How to provision sustainably

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. Angela Kallhoff & Eva Liedauer [ed] () Greentopia: utopian thought in the Anthropocene [i] [d]
  2. () The need for more inclusive deliberation on ethics and governance in agricultural and food biotechnology [d]
  3. () The future of plant-based diets: aligning healthy marketplace choices with equitable, resilient, and sustainable food systems [p] [d]
  4. () Food activism today: sustainability, climate change, and social justice [i] [d]
  5. () Limitarianism: the case against extreme wealth [i]
  6. () Leverage points for tackling unsustainable global value chains: market-based measures versus transformative alternatives [d]
  7. () Maintenance of value and the value of maintenance [i] [d] [u]
  8. () Frostbite: how refrigeration changed our food, our planet, and ourselves [i]
  9. Mark Thomas Young & Mark Coeckelbergh [ed] () Maintenance and philosophy of technology: keeping things going [i] [d]
  10. () The climate crisis: science, impacts, policy, psychology, sociology, and justice [i] [d]
  11. () Poverty is killing nearly 200,000 Americans a year [u]
  12. () Interfaith community gardening: growing food justice [i] [d]
  13. () Our shared global responsibility: safeguarding crop diversity for future generations [p] [d] [u]
  14. () Paved paradise: how parking explains the world [i]
  15. () Live music and the New Urban Agenda: social, economic, environmental and spatial sustainability in live music ecologies [d]
  16. () Carmageddon: how cars make life worse and what to do about it [i]
  17. () Petrochemical planet: multiscalar battles of industrial transformation [i] [d] [u]
  18. () Our fragile moment: how lessons from Earth's past can help us survive the climate crisis [i]
  19. () The good garden: how to nurture pollinators, soil, native wildlife, and healthy food—all in your own backyard [i]
  20. () The big myth: how American business taught us to loathe government and love the free market [i]
  21. () Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts [p] [d]
  22. () The climate action handbook: a visual guide to 100 climate solutions for everyone [i]
  23. () A process approach to product repair from the perspective of the individual [d]
  24. () Escape from overshoot: economics for a planet in peril [i]
  25. () Local forest specialists maintain traditional ecological knowledge in the face of environmental threats to Brazilian Amazonian protected areas [d]
  26. Anthony L. Andrady [ed] () Plastics and the ocean: origin, characterization, fate, and impacts [i] [d]
  27. () Shelter oddity [u]
  28. () The progress illusion: reclaiming our future from the fairytale of economics [i]
  29. () Mechanisms of forest resilience [d]
  30. () The agrarian myth in suburbia: relating materialized culture with actualized sustainability [u]
  31. () Wonder foods: the science and commerce of nutrition [i] [d] [j]
  32. () Calendar keepers: the unsung heroes in Indigenous landscape management [i] [d]
  33. () The geopolitics of food security and food sovereignty in Latin America: harmonizing competing visions or reinforcing extractive agriculture? [d]
  34. () Rural renaissance: revitalizing America's hometowns through clean power [i]
  35. () How the world really works: the science behind how we got here and where we're going [i]
  36. () No farms, no food: uniting farmers and environmentalists to save American agriculture [i]
  37. () Taking fun seriously in envisioning sustainable consumption [d]
  38. () Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
  39. () Foraging culture: ethics, practice, and identity among contemporary wild food foragers in the southwest United States [u]
  40. () The circular business model [u]
  41. () Revolutionary power: an activist's guide to the energy transition [i]
  42. Nicoletta Batini [ed] () The economics of sustainable food: smart policies for health and the planet [i]
  43. () The indigenous territories and local sustainable development in the Amazon region [i] [d]
  44. () Buen vivir (good living): a 'glocal' genealogy of a Latin American utopia for the world [d]
  45. () Mobilizing the past to shape a better Anthropocene [p] [d]
  46. H. Scott Butterfield, T. Rodd Kelsey, & Abigail K. Hart [ed] () Rewilding agricultural landscapes: a California study in rebalancing the needs of people and nature [i]
  47. () Macropsychology for decent work: sustainable livelihood [i] [d]
  48. () Thicker than water: the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis [i]
  49. () The commons in an age of uncertainty: decolonizing nature, economy, and society, by Franklin Obeng-Odoom [book review] [d] [u]
  50. Peter A. Creticos, Larry Bennett, Laura Owen, Costas Spirou, & Maxine Morphis-Riesbeck [ed] () The many futures of work: rethinking expectations and breaking molds [i]
  51. () Sustainability narratives as transformative solution pathways: zooming in on the circular economy [d]
  52. () How 10 global cities take on homelessness: innovations that work [i] [j]
  53. Joel C. Gill & Martin Smith [ed] () Geosciences and the sustainable development goals [i] [d]
  54. () Consent in a changing climate [i] [d]
  55. () Regeneration: ending the climate crisis in one generation [i]
  56. () Bet the farm: the dollars and sense of growing food in America [i]
  57. A. Bryce Hoflund, John C. Jones, & Michelle C. Pautz [ed] () Administering and managing the U.S. food system: revisiting food policy and politics [i]
  58. () Pretreatment in action: interactive exploration from homelessness to housing stabilization [i]
  59. () Beyond prepper culture as right-wing extremism: selling preparedness to everyday consumers as how to survive the end of the world on a budget [d]
  60. () Can public universities play a role in fostering seed sovereignty? [d]
  61. () Reinventing food banks and pantries: new tools to end hunger [i]
  62. () Mapping ecological distribution conflicts: the EJAtlas [global environmental justice atlas] [d]
  63. () 'We became rich and we lost everything': ethnobotany of remote mountain villages of Abruzzo and Molise, Central Italy [d]
  64. () Building community food webs [i]
  65. () The uncommon knowledge of Elinor Ostrom: essential lessons for collective action [i]
  66. () Circular economy and the transition to a sustainable society: integrated assessment methods for a new paradigm [d]
  67. () Extractive industries and the environment: production, pollution, and protest in global history [d]
  68. (/2022) Eating to extinction: the world's rarest foods and why we need to save them [i]
  69. () Principles of foodservice ethics: a general review [d] [u]
  70. Ram Bali Singh, Soumendu Chatterjee, Mukunda Mishra, & Andrews José de Lucena [ed] () Practices in regional science and sustainable regional development: experiences from the Global South [i] [d]
  71. () Dispossessed by decarbonisation: reducing vulnerability, injustice, and inequality in the lived experience of low-carbon pathways [d]
  72. () Pipe dreams: the urgent global quest to transform the toilet [i]
  73. () Implementing the circular economy for sustainable development [i] [d]
  74. Anthony R. Zelle, Grant Wilson, Rachelle Adam, & Herman F. Greene [ed] () Earth law: emerging ecocentric law: a practitioner's guide [i]
  75. Julian Agyeman & Sydney Giacalone [ed] () The immigrant–food nexus: borders, labor, and identity in North America [i] [d]
  76. () Greener than thou: people who protect the environment are more cooperative, compete to be environmental, and benefit from reputation [d]
  77. () From dumpster dives to disco vibes: the shifting shape of food waste activism [i] [d]
  78. Hilde Bjørkhaug, Philip McMichael, & Bruce Muirhead [ed] () Finance or food?: the role of cultures, values, and ethics in land use negotiations [i] [d]
  79. () Lifting the veil of money: what economic indicators hide [i] [d]
  80. Simin Davoudi, Richard Cowell, Iain White, & Hilda Blanco [ed] () The Routledge companion to environmental planning [i] [d]
  81. () Feeding the crisis: care and abandonment in America's food safety net [i] [d] [j]
  82. () Archaeology for sustainable agriculture [d]
  83. () Waste: one woman's fight against America's dirty secret [i]
  84. () Assembled but unrehearsed: corporate food power and the 'dance' of supply chain sustainability [d]
  85. J. K. Gibson-Graham & Kelly Dombroski [ed] () The handbook of diverse economies [i] [d]
  86. () Valuing nature: a handbook for impact investing [i]
  87. () Domestication of international norms for sustainable resource governance: elite capture in Peru [d]
  88. () The Northwestern Amazon malocas: craft now and then [d]
  89. () Food sharing, redistribution, and waste reduction via mobile applications: a social network analysis [d] [u]
  90. () It's not 'too late': learning from Pacific small island developing states in a warming world [d]
  91. () Science is not enough: grassroots and bottom-up action in urban ecology [i] [d]
  92. () Leadership for sustainability: strategies for tackling wicked problems [i]
  93. () A diminishment of desire: exposure to nature relative to urban environments dampens materialism [d]
  94. () Environmental justice and fairness [i] [d]
  95. () The political economy of car dependence: a systems of provision approach [d] [u]
  96. Alessandro Melis, Jose Antonio Lara-Hernandez, & James Thompson [ed] () Temporary appropriation in cities: human spatialisation in public spaces and community resilience [i] [d]
  97. () Sustainable energy transitions: socio-ecological dimensions of decarbonization [i] [d]
  98. () Farming [u]
  99. () The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
  100. () Food deserts, libraries, and urban communities: what is the connection? [d]
  101. Kelly A. Parker & Heather E. Keith [ed] () Pragmatist and American philosophical perspectives on resilience [i]
  102. () Missing middle housing: thinking big and building small to respond to today's housing crisis [i]
  103. () The affordable city: strategies for putting housing within reach (and keeping it there) [i]
  104. Christian Reynolds, Tammara Soma, Charlotte Spring, & Jordon Lazell [ed] () Routledge handbook of food waste [i] [d]
  105. () Farm refugia and church on the edges [Plainsong Farm] [u]
  106. () From protecting peasant livelihoods to essentializing peasant agriculture: problematic trends in food sovereignty discourse [d]
  107. () Diversifying power: why we need antiracist, feminist leadership on climate and energy [i]
  108. () Adaptation and development pathways for different types of farmers [d]
  109. () Unlocking plant resources to support food security and promote sustainable agriculture [d]
  110. () A more sustainable supply chain [u]
  111. () Understanding rivers and their social relations: a critical step to advance environmental water management [p] [d] [u]
  112. () The dreamt land: chasing water and dust across California [i]
  113. () Motor vehicles, the environment, and the human condition: driving to extinction [i]
  114. () Whose water is it, anyway?: taking water protection into public hands [i]
  115. () Development pathways toward 'zero hunger' [d]
  116. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  117. () Impacts of forests and forestation on hydrological services in the Andes: a systematic review [d]
  118. () Climate action planning: a guide to creating low-carbon, resilient communities [i] [d]
  119. () Growing intergenerational resilience for Indigenous food sovereignty through home gardening [d] [u]
  120. () Peak plastic: the rise or fall of our synthetic world [i]
  121. () Ease of repair as a design ideal: a reflection on how open source models can support longer lasting ownership of, and care for, technology [u]
  122. () Making local sourcing standard practice: lessons from Michigan [i] [d]
  123. () Preserving our roots: my journey to save seeds and stories [i]
  124. () Managing risk through cooperation: need-based transfers and risk pooling among the societies of the Human Generosity Project [i] [d]
  125. () Feeding the other: whiteness, privilege, and neoliberal stigma in food pantries [i] [d]
  126. Henrik Ernstson & Sverker Sörlin [ed] () Grounding urban natures: histories and futures of urban ecologies [i] [d]
  127. () The labor of lunch: why we need real food and real jobs in American public schools [i] [d] [j]
  128. Roy M. Harrison & Ronald E. Hester [ed] () Plastics and the environment [i] [d]
  129. () Protecting pollinators: how to save the creatures that feed our world [i]
  130. () The making of a democratic economy: building prosperity for the many, not just the few [i]
  131. () Why only strong sustainable consumption governance will make a difference [i] [d]
  132. Ludomir R. Lozny & Thomas Howatt McGovern [ed] () Global perspectives on long term community resource management [i] [d]
  133. Lisa Mandle, Zhiyun Ouyang, James Salzman, & Gretchen C. Daily [ed] () Green growth that works: natural capital policy and finance mechanisms around the world [i] [d]
  134. () Fair ways to share benefits from community forests?: how commodification is associated with reduced preference for equality and poverty alleviation [d]
  135. () The high price of efficiency [u]
  136. () Desert wonderings: reimagining food access mapping [d]
  137. () Community-scale composting systems: a comprehensive practical guide for closing the food system loop and solving our waste crisis [i]
  138. () Food routes: growing bananas in Iceland and other tales from the logistics of eating [i] [d]
  139. () Metagovernance for sustainability: a framework for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals [i] [d]
  140. Devon A. Mihesuah & Elizabeth Hoover [ed] () Indigenous food sovereignty in the United States: restoring cultural knowledge, protecting environments, and regaining health [i]
  141. () The new American farmer: immigration, race, and the struggle for sustainability [i] [d]
  142. () Liquid rules: the delightful and dangerous substances that flow through our lives [i]
  143. Oksana Mont [ed] () A research agenda for sustainable consumption governance [i] [d]
  144. () Solar power: innovation, sustainability, and environmental justice [i] [d] [j]
  145. () Flint fights back: environmental justice and democracy in the Flint water crisis [i] [d]
  146. () Economics in two lessons: why markets work so well, and why they can fail so badly [i] [d] [j]
  147. () Black food geographies: race, self-reliance, and food access in Washington, D.C. [i] [d] [j]
  148. () Losing Earth: a recent history [or: Losing Earth: the decade we could have stopped climate change] [i]
  149. () Famine ethics [d]
  150. () The ethics and economics of ecological justice [i] [d]
  151. () Troubled water: what's wrong with what we drink [i]
  152. () Trees of power: ten essential arboreal allies [i]
  153. () The public option: how to expand freedom, increase opportunity, and promote equality [i] [d]
  154. () The ethics of material provisioning: insiders' views of work in the extractive industries [d]
  155. () Grocery story: the promise of food co-ops in the age of grocery giants [i] [u]
  156. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, & Martine Durand [ed] () For good measure: an agenda for moving beyond GDP [i]
  157. () Human relationships with domestic and other animals: one health, one welfare, one biology [p] [d] [u]
  158. Sapna E. Thottathil & Annelies Goger [ed] () Institutions as conscious food consumers: leveraging purchasing power to drive systems change [i] [d]
  159. Jose Luis Vivero Pol, Tomaso Ferrando, Olivier de Schutter, & Ugo Mattei [ed] () Routledge handbook of food as a commons [i] [d]
  160. () The grand food bargain: and the mindless drive for more [i] [d]
  161. Julia Walker, Alma Pekmezovic, & Gordon Walker [ed] () Sustainable development goals: harnessing business to achieve the SDGs through finance, technology and law reform [i] [d]
  162. Mark D. White [ed] () The Oxford handbook of ethics and economics [i] [d]
  163. William Winders & Elizabeth Ransom [ed] () Global meat: the social and environmental consequences of the expanding meat industry [i] [d]
  164. () The mystery of the kibbutz: egalitarian principles in a capitalist world [or: The mystery of the kibbutz: how egalitarian principles survived in a capitalist world] [i] [d] [j]
  165. () Ruling or serving society?: the case for reforming financial services [i] [d]
  166. () Informal creative labour practices: a relational work perspective [d]
  167. Pia A. Albinsson & B. Yasanthi Perera [ed] () The rise of the sharing economy: exploring the challenges and opportunities of collaborative consumption [i]
  168. () The Biodiversity Finance Initiative: an approach to identify and implement biodiversity-centered finance solutions for sustainable development [i] [d]
  169. () Severe poverty as an unjust emergency [i] [d]
  170. () Vegecultures and the social–biological transformations of plants and people [d]
  171. () Capitalism: the future of an illusion [i] [d] [j]
  172. () Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries [u]
  173. () Dirt to soil: one family's journey into regenerative agriculture [i]
  174. (/2023) Housing in America: an introduction [i] [d]
  175. () Berry farmers break free from big agriculture [u]
  176. () More than a paycheck [employee ownership] [u]
  177. () The food sharing revolution: how start-ups, pop-ups, and co-ops are changing the way we eat [i] [d]
  178. () Life in oil: Cofán survival in the petroleum fields of Amazonia [i]
  179. () Speculative harvests: financialization, food, and agriculture [i] [d]
  180. () The politics of dependence: economic parasites and vulnerable lives [i] [d]
  181. () Wellbeing economics: the capabilities approach to prosperity [i] [d]
  182. () Water is...: the indispensability of water in society and life [i] [d]
  183. Jorge A. Delgado, Gretchen F. Sassenrath, & Tom Mueller [ed] () Precision conservation: geospatial techniques for agricultural and natural resources conservation [i] [d]
  184. () Ten essentials for action-oriented and second-order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research [d]
  185. () Green burial guidebook: everything you need to plan an affordable, environmentally friendly burial [i]
  186. () Radical matter: rethinking materials for a sustainable future [i]
  187. Eric Freedman & Mark Neuzil [ed] () Biodiversity, conservation and environmental management in the Great Lakes Basin [i] [d]
  188. () Deliberation and catastrophic risks [i] [d]
  189. () The inheritance of wealth: justice, equality, and the right to bequeath [i] [d]
  190. () Prepping 101: 40 steps you can take to be prepared: protect your family, prepare for weather disasters, be ready and resilient when emergencies arise [i]
  191. () Using the social fabric matrix to establish corporate accounting consistent with normative criteria regarding climate change [d]
  192. () Applied tree biology [i] [d]
  193. () 'Put your own mask on before helping someone else': the capacity of food hubs to build equitable food access [d] [u]
  194. () Dust bowls of empire: imperialism, environmental politics, and the injustice of 'green' capitalism [i] [d] [j]
  195. () The co-op farming model might help save America's small farms [u]
  196. () Inclusive growth: profitable strategies for tackling poverty and inequality [u]
  197. () Forest resources of nations in relation to human well-being [p] [d] [u]
  198. () Community-based action for food justice [i] [d]
  199. Toyoki Kozai [ed] () Smart plant factory: the next generation indoor vertical farms [i] [d]
  200. Walter Leal Filho, Diana Mihaela Pociovălișteanu, Paulo Roberto Borges de Brito, & Ismar Borges de Lima [ed] () Towards a sustainable bioeconomy: principles, challenges and perspectives [i] [d]
  201. Alena V. Ledeneva, Anna L. Bailey, Sheelagh Barron, Costanza Curro, & Elizabeth Teague [ed] () The global encyclopaedia of informality: understanding social and cultural complexity [i] [j] [u]
  202. () Evaluating the environmental impact of debit card payments [d]
  203. () The legacy of 4,500 years of polyculture agroforestry in the eastern Amazon [p] [d]
  204. () The divided city: poverty and prosperity in urban America [i] [d]
  205. () The system made me do it: strategies of survival [i] [j] [u]
  206. Bill Maurer, Smoki Musaraj, & Ivan Victor Small [ed] () Money at the margins: global perspectives on technology, financial inclusion, and design [i] [d] [j]
  207. () The value of everything: making and taking in the global economy [i]
  208. () Combining local preferences with multi-criteria decision analysis and linear optimization to develop feasible energy concepts in small communities [d]
  209. () Livestock: food, fiber, and friends [i] [j]
  210. () Food from the radical center: healing our land and communities [i] [d]
  211. () The role of indigenous and traditional knowledge in ecosystem-based adaptation: a review of the literature and case studies from the Pacific Islands [d]
  212. Melissa K. Nelson & Dan Shilling [ed] () Traditional ecological knowledge: learning from indigenous practices for environmental sustainability [i] [d]
  213. () A pluralist and pragmatist critique of food regime's genealogy: varieties of social orders in Brazilian agriculture [d]
  214. () Tropicalizing sustainable bioeconomy: initial lessons from Ecuador [i] [d]
  215. () A cluster analysis of energy-consuming activities in everyday life [d]
  216. () How can stakeholders promote environmental and social responsibility in the shipping industry? [d]
  217. () Farming while Black: Soul Fire Farm's practical guide to liberation on the land [i]
  218. () Dying for a paycheck: how modern management harms employee health and company performance—and what we can do about it [i]
  219. () Emerald ash borer, black ash, and Native American basketmaking: invasive insects, forest ecosystems and cultural practices [i] [d]
  220. () Start your farm: the authoritative guide to becoming a sustainable twenty-first-century farmer [i]
  221. () Global supermarkets' corporate social responsibility commitments to public health: a content analysis [p] [d] [u]
  222. (/2023) Climate-wise landscaping: practical actions for a sustainable future [i]
  223. () 'We will not perish; we're going to keep flourishing': race, food access, and geographies of self-reliance [d]
  224. () Participatory systems approaches for urban and peri-urban agriculture planning: the role of system dynamics and spatial group model building [d]
  225. Hartmut Rosa & Christoph Henning [ed] () The good life beyond growth: new perspectives [i] [d]
  226. (/2019) Plastic soup: an atlas of ocean pollution [i]
  227. () After innovation, turn to maintenance [d] [j]
  228. () Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability: an overview and conceptual framework [d]
  229. () Sustainably sourced junk food?: big food and the challenge of sustainable diets [d] [u]
  230. () The worm farmer's handbook: mid- to large-scale vermicomposting for farms, businesses, municipalities, schools, and institutions [i]
  231. () Financial capability and asset building in vulnerable households: theory and practice [i]
  232. () Firms, finance and sustainable transitions: the financial constraints of eco-innovation companies [i] [d]
  233. () Farms under threat: the state of America's farmland [u]
  234. Svenja Springer & Herwig Grimm [ed] () Professionals in food chains: EurSafe 2018, Vienna, Austria 13–16 June 2018 [i] [d]
  235. () Social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world [i] [d]
  236. () Promoting sustainable food system change amidst inequity: a case study of Baltimore, Maryland [i] [d]
  237. Julie Sze [ed] () Sustainability: approaches to environmental justice and social power [i]
  238. () Working, but poor: the good life in rural America? [d]
  239. Paul B. Thompson & Kirill O. Thompson [ed] () Agricultural ethics in East Asian perspective: a transpacific dialogue [i] [d]
  240. () The inverse invisible hand and heuristics in managerial decision-making [d]
  241. () Seeds with stories: Seed Savers Exchange revisited [d]
  242. () Come on!: capitalism, short-termism, population and the destruction of the planet [i] [d]
  243. Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann, Janice Gray, & Kathryn Gwiazdon [ed] () Ecological integrity, law and governance [i] [d]
  244. () Freedom farmers: agricultural resistance and the Black freedom movement [i]
  245. () Indigenous lessons about sustainability are not just for 'all humanity' [i]
  246. () Creating a sustainable food future: a menu of solutions to feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050: synthesis report [i] [u]
  247. () Household water sharing: a review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures [p] [d] [u]
  248. Joshua Zeunert & Tim Waterman [ed] () Routledge handbook of landscape and food [i] [d]
  249. () A precautionary tale: the story of how one small town banned pesticides, preserved its food heritage, and inspired a movement [in Italy] [i]
  250. Alison Hope Alkon & Julie Guthman [ed] () The new food activism: opposition, cooperation, and collective action [i] [d] [j]
  251. Stuart K. Allison & Stephen D. Murphy [ed] () Routledge handbook of ecological and environmental restoration [i] [d]
  252. () Farmers' guide to business structures: LLCs, corporations, partnerships and more [i] [u]
  253. () The rise of food banks and the challenge of matching food assistance with potential need: towards a spatially specific, rapid assessment approach [d]
  254. () Polycentric governance approaches for a low-carbon transition: the roles of community-based energy initiatives in enhancing the resilience of future energy systems [i] [d]
  255. () The complete bike owner's manual [i]
  256. Hartmut Berghoff & Adam Rome [ed] () Green capitalism?: business and the environment in the twentieth century [i] [d] [j]
  257. Iris Borowy & Matthias Schmelzer [ed] () History of the future of economic growth: historical roots of current debates on sustainable degrowth [i] [d]
  258. () The limits to global-warming mitigation by terrestrial carbon removal [d]
  259. Steve Brescia [ed] () Fertile ground: scaling agroecology from the ground up [i]
  260. () Agriculture production as a major driver of the Earth system exceeding planetary boundaries [d]
  261. () How long can we keep doing this?: sustainability as a strictly temporal concept [d]
  262. () The pricing of progress: economic indicators and the capitalization of American life [i] [d]
  263. Peter C. Cramton, David J. C. MacKay, & Axel Ockenfels [ed] () Global carbon pricing: the path to climate cooperation [i] [d] [u]
  264. () Surviving the 21st century: humanity's ten great challenges and how we can overcome them [i] [d]
  265. () Threats to sustainable development posed by land and water grabbing [d]
  266. David Devlaeminck, Zafar Adeel, & Robert Sandford [ed] () The human face of water security [i] [d]
  267. () An anthropology of money: a critical introduction [i] [d]
  268. () Indigenous environmental knowledge: reappraisal [i] [d]
  269. Denise Griffin Fairchild & Al Weinrub [ed] () Energy democracy: advancing equity in clean energy solutions [i] [d]
  270. Francesco Ferrini, Cecil C. Konijnendijk van den Bosch, & Alessio Fini [ed] () Routledge handbook of urban forestry [i] [d]
  271. () Big hunger: the unholy alliance between corporate America and anti-hunger groups [i] [d] [j]
  272. () The food forest handbook: design and manage a home-scale perennial polyculture garden [i]
  273. () The profit of the earth: the global seeds of American agriculture [i] [d]
  274. () Decommodification as a foundation for ecological economics [d]
  275. () Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made [p] [d] [u]
  276. () Shared governance for sustainable working landscapes [i] [d]
  277. () The long road to sustainability: the past, present, and future of international environmental law and policy [i] [d]
  278. Iain J. Gordon, Herbert H. T. Prins, & Geoff R. Squire [ed] () Food production and nature conservation: conflicts and solutions [i] [d]
  279. () Global cities: urban environments in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and China [i] [d]
  280. Keith Hart [ed] () Money in a human economy [i] [d] [j]
  281. Paul Hawken [ed] () Drawdown: the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming [but not really a plan] [i]
  282. Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, & Marie Stenseke [ed] () Nature, temporality and environmental management: Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes [i] [d]
  283. () Energy without conscience: oil, climate change, and complicity [i] [d] [u]
  284. Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, & John Grim [ed] () Routledge handbook of religion and ecology [i] [d]
  285. Joseph M. Kiesecker & David E. Naugle [ed] () Energy sprawl solutions: balancing global development and conservation [i] [d]
  286. () Mountain agriculture for global markets: the case of greenhouse floriculture in Ecuador [d]
  287. () Forgotten agricultural heritage: reconnecting food systems and sustainable development [i] [d]
  288. () Exploring the role of neighborhood walkability on community currency activities: a case study of the Crooked River Alliance of TimeBanks [d]
  289. Nicola Labanca [ed] () Complex systems and social practices in energy transitions: framing energy sustainability in the time of renewables [i] [d]
  290. () ¿Erradicar la pobreza o empobrecer las alternativas? [i]
  291. () How to create a vegan world: a pragmatic approach [i]
  292. () The captured economy: how the powerful enrich themselves, slow down growth, and increase inequality [i]
  293. () Letter to a young farmer: how to live richly without wealth on the new garden farm [i]
  294. () Teaming with fungi: the organic grower's guide to mycorrhizae [i]
  295. () We rise: the Earth Guardians guide to building a movement that restores the planet [i]
  296. () Assessment of energy sources using GIS [i] [d]
  297. () The greenhouse and hoophouse grower's handbook: organic vegetable production using protected culture [i]
  298. () Growing food, growing consciousness: gardening and social justice in Grand Rapids, Michigan [d]
  299. () Valuing the bad and the ugly: tasting agrobiodiversity among the Indigenous Canela [d]
  300. () Frugal value: designing business for a crowded planet [i] [d]
  301. () The financial diaries: how American families cope in a world of uncertainty [i] [d] [j]
  302. Piergiuseppe Morone, Franka Papendiek, & Valentina Elena Tartiu [ed] () Food waste reduction and valorisation: sustainability assessment and policy analysis [i] [d]
  303. () The other half of effective altruism: selective asceticism [d] [u]
  304. Nina Bandelj, Frederick F. Wherry, & Viviana A. Zelizer [ed] () Money talks: explaining how money really works [i] [d] [j]
  305. () Educating girls: the key to tackling global poverty [u]
  306. () An analysis of everyday life activities and their consequences for energy use [i] [d]
  307. () Changing energy: the transition to a sustainable future [i] [d] [j]
  308. () Life without plastic: the practical step-by-step guide to avoiding plastic to keep your family and the planet healthy [i]
  309. () Replenish: the virtuous cycle of water and prosperity [i] [d]
  310. Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward [ed] () The Routledge handbook of food ethics [i] [d]
  311. () Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist [i]
  312. Mark Robison & Lindley Shedd [ed] () Audio recorders to zucchini seeds: building a library of things [i]
  313. () When less is more: innovations for tracking progress toward global targets [d]
  314. () Agroecology: science and politics [i] [d]
  315. () Forest foods and healthy diets: quantifying the contributions [d]
  316. () Dwelling in resistance: living with alternative technologies in America [i] [d] [j]
  317. () Urban foraging: a ubiquitous human practice overlooked by urban planners, policy, and research [d]
  318. () What is the relationship between food shopping and daily mobility?: a relational approach to analysis of food access [d]
  319. () Toxic inequality: the true costs of poverty and racial injustice for America's families [i]
  320. Barry D. Solomon & Kirby E. Calvert [ed] () Handbook on the geographies of energy [i] [d]
  321. () Hot air or comprehensive progress?: a critical assessment of the SDGs [sustainable development goals] [d]
  322. () Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales [p] [d]
  323. () Affluence without abundance: the disappearing world of the Bushmen [i]
  324. () The social safety net after welfare reform: recent developments and consequences for household dynamics [d]
  325. () Sacred soil: biochar and the regeneration of the earth [i]
  326. () Megatrends in food and agriculture: technology, water use and nutrition [i] [d]
  327. () We want land to live: making political space for food sovereignty [i] [d] [j]
  328. () Making modern meals: how Americans cook today [i] [d] [j]
  329. () The autonomous city: a history of urban squatting [i]
  330. () Creative research in economics [i] [d]
  331. Ian Werkheiser & Zachary Piso [ed] () Food justice in US and global contexts: bringing theory and practice together [i] [d]
  332. Justine M. Williams & Eric Holt-Giménez [ed] () Land justice: re-imagining land, food, and the commons in the United States [i]
  333. () Landscape architecture and environmental sustainability: creating positive change through design [i]
  334. () Mountain ecology, remoteness, and the rise of agrobiodiversity: tracing the geographic spaces of human–environment knowledge [d]
  335. () Street farm: growing food, jobs, and hope on the urban frontier [i]
  336. () The role of Indigenous science and local knowledge in integrated observing systems: moving toward adaptive capacity indices and early warning systems [d]
  337. Carmela Aprea, Eveline Wuttke, Klaus Breuer, Noi Keng Koh, Peter Davies, Bettina Greimel-Fuhrmann, & Jane S. Lopus [ed] () International handbook of financial literacy [i] [d]
  338. () What's wrong with money?: the biggest bubble of all [i]
  339. () Energy, complexity and wealth maximization [i] [d]
  340. () Freegans: diving into the wealth of food waste in America [i] [d] [j]
  341. Bernardo Bátiz Lazo & Leonidas Efthymiou [ed] () The book of payments: historical and contemporary views on the cashless society [o] [d]
  342. () Alternative foods as a solution to global food supply catastrophes [u]
  343. () Handbook of biophilic city planning and design [i] [d]
  344. () Consumption and climate change: why we say one thing but do another in the face of our greatest threat [d]
  345. () Farm to table: the essential guide to sustainable food systems for students, professionals, and consumers [i]
  346. () Towards an 'accounting view' on money, banking and the macroeconomy: history, empirics, theory [d]
  347. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, & Jürgen Scheffran [ed] () Handbook on sustainability transition and sustainable peace [i] [d]
  348. Hans Günter Brauch, Ursula Oswald, Juliet Bennett, & Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald [ed] () Addressing global environmental challenges from a peace ecology perspective [i] [d]
  349. () More than just food: food justice and community change [i] [d] [j]
  350. Sally Brown, Elizabeth Hodges Snyder, & Kristen McIvor [ed] () Sowing seeds in the city: ecosystem and municipal services [i] [d] [u]
  351. () Individual choice and social values: choice in the agrifood sector [d]
  352. () Climate change, security risks and conflict reduction in Africa: a case study of farmer–herder conflicts over natural resources in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Burkina Faso 1960–2000 [i] [d]
  353. () In search of coproduction: smart services as reciprocal activities [d]
  354. () The scoop on poop: safely capturing and recycling the nutrients in greywater, humanure, and urine [i]
  355. () Decision making and sustainability in built environments [i] [d]
  356. () Indigenous ecological calendars define scales for climate change and sustainability assessments [d]
  357. () Modelling and measuring sustainable wellbeing in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals [d]
  358. () The sustainability story: exposing truths, half-truths, and illusions [i] [d] [j]
  359. () America's most sustainable cities and regions: surviving the 21st century megatrends [i] [d]
  360. () Evicted: poverty and profit in the American city [i]
  361. () Sustainable development education, practice, and research: an indigenous model of sustainable development at the College of Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI, USA [d]
  362. Iddo Dror, Jean-Joseph Cadilhon, Marc Schut, Michael Misiko, & Shreya Maheshwari [ed] () Innovation platforms for agricultural development: evaluating the mature innovation platforms landscape [i] [d]
  363. () Community wealth building forms: what they are and how to use them at the local level [d]
  364. () Political dynamics of transnational agrarian movements [i] [d]
  365. () Profit and gift in the digital economy [i] [d]
  366. Joshua C. Farley & Deepak Malghan [ed] () Beyond uneconomic growth: economics, equity and the ecological predicament [i] [d]
  367. () Organic futures: struggling for sustainability on the small farm [i] [d] [j]
  368. () Production, consumption, and protection: perspectives from North America on the multifunctional transition in rural planning [d]
  369. () When trucks stop running: energy and the future of transportation [i] [d]
  370. Jay D. Gatrell, Ryan R. Jensen, Mark W. Patterson, & Nancy Hoalst-Pullen [ed] () Urban sustainability: policy and praxis [i] [d]
  371. Aaron Golub, Melody L. Hoffmann, Adonia E. Lugo, & Gerardo F. Sandoval [ed] () Bicycle justice and urban transformation: biking for all? [i] [d]
  372. () Environmental behavior's dirty secret: the prevalence of waste management in discussions of environmental concern and action [p] [d]
  373. () Dude making a difference: bamboo bikes, dumpster dives and other extreme adventures across America [i]
  374. () System dynamics-based evaluation of interventions to promote appropriate waste disposal behaviors in low-income urban areas: a Baltimore case study [p] [d]
  375. () Pharaoh's dream revisited: an integrated US Midwest field research network for climate adaptation [d] [j]
  376. () Urban recycling cooperatives: building resilient communities [i] [d]
  377. () Where are the garden(er)s?: examining gardener motivations and community garden participation-sheds in Austin, Texas [i] [d]
  378. () Our renewable future: laying the path for 100% clean energy [i] [d]
  379. () What we learned: we really need a plan; no, lots of them [i] [d]
  380. () State-of-the-art practices in farmland biodiversity monitoring for North America and Europe [p] [d] [u]
  381. () Trailersteading: how to find, buy, retrofit, and live large in a mobile home [i]
  382. () Managing adaptively for multifunctionality in agricultural systems [d]
  383. () Finding purpose: environmental stewardship as a personal calling [i]
  384. () Global magic: technologies of appropriation from ancient Rome to Wall Street [i] [d]
  385. () Ecosystem services and the value of places [d] [j]
  386. () Weaving Indigenous and sustainability sciences to diversify our methods [d]
  387. () Strange glow: the story of radiation [i] [d] [j]
  388. () Biomimicry for designers: applying nature's processes and materials in the real world [i]
  389. () Food–energy–water metrics across scales: project to system level [d]
  390. () Food hubs: connecting farms with local and regional markets [i] [d]
  391. () System failure?: why humanitarian assistance can't meet its objectives without systems thinking—and why it finds it so hard to use it [i] [d]
  392. () Designing the business models for circular economy—towards the conceptual framework [d]
  393. () Unequal gains: American growth and inequality since 1700 [i] [d] [j]
  394. () Social metabolism and conflicts over extractivism [i] [d]
  395. () A case study: zoning and urban agriculture in Michigan [i] [d] [u]
  396. () Quantifying and sustaining biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes [p] [d] [u]
  397. V. Ernesto Méndez, Christopher M. Bacon, Roseann Cohen, & Stephen R. Gliessman [ed] () Agroecology: a transdisciplinary, participatory and action-oriented approach [i] [d]
  398. John M. Meyer & Jens Kersten [ed] () The greening of everyday life: challenging practices, imagining possibilities [i] [d]
  399. () The paradigm of forests and the survival of the fittest [i] [d]
  400. () Recycling, recovering and preventing 'food waste': competing solutions for food systems sustainability in the United States and France [d]
  401. () Who are forest-dependent people?: a taxonomy to aid livelihood and land use decision-making in forested regions [d]
  402. Simon Nicholson & Sikina Jinnah [ed] () New Earth politics: essays from the Anthropocene [i] [d] [j]
  403. () The bulldozer in the watershed: conservation, water, and technological optimism in the post–World War II United States [d]
  404. () Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush?: archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials [d]
  405. () National accounting and the valuation of ecosystem assets and their services [d]
  406. () Housing first: ending homelessness, transforming systems, and changing lives [i] [d]
  407. () How did Plainsong Farm come to be? [u]
  408. () Information seeking and use in the context of minimalist lifestyles [d]
  409. () Environmental planning for oceans and coasts: methods, tools, and technologies [i] [d]
  410. Vikash Ramiah & Greg N. Gregoriou [ed] () Handbook of environmental and sustainable finance [i] [d]
  411. () Investment: a history [i] [d] [j]
  412. () Social networks, strategic doing, and sustainable management of local food systems [i] [d]
  413. () Becoming ecological citizens: connecting people through performance art, food matter and practices [d]
  414. () The curse of cash: how large-denomination bills aid crime and tax evasion and constrain monetary policy [i] [d] [j]
  415. () Restoring heritage grains: the culture, diversity, resilience, and cuisine of ancient wheats [i]
  416. () Contemporary famine analysis [i] [d]
  417. () Beyond sustainability: transforming industrial zero-valued residues into increasing economic returns [d]
  418. () Terra preta: how the world's most fertile soil can help reverse climate change and reduce world hunger: with instructions on how to make this soil at home [i]
  419. () Just where does local food live?: assessing farmers' markets in the United States [d]
  420. Karen Ching-Yee Seto, William D. Solecki, & Corrie Griffith [ed] () The Routledge handbook of urbanization and global environmental change [i] [d]
  421. () The farmer's office: tools, tips and templates to successfully manage a growing farm business [i]
  422. () Beyond the supermarket solution: linking food deserts, neighborhood context, and everyday mobility [d]
  423. Merrill Singer [ed] () A companion to the anthropology of environmental health [i] [d]
  424. Elizabeth Hodges Snyder, Kristen McIvor, & Sally Brown [ed] () Sowing seeds in the city: human dimensions [i] [d] [u]
  425. () Toward a #soilpractice + #socialpractice manifesto: ending the art system and restoring aesthetic ecology [u]
  426. () The Index of Vulnerability: an anthropological method linking social-ecological systems to mental and physical health outcomes [p] [d]
  427. () A realistic (holistic) approach to climate mitigation [d]
  428. () The carbon farming solution: a global toolkit of perennial crops and regenerative agriculture practices for climate change mitigation and food security [i]
  429. () The historical ecological footprint: from over-population to over-consumption [d]
  430. () Backyard woodland: how to maintain and sustain your trees, water, and wildlife [i]
  431. () Data that warms: waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity [d]
  432. () Garden revolution: how our landscapes can be a source of environmental change [i]
  433. () Thirst for power: energy, water and human survival [i] [d]
  434. Anthony Webster, Linda Shaw, & Rachael Vorberg-Rugh [ed] () Mainstreaming co-operation: an alternative for the twenty-first century? [i] [d]
  435. () The wisdom of frugality: why less is more—more or less [i] [d] [j]
  436. () Indigenous Siberians solve collective action problems through sharing and traditional knowledge [d]
  437. Emma-Jayne Abbots, Anna Lavis, & Luci Attala [ed] () Careful eating: bodies, food and care [i]
  438. () The gardener's guide to weather & climate [i]
  439. Hannah Appel, Arthur Mason, Michael J. Watts, & Matthew T. Huber [ed] () Subterranean estates: life worlds of oil and gas [i] [d]
  440. () Historical ecology and ethnobiology: applied research for environmental conservation and social justice [d] [j]
  441. () Land for food & land for nature? [d] [j]
  442. () Eight principles of integrated pest management [d]
  443. () Exploring (un)sustainable growth of digital technologies in the home [i] [d]
  444. () Resilience to global food supply catastrophes [d]
  445. () Navigating austerity: currents of debt along a South Asian river [i] [d]
  446. () Estimating the size and impact of the ecological restoration economy [p] [d] [u]
  447. () The food activist handbook: big & small things you can do to help provide fresh, healthy food for your community [i]
  448. () Integrating life cycle costing and life cycle assessment using extended material flow cost accounting [d]
  449. Reinette Biggs, Maja Schlüter, & Michael L. Schoon [ed] () Principles for building resilience: sustaining ecosystem services in social-ecological systems [i] [d]
  450. () The end of plenty: the race to feed a crowded world [i]
  451. () The color of food: stories of race, resilience and farming [i]
  452. () Political landscapes: forests, conservation, and community in Mexico [i] [d]
  453. () Cambios en los modelos de la infraestructura tradicional en dos comunidades de la cuenca baja del río Marañón, Loreto, Perú [d] [u]
  454. Peter G. Brown & Peter Timmerman [ed] () Ecological economics for the Anthropocene: an emerging paradigm [i] [d]
  455. () Earth jurisprudence: private property and the environment [i] [d]
  456. () Creating value together: the emerging design space of peer-to-peer currency and exchange [i] [d]
  457. () How plants work: the science behind the amazing things plants do [i]
  458. () Material flow cost accounting: a review and agenda for future research [d]
  459. () How crises shaped economic ideas and policies: wiser after the events? [i] [d]
  460. Martha H. Chumbler, Sorell E. Negro, & Lawrence E. Bechler [ed] () Urban agriculture: policy, law, strategy, and implementation [i]
  461. () The seed garden: the art and practice of seed saving [i]
  462. () Making conversation about ethical consumption with [u]
  463. () Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture?: four common misconceptions [d]
  464. () The Tao of vegetable gardening: cultivating tomatoes, greens, peas, beans, squash, joy, and serenity [i]
  465. () Sustaining the conversation: the farm crisis and the Midwest [d]
  466. () Resilience as a universal criterion of health [d]
  467. () Driving water management change where economic incentive is limited [d] [j]
  468. () Ecology in an anthropogenic biosphere [d]
  469. () Food security and trade: reconciling discourses in the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Trade Organization [d]
  470. () Give a man a fish: reflections on the new politics of distribution [i] [d]
  471. () Calendars and ecosystem management: some observations [d] [j]
  472. Roberto Gambino & Attilia Peano [ed] () Nature policies and landscape policies: towards an alliance [i] [d]
  473. Robert F. Garnett, Paul Lewis, & Lenore T. Ealy [ed] () Commerce and community: ecologies of social cooperation [i] [d]
  474. Alexandros Gasparatos & Katherine J. Willis [ed] () Biodiversity in the green economy [i] [d]
  475. () Chemicals without harm: policies for a sustainable world [i] [d] [j]
  476. () Waste policy: international regulation, comparative and contextual perspectives [i] [d]
  477. () Social influence and sustainable consumption [i] [d]
  478. () Fracking the neighborhood: reluctant activists and natural gas drilling [i] [d]
  479. () The new bread basket: how the new crop of grain growers, plant breeders, millers, maltsters, bakers, brewers, and local food activists are redefining our daily loaf [i]
  480. Lars K. Hallstrom, Nicholas P. Guehlstorf, & Margot W. Parkes [ed] () Ecosystems, society, and health: pathways through diversity, convergence, and integration [i]
  481. Stephen K. Hamilton, Julie E. Doll, & G. Philip Robertson [ed] () The ecology of agricultural landscapes: long-term research on the path to sustainability [i]
  482. () What have plants ever done for us?: Western civilization in fifty plants [i]
  483. () Everybody eats: using hunger banquets to teach about issues of global hunger and inequality [d]
  484. () The lean farm: how to minimize waste, increase efficiency, and maximize value and profits with less work [i]
  485. () Roads: an anthropology of infrastructure and expertise [i] [d] [j]
  486. () Afterburn: society beyond fossil fuels [i]
  487. () Seed exchange networks and food system resilience in the United States [d]
  488. () The permaculture city: regenerative design for urban, suburban, and town resilience [i]
  489. () Beyond GDP: national accounting in the age of resource depletion [i] [d]
  490. () A tempered and humane economy: markets, families, and behavioral economics [i]
  491. () Environmental effects of sustainability management tools: an empirical analysis of large companies [d]
  492. () Global finance and development [i] [d]
  493. () Civic engagement in food systems governance: a comparative perspective on American and British local food movements [i] [d]
  494. () Using our agrobiodiversity: plant-based solutions to feed the world [d]
  495. () Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean [p] [d] [j]
  496. () Understanding the roles of forests and tree-based systems in food provision [i] [u]
  497. () How much sustainability substance is in urban visions?: an analysis of visioning projects in urban planning [d]
  498. Roger L. Kemp & Carl J. Stephani [ed] () Urban transportation innovations worldwide: a handbook of best practices outside the United States [i]
  499. () Civic ecology: adaptation and transformation from the ground up [i] [d]
  500. () A social–ecological approach to managing multiple agro-ecosystem services [d]
  501. () Agroecological engineering [d]
  502. () Unearthing conflict: corporate mining, activism, and expertise in Peru [i] [d]
  503. () Bike battles: a history of sharing the American road [i]
  504. () Mindful capability [d]
  505. () Global progress toward sustainable forest management [d]
  506. (/2016) The permaculture transition manual: a comprehensive guide to resilient living [i]
  507. Joan Martínez Alier & Roldan Muradian [ed] () Handbook of ecological economics [i] [d]
  508. Anthony J. Masys [ed] () Disaster management: enabling resilience [i] [d]
  509. () Save the bees with natural backyard hives: the easy and treatment-free way to attract and keep healthy bees [i]
  510. () Sharing cities: a case for truly smart and sustainable cities [i] [d]
  511. () The woodland homestead: how to make your land more productive and live more self-sufficiently in the woods [i]
  512. () Engaging the everyday: environmental social criticism and the resonance dilemma [i] [d] [j]
  513. Peter Akong Minang, Meine van Noordwijk, Olivia E. Freeman, Cheikh Mbow, Jan de Leeuw, & Delia Catacutan [ed] () Climate-smart landscapes: multifunctionality in practice [i] [u]
  514. () Introduction of material flow cost accounting (MFCA) to the supply chain: a questionnaire study on the challenges of constructing a low-carbon supply chain to promote resource efficiency [d]
  515. Roni A. Neff [ed] () Introduction to the US food system: public health, environment, and equity [i]
  516. () Wasted food: U.S. consumers' reported awareness, attitudes, and behaviors [p] [d] [u]
  517. () Sustainable values, sustainable change: a guide to environmental decision making [i] [d]
  518. () Organic struggle: the movement for sustainable agriculture in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  519. () Beyond the war on invasive species: a permaculture approach to ecosystem restoration [i]
  520. () Transformative sustainable development: participation, reflection and change [i] [d]
  521. () Water governance in the face of global change: from understanding to transformation [i] [d]
  522. () Consequences of residential development for biodiversity and human well-being [d]
  523. () Integrating sustainability into an organization's culture: a grounded model [d]
  524. () Advances in restoration ecology: rising to the challenges of the coming decades [d]
  525. () Sequel to suburbia: glimpses of America's post-suburban future [i] [d]
  526. () A space time alarm [i] [d]
  527. () The 'triple depreciation line' instead of the 'triple bottom line': towards a genuine integrated reporting [d]
  528. () Andean waterways: resource politics in highland Peru [i]
  529. () Interrelating material flow cost accounting with management control systems to introduce resource efficiency into strategy [d]
  530. () A sustainable agriculture? [d] [j]
  531. Gerda Roelvink, Kevin St. Martin, & J. K. Gibson-Graham [ed] () Making other worlds possible: performing diverse economies [i] [j]
  532. Ricardo Rozzi, F. Stuart Chapin, J. Baird Callicott, Steward T. Pickett, Mary E. Power, Juan J. Armesto, & Roy H. May [ed] () Earth stewardship: linking ecology and ethics in theory and practice [i] [d]
  533. Fernando Santos-Granero [ed] () Images of public wealth or the anatomy of well-being in indigenous Amazonia [i] [j]
  534. (/2017) Goodbye, things: the new Japanese minimalism [i]
  535. () A new psychology for sustainability leadership: the hidden power of ecological worldviews [i] [d]
  536. () Sustainable livelihoods and rural development [i] [d]
  537. () The pet poo pocket guide: how to safely compost and recycle pet waste [i]
  538. () The local economy solution: how innovative, self-financing 'pollinator' enterprises can grow jobs and prosperity [i]
  539. () Food production systems in the Amazon [i] [d]
  540. () Risk management is not enough: a conceptual model for resilience and adaptation-based vulnerability assessments [d]
  541. () The bicycle: towards a global history [i] [d]
  542. () Choosing not to choose: understanding the value of choice [i]
  543. () Make garbage great: the TerraCycle family guide to a zero-waste lifestyle [i]
  544. () Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas [global environmental justice atlas] [d] [u]
  545. () Governance capabilities for dealing wisely with wicked problems [d]
  546. () How to thrive in the next economy: designing tomorrow's world today [i]
  547. () Waste [i] [d]
  548. () From field to fork: food ethics for everyone [i] [d]
  549. () Agroecology as a vehicle for contributive justice [d]
  550. () Off the grid: re-assembling domestic life [i] [d]
  551. () Temporary flows & ephemeral cities [u]
  552. () Land system science and sustainable development of the earth system: a global land project perspective [d]
  553. Bhaskar Vira, Christoph Wildburger, & Stephanie Mansourian [ed] () Forests, trees and landscapes for food security and nutrition: a global assessment report [i] [u]
  554. () Critical reflections on ownership [i] [d]
  555. () Climate change demands behavioral change: what are the challenges? [j] [u]
  556. Stephen Zavestoski & Julian Agyeman [ed] () Incomplete streets: processes, practices and possibilities [i] [d]
  557. Mauro Agnoletti & Simone Neri Serneri [ed] () The basic environmental history [i] [d]
  558. () So long to genetic diversity, and thanks for all the fish [d]
  559. () Should we build more large dams?: the actual costs of hydropower megaproject development [d]
  560. Alain Atangana, Damase Khasa, Scott Chang, & Ann Degrande [ed] () Tropical agroforestry [i] [d]
  561. () Economic evaluation of ecosystem goods and services under different landscape management scenarios [d]
  562. () Roads, deforestation, and the mitigating effect of protected areas in the Amazon [d]
  563. () The end of sustainability [d]
  564. () Non-motorized travel as a sustainable travel option [i] [d]
  565. Rajeev Bhat & Vicente M. Gómez-López [ed] () Practical food safety: contemporary issues and future directions [i] [d]
  566. () The power of market fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi's critique [i] [d] [j]
  567. () A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes [d]
  568. () The rebirth of distance in the context of urban sustainability [i] [d]
  569. () Sustainable compromises: a yurt, a straw bale house, and ecological living [i]
  570. () Before we eat: from farm to table [i]
  571. () 40 years of dialogue on food sovereignty: a review and a look ahead [d]
  572. () Low impact living: a field guide to ecological, affordable community building [i] [d]
  573. Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Marcus Foth, & Greg Hearn [ed] () Eat, cook, grow: mixing human–computer interactions with human–food interactions [i] [d]
  574. G. Jock Churchman & Edward R. Landa [ed] () The soil underfoot: infinite possibilities for a finite resource [i] [d]
  575. () Financialization, distance and global food politics [d]
  576. () Balancing on a planet: the future of food and agriculture [i] [d] [j]
  577. () Seed libraries: and other means of keeping seeds in the hands of the people [i]
  578. () Green home building: money-saving strategies for an affordable, healthy, high-performance home [i]
  579. () The management of tree genetic resources and the livelihoods of rural communities in the tropics: non-timber forest products, smallholder agroforestry practices and tree commodity crops [d]
  580. () Food sovereignty: forgotten genealogies and future regulatory challenges [d]
  581. (/2016) Water: exploring the blue planet [i]
  582. () Residential location and daily travel distances: the influence of trip purpose [d]
  583. Nnamdi Elleh [ed] () Reading the architecture of the underprivileged classes: a perspective on the protests and upheavals in our cities [i] [d]
  584. () Mindfulness and sustainability [d]
  585. () 'Like gold with yield': evolving intersections between farmland and finance [d]
  586. () Energy for transport [d]
  587. Manfred M. Fischer & Peter Nijkamp [ed] () Handbook of regional science [i] [d]
  588. () The good life: aspiration, dignity, and the anthropology of wellbeing [i] [d]
  589. () Rural Studio at twenty: designing and building in Hale County, Alabama [i]
  590. () American bottles: the road to no return [d]
  591. () The need to change how people think about the consequences of travel [i] [d]
  592. Tommy Gärling, Dick Ettema, & Margareta Friman [ed] () Handbook of sustainable travel [i] [d]
  593. J. Edward Gates, David L. Trauger, & Brian Czech [ed] () Peak oil, economic growth, and wildlife conservation [i] [d]
  594. Mario Giampietro, Richard J. Aspinall, Jesus Ramos-Martin, & Sandra G. F. Bukkens [ed] () Resource accounting for sustainability assessment: the nexus between energy, food, water and land use [i] [d]
  595. () Capitalism and freedom, by Milton Friedman [book review] [u]
  596. () More than money: five forms of capital to create wealth and eliminate poverty [i] [d]
  597. () Planning and design for future informal settlements: shaping the self-constructed city [i] [d]
  598. () Home energy information: measuring and managing energy consumption in residential buildings [i] [d]
  599. () Economic complexity and human development: how economic diversification and social networks affect human agency and welfare [i] [d] [u]
  600. () Operationalizing ethics in food choice decisions [d]
  601. () The appropriation of ecological space: agrofuels, unequal exchange and environmental load displacements [i] [d]
  602. Jody Heymann & Magda Barrera [ed] () Ensuring a sustainable future: making progress on environment and equity [i] [d]
  603. () Mapping the cost of a balanced diet, as a function of travel time and food price [d] [u]
  604. () History's contributions to energy research and policy [d]
  605. () Food and finance: the financial transformation of agro-food supply chains [d]
  606. () Professional domains: writing as creation of economic value [i] [d]
  607. Maria Anna Jankowska [ed] () Focus on educating for sustainability: toolkit for academic libraries [i]
  608. Michael John Jones [ed] () Accounting for biodiversity [i] [d]
  609. Yuson Jung, Jakob Klein, & Melissa L. Caldwell [ed] () Ethical eating in the postsocialist and socialist world [i] [d] [j]
  610. () Tiny homes on the move: wheels and water [i]
  611. () Tensions in livelihoods: a rural perspective [i] [d]
  612. () Spatial resilience and urban planning: addressing the interdependence of urban retail areas [d]
  613. () Eat your greens: the surprising power of homegrown leaf crops [i]
  614. () The emergent agriculture: farming, sustainability and the return of the local economy [i]
  615. () Large-scale forest restoration [i] [d]
  616. () A global strategy for road building [p] [d]
  617. () Gene everlasting: a contrary farmer's thoughts on living forever [i]
  618. () Making better buildings: a comparative guide to sustainable construction for homeowners and contractors [i]
  619. Dinesh K. Maheshwari [ed] () Bacterial diversity in sustainable agriculture [o]
  620. Dinesh K. Maheshwari [ed] () Composting for sustainable agriculture [i] [d]
  621. () The dark side of the sharing economy—and how to lighten it [d]
  622. () Foodscapes and the geographies of poverty: sustenance, strategy, and politics in an urban neighborhood [d]
  623. () Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness [d]
  624. () Accounting for the impact of conservation on human well-being [p] [d] [u]
  625. () Stuff matters: exploring the marvelous materials that shape our manmade world [i]
  626. Vinit Mukhija & Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris [ed] () The informal American city: beyond taco trucks and day labor [i] [d] [j]
  627. Dilip Nandwani [ed] () Sustainable horticultural systems: issues, technology and innovation [i] [d]
  628. () The psychology of environmental decisions [d]
  629. () Effects of continuous feedback on households' electricity consumption: potentials and barriers [d]
  630. () Agricultural and food controversies: what everyone needs to know [i]
  631. Paulo A. L. D Nunes, Pushpam Kumar, & Tom Dedeurwaerdere [ed] () Handbook on the economics of ecosystem services and biodiversity [i] [d]
  632. () Regeneración de los paisajes bioculturales en la amazonía alta del Perú [u]
  633. () Energy systems modeling for twenty-first century energy challenges [d]
  634. () Green guidance [i] [d]
  635. () Food security in a perfect storm: using the ecosystem services framework to increase understanding [p] [d] [u]
  636. () Lakeshore living: designing lake places and communities in the footprints of environmental writers [i] [j]
  637. () Harnessing reciprocity to promote cooperation and the provisioning of public goods [d]
  638. Stamatina Th. Rassia & Panos M. Pardalos [ed] () Cities for smart environmental and energy futures: impacts on architecture and technology [i] [d]
  639. () Traditional occupations in a modern world: career guidance, livelihood planning, and crafts in the context of globalization [i] [d]
  640. () Reasons for returning and not returning to rural U.S. communities [d]
  641. () Think globally, research locally: paradigms and place in agroecological research ['a feeling for the ecosystem'] [d]
  642. () Chasing water: a guide for moving from scarcity to sustainability [i] [d]
  643. () Sustainability principles and practice [i] [d]
  644. () Farming for ecosystem services: an ecological approach to production agriculture [d] [j]
  645. () Swarm planning for climate change: how transformations can be achieved [i] [d]
  646. () Organizing anarchy: the food security–biodiversity–climate crisis and the genesis of rural land use planning in the developing world [d]
  647. () Sustainability of plant-based diets: back to the future [p] [d]
  648. () Making the modern world: materials and dematerialization [i]
  649. () Is there overshoot of planetary limits?: new indicators of human appropriation of the global biogeochemical cycles relative to their regenerative capacity based on 'ecotime' analysis [d]
  650. () Civic intelligence and the making of sustainable food culture(s) [i] [d]
  651. () Urban agriculture of the future: an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings [d]
  652. () Retirement income for the wealthy, middle, and poor [d]
  653. Janardhanan Sundaresan, K. M. Santosh, Andrea Déri, Rob Roggema, & Ramesh Singh [ed] () Geospatial technologies and climate change [i] [d]
  654. () Ecosystem services along a management gradient in Michigan (USA) cropping systems [d]
  655. () The social roots of risk: producing disasters, promoting resilience [i] [d]
  656. () A new approach for comparing and categorizing farmers' systems of practice based on cognitive mapping and graph theory indicators [d]
  657. () The unsustainability of car use [i] [d]
  658. Laura Westra & Mirian Vilela [ed] () The Earth Charter, ecological integrity and social movements [i] [d]
  659. () When are food deserts?: integrating time into research on food accessibility [d]
  660. () The industrial diet: the degradation of food and the struggle for healthy eating [i]
  661. () A lighthouse for urban agriculture: university, community, and redefining expertise in the food system [d]
  662. John Zysman & Mark Huberty [ed] () Can green sustain growth?: from the religion to the reality of sustainable prosperity [i] [d] [j]
  663. () Application of a multi-criteria decision support tool in assessing the feasibility of implementing treated wastewater reuse [d]
  664. () Improved cooking stoves and firewood consumption: quasi-experimental evidence from the Northern Peruvian Andes [d]
  665. () Introducing just sustainabilities: policy, planning, and practice [i]
  666. () Sharing cities: reinventing and reviving sharing to enhance equity, rebuild community and cut resource use [u]
  667. () Kitchen gardening for beginners [i]
  668. () Hungry for change: farmers, food justice and the agrarian question [i]
  669. () Macroeconomics, financial crisis and the environment: strategies for a sustainability transition [d]
  670. () Cultural forests of the Amazon: a historical ecology of people and their landscapes [i]
  671. () Environment, justice and the capability approach [d]
  672. (/2014) Extracted: how the quest for mineral wealth is plundering the planet: a report to the Club of Rome [i]
  673. () Geographies of capital formation and rescaling: a historical-geographical approach to the food desert problem [d]
  674. () Pharmacy on a bicycle: innovative solutions to global health and poverty [i]
  675. Julie Birkenmaier, Margaret S. Sherraden, & Jami Curley [ed] () Financial capability and asset development: research, education, policy, and practice [i] [d]
  676. (/2016) Bikenomics: how bicycling can save the economy [i]
  677. () The economics of immigration: theory and policy [i] [d]
  678. () Ecological intensification: harnessing ecosystem services for food security [p] [d]
  679. () The energy for growing and maintaining cities [d]
  680. () Breaking new ground: a personal history [i]
  681. () Browsing nature's aisles: a year of foraging for wild food in the suburbs [i]
  682. () Incentives, land use, and ecosystem services: synthesizing complex linkages [d]
  683. () Sharing is good: how to save money, time and resources through collaborative consumption [i]
  684. () The transition from foraging to farming in prehistory and 'ethnography' [d]
  685. () Toward renewable energy geo-information infrastructures: applications of GIScience and remote sensing that build institutional capacity [d]
  686. () Ecomyopia meets the longue durée: an information ecology of the increasingly arid southwestern United States [i] [d]
  687. () The vulnerability of Amazon freshwater ecosystems [d]
  688. () Plasticity facilitates sustainable growth in the commons [d]
  689. () Anthropology and environmental policy: joint solutions for conservation and sustainable livelihoods [i] [d]
  690. () Interactive three-dimensional geovisualization of space–time access to food [d]
  691. () Sociological barriers to developing sustainable discretionary air travel behaviour [d]
  692. () The zero waste solution: untrashing the planet one community at a time [i]
  693. James M. Cooper, Christine Hunefeldt, & Yesenia Acosta [ed] () Amazonia: environment and the law in Amazonia: a plurilateral encounter [i]
  694. () Traveling the power line: from the Mojave Desert to the Bay of Fundy [i]
  695. () Any way you slice it: the past, present, and future of rationing [i]
  696. () Rethinking governance and value in commodity chains through global recycling networks [d] [j]
  697. () Bringing tropical forest biodiversity conservation into financial accounting calculation [d]
  698. () A landscape perspective on sustainability of agricultural systems [d]
  699. () Earth repair: a grassroots guide to healing toxic and damaged landscapes [i]
  700. () Pervasive externalities at the population, consumption, and environment nexus [p] [d] [j]
  701. () What is the relevance of smallholders' agroforestry systems for conserving tropical tree species and genetic diversity in circa situm, in situ and ex situ settings?: a review [d]
  702. () Protected areas within multifunctional landscapes: squeezing out intermediate land use intensities in the tropics? [d]
  703. () Understanding temporal rhythms and travel behaviour at destinations: potential ways to achieve more sustainable travel [d]
  704. () Supply chain transformation: building and executing an integrated supply chain strategy [i]
  705. () It takes a network to get dinner: designing location-based systems to address local food needs [i] [d]
  706. () Global spatial coincidence between protected areas and metal mining activities [d]
  707. () Messy hectares: questions about the epistemology of land grabbing data [d]
  708. () Used planet: a global history [p] [d] [u]
  709. () Beyond sustainababble [i] [d]
  710. () The future of development: a radical manifesto [i]
  711. () The resilient farm and homestead: an innovative permaculture and whole systems design approach [i]
  712. Katharine Farrell, Tommaso Luzzati, & Sybille van den Hove [ed] () Beyond reductionism: a passion for interdisciplinarity [i] [d]
  713. () Beyond GDP: measuring welfare and assessing sustainability [i] [d]
  714. () Saving our seeds: an indigenous perspective from Cotacachi, Ecuador [i] [j]
  715. () Ecological and evolutionary consequences of living in a defaunated world [d]
  716. () Enhancing global regulation: exploring alternative financial machinery [i] [d]
  717. () The hidden consequences of credit: an illustration from rural Indonesia [d]
  718. () Take back the economy: an ethical guide for transforming our communities [i] [d] [j]
  719. () Water management in mediterranean river basins: a comparison of management frameworks, physical impacts, and ecological responses [d]
  720. () Green wizardry: conservation, solar power, organic gardening, and other hands-on skills from the appropriate tech toolkit [i]
  721. () Multiscale design and integration of sustainable building functions [p] [d]
  722. () Financing our foodshed: growing local food with slow money [i]
  723. () Identity and tourism mobility: an exploration of the attitude–behaviour gap [d]
  724. () Psychological and behavioural approaches to understanding and governing sustainable mobility [d]
  725. () Studying well-being and its environmental impacts: a case study of minimum income receivers in Finland [d]
  726. () Fresh fruit, broken bodies: migrant farmworkers in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  727. () Uncertainties in landscape analysis and ecosystem service assessment [d]
  728. () The car dependent society: a European perspective [i]
  729. () The guide to greening cities [i] [d]
  730. () To value or not to value?: that is not the question [d]
  731. () Could working less reduce pressures on the environment?: a cross-national panel analysis of OECD countries, 1970–2007 [d]
  732. () Understanding quality of life in a northern, rural climate [d]
  733. () Global human appropriation of net primary production doubled in the 20th century [p] [d] [u]
  734. () The ecology of money: debt, growth, and sustainability [i]
  735. () Understanding tourists' perceptions of distance: a key to reducing the environmental impacts of tourism mobility [d]
  736. () The territorial approach to cultural economy: new opportunities for the development of small towns [d]
  737. () Environmental tipping points [d]
  738. () From the great transformation to the great financialization: on Karl Polanyi and other essays [i]
  739. () Pretreatment guide for homeless outreach & housing first: helping couples, youth, and unaccompanied adults [i]
  740. () Jobless growth and relative surplus populations [d]
  741. () Six principles for managing forests as ecologically sustainable ecosystems [d]
  742. () Teaming with nutrients: the organic gardener's guide to optimizing plant nutrition [i]
  743. Guruprasad Madhavan, Barbara A. Oakley, David Green, David Koon, & Penny Low [ed] () Practicing sustainability [i] [d]
  744. () Life-cycle assessment of electric power systems [d]
  745. () Completing our streets: the transition to safe and inclusive transportation networks [i] [d]
  746. () The upcycle: beyond sustainability, designing for abundance [i]
  747. Malcolm McIntosh [ed] () The necessary transition: the journey towards the sustainable enterprise economy [i]
  748. () Making sense of human ecology mapping: an overview of approaches to integrating socio-spatial data into environmental planning [d] [j]
  749. () Food regimes and agrarian questions [i] [d]
  750. () The environmental advantages of cities: countering commonsense antiurbanism [i] [d] [j]
  751. () Globalization of land use: distant drivers of land change and geographic displacement of land use [d]
  752. () Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
  753. () Does ecologically unequal exchange occur? [d]
  754. () The underrated discipline: a plea for strengthening home economics [i] [d]
  755. () Identifying and rating cultural sustainability indicators: a case study of wood-based bioenergy systems in eastern Finland [d]
  756. () Picking up: on the streets and behind the trucks with the sanitation workers of New York City [i]
  757. Virginia D. Nazarea, Robert E. Rhoades, & Jenna Andrews-Swann [ed] () Seeds of resistance, seeds of hope: place and agency in the conservation of biodiversity [i] [j]
  758. () Eat drink vote: an illustrated guide to food politics [i]
  759. () Economics, sustainability and democracy: economics in the era of climate change [i] [d]
  760. () Community development agreements in the mining industry: an emerging global phenomenon [d]
  761. () Food choice and sustainability: why buying local, eating less meat, and taking baby steps won't work [i]
  762. () Seed exchange networks for agrobiodiversity conservation: a review [d]
  763. () The life of cheese: crafting food and value in America [i] [d] [j]
  764. () Designing urban agriculture: a complete guide to the planning, design, construction, maintenance and management of edible landscapes [i]
  765. () Peasants and the art of farming: a Chayanovian manifesto [i] [d] [j]
  766. () Urban forest justice and the rights to wild foods, medicines, and materials in the city [d] [j]
  767. () Smallholders, forest management, and rural development in the Amazon [i] [d]
  768. () Versatile and cheap: a global history of soy in the first half of the twentieth century [d]
  769. () A farm-scale biodiversity and ecosystem services assessment tool: the Healthy Farm Index [d]
  770. () Heuristic indicators for the design of community off-grid electrification systems based on multiple renewable energies [d]
  771. () Disability: a threat to long-term financial security is growing more serious in a world of increasing individual responsibility [d]
  772. () Confronting collapse: human cognition and the challenge for economics [i] [d]
  773. () Contested water: the struggle against water privatization in the United States and Canada [i] [d] [j]
  774. () The balance of nature and human impact [i] [d]
  775. () Global land and water grabbing [p] [d] [u]
  776. () Personalized measures of consumption and development in the context of biodiversity conservation: connecting the ecological footprint calculation with the human footprint map [i] [d]
  777. () Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses [p] [d] [u]
  778. () Flows, funds and the complexity of deprivation: using concepts from ecological economics for the study of poverty [d]
  779. () Observing changing ecological diversity in the Anthropocene [d]
  780. Ulf Schrader, Vera Fricke, Declan Doyle, & Victoria W. Thoresen [ed] () Enabling responsible living [i] [d]
  781. Ron Schultz [ed] () Creating good work: the world's leading social entrepreneurs show how to build a healthy economy [i] [d]
  782. () Renaissance or requiem: is nuclear energy cost effective in a post-Fukushima world? [d]
  783. () The heretic's guide to global finance: hacking the future of money [i] [j]
  784. () Fire on earth: an introduction [i]
  785. () Contradictions at the confluence of commerce, consumption and conservation; or, an REI shopper camps in the forest, does anyone notice? [d]
  786. () Harvesting the biosphere: what we have taken from nature [i] [d] [j]
  787. () The social and spatial dynamics of community food production: a landscape approach to policy and program development [d]
  788. () New farms and farmers in ethno-cultural communities: aspirations, barriers and needs [u]
  789. Linda Starke, Erik Assadourian, Thomas Prugh, & Worldwatch Institute [ed] () State of the world 2013: is sustainability still possible? [i] [d]
  790. () Get started preserving [i]
  791. () Farms with a future: creating and growing a sustainable farm business [i]
  792. () Embeddedness, marketness, and economic instrumentalism in the Oklahoma Farm-to-School Program [u]
  793. () Socially restorative urbanism: the theory, process and practice of experiemics [i] [d]
  794. () Prospects and challenges for disseminating life cycle thinking towards environmental conscious behaviors in daily lives [d]
  795. () Rethinking biodiversity: from goods and services to 'living with' [d]
  796. Brenda Vale & Robert James Dennis Vale [ed] () Living within a fair share ecological footprint [i] [d]
  797. () Food miles to assess sustainability: a revision [d]
  798. () Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems [d]
  799. () Reconsidering the bicycle: an anthropological perspective on a new (old) thing [i] [d]
  800. () The mundane bicycle and the environmental virtues of sustainable urban mobility [i] [d]
  801. () Adapt or perish: a review of planning approaches for adaptation under deep uncertainty [d]
  802. () Affluence drives the global displacement of land use [d]
  803. () Bridging knowledges: understanding and applying indigenous and western scientific knowledge for marine wildlife management [d]
  804. () Complexity and sustainability [i] [d]
  805. Laura Westra, Prue Taylor, & Agnès Michelot [ed] () Confronting ecological and economic collapse: ecological integrity for law, policy and human rights [i] [d]
  806. () Everyday moral economies: food, politics and scale in Cuba [i] [d]
  807. () Cognitive mapping: a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception [d]
  808. () A sustainable building promotes pro-environmental behavior: an observational study on food disposal [p] [d] [u]
  809. () Current status and potential of conservation biological control for agriculture in the developing world [d]
  810. () Going beyond the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: an index system of human dependence on ecosystem services [p] [d] [u]
  811. () Tele-connecting local consumption to global land use [d]
  812. (/2015) The hidden wealth of nations: the scourge of tax havens [i] [d]
  813. () Regional strategies for the accelerating global problem of groundwater depletion [d]
  814. Catherine Alexander & Joshua Reno [ed] () Economies of recycling: the global transformation of materials, values and social relations [i]
  815. () Black, white, and green: farmers markets, race, and the green economy [i] [d] [j]
  816. () Occupation mediates ecosystem services with human well-being [d]
  817. () The restoring ecological health to your land workbook [i] [d]
  818. () Conceptualizing the role of sediment in sustaining ecosystem services: sediment–ecosystem regional assessment (SEcoRA) [d]
  819. Architecture for Humanity [ed] () Design like you give a damn 2: building change from the ground up [i]
  820. () Local alternative development through a time-spatial lens: a case study of Ydre inspired by Hägerstrand [i] [d]
  821. () Crossing to sustainability: a role for design in overcoming road effects [d]
  822. () General approaches for assessing urban environmental sustainability [d]
  823. Anthony J. Bebbington [ed] () Social conflict, economic development and the extractive industry: evidence from South America [i] [d]
  824. () Toward principles for enhancing the resilience of ecosystem services [d]
  825. () Food sovereignty, urban food access, and food activism: contemplating the connections through examples from Chicago [d]
  826. () Global land grabbing and trajectories of agrarian change: a preliminary analysis [d]
  827. () Land grabbing in Latin America and the Caribbean [d]
  828. () The moneyless manifesto: live well, live rich, live free [i]
  829. () The sustainable sites handbook: a complete guide to the principles, strategies, and practices for sustainable landscapes [i]
  830. () The domestic garden—its contribution to urban green infrastructure [d]
  831. Dominique F. Charron [ed] () Ecohealth research in practice: innovative applications of an ecosystem approach to health [i] [d]
  832. () Energy storage: a key factor for large-scale utilization of renewable energy [d]
  833. () Avoiding unintended tradeoffs by integrating life-cycle impact assessment with urban metabolism [d]
  834. () A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data [d]
  835. () Saving for retirement: intention, context, and behavior [i]
  836. () Ecosystem services and integrated water resource management: different paths to the same end? [d]
  837. () Effects of Internet-based multiple-site conferences on greenhouse gas emissions [d]
  838. () The positive psychology of sustainability [d]
  839. Valeria Costantini, Massimiliano Mazzanti, & Anna Montini [ed] () Hybrid economic–environmental accounts [i] [d]
  840. () Multiple use forestry planning: timber and Brazil nut management in the community forests of Northern Bolivia [d]
  841. () Co-engineering and participatory water management: organisational challenges for water governance [i] [d]
  842. Ika Darnhofer, David Gibbon, & Benoît Dedieu [ed] () Farming systems research into the 21st century: the new dynamic [i] [d]
  843. () Planetary opportunities: a social contract for global change science to contribute to a sustainable future [d] [j]
  844. () Darwinian agriculture: how understanding evolution can improve agriculture [i] [d] [j]
  845. () Managing wicked problems in agribusiness: the role of multi-stakeholder engagements in value creation [u]
  846. () Unveiling the modernity bias: a critical examination of the politics of ICT4D [information and communication technology for development] [d]
  847. () Wild seed, domesticated seed: companion species and the emergence of agriculture [d]
  848. () The short- and medium-term impacts of rises in staple food prices [d]
  849. () Uncovering the spatial dynamics of wild rice lakes, harvesters and management across Great Lakes landscapes for shared regional conservation [d]
  850. () Farmers engaged in deliberative practices: an ethnographic exploration of the mosaic of concerns in livestock agriculture [d]
  851. Michael R. Edelstein, Astrid Cerny, & Abror Gadaev [ed] () Disaster by design: the Aral Sea and its lessons for sustainability [i] [d]
  852. () Beyond the throwaway society: ordinary domestic practice and a sociological approach to household food waste [d]
  853. Shenggen Fan & Rajul Pandya-Lorch [ed] () Reshaping agriculture for nutrition and health [i] [d] [u]
  854. () Assessing regional virtual water flows and water footprints in the Yellow River Basin, China: a consumption based approach [d]
  855. () Human behavior and sustainability [d]
  856. () Energy consumption in service industries: challenging the myth of non-materiality [d]
  857. () Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal [p] [d] [u]
  858. () Fundamentals of sustainable dwellings [i] [d]
  859. () Polycentric systems and interacting planetary boundaries: emerging governance of climate change–ocean acidification–marine biodiversity [d]
  860. () The role of ecological models in linking ecological risk assessment to ecosystem services in agroecosystems [d]
  861. Julien-François Gerber & Rolf Steppacher [ed] () Towards an integrated paradigm in heterodox economics: alternative approaches to the current eco-social crises [i] [d]
  862. () The feeding of nations: redefining food security for the 21st century [i] [d]
  863. () Using private rights to manage natural resources: is stewardship linked to ownership? [d]
  864. () Fundamentals of materials for energy and environmental sustainability [i] [d]
  865. () Power, pollution and the Internet [u]
  866. () Rural resilience through continued learning and innovation [d]
  867. () Rubber tapper identities: political–economic dynamics, livelihood shifts, and environmental implications in a changing Amazon [d]
  868. () Economix: how our economy works (and doesn't work) in words and pictures [i]
  869. () Container freight rates and economic distance: a new perspective on the world map [d]
  870. () Retention forestry to maintain multifunctional forests: a world perspective [d] [j]
  871. () Why gender matters to ecological management and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  872. Hans Peter Hahn & Karlheinz Cless [ed] () People at the well: kinds, usages and meanings of water in a global perspective [i]
  873. () Energy and the wealth of nations: understanding the biophysical economy [i] [d]
  874. () Microcredit participation and nutrition outcomes among women in Peru [d]
  875. () The role of advanced sensing in smart cities [d]
  876. () Breaking through concrete: building an urban farm revival [i] [d] [j]
  877. () Exploiting the co-benefits of ecological sanitation [d]
  878. Wendy Harcourt [ed] () Women reclaiming sustainable livelihoods: spaces lost, spaces gained [i] [d]
  879. Malcolm Harris & Neal Gorenflo [ed] () Share or die: voices of the get lost generation in the age of crisis [i]
  880. () Why is achieving good ecological outcomes in rivers so difficult? [d]
  881. () Value chains for nutrition [i] [d] [u]
  882. () Ingrained: a human bio-geography of wheat [i]
  883. () The geography of need: identifying human service needs in rural America [d]
  884. () Systematic planning for river rehabilitation: integrating multiple ecological and economic objectives in complex decisions [d]
  885. () Good green jobs in a global economy: making and keeping new industries in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  886. () Overfishing: what everyone needs to know [i]
  887. () Vermicomposting toilets, an alternative to latrine style microbial composting toilets, prove far superior in mass reduction, pathogen destruction, compost quality, and operational cost [d]
  888. () Entangled: an archaeology of the relationships between humans and things [i] [d]
  889. () Lo que necesitamos es erradicar el hambre [u]
  890. () Calibrating disaggregate economic models of agricultural production and water management [d]
  891. () Living dangerously on borrowed time during slow, unrecognized regime shifts [d]
  892. () Integrating publicly available web mapping tools for cartographic visualization of community food insecurity: a prototype [d]
  893. () Landscape approaches to achieving food production, natural resource conservation, and the Millennium Development Goals [i] [d]
  894. Jane Carter Ingram, Fabrice DeClerck, & Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio [ed] () Integrating ecology and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  895. () Life cycle assessment of fresh pineapple from Costa Rica [d]
  896. Heribert Insam, Ingrid Franke-Whittle, & Marta Goberna [ed] () Microbes at work: from wastes to resources [i] [d]
  897. () Not only subterranean forests: wood consumption and economic development in Britain (1850–1938) [d]
  898. () The quantified traveler: using personal travel data to promote sustainable transport behavior [u]
  899. () The engine of well-being [d]
  900. () Place, ethics, and everyday eating: a tale of two neighbourhoods [d]
  901. () Cooperative banking [i] [d]
  902. Herman A. Karl, Lynn Scarlett, Juan Carlos Vargas-Moreno, & Michael Flaxman [ed] () Restoring lands: coordinating science, politics and action: complexities of climate and governance [i] [d]
  903. Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson, & Roger Stough [ed] () Entrepreneurship, social capital and governance: directions for the sustainable development and competitiveness of regions [i] [d]
  904. () The urban watershed continuum: evolving spatial and temporal dimensions [d]
  905. () The right place for the right job in the photovoltaic life cycle [d]
  906. () Owning our future: the emerging ownership revolution [i]
  907. () Occupy money: creating an economy where everybody wins [i]
  908. () Modeling, analysis, and optimization of process and energy systems [i] [d]
  909. () The zero-waste lifestyle: live well by throwing away less [i]
  910. Erika Kothe & Ajit Varma [ed] () Bio–geo interactions in metal-contaminated soils [i] [d]
  911. () Tree diversity enhances tree transpiration in a Panamanian forest plantation [d]
  912. () Carbon-neutral architectural design [i] [d]
  913. () An economic appraisal of using source separation of human urine to contain and treat endocrine disrupters in the USA [d]
  914. () Stewardship of things: the radical potential of product stewardship for re-framing responsibilities and relationships to products and materials [d]
  915. () Business and community approaches to rural development: comparing government-to-local approaches [u]
  916. () Does involvement in food preparation track from adolescence to young adulthood and is it associated with better dietary quality?: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study [d]
  917. () Adaptable, kinetic, responsive, and transformable architecture: an alternative approach to sustainable design [o] [u]
  918. () Congruence and coverage: alternative approaches to identifying urban food deserts and food hinterlands [d]
  919. Steffen Lehmann & Robert Crocker [ed] () Designing for zero waste: consumption, technologies and the built environment [i] [d]
  920. Ingrid Leman-Stefanovic & Stephen B. Scharper [ed] () The natural city: re-envisioning the built environment [i] [d]
  921. () International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations [p] [d]
  922. () Historical human footprint on modern tree species composition in the Purus-Madeira interfluve, Central Amazonia [p] [d] [u]
  923. () Money and sustainability: the missing link: a report from the Club of Rome–EU Chapter to Finance Watch and the World Business Academy [i]
  924. () A farewell to fossil fuels: answering the energy challenge [j] [u]
  925. () Modos de vivir y sobrevivir: un estudio transcultural de cinco etnias en la Amazonía ecuatoriana [i]
  926. () Impacting community sustainability through behavior change: a research framework [d]
  927. () Recycling reconsidered: the present failure and future promise of environmental action in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  928. () California's Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta conflict: from cooperation to chicken [d]
  929. () Increasing the sustainability of household cooking in developing countries: Policy implications [d]
  930. () Designing cropping systems from nature [d]
  931. () Maximizing your mini farm: self-sufficiency on 1/4 acre [i]
  932. () Material participation: technology, the environment and everyday publics [i] [d]
  933. () Consumption of market goods and wellbeing in small-scale societies: an empirical test among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon [d]
  934. Pamela A. Matson [ed] () Seeds of sustainability: lessons from the birthplace of the Green Revolution [i] [d]
  935. () Free to those who can afford it: the everyday affordance of privilege [d]
  936. () Fly and be damned: what now for aviation and climate change? [i]
  937. () Money as a public resource for development [d]
  938. Robert A. Meyers [ed] () Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology [i] [d]
  939. () Collective action dynamics under external rewards: experimental insights from Andean farming communities [d]
  940. () The organic seed grower: a farmer's guide to vegetable seed production [i]
  941. () Determinants of livelihood strategy variation in two extractive reserves in Amazonian flooded and unflooded forests [d]
  942. () A sense of momentum: mobility practices and dis/embodied landscapes of energy use [d]
  943. () Progress in working towards a more sustainable agri-food industry [d]
  944. () Insights and opportunities offered by a rapid ecosystem service assessment in promoting a conservation agenda in an urban biodiversity hotspot [d]
  945. () Natural amenities and rural development in new urban-rural spaces [d]
  946. () Austrian economics and the limits of markets [j]
  947. () Types of cluster adaptation to climate change: lessons from the port and logistics sector of Northwest Germany [d]
  948. () Remote Autonomous Energy Systems Project: towards sustainability in developing countries [d]
  949. () Expresiones de reciprocidad para una economía saludable: los choba-chobas [u]
  950. John Parkin [ed] () Cycling and sustainability [i]
  951. () Future landscapes: managing within complexity [d]
  952. () Agents, individuals, and networks: modeling methods to inform natural resource management in regional landscapes [d]
  953. John A. Parrotta & Ronald L. Trosper [ed] () Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity [i] [d]
  954. () Limitations of nuclear power as a sustainable energy source [d]
  955. () The case for open source appropriate technology [d]
  956. () Water transfer laws and policies: tough questions and institutional reform for the western United States [d]
  957. () What gets buried in a small town: toxic e-waste and democratic frictions in the crossroads of the United States [i] [d]
  958. () Walk 'til you run out of water [d]
  959. Steward T. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, & Brian McGrath [ed] () Resilience in ecology and urban design: linking theory and practice for sustainable cities [i] [d]
  960. Louis P. Pojman & Katie McShane [ed] (/2015) Food ethics [i]
  961. () Market-based conservation of the Amazonian forests: revisiting win–win expectations [d]
  962. () Beyond 'benefits'?: looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach [d]
  963. () Community managed forests and forest protected areas: an assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics [d]
  964. () Mobile phones, livelihoods and the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa: review and prospect [d]
  965. John R. Pucher & Ralph Buehler [ed] () City cycling [i] [d] [j]
  966. Neil Reid, Jay D. Gatrell, & Paula S. Ross [ed] () Local food systems in old industrial regions: concepts, spatial context and local practices [i]
  967. () Designing institutions for governing planetary boundaries: lessons from global forest governance [d]
  968. () Ecological engineers ahead of their time: the functioning of pre-Columbian raised-field agriculture and its potential contributions to sustainability today [d]
  969. () Urban farms [i]
  970. () A beleza das roças: agrobiodiversidade Mebêngôkre-Kayapó em tempos de globalização [d]
  971. () Environmental impact of screenhouse and open-field cultivation using a life cycle analysis: the case study of green bean production [d]
  972. () How can we know if investors are coherently linking sustainability concepts? [d]
  973. () Energy impacts of ICT: insights from an everyday life perspective [d]
  974. () The oil curse: how petroleum wealth shapes the development of nations [i] [d] [j]
  975. () Vegan is love: having heart and taking action [i]
  976. (/2017) Drinking water: a history [i]
  977. () Environmental footprint of foods: the duty to inform [d]
  978. () Capabilities, contributive injustice and unequal divisions of labour [d]
  979. () Groundwater depletion and sustainability of irrigation in the US High Plains and Central Valley [p] [d] [u]
  980. () Effects of pesticide toxicity, salinity and other environmental variables on selected ecosystem functions in streams and the relevance for ecosystem services [d]
  981. () Anticipating critical transitions [p] [d] [j]
  982. Jürgen Scheffran, Michael Brzoska, Hans Günter Brauch, Peter Michael Link, & Janpeter Schilling [ed] () Climate change, human security and violent conflict: challenges for societal stability [i] [d]
  983. () The relationship between social work and environmental sustainability: implications for interdisciplinary practice [d]
  984. Matthew A. Schnurr & Larry A. Swatuk [ed] () Environmental change, natural resources and social conflict [i] [d]
  985. () Private multi-stakeholder governance in the agricultural market place: an analysis of legitimization processes of the roundtables on sustainable palm oil and responsible soy [u]
  986. () Exploring the social bases of home gardening [d]
  987. () Rethinking habits and their role in behaviour change: the case of low-carbon mobility [d]
  988. Christopher C. Sellers & Joseph Melling [ed] () Dangerous trade: histories of industrial hazard across a globalizing world [i]
  989. () Cooler smarter: practical steps for low-carbon living: expert advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists [i] [d]
  990. () Local dollars, local sense: how to shift your money from Wall Street to Main Street and achieve real prosperity [i]
  991. Simron Jit Singh, Helmut Haberl, Marian Chertow, Michael Mirtl, & Martin Schmid [ed] () Long term socio-ecological research: studies in society–nature interactions across spatial and temporal scales [i] [d]
  992. () What moves and works: broadening the consideration of energy poverty [d]
  993. () The nature and causes of the global water crisis: syndromes from a meta-analysis of coupled human-water studies [d]
  994. () Just transitions: explorations of sustainability in an unfair world [i]
  995. () Plastic-free: how I kicked the plastic habit and you can too [i]
  996. Allen Thompson & Jeremy Bendik-Keymer [ed] () Ethical adaptation to climate change: human virtues of the future [i] [d] [j]
  997. () The cognitive surplus is made of fossil fuels [d] [u]
  998. Jan Toporowski & Jo Michell [ed] () Handbook of critical issues in finance [i] [d]
  999. () Small, gritty, and green: the promise of America's smaller industrial cities in a low-carbon world [i] [d] [j]
  1000. () Contribution of traditional knowledge to ecological restoration: practices and applications [d]
  1001. () What is a responsible supply chain? [d]
  1002. () Off-grid mobilities: incorporating a way of life [d]
  1003. André Viljoen & Johannes S. C. Wiskerke [ed] () Sustainable food planning: evolving theory and practice [i]
  1004. () Sustainability of diets: from concepts to governance [d]
  1005. () Sustainability science [i] [d]
  1006. () Using mobility to gain stability: rural household strategies and outcomes in long-distance labour mobility [u]
  1007. () Pest management in food systems: an economic perspective [d]
  1008. Michael P. Weinstein & R. Eugene Turner [ed] () Sustainability science: the emerging paradigm and the urban environment [i] [d]
  1009. () Car country: an environmental history [i]
  1010. Laura Westra, Colin L. Soskolne, & Donald W. Spady [ed] () Human health and ecological integrity: ethics, law and human rights [i] [d]
  1011. () Learning gardens and sustainability education: bringing life to schools and schools to life [i] [d]
  1012. () Bank regulation [i] [d]
  1013. () Science education for global sustainability: what is necessary for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? [d]
  1014. () Hazardous wastes, industrial disasters, and environmental health risks: local and global environmental struggles [i] [d]
  1015. () This must be the place: underrepresentation of identity and meaning in climate change decision-making [d]
  1016. () Forest restoration, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning [d]
  1017. () Path to a better world: a plan for prosperity, opportunity, and economic justice [i]
  1018. Alison Hope Alkon & Julian Agyeman [ed] () Cultivating food justice: race, class, and sustainability [i] [d]
  1019. () Sustainable webs of interests: property in an interconnected environment [i] [d]
  1020. () Glasses as engineering materials: a review [d]
  1021. Kenneth Michael Ayotte & Henry E. Smith [ed] () Research handbook on the economics of property law [i] [d]
  1022. Bhavik R. Bakshi, Timothy George Peter Gutowski, & Dušan P. Sekulić [ed] () Thermodynamics and the destruction of resources [i] [d]
  1023. () Palm harvest impacts in north-western South America [d] [j]
  1024. () The trilogy of distance, speed and time [d]
  1025. () 'We are the lungs of the world': popular environmentalism and the local politics of climate change in the Ecuadorian Amazon [u]
  1026. Andrea Belgrano & Charles W. Fowler [ed] () Ecosystem-based management for marine fisheries: an evolving perspective [i] [d]
  1027. () Palm management in South America [d] [j]
  1028. Roy Bhaskar, Karl G. Høyer, & Petter Naess [ed] () Ecophilosophy in a world of crisis: critical realism and the Nordic contributions [i] [d]
  1029. () Merchants of virtue: Herman Miller and the making of a sustainable company [i]
  1030. () The personal life of the behavior analyst [p] [d] [u]
  1031. Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, & Howard Frumkin [ed] (/2022) Making healthy places: designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability [or: Making healthy places: designing and building for health, well-being, and sustainability] [i]
  1032. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czesław Mesjasz, John Grin, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Béchir Chourou, Pál Dunay, & Jörn Birkmann [ed] () Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks [i] [d]
  1033. () Ecosystem services and fictitious commodities [d]
  1034. () Lessons learned from flame retardant use and regulation could enhance future control of potentially hazardous chemicals [d]
  1035. () World on the edge: how to prevent environmental and economic collapse [i] [u]
  1036. () Social licences to operate: for better not for worse; for richer not for poorer?: the impacts of unplanned mining closure for 'fence line' residential communities [d]
  1037. JoAnn Carmin & Julian Agyeman [ed] () Environmental inequalities beyond borders: local perspectives on global injustices [i] [d] [j]
  1038. () The real cost of cheap food [i] [d]
  1039. () Place orientation and rural-urban interdependence [d]
  1040. () Myopia and the global financial crisis: context-specific reasoning, market structure, and institutional governance [d]
  1041. () Bridging sustainability and the social economy: achieving community transformation through local food initiatives [d]
  1042. () Farmer attitudes toward production of perennial energy grasses in east central Illinois: implications for community-based decision making [d]
  1043. () Concrete planet: the strange and fascinating story of the world's most common man-made material [i]
  1044. Stephen Coyle [ed] () Sustainable and resilient communities: a comprehensive action plan for towns, cities, and regions [i]
  1045. () Applying the ecosystem services concept to poverty alleviation: the need to disaggregate human well-being [d]
  1046. () The role of material culture in human time representation: calendrical systems as extensions of mental time travel [d]
  1047. () What's wrong with my vegetable garden?: 100% organic solutions for all your vegetables, from artichokes to zucchini [i]
  1048. Panagiotis Delimatsis & Nils Herger [ed] () Financial regulation at the crossroads: implications for supervision, institutional design and trade [i]
  1049. Partho Dhang [ed] () Urban pest management: an environmental perspective [i] [d]
  1050. () Comparisons of Mayan forest management, restoration, and conservation [d]
  1051. () The geography of finance: form and functions [d]
  1052. Ian Douglas [ed] (/2020) The Routledge handbook of urban ecology [i] [d]
  1053. () Small green roofs: low-tech options for greener living [i]
  1054. () Broke but unbroken: grassroots social movements and their radical solutions to poverty [i]
  1055. () Food systems, planning and quantifying access: using GIS to plan for food retail [d]
  1056. () Peasants' rights and the UN system: quixotic struggle? Or emancipatory idea whose time has come? [d]
  1057. () Sustainability as a driving force in contemporary library design [o] [d] [u]
  1058. Dave Egan, Evan E. Hjerpe, & Jesse Abrams [ed] () Human dimensions of ecological restoration: integrating science, nature, and culture [i] [d]
  1059. () The global politics of food: a critical overview [u]
  1060. Karin M. Ekström & Kay Glans [ed] () Beyond the consumption bubble [i] [d]
  1061. () Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable [d] [u]
  1062. () Property: Faustian pact or new covenant with Earth? [i] [d]
  1063. () Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal [d]
  1064. () Fungi, trees, people, nematodes, beetles, and weather: ecologies of vulnerability and ecologies of negotiation in matsutake commodity exchange [d]
  1065. () Running to stay in place: the time-use implications of automobile oriented land-use and travel [d]
  1066. () Commons, anticommons, semicommons [i] [d]
  1067. () Living with herds: human–animal coexistence in Mongolia [i] [d]
  1068. () Protecting indigenous values in water management: a challenge to conventional environmental flow assessments [d]
  1069. () Methodology and indicators of economy-wide Material Flow Accounting: state of the art and reliability across sources [d]
  1070. () Solutions for a cultivated planet [p] [d]
  1071. () Doing the right thing: measuring wellbeing for public policy [u]
  1072. () Urban reconciliation ecology: the potential of living roofs and walls [d]
  1073. () The metabolic pattern of societies: where economists fall short [i] [d]
  1074. () The dragons of inaction: psychological barriers that limit climate change mitigation and adaptation [p] [d]
  1075. () Backcasting energy futures using industrial ecology [d]
  1076. () Water-use efficiency and productivity: rethinking the basin approach [d]
  1077. () Collaborative transportation sharing: from theory to practice via a case study from France [i] [d]
  1078. () The disentangled bank: how loss of habitat fragments and disassembles ecological networks [d]
  1079. () Reconstructing automobility: the making and breaking of modern transportation [d]
  1080. () Carrot city: creating places for urban agriculture [i]
  1081. () The complete guide to saving seeds: 322 vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, trees, and shrubs [i]
  1082. () 'Consumption' [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  1083. David P. Grinlinton & Prue Taylor [ed] () Property rights and sustainability: the evolution of property rights to meet ecological challenges [i] [d]
  1084. () A landowner's guide to managing your woods: how to maintain a small acreage for long-term health, biodiversity, and high-quality timber production [i]
  1085. () 'Because you got to have heat': the networked assemblage of energy poverty in eastern North Carolina [d]
  1086. () Pesticide drift and the pursuit of environmental justice [i] [d] [j]
  1087. () Corporate social responsibility in the food sector [d]
  1088. () Conservation value of dispersed tree cover threatened by pasture management [d]
  1089. () Transparency, consultation and conflict: assessing the micro-level risks surrounding the drive to develop Peru's Amazonian oil and gas resources [d]
  1090. A. H. J. (Bert) Helmsing & Sietze Vellema [ed] () Value chains, social inclusion, and economic development: contrasting theories and realities [i] [d]
  1091. () My work is that of conservation: an environmental biography of George Washington Carver [i] [j]
  1092. Eric Holt-Giménez [ed] () Food movements unite!: strategies to transform our food systems [i]
  1093. () Reform or transformation?: the pivotal role of food justice in the U.S. food movement [d]
  1094. () Toward an integrated GIScience and energy research agenda [d]
  1095. () Interpreting industry's impacts: micropolitical ecologies of divergent community responses [d]
  1096. () Powering 'progress': regulation and the development of Michigan's electricity landscape [d]
  1097. () Enforcing scarcity: oil, violence, and the making of the market [d]
  1098. () Assessing the proximity of healthy food options and food deserts in a rural area in Maine [d]
  1099. () Where artisanal mines and forest meet: socio-economic and environmental impacts in the Congo Basin [d]
  1100. Jill Jäger & Sarah Cornell [ed] () The planet in 2050: the Lund discourse of the future [i] [d]
  1101. () Geographies of shit: spatial and temporal variations in attitudes towards human waste [d]
  1102. () Measuring and locating footprints: a case study of Taiwan's rice and wheat consumption footprint [d]
  1103. Barbara Rose Johnston, Lisa Hiwasaki, Irene J. Klaver, Ameyali Ramos Castillo, & Veronica Strang [ed] () Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures? [i] [d]
  1104. () Virtuous circles: values, systems and sustainability [u]
  1105. () Food globalization in prehistory [d]
  1106. () Making nature whole: a history of ecological restoration [i] [d]
  1107. () Tiny homes: simple shelter: scaling back in the century [i]
  1108. () Food security: an ecological–social analysis to promote social development [d]
  1109. () Politics of urban runoff: nature, technology, and the sustainable city [i] [d]
  1110. () Ecological economics and institutional change [d]
  1111. () Tropical ecology [i]
  1112. () Public versus private risk sharing [d]
  1113. () Establishing a sustainable mining operation: an overview [d]
  1114. () Deforestation and the social impacts of soy for biodiesel: perspectives of farmers in the south Brazilian Amazon [d]
  1115. () The gardens of democracy: a new American story of citizenship, the economy, and the role of government [i]
  1116. () Reinventing fire: bold business solutions for the new energy era [i]
  1117. () Palm uses in northwestern South America: a quantitative review [d] [j]
  1118. () Unsustainable development: could it be a Ponzi scheme? [u]
  1119. () Powering the dream: the history and promise of green technology [i]
  1120. (/2018) Modernity and durability: perspectives for the culture of design [i]
  1121. () Environmental protection, inequality, and institutional change [d]
  1122. () Another fork in the trail: vegetarian and vegan recipes for the backcountry [i]
  1123. () Fixing the game: bubbles, crashes, and what capitalism can learn from the NFL [i]
  1124. () Domestic wastewater treatment as a net energy producer: can this be achieved? [d]
  1125. () White-tailed deer management strategies and domestication processes [d] [j]
  1126. () Growing Buffalo's capacity for local food: a systems framework for sustainable agriculture [d]
  1127. () The haves and the have-nots: a brief and idiosyncratic history of global inequality [i]
  1128. Olivia S. Mitchell & Annamaria Lusardi [ed] () Financial literacy: implications for retirement security and the financial marketplace [i] [d]
  1129. () A philosophical analysis of David Orr's theory of ecological literacy: biophilia, ecojustice and moral education in school learning communities [d]
  1130. () Plastic ocean: how a sea captain's chance discovery launched a determined quest to save the oceans [i]
  1131. () Energy return on investment, peak oil, and the end of economic growth [d]
  1132. () Rethinking macroeconomics for sustainability [i]
  1133. () 'Papering' over space and place: product carbon footprint modeling in the global paper industry [d]
  1134. () Homegrown & handmade: a practical guide to more self-reliant living [i]
  1135. () Slow violence and the environmentalism of the poor [i] [d] [j]
  1136. () How are WEEE doing?: a global review of the management of electrical and electronic wastes [p] [d]
  1137. Mitsuru Ōsaki, Ademola K. Braimoh, & Ken'ichi Nakagami [ed] () Designing our future: local perspectives on bioproduction, ecosystems and humanity [i] [u]
  1138. () Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy [d] [u]
  1139. () Los territorios kechwa-Lamas y la superposición de sus modos ancestrales de relacionarse con la tierra [u]
  1140. David J. Pannell & Frank Vanclay [ed] () Changing land management: adoption of new practices by rural landholders [i]
  1141. () Projected water consumption in future global agriculture: scenarios and related impacts [p] [d]
  1142. () Beyond postdevelopment: civic responses to regional integration in the Amazon [d]
  1143. () Provision of decision support in environmental management [d]
  1144. Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Mauro L. Ruffino, Christine Padoch, & Eduardo S. Brondízio [ed] () The Amazon várzea: the decade past and the decade ahead [i] [d]
  1145. () Resilience, spirituality and posttraumatic growth: reshaping the effects of climate change [i] [d]
  1146. Felix Rauschmayer, Ines Omann, & Johannes Frühmann [ed] () Sustainable development: capabilities, needs, and well-being [i] [d]
  1147. () Envisioning adaptive strategies to change: participatory scenarios for agropastoral semiarid systems in Nicaragua [u]
  1148. Chittaranjan Ray & Ravi K. Jain [ed] () Drinking water treatment: focusing on appropriate technology and sustainability [i] [d]
  1149. () Returning home and making a living: employment strategies of returning migrants to rural US communities [u]
  1150. () The campesino-to-campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba: social process methodology in the construction of sustainable peasant agriculture and food sovereignty [p] [d]
  1151. () Farm anatomy: the curious parts & pieces of country life [i]
  1152. () Foraging and farming as niche construction: stable and unstable adaptations [p] [d] [u]
  1153. () 'Food desertification': the loss of a major supermarket in New Haven, Connecticut [d]
  1154. Julia Sagebien & Nicole Marie Lindsay [ed] () Governance ecosystems: CSR in the Latin American mining sector [i] [d]
  1155. () Allocating logging rights in Peruvian Amazonia—does it matter to be local? [p] [d] [u]
  1156. Laura Browne Sayre & Sean Clark [ed] () Fields of learning: the student farm movement in North America [i]
  1157. () Hybrid nature: sewage treatment and the contradictions of the industrial ecosystem [i] [d] [j]
  1158. () Environmental literacy in science and society: from knowledge to decisions [i] [d]
  1159. () Trophically balanced sustainable agriculture [d]
  1160. () How many slaves are working for you? [u]
  1161. () The evolution of local partnerships for sustainable agriculture [d]
  1162. () Physiological parameters of plants as indicators of water quality in a constructed wetland [d]
  1163. () A political economy approach to foreign investment and local welfare [d]
  1164. () Future visioning of local climate change: a framework for community engagement and planning with scenarios and visualisation [d]
  1165. () Waste and recycling: theory and empirics [i] [d]
  1166. () What will work: fighting climate change with renewable energy, not nuclear power [i] [d]
  1167. () Using native plants to restore community: in southwest Michigan and beyond [i]
  1168. () Science, energy, ethics, and civilization [i]
  1169. (/2013) America's oil imports: a self-inflicted burden [i] [d]
  1170. () General patterns of niche construction and the management of 'wild' plant and animal resources by small-scale pre-industrial societies [p] [d] [u]
  1171. () The edible front yard: the mow-less, grow-more plan for a beautiful, bountiful garden [i]
  1172. () Contesting the future of nuclear power: a critical global assessment of atomic energy [i] [d]
  1173. Úrsula Oswald Spring [ed] () Water resources in Mexico: scarcity, degradation, stress, conflicts, management, and policy [i] [d]
  1174. () Beyond the vertical?: using value chains and governance as a framework to analyse private standards initiatives in agri-food chains [d]
  1175. () Boundary shifts: from management to engagement in complexities of ecosystems and social contexts [i] [d]
  1176. () Microbiology is the basis of sustainable agriculture: an opinion [d]
  1177. () Core issues in the economics of biodiversity conservation [d]
  1178. () Restoring disturbed landscapes: putting principles into practice [i] [d]
  1179. () Legal and administrative regulation of palms and other NTFPs in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia [d] [j]
  1180. Thanh-Đạm Trương & Des Gasper [ed] () Transnational migration and human security: the migration–development–security nexus [i] [d]
  1181. () Metabolic profile of the Colombian economy from 1970 to 2007 [d]
  1182. () The ecology of agroecosystems [i]
  1183. () Participatory approach to identify interventions to improve the health, safety, and work productivity of smallholder women vegetable farmers in the Gambia [d]
  1184. Karli Verghese, Helen Lewis, & Leanne Fitzpatrick [ed] () Packaging for sustainability [i] [d]
  1185. () Natural and human economies compared [d]
  1186. () Factors influencing food buying practices in residents of a low-income food desert and a low-income food oasis [d]
  1187. Dominic Waughray [ed] () Water security: managing at the water–food–energy–climate nexus: the World Economic Forum water initiative [i] [d]
  1188. Inka Weissbecker [ed] () Climate change and human well-being: global challenges and opportunities [i] [d]
  1189. () Sisters of the soil: urban gardening as resistance in Detroit [d]
  1190. () Backyard harvest: a year-round guide to growing fruits and vegetables [i]
  1191. () How can the financial sector better serve people and the planet?: the need to reimagine finance [d]
  1192. ()—experiences from using linked open data for environmental impact information [i] [u]
  1193. () Diverting indirect subsidies from the nuclear industry to the photovoltaic industry: energy and financial returns [d]
  1194. () How does consumer behavior influence regional ecological footprints?: an empirical analysis for Chinese regions based on the multi-region input–output model [d]
  1195. Karl S. Zimmerer [ed] (/2013) The new geographies of energy: assessment and analysis of critical landscapes [i] [d]
  1196. () Water flowing north of the border: export agriculture and water politics in a rural community in Baja California [d]
  1197. László Zsolnai [ed] () Ethical principles and economic transformation—a Buddhist approach [i] [d]
  1198. () Climate change resilience and adaptation: perspectives from a century of water resources development [d]
  1199. () Evaluating municipal water conservation policies using a dynamic simulation model [d]
  1200. () A profile of Canadian agritourists and the benefits they seek [u]
  1201. () Deforestation drivers in Southwest Amazonia: comparing smallholder farmers in Iñapari, Peru, and Assis Brasil, Brazil [d] [j]
  1202. () The pursuit of ecotopia: lessons from indigenous and traditional societies for the human ecology of our modern world [i]
  1203. Angela Andrade Pérez, Bernal Herrera Fernández, & Roberto Cazzolla Gatti [ed] () Building resilience to climate change: ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field [i] [u]
  1204. () Water resources [i]
  1205. () Restoring ecological health to your land [i]
  1206. () Bypassing globalization: barter markets as a new indigenous economy in Peru [d]
  1207. () The Amazonian formative: crop domestication and anthropogenic soils [d]
  1208. Neville Ash, Hernán Blanco, Claire Brown, Keisha Garcia, Thomas Henrichs, Nicolas Lucas, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, R. David Simpson, Robert J. Scholes, Thomas P. Tomich, Bhaskar Vira, & Monika Zurek [ed] () Ecosystems and human well-being: a manual for assessment practitioners [i] [u]
  1209. Erik Assadourian, Linda Starke, Lisa Mastny, & Worldwatch Institute [ed] () State of the world 2010: transforming cultures: from consumerism to sustainability [i]
  1210. () Transparency in nonstate certification: consequences for accountability and legitimacy [d]
  1211. () Crossing the energy divide: moving from fossil fuel dependence to a clean-energy future [i]
  1212. () Who decides what is fair in fair trade?: the agri-environmental governance of standards, access, and price [d]
  1213. () Privatizing water: governance failure and the world's urban water crisis [i] [d] [j]
  1214. () Habitat as architecture: integrating conservation planning and human health [d]
  1215. () Contingent diversity on anthropic landscapes [d]
  1216. () Participatory action research and environmental learning: implications for resilient forests and communities [d]
  1217. () Social-ecological memory in urban gardens—retaining the capacity for management of ecosystem services [d]
  1218. () The atlas of world hunger [i] [d]
  1219. Daniel G. Bates & Judith Tucker [ed] () Human ecology: contemporary research and practice [i] [d]
  1220. () From hunting fish to managing populations: fisheries science and the destruction of Newfoundland cod fisheries [d]
  1221. () Measuring sustainable welfare: a new approach to the ISEW [d]
  1222. () The roles and values of wild foods in agricultural systems [p] [d] [u]
  1223. () Buying local food: shopping practices, place, and consumption networks in defining food as 'local' [d]
  1224. () Why didn't agriculture develop in Japan?: a consideration of Jomon ecological style, niche construction, and the origins of domestication [d]
  1225. () Shepherds of the mountains: sheep farming in a north Norwegian alpine landscape as a community of practice [u]
  1226. () Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework [d]
  1227. () Fair deals for watershed services: lessons from a multi-country action-learning project [i] [u]
  1228. () Constructing sustainable palm oil: how actors define sustainability [d]
  1229. () Working to eat: vulnerability, food insecurity, and obesity among migrant and seasonal farmworker families [p] [d]
  1230. Klaus Bosselmann & J. Ronald Engel [ed] () The Earth Charter: a framework for global governance [i]
  1231. Jon Bowermaster [ed] () Oceans: the threats to our seas and what you can do to turn the tide: a participant media guide [i]
  1232. () Food security, food sovereignty, and local challenges for transnational agrarian movements: the Honduras case [d]
  1233. () Does plantation forestry restore biodiversity or create green deserts?: a synthesis of the effects of land-use transitions on plant species richness [d]
  1234. () The political-economics of developing markets versus satisfying food needs [d]
  1235. () Minimum dwelling [i]
  1236. () Water ethics: foundational readings for students and professionals [i]
  1237. () Civilizing the economy: a new economics of provision [i] [d]
  1238. () Perceptions of climate change, multiple stressors and livelihoods on marginal African coasts [d]
  1239. () Coastal governance [i] [d]
  1240. () Death and disposal: the universal, environmental dilemma [d]
  1241. () Origin and domestication of native Amazonian crops [d]
  1242. () Between a pristine myth and an impoverished future [d]
  1243. () Lifestyle and energy consumption: a comparison of four collective communities in transition [d]
  1244. () Agriculture on the edge: strategies to abate urban encroachment onto agricultural lands by promoting viable human-scale agriculture as an integral element of urbanization [d]
  1245. () Of stakes, stems, and cuttings: the importance of local seed systems in traditional Amazonian societies [d]
  1246. () Offsetting benefits?: analyzing access to forest carbon [d]
  1247. (/2017) The abundance of less: lessons in simple living from rural Japan [i]
  1248. () Moving people: sustainable transport development [i]
  1249. () Forecast skill and farmers' skills: seasonal climate forecasts and agricultural risk management in the southeastern United States [d]
  1250. () The death of great ships: photography, politics, and waste in the global imaginary [d]
  1251. () Creating a forest garden: working with nature to grow edible crops [i]
  1252. () Forests, food, and fuel in the tropics: the uneven social and ecological consequences of the emerging political economy of biofuels [p] [d]
  1253. () Alternative energy and the energy–environment disconnect [u]
  1254. John B. Davis [ed] () Global social economy: development, work and policy [i] [d]
  1255. () The resilient gardener: food production and self-reliance in uncertain times [i]
  1256. () One planet communities: a real-life guide to sustainable living [i]
  1257. Ed Diener, John F. Helliwell, & Daniel Kahneman [ed] () International differences in well-being [i] [d]
  1258. () Too smart for our own good: the ecological predicament of humankind [i] [d]
  1259. Pay Drechsel, Christopher A. Scott, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Mark Redwood, & Akiça Bahri [ed] () Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries [i] [d] [u]
  1260. () A geographic approach to place and natural resource use in local food systems [d]
  1261. J. Ronald Engel, Laura Westra, & Klaus Bosselmann [ed] () Democracy, ecological integrity and international law [i]
  1262. () Overcoming information limitations for the prescription of an environmental flow regime for a Central American river [u]
  1263. () Conservation through the economics lens [d]
  1264. () Sociometabolic regimes in indigenous communities and the crucial role of working time: a comparison of case studies [u]
  1265. () Acculturation, socioeconomic status, and health among Hispanics [d]
  1266. Alyson C. Flournoy & David M. Driesen [ed] () Beyond environmental law: policy proposals for a better environmental future [i] [d]
  1267. () Promoting walking and bicycling: assessing the evidence to assist planners [d]
  1268. (/2014) Smart power: climate change, the smart grid, and the future of electric utilities [i]
  1269. () Farm together now: a portrait of people, places, and ideas for a new food movement [i]
  1270. (/2018) Electricity from sunlight: photovoltaic-systems integration and sustainability [or: Electricity from sunlight: an introduction to photovoltaics] [i] [d]
  1271. () One less car: bicycling and the politics of automobility [i]
  1272. () Birds as suppliers of seed dispersal in temperate ecosystems: conservation guidelines from real-world landscapes [p] [d]
  1273. Stephen Mark Gardiner, Simon Caney, Dale Jamieson, & Henry Shue [ed] () Climate ethics: essential readings [i]
  1274. () Changing taste preferences, market demands and traditions in Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua: a community reliant on green turtles for income and nutrition [d] [j]
  1275. () Challenges in merging fisheries research and management: the Upper Mississippi River experience [d]
  1276. Laura A. German, Joshua Ramisch, & Ritu Verma [ed] () Beyond the biophysical: knowledge, culture, and politics in agriculture and natural resource management [i] [d]
  1277. () Rethinking the dynamics of rural transformation: performing different development pathways in a Philippine municipality [d] [j]
  1278. () Fields of dreams: negotiating an ethanol agenda in the Midwest United States [p] [d]
  1279. Stephen R. Gliessman & Martha Rosemeyer [ed] () The conversion to sustainable agriculture: principles, processes, and practices [i] [d]
  1280. () Scaling up from gardens: biodiversity conservation in urban environments [d]
  1281. () Food justice [i] [d] [j]
  1282. () Metal spectra as indicators of development [p] [d] [u]
  1283. () Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and decision making [d]
  1284. () Ignorance and surprise: science, society, and ecological design [i] [d]
  1285. () Feeding the faith: religious orders are growing vegetables, raising cows and making cheese in the name of the spirit ['it doesn't matter what religion you're practicing'] [u]
  1286. () Unsettled account: the evolution of banking in the industrialized world since 1800 [i] [d] [j]
  1287. Lance H. Gunderson, Craig R. Allen, & C. S. Holling [ed] () Foundations of ecological resilience [i]
  1288. Greg Halseth, Sean Markey, & David Bruce [ed] () The next rural economies: constructing rural place in global economies [i] [d]
  1289. () Informal planting of squashes and gourds by rural farmers in southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico, and implications for the local adoption of food production in prehistory [d]
  1290. () Gender and mobility: new approaches for informing sustainability [d]
  1291. Keith Hart, Jean-Louis Laville, & Antonio David Cattani [ed] () The human economy: a citizen's guide [i]
  1292. () Value chain coordination for agrobiodiversity conservation [i] [d]
  1293. () This borrowed earth: lessons from the fifteen worst environmental disasters around the world [i]
  1294. Ryan Holifield, Michael Porter, & Gordon Walker [ed] () Spaces of environmental justice [i] [d]
  1295. Alf Hornborg & Andrew K. Jorgensen [ed] () International trade and environmental justice: toward a global political ecology [i]
  1296. Elisabeth Hsu & Stephen A. Harris [ed] () Plants, health and healing: on the interface of ethnobotany and medical anthropology [i] [d] [j]
  1297. () Fresh market to supermarket: nutrition transition insights from Chiang Mai, Thailand [d]
  1298. () Sustainable natural systems for treatment and disposal of food processing wastewater [d]
  1299. () Consulting the genius of the place: an ecological approach to a new agriculture [i]
  1300. () Between soil and soil [u]
  1301. () Examining the interrelationships between supply chain integration scope and supply chain management efforts [d]
  1302. () Permapoesis and artist as family [d]
  1303. Wil de Jong, Denyse J. Snelder, & Noboru Ishikawa [ed] () Transborder governance of forests, rivers, and seas [i] [d]
  1304. () Role of farmers in improving the sustainability of sanitation systems [i] [d]
  1305. () Secondary forests on anthropogenic soils in Brazilian Amazonia conserve agrobiodiversity [d]
  1306. () Edible wild plants: wild foods from dirt to plate [i]
  1307. () Coevolutionary ecological economics [d]
  1308. () Food consumption trends and drivers [p] [d] [u]
  1309. () Human footprint: everything you will eat, use, wear, buy, and throw out in your lifetime [i]
  1310. () Cultivating an ecological conscience: essays from a farmer philosopher [i]
  1311. () Place oriented ecological footprint analysis: the case of Israel's grain supply [d]
  1312. () Mapping biological resources in the coastal zone: an evaluation of methods in a pioneering study from Norway [d]
  1313. () Edible backyards: a qualitative study of household food growing and its contributions to food security [d]
  1314. () Indigenous peoples and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean [i]
  1315. () Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability to global environmental change: challenges and pathways for an action-oriented research agenda for middle-income and low-income countries [d]
  1316. Sarah A. Laird, Rebecca J. McLain, & Rachel Wynberg [ed] () Wild product governance: finding policies that work for non-timber forest products [i] [d]
  1317. Ruth Lane & Andrew Gorman-Murray [ed] () Material geographies of household sustainability [i]
  1318. () The 'demonization' of rainforest migrants, or: what conservation means to poor colonist farmers [i] [d]
  1319. Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams, & Robert J. Smith [ed] () Trade-offs in conservation: deciding what to save [i] [d]
  1320. () Scaling up local perceptions of poverty to country level: a proof of concept for rural Honduras [d]
  1321. () Sacrifice zones: the front lines of toxic chemical exposure in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  1322. () Subjective well-being in rural India: the curse of conspicuous consumption [d]
  1323. Stewart Lockie & David Carpenter [ed] () Agriculture, biodiversity and markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective [i] [d]
  1324. () Wastewater management through the ages: a history of mankind [d]
  1325. () Holy shit: managing manure to save mankind [i]
  1326. () Engineering and sustainable community development [i] [d]
  1327. () Global value chains, local collective action and corporate social responsibility: a review of empirical evidence [d]
  1328. () Carjacked: the culture of the automobile and its effect on our lives [i]
  1329. () Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
  1330. () Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK): ideas, inspiration, and designs for ecological engineering [d]
  1331. () Forest certification as a global environmental governance tool: what is the macro-effectiveness of the Forest Stewardship Council? [d]
  1332. Laurie Ann Mazur [ed] () A pivotal moment: population, justice, and the environmental challenge [i]
  1333. () Towards the development of a GIS method for identifying rural food deserts: geographic access in Vermont, USA [d]
  1334. () Chemical ecology in coupled human and natural systems: people, manioc, multitrophic interactions and global change [d]
  1335. () Benevolent and benign?: using environmental justice to investigate waste-related impacts of ecotourism in destination communities [i] [d]
  1336. () The future of money: from financial crisis to public resource [i] [j] [u]
  1337. () What I eat: around the world in 80 diets [i]
  1338. () Reframing individual responsibility for sustainable consumption: lessons from environmental justice and ecological citizenship [d] [j]
  1339. () On Gandhi's path: Bob Swann's work for peace and community economics [i]
  1340. () Food prices and modern retail: the case of Delhi [d]
  1341. () 'Opting out': a case study of smallholder rejection of research in western Kenya [i] [d]
  1342. () A coevolutionary understanding of agroenvironmental change: a case-study of a rural community in Brazil [d]
  1343. Felix Müller, Cornelia Baessler, Hendrik Schubert, & Stefan Klotz [ed] () Long-term ecological research: between theory and application [i] [d]
  1344. () Lifespan of commodities, Part I: the creation of a database and its review [d]
  1345. () Back-end users: the unrecognized stakeholders in demand-driven sanitation [d]
  1346. Joy Murray, Thomas Wiedmann, & Darian McBain [ed] (/2015) The sustainability practitioner's guide to social analysis and assessment [i]
  1347. () Ethnobiology for a diverse world: microbial ethnobiology and the loss of distinctive food cultures [d]
  1348. () Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India [d]
  1349. () Dead planet, living planet: biodiversity and ecosystem restoration for sustainable development: a rapid response assessment [i] [u]
  1350. () Provisioning responsibilities: how relationships shape the work that women do [d]
  1351. () Optimising economic, environmental, and social objectives: a goal-programming approach in the food sector [d]
  1352. () Water sustainability: anthropological approaches and prospects [d]
  1353. () Sacred forests of India: a strong tradition of community-based natural resource management [d]
  1354. (/2013) Food politics: what everyone needs to know [i]
  1355. () Co-ordinating passages: understanding the resources needed for everyday mobility [d]
  1356. () Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept [p] [d]
  1357. () Policy review: thoughts on addressing population and climate change in a just and ethical manner [d]
  1358. () Evaluating the role of co-management in improving governance of marine protected areas: an experimental approach in the Colombian Caribbean [d]
  1359. Sarah E. Pilgrim & Jules N. Pretty [ed] () Nature and culture: rebuilding lost connections [i] [d]
  1360. () The ecological limits of hydrologic alteration (ELOHA): a new framework for developing regional environmental flow standards [d]
  1361. () Analyzing water institutions in the 21st century: guidelines for water researchers and professionals [d]
  1362. () The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture [d]
  1363. () The biofuel connection—transnational activism and the palm oil boom [d]
  1364. () Untangling the environmentalist's paradox: why is human well-being increasing as ecosystem services degrade? [d] [j]
  1365. () Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a strategic framework and practical guide [d]
  1366. () Evolving power and environmental policy: explaining institutional change with group selection [d]
  1367. () Participatory methods of integrated assessment—a review [d]
  1368. () Understanding food insecurity among Latino immigrant families in rural America [d]
  1369. Joseph Sarkis, James Jude Cordeiro, & Diego Vazquez Brust [ed] () Facilitating sustainable innovation through collaboration: a multi-stakeholder perspective [i] [d]
  1370. () Pennsylvania farm-to-school programs and the articulation of local context [d]
  1371. () The politics of food: the global conflict between food security and food sovereignty [i]
  1372. () Challenges to legitimacy at the Forest Stewardship Council [d] [j]
  1373. () Communal sanitation alternatives for slums: a case study of Kibera, Kenya [d]
  1374. () Global water pollution and human health [d]
  1375. () Agricultural knowledge in urban and resettled communities: applications to social-ecological resilience and environmental education [d]
  1376. () Toward sustainable transport: conventional and disruptive approaches in the U.S. context [d]
  1377. () Mindful consumption: a customer-centric approach to sustainability [d]
  1378. () Pedagogy of passion for sustainability [d]
  1379. () Valuing cattle on mixed smallholdings in the Eastern Amazon [d]
  1380. () Local studies manual: a researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of local rural systems [u]
  1381. () Dealing with environmental responsibilities: living everyday life as political participation [i] [d]
  1382. () Energy transitions: history, requirements, prospects [i]
  1383. () Two prime movers of globalization: the history and impact of diesel engines and gas turbines [i] [d] [j]
  1384. Patrik Söderholm [ed] () Environmental policy and household behaviour: sustainability and everyday life [i] [d]
  1385. () Seed systems and farmers' seed choices: the case of maize in the Peruvian Amazon [d] [j]
  1386. () Food shopping transition: socio-economic characteristics and motivations associated with use of supermarkets in a North African urban environment [d]
  1387. () Nature's garden: a guide to identifying, harvesting, and preparing edible wild plants [i]
  1388. () Plant use and management in homegardens and swiddens: evidence from the Bolivian Amazon [d]
  1389. () The wisdom of property and the politics of the middle classes [i] [d] [j]
  1390. () Why the world economy needs a financial crash and other critical essays on finance and financial economics [i] [d] [j]
  1391. () Speed kills: the complex links between transport, lack of time and urban health [d]
  1392. () United We Can: resource recovery, place and social enterprise [d]
  1393. () The human footprint as a conservation planning tool [i] [d]
  1394. () Ecosystem valuation [d]
  1395. () What do banks do, what should they do and what public policies are needed to ensure best results for the real economy? [u]
  1396. Okechukwu Ukaga, Chris Maser, & Mike Reichenbach [ed] () Sustainable development: principles, frameworks, and case studies [i] [d]
  1397. () Global environment outlook: Latin America and the Caribbean [i] [u]
  1398. () Corporate transparency and green management [d] [j]
  1399. () Put 'em up!: a comprehensive home preserving guide for the creative cook, from drying and freezing to canning and pickling [i]
  1400. Bas van Vliet, Gert Spaargaren, & Peter Oosterveer [ed] () Social perspectives on the sanitation challenge [i] [d]
  1401. () Ethnobotanical knowledge and agrobiodiversity in subsistence farming: case study of home gardens in Phong My commune, central Vietnam [d]
  1402. () Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity [p] [d]
  1403. () Reducing energy and material flows in cities [d]
  1404. () A review of the ecological footprint indicator—perceptions and methods [d]
  1405. () Beyond eating right: the emergence of civic dietetics to foster health and sustainability through food system change [d]
  1406. () The data-driven life [u]
  1407. () Cultivating beyond-capitalist economies [d]
  1408. () Women's participation in development programs and food security status [d]
  1409. () Accounting for ecosystem services in Life Cycle Assessment, part II: toward an ecologically based LCA [d]
  1410. () Accounting for ecosystem services in Life Cycle Assessment, part I: a critical review [d]
  1411. Alberto Acosta & Esperanza Martínez [ed] () El buen vivir: una via para el desarrollo [i]
  1412. W. Neil Adger & Andrew Jordan [ed] () Governing sustainability [i] [d]
  1413. () Experiential household food insecurity in an urban underserved slum of North India [d]
  1414. () Close to the edge, down by the river?: joining up managed retreat and place attachment in a climate changed world [d]
  1415. Julian Agyeman, Peter Cole, Randolph Haluza-DeLay, & Pat O'Riley [ed] () Speaking for ourselves: environmental justice in Canada [i]
  1416. () Recycling and recovery routes of plastic solid waste (PSW): a review [p] [d]
  1417. () Toward a typology for social-ecological systems [d] [u]
  1418. () Pandora's locks: the opening of the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Seaway [i] [j]
  1419. () Taking the long view: environmental sustainability and delay of gratification [d]
  1420. Thomas A. Arcury & Sara A. Quandt [ed] () Latino farmworkers in the Eastern United States: health, safety and justice [i] [d]
  1421. () Using Total Material Requirement to reduce the global environmental burden [d]
  1422. Jennifer Bair [ed] () Frontiers of commodity chain research [i] [d]
  1423. Cheryl Baldwin [ed] () Sustainability in the food industry [i] [d]
  1424. () Institutional challenges for mining and sustainability in Peru [p] [d] [u]
  1425. Warren James Belasco & Roger Horowitz [ed] () Food chains: from farmyard to shopping cart [i] [d] [j]
  1426. () Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services [p] [d]
  1427. () Implementing the results of Material Flow Analysis [d]
  1428. () Coupling agent-based models of subsistence farming with individual-based forest models and dynamic models of water distribution [d]
  1429. () Using strategic sustainable development as an approach to conflict resolution [d]
  1430. () Poverty and proximity to food assistance programs are inversely related to community food security in an Appalachian Ohio region [d]
  1431. Patrick J. Bohlen & Garfield J. House [ed] () Sustainable agroecosystem management: integrating ecology, economics, and society [i] [d]
  1432. () Tropical turmoil: a biodiversity tragedy in progress [d]
  1433. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czesław Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, & Heinz Krummenacher [ed] () Facing global environmental change: environmental, human, energy, food, health and water security concepts [i] [d]
  1434. () The world water crisis: the failures of resource management [i] [d]
  1435. () Material worlds: natural resources, resource geography and the material economy [d]
  1436. () The seasons on Henry's farm: a year of food and life on a sustainable farm [i]
  1437. () A survey of energy and environmental applications of glass [d]
  1438. () Right relationship: building a whole earth economy [i]
  1439. () Cuban home gardens and their role in social-ecological resilience [d] [j]
  1440. () Wants, needs and satisfaction: a comparative study in Thailand and Bangladesh [d]
  1441. () Farm city: the education of an urban farmer [i]
  1442. () Population and deforestation: why rural migration matters [d]
  1443. F. Stuart Chapin, Gary P. Kofinas, & Carl Folke [ed] () Principles of ecosystem stewardship: resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world [i] [d]
  1444. () Renewable energy from agro-residues in China: solid biofuels and biomass briquetting technology [d]
  1445. () Tropical botanical gardens: at the in situ ecosystem management frontier [d]
  1446. () Food insecurity and risk of poor health among US-born children of immigrants [p] [d] [u]
  1447. (/2017) Power from the sun: a practical guide to solar electricity [i]
  1448. () Rethinking global commodity chains: integrating extraction, transport, and manufacturing [d]
  1449. Jennifer Clapp & Doris A. Fuchs [ed] () Corporate power in global agrifood governance [i] [d]
  1450. Frans H. J. M. Coenen [ed] () Public participation and better environmental decisions: the promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision-making [i] [d]
  1451. () The winter harvest handbook: year-round vegetable production using deep-organic techniques and unheated greenhouses [i]
  1452. () Consumer demand for local produce at extended season farmers' markets: guiding farmer marketing strategies [d]
  1453. () Water, food and livelihoods in river basins [d]
  1454. () Human modification of a large meandering Amazonian river: genesis, ecological and economic consequences of the Masisea cutoff on the central Ucayali, Peru [d]
  1455. () Does farm worker health vary between localised and globalised food supply systems? [d]
  1456. () Ecosystem services in decision making: time to deliver [d]
  1457. () Three anathemas on limiting economic growth [p] [d]
  1458. () Energy policy today and tomorrow—toward sustainability? [u]
  1459. () Managing genetic variation in tropical trees: linking knowledge with action in agroforestry ecosystems for improved conservation and enhanced livelihoods [d]
  1460. () 'In a country as affluent as America, people should be eating': experiences with and perceptions of food insecurity among rural and urban Oregonians [p] [d]
  1461. John C. Dernbach [ed] () Agenda for a sustainable America [i]
  1462. Sergio Destefanis & Marco Musella [ed] () Paid and unpaid labour in the social economy: an international perspective [i] [d]
  1463. () Footprints to the future [p] [d]
  1464. Barney Dickson, Jonathan Hutton, & William M. Adams [ed] () Recreational hunting, conservation, and rural livelihoods [i] [d]
  1465. () Economics, ethics and climate change [i] [d]
  1466. () Bicycling for transportation and health: the role of infrastructure [d]
  1467. () Banking seed: use and value in the conservation of agricultural diversity [d]
  1468. () The work of environmental governance networks: traceability, credibility and certification by the Forest Stewardship Council [d]
  1469. () From wasteland to waste site: the role of discourse in nuclear power's environmental injustices [d]
  1470. () Well-being for all: concepts and tools for social cohesion = Le bien-être pour tous: concepts et outils de la cohésion sociale [i]
  1471. () Well-being is a process of becoming: respondent-led research with organic farmers in Madagascar [d]
  1472. () Using test communities to demonstrate household waste separation procedures in Brazil [d]
  1473. () The unbounded home: property values beyond property lines [i] [d] [j]
  1474. () Integrating resilience thinking and optimisation for conservation [d]
  1475. () Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision making [d]
  1476. () Origins of the Maya forest garden: Maya resource management [d]
  1477. () Sink: the dirt of systems [d]
  1478. () The virtue of simplicity [d]
  1479. () Prospects for tropical forest biodiversity in a human-modified world [d]
  1480. () Catalyzing collaboration: Wisconsin's agency-initiated basin partnerships [d]
  1481. () Unquenchable: America's water crisis and what to do about it [i]
  1482. Stephan J. Goetz & Floor Brouwer [ed] () New perspectives on agri-environmental policies: a multidisciplinary and transatlantic approach [i]
  1483. () The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: from early notions to markets and payment schemes [d]
  1484. () The end of money and the future of civilization [i]
  1485. () Escaping the bondage of the dominant agrifood system: community-based cooperative strategies [u]
  1486. () Chasing molecules: poisonous products, human health, and the promise of green chemistry [i] [d]
  1487. () Experience-based measures of food and water security: biocultural approaches to grounded measures of insecurity [d]
  1488. () A new global monitoring system for food insecurity? [p] [d]
  1489. () The progressive increase of food waste in America and its environmental impact [p] [d] [u]
  1490. () Squeezed: what you don't know about orange juice [i] [d] [j]
  1491. () Environmental decision-making: exploring complexity and context [i]
  1492. () Hours of work and the ecological footprint of nations: an exploratory analysis [d]
  1493. () Creating alternatives: a participant observer's reflections on the emerging local food system in Kansas City [u]
  1494. () Localist movements in a global economy: sustainability, justice, and urban development in the United States [i] [d]
  1495. () The emergence of human uniqueness: characters underlying behavioral modernity [d]
  1496. () Novel ecosystems: implications for conservation and restoration [d]
  1497. () A cross-national analysis of how economic inequality predicts biodiversity loss [p] [d]
  1498. () Food rebellions!: crisis and the hunger for justice [i]
  1499. () Increased biofuel production in the coming decade: to what extent will it affect global freshwater resources? [d]
  1500. () Zero-sum world: challenges in conceptualizing environmental load displacement and ecologically unequal exchange in the world-system [d]
  1501. () Visualizing food system concentration and consolidation [u]
  1502. () Housing you can afford [u]
  1503. () Food sovereignty and the international assessment of agricultural knowledge, science and technology for development [d]
  1504. (/2017) Prosperity without growth: foundations for the economy of tomorrow [or: Prosperity without growth: economics for a finite planet] [i] [d]
  1505. () Guide to supply chain management [i]
  1506. () Good for a national cemetery: questions of land use and an 1888 Botanical Expedition across Northern Michigan [d]
  1507. () The sociology of unequal exchange in ecological context: a panel study of lower-income countries, 1975–2000 [d]
  1508. () The evolutionary and ecological roots of human social organization [p] [d] [u]
  1509. () Footprints on the prairies: degradation and sustainability of Canadian agricultural land in a globalizing world [d]
  1510. () A research agenda for improving national Ecological Footprint accounts [d]
  1511. () Can tropical farmers reconcile subsistence needs with forest conservation? [d]
  1512. Andreas Kontoleon, Unai Pascual, & Melinda Smale [ed] () Agrobiodiversity conservation and economic development [i]
  1513. () Payments for ecosystem services as commodity fetishism [d]
  1514. () Globalization and the connection of remote communities: a review of household effects and their biodiversity implications [d]
  1515. () Developing conditions for environmentally sustainable consumption: drawing insight from anti-smoking policy [d]
  1516. () Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century [d]
  1517. Alan B. Krueger [ed] () Measuring the subjective well-being of nations: national accounts of time use and well-being [i] [d]
  1518. Harriet V. Kuhnlein, Bill Erasmus, & Dina Spigelski [ed] () Indigenous peoples' food systems: the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health [i] [u]
  1519. () Source separation: will we see a paradigm shift in wastewater handling? [d]
  1520. () Aboriginal environmental knowledge: rational reverence [i]
  1521. Philip A. Lawn [ed] () Environment and employment: a reconciliation [i]
  1522. Louis Lebel, Sylvia Lorek, & Rajesh Daniel [ed] () Sustainable production consumption systems [i] [d]
  1523. () The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds [d]
  1524. () The globalization and re-localization of material flows: four phases of food regulation [d]
  1525. Roberto L. Lenton & Mike Muller [ed] () Integrated water resources management in practice: better water management for development [i] [d]
  1526. () Mapping international flows of electronic waste [d]
  1527. () The paradigm of management, management systems, and resource stewardship [d]
  1528. Leslie Lipper [ed] () Payment for environmental services in agricultural landscapes: economic policies and poverty reduction in developing countries [i]
  1529. () Circuits of scrap: closed loop industrial ecosystems and the geography of US international recyclable material flows 1995–2005 [d]
  1530. () The politics of sewerage: contested narratives on growth, science, and nature [d]
  1531. () Potential availability of urban wood biomass in Michigan: implications for energy production, carbon sequestration and sustainable forest management in the U.S.A. [d]
  1532. () The conflict over environmental regulation in the United States: origins, outcomes, and comparisons with the EU and other regions [i] [d]
  1533. () Managing Amazonian palms for community use: a case of aguaje palm (Mauritia flexuosa) in Peru [d]
  1534. () Pedaling revolution: how cyclists are changing American cities [i]
  1535. () Diet and the environment: does what you eat matter? [d]
  1536. () Socially sustainable economic de-growth [d]
  1537. () Earth in our care: ecology, economy, and sustainability [i] [d] [j]
  1538. () Cross-movement coalition formation: bridging the labor–environment divide [d]
  1539. () When fantasy has consequences [p] [d]
  1540. () Social learning through evaluation: a case study of overcoming constraints for management of dryland salinity [d]
  1541. () Living above the store: building a business that creates value, inspires change, and restores land and community [i]
  1542. () Green guide for artists: nontoxic recipes, green art ideas, & resources for the eco-conscious artist [i]
  1543. () Third-party certification, food standards and quality assurance in supply chains [d]
  1544. () The excess of modernity: garbage politics in Oaxaca, Mexico [d]
  1545. () Getting to better water quality outcomes: the promise and challenge of the citizen effect [d]
  1546. () Calendars and clocks: cycles of horticultural commerce in nineteenth-century America [i] [d]
  1547. () Sustainable development in practice: sustainomics methodology and applications [i] [d]
  1548. () The raw material equivalents of international trade: empirical evidence for Latin America [d]
  1549. () Where our food comes from: retracing Nikolay Vavilov's quest to end famine [i]
  1550. Shahid Naeem [ed] () Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human wellbeing: an ecological and economic perspective [i] [d]
  1551. Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, & Scott Fullwiler [ed] () Institutional analysis and praxis: the social fabric matrix approach [i] [d]
  1552. () Hidden costs of energy: unpriced consequences of energy production and use [i] [d] [u]
  1553. () Value chain struggles: institutions and governance in the plantation districts of South India [i] [d]
  1554. (/2017) Resilient cities: overcoming fossil fuel dependence [or: Resilient cities: responding to peak oil and climate change] [i] [d]
  1555. () The provisioning responsibilities of older women [d]
  1556. () Improving environmental sanitation, health, and well-being: a conceptual framework for integral interventions [d]
  1557. () Understanding the functional principles of nature—proposing another type of ecosystem services [d]
  1558. (/2014) Public produce: the new urban agriculture [i] [d]
  1559. () Ecosystem services: from eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder [d]
  1560. () 'Life here is just scraping by': livelihood strategies and social networks among peasant households in Honduras [d]
  1561. () Scientific bases of macroenvironmental indicators [d]
  1562. () Growing and eating green: careers in farming, producing, and marketing food [i]
  1563. () Beyond foodscapes: considering geographies of Indigenous well-being [d]
  1564. () Water, ecology and health: ecosystems as settings for promoting health and sustainability [d]
  1565. () Hunting for sustainability in tropical secondary forests [p] [d]
  1566. () Ecosystem services: foundations, opportunities, and challenges for the forest products sector [d]
  1567. M. Paloma Pavel [ed] () Breakthrough communities: sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis [i] [d]
  1568. () Not all salmon are created equal: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of global salmon farming systems [d]
  1569. (/2019) Nature's matrix: linking agriculture, conservation and food sovereignty [i] [d]
  1570. () Foodshed analysis and its relevance to sustainability [d]
  1571. () Design revolution: 100 products that empower people [i]
  1572. () Food versus biofuels: environmental and economic costs [d] [j]
  1573. PRATEC [ed] () Cambio climático y sabiduría andino amazónica, Perú: prácticas, percepciones y adaptaciones indígenas [o] [u]
  1574. () Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis in natural resource management [d]
  1575. Edward B. Radcliffe, William D. Hutchison, & Rafael E. Cancelado [ed] () Integrated pest management: concepts, tactics, strategies and case studies [i] [d]
  1576. () Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services [d]
  1577. () Landscaping with fruit: a homeowner's guide [i]
  1578. () XS future: new ideas, small structures [i]
  1579. () Fishing, foraging and farming in the Bolivian Amazon: on a local society in transition [i] [d]
  1580. () E-waste: an assessment of global production and environmental impacts [d]
  1581. () From management to negotiation: technical and institutional innovations for integrated water resource management in the Upper Comoé River Basin, Burkina Faso [d]
  1582. () Dietary associations of household food insecurity among children of Mexican descent: results of a binational study [d]
  1583. () The merits of democracy in famine protection—fact or fallacy? [d]
  1584. () Kitchen table sustainability: practical recipes for community engagement with sustainability [i] [d]
  1585. () Ecologically unequal exchange, world polity, and biodiversity loss: a cross-national analysis of threatened mammals [d]
  1586. () Measuring potential access to food stores and food-service places in rural areas in the U.S. [d]
  1587. () Voluntary simplicity: an exploration of market interactions [d]
  1588. () Biodiversity, food consumption and ecological niche dimension: a study case of the riverine populations from the Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil [d]
  1589. () Resource resilience, human niche construction, and the long-term sustainability of pre-Columbian subsistence economies in the Mississippi river valley corridor [d]
  1590. () Feeding the city: towards a new research and planning agenda [d]
  1591. () Socioeconomic dimensions of mercury pollution abatement: engaging artisanal mining communities in Sub-Saharan Africa [d]
  1592. () Cleaning up water? Or building rural community? Community watershed organizations in Pennsylvania [d]
  1593. () Waste: uncovering the global food scandal [i]
  1594. () Constrained choice and ethical dilemmas in land management: environmental quality and food safety in California agriculture [d]
  1595. (/2012) The survival handbook: essential skills for outdoor adventure [i]
  1596. () Sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste in developing countries [p] [d]
  1597. () Four fields of music making and sustainable living [j]
  1598. () A water accounting system for strategic water management [d]
  1599. () Water in a changing world [i] [u]
  1600. () Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
  1601. () Scale, composition, and technology [d]
  1602. () Conceptualizing sustainable development: an assessment methodology connecting values, knowledge, worldviews and scenarios [d]
  1603. () Connected community and household food-based strategy (CCH-FBS): its importance for health, food safety, sustainability and security in diverse localities [d]
  1604. () Today's food system: how healthy is it? [d]
  1605. () Event ecology, causal historical analysis, and human–environment research [d]
  1606. () Measuring the benefits of compact development on vehicle miles and climate change [d]
  1607. () Home gardening for tropical biodiversity conservation [p] [d]
  1608. () Food provisioning strategies, food insecurity, and stress in an economically vulnerable community: the Northern Cheyenne case [d]
  1609. () The politics of food supply: U.S. agricultural policy in the world economy [i] [d] [j]
  1610. () The organic farmer's business handbook: a complete guide to managing finances, crops, and staff—and making a profit [i]
  1611. () Reworking the metabolic rift: La Vía Campesina, agrarian citizenship, and food sovereignty [d]
  1612. () Intrahousehold disparities in women and men's experiences of water insecurity and emotional distress in urban Bolivia [p] [d]
  1613. () Local food economies: driving forces, challenges, and future prospects [d]
  1614. () Global integration of subsistence economies and women's empowerment: an experience from Nepal [i]
  1615. () What makes organic agriculture move: protest, meaning or market?: a polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture [d]
  1616. () Scaling up agroecological approaches for food sovereignty in Latin America [d]
  1617. Thora Amend [ed] () Protected landscapes and agrobiodiversity values [i] [u]
  1618. () Rural population change in developing countries: lessons for policymaking [d]
  1619. () Connecting hand, mind, and community: vocational education for social and environmental renewal [d] [u]
  1620. Robert Askins, Glenn D. Dreyer, Gerald R. Visgilio, & Diana M. Whitelaw [ed] () Saving biological diversity: balancing protection of endangered species and ecosystems [i] [d]
  1621. () Strategies to enhance and maintain quality of life: the case of nonmetropolitan Illinois [u]
  1622. () Can plantations develop understory biological and physical attributes of naturally regenerated forests? [d]
  1623. () The emergence and framing of farm-to-school initiatives: civic engagement, health and local agriculture [d]
  1624. Frano Barbir & Sergio Ulgiati [ed] () Sustainable energy production and consumption: benefits, strategies and environmental costing [i] [d]
  1625. () Contention and ambiguity: mining and the possibilities of development [d]
  1626. Bryan Bell & Katie Wakeford [ed] () Expanding architecture: design as activism [i]
  1627. () Managing abandoned farmland: the need to link biological and sociological aspects [d]
  1628. () Contesting expertise: the politics of environmental knowledge in northern Indian groundwater practices [d]
  1629. () The last taboo: opening the door on the global sanitation crisis [i] [d]
  1630. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czesław Mesjasz, John Grin, Pál Dunay, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, & Peter H. Liotta [ed] () Globalization and environmental challenges: reconceptualizing security in the 21st century [i] [d]
  1631. Gary J. Brierley & Kirstie A. Fryirs [ed] () River futures: an integrative scientific approach to river repair [i]
  1632. () Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? [d]
  1633. () Family farms are still around: time to invert the old agrarian question [d]
  1634. () Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
  1635. () A striking profile: soil ecological knowledge in restoration management and science [d]
  1636. () Biodiversity conservation issues of Northeast India [d]
  1637. Eric Chivian & Aaron Bernstein [ed] () Sustaining life: how human health depends on biodiversity [i]
  1638. () Regional economic impacts of the Menominee Tribal Enterprises forestry and mill operations [u]
  1639. Christian Coff, David Barling, Michiel Korthals, & Thorkild Nielsen [ed] () Ethical traceability and communicating food [i] [d]
  1640. Carol J. Pierce Colfer [ed] () Human health and forests: a global overview of issues, practice, and policy [i] [d]
  1641. () Community-based food systems in Michigan: cultivating diverse collaborations from the ground up [u]
  1642. () The food system as an economic driver: strategies and applications for Michigan [d]
  1643. () Food security, poverty, and human development in the United States [d]
  1644. () Ecological knowledge shrinks as economies grow [d]
  1645. () Slower consumption: reflections on product life spans and the 'throwaway society' [d]
  1646. James G. Copestake [ed] () Wellbeing and development in Peru: local and universal views confronted [i] [d]
  1647. () Wellbeing in international development: what's new? [d]
  1648. () Moroccan households in the world economy: labor and inequality in a Berber Village [i]
  1649. () 75 green businesses you can start to make money and make a difference [i]
  1650. () Prospects for reconciling the conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation with technological progress [p] [d]
  1651. () Ecosystem services: from theory to implementation [p] [d] [u]
  1652. Bruno David & Julian Thomas [ed] () Handbook of landscape archaeology [i]
  1653. () Terrestrial vegetation in the coupled human–earth system: contributions of remote sensing [d]
  1654. () Perspectives for integrative landscape planning, management and monitoring [i] [d]
  1655. (/2010) The atlas of the real world: mapping the way we live [i]
  1656. () The household: informal order around the hearth [i] [d] [j]
  1657. () Putting people in the map: anthropogenic biomes of the world [d]
  1658. () More: population, nature, and what women want [i]
  1659. () Rethinking consumer behaviour for the well-being of all: reflections on individual consumer responsibility [i]
  1660. () The role of prices in conserving critical natural capital [p] [d]
  1661. Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Janice Jiggins, & Emyr Vaughan Thomas [ed] () Creating food futures: trade, ethics and the environment [i]
  1662. () The roles and movements of actors in the deforestation of Brazilian Amazonia [u]
  1663. () Architectural design and ethics: tools for survival [i] [d]
  1664. Louise Fortmann [ed] () Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
  1665. () 'Wicked', 'messy', and 'clumsy': long-term frameworks for sustainability [d]
  1666. Richard Franceys & Esther Gerlach [ed] () Regulating water and sanitation for the poor: economic regulation for public and private partnerships [i] [d]
  1667. () Whose rules rule?: contested projects to certify 'local production for distant consumers' [d]
  1668. () The big necessity: the unmentionable world of human waste and why it matters [i]
  1669. () Studying the 'addiction to oil' of developed societies using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal Metabolism (MSIASM) [i] [d]
  1670. () Trade, materials flows, and economic development in the south: the example of Chile [d]
  1671. () Models and decisions support systems for participatory decision making in integrated water resource management [i]
  1672. () An analysis of a community food waste stream [d]
  1673. () Economy's tension: the dialectics of community and market [i] [d] [j]
  1674. () Recovering resources—recycling citizenship: urban poverty reduction in Latin America [i]
  1675. () Bringing good food to others: investigating the subjects of alternative food practice [d]
  1676. () Just in case: how to be self-sufficient when the unexpected happens [i]
  1677. () Third-party certification in the global agrifood system: an objective or socially mediated governance mechanism? [d]
  1678. () Dietary implications of supermarket development: a global perspective [d]
  1679. () Piaroa manioc varietals: hyperdiversity or social currency? [d] [j]
  1680. () Principles of integrated agricultural systems: introduction to processes and definition [d]
  1681. () South Asia: an environmental history [i]
  1682. () Ecology and the limits of justice: establishing capability ceilings in Nussbaum's capabilities approach [d]
  1683. () Will progress in science and technology avert or accelerate global collapse?: a critical analysis and policy recommendations [d]
  1684. () Global production networks, ethical campaigning, and the embeddedness of responsible governance [d]
  1685. () Crisis & opportunity: sustainability in American agriculture [i]
  1686. () Introduction of floating gardening in the north-eastern wetlands of Bangladesh for nutritional security and sustainable livelihood [d]
  1687. () The thief at the end of the world: rubber, power, and the seeds of empire [i]
  1688. () The everyday life context of increasing energy demands: time use survey data in a decomposition analysis [d]
  1689. () Gardening at the dragon's gate: at work in the wild and cultivated world [i]
  1690. () Pedagogy for addressing the worldview challenge in sustainable development of agriculture [d]
  1691. () Human health effects of air pollution [p] [d]
  1692. () Bridging the gaps between theory and practice: a service niche approach to urban sustainability indicators [d]
  1693. () Agriculture at a crossroads [p] [d] [j]
  1694. () Total historical land-use change in Eastern Bolivia: who, where, when, and how much? [u]
  1695. () The global sociometabolic transition [d]
  1696. () Valuation of the ecosystem services: a psycho-cultural perspective [d]
  1697. () Enabling sustainable production–consumption systems [d]
  1698. Thomas A. Lyson, G. W. Stevenson, & Rick Welsh [ed] () Food and the mid-level farm: renewing an agriculture of the middle [i] [d]
  1699. () Hygiene versus fertiliser: the use of human excreta in agriculture: a Vietnamese example [d]
  1700. () Mindful economics: how the U.S. economy works, why it matters, and how it could be different [i]
  1701. () Understanding persistent food insecurity: a paradox of place and circumstance [d]
  1702. () The local industrial complex?: questioning the link between local foods and energy use [d]
  1703. () Can strategic investing transform the corporation? [d]
  1704. () Burning changes: action research with farmers and swidden agriculture in the Upper Amazon [i] [u]
  1705. John M. Marzluff, Eric Shulenberger, Wilfried Endlicher, Marina Alberti, Gordon Bradley, Clare Ryan, Ute Simon, & Craig ZumBrunnen [ed] () Urban ecology: an international perspective on the interaction between humans and nature [i] [d]
  1706. () Women in a transitioning Canadian resource town [u]
  1707. Andrew C. Millington & Wendy Jepson [ed] () Land change science in the tropics: changing agricultural landscapes [i] [d]
  1708. () Farming the planet: 2. Geographic distribution of crop areas, yields, physiological types, and net primary production in the year 2000 [d]
  1709. () The school food revolution: public food and the challenge of sustainable development [i] [d]
  1710. () Eating the sun: how plants power the planet [i]
  1711. () Environmental dilemmas: ethical decision making [i]
  1712. () Identifying vulnerabilities, exploring opportunities: reconfiguring production, conservation, and consumption in California rice [d]
  1713. () Renewing America's food traditions: saving and savoring the continent's most endangered foods [i]
  1714. () Flow variability and the biophysical vitality of river systems [d]
  1715. Melissa K. Nelson [ed] () Original instructions: indigenous teachings for a sustainable future [i]
  1716. () Sanitation for unserved populations: technologies, implementation challenges, and opportunities [d]
  1717. () From banger to classic: a model for sustainable car consumption? [d]
  1718. () Dietary patterns and prevalence of food insecurity among low-income families participating in community food assistance programs in a midwest town [d]
  1719. () Market movements: nongovernmental organization strategies to influence global production and consumption [d]
  1720. () Material flows of mobile phones and accessories in Nigeria: environmental implications and sound end-of-life management options [d]
  1721. () Urban forest and rural cities: multi-sited households, consumption patterns, and forest resources in Amazonia [u]
  1722. () Climate change and the world's river basins: anticipating management options [d]
  1723. () The nature of urban soils and their role in ecological restoration in cities [d]
  1724. () Non-timber forest products in Peruvian Amazonia: changing patterns of economic exploitation [d]
  1725. () Biodiversity conservation in tropical agroecosystems: a new conservation paradigm [d]
  1726. () Distribution of agrobiodiversity in home gardens along the Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1727. () Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development [d]
  1728. () The ethics in balancing control and freedom when engineering solutions for sustainable behaviour [d]
  1729. () Ecological knowledge is lost in wealthier communities and countries [d]
  1730. () Reducing energy inputs in the US food system [d] [j]
  1731. () The new peasantries: struggles for autonomy and sustainability in an era of empire and globalization [i] [d]
  1732. () Fossil fuels and food security: analysis and recommendations for community organizers [d]
  1733. () Grocery store attraction strategies: a resource guide for community activists and local governments [o] [u]
  1734. () Hope for threatened tropical biodiversity: lessons from the Philippines [d] [j]
  1735. PRATEC [ed] () Volver a la mesa: soberanía alimentaria y cultura de la comida en la América profunda [i] [u]
  1736. () Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence [p] [d] [u]
  1737. Jules N. Pretty [ed] () Sustainable agriculture and food [i]
  1738. Hugo Priemus, Bent Flyvbjerg, & Bert van Wee [ed] () Decision-making on mega-projects: cost–benefit analysis, planning and innovation [i] [d]
  1739. () The Chinese timber trade and the logging of Peruvian Amazonia [p] [d] [j]
  1740. () Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year 2000 [d]
  1741. () Energy supplied by edible insects from Mexico and their nutritional and ecological importance [d]
  1742. () Locating backup facilities to enhance supply chain disaster resilience [d]
  1743. () Ethnobotanical knowledge and crop diversity in swidden fields: a study in a Native Amazonian society [d] [j]
  1744. () Socially responsible investment law: regulating the unseen polluters [i]
  1745. Torben C. Rick & Jon Erlandson [ed] () Human impacts on ancient marine ecosystems: a global perspective [i] [d] [j]
  1746. () Gathering in Thoreau's backyard: nontimber forest product harvesting as practice [d]
  1747. () Evaluation of a market in wetland credits: entrepreneurial wetland banking in Chicago [p] [d] [j]
  1748. () Why are there so many banking crises?: the politics and policy of bank regulation [i] [d] [j]
  1749. () Food sovereignty and the contemporary food crisis [d]
  1750. () Designing protected areas to conserve riverine biodiversity: lessons from a hypothetical redesign of the Kruger National Park [d]
  1751. () Fresh food from small spaces: the square-inch gardener's guide to year-round growing, fermenting, and sprouting [i]
  1752. () Material flows in Latin America: a comparative analysis of Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru, 1980–2000 [d]
  1753. Matthias Ruth & Brynhildur Davidsdottir [ed] () Changing stocks, flows, and behaviors in industrial ecosystems [i] [d]
  1754. Pascal C. Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki, & Chesha Wettasinha [ed] () Innovation Africa: enriching farmers' livelihoods [i] [d]
  1755. () LCA studies of food products as background for environmental product declarations [d]
  1756. () Saving forests, protecting people?: environmental conservation in Central America [i]
  1757. () Biodiversity conservation and agricultural sustainability: towards a new paradigm of 'ecoagriculture' landscapes [p] [d] [u]
  1758. () Ecological modernisation, American style [d]
  1759. () Beyond timber: certification and management of non-timber forest products [i] [u]
  1760. Jennifer Siegal [ed] () More mobile: portable architecture for today [i]
  1761. () Energy in nature and society: general energetics of complex systems [i]
  1762. () The debt of nations and the distribution of ecological impacts from human activities [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1763. () 'I'm getting desperate': what we know about farmers' markets that fail [d]
  1764. () Rural mothers' use of formal programs and informal social supports to meet family food needs: a mixed methods study [d]
  1765. () Are cattle, sheep, and goats endangered species? [d]
  1766. () Inquiries into the nature of slow money: investing as if food, farms, and fertility mattered [i]
  1767. () Domesticated landscapes [i]
  1768. () The word shrinks, the world expands: information, energy and relocalization [d]
  1769. () Changing forests: collective action, common property, and coffee in Honduras [i] [d]
  1770. () A comparison of The Limits to Growth with 30 years of reality [d]
  1771. () From invisibility to transparency: identifying the implications [u]
  1772. () Refining the ecological footprint [d]
  1773. () Sustainable food consumption among young adults in Belgium: theory of planned behaviour and the role of confidence and values [d]
  1774. () Managing without growth: slower by design, not disaster [i] [d]
  1775. () Kitchen literacy: how we lost knowledge of where food comes from and why we need to get it back [i]
  1776. () Aquatic habitats in sustainable urban water management: science, policy and practice [i]
  1777. Bradley B. Walters [ed] () Against the grain: the Vayda tradition in human ecology and ecological anthropology [i]
  1778. David Waltner-Toews, James J. Kay, & Nina-Marie E. Lister [ed] () The ecosystem approach: complexity, uncertainty, and managing for sustainability [i] [j]
  1779. () Materials use across world regions [d]
  1780. () Increasing acres to decrease inches: comparing the agricultural land requirements of a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet with a MyPyramid diet [d]
  1781. () Civic dietetics: opportunities for integrating civic agriculture concepts into dietetic practice [d]
  1782. () Closing the food gap: resetting the table in the land of plenty [i]
  1783. () The use of system dynamics simulation in water resources management [d]
  1784. () Agroecological economics: sustainability and biodiversity [i] [d]
  1785. () Pedal power: the quiet rise of the bicycle in American public life [i]
  1786. Wynne Wright & Gerad Middendorf [ed] () The fight over food: producers, consumers, and activists challenge the global food system [i]
  1787. () Sustainable agriculture: towards a conflict management based agricultural extension [u]
  1788. () Beans: a history [i]
  1789. Sohail Anwar [ed] (/2015) Encyclopedia of energy engineering and technology [i] [d]
  1790. () Energy supply, its demand and security issues for developed and emerging economies [d]
  1791. () Assessment of the nutrition and physical activity education needs of low-income, rural mothers: can technology play a role? [d]
  1792. Giles Atkinson, Simon Dietz, & Eric Neumayer [ed] () Handbook of sustainable development [i] [d]
  1793. () Nature farming: integration of traditional knowledge systems with modern farming in rice [o] [u]
  1794. () Impeding ecological sustainability through selective moral disengagement [d]
  1795. () Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature [p] [d] [u]
  1796. Jan Bebbington, Jeffrey Unerman, & Brendan O'Dwyer [ed] (/2014) Sustainability accounting and accountability [i]
  1797. () Caring for the community: an exploratory comparison of waste reduction behaviour by British and Brazilian consumers [d]
  1798. Gero Benckiser & Sylvia Schnell [ed] () Biodiversity in agricultural production systems [i]
  1799. Fikret Berkes, Derek R. Armitage, & Nancy Doubleday [ed] () Adaptive co-management: collaboration, learning, and multi-level governance [i]
  1800. () From material flow analysis to material flow management, part II: the role of structural agent analysis [d]
  1801. () From material flow analysis to material flow management, part I: social sciences modeling approaches coupled to MFA [d]
  1802. (/2009) How everyday products make people sick: toxins at home and in the workplace [i] [d] [j]
  1803. () Sustainable economic organisation: simply a matter of reconceptualisation or a need for a new ethics? [d]
  1804. () Southeast Asia: an environmental history [i]
  1805. () Sharing power: learning-by-doing in co-management of natural resources throughout the world [i] [d]
  1806. (/2016) Grow vegetables [i]
  1807. David Burch & Geoffrey Lawrence [ed] () Supermarkets and agri-food supply chains: transformations in the production and consumption of foods [i]
  1808. () Principles and processes for enhancing sustainable rural livelihoods: collaborative learning in Uganda [d]
  1809. () When homes become prisons: the relational spaces of postsocialist energy poverty [d]
  1810. Wayne Caldwell, Stewart Hilts, & Bronwynne Wilton [ed] (/2017) Farmland preservation: land for future generations [i]
  1811. () Biocomplexity and conservation of biodiversity hotspots: three case studies from the Americas [p] [d] [u]
  1812. () The working landscape: founding, preservation, and the politics of place [i] [d]
  1813. () Food insufficiency in urban Latino families [d]
  1814. () Hunger of the body and hunger of the mind: African American women's perceptions of food insecurity, health and violence [p] [d]
  1815. () Circles of association: the connections of community-based food systems [d]
  1816. Viki A. Cramer & Richard J. Hobbs [ed] () Old fields: dynamics and restoration of abandoned farmland [i]
  1817. () Measures of the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem services [d]
  1818. () Education for sustainability in local government: handbook [u]
  1819. () Teaching of energy issues: a debate proposal for a global reorientation [d]
  1820. () From sago to rice, from forest to town: the consequences of sedentarization for the nutritional ecology of Punan former hunter-gatherers of Borneo [p] [d]
  1821. () Barry Commoner and the science of survival: the remaking of American environmentalism [i] [d]
  1822. () The real wealth of nations: creating a caring economics [i]
  1823. () Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social-ecological resilience [d]
  1824. () Death to life: towards my green burial [d]
  1825. Marina Fischer-Kowalski & Helmut Haberl [ed] () Socioecological transitions and global change: trajectories of social metabolism and land use [i] [d]
  1826. () Travelling in antique lands: using past famines to develop an adaptability/resilience framework to identify food systems vulnerable to climate change [d]
  1827. () Foraging in the fallows: hunting patterns across a successional continuum in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1828. (/2010) Transport revolutions: moving people and freight without oil [i]
  1829. Avijit Gupta [ed] (/2022) Large rivers: geomorphology and management [i] [d]
  1830. () Commentary on teaching food: why I am fed up with Michael Pollan et al. [d]
  1831. () Diagram for a small planet: the Production and Ecosystem Possibilities Curve [d]
  1832. Sharon Harley [ed] () Women's labor in the global economy: speaking in multiple voices [i] [d] [j]
  1833. () The legacy of cultural landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon: implications for biodiversity [p] [d] [u]
  1834. C. Clare Hinrichs & Thomas A. Lyson [ed] () Remaking the North American food system: strategies for sustainability [i]
  1835. () Material flows in a social context: a Vietnamese case study combining the materials flow analysis and action-in-context frameworks [d]
  1836. () Impacts of increasing consumption on material flows over time: empirical results from Finland 1970–2005 [d]
  1837. Alf Hornborg, John Robert McNeill, & Joan Martínez Alier [ed] () Rethinking environmental history: world-system history and global environmental change [i]
  1838. () Learning from the Tiv: why a sustainable economy would have to be 'multicentric' [d]
  1839. () Footprints in the cotton fields: the Industrial Revolution as time-space appropriation and environmental load displacement [i]
  1840. () Linking small farms to rural communities with local food: a case study of the local food project in Fairbury, Illinois [d]
  1841. () The ecological footprint as a key indicator of sustainable tourism [d]
  1842. () Development of robust design-for-remanufacturing guidelines to further the aims of sustainable development [d]
  1843. () Biology and beyond: the science of 'back to nature' farming in the United States [d]
  1844. () Food matters: community food assessments as a tool for change [d]
  1845. Barbara Rose Johnston [ed] () Half-lives and half-truths: confronting the radioactive legacies of the cold war [i]
  1846. () Domesticated nature: shaping landscapes and ecosystems for human welfare [p] [d] [j]
  1847. () The changing metabolism of cities [d]
  1848. Paul Stanton Kibel [ed] () Rivertown: rethinking urban rivers [i] [d]
  1849. () A perfect storm in the Amazon wilderness: development and conservation in the context of the Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America (IIRSA) [i] [d]
  1850. () Una tormenta perfecta en la Amazonia: desarrollo y conservación en el contexto de la Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional de Sudamérica (IIRSA) [i]
  1851. () Design for water: rainwater harvesting, stormwater catchment, and alternate water reuse [i]
  1852. () A movable feast: ten millennia of food globalization [i] [d]
  1853. () Farmers' adoption of conservation agriculture: a review and synthesis of recent research [d]
  1854. () The shape of things to come: why age structure matters to a safer, more equitable world [i] [u]
  1855. () City life in the midst of the forest: a Punan hunter-gatherer's vision of conservation and development [u]
  1856. David B. Lindenmayer & Richard J. Hobbs [ed] () Managing and designing landscapes for conservation: moving from perspectives to principles [i]
  1857. () The mother of all arts: agrarianism and the creative impulse [i]
  1858. (/2020) Our final warning: six degrees of climate emergency [or: Six degrees: our future on a hotter planet] [i]
  1859. () A spatial analysis of loop closing among recycling, remanufacturing, and waste treatment firms in Texas [d]
  1860. () The environmental impacts of regional disparity in population and wealth distribution in Nigeria [d]
  1861. () Parks and carrying capacity: commons without tragedy [i]
  1862. () Foodmaps: tracing boundaries of 'home' through food relations [d]
  1863. () Decency and excess: global aspirations and material deprivation on a Caribbean sugar plantation [i]
  1864. Damian Maye, Lewis Holloway, & Moya Kneafsey [ed] () Alternative food geographies: representation and practice [i]
  1865. Mark McGillivray [ed] () Human well-being: concept and measurement [i] [d]
  1866. (/2011) Nutritional sciences: from fundamentals to food [i]
  1867. Lynn Margulis, James Corner, & Brian Hawthorne [ed] () Ian McHarg: conversations with students: dwelling in nature [i]
  1868. () Global localism: recentering the research agenda for biodiversity conservation [d]
  1869. () Our forest, your ecosystem, their timber: communities, conservation, and the state in community-based forest management [i] [d] [j]
  1870. () Domestic forests: a new paradigm for integrating local communities' forestry into tropical forest science [u]
  1871. () The speculation economy: how finance triumphed over industry [i]
  1872. () At the factory, at the table: dietary beliefs and practices of Thai industrial workers [d]
  1873. () Accessing food resources: rural and urban patterns of giving and getting food [d]
  1874. () Rivers in peril inside and outside protected areas: a systematic approach to conservation assessment of river ecosystems [d]
  1875. () Preservation or degradation?: communal management and ecological change in a southeast Michigan forest [d]
  1876. Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, & Thomas E. Uebel [ed] () Otto Neurath's economics in context [i] [d]
  1877. () The sustainability of subsistence hunting by Matsigenka native communities in Manu National Park, Peru [p] [d] [j]
  1878. () Pluralism and economic institutions [i] [d]
  1879. () Markets, deliberation, and environment [i] [d]
  1880. () Global governance of food production and consumption: issues and challenges [i]
  1881. () Understanding subsistence marketplaces: exploring the contributions of participatory action research [i] [d]
  1882. () Social learning and water resources management [u]
  1883. () The citizen-powered energy handbook: community solutions to a global crisis [i]
  1884. () 3D-mapping optimization of embodied energy of transportation [d]
  1885. () Evaluating the potential for conservation development: biophysical, economic, and institutional perspectives [p] [d] [j]
  1886. () Resisting global toxics: transnational movements for environmental justice [i] [d]
  1887. () Moving toward sustainability: integrating social practice and material process [i] [d]
  1888. () A cross-regional assessment of the factors affecting ecoliteracy: implications for policy and practice [d]
  1889. () Energy efficiency and conservation for individual Americans [d]
  1890. () Nutritional status of ribeirinhos in Brazil and the nutrition transition [d]
  1891. () The Earth only endures: on reconnecting with nature and our place in it [i] [d]
  1892. () Water-flushing toilets: systemic development and path-dependent characteristics and their bearing on technological alternatives [d]
  1893. () Managing complex adaptive systems—a co-evolutionary perspective on natural resource management [d]
  1894. () Las ramas floridas del bosque: experiencias en el manejo de plantas medicinales amazónicas [i]
  1895. () Ecological unequal exchange: consumption, equity, and unsustainable structural relationships within the global economy [d]
  1896. José Antonio Rosa & Madhu Viswanathan [ed] () Product and market development for subsistence marketplaces [i]
  1897. (/2015) Living standards and culture: energy impact [i] [d]
  1898. () Epistemological models and culture conflict: Menominee and Euro-American hunters in Wisconsin [d]
  1899. () Overcoming marginality on the margins: mapping, logging, and coca in the Amazon Borderlands [o] [u]
  1900. Ronald D. Sandler & Phaedra C. Pezzullo [ed] () Environmental justice and environmentalism: the social justice challenge to the environmental movement [i] [d]
  1901. Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, & Robyn Hannigan [ed] () Concepts and applications in environmental geochemistry [i] [d]
  1902. Sara J. Scherr & Jeffrey A. McNeely [ed] () Farming with nature: the science and practice of ecoagriculture [i]
  1903. () Ecology and ecosystem conservation [i]
  1904. () The grasslands of the United States: an environmental history [i]
  1905. () Design for the other 90% [i]
  1906. () Niche construction and the behavioral context of plant and animal domestication [d]
  1907. () African American environmental thought: foundations [i]
  1908. () Kitchenscapes, tablescapes, platescapes, and foodscapes: influences of microscale built environments on food intake [d]
  1909. () United States West Coast: an environmental history [i]
  1910. Max Spoor, Nico Heerink, & Futian Qu [ed] () Dragons with clay feet?: transition, sustainable land use, and rural environment in China and Vietnam [i]
  1911. (/2009) Bringing nature home: how you can sustain wildlife with native plants [i]
  1912. () Agriculture and working-class political culture: a lesson from The grapes of wrath [d]
  1913. () The designer's atlas of sustainability [i]
  1914. () Un/re-constructing the agrarian dream: going back-to-the-land with an organic marketing co-operative in south-central Pennsylvania, USA [d]
  1915. () Indigenous influence on forest management on the Menominee Indian Reservation [d]
  1916. () Contaminated identities: mercury and marginalization in Ghana's artisanal mining sector [d]
  1917. () Global environment outlook: environment for development, GEO-4 [i] [u]
  1918. () Why are cooperatives important in agriculture?: an organizational economics perspective [d]
  1919. () The value of 'naturalness' in organic agriculture [d]
  1920. () Intelligent databases assist transparent and sound economic valuation of ecosystem services [d]
  1921. () Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
  1922. Jeroen Warner [ed] () Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated water management [i]
  1923. () Mahinga kai [d]
  1924. () The household food insecurity and health outcomes of U.S.–Mexico border migrant and seasonal farmworkers [p] [d]
  1925. (/2020) Blueprint for greening affordable housing [i]
  1926. () How can a knowledge of the past help to conserve the future?: biodiversity conservation and the relevance of long-term ecological studies [p] [d] [u]
  1927. () Fair future: resource conflicts and global justice [i]
  1928. () Canada and arctic North America: an environmental history [i]
  1929. () Ecosystem services and dis-services to agriculture [d]
  1930. Aram Ziai [ed] () Exploring post-development: theory and practice, problems and perspectives [i]
  1931. Ken-ichi Abe, Wil de Jong, & Tuck-Po Lye [ed] () The social ecology of tropical forests: migration, populations and frontiers [i]
  1932. Cristina Adams, Rui Murrieta, & Walter A. Neves [ed] () Sociedades caboclas amazônicas: modernidade e invisibilidade [i]
  1933. Cristina Adams, Rui Murrieta, & Walter A. Neves [ed] (/2009) Amazon peasant societies in a changing environment: political ecology, invisibility and modernity in the rainforest [i] [d]
  1934. Stephanie Barrientos & Catherine Dolan [ed] () Ethical sourcing in the global food system [i] [d]
  1935. R. James Bingen & Lawrence Busch [ed] () Agricultural standards: the shape of the global food and fiber system [i]
  1936. Citlalli López, Patricia Shanley, & Martha Cuba Cronkleton [ed] () Riquezas del bosque: frutas, remedios y artesanías en América Latina [i] [u]
  1937. () Luxus consumption: wasting food resources through overeating [d]
  1938. () The ecology of learning: sustainability, lifelong learning, and everyday life [i] [d]
  1939. () Redesigning agriculture [d] [j]
  1940. () Avoiding the local trap: scale and food systems in planning research [d]
  1941. Brett Bowden & Leonard Seabrooke [ed] () Global standards of market civilization [i]
  1942. () Common property among indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon [j]
  1943. () Rural leaders, rural places: problem, privilege, and possibility [u]
  1944. () Traditional medicinal plant use in Northern Peru: tracking two thousand years of healing culture [p] [d] [u]
  1945. (/2013) Market farming success: the business of growing and selling local food [i]
  1946. () Planted forests and biodiversity [d] [u]
  1947. () Do you see what I see?: examining the epistemic barriers to sustainable agriculture [d]
  1948. () Ecology for transformation [d]
  1949. () Where the poor are: an atlas of poverty [i] [u]
  1950. () Effect of historical changes in land use and climate on the water budget of an urbanizing watershed [d]
  1951. () The end of the line: how overfishing is changing the world and what we eat [i]
  1952. () Commonalities in the experience of household food insecurity across cultures: what are measures missing? [p] [d]
  1953. () Sustainable consumption research as democratic expertise [d]
  1954. () Children of the sun: a history of humanity's unappeasable appetite for energy [i]
  1955. John Davenport & Julia L. Davenport [ed] () The ecology of transportation: managing mobility for the environment [i]
  1956. () Southern United States: an environmental history [i]
  1957. () A glimpse out the window: landscapes, livelihoods, and the environment [d]
  1958. () The emergence of agriculture in New Guinea: a model of continuity from pre-existing foraging practices [i] [d] [j]
  1959. () Biodiversity loss threatens human well-being [p] [d] [u]
  1960. Andrew Dobson & Derek Bell [ed] () Environmental citizenship [i]
  1961. (/2011) The atlas of climate change [i] [d]
  1962. () Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges [d]
  1963. () Production of biodiesel from waste frying oils [p] [d]
  1964. () A framework for sustainable materials management [d]
  1965. () Food not lawns: how to turn your yard into a garden and your neighborhood into a community [i]
  1966. () Agricultural biodiversity, nutrition, and health: making a difference to hunger and nutrition in the developing world [p] [d]
  1967. () The effects of the local food environment and social support on rural food insecurity [d]
  1968. () What organic and fair trade labels do not tell us: towards a place-based understanding of certification [d]
  1969. () Product design for the environment: a life cycle approach [i]
  1970. () Wood: craft, culture, history [i]
  1971. Colin Grier, Jangsuk Kim, & Junzo Uchiyama [ed] () Beyond affluent foragers: rethinking hunter-gatherer complexity [i]
  1972. () High tech trash: digital devices, hidden toxics, and human health [i]
  1973. () How much should a person consume?: environmentalism in India and the United States [i]
  1974. () Reflections on nutritional health and the environment: the journey to sustainability [d]
  1975. () The global socioeconomic energetic metabolism as a sustainability problem [d]
  1976. () From LTER to LTSER: conceptualizing the socioeconomic dimension of long-term socioecological research [u]
  1977. () River of love in an age of pollution: the Yamuna River of northern India [i] [d] [j]
  1978. () Plant conservation: an ecosystem approach [i] [d]
  1979. () Policymaking for a good society: the social fabric matrix approach to policy analysis and program evaluation [i] [d]
  1980. () A history of organic farming: transitions from Sir Albert Howard's War in the soil to USDA national organic program [d]
  1981. () Spatial scales, stakeholders and the valuation of ecosystem services [d]
  1982. () Better land husbandry: from soil conservation to holistic land management [i]
  1983. () Fruit and vegetable access in four low-income food deserts communities in Minnesota [d]
  1984. (/2019) Corridor ecology: linking landscapes for biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation [or: Corridor ecology: the science and practice of linking landscapes for biodiversity conservation] [i]
  1985. () Campesino a campesino: voices from Latin America's farmer to farmer movement for sustainable agriculture [i]
  1986. () Demonstrating environmental citizenship?: a study of everyday life among green activists [i]
  1987. () Environmentalism and the bicycle [d]
  1988. (/2016) What is environmental history? [i]
  1989. () Zonificación ecológica económica de la provincia de Tocache [u]
  1990. Dan Imhoff, Jo Ann Baumgartner, & Wild Farm Alliance [ed] () Farming and the fate of wild nature: essays in conservation-based agriculture [i]
  1991. () High value forests, hidden economies and elite capture: evidence from forest user groups in Nepal's Terai [d]
  1992. () Victual vicissitudes: consumer deskilling and the (gendered) transformation of food systems [d]
  1993. () Linking ecological footprints with ecosystem valuation in the provisioning of urban freshwater [d]
  1994. () Linking biodiversity, diet and health in policy and practice [p] [d]
  1995. (/2017) The better world shopping guide: every dollar makes a difference [i]
  1996. Douglas J. Kennett & Bruce Winterhalder [ed] () Behavioral ecology and the transition to agriculture [i] [d] [j]
  1997. () World poverty: global inequality and the modern world system [i]
  1998. () The earth knows my name: food, culture, and sustainability in the gardens of ethnic Americans [i]
  1999. Serge-Christophe Kolm & Jean Mercier Ythier [ed] () Handbook of the economics of giving, altruism and reciprocity [i]
  2000. () On the paradox of corporate social responsibility: how can we use social science and natural science for a new vision? [d]
  2001. B. Mohan Kumar & P. K. Ramachandran Nair [ed] () Tropical homegardens: a time-tested example of sustainable agroforestry [i] [d]
  2002. Eric F. Lambin & Helmut J. Geist [ed] () Land-use and land-cover change: local processes and global impacts [i]
  2003. (/2016) The box: how the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger [i] [d] [j]
  2004. () Habitat fragmentation and landscape change: an ecological and conservation synthesis [i]
  2005. () Networks of agri-environmental action: temporality, spatiality and identity in agricultural environments [d]
  2006. () Sustainability of mangrove harvesting: how do harvesters' perceptions differ from ecological analysis? [u]
  2007. (/2010) Teaming with microbes: a gardener's guide to the soil food web [i]
  2008. () Cultural transmission of ethnobotanical knowledge in a rural community of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina [d]
  2009. () Corporate social responsibility in the supply chain: an application in the food industry [d] [j]
  2010. () Action research on land management in the western Amazon, Peru—a research process, its outcomes and the researcher's role [d]
  2011. () Settler welfare on tropical forest frontiers in Latin America [d]
  2012. () The piassaba palm: conservation and development in the buffer zone of Peru's Cordillera Azul National Park [o]
  2013. Douglas L. Medin, Norbert Ross, & Douglas G. Cox [ed] () Culture and resource conflict: why meanings matter [i] [j]
  2014. () Household food insecurity and food expenditure in Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and the Philippines [p] [d]
  2015. () A media legua: repensando el desarrollo rural [i]
  2016. (/2017) People and nature: an introduction to human ecological relations [i]
  2017. () Worlds of food: place, power, and provenance in the food chain [i]
  2018. () Land, ecology, and democracy: a twenty-first century view [p] [d] [j]
  2019. () Mapping the future of world population: projected gain and loss from 1995 to 2025 [o] [u]
  2020. () 'Trabajando duro todos los días': learning from the life experiences of Mexican-origin migrant families [d]
  2021. () When the rivers run dry: water, the defining crisis of the twenty-first century [i]
  2022. () Eating fossil fuels: oil, food and the coming crisis in agriculture [i]
  2023. Andrea Pieroni & Lisa Leimar Price [ed] () Eating and healing: traditional food as medicine [i]
  2024. () Transforming knowledge and ways of knowing for food sovereignty [i] [u]
  2025. Rutherford H. Platt [ed] () The humane metropolis: people and nature in the 21st-century city [i]
  2026. Darrell Addison Posey & Michael J. Balick [ed] () Human impacts on Amazonia: the role of traditional ecological knowledge in conservation and development [i] [d] [j]
  2027. () ¿Acaso comemos plata? [o] [u]
  2028. PRATEC [ed] () Calendario agrofestivo en comunidades y escuela [i] [u]
  2029. () Energetics of coal substitution by briquettes of agricultural residues [d]
  2030. () Experiences of Latino immigrant families in North Carolina help explain elevated levels of food insecurity and hunger [p] [d] [u]
  2031. () Learning and livelihood [u]
  2032. () Trade liberalization and the diet transition: a public health response [d]
  2033. Robert E. Rhoades [ed] () Development with identity: community, culture and sustainability in the Andes [i] [d]
  2034. () Life stages, living arrangements and lifestyles [i] [u]
  2035. () Earth-sheltered houses: how to build an affordable underground home [i]
  2036. () Less: alternative living strategies = Strategie alternative dell'abitare [i]
  2037. () Regional patterns in global resource extraction [d]
  2038. Trent Schroyer & Tom Golodik [ed] () Creating a sustainable world: past experience/future struggle [i]
  2039. () Human ecology: biocultural adaptations in human communities [i] [d]
  2040. Glenn M. Schwartz & John J. Nichols [ed] () After collapse: the regeneration of complex societies [i] [j]
  2041. () Além da madeira: certificação de produtos florestais não-madeireiros [i] [u]
  2042. () Recycle: the essential guide [i]
  2043. () Design like you give a damn: architectural responses to humanitarian crisis [i]
  2044. Ted Smith, David Allan Sonnenfeld, & David N. Pellow [ed] () Challenging the chip: labor rights and environmental justice in the global electronics industry [i]
  2045. () Eastern North America as an independent center of plant domestication [p] [d] [u]
  2046. () Writers and the war against nature [i]
  2047. Gert Spaargaren, A. P. J. Mol, & Frederick H. Buttel [ed] () Governing environmental flows: global challenges to social theory [i] [d]
  2048. () Sustainable development in the rural US Midwest: the m-commerce solution: the wireless critical infrastructure [d]
  2049. Cecilia Tacoli [ed] () The Earthscan reader in rural–urban linkages [i] [d]
  2050. () Harvested, hunted and home grown: the prevalence of self-provisioning in rural Canada [u]
  2051. () The forager's harvest: a guide to identifying, harvesting, and preparing edible wild plants [i]
  2052. Bärbel Tress [ed] () From landscape research to landscape planning: aspects of integration, education and application [i]
  2053. () Self-sufficient agriculture: labour and knowledge in small-scale farming [i] [d]
  2054. () Coming to understanding: developing conservation through incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest [d] [j]
  2055. () Water: a shared responsibility [i] [u]
  2056. () The role of human, social, built, and natural capital in explaining life satisfaction at the country level: toward a National Well-Being Index (NWI) [d]
  2057. () Resilience thinking: sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world [i]
  2058. Waman Wasi [ed] () Saberes de siempre en la crianza del monte y de la chacra kechua-Lamista [i] [u]
  2059. () Wireless sensors in agriculture and food industry: recent development and future perspective [d]
  2060. Benno P. Warkentin [ed] () Footprints in the soil: people and ideas in soil history [i]
  2061. () Extending agroecology: grower participation in partnerships is key to social learning [d]
  2062. () Measuring household food insecurity: why it's so important and yet so difficult to do [p] [d]
  2063. () Wicked policies and righteous economists [u]
  2064. Richard R. Wilk [ed] () Fast food/slow food: the cultural economy of the global food system [i]
  2065. () Doing the barter system one better: I'll teach you to throat sing if she teaches me to crochet [u]
  2066. () The advantages of a rooftop garden and other things [d]
  2067. Karl S. Zimmerer [ed] () Globalization & new geographies of conservation [i]
  2068. () A review of intervention studies aimed at household energy conservation [d]
  2069. (/2008) Companies we keep: employee ownership and the business of community and place [i]
  2070. () Sustainable communities and the challenge of environmental justice [i]
  2071. () Manage insects on your farm: a guide to ecological strategies [i] [u]
  2072. () Tending the wild: Native American knowledge and the management of California's natural resources [i] [d] [j]
  2073. (/2014) Everyone eats: understanding food and culture [i] [j]
  2074. Craig Anthony Arnold [ed] () Wet growth: should water law control land use? [i]
  2075. () The paternalism of partnership: a postcolonial reading of identity in development aid [i]
  2076. () Gender-specific out-migration, deforestation and urbanization in the Ecuadorian Amazon [d]
  2077. () Rural poverty dynamics: development policy implications [d]
  2078. () Environmental and sustainability ethics in supply chain management [p] [d]
  2079. Michael Bonell & Leendert Adriaan Bruijnzeel [ed] () Forests, water, and people in the humid tropics: past, present, and future hydrological research for intergrated land and water management [i] [d]
  2080. () The snake with golden braids: society, nature, and technology in Andean irrigation [i]
  2081. () A land of ghosts: the braided lives of people and the forest in far western Amazonia [i]
  2082. () The complex forest: communities, uncertainty, and adaptive collaborative management [i]
  2083. Carol J. Pierce Colfer [ed] () The equitable forest: diversity, community, and resource management [i]
  2084. () Holistic Darwinism: synergy, cybernetics, and the bioeconomics of evolution [i] [d]
  2085. () Northeast and Midwest United States: an environmental history [i]
  2086. () Converting or not converting to organic farming in Austria: farmer types and their rationale [d]
  2087. () Proceed and be bold: Rural Studio after Samuel Mockbee [i]
  2088. () A psychosocial analysis of the human-sanitation nexus [d]
  2089. Stefan Dercon [ed] () Insurance against poverty [i]
  2090. () A life course perspective: understanding food choices in time, social location, and history [d]
  2091. () Design, lifestyles and sustainability: aesthetic consumption in a world of abundance [d]
  2092. () Sustainable consumption of food: a framework for analyzing scenarios about changes in diets [d]
  2093. () Good growing: why organic farming works [i]
  2094. () Sustainability: living with the imperfections [d] [j]
  2095. () Attitudes, beliefs, and prevalence of dumpster diving as a means to obtain food by Midwestern, low-income, urban dwellers [d]
  2096. () Interrupting the telos: locating subsistence in contemporary US forests [d]
  2097. () Feeding the world: an economic history of agriculture, 1800–2000 [i] [d] [j]
  2098. (/2008) Linking conservation and poverty reduction: landscapes, people and power [i] [d]
  2099. (/2008) Planetwalker: 22 years of walking, 17 years of silence [i]
  2100. () A framework for assessing the vulnerability of food systems to future shocks [d]
  2101. (/2006) The new indicators of well-being and development [i]
  2102. () Training in modest housing construction for those who need it most: an example from Nicaragua [i] [d]
  2103. () Trading down: Africa, value chains, and the global economy [i]
  2104. () Surplus possibilities: postdevelopment and community economies [d]
  2105. () At home in nature: modern homesteading and spiritual practice in America [i] [d] [j]
  2106. () Exploring the frontier of livelihoods research [d]
  2107. Wendy Harcourt & Arturo Escobar [ed] () Women and the politics of place [i]
  2108. () The challenge to power: money, investing, and democracy [i]
  2109. () Third-party certification in the global agrifood system [d]
  2110. Vaughan Higgins & Geoffrey Lawrence [ed] () Agricultural governance: globalization and the new politics of regulation [i]
  2111. () Economic growth, material flows and the environment: new applications of structural decomposition analysis and physical input-output tables [i] [d]
  2112. () Sustainable development: mapping different approaches [d]
  2113. () Towards a politics of dwelling [j]
  2114. () Modeling historical ecology, thinking about contemporary systems [d]
  2115. () Eating outside the box: FoodShare's Good Food Box and the challenge of scale [d]
  2116. () The renewable energy handbook: a guide to rural independence, off-grid and sustainable living [i]
  2117. () Governance in the global agro-food system: backlighting the role of transnational supermarket chains [d]
  2118. () Maya children: helpers at the farm [i] [j]
  2119. () Ecological sanitation—a way to solve global sanitation problems? [d]
  2120. () Zoned out: regulation, markets, and choices in transportation and metropolitan land-use [i]
  2121. () Water storage: tanks, cisterns, aquifers and ponds [i]
  2122. () Losing ground: farmland preservation, economic utilitarianism, and the erosion of the agrarian ideal [d]
  2123. () Framing the elusive concept of sustainability: a sustainability hierarchy [d]
  2124. () Environmental tipping points: a new paradigm for restoring ecological security [u]
  2125. (/2016) Public utilities: old problems, new challenges [or: Public utilities: management challenges for the 21st century] [i] [d]
  2126. () A revolution in eating: how the quest for food shaped America [i] [j]
  2127. () Hungry planet: what the world eats [i]
  2128. () An appraisal of the critique of anthropocentrism and three lesser known themes in Lynn White's 'The historical roots of our ecologic crisis' [d]
  2129. Emilio F. Moran & Elinor Ostrom [ed] () Seeing the forest and the trees: human–environment interactions in forest ecosystems [i] [d]
  2130. () Speaking of hunger and coping with food insecurity: experiences in the Afro-Ecuadorian highlands [d]
  2131. () Conservation: linking ecology, economics, and culture [i] [d] [j]
  2132. () Fighting standards with standards: harmonization, rents, and social accountability in certified agrofood networks [d]
  2133. () Riparia: ecology, conservation, and management of streamside communities [i] [d]
  2134. () Heirloom seeds and their keepers: marginality and memory in the conservation of biological diversity [i] [j]
  2135. () Nature, culture, and civil society [d]
  2136. () Sustainability: a dissent [d] [j]
  2137. () 'Provisioning': conceptualizing the work of women for 21st century social policy [d]
  2138. () Happier meals: rethinking the global meat industry [i]
  2139. () Fragmentation and flow regulation of the world's large river systems [p] [d] [j]
  2140. () Scaling alternative economic practices?: some lessons from alternative currencies [d] [j]
  2141. () Understanding the process of economic change [i] [d] [j]
  2142. () Sustainability: a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management [i] [d]
  2143. () Living on wild plants: evaluation of the rural household economy in Nigeria [d]
  2144. Cheryl Ann Palm [ed] () Slash-and-burn agriculture: the search for alternatives [i]
  2145. () Co-management of natural resources: opportunities for and barriers to working with citizen volunteers [d]
  2146. () Participatory extension as basis for the work of rural extension services in the Amazon [d]
  2147. () Community-based monitoring in support of local sustainability [d]
  2148. () Palms, pastures, and swidden fields: the grounded political ecology of 'agro-extractive/shifting-cultivator peasants' in Maranhão, Brazil [d] [j]
  2149. () Going broke the hard way: the economics of rural failure [u]
  2150. Jules N. Pretty [ed] () The pesticide detox: towards a more sustainable agriculture [i] [d]
  2151. (/2015) The travels of a T-shirt in the global economy: an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade [i]
  2152. () Norma técnica para elaboración de planes de manejo de castaña [o]
  2153. () Gone tomorrow: the hidden life of garbage [i]
  2154. () Economic development and environmental management in the uplands of Southeast Asia: challenges for policy and institutional development [d]
  2155. Christian Sartorius & Stefan Zundel [ed] () Time strategies, innovation, and environmental policy [i]
  2156. Jeffrey Sayer [ed] () The Earthscan reader in forestry and development [i]
  2157. () The ecozones of the world: the ecological divisions of the geosphere [i]
  2158. () Interdependence between consumption in the North and sustainable communities in the South [d]
  2159. () Ecological debt: the health of the planet and the wealth of nations [i]
  2160. () Garden game: shifting cultivation, indigenous hunting and wildlife ecology in western Panama [d] [j]
  2161. () Industrial ecology and input-output economics: an introduction [d]
  2162. () On the importance of tightening feedback loops for sustainable development of food systems [d]
  2163. () Living beyond our means: natural assets and human well-being [o] [u]
  2164. () Ecosystems and human well-being: synthesis [i] [u]
  2165. () Introducción al monitoreo de la variabilidad de cultivos nativos y sus parientes silvestres [i] [u]
  2166. Susan W. Vince [ed] () Forests at the wildland–urban interface: conservation and management [i]
  2167. () The irony of environmentalism: the ecological futility but political necessity of lifestyle change [d]
  2168. () Material flows accounts: a tool for making environmental policy [i] [u]
  2169. () It's all connected: a comprehensive guide to global issues and sustainable solutions [i]
  2170. () Surviving the city: urban home gardens and the economy of affection in the Brazilian Amazon [d]
  2171. () Food plants of the world: an illustrated guide [i]
  2172. () Big cotton: how a humble fiber created fortunes, wrecked civilizations, and put America on the map [i]
  2173. Deb Abbey [ed] () Global profit and global justice: using your money to change the world [i]
  2174. () Local services and amenities, neighborhood social capital, and health [d]
  2175. Adisa Azapagic & Slobodan Perdan [ed] (/2011) Sustainable development in practice: case studies for engineers and scientists [i] [d]
  2176. () Home gardens in Amazonian Peru: diversity and exchange of planting material [d]
  2177. Greg Bankoff, Georg Frerks, & Thea Hilhorst [ed] () Mapping vulnerability: disasters, development, and people [i] [d]
  2178. () Lean logistics: the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods [i]
  2179. () Native to nowhere: sustaining home and community in a global age [i]
  2180. Tom Bigg [ed] () Survival for a small planet: the sustainable development agenda [i] [d]
  2181. () The no-nonsense guide to water [i]
  2182. (/2016) The atlas of water: mapping the world's most critical resource [i] [d]
  2183. Mario Blaser, Harvey A. Feit, & Glenn McRae [ed] () In the way of development: indigenous peoples, life projects, and globalization [i]
  2184. Åsa Boholm & Ragnar Löfstedt [ed] () Facility siting: risk, power and identity in land use planning [i] [d]
  2185. () Connecting levels: a systems view on stakeholder dialogue for sustainability [d]
  2186. Michael A. Bourlakis & Paul W. H. Weightman [ed] () Food supply chain management [i] [d]
  2187. () Contested terrain: mining and the environment [d]
  2188. () Influence of farm management style on adoption of biologically integrated farming practices in California [d]
  2189. () Farmers' bounty: locating crop diversity in the contemporary world [i] [d] [j]
  2190. Thomas J. S. Carlson & Luisa Maffi [ed] () Ethnobotany and conservation of biocultural diversity [i]
  2191. () Forest products, livelihoods, and conservation: case studies of non-timber forest product systems [i]
  2192. () World agriculture and the environment: a commodity-by-commodity guide to impacts and practices [i]
  2193. () Borrowed from the future: challenges and guidelines for community-based natural resource management [o] [u]
  2194. Cutler J. Cleveland & Robert U. Ayres [ed] () Encyclopedia of energy [i]
  2195. Harry Coccossis & Alexandra Mexa [ed] () The challenge of tourism carrying capacity assessment [i]
  2196. () Cultivated plant species diversity in home gardens of an Amazonian peasant village in northeastern Peru [d]
  2197. () Rain forest 'conservation-through-use'?: chambira palm fibre extraction and handicraft production in a land-constrained community, Peruvian Amazon [d]
  2198. () Targeting conservation–development initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic reliance among Amazonian peasants [d]
  2199. (/2010) Ecological economics: principles and applications [i]
  2200. (/2014) The environmental planning handbook for sustainable communities and regions [i]
  2201. () No longer nomadic: changing Punan Tubu lifestyle requires new health strategies [u]
  2202. (/2008) Planting green roofs and living walls [i]
  2203. Environmental Careers Organization [ed] () The ECO guide to careers that make a difference [i]
  2204. () Deeper roots: strengthening community tenure security and community livelihoods [o] [u]
  2205. () The retreat of the elephants: an environmental history of China [i] [d] [j]
  2206. (/2015) Hunger, duty, and ecology: on what we owe starving humans [or: Taking hunger seriously] [i]
  2207. () Quenching urban thirst: growing cities and their impacts on freshwater ecosystems [d] [j]
  2208. () The forest for the trees: how humans shaped the north woods [i]
  2209. Ana María Fries [ed] () Sabores y saberes: comida campesina andina [i] [u]
  2210. () Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems [i]
  2211. () North-south trade and the distribution of environmental goods and burdens: a biophysical perspective [d]
  2212. () 'As Earth's testimonies tell': wilderness conservation in a changing world [d]
  2213. Bruno Glaser & William I. Woods [ed] () Amazonian dark earths: explorations in space and time [i]
  2214. () Help or hindrance?: the Global Environment Facility, biodiversity conservation, and indigenous peoples [u]
  2215. Garik Gutman, Anthony C. Janetos, Christopher O. Justice, Emilio F. Moran, John F. Mustard, Ronald R. Rindfuss, David Skole, Billie Lee Turner, & Mark A. Cochrane [ed] () Land change science: observing, monitoring and understanding trajectories of change on the earth's surface [i] [d]
  2216. () Ecological footprints and human appropriation of net primary production: a comparison [d]
  2217. () Progress towards sustainability?: what the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer [d]
  2218. () Gender, the work-life course, and livelihood strategies in a South Indian fish market [d]
  2219. () The transport geography of logistics and freight distribution [d]
  2220. () Gracias a los animales: análisis de la crianza pecuaria familiar en Latinoamérica: con estudios de caso en los valles y el altiplano de Bolivia [i]
  2221. () The Trust for Public Land's conservation finance handbook: how communities are paying for parks and land conservation [i]
  2222. () Earthbag building: the tools, tricks and techniques [i]
  2223. () Establishment success of conservation tree plantations in relation to silvicultural practices in Indiana, USA [d]
  2224. () Space–time constructs for linking information and communication technologies with issues in sustainable transportation [d]
  2225. () Biocultural diversity in the sustainability of developing-country food systems [p] [d]
  2226. Tim Kasser & Allen D. Kanner [ed] () Psychology and consumer culture: the struggle for a good life in a materialistic world [i] [d]
  2227. () Gardens and dwelling: people in vernacular gardens [d]
  2228. () Elemental cycles: a status report on human or natural dominance [d]
  2229. () Collaborative environmental management: what roles for government? [i]
  2230. () The enigma of tropical homegardens [d]
  2231. (/2016) Food wars: the global battle for mouths, minds and markets [i] [d]
  2232. Piet N. L. Lens, Bert Hamelers, Harry Hoitink, & Werner Bidlingmaier [ed] () Resource recovery and reuse in organic solid waste management [i]
  2233. Bjørn Lomborg [ed] (/2009) Global crises, global solutions [i] [d]
  2234. Citlalli López, Patricia Shanley, & Alfredo Celso Fantini [ed] () Riches of the forest: fruits, remedies, and handicrafts in Latin America [i] [u]
  2235. () Civic agriculture: reconnecting farm, food, and community [i]
  2236. () Natural amenities, tourism and income distribution [d]
  2237. () The cognitive mechanics of economic development and institutional change [i]
  2238. () The dugout canoe trade in Central America's Mosquitia: approaching rural livelihoods through systems of exchange [d]
  2239. () Ecological engineering and ecosystem restoration [i]
  2240. () Materials count: the case for material flows analysis [i] [d] [u]
  2241. Steve J. New & Roy Westbrook [ed] () Understanding supply chains: concepts, critiques, and futures [i]
  2242. () Labor and the environmental movement: the quest for common ground [i] [d]
  2243. () Processes of social learning in integrated resources management [d]
  2244. () Out of time: fast subjects and slow living [d]
  2245. () Unhealthy landscapes: policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence [p] [d] [u]
  2246. () Alternative urban futures: planning for sustainable development in cities throughout the world [i]
  2247. () Medicinal and aromatic plants in agroforestry systems [d]
  2248. () Criar y dejarse criar: una modalidad de regeneración de saberes andinos [i]
  2249. Roberto Arturo Restrepo Arcila [ed] () Saberes de vida por el bienestar de las nuevas generaciones [i]
  2250. () Timescapes of community resilience and vulnerability in the circumpolar north [d] [j]
  2251. () Still a man's labor market: the long-term earnings gap [i]
  2252. () Markets drive the specialization strategies of forest peoples [j] [u]
  2253. () The science of sustainable development: local livelihoods and the global environment [i] [d]
  2254. () Fish and farinha: protein and energy consumption in Amazonian rural communities on Ituqui Island, Brazil [d]
  2255. () Industrial ecology, life cycles, supply chains: differences and interrelations [d]
  2256. (/2017) Bicycle repair manual [i]
  2257. Dale Southerton, Heather Chappells, & Bas van Vliet [ed] () Sustainable consumption: the implications of changing infrastructures of provision [i]
  2258. () American household botany: a history of useful plants, 1620–1900 [i]
  2259. (/2014) Introduction to cultural ecology [i]
  2260. () Risk coping strategies in tropical forests: floods, illnesses, and resource extraction [d]
  2261. () Kamayoq: promotores campesinos de innovaciones tecnológicas [i]
  2262. () 'Because they can do the work': women farmers in sustainable agriculture in Pennsylvania, USA [d]
  2263. () Why women are at war with Chevron: Nigerian subsistence struggles against the international oil industry [d]
  2264. () Uncultivated foods in southern Veracruz, Mexico: establishing the links between ecosystem health, food availability, and human nutrition [d]
  2265. () Achieving universal coverage with health interventions [p] [d]
  2266. Diana H. Wall [ed] () Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in soils and sediments [i]
  2267. () Acai palm management in the Amazon estuary: course for conservation or passage to plantations? [j]
  2268. () Johnny joins the freak-bike gang [u]
  2269. () Food justice movements: policy, planning, and networks [d]
  2270. (/2013) Planning for sustainability: creating livable, equitable and ecological communities [i] [d]
  2271. () Income inequality, the income cost of housing, and the myth of market efficiency: 'optimal' for whom? [d]
  2272. () Forest gardens as an 'intermediate' land-use system in the nature–culture continuum: characteristics and future potential [d]
  2273. () Landscape agroecology [i]
  2274. () Medicinal plants of the world: an illustrated scientific guide to important medicinal plants and their uses [i]
  2275. Daniel Zarin [ed] () Working forests in the neotropics—conservation through sustainable management? [i] [d] [j]
  2276. () Resistance in an Amazonian community: Huaorani organizing against the global economy [i] [j]
  2277. () Measuring the changing state of nature [d]
  2278. () The power of scale: a global history approach [i] [d]
  2279. () Integrating science and management through collaborative learning and better information management [d]
  2280. () Community development in sustainable livelihoods approaches: an introduction [d]
  2281. Harold C. Brookfield, Helen Parsons, & Muriel Brookfield [ed] () Agrodiversity: learning from farmers across the world [i] [u]
  2282. (/2009) Plan B 4.0: mobilizing to save civilization [i] [u]
  2283. () Virgil, vigilance, and voice: agrifood ethics in an age of globalization [d]
  2284. () Fish for all: an oral history of multiple claims and divided sentiment on Lake Michigan [i]
  2285. Susan D. Clayton & Susan Opotow [ed] () Identity and the natural environment: the psychological significance of nature [i] [d]
  2286. () The curse of American agricultural abundance: a sustainable solution [i]
  2287. () Development and the environment in Asia [d]
  2288. () Buddhist economics and the environment: material flow analysis and the moderation of society's metabolism [d]
  2289. () World and local heritage, the relationships between conservation and development: the example of the Coelacanth [d]
  2290. () Green states and social movements: environmentalism in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Norway [i]
  2291. Megan Dyson, Gerardus Johannus Jacobus Bergkamp, & John Scanlon [ed] () Flow: the essentials of environmental flows [i] [u]
  2292. () Megaprojects and risk: an anatomy of ambition [i] [d]
  2293. () Road ecology: science and solutions [i]
  2294. () Understanding the experience of household food insecurity in rural Bangladesh leads to a measure different from that used in other countries [p] [d]
  2295. () La agricultura campesina de los mayas en Yucatán [u]
  2296. () Desde el diagnóstico territorial participativo hasta la mesa de negociación: orientaciones metodológicas [u]
  2297. () Drafting a conservation blueprint: a practitioner's guide to planning for biodiversity [i]
  2298. (/2010) Boundaries: a casebook in environmental ethics [i]
  2299. () The key to sustainable cities: meeting human needs, transforming community systems [i]
  2300. () Does fish still matter?: changes in the diet of two Brazilian fishing communities [d]
  2301. () Field guide to appropriate technology [i] [d]
  2302. (/2018) Essentials of supply chain management [i] [d]
  2303. () Understandings of environmental quality: ambiguities and values held by environmental professionals [d]
  2304. () Farming with the wild: enhancing biodiversity on farms and ranches [i]
  2305. () Strangely like war: the global assault on forests [i]
  2306. () A scenario-based holistic approach to environmental flow assessments for rivers [d]
  2307. () Integrated environmental planning [i] [d]
  2308. () Parasite paradise: a manifesto for temporary architecture and flexible urbanism [i]
  2309. () Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
  2310. (/2008) The atlas of food: who eats what, where, and why [i]
  2311. () Building a sustainable business: a guide to developing a business plan for farms and rural businesses [i] [u]
  2312. Ben A. Minteer & Robert E. Manning [ed] () Reconstructing conservation: finding common ground [i]
  2313. () In memoriam Ivan Illich: critic of professionalized design [d] [j]
  2314. () Where stuff comes from: how toasters, toilets, cars, computers, and many others things come to be as they are [i]
  2315. () Recolección de plantas y conocimientos ancestrales: un programa de enseñanza y capacitación [i]
  2316. () Costumbres del ayer, tesoros del mañana: plantas de herencia, conocimientos ancestrales y bancos de memoria [i]
  2317. () Agroforestry & ethnobotany: species data sheets [u]
  2318. () Assessing future ecosystem services: a case study of the Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin [j] [u]
  2319. () The biology of human survival: life and death in extreme environments [i]
  2320. () Securing water for people, crops, and ecosystems: new mindset and new priorities [d]
  2321. () Rivers for life: managing water for people and nature [i]
  2322. () Nature matrix: reconnecting people and nature [d]
  2323. Philip Quarles van Ufford & Ananta Kumar Giri [ed] () A moral critique of development: in search of global responsibilities [i]
  2324. () Improving life cycle assessment by including spatial, dynamic and place-based modeling [i] [d]
  2325. () Impeding sustainability?: the ecological footprint of higher education [o] [u]
  2326. () Experiencias agroforestales en el Cumbaza, San Martín [o]
  2327. () Public ecology: an environmental science and policy for global society [d]
  2328. () The urban part of rural development: the role of small and intermediate urban centres in rural and regional development and poverty reduction [i] [u]
  2329. (/2009) The self-sufficient life and how to live it: the complete back-to-basics guide [i]
  2330. () Family meals and disparities in global ecosystem dependency: three examples: Ghana, Russia and Sweden [d]
  2331. () Complete bike book [i]
  2332. () Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine disruptors in water: implications for the water industry [d]
  2333. () A holistic systems approach to addressing sustainability issues in the agri-food sector [d]
  2334. () The meaning of water [i]
  2335. Susan Strasser [ed] () Commodifying everything: relationships of the market [i] [d]
  2336. () Domesticated landscapes: the subsistence ecology of plant and animal domestication [d]
  2337. () A global perspective on environmental flow assessment: emerging trends in the development and application of environmental flow methodologies for rivers [d]
  2338. () LifePlace: bioregional thought and practice [i] [d] [j]
  2339. () Expanding the conservation tradition: the agrarian vision [i]
  2340. () The multiple use of tropical forests by indigenous peoples in Mexico: a case of adaptive management [j] [u]
  2341. () Resilience in pre-contact Pacific Northwest social ecological systems [j] [u]
  2342. () The soul of money: transforming your relationship with money and life [i]
  2343. () Water for people, water for life [i] [u]
  2344. () Distribution and causes of global forest fragmentation [j] [u]
  2345. Timothy A. Wise, Hilda Salazar, & Laura Carlsen [ed] () Confronting globalization: economic integration and popular resistance in Mexico [i]
  2346. () Oil wealth and the fate of the forest: a comparative study of eight tropical countries [i]
  2347. () Geographies of seed networks for food plants (potato, ulluco) and approaches to agrobiodiversity conservation in the Andean countries [d]
  2348. () Ecología y manejo del árbol de castaña (Bertholletia excelsa) [o]
  2349. A. Alonso Aguirre [ed] () Conservation medicine: ecological health in practice [i]
  2350. () Material flow accounting in Amazonia: a tool for sustainable development [o] [u]
  2351. Tom Baker & Jonathan Simon [ed] () Embracing risk: the changing culture of insurance and responsibility [i] [d]
  2352. Peter Bartelmus [ed] () Unveiling wealth: on money, quality of life, and sustainability [i] [d]
  2353. William R. Black & Peter Nijkamp [ed] () Social change and sustainable transport [i]
  2354. () Material flow analysis: unveiling the physical basis of economies [i] [d]
  2355. Harold C. Brookfield, Christine Padoch, Helen Parsons, & Michael Stocking [ed] () Cultivating biodiversity: understanding, analysing and using agricultural diversity [i] [d]
  2356. () Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity [d]
  2357. () The SRI advantage: why socially responsible investing has outperformed financially [i]
  2358. Bruce M. Campbell & Martin Karl Luckert [ed] () Uncovering the hidden harvest: valuation methods for woodland and forest resources [i] [d]
  2359. () Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
  2360. () Economic aspects of social and environmental violence [d] [j]
  2361. () Quality of life and the distribution of wealth and resources [i]
  2362. () When smoke ran like water: tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution [i]
  2363. () Sustainable transportation: U.S. dilemmas and European experiences [d]
  2364. () Rural Studio: Samuel Mockbee and an architecture of decency [i]
  2365. () Place, work, and civic agriculture: common fields for cultivation [d]
  2366. () Informal family insurance and the design of the welfare state [d]
  2367. Michael N. Dobkowski & Isidor Wallimann [ed] () On the edge of scarcity: environment, resources, population, sustainability, and conflict [i]
  2368. (/2008) The principles of sustainability [i] [d]
  2369. Deborah Eade, Thierry G. Verhelst, & Wendy Tyndale [ed] () Development and culture: selected essays from Development in Practice [i]
  2370. () Food ethics: a decision making tool for the food industry? [d]
  2371. () Ecology, engineering, and management: reconciling ecosystem rehabilitation and service reliability [i]
  2372. () Human natures, nature conservation, and environmental ethics [d] [j]
  2373. () Wild health: how animals keep themselves well and what we can learn from them [i]
  2374. () Community culture and the environment: a guide to understanding a sense of place [o] [u]
  2375. () Landscapes to riverscapes: bridging the gap between research and conservation of stream fishes [d] [j]
  2376. Priyanthi Fernando & Gina Porter [ed] () Balancing the load: women, gender, and transport [i]
  2377. Robert L. France [ed] () Handbook of water sensitive planning and design [i]
  2378. () Proximate causes and underlying driving forces of tropical deforestation [d] [j]
  2379. J. A. van Ginkel, Brendan Barrett, Julius Court, & Jerry Velasquez [ed] () Human development and the environment: challenges for the United Nations in the new millennium [i] [u]
  2380. () Water follies: groundwater pumping and the fate of America's fresh waters [i]
  2381. () Of messiness, systems and sustainability: towards a more social and environmental finance and accounting [d]
  2382. () Incorporating value trade-offs into community-based environmental risk decisions [d] [j]
  2383. Jeroen B. Guinée [ed] () Handbook on life cycle assessment: operational guide to the ISO standards [i] [d]
  2384. () The unknown world of the mobile home [i] [d]
  2385. () Rationale and methods for conserving biodiversity in plantation forests [d]
  2386. Bertus Haverkort, Katrien van t Hooft, & Wim Hiemstra [ed] () Ancient roots, new shoots: endogenous development in practice [i] [u]
  2387. () Wild politics: feminism, globalisation, bio/diversity [i]
  2388. Lee Hoinacki & Carl Mitcham [ed] () The challenges of Ivan Illich: a collective reflection [i]
  2389. () How sustainable agriculture can address the environmental and human health harms of industrial agriculture [p] [u]
  2390. () The oil industry and climate change: strategies and ethical dilemmas [d]
  2391. () Further efforts to clarify industrial ecology's hidden philosophy of nature [d]
  2392. Dana L. Jackson & Laura L. Jackson [ed] () The farm as natural habitat: reconnecting food systems with ecosystems [i]
  2393. Joseph F. Kennedy, Catherine Wanek, & Michael G. Smith [ed] (/2015) The art of natural building: design, construction, resources [i]
  2394. () Glass: a world history [i]
  2395. () Nutritional evaluation of terrestrial invertebrates as traditional food in Amazonia [d]
  2396. () The environmentalism of the poor: a study of ecological conflicts and valuation [i] [d]
  2397. () The articulated peasant: household economies in the Andes [i] [d]
  2398. () Changing systems for supporting farmers' decisions: problems, paradigms, and prospects [d]
  2399. () Increased human energy use causes biological diversity loss and undermines prospects for sustainability [d] [j]
  2400. () Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things [i]
  2401. () Who is 'forest-dependent'?: capturing local variation in forest-product sale, eastern Honduras [d]
  2402. Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick [ed] () Innovation in natural resource management: the role of property rights and collective action in developing countries [i]
  2403. Peter Miller & Laura Westra [ed] () Just ecological integrity: the ethics of maintaining planetary life [i]
  2404. () Farm [i]
  2405. () Correcting gender myopia: gender equity, women's welfare, and the environment [o]
  2406. () Bringing the food economy home: local alternatives to global agribusiness [i]
  2407. () The nature of design: ecology, culture, and human intention [i]
  2408. () Garbage wars: the struggle for environmental justice in Chicago [i] [d]
  2409. PRATEC [ed] () Allin Kawsay: el bienestar en las concepciones andino amazónicas [i] [u]
  2410. Thomas Princen, Michael Maniates, & Ken Conca [ed] () Confronting consumption [i] [d]
  2411. () Ecological footprint accounts: moving sustainability from concept to measurable goal [o] [u]
  2412. () Complex systems theory and development practice: understanding non-linear realities [i]
  2413. () High noon: twenty global problems, twenty years to solve them [i]
  2414. () Energy and the mystery of iniquity [i]
  2415. () Strategic sustainable development—selection, design and synergies of applied tools [d]
  2416. () The human footprint and the last of the wild [d] [j]
  2417. Peter Schmuck & P. Wesley Schultz [ed] () Psychology of sustainable development [i] [d]
  2418. () Growing up empty: the hunger epidemic in America [i]
  2419. () Food and the making of modern Inuit identities [d]
  2420. () Restoration of the Great Lakes: promises, practices, and performances [i]
  2421. () Harvesting of Geonoma macrostachys Mart. leaves for thatch: an exploration of sustainability [d]
  2422. () Inventing indigenous knowledge: archaeology, rural development, and the raised field rehabilitation project in Bolivia [i]
  2423. () Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices [p] [d]
  2424. () Bikeability checklist: how bikeable is your community? [o] [u]
  2425. () Moving money: banking and finance in the industrialized world [i] [d]
  2426. () Tracking the ecological overshoot of the human economy [p] [d] [u]
  2427. () Land use and land cover change in forest frontiers: the role of household life cycles [d]
  2428. Bruce A. Weber, Greg J. Duncan, & Leslie A. Whitener [ed] () Rural dimensions of welfare reform [i]
  2429. David G. Westendorff & Deborah Eade [ed] () Development and cities: essays from Development in practice [i]
  2430. () Globalized Andes?: livelihoods, landscapes and development [d]
  2431. Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, Nicholas Faraclas, & Claudia von Werlhof [ed] () There is an alternative: subsistence and world-wide resistance to corporate globalization [i]
  2432. () Balance is beautiful: assessing sustainable development in the rain forests of the Bolivian Amazonia [i]
  2433. () Eco-economy: building an economy for the earth [i]
  2434. Anne Buttimer [ed] () Sustainable landscapes and lifeways: scale and appropriateness [i]
  2435. () Diversidad chacarera en los Quechua-Lamas del Bajo Mayo San Martín [i] [u]
  2436. Cutler J. Cleveland, David I. Stern, & Robert Costanza [ed] () The economics of nature and the nature of economics [i] [d]
  2437. () From the ground up: environmental racism and the rise of the environmental justice movement [i] [d] [j]
  2438. () Water: the fate of our most precious resource [i]
  2439. () Cultivated landscapes of native Amazonia and the Andes: triumph over the soil [i]
  2440. Jane F. Eastham, Liz Sharples, & Stephen D. Ball [ed] () Food supply chain management: issues for the hospitality and retail sectors [i]
  2441. Dave Egan & Evelyn A. Howell [ed] () The historical ecology handbook: a restorationist's guide to reference ecosystems [i]
  2442. () Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to identify heavy metal sources in soils [p] [d]
  2443. () Land-tenure issues as factors in environmental destruction in Brazilian Amazonia: the case of southern Pará [d]
  2444. Eric T. Freyfogle [ed] () The new agrarianism: land, culture, and the community of life [i]
  2445. Archon Fung, Tessa Hebb, & Joel Rogers [ed] () Working capital: the power of labor's pensions [i]
  2446. () Materials matter: toward a sustainable materials policy [i] [d]
  2447. () Preference pollution: how markets create the desires we dislike [i] [d]
  2448. () Multiple-scale integrated assessment of societal metabolism: an analytical tool to study development and sustainability [d]
  2449. () Toward an anthropological theory of value: the false coin of our own dreams [i] [d]
  2450. () The gardens of their dreams: desertification and culture in world history [i]
  2451. () Insects and gardens: in pursuit of a garden ecology [i]
  2452. () Neotropical secondary forest succession: changes in structural and functional characteristics [d]
  2453. () The anthropology of economy: community, market, and culture [i]
  2454. () A look at the political geography of environmental management [i]
  2455. Jonathan M. Harris [ed] () A survey of sustainable development: social and economic dimensions [i]
  2456. () Competing in the market: farmers need new skills [o]
  2457. (/2009) Gaia's garden: a guide to home-scale permaculture [i]
  2458. () Tranquilidad and hardship in the forest: livelihoods and perceptions of Camba forest dwellers in the northern Bolivian Amazon [i]
  2459. (/2003) Tranquilidad y sufrimiento en el bosque: los medios de vida y percepciones de los Cambas en el bosque de la Amazonía boliviana [o]
  2460. (/2007) The better world handbook: small changes that make a big difference [i]
  2461. () Extraction from woody forest plants in flood plain communities in Amazonian Peru: use, choice, evaluation and conservation status of resources [d]
  2462. () A review of Peruvian flood plain forests: ecosystems, inhabitants and resource use [d]
  2463. () The future of money: a new way to create wealth, work and a wiser world [i]
  2464. () Zoning, equity, and public health [d]
  2465. Luisa Maffi [ed] () On biocultural diversity: linking language, knowledge, and the environment [i]
  2466. () The holy order of water: healing the earth's waters and ourselves [i]
  2467. () Silenced rivers: the ecology and politics of large dams [i]
  2468. () The citizens at risk: from urban sanitation to sustainable cities [i] [d]
  2469. () Perverse subsidies: how tax dollars can undercut the environment and the economy [i]
  2470. () Environmental values and adaptive management [d] [j]
  2471. () Global food markets and their local alternatives: a socio-ecological economic perspective [d]
  2472. () Strategies for genetic conservation of trees in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  2473. () Wild plants in everyday use: conservation towards sustainable livelihoods in Nigeria [d]
  2474. Catherine Panter-Brick, Robert Layton, & P. Rowley-Conwy [ed] () Hunter-gatherers: an interdisciplinary perspective [i]
  2475. () De la chacra al fogón: tecnologías campesinas tradicionales: sobre cómo se almacenan, conservan, procesan y utilizan los alimentos en el campo [i] [u]
  2476. () Time and wealth: the role of time and temporalities for sustainable patterns of consumption [d]
  2477. David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus [ed] () Writing on water [i] [d]
  2478. () Every drop for sale: our desperate battle over water in a world about to run out [i]
  2479. (/2003) Tropical forests, international jungle: the underside of global ecopolitics [i] [d]
  2480. () Preferences, needs and sustainability [d]
  2481. (/2005) The new American farmer: profiles of agricultural innovation [i] [u]
  2482. () The moral economy of water: equity and antiquity in the Andean commons [d]
  2483. () Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  2484. () Economic botany: principles and practices [i] [d]
  2485. () Making a life, making a living: reclaiming your purpose and passion in business and in life [i]
  2486. () LCA of food products and production systems [d]
  2487. Benjamin Bagadion & Peter Utting [ed] () Forest policy and politics in the Philippines: the dynamics of participatory conservation [i]
  2488. Gregor Gilpin Beck & Bruce M. Litteljohn [ed] () Voices for the watershed: environmental issues in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence drainage basin [i] [j]
  2489. () Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management [d]
  2490. () Fishing the Great Lakes: an environmental history, 1783–1933 [i]
  2491. () The berry grower's companion [i]
  2492. Stephen B. Brush [ed] () Genes in the field: on-farm conservation of crop diversity [i]
  2493. () Economic growth and the environment: an empirical analysis [i] [d]
  2494. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Hilton L. Root [ed] () Governing for prosperity [i]
  2495. Felipe Cárdenas Támara [ed] () Desarrollo sostenible en los Andes de Colombia: Provincias del Norte, Gutiérrez y Valderrama, Boyacá, Colombia [i]
  2496. () Sharing nature's interest: ecological footprints as an indicator of sustainability [i] [d]
  2497. () Compartiendo las crianzas: comida, organicidad y biodiversidad en la recuperación agroecológica y nutricional de los Quechua lamistas [i]
  2498. () Tropical forests and shifting cultivation: secondary forest fallow dynamics among traditional farmers of the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  2499. () Carfree cities [i]
  2500. () From garden to globe: linking time and space with meaning and memory [i] [j]
  2501. (/2014) Becoming vegan: the complete reference to plant-based nutrition [i]
  2502. () Etnoconservação: novos rumos para a conservação da natureza [i]
  2503. () El mito moderno de la naturaleza intocada [i]
  2504. () Cultivated landscapes of native North America [i]
  2505. (/2012) Water and wastewater treatment: a guide for the nonengineering professional [i] [d]
  2506. () Micropower: the next electrical era [i]
  2507. () The persistence of the peasantry [d]
  2508. () Shifting cultivation: a new old paradigm for managing tropical forests [d] [j]
  2509. () Developing environmental accounting: insights from indigenous cultures [d]
  2510. (/2009) Forest farming practices [i]
  2511. H. E. Gene Garrett [ed] (/2009) North American agroforestry: an integrated science and practice [i]
  2512. () Cycling for profit: how to make a living with your bike [i]
  2513. () Hunger and migration in a rural-traditional area in the nineteenth century [Netherlands] [d]
  2514. () Food transfers among Hiwi foragers of Venezuela: tests of reciprocity [d] [j]
  2515. Julie Ann Gustanski & Roderick H. Squires [ed] () Protecting the land: conservation easements past, present, and future [i]
  2516. () A history of environmental politics since 1945 [i] [j] [u]
  2517. () Cultural landscapes and environmental change [i]
  2518. () Competitive environmental strategy: a guide to the changing business landscape [i]
  2519. () The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling & skill [i] [d]
  2520. () Consumers in the country: technology and social change in rural America [i]
  2521. () Exploring the gaps: vital links between trade, environment, and culture [i]
  2522. David Lewis Lentz [ed] () Imperfect balance: landscape transformations in the Precolumbian Americas [i] [d] [j]
  2523. () The weight of nations: material outflows from industrial economies [i] [u]
  2524. () Lake Erie rehabilitated: controlling cultural eutrophication, 1960s–1990s [i]
  2525. Roderick J. McIntosh, Joseph A. Tainter, & Susan Keech McIntosh [ed] () The way the wind blows: climate, history, and human action [i] [j]
  2526. () The sanitary city: urban infrastructure in America from colonial times to the present [i]
  2527. () Economics for sustainable rural systems [d]
  2528. () The total human ecosystem: integrating ecology and economics [d] [j]
  2529. () Societal metabolism and multiple-scale integrated assessment: empirical validation and examples of application [d]
  2530. (/2007) Walking the forest with Chico Mendes: struggle for justice in the Amazon [i]
  2531. () Linking livelihoods and conservation: a conceptual framework and scale for assessing the integration of human needs and biodiversity [d]
  2532. () Biodiversity concepts and urban ecosystems [d]
  2533. (/2001) The landscape of capitalism [d] [j]
  2534. () Stolen harvest: the hijacking of the global food supply [i]
  2535. () The land that could be: environmentalism and democracy in the twenty-first century [i] [d]
  2536. (/2013) Land-use planning for sustainable development [i]
  2537. () Conservation and subsistence in small-scale societies [d]
  2538. (/2009) The vegetable gardener's bible: discover Ed's high-yield W-O-R-D system for all North American gardening regions [i]
  2539. (/2012) The drinking water handbook [i]
  2540. (/2003) A water harvesting manual for urban areas: case studies from Delhi [i]
  2541. () Reconciling anthropocentrism and biocentrism through adaptive management: the case of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and public risk perception [d]
  2542. () The end of finance: the theory of capital market inflation, financial derivatives, and pension fund capitalism [i] [d]
  2543. () Insatiable appetite: the United States and the ecological degradation of the tropical world [i]
  2544. () Natural selection: evolving choices for renewable energy technology and policy [i] [u]
  2545. () The scope of hunter-gatherer ethnomedicine [d]
  2546. () Making collaboration work: lessons from innovation in natural resource management [i]
  2547. () Reweaving the food security safety net: mediating entitlement and entrepreneurship [d]
  2548. () Hacer brillar la chacra: agricultura campesina alto amazónica, San Martín [i] [u]
  2549. () Folkecology and commons management in the Maya Lowlands [p] [d] [u]
  2550. (/2000) Life's matrix: a biography of water [i]
  2551. Deborah Barndt [ed] () Women working the NAFTA food chain: women, food & globalization [i]
  2552. () Environmental histories, access to resources and landscape change: an introduction [d]
  2553. () Capitals and capabilities: a framework for analyzing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty [d]
  2554. (/20