implications?] [d]
- Gil Zamora (2023) The mindful interview method: retrieving cognitive evidence [i] [d]
- Scott F. Aikin & Robert B. Talisse [ed] (2022) The Routledge companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
- Tudor M. Baetu (2022) The virtues and limitations of randomized experiments [d]
- Alexander Bird (2022) Knowing science [i] [d]
- Georg Brun (2022) Re-engineering contested concepts: a reflective-equilibrium approach [p] [d] [u]
- Kenneth Rochel de Camargo (2022) Science, health, and human rights [p] [d]
- Hasok Chang (2022) Realism for realistic people: a new pragmatist philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Ying-Chih Chen (2022) Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
- Cory J. Clark, Thomas H. Costello, Gregory Mitchell, & Philip E. Tetlock (2022) Keep your enemies close: adversarial collaborations will improve behavioral science [and comments and reply] [d]
- Thomas H. Costello, Cory J. Clark, & Phillip E. Tetlock (2022) Shoring up the shaky psychological foundations of a micro-economic model of ideology: adversarial collaboration solutions [d]
- Shai Davidai (2022) How do people make sense of wealth and poverty? [p] [d]
- Finnur Dellsén, Insa Lawler, & James Norton (2022) Thinking about progress: from science to philosophy [d] [u]
- Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal (2022) On addressability, or what even is computation? [d]
- Daniel J. Dunleavy (2022) Progressive and degenerative journals: on the growth and appraisal of knowledge in scholarly publishing [d]
- Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, Cwyn Solvi, Amelia Kowalewska, Kaarle Mäkelä, HaDi MaBouDi, & Lars Chittka (2022) Do bumble bees play? [d]
- Christopher Gauker (2022) On the difference between realistic and fantastic imagining [d]
- Gerald F. Gaus & Kevin Vallier (2022) Public reason and diversity: reinterpretations of liberalism [i] [d]
- Neil Gross, Isaac Ariail Reed, & Christopher Winship [ed] (2022) The new pragmatist sociology: inquiry, agency, and democracy [i] [d] [j]
- Mónica Guzmán (2022) I never thought of it that way: how to have fearlessly curious conversations in dangerously divided times [i]
- Martin Hinton & Jean H. M. Wagemans (2022) Evaluating reasoning in natural arguments: a procedural approach [d]
- Ilmari Hirvonen & Janne Karisto (2022) Demarcation without dogmas [the boundaries of science] [d] [u]
- Sabine Hossenfelder (2022) Existential physics: a scientist's guide to life's biggest questions [i]
- Stavros Ioannidis, Gal Vishne, Meir Hemmo, & Orly Shenker [ed] (2022) Levels of reality in science and philosophy: re-examining the multi-level structure of reality [i] [d]
- Louiza Kalokairinou, Laura Specker Sullivan, & Anna Wexler (2022) Neurofeedback as placebo: a case of unintentional deception? [p] [d]
- Karen D. Larison (2022) Argumentation and scientific consensus-building: using the nonfiction narrative to generate contextual understanding [d]
- Aaron D. Lightner, Zachary H. Garfield, & Edward H. Hagen (2022) Religion: the WEIRDest concept in the world? [d]
- Artūrs Logins (2022) Normative reasons: between reasoning and explanation [i] [d] [u]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2022) Coding relevance [in argumentation] [d]
- Michela Massimi (2022) Perspectival realism [i] [d]
- Moti Mizrahi [ed] (2022) For and against scientism: science, methodology, and the future of philosophy [i]
- Thomas S. Mullaney & Christopher G. Rea (2022) Where research begins: choosing a research project that matters to you (and the world) [i] [d]
- Laura Nicolì [ed] (2022) The great protector of wits: Baron d'Holbach and his time [i] [d]
- Brian A. Nosek, Tom E. Hardwicke, Hannah Moshontz, Aurélien Allard, Katherine S. Corker, Anna Dreber, Fiona Fidler, Joe Hilgard, Melissa Kline Struhl, Michèle B. Nuijten, Julia M. Rohrer, Felipe Romero, Anne M. Scheel, Laura D. Scherer, Felix D. Schönbrodt, & Simine Vazire (2022) Replicability, robustness, and reproducibility in psychological science [p] [d]
- Koji Otaki (2022) Analysing the dialectic of questions and answers in study and research paths [i] [d]
- Tim N. Palmer (2022) The primacy of doubt: from quantum physics to climate change, how the science of uncertainty can help us understand our chaotic world [i]
- Theofanis Papageorgiou & Panayotis G. Michaelides (2022/2024) Abstraction in the Marxian oeuvre: tendencies, laws and dialectics [d]
- Uwe Peters, Alexander Krauss, & Oliver Braganza (2022) Generalization bias in science [p] [d]
- Helle Porsdam & Sebastian Porsdam Mann [ed] (2022) The right to science: then and now [i] [d]
- William Rankin (2022) What is a nation? [d]
- Samuel Schindler & Raphael Scholl (2022) Historical case studies: the 'model organisms' of philosophy of science [d]
- Philipp Schönegger (2022) What's up with anti-natalists?: an observational study on the relationship between dark triad personality traits and anti-natalist views [d]
- Oron Shagrir (2022) The nature of physical computation [i]
- Cosma Rohilla Shalizi (2022) Enlightenment 2.0: restoring sanity to our politics, our economy, and our lives, by Joseph Heath [book review] [u]
- Paul E. Smaldino & Cailin O'Connor (2022) Interdisciplinarity can aid the spread of better methods between scientific communities [d]
- Mario Luis Small & Jessica McCrory Calarco (2022) Qualitative literacy: a guide to evaluating ethnographic and interview research [i] [j]
- Vaclav Smil (2022) How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going [i]
- Karen M. Staller & Yun Chen (2022) Choosing a research design for qualitative research: a Ferris wheel of approaches [i]
- Beckett Sterner, Atriya Sen, & Joeri Witteveen (2022) Consensus and scientific classification [d] [u]
- Rick Szostak (2022) Integrating the human sciences: enhancing progress and coherence across the social sciences and humanities [i] [d]
- Stefan Thomke & Gary W. Loveman (2022) Act like a scientist [u]
- Katie Tullmann (2022) Visual essentialism & social kinds [d]
- Neil deGrasse Tyson (2022) Starry messenger: cosmic perspectives on civilization [i]
- Joseph Voros (2022) The sum total of all human knowledge [u]
- Andreas Vrahimis (2022) Bergsonism and the history of analytic philosophy [i] [d]
- Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Alexandra Sarafoglou, & Balazs Aczel (2022) One statistical analysis must not rule them all: any single analysis hides an iceberg of uncertainty; multi-team analysis can reveal it [p] [d]
- Konrad Werner (2022) The embodied philosopher: living in pursuit of boundary questions [i] [d]
- Daniel Wodak (2022) Of witches and white folks [d]
- James Woodward (2022) Levels, kinds and multiple realizability: the importance of what does not matter [i] [d]
- Tal Yarkoni (2022) The generalizability crisis [in psychology] [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Jong-pil Yoon (2022) Is historical thinking unnatural? [d]
- Barry Allen (2021) Pragmatism and Confucian empiricism [i] [d]
- Alba Amilburu, Álvaro Moreno, & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo (2021) Definitions of life as epistemic tools that reflect and foster the advance of biological knowledge [d]
- Angela Bermudez (2021) Narrative justice?: ten tools to deconstruct narratives about violent pasts [i] [d]
- Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree, & Thomas Grundmann [ed] (2021) The epistemology of fake news [i] [d]
- Alessandro Bertinetto & Marcello Ruta [ed] (2021) The Routledge handbook of philosophy and improvisation in the arts [i] [d]
- Maria Teresa Biagetti (2021) Ontologies as knowledge organization systems [d] [u]
- Andrzej Bielecki (2021) The systemic concept of contextual truth [d]
- Ricki Bliss & James T. M. Miller [ed] (2021) The Routledge handbook of metametaphysics [i] [d]
- Brandon Boesch (2021) Scientific representation and dissimilarity [d]
- Richard Boyd (2021) Rethinking natural kinds, reference and truth: towards more correspondence with reality, not less [d]
- Jelle Bruineberg, Krzysztof Dołęga, Joe Dewhurst, & Manuel Baltieri (2021) The emperor's new Markov blankets [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Karim Bschir (2021) How to make sense of science [book review of: The great paradox of science: why its conclusions can be relied upon even though they cannot be proven, by Mano Singham] [d]
- T. Ryan Byerly (2021) Intellectual dependability: a virtue theory of the epistemic and educational ideal [i] [d]
- Jennifer Rose Carr (2021) A modesty proposal [in epistemology] [d]
- Johanna Drucker (2021) Everyone a librarian!? [d]
- Karen S. Emmerman (2021) Is that a philosophical question?: the philosopher as teacher: the tension between democratizing the classroom and building skills in philosophy for children [d]
- Thomas van Es (2021) Living models or life modelled?: on the use of models in the free energy principle [d]
- Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese [ed] (2021) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of skill and expertise [i] [d]
- Jonardon Ganeri (2021) What is philosophy? [u]
- Samuel J. Gershman (2021) Good questions [i] [d] [j]
- Samuel J. Gershman (2021) What makes us smart: the computational logic of human cognition [i] [d] [j]
- Maya J. Goldenberg (2021) Vaccine hesitancy: public trust, expertise, and the war on science [i] [j]
- Michael S. A. Graziano (2021) What makes us so certain that we're conscious? [p] [d]
- Michael Gusenbauer & Neal R. Haddaway (2021) What every researcher should know about searching—clarified concepts, search advice, and an agenda to improve finding in academia [d]
- Joshua Habgood-Coote, Line Edslev Andersen, Rosemary Bailey, Udit Bhatia, Joanna Burch-Brown, Liam Kofi Bright, Jim Brooke, Peter Cameron, Catrin Campbell-Moore, Joe Cornelli, Stephen Crowley, Haixin Dang, Rachel Fraser, Isobel Falconer, Adam Ferner, Monica Gamez, Mikkel Gerken, Katherine Hawley, Matthias Heyman, Klemens Kappel, Ethan Landes, Hélène Landemore, Benedikt Loewe, Dan Lunt, Ursula Martin, Chris Meyns, Louise Millard, Dann Mitchell, Samir Okasha, Andrew Peet, Richard Pettigrew, Jeroen de Ridder, Robert Ross, Pierre Saint-Germier, Mona Simion, Anya Skatova, Fenner Tanswell, Daniel Whiting, Alan Wilson, K. Brad Wray, & Dilara Yeşilova (2021/2024) What's the point of authors? [d] [u]
- Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder [ed] (2021) The Routledge handbook of political epistemology [i] [d]
- Adam Hochman (2021) Janus-faced race: is race biological, social, or mythical? [p] [d]
- Rink Hoekstra & Simine Vazire (2021) Aspiring to greater intellectual humility in science [d]
- Ze Hong & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2021) The cultural evolution of epistemic practices: the case of divination [p] [d]
- Guy Kahane (2021) The significance of the past [d]
- Lena Kästner & Philipp Haueis (2021) Discovering patterns: on the norms of mechanistic inquiry [d]
- Markus Knauff & Wolfgang Spohn [ed] (2021) The handbook of rationality [i] [d]
- Jaakko Kuorikoski (2021) There are no mathematical explanations [d]
- Iddo Landau (2021) Is meaning in life constituted by value or intelligibility? [d]
- David Ludwig, Inkeri Koskinen, Zinhle Mncube, Luana Poliseli, & Luis Reyes-Galindo [ed] (2021) Global epistemologies and philosophies of science [i] [d]
- George F. Luger (2021) Knowing our world: an artificial intelligence perspective [i] [d]
- Martin Mahner (2021) Mario Bunge (1919–2020): conjoining philosophy of science and scientific philosophy [d]
- Christophe Malaterre, Francis Lareau, Davide Pulizzotto, & Jonathan St-Onge (2021) Eight journals over eight decades: a computational topic-modeling approach to contemporary philosophy of science [d]
- Ben Martin & Ole Hjortland (2021) Logical predictivism [d]
- Jaipreet Mattu & Jacqueline A. Sullivan (2021) Classification, kinds, taxonomic stability and conceptual change [d]
- Sean Meighoo, Tracey Nicholls, Grant Silva, & Ernesto Rosen Velásquez (2021) Antiethnocentrism: new strategies needed? [u]
- Diane P. Michelfelder & Neelke Doorn [ed] (2021) The Routledge handbook of the philosophy of engineering [i] [d]
- Rogelio Miranda Vilchis (2021) More than merely verbal disputes [d]
- Brent D. Mishler (2021) What, if anything, are species? [i] [d] [u]
- M. Giulia Napolitano (2021) Conspiracy theories and evidential self-insulation [i] [d]
- Matthias Neuber (2021) Reichenbach: scientific realist and logical empricist? [d]
- John D. Norton (2021) The material theory of induction [i] [j] [u]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2021) The dialogical roots of deduction: historical, cognitive, and philosophical perspectives on reasoning [i] [d]
- E. Michael Nussbaum (2021) Critical integrative argumentation: toward complexity in students' thinking [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2021) Our world isn't organized into levels [i] [d] [u]
- William Poundstone (2021) How do you fight a horse-sized duck?: secrets to succeeding at interview mind games and getting the job you want [i]
- Katherine Puddifoot (2021) How stereotypes deceive us [i] [d]
- Emanuele Ratti & Thomas A. Stapleford [ed] (2021) Science, technology, and virtues: contemporary perspectives [i] [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2021) On radical solutions in the philosophy of biology: what does 'individuals thinking' actually solve? [d]
- John E. Richters (2021) Incredible utility: the lost causes and causal debris of psychological science [d]
- Donald J. Robinaugh, Jonas M. B. Haslbeck, Oisín Ryan, Eiko I. Fried, & Lourens J. Waldorp (2021) Invisible hands and fine calipers: a call to use formal theory as a toolkit for theory construction [in psychology] [p] [d]
- Melvin L. Rogers & Jack Turner [ed] (2021) African American political thought: a collected history [i] [d]
- Alirio Rosales & Adam Morton (2021) Scientific explanation and trade-offs between explanatory virtues [d]
- Anne M. Scheel, Leonid Tiokhin, Peder M. Isager, & Daniël Lakens (2021) Why hypothesis testers should spend less time testing hypotheses [and 'should spend more time forming concepts, developing valid measures, establishing the causal relationships between concepts and the functional form of those relationships, and identifying boundary conditions and auxiliary assumptions'] [p] [d] [u]
- Justo Serrano Zamora (2021) Democratization and struggles against injustice: a pragmatist approach to the epistemic practices of social movements [i]
- Orly Shenker (2021) A scientific-realist account of common sense [i] [d]
- John R. Shook & Sami Paavola [ed] (2021) Abduction in cognition and action: logical reasoning, scientific inquiry, and social practice [i] [d]
- Daniel J. Singer, Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Bennett Holman, Karen Kovaka, Jiin Jung, & William J. Berger (2021) Don't forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget [d]
- Saul Smilansky (2021) Do you have to reply to this paper? [d]
- Steven G. Smith (2021) What is merit, that it can be transferred? [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2021) The irrational attempt to impute irrationality to one's political opponents [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2021) A rational disagreement about myside bias [response to Neil Levy] [u]
- Katharina Stevens & Daniel H. Cohen (2021) Angelic devil's advocates and the forms of adversariality [d]
- Jonathan Stoltz (2021) Illuminating the mind: an introduction to Buddhist epistemology [i] [d]
- Markus Strasser (2021) The business of extracting knowledge from academic publications [u]
- John Symons (2021) Meaningfulness and kinds of normative reasons [d]
- Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch [ed] (2021) Polarisation, arrogance, and dogmatism: philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2021) Conceptual engineering: when do we need it? How can we do it? [d]
- Krist Vaesen & Wybo Houkes (2021) Is human culture cumulative? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- Alexandros Vassiliades, Nick Bassiliades, & Theodore Patkos (2021) Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey [d]
- Riccardo Viale [ed] (2021) Routledge handbook of bounded rationality [i] [d]
- Hannah Waight (2021) Recovering John Dewey's lost vision for social science in contemporary American sociology [d]
- Scott H. Waltman, R. Trent Codd, Lynn M. McFarr, & Bret A. Moore (2021) Socratic questioning for therapists and counselors: learn how to think and intervene like a cognitive behavior therapist [i] [d]
- Erik Weber, Merel Lefevere, & Kristian Gonzalez Barman (2021) Quantum mechanical atom models, legitimate explanations and mechanisms [d]
- Alexander J. Werth & Douglas Allchin (2021) How we think about human nature: cognitive errors and concrete remedies [d]
- Jevin D. West & Carl T. Bergstrom (2021) Misinformation in and about science [p] [d] [u]
- Andrew Aberdein (2020) Intellectual humility and argumentation [i] [d]
- Mark Alfano, Michael P. Lynch, & Alessandra Tanesini [ed] (2020) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of humility [i] [d]
- Douglas Allchin & Gábor Á. Zemplén (2020) Finding the place of argumentation in science education: epistemics and whole science [d]
- Barry Allen (2020) Empiricisms: experience and experiment from antiquity to the Anthropocene [i] [d]
- James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani, & Kathleen Wallace [ed] (2020/2021) Philosophy as a way of life: historical, contemporary, and pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (2020) The epistemology of justice [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (2020) How to be a pragmatist [i] [d]
- Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani (2020) Is bargaining a form of deliberating? [d]
- Michael Basseches & Angela Brandão (2020) Equilibration, development, and epistemic adequacy [i] [d]
- Mark Battersby (2020) Practical rationality: critical questions for rational decision making [u]
- Philipp Berghofer (2020) Scientific perspectivism in the phenomenological tradition [p] [d] [u]
- Andrea Bianchi [ed] (2020) Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: themes from Michael Devitt [i] [d]
- Anders Blok (2020) The anthropologist, the moralist, and the diplomat: Bruno Latour in the world of knowledges [d] [u]
- Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman [ed] (2020) A guide to field philosophy: case studies and practical strategies [i] [d]
- Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia [ed] (2020) The epistemology of non-visual perception [i] [d]
- Matthew J. Brown (2020) Science and moral imagination: a new ideal for values in science [i] [j] [u]
- Matthew J. Brown (2020) The wheel of inquiry [i] [j] [u]
- Georg Brun (2020) Conceptual re-engineering: from explication to reflective equilibrium [d] [j] [u]
- Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen, & David Plunkett [ed] (2020) Conceptual engineering and conceptual ethics [i] [d] [u]
- Lucas Payne Butler, Samuel Ronfard, & Kathleen H. Corriveau [ed] (2020) The questioning child: insights from psychology and education [i] [d]
- Ron A. Carucci (2020) How to answer an unanswerable question [u]
- Carlo Cellucci (2020) The nature of mathematical objects [i] [d]
- Paul Anthony Chambers (2020) Epistemology and domination: problems with the coloniality of knowledge thesis in Latin American decolonial theory [d] [u]
- Joel Chan (2020) Knowledge synthesis: a conceptual model and practical guide [u]
- Ruth Chang & Kurt Sylvan [ed] (2020) The Routledge handbook of practical reason [i] [d]
- Mary Churchill (2020) How might I be wrong? [u]
- Klodian Coko (2020) The multiple dimensions of multiple determination [d]
- Henry M. Cowles (2020) The scientific method: an evolution of thinking from Darwin to Dewey [i] [d]
- Ana-Maria Creţu & Michela Massimi [ed] (2020) Knowledge from a human point of view [i] [d] [u]
- Katherine Dormandy [ed] (2020) Trust in epistemology [i] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2020) Carnapian explication and ameliorative analysis: a systematic comparison [d] [j]
- Peter W. Evans (2020) Perspectival objectivity, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love observer-dependent reality [d] [u]
- Roberto Frega & Steven Levine [ed] (2020) John Dewey's ethical theory: the 1932 Ethics [i] [d]
- Steven French (2020) Performance and practice: situating the aesthetic qualities of theories [i] [d]
- Steven French (2020) There are no such things as theories [i] [d]
- Eiko I. Fried (2020) Theories and models: what they are, what they are for, and what they are about [in the social sciences] [d]
- Jane Friedman (2020) The epistemic and the zetetic [norms of knowledge and of inquiry] [d]
- Mary Gauvain & Robert L. Munroe (2020) Children's questions in social and cultural perspective [i] [d]
- Ingeborg van der Geest, Henrike Jansen, & Bart van Klink [ed] (2020) Vox populi: populism as a rhetorical and democratic challenge [i] [d]
- Wenceslao J. González [ed] (2020) New approaches to scientific realism [i] [d]
- Igor Grossmann, Richard P. Eibach, Jacklyn Koyama, & Qaisar B. Sahi (2020) Folk standards of sound judgment: rationality versus reasonableness [p] [d] [u]
- Sven Ove Hansson (2020) With all this pseudoscience, why so little pseudotechnology? [d]
- Tim Harford (2020) The data detective: ten easy rules to make sense of statistics [or: How to make the world add up: ten rules for thinking differently about numbers] [i]
- Julia S. Hermann, Jeroen K. G. Hopster, Wouter Kalf, & Michael Klenk [ed] (2020) Philosophy in the age of science?: inquiries into philosophical progress, method, and societal relevance [i]
- Javier Hidalgo (2020) Why practice philosophy as a way of life? [d]
- Johan Hietanen, Petri Turunen, Ilmari Hirvonen, Janne Karisto, Ilkka Pättiniemi, & Henrik Saarinen (2020) How not to criticise scientism [d]
- Nolan Higdon (2020) The anatomy of fake news: a critical news literacy education [i] [d] [j]
- David Hitchcock (2020) Arguing for questions [i] [d]
- Lorin Hochstein (2020) Have you seen this before? [u]
- Carl Hoefer & Genoveva Martí (2020) Realism, reference & perspective [d]
- Milena Ivanova & Steven French [ed] (2020) The aesthetics of science: beauty, imagination and understanding [i] [d]
- Kalewold Hailu Kalewold (2020) Race and medicine in light of the new mechanistic philosophy of science [d]
- Ian James Kidd (2020) Humility, contingency, and pluralism in the sciences [i] [d]
- Matthew Kieran (2020) Epistemic radicals and the vice of arrogance as a counterfeit to the virtue of assured epistemic ambition [i] [d]
- Frode Kjosavik & Camilla Serck-Hanssen [ed] (2020) Metametaphysics and the sciences: historical and philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Anahid S. Modrek, & William A. Sandoval (2020) Teaching and learning by questioning [i] [d]
- Enoch Lambert & John Schwenkler [ed] (2020) Becoming someone new: essays on transformative experience, choice, and change [i] [d]
- Timothy R. Levine (2020) Duped: truth-default theory and the social science of lying and deception [i]
- Nicholas Light & Philip Fernbach (2020) The role of knowledge calibration in intellectual humility [i] [d]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld & Candice Basterfield (2020) Reflective practice in clinical psychology: reflections from basic psychological science [d]
- Emily G. Liquin & Tania Lombrozo (2020) Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood [d]
- Tania Lombrozo (2020) 'Learning by thinking' in science and in everyday life [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Chrysi Rapanta (2020) The logic of academic writing [i]
- William J. Mander (2020) The unknowable: a study in nineteenth-century British metaphysics [i] [d]
- Francesco Marchi (2020) The attentional shaping of perceptual experience: an investigation into attention and cognitive penetrability [i] [d]
- Masaharu Mizumoto, Jonardon Ganeri, & Cliff Goddard [ed] (2020) Ethno-epistemology: new directions for global epistemology [i] [d]
- Matthias Neuber (2020) Two forms of American critical realism: perception and reality in Santayana/Strong and Sellars [d]
- Thomas Nickles (2020) Alien reasoning: is a major change in scientific research underway? [d]
- Naomi Oreskes (2020) Science on a mission: how military funding shaped what we do and don't know about the ocean [i]
- Jonathan Osborne & Emily Reigh (2020) What makes a good question?: towards an epistemic classification [i] [d]
- Rik Peels, Jeroen de Ridder, & René van Woudenberg [ed] (2020) Scientific challenges to common sense philosophy [i] [d]
- David M. Peña-Guzmán (2020) French historical epistemology: discourse, concepts, and the norms of rationality [d]
- Gordon Pennycook (2020) Belief bias and its significance for modern social science [d]
- Joseph C. Pitt (2020) Heraclitus redux: technological infrastructures and scientific change [i]
- H. José Plug & Jean H. M. Wagemans (2020) From fact-checking to rhetoric-checking: extending methods for evaluating populist discourse [i] [d]
- Corinne Post, Riikka Sarala, Caroline Gatrell, & John E. Prescott (2020) Advancing theory with review articles [d]
- Arthur S. Reber & James E. Alcock (2020) Searching for the impossible: parapsychology's elusive quest [p] [d]
- Martin J. Rees (2020) Lessons for a young scientist [u]
- Henk W. de Regt (2020) Understanding, values, and the aims of science [d]
- Julian Reiss (2020) What are the drivers of induction?: towards a material theory+ [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2020) Knowledge at the boundaries [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2020) The limits of philosophy [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2020) Outlandish hypotheses and the limits of thought experimentation [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher & Jamie Morgan (2020) Philosophical purpose and purposive philosophy: an interview with Nicholas Rescher [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2020) The rational inescapability of philosophizing [i] [d]
- Ryan Samaroo (2020) Friedman and some of his critics on the foundations of general relativity [i] [d]
- Julia Sánchez-Dorado (2020) Novel & worthy: creativity as a thick epistemic concept [d]
- J. L. Schellenberg (2020) What if our species is epistemically immature? [d] [j]
- Hannele Seppälä, Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, & Eeva Kallio (2020) Integrating epistemic knowledge and logical reasoning skills in adult cognitive development [i] [d]
- Jamie Shaw (2020) The problem of the empirical basis in the Popperian tradition: Popper, Bartley, and Feyerabend [d]
- Dor Shilton, Mati Breski, Daniel Dor, & Eva Jablonka (2020) Human social evolution: self-domestication or self-control? [p] [d] [u]
- Mano Singham (2020) The great paradox of science: why its conclusions can be relied upon even though they cannot be proven [i]
- Paul E. Smaldino (2020) How to build a strong theoretical foundation [in psychology] [d]
- Andrew D. Spear (2020) Breaking the epistemic pornography habit: cognitive biases, digital discourse environments, and moral exemplars [d]
- Andrew D. Spear (2020) Gaslighting, confabulation, and epistemic innocence [d]
- Gene B. Sperling (2020) Can all work have meaning? [i]
- Michael J. Spivey (2020) Who you are: the science of connectedness [i] [d]
- Alessandra Tanesini (2020) Humility and self-knowledge [i] [d]
- Ben M. Tappin, Gordon Pennycook, & David G. Rand (2020) Thinking clearly about causal inferences of politically motivated reasoning: why paradigmatic study designs often undermine causal inference [d]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2020) A pragmatic method for normative conceptual work [i] [d] [u]
- Sarah Viren (2020) The accusations were lies. But could we prove it? [u]
- Bradley B. Walters & Andrew P. Vayda (2020) Mechanisms and causal histories: explanation-oriented research in human ecology [d]
- Jamie Carlin Watson (2020) Expertise: a philosophical introduction [i] [d]
- Lani Watson (2020) 'Knowledge is power': barriers to intellectual humility in the classroom [i] [d]
- Eric Thomas Weber [ed] (2020) America's public philosopher: Dewey's essays on social justice, economics, education, and the future of democracy [i] [d] [j]
- Stephen P. Weldon (2020) The scientific spirit of American humanism [i] [d]
- Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (2020) When maps become the world [i] [d]
- Robert Wuthnow (2020) What happens when we practice religion?: textures of devotion in everyday life [i] [d] [j]
- Peter Achinstein (2019) Speculation: within and about science [i] [d]
- Joseph Agassi & Nimrod Bar-Am (2019) Bunge contra Popper [i] [d]
- Selene Arfini (2019) Ignorant cognition: a philosophical investigation of the cognitive features of not-knowing [i] [d]
- Valtteri Arstila, Adrian Bardon, Sean Enda Power, & Argiro Vatakis [ed] (2019) The illusions of time: philosophical and psychological essays on timing and time perception [i] [d]
- Michael Ayers (2019) Knowing and seeing: groundwork for a new empiricism [i] [d]
- Maxwell R. Bennett (2019) The search for knowledge and understanding [i]
- Valerie Bentivegna (2019) On giants' shoulders: on Dorothy Maud Wrinch and getting things wrong [u]
- Jennifer Garvey Berger (2019) Unlocking leadership mindtraps: how to thrive in complexity [i] [d]
- Alexander Bird (2019) Systematicity, knowledge, and bias: how systematicity made clinical medicine a science [d] [j]
- J. Anthony Blair [ed] (2019) Studies in critical thinking [i] [d] [u]
- Fred L. Block (2019) Problems with the concept of capitalism in the social sciences [d]
- Robert Brinkerhoff (2019) Framing questions and modes of inquiry in illustration process and critique [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2019) The dark side of technological progress [i] [d]
- José E. Burgos & Peter R. Killeen (2019) Suing for peace in the war against mentalism [d]
- Herman Cappelen & Josh Dever (2019) Bad language [i]
- John M. Capps (2019/2023) The pragmatic theory of truth [u]
- Jeffrey Carlson (2019) Do you love us?: higher education as an interfaith conversation about the good life [i] [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (2019) Nature, the artful modeler: lectures on laws, science, how nature arranges the world and how we can arrange it better [i]
- Jordi Cat & Adam Tamas Tuboly [ed] (2019) Neurath reconsidered: new sources and perspectives [i] [d]
- Yuri Cath (2019) Knowing how [d]
- Mike Caulfield (2019) Introducing SIFT, a four moves acronym [u]
- Hasok Chang (2019) Pragmatism, perspectivism, and the historicity of science [i] [d] [u]
- Ying-Chih Chen, Matthew J. Benus, & Jaclyn Hernandez (2019) Managing uncertainty in scientific argumentation [in education] [d] [u]
- Ivano Ciardelli, Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk, & Floris Roelofsen (2019) Inquisitive semantics [i] [d] [u]
- David Coady & James Chase [ed] (2019) The Routledge handbook of applied epistemology [i] [d]
- Oliver Scott Curry, Daniel Austin Mullins, & Harvey Whitehouse (2019) Is it good to cooperate?: testing the theory of morality-as-cooperation in 60 societies [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- David Danks (2019) Safe-and-substantive perspectivism [i] [d] [u]
- Justin D'Arms & Richard Samuels (2019) Could emotion development really be the acquisition of emotion concepts? [p] [d]
- Catherine Dawson (2019) A–Z of digital research methods [i] [d]
- Christopher Day & Kendra L. Koivu (2019) Finding the question: a puzzle-based approach to the logic of discovery [d]
- Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore (2019) How can you be sure?: epistemic feelings as a monitoring system for cognitive contents [i] [d]
- Finnur Dellsén (2019) Should scientific realists embrace theoretical conservatism? [p] [d]
- Heinz W. Droste (2019) Mario Bunge as a public intellectual [i] [d]
- Morris N. Eagle (2019) Complexities in the evaluation of the scientific status of psychoanalysis [or pseudoscientific status] [i] [d]
- Melinda Bonnie Fagan (2019) Explanation, interdisciplinarity, and perspectives [i] [d] [u]
- Luciano Floridi (2019) The logic of information: a theory of philosophy as conceptual design [i] [d]
- Miranda Fricker, Peter J. Graham, David K. Henderson, & Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen [ed] (2019) The Routledge handbook of social epistemology [i] [d]
- Steve Fuller (2019) Academia as cargo cult [i] [d]
- Axel Gelfert (2019) Assessing the credibility of conceptual models [i] [d]
- Joshua Glasgow, Sally Anne Haslanger, Chike Jeffers, & Quayshawn Spencer (2019) What is race?: four philosophical views [i] [d]
- Hanna Kiri Gunn & Michael P. Lynch (2019) Googling as a mode of inquiry [i] [d]
- Susan Haack (2019) Post 'post-truth': are we there yet? [d]
- Joshua Habgood-Coote (2019) Knowledge-how, abilities, and questions [d]
- Diane F. Halpern & Heather A. Butler (2019) Teaching critical thinking as if our future depends on it, because it does [i] [d]
- Jagdish Hattiangadi (2019) Fractured knowledge: 'fake news' [i] [d]
- Tim Hayward (2019) What is the good of money? [i] [d]
- Remco Heesen, Liam Kofi Bright, & Andrew Zucker (2019) Vindicating methodological triangulation [d] [j]
- Adam Hochman (2019) Race and reference [d]
- Jonathan Howard (2019) Cognitive errors and diagnostic mistakes: a case-based guide to critical thinking in medicine [i] [d]
- Paul Hoyningen-Huene (2019) Replies [to comments on Systematicity: the nature of science] [d] [j]
- Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson (2019) Mario Bunge and the current revival of causal realism [i] [d]
- Yash Raj Jain, Sanit Gupta, Vasundhara Rakesh, Peter Dayan, Frederick Callaway, & Falk Lieder (2019) How do people learn how to plan? [u]
- Julie Jebeile & Vincent Ardourel (2019) Verification and validation of simulations against holism [d]
- Frank C. Keil (2019) The challenges and benefits of mechanistic explanation in folk scientific understanding [i] [d]
- Rainer J. Klement & Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay (2019) Emergence and evidence: a close look at Bunge's philosophy of medicine [d]
- Avraham N. Kluger & Thomas E. Malloy (2019) Question asking as a dyadic behavior [critique of Huang et al., 'It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking'] [p] [d] [u]
- Décio Krause (2019) Essay on perspectivism in the philosophy of science [u]
- Michael Lachmann & Sara Imari Walker (2019) Life ≠ alive: What can Schrödinger's cat say about 3D printers on Mars? [u]
- Eugenia Lancellotta & Lisa Bortolotti (2019) Are clinical delusions adaptive? [p] [d]
- Holly Lawford-Smith (2019) Not in their name: are citizens culpable for their states' actions? [i] [d]
- Marcin Lewiński (2019) Argumentative discussion: the rationality of what? [d]
- Chao-Tung Liang, Yuhsuan Chang, & Chaoyun Liang (2019) How can pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative capacity of experienced multimedia designers? [d]
- David Ludwig (2019) How race travels: relating local and global ontologies of race [d] [j] [u]
- Christophe Malaterre, Jean-François Chartier, & Davide Pulizzotto (2019) What is this thing called philosophy of science?: a computational topic-modeling perspective, 1934–2015 [d]
- Frank T. Manheim (2019) Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
- Jean-Pierre Marquis (2019) Bunge's mathematical structuralism is not a fiction [i] [d] [u]
- Michela Massimi & Casey D. McCoy [ed] (2019) Understanding perspectivism: scientific and methodological prospects [i] [d] [u]
- Michael R. Matthews [ed] (2019) Mario Bunge: a centenary festschrift [i] [d]
- Lee C. McIntyre (2019) The scientific attitude: defending science from denial, fraud, and pseudoscience [i] [d]
- Sharon M. Meagher, Samantha Noll, & Joseph S. Biehl [ed] (2019) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of the city [i] [d]
- Sandra D. Mitchell (2019) Perspectives, representation, and integration [i] [d] [u]
- Kengo Miyazono & Ryan McKay (2019) Explaining delusional beliefs: a hybrid model [p] [d]
- Michael Muthukrishna & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2019) A problem in theory [in the growth of psychology] [p] [d]
- Naomi Oreskes (2019) Systematicity is necessary but not sufficient: on the problem of facsimile science [d] [j]
- Naomi Oreskes (2019) Why trust science? [i] [d] [j]
- Lisa M. Osbeck (2019) Values in psychological science: re-imagining epistemic priorities at a new frontier [i] [d]
- Henry Otgaar, Mark L. Howe, Peter Muris, & Harald Merckelbach (2019) Associative activation as a mechanism underlying false memory formation [d]
- Henry Otgaar, Mark L. Howe, Peter Muris, & Harald Merckelbach (2019) Dealing with false memories in children and adults: recommendations for the legal arena [d]
- Angela Potochnik, Matteo Colombo, & Cory Wright (2019) Recipes for science: an introduction to scientific methods and reasoning [i] [d]
- Thomas Pradeu (2019) Philosophy of immunology [i] [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta (2019) Argumentation strategies in the classroom [i]
- Ole Ravn & Ole Skovsmose (2019) Connecting humans to equations: a reinterpretation of the philosophy of mathematics [i] [d]
- Patricia Likos Ricci (2019) The inquiring eye: illustration and the production of knowledge [i] [d]
- David G. Robson (2019) The intelligence trap: why smart people make dumb mistakes [i]
- Kristina Rolin (2019) The epistemic significance of diversity [i] [d]
- Richard Samuels & Daniel A. Wilkenfeld [ed] (2019) Advances in experimental philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (2019) Hume's problem solved: the optimality of meta-induction [i] [d]
- Robert Schwartz (2019) Pragmatic perspectives: constructivism beyond truth and realism [i] [d]
- Andrew Shtulman (2019) Doubly counterintuitive: cognitive obstacles to the discovery and the learning of scientific ideas and why they often differ [i] [d]
- Andy P. Siddaway, Alex M. Wood, & Larry V. Hedges (2019) How to do a systematic review: a best practice guide for conducting and reporting narrative reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses [p] [d]
- Paul E. Smaldino (2019) Better methods can't make up for mediocre theory [p] [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2019) Unconceived alternatives and conservatism in science: the impact of professionalization, peer-review, and Big Science [d] [j] [u]
- Tim Stuart-Buttle (2019) From moral theology to moral philosophy: Hume's academic scepticism [and epilogue] [i] [d]
- Jesse S. Summers & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (2019) Clean hands?: philosophical lessons from scrupulosity [i] [d]
- Paul Teller (2019) What is perspectivism, and does it count as realism? [i] [d] [u]
- Paul Thagard (2019) Natural philosophy: from social brains to knowledge, reality, morality, and beauty [i] [d]
- Nick Turnbull & Robert A. Hoppe (2019) Problematizing 'wickedness': a critique of the wicked problems concept, from philosophy to practice [d]
- Kevin Vallier (2019) Must politics be war?: restoring our trust in the open society [i] [d]
- Remi Wieten, Floris J. Bex, Henry Prakken, & Silja Renooij (2019) Supporting discussions about forensic Bayesian networks using argumentation [i] [d]
- K. Brad Wray (2019) Systematicity and the continuity thesis [d] [j]
- James C. Zimring (2019) The knowledge problem, or what can we really 'know'? [i] [d]
- James C. Zimring (2019) What science is and how it really works [i] [d]
- Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] (2018) Wandering towards a goal: how can mindless mathematical laws give rise to aims and intention? [i] [d]
- Shahid Ahmed (2018) Ruling or serving society?: the case for reforming financial services [i] [d]
- Mikio Akagi (2018) Rethinking the problem of cognition [d] [j]
- Barry Allen (2018) A cool experiment [Richard Feynman's tabletop experiment and theorematic versus problematic sciences] [d] [u]
- Kwame Anthony Appiah (2018) The lies that bind: rethinking identity, creed, country, color, class, culture [i]
- Randall E. Auxier & John R. Shook (2018/2019) Idealism and religion in Dewey's philosophy [i] [d]
- Linden J. Ball & Valerie A. Thompson [ed] (2018) The Routledge international handbook of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
- Megan Bang, Ananda Marin, & Douglas L. Medin (2018) If Indigenous peoples stand with the sciences, will scientists stand with us? [d] [j]
- Sorin Bangu [ed] (2018) Naturalizing logico-mathematical knowledge: approaches from philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science [i] [d]
- Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile [ed] (2018) Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts [i] [d]
- Heather Battaly [ed] (2018) The Routledge handbook of virtue epistemology [i] [d]
- Jeremy J. Baumberg (2018) The secret life of science: how it really works and why it matters [i] [d] [j]
- Claus Beisbart (2018) Are computer simulations experiments? And if not, how are they related to each other? [d]
- Warren Berger (2018) The book of beautiful questions: the powerful questions that will help you decide, create, connect, and lead [i]
- Pam M. Berry, Veronika Fabók, Malgorzata Blicharska, Yennie K. Bredin, Marina García Llorente, Eszter Kovács, Nicoleta Geamana, Adina Stanciu, Mette Termansen, Tiina Jääskeläinen, John R. Haslett, & Paula A. Harrison (2018) Why conserve biodiversity?: a multi-national exploration of stakeholders' views on the arguments for biodiversity conservation [d]
- Fred L. Block (2018) Capitalism: the future of an illusion [i] [d] [j]
- Carol Bohmer & Amy Shuman (2018) Victim or perpetrator? [the difficulty of differentiating between victim and perpetrator in some cases] [i] [d]
- Giorgio Bongiovanni, Gerald Postema, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, Chiara Valentini, & Douglas N. Walton [ed] (2018) Handbook of legal reasoning and argumentation [i] [d]
- Lisa Bortolotti (2018) Stranger than fiction: costs and benefits of everyday confabulation [d]
- Dylan Bourgeois, Jérémie Rappaz, & Karl Aberer (2018) Selection bias in news coverage: learning it, fighting it [i] [d] [u]
- Sarah Bracking (2018) Corruption & state capture: what can citizens do? [d] [j]
- Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy & K. Tsianina Lomawaima (2018) Why don't more Indians do better in school?: the battle between U.S. schooling & American Indian/Alaska Native education [d] [j]
- Liam Kofi Bright (2018) Du Bois' democratic defence of the value free ideal [in science] [d] [j]
- John Brockman [ed] (2018) This idea is brilliant: lost, overlooked, and underappreciated scientific concepts everyone should know [i] [u]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2018) Vaccinate against bad arguments [u]
- Alison Wood Brooks & Leslie K. John (2018) The surprising power of questions [u]
- Daniel S. Brooks & Markus I. Eronen (2018) The significance of levels of organization for scientific research: a heuristic approach [p] [d]
- Karim Bschir (2018) Failure in science and why it is a good thing [book review of: Failure: why science is so successful, by Stuart Firestein] [p] [d]
- Otávio Bueno, Ruey-lin Chen, & Melinda Bonnie Fagan [ed] (2018) Individuation, process, and scientific practices [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2018) From a scientific point of view: reasoning and evidence beat improvisation across fields [or: The scientific stance: using evidence-based arguments across fields] [i]
- José E. Burgos (2018) Is a nervous system necessary for learning? [d]
- F. Thomas Burke (2018/2019) Dewey's Chicago-functionalist conception of logic [i] [d]
- Herman Cappelen (2018) Fixing language: an essay on conceptual engineering [i] [d]
- Walter A. Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski [ed] (2018) Contradictions, from consistency to inconsistency [i] [d]
- Peter Carruthers (2018) Basic questions [or: The questioning attitude] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2018) Theory building as problem solving [i] [d]
- Welton Chang, Elissabeth Berdini, David R. Mandel, & Philip E. Tetlock (2018) Restructuring structured analytic techniques in intelligence [d]
- Michael Cholbi (2018) The duty to work? [d]
- Andy Clark (2018) Priors and prejudices: comments on Susanna Siegel's The rationality of perception [d]
- Andy Clark (2018) A nice surprise?: predictive processing and the active pursuit of novelty [d]
- David E. Clementson (2018) Deceptively dodging questions: a theoretical note on issues of perception and detection [d]
- Peter Clutton & Stephen Gadsby (2018) Delusions, harmful dysfunctions, and treatable conditions [d]
- Juan José Colomina Almiñana (2018) Formal approach to the metaphysics of perspectives: points of view as access [i] [d]
- Vasco Correia (2018) Contextual debiasing and critical thinking: reasons for optimism [d]
- Javier Cumpa & Bill Brewer [ed] (2018) The nature of ordinary objects [i] [d]
- Marcello D'Agostino & Sanjay Modgil (2018) Classical logic, argument and dialectic [d]
- Brandon Daniel-Hughes (2018) Pragmatic inquiry and religious communities: Charles Peirce, signs, and inhabited experiments [i] [d]
- David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] (2018) Building theories: heuristics and hypotheses in sciences [i] [d]
- Angus Deaton & Nancy Cartwright (2018) Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials [p] [d] [u]
- Finnur Dellsén (2018) Scientific progress: four accounts [d]
- Finnur Dellsén (2018) When expert disagreement supports the consensus [d]
- Massimiliano Di Ventra (2018) The scientific method: reflections from a practitioner [i] [d]
- John M. Doris (2018) Précis of Talking to our selves: reflection, ignorance, and agency [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2018) The enduring enigma of reason [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Rohan French (2018) Paradoxes and structural rules from a dialogical perspective [d]
- Gideon Elford (2018) When is inequality fair? [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2018) Natural kinds, mind independence, and defeasibility [d] [j]
- Frank Fischer, Clark Chinn, Katharina Engelmann, & Jonathan Osborne [ed] (2018) Scientific reasoning and argumentation: the roles of domain-specific and domain-general knowledge [i] [d]
- Amy A. Fisher (2018) Inductive reasoning in the context of discovery: analogy as an experimental stratagem in the history and philosophy of science [d]
- Owen J. Flanagan (2018) Hallucinating oneness: is oneness true or just a positive metaphysical illusion? [i] [d] [j]
- Giulia Frezza & Mauro Capocci (2018) Thomas Hunt Morgan and the invisible gene: the right tool for the job [p] [d] [j]
- Michèle Friend & María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (2018) Keeping globally inconsistent scientific theories locally consistent [i] [d]
- Michael Fry (2018) Predictive hypotheses are ineffectual in resolving complex biochemical systems [p] [d] [u]
- Joaquín Gaete, Olga Smoliak, & Shari Couture (2018) Reflexive questions as constructive interventions: a discursive perspective [i] [d]
- Giunia Gatta (2018) Between politics and suprapolitics: Karl Jaspers and the flight from force [u]
- Gerald F. Gaus (2018) The complexity of a diverse moral order [u]
- Axel Gelfert (2018) Fake news: a definition [d] [u]
- Andrew Gelman (2018) Don't characterize replications as successes or failures [p] [d]
- Andrew Gelman (2018) What is probability? [u]
- Marco Giovanelli (2018) 'Physics is a kind of metaphysics': Émile Meyerson and Einstein's late rationalistic realism [d]
- Michael Glanzberg [ed] (2018) The Oxford handbook of truth [i] [d]
- Raymond E. Goldstein (2018) Are theoretical results 'results'? [p] [d] [u]
- Rebecca Newberger Goldstein (2018) Scientific realism [i] [u]
- Mark Goodale [ed] (2018) Letters to the contrary: a curated history of the UNESCO human rights survey [i] [d]
- Claudius Gräbner (2018) How to relate models to reality?: an epistemological framework for the validation and verification of computational models [d] [u]
- Susan Haack (2018) Expediting inquiry: Peirce's social economy of research [d] [j] [u]
- Brian D. Haig (2018) Method matters in psychology: essays in applied philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks [ed] (2018) Introduction to formal philosophy [i] [d]
- Sarah Hare & Cara Evanson (2018) Information privilege outreach for undergraduate students [d] [u]
- Stephen Cade Hetherington [ed] (2018) What makes a philosopher great?: thirteen arguments for twelve philosophers [i] [d]
- Barbara Hinterbuchinger, Zsuzsa Litvan, Elias Laurin Meyer, Fabian Friedrich, Alexander Kaltenboeck, Maria Gruber, Daniel König, Stefanie Sueßenbacher, & Nilufar Mossaheb (2018) Psychotic-like experiences in esoterism: a twilight zone? [p] [d]
- David Hitchcock (2018) Critical thinking [u]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2018) Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
- John J. Holder (2018) Emergentist naturalism in early Buddhism and Deweyan pragmatism [i] [d]
- Mark L. Howe, Lauren M. Knott, & Martin A. Conway (2018) Memory and miscarriages of justice [i] [d]
- İlhan İnan [ed] (2018) The moral psychology of curiosity [i]
- Emiliano Ippoliti (2018) Heuristic logic: a kernel [i] [d]
- Peter John (2018) How far to nudge?: assessing behavioural public policy [i] [d]
- Thomas Jordan (2018) Late stages of adult development: one linear sequence or several parallel branches? [u]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk & Franklin G. Miller (2018) Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits? [p] [d]
- Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos, Ian N. Durbach, & Theodor J. Stewart (2018) When should we use simple decision models?: a synthesis of various research strands [d]
- Michael N. Keas (2018) Systematizing the theoretical virtues [d] [j]
- Paul T. Keyser & John Scarborough [ed] (2018) The Oxford handbook of science and medicine in the classical world [i] [d]
- Deanna Kuhn (2018) A role for reasoning in a dialogic approach to critical thinking [d]
- Deanna Kuhn & Anahid S. Modrek (2018) Do reasoning limitations undermine discourse? [d]
- Andrew Leigh (2018) Randomistas: how radical researchers are changing our world [i] [d]
- David Ludwig & Luana Poliseli (2018) Relating traditional and academic ecological knowledge: mechanistic and holistic epistemologies across cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2018) Practical reasoning arguments: a modular approach [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2018) Evidence and presumptions for analyzing and detecting misunderstandings [d]
- Charles W. Mahoney (2018) More data, new problems: audiences, ahistoricity, and selection bias in terrorism and insurgency research [d]
- Patricia Siniikwe Pajunen (2018) An act of Anishinaabe resistance [i] [d]
- Barnaby Marsh (2018) Humility [i] [u]
- Fulvio Mazzocchi (2018) Knowledge organization system (KOS): an introductory critical account [d] [u]
- Brian J. McGill (2018) Are you in science to understand, describe or predict? [u]
- Gerald Midgley, Michael P. Johnson, & George Chichirau (2018) What is community operational research? [d]
- Christian B. Miller (2018) The character gap: how good are we? [i]
- Julia A. Minson, Eric M. VanEpps, Jeremy A. Yip, & Maurice E. Schweitzer (2018) Eliciting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: the effect of question phrasing on deception [d]
- Cheryl Misak (2018) The pragmatist theory of truth [i] [d]
- Kengo Miyazono (2018) Delusions and beliefs: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
- Debilyn Molineaux (2018) Contrarian or jerk? [u]
- Matteo Morganti (2018) From ontic structural realism to metaphysical coherentism [d]
- Nicola Mößner (2018) Visual representations in science: concept and epistemology [i] [d]
- Kabwe Mulenga, Xiujie Zhao, Min Xie, & Chipili Chikamba (2018) Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
- A. Charles Muller (2018) An inquiry into views, beliefs and faith: lessons from Buddhism, behavioural psychology and constructivist epistemology [d]
- Ilkka Niiniluoto (2018) Truth-seeking by abduction [i] [d]
- Margherita Palumbo (2018) Leibniz as librarian [i] [d]
- L. A. Paul & John Quiggin (2018) Real-world problems [d]
- Richard K. Payne (2018) 'Trained satisfaction': self-limiting of inquiry [u]
- Judea Pearl & Dana Mackenzie (2018) The book of why: the new science of cause and effect [i]
- Gordon Pennycook [ed] (2018) The new reflectionism in cognitive psychology: why reasons matter [i] [d]
- Mathias Pessiglione, Fabien Vinckier, Sébastien Bouret, Jean Daunizeau, & Raphaël Le Bouc (2018) Why not try harder?: computational approach to motivation deficits in neuro-psychiatric diseases [p] [d]
- Bernd Reiter [ed] (2018) Constructing the pluriverse: the geopolitics of knowledge [i] [d]
- Hélène de Ribaupierre & Gilles Falquet (2018) Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: a use case in gender documents [d]
- Jeroen de Ridder, Rik Peels, & René van Woudenberg [ed] (2018) Scientism: prospects and problems [i] [d]
- Natascha W. Rietdijk (2018) (You drive me) crazy: how gaslighting undermines autonomy [u]
- Gustavo E. Romero (2018) Scientific philosophy [i] [d]
- J. Peter Rosenfeld [ed] (2018) Detecting concealed information and deception: recent developments [i]
- Kathryn Roulston (2018) Triangulation in qualitative research [u]
- Bastiaan T. Rutjens, Steven J. Heine, Robbie M. Sutton, & Frenk van Harreveld (2018) Attitudes towards science [i] [d]
- Juha Saatsi [ed] (2018) The Routledge handbook of scientific realism [i] [d]
- Carlos Santana (2018) Why not all evidence is scientific evidence [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter, Alexis C. Carpenter, Aleea Devitt, Reece P. Roberts, & Donna Rose Addis (2018) Constructive episodic simulation, flexible recombination, and memory errors [p] [d]
- Bee Scherer & Jeff Waistell (2018) Incorporating mindfulness: questioning capitalism [d]
- Samuel Schindler (2018) Theoretical virtues in science: uncovering reality through theory [i] [d]
- Dimitrios Schizas, Efimia Papatheodorou, & George Stamou (2018) Transforming 'ecosystem' from a scientific concept into a teachable topic: philosophy and history of ecology informs science textbook analysis [d]
- Raphael Scholl (2018) Scenes from a marriage: on the confrontation model of history and philosophy of science [d]
- Caitlin Scott (2018) Sustainably sourced junk food?: big food and the challenge of sustainable diets [d] [u]
- Fábio Perin Shecaira (2018) The value of methodological deductivism in argument construction [d] [u]
- Michael Shermer (2018) For the love of science: combating science denial with science pleasure [d] [u]
- Patrick E. Shrout & Joseph L. Rodgers (2018) Psychology, science, and knowledge construction: broadening perspectives from the replication crisis [p] [d]
- Susanna Siegel (2018) Perception as guessing versus perception as knowing: replies to Clark and Peacocke [d]
- John Eric Rayner Staddon (2018) Scientific method: how science works, fails to work, and pretends to work [in the human sciences] [i] [d]
- Steffen Steinert & Joachim Lipski (2018) Who is afraid of commitment?: on the relation of scientific evidence and conceptual theory [d] [j] [u]
- Molly Stellino (2018) Shortcut roundup: quick guides to become media literate [and what they have in common] [u]
- Keith Stenning & Alexandra L. Varga (2018) Several logics for the many things that people do in reasoning [i] [d]
- Kim Sterelny (2018) Why reason?: Hugo Mercier's and Dan Sperber's The enigma of reason: a new theory of human understanding [d]
- Dietrich Stout (2018) Human brain evolution: history or science? [i] [d]
- Laurent Tatu, Selma Aybek, & Julien Bogousslavsky (2018) Munchausen syndrome and the wide spectrum of factitious disorders [p] [d]
- Paul C. Taylor, Linda Martín Alcoff, & Luvell Anderson [ed] (2018) The Routledge companion to philosophy of race [i] [d]
- Sim-Hui Tee (2018) Fictional models and fictional representations [d]
- Paul Teller (2018) Referential and perspectival realism [d]
- Brian C. Thiede, Daniel T. Lichter, & Tim Slack (2018) Working, but poor: the good life in rural America? [d]
- Warren W. Tryon (2018) Mediators and mechanisms [d]
- Mark Dietrich Tschaepe (2018) Cultural humility and Dewey's pattern of inquiry: developing good attitudes and overcoming bad habits [d]
- Rafal Urbaniak (2018) Narration in judiciary fact-finding: a probabilistic explication [d]
- Pascal Wagner-Egger, Sylvain Delouvée, Nicolas Gauvrit, & Sebastian Dieguez (2018) Creationism and conspiracism share a common teleological bias [p] [d]
- Gregory M. Walton & Timothy D. Wilson (2018) Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
- Lani Watson (2018) Curiosity and inquisitiveness [i] [d]
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- Adam Waytz (2018) The illusion of explanatory depth [i] [u]
- Arnold Wentzel (2018) A guide to argumentative research writing and thinking: overcoming challenges [i] [d]
- Judy D. Whipps (2018/2019) Dewey, Addams, and design thinking: pragmatist feminist innovation for democratic change [i] [d]
- Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker (2018) Peirce knew why abduction isn't IBE—a scheme and critical questions for abductive argument [vs. inference to the best explanation] [d]
- Frank Zenker (2018) Logic, reasoning, argumentation: insights from the wild [d] [u]
- Siegfried Zepf (2018) Psychoanalysis today—a pseudoscience?: a critique of the arbitrary nature of psychoanalytic theories and practice [p] [d]
- Chen Zhu, Xiaoqi Sun, & Suzanne Ho-Wai So (2018) Associations between belief inflexibility and dimensions of delusions: a meta-analytic review of two approaches to assessing belief flexibility [p] [d]
- Rolf A. Zwaan, Alexander Etz, Richard E. Lucas, & M. Brent Donnellan (2018) Making replication mainstream [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Evandro Agazzi [ed] (2017) Varieties of scientific realism: objectivity and truth in science [i] [d]
- Scott F. Aikin & Robert B. Talisse (2017) Pragmatism and metaphilosophy [i] [d]
- James Alexander (2017) Who was the first philosopher? Or, how many philosophers does it take? [d]
- Mats Alvesson, Yiannis Gabriel, & Roland Paulsen (2017) Return to meaning: a social science with something to say [i] [d]
- Christopher K. Ansell & Robert Geyer (2017) 'Pragmatic complexity' a new foundation for moving beyond 'evidence-based policy making'? [d]
- John Antonakis (2017) On doing better science: from thrill of discovery to policy implications [d]
- Anton Ashcroft (2017) The politics of research—or why you can't trust anything you read, including this article! [d]
- Sean Aubin (2017) Do better science by answering your questions in public: StackExchange for open science [u]
- James A. Banham & Robert D. Schweitzer (2017) Therapeutic conversations: therapists' use of observational language contributes to optimal therapeutic outcomes [p] [d]
- Cristina Barés Gómez & Matthieu Fontaine (2017) Argumentation and abduction in dialogical logic [i] [d]
- Jonathan Baron, Burcu Gürçay, & S. Emlen Metz (2017) Reflective thought and actively open-minded thinking [i] [d]
- Justin L. Barrett (2017) Could we advance the science of religion (better) without the concept 'religion'? [d]
- Jakob Bek-Thomsen, Christian Christiansen, Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, & Mikkel Thorup [ed] (2017) History of economic rationalities: economic reasoning as knowledge and practice authority [i] [d]
- Floris J. Bex, Floriana Grasso, Nancy L. Green, Fabio Paglieri, & Chris Reed [ed] (2017) Argument technologies: theory, analysis, and applications [i]
- Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick [ed] (2017) Philosophy's future: the problem of philosophical progress [i] [d]
- Stefaan Blancke, Maarten Boudry, & Massimo Pigliucci (2017) Why do irrational beliefs mimic science?: the cultural evolution of pseudoscience [d]
- Hartmut Blank (2017) Recollection, belief and metacognition: a reality check [p] [d]
- Alisa Bokulich & Naomi Oreskes (2017) Models in geosciences [i] [d]
- Alisa Bokulich (2017) Models and explanation [i] [d]
- Lars C. Borg (2017) Improving intelligence analysis: harnessing intuition and reducing biases by means of structured methodology [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Massimo Pigliucci [ed] (2017) Science unlimited?: the challenges of scientism [i] [d]
- Deborah S. Bower, Kerrie L. Mengersen, Ross A. Alford, & Lin Schwarzkopf (2017) Using a Bayesian network to clarify areas requiring research in a host–pathogen system [p] [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2017) Don't dodge the question [u]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2017) Treat cross-examination questions as a flashlight in a dark room [and turn on the overhead lights instead] [u]
- Steve Bruce (2017) Multiple religious belonging: conceptual advance or secularization denial? [d]
- William M. Bulleit (2017) Pragmatism and engineering [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2017) Doing science: in the light of philosophy [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2017) In the beginning was the problem [i] [d]
- Daniel C. Burnston (2017) Real patterns in biological explanation [d] [j]
- Marco Buzzoni (2017) Robustness, intersubjective reproducibility, and scientific realism [i] [d]
- Craig Callender (2017) What makes time special? [i] [d]
- Matt Carlson (2017) Journalistic authority: legitimating news in the digital era [i] [d] [j]
- David Carré, Jaan Valsiner, & Stefan Hampl [ed] (2017) Representing development: the social constructions of models of change [i] [d]
- Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] (2017) How and why are some therapists better than others?: understanding therapist effects [i] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2017) Rethinking knowledge: the heuristic view [i] [d]
- Justin T. Clark (2017) Confronting the 'seeker of newspaper notoriety': pathological lying, the public, and the press, 1890–1920 [d]
- Timothy D. Clark (2017) Science, lies and video-taped experiments [p] [d]
- Peter Clutton, Stephen Gadsby, & Colin Klein (2017) Taxonomising delusions: content or aetiology? [p] [d]
- Bruce M. Z. Cohen [ed] (2017) Routledge international handbook of critical mental health [i] [d]
- Chris R. Colocousis, Cesar J. Rebellon, Nick Smith, & Stefan Sobolowski (2017) How long can we keep doing this?: sustainability as a strictly temporal concept [d]
- Michael H. Connors & Peter W. Halligan (2017) Belief and belief formation: insights from delusions [i] [d]
- James F. M. Cornwell, Becca Franks, & E. Tory Higgins (2017) Shared reality makes life meaningful: are we really going in the right direction? [d]
- Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez (2017) Employee profit sharing: a moral obligation or a moral option? [u]
- Stephen Coulthart (2017) What's the problem?: frameworks and methods from policy analysis for analyzing complex problems [d]
- Audun Dahl (2017) Ecological commitments: why developmental science needs naturalistic methods [p] [d] [u]
- Erik J. Dahl (2017) Getting beyond analysis by anecdote: improving intelligence analysis through the use of case studies [d]
- Jonas De keersmaecker & Arne Roets (2017) 'Fake news': incorrect, but hard to correct: the role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions [d]
- Paul F. Dell (2017) What is the essence of hypnosis? [p] [d]
- Nathan F. Dieckmann, Robin S. Gregory, Ellen Peters, & Robert Hartman (2017) Seeing what you want to see: how imprecise uncertainty ranges enhance motivated reasoning [d]
- Susan Dieleman, David Rondel, & Christopher J. Voparil [ed] (2017) Pragmatism and justice [i] [d]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2017) Empirical approaches to problems of injustice: Elizabeth Anderson and the pragmatists [i] [d]
- Andreĭ Borisovich Droznin & Natalia Fedorova (2017) Physical actor training: what shall I do with the body they gave me? [i] [d]
- Steffen Ducheyne [ed] (2017) Reassessing the radical Enlightenment [i] [d]
- Ian T. Durham & Dean Rickles [ed] (2017) Information and interaction: Eddington, Wheeler, and the limits of knowledge [i] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Herman Veluwenkamp (2017) Reasoning biases, non-monotonic logics and belief revision [d]
- Christopher P. Dwyer (2017) Critical thinking: conceptual perspectives & practical guidelines [i] [d]
- Justin Eckstein & Sarah T. Partlow Lefevre (2017) Since Sandy Hook: strategic maneuvering in the gun control debate [d]
- Stefan Eriksson & Gert Helgesson (2017) The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics [p] [d] [u]
- Ludwig Fahrbach (2017) Scientific revolutions and the explosion of scientific evidence [d] [j] [u]
- Steven Fesmire [ed] (2017/2019) The Oxford handbook of Dewey [i] [d]
- Matthew C. Ford (2017) Weapon of choice: small arms and the culture of military innovation [i] [d]
- Henrik Friberg-Fernros & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (2017) Assessing the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making in terms of adequate support for conclusions [d]
- Albrecht Fritzsche (2017) Open innovation and the core of the engineer's domain [i] [d]
- K. W. M. (Bill) Fulford & Tim Thornton (2017) Delusions: a project in understanding [i] [d]
- Luke W. Galen (2017) Which functions assumed to be religious and spiritual in nature are ultimately attributable or reducible to purely secular mechanisms? [d]
- Tim van Gelder & Richard de Rozario (2017) Pursuing fundamental advances in human reasoning [i] [d]
- Axel Gelfert (2017) The ontology of models [i] [d]
- Andrew Gelman & Christian Hennig (2017) Beyond subjective and objective in statistics [and comments and reply] [d]
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- Partha Ghose [ed] (2017) Einstein, Tagore, and the nature of reality [i] [d]
- Anne Giersch & Aaron L. Mishara (2017) Is schizophrenia a disorder of consciousness?: experimental and phenomenological support for anomalous unconscious processing [p] [d] [u]
- Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari [ed] (2017) The Routledge handbook of mechanisms and mechanical philosophy [i] [d]
- Seth Godin (2017) What will you do with your surplus? ['If you're not drowning, you're a lifeguard'] [u]
- Kurt Gray (2017) How to map theory: reliable methods are fruitless without rigorous theory [p] [d] [u]
- Sara Green [ed] (2017) Philosophy of systems biology: perspectives from scientists and philosophers [i] [d]
- Francis J. Greene & Christian Hopp (2017) Are formal planners more likely to achieve new venture viability?: a counterfactual model and analysis [d]
- Nat Greene (2017) Stop guessing: the 9 behaviors of great problem solvers [i]
- Juliet D. Griffin & Paul C. Fletcher (2017) Predictive processing, source monitoring, and psychosis [p] [d] [u]
- Jada G. Hamilton, Sarah E. Lillie, Dana L. Alden, Laura Scherer, Megan Oser, Christine Rini, Miho Tanaka, John Baleix, Mikki Brewster, Simon Craddock Lee, Mary K. Goldstein, Robert M. Jacobson, Ronald E. Myers, Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher, & Erika A. Waters (2017) What is a good medical decision?: a research agenda guided by perspectives from multiple stakeholders [p] [d] [u]
- Stuart Hanscomb (2017) Critical thinking: the basics [i] [d]
- Paul L. Harris (2017) Tell, ask, repair: early responding to discordant reality [d]
- Lisa Herzog [ed] (2017) Just financial markets?: finance in a just society [i] [d]
- Judith Hochman & Natalie Wexler (2017) The writing revolution: a guide to advancing thinking through writing in all subjects and grades [one sentence at a time] [i]
- Jakob Hohwy & John Michael (2017) Why should any body have a self? [i] [d]
- Cathrine Holst & Anders Molander (2017) Public deliberation and the fact of expertise: making experts accountable [d]
- Bailey R. House (2017) How do social norms influence prosocial development? [p] [d]
- Karen Huang, Michael Yeomans, Alison Wood Brooks, Julia A. Minson, & Francesca Gino (2017) It doesn't hurt to ask: question-asking increases liking [p] [d]
- Dietmar Hübner (2017) Three remarks on 'reflective equilibrium': on the use and misuse of Rawls' balancing concept in contemporary ethics [d]
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, & Dietram Scheufele [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication [i] [d]
- Todd Jones & Michael Pravica (2017) When do scientific explanations compete?: steps toward a heuristic checklist [d]
- Dan M. Kahan, Asheley Landrum, Katie Carpenter, Laura Helft, & Kathleen Hall Jamieson (2017) Science curiosity and political information processing [d]
- Gregory C. Keating (2017/2018) Is cost–benefit analysis the only game in town? [u]
- Eric Kerr (2017) Evidence in engineering [i] [d]
- Sangeet S. Khemlani & Philip N. Johnson-Laird (2017) Illusions in reasoning [d]
- Ian James Kidd, José Medina, & Gaile Pohlhaus Jr. [ed] (2017) The Routledge handbook of epistemic injustice [i] [d]
- Peter R. Killeen & Kenneth W. Jacobs (2017) Coal is not black, snow is not white, food is not a reinforcer: the roles of affordances and dispositions in the analysis of behavior [d]
- Andrew Knops (2017) Validity and scope as criteria for deliberative epistemic quality across pluralism [d]
- Colin Koopman (2017) Contesting injustice: why pragmatist political thought needs Du Bois [i] [d]
- Markus Kornprobst & Martin Senn (2017) Arguing deep ideational change [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Toi Sin Arvidsson, Rosiane Lesperance, & Rainikka Corprew (2017) Can engaging in science practices promote deep understanding of them? [d]
- Lindsay Kyte (2017) How will you die? [u]
- Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (2017) The meaning of 'epistemology': science, common sense and philosophy according to Émile Meyerson [d]
- Marc Lange (2017) Because without cause: non-causal explanation in science and mathematics [i] [d]
- Catherine Legg & James Franklin (2017) Perceiving necessity [d] [u]
- Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Kimberley Brownlee, & David Coady [ed] (2017) A companion to applied philosophy [i] [d]
- David Ludwig (2017) Letting go of 'natural kind': toward a multidimensional framework of nonarbitrary classification [d] [j] [u]
- Gary Lupyan (2017) How reliable is perception? [d] [u]
- Lorenzo Magnani (2017) The abductive structure of scientific creativity: an essay on the ecology of cognition [i] [d]
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- Johannes B. Mahr & Gergely Csibra (2017) Why do we remember?: the communicative function of episodic memory [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
- Jane J. Mansbridge (2017) Why do we need government?: the role of civic education in the face of the free-rider problem [i] [u]
- Stephen Marrin & Efren Torres (2017) Improving how to think in intelligence analysis and medicine [d]
- Debra Seido Martin (2017) How is awe connected to wisdom? [u]
- Robert M. Martin (2017) For the sake of argument: how to do philosophy [i]
- Carlo Martini & Manuela Fernández Pinto (2017) Modeling the social organization of science: chasing complexity through simulations [d]
- Kevin McCain & Ted Poston [ed] (2017) Best explanations: new essays on inference to the best explanation [i] [d]
- Benjamin F. McLean, Julie K. Mattiske, & Ryan P. Balzan (2017) Association of the jumping-to-conclusions and evidence-integration biases with delusions in psychosis: a detailed meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Hugo Mercier (2017) How gullible are we?: a review of the evidence from psychology and social science [d]
- Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber (2017) The enigma of reason [i] [d]
- Diane P. Michelfelder, Byron Newberry, & Qin Zhu [ed] (2017) Philosophy and engineering: exploring boundaries, expanding connections [i] [d]
- Gerhard Minnameier (2017) Forms of abduction and an inferential taxonomy [i] [d]
- Cheryl Misak (2017/2019) Dewey on the authority and legitimacy of law [i] [d]
- Robert J. Mislevy, Geneva Haertel, Michelle Riconscente, Daisy Wise Rutstein, & Cindy Ziker (2017) Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design: a suite of research-based design patterns [i] [d]
- Moti Mizrahi (2017) What's so bad about scientism? [d]
- Anahid S. Modrek & Deanna Kuhn (2017) A cognitive cost of the need to achieve? [d]
- Fabian Muniesa (2017) On the political vernaculars of 'value creation' [d]
- Tim Murphy & Vincent O'Connell (2017) Challenging the dominance of formalism in accounting education: an analysis of the potential of stewardship in light of the evolution of legal education [d]
- Alan Musgrave (2017) Strict empiricism versus explanation in science [i] [d]
- Robert A. Nash, Kimberley A. Wade, Maryanne Garry, & James S. Adelman (2017) A robust preference for cheap-and-easy strategies over reliable strategies when verifying personal memories [p] [d]
- Anthony O'Connell & Ciara M. Greene (2017) Not strange but not true: self-reported interest in a topic increases false memory [p] [d]
- William O'Donohue, Jena B. Casas, Daniel R. Szoke, Dominique Cheung, Reem I. Hmaidan, & Kenneth J. Burleigh (2017) Scientific progress in clinical psychology and epistemically virtuous research [j] [u]
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- Henry Otgaar, Peter Muris, Mark L. Howe, & Harald Merckelbach (2017) What drives false memories in psychopathology?: a case for associative activation [p] [d] [u]
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- Justin O. Parkhurst (2017) The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence [i] [d]
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- Jacob V. Pearce (2017) 'Why these laws?': multiverse discourse as a scene of response [d] [u]
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- Niki Pfeifer & Leena Tulkki (2017) Conditionals, counterfactuals, and rational reasoning: an experimental study on basic principles [d]
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- Joseph C. Pitt (2017) The role of technologies in undermining the perennial philosophy [i] [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2017) Levels and fields of science [i] [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2017) Idealization and the aims of science [i] [d]
- Hilary Putnam, Ruth Anna Putnam, & David Macarthur (2017) Pragmatism as a way of life: the lasting legacy of William James and John Dewey [i] [d]
- Austen Rainer (2017) Using argumentation theory to analyse software practitioners' defeasible evidence, inference and belief [d]
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- Henk W. de Regt (2017) Understanding scientific understanding [i] [d]
- Ursula Renz [ed] (2017) Self-knowledge: a history [i] [d]
- Rick Repetti [ed] (2017) Buddhist perspectives on free will: agentless agency? [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2017) Philosophy as rational systematization [i] [d]
- Robert M. Ross & Ryan McKay (2017) Why is belief in God not a delusion? [d]
- Giovanni Rubeis (2017) Beyond realism and antirealism?: the strange case of Dewey's instrumentalism [i] [d]
- Scott Scheall (2017) What is extreme about Mises's extreme apriorism? [d]
- Peter Jan Schellens, Ester Šorm, Rian Timmers, & Hans Hoeken (2017) Laypeople's evaluation of arguments: are criteria for argument quality scheme-specific? [d]
- Uffe Schjoedt & Marc Andersen (2017) How does religious experience work in predictive minds? [d]
- James Schmidt (2017) What sort of question was Kant answering when he answered the question: 'What is enlightenment?'? [i]
- David Schmidtz (2017) Realistic idealism [i] [d]
- Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards [ed] (2017) Handbook of the philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
- Baruch B. Schwarz & Michael J. Baker (2017) Dialogue, argumentation, and education: history, theory, and practice [i] [d]
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- Priti Shah, Audrey Michal, Amira Ibrahim, Rebecca Rhodes, & Fernando Rodriguez (2017) What makes everyday scientific reasoning so challenging? [d]
- Andrew Shtulman (2017) Scienceblind: why our intuitive theories about the world are so often wrong [i]
- Susanna Siegel (2017) The rationality of perception [or lack of rationality] [i] [d]
- Karl Sigmund (2017) Exact thinking in demented times: the Vienna Circle and the epic quest for the foundations of science [i]
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- Steven A. Sloman & Philip Fernbach (2017) The knowledge illusion: why we never think alone [i]
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- Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, & Harold Kincaid [ed] (2017) The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
- Rhys Southan (2017) Peter Singer, R.M. Hare, and the trouble with logical consistency [in moral reasoning] [d] [u]
- Joachim H. Spangenberg (2017) Hot air or comprehensive progress?: a critical assessment of the SDGs [sustainable development goals] [d]
- Karen M. Staller (2017) The methodology of 'The witch-hunt narrative': a question of evidence—evidence questioned [p] [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2017) So long and thanks for all the fish: metaphysics and the philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Scott R. Stroud (2017) Rhetoric, ethics, and the principle of charity: pragmatist clues to the democratic riddle [d]
- Hollis Taylor (2017) Is birdsong music?: outback encounters with an Australian songbird [i] [j]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2017) Metaphysics and conceptual negotiation [d]
- Paul B. Thompson & Zachary Piso (2017/2019) Dewey and environmental philosophy [i] [d]
- Benjamin Todd (2017) The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
- James Trafford (2017) Meaning in dialogue: an interactive approach to logic and reasoning [i] [d]
- Rasmus Ugilt (2017) Security and ideology [i] [d]
- Isaac E. Ukpokolo [ed] (2017) Themes, issues and problems in African philosophy [i] [d]
- Edna Ullmann-Margalit (2017) Normal rationality: decisions and social order [i] [d]
- Filip Uzarevic, Vassilis Saroglou, & Magali Clobert (2017) Are atheists undogmatic? [d]
- Simine Vazire (2017) Our obsession with eminence warps research [p] [d]
- Bart Verheij (2017) Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
- Luis Antonio Vivanco (2017) Field notes: a guided journal for doing anthropology [i]
- Leonard J. Waks & Andrea English [ed] (2017) John Dewey's Democracy and education: a centennial handbook [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2017) The slippery slope argument in the ethical debate on genetic engineering of humans [p] [d]
- Erik Weber & Merel Lefevere (2017) Unification, the answer to resemblance questions [d] [j]
- Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg (2017) Are you solving the right problems? [u]
- Ralph Wedgwood (2017) The value of rationality [i] [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock, Dorothe Kienhues, Florian C. Feucht, & Mary Ryan (2017) Informed reflexivity: enacting epistemic virtue [d]
- Arnold Wentzel (2017) Originality through questions [i] [d]
- Arnold Wentzel (2017) Search out your 'flat-earthers' if you want to argue better [u]
- Allison B. Wolf (2017) 'Tell me how that makes you feel': philosophy's reason/emotion divide and epistemic pushback in philosophy classrooms [d]
- Derek Woods (2017) Epistemic things in Charles and Ray Eames's Powers of ten [i] [d]
- William Wright, David Sheffield, & Stephanie Santosa (2017) Argument Mapper: countering cognitive biases in analysis with critical (visual) thinking [i] [d]
- Michalinos Zembylas (2017) Wilful ignorance and the emotional regime of schools [d]
- Evandro Agazzi (2016) Scientific realism within perspectivism and perspectivism within scientific realism [d]
- Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] (2016) How should humanity steer the future? [i] [d]
- Barry Allen (2016) Dewey and the art of experience [u]
- Gunnar Andersson (2016) The problem of the empirical basis in critical rationalism [i] [d]
- A. J. Angulo [ed] (2016) Miseducation: a history of ignorance-making in America and abroad [i] [d]
- Timothy R. Apodaca, Kristina M. Jackson, Brian Borsari, Molly Magill, Richard Longabaugh, Nadine R. Mastroleo, & Nancy P. Barnett (2016) Which individual therapist behaviors elicit client change talk and sustain talk in motivational interviewing? [p] [d] [u]
- Selene Arfini (2016) Thought experiments as model-based abductions [i] [d]
- Michael Ashton (2016) What's wrong with money?: the biggest bubble of all [i]
- Marco Aurisicchio, Rob Bracewell, & Becky L. Hooey (2016) Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
- Tudor M. Baetu (2016) The 'big picture': the problem of extrapolation in basic research [d] [j]
- Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby (2016) Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
- Alysha Baker, Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke, & Crystal Mundy (2016) Seeing is believing: observer perceptions of trait trustworthiness predict perceptions of honesty in high-stakes emotional appeals [d]
- Jon M. Bakija, Lane Kenworthy, Peter H. Lindert, & Jeffrey G. Madrick (2016) How big should our government be? [i] [d] [j]
- Andrew Ball (2016) Are fallacies vices? [d]
- Paul Barrett (2016) Electrophysiology, chronometrics, and cross-cultural psychometrics at the Biosignal Lab: why it began, what we learned, and why it ended [d]
- Louise Barrett & Gert Stulp (2016) Revolution, reconciliation, integration: is there a way to bring social and biological anthropology together? [d]
- Mark Battersby (2016) Enhancing rationality: heuristics, biases, and the Critical Thinking Project [d] [u]
- Tim Bayne, Jakob Hohwy, & Adrian M. Owen (2016) Are there levels of consciousness? [conclusion: no] [p] [d]
- Mark T. Berg & Richard B. Felson (2016) Why are offenders victimized so often? [i] [d]
- Leema K. Berland, Christina V. Schwarz, Christina Krist, Lisa Kenyon, Abraham S. Lo, & Brian J. Reiser (2016) Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
- Jay H. Bernstein (2016) Anthropology and knowledge organization: affinities and prospects for engagement [o] [d] [u]
- Gregor Betz (2016) Truth in evidence and truth in arguments without logical omniscience [d] [j]
- Floris J. Bex & Douglas Walton (2016) Combining explanation and argumentation in dialogue [d] [u]
- James Bogen (2016) Empiricism and after [i] [d]
- Patrick Bondy (2016) Bias in legitimate ad hominem arguments [and comment by Andrew Aberdein and reply] [u]
- Rick E. Bonney, Tina B. Phillips, Heidi L. Ballard, & Jody W. Enck (2016) Can citizen science enhance public understanding of science? [p] [d]
- Brooke Borel (2016/2023) The Chicago guide to fact-checking [i] [d]
- Chet A. Bowers (2016) Digital detachment: how computer culture undermines democracy [i] [d]
- Leanne Bowler & Ryan Champagne (2016) Mindful makers: question prompts to help guide young peoples' critical technical practices in maker spaces in libraries, museums, and community-based youth organizations [d]
- Michael S. Brady & Miranda Fricker [ed] (2016) The epistemic life of groups: essays in the epistemology of collectives [i] [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2016) If you don't know the answer, then that's your answer [u]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2016/2024) Don't get lost in your own story [u]
- Georg Brun & Gregor Betz (2016) Analysing practical argumentation [i] [d]
- Georg Brun (2016) Explication as a method of conceptual re-engineering [d] [j]
- Barbara Buchberger, Laura Krabbe, Beate Lux, & Jessica Tajana Mattivi (2016) Evidence mapping for decision making: feasibility versus accuracy—when to abandon high sensitivity in electronic searches [p] [d] [u]
- Mario Bunge (2016) Practical philosophy [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2016) Between two worlds: memoirs of a philosopher-scientist [i] [d]
- José E. Burgos (2016) Antidualism and antimentalism in radical behaviorism [and comments and reply in subsequent volume] [j] [u]
- Richard Carrier (2016) Bayesian epistemology vs. Susan Haack [u]
- John M. Carroll, Yu Wu, Patrick C. Shih, & Saijing Zheng (2016) Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (2016) Single case causes: what is evidence and why [i] [d]
- Jordi Cat (2016) Fuzzy pictures as philosophical problem and scientific practice: a study of visual vagueness [i] [d]
- Yuri Cath (2016) Reflective equilibrium [i] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2016) Is there a scientific method?: the analytic model of science [i] [d]
- Karl Chan-Brown, Anne Douglass, Steen Halling, Julia Keller, & Marie McNabb (2016) What is money?: a qualitative study of money as experienced [d]
- Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss [ed] (2016) Philosophy of science in practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning [i] [d]
- Chun Wei Choo (2016) The inquiring organization: how organizations acquire knowledge and seek information [i] [d]
- Carina Cortassa (2016) In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return?: the eternal recurrence of the public deficit [p] [d]
- Shannon Crawford Barniskis (2016) Deconstructing the mission: a critical content analysis of public library mission statements [d]
- Jan De Winter (2016) Interests and epistemic integrity in science: a new framework to assess interest influences in scientific research processes [i]
- Stephen J. Dollinger (2016) 'You are as you read': do students' reading interests contribute to their individuality? [d]
- Liz Dowthwaite, Robert J. Houghton, & Richard Mortier (2016) How relevant is copyright to online artists?: a qualitative study of understandings, coping strategies, and possible solutions [d] [u]
- Antonino Drago (2016) Defining Peirce's reasoning processes against the background of the mathematical reasoning of computability theory [i] [d]
- Johanna Drucker & Patrik B. O. Svensson (2016) The why and how of middleware [for scholarly research and communication] [u]
- Christopher M. Duerringer & Zach S. Justus (2016) Tropes in the rhetoric of gun rights: a pragma-dialectic analysis [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2016) Reductio ad absurdum from a dialogical perspective [d] [j]
- George F. R. Ellis (2016) How can physics underlie the mind?: top-down causation in the human context [i] [d]
- Markus I. Eronen (2016) Robustness is the kind of coherence that matters: a comment on Kendler (2015) [p] [d]
- Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi [ed] (2016) Critical mindfulness: exploring Langerian models [i] [d]
- Sarah K. Fineberg & Philip R. Corlett (2016) The doxastic shear pin: delusions as errors of learning and memory [p] [d]
- Russell Ford (2016) Humor, law, and jurisprudence: on Deleuze's political philosophy [d]
- Erik M. Francis (2016) Now that's a good question!: how to promote cognitive rigor through classroom questioning [i]
- Allan Franklin (2016) What makes a good experiment?: reasons & roles in science [i] [j]
- Stefan Frisch (2016) Are mental disorders brain diseases, and what does this mean?: a clinical-neuropsychological perspective [p] [d]
- Julie Gainsburg, John Fox, & Lawrence M. Solan (2016) Argumentation and decision making in professional practice [d]
- Axel Gelfert (2016) How to do science with models: a philosophical primer [i] [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (2016) Feyerabend's perspectivism [p] [d]
- Jane Gilbert (2016) Transforming science education for the Anthropocene—is it possible? [d]
- David Godden (2016) Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
- Simon B. Goldberg, Tony Rousmaniere, Scott D. Miller, Jason Whipple, Stevan Lars Nielsen, William T. Hoyt, & Bruce E. Wampold (2016) Do psychotherapists improve with time and experience?: a longitudinal analysis of outcomes in a clinical setting [p] [d]
- Wenceslao J. González [ed] (2016) The limits of science: an analysis from 'barriers' to 'confines' [i] [d]
- Steven N. Goodman, Daniele Fanelli, & John P. A. Ioannidis (2016) What does research reproducibility mean? [p] [d]
- Lucas Graves (2016) Deciding what's true: the rise of political fact-checking in American journalism [i] [d]
- Monica Greco (2016) What is the DSM?: diagnostic manual, cultural icon, political battleground: an overview with suggestions for a critical research agenda [d]
- Jeffrey Alan Greene, William A. Sandoval, & Ivar Bråten [ed] (2016) Handbook of epistemic cognition [i] [d]
- Emily Rolfe Grosholz (2016) Searching for the middle term: Descartes, Gassendi, and modern biology [j]
- Emily Rolfe Grosholz (2016) Starry reckoning: reference and analysis in mathematics and cosmology [i] [d]
- Steve Vinay Gunther (2016) Questioning the victim status of complainants in professional ethics investigations [d]
- Ulrike Hahn & Jos Hornikx (2016) A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation [d] [j]
- Brian D. Haig & Colin W. Evers (2016) Realist inquiry in social science [i]
- Matthew Haigh, Jeffrey S. Wood, & Andrew J. Stewart (2016) Slippery slope arguments imply opposition to change [p] [d]
- Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (2016) The decentralization of knowledge: how Carnap and Heidegger influenced the Web [d] [u]
- M. Eve Hanan (2016) Decriminalizing violence: a critique of restorative justice and proposal for diversionary mediation [u]
- Jeremy Hance (2016) Why don't we grieve for extinct species? [u]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn [ed] (2016) The argumentative turn in policy analysis: reasoning about uncertainty [i] [d]
- Rom Harré (2016) The explanation frame [i]
- Jim Haslam & Prem Sikka [ed] (2016) Pioneers of critical accounting: a celebration of the life of Tony Lowe [i] [d]
- Reuben Hersh (2016) Mathematics as an empirical phenomenon, subject to modeling [i] [d]
- Darlene Himick, Marion Brivot, & Jean-François Henri (2016) An ethical perspective on accounting standard setting: professional and lay-experts' contribution to GASB's Pension Project [d]
- Eric Hochstein (2016) One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
- Bob Hughes (2016) The bleeding edge: why technology turns toxic in an unequal world [i]
- Paul Humphreys, Anjan Chakravartty, Margaret Morrison, & Andrea Woody [ed] (2016) The Oxford handbook of philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Kalypso Iordanou, Panayiota Kendeou, & Katinka Beker (2016) Argumentative reasoning [i] [d]
- Emiliano Ippoliti, Fabio Sterpetti, & Thomas Nickles [ed] (2016) Models and inferences in science [i] [d]
- Benjamin C. Jantzen (2016) Discovery without a 'logic' would be a miracle [d] [j]
- Catherine Kendig [ed] (2016) Natural kinds and classification in scientific practice [i] [d]
- Tim Kenyon (2016) Oral history and the epistemology of testimony [d]
- Henry Ko (2016) In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return? How do the shifting information flows in healthcare affect the deficit model of science communication? [p] [d]
- Charles J. Kowalski & Adam J. Mrdjenovich (2016) Beware dichotomies [p] [d]
- Jack M. C. Kwong (2016) Open-mindedness as a critical virtue [d]
- Justine Lacroix, Jean-Yves Pranchère, & Gabrielle Maas (2016/2018) Human rights on trial: a genealogy of the critique of human rights [i] [d]
- Larry Laudan (2016) The law's flaws: rethinking trials and errors? [i]
- Simon Levine (2016) System failure?: why humanitarian assistance can't meet its objectives without systems thinking—and why it finds it so hard to use it [i] [d]
- Daniel J. Levitin (2016) A field guide to lies: critical thinking in the information age [i]
- Stephan Lewandowsky & Klaus Oberauer (2016) Motivated rejection of science [d]
- Judith Lichtenberg (2016) Who's responsible for global poverty? [d]
- Kristi L. Lockhart, Mariel K. Goddu, Eric D. Smith, & Frank C. Keil (2016) What could you really learn on your own?: understanding the epistemic limitations of knowledge acquisition [p] [d] [u]
- Doug Lombardi, E. Michael Nussbaum, & Gale M. Sinatra (2016) Plausibility judgments in conceptual change and epistemic cognition [d]
- Henry Lopez-Vega, Fredrik Tell, & Wim Vanhaverbeke (2016) Where and how to search?: search paths in open innovation [d]
- Michael Loughlin, Jonathan Fuller, Robyn Bluhm, Stephen Buetow, & Kirstin Borgerson (2016) Theory, experience and practice [p] [d]
- David Ludwig (2016) Ontological choices and the value-free ideal [d] [j]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (2016) Interpretative disputes, explicatures, and argumentative reasoning [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio [ed] (2016) Model-based reasoning in science and technology: logical, epistemological, and cognitive issues [i] [d]
- Donald S. Maier (2016) Taking nature seriously in the Anthropocene [d]
- Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (2016) Explanatory pluralism [i] [d]
- David M. Markowitz & Jeffrey T. Hancock (2016) Linguistic obfuscation in fraudulent science [d]
- Elizabeth J. Marsh, Allison D. Cantor, & Nadia M. Brashier (2016) Believing that humans swallow spiders in their sleep: false beliefs as side effects of the processes that support accurate knowledge [i] [d]
- Judi Marshall (2016) First person action research: living life as inquiry [i] [d]
- Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, Monja Thiebach, & Regina Jucks (2016) Let me critically question this!: insights from a training study on the role of questioning on argumentative discourse [d]
- Niel Hugo McLachlan, Lynne Eastwood, & Robert D. Friedberg (2016) Socratic questions with children: recommendations and cautionary tales [d]
- Richard J. McNally (2016) Can network analysis transform psychopathology? [d]
- Ken McPhail, Kate Macdonald, & John Ferguson (2016) Should the international accounting standards board have responsibility for human rights? [d]
- Emily McRae (2016) Equanimity and the moral virtue of open-mindedness [j] [u]
- Spencer A. McWilliams (2016) Cultivating constructivism: inspiring intuition and promoting process and pragmatism [d]
- Gitte Meyer (2016) In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return? [p] [d]
- Moti Mizrahi (2016) Why be an intellectually humble philosopher? [d]
- Moti Mizrahi (2016) The history of science as a graveyard of theories: a philosophers' myth? [d]
- Barton Moffatt (2016) The philosophy of biological information [i] [d]
- Fathali M. Moghaddam & Rom Harré [ed] (2016) Questioning causality: scientific explorations of cause and consequence across social contexts [i]
- Joel Mokyr (2016) Progress isn't natural [u]
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu (2016) The construct of mindfulness amidst and along conceptions of rationality [i] [d]
- Niklas Möller (2016) Value uncertainty [in practical decision-making] [i] [d]
- Chauncey Monte-Sano (2016) Argumentation in history classrooms: a key path to understanding the discipline and preparing citizens [d]
- David Moshman & Pina Tarricone (2016) Logical and causal reasoning [i] [d]
- Jan-Werner Müller (2016) What is populism? [i] [d]
- Paul J. Nahin (2016) In praise of simple physics: the science and mathematics behind everyday questions [i] [d] [j]
- Bahadir Namdar & Ji Shen (2016) Intersection of argumentation and the use of multiple representations in the context of socioscientific issues [d]
- John Narayan (2016) John Dewey: the global public and its problems [i] [u]
- Robert A. Nash & James Ost [ed] (2016) False and distorted memories [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Matthew Woodward, Alison Pickover, & Melissa Smigelsky (2016) Questioning our questions: a constructivist technique for clinical supervision [d]
- Mansoor Niaz (2016) Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Maria Nichterlein & John R. Morss (2016) Deleuze and psychology: philosophical provocations to psychological practices [i] [d]
- Thomas Nickles (2016) Fast and frugal heuristics at research frontiers [i] [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2016) On philosophy and religion and their discontents: in defense of going over the hill [u]
- Andy Norman (2016) Why we reason: intention-alignment and the genesis of human rationality [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2016) Socratic pedagogy: the importance of argument [i] [d] [j]
- William O'Donohue, Cassandra Snipes, & Cyndy Soto (2016) The design, manufacture, and reporting of weak and pseudo-tests: the case of ACT [d]
- Gábor Orosz, Péter Krekó, Benedek Paskuj, István Tóth-Király, Beáta Bőthe, & Christine Roland-Lévy (2016) Changing conspiracy beliefs through rationality and ridiculing [p] [d] [u]
- Fabio Paglieri, Laura Bonelli, & Silvia Felletti [ed] (2016) The psychology of argument: cognitive approaches to argumentation and persuasion [i]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2016) The pragmatists' approach to injustice [d] [u]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2016) John Dewey's radical logic: the function of the qualitative in thinking [d] [j] [u]
- Jong Suk Park & Ung Gu Kang (2016) How delusion is formed? [p] [d]
- Justin O. Parkhurst (2016) Appeals to evidence for the resolution of wicked problems: the origins and mechanisms of evidentiary bias [d]
- Virginie Pérotin (2016) What do we really know about workers' co-operatives? [i] [d]
- Huáscar Pessali, Fabiano Dalto, & Ramón García Fernández (2016) Analogies we suffer by: the case of the state as a household [i]
- Arne Friemuth Petersen (2016) On Popper's contributions to psychology as part of biology [i] [d]
- Arkady Plotnitsky (2016) The visualizable, the representable and the inconceivable: realist and non-realist mathematical models in physics and beyond [p] [d]
- Eugen Octav Popa (2016) Criticism without fundamental principles [d] [u]
- William Poundstone (2016) Head in the cloud: why knowing things still matters when facts are so easy to look up [or: Head in the cloud: the power of knowledge in the age of Google] [i]
- Albert R. Powers, Megan Kelley, & Philip R. Corlett (2016) Hallucinations as top-down effects on perception [p] [d] [u]
- Steven Pressfield (2016) How does a story start? [u]
- Pierre-Luc Dostie Proulx (2016) Early forms of metaethical constructivism in John Dewey's pragmatism [d] [u]
- Jennifer A. Reich (2016) Calling the shots: why parents reject vaccines [i] [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (2016) Inference from the best systematization [d]
- David C. Rose, Peter N. M. Brotherton, Susan Owens, & Thomas Pryke (2016) Honest advocacy for nature: presenting a persuasive narrative for conservation [d]
- Ian Ross (2016) Exposing fraud: skills, process and practicalities [i] [d]
- D. Kim Rossmo (2016) Case rethinking: a protocol for reviewing criminal investigations [d]
- Pedro Sanches (2016) Seeing mobility: how software engineers produce unequal representations [d]
- Frank Scalambrino [ed] (2016) Social epistemology and technology: toward public self-awareness regarding technological mediation [i]
- Eric R. Scerri (2016) A tale of seven scientists and a new philosophy of science [i]
- Bernhard Schmid (2016) Decision-making: are plants more rational than animals? [p] [d]
- Justin L. Schupp (2016) Just where does local food live?: assessing farmers' markets in the United States [d]
- Julia Shaw (2016) The memory illusion: remembering, forgetting, and the science of false memory [i]
- Jeremy Shearmur & Geoff Stokes [ed] (2016) The Cambridge companion to Popper [i] [d]
- Beverly Sheppard, Marsha Semmel, & Carol Bossert (2016) 'Think with me': David Carr's enduring invitation [d] [u]
- John R. Shook (2016) Abduction, complex inferences, and emergent heuristics of scientific inquiry [d]
- Dan Short (2016) Can you be like Erickson? [u]
- Paul L. Simard Smith (2016) Pluralism as a bias mitigation strategy [u]
- Molly J. Simis, Haley Madden, Michael A. Cacciatore, & Sara K. Yeo (2016) The lure of rationality: why does the deficit model persist in science communication? [p] [d]
- Paul E. Smaldino & Richard McElreath (2016) The natural selection of bad science [p] [d] [u]
- Paul E. Smaldino (2016) Not even wrong: imprecision perpetuates the illusion of understanding at the cost of actual understanding [p] [d]
- Arie S. Spirgel & Peter F. Delaney (2016) Does writing summaries improve memory for text? [d]
- Oliver St John & Jakob Cromdal (2016) Crafting instructions collaboratively: student questions and dual addressivity in classroom task instructions [d]
- Kate Starbird, Emma Spiro, Isabelle Edwards, Kaitlyn Zhou, Jim Maddock, & Sindhuja Narasimhan (2016) Could this be true? I think so!: expressed uncertainty in online rumoring [i] [d]
- Robert J. Sternberg, Susan T. Fiske, & Donald J. Foss [ed] (2016) Scientists making a difference: one hundred eminent behavioral and brain scientists talk about their most important contributions [i] [d]
- Katharina Stevens (2016) The virtuous arguer: one person, four roles [d]
- Steve Strang & Anthony J. Masys (2016) Supporting intelligence analysis through visual thinking [i] [d]
- Mauricio Suárez (2016) Representation in science [i] [d]
- Frank Swain [ed] (2016) How long is now?: fascinating answers to 191 mind-boggling questions: questions and answers from the popular 'Last word' column [i]
- E. Burton Swanson (2016) Recalling IBIS: can argumentation be disciplined? [o] [u]
- James Tartaglia (2016) Is philosophy all about the meaning of life? [d] [j]
- Gheorghe Tecuci, David A. Schum, Dorin Marcu, & Mihai Boicu (2016) Intelligence analysis as discovery of evidence, hypotheses, and arguments: connecting the dots [i] [d]
- Emily Thorson (2016) Belief echoes: the persistent effects of corrected misinformation [d]
- Juli K. Thorson (2016) Thick, thin, and becoming a virtuous arguer [d]
- Eric Van Vleet, David Barton Bray, & Elvira Durán (2016) Knowing but not knowing: systematic conservation planning and community conservation in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico [d]
- Bart Verheij, Floris J. Bex, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Charlotte S. Vlek, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Silja Renooij, & Henry Prakken (2016) Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
- Martin A. Vezér (2016) Computer models and the evidence of anthropogenic climate change: an epistemology of variety-of-evidence inferences and robustness analysis [p] [d]
- Constanza Villarroel, Mark Felton, & Merce Garcia-Mila (2016) Arguing against confirmation bias: the effect of argumentative discourse goals on the use of disconfirming evidence in written argument [d]
- Charlotte S. Vlek (2016) When stories and numbers meet in court: constructing and explaining Bayesian networks for criminal cases with scenarios [i] [u]
- Frans B. M. de Waal (2016) Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? [i]
- Günter Wächtershäuser (2016) In praise of error [p] [d]
- Howard Wainer (2016) Truth or truthiness: distinguishing fact from fiction by learning to think like a data scientist [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & Alice Toniolo (2016) Deliberation, practical reasoning and problem-solving [u]
- Douglas N. Walton (2016) Argument evaluation and evidence [i] [d]
- Robert West (2016) The end of scientific articles as we know them? [p] [d]
- John R. Wettersten (2016) Problems and meaning today: what can we learn from Hattiangadi's failed attempt to explain them together? [d]
- John R. Wettersten (2016) A way forward beyond Karl Popper's and Donald T. Campbell's dead-end evolutionary epistemologies [p] [d] [j]
- Jennifer M. Windt, Tore Nielsen, & Evan Thompson (2016) Does consciousness disappear in dreamless sleep? [p] [d]
- Maywa Montenegro de Wit (2016) Are we losing diversity?: navigating ecological, political, and epistemic dimensions of agrobiodiversity conservation [d]
- John Woods (2016) The fragility of argument [i]
- Dale Stuart Wright (2016) What is Buddhist enlightenment? [i] [d]
- Leo Zaibert [ed] (2016) The theory and practice of ontology [i] [d]
- Frank Zenker (2016) The polysemy of 'fallacy'—or 'bias', for that matter [u]
- Frank Zenker, Christian Dahlman, & Farhan Sarwar (2016) Reliable debiasing techniques in legal contexts?: weak signals from a darker corner of the social science universe [i]
- Balazs Aczel, Bence Palfi, & Zoltan Kekecs (2015) What is stupid?: people's conception of unintelligent behavior [d]
- Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] (2015) Questioning the foundations of physics: which of our fundamental assumptions are wrong? [i] [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2015) Correcting the 'self-correcting' mythos of science [u]
- Christopher K. Ansell (2015) Pragmatist interpretivism [i] [d]
- Maria Rosa Antognazza (2015) The benefit to philosophy of the study of its history [d] [u]
- Michał Araszkiewicz & Krzysztof Płeszka [ed] (2015) Logic in the theory and practice of lawmaking [i] [d]
- Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby (2015) Teaching critical thinking as inquiry [i] [d]
- Sharon Bailin & Mark Battersby (2015) Conductive argumentation, degrees of confidence, and the communication of uncertainty [i] [d]
- Andrew Balmford, Rhys E. Green, & Ben Phalan (2015) Land for food & land for nature? [d] [j]
- Daniel Bar-Tal, Eran Halperin, & Ruthie Pliskin (2015) Why is it so difficult to resolve intractable conflicts peacefully?: a sociopsychological explanation [i] [d]
- Nathaniel Barr, Gordon Pennycook, Jennifer A. Stolz, & Jonathan A. Fugelsang (2015) Reasoned connections: a dual-process perspective on creative thought [d]
- Barbara Bassot (2015) Bringing assumptions to the surface [i] [d]
- Harald Bauder (2015) Perspectives of open borders and no border [d]
- Adam Benforado (2015) Unfair: the new science of criminal injustice [i]
- Jennifer Garvey Berger & Keith Johnston (2015) Simple habits for complex times: powerful practices for leaders [i] [d]
- Alex Biedermann, Joëlle Vuille, Franco Taroni, & Christophe Champod (2015) The need for reporting standards in forensic science [d]
- Simon Boag (2015) Personality assessment, 'construct validity', and the significance of theory [d]
- Maarten Boudry, Fabio Paglieri, & Massimo Pigliucci (2015) The fake, the flimsy, and the fallacious: demarcating arguments in real life [d]
- Engin Bozdag & Jeroen van den Hoven (2015) Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design [d]
- Hilary Bradbury, George Roth, & Margaret Gearty (2015) The practice of 'learning history': local and open system approaches [i] [d]
- Svend Brinkmann (2015) Empirical philosophy: using your everyday life in theoretical psychology [i] [d]
- John Brockman [ed] (2015) This idea must die: scientific ideas that are blocking progress [i] [u]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2015) Fight the 'flight from facts' [u]
- Filip Buekens & Maarten Boudry (2015) The dark side of the loon: explaining the temptations of obscurantism [d]
- David Wildon Carr (2015) Questions for an open cultural institution: thinking together in provocative places [u]
- Daniel Casasanto & Gary Lupyan (2015) All concepts are ad hoc concepts [i] [d] [j]
- Jacques M. Chevalier, Daniel J. Buckles, & Michelle Bourassa (2015) The skillful means of engaged research [i] [d]
- Nicos M. Christodoulakis (2015) How crises shaped economic ideas and policies: wiser after the events? [i] [d]
- Arlo Clark-Foos, Gene Brewer, & Richard L. Marsh (2015) Judging the reality of others' memories [p] [d]
- Susan G. Clark & Richard L. Wallace (2015) Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
- Gavin I. Clark & Sarah J. Egan (2015) The Socratic method in cognitive behavioural therapy: a narrative review [d]
- Jonathan D. Cohen (2015) Perceptual representation, veridicality, and the interface theory of perception [p] [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2015) Breaking our addiction to problem solving [u]
- Tim Connolly (2015/2022) Doing philosophy comparatively: foundations, problems, and methods of cross-cultural inquiry [i] [d]
- Adam Connor & Aaron Irizarry (2015) Discussing design: improving communication and collaboration through critique [i]
- Oliver T. Coomes, Shawn J. McGuire, Eric Garine, Sophie Caillon, Doyle McKey, Elise Demeulenaere, Devra Jarvis, Guntra Aistara, Adeline Barnaud, Pascal Clouvel, Laure Emperaire, Sélim Louafi, Pierre Martin, François Massol, Marco Pautasso, Chloé Violon, & Jean Wencélius (2015) Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture?: four common misconceptions [d]
- A. D. (Bud) Craig (2015) How do you feel?: an interoceptive moment with your neurobiological self [i] [d] [j]
- Louise Cummings (2015) Reasoning and public health: new ways of coping with uncertainty [i] [d]
- Carolyn Cusick & Mark Peter (2015) The last straw fallacy: another causal fallacy and its harmful effects [d]
- Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett [ed] (2015) The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
- Bas De Leng & Hannie Gijlers (2015) Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
- Tamás Demeter, Kathryn Murphy, & Klaus Zittel [ed] (2015) Conflicting values of inquiry: ideologies of epistemology in early modern Europe [i] [d]
- Amy Dickman, Paul J. Johnson, Freya van Kesteren, & David W. Macdonald (2015) The moral basis for conservation: how is it affected by culture? [d]
- Hans Ditrich (2015) Cognitive fallacies and criminal investigations [d]
- Robbie Duschinsky, Monica Greco, & Judith Solomon (2015) The politics of attachment: lines of flight with Bowlby, Deleuze and Guattari [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher P. Dwyer, Michael J. Hogan, & Ian Stewart (2015) The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance [d]
- Dennis Earl (2015) The four-sentence paper: a template for considering objections and replies [d]
- Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen [ed] (2015) Reflections on theoretical issues in argumentation theory [i] [d]
- Susan L. Engel (2015) The hungry mind: the origins of curiosity in childhood [i] [d] [j]
- Brian Epstein (2015) The ant trap: rebuilding the foundations of the social sciences [i] [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky & Thomas A. C. Reydon (2015) Scientific kinds [d] [j]
- Aftab Erfan & William R. Torbert (2015) Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
- Markus I. Eronen (2015) Levels of organization: a deflationary account [d]
- Markus I. Eronen (2015) Are there levels out there? [conclusion: no] [u]
- Markus I. Eronen (2015) Robustness and reality [d] [j]
- Emily Esch (2015) Learning to question everything [d]
- Mark Fedyk (2015) How (not) to bring psychology and biology together [d] [j] [u]
- Colin Feltham (2015) Critical priorities for the psychotherapy and counselling community [i] [d]
- Paul J. Ferraro & Merlin M. Hanauer (2015) Through what mechanisms do protected areas affect environmental and social outcomes? [p] [d]
- Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2015) The argument form 'appeal to Galileo': a critical appreciation of Doury's account [d] [u]
- Christopher D. Frith & Thomas Metzinger (2015) What's the use of consciousness?: how the stab of conscience made us really conscious [i] [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2015) Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
- Heather L. Gainforth, Robert West, & Susan Michie (2015) Assessing connections between behavior change theories using network analysis [p] [d]
- Niall Galbraith [ed] (2015) Aberrant beliefs and reasoning [i] [d]
- Philippa A. Garety, Helen Waller, Richard Emsley, Suzanne Jolley, Elizabeth Kuipers, Paul Bebbington, Graham Dunn, David Fowler, Amy Hardy, & Daniel Freeman (2015) Cognitive mechanisms of change in delusions: an experimental investigation targeting reasoning to effect change in paranoia [p] [d] [u]
- Tim van Gelder (2015) Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2015) What is decision engineering? [u]
- Gerd Gigerenzer & Julian N. Marewski (2015) Surrogate science: the idol of a universal method for scientific inference [d]
- Mark Gonnerman (2015) Fieldwork: Gary Snyder, libraries, and book learning [i] [u]
- David Graeber (2015) Radical alterity is just another way of saying 'reality': a reply to Eduardo Viveiros de Castro [d]
- Anna Grandori (2015) Heuristics as methods: validity, reliability and velocity [i] [d]
- Anthony M. Grant (2015) Coaching the brain: neuro-science or neuro-nonsense? [u]
- James W. Grice, Amy Cohn, Rachelle R. Ramsey, & John M. Chaney (2015) On muddled reasoning and mediation modeling [d]
- Matthias Gross & Linsey McGoey [ed] (2015/2022) Routledge international handbook of ignorance studies [i] [d]
- Amber M. Gum (2015) Changing my mind: one professor's story of rethinking psychotropic medication [d]
- Paul Gunn (2015) Getting democratic priorities straight: pragmatism, diversity, and the role of beliefs [d]
- Benjamin Hamby (2015) Willingness to inquire: the cardinal critical thinking virtue [i] [d]
- Stephen A. Harris (2015) What have plants ever done for us?: Western civilization in fifty plants [i]
- Liana Heitin (2015) Is STEM too broad a category? [u]
- Brian Hepburn & Hanne Andersen (2015) Scientific method [u]
- James D. Herbert & Flavia Padovani (2015) Contextualism, psychological science, and the question of ontology [d]
- Clara E. Hill, Kathryn Kline, Viviana Bauman, Torrian Brent, Catherine Breslin, Marilyn Calderon, Cecilia Campos, Stephanie Goncalves, Danielle Goss, Toby Hamovitz, Patty Kuo, Noah Robinson, & Sarah Knox (2015) What's it all about?: a qualitative study of meaning in life for counseling psychology doctoral students [d]
- Birger Hjørland (2015) Theories are knowledge organizing systems (KOS) [d] [u]
- Michael Inzlicht & Elliot Berkman (2015) Six questions for the resource model of control (and some answers) [d]
- John P. A. Ioannidis (2015) Is it possible to recognize a major scientific discovery? [p] [d]
- Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] (2015) Heuristic reasoning [i] [d]
- Sally Jackson (2015) Design thinking in argumentation theory and practice [d]
- Eisha Jain (2015) Arrests as regulation [u]
- Naeem Khalid Janjua, Omar Khadeer Hussain, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, & Elizabeth Chang (2015) Philosophical and logic-based argumentation-driven reasoning approaches and their realization on the WWW: a survey [d]
- Han-Gue Jo, Thilo Hinterberger, Marc Wittmann, & Stefan Schmidt (2015) Do meditators have higher awareness of their intentions to act? [d]
- Lars-Goran Johansson (2015) Philosophy of science for scientists [i] [d]
- Beatrice John, Lauren Withycombe Keeler, Arnim Wiek, & Daniel J. Lang (2015) How much sustainability substance is in urban visions?: an analysis of visioning projects in urban planning [d]
- Tuukka Kaidesoja (2015) Précis of Naturalizing critical realist social ontology [and comments and reply] [d]
- Michael Karson (2015) Is your dream too expensive?: six questions to ask about your life goals [u]
- Gideon Keren & George Wu [ed] (2015) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of judgment and decision making [i] [d]
- Erkki Kilpinen (2015) Habit, action, and knowledge, from the pragmatist perspective [i] [u]
- Rex B. Kline (2015) The mediation myth [in mediation analysis in psychology] [d]
- Martijn Konings (2015) The emotional logic of capitalism: what progressives have missed [i] [d]
- Joe Y. F. Lau (2015) Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
- Leslie van der Leer, Bjoern Hartig, Maris Goldmanis, & Ryan McKay (2015) Delusion proneness and 'jumping to conclusions': relative and absolute effects [p] [d]
- Maureen Linker (2015) Intellectual empathy: critical thinking for social justice [i] [d]
- Elisabeth A. Lloyd (2015) Model robustness as a confirmatory virtue: the case of climate science [p] [d]
- Edwin A. Locke (2015) Theory building, replication, and behavioral priming: where do we need to go from here? [p] [d] [j]
- Del Loewenthal [ed] (2015) Critical psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and counselling: implications for practice [i] [d]
- Jacob Lomranz & Yael Benyamini (2015) The ability to live with incongruence: aintegration—the concept and its operationalization [d]
- David Ludwig (2015) A pluralist theory of the mind [i] [d]
- Ligeia Lugli (2015) Debatable truths: what Buddhist argumentation reveals about critical thinking [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno, Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, & Deanna Kuhn (2015) Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2015) A means-end classification of argumentation schemes [i] [d]
- Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi (2015) When analytic thought is challenged by a misunderstanding [d]
- Michael D. Maltz & Stephen K. Rice [ed] (2015) Envisioning criminology: researchers on research as a process of discovery [i] [d]
- Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, & Kathleen L. Slaney [ed] (2015) The Wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology: methods, approaches, and new directions for social sciences [i] [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo, Michael Basseches, & Amanda El-Hashem (2015) What would an integrative constructivism look like? [i]
- Mohan Matthen [ed] (2015) The Oxford handbook of philosophy of perception [i] [d]
- Alfred L. McAlister & Brittanie Wilczak (2015) Moral disengagement in 'war fever': how can we resist? [i] [d]
- William H. B. Mcauliffe (2015) How did abduction get confused with inference to the best explanation? [d] [j] [u]
- Robert C. Mellon (2015) Dissemination and its deprivation: extending the behavioral enlightenment [d]
- Hugo Mercier, Emmanuel Trouche, Hiroshi Yama, Christophe Heintz, & Vittorio Girotto (2015) Experts and laymen grossly underestimate the benefits of argumentation for reasoning [d]
- Ali Reza Moradi, Ali Hosain Heydari, Mohammad Hossain Abdollahi, Vafa Rahimi-Movaghar, Tim Dalgleish, & Laura Jobson (2015) Visual false memories in posttraumatic stress disorder [p] [d]
- Michel Morange (2015) Is there an explanation for... the diversity of explanations in biological studies? [i] [d]
- Nicolae Morar, Ted Toadvine, & Brendan J. M. Bohannan (2015) Biodiversity at twenty-five years: revolution or red herring? [d]
- Eric A. Morris (2015) Should we all just stay home?: travel, out-of-home activities, and life satisfaction [d]
- Margaret Morrison (2015) Reconstructing reality: models, mathematics, and simulations [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2015) Epistemic cognition and development: the psychology of justification and truth [i] [d]
- Julien Musolino (2015) The soul fallacy: what science shows we gain from letting go of our soul beliefs [i]
- Robert A. Nash, Rebecca L. Wheeler, & Lorraine Hope (2015) On the persuadability of memory: is changing people's memories no more than changing their minds? [d]
- Richard E. Nisbett (2015) Mindware: tools for smart thinking [i]
- Simon Nørby (2015) Why forget?: on the adaptive value of memory loss [p] [d] [j]
- Ronald L. Numbers & Kostas Kampourakis [ed] (2015) Newton's apple and other myths about science [i] [d] [j]
- William T. O'Donohue & Emerson M. Epstein (2015) Scientific metaphysics and ontology [in clinical psychology] [i] [d]
- Sami Paavola (2015) Deweyan approaches to abduction? [i] [u]
- Kristine A. Peace, Krista L. Brower, & Alexandra Rocchio (2015) Is truth stranger than fiction?: bizarre details and credibility assessment [d]
- Kristine A. Peace, Ryan D. Shudra, Deanna L. Forrester, Ryan Kasper, Jeffrey Harder, & Stephen Porter (2015) Tall tales across time: narrative analysis of true and false allegations [d]
- Gordon Pennycook, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, & Derek J. Koehler (2015) What makes us think?: a three-stage dual-process model of analytic engagement [p] [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2015) The diverse aims of science [d]
- Henry Prakken & Giovanni Sartor (2015) Law and logic: a review from an argumentation perspective [d]
- Graham Priest (2015) None of the above: the catuṣkoṭi in Indian Buddhist logic [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2015) Cognitive complications: epistemology in pragmatic perspective [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2015) A journey through philosophy in 101 anecdotes [i] [j]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2015) Natural kinds no longer are what they never were [book review of: Natural categories and human kinds: classification in the natural and social sciences, by Muhammad Ali Khalidi] [d]
- G. Philip Robertson (2015) A sustainable agriculture? [d] [j]
- Mari Ruti & Adrian Cocking (2015) When love is not all we want: queers, singles and the therapeutic cult of relationality [i] [d]
- Shlomo Sand (2015/2017) Twilight of history [i]
- Eric Schwitzgebel & Fiery Cushman (2015) Philosophers' biased judgments persist despite training, expertise and reflection [p] [d]
- Ross Scimeca & Robert V. Labaree (2015) Synoptic reference: introducing a polymathic approach to reference services [o] [d] [u]
- Alan Scoboria, Chantal Boucher, & Giuliana Mazzoni (2015) Reasons for withdrawing belief in vivid autobiographical memories [p] [d]
- Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal [ed] (2015) How is global dialogue possible?: foundational research on values, conflicts, and intercultural thought [i] [d]
- Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, & Jinfa Cai [ed] (2015) Mathematical problem posing: from research to effective practice [i] [d]
- Kathleen L. Slaney & Donald A. Garcia (2015) Constructing psychological objects: the rhetoric of constructs [d]
- Brent D. Slife, Clayton T. Johnson, & Amy C. Jennings (2015) Surprisability and practical rationality: knowledge advancement through the explication of interpretation [i] [d]
- Michael E. Smith (2015) How can archaeologists make better arguments? [u]
- Lee Smolin (2015) Lessons from Einstein's 1915 discovery of general relativity [u]
- John F. Sowa (2015) Signs and reality [d]
- Mark Staples (2015) Critical rationalism and engineering: methodology [d] [j]
- Ilan Stavans & Joshua Ellison (2015) Reclaiming travel [i] [d]
- J. Alden Stout & Chris Weigel (2015) Psychological influences on philosophical questions: implications for pedagogy [d]
- Christian Straßer, Dunja Šešelja, & Jan Willem Wieland (2015) Withstanding tensions: scientific disagreement and epistemic tolerance [i] [d]
- Cass R. Sunstein & Reid Hastie (2015) Wiser: getting beyond groupthink to make groups smarter [i]
- Troy A. Swanson & Heather Jagman [ed] (2015) Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information [i]
- Charlotte Ursula Tate (2015) On the overuse and misuse of mediation analysis: it may be a matter of timing [d]
- Christoph Teufel, Naresh Subramaniam, Veronika Dobler, Jesus Perez, Johanna Finnemann, Puja R. Mehta, Ian M. Goodyer, & Paul C. Fletcher (2015) Shift toward prior knowledge confers a perceptual advantage in early psychosis and psychosis-prone healthy individuals [p] [d] [u]
- Alice Toniolo, Timothy J. Norman, Anthony Etuk, Federico Cerutti, Robin Wentao Ouyang, Mani Srivastava, Nir Oren, Timothy Dropps, John A. Allen, & Paul Sullivan (2015) Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
- David Trafimow (2015) Introduction to the special issue on mediation analyses: what if planetary scientists used mediation analysis to infer causation? [d]
- Michael Uschold (2015) Ontology and database schema: what's the difference? [d]
- Christian Vandendorpe (2015) Wikipedia and the ecosystem of knowledge [d] [u]
- Alexandra L. Varga, Keith Stenning, & Laura Martignon (2015) There is no one logic to model human reasoning: the case from interpretation [u]
- Susann Wagenknecht, Nancy J. Nersessian, & Hanne Andersen [ed] (2015) Empirical philosophy of science: introducing qualitative methods into philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Don Waisanen, Hershey H. Friedman, & Linda Weiser Friedman (2015) What's so funny about arguing with God?: a case for playful argumentation from Jewish literature [d]
- Sara Imari Walker (2015) Is life fundamental? [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & Fabrizio Macagno (2015) The importance and trickiness of definition strategies in legal and political argumentation [d] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton (2015) The basic slippery slope argument [d] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton & Fabrizio Macagno (2015) A classification system for argumentation schemes [d]
- Mary Warnock (2015) Critical reflections on ownership [i] [d]
- Lani Watson (2015) Why ask: the epistemology of questioning [o] [u]
- Elke U. Weber (2015) Climate change demands behavioral change: what are the challenges? [j] [u]
- Marilyn Wedge (2015) A disease called childhood: why ADHD became an American epidemic [i]
- Rupert Wegerif, Li Li, & James C. Kaufman [ed] (2015) The Routledge international handbook of research on teaching thinking [i] [d]
- Roel J. Wieringa & Maya Daneva (2015) Six strategies for generalizing software engineering theories [d]
- Catherine Wilson (2015) What was Kant's critical philosophy critical of? ['His targets were materialism, naturalism, and fatalism'] [i] [d]
- Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (2015/2020) The structure of scientific theories [u]
- Deborah S. Wright, Robert A. Nash, & Kimberley A. Wade (2015) Encouraging eyewitnesses to falsely corroborate allegations: effects of rapport-building and incriminating evidence [d]
- Andrew Delano Abbott (2014) Digital paper: a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials [i] [d]
- Kate Abramson (2014) Turning up the lights on gaslighting [d]
- Richard B. Anderson & Beth M. Hartzler (2014) Belief bias in the perception of sample size adequacy [d]
- Atif Ansar, Bent Flyvbjerg, Alexander Budzier, & Daniel Lunn (2014) Should we build more large dams?: the actual costs of hydropower megaproject development [d]
- Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon (2014) States, goals and values: revisiting practical reasoning [u]
- Petra Badke-Schaub & Ozgur Eris (2014) A theoretical approach to intuition in design: does design methodology need to account for unconscious processes? [i] [d]
- Sarit Barzilai & Anat Zohar (2014) Reconsidering personal epistemology as metacognition: a multifaceted approach to the analysis of epistemic thinking [d]
- Warren Berger (2014) A more beautiful question: the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas [i]
- Alex Biedermann, Franco Taroni, & Colin Aitken (2014) Liberties and constraints of the normative approach to evaluation and decision in forensic science: a discussion towards overcoming some common misconceptions [d]
- Zvi Biener & Eric Schliesser [ed] (2014) Newton and empiricism [i] [d]
- Steven Bland (2014) Incommensurability, relativism, and the epistemic authority of science [d]
- Stefan Bode, Carsten Murawski, Chun Siong Soon, Philipp Bode, Jutta Stahl, & Philip L. Smith (2014) Demystifying 'free will': the role of contextual information and evidence accumulation for predictive brain activity [p] [d]
- Adam Brandenburger [ed] (2014) The language of game theory: putting epistemics into the mathematics of games [i] [d]
- Jason Brennan (2014) How smart is democracy?: you can't answer that question a priori [d]
- Felipe De Brigard (2014) Is memory for remembering?: recollection as a form of episodic hypothetical thinking [d] [j]
- Janie Brisson, Pier-Luc de Chantal, Hugues Lortie Forgues, & Henry Markovits (2014) Belief bias is stronger when reasoning is more difficult [d]
- Ann K. Brooks & Kathy Edwards (2014) Consulting in uncertainty: the power of inquiry [i] [d]
- Michael Buckley (2014) On the essential nature of business [d]
- Ray Bull [ed] (2014) Investigative interviewing [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2014) Big questions come in bundles, hence they should be tackled systemically [p] [d]
- Francis Cartieri & Angela Potochnik (2014) Toward philosophy of science's social engagement [d] [j]
- Tatiana Chemi & Julie Borup Jensen (2014) How do artists learn and what can educators learn from them? [d] [u]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2014) Improve your thinking by mapping it [u]
- Timothy W. Clark, Paolo N. Ciccarese, & Carole A. Goble (2014) Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications [d]
- Vasco Correia (2014) Biased argumentation and critical thinking [i]
- James C. Coyne & Robin N. Kok (2014) Salvaging psychotherapy research: a manifesto [u]
- Charles Cross & Floris Roelofsen (2014/2022) Questions [u]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2014) The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
- Robert DiSalle (2014) Conventionalism [i] [d]
- Daniel F. Doak, Victoria J. Bakker, Bruce Evan Goldstein, & Benjamin Hale (2014) What is the future of conservation? [p] [d]
- Pierpaolo Dondio & Luca Longo (2014) Computing trust as a form of presumptive reasoning [i] [d]
- Heather Douglas (2014) Pure science and the problem of progress [d]
- Martin Drapeau (2014) The assessment of cognitive errors using an observer-rated method [p] [d]
- Linda Drupsteen & Frank W. Guldenmund (2014) What is learning?: a review of the safety literature to define learning from incidents, accidents and disasters [d]
- Robert B. Dudas (2014) What is it like to be diagnosed with bipolar illness, borderline personality disorder or another diagnosis with mood instability? [p] [d]
- William A. Eddy (2014) So, what's your proposal?: shifting high-conflict people from blaming to problem-solving in 30 seconds! [i]
- Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Erik C. W. Krabbe, A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Bart Verheij, & Jean H. M. Wagemans (2014) Handbook of argumentation theory [i] [d]
- Robert Elliott (2014) Do biological explanations of psychological difficulties reduce empathy in mental health professionals? [u]
- Daniel Epstein (2014) Rationality, legitimacy, & the law [u]
- Abrol Fairweather [ed] (2014) Virtue epistemology naturalized: bridges between virtue epistemology and philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Jan Faye (2014) The nature of scientific thinking: on interpretation, explanation, and understanding [i] [d]
- Eugen Fischer (2014) Philosophical intuitions, heuristics, and metaphors [d] [j]
- Jeffrey E. Foss [ed] (2014) Science and the world: philosophical approaches [i]
- Steven French (2014) The structure of the world: metaphysics and representation [i] [d]
- Henrik Friberg-Fernros & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (2014) The consensus paradox: does deliberative agreement impede rational discourse? [d]
- Mitch J. Fryling & Linda J. Hayes (2014) Are thoughts private? [u]
- Thomas Fuchs, Thiemo Breyer, & Christoph Mundt [ed] (2014) Karl Jaspers' philosophy and psychopathology [i] [d]
- Maria Carla Galavotti, Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] (2014) New directions in the philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Erik Georgi, Franz Petermann, & Marc Schipper (2014) Are empathic abilities learnable?: implications for social neuroscientific research from psychometric assessments [d]
- Vanessa E. Ghosh & Asaf Gilboa (2014) What is a memory schema?: a historical perspective on current neuroscience literature [p] [d]
- Herbert Gintis (2014) Capitalism and freedom, by Milton Friedman [book review] [u]
- Marcelo Gleiser (2014) The island of knowledge: the limits of science and the search for meaning [i]
- Jonathan Glover (2014) Alien landscapes?: interpreting disordered minds [i] [d] [j]
- David Godden (2014) Teaching rational entitlement and responsibility: a Socratic exercise [d] [u]
- Rebecca Newberger Goldstein (2014) How philosophy makes progress [u]
- Ron Gray (2014) The distinction between experimental and historical sciences as a framework for improving classroom inquiry [d]
- Boris D. Grozdanoff (2014) A priori revisability in science [i]
- Tanya Gulliver (2014) Should I give money to panhandlers? [u]
- Paul Gunn (2014) Democracy and epistocracy [d]
- Susan Haack (2014) Evidence matters: science, proof, and truth in the law [i] [d]
- Susan Haack (2014) Do not block the way of inquiry [d] [j] [u]
- Thomas Haigh (2014) We have never been digital [d]
- Katherine Hansen, Margaret Gerbasi, Alexander Todorov, Elliott Tyler Kruse, & Emily Pronin (2014) People claim objectivity after knowingly using biased strategies [p] [d]
- Hans V. Hansen (2014) Mill, informal logic and argumentation [i] [d]
- Maria Hartwig, Christian A. Meissner, & Matthew D. Semel (2014) Human intelligence interviewing and interrogation: assessing the challenges of developing an ethical, evidence-based approach [i] [d]
- Nick Haslam (2014) Natural kinds in psychiatry: conceptually implausible, empirically questionable, and stigmatizing [i] [d]
- Daniel M. Hausman, Reuben Stern, & Naftali Weinberger (2014) Systems without a graphical causal representation [d] [j]
- M. Andrew Holowchak (2014) Psychotherapy as science or knack?: a critique of the hermeneutic defense [d]
- John P. A. Ioannidis, Marcus R. Munafò, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Brian A. Nosek, & Sean P. David (2014) Publication and other reporting biases in cognitive sciences: detection, prevalence, and prevention [p] [d] [u]
- Sally Jackson & Mark Aakhus (2014) Becoming more reflective about the role of design in communication [d]
- C. Renée James (2014) Science unshackled: how obscure, abstract, seemingly useless scientific research turned out to be the basis for modern life [i] [d]
- Suzanne Jolley, Claire Thompson, James Hurley, Evelina Medin, Lucy Butler, Paul Bebbington, Graham Dunn, Daniel Freeman, David Fowler, Elizabeth Kuipers, & Philippa A. Garety (2014) Jumping to the wrong conclusions?: an investigation of the mechanisms of reasoning errors in delusions [p] [d] [u]
- Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R. Scholz, Daniel Plenge, & Andreas Hüttemann [ed] (2014) Explanation in the special sciences: the case of biology and history [i] [d]
- Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley (2014) Classical American pragmatism: practicing philosophy as experiencing life [d]
- Charles Kemp & Alan Jern (2014) A taxonomy of inductive problems [p] [d]
- Tim Kenyon (2014) False polarization: debiasing as applied social epistemology [d] [j]
- Jongchul Kim (2014) Identity and the hybridity of modern finance: how a specifically modern concept of the self underlies the modern ownership of property, trusts and finance [d]
- Harold Kincaid & Jacqueline A. Sullivan [ed] (2014) Classifying psychopathology: mental kinds and natural kinds [i] [d]
- Christopher C. Kirby [ed] (2014) Dewey and the ancients: essays on Hellenic and Hellenistic themes in the philosophy of John Dewey [i] [d]
- Denise E. Kirschner, C. Anthony Hunt, Simeone Marino, Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani, & Jennifer J. Linderman (2014) Tuneable resolution as a systems biology approach for multi-scale, multi-compartment computational models [p] [d] [u]
- Gustav Kuhn, Hugo A. Caffaratti, Robert Teszka, & Ronald A. Rensink (2014) A psychologically-based taxonomy of misdirection [p] [d] [u]
- Deanna Kuhn, Laura Hemberger, & Valerie Khait (2014/2016) Argue with me: argument as a path to developing students' thinking and writing [i] [d]
- John A. Lambie (2014) How to be critically open-minded: a psychological and historical analysis [i] [d]
- Leslie van der Leer & Ryan McKay (2014) 'Jumping to conclusions' in delusion-prone participants: an experimental economics approach [p] [d]
- Ageliki Lefkaditou, Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, & Tasos Hovardas (2014) Contextualising the teaching and learning of ecology: historical and philosophical considerations [i] [d]
- Cristine H. Legare (2014) The contributions of explanation and exploration to children's scientific reasoning [d]
- Sam Leigland (2014) Contingency horizon: on private events and the analysis of behavior [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher Lepock (2014) Metacognition and intellectual virtue [i] [d]
- Ian Leslie (2014) Curious: the desire to know and why your future depends on it [i]
- Laurie L. Levenson (2014) Searching for injustice: the challenge of postconviction discovery, investigation, and litigation [u]
- Franck Lihoreau & Manuel Rebuschi [ed] (2014) Epistemology, context, and formalism [i] [d]
- Torun Lindholm, Rickard L. Sjöberg, & Amina Memon (2014) Misreporting signs of child abuse: the role of decision-making and outcome information [d]
- Michael Lissack & Abraham Graber [ed] (2014) Modes of explanation: affordances for action and prediction [i] [d]
- Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (2014) The ideals of inquiry: an ancient history [i] [d]
- Antis Loizides [ed] (2014) Mill's A system of logic: critical appraisals [i] [d]
- Henrik Lundberg (2014) Philosophical thought and its existential basis: the sociologies of philosophy of Randall Collins and Pierre Bourdieu [d]
- Kathleen Mairet, Simon Boag, & Wayne Warburton (2014) How important is temperament?: the relationship between coping styles, early maladaptive schemas, and social anxiety [u]
- Daniel Markovitz (2014) What event are you training for? [u]
- Tim Marsh & Simon Boag (2014) Unifying psychology: shared ontology and the continuum of practical assumptions [d]
- Peter W. Martin (2014) Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
- Adrian Martin (2014) Where do cinematic ideas come from? [d]
- Richard Mattessich (2014) Reality and accounting: ontological explorations in the economic and social sciences [i] [d]
- Sophia A. McClennen & Remy M. Maisel (2014) Is satire saving our nation?: mockery and American politics [i] [d]
- Christian A. Meissner, Allison D. Redlich, Stephen W. Michael, Jacqueline R. Evans, Catherine R. Camilletti, Sujeeta Bhatt, & Susan Brandon (2014) Accusatorial and information-gathering interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions: a meta-analytic review [d]
- Moti Mizrahi (2014) The problem of unconceived objections [d]
- Padraic Monaghan, Richard C. Shillcock, Morten H. Christiansen, & Simon Kirby (2014) How arbitrary is language? [p] [d] [u]
- Galit Nahari, Aldert Vrij, & Ronald P. Fisher (2014) Exploiting liars' verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details [d]
- Saima Noreen, Raynette N. Bierman, & Malcolm D. MacLeod (2014) Forgiving you is hard, but forgetting seems easy: can forgiveness facilitate forgetting? [d]
- John D. Norton (2014) A material dissolution of the problem of induction [d] [j]
- Jonathan Osborne (2014) Scientific practices and inquiry in the science classroom [i] [d]
- Elinor Ostrom (2014) Do institutions for collective action evolve? [d]
- Fabio Paglieri & Cristiano Castelfranchi (2014) Trust, relevance, and arguments [d]
- E. Christien M. Parsons, Brett Favaro, A. Alonso Aguirre, Amy L. Bauer, Louise K. Blight, John A. Cigliano, Melinda A. Coleman, Isabelle M. Côté, Megan Draheim, Stephen Fletcher, Melissa M. Foley, Rebecca Jefferson, Miranda C. Jones, Brendan P. Kelaher, Carolyn J. Lundquist, Julie-Beth Mccarthy, Anne Nelson, Katheryn Patterson, Leslie Walsh, Andrew J. Wright, & William J. Sutherland (2014) Seventy-one important questions for the conservation of marine biodiversity [p] [d] [u]
- Simon Parsons, Katie Atkinson, Zimi Li, Peter McBurney, Elizabeth Sklar, Munindar P. Singh, Karen Haigh, Karl Levitt, & Jeff Rowe (2014) Argument schemes for reasoning about trust [d]
- Cynthia Passmore, Julia Svoboda Gouvea, & Ronald N. Giere (2014) Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
- Richard Pemberton & Tony Wainwright (2014) The end of mental illness thinking? [d]
- Debra P. C. Peters, Kris M. Havstad, Judy Cushing, Craig Tweedie, Olac Fuentes, & Natalia Villanueva-Rosales (2014) Harnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology [d]
- Mary Poppendieck & Thomas David Poppendieck (2014) The lean mindset: ask the right questions [i]
- Angela Potochnik (2014) Causal patterns and adequate explanations [d] [j] [u]
- James O. Pyle & Maryann Karinch (2014) Find out anything from anyone, anytime: secrets of calculated questioning from a veteran interrogator [i]
- Lincoln Quillian (2014) Does segregation create winners and losers?: residential segregation and inequality in educational attainment [d]
- Daniel Reisberg (2014) The science of perception and memory: a pragmatic guide for the justice system [i] [d]
- Ole Bjørn Rekdal (2014) Academic citation practice: a sinking sheep? [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2014) Metaphilosophy: philosophy in philosophical perspective [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2014) The machinations of luck [d] [j]
- Henrique Jales Ribeiro [ed] (2014) Systematic approaches to argument by analogy [i] [d]
- Gil Sagi (2014) Formality in logic: from logical terms to semantic constraints [j] [u]
- Jutta Schickore (2014/2022) Scientific discovery [u]
- Aaron Schurger (2014) Intentions and voluntary actions: reframing the problem [p] [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (2014) Cognitive success: instrumental justifications of normative systems of reasoning [p] [d] [u]
- Shashi S. Seshia, Michael Makhinson, Dawn F. Phillips, & G. Bryan Young (2014) Evidence-informed person-centered healthcare, part I: do 'cognitive biases plus' at organizational levels influence quality of evidence? [p] [d]
- Shashi S. Seshia, Michael Makhinson, & G. Bryan Young (2014) Evidence-informed person-centred health care, part II: are 'cognitive biases plus' underlying the EBM paradigm responsible for undermining the quality of evidence? [p] [d]
- Stewart Shapiro (2014) Varieties of logic [i] [d]
- Esther Shein (2014) Should everybody learn to code? [d]
- Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette (2014) Tainted: how philosophy of science can expose bad science [or: Tainted: exposing bad science, practicing philosophy of science] [i] [d]
- F. LeRon Shults (2014) The gospel according to Deleuze [i]
- Michelle Sidler (2014) Open science and the three cultures: expanding open science to all domains of knowledge creation [i] [d]
- Lawrence Sklar [ed] (2014) Physical theory: method and interpretation [i] [d]
- Nicola J. Smith, Garry W. McDonald, & Murray G. Patterson (2014) Is there overshoot of planetary limits?: new indicators of human appropriation of the global biogeochemical cycles relative to their regenerative capacity based on 'ecotime' analysis [d]
- Tibor Solymosi & John R. Shook [ed] (2014) Neuroscience, neurophilosophy and pragmatism: brains at work in the world [i] [d]
- Steven Stanley, Meg Barker, Victoria Edwards, & Emma McEwen (2014) Swimming against the stream?: mindfulness as a psychosocial research methodology [d]
- Mark Staples (2014) Critical rationalism and engineering: ontology [d] [j]
- Meredith Stark & Joseph J. Fins (2014) The ethical imperative to think about thinking: diagnostics, metacognition, and medical professionalism [p] [d]
- Brent Strickland & Hugo Mercier (2014) Bias neglect: a blind spot in the evaluation of scientific results [p] [d]
- Colin Swatridge (2014) The Oxford guide to effective argument and critical thinking [i]
- Randall Szott (2014) What do we gain by calling something bad art? [u]
- Dawn Langan Teele [ed] (2014) Field experiments and their critics: essays on the uses and abuses of experimentation in the social sciences [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard & A. David Nussbaum (2014) Fear-driven inference: mechanisms of gut overreaction [i] [d]
- Tim Theeboom, Bianca Beersma, & Annelies E. M. van Vianen (2014) Does coaching work?: a meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context [d]
- Torkild Thellefsen & Bent Sørensen [ed] (2014) Charles Sanders Peirce in his own words: 100 years of semiotics, communication and cognition [i] [d]
- Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel & Johannes J. M. van Delden (2014) Intuitions in moral reasoning: normative empirical reflective equilibrium as a model for substantial justification of moral claims [i] [d]
- Koichi Togashi (2014) Is it a problem for us to say, 'it is a coincidence that the patient does well'? [d]
- Chris Tomich (2014) From analyst to sense-maker [with IBIS] [u]
- Nick Turnbull (2014) Michel Meyer's problematology: questioning and society [i] [d]
- Nicholas T. Van Dam, Andréa L. Hobkirk, Sean C. Sheppard, Rebecca Aviles-Andrews, & Mitch Earleywine (2014) How does mindfulness reduce anxiety, depression, and stress?: an exploratory examination of change processes in wait-list controlled mindfulness meditation training [d]
- Richard Irwin Vane-Wright (2014) What is life? And what might be said of the role of behaviour in its evolution? [d]
- Zarah Vernham, Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Samantha Mann, & Jackie Hillman (2014) Collective interviewing: a transactive memory approach towards identifying signs of truthfulness [d]
- Clément Vidal (2014) The beginning and the end: the meaning of life in a cosmological perspective [i] [d]
- Renate Volbert & Max Steller (2014) Is this testimony truthful, fabricated, or based on false memory?: credibility assessment 25 years after Steller and Köhnken (1989) [d]
- Annelies Vredeveldt, Peter J. van Koppen, & Pär Anders Granhag (2014) The inconsistent suspect: a systematic review of different types of consistency in truth tellers and liars [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2014) Argumentation schemes for argument from analogy [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2014) On a razor's edge: evaluating arguments from expert opinion [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2014) Burden of proof, presumption and argumentation [i] [d]
- Ranxiao Frances Wang (2014) Can humans form four-dimensional spatial representations? [i] [d] [j]
- Gregory Ward, Betty J. Birner, & Elsi Kaiser (2014/2017) Pragmatics and information structure [i] [d]
- Ralph Wedgwood (2014/2017) Rationality as a virtue [i] [d]
- Herbert I. Weisberg (2014) Mindful ignorance [i] [d]
- Herbert I. Weisberg (2014) Willful ignorance: the mismeasure of uncertainty [i] [d]
- Anna Wierzbicka (2014) Human emotions and English words: are anger and disgust universal? [i] [d]
- Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael Alan Schwartz (2014) Perspectival knowing: Karl Jaspers and Ronald N. Giere [i] [d]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, & Sara W. Fry (2014) Existential inquiry: the process of integrating service learning into the curriculum: asking existential questions [i]
- Monnica T. Williams (2014) Can a White person understand the Black experience? [u]
- Veronica X. Yan, Yue Yu, Michael A. Garcia, & Robert A. Bjork (2014) Why does guessing incorrectly enhance, rather than impair, retention? [p] [d]
- Petri Ylikoski & N. Emrah Aydinonat (2014) Understanding with theoretical models [d]
- Gerald Young, Craig Lareau, & Brandon Pierre (2014) One quintillion ways to have PTSD comorbidity: recommendations for the disordered DSM-5 [d]
- Peter Achinstein (2013) Evidence and method: scientific strategies of Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell [i] [d]
- Joseph Agassi (2013) Bunge nevertheless [book review] [d]
- María Caamaño Alegre (2013) Pragmatic norms in science: making them explicit [d] [j]
- Barry Allen (2013) The use of useless knowledge: Bergson against the pragmatists [d] [j]
- Hanne Andersen, Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Thomas E. Uebel, & Gregory Wheeler [ed] (2013) New challenges to philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Daniel Andler (2013) Dissensus in science as a fact and as a norm [i] [d]
- Floya Anthias (2013) Intersectional what?: social divisions, intersectionality and levels of analysis [d]
- William E. Arnal & Russell T. McCutcheon (2013) The sacred is the profane: the political nature of 'religion' [i] [d]
- Isabelle Aubin, Lisa Venier, Jennie Pearce, & Marco Moretti (2013) Can a trait-based multi-taxa approach improve our assessment of forest management impact on biodiversity? [d]
- Alysha Baker, Leanne ten Brinke, & Stephen Porter (2013) Will get fooled again: emotionally intelligent people are easily duped by high-stakes deceivers [d]
- Gary M. Bakker (2013) The current status of energy psychology: extraordinary claims with less than ordinary evidence [d]
- Philip Ball (2013) Curiosity: how science became interested in everything [i] [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2013) Psychological construction: the Darwinian approach to the science of emotion [d]
- Debra Lyn Bassett (2013) Deconstruct and superstruct: examining bias across the legal system [u]
- Jean Paul van Bendegem (2013) Argumentation and pseudoscience: the case for an ethics of argumentation [i] [d]
- Gregor Betz (2013) Debate dynamics: how controversy improves our beliefs [i] [d]
- Gregor Betz (2013) Revamping hypothetico-deductivism: a dialectic account of confirmation [d] [j]
- Floris J. Bex, Sanjay Modgil, Henry Prakken, & Chris Reed (2013) On logical specifications of the Argument Interchange Format [d]
- Timothy Bird, Warren Mansell, Chris Dickens, & Sara Tai (2013) Is there a core process across depression and anxiety? [d]
- Thore Bjørnvig (2013) Outer space religion and the overview effect: a critical inquiry into a classic of the pro-space movement [d]
- Neil W. Blackstone (2013) Why did eukaryotes evolve only once?: genetic and energetic aspects of conflict and conflict mediation [p] [d]
- Marion Blute (2013) 'Variation and selective retention' as an evolutionary epistemology: were Donald Campbell's life histories sufficient? [d]
- Rens Bod (2013) A new history of the humanities: the search for principles and patterns from Antiquity to the present [i] [d]
- Maarten Boudry (2013) The hypothesis that saves the day: ad hoc reasoning in pseudoscience [j] [u]
- Antonio Bova & Francesco Arcidiacono (2013) Investigating children's Why-questions: a study comparing argumentative and explanatory function [d]
- Irus Braverman (2013) Zooland: the institution of captivity [i] [d]
- Svend Brinkmann (2013) John Dewey: science for a changing world [i] [d]
- Donald E. Brown (2013) Lessons learned from the climate change disinformation campaign about responsible scientific skepticism [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2013) Medical philosophy: conceptual issues in medicine [i] [d]
- Bobbi J. Carothers & Harry T. Reis (2013) Men and women are from Earth: examining the latent structure of gender [p] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2013) Rethinking logic: logic in relation to mathematics, evolution, and method [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2013) Look for disconfirming evidence [u]
- Jonathan Cinnamon & Nadine Schuurman (2013) Confronting the data-divide in a time of spatial turns and volunteered geographic information [d]
- Andy Clark (2013) Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Brendan Clarke, Donald Gillies, Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo, & Jon Williamson (2013) The evidence that evidence-based medicine omits [evidence of mechanisms] [p] [d]
- Kevin M. Clermont (2013) Standards of decision in law: psychological and logical bases for the standard of proof, here and abroad [i]
- C. Robert Cloninger (2013) What makes people healthy, happy, and fulfilled in the face of current world challenges? [p] [d] [u]
- Ricardo Lopes Coelho (2013) Could HPS improve problem-solving? [history and philosophy of science] [d]
- Klodian Coko & Jutta Schickore (2013) Robustness, solidity, and multiple determinations [book review of: Characterizing the robustness of science] [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2013) Idealisations in normative models [d] [j]
- Computer Addicts Anonymous (2013) Are you a computer addict? [u]
- Barry S. Cooper, Dorothee Griesel, & Marguerite Ternes [ed] (2013) Applied issues in investigative interviewing, eyewitness memory, and credibility assessment [i] [d]
- Andre Costopoulos & Stephen Chrisomalis [ed] (2013) Human expeditions: inspired by Bruce Trigger [i] [d] [j]
- Carl F. Craver & Lindley Darden (2013) In search of mechanisms: discoveries across the life sciences [i] [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Geeta Singhal, & Sílvia Mamede (2013) Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory of debiasing [d]
- Pat Croskerry, Geeta Singhal, & Sílvia Mamede (2013) Cognitive debiasing 2: impediments to and strategies for change [d]
- James Crosswhite (2013) Deep rhetoric: philosophy, reason, violence, justice, wisdom [i] [d]
- Ann E. Cudd & Sally J. Scholz [ed] (2013) Philosophical perspectives on democracy in the 21st century [i] [d]
- Julia O'Connell Davidson (2013) Troubling freedom: migration, debt, and modern slavery [d]
- Sidney Dekker, James M. Nyce, & Douglas J. Myers (2013) The little engine who could not: 'rehabilitating' the individual in safety research [d]
- Sidney Dekker (2013) On the epistemology and ethics of communicating a Cartesian consciousness [d]
- Craig Dilworth (2013) Simplicity: a meta-metaphysics [i]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2013) A dialogical account of deductive reasoning as a case study for how culture shapes cognition [d]
- Marc Edelman (2013) Messy hectares: questions about the epistemology of land grabbing data [d]
- Paul Enck, Ulrike Bingel, Manfred Schedlowski, & Winfried Rief (2013) The placebo response in medicine: minimize, maximize or personalize? [d]
- Christoph Engel & Andreas Glöckner (2013) Role-induced bias in court: an experimental analysis [d]
- Robert Engelman (2013) Beyond sustainababble [i] [d]
- Robert Epstein, Regina Warfel, James Johnson, Rachel Smith, & Paul McKinney (2013) Which relationship skills count most? [d]
- Markus I. Eronen (2013) No levels, no problems: downward causation in neuroscience [d] [j]
- Emily Esch (2013) A cognitive approach to teaching philosophy [d]
- Katharine Farrell, Tommaso Luzzati, & Sybille van den Hove [ed] (2013) Beyond reductionism: a passion for interdisciplinarity [i] [d]
- Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman [ed] (2013) Handbook of the psychology of science [i]
- Yonatan I. Fishman & Maarten Boudry (2013) Does science presuppose naturalism (or anything at all)? [d]
- Simon Fitzpatrick (2013) Simplicity in the philosophy of science [u]
- Maarten Franssen, Peter Kroes, Thomas A. C. Reydon, & Pieter E. Vermaas [ed] (2013) Artefact kinds: ontology and the human-made world [i] [d]
- Luke P. Freeman, Rochelle E. Cox, & Amanda J. Barnier (2013) Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux [p] [d]
- Jeffrey Friedman (2013) Hayek's two epistemologies and the paradoxes of his thought [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Humans as scientists: scientists as humans [d]
- Ofer Gal & Raz Chen-Morris [ed] (2013) Science in the age of Baroque [i] [d]
- Andrew Gelman & Cosma Rohilla Shalizi (2013) Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
- David Graeber (2013) It is value that brings universes into being [d] [u]
- David Graeber (2013) What's the point if we can't have fun? [d]
- Michael Guilfoyle (2013) Client subversions of DSM knowledge [d]
- Susan Haack (2013) Just say 'no' to logical negativism [i.e., to the falsificationist philosophy of Karl Popper] [i]
- Susan Haack (2013/2016) The fragmentation of philosophy, the road to reintegration [i] [d]
- Ulrike Hahn, Mike Oaksford, & Adam J. L. Harris (2013) Testimony and argument: a Bayesian perspective [i] [d]
- Brian D. Haig (2013) Detecting psychological phenomena: taking bottom-up research seriously [p] [d] [j]
- Maximillian T. Hänska-Ahy & Roxanna Shapour (2013) Who's reporting the protests?: converging practices of citizen journalists and two BBC World Service newsrooms, from Iran's election protests to the Arab uprisings [d]
- Eddie Harmon-Jones, Cindy Harmon-Jones, & Tom F. Price (2013) What is approach motivation? [d]
- Rachel A. Harmon (2013) Why do we (still) lack data on policing? [u]
- Matthew S. Hedstrom (2013) The rise of liberal religion: book culture and American spirituality in the twentieth century [i] [d]
- Klaus von Heusinger, Alice G. B. ter Meulen, & Hans Kamp [ed] (2013) Meaning and the dynamics of interpretation: selected papers of Hans Kamp [i] [d]
- Jakob Hohwy (2013) Delusions, illusions and inference under uncertainty [d]
- Felix T. Hong (2013) The role of pattern recognition in creative problem solving: a case study in search of new mathematics for biology [p] [d]
- Lorraine Hope, Rebecca Mullis, & Fiona Gabbert (2013) Who? What? When? Using a timeline technique to facilitate recall of a complex event [d]
- Paul Horwitz (2013) Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way? [i] [d]
- Ying Hou, Benjamin Burkhard, & Felix Müller (2013) Uncertainties in landscape analysis and ecosystem service assessment [d]
- Paul Hoyningen-Huene (2013) Systematicity: the nature of science [i] [d]
- Michael F. Hoyt [ed] (2013) Therapist stories of inspiration, passion, and renewal: what's love got to do with it? [i] [d]
- Curtis Hutt (2013) John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
- Doron Isaacs (2013) What is Mandela's secret? [u]
- Peggy L. St Jacques, Christopher Olm, & Daniel L. Schacter (2013) Neural mechanisms of reactivation-induced updating that enhance and distort memory [p] [d] [u]
- Shyma Jundi, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann, & Jackie Hillman (2013) Establishing evidence through undercover and collective intelligence interviewing [d]
- Giorgos Kallis, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, & Christos Zografos (2013) To value or not to value?: that is not the question [d]
- Michael T. Kane (2013) Validating the interpretations and uses of test scores [d]
- Jonathan Michael Kaplan & Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (2013) Prisoners of abstraction?: the theory and measure of genetic variation, and the very concept of 'race' [d] [u]
- Christopher W. Karvetski, Kenneth C. Olson, Donald T. Gantz, & Glenn A. Cross (2013) Structuring and analyzing competing hypotheses with Bayesian networks for intelligence analysis [d]
- Ebru Kaya & Sibel Erduran (2013) Integrating epistemological perspectives on chemistry in chemical education: the cases of concept duality, chemical language, and structural explanations [d]
- Mary Keeler & Uta Priss (2013) Toward a Peircean theory of human learning: revealing the misconception of belief revision [i] [d]
- Shamus Khan & Colin Jerolmack (2013) Saying meritocracy and doing privilege [d]
- Myint Swe Khine [ed] (2013) Critical analysis of science textbooks: evaluating instructional effectiveness [i] [d]
- Kyle W. Knight, Eugene A. Rosa, & Juliet B. Schor (2013) Could working less reduce pressures on the environment?: a cross-national panel analysis of OECD countries, 1970–2007 [d]
- Noretta Koertge (2013) Belief buddies versus critical communities: the social organization of pseudoscience [i] [d]
- Robert Krulwich (2013) What is it about Emily? [science communicator Emily Graslie] [u]
- Deanna Kuhn (2013) Reasoning [and developmental psychology] [i] [d]
- Tim Lacy (2013) The dream of a democratic culture: Mortimer J. Adler and the great books idea [i] [d]
- Joyce W. Lacy & Craig E. L. Stark (2013) The neuroscience of memory: implications for the courtroom [p] [d] [u]
- Gary L. J. Lancaster, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope, & Bridget Waller (2013) Sorting the liars from the truth tellers: the benefits of asking unanticipated questions on lie detection [d]
- Steven Laurent & Ross G. Menzies (2013) The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
- Jean Christophe Le Coze (2013) What have we learned about learning from accidents?: post-disasters reflections [d]
- Haeok Lee, Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, & Sung-Yi Baik (2013) Why isn't evidence based practice improving health care for minorities in the United States? [p] [d]
- Michael Loughlin, George Lewith, & Torkel Falkenberg (2013) Science, practice and mythology: a definition and examination of the implications of scientism in medicine [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Aikaterini Konstantinidou (2013) What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
- Josina M. Makau & Debian L. Marty (2013) Dialogue & deliberation [i]
- Alan R. Malachowski [ed] (2013) The Cambridge companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
- John C. Maraldo (2013) Japanese philosophy as a lens on Greco-European thought [d] [u]
- Steven Maras (2013) Objectivity in journalism [i]
- Debra Seido Martin (2013) Student says to the master, 'Do I need therapy?' [u]
- Jay McTighe & Grant P. Wiggins (2013) Essential questions: opening doors to student understanding [i]
- Joel Michell (2013) Constructs, inferences, and mental measurement [d]
- David I. Miller & Diane F. Halpern (2013) Can spatial training improve long-term outcomes for gifted STEM undergraduates? [d]
- Candice M. Mills (2013) Knowing when to doubt: developing a critical stance when learning from others [p] [d] [u]
- Daniel D. Moran, Manfred Lenzen, Keiichiro Kanemoto, & Arne Geschke (2013) Does ecologically unequal exchange occur? [d]
- Mark A. Musen (2013) The knowledge acquisition workshops: a remarkable convergence of ideas [d]
- Bence Nanay (2013) Philosophy versus literature?: against the discontinuity thesis [d] [j]
- Louis M. Natali Jr. (2013) Can we handle the truth? [u]
- Jan Alexis Nielsen (2013) Delusions about evidence: on why scientific evidence should not be the main concern in socioscientific decision making [d]
- Antoni Abat i Ninet (2013) Constitutional violence: legitimacy, democracy and human rights [i] [d]
- David S. Oderberg [ed] (2013) Classifying reality [i] [d]
- Jim van Os, Philippe Delespaul, Johanna Wigman, Inez Myin-Germeys, & Marieke C. Wichers (2013) Beyond DSM and ICD: introducing 'precision diagnosis' for psychiatry using momentary assessment technology [d]
- Gwen Ottinger (2013) Refining expertise: how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges [i] [d] [j]
- James C. Overholser (2013) Guided discovery: problem-solving therapy integrated within the Socratic method [d]
- David A. Paré (2013) The practice of collaborative counseling & psychotherapy: developing skills in culturally mindful helping [i] [d]
- Jacob V. Pearce (2013) The potential of perspectivism for science education [d]
- Rui Soares Pereira (2013) Evidence models and proof of causation [d]
- Agnes Petocz & Nigel Mackay (2013) Unifying psychology through situational realism [d]
- Katherine Hibbs Pherson & Randolph H. Pherson (2013/2021) Critical thinking for strategic intelligence [i]
- Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry [ed] (2013) Philosophy of pseudoscience: reconsidering the demarcation problem [i] [d]
- Massimo Pigliucci & Maarten Boudry (2013) The dangers of pseudoscience [u]
- Nigel C. A. Pitman (2013) How many trees are there in the Amazon? [u]
- Michele Poletti & Fabio Sambataro (2013) The development of delusion revisited: a transdiagnostic framework [p] [d]
- Kenneth Pomeranz (2013) Teleology, discontinuity and world history: periodization and some creation myths of modernity [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2013) Defusing ideological defenses in biology [d] [j]
- Steven Pressfield (2013) Committed to what? [u]
- Johannes Quack (2013) 'What do I know?': scholastic fallacies and pragmatic religiosity in mental health-seeking behaviour in India [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta, Merce Garcia-Mila, & Sandra Gilabert (2013) What is meant by argumentative competence?: an integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2013) Epistemic merit: and other essays on human knowledge [i] [d]
- Casey Reynolds (2013) Implicit bias and the problem of certainty in the criminal standard of proof [u]
- L. Todd Rose, Parisa Rouhani, & Kurt W. Fischer (2013) The science of the individual [d]
- William McKinley Runyan (2013) Psychobiography and the psychology of science: encounters with psychology, philosophy, and statistics [i] [u]
- Nick Salafsky & Kent H. Redford (2013) Defining the burden of proof in conservation [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter & Elizabeth F. Loftus (2013) Memory and law: what can cognitive neuroscience contribute? [p] [d]
- Edgar H. Schein (2013) Humble inquiry: the gentle art of asking instead of telling [i]
- Eric R. Schlereth (2013) An age of infidels: the politics of religious controversy in the early United States [i] [d] [j]
- Peter M. Schwarz & Joseph A. Cochran (2013) Renaissance or requiem: is nuclear energy cost effective in a post-Fukushima world? [d]
- Julia Shaw & Michael Woodworth (2013) Are the misinformed more punitive?: beliefs and misconceptions in forensic psychology [d]
- Benjamin Sheredos, Daniel C. Burnston, Adele Abrahamsen, & William Bechtel (2013) Why do biologists use so many diagrams? [d] [j]
- Gregory L. Simon & Peter S. Alagona (2013) Contradictions at the confluence of commerce, consumption and conservation; or, an REI shopper camps in the forest, does anyone notice? [d]
- Lawrence Sklar (2013) Philosophy and the foundations of dynamics [i] [d]
- Saul Smilansky (2013) Morally, should we prefer never to have existed? [d]
- Andrea Smith (2013) Unsettling the privilege of self-reflexivity [i] [d]
- Mark Snaith (2013) Argument revision and its role in dialogue [u]
- Karen M. Staller (2013) Epistemological boot camp: the politics of science and what every qualitative researcher needs to know to survive in the academy [d]
- Donald Edward Stanley & Daniel G. Campos (2013) The logic of medical diagnosis [p] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2013) Why humans are (sometimes) less rational than other animals: cognitive complexity and the axioms of rational choice [d]
- Linda Starke, Erik Assadourian, Thomas Prugh, & Worldwatch Institute [ed] (2013) State of the world 2013: is sustainability still possible? [i] [d]
- Marc J. Stern & Robert B. Powell (2013) What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? [u]
- Hans Stoffels (2013) False memories [i] [d]
- Michael Strevens (2013) No understanding without explanation [d]
- Joan Tabachnick (2013) Why prevention? Why now? [prevention of sexual abuse] [d]
- Vicente Talanquer, Debra Tomanek, & Ingrid Novodvorsky (2013) Assessing students' understanding of inquiry: what do prospective science teachers notice? [d]
- Yuri Terasawa, Hirokata Fukushima, & Satoshi Umeda (2013) How does interoceptive awareness interact with the subjective experience of emotion?: an fMRI study [p] [d]
- Mariam Thalos (2013) Without hierarchy: the scale freedom of the universe [i] [d]
- Meena Thuraisingham & Wolfgang Lehmacher (2013) The secret life of decisions: how unconscious bias subverts your judgement [i]
- Gary G. Tibbetts (2013) How the great scientists reasoned: the scientific method in action [i]
- Unsal Umdu Topsakal & John Oversby (2013) What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
- Mark Dietrich Tschaepe (2013) Reconsidering philosophical questions and neuroscientific answers: two pillars of inquiry [d]
- Peter Tse (2013) The neural basis of free will: criterial causation [i] [d]
- Joseph E. Uscinski & Ryden W. Butler (2013) The epistemology of fact checking [d]
- Kenneth Walden (2013) In defense of reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton & Giovanni Sartor (2013) Teleological justification of argumentation schemes [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2013) Methods of argumentation [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & Nanning Zhang (2013) The epistemology of scientific evidence [d]
- Poe Yu-ze Wan (2013) Dialectics, complexity, and the systemic approach: toward a critical reconciliation [d] [u]
- Erik Weber, Jeroen Van Bouwel, & Leen De Vreese (2013) Scientific explanation [i] [d]
- Hermann Weyl & Peter Pesic (2013) Levels of infinity: selected writings on mathematics and philosophy [i]
- Yolanda F. Wiersma (2013) What kind of scientist are you?: science and interdisciplinary research [d] [u]
- Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael Alan Schwartz (2013) Karl Jaspers' multiperspectivalism [p] [d]
- David A. Winter (2013) Still radical after all these years: George Kelly's The psychology of personal constructs [p] [d]
- Robert P. Wright, Sotirios E. Paroutis, & Daniela P. Blettner (2013) How useful are the strategic tools we teach in business schools? [d]
- John Yarbrough, Hughes F. Hervé, & Robert Harms (2013) The sins of interviewing: errors made by investigative interviewers and suggestions for redress [i] [d]
- Frank Zenker [ed] (2013) Bayesian argumentation: the practical side of probability [i] [d]
- Frank Zenker (2013) Know thy biases!: bringing argumentative virtues to the classroom [u]
- Carl Zimmer (2013) How many cells are in your body? [u]
- Brook Ziporyn (2013) On sort of knowing: the Daoist unhewn [d] [u]
- Evandro Agazzi (2012) Meaning between sense and reference: impacts of semiotics on philosophy of science [d]
- Anna Alexandrova (2012) Well-being as an object of science [d] [j]
- Douglas Allchin (2012) Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors [d]
- Ryan Allen & Paul R. Lachapelle (2012) Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? [d]
- Chris Arthur (2012) Financial literacy education: neoliberalism, the consumer and the citizen [i] [d]
- Tadashi Asada (2012) Mentoring: apprenticeship or co-inquiry? [i] [d]
- Roger Baker, Matthew Owens, Sarah Thomas, Anna Whittlesea, Gareth Abbey, Phil Gower, Lara Tosunlar, Eimear Corrigan, & Peter W. Thomas (2012) Does CBT facilitate emotional processing? [d]
- Jerome H. Barkow, Rick O'Gorman, & Luke Rendell (2012) Are the new mass media subverting cultural transmission? [d]
- Laura Bathurst (2012) Constructing anthropologists: culture learning and culture making in U.S. doctoral education [d]
- Roger E. Beaty & Paul J. Silvia (2012) Why do ideas get more creative across time?: an executive interpretation of the serial order effect in divergent thinking tasks [d]
- William Bechtel (2012) Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: a scientific and philosophical challenge [d]
- Claus Beisbart (2012) How can computer simulations produce new knowledge? [d]
- Claus Beisbart & John D. Norton (2012) Why Monte Carlo simulations are inferences and not experiments [d]
- Ermanno Bencivenga (2012) Fuzzy reasoning [d] [u]
- Floris J. Bex & Bart Verheij (2012) Solving a murder case by asking critical questions: an approach to fact-finding in terms of argumentation and story schemes [d] [u]
- Floris J. Bex & Douglas N. Walton (2012) Burdens and standards of proof for inference to the best explanation: three case studies [d] [u]
- Sarah Bigi & Sara Greco Morasso (2012) Keywords, frames and the reconstruction of material starting points in argumentation [d]
- J. Anthony Blair (2012) Groundwork in the theory of argumentation: selected papers of J. Anthony Blair [i] [d]
- Julie L. Booth & Kenneth R. Koedinger (2012) Are diagrams always helpful tools?: developmental and individual differences in the effect of presentation format on student problem solving [d]
- Lisa Bortolotti, Rochelle E. Cox, & Amanda J. Barnier (2012) Can we recreate delusions in the laboratory? [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Johan Braeckman (2012) How convenient!: the epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems [d]
- Philip D. Bougen & Joni J. Young (2012) Fair value accounting: simulacra and simulation [d]
- Chet A. Bowers (2012) Questioning the idea of the individual as an autonomous moral agent [d]
- Carolyn Boyes-Watson & Kay Pranis (2012) Science cannot fix this: the limitations of evidence-based practice [d]
- Matthew J. Brown (2012) John Dewey's logic of science [d] [j]
- Phil Brown, Rachel Morello-Frosch, & Stephen Zavestoski [ed] (2012) Contested illnesses: citizens, science, and health social movements [i] [d] [j]
- Michael Brownstein & Alex Madva (2012) The normativity of automaticity [d]
- Otávio Bueno (2012) Styles of reasoning: a pluralist view [d]
- Mario Bunge (2012) Does quantum physics refute realism, materialism and determinism? [conclusion: no] [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2012) Evaluating philosophies [i] [d]
- Peter Burke (2012) A social history of knowledge II: from the Encyclopédie to Wikipedia [i]
- Werner Callebaut (2012) Scientific perspectivism: a philosopher of science's response to the challenge of big data biology [p] [d]
- Joëlle Carpentier, Geneviève A. Mageau, & Robert J. Vallerand (2012) Ruminations and flow: why do people with a more harmonious passion experience higher well-being? [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (2012) Will this policy work for you?: predicting effectiveness better: how philosophy helps [d] [j]
- Hasok Chang (2012) Is water H₂O?: evidence, pluralism and realism [i] [d]
- Francisca Cho (2012) The limits of the Buddhist embrace of science: commentary on 'Compassion, ethics, and neuroscience: neuroethics through Buddhist eyes' [p] [d]
- Sebastian Conrad (2012) Enlightenment in global history: a historiographical critique [d]
- Brian R. Cook & Christopher J. Spray (2012) Ecosystem services and integrated water resource management: different paths to the same end? [d]
- Vasco Correia (2012) The ethics of argumentation [d] [u]
- Denise D. Cummins (2012/2021) Good thinking: seven powerful ideas that influence the way we think [i] [d]
- Fiery Cushman & Joshua D. Greene (2012) Finding faults: how moral dilemmas illuminate cognitive structure [p] [d]
- Ruud Custers, Stefan Vermeent, & Henk Aarts (2012/2019) Does goal pursuit require conscious awareness? [or: Unconscious goal pursuit: nonconscious goal regulation and motivation] [i] [d]
- Erik Dane, Kevin W. Rockmann, & Michael G. Pratt (2012) When should I trust my gut?: linking domain expertise to intuitive decision-making effectiveness [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
- Sanne Dekker, Nikki C. Lee, Paul Howard-Jones, & Jelle Jolles (2012) Neuromyths in education: prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers [p] [d] [u]
- Vinciane Despret (2012/2016) What would animals say if we asked the right questions? [i] [j]
- Davide Dèttore & Kieron Philip O'Connor (2012) OCD and cognitive illusions [d]
- Keith J. Devlin (2012) Patterns? What patterns? [u]
- Robert DiSalle (2012) Analysis and interpretation in the philosophy of modern physics [i] [d]
- Erin Donovan-Kicken, Joseph McGlynn, & Jane C. H. Damron (2012) When friends deflect questions about sensitive information: questioners' cognitive complexity and explanations for friends' avoidance [d]
- Nilson Guimarães Doria (2012) Popper's world 3 and role of semiotic mediation in epistemology and psychology [Popper's three worlds as confused semiotics] [i] [u]
- Kristie Dotson (2012) How is this paper philosophy? [u]
- John Dupré (2012) Processes of life: essays in the philosophy of biology [i] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2012) Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study [u]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2012) Formal languages in logic: a philosophical and cognitive analysis [i] [d]
- Joel A. Dvoskin, Jennifer L. Skeem, Raymond W. Novaco, & Kevin S. Douglas (2012) What if psychology redesigned the criminal justice system? [i] [d]
- Caitlin S. Dyckman & Kurt Paulsen (2012) Not in my watershed! Will increased federal supervision really bring better coordination between land use and water planning? [d]
- Ricca Edmondson & Karlheinz Hülser [ed] (2012) Politics of practical reasoning: integrating action, discourse and argument [i]
- James Elwick (2012) Layered history: styles of reasoning as stratified conditions of possibility [d]
- Mylan Engel Jr. (2012) Coherentism and the epistemic justification of moral beliefs: a case study in how to do practical ethics without appeal to a moral theory [d]
- Randi A. Engle, Diane P. Lam, Xenia S. Meyer, & Sarah E. Nix (2012) How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
- Norman E. Fenton & Martin Neil (2012/2019) Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks [i] [d]
- John Fieberg & Luca Börger (2012) Could you please phrase 'home range' as a question? [d]
- Keith A. Findley (2012) Tunnel vision [i] [d]
- Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2012) Meta-argumentation: prolegomena to a Dutch project [i] [d]
- Emily Ford (2012) What do we do and why do we do it? [philosophy of librarianship] [u]
- Mélanie Frappier, Derek H. Brown, & Robert DiSalle [ed] (2012) Analysis and interpretation in the exact sciences: essays in honour of William Demopoulos [i] [d]
- Michèle Friend (2012) Pluralism and 'bad' mathematical theories: challenging our prejudices [i] [d]
- Karl J. Friston, Rick A. Adams, Laurent Perrinet, & Michael Breakspear (2012) Perceptions as hypotheses: saccades as experiments [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas R. Fulford (2012) Writing scripts for silent movies: how officer experience and high-crime areas turn innocuous behavior into criminal conduct [u]
- John Gallo & Michael F. Goodchild (2012) Mapping uncertainty in conservation assessment as a means toward improved conservation planning and implementation [d]
- Eileen D. Gambrill (2012) Posing questions and searching for answers [i]
- Amelia Gangemi, Francesco Mancini, & Marcel van den Hout (2012) Behavior as information: 'If I avoid, then there must be a danger' [d]
- Hugh G. Gauch (2012) Scientific method in brief [i] [d]
- Maria Gendron, Kristen A. Lindquist, Lawrence W. Barsalou, & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2012) Emotion words shape emotion percepts [p] [d]
- Stephen Gibbons & Henry G. Overman (2012) Mostly pointless spatial econometrics? [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (2012) The role of psychology in an agent-centered theory of science [i] [d]
- Charlie Gilkey (2012) 50+ better questions to ask than how to be more productive [u]
- Patrick W. Gilmour, Robert W. Day, & Peter D. Dwyer (2012) Using private rights to manage natural resources: is stewardship linked to ownership? [d]
- Herbert Gintis (2012) Intellectuals and society, by Thomas Sowell [book review] [u]
- Herbert Gintis (2012) Fragments of an anarchist anthropology, by David Graeber [book review] [u]
- Peter Goldie (2012) Truth and objectivity and the dangers of our fictionalizing tendencies [i] [d]
- Loren Goldman (2012) Dewey's pragmatism from an anthropological point of view [d] [j] [u]
- Mark L. Graber, Stephanie Kissam, Velma L. Payne, Ashley N. D. Meyer, Asta Sorensen, Nancy Lenfestey, Elizabeth Tant, Kerm Henriksen, Kenneth LaBresh, & Hardeep Singh (2012) Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review [d]
- Anna Grear [ed] (2012) Should trees have standing?: 40 years on [i]
- Susan Haack (2012) Six signs of scientism [d] [u]
- Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford (2012) Rational argument [i] [d]
- Jon Hanson [ed] (2012) Ideology, psychology, and law [i] [d]
- Graham P. Harris & A. Louise Heathwaite (2012) Why is achieving good ecological outcomes in rivers so difficult? [d]
- Rebekah Higgitt (2012) (Pseudo)scientific history? [u]
- Casey High, Ann Kelly, & Jonathan Mair [ed] (2012) The anthropology of ignorance: an ethnographic approach [i] [d]
- Brian Hill (2012) Fiction, counterfactuals: the challenge for logic [i] [d]
- Clara E. Hill (2012) Shopping around for theories for counseling psychology practice: reaction [d]
- Jill S. Hill, Rockey R. Robbins, & Terry M. Pace (2012) Cultural validity of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 empirical correlates: is this the best we can do? [d]
- Keith J. Holyoak & Robert G. Morrison [ed] (2012) The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
- Miriam Bassok & Laura R. Novick (2012) Problem solving [i] [d]
- Kevin D. Hoover (2012) Pragmatism, perspectival realism, and econometrics [i] [d]
- Jos Hornikx & Ulrike Hahn (2012) Reasoning and argumentation: towards an integrated psychology of argumentation [d]
- John P. A. Ioannidis (2012) Why science is not necessarily self-correcting [p] [d] [j]
- Leslie K. John, George Loewenstein, & Drazen Prelec (2012) Measuring the prevalence of questionable research practices with incentives for truth telling [d]
- Khondaker Hasibul Kabir (2012) Why is drawing important to research? [d]
- Peter M. Kareiva & Michelle Marvier (2012) What is conservation science? [d] [j]
- Ronit Kark, Ronit Waismel-Manor, & Boas Shamir (2012) Does valuing androgyny and femininity lead to a female advantage?: the relationship between gender-role, transformational leadership and identification [d]
- Hillary Keeney & Bradford P. Keeney (2012) What is systemic about systemic therapy?: therapy models muddle embodied systemic practice [d]
- Manfred Kienpointner (2012) When figurative analogies fail: fallacious uses of arguments from analogy [i] [d]
- Harold Kincaid [ed] (2012) The Oxford handbook of philosophy of social science [i] [d]
- Michael David Kirchhoff & Will Newsome (2012) Distributed cognitive agency in virtue epistemology [d]
- Alexander Klippel (2012) Spatial information theory meets spatial thinking: is topology the Rosetta stone of spatio-temporal cognition? [d]
- Eric Knowles & Peter Ditto (2012) Preference, principle, and political casuistry [i] [d]
- Daryl Koehn (2012) Post-credit crisis: what new concepts are needed? Which old notions or practices should be abandoned? [d]
- Anne Kreamer (2012) What if you don't want to be a manager? [u]
- Mei-Po Kwan (2012) The uncertain geographic context problem [d] [u]
- Daniel J. Lair & Stacey M. B. Wieland (2012) 'What are you going to do with that major?': colloquial speech and the meanings of work and education [d]
- Elaine M. Landry & Dean Rickles [ed] (2012) Structural realism: structure, object, and causality [i] [d]
- Melissa N. Laska, Nicole I. Larson, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, & Mary Story (2012) Does involvement in food preparation track from adolescence to young adulthood and is it associated with better dietary quality?: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study [d]
- Ard W. Lazonder & Ellen T. Kamp (2012) Bit by bit or all at once?: splitting up the inquiry task to promote children's scientific reasoning [d]
- Alex M. Lechner, William T. Langford, Sarah A. Bekessy, & Simon D. Jones (2012) Are landscape ecologists addressing uncertainty in their remote sensing data? [d]
- Ageliki Lefkaditou (2012) Is ecology a holistic science, after all? [i]
- Cristine H. Legare (2012) Exploring explanation: explaining inconsistent evidence informs exploratory, hypothesis-testing behavior in young children [p] [d] [j]
- Aki Petteri Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski, & Petri Ylikoski [ed] (2012) Economics for real: Uskali Mäki and the place of truth in economics [i] [d]
- Drew A. Leins, Ronald P. Fisher, & Aldert Vrij (2012) Drawing on liars' lack of cognitive flexibility: detecting deception through varying report modes [d]
- Brian Levine & Fergus I. M. Craik [ed] (2012) Mind and the frontal lobes: cognition, behavior, and brain imaging [i] [d]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld (2012) Public skepticism of psychology: why many people perceive the study of human behavior as unscientific [p] [d]
- Jay R. Lund (2012) Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
- Sebastian Lutz (2012) Criteria of empirical significance: foundations, relations, applications = Criteria voor empirische significantie [o] [u]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2012) Character attacks as complex strategies of legal argumentation [u]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2012) Presumptive reasoning in interpretation: implicatures and conflicts of presumptions [d]
- Uskali Mäki [ed] (2012) Philosophy of economics [i] [d]
- Ken I. Manktelow (2012) Thinking and reasoning: an introduction to the psychology of reason, judgment and decision making [i] [d]
- Stephen Marshall (2012) Science, pseudo-science and urban design [d]
- Ryan McKay (2012) Delusional inference [d]
- John McLeod (2012) What do clients want from therapy?: a practice-friendly review of research into client preferences [d]
- Peter J. McManners (2012) Fly and be damned: what now for aviation and climate change? [i]
- Daniel S. Medwed (2012) Prosecution complex: America's race to convict, and its impact on the innocent [i] [d] [j]
- Robert J. Mislevy (2012) The case for informal argument [about assessment] [d]
- Lynn Nadel & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong [ed] (2012) Memory and law [i] [d]
- Nora S. Newcombe & Mike Stieff (2012) Six myths about spatial thinking [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2012) Rescuing political theory from fact-insensitivity [d] [u]
- Ephraim Nissan (2012) Computer applications for handling legal evidence, police investigation, and case argumentation [i] [d]
- Naomi Oreskes (2012) Models all the way down [book review of: A vast machine: computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming, by Paul N. Edwards] [d]
- Steven Hecht Orzack (2012) The philosophy of modelling or does the philosophy of biology have any use? [p] [d] [u]
- Christine Overall (2012) Why have children?: the ethical debate [i] [d] [j]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2012) What would John Dewey say about deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism? [d]
- L. A. Paul (2012) Metaphysics as modeling: the handmaiden's tale [d] [j] [u]
- Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen & Cory Wright (2012/2018) Pluralist theories of truth [u]
- Gordon Pennycook, Jonathan A. Fugelsang, & Derek J. Koehler (2012) Are we good at detecting conflict during reasoning? [p] [d]
- David Pilgrim & Floris Tomasini (2012) On being unreasonable in modern society: are mental health problems special? [d]
- Adam Plaiss (2012) Who gets to draw the map?: the contentious creation of the American road/map system, 1917–1926 [d]
- Yuliana Polishchuk & Felix Rauschmayer (2012) Beyond 'benefits'?: looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach [d]
- Olga Pombo, Juan Manuel Torres, John Symons, & Shahid Rahman [ed] (2012) Special sciences and the unity of science [i] [d]
- Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke, & Brendan Wallace (2012) Secrets and lies: involuntary leakage in deceptive facial expressions as a function of emotional intensity [d]
- Amanda Porterfield (2012) How to avoid moralism, apologetics, and intimidation [d] [j]
- Amanda Porterfield (2012) Conceived in doubt: religion and politics in the new American nation [i] [d]
- Angela Potochnik & Brian J. McGill (2012) The limitations of hierarchical organization [d] [j]
- Patrice Potvin, Julien Mercier, Patrick Charland, & Martin Riopel (2012) Does classroom explicitation of initial conceptions favour conceptual change or is it counter-productive? [d]
- Roger A. Powell & Michael S. Mitchell (2012) What is a home range? [d]
- Robert W. Proctor & E. John Capaldi [ed] (2012) Psychology of science: implicit and explicit processes [i] [d]
- Fabio Boschetti, Elizabeth A. Fulton, Roger Bradbury, & John Symons (2012) What is a model, why people don't trust them, and why they should [i] [u]
- Steve Rayner (2012) Uncomfortable knowledge: the social construction of ignorance in science and environmental policy discourses [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2012) On the nature of philosophy and other philosophical essays [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2012) Pragmatism: the restoration of its scientific roots [i]
- Sabine Roeser, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Per Sandin, & Martin Peterson [ed] (2012) Handbook of risk theory: epistemology, decision theory, ethics, and social implications of risk [i] [d]
- Dane P. Rook (2012) How can we know if investors are coherently linking sustainability concepts? [d]
- Jeff Rose & Karen Paisley (2012) White privilege in experiential education: a critical reflection [d]
- Sara Rubinelli & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans [ed] (2012/2014) Argumentation and health [i] [d]
- Sara Rubinelli & Claudia Zanini (2012/2014) Teaching argumentation theory to doctors: why and what [i] [d]
- Sahoo Saddichha, Ajay Kumar, & Nirmala Pradhan (2012) Cognitive schemas among mental health professionals: adaptive or maladaptive? [p] [u]
- Jeremy D. Safran (2012) Doublethinking or dialectical thinking: a critical appreciation of Hoffman's 'doublethinking' critique [d]
- Laura Schulz (2012) The origins of inquiry: inductive inference and exploration in early childhood [p] [d]
- Laura Schulz (2012) Finding new facts; thinking new thoughts [i] [d]
- Mamadou D. Seck & H. Job Honig (2012) Multi-perspective modelling of complex phenomena [d]
- Elisabeth Shields (2012) What is your personal knowledge management ecosystem? [u]
- Dan Simon (2012) In doubt: the psychology of the criminal justice process [i] [d]
- Suzanne H. So, Daniel Freeman, Graham Dunn, Shitij Kapur, Elizabeth Kuipers, Paul Bebbington, David Fowler, & Philippa A. Garety (2012) Jumping to conclusions, a lack of belief flexibility and delusional conviction in psychosis: a longitudinal investigation of the structure, frequency, and relatedness of reasoning biases [p] [d] [u]
- Toon Spanhove, Jeroen Vanden Borre, Stephanie Delalieux, Birgen Haest, & Desiré Paelinckx (2012) Can remote sensing estimate fine-scale quality indicators of natural habitats? [d]
- Ron Sun [ed] (2012) Grounding social sciences in cognitive sciences [i] [d]
- Richard Swedberg (2012) On Charles S. Peirce's lecture 'How to theorize' (1903) [d]
- Paul Teller (2012) Modeling, truth, and philosophy [d] [j]
- Paul Thagard (2012) The cognitive science of science: explanation, discovery, and conceptual change [i] [d]
- Phra Nicholas Ṭhānissaro (2012) What makes you not a Buddhist?: a preliminary mapping of values [d]
- Julia von Thienen, Christine Noweski, Christoph Meinel, Sabine Lang, Claudia Nicolai, & Andreas Bartz (2012) What can design thinking learn from behavior group therapy? [i] [d]
- Jan Toporowski & Jo Michell [ed] (2012) Handbook of critical issues in finance [i] [d]
- David Turnbull (2012) Performativity and complex adaptive systems: working with multiple narratives across knowledge traditions [u]
- Robert Turner (2012) The need for systematic ethnopsychology: the ontological status of mentalistic terminology [d]
- Terje Ingebrigt Vaaland & Richard A. Owusu (2012) What is a responsible supply chain? [d]
- Frank Vander Valk [ed] (2012) Essays on neuroscience and political theory: thinking the body politic [i] [d]
- Ian Verstegen (2012) When are we speculating on history?: a Mandelbaumian theory [d]
- Paul A. Wagner (2012) From critical thinking to non-conclusive argument and back again [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2012) Building a system for finding objections to an argument [d]
- Sandra A. Wawrytko (2012) Buddhist epistemology and economics: deconstructing dysfunctional delusions [u]
- Richard F. West, Russell J. Meserve, & Keith E. Stanovich (2012) Cognitive sophistication does not attenuate the bias blind spot [p] [d]
- John R. Wettersten (2012) The rationality of extremists: a Talmonist insight we need to respond to [d]
- Deirdre Wilson & Dan Sperber (2012) Meaning and relevance [i] [d]
- Michael Yellow Bird & Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson [ed] (2012) For Indigenous minds only: a decolonization handbook [i]
- Uri Zoller (2012) Science education for global sustainability: what is necessary for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? [d]
- Catherine Abernethy & Katrina Cook (2011) Resistance or disconnection?: a relational-cultural approach to supervisee anxiety and nondisclosure [d]
- Scott F. Aikin & Robert B. Talisse (2011) Reasonable atheism: a moral case for respectful disbelief [i]
- George Ainslie (2011) Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
- Barry Allen (2011) The cloud of knowing: blurring the difference with China [d] [u]
- Mats Alvesson & Jörgen Sandberg (2011) Generating research questions through problematization [d]
- Holly K. Andersen (2011) Mechanisms, laws, and regularities [d] [j]
- Daniel Andler (2011) Unity without myths [in science] [i] [d]
- John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, & Sue Liechti (2011) Can charisma be taught?: tests of two interventions [d]
- Sarah Azaransky (2011) The dream is freedom: Pauli Murray and American democratic faith [i] [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2011) Was Darwin wrong about emotional expressions? [d]
- Roy F. Baumeister, E. J. Masicampo, & Kathleen D. Vohs (2011) Do conscious thoughts cause behavior? [p] [d]
- David M. Berry (2011) The philosophy of software: code and mediation in the digital age [i] [d]
- Timothy Besley, Jose G. Montalvo, & Marta Reynal-Querol (2011) Do educated leaders matter? [d]
- Roy Bhaskar, Karl G. Høyer, & Petter Naess [ed] (2011) Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions [i] [d]
- Bradley Wade Bishop (2011) Location-based questions and local knowledge [d]
- Pernille Bjørn & Nina Boulus (2011) Dissenting in reflective conversations: critical components of doing action research [d]
- Karen Bluth & Robert G. Wahler (2011) Does effort matter in mindful parenting? [d]
- Simon Boag (2011) Explanation in personality psychology: 'verbal magic' and the five-factor model [d]
- Nick Bostrom (2011) Information hazards: a typology of potential harms from knowledge [u]
- Florian Böttcher & Anke Meisert (2011) Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Filip Buekens (2011) The epistemic predicament of a pseudoscience: social constructivism confronts Freudian psychoanalysis [d]
- Konrad Bresin, Michael D. Robinson, Scott Ode, & Craig Leth-Steensen (2011) Driven, distracted, or both?: a performance-based ex-Gaussian analysis of individual differences in anxiety [p] [d]
- Jeremy Briell, Jan Elen, Lieven Verschaffel, & Geraldine Clarebout (2011) Personal epistemology: nomenclature, conceptualizations, and measurement [i] [d]
- Dan Brockington (2011) Ecosystem services and fictitious commodities [d]
- Mario Bunge (2011) Two unification strategies: analysis or reduction, and synthesis or integration [i] [d]
- Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke, & Matthew H. Slater [ed] (2011) Carving nature at its joints: natural kinds in metaphysics and science [i] [d] [j]
- Daniel G. Campos (2011) On the distinction between Peirce's abduction and Lipton's inference to the best explanation [d] [j]
- David Wildon Carr (2011) Unfinished lives [i]
- Michael L. Cepek (2011) Foucault in the forest: questioning environmentality in Amazonia [d]
- Michael J. Cermak, Jonathan A. Christiansen, Amy C. Finnegan, Aideen P. Gleeson, Shelley K. White, & Darcy K. Leach (2011) Displacing activism?: the impact of international service trips on understandings of social change [d]
- Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (2011) When is a bunch of marks on paper a diagram?: diagrams as homomorphic representations [d]
- Hasok Chang & Grant Fisher (2011) What the ravens really teach us: the intrinsic contextuality of evidence [i] [d]
- Alberto Chiesa & Peter Malinowski (2011) Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? [p] [d]
- Bruce F. Chorpita, Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus, Eric L. Daleiden, Adam Bernstein, Taya Cromley, Dallas Swendeman, & Jennifer Regan (2011) The old solutions are the new problem: how do we better use what we already know about reducing the burden of mental illness? [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Dominique Chu (2011) Complexity: against systems [d]
- Rutger Claassen (2011) Making capability lists: philosophy versus democracy [d]
- Ronald H. Clark, George R. Dekle, & William S. Bailey (2011/2015) Cross-examination handbook: persuasion, strategies, and techniques [i]
- Ben Colagiuri, Evan J. Livesey, & Justin A. Harris (2011) Can expectancies produce placebo effects for implicit learning? [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2011) A philosopher's view of theory: a response to Gorelick [d]
- Ruth Cronje, Spencer Rohlinger, Alycia Crall, & Greg Newman (2011) Does participation in citizen science improve scientific literacy?: a study to compare assessment methods [d]
- Daphne M. Davis & Jeffrey A. Hayes (2011) What are the benefits of mindfulness?: a practice review of psychotherapy-related research [p] [d]
- Deborah Davis & Richard A. Leo (2011) To walk in their shoes: the problem of missing, misunderstood, and misrepresented context in judging criminal confessions [u]
- Philip Dawid, David A. Schum, & Amanda Hepler (2011) Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
- Philip Dawid, William L. Twining, & Mimi Vasilaki [ed] (2011) Evidence, inference and enquiry [i] [d]
- Kevin deLaplante, Bryson Brown, & Kent A. Peacock [ed] (2011) Philosophy of ecology [i] [d]
- Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] (2011) Explanation, prediction, and confirmation [i] [d]
- Rolf Dobelli (2011/2013) The art of thinking clearly [i]
- Rolf Dobelli (2011/2013) Why you should visit cemeteries: survivorship bias [i]
- Rolf Dobelli (2011/2013) Why you should keep a diary: hindsight bias [i]
- Philipp Dorstewitz (2011) Dewey's science: a transactive model of research processes [i] [d]
- Neil Douglas & Terry Wykowski (2011) From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
- Nicky Dries (2011) The meaning of career success: avoiding reification through a closer inspection of historical, cultural, and ideological contexts [d]
- Esther Duflo (2011/2019) How to find the right questions [u]
- Till Düppe (2011) The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science [i]
- Jeff Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, & Clayton M. Christensen (2011) The innovator's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators [i]
- Marc Edelman & Carwil James (2011) Peasants' rights and the UN system: quixotic struggle? Or emancipatory idea whose time has come? [d]
- Linda Edelstein & Charles A. Waehler (2011) What do I say?: the therapist's guide to answering client questions [i] [d]
- Paul Enck, Sibylle Klosterhalfen, Katja Weimer, Björn Horing, & Stephan Zipfel (2011) The placebo response in clinical trials: more questions than answers [p] [d] [u]
- J. Ronald Engel (2011) Property: Faustian pact or new covenant with Earth? [i] [d]
- Anthony J. Evans & Jeffrey Friedman (2011) 'Search' vs. 'browse': a theory of error grounded in radical (not rational) ignorance [d]
- James A. Evans & Jacob G. Foster (2011) Metaknowledge [p] [d] [j]
- Peter A. Facione & Carol Ann Gittens (2011/2016) Think critically [i]
- Uljana Feest & Thomas Sturm (2011) What (good) is historical epistemology? [d] [j]
- Keith A. Findley (2011/2012) Adversarial inquisitions: rethinking the search for the truth [u]
- Eugen Fischer (2011) Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
- Stephen J. Flusberg & Lera Boroditsky (2011) Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving? [d]
- Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay & Malcolm R. Forster [ed] (2011) Philosophy of statistics [i]
- Michael Friedman (2011) Extending the dynamics of reason [d] [j]
- Eileen D. Gambrill (2011) Evidence-based practice and the ethics of discretion [d]
- James Garbarino (2011) What does living in a democracy mean for kids? [d]
- Brandon Garrett (2011) Convicting the innocent: where criminal prosecutions go wrong [i] [d] [j]
- Axel Gelfert (2011) Expertise, argumentation, and the end of inquiry [d]
- Fred Gifford [ed] (2011) Philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
- David Graeber (2011) 'Consumption' [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
- Emily Rolfe Grosholz (2011) Logic, mathematics, heterogeneity [and comment by Valeria Giardino] [i]
- Maralee Harrell (2011) Understanding, evaluating, and producing arguments: training is necessary for reasoning skills [d]
- Susan Hayes & Nick Milne (2011) What's wrong with this picture?: an experiment in quantifying accuracy in 2D portrait drawing [d]
- David Herrera (2011) Argument quality in Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting [or lack of quality] [o] [u]
- David J. Hess (2011) To tell the truth: on scientific counterpublics [d]
- Stephen Cade Hetherington (2011) How to know: a practicalist conception of knowledge [i] [d]
- Richards J. Heuer Jr. & Randolph H. Pherson (2011/2015) Structured analytic techniques for intelligence analysis [i]
- Brian J. Hoffman, David J. Woehr, Robyn Maldagen-Youngjohn, & Brian D. Lyons (2011) Great man or great myth?: a quantitative review of the relationship between individual differences and leader effectiveness [d]
- David A. Hollinger (2011) The unity of knowledge and the diversity of knowers: science as an agent of cultural integration in the United States between the two world wars [d]
- Eric Holt-Giménez & Yi Wang (2011) Reform or transformation?: the pivotal role of food justice in the U.S. food movement [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (2011) Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker [ed] (2011) Philosophy of complex systems [i] [d]
- Toby E. Huff (2011) Intellectual curiosity and the scientific revolution: a global perspective [i] [d]
- Gürol Irzik & Robert Nola (2011) A family resemblance approach to the nature of science for science education [d]
- Nele Jacobs, Jim van Os, Catherine Derom, Evert Thiery, Philippe Delespaul, & Marieke C. Wichers (2011) Neuroticism explained?: from a non-informative vulnerability marker to informative person–context interactions in the realm of daily life [d]
- Melinda S. Jensen, Richard Yao, Whitney N. Street, & Daniel J. Simons (2011) Change blindness and inattentional blindness [d]
- Paul Jepson, Maan Barua, & Kathleen Buckingham (2011) What is a conservation actor? [d] [j]
- David H. Jonassen (2011) Learning to solve problems: a handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments [i] [d]
- Ruthellen Josselson (2011) 'Bet you think this song is about you': whose narrative is it in narrative research? [u]
- Maciej Kassner (2011) John Dewey and Friedrich von Hayek on individualism and freedom [i] [d]
- Kenneth S. Kendler, Peter Zachar, & Carl F. Craver (2011) What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
- Carl M. King (2011) So you're a creative genius—now what? [i]
- Richard F. Kitchener (2011) Personal epistemology and philosophical epistemology: the view of a philosopher [i] [d]
- Tarja Knuuttila & Mieke Boon (2011) How do models give us knowledge?: the case of Carnot's ideal heat engine [d]
- Niko Kohls, Sebastian Sauer, Martin Offenbächer, & James Giordano (2011) Spirituality: an overlooked predictor of placebo effects? [p] [d] [u]
- Colin Koopman (2011) Genealogical pragmatism: how history matters for Foucault and Dewey [d]
- Artur Koterski (2011) The rise and fall of falsificationism in the light of Neurath's criticism [i] [d]
- Robert Kowalski (2011) Computational logic and human thinking: how to be artificially intelligent [i] [d] [u]
- Edward Krupat, Jared M. Sprague, Daniel Wolpaw, Paul Haidet, David Hatem, & Bridget C. O'Brien (2011) Thinking critically about critical thinking: ability, disposition or both? [p] [d]
- Nathan R. Kuncel & Scott Highhouse (2011) Complex predictions and assessor mystique [d]
- Saadi Lahlou (2011) How can we capture the subject's perspective?: an evidence-based approach for the social scientist [d]
- Gordon D. Lamb & Cecil R. Reynolds (2011) Rationale for considering typical critical thinking skills [d]
- Clair Le Boutillier, Mary Leamy, Victoria J. Bird, Larry Davidson, Julie Williams, & Mike Slade (2011) What does recovery mean in practice?: a qualitative analysis of international recovery-oriented practice guidance [d]
- Taigen Daniel Leighton (2011) Trust yourself ['How does it feel?'] [i]
- Taigen Daniel Leighton (2011) Zen questions: zazen, Dōgen, and the spirit of creative inquiry [i]
- Drew A. Leins, Ronald P. Fisher, Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, & Samantha Mann (2011) Using sketch drawing to induce inconsistency in liars [d]
- Daniel Leising & Wiebke Bleidorn (2011) Which are the basic meaning dimensions of observable interpersonal behavior? [d]
- Jay L. Lemke (2011) The secret identity of science education: masculine and politically conservative? [d]
- Barry Leshowitz & Morris Okun (2011) Effects of an evidence-based text on scepticism, methodological reasoning, values and juror decision-making [d]
- Janxin Leu, Jennifer Wang, & Kelly Koo (2011) Are positive emotions just as 'positive' across cultures? [p] [d]
- Tania M. Lincoln, Stefan Salzmann, Michael Ziegler, & Stefan Westermann (2011) When does jumping-to-conclusions reach its peak?: the interaction of vulnerability and situation-characteristics in social reasoning [d]
- Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (2011) Multidimensional reality [d] [u]
- Helena Lopes (2011) Why do people work?: individual wants versus common goods [d]
- Christoph Lumer (2011) Argument schemes—an epistemological approach [and comment by Ian J. Dove] [i] [u]
- Shobhana Madhavan, Robert Barrass, & Gaëll Mainguy (2011) Unsustainable development: could it be a Ponzi scheme? [u]
- Stephen Madigan (2011/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
- Seymour H. Mauskopf & Tad M. Schmaltz [ed] (2011) Integrating history and philosophy of science: problems and prospects [i] [d]
- Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos [ed] (2011) Error and inference: recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the objectivity and rationality of science [i] [d]
- Perry L. McCarty, Jaeho Bae, & Jeonghwan Kim (2011) Domestic wastewater treatment as a net energy producer: can this be achieved? [d]
- Eric E. McCollum (2011) Could EFT have saved the Buddha's marriage?: a reflection on Beckerman and Sarracco [d]
- Mark McGuinness (2011) Productivity tie-breaker: how will you feel afterwards? [u]
- Hugo Mercier (2011) When experts argue: explaining the best and the worst of reasoning [d]
- Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber (2011) Why do humans reason?: arguments for an argumentative theory [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Hugo Mercier (2011) What good is moral reasoning? [d]
- Xenia S. Meyer & Barbara A. Crawford (2011) Teaching science as a cultural way of knowing: merging authentic inquiry, nature of science, and multicultural strategies [d]
- Michael Miner (2011) Narrative nonfiction: essential or overrated? [u]
- John Mirowsky (2011) Wage slavery or creative work? [d]
- Susan Albers Mohrman & Edward E. Lawler [ed] (2011) Useful research: advancing theory and practice [i]
- Tim John Moore (2011) Critical thinking and disciplinary thinking: a continuing debate [d]
- Margaret Morrison (2011) One phenomenon, many models: inconsistency and complementarity [d]
- Joe Morrison (2011) Skepticism about inductive knowledge [i] [d]
- David R. Morrow & Anthony Weston (2011/2019) A workbook for arguments: a complete course in critical thinking [i]
- Mohd Hazim Shah bin Abdul Murad (2011) Models, scientific realism, the intelligibility of nature, and their cultural significance [d]
- National Research Council (2011) Intelligence analysis for tomorrow: advances from the behavioral and social sciences [i] [d] [u]
- E. Michael Nussbaum (2011) Argumentation, dialogue theory, and probability modeling: alternative frameworks for argumentation research in education [d]
- E. Michael Nussbaum & Ordene V. Edwards (2011) Critical questions and argument stratagems: a framework for enhancing and analyzing students' reasoning practices [d]
- Lisa M. Osbeck, Nancy J. Nersessian, Kareen R. Malone, & Wendy C. Newstetter (2011) Science as psychology: sense-making and identity in science practice [i] [d]
- Elinor Ostrom (2011) Why do we need to protect institutional diversity? [d]
- Flavia Padovani (2011) Relativizing the relativized a priori: Reichenbach's axioms of coordination divided [d] [j]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2011) Dewey's ethical-political philosophy as resource in today's global crises and as a guide to a post-ideological politics for the 21st century [i] [d]
- Carlo Pellacani (2011) On the limits of physical theories [i] [u]
- Sami Pihlström [ed] (2011) The Continuum companion to pragmatism [i]
- Bryan C. Pijanowski, Almo Farina, Stuart H. Gage, Sarah L. Dumyahn, & Bernie L. Krause (2011) What is soundscape ecology?: an introduction and overview of an emerging new science [d]
- Alessandro Piselli, Richard P. Halgin, & Gregory H. MacEwan (2011) What went wrong?: therapists' reflections on their role in premature termination [p] [d]
- Olga Pombo (2011) Neurath and the encyclopaedic project of unity of science [i] [d]
- Torsten Porsch & Rainer Bromme (2011) Effects of epistemological sensitization on source choices [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2011) A Neurathian conception of the unity of science [d] [j] [u]
- Henry Prakken (2011) Argumentation without arguments [d]
- Jeffrey S. Reber (2011) The under-examined life: a proposal for critically evaluating teachers' and students' philosophies of teaching [d]
- Barbara Gabriella Renzi & Giulio Napolitano (2011) Evolutionary analogies: is the process of scientific change analogous to the organic change? [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2011/2012) The mirage of immediate factual knowledge [i] [d]
- Christopher Tarver Robertson (2011) Biased advice [u]
- Henry L. Roediger & Andrew C. Butler (2011) Paradoxes of learning and memory [i] [d]
- Philip J. Rosenbaum & Jaan Valsiner (2011) The un-making of a method: from rating scales to the study of psychological processes [d]
- Dan Rothstein & Luz Santana (2011) Make just one change: teach students to ask their own questions [i]
- Thomas K. Rudel (2011) Local actions, global effects?: understanding the circumstances in which locally beneficial environmental actions cumulate to have global effects [u]
- Jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byler (2011) Are Zen people better? [u]
- Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh (2011) The logic of diagnosis [i] [d]
- Warren J. Samuels, Marianne F. Johnson, & William H. Perry (2011) Erasing the invisible hand: essays on an elusive and misused concept in economics [i] [d]
- Joan Sangster (2011) Invoking experience as evidence [d]
- Nigel Sargent (2011) What's happening in the coaching conversation with an executive at risk of derailing? [u]
- Jonah N. Schupbach & Jan Sprenger (2011) The logic of explanatory power [d] [j]
- Tony Schwartz (2011) How are you feeling? [u]
- Ariel Schwartz (2011) How many slaves are working for you? [u]
- Eric Schwitzgebel (2011) Perplexities of consciousness [i] [d]
- Jaakko Seikkula (2011) Becoming dialogical: psychotherapy or a way of life? [d]
- Gal Sheppes & James J. Gross (2011) Is timing everything?: temporal considerations in emotion regulation [d]
- Raimo Siltala (2011) Law, truth and reason: a treatise on legal argumentation [i] [d]
- Joseph P. Simmons, Leif D. Nelson, & Uri Simonsohn (2011) False-positive psychology: undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as significant [p] [d]
- Carl Simpson (2011) How many levels are there?: how insights from evolutionary transitions in individuality help measure the hierarchical complexity of life [i] [d] [j]
- Daniel W. Smith (2011) On the nature of concepts [d]
- Léna Soler, Emiliano Trizio, Thomas Nickles, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] (2011) Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Léna Soler (2011) The solidity of scientific achievements: structure of the problem, difficulties, philosophical implications [i] [d]
- Tibor Solymosi (2011) Neuropragmatism, old and new [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2011) Damn the consequences: projective evidence and the heterogeneity of scientific confirmation [d] [j]
- Natalya Stanko (2011) What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2011) Rationality and the reflective mind [i] [d]
- R. Grant Steen (2011) Retractions in the scientific literature: is the incidence of research fraud increasing? [p] [d]
- Lyndall Strazdins, Amy L. Griffin, Dorothy H. Broom, Cathy Banwell, Rosemary Korda, Jane Dixon, Francesco Paolucci, & John Glover (2011) Time scarcity: another health inequality? [d]
- John Symons, Olga Pombo, & Juan Manuel Torres [ed] (2011) Otto Neurath and the unity of science [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2011) Critical thinking and informal logic: neuropsychological perspectives [d] [u]
- Iulian D. Toader (2011) Objectivity sans intelligibility: Hermann Weyl's symbolic constructivism [o] [d] [u]
- Zakary L. Tormala, Joshua J. Clarkson, & Marlone D. Henderson (2011) Does fast or slow evaluation foster greater certainty? [p] [d]
- Colwyn Trevarthen (2011) What is it like to be a person who knows nothing?: defining the active intersubjective mind of a newborn human being [d]
- Warren W. Tryon & Georgiana Shick Tryon (2011) No ownership of common factors [p] [d]
- Mark Dietrich Tschaepe (2011) John Dewey's conception of scientific explanation: moving philosophers of science past the realism–antirealism debate [d]
- Peter Tyrer, Michael J. Crawford, & Roger Mulder (2011) Reclassifying personality disorders [p] [d]
- Ina Vandebroek, Victoria Reyes-García, Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque, Rainer W. Bussmann, & Andrea Pieroni (2011) Local knowledge: who cares? [p] [d] [u]
- Helen Vendler (2011) Are these the poems to remember? [u]
- Graham F. Wagstaff, Jacqueline M. Wheatcroft, & Anna Christina Jones (2011) Are high hypnotizables especially vulnerable to false memory effects?: a sociocognitive perspective [conclusion: no] [p] [d]
- Glenn D. Walters (2011) Childhood temperament: dimensions or types? [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2011) Reasoning about knowledge using defeasible logic [d]
- Poe Yu-ze Wan (2011) Mechanismic explanation in social science: an assessment [i] [d]
- Michael Wegener (2011) From macro to micro—how much micro is too much? [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock (2011) Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming arguments in mock jurors' verdict justifications [d]
- Daniel A. Weiskopf (2011) Models and mechanisms in psychological explanation [d] [j]
- Joshua Wells (2011) Should you be practicing right now? [u]
- Lloyd A. Wells & Julia B. Frank (2011) Psychodynamic psychotherapy: from psychoanalytic arrogance to evidence-based modesty [i] [d]
- Gerhard Werner (2011) Letting the brain speak for itself [p] [d] [u]
- Will Wilkinson (2011) The fallacy of careless contrarianism [u]
- M. Norton Wise (2011) Science as (historical) narrative [d] [j]
- Sara J. Wolcott (2011) How can the financial sector better serve people and the planet?: the need to reimagine finance [d]
- Ding Li Yong, Shun Deng Fam, & Shawn Lum (2011) Reel conservation: can big screen animations save tropical biodiversity? [u]
- Karen M. Zabrucky & Rebecca B. Bays (2011) Helping students know what they know and do not know [d]
- Carlos Zednik (2011) The nature of dynamical explanation [d] [j]
- Kevin J. Zimmerman (2011) Is collaboration a viable target for family therapists? [d]
- Verna Allee (2010) How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
- Jon Anderson, Peter Adey, & Paul Bevan (2010) Positioning place: polylogic approaches to research methodology [d] [u]
- Jackie Andrade (2010) What does doodling do? [d]
- John Antonakis, Samuel Bendahan, Philippe Jacquart, & Rafael Lalive (2010) On making causal claims: a review and recommendations [d]
- Monika Ardelt (2010) Are older adults wiser than college students?: a comparison of two age cohorts [d]
- Pamela R. Aschbacher, Erika Li, & Ellen J. Roth (2010) Is science me?: high school students' identities, participation and aspirations in science, engineering, and medicine [d]
- Howard A. Bacal & Lucyann Carlton (2010) Who can do what, therapeutically, with whom, in what way? [d]
- Christopher M. Bacon (2010) Who decides what is fair in fair trade?: the agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price [d]
- Stephen J. Bahr, Lish Harris, James K. Fisher, & Anita Harker Armstrong (2010) Successful reentry: what differentiates successful and unsuccessful parolees? [d]
- Fredrike Bannink (2010) 1001 solution-focused questions: handbook for solution-focused interviewing [i]
- Lawrence W. Barsalou, Christine D. Wilson, & Wendy Hasenkamp (2010) On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
- Jo Barton & Jules N. Pretty (2010) What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health?: a multi-study analysis [d]
- Trevor Bench-Capon & Katie Atkinson (2010) Argumentation schemes: from informal logic to computational models [i] [u]
- Marcy M. Bidney (2010) Can geographic coordinates in the catalog record be useful? [d]
- James Bohman (2010) Ethics as moral inquiry: Dewey and the moral psychology of social reform [i] [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Johan Braeckman (2010) Immunizing strategies and epistemic defense mechanisms [d]
- Susan van den Braak (2010) Sensemaking software for crime analysis [i] [u]
- Peter Bradley (2010) Teaching modeling in critical thinking [d]
- Leah L. Bremer & Kathleen A. Farley (2010) Does plantation forestry restore biodiversity or create green deserts?: a synthesis of the effects of land-use transitions on plant species richness [d]
- Ingo Brigandt (2010) Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology [d] [j]
- Michael Buckley (2010) The structure of justification in political constructivism [d] [j]
- Mario Bunge (2010) Matter and mind: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
- Deborah J. Cantrell (2010) What's love got to do with it?: contemporary lessons on lawyerly advocacy from the preacher Martin Luther King, Jr. [u]
- Deborah J. Cantrell (2010) Can compassionate practice also be good legal practice?: answers from the lives of Buddhist lawyers [u]
- Noémie Carbonneau, Robert J. Vallerand, & Sabrina Massicotte (2010) Is the practice of yoga associated with positive outcomes?: the role of passion [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (2010) Models: parables v. fables [i] [d]
- Louis G. Castonguay, Dana L. Nelson, Mary A. Boutselis, Nancy R. Chiswick, Diana D. Damer, Neal A. Hemmelstein, Jeffrey S. Jackson, Marolyn Morford, Stephen A. Ragusea, J. Gowen Roper, Catherine Spayd, Tara Weiszer, & Thomas D. Borkovec (2010) Psychotherapists, researchers, or both?: a qualitative analysis of psychotherapists' experiences in a practice research network [p] [d]
- Carol A. Chapelle, Mary K. Enright, & Joan Jamieson (2010) Does an argument-based approach to validity make a difference? [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2010) Only ask how if you know why [u]
- Molly Cochran [ed] (2010) The Cambridge companion to Dewey [i] [d]
- CogNexus Institute (2010) The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
- Max Coltheart, Peter Menzies, & John Sutton (2010) Abductive inference and delusional belief [p] [d]
- Joan M. Cook, Tatuana Biyanova, Jon D. Elhai, Paula P. Schnurr, & James C. Coyne (2010) What do psychotherapists really do in practice?: an Internet study of over 2,000 practitioners [p] [d] [u]
- Marvin J. Croy (2010) Teaching the practical relevance of propositional logic [d]
- Lawton P. Cummings (2010) Can an ethical person be an ethical prosecutor?: a social cognitive approach to systemic reform [u]
- Colin Davis (2010) Deleuze: against interpretation [i] [d]
- Pawan K. Dhar & Alessandro Giuliani (2010) Laws of biology: why so few? [p] [d] [u]
- Sona Dimidjian & Steven D. Hollon (2010) How would we know if psychotherapy were harmful? [p] [d]
- Robert DiSalle (2010) Synthesis, the synthetic a priori, and the origins of modern space-time theory [i]
- Paul N. Edwards (2010) A vast machine: computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming [i] [j]
- Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer [ed] (2010) The place of probability in science: in honor of Ellery Eells (1953–2006) [i] [d]
- Melanie Feinberg (2010) Two kinds of evidence: how information systems form rhetorical arguments [d]
- David P. Fourie (2010) Asking about ambivalence: a different kind of therapist neutrality [d]
- Michael Friedman, Mary Domski, & Michael Dickson [ed] (2010) Discourse on a new method: reinvigorating the marriage of history and philosophy of science [i]
- Brian R. Gaines (2010) Human rationality challenges universal logic [d]
- Shiv Ganesh & Kirstie McAllum (2010) Well-being as discourse: potentials and problems for studies of organizing and health inequalities [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2010) On being thoroughly evidence-based [through second-order evidence] [u]
- Ronald N. Giere (2010) An agent-based conception of models and scientific representation [d] [j]
- Clark N. Glymour (2010) What is right with 'Bayes net methods' and what is wrong with 'hunting causes and using them'? [d] [j] [u]
- Sunita Goel, Jagdish Gangolly, Sue R. Faerman, & Ozlem Uzuner (2010) Can linguistic predictors detect fraudulent financial filings? [d]
- Göran Goldkuhl & Stefan Cronholm (2010) Adding theoretical grounding to grounded theory: toward multi-grounded theory [d] [u]
- Arthur C. Graesser, Yasuhiro Ozuru, & Jeremiah Sullins (2010) What is a good question? [i]
- Laurence S. Greene (2010) Writing in the life sciences: a critical thinking approach [i]
- Anne Gregory, Russell J. Skiba, & Pedro A. Noguera (2010) The achievement gap and the discipline gap: two sides of the same coin? [d]
- Matthias Gross (2010) Ignorance and surprise: science, society, and ecological design [i] [d]
- Deborah L. Hall, David C. Matz, & Wendy Wood (2010) Why don't we practice what we preach?: a meta-analytic review of religious racism [d]
- Barry Hallen (2010) 'Ethnophilosophy' redefined? [d]
- Frederick J. Heide (2010) The agonistic metaphor in psychotherapy: should clients battle their blues? [p] [d]
- Michael Höfler, Andrew T. Gloster, & Jürgen Hoyer (2010) Causal effects in psychotherapy: counterfactuals counteract overgeneralization [p] [d]
- Robert A. Hoppe (2010) The governance of problems: puzzling, powering, participation [i] [d] [j]
- Michael D. Jones & Mark K. McBeth (2010) A narrative policy framework: clear enough to be wrong? [d]
- Silvia Jordan (2010) Learning to be surprised: how to foster reflective practice in a high-reliability context [d]
- Jonathan W. Kanter, Rachel C. Manos, William M. Bowe, David E. Baruch, Andrew M. Busch, & Laura C. Rusch (2010) What is behavioral activation?: a review of the empirical literature [d]
- Elizabeth Kasl & Lyle Yorks (2010) 'Whose inquiry is this anyway?': money, power, reports, and collaborative inquiry [d]
- Alan P. Kirman & Miriam Teschl (2010) Selfish or selfless?: the role of empathy in economics [p] [d] [u]
- Janet A. Kourany (2010) Philosophy of science after feminism [i]
- Claus Lamm, Andrew N. Meltzoff, & Jean Decety (2010) How do we empathize with someone who is not like us?: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study [d]
- Robyn Langdon & Tim Bayne (2010) Delusion and confabulation: mistakes of perceiving, remembering and believing [p] [d]
- Alexandre B. Laudet & William White (2010) What are your priorities right now?: identifying service needs across recovery stages to inform service development [p] [d] [u]
- Mary Leng (2010) Mathematics and reality [i] [d]
- Stephen B. Levine (2010) What is sexual addiction? [d]
- Daniel T. Linger (2010) What is it like to be someone else? [d]
- John Lloyd & John Mitchinson (2010) The second book of general ignorance: everything you think you know is (still) wrong [i]
- Paul Locher (2010) How does a visual artist create an artwork? [i] [d]
- Michael Loughlin (2010) Psychologism, overpsychologism, and action [d] [u]
- Michael Loughlin, Ross E. G. Upshur, Maya J. Goldenberg, Robyn Bluhm, & Kirstin Borgerson (2010) Philosophy, ethics, medicine and health care: the urgent need for critical practice [p] [d]
- Alan C. Love (2010) Idealization in evolutionary developmental investigation: a tension between phenotypic plasticity and normal stages [p] [d] [u]
- Joy Lyneham (2010) Is there harm in silence? [p] [d]
- Nona Lyons [ed] (2010) Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2010) What we hide in words: emotive words and persuasive definitions [d]
- Lauren A. Maggio, Aliki Thomas, & Steven J. Durning (2010/2019) Knowledge synthesis [in health professions] [i] [d]
- Alvin R. Mahrer (2010) What is psychotherapy for?: an alternative to the profession of psychotherapy [i]
- James Mallet (2010) Why was Darwin's view of species rejected by twentieth century biologists? [d]
- James G. March (2010) The ambiguities of experience [i] [d] [j]
- Trevor H. J. Marchand [ed] (2010) Making knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment [i] [d]
- Kristina Marquardt Arévalo, Lennart Salomonsson, & Ulrika Geber (2010) Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
- Debra Seido Martin (2010) What is intimacy in Zen? [u]
- Axel Marx & Dieter Cuypers (2010) Forest certification as a global environmental governance tool: what is the macro-effectiveness of the Forest Stewardship Council? [d]
- Bruce Maxwell (2010) Does ethical theory have a place in post-Kohlbergian moral psychology? [d]
- Billy McClune & Ruth Jarman (2010) Critical reading of science-based news reports: establishing a knowledge, skills and attitudes framework [d]
- Earl D. McCoy & J. Howard Frank (2010) How should the risk associated with the introduction of biological control agents be estimated? [d]
- Tara Renae McGee & David P. Farrington (2010) Are there any true adult-onset offenders? [d]
- Ryan McKay & Marcel Kinsbourne (2010) Confabulation, delusion, and anosognosia: motivational factors and false claims [d]
- Harvey J. Miller (2010) The data avalanche is here: shouldn't we be digging? [d]
- Darcia Narváez (2010) Moral complexity: the fatal attraction of truthiness and the importance of mature moral functioning [p] [d] [j] [u]
- National Research Council (2010) Understanding the changing planet: strategic directions for the geographical sciences [i] [d] [u]
- John D. Norton (2010) There are no universal rules for induction [d] [j]
- John D. Norton (2010) Cosmic confusions: not supporting versus supporting not [d] [j]
- Gerald Nosich (2010) From argument and philosophy to critical thinking across the curriculum [d]
- Branda Nowell (2010) Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
- ODPA (2010) What is an exemplary ontology? [u]
- Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway (2010) Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming [i]
- David Osher, George G. Bear, Jeffrey R. Sprague, & Walter Doyle (2010) How can we improve school discipline? [d]
- Victoria L. Pace & Michael T. Brannick (2010) How similar are personality scales of the 'same' construct?: a meta-analytic investigation [d]
- Fabio Paglieri & Cristiano Castelfranchi (2010) Why argue?: towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation [d]
- Shobita Parthasarathy (2010) Breaking the expertise barrier: understanding activist strategies in science and technology policy domains [d]
- Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, & Monique Sternin (2010) The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
- Jim Petro & Nancy Petro (2010/2014) False justice: eight myths that convict the innocent [i] [d]
- Nicole Leeper Piquero, Andrea Schoepfer, & Lynn Langton (2010) Completely out of control or the desire to be in complete control?: how low self-control and the desire for control relate to corporate offending [d]
- Roberto Poli & Johanna Seibt [ed] (2010) Theory and applications of ontology: philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
- Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke, & Chantal Gustaw (2010) Dangerous decisions: the impact of first impressions of trustworthiness on the evaluation of legal evidence and defendant culpability [d]
- Richard Potts & Christopher Sloan (2010) What does it mean to be human? [i]
- Henry Prakken (2010) On the nature of argument schemes [i]
- Mary V. Price & Ian Billick (2010) The interaction between local and general understanding [i] [d]
- Paul J. Quirk (2010) The trouble with experts [d]
- William Rankin (2010) Cartography and the reality of boundaries [j] [u]
- Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Garry D. Peterson, Maria Tengö, Elena M. Bennett, Tim G. Holland, Karina Benessaiah, Graham K. MacDonald, & Laura Pfeifer (2010) Untangling the environmentalist's paradox: why is human well-being increasing as ecosystem services degrade? [d] [j]
- Chris Reed & Christopher W. Tindale [ed] (2010) Dialectics, dialogue and argumentation: an examination of Douglas Walton's theories of reasoning and argument [i]
- Mark S. Reed, Anna C. Evely, Georgina Cundill, Ioan Fazey, Jayne Glass, Adele Laing, Jens Newig, Brad Parrish, Christina Prell, Christopher Mark Raymond, & Lindsay C. Stringer (2010) What is social learning? [u]
- Ursula Renz (2010/2018) The explainability of experience: realism and subjectivity in Spinoza's theory of the human mind [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2010) Reality and its appearance [i]
- Belinda Reyers, Dirk J. Roux, & Patrick J. O'Farrell (2010) Can ecosystem services lead ecology on a transdisciplinary pathway? [d]
- Alan W. Richardson (2010) Ernst Cassirer and Michael Friedman: Kantian or Hegelian dynamics of reason? [i]
- Jean-François Roberge & Ray J. Lewicki (2010) Should we trust grand bazaar carpet sellers (and vice versa)? [i] [u]
- Joseph Lee Rodgers (2010) The epistemology of mathematical and statistical modeling: a quiet methodological revolution [p] [d]
- Don Ross [ed] (2010) What is addiction? [i] [d]
- Amanda L. Roth (2010) Ethical inquiry as problem-resolution: objectivity, progress, and deliberation [o] [u]
- Kathryn Roulston (2010) Reflective interviewing: a guide to theory and practice [i] [d]
- Sergio Salvatore & Jaan Valsiner (2010) Between the general and the unique: overcoming the nomothetic versus idiographic opposition [d]
- Kathryn Schulz (2010) Being wrong: adventures in the margin of error [i]
- Marc S. Schwartz & Kurt W. Fischer (2010) Interviewing: an insider's insight into learning [i] [d]
- Mark A. Seals (2010) Teaching students to think critically about science and origins [d]
- Scott Sehon & Donald Edward Stanley (2010) Evidence and simplicity: why we should reject homeopathy [p] [d]
- Robert L. Selman & Janet Kwok (2010) Informed social reflection: its development and importance for adolescents' civic engagement [i] [d]
- Harvey Shapiro (2010) John Dewey's reception in 'Schönian' reflective practice [u]
- Thomas L. Short (2010) Did Peirce have a cosmology? [d] [j] [u]
- Clifford Siskin & William Warner [ed] (2010) This is enlightenment [through communication/mediation] [i] [d]
- John F. Sowa (2010) The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning [i] [d]
- Dan Sperber, Fabrice Clément, Christophe Heintz, Olivier Mascaro, Hugo Mercier, Gloria Origgi, & Deirdre Wilson (2010) Epistemic vigilance [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford, Paul Humphreys, Katherine Hawley, James Ladyman, & Don Ross (2010) Protecting rainforest realism [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2010) Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
- Dušan Stojnov (2010) Psychotherapist-as-philosopher-of-science [i]
- Jocelyn A. Sze, Anett Gyurak, Joyce W. Yuan, & Robert W. Levenson (2010) Coherence between emotional experience and physiology: does body awareness training have an impact? [p] [d] [u]
- Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (2010) Skill in questions: how the Buddha taught [o] [u]
- Jan Toporowski (2010) The wisdom of property and the politics of the middle classes [i] [d] [j]
- Jan Toporowski (2010) Why the world economy needs a financial crash and other critical essays on finance and financial economics [i] [d] [j]
- Elliot Turiel (2010) Snap judgment? Not so fast: thought, reasoning, and choice as psychological realities [d] [j]
- Adair Turner (2010) What do banks do, what should they do and what public policies are needed to ensure best results for the real economy? [u]
- David G. Ullman (2010/2015) BACH: Bayesian analysis of competing hypotheses: a robust decision support and analytical tool [u]
- Paul L. Wachtel (2010) Psychotherapy integration and integrative psychotherapy: process or product? [d]
- Charles J. Walker (2010) Experiencing flow: is doing it together better than doing it alone? [d]
- Joan Walker, Susan Shenker, & Kathleen Hoover-Dempsey (2010) Why do parents become involved in their children's education?: implications for school counselors [d] [j]
- Glenn D. Walters (2010) Dementia: continuum or distinct entity? [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & Fabrizio Macagno (2010) Wrenching from context: the manipulation of commitments [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2010) A dialogue model of belief [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2010) Why fallacies appear to be better arguments than they are [d] [u]
- Baldwin M. Way & Matthew D. Lieberman (2010) Is there a genetic contribution to cultural differences?: collectivism, individualism and genetic markers of social sensitivity [d]
- R. Scott Webster (2010) The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
- Jennifer Welchman (2010) Dewey's moral philosophy [i] [d]
- Brad Weslake (2010) Explanatory depth [d] [j]
- Jan Westerhoff (2010) Twelve examples of illusion [i]
- Saundra D. Westervelt & Kimberly J. Cook (2010) Framing innocents: the wrongly convicted as victims of state harm [d]
- Gary Wolf (2010) The data-driven life [u]
- Tanja Wranik & Klaus R. Scherer (2010) Why do I get angry?: a componential appraisal approach [i] [d]
- James Yeates (2010) What can pest management learn from laboratory animal ethics? [d]
- Juliette C. Young & Mariella Marzano (2010) Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
- Ava Zeineddin & Fouad Abd-El-Khalick (2010) Scientific reasoning and epistemological commitments: coordination of theory and evidence among college science students [d]
- Robyn Zink (2010) Asking 'Who are you?' when going into the wild: moving beyond an individualized form of outdoor education [d]
- Uri Alon (2009) How to choose a good scientific problem [d]
- Bridget Anderson, Nandita Sharma, & Cynthia Wright (2009) Editorial: Why no borders? [u]
- Monika Ardelt (2009) How similar are wise men and women?: a comparison across two age cohorts [d]
- Christopher J. Armitage (2009) Is there utility in the transtheoretical model [of behaviour change]? [p] [d]
- Daniela Bailer-Jones (2009) Scientific models in philosophy of science [i] [j] [u]
- David H. Barlow & Matthew K. Nock (2009) Why can't we be more idiographic in our research? [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Mariaelena Bartesaghi (2009) Conversation and psychotherapy: how questioning reveals institutional answers [d]
- Michael Basseches & Michael F. Mascolo (2009) Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
- Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández [ed] (2009) Delusion and self-deception: affective and motivational influences on belief formation [i] [d]
- Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock, & Peter Menzies [ed] (2009) The Oxford handbook of causation [i] [d]
- Richard P. Bentall (2009) Doctoring the mind: is our current treatment of mental illness really any good? [i] [d] [j]
- Timo ter Berg, Tim van Gelder, Fiona Patterson, & Sytske Teppema (2009/2013) Critical thinking: reasoning and communicating with Rationale [i]
- Christian Berndt & Marc Boeckler (2009) Geographies of circulation and exchange: constructions of markets [d]
- Daniel M. Bernstein & Elizabeth F. Loftus (2009) How to tell if a particular memory is true or false [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Floris J. Bex (2009) Analysing stories using schemes [i] [d] [u]
- Per-Einar Binder, Helge Holgersen, & Geir Høstmark Nielsen (2009) Why did I change when I went to therapy?: a qualitative analysis of former patients' conceptions of successful psychotherapy [d]
- James Blachowicz (2009) How science textbooks treat scientific method: a philosopher's perspective [d] [j]
- Margaret R. Blanchard, Sherry A. Southerland, & Ellen M. Granger (2009) No silver bullet for inquiry: making sense of teacher change following an inquiry-based research experience for teachers [d]
- G. Anne Bogat (2009) Is it necessary to discuss person-oriented research in community psychology? [p] [d]
- Séverine van Bommel, Niels Röling, Noëlle Aarts, & Esther Turnhout (2009) Social learning for solving complex problems: a promising solution or wishful thinking?: a case study of multi-actor negotiation for the integrated management and sustainable use of the Drentsche Aa area in the Netherlands [d]
- Denny Borsboom, Rogier A. Kievit, Daniel Cervone, & S. Brian Hood (2009) The two disciplines of scientific psychology, or: The disunity of psychology as a working hypothesis [i] [d]
- Lisa Bortolotti (2009/2018) Delusion [u]
- Brett Bowden (2009) The empire of civilization: the evolution of an imperial idea [i] [d]
- Nora Mills Boyd & James Bogen (2009/2021) Theory and observation in science [u]
- Erez Braun & Shimon Marom (2009) Learning without error [i] [d]
- John Broome (2009) Why economics needs ethical theory [i] [d]
- Matthew J. Brown (2009) Models and perspectives on stage: remarks on Giere's Scientific perspectivism [d]
- John M. Capps & Donald Capps (2009) You've got to be kidding!: how jokes can help you think [i] [d]
- David Carr (2009) Curriculum and the value of knowledge [i] [d]
- André W. Carus & Sheilagh Ogilvie (2009) Turning qualitative into quantitative evidence: a well-used method made explicit [d] [j]
- Bruce G. Charlton (2009) Why are modern scientists so dull?: how science selects for perseverance and sociability at the expense of intelligence and creativity [p] [d]
- Darlene Cohen (2009) No harm in a little gossip, right? [u]
- David Corfield, Bernhard Schölkopf, & Vladimir Vapnik (2009) Falsificationism and statistical learning theory: comparing the Popper and Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimensions [d] [j]
- Christopher Cosans (2009) Does Milton Friedman support a vigorous business ethics? [d] [j] [u]
- Dorothy Valcarcel Craig (2009) Action research essentials [i]
- Paul Cross, Rhiannon T. Edwards, Maggie Opondo, Philip Nyeko, & Gareth Edwards-Jones (2009) Does farm worker health vary between localised and globalised food supply systems? [d]
- Samuel A. Cushman (2009) Space and time in ecology: noise or fundamental driver? [i] [d]
- Jan Deckers (2009) Vegetarianism, sentimental or ethical? [d]
- Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, & Melvin M. Mark [ed] (2009/2015) Credible and actionable evidence: the foundations for rigorous and influential evaluations [or: What counts as credible evidence in applied research and evaluation practice?] [i] [d]
- Heather Douglas (2009) Science, policy, and the value-free ideal [i] [j] [u]
- William Edelglass & Jay L. Garfield [ed] (2009) Buddhist philosophy: essential readings [i]
- Bo Elling (2009) Rationality and effectiveness: does EIA/SEA treat them as synonyms? [d]
- João F. Ferreira, Alexandra Mendes, Roland Backhouse, & Luís S. Barbosa (2009) Which mathematics for the information society? [i] [d]
- Kurt W. Fischer, Zachary Stein, & Katie Heikkinen (2009) Narrow assessments misrepresent development and misguide policy [p] [d]
- Luciano Floridi (2009) Logical fallacies as informational shortcuts [d] [j]
- Maw-Der Foo, Marilyn A. Uy, & Robert A. Baron (2009) How do feelings influence effort?: an empirical study of entrepreneurs' affect and venture effort [d]
- Antonino Freno (2009) Statistical machine learning and the logic of scientific discovery [u]
- Richard A. Fuller, Jamie Tratalos, & Kevin J. Gaston (2009) How many birds are there in a city of half a million people? [d]
- Linda C. Gallo, Frank J. Penedo, Karla Espinosa de los Monteros, & William Arguelles (2009) Resiliency in the face of disadvantage: do Hispanic cultural characteristics protect health outcomes? [p] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is argument mapping? [u]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is decision mapping? [u]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (2009) We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
- Daniel T. Gilbert & Timothy D. Wilson (2009) Why the brain talks to itself: sources of error in emotional prediction [p] [d] [u]
- Miqqi Alicia Gilbert (2009) Defeating bigenderism: changing gender assumptions in the twenty-first century [d] [j]
- Herbert Gintis (2009/2014) The bounds of reason: game theory and the unification of the behavioral sciences [i] [d] [j]
- Edward L. Glaeser & Cass R. Sunstein (2009) Extremism and social learning [d]
- William Goodwin (2009) Visual representations in science [d] [j]
- Thomas F. Gordon & Douglas N. Walton (2009) Proof burdens and standards [i] [d]
- Susan W. Gray & Mark S. Smith (2009) The influence of diversity in clinical supervision: a framework for reflective conversations and questioning [d]
- Adolf Grünbaum (2009) Popper's fundamental misdiagnosis of the scientific defects of Freudian psychoanalysis and of their bearing on the theory of demarcation [i] [d]
- Aydan Gülerce (2009) Global development?: monitored object(ive)s, omitted subject(ivitie)s [d]
- Kris Vasquez (2009) Learning styles as self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
- Brian D. Haig (2009) Inference to the best explanation: a neglected approach to theory appraisal in psychology [p] [j]
- Joseph T. Hallinan (2009) Why we make mistakes: how we look without seeing, forget things in seconds, and are all pretty sure we are way above average [i]
- Karim M. Hamza & Per-Olof Wickman (2009) Beyond explanations: what else do students need to understand science? [d]
- David J. Hess (2009) The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
- William Hirstein [ed] (2009) Confabulation: views from neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and philosophy [i] [d]
- Giora Hon, Jutta Schickore, & Friedrich Steinle [ed] (2009) Going amiss in experimental research [i] [d]
- Alf Hornborg (2009) Zero-sum world: challenges in conceptualizing environmental load displacement and ecologically unequal exchange in the world-system [d]
- G. Adrian Horridge (2009) What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?: a critique of scientific reason [i] [d] [j]
- Michael D. Jackson (2009) Where thought belongs: an anthropological critique of the project of philosophy [d]
- Dale Jacquette [ed] (2009) Reason, method, and value: a reader on the philosophy of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
- Rebecca C. Jordan, Frederick Singer, John Vaughan, & Alan Berkowitz (2009) What should every citizen know about ecology? [d]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk, Jessica Shaw, Catherine E. Kerr, Lisa A. Conboy, John M. Kelley, Thomas J. Csordas, Anthony J. Lembo, & Eric E. Jacobson (2009) 'Maybe I made up the whole thing': placebos and patients' experiences in a randomized controlled trial [d]
- Hendrik Kaptein, Henry Prakken, & Bart Verheij [ed] (2009) Legal evidence and proof: statistics, stories, logic [i] [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
- Thomas Knoke, Baltazar Calvas, Nikolay Aguirre, Rosa María Román-Cuesta, Sven Günter, Bernd Stimm, Michael Weber, & Reinhard Mosandl (2009) Can tropical farmers reconcile subsistence needs with forest conservation? [d]
- Tove A. Larsen, Alfredo C. Alder, Rik I. L. Eggen, Max Maurer, & Judit Lienert (2009) Source separation: will we see a paradigm shift in wastewater handling? [d]
- Mark Irving Lichbach (2009) Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld, Rachel Ammirati, & Kristin Landfield (2009) Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare? [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Peter Lipton (2009) Understanding without explanation [i] [j]
- Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (2009) Disciplines in the making: cross-cultural perspectives on elites, learning, and innovation [i] [d]
- Alan C. Love (2009) Typology reconfigured: from the metaphysics of essentialism to the epistemology of representation [d]
- David R. Loy (2009) A different 'enlightened' jurisprudence? [u]
- Lorenzo Magnani (2009) Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning [i] [d]
- Harold J. Marlow, William K. Hayes, Samuel Soret, Ronald L. Carter, Ernest R. Schwab, & Joan Sabaté (2009) Diet and the environment: does what you eat matter? [d]
- Michael R. Matthews & Hugh G. Gauch [ed] (2009) Science, worldviews and education [i] [d]
- Sandra D. Mitchell (2009) Unsimple truths: science, complexity, and policy [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2009) The development of rationality [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2009) Liberty and learning: academic freedom for teachers and students [i]
- Michael P. Nelson & John A. Vucetich (2009) On advocacy by environmental scientists: what, whether, why, and how [p] [d]
- Ben R. Newell, Kwan Yao Wong, Jeremy C. H. Cheung, & Tim Rakow (2009) Think, blink or sleep on it?: the impact of modes of thought on complex decision making [d]
- Mansoor Niaz (2009) Critical appraisal of physical science as a human enterprise: dynamics of scientific progress [i] [d]
- Richard B. Norgaard (2009) Ecosystem services: from eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder [d]
- Barbara O'Brien (2009) Prime suspect: an examination of factors that aggravate and counteract confirmation bias in criminal investigations [d]
- Stefano Osnaghi (2009) The entangled roots of objective knowledge [i] [d]
- Maarten M. Ottens (2009) Limits to systems engineering [i] [d]
- Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen [ed] (2009) Rethinking Popper [i] [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone, Leslie S. Greenberg, & Juan Pascual-Leone (2009) Developments in task analysis: new methods to study change [p] [d]
- Mark S. Peacock (2009) Path dependence in the production of scientific knowledge [d]
- Wolfgang Pietsch (2009/2012) Defending underdetermination or why the historical perspective makes a difference [i] [d]
- Sami Pihlström (2009) Pragmatist metaphysics: an essay on the ethical grounds of ontology [i]
- Jean Poitras (2009) What makes parties trust mediators? [d]
- Theodore M. Porter (2009) How science became technical [d] [j]
- Padgett Powell (2009) The interrogative mood: a novel? [i]
- Gerardo Prieto & Angela D. Velasco (2009) Does spatial visualization ability improve after studying technical drawing? [d]
- Emily Pronin (2009) The introspection illusion [i] [d]
- Iyad Rahwan & Guillermo R. Simari [ed] (2009) Argumentation in artificial intelligence [i] [d]
- Henk W. de Regt, Sabina Leonelli, & Kai Eigner [ed] (2009) Scientific understanding: philosophical perspectives [i] [j]
- David L. Rennie (2009) Logic, hermeneutics, or both? [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2009) Aporetics: rational deliberation in the face of inconsistency [i] [j] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2009) Ignorance: on the wider implications of deficient knowledge [i] [j] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2009) Unknowability: an inquiry into the limits of knowledge [i]
- Linda I. Reutter, Miriam J. Stewart, Gerry Veenstra, Rhonda Love, Dennis Raphael, & Edward Makwarimba (2009) 'Who do they think we are, anyway?': perceptions of and responses to poverty stigma [p] [d]
- Arnaud Rey, Ryan M. Goldstein, & Pierre Perruchet (2009) Does unconscious thought improve complex decision making? [d]
- Michael A. Roberto (2009) Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
- Sarah Robins, John Symons, & Paco Calvo [ed] (2009) The Routledge companion to philosophy of psychology [i] [d]
- Melvin L. Rogers (2009) The undiscovered Dewey: religion, morality, and the ethos of democracy [i] [d] [j]
- Mike Rose (2009/2014) Why school?: reclaiming education for all of us [i]
- Wolff-Michael Roth (2009) Science and religion: what is at stake? [d]
- Olivier Rubin (2009) The merits of democracy in famine protection—fact or fallacy? [d]
- Serena Sandri (2009) Reflexivity in economics: an experimental examination on the self-referentiality in economic theories [i] [d]
- Andrea Batista Schlesinger (2009) The death of 'why?': the decline of questioning and the future of democracy [i]
- Jennifer J. Schneider, Juan C. Lucena, & Jon A. Leydens (2009) Engineering to help: the value of critique in engineering service [d] [u]
- Dion Scott-Kakures (2009) Unsettling questions: cognitive dissonance in self-deception [d]
- Chris Sharpe (2009) Is geography (the discipline) sustainable without geography (the subject)? [d]
- Ifan D. H. Shepherd & Iestyn D. Bleasdale-Shepherd (2009) Videogames: the new GIS? [u]
- Harvey Siegel [ed] (2009) The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education [i] [d]
- Daniel Simberloff (2009) Invasions of plant communities: more of the same, something very different, or both? [d]
- Jennifer L. Skeem, Devon L. L. Polaschek, & Sarah Manchak (2009) Appropriate treatment works, but how?: rehabilitating general, psychopathic, and high-risk offenders [i]
- Leslie Smith (2009) Piaget's developmental epistemology [i] [d]
- Gregory T. Smith (2009) Why do different individuals progress along different life trajectories? [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Abbe Smith (2009/2010) In praise of the guilty project: a criminal defense lawyer's growing anxiety about innocence projects [u]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2009/2017) Underdetermination of scientific theory [u]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2009) What intelligence tests miss: the psychology of rational thought [i] [d] [j]
- Eric Steinhart (2009/2018) More precisely: the math you need to do philosophy [i]
- Harald Stelzer (2009) Popper and communitarianism: justification and criticism of moral standards [i] [d]
- William B. Stiles (2009) Logical operations in theory-building case studies [d] [u]
- Arnaud Stimec & Jean Poitras (2009) Building trust with parties: are mediators overdoing it? [d]
- S. Holly Stocking & Lisa W. Holstein (2009) Manufacturing doubt: journalists' roles and the construction of ignorance in a scientific controversy [p] [d]
- Randy Stoecker (2009) Are we talking the walk of community-based research? [d]
- Andy Sumner, Lawrence Haddad, & Laura Gomez Climent (2009) Rethinking intergenerational transmission(s): does a wellbeing lens help?: the case of nutrition [d]
- Joanna Swann (2009) Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
- Eugene Taylor (2009) The Zen doctrine of 'no-method' [d]
- Paul Teller (2009) Provisional knowledge [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2009) Why cognitive science needs philosophy and vice versa [d]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2009) Answerable and unanswerable questions [i]
- Elizabeth A. Throop (2009) Psychotherapy, American culture, and social policy: immoral individualism [i] [d]
- Nick Turnbull & Nikó Antalffy (2009) Bourdieu's distinction between philosophical and sociological approaches to science studies [d]
- Gordon E. Uno (2009) Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
- Bart Verheij & Floris J. Bex (2009) Accepting the truth of a story about the facts of a criminal case [i] [d] [u]
- Bart Verheij (2009) The Toulmin argument model in artificial intelligence, or: how semi-formal, defeasible argumentation schemes creep into logic [i] [d]
- James D. Wallace (2009) Norms and practices [i] [j]
- David Wallinga (2009) Today's food system: how healthy is it? [d]
- Bradley B. Walters & Andrew Peter Vayda (2009) Event ecology, causal historical analysis, and human–environment research [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & Thomas F. Gordon (2009) Jumping to a conclusion: fallacies and standards of proof [d] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton (2009) Argumentation theory: a very short introduction [i] [d]
- Christopher M. Weible & Paul A. Sabatier (2009) Coalitions, science, and belief change: comparing adversarial and collaborative policy subsystems [d]
- Netta Weinstein, Andrew K. Przybylski, & Richard M. Ryan (2009) Can nature make us more caring?: effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity [p] [d]
- Sverre Wide (2009) On the art of being wrong: an essay on the dialectic of errors [d]
- Daniel T. Willingham (2009) Why don't students like school?: a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom [i]
- Robert Winter, Anke Gericke, & Tobias Bucher (2009) Method versus model—two sides of the same coin? [i] [d]
- Petri Ylikoski (2009) The illusion of depth of understanding in science [i] [j]
- Peter S. Alagona (2008) Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2008) Naturalizing as an error-type in biology [u]
- Robert F. Almeder [ed] (2008) Rescher studies: a collection of essays on the philosophical work of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
- Hugo Fjelsted Alroe & Egon Noe (2008) What makes organic agriculture move: protest, meaning or market?: a polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture [d]
- Solomon Antony & Radhika Santhanam (2008) Could the use of a knowledge-based system lead to implicit learning? [i] [d]
- Thomas Ash (2008) What is intellectual responsibility? [u]
- Isabelle Aubin, Christian Messier, & André Bouchard (2008) Can plantations develop understory biological and physical attributes of naturally regenerated forests? [d]
- Rosalind Aveling, Helen Anthem, & Annette Lanjouw (2008) A fighting chance: can conservation create a platform for peace within cycles of human conflict? [i]
- Bruce R. Barringer & R. Duane Ireland (2008) What's stopping you?: shatter the 9 most common myths keeping you from starting your own business [i]
- Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter (2008) Elements of argumentation [for artificial intelligence] [i] [d]
- Nurit Bird-David & Danny Naveh (2008) Relational epistemology, immediacy, and conservation: or, what do the Nayaka try to conserve? [d]
- William Blattner (2008) What Heidegger and Dewey could learn from each other [d] [j]
- Eugene Borgida & Susan T. Fiske [ed] (2008) Beyond common sense: psychological science in the courtroom [i] [d]
- Andrew J. Boulton, Luz Boyero, Alan P. Covich, Michael Dobson, Sam Lake, & Richard Pearson (2008) Are tropical streams ecologically different from temperate streams? [i] [d]
- Daren C. Brabham (2008) Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving [d]
- Eckehard G. Brockerhoff, Hervé Jactel, John A. Parrotta, Christopher P. Quine, & Jeffrey Sayer (2008) Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? [d]
- Daniel W. Bromley (2008) Volitional pragmatism [d]
- Sarah Brown, Steve Dovers, Jodi Frawley, Andrea Gaynor, Heather Goodall, Grace Karskens, & Steve Mullins (2008) Can environmental history save the world? [d]
- Marcela Brugnach, Art Dewulf, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, & Tharsi Taillieu (2008) Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
- E. John Capaldi & Robert W. Proctor (2008) Are theories to be evaluated in isolation or relative to alternatives?: an abductive view [p] [d] [j]
- Juan Antonio Carrasco, Eric J. Miller, & Barry Wellman (2008) How far and with whom do people socialize?: empirical evidence about distance between social network members [d]
- Daniel Casasanto (2008) Who's afraid of the big bad Whorf?: crosslinguistic differences in temporal language and thought [d]
- Siobhan Chapman (2008) Language and empiricism: after the Vienna Circle [i] [d]
- Anthony Chemero & Michael Silberstein (2008) After the philosophy of mind: replacing scholasticism with science [d] [j] [u]
- David Y. Choi & Edmund R. Gray (2008) Socially responsible entrepreneurs: what do they do to create and build their companies? [d]
- Liana Chua, Casey High, & Timm Lau [ed] (2008) How do we know?: evidence, ethnography, and the making of anthropological knowledge [i]
- Guy Claxton (2008) What's the point of school?: rediscovering the heart of education [i]
- Forrester Cole, Aleksey Golovinskiy, Alex Limpaecher, Heather S. Barros, Adam Finkelstein, Thomas Funkhouser, & Szymon Rusinkiewicz (2008) Where do people draw lines? [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2008) Is probability the only coherent approach to uncertainty? [d]
- Catherine M. Cooney (2008) Ecological knowledge shrinks as economies grow [d]
- Alberto Cordero (2008) Pluralism, scientific values, and the value of science [i]
- Martin Curd & Stathis Psillos [ed] (2008/2014) The Routledge companion to philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Lane DeNicola (2008) Credibility and the use of geospatial media in activism and advocacy [d]
- Zoltan Dienes (2008) Understanding psychology as a science: an introduction to scientific and statistical inference [i]
- Daniel F. Doak, James A. Estes, Benjamin S. Halpern, Ute Jacob, David R. Lindberg, James Lovvorn, Daniel H. Monson, M. Timothy Tinker, Terrie M. Williams, J. Timothy Wootton, Ian Carroll, Mark Emmerson, Fiorenza Micheli, & Mark Novak (2008) Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable? [d]
- Georges B. Dreyfus (2008) What is debate for?: the rationality of Tibetan debates and the role of humor [d]
- Paul Duncum (2008) Thinking critically about critical thinking: towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture [d]
- The Economist (2008) Whataboutism [u]
- Grant W. Edmonds, Joshua J. Jackson, Jennifer V. Fayard, & Brent W. Roberts (2008) Is character fate, or is there hope to change my personality yet? [d]
- Joshua M. Epstein (2008) Why model? [u]
- Steven K. Erickson (2008) The myth of mental disorder: transsubstantive behavior and taxometric psychiatry [u]
- Julie Juola Exline, Roy F. Baumeister, Anne L. Zell, Amy J. Kraft, & Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet (2008) Not so innocent: does seeing one's own capability for wrongdoing predict forgiveness? [p] [d]
- Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (2008) On reason: rationality in a world of cultural conflict and racism [i] [d]
- Louise Fortmann [ed] (2008) Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
- Daniel Freeman, Matthew Gittins, Katherine Pugh, Angus Antley, Mel Slater, & Graham Dunn (2008) What makes one person paranoid and another person anxious?: the differential prediction of social anxiety and persecutory ideation in an experimental situation [d]
- Harriet Friedmann & Amber McNair (2008) Whose rules rule?: contested projects to certify 'local production for distant consumers' [d]
- Carl C. Gaither & Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither [ed] (2008/2012) Gaither's dictionary of scientific quotations [i]
- Kathleen Gallagher [ed] (2008) The methodological dilemma: creative, critical, and collaborative approaches to qualitative research [i]
- Morgan C. Giddings (2008) On the process of becoming a great scientist [p] [d] [u]
- Ronald N. Giere (2008) Incommensurability from a modelling perspective: commentary on 'Of course idealizations are incommensurable' by Paul Teller [i] [d]
- Gerd Gigerenzer (2008) Rationality for mortals: how people cope with uncertainty [i]
- Lisa M. Given [ed] (2008) The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods [i] [d]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld (2008) Who conceives of society? [u]
- Marshall Goldsmith (2008) Become a more effective leader by asking one tough question ['What am I willing to change now?'] [u]
- Michael K. Goodman, Max Boykoff, & Kyle Evered [ed] (2008) Contentious geographies: environmental knowledge, meaning, scale [i]
- Lesley J. F. Green (2008) 'Indigenous knowledge' and 'science': reframing the debate on knowledge diversity [d]
- Lawrence W. Green (2008) Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? [d]
- Monique Guishard (2008) The false paths, the endless labors, the turns now this way and now that: participatory action research, mutual vulnerability, and the politics of inquiry [d]
- Susan Haack (2008/2013) Putting philosophy to work: inquiry and its place in culture: essays on science, religion, law, literature, and life [i]
- Charles R. Hale [ed] (2008) Engaging contradictions: theory, politics, and methods of activist scholarship [i] [d] [j]
- Christopher Hertzog, Arthur F. Kramer, Robert S. Wilson, & Ulman Lindenberger (2008) Enrichment effects on adult cognitive development: can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and enhanced? [p] [d]
- David L. Hildebrand (2008) Dewey: a beginner's guide [i]
- Michael H. Huesemann & Joyce Huesemann (2008) Will progress in science and technology avert or accelerate global collapse?: a critical analysis and policy recommendations [d]
- Macartan Humphreys & Jeremy M. Weinstein (2008) Who fights?: the determinants of participation in civil war [d] [j]
- William M. Keith & William Rehg (2008) Argumentation in science: the cross-fertilization of argumentation theory and science studies [i]
- William M. Keith & David E. Beard (2008) Toulmin's rhetorical logic: what's the warrant for warrants? [d] [j] [u]
- Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas [ed] (2008) Philosophical issues in psychiatry: explanation, phenomenology, and nosology [i] [d]
- James L. Knoll (2008) The recurrence of an illusion: the concept of 'evil' in forensic psychiatry [p] [u]
- Deanna Kuhn & Maria Pease (2008) What needs to develop in the development of inquiry skills? [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Kalypso Iordanou, Maria Pease, & Clarice Wirkala (2008) Beyond control of variables: what needs to develop to achieve skilled scientific thinking? [d]
- Irit Kupferberg & David Green (2008) Narrators defend their side of the story metaphorically at troubled narrative junctions [d]
- John A. Lambie (2008) On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
- Annette Lareau & Dalton Conley [ed] (2008) Social class: how does it work? [i] [j]
- Alexandra Levit (2008) How'd you score that gig?: a guide to the coolest jobs—and how to get them [i]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld & Kristin Landfield (2008) Science and pseudoscience in law enforcement: a user-friendly primer [d]
- Martin Lipscomb (2008) Mixed method nursing studies: a critical realist critique [p] [d]
- Michael Loughlin (2008) Reason, reality and objectivity—shared dogmas and distortions in the way both 'scientistic' and 'postmodern' commentators frame the EBM debate [p] [d]
- Alan C. Love (2008) Explaining evolutionary innovations and novelties: criteria of explanatory adequacy and epistemological prerequisites [d] [j]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2008) Power, politics, and psychotherapy: a constructive caution on unification [d]
- Michael J. Manfredo (2008) Who cares about wildlife?: social science concepts for exploring human–wildlife relationships and conservation issues [i]
- Matthew J. Mariola (2008) The local industrial complex?: questioning the link between local foods and energy use [d]
- Linda Markowitz (2008) Can strategic investing transform the corporation? [d]
- Michele Marsonet (2008) Idealism and praxis: the philosophy of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
- Michael L. McKinney (2008) Do humans homogenize or differentiate biotas?: it depends [d]
- Ernan McMullin (2008/2014) The virtues of a good theory [i] [d]
- Gerald Midgley (2008) The unification of systems thinking: is there gold at the end of the rainbow? [d]
- Cheryl Misak (2008) A culture of justification: the pragmatist's epistemic argument for democracy [d] [u]
- Sandra D. Mitchell (2008) Explaining complex behavior [i] [d]
- Sarah Moser (2008) Personality: a new positionality? [d]
- Katherine Munn & Barry Smith [ed] (2008) Applied ontology: an introduction [i] [d]
- Nancy J. Nersessian (2008) Creating scientific concepts [i] [d]
- Raymond S. Nickerson (2008) Aspects of rationality: reflections on what it means to be rational and whether we are [i] [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2008) On there being wide reflective equilibria: why it is important to put it in the plural [d] [u]
- Don Nutbeam (2008) What would the Ottawa Charter look like if it were written today? [d]
- Jim Orford (2008) Asking the right questions in the right way: the need for a shift in research on psychological treatments for addiction [p] [d]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2008) John Dewey's ethics: democracy as experience [i]
- Ted Pedersen (2008) Empiricism is not a matter of faith [d]
- Horst Pfeiffle (2008) On the psychogenesis of the a priori: Jean Piaget's critique of Kant [d]
- Emily Pronin (2008) How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
- Jean-Charles Rochet (2008) Why are there so many banking crises?: the politics and policy of bank regulation [i] [d] [j]
- Cheryl L. Rosaen, Mary Lundeberg, Marjorie Cooper, Anny Fritzen, & Marjorie Terpstra (2008) Noticing noticing: how does investigation of video records change how teachers reflect on their experiences? [d]
- Howard L. Rosenthal & David J. Rothman [ed] (2008) What do we owe each other?: rights and obligations in contemporary American society [i] [d]
- Tanja Rothrauff & Teresa Cooney (2008) The role of generativity in psychological well-being: does it differ for childless adults and parents? [d]
- Robert C. Rowland (2008) Purpose, argument fields, and theoretical justification [d]
- Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri, Al F. Kracklauer, & Katherine Creath [ed] (2008) The nature of light: what is a photon? [i] [d]
- John Saltmarsh (2008) Why Dewey matters [d] [u]
- Joakim Sandberg (2008) The ethics of investing: making money or making a difference? [i]
- Johann W. Sarmiento & Gerry Stahl (2008) Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
- John Schelhas & Max John Pfeffer (2008) Saving forests, protecting people?: environmental conservation in Central America [i]
- Armin Schnider (2008/2018) The confabulating mind: how the brain creates reality [i] [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (2008) Patterns of abduction [d] [j]
- Eric Schwitzgebel (2008) The unreliability of naive introspection [d] [j]
- Alexandra C. Seng & Ronald J. Prinz (2008) Parents who abuse: what are they thinking? [d]
- Stephen R. J. Sheppard, Alison Shaw, David Flanders, & Sarah Burch (2008) Can visualisation save the world?: lessons for landscape architects from visualizing local climate change [i]
- Alex de Sherbinin (2008) Is poverty more acute near parks?: an assessment of infant mortality rates around protected areas in developing countries [d]
- Thomas L. Short (2008) Peirce on science and philosophy [d] [j]
- Luigi Solano, Maria Bonadies, & Michela Trani (2008) Writing for all, for some, or for no one?: some thoughts on the applications and evaluations of the writing technique [i] [d]
- Léna Soler, Howard Sankey, & Paul Hoyningen-Huene [ed] (2008) Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison: stabilities, ruptures, incommensurabilities? [i] [d]
- Benjamin K. Sovacool (2008) Exploring scientific misconduct: isolated individuals, impure institutions, or an inevitable idiom of modern science? [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West (2008) On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability [p] [d]
- Tony Stoltzfus (2008) Coaching questions: a coach's guide to powerful asking skills [i]
- Michael Strevens (2008) Depth: an account of scientific explanation [i] [j]
- Rick Szostak (2008) Classification, interdisciplinarity, and the study of science [d]
- Randall Szott & Sal Randolph (2008) Art leisure instead of art work: a conversation with Randall Szott [u]
- Pierre Taberlet, Alice Valentini, Hamid-Reza Rezaei, Saeid Naderi, François Pompanon, Riccardo Negrini, & Paolo Ajmone-Marsan (2008) Are cattle, sheep, and goats endangered species? [d]
- Cain S. Todd (2008) Unmasking the truth beneath the beauty: why the supposed aesthetic judgements made in science may not be aesthetic at all [d]
- William R. Torbert & Steven S. Taylor (2008) Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
- J. D. Trout (2008) Seduction without cause: uncovering explanatory neurophilia [p] [d]
- Nick Turnbull (2008) Dewey's philosophy of questioning: science, practical reason and democracy [d]
- David Turnbull (2008) What is cartographic rationality? [book review essay] [d]
- Erick H. Turner, Annette M. Matthews, Eftihia Linardatos, Robert A. Tell, & Robert Rosenthal (2008) Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy [d]
- Jane Kathryn Vella (2008) Open questions invite dialogue [i]
- William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] (2008) The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
- Bill Vitek (2008) Joyful ignorance and the civic mind [i]
- Reinout E. de Vries (2008) What are we measuring?: convergence of leadership with interpersonal and non-interpersonal personality [d]
- Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Pär Anders Granhag, Samantha Mann, Ronald P. Fisher, Jackie Hillman, & Kathryn Sperry (2008) Outsmarting the liars: the benefit of asking unanticipated questions [d]
- Douglas N. Walton, Chris Reed, & Fabrizio Macagno (2008) Argumentation schemes [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & David Godden (2008) Rescher on dialog systems, argumentation, and burden of proof [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2008) Witness testimony evidence: argumentation, artificial intelligence, and law [i] [d]
- Colin Ware (2008) Why do we keep turning time into space? [i] [d] [u]
- Mary Watkins & Helene Shulman (2008) Beyond ideology: dialogue [i] [d]
- Simon Wein (2008) When is dying? [p] [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock (2008) Psychological research and the epistemological approach to argumentation [d] [u]
- Mark Windschitl, Jessica L. Thompson, & Melissa Braaten (2008) Beyond the scientific method: model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations [d]
- David A. Winter (2008) Cognitive behaviour therapy: from rationalism to constructivism? [d]
- Stephen C. Yanchar, Brent D. Slife, & Russell Warne (2008) Critical thinking as disciplinary practice [d]
- Fahri Yetim (2008) Critical examination of information: a discursive approach and its implementations [u]
- Neal S. Young, John P. A. Ioannidis, & Omar Al-Ubaydli (2008) Why current publication practices may distort science [p] [d] [u]
- Peter Zachar (2008) Real kinds but no true taxonomy: an essay in psychiatric systematics [i] [d]
- Robin L. Zebrowski (2008) Mind is primarily a verb: an examination of mistaken similarities between John Dewey and Herbert Spencer [d] [u]
- Ofer Zur (2008/2017) Power in psychotherapy and counseling: re-thinking the 'power differential' myth and exploring the moral, ethical, professional, and clinical issues of power in therapy [u]
- Jonathan E. Adler (2007) Argumentation and distortion [d] [u]
- Barry Allen (2007) Turning back the linguistic turn in the theory of knowledge [d]
- Claudia María Álvarez Ortiz (2007) Does philosophy improve critical thinking skills? [o] [u]
- Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon (2007) Practical reasoning as presumptive argumentation using action based alternating transition systems [d]
- Arun Bala & George Gheverghese Joseph (2007) Indigenous knowledge and western science: the possibility of dialogue [d]
- Michael Baurmann (2007) Rational fundamentalism?: an explanatory model of fundamentalist beliefs [d] [u]
- Floris J. Bex, Susan van den Braak, Herre van Oostendorp, Henry Prakken, Bart Verheij, & Gerard Vreeswijk (2007) Sense-making software for crime investigation: how to combine stories and arguments? [d] [u]
- J. Anthony Blair (2007/2012) The 'logic' of informal logic [i] [d]
- Barry Blesser & Linda-Ruth Salter (2007) Spaces speak, are you listening?: experiencing aural architecture [i] [d]
- Paul Bloom & Deena Skolnick Weisberg (2007) Childhood origins of adult resistance to science [p] [d] [j]
- Karl Johan Bonnedahl & Jessica Eriksson (2007) Sustainable economic organisation: simply a matter of reconceptualisation or a need for a new ethics? [d]
- Nilsa A. Bosque-Pérez, Michael O'Rourke, J. D. Wulfhorst, David M. Althoff, Caren S. Goldberg, Kaylani Merrill, Wayde Cameron Morse, Max Nielsen-Pincus, Jennifer Stephens, Leigh Winowiecki, & Sanford D. Eigenbrode (2007) Employing philosophical dialogue in collaborative science [d] [j]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2007) Hypermedia discourse: contesting networks of ideas and arguments [i] [d] [u]
- Gervase R. Bushe (2007) Appreciative inquiry is not (just) about the positive [o]
- Jordi Cat (2007/2017) The unity of science [u]
- Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic & Adrian F. Furnham (2007) Personality and music: can traits explain how people use music in everyday life? [d]
- Michael M. Chouinard (2007) Children's questions: a mechanism for cognitive development [d]
- A. Vincent Ciardiello (2007) Puzzle them first!: motivating adolescent readers with question-finding [i]
- Daniel H. Cohen (2007) Virtue epistemology and argumentation theory [u]
- Harry M. Collins & Robert J. Evans (2007) Rethinking expertise [i] [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2007) Mathematical recreation versus mathematical knowledge [i]
- Shane D. Courtland, Gerald F. Gaus, & David Schmidtz (2007/2022) Liberalism [u]
- Anne French Dalke, Kim Cassidy, Paul Grobstein, & Doug Blank (2007) Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive [d]
- Ann Michelle Daniels (2007) Cooperation versus competition: is there really such an issue? [d]
- Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison (2007) Objectivity [i]
- Megan Delehanty (2007) Perceiving causation via videomicroscopy [d] [j]
- Maria Develaki (2007) The model-based view of scientific theories and the structuring of school science programmes [d]
- Hugh Dingle & V. Alistair Drake (2007) What is migration? [d] [j]
- Frank Dobbin, Beth Simmons, & Geoffrey Garrett (2007) The global diffusion of public policies: social construction, coercion, competition, or learning? [d]
- François Dosse (2007/2010) Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari: intersecting lives [i] [j]
- Louis P. Elliott & Barry W. Brook (2007) Revisiting Chamberlin: multiple working hypotheses for the 21st century [d] [j]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2007) Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology [d]
- Thomas C. Erren, Paul Cullen, Michael Erren, & Philip E. Bourne (2007) Ten simple rules for doing your best research, according to Hamming [p] [d] [u]
- Peter A. Facione & Noreen C. Facione (2007) Thinking and reasoning in human decision making: the method of argument and heuristic analysis [i]
- Neal Feigenson & Richard K. Sherwin (2007) Thinking beyond the shown: implicit inferences in evidence and argument [d]
- Tom Flynn [ed] (2007) The new encyclopedia of unbelief [i]
- Virginia Page Fortna (2007) Does peacekeeping work?: shaping belligerents' choices after civil war [i] [d] [j]
- Joshua D. Foster & W. Keith Campbell (2007) Are there such things as 'Narcissists' in social psychology?: a taxometric analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory [d]
- Andrew U. Frank (2007) Incompleteness, error, approximation, and uncertainty: an ontological approach to data quality [i] [d]
- Miranda Fricker (2007) Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing [i] [d]
- Michael Friedman & Richard Creath [ed] (2007) The Cambridge companion to Carnap [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2007) Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
- Marcus Giaquinto (2007) Visual thinking in mathematics: an epistemological study [i] [d]
- Eddie S. Glaude (2007) In a shade of blue: pragmatism and the politics of Black America [i] [d]
- Stuart Glennan (2007) Whose science and whose religion?: reflections on the relations between scientific and religious worldviews [d]
- Marvin R. Goldfried (2007) What has psychotherapy inherited from Carl Rogers? [p] [d]
- Paul Grobstein (2007) Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and beyond: the brain, story sharing, and social organization [u]
- Ulrike Hahn & Mike Oaksford (2007) The burden of proof and its role in argumentation [d]
- Crystal C. Hall, Lynn Ariss, & Alexander Todorov (2007) The illusion of knowledge: when more information reduces accuracy and increases confidence [d]
- Deborah Helsing (2007) Style of knowing regarding uncertainties [d] [j]
- Ann Heylighen, Paula Deisz, & Ilse M. Verstijnen (2007) Less is more original? [d]
- Larry A. Hickman (2007) Beyond the epistemology industry: Dewey's theory of inquiry [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Irene J. Higginson, Elizabeth Davies, & Agis D. Tsouros (2007) The end of life: unknown and unplanned? [d]
- Jaakko Hintikka (2007) Socratic epistemology: explorations of knowledge-seeking by questioning [i] [d]
- Douglas W. Hubbard (2007/2014) How to measure anything: finding the value of 'intangibles' in business [i]
- Mrill Ingram (2007) Biology and beyond: the science of 'back to nature' farming in the United States [d]
- Elizabeth Anne Kinsella (2007) Technical rationality in Schön's reflective practice: dichotomous or non-dualistic epistemological position [p] [d]
- Thomas G. Kirsch (2007) Ways of reading as religious power in print globalization [d]
- Ismo Tapio Koponen (2007) Models and modelling in physics education: a critical re-analysis of philosophical underpinnings and suggestions for revisions [d]
- Robert Kramer (2007) How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
- Jeff Kramer (2007) Is abstraction the key to computing? [d]
- Theo A. F. Kuipers [ed] (2007) General philosophy of science: focal issues [i] [d]
- Nicholas Ladany (2007) Does psychotherapy training matter?: maybe not [p] [d]
- Georgia Lepper & Erhard Mergenthaler (2007) Therapeutic collaboration: how does it work? [d]
- Alain Létourneau (2007) A discussion of Habermas' reading and use of Toulmin's model of argumentation [i] [u]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld & William T. O'Donohue [ed] (2007) The great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health professional should understand [i] [d]
- Alphonso Lingis (2007) Why Bataille now? [i] [u]
- Wendy Liu & Jennifer L. Aaker (2007) Do you look to the future or focus on today?: the impact of life experience on intertemporal decisions [d]
- Richard J. Longmore & Michael Worrell (2007) Do we need to challenge thoughts in cognitive behavior therapy? [d]
- Imre Lövey, Manohar S. Nadkarni, & Eszter Erdélyi (2007) How healthy is your organization?: the leader's guide to curing corporate diseases and promoting joyful cultures [i]
- Martin Mahner (2007) Demarcating science from non-science [i] [d]
- Deena Mandell [ed] (2007) Revisiting the use of self: questioning professional identities [i]
- Bill McHenry & Jim McHenry (2007/2015) What therapists say and why they say it: effective therapeutic responses and techniques [i] [d]
- Fred Nelson, Elisa Collins, Alain Frechette, Cynthia Koenig, Mosé Jones-Yellin, Brihannala Morgan, Gita Ramsay, Gautam Rao, Claudia Rodriguez, Zewdie Jotte Tulu, Cristy Watkins, & John Zinda (2007) Preservation or degradation?: communal management and ecological change in a southeast Michigan forest [d]
- Paul E. Newton (2007) Clarifying the purposes of educational assessment [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2007) Verificationism [i]
- Robert Nola & Howard Sankey (2007) Theories of scientific method: an introduction [i] [d]
- Michael J. Papa & Arvind Singhal (2007) Intellectuals searching for publics: who is out there? [d]
- Huw Price & Richard Corry [ed] (2007) Causation, physics, and the constitution of reality: Russell's republic revisited [i]
- Howard Rachlin (2007) In what sense are addicts irrational? [p] [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2007) Error: on our predicament when things go wrong [i] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (2007) Dialectics: a classical approach to inquiry [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2007) Issues in the philosophy of religion [i] [d]
- David B. Resnik (2007) The price of truth: how money affects the norms of science [i]
- Robert B. Ricco (2007) Individual differences in the analysis of informal reasoning fallacies [d]
- Gerald M. Rosen & Steven Taylor (2007) Pseudo-PTSD [p] [d]
- Matt J. Rossano (2007) Did meditating make us human? [d]
- Sharon Ryan (2007/2013) Wisdom [as epistemic humility, as epistemic accuracy, as knowledge, as rationality, or as a hybrid of these] [u]
- Jonathan Schaffer (2007/2018) Monism [in ontology] [u]
- David A. Schum & Jon R. Morris (2007) Assessing the competence and credibility of human sources of intelligence evidence: contributions from law and probability [d]
- Lauren H. Seiler (2007) What are we?: the social construction of the human biological self [d]
- Christopher F. Sharpley (2007) So why aren't counselors reporting n = 1 research designs? [d]
- Charles P. Shimp (2007) Quantitative behavior analysis and human values [d]
- Jonathan Simon (2007) Governing through crime: how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear [i]
- John F. Sowa (2007) Fads and fallacies about logic [d] [u]
- David N. Stamos (2007) Popper, laws, and the exclusion of biology from genuine science [p] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West (2007) Natural myside bias is independent of cognitive ability [d]
- Frederik Stjernfelt (2007) Diagrammatology: an investigation on the borderlines of phenomenology, ontology, and semiotics [i] [d]
- Arthur A. Stone [ed] (2007) The science of real-time data capture: self-reports in health research [i]
- Dorothy Strachan (2007) Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
- Joanna Swann (2007) Teaching for a better world: the why and how of student-initiated curricula [i] [d]
- Carol Tavris & Elliot Aronson (2007/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
- Paul Thagard (2007) Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge [d] [j]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2007) Ordinary objects [i] [d]
- J. D. Trout (2007) The psychology of scientific explanation [d]
- Mark V. Tushnet (2007) Out of range: why the Constitution can't end the battle over guns [i]
- Thomas E. Uebel & Alan W. Richardson [ed] (2007) The Cambridge companion to logical empiricism [i] [d]
- Bob Usherwood (2007) Equity and excellence in the public library: why ignorance is not our heritage [i]
- Vladislav Valentinov (2007) Why are cooperatives important in agriculture?: an organizational economics perspective [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2007) Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton & David Godden (2007) Redefining knowledge in a way suitable for argumentation theory [and comment by Derek Allen] [u]
- Debbie M. Warman, Paul H. Lysaker, Joel M. Martin, Louanne W. Davis, & Samantha L. Haudenschield (2007) Jumping to conclusions and the continuum of delusional beliefs [d]
- Charles E. Watson & Thomas A. Idinopulos (2007) Are you your own worst enemy?: the nine inner strengths you need to overcome self-defeating tendencies at work [i]
- Deena Skolnick Weisberg, Frank C. Keil, Joshua Goodstein, Elizabeth Rawson, & Jeremy R. Gray (2007) The seductive allure of neuroscience explanations [d]
- Michael Weisberg (2007) Who is a modeler? [d] [j] [u]
- Katherine J. Willis, Miguel B. Araújo, Keith D. Bennett, Blanca Figueroa-Rangel, Cynthia A. Froyd, & Norman Myers (2007) How can a knowledge of the past help to conserve the future?: biodiversity conservation and the relevance of long-term ecological studies [p] [d] [u]
- William C. Wimsatt (2007) Re-engineering philosophy for limited beings: piecewise approximations to reality [i] [j]
- Cory Wright & William Bechtel (2007) Mechanisms and psychological explanation [i] [d]
- Hollis Gary Wright (2007) John Dewey's view of situations, problems, means and ends [i] [d]
- Hollis Gary Wright (2007) Means, ends and medical care [i] [d]
- George Yancy [ed] (2007) Philosophy in multiple voices [i]
- George E. Yoos (2007) Reframing rhetoric: a liberal politics without dogma [i] [d]
- Elie Zahar (2007) Why science needs metaphysics: a plea for structural realism [i]
- Ofer Zur (2007) When is a patient's behavior unacceptable? [u]
- Thomas M. Alexander (2006) Dewey, dualism, and naturalism [i] [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (2006) The epistemology of democracy [d] [u]
- Hal Arkowitz & Scott O. Lilienfeld (2006) Do self-help books help? [d] [j] [u]
- Mubeen M. Aslam (2006) Are you selling the right colour?: a cross-cultural review of colour as a marketing cue [d]
- Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] (2006) Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
- Jeff Barrett & P. Kyle Stanford (2006) Prediction [and philosophy of science] [i] [d]
- William Bechtel (2006) Discovering cell mechanisms: the creation of modern cell biology [i] [d]
- Kevin C. de Berg (2006) Chemistry and the pendulum: what have they to do with each other? [d]
- Lars R. Bergman & Kari Trost (2006) The person-oriented versus the variable-oriented approach: are they complementary, opposites, or exploring different worlds? [d]
- Carl T. Bergstrom & Rustom Antia (2006) How do adaptive immune systems control pathogens while avoiding autoimmunity? [d]
- Emmanuel Bigand & Benedicte Poulin-Charronnat (2006) Are we 'experienced listeners'?: a review of the musical capacities that do not depend on formal musical training [p] [d]
- Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs & Susanne Prediger (2006) Diversity of theories in mathematics education—how can we deal with it? [d]
- Gary Blasi & John T. Jost (2006/2012) System justification theory and research: implications for law, legal advocacy, and social justice [i] [d]
- Robert J. Brulle & J. Craig Jenkins (2006) Spinning our way to sustainability? [d]
- Mario Bunge (2006) Chasing reality: strife over realism [i] [d] [j]
- Michael S. Carolan (2006) Do you see what I see?: examining the epistemic barriers to sustainable agriculture [d]
- David J. Casarett, Joan Teno, & Irene J. Higginson (2006) How should nations measure the quality of end-of-life care for older adults?: recommendations for an international minimum data set [d]
- Colin Cheyne & John Worrall [ed] (2006) Rationality and reality: conversations with Alan Musgrave [i] [d]
- Jennifer Coates, Edward A. Frongillo, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Patrick Webb, Parke E. Wilde, & Robert Houser (2006) Commonalities in the experience of household food insecurity across cultures: what are measures missing? [p] [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2006) Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
- Elizabeth F. Cooke (2006) Peirce's pragmatic theory of inquiry: fallibilism and indeterminacy [i]
- Mihály Csikszentmihályi & Jeanne Nakamura (2006) Creativity through the life span from an evolutionary systems perspective [i]
- Larry Davidson (2006) What happened to civil rights? [d]
- David A. Davis, Paul E. Mazmanian, Michael Fordis, R. Van Harrison, Kevin E. Thorpe, & Laure Perrier (2006) Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence [d]
- Theo L. Dawson, Kurt W. Fischer, & Zachary Stein (2006) Reconsidering qualitative and quantitative research approaches: a cognitive developmental perspective [d]
- Gedeon O. Deák (2006) Do children really confuse appearance and reality? [p] [d]
- Philip J. Deloria (2006) What is the middle ground, anyway? [d] [j]
- Robert DiSalle (2006) Understanding space-time: the philosophical development of physics from Newton to Einstein [i] [d]
- Robert DiSalle (2006) Mathematical structure, 'world structure', and the philosophical turning-point in modern physics [i] [d]
- E. Thomas Dowd (2006) What changes in cognitive therapy?: the role of tacit knowledge structures [u]
- Sally L. Duncan (2006) Mapping whose reality?: geographic information systems (GIS) and 'wild science' [d]
- Paul Ekman & Maureen O'Sullivan (2006) From flawed self-assessment to blatant whoppers: the utility of voluntary and involuntary behavior in detecting deception [d]
- William M. Epstein (2006) Psychotherapy as religion: the civil divine in America [i]
- Edward Erwin (2006) Randomized clinical trials in psychotherapy outcome research [d] [j]
- Gregory J. Feist (2006) The psychology of science and the origins of the scientific mind [i] [d] [j]
- Cordelia Fine (2006) A mind of its own: how your brain distorts and deceives [i]
- Cynthia McPherson Frantz (2006) I AM being fair: the bias blind spot as a stumbling block to seeing both sides [d]
- Victor J. Friedman, Jay Rothman, & Bill Withers (2006) The power of why: engaging the goal paradox in program evaluation [d]
- Roman Frigg & Stephan Hartmann (2006/2020) Models in science [u]
- Bertram Gawronski, Wilhelm Hofmann, & Christopher J. Wilbur (2006) Are 'implicit' attitudes unconscious? [p] [d]
- Mark Gerzon (2006) Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (2006) Perspectival knowledge and distributed cognition [i] [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (2006) Scientific perspectivism [i] [d]
- Robert Goffee & Gareth Jones (2006) Why should anyone be led by you?: what it takes to be an authentic leader [i]
- Minke Goldsteen, Rob Houtepen, Ireen M. Proot, Huda Huijer Abu-Saad, Cor Spreeuwenberg, & Guy Widdershoven (2006) What is a good death?: terminally ill patients dealing with normative expectations around death and dying [d]
- Ramachandra Guha (2006) How much should a person consume?: environmentalism in India and the United States [i]
- Philipp Hammelstein & Steven Soifer (2006) Is 'shy bladder syndrome' (paruresis) correctly classified as social phobia? [p] [d]
- David Hitchcock & Bart Verheij [ed] (2006) Arguing on the Toulmin model: new essays in argument analysis and evaluation [i] [d]
- David Yau Fai Ho, Rainbow Tin Hung Ho, & Siu Man Ng (2006) Investigative research as a knowledge-generation method: discovering and uncovering [d]
- Robert E. Horn (2006) What we do not know: using information murals to portray scientific ignorance [d]
- Dave Horton (2006) Demonstrating environmental citizenship?: a study of everyday life among green activists [i]
- Christopher K. Hsee & Reid Hastie (2006) Decision and experience: why don't we choose what makes us happy? [p] [d]
- Anne Sigismund Huff, David Tranfield, & Joan Ernst van Aken (2006) Management as a design science mindful of art and surprise: a conversation [d]
- J. Donald Hughes (2006/2016) What is environmental history? [i]
- Susan L. Hurley & Matthew Nudds [ed] (2006) Rational animals? [i] [d]
- Ray Jackendoff & Fred Lerdahl (2006) The capacity for music: what is it, and what's special about it? [p] [d]
- Philip N. Johnson-Laird (2006) How we reason [i] [d]
- Marcia K. Johnson (2006) Memory and reality [p] [d]
- James C. Kaufman & Janel D. Sexton (2006) Why doesn't the writing cure help poets? [d]
- Nikolaos Kazantzis & Kevin R. Ronan (2006) Can between-session (homework) activities be considered a common factor in psychotherapy? [d]
- René Keller, Claudia Eckert, & P. John Clarkson (2006) Matrices or node-link diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? [d]
- Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino, & C. Kenneth Waters [ed] (2006) Scientific pluralism [i] [j]
- Thomas E. Kida (2006) Don't believe everything you think: the 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking [i]
- Karl-Heinz Kogel, Philipp Franken, & Ralph Hückelhoven (2006) Endophyte or parasite—what decides? [d]
- Jouni Korhonen (2006) On the paradox of corporate social responsibility: how can we use social science and natural science for a new vision? [d]
- Mark Kriger (2006) Ways of questioning that can transform organizations—and people [i]
- Larry Laudan (2006) Truth, error, and criminal law: an essay in legal epistemology [i] [d]
- Georgia Lepper & Nick Riding (2006) Researching the psychotherapy process: a practical guide to transcript-based methods [i]
- Richard Levins (2006) Strategies of abstraction [d]
- John Lloyd & John Mitchinson (2006) The book of general ignorance [i]
- Laura López-Hoffman, Ian E. Monroe, Enrique Narváez, Miguel Martínez-Ramos, & David D. Ackerly (2006) Sustainability of mangrove harvesting: how do harvesters' perceptions differ from ecological analysis? [u]
- Carmen Martínez Novo (2006) Who defines indigenous?: identities, development, intellectuals, and the state in northern Mexico [i]
- Susan Jean Mayer (2006) Getting it right: keeping it complicated [book review] [d] [u]
- Phil McEvoy & David Richards (2006) A critical realist rationale for using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods [d]
- Ryan McKay, Robyn Langdon, & Max Coltheart (2006) Need for closure, jumping to conclusions, and decisiveness in delusion-prone individuals [p] [d]
- Martin F. McKinney & Dirk Moelants (2006) Ambiguity in tempo perception: what draws listeners to different metrical levels? [d]
- Paul E. Meehl (2006) Credentialed persons, credentialed knowledge [d]
- Guillermo A. Mendoza & H. Martins (2006) Multi-criteria decision analysis in natural resource management: a critical review of methods and new modelling paradigms [d]
- Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow (2006) Why hasn't the world gotten to yes?: an appreciation and some reflections [d]
- Russell H. Messing & Mark G. Wright (2006) Biological control of invasive species: solution or pollution? [d]
- Johannes Michalak & Martin Grosse Holtforth (2006) Where do we go from here?: the goal perspective in psychotherapy [d]
- Todd Mooradian, Birgit Renzl, & Kurt Matzler (2006) Who trusts?: personality, trust and knowledge sharing [d]
- Joy Parr (2006) Smells like?: sources of uncertainty in the history of the Great Lakes environment [d]
- PRATEC & Sacha Videastas (2006) ¿Acaso comemos plata? [o] [u]
- Cynthia Barton Rabe (2006) The innovation killer: how what we know limits what we can imagine—and what smart companies are doing about it [i]
- Rein Raud (2006) Philosophies versus philosophy: in defense of a flexible definition [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (2006) Epistemetrics [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2006) How much can be known?: a Leibnizian perspective on the quantitative discrepancy between linguistic truth and objective fact [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2006) Philosophical dialectics: an essay on metaphilosophy [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2006) Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition [i] [d]
- Paul Rogers & Marcia Blenko (2006) Who has the D? [o] [u]
- Harry Rubin (2006) What keeps cells in tissues behaving normally in the face of myriad mutations? [d]
- William McKinley Runyan (2006) Psychobiography and the psychology of science: understanding relations between the life and work of individual psychologists [d] [u]
- Jerome B. Schneewind (2006) Toward enlightenment: Kant and the sources of darkness [in contrast to other early modern philosophers such as Spinoza, Hume, d'Holbach] [i] [d]
- Donald Rutherford [ed] (2006) The Cambridge companion to early modern philosophy [i] [d]
- Maria Ruz (2006) Let the brain explain the mind: the case of attention [d]
- Howard Sankey (2006) Why is it rational to believe scientific theories are true [when they pass a sufficient range of rigorous tests and cohere with other knowledge]? [i] [d]
- Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer [ed] (2006) The philosophy of science: an encyclopedia [i] [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (2006/2013) Philosophy of science: a unified approach [i] [d]
- Tim Schwanen (2006) On 'arriving on time', but what is 'on time'? [d]
- Amartya Sen (2006) Identity and violence: the illusion of destiny [i]
- Amartya Sen (2006) Freedom to think [i]
- John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis [ed] (2006) A companion to pragmatism [i] [d]
- Paul E. Spector, Suzy Fox, Lisa M. Penney, Kari Bruursema, Angeline Goh, & Stacey Kessler (2006) The dimensionality of counterproductivity: are all counterproductive behaviors created equal? [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2006) Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives [i]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2006) The seven deadly sins of argumentative writing [u]
- Karen E. Steinhauser, Corrine I. Voils, Elizabeth C. Clipp, Hayden B. Bosworth, Nicholas A. Christakis, & James A. Tulsky (2006) 'Are you at peace?': one item to probe spiritual concerns at the end of life [d]
- Margaret Stroebe, Henk Schut, & Wolfgang Stroebe (2006) Who benefits from disclosure?: exploration of attachment style differences in the effects of expressing emotions [d]
- Bennett J. Tepper (2006) What do managers do when subordinates just say 'no'?: an analysis of incidents involving refusal to perform downward requests [i]
- Neil Thompson (2006/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
- Charles Tilly (2006) Why?: what happens when people give reasons, and why [i]
- Alan C. Tjeltveit (2006) To what ends?: psychotherapy goals and outcomes, the good life, and the principle of beneficence [p] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (2006) Reasoning in theory and practice [i] [d]
- Edward R. Tufte (2006) Corruption in evidence presentations: effects without causes, cherry picking, overreaching, chartjunk, and the rage to conclude [i]
- Nick Turnbull (2006) How should we theorise public policy?: problem solving and problematicity [d]
- Bart Verheij (2006) Evaluating arguments based on Toulmin's scheme [i] [d]
- Mike Wallace & Alison Wray (2006/2021) Critical reading and writing for postgraduates [i]
- Niels G. Waller (2006) Carving nature at its joints: Paul Meehl's development of taxometrics [d]
- Niels G. Waller, Leslie J. Yonce, William M. Grove, David Faust, & Mark F. Lenzenweger [ed] (2006) A Paul Meehl reader: essays on the practice of scientific psychology [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2006) Fundamentals of critical argumentation [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2006) Rules for reasoning from knowledge and lack of knowledge [d]
- Peter Wegner & Dina Q. Goldin (2006) Principles of problem solving [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock, Yair Neuman, & Amnon Glassner (2006) Identification of informal reasoning fallacies as a function of epistemological level, grade level, and cognitive ability [d]
- Robert West (2006) The transtheoretical model of behaviour change and the scientific method [d]
- John R. Wettersten (2006) The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945, by I. C. Jarvie [book review] [d] [j]
- Anna Wierzbicka (2006) English: meaning and culture [i] [d]
- Dylan Wiliam (2006) The half-second delay: what follows? [d]
- David J. Wilkinson (2006) The ambiguity advantage: what great leaders are great at [i] [d]
- Tom Williamson [ed] (2006) Investigative interviewing: rights, research, and regulation [i]
- Arch G. Woodside (2006) Overcoming the illusion of will and self-fabrication: going beyond naïve subjective personal introspection to an unconscious/conscious theory of behavior explanation [d]
- Ellen Yamshon & Daniel Yamshon (2006) Comics media in conflict resolution programs: are they effective in promoting and sustaining peace? [o] [u]
- Peter Achinstein [ed] (2005) Scientific evidence: philosophical theories and applications [i]
- Kathleen N. Adamle & Ruth Ludwick (2005) Humor in hospice care: who, where, and how much? [d]
- Jean Adams & Martin White (2005) Why don't stage-based activity promotion interventions work? [p] [d]
- Barry Allen (2005) Knowledge [i] [u]
- Craig Anthony Arnold [ed] (2005) Wet growth: should water law control land use? [i]
- Ronald A. Beghetto (2005) Does assessment kill student creativity? [d] [u]
- Matthias Berking, Martin Grosse Holtforth, Claus Jacobi, & Birgit Kröner-Herwig (2005) Empirically based guidelines for goal-finding procedures in psychotherapy: are some goals easier to attain than others? [p] [d]
- Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (2005) Epistemology and the psychology of human judgment [i] [d]
- David Boonin & Graham Oddie (2005/2010) What's wrong?: applied ethicists and their critics [i]
- Chet A. Bowers & Frédérique Apffel-Marglin [ed] (2005) Rethinking Freire: globalization and the environmental crisis [i] [d]
- Ann Bowling (2005) Just one question: if one question works, why ask several? [p] [d] [u]
- Charles J. Brainerd & Valerie F. Reyna (2005) The science of false memory [i]
- Linda L. Caldwell (2005) Leisure and health: why is leisure therapeutic? [d]
- Craig Callender (2005) Answers in search of a question: 'proofs' of the tri-dimensionality of space [d]
- Garry D. Carnegie & Brian P. West (2005) Making accounting accountable in the public sector [d]
- John B. Cobb (2005) Some Whiteheadian assumptions about religion and pluralism [i]
- Alexis Comber, Peter F. Fisher, & Richard Wadsworth (2005) You know what land cover is but does anyone else?: an investigation into semantic and ontological confusion [d]
- Stella Cottrell (2005/2011) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument [i]
- David de Cremer & Tom R. Tyler (2005) Am I respected or not?: inclusion and reputation as issues in group membership [d]
- Mark Deuze (2005) What is journalism?: professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered [d]
- Paul J. Donoghue & Mary E. Siegel (2005) Are you really listening?: keys to successful communication [i]
- Georges B. Dreyfus (2005) Are we prisoners of Shangrila?: orientalism, nationalism, and the study of Tibet [u]
- David Dunning (2005) Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself [i] [d]
- David Faust (2005) Why Paul Meehl will revolutionize the philosophy of science and why it should matter to psychologists [p] [d]
- Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2005) Arguments about arguments: systematic, critical, and historical essays in logical theory [i] [d]
- Robert L. Fried (2005) The game of school: why we all play it, how it hurts kids, and what it will take to change it [i]
- Peter Gärdenfors (2005) The dynamics of thought [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2005) Teaching critical thinking: some lessons from cognitive science [d] [j]
- Paul Grobstein (2005) Making the unconscious conscious, and vice versa: a bi-directional bridge between neuroscience/cognitive science and psychotherapy? [d]
- Maurice Hamington (2005) Public pragmatism: Jane Addams and Ida B. Wells on lynching [j]
- Jean Hanson (2005) Should your lips be zipped?: how therapist self-disclosure and non-disclosure affects clients [d]
- William Hirstein (2005) Brain fiction: self-deception and the riddle of confabulation [i] [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2005) The curse of the Hegelian heritage: 'dialectic', 'contradiction', and 'dialectical logic' in activity theory [u]
- John P. A. Ioannidis (2005) Why most published research findings are false [p] [d] [u]
- Alan E. Kazdin (2005) Treatment outcomes, common factors, and continued neglect of mechanisms of change [d]
- Paul A. Klaczynski & Kristen L. Lavallee (2005) Domain-specific identity, epistemic regulation, and intellectual ability as predictors of belief-biased reasoning: a dual-process perspective [d]
- Gary A. Klein, Rebecca M. Pliske, Beth Crandall, & David D. Woods (2005) Problem detection [d]
- Robert Koons (2005/2017) Defeasible reasoning [u]
- Mark Kriger (2005) What really is strategic process? [i]
- Ethan Kross, Özlem Ayduk, & Walter Mischel (2005) When asking 'why' does not hurt: distinguishing rumination from reflective processing of negative emotions [d]
- Günter Langergraber & Elke Muellegger (2005) Ecological sanitation—a way to solve global sanitation problems? [d]
- Bruno Latour (2005) Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory [i]
- David M. Levy (2005) To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure [i] [d]
- Douglas Llewellyn (2005/2013) Teaching high school science through inquiry and argumentation [i]
- Elizabeth F. Loftus (2005) Planting misinformation in the human mind: a 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory [d]
- Brendan A. Maher & Irving I. Gottesman (2005) Deconstructing, reconstructing, preserving Paul E. Meehl's legacy of construct validity [d]
- Michael J. Marquardt (2005) Leading with questions: how leaders find the right solutions by knowing what to ask [i]
- Deborah G. Mayo (2005) Evidence as passing severe tests: highly probable versus highly probed hypotheses [i]
- Deborah G. Mayo (2005) Peircean induction and the error-correcting thesis [j] [u]
- Judith McMorland (2005) Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring levels of work in organisations [u]
- Cheryl Misak (2005) ICU psychosis and patient autonomy: some thoughts from the inside [p] [d]
- Arne Næss, Harold Glasser, & Alan R. Drengson [ed] (2005) The selected works of Arne Naess [i] [d]
- Mansoor Niaz (2005) The quantitative imperative vs the imperative of presuppositions [d]
- John C. Norcross, Christie P. Karpiak, & Kelly M. Lister (2005) What's an integrationist?: a study of self-identified integrative and (occasionally) eclectic psychologists [p] [d]
- Bryan G. Norton (2005) Sustainability: a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management [i] [d]
- Wendy Olsen & Jamie Morgan (2005) A critical epistemology of analytical statistics: addressing the sceptical realist [d]
- Donald R. Peterson (2005) Twelve years of correspondence with Paul Meehl: tough notes from a gentle genius [i] [d]
- Huw Price (2005/2007) Causal perspectivalism [i] [u]
- Dick Richards (2005) Is your genius at work?: 4 key questions to ask before your next career move [i]
- Michael A. Roberto (2005/2013) Why great leaders don't take yes for an answer: managing for conflict and consensus [i]
- Phyllis Robinson (2005) Whose oppression is this?: the cultivation of compassionate action in dissolving the dualistic barrier [i] [d]
- Alex Rosenberg (2005) Lessons from biology for philosophy of the human sciences [d]
- Joseph Rouse (2005) Civilizing knowledge [book review of: Knowledge and civilization, by Barry Allen] [d] [j]
- John L. Rudolph (2005) Epistemology for the masses: the origins of 'the scientific method' in American schools [d] [j] [u]
- Alexander Rueger (2005) Perspectival models and theory unification [d] [j] [u]
- Bárbara Loyda Sánchez Bejarano (2005) Who are the oppressed? [i] [d]
- William Todd Schultz [ed] (2005) Handbook of psychobiography [i]
- Jonah N. Schupbach (2005) On a Bayesian analysis of the virtue of unification [d] [j]
- Gerhard Schurz (2005) Explanations in science and the logic of why-questions: discussion of the Halonen-Hintikka-approach and alternative proposal [d] [j]
- Kirsten Stalker, Iain Ferguson, & Aileen Barclay (2005) 'It is a horrible term for someone': service user and provider perspectives on 'personality disorder' [d]
- Robert J. Sternberg (2005) Older but not wiser?: the relationship between age and wisdom [d]
- Laurence J. Stybel & Maryanne Peabody (2005) Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
- Deyan Sudjic (2005) The edifice complex: how the rich and powerful shape the world [i]
- Graeme Sullivan (2005/2010) Art practice as research: inquiry in visual arts [i]
- Peter J. Taylor (2005) Unruly complexity: ecology, interpretation, engagement [i] [d]
- Edward Z. Tronick (2005) Why is connection with others so critical?: the formation of dyadic states of consciousness and the expansion of individuals' states of consciousness: coherence governed selection and the co-creation of meaning out of messy meaning making [i]
- Ira Daniel Turkat (2005) False allegations of parental alienation [u]
- David Turnbull (2005) Multiplicity, criticism and knowing what to do next: way-finding in a transmodern world: response to Meera Nanda's Prophets facing backwards [d]
- Karin Bakracevic Vukman (2005) Developmental differences in metacognition and their connections with cognitive development in adulthood [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2005) Pragmatic and idealized models of knowledge and ignorance [j]
- Liebe Wetzel (2005) Why devise? Why now? Why breathe? [d]
- Mary E. Williams [ed] (2005) Constructing a life philosophy: opposing viewpoints [i]
- Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson & Michael Yellow Bird [ed] (2005) For Indigenous eyes only: a decolonization handbook [i]
- Richard Wollheim (2005) Why is drawing interesting? [d]
- Peter Achinstein [ed] (2004) Science rules: a historical introduction to scientific methods [i]
- Barry Allen (2004) Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (2004) How not to criticize feminist epistemology: a review of Scrutinizing feminist epistemology [u]
- Rosemarie Anderson (2004) Intuitive inquiry: an epistemology of the heart for scientific inquiry [d]
- Davis Baird (2004) Thing knowledge: a philosophy of scientific instruments [i] [d]
- Emanuel Berman (2004) Detoxifying the toxic effects of psychoanalytic training: a case study [i]
- Johnston Birchall & Richard Simmons (2004) What motivates members to participate in co-operative and mutual businesses? [d]
- Jan Bransen (2004) From daily life to philosophy [d] [j]
- Gary L. Brase (2004) What we reason about and why: how evolution explains reasoning [i] [d]
- Otávio Bueno & Mark Colyvan (2004) Logical non-apriorism and the 'law' of non-contradiction [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2004) How does it work?: the search for explanatory mechanisms [d]
- Brian Yazzie Burkhart (2004) What Coyote and Thales can teach us: an outline of American Indian epistemology [i]
- Ros Burnett & Shadd Maruna (2004) So 'prison works', does it?: the criminal careers of 130 men released from prison under Home Secretary, Michael Howard [d]
- Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra (2004) Iberian science in the Renaissance: ignored how much longer? [d] [u]
- Hasok Chang (2004) Inventing temperature: measurement and scientific progress [i] [d]
- Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (2004) Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning [i] [d]
- Heather Douglas (2004) The irreducible complexity of objectivity [d] [j]
- Hugh Dubberly (2004/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
- Bart Duriez (2004) Are religious people nicer people?: taking a closer look at the religion–empathy relationship [d]
- Roy J. Eidelson & Judy I. Eidelson (2004) They both matter: reality and belief: reply [p] [d]
- Georg Elwert (2004) Evidence, logic and moral authority: experience and the erosion of certainties in illiterate and literate societies [i] [d]
- Kevin W. Eva, John P. W. Cunnington, Harold I. Reiter, David R. Keane, & Geoffrey R. Norman (2004) How can I know what I don't know?: poor self assessment in a well-defined domain [d]
- Marc D. Feldman (2004) Playing sick?: untangling the web of Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen by proxy, malingering & factitious disorder [i] [d]
- Aikaterini Fotopoulou, Mark Solms, & Oliver Turnbull (2004) Wishful reality distortions in confabulation: a case report [p] [d]
- Jean Gayon (2004) Realism and biological knowledge [i] [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (2004) How models are used to represent reality [d] [j]
- Tal Golan (2004) Laws of men and laws of nature: the history of scientific expert testimony in England and America [i]
- Steven L. Goldman (2004) Why we need a philosophy of engineering: a work in progress [d]
- Sandy Marie Anglás Grande (2004/2015) Red pedagogy: Native American social and political thought [i]
- Thomas Griffiths (2004) Help or hindrance?: the Global Environment Facility, biodiversity conservation, and indigenous peoples [u]
- Patrick Grim (2004) Computational modeling as a philosophical methodology [i] [d]
- Susan Haack (2004/2013) Truth and justice, inquiry and advocacy, science and law [i]
- Niels Viggo Hansen (2004) Where do spacing and timing happen?: two movements in the loss of cosmological innocence [d]
- Nick Haslam, Brock Bastian, & Melanie Bissett (2004) Essentialist beliefs about personality and their implications [p] [d]
- Michael Heinrich (2004/2012) Dialectics—a Marxist 'rosetta stone'? [i]
- Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan [ed] (2004) Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development [i]
- Don A. Howard & Marco Giovanelli (2004/2019) Einstein's philosophy of science [u]
- Leslie Irvine (2004) Pampered or enslaved?: the moral dilemmas of pets [d]
- Elly A. Konijn (2004) The heart of the actor: let it all out or keep a healthy distance? [i] [d]
- Takami Kuwayama (2004) Native anthroplogy: the Japanese challenge to Western academic hegemony [i]
- Catherine T. Kwantes & Cheryl A. Boglarsky (2004) Do occupational groups vary in expressed organizational culture preferences? [d]
- Catherine Malabou (2004/2008) What should we do with our brain? [i] [j]
- Michael J. Marquardt (2004/2011) Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time [i]
- Willard McCarty (2004) Modeling: a study in words and meanings [i] [d]
- Erin McKenna & Andrew Light [ed] (2004) Animal pragmatism: rethinking human–nonhuman relationships [i]
- Cheryl Misak [ed] (2004) The Cambridge companion to Peirce [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2004) From inference to reasoning: the construction of rationality [d] [u]
- Russell Muirhead (2004) Just work [i]
- Gerald Nadler & William J. Chandon (2004) Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
- Sonia M. Ospina, Jennifer Dodge, Bethany Godsoe, Joan Minieri, Salvador Reza, & Ellen Schall (2004) From consent to mutual inquiry [d]
- Andreas Pickel (2004) Systems and mechanisms: a symposium on Mario Bunge's philosophy of social science [d]
- Domenico M. Pisanelli & Aldo Gangemi (2004) If ontology is the solution, what is the problem? [i] [p]
- Lavinia Plonka (2004) What are you afraid of?: a body/mind guide to courageous living [i]
- Rüdiger Pohl [ed] (2004/2017) Cognitive illusions: intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgement and memory [i] [d]
- Rod Girle, David Hitchcock, Peter McBurney, & Bart Verheij (2004) Decision support for practical reasoning: a theoretical and computational perspective [i] [d]
- Andrew E. Roffman (2004) Is anger a thing-to-be-managed? [d]
- Matti Sintonen (2004) Reasoning to hypotheses: where do questions come? [d]
- Barry Smith (2004) Beyond concepts: ontology as reality representation [i] [u]
- Douglas H. Sprenkle & Adrian J. Blow (2004) Common factors and our sacred models [d]
- Friedrich Stadler [ed] (2004) Induction and deduction in the sciences [i] [d]
- Mark Stover (2004) The reference librarian as non-expert: a postmodern approach to expertise [d]
- Joan Sutherland (2004) What is dokusan? [u]
- Tuija Takala (2004) The (im)morality of (un)naturalness [questioned] [p] [d]
- Mark L. Taper & Subhash Lele [ed] (2004) The nature of scientific evidence: statistical, philosophical, and empirical considerations [i] [d]
- Philip E. Tetlock, A. Peter McGraw, & Orie V. Kristel (2004) Proscribed forms of social cognition: taboo trade-offs, blocked exchanges, forbidden base rates, and heretical counterfactuals [i]
- Paul Thagard & Craig Beam (2004) Epistemological metaphors and the nature of philosophy [d] [j]
- William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Dalmar Fisher, Erica Foldy, Alain Gauthier, Jackie Keeley, David Rooke, Sara Nora Ross, Catherine Royce, Jenny W. Rudolph, Steven S. Taylor, & Mariana Tran (2004) Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
- Andrew B. Trigg (2004) Deriving the Engel curve: Pierre Bourdieu and the social critique of Maslow's hierarchy of needs [d]
- Anne Waters [ed] (2004) American Indian thought: philosophical essays [i]
- Friedel Weinert (2004) The scientist as philosopher: philosophical consequences of great scientific discoveries [i] [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock, Yair Neuman, & Iris Tabak (2004) Missing the point or missing the norms?: epistemological norms as predictors of students' ability to identify fallacious arguments [d]
- Cathleen Whiting (2004) Income inequality, the income cost of housing, and the myth of market efficiency: 'optimal' for whom? [d]
- Mark Alexander Williams (2004) Your identity zones: Who am I? Who are you? How do we get along? [i]
- John Woods (2004) The death of argument: fallacies in agent based reasoning [i] [d]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2004) 'How can I be a Buddhist if I don't like to sit?' [i]
- Joseph Agassi (2003) Science and culture [i] [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2003) Scientific myth-conceptions [d]
- Chris Argyris (2003) A life full of learning [d]
- Mahzarin R. Banaji, Max H. Bazerman, & Dolly Chugh (2003) How (un) ethical are you? [p] [u]
- Martin Benjamin (2003) Philosophy & this actual world: an introduction to practical philosophical inquiry [i]
- Anna Bloemhard (2003) Confronting the gaps by being present in 'not knowing' [u]
- Mario Bunge (2003) Truth-centred ethics and ideology [i] [d] [j]
- Mario Bunge (2003) Emergence and convergence: qualitative novelty and the unity of knowledge [i] [d] [j]
- Michael Burawoy (2003) Revisits: an outline of a theory of reflexive ethnography [d] [j]
- Tian Yu Cao (2003) Can we dissolve physical entities into mathematical structures? [d] [j]
- Dawn E. Chandler & William R. Torbert (2003) Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
- Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French (2003) Science and partial truth: a unitary approach to models and scientific reasoning [i] [d]
- Norman Daniels (2003/2016) Reflective equilibrium [u]
- Steven G. Darian (2003) Understanding the language of science [i]
- Janet E. Davidson & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] (2003) The psychology of problem solving [i] [d]
- Michael Davis (2003) What can we learn by looking for the first code of professional ethics? [p] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze & David Lapoujade (2003/2006) Two regimes of madness: texts and interviews 1975–1995 [i]
- Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards, & Peter Economy (2003) Why aren't you your own boss?: leaping over the obstacles that stand between you and your dream [i]
- Frans H. van Eemeren, J. Anthony Blair, Charles A. Willard, & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans [ed] (2003) Anyone who has a view: theoretical contributions to the study of argumentation [i] [d]
- Richard P. Eibach, Lisa K. Libby, & Thomas Gilovich (2003) When change in the self is mistaken for change in the world [p] [d]
- Nick J. Fox (2003) Practice-based evidence [d]
- Dov M. Gabbay & John Woods (2003/2005) A practical logic of cognitive systems [in two volumes: Agenda relevance: a study in formal pragmatics; The reach of abduction: insight and trial] [i] [d]
- Hugh G. Gauch (2003) Scientific method in practice [i] [d]
- John P. van Gigch (2003) Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology [i] [d]
- Claude Gratton (2003) Counterexamples by possible conjunction and the sufficiency of premises [d]
- Nicholas Griffin [ed] (2003) The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell [i] [d]
- Susan Haack (2003/2007) Defending science—within reason: between scientism and cynicism [i]
- Mark Harrower (2003) Representing uncertainty: does it help people make better decisions? [u]
- David L. Hildebrand (2003) Beyond realism and antirealism: John Dewey and the neopragmatists [i]
- M. Jonathan Sessions Hodge & Gregory Radick [ed] (2003/2009) The Cambridge companion to Darwin [i] [d]
- Daniel Kahneman (2003) A perspective on judgment and choice: mapping bounded rationality [p] [d]
- Bradley C. Karkkainen (2003) Toward ecologically sustainable democracy? [i]
- Frank C. Keil (2003) Folkscience: coarse interpretations of a complex reality [p] [d]
- Billy Vaughn Koen (2003) Discussion of the method: conducting the engineer's approach to problem solving [i]
- Timothy Koschmann (2003) Peirce's notion of abduction and Deweyan inquiry [u]
- Tom Lambert (2003) Key management questions: smart questions for every business situation [i]
- Robert LaRose, Carolyn A. Lin, & Matthew S. Eastin (2003) Unregulated Internet usage: addiction, habit, or deficient self-regulation? [d]
- Kennon A. Lattal & Philip N. Chase [ed] (2003) Behavior theory and philosophy [i] [d]
- Taigen Daniel Leighton (2003/2011) Zazen as inquiry [i] [u]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, & Jeffrey M. Lohr [ed] (2003/2014) Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology [i]
- David C. Lindberg & Ronald L. Numbers [ed] (2003/2020) The Cambridge history of science [o]
- Lia Litosseliti (2003) Using focus groups in research [i]
- David N. Livingstone (2003) Putting science in its place: geographies of scientific knowledge [i] [d]
- Alice LoCicero (2003) Protest, collaboration, and creation of alternative models: women's health activists using the Internet [i] [d]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Elisa Krackow, Elizabeth F. Loftus, Timothy G. Locke, & Scott O. Lilienfeld (2003/2014) Constructing the past: problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy [i]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2003) Minding science: constructivism and the discourse of inquiry [d]
- Mike Martin & Gerben J. Westerhof (2003) Do you need to have them or should you believe you have them?: resources, their appraisal, and well-being in adulthood [d]
- Michael R. Matthews (2003) Mario Bunge: physicist and philosopher [d]
- Giuliana Mazzoni & Amina Memon (2003) Imagination can create false autobiographical memories [d]
- Gerald Midgley (2003) Science as systemic intervention: some implications of systems thinking and complexity for the philosophy of science [d]
- Robert J. Mislevy (2003) Substance and structure in assessment arguments [d]
- Carl Mitcham (2003) In memoriam Ivan Illich: critic of professionalized design [d] [j]
- Meera Nanda (2003) A Dalit defense of the Deweyan-Buddhist view of science [i]
- Meera Nanda (2003) Modern science as the standpoint of the oppressed: Dewey meets the Buddha of India's Dalits [i]
- John D. Norton (2003) Causation as folk science [u]
- John D. Norton (2003) A material theory of induction [d] [j]
- John F. O'Neill (2003) Unified science as political philosophy: positivism, pluralism and liberalism [d]
- Jean E. Pretz, Adam J. Naples, & Robert J. Sternberg (2003) Recognizing, defining, and representing problems [i] [d]
- Iyad Rahwan, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Nicholas R. Jennings, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons, & Liz Sonenberg (2003) Argumentation-based negotiation [d]
- William E. Rees (2003) Impeding sustainability?: the ecological footprint of higher education [o] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2003) Epistemology: an introduction to the theory of knowledge [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2003) Sensible decisions: issues of rational decision in personal choice and public policy [i]
- Claude Rosental (2003/2008) Weaving self-evidence: a sociology of logic [i]
- Jodie L. Roth & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (2003) What exactly is a youth development program?: answers from research and practice [d]
- Jonathan Schaffer (2003) Is there a fundamental level? [d] [j]
- David A. Schmaltz (2003) The blind men and the elephant: mastering project work: how to transform fuzzy responsibilities into meaningful results [i]
- Paul Sloane (2003/2006) The leader's guide to skills: unlocking the creativity and innovation in you and your team [i]
- Gerald F. Smith (2003) Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
- Daniel W. Smith (2003) Mathematics and the theory of multiplicities: Badiou and Deleuze revisited [d]
- Daniel W. Smith (2003) Deleuze and the liberal tradition: normativity, freedom and judgement [d]
- Sanjay Srivastava, Oliver P. John, Samuel D. Gosling, & Jeff Potter (2003) Development of personality in early and middle adulthood: set like plaster or persistent change? [d]
- Sor-hoon Tan (2003) Confucian democracy: a Deweyan reconstruction [i]
- Bart Verheij (2003) Dialectical argumentation with argumentation schemes: an approach to legal logic [d]
- Michael P. Weinstock & Matthew A. Cronin (2003) The everyday production of knowledge: individual differences in epistemological understanding and juror-reasoning skill [d]
- Arthur W. Wiggins & Charles M. Wynn (2003) The five biggest unsolved problems in science [i]
- Nick Winder (2003) What is time geography? [u]
- John M. Ziman (2003) The scientist as autodidact [i] [d]
- Hans Abbing (2002) Why are artists poor?: the exceptional economy of the arts [i]
- Fredrik Barth (2002) An anthropology of knowledge [and comments and reply] [d] [j] [u]
- William Bechtel (2002) Decomposing the mind-brain: a long-term pursuit [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart (2002) How does the relationship facilitate productive client thinking? [d]
- Charles M. Boisvert & David Faust (2002) Iatrogenic symptoms in psychotherapy: a theoretical exploration of the potential impact of labels, language and belief systems [p] [d]
- Patrick A. Boleyn-Fitzgerald (2002) What should 'forgiveness' mean? [d]
- F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester, & Robert B. Talisse [ed] (2002) Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations [i]
- F. Thomas Burke (2002) Prospects for mathematizing Dewey's logical theory [i]
- F. Thomas Burke (2002) Qualities, universals, kinds, and the new riddle of induction [i]
- Brad J. Bushman (2002) Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
- John M. Capps (2002) Achieving pluralism: why AIDS activists are different from creationists [i]
- Kathleen M. Carroll & Kathryn F. Nuro (2002) One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
- Christian Castellanet & Carl F. Jordan (2002) Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
- Chris Clarke-Epstein (2002) 78 important questions every leader should ask and answer [i]
- John B. Cobb (2002) Economic aspects of social and environmental violence [d] [j]
- Claire Colebrook (2002) Why Deleuze? [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (2002/2004) Desert islands and other texts, 1953–1974 [i]
- Robert DiSalle (2002) Reconsidering Kant, Friedman, logical positivism, and the exact sciences [d] [j]
- Chris Dodge (2002) What makes librarianship exciting to you? [i]
- Michaela Driver (2002) The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or utopian sunshine? [d]
- Ralph Early (2002) Food ethics: a decision making tool for the food industry? [d]
- John Earman, Clark N. Glymour, & Sandra D. Mitchell [ed] (2002) Ceteris paribus laws [i] [j]
- Frans H. van Eemeren & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (2002/2017) Argumentation: analysis and evaluation [i] [d]
- Mitchell Eisen, Jodi A. Quas, & Gail S. Goodman [ed] (2002) Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview [i] [d]
- Jan Faye (2002) Rethinking science: a philosophical introduction to the unity of science [i] [d]
- Michael Fitzpatrick (2002) Medicalising everyday life [and critique of Ivan Illich] [u]
- Owen J. Flanagan (2002) The problem of the soul: two visions of mind and how to reconcile them [i]
- Bent Flyvbjerg, Mette Skamris Holm, & Soren Buhl (2002) Underestimating costs in public works projects: error or lie? [d]
- Dov M. Gabbay, Ralph H. Johnson, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, & John Woods [ed] (2002) Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: the turn towards the practical [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (2002) Models as parts of distributed cognitive systems [i] [d]
- Randall E. Auxier & Lewis Edwin Hahn [ed] (2002) The philosophy of Marjorie Grene [i]
- Mary Hartog (2002) Becoming a reflective practitioner: a continuing professional development strategy through humanistic action research [d]
- Graham Harvey [ed] (2002) Readings in indigenous religions [i]
- Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich [ed] (2002) Personal epistemology: the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing [i] [d]
- Lee Hoinacki & Carl Mitcham [ed] (2002) The challenges of Ivan Illich: a collective reflection [i]
- Joli Jensen (2002) Is art good for us?: beliefs about high culture in American life [i]
- Christopher Johns [ed] (2002/2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice [i] [d]
- Jozef Keulartz, Michiel Korthals, Maartje Schermer, & Tsjalling Swierstra (2002) Pragmatism in action: themes, tasks and tools [i] [d]
- Anja Kollmuss & Julian Agyeman (2002) Mind the gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? [d]
- Barbara Koslowski & Stephanie Thompson (2002) Theorizing is important, and collateral information constrains how well it is done [i] [d]
- Mei-Po Kwan (2002) Is GIS for women?: reflections on the critical discourse in the 1990s [d] [u]
- G. Daniel Lassiter (2002) Illusory causation in the courtroom [d]
- Bruno Latour & John Tresch (2002) War of the worlds: what about peace? [i]
- Brian Lonsway (2002) The mistaken dimensionality of CAD [d]
- Marilyn T. MacCrimmon & Peter Tillers [ed] (2002) The dynamics of judicial proof: computation, logic, and common sense [i] [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani & Nancy J. Nersessian [ed] (2002) Model-based reasoning: science, technology, values [i] [d]
- Martha L. McCoy & Patrick L. Scully (2002) Deliberative dialogue to expand civic engagement: what kind of talk does democracy need? [d]
- Sharon L. McDowell-Larsen, Leigh Kearney, & David Campbell (2002) Fitness and leadership: is there a relationship?: regular exercise correlates with higher leadership ratings in senior-level executives [d]
- Kendra McSweeney (2002) Who is 'forest-dependent'?: capturing local variation in forest-product sale, eastern Honduras [d]
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Ellen J. Langer (2002) When 'stupid' is smarter than we are: mindlessness and the attribution of stupidity [i] [d] [j]
- Charles B. Myers (2002) Can self-study challenge the belief that telling, showing, and guided practice constitute adequate teacher education? [i]
- Mansoor Niaz, Damarys Aguilera, Arelys Maza, & Gustavo Liendo (2002) Arguments, contradictions, resistances, and conceptual change in students' understanding of atomic structure [d]
- Ian Palmer & Richard Dunford (2002) Who says change can be managed?: positions, perspectives and problematics [d]
- J. Robert Parkinson & Jack H. Grossman (2002/2010) Mastering the art of asking questions [i]
- Tom Pocklington & Allan Tupper (2002) No place to learn: why universities aren't working [i]
- Alan W. Richardson (2002) Engineering philosophy of science: American pragmatism and logical empiricism in the 1930s [d] [j]
- Leonid Rozenblit & Frank C. Keil (2002) The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher Scanlan (2002/2011) Questions to ask when writing and editing a narrative that reconstructs events [u]
- Joseph Schachter (2002) Transference: shibboleth or albatross? [i]
- Michael Scriven (2002) The limits of explication [d]
- Hans Seigfried (2002) Dewey's logical forms [i]
- James Somerville (2002) The epistemological significance of the interrogative [i] [d]
- Caroline M. Stanley & Jonathan D. Raskin (2002) Abnormality: does it define us or do we define it? [i]
- John D. Sterman (2002) All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist [d]
- Thomas Szasz (2002) 'Diagnosing' behaviour: cui bono? [i]
- Mariam Thalos (2002) Explanation is a genus: an essay on the varieties of scientific explanation [d] [j]
- Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (2002) Questions of skill [o] [u]
- Paul B. Thompson (2002) Pragmatism, discourse ethics and occasional philosophy [and comment by Pieter Pekelharing] [i] [d]
- William R. Torbert (2002) Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
- U.S. Department of Transportation (2002) Bikeability checklist: how bikeable is your community? [o] [u]
- Jaana Vormisto (2002) Palms as rainforest resources: how evenly are they distributed in Peruvian Amazonia? [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2002) Legal argumentation and evidence [i]
- Mary Warnock (2002) Making babies: is there a right to have children? [i]
- Drew Westen (2002) The language of psychoanalytic discourse [d]
- Jon Wetlesen (2002) Did Śāntideva destroy the bodhisattva path? [u]
- Morton White (2002) A philosophy of culture: the case for holistic pragmatism [or: A philosophy of culture: the scope of holistic pragmatism] [i] [d] [j]
- David L. Cooperrider, Amanda Trosten-Bloom, & Brian S. Kaplin (2002) Encyclopedia of positive questions: using appreciative inquiry to bring out the best in your organization [i]
- Peter Achinstein (2001) The book of evidence [i] [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2001) Error types [d]
- Georges Bataille & Stuart Kendall (2001) The unfinished system of nonknowledge [i]
- Charles R. Beitz (2001) Does global inequality matter? [d] [j]
- Hilary Bradbury [ed] (2001/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
- Michael Bradie & William Harms (2001/2020) Evolutionary epistemology [u]
- Margaret Brindle & Peter N. Stearns (2001) Facing up to management faddism: a new look at an old force [i]
- Jed Z. Buchwald & Andrew Warwick [ed] (2001) Histories of the electron: the birth of microphysics [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2001) Philosophy in crisis: the need for reconstruction [i]
- Mario Bunge & Martin Mahner (2001) Scientific realism: selected essays of Mario Bunge [i]
- Gervase R. Bushe (2001/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
- Gilberto Câmara, Max J. Egenhofer, Frederico Fonseca, & Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro (2001) What's in an image? [i] [d]
- Bryan Caplan (2001) Rational ignorance versus rational irrationality [d]
- Shelley Carson, Margaret Shih, & Ellen J. Langer (2001) Sit still and pay attention? [d]
- Barry Castro (2001) Business ethics: brightening the corner where we are [d]
- David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick (2001/2014) Doing action research in your own organization [i] [d]
- Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari [ed] (2001) Participation: the new tyranny? [i]
- Michael Davis & Andrew Stark [ed] (2001) Conflict of interest in the professions [i]
- Robyn M. Dawes (2001) Everyday irrationality: how pseudo-scientists, lunatics, and the rest of us systematically fail to think rationally [i] [d]
- Frans H. van Eemeren [ed] (2001) Crucial concepts in argumentation theory [i]
- Robert H. Ennis (2001) Goals for a critical thinking curriculum and its assessment [i]
- Elisha S. Fisch (2001) What is the end point of psychotherapy integration?: a commentary [d]
- Bent Flyvbjerg (2001) Making social science matter: why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again [i] [d]
- John P. Forsyth & Megan M. Kelly (2001) A tale of three blind men on the proper subject matter of clinical science and practice: commentary on Plaud's behaviorism vs. Ilardi and Feldman's cognitive neuroscience [p] [d]
- Michael Friedman (2001) Dynamics of reason: the 1999 Kant lectures at Stanford University [i]
- Dov M. Gabbay & John Woods (2001) The new logic [d] [u]
- Ronald N. Giere (2001) Critical hypothetical evolutionary naturalism [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (2001) A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning [d]
- Daniel Givelber (2001) The adversary system and historical accuracy: can we do better? [i]
- Rebecca J. Glover (2001) Discriminators of moral orientation: gender role or personality? [d]
- Jean Goodwin (2001) Henry Johnstone, Jr.'s still-unacknowledged contributions to contemporary argumentation theory [d] [u]
- David Graeber (2001) Toward an anthropological theory of value: the false coin of our own dreams [i] [d]
- Claude Gratton (2001) Critical thinking and emotional well-being [d]
- Alexander Hars (2001) Designing scientific knowledge infrastructures: the contribution of epistemology [d]
- Reid Hastie & Robyn M. Dawes (2001/2010) Rational choice in an uncertain world: the psychology of judgment and decision making [i]
- Cecilia M. Heyes & David L. Hull [ed] (2001) Selection theory and social construction: the evolutionary naturalistic epistemology of Donald T. Campbell [i]
- Richard A. Huber & Christopher J. Moore (2001) A model for extending hands-on science to be inquiry based [d]
- Ian Charles Jarvie (2001) The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945 [i]
- David A. Jopling (2001) Placebo insight: the rationality of insight-oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001) How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
- Peter R. Killeen (2001) Doing versus knowing [p] [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani (2001) Abduction, reason, and science: processes of discovery and explanation [i] [d]
- Mary Finn Maples, Peggy Dupey, Edil Torres-Rivera, Loan T. Phan, Linwood Vereen, & Michael Tlanusta Garrett (2001) Ethnic diversity and the use of humor in counseling: appropriate or inappropriate? [d]
- Jaime J. Marcio (2001) Abductive inference, design science, and Dewey's theory of inquiry [j]
- Michael E. McCullough, Shelley D. Kilpatrick, Robert A. Emmons, & David B. Larson (2001) Is gratitude a moral affect? [p] [d]
- Terence R. Mitchell & Lawrence R. James (2001) Building better theory: time and the specification of when things happen [d] [j]
- Robert Nozick (2001) Invariances: the structure of the objective world [i]
- Graham Oddie (2001) Truth, verification, verisimilitude, and evidence: philosophical aspects [i] [d]
- Susan Oyama (2001) Terms in tension: what do you do when all the good words are taken? [i]
- Simon Parsons (2001) Qualitative methods for reasoning under uncertainty [i] [d]
- Steven E. Phelan (2001) What is complexity science, really? [d]
- Lant Pritchett (2001) Where has all the education gone? [d]
- Hilary Putnam (2001/2004) The three enlightenments [i]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2001) Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2001) Cognitive pragmatism: the theory of knowledge in pragmatic perspective [i] [u]
- Walter B. Roberts & Allan A. Morotti (2001) What is your school's mental health profile? [d]
- Bruce J. Rounsaville, Kathleen M. Carroll, & Lisa S. Onken (2001) A stage model of behavioral therapies research: getting started and moving on from stage I [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter (2001) The seven sins of memory: how the mind forgets and remembers [i]
- Charles P. Shimp (2001) Behavior as a social construction [d]
- Paul Teller (2001) Twilight of the perfect-model model [d] [j]
- Studs Terkel (2001) Will the circle be unbroken?: reflections on death, rebirth, and hunger for a faith [i]
- Stephen Toulmin (2001) Return to reason [i]
- Stephen Toulmin (2001) The trouble with disciplines [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (2001) Johnstone's view of rhetorical and dialectical argument [d] [u]
- Barbara Webb (2001) Can robots make good models of biological behaviour? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Saundra Davis Westervelt & John A. Humphrey [ed] (2001) Wrongly convicted: perspectives on failed justice [i]
- Kelly G. Wilson (2001) Some notes on theoretical constructs: types and validation from a contextual behavioral perspective [u]
- Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer [ed] (2001/2016) Methods of critical discourse studies [or: Methods of critical discourse analysis] [i]
- Franz M. Wuketits (2001) The philosophy of Donald T. Campbell: a short review and critical appraisal [d]
- Charles M. Wynn, Arthur W. Wiggins, & Sidney Harris (2001/2017) Quantum leaps in the wrong direction: where real science ends—and pseudoscience begins [i]
- Mantz Yorke (2001) Bipolarity... or not?: some conceptual problems relating to bipolar rating scales [d]
- Evandro Agazzi & Massimo Pauri [ed] (2000) The reality of the unobservable: observability, unobservability, and their impact on the issue of scientific realism [i] [d]
- Barry Allen (2000/2004) What was epistemology? [i] [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (2000/2015) Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science [u]
- Michael Horace Barnes (2000) Stages of thought: the co-evolution of religious thought and science [i] [d]
- Leonard Bickman [ed] (2000) Donald Campbell's legacy [in two volumes: Validity and social experimentation; Research design] [i]
- Christopher A. Bracey (2000) Truth and legitimacy in the American criminal process [book review of: Trials without truth, by William Pizzi] [d] [j]
- Barbara Braham & Chris Wahl (2000) Be your own coach: your pathway to possibility [i]
- John N. Bray, Joyce A. Lee, Linda L. Smith, & Lyle Yorks (2000) Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
- Mario Bunge (2000) Philosophy from the outside [book review of: The sociology of philosophies, by Randall Collins] [d]
- Mario Bunge (2000/2001) Energy: between physics and metaphysics [i]
- Peter Burke (2000) A social history of knowledge: from Gutenberg to Diderot [i]
- Joseph J. Campos, David I. Anderson, Marianne A. Barbu-Roth, Edward M. Hubbard, Matthew J. Hertenstein, & David Witherington (2000) Travel broadens the mind [d]
- John M. Capps (2000) Naturalism, pragmatism, and design [d] [j]
- Martin Carrier, Gerald J. Massey, & Laura Ruetsche [ed] (2000) Science at century's end: philosophical questions on the progress and limits of science [i] [j] [u]
- David P. Crandall (2000) Myth as ideology, and scholarship as myth with footnotes [book review] [d]
- Richard J. DeGrandpre (2000) A science of meaning: can behaviorism bring meaning to psychological science? [p] [d]
- Rosalind Driver, Paul E. Newton, & Jonathan Osborne (2000) Establishing the norms of scientific argumentation in classrooms [d]
- James H. Fetzer [ed] (2000) Science, explanation, and rationality: aspects of the philosophy of Carl G. Hempel [i]
- Linda Flower, Elenore Long, & Lorraine Higgins [ed] (2000) Learning to rival: a literate practice for intercultural inquiry [o] [d]
- Michael Friedman (2000) Hempel and the Vienna Circle [i]
- Patricia Harding & William Hare (2000) Portraying science accurately in classrooms: emphasizing open-mindedness rather than relativism [d]
- Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis (2000/2007) Strategies that work: teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement [i]
- Charles D. Hayes (2000) Training yourself: the 21st century credential [i]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (2000) The unity of science [i] [d]
- Christopher Johns (2000/2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [i]
- David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, & Dean Tjosvold (2000/2014) Constructive controversy: the value of intellectual opposition [i]
- Herbert Keuth (2000/2005) The philosophy of Karl Popper [i]
- C. Jotin Khisty (2000) Can wicked problems be tackled through abductive inferencing? [d]
- Paul A. Klaczynski & Billi Robinson (2000) Personal theories, intellectual ability, and epistemological beliefs: adult age differences in everyday reasoning biases [p] [d]
- David Klahr & Kevin Dunbar (2000) Exploring science: the cognition and development of discovery processes [i] [d]
- Daryl Koehn (2000) What is practical judgement? [d]
- Theo A. F. Kuipers (2000) From instrumentalism to constructive realism: on some relations between confirmation, empirical progress, and truth approximation [i] [d]
- Ellen J. Langer & Mihnea C. Moldoveanu (2000) The construct of mindfulness [d]
- Ruth Leitch & Christopher Day (2000) Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
- Zixin Lin, Li Yu, Zhengyi Guo, Zhenyu Shen, Honglin Zhang, & Tongling Zhang (2000) Qigong: Chinese medicine or pseudoscience? [i]
- John Gordon MacFarlane (2000) What does it mean to say that logic is formal? [o] [u]
- Norman B. Macintosh, Teri Shearer, Daniel B. Thornton, & Michael Welker (2000) Accounting as simulacrum and hyperreality: perspectives on income and capital [d]
- François Matarasso (2000) The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
- Cheryl Misak (2000) Truth, politics, morality: pragmatism and deliberation [i] [d]
- William Herbert Newton-Smith [ed] (2000) A companion to the philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Joel Paris (2000) Myths of childhood [i] [d]
- Robert L. Park (2000) Voodoo science: the road from foolishness to fraud [i]
- Donald E. Polkinghorne (2000) Psychological inquiry and the pragmatic and hermeneutic traditions [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2000) Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
- David Rindskopf (2000) Plausible rival hypotheses in measurement, design, and scientific theory [i]
- Alexander Rosenberg & Lee C. McIntyre (2000/2020) The philosophy of science: a contemporary introduction [i] [d]
- Robert I. Rotberg & Dennis F. Thompson (2000) Truth v. justice: the morality of truth commissions [i] [d] [j]
- Kenneth Ruddle (2000) Systems of knowledge: dialogue, relationships and process [d]
- Howard Sankey (2000) The language of science: meaning variance and theory comparison [d]
- Edgar H. Schein (2000/2006) Coaching and consultation revisited: are they the same? [i]
- Joseph Sen (2000) On slowness in philosophy [d] [j]
- Frank Serafini (2000) Three paradigms of assessment: measurement, procedure, and inquiry [j]
- Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman (2000/2009) Denying history: who says the Holocaust never happened and why do they say it? [i]
- Frederik Stjernfelt (2000/2007) Moving pictures of thought: diagrams as centerpiece of a Peircean epistemology [i] [d] [u]
- Sylvia Noble Tesh (2000) Uncertain hazards: environmental activists and scientific proof [i] [d] [j]
- David Turnbull (2000) Rationality and the disunity of the sciences [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2000) Scare tactics: arguments that appeal to fear and threats [i] [d]
- Paul Weingartner (2000) Basic questions on truth [i] [d]
- Martin H. Williams (2000) Victimized by 'victims': a taxonomy of antecedents of false complaints against psychotherapists [d]
- John W. Yolton (2000) Realism and appearances: an essay in ontology [in early modern philosophy] [i]
- John M. Ziman (2000) Real science: what it is, and what it means [i] [d]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1999) What is the point of equality? [d] [j] [u]
- Greg Bamford (1999) What is the problem of ad hoc hypotheses? [d]
- Kent Blaser (1999) The history of nature and the nature of history: Stephen Jay Gould on science, philosophy, and history [d] [j]
- Eva T. H. Brann (1999) What, then, is time? [i]
- Kim S. Cameron & Robert E. Quinn (1999/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
- Tullio Carere-Comes (1999) Beyond psychotherapy: dialectical therapy [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (1999) The limits of exact science, from economics to physics [d] [u]
- Ross E. Cheit (1999) Junk skepticism and recovered memory: a reply to Piper [d]
- William Kingdon Clifford (1999) The ethics of belief and other essays [i]
- Richard J. Contrada & Richard D. Ashmore [ed] (1999) Self, social identity, and physical health: interdisciplinary explorations [i]
- Arthur Coleman Danto (1999) The philosopher as Andy Warhol [i]
- E. Thomas Dowd (1999) Why don't people change? What stops them from changing? An integrative commentary on the special issue on resistance [d]
- David Dunn (1999) Why do whales and children sing?: a guide to listening in nature [i]
- Edward Erwin (1999) How valuable are psychotherapy experiments?: the idiographic problem [p] [d]
- Suzanne Falter-Barns (1999/2000) How much joy can you stand?: a creative guide to facing your fears and making your dreams come true [i]
- Colin Feltham (1999) Against and beyond core theoretical models [i] [d]
- Colin Feltham [ed] (1999) Controversies in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
- Paul Feyerabend & Bert Terpstra (1999) Conquest of abundance: a tale of abstraction versus the richness of being [i]
- Daniel B. Fishman (1999) The case for pragmatic psychology [i]
- Robert L. Flood (1999) Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (1999) Science without laws [i]
- Alvin I. Goldman (1999) Knowledge in a social world [i] [d]
- Richard House (1999) 'Limits to therapy and counselling': deconstructing a professional ideology [d]
- William N. Isaacs (1999) Dialogue and the art of thinking together: a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life [i]
- Mary Joyce & Jay Stewart (1999) What can we learn from time-use data? [u]
- Jonathan B. King (1999) On seeking first to understand [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani, Nancy J. Nersessian, & Paul Thagard [ed] (1999) Model-based reasoning in scientific discovery [i] [d]
- Paul Markwick (1999) Interrogatives and contrasts in explanation theory [d] [j]
- Judi Marshall (1999) Living life as inquiry [d]
- Phil Molé (1999) Anatomy of nonsense [u]
- Margaret Newhouse (1999) Deprogramming from the academic cult [u]
- Bret Nicholaus & Paul Lowrie (1999) Have you ever?: questions about you, your friends, and your world [i]
- Kai Nielsen (1999) On being a secularist all the way down [i]
- Ilkka Niiniluoto (1999) Critical scientific realism [i] [d]
- Ilkka Niiniluoto (1999) Defending abduction [d] [j]
- Leonard O. Pellicer (1999/2008) Caring enough to lead: how reflective practice leads to moral leadership [i]
- James O. Prochaska & Janice M. Prochaska (1999) Why don't continents move? Why don't people change? [d]
- W. Boyd Rayward (1999) H.G. Wells's idea of a World Brain: a critical reassessment [d]
- Richard Lee Rhodes [ed] (1999) Visions of technology: a century of vital debate about machines, systems, and the human world [i]
- Evan Schofer (1999) Science associations in the international sphere, 1875–1900: the rationalization of science and the scientization of society [i] [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (1999) Explanation as unification [d] [j]
- Linda Tuhiwai Smith (1999/2012) Decolonizing methodologies: research and indigenous peoples [i]
- Elliott Sober (1999) Testability [d] [j]
- Stephen Soldz & Leigh McCullough [ed] (1999) Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience: the art and science of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (1999) Rationality and reflective equilibrium [i]
- Keith E. Stanovich (1999) Who is rational?: studies of individual differences in reasoning [i]
- Paul Thagard (1999) How scientists explain disease [i] [d] [j]
- William R. Torbert (1999) The distinctive questions developmental action inquiry asks [d] [u]
- Timm Triplett (1999) Rescher's metaphilosophy [book review of: Philosophical standardism; The strife of systems; Metaphysical inquiries] [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton (1999) One-sided arguments: a dialectical analysis of bias [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (1999) The fallacy of many questions: on the notions of complexity, loadedness and unfair entrapment in interrogative theory [d]
- David M. Wulff (1999) Beyond belief and unbelief [i]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1998) Pragmatism, science, and moral inquiry [i]
- Ivan Barnett (1998) Isolation: artist's friend or foe? [o]
- Leonard Bickman & Debra J. Rog [ed] (1998/2009) The Sage handbook of applied social research methods [i]
- James Blachowicz (1998) Of two minds: the nature of inquiry [i]
- James Blachowicz (1998) At what level of cognition does meaning exist? [i]
- J. Anthony Blair (1998/2012) The limits of the dialogue model of argument [i] [d]
- Charles Bowden (1998) Juárez: the laboratory of our future [i]
- Mario Bunge (1998) Elogio de la curiosidad [i]
- Helen W. Coale (1998) The vulnerable therapist: practicing psychotherapy in an age of anxiety [i]
- Robert P. Crease (1998) What is an artifact? [d]
- Emma Crewe & Elizabeth Harrison (1998) Whose development?: an ethnography of aid [i]
- Frederick C. Crews [ed] (1998) Unauthorized Freud: doubters confront a legend [i]
- Robyn Flaum Cruz, Bernard Feder, Donna J. Betts, & Barbara L. Wheeler (1998/2013) The art and science of evaluation in the arts therapies: how do you know what's working? [i]
- A. A. Derksen & Ton Derksen [ed] (1998) The promise of evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Tracy D. Eells, Edward M. Kendjelic, & Cynthia P. Lucas (1998) What's in a case formulation?: development and use of a content coding manual [p] [u]
- Robert H. Ennis (1998) Is critical thinking culturally biased? [d]
- Arturo Escobar (1998) Whose knowledge, whose nature?: biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements [d] [u]
- Bernard Faure & Janet Lloyd (1998/2004) Double exposure: cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses [i]
- Richard Wightman Fox & Robert B. Westbrook [ed] (1998) In face of the facts: moral inquiry in American scholarship [i]
- Barbara L. Fredrickson (1998) What good are positive emotions? [d]
- Patrick C. Friman, Kelly G. Wilson, & Steven C. Hayes (1998) Behavior analysis of private events is possible, progressive, and nondualistic: a response to Lamal [d]
- Liane Gabora (1998) Weaving, bending, patching, mending the fabric of reality: a cognitive science perspective on worldview inconsistency [d]
- Marjorie B. Garber (1998) Greatness [as a symptom] [i]
- Marjorie B. Garber (1998) Symptoms of culture [i]
- Marilee C. Goldberg (1998) The art of the question: a guide to short-term question-centered therapy [i]
- Jennifer M. Gore (1998) On the limits to empowerment through critical and feminist pedagogies [i] [d]
- Bethne Hart, Peter Sainsbury, & Stephanie Short (1998) Whose dying?: a sociological critique of the 'good death' [d]
- Michael J. A. Howe, Jane W. Davidson, & John A. Sloboda (1998) Innate talents: reality or myth? [and comments and reply] [d]
- Don Ihde (1998) Expanding hermeneutics: visualism in science [i]
- Bruno Latour (1998) From the world of science to the world of research? [d] [j]
- Arien Mack & Irvin Rock (1998) Inattentional blindness [i] [d]
- Thomas Mann (1998/2015) The Oxford guide to library research [i]
- Melvin M. Mark (1998) The philosophy of science (and of life) of Donald T. Campbell [d]
- Ian I. Mitroff (1998) Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
- Mansoor Niaz (1998) The epistemological significance of Piaget's developmental stages: a Lakatosian interpretation [d]
- Raymond S. Nickerson (1998) Confirmation bias: a ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises [d]
- Azarya Polikarov (1998) A draft for unifying controversies in philosophy of science [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (1998) Fallibilism [i] [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (1998) Complexity: a philosophical overview [i] [d]
- Peter R. Scholtes (1998) Leading by asking good questions [i]
- Jan D. Sinnott (1998) The development of logic in adulthood: postformal thought and its applications [i] [d]
- Gertrudis van de Vijver, Stanley N. Salthe, & Manuela Delpos [ed] (1998) Evolutionary systems: biological and epistemological perspectives on selection and self-organization [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (1998) The new dialectic: conversational contexts of argument [i] [d] [j]
- Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, & Phil Sandahl (1998/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
- Barbara J. Zebb & J. Gayle Beck (1998) Worry versus anxiety: is there really a difference? [d]
- Michael Argyle (1997) Is happiness a cause of health? [d]
- Michael Basseches (1997) A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
- Walter Benesch (1997) An introduction to comparative philosophy: a travel guide to philosophical space [i]
- Marion Blute (1997) History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
- Jac Brown (1997) Circular questioning: an introductory guide [d]
- Mario Bunge (1997) Mechanism and explanation [d]
- Donald T. Campbell (1997) From evolutionary epistemology via selection theory to a sociology of scientific validity [u]
- Nancy Carrick & Lawrence Finsen (1997) The persuasive pen: an integrated approach to reasoning and writing [i]
- Robert Chambers (1997) Whose reality counts?: putting the first last [i] [d]
- Cynthia J. Chataway (1997) An examination of the constraints on mutual inquiry in a participatory action research project [d]
- Timothy Cleveland (1997) A refutation of pure conjecture [in Popper's theory of science] [j]
- Dale J. Cohen & Susan Bennett (1997) Why can't most people draw what they see? [d]
- Trevor Davison (1997) Critical thinking and some diesel mechanics' lifeworlds [d]
- John W. Donahoe, David C. Palmer, & José E. Burgos (1997) The unit of selection: what do reinforcers reinforce? [d]
- David R. Geelan (1997) Epistemological anarchy and the many forms of constructivism [d]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1997) The responsive order: a new empiricism [d] [u]
- Trisha Greenhalgh (1997/2019) How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare [i]
- Susan Haack (1997) The puzzle of 'scientific method' [j]
- Richard W. Hamming (1997) The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
- Lisa L. Harlow, Stanley A. Mulaik, & James H. Steiger [ed] (1997) What if there were no significance tests? [i]
- Francis Heylighen (1997) Objective, subjective and intersubjective selectors of knowledge [u]
- Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich (1997) The development of epistemological theories: beliefs about knowledge and knowing and their relation to learning [d]
- Fredric Jameson (1997) Marxism and dualism in Deleuze [u]
- Robert Kalechofsky (1997) Knowing and erring: the consolations of error: essay on developmental epistemology [i]
- David Michael Kleinberg-Levin & Eugene T. Gendlin [ed] (1997) Language beyond postmodernism: saying and thinking in Gendlin's philosophy [i]
- Barry M. Kroll (1997) Arguing about public issues: what can we learn from practical ethics? [d] [j]
- Herb Kutchins & Stuart A. Kirk (1997) Making us crazy: DSM: the psychiatric bible and the creation of mental disorders [i]
- David F. Labaree (1997) How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education [i] [d] [j]
- Larry Laudan (1997) Danger ahead: the risks you really face on life's highway [i]
- David A. Levy (1997/2010) Tools of critical thinking: metathoughts for psychology [i]
- Martin Mahner & Mario Bunge (1997) Foundations of biophilosophy [i] [d]
- David H. Maister (1997) How to give advice [u]
- Jean-Clet Martin (1997) Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
- Frank Mau (1997) Pluralism: against the demand for consensus, by Nicholas Rescher [book review] [d] [j]
- Paul E. Meehl (1997) The problem is epistemology, not statistics: replace significance tests by confidence intervals and quantify accuracy of risky numerical predictions [i]
- Douglas K. Mikkelson (1997) Who is arguing about the cat?: moral action and enlightenment according to Dōgen [d] [j]
- Trevor Pateman (1997/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
- Julieta Ramos-Elorduy (1997) Insects: a sustainable source of food? [d]
- J. Wesley Robbins (1997) Broken-backed naturalism [book review of: Religion, science, and naturalism, by Willem Drees] [d]
- Michael Ross & Tara K. MacDonald (1997) How can we be sure?: using truth criteria to validate memories [i]
- Harvey Siegel (1997) Rationality redeemed?: further dialogues on an educational ideal [i] [d]
- Saul Smilansky (1997) Should I be grateful to you for not harming me? [d] [j]
- Alan D. Sokal & Jean Bricmont (1997/1998) Fashionable nonsense: postmodern intellectuals' abuse of science [i]
- Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West (1997) Reasoning independently of prior belief and individual differences in actively open-minded thinking [d]
- Isabelle Stengers (1997) Power and invention: situating science [i]
- Pieter J. van Strien (1997) Towards a methodology of psychological practice: the regulative cycle [d]
- Shelley E. Taylor, Rena L. Repetti, & Teresa E. Seeman (1997) Health psychology: what is an unhealthy environment and how does it get under the skin? [p] [d]
- Stuart A. Vyse (1997/2014) Believing in magic: the psychology of superstition [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (1997) Judging how heavily a question is loaded: a pragmatic method [d] [u]
- McKenzie Wark (1997) The liberty tree [u]
- Dick Whitney & Melissa Giovagnoli (1997) 75 cage-rattling questions to change the way you work: shake-em-up questions to open meetings, ignite discussion, and spark creativity [i]
- Emily van Zee & Jim Minstrell (1997) Using questioning to guide student thinking [d]
- Mark H. Bickhard & Robert L. Campbell (1996) Developmental aspects of expertise: rationality and generalization [d]
- Mario Bunge (1996) Finding philosophy in social science [i] [d] [j]
- Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Lola Fleck, & Thomas E. Uebel (1996) The boat: Neurath's image of knowledge [i] [d]
- Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Lola Fleck, & Thomas E. Uebel (1996) Otto Neurath: philosophy between science and politics [i] [d]
- Gordon M. Conable (1996) Public libraries and intellectual freedom [i] [u]
- Theodore L. Dorpat (1996) Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
- Willem B. Drees (1996) Religion, science, and naturalism [i] [d]
- Klaus Eder (1996) The social construction of nature: a sociology of ecological enlightenment [i]
- Maurice A. Finocchiaro (1996) Reasoning about reasoning [i] [d]
- Don Garrett [ed] (1996/2021) The Cambridge companion to Spinoza [i] [d]
- J. K. Gibson-Graham (1996/2006) The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy [i] [j]
- Jacqueline J. Goodnow (1996) Acceptable ignorance, negotiable disagreement: alternative views of learning [i] [d]
- Kenneth R. Hammond (1996) Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
- Melissa A. Heckler & Carol Birch [ed] (1996) Who says?: essays on pivotal issues in contemporary storytelling [i]
- Matt Hern [ed] (1996) Deschooling our lives [i]
- Paulin J. Hountondji (1996) Intellectual responsibility: implications for thought and action today [d] [j]
- Ivan Illich (1996) Forward to Deschooling our lives [i]
- Ivan Illich (1996) Living off the waste of development [o]
- Evelyn Fox Keller & Helen E. Longino [ed] (1996) Feminism and science [i]
- Philip J. Knight (1996) John Dewey and religious non-realism: neither a theist nor an atheist [o] [u]
- Barbara Koslowski (1996) Theory and evidence: the development of scientific reasoning [i] [d]
- Helge Kragh (1996) Cosmology and controversy: the historical development of two theories of the universe [i] [j]
- Steinar Kvale & Svend Brinkmann (1996/2015) InterViews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing [i]
- Joseph Margolis (1996) Life without principles: reconciling theory and practice [i]
- Sally J. Markowitz (1996) The symptom of beauty, by Francette Pacteau [book review] [d] [j]
- Mari J. Matsuda (1996) Where is your body?: and other essays on race, gender, and the law [i]
- Deborah G. Mayo (1996) Error and the growth of experimental knowledge [i] [d]
- Michael Moore (1996/1997) Why doesn't GM sell crack? [i]
- Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler [ed] (1996) Encyclopedia and utopia: the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945) [i]
- Kai Nielsen (1996) Naturalism without foundations [i]
- Graham Priest, Koji Tanaka, & Zach Weber (1996/2022) Paraconsistent logic [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (1996) Process metaphysics: an introduction to process philosophy [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1996) Priceless knowledge?: natural science in economic perspective [i]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Oscar F. Gonçalves, & Allen E. Ivey (1996) From cultural to existential diversity: the impossibility of psychotherapy integration within a traditional framework [d]
- Louise S. Robbins (1996) Champions of a cause: American librarians and the Library Bill of Rights in the 1950s [o] [u]
- Barbara Rogoff, Eugene Matusov, & Cynthia White (1996) Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
- Jonathan Rosenhead (1996) What's the problem?: an introduction to problem structuring methods [d]
- Anthony Roth & Peter Fonagy (1996/2005) What works for whom?: a critical review of psychotherapy research [i]
- Lucio Russo (1996/2004) The forgotten revolution: how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn [i] [d]
- Daniel R. Sarewitz (1996) Frontiers of illusion: science, technology, and the politics of progress [i] [j]
- James Schmidt [ed] (1996) What is enlightenment?: eighteenth-century answers and twentieth-century questions [i] [d] [j]
- James K. Sebenius (1996) Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
- Jan D. Sinnott & Lynn Johnson (1996) Reinventing the university: a radical proposal for a problem-focused university [i]
- Pouwel Slurink (1996) Back to Roy Wood Sellars: why his evolutionary naturalism is still worthwhile [d] [u]
- Don W. Stacks & Michael Brian Salwen [ed] (1996/2009) An integrated approach to communication theory and research [i]
- Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] (1996) Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
- James D. Wallace (1996) Ethical norms, particular cases [i] [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton (1996) Argument structure: a pragmatic theory [i] [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton (1996) The witch hunt as a structure of argumentation [d]
- David G. Wastell (1996) The fetish of technique: methodology as a social defence [d]
- James B. Weaver III, Kittie W. Watson, & Larry L. Barker (1996) Individual differences in listening styles: Do you hear what I hear? [d]
- James V. Wertsch & William R. Penuel (1996) The individual–society antinomy revisited: productive tensions in theories of human development, communication, and education [i] [d]
- Robert P. Abelson (1995) Statistics as principled argument [i]
- Thomas Attig (1995) Can we talk?: on the elusiveness of dialogue [d]
- Carolyn Ban (1995) How do public managers manage?: bureaucratic constraints, organizational culture, and the potential for reform [i]
- Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, & William T. FitzGerald (1995/2016) The craft of research [i]
- Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, & William T. FitzGerald (1995/2016) Making good arguments: an overview [i]
- Jean Bricmont (1995) Science of chaos or chaos in science? [d]
- Peter A. Burrough & Andrew U. Frank (1995) Concepts and paradigms in spatial information: are current geographical information systems truly generic? [d]
- John Carey [ed] (1995/1997) Eyewitness to science [i]
- Michael J. Dougher (1995) A bigger picture: cause and cognition in relation to differing scientific frameworks [d]
- William M. Epstein (1995) The illusion of psychotherapy [i]
- Nina Felshin [ed] (1995) But is it art?: the spirit of art as activism [i]
- Kurt W. Fischer & Nira Granott (1995) Beyond one-dimensional change: parallel, concurrent, socially distributed processes in learning and development [d] [j]
- Tim van Gelder (1995) What might cognition be, if not computation? [d] [j]
- Marjorie Grene (1995) A philosophical testament [i]
- Robert A. Hargrove (1995/2003) Masterful coaching: inspire an 'impossible future' while producing extraordinary leaders and extraordinary results [i]
- Stephanie Lewis Harter (1995) Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
- Charles D. Hayes (1995) Proving you're qualified: strategies for competent people without college degrees [i]
- Lisa Maree Heldke & Stephen H. Kellert (1995) Objectivity as responsibility [d] [j]
- Edward R. Hirt & Keith D. Markman (1995) Multiple explanation: a consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1995) Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Lisa M. Larson, Maria T. Potenza, Lori W. Wennstedt, & Patrick J. Sailors (1995) Personal problem solving in a simulated setting: do perceptions accurately reflect behavior? [d]
- Richard Mattessich (1995) Critique of accounting: examination of the foundations and normative structure of an applied discipline [i]
- Cheryl Misak (1995) Verificationism: its history and prospects [i] [d]
- David Moshman (1995) Reasoning as self-constrained thinking [and comment by Graeme S. Halford] [d] [j]
- Kai Nielsen (1995) On transforming philosophy: a metaphilosophical inquiry [i] [d]
- Anthony O'Hear [ed] (1995) Karl Popper: philosophy and problems [i] [d]
- Josef Pieper (1995/2006) Philosophical education and intellectual labor [i]
- Willard Van Orman Quine (1995) Naturalism; or, Living within one's means [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (1995) Pseudo-philosophy [i] [u]
- Norbert F. M. Roozenburg & Johannes Eekels (1995) What is design? [i]
- Robert Rosenbaum & John Dyckman (1995) Integrating self and system: an empty intersection? [d]
- Carl Sagan (1995) The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark [i]
- Daniel L. Schacter & Joseph T. Coyle [ed] (1995) Memory distortion: how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past [i]
- Saul Smilansky (1995) Is there a moral obligation to have children? [d] [j]
- Keith E. Stanovich, Richard F. West, & Michele R. Harrison (1995) Knowledge growth and maintenance across the life span: the role of print exposure [d]
- Robert J. Sternberg & Todd I. Lubart (1995) Defying the crowd: cultivating creativity in a culture of conformity [i]
- George Stricker (1995) How do we know what is true? [d]
- Christine Marmé Thompson (1995) 'What should I draw today?': sketchbooks in early childhood [d] [j]
- Raoul Vaneigem (1995/2000) A warning to students of all ages [o] [u]
- John W. N. Watkins (1995) Critical rationalism: a restatement and defence, by David Miller [book review] [d] [j]
- Helen Watson-Verran & David Turnbull (1995/2001) Science and other indigenous knowledge systems [i] [d]
- John R. Wettersten (1995) Styles of rationality [d]
- Nancy V. Wood & James S. Miller (1995/2018) Perspectives on argument [i]
- Elie Zahar (1995) The problem of the empirical basis [in Popper's philosophy] [i] [d]
- Ofer Zur (1995) Rethinking 'Don't blame the victim': the psychology of victimhood [d]
- James Robert Brown (1994) Smoke and mirrors: how science reflects reality [i] [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum & Nick V. Hammond (1994) Argumentation-based design rationale: what use at what cost? [d]
- Mark Burgin & Vladimir Kuznetsov (1994) Scientific problems and questions from a logical point of view [d] [j] [u]
- F. Thomas Burke (1994) Dewey's new logic: a reply to Russell [i]
- Stephen T. Butterfield (1994) The double mirror: a skeptical journey into Buddhist tantra [i]
- Nancy Cartwright (1994) The metaphysics of the disunified world [d] [j] [u]
- Barry Castro (1994) Business ethics: knowing ourselves [d] [j]
- Paul Cobb (1994) Where is the mind?: constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development [d]
- Bradley C. Courtenay (1994) Are psychological models of adult development still important for the practice of adult education? [d]
- John W. Creswell & J. David Creswell (1994/2023) Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches [i]
- Alistair Cameron Crombie (1994) Styles of scientific thinking in the European tradition: the history of argument and explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts [i]
- Zoubeida R. Dagher (1994) Does the use of analogies contribute to conceptual change? [d]
- Robyn M. Dawes (1994) House of cards: psychology and psychotherapy built on myth [i]
- Ronald Philip Dore (1994) Incurable unemployment: a progressive disease of modern societies? [d]
- Brian Dumaine & Ann Sample (1994) Why do we work? [u]
- Peter Gärdenfors (1994/2005) How logic emerges from the dynamics of information [i] [d]
- James W. Garrison [ed] (1994/1995) The new scholarship on Dewey [i] [d]
- Ken Gemes (1994) Explanation, unification, and content [d] [j]
- Arthur C. Graesser & Natalie K. Person (1994) Question asking during tutoring [d] [j]
- Bell Hooks (1994) Teaching to transgress: education as the practice of freedom [i]
- Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand (1994) Orientation to inquiry in a reflective professional psychology [i]
- Kenneth V. Iserson (1994/2001) Death to dust: what happens to dead bodies? [i]
- Eugene J. Kanin (1994) False rape allegations [d]
- John F. Kihlstrom & Stanley B. Klein (1994) The self as a knowledge structure [i] [u]
- Carl Avren Levenson & Jonathan Westphal [ed] (1994) Reality [i]
- Michael R. Matthews (1994/2015) Science teaching: the contribution of history and philosophy of science [i] [d]
- David Moshman (1994) Reason, reasons and reasoning: a constructivist account of human rationality [d]
- Kai Nielsen (1994) Philosophy within the limits of wide reflective equilibrium alone [j]
- Kai Nielsen (1994) Methods of ethics: wide reflective equilibrium and a kind of consequentialism [d]
- Steward T. Pickett, Jurek Kolasa, & Clive G. Jones (1994/2007) Ecological understanding: the nature of theory and the theory of nature [i] [d]
- Karl R. Popper & Mark Amadeus Notturno (1994) The myth of the framework: in defence of science and rationality [i] [d]
- Beth Preston (1994) Behaviorism and mentalism: is there a third alternative? [d] [j]
- Robin A. Quinn, Arthur C. Houts, & Arthur C. Graesser (1994) Naturalistic conceptions of morality: a question-answering approach [d]
- George A. Reisch (1994) Planning science: Otto Neurath and the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1994) American philosophy today, and other philosophical studies [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1994) On writing philosophy [i]
- Tom Richards & Lyn Richards (1994) Creativity in social sciences: the computer enhancement of qualitative data analysis [i] [d]
- J. Wesley Robbins (1994) Is naturalism irrational? [conclusion: no] [d] [u]
- Rick Ross & Charlotte Roberts (1994) Balancing inquiry and advocacy [i]
- Rick Ross (1994) The ladder of inference [i]
- Donald A. Schön & Martin Rein (1994) Frame reflection: toward the resolution of intractable policy controversies [i]
- David A. Schum (1994) The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning [i]
- Shalom H. Schwartz (1994) Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents of human values? [d]
- Roger M. Schwarz (1994/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
- Claude Whitmyer [ed] (1994) Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
- Michael D. Yapko (1994) Suggestions of abuse: true and false memories of childhood sexual trauma [i]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1993) Value in ethics and economics [i]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1993) The thick conceptual structure of the space of reasons [i]
- William Bechtel & Robert C. Richardson (1993/2010) Discovering complexity: decomposition and localization as strategies in scientific research [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1993/2001) Explaining creativity [i]
- Donald D. Davis (1993) Telling your own stories: a new resource for discovering and creating your own stories [i]
- Samuel D. Deep & Lyle Sussman (1993) What to ask when you don't know what to say: 555 powerful questions to use for getting your way at work [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1993/1997) Literature and life [i]
- Bernard Faure (1993) Chan insights and oversights: an epistemological critique of the Chan tradition [i]
- Frank Fischer & John Forester [ed] (1993) The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning [i] [d]
- Henry J. Folse Jr. (1993) The environment and the epistemological lesson of complementarity [d]
- John P. van Gigch (1993) Metamodeling: the epistemology of system science [d]
- David Gries & Fred B. Schneider (1993) A logical approach to discrete math [i] [d]
- Susan Haack (1993/2009) Evidence and inquiry: a pragmatist reconstruction of epistemology [or: Evidence and inquiry: towards reconstruction in epistemology] [i]
- Carroll Guen Hart (1993) 'Power in the service of love': John Dewey's Logic and the dream of a common language [d] [j]
- Mark Hobart [ed] (1993) An anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance [i] [d]
- Gerald Holton (1993) Science and anti-science [i]
- Peter H. Judd (1993) How much is enough?: controlling water demand in apartment buildings [i]
- Deanna Kuhn (1993) Science as argument: implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking [d]
- Richard Levins (1993) A response to Orzack and Sober: formal analysis and the fluidity of science [d] [j]
- Stephen Madigan (1993) Questions about questions: situating the therapist's curiosity in front of the family [i]
- Alvin R. Mahrer & David R. Fairweather (1993) What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
- Paul E. Meehl (1993/2006) Philosophy of science: help or hindrance? [i] [d]
- Kay Milton [ed] (1993) Environmentalism: the view from anthropology [i] [d]
- Milton Karl Munitz (1993) Does life have a meaning? [i]
- Kai Nielsen (1993) Relativism and wide reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1993) Human constructivism: a unification of psychological and epistemological phenomena in meaning making [d]
- Jacqueline B. Persons (1993) The process of change in cognitive therapy: schema change or acquisition of compensatory skills? [d]
- Fred Plaut (1993) Analysis analysed: when the map becomes the territory [i]
- David Rothenberg & Arne Næss (1993) Is it painful to think?: conversations with Arne Næss [i] [j]
- Bernard Roy (1993) Decision science or decision-aid science? [d]
- David-Hillel Ruben [ed] (1993) Explanation [i]
- Amartya Sen (1993) Does business ethics make economic sense? [d]
- Michael Shermer (1993) The unlikeliest cult in history [u]
- John Shotter (1993) Cultural politics of everyday life: social constructionism, rhetoric and knowing of the third kind [i]
- Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette & Earl D. McCoy (1993) Method in ecology: strategies for conservation [i] [d]
- Herbert A. Simon (1993) Decision making: rational, nonrational, and irrational [d]
- Peter Skagestad (1993) Thinking with machines: intelligence augmentation, evolutionary epistemology, and semiotic [d]
- Isabelle Stengers (1993) The invention of modern science [i]
- Kōshō Uchiyama, Daitsū Thomas Wright, Jishō Cary Warner, & Shohaku Okumura (1993/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
- Kōshō Uchiyama, Daitsū Thomas Wright, Jishō Cary Warner, Shohaku Okumura, & Densho Quintero (1993/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
- Robert K. Yin (1993/2012) Applications of case study research [i]
- Alfred Jules Ayer & Jane O'Grady [ed] (1992/1994) A dictionary of philosophical quotations [i]
- Joel M. Charon (1992/2013) Ten questions: a sociological perspective [i]
- Lorraine Daston (1992) Objectivity and the escape from perspective [d]
- Alan Thein Durning (1992) How much is enough?: the consumer society and the future of the earth [i]
- Robert B. Edgerton (1992) Sick societies: challenging the myth of primitive harmony [i]
- Paul Feyerabend (1992/2019) Calls for papers: excerpts ['We need a continuous wake-up call'] [d] [u]
- Ronald N. Giere [ed] (1992) Cognitive models of science [i] [j]
- Ronald N. Giere (1992) The cognitive construction of scientific knowledge: response to Pickering [d]
- Clark N. Glymour (1992/2015) Experience, knowledge, and belief [i] [j]
- Ian Hacking (1992) The self-vindication of the laboratory sciences [i] [d]
- David L. Hull (1992) The particular-circumstance model of scientific explanation [i]
- James W. Jones (1992) Knowledge in transition: toward a Winnicottian epistemology [p] [u]
- Deanna Kuhn (1992) Thinking as argument [d]
- Deanna Kuhn (1992) Piaget's child as scientist [i] [d]
- Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond (1992) About misunderstandings about misunderstandings [d]
- Paul E. Meehl (1992) Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind [d]
- Susan E. Newman & Catherine C. Marshall (1992) Pushing Toulmin too far: learning from an argument representation scheme [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (1992/2005) The rise and fall of analytic philosophy [i] [d]
- Tore Sager (1992) Why plan?: a multi-rationality foundation for planning [d]
- Donald A. Schön (1992) The theory of inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education [d] [j]
- Michel Serres & Bruno Latour (1992/1995) Conversations on science, culture, and time [i] [d]
- Steven G. Smith (1992) What is it to question? [j]
- Lucy Taksa (1992) Scientific management: technique or cultural ideology? [d]
- Kerry S. Walters [ed] (1992/2011) Revolutionary deists: early America's rational infidels [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (1992) After analytic philosophy, what's next?: an analytic philosopher's perspective [on progress in philosophy] [j] [u]
- Anthony Weston (1992) Toward better problems: new perspectives on abortion, animal rights, the environment, and justice [i] [j]
- David A. Winter (1992) Personal construct theory and alternative constructions of psychological disorder and therapy [i]
- Lewis Wolpert (1992) The unnatural nature of science: why science does not make (common) sense [i]
- James Harvey Young (1992) American health quackery: collected essays [i] [d] [j]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1991) John Stuart Mill and experiments in living [d] [j]
- Terence Anderson, David A. Schum, & William L. Twining (1991/2005) Analysis of evidence [i] [d]
- Larry E. Beutler (1991) Have all won and must all have prizes?: revisiting Luborsky et al.'s verdict [d]
- J. Anthony Blair (1991/2012) What is the right amount of support for a conclusion? [i] [d]
- John F. Boatman (1991/1992) My elders taught me: aspects of Western Great Lakes American Indian philosophy [i]
- Mario Bunge (1991) What is science? Does it matter to distinguish it from pseudoscience? A reply to my commentators [d]
- James Campbell (1991) Philosophers and the nature of wisdom [d] [j]
- Milič Čapek & Robert S. Cohen (1991) The new aspects of time: its continuity and novelties: selected papers in the philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari (1991/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
- Bernard Faure (1991) The rhetoric of immediacy: a cultural critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism [i] [j]
- Kendrick Frazier [ed] (1991) The hundredth monkey and other paradigms of the paranormal: a Skeptical Inquirer collection [i]
- James B. Freeman (1991) Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure [i] [d]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1991) Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
- Thomas Gilovich (1991) How we know what isn't so: the fallibility of human reason in everyday life [i]
- Jaakko Hintikka & James Bachman (1991) What if—?: toward excellence in reasoning [i]
- David L. Jamison (1991) Michel Meyer's philosophy of problematology: toward a new theory of argument [d]
- Nicholas Jardine (1991/2000) The scenes of inquiry: on the reality of questions in the sciences [i] [d]
- Bruno Latour (1991/1993) We have never been modern [i]
- Michael J. Mahoney (1991) Human change processes: the scientific foundations of psychotherapy [i]
- Arthur C. Graesser & Sallie E. Gordon (1991) Question answering and the organization of world knowledge [i]
- Paul E. Meehl, C. Anthony Anderson, & Keith Gunderson [ed] (1991) Selected philosophical and methodological papers [of Paul E. Meehl] [i] [j]
- Esther Menaker (1991) Questioning the sacred cow of the transference [i] [d]
- Arne Næss (1991/2005) Should we try to relieve clear cases of suffering in nature? [i] [d]
- Andrew Neher (1991) Maslow's theory of motivation: a critique [d]
- Jay Newman (1991) On religious freedom [i]
- Karl R. Popper (1991/1999) All life is problem solving [and other essays] [i] [d]
- Daniel Rigney (1991) Three kinds of anti-intellectualism: rethinking Hofstadter [d]
- Stuart Russell (1991) Inductive learning by machines [d] [j]
- Heiner Rutte (1991) The philosopher Otto Neurath [i] [d]
- Donald A. Schön [ed] (1991) The reflective turn: case studies in and on educational practice [i]
- Mike U. Smith [ed] (1991) Toward a unified theory of problem solving: views from the content domains [i] [d]
- Thomas M. Steinfatt (1991) 'What we have here, is a failure to communicate': on the inherent indefensibility of behaviorist metaphysics [d]
- Robert J. Sternberg & Peter A. Frensch [ed] (1991) Complex problem solving: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
- Peter Tillers & David A. Schum (1991) A theory of preliminary fact investigation [u]
- William R. Torbert (1991) The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
- Thomas E. Uebel [ed] (1991) Rediscovering the forgotten Vienna Circle: Austrian studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle [i] [d]
- Joseph Agassi (1990) Ontology and its discontent [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
- Gloria Anzaldúa [ed] (1990) Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras: creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color [i]
- Patricia Kennedy Arlin (1990) Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
- William Bechtel (1990) Scientific evidence: creating and evaluating experimental instruments and research techniques [d] [j]
- William Berkson (1990) In defense of good reasons [against Popperian opposition to 'good reasons'] [d]
- Wendell Berry (1990) What are people for?: essays [i]
- Pierre Bourdieu (1990) The scholastic point of view [d]
- Mario Bunge (1990) What kind of discipline is psychology: autonomous or dependent, humanistic or scientific, biological or sociological? [d]
- Robert B. Cairns (1990) Developmental epistemology and self-knowledge: towards a reinterpretation of self-esteem [i]
- Steven J. DeRose, David G. Durand, Elli Mylonas, & Allen H. Renear (1990) What is text, really? [d]
- Eileen D. Gambrill (1990/2012) Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgments and decisions [i]
- Ronald N. Giere (1990) Evolutionary models of science [i]
- James L. Golden & David L. Jamison (1990) Meyer's theory of problematology [j]
- Jonathan M. Golding, Arthur C. Graesser, & Keith K. Millis (1990) What makes a good answer to a question?: testing a psychological model of question answering in the context of narrative text [d]
- Arthur C. Graesser & Stanley P. Franklin (1990) QUEST: a cognitive model of question answering [d]
- Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach [ed] (1990) Theories of the evolution of knowing [i]
- Rom Harré (1990) Some narrative conventions of scientific discourse [i]
- Mary B. Howes (1990) The psychology of human cognition: mainstream and Genevan traditions [i]
- Karen Strohm Kitchener & Helene G. Brenner (1990) Wisdom and reflective judgment: knowing in the face of uncertainty [i] [d]
- Arnold A. Lazarus (1990) Can psychotherapists transcend the shackles of their training and superstitions? [p] [d]
- Richard M. Lerner (1990) A developmental contextual critique of evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Charles Edward Lindblom (1990) Impaired inquiry [i] [j]
- Charles Edward Lindblom (1990) Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
- Roland Littlewood (1990) How universal is something we can call 'therapy'?: some implications of non-Western healing systems for intercultural work [d]
- Jean-Pierre Marquis (1990) Partial truths about partial truth [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
- John A. Meacham (1990) The loss of wisdom [i] [d]
- Paul E. Meehl (1990) Corroboration and verisimilitude: against Lakatos's 'sheer leap of faith' [u]
- Paul E. Meehl (1990) Why summaries of research on psychological theories are often uninterpretable [d]
- Jennifer Moore (1990) What is really unethical about insider trading? [d] [j]
- Andrea Nye (1990) Words of power: a feminist reading of the history of logic [i]
- David W. Orr (1990/1994) What is education for? [i]
- Nicholas Rescher [ed] (1990) Evolution, cognition, and realism: studies in evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1990) A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
- Sulak Sivaraksa (1990) Human rights in the context of global problem-solving: a Buddhist perspective [i]
- Page Smith (1990) Killing the spirit: higher education in America [i]
- Robert J. Sternberg [ed] (1990) Wisdom: its nature, origins, and development [i] [d]
- Douglas C. Strohmer & David L. Blustein (1990) The adult problem solver as person scientist [d]
- Roberto Torretti (1990) Creative understanding: philosophical reflections on physics [i] [d]
- William L. Twining (1990/2006) Rethinking evidence: exploratory essays [i] [d]
- Paul Weingartner & George J. W. Dorn [ed] (1990) Studies on Mario Bunge's Treatise [i]
- Bruce W. Wilshire (1990) Professionalism as purification ritual: alienation and disintegration in the university [d] [j]
- Franz M. Wuketits (1990) Evolutionary epistemology and its implications for humankind [i]
- Patricia Kennedy Arlin (1989) The problem of the problem [i]
- Michael Basseches (1989) Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
- Michael Basseches (1989) Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
- James Crosswhite (1989) Mood in argumentation [j]
- Gilles Deleuze (1989/1992) What is a dispositif? [i]
- Kerry Freedman (1989) The philanthropic vision: the Owatonna Art Education Project as an example of 'private' interests in public schooling [d] [j]
- Hans-Jost Frey (1989/1996) Interruptions [i]
- Jorge Furtado, Nora Goulart, Monica Schmiedt, & Paulo José (1989/2003) Ilha das flores = Isle of flowers [or: Island of flowers] [o] [u]
- Barry Gholson [ed] (1989) Psychology of science: contributions to metascience [i] [d]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld (1989) Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
- John Hick (1989/2004) The Buddha's 'undetermined questions' and the religions [u]
- Susan L. Hurley (1989) Natural reasons: personality and polity [i]
- Philip Kitcher (1989) Explanatory unification and the causal structure of the world [i] [u]
- Philip Kitcher & Wesley C. Salmon [ed] (1989) Scientific explanation [i] [u]
- Monica Lee (1989) When is an object not an object?: the effect of 'meaning' upon the copying of line drawings [d]
- Elaine P. Maimon, Barbara F. Nodine, & Finbarr W. O'Connor [ed] (1989) Thinking, reasoning, and writing [i]
- Jay Moore (1989) Why methodological behaviorism is mentalistic [d]
- David Moshman & Leslie E. Lukin (1989) The creative construction of rationality: a paradox? [i] [d]
- William T. O'Donohue (1989) The (even) bolder model: the clinical psychologist as metaphysician–scientist–practitioner [p] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1989) Cognitive economy: the economic dimension of the theory of knowledge [i] [u]
- Horst W. J. Rittel & Douglas Noble (1989) Issue-based information systems for design [o]
- Anthony F. Russell (1989) The aesthetic component in the logic of discovery and detection [i] [d]
- Charles P. Shimp (1989) Contemporary behaviorism versus the old behavioral straw man in Gardner's The mind's new science: a history of the cognitive revolution [d] [u]
- James Somerville (1989) Collingwood's logic of question and answer [d] [j]
- Edward Stein & Peter Lipton (1989) Where guesses come from: evolutionary epistemology and the anomaly of guided variation [d]
- Janet A. Weiss (1989) The powers of problem definition: the case of government paperwork [d]
- Ellen Winner (1989) How can Chinese children draw so well? [j]
- James Woodward (1989) The causal mechanical model of explanation [i] [u]
- Jonathan Baron (1988/2008) Thinking and deciding [i] [d]
- Donald T. Campbell & E. Samuel Overman (1988) Methodology and epistemology for social science: selected papers [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & Michael L. Begeman (1988) gIBIS: a hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion [d]
- Lee J. Cronbach (1988) Five perspectives on validity argument [in psychological assessment] [i] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze (1988/1993) What is an event? [i]
- Norman M. Ford (1988) When did I begin?: conception of the human individual in history, philosophy, and science [i] [d]
- George E. Forman (1988) Making intuitive knowledge explicit through future technology [i]
- Deborah Frisch & Jonathan Baron (1988) Ambiguity and rationality [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (1988) Explaining science: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
- Jorge J. E. Gracia (1988) Individuality: an essay on the foundations of metaphysics [i]
- Adolf Grünbaum & Wesley C. Salmon [ed] (1988) The limitations of deductivism [i]
- Carl G. Hempel (1988) Limits of a deductive construal of the function of scientific theories [and comment by Yemima Ben-Menachem] [i] [d]
- Alvin R. Mahrer (1988) Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research: rationale, aims, and methods [p] [d]
- Sandra Mathison (1988) Why triangulate? [during data collection] [d]
- Donald Meichenbaum (1988) What happens when the 'brute data' of psychological inquiry are meanings: nurturing a dialogue between hermeneutics and empiricism [and comment by Jerome Wakefield] [i]
- Michel Meyer [ed] (1988) Questions and questioning [i] [d]
- Thomas Nickles (1988) Questioning and problems in philosophy of science: problem-solving versus directly truth-seeking epistemologies [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1988) Rationality: a philosophical inquiry into the nature and the rationale of reason [i]
- Richard Rogers (1988/2008) Clinical assessment of malingering and deception [i]
- William McKinley Runyan (1988) Alternatives to psychoanalytic psychobiography [i] [u]
- Roger C. Schank & Peter G. Childers (1988) The creative attitude: learning to ask and answer the right questions [i]
- Paul Thagard (1988) Computational philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1988) The recovery of practical philosophy [j]
- Bjørn Axelsen & Michael R. Handley Jones (1987) Are all maps mental maps? [d]
- Mario Bunge (1987) Seven desiderata for rationality [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge & Rubén Ardila (1987) Philosophy of psychology [i] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze (1987/2001) What is the creative act? [i]
- Lee Drummond (1987) Are there cultures to communicate across? An appraisal of the 'culture' concept from the perspective of anthropological semiotics [i] [u]
- Frederick Grinnell (1987/1992) The scientific attitude [i]
- Arno Gruen (1987/1992) The insanity of normality: realism as sickness: toward understanding human destructiveness [i]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1987) A realistic theory of science [i]
- Robert Kalechofsky (1987) The persistence of error: essays in developmental epistemology [i]
- Joshua Klayman & Young-won Ha (1987) Confirmation, disconfirmation, and information in hypothesis testing [d]
- Manfred Kochen (1987) How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? [d]
- Paul Lorenzen (1987) Constructive philosophy [i]
- Nancy J. Nersessian [ed] (1987) The process of science: contemporary philosophical approaches to understanding scientific practice [i] [d]
- Thomas Nickles (1987) 'Twixt method and madness [i] [d]
- Michael Foot & Isaac Kramnick [ed] (1987) Thomas Paine reader [i]
- Gerard Radnitzky & William Warren Bartley [ed] (1987) Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1987) Scientific realism: a critical reappraisal [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1987) Ethical idealism: an inquiry into the nature and function of ideals [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1987) Forbidden knowledge: and other essays on the philosophy of cognition [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1987) Life's seasons: the conceptual phenomenology of age-periodization [i] [d]
- Abner Shimony & Debra Nails [ed] (1987) Naturalistic epistemology: a symposium of two decades [i] [d]
- Raimo Tuomela (1987) Science, protoscience, and pseudoscience [i] [d]
- Michael Walzer (1987) Interpretation and social criticism [i]
- Elie Zahar (1987) Meyerson's 'relativistic deduction': Einstein versus Hegel [d] [j]
- William Bechtel [ed] (1986) Integrating scientific disciplines [i] [d]
- Andrew G. Bjelland (1986) Evolutionary epistemology, durational metaphysics, and theoretical physics: Čapek and the Bergsonian tradition [i]
- Pierre Bourdieu (1986/2000) The biographical illusion [i]
- Michael Bradie (1986) Assessing evolutionary epistemology [d]
- Charles L. Briggs (1986) Learning how to ask: a sociolinguistic appraisal of the role of the interview in social science research [i]
- Mario Bunge (1986) In defense of realism and scientism [d]
- Donald T. Campbell (1986/1988) Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences [i]
- Michael J. Crowe (1986) The extraterrestrial life debate, 1750–1900: the idea of a plurality of worlds from Kant to Lowell [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1986/1988) Foucault [i]
- Stephen Jay Gould (1986) Evolution and the triumph of homology, or why history matters [j]
- Richard W. Hamming (1986/2010) You and your research [i] [d] [u]
- Sue Hercombe (1986) What the hell do we want an artist here for? [i]
- Philip Kitcher (1986) Projecting the order of nature [i] [d]
- Larry Laudan, Arthur Donovan, Rachel Laudan, Peter Barker, Harold Brown, Jarrett Leplin, Paul Thagard, & Steve Wykstra (1986) Scientific change: philosophical models and historical research [d] [j]
- Yvonna S. Lincoln & Egon G. Guba (1986) But is it rigorous?: trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation [d]
- Michel Meyer (1986/1995) Of problematology: philosophy, science, and language [i]
- Peter A. Remender & Robin Lucareli (1986) In search of artistic excellence: the social construction of artistic values [d] [j]
- Claude Sammut & Ranan B. Banerji (1986) Learning concepts by asking questions [i] [u]
- Ralph William Sleeper (1986/2001) The necessity of pragmatism: John Dewey's conception of philosophy [i]
- Keith E. Stanovich (1986/2019) How to think straight about psychology [i]
- Karyn Stapleton (1986/2018) Questioning [as an interpersonal communication skill] [i] [d]
- Danilo Zolo (1986/1989) Reflexive epistemology: the philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath [i] [d]
- James Baldwin (1985) The price of the ticket: collected nonfiction, 1948–1985 [i]
- Georges Bataille (1985) Visions of excess: selected writings, 1927–1939 [i]
- Mario Bunge (1985) From mindless neuroscience and brainless psychology to neuropsychology [and comments and reply] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1985) Kinds of knowledge [i] [d]
- A. A. Derksen (1985) The alleged unity of Popper's philosophy of science: falsifiability as fake cement [d] [j]
- Edward Erwin (1985) To what degree was Freud wrong—and how much difference does it make in psychotherapy? [d]
- Arthur C. Graesser & John B. Black [ed] (1985) The psychology of questions [i] [d]
- John Hardwig (1985) Epistemic dependence [d] [j]
- Larry M. Leitner (1985) Interview methodologies for construct elicitation: searching for the core [i]
- Richard Levins & Richard C. Lewontin (1985) The dialectical biologist [i]
- Kai Nielsen (1985) Equality and liberty: a defense of radical egalitarianism [i]
- Keith Oatley (1985) Experimental method and psychodynamic theory: discussion paper [p] [d] [u]
- Ilya Prigogine (1985) New perspectives on complexity [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1985) Are philosophical problems pseudoproblems? [i] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (1985) The strife of systems: an essay on the grounds and implications of philosophical diversity [i] [u]
- David Edward Shaner (1985) The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism: a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen [i]
- Stephen Toulmin & David E. Leary (1985/1992) The cult of empiricism in psychology, and beyond [i] [d]
- Kurt A. VanLehn (1985) Theory reform caused by an argumentation tool [NoteCards] [u]
- Michael Basseches (1984) Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
- John Bransford & Barry S. Stein (1984/1993) The ideal problem solver: a guide for improving thinking, learning, and creativity [i]
- Claude M. J. Braun & Jacinthe M. C. Baribeau (1984) The classification of psychology among the sciences from Francis Bacon to Boniface Kedrov [j] [u]
- Mario Bunge (1984) What is pseudoscience? [o]
- Milič Čapek (1984/1991) Particles or events? [i] [d]
- Stephen J. Casey (1984) Definitions of religion: a matter of taste? [d]
- Michel Foucault (1984) What is enlightenment? [i]
- Herbert V. Guenther (1984) The problem situation [i]
- Diane F. Halpern (1984/2014) Thought and knowledge: an introduction to critical thinking [i] [d]
- David Harrah (1984/2002) The logic of questions [i] [d]
- Richard P. Hayes (1984) The question of doctrinalism in the Buddhist epistemologists [d] [j]
- J. M. B. Moss (1984) Popper and after: four modern irrationalists, by D. C. Stove [book review] [d] [j]
- Ilkka Niiniluoto (1984) Is science progressive? [i] [d]
- Arne Friemuth Petersen (1984) The role of problems and problem solving in Popper's early work on psychology [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1984/1999) The limits of science [i] [j] [u]
- Tarthang Tulku (1984) Knowledge of freedom: time to change [i]
- Stephen Toulmin (1984) The new philosophy of science and the 'paranormal' [o]
- John W. N. Watkins (1984) Science and scepticism [i] [d] [j]
- Paul Watzlawick [ed] (1984) The invented reality: how do we know what we believe we know?: contributions to constructivism [i]
- Karl E. Weick (1984/1986) Small wins: redefining the scale of social problems [i]
- Robert K. Yin (1984/2014) Case study research: design and methods [i]
- Peter Achinstein [ed] (1983) The concept of evidence [i]
- Annette C. Baier (1983) Knowing our place in the animal world [i] [d]
- A. J. A. Binker & Marla Charbonneau (1983) Piagetian insights and critical thinking [d] [u]
- Maurice Blanchot (1983/1988) The unavowable community [i]
- William W. Bunge (1983) Geography is a field subject [j]
- Mario Bunge (1983/1985) Epistemology & methodology [in three volumes: Exploring the world; Understanding the world; Philosophy of science and technology] [o] [d]
- Milič Čapek (1983/1991) Time-space rather than space-time [i] [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (1983) How the laws of physics lie [i] [d]
- Robert S. Cohen, Marie Neurath, & Carolyn R. Fawcett [ed] (1983) Philosophical papers, 1913–1946 [selected papers by Otto Neurath] [i] [d]
- Fred I. Dretske (1983) Précis of Knowledge and the flow of information [and comments and reply] [d]
- John Earman [ed] (1983) Testing scientific theories [i] [j] [u]
- Norbert Elias & Michael Schröter (1983/1987) Involvement and detachment [i]
- Michael Friedman (1983) Foundations of space-time theories: relativistic physics and philosophy of science [i] [d] [j]
- Gerald F. Gaus (1983) The modern liberal theory of man [i] [d]
- Ian Hacking (1983) Representing and intervening: introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science [i] [d]
- David W. Hamlyn (1983) Perception, learning, and the self: essays in the philosophy of psychology [i]
- Karen Strohm Kitchener (1983) Cognition, metacognition, and epistemic cognition: a three-level model of cognitive processing [d] [j]
- Werner Kunz & Horst W. J. Rittel (1983/1984) How to know what is known: designing crutches for communication [i]
- Leslie Lamport (1983) What good is temporal logic? [i] [u]
- John A. Meacham (1983) Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
- Sal P. Restivo (1983) The social relations of physics, mysticism, and mathematics: studies in social structure, interests, and ideas [i] [d]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1983) Eliciting the real problem [and comments] [i] [d]
- Finn Tschudi (1983) Constructs are hypotheses [i] [u]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1983) From genetic epistemology to historical epistemology: Kant, Marx and Piaget [i] [d]
- Neil D. Weinstein (1983) Reducing unrealistic optimism about illness susceptibility [d]
- Phillip Karl Wood (1983) Inquiring systems and problem structure: implications for cognitive development [d] [j]
- Elie Zahar (1983) Logic of discovery or psychology of invention? [d] [j]
- Joseph Agassi & Robert S. Cohen [ed] (1982) Scientific philosophy today: essays in honor of Mario Bunge [i] [d]
- Chris Argyris (1982) Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
- Else M. Barth & Erik C. W. Krabbe (1982) From axiom to dialogue: a philosophical study of logics and argumentation [i] [d]
- Norman M. Bradburn, Brian Wansink, & Seymour Sudman (1982/2004) Asking questions: the definitive guide to questionnaire design—for market research, political polls, and social and health questionnaires [i]
- Donald T. Campbell (1982) Experiments as arguments [d]
- Steven J. Dick (1982) Plurality of worlds: the origins of the extraterrestrial life debate from Democritus to Kant [i]
- William N. Dunn (1982) Reforms as arguments [d]
- Robert H. Ennis (1982) Identifying implicit assumptions [d] [j]
- Jacob W. Getzels (1982) The problem of the problem [i]
- Edward S. Reed & Rebecca K. Jones [ed] (1982) Reasons for realism: selected essays of James J. Gibson [i] [d]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld & Michael F. Kelley (1982) On the concepts of period, phase, stage, and level [d] [j]
- Terry M. Goode & John R. Wettersten (1982) How do we learn from argument?: toward an account of the logic of problems [d] [j]
- Erkki Haukioja (1982) Are individuals really subordinated to genes?: a theory of living entities [d]
- Robin M. Hogarth [ed] (1982) Question framing and response consistency [i]
- Stephen Levine (1982) Who dies?: an investigation of conscious living and conscious dying [i]
- Ian I. Mitroff & Richard O. Mason (1982) On the structure of dialectical reasoning in the social and policy sciences [d]
- Ian I. Mitroff, Richard O. Mason, & Vincent P. Barabba (1982) Policy as argument—a logic for ill-structured decision problems [d]
- David Moshman & Mark Timmons (1982) The construction of logical necessity [d] [j]
- James M. Nehiley, James Stephens, & John Sutherland (1982) Cartoons: when are they effective? [u]
- Keith Oatley (1982) Refutation and the appropriation of truth in psychoanalysis [p] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1982) Empirical inquiry [i]
- Frank H. Rigler (1982) Recognition of the possible: an advantage of empiricism in ecology [d]
- J. Dan Rothwell (1982) Telling it like it isn't: language misuse & malpractice, what we can do about it [i]
- Dan Sperber (1982/1985) On anthropological knowledge: three essays [i] [u]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1982) Piaget's genetic epistemology and the Marxist theory of knowledge [j]
- James Bird (1981) The target of space and the arrow of time [d] [j]
- Marilynn B. Brewer & Barry E. Collins [ed] (1981) Scientific inquiry and the social sciences: a volume in honor of Donald T. Campbell [i]
- Mario Bunge (1981) A critique of dialectics [i] [d]
- Craig Dilworth (1981/2008) Scientific progress: a study concerning the nature of the relation between successive scientific theories [i] [d]
- Fred I. Dretske (1981) Knowledge and the flow of information [i]
- Ian Hacking [ed] (1981) Scientific revolutions [i]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1981) Formalist rationality: the limitations of Popper's theory of reason [d] [j]
- Peter P. Kirschenmann (1981) A scientific ontology [book review of: Ontology, by Mario Bunge] [d]
- Richard F. Kitchener (1981) The nature and scope of genetic epistemology [d] [j]
- David Moshman & Pat A. Thompson (1981) Hypothesis testing in students: sequences, stages, and instructional strategies [d]
- William Herbert Newton-Smith (1981) The rationality of science [i] [d]
- Thomas Nickles (1981) What is a problem that we may solve it? [d] [j]
- Richard W. Paul (1981) Teaching critical thinking in the 'strong' sense: a focus on self-deception, world views, and a dialectical mode of analysis [d] [u]
- Peter Reason & John Rowan [ed] (1981) Human inquiry: a sourcebook of new paradigm research [i]
- Thomas Schwartz (1981) Logic as a liberal art [d]
- Herbert A. Simon, Patrick W. Langley, & Gary L. Bradshaw (1981) Scientific discovery as problem solving [d] [j]
- William R. Torbert (1981) Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
- Stephen Toulmin (1981) Evolution, adaptation, and human understanding [i]
- Valentin F. Turchin (1981) The inertia of fear and the scientific worldview [i] [d]
- William C. Wimsatt (1981) Robustness, reliability, and overdetermination [i]
- Chris Argyris (1980) Inner contradictions of rigorous research [i]
- Merrie Bergmann, James Moor, & Jack Nelson (1980/2009) The logic book [i]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (1980) The philosophy of Brand Blanshard [i]
- Mario Bunge (1980) The mind-body problem: a psychobiological approach [i] [d]
- Nancy Cartwright (1980) The truth doesn't explain much [j] [u]
- Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari (1980/1987) How do you make yourself a body without organs? [i]
- Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari (1980/1987) A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia [i]
- Donald O. Hebb (1980) Essay on mind [i]
- Philip N. Hineline (1980) The language of behavior analysis: its community, its functions, and its limitations [j]
- Sidney Hook (1980) Philosophy and public policy [and other essays] [i]
- Sidney Hook (1980) Are there limits to freedom of expression? [i]
- Andrew Neher (1980/1990) The psychology of transcendence [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1980) Induction: an essay on the justification of inductive reasoning [i]
- Herbert A. Simon (1980) Cognitive science: the newest science of the artificial [d]
- Gary Snyder & William Scott McLean (1980) The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
- Tarthang Tulku, Ralph H. Moon, & Stephen Randall [ed] (1980) Dimensions of thought: current explorations in time, space, and knowledge [i]
- James Thrower (1980) The alternative tradition: religion and the rejection of religion in the ancient world [i] [d]
- Vincent Batts, Thomas Cook, & John Lincourt (1979) Hypothetical fallibilism in Peirce and Jevons [j]
- Pierre Bourdieu (1979/1984) Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste [i]
- Mario Bunge (1979) Systemism supersedes atomism and holism [i] [d]
- Thomas D. Cook & Donald T. Campbell (1979) Quasi-experimentation: design & analysis issues for field settings [i]
- Colin Eden & David Sims (1979) On the nature of problems in consulting practice [d]
- Marion Joan Francoz (1979) The logic of question and answer: writing as inquiry [d] [j]
- Roderick S. French (1979) Elihu Palmer, radical deist, radical republican: a reconsideration of American free thought [d]
- Ronald N. Giere, John Bickle, & Robert F. Maudlin (1979/2006) Understanding scientific reasoning [i]
- Ian Hacking (1979) Michel Foucault's immature science [d] [j]
- Robert Kowalski (1979/2014) Logic for problem solving, revisited [i] [u]
- Elizabeth F. Loftus (1979/1996) Eyewitness testimony [i]
- David Moshman (1979) Development of formal hypothesis-testing ability [d]
- Ernest Nagel (1979) Teleology revisited and other essays in the philosophy and history of science [i] [d]
- Carole Pateman (1979/1985) The problem of political obligation: a critique of liberal theory [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1979) Cognitive systematization: a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge [i]
- Carl Sagan (1979/1997) Can we know the universe?: reflections on a grain of salt [i]
- Thomas A. Sebeok & Jean Umiker-Sebeok (1979) 'You know my method': a juxtaposition of Charles S. Peirce and Sherlock Holmes [d]
- Stephen Toulmin, Richard D. Rieke, & Allan Janik (1979/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
- Warren W. Tryon (1979) The test–trait fallacy [d]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1979) Models: representation and the scientific understanding [i] [d]
- Michael Basseches (1978) Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
- Peter Binns (1978) The supposed asymmetry between falsification and verification [d] [j]
- John M. Broughton (1978) Development of concepts of self, mind, reality, and knowledge [d]
- Craig B. Hallenstein (1978) Ethical problems of psychological jargon [d]
- David W. Hamlyn (1978) Experience and the growth of understanding [i]
- Ivan Illich (1978) Toward a history of needs [i]
- Ivan Illich (1978) The right to useful unemployment and its professional enemies [i]
- Henry W. Johnstone Jr. (1978) Validity and rhetoric in philosophical argument: an outlook in transition [o]
- Robert Lilienfeld (1978) The rise of systems theory: an ideological analysis [i]
- Raymond McCall (1978) On the structure and use of issue systems in design [o] [u]
- Ilkka Niiniluoto (1978/1984) Notes on Popper as follower of Whewell and Peirce [i] [d]
- Klaus F. Riegel (1978) Psychology, mon amour: a countertext [i]
- James Russell (1978) The acquisition of knowledge [i]
- Linda S. Siegel & Charles J. Brainerd [ed] (1978) Alternatives to Piaget: critical essays on the theory [i]
- William H. Simon (1978) The ideology of advocacy: procedural justice and professional ethics [o]
- Robert L. Sinsheimer (1978) The presumptions of science [j]
- Robert A. F. Thurman (1978) Buddhist hermeneutics [d] [j]
- Burleigh Taylor Wilkins (1978) Has history any meaning?: a critique of Popper's philosophy of history [i]
- John M. Ziman (1978/1991) Reliable knowledge: an exploration of the grounds for belief in science [i]
- Joseph Ben-David & Terry Nichols Clark [ed] (1977) Culture and its creators: essays in honor of Edward Shils [i]
- Jean Claude Bringuier & Jean Piaget (1977/1980) Conversations with Jean Piaget [i]
- Jacob Bronowski & Piero E. Ariotti (1977) A sense of the future: essays in natural philosophy [i]
- Mario Bunge (1977/1979) Ontology [in two volumes: The furniture of the world; A world of systems] [o] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet (1977/1987) Dialogues [i]
- Robert E. Dewey (1977) The philosophy of John Dewey: a critical exposition of his method, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge [i] [d]
- Carl G. Hempel (1977/1979) Scientific rationality: analytic vs. pragmatic perspectives [i] [u]
- David F. Horrobin (1977) Medical hubris: a reply to Ivan Illich [i]
- Alasdair MacIntyre (1977) Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science [d] [j]
- Ken Metzler (1977/1997) Creative interviewing: the writer's guide to gathering information by asking questions [i]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1977) Epicycles and the homocentric earth: or what is wrong with 'stages' of cognitive development? [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) Confirmationism vs. falsificationism [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) Dialectics: a controversy-oriented approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) Methodological pragmatism: a systems-theoretic approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) The systematization of knowledge [d]
- Edward Seltzer (1977) A comparison between John Dewey's theory of inquiry and Jean Piaget's genetic analysis of intelligence [p] [d]
- Finn Tschudi (1977) Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
- Valentin F. Turchin (1977) The phenomenon of science [i] [u]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1977) Tools for thought: how to understand and apply the latest scientific techniques of problem solving [i]
- Sheldon H. White (1977) Social proof structures: the dialectic of method and theory in the work of psychology [i] [d]
- Chris Argyris (1976) Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making [d] [j]
- Janet B. Bavelas, Adrienne S. Chan, & Janice A. Guthrie (1976) Reliability and validity of traits measured by Kelly's repertory grid [d]
- Alan F. Chalmers (1976/2013) What is this thing called science? [i]
- Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari (1976/1987) Introduction: rhizome [i]
- Jack D. Douglas (1976) Investigative social research: individual and team field research [i]
- Jacob W. Getzels & Mihály Csikszentmihályi (1976) Problem finding and creativity [i]
- Clark N. Glymour (1976) Relevant evidence [d] [j]
- Henry W. Johnstone Jr. (1976) An approach to problematology [d]
- Raymond N. F. Killeen (1976) A review of Illich's Medical nemesis [p] [u]
- Alvin F. Nelson (1976) Inquiry and reality: a discourse in pragmatic synthesis [o]
- Jean Piaget (1976/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
- Karl R. Popper (1976/1987) The myth of the framework [i] [d]
- Paul Watzlawick (1976) How real is real?: confusion, disinformation, communication [i]
- Ian R. Ball (1975) Nature and formulation of biogeographical hypotheses [d]
- Martin Bell (1975) Questioning [d] [j]
- David K. Berninghausen (1975) The flight from reason: essays on intellectual freedom in the academy, the press, and the library [i]
- Peter Roger Breggin (1975) Psychiatry and psychotherapy as political processes [p] [d]
- Ronald Philip Dore (1975) The diploma disease: education, qualification, and development [i]
- Roy Freedle (1975) Dialogue and inquiring systems: the development of a social logic [d] [j]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1975) Philosophy and meta-philosophy of science: empiricism, Popperianism and realism [d] [j]
- Ivan Illich (1975/1976) Medical nemesis: the expropriation of health [i]
- Jean Piaget (1975/1985) The equilibration of cognitive structures: the central problem of intellectual development [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1975) Semantics [i]
- Klaus F. Riegel (1975) Toward a dialectical theory of development [d] [j]
- Frank H. Rigler (1975) The concept of energy flow and nutrient flow between trophic levels [and its flaws] [i] [d]
- Joël de Rosnay (1975/1979) The macroscope: a new world scientific system [i] [u]
- Harold Sackman (1975) Delphi critique: expert opinion, forecasting, and group process [i]
- Mario Bunge (1974) Semantics [in two volumes: Sense and reference; Interpretation and truth] [o] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1974) Interpretation and exactification [i] [d]
- Richard P. Feynman (1974/1985) Cargo cult science [i]
- Michael Friedman (1974) Explanation and scientific understanding [d] [j]
- Susan Haack (1974/1996) Deviant logic, fuzzy logic: beyond the formalism [i]
- William Hilton Leatherdale (1974) The role of analogy, model, and metaphor in science [i]
- Trina J. Magi & Martin Garnar [ed] (1974/2015) Intellectual freedom manual [i]
- Danielle Mihram & G. Arthur Mihram (1974) Human knowledge: the role of models, metaphors, and analogy [d]
- Ian I. Mitroff (1974) The subjective side of science: a philosophical inquiry into the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists [i]
- Pablo Neruda (1974/2001) The book of questions = El libro de las preguntas [i]
- Jean Piaget (1974/1978) Success and understanding [i] [d]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (1974) The philosophy of Karl Popper [i]
- Christopher D. Stone (1974/2010) Should trees have standing?: law, morality, and the environment [or: Should trees have standing?: toward legal rights for natural objects] [i]
- Andrew J. Weigert (1974) Whose invisible religion? Luckmann revisited [d] [j]
- Maurice Blanchot (1973/1992) The step not beyond [i]
- Mario Bunge (1973) Method, model, and matter [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1973) Philosophy of physics [i] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1973) Testability today [i] [d]
- Gilles Deleuze (1973/2004) Nomadic thought [i]
- George Dykhuizen (1973) The life and mind of John Dewey [i]
- Ian M. Evans (1973) The logical requirements for explanations of systematic desensitization [d]
- H. L. A. Hart (1973/1982) The demystification of the law [i] [d]
- Ivan Illich (1973/1974) Energy and equity [i]
- Robert King Merton (1973) The sociology of science: theoretical and empirical investigations [i]
- Philip Meyer (1973/2002) Precision journalism: a reporter's introduction to social science methods [i]
- Ian I. Mitroff & Francisco Sagasti (1973) Epistemology as general systems theory: an approach to the design of complex decision-making experiments [d]
- Stephen N. Thomas (1973/1997) Practical reasoning in natural language [i]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1973/1979) Perception, representation, and the forms of action: towards an historical epistemology [i] [d]
- Zygmunt Ziembiński (1973/1976) Practical logic [i] [d]
- Gregory Bateson (1972/2000) The logical categories of learning and communication [i]
- Guy Benveniste (1972) The politics of expertise [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1972/2001) Hume [i]
- Irving L. Janis (1972/1982) Groupthink: psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascoes [i]
- Lawrence Kohlberg & Rochelle Mayer (1972) Development as the aim of education [d]
- Brian R. Little (1972) Psychological man as scientist, humanist and specialist [o]
- John Losee (1972/2001) A historical introduction to the philosophy of science [i]
- Kevin Lynch (1972) What time is this place? [i]
- G. Arthur Mihram (1972) The modeling process [in systems modeling] [d]
- Jean L. Roberts & Larry R. Kimsey (1972) How does it feel to grow old?: eleven essayists answer [p] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1972) Human understanding: the collective use and evolution of concepts [i]
- Mario Bunge (1971/1973) Is scientific metaphysics possible? [i] [d] [j]
- Donald T. Campbell (1971/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
- Milič Čapek (1971/1991) The fiction of instants [i] [d]
- C. West Churchman (1971) The design of inquiring systems: basic concepts of systems and organization [i]
- Billy J. Franklin & Harold W. Osborne [ed] (1971) Research methods: issues and insights [o]
- Bryan Magee & Karl R. Popper (1971) Conversation with Karl Popper [on 'the knowledge stored in our libraries as more important than the knowledge stored in our heads'] [o]
- Theodore Mischel [ed] (1971) Cognitive development and epistemology [i] [d]
- Herbert A. Simon & Allen Newell (1971) Human problem solving: the state of the theory in 1970 [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1971) The concept of 'stages' in psychological development [i] [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1970) A Black ghetto's research on a university [d] [j]
- Donald Bannister (1970) Science through the looking glass [i]
- Donald T. Campbell (1970/1974) Evolutionary epistemology [i]
- World Council of Churches (1970) Voluntary service: good will or evil goods? [o]
- Orlando Fals-Borda (1970/1987) Ciencia propia y colonialismo intelectual: los nuevos rumbos [i]
- David Faust & Jay Ziskin [ed] (1970/2011) Coping with psychiatric and psychological testimony: based on the original work by Jay Ziskin [i]
- James Kern Feibleman (1970) A religion for the new materialism [o] [d]
- Torsten Hägerstrand (1970) What about people in regional science? [d]
- Charles Leonard Hamblin (1970/1993) Fallacies [i]
- Rom Harré (1970) Constraints and restraints [d] [j]
- Errol E. Harris (1970/1996) Hypothesis and perception: the roots of scientific method [i]
- Ammon Hennacy (1970) The one-man revolution in America [i]
- Ivan Illich (1970) Celebration of awareness: a call for institutional revolution [o]
- Howard Evans Kiefer & Milton Karl Munitz [ed] (1970) Ethics and social justice [i]
- Werner Kunz & Horst W. J. Rittel (1970) Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
- Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave [ed] (1970) Criticism and the growth of knowledge [i]
- Willard Van Orman Quine & Joseph Silbert Ullian (1970/1978) The web of belief [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars & W. Preston Warren (1970) Principles of emergent realism: the philosophical essays of Roy Wood Sellars [o]
- Bertil Thorngren (1970) How do contact systems affect regional development? [d]
- Stephen Toulmin [ed] (1970) Physical reality: philosophical essays on twentieth-century physics [i]
- Maurice Blanchot (1969/1993) The infinite conversation [i]
- Gerd Buchdahl (1969) Metaphysics and the philosophy of science: the classical origins: Descartes to Kant [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1969/2004) Gilles Deleuze talks philosophy [i]
- John L. Mackie (1969) What's really wrong with phenomenalism? [u]
- Herbert Marcuse (1969) An essay on liberation [i]
- Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner (1969) Teaching as a subversive activity [o]
- William F. Pounds (1969) The process of problem finding [u]
- Melvin Miller Rader (1969/1998) False witness [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1969) Reflections on American philosophy from within [o]
- Herbert A. Simon (1969/1996) The sciences of the artificial [i] [d]
- Jerry M. Anderson & Paul John Dovre [ed] (1968) Readings in argumentation [o]
- Elaine Caruth (1968) The onion and the moebius strip [o] [u]
- Gilles Deleuze (1968/2004) Nietzsche and the image of thought [i]
- G. William Domhoff & Hoyt B. Ballard [ed] (1968) C. Wright Mills and the power elite [o]
- Hilbrand Johannes Groenewold (1968/1970) Modern science and social responsibility [and comments] [i] [d]
- Ivan Illich (1968/1970) To hell with good intentions [o]
- Nolan Pliny Jacobson (1968) The cultural role of scientific behavior [d]
- Imre Lakatos & Alan Musgrave [ed] (1968) Problems in the philosophy of science [o]
- Herbert Lüthy (1968) What's the point of history? [j]
- Norman Melchert (1968) Realism, materialism, and the mind: the philosophy of Roy Wood Sellars [o]
- Ernest Nagel (1968/1979) The quest for uncertainty [critique of Popper's analysis of the logic of science] [i] [d]
- Anatol Rapoport (1968/1969) The question of relevance [j]
- John Jamieson Carswell Smart (1968) Between science and philosophy: an introduction to the philosophy of science [o]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1968) Conceptual foundations of scientific thought: an introduction to the philosophy of science [o]
- Jeremy Bernstein (1967) A comprehensible world: on modern science and its origins [o]
- Mario Bunge (1967/1998) Logic of problems [i]
- Mario Bunge (1967/1998) Philosophy of science [or: Scientific research; in two volumes: From problem to theory; From explanation to justification] [i]
- Vannevar Bush (1967) Science is not enough: reflections for the present and future [o]
- David W. Hamlyn (1967) History of epistemology [o] [u]
- Bernard Kaplan (1967) Meditations on genesis [in organismic-developmental psychology] [p] [d] [j]
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1967) Where do we go from here: chaos or community? [o]
- John McHale (1967/1970) The ecological context [o]
- Paul E. Meehl (1967) Theory-testing in psychology and physics: a methodological paradox [d] [j]
- Jean Piaget (1967/2018) Epistemology and its varieties [u]
- Jean Piaget [ed] (1967) Logique et connaissance scientifique [o]
- Jean Piaget (1967/1971) Biology and knowledge: an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1967) Escape from paradox [j]
- W. Preston Warren (1967) Realism 1900–1930: an emerging epistemology [d] [j]
- Donald Bannister (1966) Psychology as an exercise in paradox [o] [u]
- Sylvain Bromberger (1966) Why-questions [o]
- Robert Garland Colodny [ed] (1966) Mind and cosmos: essays in contemporary science and philosophy [o]
- Steven Anson Coons (1966) The uses of computers in technology [j]
- Gilles Deleuze (1966/1988) Bergsonism [i]
- John F. Henahan (1966) Men and molecules [o]
- Joseph LaLumia (1966) The ways of reason: a critical study of the ideas of Émile Meyerson [o]
- Abraham H. Maslow (1966) The psychology of science: a reconnaissance [o]
- Arne Næss (1966/2005) Precization and definition [i] [d]
- Anthony G. Oettinger (1966) The uses of computers in science [j]
- Jean Piaget (1966/1969) The problem of common mechanisms in the human sciences [i] [d]
- Gerd Buchdahl (1965) A revolution in historiography of science [book review of: The structure of scientific revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn; Towards an historiography of science, by Joseph Agasasi] [d]
- Errol E. Harris (1965/1993) The foundations of metaphysics in science [i]
- Carl G. Hempel (1965) Aspects of scientific explanation: and other essays in the philosophy of science [o]
- Nicholas Rescher (1965) Towards an historiography of science, by Joseph Agassi [book review] [d] [j]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1964) General system theory and systems research: contrasting conceptions of systems science [o] [u]
- Mario Bunge [ed] (1964/1999) Critical approaches to science & philosophy [or: The critical approach to science and philosophy] [i]
- Ferdinand Gonseth (1964/1972) Time and method: an essay on the methodology of research [i]
- Ray Hyman (1964) The nature of psychological inquiry [o]
- Abraham Kaplan (1964) The age of the symbol: a philosophy of library education [d] [j]
- Abraham Kaplan (1964/1998) The conduct of inquiry: methodology for behavioral science [i]
- John R. Platt (1964) Strong inference: certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others [p] [d] [j]
- Mario Bunge (1963) The myth of simplicity: problems of scientific philosophy [o]
- Donald T. Campbell & Julian C. Stanley (1963/1966) Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research [i]
- Adolf Grünbaum (1963/1973) Philosophical problems of space and time [i] [d]
- George Kelly (1963/1977) The psychology of the unknown [i]
- Arthur Edward Murphy & William Henry Hay (1963) Reason and the common good: selected essays [o]
- Eugene P. Odum (1963/1997) Ecology: a bridge between science and society [i]
- Carl R. Rogers (1963) Psychotherapy today or where do we go from here? [p] [d]
- Carl R. Rogers (1963) Toward a science of the person [d] [u]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (1963) The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap [o]
- John Jamieson Carswell Smart (1963) Philosophy and scientific realism [o] [d]
- Daisuke Ueda (1963) Zen and science: a treatise on causality and freedom [o]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Shiv K. Gupta, & J. Sayer Minas (1962) Scientific method: optimizing applied research decisions [o]
- James Baldwin (1962/1985) The creative process [i]
- Richard B. Brandt [ed] (1962) Social justice [o]
- Mario Bunge (1962) Intuition and science [o]
- Rachel Carson (1962/2002) Silent spring [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1962/1983) Nietzsche and philosophy [i]
- Douglas C. Engelbart (1962) Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
- Robert H. Ennis (1962) A concept of critical thinking [u]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1962/1997) Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective [i]
- Sidney Hook (1962) The map was redrawn to make man's agony a part of the geography [book review of: Being and time, by Martin Heidegger] [u]
- William Calvert Kneale & Martha Kneale (1962/1984) The development of logic [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1962) An essay on mind [o]
- Jordan M. Scher [ed] (1962) Theories of the mind [o]
- Herbert A. Simon (1962) The architecture of complexity [j]
- Harold John Blackham (1961) Political discipline in a free society: the sustained initiative [o] [d]
- Justus Buchler (1961) The concept of method [o] [d]
- Milič Čapek (1961) The philosophical impact of contemporary physics [o]
- Walter Arnold Kaufmann (1961/2015) The faith of a heretic [i] [d] [j]
- Walter Arnold Kaufmann (1961/2015) Against theology [i] [d] [j]
- Serge Moscovici & Gerard Duveen (1961/2008) Psychoanalysis: its image and its public [i]
- Ernest Nagel (1961) The structure of science: problems in the logic of scientific explanation [o]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1961) Querying Whitehead's framework [and its limitations] [j]
- Judith N. Shklar (1961) The future of mankind, by Karl Jaspers [book review] [d] [j]
- Mario Bunge (1960) The place of induction in science [d] [j]
- A. Irving Hallowell (1960/2002) Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view [i]
- Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, & Alfred Tarski [ed] (1960/1962) Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science: proceedings of the 1960 international congress [o]
- Kai Nielsen (1960) Dewey's conception of philosophy [j]
- Stephen C. Pepper (1960) A neural-identity theory of mind [o]
- Anatol Rapoport (1960) Fights, games, and debates [o] [d]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1960) Panpsychism or evolutionary materialism [d] [j]
- Society for the History of Technology (1960) Review issue: A history of technology [j]
- Patrick Suppes (1960/1962) Models of data [o] [d] [u]
- Daisuke Ueda (1960) Philosophical peculiarities of Zen [d]
- Morton Beckner (1959) The biological way of thought [o]
- Mario Bunge (1959/2009) Causality and modern science [or: Causality: the place of the causal principle in modern science] [i]
- Olaf Helmer-Hirschberg & Nicholas Rescher (1959) On the epistemology of the inexact sciences [d] [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1959) Levels of causality: the emergence of guidance and reason in nature [d] [j]
- Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin & Walter Albin Lunden (1959) Power and morality: who shall guard the guardians? [o]
- Burleigh Taylor Wilkins (1959) Pragmatism as a theory of historical knowledge: John Dewey on the nature of historical inquiry [d] [j]
- Herbert Feigl (1958/1967) The 'mental' and the 'physical': the essay and a postscript [o] [j]
- John Kenneth Galbraith (1958) How much should a country consume? [o]
- John Kenneth Galbraith (1958/1998) The affluent society [i]
- Karl Jaspers (1958/1963) The atom bomb and the future of man [or: The future of mankind] [i]
- Stephen C. Pepper (1958) The sources of value [o]
- Chaïm Perelman & Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958/1969) The new rhetoric: a treatise on argumentation [o] [j]
- Michael Polanyi (1958/2015) Personal knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy [i] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1958/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
- Daisuke Ueda (1958) Basic doctrines of Buddhism and modern science [d]
- Stephen Francis Barker (1957) Induction and hypothesis: a study of the logic of confirmation [o] [d] [j]
- Kenneth Ewart Boulding (1956) The image: knowledge in life and society [o] [d]
- Rachel Carson (1956/1998) The sense of wonder [i]
- C. Wright Mills (1956/2000) The power elite [i]
- George Kelly (1955/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
- Lewis Leary [ed] (1955) The unity of knowledge [o]
- John von Neumann (1955) Can we survive technology? [u]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1955) My philosophical position: a rejoinder [d] [j]
- Hermann Weyl (1955) Knowledge as unity [o]
- Hermann Weyl (1955/2013) Why is the world four-dimensional? [i]
- Brand Blanshard (1954/1967) On philosophical style [o]
- Rudolf Carnap (1954/1958) Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications [o]
- Rachel Carson (1954/1998) The real world around us [i]
- Carter V. Good & Douglas E. Scates (1954) Methods of research: educational, psychological, sociological [o] [d]
- Marie Neurath (1954/1958) Machines which seem to think [o] [u]
- Gilbert Ryle (1954) Formal and informal logic [o]
- Isidore Starr (1954) John Dewey, my son, and education for human freedom [j]
- Lewis S. Feuer (1953) Sociological aspects of the relation between language and philosophy [d] [j]
- Arne Næss (1953) Interpretation and preciseness: a contribution to the theory of communication [o]
- Anatol Rapoport (1953) Operational philosophy: integrating knowledge and action [o] [u]
- Stephen Toulmin (1953) The philosophy of science: an introduction [o]
- Hermann Weyl (1953/2013) Axiomatic versus constructive procedures in mathematics [i]
- Edwin Garrigues Boring (1952) The validation of scientific belief: a conspectus of the symposium [j]
- Norman A. Cameron (1952) A biosocial approach to ethics [o]
- Margaret Elizabeth Egan & Jesse Hauk Shera (1952) Foundations of a theory of bibliography [d] [j]
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller (1952) Flying saucers [d] [j]
- Patrick L. Gardiner (1952) The nature of historical explanation [o]
- Cornelius L. Golightly (1952) Mind–body, causation and correlation [d] [j]
- C. Wright Mills (1952/1959) On intellectual craftsmanship [i]
- Milton Karl Munitz (1952) Scientific method in cosmology [d] [j]
- E. Bright Wilson (1952) An introduction to scientific research [o]
- Baker Brownell (1951) The dangers of literacy [d] [j]
- Mario Bunge (1951) What is chance? [j]
- Milič Čapek (1951) The doctrine of necessity re-examined [j]
- Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1951) Mechanism, organism, and society: some models in natural and social science [d] [j]
- Herman Meyer (1951) On the heuristic value of scientific models [d] [j]
- John Rawls (1951) Outline of a decision procedure for ethics [d] [j]
- Hans Reichenbach (1951) The rise of scientific philosophy [o]
- Melford E. Spiro (1951) Culture and personality: the natural history of a false dichotomy [p] [d]
- Alan Watts (1951) The wisdom of insecurity [o]
- Monroe C. Beardsley (1950) Practical logic [o]
- Monroe C. Beardsley (1950/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
- Percy Williams Bridgman (1950/1955) Reflections of a physicist [o]
- Baker Brownell (1950) The human community: its philosophy and practice for a time of crisis [o]
- Sidney Hook (1950) The place of John Dewey in modern thought [o]
- Sidney Hook [ed] (1950) John Dewey, philosopher of science and freedom: a symposium [o]
- Gail Kennedy [ed] (1950) Pragmatism and American culture [o]
- Henry Margenau (1950) The nature of physical reality: a philosophy of modern physics [o]
- John Cage (1949/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
- C. West Churchman & Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1949) The democratization of philosophy [j]
- John Dewey & Arthur Fisher Bentley (1949) Knowing and the known [o]
- John Dewey (1949) Philosophy's future in our scientific age: never was its role more critical [u]
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller (1949) The messes animals make in metaphysics [d] [j]
- William Calvert Kneale (1949) Probability and induction [o]
- Max Carl Otto (1949) Science and the moral life: selected writings [o]
- William T. Parry (1949) Philosophy for the future: the quest of modern materialism, edited by Roy Wood Sellars, V. J. McGill, Marvin Farber [book review] [j]
- Gilbert Ryle (1949/2002) The concept of mind [i]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (1949/1970) Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist [o]
- Roy Wood Sellars, Vivian Jerauld McGill, & Marvin Farber [ed] (1949) Philosophy for the future: the quest of modern materialism [o]
- Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1948) Some notes on research on the role of models in the natural and social sciences [d] [j]
- Bertrand Russell (1948) Human knowledge, its scope and limits [o]
- Warren Weaver (1948) Science and complexity [j]
- Norbert Wiener (1948) Time, communication, and the nervous system [p] [d]
- Georges Bataille (1947/1995) Concerning the accounts given by the residents of Hiroshima [i]
- James Bryant Conant (1947) On understanding science: an historical approach [o]
- Cornelius L. Golightly (1947) Race, values, and guilt [d] [j]
- Cornelius L. Golightly (1947) Social science and normative ethics [d] [j]
- Jeffery Smith (1947) Assignment for life [d]
- Leslie A. White (1947) The locus of mathematical reality: an anthropological footnote [d] [j]
- Henry Nelson Wieman, Arthur Edward Murphy, Gardner Williams, Jay William Hudson, Max Carl Otto, James Bissett Pratt, & Roy Wood Sellars (1947) Religious liberals reply [o]
- Roger J. Williams (1947) Will science meet a new challenge? [d] [j]
- Morris R. Cohen (1946) The faith of a liberal [o]
- John Dewey (1946) Peirce's theory of linguistic signs, thought, and meaning [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1946) Problems of men [and women] [o] [u]
- C. Judson Herrick (1946) Scientific method and human values [j]
- Sidney Hook (1946/1963) Education for modern man: a new perspective [o]
- Karl Jaspers (1946/2000) The question of German guilt [i] [j]
- Melvin Miller Rader (1946) Science and world community [j]
- Georges Bataille (1945/1992) On Nietzsche [i]
- Max Carl Otto (1945) Philosophy in the community [o]
- George Pólya (1945/1985) How to solve it: a new aspect of mathematical method [i] [d] [j]
- Arturo Rosenblueth & Norbert Wiener (1945) The role of models in science [d] [j]
- Bertrand Russell (1945) Modern philosophy [and its connection with political and social circumstances] [o]
- Max Wertheimer (1945) Productive thinking [o]
- Adolf Kozlik (1944) Concepts of plane, standard, level and satisfaction of consumption and of living [d] [j]
- Yervant H. Krikorian [ed] (1944) Naturalism and the human spirit [o] [d]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1944) Can a reformed materialism do justice to values? [d] [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1944) Does naturalism need ontology? [d] [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1944) Reformed materialism and intrinsic endurance [d] [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1944) Is naturalism enough? [d] [j]
- Georges Bataille (1943/1988) Inner experience [i]
- Georges Canguilhem (1943/1989) The normal and the pathological [i]
- Cornelius L. Golightly (1942) Negro higher education and democratic Negro morale [d] [j]
- Robert King Merton (1942/1973) The normative structure of science [or: Science and technology in a democratic order] [i]
- Stephen C. Pepper (1942) World hypotheses: a study in evidence [i]
- Richard Courant, Herbert Robbins, & Ian Nicholas Stewart (1941/1996) What is mathematics?: an elementary approach to ideas and methods [i]
- Sidney Hook (1941) Social change and original sin: answer to Niebuhr [o]
- Karl Jaspers (1941/1975) On my philosophy ['a development of the individual into community and from there to the plane of history, without breaking with contemporary life'] [i]
- Joseph Needham (1941/1951) A biologist's view of Whitehead [o]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp [ed] (1941/1951) The philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead [o]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1941/1951) Philosophy of organism and physical realism [o]
- Mortimer J. Adler (1940) Free minds and free men [and women] [o]
- Robin George Collingwood & Rex Martin (1940/1998) An essay on metaphysics [i]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1940/2007) Dusk of dawn: an essay toward an autobiography of a race concept [i]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1940/2007) Science and empire [i]
- Sidney Hook (1940) Analyzable and unanalyzable abstractions [o] [u]
- Sidney Hook (1940) Reason, social myths and democracy [o] [u]
- Sidney Hook (1940) Sense and nonsense in dialectic [o] [u]
- Max Carl Otto (1940) The human enterprise: an attempt to relate philosophy to daily life [o]
- Karl R. Popper (1940) What is dialectic? [j]
- Robin George Collingwood (1939/1978) An autobiography [i]
- Robin George Collingwood (1939/1978) Question and answer [i]
- John Dewey (1939) Theory of valuation [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1939/1989) Experience, knowledge and value: a rejoinder [i]
- John Dewey (1939) Freedom and culture [o] [u]
- John Dewey & Joseph Ratner (1939) Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
- Arthur Stanley Eddington (1939/1958) The philosophy of physical science [o]
- Carl G. Hempel (1939) Vagueness and logic [d] [j]
- Sidney Hook (1939) John Dewey, an intellectual portrait [i] [u]
- Robert Staughton Lynd (1939) Knowledge for what?: the place of social science in American culture [o] [d] [j]
- Ernest Nagel (1939) Principles of the theory of probability [i]
- Paul Arthur Schilpp & Lewis Edwin Hahn [ed] (1939/1989) The philosophy of John Dewey [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1939) A statement of critical realism [j]
- L. Susan Stebbing (1939) Thinking to some purpose [o] [u]
- Gaston Bachelard (1938/2002) The formation of the scientific mind: a contribution to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge [i]
- Glenn D. Considine & Peter H. Kulik [ed] (1938/2008) Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia [i]
- John Dewey (1938/2020) Does human nature change? [i] [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1938) Experience and education [o]
- John Dewey (1938) Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
- Maurice Mandelbaum (1938) The problem of historical knowledge: an answer to relativism [o]
- Bertrand Russell, Vernon Bartlett, George Douglas Howard Cole, Richard Stafford Cripps, Herbert Morrison, & Harold J. Laski (1938) Dare we look ahead? [o]
- Herbert George Wells (1938/2021) World brain [i] [d] [u]
- John Dewey (1937) Whitehead's philosophy [d] [j]
- Herbert George Wells (1937) Today's distress and horrors basically intellectual [d] [j]
- Alfred North Whitehead (1937) Remarks [or: Analysis of meaning; in response to John Dewey and others] [d] [j]
- Frederick Lamson Whitney (1937/1950) The philosophical type of research [o]
- Frederick Lamson Whitney (1937/1950) The elements of research [o]
- Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1936/2014) Annihilation of caste [i]
- Edward Scribner Ames (1936) Liberalism in religion [d] [j] [u]
- Otto Neurath (1936/1983) Encyclopedia as 'model' [i] [d]
- Jean Piaget (1936/1952) The origins of intelligence in children [o]
- William Fletcher Russell (1936) Liberty vs. equality [o] [u]
- Henry Nelson Wieman & Bernard Eugene Meland (1936) American philosophies of religion [o]
- Smedley D. Butler (1935) War is a racket [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1935) Liberalism and social action [o]
- Horace Meyer Kallen & Sidney Hook [ed] (1935) American philosophy today and tomorrow [o]
- Charles W. Morris (1935) Philosophy of science and science of philosophy [d] [j]
- Otto Neurath (1935/1983) Pseudorationalism of falsification [i] [d]
- Karl R. Popper (1935/1959) Degrees of testability [i]
- Moritz Schlick (1935/1988) Unanswerable questions? [i] [d]
- Henri Bergson (1934/1946) The creative mind [o] [u]
- Morris R. Cohen & Ernest Nagel (1934) An introduction to logic and scientific method [o]
- John Dewey (1934/2020) Intelligence and power [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller (1934) To sleep, perchance to dream [d] [j]
- Sidney Hook (1934) What is materialism? [d] [j]
- Wolfgang Köhler (1934/1938) The place of value in a world of facts [o]
- Hermann Weyl & Peter Pesic (1934/2009) Mind and nature: selected writings on philosophy, mathematics, and physics [i] [d] [j]
- Baker Brownell (1933) Earth is enough: an essay in religious realism [o]
- Pierce Butler (1933) An introduction to library science [o] [u]
- L. P. Chambers (1933) The philosophy of physical realism, by Roy Wood Sellars [book review] [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1933/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
- G. Adolf Koch (1933) Republican religion: the American Revolution and the cult of reason [or: Religion of the American enlightenment] [o] [u]
- Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, Cecil Alec Mace, & John Leofric Stocks (1933) Must philosophers disagree? [d]
- Frederic C. Bartlett (1932) Remembering: a study in experimental and social psychology [o] [u]
- Edwin Borchard & E. Russell Lutz (1932/1970) Convicting the innocent: errors of criminal justice [i]
- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1932/1935) The scientific basis of evolution [o]
- Max Planck & James Vincent Murphy (1932) Where is science going? [o] [u]
- Edward Sapir (1932) Cultural anthropology and psychiatry [d]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1932/1966) The philosophy of physical realism [o]
- Sidney Webb & Beatrice Webb (1932) Methods of social study [o] [u]
- Morris R. Cohen (1931/1953) Reason and nature: an essay on the meaning of scientific method [o]
- Harold Underwood Faulkner (1931) The quest for social justice, 1898–1914 [o]
- Henry Nelson Wieman (1931) Religion in John Dewey's philosophy [j]
- Arthur O. Lovejoy (1930) The revolt against dualism: an inquiry concerning the existence of ideas [o] [u]
- Dorothy Maud Wrinch (1930) Scientific method in some embryonic sciences [d] [j]
- Henry Evelyn Bliss (1929) The organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences [o] [u]
- Edwin Garrigues Boring (1929/1950) A history of experimental psychology [o]
- Felix S. Cohen (1929) What is a question? [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1929/1960) The quest for certainty: a study of the relation of knowledge and action [o] [u]
- Wolfgang Köhler (1929/1947) Gestalt psychology: an introduction to new concepts in modern psychology [o]
- Bertrand Russell, Max Carl Otto, Delton Thomas Howard, Richard T. Ely, & Baker Brownell (1929) The world man lives in [o]
- Alfred North Whitehead (1929/1978) Process and reality: an essay in cosmology [i] [u]
- Sidney Hook (1928) The philosophy of dialectical materialism: I [d] [j]
- Sidney Hook (1928) The philosophy of dialectical materialism: II [d] [j]
- Hans Reichenbach (1928/1958) The philosophy of space & time [i]
- John Jacob Abel (1927) Chemistry in relation to biology and medicine with especial reference to insulin and other hormones [p] [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1927/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
- Harry W. Laidler (1927) A history of socialist thought [o] [u]
- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1927) The relation of biology to physics [p] [d] [j]
- Arthur Edward Murphy (1927) Objective relativism in Dewey and Whitehead [d] [j]
- Hermann Weyl (1927/2009) Philosophy of mathematics and natural science [i]
- John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1926/1985) On being the right size and other essays [i]
- Cassius Jackson Keyser (1926) Thinking about thinking [o] [u]
- Everett Dean Martin (1926) The meaning of a liberal education [o] [u]
- Robert M. Neill (1926) Microscopy in the service of man [and woman] [o] [u]
- Arthur David Ritchie (1926) Induction and probability [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1926) Experience and nature, by John Dewey [book review] [j]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1926/1970) The principles, perspectives, and problems of philosophy: an exploration in depth [o]
- Franz Boas (1925) What is a race? [u]
- John Dewey (1925/1929) Experience and nature [i] [u]
- Émile Meyerson (1925/1985) The relativistic deduction: epistemological implications of the theory of relativity [i] [d]
- Moritz Schlick (1925/1974) General theory of knowledge [i] [d]
- Alfred North Whitehead (1925) Science and the modern world [o] [u]
- Abraham Wolf (1925/1928) Essentials of scientific method [o] [u]
- James Ford [ed] (1923) Social problems and social policy: principles underlying treatment and prevention of poverty, defectiveness, and criminality [o] [u]
- Francis Sydney Marvin [ed] (1923) Science and civilization [i] [u]
- Arthur David Ritchie (1923) Scientific method: an inquiry into the character and validity of natural laws [o] [d] [u]
- Lev Shestov (1923/1968) Potestas clavium [o] [u]
- Norbert Wiener (1923) On the nature of mathematical thinking [d]
- Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (1922) The elements of social justice [o] [u]
- Cassius Jackson Keyser (1922) Mathematical philosophy: a study of fate and freedom: lectures for educated laymen [o] [u]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1922) Evolutionary naturalism [o] [u]
- Norman Robert Campbell (1921) Metaphysics and materialism [d]
- Norman Robert Campbell (1921/1952) What is science? [o] [u]
- Émile Meyerson (1921/1991) Explanation in the sciences [i] [d]
- Otto Neurath (1921/1973) Anti-Spengler: dedicated to the young and the future they shape [i] [d]
- Gustav Spiller (1921) A new system of scientific procedure: being an attempt to ascertain, develop, and systematise the general methods employed in modern enquiries at their best [o] [u]
- Henri Bergson (1920/1946) The possible and the real [o] [u]
- John Bagnell Bury (1920) The idea of progress: an inquiry into its origin and growth [o] [u]
- Norman Robert Campbell (1920/1957) Foundations of science: the philosophy of theory and experiment [or: Physics, the elements] [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1920/1948) Reconstruction in philosophy [o] [u]
- Durant Drake, Arthur O. Lovejoy, James Bissett Pratt, Arthur Kenyon Rogers, George Santayana, Roy Wood Sellars, & Charles Augustus Strong (1920) Essays in critical realism: a co-operative study of the problem of knowledge [o] [u]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1920/2003) Darkwater: voices from within the veil [i] [u]
- Arthur Stanley Eddington (1920) Space, time and gravitation: an outline of the general relativity theory [i] [u]
- Alfred H. Jones (1920) Modern science and materialism, by Hugh Elliot [book review] [d] [j]
- Frederick Soddy (1920) Science and life: Aberdeen addresses [o] [u]
- Lawrence Joseph Henderson (1917) The order of nature: an essay [o] [d] [u]
- Albert Sidney Frankau Leyton & Charles Scott Sherrington (1917) Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, and gorilla [d]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1917/1925) The essentials of logic [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1916) Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1916/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
- Henry Hazlitt (1916/1969) Thinking as a science [i]
- Cassius Jackson Keyser (1916) The human worth of rigorous thinking: essays and addresses [o] [u]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1916) Critical realism: a study of the nature and conditions of knowledge [o] [u]
- Alfred North Whitehead (1916/1917) The aims of education—a plea for reform [o] [u]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1915) The Negro [o] [u]
- Edward Stuart Russell (1915/1945) The directiveness of organic activities [o] [u]
- Hugo Münsterberg (1914) Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]
- L. Susan Stebbing (1914) Pragmatism and French voluntarism: with especial reference to the notion of truth in the development of French philosophy from Maine de Biran to Professor Bergson [o] [u]
- Wilhelm Windelband (1914/1921) An introduction to philosophy [o] [u]
- Jane Addams (1913) Has the Emancipation Act been nullified by national indifference? [o] [u]
- John Bagnell Bury (1913) A history of freedom of thought [o] [u]
- Otto Neurath (1913/1983) The lost wanderers of Descartes and the auxiliary motive (on the psychology of decision) [i] [d]
- John Henry Wigmore (1913/1937) The principles of judicial proof: or, The process of proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials [o]
- Otto Charles Glaser (1912) Is a scientific explanation of life possible? [u]
- Thomas East Lones (1912) Aristotle's researches in natural science [o] [d] [u]
- Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller (1912) Formal logic: a scientific and social problem [o] [u]
- Frederick Soddy (1912) Matter and energy [o] [u]
- Gustav Spiller (1912) Science and race prejudice [o] [d] [u]
- Henri Bergson (1911) Creative evolution [o] [u]
- Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (1911) Liberalism [o] [u]
- Alfred North Whitehead (1911) An introduction to mathematics [o] [u]
- Singleton Waters Davis (1910) Origin and evolution of ethics: were moral laws supernaturally revealed, or are they products of human experience and evolution? [o] [u]
- Theodore de Leo De Laguna & Grace Andrus De Laguna (1910) Dogmatism and evolution: studies in modern philosophy [o] [u]
- William James (1909/1977) A pluralistic universe [i] [u]
- Max Planck (1909/1970) The unity of the physical world-picture [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1909) Causality [d] [j]
- John Dewey & James Hayden Tufts (1908/1932) Ethics [o]
- Helen Keller (1908/2009) The world I live in [i] [u]
- Hugo Münsterberg (1908/1909) On the witness stand: essays on psychology and crime [o] [u]
- Jane Addams (1907/2007) Newer ideals of peace [i] [u]
- William James (1907/1978) Pragmatism, a new name for some old ways of thinking; The meaning of truth, a sequel to Pragmatism [i] [u]
- Evander Bradley McGilvary (1907) Realism and the physical world [d] [j]
- Henri Poincaré (1907/2001) The value of science: essential writings of Henri Poincaré [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1907) The nature of experience [d] [j]
- James Mark Baldwin (1906/1911) Thought and things: a study of the development and meaning of thought or genetic logic [o] [u]
- Edmund Edward Fournier d'Albe & G. Johnstone Stoney (1906/1909) The electron theory: a popular introduction to the new theory of electricity and magnetism [o] [u]
- J. Howard Moore (1906/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
- Charles Scott Sherrington (1906/1961) The integrative action of the nervous system [o] [u]
- Ludwig Boltzmann (1905/1974) Theoretical physics and philosophical problems: selected writings [i] [d]
- Louis Couturat (1905/1914) The algebra of logic [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1905) The realism of pragmatism [d] [j]
- Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (1904/1909) Democracy and reaction [o] [u]
- William James (1904) Does 'consciousness' exist? [d] [j]
- Henri Bergson (1903/1994) Reality is mobility, from An introduction to metaphysics [i]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1903/2007) Of the dawn of freedom [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1903/1934) How to theorize [or: On selecting hypotheses] [i] [u]
- Jane Addams (1902/2002) Democracy and social ethics [i] [u]
- Herbert George Wells (1902/1913) The discovery of the future [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1900/2007) Some stages of logical thought [i] [j] [u]
- George Santayana (1900/1989) Interpretations of poetry and religion [i] [u]
- George Gore (1899) The scientific basis of morality [o] [u]
- Hugo Münsterberg (1899) Psychology and history [d]
- Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1899/1963) Los tónicos de la voluntad: reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica: discurso leído con ocasión de la recepción del autor en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales [o] [u]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1898) The study of the Negro problems [d] [j]
- Shadworth Hollway Hodgson (1898) General analysis of experience [o] [d] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1898/1935) The backward state of metaphysics [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce & Kenneth Laine Ketner (1898/1992) Reasoning and the logic of things: the Cambridge conferences lectures of 1898 [i]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1898/1992) Training in reasoning [i]
- Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin (1897) A group of hypotheses bearing on climatic changes [d] [j]
- William E. B. Du Bois (1897) Strivings of the Negro people [u]
- Charles Victor Langlois & Charles Seignobos (1897/1912) Introduction to the study of history [o] [u]
- Henry Morehouse Taber (1897) Faith or fact [o] [u]
- Grove Karl Gilbert (1896) The origin of hypotheses, illustrated by the discussion of a topographic problem [p] [d] [j]
- Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (1896) The theory of knowledge: a contribution to some problems of logic and metaphysics [o] [u]
- Ernst Mach (1895/1986) Popular scientific lectures [i] [u]
- James Hayden Tufts (1895) History and natural science, by Wilhelm Windelband [book review] [d]
- Paul Carus (1894) The dawn of a new religious era [d] [j]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1894) Science and education: essays [o] [u]
- Wilhelm Windelband (1894/1998) History and natural science [d]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1892) The grammar of science, by Karl Pearson [book review] [u]
- Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1892/2002) On lynchings: Southern horrors, A red record, Mob rule in New Orleans [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1891) The architecture of theories [d] [j]
- Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin (1890/1965) The method of multiple working hypotheses: with this method the dangers of parental affection for a favorite theory can be circumvented [p] [d] [j]
- William James (1890/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
- Henri Bergson (1889/1960) Time and free will: an essay on the immediate data of consciousness [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1888) The ethics of democracy [o] [u]
- Charles Darwin & Nora Barlow (1887/1993) The autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–1882: with original omissions restored [i] [u]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1887) Science and pseudo-science [u]
- Grove Karl Gilbert (1886) The inculcation of scientific method by example, with an illustration drawn from the quaternary geology of Utah [u]
- William James (1886/1981) The perception of time [i] [u]
- Ernst Mach (1886/1914) The analysis of sensations and the relation of the physical to the psychical [i] [u]
- William Kingdon Clifford, Richard Charles Rowe, & Karl Pearson (1885) The common sense of the exact sciences [o] [u]
- Shadworth Hollway Hodgson (1884) The relation of philosophy to science, physical and psychological [o] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1884) The numerical measure of the success of predictions [p] [d] [j]
- Science Magazine (1884) The importance of chemistry in biology and medicine [p] [d] [j]
- Wilhelm Windelband (1883/2015) Critical or genetic method? [i]
- George Gore (1882) The scientific basis of national progress, including that of morality [o] [u]
- Hermann von Helmholtz (1881/1962) Popular scientific lectures [o]
- Robert Green Ingersoll (1881/1895) Some reasons why: a lecture [o] [u]
- John Venn (1881/1894) Symbolic logic [o] [u]
- Frederick Pollock & Johannes Colerus (1880/1912) Spinoza: his life and philosophy [o] [u]
- George Farrer Rodwell (1879) The art of scientific discovery, by George Gore [book review] [d]
- George Gore (1878) The art of scientific discovery: or, The general conditions and methods of research in physics and chemistry [o] [u]
- Robert Green Ingersoll (1878/1898) Intellectual development [o] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1878/1934) How to make our ideas clear [i] [u]
- Ernst Kapp, Jeffrey West Kirkwood, & Leif Weatherby (1877/2018) Elements of a philosophy of technology: on the evolutionary history of culture [i] [j]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1877/1934) The fixation of belief [i] [u]
- William Kingdon Clifford (1876/1999) The ethics of belief [i] [u]
- August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1876) The life-work of Liebig in experimental and philosophic chemistry: with allusions to his influence on the development of the collateral sciences and of the useful arts [o] [u]
- Chauncey Wright & Charles Eliot Norton (1876/1877) Philosophical discussions [o] [u]
- Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers & John Linton Myres (1875/1906) The evolution of culture and other essays [o] [u]
- Robert Green Ingersoll (1874/1878) The gods, and other lectures [o] [u]
- William Stanley Jevons (1874/1877) The principles of science: a treatise on logic and scientific method [o] [u]
- Charles Darwin (1871/2004) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex [i] [u]
- George Gore (1871) Scientific instruction: its aims and methods [o] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1869/1934) Grounds of validity of the laws of logic: further consequences of four incapacities [i] [u]
- Mary Somerville (1869) On molecular and microscopic science [o] [d] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1868/1934) Questions concerning certain faculties claimed for man [and woman] [i] [j] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1868/1934) Some consequences of four incapacities [i] [j] [u]
- Fleeming Jenkin (1867/1887) Darwin and the origin of species [o] [u]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1866/1893) On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge [o] [u]
- Friedrich Albert Lange (1866/1925) The history of materialism and criticism of its present importance [o] [u]
- John Venn (1866/1888) The logic of chance: an essay on the foundations and province of the theory of probability, with especial reference to its logical bearings and its application to moral and social science, and to statistics [o] [u]
- Claude Bernard (1865/1957) An introduction to the study of experimental medicine [i] [u]
- William Stanley Jevons & Alfred William Flux (1865/1906) The coal question: an inquiry concerning the progress of the nation, and the probable exhaustion of our coal-mines [o] [u]
- Charles Babbage (1864) Passages from the life of a philosopher [o] [u]
- William Whewell (1860) On the philosophy of discovery: chapters historical and critical, including the completion of the third edition of The philosophy of the inductive sciences [o] [u]
- Charles Darwin (1859/2008) On the origin of species: by means of natural selection [i] [u]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1854/1896) On the educational value of the natural history sciences [o] [u]
- Henry David Thoreau (1854/2002) Journal [1837–1854] [o] [u]
- Frederick Douglass (1852/1855) What to the slave is the Fourth of July? [o] [u]
- Henry David Thoreau (1849/1964) Civil disobedience [i] [u]
- George L. Craik (1847) The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by female examples [o] [u]
- George Jacob Holyoake (1845) Rationalism: a treatise for the times [o] [u]
- Alexander von Humboldt (1845/1997) Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe [i] [u]
- Justus Liebig & John Blyth (1843/1859) Familiar letters on chemistry: in its relations to physiology, dietetics, agriculture, commerce, and political economy [o] [u]
- Luigi Federico Menabrea & Ada King Lovelace (1843) Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. [with extensive notes by the translator, Augusta Ada King, Countess Lovelace] [o] [u]
- John Stuart Mill (1843/1900) A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive: being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation [o] [u]
- Uriah Parke (1843) Pursuit of knowledge [o] [u]
- William Whewell (1840) The philosophy of the inductive sciences: founded upon their history [o] [u]
- Sarah Moore Grimké (1838/1988) Letters on the equality of the sexes, and the condition of women, and other essays [i] [u]
- Mary Somerville (1834/1975) On the connexion of the physical sciences [i] [u]
- Charles Babbage (1830) Reflections on the decline of science in England, and on some of its causes [o] [u]
- George L. Craik (1830/1872) The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by memoirs of eminent men [o] [u]
- John F. W. Herschel (1830/1987) A preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy [i] [u]
- Frances Wright (1829) Course of popular lectures [o] [u]
- Elihu Palmer (1824) Posthumous pieces [o] [d] [u]
- Richard Carlile (1821) An address to men of science [o] [u]
- Erasmus Darwin (1803) The temple of nature: or, The origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes [o] [u]
- Elihu Palmer [ed] (1803/1805) Prospect: or, View of the moral world [o] [u]
- Elihu Palmer (1801/1806) The power of intellect, its duty, and the obstacles that oppose its progress [o] [d] [u]
- Elihu Palmer (1801/1806) Principles of nature, or, A development of the moral causes of happiness and misery among the human species [o] [d] [u]
- Elihu Palmer (1797) An enquiry relative to the moral & political improvement of the human species: an oration, delivered in the City of New-York on the fourth of July, being the twenty-first anniversary of American independence [o] [u]
- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet & Michael Zinman (1795/1796) Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind [o] [u]
- James Hutton (1794) An investigation of the principles of knowledge: in three parts: and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy [o] [u]
- Mary Wollstonecraft (1792/2009) A vindication of the rights of woman [i] [u]
- Thomas Paine (1791/1987) The rights of man [i] [u]
- Joseph Priestley (1791) Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France, &c. [o] [u]
- Mary Wollstonecraft (1790/2008) A vindication of the rights of men [i] [u]
- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet & Alice Drysdale Vickery (1789/1912) The first essay on the political rights of women [or: On the admission of women to the rights of citizenship] [o] [u]
- Thomas Reid, Dugald Stewart, & G. N. Wright (1785/1843) Essays on the active powers of the human mind; An inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense; and An essay on quantity [o] [u]
- Benjamin Franklin (1783/2011) Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, July 27, 1783 ['there never was a good war, or a bad peace'] [i] [u]
- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet (1782/1976) Reception speech at the French Academy [i]
- Thomas Paine (1782/1987) Letter to the Abbé Raynal [i] [u]
- Benjamin Franklin (1780/1995) Letter to Joseph Priestley, February 8, 1780 ['The rapid progress true science now makes, occasions my regretting sometimes that I was born so soon'] [i] [u]
- David Hume & Richard H. Popkin (1779/1998) Dialogues concerning natural religion; the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul, and Of suicide; from An enquiry concerning human understanding, Of miracles [i] [u]
- James Burgh (1774/1971) Political disquisitions: an enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses [i] [u]
- Benjamin Franklin (1772/1975) Letter to Joseph Priestley, September 19, 1772 ['moral or prudential algebra'] [i] [u]
- Joseph Priestley (1771) An essay on the first principles of government: and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty, including remarks on Dr. Brown's code of education, and on Dr. Balguy's sermon on church authority [o] [u]
- Paul Henri Thiry (Baron) d'Holbach (1770/1836) The system of nature: or, Laws of the moral and physical world [with notes by Denis Diderot] [o] [u]
- Joseph Priestley (1767/1775) The history and present state of electricity: with original experiments [o] [u]
- Cesare Beccaria, Voltaire, & Edward D. Ingraham (1764/1819) An essay on crimes and punishments [o] [u]
- Thomas Bayes (1763) An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances [d]
- David Hume (1757/1976) The natural history of religion [i] [u]
- Isaac Watts & Stephen Norris Fellows (1741/1885) The improvement of the mind, or: A supplement to the art of logic: containing a variety of remarks and rules for the attainment and communication of useful knowledge in religion, in the sciences, and in common life [o] [u]
- David Hume, Lewis Amherst Selby-Bigge, & Peter H. Nidditch (1739/1978) A treatise of human nature: being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects [i] [u]
- Ephraim Chambers (1728/1750) Preface [to the Cyclopædia] [o] [u]
- John Locke (1697/1901) Of the conduct of the understanding [o] [u]
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Philip Beeley (1693/2003) Leibniz on the limits of human knowledge [or: On the horizon of human knowledge] [d]
- Christiaan Huygens (1690/1912) Treatise on light: in which are explained the causes of that which occurs in reflexion, & in refraction, and particularly in the strange refraction of Iceland crystal [o] [u]
- Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1686/1990) Conversations on the plurality of worlds [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Benedictus de Spinoza (1677/1995) The letters [i]
- Benedictus de Spinoza (1677/1996) Ethics [i] [u]
- Benedictus de Spinoza (1670/2007) Theological-political treatise [i] [d]
- Robert Hooke (1665/1961) Micrographia: or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses, with observations and inquiries thereupon [o] [d] [u]
- Nicolaus Steno (1665/2018) The discourse on the anatomy of the brain [i] [d]
- Benedictus de Spinoza (1663/1998) The principles of Cartesian philosophy; and, Metaphysical thoughts [i]
- William Harvey & Geoffrey Keynes (1628/1995) The anatomical exercises: De motu cordis and De circulatione sanguinis, in English translation [i]
- Francis Bacon, Lisa Jardine, & Michael Silverthorne (1620/2000) The new organon [i] [d]
- Musō Soseki & Thomas Yūhō Kirchner (1342/2015) Dialogues in a dream [i]
- Dōgen (1242/1986) The whole works [i]
- Dōgen (1238/2004) Informal talks: recorded by Ejo [i]
- Dōgen (1233/1985) Actualizing the fundamental point [i] [u]