How to practice generosity
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- Elle Simone Scott (2024) Food gifts: 150+ irresistible recipes for crafting personalized presents [i]
- Margaret J. Wheatley (2024) Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
- Scott H. Young (2024) 12 obvious (and 12 not-so-obvious) tips for living better [u]
- David Brooks (2023) Give the gift of your attention [u]
- Matthew Desmond (2023) Poverty, by America [i]
- Elaine Glusac (2023) In Egypt, leave a tip in the loo, and other guidelines to gratuities [u]
- Yuta Kawamura & Misato Inaba (2023) Trivial giving as a signal of trustworthiness [d]
- Johannes M. Luetz (2023) 'All humans are strangers—almost everywhere': reflections on human belonging [i] [d]
- Richard Pettigrew (2023) The good it promises, the harm it does: critical essays on effective altruism, by Carol J. Adams, Alice Crary, and Lori Gruen [book review] [d]
- Daniel Reinhard (2023) How much do they make?: a systematic review of income generated from begging [d]
- Liam D. Ryan (2023) Hip to be square: moral saints revisited [d] [u]
- Robert J. Waldinger & Marc S. Schulz (2023) The good life: lessons from the world's longest scientific study of happiness [i]
- Scott Alexander (2022) Effective altruism as a tower of assumptions ['if you destroy the top floor, all the other floors are still standing'] [u]
- Samuel Hammond (2022) Why I'm not (exactly) an effective altruist [u]
- Peter T. Leeson & R. August Hardy (2022) American panhandlers [d]
- Falk Lieder, Mike Prentice, & Emily R. Corwin-Renner (2022) An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing [d]
- William MacAskill (2022) What we owe the future: a million-year view [i]
- Christina Morales (2022) Quandary over tips: how much is enough? [u]
- Stephanie D. Preston (2022) The altruistic urge: why we're driven to help others [i] [j]
- Dominic Roser, Stefan Riedener, & Markus Huppenbauer [ed] (2022) Effective altruism and religion: synergies, tensions, dialogue [i] [d] [u]
- Max Roser (2022) The future is vast: longtermism's perspective on humanity's past, present, and future [u]
- Egleé L. Zent & Stanford Zent (2022) Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
- Xuan Zhao & Nicholas Epley (2022) Surprisingly happy to have helped: underestimating prosociality creates a misplaced barrier to asking for help [p] [d]
- Ana Alacovska & Joëlle Bissonnette (2021) Care-ful work: an ethics of care approach to contingent labour in the creative industries [d]
- Jeremy I. M. Carpendale, Ulrich Müller, Beau Wallbridge, Tanya Broesch, Thea Cameron-Faulkner, & Kayla Ten Eycke (2021) The development of giving in forms of object exchange: exploring the roots of communication and morality in early interaction around objects [d]
- Lucius Caviola, Stefan Schubert, & Joshua D. Greene (2021) The psychology of (in)effective altruism [p] [d]
- Amod Lele (2021) The Buddhist oxygen mask [u]
- Eugene W. Mathes (2021) An evolutionary perspective on Kohlberg's theory of moral development [d]
- Danni Wang, Melissa A. Baker, Youngsun Sean Kim, & Emily Ma (2021) From angels to demons: uncovering the relationships between tipping, social dignity, OCB and incivility intentions [organizational citizenship behavior] [d]
- Ofer H. Azar (2020) The economics of tipping [d] [j]
- Aaron Ben-Zeév (2020) Why women hate stingy men [u]
- Michael L. Cepek (2020) Engaging, standing, and stepping: evaluating anthropological activism on an Amazonian petro-frontier [d] [u]
- Roger Crisp & Theron Pummer (2020) Effective justice [d]
- Rebecca Lake (2020) Do's and don'ts of lending to friends and family: lending money to friends and family requires careful planning [u]
- Theodore M. Lechterman (2020) The effective altruist's political problem [d]
- Johannes Leder, Alexander Pastukhov, & Astrid Schütz (2020) Sharing with a stranger: people are more generous with time than money [d]
- Toby Ord (2020) The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
- Federico Zuolo (2020) Beyond moral efficiency: effective altruism and theorizing about effectiveness [d]
- Lara B. Aknin, Dylan Wiwad, & Yuthika U. Girme (2019) Not all gifts are good: the potential practical costs of motivated gifts [d]
- Tenshin Reb Anderson (2019) The first heroic practice: the perfection of giving: a generous heart [i]
- Nick Beckstead (2019) A brief argument for the overwhelming importance of shaping the far future [i] [d]
- Brian Berkey (2019) Collective obligations and the institutional critique of effective altruism: a reply to Alexander Dietz [d]
- Antonin Broi (2019) Effective altruism and systemic change [d]
- Lee Cronk, Colette Berbesque, Thomas Conte, Matthew Gervais, Padmini Iyer, Brighid McCarthy, Dennis Sonkoi, Cathryn Townsend, & Athena Aktipis (2019) Managing risk through cooperation: need-based transfers and risk pooling among the societies of the Human Generosity Project [i] [d]
- Alexander Dietz (2019) Effective altruism and collective obligations [d]
- John D. Dunne (2019) Innate human connectivity and Śāntideva's cultivation of compassion [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Flynn (2019) Do-gooders [and the need for politically responsible altruism] [book review essay] [d] [u]
- Hilary Greaves & Theron Pummer [ed] (2019) Effective altruism: philosophical issues [i] [d]
- Tim Hayward (2019) Can giving money end severe poverty? [i] [d]
- Seth Kugel (2019) Counter-service tipping: who gives? [u]
- Chong-Ming Lim (2019) Effectiveness and ecumenicity [in effective altruism] [d]
- William MacAskill (2019) Aid scepticism and effective altruism [u]
- Paula Mulinari (2019) Weapons of the poor: tipping and resistance in precarious times [d]
- John Aggrey Odera (2019) Pragmatism and effective altruism: an essay on epistemology and practical ethics [u]
- Dominik Peters (2019) Economic design for effective altruism [i] [d]
- Gualtiero Piccinini & Armin W. Schulz (2019) The ways of altruism [d]
- Alex Rajczi (2019) Moral transformation and duties of beneficence [d]
- Yancey Strickler (2019) This could be our future: a manifesto for a more generous world [i]
- Timothy Syme (2019) Charity vs. revolution: effective altruism and the systemic change objection [d]
- Elizabeth Ashford (2018) Severe poverty as an unjust emergency [i] [d]
- Brian Berkey (2018) The institutional critique of effective altruism [d]
- Jonathan Z. Berman, Alixandra Barasch, Emma E. Levine, & Deborah A. Small (2018) Impediments to effective altruism: the role of subjective preferences in charitable giving [p] [d]
- Rebecca Bliege Bird, Elspeth Ready, & Eleanor A. Power (2018) The social significance of subtle signals [p] [d]
- Garrett M. Broad (2018) Effective animal advocacy: effective altruism, the social economy, and the animal protection movement [d]
- Donna Cameron (2018) A year of living kindly: choices that will change your life and the world around you [i]
- Barbra R. Clayton (2018) The changing way of the bodhisattva: superheroes, saints, and social workers [i] [d]
- Daniel Halliday (2018) The inheritance of wealth: justice, equality, and the right to bequeath [i] [d]
- R. Douglas K. Herman [ed] (2018) Giving back: research and reciprocity in indigenous settings [i]
- William MacAskill, Andreas L. Mogensen, & Toby Ord (2018) Giving isn't demanding [i] [d]
- Cristian Pérez-Muñoz (2018) Beneficence, street begging, and diverted giving schemes [d]
- Rob Reich (2018) Just giving: why philanthropy is failing democracy and how it can do better [i] [d] [j]
- Paul Woodruff [ed] (2018) The ethics of giving: philosophers' perspectives on philanthropy [i] [d]
- Amber Wutich, Jessica Budds, Wendy Jepson, Leila Harris, Ellis Adams, Alexandra Brewis, Lee Cronk, Christine DeMyers, Kenneth Maes, Tennille Marley, Joshua Miller, Amber Pearson, Asher Rosinger, Roseanne Schuster, Justin Stoler, Chad Staddon, Polly Wiessner, Cassandra Workman, & Sera Young (2018) Household water sharing: a review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Svend Brinkmann (2017/2019) Getting less than your due [meionexia as a virtue] [i]
- Andrew Fisher (2017) Theory-neutral arguments for 'effective animal advocacy' [d] [u]
- Seth Godin (2017) What will you do with your surplus? ['If you're not drowning, you're a lifeguard'] [u]
- Eric von Hippel (2017) Free innovation [i] [d] [u]
- Tristen K. Inagaki & Edward Orehek (2017) On the benefits of giving social support: when, why, and how support providers gain by caring for others [d]
- Miriam Lang (2017) ¿Erradicar la pobreza o empobrecer las alternativas? [i]
- Luke J. Matthews (2017) Mutualistic cooperation: why religion is common but saints are rare [d]
- Kathryn Muyskens (2017) The other half of effective altruism: selective asceticism [d] [u]
- Gianfranco Pellegrino (2017) Effective altruism and the altruistic repugnant conclusion [d] [u]
- Eleanor A. Power (2017) The primacy of social support [in religion] [d]
- Richard V. Reeves (2017) Dream hoarders: how the American upper middle class is leaving everyone else in the dust, why that is a problem, and what to do about it [i] [j]
- Nick Riggle (2017) Cheapskates [i]
- Nick Riggle (2017) On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
- Bruce Robbins (2017) The beneficiary [i] [d]
- Jon Swords (2017) Crowd-patronage—intermediaries, geographies and relationships in patronage networks [d]
- Robert A. F. Thurman (2017) The supreme medicine of exchanging self-enclosure for altruism [i] [d]
- Benjamin Todd (2017) The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
- Lukas J. Volz, B. Locke Welborn, Matthias S. Gobel, Michael S. Gazzaniga, & Scott T. Grafton (2017) Harm to self outweighs benefit to others in moral decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Steven G. Brown (2016) Supporting the best charities is harder than it seems [d]
- Adam Cureton (2016) Offensive beneficence [d]
- Samantha Earle & Rupert Read (2016) Effective altruism: Is it effective? Should it be more affective? [d]
- Dave Elder-Vass (2016) Profit and gift in the digital economy [i] [d]
- Jeff Galak, Julian Givi, & Elanor F. Williams (2016) Why certain gifts are great to give but not to get: a framework for understanding errors in gift giving [d] [j]
- Judith Lichtenberg (2016) Who's responsible for global poverty? [d]
- Jeff McMahan (2016) Philosophical critiques of effective altruism [d]
- S. Katherine Nelson, Kristin Layous, Steven W. Cole, & Sonja Lyubomirsky (2016) Do unto others or treat yourself?: the effects of prosocial and self-focused behavior on psychological flourishing [p] [d]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2016) Anger and forgiveness: resentment, generosity, justice [i]
- Claire Prade & Vassilis Saroglou (2016) Awe's effects on generosity and helping [d]
- Americus Reed, Adam Kay, Stephanie Finnel, Karl Aquino, & Eric Levy (2016) I don't want the money, I just want your time: how moral identity overcomes the aversion to giving time to prosocial causes [p] [d]
- Charles Spence (2016) Gastrodiplomacy: assessing the role of food in decision-making [d] [u]
- Timothy Weidel (2016) Philanthropy, cosmopolitanism, and the benefits of giving directly [d]
- Anthony Biglan (2015) The nurture effect: how the science of human behavior can improve our lives and our world [i]
- Mark H. Davis (2015) Empathy and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
- Stephen E. Harris (2015) Demandingness, well-being and the bodhisattva path [d]
- Tally Katz-Gerro, Itay Greenspan, Femida Handy, Hoon-Young Lee, & Andreas Frey (2015) Environmental philanthropy and environmental behavior in five countries: is there convergence among youth? [d]
- Michael Lynn (2015) Explanations of service gratuities and tipping: evidence from individual differences in tipping motivations and tendencies [d]
- Michael Lynn (2015) Service gratuities and tipping: a motivational framework [d] [u]
- William MacAskill (2015) Doing good better: how effective altruism can help you make a difference [i]
- Larissa MacFarquhar (2015) Strangers drowning: grappling with impossible idealism, drastic choices, and the overpowering urge to help [i]
- Liisa H. Malkki (2015) The need to help: the domestic arts of international humanitarianism [i] [d] [j]
- Joan Maya Mazelis (2015) 'I got to try to give back': how reciprocity norms in a poor people's organization influence members' social capital [d]
- Kelly McGonigal (2015) The upside of stress: why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it [i]
- Elizabeth Midlarsky, Eva Kahana, & Alexander Belser (2015) Prosocial behavior in late life [i] [d]
- Arie Nadler (2015) The other side of helping: seeking and receiving help [i] [d]
- David A. Schroeder & William G. Graziano [ed] (2015) The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior [i] [d]
- Nicolas Sihlé (2015) Towards a comparative anthropology of the Buddhist gift (and other transfers) [d]
- Brent Simpson & Robb Willer (2015) Beyond altruism: sociological foundations of cooperation and prosocial behavior [d]
- Peter Singer, Emma Saunders-Hastings, Angus Deaton, Iason Gabriel, Leila Janah, Daron Acemoglu, Paul Brest, Larissa MacFarquhar, Catherine Tumber, Rob Reich, Jennifer Rubenstein, & András Miklós (2015) Forum: The logic of effective altruism [u]
- Peter Singer (2015) The most good you can do: how effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically [i] [d]
- Jo-Ann Tsang, Wade C. Rowatt, & Azim F. Shariff (2015) Religion and prosociality [i] [d]
- Yu-Hsiang Yang, Huimin Bhikshu, & Rua-Huan Tsaih (2015) The power of one sentient being: the computer simulation of a bodhisattva's altruism using agent-based modelling [d]
- John G. Bruhn & Howard M. Rebach (2014) The sociology of caregiving [i] [d]
- Molly J. Crockett, Zeb Kurth-Nelson, Jenifer Z. Siegel, Peter Dayan, & Raymond J. Dolan (2014) Harm to others outweighs harm to self in moral decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Jeevan F. D'Souza & C. Kelly Adams (2014) On unenlightened altruism [d]
- Kristen A. Dunfield (2014) A construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes [p] [d] [u]
- Anthony G. Greenwald & Thomas F. Pettigrew (2014) With malice toward none and charity for some: ingroup favoritism enables discrimination [p] [d]
- Tanya Gulliver (2014) Should I give money to panhandlers? [u]
- Johannes Lenhard (2014) Austere kindness or mindless austerity: the effects of gift-giving to beggars in east London [d] [u]
- Judith Lichtenberg (2014) Distant strangers: ethics, psychology, and global poverty [i] [d]
- Karen Maezen Miller, Judith L. Lief, Jan Chozen Bays, Gina Sharpe, Zoketsu Norman Fischer, & Tsultrim Allione (2014) Joyful giving [u]
- Graham Music (2014) The good life: wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality [i] [d]
- Nicky J. Newton, Jennifer M. Herr, Jessica I. Pollack, & Dan P. McAdams (2014) Selfless or selfish?: generativity and narcissism as components of legacy [d]
- Kelly R. Rossetto (2014) Creating philanthropic foundations to deal with grief: case studies of bereaved parents [p] [d]
- Daniel M. Bartels, Trevor Kvaran, & Shaun Nichols (2013) Selfless giving [p] [d]
- Adam M. Grant (2013) Give and take: a revolutionary approach to success [i]
- Bailey R. House, Joan B. Silk, Joseph Patrick Henrich, H. Clark Barrett, Brooke A. Scelza, Adam H. Boyette, Barry S. Hewlett, Richard McElreath, & Stephen Laurence (2013) Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies [p] [d] [u]
- Adrian V. Jaeggi & Michael Gurven (2013) Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Carlos David Londoño Sulkin (2013) Believing in the gift: a case of successful relationships of exchange in the Colombian Amazon [u]
- Toby Ord (2013/2019) The moral imperative toward cost-effectiveness in global health [i] [d] [u]
- Matthieu Ricard (2013/2015) Altruism: the power of compassion to change yourself and the world [i]
- Jennifer Mize Smith (2013) Philanthropic identity at work: employer influences on the charitable giving attitudes and behaviors of employees [d]
- Peter Y. T. Sun (2013) The servant identity: influences on the cognition and behavior of servant leaders [d]
- Jamil Zaki & Jason P. Mitchell (2013) Intuitive prosociality [d]
- Salman Akhtar (2012) Normal and pathological generosity [p] [d]
- Sophie Bowlby (2012) Recognising the time–space dimensions of care: caringscapes and carescapes [d]
- James De Vries (2012) Passing on the gift as an approach to sustainable development programmes [d]
- Guido Errygers & John Cunliffe [ed] (2012) Inherited wealth, justice and equality [i] [d]
- Itay Greenspan, Femida Handy, & Tally Katz-Gerro (2012) Environmental philanthropy: is it similar to other types of environmental behavior? [d]
- Rebecca Katz (2012) Passing the salt: how eating together creates community [u]
- Ruth Lane & Matt Watson (2012) Stewardship of things: the radical potential of product stewardship for re-framing responsibilities and relationships to products and materials [d]
- Jacoba M. Lilius (2012) Recovery at work: understanding the restorative side of 'depleting' client interactions [d]
- Franz Metcalf & Barbara J. Gallagher (2012) Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
- Cassie Mogilner, Zoë Chance, & Michael I. Norton (2012) Giving time gives you time [p] [d]
- Joni-Marie Newman (2012) Vegan food gifts: more than 100 inspired recipes for homemade baked goods, preserves, and other edible gifts everyone will love [i]
- Barbara A. Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, & David Sloan Wilson [ed] (2012) Pathological altruism [i] [d]
- Lena Partzsch & Doris A. Fuchs (2012) Philanthropy: 'power with' in international relations [d]
- Tatjana Schnell & Matthias Hoof (2012) Meaningful commitment: finding meaning in volunteer work [d]
- Barry Schwartz (2012) Crowding out morality: how the ideology of self-interest can be self-fulfilling [i] [d]
- Jennifer L. Aaker, Melanie Rudd, & Cassie Mogilner (2011) If money doesn't make you happy, consider time [d]
- Jonathan Baron & Ewa Szymanska (2011) Heuristics and biases in charity [i] [d]
- Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis (2011) A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Katrina A. Bramstedt & Rena Down (2011) The organ donor experience: good samaritans and the meaning of altruism [i]
- Ryan H. Bremner, Sander L. Koole, & Brad J. Bushman (2011) 'Pray for those who mistreat you': effects of prayer on anger and aggression [p] [d]
- Patricia M. L. Illingworth, Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, & Leif Wenar [ed] (2011) Giving well: the ethics of philanthropy [i] [d]
- Edward H. O'Brien, Phyllis A. Anastasio, & Brad J. Bushman (2011) Time crawls when you're not having fun [p] [d]
- Daniel M. Oppenheimer & Christopher Yves Olivola [ed] (2011) The science of giving: experimental approaches to the study of charity [i] [d]
- Ronald Pies (2011) Becoming a mensch: timeless Talmudic ethics for everyone [i]
- Peggy M. Zoccola, Melanie C. Green, Evagelos Karoutsos, Shanti M. Katona, & John Sabini (2011) The embarrassed bystander: embarrassability and the inhibition of helping [d]
- Sanford E. DeVoe & Jeffrey Pfeffer (2010) The stingy hour: how accounting for time affects volunteering [p] [d]
- Ryan D. Duffy & Trisha L. Raque-Bogdan (2010) The motivation to serve others: exploring relations to career development [d]
- James H. Fowler & Nicholas A. Christakis (2010) Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks [p] [d] [u]
- Chris Frakes (2010) When strangers call: a consideration of care, justice, and compassion [d] [j]
- Sybil Hart & Maria Theresia Legerstee [ed] (2010) Handbook of jealousy: theories, principles and multidisciplinary approaches [i] [d]
- Adrian V. Jaeggi, Judith M. Burkart, & Carel P. van Schaik (2010) On the psychology of cooperation in humans and other primates: combining the natural history and experimental evidence of prosociality [p] [d] [u]
- Laurent Lehmann & François Rousset (2010) How life history and demography promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours [p] [d] [u]
- Kathy LeMay (2010) The generosity plan: sharing your time, treasure, and talent to shape the world [i]
- Jorg J. M. Massen, Lisette M. van den Berg, Berry M. Spruijt, & Elisabeth H. M. Sterck (2010) Generous leaders and selfish underdogs: pro-sociality in despotic macaques [p] [d] [u]
- Eva J. Mojza, Christian Lorenz, Sabine Sonnentag, & Carmen Binnewies (2010) Daily recovery experiences: the role of volunteer work during leisure time [d]
- Allen Neuringer & Kathryn C. Oleson (2010) Helping for change [p] [d] [u]
- Paul K. Piff, Michael W. Kraus, Stéphane Côté, Bonnie Hayden Cheng, & Dacher Keltner (2010) Having less, giving more: the influence of social class on prosocial behavior [p] [d]
- Brent W. Roberts, Grant W. Edmonds, & Emily Grijalva (2010) It is Developmental Me, not Generation Me: developmental changes are more important than generational changes in narcissism—commentary on Trzesniewski & Donnellan (2010) [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Adrian Sargeant, Jen Shang, & Haseeb Shabbir (2010) The social marketing of giving: a framework for public policy intervention [d]
- Kate Swanson (2010) Begging as a path to progress: indigenous women and children and the struggle for Ecuador's urban spaces [i] [d] [j]
- Paul Thagard (2010) Ethical brains [and moral objectivity via empathic needs-based consequentialism] [i] [d] [j]
- Sara B. Algoe & Jonathan Haidt (2009) Witnessing excellence in action: the 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration [d]
- C. Daniel Batson, Nadia Y. Ahmad, & David A. Lishner (2009) Empathy and altruism [i] [d]
- Nurit Bird-David & Asaf Darr (2009) Commodity, gift and mass-gift: on gift-commodity hybrids in advanced mass consumption cultures [d]
- Nicole Bouchard Boles (2009) How to be an everyday philanthropist: 330 ways to make a difference in your home, community, and world—at no cost [i]
- Erica Bornstein (2009) The impulse of philanthropy [d]
- Habib Chamoun & Randy Hazlett (2009) The psychology of giving and its effect on negotiation [i] [u]
- Chao Guo & Laura R. Peck (2009) Giving and getting: charitable activity and public assistance [d]
- Debbie Haski-Leventhal & Jill D. McLeigh (2009) Firefighters volunteering beyond their duty: an essential asset in rural communities [u]
- Myrtle Heery (2009) If you live long enough [i]
- Michael Henderson (2009) No enemy to conquer: forgiveness in an unforgiving world [i]
- Ani Kalayjian (2009) Forgiveness in spite of denial, revisionism, and injustice [i] [d]
- Ani Kalayjian & Raymond F. Paloutzian [ed] (2009) Forgiveness and reconciliation: psychological pathways to conflict transformation and peace building [i] [d]
- Arthur Kleinman (2009) Caregiving: the odyssey of becoming more human [p] [d]
- Dzigar Kongtrül (2009) Putting others in the center [i]
- Sharon Davis Massey (2009) Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
- Edgar H. Schein (2009) Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help [i]
- Jennifer J. Schneider, Juan C. Lucena, & Jon A. Leydens (2009) Engineering to help: the value of critique in engineering service [d] [u]
- Carolyn Schwartz, Penelope Keyl, John Marcum, & Rita Bode (2009) Helping others shows differential benefits on health and well-being for male and female teens [d]
- Kim Shifren [ed] (2009) How caregiving affects development: psychological implications for child, adolescent, and adult caregivers [i] [d]
- Emma F. Thomas, Craig McGarty, & Kenneth I. Mavor (2009) Transforming 'apathy into movement': the role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change [d]
- Michael Tomasello (2009) Why we cooperate [i] [d]
- Joel Waldfogel (2009) Scroogenomics: why you shouldn't buy presents for the holidays [i] [d] [j]
- Netta Weinstein, Andrew K. Przybylski, & Richard M. Ryan (2009) Can nature make us more caring?: effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity [p] [d]
- Joshua M. Ackerman & Douglas T. Kenrick (2008) The costs of benefits: help-refusals highlight key trade-offs of social life [d]
- Jennifer L. Barnes, Tyler Hill, Melanie Langer, Margaret Martinez, & Laurie R. Santos (2008) Helping behaviour and regard for others in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) [d]
- Andrew M. Bein (2008) The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
- Elizabeth W. Dunn, Lara B. Aknin, & Michael I. Norton (2008) Spending money on others promotes happiness [p] [d] [j]
- Herbert Gintis, Joseph Patrick Henrich, Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, & Ernst Fehr (2008) Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality [d]
- Lee Higgins (2008) The creative music workshop: event, facilitation, gift [d]
- Rachel Kaplan & Stephen Kaplan (2008) Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
- Laurent Lehmann, Kevin R. Foster, Elhanan Borenstein, & Marcus W. Feldman (2008) Social and individual learning of helping in humans and other species [d]
- King King Li (2008) Altruism and reciprocity of Buddhist monks: evidence from behavioral game experiments in southern India [d]
- Wanda M. Malcolm, Nancy DeCourville, & Kathryn Belicki [ed] (2008) Women's reflections on the complexities of forgiveness [i] [d]
- Elena Marta & Maura Pozzi (2008) Young people and volunteerism: a model of sustained volunteerism during the transition to adulthood [d]
- Jarred Pennington & Tess Knight (2008) Staying connected: the lived experiences of volunteers and older adults [d]
- James L. Perry, Jeffrey L. Brudney, David Coursey, & Laura Littlepage (2008) What drives morally committed citizens?: a study of the antecedents of public service motivation [d]
- Jane Allyn Piliavin (2008) Long-term benefits of habitual helping: doing well by doing good [i]
- Brent W. Roberts & Daniel K. Mroczek (2008) Personality trait change in adulthood [d]
- Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins (2008) People as resources: exploring the functionality of warm and cold [d]
- Christian Smith, Michael O. Emerson, & Patricia Snell (2008) Passing the plate: why American Christians don't give away more money [i] [d]
- Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] (2008) Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
- Sarah E. Zemore & Maria E. Pagano (2008) Kickbacks from helping others: health and recovery [i] [d]
- Ofer H. Azar (2007) Why pay extra?: tipping and the importance of social norms and feelings in economic theory [d]
- Judith M. Burkart, Ernst Fehr, Charles Efferson, & Carel P. van Schaik (2007) Other-regarding preferences in a non-human primate: common marmosets provision food altruistically [p] [d] [u]
- H. Frank Cervone (2007) Working through resistance to change by using the 'competing commitments model' [d]
- Martin E. Ford & Peyton R. Smith (2007) Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
- Maria Heim (2007) Dāna as a moral category [i] [d]
- Stephen L. Isaacs & Paul Jellinek (2007) Is there a (volunteer) doctor in the house?: free clinics and volunteer physician referral networks in the United States [d]
- H. Peter Karoff & Jane Maddox (2007) The world we want: new dimensions in philanthropy and social change [i]
- Clark Nigel (2007) Living through the tsunami: vulnerability and generosity on a volatile earth [d]
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