How to mind silence
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- Dongning Ren, Wen Wei Loh, Joanne M. Chung, & Mark J. Brandt (2024) Person-specific priorities in solitude [p] [d]
- Valérie M. Saintot & Miikka J. Lehtonen (2024) Transcendental and material silence: a multimodal study on silence in team meetings [d]
- Netta Weinstein & Mark Adams (2024) The many ways of experiencing solitude: personality processes, in context, as predictors of time alone [p] [d]
- Phoebe Weston (2024) World faces 'deathly silence' of nature as wildlife disappears, warn experts [u]
- Silvia Adler & Ayelet Kohn (2023) Silence: a modality of its own [d] [u]
- Pamela Burnard & Nick Sorensen (2023) Making silence matter: rethinking performance creativity as a catalysing space for sounding oneself in music education [i] [d]
- Lauren Coffey (2023) Colleges offer digital detox experiences without phones [u]
- Micaela Rodriguez, Samuel Pratt, Benjamin W. Bellet, & Richard J. McNally (2023) Solitude can be good—if you see it as such: reappraisal helps lonely people experience solitude more positively [p] [d]
- Aya Hatano, Cansu Ogulmus, Hiroaki Shigemasu, & Kou Murayama (2022) Thinking about thinking: people underestimate how enjoyable and engaging just waiting is [p] [d]
- David M. Levy (2022) The joy of contemplative scholarship [d]
- Chelom E. Leavitt, Bethany Butzer, Rebecca W. Clarke, & Kami Dvorakova (2021) Intentional solitude and mindfulness: the benefits of being alone [i] [d]
- Paul B. Paulus, Jared B. Kenworthy, & Laura R. Marusich (2021) Alone versus together: finding the right balance for creativity [i] [d]
- Valeria Motta & Lisa Bortolotti (2020) Solitude as a positive experience: empowerment and agency [d] [u]
- Jennifer C. Lay, Theresa Pauly, Peter Graf, Jeremy C. Biesanz, & Christiane A. Hoppmann (2019) By myself and liking it?: predictors of distinct types of solitude experiences in daily life [p] [d]
- Cal Newport (2019) Digital minimalism: choosing a focused life in a noisy world [i]
- Ajit K. Pyati (2019) Public libraries as contemplative spaces: a framework for action and research [d]
- Richard H. Davis (2018) Henry David Thoreau, yogi [d] [u]
- Jaron Lanier (2018) Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now [i]
- Thuy-vy T. Nguyen, Richard M. Ryan, & Edward L. Deci (2018) Solitude as an approach to affective self-regulation [p] [d]
- Paul Quenon (2018) In praise of the useless life: a monk's memoir [i]
- Zeynep Tufekci (2018) An avalanche of speech can bury democracy [u]
- Arthur B. Markman (2017) Why other people wreck brainstorms (and how to stop them) [u]
- Julia Zavala & Deanna Kuhn (2017) Solitary discourse is a productive activity [p] [d]
- Barbara Applebaum (2016) 'Listening silence' and its discursive effects [d]
- Anna M. Babel (2016) Silence as control: shame and self-consciousness in sociolinguistic positioning [i] [d]
- Jennifer Reilly Bluma (2016) Weaving ropes with the Desert Fathers: (re)inventing rhetorical theory as silence and listening [d]
- James J. Duane (2016) You have the right to remain innocent: what police officers tell their children about the Fifth Amendment [i]
- David M. Levy (2016) Mindful tech: how to bring balance to our digital lives [i] [d]
- Dean Mathiowetz (2016) 'Meditation is good for nothing': leisure as a democratic practice [d]
- Cal Newport (2016) Deep work: rules for focused success in a distracted world [i]
- Cal Newport (2016) Quit social media: your career may depend on it [u]
- David R. Vago & Fadel Zeidan (2016) The brain on silent: mind wandering, mindful awareness, and states of mental tranquility [p] [d]
- Julie Webb (2016) The artistry of therapy and Zen practice [d]
- John Biguenet (2015) Silence [i] [d]
- Brett Blumenthal (2015) Seek silence [i]
- Rob Forbes (2015) See here now: the value of silence [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2015) Silence: the power of quiet in a world full of noise [i]
- Michal Pagis (2015) Evoking equanimity: silent interaction rituals in Vipassana meditation retreats [d]
- Steven Pressfield (2015) Resistance and 'hooks' [u]
- Jeffrey S. Weiss, Anne Wheeler, On Kawara, Daniel Buren, Whitney Davis, Maria Gough, Ben Highmore, Tom McCarthy, & Susan Stewart (2015) On Kawara—silence [i]
- E. Summerson Carr & Yvonne Smith (2014) The poetics of therapeutic practice: motivational interviewing and the powers of pause [p] [d]
- Jane F. Compson (2014) Meditation, trauma and suffering in silence: raising questions about how meditation is taught and practiced in western contexts in the light of a contemporary trauma resiliency model [d]
- Christine Congdon, Donna Flynn, & Melanie Redman (2014) Balancing 'we' and 'me': the best collaborative spaces also support solitude [p] [u]
- Robert J. Coplan, Julie C. Bowker, & Larry J. Nelson [ed] (2014/2021) The handbook of solitude: psychological perspectives on social isolation, social withdrawal, and being alone [i] [d]
- Jonathan J. Detrixhe, Lisa Wallner Samstag, Linda S. Penn, & Philip S. Wong (2014) A lonely idea: solitude's separation from psychological research and theory [d]
- Enda Murphy & Eoin A. King (2014) Environmental noise pollution: noise mapping, public health, and policy [i] [d]
- Kaarina Määttä & Satu Uusiautti (2013) Silence is not golden: review of studies of couple interaction [d]
- David B. Whiteside & Laurie J. Barclay (2013) Echoes of silence: employee silence as a mediator between overall justice and employee outcomes [d] [j]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2013) Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
- Janet Ainsworth (2012) The meaning of silence in the right to remain silent [i] [d]
- Emanuele Bardone (2012) Not by luck alone: the importance of chance-seeking and silent knowledge in abductive cognition [i] [d]
- Max Blau (2012) 33 musicians on what John Cage communicates [u]
- Robin DiAngelo (2012) Nothing to add: the role of White silence in racial discussions [u]
- Dana Fennell (2012) Explorations of silence in the religious rituals of Buddhists and Quakers [d]
- Clinton D. Francis, Nathan J. Kleist, Catherine P. Ortega, & Alexander Cruz (2012) Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal [p] [d] [u]
- Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Joanna A. Christodoulou, & Vanessa Singh (2012) Rest is not idleness: implications of the brain's default mode for human development and education [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Diana Senechal (2012) Republic of noise: the loss of solitude in schools and culture [i]
- Lorraine Shannon (2012) Plant speak [d]
- Charles B. Stone, Alin Coman, Adam D. Brown, Jonathan Koppel, & William C. Hirst (2012) Toward a science of silence: the consequences of leaving a memory unsaid [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Kim Tingley (2012) Whisper of the wild: is silence going extinct? [u]
- Michael E. Addis (2011) Invisible men: men's inner lives and the consequences of silence [i]
- Kleio Akrivou, Dimitrios Bourantas, Shenjiang Mo, & Evi Papalois (2011) The sound of silence—a space for morality? The role of solitude for ethical decision making [d] [j]
- Jesse Barber, Chris Burdett, Sarah E. Reed, Katy Warner, Charlotte Formichella, Kevin Crooks, David M. Theobald, & Kurt Fristrup (2011) Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences [d]
- Sarah L. Dumyahn & Bryan C. Pijanowski (2011) Beyond noise mitigation: managing soundscapes as common-pool resources [d]
- John Francis (2011) The ragged edge of silence: finding peace in a noisy world [i]
- Colum Kenny (2011) The power of silence: silent communication in daily life [i] [d]
- Natalya Stanko (2011) What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
- Nicole Alea (2010) The prevalence and quality of silent, socially silent, and disclosed autobiographical memories across adulthood [d]
- Audrey Barbakoff (2010) Libraries build autonomy: a philosophical perspective on the social role of libraries and librarians [u]
- Andy Couturier (2010/2017) The abundance of less: lessons in simple living from rural Japan [i]
- George Foy (2010) Zero decibels: the quest for absolute silence [i]
- Kyle Gann (2010) No such thing as silence: John Cage's 4'33'' [i] [d] [j]
- Brandon LaBelle (2010) Acoustic territories: sound culture and everyday life [i]
- Joy Lyneham (2010) Is there harm in silence? [p] [d]
- Lisa A. Mazzei (2010) Thinking data with Deleuze [d]
- Jessica V. Stringer, Heidi M. Levitt, Jeffrey S. Berman, & Susan S. Mathews (2010) A study of silent disengagement and distressing emotion in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Peter Verhezen (2010) Giving voice in a culture of silence: from a culture of compliance to a culture of integrity [d] [j]
- Salomé Voegelin (2010) Listening to noise and silence: towards a philosophy of sound art [i]
- Gordon Hempton & John Grossmann (2009) One square inch of silence: one man's search for natural silence in a noisy world [i]
- Noreen Herzfeld (2009) 'Your cell will teach you everything': old wisdom, modern science, and the art of attention [d] [j]
- Joan Konner [ed] (2009) You don't have to be Buddhist to know nothing: an illustrious collection of thoughts on naught [i]
- Scott L. Rogers (2009) Res ipsa loquitur: the professionalism of silence [i]
- Esther M. Sternberg (2009) Healing spaces: the science of place and well-being [i]
- Hogen Bays (2008) On silence [u]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa, Namkhai Norbu, & Elio Guarisco (2008) Longchenpa's Advice from the heart = sNying gtam sun bcu pa [i]
- Ros Ollin (2008) Silent pedagogy and rethinking classroom practice: structuring teaching through silence rather than talk [d]
- Laurel Lynn Shortell (2008) The healthy solitary person [o] [u]
- P. Gregg Blanton (2007) Adding silence to stories: narrative therapy and contemplation [d]
- S. E. Roian Egnor, Jeanette Graham Wickelgren, & Marc D. Hauser (2007) Tracking silence: adjusting vocal production to avoid acoustic interference [d]
- Philip Gröning (2007) Into great silence = Le grand silence = Die grosse Stille [o]
- Jian Kang (2007) Urban sound environment [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis (2007) Moved by nothing: listening to musical silence [d] [j]
- Peter Murphy (2007) 'You are wasting my time': why limits on connectivity are essential for economies of creativity [u]
- Yair Neuman (2007) The rest is silence [p] [d]
- John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] (2007) Listening from the heart of silence [i]
- Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī & Coleman Barks (2007) Rumi: bridge to the soul: journeys into the music and silence of the heart [i]
- Daniel J. Siegel (2007) The mindful brain: reflection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being [i]
- Arne J. de Vet & Carsten K. W. de Dreu (2007) The influence of articulation, self-monitoring ability, and sensitivity to others on creativity [d]
- Ze'ev Frankel, Heidi M. Levitt, David M. Murray, Leslie S. Greenberg, & Lynne E. Angus (2006) Assessing silent processes in psychotherapy: an empirically derived categorization system and sampling strategy [d]
- Mark Gerzon (2006) Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
- Mark Gerzon (2006/2007) Liderazgo ante la adversidad: cómo los buenos líderes transforman los conflictos en oportunidades [i]
- Clifford Hill, Akbar Ali Herndon, & Zuki Karpinska (2006) Contemplative practices: educating for peace and tolerance [d]
- Julie Leoni (2006) Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
- Marilyn Nelson (2006) The fruit of silence [d]
- Alaka Ray, Susan D. Block, Robert J. Friedlander, Baohui Zhang, Paul K. Maciejewski, & Holly G. Prigerson (2006) Peaceful awareness in patients with advanced cancer [d]
- Tarthang Tulku (2006) Tibetan meditation: practical teachings and step-by-step exercises on how to live in harmony, peace, and happiness [i]
- John Francis (2005/2008) Planetwalker: 22 years of walking, 17 years of silence [i]
- David J. M. Kraemer, C. Neil Macrae, Adam E. Green, & William M. Kelley (2005) Musical imagery: sound of silence activates auditory cortex [p] [d]
- David M. Levy (2005) To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure [i] [d]
- Robert E. Quinn (2005) Reflective action [i]
- Angelo Caranfa (2004) Silence as the foundation of learning [d]
- Darlene Cohen (2004) The one who is not busy: connecting with work in a deeply satisfying way [i]
- Cheryl Glenn (2004) Unspoken: a rhetoric of silence [i]
- Tatiana Lobo (2004) El corazón del silencio [i]
- Parker J. Palmer (2004) On laughter and silence: not-so-strange bedfellows [i]
- Goran Belojevic, Branko Jakovljevic, & Vesna Slepcevic (2003) Noise and mental performance: personality attributes and noise sensitivity [p] [u]
- Daniel Eisenberg (2003/2011) Something more than night [o]
- Kennan Ferguson (2003) Silence: a politics [d]
- Christopher R. Long & James R. Averill (2003) Solitude: an exploration of benefits of being alone [d]
- Adrian F. Furnham & Lisa Strbac (2002) Music is as distracting as noise: the differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts [d]
- John Daido Loori [ed] (2002/2004) The art of just sitting: essential writings on the Zen practice of shikantaza [i]
- Dymphna Callery (2001) Through the body: a practical guide to physical theatre [i]
- David Chadwick (2001/2007) Zen is right here: teaching stories and anecdotes of Shunryū Suzuki [or: To shine one corner of the world: moments with Shunryū Suzuki: stories of a Zen master told by his students] [i]
- Christina Feldman (2001) Silence: how to find peace in a busy world [i]
- Robert Harlen King (2001) Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: engaged spirituality in an age of globalization [i]
- Heidi M. Levitt (2001) Sounds of silence in psychotherapy: the categorization of clients' pauses [d]
- Edmund Russell (2001) War and nature: fighting humans and insects with chemicals from World War I to Silent Spring [i]
- Gregg Wagstaff (2001) 'With the calm, comes silence' [o]
- Youru Wang (2001) Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language: a liminological approach to the interplay of speech and silence in Chan Buddhism [d] [j]
- Paul Woodruff (2001/2014) Reverence: renewing a forgotten virtue [i]
- Laura Chester (2000) Dunstan Morrissey: a wine cask chapel [i]
- Donald L. Finkel (2000) Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
- Ko-brag-pa Bsod-nams-rgyal-mtshan Godrakpa & Cyrus Stearns (2000) Hermit of Go Cliffs: timeless instructions from a Tibetan mystic [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2000/2007) Silent meal practice [i]
- Rachael Kessler (2000) Silence and stillness [i]
- Dunstan Morrissey (2000) Your cell will teach you everything [o]
- Joseph Sen (2000) On slowness in philosophy [d] [j]
- Jerome W. Berryman (1999) Silence is stranger than it used to be: teaching silence and the future of humankind [d]
- Maurice Blanchot, George Quasha, Lydia Davis, Paul Auster, & Robert Lamberton (1999) The Station Hill Blanchot reader: fiction & literary essays [i]
- David Budbill (1999) The hermit and the activist [u]
- William N. Isaacs (1999) Dialogue and the art of thinking together: a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life [i]
- Jonathan D. Katz (1999/2001) John Cage's queer silence; or, how to avoid making matters worse [i] [d]
- Alphonso Lingis (1999) Innocence [i]
- Andrew Rojecki (1999) Silencing the opposition: antinuclear movements and the media in the Cold War [i]
- Martha B. Straus (1999) No-talk therapy for children and adolescents [i]
- Ivan Barnett (1998) Isolation: artist's friend or foe? [o]
- Janet A. Kaplan, Janine Antoni, Domenico de Clario, Adam Fuss, Mona Hatoum, Sam Samore, Jana Sterbak, Kazumi Tanaka, Wolfgang Tillmans, Nari Ward, & Chen Zhen (1998) The quiet in the land: everyday life, contemporary art, and the Shakers: a conversation with Janet A. Kaplan [d] [j]
- Bruce I. Kodish (1998) Emptying your cup: non-verbal awareness and general semantics [j]
- Nancy Venable Raine (1998) After silence: rape and my journey back [i]
- John Edgar Wideman (1998/2003) In praise of silence [i]
- Ester Schaler Buchholz (1997) The call of solitude: alonetime in a world of attachment [i]
- John Hurrell Crook & James Low (1997) The yogins of Ladakh: a pilgrimage among the hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas [i]
- Ivan Illich & Majid Rahnema (1997) My eye, your face: a conversation [i]
- Douglas Kahn (1997) John Cage: silence and silencing [d] [j]
- Jean-Clet Martin (1997) Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
- Anne Michaels (1997) Fugitive pieces [i]
- Trevor Pateman (1997/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
- Zhuangzi & David Hinton (1997) Chuang-Tzŭ: the inner chapters [i]
- Samuel Beckett (1996) Nohow on: three novels [i]
- Helen Vendler & Henri Cole (1996) Helen Vendler: The art of criticism No. 3 [u]
- Gillian Stephens Langdon (1995) The power of silence in music therapy [i]
- Josef Pieper (1995/2006) Philosophical education and intellectual labor [i]
- Alice Glarden Brand & Richard L. Graves [ed] (1994) Presence of mind: writing and the domain beyond the cognitive [i]
- Gerald L. Bruns (1994) Poethics: John Cage and Stanley Cavell at the crossroads of ethical theory [i]
- Alphonso Lingis (1994) The community of those who have nothing in common [i] [j]
- Philip M. Peek (1994) The sounds of silence: cross-world communication and the auditory arts in African societies [d] [j]
- Marjorie Perloff & Charles Junkerman [ed] (1994) John Cage: composed in America [i]
- Burton Watson & Stephen Addiss (1994) Four huts: Asian writings on the simple life [i]
- John Cage & Richard Kostelanetz (1993) John Cage, writer: previously uncollected pieces [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1993) Call me by my true names: the collected poems of Thich Nhat Hanh [i]
- Bill Porter & Steven R. Johnson (1993) Road to heaven: encounters with Chinese hermits [i]
- Kōshō Uchiyama, Daitsū Thomas Wright, Jishō Cary Warner, & Shohaku Okumura (1993/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
- Kōshō Uchiyama, Daitsū Thomas Wright, Jishō Cary Warner, Shohaku Okumura, & Densho Quintero (1993/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
- Susan Griffin (1992) A chorus of stones: the private life of war [i]
- Margot Lasher (1992) The art and practice of compassion & empathy [i]
- Christopher Manes (1992) Nature and silence [d]
- Agnes Martin & Dieter Schwarz (1992) Writings = Schriften [i]
- W. A. Mathieu (1991) The listening book: discovering your own music [i]
- Gary Snyder (1991/1995) A single breath [i]
- Mark Stolzenberg (1991) Be a mime! [i]
- Zhengjue & Taigen Daniel Leighton (1991/2000) Cultivating the empty field: the silent illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1990/1995) Negotiations, 1972–1990 [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1990) Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
- Reed W. Larson (1990) The solitary side of life: an examination of the time people spend alone from childhood to old age [d]
- Eric De Visscher (1989) 'There's no such a thing as silence...': John Cage's poetics of silence [d]
- Hans-Jost Frey (1989/1996) Interruptions [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa, Herbert V. Guenther, & Sarahapāda (1989) A visionary journey: The story of the wildwood delights and The story of the Mount Potala delights [i]
- Dainin Katagiri, Yūkō Conniff, & Willa Hathaway (1988) Returning to silence [i]
- John Cage & Richard Kostelanetz (1987/2003) Conversing with Cage [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa, Kennard Lipman, & Merrill Peterson (1987/2000) You are the eyes of the world: a guide to the meaning of pure and total presence [i]
- Amadeu Solé-Leris (1986) Tranquillity & insight: an introduction to the oldest form of Buddhist meditation [i]
- Achaan Chah, Jack Kornfield, & Paul Breiter (1985) A still forest pool: the insight meditation of Achaan Chah [i]
- Gemma Corradi Fiumara (1985/1990) The other side of language: a philosophy of listening [i] [d]
- Victoria Nelson (1985/1993) Active silence [i]
- Deborah Tannen & Muriel Saville-Troike [ed] (1985) Perspectives on silence [i]
- Audre Lorde (1984/2020) Sister outsider: essays and speeches [i]
- Richard Bauman (1983) Let your words be few: symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers [i]
- Maurice Blanchot (1983/1988) The unavowable community [i]
- Ivan Illich (1983) Silence is a commons [o]
- Ann Belford Ulanov & Barry Ulanov (1982) Primary speech: a psychology of prayer [i]
- Henri J. M. Nouwen (1981/1991) The way of the heart: desert spirituality and contemporary ministry [i]
- Maurice Blanchot (1980/1986) The writing of the disaster [i]
- Thomas Merton & Deba Prasad Patnaik (1980) Geography of holiness: the photography of Thomas Merton [i]
- Thomas Merton (1979) Love and living [i]
- Tillie Olsen (1978/2003) Silences [i]
- Robert N. Bellah (1976/1978) To kill and survive or to die and become: the active life and the contemplative life as ways of being adult [i]
- Chögyam Trungpa (1976/1987) The myth of freedom and the way of meditation [i]
- Benedicta Ward (1975) The sayings of the Desert Fathers: the alphabetical collection [i]
- Maurice Blanchot (1973/1992) The step not beyond [i]
- Thomas Merton (1971/1998) Contemplation in a world of action [i]
- Keith H. Basso (1970) 'To give up on words': silence in Western Apache culture [d] [j]
- Ivan Illich (1970) The eloquence of silence [o]
- Maurice Blanchot (1969/1993) The infinite conversation [i]
- Thomas Merton (1969/1979) Creative silence [i]
- Henri Michaux (1968) Selected writings: the space within [o]
- John Cage (1967) A year from Monday: new lectures and writings [i]
- Zhuangzi & Thomas Merton (1965) The way of Chuang-Tzŭ [o]
- James Baldwin (1962/1985) The creative process [i]
- Rachel Carson (1962/2002) Silent spring [i]
- John Cage (1961) Silence: lectures and writings [i]
- Thomas Merton (1960/1970) The wisdom of the desert: sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century [i]
- Martin Buber (1957) Pointing the way: collected essays [o] [u]
- Simone Weil (1956/2004) The notebooks of Simone Weil [i]
- John Cage (1952/1967) Julliard lecture [i]
- Ignatius & Louis J. Puhl (1951/2000) The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius: based on studies in the language of the autograph [i]
- John Cage (1949/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
- Max Picard (1948/1952) The world of silence [o]
- Josef Pieper & Gerald Malsbary (1948/1998) Leisure, the basis of culture; The philosophical act [i]
- Henry David Thoreau & Carl Bode [ed] (1947/1964) The portable Thoreau [i]
- Georges Bataille (1945/1992) On Nietzsche [i]
- Georges Bataille (1944/1988) Guilty [i]
- Frederic C. Bartlett (1934) The problem of noise [o]
- Lev Shestov (1923/1968) Potestas clavium [o] [u]
- Antonin Gilbert Sertillanges & Mary Ryan (1921/1948) The intellectual life: its spirit, conditions, methods [o]
- Martin Buber (1914/1957) Productivity and existence [o] [u]
- Henry David Thoreau (1854/1964) Solitude [i] [u]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa (1350/2000) An adamantine song on purposeless pursuits [i]