How to listen
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- Phoebe Weston (2024) World faces 'deathly silence' of nature as wildlife disappears, warn experts [u]
- Paula Bath, Tiphaine Girault, & Ellen Waterman (2023) Reflecting on bodily listening in place: an intercultural and intersensory research-creation project [u]
- Nathan O. Buonviri (2023) Educating ears: the role of sound in music learning [d]
- Dan Falk (2023) What does the universe sound like? [u]
- Caspar Henderson (2023) A book of noises: notes on the auraculous [i] [d]
- Logan S. James, Angela S. Wang, Mila Bertolo, & Jon T. Sakata (2023) Learning to pause: fidelity of and biases in the developmental acquisition of gaps in the communicative signals of a songbird [p] [d]
- Erez Joskovich (2023) The sound of one hand playing: the sonic environment of a Zen training temple [d]
- Jörg Müller, Oliver Mitesser, H. Martin Schaefer, Sebastian Seibold, Annika Busse, Peter Kriegel, Dominik Rabl, Rudy Gelis, Alejandro Arteaga, Juan Freile, Gabriel Augusto Leite, Tomaz Nascimento de Melo, Jack LeBien, Marconi Campos-Cerqueira, Nico Blüthgen, Constance J. Tremlett, Dennis Böttger, Heike Feldhaar, Nina Grella, Ana Falconí-López, David A. Donoso, Jerome Moriniere, & Zuzana Buřivalová (2023) Soundscapes and deep learning enable tracking biodiversity recovery in tropical forests [p] [d] [u]
- Merrick Powell, Kirk N. Olsen, & William Forde Thompson (2023) Music, pleasure, and meaning: the Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motivations for Music (HEMM) scale [p] [d] [u]
- Steven G. Smith (2023) The special liveliness of hooks in popular music and beyond [i] [d]
- Jacek Smolicki [ed] (2023) Soundwalking: through time, space, and technologies [i] [d]
- Zack Stiegler & Todd Campbell (2023) Musical intimacy: construction, connection, and engagement [i]
- Daniel Beran, Karel Jedlička, Kavisha Kumar, Stanislav Popelka, & Jantien Stoter (2022) The third dimension in noise visualization: a design of new methods for continuous phenomenon visualization [d]
- Tim Byron & Jadey O'Regan (2022) Hooks in popular music [i] [d]
- John Levack Drever & Andrew Hugill [ed] (2022) Aural diversity [and deafness] [i] [d]
- Stephane Elmosnino (2022) A review of literature in critical listening education [d]
- David George Haskell (2022) Sounds wild and broken: sonic marvels, evolution's creativity, and the crisis of sensory extinction [i]
- Rachel Anna Moore (2022) PTSD and the sounds of war amidst everyday life [d] [u]
- Michael W. J. Schillmeier, Robert Stock, & Beate Ochsner [ed] (2022) Techniques of hearing: history, theory and practices [i] [d]
- Victor Szabo (2022) Turn on, tune in, drift off: ambient music's psychedelic past [i] [d]
- Marcel Cobussen (2021) Listening [and multisensoriality] [i] [d]
- Christopher DeLaurenti (2021) Imperfect sound forever: a letter to a young phonographer [d] [u]
- Sue Denham & István Winkler (2021) Listening: flexibility through noise, resonance through rhythm [i] [d]
- Jane Grant, John Matthias, & David Prior [ed] (2021) The Oxford handbook of sound art [i] [d]
- Emil Kraugerud (2021) Come closer: acousmatic intimacy in popular music sound [u]
- Annette Lareau (2021) Listening to people: a practical guide to interviewing, participant observation, data analysis, and writing it all up [i] [d]
- Giovanni M. Di Liberto, Guilhem Marion, & Shihab A. Shamma (2021) The music of silence: part II: music listening induces imagery responses [p] [d] [u]
- Guilhem Marion, Giovanni M. Di Liberto, & Shihab A. Shamma (2021) The music of silence: part I: responses to musical imagery encode melodic expectations and acoustics [p] [d] [u]
- Kathleen Dean Moore (2021) Earth's wild music: celebrating and defending the songs of the natural world [i]
- Gascia Ouzounian (2021) The sonic undercommons: sound art in radical Black arts traditions [i] [d]
- Dave Soldier (2021) Music, math, and mind: the physics and neuroscience of music [i] [d] [j]
- Jennifer Lynn Stoever (2021) Origin stories: race, silence, and what we call 'sound art' [i] [d]
- Michael Clarke, Frédéric Dufeu, & Peter Manning (2020) Inside computer music [i]
- Christopher DeLaurenti (2020) Activist sound: field recording, phonography, and soundscapes of protest [o] [d] [u]
- Bertrand Denzler & Jean-Luc Guionnet [ed] (2020) The practice of musical improvisation: dialogues with contemporary musical improvisers [i] [d]
- Danijela Kulezic-Wilson (2020) Sound design is the new score: theory, aesthetics, and erotics of the integrated soundtrack [i] [d]
- Selma Kurra (2020) Environmental noise and management: overview from past to present [i] [d]
- Makis Solomos (2020) From music to sound: the emergence of sound in 20th- and 21st-century music [i] [d]
- Jeff Todd Titon (2020) Toward a sound ecology: new and selected essays [i] [j]
- Matthew Utley (2020) How to raise kids who really listen and empathize with others [u]
- Debra L. Worthington & Graham D. Bodie [ed] (2020) The handbook of listening [i] [d]
- Mitchell Akiyama (2019) Nothing connects us but imagined sound [i] [d]
- Milena Droumeva & Randolph Jordan [ed] (2019) Sound, media, ecology [i] [d]
- Nina Sun Eidsheim (2019) The race of sound: listening, timbre, and vocality in African American music [i] [j] [u]
- Henkjan Honing (2019) The evolving animal orchestra: in search of what makes us musical [i] [d]
- Allie Martin (2019) Hearing change in the chocolate city: soundwalking as Black feminist method [u]
- Paola Cossermelli Messina (2019) Soundwalking on the edges: sound, safety and privilege in São Paulo, Brazil [u]
- Joanna Stewart, Sandra Garrido, Cherry Hense, & Katrina McFerran (2019) Music use for mood regulation: self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression [p] [d] [u]
- Barry Truax (2019) Acoustic ecology and the World Soundscape Project [i] [d]
- Hildegard Westerkamp (2019) The disruptive nature of listening: today, yesterday, tomorrow [i] [d]
- Samantha Bennett & Eliot Bates [ed] (2018) Critical approaches to the production of music and sound [i] [d]
- Zuzana Burivalova, Michael Towsey, Timothy M. Boucher, Anthony Truskinger, Cosmas Apelis, Paul Roe, & Edward T. Game (2018) Using soundscapes to detect variable degrees of human influence on tropical forests in Papua New Guinea [p] [d]
- Justin Eckstein (2018) Designing soundscapes for argumentation [d] [j] [u]
- Simon E. Freeman, Lauren A. Freeman, Giacomo Giorli, & Andreas F. Haas (2018) Photosynthesis by marine algae produces sound, contributing to the daytime soundscape on coral reefs [p] [d] [u]
- Henkjan Honing [ed] (2018) The origins of musicality [i] [d]
- Olivier Julien & Christophe Levaux [ed] (2018) Over and over: exploring repetition in popular music [i] [d]
- Michael E. Morrell (2018) Listening and deliberation [i] [d]
- Samuel Thulin (2018) Sound maps matter: expanding cartophony [d]
- Jonathan Weinel (2018) Inner sound: altered states of consciousness in electronic music and audio-visual media [i] [d]
- Will Wilkinson (2018) Shut up and listen: intersectional identity and the value of multi-perspectival diversity [u]
- Debra L. Worthington & Graham D. Bodie [ed] (2018) The sourcebook of listening research: methodology and measures [i] [d]
- Stephen T. Asma (2017) Was Bo Diddley a buddha?: and other thoughts on the art of improvisation [u]
- Adam M. Brenner (2017) Listening: an underlying competency in psychiatry education [p] [d]
- Cassie J. Brownell & Jon M. Wargo (2017) (Re)educating the senses to multicultural communities: prospective teachers using digital media and sonic cartography to listen for culture [d]
- Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg, & Barry Truax [ed] (2017) The Routledge companion to sounding art [i] [d]
- Milena Droumeva (2017) Soundmapping as critical cartography: engaging publics in listening to the environment [d]
- Almo Farina & Stuart H. Gage [ed] (2017) Ecoacoustics: the ecological role of sounds [i] [d]
- Chiara Fioretti, Debora Pascuzzi, & Andrea Smorti (2017) The role of the listener on the emotional valence of personal memories in emerging adulthood [d]
- Kevin M. Kniffin, Jubo Yan, Brian Wansink, & William D. Schulze (2017) The sound of cooperation: musical influences on cooperative behavior [p] [d] [u]
- Alexandra Lamont (2017) Music alone and with others: listening, sharing and celebrating [i] [d]
- William Moylan (2017) How to listen, what to hear [i] [d]
- Danielle Ofri (2017) What patients say, what doctors hear [i]
- Jon Pigrem & Mathieu Barthet (2017) Datascaping: data sonification as a narrative device in soundscape composition [i] [d]
- Andrea Polli (2017) Soundwalking, sonification and activism [i] [d]
- Hollis Taylor (2017) Is birdsong music?: outback encounters with an Australian songbird [i] [j]
- Daniel Warner (2017) Live wires: a history of electronic music [i]
- Hildegard Westerkamp (2017) Environmental sound and soundscape composition in landscape and nature documentaries [d]
- Yusuf Aytar, Carl Vondrick, & Antonio Torralba (2016) SoundNet: learning sound representations from unlabeled video [i] [u]
- Frederick W. Bianchi & V. J. Manzo [ed] (2016) Environmental sound artists: in their own words [i]
- Jennifer Reilly Bluma (2016) Weaving ropes with the Desert Fathers: (re)inventing rhetorical theory as silence and listening [d]
- Marinos Koutsomichalis (2016) From music to big music: listening in the age of big data [d] [u]
- Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Holger Schulze [ed] (2016) Sound as popular culture: a research companion [i] [d]
- Mark Pedelty (2016) A song to save the Salish Sea: musical performance as environmental activism [i] [j]
- Ronald Michael Radano & Tejumola Olaniyan [ed] (2016) Audible empire: music, global politics, critique [i] [d] [j]
- Susan E. Shore, Larry E. Roberts, & Berthold Langguth (2016) Maladaptive plasticity in tinnitus—triggers, mechanisms and treatment [p] [d] [u]
- Leen Aper, Wemke Veldhuijzen, Tim Dornan, Monica van de Ridder, Sebastiaan Koole, Anselme Derese, & Jan Reniers (2015) 'Should I prioritize medical problem solving or attentive listening?': the dilemmas and challenges that medical students experience when learning to conduct consultations [p] [d]
- J. Martin Daughtry (2015) Listening to war: sound, music, trauma and survival in wartime Iraq [i] [d]
- Milena Droumeva (2015) Curating everyday life: approaches to documenting everyday soundscapes [u]
- Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk & Karmenlara Ely [ed] (2015) Responsive listening: theater training for contemporary spaces [i]
- Karl J. Friston & Christopher D. Frith (2015) A duet for one [p] [d] [u]
- Mark Hayward, Clara Strauss, & Simon McCarthy-Jones [ed] (2015) Psychological approaches to understanding and treating auditory hallucinations: from theory to therapy [i] [d]
- Stefan Helmreich, Sophia Roosth, & Michele Ilana Friedner (2015) Sounding the limits of life: essays in the anthropology of biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
- Bernie Krause (2015) Voices of the wild: animal songs, human din, and the call to save natural soundscapes [i] [d]
- Wen Lin (2015) The hearing, the mapping, and the Web: investigating emerging online sound mapping practices [d]
- Susan A. Lord (2015) Meditative dialogue: tuning in to the music of family therapy [d]
- Alexandra Supper (2015) Sound information: sonification in the age of complex data and digital audio [d] [j]
- Jessica Argo, Minhua Ma, & Christopher Kayser (2014) Immersive composition for sensory rehabilitation: 3D visualisation, surround sound, and synthesised music to provoke catharsis and healing [i] [d]
- Kyle Arnold (2014) Behind the mirror: reflective listening and its tain in the work of Carl Rogers [d]
- Adam Cole (2014) What does sound look like? [u]
- Trevor J. Cox (2014) The sound book: the science of the sonic wonders of the world [i]
- Abe Davis, Michael Rubinstein, Neal Wadhwa, Gautham J. Mysore, Frédo Durand, & William T. Freeman (2014) The visual microphone: passive recovery of sound from video [d]
- Susanne M. Jones & Graham D. Bodie (2014) Supportive communication [i] [d]
- Katrina Skewes McFerran & Suvi Saarikallio (2014) Depending on music to feel better: being conscious of responsibility when appropriating the power of music [d]
- Daniel Morat [ed] (2014) Sounds of modern history: auditory cultures in 19th- and 20th- century Europe [i] [d] [j]
- Enda Murphy & Eoin A. King (2014) Environmental noise pollution: noise mapping, public health, and policy [i] [d]
- Marc Naguib & Katharina Riebel (2014) Singing in space and time: the biology of birdsong [i] [d]
- Michaela Palmer & Owain Jones (2014) On breathing and geography: explorations of data sonifications of timespace processes with illustrating examples from a tidally dynamic landscape (Severn Estuary, UK) [d]
- Christian Perrin & Nicholas Blagden (2014) Accumulating meaning, purpose and opportunities to change 'drip by drip': the impact of being a listener in prison [d]
- Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen (2014) Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
- Thomas Turino (2014) Peircean thought as core theory for a phenomenological ethnomusicology [d]
- Joanne Cantor (2013) Is background music a boost or a bummer? It depends [u]
- Eduardo Coutinho & Nicola Dibben (2013) Psychoacoustic cues to emotion in speech prosody and music [p] [d]
- Amandine Gasc, Jérôme Sueur, Frédéric Jiguet, Vincent Devictor, Philippe Grandcolas, Coralie Burrow, Marion Depraetere, & Sandrine Pavoine (2013) Assessing biodiversity with sound: do acoustic diversity indices reflect phylogenetic and functional diversities of bird communities? [d]
- Olivier Goetgeluck (2013) The sounds of repetition [u]
- Jessica Jacobs (2013) Listen with your eyes: towards a filmic geography [d]
- Theresa B. Moyers & William R. Miller (2013) Is low therapist empathy toxic? [p] [d] [u]
- Amy Poremba, James Bigelow, & Breein Rossi (2013) Processing of communication sounds: contributions of learning, memory, and experience [p] [d] [u]
- Jochen Schiewe & Beate Weninger (2013) Visual encoding of acoustic parameters: framework and application to noise mapping [d]
- Susan Schmidt Horning (2013) Chasing sound: technology, culture, and the art of studio recording from Edison to the LP [i] [d]
- Michael Stocker (2013) Hear where we are: sound, ecology, and sense of place [i] [d]
- Carlos Velasco, Russ Jones, Scott King, & Charles Spence (2013) The sound of temperature: what information do pouring sounds convey concerning the temperature of a beverage [d]
- Andrew Wolvin (2013) Understanding the listening process: rethinking the 'one size fits all' model [d]
- Friedrich G. Barth, Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, & Hans-Dieter Klein [ed] (2012) Sensory perception: mind and matter [i] [d]
- Forrest Briggs, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Lawrence Neal, Xiaoli Z. Fern, Raviv Raich, Sarah J. K. Hadley, Adam S. Hadley, & Matthew G. Betts (2012) Acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species: a multi-instance multi-label approach [d]
- William J. Broad (2012) Mapping ocean noise: making a sound map for the oceans [u]
- Emile G. Bruneau & Rebecca Saxe (2012) The power of being heard: the benefits of 'perspective-giving' in the context of intergroup conflict [d]
- Judy Burnside-Lawry (2012) Listening and participatory communication: a model to assess organization listening competency [d]
- William T. Ellison, Brandon L. Southall, Christopher W. Clark, & Adam S. Frankel (2012) A new context-based approach to assess marine mammal behavioral responses to anthropogenic sounds [p] [d]
- Clinton D. Francis, Nathan J. Kleist, Catherine P. Ortega, & Alexander Cruz (2012) Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal [p] [d] [u]
- Woon Siong Gan (2012) Acoustical imaging: techniques and applications for engineers [i] [d]
- Seth S. Horowitz (2012) The science and art of listening: why listening is so much more than hearing [u]
- Anja Kanngieser (2012) A sonic geography of voice: towards an affective politics [d]
- Jennifer Krizman, Viorica Marian, Anthony Shook, Erika Skoe, & Nina Kraus (2012) Subcortical encoding of sound is enhanced in bilinguals and relates to executive function advantages [p] [d] [u]
- Sue E. Moore, Randall R. Reeves, Brandon L. Southall, Timothy J. Ragen, Robert S. Suydam, & Christopher W. Clark (2012) A new framework for assessing the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals in a rapidly changing Arctic [d] [j]
- Musical Instrument Museum (2012) MIM: highlights from the Musical Instrument Museum [i]
- Rosalyn Negrón (2012) Audio recording everyday talk [d]
- Jeffrey Hugh Newman (2012) Mastering the art and skill of listening: a guide to negotiation [i]
- Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Kimon D. Papadimitriou, & Athanasios Koutsoklenis (2012) The role of auditory cues in the spatial knowledge of blind individuals [u]
- Burak K. Pekin, Jinha Jung, Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera, Bryan C. Pijanowski, & Jorge A. Ahumada (2012) Modeling acoustic diversity using soundscape recordings and LiDAR-derived metrics of vertical forest structure in a neotropical rainforest [d]
- Rafe Sagarin & Aníbal Pauchard (2012) Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
- Kim Tingley (2012) Whisper of the wild: is silence going extinct? [u]
- Barry Truax (2012) Sound, listening and place: the aesthetic dilemma [d]
- Stephen Wade (2012) The beautiful music all around us: field recordings and the American experience [i] [j]
- Jesse Barber, Chris Burdett, Sarah E. Reed, Katy Warner, Charlotte Formichella, Kevin Crooks, David M. Theobald, & Kurt Fristrup (2011) Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences [d]
- Wanda Díaz-Merced (2011) The sounds of science [d]
- Sarah L. Dumyahn & Bryan C. Pijanowski (2011) Beyond noise mitigation: managing soundscapes as common-pool resources [d]
- Almo Farina, Emanuele Lattanzi, Rachele Malavasi, Nadia Pieretti, & Luigi Piccioli (2011) Avian soundscapes and cognitive landscapes: theory, application and ecological perspectives [d]
- Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, & John G. Neuhoff [ed] (2011) The sonification handbook [i] [u]
- Tim Ingold (2011) Four objections to the concept of soundscape [i] [d]
- Wooyeong Joo, Stuart H. Gage, & Eric P. Kasten (2011) Analysis and interpretation of variability in soundscapes along an urban–rural gradient [d]
- Bernie L. Krause, Stuart H. Gage, & Wooyeong Joo (2011) Measuring and interpreting the temporal variability in the soundscape at four places in Sequoia National Park [d]
- Donald Kroodsma & Gregory F. Budney (2011) Sound recordings—an essential tool for conservation [d] [j]
- Christo Pantev & Sibylle C. Herholz (2011) Plasticity of the human auditory cortex related to musical training [p] [d]
- Bryan C. Pijanowski, Almo Farina, Stuart H. Gage, Sarah L. Dumyahn, & Bernie L. Krause (2011) What is soundscape ecology?: an introduction and overview of an emerging new science [d]
- Jan Schnupp, Israel Nelken, & Andrew King (2011) Auditory neuroscience: making sense of sound [i] [d]
- Natalya Stanko (2011) What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
- Barry Truax & Gary W. Barrett (2011) Soundscape in a context of acoustic and landscape ecology [d]
- Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera, Bryan C. Pijanowski, Jarrod Doucette, & Burak K. Pekin (2011) A primer of acoustic analysis for landscape ecologists [d]
- Gerhard Werner (2011) Letting the brain speak for itself [p] [d] [u]
- Gary Ansdell, Jane W. Davidson, Wendy L. Magee, John Meehan, & Simon Procter (2010) From 'This f***ing life' to 'that's better'... in four minutes: an interdisciplinary study of music therapy's 'present moments' and their potential for affect modulation [d]
- Jason Corey & David H. Benson (2010/2016) Audio production and critical listening: technical ear training [i] [d]
- Andrew Ford (2010) The sound of pictures: listening to the movies, from Hitchcock to High fidelity [i]
- Jim Garrison (2010) Compassionate, spiritual, and creative listening in teaching and learning [d]
- Mark Goulston (2010) Just listen: discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone [i]
- Stefan Koelsch (2010) Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions [p] [d]
- Mari Laakso & L. Tiina Sarjakoski (2010) Sonic maps for hiking—use of sound in enhancing the map use experience [d]
- Brandon LaBelle (2010) Acoustic territories: sound culture and everyday life [i]
- John Paul Lederach & Angela Jill Lederach (2010) When blood and bones cry out: journeys through the soundscape of healing and reconciliation [i]
- Lisbeth Lipari (2010) Listening, thinking, being [d]
- Norie Neumark, Ross Gibson, & Theo van Leeuwen [ed] (2010) Voice: vocal aesthetics in digital arts and media [i] [d]
- Kia Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull [ed] (2010) Attention and time [i] [d]
- David Suisman & Susan Strasser [ed] (2010) Sound in the age of mechanical reproduction [i] [d] [j]
- Wolfgang Tschacher, Michael Schildt, & Kerstin Sander (2010) Brain connectivity in listening to affective stimuli: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study and implications for psychotherapy [p] [d]
- Salomé Voegelin (2010) Listening to noise and silence: towards a philosophy of sound art [i]
- John Luther Adams (2009) The place where you go to listen: in search of an ecology of music [i]
- Nicholas Cook, Eric Clarke, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, & John Rink [ed] (2009) The Cambridge companion to recorded music [i] [d]
- Yasmin Gunaratnam (2009) Auditory space, ethics and hospitality: 'noise', alterity and care at the end of life [d]
- Gordon Hempton & John Grossmann (2009) One square inch of silence: one man's search for natural silence in a noisy world [i]
- Shannon E. Holleran, Matthias R. Mehl, & Stephanie Levitt (2009) Eavesdropping on social life: the accuracy of stranger ratings of daily behavior from thin slices of natural conversations [d]
- Lisbeth Lipari (2009) Listening otherwise: the voice of ethics [d]
- Antonios D. Mazaris, Athanasios S. Kallimanis, George Chatzigianidis, Kimon D. Papadimitriou, & John D. Pantis (2009) Spatiotemporal analysis of an acoustic environment: interactions between landscape features and sounds [d]
- Gerald J. Mozdzierz, Paul R. Peluso, & Joseph Lisiecki (2009/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
- Kristin L. Nelson, Edward Bein, Julia Huemer, Erika Ryst, & Hans Steiner (2009) Listening for avoidance: narrative form and defensiveness in adolescent memories [d]
- Kimon D. Papadimitriou, Antonios D. Mazaris, Athanasios S. Kallimanis, & John D. Pantis (2009) Cartographic representation of the sonic environment [d]
- Sofie M. Van Parijs, Christopher W. Clark, Renata S. Sousa-Lima, Susan E. Parks, Shannon Rankin, Denise Risch, & Ilse C. Van Opzeeland (2009) Management and research applications of real-time and archival passive acoustic sensors over varying temporal and spatial scales [d]
- Kenneth George Tobin (2009) Tuning into others' voices: radical listening, learning from difference, and escaping oppression [d]
- Dan Wu, Chao-Yi Li, & De-Zhong Yao (2009) Scale-free music of the brain [p] [d] [u]
- Gerold Baier & Thomas Hermann (2008) Sonification: listen to brain activity [i] [d]
- Karin Bijsterveld (2008) Mechanical sound: technology, culture, and public problems of noise in the twentieth century [i] [d]
- Gary J. Friedman & Jack Himmelstein (2008) Challenging conflict: mediation through understanding [i]
- John T. Hancock (2008) Cell signalling is the music of life [p] [d]
- Kathleen M. Hunzer (2008) Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
- Markus Kiefer, Eun-Jin Sim, Barbel Herrnberger, Jo Grothe, & Klaus Hoenig (2008) The sound of concepts: four markers for a link between auditory and conceptual brain systems [p] [d] [u]
- Yiannis G. Matsinos, Antonios D. Mazaris, Kimon D. Papadimitriou, Andreas Mniestris, George Hatzigiannidis, Dimitris Maioglou, & John D. Pantis (2008) Spatio-temporal variability in human and natural sounds in a rural landscape [d]
- Ari Rabinovitch (2008) Scientists 'listen' to plants to find water pollution [u]
- David Rothenberg (2008) Thousand mile song: whale music in a sea of sound [i]
- Barry Truax (2008) Soundscape composition as global music: electroacoustic music as soundscape [d]
- Agnès Alsius, Jordi Navarra, & Salvador Soto-Faraco (2007) Attention to touch weakens audiovisual speech integration [d]
- Barry Blesser & Linda-Ruth Salter (2007) Spaces speak, are you listening?: experiencing aural architecture [i] [d]
- Gregory J. H. Colflesh & Andrew R. A. Conway (2007) Individual differences in working memory capacity and divided attention in dichotic listening [p] [d]
- Sarah J. Dolman (2007) Spatio-temporal restrictions as best practice precautionary response to ocean noise [d]
- Jonathan B. Fritz, Mounya Elhilali, Stephen V. David, & Shihab A. Shamma (2007) Auditory attention: focusing the searchlight on sound [d]
- Mick Hurbis-Cherrier (2007/2018) Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative filmmaking [or: Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative film and DV production] [i] [d]
- Jian Kang (2007) Urban sound environment [i] [d]
- Robert Kramer (2007) How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
- Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis (2007) Moved by nothing: listening to musical silence [d] [j]
- Koji Matsunobu (2007) Japanese spirituality and music practice: art as self-cultivation [i] [d]
- Matthias R. Mehl (2007) Eavesdropping on health: a naturalistic observation approach for social health research [d]
- John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] (2007) Listening from the heart of silence [i]
- William A. Villaume & Graham D. Bodie (2007) Discovering the listener within us: the impact of trait-like personality variables and communicator styles on preferences for listening style [d]
- Emmanuel Bigand & Benedicte Poulin-Charronnat (2006) Are we 'experienced listeners'?: a review of the musical capacities that do not depend on formal musical training [p] [d]
- Voichita Bucur (2006) Urban forest acoustics [i] [d]
- Brandon LaBelle (2006/2015) Background noise: perspectives on sound art [i] [d]
- Julie Leoni (2006) Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
- Guy Madison (2006) Experiencing groove induced by music: consistency and phenomenology [d]
- Martin F. McKinney & Dirk Moelants (2006) Ambiguity in tempo perception: what draws listeners to different metrical levels? [d]
- Matthias R. Mehl, Samuel D. Gosling, & James W. Pennebaker (2006) Personality in its natural habitat: manifestations and implicit folk theories of personality in daily life [d]
- Christina M. Puchalski [ed] (2006) A time for listening and caring: spirituality and the care of the chronically ill and dying [i]
- G. L. Bell (2005) Narrative perspective: the use of the feedback poem as a tool for advancing interpersonal communication [d]
- Pearl S. Berman & Susan Shopland (2005) Interviewing and diagnostic exercises for clinical and counseling skills building [i] [d]
- Paul J. Donoghue & Mary E. Siegel (2005) Are you really listening?: keys to successful communication [i]
- Peter Doyle (2005) Echo and reverb: fabricating space in popular music recording, 1900–1960 [i]
- Martin Haspelmath & Hans-Jörg Bibiko [ed] (2005) The world atlas of language structures [i] [u]
- David J. M. Kraemer, C. Neil Macrae, Adam E. Green, & William M. Kelley (2005) Musical imagery: sound of silence activates auditory cortex [p] [d]
- Josh Kun (2005) Audiotopia: music, race, and America [i] [d] [j]
- Dirk Moelants (2005) The influence of pitch interval on the perception of polyrhythms [d]
- Pauline Oliveros (2005) Deep listening: a composer's sound practice [i]
- David Rothenberg (2005) Why birds sing: a journey through the mystery of bird song [i]
- Olivier Balaÿ (2004) Discrete mapping of urban soundscapes [o]
- Christoph Cox & Daniel Warner [ed] (2004/2017) Audio culture: readings in modern music [i] [d]
- Jim Drobnick [ed] (2004) Aural cultures [i]
- Nigel Frayne (2004) Acoustic design in the built environment [o]
- Adam Kahane (2004) Solving tough problems: an open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities [i]
- Andra McCartney (2004) What is a sound ecologist to do? [o]
- Christina M. Puchalski (2004) Listening to stories of pain and joy: physicians and other caregivers can help patients find comfort and meaning at the end of life [p]
- Charles Spence & Jon Driver [ed] (2004) Crossmodal space and crossmodal attention [i]
- Mark Brady [ed] (2003) The wisdom of listening [i]
- Michael Bull & Les Back [ed] (2003) The auditory culture reader [i]
- Judith Matz [ed] (2003/2004) Sound savings: preserving audio collections: proceedings of a symposium, Austin, Texas, July 24–26, 2003 [i] [u]
- Matthias R. Mehl & James W. Pennebaker (2003) The sounds of social life: a psychometric analysis of students' daily social environments and natural conversations [d]
- Cheri J. Meiners & Meredith Johnson (2003) Listen and learn [i]
- Christo Pantev, Nathan Weisz, Michael Schulte, & Thomas Elbert (2003) Plasticity of the human auditory cortex [i] [d]
- Katherine Schultz (2003) Listening: a framework for teaching across differences [i]
- Michael Stocker (2003) Ocean bio-acoustics and noise pollution: fish, mollusks and other sea animals' use of sound, and the impact of anthropogenic noise in the marine acoustic environment [o]
- Adrian F. Furnham & Lisa Strbac (2002) Music is as distracting as noise: the differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts [d]
- Helmi Järviluoma & Gregg Wagstaff [ed] (2002) Soundscape studies and methods [i]
- Bernard L. Krause (2002) Wild soundscapes: discovering the voice of the natural world [i]
- Albert Mayr (2002) Soundscape studies, experimental music, and time geography [i]
- David Rothenberg (2002) Sudden music: improvisation, sound, nature [i]
- Nina Wise (2002) To sing like a river—opening the voice [i]
- Michael Cumberland (2001) Bringing sounds into the everyday classroom [o]
- E. Bruce Goldstein, Glyn W. Humphreys, Margaret Shiffrar, & William A. Yost [ed] (2001/2005) Blackwell handbook of sensation and perception [i] [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001) How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
- Matthias R. Mehl, James W. Pennebaker, D. Michael Crow, James Dabbs, & John H. Price (2001) The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR): a device for sampling naturalistic daily activities and conversations [d]
- David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus [ed] (2001) The book of music and nature: an anthology of sounds, words, thoughts [i]
- David Sonnenschein (2001) Sound design: the expressive power of music, voice, and sound effects in cinema [i]
- Gregg Wagstaff (2001) 'With the calm, comes silence' [o]
- Deborah A. Cai & Edward L. Fink (2000/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
- Michel Chion (2000) Audio-vision and sound [i]
- Donald L. Finkel (2000) Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
- Tim Ingold (2000) The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling & skill [i] [d]
- Patricia Kruth & Henry Stobart [ed] (2000) Sound [i]
- Fran Peavey (2000) Heart politics revisited [i]
- Susan J. Smith (2000) Performing the (sound)world [d]
- Charles Taylor (2000) The physics of sound [i]
- David Dunn (1999) Why do whales and children sing?: a guide to listening in nature [i]
- Bruce Phillips (1999) Reformulating dispute narratives through active listening [d]
- Howard A. Bacal [ed] (1998) Optimal responsiveness: how therapists heal their patients [i]
- C. Daniel Geisler (1998) From sound to synapse: physiology of the mammalian ear [i]
- Rita M. Gross (1998/2002) Meditating with anger [i]
- Charles V. Roberts & Larry Vinson (1998) Relationship among willingness to listen, receiver apprehension, communication apprehension, communication competence, and dogmatism [d]
- Christopher Small (1998) Musicking: the meanings of performing and listening [i]
- Rodney Smith (1998) Lessons from the dying [i]
- Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, & Phil Sandahl (1998/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
- Alain Badiou (1997/2000) Deleuze: the clamor of being [i]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1996) Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
- James P. Kraft (1996) Stage to studio: musicians and the sound revolution, 1890–1950 [i]
- Linda Stout (1996) Bridging the class divide and other lessons for grassroots organizing [i]
- James B. Weaver III, Kittie W. Watson, & Larry L. Barker (1996) Individual differences in listening styles: Do you hear what I hear? [d]
- Andrew Jones (1995) Plunderphonics, 'pataphysics & pop mechanics: an introduction to musique actuelle [i]
- Carolyn Bereznak Kenny [ed] (1995) Listening, playing, creating: essays on the power of sound [i]
- Michael P. Nichols (1995/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
- David Toop (1995) Ocean of sound: aether talk, ambient sound and imaginary worlds [i]
- Gary Ferrington (1994) Audio design: creating multi-sensory images for the mind [d]
- Philip M. Peek (1994) The sounds of silence: cross-world communication and the auditory arts in African societies [d] [j]
- Ariel Phillips, Abigail Lipson, & Michael Basseches (1994) Empathy and listening skills: a developmental perspective on learning to listen [i]
- John Cage & Richard Kostelanetz (1993) John Cage, writer: previously uncollected pieces [i]
- Allan Kaprow & Jeff Kelley (1993/2003) Essays on the blurring of art and life [i]
- Hugo Slim, Paul Richard Thomson, Olivia Bennett, & Nigel Cross (1993/1995) Listening for a change: oral testimony and community development [i]
- R. Murray Schafer (1992) A sound education: 100 exercises in listening and sound-making [i]
- David Howes [ed] (1991) The varieties of sensory experience: a sourcebook in the anthropology of the senses [i]
- W. A. Mathieu (1991) The listening book: discovering your own music [i]
- Albert S. Bregman (1990) Auditory scene analysis: the perceptual organization of sound [i]
- Michel Chion & Claudia Gorbman (1990/2019) Audio-vision: sound on screen [i] [d] [j]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1990) The small steps of the therapy process: how they come and how to help them come [i] [u]
- Dan Lander & Micah Lexier [ed] (1990) Sound by artists [i]
- Stephen R. Covey (1989/2004) Seek first to understand, then to be understood [i] [u]
- David M. Fetterman (1989/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
- Stephen Handel (1989) Listening: an introduction to the perception of auditory events [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1988/1993) What is an event? [i]
- John Cage & Richard Kostelanetz (1987/2003) Conversing with Cage [i]
- Graham D. Bodie (1986/2018) Listening [i] [d]
- Gemma Corradi Fiumara (1985/1990) The other side of language: a philosophy of listening [i] [d]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1984) The politics of giving therapy away: listening and focusing [i] [u]
- Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey, & Carlos P. Zalaquett [ed] (1983/2013) Intentional interviewing and counseling: facilitating client development in a multicultural society [i]
- Joseph H. Kupfer (1983) Experience as art: aesthetics in everyday life [i]
- Richard E. Berg & David G. Stork (1982/2005) The physics of sound [i]
- Michel Chion & Claudia Gorbman (1982/1999) The voice in cinema [i]
- Steven Feld (1982/2012) Sound and sentiment: birds, weeping, poetics, and song in Kaluli expression [i] [d] [j]
- Thomas D. Rossing, Paul Wheeler, & F. Richard Moore (1982/2002) The science of sound [i]
- E. Bruce Goldstein & James R. Brockmole (1980/2017) Sensation and perception [i]
- Robert Bolton (1979/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
- Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish (1979/2012) How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk [i]
- George O. Carney [ed] (1978/2003) The sounds of people and places: a geography of American music from country to classical and blues to bop [i]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1978/1981) Focusing [i]
- Barry Truax [ed] (1978) The World Soundscape Project's handbook for acoustic ecology [i]
- William A. Yost (1977/2007) Fundamentals of hearing: an introduction [i]
- Herbert Zettl (1973/2017) Sight, sound, motion: applied media aesthetics [i]
- S. D. G. Stephens (1972) Hearing and personality: a review [d]
- R. Murray Schafer (1969) The new soundscape: a handbook for the modern music teacher [o]
- John Cage (1967) A year from Monday: new lectures and writings [i]
- John Cage (1961) Silence: lectures and writings [i]
- John Cage (1952/1967) Julliard lecture [i]
- John Cage (1949/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
- Theodor Reik (1948/1983) Listening with the third ear: the inner experience of a psychoanalyst [i]
- Frederic C. Bartlett (1934) The problem of noise [o]
- Luigi Russolo (1913/1986) The art of noises [i]