How to organize community

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Disagreeing despite the data: the destruction of the factual commons [i]
  2. () Collaborative leadership [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
  3. () Overturning for the common good: membership and mutuality in a world of markets and meritocracy [i] [d]
  4. () Public spheres of the future [i]
  5. () Food activism today: sustainability, climate change, and social justice [i] [d]
  6. () Hope for cynics: the surprising science of human goodness [i]
  7. () The climate crisis: science, impacts, policy, psychology, sociology, and justice [i] [d]
  8. () Centering communities in conservation through asset-based quality of life planning [d] [j]
  9. () Poverty is killing nearly 200,000 Americans a year [u]
  10. () Interfaith community gardening: growing food justice [i] [d]
  11. () Poverty, by America [i]
  12. () Everyday utopia: what 2,000 years of wild experiments can teach us about the good life [i]
  13. () Petrochemical planet: multiscalar battles of industrial transformation [i] [d] [u]
  14. () Smaller cities in a shrinking world: learning to thrive without growth [i]
  15. () Political disappointment: a cultural history from Reconstruction to the AIDS crisis [i] [d] [j]
  16. () Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
  17. () Sustainable Village Project: the importance of leisure and public space for collective organization [d]
  18. () I feel at home: perspectives of homeless library customers on public library services and social inclusion [d]
  19. () Addressing deep poverty-related stress across multiple levels of intervention [d]
  20. () We need to build: field notes for diverse democracy [i]
  21. () Dream play build: hands-on community engagement for enduring spaces and places [i]
  22. () From the ground up: local efforts to create resilient cities [i]
  23. () Democracy's rebirth: the view from Chicago [i] [d] [j]
  24. () Co-creating public library futures: an emergent manifesto and participatory research agenda [d]
  25. () Radical interoperability is a political agenda: model the world you want to live in [u]
  26. () Care-ful work: an ethics of care approach to contingent labour in the creative industries [d]
  27. () The American Heritage Project: a legacy of public libraries and community discussions [d]
  28. () Revolutionary power: an activist's guide to the energy transition [i]
  29. () White space, black hood: opportunity hoarding and segregation in the age of inequality [i]
  30. () How 10 global cities take on homelessness: innovations that work [i] [j]
  31. () Prisms of the people: power and organizing in twenty-first-century America [i] [d]
  32. () Together we rise: how social movements succeed [d]
  33. () The moral ground to view poverty is injustice [i] [d]
  34. () Poorly understood: what America gets wrong about poverty [i] [d]
  35. () The systems work of social change: how to harness connection, context, and power to cultivate deep and enduring change [i] [d]
  36. () Democratization and struggles against injustice: a pragmatist approach to the epistemic practices of social movements [i]
  37. Julie Ann St. John, Susan L. Mayfield-Johnson, & Wandy D. Hernández-Gordon [ed] () Promoting the health of the community: community health workers describing their roles, competencies, and practice [i] [d]
  38. () Imagination and participation: next steps in public library architecture [i]
  39. () The library commons: an imagination and an invocation [u]
  40. () Cultivating healthy trajectories: an experimental study of community gardening and health [p] [d]
  41. () Science is not enough: grassroots and bottom-up action in urban ecology [i] [d]
  42. () The public library as a protective factor: an introduction to library social work [d]
  43. () Food deserts, libraries, and urban communities: what is the connection? [d]
  44. () Disrupting market-based predatory development: race, class, and the underdevelopment of Black neighborhoods in the U.S. [d]
  45. () The changing role of libraries: how social workers can help [d]
  46. () Vacant to vibrant: creating successful green infrastructure networks [i] [d]
  47. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  48. () Climate action planning: a guide to creating low-carbon, resilient communities [i] [d]
  49. () Designing with society: a capabilities approach to design, systems thinking and social innovation [i] [d]
  50. () Safety net policies, child poverty, and development across the lifespan [d]
  51. () Facilitating collective psychosocial resilience in the public in emergencies: twelve recommendations based on the social identity approach [p] [d] [u]
  52. () Legislature by lot: transformative designs for deliberative governance [i]
  53. () Beaten down, worked up: the past, present, and future of American labor [i]
  54. () From the inside out: the fight for environmental justice within government agencies [i] [d]
  55. () The making of a democratic economy: building prosperity for the many, not just the few [i]
  56. Paul R. Lachapelle & Don Albrecht [ed] () Addressing climate change at the community level in the United States [i] [d]
  57. () Oblique politics: Julia Wright Merrill and the Public Library Extension Committee, 1925–1946 [d]
  58. () Fugitive libraries [d] [u]
  59. () Flint fights back: environmental justice and democracy in the Flint water crisis [i] [d]
  60. () Top ten challenges facing public libraries [d]
  61. () Public libraries and 21st century digital equity goals [d]
  62. () Vulnerability and meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness in public libraries [d]
  63. () The mystery of the kibbutz: egalitarian principles in a capitalist world [or: The mystery of the kibbutz: how egalitarian principles survived in a capitalist world] [i] [d] [j]
  64. () One person, no vote: how voter suppression is destroying our democracy [i]
  65. () An economy of well-being: common-sense tools for building genuine wealth and happiness [i]
  66. () Awakening democracy through public work: pedagogies of empowerment [i] [j]
  67. () Corruption & state capture: what can citizens do? [d] [j]
  68. () Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries [u]
  69. () The capability approach in practice: a new ethics for setting development agendas [i] [d]
  70. () More than a paycheck [employee ownership] [u]
  71. () Deliberative democracy as a reform movement [i] [d]
  72. () Toward a holistic sustainable and happy neighborhood development assessment tool: a critical review of relevant literature [d]
  73. () Preserving for a more just future: tactics of activist data archiving [i] [d]
  74. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  75. () Rebuilding public institutions together: professionals and citizens in a participatory democracy [i] [d] [j]
  76. () Complexity management and multi-scale governance: a case study in an Amazonian indigenous association [d]
  77. () Democracy when the people are thinking: revitalizing our politics through public deliberation [i] [d]
  78. () The one-way street of integration: fair housing and the pursuit of racial justice in American cities [i] [d] [j]
  79. Vera Gubnitskaia & Carol Smallwood [ed] () The relevant library: essays on adapting to changing needs [i]
  80. () Renewing democracy in young America [i] [d]
  81. () Promoting spatial inclusion: how everyday places signal who is welcome [i] [d]
  82. () Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector [d]
  83. () Emotions in everyday life during social movements: prospective predictions of mental health [p] [d]
  84. () Community-based action for food justice [i] [d]
  85. () Palaces for the people: how social infrastructure can help fight inequality, polarization, and the decline of civic life [i]
  86. () Why libraries still matter: to restore civil society, start with the library [u]
  87. () The meaning of freelance community [u]
  88. () The divided city: poverty and prosperity in urban America [i] [d]
  89. () What is community operational research? [d]
  90. () Protest state: the rise of everyday contention in Latin America [i] [d]
  91. () Paths of recruitment: rational social prospecting in petition canvassing [d] [j]
  92. Ashley E. Nickels & Jason David Rivera [ed] () Community development and public administration theory: promoting democratic principles to improve communities [i] [d]
  93. () Alinsky style organizing [and its limitations] [i] [d]
  94. () 'We will not perish; we're going to keep flourishing': race, food access, and geographies of self-reliance [d]
  95. () Creating participatory democratic decision-making in local organizations [i] [d]
  96. () Fighting systemic corruption: the indirect strategy [d] [j]
  97. (/2024) The practical handbook of library architecture: creating building spaces that work [i]
  98. () Everything for everyone: the radical tradition that is shaping the next economy [i]
  99. () Self help organized through mutual assistance in helping communities [i] [d]
  100. () Financial capability and asset building in vulnerable households: theory and practice [i]
  101. () Daily occupations, routines, and social participation of homeless young people [d]
  102. (/2019) Dewey's pragmatic politics: power, limits, and realism about democracy as a way of life [i] [d]
  103. () Collaborative connections: designing library services for the urban poor [d]
  104. () Systemic lean intervention: enhancing lean with community operational research [d]
  105. Nina Wallerstein, Bonnie Duran, John G. Oetzel, & Meredith Minkler [ed] () Community-based participatory research for health: advancing social and health equity [i]
  106. () Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
  107. () A cook's tour: towards a framework for measuring the social impact of social purpose organisations [d]
  108. () Resilience for all: striving for equity through community-driven design [i] [d]
  109. () Spontaneous emergence of community OR: self-initiating, self-organising problem structuring mediated by social media [community operational research] [d]
  110. Alison Hope Alkon & Julie Guthman [ed] () The new food activism: opposition, cooperation, and collective action [i] [d] [j]
  111. () Places in need: the changing geography of poverty [i] [j]
  112. () The color of money: Black banks and the racial wealth gap [i]
  113. () Space and the social worth of public libraries [d]
  114. () Polycentric governance approaches for a low-carbon transition: the roles of community-based energy initiatives in enhancing the resilience of future energy systems [i] [d]
  115. Meg A. Bond, Irma García de Serrano, & Christopher Keys [ed] () APA handbook of community psychology [i] [d]
  116. () Communication activism [i] [d]
  117. () Asset-based community maps: a tool for expanding resources in community health programs [d]
  118. () Integration as a means of restoring democracy and opportunity [u]
  119. () Social entrepreneurship as emancipatory work [d]
  120. () Increasing overall well-being is salient in treating homelessness [p] [d]
  121. () To what ends, by which means? [library makerspaces] [u]
  122. Patrick Dolan & Nick Frost [ed] () The Routledge handbook of global child welfare [i] [d]
  123. () Not a crime to be poor: the criminalization of poverty in America [i]
  124. () Teaching the art and craft of drafting public law: statutes, rules, and more [u]
  125. Richard J. Estes & M. Joseph Sirgy [ed] () The pursuit of human well-being: the untold global history [i] [d]
  126. () Corruption: what everyone needs to know [i]
  127. () The hidden rules of race: barriers to an inclusive economy [i] [d]
  128. () Creating healthy neighborhoods: evidence-based planning and design strategies [i]
  129. () All the community's a stage: the public library's part in community information provision [d]
  130. () Permanent patients: hospital discharge planning meets housing insecurity [p] [d]
  131. August John Hoffman [ed] () Creating a transformational community: the fundamentals of stewardship activities [i]
  132. () Disobedient markets: street vendors, enforcement, and state intervention in collective action [d]
  133. () The health of newcomers: immigration, health policy, and the case for global solidarity [i] [d]
  134. () Transforming communities: how people like you are healing their neighborhoods [i]
  135. Richard R. John & Kim Phillips-Fein [ed] () Capital gains: business and politics in twentieth-century America [i] [d] [j]
  136. () The public library movement, the digital library movement, and the large-scale digitization initiative: assumptions, intentions, and the role of the public [d] [j]
  137. () The captured economy: how the powerful enrich themselves, slow down growth, and increase inequality [i]
  138. () Between means and ends: reconstructing coercion in Dewey's democratic theory [d]
  139. () Engaging families in public libraries [d]
  140. () Influencing social policy: applied psychology serving the public interest [i] [d]
  141. () Will SOAR really help organization development soar?: an invited reaction to Zarestky and Cole, 2017 [d]
  142. () Growing food, growing consciousness: gardening and social justice in Grand Rapids, Michigan [d]
  143. () Jackson rising: the struggle for economic democracy and Black self-determination in Jackson, Mississippi [i]
  144. () Educating girls: the key to tackling global poverty [u]
  145. (/2020) Democracy in America?: what has gone wrong and what we can do about it [i] [d]
  146. () 'Gimme shelter': the role of democracy and institutional quality in disaster preparedness [d]
  147. () The primacy of social support [in religion] [d]
  148. () On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
  149. () Keeping the faith [u]
  150. () Creating change through arts, culture, and equitable development: a policy and practice primer [o] [u]
  151. () The library book [i]
  152. () Toxic inequality: the true costs of poverty and racial injustice for America's families [i]
  153. () Brief notes on librarian as designer [u]
  154. () The social safety net after welfare reform: recent developments and consequences for household dynamics [d]
  155. () The autonomous city: a history of urban squatting [i]
  156. () A new approach to conservation: using community empowerment for sustainable well-being [d]
  157. () Communities in action: pathways to health equity [i] [d] [u]
  158. () Awakening together: the spiritual practice of inclusivity and community [i]
  159. () Globalization and the retreat of citizen participation in collective action: a challenge for public administration [d]
  160. () Identifying, treating, and preventing childhood trauma in rural communities [i]
  161. () Green fairs as venues for civic engagement [d]
  162. Sandra L. Barnes, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Bernadette Doykos, Nina C. Martin, & Alison McGuire [ed] () Academics in action!: a model for community-engaged research, teaching, and service [i] [d] [j]
  163. Bernardo Bátiz Lazo & Leonidas Efthymiou [ed] () The book of payments: historical and contemporary views on the cashless society [o] [d]
  164. () Rules for revolutionaries: how big organizing can change everything [i]
  165. () Digital detachment: how computer culture undermines democracy [i] [d]
  166. David Brady & Linda M. Burton [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the social science of poverty [i] [d]
  167. () Conceptualizing and operationalizing human wellbeing for ecosystem assessment and management [d]
  168. () More than just food: food justice and community change [i] [d] [j]
  169. () Toward a more just approach to poverty simulations [d]
  170. () Data visualization [in community-based research] [i] [d]
  171. () The internet of places at community-scale: design scenarios for hyperlocal neighborhood [i] [d]
  172. () Beyond viral: the proliferation of social media usage has not resulted in significant social change [d]
  173. () Meet them in the moment: engaging public library patrons when it matters most [d] [u]
  174. () Deconstructing the mission: a critical content analysis of public library mission statements [d]
  175. Lisa J. Crockett & Gustavo Carlo [ed] () Rural ethnic minority youth and families in the United States: theory, research, and applications [i] [d]
  176. () Over the hill to the poor farm: rural history almost forgotten [u]
  177. () Community wealth building forms: what they are and how to use them at the local level [d]
  178. () Political dynamics of transnational agrarian movements [i] [d]
  179. () Facilitating PPGIS through university libraries [d]
  180. () Democracy reinvented: participatory budgeting and civic innovation in America [i] [j]
  181. () Creating and promoting lifelong learning in public libraries: tools and tips for practitioners [i]
  182. () Our renewable future: laying the path for 100% clean energy [i] [d]
  183. () What we learned: we really need a plan; no, lots of them [i] [d]
  184. () The paradox and the promise: perspectives on the future of public libraries [d]
  185. () The new librarianship field guide [i] [d] [j]
  186. () No shortcuts: organizing for power in the new gilded age [i] [d]
  187. () Counter-mapping for social justice [i] [d]
  188. Miodrag Mitrašinović [ed] () Concurrent urbanities: designing infrastructures of inclusion [i] [d]
  189. () Beyond books: public libraries as partners for population health [p] [d]
  190. () Envisioning libraries as collaborative community anchors for social service provision to vulnerable populations [d]
  191. Bonnie K. Nastasi & Amanda P. Borja [ed] () International handbook of psychological well-being in children and adolescents: bridging the gaps between theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  192. () How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
  193. () Housing first: ending homelessness, transforming systems, and changing lives [i] [d]
  194. () How did Plainsong Farm come to be? [u]
  195. () Social networks, strategic doing, and sustainable management of local food systems [i] [d]
  196. () The neo-humanitarians: assessing the credibility of organized volunteer crisis mappers [d]
  197. () Becoming ecological citizens: connecting people through performance art, food matter and practices [d]
  198. () Good neighbors: the democracy of everyday life in America [i] [d] [j]
  199. () Group model-building to support public policy: addressing a conflicted situation in a problem neighbourhood [d]
  200. () Scenescapes: how qualities of place shape social life [i] [d]
  201. () The power to heal: civil rights, Medicare, and the struggle to transform America's health care system [i]
  202. () Why are some individuals more resilient than others: the role of social support [d]
  203. () What works in girls' education: evidence for the world's best investment [i] [j]
  204. () Librarians as stewards of place [d]
  205. () Public library support of families experiencing homelessness [d]
  206. () Gamification as motivation to engage in location-based public participation? [i] [d]
  207. () The library as center of meaning [d]
  208. Ronald E. Anderson [ed] () World suffering and quality of life [i] [d]
  209. () Historical ecology and ethnobiology: applied research for environmental conservation and social justice [d] [j]
  210. Ralph L. Bangs & Larry E. Davis [ed] () Race and social problems: restructuring inequality [i] [d]
  211. () Equity, growth, and community: what the nation can learn from America's metro areas [i] [d] [j]
  212. () The food activist handbook: big & small things you can do to help provide fresh, healthy food for your community [i]
  213. () The nurture effect: how the science of human behavior can improve our lives and our world [i]
  214. () Start a revolution: stop acting like a library [i]
  215. () Data visualization: an untapped potential for political participation and civic engagement [i] [d]
  216. Harry C. Boyte [ed] () Democracy's education: public work, citizenship, & the future of colleges and universities [i] [j]
  217. () The game of social life: an assessment of a multidimensional poverty simulation [d]
  218. () Helping members of the community manage their digital lives: developing a personal digital archiving workshop [d]
  219. () Institutions as incentives for civic action: bureaucratic structures, civil society, and disruptive protests [d]
  220. () Libraries as transitory workspaces and spatial incubators [d]
  221. () Transforming libraries, building communities: the community-centered library [i]
  222. () Putting the public back into governance: the challenges of citizen participation and its future [d]
  223. () Lean startups for social change: the revolutionary path to big impact [i]
  224. () Making beauty, making meaning, making community [i] [d]
  225. () Places of inequality, places of possibility: mapping 'opportunity in geography' across urban school-communities [d]
  226. () Fracking the neighborhood: reluctant activists and natural gas drilling [i] [d]
  227. () Counter-recruitment and the campaign to demilitarize public schools [i] [d]
  228. () Everybody eats: using hunger banquets to teach about issues of global hunger and inequality [d]
  229. () Libraries at the crossroads: the public is interested in new services and thinks libraries are important to communities [o] [u]
  230. () Libraries, human rights, and social justice: enabling access and promoting inclusion [i]
  231. () The emotional logic of capitalism: what progressives have missed [i] [d]
  232. () Civic ecology: adaptation and transformation from the ground up [i] [d]
  233. () Map power and map methodologies for social justice [j]
  234. () Tactical urbanism: short-term action for long-term change [i] [d]
  235. () Open maps for everyone [u]
  236. () The health gap: the challenge of an unequal world [i]
  237. Anthony J. Masys [ed] () Disaster management: enabling resilience [i] [d]
  238. () 'I got to try to give back': how reciprocity norms in a poor people's organization influence members' social capital [d]
  239. () The construction of community understandings of sexual violence: rethinking public, practitioner and policy discourses [d]
  240. () Digital humanitarians: how big data is changing the face of humanitarian response [i] [d]
  241. () Letting youths choose for themselves: concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning [p] [d]
  242. () Designing online communities: how designers, developers, community managers, and software structure discourse and knowledge production on the Web [i]
  243. () BiblioTech: why libraries matter more than ever in the age of Google [i]
  244. () 'Let the discussion continue, of course, but let the organizing begin': a praxis response [d]
  245. () Telling a story that must be heard: participatory indicators as tools for community empowerment [d]
  246. Fernando Santos-Granero [ed] () Images of public wealth or the anatomy of well-being in indigenous Amazonia [i] [j]
  247. () Community health systems as complex adaptive systems: ontology and praxis lessons from an urban health experience with demonstrated sustainability [d]
  248. Aaron Schutz & Mike Miller [ed] () People power: the community organizing tradition of Saul Alinsky [i]
  249. () Living with difference: how to build community in a divided world [i] [d] [j]
  250. () The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
  251. Max O. Stephenson Jr. & A. Scott Tate [ed] () Arts and community change: exploring cultural development policies, practices and dilemmas [i] [d]
  252. () Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
  253. () Alternative GIS (alt.gis) and the six senses of the new mind: is alt.gis transforming GIS into a liberation technology? [i] [d]
  254. () Emerging GIS themes and the six senses of the new mind: is GIS becoming a liberation technology? [d]
  255. () The divergent city: unequal and uneven development in St. Louis [d]
  256. () America's urban future: lessons from north of the border [i] [d]
  257. () Enacting resilience: a performative account of governing for urban resilience [d]
  258. () Music/city: American festivals and placemaking in Austin, Nashville, and Newport [i] [d]
  259. () Promoting participatory community building in refugee camps with mapping technology [i] [d]
  260. () Neighborhood as refuge: community reconstruction, place remaking, and environmental justice in the city [i] [d] [j]
  261. () Building the beloved community: Philadelphia's interracial civil rights organizations and race relations, 1930–1970 [i] [j]
  262. () With a little help from our friends: creating community as we grow older [i]
  263. () The fight for ethical fashion: the origins and interactions of the clean clothes campaign [i]
  264. () Promoting integrated approaches to reducing health inequities among low-income workers: applying a social ecological framework [d]
  265. () Performance management in local government: the application of system dynamics to promote data use [d]
  266. () NGOs, political protest, and civil society [i] [d]
  267. () The public library as therapeutic landscape: a qualitative case study [d]
  268. () Moving beyond neighborhood: activity spaces and ecological networks as contexts for youth development [p] [u]
  269. () Place, not race: a new vision of opportunity in America [i]
  270. () Low impact living: a field guide to ecological, affordable community building [i] [d]
  271. () Complexity and the art of public policy: solving society's problems from the bottom up [i] [d] [j]
  272. () Seed libraries: and other means of keeping seeds in the hands of the people [i]
  273. Mhairi A. Gibson & David W. Lawson [ed] () Applied evolutionary anthropology: Darwinian approaches to contemporary world issues [i] [d]
  274. () Teaching poverty with geographic visualization and geographic information systems (GIS): a case study of East Buffalo and food access [d]
  275. () More than money: five forms of capital to create wealth and eliminate poverty [i] [d]
  276. () Interactive democracy: the social roots of global justice [i] [d]
  277. () How organizations develop activists: civic associations and leadership in the 21st century [i] [d]
  278. Jody Heymann & Magda Barrera [ed] () Ensuring a sustainable future: making progress on environment and equity [i] [d]
  279. () Resource caravans and resource caravan passageways: a new paradigm for trauma responding [d]
  280. () Community based system dynamics [i] [d]
  281. () Public libraries, public policies, and political processes: serving and transforming communities in times of economic and political constraint [i]
  282. () Value-focused thinking for community-based organizations: objectives and acceptance in local development [d]
  283. () Capitalism v. democracy: money in politics and the free market constitution [i] [d]
  284. () Work organization, job insecurity, and occupational health disparities [d]
  285. () A systemic approach to civic action [i] [j]
  286. Helena Águeda Marujo & Luis Miguel Neto [ed] () Positive nations and communities: collective, qualitative and cultural-sensitive processes in positive psychology [i] [d]
  287. () Library as infrastructure: reading room, social service center, innovation lab: how far can we stretch the public library? [d] [u]
  288. () Behind the white picket fence: power and privilege in a multiethnic neighborhood [i]
  289. () Governing refugees: justice, order, and legal pluralism [i] [d]
  290. () Foodscapes and the geographies of poverty: sustenance, strategy, and politics in an urban neighborhood [d]
  291. () Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness [d]
  292. () Connecting to change the world: harnessing the power of networks for social impact [i]
  293. Sandra Prince-Embury & Donald H. Saklofske [ed] () Resilience interventions for youth in diverse populations [i] [d]
  294. () Does segregation create winners and losers?: residential segregation and inequality in educational attainment [d]
  295. () Lakeshore living: designing lake places and communities in the footprints of environmental writers [i] [j]
  296. () Harnessing reciprocity to promote cooperation and the provisioning of public goods [d]
  297. () The library: big data's boomtown [d]
  298. Peter J. Rentfrow [ed] () Geographical psychology: exploring the interaction of environment and behavior [i] [d]
  299. () Between the remnants of colonialism and the insurgence of self-narrative in constructing participatory social maps: towards a land education methodology [d]
  300. () Why government fails so often: and how it can do better [i] [d] [j]
  301. () Community projects as social activism: from direct action to direct services [i] [d]
  302. () From joy to justice: mixing fun and community building [i] [d]
  303. () Leaders eat last: why some teams pull together and others don't [i]
  304. () Effects of social, economic, and labor policies on occupational health disparities [d]
  305. () Relative deprivation: how subjective experiences of inequality influence social behavior and health [d]
  306. () The social roots of risk: producing disasters, promoting resilience [i] [d]
  307. Laura Westra & Mirian Vilela [ed] () The Earth Charter, ecological integrity and social movements [i] [d]
  308. () The activist learner: inquiry, literacy, and service to make learning matter [i]
  309. () Participatory diagramming for engaging youth in a gender equity and community development dialogue: an African exemplar [u]
  310. () Subaltern empowerment in the geoweb: tensions between publicity and privacy [d]
  311. () Organizing immigrants: meaning generation in the community [d]
  312. () Promoting positive peace one block at a time: lessons from innovative community conferencing programs [i] [d]
  313. () Volunteered geographic information: potential implications for participatory planning [d]
  314. () Living room revolution: a handbook for conversation, community and the common good [i]
  315. () Pharmacy on a bicycle: innovative solutions to global health and poverty [i]
  316. () Public libraries as post-crisis information hubs [d]
  317. () Leadership, violence, and school climate: case studies in creating nonviolent schools [i]
  318. () Associating, mobilizing, politicizing: local developmental agency from without [d]
  319. () Sharing is good: how to save money, time and resources through collaborative consumption [i]
  320. () Women and poverty: psychology, public policy, and social justice [i] [d]
  321. () Education for social change: Highlander education in the Appalachian Mountains and study circles in Sweden [d]
  322. () Public libraries and PBS partnering to enhance civic engagement: a study of a nationwide initiative [d]
  323. () Prevention in psychology: an introduction to the prevention practice kit [i] [d]
  324. () Why unions are going into the co-op business [u]
  325. () Asset assessments and community social work practice [i]
  326. Michael Dudley [ed] () Public libraries and resilient cities [i]
  327. () Volunteer work, informal learning and social action [i] [d]
  328. () More than training: community-based participatory research to reduce injuries among hispanic construction workers [d]
  329. () 'Libraries are the most important public buildings' [interview with architect Francine Houben] [u]
  330. Jan Marie Fritz [ed] () Moving toward a just peace: the mediation continuum [i] [d]
  331. () Lessons from a buried past: settlement women and democratically anchored governance networks [d]
  332. () Enhancing global regulation: exploring alternative financial machinery [i] [d]
  333. () Take back the economy: an ethical guide for transforming our communities [i] [d] [j]
  334. () From collective bargaining to social justice certification: workers' rights in the American meatpacking industry [d]
  335. () Interpersonal social work skills for community practice [i]
  336. () Why do we (still) lack data on policing? [u]
  337. Stephen J. Hartnett, Eleanor Novek, & Jennifer K. Wood [ed] () Working for justice: a handbook of prison education and activism [i] [j]
  338. Dietrich Henckel, Susanne Thomaier, Benjamin Könecke, Roberto Zedda, & Stefano Stabilini [ed] () Space–time design of the public city [i] [d]
  339. () Hazard or hardship: crafting global norms on the right to refuse unsafe work [i]
  340. () Fresh fruit, broken bodies: migrant farmworkers in the United States [i] [d] [j]
  341. () Principles of social change [i] [d]
  342. Mary Kaldor & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () The quest for security: protection without protectionism and the challenge of global governance [i] [d] [j]
  343. () Managing emergencies and crises [i]
  344. () Walk and be moved: how walking builds social movements [d]
  345. () Understanding quality of life in a northern, rural climate [d]
  346. Jeffrey A. Kottler, Jon Carlson, & Matt Englar-Carlson [ed] () Helping beyond the fifty minute hour: therapists involved in meaningful social action [i] [d]
  347. () Social isolation of disadvantage and advantage: the reproduction of inequality in urban space [d] [j] [u]
  348. () Missing us: re-visioning psychoanalysis from the perspective of community [i]
  349. () Deliberation, cognitive diversity, and democratic inclusiveness: an epistemic argument for the random selection of representatives [d] [j]
  350. () Public choice theory and overcriminalization [u]
  351. () The need for social policies that support the revitalizing effects of immigration rather than law enforcement initiatives that assume disproportionate immigrant criminality [d]
  352. () Using decision errors to help people help themselves [i] [d] [j]
  353. () Accompanying: pathways to social change [i]
  354. () Neighborhood immigration, violence, and city-level immigrant political opportunities [d]
  355. () Psychological levers of behavior change [i] [d] [j]
  356. () Location-based services in 2030: from sharing to collective action [i] [d]
  357. Laurie Mook [ed] () Accounting for social value [i] [d]
  358. () 'People just need to feel important, like someone is listening': recognising museums' community engagement programmes as spaces of care [d]
  359. () Community development agreements in the mining industry: an emerging global phenomenon [d]
  360. () Power, powerlessness and addiction [i] [d]
  361. () Refining expertise: how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges [i] [d] [j]
  362. () Cooperation, community, and co-ops in a global era [i] [d]
  363. () Developing the next generation of community-based researchers: tips for undergraduate students [d]
  364. () The place of context: a theory and strategy for criminology's hard problems [d]
  365. () Flows, funds and the complexity of deprivation: using concepts from ecological economics for the study of poverty [d]
  366. Eldar Shafir [ed] () The behavioral foundations of public policy [i] [d] [j]
  367. Ruth A. Shapiro [ed] () The real problem solvers: social entrepreneurs in America [i] [d]
  368. () From a disconnected society to an interconnected society [j]
  369. () The social and spatial dynamics of community food production: a landscape approach to policy and program development [d]
  370. () Healthy heroes, magic meals, and a visiting alien: community-led assets-based social marketing [d]
  371. () Conservation social work: the interconnections of biodiversity health and human resilience [i] [d]
  372. () The price of paradise: the costs of inequality and a vision for a more equitable America [i] [j]
  373. () Social strain and executive function across the lifespan: the dark (and light) sides of social engagement [d]
  374. () Use of library space and the library as place [d]
  375. () Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? [d]
  376. () Impact at the 'bottom of the pyramid': the role of social capital in capability development and community empowerment [d]
  377. () Landscapes, spatial justice and learning communities [d]
  378. () Just growth: inclusion and prosperity in America's metropolitan regions [i] [d]
  379. () Science cannot fix this: the limitations of evidence-based practice [d]
  380. Phil Brown, Rachel Morello-Frosch, & Stephen Zavestoski [ed] () Contested illnesses: citizens, science, and health social movements [i] [d] [j]
  381. () Community mapping for intercultural dialogue [u]
  382. () A future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán environmental politics [i]
  383. () Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps [d]
  384. () Slow democracy: rediscovering community, bringing decision making back home [i]
  385. () Building sustainable peace and compassionate community [i] [d]
  386. () Why we need urban health equity indicators: integrating science, policy, and community [p] [d] [u]
  387. () The accountable prison [d]
  388. () Women and poverty in 21st century America [i]
  389. () Passing on the gift as an approach to sustainable development programmes [d]
  390. () What if psychology redesigned the criminal justice system? [i] [d]
  391. () Punishment, participatory democracy, and the jury [i] [d]
  392. () Crime place and pollution: expanding crime reduction options through a regulatory approach [d]
  393. (/2013) Underminers: a guide to subverting the machine [i]
  394. () Startup communities: building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city [i] [d]
  395. () Human behavior and sustainability [d]
  396. () Applied developmental science, social justice, and socio-political well-being [d]
  397. Stephen L. Fisher & Barbara Ellen Smith [ed] () Transforming places: lessons from Appalachia [i] [j]
  398. () Advocacy competency: the helping professional's role in addressing issues of social class [i]
  399. () Lifelong learning in public libraries: principles, programs, and people [i]
  400. () Popular education in times of societal transformation—a Swedish perspective [u]
  401. () Challenging the norm of self-interest: minority influence and transitions to helping norms in work units [d]
  402. () Happy villages and unhappy slums?: understanding happiness determinants in Peru [i] [d]
  403. () Why gender matters to ecological management and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  404. () The problem of policing [u]
  405. Malcolm Harris & Neal Gorenflo [ed] () Share or die: voices of the get lost generation in the age of crisis [i]
  406. () Associations between positive development in late adolescence and social, health, and behavioral outcomes in young adulthood [d]
  407. () Mobilization systems: technologies for motivating and coordinating human action [u]
  408. () Integrating publicly available web mapping tools for cartographic visualization of community food insecurity: a prototype [d]
  409. Jane Carter Ingram, Fabrice DeClerck, & Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio [ed] () Integrating ecology and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  410. () An integrated framework for assessing the value of community-based prevention [i] [d] [u]
  411. () Substitute care entry: the relationship between race or ethnicity and levels of county organization [d]
  412. Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson, & Roger Stough [ed] () Entrepreneurship, social capital and governance: directions for the sustainable development and competitiveness of regions [i] [d]
  413. () Passing the salt: how eating together creates community [u]
  414. () Owning our future: the emerging ownership revolution [i]
  415. Carolyn Bereznak Kenny & Tina Ngaroimata Fraser [ed] () Living indigenous leadership: native narratives on building strong communities [i]
  416. () Why some immigrant neighborhoods are safer than others: divergent findings from Los Angeles and Chicago [d]
  417. () Theatre for change: education, social action and therapy [i]
  418. () Inspiring and training students for social action: renewing a needed tradition [d]
  419. (/2016) Expect more: demanding better libraries for today's complex world [i] [d] [u]
  420. () Business and community approaches to rural development: comparing government-to-local approaches [u]
  421. Jesús Lau, Anna María Tammaro, & Theo J. D. Bothma [ed] () Libraries driving access to knowledge [i] [d]
  422. () Librarians as sustainability advocates, educators and entrepreneurs [i]
  423. () A new geospatial services framework: how disaster preparedness efforts should integrate neogeography [d]
  424. () Framed: America's fifty-one constitutions and the crisis of governance [i] [d]
  425. () A competence bartering platform for learners [i] [d]
  426. () The unheralded power of facilitation to change the world [u]
  427. () Civic empowerment in an age of corporate greed [i] [j]
  428. () Impacting community sustainability through behavior change: a research framework [d]
  429. () Organizing for society: a typology of social entrepreneuring models [d] [j]
  430. () Saving the world: a brief history of communication for development and social change [i] [d] [j]
  431. () Geting equity advocacy results: tools for navigating change [u]
  432. () Confronting criminal law's violence: the possibilities of unfinished alternatives [u]
  433. () Crisis mapping in action: how open source software and global volunteer networks are changing the world, one map at a time [d]
  434. () From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
  435. () Classroom of hope: the voice of one courageous teacher on the US–Mexico border [d]
  436. () Engaging the youth community in environmental management: a participatory approach [u]
  437. () Making maps that matter: situating GIS within community conversations about changing landscapes [d]
  438. () Expresiones de reciprocidad para una economía saludable: los choba-chobas [u]
  439. () The difference culture makes: the competitive advantage of reciprocal, non-monetary exchange [i] [u]
  440. () Wellness as fairness [p] [d]
  441. () Critical psychology and career development: unpacking the adjust–challenge dilemma [d]
  442. () Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
  443. () The activists' handbook: a step-by-step guide to participatory democracy [i]
  444. () Building ties: social capital network analysis of a forest community in a biosphere reserve in Chiapas, Mexico [d]
  445. Rosalie G. Riegle [ed] () Doing time for peace: resistance, family, and community [i]
  446. () Developing networks for community change: exploring the utility of network analysis [d]
  447. () The design activist's handbook: how to change the world (or at least your part of It) with socially conscious design [i]
  448. () Everyone leads: building leadership from the community up [i]
  449. () Governing how we care: contesting community and defining difference in U.S. public health programs [i]
  450. () Building community as social action: an art therapy group with adolescent males [d]
  451. () Rambling through the fields of justice in search of well-being for all [d]
  452. () Civic capacity: building on transformational leadership to explain successful integrative public leadership [d]
  453. () National Geographic FieldScope: a platform for community geography [d]
  454. () Public libraries in the new economy: twenty-first-century skills, the internet, and community needs [d]
  455. () Social happiness: theory into policy and practice [i] [j]
  456. () Stronger together: worker cooperatives as a community economic development strategy [o]
  457. Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi [ed] () Handbook of social resource theory: theoretical extensions, empirical insights, and social applications [i] [d]
  458. () Searching for hope: life at a failing school in the heart of America [i]
  459. Michael Ungar [ed] () The social ecology of resilience: a handbook of theory and practice [i] [d]
  460. () Confronting power: the practice of policy advocacy [i]
  461. Elizabeth M. Vera [ed] () The Oxford handbook of prevention in counseling psychology [i] [d]
  462. () Dimensions of development: history, community, and change in Allpachico, Peru [i] [d]
  463. Norman Walzer & Gisele Hamm [ed] () Community visioning programs: processes and outcomes [i] [d]
  464. () Miles to go before we sleep: racial inequities in health [d]
  465. Barbara Wolfe, William Evans, & Teresa E. Seeman [ed] () The biological consequences of socioeconomic inequalities [i] [j]
  466. () Crisis mapping: the construction of a new interdisciplinary field? [d]
  467. Mark S. Aber, Kenneth I. Maton, & Edward Seidman [ed] () Empowering settings and voices for social change [i]
  468. () Lessons from the kibbutz on the equality–incentives trade-off [d]
  469. () Mental health and global well-being [d]
  470. () Promoting sustainable local and community economic development [i] [d]
  471. () Understanding the dynamics of community engagement of corporations in communities: the iterative relationship between dialogue processes and local protest at the Tintaya copper mine in Peru [d]
  472. () Mobilizing communities to implement evidence-based practices in youth violence prevention: the state of the art [p] [d]
  473. () Testing a measure of organizational learning capacity and readiness for transformational change in human services [d]
  474. () Lessons from San Francisco: health impact assessments have advanced political conditions for improving population health [d]
  475. Robert Biswas-Diener [ed] () Positive psychology as social change [i] [d]
  476. Nisha Botchwey, Andrew L. Dannenberg, & Howard Frumkin [ed] (/2022) Making healthy places: designing and building for well-being, equity, and sustainability [or: Making healthy places: designing and building for health, well-being, and sustainability] [i]
  477. () Crowdsourcing, citizen sensing and sensor web technologies for public and environmental health surveillance and crisis management: trends, OGC standards and application examples [d]
  478. () Constructive politics as public work: organizing the literature [d] [j]
  479. () Designing programs with a purpose: to promote civic engagement for life [d]
  480. () Social licences to operate: for better not for worse; for richer not for poorer?: the impacts of unplanned mining closure for 'fence line' residential communities [d]
  481. () Walking the line: participatory mapping, indigenous rights, and neoliberalism [d]
  482. () Displacing activism?: the impact of international service trips on understandings of social change [d]
  483. Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, & Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha [ed] () The revolution starts at home: confronting intimate violence within activist communities [i]
  484. () Lessons for creative cities from Burning Man: how organizations can sustain and disseminate a creative context [d]
  485. () Why civil resistance works: the strategic logic of nonviolent conflict [i] [j]
  486. () Change of heart: what psychology can teach us about spreading social change [i]
  487. Andrea Cornwall [ed] () The participation reader [i]
  488. Stephen Coyle [ed] () Sustainable and resilient communities: a comprehensive action plan for towns, cities, and regions [i]
  489. () Psychological selection and optimal experience across cultures: social empowerment through personal growth [i] [d]
  490. () Negotiating meaning in a blog-based community: addressing unique, shared, and community problems [i] [d]
  491. Oliver J. Dinius & Angela Vergara [ed] () Company towns in the Americas: landscape, power, and working-class communities [i] [d] [j]
  492. E. Franklin Dukes, Karen Firehock, & Juliana Birkhoff [ed] () Community-based collaboration: bridging socio-ecological research and practice [i]
  493. () Broke but unbroken: grassroots social movements and their radical solutions to poverty [i]
  494. () Restorative justice and democracy: fostering public accountability for criminal justice [d]
  495. () Community centered: 23 reasons why your library is the most important place in town [u]
  496. () Commons, anticommons, semicommons [i] [d]
  497. () Making feminist politics: transnational alliances between women and labor [i] [j]
  498. () What does living in a democracy mean for kids? [d]
  499. () A call for a social network-oriented approach to services for survivors of intimate partner violence [d]
  500. () Shine: using brain science to get the best from your people [i]
  501. Paula E. Hartman-Stein & Asenath La Rue [ed] () Enhancing cognitive fitness in adults: a guide to the use and development of community-based programs [i] [d]
  502. () Weathering the world: recovery in the wake of the tsunami in a Tamil fishing village [i] [d] [j]
  503. () The developmental origins of health [d]
  504. A. H. J. (Bert) Helmsing & Sietze Vellema [ed] () Value chains, social inclusion, and economic development: contrasting theories and realities [i] [d]
  505. Eric Holt-Giménez [ed] () Food movements unite!: strategies to transform our food systems [i]
  506. () Interpreting industry's impacts: micropolitical ecologies of divergent community responses [d]
  507. () The role of community-based strategies in addressing metropolitan segregation and racial health disparities [d]
  508. () Nongovernmental organizations and the forces against them: lessons of the anti-NGO movement [u]
  509. () Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
  510. () Food security: an ecological–social analysis to promote social development [d]
  511. () The atlas of new librarianship [i] [d]
  512. () Time banking and health: the role of a community currency organization in enhancing well-being [d]
  513. () Collections to connections: changing spaces and new challenges in academic library buildings [o] [d] [u]
  514. () The battle for compassion: ethics in an apathetic universe [i]
  515. () Can Joe the plumber support redistribution?: law, social preferences, and sustainable policy design [u]
  516. Roger A. Lohmann & Jon Van Til [ed] () Resolving community conflicts and problems: public deliberation and sustained dialogue [i] [d] [j]
  517. (/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
  518. () 'Needed not wanted': an interdisciplinary examination of the work-related challenges faced by irregular migrants [d]
  519. () Fixing the game: bubbles, crashes, and what capitalism can learn from the NFL [i]
  520. () 'Transforming justice': challenges for restorative justice in an era of punishment-based corrections [d]
  521. (/2014) Healing the heart of democracy: the courage to create a politics worthy of the human spirit [i]
  522. Eric Pardede [ed] () Community-built databases: research and development [i] [d]
  523. () Developing practice competencies: a foundation for generalist practice [i]
  524. Donald A. Ritchie [ed] () The Oxford handbook of oral history [i] [d]
  525. () The campesino-to-campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba: social process methodology in the construction of sustainable peasant agriculture and food sovereignty [p] [d]
  526. () The structural sources of association [d] [j]
  527. () American policing at a crossroads: unsustainable policies and the procedural justice alternative [u]
  528. () Collective action for social change: an introduction to community organizing [i] [d]
  529. () Strategies that public libraries use to build communities [d]
  530. () The role of public libraries in community building [d]
  531. () Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
  532. () A political economy approach to foreign investment and local welfare [d]
  533. () Property and wealth inequality as cultural niche construction [p] [d] [u]
  534. () Imagining personhood differently: person value and autonomist working-class value practices [d]
  535. () Doing poverty: learning outcomes among students participating in the community action poverty simulation program [d]
  536. () The luck of the draw: the role of lotteries in decision-making [i] [d]
  537. () The primacy of society and the failures of law and development [u]
  538. () Empowerment and disempowerment in community development practice: eight roles practitioners play [d]
  539. () Advancing the science of community-level interventions [d]
  540. () Applying Buddhist practices to advocacy: the advocacy–serving model [d]
  541. () Developing preventive mental health interventions for refugee families in resettlement [d]
  542. () Open source church: making room for the wisdom of all [i]
  543. () How can medical anthropologists contribute to contemporary conversations on 'illegal' im/migration and health? [p] [d]
  544. () Community development efforts offer a major opportunity to advance Americans' health [d]
  545. () Creating confidence: how to do social work without destroying people's souls [i]
  546. () Enabling methods for community health mapping in developing countries [d]
  547. () An action research approach to the inclusion of immigrants in work life and local community life: preparation of a participatory realm [d]
  548. () Confronting environmental challenges on the US–Mexico border: long-term community-based research and community service learning in a binational partnership [d]
  549. () Participatory action research and environmental learning: implications for resilient forests and communities [d]
  550. () Libraries build autonomy: a philosophical perspective on the social role of libraries and librarians [u]
  551. () Fostering integrative community leadership [d]
  552. () Social entrepreneurship: what everyone needs to know [i]
  553. Klaus Bosselmann & J. Ronald Engel [ed] () The Earth Charter: a framework for global governance [i]
  554. Louis D. Brown & Scott Wituk [ed] () Mental health self-help: consumer and family initiatives [i] [d]
  555. () Permitting a new mine: insights from the community debate [d]
  556. Robert J. Chaskin [ed] () Youth gangs and community intervention: research, practice, and evidence [i] [d] [j]
  557. () Engaging performance: theatre as call and response [i] [d]
  558. () The roots of the recovery movement in psychiatry: lessons learned [i] [d]
  559. () The moral underground: how ordinary Americans subvert an unfair economy [i]
  560. () Grassroots aerial photography: mapping the BP oil disaster [o]
  561. () Exploring the link between integrated leadership and public sector performance [d]
  562. () Farm together now: a portrait of people, places, and ideas for a new food movement [i]
  563. () Streetworkers, youth violence prevention, and peacemaking in Lowell, Massachusetts: lessons and voices from the community [d]
  564. () Community practice skills: local to global perspectives [i] [j]
  565. () Well-being as discourse: potentials and problems for studies of organizing and health inequalities [d]
  566. () Libraries, low-income people, and social exclusion [d]
  567. () Rethinking the dynamics of rural transformation: performing different development pathways in a Philippine municipality [d] [j]
  568. Larry A. Golemon [ed] () Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
  569. () Beyond the 50-minute hour: increasing control, choice, and connections in the lives of low-income women [d]
  570. Gary P. Green & Ann Goetting [ed] () Mobilizing communities: asset building as a community development strategy [i]
  571. () Community-based production of geographic information using open source software and Web 2.0 [d]
  572. () The placemakers' guide to building community [i] [d]
  573. Alf Hornborg & Andrew K. Jorgensen [ed] () International trade and environmental justice: toward a global political ecology [i]
  574. Paul D. Houston, Alan M. Blankstein, & Robert W. Cole [ed] () Leadership for family and community involvement [i]
  575. () The generative potential of participatory geographic information systems [i] [d]
  576. () Policy networking as capacity building: an analysis of regional road development conflict in Indonesia [d]
  577. () Understanding international social work: a critical analysis [i]
  578. () Hidden talent: tacit skill formation and labor market incorporation of Latino immigrants in the United States [d]
  579. () Creative community organizing: a guide for rabble-rousers, activists, and quiet lovers of justice [i]
  580. Ani Kalayjian & Dominique Eugene [ed] () Mass trauma and emotional healing around the world: rituals and practices for resilience and meaning-making [i]
  581. Sheila B. Kamerman, Shelley A. Phipps, & Asher Ben-Aryeh [ed] () From child welfare to child well-being: an international perspective on knowledge in the service of policy making [i] [d]
  582. () Edible backyards: a qualitative study of household food growing and its contributions to food security [d]
  583. Daniel Lathrop & Laurel Ruma [ed] () Open government: collaboration, transparency, and participation in practice [i]
  584. () What are your priorities right now?: identifying service needs across recovery stages to inform service development [p] [d] [u]
  585. () Scaling up local perceptions of poverty to country level: a proof of concept for rural Honduras [d]
  586. Richard M. Lerner, Willis F. Overton, Michael E. Lamb, & Alexandra M. Freund [ed] () The handbook of life-span development [i] [d]
  587. () The effectiveness of service-learning: it's not always what you think [d]
  588. () Investing in entrepreneurs: a strategic approach for strengthening your regional and community economy [i]
  589. Warren Linds, Linda Goulet, & Ali Sammel [ed] () Emancipatory practices: adult–youth engagement for social and environmental justice [i]
  590. () Culturally proficient education: an asset-based response to conditions of poverty [i]
  591. () Engineering and sustainable community development [i] [d]
  592. () Picnics, participation and power: linking community building to social change [d]
  593. () Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
  594. () The abundant community: awakening the power of families and neighborhoods [i]
  595. () On Gandhi's path: Bob Swann's work for peace and community economics [i]
  596. () Sí se puede: using participatory research to promote environmental justice in a Latino community in San Diego, California [d]
  597. () Reframing the representation debate: going beyond union and non-union options [d] [j]
  598. Antony Morgan, Erio Ziglio, & Maggie Davies [ed] () Health assets in a global context: theory, methods, action [i] [d]
  599. () The use of robustness analysis for planning actions in a poor Brazilian community [d]
  600. () Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
  601. () Building bridges from the margins: the work of leadership in social change organizations [d]
  602. () Paradox and collaboration in network management [d]
  603. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  604. () Thoughtfully reflective decision making and the accumulation of capital: bringing choice back in [d]
  605. () Divergent social worlds: neighborhood crime and the racial–spatial divide [i] [j]
  606. () Inequality: an underacknowledged source of mental illness and distress [d]
  607. Robert D. Plotnick [ed] () Old assumptions, new realities: ensuring economic security for working families in the 21st century [i] [j]
  608. () 'Physicians to a dying planet': Helen Caldicott, Randall Forsberg, and the anti-nuclear weapons movement of the early 1980s [d]
  609. () Social, economic, and political processes that create built environment inequities: perspectives from urban African Americans in Atlanta [p] [d]
  610. () Fundamentalism in American religion and law: Obama's challenge to patriarchy's threat to democracy [i] [d]
  611. () Business networks and economic development in rural communities in the United States [d]
  612. () Public libraries as impartial spaces in a consumer society: possible, plausible, desirable? [d]
  613. () The social marketing of giving: a framework for public policy intervention [d]
  614. () Mobilizing and managing social capital: on roles and responsibilities of local facilitators in territorial development [d]
  615. () Libraries must remain free and open to all [u]
  616. () Informed social reflection: its development and importance for adolescents' civic engagement [i] [d]
  617. () Agricultural knowledge in urban and resettled communities: applications to social-ecological resilience and environmental education [d]
  618. Lonnie R. Sherrod, Judith Torney-Purta, & Constance A. Flanagan [ed] () Handbook of research on civic engagement in youth [i] [d]
  619. () Participatory sensing: building empowering surveillance [d]
  620. () El rincón de los olvidados: participatory GIS, experiential learning and critical pedagogy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic [d]
  621. Carol Smallwood [ed] () Librarians as community partners: an outreach handbook [i]
  622. () Beyond restorative justice: radical organizing against violence [i] [d]
  623. () Psychology, poverty, and the end of social exclusion: putting our practice to work [i]
  624. () Youth participatory action research groups as school counseling interventions [d] [j]
  625. () Children as citizens and partners in strengthening communities [d]
  626. Gerhard Sonnert & Gerald Holton [ed] () Helping young refugees and immigrants succeed: public policy, aid, and education [i] [d]
  627. () Social problem construction and its impact on program and policy responses [i] [d]
  628. () Blessed are the organized: grassroots democracy in America [i] [d] [j]
  629. () Organizing workers in the space between unions: union-centric labor revitalization and the role of community-based organizations [d]
  630. () Disrupting injustice: principals narrate the strategies they use to improve their schools and advance social justice [d]
  631. () United We Can: resource recovery, place and social enterprise [d]
  632. () What do banks do, what should they do and what public policies are needed to ensure best results for the real economy? [u]
  633. () The role of intentional self regulation, lower neighborhood ecological assets, and activity involvement in youth developmental outcomes [d]
  634. Kieran Walshe, Gill Harvey, & Pauline Jas [ed] () Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: from knowing to doing [i] [d]
  635. () Grassroots mapping: tools for participatory and activist cartography [o] [u]
  636. () Working with and for: student advocates' experience of relationship-centered advocacy with low-income women [d]
  637. () The ballot and the badge: democratic policing [d]
  638. () The culture of Mexican migration [d]
  639. () Women's participation in development programs and food security status [d]
  640. () Advancing out of poverty: social class worldview and its relation to resilience [d]
  641. () Toward a typology for social-ecological systems [d] [u]
  642. () Beyond NGO-ization?: reflections from Latin America [d]
  643. () A vehicle for research: using street sweepers to explore the landscape of environmental community action [i] [d] [u]
  644. Thomas A. Arcury & Sara A. Quandt [ed] () Latino farmworkers in the Eastern United States: health, safety and justice [i] [d]
  645. () Looking beyond traditional volunteer management: a case study of an alternative approach to volunteer engagement in parks and recreation [d]
  646. () Interrogating notions of the powerless oustee [d]
  647. () Fostering family resiliency: a review of the key protective factors [d]
  648. () Participatory organizational change in community-based health and human services: from tokenism to political engagement [p] [d]
  649. () Commodity, gift and mass-gift: on gift-commodity hybrids in advanced mass consumption cultures [d]
  650. () The Sarvodaya Shramadana movement of Sri Lanka: the elephant moves and we begin to understand the whole [d]
  651. () Space for emotion in the spaces of activism [d]
  652. () Photovoice: a review of the literature in health and public health [d]
  653. () Heeding the landscape's usable past: public history in the service of a working waterfront [d]
  654. Mario Cimoli, Giovanni Dosi, & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () Industrial policy and development: the political economy of capabilities accumulation [i] [d]
  655. Nancy Courtney [ed] () Academic library outreach: beyond the campus walls [i]
  656. () The economics and psychology of inequality and human development [d]
  657. () 'In a country as affluent as America, people should be eating': experiences with and perceptions of food insecurity among rural and urban Oregonians [p] [d]
  658. () Community organizing theory and practice: conservative trends, oppositional alternatives [i]
  659. () How festivals nurture resilience in regional communities [i] [d]
  660. () Ending the silence of the Mexican immigrant voice in public education: creating culturally inclusive family–school–community partnerships [d] [j]
  661. () Mapping a better world [u]
  662. () If we can put a man on the moon: getting big things done in government [i]
  663. () Well-being for all: concepts and tools for social cohesion = Le bien-être pour tous: concepts et outils de la cohésion sociale [i]
  664. () The unbounded home: property values beyond property lines [i] [d] [j]
  665. Robert Fisher [ed] () The people shall rule: ACORN, community organizing, and the struggle for economic justice [i]
  666. () The glorious study hall: how libraries nurture a life of the mind [u]
  667. () Of Minutemen and Rebel Clown Armies: reconsidering transformative citizenship [d]
  668. () Catastrophe in the making: the engineering of Katrina and the disasters of tomorrow [i] [d]
  669. () Adolescent community reinforcement approach (A-CRA) [i]
  670. Stephen Goldsmith & Donald F. Kettl [ed] () Unlocking the power of networks: keys to high-performance government [i]
  671. () Facilitating youth participation in a context of forced migration: a photovoice project in northern Uganda [d]
  672. () Escaping the bondage of the dominant agrifood system: community-based cooperative strategies [u]
  673. () The power of incremental outcomes: how small victories and defeats affect social movement organizations [d]
  674. () Experience-based measures of food and water security: biocultural approaches to grounded measures of insecurity [d]
  675. () Moved to action: motivation, participation, and inequality in American politics [i] [d]
  676. () Firefighters volunteering beyond their duty: an essential asset in rural communities [u]
  677. (/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
  678. Joanna Hoare & Fiona Gell [ed] () Women's leadership and participation: case studies on learning for action [i] [d]
  679. () Community-based advocacy training: applying asset-based community development in resident education [p] [d]
  680. () Towards participatory geographic information systems for community-based environmental decision making [d]
  681. James Jennings & Julia Sheron Jordan-Zachery [ed] () Urban spaces: planning and struggles for land and community [i]
  682. () A new conservation politics: power, organization building, and effectiveness [i]
  683. () Moving beyond developmental paradigms: a case study and analysis of a TfD workshop in Bangladesh [d]
  684. () When brute force fails: how to have less crime and less punishment [i] [d] [j]
  685. Susan Applegate Krouse & Heather Howard-Bobiwash [ed] () Keeping the campfires going: native women's activism in urban communities [i]
  686. () Community-based participatory research shows how a community initiative creates networks to improve well-being [d]
  687. Catherine Lutz [ed] () The bases of empire: the global struggle against U.S. military posts [i]
  688. () Collaborative helping: a practice framework for family-centered services [d]
  689. Carmen Malena [ed] () From political won't to political will: building support for participatory governance [i]
  690. () Earth in our care: ecology, economy, and sustainability [i] [d] [j]
  691. () Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
  692. () Cross-movement coalition formation: bridging the labor–environment divide [d]
  693. () Citizen participation in the making of environmental decisions: evolving obstacles and potential solutions through partnership with experts and agents [u]
  694. () Spatial decision support in a post-disaster environment: a community-focused approach [d]
  695. () Do-it-yourself mobilization: punk and social movements [d]
  696. () Getting to better water quality outcomes: the promise and challenge of the citizen effect [d]
  697. () Frontiers in participatory rural appraisal and participatory learning and action: PRA and PLA in applied research [i]
  698. () Participatory rural appraisal: principles, methods and application [i] [d]
  699. Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, & Scott Fullwiler [ed] () Institutional analysis and praxis: the social fabric matrix approach [i] [d]
  700. (/2017) Resilient cities: overcoming fossil fuel dependence [or: Resilient cities: responding to peak oil and climate change] [i] [d]
  701. Lynn M. Nybell, Jeffrey J. Shook, & Janet L. Finn [ed] () Childhood, youth, and social work in transformation: implications for policy and practice [i] [j]
  702. () 'Life here is just scraping by': livelihood strategies and social networks among peasant households in Honduras [d]
  703. () Responsibility in childhood: three developmental trajectories [d]
  704. () Consensus organizing: a community development workbook: a comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and evaluating community change initiatives [i] [d]
  705. () This could be the start of something big: how social movements for regional equity are reshaping metropolitan America [i] [d] [j]
  706. M. Paloma Pavel [ed] () Breakthrough communities: sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis [i] [d]
  707. Barry Percy-Smith & Nigel Thomas [ed] () A handbook of children and young people's participation: perspectives from theory and practice [i]
  708. () Ethics and accountability in criminal justice: towards a universal standard [i]
  709. () Progressive community organizing: a critical approach for a globalizing world [i]
  710. () Understanding the social economy: a Canadian perspective [i] [j]
  711. () Community campaigns, supply chains, and protecting the health and well-being of workers [d]
  712. () Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services [d]
  713. () Global justice networks: geographies of transnational solidarity [i] [d]
  714. () Why the garden club couldn't save Youngstown: the transformation of the Rust Belt [i]
  715. () When development meets culture and conflict: the challenges and paradoxes of the good samaritan [d]
  716. () Kitchen table sustainability: practical recipes for community engagement with sustainability [i] [d]
  717. () Speakout: the step-by-step guide to speakouts and community workshops [i] [d]
  718. () Belonging through land/scape [d]
  719. () Promoting wellness: integrating community and positive psychology [d]
  720. () Enhancing community leadership negotiation skills to build civic capacity [d]
  721. () Beyond 'Leave No Trace' [d]
  722. () Unite and conquer: how to build coalitions that win—and last [i]
  723. () Investing in democracy: engaging citizens in collaborative governance [i]
  724. () Unanticipated gains: origins of network inequality in everyday life [i] [d]
  725. () Feeding the city: towards a new research and planning agenda [d]
  726. () Toward a cartography of the commons: constituting the political and economic possibilities of place [d]
  727. () The thin book of SOAR: building strengths-based strategy [i]
  728. () Cleaning up water? Or building rural community? Community watershed organizations in Pennsylvania [d]
  729. () Healing spaces: the science of place and well-being [i]
  730. Randy Stoecker, Elizabeth A. Tryon, & Amy Hilgendorf [ed] () The unheard voices: community organizations and service learning [i]
  731. () Nonprofit advocacy and civic engagement on the Internet [d]
  732. () Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action [p] [d]
  733. () The Darien statements on the library and librarians [u]
  734. Toby Alice Volkman, Joan Dassin, & Mary Sabina Zurbuchen [ed] () Origins, journeys and returns: social justice in international higher education [i]
  735. () Connected community and household food-based strategy (CCH-FBS): its importance for health, food safety, sustainability and security in diverse localities [d]
  736. () Beyond the bake sale: a community-based relational approach to parent engagement in schools [d] [u]
  737. () How adolescents come to see themselves as more responsible through participation in youth programs [p] [d] [j]
  738. () Police and their perceived image: how community influence officers' job satisfaction [d]
  739. () Capabilities and social justice: the political philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum [i]
  740. () Connecting hand, mind, and community: vocational education for social and environmental renewal [d] [u]
  741. () The emergence and framing of farm-to-school initiatives: civic engagement, health and local agriculture [d]
  742. () Mapping urban poverty for local governance in an Indian mega-city: the case of Delhi [d]
  743. () Multiple capacities, multiple outcomes: delving deeper into the meaning of community capacity [with asset diagrams] [u]
  744. Pablo Beramendi & Christopher J. Anderson [ed] () Democracy, inequality, and representation: a comparative perspective [i] [j]
  745. () Developing leadership talent [i]
  746. () Mapping dialogue: essential tools for social change [i]
  747. () The twelve-step recovery model of AA: a voluntary mutual help association [p] [d]
  748. (/2012) Community conversations: mobilizing the ideas, skills, and passion of community organizations, governments, businesses, and people [i]
  749. () Democracy as problem solving: civic capacity in communities across the globe [i] [d]
  750. Deborah H. Charbonneau [ed] () Global information inequalities: bridging the information gap [i]
  751. () Community entrepreneurial climate: an analysis of small business owners' perspectives in 12 small towns in Missouri, USA [u]
  752. () Socially responsible entrepreneurs: what do they do to create and build their companies? [d]
  753. () Wellbeing in international development: what's new? [d]
  754. Joseph De Rivera [ed] () Handbook on building cultures of peace [i] [d]
  755. () The household: informal order around the hearth [i] [d] [j]
  756. (/2013) Visualising information for advocacy: an introduction to information design [o] [u]
  757. () Civitas in horto: James Luther Adams and Lowell Welden Livezey at the banquet table of Chicago citizenship [d] [j]
  758. () The librarian as bridge-builder [d]
  759. () Migrant organization and hometown impacts in rural Mexico [d]
  760. () Learning from extant cultures of peace [i] [d]
  761. () Meeting universal human needs as the foundation of individual and social development and of social and global justice [d]
  762. (/2012) From poverty to power: how active citizens and effective states can change the world [i] [d]
  763. () The false paths, the endless labors, the turns now this way and now that: participatory action research, mutual vulnerability, and the politics of inquiry [d]
  764. () Recovering resources—recycling citizenship: urban poverty reduction in Latin America [i]
  765. () The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
  766. () Civic engagement, spatial planning and democracy as a way of life [and comments] [d]
  767. () Building human resilience: the role of public health preparedness and response as an adaptation to climate change [d]
  768. () From local to global empowerment: health promotion in action [i] [d]
  769. () Improving oneself: young people getting ahead in the Peruvian Andes [d]
  770. (/2014) Human rights and social justice in a global perspective: an introduction to international social work [i]
  771. () Employment training for at-risk youth: a program evaluation focusing on changes in psychological well-being [d]
  772. () Post-sustainable development [d]
  773. () Market discipline and management education: a view from a southern women's cooperative [d]
  774. () Community resilience as a metaphor, theory, set of capacities, and strategy for disaster readiness [p] [d]
  775. () Maps for advocacy: an introduction to geographical mapping techniques [i] [u]
  776. () Community psychology: challenges, controversies and emerging consensus [i]
  777. () Market movements: nongovernmental organization strategies to influence global production and consumption [d]
  778. () Escape routes: control and subversion in the twenty-first century [i]
  779. () Community health workers: social justice and policy advocates for community health and well-being [d]
  780. () Facilitating participatory multilevel decision-making by using interactive mental maps [p] [d] [u]
  781. () Fossil fuels and food security: analysis and recommendations for community organizers [d]
  782. () Grocery store attraction strategies: a resource guide for community activists and local governments [o] [u]
  783. Mica Pollock [ed] () Everyday antiracism: getting real about race in school [i]
  784. () Mobilizing the community to help students succeed [i]
  785. () Restoring right relations among privileged and poor people: a case study of the Center for New Creation [d]
  786. () Organising to protect: protecting landscapes and livelihoods in the Nicaraguan hillsides [d] [j]
  787. Pascal C. Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki, & Chesha Wettasinha [ed] () Innovation Africa: enriching farmers' livelihoods [i] [d]
  788. () Challenging hegemonies: advancing collaboration in community-based participatory action research [d]
  789. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  790. (/2015) Rigging the game: how inequality is reproduced in everyday life [i]
  791. () Sustainability education, whole school approaches, and communities of action [i] [d]
  792. () Toward psychologies of liberation [i] [d]
  793. () The handbook of community safety, gender and violence prevention: practical planning tools [i] [d]
  794. () Poverty and peacemaking criminology: beyond mainstream criminology [d]
  795. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part I) [j]
  796. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part II) [j]
  797. () Resistance and compliance in the age of globalization: Indian women and labor organizations [d]
  798. () Keep the best, change the rest: participatory tools for working with communities on gender and sexuality [u]
  799. Etiony Aldarondo [ed] () Advancing social justice through clinical practice [i]
  800. () Survival of the knitted: immigrant social networks in a stratified world [i]
  801. (/2010) Not for sale: the return of the global slave trade—and how we can fight it [i]
  802. () Why place matters: building a movement for healthy communities [o] [u]
  803. () Story telling in sustainable development projects [d]
  804. () A grammar of organizing [i] [d]
  805. () The psychology of working and the advancement of social justice [i]
  806. () Community-based collaboration: an overarching best practice in prevention [d]
  807. () Sharing power: learning-by-doing in co-management of natural resources throughout the world [i] [d]
  808. Sarah Bracking [ed] () Corruption and development: the anti-corruption campaigns [i] [d]
  809. () Using economic human rights in the movement to end poverty: the Kensington Welfare Rights union and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign [i] [j]
  810. () Public library leaders and changing society [d]
  811. () Principles and processes for enhancing sustainable rural livelihoods: collaborative learning in Uganda [d]
  812. () Finding community: how to join an ecovillage or intentional community [i]
  813. () Imprisoning communities: how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse [i]
  814. Ram A. Cnaan & Carl Milofsky [ed] () Handbook of community movements and local organizations [i] [d]
  815. Ram A. Cnaan & Carl Milofsky [ed] (/2018) Handbook of community movements and local organizations in the 21st century [i] [d]
  816. COMPAS [ed] () Learning endogenous development: building on bio-cultural diversity [i] [d] [u]
  817. () Circles of association: the connections of community-based food systems [d]
  818. () The economics of a good party: social mechanics and the legitimization of art/culture [d]
  819. () Creating a recovery-oriented system of behavioral health care: moving from concept to reality [d]
  820. () A community psychology view of environmental organization processes [p] [d]
  821. (/2017) Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization [or: Just culture: balancing safety and accountability] [i] [d]
  822. () Crimes of punishment: America's culture of violence [i]
  823. Jane E. Dutton & Belle Rose Ragins [ed] () Exploring positive relationships at work: building a theoretical and research foundation [i] [d]
  824. () Herd: how to change mass behaviour by harnessing our true nature [i]
  825. () Consensus organizing: building communities of mutual self interest [i] [d]
  826. () A marriage made in heaven?: mismatches and misunderstandings between worker centres and unions [d]
  827. Linda K. Fuller [ed] () Community media: international perspectives [i] [d]
  828. Duncan Gallie [ed] () Employment regimes and the quality of work [i]
  829. () Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography [d]
  830. () 'The struggle made me a nonracialist': why there was so little terrorism in the antiapartheid struggle [d]
  831. () The economics, technology, and neuroscience of human capability formation [p] [d] [u]
  832. C. Clare Hinrichs & Thomas A. Lyson [ed] () Remaking the North American food system: strategies for sustainability [i]
  833. () Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
  834. () Promoting conservation through the arts: outreach for hearts and minds [p] [d] [j]
  835. () Food matters: community food assessments as a tool for change [d]
  836. () Art therapy and social action [i]
  837. () The world we want: new dimensions in philanthropy and social change [i]
  838. () How professionals can add value to their communities and organizations [u]
  839. () Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing: a complementary strategy for improving national mental health [p] [d]
  840. Sara Louise Kindon, Rachel Pain, & Mike Kesby [ed] () Participatory action research approaches and methods: connecting people, participation, and place [i]
  841. Luciano L'Abate [ed] () Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: theory, research, and practice [i]
  842. () Enhancing resilience: families and communities as agents for change [d]
  843. () Health promotion practice: building empowered communities [i]
  844. Linda M. Lobao, Gregory Hooks, & Ann R. Tickamyer [ed] () The sociology of spatial inequality [i]
  845. () The paradox of extralegal activism: critical legal consciousness and transformative politics [j] [u]
  846. () The challenges of implementing community policing in the United States [d]
  847. () Common ground: cultural action as a route to community development [d]
  848. () The new downtown library: designing with communities [i]
  849. () Social exclusion in space and time [i]
  850. () Tools for radical democracy: how to organize for power in your community [i]
  851. () Rebuilding communities: the contribution of integrated literacy and conflict resolution programmes [u]
  852. () Money and liberation: the micropolitics of alternative currency movements [i] [j]
  853. () The citizen-powered energy handbook: community solutions to a global crisis [i]
  854. () Competency in generalist practice: a guide to theory and evidence-based decision making [i]
  855. () Psychopolitical literacy for wellness and justice [d]
  856. Elisabeth Reichert [ed] () Challenges in human rights: a social work perspective [i] [j]
  857. () Constructing a criminal justice system free of racial bias: an abolitionist framework [u]
  858. () The case for developmental methodologies in democratization [d]
  859. () Refocusing crime prevention: collective action and the quest for community [i] [d]
  860. () Taking action, saving lives: our duties to protect environmental and public health [i] [d]
  861. () Governing through crime: how the war on crime transformed American democracy and created a culture of fear [i]
  862. () The Yugoslav experience with workers' councils: a reexamination [d]
  863. () Co-operative identity [u]
  864. () We make change: community organizers talk about what they do—and why [i] [j]
  865. Trapese Collective [ed] () Do it yourself: a handbook for changing our world [i]
  866. () Equity and excellence in the public library: why ignorance is not our heritage [i]
  867. Genevieve Vaughan [ed] () Women and the gift economy: a radically difference worldview is possible [i]
  868. () A new weave of power, people, and politics: the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation [i] [d]
  869. () Advocacy, outreach, and prevention: integrating social action roles in professional training [i]
  870. () Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
  871. () Self-determination: instructional and assessment strategies [i]
  872. () A fatal drifting apart: democratic social knowledge and Chicago reform [i] [j]
  873. () The problems of relative deprivation: why some societies do better than others [p] [d]
  874. Allison Williams [ed] () Therapeutic landscapes [i]
  875. () Reenergizing small communities: a vital role for rural schools [d]
  876. () Resurrecting the village: integration and recovery through a community of care [u]
  877. () Tools together now!: 100 participatory tools to mobilise communities for HIV/AIDS [i]
  878. () Social marketing in the 21st century [i] [d]
  879. () Privilege and disadvantage [u]
  880. () Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  881. Srilatha Batliwala & L. David Brown [ed] () Transnational civil society: an introduction [i]
  882. () The ecology of learning: sustainability, lifelong learning, and everyday life [i] [d]
  883. () The creative community builder's handbook: how to transform communities using local assets, art, and culture [i]
  884. () Building powerful community organizations: a personal guide to creating groups that can solve problems and change the world [i]
  885. () The role and impact of community newsletters in fostering social cohesion and community development [u]
  886. () Leadership for the common good [i]
  887. () Rural leaders, rural places: problem, privilege, and possibility [u]
  888. Patricia M. Burbank [ed] () Vulnerable older adults: health care needs and interventions [i]
  889. () Avoiding ghettos of like-minded people: random selection and organizational collaboration [i]
  890. () Citizen-centered collaborative public management [d]
  891. Gerald W. Creed [ed] () The seductions of community: emancipations, oppressions, quandaries [i]
  892. () The first 90 days in government: critical success strategies for new public managers at all levels [i]
  893. () Reconnecting disadvantaged young men [i]
  894. () Spiraling-up: mapping community transformation with community capitals framework [d]
  895. Paul D. Epstein, Paul M. Coates, Lyle D. Wray, & David Swain [ed] () Results that matter: improving communities by engaging citizens, measuring performance, and getting things done [i]
  896. () Momentum: igniting social change in the connected age [i]
  897. () Worker centers: organizing communities at the edge of the dream [i]
  898. () Engaging families as experts: collaborative family program development [d]
  899. Mike Green, John O'Brien, Henry Moore, Gordon Cunningham, & John McKnight [ed] (/2009) When people care enough to act: ABCD in action [i]
  900. () Make-or-break roles in collaboration leadership [i]
  901. () An empowering approach to managing social service organizations [i]
  902. () Social work practice with Mexican clients: service provision with illegal entrants to the United States [d]
  903. () Storytelling: a workshop for inspiring group action [i]
  904. () Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children [p] [d] [j]
  905. () Fostering dialogue across divides: a nuts and bolts guide from the Public Conversations Project [o]
  906. Jody Heymann, Clyde Hertzman, Morris L. Barer, & Robert G. Evans [ed] () Healthier societies: from analysis to action [i] [d]
  907. () High value forests, hidden economies and elite capture: evidence from forest user groups in Nepal's Terai [d]
  908. () Capacity development and PGIS for land demarcation: innovations from Nicaragua [u]
  909. () A participatory approach to monitoring slum conditions: an example from Ethiopia [u]
  910. () Our undemocratic constitution: where the constitution goes wrong (and how we the people can correct it) [i]
  911. Rachel MacNair [ed] () Working for peace: a handbook of practical psychology and other tools [i]
  912. Christof Mauch, Nathan Stoltzfus, & Douglas R. Weiner [ed] () Shades of green: environmental activism around the globe [i]
  913. () The social nature of recovery: discussion and implications for practice [d]
  914. Vernon Mogensen [ed] () Worker safety under siege: labor, capital, and the politics of workplace safety in a deregulated world [i] [d]
  915. () A conceptual model of community capacity for biodiversity conservation outcomes [d]
  916. (/2017) People and nature: an introduction to human ecological relations [i]
  917. () Building productive roles: occupational therapy in a homeless shelter [d]
  918. () Social entrepreneurship: a critical review of the concept [d]
  919. Nathan Pino & Michael D. Wiatrowski [ed] () Democratic policing in transitional and developing countries [i]
  920. Rutherford H. Platt [ed] () The humane metropolis: people and nature in the 21st-century city [i]
  921. () Promoting well-being: linking personal, organizational, and community change [i]
  922. () Learning and livelihood [u]
  923. () The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
  924. Robert E. Rhoades [ed] () Development with identity: community, culture and sustainability in the Andes [i] [d]
  925. Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] () Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
  926. () The development of collaboration of response to Hurricane Katrina in the Dallas area [d]
  927. () Pass it on!: ready-to-use handouts for asset builders [i]
  928. () Homelessness in rural America: policy and practice [i]
  929. () Building civic capacity in urban neighborhoods: an empirically grounded anatomy [d]
  930. () The birth of development: how the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization, and World Health Organization changed the world, 1945–1965 [i]
  931. Sandy Schuman [ed] () Creating a culture of collaboration: the International Association of Facilitators handbook [i]
  932. () Home is a prison in the global city: the tragic failure of school-based community engagement strategies [d]
  933. () Stories, visions, and values in voluntary organisations [i]
  934. () Rethinking community economic development [d]
  935. () The importance of feeling whole: learning to 'feel connected', community, and adult development [i]
  936. () Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
  937. () Police and community in Chicago: a tale of three cities [i]
  938. () Theory, practice, and public dialogue: a case study in facilitating community transformation [i]
  939. Chris Steyaert & Daniel Hjorth [ed] () Entrepreneurship as social change [i] [d]
  940. () Corporate governance and the Mondragón Cooperatives [d]
  941. Third World Press [ed] () The covenant with Black America [i]
  942. E. Kay M. Tisdall [ed] () Children, young people and social inclusion: participation for what? [i] [d]
  943. () Citizenship, democracy, and the civic reintegration of criminal offenders [d]
  944. () Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools [i]
  945. () Youth participation in photovoice as a strategy for community change [d]
  946. () Psychosocial interventions, or integrated programming for well-being? [d]
  947. () Doing the barter system one better: I'll teach you to throat sing if she teaches me to crochet [u]
  948. (/2008) Companies we keep: employee ownership and the business of community and place [i]
  949. () The organizational structure of local environmentalism [d]
  950. () Radical possibilities: public policy, urban education, and a new social movement [i]
  951. () A reciprocal approach to peacemaking criminology [d]
  952. () Developmentally attentive communities [i] [d]
  953. () Divided over diversity: political discourse in a Chicago neighborhood [d]
  954. () Becoming-forest, becoming-local: transformations of a protected area in Honduras [d]
  955. Chet A. Bowers & Frédérique Apffel-Marglin [ed] () Rethinking Freire: globalization and the environmental crisis [i] [d]
  956. Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, & Melissa Osborne Groves [ed] () Unequal chances: family background and economic success [i] [d] [j]
  957. () Participatory methods in community practice: popular education and participatory rural appraisal [i] [d]
  958. () Polluted promises: environmental racism and the search for justice in a southern town [i] [d] [j]
  959. () Community currency in the United States: the social environments in which it emerges and survives [d]
  960. () Street science: community knowledge and environmental health justice [i] [d]
  961. Stefan Dercon [ed] () Insurance against poverty [i]
  962. Celia B. Fisher & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Encyclopedia of applied developmental science [i] [d]
  963. () Democracy, cooperation and business success: the case of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa [d] [j]
  964. () Using methods that matter: the impact of reflection, dialogue, and voice [p] [d]
  965. Jefferson Fox, Krisnawati Suryanata, & Peter D. Hershock [ed] () Mapping communities: ethics, values, practice [i]
  966. (/2006) The new indicators of well-being and development [i]
  967. () Reflections and mobilizations: dialogues with movements and voluntary organizations [i]
  968. () The case against punishment: retribution, crime prevention, and the law [i]
  969. () Stick your neck out: a street-smart guide to creating change in your community and beyond: service as the path of a meaningful life [i]
  970. Sam Gregory, Gillian Caldwell, Thomas Harding, & Ronit Avni [ed] () Video for change: a guide for advocacy and activism [i]
  971. () Leisure role of public libraries: a historical perspective [d]
  972. () Leisure role of public libraries: user views [d]
  973. () The community health advisor program and the deep South network for cancer control: health promotion programs for volunteer community health advisors [p]
  974. Stanley Hyland [ed] () Community building in the twenty-first century [i]
  975. Barbara A. Israel [ed] (/2013) Methods for community-based participatory research for health [i]
  976. () The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
  977. () Compassionate cities: public health and end-of-life care [i] [d]
  978. () Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
  979. () The development of strategic thinking: learning to impact human systems in a youth activism program [d] [j]
  980. (/2016) Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice [i]
  981. () Class matters: cross-class alliance building for middle-class activists [i]
  982. () Diamond: a struggle for environmental justice in Louisiana's chemical corridor [i]
  983. () Getting the big picture in community science: methods that capture context [p] [d]
  984. Mary McMurran & James McGuire [ed] () Social problem solving and offending: evidence, evaluation, and evolution [i] [d]
  985. () Large group interventions: change as theater [d]
  986. () Community toolbox: consensus building [u]
  987. () Informal learning and the role of social movements [i] [d]
  988. () Who measures change: an introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation of communication for social change [o] [u]
  989. () Post-traumatic factors and resilience: the role of shelter management and survivours' attitudes after the earthquakes in El Salvador (2001) [d]
  990. () Community-based monitoring in support of local sustainability [d]
  991. () Who are the oppressed? [i] [d]
  992. () Waging nonviolent struggle: 20th century practice and 21st century potential [i]
  993. () The use of joyfulness as a community organizing strategy [d]
  994. () From conscientization to interbeing: a personal journey [i] [d]
  995. Madhu Singh [ed] () Meeting basic learning needs in the informal sector: integrating education and training for decent work, empowerment and citizenship [i] [d]
  996. Bertram I. Spector [ed] () Fighting corruption in developing countries: strategies and analysis [i]
  997. () Groups and capabilities [d]
  998. Julia Sudbury [ed] () Global lockdown: race, gender, and the prison-industrial complex [i]
  999. () Assessing strengths, resilience, and growth to guide clinical interventions [d]
  1000. Nick Tilley & Aiden Sidebottom [ed] (/2017) Handbook of crime prevention and community safety [i] [d]
  1001. () But they all come back: facing the challenges of prisoner reentry [i]
  1002. () Invitation to the party: building bridges to the arts, culture, and community [i]
  1003. David Wann [ed] () Reinventing community: stories from the walkways of cohousing [i]
  1004. () Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear [d] [j]
  1005. Marie Weil & Michael Reisch [ed] () Handbook of community practice [i] [d]
  1006. () Local services and amenities, neighborhood social capital, and health [p] [d]
  1007. () Participatory rural communication appraisal: starting with the people: a handbook [i] [u]
  1008. Greg Bankoff, Georg Frerks, & Thea Hilhorst [ed] () Mapping vulnerability: disasters, development, and people [i] [d]
  1009. () Advocating for equitable development: a PolicyLink manual [o] [u]
  1010. () What motivates members to participate in co-operative and mutual businesses? [d]
  1011. () Buddhism at work: community development, social empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement [i]
  1012. () Everyday politics: reconnecting citizens and public life [i] [d] [j]
  1013. () How to document an event [u]
  1014. () Reclaiming development: an alternative economic policy manual [i]
  1015. () Spirituality and community development: exploring the link between the individual and the collective [d]
  1016. () The hidden power of social networks: understanding how work really gets done in organizations [i]
  1017. J. Michael Finger & Philip Schuler [ed] () Poor people's knowledge: promoting intellectual property in developing countries [i]
  1018. () Empowered participation: reinventing urban democracy [i] [d] [j]
  1019. (/2009) The well-connected community: a networking approach to community development [i] [d]
  1020. () The hungry man [i]
  1021. () Social protest and policy change: ecology, antinuclear, and peace movements in comparative perspective [i]
  1022. () The role of religious networks and other factors in types of volunteer work [d]
  1023. () Small change: about the art of practice and the limits of planning in cities [i] [d]
  1024. Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan [ed] () Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development [i]
  1025. () Fugitive and codified knowledge: implications for communities struggling to control the meaning of local environmental hazards [d]
  1026. Christopher Hood, Oliver James, B. Guy Peters, & Colin Scott [ed] () Controlling modern government: variety, commonality, and change [i] [d]
  1027. () Well-being: towards an integration of psychology, neurobiology and social science [p] [d] [u]
  1028. Stephen Joseph [ed] (/2015) Positive psychology in practice: promoting human flourishing in work, health, education, and everyday life [i] [d]
  1029. (/2010) The complete guide to service learning: proven, practical ways to engage students in civic responsibility, academic curriculum, & social action [i]
  1030. () Confrontations with power: moving beyond the 'tyranny of safety' in participation [i]
  1031. () Expanding a community's justice response to sex crimes through advocacy, prosecutorial, and public health collaboration: introducing the RESTORE program [p] [d]
  1032. Carol Levine & Thomas H. Murray [ed] () The cultures of caregiving: conflict and common ground among families, health professionals, and policy makers [i]
  1033. () Civic agriculture: reconnecting farm, food, and community [i]
  1034. David Maurrasse [ed] () A future for everyone: innovative social responsibility and community partnerships [i] [d]
  1035. Gerald Midgley & Alejandro Ochoa-Arias [ed] () Community operational research: OR and systems thinking for community development [i] [d]
  1036. () Failing forward: going beyond PRA and imposed forms of participation [participatory rural appraisal] [i]
  1037. Susan Ichi Su Moon [ed] () Not turning away: the practice of engaged Buddhism [i]
  1038. Amitava Mukherjee [ed] () Participatory rural appraisal: methods and applications in rural planning: essays in honour of Robert Chambers [i]
  1039. Karsten Mündel & Daniel Schugurensky [ed] () Lifelong citizenship learning, participatory democracy and social change [o] [u]
  1040. () Labor and the environmental movement: the quest for common ground [i] [d]
  1041. () Social responsibility as a professional virtue: law, Bourdieu, and community [i] [d]
  1042. () The practice of community family therapy [d]
  1043. () Building community capacity for violence prevention [p] [d]
  1044. T. Laine Scales & Calvin L. Streeter [ed] () Rural social work: building and sustaining community assets [i]
  1045. Wesley G. Skogan, Kathleen Frydl, & National Research Council [ed] () Fairness and effectiveness in policing: the evidence [i] [d] [u]
  1046. () Food justice movements: policy, planning, and networks [d]
  1047. () Is 'empowerment' the answer?: current theory and research on development communication [d]
  1048. () Uneasy alchemy: citizens and experts in Louisiana's chemical corridor disputes [i]
  1049. () Communication and power: REFLECT practical resource materials [o] [u]
  1050. () A framework of asset-accumulation stages and strategies [d]
  1051. () The power of scale: a global history approach [i] [d]
  1052. Marc H. Bornstein, Lucy Davidson, Corey L. M. Keyes, & Kristin A. Moore [ed] () Well-being: positive development across the life course [i] [d]
  1053. () Community development in sustainable livelihoods approaches: an introduction [d]
  1054. (/2009) Plan B 4.0: mobilizing to save civilization [i] [u]
  1055. Devon W. Carbado & Donald Weise [ed] () Time on two crosses: the collected writings of Bayard Rustin [i]
  1056. () Creating a life together: practical tools to grow ecovillages and intentional communities [i]
  1057. () Worlds apart: civil society and the battle for ethical globalization [i]
  1058. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  1059. () Toward building a better brain: neurobehavioral outcomes, mechanisms, and processes of environmental enrichment [i] [d]
  1060. Ed De St. Aubin, Dan P. McAdams, & T'ae-ch'ang Kim [ed] () The generative society: caring for future generations [i] [d]
  1061. () Local knowledge in the hands of transnational NGO networks: a Mexican viewpoint [d]
  1062. () Power of movement ['Successful movements have internal leadership, a powerful voice for the perspectives of those most affected in the public debate, and a strong role in agenda setting and decision making'] [u]
  1063. () Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through coordinated social, emotional, and academic learning [p] [d]
  1064. () The key to sustainable cities: meeting human needs, transforming community systems [i]
  1065. () Joyfully together: the art of building a harmonious community [i]
  1066. () Environmental justice: environmental adult education at the confluence of oppressions [d]
  1067. () Building better health: a handbook of behavioral change [i]
  1068. () Drawing development: analysing local understandings of development in three Andean communities [d]
  1069. Richard M. Lerner & Peter L. Benson [ed] () Developmental assets and asset-building communities: implications for research, policy, and practice [i] [d]
  1070. Richard M. Lerner, Francine Jacobs, & Donald Wertlieb [ed] () Handbook of applied developmental science: promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs [i]
  1071. () Protest, collaboration, and creation of alternative models: women's health activists using the Internet [i] [d]
  1072. Suniya S. Luthar [ed] () Resilience and vulnerability: adaptation in the context of childhood adversities [i] [d]
  1073. () Leadership for policy change: strengthening communities of color through leadership development [o] [u]
  1074. () Do you need to have them or should you believe you have them?: resources, their appraisal, and well-being in adulthood [d]
  1075. () Cops, teachers, counselors: stories from the front lines of public service [i] [d]
  1076. Meredith Minkler & Nina Wallerstein [ed] (/2008) Community-based participatory research for health: from process to outcomes [i]
  1077. () Peacemaking: practicing at the intersection of law and human conflict [i]
  1078. B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre [ed] (/2012) The Sage handbook of public administration [i] [d]
  1079. () Análisis y planificación estratégica comunal (APEC) [o]
  1080. () Community and money: men and women making change [i]
  1081. () Identifying best practices of community participation in providing services to refugee survivors of torture: a case description [d]
  1082. () Newcomers to old towns: suburbanization of the heartland [i] [d]
  1083. () Environmental activism: a reference handbook [i]
  1084. () Implementing a community-wide strategic plan: Rock Hill's Empowering the Vision 10 years later [d]
  1085. Timothy A. Wise, Hilda Salazar, & Laura Carlsen [ed] () Confronting globalization: economic integration and popular resistance in Mexico [i]
  1086. Gloria Anzaldúa & AnaLouise Keating [ed] () This bridge we call home: radical visions for transformation [i]
  1087. () Finding the thread of an interrupted conversation: the arts, education, and community [u]
  1088. Deborah Barndt, Gene Desfor, & Barbara Rahder [ed] () Just doing it: popular collective action in the Americas [i]
  1089. Peter Bartelmus [ed] () Unveiling wealth: on money, quality of life, and sustainability [i] [d]
  1090. () Four motives for community involvement [d]
  1091. () Becoming an ally: breaking the cycle of oppression in people [i]
  1092. (/2015) International development: illusions and realities [or: The no-nonsense guide to international development] [i]
  1093. () Material flow analysis: unveiling the physical basis of economies [i] [d]
  1094. () From periphery to center: pathways for youth civic engagement in the day-to-day life of communities [d]
  1095. () Coercion, social support, and crime: an emerging theoretical consensus [d]
  1096. Kevin Corcoran & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Social workers' desk reference [i]
  1097. () Quality of life and the distribution of wealth and resources [i]
  1098. () What makes librarianship exciting to you? [i]
  1099. Jacquelynne S. Eccles & Jennifer Appleton Gootman [ed] () Community programs to promote youth development [i] [d] [u]
  1100. (/2011) Assessing responses to problems: an introductory guide for police problem-solvers [i] [u]
  1101. () Democratic delusions: the initiative process in America [i]
  1102. () Beyond case management and counseling: teaching human service students to create change through advocacy [u]
  1103. () Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
  1104. () Asset building for social change: pathways to large-scale impact [o] [u]
  1105. () Sustainable solutions: building assets for empowerment and sustainable development [o] [u]
  1106. (/2004) Going public: an organizer's guide to citizen action [i]
  1107. () From assets to agents of change: social justice, organizing, and youth development [d]
  1108. (/2016) Asset building & community development [i] [d]
  1109. (/2005) Community benefits agreements: making development projects accountable [o] [u]
  1110. () Friends on the path: living spiritual communities [i]
  1111. Bertus Haverkort, Katrien van t Hooft, & Wim Hiemstra [ed] () Ancient roots, new shoots: endogenous development in practice [i] [u]
  1112. () Promoting science-based prevention in communities [d]
  1113. () Mapping competencies for communication for development and social change: turning knowledge, skills, and attitudes into action [o] [u]
  1114. () Mapa de competencias de la comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social: conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en acción [o]
  1115. () Factors influencing local government cooperation in rural areas: evidence from the Tennessee Valley [d]
  1116. () Partnerships, information and public safety: community policing in a time of terror [d]
  1117. () The responsibility virus: how control freaks, shrinking violets—and the rest of us—can harness the power of true partnership [i]
  1118. Marc Mauer & Meda Chesney-Lind [ed] () Invisible punishment: the collateral consequences of mass imprisonment [i]
  1119. () The cultural politics of local economic development: meaning-making, place-making, and the urban policy process [d]
  1120. Scott L. McLean, David A. Schultz, & Manfred B. Steger [ed] () Social capital: critical perspectives on community and 'Bowling alone' [i]
  1121. (/2015) Community organizing principles and practice guidelines [i]
  1122. () Gender and the silences of social capital: lessons from Latin America [d]
  1123. () Garbage wars: the struggle for environmental justice in Chicago [i] [d]
  1124. (/2009) Tackling social exclusion: promoting social justice in social work [i] [d]
  1125. () Participatory 3-dimensional modelling: guiding principles and applications [i]
  1126. () High noon: twenty global problems, twenty years to solve them [i]
  1127. () Selling social change (without selling out): earned income strategies for nonprofits [i]
  1128. () The democracy owners' manual: a practical guide to changing the world [i]
  1129. () Loving internationalism: the emotion culture of transnational women's organizations, 1888–1945 [d]
  1130. (/2015) Working with and strengthening social networks [i]
  1131. () Bikeability checklist: how bikeable is your community? [o] [u]
  1132. () The role of Future Search in rural regeneration: process, context and practice [d]
  1133. () Building community: a tool kit for youth & adults in charting assets and creating change [i]
  1134. () Advancing a political ecology of global environmental discourses [d]
  1135. Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, Nicholas Faraclas, & Claudia von Werlhof [ed] () There is an alternative: subsistence and world-wide resistance to corporate globalization [i]
  1136. Arthur C. Bohart & Deborah J. Stipek [ed] () Constructive & destructive behavior: implications for family, school, & society [i] [d]
  1137. Jill M. Bystydzienski & Steven P. Schacht [ed] () Forging radical alliances across difference: coalition politics for the new millennium [i]
  1138. Gerald E. Caiden, O. P. Dwivedi, & Joseph G. Jabbra [ed] () Where corruption lives [i]
  1139. Sarah vL. Campbell, Amy Malick, & Martha L. McCoy [ed] () Organizing community-wide dialogue for action and change: a step-by-step guide [o] [u]
  1140. () Helping the helpers not to harm: iatrogenic damage and community mental health [i]
  1141. () From the ground up: environmental racism and the rise of the environmental justice movement [i] [d] [j]
  1142. Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari [ed] () Participation: the new tyranny? [i]
  1143. () 'Simply to be let in': inclusion as a basis for recovery [d]
  1144. () Managing activism: a guide to dealing with activists and pressure groups [i]
  1145. Michael Edwards & John Gaventa [ed] () Global citizen action [i]
  1146. Judith Goode & Jeff Maskovsky [ed] () New poverty studies: the ethnography of power, politics, and impoverished people in the United States [i]
  1147. (/2007) The better world handbook: small changes that make a big difference [i]
  1148. () Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
  1149. Jane J. Mansbridge & Aldon D. Morris [ed] () Oppositional consciousness: the subjective roots of social protest [i]
  1150. () Peace power for adolescents: strategies for a culture of nonviolence [i]
  1151. () Sharing the wealth: resident ownership mechanisms: a PolicyLink report [o] [u]
  1152. () The citizens at risk: from urban sanitation to sustainable cities [i] [d]
  1153. () Doing democracy: the MAP model for organizing social movements [i]
  1154. () Latino immigrants: preventing occupational exposure to pesticides: using participatory research with latino farmworkers to develop an intervention [d]
  1155. () Rape: a century of resistance [d]
  1156. () When strangers become neighbours: managing cities of difference [d]
  1157. Russell K. Schutt & Stephanie W. Hartwell [ed] () The organizational response to social problems [i]
  1158. () The influence of personality in determining farmer responsiveness to risk [d]
  1159. () Public dialogue and participatory democracy: the Cupertino community project [i]
  1160. (/2005) Restorative justice: healing the foundations of our everyday lives [i]
  1161. () The moral economy of water: equity and antiquity in the Andean commons [d]
  1162. () Inventing local democracy: grassroots politics in Brazil [i]
  1163. () Facilitating community change [i]
  1164. () Community development and adult education: locating practice in its roots [d]
  1165. () Community and neighborhood organization [i] [d]
  1166. () Sandinista Nicaragua as a Deweyan social experiment [j]
  1167. () Toward an integration of behaviorism and community psychology: dogs bark at those they do not recognize [i] [d]
  1168. () Public discourse and decision making: exploring possibilities for financial, social and environmental accounting [d]
  1169. () Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
  1170. () Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
  1171. () Relational wealth and the quality of life [d]
  1172. Ann Florini [ed] () The third force: the rise of transnational civil society [i] [j]
  1173. () An application of a community psychology approach to dealing with farm stress [p] [d]
  1174. () The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: the role of the evaluation of social rank [d]
  1175. () From the roots up: strengthening organizational capacity through guided self-assessment [i]
  1176. () Beyond transactions: on the interpersonal dimension of economic reality [d]
  1177. () IAP2 public participation toolbox [u]
  1178. Raymond L. Ison & David B. Russell [ed] () Agricultural extension and rural development: breaking out of knowledge transfer traditions: a second-order systems perspective [i]
  1179. () Understanding and changing social systems: an ecological view [i] [d]
  1180. () Exploring the gaps: vital links between trade, environment, and culture [i]
  1181. () Toward a science for and of the people: promoting civil society through the application of developmental science [p] [d] [j]
  1182. () Evaluation: an integrated framework for understanding, guiding, and improving policies and programs [i]
  1183. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  1184. () The librarian as secular minister to democracy: the life and ideas of John Cotton Dana [j]
  1185. () Dissemination of innovation as social change [i] [d]
  1186. () Cultures, communities, identities: cultural strategies for participation and empowerment [i] [d]
  1187. () Action-oriented mass communication [i] [d]
  1188. () Building partnerships toward a common goal: the experiences of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines [i] [j]
  1189. () Community change, community stasis, and the law [i] [d]
  1190. () The reinventor's fieldbook: tools for transforming your government [i]
  1191. Catherine Panter-Brick & Malcolm T. Smith [ed] () Abandoned children [i]
  1192. () Social policy and community psychology [i] [d]
  1193. () Change the world: how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results [i]
  1194. () Changing others through changing ourselves: the transformation of human systems [d]
  1195. Julian Rappaport & Edward Seidman [ed] () Handbook of community psychology [i] [d]
  1196. () Coalitions across the class divide: lessons from the labor, peace, and environmental movements [i] [d] [j]
  1197. () Workers' education and neoliberal globalization: an adequate response to transnational corporations? [d]
  1198. () Community participation methods in design and planning [i]
  1199. () Barometers of community change: personal reflections [i] [d]
  1200. () Reconnecting systems maintenance with social justice: a critical role for conflict resolution [d]
  1201. () The effects of science on national economic development, 1970 to 1990 [d] [j]
  1202. () Assets-oriented community assessment [p] [j] [u]
  1203. () The land that could be: environmentalism and democracy in the twenty-first century [i] [d]
  1204. (/2012) The courage to lead: transform self, transform society [i]
  1205. () Women's empowerment: a review of community psychology's first 25 years [i] [d]
  1206. () Communities as curricula [o]
  1207. () Contextual influences in mental health consultation: toward an ecological perspective on radiating change [i] [d]
  1208. (/2014) The new public health [i] [d]
  1209. Nick Wates [ed] (/2014) The community planning handbook: how people can shape their cities, towns and villages in any part of the world [i] [d]
  1210. () Grassroots journalism: a practical manual for doing the kind of newswriting that doesn't just get people angry, but active—that doesn't just inform, but inspires [i]
  1211. () Empowerment theory: psychological, organizational, and community levels of analysis [i] [d]
  1212. () Reweaving the food security safety net: mediating entitlement and entrepreneurship [d]
  1213. () Capitals and capabilities: a framework for analyzing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty [d]
  1214. John Boli & George M. Thomas [ed] () Constructing world culture: international nongovernmental organizations since 1875 [i] [d]
  1215. (/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
  1216. () Random selection in politics [i]
  1217. () Faust and the ethos of business: a report from Grand Rapids, Ciudad Juárez, and Muskegon [d] [j]
  1218. () The BAG: basic assessment guide for human well-being [i]
  1219. () Associations and activism: mobilization of urban informal workers in Costa Rica and Nicaragua [d]
  1220. () Raising children with roots, rights & responsibilities: celebrating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child [o] [u]
  1221. () Street reclaiming: creating livable streets and vibrant communities [i]
  1222. () Letter to Jared James, November 16, 1999 [u]
  1223. () Charismatic leadership: strategies for effecting social change [d]
  1224. () The deliberative practitioner: encouraging participatory planning processes [i]
  1225. Lorraine M. Gutiérrez & Edith Anne Lewis [ed] () Empowering women of color [i]
  1226. (/2007) Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families [i]
  1227. () Vision and leadership in sustainable development [i]
  1228. () Bioregional conflict resolution: rebuilding community in watershed planning and organizing [d]
  1229. () Local action, global change: learning about the human rights of women and girls [o]
  1230. () Transforming ourselves, transforming the world: an open conspiracy for social change [i]
  1231. () Learning to lead from the middle: an apprenticeship in diversity [d]
  1232. () Race, poverty, and urban sprawl: access to opportunities through regional strategies [d]
  1233. Marcela Raffaelli & Reed W. Larson [ed] () Homeless and working youth around the world: exploring developmental issues [i]
  1234. () Social exclusion, solidarity and the challenge of globalization [d]
  1235. (/2007) 'So you think I drive a Cadillac?': welfare recipients' perspectives on the system and its reform [i]
  1236. () Participatory rural appraisal and planning: workbook [i]
  1237. (/2008) How to run for local office: a complete guide for winning a local election [i]
  1238. Shirley A. White [ed] () The art of facilitating participation: releasing the power of grassroots communication [i]
  1239. () Health, hierarchy, and social anxiety [d]
  1240. () Small towns in multilevel society [i]
  1241. () Dialogical community: the third way between individualism and collectivism [i]
  1242. H. Russell Bernard & Clarence C. Gravlee [ed] (/2014) Handbook of methods in cultural anthropology [i]
  1243. () Whose development?: an ethnography of aid [i]
  1244. () Street-level leadership: discretion and legitimacy in front-line public service [i]
  1245. (/2007) Repeat victimization and problem-oriented policing: surmounting crime by attending to victims' needs [i]
  1246. () Avoiding politics: how Americans produce apathy in everyday life [i] [d]
  1247. () Household strategies and rural livelihood diversification [d]
  1248. () The faith of democratic ecological citizenship [d] [j]
  1249. () Wisdom circles: a guide to self-discovery and community building in small groups [i]
  1250. () As a blade of grass cuts through stone: helping rebuild urban neighborhoods through unconventional police–community partnerships [d]
  1251. () Jobs, wealth, or place: the faces of community economic development [d]
  1252. () Sustainable community indicators trainer's workshop [u]
  1253. Marie D. Hoff [ed] () Sustainable community development: studies in economic, environmental, and cultural revitalization [i]
  1254. () The art of the state: culture, rhetoric, and public management [i]
  1255. () Social well-being [d] [j]
  1256. () Mobilizing citizens: study circles offer a new approach to citizenship [d]
  1257. () Beyond book issues: the social potential of library projects [i]
  1258. () Learning development: an introduction to the social impact of public libraries [i]
  1259. (/2007) Community health and wellness: a socio-ecological approach [i]
  1260. () The asset vulnerability framework: reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies [d]
  1261. () Re-creating schools: places where everyone learns and likes it [i]
  1262. () Defining indicators which make sense to local people: intra-cultural variation in perceptions of natural resources [d]
  1263. () The reinventing government facilitator's guide: introducing frontline employees to reinvention [i]
  1264. (/2003) Making the news: a guide for activists and nonprofits [i]
  1265. () Going local: creating self-reliant communities in a global age [i]
  1266. (/2019) Ethics into action: learning from a tube of toothpaste [or: Ethics into action: Henry Spira and the animal rights movement] [i]
  1267. () Community organizing or organizing community?: gender and the crafts of empowerment [d]
  1268. () Solidarity and suffering: toward a politics of relationality [i]
  1269. () Reasons for success: learning from instructive experiences in rural development [i]
  1270. (/2016) Strengthening family resilience [i]
  1271. () Creating a public space for women in US agriculture: empowerment, organization and social change [d]
  1272. () Safety first: technology, labor, and business in the building of American work safety, 1870–1939 [i]
  1273. (/2006) All kids are our kids: what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents [i]
  1274. () The ecology of hope: communities collaborate for sustainability [i]
  1275. () Participation, development, power & democracy: an introduction to basic civic concepts [i]
  1276. () Whose reality counts?: putting the first last [i] [d]
  1277. () Altars in the street: a neighborhood fights to survive [i]
  1278. () Managing for a change: how to run community development projects [i] [d]
  1279. () Capacity-building: an approach to people-centred development [i]
  1280. (/2009) School, family, and community partnerships: your handbook for action [i]
  1281. () Guerrilla bookmaking: preserving your community's heritage [i] [u]
  1282. () The art of moral protest: culture, biography, and creativity in social movements [i] [d]
  1283. () Economic renewal guide: a collaborative process for sustainable community development [i]
  1284. () Interracialism and Christian community in the postwar South: the story of Koinonia Farm [i]
  1285. () Critical reflections on rapid and participatory rural appraisal [j]
  1286. () Unarmed bodyguards: international accompaniment for the protection of human rights [i]
  1287. (/1999) The subsistence perspective: beyond the globalized economy [i]
  1288. Meredith Minkler [ed] (/2012) Community organizing and community building for health and welfare [i] [d]
  1289. () Homelessness: care, prevention, and public policy [d]
  1290. (/2008) The history of development: from Western origins to global faith [i]
  1291. Elizabeth B. Robertson, Zili Sloboda, Gayle M. Boyd, & Nicholas J. Kozel [ed] () Rural substance abuse: state of knowledge and issues [o]
  1292. () Promoting a development culture in your organization: using career development as a change agent [i]
  1293. () Community policing, Chicago style [i]
  1294. (/2004) The mutual-aid approach to working with groups: helping people help one another [i]
  1295. () Health psychology: what is an unhealthy environment and how does it get under the skin? [p] [d]
  1296. () I protest: fighting for your rights: a practical guide [i]
  1297. () Volunteerism as the seedbed of democracy: the educational thought and practice of Guy Henson of Nova Scotia [d]
  1298. () The cornerstones model: values-based planning and management [o]
  1299. () REFLECT mother manual: regenerated Freirean literacy through empowering community techniques [i] [u]
  1300. () Local government and community-based strategies: evidence from a national survey of a social problem [d]
  1301. (/2005) Creating and implementing your strategic plan: a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  1302. () The strategy of nonviolent defense: a Gandhian approach [i]
  1303. Helen Collinson [ed] () Green guerrillas: environmental conflicts and initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean: a reader [i]
  1304. (/2007) Social networks in youth and adolescence [i]
  1305. () The search conference: a powerful method for planning organizational change and community action [i]
  1306. David M. Fetterman, Shakeh J. Kaftarian, & Abraham Wandersman [ed] () Empowerment evaluation: knowledge and tools for self-assessment & accountability [i]
  1307. () The power in our hands: neighbourhood based world shaking [i]
  1308. (/2014) Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making [i]
  1309. () Coming in to the foodshed [i] [j]
  1310. Lynn Kern Koegel, Robert L. Koegel, & Glen Dunlap [ed] () Positive behavioral support: including people with difficult behavior in the community [i]
  1311. Sebastian Kraemer & Jane Roberts [ed] () The politics of attachment: towards a secure society [i]
  1312. () Envisioning cultural practices [with contingency diagrams and practice diagrams] [p] [u]
  1313. () Cooperation works!: how people are using cooperative action to rebuild communities and revitalize the economy [i]
  1314. () Transforming public policy: dynamics of policy entrepreneurship and innovation [i]
  1315. () Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
  1316. () Bridging the class divide and other lessons for grassroots organizing [i]
  1317. Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] () Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
  1318. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () Rooted in the land: essays on community and place [i] [j]
  1319. Kenneth Yeager & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research [i]
  1320. () How do public managers manage?: bureaucratic constraints, organizational culture, and the potential for reform [i]
  1321. () Conserving communities [i]
  1322. Gary Craig & Marjorie Mayo [ed] () Community empowerment: a reader in participation and development [i]
  1323. () The Oxfam handbook of development and relief [i]
  1324. () Mary Parker Follett—prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s [i]
  1325. (/1999) Guide to sustainable community indicators [o]
  1326. () The good city and the good life [i]
  1327. (/2017) Uprooting racism: how white people can work for racial justice [i]
  1328. () Bread, bricks, and belief: communities in charge of their future [i]
  1329. (/2009) The kid's guide to service projects: over 500 service ideas for young people who want to make a difference [i]
  1330. () Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
  1331. () Organizational characteristics of empowering community settings: a multiple case study approach [p] [d]
  1332. () Visualizing practice with children and families [d]
  1333. () The careless society: community and its counterfeits [i]
  1334. () Desarrollo agroecológico y asociatividad campesina: el caso de Nicaragua [o]
  1335. (/2007) I've got the light of freedom: the organizing tradition and the Mississippi freedom struggle [i] [d]
  1336. () A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
  1337. () Placemaking: the art and practice of building communities [i]
  1338. () Democracy and technology [i]
  1339. (/2000) Future search: an action guide to finding common ground in organizations and communities [i]
  1340. () How to think about social problems: American pragmatism and the idea of planning [i]
  1341. (/2022) Community nutrition in action: an entrepreneurial approach [i]
  1342. () Adult environmental education: a workbook to move from words to action [o]
  1343. (/2017) Ten ways to fight hate: a community response guide [o] [u]
  1344. () The origins and practice of participatory rural appraisal [d]
  1345. Wendy Harcourt [ed] () Feminist perspectives on sustainable development [i]
  1346. () Everyday acts & small subversions: women reinventing family, community, and home [i]
  1347. () Get rolling: a manual for community bicycle programming [o]
  1348. Francine Lavoie, Thomasina Borkman, & Benjamin Gidron [ed] () Self-help and mutual aid groups: international and multicultural perspectives [i]
  1349. () Interbeing and the 'I' habit: an experiment in environmental literacy [i]
  1350. () By life's grace: musings on the essence of social change [i]
  1351. Pilar Riaño Alcalá [ed] () Women in grassroots communication: furthering social change [i]
  1352. (/1995) Gendered resource mapping: focusing on women's spaces in the landscape [u]
  1353. () Illinois' Volunteer Corps: a model program with deep roots in the prairie [d]
  1354. () Intimacy & mission: intentional community as crucible for radical discipleship [i]
  1355. () Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
  1356. (/2008) How to write successful fundraising letters [i]
  1357. (/1998) A guide to community visioning: hands-on information for local communities [i]
  1358. () The critical villager: beyond community participation [i]
  1359. () Choose love: a Jewish Buddhist human rights activist in Central America [i]
  1360. () Love in action: writings on nonviolent social change [i]
  1361. () Silencing a people: the destruction of civil society in Haiti [i]
  1362. (/2004) Organizing communities: building neighborhood movements for radical social change [i] [u]
  1363. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  1364. () More than a thousand words: graphics for clinical practice [i]
  1365. () Social mobilization & social marketing in developing communities: lessons for communicators [i]
  1366. () Participatory rural appraisal: methodology and applications [i]
  1367. (/2019) The civic index: measuring your community's civic health [u]
  1368. Albert J. Reiss, Jeffrey A. Roth, Klaus A. Miczek, & National Research Council [ed] (/1994) Understanding and preventing violence [i] [d] [u]
  1369. () The impact of caring and connectedness on adolescent health and well-being [d]
  1370. () It's about transformation [thoughts on arts as social action] [d] [u]
  1371. () Creating community anywhere: finding support and connection in a fragmented world [i]
  1372. (/1995) Listening for a change: oral testimony and community development [i]
  1373. (/2001) Getting things done when you are not in charge [i]
  1374. () The American peace movement: ideals and activism [i]
  1375. (/2016) Rural communities: legacy and change [i] [d]
  1376. () The full employment myth: alternative solutions to unemployment [d] [j]
  1377. (/2009) The child welfare challenge: policy, practice, and research [i]
  1378. (/2013) The strengths perspective in social work practice [i]
  1379. () When everyone's a volunteer: the effective functioning of all-volunteer groups [i]
  1380. () Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
  1381. () How to change behavior [i] [d]
  1382. Karen Grover Duffy, James W. Grosch, & Paul V. Olczak [ed] () Community mediation: a handbook for practitioners and researchers [i]
  1383. () Order without law: how neighbors settle disputes [i] [j]
  1384. Orlando Fals-Borda & Muhammad Anisur Rahman [ed] () Action and knowledge: breaking the monopoly with participatory action research [i] [d]
  1385. (/1998) The kid's guide to social action: how to solve the social problems you choose–and turn creative thinking into positive action [i]
  1386. () Books and blueprints: building America's public libraries [i]
  1387. () Prime time activism: media strategies for grassroots organizing [i]
  1388. () Beyond education: a new perspective on society's management of learning [i]
  1389. (/2005) Police as problem solvers: how frontline workers can promote organizational and community change [i] [d]
  1390. Eliot Wigginton [ed] () Refuse to stand silently by: an oral history of grass roots social activism in America, 1921–64 [i]
  1391. Philip W. Brickner [ed] () Under the safety net: the health and social welfare of the homeless in the United States [i]
  1392. (/1992) Helping teens stop violence: a practical guide for counselors, educators, and parents [i]
  1393. (/2013) Psychological consultation and collaboration in school and community settings [i]
  1394. () Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
  1395. () Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
  1396. () Naming the moment: political analysis for action: a manual for community groups [i]
  1397. () Hunger and public action [i] [d]
  1398. () Planning in the face of power [i]
  1399. (/2002) Social marketing: improving the quality of life [i]
  1400. (/1994) Community mental health: a practical guide [i]
  1401. () Liberal and socialist egalitarianism [d]
  1402. Jack Quarter & George Melnyk [ed] () Partners in enterprise: the worker ownership phenomenon [i]
  1403. (/2018) Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement [i]
  1404. () Claiming what is ours: an economics experience workbook [o]
  1405. () Growing our own jobs: a small town guide to creating jobs through agricultural diversification [o]
  1406. (/1992) Putting democracy to work: a practical guide for starting and managing worker-owned businesses [i]
  1407. (/2015) Counseling for wellness and prevention: helping people become empowered in settings and systems [or: Preventive counseling: helping people to become empowered in systems and settings] [i] [d]
  1408. () The application of participatory action-research in Latin America [d]
  1409. () Cultural volunteer program history in the United States: where does your organization fit? [d]
  1410. Michael Foot & Isaac Kramnick [ed] () Thomas Paine reader [i]
  1411. () When society becomes an addict [i]
  1412. () Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
  1413. () Cognitive-structural development and the conditions of employment [d] [j]
  1414. () History from below: how to uncover and tell the story of your community, association, or union [i]
  1415. () The progressive city: planning and participation, 1969–1984 [i]
  1416. (/1992) Free spaces: the sources of democratic change in America [i]
  1417. () An introduction to community experimentation: theory, methods, and practice [i]
  1418. (/2008) Community organizing and development [i]
  1419. () Self-evaluation: ideas for participatory evaluation of rural community development projects [i]
  1420. () Dignity: lower income women tell of their lives and struggles: oral histories [i] [d]
  1421. () Community organization and people's participation: the Philippine experience [u]
  1422. () The democratic faith [j]
  1423. () Conocimiento y poder popular: lecciones con campesinos de Nicaragua, México y Colombia: estudio preparado para los grupos de base y para la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo [i]
  1424. (/2003) The Green Belt Movement: sharing the approach and the experience [i]
  1425. () Recent calls for economic democracy [d] [j]
  1426. (/1994) Let the people decide: neighborhood organizing in America [i]
  1427. () The politics of giving therapy away: listening and focusing [i] [u]
  1428. () Getting ahead collectively: grassroots experiences in Latin America [i]
  1429. (/1999) Training for transformation: a handbook for community workers [i] [d]
  1430. () Community organizing in the 80s: toward a post-Alinsky agenda [o]
  1431. (/2016) Roots to power: a manual for grassroots organizing [i]
  1432. (/1986) Small wins: redefining the scale of social problems [i]
  1433. () Sacred sands: the struggle for community in the Indiana Dunes [i]
  1434. () Ah-hah!: a new approach to popular education [i]
  1435. (/1985) Dharma and development: religion as resource in the Sarvodaya self-help movement [i]
  1436. Daniel L. Stufflebeam, George F. Madaus, & Thomas Kellaghan [ed] (/2000) Evaluation models: viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation [i] [d]
  1437. () Two ears of corn: a guide to people-centered agricultural improvement [i]
  1438. (/1985) Dos mazorcas de maiz: una guía para el mejoramiento agrícola orientado hacia la gente [o]
  1439. (/1995) Duas espigas de milho: uma proposta de desenvolvimento agrícola participativo [o]
  1440. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  1441. Robert Chambers, Richard Longhurst, & Arnold Pacey [ed] () Seasonal dimensions to rural poverty [i] [u]
  1442. Orlando Fals-Borda, Francisco Vío Grossi, Vera Gianotten, & Ton de Wit [ed] () Investigación participativa y praxis rural: nuevos conceptos en educación y desarrollo comunal [o]
  1443. (/1996) Starting and running a nonprofit organization [i] [j]
  1444. () Building the collaborative community: mobilizing citizens for action [o]
  1445. (/1995) Management in extension [i]
  1446. Gordon Bermant, Herbert C. Kelman, & Donald P. Warwick [ed] () The ethics of social intervention [i]
  1447. (/1979) Guide to convivial tools [i]
  1448. () Shelter after disaster [i]
  1449. (/1989) El problema de cómo investigar la realidad para transformarla: por la praxis [o]
  1450. (/2007) Social stratification in the United States: the American profile poster [i]
  1451. () Ethical concerns in community mental health [p] [d]
  1452. () Spatial aspects of alienation and the phasing out of bureaucracy [i]
  1453. () The community as textbook [i] [u]
  1454. () Redesigning the future: a systems approach to societal problems [i]
  1455. () Planning and organizing for social change: action principles from social science research [i]
  1456. (/1973) Tools for conviviality [i]
  1457. () Representative democracy via random selection [d]
  1458. (/2011) Fitzgerald: geography of a revolution [i] [d] [j]
  1459. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  1460. () On political belief: the grievances of the poor [i]
  1461. () Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders [o] [u]
  1462. () The non-directive approach in group and community work [o]
  1463. () Self & society: social change and individual development [o] [d]
  1464. (/2010) Why we can't wait [i]
  1465. (/1988) Social change in rural societies: an introduction to rural sociology [i]
  1466. (/1967) Community organization: theory, principles, and practice [o]
  1467. () The human community: its philosophy and practice for a time of crisis [o]
  1468. () American social reform movements: their pattern since 1865 [o]
  1469. (/1990) Communitas: means of livelihood and ways of life [i]
  1470. (/1996) An American dilemma: the Negro problem and modern democracy [i]
  1471. (/2013) The small community: foundation of democratic life [i]
  1472. (/1947) Your community: its provision for health, education, safety, and welfare [o] [u]
  1473. () Freedom and culture [o] [u]
  1474. () Rural community organization [o] [u]
  1475. () Liberalism and social action [o]
  1476. (/1995) Co-ordination [i]
  1477. () The quest for social justice, 1898–1914 [o]
  1478. (/1985) Widening the circle of enlightenment: Hull House and adult education [i]
  1479. () Urban sociology: an introduction to the study of urban communities [o] [u]
  1480. () The American community in action: case studies of American communities [o] [u]
  1481. (/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
  1482. James Ford [ed] () Social problems and social policy: principles underlying treatment and prevention of poverty, defectiveness, and criminality [o] [u]
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14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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