How to practice generosity

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Food gifts: 150+ irresistible recipes for crafting personalized presents [i]
  2. () Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
  3. () 12 obvious (and 12 not-so-obvious) tips for living better [u]
  4. () Give the gift of your attention [u]
  5. () Poverty, by America [i]
  6. () In Egypt, leave a tip in the loo, and other guidelines to gratuities [u]
  7. () Trivial giving as a signal of trustworthiness [d]
  8. () 'All humans are strangers—almost everywhere': reflections on human belonging [i] [d]
  9. () The good it promises, the harm it does: critical essays on effective altruism, by Carol J. Adams, Alice Crary, and Lori Gruen [book review] [d]
  10. () How much do they make?: a systematic review of income generated from begging [d]
  11. () Hip to be square: moral saints revisited [d] [u]
  12. () The good life: lessons from the world's longest scientific study of happiness [i]
  13. () Effective altruism as a tower of assumptions ['if you destroy the top floor, all the other floors are still standing'] [u]
  14. () Why I'm not (exactly) an effective altruist [u]
  15. () American panhandlers [d]
  16. () An interdisciplinary synthesis of research on understanding and promoting well-doing [d]
  17. () What we owe the future: a million-year view [i]
  18. () Quandary over tips: how much is enough? [u]
  19. () The altruistic urge: why we're driven to help others [i] [j]
  20. Dominic Roser, Stefan Riedener, & Markus Huppenbauer [ed] () Effective altruism and religion: synergies, tensions, dialogue [i] [d] [u]
  21. () The future is vast: longtermism's perspective on humanity's past, present, and future [u]
  22. () Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
  23. () Surprisingly happy to have helped: underestimating prosociality creates a misplaced barrier to asking for help [p] [d]
  24. () Care-ful work: an ethics of care approach to contingent labour in the creative industries [d]
  25. () The development of giving in forms of object exchange: exploring the roots of communication and morality in early interaction around objects [d]
  26. () The psychology of (in)effective altruism [p] [d]
  27. () The Buddhist oxygen mask [u]
  28. () An evolutionary perspective on Kohlberg's theory of moral development [d]
  29. () From angels to demons: uncovering the relationships between tipping, social dignity, OCB and incivility intentions [organizational citizenship behavior] [d]
  30. () The economics of tipping [d] [j]
  31. () Why women hate stingy men [u]
  32. () Engaging, standing, and stepping: evaluating anthropological activism on an Amazonian petro-frontier [d] [u]
  33. () Effective justice [d]
  34. () Do's and don'ts of lending to friends and family: lending money to friends and family requires careful planning [u]
  35. () The effective altruist's political problem [d]
  36. () Sharing with a stranger: people are more generous with time than money [d]
  37. () The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
  38. () Beyond moral efficiency: effective altruism and theorizing about effectiveness [d]
  39. () Not all gifts are good: the potential practical costs of motivated gifts [d]
  40. () The first heroic practice: the perfection of giving: a generous heart [i]
  41. () A brief argument for the overwhelming importance of shaping the far future [i] [d]
  42. () Collective obligations and the institutional critique of effective altruism: a reply to Alexander Dietz [d]
  43. () Effective altruism and systemic change [d]
  44. () Managing risk through cooperation: need-based transfers and risk pooling among the societies of the Human Generosity Project [i] [d]
  45. () Effective altruism and collective obligations [d]
  46. () Innate human connectivity and Śāntideva's cultivation of compassion [i] [d]
  47. () Do-gooders [and the need for politically responsible altruism] [book review essay] [d] [u]
  48. Hilary Greaves & Theron Pummer [ed] () Effective altruism: philosophical issues [i] [d]
  49. () Can giving money end severe poverty? [i] [d]
  50. () Counter-service tipping: who gives? [u]
  51. () Effectiveness and ecumenicity [in effective altruism] [d]
  52. () Aid scepticism and effective altruism [u]
  53. () Weapons of the poor: tipping and resistance in precarious times [d]
  54. () Pragmatism and effective altruism: an essay on epistemology and practical ethics [u]
  55. () Economic design for effective altruism [i] [d]
  56. () The ways of altruism [d]
  57. () Moral transformation and duties of beneficence [d]
  58. () This could be our future: a manifesto for a more generous world [i]
  59. () Charity vs. revolution: effective altruism and the systemic change objection [d]
  60. () Severe poverty as an unjust emergency [i] [d]
  61. () The institutional critique of effective altruism [d]
  62. () Impediments to effective altruism: the role of subjective preferences in charitable giving [p] [d]
  63. () The social significance of subtle signals [p] [d]
  64. () Effective animal advocacy: effective altruism, the social economy, and the animal protection movement [d]
  65. () A year of living kindly: choices that will change your life and the world around you [i]
  66. () The changing way of the bodhisattva: superheroes, saints, and social workers [i] [d]
  67. () The inheritance of wealth: justice, equality, and the right to bequeath [i] [d]
  68. R. Douglas K. Herman [ed] () Giving back: research and reciprocity in indigenous settings [i]
  69. () Giving isn't demanding [i] [d]
  70. () Beneficence, street begging, and diverted giving schemes [d]
  71. () Just giving: why philanthropy is failing democracy and how it can do better [i] [d] [j]
  72. Paul Woodruff [ed] () The ethics of giving: philosophers' perspectives on philanthropy [i] [d]
  73. () Household water sharing: a review of water gifts, exchanges, and transfers across cultures [p] [d] [u]
  74. (/2019) Getting less than your due [meionexia as a virtue] [i]
  75. () Theory-neutral arguments for 'effective animal advocacy' [d] [u]
  76. () What will you do with your surplus? ['If you're not drowning, you're a lifeguard'] [u]
  77. () Free innovation [i] [d] [u]
  78. () On the benefits of giving social support: when, why, and how support providers gain by caring for others [d]
  79. () ¿Erradicar la pobreza o empobrecer las alternativas? [i]
  80. () Mutualistic cooperation: why religion is common but saints are rare [d]
  81. () The other half of effective altruism: selective asceticism [d] [u]
  82. () Effective altruism and the altruistic repugnant conclusion [d] [u]
  83. () The primacy of social support [in religion] [d]
  84. () Dream hoarders: how the American upper middle class is leaving everyone else in the dust, why that is a problem, and what to do about it [i] [j]
  85. () Cheapskates [i]
  86. () On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
  87. () The beneficiary [i] [d]
  88. () Crowd-patronage—intermediaries, geographies and relationships in patronage networks [d]
  89. () The supreme medicine of exchanging self-enclosure for altruism [i] [d]
  90. () The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
  91. () Harm to self outweighs benefit to others in moral decision making [p] [d] [u]
  92. () Supporting the best charities is harder than it seems [d]
  93. () Offensive beneficence [d]
  94. () Effective altruism: Is it effective? Should it be more affective? [d]
  95. () Profit and gift in the digital economy [i] [d]
  96. () Why certain gifts are great to give but not to get: a framework for understanding errors in gift giving [d] [j]
  97. () Who's responsible for global poverty? [d]
  98. () Philosophical critiques of effective altruism [d]
  99. () Do unto others or treat yourself?: the effects of prosocial and self-focused behavior on psychological flourishing [p] [d]
  100. () Anger and forgiveness: resentment, generosity, justice [i]
  101. () Awe's effects on generosity and helping [d]
  102. () I don't want the money, I just want your time: how moral identity overcomes the aversion to giving time to prosocial causes [p] [d]
  103. () Gastrodiplomacy: assessing the role of food in decision-making [d] [u]
  104. () Philanthropy, cosmopolitanism, and the benefits of giving directly [d]
  105. () The nurture effect: how the science of human behavior can improve our lives and our world [i]
  106. () Empathy and prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  107. () Demandingness, well-being and the bodhisattva path [d]
  108. () Environmental philanthropy and environmental behavior in five countries: is there convergence among youth? [d]
  109. () Explanations of service gratuities and tipping: evidence from individual differences in tipping motivations and tendencies [d]
  110. () Service gratuities and tipping: a motivational framework [d] [u]
  111. () Doing good better: how effective altruism can help you make a difference [i]
  112. () Strangers drowning: grappling with impossible idealism, drastic choices, and the overpowering urge to help [i]
  113. () The need to help: the domestic arts of international humanitarianism [i] [d] [j]
  114. () 'I got to try to give back': how reciprocity norms in a poor people's organization influence members' social capital [d]
  115. () The upside of stress: why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it [i]
  116. () Prosocial behavior in late life [i] [d]
  117. () The other side of helping: seeking and receiving help [i] [d]
  118. David A. Schroeder & William G. Graziano [ed] () The Oxford handbook of prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  119. () Towards a comparative anthropology of the Buddhist gift (and other transfers) [d]
  120. () Beyond altruism: sociological foundations of cooperation and prosocial behavior [d]
  121. () Forum: The logic of effective altruism [u]
  122. () The most good you can do: how effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically [i] [d]
  123. () Religion and prosociality [i] [d]
  124. () The power of one sentient being: the computer simulation of a bodhisattva's altruism using agent-based modelling [d]
  125. () The sociology of caregiving [i] [d]
  126. () Harm to others outweighs harm to self in moral decision making [p] [d] [u]
  127. () On unenlightened altruism [d]
  128. () A construct divided: prosocial behavior as helping, sharing, and comforting subtypes [p] [d] [u]
  129. () With malice toward none and charity for some: ingroup favoritism enables discrimination [p] [d]
  130. () Should I give money to panhandlers? [u]
  131. () Austere kindness or mindless austerity: the effects of gift-giving to beggars in east London [d] [u]
  132. () Distant strangers: ethics, psychology, and global poverty [i] [d]
  133. () Joyful giving [u]
  134. () The good life: wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality [i] [d]
  135. () Selfless or selfish?: generativity and narcissism as components of legacy [d]
  136. () Creating philanthropic foundations to deal with grief: case studies of bereaved parents [p] [d]
  137. () Selfless giving [p] [d]
  138. () Give and take: a revolutionary approach to success [i]
  139. () Ontogeny of prosocial behavior across diverse societies [p] [d] [u]
  140. () Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  141. () Believing in the gift: a case of successful relationships of exchange in the Colombian Amazon [u]
  142. (/2019) The moral imperative toward cost-effectiveness in global health [i] [d] [u]
  143. (/2015) Altruism: the power of compassion to change yourself and the world [i]
  144. () Philanthropic identity at work: employer influences on the charitable giving attitudes and behaviors of employees [d]
  145. () The servant identity: influences on the cognition and behavior of servant leaders [d]
  146. () Intuitive prosociality [d]
  147. () Normal and pathological generosity [p] [d]
  148. () Recognising the time–space dimensions of care: caringscapes and carescapes [d]
  149. () Passing on the gift as an approach to sustainable development programmes [d]
  150. Guido Errygers & John Cunliffe [ed] () Inherited wealth, justice and equality [i] [d]
  151. () Environmental philanthropy: is it similar to other types of environmental behavior? [d]
  152. () Passing the salt: how eating together creates community [u]
  153. () Stewardship of things: the radical potential of product stewardship for re-framing responsibilities and relationships to products and materials [d]
  154. () Recovery at work: understanding the restorative side of 'depleting' client interactions [d]
  155. () Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
  156. () Giving time gives you time [p] [d]
  157. () Vegan food gifts: more than 100 inspired recipes for homemade baked goods, preserves, and other edible gifts everyone will love [i]
  158. Barbara A. Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, & David Sloan Wilson [ed] () Pathological altruism [i] [d]
  159. () Philanthropy: 'power with' in international relations [d]
  160. () Meaningful commitment: finding meaning in volunteer work [d]
  161. () Crowding out morality: how the ideology of self-interest can be self-fulfilling [i] [d]
  162. () If money doesn't make you happy, consider time [d]
  163. () Heuristics and biases in charity [i] [d]
  164. () A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  165. () The organ donor experience: good samaritans and the meaning of altruism [i]
  166. () 'Pray for those who mistreat you': effects of prayer on anger and aggression [p] [d]
  167. Patricia M. L. Illingworth, Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, & Leif Wenar [ed] () Giving well: the ethics of philanthropy [i] [d]
  168. () Time crawls when you're not having fun [p] [d]
  169. Daniel M. Oppenheimer & Christopher Yves Olivola [ed] () The science of giving: experimental approaches to the study of charity [i] [d]
  170. () Becoming a mensch: timeless Talmudic ethics for everyone [i]
  171. () The embarrassed bystander: embarrassability and the inhibition of helping [d]
  172. () The stingy hour: how accounting for time affects volunteering [p] [d]
  173. () The motivation to serve others: exploring relations to career development [d]
  174. () Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks [p] [d] [u]
  175. () When strangers call: a consideration of care, justice, and compassion [d] [j]
  176. Sybil Hart & Maria Theresia Legerstee [ed] () Handbook of jealousy: theories, principles and multidisciplinary approaches [i] [d]
  177. () On the psychology of cooperation in humans and other primates: combining the natural history and experimental evidence of prosociality [p] [d] [u]
  178. () How life history and demography promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours [p] [d] [u]
  179. () The generosity plan: sharing your time, treasure, and talent to shape the world [i]
  180. () Generous leaders and selfish underdogs: pro-sociality in despotic macaques [p] [d] [u]
  181. () Daily recovery experiences: the role of volunteer work during leisure time [d]
  182. () Helping for change [p] [d] [u]
  183. () Having less, giving more: the influence of social class on prosocial behavior [p] [d]
  184. () It is Developmental Me, not Generation Me: developmental changes are more important than generational changes in narcissism—commentary on Trzesniewski & Donnellan (2010) [p] [d] [j] [u]
  185. () The social marketing of giving: a framework for public policy intervention [d]
  186. () Begging as a path to progress: indigenous women and children and the struggle for Ecuador's urban spaces [i] [d] [j]
  187. () Ethical brains [and moral objectivity via empathic needs-based consequentialism] [i] [d] [j]
  188. () Witnessing excellence in action: the 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration [d]
  189. () Empathy and altruism [i] [d]
  190. () Commodity, gift and mass-gift: on gift-commodity hybrids in advanced mass consumption cultures [d]
  191. () How to be an everyday philanthropist: 330 ways to make a difference in your home, community, and world—at no cost [i]
  192. () The impulse of philanthropy [d]
  193. () The psychology of giving and its effect on negotiation [i] [u]
  194. () Giving and getting: charitable activity and public assistance [d]
  195. () Firefighters volunteering beyond their duty: an essential asset in rural communities [u]
  196. () If you live long enough [i]
  197. () No enemy to conquer: forgiveness in an unforgiving world [i]
  198. () Forgiveness in spite of denial, revisionism, and injustice [i] [d]
  199. Ani Kalayjian & Raymond F. Paloutzian [ed] () Forgiveness and reconciliation: psychological pathways to conflict transformation and peace building [i] [d]
  200. () Caregiving: the odyssey of becoming more human [p] [d]
  201. () Putting others in the center [i]
  202. () Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
  203. () Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help [i]
  204. () Engineering to help: the value of critique in engineering service [d] [u]
  205. () Helping others shows differential benefits on health and well-being for male and female teens [d]
  206. Kim Shifren [ed] () How caregiving affects development: psychological implications for child, adolescent, and adult caregivers [i] [d]
  207. () Transforming 'apathy into movement': the role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change [d]
  208. () Why we cooperate [i] [d]
  209. () Scroogenomics: why you shouldn't buy presents for the holidays [i] [d] [j]
  210. () Can nature make us more caring?: effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity [p] [d]
  211. () The costs of benefits: help-refusals highlight key trade-offs of social life [d]
  212. () Helping behaviour and regard for others in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) [d]
  213. () The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
  214. () Spending money on others promotes happiness [p] [d] [j]
  215. () Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality [d]
  216. () The creative music workshop: event, facilitation, gift [d]
  217. () Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  218. () Social and individual learning of helping in humans and other species [d]
  219. () Altruism and reciprocity of Buddhist monks: evidence from behavioral game experiments in southern India [d]
  220. Wanda M. Malcolm, Nancy DeCourville, & Kathryn Belicki [ed] () Women's reflections on the complexities of forgiveness [i] [d]
  221. () Young people and volunteerism: a model of sustained volunteerism during the transition to adulthood [d]
  222. () Staying connected: the lived experiences of volunteers and older adults [d]
  223. () What drives morally committed citizens?: a study of the antecedents of public service motivation [d]
  224. () Long-term benefits of habitual helping: doing well by doing good [i]
  225. () Personality trait change in adulthood [d]
  226. () People as resources: exploring the functionality of warm and cold [d]
  227. () Passing the plate: why American Christians don't give away more money [i] [d]
  228. Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] () Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
  229. () Kickbacks from helping others: health and recovery [i] [d]
  230. () Why pay extra?: tipping and the importance of social norms and feelings in economic theory [d]
  231. () Other-regarding preferences in a non-human primate: common marmosets provision food altruistically [p] [d] [u]
  232. () Working through resistance to change by using the 'competing commitments model' [d]
  233. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  234. () Dāna as a moral category [i] [d]
  235. () Is there a (volunteer) doctor in the house?: free clinics and volunteer physician referral networks in the United States [d]
  236. () The world we want: new dimensions in philanthropy and social change [i]
  237. () Living through the tsunami: vulnerability and generosity on a volatile earth [d]
  238. () Head, eyes, flesh, and blood: giving away the body in Indian Buddhist literature [i] [d] [j]
  239. () Why good things happen to good people: the exciting new research that proves the link between doing good and living a longer, healthier, happier life [i]
  240. () Being generous: the art of right living [i]
  241. Genevieve Vaughan [ed] () Women and the gift economy: a radically difference worldview is possible [i]
  242. () Kindness to strangers [i]
  243. () Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  244. William Damon & Susan Verducci [ed] () Taking philanthropy seriously: beyond noble intentions to responsible giving [i]
  245. () Helping one's way to the top: self-monitors achieve status by helping others and knowing who helps whom [d]
  246. () Giving and volunteering as distinct forms of civic engagement: the role of community integration and personal resources in formal helping [d]
  247. () The power of nice: eight ways to kill the business world with kindness [i]
  248. Serge-Christophe Kolm & Jean Mercier Ythier [ed] () Handbook of the economics of giving, altruism and reciprocity [i]
  249. () Obama to graduates: cultivate empathy: 'The world doesn't just revolve around you' [u]
  250. () The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
  251. () When good overcomes bad: the impact of volunteers on those they help [d]
  252. () A key to the profound essential points: a meditation guide to 'Parting from the four clingings' [i]
  253. () There are no degrees in a bodhisattva's compassion [d]
  254. () Waking up together: intimate partnership on the spiritual path [i]
  255. () No time to lose: a timely guide to the way of the bodhisattva [or: Becoming bodhisattvas: a guidebook for compassionate action] [i]
  256. () Cultivating a compassionate heart: the yoga method of Chenrezig [i]
  257. () Radical contingency in sharing behavior and its consequences [d]
  258. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  259. () Empowered girls: a girl's guide to positive activism, volunteering, and philanthropy [i]
  260. () Forgiveness and its associations with prosocial thinking, feeling, and doing beyond the relationship with the offender [p] [d]
  261. Everett L. Worthington [ed] () Handbook of forgiveness [i]
  262. () The history of tipping—from sixteenth-century England to United States in the 1910s [d] [u]
  263. () Too proud to let go: narcissistic entitlement as a barrier to forgiveness [d]
  264. () Emotional intelligence and negotiation: the tension between creating and claiming value [d]
  265. () Theories of the gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain reflections on dāna [i]
  266. () I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
  267. () Altruistic suicide: a look at some issues [p] [d]
  268. () On beggars [i]
  269. () Cognitive humanistic therapy: Buddhism, Christianity and being fully human [i] [d]
  270. Ed De St. Aubin, Dan P. McAdams, & T'ae-ch'ang Kim [ed] () The generative society: caring for future generations [i] [d]
  271. () Detrimental effects of sanctions on human altruism [p] [d]
  272. () Dāna: giving and getting in Pali Buddhism [i]
  273. () Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  274. () Generativity and the politics of intergenerational fairness [i] [d]
  275. () Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development [d]
  276. () When we give more: reflections on intangible gifts from therapist to patient [p] [d]
  277. () The creative habit: learn it and use it for life: a practical guide [i]
  278. () Altruism is a primary impulse, not a discipline [d]
  279. (/2004) Don't be nice, be real: balancing passion for self with compassion for others [i]
  280. () Altruism is never self-sacrifice [d]
  281. Stephen Garrard Post, Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey P. Schloss, & William B. Hurlbut [ed] () Altruism & altruistic love: science, philosophy, & religion in dialogue [i] [d]
  282. () Altruism and selfishness [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  283. () Did Śāntideva destroy the bodhisattva path? [u]
  284. () The robustness of altruism as an evolutionary strategy [d]
  285. () Personality attributes of volunteers and paid workers engaged in similar occupational tasks [p] [d]
  286. () Changing the focus on volunteering: an investigation of volunteers' multiple contributions to a charitable organization [d]
  287. (/2007) The better world handbook: small changes that make a big difference [i]
  288. () The forgiving self: the road from resentment to connection [i]
  289. () Eight verses for training the mind: an oral teaching [i]
  290. () Perceived inequity, communal orientation and burnout: the role of helping models [d]
  291. () Methodological altruism as an alternative foundation for individual optimization [d] [j]
  292. () Food transfers among Hiwi foragers of Venezuela: tests of reciprocity [d] [j]
  293. (/2003) Do bodhisattvas relieve poverty?: the distinction between economic and spiritual development and their interrelation in Indian Buddhist texts [i] [d]
  294. () Race and formal volunteering: the differential effects of class and religion [d] [j]
  295. () The Bodhisattva vow [i]
  296. () The giving heart: unlocking the transformative power of generosity in our lives [i]
  297. () Ordinary grace: an examination of the roots of compassion, altruism, and empathy, and the ordinary individuals who help others in extraordinary ways [i]
  298. (/2022) Estate planning basics: what you need to know about wills, trusts & avoiding probate [i]
  299. () Cultures of caring: philanthropy in diverse American communities [o] [u]
  300. (/2002) Forgiveness: breaking the chain of hate [i]
  301. () Make it count: how to generate a legacy that gives meaning to your life [i]
  302. () The three principal aspects of the path: an oral teaching [i]
  303. () Giving and receiving help: interpersonal transactions in mutual-help meetings and psychosocial adjustment of members [p] [d]
  304. () Gratitude and justice [d] [j]
  305. () Sharing the world: sustainable living and global equity in the 21st century [i]
  306. (/2006) Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: implication for prosocial behavior [i] [d]
  307. () Tipping: an American social history of gratuities [i]
  308. () Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior [i]
  309. () The heart of being helpful: empathy and the creation of a healing presence [i]
  310. () On Zen work [u]
  311. () Be the person you want to find: relationship and self-discovery [i]
  312. () A heart as wide as the world: living with mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion [i]
  313. () Work and volunteering: the long arm of the job [d] [j]
  314. (/2008) A complaint is a gift: recovering customer loyalty when things go wrong [i]
  315. () Cultivating the mind of love: the practice of looking deeply in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition [i]
  316. () Commitment beyond self and adolescence: the issue of happiness [d]
  317. Jerome B. Schneewind [ed] () Giving: Western ideas of philanthropy [i]
  318. () Living high and letting die: our illusion of innocence [i] [d]
  319. (/2009) The kid's guide to service projects: over 500 service ideas for young people who want to make a difference [i]
  320. () Understanding caring in contemporary America [i]
  321. (/2022) Plan your estate [i]
  322. () Acts of service: spontaneity, commitment, tradition in the nonscripted theatre [i]
  323. () Virtuous giving: philanthropy, voluntary service, and caring [i]
  324. () Expanding the circle of caring: from local to global [i] [u]
  325. () The mask of solidarity [i]
  326. () The call of service: a witness to idealism [i]
  327. () Love in action: writings on nonviolent social change [i]
  328. (/2006) Careers for good samaritans & other humanitarian types [i]
  329. () Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
  330. Jane J. Mansbridge [ed] () Beyond self-interest [i]
  331. (/2007) Everyday morality: an introduction to applied ethics [i]
  332. (/2010) Indian givers: how Native Americans transformed the world [i]
  333. () Feel the fear and do it anyway [i]
  334. () Outliving the self: generativity and the interpretation of lives [or: Outliving the self: how we live on in future generations] [i]
  335. () The gift: imagination and the erotic life of property [i]
  336. () The words of Martin Luther King, Jr. [i]
  337. (/1985) Equality, entitlements, and the distribution of income [i]
  338. () Farm journal's friendly food gifts from your kitchen [i]
  339. (/1978) To kill and survive or to die and become: the active life and the contemplative life as ways of being adult [i]
  340. () Developmental synthesis of affect and cognition and its implications for altruistic motivation [d]
  341. () Unselfishness: the role of the vicarious affects in moral philosophy and social theory [i] [u]
  342. (/2003) Humanism of the other [i]
  343. (/2016) Famine, affluence, and morality [i]
  344. () Voluntary service: good will or evil goods? [o]
  345. (/1970) To hell with good intentions [o]
  346. (/1981) Strength to love [i]
  347. (/2004) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: precursor of Kafka, Céline, and Ponge [i]
  348. (/1970) Try giving yourself away: a tonic for these troubled times [i] [u]
  349. () Universal benevolence [o] [d] [u]
  350. (/1985) Bodhisattva's four methods of guidance [i]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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