How to plan
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- Steffen Steinert (2024) Maintenance of value and the value of maintenance [i] [d] [u]
- Jacob Campbell, Christopher C. Jarrett, Alaka Wali, Amy D. Rosenthal, Diana Alvira, Ana A. Lemos, Mario Longoni, Alexis Winter, & Lorena Lopez (2023) Centering communities in conservation through asset-based quality of life planning [d] [j]
- Yanliu Huang, Zhen Yang, & Vicki G. Morwitz (2023) How using a paper versus mobile calendar influences everyday planning and plan fulfillment [d]
- C. Maria Keet (2023) The what and how of modelling information and knowledge: from mind maps to ontologies [i] [d]
- Paul Lewis & Matias Petersen (2023) Elinor Ostrom on choice, collective action and rationality: a Senian analysis [d]
- Jeronimo de Macedo, Douglas Dyllon, & Priscila Basto Fagundes (2023) An analysis on the use of knowledge organization systems in the process of requirements engineering [d]
- Ben Matthews, Skye Doherty, Peter Worthy, & Janine Reid (2023) Design thinking, wicked problems and institutioning change: a case study [d]
- Shane Parrish (2023) Clear thinking: turning ordinary moments into extraordinary results [i]
- David Schmidtz (2023) Cost–benefit analysis as moral science [i] [d]
- David Schmidtz (2023) Living together: inventing moral science [i] [d]
- Sahra Svensson-Hoglund, Jennifer D. Russell, & Jessika Luth Richter (2023) A process approach to product repair from the perspective of the individual [d]
- Kailash Awati & Natalia Nikolova (2022) From ambiguity to action: integrating collective sensemaking and rational decision making in management pedagogy and practice [d]
- Amanda Belantara & Emily Drabinski (2022) Pleasure and the practice of classification [d]
- Marc Brooker (2022) Formal methods only solve half my problems [the other half are addressed with prototyping, closed-form modelling, and above all with simulation] [u]
- Vinay K. Chaudhri, Chaitanya Baru, Naren Chittar, Xin Luna Dong, Michael Genesereth, James Hendler, Aditya Kalyanpur, Douglas B. Lenat, Juan Sequeda, Denny Vrandečić, & Kuansan Wang (2022) Knowledge graphs: introduction, history, and perspectives [d]
- Wilian Gatti Jr., Beaumie Kim, & Lynde Tan (2022) Looking inside the box to think outside it: contextualizing design thinking [i] [d]
- Joseph Hilger & Zachary Wahl (2022) Making knowledge management clickable: knowledge management systems strategy, design, and implementation [i] [d]
- Johanna Hoffman (2022) Speculative futures: design approaches to navigate change, foster resilience, and co-create the cities we need [i]
- Martin Thomas Horsch & Björn Schembera (2022) Documentation of epistemic metadata by a mid-level ontology of cognitive processes [o] [u]
- Jane McGonigal (2022) Imaginable: how to see the future coming and be ready for anything [i]
- Gavin Mendel-Gleason (2022) The semantic web is dead—long live the semantic web! [u]
- Robert Mark Morgan (2022) The art of scenic design: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
- Marianne Lykke Nielsen, Tanja Svarre Jonasen, David Haynes, Mette Skov, Martin Thellefsen, & Daniel Martínez-Ávila [ed] (2022) Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services, and technologies: proceedings of the Seventeenth International ISKO Conference, 6–8 July 2022, Aalborg, Denmark [i] [d]
- Chris Partridge (2022) How an evolutionary framework can help us to understand what a domain ontology is (or should be) and how to build one [u]
- Alison Sant (2022) From the ground up: local efforts to create resilient cities [i]
- Arthur Smith (2022) Simple knowledge organization system (SKOS) [d] [u]
- Rick Szostak (2022) Making sense of the future [i] [d] [u]
- Rick Szostak (2022) Toward a general theory of knowledge organization [i] [d]
- Dorian Taylor (2022) The specificity gradient [in information system design and implementation] [u]
- Carl Wieman (2022) How to become a successful physicist [d]
- Terje Aven & Shital Thekdi (2021) Risk science: an introduction [i] [d]
- Maria Teresa Biagetti (2021) Ontologies as knowledge organization systems [d] [u]
- Kieran P. Donaghy (2021) Worlds lost and found: regional science contributions in support of collective decision-making for collective action [i] [d]
- Annika Frye (2021) Improvisation in design processes [i] [d]
- Aidan Hogan, Eva Blomqvist, Michael Cochez, Claudia d'Amato, Gerard de Melo, Claudio Gutierrez, Sabrina Kirrane, José Emilio Labra Gayo, Roberto Navigli, Sebastian Neumaier, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Axel Polleres, Sabbir M. Rashid, Anisa Rula, Lukas Schmelzeisen, Juan Sequeda, Steffen Staab, & Antoine Zimmermann (2021) Knowledge graphs [i] [d] [u]
- Carolyn Kousky, Billy Fleming, & Alan M. Berger [ed] (2021) A blueprint for coastal adaptation: uniting design, economics, and policy [i]
- Andrew Leigh (2021) What's the worst that could happen?: existential risk and extreme politics [i] [d]
- Jay S. Levy (2021) Pretreatment in action: interactive exploration from homelessness to housing stabilization [i]
- Argenta M. Price, Candice J. Kim, Eric W. Burkholder, Amy V. Fritz, & Carl E. Wieman (2021) A detailed characterization of the expert problem-solving process in science and engineering: guidance for teaching and assessment [p] [d] [u]
- Nick Salafsky, Richard Margoluis, Anna Balla, & Richard Margoluis (2021) Pathways to success: taking conservation to scale in complex systems [i]
- Wolfgang Schreiner (2021) Thinking programs: logical modeling and reasoning about languages, data, computations, and executions [i] [d]
- E. Burton Swanson (2021) How can information systems make a better world? [i] [d]
- E. Burton Swanson (2021) How information systems came to rule the world: and other essays [i] [d]
- Johanna Thoma (2021) Weighing the costs and benefits of public policy: on the dangers of single metric accounting [d]
- Alexandros Vassiliades, Nick Bassiliades, & Theodore Patkos (2021) Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey [d]
- Terje Aven (2020) How to determine the largest global and national risks: review and discussion [d]
- Jonathan Barnett (2020) Designing the megaregion: meeting urban challenges at a new scale [i]
- David L. Barth (2020) Parks and recreation system planning: a new approach for creating sustainable, resilient communities [i]
- Mark Battersby (2020) Practical rationality: critical questions for rational decision making [u]
- Jean-Claude Bolay (2020) Urban planning against poverty: how to think and do better cities in the Global South [i] [d] [u]
- Matthew J. Brown (2020) Science and moral imagination: a new ideal for values in science [i] [j] [u]
- Patricia Greenspan (2020) Emotions in practical reasoning [i] [d]
- Caspar Chorus (2020) Regret aversion in riskless choice contexts: a formal model of choice behavior and morally problematic choice architectures [i]
- Owen Cotton-Barratt, Max Daniel, & Anders Sandberg (2020) Defence in depth against human extinction: prevention, response, resilience, and why they all matter [d]
- Simin Davoudi, Richard Cowell, Iain White, & Hilda Blanco [ed] (2020) The Routledge companion to environmental planning [i] [d]
- Annie Duke (2020) How to decide: simple tools for making better choices [i]
- Ioan Fazey, Niko Schäpke, Guido Caniglia, Anthony M. Hodgson, Ian Kendrick, Christopher Lyon, Glenn Page, James J. Patterson, Chris Riedy, Tim Strasser, Stephan Verveen, David Adams, Bruce Evan Goldstein, Matthias Klaes, Graham Leicester, Alison Linyard, Adrienne McCurdy, Paul Ryan, Bill Sharpe, & Giorgia Silvestri (2020) Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
- Dieter Fensel, Umutcan Şimşek, Kevin Angele, Elwin Huaman, Elias Kärle, Oleksandra Panasiuk, Ioan Toma, Jürgen Umbrich, & Alexander Wahler [ed] (2020) Knowledge graphs: methodology, tools and selected use cases [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder, Ariel Kruger, Sujai Thomman, Richard de Rozario, Elizabeth Silver, Morgan Saletta, Ashley Barnett, Richard O. Sinnott, Glenn Tesla Jayaputera, & Mark A. Burgman (2020) Improving analytic reasoning via crowdsourcing and structured analytic techniques [d]
- Joseph Heath (2020) Cost–benefit analysis as an expression of liberal neutrality [i] [d]
- Joseph Heath (2020) The machinery of government: public administration and the liberal state [i] [d]
- Dan Heath (2020) Upstream: the quest to solve problems before they happen [i]
- Lorin Hochstein (2020) All we can do is find problems [u]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2020) Reflective consensus building on wicked problems with the Reflect! platform [p] [d]
- Rob Holmes (2020) The problem with solutions: notes toward a history of non-solutionist design [d] [u]
- Roman Krznaric (2020) The good ancestor: how to think long-term in a short-term world [i]
- Janez Nared & David Bole [ed] (2020) Participatory research and planning in practice [i] [d] [u]
- Toby Ord (2020) The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
- Walter J. Radermacher (2020) Science and society: a reflexive approach to official statistics [i] [d]
- JoNell Strough & Wändi Bruine de Bruin (2020) Decision making across adulthood [d]
- Dorian Taylor (2020) IBIS—we have issues [issue-based information system implementation] [u]
- Tobias Baer (2019) Understand, manage, and prevent algorithmic bias: a guide for business users and data scientists [i] [d]
- Jennifer A. Bartlett & Spencer Acadia (2019) Libraries that learn: keys to managing organizational knowledge [i]
- Ekaterina Bazhenova, Francesca Zerbato, Barbara Oliboni, & Mathias Weske (2019) From BPMN process models to DMN decision models [d]
- Friederike C. Bolam, Matthew J. Grainger, Kerrie L. Mengersen, Gavin B. Stewart, William J. Sutherland, Michael C. Runge, & Philip J. K. McGowan (2019) Using the Value of Information to improve conservation decision making [p] [d]
- Michael R. Boswell, Adrienne I. Greve, Tammy L. Seale, Eli Krispi, & Dina Perkins (2019) Climate action planning: a guide to creating low-carbon, resilient communities [i] [d]
- Scott Boylston (2019) Designing with society: a capabilities approach to design, systems thinking and social innovation [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2019) Embrace the distributed nature of decision making [u]
- James J. Cochran [ed] (2019) INFORMS analytics body of knowledge [i] [d]
- Joseph Corneli, Ursula Martin, Dave Murray-Rust, Gabriela Rino Nesin, & Alison Pease (2019) Argumentation theory for mathematical argument [d]
- Sidney Dekker (2019) Foundations of safety science: a century of understanding accidents and disasters [i] [d]
- William N. Dunn (2019) Pragmatism and the origins of the policy sciences: rediscovering Lasswell and the Chicago School [i] [d]
- Peter J. Edwards, Paulo Vaz Serra, & Michael Edwards (2019) Managing project risks [i] [d]
- Tiago Forte (2019) Libraries in the digital age: a case study in equipping librarians with the tools of idea management [u]
- Pablo García-Díaz, Thomas A. A. Prowse, Dean P. Anderson, Miguel Lurgi, Rachelle N. Binny, & Phillip Cassey (2019) A concise guide to developing and using quantitative models in conservation management [d]
- Elizabeth J. Green, Graeme M. Buchanan, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Georgina M. Chandler, Neil D. Burgess, Samantha L. L. Hill, & Richard D. Gregory (2019) Relating characteristics of global biodiversity targets to reported progress [p] [d] [u]
- Yash Raj Jain, Sanit Gupta, Vasundhara Rakesh, Peter Dayan, Frederick Callaway, & Falk Lieder (2019) How do people learn how to plan? [u]
- Pim de Jong, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Marlies van Steenbergen, Floris J. Bex, & Matthieu Brinkhuis (2019) Evaluating design rationale in architecture [d] [u]
- Mykel J. Kochenderfer & Tim A. Wheeler (2019) Algorithms for optimization [i]
- Jean-François Laslier, Hervé Moulin, M. Remzi Sanver, & William S. Zwicker [ed] (2019) The future of economic design: the continuing development of a field as envisioned by its researchers [i] [d]
- Annabelle Lever & Andrei Poama [ed] (2019) The Routledge handbook of ethics and public policy [i] [d]
- Mariela Morveli-Espinoza, Juan Carlos Nieves, Ayslan Trevizan Possebom, Josep Puyol-Gruart, & Cesar Augusto Tacla (2019) An argumentation-based approach for identifying and dealing with incompatibilities among procedural goals [d]
- Dominik Peters (2019) Economic design for effective altruism [i] [d]
- Andrei Poama (2019) Application or construction?: two types of public policy ethics [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Resnick [ed] (2019) The social design reader [i]
- Ram Babu Roy, Paul Lillrank, Sreekanth V. K., & Paulus Torkki (2019) Designing service machines: translating principles of system science to service design [i] [d]
- Warren Sack (2019) The software arts [i] [d]
- Sergio Sparviero (2019) The case for a socially oriented business model canvas: the social enterprise model canvas [d]
- Dorian Taylor (2019) The symbol management problem [or: Why I (still) use semantic web technology] [u]
- Sim-Hui Tee (2019) Constructing reality with models [d] [j]
- Nikos Tsotsolas & Spiros Alexopoulos (2019) Towards a holistic strategic framework for applying robust facilitated approaches in political decision making [d]
- Zeynep Tufekci (2019) Big data and small decisions [or: More data don't necessarily help you make small decisions] [d] [u]
- Kristen Vincent, Robert E. Roth, Sarah A. Moore, Qunying Huang, Nick Lally, Carl M. Sack, Eric Nost, & Heather Rosenfeld (2019) Improving spatial decision making using interactive maps: an empirical study on interface complexity and decision complexity in the North American hazardous waste trade [d]
- Jianqin Wang, Henry Otgaar, Tom Smeets, Mark L. Howe, & Chu Zhou (2019) Manipulating memory associations changes decision-making preferences in a preconditioning task [p] [d]
- Remi Wieten, Floris J. Bex, Henry Prakken, & Silja Renooij (2019) Constructing Bayesian network graphs from labeled arguments [i] [d]
- Prue F. E. Addison, David J. Collins, Rowan Trebilco, Steffan Howe, Nicholas J. Bax, Paul T. Hedge, Glenys Jones, Patricia Miloslavich, Chris Roelfsema, Michael Sams, Rick D. Stuart-Smith, Peter Scanes, Patricia von Baumgarten, & Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (2018) A new wave of marine evidence-based management: emerging challenges and solutions to transform monitoring, evaluating, and reporting [d]
- Blal Adem Esmail & Davide Geneletti (2018) Multi-criteria decision analysis for nature conservation: a review of 20 years of applications [d]
- Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon (2018) Taking account of the actions of others in value-based reasoning [d]
- Kailash Awati (2018) Risk management and organizational anxiety [u]
- Gino Baudry, Cathy Macharis, & Thomas Vallée (2018) Range-based multi-actor multi-criteria analysis: a combined method of multi-actor multi-criteria analysis and Monte Carlo simulation to support participatory decision making under uncertainty [d]
- Gaurab Bhardwaj, Alia Crocker, Jonathan Sims, & Richard D. Wang (2018) Alleviating the plunging-in bias, elevating strategic problem-solving [d]
- Kelly de Bie, Prue F. E. Addison, & Carly N. Cook (2018) Integrating decision triggers into conservation management practice [d]
- Ian Bogost (2018) Possibility space [i] [u]
- Egon Börger & Alexander Raschke (2018) Modeling companion for software practitioners [i] [d]
- Egon Börger (2018) Why programming must be supported by modeling and how [i] [d]
- Stephen Boyd Davis & Simone Gristwood (2018) 'A dialogue between the real-world and the operational model'—the realities of design in Bruce Archer's 1968 doctoral thesis [d]
- William M. Bulleit (2018) Uncertainty in the design and maintenance of social systems [i] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2018) Theory building as problem solving [i] [d]
- Welton Chang, Elissabeth Berdini, David R. Mandel, & Philip E. Tetlock (2018) Restructuring structured analytic techniques in intelligence [d]
- Ward Cunningham (2018) The debt metaphor explained [u]
- Thomas H. Davenport (2018) The AI advantage: how to put the artificial intelligence revolution to work [i] [d]
- Benedict G. C. Dellaert, Joffre Swait, Wiktor L. Vic Adamowicz, Theo A. Arentze, Elizabeth E. Bruch, Elisabetta Cherchi, Caspar Chorus, Bas Donkers, Fred M. Feinberg, Anthony A. J. Marley, & Linda Court Salisbury (2018) Individuals' decisions in the presence of multiple goals [d]
- Annie Duke (2018) Thinking in bets: making smarter decisions when you don't have all the facts [i]
- Bruce Edmonds (2018) System farming [i] [d]
- Atila Ertas (2018) Transdisciplinary engineering design process [i] [d]
- Angela Espinosa & Carolina Duque (2018) Complexity management and multi-scale governance: a case study in an Amazonian indigenous association [d]
- Jason R. Finley, Farah Naaz, & Francine W. Goh (2018) Memory and technology: how we use information in the brain and the world [i] [d]
- John Forester (2018) Deliberative planning practices—without smothering invention: a practical aesthetic view [i] [d]
- Cesar García-Díaz & Camilo Olaya [ed] (2018) Social systems engineering: the design of complexity [i] [d]
- Bernard Garrette, Corey Phelps, & Olivier Sibony (2018) Cracked it!: how to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultants [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder & Richard de Rozario (2018) Contending analyses: a new model of collaboration for intelligence analysis [d]
- Steven L. Goldman (2018) Compromised exactness and the rationality of engineering [i] [d]
- Claudius Gräbner (2018) Formal approaches to socio-economic analysis—past and perspectives [d]
- Ryan Gunderson & Thomas Dietz (2018) Deliberation and catastrophic risks [i] [d]
- Torleif Halkjelsvik & Magne Jørgensen (2018) Time predictions: understanding and avoiding unrealism in project planning and everyday life [i] [d]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn (2018) Argument-based decision support for risk analysis [d]
- H. James Harrington (2018) Innovative change management (ICM): preparing your organization for the new innovative culture [i]
- Faruk Hasić, Johannes De Smedt, & Jan Vanthienen (2018) Augmenting processes with decision intelligence: principles for integrated modelling [d]
- Grietjie Haupt (2018) Hierarchical thinking: a cognitive tool for guiding coherent decision making in design problem solving [d]
- F. Gregory Hayden (2018) Using the social fabric matrix to establish corporate accounting consistent with normative criteria regarding climate change [d]
- Giles A. Hindle & Richard Vidgen (2018) Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector [d]
- C. Barry Hoffmaster & Clifford Alan Hooker (2018) Re-reasoning ethics: the rationality of deliberation and judgment in ethics [i] [d]
- Emiliano Ippoliti (2018) Heuristic logic: a kernel [i] [d]
- Peter H. Jones & Kyoichi Kijima [ed] (2018) Systemic design: theory, methods, and practice [i] [d]
- Silvia Jordan, Hermann Mitterhofer, & Lene Jørgensen (2018) The interdiscursive appeal of risk matrices: collective symbols, flexibility normalism and the interplay of 'risk' and 'uncertainty' [d]
- Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos, Ian N. Durbach, & Theodor J. Stewart (2018) When should we use simple decision models?: a synthesis of various research strands [d]
- Jon Kolko (2018) The divisiveness of design thinking [d] [u]
- Yiannis Laouris & Marios Michaelides (2018) Structured democratic dialogue: an application of a mathematical problem structuring method to facilitate reforms with local authorities in Cyprus [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2018) Practical reasoning arguments: a modular approach [d]
- Thomas W. Malone (2018) Superminds: the surprising power of people and computers thinking together [i]
- Tiziana Margaria & Bernhard Steffen [ed] (2018) Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification and validation: modeling: 8th international symposium, ISoLA 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, November 5–9, 2018: proceedings [i] [d]
- Nicolas Matentzoglu, James Malone, Chris Mungall, & Robert Stevens (2018) MIRO: guidelines for minimum information for the reporting of an ontology [d]
- Nicholas J. Matiasz, Justin Wood, Pranay Doshi, William Speier, Barry Beckemeyer, Wei Wang, William Hsu, & Alcino J. Silva (2018) for integrating and planning research [p] [d] [u]
- Doron Mayer (2018) Workflow: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
- Russell McKenna, Valentin Bertsch, Kai Mainzer, & Wolf Fichtner (2018) Combining local preferences with multi-criteria decision analysis and linear optimization to develop feasible energy concepts in small communities [d]
- Lars Moratis, Frans Melissen, & Samuel O. Idowu [ed] (2018) Sustainable business models: principles, promise, and practice [i] [d]
- Nibedita Mukherjee, Aiora Zabala, Jean Huge, Tobias Ochieng Nyumba, Blal Adem Esmail, & William J. Sutherland (2018) Comparison of techniques for eliciting views and judgements in decision-making [d]
- Kabwe Mulenga, Xiujie Zhao, Min Xie, & Chipili Chikamba (2018) Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
- L. A. Paul & John Quiggin (2018) Real-world problems [d]
- Charles Prochaska & Louis Theodore (2018) Introduction to mathematical methods for environmental engineers and scientists [i] [d]
- Senay Purzer, Tamara J. Moore, & Emily Dringenberg (2018) Engineering cognition: a process of knowledge acquisition and application [i] [d]
- Laxmi Ramasubramanian & Jochen Albrect (2018) Essential methods for planning practitioners: skills and techniques for data analysis, visualization, and communication [i] [d]
- Karl M. Rich, Magda Rich, & Kanar Dizyee (2018) Participatory systems approaches for urban and peri-urban agriculture planning: the role of system dynamics and spatial group model building [d]
- Andrew L. Russell & Lee Vinsel (2018) After innovation, turn to maintenance [d] [j]
- Martin F. G. Schaffernicht (2018) Policy between evolution and engineering [i] [d]
- Jacqueline Scholl & Miriam Klein-Flügge (2018) Understanding psychiatric disorder by capturing ecologically relevant features of learning and decision-making [p] [d]
- Mark W. Schwartz, Carly N. Cook, Robert L. Pressey, Andrew S. Pullin, Michael C. Runge, Nick Salafsky, William J. Sutherland, & Matthew A. Williamson (2018) Decision support frameworks and tools for conservation [d]
- Tony Schwartz (2018) What it takes to think deeply about complex problems [u]
- Terrence J. Sejnowski (2018) The deep learning revolution [i] [d]
- Terrence J. Sejnowski (2018) The universe of algorithms [i] [u]
- Philip J. Smith & Robert R. Hoffman [ed] (2018) Cognitive systems engineering: the future for a changing world [i] [d]
- Smithsonian Exhibits (2018) A guide to exhibit development [u]
- Antony Tang, Floris J. Bex, Courtney Schriek, & Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf (2018) Improving software design reasoning—a reminder card approach [d]
- Lauric Thiault, Paul Marshall, Stefan Gelcich, Antoine Collin, Frédérique Chlous, & Joachim Claudet (2018) Mapping social-ecological vulnerability to inform local decision making [p] [d]
- Christian M. Turner (2018) Models of law [u]
- Daniel E. Ufua, Thanos Papadopoulos, & Gerald Midgley (2018) Systemic lean intervention: enhancing lean with community operational research [d]
- Michael Uschold (2018) Demystifying OWL for the enterprise [i] [d]
- Christian Voigt (2018) A new beginning: introducing Argdown [u]
- Philip Weber, João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Behzad Bordbar, Mark G. Lee, Ian Litchfield, & Ruth Backman (2018) Automated conflict detection between medical care pathways [d]
- Judy D. Whipps (2018/2019) Dewey, Addams, and design thinking: pragmatist feminist innovation for democratic change [i] [d]
- Zhongyuan Yu, Mehrnoosh Oghbaie, Chen Liu, William B. Rouse, & Michael J. Pennock (2018) Interactive visualizations for supporting decision-making in complex socio-technical systems [i] [d]
- Hassan Abdelbari & Kamran Shafi (2017) A computational intelligence-based method to 'learn' causal loop diagram-like structures from observed data [d]
- Daniela Andreini & Cristina Bettinelli (2017) Business model definition and boundaries [i] [d]
- Christopher K. Ansell & Robert Geyer (2017) 'Pragmatic complexity' a new foundation for moving beyond 'evidence-based policy making'? [d]
- Kailash Awati (2017) Uncertainty, ambiguity and the art of decision making [u]
- Ian Babelon, Alexander Ståhle, & Berit Balfors (2017) Toward cyborg PPGIS: exploring socio-technical requirements for the use of web-based PPGIS in two municipal planning cases, Stockholm region, Sweden [d]
- Dan Bang & Christopher D. Frith (2017) Making better decisions in groups [p] [d] [u]
- Eleonore Batteux, Eamonn Ferguson, & Richard J. Tunney (2017) Risk preferences in surrogate decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Stuart Berry, Val Lowndes, & Marcello Trovati [ed] (2017) Guide to computational modelling for decision processes: theory, algorithms, techniques and applications [i] [d]
- Lars C. Borg (2017) Improving intelligence analysis: harnessing intuition and reducing biases by means of structured methodology [d]
- Deborah S. Bower, Kerrie L. Mengersen, Ross A. Alford, & Lin Schwarzkopf (2017) Using a Bayesian network to clarify areas requiring research in a host–pathogen system [p] [d]
- Shan Carter & Michael Nielsen (2017) Using artificial intelligence to augment human intelligence [d] [u]
- Andrea Censi (2017) Uncertainty in monotone codesign problems [d]
- Simone Chambers (2017) Balancing epistemic quality and equal participation in a system approach to deliberative democracy [d]
- Yu-Che Chen & Michael J. Ahn [ed] (2017) Routledge handbook on information technology in government [i] [d]
- Anthony Chiva (2017) Interventions in life and retirement planning [i] [d]
- Stephen Coulthart (2017) What's the problem?: frameworks and methods from policy analysis for analyzing complex problems [d]
- Stephen Coulthart (2017) An evidence-based evaluation of 12 core structured analytic techniques [d]
- Kate Crowley & Brian W. Head (2017) The enduring challenge of 'wicked problems': revisiting Rittel and Webber [d]
- Paul Culmsee (2017) Innovations in decision making on a major infrastructure project: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
- Erik J. Dahl (2017) Getting beyond analysis by anecdote: improving intelligence analysis through the use of case studies [d]
- Brian Deal, Haozhi Pan, Stephanie Timm, & Varkki G. Pallathucheril (2017) The role of multidirectional temporal analysis in scenario planning exercises and planning support systems [d]
- Nathan F. Dieckmann, Robin S. Gregory, Ellen Peters, & Robert Hartman (2017) Seeing what you want to see: how imprecise uncertainty ranges enhance motivated reasoning [d]
- Rolf Dobelli (2017) The point of maximum deliberation: thinking is to acting like a torch is to a floodlight [i]
- Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Antonio Cicchetti (2017) Computational aspects of model-based reasoning [i] [d]
- Francis Marleau Donais, Irène Abi-Zeid, & Roxane Lavoie (2017) Building a shared model for multi-criteria group decision making: experience from a case study for sustainable transportation planning in Quebec City [i] [d]
- Andrea Alberto Dutto (2017) The pyramid and the mosaic: Otto Neurath's encyclopedism as a critical model [d] [u]
- Stephen R. Edwards, Brock Blevins, Darwin Horning, & Andrew Spaeth (2017) Understanding social processes in planning ecological restorations [i] [d]
- Cheryl Strauss Einhorn (2017) Problem solved: a powerful system for making complex decisions with confidence and conviction [i]
- Sondoss Elsawah, Suzanne A. Pierce, Serena H. Hamilton, Hedwig van Delden, Dagmar Haase, Amgad Elmahdi, & Anthony J. Jakeman (2017) An overview of the system dynamics process for integrated modelling of socio-ecological systems: lessons on good modelling practice from five case studies [d]
- Nathan Eng, Marco Aurisicchio, & Rob Bracewell (2017) Mapping software augments engineering design thinking [d]
- Aftab Erfan (2017) Confronting collective traumas: an exploration of therapeutic planning [d]
- John M. Flach, Markus A. Feufel, Peter L. Reynolds, Sarah Henrickson Parker, & Kathryn M. Kellogg (2017) Decisionmaking in practice: the dynamics of muddling through [p] [d]
- Antske Fokkens, Piek Vossen, Marco Rospocher, Rinke Hoekstra, & Willem R. van Hage (2017) GRaSP: grounded representation and source perspective [d] [u]
- Ann Forsyth, Emily Salomon, & Laura Smead (2017) Creating healthy neighborhoods: evidence-based planning and design strategies [i]
- Tiago Forte (2017) Getting things done + personal knowledge management = an integrated total life management system [u]
- John Fox (2017) Cognitive systems at the point of care: the CREDO program [p] [d]
- Hannah Fraser, Libby Rumpff, Jian D. L. Yen, Doug Robinson, & Brendan A. Wintle (2017) Integrated models to support multiobjective ecological restoration decisions [p] [d]
- Albrecht Fritzsche (2017) Open innovation and the core of the engineer's domain [i] [d]
- Francis J. Greene & Christian Hopp (2017) Are formal planners more likely to achieve new venture viability?: a counterfactual model and analysis [d]
- Nat Greene (2017) Stop guessing: the 9 behaviors of great problem solvers [i]
- Robin S. Gregory (2017) The troubling logic of inclusivity in environmental consultations [d]
- Robin S. Gregory & Ralph L. Keeney (2017) A practical approach to address uncertainty in stakeholder deliberations [p] [d]
- Timber Haaker, Harry Bouwman, Wil Janssen, & Mark de Reuver (2017) Business model stress testing: a practical approach to test the robustness of a business model [d]
- H. James Harrington (2017) Lean TRIZ: how to dramatically reduce product-development costs with this innovative problem-solving tool [i]
- Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Jennifer Brown Urban, Leah Frerichs, & Gaurav Dave (2017) Extending systems thinking in planning and evaluation using group concept mapping and system dynamics to tackle complex problems [p] [d]
- Mihály Héder (2017) From NASA to EU: the evolution of the TRL scale in public sector innovation [u]
- Michael Howlett & Ishani Mukherjee [ed] (2017) Handbook of policy formulation [i] [d]
- Gregory C. Keating (2017/2018) Is cost–benefit analysis the only game in town? [u]
- L. Robin Keller & Yitong Wang (2017) Information presentation in decision and risk analysis: answered, partly answered, and unanswered questions [d]
- Christoph Kinkeldey, Alan M. MacEachren, Maria Riveiro, & Jochen Schiewe (2017) Evaluating the effect of visually represented geodata uncertainty on decision-making: systematic review, lessons learned, and recommendations [d]
- Krzysztof Kluza, Piotr Wiśniewski, Krystian Jobczyk, Antoni Ligęza, & Anna Suchenia Mroczek (2017) Comparison of selected modeling notations for process, decision and system modeling [i] [d] [u]
- Edward A. Lee (2017) Plato and the nerd: the creative partnership between humans and technology [i] [d] [u]
- Carsten Linz, Günter Müller-Stewens, & Alexander Zimmermann (2017) Radical business model transformation: gaining the competitive edge in a disruptive world [i]
- Panos Louridas (2017) Real-world algorithms: a beginner's guide [i]
- Andrés Luco (2017) Practical wisdom: a virtue for resolving conflicts among practical reasons [i] [d]
- Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes, J. Ramón Gil-García, Eliot Rich, & David F. Andersen (2017) Using system dynamics for the analysis of complex social problems and public policy alternatives: fundamentals and recommendations [i] [d]
- Andrew MacLeod (2017) Prospection, well-being, and mental health [i] [d]
- Bruce G. Marcot (2017) Common quandaries and their practical solutions in Bayesian network modeling [d]
- Stephen Marrin & Efren Torres (2017) Improving how to think in intelligence analysis and medicine [d]
- Stephen Marrin (2017) Understanding and improving intelligence analysis by learning from other disciplines [d]
- Mika Marttunen, Judit Lienert, & Valerie Belton (2017) Structuring problems for multi-criteria decision analysis in practice: a literature review of method combinations [d]
- Mark Matthews (2017) Transformational public policy: a new strategy for coping with uncertainty and risk [i] [d]
- Gary N. McLean (2017) Will SOAR really help organization development soar?: an invited reaction to Zarestky and Cole, 2017 [d]
- Olivier Mesly (2017) Project feasibility: tools for uncovering points of vulnerability [i] [d]
- Robert J. Mislevy, Geneva Haertel, Michelle Riconscente, Daisy Wise Rutstein, & Cindy Ziker (2017) Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design: a suite of research-based design patterns [i] [d]
- Jelena Mitrović, Cliff O'Reilly, Miljana Mladenović, & Siegfried Handschuh (2017) Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining [d]
- Charles H. Nilon, Myla F. J. Aronson, Sarel S. Cilliers, Cynnamon Dobbs, Lauren J. Frazee, Mark A. Goddard, Karen M. O'Neill, Debra Roberts, Emilie K. Stander, Peter Werner, Marten Winter, & Ken P. Yocom (2017) Planning for the future of urban biodiversity: a global review of city-scale initiatives [d] [j]
- Scott E. Page (2017) The diversity bonus: how great teams pay off in the knowledge economy [i] [d] [j]
- Justin O. Parkhurst (2017) The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence [i] [d]
- Gregory S. Parnell [ed] (2017) Trade-off analytics: creating and exploring the system tradespace [i]
- Mark Phythian (2017) Intelligence analysis and social science methods: exploring the potential for and possible limits of mutual learning [d]
- Sheila Pontis & Michael Babwahsingh (2017) Improving information design practice: a closer look at conceptual design methods [d]
- Sebastian Potthoff, Justin Presseau, Falko F. Sniehotta, Marie Johnston, Marko Elovainio, & Leah Avery (2017) Planning to be routine: habit as a mediator of the planning–behaviour relationship in healthcare professionals [p] [d] [u]
- Stephen Pryke (2017) Managing networks in project-based organisations [i] [d]
- Austen Rainer (2017) Using argumentation theory to analyse software practitioners' defeasible evidence, inference and belief [d]
- Adnan Rashid, Osman Hasan, Umair Siddique, & Sofiène Tahar (2017) Formal reasoning about systems biology using theorem proving [p] [d] [u]
- Chris Reed, Katarzyna Budzynska, Rory Duthie, Mathilde Janier, Barbara Konat, John Lawrence, Alison Pease, & Mark Snaith (2017) The Argument Web: an online ecosystem of tools, systems and services for argumentation [d]
- Mathias Riechert (2017) RIDAL: a language for research information definition argumentation [based on IBIS] [d]
- Jennifer Riel & Roger L. Martin (2017) Creating great choices: a leader's guide to integrative thinking [i]
- María Camila Romero, Mario Sánchez, & Jorge Villalobos (2017) Business model loom: a pattern-based approach towards the definition of business models [i] [d]
- Todd S. Rosenstock, Christine Lamanna, Sabrina Chesterman, James Hammond, Suneetha Kadiyala, Eike Luedeling, Keith Shepherd, Brian DeRenzi, & Mark T. van Wijk (2017) When less is more: innovations for tracking progress toward global targets [d]
- Alejandro Salado & Roshanak Nilchiani (2017) Reducing excess requirements through orthogonal categorizations during problem formulation: results of a factorial experiment [d]
- Mark Schweda, Larissa Pfaller, Kai Brauer, Frank Adloff, & Silke Schicktanz [ed] (2017) Planning later life: bioethics and public health in ageing societies [i] [d]
- Amartya Sen (2017) Reason and justice: the optimal and the maximal [d] [j]
- Claudia Robbi Sluter, Corné P. J. M. van Elzakker, & Ivana Ivánová (2017) Requirements elicitation for geo-information solutions [d]
- Eleanor J. Sterling, Christopher Filardi, Anne Toomey, Amanda Sigouin, Erin Betley, Nadav Gazit, Jennifer Newell, Simon Albert, Diana Alvira, Nadia Bergamini, Mary E. Blair, David Boseto, Kate Burrows, Nora Bynum, Sophie Caillon, Jennifer E. Caselle, Joachim Claudet, Georgina Cullman, Rachel Dacks, Pablo B. Eyzaguirre, Steven A. Gray, James Herrera, Peter Kenilorea, Kealohanuiopuna Kinney, Natalie Kurashima, Suzanne Macey, Cynthia Malone, Senoveva Mauli, Joe McCarter, Heather McMillen, Pua'ala Pascua, Patrick Pikacha, Ana L. Porzecanski, Pascale de Robert, Matthieu Salpeteur, Myknee Sirikolo, Mark H. Stege, Kristina Stege, Tamara Ticktin, Ron Vave, Alaka Wali, Paige West, Kawika B. Winter, & Stacy D. Jupiter (2017) Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales [p] [d]
- Robert B. Stewart, Greg Brink, Mark Watson, April Hiller, Mariah Brink, Tugrul Daim, & Rafaa Khalifa (2017) Applying risk analysis, value engineering, and other innovative solutions for project delivery [i] [d] [u]
- Adam D. M. Svendsen (2017) Intelligence engineering: operating beyond the conventional [or: Intelligence engineering: going beyond the arts and sciences] [i]
- Karl Täuscher & Nizar Abdelkafi (2017) Visual tools for business model innovation: recommendations from a cognitive perspective [d]
- Jacob Torfing & Christopher K. Ansell (2017) Strengthening political leadership and policy innovation through the expansion of collaborative forms of governance [d]
- Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Ghislain A. Atemezing, María Poveda-Villalón, & Bernard Vatant (2017) Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV): a gateway to reusable semantic vocabularies on the Web [d] [u]
- Bart Verheij (2017) Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
- Freek Vermeulen & Niro Sivanathan (2017) Stop doubling down on your failing strategy: how to spot (and escape) one before it's too late [u]
- Arnošt Veselý (2017) Problem delimitation in policy formulation [i] [d]
- Kai-Ingo Voigt, Oana Buliga, & Kathrin Michl (2017) Business model pioneers: how innovators successfully implement new business models [i] [d]
- Alaka Wali, Diana Alvira, Paula Skye Tallman, Ashwin Ravikumar, & Miguel Macedo (2017) A new approach to conservation: using community empowerment for sustainable well-being [d]
- Matt Walpole, Melodie A. McGeoch, Philip Bubb, & Neil A. Brummitt (2017) Using data for decision-making: from observations to indicators and other policy tools [i] [d]
- Patrick F. Walsh (2017) Improving strategic intelligence analytical practice through qualitative social research [d]
- Michael Warner (2017) Analysis as history, and history as analysis: a search for common goals and standards [intelligence analysis] [d]
- Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg (2017) Are you solving the right problems? [u]
- Benjamin Weyers, Judy Bowen, Alan John Dix, & Philippe Palanque [ed] (2017) The handbook of formal methods in human–computer interaction [i] [d]
- Jess Whittlestone (2017) Improving institutional decision-making [u]
- William Wright, David Sheffield, & Stephanie Santosa (2017) Argument Mapper: countering cognitive biases in analysis with critical (visual) thinking [i] [d]
- Lu Xiao, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, & Ágnes Sándor (2017) Toward the automated detection of individuals' rationales in large-scale online open participative activities: a conceptual framework [d]
- Levent Yilmaz, Ana Franco-Watkins, & Timothy S. Kroecker (2017) Computational models of ethical decision-making: a coherence-driven reflective equilibrium model [d]
- Oran R. Young (2017) Governing complex systems: social capital for the Anthropocene [i] [d]
- Abir Zekri, Zouhaier Brahmia, Fabio Grandi, & Rafik Bouaziz (2017) Temporal schema versioning in τOWL: a systematic approach for the management of time-varying knowledge [d]
- Matthew Zook (2017) Crowd-sourcing the smart city: using big geosocial media metrics in urban governance [d]
- Fran Ackermann & James Alexander (2016) Researching complex projects: using causal mapping to take a systems perspective [d]
- Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, & Zeeya Merali [ed] (2016) How should humanity steer the future? [i] [d]
- Babak Akhgar, P. Saskia Bayerl, & Fraser Sampson [ed] (2016) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation [i] [d]
- Gary Anthes (2016) Open source software no longer optional [d]
- Marco Aurisicchio, Rob Bracewell, & Becky L. Hooey (2016) Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
- Stephen M. Barrager (2016) A new engineering profession is emerging: decision coach [d]
- L. Kay Bartholomew Eldredge, Christine M. Markham, Robert A.C. Ruiter, Maria E. Fernandez, Gerjo Kok, & Guy S. Parcel (2016) Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach [i]
- Kimon Batoulis, Anne Baumgraß, Nico Herzberg, & Mathias Weske (2016) Enabling dynamic decision making in business processes with DMN [i] [d]
- Mark Battersby (2016) Enhancing rationality: heuristics, biases, and the Critical Thinking Project [d] [u]
- Ekaterina Bazhenova, Susanne Buelow, & Mathias Weske (2016) Discovering decision models from event logs [i] [d]
- Timothy Beatley (2016) Handbook of biophilic city planning and design [i] [d]
- Ofer Bergman & Steve Whittaker (2016) The science of managing our digital stuff [i] [d]
- Gregor Betz (2016) Accounting for possibilities in decision making [i] [d]
- Floris J. Bex & Silja Renooij (2016) From arguments to constraints on a Bayesian network [i] [u]
- Steven G. Blank (2016) The mission model canvas: an adapted business model canvas for mission-driven organizations [u]
- Alexander Bock (2016) How modeling language shapes decisions: problem-theoretical arguments and illustration of an example case [i] [d]
- Fritz Böhle, Eckhard Heidling, & Yvonne Schoper (2016) A new orientation to deal with uncertainty in projects [d]
- Laura Bonelli, Silvia Felletti, & Fabio Paglieri (2016) From argumentative crisis to critical arguments: how to argue in the face of danger [i] [d]
- Raymond T. Boute (2016) Why mathematics needs engineering [d]
- Eelco Braad, Gregor Žavcer, & Alyea Sandovar (2016) Processes and models for serious game design and development [i] [d]
- Georg Brun & Gregor Betz (2016) Analysing practical argumentation [i] [d]
- Barbara Buchberger, Laura Krabbe, Beate Lux, & Jessica Tajana Mattivi (2016) Evidence mapping for decision making: feasibility versus accuracy—when to abandon high sensitivity in electronic searches [p] [d] [u]
- Corentin Burnay, Ivan J. Jureta, Isabelle Linden, & Stéphane Faulkner (2016) A framework for the operationalization of monitoring in business intelligence requirements engineering [d]
- Yang Cai (2016) Instinctive computing [i] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2016) Is there a scientific method?: the analytic model of science [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2016) Strategic thinking in complex problem solving [i] [d]
- Chun Wei Choo (2016) The inquiring organization: how organizations acquire knowledge and seek information [i] [d]
- Brian Christian & Thomas L. Griffiths (2016) Algorithms to live by: the computer science of human decisions [i]
- Daniel J. Clarke & Stefan Dercon (2016) Dull disasters?: how planning ahead will make a difference [i] [d]
- Michael J. Clay & Jenna N. Albers (2016) Decision making and sustainability in built environments [i] [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2016) Value of information and monitoring in conservation biology [d]
- David J. Cooper & Mahmoud Ezzamel (2016) A critical analysis of the balanced scorecard: towards a more dialogic approach [i] [d]
- Klen Čopič Pucihar, Matjaž Kljun, John Mariani, & Alan John Dix (2016) An empirical study of long-term personal project information management [d]
- Edward Crawley, Bruce Cameron, & Daniel Selva (2016) System architecture: strategy and product development for complex systems [i]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2016) The heretic's guide to management: the art of harnessing ambiguity [i]
- Mary Daly (2016) Decision support: a matter of information supply and demand [d]
- Blane Després (2016) Family of related systemic elements (FoRSE) matrix: big(ger) picture thinking and application for business and organizations [i] [d]
- Dov Dori (2016) Model-based systems engineering with OPM and SysML [i] [d]
- Michael Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis, & Evangelos Grigoroudis [ed] (2016) Robustness analysis in decision aiding, optimization, and analytics [i] [d]
- Hugh Dubberly, Michelle Cade, Sooshin Choi, Paul Pangaro, Ryan Reposar, & Rick Rogers (2016) Conversations and models: secrets to designing great products [u]
- Hugh Dubberly (2016) Bruce Archer's design process checklist [u]
- Albrecht Enders, Andreas König, & Jean-Louis Barsoux (2016) Stop jumping to solutions! [u]
- Ioan Fazey, Russell M. Wise, Christopher Lyon, Claudia Câmpeanu, Peter Moug, & Tammy E. Davies (2016) Past and future adaptation pathways [d]
- Valentina Ferretti & Gilberto Montibeller (2016) Key challenges and meta-choices in designing and applying multi-criteria spatial decision support systems [d]
- Valentina Ferretti (2016) From stakeholders analysis to cognitive mapping and multi-attribute value theory: an integrated approach for policy support [d]
- Robert Forsgren, Peter Hammar, & Magnus Jändel (2016) Computational creativity for intelligence analysis [i] [d]
- Kathryn I. Frank & Michael Hibbard (2016) Production, consumption, and protection: perspectives from North America on the multifunctional transition in rural planning [d]
- Alice J. Friedemann (2016) When trucks stop running: energy and the future of transportation [i] [d]
- Jeffrey A. Friedman & Richard Zeckhauser (2016) Why assessing estimative accuracy is feasible and desirable [d]
- David Gallop, Chris Willy, & John Bischoff (2016) How to catch a black swan: measuring the benefits of the premortem technique for risk identification [d]
- Lei Gao, Brett A. Bryan, Martin Nolan, Jeffery D. Connor, Xiaodong Song, & Gang Zhao (2016) Robust global sensitivity analysis under deep uncertainty via scenario analysis [d]
- Tim van Gelder, Roger Vodicka, & Nicholas Armstrong (2016) Augmenting expert elicitation with structured visual deliberation [d]
- Hollie Russon Gilman (2016) Democracy reinvented: participatory budgeting and civic innovation in America [i] [j]
- Andreas Glöckner (2016) Psychology and disaster: why we do not see looming disasters and how our way of thinking causes them [d]
- Salvatore Greco, Matthias Ehrgott, & José Rui Figueira [ed] (2016) Multiple criteria decision analysis: state of the art surveys [i] [d]
- Wendy J. Gregory & Gerald Midgley (2016) Planning for disaster: developing a multi-agency counselling service [i] [d]
- Volker Grimm & Uta Berger (2016) Structural realism, emergence, and predictions in next-generation ecological modelling: synthesis from a special issue [d]
- Craig Groves & Edward T. Game (2016) Conservation planning: informed decisions for a healthier planet [i]
- Esteban Guerrero, Juan Carlos Nieves, & Helena Lindgren (2016) An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health [d]
- Huaqing Guo, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Molly E. Lasater, Cindy L. Parker, & Peter J. Winch (2016) System dynamics-based evaluation of interventions to promote appropriate waste disposal behaviors in low-income urban areas: a Baltimore case study [p] [d]
- Ulrike Hahn & Jos Hornikx (2016) A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation [d] [j]
- Christine Hall (2016) Starting a career as an open source developer [u]
- Harry Halpin & Alexandre Monnin (2016) The decentralization of knowledge: how Carnap and Heidegger influenced the Web [d] [u]
- Raimo P. Hämäläinen & Tuomas J. Lahtinen (2016) Path dependence in operational research—how the modeling process can influence the results [d]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn [ed] (2016) The argumentative turn in policy analysis: reasoning about uncertainty [i] [d]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn (2016) Ten core concepts for the argumentative turn in policy analysis [i] [d]
- Paul Harmon & Roger Tregear [ed] (2016) Questioning BPM?: 109 answers by 33 authors to 15 questions about business process management [i]
- Richard Heinberg & David Fridley (2016) What we learned: we really need a plan; no, lots of them [i] [d]
- Hugo J. Herrera, Marleen H. F. McCardle-Keurentjes, & Nuno Videira (2016) Evaluating facilitated modelling processes and outcomes: an experiment comparing a single and a multimethod approach in group model building [d]
- Joey Hess (2016) Documentation first [u]
- Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn (2016) Temporal strategies for decision-making [i] [d]
- Johann Höchtl, Peter Parycek, & Ralph Schöllhammer (2016) Big data in the policy cycle: policy decision making in the digital era [d]
- Matthew H. Holden & Stephen P. Ellner (2016) Human judgment vs. quantitative models for the management of ecological resources [d]
- Bas W. Hovestad & Floris J. Bex (2016) Making sense of risks [o] [u]
- Benjamin C. Jantzen (2016) Discovery without a 'logic' would be a miracle [d] [j]
- Veronika Kapsali (2016) Biomimicry for designers: applying nature's processes and materials in the real world [i]
- Polinpapilinho F. Katina (2016) Systems theory as a foundation for discovery of pathologies for complex system problem formulation [i] [d]
- Jonathon Keats (2016) You belong to the universe: Buckminster Fuller and the future [i]
- Bradley T. Klontz, Neal Van Zutphen, & Kate Fries (2016) Financial planner as healer: maximizing the role of financial health physician [u]
- Krzysztof Kluza, Krystian Jobczyk, Piotr Wiśniewski, & Antoni Ligęza (2016) Overview of time issues with temporal logics for business process models [i] [d] [u]
- Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, & Braden Kowitz (2016) Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days [i]
- Shin'ichi Konomi & George Roussos [ed] (2016) Enriching urban spaces with ambient computing, the internet of things, and smart city design [i] [d]
- John Krogstie (2016) Quality in business process modeling [i] [d]
- Leona Chandra Kruse, Stefan Seidel, & Sandeep Purao (2016) Making use of design principles [in design practice] [i] [d]
- Reinhard E. Kunz, Johannes Siebert, & Joschka Mütterlein (2016) Combining value-focused thinking and balanced scorecard to improve decision-making in strategic management [d]
- Risto Lahdelma & Pekka Salminen (2016) SMAA in robustness analysis [stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis] [i] [d]
- Richard P. Larrick (2016) The social context of decisions [d]
- David Lempia, Bill Schindel, Terry Hrabik, Stewart McGill, & Mike Graber (2016) Using visual diagrams and patterns for consistent and complete requirements [d]
- Simon Levine (2016) System failure?: why humanitarian assistance can't meet its objectives without systems thinking—and why it finds it so hard to use it [i] [d]
- Mateusz Lewandowski (2016) Designing the business models for circular economy—towards the conceptual framework [d]
- Henry Lopez-Vega, Fredrik Tell, & Wim Vanhaverbeke (2016) Where and how to search?: search paths in open innovation [d]
- David Lowe, Louise Martingale, & Mike Yearworth (2016) Guiding interventions in a multi-organisational context: combining the viable system model and hierarchical process modelling for use as a problem structuring method [d] [j]
- Hela Ltifi, Emna Ben Mohamed, & Mounir ben Ayed (2016) Interactive visual knowledge discovery from data-based temporal decision support system [d]
- Molly Magill, Timothy R. Apodaca, Mitchell Karno, Jacques Gaume, Ayla Durst, Justin Walthers, Robert L. Stout, & Carlo C. DiClemente (2016) Reliability and validity of an observational measure of client decision-making: the Client Language Assessment–Proximal/Distal (CLA-PD) [p] [d] [u]
- Bruce G. Marcot, Matthew P. Thompson, Thomas W. Bonnot, & Frank R. Thompson (2016) Uncertainty is information, too [u]
- Arthur B. Markman [ed] (2016) Open innovation: academic and practical perspectives on the journey from idea to market [i] [d]
- Panos Markopoulos, Jean-Bernard Martens, Julian Malins, Karin Coninx, & Aggelos Liapis [ed] (2016) Collaboration in creative design: methods and tools [i] [d]
- Thomas N. Martin (2016) Smart decisions: the art of strategic thinking for the decision-making process [i] [d]
- Anthony J. Masys [ed] (2016) Applications of systems thinking and soft operations research in managing complexity: from problem framing to problem solving [i] [d]
- Nada Matta, Hassan Atifi, & Guillaume Ducellier [ed] (2016) Daily knowledge valuation in organizations: traceability and capitalization [i] [d]
- Ash Maurya (2016) Scaling lean: mastering the key metrics for startup growth [i]
- Dan Maxwell (2016) The research lifecycle as a strategic roadmap [d]
- Kent J. McDonald (2016) Beyond requirements: analysis with an agile mindset [i]
- Pietro Michelucci & Janis L. Dickinson (2016) Human computation: the power of crowds [p] [d] [j]
- Chiara Mio [ed] (2016) Integrated reporting: a new accounting disclosure [i] [d]
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu (2016) The construct of mindfulness amidst and along conceptions of rationality [i] [d]
- Niklas Möller (2016) Value uncertainty [in practical decision-making] [i] [d]
- Alec Morton, Jeffrey M. Keisler, & Ahti Salo (2016) Multicriteria portfolio decision analysis for project selection [i] [d]
- Wenxin Mu, Frédérick Bénaben, & Hervé Pingaud (2016) Collaborative process cartography deduction based on collaborative ontology and model transformation [d]
- Amos Nadler & Paul J. Zak (2016) Hormones and economic decisions [i] [d]
- Jens C. Niemeyer (2016) How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
- Cristian Olariu, Maria Gogan, & Frank Rennung (2016) Switching the center of software development from IT to business experts using intelligent business process management suites [i] [d]
- Flavio Oquendo (2016) Software architecture challenges and emerging research in software-intensive systems-of-systems [i] [d]
- Flávio Oquendo, Jair Leite, & Thaís Batista (2016) Software architecture in action: designing and executing architectural models with SysADL grounded on the OMG SysML standard [i] [d]
- Fabio Paglieri (2016) Social choice for one: on the rationality of intertemporal decisions [p] [d]
- Charles J. Palus, David Magellan Horth, & Steadman Harrison III (2016) The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
- Justin O. Parkhurst (2016) Appeals to evidence for the resolution of wicked problems: the origins and mechanisms of evidentiary bias [d]
- Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour, & Nicholas P. Jewell (2016) Causal inference in statistics: a primer [i]
- Jennifer Percival & Carolyn McGregor (2016) An evaluation of understandability of patient journey models in mental health [p] [d] [u]
- Michelle Eva Portman (2016) Environmental planning for oceans and coasts: methods, tools, and technologies [i] [d]
- Juval Portugali & Egbert Stolk [ed] (2016) Complexity, cognition, urban planning and design: post-proceedings of the 2nd Delft international conference [i] [d]
- Abroon Qazi, John Quigley, Alex Dickson, & Konstantinos Kirytopoulos (2016) Project complexity and risk management (ProCRiM): towards modelling project complexity driven risk paths in construction projects [d]
- Amon Rapp & Federica Cena (2016) Personal informatics for everyday life: how users without prior self-tracking experience engage with personal data [d]
- Stephen K. Reed (2016) The structure of ill-structured (and well-structured) problems revisited [d]
- Martin Reuter & Christian Montag [ed] (2016) Neuroeconomics [i] [d]
- Jonathan C. Roberts, Christopher Headleand, & Panagiotis D. Ritsos (2016) Sketching designs using the five design-sheet methodology [d]
- Galina Rogova & Peter Scott [ed] (2016) Fusion methodologies in crisis management: higher level fusion and decision making [i] [d]
- Paulo Sérgio M. dos Santos & Guilherme H. Travassos (2016) Scientific knowledge engineering: a conceptual delineation and overview of the state of the art [d]
- David Sarokin & Jay Schulkin (2016) Missed information: better information for building a wealthier, more sustainable future [i] [d]
- Martin F. G. Schaffernicht & Stefan N. Groesser (2016) A competence development framework for learning and teaching system dynamics [d]
- Mario Schootman, Erik J. Nelson, Kimberly B. Werner, Enbal Shacham, Michael Elliott, Kendra Ratnapradipa, Min Lian, & Allese B. McVay (2016) Emerging technologies to measure neighborhood conditions in public health: implications for interventions and next steps [p] [d] [u]
- Courtney Schriek, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Antony Tang, & Floris J. Bex (2016) Software architecture design reasoning: a card game to help novice designers [i] [d] [u]
- Chad Schwartz (2016) Critical making: exploring the use of making as a generative tool [d]
- Martin E. P. Seligman, Peter Railton, Roy F. Baumeister, & Chandra Sripada (2016) Homo prospectus [i]
- Stefan Sobernig, Bernhard Hoisl, & Mark Strembeck (2016) Extracting reusable design decisions for UML-based domain-specific languages: a multi-method study [d]
- Charles Spence (2016) Gastrodiplomacy: assessing the role of food in decision-making [d] [u]
- Theodor J. Stewart & Ian N. Durbach (2016) Dealing with uncertainties in MCDA [i] [d]
- Stephen M. Stigler (2016) The seven pillars of statistical wisdom [i] [d]
- Steve Strang & Anthony J. Masys (2016) Supporting intelligence analysis through visual thinking [i] [d]
- William P. Streng (2016) Estate planning [i] [u]
- E. Burton Swanson (2016) Recalling IBIS: can argumentation be disciplined? [o] [u]
- Gheorghe Tecuci, Dorin Marcu, Mihai Boicu, & David A. Schum (2016) Knowledge engineering: building cognitive assistants for evidence-based reasoning [i] [d]
- Gheorghe Tecuci, David A. Schum, Dorin Marcu, & Mihai Boicu (2016) Intelligence analysis as discovery of evidence, hypotheses, and arguments: connecting the dots [i] [d]
- Bedir Tekinerdogan, Uwe Zdun, & Ali Babar [ed] (2016) Software architecture: 10th European Conference, ECSA 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 28–December 2, 2016: proceedings [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2016) Emotional cognition in urban planning and design [i] [d]
- Lisa M. Vaughn & Daniel McLinden (2016) Concept mapping [in community-based research] [i] [d]
- Bart Verheij, Floris J. Bex, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Charlotte S. Vlek, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Silja Renooij, & Henry Prakken (2016) Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
- David Vernon, Ian Hocking, & Tresoi C. Tyler (2016) An evidence-based review of creative problem solving tools: a practitioner's resource [d]
- Gianluigi Viscusi & Carlo Batini (2016) Information production and social value for public policy: a conceptual modeling perspective [d]
- Frank Voehl & H. James Harrington (2016) Change management: manage the change or it will manage you [i]
- Frank Voehl & H. James Harrington (2016) The missing link in culture change management: a daily management system [i]
- Francis Wade (2016) How to use data-driven insights to accomplish 'the informed self' [vs. the quantified self] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton & Alice Toniolo (2016) Deliberation, practical reasoning and problem-solving [u]
- Douglas N. Walton, Alice Toniolo, & Timothy J. Norman (2016) Towards a richer model of deliberation dialogue: closure problem and change of circumstances [d]
- Kristen Wilson (2016) The knowledge base at the center of the universe [d] [u]
- Robyn S. Wilson, David J. Hardisty, Rebecca S. Epanchin-Niell, Michael C. Runge, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Dean L. Urban, Lynn A. Maguire, Alan Hastings, Peter J. Mumby, & Debra P.C. Peters (2016) A typology of time-scale mismatches and behavioral interventions to diagnose and solve conservation problems [p] [d]
- B. L. William Wong (2016) Fluidity and rigour: addressing the design considerations for OSINT tools and processes [i] [d]
- Olaf Zimmermann, Cesare Pautasso, Gregor Hohpe, & Bobby Woolf (2016) A decade of 'Enterprise integration patterns': a conversation with the authors [d]
- Tareq Ahram, Waldemar Karwowski, & Christianne Falcão (2015) Applications of systems engineering for testing and evaluation: a human systems integration perspective [i] [d]
- Serina Al-Haddad & Timothy Kotnour (2015) Integrating the organizational change literature: a model for successful change [d]
- David Allen (2015) An integrated total life-management system [i]
- Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio Cavalcante, Marcelo Hazin Alencar, Rodrigo José Pires Ferreira, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida-Filho, & Thalles Vitelli Garcez (2015) Multicriteria and multiobjective models for risk, reliability and maintenance decision analysis [i] [d]
- Jenny Andersson & Eglė Rindzevičiūtė [ed] (2015) The struggle for the long-term in transnational science and politics: forging the future [i] [d]
- Robert Arp, Barry Smith, & Andrew D. Spear (2015) Building ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology [i] [d] [j]
- Marco Aurisicchio, Pietro Baroni, Dario Pellegrini, & Francesca Toni (2015) Comparing and integrating argumentation-based with matrix-based decision support in Arg&Dec [i] [d]
- Eyvind Aven & Terje Aven (2015) On the need for rethinking current practice that highlights goal achievement risk in an enterprise context [d]
- Kailash Awati (2015) Beyond entities and relationships: towards an emergent approach to data modelling [u]
- Kailash Awati (2015) Three types of uncertainty you (probably) overlook [u]
- Shahar Ayal, Zohar Rusou, Dan Zakay, & Guy Hochman (2015) Determinants of judgment and decision making quality: the interplay between information processing style and situational factors [p] [d] [u]
- Walter F. Baber & Robert V. Bartlett (2015) Slow-motion democracy: synthetic and progressive development of the structure of rationalization [i] [d]
- Steven J. Balla, Martin Lodge, & Edward Page [ed] (2015) The Oxford handbook of classics in public policy and administration [i] [d]
- Bill Barnett (2015) The strategic career: let business principles guide you [i] [d]
- Pietro Baroni, Marco Romano, Francesca Toni, Marco Aurisicchio, & Giorgio Bertanza (2015) Automatic evaluation of design alternatives with quantitative argumentation [d]
- Richard L. Baskerville & Michael D. Myers (2015) Design ethnography in information systems [d]
- Kimon Batoulis, Andreas Meyer, Ekaterina Bazhenova, Gero Decker, & Mathias Weske (2015) Extracting decision logic from process models [i] [d]
- Svetla Baykoucheva (2015) Managing scientific information and research data [i] [d]
- Kevin B. Bennett, John M. Flach, Timothy R. McEwen, & Olivia Fox (2015) Enhancing creative problem solving through visual display design [i] [d]
- Reinette Biggs, Maja Schlüter, & Michael L. Schoon [ed] (2015) Principles for building resilience: sustaining ecosystem services in social-ecological systems [i] [d]
- Ann M. Bisantz & Emilie M. Roth (2015) Decision making and human systems integration [i] [d]
- Raymond Bisdorff, Luis C. Dias, Patrick Meyer, Vincent Mousseau, & Marc Pirlot [ed] (2015) Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria: case studies [i] [d]
- Prince Boateng, Zhen Chen, & Stephen O. Ogunlana (2015) An analytical network process model for risks prioritisation in megaprojects [d]
- Alexander Bock (2015) The concepts of decision making: an analysis of classical approaches and avenues for the field of enterprise modeling [i] [d]
- Deborah Ann Boehm-Davis, Francis T. Durso, & John D. Lee [ed] (2015) APA handbook of human systems integration [i] [d]
- Y.-Lan Boureau, Peter Sokol-Hessner, & Nathaniel D. Daw (2015) Deciding how to decide: self-control and meta-decision making [p] [d]
- Richard Brath & David Jonker (2015) Graph analysis and visualization: discovering business opportunity in linked data [i] [d]
- Richard Brath & David Jonker (2015) A graph for every problem [i] [d]
- Benjamin H. Bratton (2015) The stack: on software and sovereignty [i] [d]
- Jan vom Brocke & Theresa Schmiedel [ed] (2015) BPM: driving innovation in a digital world [business process management] [i] [d]
- Gregory G. Brown (2015) Engaging the wisdom of crowds and public judgement for land use planning using public participation geographic information systems [d]
- Mark A. Burgman (2015) Risks and decisions for conservation and environmental management [i] [d]
- Tracey Cleantis (2015) The next happy: let go of the life you planned and find a new way forward [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2015) Breaking our addiction to problem solving [u]
- Mario Cortes-Cornax, Alexandru Matei, Sophie Dupuy-Chessa, Dominique Rieu, Nadine Mandran, & Emmanuel Letier (2015) Using intentional fragments to bridge the gap between organizational and intentional levels [in business process models] [d]
- Steven Cullipher, Hannah Sevian, & Vicente Talanquer (2015) Reasoning about benefits, costs, and risks of chemical substances: mapping different levels of sophistication [d]
- Thomas H. Davenport (2015) Process management for knowledge work [i] [d]
- Mikołaj Deckert (2015) Processing fluency and decision-making: the role of language structure [d]
- Kees Dorst (2015) Frame innovation: create new thinking by design [i] [d] [j]
- Keith L. Downing (2015) Intelligence emerging: adaptivity and search in evolving neural systems [i] [d] [j]
- Robert G. Eccles & Michael P. Krzus (2015) The integrated reporting movement: meaning, momentum, motives, and materiality [i]
- John S. Edwards [ed] (2015) The essentials of knowledge management [i] [d]
- Niklas Elmqvist & Ji Soo Yi (2015) Patterns for visualization evaluation [d]
- Mica R. Endsley (2015) Human systems integration requirements analysis [i] [d]
- Anna M. Engel & Julius Kuhl (2015) Personality and planning: the interplay between linear and holistic processing [i] [d]
- Dawn L. Eubanks, Daniel Read, & Yael Grushka-Cockayne (2015) Biases as constraints on planning performance [i] [d]
- Peter A. Facione & Carol Ann Gittens (2015) Mapping decisions and arguments [d]
- Stephen Few (2015) Signal: understanding what matters in a world of noise [i]
- Sophia Fischer, Katja Soyez, & Sebastian Gurtner (2015) Adapting Scott and Bruce's General Decision-Making Style Inventory to patient decision making in provider choice [p] [d]
- Michelle Florendo (2015) How I untangle messy decisions [u]
- Dennis J. Folds (2015) Systems engineering perspective on human systems integration [i] [d]
- John Fox, Marc Gutenstein, Omar Khan, Matthew South, & Richard Thomson (2015) a platform for creating and sharing knowledge and promoting best practice in healthcare [d]
- Simon French (2015) Cynefin: uncertainty, small worlds and scenarios [d]
- Michael Frese & Michael D. Mumford [ed] (2015) The psychology of planning in organizations: research and applications [i] [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2015) Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2015) What is decision engineering? [u]
- Mendel Giezen, Willem Salet, & Luca Bertolini (2015) Adding value to the decision-making process of mega projects: fostering strategic ambiguity, redundancy, and resilience [d]
- David Grant (2015) The social profit handbook: the essential guide to setting goals, assessing outcomes, and achieving success for mission-driven organizations [i]
- Nancy L. Green (2015) Annotating evidence-based argumentation in biomedical text [o] [d]
- Wilfried Grossmann & Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (2015) Fundamentals of business intelligence [i] [d]
- Grietjie Haupt (2015) Learning from experts: fostering extended thinking in the early phases of the design process [d]
- Eric von Hippel & Georg von Krogh (2015) Identifying viable 'need–solution pairs': problem solving without problem formulation [d] [j]
- Arjen Hommersom & Peter J. F. Lucas [ed] (2015) Foundations of biomedical knowledge representation: methods and applications [i] [d]
- Anthony Hunter & Matthew Williams (2015) Aggregation of clinical evidence using argumentation: a tutorial introduction [i] [d]
- Samuel T. Hunter, Melissa Gutworth, Matthew P. Crayne, & Bradley S. Jayne (2015) Planning for innovation: the critical role of agility [i] [d]
- Candice H. Huynh, Jay Simon, & L. Robin Keller (2015) Decision technologies [i] [d]
- Sally Jackson (2015) Design thinking in argumentation theory and practice [d]
- Marijn Janssen, Maria A. Wimmer, & Ameneh Deljoo [ed] (2015) Policy practice and digital science: integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research [i] [d]
- Beatrice John, Lauren Withycombe Keeler, Arnim Wiek, & Daniel J. Lang (2015) How much sustainability substance is in urban visions?: an analysis of visioning projects in urban planning [d]
- Ivan Jureta (2015) The design of requirements modelling languages: how to make formalisms for problem solving in requirements engineering [i] [d]
- Eleni Kamateri, Eleni Panopoulou, Efthimios Tambouris, Konstantinos Tarabanis, Adegboyega Ojo, Deirdre Lee, & David Price (2015) A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making [i] [d]
- Michael Karson (2015) Is your dream too expensive?: six questions to ask about your life goals [u]
- Richard Kingston (2015) Public participation in geocomputation to support spatial decision-making [i] [d]
- Mykel J. Kochenderfer (2015) Decision making under uncertainty: theory and application [i] [d]
- Jan H. Kwakkel & Erik Pruyt (2015) Using system dynamics for grand challenges: the ESDMA approach [d]
- Hélène Landemore & Scott E. Page (2015) Deliberation and disagreement: problem solving, prediction, and positive dissensus [d]
- Jennifer S. Lerner, Ye Li, Piercarlo Valdesolo, & Karim S. Kassam (2015) Emotion and decision making [p] [d]
- William Li, Pablo Azar, David Larochelle, Phil Hill, & Andrew W. Lo (2015) Law is code: a software engineering approach to analyzing the United States Code [u]
- Elisabeth A. Lloyd (2015) Model robustness as a confirmatory virtue: the case of climate science [p] [d]
- Margaret L. Loper [ed] (2015) Modeling and simulation in the systems engineering life cycle: core concepts and accompanying lectures [i] [d]
- Peter E. D. Love, Fran Ackermann, Pauline Teo, & John Morrison (2015) From individual to collective learning: a conceptual learning framework for enacting rework prevention [d]
- Michael Maccoby (2015) Strategic intelligence: conceptual tools for leading change [i] [d]
- Ali Mahmoodi, Dan Bang, Karsten Olsen, Yuanyuan Aimee Zhao, Zhenhao Shi, Kristina Broberg, Shervin Safavi, Shihui Han, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Christopher D. Frith, Andreas Roepstorff, Geraint Rees, & Bahador Bahrami (2015) Equality bias impairs collective decision-making across cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Jacek Malczewski & Claus Rinner (2015) Multicriteria decision analysis in geographic information science [i] [d]
- Note Margot (2015) Project management for information professionals [i] [d]
- Roger L. Martin & Sally R. Osberg (2015) Getting beyond better: how social entrepreneurship works [i]
- Luis L. Martins, Violina P. Rindova, & Bruce E. Greenbaum (2015) Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: a cognitive approach to business model innovation [d]
- Carly M. Maynard (2015) Accessing the environment: delivering ecological and societal benefits through knowledge integration—the case of water management [d]
- Joseph P. McFall (2015) Rational, normative, descriptive, prescriptive, or choice behavior?: the search for integrative metatheory of decision making [d]
- Joseph P. McFall (2015) Directions toward a meta-process model of decision making: cognitive and behavioral models of change [d]
- Hugo Mercier, Emmanuel Trouche, Hiroshi Yama, Christophe Heintz, & Vittorio Girotto (2015) Experts and laymen grossly underestimate the benefits of argumentation for reasoning [d]
- Greg Michaelson (2015) Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking [u]
- Anita Minh, Sejal Patel, Cindy Bruce-Barrett, & Patricia O'Campo (2015) Letting youths choose for themselves: concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning [p] [d]
- George E. Mobus & Michael C. Kalton (2015) Principles of systems science [i] [d]
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Olivier Leclerc (2015) The design of insight: how to solve any business problem [i] [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller & Detlof von Winterfeldt (2015) Cognitive and motivational biases in decision and risk analysis [p] [d]
- Philip Mudd (2015) The HEAD game: high efficiency analytic decision-making and the art of solving complex problems quickly [i]
- Pradeep K. Murukannaiah, Anup K. Kalia, Pankaj R. Telangy, & Munindar P. Singh (2015) Resolving goal conflicts via argumentation-based analysis of competing hypotheses [o] [d]
- Andrea Nanetti, Angelo Cattaneo, Siew Ann Cheong, & Chin-Yew Lin (2015) Maps as knowledge aggregators: from Renaissance Italy Fra Mauro to web search engines [d]
- Christian Neuwirth, Barbara K. Hofer, & Angela Peck (2015) Spatiotemporal processes and their implementation in spatial system dynamics models [d]
- Bryan G. Norton (2015) Sustainable values, sustainable change: a guide to environmental decision making [i] [d]
- Holly K. Osburn, Jenifer M. Hatcher, & Bianca M. Zongrone (2015) Training and development for organizational planning skills [i] [d]
- Daniel Owen (2015) Collaborative decision making [d]
- Jiří Pánek (2015) ARAMANI: decision-support tool for selecting optimal participatory mapping method [d]
- Margus Pedaste, Mario Mäeots, Leo A. Siiman, Ton de Jong, Siswa A. N. van Riesen, Ellen T. Kamp, Constantinos C. Manoli, Zacharias C. Zacharia, & Eleftheria Tsourlidaki (2015) Phases of inquiry-based learning: definitions and the inquiry cycle [d]
- Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, & Larry J. Leifer [ed] (2015) Design thinking research: building innovators [i] [d]
- Alexandre Rambaud & Jacques Richard (2015) The 'triple depreciation line' instead of the 'triple bottom line': towards a genuine integrated reporting [d]
- Nicolas Rossignol, Pierre Delvenne, & Catrinel Turcanu (2015) Rethinking vulnerability analysis and governance with emphasis on a participatory approach [d]
- Devjani Roy & Richard J. Zeckhauser (2015) Grappling with ignorance: frameworks from decision theory, lessons from literature [d]
- Tobias Ruppert, Jens Dambruch, Michel Krämer, Tina Balke, Marco Gavanelli, Stefano Bragaglia, Federico Chesani, Michela Milano, & Jörn Kohlhammer (2015) Visual decision support for policy making: advancing policy analysis with visualization [i] [d]
- Nick Russell, Wil van der Aalst, & Arthur ter Hofstede (2015) Workflow patterns: the definitive guide [i] [d]
- Tiago Prince Sales & Giancarlo Guizzardi (2015) Ontological anti-patterns: empirically uncovered error-prone structures in ontology-driven conceptual models [d]
- Eric Sarriot & Michelle Kouletio (2015) Community health systems as complex adaptive systems: ontology and praxis lessons from an urban health experience with demonstrated sustainability [d]
- Daan F. J. Schraven, Andreas Hartmann, & Geert P. M. R. Dewulf (2015) Resuming an unfinished tale: applying causal maps to analyze the dominant logics within an organization [d]
- Marcus Schulmerich, Yves-Michel Leporcher, & Ching-Hwa Eu (2015) Applied asset and risk management: a guide to modern portfolio management and behavior-driven markets [i] [d]
- Marina Segura, Concepción Maroto, Valerie Belton, & Concepción Ginestar (2015) A new collaborative methodology for assessment and management of ecosystem services [d]
- Martina Seidl (2015) UML @ classroom: an introduction to object-oriented modeling [i] [d]
- Nicole R. Sikula, James W. Mancillas, Igor Linkov, & John A. McDonagh (2015) Risk management is not enough: a conceptual model for resilience and adaptation-based vulnerability assessments [d]
- Daniel Simon & Christian Schmidt [ed] (2015) Business architecture management: architecting the business for consistency and alignment [i] [d]
- Aleksandr Sinayev & Ellen Peters (2015) Cognitive reflection vs. calculation in decision making [p] [d] [u]
- John F. Sowa (2015) The cognitive cycle [i] [d] [u]
- John F. Sowa (2015) Signs and reality [d]
- Kay Stanney, Brent Winslow, Kelly Hale, & Dylan Schmorrow (2015) Augmented cognition [i] [d]
- Neville A. Stanton & Rich C. McIlroy (2015) Specifying system requirements using cognitive work analysis [i] [d]
- Mark Staples (2015) Critical rationalism and engineering: methodology [d] [j]
- David Peter Stroh (2015) Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
- Sai Sun, Ziqing Yao, Jaixin Wei, & Rongjun Yu (2015) Calm and smart?: a selective review of meditation effects on decision making [p] [d] [u]
- Cass R. Sunstein (2015) Choosing not to choose: understanding the value of choice [i]
- Steve Tendon & Wolfram Müller (2015) Hyper-productive knowledge work performance: the TameFlow approach and its application to Scrum and Kanban [i]
- Philip E. Tetlock & Dan Gardner (2015) Ten commandments for aspiring superforecasters [i]
- William Thomas (2015) Rational action: the sciences of policy in Britain and America, 1940–1960 [i] [d] [j]
- Alice Toniolo, Timothy J. Norman, Anthony Etuk, Federico Cerutti, Robin Wentao Ouyang, Mani Srivastava, Nir Oren, Timothy Dropps, John A. Allen, & Paul Sullivan (2015) Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
- Britta Uhde, W. Andreas Hahn, Verena C. Griess, & Thomas Knoke (2015) Hybrid MCDA methods to integrate multiple ecosystem services in forest management planning: a critical review [d]
- David G. Ullman, Ryan Arlitt, & Robert B. Stone (2015) Decision-thinking in PLM [product lifecycle management] [u]
- Michael Uschold (2015) Ontology and database schema: what's the difference? [d]
- Alexandra L. Varga, Keith Stenning, & Laura Martignon (2015) There is no one logic to model human reasoning: the case from interpretation [u]
- Guido Arjan Veldhuis, Peter van Scheepstal, Etiënne Rouwette, & Tom Logtens (2015) Collaborative problem structuring using MARVEL [d]
- Dmitry Vostokov (2015) Pattern repertoire [u]
- Annika Wallin & Richard McElreath (2015) Strategies for advice taking: the role of epistemic social information [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2015) Goal-based reasoning for argumentation [i] [d]
- Andrew D. Watson (2015) Design thinking for life [d]
- Roel J. Wieringa & Maya Daneva (2015) Six strategies for generalizing software engineering theories [d]
- Yijun Yu, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, Thein Than Tun, Roel J. Wieringa, & Bashar Nuseibeh (2015) Automated analysis of security requirements through risk-based argumentation [d]
- Claire M. Zedelius & Jonathan W. Schooler (2015) Mind wandering 'ahas' versus mindful reasoning: alternative routes to creative solutions [p] [d] [u]
- Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon (2014) States, goals and values: revisiting practical reasoning [u]
- Terje Aven (2014) Risk, surprises and black swans: fundamental ideas and concepts in risk assessment and risk management [i] [d]
- Kailash Awati (2014) Emergent design in enterprise IT [u]
- Beth Baker (2014) With a little help from our friends: creating community as we grow older [i]
- Rahul C. Basole & Marcus A. Bellamy (2014) Visual analysis of supply network risks: insights from the electronics industry [d]
- Carmine Bianchi & William C. Rivenbark (2014) Performance management in local government: the application of system dynamics to promote data use [d]
- Mauro Bieg (2014) Good design [u]
- Sebastian Bittmann, Balbir Barn, & Tony Clark (2014) Domain-specific reasoning for method engineering based on Toulmin's argumentation theory [d]
- Michael L. Black (2014) Transparent cultures: imagined users and the politics of software design (1975–2012) [o] [u]
- Fred L. Block & Margaret R. Somers (2014) The power of market fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi's critique [i] [d] [j]
- Nancy M. P. Bocken, Samuel W. Short, Padmakshi Rana, & Steve Evans (2014) A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes [d]
- Dominik Böhler (2014) On the nature of distributed organizing [i] [d]
- Judy Brown & Jesse Dillard (2014) Integrated reporting: on the need for broadening out and opening up [d]
- John M. Bryson, Colin Eden, & Fran Ackermann (2014) Visual strategy: a workbook for strategy mapping for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Anna De Liddo, & Mark Klein (2014) DCLA meet CIDA: collective intelligence deliberation analytics [u]
- Philip Cash, Tino Stanković, & Mario Štorga (2014) Using visual information analysis to explore complex patterns in the activity of designers [d]
- Evangelia Chryssafidou (2014) Argument diagramming and planning cognition in argumentative writing [o] [u]
- David C. Colander & Roland Kupers (2014) Complexity and the art of public policy: solving society's problems from the bottom up [i] [d] [j]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2014) The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
- Jacobus Jan Daalhuizen (2014) Method usage in design: how methods function as mental tools for designers [d]
- Lenny Delligatti (2014) SysML distilled: a brief guide to the systems modeling language [i]
- Gerry Derksen, Stan Ruecker, & Piotr Michura (2014) The role of conversational models in design practice [i] [d]
- Johanna Drucker (2014) Knowledge design: a conceptual and curricular challenge [d]
- Nathan Eagle & Kate Greene (2014) Reality mining: using big data to engineer a better world [i] [j]
- Christof Ebert & Sjaak Brinkkemper (2014) Software product management: an industry evaluation [d]
- Oscar Espinosa (2014) Los planes de vida y la política indígena en la Amazonía peruana [d]
- Martin Fenner, Kaja Scheliga, & Sönke Bartling (2014) Reference management [software] [i] [d]
- Bent Flyvbjerg (2014) What you should know about megaprojects and why: an overview [d]
- John W. Foreman (2014) Data smart: using data science to transform information into insight [i]
- Michael Fosmire & David F. Radcliffe [ed] (2014) Integrating information into the engineering design process [i] [j] [u]
- Rochelle I. Frank & Joan Davidson (2014) The transdiagnostic road map to case formulation and treatment planning: practical guidance for clinical decision making [i]
- Thomas Friedli, Stefan Thomas, & Andreas Mundt (2014) Strategic management of global manufacturing networks: aligning strategy, configuration, and coordination [i] [d]
- Nathan R. Furr & Jeff Dyer (2014) The innovator's method: bringing the lean startup into your organization [i]
- Xiao-Guang Gao, Jun-Feng Mei, Hai-Yang Chen, & Da-Qing Chen (2014) Approximate inference for dynamic Bayesian networks: sliding window approach [d]
- Wojciech Gasparski & Tufan Orel [ed] (2014) Designology: studies on planning for action [i] [d]
- Gerd Gigerenzer (2014) Risk savvy: how to make good decisions [i]
- Paul Glimcher (2014) The emerging standard model of the human decision-making apparatus [i]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt (2014) Linkography: unfolding the design process [i] [d] [j]
- David Gouverneur (2014) Planning and design for future informal settlements: shaping the self-constructed city [i] [d]
- Andrea S. Griffin & David Guez (2014) Innovation and problem solving: a review of common mechanisms [p] [d]
- Ralf Groetker (2014) Visualized problem structuring for stakeholder consultations: enabling informed decision-making with argument maps and the argument browser [i] [d]
- Andreja Habjan, Constantine Andriopoulos, & Manto Gotsi (2014) The role of GPS-enabled information in transforming operational decision making: an exploratory study [d]
- Zaid Hassan (2014) The social labs revolution: a new approach to solving our most complex challenges [i]
- Brian Henderson-Sellers, Jolita Ralyté, Pär J. Ågerfalk, & Matti Rossi (2014) Situational method engineering [i] [d]
- Ariel Macaspac Hernández (2014) Strategic facilitation of complex decision-making: how process and context matter in global climate change negotiations [i] [d]
- Patrick T. Hester & Kevin MacG. Adams (2014/2017) Systemic decision making: fundamentals for addressing problems and messes [i] [d]
- Christopher Hobbs, Matthew Moran, & Daniel Salisbury [ed] (2014) Open source intelligence in the twenty-first century: new approaches and opportunities [i] [d]
- Michael J. Hogan, Owen M. Harney, & Benjamin J. Broome (2014) Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
- Peter Hosey (2014) The to-do graph [and why to-do lists don't work] [u]
- Peter S. Hovmand (2014) Community based system dynamics [i] [d]
- Michael Howlett & Ishani Mukherjee (2014) Policy design and non-design: towards a spectrum of policy formulation types [d]
- Zhengxing Huang, Wei Dong, Lei Ji, Chenxi Gan, Xudong Lu, & Huilong Duan (2014) Discovery of clinical pathway patterns from event logs using probabilistic topic models [p] [d]
- Joshua Introne & Luca Iandoli (2014) Improving decision-making performance through argumentation: an argument-based decision support system to compute with evidence [d]
- Naeem Khalid Janjua (2014) A defeasible logic programming-based framework to support argumentation in semantic web applications [i] [d]
- Yosr Jarraya & Mourad Debbabi (2014) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of SysML activity diagrams [d]
- Paul Johannesson & Eric Perjons (2014) An introduction to design science [i] [d]
- Peter H. Jones (2014) Systemic design principles for complex social systems [i] [d]
- Thomas Jordan (2014) Deliberative methods for complex issues: a typology of functions that may need scaffolding [u]
- Eric Karjaluoto (2014) The design method: a philosophy and process for functional visual communication [i]
- Jeffrey M. Keisler, David A. Turcotte, Rachel Drew, & Michael P. Johnson (2014) Value-focused thinking for community-based organizations: objectives and acceptance in local development [d]
- Mark Klein & Gregorio Convertino (2014) An embarrassment of riches: a critical review of open innovation systems [d]
- Thorbjørn Knudsen & Kannan Srikanth (2014) Coordinated exploration: organizing joint search by multiple specialists to overcome mutual confusion and joint myopia [d]
- William J. Lahneman & Rubén Arcos Martín [ed] (2014) The art of intelligence: simulations, exercises, and games [i]
- Peter Lake & Robert Drake (2014) Information systems management in the big data era [i] [d]
- Markku Lehtonen (2014) Evaluating megaprojects: from the 'iron triangle' to network mapping [d]
- Daniel J. Levitin (2014) The organized mind: thinking straight in the age of information overload [i]
- Franck Lihoreau & Manuel Rebuschi [ed] (2014) Epistemology, context, and formalism [i] [d]
- Sanjoy Mahajan (2014) The art of insight in science and engineering: mastering complexity [i] [j] [u]
- Anja M. Maier, David C. Wynn, Thomas J. Howard, & Mogens Myrup Andreasen (2014) Perceiving design as modelling: a cybernetic systems perspective [i] [d]
- Karen Martin & Mike Osterling (2014) Value stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation [i]
- Lorenzo Massa & Christopher L. Tucci (2014) Business model innovation [i] [d]
- Mike Metcalfe (2014) How concepts solve management problems [i] [d]
- Edwin F. Meyer III, Nickolas Falkner, Raja Sooriamurthi, & Zbigniew Michalewicz (2014) Guide to teaching puzzle-based learning [i] [d]
- Patrice Micouin (2014) Model-based systems engineering: fundamentals and methods [i] [d]
- Morena Mills, Jorge G. Álvarez-Romero, Ken Vance-Borland, Philippa Cohen, Robert L. Pressey, Angela M. Guerrero, & Henrik Ernstson (2014) Linking regional planning and local action: towards using social network analysis in systematic conservation planning [d]
- Ben R. Newell & David R. Shanks (2014) Unconscious influences on decision making: a critical review [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- David Nicholas & Eti Herman [ed] (2014) Information science [i]
- Michael S. O'Donnell, Timothy J. Assal, Patrick J. Anderson, & Zachary H. Bowen (2014) Geospatial considerations for a multiorganizational, landscape-scale program [d]
- Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, & Alan Smith (2014) Value proposition design: how to create products and services customers want [i]
- Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, & Larry J. Leifer [ed] (2014) Design thinking research: building innovation eco-systems [i] [d]
- Mary Poppendieck & Thomas David Poppendieck (2014) The lean mindset: ask the right questions [i]
- Zach Porges, Nicole Calace, Tré Calhoun, Yundi (Lily) Gao, Brian Lin, Yulan (Lannie) Miao, Toshihiro Noguchi, Ben Shulman, Naomi Wiener, & Dan Cosley (2014) Pact: leveraging social networks for goal achievement [i] [d]
- Ranga V. Ramasesh & Tyson R. Browning (2014) A conceptual framework for tackling knowable unknown unknowns in project management [d]
- Wolfgang Raschke, Massimiliano Zilli, Johannes Loinig, Reinhold Weiss, Christian Steger, & Christian Kreiner (2014) Patterns of software modeling [i] [d]
- Sarah E. Reed, Jodi A. Hilty, & David M. Theobald (2014) Guidelines and incentives for conservation development in local land-use regulations [p] [d]
- Hillary Rettig (2014) What being 'willing to fail' really means [u]
- David D. Riley & Kenny A. Hunt (2014) Computational thinking for the modern problem solver [i] [d]
- Rob Roggema (2014) Swarm planning for climate change: how transformations can be achieved [i] [d]
- Thomas K. Rudel & Patrick Meyfroidt (2014) Organizing anarchy: the food security–biodiversity–climate crisis and the genesis of rural land use planning in the developing world [d]
- Michael D. Ryall & Aaron L. Bramson (2014) Inference and intervention: causal models for business analysis [i] [d]
- Rahul Narain Saxena (2014) The analytics asset [i] [d]
- Michael Schrage (2014) The innovator's hypothesis: how cheap experiments are worth more than good ideas [i] [j]
- Peter H. Schuck (2014) Why government fails so often: and how it can do better [i] [d] [j]
- Yvonne Smith (2014) Rethinking decision making: an ethnographic study of worker agency in crisis intervention [d]
- Anke Söllner, Arndt Bröder, Andreas Glöckner, & Tilmann Betsch (2014) Single-process versus multiple-strategy models of decision making: evidence from an information intrusion paradigm [d]
- John-Christopher Spender & Bruce A. Strong (2014) Strategic conversations: creating and directing the entrepreneurial workforce [i] [d]
- David I. Spivak (2014) Category theory for the sciences [i] [u]
- Mark Staples (2014) Critical rationalism and engineering: ontology [d] [j]
- Sheri L. Stephanson & Michael B. Mascia (2014) Putting people on the map through an approach that integrates social data in conservation planning [p] [d]
- Patricia D. Stokes (2014) Crossing disciplines: a constraint-based model of the creative/innovative process [d]
- Benjamin Todd (2014/2017) How to do career planning properly [or: How to make your career plan] [u]
- James P. Trevelyan (2014) The making of an expert engineer: how to have a wonderful career creating a better world and spending lots of money belonging to other people [i] [d]
- Susanne Vahrenkamp & Heinz Joachim-Feuerstein (2014) Decision-making processes in counselling and therapy: some dead ends and ways out [i]
- Roberto Verganti & Claudio Dell'Era (2014) Design-driven innovation: meaning as a source of innovation [i] [d]
- Paul Warren (2014) Personal information management: the case for an evolutionary approach [d]
- Herbert I. Weisberg (2014) Willful ignorance: the mismeasure of uncertainty [i] [d]
- Roel J. Wierenga (2014) Design science methodology for information systems and software engineering [i] [d]
- Roel J. Wieringa (2014) Empirical research methods for technology validation: scaling up to practice [d]
- Mike Yearworth & Leroy White (2014) The non-codified use of problem structuring methods and the need for a generic constitutive definition [d]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2014) Choice-creating as an alternative to decision making [i]
- David Adams (2013) Volunteered geographic information: potential implications for participatory planning [d]
- Scott Adams (2013) Goals versus systems [i]
- J. R. Adewumi, Adesola A. Ilemobade, & J. E. (Kobus) van Zyl (2013) Application of a multi-criteria decision support tool in assessing the feasibility of implementing treated wastewater reuse [d]
- Sasan Yadrandji Aghdam (2013) Application of creativity tools to enhance the design of inherently safer urban infrastructure [u]
- Bill Aulet & Marius Ursache (2013) Disciplined entrepreneurship: 24 steps to a successful startup [i]
- Markus Baer, Kurt T. Dirks, & Jackson A. Nickerson (2013) Microfoundations of strategic problem formulation [d] [j] [u]
- Pietro Baroni, Marco Romano, Francesca Toni, Marco Aurisicchio, & Giorgio Bertanza (2013) An argumentation-based approach for automatic evaluation of design debates [i] [d]
- Richard L. Baskerville, Marco De Marco, & Paolo Spagnoletti [ed] (2013) Designing organizational systems: an interdisciplinary discourse [i] [d]
- Claudia Basta & Stefano Moroni [ed] (2013) Ethics, design and planning of the built environment [i] [d]
- Vivien Beattie & Sarah Jane Smith (2013) Value creation and business models: refocusing the intellectual capital debate [d]
- Ilia Bider, Paul Johannesson, & Erik Perjons (2013) Design science research as movement between individual and generic situation/problem–solution spaces [i] [d]
- Tua A. Björklund (2013) Initial mental representations of design problems: differences between experts and novices [d]
- Eli Blevis (2013) The PRInCiPleS design framework [i] [d]
- Raymond T. Boute (2013) How to calculate proofs: bridging the cultural divide [u]
- Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli, & Serena Villata (2013) From discourse analysis to argumentation schemes and back: relations and differences [i] [d]
- Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli, & Serena Villata (2013) A natural language account for argumentation schemes [i] [d]
- James Carlopio (2013) Strategy by design: a process of strategy innovation [i] [d]
- Charles R. Chaffin [ed] (2013/2015) CFP Board financial planning competency handbook [i] [d]
- Mark Colyvan (2013) Idealisations in normative models [d] [j]
- Tina Comes, Niek Wijngaards, & Frank Schultmann (2013) Designing distributed multi-criteria decision support systems for complex and uncertain situations [i] [d]
- Hugh Courtney, Dan Lovallo, & Carmina Clarke (2013) Deciding how to decide [u]
- Lance Craighead & Charles L. Convis [ed] (2013) Conservation planning: shaping the future [i]
- Ward Cunningham & Michael W. Mehaffy (2013) Wiki as pattern language [i] [u]
- Susan A. David, David Clutterbuck, & David Megginson [ed] (2013) Beyond goals: effective strategies for coaching and mentoring [i] [d]
- J. Paul Dittmann (2013) Supply chain transformation: building and executing an integrated supply chain strategy [i]
- Graeme J. Doole & David J. Pannell (2013) A process for the development and application of simulation models in applied economics [d]
- Michael Doumpos & Evangelos Grigoroudis [ed] (2013) Multicriteria decision aid and artificial intelligence: links, theory and applications [i] [d]
- Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, & Hajo A. Reijers (2013) Fundamentals of business process management [i] [d]
- Christopher Durugbo, Ashutosh Tiwari, & Jeffrey R. Alcock (2013) Modelling information flow for organisations: a review of approaches and future challenges [d]
- Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann (2013) Problem structuring: on the nature of, and reaching agreement about, goals [d]
- Lee Failing, Robin S. Gregory, & Paul Higgins (2013) Science, uncertainty, and values in ecological restoration: a case study in structured decision-making and adaptive management [d]
- Alexander J. Felson, Mitchell A. Pavao-Zuckerman, Timothy Carter, Franco Montalto, Bill Shuster, Nikki Springer, Emilie K. Stander, & Olyssa Starry (2013) Mapping the design process for urban ecology researchers [d] [j]
- J. Soeiro Ferreira (2013) Multimethodology in metaheuristics [d] [j]
- Bent Flyvbjerg (2013) Quality control and due diligence in project management: getting decisions right by taking the outside view [d]
- Simon French (2013) Cynefin, statistics and decision analysis [d] [j]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
- Edward T. Game, Peter M. Kareiva, & Hugh P. Possingham (2013) Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting [p] [d] [u]
- Daniel R. Georgiadis, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, & Shahram Sarkani (2013) Using multi criteria decision making in analysis of alternatives for selection of enabling technology [d]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt & Paul A. Rodgers (2013) The design thinking approaches of three different groups of designers based on self-reports [d]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt (2013) A micro view of design reasoning: two-way shifts between embodiment and rationale [i] [d]
- Elizabeth B. Goldsmith (2013) Decision making and problem solving [i]
- Arash Golnam, Paavo Ritala, Vijay Viswanathan, Valerian Hanser, & Alain Wegmann (2013) A framework for modeling value in service-oriented business models: conceptualizations and graphical representation [i] [d]
- Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble (2013) Beyond the idea: how to execute innovation in any organization [i]
- Anna Grandori (2013) Epistemic economics and organization: forms of rationality and governance for a wiser economy [i] [d]
- Anna Grandori [ed] (2013) Handbook of economic organization: integrating economic and organization theory [i] [d]
- Angela M. Guerrero, Ryan R. J. McAllister, Jonathan Corcoran, & Kerrie A. Wilson (2013) Scale mismatches, conservation planning, and the value of social-network analyses [p] [d]
- Daniel Hayden & Fangzhou Deng (2013) The science of goal setting: a practitioner's guide to goal setting in the social marketing of conservation [d]
- Chip Heath & Dan Heath (2013) Decisive: how to make better choices in life and work [i]
- Tom Horlick-Jones & Jonathan Rosenhead (2013) Ambiguity and therapy in risk management [d]
- David Howarth (2013) Law as engineering: thinking about what lawyers do [i] [d]
- Hugh Jack (2013) Engineering design, planning, and management [i] [d]
- Grega Jakus, Veljko Milutinović, Sanida Omerović, & Sašo Tomažič (2013) Concepts, ontologies, and knowledge representation [i] [d]
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg, Jill Woodilla, & Mehves Çetinkaya (2013) Design thinking: past, present and possible futures [d]
- Eric J. Johnson & Daniel G. Goldstein (2013) Decisions by default [i] [d] [j]
- Thomas Jordan, Pia Andersson, & Helena Ringnér (2013) The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
- Christopher W. Karvetski, Kenneth C. Olson, Donald T. Gantz, & Glenn A. Cross (2013) Structuring and analyzing competing hypotheses with Bayesian networks for intelligence analysis [d]
- Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Shanthi Nataraj, Patrick M. Reed, & Robert J. Lempert (2013) Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change [d]
- Robert Kegan, Christina Congleton, & Susan A. David (2013) The goals behind the goals: pursuing adult development in the coaching enterprise [i] [d]
- Hyunjung Kim, Roderick H. MacDonald, & David F. Andersen (2013) Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
- Howard Kirschenbaum (2013) Values clarification in counseling and psychotherapy: practical strategies for individual and group settings [i] [d]
- Matthias Kolbusa (2013) 'Method cancer': diagnosis, elimination and avoidance [i] [d]
- Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune, Sanaz Mostaghim, & Matthias Steinbrecher (2013/2016) Computational intelligence: a methodological introduction [i] [d]
- Vijay Kumar (2013) 101 design methods: a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization [i]
- Peter Lake & Paul Crowther (2013) Concise guide to databases: a practical introduction [i] [d]
- Meaghan A. Leddy, Britta L. Anderson, & Jay Schulkin (2013) Cognitive-behavioral therapy and decision science [d]
- John D. Lee & Alex Kirlik [ed] (2013) The Oxford handbook of cognitive engineering [i] [d]
- Jeanne Liedtka, Andrew King, & Kevin B. Bennett (2013) Solving problems with design thinking: 10 stories of what works [i]
- George Loewenstein, Leslie K. John, & Kevin G. Volpp (2013) Using decision errors to help people help themselves [i] [d] [j]
- Aidan Lyon & Eric Pacuit (2013) The wisdom of crowds: methods of human judgement aggregation [i] [d]
- Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano & George P. Richardson (2013) Best practices in system dynamics modeling [d]
- James E. Matheson (2013) Decision analysis in practice [i] [d]
- Richard E. Mayer (2013) Problem solving [i] [d]
- Raymond McCall (2013) Critical conversations: feedback as a stimulus to creativity in software design [i] [d]
- D. Scott McCrickard, Shahtab Wahid, Stacy M. Branham, & Steve Harrison (2013) Achieving both creativity and rationale: reuse in design with images and claims [i] [d]
- Rebecca J. McLain, Melissa Poe, Kelly Biedenweg, Lee Cerveny, Diane Besser, & Dale J. Blahna (2013) Making sense of human ecology mapping: an overview of approaches to integrating socio-spatial data into environmental planning [d] [j]
- Mike Metcalfe & Saras Sastrowardoyo (2013) Complex project conceptualisation and argument mapping [d]
- Pietro Michelucci [ed] (2013) Handbook of human computation [i] [d]
- Gerald Midgley, Robert Y. Cavana, John Brocklesby, Jeff L. Foote, David R. R. Wood, & Annabel Ahuriri-Driscoll (2013) Towards a new framework for evaluating systemic problem structuring methods [d]
- Harvey J. Miller (2013) Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
- Laurie Mook [ed] (2013) Accounting for social value [i] [d]
- Peter W. G. Morris (2013) Reconstructing project management [i] [d]
- Mark A. Musen (2013) The knowledge acquisition workshops: a remarkable convergence of ideas [d]
- Cal Newport (2013) Deep habits: the importance of planning every minute of your work day [u]
- Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu, & Thomas J. D'Zurilla (2013) Problem-solving therapy: a treatment manual [i]
- Marcos Nino-Ruiz, Ian D. Bishop, & Christopher Pettit (2013) Spatial model steering, an exploratory approach to uncertainty awareness in land use allocation [d]
- Rosalie J. Ocker (2013) Promoting group creativity in upstream requirements engineering [i] [d]
- Gregory S. Parnell, Terry A. Bresnick, Steven N. Tani, & Eric R. Johnson (2013) Handbook of decision analysis [i] [d]
- Pieter Pauwels, Ronald De Meyer, & Jan Van Campenhout (2013) Design thinking support: information systems versus reasoning [d] [j]
- Alex (Sandy) Pentland (2013) Beyond the echo chamber [u]
- Jacqueline B. Persons (2013) Who needs a case formulation and why: clinicians use the case formulation to guide decision-making [d] [u]
- Irene J. Petrick, Phillip J. Ayoub, & Matthew J. Prindible (2013) Improvisation in the cloud: devised theatre in support of problem-finding [i] [d]
- Katherine Hibbs Pherson & Randolph H. Pherson (2013/2021) Critical thinking for strategic intelligence [i]
- Julien Pollack, Kerry Costello, & Shankar Sankaran (2013) Applying actor–network theory as a sensemaking framework for complex organisational change programs [d]
- Steven Pressfield (2013) The foolscap method [u]
- Gwynne Richards & Susan Grinsted (2013/2016) The logistics and supply chain toolkit: over 100 tools and guides for supply chain, transport, warehousing and inventory management [i]
- Michael M. Richter & Rosina O. Weber (2013) Case-based reasoning: a textbook [i] [d]
- Allison Rimm (2013) The joy of strategy: a business plan for life [i]
- Jonathan Rosenhead (2013) Problem structuring methods [i] [d]
- Phil Rosenzweig (2013) What makes strategic decisions different [u]
- Alan Ryan (2013) The planners and the planned [d]
- Gregory R. Samanez-Larkin, Shu-Chen Li, & K. Richard Ridderinkhof (2013) Complementary approaches to the study of decision making across the adult life span [p] [d] [u]
- Rahul Narain Saxena & Anand Srinivasan (2013) Business analytics: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
- Jodi Schneider, Tudor Groza, & Alexandre Passant (2013) A review of argumentation for the social semantic web [d] [u]
- Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins (2013) Dodging monsters and dancing with dreams: success and failure at different levels of approach and avoidance [d]
- Albert M. Selvin, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Mark Aakhus (2013) The practice level in participatory design rationale: studying practitioner moves and choices [i] [d]
- Eldar Shafir [ed] (2013) The behavioral foundations of public policy [i] [d] [j]
- Vincent M. Smith, Robert B. Greene, & Janet Silbernagel (2013) The social and spatial dynamics of community food production: a landscape approach to policy and program development [d]
- Maarten Speekenbrink & David R. Shanks (2013) Decision making [i] [d]
- Robert St. Amant (2013) Computing for ordinary mortals [i]
- Rodrigo Rizzi Starr & José Maria Parente de Oliveira (2013) Concept maps as the first step in an ontology construction method [d]
- Kelly S. Steelman, Jason S. McCarley, John E. Grable, Lance Palmer, Dave Yeske, & Charles R. Chaffin (2013/2015) Gathering data from clients: insights from cognitive task analysis and requirements engineering [i] [d]
- Markus Strohmaier, Simon Walk, Jan Pöschko, Daniel Lamprecht, Tania Tudorache, Csongor Nyulas, Mark A. Musen, & Natalya F. Noy (2013) How ontologies are made: studying the hidden social dynamics behind collaborative ontology engineering projects [d]
- Marian Stuiver, Pat van der Jagt, Eugene van Erven, & Isabel Hoving (2013) The potentials of art to involve citizens in regional transitions: exploring a site-specific performance in Haarzuilens, the Netherlands [d]
- John C. Thomas (2013) Patterns for emergent global intelligence [i] [d]
- Kevin Thwaites, Alice Mathers, & Ian Simkins (2013) Socially restorative urbanism: the theory, process and practice of experiemics [i] [d]
- Alice Toniolo (2013) Models of argument for deliberative dialogue in complex domains [o] [u]
- Lyndal J. Trevena, Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher, Adrian Edwards, Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Mirta Galesic, Paul K. J. Han, John G. King, Margaret L. Lawson, Suzanne K. Linder, Isaac Lipkus, Elissa Ozanne, Ellen Peters, Danielle Timmermans, & Steven Woloshin (2013) Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: a risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers [p] [d] [u]
- Frédéric M. Vanwindekens, Didier Stilmant, & Philippe V. Baret (2013) Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems [d]
- Jose Luis de la Vara, Juan Sánchez, & Oscar Pastor (2013) On the use of goal models and business process models for elicitation of system requirements [i] [d]
- Keith C. Walker & Douglas W. Oard (2013) Extending argument maps to provide decision support for rulemaking [i] [d]
- Warren E. Walker, Marjolijn Haasnoot, & Jan H. Kwakkel (2013) Adapt or perish: a review of planning approaches for adaptation under deep uncertainty [d]
- Frankwin van Winsen, Yann de Mey, Ludwig Lauwers, Steven Van Passel, Mark Vancauteren, & Erwin Wauters (2013) Cognitive mapping: a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception [d]
- Robert Winter & Antonia Albani (2013) Restructuring the design science research knowledge base: a one-cycle view of design science research and its consequences for understanding organizational design problems [i] [d]
- Robert Winter (2013) Towards a framework for evidence-based and inductive design in information systems research [i] [d]
- Robert P. Wright, Sotirios E. Paroutis, & Daniela P. Blettner (2013) How useful are the strategic tools we teach in business schools? [d]
- Arantza Aldea, René Bañares-Alcántara, & Simon Skrzypczak (2012) Managing information to support the decision making process [combining IBIS & MCDM in Compendium] [d]
- Niek Althuizen, Astrid Reichel, & Berend Wierenga (2012) Help that is not recognized: harmful neglect of decision support systems [d]
- Li An (2012) Modeling human decisions in coupled human and natural systems: review of agent-based models [d]
- Kailash Awati (2012) Improving decision-making in projects (and life) [u]
- Mary Axford & Crystal Renfro (2012) Noteworthy productivity tools for personal knowledge management [u]
- Abraham Bernstein, Mark Klein, & Thomas W. Malone (2012) Programming the global brain [d]
- Steven G. Blank & Bob Dorf (2012) The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company [i]
- Matthew J. Brown (2012) John Dewey's logic of science [d] [j]
- Christopher Butler (2012) The strategic web designer: how to confidently navigate the web design process [i]
- Maria Cerreta & Roberta Mele (2012) A landscape complex values map: integration among soft values and hard values in a spatial decision support system [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2012) Work forward in solving problems, not backward [for efficiency in practical problem solving] [u]
- Yee May Chua (2012) The complex system records model: recordkeeping for wicked problems [o] [u]
- Lieven Claessens, John M. Antle, Jetse J. Stoorvogel, Roberto O. Valdivia, Philip K. Thornton, & Mario Herrero (2012) A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data [d]
- Tim Clark, Bruce Hazen, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, & Alan Smith (2012/2022) Business model you: a one-page method for reinventing your career [i]
- Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia (2012) The use of concept maps for knowledge management: from classrooms to research labs [d]
- Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox (2012) Confronting deep uncertainties in risk analysis [p] [d]
- Georgina Cundill, Graeme S. Cumming, D. Biggs, & C. Fabricius (2012) Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
- Anna De Liddo, Ágnes Sándor, & Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2012) Contested collective intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human–machine annotation study [d]
- C. Scott Dempwolf & L. Ward Lyles (2012) The uses of social network analysis in planning: a review of the literature [d]
- Steven P. Dow, Alana Glassco, Jonathan Kass, Melissa Schwarz, Daniel L. Schwartz, & Scott R. Klemmer (2012) Parallel prototyping leads to better design results, more divergence, and increased self-efficacy [i] [d]
- Clemens Driessen (2012) Farmers engaged in deliberative practices: an ethnographic exploration of the mosaic of concerns in livestock agriculture [d]
- Caitlin S. Dyckman & Kurt Paulsen (2012) Not in my watershed! Will increased federal supervision really bring better coordination between land use and water planning? [d]
- Norman E. Fenton & Martin Neil (2012/2019) Risk assessment and decision analysis with Bayesian networks [i] [d]
- Joern Fischer, Robert Dyball, Ioan Fazey, Catherine Gross, Stephen R. Dovers, Paul R. Ehrlich, Robert J. Brulle, Carleton Christensen, & Richard J. Borden (2012) Human behavior and sustainability [d]
- Frank Fischer & Alan Mandell (2012) Transformative learning in planning and policy deliberation: probing social meaning and tacit assumptions [i] [d]
- Jessica C. Flack, Peter Hammerstein, & David C. Krakauer (2012) Robustness in biological and social systems [i] [d]
- Alexandra M. Freund, Marie Hennecke, & Maida Mustafić (2012/2019) On gains and losses, means and ends: goal orientation and goal focus across adulthood [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Friedman (2012) System effects and the problem of prediction [d]
- Thomas Frisendal (2012) Design thinking business analysis: business concept mapping applied [i] [d]
- John Gallo & Michael F. Goodchild (2012) Mapping uncertainty in conservation assessment as a means toward improved conservation planning and implementation [d]
- Cedric Gaspoz & Yair Wand (2012) Using ontologies and soft systems methodology to provide multi-user support in problem structuring [i] [d]
- Charlie Gilkey (2012) 7 ways to write better action items [u]
- Keith Goffin, Jawwad Z. Raja, Björn Claes, Marek Szwejczewski, & Veronica Martinez (2012) Rigor in qualitative supply chain management research: lessons from applying repertory grid technique [d]
- Anthony M. Grant (2012) An integrated model of goal-focused coaching: an evidence-based framework for teaching and practice [u]
- Kshanti Greene, Dan Thomsen, & Pietro Michelucci (2012) Massively collaborative problem solving: new security solutions and new security risks [d]
- Stefan N. Groesser & Martin F. G. Schaffernicht (2012) Mental models of dynamic systems: taking stock and looking ahead [d]
- Yacov Y. Haimes (2012) Systems-based guiding principles for risk modeling, planning, assessment, management, and communication [p] [d]
- Peter Hammerstein & Jeffrey R. Stevens [ed] (2012) Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making [i] [d]
- Gerhard Hancke, Bruno Silva, & Gerhard Hancke Jr. (2012) The role of advanced sensing in smart cities [d]
- Jason Heppler (2012) Building your own memex [u]
- Virgilio Hermoso, Francis Pantus, Jon Olley, Simon Linke, James Mugodo, & Patrick Lea (2012) Systematic planning for river rehabilitation: integrating multiple ecological and economic objectives in complex decisions [d]
- Jennifer Horkoff, Alex Borgida, John Mylopoulos, Daniele Barone, Lei Jiang, Eric Yu, & Daniel Amyot (2012) Making data meaningful: the Business Intelligence Model and its formal semantics in description logics [i] [d]
- Peter S. Hovmand, David F. Andersen, Etiënne Rouwette, George P. Richardson, Krista Rux, & Annaliese Calhoun (2012) Group model-building 'scripts' as a collaborative planning tool [d]
- Jerald Jariyasunant, André Carrel, Venkatesan Ekambaram, D. J. Gaker, Thejovardhana Kote, Raja Sengupta, & Joan L. Walker (2012) The quantified traveler: using personal travel data to promote sustainable transport behavior [u]
- David H. Jonassen (2012) Designing for decision making [d]
- Sathyamyla Kanthabhabhajeya, Petter Falkman, & Bengt Lennartson (2012) System modeling specification in SysML and Sequence Planner Language: comparison study [d]
- Robert S. Kaplan & Anette Mikes (2012) Managing risks: a new framework [u]
- Manu Kapur & Katerine Bielaczyc (2012) Designing for productive failure [d]
- Nikhil Kaza & Lewis D. Hopkins (2012) Intentional actions, plans, and information systems [d]
- Lucy Kimbell (2012) Rethinking design thinking: part II [d]
- Hélène Landemore & Jon Elster [ed] (2012) Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
- Diana Laurillard (2012) Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology [i] [d]
- Delphine Leenhardt, Olivier Therond, Marie-Odile Cordier, Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Arnaud Reynaud, Patrick Durand, Jacques-Eric Bergez, Lucie Clavel, Véronique Masson, & Pierre Moreau (2012) A generic framework for scenario exercises using models applied to water-resource management [d]
- Laura Leete, Neil Bania, & Andrea Sparks-Ibanga (2012) Congruence and coverage: alternative approaches to identifying urban food deserts and food hinterlands [d]
- Carolyn G. Loh (2012) Four potential disconnects in the community planning process [d]
- Bruce G. Marcot, Matthew P. Thompson, Michael C. Runge, Frank R. Thompson, Steven McNulty, David Cleaves, Monica Tomosy, Larry A. Fisher, & Andrew Bliss (2012) Recent advances in applying decision science to managing national forests [d]
- Arthur B. Markman (2012) Smart thinking: three essential keys to solve problems, innovate, and get things done [i]
- Bella Martin & Bruce M. Hanington (2012) Universal methods of design: 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions [i]
- Tara G. Martin, Mark A. Burgman, Fiona Fidler, Petra M. Kuhnert, Samantha Low-Choy, Marissa F. McBride, & Kerrie L. Mengersen (2012) Eliciting expert knowledge in conservation science [p] [d]
- E. J. Masicampo & Roy F. Baumeister (2012) Committed but closed-minded: when making a specific plan for a goal hinders success [d]
- Ash Maurya (2012) Why lean canvas? [vs. business model canvas] [u]
- D. Scott McCrickard (2012) Making claims: the claim as a knowledge design, capture, and sharing tool in HCI [i] [d]
- Jme McLean, Judith E. Bell, & Victor Rubin (2012) Geting equity advocacy results: tools for navigating change [u]
- Jan Mendling (2012/2013) Managing structural and textual quality of business process models [i] [d]
- William K. Michener & Matthew B. Jones (2012) Ecoinformatics: supporting ecology as a data-intensive science [d]
- Robert J. Mislevy (2012) The case for informal argument [about assessment] [d]
- Arashanapalai Neelameghan & Koti S. Raghavan [ed] (2012) Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization: proceedings of the twelfth International ISKO Conference, 6–9 August 2012, Mysore, India [i] [d]
- John C. Norcross, Kristin Loberg, & Jonathon Norcross (2012) Changeology: 5 steps to realizing your goals and resolutions [i]
- Kevin O'Connor, Brian Holly, & Audrey Clarke (2012) A case for incorporating logistics services in urban and regional policy: some insight from US metropolitan areas [d]
- Patrick J. O'Farrell, Pippin M. L. Anderson, David C. Le Maitre, & Patricia M. Holmes (2012) Insights and opportunities offered by a rapid ecosystem service assessment in promoting a conservation agenda in an urban biodiversity hotspot [d]
- Anthony Olcott (2012) Open source intelligence in a networked world [i] [d]
- Alexander Osterwalder (2012) Achieve product–market fit with our brand-new Value Proposition Designer Canvas [u]
- Lee T. Ostrom & Cheryl A. Wilhelmsen (2012/2019) Risk assessment: tools, techniques, and their applications [i] [d]
- Christine Overall (2012) Why have children?: the ethical debate [i] [d] [j]
- Lael Parrott, Clément Chion, Rodolphe Gonzalès, & Guillaume Latombe (2012) Agents, individuals, and networks: modeling methods to inform natural resource management in regional landscapes [d]
- Martin P. Paulus & Angela J. Yu (2012) Emotion and decision-making: affect-driven belief systems in anxiety and depression [p] [d] [u]
- Yvan Petit (2012) Project portfolios in dynamic environments: organizing for uncertainty [d]
- Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, & Larry J. Leifer [ed] (2012) Design thinking research: studying co-creation in practice [i] [d]
- Hasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, & Larry J. Leifer [ed] (2012) Design thinking research: measuring performance in context [i] [d]
- Andy Pressman (2012) Designing architecture: the elements of process [i] [d]
- Steve Rayner (2012) Uncomfortable knowledge: the social construction of ignorance in science and environmental policy discourses [d]
- Laura A. Reese & Raymond A. Rosenfeld (2012) Comparative civic culture: the role of local culture in urban policy-making [i]
- Hillary Rettig (2012) How to be an effective decision-maker [u]
- Elizabeth B.-N. Sanders & Pieter Jan Stappers (2012) Convivial design toolbox: generative research for the front end of design [i]
- Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, & Paul B. Brown (2012) What to do when you don't know what to do [u]
- Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, & Paul B. Brown (2012) Just start: take action, embrace uncertainty, create the future [i]
- Marc J. Schniederjans & Stephen Bert LeGrand (2012) Reinventing the supply chain life cycle: strategies and methods for analysis and decision making [i]
- Mamadou D. Seck & H. Job Honig (2012) Multi-perspective modelling of complex phenomena [d]
- Paul E. Smaldino & Peter J. Richerson (2012) The origins of options [in decision making] [p] [d] [u]
- Philip J. Smith, Roger Beatty, Caroline C. Hayes, Adam Larson, Norman D. Geddes, & Michael C. Dorneich (2012) Human-centered design of decision-support systems [i] [d]
- Terry L. Sohl, Benjamin M. Sleeter, Kristi L. Sayler, Michelle A. Bouchard, Ryan R. Reker, Stacie L. Bennett, Rachel R. Sleeter, Ronald L. Kanengieter, & Zhiliang Zhu (2012) Spatially explicit land-use and land-cover scenarios for the Great Plains of the United States [d]
- Julia Spaniol & Pete Wegier (2012) Decisions from experience: adaptive information search and choice in younger and older adults [p] [d] [u]
- John Spriggs (2012) GSN—the goal structuring notation: a structured approach to presenting arguments [i] [d]
- Julia von Thienen, Christine Noweski, Christoph Meinel, Sabine Lang, Claudia Nicolai, & Andreas Bartz (2012) What can design thinking learn from behavior group therapy? [i] [d]
- Brian Tomaszewski & Alan M. MacEachren (2012) Geovisual analytics to support crisis management: information foraging for geo-historical context [d]
- David G. Ullman (2012) Decisions of the third kind [d]
- André Viljoen & Johannes S. C. Wiskerke [ed] (2012) Sustainable food planning: evolving theory and practice [i]
- Francis Wade (2012) The evolution of the calendar: how to use a calendar today [u]
- Richard E. Wagner (2012) A macro economy as an ecology of plans [d]
- Jingsong Wang, John Byrnes, Marco Valtorta, & Michael Huhns (2012) On the combination of logical and probabilistic models for information analysis [d]
- Olivier L. de Weck, Daniel Roos, & Christopher L. Magee (2012) Engineering systems: meeting human needs in a complex technological world [i] [d]
- Andrew Westbrook, Bruna S. Martins, Tal Yarkoni, & Todd S. Braver (2012) Strategic insight and age-related goal-neglect influence risky decision-making [p] [d] [u]
- F. Robert Wilson (2012) Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning from the ecological perspective [i] [d]
- Darrell A. Worthy & W. Todd Maddox (2012) Age-based differences in strategy use in choice tasks [p] [d] [u]
- Wil van der Aalst (2011/2016) Process mining: data science in action [i] [d]
- Bas van Abel, Lucas Evers, Roel Klaassen, & Peter Troxler (2011) Open design now: why design cannot remain exclusive [i] [u]
- Fran Ackermann (2011) Getting 'messy' with problems: the challenges of teaching 'soft' OR [d]
- Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Heidrun Schumann, & Christian Tominski (2011) Visualization of time-oriented data [i] [d]
- Can M. Alpaslan & Ian I. Mitroff (2011) Swans, swine, and swindlers: coping with the growing threat of mega-crises and mega-messes [i]
- Christopher K. Ansell (2011) Pragmatist democracy: evolutionary learning as public philosophy [i] [d]
- Kailash Awati (2011) Planning and improvisation: complementary facets of organizational work [u]
- Leon A. Barmuta, Simon Linke, & Eren Turak (2011) Bridging the gap between 'planning' and 'doing' for biodiversity conservation in freshwaters [d]
- Richard L. Baskerville (2011) Individual information systems as a research arena [d]
- Jim Benson (2011) How to: mapping your value stream [u]
- Roger Chapman Burk & Gregory S. Parnell (2011) Portfolio decision analysis: lessons from military applications [i] [d]
- Frada Burstein, Patrick Brezillon, & Arkady Zaslavsky [ed] (2011) Supporting real time decision-making: the role of context in decision support on the move [o] [d]
- Natasha Carraro & Patrick Gaudreau (2011) Implementation planning as a pathway between goal motivation and goal progress for academic and physical activity goals [d]
- Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (2011) When is a bunch of marks on paper a diagram?: diagrams as homomorphic representations [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2011) Don't make decisions based on culture (alone) [u]
- Julie Cidell (2011) Distribution centers among the rooftops: the global logistics network meets the suburban spatial imaginary [d]
- Charles L. Citroen (2011) The role of information in strategic decision-making [d]
- Michael T. Cox & Anita Raja [ed] (2011) Metareasoning: thinking about thinking [i] [d]
- Stephen Coyle [ed] (2011) Sustainable and resilient communities: a comprehensive action plan for towns, cities, and regions [i]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2011/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
- Stephen Davies (2011) Still building the memex [d]
- Philip Dawid, David A. Schum, & Amanda Hepler (2011) Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
- John R. Drake, Dianne J. Hall, & Teresa Lang (2011) Ethical decision-making and implications for decision support [i] [d]
- Timothy T. Dunne (2011) Road maps for learning: a bird's eye view [d]
- Jeff Dyer, Hal B. Gregersen, & Clayton M. Christensen (2011) The innovator's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators [i]
- Jeanette Eckert & Sujata Shetty (2011) Food systems, planning and quantifying access: using GIS to plan for food retail [d]
- John W. Ely, Mark L. Graber, & Pat Croskerry (2011) Checklists to reduce diagnostic errors [p] [d]
- Barbara Fasolo, Alec Morton, & Detlof von Winterfeldt (2011) Behavioural issues in portfolio decision analysis [i] [d]
- John Davies, Paul Warren, & York Sure (2011) Semantic technology and knowledge management [i] [d]
- Dieter Fensel [ed] (2011) Foundations for the web of information and services: a review of 20 years of semantic web research [i] [d]
- António Ferreira & Peter Batey (2011) On why planning should not reinforce self-reinforcing trends: a cautionary analysis of the compact-city proposal applied to large cities [d]
- Baruch Fischhoff & Cherie Chauvin [ed] (2011) Intelligence analysis: behavioral and social scientific foundations [i] [d] [u]
- L. Alberto Franco, Gilberto Montibeller, James J. Cochran, Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox, Pinar Keskinocak, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh, & J. Cole Smith (2011) Problem structuring for multicriteria decision analysis interventions [i] [d]
- James B. Freeman (2011) Argument structure: representation and theory [i] [d]
- Richard Freeman & Jo Maybin (2011) Documents, practices and policy [d]
- John Gabbay & Andrée le May (2011) Practice-based evidence for healthcare: clinical mindlines [i] [d]
- Victor Galaz, Fredrik Moberg, Eva-Karin Olsson, Eric Paglia, & Charles Parker (2011) Institutional and political leadership dimensions of cascading ecological crises [d]
- Peter M. Gollwitzer & Gabriele Oettingen (2011/2016) Planning promotes goal striving [i]
- Arash Golnam, Gorica Tapandjieva, Sérgio Viana, & Alain Wegmann (2011) Problem structuring methods in system dynamics modeling: a cognitive fit perspective [i] [u]
- Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu & Joëlle Morana (2011) Collaborative transportation sharing: from theory to practice via a case study from France [i] [d]
- Nancy L. Green (2011) Causal argumentation schemes to support sense-making in clinical genetics and law [i] [d]
- Robin S. Gregory, Lee Failing, Michael Harstone, Graham Long, Tim McDaniels, & Dan Ohlson (2011) Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices [i] [d]
- Christian K. Hansen (2011) Time management for department chairs [i]
- Christian K. Hansen (2011) Budgeting your time [i]
- Benoit Hardy-Vallée (2011) Decision making in the economy of nature: value as information [i] [d]
- Tim Harford (2011) Adapt: why success always starts with failure [i]
- Todd Henry (2011) The accidental creative: how to be brilliant at a moment's notice [i]
- Richards J. Heuer Jr. & Randolph H. Pherson (2011/2015) Structured analytic techniques for intelligence analysis [i]
- D. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, & Steve Carver (2011) GIS project design and management [i]
- James Hines, Thomas W. Malone, Paulo Gonçalves, George Herman, John Quimby, Mary Murphy-Hoye, James B. Rice, James Patten, & Hiroshi Ishii (2011) Construction by replacement: a new approach to simulation modeling [d]
- Valerie Hongoh, Anne Gatewood Hoen, Cécile Aenishaenslin, Jean-Philippe Waaub, Denise Bélanger, & Pascal Michel (2011) Spatially explicit multi-criteria decision analysis for managing vector-borne diseases [p] [d] [u]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (2011) Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
- Hagen Höpfner (2011) Topological sorting—how should I begin to complete my to do list? [i] [d]
- Johan Huysmans, Karel Dejaeger, Christophe Mues, Jan Vanthienen, & Bart Baesens (2011) An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models [d]
- Harry Jones (2011) Taking responsibility for complexity: how implementation can achieve results in the face of complex problems [i] [u]
- Ivan Jureta (2011) Analysis and design of advice [i] [d]
- Daniel Kahneman (2011) Thinking, fast and slow [i]
- Daniel Kahneman, Dan Lovallo, & Olivier Sibony (2011) Before you make that big decision [p] [u]
- Jeffrey M. Keisler (2011) Portfolio decision quality [i] [d]
- Lucy Kimbell (2011) Rethinking design thinking: part I [d]
- Rob Kitchin & Martin Dodge (2011) Code/space: software and everyday life [i] [d] [j]
- Jack Kloeber (2011) Current and cutting edge methods of portfolio decision analysis in pharmaceutical R&D [i] [d]
- Robert Kowalski (2011) Computational logic and human thinking: how to be artificially intelligent [i] [d] [u]
- T. Bruce Lauber, Richard C. Stedman, Daniel J. Decker, & Barbara A. Knuth (2011) Linking knowledge to action in collaborative conservation [p] [d]
- Gaël Le Mens & Jerker Denrell (2011) Rational learning and information sampling: on the 'naivety' assumption in sampling explanations of judgment biases [p] [d]
- Nancy Leveson (2011) Engineering a safer world: systems thinking applied to safety [i] [d] [u]
- Jeanne Liedtka & Tim Ogilvie (2011) Designing for growth: a design thinking tool kit for managers [i] [j]
- Nita Martin (2011) Project politics: a systematic approach to managing complex relationships [i]
- E. J. Masicampo & Roy F. Baumeister (2011) Consider it done!: plan making can eliminate the cognitive effects of unfulfilled goals [p] [d]
- Jane McKenzie, Christine van Winkelen, & Sindy Grewal (2011) Developing organisational decision-making capability: a knowledge manager's guide [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller & L. Alberto Franco (2011) Raising the bar: strategic multi-criteria decision analysis [d] [j]
- Brian M. Moon, Robert R. Hoffman, Joseph Donald Novak, & Alberto J. Cañas [ed] (2011) Applied concept mapping: capturing, analyzing, and organizing knowledge [i] [d]
- Stephen J. Morris & Orlena C. Z. Gotel (2011) The role of flow charts in the early automation of applied mathematics [d]
- National Research Council (2011) Intelligence analysis for tomorrow: advances from the behavioral and social sciences [i] [d] [u]
- Richard de Neufville & Stefan Scholtes (2011) Flexibility in engineering design [i] [d]
- John R. Parkins (2011) Deliberative democracy, institution building, and the pragmatics of cumulative effects assessment [d]
- Lael Parrott (2011) Hybrid modelling of complex ecological systems for decision support: recent successes and future perspectives [d]
- Michael Quinn Patton (2011) Developmental evaluation: applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation and use [i]
- David J. Pauleen & G. E. Gorman [ed] (2011) Personal knowledge management: individual, organizational and social perspectives [i]
- Gloria Phillips-Wren, Manuel Mora, & Guisseppi A. Forgionne (2011) Assessing today: determining the decision value of decision support systems [i] [d]
- Kristjan Piirimäe (2011) Provision of decision support in environmental management [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta (2011) Argumentation and design deliberation: a mutual relationship [i] [u]
- Federica Ravera, David Tarrasón, & Elisabeth Simelton (2011) Envisioning adaptive strategies to change: participatory scenarios for agropastoral semiarid systems in Nicaragua [u]
- Eric Ries (2011) The lean startup: how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses [i]
- Dan Roam (2011) Blah blah blah: what to do when words don't work [i]
- Rosetta Romano & Craig McDonald (2011) Assessing the quality of ontology [u]
- L. Todd Rose & Kurt W. Fischer (2011) Garbage in, garbage out: having useful data is everything [d]
- Murray A. Rudd (2011) How research-prioritization exercises affect conservation policy [p] [d]
- Ahti Salo, Jeffrey M. Keisler, & Alec Morton [ed] (2011) Portfolio decision analysis: improved methods for resource allocation [i] [d]
- Martin Schaffernicht & Stefan N. Groesser (2011) A comprehensive method for comparing mental models of dynamic systems [d]
- Roland W. Scholz & Claudia R. Binder (2011) Environmental literacy in science and society: from knowledge to decisions [i] [d]
- Olaf Schroth, Ellen Pond, Cam Campbell, Petr Cizek, Stephen Bohus, & Stephen R. J. Sheppard (2011) Tool or toy?: virtual globes in landscape planning [d]
- David Schuff, David Paradice, Frada Burstein, Daniel J. Power, & Ramesh Sharda [ed] (2011) Decision support: an examination of the DSS discipline [i] [d]
- Niall Shanks & Rebecca A. Pyles (2011) Problem solving in the life cycles of multicellular organisms: immunology and cancer [i] [d]
- Peter Stone (2011) The luck of the draw: the role of lotteries in decision-making [i] [d]
- Catherine H. Tinsley, Robin L. Dillon, & Peter M. Madsen (2011) How to avoid catastrophe [u]
- Brian Tomaszewski (2011) Situation awareness and virtual globes: applications for disaster management [d]
- David G. Ullman & Richard Ast (2011) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) based decisions [u]
- Marco Verweij (2011) Clumsy solutions for a wicked world: how to improve global governance [i]
- Berthold Vöcking, Helmut Alt, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Scheideler, Heribert Vollmer, & Dorothea Wagner [ed] (2011) Algorithms unplugged [i] [d]
- Oliver Vogel, Ingo Arnold, Arif Chughtai, & Timo Kehrer (2011) Software architecture: a comprehensive framework and guide for practitioners [i] [d]
- Aaron Wernham (2011) Health impact assessments are needed in decision making about environmental and land-use policy [d]
- Zhao Xu (2011) Application of system dynamics model and GIS in sustainability assessment of urban residential development [i] [u]
- John Yearwood & Andrew Stranieri [ed] (2011) Technologies for supporting reasoning communities and collaborative decision making: cooperative approaches [i] [d]
- Guangzhi Zheng & Vijay Vaishnavi (2011) A multidimensional perceptual map approach to project prioritization and selection [u]
- Christoph Zott, Raphael Amit, & Lorenzo Massa (2011) The business model: recent developments and future research [d]
- Angela Andrade Pérez, Bernal Herrera Fernández, & Roberto Cazzolla Gatti [ed] (2010) Building resilience to climate change: ecosystem-based adaptation and lessons from the field [i] [u]
- Pedro Antunes, Claudio Sapateiro, Gustavo Zurita, & Nelson Baloian (2010) Integrating spatial data and decision models in an e-planning tool [i] [d]
- Robert F. Baldwin, Robert B. Powell, & Stephen R. Kellert (2010) Habitat as architecture: integrating conservation planning and human health [d]
- Carlton Basmajian & Christopher Coutts (2010) Planning for the disposal of the dead [d]
- Valerie Belton & Theodor J. Stewart (2010) Problem structuring and multiple criteria decision analysis [i] [d]
- David J. Bochman & Michael Kroth (2010) Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
- Jan vom Brocke & Michael Rosemann [ed] (2010/2015) Handbook on business process management 1: introduction, methods, and information systems [i] [d]
- Jan vom Brocke & Michael Rosemann [ed] (2010/2015) Handbook on business process management 2: strategic alignment, governance, people and culture [i] [d]
- Valerie A. Brown, John A. Harris, & Jacqueline Y. Russell [ed] (2010) Tackling wicked problems through the transdisciplinary imagination [i] [d]
- Benjamin P. Bryant & Robert J. Lempert (2010) Thinking inside the box: a participatory, computer-assisted approach to scenario discovery [d]
- Frank Buytendijk (2010) Dealing with dilemmas: where business analytics fall short [i] [d]
- Andrea J. Casey & Ellen F. Goldman (2010) Enhancing the ability to think strategically: a learning model [d]
- Maria Cerreta, Grazia Concilio, & Valeria Monno [ed] (2010) Making strategies in spatial planning: knowledge and values [i] [d]
- Werner Ceusters & Shahid Manzoor (2010) How to track absolutely everything [i] [d]
- Chartered Institute of Building (2010/2018) Guide to good practice in the management of time in major projects: dynamic time modelling [or: Guide to good practice in the management of time in complex projects] [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2010) Only ask how if you know why [u]
- Robert J. Cloutier, Gerrit Muller, Dinesh Verma, Roshanak Nilchiani, Eirik Hole, & Mary Bone (2010) The concept of reference architectures [d]
- CogNexus Institute (2010) The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
- Nuno Miguel Silva Conceição (2010) If you want to get ahead, get a sequence of general strategies: integrative decision making in real-world psychotherapy [u]
- Madalina Croitoru, Sébastien Ferré, & Dickson Lukose [ed] (2010) Conceptual structures: from information to intelligence: 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 26–30, 2010: proceedings [i] [d]
- Francis X. Diebold, Neil A. Doherty, & Richard Herring [ed] (2010) The known, the unknown, and the unknowable in financial risk management: measurement and theory advancing practice [i] [d] [j]
- Paul N. Edwards (2010) A vast machine: computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming [i] [j]
- Matthias Ehrgott, José Rui Figueira, & Salvatore Greco [ed] (2010) Trends in multiple criteria decision analysis [i] [d]
- L. Alberto Franco & Gilberto Montibeller (2010) Facilitated modelling in operational research [d]
- Claire Freeman & Eva Vass (2010) Planning, maps, and children's lives: a cautionary tale [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2010) Visualizing logical aspects of conceptual structures [u]
- Brian R. Gaines (2010) Human rationality challenges universal logic [d]
- Atul Gawande (2010) The checklist manifesto: how to get things right [i]
- Tim van Gelder (2010) On being thoroughly evidence-based [through second-order evidence] [u]
- G. Brent Hall, Raymond Chipeniuk, Robert D. Feick, Michael G. Leahy, & Vivien Deparday (2010) Community-based production of geographic information using open source software and Web 2.0 [d]
- Heather Hedden (2010/2022) The accidental taxonomist [i]
- Alan R. Hevner & Samir Chatterjee (2010) Design research in information systems: theory and practice [i] [d]
- Rinke Hoekstra & Joost Breuker (2010) Making sense of design patterns [in ontology engineering] [i] [d]
- Michael J. Hogan & Zachary Stein (2010) Structuring thought: an examination of four methods [i]
- Robert A. Hoppe (2010) The governance of problems: puzzling, powering, participation [i] [d] [j]
- Dirk S. Hovorka & Nancy Auerbach (2010) The generative potential of participatory geographic information systems [i] [d]
- Teppo Hujala & Mikko Kurttila (2010) Facilitated group decision making in hierarchical contexts [i] [d]
- Watts S. Humphrey & William R. Thomas (2010) The hardest time to make a plan is when you need it most [i]
- Judith E. Innes & David E. Booher (2010/2018) Planning with complexity: an introduction to collaborative rationality for public policy [i] [d]
- Raymond L. Ison (2010/2017) Systems practice: how to act in situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world [or: Systems practice: how to act in a climate change world] [i] [d]
- William Paul Jones (2010) No knowledge but through information [d] [u]
- Meena Kharatmal & Gadiraju Nagarjuna (2010) Introducing rigor in concept maps [i] [d]
- D. Marc Kilgour & Colin Eden [ed] (2010) Handbook of group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
- Walid Klibi, Alain Martel, & Adel Guitouni (2010) The design of robust value-creating supply chain networks: a critical review [d]
- Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Gert-Jan de Vreede, & Robert O. Briggs (2010) Collaboration engineering [i] [d]
- Alexander W. Kott & Gary Citrenbaum [ed] (2010) Estimating impact: a handbook of computational methods and models for anticipating economic, social, political and security effects in international interventions [i] [d]
- Marketta Kyttä, Maarit Kahila, & Anna Broberg (2010) Perceived environmental quality as an input to urban infill policy-making [d]
- Risto Lahdelma & Pekka Salminen (2010) Stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA) [i] [d]
- Kathy LeMay (2010) The generosity plan: sharing your time, treasure, and talent to shape the world [i]
- Andrew W. Lo & Mark T. Mueller (2010) Warning: physics envy may be hazardous to your wealth! [u]
- Thorbjoern Mann (2010) The structure and evaluation of planning arguments [d] [u]
- Bilyana Martinovski (2010) Emotion in negotiation [i] [d]
- S. David Mash (2010) Decision-making in the absence of certainty: a study in the context of technology and the construction of 21st century academic libraries [i]
- Ash Maurya (2010) How I document my business model hypotheses [u]
- Ash Maurya (2010/2012) Running lean: iterate from plan A to a plan that works [i]
- Drew Miller (2010) Improving cost-effectiveness in the Department of Defense [u]
- Gilberto Montibeller & L. Alberto Franco (2010) Multi-criteria decision analysis for strategic decision making [i] [d]
- Laurent Muller & Elisabeth Spitz (2010) Effects of personal goal disturbance on psychological distress [d]
- Anderson Amendoeira Namen, Cláudio Thomás Bornstein, & Jonathan Rosenhead (2010) The use of robustness analysis for planning actions in a poor Brazilian community [d]
- Leo Joseph Obrst, Terry Janssen, & Werner Ceusters [ed] (2010) Ontologies and semantic technologies for intelligence [i]
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- David Oglethorpe (2010) Optimising economic, environmental, and social objectives: a goal-programming approach in the food sector [d]
- Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, & Tim Clark (2010) Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers [i]
- Wassila Ouerdane, Nicolas Maudet, & Alexis Tsoukiàs (2010) Argumentation theory and decision aiding [i] [d]
- Ray Paternoster, Greg Pogarsky, & Gregory Zimmerman (2010) Thoughtfully reflective decision making and the accumulation of capital: bringing choice back in [d]
- Jacqueline B. Persons & Joan Davidson (2010) Cognitive-behavioral case formulation [i]
- Roberto Poli, Michael Healy, & Achilles Kameas [ed] (2010) Theory and applications of ontology: computer applications [i] [d]
- Libby Porter (2010) Unlearning the colonial cultures of planning [i]
- Steven S. Posavac, Frank R. Kardes, & J. Joško Brakus (2010) Focus induced tunnel vision in managerial judgment and decision making: the peril and the antidote [d]
- Jean-Pierre Protzen & David J. Harris (2010) The universe of design: Horst Rittel's theories of design and planning [i] [d]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2010) Focus on the positive outcome of goals [u]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2010) Overcoming procrastination: four potential problems during goal pursuit [u]
- Peter Revesz (2010) Introduction to databases: from biological to spatio-temporal [i] [d]
- Martin Reynolds & Sue Holwell [ed] (2010) Systems approaches to managing change: a practical guide [i] [d]
- George P. Richardson & David F. Andersen (2010) Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
- Gert de Roo & Elisabete A. Silva [ed] (2010) A planner's encounter with complexity [i]
- Etiënne Rouwette, Ingrid Bastings, & Hans Blokker (2010) A comparison of group model building and strategic options development and analysis [d]
- Ahti Salo & Raimo P. Hämäläinen (2010) Multicriteria decision analysis in group decision processes [i] [d]
- Sahotra Sarkar & Patricia Illoldi-Rangel (2010) Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol [d]
- Oliver Scheuer, Frank Loll, Niels Pinkwart, & Bruce M. McLaren (2010) Computer-supported argumentation: a review of the state of the art [d]
- Timothy Schipper & Mark Swets (2010) Innovative lean development: how to create, implement and maintain a learning culture using fast learning cycles [i]
- Till Schümmer, Martin Mühlpfordt, & Joerg M. Haake (2010) Computer supported reflection of good practice [i] [d]
- David Sibbet (2010) Visual meetings: how graphics, sticky notes, & idea mapping can transform group productivity [i] [d]
- Richard Smith (2010) Strategies for coping with information overload: you need a machine to help you [p] [d]
- John A. Sokolowski & Catherine M. Banks [ed] (2010) Modeling and simulation fundamentals: theoretical underpinnings and practical domains [i] [d]
- Karen M. Staller (2010) Social problem construction and its impact on program and policy responses [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2010) Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
- David L. Stokes, Marian F. Hanson, Deborah D. Oaks, Jaime E. Straub, & Aileen V. Ponio (2010) Local land-use planning to conserve biodiversity: planners' perspectives on what works [p] [d]
- Timothy R. B. Taylor, David N. Ford, & Frederick Andrew Ford (2010) Improving model understanding using statistical screening [d]
- James Trevelyan (2010) Reconstructing engineering from practice [d]
- Stephen C. Trombulak, Robert F. Baldwin, & Gillian Wollmer (2010) The human footprint as a conservation planning tool [i] [d]
- Stephen C. Trombulak & Robert F. Baldwin [ed] (2010) Landscape-scale conservation planning [i] [d]
- Elliot Turiel (2010) Snap judgment? Not so fast: thought, reasoning, and choice as psychological realities [d] [j]
- Okechukwu Ukaga, Chris Maser, & Mike Reichenbach [ed] (2010) Sustainable development: principles, frameworks, and case studies [i] [d]
- David G. Ullman (2010/2015) BACH: Bayesian analysis of competing hypotheses: a robust decision support and analytical tool [u]
- Kieran Walshe, Gill Harvey, & Pauline Jas [ed] (2010) Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: from knowing to doing [i] [d]
- Inge van de Weerd, Sjaak Brinkkemper, & Johan Versendaal (2010) Incremental method evolution in global software product management: a retrospective case study [d]
- Frank Wieber & Peter M. Gollwitzer (2010) Overcoming procrastination through planning [i] [d]
- Brendan A. Wintle, Michael C. Runge, & Sarah A. Bekessy (2010) Allocating monitoring effort in the face of unknown unknowns [d]
- Li Yin (2010) Integrating 3D visualization and GIS in planning education [d]
- Constantin Zopounidis & Panos M. Pardalos [ed] (2010) Handbook of multicriteria analysis [i] [d]
- Muhammad Ali Babar, Torgeir and Dingsøyr, Patricia Lago, & Hans van Vliet (2009) Software architecture knowledge management: theory and practice [i] [d]
- Leila Amgoud & Henri Prade (2009) Using arguments for making and explaining decisions [d]
- Georg Bareth (2009) GIS- and RS-based spatial decision support: structure of a spatial environmental information system (SEIS) [d]
- Kaushik Basu & S. M. Ravi Kanbur [ed] (2009) Arguments for a better world: essays in honor of Amartya Sen [in two volumes: Ethics, welfare and measurement; Societies, institutions, and development] [i]
- Denis Bouyssou, Didier Dubois, Marc Pirlot, & Henri Prade [ed] (2009) Decision-making process: concepts and methods [i] [d]
- David Murray Bridgeland & Ron Zahavi (2009) Business modeling: a practical guide to realizing business value [i] [d]
- Álvaro del Campo & Susan G. Clark (2009) Rapid appraisals: an innovation in search of sustainability [d]
- Michel Chein & Marie-Laure Mugnier (2009) Graph-based knowledge representation: computational foundations of conceptual graphs [i] [d]
- Jason Corburn (2009) Toward the healthy city: people, places, and the politics of urban planning [i] [d]
- Helen Couclelis (2009) The abduction of geographic information science: transporting spatial reasoning to the realm of purpose and design [i] [d]
- Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox (2009) Risk analysis of complex and uncertain systems [i] [d]
- Gretchen C. Daily, Stephen Polasky, Joshua H. Goldstein, Peter M. Kareiva, Harold A. Mooney, Liba Pejchar, Taylor H. Ricketts, James Salzman, & Robert Shallenberger (2009) Ecosystem services in decision making: time to deliver [d]
- Thomas L. Daniels (2009) A trail across time: American environmental planning from city beautiful to sustainability [d]
- Robert Deyle & Carissa Schively Slotterback (2009) Group learning in participatory planning processes: an exploratory quasiexperimental analysis of local mitigation planning in Florida [d]
- Ovidiu-Alin Dobrican (2009) Multimedia and decision-making process [u]
- Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson, Jack Chung, Robin Bahr, & Paul Pangaro (2009) A model of the creative process [u]
- Arthur S. Elstein (2009) Thinking about diagnostic thinking: a 30-year perspective [p] [d]
- Joern Fischer, Garry D. Peterson, Toby A. Gardner, Line J. Gordon, Ioan Fazey, Thomas Elmqvist, Adam Felton, Carl Folke, & Stephen R. Dovers (2009) Integrating resilience thinking and optimisation for conservation [d]
- Simon French, John Maule, & Nadia Papamichail (2009) Decision behaviour, analysis and support [i] [d]
- Clark Freshman & Chris Guthrie (2009) Managing the goal-setting paradox: how to get better results from high goals and be happy [d]
- Paul N. Friga (2009) The McKinsey engagement: a powerful toolkit for more efficient & effective team problem solving [i]
- Brian R. Gaines (2009) Designing visual languages for description logics [d]
- Aldo Gangemi & Valentina Presutti (2009) Ontology design patterns [i] [d]
- Jay D. Gatrell & Ryan R. Jensen [ed] (2009) Planning and socioeconomic applications [of geotechnologies] [i] [d]
- Stan Geertman & John C. H. Stillwell [ed] (2009) Planning support systems: best practice and new methods [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
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- Demis Hassabis & Eleanor A. Maguire (2009) The construction system of the brain [p] [d] [u]
- Patsy Healey (2009) The pragmatic tradition in planning thought [d]
- Richard Heinberg (2009/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
- Rinke Hoekstra (2009) Ontology representation: design patterns and ontologies that make sense [i]
- Rich Horwath (2009) Deep dive: the proven method for building strategy, focusing your resources, and taking smart action [i]
- Mark Hürlimann (2009) Dealing with real-world complexity: limits, enhancements and new approaches for policy makers [i] [d]
- Luca Iandoli, Mark Klein, & Guiseppe Zollo (2009) Enabling on-line deliberation and collective decision-making through large-scale argumentation: a new approach to the design of an internet-based mass collaboration platform [d]
- Harvey M. Jacobs & Kurt Paulsen (2009) Property rights: the neglected theme of 20th-century American planning [d]
- Piotr Jankowski (2009) Towards participatory geographic information systems for community-based environmental decision making [d]
- James Justus, Mark Colyvan, Helen M. Regan, & Lynn A. Maguire (2009) Buying into conservation: intrinsic versus instrumental value [d]
- Robert S. Kaplan, Anette Mikes, Robert Simons, Peter Tufano, & Michael Hofmann (2009) Managing risk in the new world [u]
- Steven Kelly & Risto Pohjonen (2009) Worst practices for domain-specific modeling [d]
- Hyunjung Kim (2009) In search of a mental model-like concept for group-level modeling [d]
- David Kirsh (2009) Problem solving and situated cognition [i] [d] [u]
- Richard P. Larrick (2009) Broaden the decision frame to make effective decisions [i] [d]
- Arthur B. Markman & Kristin L. Wood [ed] (2009) Tools for innovation [i] [d]
- Anette Mikes (2009) Risk management and calculative cultures [d]
- Donald E. Moore Jr., Joseph S. Green, & Harry A. Gallis (2009) Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities [d]
- Amitava Mukherjee (2009) Frontiers in participatory rural appraisal and participatory learning and action: PRA and PLA in applied research [i]
- John W. Mullins & Randy Komisar (2009) Getting to plan B: breaking through to a better business model [i]
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- Christine Owen, Pascal Béguin, & Ger L. Wackers [ed] (2009) Risky work environments: reappraising human work within fallible systems [i]
- Robert Phaal, Clare J. P. Farrukh, & David R. Probert (2009) Visualising strategy: a classification of graphical roadmap forms [d]
- Michael A. Roberto (2009) Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
- Carla Roncoli, Paul Kirshen, Derek Etkin, Moussa Sanon, Léopold Somé, Youssouf Dembélé, Bienvenue Sanfo, Jacqueline Zoungrana, & Gerrit Hoogenboom (2009) From management to negotiation: technical and institutional innovations for integrated water resource management in the Upper Comoé River Basin, Burkina Faso [d]
- Jenny W. Rudolph, J. Bradley Morrison, & John S. Carroll (2009) The dynamics of action-oriented problem solving: linking interpretation and choice [d] [j]
- Serena Sandri (2009) Reflexivity in economics: an experimental examination on the self-referentiality in economic theories [i] [d]
- William E. Smith (2009) The creative power: transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world [i] [d]
- Roberta Sonnino (2009) Feeding the city: towards a new research and planning agenda [d]
- Jacqueline M. Stavros & Gina Hinrichs (2009) The thin book of SOAR: building strengths-based strategy [i]
- Katie Steele, Yohay Carmel, Jean Cross, & Chris Wilcox (2009) Uses and misuses of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) in environmental decision making [d]
- Nassim N. Taleb, Daniel G. Goldstein, & Mark W. Spitznagel (2009) The six mistakes executives make in risk management [u]
- Dorian Taylor (2009/2019) IBIS vocabulary [specification] [u]
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- Adrian Treves, Robert B. Wallace, & Stuart White (2009) Participatory planning of interventions to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts [p] [d]
- Watson Vanessa (2009) 'The planned city sweeps the poor away...': urban planning and 21st century urbanisation [d]
- Bert J. M. de Vries & Arthur C. Petersen (2009) Conceptualizing sustainable development: an assessment methodology connecting values, knowledge, worldviews and scenarios [d]
- James L. Werth & Dean Blevins [ed] (2009) Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions [i] [d]
- Robert Winter, Anke Gericke, & Tobias Bucher (2009) Method versus model—two sides of the same coin? [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Word [ed] (2009) Business network transformation: strategies to reconfigure your business relationships for competitive advantage [i]
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- Frédéric Adam & Jean-Charles Pomerol (2008) Developing practical decision support tools using dashboards of information [i] [d]
- Annika Agger & Karl Löfgren (2008) Democratic assessment of collaborative planning processes [d]
- Joseph Alcamo [ed] (2008) Environmental futures: the practice of environmental scenario analysis [i]
- Verna Allee (2008) Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
- David Allen (2008) Making it all work: winning at the game of work and the business of life [i]
- David Allen (2008) An unused system is not a system [i]
- Theo A. Arentze, Benedict G. C. Dellaert, & Harry J. P. Timmermans (2008) Modeling and measuring individuals' mental representations of complex spatio-temporal decision problems [d]
- David Arnott (2008) Personal decision support systems [i] [d]
- David Arnott & Gemma Dodson (2008) Decision support systems failure [i] [d]
- Len Asprey & Michael Middleton (2008) Integrated document management for decision support [i] [d]
- Bent Erik Bakken (2008) On improving dynamic decision-making: implications from multiple-process cognitive theory [d]
- David Bartholomew (2008) Building on knowledge: developing expertise, creativity and intellectual capital in the construction professions [i] [d]
- Isa Baud, N. Sridharan, & Karin Pfeffer (2008) Mapping urban poverty for local governance in an Indian mega-city: the case of Delhi [d]
- Brandon A. Beemer & Dawn G. Gregg (2008) Advisory systems to support decision making [i] [d]
- Xavier de Souza Briggs (2008) Democracy as problem solving: civic capacity in communities across the globe [i] [d]
- Axel Bruns (2008) Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and beyond: from production to produsage [i]
- Janet E. Burge, John M. Carroll, Raymond McCall, & Ivan Mistrík (2008) Rationale-based software engineering [i] [d]
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- Robert T. Clemen (2008) Improving and measuring the effectiveness of decision analysis: linking decision analysis and behavioral decision research [i] [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2008) Growing a global issue base: an issue-based approach to policy deliberation [u]
- David Denyer, David Tranfield, & Joan Ernst van Aken (2008) Developing design propositions through research synthesis [d]
- Klaus Dierssen & Jan Barkmann (2008) Perspectives for integrative landscape planning, management and monitoring [i] [d]
- William J. Drummond & Steven P. French (2008) The future of GIS in planning: converging technologies and diverging interests [d]
- Hugh Dubberly (2008) Design in the age of biology: shifting from a mechanical-object ethos to an organic-systems ethos [d] [u]
- Roger Z. George & James B. Bruce [ed] (2008/2014) Analyzing intelligence: national security practitioners' perspectives [i]
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- Patsy Healey, David E. Booher, Jacob Torfing, Eva Sørensen, Mee Kam Ng, Pedro Peterson, & Louis Albrechts (2008) Civic engagement, spatial planning and democracy as a way of life [and comments] [d]
- Francis Heylighen & Clément Vidal (2008) Getting things done: the science behind stress-free productivity [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2008) Reflective argumentation [u]
- Patrick Humphreys & Garrick Jones (2008) The decision hedgehog for creative decision making [i] [d]
- Paula Jarzabkowski & David Seidl (2008) The role of meetings in the social practice of strategy [d]
- Li Jiang, Armin Eberlein, & Behrouz H. Far (2008) A case study validation of a knowledge-based approach for the selection of requirements engineering techniques [d]
- Li Jiang, Armin Eberlein, Behrouz H. Far, & Majid Mousavi (2008) A methodology for the selection of requirements engineering techniques [d]
- William Paul Jones (2008) Keeping found things found: the study and practice of personal information management [i]
- Jaan-Henrik Kain & Henriette Söderberg (2008) Management of complex knowledge in planning for sustainable development: the use of multi-criteria decision aids [d]
- Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton (2008) The execution premium: linking strategy to operations for competitive advantage [i]
- Jack D. Kartez & Molly P. Casto (2008) Information into action: biodiversity data outreach and municipal land conservation [d]
- Peter B. Keenan (2008) Geographic information and analysis for decision support [i] [d]
- James Keirstead & Matt Leach (2008) Bridging the gaps between theory and practice: a service niche approach to urban sustainability indicators [d]
- Andre Kibbe (2008) A pattern language for productivity [u]
- Birgit Kopainsky & Luis F. Luna-Reyes (2008) Closing the loop: promoting synergies with other theory building approaches to improve system dynamics practice [d]
- Peter Kroes, Pieter E. Vermaas, Andrew Light, & Steven A. Moore [ed] (2008) Philosophy and design: from engineering to architecture [i] [d]
- Tamar Kugler, J. Cole Smith, Terry Connolly, & Young-Jun Son [ed] (2008) Decision modeling and behavior in complex and uncertain environments [i] [d]
- Raul P. Lejano (2008) Technology and institutions: a critical appraisal of GIS in the planning domain [d]
- Nira Liberman & Yaacov Trope (2008) The psychology of transcending the here and now [p] [d] [j] [u]
- John Lowrance, Ian Harrison, Andres Rodriguez, Eric Yeh, Tom Boyce, Janet Murdock, Jerome Thomere, & Ken Murray (2008/2014) Template-based structured argumentation [i] [d]
- Kerry L. McColgan & Teresa McCormack (2008) Searching and planning: young children's reasoning about past and future event sequences [p] [d] [j]
- Rob Meredith, Peter O'Donnell, & David Arnott (2008) Databases and data warehouses for decision support [i] [d]
- Emily S. Minor & Dean L. Urban (2008) A graph-theory framework for evaluating landscape connectivity and conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
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- Bruce Porter, Vladimir Lifschitz, & Frank Van Harmelen [ed] (2008) Handbook of knowledge representation [i] [d]
- Rosanne Price & Graeme Shanks (2008) Data quality and decision making [i] [d]
- Hugo Priemus, Bent Flyvbjerg, & Bert van Wee [ed] (2008) Decision-making on mega-projects: cost–benefit analysis, planning and innovation [i] [d]
- James O. Prochaska (2008) Decision making in the transtheoretical model of behavior change [p] [d]
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- Rafael Ramírez, John W. Selsky, & Kees Van der Heijden [ed] (2008/2010) Business planning for turbulent times: new methods for applying scenarios [i] [d]
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- Rebecca Retzlaff (2008) Planning for broad-based environmental protection: a look back at the Chicago Wilderness Biodiversity Recovery Plan [d]
- Richard L. Revesz & Michael A. Livermore (2008) Retaking rationality: how cost–benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health [i]
- Dan Roam (2008) The back of the napkin: solving problems and selling ideas with pictures [i]
- Rafe Sagarin & Terence Taylor [ed] (2008) Natural security: a Darwinian approach to a dangerous world [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Sayer, Gary Bullb, & Chris Elliottc (2008) Mediating forest transitions: 'grand design' or 'muddling through' [d] [j]
- Michael St. Pierre, Gesine Hofinger, & Cornelius Buerschaper (2008) Goals and plans: turning points for success [i]
- William H. Starbuck, Samuel Holloway, Peter S. Whalen, & Suzanne G. Tilleman [ed] (2008) Organizational learning and knowledge management [i] [d]
- William R. Torbert & Steven S. Taylor (2008) Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
- Geerat J. Vermeij (2008) Security, unpredictability, and evolution: policy and the history of life [i] [d]
- Lev Virine & Michael Trumper (2008) Project decisions: the art and science [i]
- Bartel van de Walle & Murray Turoff (2008) Decision support for emergency situations [i] [d]
- David Waltner-Toews, James J. Kay, & Nina-Marie E. Lister [ed] (2008) The ecosystem approach: complexity, uncertainty, and managing for sustainability [i] [j]
- Phil Wood & Charles Landry (2008) The intercultural city: planning for diversity advantage [i] [d]
- Aldo A. Zagonel & John Rohrbaugh (2008) Using group model building to inform public policy making and implementation [i] [d]
- Joan Ernst van Aken, Hans Berends, & Hans van der Bij (2007/2012) Problem solving in organizations: a methodological handbook for business and management students [i] [d]
- David F. Andersen, Jac A. M. Vennix, George P. Richardson, & Etiënne Rouwette (2007) Group model building: problem structuring, policy simulation and decision support [d] [j]
- Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon (2007) Practical reasoning as presumptive argumentation using action based alternating transition systems [d]
- Cynthia J. Atman, Robin S. Adams, Monica E. Cardella, Jennifer Turns, Susan Mosborg, & Jason Saleem (2007) Engineering design processes: a comparison of students and expert practitioners [d]
- Ali Bagheri & Peder Hjorth (2007) Planning for sustainable development: a paradigm shift towards a process-based approach [d]
- Jan Bebbington, Jeffrey Unerman, & Brendan O'Dwyer [ed] (2007/2014) Sustainability accounting and accountability [i]
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- Michael K. Bergman (2007) An intrepid guide to ontologies [u]
- Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Andrew M. Parker, & Baruch Fischhoff (2007) Individual differences in adult decision-making competence [p] [d]
- Athena Chatjoulis & Patrick Humphreys (2007) A problem solving process model for personal decision support (PSPM-DS) [d]
- William F. Christopher (2007) Holistic management: managing what matters for company success [i] [d]
- Peter Clark, Charles Booth, Michael Rowlinson, Stephen Procter, & Agnes Delahaye (2007) Project hindsight: exploring necessity and possibility in cycles of structuration and co-evolution [d]
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- Steven R. Corman, Angela Tretheway, & Bud Goodall (2007) A 21st century model for communication in the global war of ideas: from simplistic influence to pragmatic complexity [u]
- Aaron deGrassi (2007) Envisioning futures of African agriculture: representation, power, and socially constituted time [d]
- Sidney Dekker (2007/2017) Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization [or: Just culture: balancing safety and accountability] [i] [d]
- Hugh Dubberly, Sean Durham, Ryan Reposar, Paul Pangaro, & Nathan Felde (2007) A model of innovation [u]
- Jane E. J. Ebert & Drazen Prelec (2007) The fragility of time: time-insensitivity and valuation of the near and far future [d]
- Ward Edwards, Ralph F. Miles, & Detlof von Winterfeldt [ed] (2007) Advances in decision analysis: from foundations to applications [i] [d]
- Susan J. Ellspermann, Gerald W. Evans, & Min Basadur (2007) The impact of training on the formulation of ill-structured problems [d]
- Peter A. Facione & Noreen C. Facione (2007) Thinking and reasoning in human decision making: the method of argument and heuristic analysis [i]
- John Gaber (2007) Simulating planning: SimCity as a pedagogical tool [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2007) Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
- John E. Gibson, William T. Scherer, William F. Gibson, & Michael C. Smith (2007/2017) How to do systems analysis: primer and casebook [i]
- Joshua I. Gold & Michael N. Shadlen (2007) The neural basis of decision making [d]
- Shirley Gregor & David Jones (2007) The anatomy of a design theory [d] [u]
- Lewis D. Hopkins & Marisa Zapata [ed] (2007) Engaging the future: forecasts, scenarios, plans, and projects [i]
- Leonard J. Hopper & Smith Maran Architects [ed] (2007) Landscape architectural graphic standards [i]
- Douglas W. Hubbard (2007/2014) How to measure anything: finding the value of 'intangibles' in business [i]
- Daniel Jennings (2007) The last great gesture of defiance: a vain attempt to cope with the endless expansion of design software [o]
- William Paul Jones & Jaime Teevan [ed] (2007) Personal information management [i]
- Ralph L. Keeney (2007) Developing objectives and attributes [i] [d]
- Steven Kelly (2007) Domain-specific modeling: the killer app for method engineering? [i] [d]
- Manfred Kuehn (2007) Planning for unexpected discoveries [u]
- Robert J. Lempert & Myles T. Collins (2007) Managing the risk of uncertain threshold responses: comparison of robust, optimum, and precautionary approaches [p] [d]
- Ralph Lengler & Martin J. Eppler (2007) Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
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- Michael Marien (2007) The future of human benefit knowledge: notes on a World Brain for the 21st century [d]
- Roger L. Martin (2007) The opposable mind: how successful leaders win through integrative thinking [i]
- David Matheson & James E. Matheson (2007) From decision analysis to the decision organization [i] [d]
- Kieran Mathieson (2007) Towards a design science of ethical decision support [d] [j]
- Lynn Margulis, James Corner, & Brian Hawthorne [ed] (2007) Ian McHarg: conversations with students: dwelling in nature [i]
- Robert McNally (2007/2011) Thinking with Flying Logic [u]
- Mike Metcalfe (2007) Problem conceptualisation using idea networks [d]
- Ralf Michel [ed] (2007) Design research now: essays and selected projects [i] [d]
- Nick R. Milton (2007) Knowledge acquisition in practice: a step-by-step guide [i] [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller & L. Alberto Franco (2007) Decision and risk analysis for the evaluation of strategic options [i]
- Alec Morton, Fran Ackermann, & Valerie Belton (2007) Problem structuring without workshops?: experiences with distributed interaction within a PSM process [d] [j]
- Ben R. Newell, David A. Lagnado, & David R. Shanks (2007/2015) Straight choices: the psychology of decision making [i] [d]
- Frances A. O'Brien & Robert G. Dyson [ed] (2007) Supporting strategy: frameworks, methods and models [i]
- John F. O'Neill (2007) Pluralism and economic institutions [i] [d]
- John F. O'Neill (2007) Markets, deliberation, and environment [i] [d]
- Charles Perrow (2007) The enduring sources of failure: organizational, executive, and regulatory [i] [d] [j]
- Lawrence D. Phillips (2007) Decision conferencing [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Moore Plionis (2007) Competency in generalist practice: a guide to theory and evidence-based decision making [i]
- Christina Prell, Klaus Hubacek, Mark S. Reed, Claire Quinn, Nanlin Jin, Joe Holden, Tim Burt, Mike Kirby, & Jan Sendzimir (2007) If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building [d]
- Caroline R. Raby, Dean M. Alexis, Anthony Dickinson, & Nicola S. Clayton (2007) Planning for the future by western scrub-jays [p] [d]
- Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, & Chris Reed (2007) Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web [d]
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- Kaye Remington & Julien Pollack (2007) Tools for complex projects [i]
- Alastair Renton & Ann Macintosh (2007) Computer-supported argument maps as a policy memory [d]
- John Seddon & Simon Caulkin (2007) Systems thinking, lean production and action learning [d]
- Peter A. C. Smith (2007) Case study: planning as learning [d]
- David J. Snowden & Mary E. Boone (2007) A leader's framework for decision making [p] [u]
- Carl S. Spetzler (2007) Building decision competency in organizations [i] [d]
- Alan J. Thomson, Brenda E. Callan, & John J. Dennis (2007) A knowledge ecosystem perspective on development of web-based technologies in support of sustainable forestry [d]
- David G. Ullman (2007) 'OO-OO-OO!': the sound of a broken OODA loop [u]
- Scott W. Ventrella (2007) ME, Inc., how to master the business of being you: a personalized program for exceptional living [i]
- Max Völkel (2007) From documents to knowledge models [i] [u]
- Tad Waddington (2007) Lasting contribution: how to think, plan, and act to accomplish meaningful work [i]
- Douglas N. Walton (2007) Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
- Mathias Weske (2007/2012) Business process management: concepts, languages, architectures [i] [d]
- Detlof von Winterfeldt & Ward Edwards (2007) Defining a decision analytic structure [i] [d]
- Hollis Gary Wright (2007) John Dewey's view of situations, problems, means and ends [i] [d]
- Carliss Y. Baldwin & Kim B. Clark (2006) Modularity in the design of complex engineering systems [i] [d]
- Jonathan Baron, Max H. Bazerman, & Katherine Shonk (2006) Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
- L. Kay Bartholomew Eldredge, Guy S. Parcel, Gerjo Kok, & Nell H. Gottlieb (2006) Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach [i]
- Mark D. Bennett & Joan McIver Gibson (2006) A field guide to good decisions: values in action [i]
- Jean Bézivin (2006) Model driven engineering: an emerging technical space [i] [d]
- Thomas A. Birkland (2006) Lessons of disaster: policy change after catastrophic events [i] [j]
- Denis Bouyssou, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot, Alexis Tsoukiàs, & Philippe Vincke (2006) Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria: stepping stones for the analyst [i] [d]
- Dan Braha, Ali A. Minai, & Yaneer Bar-Yam [ed] (2006) Complex engineered systems: science meets technology [i] [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Albert M. Selvin, Maarten Sierhuis, E. Jeffrey Conklin, Charles B. Haley, & Bashar Nuseibeh (2006) Hypermedia support for argumentation-based rationale: 15 years on from gIBIS and QOC [i] [d]
- Barbara Benedict Bunker & Billie T. Alban (2006) The handbook of large group methods: creating systemic change in organizations and communities [i]
- Andrea Carugati (2006) Information systems development as inquiring systems: theoretical discussion [i] [d]
- Peter Checkland & John Poulter (2006) Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2006) Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
- Darren Dalcher (2006) Consilience for universal design: the emergence of a third culture [d]
- Stefanie Dühr (2006) The visual language of spatial planning: exploring cartographic representations for spatial planning in Europe [i]
- Allen H. Dutoit, Raymond McCall, Ivan Mistrík, & Barbara Paech [ed] (2006) Rationale management in software engineering [i] [d]
- Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann (2006) Where next for problem structuring methods [d] [j]
- Anne M. Fields (2006) Ill-structured problems and the reference consultation: the librarian's role in developing student expertise [d]
- Victor J. Friedman, Jay Rothman, & Bill Withers (2006) The power of why: engaging the goal paradox in program evaluation [d]
- Fabio Giudice, Guido La Rosa, & Antonino Risitano (2006) Product design for the environment: a life cycle approach [i]
- Dina Q. Goldin, Scott A. Smolka, & Peter Wegner [ed] (2006) Interactive computation: the new paradigm [i] [d]
- Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, & Manuel Mora [ed] (2006) Intelligent decision-making support systems: foundations, applications, and challenges [i] [d]
- Kathleen E. Halvorsen (2006) Critical next steps in research on public meetings and environmental decision making [j] [u]
- Thomas L. Harper & Stanley M. Stein (2006/2012) Dialogical planning in a fragmented society: critically liberal, pragmatic, incremental [i]
- F. Gregory Hayden (2006) Policymaking for a good society: the social fabric matrix approach to policy analysis and program evaluation [i] [d]
- Rick H. Hoyle & Michelle R. Sherrill (2006) Future orientation in the self-system: possible selves, self-regulation, and behavior [p] [d]
- Anne Sigismund Huff, David Tranfield, & Joan Ernst van Aken (2006) Management as a design science mindful of art and surprise: a conversation [d]
- Barbara Lichner Ingram (2006/2012) Clinical case formulations: matching the integrative treatment plan to the client [i]
- Corinne Kruger & Nigel Cross (2006) Solution driven versus problem driven design: strategies and outcomes [d]
- Jürg Kuster, Eugen Huber, Robert Lippmann, Alphons Schmid, Emil Schneider, Urs Witschi, & Roger Wüst (2006/2015) Project management handbook [i] [d]
- Tsion Lemma, Richard Sliuzas, & Monika Kuffer (2006) A participatory approach to monitoring slum conditions: an example from Ethiopia [u]
- Robert J. Lempert, David G. Groves, Steven W. Popper, & Steve C. Bankes (2006) A general, analytic method for generating robust strategies and narrative scenarios [d]
- Igor Linkov, F. Kyle Satterstrom, Gregory Kiker, C. G. Batchelor, Todd S. Bridges, & Elizabeth Ferguson (2006) From comparative risk assessment to multi-criteria decision analysis and adaptive management: recent developments and applications [p] [d]
- Dennis List (2006) The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
- Margaret Lobenstine (2006) The renaissance soul: life design for people with too many passions to pick just one [i]
- Fabio Beniamino Losa & Valerie Belton (2006) Combining MCDA and conflict analysis: an exploratory application of an integrated approach [d] [j]
- Adrian Mackenzie, Michael Pidd, John Rooksby, Ian Sommerville, Ian Warren, & Mark Westcombe (2006) 'Wisdom', decision support and paradigms of decision making [d]
- Emad Marashi & John P. Davis (2006) An argumentation-based method for managing complex issues in design of infrastructural systems [d]
- Grant David McCracken (2006) Flock and flow: predicting and managing change in a dynamic marketplace [i]
- Laurel McSherry, Frederick Steiner, Izzet Ozkeresteci, & Shilpa Panickera (2006) From knowledge to action: lessons and planning strategies from studies of the upper San Pedro basin [d]
- Guillermo A. Mendoza & H. Martins (2006) Multi-criteria decision analysis in natural resource management: a critical review of methods and new modelling paradigms [d]
- Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Andrea Kupfer Schneider, & Lela Porter Love (2006/2014) Negotiation: processes for problem solving [i]
- Nick R. Milton, David Clarke, & Nigel Shadbolt (2006) Knowledge engineering and psychology: towards a closer relationship [d]
- Raymond T. Boute (2006) Using domain-independent problems for introducing formal methods [i] [d] [u]
- Gilberto Montibeller, Duncan Shaw, & Mark Westcombe (2006) Using decision support systems to facilitate the social process of knowledge management [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller & Valerie Belton (2006) Causal maps and the evaluation of decision options: a review [d] [j]
- Manuel Mora, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Leonardo Garrido, Francisco Cervantes, & Ovsei Gelman (2006) A strategic descriptive review of the intelligent decision-making support systems research: the 1980–2004 period [i] [d]
- Nasir Naqvi, Baba Shiv, & Antoine Bechara (2006) The role of emotion in decision making: a cognitive neuroscience perspective [d]
- Colin J. Neill, Phillip A. Laplante, & Joanna F. DeFranco (2006/2012) Antipatterns: managing software organizations and people [i]
- John F. O'Neill (2006) Knowledge, planning, and markets: a missing chapter in the socialist calculation debates [d]
- Gloria Phillips-Wren, Manuel Mora, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Leonardo Garrido, & Jatinder N. D. Gupta (2006) A multicriteria model for the evaluation of intelligent decision-making support systems (i-DMSS) [i] [d]
- John L. Pollock (2006) Thinking about acting: logical foundations for rational decision making [i] [d]
- Jean-Charles Pomerol & Frédéric Adam (2006) On the legacy of Herbert Simon and his contribution to decision-making support systems and artificial intelligence [i] [d]
- Hillary Rettig (2006) The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
- Gill Ringland & Laurie Young [ed] (2006) Scenarios in marketing: from vision to decision [i] [d]
- John Rooksby, Ian Sommerville, & Mike Pidd (2006) A hybrid approach to upstream requirements: IBIS and cognitive mapping [i] [d]
- Thomas L. Saaty & Luis G. Vargas (2006/2013) Decision making with the analytic network process: economic, political, social and technological applications with benefits, opportunities, costs and risks [i] [d]
- Daniel Salzer & Nick Salafsky (2006) Allocating resources between taking action, assessing status, and measuring effectiveness of conservation actions [d]
- Colin J. Sanderson & Reinhold Gruen (2006) Analytical models for decision making [i]
- Sahotra Sarkar, Robert L. Pressey, Daniel P. Faith, Christopher R. Margules, Trevon Fuller, David M. Stoms, Alexander Moffett, Kerrie A. Wilson, Kristen J. Williams, Paul H. Williams, & Sandy Andelman (2006) Biodiversity conservation planning tools: present status and challenges for the future [d]
- Ralph Scheubrein & Stanley Zionts (2006) A problem structuring front end for a multiple criteria decision support system [d]
- Mareike Schoop, Aldo de Moor, & Jan L.G. Dietz (2006) The pragmatic web: a manifesto [d]
- Society for Human Resource Management (2006) The essentials of strategy [i]
- Patricia D. Stokes (2006) Creativity from constraints: the psychology of breakthrough [i]
- Susanne Stoll-Kleemann & Martin Welp [ed] (2006) Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management: theory and practice [i] [d]
- Olaf Tans (2006) The fluidity of warrants: using the Toulmin model to analyse practical discourse [i] [d]
- Neil Thompson (2006/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
- Bärbel Tress [ed] (2006) From landscape research to landscape planning: aspects of integration, education and application [i]
- David G. Ullman (2006) Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
- Kim H. Veltman (2006) Understanding new media: augmented knowledge & culture [i]
- Jennifer Visocky O'Grady & Kenneth Visocky O'Grady (2006) A designer's research manual: succeed in design by knowing your clients and what they really need [i]
- Martin Welp & Susanne Stoll-Kleemann (2006) Integrative theory of reflexive dialogues [i] [d]
- Arnold Wentzel (2006) Wicked policies and righteous economists [u]
- David D. Woods & Erik Hollnagel (2006) Joint cognitive systems: patterns in cognitive systems engineering [i] [d]
- Fran Ackermann, Colin Eden, & Ian Brown (2005) The practice of making strategy: a step-by-step guide [i]
- Aybüke Aurum & Claes Wohlin [ed] (2005) Engineering and managing software requirements [i] [d]
- Michael A. Bishop & J. D. Trout (2005) Epistemology and the psychology of human judgment [i] [d]
- Joseph L. Bower & Clark G. Gilbert [ed] (2005/2007) From resource allocation to strategy [i]
- Marilyn P. Carlson & Irene Bloom (2005) The cyclic nature of problem solving: an emergent multidimensional problem-solving framework [d]
- Ching Ming Chang (2005/2016) Engineering management: meeting the global challenges [i] [d]
- John Clarkson & Claudia Eckert [ed] (2005) Design process improvement: a review of current practice [i] [d]
- Helen Couclelis (2005) 'Where has the future gone?': rethinking the role of integrated land-use models in spatial planning [d]
- Stephen Davies, Javier Velez-Morales, & Roger King (2005) Building the memex sixty years later: trends and directions in personal knowledge bases [u]
- Alex Deffner (2005) The combination of cultural and time planning [d]
- Carlo C. DiClemente (2005) A premature obituary for the transtheoretical model: a response to West (2005) [p] [d]
- Steven W. Floyd, Johan Roos, Claus Jacobs, & Franz Kellermanns [ed] (2005) Innovating strategy process [i]
- Frederick Andrew Ford & Hilary Flynn (2005) Statistical screening of system dynamics models [d]
- John Friedmann (2005) Globalization and the emerging culture of planning [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2005) Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning [i] [d] [u]
- Aldo Hoeben & Pieter Jan Stappers (2005) Direct talkback in computer supported tools for the conceptual stage of design [d]
- Lewis D Hopkins, Nikhil Kaza, & Varkki G. Pallathucheril (2005) Representing urban development plans and regulations as data: a planning data model [d] [u]
- Lewis D. Hopkins, Nikhil Kaza, & Varkki G. Pallathucheril (2005) A data model to represent plans and regulations in urban simulation models [i]
- Watts S. Humphrey (2005) PSP: a self-improvement process for software engineers [i]
- José Sebastian Jansasoy & Ángela Luisa Pérez Vera (2005) Plan de vida: propuesta para la supervivencia cultural, territorial y ambiental de los pueblos indígenas [o] [u]
- Bryan D. Jones & Frank R. Baumgartner (2005) The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
- Gary A. Klein, Rebecca M. Pliske, Beth Crandall, & David D. Woods (2005) Problem detection [d]
- David Kolb (2005) Association and argument: hypertext in and around the writing process [d]
- Tomas M. Koontz (2005) We finished the plan, so now what?: impacts of collaborative stakeholder participation on land use policy [d]
- Mark Kriger (2005) What really is strategic process? [i]
- Marcus B. Lane & Geoffrey T. McDonald (2005) Community-based environmental planning: operational dilemmas, planning principles and possible remedies [d]
- Reed W. Larson & David M. Hansen (2005) The development of strategic thinking: learning to impact human systems in a youth activism program [d] [j]
- Jonathan Levine (2005) Zoned out: regulation, markets, and choices in transportation and metropolitan land-use [i]
- John Markoff (2005) What the dormouse said: how the sixties counterculture shaped the personal computer industry [i]
- Mike Metcalfe (2005) 'Conjecture-first' problem solving [d]
- Jonas Michanek & Andréas Breiler (2005/2014) The idea agent: the handbook on creative processes [i]
- Ian Miller, Stefan Knopf, & Rick Kossik (2005) Linking general-purpose dynamic simulation models with GIS [i]
- Manuel Mora, Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Francisco Cervantes, Leonardo Garrido, Jatinder N. D. Gupta, & Ovsei Gelman (2005) Toward a comprehensive framework for the design and evaluation of intelligent decision-making support systems (i-DMSS) [d]
- Robin Morris & Geoff Ward [ed] (2005) The cognitive psychology of planning [i] [d]
- Yoji Natori, Wataru Fukui, & Mutsumi Hikasa (2005) Empowering nature conservation in Japanese rural areas: a planning strategy integrating visual and biological landscape perspectives [d]
- Paul C. Nutt (2005) Search during decision making [d]
- Sture Öberg (2005) Hägerstrand and the remaking of Sweden [d]
- Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, & Christopher L. Tucci (2005) Clarifying business models: origins, present, and future of the concept [u]
- Robert E. Quinn (2005) Reflective action [i]
- Lauge Baungaard Rasmussen (2005) The narrative aspect of scenario building: how story telling may give people a memory of the future [d]
- Ricardo Rodriguez-Ulloa & Alberto Paucar-Caceres (2005) Soft system dynamics methodology (SSDM): combining soft systems methodology (SSM) and system dynamics (SD) [d]
- Colette Rolland & Camille Salinesi (2005) Modeling goals and reasoning with them [i] [d]
- Michael J. Roszkowski, Geoff Davey, & John E. Grable (2005) Insights from psychology and psychometrics on measuring risk tolerance [u]
- Keng Siau & Xin Tan (2005) Improving the quality of conceptual modeling using cognitive mapping techniques [d]
- Robert Simons (2005) Levers of organization design: how managers use accountability systems for greater performance and commitment [i]
- Gilbert Steil & Michele Gibbons-Carr (2005) Large group scenario planning: scenario planning with the whole system in the room [d]
- Asa Sundkvist, Rebecka Milestad, & AnnMari Jansson (2005) On the importance of tightening feedback loops for sustainable development of food systems [d]
- Tim Tear, Becky Shirer, Katie Dolan, Nick Salafsky, & Caroline Stem (2005) Advancing biodiversity conservation in the Hudson river estuary watershed: a report on the products of a multi-stakeholder workshop series [u]
- Tim Tear, Becky Shirer, Katie Dolan, Nick Salafsky, & Caroline Stem (2005) Conservation of biodiversity in the Hudson river estuary: the process: a report on a multi-stakeholder workshop series [u]
- Ken Wallace, Saeema Ahmed, & Rob Bracewell (2005) Engineering knowledge management [i] [d]
- Anthony G. O. Yeh (2005) The integration of case-based reasoning and GIS in a planning support system [i]
- Joan Ernst van Aken (2004) Management research based on the paradigm of the design sciences: the quest for field-tested and grounded technological rules [d]
- Kelly Alley (2004) The making of a river linking plan in India: suppressed science and spheres of expert debate [d]
- Steven Alter (2004) A work system view of DSS in its fourth decade [decision support] [d]
- Judith E. Bell, Carl Oshiro, & Harry Snyder (2004) Advocating for equitable development: a PolicyLink manual [o] [u]
- Åsa Boholm & Ragnar Löfstedt [ed] (2004) Facility siting: risk, power and identity in land use planning [i] [d]
- Glenn J. Browne & Mitzi G. Pitts (2004) Stopping rule use during information search in design problems [d]
- John M. Bryson (2004) Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
- Conservation Measures Partnership (2004/2020) Open standards for the practice of conservation [of biodiversity] [u]
- Conservation Measures Partnership (2004/2017) Estándares abiertos para la práctica de la conservación [de la biodiversidad] [u]
- Nigel Cross (2004) Expertise in design: an overview [d]
- Thomas L. Daniels (2004/2014) The environmental planning handbook for sustainable communities and regions [i]
- Arthur S. De Vany (2004) Hollywood economics: how extreme uncertainty shapes the film industry [i]
- Hugh Dubberly (2004/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
- Colin Eden (2004) Analyzing cognitive maps to help structure issues or problems [d]
- Karin Edvardsson (2004) Using goals in environmental management: the Swedish system of environmental objectives [d]
- Gerhard Fischer, Elisa Giaccardi, Yunwen Ye, Alistair G. Sutcliffe, & Nikolay Mehandjiev (2004) Meta-design: a manifesto for end-user development [d]
- Luciano Floridi [ed] (2004) The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information [i] [d]
- Mario Giampietro (2004) Multi-scale integrated analysis of agroecosystems [i]
- Donald Gillies (2004) Probability in artificial intelligence [i] [d]
- Steven L. Goldman (2004) Why we need a philosophy of engineering: a work in progress [d]
- Ben B. Graham (2004) Detail process charting: speaking the language of process [i]
- Patrick Grim (2004) Computational modeling as a philosophical methodology [i] [d]
- Nabeel Hamdi (2004) Small change: about the art of practice and the limits of planning in cities [i] [d]
- Rebecca Heyer (2004) Understanding soft operations research: the methods, their application and its future in the defence setting [o] [u]
- George P. Huber (2004) The necessary nature of future firms: attributes of survivors in a changing world [i] [d]
- Paul Humphreys (2004) Extending ourselves: computational science, empiricism, and scientific method [i] [d]
- Joop F. M. Koppenjan & Erik-Hans Klijn (2004) Managing uncertainties in networks: a network approach to problem solving and decision making [i]
- Miri Levin-Rozalis (2004) Searching for the unknowable: a process of detection—abductive research generated by projective techniques [d]
- Dennis List (2004) Multiple pasts, converging presents, and alternative futures [d]
- Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes & Deborah Lines Andersen (2004) Collecting and analyzing qualitative data for system dynamics: methods and models [d]
- Luqi, Lin Zhang, Valdis Berzins, & Ying Qiao (2004) Documentation driven development for complex real-time systems [d]
- Gerald Midgley & Alejandro Ochoa-Arias [ed] (2004) Community operational research: OR and systems thinking for community development [i] [d]
- John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead (2004) Problem structuring methods in action [d]
- Barbara Mirel (2004) Interaction design for complex problem solving: developing useful and usable software [i] [d]
- Amitava Mukherjee [ed] (2004) Participatory rural appraisal: methods and applications in rural planning: essays in honour of Robert Chambers [i]
- Gerald Nadler & William J. Chandon (2004) Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
- Rolland Nicolas (2004) Knowledge management impacts on decision making process [d]
- Paul C. Nutt (2004) Expanding the search for alternatives during strategic decision-making [d]
- Mats-Olov Olsson & Gunnar Sjöstedt [ed] (2004) Systems approaches and their application: examples from Sweden [i] [d]
- Uygar Özesmi & Stacy L. Özesmi (2004) Ecological models based on people's knowledge: a multi-step fuzzy cognitive mapping approach [d]
- Raquel Pinderhughes (2004) Alternative urban futures: planning for sustainable development in cities throughout the world [i]
- Stephen G. Powell & Kenneth R. Baker (2004/2017) Business analytics: the art of modeling with spreadsheets [or: The art of modeling with spreadsheets: management science, spreadsheet engineering, and modeling craft] [i]
- Prime Minister's Strategy Unit (2004) Strategy survival guide [u]
- Michael L. Ray (2004) The highest goal: the secret that sustains you in every moment [i]
- Rod Girle, David Hitchcock, Peter McBurney, & Bart Verheij (2004) Decision support for practical reasoning: a theoretical and computational perspective [i] [d]
- Caroline Righton (2004) The life audit: a step-by-step guide to taking stock, gaining control, and creating the life you want [i]
- Lisa Rosner [ed] (2004) The technological fix: how people use technology to create and solve problems [i] [d]
- Peter M. Senge, Claus Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworsky, & Betty Sue Flowers (2004) Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
- Steffen Staab & Rudi Studer [ed] (2004/2009) Handbook on ontologies [i] [d]
- Mark Stover (2004) Making tacit knowledge explicit: the Ready Reference Database as codified knowledge [d]
- Amie L. Thomasson (2004) Methods of categorization [i]
- Haridimos Tsoukas & Jill Shepherd [ed] (2004) Managing the future: foresight in the knowledge economy [i]
- Ben Tyson, Tom Worthley, & Kim Danley (2004) Layering natural resource and human resource data for planning watershed conservation strategies [d]
- Achille C. Varzi & Laure Vieu [ed] (2004) Formal ontology in information systems: proceedings of the third conference (FOIS-2004) [i]
- Bill Venners & Ward Cunningham (2004) To plan or not to plan: a conversation with Ward Cunningham, part IV [u]
- Bill Venners & Ward Cunningham (2004) The simplest thing that could possibly work: a conversation with Ward Cunningham, part V [u]
- Stephen M. Wheeler (2004/2013) Planning for sustainability: creating livable, equitable and ecological communities [i] [d]
- Nam-Hong Yim, Soung-Hie Kim, Hee-Woong Kim, & Kee-Young Kwahk (2004) Knowledge based decision making on higher level strategic concerns: system dynamics approach [d]
- Peter Abrams, Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, Julia Gardner, & Pippa Heylings (2003) Evaluating governance: a handbook to accompany a participatory process for a protected area [u]
- Marcia Bench (2003) Career coaching: an insider's guide [i]
- Ockert J. H. Bosch, A. Helen Ross, & Robert J. S. Beeton (2003) Integrating science and management through collaborative learning and better information management [d]
- Raymond T. Boute (2003) Concrete generic functionals: principles, design and applications [i] [d] [u]
- Raymond T. Boute (2003/2004) Formal calculation with functions, predicates and quantifiers in software, computer and electronics engineering [u]
- Jennifer Gerarda Brown (2003) Creativity and problem-solving [u]
- Aaron L. Brownstein (2003) Biased predecision processing [p] [d]
- Jan M. van Bruggen, Henny P. A. Boshuizen, & Paul A. Kirschner (2003) A cognitive framework for cooperative problem solving with argument visualization [i] [d]
- Jim Bryant (2003) The six dilemmas of collaboration: inter-organisational relationships as drama [i]
- Ellen M. van Bueren, Erik-Hans Klijn, & Joop F. M. Koppenjan (2003) Dealing with wicked problems in networks: analyzing an environmental debate from a network perspective [d]
- Güldal Büyükdamgacı (2003) Process of organizational problem definition: how to evaluate and how to improve [d]
- Evi Chryssafidou & Mike Sharples (2003) Computer-supported planning of essay argument structure [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2003) Dialog mapping: reflections on an industrial strength case study [i] [d]
- Stephen Cummings & David C. Wilson [ed] (2003) Images of strategy [i]
- H. William Dettmer (2003) Strategic navigation: a systems approach to business strategy [i]
- Carlo C. DiClemente (2003/2018) Addiction and change: how addictions develop and addicted people recover [i]
- Erik Odvar Eriksen (2003) Decision making by communicative design: rational argument in organisations [d]
- Dov M. Gabbay & John Woods (2003/2005) A practical logic of cognitive systems [in two volumes: Agenda relevance: a study in formal pragmatics; The reach of abduction: insight and trial] [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2003) Enhancing deliberation through computer supported argument mapping [i] [d]
- John P. van Gigch (2003) Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology [i] [d]
- Marvin R. Gottlieb (2003) Managing group process [i]
- Craig Groves (2003) Drafting a conservation blueprint: a practitioner's guide to planning for biodiversity [i]
- David Hardman & Laura Macchi [ed] (2003) Thinking: psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment, and decision making [i] [d]
- Robert E. Horn (2003) Infrastructure for navigating interdisciplinary debates: critical decisions for representing argumentaion [i] [d]
- C. David Jenkins (2003) Building better health: a handbook of behavioral change [i]
- Paul Arthur Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Chad S. Carr [ed] (2003) Visualizing argumentation: software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making [i] [d]
- Billy Vaughn Koen (2003) Discussion of the method: conducting the engineer's approach to problem solving [i]
- Leslie Lamport (2003) Specifying systems: the TLA+ language and tools for hardware and software engineers [i] [u]
- Brenda Laurel [ed] (2003) Design research: methods and perspectives [i]
- James K. Lein (2003) Integrated environmental planning [i] [d]
- Robert J. Lempert, Steven W. Popper, & Steve C. Bankes (2003) Shaping the next one hundred years: new methods for quantitative, long-term policy analysis [i] [u]
- George Loewenstein & Jennifer S. Lerner (2003) The role of affect in decision making [i]
- John C. Maxwell (2003) Thinking for a change: 11 ways highly successful people approach life and work [i]
- Jason McClure & Sarah K. McClure (2003) The planning process for your job search [i]
- Jim Merkel (2003) Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
- Nick R. Milton (2003) Personal knowledge techniques [o] [u]
- Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture & Sustainable Agriculture Network (2003) Building a sustainable business: a guide to developing a business plan for farms and rural businesses [i] [u]
- Carl Mitcham (2003) In memoriam Ivan Illich: critic of professionalized design [d] [j]
- LeMai Nguyen & Paul A. Swatman (2003) Managing the requirements engineering process [d]
- Garry D. Peterson, Graeme S. Cumming, & Stephen R. Carpenter (2003) Scenario planning: a tool for conservation in an uncertain world [d] [j] [u]
- Garry D. Peterson, T. Douglas Beard Jr., Beatrix E. Beisner, Elena M. Bennett, Stephen R. Carpenter, Graeme S. Cumming, C. Lisa Dent, & Tanya D. Havlicek (2003) Assessing future ecosystem services: a case study of the Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin [j] [u]
- Proyecto JALDA (2003) Análisis y planificación estratégica comunal (APEC) [o]
- John Reap, Bert Bras, Patrick J. Newcomb, & Carol Carmichael (2003) Improving life cycle assessment by including spatial, dynamic and place-based modeling [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2003) Sensible decisions: issues of rational decision in personal choice and public policy [i]
- Albert M. Selvin (2003) Fostering collective intelligence: helping groups use visualized argumentation [i] [d]
- Siang Kok Sim & Alex H. B. Duffy (2003) Towards an ontology of generic engineering design activities [d]
- Simon Attfield, Ann Blandford, & John Dowell (2003) Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the 'problematic situation' [d]
- Tasos Sioukas (2003) The solution path: a step-by-step guide to turning your workplace problems into opportunities [i]
- Martin Stacey & Claudia Eckert (2003) Against ambiguity [in design communication] [d]
- Alan Walter Steiss (2003) Strategic management for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
- Craig W. Thomas (2003) Habitat conservation planning [i]
- Alexis Tsoukiàs (2003/2009) From decision theory to decision-aiding methodology [i] [d]
- Bill Venners & Ward Cunningham (2003) Exploring with wiki: a conversation with Ward Cunningham, part I [u]
- Craig M. Wheeland (2003) Implementing a community-wide strategic plan: Rock Hill's Empowering the Vision 10 years later [d]
- Sheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, & Todd O'Hearn (2003) Treatment planning in psychotherapy: taking the guesswork out of clinical care [i]
- Greg Bamford (2002) From analysis/synthesis to conjecture/analysis: a review of Karl Popper's influence on design methodology in architecture [d]
- Valerie Belton & Theodor J. Stewart (2002) Multiple criteria decision analysis: an integrated approach [i] [d]
- Ben Bennett (2002) Market scoping: methods to help people understand their marketing environment [u]
- Roger Buehler, Dale W. Griffin, & Michael Ross (2002) Inside the planning fallacy: the causes and consequences of optimistic time predictions [i] [d]
- F. Thomas Burke, D. Micah Hester, & Robert B. Talisse [ed] (2002) Dewey's logical theory: new studies and interpretations [i]
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- Sidney Dekker (2002/2006) The field guide to understanding human error [i]
- Hugues Koné [ed] (2002) Methodological guide for designing and implementing a multimedia communication strategy [u]
- Bent Flyvbjerg, Mette Skamris Holm, & Soren Buhl (2002) Underestimating costs in public works projects: error or lie? [d]
- Robert L. France [ed] (2002) Handbook of water sensitive planning and design [i]
- Kathleen M. Galotti (2002) Making decisions that matter: how people face important life choices [i]
- Rob Gray (2002) Of messiness, systems and sustainability: towards a more social and environmental finance and accounting [d]
- Gary P. Green & Anna Haines (2002/2016) Asset building & community development [i] [d]
- Robin S. Gregory (2002) Incorporating value trade-offs into community-based environmental risk decisions [d] [j]
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- Anne Sigismund Huff & Mark Jenkins [ed] (2002) Mapping strategic knowledge [i] [d]
- Dale W. Jasinski & Anne Sigismund Huff (2002) Using a knowledge-based system to study strategic options [i] [d]
- Stephen B. Johnson (2002) The secret of Apollo: systems management in American and European space programs [i] [d]
- Poria Kalay & David Chen (2002) Integrating a decision support system into a school: the effects on student functioning [d]
- Marios I. Katsioloudes (2002/2006) Strategic management: global cultural perspectives for profit and non-profit organizations [i] [d]
- Mary Jo Peebles Kleiger (2002/2012) Beginnings: the art and science of planning psychotherapy [i]
- Marilyn T. MacCrimmon & Peter Tillers [ed] (2002) The dynamics of judicial proof: computation, logic, and common sense [i] [d]
- Robert L. McCown (2002) Changing systems for supporting farmers' decisions: problems, paradigms, and prospects [d]
- Forster Ndubisi (2002) Ecological planning: a historical and comparative synthesis [i]
- Paul C. Nutt (2002) Why decisions fail: avoiding the blunders and traps that lead to debacles [i]
- Ethan M. Rasiel & Paul N. Friga (2002) The McKinsey mind: understanding and implementing the problem-solving tools and management techniques of the world's top strategic consulting firm [i]
- Patrick G. Riley (2002) The one-page proposal: how to get your business pitch onto one persuasive page [i]
- J. Edward Russo, Paul J. H. Schoemaker, & Margo Hittleman (2002) Winning decisions: getting it right the first time [i]
- John D. Sterman (2002) All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist [d]
- David Straus (2002) How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
- William R. Torbert (2002) Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
- Aldo A. Zagonel (2002) Model conceptualization in group model building: a review of the literature exploring the tension between representing reality and negotiating a social order [i] [u]
- Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt (2002) A model for designing action learning and action research programs [d]
- David Allen (2001/2015) Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity [i]
- Carl Martin Allwood & Marcus Selart [ed] (2001) Decision making: social and creative dimensions [i] [d]
- Jon Scott Armstrong [ed] (2001) Principles of forecasting: a handbook for researchers and practitioners [i] [d]
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- Thomas A. Birkland (2001/2016) An introduction to the policy process: theories, concepts, and models of public policy making [i] [d]
- Sally Blount & Gregory A. Janicik (2001) When plans change: examining how people evaluate timing changes in work organizations [d] [j]
- Gerard J. Connors, Carlo C. DiClemente, Mary Marden Velasquez, & Dennis M. Donovan (2001/2013) Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change: selecting and planning interventions [i]
- Hugh Courtney (2001) 20/20 foresight: crafting strategy in an uncertain world [i]
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- Gerd Gigerenzer & Wolfgang Gaissmaier (2001/2015) Decision making: nonrational theories [i] [d]
- Robin S. Gregory, Tim McDaniels, & Daryl Fields (2001) Decision aiding, not dispute resolution: creating insights through structured environmental decisions [d]
- Torsten Hägerstrand (2001) A look at the political geography of environmental management [i]
- Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher & Elizabeth Cauffman (2001) Costs and benefits of a decision: decision-making competence in adolescents and adults [d]
- Lorraine Sundal (Sunny) Hansen (2001) Integrating work, family, and community through holistic life planning [d]
- Alexander Hars (2001) Designing scientific knowledge infrastructures: the contribution of epistemology [d]
- Reid Hastie & Robyn M. Dawes (2001/2010) Rational choice in an uncertain world: the psychology of judgment and decision making [i]
- Lewis D. Hopkins (2001) Urban development: the logic of making plans [i]
- Patrick Humphreys, Carol Lorac, & Marcelo Ramella (2001) Creative support for innovative decisions [d]
- Quy Nguyen Huy (2001) Time, temporal capability, and planned change [d] [j]
- Elliott Jaques, Charlotte Bygrave, & Nancy Lee (2001) Aligning multiple time horizons and multiple functions in strategic planning and budgeting [d]
- Finn V. Jensen & Thomas Dyhre Nielsen (2001/2007) Bayesian networks and decision graphs [i] [d]
- Heinz K. Klein & Rudy Hirschheim (2001) Choosing between competing design ideals in information systems development [d]
- Shari Lewchanin & Louise A. Zubrod (2001) Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
- Juliana A. Maantay (2001) Zoning, equity, and public health [d]
- Joe Nandhakumar & Matthew Jones (2001) Accounting for time: managing time in project-based teamworking [d]
- David Nawrocki (2001) The problems with Monte Carlo simulation [u]
- Bryan G. Norton & Anne C. Steinemann (2001) Environmental values and adaptive management [d] [j]
- Natalya F. Noy & Deborah L. McGuinness (2001/2002) Ontology development 101: a guide to creating your first ontology [u]
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- Rebecca M. Pliske, Michael J. McCloskey, & Gary A. Klein (2001) Decision skills training: facilitating learning from experience [i]
- Claus Rinner (2001) Argumentation maps: GIS-based discussion support for on-line planning [d]
- Nick Salafsky, Richard Margoluis, & Kent Hubbard Redford (2001) Adaptive management: a tool for conservation practitioners [o] [u]
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- Alec Sharp & Patrick McDermott (2001/2009) Workflow modeling: tools for process improvement and applications development [i]
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- Michael Stöltzner (2001) An auxiliary motive for Buridan's ass: Otto Neurath on choice without preference in science and society [u]
- M. Mitchell Waldrop (2001) The dream machine: J. C. R. Licklider and the revolution that made computing personal [i]
- Karl E. Weick & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe (2001/2015) Managing the unexpected: sustained performance in a complex world [i] [d]
- Mark S. Albion (2000) Making a life, making a living: reclaiming your purpose and passion in business and in life [i]
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- Carliss Y. Baldwin & Kim B. Clark (2000) Design rules: the power of modularity [i] [d]
- Ingrid Bens (2000/2012) Effective decision making [i]
- Warren K. Bickel & Lisa A. Marsch (2000) The tyranny of small decisions: origins, outcomes, and proposed solutions [i]
- Thomas F. Blackwell (2000) Finally adding method to madness: applying principles of object-oriented analysis and design to legislative drafting [u]
- Denis Bouyssou, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot, Patrice Perny, Alexis Tsoukiàs, & Philippe Vincke (2000) Evaluation and decision models: a critical perspective [i] [d]
- Gordon Boyce (2000) Public discourse and decision making: exploring possibilities for financial, social and environmental accounting [d]
- Barbara Braham & Chris Wahl (2000) Be your own coach: your pathway to possibility [i]
- William J. Brown, Hays W. McCormick, & Scott W. Thomas (2000) AntiPatterns in project management [i]
- Dennis M. Buede & William D. Miller (2000/2016) The engineering design of systems: models and methods [i]
- Daniela V. Carbogim, David Robertson, & John Lee (2000) Argument-based applications to knowledge engineering [d]
- Geoff Coyle (2000) Qualitative and quantitative modelling in system dynamics: some research questions [d]
- Lex Donaldson (2000/2009) Design structure to fit strategy [i] [d]
- Dieter Fensel (2000) Problem solving methods: understanding, description, development, and reuse [i] [d]
- Elizabeth B. Goldsmith (2000/2013) Resource management for individuals and families [i]
- Robert E. Goodin (2000/2003) Democratic deliberation within [i] [d]
- Paul Hendriks & Dirk Vriens (2000) From geographical information systems to spatial group decision support systems: a complex itinerary [d]
- C. Jotin Khisty (2000) Can wicked problems be tackled through abductive inferencing? [d]
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- James P. Masciarelli (2000) PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
- Peter Midmore & Julie Whittaker (2000) Economics for sustainable rural systems [d]
- Stanley E. Prussia & Deirdre M. Birmingham (2000) R3 + D3 = a learning tool for science and engineering [d]
- Robert E. Quinn (2000) Change the world: how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results [i]
- William C. Regli, Xiaochun Hu, Michael Atwood, & Wei Sun (2000) A survey of design rationale systems: approaches, representation, capture and retrieval [d] [u]
- Yoram Reich (2000) Improving the rationale capture capability of QFD [quality function deployment] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2000) Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
- Nancy Charlotte Roberts (2000) Wicked problems and networking approaches to resolution [u]
- Henry Sanoff (2000) Community participation methods in design and planning [i]
- Michael Schrage (2000) Serious play: how the world's best companies simulate to innovate [i]
- John F. Sowa (2000) Knowledge representation: logical, philosophical, and computational foundations [i]
- John D. Sterman (2000) Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world [i]
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- Claes Wohlin, Per Runeson, Martin Höst, Magnus C. Ohlsson, Björn Regnell, & Anders Wesslén (2000/2012) Experimentation in software engineering [i] [d]
- Eva Wollenberg, David Edmunds, & Louise E. Buck (2000) Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool for adaptive forest management: a guide [i]
- Eva Wollenberg, David Edmunds, & Louise E. Buck (2000) Using scenarios to make decisions about the future: anticipatory learning for the adaptive co-management of community forests [d]
- Donald R. Woods (2000) An evidence-based strategy for problem solving [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1999) Ackoff's best: his classic writings on management [i]
- Jeremy S. Busby (1999) Problems in error correction, learning and knowledge of performance in design organizations [d]
- Quinsan Cao & Jean-Pierre Protzen (1999) Managing design information: issue-based information systems and fuzzy reasoning system [d]
- Cathy Charles, Amiram Gafni, & Tim Whelan (1999) Decision-making in the physician–patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model [p] [d]
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- Robert L. Flood (1999) Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
- Frederick Andrew Ford (1999/2010) Modeling the environment: an introduction to system dynamics models of environmental systems [i]
- John Forester (1999) The deliberative practitioner: encouraging participatory planning processes [i]
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- Barry M. Kibel (1999) Success stories as hard data: an introduction to results mapping [i] [d]
- Glenn R. Koller (1999/2005) Risk assessment and decision making in business and industry: a practical guide [i]
- Enid Mumford (1999) Dangerous decisions: problem solving in tomorrow's world [i] [d]
- Michael Pidd (1999) Just modeling through: a rough guide to modeling [d]
- W. Boyd Rayward (1999) H.G. Wells's idea of a World Brain: a critical reassessment [d]
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- Nick Salafsky & Richard Margoluis (1999/2000) Mayor que la suma de sus partes: diseñando programas de conservación y desarrollo para maximizar resultados y aprendizaje: una guía práctica para administradores de proyectos y donantes [o]
- Daniel Selener, Nelly Endara, & José Carvajal (1999) Participatory rural appraisal and planning: workbook [i]
- Frank M. Shipman & Catherine C. Marshall (1999) Formality considered harmful: experiences, emerging themes, and directions on the use of formal representations in interactive systems [d] [u]
- Jacqui Smith (1999) Life planning: anticipating future life goals and managing personal development [i] [d]
- Jim Suhr (1999) The choosing by advantages decisionmaking system [i]
- Fran Ackermann & Colin Eden (1998/2011) Making strategy: mapping out strategic success [i]
- V. Richard Benjamins & Dieter Fensel (1998) Editorial: Problem-solving methods [d]
- Gail Blanke (1998) In my wildest dreams: living the life you long for [i]
- Shona L. Brown & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (1998) Competing on the edge: strategy as structured chaos [i]
- James P. Byrnes (1998) The nature and development of decision making: a self-regulation model [i]
- Chun Wei Choo (1998/2006) The knowing organization: how organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions [i] [d]
- David I. Cleland [ed] (1998/2004) Field guide to project management [i] [d]
- Mary K. Coulter (1998/2013) Strategic management in action [i]
- Colin Eden & John-Christopher Spender [ed] (1998) Managerial and organizational cognition: theory, methods and research [i]
- Dieter Fensel & Remco Straatman (1998) The essence of problem-solving methods: making assumptions to gain efficiency [d]
- Trudi Bellardo Hahn & Michael Keeble Buckland [ed] (1998) Historical studies in information science [i]
- John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, & Howard Raiffa (1998) The hidden traps in decision making [p] [u]
- Matthias Jarke, X. Tung Bui, & John M. Carroll (1998) Scenario management: an interdisciplinary approach [d]
- David C. Lane & Rogelio Oliva (1998) The greater whole: towards a synthesis of system dynamics and soft systems methodology [d]
- Richard Margoluis & Nick Salafsky (1998) Measures of success: designing, managing, and monitoring conservation and development projects [i]
- Richard Margoluis & Nick Salafsky (1998) Medidas de éxito: diseño, manejo y monitoreo de proyectos de conservación y desarrollo [u]
- Henry Mintzberg, Bruce W. Ahlstrand, & Joseph Lampel (1998/2009) Strategy safari: the complete guide through the wilds of strategic management [or: Strategy safari: a guided tour through the wilds of strategic management] [i]
- Ian I. Mitroff (1998) Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
- Paul C. Nutt (1998) Framing strategic decisions [d] [j]
- John F. O'Neill (1998) The market: ethics, knowledge, and politics [i] [d]
- Klas Orsvä (1998) Some principles for libraries of task decomposition methods [d]
- Keith Pezzoli (1998) Human settlements and planning for ecological sustainability: the case of Mexico City [i]
- Stephen T. Polyak & Austin Tate (1998) Rationale in planning: causality, dependencies, and decisions [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1998) Predicting the future: an introduction to the theory of forecasting [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1998) Complexity: a philosophical overview [i] [d]
- Gill Ringland (1998/2006) Scenario planning: managing for the future [i]
- Peter R. Scholtes (1998) The leader's handbook: making things happen, getting things done [i]
- Steven S. Skiena (1998/2020) The algorithm design manual [i] [d]
- Karl A. Slaikeu & Ralph H. Hasson (1998) Controlling the costs of conflict: how to design a system for your organization [i]
- Bruce G. Trigger (1998) Sociocultural evolution: calculation and contingency [o]
- Norman Thomas Uphoff, Milton J. Esman, & Anirudh Krishna (1998) Reasons for success: learning from instructive experiences in rural development [i]
- Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, & Phil Sandahl (1998/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
- Michael Allison & Jude Kaye (1997/2015) Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: a practical guide for dynamic times [or: Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: a practical guide and workbook] [i] [d]
- Pearl S. Berman (1997/2019) Case conceptualization and treatment planning: integrating theory with clinical practice [i]
- Geoffrey C. Bowker, Susan Leigh Star, William Turner, & Les Gasser [ed] (1997) Social science, technical systems, and cooperative work: beyond the great divide [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum (1997) Negotiating the construction and reconstruction of organisational memories [d]
- Robert Buttrick (1997/2009) The project workout: the ultimate handbook of project and programme management [i]
- Quinsan Cao & Jean-Pierre Protzen (1997) Managing information with fuzzy reasoning system in design reasoning and issue-based argumentation [i] [d] [u]
- Larry Cochran (1997) Career counseling: a narrative approach [i]
- H. William Dettmer (1997/2007) The logical thinking process: a systems approach to complex problem solving [i]
- Jonathan Gutman (1997) Means–end chains as goal hierarchies [d]
- Lorraine Sundal (Sunny) Hansen (1997) Integrative life planning: critical tasks for career development and changing life patterns [i]
- Michael Hay & Peter J. Williamson (1997) Good strategy: the view from below [d]
- Terry Hill & Roy Westbrook (1997) SWOT analysis: it's time for a product recall [d]
- Watts S. Humphrey (1997) Introduction to the personal software process [i]
- Watts S. Humphrey (1997) Making a time budget [i]
- Sharon L. Johnson (1997/2018) Therapist's guide to clinical intervention: the 1-2-3's of treatment planning [i]
- Larry Laudan (1997) Danger ahead: the risks you really face on life's highway [i]
- Carol Lloyd (1997) Creating a life worth living: a practical course in career design for aspiring writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians, and others who want to make a living from their creative work [i]
- M. G. Mey & Henk ter Heide (1997) Towards spatiotemporal planning: practicable analysis of day-to-day paths through space and time [d] [u]
- Paul C. Nutt & Robert W. Backoff (1997) Crafting vision [d]
- Jean-Pierre Poitou (1997) Building a collective knowledge management system: knowledge-editing versus knowledge-elicting techniques [i]
- Michael Riordan & Lillian Hoddeson (1997) Crystal fire: the invention of the transistor and the birth of the information age [or: Crystal fire: the birth of the information age] [i]
- Matthias Ruth & Bruce M. Hannon (1997/2012) Modeling dynamic economic systems [i] [d]
- Peggy Simonsen (1997) Promoting a development culture in your organization: using career development as a change agent [i]
- G. Pascal Zachary (1997) Endless frontier: Vannevar Bush, engineer of the American century [i]
- Jerry Aaker & Jennifer Shumaker (1996) The cornerstones model: values-based planning and management [o]
- Béla H. Bánáthy (1996) Designing social systems in a changing world [i] [d]
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- John M. Bryson & Farnum K. Alston (1996/2005) Creating and implementing your strategic plan: a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
- Robert Damelio (1996/2011) The basics of process mapping [i]
- Merrelyn Emery & Ronald E. Purser (1996) The search conference: a powerful method for planning organizational change and community action [i]
- Lars Emmelin (1996) Landscape impact analysis: a systematic approach to landscape impacts of policy [d]
- John D. Finnerty (1996/2012) Project financing: asset-based financial engineering [i] [d]
- Kevin Forsberg, Hal Mooz, & Howard Cotterman (1996/2005) Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems [i]
- Roderic Gill (1996) An integrated social fabric matrix/system dynamics approach to policy analysis [d]
- Michel Godet & Fabrice Roubelat (1996) Creating the future: the use and misuse of scenarios [d]
- Kenneth R. Hammond (1996) Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
- Michael Herman (1996) Intelligence power in peace and war [i] [d]
- Ivan Illich (1996) Living off the waste of development [o]
- Wolfgang König, Karl Kurbel, Peter Mertens, & Dieter Pressmar [ed] (1996) Distributed information systems in business [i] [d]
- Cyril Levicki (1996) The strategy workout: a journey to the heart of your business [i]
- Raanan Lipshitz & Orna Bar-Ilan (1996) How problems are solved: reconsidering the phase theorem [d]
- Anne P. Massey & William A. Wallace (1996) Understanding and facilitating group problem structuring and formulation: mental representations, interaction, and representation aids [d]
- Thomas P. Moran & John M. Carroll [ed] (1996) Design rationale: concepts, techniques, and use [i] [d]
- Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler [ed] (1996) Encyclopedia and utopia: the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945) [i]
- James J. Odell (1996) A primer to method engineering [i] [d]
- Nancy Charlotte Roberts & Paula J. King (1996) Transforming public policy: dynamics of policy entrepreneurship and innovation [i]
- Jonathan Rosenhead (1996) What's the problem?: an introduction to problem structuring methods [d]
- Peter C. Schulze & National Academy of Engineering [ed] (1996) Engineering within ecological constraints [i] [d] [u]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1996) Requirements acquisition [d]
- Barbara Sher (1996) Live the life you love: in ten easy step-by-step lessons [i]
- David C. Skinner (1996/2009) Introduction to decision analysis: a practitioner's guide to improving decision quality [i]
- Tod Stratton Sloan (1996) Life choices: understanding dilemmas and decisions [i] [d]
- Ralph D. Stacey (1996) Emerging strategies for a chaotic environment [d]
- Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] (1996) Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
- David G. Wastell (1996) The fetish of technique: methodology as a social defence [d]
- Oliver Wendt, Peter Rittgen, & Wolfgang Koenig (1996) Solving decision problems by distributed decomposition and delegation: foundations of a theory and its application within a normative group decision support system framework [i] [d]
- James P. Womack & Daniel T. Jones (1996/2003) Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation [i]
- Franklin D. Becker & Fritz Steele (1995) Workplace by design: mapping the high-performance workscape [i]
- Arne Collen & Wojciech Gasparski [ed] (1995) Design & systems: general applications of methodology [i]
- H. Scott Fogler & Steven E. LeBlanc (1995/2014) Strategies for creative problem solving [i]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt (1995) The designer as a team of one [d]
- Matthijs Hisschemöller & Robert A. Hoppe (1995) Coping with intractable controversies: the case for problem structuring in policy design and analysis [d]
- Huey D. Johnson (1995/2008) Green plans: blueprint for a sustainable earth [i]
- Morgan D. Jones (1995/1998) The thinker's toolkit: fourteen skills techniques for problem solving [i]
- David Kirsh (1995) The intelligent use of space [d] [u]
- Leslie Lamport (1995) TLA in pictures [temporal logic of actions] [d] [u]
- Maurice Landry (1995) A note on the concept of 'problem' [d]
- Ann Langley, Henry Mintzberg, Patricia Pitcher, Elizabeth Posada, & Jan Saint-Macary (1995) Opening up decision making: the view from the black stool [d] [j]
- Dorothy Leonard-Barton (1995) Wellsprings of knowledge: building and sustaining the sources of innovation [i]
- James P. Lewis (1995/2007) Fundamentals of project management [i]
- Thorbjoern Mann (1995) Some limitations of the argumentative model of design [when used too formalistically] [i]
- Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman, & Raymond McCall (1995) Making large-scale information resources serve communities of practice [d] [j]
- Fred Niederman & Gerardine DeSanctis (1995) The impact of a structured-argument approach on group problem formulation [d]
- Sheri Oz (1995) A modified balance-sheet procedure for decision making in therapy: cost–cost comparisons [d]
- Ortwin Renn, Thomas Webler, & Peter M. Wiedemann [ed] (1995) Fairness and competence in citizen participation: evaluating models for environmental discourse [i] [d]
- A. F. Robertson (1995) The big catch: a practical introduction to development [i] [d]
- Norbert F. M. Roozenburg & Johannes Eekels (1995) Product design: fundamentals and methods [i]
- Steve Selin & Deborah Chevez (1995) Developing a collaborative model for environmental planning and management [d]
- Karl E. Weick (1995) Sensemaking in organizations [i]
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- Min Basadur, Susan J. Ellspermann, & Gerald W. Evans (1994) A new methodology for formulating ill-structured problems [d]
- Jane Beattie, Jonathan Baron, John C. Hershey, & Mark D. Spranca (1994) Psychological determinants of decision attitude [d]
- Hilda Blanco (1994) How to think about social problems: American pragmatism and the idea of planning [i]
- Denis Clifford (1994/2022) Plan your estate [i]
- Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, & Rebecca R. Merrill (1994) First things first: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy [i]
- C. Davis Fogg (1994) Team-based strategic planning: a complete guide to structuring, facilitating, and implementing the process [i]
- Mary-jo Hall (1994) Process improvement: the DSMC approach [o] [u]
- Kitty Klein & Devon Barnes (1994) The relationship of life stress to problem solving: task complexity and individual differences [d]
- James G. March & Chip Heath (1994) A primer on decision making: how decisions happen [i]
- Rick Ross, Bryan Smith, & Charlotte Roberts (1994) The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
- Khalid Saeed (1994) Development planning and policy design: a system dynamics approach [i]
- Donald A. Schön & Martin Rein (1994) Frame reflection: toward the resolution of intractable policy controversies [i]
- David A. Schum (1994) The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning [i]
- Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] (1994) The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
- John D. Sterman (1994) Learning in and about complex systems [d]
- D. R. Fraser Taylor (1994) Cartography for knowledge, action and development: retrospective and prospective [d]
- Steven C. Ames, Paula Coppel, & Christine Rains (1993/1998) A guide to community visioning: hands-on information for local communities [i]
- Steve C. Bankes (1993) Exploratory modeling for policy analysis [d]
- Nigel Cross (1993) Science and design methodology: a review [d]
- Frank Fischer & John Forester [ed] (1993) The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning [i] [d]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (1993) Knowledge acquisition tools based on personal construct psychology [d]
- Giorgio Gallo, Giustino Longo, Stefano Pallottino, & Sang Nguyen (1993) Directed hypergraphs and applications [d]
- John P. van Gigch (1993) Metamodeling: the epistemology of system science [d]
- David Gries & Fred B. Schneider (1993) A logical approach to discrete math [i] [d]
- Christopher Meyer (1993) Fast cycle time: how to align purpose, strategy, and structure for speed [i]
- Paul C. Nutt (1993) The formulation processes and tactics used in organizational decision making [d] [j]
- Roy D. Pea (1993) Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for education [i]
- Norbert F. M. Roozenburg (1993) On the pattern of reasoning in innovative design [d]
- Bernard Roy (1993) Decision science or decision-aid science? [d]
- Ellin Kofsky Scholnick & Sarah L. Friedman (1993) Planning in context: developmental and situational considerations [d]
- Herbert A. Simon (1993) Decision making: rational, nonrational, and irrational [d]
- Peter Skagestad (1993) Thinking with machines: intelligence augmentation, evolutionary epistemology, and semiotic [d]
- Andrew Trice & Randall Davis (1993) Heuristics for reconciling independent knowledge bases [d]
- J. Rodney Turner & Robert A. Cochrane (1993) Goals-and-methods matrix: coping with projects with ill defined goals and/or methods of achieving them [d]
- J. Rodney Turner (1993/2009) The handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations [i]
- Robert K. Yin (1993/2012) Applications of case study research [i]
- Barbara C. Crosby & John M. Bryson (1992/2005) Leadership for the common good: tackling public problems in a shared-power world [i]
- C. Marlene Fiol & Anne Sigismund Huff (1992) Maps for managers: Where are we? Where do we go from here? [d]
- Christiane Floyd, Heinz Züllighoven, Reinhard Budde, & Reinhard Keil-Slawik [ed] (1992) Software development and reality construction [i] [d]
- Joseph A. Goguen (1992) Truth and meaning beyond formalism [i] [d]
- Thomas R. Gruber & Daniel M. Russell (1992/1996) Generative design rationale: beyond the record and replay paradigm [i] [d]
- Jonathan Rosenhead (1992) Into the swamp: the analysis of social issues [d] [j]
- Khalid Saeed (1992) Slicing a complex problem for system dynamics modeling [d]
- Tore Sager (1992) Why plan?: a multi-rationality foundation for planning [d]
- Donald A. Schön (1992) Designing as reflective conversation with the materials of a design situation [d]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1992) Kelly's 'geometry of psychological space' and its significance for cognitive modeling [u]
- Tod Stratton Sloan (1992) Understanding major life decisions: a life history approach [d]
- Lyra Srinivasan (1992) Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
- Ray Svenson (1992/2006) Requirements: the bridge between analysis and design [i]
- David G. Ullman (1992/2015) The mechanical design process [i]
- A. E. Cawkell [ed] (1991) World information technology manual [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & K. C. Burgess Yakemovic (1991) A process-oriented approach to design rationale [d]
- Gerhard Fischer, Andreas C. Lemke, Raymond McCall, & Anders I. Morch (1991) Making argumentation serve design [d] [u]
- Robert L. Flood & Michael C. Jackson (1991) Creative problem solving: total systems intervention [i]
- Paul Goodwin & George Wright (1991/2014) Decision analysis for management judgment [i]
- Safaa H. Hashim (1991) WHAT: an argumentative groupware approach for organizing and documenting research activities [d]
- Michael Hay & Peter J. Williamson (1991) Strategic staircases: planning the capabilities required for success [d]
- Michael J. Hicks (1991/2004) Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft and creative approaches [i]
- Jintae Lee & Kum-Yew Lai (1991/1996) What's in design rationale? [i] [d]
- Clayton Lewis, John Rieman, & Brigham Bell (1991) Problem-centered design for expressiveness and facility in a graphical programming system [d]
- Mitchell D. Lubars (1991) Representing design dependencies in an issue-based style [IBIS] [d]
- James M. Nyce & Paul Kahn [ed] (1991) From memex to hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the mind's machine [i]
- Henry Sanoff (1991) Visual research methods in design [i]
- Frederick R. Steiner (1991/2000) The living landscape: an ecological approach to landscape planning [i]
- David E. Hartman & Benjamin Kleinmuntz (1991) Computers in psychological practice: historical and current uses [i] [d]
- Peter Tillers & David A. Schum (1991) A theory of preliminary fact investigation [u]
- K. C. Burgess Yakemovic & E. Jeffrey Conklin (1990) Report on a development project use of an issue-based information system [i] [d]
- Douglas C. Engelbart (1990) Knowledge-domain interoperability and an open hyperdocument system [i] [d] [u]
- H. K. Ho, S. S. G. Lee, M. K. Lim, & Y. W. Wong (1990) System-independent approaches to diagnostic knowledge reasoning and representation for mechanical and thermal systems [i] [d]
- Anne Sigismund Huff [ed] (1990) Mapping strategic thought [i]
- Werner Karbach, Marc Linster, & Angi Voss (1990) Models, methods, roles and tasks: many labels—one idea? [d]
- Benjamin Kleinmuntz (1990) Why we still use our heads instead of formulas: toward an integrative approach [p] [d]
- Henry Ely Kyburg, Ronald P. Loui, & Greg N. Carlson [ed] (1990) Knowledge representation and defeasible reasoning [i] [d]
- Charles Edward Lindblom (1990) Impaired inquiry [i] [j]
- Charles Edward Lindblom (1990) Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
- Carl Sagan & Richard P. Turco (1990) A path where no man thought: nuclear winter and the end of the arms race [i]
- Michael Schrage (1990) Shared minds: the new technologies of collaboration [i]
- Dan Alexander Seni (1990) The sociotechnology of sociotechnical systems: elements of a theory of plans [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
- Mark S. Silver (1990) Decision support systems: directed and nondirected change [d] [j]
- Douglas N. Walton (1990) Practical reasoning: goal-driven, knowledge-based, action-guiding argumentation [i]
- Yair Wand & Ron Weber (1990) Mario Bunge's ontology as a formal foundation for information systems concepts [and reply by Mario Bunge] [i]
- John N. Warfield (1990/1994) A science of generic design: managing complexity through systems design [i]
- George H. Wedberg (1990) But first, understand the problem [o] [u]
- Patricia Kennedy Arlin (1989) The problem of the problem [i]
- Bruce K. Britton & Shawn M. Glynn (1989) Mental management and creativity: a cognitive model of time management for intellectual productivity [i] [d]
- Neil Charness (1989) Expertise in chess and bridge [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & Michael L. Begeman (1989) gIBIS: a tool for all reasons [d]
- Stephen R. Covey (1989/2004) Begin with the end in mind [and with the whole in mind] [i] [u]
- Dietrich Dörner (1989/1996) The logic of failure: why things go wrong and what we can do to make them right [i]
- John Forester (1989) Planning in the face of power [i]
- H. B. Gelatt (1989) Positive uncertainty: a new decision-making framework for counseling [d]
- Lynda Davies (1989) 'What a mess!': the case of the necessary myth [i] [d]
- Irving L. Janis (1989) Crucial decisions: leadership in policymaking and crisis management [i]
- Jack D. Kartez (1989) Rational arguments and irrational audiences: psychology, planning, and public judgment [d]
- Leon Mann (1989) Becoming a better decision maker [d]
- John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead [ed] (1989/2001) Rational analysis for a problematic world revisited: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty and conflict [i]
- Gerald Nadler, Joseph M. Smith, & Claire E. Frey (1989) Research needs regarding formulation of the initial design problem [d]
- Paul C. Nutt (1989) Making tough decisions: tactics for improving managerial decision making [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1989/1998) Decision theory and decision behaviour: normative and descriptive approaches [i] [d]
- Horst W. J. Rittel & Douglas Noble (1989) Issue-based information systems for design [o]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1989) Comparing conceptual structures: consensus, conflict, correspondence and contrast [d]
- Barbara Sher & Annie Gottlieb (1989) Teamworks!: building support groups that guarantee success [i]
- Gerald F. Smith (1989) Defining managerial problems: a framework for prescriptive theorizing [d]
- Norbert A. Streitz, Jörg Hannemann, & Manfred Thüring (1989) From ideas and arguments to hyperdocuments: travelling through activity spaces [i] [d] [u]
- Janet A. Weiss (1989) The powers of problem definition: the case of government paperwork [d]
- Jonathan Baron (1988/2008) Thinking and deciding [i] [d]
- Raymond T. Boute (1988) Systems semantics: principles, applications, and implementation [d]
- John M. Bryson (1988/2018) Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & Michael L. Begeman (1988) gIBIS: a hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion [d]
- William N. Dunn (1988) Methods of the second type: coping with the wilderness of conventional policy analysis [d]
- Colin Eden (1988) Cognitive mapping [d]
- Deborah Frisch & Jonathan Baron (1988) Ambiguity and rationality [d]
- Frank G. Halasz (1988) Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems [d]
- Deepak Kulkarni & Herbert A. Simon (1988) The processes of scientific discovery: the strategy of experimentation [d]
- John Landis (1988) The case against statistics-as-methods: confessions of a born-again planmaker [u]
- Marjorie A. Lyles & Howard Thomas (1988) Strategic problem formulation: biases and assumptions embedded in alternative decision-making models [d]
- G. M. Nijssen, D. J. Duke, & S. M. Twine (1988/1990) The entity-relationship data model considered harmful [i] [d]
- Donald A. Norman (1988/2013) The design of everyday things [i]
- Christina Perring, Keith Oatley, & Jonathan Smith (1988) Psychiatric symptoms and conflict among personal plans [d]
- John B. Robinson (1988) Unlearning and backcasting: rethinking some of the questions we ask about the future [d]
- Charles R. Schwenk (1988) The cognitive perspective on strategic decision making [d]
- Charles R. Schwenk (1988) The essence of strategic decision making [i]
- Gerald F. Smith (1988) Towards a heuristic theory of problem structuring [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1988) The recovery of practical philosophy [j]
- Erling S. Andersen, Kristoffer V. Grude, & Tor Haug (1987/2009) Goal directed project management: effective techniques and strategies [i]
- Lee Roy Beach & Terence R. Mitchell (1987) Image theory: principles, goals, and plans in decision making [d]
- John M. Bryson & William D. Roering (1987) Applying private-sector strategic planning in the public sector [d]
- William L. Cats-Baril & George P. Huber (1987) Decision support systems for ill-structured problems: an empirical study [d]
- A. E. Cawkell [ed] (1987) Evolution of an information society [i]
- John K. Friend & Allen Hickling (1987/2005) Planning under pressure: the strategic choice approach [i]
- John P. van Gigch [ed] (1987) Decision making about decision making: metamodels and metasystems [i]
- John R. Logan & Harvey Luskin Molotch (1987/2007) Urban fortunes: the political economy of place [i]
- Phil R. Manning & Lois DeBakey (1987) The personal information center [i] [d]
- Christopher J. Mruk (1987) The interface between computers and psychology: toward a psychology of computerization [d]
- Horst W. J. Rittel (1987/1988) The reasoning of designers [o] [u]
- Peter G. Rowe (1987) Design thinking [i]
- Herbert A. Simon, George B. Dantzig, Robin M. Hogarth, Charles R. Plott, Howard Raiffa, Thomas C. Schelling, Kenneth A. Shepsle, Richard Thaler, Amos Tversky, & Sidney Winter (1987) Decision making and problem solving [d] [j]
- Ramon J. Aldag & Daniel J. Power (1986) An empirical assessment of computer-assisted decision analysis [d]
- Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre (1986/2014) Applying nursing process: the foundation for clinical reasoning [i]
- Max H. Bazerman & Don A. Moore (1986/2013) Judgment in managerial decision making [i]
- John M. Carroll & Robert L. Campbell (1986) Softening up hard science: reply to Newell and Card [d] [u]
- Pierre Clavel (1986) The progressive city: planning and participation, 1969–1984 [i]
- Tushar Kanti Das (1986) The subjective side of strategy making: future orientations and perceptions of executives [i]
- Milan J. Dluhy & Kan Chen [ed] (1986) Interdisciplinary planning: a perspective for the future [i]
- George William Fairweather & William S. Davidson II (1986) An introduction to community experimentation: theory, methods, and practice [i]
- Adele Goldberg [ed] (1986/1988) A history of personal workstations [i]
- Raymond McCall (1986) Issue-serve systems: a descriptive theory of design [o]
- Richard E. Neustadt & Ernest R. May (1986) Thinking in time: the uses of history for decision-makers [i]
- Charles Joseph Robinove (1986) Principles of logic and the use of digital geographic information systems [o] [d] [u]
- Robert Ackelsberg & Peter Arlow (1985) Small businesses do plan and it pays off [d]
- Nigel Beail [ed] (1985) Repertory grid technique and personal constructs: applications in clinical & educational settings [i]
- William J. Clancey (1985) Heuristic classification [d]
- Morgan W. McCall & Robert E. Kaplan (1985/1990) Whatever it takes: the realities of managerial decision making [i]
- Roy D. Pea (1985) Beyond amplification: using the computer to reorganize mental functioning [d]
- Howard Rheingold (1985/2000) Tools for thought: the history and future of mind-expanding technology [i] [u]
- Michael D. Skipton (1985) Helping managers to develop strategies [d]
- Nancy Anderson (1984/2004) Work with passion: how to do what you love for a living [i]
- Nigel Cross [ed] (1984) Developments in design methodology [i]
- Harvey A. Goldstein (1984) Planning as argumentation [d]
- Michael C. Jackson & Paul Keys (1984) Towards a system of systems methodologies [d] [j]
- Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld [ed] (1984) Information systems for integrated regional planning [i]
- Thomas Roy Reid (1984/2001) The chip: how two Americans invented the microchip and launched a revolution [i]
- Horst W. J. Rittel (1984) Second-generation design methods [i]
- Ralph S. Singleton (1984/1991) Film scheduling, or, How long will it take to shoot your movie?: the complete step-by-step guide to professional motion picture scheduling [i]
- Tudor O. Bompa & Greg Haff (1983/2009) Periodization: theory and methodology of training [i]
- Stuart K. Card, Thomas P. Moran, & Allen Newell (1983) The psychology of human–computer interaction [i]
- Gerhard Fischer (1983) Symbiotic, knowledge-based computer support systems [d]
- Werner Kunz & Horst W. J. Rittel (1983/1984) How to know what is known: designing crutches for communication [i]
- Raymond McCall, Barbara Schaab, & Wolfgang Schuler (1983) An information station for the problem solver: system concepts [using a variation on IBIS] [i]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1983) Eliciting the real problem [and comments] [i] [d]
- Roger J. Volkema (1983) Problem formulation in planning and design [d]
- Marlene Wadsworth & Donald H. Ford (1983) Assessment of personal goal hierarchies [d]
- Phillip Karl Wood (1983) Inquiring systems and problem structure: implications for cognitive development [d] [j]
- Ernest R. Alexander (1982) Design in the decision-making process [d]
- Donald T. Campbell (1982) Experiments as arguments [d]
- William N. Dunn (1982) Reforms as arguments [d]
- Colin Eden (1982) Problem construction and the influence of O.R. [d]
- Jacob W. Getzels (1982) The problem of the problem [i]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld & Michael F. Kelley (1982) On the concepts of period, phase, stage, and level [d] [j]
- Irving L. Janis [ed] (1982) Counseling on personal decisions: theory and research on short-term helping relationships [i]
- Irving L. Janis (1982/1993) Decisionmaking under stress [i]
- John Stanley Keates (1982/1996) Understanding maps [i]
- William R. King (1982) Using strategic issue analysis [d]
- Herbert F. Lionberger & Paul H. Gwin (1982) Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
- Ian I. Mitroff & Richard O. Mason (1982) On the structure of dialectical reasoning in the social and policy sciences [d]
- Ian I. Mitroff, Richard O. Mason, & Vincent P. Barabba (1982) Policy as argument—a logic for ill-structured decision problems [d]
- Shirley A. Olsen [ed] (1982) Group planning and problem-solving methods in engineering management [i]
- Donald P. Grant (1982) Issue-based information system (IBIS) [i]
- Horst W. J. Rittel (1982) Structure and usefulness of planning information systems [i] [d]
- Gavriel Salvendy [ed] (1982/2001) Handbook of industrial engineering: technology and operations management [i] [d]
- Vladimír Stibic (1982) Tools of the mind: techniques and methods for intellectual work [i]
- Nigan Bayazit, Nur Esin, & Ahsen Ozsoy (1981) Integrative approach to design techniques [d] [j]
- Peter Checkland (1981) Systems thinking, systems practice [i]
- William N. Dunn (1981/2018) Public policy analysis: an integrated approach [i] [d]
- David Russell Evans (1981) The planning of nonformal education [i] [u]
- Liam Fahey, William R. King, & Vadake K. Narayanan (1981) Environmental scanning and forecasting in strategic planning—the state of the art [d]
- Daniel Gat & Anat Gonen (1981) Orientation map for planning and design methods [d]
- Michael Hammer & Dennis Mc Leod (1981) Database description with SDM: a semantic database model [d]
- John R. Hayes (1981/1989) The complete problem solver [i]
- Charles Long (1981/1996) How to survive without a salary: learning how to live the conserver lifestyle [i]
- Gerald Nadler (1981) The planning and design approach [i]
- Melvin F. Shakun (1981) Policy making and meaning as design of purposeful systems [d]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw [ed] (1981) Recent advances in personal construct technology [i]
- Herbert A. Simon, Patrick W. Langley, & Gary L. Bradshaw (1981) Scientific discovery as problem solving [d] [j]
- Valentin F. Turchin (1981) The inertia of fear and the scientific worldview [i] [d]
- Robert N. Woolley & Michael Pidd (1981) Problem structuring—a literature review [d] [j]
- H. Igor Ansoff (1980) Strategic issue management [d] [j]
- Fred Eshragh (1980) Subjective multi-criteria decision making [d]
- Gerhard Fischer (1980) Cognitive dimensions of information manipulation systems [i] [d]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (1980) New directions in the analysis and interactive elicitation of personal construct systems [d]
- Shozo Hibino & Gerald Nadler (1980) 'TOTALS': transfer of technology approached logically and systematically [d]
- Patrick Humphreys & Wendy McFadden (1980) Experiences with MAUD: aiding decision structuring versus bootstrapping the decision maker [d]
- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (1980) Planning technologies appropriate to farmers: concepts and procedures [o] [u]
- Ian I. Mitroff & Richard O. Mason (1980) Structuring ill-structured policy issues: further explorations in a methodology for messy problems [d] [j]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw (1980) The analysis of a repertory grid [d]
- Daniel D. Wheeler & Irving L. Janis (1980) A practical guide for making decisions [i]
- Edgar F. Codd (1979) Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning [d]
- Thomas D. Cook & Donald T. Campbell (1979) Quasi-experimentation: design & analysis issues for field settings [i]
- Jane Darke (1979) The primary generator and the design process [d]
- Colin Eden & David Sims (1979) On the nature of problems in consulting practice [d]
- John J. Horan (1979) Counseling for effective decision making: a cognitive-behavioral perspective [i] [u]
- Robert Kowalski (1979/2014) Logic for problem solving, revisited [i] [u]
- Barbara Sher & Annie Gottlieb (1979/2004) Wishcraft: how to get what you really want [i]
- George Albert Steiner (1979) Strategic planning: what every manager must know [i]
- John N. Warfield (1979) Some principles of knowledge organization [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1978) The art of problem solving: accompanied by Ackoff's fables [i]
- Michael Basseches (1978) Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
- Bo Hedberg & Sten Jönsson (1978) Designing semi-confusing information systems for organizations in changing environments [d]
- Raymond McCall (1978) On the structure and use of issue systems in design [o] [u]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1978) The man-made future [i]
- Steven Alter (1977) Why is man–computer interaction important for decision support systems? [d]
- Chris Argyris (1977) Organizational learning and management information systems [d]
- Chris Gane & Trish Sarson (1977) Structured systems analysis: tools & techniques [i]
- Donald P. Grant (1977) How to use the IBIS as a procedure for deliberation and argument in environmental design and planning [o]
- Barry Hedley (1977) Strategy and the 'business portfolio' [d]
- Irving L. Janis & Leon Mann (1977) Decision making: a psychological analysis of conflict, choice, and commitment [i]
- Constance Perin (1977) Everything in its place: social order and land use in America [i] [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) The systematization of knowledge [d]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1977) Tools for thought: how to understand and apply the latest scientific techniques of problem solving [i]
- Chris Argyris (1976) Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making [d] [j]
- Ralph L. Keeney & Howard Raiffa (1976/1993) Decisions with multiple objectives: preferences and value tradeoffs [i]
- John McHale (1976) The changing information environment [i] [d]
- Christopher J. Date (1975/2004) An introduction to database systems [i]
- Donald G. Janelle (1975) Spatial aspects of alienation and the phasing out of bureaucracy [i]
- Erich Jantsch (1975) Design for evolution: self-organization and planning in the life of human systems [i]
- Anthony J. N. Judge (1975) World problems and human potential: a data interlinkage and display process [d] [u]
- Manfred Kochen [ed] (1975) Information for action: from knowledge to wisdom [i]
- Harold D. Lasswell (1975) Constraints on the use of knowledge in decision making [i]
- Henry C. Lucas (1975) Why information systems fail [i] [d]
- Bernard Taylor (1975) Strategies for planning [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1974) Redesigning the future: a systems approach to societal problems [i]
- James L. Adams (1974/2019) Conceptual blockbusting: a guide to better ideas [i]
- Don Koberg & Jim Bagnall (1974/2003) The universal traveler: a soft-systems guide to creativity, problem-solving, and the process of reaching goals [i]
- Peter Toyne (1974) Organisation, location, and behaviour: decision-making in economic geography [i] [d]
- Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, & Richard Fisch (1974/2011) Change: principles of problem formation and problem resolution [i]
- Mario Bunge (1973) The role of forecast in planning [d]
- Douglas C. Engelbart, Richard W. Watson, & James C. Norton (1973) The augmented knowledge workshop [o] [d] [u]
- Donald N. Michael (1973/1997) Learning to plan—and planning to learn [i]
- Horst W. J. Rittel (1973) The state of the art in design methods [o]
- Horst W. J. Rittel & Melvin M. Webber (1973) Dilemmas in a general theory of planning [d] [u]
- Stephen N. Thomas (1973/1997) Practical reasoning in natural language [i]
- Aaron Wildavsky (1973) If planning is everything, maybe it's nothing [d]
- Hans Dehlinger & Jean-Pierre Protzen (1972) Some considerations for the design of issue based information systems (IBIS) [o]
- Louis V. Gerstner (1972) The practice of business: can strategic planning pay off? [d]
- J. Douglas Hill & John N. Warfield (1972) Unified program planning [d]
- Irving L. Janis (1972/1982) Groupthink: psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascoes [i]
- Frederick G. Kilgour (1972) Evolving, computerizing, personalizing [j]
- Thorbjoern Mann (1972) Play IBIS, a design game based on the argumentative model of design [o]
- G. Arthur Mihram (1972) The modeling process [in systems modeling] [d]
- Horst W. J. Rittel (1972) On the planning crisis: systems analysis of the 'first and second generations' [u]
- Norman H. Stait (1972) Management training and the smaller company: SWOT analysis [d]
- Kenneth R. Andrews (1971) The concept of corporate strategy [i]
- Donald T. Campbell (1971/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
- C. West Churchman (1971) The design of inquiring systems: basic concepts of systems and organization [i]
- Anthony J. N. Judge (1971) Information systems and inter-organizational space [d] [j] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher & Alasdair Urquhart (1971) Temporal logic [i] [d]
- Herbert A. Simon & Allen Newell (1971) Human problem solving: the state of the theory in 1970 [d]
- Steven C. Wheelwright (1971) Strategic planning in the small business: the procedure in three corporations [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1970) A Black ghetto's research on a university [d] [j]
- L. Bruce Archer (1970) An overview of the structure of the design process [i]
- Vannevar Bush (1970) Pieces of the action [o]
- Ross Davies (1970) Computer graphic techniques in planning [d]
- Charles M. Eastman (1970) On the analysis of intuitive design processes [i]
- Thomas F. Heath (1970) The algorithmic nature of the design process [i]
- Robert Joyner & Kenneth Tunstall (1970) Computer augmented organizational problem solving [d]
- Frederick G. Kilgour (1970) History of library computerization [d] [u]
- Werner Kunz & Horst W. J. Rittel (1970) Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
- Gary T. Moore [ed] (1970) Emerging methods in environmental design and planning: proceedings of the Design Methods Group first international conference, Cambridge, Mass., June 1968 [i]
- Gerald Nadler (1970) Engineering research and design in socioeconomic systems [i]
- Paul C. Nutt, David H. Gustafson, & Gerald Nadler (1970) Systems engineering as applied to planning processes [i]
- Bertil Thorngren (1970) How do contact systems affect regional development? [d]
- Freeman H. Dyke (1969) A manual on methods for retrieving and correlating technical data [i]
- Arthur D. Hall (1969) Three-dimensional morphology of systems engineering [d]
- D. Hargreaves (1969) Corporate planning: a chairman's guide [d]
- John W. Humble (1969) Corporate planning and management by objectives [d]
- Ian L. McHarg (1969/1992) Design with nature [i]
- William F. Pounds (1969) The process of problem finding [u]
- Kjell-Arne Ringbakk (1969) Organised planning in major U.S. companies [d]
- Herbert A. Simon (1969/1996) The sciences of the artificial [i] [d]
- George Albert Steiner (1969) Top management planning [o]
- Gary W. Dickson (1968) Management information-decision systems: a new era ahead? [d]
- Orme Lewis & Paul G. Ulrich (1968) Information retrieval without computers [j]
- James Brian Quinn (1968) Technological strategies for industrial companies [d]
- Peter Simmons (1968) Automation in American libraries [d] [j]
- Donald J. Smalter (1968) Analytical techniques in planning [d]
- Patrick Wilson (1968) The bibliographical universe [o] [d]
- Patrick Wilson (1968) Two kinds of power: an essay on bibliographical control [o] [d]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1967) Management misinformation systems [d]
- H. Igor Ansoff & Richard C. Brandenburg (1967) A program of research in business planning [d] [j]
- L. Bruce Archer (1967) Design management [d]
- Vannevar Bush (1967) Science is not enough: reflections for the present and future [o]
- Antony Charles Foskett (1967/1970) A guide to personal indexes, using edge-notched, uniterm and peek-a-boo cards [i]
- Torsten Hägerstrand (1967) The computer and the geographer [d] [j]
- Wilbur Hoff (1967) A health information retrieval system for personal use [d]
- Gerald Nadler (1967) An investigation of design methodology [d] [j]
- John H. D. Bryan (1966) A multi-purpose information retrieval system based on edge-notched cards [d] [j]
- Steven Anson Coons (1966) The uses of computers in technology [j]
- Martin Greenberger (1966) The uses of computers in organizations [j]
- Olaf Helmer-Hirschberg, Bernice B. Brown, & Theodore J. Gordon (1966) Social technology [in societal futures research] [o]
- Anthony G. Oettinger (1966) The uses of computers in science [j]
- M. David Prince (1966) Man–computer graphics for computer-aided design [d]
- Emma Lou Davis (1965) Three applications of edge-punched cards for recording and analyzing field data [j]
- Charles Higgins Kepner & Benjamin B. Tregoe (1965/1997) The new rational manager: an updated edition for a new world [i]
- J. C. R. Licklider (1965) Libraries of the future [o] [u]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff (1964) General system theory and systems research: contrasting conceptions of systems science [o] [u]
- Christopher Alexander (1964/1971) Notes on the synthesis of form [i]
- Abraham Kaplan (1964/1998) The conduct of inquiry: methodology for behavioral science [i]
- L. Bruce Archer (1963/1965) Systematic method for designers [o]
- George Kelly (1963) Aldous: the personable computer [o]
- Gilbert W. King (1963/1964) The automation of library systems [o]
- Barbara Evans Markuson [ed] (1963/1964) Libraries and automation: proceedings of the Conference on Libraries and Automation held at Airlie Foundation, Warrenton, Virginia, May 26–30, 1963 [o]
- Silvan S. Tomkins & Samuel Messick [ed] (1963) Computer simulation of personality: frontier of psychological theory [o]
- Russell Lincoln Ackoff, Shiv K. Gupta, & J. Sayer Minas (1962) Scientific method: optimizing applied research decisions [o]
- Morris Asimow (1962) Introduction to design [o]
- Douglas C. Engelbart (1962) Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
- Bertram M. Gross (1962) Operation BASIC: the retrieval of wasted knowledge [d]
- Daniel S. Halacy Jr. (1962/1969) Computers, the machines we think with [o] [u]
- Herbert A. Simon (1962) The architecture of complexity [j]
- Charles P. Bourne (1961) The historical development and present state-of-the-art of mechanized information retrieval systems [d]
- Joseph David Cooper (1961) The art of decision-making [o] [u]
- Douglas C. Engelbart (1961) Special considerations of the individual as a user, generator, and retriever of information [d] [u]
- Sanford S. Farness (1961/1964) Better living through conservation planning [o] [d]
- George Kelly (1961/1969) A mathematical approach to psychology [i]
- Hans Peter Luhn (1961) Automated intelligence systems: some basic problems and prerequisites for their solution [o]
- Frederick P. Brooks & Kenneth E. Iverson (1959/1969) Automatic data processing [i]
- Denis H. Ward (1959) The use of edge-punched cards in statistical computation [d] [j]
- Office of Science Information Service (1958/1966) Nonconventional scientific and technical information systems in current use [or: Nonconventional technical information systems in current use] [o] [u]
- Paul Meadows (1957) Models, systems and science [d] [j]
- W. Ross Ashby (1956) An introduction to cybernetics [o]
- W. Ross Ashby (1956) Design for an intelligence-amplifier [o] [d] [j]
- William D. Wells (1956) The use of McBee Keysort in content analysis [d]
- George Kelly (1955/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
- Louis N. Ridenour (1955) Computer memories [j]
- G. L. Anderson (1953) The McBee Keysort system for mechanically sorting folklore data [d] [j]
- B. Vivian Bowden [ed] (1953/1971) Faster than thought: a symposium on digital computing machines [o]
- James W. Meteer (1953) Continuous inventory management and growth studies [d]
- Margaret Elizabeth Egan & Jesse Hauk Shera (1952) Foundations of a theory of bibliography [d] [j]
- Gilbert W. King (1952) Information [j]
- C. Wright Mills (1952/1959) On intellectual craftsmanship [i]
- Louis N. Ridenour (1952) The role of the computer [or: Computers as information machines] [j]
- Robert F. Bales & Fred L. Strodtbeck (1951) Phases in group problem-solving [p] [d]
- Robert S. Casey [ed] (1951/1958) Punched cards: their applications to science and industry [o] [u]
- John Rawls (1951) Outline of a decision procedure for ethics [d] [j]
- Edmund Callis Berkeley (1949) Giant brains; or, Machines that think [o]
- Murray G. Lawson (1948) The machine age in historical research [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1946) Problems of men [and women] [o] [u]
- Melvin Miller Rader (1946) Science and world community [j]
- Vannevar Bush (1945) As we may think [u]
- Otto Neurath (1945/2004) Alternatives to market competition [book review of: The road to serfdom, by Friedrich Hayek] [i] [d]
- George Pólya (1945/1985) How to solve it: a new aspect of mathematical method [i] [d] [j]
- Herbert George Wells (1942) Science and the world mind [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1938) Judgment as spatio-temporal determination: narration-description [i] [u]
- John Dewey (1938) Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
- Herbert George Wells (1938/2021) World brain [i] [d] [u]
- Otto Neurath (1936/1983) Encyclopedia as 'model' [i] [d]
- John Dewey (1935) Liberalism and social action [o]
- John Dewey (1933/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
- James Oscar McKinsey (1932) Adjusting policies to meet changing conditions [o]
- Henry Evelyn Bliss (1929) The organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1927/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
- Wallace Clark (1922/1952) The Gantt chart: a working tool of management [o]
- Frank Bunker Gilbreth & Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1921) Process charts: first steps in finding the one best way to do work [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- Gustav Spiller (1921) A new system of scientific procedure: being an attempt to ascertain, develop, and systematise the general methods employed in modern enquiries at their best [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1916/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
- Patrick Geddes (1915) Cities in evolution: an introduction to the town planning movement and to the study of civics [o] [u]
- Otto Neurath (1913/1983) The lost wanderers of Descartes and the auxiliary motive (on the psychology of decision) [i] [d]
- Herbert George Wells (1902/1913) The discovery of the future [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1900/2007) Some stages of logical thought [i] [j] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce & Kenneth Laine Ketner (1898/1992) Reasoning and the logic of things: the Cambridge conferences lectures of 1898 [i]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1898/1992) Training in reasoning [i]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1891) The architecture of theories [d] [j]
- Luigi Federico Menabrea & Ada King Lovelace (1843) Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. [with extensive notes by the translator, Augusta Ada King, Countess Lovelace] [o] [u]
- Charles Babbage (1832/1841) On the economy of machinery and manufactures [o] [u]
- Benjamin Franklin (1772/1975) Letter to Joseph Priestley, September 19, 1772 ['moral or prudential algebra'] [i] [u]