How to map stakeholders

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Rural–urban differences in personality traits and well-being in adulthood [p] [d] [u]
  2. () Locality, personal ties, and efficiency in a food security network [d]
  3. () 'Unlinked lives': elaboration of a concept and its significance for the life course [p] [d]
  4. () Music worlds and event networks: an exposition [d]
  5. () Group life: an invitation to local sociology [i]
  6. () Perpetuating advantage: mechanisms of structural injustice [i] [d]
  7. () Wheels within wheels: mapping the genealogy of circular economy using machine learning [d]
  8. () The policy implications of economic complexity [d]
  9. () Class cultures [d]
  10. () Excluded: how snob zoning, NIMBYism, and class bias build the walls we don't see [i]
  11. () Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
  12. () Measuring women's empowerment in agriculture: innovations and evidence [p] [d] [u]
  13. () Living, not just surviving: the politics of refusing low-wage jobs in urban South Africa [d]
  14. () Eco-types: five ways of caring about the environment [i] [d] [j]
  15. () Using social network analysis to study crime: navigating the challenges of criminal justice records [d]
  16. () White space, black hood: opportunity hoarding and segregation in the age of inequality [i]
  17. () Networks, maps, and time: visualizing historical networks using Palladio [u]
  18. () Personality traits and social structure [i] [d]
  19. Michele Fazio, Christie Launius, & Tim Strangleman [ed] () Routledge international handbook of working-class studies [i] [d]
  20. () Veganism as a lifestyle movement [d]
  21. Malcolm MacLachlan & Joanne McVeigh [ed] () Macropsychology: a population science for sustainable development goals [i] [d]
  22. () Bridging the divide: working-class culture in a middle-class society [i] [d] [j]
  23. () There is a genuine working-class culture [i] [d]
  24. () The craft of qualitative longitudinal research [or: Qualitative longitudinal research: the craft of researching lives through time] [i]
  25. () Sensing and making sense of tourism flows and urban data to foster sustainability awareness: a real-world experience [d]
  26. () Fútbol in the park: immigrants, soccer, and the creation of social ties [i] [d]
  27. () Neighbourhood deprivation effects on young people's mental health and well-being: a systematic review of the literature [p] [d]
  28. () The data detective: ten easy rules to make sense of statistics [or: How to make the world add up: ten rules for thinking differently about numbers] [i]
  29. () Diagramming the social: exploring the legacy of Torsten Hägerstrand's diagrammatic landscapes [d]
  30. () Network origins of the global economy: East vs. West in a complex systems perspective [i] [d]
  31. () The serious leisure perspective: a synthesis [i] [d]
  32. () Using social-network research to improve outcomes in natural resource management [p] [d]
  33. Jeffrey S. Harrison [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of stakeholder theory [i] [d]
  34. Adam Lindgreen, François Maon, Joëlle Vanhamme, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Christine Vallaster, & Carolyn Strong [ed] () Engaging with stakeholders: a relational perspective on responsible business [i] [d]
  35. () The origins of unfairness: social categories and cultural evolution [i] [d]
  36. () Geographical psychology [p] [d]
  37. Robert Schoen [ed] () Analytical family demography [i] [d]
  38. () Rural social networks along Amazonian rivers: seeds, labor and soccer among communities on the Napo River, Peru [d]
  39. Stanley Aronowitz & Michael James Roberts [ed] () Class: the anthology [i] [d]
  40. () Modeling a heterogeneous world [i] [d]
  41. Elisabeth Brauner, Margarete Boos, & Michaela Kolbe [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of group interaction analysis [i] [d]
  42. () Complex agent-based models [i] [d]
  43. () The limits of GIS: towards a GIS of place [d]
  44. () The one-way street of integration: fair housing and the pursuit of racial justice in American cities [i] [d] [j]
  45. () Formal approaches to socio-economic analysis—past and perspectives [d]
  46. Cars Hommes & Blake LeBaron [ed] () Heterogeneous agent modeling [i]
  47. () Classed outcomes: how class differentiates the careers of liberal arts college graduates in the US [d]
  48. () Navigating ethnicity: segregation, placemaking, and difference [i]
  49. Alena V. Ledeneva, Anna L. Bailey, Sheelagh Barron, Costanza Curro, & Elizabeth Teague [ed] () The global encyclopaedia of informality: understanding social and cultural complexity [i] [j] [u]
  50. () Shadow networks: financial disorder and the system that caused crisis [i] [d]
  51. () The system made me do it: strategies of survival [i] [j] [u]
  52. () Paths of recruitment: rational social prospecting in petition canvassing [d] [j]
  53. () Social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world [i] [d]
  54. () To the rescue!?: brokering a rapid, scaled and customized compassionate response to suffering after disaster [d]
  55. () Places in need: the changing geography of poverty [i] [j]
  56. Meg A. Bond, Irma García de Serrano, & Christopher Keys [ed] () APA handbook of community psychology [i] [d]
  57. () Asset-based community maps: a tool for expanding resources in community health programs [d]
  58. Richard J. Chacon & Rubén G. Mendoza [ed] () Feast, famine or fighting?: multiple pathways to social complexity [i] [d]
  59. () Operationalizing network theory for ecosystem service assessments [d]
  60. () Quilting a time–place mosaic [d]
  61. () Constraints, incentives and pockets of local order on the streets of Pelotas, Brazil [d]
  62. () Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
  63. () Communities and school ratings: examining geography of opportunity in an urban school district located in a resource-rich city [d]
  64. () Spatio-temporal neighborhood impacts on internalizing and externalizing behaviors in U.S. elementary school children: effect modification by child and family socio-demographics [p] [d]
  65. () Crime mapping and spatial analysis [i] [d]
  66. () Cycle of segregation: social processes and residential stratification [i] [d] [j]
  67. () Time in strategic change research [d]
  68. () Modeling the social organization of science: chasing complexity through simulations [d]
  69. () Managing networks in project-based organisations [i] [d]
  70. Luke Sloan & Anabel Quan-Haase [ed] () The Sage handbook of social media research methods [i] [d]
  71. () Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government [in the United States] [i] [d] [j]
  72. () Integrating social network data into GISystems [d]
  73. () Fundamentals of demographic analysis: concepts, measures and methods [i] [d]
  74. Mike Dent, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Jean-Louis Denis, & Ellen Kuhlmann [ed] () The Routledge companion to the professions and professionalism [i] [d]
  75. () Constructing work travel inequalities: the role of household gender contracts [d]
  76. () Activity patterns, socioeconomic status and urban spatial structure: what can social media data tell us? [d]
  77. () Gerrymandering in America: the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, and the future of popular sovereignty [i] [d]
  78. () Using life history calendars to survey vulnerability [i] [d]
  79. () Mobility disadvantage and livelihood opportunities of marginalized widowed women in rural Uganda [d]
  80. () The ties that bind: social capital, families, and children's well-being [d]
  81. () The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management [i] [d]
  82. () Social networks, strategic doing, and sustainable management of local food systems [i] [d]
  83. () Moral economy, unearned income, and legalized corruption [i]
  84. () Scenescapes: how qualities of place shape social life [i] [d]
  85. () Embeddedness, social capital and learning in rural areas: the case of producer cooperatives [d]
  86. () Biodemography of aging: determinants of healthy life span and longevity [i] [d]
  87. () Graph analysis and visualization: discovering business opportunity in linked data [i] [d]
  88. () A method for collecting lifecourse data: assessing the utility of the lifegrid [i] [d]
  89. () The ant trap: rebuilding the foundations of the social sciences [i] [d]
  90. () Places of inequality, places of possibility: mapping 'opportunity in geography' across urban school-communities [d]
  91. () Network performance assessment for collaborative disaster response [d]
  92. () 'All the world's a stage': a GIS framework for recreating personal time-space from qualitative and quantitative sources [d]
  93. () The integrative challenge in personality science: personal projects as units of analysis [d]
  94. Kathryn W. Shanley & Bjørg Evjen [ed] () Mapping indigenous presence: north Scandinavian and North American perspectives [i] [j]
  95. Nancy Worth & Irene Hardill [ed] () Researching the lifecourse: critical reflections from the social sciences [i] [d]
  96. () The power of one sentient being: the computer simulation of a bodhisattva's altruism using agent-based modelling [d]
  97. () Exploring space–time paths in physical and social closeness spaces: a space–time GIS approach [d]
  98. () Place, not race: a new vision of opportunity in America [i]
  99. () Power and conflict [i]
  100. () Reality mining: using big data to engineer a better world [i] [j]
  101. Manfred M. Fischer & Peter Nijkamp [ed] (/2021) Handbook of regional science [i] [d]
  102. () Mental maps compared to actual spatial behavior using GPS data: a new method for investigating segregation in cities [d]
  103. () Economic complexity and human development: how economic diversification and social networks affect human agency and welfare [i] [d] [u]
  104. (/2017) Systemic decision making: fundamentals for addressing problems and messes [i] [d]
  105. () Redefining neighborhoods using common destinations: social characteristics of activity spaces and home census tracts compared [d]
  106. () Exploring community collaborations: social network analysis as a reflective tool for public health [d]
  107. () Mapping family connectedness across space and time [d]
  108. () Evaluating megaprojects: from the 'iron triangle' to network mapping [d]
  109. Christopher D. Lloyd, Ian Shuttleworth, & David W. S. Wong [ed] () Social-spatial segregation: concepts, processes and outcomes [i] [d]
  110. () Social network analysis [i]
  111. () The diagnostic field's players and interactions: from the inside out [p] [d]
  112. () Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness [d]
  113. () Linking regional planning and local action: towards using social network analysis in systematic conservation planning [d]
  114. () Connecting to change the world: harnessing the power of networks for social impact [i]
  115. Peter J. Rentfrow [ed] () Geographical psychology: exploring the interaction of environment and behavior [i] [d]
  116. () Between the remnants of colonialism and the insurgence of self-narrative in constructing participatory social maps: towards a land education methodology [d]
  117. () Moving beyond the residential neighborhood to explore social inequalities in exposure to area-level disadvantage: results from the Interdisciplinary Study on Inequalities in Smoking [p] [d]
  118. () Putting people on the map through an approach that integrates social data in conservation planning [p] [d]
  119. () Measuring large-scale social networks with high resolution [p] [d] [u]
  120. () Models in motion: ethnography moves from complicatedness to complex systems [d]
  121. () Identifying and tracking major events using geo-social networks [d]
  122. () Banking across boundaries: placing finance in capitalism [i] [d]
  123. () Asset assessments and community social work practice [i]
  124. () Partisan gerrymandering and the construction of American democracy [i] [d]
  125. () The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: a time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility [d]
  126. () Efficient discovery of overlapping communities in massive networks [p] [d] [u]
  127. () Role-playing game developed from a modelling process: a relevant participatory tool for sustainable development?: a co-construction experiment in an insular biosphere reserve [d]
  128. () Scale mismatches, conservation planning, and the value of social-network analyses [p] [d]
  129. () Eating together: food, friendship, and inequality [i] [j]
  130. Carl Knappett [ed] () Network analysis in archaeology: new approaches to regional interaction [i] [d]
  131. () Social network analysis and the practice of history [i] [d]
  132. () Social isolation of disadvantage and advantage: the reproduction of inequality in urban space [d] [j] [u]
  133. () Making sense of human ecology mapping: an overview of approaches to integrating socio-spatial data into environmental planning [d] [j]
  134. () Genealogy, migration, and the intertwined geographies of personal pasts [d]
  135. () New approaches to human mobility: using mobile phones for demographic research [d]
  136. () Seed exchange networks for agrobiodiversity conservation: a review [d]
  137. Céline Rozenblat & Guy Melançon [ed] () Methods for multilevel analysis and visualisation of geographical networks [i] [d]
  138. () Enhancing stakeholder interaction through environmental risk accounts [d]
  139. () A practitioner's guide to state and local population projections [i] [d]
  140. () Using high-resolution population data to identify neighborhoods and establish their boundaries [d]
  141. () Species importance in a heterospecific foraging association network [d] [j]
  142. () Harvesting ambient geospatial information from social media feeds [d]
  143. () Islands of innovation as magnetic centres of star scientists?: empirical evidence on spatial concentration and mobility patterns [d]
  144. () Simulating the effects of social networks on a population's hurricane evacuation participation [d]
  145. () Risk pooling, risk preferences, and social networks [d]
  146. () Why society is a complex matter: meeting twenty-first century challenges with a new kind of science [i] [d]
  147. () Recognising the time–space dimensions of care: caringscapes and carescapes [d]
  148. () Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps [d]
  149. () 'It was basically college to us': poverty, prison, and emerging adulthood [d]
  150. () The topology of collective leadership [d]
  151. () The uses of social network analysis in planning: a review of the literature [d]
  152. () Managing wicked problems in agribusiness: the role of multi-stakeholder engagements in value creation [u]
  153. () Community stakeholders' knowledge in landscape assessments: mapping indicators for landscape services [d]
  154. Susan T. Fiske & Hazel Rose Markus [ed] () Facing social class: how societal rank influences interaction [i] [j]
  155. () Specialized knowledge and the geographic concentration of occupations [d]
  156. () The use of participatory mapping in ethnobiological research, biocultural conservation, and community empowerment: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  157. () Comanagement at the fringes: examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa—at the intersection of high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality [d]
  158. () Volunteered geographic information production as a spatial process [d]
  159. () Social capital and social quilts: network patterns of favor exchange [d]
  160. () Clustering daily patterns of human activities in the city [d]
  161. () Effects of time window size and placement on the structure of an aggregated communication network [d]
  162. () How to implement free, prior informed consent (FPIC) [u]
  163. () Criminal networks: who is the key player? [u]
  164. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  165. () Mapping where ecologists work: biases in the global distribution of terrestrial ecological observations [d]
  166. () The new geography of jobs [i]
  167. () The central place of race in crime and justice [d]
  168. () Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
  169. () Global policies and local practice: loose and tight couplings in multi-stakeholder initiatives [d]
  170. () Building ties: social capital network analysis of a forest community in a biosphere reserve in Chiapas, Mexico [d]
  171. () Developing networks for community change: exploring the utility of network analysis [d]
  172. () From actors to agents in socio-ecological systems models [p] [d] [u]
  173. () Social networks and spatial configuration—how office layouts drive social interaction [d]
  174. () Private multi-stakeholder governance in the agricultural market place: an analysis of legitimization processes of the roundtables on sustainable palm oil and responsible soy [u]
  175. () Geographical distance between children and absent parents in separated families [d] [j]
  176. () Global finance as an action research domain: testing the boundaries [d]
  177. Christina Wasson, Mary Odell Butler, & Jacqueline Copeland-Carson [ed] () Applying anthropology in the global village [i] [d]
  178. () Cracking the hidden job market: how to find opportunity in any economy [i]
  179. () The relational economy: geographies of knowing and learning [i]
  180. () The atlas of global inequalities [i] [d]
  181. () The world trade network [d]
  182. () Cultural influence on spatial behaviour [d]
  183. () The geography of finance: form and functions [d]
  184. () A call for a social network-oriented approach to services for survivors of intimate partner violence [d]
  185. () Geographical influences of an emerging network of gang rivalries [d]
  186. Dirk Hoerder & Nora Helen Faires [ed] () Migrants and migration in modern North America: cross-border lives, labor markets, and politics [i] [d] [u]
  187. () Affinographs: a dynamic method for assessment of individuals, couples, families, and households [i] [d]
  188. () Time-geographic visualisation of stakeholder values [i] [u]
  189. () Complex economics: individual and collective rationality [i] [d]
  190. () Place, not race: disparities dissipate in southwest Baltimore when blacks and whites live under similar conditions [p] [d]
  191. () Visualisation of socio-spatial isolation based on human activity patterns and social networks in space–time [d] [u]
  192. () Religion, clubs, and emergent social divides [d]
  193. Emily R. Merchant, Glenn D. Deane, Myron P. Gutman, & Kenneth M. Sylvester [ed] () Navigating time and space in population studies [i] [d]
  194. () Amazonian agriculturalists bound by subsistence hunting [d]
  195. () Factors affecting farmers' networking decisions [d]
  196. () Living faith: everyday religion and mothers in poverty [i] [d]
  197. () Forecasting environmental hazards and the application of risk maps to predator attacks on livestock [d] [j]
  198. () We are all stakeholders of Gaia: a normative perspective on stakeholder thinking [d]
  199. () Complex webs: anticipating the improbable [i] [d]
  200. () Deliberative assessment in complex socioecological systems: recommendations for environmental assessment in drylands [d]
  201. () Measuring segregation: an activity space approach [d]
  202. () Towards real-time geodemographics: clustering algorithm performance for large multidimensional spatial databases [d]
  203. () How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
  204. () GIS, ethnography, and cultural research: putting maps back into ethnographic mapping [d]
  205. () Neighbor networks: competitive advantage local and personal [i]
  206. () Using the Delphi method to engage stakeholders: a comparison of two studies [d]
  207. () Social network analysis and the evaluation of leadership networks [d]
  208. () Personality in the context of social networks [p] [d] [u]
  209. () Stakeholder participation, governance, communication, and outreach [i] [u]
  210. Antony Morgan, Erio Ziglio, & Maggie Davies [ed] () Health assets in a global context: theory, methods, action [i] [d]
  211. () Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
  212. () Using space–time visual analytic methods for exploring the dynamics of ethnic groups' residential patterns [d]
  213. Germán Palacio [ed] () Ecología política en la Amazonia: las profusas y difusas redes de la gobernanza [i]
  214. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  215. () Divergent social worlds: neighborhood crime and the racial–spatial divide [i] [j]
  216. () The role of developmental social networks in effective leader self-learning processes [i] [d]
  217. () Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  218. () Punishment's place: the local concentration of mass incarceration [d] [j]
  219. () Net-map: collecting social network data and facilitating network learning through participatory influence network mapping [d]
  220. () Social assessment of conservation initiatives: a review of rapid methodologies [i] [u]
  221. () Limits of predictability in human mobility [p] [d] [j]
  222. () Disruption or sustenance?: an institutional analysis of the sustainable business network in West Michigan [i] [d]
  223. John C. H. Stillwell, Paul Norman, Claudia Thomas, & Paula Surridge [ed] () Spatial and social disparities [i] [d]
  224. () TimeMatrix: analyzing temporal social networks using interactive matrix-based visualizations [d]
  225. () The geography of criminal law [u]
  226. () Where offenders choose to attack: a discrete choice model of robberies in Chicago [d]
  227. () The role of social networks in natural resource governance: what relational patterns make a difference? [d]
  228. () Business modeling: a practical guide to realizing business value [i] [d]
  229. () Cognitive segmentation: modeling the structure and content of customers' thoughts [d]
  230. Glen H. Elder & Janet Zollinger Giele [ed] () The craft of life course research [i]
  231. () Social network analyses of patient–healthcare worker interactions: implications for disease transmission [p] [u]
  232. () The natural environment as a primary stakeholder: the case of climate change [d]
  233. () Intervention: Mapping is critical! [d]
  234. () The thermometer of social relations: mapping social proximity on temperature [d]
  235. () The critical genogram: a tool for promoting critical consciousness [d]
  236. () The social context of project proliferation: the rise of a project class [d]
  237. () Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
  238. () An exploration of a model of social networks and multilateral negotiations [d]
  239. Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, & Scott Fullwiler [ed] () Institutional analysis and praxis: the social fabric matrix approach [i] [d]
  240. () Community carrying capacity: a network perspective [d]
  241. M. Paloma Pavel [ed] () Breakthrough communities: sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis [i] [d]
  242. () Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis in natural resource management [d]
  243. () Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services [d]
  244. () Global justice networks: geographies of transnational solidarity [i] [d]
  245. () Why the garden club couldn't save Youngstown: the transformation of the Rust Belt [i]
  246. () Geodemographics, visualisation, and social networks in applied geography [d]
  247. () Unanticipated gains: origins of network inequality in everyday life [i] [d]
  248. () Spatial and social networks in organizational innovation [d]
  249. () Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
  250. () Potential human rights uses of network analysis and mapping [u]
  251. () How far and with whom do people socialize?: empirical evidence about distance between social network members [d]
  252. () Agency in social activity interactions: the role of social networks in time and space [d]
  253. () The connect effect: building strong personal, professional, and virtual networks [i]
  254. () Stories in GeoTime [d]
  255. () Understanding individual human mobility patterns [p] [d]
  256. () Discovering behavioral patterns in collective authorship of place-based information [u]
  257. () Third-party certification in the global agrifood system: an objective or socially mediated governance mechanism? [d]
  258. () Social and economic networks [i] [d] [j]
  259. () The emergence and use of diagramming in system dynamics: a critical account [d]
  260. Annette Lareau & Dalton Conley [ed] () Social class: how does it work? [i] [j]
  261. Fathali M. Moghaddam, Rom Harré, & Naomi Lee [ed] () Global conflict resolution through positioning analysis [i]
  262. () Stakeholder matrix for ethical relationships in the construction industry [d]
  263. () Maps for advocacy: an introduction to geographical mapping techniques [i] [u]
  264. H. Qudrat-Ullah, J. Michael Spector, & P. I. Davidsen [ed] () Complex decision making: theory and practice [i] [d]
  265. Rafael Ramírez, John W. Selsky, & Kees Van der Heijden [ed] (/2010) Business planning for turbulent times: new methods for applying scenarios [i] [d]
  266. () Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review [d]
  267. () Rural mothers' use of formal programs and informal social supports to meet family food needs: a mixed methods study [d]
  268. () Kin in space: social viscosity in a spatially and genetically substructured network [p] [d] [u]
  269. Richard Wortley & Michael Townsley [ed] (/2017) Environmental criminology and crime analysis [i] [d]
  270. () Using group model building to inform public policy making and implementation [i] [d]
  271. Kay W. Axhausen [ed] () Moving through nets: the physical and social dimensions of travel [i]
  272. () Survival of the knitted: immigrant social networks in a stratified world [i]
  273. () Buzz-and-pipeline dynamics: towards a knowledge-based multiplier model of clusters [d]
  274. () Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
  275. () Punishment beyond the legal offender [d]
  276. () Beekeeping as serious leisure: a study of hobbyist beekeepers and the social world of a beekeeping association [o] [u]
  277. () Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
  278. Linda M. Lobao, Gregory Hooks, & Ann R. Tickamyer [ed] () The sociology of spatial inequality [i]
  279. () A comparison of social network mapping and personal network visualization [d]
  280. () Social exclusion in space and time [i]
  281. (/2011) The borders of inequality: where wealth and poverty collide [i] [j]
  282. () Personal relationships and personal networks [i] [d]
  283. () If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building [d]
  284. () The power of personality: the comparative validity of personality traits, socioeconomic status, and cognitive ability for predicting important life outcomes [p] [d] [j] [u]
  285. () Sequence alignment as a method for human activity analysis in space and time [d] [j]
  286. () Mapping an emergency management network [d]
  287. () Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
  288. Jeroen Warner [ed] () Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated water management [i]
  289. () What B would otherwise do: a critique of conceptualizations of 'power' in organizational theory [d]
  290. () The ties that lead: a social network approach to leadership [d]
  291. () The creative community builder's handbook: how to transform communities using local assets, art, and culture [i]
  292. () Spatial segregation, segregation indices and the geographical perspective [d]
  293. () Leadership for the common good [i]
  294. () A GIS toolkit for exploring geographies of household activity/travel behavior [d]
  295. () Destabilization of covert networks [d]
  296. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  297. () Spiraling-up: mapping community transformation with community capitals framework [d]
  298. () Troubles on the way: an analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms [d]
  299. () Broccoli and desire: global connections and Maya struggles in postwar Guatemala [i] [d]
  300. Mike Green, John O'Brien, Henry Moore, Gordon Cunningham, & John McKnight [ed] (/2009) When people care enough to act: ABCD in action [i]
  301. () Policymaking for a good society: the social fabric matrix approach to policy analysis and program evaluation [i] [d]
  302. () Personality traits and occupational attainment [d] [j]
  303. () Havighurst's social roles revisited [d]
  304. () Getting your way: strategic dilemmas in the real world [i] [d]
  305. () The rural rebound and its aftermath: changing demographic dynamics and regional contrasts [i] [d]
  306. William Kandel & David L. Brown [ed] () Population change and rural society [i] [d]
  307. () Intracultural mapmaking by First Nations peoples in the Great Lakes region: a historical review [j]
  308. () Mapping political context: a toolkit for civil society organisations [i] [u]
  309. () Idea mapping: how to access your hidden brain power, learn faster, remember more, and achieve success in business [i]
  310. () Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
  311. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann & Martin Welp [ed] () Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management: theory and practice [i] [d]
  312. () Reproducing Toronto's design ecology: career paths, intermediaries, and local labor markets [d]
  313. () Stratification: social division and inequality [i]
  314. Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, & Melissa Osborne Groves [ed] () Unequal chances: family background and economic success [i] [d] [j]
  315. () Path dependence and the validation of agent-based spatial models of land use [d]
  316. Stanley Hyland [ed] () Community building in the twenty-first century [i]
  317. () Facilitating the whole system in the room [i]
  318. () We finished the plan, so now what?: impacts of collaborative stakeholder participation on land use policy [d]
  319. () Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
  320. () Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory [i]
  321. () Getting the big picture in community science: methods that capture context [p] [d]
  322. () Network approach for analyzing and promoting equity in participatory ecohealth research [d]
  323. () Heads or tails?: stakeholder analysis as a tool for conservation area management [d]
  324. () A diagrammatic approach to understanding complex eco-social interactions in Kathmandu, Nepal [u]
  325. () Unfreezing the future: exploring the dynamic of time in organizational change [d]
  326. () Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
  327. () Creating environmental stakeholder profiles: a tool for dispute management [d]
  328. () The fallacy of misplaced leadership [d]
  329. () Criminal network analysis and visualization [d] [u]
  330. () Race, ethnicity, and the politics of city redistricting: minority-opportunity districts and the election of Hispanics and Blacks to city councils [i]
  331. () Multi-agent systems, time geography, and microsimulations [i] [d]
  332. () What to do when stakeholders matter [d]
  333. () Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
  334. Stephen P. Depoe, John W. Delicath, & Marie-France Aepli Elsenbeer [ed] () Communication and public participation in environmental decision making [i]
  335. () Work together, live apart?: geographies of racial and ethnic segregation at home and at work [d]
  336. (/2009) The well-connected community: a networking approach to community development [i] [d]
  337. () Strong opposition: frame-based resistance to collaboration [d]
  338. () Managing uncertainties in networks: a network approach to problem solving and decision making [i]
  339. David Maurrasse [ed] () A future for everyone: innovative social responsibility and community partnerships [i] [d]
  340. T. Laine Scales & Calvin L. Streeter [ed] () Rural social work: building and sustaining community assets [i]
  341. () Deriving the Engel curve: Pierre Bourdieu and the social critique of Maslow's hierarchy of needs [d]
  342. () Layering natural resource and human resource data for planning watershed conservation strategies [d]
  343. () Dealing with wicked problems in networks: analyzing an environmental debate from a network perspective [d]
  344. () Fish for all: an oral history of multiple claims and divided sentiment on Lake Michigan [i]
  345. () Participation, relationships and dynamic change: new thinking on evaluating the work of international networks [o] [u]
  346. () Clearing the way: deconcentrating the poor in urban America [i]
  347. () Sequencing, acoustic separation, and 3-D negotiation of complex barriers: Charlene Barshefsky and IP rights in China [d]
  348. (/2011) Unequal childhoods: class, race, and family life [i] [d] [j]
  349. () Theories of communication networks [i]
  350. (/2013) The first 90 days: critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels [i]
  351. () Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management [d]
  352. Jörg Andriof, Sandra A. Waddock, Bryan W. Husted, & Sandra Sutherland Rahman [ed] () Unfolding stakeholder thinking [i]
  353. (/2008) Tangled routes: women, work, and globalization on the tomato trail [i]
  354. () Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
  355. (/2016) Asset building & community development [i] [d]
  356. () More than a headcount: towards strategic stakeholder representation in catchment management in South Africa and Zimbabwe [d]
  357. () Towards a managerial practice of stakeholder engagement: developing multi-stakeholder learning dialogues [i]
  358. () Complex systems theory and development practice: understanding non-linear realities [i]
  359. () Public policy and population distribution: developing appropriate indicators of settlement patterns [d]
  360. () A strategic approach to multistakeholder negotiations [d]
  361. () Reconceptualizing mentoring at work: a developmental network perspective [d] [j]
  362. () Market clustering goes graphic: the Weiss trilogy and a proposed extension [d]
  363. () Neighborhood activism among homeowners as a politics of space [d]
  364. () Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions: Mexican immigrants in Chicago [d]
  365. Prue Chamberlayne, Joanna Bornat, & Tom Wengraf [ed] () The turn to biographical methods in social science: comparative issues and examples [i] [d]
  366. () Relational wealth and the quality of life [d]
  367. () Exploring the gaps: vital links between trade, environment, and culture [i]
  368. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  369. () Gender differences in environmental concern and perception [d]
  370. () Race and formal volunteering: the differential effects of class and religion [d] [j]
  371. () El análisis de los interesados y el manejo de los conflictos [i]
  372. () Neighborhood poverty and the social isolation of inner-city African American families [d] [j]
  373. () Wicked problems and networking approaches to resolution [u]
  374. () Toward a sounder basis for class analysis [d] [j]
  375. () The clustered world: how we live, what we buy, and what it all means about who we are [i]
  376. () Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
  377. () Structuration, human development and desistance from crime [d]
  378. () Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work [p] [u]
  379. () Identifying and mapping community vulnerability [d]
  380. () Stakeholder analysis and conflict management [i]
  381. () Mapping social networks, spatial data & hidden populations [i]
  382. () Science associations in the international sphere, 1875–1900: the rationalization of science and the scientization of society [i] [d]
  383. (/2011) Making strategy: mapping out strategic success [i]
  384. () Reproduced inequality: participation and success in the South African informal economy [d] [j]
  385. () Pathways to social class: a qualitative approach to social mobility [i] [d]
  386. () The social organization of innovation: a focus on stakeholder interaction [i]
  387. () Money: who has how much and why [i]
  388. Meredith Minkler [ed] (/2012) Community organizing and community building for health and welfare [i] [d]
  389. () Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: defining the principle of who and what really counts [d] [j]
  390. () Moving beyond dyadic ties: a network theory of stakeholder influences [d] [j]
  391. () Work and volunteering: the long arm of the job [d] [j]
  392. (/2005) Creating and implementing your strategic plan: a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  393. (/2007) Social networks in youth and adolescence [i]
  394. () An informal history of the interpersonal circumplex tradition [d]
  395. () Impostor phenomenon in an interpersonal/social context [d]
  396. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  397. () Stakeholder analysis for natural resource management in developing countries [d]
  398. () Geographical patterns of membership in U.S. environmental organizations [d]
  399. () Market exchange, social structures and time [d]
  400. () The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
  401. (/1995) Gendered resource mapping: focusing on women's spaces in the landscape [u]
  402. () A feminist reinterpretation of the stakeholder concept [d] [j]
  403. (/2009) The age of migration: international population movements in the modern world [i]
  404. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  405. () The social network of the psychotherapy patient and effective psychotherapeutic process [d]
  406. (/2005) Leadership for the common good: tackling public problems in a shared-power world [i]
  407. Allen G. Noble [ed] () To build in a new land: ethnic landscapes in North America [i]
  408. (/2013) The demography of health and healthcare [i] [d]
  409. () Order without law: how neighbors settle disputes [i] [j]
  410. () The application of network analysis to criminal intelligence: an assessment of the prospects [d]
  411. () Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: a theory of gendered organizations [d]
  412. () Locality and inequality: farm and industry structure and socioeconomic conditions [i]
  413. (/2018) Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement [i]
  414. (/2003) Communication for rural innovation: rethinking agricultural extension [i] [d]
  415. (/1997) Observing interaction: an introduction to sequential analysis [i] [d]
  416. (/2000) The biographical illusion [i]
  417. (/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
  418. () Stockholders and stakeholders: a new perspective on corporate governance [d] [u]
  419. () Progressive contextualization: methods for research in human ecology [d] [j]
  420. Don A. Dillman & Daryl J. Hobbs [ed] () Rural society in the U.S.: issues for the 1980s [i] [d]
  421. (/2008) Social network analysis [i] [d]
  422. () Circumplex models of interpersonal behavior in clinical psychology [i]
  423. () A systems concept of society: beyond individualism and holism [d]
  424. () Redesigning the future: a systems approach to societal problems [i]
  425. G. William Domhoff & Hoyt B. Ballard [ed] () C. Wright Mills and the power elite [o]
  426. (/1984) Group processes: an introduction to group dynamics [i]
  427. (/1988) Social change in rural societies: an introduction to rural sociology [i]
  428. (/1996) The Philadelphia Negro: a social study [i] [d] [j] [u]
  429. () The study of the Negro problems [d] [j]

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14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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