How to mentor
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- Mary L. Troy (2023) The effects of perceived encouragement during adolescence on female career choice [d]
- Beverly J. Irby, Jennifer N. Boswell, Linda J. Searby, Frances K. Kochan, Rubén Garza, & Nahed Abdelrahman [ed] (2020) The Wiley international handbook of mentoring: paradigms, practices, programs, and possibilities [i] [d]
- Scott O. Lilienfeld & Candice Basterfield (2020) Reflective practice in clinical psychology: reflections from basic psychological science [d]
- Micah A. Mammen (2020) Attachment dynamics in the supervisory relationship: becoming your own good supervisor [d]
- George Poncy (2020) Skillful use of developmental supervision [d]
- Jack B. Schaffer & Emil R. Rodolfa (2020) Reflecting on reflective practice [d]
- Robin J. Fogarty, Gene M. Kerns, & Brian M. Pete (2018) Unlocking student talent: the new science of developing expertise [i]
- Eunjung Lee & David Kealy (2018) Developing a working model of cross-cultural supervision: a competence- and alliance-based framework [d]
- David Clutterbuck, Frances K. Kochan, Laura Gail Lunsford, Nora Domínguez, & Julie Haddock-Millar [ed] (2017) The Sage handbook of mentoring [i] [d]
- Martin J. Eppler & Lawrence McGrath (2017) Pairwise communication for innovation at work [i] [d]
- Lyndsey Jenkins & Debora Jeske (2017) Interactive support effects on career agency and occupational engagement among young adults [d]
- W. Brad Johnson (2017) Ethical considerations for mentors: toward a mentoring code of ethics [i] [d]
- Heidi M. Levitt & Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin (2017) The professionalization and training of psychologists: the place of clinical wisdom [p] [d]
- C. Edward Watkins Jr. (2017) On principles of educational change and principled action in psychotherapy supervision [d]
- Eleanor Drago-Severson (2016) Teaching, learning and leading in today's complex world: reaching new heights with a developmental approach [d]
- Sydney Finkelstein (2016) Superbosses: how exceptional leaders master the flow of talent [i]
- Barbara Gastel (2016) Living up to my mentors [p] [d] [j]
- W. Brad Johnson & David Smith (2016) Athena rising: how and why men should mentor women [i]
- Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey, Matthew L. Miller, Andy Fleming, & Deborah Helsing (2016) An everyone culture: becoming a deliberately developmental organization [i]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Matthew Woodward, Alison Pickover, & Melissa Smigelsky (2016) Questioning our questions: a constructivist technique for clinical supervision [d]
- Tony Rousmaniere & Edina Lynn Renfro-Michel [ed] (2016) Using technology to enhance clinical supervision [i] [d]
- Jorden A. Cummings, Elena C. Ballantyne, & Laura M. Scallion (2015) Essential processes for cognitive behavioral clinical supervision: agenda setting, problem-solving, and formative feedback [p] [d]
- Greg Downey, Monica Dalidowicz, & Paul H. Mason (2015) Apprenticeship as method: embodied learning in ethnographic practice [d]
- Lillian T. Eby & Erin L. Dolan (2015) Mentoring in postsecondary education and organizational settings [i] [d]
- Aftab Erfan & William R. Torbert (2015) Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
- Hannah Holt, Larry E. Beutler, Satoko Kimpara, Sandra Macias, Nancy A. Haug, Nicole Shiloff, Peter Goldblum, Rainey Sealey Temkin, & Mickey Stein (2015) Evidence-based supervision: tracking outcome and teaching principles of change in clinical supervision to bring science to integrative practice [p] [d]
- Philip R. Magaletta & Alix M. McLearen (2015) Promoting cognitive complexity in corrections practice: clinical supervision processes with psychotherapist trainees [p] [d]
- Michael R. Mascellino (2015) How leaders mentor others to be leaders—or don't [i]
- Carlos R. McCray & Bruce S. Cooper [ed] (2015) Mentoring with meaning: how educators can be more professional and effective [i]
- Joshua K. Swift, Jennifer L. Callahan, Tony Rousmaniere, Jason L. Whipple, Kyle Dexter, & Elizabeth R. Wrape (2015) Using client outcome monitoring as a tool for supervision [p] [d]
- Robert B. Taylor (2015) On the shoulders of medicine's giants: what today's clinicians can learn from yesterday's wisdom [i] [d]
- Scott H. Young (2015) Why you need mentors (and why you don't have them yet) [u]
- Roy A. Bean, Sean D. Davis, & Maureen P. Davey [ed] (2014) Clinical supervision activities for increasing competence and self-awareness [i]
- Kendall Cotton Bronk (2014) Purpose in life: a critical component of optimal youth development [i] [d]
- Robert B. Brooks & Suzanne Brooks (2014) Creating resilient mindsets in children and adolescents: a strength-based approach for clinical and nonclinical populations [i] [d]
- Melinde Coetzee [ed] (2014) Psycho-social career meta-capacities: dynamics of contemporary career development [i] [d]
- Lillian T. Eby, B. Lindsay Brown, & Kerrin George (2014) Mentoring as a strategy for facilitating learning: protégé and mentor perspectives [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Ghaffari (2014) Tapping the wisdom that surrounds you: mentorship and women [i]
- Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey, Andy Fleming, & Matthew L. Miller (2014) Making business personal [u]
- Jeanne Nakamura (2014) Positive change and mentoring in adulthood [i] [d]
- Sandra Prince-Embury & Donald H. Saklofske [ed] (2014) Resilience interventions for youth in diverse populations [i] [d]
- Vanessa Rodriguez & Michelle Fitzpatrick (2014) The teaching brain: an evolutionary trait at the heart of education [i]
- C. Edward Watkins Jr. & Derek L. Milne [ed] (2014) The Wiley international handbook of clinical supervision [i] [d]
- Susan A. David, David Clutterbuck, & David Megginson [ed] (2013) Beyond goals: effective strategies for coaching and mentoring [i] [d]
- Paul Grogan, Val Eviner, & Sarah Hobbie (2013) The qualities and impacts of a great mentor—and how to improve your own mentoring [d]
- Michael Helge Rønnestad & Thomas M. Skovholt (2013) The developing practitioner: growth and stagnation of therapists and counselors [i] [d]
- Tadashi Asada (2012) Mentoring: apprenticeship or co-inquiry? [i] [d]
- Marcia B. Baxter Magolda (2012) Building learning partnerships [d]
- Jennifer Boddy, Kylie Agllias, & Mel Gray (2012) Mentoring in social work: key findings from a women's community-based mentoring program [d]
- Shoshana R. Dobrow, Dawn E. Chandler, Wendy M. Murphy, & Kathy E. Kram (2012) A review of developmental networks: incorporating a mutuality perspective [d]
- Sarah J. Fletcher & Carol A. Mullen [ed] (2012) The Sage handbook of mentoring and coaching in education [i] [d]
- Robert McCandless & Virginia Eatough (2012) 'Her energy kind of went into a different place': a qualitative study examining supervisors' experience of promoting reflexive learning in students [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone (2012) Therapy training as a transformative process [i]
- Steven Pressfield (2012) Turning pro: tap your inner power and create your life's work [i]
- Hillary Rettig (2012) How to be an effective decision-maker [u]
- C. Edward Watkins Jr. (2012) Psychotherapy supervision in the new millennium: competency-based, evidence-based, particularized, and energized [d]
- C. Edward Watkins Jr. (2012) On demoralization, therapist identity development, and persuasion and healing in psychotherapy supervision [d]
- Catherine Abernethy & Katrina Cook (2011) Resistance or disconnection?: a relational-cultural approach to supervisee anxiety and nondisclosure [d]
- Irena Grugulis & Dimitrinka Stoyanova (2011) The missing middle: communities of practice in a freelance labour market [d]
- Gillian A. King, Cynthia Tam, Linda Fay, Martha Pilkington, Michelle Servais, & Hasmik Petrosian (2011) Evaluation of an occupational therapy mentorship program: effects on therapists' skills and family-centered behavior [d]
- Annalee J. Lamoreaux (2011) Prior learning assessment and the developmental journey: from 'mapless' to cartographer [i] [d]
- Hillary Rettig & Barry Deutsch (2011) The seven secrets of the prolific: the definitive guide to overcoming procrastination, perfectionism, and writer's block [i]
- Wendy Benjamin Smith (2011) Youth leaving foster care: a developmental, relationship-based approach to practice [i] [d]
- Carol A. Falender & Edward P. Shafranske (2010) Psychotherapy-based supervision models in an emerging competency-based era: a commentary [p] [d]
- Dave H. Hoover & Adewale Oshineye (2010) Apprenticeship patterns: guidance for the aspiring software craftsman [i]
- Michael J. Karcher & Michael J. Nakkula [ed] (2010) Play, talk, learn: promising practices in youth mentoring [i]
- Sharon A. Myers & Catherine M. White (2010) The abiding nature of empathic connections: a 10-year follow-up study [d]
- Felix Rauner & Erica Smith [ed] (2010) Rediscovering apprenticeship: research findings of the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) [i] [d]
- Carole A. Rayburn [ed] (2010) A handbook for women mentors: transcending barriers of stereotype, race, and ethnicity [i]
- Hillary Rettig (2010) Ambivalence: the career killer [u]
- Sheng Wang, Edward C. Tomlinson, & Raymond A. Noe (2010) The role of mentor trust and protégé internal locus of control in formal mentoring relationships [d]
- S. Gayle Baugh & Sherry E. Sullivan [ed] (2009) Maintaining focus, energy, and options over the career [i]
- William J. Doherty, Jenet I. Jacob, & Beth Cutting (2009) Community engaged parent education: strengthening civic engagement among parents and parent educators [d]
- Susan W. Gray & Mark S. Smith (2009) The influence of diversity in clinical supervision: a framework for reflective conversations and questioning [d]
- Daniel R. Heischman (2009) Good influence: teaching the wisdom of adulthood [i]
- Clara E. Hill & Sarah Knox (2009) Processing the therapeutic relationship [p] [d]
- Derek L. Milne, Caroline Leck, & Nasim Z. Choudhri (2009) Collusion in clinical supervision: literature review and case study in self-reflection [d]
- Edgar H. Schein (2009) Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help [i]
- Paul R. Yost & Mary Mannion Plunket (2009) Real time leadership development [i] [d]
- Alberto Arenas (2008) Connecting hand, mind, and community: vocational education for social and environmental renewal [d] [u]
- Carolyn Boyes-Watson (2008) Peacemaking circles & urban youth: bringing justice home [i]
- Polly Parker, Douglas T. Hall, & Kathy E. Kram (2008) Peer coaching: a relational process for accelerating career learning [d]
- Jean E. Rhodes (2008) Improving youth mentoring interventions through research-based practice [p] [d]
- Tammy D. Allen & Lillian T. Eby [ed] (2007) The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: a multiple perspectives approach [i] [d]
- Finney Cherian (2007) Learning to teach: teacher candidates reflect on the relational, conceptual, and contextual influences of responsive mentorship [d] [j]
- Douglas T. Hall & Dawn E. Chandler (2007) Career cycles and mentoring [i] [d]
- Monica C. Higgins, Dawn E. Chandler, & Kathy E. Kram (2007) Developmental initiation and developmental networks [i] [d]
- W. Brad Johnson (2007) Transformational supervision: when supervisors mentor [d]
- Patrick Lencioni (2007) The three signs of a miserable job: a fable for managers (and their employees) [i]
- Eileen M. McGowan, Eric M. Stone, & Robert Kegan (2007) A constructive-developmental approach to mentoring relationships [i] [d]
- Ryan W. Quinn (2007) Energizing others in work connections [i] [d]
- Belle Rose Ragins & Kathy E. Kram [ed] (2007) The handbook of mentoring at work: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
- Hillary Rettig (2007) The little guide to beating procrastination, perfectionism and blocks: a manual for artists, activists, entrepreneurs, academics and other ambitious dreamers [u]
- Dorothy Strachan (2007) Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
- Anne Brockbank & Ian McGill (2006/2012) Facilitating reflective learning: coaching, mentoring and supervison [i]
- Peter Hawkins & Nick Smith (2006) Coaching, mentoring and organizational consultancy: supervision and development [i]
- Hillary Rettig (2006) The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
- David L. DuBois & Michael J. Karcher [ed] (2005/2014) Handbook of youth mentoring [i] [d]
- Ellen A. Ensher & Susan E. Murphy (2005) Power mentoring: how successful mentors and protégés get the most out of their relationships [i]
- Reed W. Larson & David M. Hansen (2005) The development of strategic thinking: learning to impact human systems in a youth activism program [d] [j]
- Renée Spencer & Jean E. Rhodes (2005) A counseling and psychotherapy perspective on mentoring relationships [i] [d]
- Jean Morrissey (2005/2020) Training supervision: professional and ethical considerations [i] [d]
- Marc A. Zimmerman, Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer, & Diana E. Behrendt (2005) Natural mentoring relationships [i] [d]
- Margaret R. Basom & Larry Frase (2004) Creating optimal work environments: exploring teacher flow experiences [d]
- Liberato Cardellini & Juan Pascual-Leone (2004) On mentors, cognitive development, education, and constructivism: an interview with Juan Pascual-Leone [d]
- Elizabeth J. Farnsworth (2004) Forging research partnerships across the academic–agency divide [d] [j]
- W. Brad Johnson & Charles R. Ridley (2004/2018) The elements of mentoring: 75 practices of master mentors [i]
- Nansook Park (2004) The role of subjective well-being in positive youth development [d]
- Iris Tabak & Eric Baumgartner (2004) The teacher as partner: exploring participant structures, symmetry, and identity work in scaffolding [d]
- William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Dalmar Fisher, Erica Foldy, Alain Gauthier, Jackie Keeley, David Rooke, Sara Nora Ross, Catherine Royce, Jenny W. Rudolph, Steven S. Taylor, & Mariana Tran (2004) Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
- James M. Citrin & Richard A. Smith (2003) The five patterns of extraordinary careers: the guide for achieving success and satisfaction [i]
- Ed De St. Aubin, Dan P. McAdams, & T'ae-ch'ang Kim [ed] (2003) The generative society: caring for future generations [i] [d]
- W. Brad Johnson (2003) A framework for conceptualizing competence to mentor [d]
- Jeffrey A. Kottler & W. Paul Jones [ed] (2003) Doing better: improving clinical skills and professional competence [i] [d]
- Khen Lampert (2003) Compassionate education: a prolegomena for radical schooling [i]
- Michael Helge Rønnestad & Thomas M. Skovholt (2003) The journey of the counselor and therapist: research findings and perspectives on professional development [d]
- Israela Silberman (2003) Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
- Richard E. Boyatzis, Annie McKee, & Daniel Goleman (2002) Reawakening your passion for work [p] [u]
- Kerry A. Bunker, Kathy E. Kram, & Sharon Ting (2002) The young and the clueless [p] [u]
- Linda Culp Dowling & Cecile Culp Mielenz (2002) Mentor manager, mentor parent: how to develop responsible people and build successful relationships at work and at home [i]
- Shawn Ginwright & Taj James (2002) From assets to agents of change: social justice, organizing, and youth development [d]
- Zach Kelehear & Karen A. Heid (2002) Mentoring in the art classroom [d] [j]
- Yvonne Rand (2002) A teacher's responsibility [u]
- Jean E. Rhodes (2002) Stand by me: the risks and rewards of mentoring today's youth [i] [j]
- Wolff-Michael Roth & Kenneth George Tobin (2002) At the elbow of another: learning to teach by coteaching [i]
- Thomas D. Carlson & Martin J. Erickson (2001) Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
- Monica C. Higgins & Kathy E. Kram (2001) Reconceptualizing mentoring at work: a developmental network perspective [d] [j]
- Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins (2001) 10 traits of highly effective teachers: how to hire, coach, and mentor successful teachers [i]
- Regina M. O'Neill & Daniel Sankowsky (2001) The caligula phenomenon: mentoring relationships and theoretical abuse [d]
- Mark S. Albion (2000) Making a life, making a living: reclaiming your purpose and passion in business and in life [i]
- Alexander Berzin (2000/2010) Wise teacher, wise student: Tibetan approaches to a healthy relationship [or: Relating to a spiritual teacher: building a healthy relationship] [i]
- Darcy Haag Granello, David Hothersall, & Ann L. Osborne (2000) The academic genogram: teaching for the future by learning from the past [d]
- Frances K. Kochan & Susan B. Trimble (2000) From mentoring to co-mentoring: establishing collaborative relationships [d]
- Roger C. Schank (2000) Coloring outside the lines: raising a smarter kid by breaking all the rules [i]
- John J. Sosik & Veronica M. Godshalk (2000) Leadership styles, mentoring functions received, and job-related stress: a conceptual model and preliminary study [d]
- R. Brian Stanfield (2000) The art of focused conversation: 100 ways to access group wisdom in the workplace [i]
- John N. Kotre (1999) Make it count: how to generate a legacy that gives meaning to your life [i]
- Andrew J. McClurg (1999) Good cop, bad cop: using cognitive dissonance theory to reduce police lying [u]
- John J. Mitchell (1998) The natural limitations of youth: the predispositions that shape the adolescent character [i]
- Michael J. Nakkula & Sharon M. Ravitch [ed] (1998) Matters of interpretation: reciprocal transformation in therapeutic and developmental relationships with youth [i]
- Ruth A. Schiller (1998) The relationship of developmental tasks to life satisfaction, moral reasoning, and occupational attainment at age 28 [d]
- Michael Basseches (1997) A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
- Michael Basseches (1997) A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
- Peter L. Benson (1997/2006) All kids are our kids: what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents [i]
- Myla Kabat-Zinn & Jon Kabat-Zinn (1997) Everyday blessings: the inner work of mindful parenting [i]
- Robert L. Selman, Caroline L. Watts, & Lynn Hickey Schultz [ed] (1997) Fostering friendship: pair therapy for treatment and prevention [i]
- Floyd Wickman & Terri L. Sjodin (1997) Mentoring: the most obvious yet overlooked key to achieving more in life than you dreamed possible: a success guide for mentors and protégés [i]
- Susan S. Phillips & Patricia E. Benner [ed] (1994) The crisis of care: affirming and restoring caring practices in the helping professions [i]
- Robert L. Selman & Lynn Hickey Schultz (1990) Making a friend in youth: developmental theory and pair therapy [i]
- John N. Kotre (1984) Outliving the self: generativity and the interpretation of lives [or: Outliving the self: how we live on in future generations] [i]
- Robert Kegan (1982) Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
- Elizabeth A. Carter & Monica McGoldrick [ed] (1980/2005) The expanded family life cycle: individual, family, and social perspectives [i]
- Elizabeth (Monroe) Drews (1972) Learning together: how to foster creativity, self-fulfillment, and social awareness in today's students and teachers [i]