How to printmake

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () The design of books: an explainer for authors, editors, agents, and other curious readers [i] [d]
  2. () Magazine [as a medium] [i] [d]
  3. () How a book is made [u]
  4. () Keep the books on the shelves: library space as intrinsic facilitator of the reading experience [d]
  5. () Using adapted studio critique to teach peer review in the document design classroom [d]
  6. () Why books work: a rebuttal to Andy Matuschak [u]
  7. () Making Japanese woodblock prints [i]
  8. () Bookforms: a complete guide to designing and crafting hand-bound books [i]
  9. () Book design [i] [d]
  10. () Japanese woodblock prints [i]
  11. Angus Phillips & Michael Bhaskar [ed] () The Oxford handbook of publishing [i] [d]
  12. () History of information graphics [i]
  13. (/2020) Type & color: how to design and use multicolored typefaces [i]
  14. () Typography: a very short introduction [i] [d]
  15. (/2020) Text processing techniques and traditions [i] [d] [u]
  16. () Screenprinting: the ultimate studio guide, from sketchbook to squeegee [i]
  17. () A history of cookbooks: from kitchen to page over seven centuries [i] [d] [j]
  18. Mary C. Dyson & Ching Y. Suen [ed] () Digital fonts and reading [i] [d]
  19. () The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time [i]
  20. Julius Wiedemann & Kaitlin Yarnall [ed] () National Geographic infographics [i]
  21. () Partners in print: artistic collaboration and the ukiyo-e market [i] [d] [j]
  22. () Encouraging better graphic design in libraries: a creative commons crowdsourcing approach [d]
  23. () From print to ebooks: a hybrid publishing toolkit for the arts [i] [u]
  24. () In progress: see inside a lettering artist's sketchbook and process, from sketch to vector [i]
  25. () How posters work [i]
  26. () The art of illustrated maps: a complete guide to creative mapmaking's history, process, and inspiration [i]
  27. () Paper knowledge: toward a media history of documents [i] [d]
  28. () Out with the old, in with the new: best practices for replacing library signage [d]
  29. () Graphic design in libraries: a conceptual process [d]
  30. () The last big atlas? [d]
  31. () Building publishing workflows with Pandoc and Git [u]
  32. (/2019) For the love of letterpress: a printing handbook for instructors and students [i]
  33. () Do you see the signs?: evaluating language, branding, and design in a library signage audit [d]
  34. () A history of chromolithography: printed colour for all [i]
  35. () The anatomy of type: a graphic guide to 100 typefaces [i]
  36. () The renaissance of 'Keep Calm and Carry On' [d]
  37. Mathieu Lommen [ed] () The book of books: 500 years of graphic innovation [i]
  38. () Designing for social change: strategies for community-based graphic design [i]
  39. () Books and journal articles: the textual practices of academic knowledge [and beyond] [i] [d]
  40. () Line, shade, and shadow: the fabrication and preservation of architectural drawings [i]
  41. () Culinary ephemera: an illustrated history [i] [d] [j]
  42. (/2013) Graphic design history: a critical guide [i]
  43. () Vietnam posters: the David Heather collection [i]
  44. (/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
  45. Carl F. Kaestle & Janice A. Radway [ed] () Print in motion: the expansion of publishing and reading in the United States, 1880–1940 [i] [j]
  46. () Chinese posters: the IISH–Landsberger collections [i]
  47. () Blueprinting in the history of cartography [d]
  48. (/2016) The typographic desk reference [i]
  49. () Eco books: inventive projects from the recycling bin [i]
  50. () The design entrepreneur: turning graphic design into goods that sell [i]
  51. () The design & printing of ephemera in Britain & America, 1720–1920 [i]
  52. (/2015) Munari's books [i]
  53. () Typeforms: a history [i]
  54. () Hokusai, first manga master [i]
  55. (/2015) Signage and wayfinding design: a complete guide to creating environmental graphic design systems [i] [d]
  56. Simon Eliot & Jonathan Rose [ed] (/2019) A companion to the history of the book [i] [d]
  57. () Designing interpretive signs: principles in practice [i]
  58. () Signage systems & information graphics: a professional sourcebook [i]
  59. (/2014) Print & finish [i]
  60. () Water-based screenprinting today: from hands-on techniques to digital technology [i]
  61. () Burning books and leveling libraries: extremist violence and cultural destruction [i]
  62. () Designing type [i]
  63. () Color management: a comprehensive guide for graphic designers [i]
  64. () The book: the life story of a technology [i]
  65. () Letterpress printing: a manual for modern fine press printers [i]
  66. () Book typography [i]
  67. () Revolutionary tides: the art of the political poster, 1914–1989 [i]
  68. () Printer's type in the twentieth century: manufacturing and design methods [i]
  69. (/2008) A universal history of the destruction of books: from ancient Sumer to modern Iraq [i]
  70. (/2011) Nueva historia universal de la destrucción de libros: de las tablillas sumerias a la era digital [i]
  71. () Getting the picture: a brief guide to understanding and creating visual texts [i]
  72. () Screenprinting: the complete water-based system [i]
  73. () Revolución!: Cuban poster art [i]
  74. (/2012) The complete manual of typography: a guide to setting perfect type [i]
  75. (/2005) Real world color management: industrial-strength production techniques [i]
  76. (/2011) A guide to graphic print production [i]
  77. () Libricide: the regime-sponsored destruction of books and libraries in the twentieth century [i]
  78. () The world through maps: a history of cartography [i]
  79. () The historical role of photomechanical techniques in map production [d]
  80. () Reinventing the wheel [information wheels or volvelles] [i]
  81. () The form of news: a history [i]
  82. () Essays in ink chemistry (for paints and coatings too) [i]
  83. (/2016) Scrolling forward: making sense of documents in the digital age [i]
  84. () The encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian [i]
  85. () Silk screening across the curriculum [o]
  86. () The great libraries: from antiquity to the Renaissance (3000 B.C. to A.D. 1600) [i]
  87. (/2006) Colors: what they mean and how to make them [i]
  88. Chris Foges [ed] () Magazine design [i]
  89. () Worte für einen Strich = Paroles pour un trait = Words for line drawings [i]
  90. () Color coding [d] [j]
  91. () Digital typography [i]
  92. () Before photocopying: the art & history of mechanical copying, 1780–1938: a book in two parts [i]
  93. James Philip Danky & Wayne A. Wiegand [ed] () Print culture in a diverse America [i]
  94. () Geometrie der Gefühle = Géométrie des sentiments = Geometry of feelings [i]
  95. () Creating handmade books [i]
  96. () ABC of bookbinding: an unique glossary with over 700 illustrations for collectors & librarians [i]
  97. () On book design [i]
  98. () The evolution of the book [i]
  99. () Sewn and pasted cloth or leather bookbinding for book artists requiring no special tools or equipment [i]
  100. (/1999) The British Library guide to printing: history and techniques [i]
  101. Jeanne M. Drewes & Julie A. Page [ed] () Promoting preservation awareness in libraries: a sourcebook for academic, public, school, and special collections [i]
  102. () The marketplace of print: pamphlets and the public sphere in early modern England [i] [d]
  103. () Guerrilla bookmaking: preserving your community's heritage [i] [u]
  104. (/1999) Mysteries of the alphabet: the origins of writing [i]
  105. () Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative [i]
  106. () Designing books: practice and theory [i]
  107. () In defense of print [u]
  108. () Screen printer's tip book [i]
  109. (/2008) The best of newspaper design [yearbook] [o]
  110. () On printed matter and beyond: media, orality and literacy [i]
  111. Trevor Lamb & Janine Bourriau [ed] () Colour: art & science [i]
  112. () Chinese propaganda posters: from revolution to modernization [i]
  113. () Cover to cover: creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals & albums [i]
  114. (/2006) Selling graphic & web design [i]
  115. () Screen printing: a literature review [i]
  116. Gabriele Fahr-Becker [ed] (/2007) Japanese prints [i]
  117. () Screenprinting: water-based techniques [i]
  118. (/2015) Letter fountain: the ultimate type reference guide [i]
  119. () The mapmaker's art: an illustrated history of cartography [i]
  120. (/2018) Industrial organic pigments: production, crystal structures, properties, applications [i] [d]
  121. () Literacy through the book arts [i]
  122. (/2014) Stop stealing sheep & find out how type works [i]
  123. (/2019) The elements of typographic style [i]
  124. (/2010) The complete typographer: a manual for designing with type [i]
  125. () Wordplay: ambigrams and reflections on the art of ambigrams [i]
  126. Rockport Publishers [ed] (/2010) The best of brochure design [yearbook] [i]
  127. () Graphic Americana: the art and technique of printed ephemera, from abecedaires to zoetropes [i]
  128. Poster Book Collective, South African History Archive [ed] () Images of defiance: South African resistance posters of the 1980s [i]
  129. (/2003) Color chemistry: syntheses, properties, and applications of organic dyes and pigments [i]
  130. () Screen printing: design & technique [i]
  131. () Envisioning information [i]
  132. () Better type [i]
  133. (/2018) New dimensions in photo processes: a step-by-step manual for alternative techniques [i] [d]
  134. () Working with graphic designers [i]
  135. (/2013) The newspaper designer's handbook [i]
  136. (/1999) Maps with the news: the development of American journalistic cartography [i]
  137. () The language of visual art: perception as a basis for design [i]
  138. (/2008) Detail in typography: letters, letterspacing, words, wordspacing, lines, linespacing, columns [i]
  139. () Water-based inks: a screenprinting manual for studio and classroom [o]
  140. () Control without confusion: troubleshooting screen-printed process color [i]
  141. (/2004) Getting it printed: how to work with printers and graphic imaging services to assure quality, stay on schedule and control costs [i]
  142. Joan Lyons [ed] () Artists' books: a critical anthology and sourcebook [i]
  143. () Elements of computer typography [d]
  144. () The low-cost wooden duplicator: how to make it, how to use it [i] [d]
  145. (/2000) Newspaper layout & design: a team approach [i]
  146. (/2003) Structure of the visual book [i]
  147. (/2006) A history of graphic design [or: Meggs' history of graphic design] [i]
  148. (/2001) The physics and chemistry of color: the fifteen causes of color [i]
  149. () The alternative printing handbook [i]
  150. (/2001) The visual display of quantitative information [i]
  151. () Signage: graphic communications in the built world [i]
  152. () The complete guide to prints and printmaking techniques and materials [i]
  153. (/1995) Bookbinding & conservation by hand: a working guide [i]
  154. Terence Dalley [ed] () The complete guide to illustration and design techniques and materials [i]
  155. () Made to measure: children's books in developing countries [i]
  156. () Early woodcut workshops [d] [j]
  157. () Colors from the Earth: the artists' guide to collecting, preparing, and using them [i]
  158. (/2004) Graphic idea notebook: a treasury of solutions to visual problems [i]
  159. () The Thames and Hudson manual of screen printing [i]
  160. () The democratic art: an exhibition on the history of chromolithography in America, 1840–1900 [i]
  161. (/1989) Signs and symbols: their design and meaning [i]
  162. () 100 great Chinese posters: recent examples of 'the people's art' from The People's Republic of China [i]
  163. David Woodward [ed] () Five centuries of map printing [i]
  164. (/1992) Print: how you can do it yourself! [i]
  165. (/1986) Visual messages: an introduction to graphics [i]
  166. () Making woodcuts [i]
  167. (/2020) Editing by design: the classic guide to winning readers for art directors, editors, designers, and students [or: Editing by design: for designers, art directors, and editors: the classic guide to winning readers] [i]
  168. (/1989) Cartographic design and production [i]
  169. () The history of street literature: the story of broadside ballads, chapbooks, proclamations, news-sheets, election bills, tracts, pamphlets, cocks, catchpennies, and other ephemera [i]
  170. (/1988) Practical lithographic printmaking [i]
  171. (/1990) The complete printmaker: techniques, traditions, innovations [i]
  172. () An approach to print: a basic guide to the printing processes [i]
  173. () Prints & people: a social history of printed pictures [i]
  174. (/1999) A short history of the printed word [i]
  175. (/1977) Techniques for producing visual instructional media [i]
  176. (/1984) Audio-visual communication handbook [o] [u]
  177. () Basic typography [o]
  178. () Printing as an index of taste [o] [d]
  179. () Silk-screen as a fine art: a handbook of contemporary silk-screen printing [i]
  180. (/2004) Bookmaking: editing, design, production [i]
  181. (/1985) History of cartography [o]
  182. () The complete book of silk screen printing production [o]
  183. (/1978) Handbook for preparing visual media [i]
  184. (/1983) Gestaltungsprobleme des Grafikers = The graphic artist and his design problems = Les problèmes d'un artiste graphique [i]
  185. (/1980) 57 how-to-do-it charts: on materials–equipment–techniques for screen printing [i]
  186. () Silk screen techniques [o]
  187. (/1990) The coming of the book: the impact of printing, 1450–1800 [i]
  188. (/2004) The reproduction of colour [i] [d]
  189. (/1983) Methods of book design: the practice of an industrial craft [i]
  190. (/1981) Photographic screen printing [i]
  191. (/1996) Five hundred years of printing [i]
  192. () Prints and visual communication [o]
  193. (/1957) Basic bookbinding [i]
  194. (/1971) Maps and diagrams: their compilation and construction [i]
  195. (/1958) Type: a selection of types, 80 alphabets of old and modern faces [o]
  196. (/1999) The Aztec and Maya papermakers [i]
  197. () International picture language: the first rules of Isotype [o]
  198. (/2017) The Chicago manual of style [i] [d] [u]
  199. () Forty centuries of ink [o] [u]
  200. (/1997) Composition: a series of exercises in art structure for the use of students and teachers [i] [u]
  201. () Official map of the state of Michigan: giving the names, locations and boundaries of counties, county seats, townships, towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed to October 1, 1897 [o] [u]
  202. Elizabeth Allen & Sophie Triantaphillidou [ed] (/2011) The manual of photography [i]
  203. () The chemistry of light and photography [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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