How to perform

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Integrating theories of self-control and motivation to advance endurance performance [d]
  2. Massimiliano Cappuccio [ed] () Handbook of embodied cognition and sport psychology [i]
  3. () Coaching olympic athletes with sport psychology [d]
  4. () Knowledge-how, abilities, and questions [d]
  5. () Stargazing: everyday lessons from coaching elite performers [d]
  6. () Coaching performing artists [d]
  7. () Performing work: the drama of everyday working life [d]
  8. () Practice makes perfect?: skillful performances in veterinary work [d]
  9. () Great at work: how top performers do less, work better, and achieve more [i]
  10. () Spiritually informed not-for-profit performance measurement [d] [j]
  11. () Performance psychology with performing artists [d]
  12. () Minding the weather: how expert forecasters think [i] [d] [j]
  13. () On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
  14. () Predicting psychotherapy outcome based on therapist interpersonal skills: a five-year longitudinal study of a therapist assessment protocol [p] [d]
  15. () Audience immersion, mindfulness and the experience of scenography [i] [d]
  16. Amy L. Baltzell [ed] () Mindfulness and performance [i] [d]
  17. () Don't stop believing: rituals improve performance by decreasing anxiety [d]
  18. () Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise [i]
  19. () Quick thinkers are smooth talkers: mental speed facilitates charisma [p] [d]
  20. () Brief online training enhances competitive performance: findings of the BBC Lab UK psychological skills intervention study [p] [d] [u]
  21. () Empathizer-in-chief: the promotion and performance of empathy in the speeches of Barack Obama [u]
  22. () Thought in action: expertise and the conscious mind [i] [d]
  23. () Mindfulness, emotion regulation, and performance [i] [d]
  24. () Deep work: rules for focused success in a distracted world [i]
  25. () Thinking about you: perspective taking, perceived restraint, and performance [i] [d]
  26. (/2018) Athletic skills model: optimizing talent development through movement education [i] [d]
  27. () The practice of zazen as ritual performance [i] [d]
  28. () Creating solo performance [i] [d]
  29. () Presence: bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges [i]
  30. () Cognitive neuroscience of human systems: work and everyday life [i] [d]
  31. () Lean human performance improvement [i] [d]
  32. () Louder than words: harness the power of your authentic voice [i]
  33. () The ultra mindset: an endurance champion's 8 core principles for success in business, sports, and life [i]
  34. () Thinking in the zone: the expert mind in action [d]
  35. () Constraints that help or hinder creative performance: a motivational approach [d]
  36. () Learning versus performance: an integrative review [p] [d] [j]
  37. () Hyper-productive knowledge work performance: the TameFlow approach and its application to Scrum and Kanban [i]
  38. () The perils of automaticity [d]
  39. () Enacting resilience: a performative account of governing for urban resilience [d]
  40. () Performing under pressure: the science of doing your best when it matters most [i]
  41. () The champion's mind: how great athletes think, train, and thrive [i]
  42. () Train your mind for peak performance: a science-based approach for achieving your goals [i] [d]
  43. () Physical expression on stage and screen: using the Alexander technique to create unforgettable performances [i]
  44. () Adaptive expertise and cognitive readiness: a perspective from the expert-performance approach [i] [d]
  45. () The power of 'mapping the territory': why economists should become more aware of the performativity of their models [d]
  46. () EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance I: a review of cognitive and affective outcome in healthy participants [p] [d]
  47. () EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance II: creativity, the performing arts and ecological validity [p] [d]
  48. () EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance III: a review of methodological and theoretical considerations [p] [d]
  49. () Performing multiple logics in practice [d]
  50. () Integrative Alexander Technique practice for performing artists: onstage synergy [i]
  51. () Anatomy of performance training [i] [d]
  52. () Act well to be well: the promise of changing personality states to promote well-being [i] [d]
  53. () Dance psychology for artistic and performance excellence [i]
  54. () Self-regulation of human brain activity using simultaneous real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback [p] [d]
  55. () A guide to continuous improvement transformation: concepts, processes, implementation [i] [d]
  56. () Embrace work–life imbalance [u]
  57. () A taxonomy of event-level dimensions: implications for understanding leadership processes, behavior, and performance [d]
  58. () The importance of velocity, or why speed may matter more than distance [d]
  59. Scott Barry Kaufman [ed] () The complexity of greatness: beyond talent or practice [i] [d]
  60. () An opportunity cost model of subjective effort and task performance [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  61. () Attentional bias, distractibility and short-term memory in anxiety [d]
  62. () Performance and cross-racial storytelling in post-Katrina New Orleans: interviews with John O'Neal, Carol Bebelle, and Nicholas Slie [d]
  63. () Time pressure undermines performance more under avoidance than approach motivation [p] [d]
  64. () Avoidance motivation and conservation of energy [d]
  65. () Motivated creativity: a conservation of energy approach [o] [u]
  66. () The functions of worry and its relation to performance in controllable and uncontrollable situations [p] [d]
  67. () What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? [u]
  68. () Mobilizing unused resources: using the placebo concept to enhance cognitive performance [p] [d]
  69. () The charisma myth: how anyone can master the art and science of personal magnetism [i]
  70. () The little book of talent: 52 tips for improving skills [i]
  71. () Doing gesture promotes learning a mental transformation task better than seeing gesture [d]
  72. () Eat & run: my unlikely journey to ultramarathon greatness [i]
  73. () MatchPad: interactive glyph-based visualization for real-time sports performance analysis [d]
  74. () So good they can't ignore you: why skills trump passion in the quest for work you love [i]
  75. () Norepinephrine: a neuromodulator that boosts the function of multiple cell types to optimize CNS performance [p] [d] [u]
  76. () The reluctant researcher: shyness in the field [d] [u]
  77. () Apprehending everyday rhythms: rhythmanalysis, time-lapse photography, and the space-times of street performance [d]
  78. () Running through a field: performance and humanness [d]
  79. () Can charisma be taught?: tests of two interventions [d]
  80. () Do procedures for verbal reporting of thinking have to be reactive?: a meta-analysis and recommendations for best reporting methods [p] [d]
  81. () Shine: using brain science to get the best from your people [i]
  82. () The accidental creative: how to be brilliant at a moment's notice [i]
  83. () How to know: a practicalist conception of knowledge [i] [d]
  84. () Skilled throwers use physics to time ball release to the nearest millisecond [d]
  85. () Being alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description [i] [d]
  86. James K. Luiselli & Derek D. Reed [ed] () Behavioral sport psychology: evidence-based approaches to performance enhancement [i] [d]
  87. () Developing fluent, efficient, and automatic repertoires of athletic performance [i] [d]
  88. () In praise of vagueness: malleability of vague information as a performance booster [d]
  89. () Thoughts and attention of athletes under pressure: skill-focus or performance worries? [d]
  90. () Placebo mechanisms across different conditions: from the clinical setting to physical performance [p] [d] [u]
  91. () Middle managers, strategic sensemaking, and discursive competence [d]
  92. () Self-regulation of creativity at work: the role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance [d]
  93. () Perfectionism and coping with daily failures: positive reframing helps achieve satisfaction at the end of the day [d]
  94. () The role of ecological constraints on expertise development [u]
  95. () Artistry unleashed: a guide to pursuing great performance in work and life [i] [d] [j]
  96. () The signing system of mudra in traditional Indian dance [d]
  97. () Body learning: examining the processes of skill learning in dance [d]
  98. () Recovery during the weekend and fluctuations in weekly job performance: a week-level study examining intra-individual relationships [d]
  99. () Psychological skills training as a way to enhance an athlete's performance in high-intensity sports [d]
  100. () The doctor as performer: a proposal for change based on a performance studies paradigm [p] [d]
  101. () Life as performance art: right and left brain function, implicit knowing, and 'felt coherence' [i] [d]
  102. () Engaging performance: theatre as call and response [i] [d]
  103. () Reconsidering the trade-off between expertise and flexibility: a cognitive entrenchment perspective [d]
  104. () Velocity as a predictor of performance satisfaction, mental focus, and goal revision [d]
  105. Stephanie J. Hanrahan & Mark B. Andersen [ed] () Routledge handbook of applied sport psychology: a comprehensive guide for students and practitioners [i] [d]
  106. () Creating learning: a Korean drummer's lifelong quest to be the best [d]
  107. () Symptoms and significance: constructivist contributions to the treatment of performance anxiety [d]
  108. () The timespace of human activity: on performance, society, and history as indeterminate teleological events [i]
  109. () Nutrient timing for peak performance [i]
  110. () Perfectionism and task performance: time on task mediates the perfectionistic strivings–performance relationship [d]
  111. () How participation creates citizens: participatory governance as performative practice [u]
  112. () Experiencing flow: is doing it together better than doing it alone? [d]
  113. () Reflection as a strategy to enhance task performance after feedback [d]
  114. () Mindfulness and acceptance approaches in sport performance [d]
  115. () Thinking through theatre [i]
  116. () Dark writing: geography, performance, design [i] [d] [j]
  117. () Cartography: performative, participatory, political [d]
  118. () The relationship between mental toughness and affect intensity [d]
  119. () It's not how much; it's how: characteristics of practice behavior and retention of performance skills [d]
  120. () Toward a science of exceptional achievement [d]
  121. K. Anders Ericsson [ed] () Development of professional expertise: toward measurement of expert performance and design of optimal learning environments [i] [d]
  122. () Instructional design for advanced learners: training recognition skills to hasten expertise [d]
  123. () Of Minutemen and Rebel Clown Armies: reconsidering transformative citizenship [d]
  124. Kate F. Hays [ed] () Performance psychology in action: a casebook for working with athletes, performing artists, business leaders, and professionals in high-risk occupations [i] [d]
  125. () Evaluation of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE): a new approach to promote flow in athletes [d]
  126. () Motivational design for learning and performance: the ARCS model approach [i]
  127. () Contestatory performative acts in transnational political meetings [d]
  128. () Letter to a young musician, no. 5 [practicing and performing] [u]
  129. () Competencies proficiency scale [u]
  130. () Your brain at work: strategies for overcoming distraction, regaining focus, and achieving all day long [i]
  131. () 10-minute toughness: the mental exercise program for winning before the game begins [i]
  132. () Predicting race performance in triathlon: the role of perfectionism, achievement goals, and personal goal setting [p] [d]
  133. () Human potential: exploring techniques used to enhance human performance [i]
  134. () Emotions and sport performance: an exploration of happiness, hope, and anger [p] [d]
  135. () Occupational therapy practice framework: domain & process [d]
  136. () Relationships between mindfulness, flow dispositions and mental skills adoption: a cluster analytic approach [d]
  137. () Finding your zone: ten core lessons for achieving peak performance in sports and life [i]
  138. () Zazen as an enactment ritual [i] [d]
  139. () Performance histories [i]
  140. () Ritual: the final expression of care [d]
  141. () Artisans, athletes, entrepreneurs, and other skilled exemplars of the Way [d]
  142. () Turning back the linguistic turn in the theory of knowledge [d]
  143. () Know-how: the 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who don't [i]
  144. () Mental toughness in sport: a review [d]
  145. () Genes, environment and sport performance: why the nature–nurture dualism is no longer relevant [d]
  146. () The making of an expert [p] [u]
  147. () Cognitive load and classroom teaching: the double-edged sword of automaticity [d]
  148. () High perceptual load makes everybody equal: eliminating individual differences in distractibility with load [d]
  149. () Athletic development: the art & science of functional sports conditioning [i]
  150. () The psychology of enhancing human performance: the mindfulness–acceptance–commitment approach (MAC): a practitioner's guide [i]
  151. () Making a performance: devising histories and contemporary practices [i] [d]
  152. () The unconscious actor: out of control, in full command: the art of performance in acting and in life [i]
  153. () Adjusting your leadership volume [d]
  154. () Find your focus zone: an effective new plan to defeat distraction and overload [i]
  155. () On performing concepts during science lectures [d]
  156. () Personal need for structure and creative performance: the moderating influence of fear of invalidity [p] [d]
  157. () How to rehearse when there is no rehearsal: acting and the media [i]
  158. () Perfectionism and aptitude test performance: testees who strive for perfection achieve better test results [d]
  159. () Use of self: a primer revisited [d]
  160. K. Anders Ericsson, Robert R. Hoffman, Aaron Kozbelt, & A. Mark Williams [ed] (/2018) The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance [i] [d]
  161. () Learning to lead in all domains of life [d]
  162. () Mastering the art of performance: a primer for musicians [i]
  163. () Broadening perspectives on clinical performance assessment: rethinking the nature of in-training assessment [d]
  164. Rachel MacNair [ed] () Working for peace: a handbook of practical psychology and other tools [i]
  165. () Benefits of all work and no play: the relationship between neuroticism and performance as a function of resource allocation [d]
  166. () The performer's voice: realizing your vocal potential [i]
  167. Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck [ed] () Handbook of competence and motivation [i]
  168. () Unexpected development of artistic talents [d]
  169. () Overloaded circuits: why smart people underperform [p] [u]
  170. () Conscious use of self: tuning the instrument of social work practice with cultural competence [u]
  171. () The dangers of feeling like a fake [p] [u]
  172. () Large group interventions: change as theater [d]
  173. () Ritual and symbol in peacebuilding [i]
  174. (/2012) The practicing mind: developing focus and discipline in your life: master any skill or challenge by learning to love the process [i]
  175. () Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
  176. () Creating optimal work environments: exploring teacher flow experiences [d]
  177. () Conditioning for dance: training for peak performance in all dance forms [i]
  178. () You're on!: consulting for peak performance [i] [d]
  179. () The intercultural performance handbook [i]
  180. () Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
  181. Larisa V. Shavinina & Michel Ferrari [ed] () Beyond knowledge: extracognitive aspects of developing high ability [i] [d]
  182. Ann Cooper Albright & David Gere [ed] () Taken by surprise: a dance improvisation reader [i]
  183. () Noise and mental performance: personality attributes and noise sensitivity [p] [u]
  184. () Executive charisma [i]
  185. Daniel Bowling & David A. Hoffman [ed] () Bringing peace into the room: how the personal qualities of the mediator impact the process of conflict resolution [i]
  186. () Tracing the footprints: documenting the process of performance [i]
  187. () The happy workaholic: a role model for employees [d] [j]
  188. () More balls than hands: juggling your way to success by learning to love your mistakes [i]
  189. () Leadership presence: dramatic techniques to reach out, motivate, and inspire [i]
  190. () Research, performance, and doing human geography: some reflections on the diary-photograph, diary-interview method [d]
  191. () The perfect wrong note: learning to trust your musical self [i]
  192. () The film director's intuition: script analysis and rehearsal techniques [i]
  193. () Practicing perfection: memory and piano performance [i] [d]
  194. () The vision of a champion: advice and inspiration from the world's most successful women's soccer coach [i]
  195. () Performance success: performing your best under pressure [i] [d]
  196. () Leading teams: setting the stage for great performances [i]
  197. Michael Kellmann [ed] () Enhancing recovery: preventing underperformance in athletes [i]
  198. () Morgan O'Hara: live transmissions: attention and drawing as time-based performance [i]
  199. Nicole Potter, Mary Fleischer, & Barbara Adrian [ed] (/2016) Movement for actors [i]
  200. () Between director and actor: strategies for effective performance [i]
  201. () Battling doubt by avoiding practice: the effects of stereotype threat on self-handicapping in White athletes [d]
  202. Nathan Stucky & Cynthia Wimmer [ed] () Teaching performance studies [i]
  203. () Body, voice, imagination: a training for the actor [i]
  204. () Now, discover your strengths [i]
  205. Rocco Dal Vera [ed] () The voice in violence: and other contemporary issues in professional voice and speech training [i]
  206. () Taking center stage: masterful public speaking using acting skills you never knew you had [i]
  207. () Fight your fear and win: seven skills for performing your best under pressure—at work, in sports, on stage [i]
  208. () Time-geography matters [i] [d]
  209. () The performer's guide to the collaborative process [i]
  210. () Post-Cagean aesthetics and the 'event' score [j]
  211. (/2002) The body speaks: performance and expression [i]
  212. () Auditioning: an actor-friendly guide [i]
  213. () Experience design: a manifesto for the creation of experiences [i]
  214. () The singing and acting handbook: games and exercises for the performer [i]
  215. () It's not what you say, it's how you say it [i]
  216. () Performativity and the event: enacting a philosophy of difference [d]
  217. () Tuning and practicing the therapeutic instrument: the therapist's life experience [d]
  218. () The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
  219. (/2009) Voice for performance [i]
  220. () Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model: emotion–performance relationship in sport [i]
  221. Yuri L. Hanin [ed] () Emotions in sport [i]
  222. () Successful and poor performance and emotions [i]
  223. () Human performance: cognition, stress, and individual differences [i] [d]
  224. () The fit executive: exercise and diet guidelines for enhancing performance [j]
  225. () Performing live: aesthetic alternatives for the ends of art [i] [d] [j]
  226. () Performing the (sound)world [d]
  227. () Creating rituals for the non-religious [i] [d]
  228. () An acrobat of the heart: a physical approach to acting inspired by the work of Jerzy Grotowski [i]
  229. Ian Bruce Watson [ed] (/2001) Performer training: developments across cultures [i]
  230. () The mental edge: maximize your sports potential with the mind-body connection [i]
  231. () Creating confidence: how to develop your personal power and presence [i]
  232. () Action coaching: how to leverage individual performance for company success [i]
  233. () Buddhism as/in performance: analysis of meditation and theatrical practice [i]
  234. () The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage [i]
  235. () Moves: a sourcebook of ideas for body awareness and creative movement [i]
  236. () Perfect presentations: the essential guide to thinking and working smarter [i]
  237. () Why people gesture when they speak [p] [d]
  238. () Movement: from person to actor to character [i]
  239. () The confident performer [i]
  240. (/2009) First things fast: a handbook for performance analysis [i]
  241. () Social anxiety and its effects on performance and perception [p] [d]
  242. () The pale of words: reflections on the humanities and performance [i]
  243. () Do not go naked into your next presentation: nifty little nuggets to quiet the nerves and please the crowd [i]
  244. () Stress for success: the proven program for transforming stress into positive energy at work [i]
  245. () Avoiding the demonstration of lack of ability: an underexplored aspect of goal theory [d]
  246. R. Keith Sawyer [ed] () Creativity in performance [i]
  247. () Teatro legislativo [i]
  248. (/1998) Legislative theatre: using performance to make politics [i]
  249. () An unused intelligence: physical thinking for 21st century leadership [i]
  250. K. Anders Ericsson [ed] () The road to excellence: the acquisition of expert performance in the arts and sciences, sports, and games [i]
  251. () Dance imagery for technique and performance [i]
  252. (/1998) Be heard now!: tap into your inner speaker and communicate with ease [i]
  253. (/2005) Make your voice heard: an actor's guide to increased dramatic range through vocal training [i]
  254. () Effect of comfort on mood states affecting performance [d]
  255. (/2005) Mental training for peak performance: top athletes reveal the mind exercises they use to excel [i]
  256. () The assessment of professional competence: developments, research and practical implications [d]
  257. () Effortless mastery: liberating the master musician within [i]
  258. () Personal problem solving in a simulated setting: do perceptions accurately reflect behavior? [d]
  259. () Going public: a practical guide to developing personal charisma [i]
  260. () 101 stupid things trainers do to sabotage success [i]
  261. () Action theater: the improvisation of presence [i]
  262. () The musical life: reflections on what it is and how to live it [i]
  263. Mady Schutzman & Jan Cohen-Cruz [ed] () Playing Boal: theatre, therapy, activism [i]
  264. (/2007) Acting lessons for teachers: using performance skills in the classroom [i]
  265. () The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance [d]
  266. (/2003) Essays on the blurring of art and life [i]
  267. () Persona and performance: the meaning of role in drama, therapy, and everyday life [i]
  268. (/1998) Rituals for our times: celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and our relationships [i]
  269. James A. Pershing [ed] (/2006) Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices, and potential [i]
  270. () The radiant performer: the spiral path to performing power [i]
  271. () The listening book: discovering your own music [i]
  272. () Be a mime! [i]
  273. (/2008) In pursuit of excellence [i]
  274. () The role of evaluative self-schemata in cognitive processing and performance: the impact on self-efficacy, self-evaluation and task outcome [d]
  275. (/1999) Acting skills for life [i]
  276. () Arousal and physiological toughness: implications for mental and physical health [d]
  277. () Managing as a performing art: new ideas for a world of chaotic change [i]
  278. () Conversational performance and the performance of conversation [d] [j]
  279. () Present yourself! [i]
  280. (/1999) The voice book: for everyone who wants to make the most of their voice [i]
  281. () The inner game of music [i]
  282. (/2003) The mental athlete [i]
  283. (/1995) The knowing body: the artist as storyteller in contemporary performance [i]
  284. () Choices: making an art of everyday life [i]
  285. () A critical, objective review of performance feedback [d]
  286. (/1991) Dalcroze today: an education through and into music [i]
  287. (/2017) Reframing organizations: artistry, choice, and leadership [i] [d]
  288. () Peak performance: mental training techniques of the world's greatest athletes [i]
  289. (/2009) Periodization: theory and methodology of training [i]
  290. (/2003) The real experiment [i]
  291. () Ojibway ceremonies [i]
  292. William Thomas Singleton [ed] () Compliance and excellence [i]
  293. William Thomas Singleton [ed] () The analysis of practical skills [i] [d]
  294. (/1997) The inner game of tennis [i]
  295. () Teaching and learning as performing arts = Lehren und Lernen als Auffuehrungskuenste [o]
  296. () On-line computer augmentation of bio-feedback processes [p] [d]
  297. (/2000) Grapefruit: a book of instructions & drawings [i]
  298. (/2002) The concept of mind [i]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
Statistics: authors, journals, publishers
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