How to presence

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Intertemporal empathy decline: feeling less distress for future others' suffering [and its amelioration through imagination] [p] [d]
  2. () The ecological brain: unifying the sciences of brain, body, and environment [i] [d]
  3. () Against infinite nothingness: ultimate ground vs metaphysical nihilism in Indian philosophy [and comments and reply] [d]
  4. () Conceptualizing the history of the present time [i] [d]
  5. () Imagining reality: what it means to 'see things as they are' [u]
  6. () Seeing the field [u]
  7. () Multiple representations in geospatial databases, the brain's spatial cells, and deep learning algorithms [d]
  8. Gemma Anderson & John Dupré [ed] () Drawing processes of life: molecules, cells, organisms [i] [d] [j] [u]
  9. () The experience machine: how our minds predict and shape reality [i]
  10. Peter A. Corning, Stuart A. Kauffman, Denis Noble, James Alan Shapiro, Richard Irwin Vane-Wright, & Addy Pross [ed] () Evolution 'on purpose': teleonomy in living systems [i] [d]
  11. () What does the universe sound like? [u]
  12. () The self-extension dimensional assessment: an instrument development study [d]
  13. () Sentience as a system property: learning complexity and the evolution of consciousness [d]
  14. () Spirituality of science: implications for meaning, well-being, and learning [p] [d]
  15. () The book of minds: how to understand ourselves and other beings, from animals to AI to aliens [i]
  16. () Flexible goals require that inflexible perceptual systems produce veridical representations: implications for realism as revealed by evolutionary simulations [p] [d]
  17. () Materialist phenomenology: a philosophy of perception [specifically visual perception] [i] [d] [u]
  18. () The Interbeing Identity Scale: exploring the integration of our fundamental identity with all other beings, nature, and the cosmos [u]
  19. () Cosmic consciousness [a history of the term] [d]
  20. Stavros Ioannidis, Gal Vishne, Meir Hemmo, & Orly Shenker [ed] () Levels of reality in science and philosophy: re-examining the multi-level structure of reality [i] [d]
  21. () Awe: the new science of everyday wonder and how it can transform your life [i]
  22. () What we owe the future: a million-year view [i]
  23. () Buddhist philosophy and the embodied mind: a constructive engagement [i]
  24. () Perspectival realism [i] [d]
  25. () Neurodynamical computing at the information boundaries of intelligent systems [d]
  26. () The entangled brain: how perception, cognition, and emotion are woven together [i] [d]
  27. () How exercising now could benefit your future grandchildren [u]
  28. () The future is vast: longtermism's perspective on humanity's past, present, and future [u]
  29. () The abundance, biomass, and distribution of ants on Earth [p] [d]
  30. () Starry messenger: cosmic perspectives on civilization [i]
  31. () Levels, kinds and multiple realizability: the importance of what does not matter [i] [d]
  32. () An immense world: how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us [i]
  33. () Earth, our living planet: the Earth system and its co-evolution with organisms [i] [d]
  34. () The systemic concept of contextual truth [d]
  35. Daniel S. Brooks, James DiFrisco, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] () Levels of organization in the biological sciences [i] [d]
  36. Ian A. Crawford [ed] () Expanding worldviews: astrobiology, big history and cosmic perspectives [i] [d]
  37. Stephen Mark Gardiner [ed] (/2024) The Oxford handbook of intergenerational ethics [i] [d]
  38. () You are more than you think [i]
  39. () The farthest we can see [i] [d]
  40. () The cosmic zoom: scale, knowledge, and mediation [i] [d]
  41. () The significance of the past [d]
  42. () Visual perspective as a two-dimensional construct in episodic future thought [p] [d]
  43. () What's the worst that could happen?: existential risk and extreme politics [i] [d]
  44. () The next 500 years: engineering life to reach new worlds [i] [d]
  45. () Our world isn't organized into levels [i] [d] [u]
  46. () Being in flux: a post-anthropocentric ontology of the self [i]
  47. () Distant posterity (a philosophical glance along time's corridor) [i] [d]
  48. () Flux: 8 superpowers for thriving in constant change [i]
  49. () The future common ancestry of all present-day humans [d] [u]
  50. () The pivotal generation: why we have a moral responsibility to slow climate change right now [i] [d] [j]
  51. () Making sense of world history [i] [d] [u]
  52. () 'Timing' of scanning systems [u]
  53. () Time as kinship [i] [d] [u]
  54. () Why geography is so important [i] [d]
  55. () Empiricisms: experience and experiment from antiquity to the Anthropocene [i] [d]
  56. () Scientific perspectivism in the phenomenological tradition [p] [d] [u]
  57. () Picturing organisms and their environments: interaction, transaction, and constitution loops [p] [d] [u]
  58. () Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
  59. () Physical intelligence: the science of how the body and the mind guide each other through life [i]
  60. () No brain is an island [p] [d]
  61. () Good chemistry: the science of connection, from soul to psychedelics [i]
  62. () From multiperspective to contextual integrative thinking in adulthood: considerations on theorisation of adult thinking and its place as a component of wisdom [i] [d]
  63. Andrey V. Korotaev & David J. LePoire [ed] () The 21st century singularity and global futures: a big history perspective [i] [d]
  64. () The good ancestor: how to think long-term in a short-term world [i]
  65. () Cosmological theories of value: science, philosophy, and meaning in cosmic evolution [i] [d]
  66. () The attentional shaping of perceptual experience: an investigation into attention and cognitive penetrability [i] [d]
  67. () The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
  68. () Contingency and convergence: toward a cosmic biology of body and mind [i] [d]
  69. () Imagining mechanisms with diagrams [i] [d]
  70. () Some assembly required: decoding four billion years of life, from ancient fossils to DNA [i]
  71. () We are all in this life together [j] [u]
  72. () Who you are: the science of connectedness [i] [d]
  73. () All-ecology: Hägerstrand's thinking about human–environment interactions [d]
  74. () Speculation: within and about science [i] [d]
  75. () A brief argument for the overwhelming importance of shaping the far future [i] [d]
  76. () Le passage: towards the concept of a new knowledge instrument [in immersive dome environments] [o] [d] [u]
  77. () Dynamics is not enough: an interactivist perspective [d]
  78. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  79. () Space and time in the brain [i] [d]
  80. () Universal Darwinism and the origins of order [i] [d]
  81. () Pragmatism, perspectivism, and the historicity of science [i] [d] [u]
  82. () Safe-and-substantive perspectivism [i] [d] [u]
  83. () Origins: how earth's history shaped human history [i]
  84. () Thinking time geography: concepts, methods and applications [i] [d] [u]
  85. () Explanation, interdisciplinarity, and perspectives [i] [d] [u]
  86. () How to do things with sensors [i] [d] [j] [u]
  87. Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, John M. Smart, Claudio L. Flores Martinez, & Michael E. Price [ed] () Evolution, development and complexity: multiscale evolutionary models of complex adaptive systems [i] [d]
  88. () Seeing from all sides [i] [d]
  89. () Thinking in and about time: a dual systems perspective on temporal cognition [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  90. () History and persons [d]
  91. () A world beyond physics: the emergence and evolution of life [i]
  92. () Psychological time and intertemporal preference [p] [d]
  93. () Essay on perspectivism in the philosophy of science [u]
  94. () Life ≠ alive: What can Schrödinger's cat say about 3D printers on Mars? [u]
  95. () All data are local: thinking critically in a data-driven society [i] [d]
  96. () Usefulness drives representations to truth: a family of counterexamples to Hoffman's interface theory of perception [d]
  97. Michela Massimi & Casey D. McCoy [ed] () Understanding perspectivism: scientific and methodological prospects [i] [d] [u]
  98. () Creative expertise is associated with transcending the here and now [p] [d]
  99. () Apollo 11 [o]
  100. () Liquid rules: the delightful and dangerous substances that flow through our lives [i]
  101. () Perspectives, representation, and integration [i] [d] [u]
  102. Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández, Lorenzo Magnani, Francisco J. Salguero, Cristina Barés Gómez, & Matthieu Fontaine [ed] () Model-based reasoning in science and technology: inferential models for logic, language, cognition and computation [i] [d]
  103. () Picturing Apollo 11: rare views and undiscovered moments [i]
  104. () Elemental imagination and film experience: climate change and the cinematic ethics of immersive filmworlds [d]
  105. () Temporal focus: thinking about the past, present, and future [p] [d]
  106. () Remembering the future: natural disaster, place, and symbolic survival [d]
  107. () The infinite game [i]
  108. () Liquid brains, solid brains [p] [d] [u]
  109. () This could be our future: a manifesto for a more generous world [i]
  110. () Constructing reality with models [d] [j]
  111. () What is perspectivism, and does it count as realism? [i] [d] [u]
  112. () Becoming human: a theory of ontogeny [i] [d]
  113. () Universal ethics: organized complexity as an intrinsic value [i] [d]
  114. () Legacy motivations & the psychology of intergenerational decisions [p] [d]
  115. () One day: the extraordinary story of an ordinary 24 hours in America [i]
  116. () The heart of community engagement: practitioner stories from across the globe [i] [d]
  117. () The nature of life and death: every body leaves a trace [i]
  118. () Zen and deep evolution: the optical delusion of separation [d]
  119. () Timefulness: how thinking like a geologist can help save the world [i] [d] [j]
  120. Otávio Bueno, Ruey-lin Chen, & Melinda Bonnie Fagan [ed] () Individuation, process, and scientific practices [i] [d]
  121. () Formal approach to the metaphysics of perspectives: points of view as access [i] [d]
  122. () Earthrise +50: Apollo 8, Mead, Gore and Gaia [d]
  123. () Zen's nonegocentric perspectivism [i] [d]
  124. () Unfolding futures: Indigenous ways of knowing for the twenty-first century [d] [j]
  125. () Oneness: a big history perspective [i] [d] [j]
  126. () Emergentist naturalism in early Buddhism and Deweyan pragmatism [i] [d]
  127. Philip J. Ivanhoe, Owen J. Flanagan, Victoria S. Harrison, Hagop Sarkissian, & Eric Schwitzgebel [ed] () The oneness hypothesis: beyond the boundary of self [i] [d] [j]
  128. () The deep historical roots of organization and strategy: traumatic shocks, culture, and institutions [d]
  129. () Deliberation and long-term decisions: representing future generations [i] [d]
  130. () The plurality of perspectives [i] [d]
  131. () Remembering from the outside: personal memory and the perspectival mind [i] [d]
  132. () Rethinking time: implications for well-being [d]
  133. () From ontic structural realism to metaphysical coherentism [d]
  134. Albert Newen, Leon de Bruin, & Shaun Gallagher [ed] () Oxford handbook of 4E cognition [embodied, embedded, enactive, extended] [i] [d]
  135. Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré [ed] () Everything flows: towards a processual philosophy of biology [i] [d] [u]
  136. () Modesty as an excellence in moral perspective taking [d]
  137. () Into the extreme: U.S. environmental systems and politics beyond Earth [i] [j]
  138. () At home, even in the sky: trillions upon trillions of viruses fall from the sky each day [u]
  139. () Population thinking [i] [u]
  140. () Evolution of human cognition: temporal dynamics at biological and historical time scales [i] [d]
  141. () Culture and the extended phenotype: cognition and material culture in deep time [i] [d]
  142. () Applied knowledge organization and the history of the world [i] [d] [u]
  143. () Big history as a scaffold for futures education [d]
  144. () Perspectival structure and agentive self-location [i] [d]
  145. () A most improbable journey: a big history of our planet and ourselves [i]
  146. () Awe, the diminished self, and collective engagement: universals and cultural variations in the small self [p] [d]
  147. Christophe Bouton & Philippe Huneman [ed] () Time of nature and the nature of time: philosophical perspectives of time in natural sciences [i] [d]
  148. () Operant behavior in model systems [i] [d]
  149. Kirk Warren Brown & Mark R. Leary [ed] () The Oxford handbook of hypo-egoic phenomena [i] [d]
  150. () What makes time special? [i] [d]
  151. () Effectiveness of immersive videos in inducing awe: an experimental study [p] [d] [u]
  152. () Busting out: predictive brains, embodied minds, and the puzzle of the evidentiary veil [d] [j]
  153. () Models of the bibliographic universe [o] [d] [u]
  154. (/2019) Time, the future, and other fantasies [i] [d]
  155. () The role of multidirectional temporal analysis in scenario planning exercises and planning support systems [d]
  156. () Time scales and levels of organization [d] [j]
  157. N. J. Enfield & Paul Kockelman [ed] () Distributed agency [i] [d]
  158. () Enactivist interventions: rethinking the mind [i] [d]
  159. () Inner experience and the good therapist [i] [d]
  160. () Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
  161. Sara Green [ed] () Philosophy of systems biology: perspectives from scientists and philosophers [i] [d]
  162. () Why a systems thinking perspective on cognition matters for innovation and knowledge creation: a framework towards leaving behind our projections from the past for creating new futures [d]
  163. Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, & Marie Stenseke [ed] () Nature, temporality and environmental management: Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes [i] [d]
  164. () A new map of wonders: a journey in search of modern marvels [i] [d]
  165. () Reperceiving the future [d]
  166. () Cognitive ontology in flux: the possibility of protean brains [d]
  167. () John Dewey and an ecological philosophy of religion [u]
  168. () Prospection, well-being, and mental health [i] [d]
  169. () Root-brains: the frontiers of cognition in the light of John Dewey's philosophy of nature [d]
  170. () How is awe connected to wisdom? [u]
  171. () The six extinctions: visualizing planetary ecological crisis today [d]
  172. () Remembrance of things to come: a conversation between Zen and neuroscience on the predictive nature of the mind [d]
  173. () The active construction of the visual world [p] [d] [u]
  174. () The role of technologies in undermining the perennial philosophy [i] [d]
  175. () Terrestrial lessons: the conquest of the world as globe [i] [d]
  176. () Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst [i]
  177. () The zoomable universe: an epic tour through cosmic scale, from almost everything to nearly nothing [i]
  178. () Learning from animations: from 2D to 3D? [i] [d]
  179. () Brain connectivity during encoding and retrieval of spatial information: individual differences in navigation skills [p] [d] [u]
  180. () Persons as dialogical-hermeneutical-relational beings: new circumstances 'call out' new responses from us [d]
  181. () The knowledge illusion: why we never think alone [i]
  182. (/2019) Dewey and environmental philosophy [i] [d]
  183. () The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
  184. Frédérique de Vignemont & Adrian J. T. Alsmith [ed] () The subject's matter: self-consciousness and the body [i] [d]
  185. () Informed reflexivity: enacting epistemic virtue [d]
  186. R. Charles Weller [ed] () 21st-century narratives of world history: global and multidisciplinary perspectives [i] [d]
  187. () Seeing the whole [i]
  188. () Experienced wholeness: integrating insights from Gestalt theory, cognitive neuroscience, and predictive processing [i] [d]
  189. (/2019) Designing for a bigger picture: towards a macrosyntax for information visualizations [u]
  190. () The explanatory significance of wholes: how exclusive reliance on antecedent-consequent models of explanation undermines the study of persons [d]
  191. () Epistemic things in Charles and Ray Eames's Powers of ten [i] [d]
  192. Shyam Wuppuluri & Giancarlo Ghirardi [ed] () Space, time, and the limits of human understanding [i] [d]
  193. () The 'big picture': the problem of extrapolation in basic research [d] [j]
  194. () Accounting for possibilities in decision making [i] [d]
  195. () Physical, behavioral and spatiotemporal perspectives of home in humans and other animals [i] [d]
  196. () An embracing thought: contemporary Sōtō interpretations of hishiryō [d]
  197. () Beyond telling: where new computational media is taking model-based reasoning [i] [d]
  198. () Big history: examines our past, explains our present, imagines our future [i]
  199. () Family of related systemic elements (FoRSE) matrix: big(ger) picture thinking and application for business and organizations [i] [d]
  200. Yuval Dolev & Michael Roubach [ed] () Cosmological and psychological time [i] [d]
  201. Ross E. Dunn, Laura Jane Mitchell, & Kerry Ward [ed] () The new world history: a field guide for teachers and researchers [i] [d] [j]
  202. () Past and future adaptation pathways [d]
  203. () Program Earth: environmental sensing technology and the making of a computational planet [i] [d] [j] [u]
  204. () Rethinking individuality: the dialectics of the holobiont [d]
  205. Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries [ed] () Institutions for future generations [i] [d]
  206. () Overview: a new perspective of earth [i]
  207. () The interface theory of perception [d]
  208. () Distrusting the present [d]
  209. () Metatherapeutic processing as a change-based therapeutic immediacy task: building an initial process model using a task-analytic research strategy [d]
  210. () Environmental Virtual Observatories (EVOs): prospects for knowledge co-creation and resilience in the information age [d]
  211. () You belong to the universe: Buckminster Fuller and the future [i]
  212. () The distressed body: rethinking illness, imprisonment, and healing [i] [d]
  213. () Experiential personal construct psychology and the integral universe: theoretical and clinical implications [i] [d]
  214. () Everything counts: the organizing activity of an interpretive attitude [d]
  215. () The intelligent behavior of plants [d]
  216. Roman Madzia & Matthias Jung [ed] () Pragmatism and embodied cognitive science: from bodily intersubjectivity to symbolic articulation [i] [d]
  217. () Scientific models are distributed and never abstract: a naturalistic perspective [i] [d]
  218. () Time and consciousness [i] [d]
  219. () Dust [i] [d]
  220. () First person action research: living life as inquiry [i] [d]
  221. () Embodying rationality [i] [d]
  222. () Visualizing evolution as it happens [p] [d] [j]
  223. Rens van Munster & Casper Sylvest [ed] () The politics of globality since 1945: assembling the planet [i] [d]
  224. () Innovation in the collective brain [p] [d] [u]
  225. Mihai Nadin [ed] () Anticipation across disciplines [i] [d]
  226. () The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
  227. () The mindful self in space and time [i] [d]
  228. () From a zooming-in model to a co-creation model: towards a more dynamic account of classification and kinds [i] [d]
  229. () Historical epistemology of space: from primate cognition to spacetime physics [i] [d]
  230. () Between the international and the everyday: geopolitics and imaginaries of home [d]
  231. () An unfinished life: David Wildon Carr [d]
  232. () At land's end: novel spaces and the limits of planetarity [d]
  233. () Attitude: how we learn to inhabit the future [i] [d]
  234. () Atmosphere: context, detachment, and the view from above Earth [d]
  235. () Look inside: cutaway illustrations and visual storytelling [i]
  236. () Theory as vision [d]
  237. () The overview effect: awe and self-transcendent experience in space flight [d]
  238. () I contain multitudes: the microbes within us and a grander view of life [i]
  239. () One practice samādhi [or: Constantly sitting samādhi] [i] [j]
  240. () Emptiness and omnipresence: an essential introduction to Tiantai Buddhism [i] [j]
  241. () Vanishing into things: knowledge in Chinese tradition [i] [d]
  242. Jenny Andersson & Eglė Rindzevičiūtė [ed] () The struggle for the long-term in transnational science and politics: forging the future [i] [d]
  243. () Time perspective coaching [i] [d]
  244. () The stack: on software and sovereignty [i] [d]
  245. Margarita Vázquez Campos & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez [ed] () Temporal points of view: subjective and objective aspects [i] [d]
  246. () Occupation bedbug: or, the urgency and agency of professional pragmatism [d]
  247. () Questions for an open cultural institution: thinking together in provocative places [u]
  248. () All concepts are ad hoc concepts [i] [d] [j]
  249. () Surfing uncertainty: prediction, action, and the embodied mind [i] [d]
  250. Bruce Clarke [ed] () Earth, life, and system: evolution and ecology on a Gaian planet [i] [d] [j]
  251. () The now and the passage of time: from physics to psychology [d]
  252. Amy J. Elias & Christian Moraru [ed] () The planetary turn: relationality and geoaesthetics in the twenty-first century [i] [u]
  253. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  254. () Signal: understanding what matters in a world of noise [i]
  255. () Eliminating objects across the sciences [i] [d]
  256. () Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
  257. (/2016) The universe in your hand: a journey through space, time, and beyond [i]
  258. () A neurophenomenology of awe and wonder: towards a non-reductionist cognitive science [i] [d]
  259. () The orbital perspective: lessons in seeing the big picture from a journey of seventy-one million miles [i]
  260. () Radical alterity is just another way of saying 'reality': a reply to Eduardo Viveiros de Castro [d]
  261. () The digital globe and new mediations of the environment [i] [d]
  262. () The value of educators 'on the floor': comparing three modes of presenting Science On a Sphere [d]
  263. () Sounding the limits of life: essays in the anthropology of biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
  264. () Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
  265. () Spaceship Earth in the environmental age, 1960–1990 [i] [d]
  266. () Mediating scale: from the cosmic zoom to trans-scalar ecology [i] [u]
  267. () The life of lines [i] [d]
  268. () The age of the world motion picture: cosmic visions in the post-Earthrise era [i] [d]
  269. () Do meditators have higher awareness of their intentions to act? [d]
  270. () The uncharted territory: time perspective research meets clinical practice: temporal focus in psychotherapy across adulthood and old age [i] [d]
  271. () Subjective and objective aspects of points of view [i] [d]
  272. () How the living is in the world: an inquiry into the informational choreographies of life [d]
  273. () Cultivating intention (as we enter the fray): the skillful practice of embodying presence, awareness and purpose as action researchers [i] [d]
  274. () Reading for the planet: toward a geomethodology [i] [d]
  275. () Understanding starts in the mesocosm: conceptual metaphor as a framework for external representations in science teaching [d]
  276. () Sustainable values, sustainable change: a guide to environmental decision making [i] [d]
  277. () Rethinking thought: inside the minds of creative scientists and artists [i] [d]
  278. () A sketch is not enough: dynamic external support increases creative insight on a guided synthesis task [d]
  279. () The myth of the present moment [d]
  280. () Knowing differently in systemic intervention [d]
  281. () Analyzing in the present [d]
  282. () A new psychology for sustainability leadership: the hidden power of ecological worldviews [i] [d]
  283. () Living with the stars: how the human body is connected to the life cycles of the Earth, the planets, and the stars [i] [d]
  284. () The really big one: an earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest—the question is when [u]
  285. () Interdependence: biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
  286. Lívia Mathias Simão, Danilo Silva Guimarães, & Jaan Valsiner [ed] () Temporality: culture in the flow of human experience [i]
  287. () Surprisability and practical rationality: knowledge advancement through the explication of interpretation [i] [d]
  288. () Unflattening [i] [j]
  289. () Reclaiming travel [i] [d]
  290. () Alternative GIS (alt.gis) and the six senses of the new mind: is alt.gis transforming GIS into a liberation technology? [i] [d]
  291. () Governance capabilities for dealing wisely with wicked problems [d]
  292. () Waste [i] [d]
  293. () My GIS: a ten by ten approach [GIS as a model for individualized medicine] [i]
  294. () The singular universe and the reality of time: a proposal in natural philosophy [i] [d]
  295. () Skyfaring: a journey with a pilot [i]
  296. () Mental simulation and meaning in life [p] [d] [u]
  297. () Patterns in the fabric of nature [i] [d]
  298. () The invention of nature: Alexander von Humboldt's new world [i]
  299. Valtteri Arstila & Dan Lloyd [ed] () Subjective time: the philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience of temporality [i] [d] [j]
  300. () The power of noticing: what the best leaders see [i]
  301. () Cosmigraphics: picturing space through time [i]
  302. () Scalar travel documentaries: animating the limits of the body and life [d]
  303. () Big questions come in bundles, hence they should be tackled systemically [p] [d]
  304. () Developmental process emerges from extended brain–body–behavior networks [p] [d] [u]
  305. () Complexity in relational processing predicts changes in functional brain network dynamics [p] [d]
  306. () The universe as a process of unique events [d]
  307. () Complexity and dynamical depth [d]
  308. () Coming of age in the geospatial revolution: the geographic self re-defined [and reply by Mary Gauvain] [d] [j]
  309. () Reality mining: using big data to engineer a better world [i] [j]
  310. () Species, historicity, and path dependency [d] [j]
  311. () Theory U applied in transformative development [i]
  312. () The structure of the world: metaphysics and representation [i] [d]
  313. (/2016) Pragmatic interventions into enactive and extended conceptions of cognition [i] [d]
  314. () The power of 'mapping the territory': why economists should become more aware of the performativity of their models [d]
  315. Olen Gunnlaugson, Charles Baron, & Mario Cayer [ed] () Perspectives on theory U: insights from the field [i]
  316. () Gaia: 'thinking like a planet' as transformative learning [d]
  317. () Dimensions of integration in embedded and extended cognitive systems [d]
  318. () The homing instinct: meaning & mystery in animal migration [i]
  319. () Our cosmic insignificance [or significance?] [p] [d] [j] [u]
  320. () Taking the pulse of a continent: expanding site-based research infrastructure for regional- to continental-scale ecology [d]
  321. () The myth of the bodily felt sense [i]
  322. Peter J. Rentfrow [ed] () Geographical psychology: exploring the interaction of environment and behavior [i] [d]
  323. () The bird's-eye view: toward an environmental history of aviation [d]
  324. () Remote sensing place: satellite images as visual spatial imaginaries [d]
  325. () A natural history of human thinking [i] [d] [j]
  326. () The beginning and the end: the meaning of life in a cosmological perspective [i] [d]
  327. () Sensor data streams [i] [d]
  328. () Living systems theory of vocational behavior and development [i] [d]
  329. () Depth, perception, and action: past, present, and future [d]
  330. () Perspective: the calm within the storm [i]
  331. () Perspectival knowing: Karl Jaspers and Ronald N. Giere [i] [d]
  332. () The role of locomotion in psychological development [p] [d] [u]
  333. (/2017) Interactivity and embodied cues in problem solving, learning and insight: further contributions to a 'theory of hints' [i] [d]
  334. () Curiosity: how science became interested in everything [i] [d]
  335. () The big world in the small: layered dynamics of meaning-making in the everyday [d]
  336. () Outer space religion and the overview effect: a critical inquiry into a classic of the pro-space movement [d]
  337. () Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  338. () Science and the messy, uncontrollable world of nature [i] [d]
  339. () The feeling body: affective science meets the enactive mind [i] [d]
  340. Stephen J. Cowley & Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau [ed] (/2017) Cognition beyond the brain: computation, interactivity and human artifice [i] [d]
  341. () Emotional states from affective dynamics [d]
  342. () The role of mental simulation in embodied cognition [d]
  343. () Constructing memory, imagination, and empathy: a cognitive neuroscience perspective [p] [d] [u]
  344. () Caring and well-being: a lifeworld approach [i] [d]
  345. () Onward [or: Unity] [i] [d]
  346. () Moment-to-moment brain signal variability: a next frontier in human brain mapping? [p] [d] [u]
  347. () The derivation of space [i]
  348. () Epistemic economics and organization: forms of rationality and governance for a wiser economy [i] [d]
  349. (/2016) The fragmentation of philosophy, the road to reintegration [i] [d]
  350. () Towards an ontology of the present moment [d]
  351. () Shapes, scents and sounds: quantifying the full multi-sensory basis of conceptual knowledge [p] [d]
  352. () The predictive mind [i] [d]
  353. () Macrocognition: a theory of distributed minds and collective intentionality [i] [d]
  354. Chris Impey, Anna H. Spitz, & William R. Stoeger [ed] () Encountering life in the universe: ethical foundations and social implications of astrobiology [i] [j]
  355. () Making: anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture [i] [d]
  356. Pietari Kääpä & Tommy Gustafsson [ed] () Transnational ecocinema: film culture in an era of ecological transformation [i]
  357. (/2017) Thinking with external representations [i] [d]
  358. () How forests think: toward an anthropology beyond the human [i] [d] [j]
  359. () The once and future world: finding wilderness in the nature we've made [or: The once and future world: nature as it was, as it is, as it could be] [i]
  360. () Big data in history: a world-historical archive [i] [d]
  361. () The engine of complexity: evolution as computation [i] [d] [j]
  362. () Sensor technologies: healthcare, wellness, and environmental applications [i] [d]
  363. () Evidence-centered design for simulation-based assessment [p] [d]
  364. () Coherence of pre-service physics teachers' views of the relatedness of physics concepts [d]
  365. () The tangle of space and time in human cognition [p] [d]
  366. () To touch the face of God: the sacred, the profane and the American space program, 1957–1975 [i] [d]
  367. () Cartography as a window to the world [d]
  368. Anat Pick & Guinevere Narraway [ed] () Screening nature: cinema beyond the human [i] [d] [j] [u]
  369. () Drilling into complex 3D models with gimlenses [i] [d] [u]
  370. () How many trees are there in the Amazon? [u]
  371. () Behavioral landscapes and change in behavioral landscapes: a multiple time-scale density distribution approach [d]
  372. () People as sensors and collective sensing—contextual observations complementing geo-sensor network measurements [i] [d]
  373. () Real-time space–time integration in GIScience and geography [d]
  374. Nikol Rummel, Manu Kapur, Mitchell J. Nathan, & Sadhana Puntambekar [ed] () To see the world and a grain of sand: learning across levels of space, time and scale: CSCL2013, June 15–19, 2013, University of Wisconsin–Madison: proceedings [u]
  375. () The Gaia hypothesis: science on a pagan planet [i]
  376. () Crisis mapping, bio blitzes, and Google Flu Trends [u]
  377. () Leading from the emerging future: from ego-system to eco-system economies [i]
  378. () The universe within: discovering the common history of rocks, planets, and people [i]
  379. () Human cumulative cultural evolution as a form of distributed computation [i] [d]
  380. () Landscape of the unknown: mobilizing three understandings of landscape to interpret American and Indian cinematic outer space [d]
  381. () Self-emplacement in the lifeworld: the geographic imagination of American middle adolescents [o] [u]
  382. Marjorie Taylor [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the development of imagination [i] [d]
  383. () Space as an invention of biological organisms [u]
  384. () Rethinking biodiversity: from goods and services to 'living with' [d]
  385. () Putting time in perspective [u]
  386. () Martin Luther King Jr. and the morality of legal practice: lessons in love and justice [i] [d]
  387. () Dialectics, complexity, and the systemic approach: toward a critical reconciliation [d] [u]
  388. () A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
  389. () Karl Jaspers' multiperspectivalism [p] [d]
  390. () On polycubism: outlining a dynamic information visualization framework for the humanities and social sciences [u]
  391. () Building imaginary worlds: the theory and history of subcreation [i] [d]
  392. () Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing [p] [d] [u]
  393. () How many cells are in your body? [u]
  394. () A theory of spatial system archetypes [d]
  395. (/2022) The stardust revolution: the new story of our origin in the stars [i]
  396. () Environmental concern, moral education and our place in nature [d]
  397. () Introduction to the senses: from biology to computer science [i] [d]
  398. () History from within?: contextualizing the new neurohistory and seeking its methods [d]
  399. () What a plant knows: a field guide to the senses [i]
  400. () Seeing deep structure from the interactions of surface features [d]
  401. () Developing an integrated history and future of people on earth (IHOPE) [d]
  402. () Anchoring a terrain: landscape beyond urbanism [i] [d]
  403. () Walking in beauty: an American Indian perspective on social justice [d]
  404. () Maps help landowners think beyond human scale [d]
  405. () Layered history: styles of reasoning as stratified conditions of possibility [d]
  406. () How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
  407. () Homology thinking [d]
  408. () Epistemological parallels between the Nikāyas and the Upaniṣads [d]
  409. () Metacognition and reasoning [p] [d] [u]
  410. () The time of the explicating process [i] [d]
  411. () Implicit precision [i] [d]
  412. () Process generates structures: structures alone don't generate process [u]
  413. () Scientific cognition: human centered but not human bound [d]
  414. () A symbiotic view of life: we have never been individuals [p] [d]
  415. () Keep in touch [d]
  416. () Ecoliterate: how educators are cultivating emotional, social, and ecological intelligence [i]
  417. () Thinking like a planet [i] [d] [j]
  418. () Entangled: an archaeology of the relationships between humans and things [i] [d]
  419. () A transdisciplinary world model [d]
  420. () The construction of visual reality [i] [d]
  421. () Rest is not idleness: implications of the brain's default mode for human development and education [p] [d] [j] [u]
  422. () What is systemic about systemic therapy?: therapy models muddle embodied systemic practice [d]
  423. () Planetary science in higher education: ideas and experiences [d]
  424. () Plugging the 'whole': librarians as interdisciplinary facilitators [d]
  425. () The agile mind [i] [d]
  426. () Plant intentionality and the phenomenological framework of plant intelligence [p] [d]
  427. () Domesticating the universe [d]
  428. () Branching in the landscape of possibilities [d] [j]
  429. () Concrete vs abstract visualisation: the real world as a canvas for data visualisation [i]
  430. () Varieties of presence [i] [d] [j]
  431. Douglas Taylor Northrop [ed] () A companion to world history [i] [d]
  432. () The nonlinear world: conceptual analysis and phenomenology [i] [d]
  433. Howard H. Pattee & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi [ed] () Laws, language and life: Howard Pattee's classic papers on the physics of symbols with contemporary commentary [i] [d]
  434. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  435. () Conservation and the microbiome [and comment] [p] [d] [j] [u]
  436. () Learning by mapping across situations [d]
  437. () Self-organization takes time too [d]
  438. () Experimental evidence for improved neuroimaging interpretation using three-dimensional graphic models [d]
  439. () Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
  440. () The future of memory: remembering, imagining, and the brain [p] [d] [u]
  441. () Complexity and extended phenomenological–cognitive systems [d]
  442. () Looking through Hägerstrand's dual vistas: towards a unifying framework for time geography [d]
  443. () Time scales of memory, learning, and plasticity [d]
  444. Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer [ed] () Ecological rationality: intelligence in the world [i] [d]
  445. () Narrating the environmental apocalypse: how imagining the end facilitates moral reasoning among environmental activists [d]
  446. () Reflections on a definition: revisiting the meaning of learning [i] [d]
  447. () A macro economy as an ecology of plans [d]
  448. () The fundamentals of imaging: from particles to galaxies [i]
  449. () The cloud of knowing: blurring the difference with China [d] [u]
  450. () Many entities, no identity [d] [j]
  451. () The power of specificity in psychotherapy: when therapy works and when it doesn't [i]
  452. () The neurobiology of semantic memory [p] [d] [u]
  453. () Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
  454. () True belonging: mindful practices to help you overcome loneliness, connect with others, and cultivate happiness [i]
  455. () Two unification strategies: analysis or reduction, and synthesis or integration [i] [d]
  456. () Steps to an ecology of systems: Whole Earth and systemic holism [i]
  457. () Exploring the past and future of our planet: not bit-by-bit but all at once [d]
  458. () The connection between postformal thought, stage transition, persistence, and ambition and major scientific innovations [i] [d]
  459. () Philosophy and simulation: the emergence of synthetic reason [i]
  460. () Drift into failure: from hunting broken components to understanding complex systems [i]
  461. () Pitholes in space-time: structure and ontology of physical geometry [i] [d]
  462. () Advancing a second-person contemplative approach for collective wisdom and leadership development [d]
  463. () Geography as ecology [i] [d]
  464. () My work is that of conservation: an environmental biography of George Washington Carver [i] [j]
  465. (/2014) Time in powers of ten: natural phenomena and their timescales [i] [d]
  466. () Being alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description [i] [d]
  467. () From the scala naturae to the symbiogenetic and dynamic tree of life [d]
  468. () Toward an integrated history to guide the future [d]
  469. () The battle for compassion: ethics in an apathetic universe [i]
  470. () Multidimensional reality [d] [u]
  471. (/2012) Samsara [i] [u]
  472. () The 'non-cuttable' space in between: context, boundaries and their natural fluidity [p] [d]
  473. () A common earth religion: world religions from an ecological perspective [d]
  474. () Epigenetics: embedded bodies and the molecularisation of biography and milieu [d]
  475. () Such stuff as dreams: the psychology of fiction [i] [d]
  476. () Ecosystems emerging. 5: Constraints [d]
  477. () A mixed self: the role of symbiosis in development [d]
  478. () Space cannot be cut—why self-identity naturally includes neighbourhood [p] [d]
  479. () The complexity of moral learning: diversity, deprovincialisation and privilege [d]
  480. () Live geography: interoperable geo-sensor webs facilitating the vision of Digital Earth [u]
  481. () The un-making of a method: from rating scales to the study of psychological processes [d]
  482. Astrid E. Schwarz & Kurt Jax [ed] () Ecology revisited: reflecting on concepts, advancing science [i] [d]
  483. () Perplexities of consciousness [i] [d]
  484. Andrew Shryock, Daniel Lord Smail, & Timothy K. Earle [ed] () Deep history: the architecture of past and present [i] [d] [j]
  485. () An alternative map of the United States based on an n-dimensional model of geographic space [d]
  486. () On the nature of concepts [d]
  487. () Becoming planetary [d]
  488. () The ontology of process philosophy in Follett's administrative theory [d]
  489. () Conceptualizing the heterogeneity, embeddedness, and ongoing restructuring that make ecological complexity 'unruly' [i] [d]
  490. () Situation awareness and virtual globes: applications for disaster management [d]
  491. () We are all stakeholders of Gaia: a normative perspective on stakeholder thinking [d]
  492. () Society–nature coevolution: interdisciplinary concept for sustainability [d] [j]
  493. () Taking emergence seriously: the centrality of circular causality for dynamic systems approaches to development [d] [j]
  494. () Illustrative molecular visualization with continuous abstraction [d]
  495. Liliana Albertazzi, Gert J. Van Tonder, & Dhanraj Vishwanath [ed] () Perception beyond inference: the information content of visual processes [i] [d]
  496. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  497. () Removing brakes on adult brain plasticity: from molecular to behavioral interventions [p] [d] [u]
  498. () Vibrant matter: a political ecology of things [i] [d]
  499. () Darwinian sociocultural evolution: solutions to dilemmas in cultural and social theory [i] [d]
  500. () We are sunlight-animated stardust [u]
  501. () 'I am insubstantial in the universe. But in the universe, there is nothing which is not me': toward a Chan ecocriticism, ecology, and the experience of film [j]
  502. () Life as performance art: right and left brain function, implicit knowing, and 'felt coherence' [i] [d]
  503. () The return of universal history [or universal time-geography?] [d] [j]
  504. () Predictive coding and the neural response to predictable stimuli [p] [d] [u]
  505. () American citizen, global citizen: how expanding your identity makes you richer, stronger, wiser—and builds a better world [i]
  506. () An agent-based conception of models and scientific representation [d] [j]
  507. () Depicting time evolving flow with illustrative visualization techniques [i] [d]
  508. () Challenging anthropocentric analysis of visual data: a relational materialist methodological approach to educational research [d]
  509. () Cognitive ecology [d]
  510. (/2017) Systems practice: how to act in situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world [or: Systems practice: how to act in a climate change world] [i] [d]
  511. () Celestial navigations: the short films of Al Jarnow [includes: Cosmic clock] [o]
  512. () Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
  513. () Digital Earth's nervous system for crisis events: real-time sensor web enablement of volunteered geographic information [d]
  514. Nona Lyons [ed] () Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
  515. Lorenzo Magnani, Walter A. Carnielli, & Claudio Pizzi [ed] () Model-based reasoning in science and technology: abduction, logic, and computational discovery [i] [d]
  516. () Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
  517. () The dynamic development of thinking, feeling, and acting over the life span [i] [d]
  518. () Teaching mindfulness: a practical guide for clinicians and educators [i] [d]
  519. () Putting egocentric and allocentric into perspective [i] [d]
  520. Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] () The mind in context [i]
  521. () Space-time in the brain [i] [d]
  522. () Putting the 'world' in world history [d]
  523. Nancey C. Murphy & Christopher C. Knight [ed] () Human identity at the intersection of science, technology, and religion [i] [d]
  524. Romi Nijhawan & Beena Khurana [ed] () Space and time in perception and action [i] [d]
  525. () Realizing Genjōkōan: the key to Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō [i]
  526. () Sensing changes: technologies, environments, and the everyday, 1953–2003 [i]
  527. () The call of passive history [u]
  528. () What does it mean to be human? [i]
  529. () Observational approaches in ecology open new ground in a changing world [d]
  530. () The timespace of human activity: on performance, society, and history as indeterminate teleological events [i]
  531. () Leadership as art: leaders coming to their senses [d]
  532. () Forms of vitality: exploring dynamic experience in psychology, the arts, psychotherapy, and development [i]
  533. () Earth religion and radical religious reformation [i]
  534. () How brains make mental models [i] [d]
  535. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  536. () Dimensions of intersubjectivity in Mahāyāna-Buddhism and relational psychoanalysis [d]
  537. () Novelty as a dimension in the affective brain [d]
  538. () Distributed identity: human beings as walking, thinking ecologies in the microbial world [i] [d]
  539. () The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google [i]
  540. () Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction [p] [d] [u]
  541. Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans, & Patrick Wilken [ed] () The Oxford companion to consciousness [i] [d]
  542. () The accomplishment of authority through presentification: how authority is distributed among and negotiated by organizational members [d]
  543. () Embodied attentiveness: recognising the language of movement [d]
  544. () Models and perspectives on stage: remarks on Giere's Scientific perspectivism [d]
  545. () Mapping globalization: a conversation between a filmmaker and a cartographer [d]
  546. (/2016) History and science after the chronometric revolution [i] [d] [j]
  547. () The role of imagistic simulation in scientific thought experiments [d]
  548. () Extended life [d]
  549. Steven J. Dick & Mark Lupisella [ed] () Cosmos & culture: cultural evolution in a cosmic context [i] [u]
  550. () Seeking our place in the web of life: animals and human spirituality [d]
  551. () No small matter: science on the nanoscale [i]
  552. () Enactivism and the unity of perception and action [d]
  553. () Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification [p] [d] [j]
  554. () We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
  555. () Relational being: beyond self and community [i]
  556. () Why the brain talks to itself: sources of error in emotional prediction [p] [d] [u]
  557. () Oriented flows: the molecular biology and political economy of the stew [d] [j]
  558. () Tillvaroväven [i]
  559. () The construction system of the brain [p] [d] [u]
  560. () The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world [i]
  561. () See yourself as a system [i]
  562. () Re-thinking Apollo: envisioning environmentalism in space [d]
  563. () Point, line and counterpoint: from environment to fluid space [i] [d]
  564. () Parallel coordinates: visual multidimensional geometry and its applications [i] [d]
  565. () Where thought belongs: an anthropological critique of the project of philosophy [d]
  566. Dale Jacquette [ed] () Reason, method, and value: a reader on the philosophy of Nicholas Rescher [i] [d]
  567. () Letting everything become your teacher: 100 lessons in mindfulness [i]
  568. () Problem solving and situated cognition [i] [d] [u]
  569. () Tracking the emergence of conceptual knowledge during human decision making [p] [d] [u]
  570. () The fallacy of partitioning: epigenetics' validation of the organism-environment system [d]
  571. () Temporal convergence for knowledge management [d]
  572. () Earth in our care: ecology, economy, and sustainability [i] [d] [j]
  573. () The provenance and control of behavior: simplistic answers are doomed to fail [d]
  574. () Unsimple truths: science, complexity, and policy [i] [d]
  575. () Simulation: Art or science? How to teach it? [d]
  576. () Imagining predictions: mental imagery as mental emulation [p] [d] [u]
  577. () Out of our heads: why you are not your brain, and other lessons from the biology of consciousness [i]
  578. () Friends, neighbors, and boundaries [d]
  579. () Time-structured and net intraindividual variability: tools for examining the development of dynamic characteristics and processes [d]
  580. () Examining the 'whole child' to generate usable knowledge [d]
  581. () Unknowability: an inquiry into the limits of knowledge [i]
  582. Philip Robbins & Murat Aydede [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition [i] [d]
  583. () The dynamics of action-oriented problem solving: linking interpretation and choice [d] [j]
  584. () Presencing Institute toolbook [u]
  585. () Mindful teaching & teaching mindfulness: a guide for anyone who teaches anything [i]
  586. () How to make sense of weak signals [u]
  587. () At home in the world: human nature, ecological thought, and education after Darwin [i]
  588. () Future orientation: developmental and ecological perspectives [i] [d]
  589. () The ethics of Google Earth: crossing thresholds from spatial data to landscape visualisation [d]
  590. () The creative power: transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world [i] [d]
  591. Charles A. P. Smith, Jeffrey G. Morrison, & Kenneth W. Kisiel [ed] () Working through synthetic worlds [i]
  592. () The generalist approach [d]
  593. () Healing spaces: the science of place and well-being [i]
  594. () In the light of time [d]
  595. () Momentary reductions of attention permit greater processing of irrelevant stimuli [d]
  596. () How we live and why we die: the secret lives of cells [i]
  597. () Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
  598. () Volitional pragmatism [d]
  599. Eric Chivian & Aaron Bernstein [ed] () Sustaining life: how human health depends on biodiversity [i]
  600. () Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension [i] [d]
  601. () Creative model construction in scientists and students: the role of imagery, analogy, and mental stimulation [i] [d]
  602. () Landscapes of feeling, arenas of action: information visualization as art practice [d] [j] [u]
  603. () The healthy aging brain: sustaining attachment, attaining wisdom [i]
  604. () Self-reflection across time: cortical midline structures differentiate between present and past selves [d]
  605. () Know yourself and you shall know the other... to a certain extent: multiple paths of influence of self-reflection on mindreading [p] [d]
  606. () Human time perception and its illusions [d]
  607. () To rest assured: a study of artistic development [u]
  608. () Architectural design and ethics: tools for survival [i] [d]
  609. () The tempest: anthropology and human development [i] [d]
  610. () Shivers down your spine: cinema, museums, and the immersive view [i] [j]
  611. () Defining a digital earth system [d]
  612. () Sense of place and sense of planet: the environmental imagination of the global [i] [d]
  613. () The semiotic body [d]
  614. () Gardening at the dragon's gate: at work in the wild and cultivated world [i]
  615. () Non-human agencies: trees in place and time [i] [d]
  616. Carl Knappett & Lambros Malafouris [ed] () Material agency: towards a non-anthropocentric approach [i] [d]
  617. () Beyond control of variables: what needs to develop to achieve skilled scientific thinking? [d]
  618. () On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
  619. () The psychology of transcending the here and now [p] [d] [j] [u]
  620. () Resisting individualism, advocating solidarity [i]
  621. () A brief history of interdependence [i] [d]
  622. () Peer consultation for mediators: the use of a holding environment to support mediator reflection, inquiry, and self-knowing [d]
  623. () Creating scientific concepts [i] [d]
  624. () Wave rider: leadership for high performance in a self-organizing world [i]
  625. () The continuous present in Ozu Yasujirō's Late spring [d]
  626. () Earthrise: how man first saw the Earth [i]
  627. () The edge of awareness: Gendlin's contribution to explorations of implicit experience [d]
  628. () Representing concepts in time [i] [d]
  629. () Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
  630. () Changing bodies: habit, crisis and creativity [i] [d]
  631. () The common neural basis of autobiographical memory, prospection, navigation, theory of mind, and the default mode: a quantitative meta-analysis [d]
  632. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  633. () Why do we keep turning time into space? [i] [d] [u]
  634. Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] () Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
  635. () A response to Lynn Preston's explication of implicit experience in the work of Eugene Gendlin: an appreciation [d]
  636. () 'Do not block the path of inquiry!': Peircean abduction, the tacit dimension, and biosemiotic creativity in nature and culture [d]
  637. () Dynamics GIS: recognizing the dynamic nature of reality [u]
  638. Stein Bråten [ed] () On being moved: from mirror neurons to empathy [i] [d]
  639. () The world in which we occur: John Dewey, pragmatist ecology, and American ecological writing in the twentieth century [i]
  640. () Self-projection and the brain [p] [d]
  641. () Cartographic cinema [i] [j]
  642. () Emergent pedagogy: learning to enjoy the uncontrollable—and make it productive [d]
  643. () Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology [d]
  644. () Dynamic prisms and 'instant access': linking opportunities in space to decision making in time [i] [d]
  645. () Making up the mind: how the brain creates our mental world [i]
  646. () A transparently scalable visualization architecture for exploring the universe [d]
  647. () What got you here won't get you there: how successful people become even more successful [i]
  648. () Actions as space–time shapes [d]
  649. () Time value of knowledge: time-based frameworks for valuing knowledge [u]
  650. () Learning from people, things, and signs [d]
  651. () Lines: a brief history [i] [d]
  652. () Leadership agility: five levels of mastery for anticipating and initiating change [i]
  653. () Each moment is the universe: Zen and the way of being time [i]
  654. () The human microbiome: eliminating the biomedical/environmental dichotomy in microbial ecology [d]
  655. () Dazzle gradually: reflections on the nature of nature [i]
  656. () Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
  657. () Confronting macrosocial worries: worry about environmental problems and proactive coping among a group of young volunteers [d]
  658. () Toward a geographically-integrated, connected world history: employing geographic information systems (GIS) [d]
  659. () Evocative cues and presence: relational consciousness within qualitative research [d]
  660. John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] () Listening from the heart of silence [i]
  661. (/2016) Theory U: leading from the future as it emerges: the social technology of presencing [or: Theory U: leading from the emerging future] [i]
  662. () The continuity of mind [i] [d]
  663. () Maps narratives and trails: performativity, hodology and distributed knowledges in complex adaptive systems—an approach to emergent mapping [d]
  664. () The unshuttered heart: opening to aliveness/deadness in the self [i]
  665. () How to re-imagine the world: a pocket guide for practical visionaries [i]
  666. () Event perception: a mind–brain perspective [p] [d] [u]
  667. () Cognitive interdependence: considering self-in-relationship [i]
  668. Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] () Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
  669. () Integrating the psychotherapies through their emphases on the future [i] [d]
  670. () Chasing reality: strife over realism [i] [d] [j]
  671. () Roots of human family tree are shallow [u]
  672. () A glimpse out the window: landscapes, livelihoods, and the environment [d]
  673. () What is the middle ground, anyway? [d] [j]
  674. () Breaking from the weight of the eternal present: teaching organizational difference [d]
  675. () Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
  676. () Perspectival knowledge and distributed cognition [i] [d]
  677. () Scientific perspectivism [i] [d]
  678. () Timeliness as the appropriate concept of time [i] [d]
  679. () Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought [d]
  680. () The 9 disciplines of a facilitator: leading groups by transforming yourself [i]
  681. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  682. () Luminous mind: meditation and mind fitness [i]
  683. Cathryn A. Manduca & David W. Mogk [ed] () Earth and mind: how geologists think and learn about the earth [i]
  684. () Facing death: theme and variations [i]
  685. () Mind set!: reset your thinking and see the future [i]
  686. () The music of life: biology beyond the genome [i]
  687. () The stench of death and the aromas of life: the poetics of ways of knowing and sensory process among Piaroa of the Orinoco basin [u]
  688. () When it rains, does space get wet?: living the time–space–knowledge-vision [i]
  689. () Embodied categorizing in the grounded theory method: methodical hermeneutics in action [d]
  690. () How much can be known?: a Leibnizian perspective on the quantitative discrepancy between linguistic truth and objective fact [i] [d]
  691. Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] () Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
  692. () Disenchanting the rhetoric: human uniqueness and human responsibility [p] [d] [j]
  693. () Imaginary worldplay in childhood and maturity and its impact on adult creativity [d]
  694. () Understanding process from within: an argument for 'withness'-thinking [d]
  695. () The importance of feeling whole: learning to 'feel connected', community, and adult development [i]
  696. () Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death [i] [d]
  697. () Qualities of engagement and the analyst's theory [d]
  698. () Faith, evidence, and action: better guesses in an unknowable world [d]
  699. () Mindfulness and the quality of organizational attention [d] [j]
  700. () Process and the authentic life: toward a psychology of value [i] [d]
  701. () Enhancing experiential and subjective qualities of discrete structure representations with aesthetic computing [d]
  702. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  703. () Tracing thought through time and space: a selective review of bibliometrics in social work [d]
  704. () Process, perception, and practice: time perspectivism in Yosemite native demography [d]
  705. (/2014) Evolution in four dimensions: genetic, epigenetic, behavioral, and symbolic variation in the history of life [i] [d]
  706. () Facilitating the whole system in the room [i]
  707. () Embracing confusion: what leaders do when they don't know what to do [d]
  708. () The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
  709. () What really is strategic process? [i]
  710. () On becoming an artist: reinventing yourself through mindful creativity [i]
  711. () To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure [i] [d]
  712. () Getting the big picture in community science: methods that capture context [p] [d]
  713. () Change processes in development: the concept of coactive scaffolding [d]
  714. () Sustainability: a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management [i] [d]
  715. () The when of knowing [d]
  716. () Hägerstrand matters: life(-path) and death matters—some touching remarks [d]
  717. (/2007) Causal perspectivalism [i] [u]
  718. () Unfreezing the future: exploring the dynamic of time in organizational change [d]
  719. () Neither brain nor ghost: a nondualist alternative to the mind–brain identity theory [i] [d]
  720. () From conscientization to interbeing: a personal journey [i] [d]
  721. () How the brain decides what we see [p] [d] [u]
  722. () Timely and transforming leadership inquiry and action: toward triple-loop awareness [u]
  723. () On the importance of tightening feedback loops for sustainable development of food systems [d]
  724. () Unruly complexity: ecology, interpretation, engagement [i] [d]
  725. () Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
  726. () Multi-agent systems, time geography, and microsimulations [i] [d]
  727. () Connecting levels: a systems view on stakeholder dialogue for sustainability [d]
  728. () How does it work?: the search for explanatory mechanisms [d]
  729. () The one who is not busy: connecting with work in a deeply satisfying way [i]
  730. () Strategy and time: really recognizing the future [i]
  731. () The irreducible complexity of objectivity [d] [j]
  732. () We are one: grief, weeping, and other deep emotions in response to nature as a path toward wholeness [d]
  733. () Sustainability requires the ability to generate useful narratives capable of surfing complex time [i] [d]
  734. () Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems [i]
  735. () How models are used to represent reality [d] [j]
  736. () The two vistas [d] [j]
  737. () Beyond biology and culture: the meaning of evolution in a relational world [d]
  738. () I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
  739. () The physical context of creativity [d]
  740. () Geovisualization of human activity patterns using 3D GIS: a time-geographic approach [i] [u]
  741. () Multiple pasts, converging presents, and alternative futures [d]
  742. () Bohr's complementarity and Goldstein's holism in reflective pragmatism [u]
  743. Jack Petranker [ed] () A new kind of knowledge: evocations, exhibitions, extensions, and excavations [i]
  744. () Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
  745. () Space, time and science: individuals, emergence and geographies of space and place [i] [d]
  746. () Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans [p] [d]
  747. () Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
  748. () Earth pulses in direct current [i] [d]
  749. () The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
  750. () Computers and geography: from automated geography to Digital Earth [i] [d]
  751. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  752. () Thinking like Einstein: returning to our visual roots with the emerging revolution in computer information visualization [i]
  753. () Message from a human gut symbiont: sensitivity is a prerequisite for sharing [d]
  754. () Situated simulation in the human conceptual system [d]
  755. () Confronting the gaps by being present in 'not knowing' [u]
  756. () Emergence and convergence: qualitative novelty and the unity of knowledge [i] [d] [j]
  757. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  758. () Science and partial truth: a unitary approach to models and scientific reasoning [i] [d]
  759. () Learning as you journey: Anishinaabe perception of social-ecological environments and adaptive learning [j] [u]
  760. () Scribbling on the blank sheet: Eddington's structuralist conception of objects [d]
  761. () Einstein, Poincaré & modernity: a conversation [j]
  762. () Why time flows: the physics of past & future [j]
  763. () Leadership presence: dramatic techniques to reach out, motivate, and inspire [i]
  764. () Visualizing cosmological time [i] [d]
  765. () Processes to involve all the senses [in group facilitation] [i]
  766. () Biocultural orchestration of developmental plasticity across levels: the interplay of biology and culture in shaping the mind and behavior across the life span [p] [d]
  767. () Not everything we know we learned [i]
  768. () Peacemaking: practicing at the intersection of law and human conflict [i]
  769. () Future generations and the metaphysics of the self: Western and Indian philosophical perspectives [d]
  770. () Is there a fundamental level? [d] [j]
  771. () Building vs. borrowing: the challenge of actively constructing ideas [o] [u]
  772. () Humanising forces: phenomenology in science; psychotherapy in technological culture [d]
  773. () Worldly wonder: religions enter their ecological phase [i]
  774. () Analysing the visual dynamics of spatial morphology [d] [u]
  775. () The self-embodying mind: process, brain dynamics, and the conscious present [i]
  776. () Neuropolitics: thinking, culture, speed [i] [j]
  777. () Models as parts of distributed cognitive systems [i] [d]
  778. () Off to the side: a memoir [i]
  779. () Heaven & earth: unseen by the naked eye [i]
  780. () The royal we: the mathematical study of genealogy indicates that everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne [u]
  781. () Mapping human history: discovering the past through our genes [i]
  782. () Toward a contextual theory of leadership [d]
  783. () The leader's edge: six creative competencies for navigating complex challenges [i]
  784. () Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization [d]
  785. () Making the world my body: Simone Weil and somatic practice [d] [j]
  786. () Visual technologies, cosmographies, and our sense of place in the universe [d]
  787. () Bringing the biosphere home: learning to perceive global environmental change [i] [d]
  788. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  789. () A fresh perspective: a conversation with Bill Torbert, July 11, 2002 [u]
  790. () Becoming the village: education across lives [i] [d]
  791. () A big new free happy unusual life: self-expression and spiritual practice for those who have time for neither [i]
  792. () Always under construction [d] [j]
  793. (/2008) Le souvenir d'un avenir = Remembrance of things to come [o]
  794. () The enchantment of modern life: attachments, crossings, and ethics [i] [d] [j]
  795. () Commentary on Bohart's 'The client is the most important common factor' [d]
  796. () Thinking bigger [i]
  797. (/2014) Mindware: an introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science [i]
  798. () Apollo's eye: a cartographic genealogy of the earth in the western imagination [i]
  799. () Pure immanence: essays on a life [i]
  800. () Diagramming as a way of thinking ecologically [u]
  801. () A developmental psychobiological systems view: early formulation and current status [i]
  802. () Integrating work, family, and community through holistic life planning [d]
  803. () Relax, it's only uncertainty: lead the way when the way is changing [i]
  804. () Niche construction, ecological inheritance, and cycles of contingency in evolution [i]
  805. () The long and the short of it: comments on multiple timescale studies of human activity [d]
  806. () Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
  807. () The precious treasury of the basic space of phenomena [i]
  808. () 'Maai': the art of distancing in karate-do mutual attunement in close encounters [d]
  809. Susan Oyama, Paul E. Griffiths, & Russell D. Gray [ed] () Cycles of contingency: developmental systems and evolution [i]
  810. () Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
  811. () Distributed agency within intersecting ecological, social, and scientific processes [i]
  812. () Twilight of the perfect-model model [d] [j]
  813. () A biospheric natural history [u]
  814. () The world of where and when [i]
  815. () Finding space: Winnicott, God, and psychic reality [i]
  816. (/2001) Energy: between physics and metaphysics [i]
  817. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  818. () From garden to globe: linking time and space with meaning and memory [i] [j]
  819. () Performativity and the event: enacting a philosophy of difference [d]
  820. () How to use your eyes [i] [d]
  821. () The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
  822. () How the mind grows: a developmental perspective on the biology of cognition [d] [j]
  823. (/2012) Making culture and weaving the world [i] [d]
  824. () Some perspectives on positive affect and self-regulation [j]
  825. () Human extensibility and individual hybrid-accessibility in space-time: a multi-scale representation using GIS [i] [d] [u]
  826. () Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
  827. () Mahāyāna Buddhist ritual and ethical activity in the world [d] [j]
  828. (/2002) Too-blue: colour-patch for an expanded empiricism [i] [d]
  829. () Mental attention, consciousness, and the progressive emergence of wisdom [d]
  830. (/2012) The courage to lead: transform self, transform society [i]
  831. () Seeing the big picture: map use and the development of spatial cognition [d]
  832. () Toward a psychology of awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation [i]
  833. () Scientist and artist within the mature self: the integration of two worlds [i]
  834. (/2000) Life's matrix: a biography of water [i]
  835. () The unbearable automaticity of being [d]
  836. (/2020) The cosmic perspective [i]
  837. () Spatio-temporal prediction modulates the perception of self-produced stimuli [d]
  838. () The clock of the long now: time and responsibility [i]
  839. () Psychotherapy isn't what you think: bringing the psychotherapeutic engagement into the living moment [i]
  840. Jeremy Butterfield [ed] () The arguments of time [i] [d]
  841. () The complex tapestry of everyday life [d]
  842. () Conquest of abundance: a tale of abstraction versus the richness of being [i]
  843. () The conservation aesthetic and the microscopic aesthetic [d] [j]
  844. () Science without laws [i]
  845. Eliabeth A. Grosz [ed] () Becomings: explorations in time, memory, and futures [i]
  846. (/2016) Holism and nonseparability in physics [u]
  847. () Dialogue and the art of thinking together: a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life [i]
  848. () Time-geography—at the end of its beginning [d]
  849. () Living life as inquiry [d]
  850. () The dynamic codevelopment of intentionality, self, and social relations [i] [d]
  851. (/2001) The world ahead: our future in the making [i]
  852. () Why fiction may be twice as true as fact: fiction as cognitive and emotional simulation [d]
  853. () Wholeness: dimensions of power [d]
  854. () The distinctive questions developmental action inquiry asks [d] [u]
  855. () Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
  856. () Where brain, body, and world collide [j]
  857. Reuven Dukas [ed] () Cognitive ecology: the evolutionary ecology of information processing and decision making [i]
  858. () Another always thinks in me [i]
  859. () Surfaces inside surfaces: on the origin of agency and life [o] [u]
  860. () Consciousness in action [i]
  861. () Emptying your cup: non-verbal awareness and general semantics [j]
  862. () Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
  863. () Symbiotic planet: a new look at evolution [i]
  864. (/2002) Life's philosophy: reason & feeling in a deeper world [i] [j]
  865. (/2000) Deleuze: the clamor of being [i]
  866. () Green space, green time: the way of science [i] [d]
  867. () History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
  868. () The secret family: twenty-four hours inside the mysterious world of our minds and bodies [i]
  869. () Being there: putting brain, body, and world together again [i] [d]
  870. Alan Fogel, Maria C. D. P. Lyra, & Jaan Valsiner [ed] () Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes [i]
  871. Kenneth R. Fox [ed] () The physical self: from motivation to well-being [i]
  872. () Time unhinged [d]
  873. () The responsive order: a new empiricism [d] [u]
  874. () Branch points [i]
  875. () Teaching in the midst of belatedness: the paradox of natality in Hannah Arendt's educational thought [d]
  876. () Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
  877. () Expanding our now: the story of open space technology [i]
  878. (/2008) Open space technology: a user's guide [i]
  879. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  880. () From global management to global appreciation: a transformative epistemology for aperspectival worlds [d]
  881. () Sacred dimensions of time and space [i]
  882. () The wholehearted way: a translation of Eihei Dōgen's Bendōwa with commentary [i]
  883. () Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment [i]
  884. (/2009) Ecosystem geography: from ecoregions to sites [i] [d]
  885. () Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
  886. (/2006) The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy [i] [j]
  887. () Catching ourselves in the act: situated activity, interactive emergence, evolution, and human thought [i] [d]
  888. () Being time through deep time [u]
  889. () Now is the past of the future [or: Meeting our ancestors of the future] [u]
  890. () A cultural exploration of time: some implications of temporality and mediation [d]
  891. () Experiential and formal models of geographic space [d]
  892. () Naturalism without foundations [i]
  893. (/1997) The end of certainty: time, chaos, and the new laws of nature [i]
  894. () The necessity of experience [i]
  895. () Process metaphysics: an introduction to process philosophy [i]
  896. () From cultural to existential diversity: the impossibility of psychotherapy integration within a traditional framework [d]
  897. () No self? No problem! Actualizing empty self in psychotherapy [i]
  898. () Back to Roy Wood Sellars: why his evolutionary naturalism is still worthwhile [d] [u]
  899. () After theory: from textuality to attunement with the world [d] [j]
  900. () Expanding client worldviews: investigating developmental counselling and therapy assumptions [d]
  901. () A reconsideration of personal boundaries in space-time [d]
  902. (/2005) Life is not killed [i]
  903. () The metaphoric process: connections between language and life [i] [d]
  904. () A bigger picture: cause and cognition in relation to differing scientific frameworks [d]
  905. () Beyond one-dimensional change: parallel, concurrent, socially distributed processes in learning and development [d] [j]
  906. () Constructing a philosophy of essence: reading Buddhism through the two natures of desire [i]
  907. () Action in the physical everyday world [i]
  908. (/2002) Virtual traces in space and time [i]
  909. () Multiple explanation: a consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments [d]
  910. () A chorus of powers: American Indian belief [i]
  911. () Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
  912. () Cognition in the wild [i]
  913. () Dynamic patterns: the self-organization of brain and behavior [i]
  914. () Myriad worlds: Buddhist cosmology in Abhidharma, Kālacakra, and Dzog-chen [i]
  915. () Integrating self and system: an empty intersection? [d]
  916. () Seeing new worlds: Henry David Thoreau and nineteenth-century natural science [i]
  917. (/2000) Future search: an action guide to finding common ground in organizations and communities [i]
  918. () Action theater: the improvisation of presence [i]
  919. Warren G. Bennis, Jagdish Parikh, & Ronnie Lessem [ed] (/1996) Beyond leadership: balancing economics, ethics, and ecology [i]
  920. () Discourse, consciousness, and time: the flow and displacement of conscious experience in speaking and writing [i]
  921. () Contested global visions: one-world, whole-earth, and the Apollo space photographs [d]
  922. () First things first: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy [i]
  923. () Mathematics, the science of patterns: the search for order in life, mind, and the universe [i]
  924. () Hyperspace: a scientific odyssey through parallel universes, time warps, and the tenth dimension [i]
  925. Carl Avren Levenson & Jonathan Westphal [ed] () Reality [i]
  926. () Interbeing and the 'I' habit: an experiment in environmental literacy [i]
  927. (/2007) Ecological understanding: the nature of theory and the theory of nature [i] [d]
  928. () Mastering successful work: skillful means: wake up! [i]
  929. () The complexity of bodily feeling [and reply by Eugene Gendlin] [d] [j]
  930. Claude Whitmyer [ed] () Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
  931. (/2005) Sociophysics: cosmos and chaos in nature and culture [i]
  932. () The evolving self: a psychology for the third millennium [i]
  933. () The dynamics of competence: how context contributes directly to skill [i]
  934. () The environment and the epistemological lesson of complementarity [d]
  935. (/2009) The blooming of a lotus: guided meditation for achieving the miracle of mindfulness [i]
  936. (/1998) For a future to be possible: commentaries on the five mindfulness trainings [i]
  937. (/1996) Signs of meaning in the universe [i]
  938. () Metaphor and the language of futures [d] [u]
  939. (/2011) Drive yourself sane: using the uncommon sense of general semantics [i]
  940. () A response to Orzack and Sober: formal analysis and the fluidity of science [d] [j]
  941. () What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
  942. () Is it painful to think?: conversations with Arne Næss [i] [j]
  943. (/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
  944. (/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
  945. () Transcendental empiricism: Deleuze's response to Hegel [d]
  946. (/2005) The future as an integrating force through the schools of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  947. () The secret garden: dawn to dusk in the astonishing hidden world of the garden [i]
  948. Jonathan Crary & Sanford Kwinter [ed] () Incorporations [i]
  949. () The mind's sky: human intelligence in a cosmic context [i]
  950. () The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception [d] [u]
  951. () Realizing ultimate reality [i]
  952. () A self-interpretive behavior analysis [p] [d]
  953. () The particular-circumstance model of scientific explanation [i]
  954. () Peace: an idea whose time has come [i]
  955. () Metametazoa: biology and multiplicity [i]
  956. () Designing as reflective conversation with the materials of a design situation [d]
  957. () The theory of inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education [d] [j]
  958. (/1995) A village council of all beings [i]
  959. () Global biodiversity strategy: guidelines for action to save, study, and use earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably [i] [u]
  960. () Self-organization as developmental process: beyond the organismic and mechanistic models? [d]
  961. (/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
  962. () Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
  963. () The fine arts of relaxation, concentration, and meditation: ancient skills for modern minds [i]
  964. () Continuum [i]
  965. () Mutual causality in Buddhism and general systems theory: the dharma of natural systems [i]
  966. (/2007) World as lover, world as self: courage for global justice and ecological renewal [i]
  967. (/1998) The user illusion: cutting consciousness down to size [i]
  968. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  969. () Beyond the third dimension: geometry, computer graphics, and higher dimensions [i]
  970. () Creativity [i] [d] [j]
  971. () Psychology of time awareness [p] [d]
  972. () Perspective on psychology through the practice of yoga [u]
  973. () The absent body [i]
  974. () A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
  975. () The practice of the wild: essays [i]
  976. (/2016) La práctica de lo salvaje: ensayos [i]
  977. () A journey into gravity and spacetime [i]
  978. () Process theology and the public square [book review of: Community and alienation: essays on process thought and public life, by Douglas Sturm] [d] [j]
  979. () Positive uncertainty: a new decision-making framework for counseling [d]
  980. () From reductionism to creativity: rDzogs-chen and the new sciences of mind [i]
  981. () Philosophy of creativity [i]
  982. () Expanding the view [a history of Buckminster Fuller's geoscope] [i]
  983. () The power of myth [i]
  984. (/1993) What is an event? [i]
  985. () Explaining science: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
  986. () The heart of understanding: commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra [i]
  987. (/2010) The sun my heart: from mindfulness to insight contemplation [i]
  988. () Jim Harrison: The art of fiction No. 104 [u]
  989. () Unlearning and backcasting: rethinking some of the questions we ask about the future [d]
  990. () Environmental ethics: duties to and values in the natural world [i] [j]
  991. (/1993) Garden of microbial delights: a practical guide to the subvisible world [i]
  992. () Community and alienation: essays on process thought and public life [i]
  993. () John Dewey's theory of art, experience, and nature: the horizons of feeling [i]
  994. () First-order, second-order, and third-order change and organization development interventions: a cognitive approach [d]
  995. (/2000) Science, order, and creativity [i]
  996. (/2020) Interbeing: fourteen guidelines for engaged Buddhism [i]
  997. () Genealogical actors in ecological roles [d]
  998. (/2003) Job's body: a handbook for bodywork [i]
  999. (/2000) You are the eyes of the world: a guide to the meaning of pure and total presence [i]
  1000. () Some meanings of the Earth: a process perspective [d]
  1001. () Nomans' languages [i]
  1002. () The integrated personality: maximal utilization of information [d]
  1003. () The extraterrestrial life debate, 1750–1900: the idea of a plurality of worlds from Kant to Lowell [i]
  1004. () Evolution and the triumph of homology, or why history matters [j]
  1005. () The inner game of music [i]
  1006. David Ray Griffin [ed] () Physics and the ultimate significance of time: Bohm, Prigogine, and process philosophy [i]
  1007. (/1991) A testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. [i]
  1008. (/1997) Microcosmos: four billion years of evolution from our microbial ancestors [i] [d]
  1009. (/2005) Self-realization: an ecological approach to being in the world [i] [d]
  1010. () General system theory: essential concepts & applications [i]
  1011. () Complementary models for ecosystems [d] [j] [u]
  1012. () Choices: making an art of everyday life [i]
  1013. () Hermann Weyl and the unity of knowledge [j]
  1014. Shūhei Aida [ed] () The science and praxis of complexity: contributions to the symposium held at Montpellier, France, 9–11 May, 1984 [i]
  1015. (/2008) The material world [or: The Cambridge guide to the material world] [i] [d]
  1016. () The circular flow of exchange value and the linear throughput of matter-energy: a case of misplaced concreteness [d] [j]
  1017. (/1998) Metamorphoses of the body [i]
  1018. () Time geography: focus on the corporeality of man, society and environment [i]
  1019. () Perceiving and managing the complexity of ecological systems [i]
  1020. () Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination [d]
  1021. () The dialectical biologist [i]
  1022. (/2005) Gestalt thinking and Buddhism [i] [d]
  1023. () New perspectives on complexity [i]
  1024. () The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism: a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen [i]
  1025. (/1993) The flower ornament scripture: a translation of the Avataṃsaka sūtra [i]
  1026. () Navajo art and education [d] [j]
  1027. () Geography is a field subject [j]
  1028. () Entry into the inconceivable: an introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism [i]
  1029. () A feeling for the organism: the life and work of Barbara McClintock [i]
  1030. () Experience as art: aesthetics in everyday life [i]
  1031. () Time, creation, and the continuum: theories in antiquity and the early Middle Ages [i]
  1032. () Cultivating timely executive action [i] [u]
  1033. () Executive mind, timely action [u]
  1034. () Progressive contextualization: methods for research in human ecology [d] [j]
  1035. (/1988) Nuclear war atlas [i]
  1036. () Time resources, society, and ecology: on the capacity for human interaction in space and time [i] [d]
  1037. () Diorama, path and project [d]
  1038. () The form of time [i]
  1039. (/2002) The tangled wing: biological constraints on the human spirit [i]
  1040. () Time and the inner future: a temporal approach to psychiatric disorders [i]
  1041. () Process metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism: a critical study of cumulative penetration vs. interpenetration [i]
  1042. (/2000) The fate of the earth: and, The abolition [i] [d]
  1043. () The sociology of structuration in time and space: a time-geographic assessment of Giddens' theory [o]
  1044. () The geoscope [i]
  1045. Erich Jantsch [ed] () The evolutionary vision: toward a unifying paradigm of physical, biological, and sociocultural evolution [i] [d]
  1046. Ernest Partridge [ed] () Responsibilities to future generations: environmental ethics [i]
  1047. Allan Pred & Gunnar Törnqvist [ed] () Space and time in geography: essays dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand [i]
  1048. () On mapping the world in a mirror [d]
  1049. (/1987) A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia [i]
  1050. (/1990) The psychology of transcendence [i]
  1051. () The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
  1052. Tarthang Tulku, Ralph H. Moon, & Stephen Randall [ed] () Dimensions of thought: current explorations in time, space, and knowledge [i]
  1053. () A systems concept of society: beyond individualism and holism [d]
  1054. () Systemism supersedes atomism and holism [i] [d]
  1055. () Causation and the flow of energy [d] [j]
  1056. () The ecological approach to visual perception [i]
  1057. () Ma: space–time in Japan [o]
  1058. (/1998) The metaphysics of experience: a companion to Whitehead's Process and reality [i] [d] [j] [u]
  1059. () Foundations of dialectical psychology [i] [d]
  1060. (/1997) Can we know the universe?: reflections on a grain of salt [i]
  1061. () Models: representation and the scientific understanding [i] [d]
  1062. () Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
  1063. Tommy Carlstein, Don Parkes, & Nigel J. Thrift [ed] () Human activity and time geography [i]
  1064. (/1981) Focusing [i]
  1065. () The body's releasing steps in experiential process [i]
  1066. () Survival and arena: on the life-history of individuals in relation to their geographical environment [i]
  1067. () Experiencing: a humanistic theory of psychology and psychiatry [i]
  1068. () Graph theory and the study of activity structure [i]
  1069. () A sense of the future: essays in natural philosophy [i]
  1070. (/1979) Ontology [in two volumes: The furniture of the world; A world of systems] [o] [d]
  1071. (/1987) Dialogues [i]
  1072. (/2011) On making sense of the human environment: the problem [i] [d]
  1073. () The emergence of ecology as a new integrative discipline [p] [d] [j]
  1074. () The choreography of existence: comments on Hägerstrand's time-geography and its usefulness [d] [j]
  1075. () Time, space, and knowledge: a new vision of reality [i]
  1076. () The phenomenon of science [i] [u]
  1077. () Grasping the dynamism of lifeworld [d]
  1078. (/1987) Introduction: rhizome [i]
  1079. () The creative power of the mind [i]
  1080. () Creative meditation and multi-dimensional consciousness [i]
  1081. () Kindly bent to ease us: part two: meditation [i]
  1082. (/1992) Zen and creative management [i]
  1083. () Everyone is you—or me [u]
  1084. (/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
  1085. () Events are perceivable but time is not [i] [d]
  1086. () Design for evolution: self-organization and planning in the life of human systems [i]
  1087. () Toward a dialectical theory of development [d] [j]
  1088. (/1979) The macroscope: a new world scientific system [i] [u]
  1089. () Seeing with the mind's eye: the history, techniques, and uses of visualization [i]
  1090. (/1997) The inner game of tennis [i]
  1091. () Ecology under one perspective [o]
  1092. (/1981) The rights of past and future persons [i]
  1093. (/1995) Letter to a harsh critic: I have nothing to admit [i]
  1094. (/1979) Perception, representation, and the forms of action: towards an historical epistemology [i] [d]
  1095. (/2001) Geography: a global synthesis [or: Geography: a modern synthesis] [i]
  1096. () What time is this place? [i]
  1097. () Future oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1098. () Systems philosophy as a world hypothesis [d] [j]
  1099. () Bergson and modern physics: a reinterpretation and re-evaluation [i] [d]
  1100. (/1991) The fiction of instants [i] [d]
  1101. () The design of inquiring systems: basic concepts of systems and organization [i]
  1102. () 'Don't mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon' (Zen Buddhist saying): on understanding minority group experiences: the Asian American example [d]
  1103. () The Buddhist teaching of totality: the philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism [i]
  1104. (/1988) Spinoza: practical philosophy [i]
  1105. (/1998) The invisible pyramid [i]
  1106. () A religion for the new materialism [o] [d]
  1107. () I seem to be a verb: environment and man's future [o]
  1108. () Expanded cinema [i]
  1109. (/2004) Gilles Deleuze talks philosophy [i]
  1110. (/1992) Design with nature [i]
  1111. Paul Shepard & Daniel McKinley [ed] () The subversive science: essays toward an ecology of man [o]
  1112. () The onion and the moebius strip [o] [u]
  1113. (/2000) The films of Charles and Ray Eames, volume 1: Powers of ten [o]
  1114. (/1970) Modern science and social responsibility [and comments] [i] [d]
  1115. () The cultural role of scientific behavior [d]
  1116. () Realism, materialism, and the mind: the philosophy of Roy Wood Sellars [o]
  1117. (/1972) The power of mindfulness [i] [u]
  1118. () The ethics of the cosmos [o] [d]
  1119. (/1970) The ecological context [o]
  1120. (/1971) Biology and knowledge: an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes [i]
  1121. () Conceptions of broad and narrow attention [p] [d]
  1122. (/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
  1123. (/1988) Bergsonism [i]
  1124. () The music of the new life: thoughts on creativity, sensorial reality, and comprehensiveness [d] [j]
  1125. () Towards a dynamic 'world' education [o] [d]
  1126. (/1969) The problem of common mechanisms in the human sciences [i] [d]
  1127. () General system theory and systems research: contrasting conceptions of systems science [o] [u]
  1128. (/1992) The genesis of the individual [i]
  1129. () The myth of simplicity: problems of scientific philosophy [o]
  1130. (/1997) Ecology: a bridge between science and society [i]
  1131. (/2004) On nuclear disarmament: a letter to the editor ['Nuclear policy is based on the willingness to commit genocide'] [u]
  1132. (/1997) Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective [i]
  1133. () Geometrodynamics [o]
  1134. (/1964) Better living through conservation planning [o] [d]
  1135. () Querying Whitehead's framework [and its limitations] [j]
  1136. (/1969) The poetics of reverie: childhood, language, and the cosmos [i]
  1137. (/1999) The firmament of time [i]
  1138. () Panpsychism or evolutionary materialism [d] [j]
  1139. (/2009) Causality and modern science [or: Causality: the place of the causal principle in modern science] [i]
  1140. (/2009) The expanding mental universe [i]
  1141. () Levels of causality: the emergence of guidance and reason in nature [d] [j]
  1142. (/1964) The poetics of space [i]
  1143. () To hallow this life: an anthology [o]
  1144. (/1963) The atom bomb and the future of man [or: The future of mankind] [i]
  1145. () Cosmic view: the universe in 40 jumps [o]
  1146. Lewis Leary [ed] () The unity of knowledge [o]
  1147. () Can we survive technology? [u]
  1148. () Knowledge as unity [o]
  1149. (/1998) The real world around us [i]
  1150. () Human ideals and the cosmic view [o]
  1151. (/2005) Fundamentals of ecology [i]
  1152. Roy Wood Sellars, Vivian Jerauld McGill, & Marvin Farber [ed] () Philosophy for the future: the quest of modern materialism [o]
  1153. () Some notes on research on the role of models in the natural and social sciences [d] [j]
  1154. () Time, communication, and the nervous system [p] [d]
  1155. (/1964) The whole person in a broken world [i]
  1156. () Is naturalism enough? [d] [j]
  1157. (/1988) Inner experience [i]
  1158. (/1972) Foundations for a science of personality [i]
  1159. (/1975) On my philosophy ['a development of the individual into community and from there to the plane of history, without breaking with contemporary life'] [i]
  1160. () The human enterprise: an attempt to relate philosophy to daily life [o]
  1161. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  1162. (/1985) The sorcerer's apprentice [i]
  1163. () Experience and education [o]
  1164. () Whitehead's philosophy [d] [j]
  1165. () Remarks [or: Analysis of meaning; in response to John Dewey and others] [d] [j]
  1166. (/2013) A common faith [i] [d] [j]
  1167. () Art as experience [i]
  1168. (/1938) The place of value in a world of facts [o]
  1169. (/2010) A foray into the worlds of animals and humans: with, A theory of meaning [i]
  1170. (/2009) Mind and nature: selected writings on philosophy, mathematics, and physics [i] [d] [j]
  1171. (/2013) Intuition of the instant [i]
  1172. (/1966) The philosophy of physical realism [o]
  1173. (/2009) Einstein on cosmic religion: and other opinions and aphorisms [i]
  1174. (/1998) How to learn to observe [i]
  1175. (/1960) The quest for certainty: a study of the relation of knowledge and action [o] [u]
  1176. (/1978) Process and reality: an essay in cosmology [i] [u]
  1177. () The philosophy of dialectical materialism: I [d] [j]
  1178. () The philosophy of dialectical materialism: II [d] [j]
  1179. (/2009) Philosophy of mathematics and natural science [i]
  1180. () Experience and nature, by John Dewey [book review] [j]
  1181. (/1929) Experience and nature [i] [u]
  1182. () Creative experience [o] [u]
  1183. (/2010) Symbiogenesis: a new principle of evolution [i]
  1184. () Evolutionary naturalism [o] [u]
  1185. (/1973) Anti-Spengler: dedicated to the young and the future they shape [i] [d]
  1186. (/1946) The possible and the real [o] [u]
  1187. (/1957) Productivity and existence [o] [u]
  1188. () Matter and energy [o] [u]
  1189. () Creative evolution [o] [u]
  1190. (/1977) A pluralistic universe [i] [u]
  1191. (/1970) The unity of the physical world-picture [i]
  1192. () The nature of experience [d] [j]
  1193. (/1917) The energies of men [and women] [o] [u]
  1194. (/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
  1195. (/1961) The integrative action of the nervous system [o] [u]
  1196. (/1974) Theoretical physics and philosophical problems: selected writings [i] [d]
  1197. (/1994) Reality is mobility, from An introduction to metaphysics [i]
  1198. (/1913) The discovery of the future [o] [u]
  1199. () The scientific basis of morality [o] [u]
  1200. (/1960) Time and free will: an essay on the immediate data of consciousness [o] [u]
  1201. (/1959) The philosophy of poetry: the genius of Lucretius [o]
  1202. (/2002) Journal [1837–1854] [o] [u]
  1203. (/1997) Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe [i] [u]
  1204. () The temple of nature: or, The origin of society: a poem, with philosophical notes [o] [u]
  1205. (/1806) Principles of nature, or, A development of the moral causes of happiness and misery among the human species [o] [d] [u]
  1206. (/1796) Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind [o] [u]
  1207. (/1836) The system of nature: or, Laws of the moral and physical world [with notes by Denis Diderot] [o] [u]
  1208. (/1995) The letters [i]
  1209. (/1996) Ethics [i] [u]
  1210. (/1986) The whole works [i]
  1211. (/1999) Continuous practice [i]
  1212. (/1985) Mountains and waters sūtra [i]
  1213. (/1999) The time-being [i]
  1214. (/1985) Actualizing the fundamental point [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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