How to manage

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Zen-informed spiritual research paradigm: a Buddhist approach to decolonizing MSR research [d]
  2. () Overturning for the common good: membership and mutuality in a world of markets and meritocracy [i] [d]
  3. () Crowdfunding as a market-fostering gift system [d]
  4. () Unexpected interruptions, idle time, and creativity: evidence from a natural experiment [d]
  5. () What work means: beyond the Puritan work ethic [i] [d] [j]
  6. () Hijacked: how neoliberalism turned the work ethic against workers and how workers can take it back [i] [d]
  7. () Beyond fans: the relational labor and communication practices of creators on Patreon [d]
  8. Julian David Jonker & Grant J. Rozeboom [ed] () Working as equals: relational egalitarianism and the workplace [i] [d]
  9. () Editorial: Every manager, a historian [d]
  10. () From ambiguity to action: integrating collective sensemaking and rational decision making in management pedagogy and practice [d]
  11. () How companies can address their historical transgressions: lessons from the slave trade and the Holocaust [u]
  12. () Surviving the creative space: teamwork techniques for designers [i] [d]
  13. () Going remote: how the flexible work economy can improve our lives and our cities [i] [d] [j]
  14. () 'Feeling in control': optimal busyness and the temporality of organizational controls [d] [u]
  15. () A new way to think: your guide to superior management effectiveness [i]
  16. () The art of scenic design: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
  17. () Act like a scientist [u]
  18. () Humor, seriously: why humor is a secret weapon in business and life: and how anyone can harness it, even you [i]
  19. () The circular business model [u]
  20. () Macropsychology for decent work: sustainable livelihood [i] [d]
  21. () Workparent: the complete guide to succeeding on the job, staying true to yourself, and raising happy kids [i]
  22. () How to help (without micromanaging) [u]
  23. () Make megaprojects more modular [u]
  24. () Productivity is about your systems, not your people [u]
  25. () Mission economy: a moonshot guide to changing capitalism [i]
  26. () Drawing out democracy: the role of sortition in preventing and overcoming organizational degeneration in worker-owned firms [d]
  27. Jason Wingard & Christine A. Farrugia [ed] () The great skills gap: optimizing talent for the future of work [i] [d]
  28. () The power of and: responsible business without trade-offs [i] [d] [j]
  29. J. K. Gibson-Graham & Kelly Dombroski [ed] () The handbook of diverse economies [i] [d]
  30. () The laziness myth: narratives of work and the good life in South Africa [i] [d] [j]
  31. () Commercial society: a primer on ethics and economics [i]
  32. () The risks you can't foresee: what to do when there's no playbook [u]
  33. Andreas Klasen [ed] () The handbook of global trade policy [i] [d]
  34. () A guide to managing your (newly) remote workers [u]
  35. () Learning to develop as a rock band: the contradiction between creativity and entrepreneurship [d]
  36. () Freedom trumps profit: a liberal approach to business ethics [d]
  37. () Economic dignity [i]
  38. () Can all work have meaning? [i]
  39. () Building a culture of experimentation [u]
  40. () A more sustainable supply chain [u]
  41. () Libraries that learn: keys to managing organizational knowledge [i]
  42. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  43. () Strategy needs creativity [u]
  44. () Operational transparency: make your processes visible to customers and your customers visible to employees [u]
  45. () The innovator's discussion: the conversational skills of entrepreneurial teams [i] [d]
  46. Allan H. Church, David W. Bracken, John W. Fleenor, & Dale S. Rose [ed] () Handbook of strategic 360 feedback [i] [d]
  47. James J. Cochran [ed] () INFORMS analytics body of knowledge [i] [d]
  48. () Libraries in the digital age: a case study in equipping librarians with the tools of idea management [u]
  49. () Supported employment: meta-analysis and review of randomized controlled trials of individual placement and support [p] [d] [u]
  50. () Workplace democracy—the recent debate [d]
  51. () Start finishing: how to go from idea to done [i]
  52. Jeffrey S. Harrison [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of stakeholder theory [i] [d]
  53. () The technology fallacy: how people are the real key to digital transformation [i] [d]
  54. () The making of a democratic economy: building prosperity for the many, not just the few [i]
  55. Vanessa Hammler Kenon & Sunay Vasant Palsole [ed] () The Wiley handbook of global workplace learning [i] [d]
  56. () An elegant puzzle: systems of engineering management [i]
  57. Adam Lindgreen, François Maon, Joëlle Vanhamme, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Christine Vallaster, & Carolyn Strong [ed] () Engaging with stakeholders: a relational perspective on responsible business [i] [d]
  58. () Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
  59. () Personal growth initiative as a predictor of psychological empowerment: the mediating role of job crafting [d]
  60. () Rekindling union democracy through the use of sortition [d] [j]
  61. () The economics of higher purpose: eight counterintuitive steps for creating a purpose-driven organization [i]
  62. () Teaching novice clinicians how to reduce diagnostic waste and errors by applying the Toyota Production System [or lean management] [p] [d]
  63. () Designing service machines: translating principles of system science to service design [i] [d]
  64. () The case for a socially oriented business model canvas: the social enterprise model canvas [d]
  65. () Work motivation: where do the different perspectives lead us? [i] [d]
  66. () The making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you [i]
  67. () 9 out of 10 people are willing to earn less money to do more-meaningful work [u]
  68. () Social incentives in organizations [d]
  69. () Risk management and organizational anxiety [u]
  70. () How to collaborate with a perfectionist [u]
  71. () More than a paycheck [employee ownership] [u]
  72. () Why compliance programs fail—and how to fix them [u]
  73. Hugh Collins, Gillian L. L. Lester, & Virginia Mantouvalou [ed] () Philosophical foundations of labour law [i] [d]
  74. () The AI advantage: how to put the artificial intelligence revolution to work [i] [d]
  75. () Cracked it!: how to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultants [i] [d]
  76. () Reinforcements: how to get people to help you [i]
  77. () The leader's guide to corporate culture [u]
  78. () Structure that's not stifling: how to give your people essential direction—without shutting them down [u]
  79. () Great at work: how top performers do less, work better, and achieve more [i]
  80. () Innovative change management (ICM): preparing your organization for the new innovative culture [i]
  81. () Why you should rotate office seating assignments [u]
  82. () Developing a business analytics methodology: a case study in the foodbank sector [d]
  83. () Rethink funding: the way we pay for science does not encourage the best results [p] [d]
  84. () Why do people work?: respect trumps money in South Africa case study [u]
  85. () Your inner workflow team [u]
  86. () Workflow: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
  87. () How to motivate frontline employees [u]
  88. () Why agile goes awry—and how to fix it [u]
  89. () 21 insights for 21st century creatives [i] [u]
  90. Lars Moratis, Frans Melissen, & Samuel O. Idowu [ed] () Sustainable business models: principles, promise, and practice [i] [d]
  91. () Copyright: what everyone needs to know [i]
  92. () Dying for a paycheck: how modern management harms employee health and company performance—and what we can do about it [i]
  93. () Five steps to strengthen ethics in organizations and individuals: effective strategies informed by research and history [i] [d]
  94. () Compassionate management of mental health in the modern workplace [i] [d]
  95. () Do your employees feel respected? [u]
  96. () Everything for everyone: the radical tradition that is shaping the next economy [i]
  97. () 'Create something and start selling it' [u]
  98. () How to prepare for a crisis you couldn't possibly predict [u]
  99. () To the rescue!?: brokering a rapid, scaled and customized compassionate response to suffering after disaster [d]
  100. () Leadership and crew resource management in high-reliability organizations: a competency framework for measuring behaviors [d]
  101. () Private government: how employers rule our lives (and why we don't talk about it) [and comments and reply] [i] [d] [j]
  102. () Business model definition and boundaries [i] [d]
  103. () Farmers' guide to business structures: LLCs, corporations, partnerships and more [i] [u]
  104. () Boss competence and worker well-being [d]
  105. Douglas J. Besharov, Karen J. Baehler, & Jacob Alex Klerman [ed] () Improving public services: international experiences in using evaluation tools to measure program performance [i] [d]
  106. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  107. () What your innovation process should look like [u]
  108. () The error at the heart of corporate leadership [u]
  109. () Social entrepreneurship as emancipatory work [d]
  110. () Employee profit sharing: a moral obligation or a moral option? [u]
  111. Monique F. Crane [ed] () Managing for resilience: a practical guide to individual wellbeing and organizational performance [i] [d]
  112. () Linear thinking in a nonlinear world [u]
  113. Jill E. Ellingson & Raymond A. Noe [ed] () Autonomous learning in the workplace [i] [d]
  114. () Pairwise communication for innovation at work [i] [d]
  115. () Spiritually informed not-for-profit performance measurement [d] [j]
  116. () The third 'generation' of workplace coaching: creating a culture of quality conversations [d]
  117. () Lean TRIZ: how to dramatically reduce product-development costs with this innovative problem-solving tool [i]
  118. () Humility is the new smart: rethinking human excellence in the smart machine age [i]
  119. () Free innovation [i] [d] [u]
  120. Martin Kunc, Jonathan Malpass, & Leroy White [ed] () Behavioral operational research: theory, methodology and practice [i] [d]
  121. () Radical business model transformation: gaining the competitive edge in a disruptive world [i]
  122. () How to build a better organization? Build better people [u]
  123. () Frugal value: designing business for a crowded planet [i] [d]
  124. () Patreonomics: public goods pedagogy for economics principles [d]
  125. Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, & Carl Rollenhage [ed] () Handbook of safety principles [i] [d]
  126. () The diversity bonus: how great teams pay off in the knowledge economy [i] [d] [j]
  127. Emma Parry & Jean McCarthy [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of age diversity and work [i] [d]
  128. () Integrating traditional biomedical and high reliability organisation approaches: solving puzzles and problems [d]
  129. () Managing networks in project-based organisations [i] [d]
  130. () Creating great choices: a leader's guide to integrative thinking [i]
  131. () Business model loom: a pattern-based approach towards the definition of business models [i] [d]
  132. () A review of training strategies to teach individuals implementation of behavioral interventions [d]
  133. () The capital markets: evolution of the financial ecosystem [i] [d]
  134. () Visual tools for business model innovation: recommendations from a cognitive perspective [d]
  135. () Setting the stage for creativity: upstream, mid-stream, and downstream [i] [d]
  136. S. Aqeel Tirmizi & John D. Vogelsang [ed] () Leading and managing in the social sector: strategies for advancing human dignity and social justice [i] [d]
  137. () Stop doubling down on your failing strategy: how to spot (and escape) one before it's too late [u]
  138. (/2018) Breaking bad habits: why best practices are killing your business [or: Breaking bad habits: how to reinvigorate your business by defying industry norms] [i]
  139. () Business model pioneers: how innovators successfully implement new business models [i] [d]
  140. () Improving healthcare operations: the application of lean, agile, and leagility in care pathway design [i] [d]
  141. () Awakening compassion at work: the quiet power that elevates people and organizations [i]
  142. () Management of social issues in supply chains: a literature review exploring social issues, actions and performance outcomes [d] [j]
  143. () The reputable firm: how digitalization of communication is revolutionizing reputation management [i] [d]
  144. () Learning while (re)configuring: business model innovation processes in established firms [d]
  145. () The mission model canvas: an adapted business model canvas for mission-driven organizations [u]
  146. () A new orientation to deal with uncertainty in projects [d]
  147. Katalien Bollen, Martin C. Euwema, & Lourdes Munduate [ed] () Advancing workplace mediation through integration of theory and practice [i] [d]
  148. () From argumentative crisis to critical arguments: how to argue in the face of danger [i] [d]
  149. () Employee recognition and performance: a field experiment [d]
  150. () A brief history of entrepreneurship: the pioneers, profiteers, and racketeers who shaped our world [i]
  151. () The inquiring organization: how organizations acquire knowledge and seek information [i] [d]
  152. () An empirical study of long-term personal project information management [d]
  153. () The heretic's guide to management: the art of harnessing ambiguity [i]
  154. () Only humans need apply: winners and losers in the age of smart machines [i]
  155. () Why diversity programs fail: and what works better [u]
  156. () Operational excellence in your office: a guide to achieving autonomous value stream flow with lean techniques [i] [d]
  157. () Wicked problem solvers [p] [u]
  158. () Working on something else for a while: pacing in creative design projects [d]
  159. () Stop jumping to solutions! [u]
  160. () Superbosses: how exceptional leaders master the flow of talent [i]
  161. () Lean execution: the basic implementation guide for maximizing process performance [i]
  162. () Humility in business: a contextual approach [d] [j]
  163. () Spaces for innovation: the design and science of inspiring environments [i]
  164. Paul Harmon & Roger Tregear [ed] () Questioning BPM?: 109 answers by 33 authors to 15 questions about business process management [i]
  165. (/2023) How to make it in the new music business: practical tips on building a loyal following and making a living as a musician [i]
  166. () Information communication technology utilization for effective emergency management networks [d]
  167. () Operational excellence: a concise guide to basic concepts and their application [i] [d]
  168. () Becoming a knowledge-sharing organization: a handbook for scaling up solutions through knowledge capturing and sharing [i] [d]
  169. () An everyone culture: becoming a deliberately developmental organization [i]
  170. () Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days [i]
  171. () Quality in business process modeling [i] [d]
  172. () Delivering bad news: how procedural unfairness affects messengers' distancing and refusals [d] [j]
  173. () An introduction to consulting psychology: working with individuals, groups, and organizations [i] [d]
  174. Arthur B. Markman [ed] () Open innovation: academic and practical perspectives on the journey from idea to market [i] [d]
  175. () Building the fit organization: six core principles for making your company stronger, faster, and more competitive [i]
  176. () Scaling lean: mastering the key metrics for startup growth [i]
  177. () Beyond requirements: analysis with an agile mindset [i]
  178. Phillip McIntyre, Janet Fulton, & Elizabeth Paton [ed] () The creative system in action: understanding cultural production and practice [i] [d]
  179. () Management by permission: managing people in the 21st century [i] [d]
  180. () Stop spending, start managing: strategies to transform wasteful habits [i]
  181. () Diversity regimes in worker cooperatives: workplace inequality under conditions of worker control [d]
  182. () The optimistic workplace: creating an environment that energizes everyone [i]
  183. () Objectives and key results: driving focus, alignment, and engagement with OKRs [i] [d]
  184. () What do we really know about workers' co-operatives? [i] [d]
  185. () The lean practitioner's field book: proven, practical, profitable and powerful techniques for making lean really work [i] [d]
  186. () What makes successful entrepreneurs different in temporal and goal-commitment dimensions? [d]
  187. Galina Rogova & Peter Scott [ed] () Fusion methodologies in crisis management: higher level fusion and decision making [i] [d]
  188. () Exposing fraud: skills, process and practicalities [i] [d]
  189. () Free will in social and psychological contracts [d]
  190. () The setup: Viviane Schwarz [on bingo scheduling: aleatory time management using a bingo wheel] [u]
  191. () Think simple: how smart leaders defeat complexity [i]
  192. () The farmer's office: tools, tips and templates to successfully manage a growing farm business [i]
  193. () The Silicon Valley model: management for entrepreneurship [i] [d]
  194. (/2019) Nolo's guide to single-member LLCs: how to form and run your single-member limited liability company [i]
  195. () Mindfulness in organizations: a cross-level review [d]
  196. () How to preempt team conflict [p] [u]
  197. () The conversational firm: rethinking bureaucracy in the age of social media [i] [d]
  198. () Change management: manage the change or it will manage you [i]
  199. () The missing link in culture change management: a daily management system [i]
  200. () Library graphic design best practices and approval processes [d]
  201. Anthony Webster, Linda Shaw, & Rachael Vorberg-Rugh [ed] () Mainstreaming co-operation: an alternative for the twenty-first century? [i] [d]
  202. () Humility in management [d] [j]
  203. () 6 habits of successful solopreneurs [u]
  204. () Conversations at work: promoting a culture of conversation in the changing workplace [i] [d]
  205. () The strategic career: let business principles guide you [i] [d]
  206. () Managing scientific information and research data [i] [d]
  207. () Learning by doing: the real connection between innovation, wages, and wealth [i] [d]
  208. () Managing library innovation using the lean startup method [d]
  209. () The practice of 'learning history': local and open system approaches [i] [d]
  210. Jan vom Brocke & Theresa Schmiedel [ed] () BPM: driving innovation in a digital world [business process management] [i] [d]
  211. () Helping members of the community manage their digital lives: developing a personal digital archiving workshop [d]
  212. Gervase R. Bushe & Robert J. Marshak [ed] () Dialogic organization development: the theory and practice of transformational change [i]
  213. () Organizational design: macroergonomics as a foundation for human systems integration [i] [d]
  214. () Transitions at the top: what organizations must do to make sure new leaders succeed [i] [d]
  215. () Process management for knowledge work [i] [d]
  216. () Primed to perform: how to build the highest performing cultures through the science of total motivation [i]
  217. () An evaluation of critical thinking competencies in business settings [d]
  218. John S. Edwards [ed] () The essentials of knowledge management [i] [d]
  219. (/2016) The restorative workplace: an organizational learning approach to discrimination [u]
  220. () The productivity habits: a simple approach to become more productive [i]
  221. () Organizational culture [i] [d]
  222. Michael Frese & Michael D. Mumford [ed] () The psychology of planning in organizations: research and applications [i] [d]
  223. () Action errors, error management, and learning in organizations [p] [d]
  224. () Seven life lessons from humanistic behaviorism: how to bring the best out of yourself and others [d]
  225. () Lean startups for social change: the revolutionary path to big impact [i]
  226. () The social profit handbook: the essential guide to setting goals, assessing outcomes, and achieving success for mission-driven organizations [i]
  227. () Articulating design decisions: communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience [i]
  228. () Better and faster: the proven path to unstoppable ideas [i]
  229. () Lean human performance improvement [i] [d]
  230. () The lean farm: how to minimize waste, increase efficiency, and maximize value and profits with less work [i]
  231. () Wicked problems: implications for public policy and management [d]
  232. () Communicating the UX vision: 13 anti-patterns that block good ideas [i]
  233. () Identification and prioritization of coordination barriers in humanitarian supply chain management [d]
  234. () The psychology of fear in organizations: how to transform anxiety into well-being, productivity and innovation [i]
  235. () Changing employee behavior: a practical guide for managers [i] [d]
  236. () Repertoires: how to transform a project into a research community [d] [j]
  237. () Entrepreneurial opportunity as the potential to create value [d]
  238. () From individual to collective learning: a conceptual learning framework for enacting rework prevention [d]
  239. () Strategic intelligence: conceptual tools for leading change [i] [d]
  240. () Project management for information professionals [i] [d]
  241. () For the last time: cost cutting isn't 'lean' [u]
  242. () Getting beyond better: how social entrepreneurship works [i]
  243. () Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: a cognitive approach to business model innovation [d]
  244. () Lean auditing: driving added value and efficiency in internal audit [i] [d]
  245. () Integrating sustainability into an organization's culture: a grounded model [d]
  246. () Managing corporate design: best practices for in-house graphic design departments [i]
  247. () The positive organization: breaking free from conventional cultures, constraints, and beliefs [i]
  248. () The local economy solution: how innovative, self-financing 'pollinator' enterprises can grow jobs and prosperity [i]
  249. Daniel Simon & Christian Schmidt [ed] () Business architecture management: architecting the business for consistency and alignment [i] [d]
  250. () Hyper-productive knowledge work performance: the TameFlow approach and its application to Scrum and Kanban [i]
  251. () Building the team organization: how to open minds, resolve conflict, and ensure cooperation [i] [d]
  252. () Decision-thinking in PLM [product lifecycle management] [u]
  253. () Lead more, control less: eight advanced leadership skills that overturn convention [i]
  254. () The creator's code: the six essential skills of extraordinary entrepreneurs [i]
  255. () Risk, surprises and black swans: fundamental ideas and concepts in risk assessment and risk management [i] [d]
  256. () Organizational psychology for managers [i] [d]
  257. Emma Bell, Samantha Warren, & Jonathan Schroeder [ed] () The Routledge companion to visual organization [i] [d]
  258. () Interpersonal justice, relational conflict, and commitment to change: the moderating role of social interaction [d]
  259. () The freaks shall inherit the earth: entrepreneurship for weirdos, misfits, and world dominators [i]
  260. () Integrated reporting: on the need for broadening out and opening up [d]
  261. () The myths of creativity: the truth about how innovative companies and people generate great ideas [i]
  262. () Creativity, Inc.: overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration [i]
  263. () Tracking managerial conflict adaptivity: introducing a dynamic measure of adaptive conflict management in organizations [d]
  264. () Wiki management: a revolutionary new model for a rapidly changing and collaborative world [i]
  265. () Balancing 'we' and 'me': the best collaborative spaces also support solitude [p] [u]
  266. () Examining workplace mindfulness and its relations to job performance and turnover intention [d]
  267. Mark Dodgson, David Gann, & Nelson Phillips [ed] () The Oxford handbook of innovation management [i] [d]
  268. () Software product management: an industry evaluation [d]
  269. () Strategic management of global manufacturing networks: aligning strategy, configuration, and coordination [i] [d]
  270. () The best place to work: the art and science of creating an extraordinary workplace [i]
  271. () Regular exercise is part of your job [u]
  272. () Do your dark side traits fit?: dysfunctional personalities in different work sectors [d]
  273. () The innovator's method: bringing the lean startup into your organization [i]
  274. () Start me up: lean screenwriting for American entrepreneurial cinema [d]
  275. () The risk-driven business model: four questions that will define your company [i]
  276. () Making business models [d]
  277. () The role of GPS-enabled information in transforming operational decision making: an exploratory study [d]
  278. (/2022) Assessment and evaluation of teams and team coaching [i]
  279. Peter Hawkins [ed] (/2022) Leadership team coaching in practice: case studies on creating highly effective teams [or: Leadership team coaching in practice: developing high performing teams] [i]
  280. Derek Johnson, Derek Kompare, & Avi Santo [ed] () Making media work: cultures of management in the entertainment industries [i] [d] [j]
  281. () Making business personal [u]
  282. () Value-focused thinking for community-based organizations: objectives and acceptance in local development [d]
  283. () Information systems management in the big data era [i] [d]
  284. () Serving with spirit: an integrative model of workplace spirituality within service organizations [d]
  285. () Your scarcest resource [organizational time resources] [p] [u]
  286. () Value stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation [i]
  287. () Business model innovation [i] [d]
  288. () How concepts solve management problems [i] [d]
  289. () The 46 rules of genius: an innovator's guide to creativity [i]
  290. () Value proposition design: how to create products and services customers want [i]
  291. () Beyond motivation: job and work design for development, health, ambidexterity, and more [p] [d]
  292. () The lean mindset: ask the right questions [i]
  293. () Doing versus thinking: John Dewey's forgotten critique of scientific management [d]
  294. () A conceptual framework for tackling knowable unknown unknowns in project management [d]
  295. () Authentic governance: aligning personal governance with corporate governance [i] [d]
  296. () Making change: norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems [d]
  297. () Project planning and management for ecological restoration [i] [d]
  298. () The analytics asset [i] [d]
  299. () The innovator's hypothesis: how cheap experiments are worth more than good ideas [i] [j]
  300. () The visual organization: data visualization, big data, and the quest for better decisions [i]
  301. Peter A. C. Smith & Tom Cockburn [ed] () Impact of emerging digital technologies on leadership in global business [i] [d]
  302. () Strategic conversations: creating and directing the entrepreneurial workforce [i] [d]
  303. () Solution business: building a platform for organic growth [i] [d]
  304. () Caring orientations: the normative foundations of the craft of management [d] [j]
  305. () Is your portfolio turning away clients? [u]
  306. () Towards reducing the harm: workplace bullying as workplace corruption—a critical review [d]
  307. () Workspaces that move people [p] [u]
  308. () How do top programmers work? [u]
  309. () Design science methodology for information systems and software engineering [i] [d]
  310. () Maturation of work attitudes: correlated change with big five personality traits and reciprocal effects over 15 years [d]
  311. () Exploring the development of competence in lean management through action learning groups: a study of the introduction of lean to a facilities management function [d]
  312. () Meaningful work and workplace democracy: a philosophy of work and a politics of meaningfulness [i] [d]
  313. () A guide to continuous improvement transformation: concepts, processes, implementation [i] [d]
  314. () Goals versus systems [i]
  315. () A meta-model perspective on business models [i] [d]
  316. () Disciplined entrepreneurship: 24 steps to a successful startup [i]
  317. () Value creation and business models: refocusing the intellectual capital debate [d]
  318. () Why the lean start-up changes everything [u]
  319. () Guilt by design: structuring organizations to elicit guilt as an affective reaction to failure [d] [j]
  320. () Becoming a successful illustrator [i]
  321. () The software industry: economic principles, strategies, perspectives [i] [d]
  322. () Strategy by design: a process of strategy innovation [i] [d]
  323. () Restorying a hard day's work [i] [d]
  324. () The dark side of competition for status [d]
  325. () High-reliability health care: getting there from here [p] [d] [u]
  326. () The roles of learning orientation and passion for work in the formation of entrepreneurial intention [d]
  327. () Deciding how to decide [u]
  328. () Lean analytics: use data to build a better startup faster [i]
  329. () The graphic designer's business survival guide [i]
  330. () Assessing aberrant personality in managerial coaching: measurement issues and prevalence rates across employment sectors [d]
  331. () Why unions are going into the co-op business [u]
  332. () Second victim: error, guilt, trauma, and resilience [i] [d]
  333. () Fundamentals of business process management [i] [d]
  334. () Multimethodology in metaheuristics [d] [j]
  335. (/2015) The org: the underlying logic of the office [i] [d] [j]
  336. () Lessons from a buried past: settlement women and democratically anchored governance networks [d]
  337. () The customer service survival kit: what to say to defuse even the worst customer situations [i]
  338. () Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting [p] [d] [u]
  339. Robert A. Giacalone & Mark D. Promislo [ed] () Handbook of unethical work behavior: implications for individual well-being [i] [d]
  340. () Take back the economy: an ethical guide for transforming our communities [i] [d] [j]
  341. () A framework for modeling value in service-oriented business models: conceptualizations and graphical representation [i] [d]
  342. () Group coaching: a practical guide to optimising collective talent in any organization [i]
  343. () Beyond the idea: how to execute innovation in any organization [i]
  344. () Epistemic economics and organization: forms of rationality and governance for a wiser economy [i] [d]
  345. Anna Grandori [ed] () Handbook of economic organization: integrating economic and organization theory [i] [d]
  346. () The importance of developing employability [d]
  347. () Conversations that get results and inspire collaboration: engage your team, your peers, and your manager to take action [i]
  348. () Moving beyond job search quantity: towards a conceptualization and self-regulatory framework of job search quality [d]
  349. () Worthless, impossible, and stupid: how contrarian entrepreneurs create and capture extraordinary value [i]
  350. () Engineering design, planning, and management [i] [d]
  351. () The dissolution of ethical decision-making in organizations: a comprehensive review and model [d] [j]
  352. () Managing emergencies and crises [i]
  353. () Small business for big thinkers: unconventional strategies to connect with and win big business [i]
  354. () Red thread thinking: weaving together connections for brillant ideas and profitable innovation [i]
  355. () Ten types of innovation: the discipline of building breakthroughs [i]
  356. () From competition to collaboration: toward a new framework for entrepreneurship [i] [d]
  357. () Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
  358. () Implementation management: high-speed strategy implementation [i] [d]
  359. John D. Lee & Alex Kirlik [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive engineering [i] [d]
  360. () Solving problems with design thinking: 10 stories of what works [i]
  361. () Freeing organizational behavior from inhibitory constraints [d]
  362. Edwin A. Locke & Gary P. Latham [ed] () New developments in goal setting and task performance [i] [d]
  363. () Using decision errors to help people help themselves [i] [d] [j]
  364. () The co-creative meeting: practicing consensual effectivity in organizations [i] [d]
  365. () Ten simple rules for cultivating open science and collaborative R&D [p] [d] [u]
  366. () Positive organizational outcomes associated with a penchant for openness [p] [d]
  367. () Complex project conceptualisation and argument mapping [d]
  368. () Psychological levers of behavior change [i] [d] [j]
  369. () Recognizing public value [i] [d] [j]
  370. () Reconstructing project management [i] [d]
  371. () Organizational ambidexterity: past, present, and future [d]
  372. () Handbook of decision analysis [i] [d]
  373. () Beyond the echo chamber [u]
  374. () Indigenous development and the cultural captivity of entrepreneurship [d]
  375. Janice Gow Pettey [ed] () Nonprofit fundraising strategy: a guide to ethical decision making and regulation for nonprofit organizations [i] [d]
  376. () Applying actor–network theory as a sensemaking framework for complex organisational change programs [d]
  377. () The manager as facilitator of dialogue [d]
  378. () Cooperation, community, and co-ops in a global era [i] [d]
  379. () What we can learn about business modeling from homeostasis [i] [d]
  380. (/2016) The logistics and supply chain toolkit: over 100 tools and guides for supply chain, transport, warehousing and inventory management [i]
  381. () What makes strategic decisions different [u]
  382. () Business analytics: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  383. Eldar Shafir [ed] () The behavioral foundations of public policy [i] [d] [j]
  384. Ruth A. Shapiro [ed] () The real problem solvers: social entrepreneurs in America [i] [d]
  385. Boris Shishkov [ed] () Business modeling and software design: second international symposium, BMSD 2012, Geneva, Switzerland, July 4–6, 2012 [i] [d]
  386. () Philanthropic identity at work: employer influences on the charitable giving attitudes and behaviors of employees [d]
  387. () Deleterious consequences of change in newcomers' employer-based psychological contract obligations [d]
  388. () How to get people to do stuff: master the art and science of persuasion and motivation [i]
  389. () Personality across working life: the longitudinal and reciprocal influences of personality on work [d]
  390. () How useful are the strategic tools we teach in business schools? [d]
  391. () Teamwork and collaboration [and training to improve them] [d]
  392. () Managing information to support the decision making process [combining IBIS & MCDM in Compendium] [d]
  393. () Impact of management and innovation capabilities on performance: are cooperatives different? [d]
  394. () The startup owner's manual: the step-by-step guide for building a great company [i]
  395. () Travel time and the liability of distance in foreign direct investment: location choice and entry mode [d]
  396. () Listening and participatory communication: a model to assess organization listening competency [d]
  397. () Typology of the eight domains of discretion in organisations [d]
  398. () Grow your handmade business: how to envision, develop, and sustain a successful creative business [i]
  399. () Charismatizing the routine: storytelling for meaning and agency in the Burning Man organization [d]
  400. () Case interview secrets: a former McKinsey interviewer reveals how to get multiple job offers in consulting [i]
  401. () The responsible company [i]
  402. () Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
  403. () Parallel prototyping leads to better design results, more divergence, and increased self-efficacy [i] [d]
  404. () The role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees [d]
  405. () Web analytics action hero: using analysis to gain insight and optimize your business [i]
  406. () The forgiving organization: a multilevel model of forgiveness at work [d]
  407. () Startup communities: building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city [i] [d]
  408. () Design thinking business analysis: business concept mapping applied [i] [d]
  409. () Work happy: what great bosses know [i]
  410. () Who killed creativity—and how we can get it back?: seven essential strategies to make yourself, your team and your organisation more innovative [i]
  411. () Managing to change the world: the nonprofit manager's guide to getting results [i]
  412. Geoff Harrison, Mat Erpelding, & Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education [ed] () Outdoor program administration: principles and practices [i]
  413. () Conversations for creating star performers: go beyond the performance review to inspire excellence every day [i]
  414. () Mobilization systems: technologies for motivating and coordinating human action [u]
  415. () Sales excellence: systematic sales management [i] [d]
  416. () The freelancer's bible: everything you need to know to have the career of your dreams on your terms [i]
  417. () Personality trait development and social investment in work [d]
  418. () The how and the what of leadership [d]
  419. () Managing people 'spiritually': a Bourdieusian critique [d]
  420. () Managing risks: a new framework [u]
  421. () Help them grow or watch them go: career conversations employees want [i]
  422. () Owning our future: the emerging ownership revolution [i]
  423. Mary Krautter, Mary Beth Lock, & Mary G. Scanlon [ed] () The entrepreneurial librarian: essays on the infusion of private-business dynamism into professional service [i]
  424. () What if you don't want to be a manager? [u]
  425. () Intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial intentions [d]
  426. () Librarians as sustainability advocates, educators and entrepreneurs [i]
  427. () Zen and the creative management of dilemmas [d]
  428. () The role of learning in overcoming work dissatisfaction [o] [u]
  429. () Emergent organizational capacity for compassion [d]
  430. () Organizing for society: a typology of social entrepreneuring models [d] [j]
  431. () A factory of one: applying lean principles to banish waste and improve your personal performance [i]
  432. () The outstanding organization: generate business results by eliminating chaos and building the foundation for everyday excellence [i]
  433. () A meta-analysis of positive humor in the workplace [d]
  434. () Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
  435. () Venturing for others with heart and head: how compassion encourages social entrepreneurship [d]
  436. () Achieve product–market fit with our brand-new Value Proposition Designer Canvas [u]
  437. () The difference culture makes: the competitive advantage of reciprocal, non-monetary exchange [i] [u]
  438. () Project portfolios in dynamic environments: organizing for uncertainty [d]
  439. Nora P. Reilly, M. Joseph Sirgy, & C. Allen Gormna [ed] () Work and quality of life: ethical practices in organizations [i] [d]
  440. () 'Scope creep' will poison your projects! [u]
  441. () Expanding the pie: fostering effective non-profit and corporate partnerships [i]
  442. William J. Rothwell, Robert K. Prescott, Jed Lindholm, Karen K. Yarrish, Aileen G. Zaballero, & George M. Benscoter [ed] () The encyclopedia of human resource management [i] [d]
  443. () The design activist's handbook: how to change the world (or at least your part of It) with socially conscious design [i]
  444. () Just start: take action, embrace uncertainty, create the future [i]
  445. () Reinventing the supply chain life cycle: strategies and methods for analysis and decision making [i]
  446. () Why appreciation matters so much [u]
  447. () Success by design: the essential business reference for designers [i]
  448. () Rhythm and entrainment of acquisition and alliance initiatives and firm performance: a temporal perspective [d]
  449. () A temporal perspective of merger and acquisition and strategic alliance initiatives review and future direction [d]
  450. () What is your personal knowledge management ecosystem? [u]
  451. () Lead with a story: a guide to crafting business narratives that captivate, convince, and inspire [i]
  452. () Acting 101 for managers [u]
  453. () Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking [d]
  454. () The shareholder value myth: how putting shareholders first harms investors, corporations, and the public [i]
  455. () The importance of attributional complexity for transformational leadership studies [d]
  456. () Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: different emotions, different strategies [d]
  457. () Stronger together: worker cooperatives as a community economic development strategy [o]
  458. () Behind the executive door: unexpected lessons for managing your boss and career [i]
  459. () A transactional approach to person–environment fit: reciprocal relations between personality development and career role growth across young to middle adulthood [d]
  460. () Everyday working life: explaining within-person fluctuations in employee well-being [d]
  461. () Brand relevance: making competitors irrelevant [i]
  462. () Lessons from the kibbutz on the equality–incentives trade-off [d]
  463. () Swans, swine, and swindlers: coping with the growing threat of mega-crises and mega-messes [i]
  464. () The progress principle: using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work [i]
  465. () The power of small wins [u]
  466. () Promoting sustainable local and community economic development [i] [d]
  467. () How to: mapping your value stream [u]
  468. () The creative professional's guide to money: how to think about it, how to talk about it, how to manage it [i]
  469. () Testing a measure of organizational learning capacity and readiness for transformational change in human services [d]
  470. Luk Bouckaert & László Zsolnai [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of spirituality and business [i] [d]
  471. () Spirituality, religion, and emotional labor in the workplace [d]
  472. () Dynamic patterns of flow in the workplace: characterizing within-individual variability using a complexity science approach [d]
  473. () Lessons for creative cities from Burning Man: how organizations can sustain and disseminate a creative context [d]
  474. () Don't make decisions based on culture (alone) [u]
  475. () Transforming leaders into progress makers: leadership for the 21st century [i] [d]
  476. (/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
  477. () Paying attention to mindfulness and its effects on task performance in the workplace [d]
  478. () The blame game: how the hidden rules of credit and blame determine our success or failure [i]
  479. () Leadership skills across organizational levels: a closer examination [d]
  480. () From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
  481. () The innovator's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators [i]
  482. () Just the facts: the case for workplace transparency [u]
  483. () Behavioural issues in portfolio decision analysis [i] [d]
  484. () Determinants of the efficiency of regional innovation systems [d]
  485. () When and why incentives (don't) work to modify behavior [d]
  486. () Organizing entrepreneurship [i] [d]
  487. () Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices [i] [d]
  488. () Monitoring in teams: using laboratory experiments to study a theory of the firm [d]
  489. () Collaborative intelligence: using teams to solve hard problems [i]
  490. () Shine: using brain science to get the best from your people [i]
  491. () Public versus private sector procurement ethics and strategy: what each sector can learn from the other [d] [j]
  492. Sabrina Helm, Kerstin Liehr-Gobbers, & Christopher Storck [ed] () Reputation management [i] [d]
  493. Darian Rodriguez Heyman [ed] () Nonprofit management 101: a complete and practical guide for leaders and professionals [i]
  494. () How to get involved without micromanaging people [u]
  495. () Management derailment [i] [d]
  496. () The strategic designer: tools and techniques for managing the design process [i]
  497. () Taking responsibility for complexity: how implementation can achieve results in the face of complex problems [i] [u]
  498. () Before you make that big decision [p] [u]
  499. () Do the behaviors related to managerial effectiveness really change with organizational level?: an empirical test [d]
  500. () Differences in managerial jobs at the bottom, middle, and top: a review of empirical research [d]
  501. () Portfolio decision quality [i] [d]
  502. () So you're a creative genius—now what? [i]
  503. () Current and cutting edge methods of portfolio decision analysis in pharmaceutical R&D [i] [d]
  504. () Taking feedback-seeking to the next 'level': organizational structure and feedback-seeking behavior [j]
  505. () The impact of civility interventions on employee social behavior, distress, and attitudes [d]
  506. (/2019) Organizational change: creating change through strategic communication [i] [d]
  507. () Designing for growth: a design thinking tool kit for managers [i] [j]
  508. () Confronting managerialism: how the business elite and their schools threw our lives out of balance [i]
  509. () 'Needed not wanted': an interdisciplinary examination of the work-related challenges faced by irregular migrants [d]
  510. () Project politics: a systematic approach to managing complex relationships [i]
  511. () Fixing the game: bubbles, crashes, and what capitalism can learn from the NFL [i]
  512. () The A3 workbook: unlock your problem-solving mind [i]
  513. () How yoga made me a better lean startup practitioner [u]
  514. () Developing organisational decision-making capability: a knowledge manager's guide [d]
  515. () Wage slavery or creative work? [d]
  516. () Public management: organizations, governance, and performance [i] [d]
  517. () The new WTP: willingness to participate [d]
  518. Nicole Pfeffermann & Julie Gould [ed] (/2017) Strategy and communication for innovation: integrative perspectives on innovation in the digital economy [i] [d]
  519. () The lean startup: how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses [i]
  520. () Middle managers, strategic sensemaking, and discursive competence [d]
  521. Ahti Salo, Jeffrey M. Keisler, & Alec Morton [ed] () Portfolio decision analysis: improved methods for resource allocation [i] [d]
  522. () Erasing the invisible hand: essays on an elusive and misused concept in economics [i] [d]
  523. () What's happening in the coaching conversation with an executive at risk of derailing? [u]
  524. () Energy management of people in organizations: a review and research agenda [d]
  525. () Empowering leadership and the influence of a humorous work climate on service employees' creativity and innovative behaviour in frontline service jobs [d]
  526. () Self-regulation of creativity at work: the role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance [d]
  527. () Booster breaks: an easy-to-implement workplace policy designed to improve employee health, increase productivity, and lower health care costs [d]
  528. () How to avoid catastrophe [u]
  529. () Corporate ethical values, group creativity, job satisfaction and turnover intention: the impact of work context on work response [d] [j]
  530. (/2017) The timeless principles of successful business strategy: corporate sustainability as the new driving force [i] [d]
  531. Sheldon Zedeck [ed] () APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology [i] [d]
  532. () The ombudsman handbook: designing and managing an effective problem-solving program [i]
  533. () The business model: recent developments and future research [d]
  534. () How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
  535. () Different markets for different folks: exploring the challenges of mainstreaming responsible investment practices [d] [j]
  536. () Organizational traps: leadership, culture, organizational design [i]
  537. () Simply effective: how to cut through complexity in your organization and get things done [i]
  538. () Artistry unleashed: a guide to pursuing great performance in work and life [i] [d] [j]
  539. () Making ideas happen: overcoming the obstacles between vision and reality [i]
  540. () Use of a business excellence model to improve conservation programs [p] [d]
  541. () Shepherds of the mountains: sheep farming in a north Norwegian alpine landscape as a community of practice [u]
  542. () Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
  543. () Social entrepreneurship: what everyone needs to know [i]
  544. Jan vom Brocke & Michael Rosemann [ed] (/2015) Handbook on business process management 1: introduction, methods, and information systems [i] [d]
  545. Jan vom Brocke & Michael Rosemann [ed] (/2015) Handbook on business process management 2: strategic alignment, governance, people and culture [i] [d]
  546. () Dealing with dilemmas: where business analytics fall short [i] [d]
  547. () Enhancing the ability to think strategically: a learning model [d]
  548. () Self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism in employees: relationships with burnout and engagement [d]
  549. () Learning in the wild [d]
  550. () Well connected: an unconventional approach to building genuine, effective business relationships [i]
  551. () The leader's guide to radical management: reinventing the workplace for the 21st century [i]
  552. Francis X. Diebold, Neil A. Doherty, & Richard Herring [ed] () The known, the unknown, and the unknowable in financial risk management: measurement and theory advancing practice [i] [d] [j]
  553. () Velocity as a predictor of performance satisfaction, mental focus, and goal revision [d]
  554. () Regoverning the workplace: from self-regulation to co-regulation [i]
  555. () Who says there's a problem?: a new way to approach the issue of 'problem patrons' [d] [j]
  556. Wojciech Gasparski, Leo V. Ryan, & Stefan M. Kwiatkowski [ed] () Entrepreneurship: values and responsibility [i] [d]
  557. () The checklist manifesto: how to get things right [i]
  558. Larry A. Golemon [ed] () Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
  559. () Gamestorming: a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers [i]
  560. (/2013) Employee engagement and the psychology of joining, staying in, and leaving organizations [i] [d]
  561. () A situated metacognitive model of the entrepreneurial mindset [d]
  562. () Switch: how to change things when change is hard [i]
  563. () Zen in the workplace: applying anti-structure to enhance structure [u]
  564. (/2023) Making a collection count: a holistic approach to library collection management [i] [d]
  565. () Facilitated group decision making in hierarchical contexts [i] [d]
  566. () Reflections on management: how to manage your software projects, your teams, your boss, and yourself [i]
  567. () Creative, inc.: the ultimate guide to running a successful freelance business [i]
  568. () Some unintended consequences of job design [d]
  569. () Learning to be surprised: how to foster reflective practice in a high-reliability context [d]
  570. (/2013) Toward a positive psychology for leaders [i] [d]
  571. () Training: the key to keeping your head in a crisis situation [d]
  572. () Communities of practice: beyond teams [d]
  573. () The design of robust value-creating supply chain networks: a critical review [d]
  574. () Why organizations struggle so hard to improve so little: overcoming organizational immaturity [i]
  575. () The influence of personality traits and demographic factors on social entrepreneurship start up intentions [d] [j]
  576. () Collaboration engineering [i] [d]
  577. () Workplace humor and organizational creativity [d]
  578. () The evidence for the effectiveness of action learning [d]
  579. () Investing in entrepreneurs: a strategic approach for strengthening your regional and community economy [i]
  580. P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, & Nicky Page [ed] (/2013) Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work [i] [d]
  581. () Perspective-taking as an organizational capability [d] [j]
  582. () Carrots and sticks don't work: build a culture of employee engagement with the principles of RESPECT [i]
  583. () Learning through feedback in the field: reflective learning in a NGO in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  584. () How I document my business model hypotheses [u]
  585. (/2012) Running lean: iterate from plan A to a plan that works [i]
  586. () From workplace to playspace: innovating, learning, and changing through dynamic engagement [i]
  587. () Improving cost-effectiveness in the Department of Defense [u]
  588. () Nice teams finish last: the secret to unleashing your team's maximum potential [i]
  589. () The use of robustness analysis for planning actions in a poor Brazilian community [d]
  590. () Predictor of business students' attitudes toward sustainable business practices [d] [j]
  591. () An action learning method for increased innovation capability in organisations [d]
  592. () Personality and the prediction of team performance [d]
  593. () Freelancing expertise: contract professionals in the new economy [i] [d] [j]
  594. () Paradox and collaboration in network management [d]
  595. () Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers [i]
  596. () Use job descriptions to support leadership [d]
  597. (/2013) Strengths of character and work [i] [d]
  598. () Power: why some people have it—and others don't [i]
  599. () Strategic learning: how to be smarter than your competition and turn key insights into competitive advantage [i] [d]
  600. () Focus induced tunnel vision in managerial judgment and decision making: the peril and the antidote [d]
  601. () Nonprofit finance for hard times: leadership strategies when economies falter [i]
  602. () Toyota kata: managing people for improvement, adaptiveness, and superior results [i]
  603. () Innovative lean development: how to create, implement and maintain a learning culture using fast learning cycles [i]
  604. Marshall Schminke [ed] () Managerial ethics: managing the psychology of morality [i] [d]
  605. () Corporate entrepreneurship: a test of external and internal influences on managers' idea generation, risk taking, and proactiveness [d]
  606. (/2013) Work as meaning: individual and organizational benefits of engaging in meaningful work [i] [d]
  607. () Managing the design process: implementing design: an essential manual for the working designer [i]
  608. () Managing the inner contradictions of job descriptions: a technique for use in recruitment [d]
  609. () Psychological contracts across cultures [d]
  610. () Participation in environmental organizations [i] [d]
  611. () Why people cooperate: the role of social motivations [i] [d] [j]
  612. (/2016) Combat and operational stress control [o] [u]
  613. Kieran Walshe, Gill Harvey, & Pauline Jas [ed] () Connecting knowledge and performance in public services: from knowing to doing [i] [d]
  614. () Pay for performance in the public sector—benefits and (hidden) costs [d]
  615. () Putting sustainable investing into practice: a governance framework for pension funds [d] [j]
  616. () Performance architecture: the art and science of improving organizations [i]
  617. () A complex systems methodology to transition management [d]
  618. Catherine Allan & George H. Stankey [ed] () Adaptive environmental management: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  619. () Market entry of firms with different legal forms: an empirical test of the influence of institutional factors [d]
  620. () 'I'm tired': differential effects of physical and emotional fatigue on workload management strategies [d]
  621. () Sustain organizational performance through continuous learning, change and realignment [i] [d]
  622. () Entrepreneurship as a non-profit-seeking activity [d]
  623. () Predicting military performance from specific personality measures: a validity study [d]
  624. Malin Brännback & Alan L. Carsrud [ed] (/2017) Revisiting the entrepreneurial mind: inside the black box: an expanded edition [i] [d]
  625. () An 18-minute plan for managing your day [u]
  626. () Business modeling: a practical guide to realizing business value [i] [d]
  627. () The value of vocation: the crucial role of intrinsically motivated people in values-based organizations [d]
  628. () Work motivations, work outcomes, and health: passion versus addiction [d] [j]
  629. () Appointments to boards and committees via lottery, a pathway to fairness and diversity [d]
  630. () Enabling creative chaos: the organization behind the Burning Man event [i] [d]
  631. Mario Cimoli, Giovanni Dosi, & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () Industrial policy and development: the political economy of capabilities accumulation [i] [d]
  632. () Foster trust through ability, benevolence, and integrity [i] [d]
  633. Cary L. Cooper, James C. Quick, & Marc J. Schabracq [ed] () International handbook of work and health psychology [i] [d]
  634. () Using dark side personality traits to identify potential failure [d]
  635. () Breaking into freelance illustration: the guide for artists, designers and illustrators [i]
  636. () The compromise trap: how to thrive at work without selling your soul [i]
  637. () Self-interest and other-orientation in organizational behavior: implications for job performance, prosocial behavior, and personal initiative [d]
  638. () If we can put a man on the moon: getting big things done in government [i]
  639. (/2018) The essential guide to handling workplace harassment & discrimination [i]
  640. () The designer's guide to business and careers: how to succeed on the job or on your own [i]
  641. () Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire, and the emergent phenomenology of transformational experience [i]
  642. () The McKinsey engagement: a powerful toolkit for more efficient & effective team problem solving [i]
  643. () Lack of sleep in the workplace: what the psychologist–manager should know about sleep [d]
  644. () A relational model of how high-performance work systems work [d] [j]
  645. () 100 habits of successful freelance designers: insider secrets for working smart and staying creative [i]
  646. (/2012) Lean hospitals: improving quality, patient safety, and employee engagement [i]
  647. () Getting credit for proactive behavior: supervisor reactions depend on what you value and how you feel [d]
  648. () Foster team effectiveness by fulfilling key leadership functions [i] [d]
  649. () Collaboration: how leaders avoid the traps, create unity, and reap big results [i]
  650. () Notes on collaboration: assessing student behaviors [d]
  651. () Personality theory and positive psychology: strategic self-awareness [i]
  652. () Dealing with real-world complexity: limits, enhancements and new approaches for policy makers [i] [d]
  653. () Guide to supply chain management [i]
  654. () Intelligent participation: communicating knowledge in cross-functional project teams [d]
  655. Robert B. Kaiser [ed] () The perils of accentuating the positive [i]
  656. () Managing risk in the new world [u]
  657. Paul R. Kleindorfer & Yoram Wind [ed] () The network challenge: strategy, profit, and risk in an interlinked world [i]
  658. () The paradigm of management, management systems, and resource stewardship [d]
  659. () The effect of implicit moral attitudes on managerial decision-making: an implicit social cognition approach [d] [j]
  660. () The new face of government: how public managers are forging a new approach to governance [i]
  661. () Living above the store: building a business that creates value, inspires change, and restores land and community [i]
  662. () Built to win: creating a world-class negotiating organization [i]
  663. () Getting to plan B: breaking through to a better business model [i]
  664. () Competencies proficiency scale [u]
  665. () A unifying theory of clinical practice: Relationship, Diagnostics, Management and professionalism (RDM-p) [p]
  666. () Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW): nationwide organization development intervention at Veterans Health Administration [d]
  667. Christine Owen, Pascal Béguin, & Ger L. Wackers [ed] () Risky work environments: reappraising human work within fallible systems [i]
  668. () Managing the rivalry of competing institutional logics [d]
  669. () The principles of product development flow: second generation lean product development [i]
  670. Tudor Rickards, Mark A. Runco, & Susan Moger [ed] () The Routledge companion to creativity [i] [d]
  671. () Collaboration in theatre: a practical guide for designers and directors [i] [d]
  672. () Agrarian origins of management ideology: the Roman and antebellum cases [d]
  673. () Fostering intuition in management education: activities and resources [d]
  674. () How to make sense of weak signals [u]
  675. () Toward a practice of mindfulness [i] [d]
  676. () Negative emotional reactions to project failure and the self-compassion to learn from the experience [d]
  677. () The pearls and perils of identifying potential [d]
  678. () The generalist approach [d]
  679. () A million decisions: life on the (sustainable business) frontier [d]
  680. () Managing facilitated processes: a guide for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, event planners, and educators [i]
  681. () The six mistakes executives make in risk management [u]
  682. Dean Tjosvold & Barbara Wisse [ed] () Power and interdependence in organizations [i] [d]
  683. () Melting the glacier: activating neural mechanisms to create rapid large-scale organizational change [i] [d]
  684. () Ecological limits to globalization of managerial situations [d]
  685. Monika Wastian, Lutz von Rosenstiel, Michael A. West, & Isabell Braumandl [ed] (/2015) Applied psychology for project managers: a practitioner's guide to successful project management [i] [d]
  686. () Your next move: the leader's guide to navigating major career transitions [i]
  687. () The organic farmer's business handbook: a complete guide to managing finances, crops, and staff—and making a profit [i]
  688. Jeffrey Word [ed] () Business network transformation: strategies to reconfigure your business relationships for competitive advantage [i]
  689. () Real time leadership development [i] [d]
  690. () Keep your donors: the guide to better communications & stronger relationships [i]
  691. () Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
  692. () Managing conflict in construction megaprojects: leadership and third-party principles [d]
  693. () Personal decision support systems [i] [d]
  694. () What's stopping you?: shatter the 9 most common myths keeping you from starting your own business [i]
  695. Daved Barry & Hans Hansen [ed] () The Sage handbook of new approaches in management and organization [i] [d]
  696. () The designer's guide to marketing and pricing: how to win clients and what to charge them [i]
  697. () Financial intelligence for entrepreneurs: what you really need to know about the numbers [i]
  698. () Time to try a little tenderness?: the detrimental effects of accountability when coupled with abusive supervision [d]
  699. () The knack: how street-smart entrepreneurs learn to handle whatever comes up [i]
  700. () Personality as a predictor of work-related behavior and performance: recent advances and directions for future research [i] [d]
  701. Susan Cartwright & Cary L. Cooper [ed] () The Oxford handbook of personnel psychology [i] [d]
  702. () Socially responsible entrepreneurs: what do they do to create and build their companies? [d]
  703. () Forces for good: the six practices of high-impact nonprofits [i]
  704. Thomas G. Cummings [ed] () Handbook of organization development [i]
  705. () Improvisation in organizations [i] [d]
  706. () The accountable leader: developing effective leadership through managerial accountability [i]
  707. () The connect effect: building strong personal, professional, and virtual networks [i]
  708. () It's all your fault!: 12 tips for managing people who blame others for everything [i]
  709. () Creativity support systems [i] [d]
  710. () Life entrepreneurs: ordinary people creating extraordinary lives [i]
  711. () The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
  712. () Positive social interactions and the human body at work: linking organizations and physiology [d] [j]
  713. () The design entrepreneur: turning graphic design into goods that sell [i]
  714. () Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory [u]
  715. () Hogan Personality Inventory [u]
  716. () Hogan Development Survey [u]
  717. () Quality control: why leaders need to understand personality [d]
  718. () Six critical ingredients in creating an effective workplace [d]
  719. () The role of meetings in the social practice of strategy [d]
  720. () Strength test: debunking an unbalanced approach to development [d]
  721. () The execution premium: linking strategy to operations for competitive advantage [i]
  722. () The living code: embedding ethics into the corporate DNA [i]
  723. () Implementing a reduced-workload arrangement to retain high talent: a case study [d]
  724. Riccardo Leoncini & Sandro Montresor [ed] () Dynamic capabilities between firm organization and local systems of production [i]
  725. () The contours and consequences of compassion at work [d]
  726. Thomas Lockwood & Thomas Walton [ed] () Corporate creativity: developing an innovative organization [i]
  727. () Mindful economics: how the U.S. economy works, why it matters, and how it could be different [i]
  728. () Strategy and the fat smoker: doing what's obvious but not easy [i]
  729. (/2018) Nonprofit meetings, minutes, & records: how to run your nonprofit corporation so you don't run into trouble [i]
  730. () Can strategic investing transform the corporation? [d]
  731. () Voices from below: unions and participatory arrangements in the police workplace [d]
  732. () Absorb their uncertainty—and get your people unstuck [u]
  733. () The 29% solution: 52 weekly networking success strategies [i]
  734. () Project management that works: real-world advice on communicating, problem solving, and everything else you need to know to get the job done [i]
  735. () Make more, worry less: secrets from 18 extraordinary people who created a bigger income and a better life [i]
  736. () The global brain: your roadmap for innovating faster and smarter in a networked world [i]
  737. () Market discipline and management education: a view from a southern women's cooperative [d]
  738. () Toward a further understanding of the relationships between perceptions of support and work attitudes [d]
  739. () The 'what', 'why' and 'how' of employee well-being: a new model [d]
  740. () Reflections on management education in the context of poverty [d]
  741. () Involving mind, body, and friends: management that engenders creativity [d]
  742. () Lacking power impairs executive functions [d]
  743. () Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system [i]
  744. () Conflict prevention in project management: strategies, methods, checklists, and case studies [i] [d]
  745. William H. Starbuck, Samuel Holloway, Peter S. Whalen, & Suzanne G. Tilleman [ed] () Organizational learning and knowledge management [i] [d]
  746. () From organizational meaning through splitting to organizational meaning through integration: healing the great divide [o]
  747. () Dynamics in innovation systems: evidence from Japan's game software industry [d]
  748. () Images as action instruments in complex projects [d]
  749. () Fostering a supportive environment at work [d]
  750. () The conflict-positive organization: it depends upon us [d]
  751. () End-to-end lean management: a guide to complete supply chain improvement [i]
  752. () Globalization of social entrepreneurship opportunities [d]
  753. Jing Zhou & Christina E. Shalley [ed] () Handbook of organizational creativity [i]
  754. (/2012) Problem solving in organizations: a methodological handbook for business and management students [i] [d]
  755. () Strategic business management through multiple projects [i]
  756. () You, Inc.: the art of selling yourself [i]
  757. Fikret Berkes, Derek R. Armitage, & Nancy Doubleday [ed] () Adaptive co-management: collaboration, learning, and multi-level governance [i]
  758. () The psychology of working and the advancement of social justice [i]
  759. Sharon C. Bolton [ed] () Dimensions of dignity at work [i] [d]
  760. () Sharing power: learning-by-doing in co-management of natural resources throughout the world [i] [d]
  761. () Appreciative inquiry is not (just) about the positive [o]
  762. () Know-how: the 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who don't [i]
  763. () The training and development of managers and entrepreneurs: the role of integrative capacity [i] [d]
  764. () Holistic management: managing what matters for company success [i] [d]
  765. () Dispositional optimism and entrepreneurial success [d]
  766. () The transformative potential of compassion at work [i] [d]
  767. Jane E. Dutton & Belle Rose Ragins [ed] () Exploring positive relationships at work: building a theoretical and research foundation [i] [d]
  768. () Reputation and its risks [p] [u]
  769. () The real wealth of nations: creating a caring economics [i]
  770. () With Oscar and Felix as co-founders, does a company have a chance? [u]
  771. () Paying respect [d]
  772. () Experience economy strategies: adding value to small rural businesses [u]
  773. () Work environments that negate counterproductive behaviors and foster organizational citizenship: research-based recommendations for managers [d]
  774. () Learning from Toyota: how action learning can foster competitive advantage in new product development (NPD) [d]
  775. () Personality and intelligence at work: exploring and explaining individual differences at work [i] [d]
  776. () Evaluating the imperative of intraorganizational collaboration: a school improvement perspective [d]
  777. Duncan Gallie [ed] () Employment regimes and the quality of work [i]
  778. () Work systems and the methods, measurement, and management of work [i]
  779. (/2016) The essential guide to workplace investigations: a step-by-step guide to handling employee complaints & problems [i]
  780. Ted Hart, James M. Greenfield, & Sheeraz D. Haji [ed] () People to people fundraising: social networking and Web 2.0 for charities [i]
  781. () Managing teams for high performance [o] [u]
  782. () Culture and commitment: the key to the creation of an action learning organization [d]
  783. () The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction [d]
  784. () Personality and the fate of organizations [i] [d]
  785. (/2014) How to measure anything: finding the value of 'intangibles' in business [i]
  786. (/2018) Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative filmmaking [or: Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative film and DV production] [i] [d]
  787. () Knowledge creation, business and art: exploring the contradictions and commonalities [d]
  788. (/2019) Organizational ethics: a practical approach [or: Ethics in the workplace: tools and tactics for organizational transformation] [i]
  789. () Self-efficacy and work-related performance: the integral role of individual differences [d]
  790. () How professionals can add value to their communities and organizations [u]
  791. () From prophets to profits: the occupational rhetoric of management consultants [d]
  792. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  793. (/2012) Work motivation: history, theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  794. () The three signs of a miserable job: a fable for managers (and their employees) [i]
  795. () Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
  796. () Reinforcement sensitivity theory at work: punishment sensitivity as a dispositional source of job-related stress [d]
  797. () How healthy is your organization?: the leader's guide to curing corporate diseases and promoting joyful cultures [i]
  798. () The judicious use and management of humor in the workplace [d]
  799. (/2016) The employee performance handbook: smart strategies for coaching employees [i]
  800. () From decision analysis to the decision organization [i] [d]
  801. () Contextual influences on interpersonal complementarity [p] [d]
  802. () Managing paradox in a world of knowledge [d]
  803. () The art of systems: the cognitive-aesthetic culture of portal cities and the development of meta-cultural advanced knowledge economies [i]
  804. () Change, change or be exchanged: the discourse of participation and the manufacture of identity [d]
  805. Frances A. O'Brien & Robert G. Dyson [ed] () Supporting strategy: frameworks, methods and models [i]
  806. () Transformation to a customer-oriented perspective through action learning in product and service development [d]
  807. Mustafa Özbilgin & Ayala Malakh-Pines [ed] () Career choice in management and entrepreneurship: a research companion [i] [d]
  808. Sandy Kristin Piderit, Ronald E. Fry, & David L. Cooperrider [ed] () Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics [i] [d]
  809. () Energizing others in work connections [i] [d]
  810. () Managing complex adaptive systems—a co-evolutionary perspective on natural resource management [d]
  811. () Tools for complex projects [i]
  812. () Developing intuitive awareness in management education [d]
  813. () Systems thinking, lean production and action learning [d]
  814. () The Yugoslav experience with workers' councils: a reexamination [d]
  815. () Co-operative identity [u]
  816. () Building decision competency in organizations [i] [d]
  817. () Rapid transformation: a 90-day plan for fast and effective change [i]
  818. () Values sell: transforming purpose into profit through creative sales and distribution strategies [i]
  819. () Preferred work patterns of creative artists [d]
  820. () 'OO-OO-OO!': the sound of a broken OODA loop [u]
  821. () Why are cooperatives important in agriculture?: an organizational economics perspective [d]
  822. () On the relations among work value orientations, psychological need satisfaction and job outcomes: a self-determination theory approach [d]
  823. () On the evolution of trust, distrust, and formal coordination and control in interorganizational relationships: toward an integrative framework [d]
  824. () Work, happiness, and unhappiness [i] [d]
  825. () Are you your own worst enemy?: the nine inner strengths you need to overcome self-defeating tendencies at work [i]
  826. () Drop your tools: on reconfiguring management education [d]
  827. (/2012) Business process management: concepts, languages, architectures [i] [d]
  828. () Fit in!: the unofficial guide to corporate culture [i]
  829. () Human factors in project management: concepts, tools, and techniques for inspiring teamwork and motivation [i]
  830. () Delivering large-scale conservation results: WWF program management standards for ecoregions and large programs [u]
  831. () WWF standards of conservation project and programme management [u]
  832. (/2013) Financial intelligence: a manager's guide to knowing what the numbers really mean [i]
  833. () Design management: managing design strategy, process and implementation [i]
  834. (/2013) The four steps to the epiphany: successful strategies for products that win [i]
  835. () The psychology of working: a new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy [i] [d]
  836. M. Leann Brown, Michael Kenney, & Michael J. Zarkin [ed] () Organizational learning in the global context [i]
  837. () Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
  838. (/2016) Organizational change and strategy: an interlevel dynamics approach [i] [d]
  839. () Perceived external prestige and internal respect: new insights into the organizational identification process [d]
  840. () An empowering approach to managing social service organizations [i]
  841. () Evaluating governance: a process for understanding how co-management is functioning, and why, in the Galapagos Marine Reserve [d]
  842. () Management as a design science mindful of art and surprise: a conversation [d]
  843. () The Medici effect: what elephants and epidemics can teach us about innovation [i]
  844. () The deeper work of executive development: outgrowing sensitivities [d]
  845. () Management fashions: turning best-selling ideas into objects and institutions [i] [d]
  846. () Ways of questioning that can transform organizations—and people [i]
  847. Elliott C. Kulakowski & Lynne U. Chronister [ed] () Research administration and management [i]
  848. (/2015) Project management handbook [i] [d]
  849. () The constancy of ethics amidst the changing world of work [d]
  850. () Cut to the chase: and 99 other rules to liberate yourself and gain back the gift of time [i]
  851. () Your career in animation: how to survive and thrive [i]
  852. (/2018) Systems leadership: creating positive organisations [i] [d]
  853. (/2013) The job description handbook [i]
  854. () Flock and flow: predicting and managing change in a dynamic marketplace [i]
  855. () Workplace democracy comes of age: economic stability, growth, and workforce diversity [i] [d]
  856. Vernon Mogensen [ed] () Worker safety under siege: labor, capital, and the politics of workplace safety in a deregulated world [i] [d]
  857. () Who trusts?: personality, trust and knowledge sharing [d]
  858. (/2012) Antipatterns: managing software organizations and people [i]
  859. () Effects of management communication, opportunity for learning, and work schedule flexibility on organizational commitment [d]
  860. () Co-operative business: the role of co-operative principles and values [u]
  861. () Creating compassion and connection in the work place [d]
  862. () The truth about managing your career—and nothing but the truth [i]
  863. () Social entrepreneurship: a critical review of the concept [d]
  864. (/2015) Talent is not enough: business secrets for designers [i]
  865. () Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense: profiting from evidence-based management [i]
  866. (/2018) Book yourself solid: the fastest, easiest, and most reliable system for getting more clients than you can handle even if you hate marketing and selling [i]
  867. () The innovation killer: how what we know limits what we can imagine—and what smart companies are doing about it [i]
  868. Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] () Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
  869. Gill Ringland & Laurie Young [ed] () Scenarios in marketing: from vision to decision [i] [d]
  870. () De-investment in work and non-normative personality trait change in young adulthood [d]
  871. () Who has the D? [o] [u]
  872. () The use of humor in the workplace [d]
  873. () Using developmental assessment centers to foster workplace fairness [d]
  874. Patricia Shaw & Ralph D. Stacey [ed] () Experiencing risk, spontaneity and improvisation in organizational change: working live [i]
  875. Lori L. Silverman [ed] () Wake me up when the data is over: how organizations use stories to drive results [i]
  876. Claire Simmers, Thompson Teo, & Murugan Anandarajan [ed] () The Internet and workplace transformation [i] [d]
  877. Vicki Smith [ed] () Worker participation: current research and future trends [i]
  878. () The dimensionality of counterproductivity: are all counterproductive behaviors created equal? [d]
  879. () Corporate governance and the Mondragón Cooperatives [d]
  880. () What do managers do when subordinates just say 'no'?: an analysis of incidents involving refusal to perform downward requests [i]
  881. () Integrating primary health care: leading, managing, facilitating [i]
  882. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  883. () Manager as mediator: developing a conflict-positive organization [i] [d]
  884. () Sensemaking and the distortion of critical upward communication in organizations [d]
  885. () Human resource management for events: managing the event workforce [i] [d]
  886. () Metaphorical mediation of organizational change across space and time [d]
  887. () Mindfulness and the quality of organizational attention [d] [j]
  888. () Wicked policies and righteous economists [u]
  889. () What's your story?: using stories to ignite performance and be more successful [i]
  890. () Controlling Internet abuse in the workplace: a framework for risk management [i] [d]
  891. (/2008) Companies we keep: employee ownership and the business of community and place [i]
  892. () Affect and creativity at work [d]
  893. (/2015) Armstrong's handbook of reward management practice: improving performance through reward [i]
  894. () Managing pension and retirement plans: a guide for employers, administrators, and other fiduciaries [i]
  895. () Building smart teams: roadmap to high performance [i] [d]
  896. () Go team!: take your team to the next level [i]
  897. Joseph L. Bower & Clark G. Gilbert [ed] (/2007) From resource allocation to strategy [i]
  898. () Resonant leadership: renewing yourself and connecting with others through mindfulness, hope, and compassion [i]
  899. () Virtuoso teams: lessons from teams that changed their worlds [i]
  900. (/2012) The 7 hidden reasons employees leave: how to recognize the subtle signs and act before it's too late [i]
  901. (/2016) Engineering management: meeting the global challenges [i] [d]
  902. () Time mastery: how temporal intelligence will make you a stronger, more effective leader [i]
  903. (/2009) Managing conflict and workplace relationships [i]
  904. () The graphic design business book [i]
  905. () Training within industry: the foundation of lean [i]
  906. () Communicating in the clinic: negotiating frontstage and backstage teamwork [i]
  907. Steven W. Floyd, Johan Roos, Claus Jacobs, & Franz Kellermanns [ed] () Innovating strategy process [i]
  908. () Procedural justice in the selection process: a review of research and suggestions for practical applications [d]
  909. () Democracy, cooperation and business success: the case of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa [d] [j]
  910. Suzy Fox & Paul E. Spector [ed] () Counterproductive work behavior: investigations of actors and targets [i] [d]
  911. () Developing the reflective healthcare team [i] [d]
  912. () Bad management theories are destroying good management practices [d]
  913. () Overloaded circuits: why smart people underperform [p] [u]
  914. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  915. Charmine E. J. Härtel, Wilfred J. Zerbe, & Neal M. Ashkanasy [ed] () Emotions in organizational behavior [i] [d]
  916. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  917. (/2016) New corporate governance: successful board management tools [i] [d]
  918. () Democratizing innovation [i] [d] [u]
  919. () PSP: a self-improvement process for software engineers [i]
  920. () Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage [i]
  921. () Breaking into graphic design: tips from the pros on finding the right position for you [i]
  922. Jossey-Bass [ed] () Management skills: a Jossey-Bass reader [i]
  923. () The ten faces of innovation: IDEO's strategies for beating the devil's advocate & driving creativity throughout your organization [i] [u]
  924. () What really is strategic process? [i]
  925. () Overcoming the five dysfunctions of a team: a field guide for leaders, managers, and facilitators [i]
  926. () Run your business and your life like a Zen monastery kitchen [i] [u]
  927. () The role of emotion in employee counterproductive work behavior: integrating the psychoevolutionary and constructivist perspective [i] [d]
  928. () Tough management: the 7 ways to make tough decisions easier, deliver the numbers, and grow business in good times and bad [i]
  929. () Five guiding principles of culture management: a synthesis of best practice [d]
  930. () Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring levels of work in organisations [u]
  931. (/2016) Public utilities: old problems, new challenges [or: Public utilities: management challenges for the 21st century] [i] [d]
  932. (/2021) Starting & building a nonprofit: a practical guide [i]
  933. (/2013) Crucial accountability: tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments, and bad behavior [i]
  934. () A 'time–space odyssey': management control systems in two multinational organisations [d]
  935. () 25 activities for developing team leaders [i]
  936. () The long-term negative impacts of managerial career interruptions: a longitudinal study of men and women MBAs [d]
  937. () Rapid results!: how 100-day projects build the capacity for large-scale change [i]
  938. () The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
  939. () Levers of organization design: how managers use accountability systems for greater performance and commitment [i]
  940. () The enthusiastic employee: how companies profit by giving workers what they want [i]
  941. Ken G. Smith & Michael A. Hitt [ed] () Great minds in management: the process of theory development [i]
  942. () Looking back versus looking ahead: framing of time and work at different stages of a project [d]
  943. () Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear [d] [j]
  944. Michael A. West, Dean Tjosvold, & Ken G. Smith [ed] () The essentials of teamworking: international perspectives [i]
  945. () Vickers' concept of 'relationship-maintenance' as an alternative to 'goal-seeking' models of organisation: a difference in the notion of control [d]
  946. () Management research based on the paradigm of the design sciences: the quest for field-tested and grounded technological rules [d]
  947. () Organizational restructuring and middle manager sensemaking [d] [j]
  948. () Creating optimal work environments: exploring teacher flow experiences [d]
  949. () Lean logistics: the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods [i]
  950. () Survival of the savvy: high-integrity political tactics for career and company success [i]
  951. () A bias for action: how effective managers harness their willpower, achieve results, and stop wasting time [i]
  952. Ronald J. Burke & Cary L. Cooper [ed] () Leading in turbulent times: managing in the new world of work [i]
  953. (/2008) 100 ways to motivate others: how great leaders can produce insane results without driving people crazy [i]
  954. () The hidden power of social networks: understanding how work really gets done in organizations [i]
  955. () The big book of leadership games: quick, fun activities to improve communication, increase productivity, and bring out the best in your employees [i]
  956. William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver, Nancy M. Carter, & Paul D. Reynolds [ed] () Handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics: the process of business creation [i] [d]
  957. () The thin book of naming elephants: how to surface undiscussables for greater organizational success [i]
  958. () Democracy in and around organizations: is organizational democracy worth the effort? [d]
  959. Christopher Hood, Oliver James, B. Guy Peters, & Colin Scott [ed] () Controlling modern government: variety, commonality, and change [i] [d]
  960. () The necessary nature of future firms: attributes of survivors in a changing world [i] [d]
  961. () Building reputational capital: strategies for integrity and fair play that improve the bottom line [i]
  962. () Go it alone: the secret to building a successful business on your own [i]
  963. (/2009) 30 reflective staff development exercises for educators [i]
  964. () The turbulence within: how sensitivities throw off performance in executives [i]
  965. () The hothouse effect: intensify creativity in your organization using secrets from history's most innovative communities [i]
  966. () Do occupational groups vary in expressed organizational culture preferences? [d]
  967. () Wealth without a job: the entrepreneur's guide to freedom and security beyond the 9 to 5 lifestyle [i]
  968. (/2006) Do some business models perform better than others? [d] [u]
  969. (/2011) Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time [i]
  970. () One small step can change your life: the kaizen way [i]
  971. David Maurrasse [ed] () A future for everyone: innovative social responsibility and community partnerships [i] [d]
  972. () The rainmaker's toolkit: power strategies for finding, keeping, and growing profitable clients [i]
  973. () Knowledge management impacts on decision making process [d]
  974. () Organizational de-development [d]
  975. () Social responsibility as a professional virtue: law, Bourdieu, and community [i] [d]
  976. () Learning to evolve: a review of contemporary lean thinking [d]
  977. () Creating the perfect design brief: how to manage design for strategic advantage [i]
  978. (/2017) Business analytics: the art of modeling with spreadsheets [or: The art of modeling with spreadsheets: management science, spreadsheet engineering, and modeling craft] [i]
  979. () Strategy survival guide [u]
  980. () Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
  981. (/2011) Systematic motivational counseling at work: improving employee performance, satisfaction, and socialization [i] [d]
  982. () Social evolution, corporate culture, and exploitation [d] [j]
  983. () Brand babble: sense and nonsense about branding [i]
  984. () Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
  985. () The role of affective experience in work motivation [d] [j]
  986. () The Pygmalion process and employee creativity [d]
  987. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  988. Haridimos Tsoukas & Jill Shepherd [ed] () Managing the future: foresight in the knowledge economy [i]
  989. (/2007) Unstuck: a tool for yourself, your team, and your world [i]
  990. () Manager of choice: 5 competencies for cultivating top talent [i]
  991. (/2018) Starting your career as a freelance writer [i]
  992. () Artful making: what managers need to know about how artists work [i]
  993. () Design management: using design to build brand value and corporate innovation [i]
  994. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  995. () Good business: leadership, flow, and the making of meaning [i]
  996. () Organizational flux and its destabilizing influence on employee identity [d]
  997. () Strategic navigation: a systems approach to business strategy [i]
  998. (/2005) 100 habits of successful graphic designers: insider secrets on working smart and staying creative [i]
  999. () Energize your workplace: how to create and sustain high-quality connections at work [i]
  1000. () Managing the risk of learning: psychological safety in work teams [i] [d]
  1001. Ståle Einarsen, Helge Hoel, Dieter Zapf, & Cary L. Cooper [ed] (/2011) Bullying and harassment in the workplace: developments in theory, research, and practice [i]
  1002. () Decision making by communicative design: rational argument in organisations [d]
  1003. () Working together: how workplace bonds strengthen a diverse democracy [i]
  1004. () Inside the business of graphic design: 60 leaders share their secrets of success [i]
  1005. () Toxic emotions at work: how compassionate managers handle pain and conflict [i]
  1006. Barry A. Gerhart & Sara L. Rynes [ed] () Compensation: theory, evidence, and strategic implications [i] [d]
  1007. () Enabling ethical economies: cooperativism and class [d]
  1008. () Managing group process [i]
  1009. () When 'the show must go on': surface acting and deep acting as determinants of emotional exhaustion and peer-rated service delivery [d] [j]
  1010. () Educating the modern manager [d]
  1011. () Using theory to evaluate personality and job-performance relations: a socioanalytic perspective [d]
  1012. David Holman & Richard Thorpe [ed] () Management and language: the manager as a practical author [i] [d]
  1013. () Turnaround, corruption and mediocrity: leadership and governance in three state owned enterprises in mainland China [d] [j]
  1014. (/2018) Essentials of supply chain management [i] [d]
  1015. () Developing top managers: the impact of interpersonal skills training [d]
  1016. () Profiling new business development: personality correlates of successful ideation and implementation [d]
  1017. () Budgeting for managers [i]
  1018. () Key management questions: smart questions for every business situation [i]
  1019. () Emerging systems for managing workplace conflict: lessons from American corporations for managers and dispute resolution professionals [i]
  1020. () The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
  1021. () Creativity, Inc.: building an inventive organization [i]
  1022. B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre [ed] (/2012) The Sage handbook of public administration [i] [d]
  1023. () Creating leaderful organizations: how to bring out leadership in everyone [i]
  1024. Marc J. Schabracq, Jacques A. M. Winnubst, & Cary L. Cooper [ed] () The handbook of work and health psychology [i] [d]
  1025. () Burnout: an overview of 25 years of research and theorising [i] [d]
  1026. () The blind men and the elephant: mastering project work: how to transform fuzzy responsibilities into meaningful results [i]
  1027. () The solution path: a step-by-step guide to turning your workplace problems into opportunities [i]
  1028. () Beyond critical thinking and decision making: teaching business students how to think [d]
  1029. () Strategic management for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  1030. (/2013) The first 90 days: critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels [i]
  1031. Michael A. West, Dean Tjosvold, & Ken G. Smith [ed] () International handbook of organizational teamwork and cooperative working [i] [d]
  1032. (/2007) Make your contacts count: networking know-how for business and career success [i]
  1033. () Lean assembly: the nuts and bolts of making assembly operations flow [i]
  1034. () Improvise this!: how to think on your feet so you don't fall on your face [i]
  1035. () The young and the clueless [p] [u]
  1036. () The end of management and the rise of organizational democracy [i]
  1037. (/2004) The healthy organization: a revolutionary approach to people and management [i]
  1038. () The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or utopian sunshine? [d]
  1039. () High-achieving women at midlife: an exploratory study [d]
  1040. () Leading teams: setting the stage for great performances [i]
  1041. () Careers in and out of organizations [i] [d]
  1042. () Education of a design entrepreneur [i]
  1043. (/2003) Not just a living: the complete guide to creating a business that gives you a life [i]
  1044. Anne Sigismund Huff & Mark Jenkins [ed] () Mapping strategic knowledge [i] [d]
  1045. (/2017) The coaching manager: developing top talent in business [i] [d]
  1046. () Improving organizational performance through the use of effective elements of organizational structure [d]
  1047. () Using a knowledge-based system to study strategic options [i] [d]
  1048. () Five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction: a meta-analysis [d]
  1049. Ken N. Kamoche, Miguel Pina e Cunha, & João Vieira da Cunha [ed] () Organizational improvisation [i]
  1050. (/2006) Strategic management: global cultural perspectives for profit and non-profit organizations [i] [d]
  1051. () Organizational assessment: a step-by-step guide to effective consulting [i] [d]
  1052. () The responsibility virus: how control freaks, shrinking violets—and the rest of us—can harness the power of true partnership [i]
  1053. () F1rst among equals: how to manage a group of professionals [i]
  1054. () Leading creative people: orchestrating expertise and relationships [d]
  1055. () Why decisions fail: avoiding the blunders and traps that lead to debacles [i]
  1056. () Who says change can be managed?: positions, perspectives and problematics [d]
  1057. (/2010) Becoming a successful manager: powerful tools for making a smooth transition to managing a team [i]
  1058. (/2010) Mastering the art of asking questions [i]
  1059. () The McKinsey mind: understanding and implementing the problem-solving tools and management techniques of the world's top strategic consulting firm [i]
  1060. () The one-page proposal: how to get your business pitch onto one persuasive page [i]
  1061. () Selling social change (without selling out): earned income strategies for nonprofits [i]
  1062. () A stake in the outcome: building a culture of ownership for the long-term success of your business [i]
  1063. () Weird ideas that work: 11 1/2 practices for promoting, managing, and sustaining innovation [i]
  1064. (/2008) Cross-cultural management: essential concepts [i]
  1065. () Encyclopedia of positive questions: using appreciative inquiry to bring out the best in your organization [i]
  1066. (/2010) Beyond change management: advanced strategies for today's transformational leaders [i]
  1067. () Role transitions in organizational life: an identity-based perspective [i] [d]
  1068. () Teamwork is an individual skill: getting your work done when sharing responsibility [i]
  1069. () Facing up to management faddism: a new look at an old force [i]
  1070. (/2014) Doing action research in your own organization [i] [d]
  1071. () 20/20 foresight: crafting strategy in an uncertain world [i]
  1072. (/2017) Dealing with problem employees: how to manage performance & personality issues in the workplace [in the private sector] [i]
  1073. () Allocating control over firms: stock markets versus membership markets [d]
  1074. () The essential Drucker: selections from the management works of Peter F. Drucker [i]
  1075. () Lean manufacturing: tools, techniques, and how to use them [i]
  1076. (/2009) The creative business guide to running a graphic design business [i]
  1077. (/2018) The manager's legal handbook [or: Everyday employment law] [i]
  1078. () Aligning multiple time horizons and multiple functions in strategic planning and budgeting [d]
  1079. () Relationship of core self-evaluations traits—self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability—with job satisfaction and job performance: a meta-analysis [d]
  1080. () Holding environments at work [d]
  1081. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  1082. () Training to imagine: practical improvisational theatre techniques for trainers and managers to enhance creativity, teamwork, leadership, and learning [i]
  1083. () Building a creative hothouse: strategies of history's most creative groups [u]
  1084. () Managerial wisdom [d]
  1085. () Please don't just do what I tell you, do what needs to be done: every employee's guide to making work more rewarding [i]
  1086. () Environmental values and adaptive management [d] [j]
  1087. () Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
  1088. () Determinants of entrepreneurial intentions: Mexican immigrants in Chicago [d]
  1089. () Managing from clarity: identifying, aligning, and leveraging strategic resources [i]
  1090. () Schema, promise and mutuality: the building blocks of the psychological contract [d]
  1091. () Adaptive management: a tool for conservation practitioners [o] [u]
  1092. () The right way to be fired [p] [u]
  1093. (/2015) Managing the unexpected: sustained performance in a complex world [i] [d]
  1094. (/2009) Stimulate creativity by fueling passion [i] [d]
  1095. () AntiPatterns in project management [i]
  1096. (/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
  1097. Nik Chmiel, Franco Fraccaroli, & Magnus Sverke [ed] (/2017) An introduction to work and organizational psychology: an international perspective [i] [d]
  1098. (/2011) Resolving conflicts at work: ten strategies for everyone on the job [or: Resolving conflicts at work: a complete guide for everyone on the job] [i]
  1099. () Thinking visually: business applications of fourteen core diagrams [i]
  1100. () Fine-tuning management skills [u]
  1101. () Whole-scale change toolkit: tools for unleashing the magic in organizations [i]
  1102. () Common knowledge: how companies thrive by sharing what they know [i]
  1103. (/2008) The management of technological innovation: strategy and practice [i]
  1104. (/2009) Design structure to fit strategy [i] [d]
  1105. () How to become a rainmaker: the people who get and keep customers [i]
  1106. () Why positive emotions matter in organizations: lessons from the broaden-and-build model [d]
  1107. () Beyond the learning organization: creating a culture of continuous growth and development through state-of-the-art human resource practices [i]
  1108. (/2013) Resource management for individuals and families [i]
  1109. Owen Hargie & Dennis Tourish [ed] (/2009) Auditing organizational communication: a handbook of research, theory and practice [i] [d]
  1110. () Introduction to the team software process [i]
  1111. (/2022) The dynamics of managing diversity and inclusion: a critical approach [in the UK] [i] [d]
  1112. () Failure is not an option: mission control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and beyond [i]
  1113. () Managing by the numbers: a commonsense guide to understanding and using your company's financials [i]
  1114. (/2009) Motivate employee performance through goal setting [i] [d]
  1115. Edwin A. Locke [ed] (/2009) Handbook of principles of organizational behavior [i] [d]
  1116. () Improvisation, Inc.: harnessing spontaneity to engage people and groups [i]
  1117. () Meaningful work: rethinking professional ethics [i] [d]
  1118. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  1119. () The reinventor's fieldbook: tools for transforming your government [i]
  1120. () The knowing–doing gap: how smart companies turn knowledge into action [i]
  1121. () Beyond the bottom line: socially innovative business owners [i]
  1122. () Changing others through changing ourselves: the transformation of human systems [d]
  1123. (/2007) Human performance improvement: building practitioner competence [i]
  1124. () Serious play: how the world's best companies simulate to innovate [i]
  1125. () Rhetorical power, accountability and conflict in committees: an argumentation approach [d]
  1126. () Task conflict and relationship conflict in top management teams: the pivotal role of intragroup trust [d]
  1127. () Self-employment: making it work for you [i]
  1128. () Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world [i]
  1129. (/2009) Manage conflict through negotiation and mediation [i] [d]
  1130. (/2016) Making the team: a guide for managers [i]
  1131. (/2009) Manage intra-team conflict through collaboration [i] [d]
  1132. () Ackoff's best: his classic writings on management [i]
  1133. () Work and the evolving self: theoretical and clinical considerations [i]
  1134. () The discipline of teamwork: participation and concertive control [i]
  1135. (/2007) The business of consulting: the basics and beyond [i]
  1136. () Problems in error correction, learning and knowledge of performance in design organizations [d]
  1137. () Organizational cultures as holding environments: a psychodynamic look at organizational symbolism [d]
  1138. (/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
  1139. () Faust and the ethos of business: a report from Grand Rapids, Ciudad Juárez, and Muskegon [d] [j]
  1140. () Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
  1141. () The deliberative practitioner: encouraging participatory planning processes [i]
  1142. (/2013) Get clients now!: a 28-day marketing program for professionals, consultants, and coaches [i]
  1143. Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, & Steven Cady [ed] (/2007) The change handbook: the definitive resource on today's best methods for engaging whole systems [i]
  1144. () The big five personality traits, general mental ability, and career success across the life span [d]
  1145. () Leadership games: experiential learning for organizational development [i]
  1146. (/2016) Your limited liability company: an operating manual [i]
  1147. () Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning [i]
  1148. () Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work [p] [u]
  1149. () The meaning of money: an individual-difference perspective [d] [j]
  1150. () The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage [i]
  1151. () Restricting the means of exchange within organizations [d]
  1152. () Gender at work: organizational change for equality [i]
  1153. () The dance of change: the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations [i]
  1154. () A safe place for dangerous truths: using dialogue to overcome fear & distrust at work [i]
  1155. (/2011) Making strategy: mapping out strategic success [i]
  1156. () Getting agencies to work together: the practice and theory of managerial craftmanship [i]
  1157. (/2006) Performance and productivity in public and nonprofit organizations [i] [d]
  1158. () Power up: transforming organizations through shared leadership [i]
  1159. () Dualism, dialogue and organizations: reflections on organizational transformation and labor-managed firms [d]
  1160. David I. Cleland [ed] (/2004) Field guide to project management [i] [d]
  1161. () Learning to trust and trusting to learn: a role for radical theatre [d]
  1162. (/2013) Strategic management in action [i]
  1163. Tad Crawford [ed] (/2008) AIGA professional practices in graphic design [i]
  1164. () Fusion leadership: unlocking the subtle forces that change people and organizations [i]
  1165. () Dialogue at work: making talk developmental for people and organizations [i]
  1166. (/2007) The budget-building book for nonprofits: a step-by-step guide for managers and boards [i]
  1167. Colin Eden & John-Christopher Spender [ed] () Managerial and organizational cognition: theory, methods and research [i]
  1168. () The psychology of managerial incompetence: a sceptic's dictionary of modern organizational issues [i]
  1169. () How to say it at work: putting yourself across with power words, phrases, body language, and communication secrets [i]
  1170. () The hidden traps in decision making [p] [u]
  1171. (/2006) Creating rainmakers: the manager's guide to training professionals to attract new clients [i] [d]
  1172. () The art of the state: culture, rhetoric, and public management [i]
  1173. () Humanistic entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial career commitment [d]
  1174. (/2006) Taking the leap: building a career as a visual artist [i]
  1175. () Understanding employee motivation [u]
  1176. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] (/2006) The ethical practice of psychology in organizations [i] [d]
  1177. () Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
  1178. () The reinventing government facilitator's guide: introducing frontline employees to reinvention [i]
  1179. () The leader's handbook: making things happen, getting things done [i]
  1180. () Territorial games: understanding and ending turf wars at work [i]
  1181. () Controlling the costs of conflict: how to design a system for your organization [i]
  1182. () Corporate governance and democracy [i]
  1183. () Reasons for success: learning from instructive experiences in rural development [i]
  1184. () Division of labour and the locus of inventive activity [d]
  1185. () Smart networking: how to turn contacts into cash, clients & career success [i]
  1186. () Organizing genius: the secrets of creative collaboration [i]
  1187. (/2009) The project workout: the ultimate handbook of project and programme management [i]
  1188. () Finding flow: the psychology of engagement with everyday life [i]
  1189. () Managing for a change: how to run community development projects [i] [d]
  1190. (/2007) The logical thinking process: a systems approach to complex problem solving [i]
  1191. () On Zen work [u]
  1192. () Introduction to the personal software process [i]
  1193. () Managing technical people: innovation, teamwork, and the software process [i]
  1194. () Making a time budget [i]
  1195. () Leadership and the art of conversation: conversation as a management tool [i]
  1196. () The power of alignment: how great companies stay centered and accomplish extraordinary things [i]
  1197. () True professionalism: the courage to care about your people, your clients, and your career [i]
  1198. () The truth about burnout: how organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it [i]
  1199. (/2022) Managerial economics [i]
  1200. () From global management to global appreciation: a transformative epistemology for aperspectival worlds [d]
  1201. () Identifying potentially useful personality constructs for employee selection [d]
  1202. () Points of influence: a guide to using personality theory at work [i]
  1203. () Promoting a development culture in your organization: using career development as a change agent [i]
  1204. (/2008) A complaint is a gift: recovering customer loyalty when things go wrong [i]
  1205. () An unused intelligence: physical thinking for 21st century leadership [i]
  1206. (/2005) Creating and implementing your strategic plan: a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  1207. Robert L. Craig [ed] () The ASTD training and development handbook: a guide to human resource development [i]
  1208. (/2011) The basics of process mapping [i]
  1209. (/2012) Project financing: asset-based financial engineering [i] [d]
  1210. (/2017) Working with independent contractors [or: Hiring independent contractors: the employers' legal guide] [i]
  1211. (/2021) Working for yourself: law & taxes for independent contractors, freelancers & gig workers of all types [or: Wage slave no more: law and taxes for the self-employed] [i]
  1212. (/2006) The business side of creativity: a complete guide to running a small graphic design or communications business [i]
  1213. (/2005) Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems [i]
  1214. () The faster learning organization: gain and sustain the competitive edge [i]
  1215. (/2009) The improvement guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance [i]
  1216. () The strategy workout: a journey to the heart of your business [i]
  1217. (/2010) Beyond the wall of resistance: why 70% of all changes still fail—and what you can do about it [i]
  1218. () Some surprising things about collaboration—knowing how people connect makes it work better [d]
  1219. () Cooperation works!: how people are using cooperative action to rebuild communities and revitalize the economy [i]
  1220. () Deep change: discovering the leader within [i]
  1221. (/2013) Portfolio and programme management demystified: managing multiple projects successfully [i]
  1222. () VGM's complete guide to career etiquette: from job search through career advancement [i]
  1223. () Corporate therapy and consulting [i]
  1224. (/2022) Patent, copyright & trademark: an intellectual property desk reference [i]
  1225. Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] () Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
  1226. () The world on time: the 11 management principles that made FedEx an overnight sensation [i]
  1227. () Customer intimacy: pick your partners, shape your culture, win together [i]
  1228. (/2010) The graphic designer's guide to pricing, estimating & budgeting [i]
  1229. () Managing across cultures: a learning framework [i]
  1230. (/2003) Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation [i]
  1231. () How do public managers manage?: bureaucratic constraints, organizational culture, and the potential for reform [i]
  1232. Sarita Chawla & John Renesch [ed] () Learning organizations: developing cultures for tomorrow's workplace [i]
  1233. () The learning organization, power, politics and ideology: introduction [d]
  1234. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  1235. () On your own: a guide to working happily, productively & successfully from home [i]
  1236. (/2014) Strategies for creative problem solving [i]
  1237. () Mary Parker Follett—prophet of management: a celebration of writings from the 1920s [i]
  1238. () Building commitment, attachment, and trust in strategic decision-making teams: the role of procedural justice [d] [j]
  1239. () Wellsprings of knowledge: building and sustaining the sources of innovation [i]
  1240. (/2007) Fundamentals of project management [i]
  1241. (/2006) Selling graphic & web design [i]
  1242. (/2005) The quality toolbox [i]
  1243. () Traditional American Indian economic policy [d] [u]
  1244. () Sensemaking in organizations [i]
  1245. () How to succeed on your own: overcoming the emotional roadblocks on the way from corporation to cottage, from employee to entrepreneur [i]
  1246. () The work preference inventory: assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations [d]
  1247. () 52 ways to reconnect, follow-up, and stay in touch: when you don't have time to network [i]
  1248. Warren G. Bennis, Jagdish Parikh, & Ronnie Lessem [ed] (/1996) Beyond leadership: balancing economics, ethics, and ecology [i]
  1249. () CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization [d] [j]
  1250. (/2000) Bringing out the best in people: how to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement [i]
  1251. () Why do we work? [u]
  1252. () Working the shadow side: a guide to positive behind-the-scenes management [i]
  1253. () The successful manager and psychological androgyny: a conceptual and empirical investigation of hotel executives [d]
  1254. (/2003) We are all self-employed: how to take control of your career [i]
  1255. () What we know about leadership: effectiveness and personality [d]
  1256. (/2017) How to form a nonprofit corporation [i]
  1257. () The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
  1258. () The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
  1259. () Caring, voice and self-reflection: feminist values and organizational change [d]
  1260. () The human element: productivity, self-esteem, and the bottom line [i]
  1261. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  1262. Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] () The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
  1263. (/2021) The employer's legal handbook: manage your employees & workplace effectively [i]
  1264. () Cultivating postformal adult development: higher stages and contrasting interventions [i] [u]
  1265. (/2010) Shaking the money tree: how to get grants and donations for film and video projects [i]
  1266. (/2008) How to write successful fundraising letters [i]
  1267. Claude Whitmyer [ed] () Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
  1268. (/1999) On organizational learning [i]
  1269. () Use the perspective of a worker and the result will be... making things run well [u]
  1270. () What to ask when you don't know what to say: 555 powerful questions to use for getting your way at work [i]
  1271. Jack Demick & Patrice M. Miller [ed] () Development in the workplace [i]
  1272. (/2001) Careers by design: a business guide for graphic designers [i]
  1273. (/2010) The ecology of commerce: a declaration of sustainability [i]
  1274. (/2010) The complete film production handbook [i]
  1275. () The wisdom of teams: creating the high-performance organization [i]
  1276. () Diagnosis of work-related dysfunctions [i] [d]
  1277. () Work counseling with the creative [i] [d]
  1278. () Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctions [i] [d]
  1279. (/2009) Communicating in groups and teams: sharing leadership [i]
  1280. () Fast cycle time: how to align purpose, strategy, and structure for speed [i]
  1281. (/1997) Imaginization: new mindsets for seeing, organizing and managing [i]
  1282. (/1994) Aspiring to greatness: above and beyond total quality management [i]
  1283. () Use of complex thought and resolving intragroup conflicts: a means to conscious adult development in the workplace [i]
  1284. () Wellbeing at work: aligning purposes, people, strategies and structures [d]
  1285. () Goals-and-methods matrix: coping with projects with ill defined goals and/or methods of achieving them [d]
  1286. (/2009) The handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations [i]
  1287. () Changing the essence: the art of creating and leading fundamental change in organizations [i]
  1288. (/2001) Getting things done when you are not in charge [i]
  1289. () Time management for teams [i]
  1290. () Maps for managers: Where are we? Where do we go from here? [d]
  1291. (/2021) The copyright handbook: what every writer needs to know [i]
  1292. (/2003) Becoming a manager: how new managers master the challenges of leadership [i]
  1293. () To be fully there: psychological presence at work [d]
  1294. () Burn-out as a crisis in self-efficacy: conceptual and practical implications [d]
  1295. James A. Pershing [ed] (/2006) Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices, and potential [i]
  1296. () The creative manager: finding inner vision and wisdom in uncertain times [i]
  1297. () Scientific management: technique or cultural ideology? [d]
  1298. () Autobiographical awareness as a catalyst for managerial and organisational development [d] [u]
  1299. () Work design for human development [i] [d]
  1300. (/2006) Systems, measures, and workers: producing and obscuring the system and making systemic performance improvement difficult [i]
  1301. (/2018) Your rights in the workplace: an employee's guide to fair treatment [i]
  1302. (/2009) Managing transitions: making the most of change [i]
  1303. () Creative problem solving: total systems intervention [i]
  1304. (/2014) Decision analysis for management judgment [i]
  1305. () Strategic staircases: planning the capabilities required for success [d]
  1306. () Executive leadership: a practical guide to managing complexity [i]
  1307. (/2005) The ethics challenge in public service: a problem-solving guide [i]
  1308. (/1998) Driving fear out of the workplace: creating the high-trust, high-performance organization [i]
  1309. () Extension management in the information age [u]
  1310. () Workplace basics: the essential skills employers want [i]
  1311. () Flow: the psychology of optimal experience [i]
  1312. (/2001) Starting your career as a freelance illustrator or graphic designer [i]
  1313. (/1992) The artist's tax guide and financial planner [i]
  1314. (/1995) Creative solution finding: the triumph of breakthrough thinking over conventional problem solving [i]
  1315. (/2015) Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach [i]
  1316. (/2006) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization [i]
  1317. (/1994) A science of generic design: managing complexity through systems design [i]
  1318. () Entrepreneurial behavior [i]
  1319. () Working with graphic designers [i]
  1320. () Making tough decisions: tactics for improving managerial decision making [i]
  1321. () Defining managerial problems: a framework for prescriptive theorizing [d]
  1322. () Managing as a performing art: new ideas for a world of chaotic change [i]
  1323. () The flexibility factor: why people who thrive on change are successful, and how you can become one of them [i]
  1324. (/2018) Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement [i]
  1325. (/2007) Why employees don't do what they're supposed to do and what to do about it [i]
  1326. (/2007) The importance of friendliness [i]
  1327. () Phases of burnout: developments in concepts and applications [i]
  1328. () The addictive organization: why we overwork, cover up, pick up the pieces, please the boss and perpetuate sick organizations [i]
  1329. (/2003) The team handbook: how to use teams to improve quality [i]
  1330. () The new leadership: managing participation in organizations [i]
  1331. (/1992) Putting democracy to work: a practical guide for starting and managing worker-owned businesses [i]
  1332. (/2009) Goal directed project management: effective techniques and strategies [i]
  1333. () First-order, second-order, and third-order change and organization development interventions: a cognitive approach [d]
  1334. () Using diaries to promote procedural justice in performance appraisals [d]
  1335. () Growing a business [i]
  1336. () Meaning making and management action [d] [u]
  1337. () Time to proficiency following job transfers [d] [j]
  1338. () Toward general principles of managerial fairness [d]
  1339. (/2004) Productive workplaces revisited: dignity, meaning, and community in the 21st century [i]
  1340. Sam W. Barcus & Joseph W. Wilkinson [ed] (/1995) Handbook of management consulting services [i]
  1341. () Cognitive-structural development and the conditions of employment [d] [j]
  1342. (/2013) Judgment in managerial decision making [i]
  1343. (/2010) You and your research [i] [d] [u]
  1344. (/2018) The employment interview [i] [d]
  1345. () The manager as negotiator: bargaining for cooperation and competitive gain [i]
  1346. () Graphic design presentations [i]
  1347. (/2006) Images of organization [i]
  1348. () A critical, objective review of performance feedback [d]
  1349. (/2024) Foodservice organizations: a managerial and systems approach [i]
  1350. (/1990) Whatever it takes: the realities of managerial decision making [i]
  1351. (/2011) Managing conflict in organizations [i]
  1352. (/2004) Organizational culture and leadership [i]
  1353. () Helping managers to develop strategies [d]
  1354. () Mechanics of the middle class: work and politics among American engineers [i]
  1355. (/2004) Work with passion: how to do what you love for a living [i]
  1356. (/2017) How to be an even better manager: a complete A–Z of proven techniques and essential skills [i]
  1357. (/2017) Reframing organizations: artistry, choice, and leadership [i] [d]
  1358. (/1997) Managing for excellence: the leadership guide to developing high performance in contemporary organizations [i]
  1359. Duane Brown & Linda Brooks [ed] (/2002) Career choice and development [i]
  1360. () Recent calls for economic democracy [d] [j]
  1361. () Neurotic style and organizational pathology [d] [j] [u]
  1362. () Stockholders and stakeholders: a new perspective on corporate governance [d] [u]
  1363. Suresh Srivastva [ed] () The executive mind: new insights on managerial thought and action [i]
  1364. () Cultivating timely executive action [i] [u]
  1365. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  1366. (/2010) Graphic Artists Guild handbook: pricing & ethical guidelines [i]
  1367. Geoff Esland & Graeme Salaman [ed] () The politics of work and occupations [i]
  1368. () The meaning of work [i]
  1369. (/1996) Starting and running a nonprofit organization [i] [j]
  1370. () Management and ideology: the legacy of the international scientific management movement [i]
  1371. (/1995) Management in extension [i]
  1372. Thomas Donaldson, Patricia Hogue Werhane, & Joseph D. Van Zandt [ed] (/2008) Ethical issues in business: a philosophical approach [i]
  1373. (/2011) Artist's & graphic designer's market: where & how to sell your illustration, fine art, graphic design & cartoons [i]
  1374. () Strategic planning: what every manager must know [i]
  1375. () The art of problem solving: accompanied by Ackoff's fables [i]
  1376. () Designing semi-confusing information systems for organizations in changing environments [d]
  1377. () Organizational learning and management information systems [d]
  1378. () The elusive phenomena: an autobiographical account of my work in the field of organizational behavior at the Harvard Business School [i]
  1379. (/1993) Decisions with multiple objectives: preferences and value tradeoffs [i]
  1380. (/1992) Zen and creative management [i]
  1381. () Design for evolution: self-organization and planning in the life of human systems [i]
  1382. () Redesigning the future: a systems approach to societal problems [i]
  1383. () Working: people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do [i]
  1384. () Management training and the smaller company: SWOT analysis [d]
  1385. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  1386. Joyce S. Osland & Marlene E. Turner [ed] (/2011) The organizational behavior reader [or: Organizational psychology: a book of readings] [i]
  1387. (/2012) Business, government, and society: a managerial perspective: text and cases [i]
  1388. () The fragmentation of authority [o]
  1389. () Management information-decision systems: a new era ahead? [d]
  1390. () Management misinformation systems [d]
  1391. () Design management [d]
  1392. () Innovation-resisting and innovation-producing organizations [j]
  1393. () The fallacy of the one big brain [u]
  1394. (/1997) The new rational manager: an updated edition for a new world [i]
  1395. (/1968) Industrial democracy and industrial management: a critical essay on the possible meanings and implications of industrial democracy [i]
  1396. (/1995) Work and motivation [i]
  1397. (/1965) Systematic method for designers [o]
  1398. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  1399. () Management of training programs [o]
  1400. (/1983) How to prepare managerial communications [or: How to communicate policies and instructions] [i]
  1401. () Work and authority in industry: ideologies of management in the course of industrialization [o]
  1402. () Management and the worker: an account of a research program conducted by the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Works, Chicago [o]
  1403. (/1995) Co-ordination [i]
  1404. Arch Wilkinson Shaw [ed] (/1927) System: the magazine of business [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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