How to map stakeholders
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- Olivia E. Atherton, Emily C. Willroth, Eileen K. Graham, Jing Luo, Daniel K. Mroczek, & Marquita W. Lewis-Thames (2024) Rural–urban differences in personality traits and well-being in adulthood [p] [d] [u]
- Jaimie Kelly, Dipto Sarkar, & Clio Andris (2024) Locality, personal ties, and efficiency in a food security network [d]
- Richard A. Settersten, Betina Hollstein, & Kara K. McElvaine (2024) 'Unlinked lives': elaboration of a concept and its significance for the life course [p] [d]
- Nick Crossley (2023) Music worlds and event networks: an exposition [d]
- Gary Alan Fine & Tim Hallett (2023) Group life: an invitation to local sociology [i]
- Robert E. Goodin (2023) Perpetuating advantage: mechanisms of structural injustice [i] [d]
- Mohamed Hachaichi & Sébastien Bourdin (2023) Wheels within wheels: mapping the genealogy of circular economy using machine learning [d]
- César A. Hidalgo (2023) The policy implications of economic complexity [d]
- Allison L. Hurst (2023) Class cultures [d]
- Richard D. Kahlenberg (2023) Excluded: how snob zoning, NIMBYism, and class bias build the walls we don't see [i]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2023) Systemic racism? We're talking past each other [u]
- Agnes Quisumbing, Steven M. Cole, Marlène Elias, Simone Faas, Alessandra Galiè, Hazel Malapit, Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick, Emily Myers, Greg Seymour, & Jennifer Twyman (2023) Measuring women's empowerment in agriculture: innovations and evidence [p] [d] [u]
- Hannah J. Dawson (2022) Living, not just surviving: the politics of refusing low-wage jobs in urban South Africa [d]
- Emily Huddart Kennedy (2022) Eco-types: five ways of caring about the environment [i] [d] [j]
- David A. Bright, Russell Brewer, & Carlo Morselli (2021) Using social network analysis to study crime: navigating the challenges of criminal justice records [d]
- Sheryll Cashin (2021) White space, black hood: opportunity hoarding and segregation in the age of inequality [i]
- Melanie Conroy (2021) Networks, maps, and time: visualizing historical networks using Palladio [u]
- Michael Daly (2021) Personality traits and social structure [i] [d]
- Michele Fazio, Christie Launius, & Tim Strangleman [ed] (2021) Routledge international handbook of working-class studies [i] [d]
- Nina Gheihman (2021) Veganism as a lifestyle movement [d]
- Malcolm MacLachlan & Joanne McVeigh [ed] (2021) Macropsychology: a population science for sustainable development goals [i] [d]
- Jack Metzgar (2021) Bridging the divide: working-class culture in a middle-class society [i] [d] [j]
- Jack Metzgar (2021) There is a genuine working-class culture [i] [d]
- Bren Neale (2021) The craft of qualitative longitudinal research [or: Qualitative longitudinal research: the craft of researching lives through time] [i]
- Catia Prandi, Valentina Nisi, Miguel Ribeiro, & Nuno Nunes (2021) Sensing and making sense of tourism flows and urban data to foster sustainability awareness: a real-world experience [d]
- David Trouille (2021) Fútbol in the park: immigrants, soccer, and the creation of social ties [i] [d]
- Kirsten Visser, Gideon Bolt, Catrin Finkenauer, Merel Jonker, Dominic Weinberg, & Gonneke W. J. M. Stevens (2021) Neighbourhood deprivation effects on young people's mental health and well-being: a systematic review of the literature [p] [d]
- Tim Harford (2020) The data detective: ten easy rules to make sense of statistics [or: How to make the world add up: ten rules for thinking differently about numbers] [i]
- Alan Latham (2020) Diagramming the social: exploring the legacy of Torsten Hägerstrand's diagrammatic landscapes [d]
- Hilton L. Root (2020) Network origins of the global economy: East vs. West in a complex systems perspective [i] [d]
- Robert A. Stebbins (2020) The serious leisure perspective: a synthesis [i] [d]
- Julie E. Groce, Megan A. Farrelly, Bradley S. Jorgensen, & Carly N. Cook (2019) Using social-network research to improve outcomes in natural resource management [p] [d]
- Jeffrey S. Harrison [ed] (2019) The Cambridge handbook of stakeholder theory [i] [d]
- Adam Lindgreen, François Maon, Joëlle Vanhamme, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Christine Vallaster, & Carolyn Strong [ed] (2019) Engaging with stakeholders: a relational perspective on responsible business [i] [d]
- Cailin O'Connor (2019) The origins of unfairness: social categories and cultural evolution [i] [d]
- Peter J. Rentfrow (2019) Geographical psychology [p] [d]
- Robert Schoen [ed] (2019) Analytical family demography [i] [d]
- Christian Abizaid, Oliver T. Coomes, Yoshito Takasaki, & J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora (2018) Rural social networks along Amazonian rivers: seeds, labor and soccer among communities on the Napo River, Peru [d]
- Stanley Aronowitz & Michael James Roberts [ed] (2018) Class: the anthology [i] [d]
- Richard Bookstaber & Alan P. Kirman (2018) Modeling a heterogeneous world [i] [d]
- Elisabeth Brauner, Margarete Boos, & Michaela Kolbe [ed] (2018) The Cambridge handbook of group interaction analysis [i] [d]
- Mauro Gallegati (2018) Complex agent-based models [i] [d]
- Alberto Giordano & Tim Cole (2018) The limits of GIS: towards a GIS of place [d]
- Edward G. Goetz (2018) The one-way street of integration: fair housing and the pursuit of racial justice in American cities [i] [d] [j]
- Claudius Gräbner (2018) Formal approaches to socio-economic analysis—past and perspectives [d]
- Cars Hommes & Blake LeBaron [ed] (2018) Heterogeneous agent modeling [i]
- Allison L. Hurst (2018) Classed outcomes: how class differentiates the careers of liberal arts college graduates in the US [d]
- David H. Kaplan (2018) Navigating ethnicity: segregation, placemaking, and difference [i]
- Alena V. Ledeneva, Anna L. Bailey, Sheelagh Barron, Costanza Curro, & Elizabeth Teague [ed] (2018) The global encyclopaedia of informality: understanding social and cultural complexity [i] [j] [u]
- Francisco Louçã & Michael Ash (2018) Shadow networks: financial disorder and the system that caused crisis [i] [d]
- Colin Marx, Jovana Diković, Udo Grashoff, Hans Pruijt, Ignacia Ossul, Marta-Laura Suska, Armando Caroca Fernandez, Lorenzo Navone, Federico Rahola, Stephen Lovell, Giovanna Capponi, Paolo Mancini, Timur Alexandrov, Irina V. Davydova, Roland Arbesleitner, Ramon Felipe A. Sarmiento, Abel Polese, Drini Imami, Klodjan Rama, Evans Osabuohien, Oluyomi Ola-David, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez, James McLeod-Hatch, Gavin Slade, Alissa Tolstokorova, Kosovka Ognjenović, Bettina Bruns, Anna Cieślewska, Vanya Gastrow, Nicolette Peters, Mark Lawrence Schrad, Gertrud Hüwelmeier, Kisnaphol Wattanawanyoo, Tom Goodfellow, Lela Rekhviashvili, Dena Sholk, Marko Živković, Shahana Chattaraj, Sokeel Park, James Pearson, Alvin A. Camba, Nauman Farooqi, Jean-Philippe Vergne, Gautam Swain, & Scott Radnitz (2018) The system made me do it: strategies of survival [i] [j] [u]
- Clayton Nall, Benjamin Schneer, & Daniel Carpenter (2018) Paths of recruitment: rational social prospecting in petition canvassing [d] [j]
- Daniel Stokols (2018) Social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world [i] [d]
- Trenton A. Williams & Dean A. Shepherd (2018) To the rescue!?: brokering a rapid, scaled and customized compassionate response to suffering after disaster [d]
- Scott W. Allard (2017) Places in need: the changing geography of poverty [i] [j]
- Meg A. Bond, Irma García de Serrano, & Christopher Keys [ed] (2017) APA handbook of community psychology [i] [d]
- Lindsay Briggs & Yan Huang (2017) Asset-based community maps: a tool for expanding resources in community health programs [d]
- Richard J. Chacon & Rubén G. Mendoza [ed] (2017) Feast, famine or fighting?: multiple pathways to social complexity [i] [d]
- Laura E. Dee, Stefano Allesina, Aletta Bonn, Anna Eklöf, Steven D. Gaines, Jes Hines, Ute Jacob, Eve McDonald-Madden, Hugh P. Possingham, Matthias Schröter, & Ross M. Thompson (2017) Operationalizing network theory for ecosystem service assessments [d]
- Barbara Entwisle, Sandra L. Hofferth, & Emilio F. Moran (2017) Quilting a time–place mosaic [d]
- Katri Gadd (2017) Constraints, incentives and pockets of local order on the streets of Pelotas, Brazil [d]
- Herbert Gintis (2017) Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
- Terrance L. Green, Joanna Sánchez, & Emily Germain (2017) Communities and school ratings: examining geography of opportunity in an urban school district located in a resource-rich city [d]
- Jamie L. Humphrey & Elisabeth D. Root (2017) Spatio-temporal neighborhood impacts on internalizing and externalizing behaviors in U.S. elementary school children: effect modification by child and family socio-demographics [p] [d]
- Shane D. Johnson (2017) Crime mapping and spatial analysis [i] [d]
- Maria Krysan & Kyle Crowder (2017) Cycle of segregation: social processes and residential stratification [i] [d] [j]
- Sven Kunisch, Jean M. Bartunek, Johanna Mueller, & Quy N. Huy (2017) Time in strategic change research [d]
- Carlo Martini & Manuela Fernández Pinto (2017) Modeling the social organization of science: chasing complexity through simulations [d]
- Stephen Pryke (2017) Managing networks in project-based organisations [i] [d]
- Luke Sloan & Anabel Quan-Haase [ed] (2017) The Sage handbook of social media research methods [i] [d]
- Christopher H. Achen & Larry M. Bartels (2016) Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government [in the United States] [i] [d] [j]
- Clio Andris (2016) Integrating social network data into GISystems [d]
- Gordon A. Carmichael (2016) Fundamentals of demographic analysis: concepts, measures and methods [i] [d]
- Mike Dent, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Jean-Louis Denis, & Ellen Kuhlmann [ed] (2016) The Routledge companion to the professions and professionalism [i] [d]
- Ana Gil Solá (2016) Constructing work travel inequalities: the role of household gender contracts [d]
- Qunying Huang & David W. S. Wong (2016) Activity patterns, socioeconomic status and urban spatial structure: what can social media data tell us? [d]
- Anthony J. McGann, Charles Anthony Smith, Michael Latner, & Alex Keena (2016) Gerrymandering in America: the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, and the future of popular sovereignty [i] [d]
- Davide Morselli, Nora Dasoki, Rainer Gabriel, Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Julia Henke, & Jean-Marie Le Goff (2016) Using life history calendars to survey vulnerability [i] [d]
- Deborah Naybor, Jessie P. H. Poon, & Irene Casas (2016) Mobility disadvantage and livelihood opportunities of marginalized widowed women in rural Uganda [d]
- Toby L. Parcel & Monica S. Bixby (2016) The ties that bind: social capital, families, and children's well-being [d]
- Michael J. O. Pocock, Darren M. Evans, Colin Fontaine, Martin Harvey, Romain Julliard, Órla McLaughlin, Jonathan Silvertown, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Piran C. L. White, & David A. Bohan (2016) The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management [i] [d]
- Neil Reid (2016) Social networks, strategic doing, and sustainable management of local food systems [i] [d]
- R. Andrew Sayer (2016) Moral economy, unearned income, and legalized corruption [i]
- Daniel Aaron Silver & Terry Nichols Clark (2016) Scenescapes: how qualities of place shape social life [i] [d]
- Angela Tregear & Sarah Cooper (2016) Embeddedness, social capital and learning in rural areas: the case of producer cooperatives [d]
- Anatoliy I. Yashin, Kenneth C. Land, & Eric Stallard (2016) Biodemography of aging: determinants of healthy life span and longevity [i] [d]
- Richard Brath & David Jonker (2015) Graph analysis and visualization: discovering business opportunity in linked data [i] [d]
- Ann Del Bianco (2015) A method for collecting lifecourse data: assessing the utility of the lifegrid [i] [d]
- Brian Epstein (2015) The ant trap: rebuilding the foundations of the social sciences [i] [d]
- Terrance L. Green (2015) Places of inequality, places of possibility: mapping 'opportunity in geography' across urban school-communities [d]
- Xuesong Guo & Naim Kapucu (2015) Network performance assessment for collaborative disaster response [d]
- Don Lafreniere & Jason Gilliland (2015) 'All the world's a stage': a GIS framework for recreating personal time-space from qualitative and quantitative sources [d]
- Brian R. Little (2015) The integrative challenge in personality science: personal projects as units of analysis [d]
- Kathryn W. Shanley & Bjørg Evjen [ed] (2015) Mapping indigenous presence: north Scandinavian and North American perspectives [i] [j]
- Nancy Worth & Irene Hardill [ed] (2015) Researching the lifecourse: critical reflections from the social sciences [i] [d]
- Yu-Hsiang Yang, Huimin Bhikshu, & Rua-Huan Tsaih (2015) The power of one sentient being: the computer simulation of a bodhisattva's altruism using agent-based modelling [d]
- Ling Yin & Shih-Lung Shaw (2015) Exploring space–time paths in physical and social closeness spaces: a space–time GIS approach [d]
- Sheryll Cashin (2014) Place, not race: a new vision of opportunity in America [i]
- Peter T. Coleman (2014) Power and conflict [i]
- Nathan Eagle & Kate Greene (2014) Reality mining: using big data to engineer a better world [i] [j]
- Manfred M. Fischer & Peter Nijkamp [ed] (2014/2021) Handbook of regional science [i] [d]
- Malka Greenberg Raanan & Noam Shoval (2014) Mental maps compared to actual spatial behavior using GPS data: a new method for investigating segregation in cities [d]
- Dominik Hartmann (2014) Economic complexity and human development: how economic diversification and social networks affect human agency and welfare [i] [d] [u]
- Patrick T. Hester & Kevin MacG. Adams (2014/2017) Systemic decision making: fundamentals for addressing problems and messes [i] [d]
- Malia Jones & Anne R. Pebley (2014) Redefining neighborhoods using common destinations: social characteristics of activity spaces and home census tracts compared [d]
- Anita Kothari, Nadia Hamel, Jo-Anne MacDonald, Mechthild Meyer, Benita Cohen, & Dorothy Bonnenfant (2014) Exploring community collaborations: social network analysis as a reflective tool for public health [d]
- Caglar Koylu, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff, & John W. Adams (2014) Mapping family connectedness across space and time [d]
- Markku Lehtonen (2014) Evaluating megaprojects: from the 'iron triangle' to network mapping [d]
- Christopher D. Lloyd, Ian Shuttleworth, & David W. S. Wong [ed] (2014) Social-spatial segregation: concepts, processes and outcomes [i] [d]
- Christopher McCarty & José Luis Molina (2014) Social network analysis [i]
- Kathryn M. McDonald (2014) The diagnostic field's players and interactions: from the inside out [p] [d]
- Giuseppina Migliore, Giorgio Schifani, Giovanni Dara Guccione, & Luigi Cembalo (2014) Food community networks as leverage for social embeddedness [d]
- Morena Mills, Jorge G. Álvarez-Romero, Ken Vance-Borland, Philippa Cohen, Robert L. Pressey, Angela M. Guerrero, & Henrik Ernstson (2014) Linking regional planning and local action: towards using social network analysis in systematic conservation planning [d]
- Peter Plastrik, Madeleine Taylor, & John Cleveland (2014) Connecting to change the world: harnessing the power of networks for social impact [i]
- Peter J. Rentfrow [ed] (2014) Geographical psychology: exploring the interaction of environment and behavior [i] [d]
- Michèle Sato, Regina Silva, & Michelle Jaber (2014) Between the remnants of colonialism and the insurgence of self-narrative in constructing participatory social maps: towards a land education methodology [d]
- Martine Shareck, Yan Kestens, & Katherine L. Frohlich (2014) Moving beyond the residential neighborhood to explore social inequalities in exposure to area-level disadvantage: results from the Interdisciplinary Study on Inequalities in Smoking [p] [d]
- Sheri L. Stephanson & Michael B. Mascia (2014) Putting people on the map through an approach that integrates social data in conservation planning [p] [d]
- Arkadiusz Stopczynski, Vedran Sekara, Piotr Sapiezynski, Andrea Cuttone, Mette My Madsen, Jakob Eg Larsen, & Sune Lehmann (2014) Measuring large-scale social networks with high resolution [p] [d] [u]
- Ken Anderson, Tony Salvador, & Brandon Barnett (2013) Models in motion: ethnography moves from complicatedness to complex systems [d]
- Eitan Bahir & Ammatzia Peled (2013) Identifying and tracking major events using geo-social networks [d]
- Brett Christophers (2013) Banking across boundaries: placing finance in capitalism [i] [d]
- Melvin Delgado & Denise Humm-Delgado (2013) Asset assessments and community social work practice [i]
- Erik J. Engstrom (2013) Partisan gerrymandering and the construction of American democracy [i] [d]
- Steven Farber, Tijs Neutens, Harvey J. Miller, & Xiao Li (2013) The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: a time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility [d]
- Prem K. Gopalan & David M. Blei (2013) Efficient discovery of overlapping communities in massive networks [p] [d] [u]
- Françoise Gourmelon, Frédérique Chlous-Ducharme, Christian Kerbiriou, Mathias Rouan, & Frédéric Bioret (2013) Role-playing game developed from a modelling process: a relevant participatory tool for sustainable development?: a co-construction experiment in an insular biosphere reserve [d]
- Angela M. Guerrero, Ryan R. J. McAllister, Jonathan Corcoran, & Kerrie A. Wilson (2013) Scale mismatches, conservation planning, and the value of social-network analyses [p] [d]
- Alice P. Julier (2013) Eating together: food, friendship, and inequality [i] [j]
- Carl Knappett [ed] (2013) Network analysis in archaeology: new approaches to regional interaction [i] [d]
- John Edward Terrell (2013) Social network analysis and the practice of history [i] [d]
- Lauren J. Krivo, Heather M. Washington, Ruth D. Peterson, Christopher R. Browning, Catherine A. Calder, & Mei-Po Kwan (2013) Social isolation of disadvantage and advantage: the reproduction of inequality in urban space [d] [j] [u]
- Rebecca J. McLain, Melissa Poe, Kelly Biedenweg, Lee Cerveny, Diane Besser, & Dale J. Blahna (2013) Making sense of human ecology mapping: an overview of approaches to integrating socio-spatial data into environmental planning [d] [j]
- Samuel M. Otterstrom & Brian E. Bunker (2013) Genealogy, migration, and the intertwined geographies of personal pasts [d]
- John R. B. Palmer, Thomas J. Espenshade, Frederic Bartumeus, Chang Y. Chung, Necati Ercan Ozgencil, & Kathleen Li (2013) New approaches to human mobility: using mobile phones for demographic research [d]
- Marco Pautasso, Guntra Aistara, Adeline Barnaud, Sophie Caillon, Pascal Clouvel, Oliver T. Coomes, Marc Delêtre, Elise Demeulenaere, Paola De Santis, Thomas F. Döring, Ludivine Eloy, Laure Emperaire, Eric Garine, Isabelle Goldringer, Devra Jarvis, Hélène I. Joly, Christian Leclerc, Selim Louafi, Pierre Martin, François Massol, Shawn J. McGuire, Doyle McKey, Christine Padoch, Clélia Soler, Mathieu Thomas, & Sara Tramontini (2013) Seed exchange networks for agrobiodiversity conservation: a review [d]
- Céline Rozenblat & Guy Melançon [ed] (2013) Methods for multilevel analysis and visualisation of geographical networks [i] [d]
- Kala Saravanamuthu & Cheryl Lehman (2013) Enhancing stakeholder interaction through environmental risk accounts [d]
- Stanley K. Smith, Jeff Tayman, & David A. Swanson (2013) A practitioner's guide to state and local population projections [i] [d]
- Seth E. Spielman & John R. Logan (2013) Using high-resolution population data to identify neighborhoods and establish their boundaries [d]
- Hari Sridhar, Ferenc Jordán, & Kartik Shanker (2013) Species importance in a heterospecific foraging association network [d] [j]
- Anthony Stefanidis, Andrew T. Crooks, & Jacek Radzikowski (2013) Harvesting ambient geospatial information from social media feeds [d]
- Michaela Trippl (2013) Islands of innovation as magnetic centres of star scientists?: empirical evidence on spatial concentration and mobility patterns [d]
- Michael J. Widener, Mark W. Horner, & Sara S. Metcalf (2013) Simulating the effects of social networks on a population's hurricane evacuation participation [d]
- Orazio Attanasio, Abigail Barr, Juan Camilo Cardenas, Garance Genicot, & Costas Meghir (2012) Risk pooling, risk preferences, and social networks [d]
- Philip Ball & Dirk Helbing (2012) Why society is a complex matter: meeting twenty-first century challenges with a new kind of science [i] [d]
- Sophie Bowlby (2012) Recognising the time–space dimensions of care: caringscapes and carescapes [d]
- Sommarat Chantarat & Christopher B. Barrett (2012) Social network capital, economic mobility and poverty traps [d]
- Megan Comfort (2012) 'It was basically college to us': poverty, prison, and emerging adulthood [d]
- Noshir S. Contractor, Leslie A. DeChurch, Jay Carson, Dorothy R. Carter, & Brian Keegan (2012) The topology of collective leadership [d]
- C. Scott Dempwolf & L. Ward Lyles (2012) The uses of social network analysis in planning: a review of the literature [d]
- Domenico Dentoni, Otto Hospes, & R. Brent Ross (2012) Managing wicked problems in agribusiness: the role of multi-stakeholder engagements in value creation [u]
- Nora Fagerholm, Niina Käyhkö, Festo Ndumbaro, & Miza Khamis (2012) Community stakeholders' knowledge in landscape assessments: mapping indicators for landscape services [d]
- Susan T. Fiske & Hazel Rose Markus [ed] (2012) Facing social class: how societal rank influences interaction [i] [j]
- Todd M. Gabe & Jaison R. Abel (2012) Specialized knowledge and the geographic concentration of occupations [d]
- Michael P. Gilmore & Jason C. Young (2012) The use of participatory mapping in ethnobiological research, biocultural conservation, and community empowerment: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
- Marnie Graham & Henrik Ernstson (2012) Comanagement at the fringes: examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa—at the intersection of high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality [d]
- Darren R. Hardy, James Frew, & Michael F. Goodchild (2012) Volunteered geographic information production as a spatial process [d]
- Matthew O. Jackson, Tomas Rodriguez-Barraquer, & Xu Tan (2012) Social capital and social quilts: network patterns of favor exchange [d]
- Shan Jiang, Joseph Ferreira Jr., & Marta C. González (2012) Clustering daily patterns of human activities in the city [d]
- Gautier Krings, Márton Karsai, Sebastian Bernhardsson, Vincent D. Blondel, & Jari Saramäki (2012) Effects of time window size and placement on the structure of an aggregated communication network [d]
- Jerome Lewis (2012) How to implement free, prior informed consent (FPIC) [u]
- Xiaodong Liu, Eleonora Patacchini, Yves Zenou, & Lung-Fei Lee (2012) Criminal networks: who is the key player? [u]
- Jay R. Lund (2012) Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
- Laura J. Martin, Bernd Blossey, & Erle C. Ellis (2012) Mapping where ecologists work: biases in the global distribution of terrestrial ecological observations [d]
- Enrico Moretti (2012) The new geography of jobs [i]
- Ruth D. Peterson (2012) The central place of race in crime and justice [d]
- Harrison Rainie & Barry Wellman (2012) Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
- Andreas Rasche (2012) Global policies and local practice: loose and tight couplings in multi-stakeholder initiatives [d]
- Luis Rico Rico García-Amado, Manuel Ruiz Pérez, Irene Iniesta-Arandia, Guillaume Dahringer, Felipe Reyes, & Sara Barrasa (2012) Building ties: social capital network analysis of a forest community in a biosphere reserve in Chiapas, Mexico [d]
- Peter J. Robertson, LaVonna B. Lewis, David C. Sloane, Lark Galloway-Gilliam, & Jonathan Nomachi (2012) Developing networks for community change: exploring the utility of network analysis [d]
- Mark D. A. Rounsevell, Derek T. Robinson, & Dave Murray-Rust (2012) From actors to agents in socio-ecological systems models [p] [d] [u]
- Kerstin Sailer & Ian McCulloh (2012) Social networks and spatial configuration—how office layouts drive social interaction [d]
- Greetje Schouten & Pieter Glasbergen (2012) Private multi-stakeholder governance in the agricultural market place: an analysis of legitimization processes of the roundtables on sustainable palm oil and responsible soy [u]
- Olof Stjernström & Magnus Strömgren (2012) Geographical distance between children and absent parents in separated families [d] [j]
- Steve Waddell (2012) Global finance as an action research domain: testing the boundaries [d]
- Christina Wasson, Mary Odell Butler, & Jacqueline Copeland-Carson [ed] (2012) Applying anthropology in the global village [i] [d]
- Donald Asher (2011) Cracking the hidden job market: how to find opportunity in any economy [i]
- Harald Bathelt & Johannes Glückler (2011) The relational economy: geographies of knowing and learning [i]
- Ben Crow & Suresh K. Lodha (2011) The atlas of global inequalities [i] [d]
- Luca De Benedictis & Lucia Tajoli (2011) The world trade network [d]
- Sabereh Dejbakhsh, Colin Arrowsmith, & Merv Jackson (2011) Cultural influence on spatial behaviour [d]
- Adam D. Dixon (2011) The geography of finance: form and functions [d]
- Lisa A. Goodman & Katya Fels Smyth (2011) A call for a social network-oriented approach to services for survivors of intimate partner violence [d]
- Rachel A. Hegemann, Laura M. Smith, Alethea B. T. Barbaro, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Shannon E. Reid, & George E. Tita (2011) Geographical influences of an emerging network of gang rivalries [d]
- Dirk Hoerder & Nora Helen Faires [ed] (2011) Migrants and migration in modern North America: cross-border lives, labor markets, and politics [i] [d] [u]
- Davor Jedlicka (2011) Affinographs: a dynamic method for assessment of individuals, couples, families, and households [i] [d]
- Tim Johansson & Kristina Laurell Stenlund (2011) Time-geographic visualisation of stakeholder values [i] [u]
- Alan P. Kirman (2011) Complex economics: individual and collective rationality [i] [d]
- Thomas LaVeist, Keshia M. Pollack, Roland Thorpe, Ruth Fesahazion, & Darrell Gaskin (2011) Place, not race: disparities dissipate in southwest Baltimore when blacks and whites live under similar conditions [p] [d]
- Jae Yong Lee & Mei-Po Kwan (2011) Visualisation of socio-spatial isolation based on human activity patterns and social networks in space–time [d] [u]
- Michael D. Makowsky (2011) Religion, clubs, and emergent social divides [d]
- Emily R. Merchant, Glenn D. Deane, Myron P. Gutman, & Kenneth M. Sylvester [ed] (2011) Navigating time and space in population studies [i] [d]
- Eric Minzenberg & Richard Wallace (2011) Amazonian agriculturalists bound by subsistence hunting [d]
- Stefano Pascucci (2011) Factors affecting farmers' networking decisions [d]
- Susan Sullivan (2011) Living faith: everyday religion and mothers in poverty [i] [d]
- Adrian Treves, Kerry A. Martin, Adrian P. Wydeven, & Jane E. Wiedenhoeft (2011) Forecasting environmental hazards and the application of risk maps to predator attacks on livestock [d] [j]
- Sandra A. Waddock (2011) We are all stakeholders of Gaia: a normative perspective on stakeholder thinking [d]
- Bruce J. West & Paolo Grigolini (2011) Complex webs: anticipating the improbable [i] [d]
- Stephen Whitfield, Helmut J. Geist, & Antonio A. R. Ioris (2011) Deliberative assessment in complex socioecological systems: recommendations for environmental assessment in drylands [d]
- David W. S. Wong & Shih-Lung Shaw (2011) Measuring segregation: an activity space approach [d]
- Muhammad Adnan, Paul A. Longley, Alex D. Singleton, & Chris Brunsdon (2010) Towards real-time geodemographics: clustering algorithm performance for large multidimensional spatial databases [d]
- Verna Allee (2010) How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
- Chris Brennan-Horley, Susan Luckman, Chris Gibson, & Julie Willoughby-Smith (2010) GIS, ethnography, and cultural research: putting maps back into ethnographic mapping [d]
- Ronald S. Burt (2010) Neighbor networks: competitive advantage local and personal [i]
- Monica R. Geist (2010) Using the Delphi method to engage stakeholders: a comparison of two studies [d]
- Bruce Hoppe & Claire Reinelt (2010) Social network analysis and the evaluation of leadership networks [d]
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- Antony Morgan, Erio Ziglio, & Maggie Davies [ed] (2010) Health assets in a global context: theory, methods, action [i] [d]
- Branda Nowell (2010) Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
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- Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, & Monique Sternin (2010) The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
- Ruth D. Peterson & Lauren Joy Krivo (2010) Divergent social worlds: neighborhood crime and the racial–spatial divide [i] [j]
- Krista Langkamer Ratwani, Stephen J. Zaccaro, Sena Garven, & David S. Geller (2010) The role of developmental social networks in effective leader self-learning processes [i] [d]
- George P. Richardson & David F. Andersen (2010) Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
- Robert J. Sampson & Charles Loeffler (2010) Punishment's place: the local concentration of mass incarceration [d] [j]
- Eva Schiffer & Jennifer Hauck (2010) Net-map: collecting social network data and facilitating network learning through participatory influence network mapping [d]
- Kate Schrekenberg, Izabel Camargo, Katahdin Withnall, Colleen Corrigan, Phil Franks, Dilys Roe, Lea M. Scherl, & Vanessa Richardson (2010) Social assessment of conservation initiatives: a review of rapid methodologies [i] [u]
- Chaoming Song, Zehui Qu, Nicholas Blumm, & Albert-László Barabási (2010) Limits of predictability in human mobility [p] [d] [j]
- Deborah M. Steketee (2010) Disruption or sustenance?: an institutional analysis of the sustainable business network in West Michigan [i] [d]
- John C. H. Stillwell, Paul Norman, Claudia Thomas, & Paula Surridge [ed] (2010) Spatial and social disparities [i] [d]
- Ji Soo Yi, Niklas Elmqvist, & Seungyoon Lee (2010) TimeMatrix: analyzing temporal social networks using interactive matrix-based visualizations [d]
- Adam Benforado (2009) The geography of criminal law [u]
- Wim Bernasco & Richard Block (2009) Where offenders choose to attack: a discrete choice model of robberies in Chicago [d]
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- David Murray Bridgeland & Ron Zahavi (2009) Business modeling: a practical guide to realizing business value [i] [d]
- François A. Carrillat, Robert J. Riggle, William B. Locander, Gary F. Gebhardt, & James M. Lee (2009) Cognitive segmentation: modeling the structure and content of customers' thoughts [d]
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- Nardia Haigh & Andrew Griffiths (2009) The natural environment as a primary stakeholder: the case of climate change [d]
- Guntram H. Herb, Jouni Häkli, Mark W. Corson, Nicole Mellow, Sebastian Cobarrubias, & Maribel Casas-Cortés (2009) Intervention: Mapping is critical! [d]
- Hans Ijzerman & Gün R. Semin (2009) The thermometer of social relations: mapping social proximity on temperature [d]
- Iva Kosutic, Marisol Garcia, Tiffany Graves, Francesca Barnett, Johanna Hall, Erin Haley, Justin Rock, Amber Bathon, & Bethany Kaiser (2009) The critical genogram: a tool for promoting critical consciousness [d]
- Imre Kovách & Eva Kučerova (2009) The social context of project proliferation: the rise of a project class [d]
- Mark Irving Lichbach (2009) Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
- R. Bruce Money & Chad R. Allred (2009) An exploration of a model of social networks and multilateral negotiations [d]
- Tara Natarajan, Wolfram Elsner, & Scott Fullwiler [ed] (2009) Institutional analysis and praxis: the social fabric matrix approach [i] [d]
- Laurie E. Paarlberg & Danielle M. Varda (2009) Community carrying capacity: a network perspective [d]
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- Christina Prell, Klaus Hubacek, & Mark S. Reed (2009) Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis in natural resource management [d]
- Christopher Mark Raymond, Brett A. Bryan, Darla Hatton MacDonald, Andrea Cast, Sarah Strathearn, Agnes Grandgirard, & Tina Kalivas (2009) Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services [d]
- Paul Routledge & Andrew Cumbers (2009) Global justice networks: geographies of transnational solidarity [i] [d]
- Sean Safford (2009) Why the garden club couldn't save Youngstown: the transformation of the Rust Belt [i]
- Alexander D. Singleton & Paul A. Longley (2009) Geodemographics, visualisation, and social networks in applied geography [d]
- Mario Luis Small (2009) Unanticipated gains: origins of network inequality in everyday life [i] [d]
- Jean D. Wineman, Felichism W. Kabo, & Gerald F. Davis (2009) Spatial and social networks in organizational innovation [d]
- Verna Allee (2008) Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
- Skye Bender-deMoll (2008) Potential human rights uses of network analysis and mapping [u]
- Juan Antonio Carrasco, Eric J. Miller, & Barry Wellman (2008) How far and with whom do people socialize?: empirical evidence about distance between social network members [d]
- Juan Antonio Carrasco, Bernie Hogan, Barry Wellman, & Eric J. Miller (2008) Agency in social activity interactions: the role of social networks in time and space [d]
- Mike Dulworth (2008) The connect effect: building strong personal, professional, and virtual networks [i]
- Ryan Eccles, Thomas Kapler, Robert Harper, & William Wright (2008) Stories in GeoTime [d]
- Marta C. González, César A. Hidalgo, & Albert-László Barabási (2008) Understanding individual human mobility patterns [p] [d]
- Darren R. Hardy (2008) Discovering behavioral patterns in collective authorship of place-based information [u]
- Maki Hatanaka & Lawrence Busch (2008) Third-party certification in the global agrifood system: an objective or socially mediated governance mechanism? [d]
- Matthew O. Jackson (2008) Social and economic networks [i] [d] [j]
- David C. Lane (2008) The emergence and use of diagramming in system dynamics: a critical account [d]
- Annette Lareau & Dalton Conley [ed] (2008) Social class: how does it work? [i] [j]
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- Krisen Moodley, Nigel Smith, & Christopher Nigel Preece (2008) Stakeholder matrix for ethical relationships in the construction industry [d]
- Sean O'Connor, Tim Hankey, & Tactical Technology Collective (2008) Maps for advocacy: an introduction to geographical mapping techniques [i] [u]
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- Rafael Ramírez, John W. Selsky, & Kees Van der Heijden [ed] (2008/2010) Business planning for turbulent times: new methods for applying scenarios [i] [d]
- Mark S. Reed (2008) Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review [d]
- Josephine A. Swanson, Christine M. Olson, Emily O. Miller, & Frances C. Lawrence (2008) Rural mothers' use of formal programs and informal social supports to meet family food needs: a mixed methods study [d]
- Jochen B. W. Wolf & Fritz Trillmich (2008) Kin in space: social viscosity in a spatially and genetically substructured network [p] [d] [u]
- Richard Wortley & Michael Townsley [ed] (2008/2017) Environmental criminology and crime analysis [i] [d]
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- Kay W. Axhausen [ed] (2007) Moving through nets: the physical and social dimensions of travel [i]
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- Harald Bathelt (2007) Buzz-and-pipeline dynamics: towards a knowledge-based multiplier model of clusters [d]
- Jacquelin Burgess, Andy Stirling, Judy Clark, Gail Davies, Malcolm Eames, Kristina Staley, & Suzanne Williamson (2007) Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
- Megan Comfort (2007) Punishment beyond the legal offender [d]
- Drew Thompson Ferguson (2007) Beekeeping as serious leisure: a study of hobbyist beekeepers and the social world of a beekeeping association [o] [u]
- Ralph Lengler & Martin J. Eppler (2007) Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
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- Christopher McCarty, José Luis Molina, Claudia Aguilar, & Laura Rota (2007) A comparison of social network mapping and personal network visualization [d]
- Harvey J. Miller (2007) Social exclusion in space and time [i]
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- Malcolm Ross Parks (2007) Personal relationships and personal networks [i] [d]
- Christina Prell, Klaus Hubacek, Mark S. Reed, Claire Quinn, Nanlin Jin, Joe Holden, Tim Burt, Mike Kirby, & Jan Sendzimir (2007) If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building [d]
- Brent W. Roberts, Nathan R. Kuncel, Rebecca Shiner, Avshalom Caspi, & Lewis R. Goldberg (2007) The power of personality: the comparative validity of personality traits, socioeconomic status, and cognitive ability for predicting important life outcomes [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Noam Shoval & Michal Isaacson (2007) Sequence alignment as a method for human activity analysis in space and time [d] [j]
- Christian Uhr & Henrik Johansson (2007) Mapping an emergency management network [d]
- Keith Warner (2007) Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
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- Galit Ailon (2006) What B would otherwise do: a critique of conceptualizations of 'power' in organizational theory [d]
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- Tom Borrup (2006) The creative community builder's handbook: how to transform communities using local assets, art, and culture [i]
- Lawrence A. Brown & Su-Yeul Chung (2006) Spatial segregation, segregation indices and the geographical perspective [d]
- John M. Bryson & Barbara C. Crosby (2006) Leadership for the common good [i]
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- Kathleen M. Carley (2006) Destabilization of covert networks [d]
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- Nicolas Faysse (2006) Troubles on the way: an analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms [d]
- Edward F. Fischer & Peter B. Benson (2006) Broccoli and desire: global connections and Maya struggles in postwar Guatemala [i] [d]
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- Kenneth M. Johnson & John B. Cromartie (2006) The rural rebound and its aftermath: changing demographic dynamics and regional contrasts [i] [d]
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- Jamie Nast (2006) Idea mapping: how to access your hidden brain power, learn faster, remember more, and achieve success in business [i]
- Tasos Sioukas & Marilyn Sweet (2006) Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
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- Tara Vinodrai (2006) Reproducing Toronto's design ecology: career paths, intermediaries, and local labor markets [d]
- Wendy Bottero (2005) Stratification: social division and inequality [i]
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- Tomas M. Koontz (2005) We finished the plan, so now what?: impacts of collaborative stakeholder participation on land use policy [d]
- John P. Kretzmann, John McKnight, & Deborah Puntenney (2005) Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
- Bruno Latour (2005) Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network-theory [i]
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- Patrick Mushove & Coleen Vogel (2005) Heads or tails?: stakeholder analysis as a tool for conservation area management [d]
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- Ronald E. Purser & Jack Petranker (2005) Unfreezing the future: exploring the dynamic of time in organizational change [d]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Allen E. Ivey, Kara P. Kunkler-Peck, & Lois T. Grady (2005) Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
- Deborah F. Shmueli & Michal Ben Gal (2005) Creating environmental stakeholder profiles: a tool for dispute management [d]
- Martin Wood (2005) The fallacy of misplaced leadership [d]
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- Joshua G. Behr (2004) Race, ethnicity, and the politics of city redistricting: minority-opportunity districts and the election of Hispanics and Blacks to city councils [i]
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- Barbara Gray (2004) Strong opposition: frame-based resistance to collaboration [d]
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- Ben Tyson, Tom Worthley, & Kim Danley (2004) Layering natural resource and human resource data for planning watershed conservation strategies [d]
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- Michael J. Chiarappa & Kristin M. Szylvian (2003) Fish for all: an oral history of multiple claims and divided sentiment on Lake Michigan [i]
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