How to practice kindness
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- Will Dubman (2024) Gratitude from Will [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
- Margaret J. Wheatley (2024) Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
- Jamil Zaki (2024) Hope for cynics: the surprising science of human goodness [i]
- Heather Devere [ed] (2023) Friendship, peace and social justice [i] [d]
- Stella A. Gilbert (2023) Artist profile: comedian Karen 'Big Dog' Chee on embracing comedy with kindness [u]
- Taylor K. Hall & Lindsay Y. Dhanani (2023) Cloaked in kindness: bystander responses to witnessed benevolent and hostile sexism [d]
- Frits Koster, Jetty Heynekamp, & Victoria Norton [ed] (2023) Mindful communication: speaking and listening with wisdom and compassion [i] [d]
- Colleen Renihan, John D. Spilker, & Trudi Wright [ed] (2023) Sound pedagogy: radical care in music [i]
- James Thompson (2023) Care aesthetics: for artful care and careful art [i] [d]
- Robert J. Waldinger & Marc S. Schulz (2023) The good life: lessons from the world's longest scientific study of happiness [i]
- Jennifer E. Abel, Preeti Vani, Nicole Abi-Esber, Hayley Blunden, & Juliana Schroeder (2022) Kindness in short supply: evidence for inadequate prosocial input [p] [d]
- Stephanie D. Preston (2022) The altruistic urge: why we're driven to help others [i] [j]
- Michael P. Wilmot & Deniz S. Ones (2022) Agreeableness and its consequences: a quantitative review of meta-analytic findings ['the trait has effects in a desirable direction for 93% of variables'] [p] [d]
- Egleé L. Zent & Stanford Zent (2022) Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
- Egleé L. Zent, Stanford Zent, Lojta Jtute, Awelajlu Jtitekyo, Jkatalila̧ Jtute, Lobįko Ijtö, Ilę Jkwayo, Maliela Yaluja, Iva Juae, Noe Jono, Alejadro Molö, Aula Amikoja, Abeto Melomaja, Alabala Aubojkyo, Kyabo Bowijte, Awaïkï Yewi, Jani-Yewi Yewi, Ba̧lejko Jtitekyo, Jkai, Jtobá Jtute, Lila Yolo, Ajti̧ta Uliejteja, Jtujkaybojlae Bowijte, Ulijkule Jtute, Jkwajkya Jlawi, & Late Bowijte (2022) Trekking the Amazon with love and care [d] [j]
- Xuan Zhao & Nicholas Epley (2022) Surprisingly happy to have helped: underestimating prosociality creates a misplaced barrier to asking for help [p] [d]
- Alice Boyes (2021) Be kinder to yourself [u]
- Patrick A. Coleman (2021) Even if you're the funny dad, teasing kids is bad parenting [u]
- John Dixon & Darren Langdridge (2021) Beyond prejudice as antipathy: understanding kinder, gentler forms of discrimination [i] [d]
- Eva Kahana, Tirth R. Bhatta, Boaz Kahana, & Nirmala Lekhak (2021) Loving others: the impact of compassionate love on later-life psychological well-being [p] [d] [u]
- Mark Alfano, Michael P. Lynch, & Alessandra Tanesini [ed] (2020) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of humility [i] [d]
- Brendan Dowling (2020) Magdalena Newman on kindness momentums and her aha moment [u]
- Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods (2020) Survival of the friendliest: understanding our origins and rediscovering our common humanity [i]
- Emma E. Levine, Annabelle R. Roberts, & Taya R. Cohen (2020) Difficult conversations: navigating the tension between honesty and benevolence [p] [d]
- Magdalena M. Newman, Nathaniel Newman, Hilary Liftin, & Neil Swaab (2020) Normal: one kid's extraordinary journey [i]
- Theodora Schiro (2020) A culture of caring: a suicide prevention guide for schools (K–12) [i]
- Sebene Selassie (2020) You belong: a call for connection [i]
- Natalie L. Trent, Mario Beauregard, & Gary E. Schwartz (2020) Preliminary development and validation of a scale to measure universal love [d]
- Ying Chen, Laura D. Kubzansky, & Tyler J. VanderWeele (2019) Parental warmth and flourishing in mid-life [p] [d] [u]
- Hunter Clarke-Fields (2019) Raising good humans: a mindful guide to breaking the cycle of reactive parenting and raising kind, confident kids [i]
- Jamil Zaki (2019) The war for kindness: building empathy in a fractured world [i]
- Rebecca Bliege Bird, Elspeth Ready, & Eleanor A. Power (2018) The social significance of subtle signals [p] [d]
- Donna Cameron (2018) A year of living kindly: choices that will change your life and the world around you [i]
- Dzigar Kongtrül (2018) Training in tenderness: Buddhist teachings on tsewa, the radical openness of heart that can change the world [i]
- Jaron Lanier (2018) Go where you are kindest [i]
- Thomas Lickona (2018) How to raise kind kids: and get respect, gratitude, and a happier family in the bargain [i]
- Makenzie J. O'Neil, Alexander F. Danvers, & Michelle N. Shiota (2018) Nurturant love and caregiving emotions [i] [d]
- Jacy Reese (2018) The end of animal farming: how scientists, entrepreneurs, and activists are building an animal-free food system [i]
- Albert Feliu-Soler, Juan Carlos Pascual, Matilde Elices, Ana Martín-Blanco, Cristina Carmona, Ausiàs Cebolla, Vicente Simón, & Joaquim Soler (2017) Fostering self-compassion and loving-kindness in patients with borderline personality disorder: a randomized pilot study [p] [d]
- Barbara L. Fredrickson, Aaron J. Boulton, Ann M. Firestine, Patty Van Cappellen, Sara B. Algoe, Mary M. Brantley, Sumi Loundon Kim, Jeffrey Brantley, & Sharon Salzberg (2017) Positive emotion correlates of meditation practice: a comparison of mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation [d]
- Shari M. Geller (2017) A practical guide to cultivating therapeutic presence [i] [d]
- Christopher L. Kukk (2017) The compassionate achiever: how helping others fuels success [i]
- Phillip R. Shaver, Mario Mikulincer, Baljinder Sahdra, & Jacquelyn Gross (2017) Attachment security as a foundation for kindness toward self and others [i] [d]
- Mark B. Andersen & Andreas Ivarsson (2016) A methodology of loving kindness: how interpersonal neurobiology, compassion and transference can inform researcher–participant encounters and storytelling [d]
- David Cottrell (2016) The first two rules of leadership: don't be stupid, don't be a jerk [i]
- Adam Cureton (2016) Offensive beneficence [d]
- Janet M. Davis (2016) The gospel of kindness: animal welfare and the making of modern America [i] [d]
- Shaunti Feldhahn (2016) The kindness challenge: thirty days to improve any relationship [i]
- Thérèse Jacobs-Stewart (2016) A kinder voice: releasing your inner critics with mindfulness slogans [i]
- Daniel P. Liston (2016) On attentive love in education: the case of Courage to Teach [i] [d]
- Anthony Biglan (2015) The nurture effect: how the science of human behavior can improve our lives and our world [i]
- Ashley M. L. Brown (2015) How not to be Reviewer #2 [u]
- Mark H. Davis (2015) Empathy and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
- Timothy Joseph Fargo (2015) Religious and moral hybridity of vegetarian activism at farm animal sanctuaries [i] [d]
- Richard S. Hallam (2015) The therapy relationship: a special kind of friendship [i] [d]
- Blanche Hartman (2015) Respecting ourselves [i]
- S. Matthew Liao (2015) The right to be loved [i] [d]
- Mario Mikulincer & Phillip R. Shaver (2015) The psychological effects of the contextual activation of security-enhancing mental representations in adulthood [d]
- Brian P. Morton (2015) The three gates of speech [and the four-way test: a history and critique] [u]
- John R. Schafer & Marvin Karlins (2015) The like switch: an ex-FBI agent's guide to influencing, attracting, and winning people over [i]
- David A. Schroeder & William G. Graziano [ed] (2015) The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Foote, Carrie Wilkens, Nicole Kosanke, & Stephanie Higgs (2014) Beyond addiction: how science and kindness help people change [i]
- Julieta Galante, Ignacio Galante, Marie-Jet Bekkers, & John Gallacher (2014) Effect of kindness-based meditation on health and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d]
- Paul Gilbert (2014) The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy [d]
- Ellie Laks & Nomi Isak (2014) My gentle barn: creating a sanctuary where animals heal and children learn to hope [i]
- Seonjeong Lee, Kathi J. Lovelace, & Charles C. Manz (2014) Serving with spirit: an integrative model of workplace spirituality within service organizations [d]
- Johannes Lenhard (2014) Austere kindness or mindless austerity: the effects of gift-giving to beggars in east London [d] [u]
- Matthieu Ricard (2014/2016) A plea for the animals: the moral, philosophical, and evolutionary imperative to treat all beings with compassion [i]
- Simon Sinek (2014) Leaders eat last: why some teams pull together and others don't [i]
- Irus Braverman (2013) Zooland: the institution of captivity [i] [d]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2013) The art of communicating [i]
- Rick Hanson (2013) Hardwiring happiness: the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence [i]
- Divya Kannan & Heidi M. Levitt (2013) A review of client self-criticism in psychotherapy [d]
- Todd Kuslikis (2013) How caregivers can create a 'culture of gentleness' [u]
- Ali Mashuri, Esti Zaduqisti, & Yoyon Supriyono (2013) Perspective-taking and outgroup helping: the moderating role of warmth impression and outgroup status [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2013) Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
- Matthieu Ricard (2013/2015) Altruism: the power of compassion to change yourself and the world [i]
- Pema Chödrön (2012) Signs of spiritual progress [u]
- Jacoba M. Lilius (2012) Recovery at work: understanding the restorative side of 'depleting' client interactions [d]
- Franz Metcalf & Barbara J. Gallagher (2012) Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
- Ryan M. Niemiec, Tayyab Rashid, & Marcello Spinella (2012) Strong mindfulness: integrating mindfulness and character strengths [d]
- Joan Duncan Oliver (2012) The meaning of nice: how compassion and civility can change your life (and the world) [i]
- Tony Schwartz (2012) Why appreciation matters so much [u]
- Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis (2011) A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Ronald Pies (2011) Becoming a mensch: timeless Talmudic ethics for everyone [i]
- Martin E. P. Seligman (2011) Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
- Brittany Sznajder-Murray & Natasha Slesnick (2011) 'Don't leave me hanging': homeless mothers' perceptions of service providers [d]
- Kate Van Heugten (2011) Social work under pressure: how to overcome stress, fatigue and burnout in the workplace [i]
- Ernest L. Abel & Michael L. Kruger (2010) Smile intensity in photographs predicts longevity [d]
- Kathryn E. Buchanan & Anat Bardi (2010) Acts of kindness and acts of novelty affect life satisfaction [p] [d]
- Deborah J. Cantrell (2010) What's love got to do with it?: contemporary lessons on lawyerly advocacy from the preacher Martin Luther King, Jr. [u]
- Noah Eisenkraft & Hillary Anger Elfenbein (2010) The way you make me feel: evidence for individual differences in affective presence [d]
- Paul Gilbert (2010) The compassionate mind: a new approach to life's challenges [i]
- Allen Neuringer & Kathryn C. Oleson (2010) Helping for change [p] [d] [u]
- Paul K. Piff, Michael W. Kraus, Stéphane Côté, Bonnie Hayden Cheng, & Dacher Keltner (2010) Having less, giving more: the influence of social class on prosocial behavior [p] [d]
- John P. Simaika & Michael J. Samways (2010) Biophilia as a universal ethic for conserving biodiversity [p] [d]
- Rose Arbour, Tania Signal, & Nicola Taylor (2009) Teaching kindness: the promise of humane education [d]
- Theodore Y. Blumoff (2009) The problems with blaming [i] [u]
- John T. Cacioppo & Louise C. Hawkley (2009) Perceived social isolation and cognition [p] [d] [u]
- Beverley Anne Fehr, Susan Sprecher, & Lynn Underwood Gordon [ed] (2009) The science of compassionate love: theory, research, and applications [i] [d]
- Rick Hanson & Richard Mendius (2009) Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
- David Huang (2009) Being nice [u]
- Dzigar Kongtrül (2009) Putting others in the center [i]
- Setha Low (2009) Maintaining whiteness: the fear of others and niceness [d]
- Maria Miceli, Alessandra Mancini, & Palma Menna (2009) The art of comforting [d]
- Elizabeth A. Shirtcliff, Michael J. Vitacco, Alexander R. Graf, Andrew J. Gostisha, Jenna L. Merz, & Carolyn Zahn-Waxler (2009) Neurobiology of empathy and callousness: implications for the development of antisocial behavior [d]
- Robyn D. Walser & Darrah Westrup (2009) The mindful couple: how acceptance and mindfulness can lead you to the love you want [i]
- Netta Weinstein, Andrew K. Przybylski, & Richard M. Ryan (2009) Can nature make us more caring?: effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity [p] [d]
- Susan M. Andersen, S. Adil Saribay, & Jennifer S. Thorpe (2008) Simple kindness can go a long way: relationships, social identity, and engagement [d]
- William F. Baker & Michael O'Malley (2008) Leading with kindness: how good people consistently get superior results [i]
- Andrew M. Bein (2008) The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
- Denise M. Breaux, Pamela L. Perrewe, Angela T. Hall, Dwight D. Frink, & Wayne A. Hochwarter (2008) Time to try a little tenderness?: the detrimental effects of accountability when coupled with abusive supervision [d]
- Russ C. Edelman, Timothy R. Hiltabiddle, & Charles C. Manz (2008) Nice guys can get the corner office: eight strategies for winning in business without being a jerk [i]
- Barbara L. Fredrickson, Michael A. Cohn, Kimberly A. Coffey, Jolynn Pek, & Sandra M. Finkel (2008) Open hearts build lives: positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources [p] [d] [u]
- Yudit Kornberg Greenberg [ed] (2008) Encyclopedia of love in world religions [i]
- Mardi Jon Horowitz (2008) A course in happiness: mastering the 3 levels of self-understanding that lead to true and lasting contentment [i]
- Cendri A. Hutcherson, Emma M. Seppala, & James J. Gross (2008) Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness [p] [d]
- King King Li (2008) Altruism and reciprocity of Buddhist monks: evidence from behavioral game experiments in southern India [d]
- Jarred Pennington & Tess Knight (2008) Staying connected: the lived experiences of volunteers and older adults [d]
- Brent W. Roberts & Daniel K. Mroczek (2008) Personality trait change in adulthood [d]
- Peggy Rowe-Ward & Larry Ward (2008) Love's garden: a guide to mindful relationships [i]
- Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins (2008) People as resources: exploring the functionality of warm and cold [d]
- Lawrence E. Williams & John A. Bargh (2008) Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Chen-Bo Zhong & Geoffrey J. Leonardelli (2008) Cold and lonely: does social exclusion literally feel cold? [d]
- Susan T. Fiske, Amy J. C. Cuddy, & Peter Glick (2007) Universal dimensions of social cognition: warmth and competence [p] [d]
- Patricia Love & Steven Stosny (2007) How to improve your marriage without talking about it: finding love beyond words [i]
- John J. Makransky & Philip Osgood (2007) Awakening through love: unveiling your deepest goodness [i]
- Stephen Garrard Post & Jill Neimark (2007) Why good things happen to good people: the exciting new research that proves the link between doing good and living a longer, healthier, happier life [i]
- Ryan W. Quinn (2007) Energizing others in work connections [i] [d]
- Jean M. Twenge, Roy F. Baumeister, C. Nathan DeWall, Natalie J. Ciarocco, & J. Michael Bartels (2007) Social exclusion decreases prosocial behavior [d]
- William Ury (2007) The power of a positive No: how to say No and still get to Yes [i]
- J. Mark G. Williams, John D. Teasdale, Zindel V. Segal, & Jon Kabat-Zinn (2007) The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness [i]
- Will W. Adams (2006) Love, open awareness, and authenticity: a conversation with William Blake and D. W. Winnicott [d]
- Kwame Anthony Appiah (2006) Kindness to strangers [i]
- Paul Gilbert, Mark W. Baldwin, Chris Irons, Jodene R. Baccus, & Michelle Palmer (2006) Self-criticism and self-warmth: an imagery study exploring their relation to depression [d]
- Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval (2006) The power of nice: eight ways to kill the business world with kindness [i]
- Harold G. Koenig (2006) Kindness and joy: expressing the gentle love [i]
- Keiko Otake, Satoshi Shimai, Junko Tanaka-Matsumi, Kanako Otsui, & Barbara L. Fredrickson (2006) Happy people become happier through kindness: a counting kindnesses intervention [d]
- Norma R. A. Romm (2006) An exploration and extension of Churchman's insights: towards the tackling of racial discrimination as a world problem [i] [d]
- Natti Ronel (2006) When good overcomes bad: the impact of volunteers on those they help [d]
- Marc Barasch (2005/2009) The compassionate life: walking the path of kindness [i]
- Alexander Berzin (2005) The four immeasurable attitudes in Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna, and Bön [u]
- Thubten Chödrön (2005) Cultivating a compassionate heart: the yoga method of Chenrezig [i]
- Tobias Esch & George B. Stefano (2005) Love promotes health [p]
- David H. Maister (2005) Young professionals: cultivate the habits of friendship [u]
- Ingrid Newkirk (2005) Making kind choices: everyday ways to enhance your life through earth-and animal-friendly living [i]
- Sharon Salzberg (2005) The force of kindness: change your life with love and compassion [i]
- Tim Sanders (2005) The likeability factor: how to boost your L-factor & achieve your life's dreams [i]
- Laurence J. Stybel & Maryanne Peabody (2005) Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
- Bart Duriez (2004) Are religious people nicer people?: taking a closer look at the religion–empathy relationship [d]
- Diana Fosha (2004) 'Nothing that feels bad is ever the last step': the role of positive emotions in experiential work with difficult emotional experiences [d]
- Daniel Kolak (2004) I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
- Lori L. Lake (2004) The milk of human kindness: lesbian authors write about mothers and daughters [i]
- Nirbhay N. Singh, Giulio E. Lancioni, Alan S. W. Winton, Robert G. Wahler, Judy Singh, & Monica Sage (2004) Mindful caregiving increases happiness among individuals with profound multiple disabilities [d]
- Tara Brach (2003) Radical acceptance: embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha [i]
- Brant Raney Burleson (2003) Emotional support skills [i] [d]
- Ernst Fehr & Bettina Rockenbach (2003) Detrimental effects of sanctions on human altruism [p] [d]
- Donald W. George [ed] (2003) The kindness of strangers [i]
- Tom Lagana & Laura Lagana (2003) Serving time, serving others: acts of kindness by inmates, prison staff, victims, and volunteers [i]
- Seisho Maylie Scott (2003) Metta prayer [i] [u]
- Millicent H. Abel [ed] (2002) An empirical reflection on the smile [i]
- Judith Acosta & Judith Simon Prager (2002/2014) The worst is over: what to say when every moment counts [i]
- Kelly Bryson (2002/2004) Don't be nice, be real: balancing passion for self with compassion for others [i]
- Michelle LeBaron (2002) Bridging troubled waters: conflict resolution from the heart [i]
- Stephen Garrard Post, Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey P. Schloss, & William B. Hurlbut [ed] (2002) Altruism & altruistic love: science, philosophy, & religion in dialogue [i] [d]
- Verta Taylor & Leila J. Rupp (2002) Loving internationalism: the emotion culture of transnational women's organizations, 1888–1945 [d]
- Myoshi Roger Thomson (2002) A real teacher [u]
- Larry Davidson, David A. Stayner, Connie Nickou, Thomas H. Styron, Michael Rowe, & Matthew L. Chinman (2001) 'Simply to be let in': inclusion as a basis for recovery [d]
- Joe Flower & Patrice Guillaume (2001) Welcome everything [p]
- Jeffrey Hopkins (2001) Cultivating compassion: a Buddhist perspective [i]
- Etienne Lamotte, Gelongma Migme Chödrön, & Nāgārjuna (2001) The treatise on the great virtue of wisdom = Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra [u]
- Mark R. Leary [ed] (2001) Interpersonal rejection [i]
- Judith L. Lief (2001) Making friends with death: a Buddhist guide to encountering mortality [i]
- Paul Rousseau (2001) Kindness and the end of life [p] [u]
- Bell Hooks & Thích Nhất Hạnh (2000) Building a community of love: bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh [u]
- John Welwood (2000) Love, conditional and unconditional [i]
- B. Alan Wallace & Zara Houshmand (1999/2010) The four immeasurables: practices to open the heart [i]
- Alexander Berzin (1998) Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
- Martha Perske (1998) Perske pencil portraits, 1971–1990 [i]
- Ronald M. Shapiro & Jim Dale (1998/2015) The power of nice: how to negotiate so everyone wins—especially you! [i]
- Nonin Chowaney (1997/2001) Intimacy [u]
- Bryn C. Collins (1997) Emotional unavailability: recognizing it, understanding it, and avoiding its trap [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh, Mobi Warren, & Annabel Laity (1997/2007) Teachings on love [i]
- Rascha Levinson (1997) Merger and unconditional love as transformative experiences [i] [d]
- Harvey Peskin, Constance J. Jones, & Norman Livson (1997) Personal warmth and psychological health at midlife [d]
- Śāntideva, Vesna A. Wallace, & B. Alan Wallace (1997) A guide to the Bodhisattva way of life = Bodhicaryāvatāra [i]
- Zipora Magen (1996) Commitment beyond self and adolescence: the issue of happiness [d]
- Tenshin Reb Anderson & Susan Ichi Su Moon (1995/2005) Warm smiles from cold mountains: Dharma talks on Zen meditation [i]
- James Ansel Buford (1995) The kindness of strangers: and other clues to the meaning of life [i]
- John L. Coulehan (1995) Tenderness and steadiness: emotions in medical practice [p] [d]
- Sharon Salzberg (1995) Lovingkindness: the revolutionary art of happiness [i]
- John A. Meacham & Cynthia Boyd (1994) Expanding the circle of caring: from local to global [i] [u]
- Laurence Thomas (1993) Vessels of evil: American slavery and the Holocaust [i]
- Robert Aitken (1992/1996) Tōrei Zenji's 'Bodhisattva's vow': translation and commentary [i]
- Paul Feyerabend (1992/2019) Calls for papers: excerpts ['We need a continuous wake-up call'] [d] [u]
- Dzigar Kongtrül (1992) Befriending old age and death [u]
- Karen Kissel Wegela (1992) Contemplative psychotherapy: a path of uncovering brilliant sanity [u]
- Joel Levey & Michelle Levey (1991) The fine arts of relaxation, concentration, and meditation: ancient skills for modern minds [i]
- Stephen Levine (1991) Guided meditations, explorations, and healings [i]
- Fernando Santos-Granero (1991) The power of love: the moral use of knowledge amongst the Amuesha of Central Peru [i] [d]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1990) Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
- Robert Bogdan & Steven J. Taylor (1989) Relationships with severely disabled people: the social construction of humanness [d] [j]
- Acharya Buddharakkhita (1989) Metta: the philosophy and practice of universal love [i] [u]
- Barry Holstun Lopez & Robin Eschner (1989/1998) Apologia [i]
- Ferdinand F. Fournies (1988/2007) The importance of friendliness [i]
- Aaron H. Katcher & Alan M. Beck (1987) Health and caring for living things [d]
- María Lugones (1987/2003) Playfulness, 'world'-travelling, and loving perception [i]
- Martin Luther King Jr. & Coretta Scott King (1983) The words of Martin Luther King, Jr. [i]
- Harvey B. Aronson (1980) Love and sympathy in Theravāda Buddhism [i]
- Robert Bolton (1979/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
- Thomas Merton (1979) Love and living [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part one: mind [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part two: meditation [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part three: wonderment [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1973/1995) Letter to a harsh critic: I have nothing to admit [i]
- Herbert Arthur Otto [ed] (1972) Love today: a new exploration [i]
- Milton Mayeroff (1965) On caring [d]
- Martin Luther King Jr. (1963/1981) Strength to love [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1962/2004) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: precursor of Kafka, Céline, and Ponge [i]
- Thomas Merton (1960/1970) The wisdom of the desert: sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century [i]
- Nyanaponika Thera (1958) The four sublime states: brahma-vihara: contemplations on love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity [o] [u]
- Albert Einstein (1954/1994) Ideas and opinions [i]
- Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin (1954/2002) The ways and power of love: types, factors, and techniques of moral transformation [i]
- David Dunn (1947/1970) Try giving yourself away: a tonic for these troubled times [i] [u]
- Elihu Palmer (1806) Universal benevolence [o] [d] [u]
- James Burgh (1754/1812) The dignity of human nature: or, A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence [o] [u]
- Dōgen (1243/1985) Bodhisattva's four methods of guidance [i]