How to negotiate

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Possible: how we survive (and thrive) in an age of conflict: lessons from a lifetime of negotiations [i]
  2. () No place for compromise: resisting the shift to negotiation [d]
  3. () Entrepreneurial negotiation: understanding and managing the relationships that determine your entrepreneurial success [i] [d]
  4. () Negotiating therapy goals and tasks in cross-cultural psychotherapy [d]
  5. () Hachette Book Group v. Internet Archive: is there a better way to restore balance in copyright? [d]
  6. () Effective biodiversity conservation requires dynamic, pluralistic, partnership-based approaches [d]
  7. () That's what she said: the language of sexual negotiation [d]
  8. () The role of argument in negotiation [d]
  9. () Deliberative negotiation [i] [d]
  10. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  11. () Metaphysics and conceptual negotiation [d]
  12. () Negotiation and deliberation: grasping the difference [d]
  13. () Negotiating the impossible: how to break deadlocks and resolve ugly conflicts (without money or muscle) [i]
  14. Jane J. Mansbridge & Cathie J. Martin [ed] () Political negotiation: a handbook [i]
  15. () Bargaining zone distortion in negotiations: the elusive power of multiple alternatives [d]
  16. () Negotiating the nonnegotiable: how to resolve your most emotionally charged conflicts [i]
  17. () Never split the difference: negotiating as if your life depended on it [i]
  18. () Negotiation support tools to enhance multifunctioning landscapes [i] [u]
  19. () Tacit knowledge awareness and its role in improving the decision-making process in international negotiations [i] [d]
  20. () Principles of automated negotiation [i] [d]
  21. Mauro Galluccio [ed] () Handbook of international negotiation: interpersonal, intercultural, and diplomatic perspectives [i] [d]
  22. () Dignity in negotiation: its transforming power [i] [d]
  23. Bilyana Martinovski [ed] () Emotion in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  24. () The conflict paradox: seven dilemmas at the core of disputes [i]
  25. () Reputation and egotiation: the impact of self-image on the negotiator [i] [d]
  26. () A psychotherapist's view of decision-making: implications for peaceful negotiations [i] [d]
  27. () Terrorists at the table: why negotiating is the only way to peace [i]
  28. () Resistance and 'hooks' [u]
  29. () Improving negotiation effectiveness with skills of emotional competence [i] [d]
  30. () Getting to yes with yourself (and other worthy opponents) [i]
  31. Tom Woodhouse, Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham, & Christopher Mitchell [ed] () The contemporary conflict resolution reader [i]
  32. () Norms and beliefs: how change occurs [i] [d]
  33. () The negotiation within: the impact of internal conflict over identity and role on across-the-table negotiations [u]
  34. () Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
  35. () Inventive negotiation: getting beyond yes [i] [d]
  36. () On whether to meditate before a negotiation: a test of state mindfulness [d]
  37. () Negotiating success: tips and tools for building rapport and dissolving conflict while still getting what you want [i]
  38. () Behavioral and emotional dynamics of two people struggling to reach consensus about a topic on which they disagree [p] [d] [u]
  39. () Emotive language in argumentation [i] [d]
  40. () Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
  41. () The influence of mindful attention on value claiming in distributive negotiations: evidence from four laboratory experiments [d]
  42. () The fog of peace: human face of conflict resolution [i] [d]
  43. () Organizing anarchy: the food security–biodiversity–climate crisis and the genesis of rural land use planning in the developing world [d]
  44. () Good for you, great for me: finding the trading zone and winning at win-win negotiation [i]
  45. () Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them [i]
  46. () Give and take: a revolutionary approach to success [i]
  47. () Attorneys and negotiation ethics: a material misunderstanding? [d]
  48. Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Andrew Wei-Min Lee [ed] () Educating negotiators for a connected world [i] [u]
  49. () Interpersonal communication perspectives in hostage negotiation [d]
  50. () Community development agreements in the mining industry: an emerging global phenomenon [d]
  51. (/2014) The hidden rules of successful negotiation and communication: getting to yes! [i] [d]
  52. () The nature of psychological reactance revisited: a meta-analytic review [d]
  53. () Understanding and managing conservation conflicts [d]
  54. () Negotiating life: secrets for everyday diplomacy and deal making [i] [d]
  55. Katia Sycara, Michele J. Gelfand, & Allison Abbe [ed] () Models for intercultural collaboration and negotiation [i] [d]
  56. () Negotiating the meaning of brands [d]
  57. () The art of negotiation: how to improvise agreement in a chaotic world [i]
  58. () Managing the science–policy interface in a complex and contentious world [i] [d]
  59. Gary E. Bolton & Rachel T. A. Croson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of economic conflict resolution [i] [d]
  60. () Empowering students to create and claim value through the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [d]
  61. () Deeply contacting the inner world of another: practicing empathy in values-based negotiation role plays [u]
  62. () Associations between law, competitiveness, and the pursuit of self-interest [i] [d]
  63. () Citizens, community, and crime control: the problems and prospects for negotiated order [d]
  64. Noam Ebner, James Coben, & Christopher Honeyman [ed] () Assessing our students, assessing ourselves [i] [u]
  65. () The science of attorney advocacy: how courtroom behavior affects jury decision making [i] [d] [j]
  66. Barry M. Goldman & Debra L. Shapiro [ed] () The psychology of negotiations in the 21st century workplace: new challenges and new solutions [i] [d]
  67. () On settling [i] [d] [j]
  68. () Negotiation: closing deals, settling disputes, and making team decisions [i]
  69. () Ethics: right and wrong do exist when you negotiate [i]
  70. () The costs and benefits of arguing: predicting the decision whether to engage or not [i] [d]
  71. () The global power of talk: negotiating America's interests [i] [d]
  72. Jon Hanson [ed] () Ideology, psychology, and law [i] [d]
  73. (/2016) Negotiating with backbone: eight sales strategies to defend your price and value [i]
  74. () Reasoning and argumentation: towards an integrated psychology of argumentation [d]
  75. Ute Hüsken & Frank Neubert [ed] () Negotiating rites [i] [d]
  76. () Water diplomacy: a negotiated approach to managing complex water networks [i]
  77. () When figurative analogies fail: fallacious uses of arguments from analogy [i] [d]
  78. () Transforming the negotiator: the impact of critical learning on teaching and practicing negotiation [d]
  79. () Reflective journal assignments in teaching negotiation [i] [u]
  80. () A speaker-oriented multidimensional approach to risks and causes of miscommunication [d]
  81. () Mastering the art and skill of listening: a guide to negotiation [i]
  82. () Teaching a new negotiation skills paradigm [u]
  83. () Escalation and mindfulness [d]
  84. () Delta theory and psychosocial systems: the practice of influence and change [i] [d]
  85. () The reputational advantages of demonstrating trustworthiness: using the Reputation Index with law students [d]
  86. Francesco Aquilar & Mauro Galluccio [ed] () Psychological and political strategies for peace negotiation: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
  87. () Decision support in interest based negotiation support systems: the AssetDivider system [i] [d]
  88. () Strategic moral diplomacy: understanding the enemy's moral universe [i]
  89. () Teaching negotiation in the context of environmental regulatory enforcement: an experiential learning approach [d]
  90. () Bargaining without law [u]
  91. William A. Donohue, Randall G. Rogan, & Sandra Kaufman [ed] () Framing matters: perspectives on negotiation research and practice in communication [i]
  92. () Tacit knowledge structures in the negotiation process [i] [d]
  93. () The psychology of negotiation and mediation [i] [d]
  94. () Argumentation in dispute mediation: a reasonable way to handle conflict [i] [d]
  95. () Grounding human rights in a pluralist world [i] [j]
  96. () Personal schemas in the negotiation process: a cognitive therapy approach [i] [d]
  97. () Ways to improve political decision-making: negotiating errors to be avoided [i] [d]
  98. () Elusive peace: how modern diplomatic strategies could better resolve world conflicts [i]
  99. () Linguistic style matching in crisis negotiations: a comparative analysis of suicidal and surrender outcomes [d]
  100. () Emotional competence and effective negotiation: the integration of emotion understanding, regulation, and communication [i] [d]
  101. () Rethinking conflict: perspectives from the insight approach [d]
  102. () The effects of neutral, evaluative, and pressing mediator strategies [d]
  103. () Permitting a new mine: insights from the community debate [d]
  104. () Moral emotions and unethical bargaining: the differential effects of empathy and perspective taking in deterring deceitful negotiation [d] [j]
  105. () Relationship 2.0 [i] [u]
  106. () Strategic maneuvering in argumentative discourse: extending the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation [i] [d]
  107. () Just listen: discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone [i]
  108. Manuela Guilherme, Evelyne Glaser, & María del Carmen Méndez García [ed] () The intercultural dynamics of multicultural working [i] [d]
  109. () Using 'shocks and rumors' to teach adaptive thinking [d]
  110. Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Giuseppe De Palo [ed] () Venturing beyond the classroom [in negotation education] [i] [u]
  111. () Four ways of looking at a lawsuit: how lawyers can use the cognitive frameworks of mediation [u]
  112. () Moving forward by agreeing to disagree: a response to 'Healing ecology' [u]
  113. D. Marc Kilgour & Colin Eden [ed] () Handbook of group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  114. () Beyond persuasion: the rhetoric of negotiation in business communication [d]
  115. () What we hide in words: emotive words and persuasive definitions [d]
  116. () Emotion in negotiation [i] [d]
  117. () Demur, defer, and deter: concrete, actual practices for negotiation in interaction [d]
  118. () Bargaining with the devil: when to negotiate, when to fight [i]
  119. () Provisioning responsibilities: how relationships shape the work that women do [d]
  120. () Why argue?: towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation [d]
  121. () Communication as changing the negotiation game [d]
  122. () Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  123. () Should we trust grand bazaar carpet sellers (and vice versa)? [i] [u]
  124. () From signal to semantic: uncovering the emotional dimension of negotiation [u]
  125. () Negotiating post-consultation 'homework' tasks between counselors and clients [d]
  126. () Between understanding and misunderstanding [d]
  127. () Predicting competitive–unethical negotiating behavior and its consequences [d]
  128. () The accomplishment of authority through presentification: how authority is distributed among and negotiated by organizational members [d]
  129. () Addressing partisan perceptions [i] [u]
  130. () The psychology of giving and its effect on negotiation [i] [u]
  131. () Addressing trade-offs: experiences from conservation and development initiatives in the Mkuze Wetlands, South Africa [u]
  132. () Dealing with differences: dramas of mediating public disputes [i]
  133. () Negotiation as a post-modern process [i] [u]
  134. () Managing the goal-setting paradox: how to get better results from high goals and be happy [d]
  135. Mark Grandstaff & Georgia Jones Sorenson [ed] () Strategic leadership: the general's art [i]
  136. Christopher Honeyman, James Coben, & Giuseppe De Palo [ed] () Rethinking negotiation teaching: innovations for context and culture [i] [u]
  137. () Designing heuristics: hybrid computational models for teaching the negotiation of complex contracts [i] [u]
  138. () The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds [d]
  139. () Teaching for implementation: designing negotiation curricula to maximize long-term learning [d]
  140. () Chronicling the complexification of negotiation theory and practice [d]
  141. () An exploration of a model of social networks and multilateral negotiations [d]
  142. () Built to win: creating a world-class negotiating organization [i]
  143. () The deceptive simplicity of teaching negotiation: reflections on thirty years of the negotiation workshop [d]
  144. () Awareness and ethics in dispute resolution and law: why mindfulness tends to foster ethical behavior [u]
  145. () From management to negotiation: technical and institutional innovations for integrated water resource management in the Upper Comoé River Basin, Burkina Faso [d]
  146. Noha Shawki & Michaelene Cox [ed] () Negotiating sovereignty and human rights: actors and issues in contemporary human rights politics [i]
  147. () Enhancing community leadership negotiation skills to build civic capacity [d]
  148. () The creative power: transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world [i] [d]
  149. () Why Dick and Jane don't ask: getting past initiation barriers in negotiations [d]
  150. () Negotiation nimbleness when cultural differences are unidentified [i] [u]
  151. () Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competencies [d]
  152. () A logic for the magic of mindful negotiation [d]
  153. () Democracy as problem solving: civic capacity in communities across the globe [i] [d]
  154. () Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
  155. () Negotiation, meet new governance: interests, skills, and selves [d]
  156. () 'Every day and in every way we are all becoming meta and meta', or how communitarian bargaining theory conquered the world (of bargaining theory) [u]
  157. () Challenging conflict: mediation through understanding [i]
  158. () In search of dialogue: staging science communication in consensus conferences [i] [d]
  159. () Conflict coaching: conflict management strategies and skills for the individual [i]
  160. () Psychological influence in negotiation: an introduction long overdue [d]
  161. () Getting to 'let's talk': comments on collaborative environmental dispute resolution processes [u]
  162. () Emotion, affect displacement, conflict and cooperation [i]
  163. () Emergent negotiations: stability and shifts in negotiation dynamics [d]
  164. () Linguistic indicators of suicidality in crisis negotiations [d]
  165. () Mobility as stress regulation: a challenge to dialogue in planning? [i] [d]
  166. () Some like it hot: teaching strategies for managing tactical versus genuine anger in negotiations [d]
  167. () Iroquois diplomacy on the early American frontier [i]
  168. () Mega-simulations in negotiation teaching: extraordinary investments with extraordinary benefits [d]
  169. () Negotiation and conflict management: essays on theory and practice [i] [d]
  170. () Reframing practices in moral conflict: interaction problems in the negotiation standoff at Waco [d]
  171. () The conservation professional's guide to working with people [i]
  172. () A temporal model of negotiation linkage dynamics [d]
  173. () A new use for practitioners in teaching negotiation [d]
  174. () Conflict dialogue: working with layers of meaning for productive relationships [i] [d]
  175. () Implicit negotiation beliefs and performance: experimental and longitudinal evidence [d]
  176. () Negotiation genius: how to overcome obstacles and achieve brilliant results at the bargaining table and beyond [i]
  177. () The power of a positive No: how to say No and still get to Yes [i]
  178. () A new weave of power, people, and politics: the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation [i] [d]
  179. Jeroen Warner [ed] () Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated water management [i]
  180. () Teaching students to shape the game: negotiation architecture and the design of manageably dynamic simulations [d]
  181. () Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  182. (/2012) System justification theory and research: implications for law, legal advocacy, and social justice [i] [d]
  183. () Social contracting in a pluralist process of moral sense making: a dialogic twist on the ISCT [d] [j]
  184. () A developmental approach to turning points: 'irony' as an ethics for negotiation pragmatics [o] [u]
  185. () The speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything [i]
  186. () Troubles on the way: an analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms [d]
  187. Kathy Fitzpatrick & Carolyn Bronstein [ed] () Ethics in public relations: responsible advocacy [i] [d]
  188. () The ask: how to ask anyone for any amount for any purpose [i]
  189. () The role of science in NGO mediated conservation: insights from a biodiversity hotspot in Mexico [d]
  190. () Between consensus and compromise: acknowledging the negotiation dimension in participatory approaches [d]
  191. () Getting your way: strategic dilemmas in the real world [i] [d]
  192. () The effectiveness of argumentative strategies [d]
  193. () 3-D negotiation: powerful tools to change the game in your most important deals [i]
  194. () Your pace or mine?: culture, time, and negotiation [d]
  195. (/2012) Global business etiquette: a guide to international communication and customs [i]
  196. () Why hasn't the world gotten to yes?: an appreciation and some reflections [d]
  197. (/2014) Negotiation: processes for problem solving [i]
  198. () Knowing yourself: mindfulness [in negotiation and mediation] [i]
  199. Andrea Kupfer Schneider & Christopher Honeyman [ed] () The negotiator's fieldbook [i]
  200. () What do managers do when subordinates just say 'no'?: an analysis of incidents involving refusal to perform downward requests [i]
  201. () Leverage: how to get it and how to keep it in any negotiation [i]
  202. () Shaping the game: the new leader's guide to effective negotiating [i]
  203. () The origins of a classic: 'Getting to yes' turns twenty-five [d]
  204. () Improvisation and negotiation: expecting the unexpected [d]
  205. () Improvisation and mediation: balancing acts [d]
  206. (/2009) Managing conflict and workplace relationships [i]
  207. () Beyond reason: using emotions as you negotiate [i]
  208. John Gastil & Peter Levine [ed] () The deliberative democracy handbook: strategies for effective civic engagement in the twenty-first century [i]
  209. () Stick your neck out: a street-smart guide to creating change in your community and beyond: service as the path of a meaningful life [i]
  210. () Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage [i]
  211. (/2019) Dispute resolution: beyond the adversarial model [i]
  212. () The influence of role models on negotiation ethics of college students [d] [j]
  213. () Conservation and the myth of consensus [d] [j] [u]
  214. () Conflict frames and the use of deception: are competitive negotiators less ethical? [d]
  215. () Deliberative group dynamics: power, status and affect in interactive policy making [d]
  216. () Cognitive bases for effective participation in democratic institutions: argument skill and juror reasoning [d]
  217. () A history of alternative dispute resolution: the story of a political, cultural, and social movement [i]
  218. () The ethics of respect in negotiation [i]
  219. Stephen P. Depoe, John W. Delicath, & Marie-France Aepli Elsenbeer [ed] () Communication and public participation in environmental decision making [i]
  220. () Emotional intelligence and negotiation: the tension between creating and claiming value [d]
  221. Michele J. Gelfand & Jeanne M. Brett [ed] () The handbook of negotiation and culture [i]
  222. () Death of a claim: the impact of loss reactions on bargaining [d]
  223. () Negotiating local livelihoods: scales of conflict in the Se San River Basin [d]
  224. () Consensus building: clarifications for the critics [d]
  225. () Staying in the game or changing it: an analysis of moves and turns in negotiation [d]
  226. Harvey J. Langholtz & Chris E. Stout [ed] () The psychology of diplomacy [i]
  227. () Transitions through out-of-keeping acts [d]
  228. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Michael Wheeler, & Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School [ed] () What's fair: ethics for negotiators [i]
  229. () Dialectical tensions and rhetorical tropes in negotiations [d]
  230. () The art of winning commitment: 10 ways leaders can engage minds, hearts, and spirits [i]
  231. () Power and mastery: negotiations in community-based visual art [u]
  232. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  233. () Breaking the cycle of distrust [i]
  234. () Tools for development: a handbook for those engaged in development activity [u]
  235. () Persuasion as a social skill [i] [d]
  236. () Detrimental effects of sanctions on human altruism [p] [d]
  237. () Negotiating with your nemesis [d]
  238. John O. Greene & Brant Raney Burleson [ed] () Handbook of communication and social interaction skills [i] [d]
  239. () Desde el diagnóstico territorial participativo hasta la mesa de negociación: orientaciones metodológicas [u]
  240. () Sequencing, acoustic separation, and 3-D negotiation of complex barriers: Charlene Barshefsky and IP rights in China [d]
  241. () Practice—thought—practice [i]
  242. () Argumentation-based negotiation [d]
  243. () Negotiation skills [i] [d]
  244. () The global negotiator: making, managing, and mending deals around the world in the twenty-first century [i]
  245. () Negotiation: communication for diverse settings [i] [d]
  246. () Participation, negotiation, and poverty: encountering the power of images: designing pro-poor development programmes [i]
  247. () Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management [d]
  248. () Start with no: the negotiating tools that the pros don't want you to know [i]
  249. Deborah Goodwin & Matthew Midlane [ed] () Negotiation in international conflict: understanding persuasion [i]
  250. () Transnational competence in an emergent epoch [d]
  251. () War of the worlds: what about peace? [i]
  252. Philippe G. Le Prestre [ed] () Governing global biodiversity: the evolution and implementation of the convention on biological diversity [i]
  253. () Negotiation analysis: the science and art of collaborative decision making [i]
  254. (/2014) Negotiating globally: how to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions across cultural boundaries [i]
  255. Jill M. Bystydzienski & Steven P. Schacht [ed] () Forging radical alliances across difference: coalition politics for the new millennium [i]
  256. () A strategic approach to multistakeholder negotiations [d]
  257. () Managing conflict in a negotiated world: a narrative approach to achieving dialogue and change [i] [d]
  258. () Negotiation training and interpersonal development: an exploratory study of early adolescents in Argentina [p]
  259. () The origins and nature of arguments: studies in conflict understanding, emotion, and negotiation [d]
  260. () Principles of persuasion [d]
  261. () Teaching interpersonal skills for negotiation and for life [d]
  262. (/2003) Democratic deliberation within [i] [d]
  263. () The shadow negotiation: how women can master the hidden agendas that determine bargaining success [i]
  264. () Reconceptualizing participation for sustainable rural development: towards a negotiation approach [d]
  265. () The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
  266. (/2012) The dynamics of conflict: a guide to engagement and intervention [i]
  267. () Beyond winning: negotiating to create value in deals and disputes [i]
  268. () The impact of communication media on negotiation outcomes [d]
  269. () Negotiating the therapeutic alliance: a relational treatment guide [i]
  270. () Reconnecting systems maintenance with social justice: a critical role for conflict resolution [d]
  271. () Rhetorical power, accountability and conflict in committees: an argumentation approach [d]
  272. (/2009) Manage conflict through negotiation and mediation [i] [d]
  273. () A negotiation approach to intake and treatment choice [d]
  274. () The social construction of work times: negotiated time and expected time [d]
  275. () Smart choices: a practical guide to making better decisions [i]
  276. Robert H. Mnookin, Lawrence Susskind, & Pacey C. Foster [ed] () Negotiating on behalf of others: advice to lawyers, business executives, sports agents, diplomats, politicians, and everybody else [i]
  277. () Misperceiving negotiation counterparts: when situationally determined bargaining behaviors are attributed to personality traits [d]
  278. () Stakeholder analysis and conflict management [i]
  279. (/2006) Bargaining for advantage: negotiation strategies for reasonable people [i]
  280. () Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
  281. Lawrence Susskind, Sarah McKearnan, & Jennifer Thomas-Larmer [ed] () The consensus building handbook: a comprehensive guide to reaching agreement [i]
  282. () Conditions for cultural negotiation in civil conflicts [i]
  283. () Emotions in negotiation: how to manage fear and anger [d]
  284. () Getting agencies to work together: the practice and theory of managerial craftmanship [i]
  285. () Getting it done: how to lead when you're not in charge [i]
  286. () On feeling good and getting your way: mood effects on negotiator cognition and bargaining strategies [p] [d]
  287. Peter Harris & Ben Reilly [ed] () Democracy and deep-rooted conflict: options for negotiators [i]
  288. () The ethical limits of trust in business relations [d] [j]
  289. Jack B. Kamerman [ed] () Negotiating responsibility in the criminal justice system [i]
  290. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life, by Richard Nielsen [book review] [d]
  291. () Unequal freedoms: the global market as an ethical system [i]
  292. (/2015) The power of nice: how to negotiate so everyone wins—especially you! [i]
  293. (/2015) The mind and heart of the negotiator [i]
  294. () The influence of anger and compassion on negotiation performance [d]
  295. () Effective negotiation by indigenous peoples: an action guide with special reference to North America [i]
  296. () Beyond fences: seeking social sustainability in conservation [i]
  297. () Resolving identity-based conflict in nations, organizations, and communities [i]
  298. () Negotiating the meaning of difference [d]
  299. (/2012) Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management [i]
  300. () The tension between empathy and assertiveness [d]
  301. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life [i]
  302. (/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
  303. () Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
  304. () Lose–lose agreements in interdependent decision making [d]
  305. () Negotiation as a healing process [u]
  306. J. William Breslin & Jeffrey Z. Rubin [ed] () Negotiation theory and practice [i]
  307. () Coping with intractable controversies: the case for problem structuring in policy design and analysis [d]
  308. () Two paradigms of negotiation: bargaining and problem solving [d]
  309. Roderick Moreland Kramer & David M. Messick [ed] () Negotiation as a social process [i]
  310. (/2011) Renegotiating health care: resolving conflict to build collaboration [i]
  311. () Multiparty negotiation in its social context [i]
  312. () Commitment in dialogue: basic concepts of interpersonal reasoning [i]
  313. () Working the shadow side: a guide to positive behind-the-scenes management [i]
  314. () The construction of negotiated meaning: a social cognitive theory of writing [i]
  315. () Challenging the assumptions of traditional approaches to negotiation [d]
  316. () Balancing inquiry and advocacy [i]
  317. James R. Silkenat, Jeffrey M. Aresty, & Jacqueline Klosek [ed] (/2009) The ABA guide to international business negotiations: a comparison of cross-cultural issues and successful approaches [i]
  318. () Strategic negotiations: a theory of change in labor–management relations [i]
  319. () What to ask when you don't know what to say: 555 powerful questions to use for getting your way at work [i]
  320. Dennis J. D. Sandole & Hugo Van der Merwe [ed] () Conflict resolution theory and practice: integration and application [i]
  321. () Negotiating rationally [i]
  322. (/2001) Getting things done when you are not in charge [i]
  323. (/2016) Legal negotiation in a nutshell [i]
  324. () Egocentric interpretations of fairness and interpersonal conflict [d]
  325. Viktor A. Kremenyuk [ed] (/2002) International negotiation: analysis, approaches, issues [i]
  326. (/2002) Training of negotiators [i]
  327. (/2007) Getting past no: negotiating in difficult situations [i]
  328. (/1995) Negotiations, 1972–1990 [i]
  329. Jane J. Mansbridge [ed] () Beyond self-interest [i]
  330. () Making a friend in youth: developmental theory and pair therapy [i]
  331. Karen Ann Watson-Gegeo, Geoffrey M. White, & Andrew Arno [ed] () Disentangling: conflict discourse in Pacific societies [i]
  332. () Friendly persuasion: my life as a negotiator [i]
  333. (/1989) Getting together: building relationships as we negotiate [i]
  334. (/2003) Communication for rural innovation: rethinking agricultural extension [i] [d]
  335. () Breaking the impasse: consensual approaches to resolving public disputes [i]
  336. () The influence of positive affect and visual access on the discovery of integrative solutions in bilateral negotiation [d]
  337. Elliot D. Cohen, Michael Davis, & Frederick Elliston [ed] (/2009) Ethics and the legal profession [i]
  338. Owen Hargie [ed] (/2018) The handbook of communication skills [i] [d]
  339. () The manager as negotiator: bargaining for cooperation and competitive gain [i]
  340. (/2004) Social conflict: escalation, stalemate, and settlement [i]
  341. (/2009) Influence: science and practice [i]
  342. (/2020) Negotiation [i]
  343. (/2011) Managing conflict in organizations [i]
  344. (/2017) Reframing organizations: artistry, choice, and leadership [i] [d]
  345. (/1986) Small wins: redefining the scale of social problems [i]
  346. () Toward another view of legal negotiation: the structure of problem solving [o]
  347. William Thomas Singleton [ed] () Social skills [i] [d]
  348. () Enhancing negotiators' successfulness: self-help books and related empirical research [d] [j]
  349. () A political perspective in problem solving [d] [j]
  350. (/2011) Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in [i]
  351. (/2017) Skilled interpersonal communication: research, theory, and practice [or: Social skills in interpersonal communication] [i] [d]
  352. (/1983) Beyond adversary democracy [i]
  353. I. William Zartman [ed] () The negotiation process: theories and applications [i]
  354. () Rhetoric: discovery and change [i]
  355. () Negotiating reality: notes on power in the assessment of responsibility [d] [j]

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14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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