How to make meaning
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- Michael Basseches (2024) Dialectical thinking as a post-formal organization of human thought and action [i] [d]
- Johannes B. Mahr (2024) How to become a memory: the individual and collective aspects of mnemicity [p] [d]
- Alexei A. Sharov & George E. Mikhailovsky [ed] (2024) Pathways to the origin and evolution of meanings in the universe [i] [d]
- Claudia Strauss (2024) What work means: beyond the Puritan work ethic [i] [d] [j]
- Kathryn A. Thomas & William T. Hoyt (2024) The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: exploring retrospective trajectories of distress in exonerees [p] [d]
- Daryl R. Van Tongeren (2024) Done: how to flourish after leaving religion [i] [d]
- Janet Revell Barrett (2023) Seeking connections: an interdisciplinary perspective on music teaching and learning [i] [d]
- Fritz Breithaupt, Milo Hicks, Benjamin Hiskes, & Victoria Lagrange (2023) High-stakes decisions do not require narrative conviction but narrative flexibility [p] [d]
- Andy Clark (2023) The experience machine: how our minds predict and shape reality [i]
- Justin Fuhr (2023) Personal librarian philosophies: discovering meaning in what we do [d]
- Adolfo Martín García & Agustín Ibáñez [ed] (2023) The Routledge handbook of semiosis and the brain [i] [d]
- Joshua Glasgow (2023) The ordinary meaningful life [d]
- Katie Hoemann (2023) Beyond linguistic relativity, emotion concepts illustrate how meaning is contextually and individually variable [p] [d]
- Samuel G. B. Johnson, Avri Bilovich, & David Tuckett (2023) Conviction narrative theory: a theory of choice under radical uncertainty [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Konrad Lehmann & Philipp Kanske (2023) Empathy, meaning, and the human brain [i] [d]
- David A. Moscovitch, Morris Moscovitch, & Signy Sheldon (2023) Neurocognitive model of schema-congruent and -incongruent learning in clinical disorders: application to social anxiety and beyond [p] [d]
- Aileen Oeberst & Roland Imhoff (2023) Toward parsimony in bias research: a proposed common framework of belief-consistent information processing for a set of biases [p] [d]
- Gordon Pennycook, Bence Bago, & Jonathon McPhetres (2023) Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication [p] [d] [u]
- Jesse L. Preston, Thomas J. Coleman, & Faith Shin (2023) Spirituality of science: implications for meaning, well-being, and learning [p] [d]
- Pninit Russo-Netzer (2023) Recalibrating the compass in a changing world: education for meaning and meaningful education [d]
- Maya Visser (2023) Neural bases of multimodal semantics [i] [d]
- Joel Vos (2023) The meaning sextet: a systematic literature review and further validation of a universal typology of meaning in life [d]
- Shai Davidai (2022) How do people make sense of wealth and poverty? [p] [d]
- Olivier Houdé & Grégoire Borst [ed] (2022) The Cambridge handbook of cognitive development [i] [d]
- Anna Alexandrovna Ivanova (2022) The role of language in broader human cognition: evidence from neuroscience [o] [u]
- Mary Kalantzis & Bill Cope (2022) After language: a grammar of multimodal transposition [or multiform transposition] [i] [d] [u]
- Iddo Landau [ed] (2022) The Oxford handbook of meaning in life [i] [d]
- P. F. Jonah Li, Y. Joel Wong, Ricky M. Granderson, & Dominique Jackson (2022) Comprehension, purpose, and mattering?: a latent profile analysis of laypeople's beliefs about meaning in life [d]
- Matthew D. Lieberman (2022) Seeing minds, matter, and meaning: the CEEing model of pre-reflective subjective construal [p] [d]
- Matthew MacKenzie (2022) Buddhist philosophy and the embodied mind: a constructive engagement [i]
- Donald Miller (2022) Hero on a mission: a path to a meaningful life [i]
- Melanie Munroe & Michel Ferrari [ed] (2022) Post-traumatic growth to psychological well-being: coping wisely with adversity [i] [d]
- Nick Riggle (2022) This beauty: a philosophy of being alive [i]
- Jeffrey A. Schneider (2022) Making meaning of the meaning in our lives: exploratory study of relationship between adults' psychosocial maturity and personal meaning-in-life [i] [u]
- Timothy D. Wilson (2022) What is social psychology?: the construal principle [p] [d]
- Leor Zmigrod (2022) A psychology of ideology: unpacking the psychological structure of ideological thinking [p] [d] [u]
- Christoph Baumberger & Georg Brun (2021) Reflective equilibrium and understanding [d] [u]
- Carmen Amelia Coral-Guerrero, Fernando García-Quero, & Jorge Guardiola (2021) What is sumak kawsay?: a qualitative study in the Ecuadorian Amazon [d]
- Giovanni Dosi, Marco Faillo, & Luigi Marengo (2021) Beyond 'bounded rationality': behaviours and learning in complex evolving worlds [i] [d] [u]
- Carolina Flores (2021) Delusional evidence-responsiveness [d]
- Guy Kahane (2021) The significance of the past [d]
- Iddo Landau (2021) Is meaning in life constituted by value or intelligibility? [d]
- Molly Lewis, Anjali Balamurugan, Bin Zheng, & Gary Lupyan (2021) Characterizing variability in shared meaning through millions of sketches [o] [u]
- M. Giulia Napolitano (2021) Conspiracy theories and evidential self-insulation [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2021) New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
- Donal O'Keeffe, Brian Keogh, & Agnes Higgins (2021) Meaning in life in long-term recovery in first-episode psychosis: an interpretative phenomenological analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Elena Pagni & Richard Theisen Simanke [ed] (2021) Biosemiotics and evolution: the natural foundations of meaning and symbolism [i] [d]
- Juan Pascual-Leone & Janice M. Johnson (2021) The working mind: meaning and mental attention in human development [i] [d] [u]
- Michael D. Robinson & Laura E. Thomas [ed] (2021) Handbook of embodied psychology: thinking, feeling, and acting [i] [d]
- Thomas E. Rodgerson (2021) Overhearing a Christian apology to the nones: revealing still hidden truths in dialogue [i]
- Samuel Scheffler (2021) Meaning and value across the generations [i] [d]
- Daniel J. Singer, Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Bennett Holman, Karen Kovaka, Jiin Jung, & William J. Berger (2021) Don't forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget [d]
- John Symons (2021) Meaningfulness and kinds of normative reasons [d]
- Kathryn A. Thomas (2021) The psychological impact of wrongful convictions: the role of meaning making in recovery from trauma [o] [u]
- Gabriel Velez, Michelle J. Bellino, & Scott Moeschberger (2021) Supporting peace by broadening 'youth' and attending to their diverse development in transitional societies [i] [d]
- Arnoud Arntz (2020) A plea for more attention to mental representations [d]
- Lawrence W. Barsalou (2020) Challenges and opportunities for grounding cognition [p] [d] [u]
- Genia M. Bettencourt (2020) 'When I think about working class, I think about people that work for what they have': how working-class students engage in meaning making about their social class identity [d]
- Andrea Bianchi [ed] (2020) Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: themes from Michael Devitt [i] [d]
- Georg Brun (2020) Conceptual re-engineering: from explication to reflective equilibrium [d] [j] [u]
- Lorena Chanes & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2020) The predictive brain, conscious experience, and brain-related conditions [i] [d]
- Py Liv Eriksson, Maria Wängqvist, Johanna Carlsson, & Ann Frisén (2020) Identity development in early adulthood [p] [d]
- Gaetano Fiorin & Denis Delfitto (2020) Beyond meaning: a journey across language, perception and experience [i] [d]
- John M. Flach & Fred Voorhorst (2020) A meaning processing approach to cognition: what matters? [i] [d]
- Carrie P. Freeman (2020) Perceiving ecocultural identities as human animal earthlings [i] [d]
- Christine Jeske (2020) The laziness myth: narratives of work and the good life in South Africa [i] [d] [j]
- Stephen H. Jones, Fern Elsdon-Baker, Rebecca Catto, & Tom Kaden (2020) What science means to me: understanding personal identification with (evolutionary) science using the sociology of (non)religion [p] [d]
- Eeva Kallio (2020) From multiperspective to contextual integrative thinking in adulthood: considerations on theorisation of adult thinking and its place as a component of wisdom [i] [d]
- Anne Koch & Katharina Wilkens [ed] (2020) The Bloomsbury handbook of the cultural and cognitive aesthetics of religion [i] [d]
- Joseph Laycock (2020) Speak of the devil: how The Satanic Temple is changing the way we talk about religion [i] [d]
- Falk Lieder & Thomas L. Griffiths (2020) Resource-rational analysis: understanding human cognition as the optimal use of limited computational resources [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Emily G. Liquin & Tania Lombrozo (2020) Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood [d]
- Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (2020) Intelligence and intelligibility: cross-cultural studies of human cognitive experience [i] [d]
- Mark Lupisella (2020) Cosmological theories of value: science, philosophy, and meaning in cosmic evolution [i] [d]
- Johannes B. Mahr & Gergely Csibra (2020) Witnessing, remembering, and testifying: why the past is special for human beings [p] [d] [u]
- Dina Mendonça, Manuel Curado, & Steven S. Gouveia [ed] (2020) The philosophy and science of predictive processing [i] [d]
- Tema Milstein & José Castro-Sotomayor [ed] (2020) Routledge handbook of ecocultural identity [i] [d]
- Kenji Noguchi (2020) The meaning frame theory: meaning arises with reference points [meaning in life] [d]
- Gordon Pennycook (2020) Belief bias and its significance for modern social science [d]
- Kai-Tak Poon, Zhansheng Chen, & Wing-Yan Wong (2020) Beliefs in conspiracy theories following ostracism [p] [d]
- Isaac Prilleltensky (2020) Mattering at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, and politics [p] [d]
- Gene B. Sperling (2020) Can all work have meaning? [i]
- Michael Strupp-Levitsky, Sharareh Noorbaloochi, Andrew Shipley, & John T. Jost (2020) Moral 'foundations' as the product of motivated social cognition: empathy and other psychological underpinnings of ideological divergence in 'individualizing' and 'binding' concerns [p] [d] [u]
- Amy K. Way (2020) Meaning/fulness through family: discourses of work among poor and working class youth [d]
- Robert Wuthnow (2020) What happens when we practice religion?: textures of devotion in everyday life [i] [d] [j]
- Ruth Yeoman (2020) Ethics, meaningfulness, and mutuality [i] [d]
- Leor Zmigrod (2020) The role of cognitive rigidity in political ideologies: theory, evidence, and future directions [d]
- Edward Baggs, Vicente Raja, & Michael L. Anderson (2019) Culture in the world shapes culture in the head (and vice versa) [p] [d]
- Christine Bastin, Gabriel Besson, Jessica Simon, Emma Delhaye, Marie Geurten, Sylvie Willems, & Eric Salmon (2019) An integrative memory model of recollection and familiarity to understand memory deficits [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Jack J. Bauer, Laura A. King, & Michael F. Steger (2019) Meaning making, self-determination theory, and the question of wisdom in personality [p] [d]
- Gregor Betz, Michael Hamann, Tamara Mchedlidze, & Sophie von Schmettow (2019) Applying argumentation to structure and visualize multi-dimensional opinion spaces [d]
- Manuel Bohn & Michael C. Frank (2019) The pervasive role of pragmatics in early language [d]
- Fabrizio Calzavarini (2019) Brain and the lexicon: the neural basis of inferential and referential competence [i] [d]
- Ivano Ciardelli, Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk, & Floris Roelofsen (2019) Inquisitive semantics [i] [d] [u]
- Soljana Çili & Lusia Aldona Stopa (2019) Autobiographical memory and the self: relationship and implications for cognitive-behavioural therapy [i] [d]
- Neil Cohn (2019) Visual narratives and the mind: comprehension, cognition, and learning [i] [d] [u]
- Chris Cummins & Napoleon Katsos [ed] (2019) The Oxford handbook of experimental semantics and pragmatics [i] [d]
- Stephen M. Dark (2019) Contemplating climate change: mental models and human reasoning [i] [d]
- Judith Degen & Michael K. Tanenhaus (2019) Constraint-based pragmatic processing [i] [d]
- Fatma Deniz, Anwar O. Nunez-Elizalde, Alexander G. Huth, & Jack L. Gallant (2019) The representation of semantic information across human cerebral cortex during listening versus reading is invariant to stimulus modality [p] [d] [u]
- Dagmar Divjak (2019) Frequency in language: memory, attention and learning [i] [d]
- Karen M. Douglas, Joseph E. Uscinski, Robbie M. Sutton, Aleksandra Cichocka, Turkay Nefes, Chee Siang Ang, & Farzin Deravi (2019) Understanding conspiracy theories [d]
- Kara D. Federmeier & Diane M. Beck [ed] (2019) Knowledge and vision [i] [d]
- Mario Garcés & Lucila Finkel (2019) Emotional theory of rationality [p] [d] [u]
- Brendan S. Gillon (2019) Natural language semantics: formation and valuation [i]
- Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka (2019) The evolution of the sensitive soul: learning and the origins of consciousness [i] [d]
- Peter K. Hatemi, Charles Crabtree, & Kevin B. Smith (2019) Ideology justifies morality: political beliefs predict moral foundations [d] [j]
- Katie Hoemann & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2019) Concepts dissolve artificial boundaries in the study of emotion and cognition, uniting body, brain, and mind [p] [d] [u]
- Henrik Høgh-Olesen (2019) The implicit narrativity of objects and ornaments—widening the view [d] [j]
- J. Benjamin Hutchinson & Lisa Feldman Barrett (2019) The power of predictions: an emerging paradigm for psychological research [p] [d] [u]
- Stuart J. Kaufman (2019) War as symbolic politics [d]
- Frank C. Keil (2019) The challenges and benefits of mechanistic explanation in folk scientific understanding [i] [d]
- Vera Kempe, Nicolas Gauvrit, Alison Gibson, & Margaret Jamieson (2019) Adults are more efficient in creating and transmitting novel signalling systems than children [d]
- Mijung Kim & Wolff-Michael Roth (2019) Dialogical argumentation and reasoning in elementary science classrooms [i] [d]
- Eugenia Lancellotta & Lisa Bortolotti (2019) Are clinical delusions adaptive? [p] [d]
- Gary Lupyan & Molly Lewis (2019) From words-as-mappings to words-as-cues: the role of language in semantic knowledge [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2019) Emotive meaning in political argumentation [d] [u]
- Dina Mendonça & João Sàágua (2019) Emotional reflexivity in reasoning: the function of describing the environment in emotion regulation [i] [d]
- Kengo Miyazono & Ryan McKay (2019) Explaining delusional beliefs: a hybrid model [p] [d]
- Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández, Lorenzo Magnani, Francisco J. Salguero, Cristina Barés Gómez, & Matthieu Fontaine [ed] (2019) Model-based reasoning in science and technology: inferential models for logic, language, cognition and computation [i] [d]
- Giulio Ongaro & Ted J. Kaptchuk (2019) Symptom perception, placebo effects, and the Bayesian brain [p] [d]
- Gordon Pennycook & David G. Rand (2019) Lazy, not biased: susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning [p] [d]
- Simone Pinna & Marco Giunti (2019) Model types and explanatory styles in cognitive theories [i] [d]
- Michael J. Poulin & Roxane Cohen Silver (2019) When are assumptions shaken?: a prospective, longitudinal investigation of negative life events and worldviews in a national sample [d]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2019) A volitional resource to defeat procrastination: meaning [u]
- Michael Ruse (2019) A meaning to life [i]
- Dimitrios Skordos & David Barner (2019) Language comprehension, inference, and alternatives [i] [d]
- Andrew Steptoe & Daisy Fancourt (2019) Leading a meaningful life at older ages and its relationship with social engagement, prosperity, health, biology, and time use [p] [d] [u]
- Karsten R. Stueber (2019) The ubiquity of understanding: dimensions of understanding in the social and natural sciences [d]
- Sim-Hui Tee (2019) Constructing reality with models [d] [j]
- Brooke Alan Trisel (2019) Why the indifference of the universe is irrelevant to life's meaning [d]
- Joseph E. Uscinski [ed] (2019) Conspiracy theories and the people who believe them [i] [d]
- Kathleen D. Vohs, Jennifer L. Aaker, & Rhia Catapano (2019) It's not going to be that fun: negative experiences can add meaning to life [p] [d]
- J. Gerard Wolff (2019) Information compression as a unifying principle in human learning, perception, and cognition [d]
- Mathieu Wolff & Seralynne D. Vann (2019) The cognitive thalamus as a gateway to mental representations [p] [d] [u]
- David M. Wulff (2019) Prototypes of faith: findings with the Faith Q-Sort [d]
- Marcia Lei Zeng (2019) Interoperability [semantic interoperability] [d] [u]
- Tania Zittoun (2019) A sociocultural psychological approach to religion [p] [d]
- Selcuk Acar, Mark A. Runco, & Uzeyir Ogurlu (2018) Creativity and religiosity: a reanalysis with regional predictors [d]
- Shawn Achor, Andrew Reece, Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, & Alexi Robichaux (2018) 9 out of 10 people are willing to earn less money to do more-meaningful work [u]
- Kwame Anthony Appiah (2018) The lies that bind: rethinking identity, creed, country, color, class, culture [i]
- Anna M. Babel (2018) Between the Andes and the Amazon: language and social meaning in Bolivia [i] [d]
- Christopher Baldassano, Uri Hasson, & Kenneth A. Norman (2018) Representation of real-world event schemas during narrative perception [p] [d] [u]
- Walter Bisang (2018) Knowledge representation and cognitive skills in problem solving: a view from linguistic typology [i] [d]
- Lisa Bortolotti (2018) Stranger than fiction: costs and benefits of everyday confabulation [d]
- Pascal Boyer (2018) Minds make societies: how cognition explains the world humans create [i] [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2018) See ideology as cognitive and not just political [u]
- Herman Cappelen (2018) Fixing language: an essay on conceptual engineering [i] [d]
- Andrew M. Carton (2018) 'I'm not mopping the floors, I'm putting a man on the moon': how NASA leaders enhanced the meaningfulness of work by changing the meaning of work [d]
- Andy Clark (2018) A nice surprise?: predictive processing and the active pursuit of novelty [d]
- Luana Colloca [ed] (2018) Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 1 [i] [d]
- Luana Colloca [ed] (2018) Neurobiology of the placebo effect, part 2 [i] [d]
- Kristína Czekóová, Daniel J. Shaw, & Tomáš Urbánek (2018) Personality systems, spirituality, and existential well-being: a person-centered perspective [d]
- Brandon Daniel-Hughes (2018) Pragmatic inquiry and religious communities: Charles Peirce, signs, and inhabited experiments [i] [d]
- David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] (2018) Building theories: heuristics and hypotheses in sciences [i] [d]
- Asbjørn Dyrendal, David G. Robertson, & Egil Asprem [ed] (2018) Handbook of conspiracy theory and contemporary religion [i] [d]
- Cengiz Erisen, David P. Redlawsk, & Elif Erisen (2018) Complex thinking as a result of incongruent information exposure [d]
- Victoria S. Harrison (2018) Oneness: a big history perspective [i] [d] [j]
- Brett K. Hayes, Siddharth Ramanan, & Muireann Irish (2018) 'Truth be told': semantic memory as the scaffold for veridical communication [p] [d]
- Casey High (2018) Bodies that speak: languages of differentiation and becoming in Amazonia [d]
- Clara E. Hill (2018) Meaning in life: a therapist's guide [i] [d]
- Lisa D. Hinz (2018) Beyond self-care for helping professionals: the expressive therapies continuum and the life enrichment model [i] [d]
- Keith J. Holyoak & Dušan Stamenković (2018) Metaphor comprehension: a critical review of theories and evidence [p] [d]
- Emiliano Ippoliti (2018) Heuristic logic: a kernel [i] [d]
- Philip J. Ivanhoe, Owen J. Flanagan, Victoria S. Harrison, Hagop Sarkissian, & Eric Schwitzgebel [ed] (2018) The oneness hypothesis: beyond the boundary of self [i] [d] [j]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk & Franklin G. Miller (2018) Open label placebo: can honestly prescribed placebos evoke meaningful therapeutic benefits? [p] [d]
- Melissa M. Karnaze & Linda J. Levine (2018) Sadness, the architect of cognitive change [i] [d]
- Ian James Kidd (2018) Adversity, wisdom, and exemplarism [d]
- Timothy Koschmann, Robert Sigley, Alan Zemel, & Carolyn Maher (2018) How the 'machinery' of sense production changes over time [i] [d]
- Ralph Lewis (2018) Finding purpose in a godless world: why we care even if the universe doesn't [i]
- Ralph Lewis (2018) Meaning-making within and without religion [i]
- David J. Linden [ed] (2018) Think tank: forty neuroscientists explore the biological roots of human experience [i]
- David Ludwig & Luana Poliseli (2018) Relating traditional and academic ecological knowledge: mechanistic and holistic epistemologies across cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Paul H. Lysaker & Reid E. Klion (2018) Recovery, meaning-making, and severe mental illness: a comprehensive guide to metacognitive reflection and insight therapy [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2018) Evidence and presumptions for analyzing and detecting misunderstandings [d]
- Corey S. Mackenzie, Eric C. Karaoylas, & Katherine B. Starzyk (2018) Lifespan differences in a self determination theory model of eudaimonia: a cross-sectional survey of younger, middle-aged, and older adults [d]
- Jonathan Mair (2018) Metacognitive variety, from Inner Mongolian Buddhism to post-truth [or variety in epistemic cognition] [i] [d]
- Henry D. Mason (2018) The relationship between purpose and sources of meaning: a mixed methods study [d]
- Fulvio Mazzocchi (2018) Knowledge organization system (KOS): an introductory critical account [d] [u]
- Kate C. McLean, Jennifer P. Lilgendahl, Chelsea Fordham, Elizabeth Alpert, Emma Marsden, Kathryn Szymanowski, & Dan P. McAdams (2018) Identity development in cultural context: the role of deviating from master narratives [p] [d]
- Michelle L. Meade, Celia B. Harris, Penny Van Bergen, John Sutton, & Amanda J. Barnier [ed] (2018) Collaborative remembering: theories, research, and applications [i] [d]
- Liliana Meira, João Salgado, Inês Sousa, António P. Ribeiro, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2018) Psychological change in everyday life: an exploratory study [d]
- Mark D. Miller & Andy Clark (2018) Happily entangled: prediction, emotion, and the embodied mind [d] [j]
- Kengo Miyazono (2018) Delusions and beliefs: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
- Carey K. Morewedge & Daniella M. Kupor (2018) When the absence of reasoning breeds meaning: metacognitive appraisals of spontaneous thought [i] [d]
- A. Charles Muller (2018) An inquiry into views, beliefs and faith: lessons from Buddhism, behavioural psychology and constructivist epistemology [d]
- Parker J. Palmer (2018) On the brink of everything: grace, gravity, and getting old [i]
- Alexis Patterson, Diego Roman, Michelle Friend, Jonathan Osborne, & Brian Donovan (2018) Reading for meaning: the foundational knowledge every teacher of science should have [d]
- Gordon Pennycook [ed] (2018) The new reflectionism in cognitive psychology: why reasons matter [i] [d]
- Maria Pia Pozzato [ed] (2018) Visual and linguistic representations of places of origin: an interdisciplinary analysis [i] [d]
- Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Karen M. Douglas, & Clara De Inocencio (2018) Connecting the dots: illusory pattern perception predicts belief in conspiracies and the supernatural [p] [d] [u]
- Joëlle Proust & Martin Fortier [ed] (2018) Metacognitive diversity: an interdisciplinary approach [i] [d]
- Max Rollwage, Raymond J. Dolan, & Stephen M. Fleming (2018) Metacognitive failure as a feature of those holding radical beliefs [p] [d] [u]
- Bastiaan T. Rutjens, Steven J. Heine, Robbie M. Sutton, & Frenk van Harreveld (2018) Attitudes towards science [i] [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter, Alexis C. Carpenter, Aleea Devitt, Reece P. Roberts, & Donna Rose Addis (2018) Constructive episodic simulation, flexible recombination, and memory errors [p] [d]
- Armin W. Schulz (2018) Efficient cognition: the evolution of representational decision making [i] [d]
- Keith Stenning & Alexandra L. Varga (2018) Several logics for the many things that people do in reasoning [i] [d]
- Gregory M. Walton & Timothy D. Wilson (2018) Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
- Adam Waytz (2018) The illusion of explanatory depth [i] [u]
- James Williams & Felicitas Hentschke [ed] (2018) To be at home: house, work, and self in the modern world [i] [d]
- Jon A. Willits, Timothy Rubin, Michael N. Jones, Kyle S. Minor, & Paul H. Lysaker (2018) Evidence of disturbances of deep levels of semantic cohesion within personal narratives in schizophrenia [p] [d]
- Mats Alvesson, Yiannis Gabriel, & Roland Paulsen (2017) Return to meaning: a social science with something to say [i] [d]
- Hans Ferdinand Angel, Lluis Ovi, Raymond F. Paloutzian, Anne L. C. Runehov, & Rüdiger J. Seitz [ed] (2017) Processes of believing: the acquisition, maintenance, and change in creditions [i] [d]
- Kwame Anthony Appiah (2017) As if: idealization and ideals [i] [d]
- Jonathan Baron, Burcu Gürçay, & S. Emlen Metz (2017) Reflective thought and actively open-minded thinking [i] [d]
- Danielle J. P. Bartels, Antoinette I. M. van Laarhoven, Naomi Heijmans, Dirk Hermans, Elise Debeer, Peter C. M. van de Kerkhof, & Andrea W. M. Evers (2017) Cognitive schemas in placebo and nocebo responding: role of autobiographical memories and expectations [p] [d]
- Danielle J. P. Bartels, Antoinette I. M. van Laarhoven, Michiel Stroo, Kim Hijne, Kaya J. Peerdeman, A. Rogier T. Donders, Peter C. M. van de Kerkhof, & Andrea W. M. Evers (2017) Minimizing nocebo effects by conditioning with verbal suggestion: a randomized clinical trial in healthy humans [p] [d] [u]
- Sven Bernecker & Kourken Michaelian [ed] (2017) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of memory [i] [d]
- Cristina Bicchieri (2017) Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
- Warren K. Bickel, Jeffrey S. Stein, Lara N. Moody, Sarah E. Snider, Alexandra M. Mellis, & Amanda J. Quisenberry (2017) Toward narrative theory: interventions for reinforcer pathology in health behavior [i] [d]
- Stefaan Blancke, Maarten Boudry, & Massimo Pigliucci (2017) Why do irrational beliefs mimic science?: the cultural evolution of pseudoscience [d]
- Hartmut Blank (2017) Recollection, belief and metacognition: a reality check [p] [d]
- Antonio Calcagno (2017) Building a meaningful social world between human and companion animals through empathy [i] [d]
- Carlo Cellucci (2017) Rethinking knowledge: the heuristic view [i] [d]
- Victor Chavarria, João Vian, Círia Pereira, João Data-Franco, Brisa S. Fernandes, Michael Berk, & Seetal Dodd (2017) The placebo and nocebo phenomena: their clinical management and impact on treatment outcomes [p] [d]
- Max Coltheart (2017) Confabulation and conversation [p] [d]
- Michael H. Connors & Peter W. Halligan (2017) Belief and belief formation: insights from delusions [i] [d]
- James F. M. Cornwell, Becca Franks, & E. Tory Higgins (2017) Shared reality makes life meaningful: are we really going in the right direction? [d]
- Ulrike Cress & Joachim Kimmerle (2017) The interrelations of individual learning and collective knowledge construction: a cognitive-systemic framework [i] [d]
- Richard E. Daws & Adam Hampshire (2017) The negative relationship between reasoning and religiosity is underpinned by a bias for intuitive responses specifically when intuition and logic are in conflict [p] [d] [u]
- Felipe De Brigard (2017) Nostalgia and mental simulation [i]
- Morteza Dehghani, Reihane Boghrati, Kingson Man, Joe Hoover, Sarah I. Gimbel, Ashish Vaswani, Jason D. Zevin, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Andrew S. Gordon, Antonio Damasio, & Jonas T. Kaplan (2017) Decoding the neural representation of story meanings across languages [p] [d]
- Andrea A. diSessa (2017) Conceptual change in a microcosm: comparative learning analysis of a learning event [d] [j]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Herman Veluwenkamp (2017) Reasoning biases, non-monotonic logics and belief revision [d]
- Chiara Fioretti, Debora Pascuzzi, & Andrea Smorti (2017) The role of the listener on the emotional valence of personal memories in emerging adulthood [d]
- D. J. Flynn, Brendan Nyhan, & Jason Reifler (2017) The nature and origins of misperceptions: understanding false and unsupported beliefs about politics [d]
- Matthias Forstmann & Pascal Burgmer (2017) Antecedents, manifestations, and consequences of belief in mind–body dualism [i] [d]
- Michael D. Fortescue (2017) The abstraction engine: extracting patterns in language, mind and brain [i] [d]
- Jeremy A. Frimer, Linda J. Skitka, & Matt Motyl (2017) Liberals and conservatives are similarly motivated to avoid exposure to one another's opinions [d]
- Agustín Fuentes (2017) The creative spark: how imagination made humans exceptional [i]
- Charles J. Gelso & Andrés E. Pérez-Rojas (2017) Inner experience and the good therapist [i] [d]
- Alessandro Gennaro, Sergio Salvatore, Diego Rocco, & Andrea Francesco Auletta (2017) Deconstructive and constructive dynamics in the clinical process: a step further in the validation of the two-stage semiotic model [d]
- Tilmann Habermas & Susanne Döll-Hentschker (2017) The form of the story: measuring formal aspects of narrative activity in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Paul L. Harris (2017) Tell, ask, repair: early responding to discordant reality [d]
- Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon, Shlomo P. Kravetz, & Paul H. Lysaker (2017) The special challenges of psychotherapy with persons with psychosis: intersubjective metacognitive model of agreement and shared meaning [p] [d]
- Jakob Hohwy & John Michael (2017) Why should any body have a self? [i] [d]
- Yan Huang [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of pragmatics [i] [d]
- René Hurlemann & Nina Marsh (2017) Deciphering the modulatory role of oxytocin in human altruism [p] [d]
- Veronika Huta (2017) Meaning as a subjective experience [d]
- Brady Michael Jack & Huann-shyang Lin (2017) Making learning interesting and its application to the science classroom [d]
- Mark Johnson (2017) Embodied mind, meaning, and reason: how our bodies give rise to understanding [i] [d]
- John T. Jost (2017) Ideological asymmetries and the essence of political psychology [d]
- Peter R. Killeen & Kenneth W. Jacobs (2017) Coal is not black, snow is not white, food is not a reinforcer: the roles of affordances and dispositions in the analysis of behavior [d]
- Simon Kirby (2017) Culture and biology in the origins of linguistic structure [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Kleineberg (2017) Integrative levels [as an organizing principle] [d] [u]
- Markus Kornprobst & Martin Senn (2017) Arguing deep ideational change [d]
- Kevin N. Laland (2017) Darwin's unfinished symphony: how culture made the human mind [i] [d] [j]
- Iddo Landau (2017) Finding meaning in an imperfect world [i] [d]
- Kristin Laurin (2017) Religion and its cultural evolutionary by-products [i] [d]
- Joseph E. LeDoux (2017) Semantics, surplus meaning, and the science of fear [p] [d]
- Gary Lupyan (2017) How reliable is perception? [d] [u]
- Peter Lush, Emilie A. Caspar, Axel Cleeremans, Patrick Haggard, Pedro Alexandre Magalhães De Saldanha da Gama, & Zoltan Dienes (2017) The power of suggestion: posthypnotically induced changes in the temporal binding of intentional action outcomes [p] [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2017) The transformation of a white supremacist: a dialectical-developmental analysis [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2017) How talk mediates moral development: inescapable frameworks in the measure of moral meaning [book review] [d]
- Hugo Mercier (2017) How gullible are we?: a review of the evidence from psychology and social science [d]
- Maria Mody [ed] (2017) Neural mechanisms of language [i] [d]
- Salikoko S. Mufwene, François Pellegrino, & Christophe Coupé [ed] (2017) Complexity in language: developmental and evolutionary perspectives [i] [d]
- Fabian Muniesa (2017) On the political vernaculars of 'value creation' [d]
- Samuel A. Nastase & James V. Haxby (2017) Structural basis of semantic memory [i] [d]
- Nina Bandelj, Frederick F. Wherry, & Viviana A. Zelizer [ed] (2017) Money talks: explaining how money really works [i] [d] [j]
- Nathan Nunn & Raul Sanchez de la Sierra (2017) Why being wrong can be right: magical warfare technologies and the persistence of false beliefs [d] [j]
- Anthony O'Connell & Ciara M. Greene (2017) Not strange but not true: self-reported interest in a topic increases false memory [p] [d]
- Jeanne Ellis Ormrod (2017) How we think and learn: theoretical perspectives and practical implications [i] [d]
- Gerald Ostdiek (2017) Alan Watts and secular competence in religious praxis [d]
- Raymond F. Paloutzian & Katelyn J. Mukai (2017) Believing, remembering, and imagining: the roots and fruits of meanings made and remade [i] [d]
- Crystal L. Park, Joseph M. Currier, J. Irene Harris, & Jeanne M. Slattery (2017) Trauma, meaning, and spirituality: translating research into clinical practice [i] [d]
- Justin Petrusak, Tam E. Perry, & Luke Hassevoort (2017) Somewhere to be permanent for a minute: time and space perceptions of older adult men experiencing chronic homelessness in Detroit [d]
- Alison R. Preston, Robert J. Molitor, Athula Pudhiyidath, & Margaret L. Schlichting (2017) Schemas [in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience] [i] [d]
- Kevin Rathunde & Russell Isabella (2017) Play, flow, and tailoring identity in middle adulthood [i] [d]
- Robert M. Ross & Ryan McKay (2017) Why is belief in God not a delusion? [d]
- Yuriko Saito (2017) Aesthetics of the familiar: everyday life and world-making [i] [d]
- Uffe Schjoedt & Marc Andersen (2017) How does religious experience work in predictive minds? [d]
- Bennett L. Schwartz & Janet Metcalfe (2017) Metamemory: an update of critical findings [i] [d]
- Iiona D. Scully, Lucy E. Napper, & Almut Hupbach (2017) Does reactivation trigger episodic memory change?: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
- Megha Sehgal, Miou Zhou, Denise J. Cai, Ayal Lavi, Shan Huang, & Alcino J. Silva (2017) Allocating, tagging, and linking memories [i] [d]
- John Shotter (2017) Persons as dialogical-hermeneutical-relational beings: new circumstances 'call out' new responses from us [d]
- Andrew Shtulman (2017) Scienceblind: why our intuitive theories about the world are so often wrong [i]
- Susanna Siegel (2017) The rationality of perception [or lack of rationality] [i] [d]
- Jan D. Sinnott [ed] (2017) Identity flexibility during adulthood: perspectives in adult development [i] [d]
- Emily Esfahani Smith (2017) Cultures of meaning [i]
- Pietro Spataro, Clelia Rossi-Arnaud, & Neil W. Mulligan (2017) Implicit versus explicit memory [i] [d]
- William B. Stiles (2017) Finding the right words: symbolizing experience in practice and theory [d]
- Dennis Tay (2017) The nuances of metaphor theory for constructivist psychotherapy [d]
- Jens C. Thimm & Jason M. Holland (2017) Early maladaptive schemas, meaning making, and complicated grief symptoms after bereavement [d]
- Maggie E. Toplak & Joshua Weller [ed] (2017) Individual differences in judgement and decision-making: a developmental perspective [i] [d]
- James Trafford (2017) Meaning in dialogue: an interactive approach to logic and reasoning [i] [d]
- J. D. Trout (2017) Motivation and the sense of understanding in theory construction [d]
- Bram Tucker (2017) From risk and time preferences to cultural models of causality: on the challenges and possibilities of field experiments, with examples from rural southwestern Madagascar [i] [d]
- Robert A. Veselis (2017) The memory labyrinth: systems, processes, and boundaries [i] [d]
- Albert Vollmer & Ariane Vetter (2017) Disagreement as an opportunity, not a threat [book review of: Constructive controversy: theory, research, practice, by David W. Johnson] [d]
- Brady Wagoner (2017) The constructive mind: Bartlett's psychology in reconstruction [i] [d]
- Michael R. Waldmann [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of causal reasoning [i] [d]
- Pascal Wallisch & Jake Alden Whritner (2017) Strikingly low agreement in the appraisal of motion pictures [d]
- Fraser Watts & Roger Bretherton (2017) 'Religion' is complex and diverse [d]
- Alan Weiss & Marshall Goldsmith (2017) Lifestorming: creating meaning and achievement in your career and life [i]
- Keith M. Welker, Rachel E. Norman, Stefan Goetz, Benjamin J. P. Moreau, Shinobu Kitayama, & Justin M. Carré (2017) Preliminary evidence that testosterone's association with aggression depends on self-construal [d]
- Wanja Wiese (2017) Experienced wholeness: integrating insights from Gestalt theory, cognitive neuroscience, and predictive processing [i] [d]
- Wanja Wiese (2017) Action is enabled by systematic misrepresentations [d] [j]
- David Sloan Wilson, Yasha Hartberg, Ian F. MacDonald, Jonathan A. Lanman, & Harvey Whitehouse (2017) The nature of religious diversity: a cultural ecosystem approach [d]
- Graeme B. Wilson & Raymond A. R. MacDonald (2017) The construction of meaning within free improvising groups: a qualitative psychological investigation [d]
- David A. Winter, Peter Cummins, Harry Procter, & Nick Reed [ed] (2017) Personal construct psychology at 60: papers from the 21st international congress [i]
- Renzo Zanotti & Daniele Chiffi (2017) Nursing knowledge: hints from the placebo effect [p] [d]
- Claire M. Zedelius, Barabara C. N. Müller, & Jonathan W. Schooler [ed] (2017) The science of lay theories: how beliefs shape our cognition, behavior, and health [i] [d]
- Phil Zuckerman & John R. Shook [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of secularism [i] [d]
- James Alexander (2016) A systematic theory of tradition [and types of tradition] [d]
- Atocha Aliseda (2016) Belief as habit [i] [d]
- Martina Amanzio & Sara Palermo (2016) Conceptualizing placebo as active component and adjunct in psychological treatment [i] [d]
- Evrinomy Avdi (2016) Fostering dialogue: exploring the therapists' discursive contributions in a couple therapy [i] [d]
- Anna M. Babel (2016) Silence as control: shame and self-consciousness in sociolinguistic positioning [i] [d]
- Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan M. Steele, Shane Connelly, & Michael D. Mumford (2016) Mental models and ethical decision making: the mediating role of sensemaking [d] [j]
- Carlin A. Barton & Daniel Boyarin (2016) Imagine no religion: how modern abstractions hide ancient realities [i] [d] [j]
- Leema K. Berland, Christina V. Schwarz, Christina Krist, Lisa Kenyon, Abraham S. Lo, & Brian J. Reiser (2016) Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
- Jeff Bezemer & Gunther R. Kress (2016) Multimodality, learning and communication: a social semiotic frame [i] [d]
- Matthew J. Bietz, Gillian R. Hayes, Margaret E. Morris, Heather Patterson, & Luke Stark (2016) Creating meaning in a world of quantified selves [d]
- Peter Blouw, Eugene Solodkin, Paul Thagard, & Chris Eliasmith (2016) Concepts as semantic pointers: a framework and computational model [p] [d]
- Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal & David Eilam (2016) Physical, behavioral and spatiotemporal perspectives of home in humans and other animals [i] [d]
- Maria Borcsa & Peter Rober [ed] (2016) Research perspectives in couple therapy: discursive qualitative methods [i] [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2016/2024) Don't get lost in your own story [u]
- Georg Brun (2016) Explication as a method of conceptual re-engineering [d] [j]
- Daniel Casasanto (2016) A shared mechanism of linguistic, cultural, and bodily relativity [d]
- Karl Chan-Brown, Anne Douglass, Steen Halling, Julia Keller, & Marie McNabb (2016) What is money?: a qualitative study of money as experienced [d]
- Morten H. Christiansen & Nick Chater (2016) Creating language: integrating evolution, acquisition, and processing [i] [d] [j]
- Luana Colloca (2016) Consciousness, placebo, and nocebo effects on pain [i]
- Tamlin S. Conner, Colin G. DeYoung, & Paul J. Silvia (2016) Everyday creative activity as a path to flourishing [d]
- Pam Denicolo, Trevor Long, & Kim Bradley-Cole (2016) Constructivist approaches and research methods: a practical guide to exploring personal meanings [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Drescher (2016) Choosing our religion: the spiritual lives of America's Nones [i] [d]
- Gary Ray Elkins [ed] (2016) Handbook of medical and psychological hypnosis: foundations, applications, and professional issues [i]
- Nathan Ensmenger (2016) The multiple meanings of a flowchart [d] [j]
- Caleb Everett (2016) From patterns in language to patterns in thought: relativity realized across the Americas [d]
- Joana Fojo Ferreira, António B. Vasco, Michael Basseches, Andreia Santos, & João M. Ferreira (2016) Exploring phase progression throughout the therapeutic process: the case of Eva [p] [d]
- Sarah K. Fineberg & Philip R. Corlett (2016) The doxastic shear pin: delusions as errors of learning and memory [p] [d]
- Marilyn R. Fitzpatrick, Alisha Henson, Robin Grumet, Gauthamie Poolokasingham, Clare Foa, Thea Comeau, & Claire Prendergast (2016) Challenge, focus, inspiration and support: processes of values clarification and congruence [d]
- Antske Fokkens, Serge Ter Braake, Isa Maks, & Davide Ceolin (2016) On the semantics of concept drift: towards formal definitions of semantic change [o] [u]
- Martin Fromm (2016) Learning and education [and personal construct theory] [i] [d]
- Andreas Glöckner (2016) Psychology and disaster: why we do not see looming disasters and how our way of thinking causes them [d]
- Jeffrey Alan Greene, William A. Sandoval, & Ivar Bråten [ed] (2016) Handbook of epistemic cognition [i] [d]
- James T. Hansen (2016) Meaning systems and mental health culture: critical perspectives on contemporary counseling and psychotherapy [i]
- Rom Harré (2016) The explanation frame [i]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich (2016) The secret of our success: how culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter [i] [d] [j]
- Perry R. Hinton (2016) The perception of people: integrating cognition and culture [i] [d]
- Keith J. Holyoak & Derek Powell (2016) Deontological coherence: a framework for commonsense moral reasoning [p] [d]
- James Horley & Jan Clarke (2016) Constructing sexuality: a theory of stability and fluidity [d]
- James Horley & Jan Clarke (2016) Experience, meaning, and identity in sexuality: a psychosocial theory of sexual stability and change [i] [d]
- Carlos A. Hoyt (2016) The arc of a bad idea: understanding and transcending race [i]
- Luca Iandoli, Ivana Quinto, Anna De Liddo, & Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2016) On online collaboration and construction of shared knowledge: assessing mediation capability in computer supported argument visualization tools [d]
- Kalypso Iordanou, Panayiota Kendeou, & Katinka Beker (2016) Argumentative reasoning [i] [d]
- Shigeru Iwakabe & Nuno Miguel Silva Conceição (2016) Metatherapeutic processing as a change-based therapeutic immediacy task: building an initial process model using a task-analytic research strategy [d]
- Scott Jarvis (2016) Clarifying the scope of conceptual transfer [d]
- David Koepsell (2016) Social reality, law, and justice [i] [d]
- Ueli Kramer, Antonio Pascual-Leone, Kristina B. Rohde, & Rainer Sachse (2016) Emotional processing, interaction process, and outcome in clarification-oriented psychotherapy for personality disorders: a process-outcome analysis [p] [d]
- Martin Kuška, Radek Trnka, Aleš A. Kuběna, & Jiří Růžička (2016) Free associations mirroring self- and world-related concepts: implications for personal construct theory, psycholinguistics and philosophical psychology [p] [d] [u]
- Jonathan Leader Maynard & Susan Benesch (2016) Dangerous speech and dangerous ideology: an integrated model for monitoring and prevention [d] [u]
- Larry M. Leitner & Katherine J. Hayes (2016) Experiential personal construct psychology and the integral universe: theoretical and clinical implications [i] [d]
- Carol B. Levin (2016) Everything counts: the organizing activity of an interpretive attitude [d]
- Shu-Chen Li & Ben Eppinger (2016) Lifespan development of adaptive neurocognitive representations: reciprocal interactions between cognition and motivation [i] [d]
- Kristi L. Lockhart, Mariel K. Goddu, Eric D. Smith, & Frank C. Keil (2016) What could you really learn on your own?: understanding the epistemic limitations of knowledge acquisition [p] [d] [u]
- Tim Lomas (2016) Towards a positive cross-cultural lexicography: enriching our emotional landscape through 216 'untranslatable' words pertaining to well-being [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (2016) Interpretative disputes, explicatures, and argumentative reasoning [d]
- Laura Macchi, Maria Bagassi, & Riccardo Viale [ed] (2016) Cognitive unconscious and human rationality [i] [d]
- C. James MacKenzie (2016) Indigenous bodies, Maya minds: religion and modernity in a transnational K'iche' community [i] [j]
- Bradford Z. Mahon & Gregory Hickok (2016) Arguments about the nature of concepts: symbols, embodiment, and beyond [p] [d] [u]
- Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (2016) Explanatory pluralism [i] [d]
- Jo Marchant (2016) Cure: a journey into the science of mind over body [i]
- Peter J. Marshall (2016) Embodiment and human development [d]
- Frank Martela & Michael F. Steger (2016) The three meanings of meaning in life: distinguishing coherence, purpose, and significance [d]
- Mike W. Martin (2016) Memoir ethics: good lives and the virtues [i]
- Niklas Möller (2016) Value uncertainty [in practical decision-making] [i] [d]
- David Moshman & Pina Tarricone (2016) Logical and causal reasoning [i] [d]
- Patricia Moy, David Tewksbury, & Eike Mark Rinke (2016) Agenda-setting, priming, and framing [i] [d] [u]
- Shawn Murphy (2016) The optimistic workplace: creating an environment that energizes everyone [i]
- Lindsay G. Oades & Fiona Patterson (2016) Experience cycle methodology: a qualitative method to understand the process of revising personal constructs [i] [d]
- Gregory Fernando Pappas (2016) John Dewey's radical logic: the function of the qualitative in thinking [d] [j] [u]
- Aneta Pavlenko (2016) Whorf's lost argument: multilingual awareness [d]
- Alessio Plebe & Vivian M. De La Cruz (2016) Neurosemantics: neural processes and the construction of linguistic meaning [i] [d]
- Harry Procter (2016) Personal construct psychology, society, and culture [i] [d]
- Harry Procter (2016) Relational construct psychology [i] [d]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2016) Imagine there are no leaders: reframing leadership as collaborative agency [d]
- Jamie Reilly, Jonathan E. Peelle, Amanda Garcia, & Sebastian J. Crutch (2016) Linking somatic and symbolic representation in semantic memory: the dynamic multilevel reactivation framework [p] [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2016) Inference from the best systematization [d]
- António P. Ribeiro, Miguel M. Gonçalves, Joana R. Silva, Andreia Brás, & Ines Sousa (2016) Ambivalence in narrative therapy: a comparison between recovered and unchanged cases [p] [d]
- Clay Routledge (2016) Nostalgia: a psychological resource [i] [d]
- Pninit Russo-Netzer, Stefan E. Schulenberg, & Alexander Batthyany [ed] (2016) Clinical perspectives on meaning: positive and existential psychotherapy [i] [d]
- William A. Sandoval, Jeffrey A. Greene, & Ivar Bråten (2016) Understanding and promoting thinking about knowledge: origins, issues, and future directions of research on epistemic cognition [d] [j] [u]
- Eli Oda Sheiner, Michael Lifshitz, & Amir Raz (2016) Placebo response correlates with hypnotic suggestibility [d]
- Emily Sigalow (2016) Towards a sociological framework of religious syncretism in the United States [d] [j]
- Arjen Stolk, Lennart Verhagen, & Ivan Toni (2016) Conceptual alignment: how brains achieve mutual understanding [p] [d]
- James Tartaglia (2016) Is philosophy all about the meaning of life? [d] [j]
- Marco Testa & Giacomo Rossettini (2016) Enhance placebo, avoid nocebo: how contextual factors affect physiotherapy outcomes [p] [d]
- Emily Thorson (2016) Belief echoes: the persistent effects of corrected misinformation [d]
- Ercenur Ünal & Anna Papafragou (2016) Interactions between language and mental representations [d]
- Erik Vance (2016) Suggestible you: the curious science of your brain's ability to deceive, transform, and heal [i]
- David Weinberger (2016) The library as center of meaning [d]
- Donna E. West & Myrdene Anderson [ed] (2016) Consensus on Peirce's concept of habit: before and beyond consciousness [i] [d]
- John R. Wettersten (2016) Problems and meaning today: what can we learn from Hattiangadi's failed attempt to explain them together? [d]
- David A. Winter & Nick Reed [ed] (2016) The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology [i] [d]
- David Yamane [ed] (2016) Handbook of religion and society [i] [d]
- Pengyi Zhang & Dagobert Soergel (2016) Process patterns and conceptual changes in knowledge representations during information seeking and sensemaking: a qualitative user study [d]
- Phil Zuckerman, Luke W. Galen, & Frank L. Pasquale (2016) The nonreligious: understanding secular people and societies [i] [d]
- Rolf A. Zwaan (2016) Situation models, mental simulations, and abstract concepts in discourse comprehension [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher K. Ansell (2015) Pragmatist interpretivism [i] [d]
- Gloria Anzaldúa & AnaLouise Keating (2015) Light in the dark = Luz en lo oscuro: rewriting identity, spirituality, reality [i] [d]
- Jamie D. Aten, Kari A. O'Grady, Glen Milstein, David Boan, Melissa A. Smigelsky, Alice Schruba, & Isaac Weaver (2015) Providing spiritual and emotional care in response to disaster [i] [d]
- Andrew B. Barron, Eileen A. Hebets, Thomas A. Cleland, Courtney L. Fitzpatrick, Mark E. Hauber, & Jeffrey R. Stevens (2015) Embracing multiple definitions of learning [p] [d]
- Joanna Bourke (2015) Deep violence: military violence, war play and the social life of weapons [i]
- Güler Boyraz, Sharon G. Horne, & J. Brandon Waits (2015) Accepting death as part of life: meaning in life as a means for dealing with loss among bereaved individuals [p] [d]
- Abby Braden, James C. Overholser, Lauren Fisher, & Josephine Ridley (2015) Life meaning is associated with suicidal ideation among depressed veterans [p] [d]
- Svend Brinkmann (2015) Empirical philosophy: using your everyday life in theoretical psychology [i] [d]
- Garvin Brod, Ulman Lindenberger, Markus Werkle-Bergner, & Yee Lee Shing (2015) Differences in the neural signature of remembering schema-congruent and schema-incongruent events [p] [d]
- David T. Brookes & Eugenia Etkina (2015) The importance of language in students' reasoning about heat in thermodynamic processes [d]
- Steven D. Brown & Paula Reavey (2015) Vital memory and affect: living with a difficult past [i] [d]
- Stanley D. Brunn & Donna A. Gilbreath [ed] (2015) The changing world religion map: sacred places, identities, practices and politics [i] [d]
- Margarita Vázquez Campos & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez [ed] (2015) Temporal points of view: subjective and objective aspects [i] [d]
- Daniel Casasanto & Gary Lupyan (2015) All concepts are ad hoc concepts [i] [d] [j]
- Cristiano Castelfranchi (2015) Healing social sciences' psycho-phobia: founding social action and structure on mental representations [i] [d]
- John Chambers Christopher, Samuel C. Gable, & David M. Goodman (2015) Theoretical bases of psychotherapeutic practices [i] [d]
- Soljana Çili & Lusia Aldona Stopa (2015) The retrieval of self-defining memories is associated with the activation of specific working selves [d]
- Andy Clark (2015) Surfing uncertainty: prediction, action, and the embodied mind [i] [d]
- Jonathan C. Corbin, Valerie F. Reyna, Rebecca B. Weldon, & Charles J. Brainerd (2015) How reasoning, judgment, and decision making are colored by gist-based intuition: a fuzzy-trace theory approach [p] [d] [u]
- Fiona Susan Coward, Robert Hosfield, Matthew Pope, & Francis F. Wenban-Smith [ed] (2015) Settlement, society and cognition in human evolution: landscapes in the mind [i] [d]
- Aimee Meredith Cox (2015) Shapeshifters: Black girls and the choreography of citizenship [i] [d]
- Alice Crawford [ed] (2015) The meaning of the library: a cultural history [i] [d] [j]
- Eugène J. F. M. Custers (2015) Thirty years of illness scripts: theoretical origins and practical applications [p] [d]
- Mikołaj Deckert (2015) Processing fluency and decision-making: the role of language structure [d]
- Mark Dingemanse, Damián E. Blasi, Gary Lupyan, Morten H. Christiansen, & Padraic Monaghan (2015) Arbitrariness, iconicity, and systematicity in language [p] [d]
- Daniel Dor (2015) The instruction of imagination: language as a social communication technology [i] [d]
- Yadin Dudai, Avi Karni, & Jan Born (2015) The consolidation and transformation of memory [p] [d]
- Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston, & Danica Kragic [ed] (2015) The pragmatic turn: toward action-oriented views in cognitive science [i] [d]
- Aftab Erfan & William R. Torbert (2015) Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
- Karl J. Friston & Christopher D. Frith (2015) A duet for one [p] [d] [u]
- Niall Galbraith [ed] (2015) Aberrant beliefs and reasoning [i] [d]
- Luke W. Galen (2015) Atheism, wellbeing, and the wager: why not believing in God (with others) is good for you [d]
- Arlene Goldbard (2015) Making beauty, making meaning, making community [i] [d]
- Paul Gunn (2015) Getting democratic priorities straight: pragmatism, diversity, and the role of beliefs [d]
- Matthew S. Hedstrom (2015) The commodification of William James: the book business and the rise of liberal spirituality in the twentieth-century United States [i] [d]
- Andreas Herzig & Emiliano Lorini [ed] (2015) The cognitive foundations of group attitudes and social interaction [i] [d]
- Clara E. Hill, Kathryn Kline, Viviana Bauman, Torrian Brent, Catherine Breslin, Marilyn Calderon, Cecilia Campos, Stephanie Goncalves, Danielle Goss, Toby Hamovitz, Patty Kuo, Noah Robinson, & Sarah Knox (2015) What's it all about?: a qualitative study of meaning in life for counseling psychology doctoral students [d]
- Birger Hjørland (2015) Theories are knowledge organizing systems (KOS) [d] [u]
- Michael J. Hogan, Christopher P. Dwyer, Owen M. Harney, Chris Noone, & Ronan J. Conway (2015) Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
- Jason M. Holland, Gabriella Chong, Joseph M. Currier, Ruth O'Hara, & Dolores Gallagher-Thompson (2015) Does cognitive-behavioural therapy promote meaning making?: a preliminary test in the context of geriatric depression [p] [d] [u]
- Mark L. Howe (2015) Memory development [i] [d]
- Isabelle Jabiot (2015) On individual variations regarding belief [j]
- Lene Arnett Jensen [ed] (2015) The Oxford handbook of human development and culture: an interdisciplinary perspective [i] [d]
- Karin B. Jensen, Irving Kirsch, Sara Odmalm, Ted J. Kaptchuk, & Martin Ingvar (2015) Classical conditioning of analgesic and hyperalgesic pain responses without conscious awareness [p] [d] [u]
- Fredrik Jeppsson, Jesper Haglund, & Tamer G. Amin (2015) Varying use of conceptual metaphors across levels of expertise in thermodynamics [d]
- David L. Kemmerer (2015/2022) Cognitive neuroscience of language [i] [d]
- Erkki Kilpinen (2015) Habit, action, and knowledge, from the pragmatist perspective [i] [u]
- Marie Kovářová & Miroslav Filip (2015) Integrating the differentiated: a review of the personal construct approach to cognitive complexity [d]
- Rachael Lancor (2015) An analysis of metaphors used by students to describe energy in an interdisciplinary general science course [d]
- Joe Y. F. Lau (2015) Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
- Joseph Laycock (2015) Dangerous games: what the moral panic over role-playing games says about play, religion, and imagined worlds [i] [d] [j]
- Maureen Linker (2015) Intellectual empathy: critical thinking for social justice [i] [d]
- Brian R. Little (2015) The integrative challenge in personality science: personal projects as units of analysis [d]
- Jacob Lomranz & Yael Benyamini (2015) The ability to live with incongruence: aintegration—the concept and its operationalization [d]
- Steven Jay Lynn, Jean-Roch Laurence, & Irving Kirsch (2015) Hypnosis, suggestion, and suggestibility: an integrative model [p] [d]
- Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi (2015) When analytic thought is challenged by a misunderstanding [d]
- Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence [ed] (2015) The conceptual mind: new directions in the study of concepts [i] [d] [j]
- Pedro C. Marijuán, Jorge Navarro, & Raquel del Moral (2015) How the living is in the world: an inquiry into the informational choreographies of life [d]
- Luis L. Martins, Violina P. Rindova, & Bruce E. Greenbaum (2015) Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: a cognitive approach to business model innovation [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo, Michael Basseches, & Amanda El-Hashem (2015) What would an integrative constructivism look like? [i]
- Hannah Mayne (2015) Zooming-in on terms and spaces: women's perspectives and cognitive mapping in a West Bank settlement [i] [d]
- Carlos R. McCray & Bruce S. Cooper [ed] (2015) Mentoring with meaning: how educators can be more professional and effective [i]
- Kelly McGonigal (2015) The upside of stress: why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it [i]
- Robert C. Mellon (2015) Dissemination and its deprivation: extending the behavioral enlightenment [d]
- David Moshman (2015) Epistemic cognition and development: the psychology of justification and truth [i] [d]
- Julien Musolino (2015) The soul fallacy: what science shows we gain from letting go of our soul beliefs [i]
- Vitaly Napadow, Ang Li, Marco Luciano Loggia, Jieun Kim, Ishtiaq Mawla, Gaëlle Desbordes, Peter C. Schalock, Ethan A. Lerner, Thanh N. Tran, Johannes Ring, Bruce R. Rosen, Ted J. Kaptchuk, & Florian Pfab (2015) The imagined itch: brain circuitry supporting nocebo-induced itch in atopic dermatitis patients [p] [d] [u]
- Robert A. Nash, Rebecca L. Wheeler, & Lorraine Hope (2015) On the persuadability of memory: is changing people's memories no more than changing their minds? [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer & Polly Young-Eisendrath (2015) Assessing a Buddhist treatment for bereavement and loss: the Mustard Seed Project [p] [d]
- Raymond S. Nickerson (2015) Conditional reasoning: the unruly syntactics, semantics, thematics, and pragmatics of 'if' [i] [d]
- Kai Niebert & Harald Gropengiesser (2015) Understanding starts in the mesocosm: conceptual metaphor as a framework for external representations in science teaching [d]
- Simon Nørby (2015) Why forget?: on the adaptive value of memory loss [p] [d] [j]
- Sasha Ondobaka, Floris P. de Lange, Marc Wittmann, Christopher D. Frith, & Harold Bekkering (2015) Interplay between conceptual expectations and movement predictions underlies action understanding [p] [d]
- Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (2015) The architecture of social relationships and thinking spaces for growth [i] [d]
- Donald D. Price (2015) Unconscious and conscious mediation of analgesia and hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
- Jonathan D. Raskin, Sara K. Bridges, & Jack S. Kahn [ed] (2015) Studies in meaning 5: perturbing the status quo in constructivist psychology [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (2015) Cognitive complications: epistemology in pragmatic perspective [i]
- Oliver C. Robinson & Alexander J. Stell (2015) Later-life crisis: towards a holistic model [d]
- Dario N. Rodriguez & Deryn Strange (2015) False memories for dissonance inducing events [d]
- Ann Marie Roepke & Martin E. P. Seligman (2015) Doors opening: a mechanism for growth after adversity [d]
- Jörgen Sandberg & Haridimos Tsoukas (2015) Making sense of the sensemaking perspective: its constituents, limitations, and opportunities for further development [d]
- Sarah E. Schoper & Craig E. Wagner (2015) Developing meaning-making to promote critical thinking [i] [d]
- Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal [ed] (2015) How is global dialogue possible?: foundational research on values, conflicts, and intercultural thought [i] [d]
- Dan Simon, Douglas M. Stenstrom, & Stephen J. Read (2015) The coherence effect: blending cold and hot cognitions [p] [d]
- Jeanne M. Slattery & Crystal L. Park (2015) Spirituality and making meaning: implications for therapy with trauma survivors [i] [d]
- Brent D. Slife, Clayton T. Johnson, & Amy C. Jennings (2015) Surprisability and practical rationality: knowledge advancement through the explication of interpretation [i] [d]
- Ryan Smith & Richard D. Lane (2015) The neural basis of one's own conscious and unconscious emotional states [p] [d]
- John F. Sowa (2015) The cognitive cycle [i] [d] [u]
- John F. Sowa (2015) Signs and reality [d]
- Ilan Stavans & Joshua Ellison (2015) Reclaiming travel [i] [d]
- Karsten R. Stueber (2015) The cognitive function of narratives [d]
- Lisbeth Thoresen & Joakim Öhlén (2015) Lived observations: linking the researcher's personal experiences to knowledge development [p] [d]
- Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix (2015) Agroecology as a vehicle for contributive justice [d]
- Alice Toniolo, Timothy J. Norman, Anthony Etuk, Federico Cerutti, Robin Wentao Ouyang, Mani Srivastava, Nir Oren, Timothy Dropps, John A. Allen, & Paul Sullivan (2015) Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
- Maria Toth-Gauthier & James M. Day (2015) Cognitive complexity, religious cognition, cognitive development, and religious judgment: an empirical study of relationships amongst 'normal' and 'gifted' young people [d]
- Alexandra L. Varga, Keith Stenning, & Laura Martignon (2015) There is no one logic to model human reasoning: the case from interpretation [u]
- Cassandra Vieten & Shelley Scammell (2015) Spiritual & religious competencies in clinical practice: guidelines for psychotherapists & mental health professionals [i]
- Adam Waytz, Hal E. Hershfield, & Diana I. Tamir (2015) Mental simulation and meaning in life [p] [d] [u]
- Jeffrey Dean Webster & Xiaolei Charlie Deng (2015) Paths from trauma to intrapersonal strength: worldview, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom [d]
- Antje Albring, Laura Wendt, Sven Benson, Sonja Nissen, Zehra Yavuz, Harald Engler, Oliver Witzke, & Manfred Schedlowski (2014) Preserving learned immunosuppressive placebo response: perspectives for clinical application [p] [d]
- Mark H. Arnold, Damien G. Finniss, & Ian Kerridge (2014) Medicine's inconvenient truth: the placebo and nocebo effect [d]
- Sarit Barzilai & Anat Zohar (2014) Reconsidering personal epistemology as metacognition: a multifaceted approach to the analysis of epistemic thinking [d]
- Aaron T. Beck & Emily A. P. Haigh (2014) Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: the generic cognitive model [p] [d]
- Jeffrey Benson (2014) Hanging in: strategies for teaching the students who challenge us most [i]
- Anne Berthold & Willibald Ruch (2014) Satisfaction with life and character strengths of non-religious and religious people: it's practicing one's religion that makes the difference [p] [d] [u]
- Cristina Bicchieri & Hugo Mercier (2014) Norms and beliefs: how change occurs [i] [d]
- Taylor C. Nelms & Bill Maurer (2014) Materiality, symbol, and complexity in the anthropology of money [i] [d]
- Erik Bijleveld & Henk Aarts [ed] (2014) The psychological science of money [i] [d]
- Kenworthey Bilz & Janice Nadler (2014) Law, moral attitudes, and behavioral change [i] [d]
- Helen K. Black, Holly R. Santanello, & Robert L. Rubinstein (2014) A pragmatic belief system in family meaning-making after death [p] [d]
- Ron Borland (2014) Understanding hard to maintain behaviour change: a dual process approach [i] [d]
- Kendall Cotton Bronk (2014) Purpose in life: a critical component of optimal youth development [i] [d]
- Donald M. Broom (2014) Sentience and animal welfare [i] [d]
- Christian Büchel, Stephan Geuter, Christian Sprenger, & Falk Eippert (2014) Placebo analgesia: a predictive coding perspective [p] [d]
- Wendy Cadge & Mary Ellen Konieczny (2014) 'Hidden in plain sight': the significance of religion and spirituality in secular organizations [d]
- Richmond Campbell (2014) Reflective equilibrium and moral consistency reasoning [d]
- Massimiliano Cappuccio & Tom Froese [ed] (2014) Enactive cognition at the edge of sense-making: making sense of non-sense [i] [d]
- E. Summerson Carr & Yvonne Smith (2014) The poetics of therapeutic practice: motivational interviewing and the powers of pause [p] [d]
- Daniel Casasanto & Roberto Bottini (2014) Spatial language and abstract concepts [p] [d]
- Markus Christen, Carel P. van Schaik, Johannes Fischer, Markus Huppenbauer, & Carmen Tanner [ed] (2014) Empirically informed ethics: morality between facts and norms [i] [d]
- Michael Cournoyea & Ashley Graham Kennedy (2014) Causal explanatory pluralism and medically unexplained physical symptoms [p] [d]
- David Danks (2014) Unifying the mind: cognitive representations as graphical models [i] [d] [j]
- Margot Darragh, Roger J. Booth, & Nathan S. Consedine (2014) Investigating the 'placebo personality' outside the pain paradigm [d]
- Stanislas Dehaene (2014) Consciousness and the brain: deciphering how the brain codes our thoughts [i]
- David Denborough (2014) Retelling the stories of our lives: everyday narrative therapy to draw inspiration and transform experience [i]
- Teun A. van Dijk (2014) Discourse and knowledge: a sociocognitive approach [i] [d]
- Christina Draganich & Kristi Erdal (2014) Placebo sleep affects cognitive functioning [p] [d]
- Natalie A. Emmons & Deborah Kelemen (2014) The development of children's prelife reasoning: evidence from two cultures [p] [d] [j]
- Jan Faye (2014) The nature of scientific thinking: on interpretation, explanation, and understanding [i] [d]
- Eugen Fischer (2014) Philosophical intuitions, heuristics, and metaphors [d] [j]
- Vittorio Gallese (2014) Bodily selves in relation: embodied simulation as second-person perspective on intersubjectivity [p] [d]
- Mikkel Gerken (2014) Outsourced cognition [d]
- Philip Gerrans (2014) The measure of madness: philosophy of mind, cognitive neuroscience, and delusional thought [i] [d] [j]
- Vanessa E. Ghosh & Asaf Gilboa (2014) What is a memory schema?: a historical perspective on current neuroscience literature [p] [d]
- James Gillies, Robert A. Neimeyer, & Evgenia Milman (2014) The meaning of loss codebook: construction of a system for analyzing meanings made in bereavement [p] [d]
- Cliff Goddard & Anna Wierzbicka (2014) Words and meanings: lexical semantics across domains, languages, and cultures [i] [d]
- Graeme S. Halford, William H. Wilson, Glenda Andrews, & Steven Phillips (2014) Categorizing cognition: toward conceptual coherence in the foundations of psychology [i] [d] [j]
- Christopher Hall (2014) Bereavement theory: recent developments in our understanding of grief and bereavement [d]
- Najmeh Hassanli & Mike Metcalfe (2014) Idea networking: constructing a pragmatic conceptual frame for action research interventions [d]
- Bernd Heinrich (2014) The homing instinct: meaning & mystery in animal migration [i]
- Paul Heintzman (2014) Nature-based recreation, spirituality and persons with disabilities [d]
- J. Allan Hobson, Charles C.-H. Hong, & Karl J. Friston (2014) Virtual reality and consciousness inference in dreaming [p] [d] [u]
- Mary B. Howes & Geoffrey O'Shea (2014) Human memory: a constructivist view [i] [d]
- Guy Kahane (2014) Our cosmic insignificance [or significance?] [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Ai Kamei (2014) The influence of religion on coping and adaptation of families who have children with disabilities: a comparison of Christianity and Buddhism using the double ABCX model [d]
- Tim Kenyon (2014) False polarization: debiasing as applied social epistemology [d] [j]
- Chu Kim-Prieto [ed] (2014) Religion and spirituality across cultures [i] [d]
- Nkaku Kisaalita, Roland Staud, Robert Hurley, & Michael Robinson (2014) Placebo use in pain management: the role of medical context, treatment efficacy, and deception in determining placebo acceptability [p] [d] [u]
- Ian Law (2014) Self research: the intersection of therapy and research [i] [d]
- Seonjeong Lee, Kathi J. Lovelace, & Charles C. Manz (2014) Serving with spirit: an integrative model of workplace spirituality within service organizations [d]
- Michael J. Lee (2014) Creating conservatism: postwar words that made an American movement [i] [j]
- Kajsa Lindberg (2014) Performing multiple logics in practice [d]
- Torun Lindholm, Rickard L. Sjöberg, & Amina Memon (2014) Misreporting signs of child abuse: the role of decision-making and outcome information [d]
- Michael Lissack & Abraham Graber [ed] (2014) Modes of explanation: affordances for action and prediction [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Benedetta Zavatta (2014) Reconstructing metaphorical meaning [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2014) Emotive language in argumentation [i] [d]
- Sally Maitlis & Marlys Christianson (2014) Sensemaking in organizations: taking stock and moving forward [d]
- Ofra Mayseless & Einat Keren (2014) Finding a meaningful life as a developmental task in emerging adulthood: the domains of love and work across cultures [d]
- Siobhan McNally, Ladislav Timulak, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2014) Transforming emotion schemes in emotion focused therapy: a case study investigation [d]
- Claudia Meystre, Ueli Kramer, Yves De Roten, Jean-Nicolas Despland, & William B. Stiles (2014) How psychotherapeutic exchanges become responsive: a theory-building case study in the framework of the Assimilation Model [d]
- Bruce Joshua Miller [ed] (2014) Curiosity's cats: writers on research [i]
- Michael B. Miller & Ian G. Dobbins (2014) Memory as decision making [i]
- Bonnie Kaul Nastasi, Jean J. Schensul, Stephen L. Schensul, Abelwahed Mekki-Berrada, Pertti J. Pelto, Shubhada Maitra, Ravi Verma, & Niranjan Saggurti (2014) A model for translating ethnography and theory into culturally constructed clinical practices [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Dennis Klass, & Michael Robert Dennis (2014) A social constructionist account of grief: loss and the narration of meaning [p] [d]
- Tamara Ownsworth (2014) Self-identity after brain injury [i] [d]
- Cynthia Passmore, Julia Svoboda Gouvea, & Ronald N. Giere (2014) Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
- Gregory D. Paul & Julia A. Dunlop (2014) The other voice in the room: restorative justice facilitators' constructions of justice [d]
- Aneta Pavlenko (2014) The bilingual mind: and what it tells us about language and thought [i] [d]
- Gordon Pennycook, James Allan Cheyne, Nathaniel Barr, Derek J. Koehler, & Jonathan A. Fugelsang (2014) Cognitive style and religiosity: the role of conflict detection [p] [d]
- Christian Perrin & Nicholas Blagden (2014) Accumulating meaning, purpose and opportunities to change 'drip by drip': the impact of being a listener in prison [d]
- S. Brent Plate (2014) A history of religion in 5 1/2 objects: bringing the spiritual to its senses [i]
- Leigh Raymond, S. Laurel Weldon, Daniel Kelly, Ximena B. Arriaga, & Ann Marie Clark (2014) Making change: norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems [d]
- Nick Reed, David Winter, Joerg Schulz, Esther Aslan, Joan Miquel Soldevilla, & Duygu Kuzu (2014) An exemplary life?: a personal construct analysis of the autobiography of Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz [d]
- Peter J. Rentfrow [ed] (2014) Geographical psychology: exploring the interaction of environment and behavior [i] [d]
- John Rhodes (2014) Narrative CBT: distinctive features [i] [d]
- Gil Sagi (2014) Formality in logic: from logical terms to semantic constraints [j] [u]
- Kevin Schilbrack (2014) Philosophy and the study of religions: a manifesto [i]
- Philipp Schorch (2014) Cultural feelings and the making of meaning [d]
- Gerhard Schurz (2014) Cognitive success: instrumental justifications of normative systems of reasoning [p] [d] [u]
- Tim Schwanen & Donggen Wang (2014) Well-being, context, and everyday activities in space and time [d]
- Beat A. Schwendimann (2014) Making sense of knowledge integration maps [i] [d]
- Alan Scoboria, Dennis L. Jackson, Jennifer Talarico, Maciej Hanczakowski, Lauren Wysman, & Giuliana Mazzoni (2014) The role of belief in occurrence within autobiographical memory [p] [d]
- Stewart Shapiro (2014) Varieties of logic [i] [d]
- Lawrence A. Shapiro [ed] (2014) The Routledge handbook of embodied cognition [i] [d]
- Christopher F. Silver, Thomas J. Coleman III, Ralph W. Hood Jr., & Jenny M. Holcombe (2014) The six types of nonbelief: a qualitative and quantitative study of type and narrative [d]
- Karen M. Staller (2014) Difficult conversations: talking with rather than talking at [d]
- Morton E. Tavel (2014) The placebo effect: the good, the bad, and the ugly [d]
- Robert J. Thompson (2014) Beyond reason and tolerance: the purpose and practice of higher education [i] [d]
- Koichi Togashi (2014) Is it a problem for us to say, 'it is a coincidence that the patient does well'? [d]
- Michael Tomasello (2014) A natural history of human thinking [i] [d] [j]
- Thomas Turino (2014) Peircean thought as core theory for a phenomenological ethnomusicology [d]
- Denise Turner (2014) 'Memories are made of this': personal reflections on the creation and maintenance of memorials and mementoes [d]
- Sander Van de Cruys, Kris Evers, Ruth Van der Hallen, Lien Van Eylen, Bart Boets, Lee de-Wit, & Johan Wagemans (2014) Precise minds in uncertain worlds: predictive coding in autism [p] [d]
- Michael S. Vendetti, Aaron Wu, Ebi Rowshanshad, Barbara J. Knowlton, & Keith J. Holyoak (2014) When reasoning modifies memory: schematic assimilation triggered by analogical mapping [p] [d]
- Roberto Verganti & Claudio Dell'Era (2014) Design-driven innovation: meaning as a source of innovation [i] [d]
- Fred W. Vondracek, Donald H. Ford, & Erik J. Porfeli (2014) Living systems theory of vocational behavior and development [i] [d]
- Gregory Ward, Betty J. Birner, & Elsi Kaiser (2014/2017) Pragmatics and information structure [i] [d]
- Theodore E. A. Waters (2014) Relations between the functions of autobiographical memory and psychological wellbeing [d]
- Anna Wierzbicka (2014) Imprisoned in English: the hazards of English as a default language [i] [d]
- Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael Alan Schwartz (2014) Perspectival knowing: Karl Jaspers and Ronald N. Giere [i] [d]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, & Sara W. Fry (2014) Existential inquiry: the process of integrating service learning into the curriculum: asking existential questions [i]
- David A. Winter & Harry Procter (2014) Formulation in personal and relational construct psychology: seeing the world through clients' eyes [i] [d]
- Maria Xenitidou & Bruce Edmonds [ed] (2014) The complexity of social norms [i] [d]
- Ruth Yeoman (2014) Meaningful work and workplace democracy: a philosophy of work and a politics of meaningfulness [i] [d]
- Kyoung-Hee Yu (2014) Organizing immigrants: meaning generation in the community [d]
- Rongjun Yu, Randy L. Gollub, Mark Vangel, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Jordan W. Smoller, & Jian Kong (2014) Placebo analgesia and reward processing: integrating genetics, personality, and intrinsic brain activity [d]
- Pengyi Zhang & Dagobert Soergel (2014) Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking [d]
- Anna Zonzi, Michael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Susan P. Llewelyn, William B. Stiles, & Mikael Leiman (2014) Zone of proximal development (ZPD) as an ability to play in psychotherapy: a theory-building case study of very brief therapy [p] [d]
- Nicole Alea & Susan Bluck (2013) When does meaning making predict subjective well-being?: examining young and older adults in two cultures [d]
- William E. Arnal & Russell T. McCutcheon (2013) The sacred is the profane: the political nature of 'religion' [i] [d]
- Mia Arp Fallov, Anja Jørgensen, & Lisbeth B. Knudsen (2013) Mobile forms of belonging [d]
- Daniel M. Bartels, Trevor Kvaran, & Shaun Nichols (2013) Selfless giving [p] [d]
- Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani (2013) The big world in the small: layered dynamics of meaning-making in the everyday [d]
- Fabrizio Benedetti & Elisa Frisaldi (2013) Neurochemistry of placebo analgesia: opioids, cannabinoids and cholecystokinin [i] [d]
- Margit Böck & Norbert Pachler [ed] (2013) Multimodality and social semiosis: communication, meaning-making and learning in the work of Gunther Kress [i] [d]
- Berit Borgen (2013) Transformational turning points in the process of liberation [d]
- Maarten Boudry (2013) The hypothesis that saves the day: ad hoc reasoning in pseudoscience [j] [u]
- Antonio Bova & Francesco Arcidiacono (2013) Investigating children's Why-questions: a study comparing argumentative and explanatory function [d]
- Juleen K. Buser, Trevor J. Buser, & Christina Hamme Peterson (2013) Counselor training in the use of spiritual lifemaps: creative interventions for depicting spiritual/religious stories [d]
- Isabel Caro Gabalda & William B. Stiles (2013) Irregular assimilation progress: reasons for setbacks in the context of linguistic therapy of evaluation [d]
- Andy Clark (2013) Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Luana Colloca, Magne Arve Flaten, & Karin Meissner [ed] (2013) Placebo and pain: from bench to bedside [i] [d]
- Ann Weiser Cornell (2013) Focusing in clinical practice: the essence of change [i]
- Gemma Corradi Fiumara (2013) Psychoanalysis and creativity in everyday life: ordinary genius [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Currid-Halkett & Allen J. Scott (2013) The geography of celebrity and glamour: reflections on economy, culture, and desire in the city [d]
- Marcel Danesi (2013) Semiotizing a product into a brand [d]
- Wim De Neys & Jean-François Bonnefon (2013) The 'whys' and 'whens' of individual differences in thinking biases [p] [d]
- Jessica E. Dinh & Robert G. Lord (2013) Current trends in moral research: what we know and where to go from here [d]
- Danny Dorling (2013) Cartography: making sense of our worlds [d]
- William L. Dunlop & Jessica L. Tracy (2013) The autobiography of addiction: autobiographical reasoning and psychological adjustment in abstinent alcoholics [d]
- Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann (2013) Problem structuring: on the nature of, and reaching agreement about, goals [d]
- Paul Enck, Ulrike Bingel, Manfred Schedlowski, & Winfried Rief (2013) The placebo response in medicine: minimize, maximize or personalize? [d]
- Diana Espírito Santo & Nico Tassi [ed] (2013) Making spirits: materiality and transcendence in contemporary religions [i] [d]
- Jonathan St. B. T. Evans & David E. Over (2013) Reasoning to and from belief: deduction and induction are still distinct [d]
- Martin M. Fagin, Jeremy K. Yamashiro, & William C. Hirst (2013) The adaptive function of distributed remembering: contributions to the formation of collective memory [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Humans as scientists: scientists as humans [d]
- Dedre Gentner & Linsey A. Smith (2013) Analogical learning and reasoning [i] [d]
- Lila Gleitman & Anna Papafragou (2013) Relations between language and thought [i] [d]
- David Graeber (2013) It is value that brings universes into being [d] [u]
- Lisa Kern Griffin (2013) Narrative, truth, and trial [u]
- Tal Harmelech & Rafael Malach (2013) Neurocognitive biases and the patterns of spontaneous correlations in the human cortex [p] [d]
- Graham Harvey (2013/2014) Food, sex and strangers: understanding religion as everyday life [i] [d]
- Klaus von Heusinger, Alice G. B. ter Meulen, & Hans Kamp [ed] (2013) Meaning and the dynamics of interpretation: selected papers of Hans Kamp [i] [d]
- Thomas Homer-Dixon, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder, & Paul Thagard (2013) A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
- Curtis Hutt (2013) John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
- Fredrik Jeppsson, Jesper Haglund, Tamer G. Amin, & Helge Strömdahl (2013) Exploring the use of conceptual metaphors in solving problems on entropy [d]
- Rick Johnson (2013) Spiritual-differentiation [i]
- Rick Johnson (2013) Spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy: an integrative approach that empowers clients [i]
- Karen R. Jones, Giacomo Macola, & David Welch [ed] (2013) A cultural history of firearms in the age of empire [i]
- Jayne Jubb & Jozien M. Bensing (2013) The sweetest pill to swallow: how patient neurobiology can be harnessed to maximise placebo effects [p] [d]
- Todd B. Kashdan & Patrick E. McKnight (2013) Commitment to a purpose in life: an antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Mary Keeler & Uta Priss (2013) Toward a Peircean theory of human learning: revealing the misconception of belief revision [i] [d]
- Aram Kehyayan, Katrin Best, Jo-Birger Schmeing, Nikolai Axmacher, & Henrik Kessler (2013) Neural activity during free association to conflict-related sentences [p] [d] [u]
- Howard Kirschenbaum (2013) Values clarification in counseling and psychotherapy: practical strategies for individual and group settings [i] [d]
- Rob Kitchin, Justin Gleeson, & Martin Dodge (2013) Unfolding mapping practices: a new epistemology for cartography [d] [j]
- Noretta Koertge (2013) Belief buddies versus critical communities: the social organization of pseudoscience [i] [d]
- Deanna Kuhn, Nicole Zillmer, Amanda Crowell, & Julia Zavala (2013) Developing norms of argumentation: metacognitive, epistemological, and social dimensions of developing argumentive competence [d]
- Sherman A. Lee, Laurin B. Roberts, & Jeffrey A. Gibbons (2013) When religion makes grief worse: negative religious coping as associated with maladaptive emotional responding patterns [d]
- Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] (2013) Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
- Roger Ivar Lohmann & Shayne A. P. Dahl (2013) Sleep, dreaming, and the imagination: psychosocial adaptations to an ever-changing world [d]
- Justin Macarthur (2013) An integrative approach to addressing core beliefs in social anxiety [d]
- Serge Marchand & Isabelle Gaumond (2013) Placebo and nocebo: how to enhance therapies and avoid unintended sabotage to pain treatment [d]
- Henry D. Mason (2013) Meaning in life within an African context: a mixed method study [d]
- Sam McKenzie, Nick T. M. Robinson, Lauren Herrera, Jordana C. Churchill, & Howard Eichenbaum (2013) Learning causes reorganization of neuronal firing patterns to represent related experiences within a hippocampal schema [p] [d] [u]
- Paula Cristina Cardoso Mendonça & Rosária Justi (2013) The relationships between modelling and argumentation from the perspective of the model of modelling diagram [d]
- Katherine C. Morasch, Vinaya Raj, & Martha Ann Bell (2013) The development of cognitive control from infancy through childhood [i] [d]
- Wim de Muijnck (2013) The meaning of lives and the meaning of things [d]
- Brent Nongbri (2013) Before religion: a history of a modern concept [i] [d] [j]
- Joseph Mpeera Ntayi, Pascal Ngoboka, & Cornelia Sabiiti Kakooza (2013) Moral schemas and corruption in Ugandan public procurement [d] [j]
- Brian P. O'Connor & Liane Gabora (2013) Applying complexity theory to a dynamical process model of the development of pathological belief systems [u]
- Michael Friedrich Otte, Tânia M. M. Campos, & Alexandre S. Abido (2013) Plato, Pascal, and the dynamics of personal knowledge [d]
- David A. Paré (2013) The practice of collaborative counseling & psychotherapy: developing skills in culturally mindful helping [i] [d]
- Kenneth I. Pargament, Julie Juola Exline, James W. Jones, Annette Mahoney, & Edward P. Shafranske [ed] (2013) APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality [i] [d]
- Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Silvia A. Bunge, Michael C. Anderson, & Simona Ghetti (2013) Strength of coupling within a mnemonic control network differentiates those who can and cannot suppress memory retrieval [p] [d] [u]
- Martin J. Pickering & Simon Garrod (2013) An integrated theory of language production and comprehension [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Fernanda Pirie (2013) The anthropology of law [i] [d]
- Julien Pollack, Kerry Costello, & Shankar Sankaran (2013) Applying actor–network theory as a sensemaking framework for complex organisational change programs [d]
- Friedemann Pulvermüller (2013) Semantic embodiment, disembodiment or misembodiment?: in search of meaning in modules and neuron circuits [p] [d]
- Johannes Quack (2013) 'What do I know?': scholastic fallacies and pragmatic religiosity in mental health-seeking behaviour in India [d]
- Daniel Reisberg [ed] (2013) The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology [i] [d]
- Eugénia Ribeiro, António P. Ribeiro, Miguel M. Gonçalves, Adam O. Horvath, & William B. Stiles (2013) How collaboration in therapy becomes therapeutic: the therapeutic collaboration coding system [p] [d]
- Hanna Risku, Florian Windhager, & Matthias Apfelthaler (2013) A dynamic network model of translatorial cognition and action [d]
- Oliver C. Robinson, Gordon R. T. Wright, & Jonathan A. Smith (2013) The holistic phase model of early adult crisis [d]
- Norman E. Rosenthal (2013) The gift of adversity: the unexpected benefits of life's difficulties, setbacks, and imperfections [i]
- Rosemary S. Russ & Melissa J. Luna (2013) Inferring teacher epistemological framing from local patterns in teacher noticing [d]
- Jessica M. Sales, Natalie A. Merrill, & Robyn Fivush (2013) Does making meaning make it better?: narrative meaning making and well-being in at-risk African-American adolescent females [p] [d]
- Tobias Schröder & Paul Thagard (2013) The affective meanings of automatic social behaviors: three mechanisms that explain priming [p] [d]
- Joseph R. Schwab (2013) Religious meaning making: positioning identities through stories [d]
- Anil K. Seth (2013) Interoceptive inference, emotion, and the embodied self [p] [d] [u]
- Simkje Sieswerda, Sven Barnow, Roel Verheul, & Arnoud Arntz (2013) Neither dichotomous nor split, but schema-related negative interpersonal evaluations characterize borderline patients [p] [d]
- Lee Durham Stone (2013) Self-emplacement in the lifeworld: the geographic imagination of American middle adolescents [o] [u]
- Michael Strevens (2013) No understanding without explanation [d]
- Randall Szott (2013) I can't stand (for) art [u]
- Torkild Thellefsen & Bent Sørensen (2013) Negotiating the meaning of brands [d]
- Elizabeth Thiry, Siân Lindley, Richard Banks, & Tim Regan (2013) Authoring personal histories: exploring the timeline as a framework for meaning making [i] [d]
- John Vervaeke & Leonardo Ferraro (2013) Relevance, meaning and the cognitive science of wisdom [i] [d]
- Theodore E. A. Waters, John F. Shallcross, & Robyn Fivush (2013) The many facets of meaning making: comparing multiple measures of meaning making and their relations to psychological distress [d]
- Ulrich W. Weger & Stephen Loughnan (2013) Mobilizing unused resources: using the placebo concept to enhance cognitive performance [p] [d]
- Joseph Jay Williams, Tania Lombrozo, & Bob Rehder (2013) The hazards of explanation: overgeneralization in the face of exceptions [p] [d]
- Frankwin van Winsen, Yann de Mey, Ludwig Lauwers, Steven Van Passel, Mark Vancauteren, & Erwin Wauters (2013) Cognitive mapping: a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception [d]
- David A. Winter (2013) Still radical after all these years: George Kelly's The psychology of personal constructs [p] [d]
- Wencai Zhang, Jianyou Guo, Jianxin Zhang, & Jing Luo (2013) Neural mechanism of placebo effects and cognitive reappraisal in emotion regulation [p] [d]
- Evandro Agazzi (2012) Meaning between sense and reference: impacts of semiotics on philosophy of science [d]
- Brandy Agerbeck (2012) The graphic facilitator's guide: how to use your listening, thinking & drawing skills to make meaning [i]
- Hélène Arguin, Marlène Gagnon-Sweeney, Étienne Pigeon, & Angelo Tremblay (2012) Functional food and satiety: impact of a satiating context effect on appetite control of non-obese men [d]
- Ina ter Avest, Gerdien Bertram-Troost, & Siebren Miedema (2012) Provocative pedagogy, or: Youngsters need the brain to challenge worldview formation [d]
- Carrie Barron & Alton Barron (2012) The creativity cure: a do-it-yourself prescription for happiness [i]
- Marcia B. Baxter Magolda & Patricia M. King (2012) Assessing meaning making and self-authorship: theory, research, and application [i]
- Jennifer M. Belus, Amy Brown-Bowers, & Candice M. Monson (2012) Thinking about your thoughts: investigating different cognitive change strategies [d]
- Virginia Wise Berninger [ed] (2012) Past, present, and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology [i] [d]
- Dorthe Berntsen & David C. Rubin [ed] (2012) Understanding autobiographical memory: theories and approaches [i] [d]
- Fredda Blanchard-Fields, Christopher Hertzog, & Michelle Horhota (2012) Violate my beliefs? Then you're to blame! Belief content as an explanation for causal attribution biases [d]
- Adrian J. Blow, Sean D. Davis, & Douglas H. Sprenkle (2012) Therapist–worldview matching: not as important as matching to clients [d]
- Cory Bolkan & Karen Hooker (2012) Self-regulation and social cognition in adulthood: the gyroscope of personality [i] [d]
- Julia Vigna Bosson, Mary Lou Kelley, & Glenn N. Jones (2012) Deliberate cognitive processing mediates the relation between positive religious coping and posttraumatic growth [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Johan Braeckman (2012) How convenient!: the epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems [d]
- Lori D. Bougher (2012) The case for metaphor in political reasoning and cognition [d]
- Howard Brody, Luana Colloca, & Franklin G. Miller (2012) The placebo phenomenon: implications for the ethics of shared decision-making [p] [d] [u]
- Daniel W. Bromley (2012) Environmental governance as stochastic belief updating: crafting rules to live by [d]
- Elisa Carlino, Antonella Pollo, & Fabrizio Benedetti (2012) The placebo in practice: how to use it in clinical routine [p] [d]
- Edward Cell (2012) Bringing life to completion: reflections on living deeply and ending life well [i]
- Michael L. Cepek (2012) A future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán environmental politics [i]
- Katherine K. Chen (2012) Charismatizing the routine: storytelling for meaning and agency in the Burning Man organization [d]
- Lillian Comas-Díaz (2012) Humanism and multiculturalism: an evolutionary alliance [p] [d]
- Megan Comfort (2012) 'It was basically college to us': poverty, prison, and emerging adulthood [d]
- Georgina Cundill, Graeme S. Cumming, D. Biggs, & C. Fabricius (2012) Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
- Rebecca Coleman Curtis (2012) New experiences and meanings: a model of change for psychoanalysis [d]
- Michael F. Dahlstrom (2012) The persuasive influence of narrative causality: psychological mechanism, strength in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time [d]
- Christopher G. Davis, Cheryl Harasymchuk, & Michael J. A. Wohl (2012) Finding meaning in a traumatic loss: a families approach [p] [d]
- Robert DiSalle (2012) Analysis and interpretation in the philosophy of modern physics [i] [d]
- Thomas Dixon (2012) 'Emotion': the history of a keyword in crisis [d]
- Ricca Edmondson & Karlheinz Hülser [ed] (2012) Politics of practical reasoning: integrating action, discourse and argument [i]
- Shira Elqayam (2012) Grounded rationality: descriptivism in epistemic context [in psychology of reasoning] [d] [j]
- Mylan Engel Jr. (2012) Coherentism and the epistemic justification of moral beliefs: a case study in how to do practical ethics without appeal to a moral theory [d]
- Karen E. Fields & Barbara Jeanne Fields (2012) Racecraft: the soul of inequality in American life [i]
- Frank Fischer & Alan Mandell (2012) Transformative learning in planning and policy deliberation: probing social meaning and tacit assumptions [i] [d]
- Logan Fletcher & Peter Carruthers (2012) Metacognition and reasoning [p] [d] [u]
- Gavin D. Flood (2012) The importance of religion: meaning and action in our strange world [i]
- Mélanie Frappier, Derek H. Brown, & Robert DiSalle [ed] (2012) Analysis and interpretation in the exact sciences: essays in honour of William Demopoulos [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Friedman & Shterna Friedman [ed] (2012) The nature of belief systems reconsidered [comments on: The nature of belief systems in mass publics, by Philip E. Converse] [i] [d]
- Jeffrey Friedman (2012) System effects and the problem of prediction [d]
- Soniya Gadgil, Timothy J. Nokes-Malach, & Michelene T. H. Chi (2012) Effectiveness of holistic mental model confrontation in driving conceptual change [d]
- Peter Goldie (2012) Truth and objectivity and the dangers of our fictionalizing tendencies [i] [d]
- Peter Goldie (2012) The mess inside: narrative, emotion, and the mind [i] [d]
- Kurt Gray, Adam Waytz, & Liane Young (2012) The moral dyad: a fundamental template unifying moral judgment [p] [d] [u]
- Sara Greco Morasso (2012) Contextual frames and their argumentative implications: a case study in media argumentation [d]
- Hans Peter Hahn & Karlheinz Cless [ed] (2012) People at the well: kinds, usages and meanings of water in a global perspective [i]
- Jon Hanson [ed] (2012) Ideology, psychology, and law [i] [d]
- Paul L. Harris (2012) Trusting what you're told: how children learn from others [i]
- Jacob B. Hirsh, Raymond A. Mar, & Jordan B. Peterson (2012) Psychological entropy: a framework for understanding uncertainty-related anxiety [d]
- Keith J. Holyoak & Robert G. Morrison [ed] (2012) The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
- Xun (Irene) Huang, Ping Dong, Xianchi Dai, & Robert S. Wyer Jr. (2012) Going my way?: the benefits of travelling in the same direction [d]
- Tazvin Ijaz & Zahid Mahmood (2012) Personal construct system of a runaway adolescent: an illustrative case study [d]
- Karin B. Jensen, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Irving Kirsch, Jacqueline Raicek, Kara M. Lindstrom, Chantal Berna, Randy L. Gollub, Martin Ingvar, & Jian Kong (2012) Nonconscious activation of placebo and nocebo pain responses [p] [d] [u]
- Todd B. Kashdan & John B. Nezlek (2012) Whether, when, and how is spirituality related to well-being?: moving beyond single occasion questionnaires to understanding daily process [p] [d]
- Geoff F. Kaufman & Lisa K. Libby (2012) Changing beliefs and behavior through experience-taking [p] [d]
- Eric Ketelaar (2012) Cultivating archives: meanings and identities [d]
- Daniel J. Lair & Stacey M. B. Wieland (2012) 'What are you going to do with that major?': colloquial speech and the meanings of work and education [d]
- Douglas Larkin (2012) Misconceptions about 'misconceptions': preservice secondary science teachers' views on the value and role of student ideas [d]
- Thomas B. Lawrence & Sally Maitlis (2012) Care and possibility: enacting an ethic of care through narrative practice [d]
- Cristine H. Legare (2012) Exploring explanation: explaining inconsistent evidence informs exploratory, hypothesis-testing behavior in young children [p] [d] [j]
- Wendy G. Lichtenthal & Robert A. Neimeyer (2012) Directed journaling to facilitate meaning-making [i] [d]
- Jill Lobbestael & Arnoud Arntz (2012) Cognitive contributions to personality disorders [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno (2012) Presumptive reasoning in interpretation: implicatures and conflicts of presumptions [d]
- Eric Maisel (2012) Rethinking depression: how to shed mental health labels and create personal meaning [i]
- Kaisu Mälkki (2012) Rethinking disorienting dilemmas within real-life crises: the role of reflection in negotiating emotionally chaotic experiences [d]
- Ken I. Manktelow (2012) Thinking and reasoning: an introduction to the psychology of reason, judgment and decision making [i] [d]
- Juan Pascual-Leone (2012) Piaget as a pioneer of dialectical constructivism: seeking dynamic processes for human science [i] [d]
- Mike W. Martin (2012) Happiness and the good life [i] [d]
- Ryan McKay (2012) Delusional inference [d]
- Donald Meichenbaum (2012) Roadmap to resilience: a guide for military, trauma victims, and their families [i]
- Robert B. Michael, Maryanne Garry, & Irving Kirsch (2012) Suggestion, cognition, and behavior [d]
- Jean-Luc Mommaerts & Dirk Devroey (2012) The placebo effect: how the subconscious fits in [p] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2012) Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2012) Rescuing political theory from fact-insensitivity [d] [u]
- Nathan Nunn (2012) Culture and the historical process [d]
- Daphna Oyserman (2012) Culture as situated cognition: cultural mindsets, cultural fluency, and meaning making [d]
- Antonio Pascual-Leone, Phoenix Gillis, Terence Singh, & Cristina A. Andreescu (2012) Problem anger in psychotherapy: an emotion-focused perspective on hate, rage, and rejecting anger [d]
- Howard H. Pattee & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi [ed] (2012) Laws, language and life: Howard Pattee's classic papers on the physics of symbols with contemporary commentary [i] [d]
- Martin Porr & Hannah Rachel Bell (2012) 'Rock-art', 'animism' and two-way thinking: towards a complementary epistemology in the understanding of material culture and 'rock-art' of hunting-and-gathering people [d]
- Vaughan Prain & Russell Tytler (2012) Learning through constructing representations in science: a framework of representational construction affordances [d]
- John C. Pruit (2012) Peak oil and the everyday complexity of human progress narratives [u]
- Markus Quirin & Richard D. Lane (2012) The construction of emotional experience requires the integration of implicit and explicit emotional processes [p] [d]
- Helena Robinson (2012) Remembering things differently: museums, libraries and archives as memory institutions and the implications for convergence [d]
- Mathieu Roy, Daphna Shohamy, & Tor D. Wager (2012) Ventromedial prefrontal-subcortical systems and the generation of affective meaning [p] [d] [u]
- Sergio Salvatore, Alessandro Gennaro, Andrea Francesco Auletta, Marco Tonti, & Mariangela Nitti (2012) Automated method of content analysis: a device for psychotherapy process research [p] [d]
- David Schenck & Larry R. Churchill (2012) Healers: extraordinary clinicians at work [i]
- Tatjana Schnell & Matthias Hoof (2012) Meaningful commitment: finding meaning in volunteer work [d]
- Jay Schulkin [ed] (2012) Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression [i] [d]
- Barry Schwartz (2012) Crowding out morality: how the ideology of self-interest can be self-fulfilling [i] [d]
- Tania Zittoun & Svend Brinkmann (2012) Learning as meaning making [i] [d]
- Michael Silberstein & Anthony Chemero (2012) Complexity and extended phenomenological–cognitive systems [d]
- Alisa Stevens (2012) 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
- Ileana Stigliani & Davide Ravasi (2012) Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking [d]
- Ron Sun [ed] (2012) Grounding social sciences in cognitive sciences [i] [d]
- Sirpa Tani & Outi Surma-aho (2012) Young people and the hidden meanings of the everyday: time-space path as a methodological opportunity [d]
- Paul Thagard (2012) The cognitive science of science: explanation, discovery, and conceptual change [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2012) Mapping minds across cultures [i] [d]
- Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer [ed] (2012) Ecological rationality: intelligence in the world [i] [d]
- Robert Turner (2012) The need for systematic ethnopsychology: the ontological status of mentalistic terminology [d]
- George E. Vaillant (2012) Triumphs of experience: the men of the Harvard Grant Study [i] [d]
- Gerald Dōkō Virtbauer (2012) The Western reception of Buddhism as a psychological and ethical system: developments, dialogues, and perspectives [d]
- Jan Visser (2012) Reflections on a definition: revisiting the meaning of learning [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2012) Story similarity in arguments from analogy [d] [u]
- Bruce E. Wampold (2012) Humanism as a common factor in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Aloys Wijngaards & Esther-Mirjam Sent (2012) Meaning of life: exploring the relation between economics and religion [d]
- Deirdre Wilson & Dan Sperber (2012) Meaning and relevance [i] [d]
- Rob Withagen & Anthony Chemero (2012) Affordances and classification: on the significance of a sidebar in James Gibson's last book [d]
- W. Neil Adger, Jon Barnett, F. Stuart Chapin, & Heidi Ellemor (2011) This must be the place: underrepresentation of identity and meaning in climate change decision-making [d]
- George Ainslie (2011) Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
- Renato D. Alarcón & Julia B. Frank [ed] (2011) The psychotherapy of hope: the legacy of Persuasion and healing [i] [d]
- Lynne E. Angus & Leslie S. Greenberg (2011) Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives [i] [d]
- Frédérique Apffel-Marglin (2011) Subversive spiritualities: how rituals enact the world [i] [d]
- David Arvidsson, Sverker Sikström, & Andrzej Werbart (2011) Changes in self and object representations following psychotherapy measured by a theory-free, computational, semantic space method [d]
- Louise Barrett (2011) Beyond the brain: how body and environment shape animal and human minds [i] [d] [j]
- Sherry L. Beaumont & Michael M. Pratt (2011) Identity processing styles and psychosocial balance during early and middle adulthood: the role of identity in intimacy and generativity [d]
- Steven G. Benish, Stephen M. Quintana, & Bruce E. Wampold (2011) Culturally adapted psychotherapy and the legitimacy of myth: a direct-comparison meta-analysis [d]
- Duan Biggs, Nick Abel, Andrew T. Knight, Anne M. Leitch, Art Langston, & Natalie C. Ban (2011) The implementation crisis in conservation planning: could 'mental models' help? [d]
- Florian Böttcher & Anke Meisert (2011) Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
- Luk Bouckaert & László Zsolnai [ed] (2011) The Palgrave handbook of spirituality and business [i] [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Filip Buekens (2011) The epistemic predicament of a pseudoscience: social constructivism confronts Freudian psychoanalysis [d]
- Rom Brafman (2011) Succeeding when you're supposed to fail: the 6 enduring principles of high achievement [i]
- William Breitbart & Allison Applebaum (2011) Meaning-centered group psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Jeremy Briell, Jan Elen, Lieven Verschaffel, & Geraldine Clarebout (2011) Personal epistemology: nomenclature, conceptualizations, and measurement [i] [d]
- Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw, & Donna Berthelsen [ed] (2011) Personal epistemology and teacher education [i] [d]
- Conor J. Byrne, Dana M. Morton, & Jason J. Dahling (2011) Spirituality, religion, and emotional labor in the workplace [d]
- Renate Nummela Caine & Geoffrey Caine (2011) Natural learning for a connected world: education, technology, and the human brain [i]
- Peter Caputi, Richard C. Bell, & Desley Hennessy (2011) Analyzing grids: new and traditional approaches [i] [d]
- Peter Caputi, Linda L. Viney, Beverly M. Walker, & Nadia Crittenden [ed] (2011) Personal construct methodology [i] [d]
- Timothy A. Carey (2011) Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
- Marco Castellani (2011) Cognitive tools for group decision making: the repertory grid approach revisited [i] [d]
- Alison Clark (2011) Multimodal map making with young children: exploring ethnographic and participatory methods [d]
- Ben Colagiuri, Evan J. Livesey, & Justin A. Harris (2011) Can expectancies produce placebo effects for implicit learning? [d]
- Luana Colloca & Franklin G. Miller (2011) How placebo responses are formed: a learning perspective [p] [d] [u]
- Luana Colloca & Franklin G. Miller (2011) Harnessing the placebo effect: the need for translational research [p] [d] [u]
- Lucian G. Conway III, Laura Janelle Gornick, Shannon C. Houck, Kirsten Hands Towgood, & Kathrene R. Conway (2011) The hidden implications of radical group rhetoric: integrative complexity and terrorism [d]
- Vanessa Paz Dennen (2011) Negotiating meaning in a blog-based community: addressing unique, shared, and community problems [i] [d]
- William A. Donohue, Randall G. Rogan, & Sandra Kaufman [ed] (2011) Framing matters: perspectives on negotiation research and practice in communication [i]
- Nicky Dries (2011) The meaning of career success: avoiding reification through a closer inspection of historical, cultural, and ideological contexts [d]
- Till Düppe (2011) The making of the economy: a phenomenology of economic science [i]
- Kari Madeleine Dyregrov, Gudrun Dieserud, Heidi Marie Hjelmeland, Melanie Straiton, Mette Lyberg Rasmussen, Birthe Loa Knizek, & Antoon Adrian Leenaars (2011) Meaning-making through psychological autopsy interviews: the value of participating in qualitative research for those bereaved by suicide [p] [d]
- Lauren B. Edelman & Shauhin A. Talesh (2011) To comply or not to comply—that isn't the question: how organizations construct the meaning of compliance [i] [d]
- Jan Elen, Elmar Stahl, Rainer Bromme, & Geraldine Clarebout [ed] (2011) Links between beliefs and cognitive flexibility: lessons learned [i] [d]
- Paul Enck, Sibylle Klosterhalfen, Katja Weimer, Björn Horing, & Stephan Zipfel (2011) The placebo response in clinical trials: more questions than answers [p] [d] [u]
- Jan A. A. Engelen, Samantha Bouwmeester, Anique B. H. de Bruin, & Rolf A. Zwaan (2011) Perceptual simulation in developing language comprehension [p] [d]
- Eugen Fischer (2011) Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
- Magne Arve Flaten, Per M. Aslaksen, Peter S. Lyby, & Espen Bjørkedal (2011) The relation of emotions to placebo responses [p] [d] [u]
- Lois Foreman-Wernet & Brenda Dervin (2011) Cultural experience in context: sense-making the arts [d]
- David P. Fourie (2011) Social constructionism and the role of the unconscious in hypnotic responding: a single case experiment [d]
- Gregory L. Fricchione (2011) Compassion and healing in medicine and society: on the nature and use of attachment solutions to separation challenges [i]
- Michael Friedman (2011) Extending the dynamics of reason [d] [j]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (2011) Computer-aided constructivism [i] [d]
- Andrew L. Geers & Jason Rose (2011) Treatment choice and placebo expectation effects [d]
- Simona Ghetti & Patricia J. Bauer [ed] (2011) Origins and development of recollection: perspectives from psychology and neuroscience [i] [d]
- Sandy Gibson (2011) Exploring the influence of ethnicity, age, and trauma on prisoners' world assumptions [d]
- Miguel M. Gonçalves, António P. Ribeiro, William B. Stiles, Tatiana Conde, Marlene Matos, Carla Martins, & Anita Santos (2011) The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: exploring one path to therapeutic failure [d]
- Katherine J. Goodwin (2011) Reconstructing automobility: the making and breaking of modern transportation [d]
- Maralee Harrell (2011) Understanding, evaluating, and producing arguments: training is necessary for reasoning skills [d]
- Darcy L. Harris [ed] (2011) Counting our losses: reflecting on change, loss, and transition in everyday life [i] [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (2011) Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
- Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, & John Trimbur (2011) Language difference in writing: toward a translingual approach [j]
- Michael E. Hyland (2011) Motivation and placebos: do different mechanisms occur in different contexts? [p] [d] [u]
- Stanisław Iwaniszewski (2011) The sky as a social field [d]
- Mark P. Jensen (2011) Hypnosis for chronic pain management: therapist guide [i] [d]
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- Angela Johnson, Jaweer Brown, Heidi B. Carlone, & Azita K. Cuevas (2011) Authoring identity amidst the treacherous terrain of science: a multiracial feminist examination of the journeys of three women of color in science [d]
- Thomas Jordan (2011) Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
- Daniel Kahneman (2011) Thinking, fast and slow [i]
- Eeva Kallio (2011) Integrative thinking is the key: an evaluation of current research into the development of adult thinking [d]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk (2011) Placebo studies and ritual theory: a comparative analysis of Navajo, acupuncture and biomedical healing [p] [d] [u]
- Todd B. Kashdan & Jennifer Q. Kane (2011) Post-traumatic distress and the presence of post-traumatic growth and meaning in life: experiential avoidance as a moderator [d]
- Richard F. Kitchener (2011) Personal epistemology and philosophical epistemology: the view of a philosopher [i] [d]
- Niko Kohls, Sebastian Sauer, Martin Offenbächer, & James Giordano (2011) Spirituality: an overlooked predictor of placebo effects? [p] [d] [u]
- David B. Kronenfeld, Giovanni Bennardo, Victor C. de Munck, & Michael D. Fischer [ed] (2011) A companion to cognitive anthropology [i] [d]
- Arie W. Kruglanski & Gerd Gigerenzer (2011) Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles [d]
- Ann Kuo (2011) A transactional view: occupation as a means to create experiences that matter [d]
- Robert L. Leahy (2011) Personal schemas in the negotiation process: a cognitive therapy approach [i] [d]
- Daniel Leising & Wiebke Bleidorn (2011) Which are the basic meaning dimensions of observable interpersonal behavior? [d]
- Heidi M. Levitt & Elizabeth Piazza-Bonin (2011) Therapists' and clients' significant experiences underlying psychotherapy discourse [d]
- Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl & Dan P. McAdams (2011) Constructing stories of self-growth: how individual differences in patterns of autobiographical reasoning relate to well-being in midlife [p] [d] [u]
- Jared R. Lindahl & Travis Chilcott (2011) Religious experiences, transformative paths and religious goals [d]
- Klaus Linde, Margrit Fässler, & Karin Meissner (2011) Placebo interventions, placebo effects and clinical practice [p] [d] [u]
- Galina Lindquist & Don Handelman [ed] (2011/2013) Religion, politics, and globalization: anthropological approaches [i] [d] [j]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Adam Pearcey (2011) A mirror revealing the crucial points: advice on the ultimate meaning [u]
- Stephen Madigan (2011/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
- Danielle Magaldi-Dopman, Jennie Park-Taylor, & Joseph G. Ponterotto (2011) Psychotherapists' spiritual, religious, atheist or agnostic identity and their practice of psychotherapy: a grounded theory study [d]
- Karin Meissner (2011) The placebo effect and the autonomic nervous system: evidence for an intimate relationship [p] [d] [u]
- Inês Mendes, António P. Ribeiro, Lynne E. Angus, Leslie S. Greenberg, Inês Sousa, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2011) Narrative change in emotion-focused psychotherapy: a study on the evolution of reflection and protest innovative moments [p] [d]
- Franklin G. Miller & Luana Colloca (2011) The placebo phenomenon and medical ethics: rethinking the relationship between informed consent and risk–benefit assessment [p] [d]
- John Mirowsky (2011) Wage slavery or creative work? [d]
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, & Baba Shiv (2011) In praise of vagueness: malleability of vague information as a performance booster [d]
- Christian Moltu & Per-Einar Binder (2011) The voices of fellow travellers: experienced therapists' strategies when facing difficult therapeutic impasses [d]
- Paul J. Moon (2011) Bereaved elders: transformative learning in late life [d]
- Meike Shedden Mora, Yvonne Nestoriuc, & Winfried Rief (2011) Lessons learned from placebo groups in antidepressant trials [p] [d] [u]
- Olivier Morin (2011/2015) How traditions live and die [i]
- Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, & James L. McClelland [ed] (2011) The memory process: neuroscientific and humanistic perspectives [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Darcy L. Harris, Howard R. Winokuer, & Gordon F. Thornton [ed] (2011) Grief and bereavement in contemporary society: bridging research and practice [i] [d]
- Katherine Nelson (2011) Development of meaning-conserving memory [i] [d]
- Stephanie D. Nelson (2011) The posttraumatic growth path: an emerging model for prevention and treatment of trauma-related behavioral health conditions [d]
- Lindsay G. Oades & Linda L. Viney (2011) Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway [i] [d]
- Stellan Ohlsson (2011) Deep learning: how the mind overrides experience [i] [d]
- Donna M. Orange (2011) Speaking the unspeakable: 'the implicit', traumatic living memory, and the dialogue of metaphors [d]
- Lisa M. Osbeck, Nancy J. Nersessian, Kareen R. Malone, & Wendy C. Newstetter (2011) Science as psychology: sense-making and identity in science practice [i] [d]
- David J. Pauleen & G. E. Gorman [ed] (2011) Personal knowledge management: individual, organizational and social perspectives [i]
- Antonella Pollo, Elisa Carlino, & Fabrizio Benedetti (2011) Placebo mechanisms across different conditions: from the clinical setting to physical performance [p] [d] [u]
- Torsten Porsch & Rainer Bromme (2011) Effects of epistemological sensitization on source choices [d]
- Deirdre Pratt (2011) Modelling written communication: a new systems approach to modelling in the social sciences [o] [d]
- Juha Räikkä (2011) Wide reflective equilibrium [i] [d]
- Elaine Reese, Catherine A. Haden, Lynne Baker-Ward, Patricia J. Bauer, Robyn Fivush, & Peter A. Ornstein (2011) Coherence of personal narratives across the lifespan: a multidimensional model and coding method [p] [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2011/2012) The mirage of immediate factual knowledge [i] [d]
- Valerie F. Reyna & Charles J. Brainerd (2011) Dual processes in decision making and developmental neuroscience: a fuzzy-trace model [p] [d] [u]
- António P. Ribeiro, Tiago Bento, João Salgado, William B. Stiles, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2011) A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy: a case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids [p] [d]
- Corey Robin (2011/2018) The reactionary mind: conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump [i]
- Arne Roets & Alain Van Hiel (2011) The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice: an epistemic needs approach to racial categorization [d]
- Christian Rominger, Elisabeth M. Weiss, Andreas Fink, Günter Schulter, & Ilona Papousek (2011) Allusive thinking (cognitive looseness) and the propensity to perceive 'meaningful' coincidences [d]
- Linda Rouleau & Julia Balogun (2011) Middle managers, strategic sensemaking, and discursive competence [d]
- Ricardo Rozzi & Alexandria Poole (2011) Habitats–habits–inhabitants: a biocultural triad to promote sustainable cultures [i] [d] [u]
- Neil Sargent, Cheryl Ann Picard, & Marnie Jull (2011) Rethinking conflict: perspectives from the insight approach [d]
- R. Andrew Sayer (2011) Why things matter to people: social science, values and ethical life [i] [d]
- Martin E. P. Seligman (2011) Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
- Kennon M. Sheldon, Todd B. Kashdan, & Michael F. Steger [ed] (2011) Designing positive psychology: taking stock and moving forward [i] [d]
- Jan D. Sinnott (2011) Constructing the self in the face of aging and death: complex thought and learning [i] [d]
- Janice E. Smith (2011) The meanings of teaching from the perspective of exemplary and experienced teachers [u]
- Daniel W. Smith (2011) On the nature of concepts [d]
- Mick Smith (2011) Dis(appearance): earth, ethics and apparently (in)significant others [u]
- Edith Steffen & Adrian Coyle (2011) Sense of presence experiences and meaning-making in bereavement: a qualitative analysis [p] [d]
- Jürgen Streeck, Charles Goodwin, & Curtis D. LeBaron [ed] (2011) Embodied interaction: language and body in the material world [i]
- Susan Sullivan (2011) Living faith: everyday religion and mothers in poverty [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2011) The brain is wider than the sky: analogy, emotion, and allegory [d]
- Paul Thagard (2011) Critical thinking and informal logic: neuropsychological perspectives [d] [u]
- Colwyn Trevarthen (2011) What is it like to be a person who knows nothing?: defining the active intersubjective mind of a newborn human being [d]
- Finn Tschudi & David A. Winter (2011) The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
- Sorin Valcea, Maria Riaz Hamdani, M. Ronald Buckley, & Milorad M. Novicevic (2011) Exploring the developmental potential of leader–follower interactions: a constructive-developmental approach [d]
- Lene Vase, Kathrine Næsted Nørskov, Gitte Laue Petersen, & Donald D. Price (2011) Patients' direct experiences as central elements of placebo analgesia [p] [d] [u]
- Sabine Vits, Elvir Cesko, Paul Enck, Uwe Hillen, Dirk Schadendorf, & Manfred Schedlowski (2011) Behavioural conditioning as the mediator of placebo responses in the immune system [p] [d] [u]
- Caleb Warren, A. Peter McGraw, & Leaf Van Boven (2011) Values and preferences: defining preference construction [p] [d]
- David S. Yeager, Kali H. Trzesniewski, Kirsi Tirri, Petri Nokelainen, & Carol S. Dweck (2011) Adolescents' implicit theories predict desire for vengeance after peer conflicts: correlational and experimental evidence [p] [d]
- Richard O. Young (2011/2017) Persuasive communication: how audiences decide [i] [d]
- Viviana A. Rotman Zelizer (2011) Economic lives: how culture shapes the economy [i] [d] [j]
- Nicole Alea (2010) The prevalence and quality of silent, socially silent, and disclosed autobiographical memories across adulthood [d]
- Nikolai Axmacher, Anne T. A. Do Lam, Henrik Kessler, & Juergen Fell (2010) Natural memory beyond the storage model: repression, trauma, and the construction of a personal past [p] [d] [u]
- Zvi Bekerman & Michalinos Zembylas (2010) Facilitated dialogues with teachers in conflict-ridden areas: in search of pedagogical openings that move beyond the paralysing effects of perpetrator–victim narratives [d]
- Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht [ed] (2010) Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice [i] [d]
- Justin M. Berg, Adam M. Grant, & Victoria Johnson (2010) When callings are calling: crafting work and leisure in pursuit of unanswered occupational callings [d] [j]
- Michael J. Bernstein, Donald F. Sacco, Steven G. Young, Kurt Hugenberg, & Eric Cook (2010) Being 'in' with the in-crowd: the effects of social exclusion and inclusion are enhanced by the perceived essentialism of ingroups and outgroups [p] [d]
- Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani (2010) The role of agency detection in the invention of supernatural beings [i] [d]
- Luis Botella & Diana Beriain (2010) Allegiance effects in psychotherapy research: a constructivist approach [d]
- Maarten Boudry & Johan Braeckman (2010) Immunizing strategies and epistemic defense mechanisms [d]
- Marilynn B. Brewer (2010) Social identity complexity and acceptance of diversity [i] [d]
- Ingo Brigandt (2010) Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology [d] [j]
- Kendall Cotton Bronk & W. Holmes Finch (2010) Adolescent characteristics by type of long-term aim in life [d]
- Michael Buckley (2010) The structure of justification in political constructivism [d] [j]
- Joseph M. Cervantes (2010) Mestizo spirituality: toward an integrated approach to psychotherapy for Latina/os [p] [d]
- Richard A. Chefetz (2010) Life as performance art: right and left brain function, implicit knowing, and 'felt coherence' [i] [d]
- Andy Clark (2010) Minds in space [i] [d]
- James Conklin (2010) Learning in the wild [d]
- Sebastian Dembski & Willem Salet (2010) The transformative potential of institutions: how symbolic markers can institute new social meaning in changing cities [d]
- E. Margaret Evans, Cristine H. Legare, & Karl Sven Rosengren (2010) Engaging multiple epistemologies: implications for science education [i] [d] [u]
- Damien G. Finniss, Ted J. Kaptchuk, Franklin G. Miller, & Fabrizio Benedetti (2010) Biological, clinical, and ethical advances of placebo effects [p] [d] [u]
- Mark Philip Freeman (2010) Hindsight: the promise and peril of looking backward [i]
- Randy O. Frost & Gail Steketee (2010) Stuff: compulsive hoarding and the meaning of things [i]
- Brian R. Gaines (2010) Visualizing logical aspects of conceptual structures [u]
- Larry A. Golemon [ed] (2010) Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
- Roberto J. González (2010) Militarizing culture: essays on the warfare state [i] [d]
- Jesse Graham & Jonathan Haidt (2010) Beyond beliefs: religions bind individuals into moral communities [d]
- Deborah L. Hall, David C. Matz, & Wendy Wood (2010) Why don't we practice what we preach?: a meta-analytic review of religious racism [d]
- Oliver Hardt, Einar Örn Einarsson, & Karim Nader (2010) A bridge over troubled water: reconsolidation as a link between cognitive and neuroscientific memory research traditions [p] [d]
- Judith Hendry (2010) Communication and the natural world [i]
- Jonathan D. Huppert & Jedidiah Siev (2010) Treating scrupulosity in religious individuals using cognitive-behavioral therapy [d]
- Gary Johns (2010) Some unintended consequences of job design [d]
- Ani Kalayjian & Dominique Eugene [ed] (2010) Mass trauma and emotional healing around the world: rituals and practices for resilience and meaning-making [i]
- Aaron C. Kay, Danielle Gaucher, Ian McGregor, & Kyle A. Nash (2010) Religious belief as compensatory control [d]
- Gillian A. King (2010) The meaning of life experiences: application of a meta-model to rehabilitation sciences and services [d]
- Alex Kirlik & Peter K. Storkerson (2010) Naturalizing Peirce's semiotics: ecological psychology's solution to the problem of creative abduction [i] [d]
- Paul Kockelman (2010) Value is life under an interpretation: existential commitments, instrumental reasons and disorienting metaphors [d]
- Sander L. Koole, Michael E. McCullough, Julius Kuhl, & Peter H. M. P. Roelofsma (2010) Why religion's burdens are light: from religiosity to implicit self-regulation [d]
- Roger Koppl (2010) Some epistemological implications of economic complexity [d]
- Chaeyoon Lim & Robert D. Putnam (2010) Religion, social networks, and life satisfaction [d] [j]
- Margaret M. Luciano (2010) Autonomy and relatedness reconsidered: learning from Indian families [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2010) What we hide in words: emotive words and persuasive definitions [d]
- Michael M. Mackay & Susan Bluck (2010) Meaning-making in memories: a comparison of memories of death-related and low point life experiences [p] [d]
- James E. Maddux & June Price Tangney [ed] (2010) Social psychological foundations of clinical psychology [i]
- Lorenzo Magnani, Walter A. Carnielli, & Claudio Pizzi [ed] (2010) Model-based reasoning in science and technology: abduction, logic, and computational discovery [i] [d]
- Alice Mann (2010) Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
- Trevor H. J. Marchand [ed] (2010) Making knowledge: explorations of the indissoluble relation between mind, body and environment [i] [d]
- Denis Mareschal, Paul C. Quinn, & S. E. G. Lea [ed] (2010) The making of human concepts [i] [d]
- Julian N. Marewski, Wolfgang Gaissmaier, & Gerd Gigerenzer (2010) Good judgments do not require complex cognition [p] [d] [u]
- Ryan McKay & Marcel Kinsbourne (2010) Confabulation, delusion, and anosognosia: motivational factors and false claims [d]
- Matthias R. Mehl, Simine Vazire, Shannon E. Holleran, & C. Shelby Clark (2010) Eavesdropping on happiness: well-being is related to having less small talk and more substantive conversations [d]
- Wilna A. J. Meijer (2010) Fanaticism, fundamentalism and the promotion of reflexivity in religious education [i] [d]
- Inês Mendes, António P. Ribeiro, Lynne E. Angus, Leslie S. Greenberg, Inês Sousa, & Miguel M. Gonçalves (2010) Narrative change in emotion-focused therapy: how is change constructed through the lens of the innovative moments coding system? [p] [d]
- Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] (2010) The mind in context [i]
- Robert J. Mislevy (2010) Some implications of expertise research for educational assessment [d]
- Kelly S. Mix, Linda B. Smith, & Michael Gasser [ed] (2010) The spatial foundations of language and cognition [and spatiotemporal foundations] [i] [d]
- Kelvin F. Mutter & Carlos M. Neves (2010) A dialogical model for engaging spirituality in therapy [d]
- Robert J. Nash & Michele C. Murray (2010) Helping college students find purpose: the campus guide to meaning-making [i]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (2010) Symptoms and significance: constructivist contributions to the treatment of performance anxiety [d]
- Mariangela Nitti, Enrico Ciavolino, Sergio Salvatore, & Alessandro Gennaro (2010) Analyzing psychotherapy process as intersubjective sensemaking: an approach based on discourse analysis and neural networks [p] [d]
- Ara Norenzayan & Lee Albert (2010) It was meant to happen: explaining cultural variations in fate attributions [p] [d]
- John D. Norton (2010) There are no universal rules for induction [d] [j]
- Jonathan Norton (2010) Making and remaking the world: the influence of constructivism on psychotherapy [u]
- Orlando J. Olivares (2010) Meaning making, uncertainty reduction, and the functions of autobiographical memory: a relational framework [d]
- Mary Beth Oliver & Tilo Hartmann (2010) Exploring the role of meaningful experiences in users' appreciation of good movies [d]
- James C. Overholser, Abby Braden, & Lauren Fisher (2010) You've got to believe: core beliefs that underlie effective psychotherapy [d]
- Crystal L. Park (2010) Making sense of the meaning literature: an integrative review of meaning making and its effects on adjustment to stressful life events [p] [d]
- Monisha Pasupathi & Cecilia Wainryb (2010) On telling the whole story: facts and interpretations in autobiographical memory narratives from childhood through midadolescence [p] [d]
- Monisha Pasupathi & Cecilia Wainryb (2010) Developing moral agency through narrative [d] [j]
- David R. Patterson (2010) Clinical hypnosis for pain control [i] [d]
- Linda L. Putnam (2010) Communication as changing the negotiation game [d]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2010) Avoidance goals lack meaning and manageability [u]
- Michelle Voss Roberts (2010) Religious belonging and the multiple [d]
- Oliver C. Robinson & Jonathan A. Smith (2010) Investigating the form and dynamics of crisis episodes in early adulthood: the application of a composite qualitative method [d]
- Oliver C. Robinson & Jonathan A. Smith (2010) The stormy search for self in early adulthood: developmental crisis and the dissolution of dysfunctional personae [d]
- Andreas Roepstorff, Jörg Niewöhner, & Stefan Beck (2010) Enculturing brains through patterned practices [d]
- George W. Rosenfield (2010) Identifying and integrating helpful and harmful religious beliefs into psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Sergio Salvatore, Omar C. G. Gelo, Alessandro Gennaro, Stefano Manzo, & Ahmed Al Radaideh (2010) Looking at the psychotherapy process as an intersubjective dynamic of meaning-making: a case study with discourse flow analysis [d]
- Anita Santos, Miguel M. Gonçalves, & Marlene Matos (2010) Innovative moments and poor outcome in narrative therapy [d]
- William Sturman Sax, Johannes Quack, & Jan Weinhold [ed] (2010) The problem of ritual efficacy [i]
- Oliver C. Schultheiss & Joachim C. Brunstein [ed] (2010) Implicit motives [i] [d]
- Mark A. Seals (2010) Teaching students to think critically about science and origins [d]
- Shmuel Shulman & Jari-Erik Nurmi [ed] (2010) The role of goals in navigating individual lives during emerging adulthood [i]
- Brian Skyrms (2010) Signals: evolution, learning, & information [i] [d]
- John F. Sowa (2010) The role of logic and ontology in language and reasoning [i] [d]
- Dan Sperber, Fabrice Clément, Christophe Heintz, Olivier Mascaro, Hugo Mercier, Gloria Origgi, & Deirdre Wilson (2010) Epistemic vigilance [d]
- Karen M. Staller (2010) Social problem construction and its impact on program and policy responses [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2010) Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
- Michael F. Steger & Bryan J. Dik (2010/2013) Work as meaning: individual and organizational benefits of engaging in meaningful work [i] [d]
- Dušan Stojnov (2010) Psychotherapist-as-philosopher-of-science [i]
- Lusia Aldona Stopa, Mike A. Brown, Michelle A. Luke, & Colette R. Hirsch (2010) Constructing a self: the role of self-structure and self-certainty in social anxiety [d]
- Peter K. Storkerson (2010) Semiotics and contextualized knowledge: toward a unified approach to practical and formal reasoning [i] [d]
- Richard Stott, Warren Mansell, Paul M. Salkovskis, Anna Lavender, & Sam Cartwright-Hatton (2010) Oxford guide to metaphors in CBT: building cognitive bridges [i]
- Peter Suedfeld (2010) The cognitive processing of politics and politicians: archival studies of conceptual and integrative complexity [p] [d]
- Irenka Suto & Rita Nadas (2010) Investigating examiners' thinking: using Kelly's Repertory Grid technique to explore cognitive marking strategies [d]
- John Sutton, Celia B. Harris, Paul G. Keil, & Amanda J. Barnier (2010) The psychology of memory, extended cognition, and socially distributed remembering [d]
- Moin Syed (2010) Developing an integrated self: academic and ethnic identities among ethnically diverse college students [p] [d]
- Martin H. Teicher, Jacqueline A. Samson, Yi-Shin Sheu, Ann Polcari, & Cynthia E. McGreenery (2010) Hurtful words: exposure to peer verbal aggression is associated with elevated psychiatric symptom scores and corpus callosum abnormalities [p] [d] [u]
- Paul Thagard (2010) How brains make mental models [i] [d]
- Joseph E. Trimble (2010) Bear spends time in our dreams now: magical thinking and cultural empathy in multicultural counselling theory and practice [d]
- Darinka Verdonik (2010) Between understanding and misunderstanding [d]
- Wolfgang Wagner, Nicole Kronberger, Motohiko Nagata, Ragini Sen, Peter Holtz, & Fátima Flores Palacios (2010) Essentialist theory of 'hybrids': from animal kinds to ethnic categories and race [d]
- Brady Wagoner [ed] (2010) Symbolic transformation: the mind in movement through culture and society [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2010) A dialogue model of belief [d]
- R. Scott Webster (2010) The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
- Christopher M. Weible & Richard H. Moore (2010) Analytics and beliefs: competing explanations for defining problems and choosing allies and opponents in collaborative environmental management [d]
- Hanna Zagefka, Samuel Pehrson, Richard C. M. Mole, & Eva Chan (2010) The effect of essentialism in settings of historic intergroup atrocities [d]
- Adam L. Alter & Daniel M. Oppenheimer (2009) Uniting the tribes of fluency to form a metacognitive nation [d]
- Paul W. Andrews & J. Anderson Thomson (2009) The bright side of being blue: depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems [d]
- Jamie D. Aten & Mark M. Leach [ed] (2009) Spirituality and the therapeutic process: a comprehensive resource from intake to termination [i] [d]
- James R. Averill (2009) Emotional creativity: toward 'spiritualizing the passions' [i] [d]
- Richard P. Bagozzi, Leslie E. Sekerka, & Vanessa Hill (2009) Hierarchical motive structures and their role in moral choices [d] [j]
- Dawna I. Ballard & Sunshine P. Webster (2009) Time and time again: the search for meaning/fulness through popular discourse on the time and timing of work [d]
- Lawrence W. Barsalou (2009) Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Basseches & Michael F. Mascolo (2009) Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
- Kenneth S. Benau (2009) Contrasts, symbol formation and creative transformation in art and life [p] [d]
- Lisa Bortolotti (2009/2018) Delusion [u]
- Arjen Buijs (2009) Lay people's images of nature: comprehensive frameworks of values, beliefs, and value orientations [d]
- Rick Busselle & Helena Bilandzic (2009) Measuring narrative engagement [d]
- Richard J. Butler [ed] (2009) Reflections in personal construct theory [i] [d]
- John T. Cacioppo & Louise C. Hawkley (2009) Perceived social isolation and cognition [p] [d] [u]
- Timothy A. Carey & Warren Mansell (2009) Show us a behaviour without a cognition and we'll show you a rock rolling down a hill [d]
- François A. Carrillat, Robert J. Riggle, William B. Locander, Gary F. Gebhardt, & James M. Lee (2009) Cognitive segmentation: modeling the structure and content of customers' thoughts [d]
- Joan Y. Chiao, Tokiko Harada, Hidetsugu Komeda, Zhang Li, Yoko Mano, Daisuke Saito, Todd B. Parrish, Norihiro Sadato, & Tetsuya Iidaka (2009) Neural basis of individualistic and collectivistic views of self [d]
- Jennifer R. Curry (2009) Examining client spiritual history and the construction of meaning: the use of spiritual timelines in counseling [d]
- Christopher G. Davis & Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (2009) Making sense of loss, perceiving benefits, and posttraumatic growth [i] [d]
- James M. Day (2009) Religion, spirituality, and positive psychology in adulthood: a developmental view [d]
- Roy J. Eidelson (2009) An individual-group belief framework: predicting life satisfaction, group identification, and support for the 'war on terror' [d]
- Vyvyan Evans & Paul A. Chilton [ed] (2009) Language, cognition, and space: the state of the art and new directions [i]
- E. Margaret Evans, Amy N. Spiegel, Wendy Gram, Brandy N. Frazier, Medha Tare, Sarah Thompson, & Judy Diamond (2009) A conceptual guide to natural history museum visitors' understanding of evolution [d]
- Guillem Feixas, Luis Angel Saúl, & Alejandro Ávila-Espada (2009) Viewing cognitive conflicts as dilemmas: implications for mental health [d]
- Klaus Fiedler (2009) On embodied cognition and mental simulation: a meta-theoretical comment to Zwaan's treatise [d]
- Linda Finlay & Kenneth Evans (2009) Relational-centred research for psychotherapists: exploring meanings and experience [i]
- Peter L. Fisher & Adrian Wells (2009) Metacognitive therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
- Kenneth H. Fox (2009) Negotiation as a post-modern process [i] [u]
- Isabel Caro Gabalda, Robert A. Neimeyer, & Cory F. Newman (2009) Theory and practice in the cognitive psychotherapies: convergence and divergence [d]
- Winifred Gallagher (2009) Rapt: attention and the focused life [i]
- Nivedita Gangopadhyay & Julian Kiverstein (2009) Enactivism and the unity of perception and action [d]
- Kenneth J. Gergen, Stuart M. Schrader, & Mary M. Gergen [ed] (2009) Constructing worlds together: interpersonal communication as relational process [i]
- Daniel F. Gucciardi & Sandy Gordon (2009) Construing the athlete and exerciser: research and applied perspectives from personal construct psychology [d]
- Gabriella Gustafsson & Gunilla Strandberg (2009) Meanings of staying healthy in a context where others developed burnout: phenomenological–hermeneutic interpretation of healthcare personnel's narratives [d]
- Sheila J. Henderson (2009) Assessment of personal goals: an online tool for personal counseling, coaching, and business consulting [d]
- Bryn A. Herrschaft, Bonita M. Veysey, Heather R. Tubman-Carbone, & Johnna Christian (2009) Gender differences in the transformation narrative: implications for revised reentry strategies for female offenders [d]
- Joshua A. Hicks & Laura A. King (2009) Positive mood and social relatedness as information about meaning in life [d]
- Colette R. Hirsch, Sarra Hayes, & Andrew Mathews (2009) Looking on the bright side: accessing benign meanings reduces worry [d]
- Scott William Hoefle (2009) Enchanted (and disenchanted) Amazonia: environmental ethics and cultural identity in Northern Brazil [d]
- Michael J. Hogan (2009) The culture of our thinking in relation to spirituality [i]
- John Horgan (2009) Walking away from terrorism: accounts of disengagement from radical and extremist movements [i]
- Tasos Hovardas, Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, & John D. Pantis (2009) Environmental representations of local communities' spokespersons in protected areas [d]
- Keren M. Humphrey (2009) Counseling strategies for loss and grief [i]
- Leslie M. Johnson & Eugene S. Hunn [ed] (2009) Landscape ethnoecology: concepts of biotic and physical space [i] [d] [j]
- Ruthellen Josselson (2009) The present of the past: dialogues with memory over time [p] [d]
- Ted J. Kaptchuk, Jessica Shaw, Catherine E. Kerr, Lisa A. Conboy, John M. Kelley, Thomas J. Csordas, Anthony J. Lembo, & Eric E. Jacobson (2009) 'Maybe I made up the whole thing': placebos and patients' experiences in a randomized controlled trial [d]
- Yoshihisa Kashima, Paul G. Bain, Nick Haslam, Kim Peters, Simon Laham, Jennifer Whelan, Brock Bastian, Stephen Loughnan, Leah Kaufmann, & Julian Fernando (2009) Folk theory of social change [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
- Hyunjung Kim (2009) In search of a mental model-like concept for group-level modeling [d]
- Jungmeen Kim, John R. Nesselroade, & Michael E. McCullough (2009) Dynamic factor analysis of worldviews/religious beliefs and well-being among older adults [d]
- Derrick W. Klaassen, Matthew D. Graham, & Richard A. Young (2009) Spiritual/religious coping as intentional activity: an action theoretical perspective [d] [u]
- Neal Krause (2009) Meaning in life and mortality [p] [d] [u]
- Jürgen Kriz (2009) Cognitive and interactive patterning: processes of creating meaning [i] [d]
- Larry M. Leitner & Jill C. Thomas [ed] (2009) Personal constructivism: theory and applications [i]
- Daniel M. Levin, David Hammer, & Janet E. Coffey (2009) Novice teachers' attention to student thinking [d]
- George Lewith, Fiona Barlow, Caroline Eyles, Andrew Flower, Sue Hall, Val Hopwood, & Jan Walker (2009) The context and meaning of placebos for complementary medicine [d]
- Malena Lidar, Jonas Almqvist, & Leif Östman (2009) A pragmatist approach to meaning making in children's discussions about gravity and the shape of the earth [d]
- Marjolein Lips-Wiersma & Lani Morris (2009) Discriminating between 'meaningful work' and the 'management of meaning' [d] [j]
- Margaret M. Luciano (2009) Autonomy and relatedness reconsidered: learning from the Inuit [d]
- Eva Lundqvist, Jonas Almqvist, & Leif Östman (2009) Epistemological norms and companion meanings in science classroom communication [d]
- Jennifer W. Mack, Joanne Wolfe, E. Francis Cook, Holcombe E. Grier, Paul D. Cleary, & Jane C. Weeks (2009) Peace of mind and sense of purpose as core existential issues among parents of children with cancer [d]
- Lorenzo Magnani (2009) Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning [i] [d]
- Marie-Angélina Magne & Marianne Cerf (2009) How information becomes a resource for action in an uncertain and complex world: sense-making and contingency in the knowing process [d]
- Akihiko Masuda, Steven C. Hayes, Michael P. Twohig, Claudia Drossel, Jason Lillis, & Yukiko Washio (2009) A parametric study of cognitive defusion and the believability and discomfort of negative self-relevant thoughts [d]
- Patrick E. McKnight & Todd B. Kashdan (2009) Purpose in life as a system that creates and sustains health and well-being: an integrative, testable theory [d]
- Dorien Van de Mieroop (2009) A rehearsed self in repeated narratives?: the case of two interviews with a former hooligan [d]
- Thomas W. Miller [ed] (2009) Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan [i] [d]
- Arlen C. Moller, Andrew J. Elliot, & Markus A. Maier (2009) Basic hue–meaning associations [p] [d]
- Thomas A. Morton, Matthew J. Hornsey, & Tom Postmes (2009) Shifting ground: the variable use of essentialism in contexts of inclusion and exclusion [d]
- Inez Myin-Germeys, Margreet Oorschot, Dina Collip, Johan Lataster, Philippe Delespaul, & Jim van Os (2009) Experience sampling research in psychopathology: opening the black box of daily life [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (2009) Constructivist psychotherapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
- Mansoor Niaz (2009) Critical appraisal of physical science as a human enterprise: dynamics of scientific progress [i] [d]
- Jason E. Plaks, Sheri R. Levy, & Carol S. Dweck (2009) Lay theories of personality: cornerstones of meaning in social cognition [d]
- Lois Presser (2009) The narratives of offenders [d]
- David L. Rennie (2009) Logic, hermeneutics, or both? [d] [u]
- Nicholas Rescher (2009) Ignorance: on the wider implications of deficient knowledge [i] [j] [u]
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- Geoffrey Sampson, David Gil, & Peter Trudgill [ed] (2009) Language complexity as an evolving variable [i]
- Serena Sandri (2009) Reflexivity in economics: an experimental examination on the self-referentiality in economic theories [i] [d]
- Rebecca J. Schlegel, Joshua A. Hicks, Jamie Arndt, & Laura A. King (2009) Thine own self: true self-concept accessibility and meaning in life [p] [d] [u]
- Tatjana Schnell (2009) The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire (SoMe): relations to demographics and well-being [d]
- Tait D. Shanafelt (2009) Enhancing meaning in work: a prescription for preventing physician burnout and promoting patient-centered care [d]
- Karan Singh (2009) Learning values for living together [d]
- Jan D. Sinnott (2009) Complex thought and construction of the self in the face of aging and death [d]
- Leslie Smith (2009) Piaget's developmental epistemology [i] [d]
- David Stark (2009) The sense of dissonance: accounts of worth in economic life [i] [d] [j]
- Michael F. Steger (2009) Meaning in life [i] [d]
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- Catherine H. Stein, Kristen M. Abraham, Erin E. Bonar, Christine E. McAuliffe, Wendy R. Fogo, David A. Faigin, Hisham Abu Raiya, & Danielle N. Potokar (2009) Making meaning from personal loss: religious, benefit finding, and goal-oriented attributions [d]
- Tyler F. Stillman, Roy F. Baumeister, Nathaniel M. Lambert, A. William Crescioni, C. Nathan DeWall, & Frank D. Fincham (2009) Alone and without purpose: life loses meaning following social exclusion [d]
- Emma F. Thomas, Craig McGarty, & Kenneth I. Mavor (2009) Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action [p] [d]
- Evan Thompson & Mog Stapleton (2009) Making sense of sense-making: reflections on enactive and extended mind theories [d]
- Jennifer Thompson, Cheryl Ritenbaugh, & Mark Nichter (2009) Reconsidering the placebo response from a broad anthropological perspective [d]
- Vasti Torres (2009) The developmental dimensions of recognizing racist thoughts [d]
- Finn Tschudi (2009) Landmarks on a personal odyssey [i] [d] [u]
- Matthew Vess, Clay Routledge, Mark J. Landau, & Jamie Arndt (2009) The dynamics of death and meaning: the effects of death-relevant cognitions and personal need for structure on perceptions of meaning in life [p] [d]
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- Carolyn Ambler Walter & Judith L. M. McCoyd (2009/2016) Grief and loss across the lifespan: a biopsychosocial perspective [i] [d]
- Eugene Webb (2009) Worldview and mind: religious thought and psychological development [i]
- Adrian Wells (2009) Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression [i]
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- Evangeline A. Wheeler (2009) Life stress buffer: the salubrious role of African-centered spirituality [i] [d]
- Tania Zittoun (2009) Dynamics of life-course transitions: a methodological reflection [i] [d]
- Bernard Zubrowski (2009) Exploration and meaning making in the learning of science [i] [d]
- Phil Zuckerman (2009) Atheism, secularity, and well-being: how the findings of social science counter negative stereotypes and assumptions [d]
- Rolf A. Zwaan (2009) Mental simulation in language comprehension and social cognition [d]
- Barry Allen (2008) Artifice and design: art and technology in human experience [i] [j]
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- Hugo Fjelsted Alroe & Egon Noe (2008) What makes organic agriculture move: protest, meaning or market?: a polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture [d]
- Scott Atran & Douglas L. Medin (2008) The native mind and the cultural construction of nature [i] [d]
- Stephen Mufutau Awoyemi (2008) The role of religion in the HIV/AIDS intervention in Africa: a possible model for conservation biology [p] [d]
- Mark Batey (2008/2016) Brand meaning: meaning, myth and mystique in today's brands [i] [d]
- Andrew M. Bein (2008) The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
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- Kathryn M. Boog & Claire Tester (2008) A practical guide to working in palliative care: finding meaning and purpose in life and death [i]
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- Daniel W. Bromley (2008) Volitional pragmatism [d]
- Gary P. Brown, Anna Roach, Lorna Irving, & Kate Joseph (2008) Personal meaning: a neglected transdiagnostic construct [d]
- Marcela Brugnach, Art Dewulf, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, & Tharsi Taillieu (2008) Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
- Gabriel Bukobza (2008) The development of knowledge structures in adulthood [i]
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- Daniel Casasanto (2008) Who's afraid of the big bad Whorf?: crosslinguistic differences in temporal language and thought [d]
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- Andy Clark (2008) Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension [i] [d]
- Joseph M. Currier, Jason M. Holland, & Robert A. Neimeyer (2008) Making sense of loss: a content analysis of end-of-life practitioners' therapeutic approaches [p] [d]
- Bryan J. Dik & Jo-Ida C. Hansen (2008) Following passionate interests to well-being [d]
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- Paul Enck, Fabrizio Benedetti, & Manfred Schedlowski (2008) New insights into the placebo and nocebo responses [p] [d]
- Monica Eriksson & Bengt Lindström (2008) A salutogenic interpretation of the Ottawa Charter [d]
- E. Margaret Evans (2008/2013) Conceptual change and evolutionary biology: a developmental perspective [i] [d]
- Fred Feldman (2008) Whole life satisfaction concepts of happiness [d]
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- Gerd Gigerenzer (2008) Rationality for mortals: how people cope with uncertainty [i]
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- Lesley J. F. Green (2008) 'Indigenous knowledge' and 'science': reframing the debate on knowledge diversity [d]
- Anne Harrington (2008) The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine [i]
- Nick Haslam & Jennifer Whelan (2008) Human natures: psychological essentialism in thinking about differences between people [d]
- Jesper Hoffmeyer (2008) The semiotic body [d]
- Lara Honos-Webb (2008) Psychotherapy revolution: translating symptoms into gifts [d]
- Leonard M. Horowitz & Bulent Turan (2008) Prototypes and personal templates: collective wisdom and individual differences [d]
- Brendan Hyde (2008) Weaving the threads of meaning: a characteristic of children's spirituality and its implications for religious education [d]
- Michael E. Hyland & Ben Whalley (2008) Motivational concordance: an important mechanism in self-help therapeutic rituals involving inert (placebo) substances [d]
- J. Joy James & Robert D. Bixler (2008) Children's role in meaning making through their participation in an environmental education program [d]
- Mark P. Jensen (2008) The neurophysiology of pain perception and hypnotic analgesia: implications for clinical practice [p] [d]
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- Rachel Kaplan & Stephen Kaplan (2008) Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
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- Ariel Knafo, Ella Daniel, & Mona Khoury-Kassabri (2008) Values as protective factors against violent behavior in Jewish and Arab high schools in Israel [p] [d] [j]
- Richard L. Kradin (2008) The placebo response and the power of unconscious healing [i]
- Neal Krause (2008) The social foundation of religious meaning in life [d]
- Irit Kupferberg & David Green (2008) Narrators defend their side of the story metaphorically at troubled narrative junctions [d]
- Cynthia F. Kurtz (2008/2014) Working with stories in your community or organization: participatory narrative inquiry [i] [u]
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- Cristine H. Legare & Susan A. Gelman (2008) Bewitchment, biology, or both: the co-existence of natural and supernatural explanatory frameworks across development [p] [d]
- Christel Leufstadius, Lena-Karin Erlandsson, Tommy Björkman, & Mona Eklund (2008) Meaningfulness in daily occupations among individuals with persistent mental illness [d]
- Peter C. Mather (2008) Interns at an international, humanitarian organization: career pathways and meaning making [d]
- Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples, & Lynn D. Devenport (2008) A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: preliminary evidence of training effectiveness [d]
- Kai Nielsen (2008) On there being wide reflective equilibria: why it is important to put it in the plural [d] [u]
- Jill D. Onedera [ed] (2008) The role of religion in marriage and family counseling [i]
- Steven M. Parish (2008) Subjectivity and suffering in American culture: possible selves [i] [d]
- Ian Percy (2008) Awareness and authoring: the idea of self in mindfulness and narrative therapy [d]
- James L. Perry, Jeffrey L. Brudney, David Coursey, & Laura Littlepage (2008) What drives morally committed citizens?: a study of the antecedents of public service motivation [d]
- Chaya Possick (2008) The family meal: an exploration of normative and therapeutic ritual from an ethnic perspective [d]
- Lynn Preston (2008) The edge of awareness: Gendlin's contribution to explorations of implicit experience [d]
- Martin Pütz & JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer [ed] (2008) Developing contrastive pragmatics: interlanguage and cross-cultural perspectives [i] [d]
- William Lowell Randall & A. Elizabeth McKim (2008) Reading our lives: the poetics of growing old [i] [d]
- Carol Ryff & Burton Singer (2008) Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being [d]
- Eugene Sadler-Smith (2008) The role of intuition in collective learning and the development of shared meaning [d]
- Johann W. Sarmiento & Gerry Stahl (2008) Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
- Michaela L. Schok, Rolf J. Kleber, Martin Elands, & Jos M. P. Weerts (2008) Meaning as a mission: a review of empirical studies on appraisals of war and peacekeeping experiences [d]
- Léna Soler, Howard Sankey, & Paul Hoyningen-Huene [ed] (2008) Rethinking scientific change and theory comparison: stabilities, ruptures, incommensurabilities? [i] [d]
- Daniel G. Spencer (2008) The dialectics of propositional and tacit knowledge [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West (2008) On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability [p] [d]
- William H. Starbuck, Samuel Holloway, Peter S. Whalen, & Suzanne G. Tilleman [ed] (2008) Organizational learning and knowledge management [i] [d]
- Michael F. Steger, Todd B. Kashdan, & Shigehiro Oishi (2008) Being good by doing good: daily eudaimonic activity and well-being [d]
- Howard F. Stein (2008) From organizational meaning through splitting to organizational meaning through integration: healing the great divide [o]
- Randall Szott & Sal Randolph (2008) Art leisure instead of art work: a conversation with Randall Szott [u]
- Orit Taubman-Ben-Ari & Adi Weintroub (2008) Meaning in life and personal growth among pediatric physicians and nurses [p] [d]
- Nigel J. Thrift (2008) The material practices of glamour [d]
- Warren W. Tryon & Justin R. Misurell (2008) Dissonance induction and reduction: a possible principle and connectionist mechanism for why therapies are effective [d]
- Dianne A. Vella-Brodrick, Nansook Park, & Christopher M. Peterson (2008) Three ways to be happy: pleasure, engagement, and meaning—findings from Australian and US samples [d]
- William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] (2008) The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
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- Nicholas W. J. Wainwright, Paul G. Surtees, Ailsa A. Welch, Robert N. Luben, Kay-Tee Khaw, & Sheila A. Bingham (2008) Sense of coherence, lifestyle choices and mortality [d]
- Jonathan Weidenbaum (2008) The philosopher and the neuroscientist: Dewey, Harris, and the nature of religious experiences [u]
- Michael P. Weinstock (2008) Psychological research and the epistemological approach to argumentation [d] [u]
- Joye Weisel-Barth (2008) A response to Lynn Preston's explication of implicit experience in the work of Eugene Gendlin: an appreciation [d]
- Tabitha R. White & Anne-Marie Hede (2008) Using narrative inquiry to explore the impact of art on individuals [d]
- Irvin D. Yalom (2008) Staring at the sun: overcoming the terror of death [i]
- Phil Zuckerman (2008/2020) Society without God: what the least religious nations can tell us about contentment [i] [d] [j]
- Robert R. Agne (2007) Reframing practices in moral conflict: interaction problems in the negotiation standoff at Waco [d]
- Megan Bang, Douglas L. Medin, & Scott Atran (2007) Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature [p] [d] [u]
- Brock Bastian & Nick Haslam (2007) Psychological essentialism and attention allocation: preferences for stereotype-consistent versus stereotype-inconsistent information [d]
- Michael Baurmann (2007) Rational fundamentalism?: an explanatory model of fundamentalist beliefs [d] [u]
- Ruth A. Berman & Bracha Nir-sagiv (2007) Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: a developmental paradox [d]
- Kimberly B. Boal & Patrick L. Schultz (2007) Storytelling, time, and evolution: the role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart (2007) An alternative view of concrete operating procedures from the perspective of the client as active self-healer [d]
- Catrina Brown & Tod Augusta-Scott [ed] (2007) Narrative therapy: making meaning, making lives [i] [d]
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- Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] (2007) Insight in psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Mariana Chilton & Sue Booth (2007) Hunger of the body and hunger of the mind: African American women's perceptions of food insecurity, health and violence [p] [d]
- Samuel B. Day & Dedre Gentner (2007) Nonintentional analogical inference in text comprehension [p] [d]
- Andrea L. Dixon (2007) Mattering in the later years: older adults' experiences of mattering to others, purpose in life, depression, and wellness [d]
- Richard M. Eckersley (2007) Culture, spirituality, religion and health: looking at the big picture [p] [u]
- David J. A. Edwards (2007) Restructuring implicational meaning through memory-based imagery: some historical notes [p] [d]
- Neal Feigenson & Richard K. Sherwin (2007) Thinking beyond the shown: implicit inferences in evidence and argument [d]
- Owen J. Flanagan (2007) The really hard problem: meaning in a material world [i] [d]
- Martin E. Ford & Peyton R. Smith (2007) Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
- Christopher D. Frith (2007) Making up the mind: how the brain creates our mental world [i]
- Susan A. Gelman, Gail D. Heyman, & Cristine H. Legare (2007) Developmental changes in the coherence of essentialist beliefs about psychological characteristics [p] [d] [j]
- Enrico R. A. Giannetto (2007) The electromagnetic conception of nature at the root of the special and general relativity theories and its revolutionary meaning [d]
- John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer, & Luca Pocci [ed] (2007) A sense of the world: essays on fiction, narrative, and knowledge [i] [d]
- Stuart Glennan (2007) Whose science and whose religion?: reflections on the relations between scientific and religious worldviews [d]
- Paul Grobstein (2007) Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and beyond: the brain, story sharing, and social organization [u]
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- Joel M. Hektner, Jennifer A. Schmidt, & Mihály Csikszentmihályi (2007) Experience sampling method: measuring the quality of everyday life [i] [d]
- David R. Hodge & Suzanne Bushfield (2007) Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
- Carol L. Humphreys & Larry M. Leitner (2007) Using drawings to elicit nonverbal constructs in experiential personal construct psychotherapy [d]
- James R. Hurford (2007) The origins of meaning: language in the light of evolution [i]
- Hanne Jaegher & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo (2007) Participatory sense-making: an enactive approach to social cognition [d]
- Ian A. James, F. Katharina Reichelt, Mark H. Freeston, & Stephen B. Barton (2007) Schemas as memories: implications for treatment [d]
- Mark Johnson (2007) The meaning of the body: aesthetics of human understanding [i]
- Nancy E. Johnston & Alwilda Scholler-Jaquish [ed] (2007) Meaning in suffering: caring practices in the health professions [i]
- Hanneke Schaap Jonker, Elisabeth H. M. Eurelings-Bontekoe, Hetty Zock, & Evert R. Jonker (2007) The personal and normative image of God: the role of religious culture and mental health [d]
- Ruthellen Josselson, Amia Lieblich, & Dan P. McAdams [ed] (2007) The meaning of others: narrative studies of relationships [i] [d]
- Ruthellen Josselson (2007) Playing Pygmalion: how people create one another [i]
- Peter M. Kellett (2007) Conflict dialogue: working with layers of meaning for productive relationships [i] [d]
- Varda Konstam (2007/2015) Emerging and young adulthood: multiple perspectives, diverse narratives [i] [d]
- Judith Landau (2007) Enhancing resilience: families and communities as agents for change [d]
- Joshua J. Lewer & Hendrik Van den Berg (2007) Religion and international trade: does the sharing of a religious culture facilitate the formation of trade networks? [d]
- Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (2007) Cognitive variations: reflections on the unity and diversity of the human mind [i]
- Paul H. Lysaker, Louanne W. Davis, Amanda M. Jones, Amy M. Strasburger, & Nicole L. Beattie (2007) Relationship and technique in the long-term integrative psychotherapy of schizophrenia: a single case study [d]
- Katya Mandoki (2007) Everyday aesthetics: prosaics, the play of culture and social identities [i] [d]
- Tatsuya Morita, Hisayuki Murata, Kei Hirai, Keiko Tamura, Jun Kataoka, Hideki Ohnishi, Nobuya Akizuki, Yukie Kurihara, Tatsuo Akechi, & Yosuke Uchitomi (2007) Meaninglessness in terminally ill cancer patients: a validation study and nurse education intervention trial [d]
- Johan Öhman & Leif Östman (2007) Continuity and change in moral meaning-making: a transactional approach [d]
- Ronald E. Osborn (2007) On the path of perpetual revolution: from Marx's millenarianism to Sendero Luminoso [d]
- Crystal L. Park (2007) Religiousness/spirituality and health: a meaning systems perspective [d]
- Lilian Pozzer-Ardenghi & Wolff-Michael Roth (2007) On performing concepts during science lectures [d]
- Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Harriet R. Tenenbaum, Margy F. Koepke, & Kurt W. Fischer (2007) Transient and robust knowledge: contextual support and the dynamics of children's reasoning about density [d]
- Norbert Ross, Douglas L. Medin, & Douglas G. Cox (2007) Epistemological models and culture conflict: Menominee and Euro-American hunters in Wisconsin [d]
- Jennifer J. Runquist & Pamela G. Reed (2007) Self-transcendence and well-being in homeless adults [d]
- Derek Sankey (2007) Minds, brains, and difference in personal understandings [d]
- Thomas J. Scheff (2007) Creating an onion: alternatives to biopsychiatry [d]
- Lauren H. Seiler (2007) What are we?: the social construction of the human biological self [d]
- David Servan-Schreiber (2007/2009) Anticancer: a new way of life [i]
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- Miriam Solomon (2007) Situated cognition [i] [d]
- John F. Sowa (2007) Fads and fallacies about logic [d] [u]
- Carol Tavris & Elliot Aronson (2007/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
- Paul Thagard (2007) Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge [d] [j]
- Barry Vaughan (2007) The internal narrative of desistance [d]
- Douglas N. Walton & David Godden (2007) Redefining knowledge in a way suitable for argumentation theory [and comment by Derek Allen] [u]
- Bruce E. Wampold, Zac E. Imel, Kuldhir S. Bhati, & Michelle D. Johnson-Jennings (2007) Insight as a common factor [in psychotherapies] [i] [d]
- Debbie M. Warman, Paul H. Lysaker, Joel M. Martin, Louanne W. Davis, & Samantha L. Haudenschield (2007) Jumping to conclusions and the continuum of delusional beliefs [d]
- David G. Winter (2007) The role of motivation, responsibility, and integrative complexity in crisis escalation: comparative studies of war and peace crises [d]
- Robert Agnew (2006) Storylines as a neglected cause of crime [d]
- Monika Ardelt & Cynthia S. Koenig (2006) The role of religion for hospice patients and relatively healthy older adults [d]
- Joan Hagan Arnold & Laurel Janssen Breen (2006) Images of health [i]
- Alan Barnard, Christine Hollingum, & Bernadette Hartfiel (2006) Going on a journey: understanding palliative care nursing [p] [d]
- Bruce Barrett, Daniel Muller, David Rakel, David Rabago, Lucille Marchand, & Joanne Caroline Scheder (2006) Placebo, meaning, and health [p] [d]
- Jesse M. Bering (2006) The folk psychology of souls [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Gary Blasi & John T. Jost (2006/2012) System justification theory and research: implications for law, legal advocacy, and social justice [i] [d]
- Lynne A. Bond & Catherine E. Burns (2006) Mothers' beliefs about knowledge, child development, and parenting strategies: expanding the goals of parenting programs [d]
- Gregory S. Braswell (2006) Sociocultural contexts for the early development of semiotic production [p] [d]
- Ivar Bråten & Helge I. Strømsø (2006) Effects of personal epistemology on the understanding of multiple texts [d]
- Meredith Glick Brinegar, Lisa M. Salvi, William B. Stiles, & Leslie S. Greenberg (2006) Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
- Wendy Cadge & Elizabeth A. Catlin (2006) Making sense of suffering and death: how health care providers' construct meanings in a neonatal intensive care unit [d] [j]
- Jerry M. Calton (2006) Social contracting in a pluralist process of moral sense making: a dialogic twist on the ISCT [d] [j]
- Laura L. Carstensen (2006) The influence of a sense of time on human development [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Michael L. Cepek (2006/2007) The Cofán experiment: expanding an indigenous Amazonian world [o] [u]
- Peter Checkland & John Poulter (2006) Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
- Theo L. Dawson (2006) The meaning and measurement of conceptual development in adulthood [i]
- Stephen Diller, Nathan Shedroff, & Darrel Rhea (2006) Making meaning: how successful businesses deliver meaningful customer experiences [i]
- Robert DiSalle (2006) Understanding space-time: the philosophical development of physics from Newton to Einstein [i] [d]
- E. Thomas Dowd & Stevan Lars Nielsen [ed] (2006) The psychologies in religion: working with the religious client [i]
- Carol S. Dweck (2006) Mindset: the new psychology of success [i]
- Almo Farina & Andrea Belgrano (2006) The eco-field hypothesis: toward a cognitive landscape [d]
- Ze'ev Frankel & Heidi M. Levitt (2006) Postmodern strategies for working with resistance: problem resolution or self-revolution? [d]
- David A. Gallo (2006) Associative illusions of memory: false memory research in DRM and related tasks [i] [d]
- Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, & Diederik Aerts [ed] (2006) Evolutionary epistemology, language, and culture: a non-adaptationist, systems theoretical approach [i] [d]
- Paul L. Harris, Elisabeth S. Pasquini, Suzanne Duke, Jessica J. Asscher, & Francisco Pons (2006) Germs and angels: the role of testimony in young children's ontology [d]
- Graham Harvey (2006) Animism: respecting the living world [i]
- Nick Haslam, Brock Bastian, Paul G. Bain, & Yoshihisa Kashima (2006) Psychological essentialism, implicit theories, and intergroup relations [d]
- Steven J. Heine, Travis Proulx, & Kathleen D. Vohs (2006) The meaning maintenance model: on the coherence of social motivations [d]
- Carol Hren Hoare [ed] (2006) Handbook of adult development and learning [i]
- Lara Honos-Webb (2006) Listening to depression: how understanding your pain can heal your life [i]
- Alf Hornborg (2006) Animism, fetishism, and objectivism as strategies for knowing (or not knowing) the world [d]
- Leonard M. Horowitz, Kelly R. Wilson, Bulent Turan, Pavel Zolotsev, Michael J. Constantino, & Lynne Henderson (2006) How interpersonal motives clarify the meaning of interpersonal behavior: a revised circumplex model [d]
- Russell T. Hurlburt & Christopher L. Heavy (2006) Exploring inner experience: the descriptive experience sampling method [i] [d]
- Tim Ingold (2006) Against human nature [i] [d]
- Carl N. Johnson & Chris J. Boyatzis (2006) Cognitive-cultural foundations of spiritual development [i] [d]
- Marcia K. Johnson (2006) Memory and reality [p] [d]
- Thomas E. Kida (2006) Don't believe everything you think: the 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking [i]
- Arthur Kleinman (2006) What really matters: living a moral life amidst uncertainty and danger [i]
- Doug Knapp (2006) The development of semantic memories through interpretation [u]
- Dennis List (2006) The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
- María Lugones (2006) On complex communication [d] [j]
- Dara Marks (2006) Inside story: the power of the transformational arc [i]
- F. David Martin (2006) Facing death: theme and variations [i]
- Mike W. Martin (2006) From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
- Nathan Mascaro & David H. Rosen (2006) The role of existential meaning as a buffer against stress [d]
- Garrett J. McAuliffe (2006) The evolution of professional competence [i]
- Ryan McKay, Robyn Langdon, & Max Coltheart (2006) Need for closure, jumping to conclusions, and decisiveness in delusion-prone individuals [p] [d]
- Douglas L. Medin, Norbert Ross, & Douglas G. Cox [ed] (2006) Culture and resource conflict: why meanings matter [i] [j]
- Donald Meichenbaum (2006) Resilience and posttraumatic growth: a constructive narrative perspective [i] [d]
- Joel Mintzes & Heather J. Quinn (2006) Knowledge restructuring in biology: testing a punctuated model of conceptual change [d]
- Daniel C. Molden, Jason E. Plaks, & Carol S. Dweck (2006) 'Meaningful' social inferences: effects of implicit theories on inferential processes [d]
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- Peter Muris (2006) Maladaptive schemas in non-clinical adolescents: relations to perceived parental rearing behaviours, Big Five personality factors and psychopathological symptoms [d]
- Justin M. Nolan, Katlin E. Jones, Kenneth Wade Mcdougal, Matthew J. Mcfarlin, & Michael K. Ward (2006) The lovable, the loathsome, and the liminal: emotionality in ethnozoological cognition [d]
- Monisha Pasupathi, Trisha Weeks, & Cora Rice (2006) Reflecting on life: remembering as a major process in adult development [d]
- Christina M. Puchalski [ed] (2006) A time for listening and caring: spirituality and the care of the chronically ill and dying [i]
- Kevin Rathunde & Mihály Csikszentmihályi (2006) The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
- David L. Rennie & Karen D. Fergus (2006) Embodied categorizing in the grounded theory method: methodical hermeneutics in action [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2006) Presumption and the practices of tentative cognition [i] [d]
- Edward Flanders Ricketts & Katharine A. Rodger (2006) Breaking through: essays, journals, and travelogues of Edward F. Ricketts [i] [d] [j]
- Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Pamela Ebstyne King, Linda M. Wagener, & Peter L. Benson [ed] (2006) The handbook of spiritual development in childhood and adolescence [i] [d]
- Jeremy D. Safran & Stanley B. Messer (2006) Psychotherapy integration: a postmodern critique [d]
- Philip H. Scott, Eduardo Fleury Mortimer, & Orlando G. Aguiar (2006) The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: a fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons [d]
- Richard Sorabji (2006) Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death [i] [d]
- P. Kyle Stanford (2006) Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives [i]
- Paul G. Surtees, Nicholas W. J. Wainwright, & Kay-Tee Khaw (2006) Resilience, misfortune, and mortality: evidence that sense of coherence is a marker of social stress adaptive capacity [d]
- Paul Thagard (2006) Hot thought: mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2006) The emotional coherence of religion [i] [d]
- Eric C. Thompson & Zhang Juan (2006) Comparative cultural salience: measures using free-list data [d]
- Ming-Shium Tu (2006) Illness: an opportunity for spiritual growth [d]
- Nancy J. Turner & Fikret Berkes (2006) Coming to understanding: developing conservation through incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest [d] [j]
- Elizabeth Dixon Whitaker [ed] (2006) Health and healing in comparative perspective [i]
- Per-Olof Wickman (2006) Aesthetic experience in science education: learning and meaning-making as situated talk and action [i] [d]
- Anna Wierzbicka (2006) English: meaning and culture [i] [d]
- Lewis Wolpert (2006) Six impossible things before breakfast: the evolutionary origins of belief [i]
- Arch G. Woodside (2006) Overcoming the illusion of will and self-fabrication: going beyond naïve subjective personal introspection to an unconscious/conscious theory of behavior explanation [d]
- Tobi Zausner (2006) When walls become doorways: creativity and the transforming illness [i]
- Tineke A. Abma (2005) Struggling with the fragility of life: a relational-narrative approach to ethics in palliative nursing [p] [d]
- Barry Allen (2005) Knowledge [i] [u]
- Scott Atran, Douglas L. Medin, & Norbert O. Ross (2005) The cultural mind: environmental decision making and cultural modeling within and across populations [d]
- Alison Bain (2005) Constructing an artistic identity [d]
- Martin Benjamin (2005) Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
- Liz Bondi (2005) Making connections and thinking through emotions: between geography and psychotherapy [d] [j]
- Nancy A. Bridges (2005) Moving beyond the comfort zone in psychotherapy [i]
- Conerly Carole Casey & Robert B. Edgerton [ed] (2005) A companion to psychological anthropology: modernity and psychocultural change [i] [d]
- John B. Cobb (2005) Some Whiteheadian assumptions about religion and pluralism [i]
- Kate Collie & Bonita C. Long (2005) Considering 'meaning' in the context of breast cancer [d]
- Cheryl Delgado (2005) A discussion of the concept of spirituality [p] [d]
- Eileen Eckert & Alexandra Bell (2005) Invisible force: farmers' mental models and how they influence learning and actions [u]
- Nick C. Ellis (2005) At the interface: dynamic interactions of explicit and implicit language knowledge [d] [j] [u]
- Fay Fransella [ed] (2005) The essential practitioner's handbook of personal construct psychology [i]
- Peter Gärdenfors (2005) The dynamics of thought [i] [d]
- Armin W. Geertz (2005) Worlds in collusion: on social strategies and misrepresentations as forces of syncretism in Euro-American and Native American affairs [i] [d]
- Maya Götz, Dafna Lemish, Amy Aidman, & Hyesung Moon (2005) Media and the make-believe worlds of children: when Harry Potter meets Pokémon in Disneyland [i] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Jeanne C. Watson (2005) Emotion-focused therapy for depression [i] [d]
- Stéphane Guay, Kieron Philip O'Connor, Danielle Gareau, & Christo Todorov (2005) A single belief as a maintaining factor in a case of obsessive-compulsive disorder [d]
- Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman, & John A. Bargh [ed] (2005) The new unconscious [i]
- David R. Hodge (2005) Developing a spiritual assessment toolbox: a discussion of the strengths and limitations of five different assessment methods [d]
- Ralph W. Hood Jr., Peter C. Hill, & W. Paul Williamson (2005) The psychology of religious fundamentalism [as an intratextual search for meaning] [i]
- Moses N. Ikiugu (2005) Meaningfulness of occupations as an occupational-life-trajectory attractor [d]
- Sara R. Jaeger, Karen L. Rossiter, & Karen Lau (2005) Consumer perceptions of novel fruit and familiar fruit: a repertory grid application [d]
- Daryl Koehn (2005) The nature of evil [i] [d]
- Sameet M. Kumar (2005) Grieving mindfully: a compassionate and spiritual guide to coping with loss [i]
- Larry M. Leitner (2005) Rigorously respecting the person: the artistic science of experiential personal constructivism [d]
- Elizabeth F. Loftus (2005) Planting misinformation in the human mind: a 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory [d]
- Lynne C. Manzo (2005) For better or worse: exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning [d]
- Jean-Clet Martin (2005) The unseemly [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2005) Change processes in development: the concept of coactive scaffolding [d]
- Kenneth I. Maton, Daniel Dodgen, Mariano R. Sto. Domingo, & David B. Larson (2005) Religion as a meaning system: policy implications for the new millennium [d]
- Michael E. McCullough, Craig K. Enders, Sharon L. Brion, & Andrea R. Jain (2005) The varieties of religious development in adulthood: a longitudinal investigation of religion and rational choice [d]
- Ryan McKay, Robyn Langdon, & Max Coltheart (2005) 'Sleights of mind': delusions, defences, and self-deception [d]
- Douglass C. North (2005) Understanding the process of economic change [i] [d] [j]
- Yoko Okado & Craig E. L. Stark (2005) Neural activity during encoding predicts false memories created by misinformation [d]
- Crystal L. Park (2005) Religion as a meaning-making framework in coping with life stress [d]
- Jack Petranker (2005) The when of knowing [d]
- Klaus-Georg Riegel (2005) Marxism-Leninism as a political religion [d]
- Juan G. Roederer (2005) Information and its role in nature [i] [d]
- William Todd Schultz [ed] (2005) Handbook of psychobiography [i]
- Beverly A. Snyder (2005) Aging and spirituality: reclaiming connection through storytelling [d]
- Peter J. Taylor (2005) Unruly complexity: ecology, interpretation, engagement [i] [d]
- W. Grant Thompson (2005) The placebo effect and health: combining science and compassionate care [i]
- Edward Z. Tronick (2005) Why is connection with others so critical?: the formation of dyadic states of consciousness and the expansion of individuals' states of consciousness: coherence governed selection and the co-creation of meaning out of messy meaning making [i]
- Cecilia Wainryb, Beverly A. Brehl, Sonia Matwin, Bryan W. Sokol, & Stuart Hammond (2005) Being hurt and hurting others: children's narrative accounts and moral judgments of their own interpersonal conflicts [d]
- Bruce E. Wampold, Takuya Minami, Sandra Callen Tierney, Thomas W. Baskin, & Kuldhir S. Bhati (2005) The placebo is powerful: estimating placebo effects in medicine and psychotherapy from randomized clinical trials [p] [d]
- Richard R. Wilk (2005) Smoothing: an ubiquitous cultural process [d] [u]
- Barry Allen (2004) Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
- Julia Balogun & Gerry Johnson (2004) Organizational restructuring and middle manager sensemaking [d] [j]
- Ruth A. Berman & Irit Katzenberger (2004) Form and function in introducing narrative and expository texts: a developmental perspective [d]
- Pavel S. Blagov & Jefferson A. Singer (2004) Four dimensions of self-defining memories (specificity, meaning, content, and affect) and their relationships to self-restraint, distress, and repressive defensiveness [p] [d]
- Susan Bluck & Judith Glück (2004) Making things better and learning a lesson: experiencing wisdom across the lifespan [p] [d]
- Joseph M. Cervantes & David M. Lechuga (2004) The meaning of pain: a key to working with Spanish-speaking patients with work-related injuries [d]
- Doris Dickerson Coward & David L. Kahn (2004) Resolution of spiritual disequilibrium by women newly diagnosed with breast cancer [d]
- Paul Duncum (2004) Visual culture isn't just visual: multiliteracy, multimodality and meaning [d] [j]
- Thomas J. D'Zurilla, Edward C. Chang, & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] (2004) Social problem solving: theory, research, and training [i] [d]
- Colin Eden (2004) Analyzing cognitive maps to help structure issues or problems [d]
- Roy J. Eidelson & Judy I. Eidelson (2004) They both matter: reality and belief: reply [p] [d]
- Georg Elwert (2004) Evidence, logic and moral authority: experience and the erosion of certainties in illiterate and literate societies [i] [d]
- Gary Alan Fine (2004) Everyday genius: self-taught art and the culture of authenticity [i] [d]
- Liane Gabora (2004) Ideas are not replicators but minds are [d]
- Jean Gayon (2004) Realism and biological knowledge [i] [d]
- David Grant, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick, & Linda L. Putnam [ed] (2004) The Sage handbook of organizational discourse [i] [d]
- Nick Haslam, Brock Bastian, & Melanie Bissett (2004) Essentialist beliefs about personality and their implications [p] [d]
- Denise L. Hawthorne & Nancy J. Yurkovich (2004) Hope at the end of life: making a case for hospice [p] [d]
- Robert J. Hill (2004) Fugitive and codified knowledge: implications for communities struggling to control the meaning of local environmental hazards [d]
- Barbara K. Hofer (2004) Epistemological understanding as a metacognitive process: thinking aloud during online searching [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Wolff-Michael Roth (2004) Learning by developing knowledge networks: a semiotic approach within a dialectical framework [d]
- Sara Holmberg, Anders Thelin, & Eva-Lena Stiernström (2004) Relationship of sense of coherence to other psychosocial indices [d]
- Timothy L. Hulsey & Christopher J. Frost (2004) Moral cruelty: ameaning and the justification of harm [i]
- Devi Jankowicz (2004) The easy guide to repertory grids [i]
- Niklas Karlsson, George Loewenstein, & Jane McCafferty (2004) The economics of meaning [u]
- Tim Kasser & Allen D. Kanner [ed] (2004) Psychology and consumer culture: the struggle for a good life in a materialistic world [i] [d]
- Patricia M. King & Karen Strohm Kitchener (2004) Reflective judgment: theory and research on the development of epistemic assumptions through adulthood [d]
- Laurence J. Kirmayer (2004) The cultural diversity of healing: meaning, metaphor and mechanism [d]
- Dennis List (2004) Multiple pasts, converging presents, and alternative futures [d]
- Susan Orpett Long (2004) Cultural scripts for a good death in Japan and the United States: similarities and differences [p] [d]
- Ken I. Manktelow & Man Cheung Chung [ed] (2004) Psychology of reasoning: theoretical and historical perspectives [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2004) From inference to reasoning: the construction of rationality [d] [u]
- Yair Neuman (2004) Meaning-making in the immune system [p] [d]
- David E. Over (2004) The psychology of conditionals [i] [d]
- Vivian Gussin Paley (2004) A child's work: the importance of fantasy play [i] [d]
- Moses L. Pava & Patrick Primeaux [ed] (2004) Spiritual intelligence at work: meaning, metaphor, and morals [i] [d]
- Mark Pogrebin [ed] (2004/2012) About criminals: a view of the offenders' world [i]
- Rüdiger Pohl [ed] (2004/2017) Cognitive illusions: intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgement and memory [i] [d]
- Devereaux A. Poling & E. Margaret Evans (2004) Religious belief, scientific expertise, and folk ecology [d]
- Linda L. Putnam (2004) Dialectical tensions and rhetorical tropes in negotiations [d]
- Andrew E. Roffman (2004) Is anger a thing-to-be-managed? [d]
- Carol R. Scheerer, Laura G. Cahill, Kelly Kirby, & Jessica Lane (2004) Cake decorating as occupation: meaning and motivation [d]
- Peter M. Senge, Claus Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworsky, & Betty Sue Flowers (2004) Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
- Kennon M. Sheldon (2004) Optimal human being: an integrated multi-level perspective [i] [d]
- Harvey Shrum (2004) No longer theory: correctional practices that work [j]
- Barbara Simpson, Bob Large, & Matthew O'Brien (2004) Bridging difference through dialogue: a constructivist perspective [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2004) The robot's rebellion: finding meaning in the age of Darwin [i] [d]
- Daniel N. Stern (2004) The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
- Iris Tabak & Eric Baumgartner (2004) The teacher as partner: exploring participant structures, symmetry, and identity work in scaffolding [d]
- Philip E. Tetlock, A. Peter McGraw, & Orie V. Kristel (2004) Proscribed forms of social cognition: taboo trade-offs, blocked exchanges, forbidden base rates, and heretical counterfactuals [i]
- Michael Tomasello (2004) Learning through others [d] [j]
- Karl E. Weick (2004) How projects lose meaning: the dynamics of renewal [i]
- Nicholas Asher & Alex Lascarides (2003) Logics of conversation [i]
- Lawrence W. Barsalou (2003) Situated simulation in the human conceptual system [d]
- Michael Basseches (2003) Adult development and the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Joy E. Beatty & William R. Torbert (2003) The false duality of work and leisure [d] [u]
- Laurent Bègue & Marina Bastounis (2003) Two spheres of belief in justice: extensive support for the bidimensional model of belief in a just world [p] [d]
- Patricia C. Broderick & Pamela Blewitt (2003/2015) The importance of meaning, religion, and spirituality [i]
- Jerry M. Calton & Steve L. Payne (2003) Coping with paradox: multistakeholder learning dialogue as a pluralist sensemaking process for addressing messy problems [d]
- Mihály Csikszentmihályi (2003) Good business: leadership, flow, and the making of meaning [i]
- Iain J. Davidson-Hunt & Fikret Berkes (2003) Learning as you journey: Anishinaabe perception of social-ecological environments and adaptive learning [j] [u]
- James M. Day & Deborah J. Youngman (2003) Discursive practices and their interpretation in the psychology of religious development [i] [d]
- Richard P. Eibach, Lisa K. Libby, & Thomas Gilovich (2003) When change in the self is mistaken for change in the world [p] [d]
- Roy J. Eidelson & Judy I. Eidelson (2003) Dangerous ideas: five beliefs that propel groups toward conflict [p] [d]
- Robert N. Emde, Dennie Wolf, & David Oppenheim [ed] (2003) Revealing the inner worlds of young children: the MacArthur story stem battery and parent–child narratives [i]
- Robert Firestone, Lisa A. Firestone, & Joyce Cartlett (2003) Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- James L. Furrow & Linda M. Wagener [ed] (2003) Beyond the self: perspectives on identity and transcendence among youth [i] [d] [u]
- John P. van Gigch (2003) Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology [i] [d]
- Daria Halprin (2003) The expressive body in life, art, and therapy: working with movement, metaphor, and meaning [i]
- R. Bruce Hull, David Richert, Erin Seekamp, David Robertson, & Gregory J. Buhyoff (2003) Understandings of environmental quality: ambiguities and values held by environmental professionals [d]
- Joli Jensen (2003) Expressive logic: a new premise in arts advocacy [d]
- Anna Kajanne (2003) Structure and content: the relationship between reflective judgment and laypeople's viewpoints [d]
- Elzbieta T. Kazmierczak (2003) Design as meaning making: from making things to the design of thinking [d] [j]
- Frank C. Keil (2003) Folkscience: coarse interpretations of a complex reality [p] [d]
- Jessica T. Kovan & John M. Dirkx (2003) 'Being called awake': the role of transformative learning in the lives of environmental activists [d]
- Nigel Mackay (2003) Psychotherapy and the idea of meaning [d]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2003) Constructive psychotherapy: a practical guide [i]
- Jenny Mandelbaum (2003) How to 'do things' with narrative: a communication perspective on narrative skill [i] [d]
- Anna Milberg & Peter Strang (2003) Meaningfulness in palliative home care: an interview study of dying cancer patients' next of kin [p] [d]
- Eduardo Fleury Mortimer & Philip H. Scott (2003) Meaning making in secondary science classrooms [i]
- David J. Mumford & Gerald R. Weeks (2003) The money genogram [d]
- John D. Norton (2003) Causation as folk science [u]
- Hilde Rapp (2003) The importance of emotional literacy for building a peace culture: understanding individual and social meanings and individual and social realities [d]
- Joan R. Rentsch & Jacqueline A. Zelno (2003) The role of cognition in managing conflict to maximize team effectiveness: a team member schema similarity approach [i] [d]
- Adrian Robertson (2003/2005) Making sense of the 'group mind' [i]
- Glauco Sanga & Gherardo Ortalli [ed] (2003) Nature knowledge: ethnoscience, cognition, and utility [i]
- David A. Schmaltz (2003) The blind men and the elephant: mastering project work: how to transform fuzzy responsibilities into meaningful results [i]
- Marc S. Schwartz & Kurt W. Fischer (2003) Building vs. borrowing: the challenge of actively constructing ideas [o] [u]
- Helaine Selin & Arne Kalland [ed] (2003) Nature across cultures: views of nature and the environment in non-western cultures [i] [d]
- Robert L. Selman (2003) The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
- Robert M. Seyfarth & Dorothy L. Cheney (2003) Meaning and emotion in animal vocalizations [d]
- Israela Silberman (2003) Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
- Simon Attfield, Ann Blandford, & John Dowell (2003) Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the 'problematic situation' [d]
- Carlota S. Smith (2003) Modes of discourse: the local structure of texts [i] [d]
- John Richard Stepp, Eric C. Jones, Mitchell A. Pavao-Zuckerman, David Casagrande, & Rebecca K. Zarger (2003) Remarkable properties of human ecosystems [j] [u]
- Kim Sterelny (2003) Thought in a hostile world: the evolution of human cognition [i]
- Dušan Stojnov (2003) Moving personal construct psychology to politics: understanding the voices with which we disagree [i] [d]
- Matt Stolick (2003) Dying to meet you: facing mortality and enabling patient styles [d]
- Paul S. Strand, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, & Dermot Barnes-Holmes (2003) Educating the whole child: implications of behaviorism as a science of meaning [d] [j]
- Veronica Strang (2003) The meaning of water [i]
- Charles M. Super & Sara Harkness (2003) The metaphors of development [d] [j]
- George E. Vaillant (2003) Mental health [p] [d]
- Eduardo A. Vizer (2003) La trama (in)visible de la vida social: comunicación, sentido y realidad [i]
- Anthony F. C. Wallace & Robert Steven Grumet (2003/2004) Essays on culture change [in two volumes: Revitalizations and mazeways; Modernity & mind] [o]
- Michael P. Weinstock & Matthew A. Cronin (2003) The everyday production of knowledge: individual differences in epistemological understanding and juror-reasoning skill [d]
- Paul Wink (2003) Dwelling and seeking in late adulthood: the psychosocial implications of two types of religious orientation [d]
- John M. Ziman (2003) The scientist as autodidact [i] [d]
- Michael Ayers (2002) Leadership, shared meaning, and semantics [j]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett & Peter Salovey [ed] (2002) The wisdom in feeling: psychological processes in emotional intelligence [i]
- Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, & Gordon M. Burghardt [ed] (2002) The cognitive animal: empirical and theoretical perspectives on animal cognition [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Benedetti (2002) How the doctor's words affect the patient's brain [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart (2002) The feeling of realness: evil and meaning making [d]
- Devon D. Brewer (2002) Supplementary interviewing techniques to maximize output in free listing tasks [d]
- Howard Karl Butcher & Kathleen Coen Buckwalter (2002) Exasperations as blessings: meaning-making and the caregiving experience [d]
- Victor G. Cicirelli (2002) Older adults' views on death [i]
- John B. Cobb (2002) Multiple religious belonging and reconciliation [i]
- Robert DiSalle (2002) Reconsidering Kant, Friedman, logical positivism, and the exact sciences [d] [j]
- Stephen J. Dollinger, Valerie J. Ross, & Lea Ann Preston (2002) Intellect and individuality [d]
- Christopher R. Erbes & Stephanie Lewis Harter (2002) Constructions of abuse: understanding the effects of childhood sexual abuse [i]
- Karen D. Fergus & David W. Reid (2002) Integrating constructivist and systemic metatheory in family therapy [d]
- Ted G. Goertzel (2002) Terrorist beliefs and terrorist lives [i]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (2002) Evolutionary perspectives on emotion: making sense of what we feel [d]
- George Hagman (2002) The sense of beauty [p] [d]
- Graham Harvey [ed] (2002) Readings in indigenous religions [i]
- Ravenna Helson & Sanjay Srivastava (2002) Creative and wise people: similarities, differences, and how they develop [d]
- Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich [ed] (2002) Personal epistemology: the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing [i] [d]
- Gregg Krech (2002) Naikan: gratitude, grace, and the Japanese art of self-reflection [i]
- Eric Maisel (2002) The Van Gogh blues: the creative person's path through depression [i]
- Eugene J. McCann (2002) The cultural politics of local economic development: meaning-making, place-making, and the urban policy process [d]
- Daniel E. Moerman (2002) Meaning, medicine, and the 'placebo effect' [i] [d]
- Daniel E. Moerman & Wayne B. Jonas (2002) Deconstructing the placebo effect and finding the meaning response [p] [d]
- Daniel E. Moerman (2002) The meaning response and the ethics of avoiding placebos [d]
- Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2002) Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
- Ayala Malakh-Pines (2002) A psychoanalytic–existential approach to burnout: demonstrated in the cases of a nurse, a teacher, and a manager [d]
- Jonathan D. Raskin & Sara K. Bridges [ed] (2002) Studies in meaning: exploring constructivist psychology [i]
- Robert Scott Root-Bernstein (2002) Aesthetic cognition [d]
- John Savolaine & Paul F. Granello (2002) The function of meaning and purpose for individual wellness [d]
- Edmund Searles (2002) Food and the making of modern Inuit identities [d]
- James P. Spillane, Brian J. Reiser, & Todd Reimer (2002) Policy implementation and cognition: reframing and refocusing implementation research [d]
- Keith Stenning (2002) Seeing reason: image and language in learning to think [i] [d]
- Chris E. Stout [ed] (2002) The psychology of terrorism [in four volumes: A public understanding; Clinical aspects and responses; Theoretical understandings and perspectives; Programs and practices in response and prevention] [i]
- George E. Vaillant (2002) Aging well: surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development [i]
- Beverly M. Walker (2002) Nonvalidation vs. (in)validation: implications for theory and practice [i]
- Glenn D. Walters (2002) Criminal belief systems: an integrated–interactive theory of lifestyles [i]
- Morton White (2002) A philosophy of culture: the case for holistic pragmatism [or: A philosophy of culture: the scope of holistic pragmatism] [i] [d] [j]
- Deirdre Wilson & Dan Sperber (2002) Truthfulness and relevance [d] [j]
- Zheng Yan & Kurt W. Fischer (2002) Always under construction [d] [j]
- Arthur C. Bohart (2001) A meditation on the nature of self-healing and personality change in psychotherapy based on Gendlin's theory of experiencing [d]
- Gervase R. Bushe (2001/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
- Bryan Caplan (2001) Rational ignorance versus rational irrationality [d]
- Lucian G. Conway III, Peter Suedfeld, & Philip E. Tetlock (2001) Integrative complexity and political decisions that lead to war or peace [i]
- David E. Cortesi (2001) Secular wholeness: a skeptic's paths to a richer life [i]
- E. Margaret Evans (2001) Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: creation versus evolution [d]
- Peter Fraenkel & William M. Pinsof (2001) Teaching family therapy-centered integration: assimilation and beyond [d]
- Michael Friedman (2001) Dynamics of reason: the 1999 Kant lectures at Stanford University [i]
- Eileen Gallo (2001) Using genograms to help understand relationships with money [u]
- Gerd Gigerenzer & Wolfgang Gaissmaier (2001/2015) Decision making: nonrational theories [i] [d]
- David Graeber (2001) Toward an anthropological theory of value: the false coin of our own dreams [i] [d]
- Martin Gren (2001) Time-geography matters [i] [d]
- Per Gustafson (2001) Roots and routes: exploring the relationship between place attachment and mobility [d]
- David A. Jopling (2001) Placebo insight: the rationality of insight-oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001) The real reason people won't change [o] [u]
- Laura A. King (2001) The hard road to the good life: the happy, mature person [d]
- Mason Lucia (2001) Introducing talk and writing for conceptual change: a classroom study [d]
- William J. Lyddon, Alison L. Clay, & Cheri L. Sparks (2001) Metaphor and change in counseling [d]
- Steve McKenna (2001) Organizational complexity and perceptions of risk [d] [j]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Adam K. Anderson, & Leslie Stockton (2001) Snakes versus ladders: a validation of laddering technique as a measure of hierarchical structure [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (2001) Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss [i] [d]
- Susan Neville (2001) Fabrication: essays on making things and making meaning [i]
- Martha Craven Nussbaum (2001) Upheavals of thought: the intelligence of emotions [i] [d]
- Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman & Anna Kajanne (2001) The development of implicit epistemologies during early and middle adulthood [d]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2001) Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2001) Cognitive pragmatism: the theory of knowledge in pragmatic perspective [i] [u]
- Bronna D. Romanoff (2001) Research as therapy: the power of narrative to effect change [i] [d]
- Denise M. Rousseau (2001) Schema, promise and mutuality: the building blocks of the psychological contract [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter (2001) The seven sins of memory: how the mind forgets and remembers [i]
- Kenneth W. Sewell & Amy M. Williams (2001) Construing stress: a constructivist therapeutic approach to posttraumatic stress reactions [i] [d]
- Nathan Shedroff (2001) Experience design: a manifesto for the creation of experiences [i]
- Dan Simon, Lien B. Pham, Quang A. Le, & Keith J. Holyoak (2001) The emergence of coherence over the course of decision making [p] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (2001) The world of where and when [i]
- Ann Belford Ulanov (2001) Finding space: Winnicott, God, and psychic reality [i]
- Beth Warren, Cynthia Ballenger, Mark Ogonowski, Ann S. Rosebery, & Josiane Hudicourt-Barnes (2001) Rethinking diversity in learning science: the logic of everyday sense-making [d]
- Inese Wheeler (2001) Parental bereavement: the crisis of meaning [p] [d]
- Deborah Du Nann Winter, Marc Pilisuk, Sara Houck, & Matthew Lee (2001) Understanding militarism: money, masculinity, and the search for the mystical [i]
- Steven L. Winter (2001) A clearing in the forest: law, life, and mind [i]
- Robert Wuthnow (2001) Creative spirituality: the way of the artist [i]
- Giampiero Arciero & Vittorio F. Guidano (2000) Experience, explanation, and the quest for coherence [i] [d]
- Thomas Attig (2000) The heart of grief: death and the search for lasting love [i]
- Daniel Bar-Tal (2000) From intractable conflict through conflict resolution to reconciliation: psychological analysis [d]
- Michael Horace Barnes (2000) Stages of thought: the co-evolution of religious thought and science [i] [d]
- Fikret Berkes, Johan Colding, & Carl Folke (2000) Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management [d]
- John N. Bray, Joyce A. Lee, Linda L. Smith, & Lyle Yorks (2000) Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
- Howard Brody & Daralyn Brody (2000) The placebo response: how you can release the body's inner pharmacy for better health [i]
- Laura S. Brown (2000) Discomforts of the powerless: feminist constructions of distress [i] [d]
- Susan Carey (2000) Science education as conceptual change [d]
- Franz Caspar, Julian Pessier, Jennifer Stuart, Jeremy D. Safran, Lisa Wallner Samstag, & Manal Guirguis (2000) One step further in assessing how interpretations influence the process of psychotherapy [d]
- Carole L. Crumley (2000) From garden to globe: linking time and space with meaning and memory [i] [j]
- Richard J. DeGrandpre (2000) A science of meaning: can behaviorism bring meaning to psychological science? [p] [d]
- Jean-Louis Dessalles (2000/2007) Why we talk: the evolutionary origins of language [i]
- Bruce Ecker & Laurel Hulley (2000) The order in clinical 'disorder': symptom coherence in depth-oriented brief therapy [i] [d]
- Kenneth J. Gergen & Sheila McNamee (2000) From disordering discourse to transformative dialogue [i] [d]
- Oscar F. Gonçalves, Yifaht Korman, & Lynne E. Angus (2000) Constructing psychopathology from a cognitive narrative perspective [i] [d]
- Paul E. Griffiths & Karola Stotz (2000) How the mind grows: a developmental perspective on the biology of cognition [d] [j]
- Stephen Grossberg (2000) How hallucinations may arise from brain mechanisms of learning, attention, and volition [p] [d]
- John Hardwig (2000) Spiritual issues at the end of life: a call for discussion [p] [d] [j]
- Ernest Hartmann (2000) Thought people and dream people: individual differences on the waking to dreaming continuum [i] [d]
- Michael Ignelzi (2000) Meaning-making in the learning and teaching process [d]
- Tim Ingold (2000/2012) Making culture and weaving the world [i] [d]
- Ruthellen Josselson (2000) Stability and change in early memories over 22 years: themes, variations, and cadenzas [p]
- Anita E. Kelly (2000) Helping construct desirable identities: a self-presentational view of psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Rachael Kessler (2000) The soul of education: helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school [i]
- Paul A. Klaczynski & Billi Robinson (2000) Personal theories, intellectual ability, and epistemological beliefs: adult age differences in everyday reasoning biases [p] [d]
- Robert G. Kunzendorf & Benjamin Wallace [ed] (2000) Individual differences in conscious experience [i] [d]
- Larry M. Leitner, April J. Faidley, & Mark A. Celentana (2000) Diagnosing human meaning making: an experiential constructivist approach [i] [d]
- Jay L. Lemke (2000) Across the scales of time: artifacts, activities, and meanings in ecosocial systems [d]
- Bo Lozoff (2000) It's a meaningful life: it just takes practice [i]
- Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, & Samuel L. Popkin [ed] (2000) Elements of reason: cognition, choice, and the bounds of rationality [i] [d]
- Norman B. Macintosh, Teri Shearer, Daniel B. Thornton, & Michael Welker (2000) Accounting as simulacrum and hyperreality: perspectives on income and capital [d]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2000) Core ordering and disordering processes: a constructive view of psychological development [i] [d]
- Ruth Malkinson, Simon Rubin, & Eliezer Witztum [ed] (2000) Traumatic and nontraumatic loss and bereavement: clinical theory and practice [i]
- Mike W. Martin (2000) Meaningful work: rethinking professional ethics [i] [d]
- François Matarasso (2000) The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
- Jack Mezirow [ed] (2000) Learning as transformation: critical perspectives on a theory in progress [i]
- Jack Mezirow (2000) Learning to think like an adult: core concepts of transformation theory [i]
- Daniel C. Molden & Carol S. Dweck (2000) Meaning and motivation [i] [d]
- David Moshman (2000) Diversity in reasoning and rationality: metacognitive and developmental considerations [d] [u]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (2000) Searching for the meaning of meaning: grief therapy and the process of reconstruction [p] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer & Jonathan D. Raskin [ed] (2000) Constructions of disorder: meaning-making frameworks for psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Paula M. Niedenthal & Jamin B. Halberstadt (2000) Emotional response as conceptual coherence [i]
- Robert L. Park (2000) Voodoo science: the road from foolishness to fraud [i]
- Juan Pascual-Leone (2000) Mental attention, consciousness, and the progressive emergence of wisdom [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (2000) Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio (2000) Reconstructing psychological distress and disorder from a relational perspective: a systemic coconstructive-developmental framework [i] [d]
- Karl Sven Rosengren, Carl N. Johnson, & Paul L. Harris [ed] (2000) Imagining the impossible: magical, scientific, and religious thinking in children [i] [d]
- Gery W. Ryan, Justin M. Nolan, & P. Stanley Yoder (2000) Successive free listing: using multiple free lists to generate explanatory models [d]
- Claus Otto Scharmer & Robert Kegan (2000) Grabbing the tiger by the tail: a conversation with Robert Kegan [u]
- Dietram A. Scheufele (2000) Agenda-setting, priming, and framing revisited: another look at cognitive effects of political communication [d] [u]
- Thomas A. Sebeok & Marcel Danesi (2000) The forms of meaning: modeling systems theory and semiotic analysis [i] [d]
- Lloyd D. Smith (2000) Creating rituals for the non-religious [i] [d]
- William E. Smythe & Maureen J. Murray (2000) Owning the story: ethical considerations in narrative research [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich & Richard F. West (2000) Individual differences in reasoning: implications for the rationality debate? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- Paul Thagard (2000) Coherence in thought and action [i] [d]
- Elliot Turiel & Kristin D. Neff (2000) Religion, culture, and beliefs about reality in moral reasoning [i] [d]
- Stephen Dine Young (2000) Movies as equipment for living: a developmental analysis of the importance of film in everyday life [d]
- Gary L. Albrecht & Patrick J. Devlieger (1999) The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds [p] [d]
- Arnoud Arntz, Roos Dietzel, & Laura Dreessen (1999) Assumptions in borderline personality disorder: specificity, stability and relationship with etiological factors [p] [d]
- Fikret Berkes (1999/2018) Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management [i] [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart & Karen Tallman (1999) How clients make therapy work: the process of active self-healing [i] [d]
- Arthur C. Bohart (1999) Intuition and creativity in psychotherapy [d]
- Jochen Brandtstädter & Richard M. Lerner [ed] (1999) Action & self-development: theory and research through the life span [i] [d]
- Merlin B. Brinkerhoff & Jeffrey C. Jacob (1999) Mindfulness and quasi-religious meaning systems: an empirical exploration within the context of ecological sustainability and deep ecology [d] [j]
- Joachim C. Brunstein, Oliver C. Schultheiss, & Günter W. Maier (1999) The pursuit of personal goals: a motivational approach to well-being and life adjustment [i] [d]
- William Van Buskirk & Dennis McGrath (1999) Organizational cultures as holding environments: a psychodynamic look at organizational symbolism [d]
- Edward R. Canda & Leola Dyrud Furman (1999/2010) Spiritual diversity in social work practice: the heart of helping [i]
- William J. Clancey (1999) Conceptual coordination: how the mind orders experience in time [i]
- William E. Connolly (1999) Why I am not a secularist [i]
- Richard J. Contrada & Richard D. Ashmore [ed] (1999) Self, social identity, and physical health: interdisciplinary explorations [i]
- Claudia Dalbert (1999) The world is more just for me than generally: about the personal belief in a just world scale's validity [d]
- Carol S. Dweck (1999) Self-theories: their role in motivation, personality, and development [i] [d]
- Robert A. Emmons (1999) The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality [i]
- Daniel B. Fishman (1999) The case for pragmatic psychology [i]
- Robert Grant (1999) Spirituality and trauma: an essay [d]
- Vilma Hänninen & Anja Koski-Jännes (1999) Narratives of recovery from addictive behaviours [p] [d]
- Eddie Harmon-Jones [ed] (1999/2019) Cognitive dissonance: reexamining a pivotal theory in psychology [i] [d]
- Irving Kirsch & Steven Jay Lynn (1999) Automaticity in clinical psychology [d]
- John N. Kotre (1999) Make it count: how to generate a legacy that gives meaning to your life [i]
- Michelle Mary Lelwica (1999) Starving for salvation: the spiritual dimensions of eating problems among American girls and women [i]
- Karlen Lyons-Ruth (1999) The two-person unconscious: intersubjective dialogue, enactive relational representation, and the emergence of new forms of relational organization [d]
- Michael F. Mascolo, Kurt W. Fischer, & Robert A. Neimeyer (1999) The dynamic codevelopment of intentionality, self, and social relations [i] [d]
- John A. Meacham (1999) Riegel, dialectics, and multiculturalism [d] [j]
- William R. Miller [ed] (1999) Integrating spirituality into treatment: resources for practitioners [i] [d]
- Terence R. Mitchell & Amy E. Mickel (1999) The meaning of money: an individual-difference perspective [d] [j]
- Kai Nielsen (1999) On being a secularist all the way down [i]
- Raymond F. Paloutzian, James T. Richardson, & Lewis R. Rambo (1999) Religious conversion and personality change [d]
- Roy A. Rappaport (1999) Ritual and religion in the making of humanity [i] [d]
- Marsha L. Rehm (1999) Vocation as meaning making narrative: implications for vocational education [o]
- Rachel Naomi Remen (1999) Educating for mission, meaning, and compassion [i]
- P. Scott Richards, John M. Rector, & Alan C. Tjeltveit (1999) Values, spirituality, and psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (1999) Who is rational?: studies of individual differences in reasoning [i]
- Richard G. Tedeschi (1999) Violence transformed: posttraumatic growth in survivors and their societies [d]
- Samuel Vuchinich (1999) Problem solving in families: research and practice [i]
- Phillip Wolff, Douglas L. Medin, & Connie Pankratz (1999) Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge [p] [d]
- David M. Wulff (1999) Beyond belief and unbelief [i]
- Raymond M. Bergner (1998) Therapeutic approaches to problems of meaninglessness [p] [d]
- Fikret Berkes, Mina Kislalioglu, Carl Folke, & Madhav Gadgil (1998) Exploring the basic ecological unit: ecosystem-like concepts in traditional societies [d] [u]
- James Blachowicz (1998) Of two minds: the nature of inquiry [i]
- James Blachowicz (1998) At what level of cognition does meaning exist? [i]
- Richard J. Butler & David R. Green (1998/2007) The child within: taking the young person's perspective by applying personal construct theory [i]
- C. Richard Chapman & Yoshio Nakamura (1998) Hypnotic analgesia: a constructivist framework [p] [d]
- Chun Wei Choo (1998/2006) The knowing organization: how organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions [i] [d]
- Victor G. Cicirelli (1998) Personal meanings of death in relation to fear of death [p] [d]
- Robert P. Crease (1998) What is an artifact? [d]
- Kenneth J. Doka & Joyce Davidson [ed] (1998) Living with grief: who we are, how we grieve [i]
- Marc D. Feldman, Jacqueline M. Feldman, & Roxenne Smith (1998) Stranger than fiction: when our minds betray us [i]
- Liane Gabora (1998) Weaving, bending, patching, mending the fabric of reality: a cognitive science perspective on worldview inconsistency [d]
- Marjorie B. Garber (1998) Symptoms of culture [i]
- John H. Harvey [ed] (1998) Perspectives on loss: a sourcebook [i] [d]
- Julian E. Hochberg [ed] (1998) Perception and cognition at century's end [i] [d]
- Michael F. Hoyt [ed] (1998) The handbook of constructive therapies: innovative approaches from leading practitioners [i]
- Laurence R. Iannaccone, Rodney Stark, & Roger Finke (1998) Rationality and the 'religious mind' [d]
- Martin A. van Kalmthout (1998) Person-centred theory as a system of meaning [i]
- Ya'aḳov Lomrants [ed] (1998) Handbook of aging and mental health: an integrative approach [i] [d]
- Ian McGregor & Brian R. Little (1998) Personal projects, happiness, and meaning: on doing well and being yourself [d]
- Joseph Melnick & Sonia March Nevis (1998) Diagnosing in the here and now: a Gestalt therapy approach [i]
- Michael J. Nakkula & Sharon M. Ravitch [ed] (1998) Matters of interpretation: reciprocal transformation in therapeutic and developmental relationships with youth [i]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1998/2010) Learning, creating, and using knowledge: concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations [i]
- Melissa A. Pflüg (1998) Ritual and myth in Odawa revitalization: reclaiming a sovereign place [i]
- Ariel Phillips, Michael Basseches, & Abigail Lipson (1998) Meetings: a swampy terrain for adult development [d]
- Richard A. Shweder, Jacqueline J. Goodnow, Giyoo Hatano, Robert A. LeVine, Hazel R. Markus, & Peggy J. Miller (1998/2006) The cultural psychology of development: one mind, many mentalities [i] [d]
- Rodney Smith (1998) Lessons from the dying [i]
- Paul Thagard (1998) Ethical coherence [d]
- Jon Umerez (1998) The evolution of the symbolic domain in living systems and artificial life [i] [d]
- Froma Walsh (1998/2016) Strengthening family resilience [i]
- Kathryn R. Wentzel & Jere E. Brophy (1998/2014) Motivating students to learn [i]
- Ruth H. Anderson (1997) Interpreting therapeutic process: a constructivist perspective [d]
- Connie C. Barlow (1997) Green space, green time: the way of science [i] [d]
- Michael Basseches (1997) A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
- Michael Basseches (1997) A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum (1997) Negotiating the construction and reconstruction of organisational memories [d]
- Richard A. Carlson (1997) Experienced cognition [i] [d]
- James C. Edwards (1997) The plain sense of things: the fate of religion in an age of normal nihilism [i]
- David R. Geelan (1997) Epistemological anarchy and the many forms of constructivism [d]
- Arthur M. Glenberg (1997) What memory is for: creating meaning in the service of action [and comments and reply] [d]
- Marjorie Harness Goodwin (1997) Toward families of stories in context [d]
- Anne Harrington [ed] (1997) The placebo effect: an interdisciplinary exploration [i]
- Francis Heylighen (1997) Objective, subjective and intersubjective selectors of knowledge [u]
- Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich (1997) The development of epistemological theories: beliefs about knowledge and knowing and their relation to learning [d]
- Robert Kalechofsky (1997) Knowing and erring: the consolations of error: essay on developmental epistemology [i]
- Irving Kirsch (1997) Specifying nonspecifics: psychological mechanisms of placebo effects [i]
- David Michael Kleinberg-Levin & Eugene T. Gendlin [ed] (1997) Language beyond postmodernism: saying and thinking in Gendlin's philosophy [i]
- Jean-Clet Martin (1997) Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
- Alice McIntyre (1997) Making meaning of whiteness: exploring racial identity with white teachers [i]
- Jean Baker Miller & Irene P. Stiver (1997) The healing connection: how women form relationships in therapy and in life [i]
- Trevor Pateman (1997/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
- Steven A. Safren, Richard G. Heimberg, & Harlan R. Juster (1997) Clients' expectancies and their relationship to pretreatment symptomatology and outcome of cognitive-behavioral group treatment for social phobia [d]
- Mari Lyn Salvador (1997) The art of being Kuna: layers of meaning among the Kuna of Panama [i]
- James Sexton (1997) The semantics of death and dying: metaphor and mortality [j]
- Barry Smith (1997) The cognitive geometry of war [i]
- Stuart A. Vyse (1997/2014) Believing in magic: the psychology of superstition [i]
- Laura R. Winer & Jesus Vazquez-Abad (1997) Repertory grid technique in the diagnosis of learner difficulties and the assessment of conceptual change in physics [d]
- Emily van Zee & Jim Minstrell (1997) Using questioning to guide student thinking [d]
- Eugene N. Anderson (1996) Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment [i]
- Thomas Attig (1996/2011) How we grieve: relearning the world [i] [d]
- Michael D. Berzonsky & Joseph R. Ferrari (1996) Identity orientation and decisional strategies [d]
- Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Lola Fleck, & Thomas E. Uebel (1996) The boat: Neurath's image of knowledge [i] [d]
- Katherine M. Clarke (1996) Change processes in a creation of meaning event [d]
- Margaret C. Donaldson (1996) Humanly possible: education and the scope of the mind [i] [d]
- Bruce Ecker & Laurel Hulley (1996) Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
- Klaus Eder (1996) The social construction of nature: a sociology of ecological enlightenment [i]
- Gail Theus Fairhurst (1996/2011) The power of framing: creating the language of leadership [i]
- Gary Alan Fine (1996) Justifying work: occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens [d] [j]
- Maurice A. Finocchiaro (1996) Reasoning about reasoning [i] [d]
- Linda Flower (1996) Negotiating the meaning of difference [d]
- Jill Freedman & Gene Combs (1996) Narrative therapy: the social construction of preferred realities [i]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1996) Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
- Usha C. Goswami (1996) Analogical reasoning and cognitive development [i] [p] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Jeanne C. Watson (1996) Emotion and cognition in experiential therapy: a dialectical constructivist perspective [i]
- Leslie S. Greenberg (1996) The power of empathic exploration: a process-experiential/gestalt perspective on the case of Jim Brown [i]
- Kenneth R. Hammond (1996) Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
- Michael F. Hoyt [ed] (1996) Constructive therapies [i]
- David Allen Karp (1996) Speaking of sadness: depression, disconnection, and the meanings of illness [i]
- Patricia M. King & Bettina C. Shuford (1996) A multicultural view is a more cognitively complex view: cognitive development and multicultural education [d]
- Philip J. Knight (1996) John Dewey and religious non-realism: neither a theist nor an atheist [o] [u]
- Gerry Larsson & Kjell O. Kallenberg (1996) Sense of coherence, socioeconomic conditions and health: interrelationships in a nation-wide Swedish sample [d]
- William D. Lax (1996) Narrative, social constructionism, and Buddhism [i]
- Dorothy MacKeracher (1996/2004) Making sense of adult learning [i] [d] [j]
- Sheila McNamee (1996) Psychotherapy as a social construction [i]
- Donald Meichenbaum & Michael F. Hoyt (1996) Cognitive-behavioral treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder from a narrative constructivist perspective: a conversation with Donald Meichenbaum [i]
- Sharan B. Merriam & Barbara Heuer (1996) Meaning-making, adult learning and development: a model with implications for practice [d]
- Donald L. Nathanson (1996) Positive affect [and religion] [u]
- Kai Nielsen (1996) Naturalism without foundations [i]
- Julian E. Orr (1996) Talking about machines: an ethnography of a modern job [i] [d] [j]
- Lynne M. Reder [ed] (1996) Implicit memory and metacognition [i]
- Wayne W. Reeves (1996) Cognition and complexity: the cognitive science of managing complexity [i]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Oscar F. Gonçalves, & Allen E. Ivey (1996) From cultural to existential diversity: the impossibility of psychotherapy integration within a traditional framework [d]
- Michael Robbins (1996) Conceiving of personality [i] [d] [j]
- Hugh Rosen & Kevin T. Kuehlwein [ed] (1996) Constructing realities: meaning-making perspectives for psychotherapists [i]
- Robert Rosenbaum (1996) Form, formlessness, and formulation [d]
- Kurt Spellmeyer (1996) After theory: from textuality to attunement with the world [d] [j]
- Connie M. Vaughn (1996) Commitment, hostility, and the scientist-as-person [d]
- Linda L. Viney (1996) A personal construct model of crisis intervention counseling for adult clients [d]
- Daniel R. Williams & Michael E. Patterson (1996) Environmental meaning and ecosystem management: perspectives from environmental psychology and human geography [d]
- William F. Brewer (1995) To assert that essentially all human knowledge and memory is represented in terms of stories is certainly wrong [i]
- James Ansel Buford (1995) The kindness of strangers: and other clues to the meaning of life [i]
- Gemma Corradi Fiumara (1995) The metaphoric process: connections between language and life [i] [d]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Juan Pascual-Leone (1995) A dialectical-constructivist approach to experiential change [i] [d]
- Vittorio F. Guidano (1995) Constructivist psychotherapy: a theoretical framework [i] [d]
- Stephanie Lewis Harter (1995) Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
- Edward R. Hirt & Keith D. Markman (1995) Multiple explanation: a consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1995) Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé (1995) Myriad worlds: Buddhist cosmology in Abhidharma, Kālacakra, and Dzog-chen [i]
- David Moshman (1995) Reasoning as self-constrained thinking [and comment by Graeme S. Halford] [d] [j]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (1995) Constructivist psychotherapies: features, foundations, and future directions [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer & Michael J. Mahoney [ed] (1995) Constructivism in psychotherapy [i] [d]
- David Poeppel, George R. Mangun, & Michael S. Gazzaniga [ed] (1995/2020) The cognitive neurosciences [i]
- Robert J. Robinson, Dacher Keltner, Andrew Ward, & Lee Ross (1995) Actual versus assumed differences in construal: 'naive realism' in intergroup perception and conflict [d]
- Daniel L. Schacter & Joseph T. Coyle [ed] (1995) Memory distortion: how minds, brains, and societies reconstruct the past [i]
- Barry Smith (1995) On drawing lines on a map [i] [d]
- Karl E. Weick (1995) Sensemaking in organizations [i]
- John R. Wettersten (1995) Styles of rationality [d]
- Thomas M. Alexander (1994/1995) Educating the democratic heart: pluralism, traditions and the humanities [i] [d]
- Connie C. Barlow [ed] (1994) Evolution extended: biological debates on the meaning of life [i]
- Roland Calori, Gerry Johnson, & Philippe Sarnin (1994) CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization [d] [j]
- Arthur L. Costa, Robert J. Garmston, Carolee Hayes, & Hane Ellison (1994/2015) Cognitive coaching: developing self-directed leaders and learners [i]
- Doris Dickerson Coward (1994) Meaning and purpose in the lives of persons with AIDS [p] [d]
- Wilfred H. Drath & Charles J. Palus (1994) Making common sense: leadership as meaning-making in a community of practice [i]
- Brian Dumaine & Ann Sample (1994) Why do we work? [u]
- Alan C. Elms (1994) Uncovering lives: the uneasy alliance of biography and psychology [i]
- Linda Flower (1994) The construction of negotiated meaning: a social cognitive theory of writing [i]
- Peter Gärdenfors (1994/2005) The role of expectations in reasoning [i] [d]
- Peter Gärdenfors (1994/2005) How logic emerges from the dynamics of information [i] [d]
- Ken Gemes (1994) Explanation, unification, and content [d] [j]
- Bruce K. Britton (1994) Understanding expository text: building mental structures to induce insights [i]
- Arthur C. Graesser, Murray Singer, & Tom Trabasso (1994) Constructing inferences during narrative text comprehension [p] [d]
- Robert E. Harlow & Nancy Cantor (1994) Personality as problem solving: a framework for the analysis of change in daily-life behavior [d]
- Robert Kegan (1994) In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
- John F. Kihlstrom & Stanley B. Klein (1994) The self as a knowledge structure [i] [u]
- Deirdre A. Kramer & Weizhen Tang Bacelar (1994) The educated adult in today's world: wisdom and the mature learner [i]
- Laura V. Maciuika, Michael Basseches, & Abigail Lipson (1994) Exploring adult learning from learners' perspectives [i]
- James G. March & Chip Heath (1994) A primer on decision making: how decisions happen [i]
- David Moshman (1994) Reason, reasons and reasoning: a constructivist account of human rationality [d]
- David Moshman (1994) Reasoning, metareasoning, and the promotion of rationality [i] [d]
- Susan M. Pearce [ed] (1994) Interpreting objects and collections [i] [d]
- David T. Pfenninger & Reid E. Klion (1994) Fitting the world to constructs: the role of activity in meaning making [d]
- David A. Schum (1994) The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning [i]
- Jan D. Sinnott [ed] (1994) Interdisciplinary handbook of adult lifespan learning [i]
- John P. Smith III, Andrea A. diSessa, & Jeremy Roschelle (1994) Misconceptions reconceived: a constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition [d]
- National Museum of the American Indian (1994) All roads are good: native voices on life and culture [i]
- Claude Whitmyer [ed] (1994) Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
- Elizabeth S. Anderson (1993) The thick conceptual structure of the space of reasons [i]
- Sue L. Cataldi (1993) Emotion, depth, and flesh: a study of sensitive space: reflections on Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of embodiment [i]
- Margaret C. Donaldson (1993) Human minds: an exploration [i]
- Franz R. Epting, James S. Probert, & Stephen D. Pittman (1993) Alternative strategies for construct elicitation: experimenting with experience [d]
- Joseph P. Folger, Marshall Scott Poole, & Randall K. Stutman (1993/2021) Working through conflict: strategies for relationships, groups, and organizations [i] [d]
- Tora Friberg (1993) Everyday life: women's adaptive strategies in time and space [i]
- David Theo Goldberg (1993) Racist culture: philosophy and the politics of meaning [i]
- Dodi Goldman (1993) In search of the real: the origins and originality of D.W. Winnicott [i]
- David Halle (1993) Inside culture: art and class in the American home [i]
- Jesper Hoffmeyer (1993/1996) Signs of meaning in the universe [i]
- William N. Isaacs (1993) Taking flight: dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning [d]
- Susan Presby Kodish & Bruce I. Kodish (1993/2011) Drive yourself sane: using the uncommon sense of general semantics [i]
- Robert J. Landy (1993) Persona and performance: the meaning of role in drama, therapy, and everyday life [i]
- Richard Levins (1993) A response to Orzack and Sober: formal analysis and the fluidity of science [d] [j]
- William J. Lyddon (1993) Developmental constructivism: an integrative framework for psychotherapy practice [d]
- Alvin R. Mahrer & David R. Fairweather (1993) What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
- Milton Karl Munitz (1993) Does life have a meaning? [i]
- Kai Nielsen (1993) Relativism and wide reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1993) Human constructivism: a unification of psychological and epistemological phenomena in meaning making [d]
- John Shotter (1993) Cultural politics of everyday life: social constructionism, rhetoric and knowing of the third kind [i]
- Andrew Trice & Randall Davis (1993) Heuristics for reconciling independent knowledge bases [d]
- Alan R. H. Baker & Gideon Biger [ed] (1992) Ideology and landscape in historical perspective: essays on the meanings of some places in the past [i]
- Harry Beilin & Peter B. Pufall [ed] (1992) Piaget's theory: prospects and possibilities [i] [d]
- Theodore L. Dorpat & Michael L. Miller (1992) Clinical interaction and the analysis of meaning: a new psychoanalytic theory [i]
- Christiane Floyd, Heinz Züllighoven, Reinhard Budde, & Reinhard Keil-Slawik [ed] (1992) Software development and reality construction [i] [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (1992) The cognitive construction of scientific knowledge: response to Pickering [d]
- Joseph A. Goguen (1992) Truth and meaning beyond formalism [i] [d]
- Félix Guattari (1992/1995) Chaosmosis: an ethico-aesthetic paradigm [i]
- Tim Hatfield & Susan Rickey Hatfield (1992) As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
- E. Tory Higgins (1992) Achieving 'shared reality' in the communication game: a social action that creates meaning [d]
- Philip N. Hineline (1992) A self-interpretive behavior analysis [p] [d]
- Evan Imber-Black & Janine Roberts (1992/1998) Rituals for our times: celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and our relationships [i]
- Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (1992) Shattered assumptions: towards a new psychology of trauma [i]
- James W. Jones (1992) Knowledge in transition: toward a Winnicottian epistemology [p] [u]
- Ruthellen Josselson (1992) The space between us: exploring the dimensions of human relationships [i]
- John L. Luckner & Reldan S. Nadler (1992/1997) Processing the experience: strategies to enhance and generalize learning [i]
- William W. Meissner (1992) Religious thinking as transitional conceptualization [p] [u]
- Donald P. Moss (1992) Cognitive therapy, phenomenology, and the struggle for meaning [d]
- Gil G. Noam (1992) Development as the aim of clinical intervention [d]
- Sharon Helmer Poggenpohl & Dietmar R. Winkler (1992) The frame of reference: diagrams as tools for worldmaking [u]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1992) Kelly's 'geometry of psychological space' and its significance for cognitive modeling [u]
- Irving Singer (1992/1996) Meaning in life: the creation of value [i]
- Tod Stratton Sloan (1992) Understanding major life decisions: a life history approach [d]
- Dan J. Stein (1992) Schemas in the cognitive and clinical sciences: an integrative construct [d]
- Paul Thagard (1992) Analogy, explanation, and education [d]
- Paul Thagard (1992) Conceptual revolutions [i] [d] [j]
- William R. Torbert & Dalmar Fisher (1992) Autobiographical awareness as a catalyst for managerial and organisational development [d] [u]
- Paul Watzlawick (1992/1996) The construction of clinical 'realities' [i]
- Anna Wierzbicka (1992) Semantics, culture, and cognition: universal human concepts in culture-specific configurations [i]
- Lewis Wolpert (1992) The unnatural nature of science: why science does not make (common) sense [i]
- Vittorio F. Guidano (1991) The self in process: toward a post-rationalist cognitive therapy [i]
- John Hick (1991) Religion as 'skilful means': a hint from Buddhism [d] [j]
- Frederic M. Hudson (1991/1999) The adult years: mastering the art of self-renewal [i]
- Frank C. Keil (1991) The emergence of theoretical beliefs as constraints on concepts [i] [d]
- Michael J. Mahoney (1991) Human change processes: the scientific foundations of psychotherapy [i]
- Jack Martin (1991) The social-cognitive construction of therapeutic change: a dual coding analysis [d]
- Jay Newman (1991) On religious freedom [i]
- Nick F. Pidgeon, Barry A. Turner, & David I. Blockley (1991) The use of grounded theory for conceptual analysis in knowledge elicitation [d]
- Gloria Anzaldúa [ed] (1990) Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras: creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color [i]
- Robert B. Cairns (1990) Developmental epistemology and self-knowledge: towards a reinterpretation of self-esteem [i]
- Doris Dickerson Coward (1990) The lived experience of self-transcendence in women with advanced breast cancer [p] [d]
- Raili Gothóni (1990) From chaos to cosmos: the telling of a life story reconsidered [d]
- Robert B. Grieve & Martin Hughes [ed] (1990) Understanding children: essays in honor of Margaret Donaldson [i]
- Irving Kirsch (1990) Changing expectations: a key to effective psychotherapy [i]
- Roland Littlewood (1990) How universal is something we can call 'therapy'?: some implications of non-Western healing systems for intercultural work [d]
- David Moshman (1990/1996) The development of metalogical understanding [i] [d]
- Melvin Pollner & David Goode (1990) Ethnomethodology and person-centering practices [o]
- Allan Pred (1990) In other wor(l)ds: fragmented and integrated observations on gendered languages, gendered spaces and local transformation [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1990) A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
- Rainer Riemann (1990) The bipolarity of personal constructs [or lack of bipolarity] [d]
- William B. Stiles, Robert Elliott, Susan P. Llewelyn, Jenny A. Firth-Cozens, Frank R. Margison, David A. Shapiro, & Gillian E. Hardy (1990) Assimilation of problematic experiences by clients in psychotherapy [d]
- Douglas C. Strohmer & David L. Blustein (1990) The adult problem solver as person scientist [d]
- Tom R. Tyler (1990/2006) Why people obey the law [i]
- Linda L. Viney (1990) Psychotherapy as shared reconstruction [d]
- Franz M. Wuketits (1990) Evolutionary epistemology and its implications for humankind [i]
- Michael Basseches (1989) Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
- Michael Basseches (1989) Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
- Cameron J. Camp & Leslie A. McKitrick (1989) The dialectics of forgetting and remembering across the adult lifespan [i] [d]
- John J. Clement, David E. Brown, & Aletta Zietsman (1989) Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
- Linda Flower (1989) Taking thought: the role of conscious processing in the making of meaning [i]
- Hans-Jost Frey (1989/1996) Interruptions [i]
- Gerard Fromm & Bruce L. Smith [ed] (1989) The facilitating environment: clinical applications of Winnicott's theory [i]
- Ernst von Glasersfeld (1989) Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
- Herbert V. Guenther (1989) From reductionism to creativity: rDzogs-chen and the new sciences of mind [i]
- Emmy Gut (1989) Productive and unproductive depression: success or failure of a vital process [i]
- Susan L. Hurley (1989) Irrational systems and rational subsystems; conflicts within persons and conflicts between persons [i]
- Susan L. Hurley (1989) Natural reasons: personality and polity [i]
- Ellen J. Langer (1989) Mindfulness [i]
- Bonnie Leadbeater & Deanna Kuhn (1989) Interpreting discrepant narratives: hermeneutics and adult cognition [i]
- Monica Lee (1989) When is an object not an object?: the effect of 'meaning' upon the copying of line drawings [d]
- Sim C. Liddon (1989) The dual brain, religion, and the unconscious [i]
- William T. O'Donohue (1989) The (even) bolder model: the clinical psychologist as metaphysician–scientist–practitioner [p] [d]
- Melvin Pollner (1989) Divine relations, social relations, and well-being [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (1989) Cognitive economy: the economic dimension of the theory of knowledge [i] [u]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1989) Comparing conceptual structures: consensus, conflict, correspondence and contrast [d]
- Joseph Campbell & Bill D. Moyers (1988) The power of myth [i]
- Mary Baird Carlsen (1988) Meaning-making: therapeutic processes in adult development [i]
- David Friend (1988/1991) The meaning of life: reflections in words and pictures on why we are here [i]
- David L. Hull (1988) Science as a process: an evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science [i] [d]
- Cees Leeuwis & Anne W. van den Ban (1988/2003) Communication for rural innovation: rethinking agricultural extension [i] [d]
- Michael J. Mahoney & William J. Lyddon (1988) Recent developments in cognitive approaches to counseling and psychotherapy [d]
- Donald Meichenbaum (1988) What happens when the 'brute data' of psychological inquiry are meanings: nurturing a dialogue between hermeneutics and empiricism [and comment by Jerome Wakefield] [i]
- Stanley B. Messer, Louis Arnorsson Sass, & Robert L. Woolfolk [ed] (1988) Hermeneutics and psychological theory: interpretive perspectives on personality, psychotherapy, and psychopathology [i]
- Thomas F. Oltmanns & Brendan A. Maher [ed] (1988) Delusional beliefs [i]
- David L. Preston (1988) The social organization of Zen practice: constructing transcultural reality [i]
- William McKinley Runyan (1988) Alternatives to psychoanalytic psychobiography [i] [u]
- Stephen Soldz (1988) Constructivist tendencies in recent psychoanalysis [d]
- Shelley E. Taylor & Jonathon D. Brown (1988) Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health [p] [d]
- Paul Thagard (1988) Computational philosophy of science [i] [d]
- Thomas M. Alexander (1987) John Dewey's theory of art, experience, and nature: the horizons of feeling [i]
- Thomas M. Alexander (1987) Creativity, criticism, and community [i]
- Gloria Anzaldúa (1987/2012) Borderlands = La frontera: the new mestiza [i]
- Merlin B. Brinkerhoff & Jeffrey C. Jacob (1987) Quasi-religious meaning systems, official religion, and quality of life in an alternative lifestyle: a survey from the back-to-the-land movement [d] [j]
- Lee Drummond (1987) Are there cultures to communicate across? An appraisal of the 'culture' concept from the perspective of anthropological semiotics [i] [u]
- Nancy Frankenberry (1987) Religion and radical empiricism [i]
- Albert Hunter (1987) The symbolic ecology of suburbia [i] [d]
- Robert Kalechofsky (1987) The persistence of error: essays in developmental epistemology [i]
- Patricia W. Linville (1987) Self-complexity as a cognitive buffer against stress-related illness and depression [d]
- María Lugones (1987/2003) Playfulness, 'world'-travelling, and loving perception [i]
- Keith Merron, Dalmar Fisher, & William R. Torbert (1987) Meaning making and management action [d] [u]
- Greg J. Neimeyer & April Metzler (1987) The development of vocational schemas [d]
- Courtice G. Rose (1987) The problem of reference and geographic structuration [d]
- Michael Walzer (1987) Interpretation and social criticism [i]
- Marvin Ross Weisbord (1987/2004) Productive workplaces revisited: dignity, meaning, and community in the 21st century [i]
- Marvin W. Acklin (1986) Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
- John C. Bean (1986) Summary writing, Rogerian listening, and dialectic thinking [d] [j]
- Rebecca Smith Behrends (1986) The integrated personality: maximal utilization of information [d]
- Geoffrey H. Blowers & Mildred M. McCoy (1986) Perceiving cinematic episodes: a cross-cultural repertory grid study of a narrative film segment [d]
- David Feinstein (1986) Myth-making activity through the window of the dream [d]
- Edna B. Foa & Michael J. Kozak (1986) Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information [p] [d]
- Vittorio F. Guidano (1986) The self as mediator of cognitive change in psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Lorne M. Hartman & Kirk R. Blankstein [ed] (1986) Perception of self in emotional disorder and psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Donald Bannister [ed] (1985) Issues and approaches in personal construct theory [i]
- Donald Bannister (1985) The patient's point of view [i]
- Per-Olof Berg (1985) Techno-culture: the symbolic framing of technology in a Volvo plant [d]
- James C. Coyne (1985) Toward a theory of frames and reframing: the social nature of frames [d]
- Franz R. Epting & Alvin W. Landfield [ed] (1985) Anticipating personal construct psychology [i]
- Arthur Freeman, Michael J. Mahoney, Paul Devito, & Donna Martin [ed] (1985/2004) Cognition and psychotherapy [i]
- Helen Jones (1985) Creativity and depression: an idiographic study [i]
- Larry M. Leitner (1985) Interview methodologies for construct elicitation: searching for the core [i]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Anne Heath, & Jaine Strauss (1985) Personal reconstruction during group cognitive therapy for depression [i]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (1985) The development of personal construct psychology [i]
- Melvin Pollner & L. McDonald-Wikler (1985) The social construction of unreality: a case study of a family's attribution of competence to a severely retarded child [p] [d]
- Irving E. Sigel, Ann V. McGillicuddy-De Lisi, & Jacqueline J. Goodnow [ed] (1985/1992) Parental belief systems: the psychological consequences for children [i]
- Daniel N. Stern (1985) The interpersonal world of the infant: a view from psychoanalysis and developmental psychology [i]
- Michael Basseches (1984) Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
- James F. T. Bugental & Elizabeth K. Bugental (1984) A fate worse than death: the fear of changing [d]
- Franz R. Epting & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] (1984) Personal meanings of death: applications of personal construct theory to clinical practice [i]
- Linda Flower & John R. Hayes (1984) Images, plans, and prose: the representation of meaning in writing [d]
- Diane F. Halpern (1984/2014) Thought and knowledge: an introduction to critical thinking [i] [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer (1984) Toward a personal construct conceptualization of depression and suicide [i]
- John F. Sowa (1984) Conceptual structures: information processing in mind and machine [i]
- Sherry Turkle (1984/2005) The second self: computers and the human spirit [i] [d]
- Ruut Veenhoven (1984) Conditions of happiness [i] [d]
- Paul Watzlawick (1984) Self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
- Paul Watzlawick [ed] (1984) The invented reality: how do we know what we believe we know?: contributions to constructivism [i]
- Jack R. Adams-Webber & James C. Mancuso [ed] (1983) Applications of personal construct theory [i]
- Mario Bunge (1983/1985) Epistemology & methodology [in three volumes: Exploring the world; Understanding the world; Philosophy of science and technology] [o] [d]
- Theodore L. Dorpat (1983) Denial, defect, symptom formation—and construction [d]
- Gerhard Fischer (1983) Symbiotic, knowledge-based computer support systems [d]
- James Hillman (1983) Healing fiction [i]
- Allan Kaprow (1983/2003) The real experiment [i]
- Karen Strohm Kitchener (1983) Cognition, metacognition, and epistemic cognition: a three-level model of cognitive processing [d] [j]
- Finn Tschudi (1983) Constructs are hypotheses [i] [u]
- Marlene Wadsworth & Donald H. Ford (1983) Assessment of personal goal hierarchies [d]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1983) From genetic epistemology to historical epistemology: Kant, Marx and Piaget [i] [d]
- Paul F. Dell (1982) Beyond homeostasis: toward a concept of coherence [p] [d]
- Robert H. Ennis (1982) Identifying implicit assumptions [d] [j]
- Marjorie Fiske (1982/1993) Challenge and defeat: stability and change in adulthood [i]
- Robert Kegan (1982) The evolving self: problem and process in human development [i] [d] [j]
- Robert Kegan (1982) Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
- Melvin J. Konner (1982/2002) The fabric of meaning [i]
- Donald Meichenbaum & Deborah Fitzpatrick (1982/1993) A constructivist narrative perspective on stress and coping: stress inoculation applications [i]
- David Moshman (1982) Exogenous, endogenous, and dialectical constructivism [d]
- Keith Oatley (1982) Refutation and the appropriation of truth in psychoanalysis [p] [d]
- J. Dan Rothwell (1982) Telling it like it isn't: language misuse & malpractice, what we can do about it [i]
- Steven M. Tipton (1982) Getting saved from the sixties: moral meaning in conversion and cultural change [i]
- Brant R. Burleson (1981) A cognitive-developmental perspective on social reasoning processes [d]
- Mihály Csikszentmihályi & Eugene Rochberg-Halton (1981) The meaning of things: domestic symbols and the self [i] [d]
- William G. Perry Jr. (1981) Cognitive and ethical growth: the making of meaning [i]
- Peter Reason & John Rowan [ed] (1981) Human inquiry: a sourcebook of new paradigm research [i]
- Melvin F. Shakun (1981) Policy making and meaning as design of purposeful systems [d]
- William R. Torbert (1981) Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
- John R. Anderson (1980/2020) Cognitive psychology and its implications [i]
- Michael Basseches (1980) Dialectical schemata: a framework for the empirical study of the development of dialectical thinking [d] [j]
- Richard C. Bedrosian & Aaron T. Beck (1980) Principles of cognitive therapy [i] [d]
- Teun A. van Dijk (1980) Macrostructures: an interdisciplinary study of global structures in discourse, interaction, and cognition [i]
- Alan Fox (1980) The meaning of work [i]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (1980) New directions in the analysis and interactive elicitation of personal construct systems [d]
- Robert Kegan (1980) Making meaning: the constructive-developmental approach to persons and practice [d]
- Walter Mischel (1980) George Kelly's anticipation of psychology: a personal tribute [i] [d]
- Andrew Neher (1980/1990) The psychology of transcendence [i]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw (1980) The analysis of a repertory grid [d]
- Lawrence G. Space & Rue L. Cromwell (1980) Personal constructs among depressed patients [p] [d]
- James Thrower (1980) The alternative tradition: religion and the rejection of religion in the ancient world [i] [d]
- Juan Pablo Bonta (1979) Architecture and its interpretation: a study of expressive systems in architecture [i]
- Ian Hacking (1979) Michel Foucault's immature science [d] [j]
- Robert Kegan (1979) The evolving self: a process conception for ego psychology [d]
- Nicholas Rescher (1979) Cognitive systematization: a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge [i]
- Klaus F. Riegel (1979) Foundations of dialectical psychology [i] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin, Richard D. Rieke, & Allan Janik (1979/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1979) Models: representation and the scientific understanding [i] [d]
- Michael Basseches (1978) Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
- John M. Broughton (1978) Development of concepts of self, mind, reality, and knowledge [d]
- Bruce M. Ross & Stephen M. Kerst (1978) Developmental memory theories: Baldwin and Piaget [i] [p] [d]
- Donald Bannister [ed] (1977) New perspectives in personal construct theory [i]
- Torsten Hägerstrand (1977/2011) On making sense of the human environment: the problem [i] [d]
- Alasdair MacIntyre (1977) Epistemological crises, dramatic narrative and the philosophy of science [d] [j]
- Nicholas Rescher (1977) The systematization of knowledge [d]
- Finn Tschudi (1977) Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
- Gary Witherspoon (1977) Language and art in the Navajo universe [i] [d]
- John William Bennett (1976) The ecological transition: cultural anthropology and human adaptation [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part one: mind [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part two: meditation [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part three: wonderment [i]
- Jean Piaget (1976/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
- Peter Roger Breggin (1975) Psychiatry and psychotherapy as political processes [p] [d]
- Erich Jantsch (1975) Design for evolution: self-organization and planning in the life of human systems [i]
- Lawrence Kohlberg (1975) Counseling and counselor education: a developmental approach [d]
- Jean Piaget (1975/1985) The equilibration of cognitive structures: the central problem of intellectual development [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1975) Semantics [i]
- Mario Bunge (1974) Semantics [in two volumes: Sense and reference; Interpretation and truth] [o] [d]
- Mario Bunge (1974) Interpretation and exactification [i] [d]
- Michael Friedman (1974) Explanation and scientific understanding [d] [j]
- Ian I. Mitroff (1974) The subjective side of science: a philosophical inquiry into the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists [i]
- Andrew J. Weigert (1974) Whose invisible religion? Luckmann revisited [d] [j]
- David A. Wexler (1974) A cognitive theory of experiencing, self-actualization, and therapeutic process [i]
- James R. Averill (1973) Personal control over aversive stimuli and its relationship to stress [d]
- George A. Miller [ed] (1973) Communication, language, and meaning: psychological perspectives [i]
- Brian R. Little (1972) Psychological man as scientist, humanist and specialist [o]
- Stephen Toulmin (1972) Human understanding: the collective use and evolution of concepts [i]
- Jerome D. Frank (1971) Therapeutic factors in psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Frank Smith (1971/2012) Understanding reading: a psycholinguistic analysis of reading and learning to read [i]
- Donald Bannister [ed] (1970) Perspectives in personal construct theory [i]
- Roger C. Conant & W. Ross Ashby (1970) Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system [d]
- Lewis Lipsitz (1970) On political belief: the grievances of the poor [i]
- William G. Perry Jr. (1970/1999) Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years: a scheme [i]
- Willard Van Orman Quine & Joseph Silbert Ullian (1970/1978) The web of belief [i]
- George Kelly & Brendan A. Maher (1969) Clinical psychology and personality: the selected papers of George Kelly [i]
- Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner (1969) Meaning making [o]
- Thomas J. Scheff (1968) Negotiating reality: notes on power in the assessment of responsibility [d] [j]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1968) Conceptual foundations of scientific thought: an introduction to the philosophy of science [o]
- David Bakan (1966) The duality of human existence: an essay on psychology and religion [o]
- Donald Bannister (1966) Psychology as an exercise in paradox [o] [u]
- James Bieri (1966) Cognitive complexity and personality development [i] [d]
- Joseph Samuel Bois (1966/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
- Jean Piaget (1966/1969) The problem of common mechanisms in the human sciences [i] [d]
- Michael Polanyi (1966) The tacit dimension [o]
- Andras Angyal, Eugenia Hanfmann, & Richard M. Jones (1965) Neurosis and treatment: a holistic theory [o]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1965) A model for the interpretation and analysis of concept formation [d]
- Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1964) Social anthropology and other essays: combining Social anthropology and Essays in social anthropology [o]
- Bertram R. Forer (1963) The therapeutic value of crisis [d]
- Erving Goffman (1963) Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity [o]
- George Kelly (1963/1977) The psychology of the unknown [i]
- Carl R. Rogers (1963) Toward a science of the person [d] [u]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1962/1997) Experiencing and the creation of meaning: a philosophical and psychological approach to the subjective [i]
- Anatol Rapoport (1962) An essay on mind [o]
- Jordan M. Scher [ed] (1962) Theories of the mind [o]
- Jerome D. Frank & Julia B. Frank (1961/1991) Persuasion and healing: a comparative study of psychotherapy [i]
- Serge Moscovici & Gerard Duveen (1961/2008) Psychoanalysis: its image and its public [i]
- A. Irving Hallowell (1960/2002) Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view [i]
- Nolan Pliny Jacobson (1960) The faith of John Dewey [j]
- Dorothy D. Lee (1959) Culture and the experience of value [o]
- Ernest G. Schachtel (1959/1984) Metamorphosis: on the development of affect, perception, attention, and memory [i] [u]
- Frederic C. Bartlett (1958) Thinking: an experimental and social study [o]
- Michael Polanyi (1958/2015) Personal knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy [i] [d]
- Stephen Toulmin (1958/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
- Kenneth Ewart Boulding (1956) The image: knowledge in life and society [o] [d]
- David Rosenthal & Jerome D. Frank (1956) Psychotherapy and the placebo effect [p] [d]
- George Kelly (1955/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
- Rudolf Carnap (1954/1958) Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications [o]
- Arne Næss (1953) Interpretation and preciseness: a contribution to the theory of communication [o]
- Anatol Rapoport (1953) Operational philosophy: integrating knowledge and action [o] [u]
- Melford E. Spiro (1951) Culture and personality: the natural history of a false dichotomy [p] [d]
- John Dollard & Neal E. Miller (1950) Personality and psychotherapy: an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture [o]
- Jean Piaget (1950/1954) The construction of reality in the child [o]
- John Dewey (1946) Peirce's theory of linguistic signs, thought, and meaning [d] [j]
- Viktor E. Frankl (1946/1962) Man's search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy [i]
- Georges Bataille (1945/1992) Reply to Jean-Paul Sartre (defense of Inner experience) [i]
- Georges Bataille (1943/1988) Inner experience [i]
- Carl R. Rogers (1942) Counseling and psychotherapy: newer concepts in practice [o]
- Andras Angyal (1941/1972) Foundations for a science of personality [i]
- John Dewey & Joseph Ratner (1939) Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
- Carl G. Hempel (1939) Vagueness and logic [d] [j]
- Gaston Bachelard (1938/2002) The formation of the scientific mind: a contribution to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge [i]
- John Dewey (1938) Experience and education [o]
- John Dewey (1938) Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
- Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1937) Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande [o]
- Jean Piaget (1936/1952) The origins of intelligence in children [o]
- Charles W. Morris (1935) Philosophy of science and science of philosophy [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1934/2013) A common faith [i] [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1934) Art as experience [i]
- Wolfgang Köhler (1934/1938) The place of value in a world of facts [o]
- Jakob von Uexküll (1934/2010) A foray into the worlds of animals and humans: with, A theory of meaning [i]
- John Dewey (1933/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
- Frederic C. Bartlett (1932) Remembering: a study in experimental and social psychology [o] [u]
- Edward Sapir (1932) Cultural anthropology and psychiatry [d]
- Henry Nelson Wieman (1931) Religion in John Dewey's philosophy [j]
- Henry Evelyn Bliss (1929) The organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences [o] [u]
- Frances Densmore (1929/1979) Chippewa customs [i] [u]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1926) Experience and nature, by John Dewey [book review] [j]
- John Dewey (1925/1929) Experience and nature [i] [u]
- Mary Parker Follett (1924) Creative experience [o] [u]
- Edward Sapir (1924) Culture, genuine and spurious [d] [j]
- John Dewey (1922/1930) Human nature and conduct: an introduction to social psychology [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1920/1948) Reconstruction in philosophy [o] [u]
- Katsuji Katō (1917) Religious education and human welfare [d] [u]
- Paul Carus (1916) The dawn of a new religious era [and other essays] [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1916/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
- Hugo Münsterberg (1914) Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]
- William James (1909/1977) A pluralistic universe [i] [u]
- James Mark Baldwin (1906/1911) Thought and things: a study of the development and meaning of thought or genetic logic [o] [u]
- John Dewey (1905) The realism of pragmatism [d] [j]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1903/1934) How to theorize [or: On selecting hypotheses] [i] [u]
- William James (1902/1985) The varieties of religious experience [i] [u]
- John Dewey (1900/2007) Some stages of logical thought [i] [j] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1898/1935) The backward state of metaphysics [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce & Kenneth Laine Ketner (1898/1992) Reasoning and the logic of things: the Cambridge conferences lectures of 1898 [i]
- William James (1890/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1878/1934) How to make our ideas clear [i] [u]
- Charles Sanders Peirce (1877/1934) The fixation of belief [i] [u]