How to make comics
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- Silvia Adler & Ayelet Kohn (2023) Silence: a modality of its own [d] [u]
- Robert Mark Morgan (2022) The art of scenic design: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
- Etienne Appert & Edmond Baudoin (2021) River of ink [i]
- Jackie McCann & Aaron Cushley (2021) If the world were 100 people: a visual guide to our global village [i]
- Giada Peterle (2021) Comics as a research practice: drawing narrative geographies beyond the frame [i] [d]
- Randy Bishop, Sweeney Boo, Meybis Ruiz Cruz, Luis Gadea, & Kenneth Anderson (2020) Fundamentals of character design: how to create engaging characters for illustration, animation & visual development [i]
- Antony Johnston (2020) The organised writer: how to stay on top of all your projects and never miss a deadline [i]
- Edward O. Wilson, Jim Ottaviani, & Christopher M. Butzer (2020) Naturalist: a graphic adaptation [i]
- Stephanie Black (2019) Design for life: research methods, design thinking, and authorial illustration practice [i] [d]
- A. Jelmer Brüggemann, Camilla Forsberg, & Robert Thornberg (2019) Re-negotiating agency: patients using comics to reflect upon acting in situations of abuse in health care [p] [d] [u]
- Benjamin Dix & Lindsay Pollock (2019) Vanni: a family's struggle through the Sri Lankan conflict [i]
- Johnathan Harris, Don Hudson, Garry Leach, & Fahriza Kamaputra (2019) Colorblind: a story of racism [i]
- Alex Orbe, Javier de Isusi, Calo, Pam López, Francisco Sánchez, Teresa Valero, Ana Miralles, Emilio Ruiz, el Rubencio, Núria Tamarit, & Paco Roca (2019) Puro Perú [historietas que narran la crisis climática en comunidades indígenas] [o] [u]
- Raina Telgemeier (2019) Share your smile: Raina's guide to telling your own story [i]
- Benjamin Bach, Zezhong Wang, Matteo Farinella, Dave Murray-Rust, & Nathalie Henry Riche (2018) Design patterns for data comics [i] [d] [u]
- Doron Mayer (2018) Workflow: a practical guide to the creative process [i] [d]
- Antoni B. Moore, Mariusz Nowostawski, Christopher Frantz, & Christina Hulbe (2018) Comic strip narratives in time geography [d]
- 3DTotal (2018) Creating stylized characters [i]
- Kriota Willberg (2018) Draw stronger: self-care for cartoonists & visual artists [i]
- Masanao Amano & Julius Wiedemann (2017) 100 manga artists [i]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2017) Use cartoon-style graphics to persuade [u]
- Thi Bui (2017) The best we could do: an illustrated memoir [i]
- Andrew Causey (2017) Drawn to see: drawing as an ethnographic method [i]
- Ingrid Chabbert & Carole Maurel (2017/2019) Waves [Écumes] [i]
- Dan Gearino (2017) Comic shop: the retail mavericks who gave us a new geek culture [i]
- Sherine Hamdy, Coleman Nye, Sarula Bao, Caroline Brewer, & Marc Parenteau (2017) Lissa: a story about medical promise, friendship, and revolution [i] [u]
- Marie Kondō & Yuko Uramoto (2017) The life-changing manga of tidying up: a magical story [i]
- Matt Lamothe (2017) This is how we do it: one day in the lives of seven kids from around the world [i]
- Ellen Lupton (2017) Design is storytelling [i]
- Steven M. Nadler (2017) Heretics!: the wondrous (and dangerous) beginnings of modern philosophy [i] [d] [j]
- Karen Pearlman (2017) Editing and cognition beyond continuity [d]
- Robert B. Reich (2017) Economics in wonderland: a cartoon guide to a political world gone mad and mean [i]
- 3DTotal (2017) Character design quarterly [o] [u]
- Frederick Luis Aldama (2016) Latinx comic book storytelling: an odyssey by interview [i]
- Benjamin Bach, Natalie Kerracher, Kyle Wm Hall, Sheelagh Carpendale, Jessie Kennedy, & Nathalie Henry Riche (2016) Telling stories about dynamic networks with graph comics [i] [d] [u]
- Barly Baruti & Thierry Bellefroid (2016) Chaos debout à Kinshasa [i]
- Casey Brienza & Paddy Johnston [ed] (2016) Cultures of comics work [i] [d]
- Hillary L. Chute (2016) Disaster drawn: visual witness, comics, and documentary form [i]
- Derek Johnson (2016) How comic books travel: brick-and-mortar stores, digital networks, and global flows [i]
- Carole Maurel (2016/2018) Luisa now and then [i]
- Lulu Rodriguez & Xiao Lin (2016) The impact of comics on knowledge, attitude and behavioural intentions related to wind energy [d]
- Jason Shiga (2016) The setup: Jason Shiga [on making comics] [u]
- Nina Bunjevac (2015) Fatherland: a family history [i]
- Neil Cohn & Eva Wittenberg (2015) Action starring narratives and events: structure and inference in visual narrative comprehension [p] [d] [u]
- MK Czerwiec, Ian Williams, Susan Merrill Squier, Michael J. Green, Kimberly R. Myers, & Scott Thompson Smith (2015) Graphic medicine manifesto [i]
- Randy Duncan, Michael Ray Taylor, & David Stoddard (2015) Creating comics as journalism, memoir and nonfiction [i] [d]
- Shu-Fen Lin, Huann-shyang Lin, Ling Lee, & Larry D. Yore (2015) Are science comics a good medium for science communication?: the case for public learning of nanotechnology [d]
- Nina Mickwitz (2015) Documentary comics: graphic truth-telling in a skeptical age [i] [d]
- Randall Munroe (2015) Thing explainer: complicated stuff in simple words [i]
- Chris Pallant & Steven Price (2015) Storyboarding: a critical history [i] [d]
- Nick Sousanis (2015) Unflattening [i] [j]
- Han Yu (2015) The other kind of funnies: comics in technical communication [i] [d]
- Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, & Niklas Elmqvist (2015) Data comics: sequential art for data-driven storytelling [u]
- Kate Ascher & Rob Vroman (2014) The way to go: moving by sea, land, and air [i]
- Barly Baruti, Christophe Cassiau-Haurie, & Appollo (2014) Madame Livingstone: Congo, la Grande Guerre [i]
- John A. Bateman (2014) Text and image: a critical introduction to the visual–verbal divide [i] [d]
- Yoram Bauman & Grady Klein (2014/2022) The cartoon introduction to climate change [i]
- Pat Brisson & Mary Azarian (2014) Before we eat: from farm to table [i]
- Jeffrey Brown (2014) Kids are weird: and other observations from parenthood [i]
- Brecht Evens, Laura Watkinson, & Michele Hutchison (2014/2016) Panther [i]
- Juliet J. Fall (2014) Put your body on the line: autobiographical comics, empathy and plurivocality [i]
- Aaron Humphrey (2014) Beyond graphic novels: illustrated scholarly discourse and the history of educational comics [d]
- Sarah McNicol (2014) Humanising illness: presenting health information in educational comics [p] [d]
- Fumio Obata (2014/2015) Just so happens [i]
- Emma Robertson, Emilia Terragni, Tara Stevens, Adriano de Campos Rampazzo, & Colin White (2014) Chop, sizzle, wow: 50 step-by-step kitchen adventures [i]
- Miriam Brown Spiers (2014) Creating a Haida manga: the formline of social responsibility in Red [d]
- Stéphanie Valloatto, Radu Mihaileanu, & Cyrille Blanc (2014) Caricaturistes: fantassins de la démocratie [o]
- Scott Adams (2013) How to fail at almost everything and still win big: kind of the story of my life [i]
- Neil Cohn & Martin Paczynski (2013) Prediction, events, and the advantage of agents: the processing of semantic roles in visual narrative [p] [d] [u]
- Neil Cohn (2013) Visual narrative structure [p] [d]
- Neil Cohn (2013) The visual language of comics: introduction to the structure and cognition of sequential images [i] [d]
- Francis Glebas (2013) The animator's eye: adding life to animation with timing, layout, design, color and sound [or: The animator's eye: composition and design for better animation] [i]
- Danny Gregory (2013) An illustrated journey: inspiration from the private art journals of traveling artists, illustrators and designers [i]
- Brett Hamil (2013) Dune zine and the drawing jam at Café Racer [u]
- Antony Johnston (2013) Just write [u]
- Lucy Knisley (2013) Relish: my life in the kitchen [i]
- Mina Lee, Beverly Roskos, & David R. Ewoldsen (2013) The impact of subtitles on comprehension of narrative film [d]
- Olav Maassen, Chris Matts, & Chris Geary (2013/2016) Commitment: novel about managing project risk [i] [u]
- Margaux Motin (2013/2019) Plate tectonics: an illustrated memoir [i]
- Marion Nestle (2013) Eat drink vote: an illustrated guide to food politics [i]
- Rafael Schacter & John Fekner (2013) The world atlas of street art and graffiti [i]
- Mark J. P. Wolf (2013) Building imaginary worlds: the theory and history of subcreation [i] [d]
- Tom Bancroft (2012) Character mentor: learn by example to use expressions, poses, and staging to bring your characters to life [i]
- David Borgenicht, Hena Khan, & Yancey C. Labat (2012) Amazon: you decide how to survive! [i]
- Josep Catala (2012) A drawing of the world: documentary and comic book [u]
- Robyn Chapman (2012) Drawing comics lab: characters, panels, storytelling, publishing, and professional practices [i]
- Kevin Cheng (2012) See what I mean: how to use comics to communicate ideas [i]
- Neil Cohn, Amaro Taylor-Weiner, & Suzanne Grossman (2012) Framing attention in Japanese and American comics: cross-cultural differences in attentional structure [p] [d] [u]
- Peter R. Costello [ed] (2012) Philosophy in children's literature [i]
- James E. Cutting, Kaitlin L. Brunick, & Ayse Candan (2012) Perceiving event dynamics and parsing Hollywood films [d]
- Glyn Dillon (2012) The Nao of Brown [i]
- Michael Goodwin & Dan E. Burr (2012) Economix: how our economy works (and doesn't work) in words and pictures [i]
- Danny Gregory (2012) A kiss before you go: an illustrated memoir of love and loss [i]
- Veronica Carolina Hollman (2012) El humor gráfico y la educación de la mirada ambiental [d]
- Kelly Jones (2012) Mapping Chris Van Allsburg's The mysteries of Harris Burdick [i]
- Kevin McCloskey & Grant Snider (2012) Grant Snider, remarkable cartoonist, and future orthodontist [u]
- Cliodhna McCormac, Graham R. Dale, Jolene Phair, Kevin McHugh, & James Davis (2012) Exploiting the e-serialization of nano-fiction to enhance undergraduate health and safety lectures: a back to the future perspective [d]
- Marc Ruppel (2012) How to see a world in a grain of sand: transmedia production bibles as middle-state forms [u]
- Özge Samanci & Anuj Tewari (2012) Expanding the comics canvas: GPS comics [i] [d]
- Tim J. Smith, Daniel T. Levin, & James E. Cutting (2012) A window on reality: perceiving edited moving images [d]
- Philippe Squarzoni (2012/2014) Climate changed: a personal journey through the science [i]
- Tom Troscianko, Timothy S. Meese, & Stephen Hinde (2012) Perception while watching movies: effects of physical screen size and scene type [d]
- Adam Warren & Danny Djeljosevic (2012) Making comics is really unhealthy [u]
- Paul Ashton (2011) The calling card script: a writer's toolbox for stage, screen and radio [i]
- Evan Dorkin & David Paccia (2011) Evan Dorkin: cartoonist survey #246 [u]
- Brecht Evens (2011/2012) The making of [i]
- Jack Hart (2011/2021) Storycraft: the complete guide to writing narrative nonfiction [i] [d]
- Patricio Herbst, Daniel Chazan, Chia-Ling Chen, Vu-Minh Chieu, & Michael Weiss (2011) Using comics-based representations of teaching, and technology, to bring practice to teacher education courses [d]
- Tim Ingold (2011) Drawing together: doing, observing, describing [i] [d]
- Grady Klein & Yoram Bauman (2011) The cartoon introduction to economics [i]
- Gustavo Mercado (2011/2018) The filmmaker's eye: learning (and breaking) the rules of cinematic composition [i]
- Michael Miner (2011) Narrative nonfiction: essential or overrated? [u]
- Saelee Oh & Evan Pricco [ed] (2011) Juxtapoz illustration 2 [i]
- Jin Seo Park, Dae Hyun Kim, & Min Suk Chung (2011) Anatomy comic strips [p] [d]
- Andrea Sabbadini (2011) Cameras, mirrors, and the bridge space: a Winnicottian lens on cinema [d]
- Anna Zaluczkowska (2011) Storyworld: the bigger picture—investigating the world of multi-platform/transmedia production and its affect on storytelling processes [d]
- Jill Beaton & Joëlle Jones (2010) Jam!: tales from the world of roller derby [i]
- Jason Dittmer (2010) Comic book visualities: a methodological manifesto on geography, montage and narration [d] [j]
- Bill Griffith (2010) Griffy's top 40 list on comics and their creation [u]
- Bjarke Ingels [ed] (2010) Yes is more: an archicomic on architectural evolution [i]
- Al Jarnow (2010) Celestial navigations: the short films of Al Jarnow [includes: Cosmic clock] [o]
- Heike Elisabeth Jüngst (2010) Information comics: knowledge transfer in a popular format [i]
- Magajin Hausu Mukku [ed] (2010) Inōe Takehiko: suramu danku bagabondo riaru [i]
- Marcos Mateu-Mestre (2010) Framed ink: drawing and composition for visual storytellers [i]
- Hideo Nitta, Masafumi Yamamoto, & Keita Takatsu (2010) The manga guide to relativity [i]
- Mary Beth Oliver & Tilo Hartmann (2010) Exploring the role of meaningful experiences in users' appreciation of good movies [d]
- Sanjay Patel & Valmiki (2010) Rāmāyaṇa: divine loophole [i]
- Jason Shiga (2010) Meanwhile [i]
- Barbara Slate (2010) You can do a graphic novel [i]
- Raina Telgemeier (2010) Smile [i]
- Hyejin Yoon & Edward J. Malecki (2010) Cartoon planet: worlds of production and global production networks in the animation industry [d]
- Linus Abraham (2009) Effectiveness of cartoons as a uniquely visual medium for orienting social issues [d]
- Brian W. Fairrington (2009) Drawing cartoons & comics for dummies [i]
- Héctor D. Fernández l'Hoeste & Juan Poblete [ed] (2009) Redrawing the nation: national identity in Latin/o American comics [i] [d]
- Kazuhiro Fujitaki (2009) The manga guide to electricity [i]
- Francis Glebas (2009) Directing the story: professional storytelling and storyboarding techniques for live action and animation [i] [d]
- David Herman (2009) Basic elements of narrative [i] [d]
- Carolyn Knight & Jessica Glaser (2009) Diagrams: innovative solutions for graphic designers [i]
- Hiroyuki Kojima & Shin Togami (2009) The manga guide to calculus [i]
- Pascal Lefèvre (2009) More than 100 comics-related words in 9 languages [u]
- Daniel T. Levin & Caryn Wang (2009) Spatial representation in cognitive science and film [d]
- Gary Spencer Millidge (2009) Comic book design [i]
- Antoni B. Moore (2009) Maps as comics, comics as maps [o] [u]
- Margaux Motin (2009/2012) But I really wanted to be an anthropologist— [i]
- Sriroso R. Satmoko & Amri Jahi (2009) The effect of comic book's story character and color on farmers' knowledge gain about small sheep farm management in Kulur, District of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia [u]
- Carlos Alberto Scolari (2009) Transmedia storytelling: implicit consumers, narrative worlds, and branding in contemporary media production [u]
- Walt Stanchfield & Don Hahn (2009) Drawn to life: 20 golden years of Disney master classes [i] [d]
- Freddie E. Williams & Brian Bolland (2009) The DC comics guide to digitally drawing comics [i]
- Marguerite Abouet & Clément Oubrerie (2008) Aya of Yop City [i]
- Afrika Museum (2008) Picha: Afrikaanse striptentoonstelling [o] [u]
- Kyle Baker (2008) How to draw stupid and other essentials of cartooning [i]
- Anne Bartsch (2008) Meta-emotion: how films and music videos communicate emotions about emotions [d]
- Ellen Besen & Bryce Hallett (2008) Animation unleashed: 100 principles every animator, comic book writer, filmmaker, video artist and game developer should know [i]
- David Bordwell (2008) Poetics of cinema [i]
- Becky Cloonan (2008) Ink and thunder [u]
- Comickers Magazine [ed] (2008) Comickers art 3: write amazing manga stories [i]
- Comickers Magazine [ed] (2008) Comickers art 2: create amazing manga characters [i]
- Comickers Magazine [ed] (2008) Comickers art: tools and techniques for drawing amazing manga [i]
- Derek Fagerstrom & Lauren Smith (2008) Show me how: 500 things you should know, instructions for life from the everyday to the exotic [i]
- Prue Goodwin [ed] (2008) Understanding children's books: a guide for education professionals [i] [d]
- Brandon Graham (2008/2012) King City [i]
- Danny Gregory (2008) An illustrated life: drawing inspiration from the private sketchbooks of artists, illustrators and designers [i]
- Lee Gutkind & Hattie Fletcher Buck (2008) Keep it real: everything you need to know about researching and writing creative nonfiction [i]
- Takehiko Inoue (2008) Sumi [i]
- Juxtapoz [ed] (2008) Juxtapoz illustration [i]
- David Macaulay & Richard Walker (2008) The way we work: getting to know the amazing human body [i]
- Joel Meadows & Gary Marshall (2008) Studio space: the world's greatest comic illustrators at work [i]
- Michael Pigott (2008) The continuous present in Ozu Yasujirō's Late spring [d]
- Daniel H. Pink & Rob Ten Pas (2008) The adventures of Johnny Bunko: the last career guide you'll ever need [i]
- Darrel Rees (2008/2014) How to be an illustrator [i]
- Robert L. Root (2008) The nonfictionist's guide: on reading and writing creative nonfiction [i]
- Olivia Sagan (2008) Playgrounds, studios and hiding places: emotional exchange in creative learning spaces [d]
- Mark Simon (2008) Facial expressions, babies to teens: a visual reference for artists [i]
- Véronique Tanaka (2008) Metronome [i]
- Jason Thibault (2008) Becky Cloonan answers 12 questions about pen and ink [u]
- Marguerite Abouet & Clément Oubrerie (2007) Aya [i]
- Dianna Hutts Aston & Sylvia Long (2007) A seed is sleepy [i]
- Jocelyn Bouquillard & Christophe Marquet (2007) Hokusai, first manga master [i]
- Alain Dodier (2007) Jérome K. Jérôme Bloche: l'intégrale [i]
- Toc Fetch & Claudio Parentela (2007) Interview with Toc Fetch [u]
- Mike Giant (2007) Muerte [i]
- Charley Harper & Todd Oldham (2007) Charley Harper: an illustrated life [i]
- Jay Hosler (2007) Clan Apis [i]
- Antony Johnston (2007) Getting things written [u]
- Lucy Knisley (2007/2008) French milk [i]
- John Lowe, Scott Hampton, & Mark Kneece (2007) Working methods: comic creators detail their storytelling and artistic processes [i]
- J. Maggio (2007) Comics and cartoons: a democratic art-form [d]
- Roxana Marcoci (2007) Comic abstraction: image breaking, image making [i]
- Christy Marx (2007) Writing for animation, comics & games [i]
- Bobbie O'Steen (2007/2009) The invisible cut: how editors make movie magic [i]
- Leif Packalen & Sharad Sharma (2007) Grassroots comics: a development communication tool [i] [u]
- Cyril Pedrosa (2007/2008) Three shadows [i]
- Marjane Satrapi, Vincent Paronnaud, Marc-Antoine Robert, Xavier Rigault, Marc Jousset, Pascal Chevet, Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, & Sean Penn (2007) Persepolis [o]
- Brian Selznick (2007) The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures [i]
- Shaun Tan (2007) The arrival [i]
- Daisuke Tsutsumi & Vincent Nguyen [ed] (2007/2008) Out of picture: art from the outside looking in [i]
- Paul Wells (2007) Scriptwriting [i]
- Brent Wilson (2007) A story of visual cultural and pedagogical webs [i] [d]
- Tom Bancroft (2006) Creating characters with personality [i]
- David Bordwell (2006) The way Hollywood tells it: story and style in modern movies [i] [d] [j]
- Comickers Magazine [ed] (2006) Japanese comickers 2 [i]
- Nicholas Ganz (2006) Graffiti women: street art from five continents [i]
- Oren Ginzburg (2006) There you go! [i]
- Jeff Hoke (2006) The museum of lost wonder [i]
- Yŏng-o Kim, Taesoon Kang, & Derek Kirk Kim (2006) Banya, the explosive delivery man [i]
- Grant Kleeman (2006) Not just for fun: using cartoons to investigate geographical issues [d]
- Hope Larson (2006) Gray horses = Chevaux gris [i]
- Paul Lopes (2006) Culture and stigma: popular culture and the case of comic books [d]
- Scott McCloud (2006) Making comics: storytelling secrets of comics, manga and graphic novels [i]
- Cheri J. Meiners & Meredith Johnson (2006) Accept and value each person [i]
- Kathryn Millard (2006) Writing for the screen: beyond the gospel of story [u]
- Chung-gi Pak, Taesoon Kang, Derek Kirk Kim, & Steve Dutro (2006/2010) Shaman warrior [i]
- Christine C. Pappas (2006) The information book genre: its role in integrated science literacy research and practice [d]
- Cyril Pedrosa (2006) Les coeurs solitaires [i]
- Sondra Perl & Mimi Schwartz (2006) Writing true: the art and craft of creative nonfiction [i]
- Paul Pope (2006) Comics destroyer: a picture is a sum of destructions [u]
- David Wiesner (2006) Flotsam [i]
- Ellen Yamshon & Daniel Yamshon (2006) Comics media in conflict resolution programs: are they effective in promoting and sustaining peace? [o] [u]
- Yann & Herval (2006/2008) Tiffany [i]
- Anne Bogart & Tina Landau (2005) The viewpoints book: a practical guide to viewpoints and composition [i]
- Megan Cunningham (2005) The art of the documentary: ten conversations with leading directors, cinematographers, editors, and producers [i]
- Michael Dooley & Steven Heller [ed] (2005) The education of a comics artist: visual narrative in cartoons, graphic novels, and beyond [i]
- Larry Gonick & Craig Criddle (2005) The cartoon guide to chemistry [i]
- Kazu Kibuishi [ed] (2005) Flight 2 [i]
- Keith Knight & Mat Schwarzman (2005) Beginner's guide to community-based arts [i]
- Timothy Lehman (2005) Manga: masters of the art [i]
- Matt Madden (2005) 99 ways to tell a story: exercises in style [i]
- Richard E. Mayer, Mary Hegarty, Sarah Mayer, & Julie Campbell (2005) When static media promote active learning: annotated illustrations versus narrated animations in multimedia instruction [p] [d]
- Mark Simon (2005) Facial expressions: a visual reference for artists [i]
- Clifford Thurlow (2005/2008) Making short films: the complete guide from script to screen [i]
- Julius Wiedemann [ed] (2005) Illustration now! [i]
- Georges Abolin, Olivier Pont, & Jean-Jacques Chagnaud (2004) Où le regard ne porte pas... [i]
- Alternative Comics [ed] (2004) Rosetta 2: a comics anthology [i]
- Masanao Amano & Julius Wiedemann (2004) Manga design [i]
- Barly Baruti, Kash, & Thembo Muhindo Kashauri (2004) Tchounkoussouma sous les eucalyptus [u]
- Sheila Curran Bernard (2004/2007) Documentary storytelling: making stronger and more dramatic nonfiction films [i]
- Philippe Berthet, Yann, Yannick Le Pennetier, & Marc Malès (2004) Yoni [i]
- Bill Crooks (2004) Working without words: exploring the use of cartooning and illustration in organisational capacity building [u]
- Oren Ginzburg (2004) The hungry man [i]
- Steven Heller & Marshall Arisman (2004) Inside the business of illustration [i]
- Emmanuel Lepage (2004) Muchacho [i]
- Roberto Sebastián Matta Echaurren & Elizabeth T. Goizueta (2004) Matta: making the invisible visible [i]
- Scott McCloud & Cliff Atkinson (2004) Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
- Cheri J. Meiners & Meredith Johnson (2004) Respect and take care of things [i]
- Rida Queiroz & Julius Wiedemann (2004) Animation now!: anima mundi [i]
- Tony C. Caputo (2003) Visual storytelling: the art and technique [i]
- Comickers Magazine [ed] (2003) Japanese comickers [i]
- Michael W. Dean (2003/2006) $30 film school [i]
- Dimona Comix Group [ed] (2003) Dimona 2: Israeli comix anthology [i]
- Mariam Ginman & Sara von Ungern-Sternberg (2003) Cartoons as information [d]
- IISD & Amartya Sen (2003) There is a better way!: an introduction to the development as freedom approach [o]
- Cheri J. Meiners & Meredith Johnson (2003) Listen and learn [i]
- Kiriko Nananan (2003) Strawberry shortcakes [i]
- Glen B. Norcliffe & Olivero Rendace (2003) New geographies of comic book production in North America: the new artisan, distancing, and the periodic social economy [d]
- David J. Roxburgh (2003) Micrographia: toward a visual logic of Persianate painting [d]
- Peter Rubie (2003/2009) The elements of narrative nonfiction: how to write & sell the novel of true events [i]
- Marjane Satrapi (2003/2007) The complete Persepolis [i]
- AIF (2002) À l'ombre du baobab: guide pédagogique: des auteurs de bande dessinée africains parlent d'éducation et de santé [o]
- Edmond Baudoin (2002) Le chemin de Saint-Jean [i]
- David Collier (2002) The Hamilton sketch book [i]
- Matt Friedman (2002) Super one-page math comics [i]
- Jean-Pierre Gibrat (2002/2005) Le vol du corbeau [i]
- Takehiko Inoue & Eiji Yoshikawa (2002/2008) Vagabond [i]
- Killoffer (2002) Six cent soixante-seize apparitions de Killoffer [i]
- Hayao Miyazaki & Yuji Oniki (2002) Miyazaki's Spirited away [i]
- Vink & Khoa Vinh (2002) Le moine fou [i]
- Pietro Alligo, Angelo Nencetti, & Giuseppe Pollicelli [ed] (2001) Sergio Toppi: narratore d'immagini [i]
- Marcie Begleiter (2001/2010) From word to image: storyboarding and the filmmaking process [i]
- Bruce A. Block (2001/2021) The visual story: creating the structure of film, TV, and digital media [i] [d]
- Étienne Davodeau (2001) Rural!: chronique d'une collision politique [i]
- Toc Fetch (2001) The tenaciously tedious simple stories of a noman [o] [u]
- Massimiliano Frezzato (2001) Frezzato sketchbook [i]
- Karl Iglesias (2001) The 101 habits of highly successful screenwriters: insider secrets from Hollywood's top writers [i]
- Richard Mabala, Etinisimbo Muro, Neill McKee, & UNICEF (2001) The empty compound [i]
- Nicholas T. Proferes (2001/2017) Film directing fundamentals: see your film before shooting [i] [d]
- Olivier Quéméré (2001) Fin de journée [i]
- Richard Williams (2001/2009) The animator's survival kit [i]
- Charles M. Wynn, Arthur W. Wiggins, & Sidney Harris (2001/2017) Quantum leaps in the wrong direction: where real science ends—and pseudoscience begins [i]
- Philip Gerard (2000) Writing a book that makes a difference [i]
- Thierry Groensteen (2000) Astérix, Barbarella & Cie: histoire de la bande dessinée d'expression française à travers les collections du Musée de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême [i]
- Steven Heller & Marshall Arisman (2000) The education of an illustrator [i]
- Heidi Lüdi, Toni Lüdi, & Kathinka Schreiber (2000) Movie worlds: production design in film = Das Szenenbild im Film [i]
- Anne Magnussen & Hans-Christian Christiansen [ed] (2000) Comics & culture: analytical and theoretical approaches to comics [i]
- Laura U. Marks (2000) The skin of the film: intercultural cinema, embodiment, and the senses [i] [d]
- Taiyō Matsumoto (2000/2009) Gogo monster [i]
- Scott McCloud (2000) Reinventing comics [i]
- Jean David Morvan & Philippe Buchet (2000/2005) Wake [Sillage] [i]
- Maria Nikolajeva & Carole Scott (2000/2006) How picturebooks work [i]
- Mark Simon (2000/2007) Storyboards: motion in art [i]
- Tito (2000) Soledad [i]
- Kim Dent-Brown (1999) The six part story method (6PSM): as an aid in the assessment of personality disorder [d]
- Jim Mahfood (1999/2000) Grrl scouts [i]
- Jean-Christophe Menu [ed] (1999) Comix 2000 [i]
- Barry Deutsch & Ampersand (1998) The how-to guide to comics: how do I start? [u]
- Barry Deutsch & Ampersand (1998) Cartoonist's materials FAQ [u]
- Maureen Furniss (1998/2007) Art in motion: animation aesthetics [i]
- Robert E. Horn (1998) Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
- Atsushi Kaneko (1998/2005) Bambi and her pink gun [i]
- Ralph Steadman (1998) Gonzo the art [i]
- Charles Shiro Tashiro (1998) Pretty pictures: production design and the history film [i]
- Edmond Baudoin (1997) Le portrait [i]
- Barry Hampe (1997/2007) Making documentary films and videos: a practical guide to planning, filming, and editing documentaries [i]
- Gary Martin, Steve Rude, & Brent Anderson (1997/2005) The art of comic-book inking [i]
- Robert McKee (1997) Story: substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting [i]
- Kiriko Nananan (1997) Itaitashii rabu [i]
- Kiriko Nananan (1997) Blue [i]
- Fabrice Neaud (1997) Journal [1992–1996] [i]
- Petra Röhr-Rouendaal (1997/2007) Where there is no artist: development drawings and how to use them [i] [d]
- Nicholas Roukes (1997) Humor in art: a celebration of visual wit [i]
- Dave Sim & Gerhard (1997/2010) Cerebus guide to self publishing [i]
- Catharine Slade (1997) The encyclopedia of illustration techniques [i]
- Milly R. Sonneman (1997) Beyond words: a guide to drawing out ideas [i]
- Edmond Baudoin (1996) Le voyage [i]
- J. Anthony Blair (1996/2012) The possibility and actuality of visual arguments [i] [d]
- Roy Edward Disney, Joyce Greene, Deborah Reber, & Christian Clark [ed] (1996) Drawing insight: communicating development through animation [i]
- John S. Douglass & Glenn P. Harnden (1996) The art of technique: an aesthetic approach to film and video production [i]
- Larry Gonick & Alice B. Outwater (1996) The cartoon guide to the environment [i]
- Moebius (1996) Breve manual para historietistas [with comments by William Stout] [u]
- Hiroaki Samura, Dana Lewis, Toren Smith, Wayne Truman, & Tomoko Saito (1996) Blade of the immortal = Mugen no jūnin [o]
- Anna Sommer (1996) Damen Dramen [i]
- Paul Pope & Jay Stephens (1996) Giant THB parade [i]
- Istvan Banyai (1995) Zoom [i]
- Will Eisner (1995) Will Eisner sketchbook [i]
- Kees C. P. Epskamp (1995) The educational value of comic strips and cartoons [i]
- Robin Hall (1995/1997) The cartoonist's workbook [i]
- Steven Heller & Teresa Fernandes (1995) The business of illustration [i]
- Bob Linney (1995) Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
- Barly Baruti (1994) Objectif terre!: les aventures de Sako et Yannick [o]
- Preston J. Blair (1994) Cartoon animation [i]
- Wallace L. Chafe (1994) Discourse, consciousness, and time: the flow and displacement of conscious experience in speaking and writing [i]
- Steve Whitaker (1994) The encyclopedia of cartooning techniques [i]
- Larry Gonick (1993) The cartoon guide to (non)communication: the use and misuse of information in the modern world [i]
- Larry Gonick & Woollcott Smith (1993) The cartoon guide to statistics [i]
- Scott McCloud (1993) Understanding comics: the invisible art [i]
- Steven D. Katz (1992/2004) Cinematic motion: a workshop for staging scenes [i]
- Sergei Paradzhanov (1992/1998) Seven visions [i]
- Steven D. Katz (1991) Film directing shot by shot: visualizing from concept to screen [i]
- Sasha M. Newman, Marina Ducrey, & Lesley K. Baier (1991) Félix Vallotton [i]
- Gary Faigin (1990) The artist's complete guide to facial expression [i]
- Alan Rosenthal (1990/2007) Writing, directing, and producing documentary films and videos [i]
- George McBean (1989) Rethinking visual literacy: helping pre-literates learn [u]
- Giannalberto Bendazzi (1988/1994) Cartoons: one hundred years of cinema animation [i]
- David Bordwell (1988) Ozu and the poetics of cinema [i]
- David Macaulay & Neil Ardley (1988/1998) The new way things work [or: The way things work] [i]
- George McBean (1988) Rethinking visual literacy: research in progress [d]
- Moebius (1988) Les jardins d'Edena [i]
- Barly Baruti (1987) Papa Wemba, viva la musica! [o]
- Barly Baruti (1987) La voiture, c'est l'aventure! [o]
- Harvey A. Houghton & Dale M. Willows [ed] (1987) The psychology of illustration [i] [d]
- Michael Rabiger (1987/2015) Directing the documentary [i] [d]
- Geoffrey H. Blowers & Mildred M. McCoy (1986) Perceiving cinematic episodes: a cross-cultural repertory grid study of a narrative film segment [d]
- Barly Baruti & Yuma Jumaïni (1985) Aube nouvelle à Mobo [o]
- David Bordwell (1985) Narration in the fiction film [i]
- Chris Van Allsburg (1984) The mysteries of Harris Burdick [i]
- Kees C. P. Epskamp (1984/1992) Cross-cultural interpretations of cartoons and drawings [i]
- Syd Field (1984/2006) The screenwriter's workbook [i]
- Lenn Redman (1984) How to draw caricatures [i]
- Ralph Steadman (1983) I Leonardo [i]
- John Berger & Jean Mohr (1982) Another way of telling [i]
- César Bianchi (1982) Artesanías y técnicas shuar [o]
- Philip Morrison, Charles Eames, & Ray Eames (1982) Powers of ten: a book about the relative size of things in the universe and the effect of adding another zero [i]
- James M. Nehiley, James Stephens, & John Sutherland (1982) Cartoons: when are they effective? [u]
- Frank Thomas & Ollie Johnston (1981) Disney animation: the illusion of life [i]
- Preston J. Blair (1980) How to draw cartoon animation [i]
- Terence Dalley [ed] (1980) The complete guide to illustration and design techniques and materials [i]
- Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston (1980/2006) Rapid viz: a new method for the rapid visualization of ideas [i]
- Norbert C. Kaggwa, George McBean, & John Buhembe (1980) Illustrations for development: a manual for cross-cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa [o] [u]
- Edward Benton-Banai (1979/2010) The Mishomis book: the voice of the Ojibway [i]
- David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson, & Jeff Smith (1979/2020) Film art: an introduction [i]
- Lat (1979/2006) Kampung boy [i]
- Curtis Trent & Rachel Kinlaw (1979) Comic books: an effective teaching tool [u]
- Bonnie Jean Cain & John Paul Comings (1977) The participatory process: producing photo-literature [i]
- Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston (1977) Draw!: a visual approach to thinking, learning, and communicating [i]
- Ronald Parlato (1977/1980) Fotonovelas and comic books: the use of popular graphic media in development [o]
- David Macaulay (1976) Underground [i]
- Daniel Weaks (1976) The photonovel: a tool for development [o]
- Giei Satō & Eshin Nishimura (1973) Unsui: a diary of Zen monastic life [i] [d]
- Lukas (1971/1978) Apuntes porteños [o]
- Charles Eames & Ray Eames (1968/2000) The films of Charles and Ray Eames, volume 1: Powers of ten [o]
- William Reusswig (1967) A picture report of the Custer fight [o]
- Martha Sawyers & William Reusswig (1964) India and Southeast Asia [o]
- Chris Marker (1962/1992) La jetée: ciné-roman [i]
- Martha Sawyers & William Reusswig (1961) The illustrated book about the Far East [o]
- Kees Boeke (1957) Cosmic view: the universe in 40 jumps [o]
- Marie Neurath (1954/1958) Machines which seem to think [o] [u]
- Lancelot Thomas Hogben & Marie Neurath (1949) From cave painting to comic strip: a kaleidoscope of human communication [o]
- Ernest William Watson (1946) Forty illustrators and how they work [o]
- Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg (1944) The comics as a social force [j]
- W. W. D. Sones (1944) The comics and instructional method [j]
- Ernest William Watson (1944) Martha Sawyers, illustrator of oriental lore [o]
- Arthur W. Dow & Joseph Masheck (1899/1997) Composition: a series of exercises in art structure for the use of students and teachers [i] [u]