How to listen

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () World faces 'deathly silence' of nature as wildlife disappears, warn experts [u]
  2. () What does the universe sound like? [u]
  3. () A book of noises: notes on the auraculous [i] [d]
  4. () Learning to pause: fidelity of and biases in the developmental acquisition of gaps in the communicative signals of a songbird [p] [d]
  5. () The sound of one hand playing: the sonic environment of a Zen training temple [d]
  6. () Soundscapes and deep learning enable tracking biodiversity recovery in tropical forests [p] [d]
  7. () Music, pleasure, and meaning: the Hedonic and Eudaimonic Motivations for Music (HEMM) scale [p] [d]
  8. () The special liveliness of hooks in popular music and beyond [i] [d]
  9. Jacek Smolicki [ed] () Soundwalking: through time, space, and technologies [i] [d]
  10. () Musical intimacy: construction, connection, and engagement [i]
  11. () The third dimension in noise visualization: a design of new methods for continuous phenomenon visualization [d]
  12. () Hooks in popular music [i] [d]
  13. John Levack Drever & Andrew Hugill [ed] () Aural diversity [and deafness] [i] [d]
  14. () A review of literature in critical listening education [d]
  15. () Sounds wild and broken: sonic marvels, evolution's creativity, and the crisis of sensory extinction [i]
  16. () PTSD and the sounds of war amidst everyday life [d] [u]
  17. Michael W. J. Schillmeier, Robert Stock, & Beate Ochsner [ed] () Techniques of hearing: history, theory and practices [i] [d]
  18. () Turn on, tune in, drift off: ambient music's psychedelic past [i] [d]
  19. () Listening [and multisensoriality] [i] [d]
  20. () Imperfect sound forever: a letter to a young phonographer [d] [u]
  21. () Listening: flexibility through noise, resonance through rhythm [i] [d]
  22. Jane Grant, John Matthias, & David Prior [ed] () The Oxford handbook of sound art [i] [d]
  23. () Come closer: acousmatic intimacy in popular music sound [u]
  24. () Listening to people: a practical guide to interviewing, participant observation, data analysis, and writing it all up [i] [d]
  25. () The music of silence: part II: music listening induces imagery responses [p] [d]
  26. () The music of silence: part I: responses to musical imagery encode melodic expectations and acoustics [p] [d]
  27. () The sonic undercommons: sound art in radical Black arts traditions [i] [d]
  28. () Music, math, and mind: the physics and neuroscience of music [i] [d] [j]
  29. () Origin stories: race, silence, and what we call 'sound art' [i] [d]
  30. () Inside computer music [i]
  31. () Activist sound: field recording, phonography, and soundscapes of protest [o] [d] [u]
  32. Bertrand Denzler & Jean-Luc Guionnet [ed] () The practice of musical improvisation: dialogues with contemporary musical improvisers [i] [d]
  33. () Sound design is the new score: theory, aesthetics, and erotics of the integrated soundtrack [i] [d]
  34. () Environmental noise and management: overview from past to present [i] [d]
  35. () From music to sound: the emergence of sound in 20th- and 21st-century music [i] [d]
  36. () Toward a sound ecology: new and selected essays [i] [j]
  37. () How to raise kids who really listen and empathize with others [u]
  38. Debra L. Worthington & Graham D. Bodie [ed] () The handbook of listening [i] [d]
  39. () Nothing connects us but imagined sound [i] [d]
  40. Milena Droumeva & Randolph Jordan [ed] () Sound, media, ecology [i] [d]
  41. () The race of sound: listening, timbre, and vocality in African American music [i] [j] [u]
  42. () The evolving animal orchestra: in search of what makes us musical [i] [d]
  43. () Hearing change in the chocolate city: soundwalking as Black feminist method [u]
  44. () Soundwalking on the edges: sound, safety and privilege in São Paulo, Brazil [u]
  45. () Music use for mood regulation: self-awareness and conscious listening choices in young people with tendencies to depression [p] [d]
  46. () Acoustic ecology and the World Soundscape Project [i] [d]
  47. () The disruptive nature of listening: today, yesterday, tomorrow [i] [d]
  48. Samantha Bennett & Eliot Bates [ed] () Critical approaches to the production of music and sound [i] [d]
  49. () Using soundscapes to detect variable degrees of human influence on tropical forests in Papua New Guinea [p] [d]
  50. () Designing soundscapes for argumentation [d] [j] [u]
  51. () Photosynthesis by marine algae produces sound, contributing to the daytime soundscape on coral reefs [p] [d]
  52. Henkjan Honing [ed] () The origins of musicality [i] [d]
  53. Olivier Julien & Christophe Levaux [ed] () Over and over: exploring repetition in popular music [i] [d]
  54. () Listening and deliberation [i] [d]
  55. () Sound maps matter: expanding cartophony [d]
  56. () Inner sound: altered states of consciousness in electronic music and audio-visual media [i] [d]
  57. () Shut up and listen: intersectional identity and the value of multi-perspectival diversity [u]
  58. Debra L. Worthington & Graham D. Bodie [ed] () The sourcebook of listening research: methodology and measures [i] [d]
  59. () Was Bo Diddley a buddha?: and other thoughts on the art of improvisation [u]
  60. () Listening: an underlying competency in psychiatry education [p] [d]
  61. () (Re)educating the senses to multicultural communities: prospective teachers using digital media and sonic cartography to listen for culture [d]
  62. Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg, & Barry Truax [ed] () The Routledge companion to sounding art [i] [d]
  63. () Soundmapping as critical cartography: engaging publics in listening to the environment [d]
  64. Almo Farina & Stuart H. Gage [ed] () Ecoacoustics: the ecological role of sounds [i] [d]
  65. () The role of the listener on the emotional valence of personal memories in emerging adulthood [d]
  66. () The sound of cooperation: musical influences on cooperative behavior [p] [d]
  67. () How to listen, what to hear [i] [d]
  68. () What patients say, what doctors hear [i]
  69. () Datascaping: data sonification as a narrative device in soundscape composition [i] [d]
  70. () Soundwalking, sonification and activism [i] [d]
  71. () Is birdsong music?: outback encounters with an Australian songbird [i] [j]
  72. () Live wires: a history of electronic music [i]
  73. () Environmental sound and soundscape composition in landscape and nature documentaries [d]
  74. () SoundNet: learning sound representations from unlabeled video [i] [u]
  75. Frederick W. Bianchi & V. J. Manzo [ed] () Environmental sound artists: in their own words [i]
  76. () Weaving ropes with the Desert Fathers: (re)inventing rhetorical theory as silence and listening [d]
  77. () From music to big music: listening in the age of big data [d] [u]
  78. Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Holger Schulze [ed] () Sound as popular culture: a research companion [i] [d]
  79. () A song to save the Salish Sea: musical performance as environmental activism [i] [j]
  80. Ronald Michael Radano & Tejumola Olaniyan [ed] () Audible empire: music, global politics, critique [i] [d] [j]
  81. () Maladaptive plasticity in tinnitus—triggers, mechanisms and treatment [p] [d]
  82. () 'Should I prioritize medical problem solving or attentive listening?': the dilemmas and challenges that medical students experience when learning to conduct consultations [p] [d]
  83. () Listening to war: sound, music, trauma and survival in wartime Iraq [i] [d]
  84. () Curating everyday life: approaches to documenting everyday soundscapes [u]
  85. Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk & Karmenlara Ely [ed] () Responsive listening: theater training for contemporary spaces [i]
  86. () A duet for one [p] [d]
  87. Mark Hayward, Clara Strauss, & Simon McCarthy-Jones [ed] () Psychological approaches to understanding and treating auditory hallucinations: from theory to therapy [i] [d]
  88. () Sounding the limits of life: essays in the anthropology of biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
  89. () Voices of the wild: animal songs, human din, and the call to save natural soundscapes [i] [d]
  90. () The hearing, the mapping, and the Web: investigating emerging online sound mapping practices [d]
  91. () Meditative dialogue: tuning in to the music of family therapy [d]
  92. () Sound information: sonification in the age of complex data and digital audio [d] [j]
  93. () Immersive composition for sensory rehabilitation: 3D visualisation, surround sound, and synthesised music to provoke catharsis and healing [i] [d]
  94. () Behind the mirror: reflective listening and its tain in the work of Carl Rogers [d]
  95. () What does sound look like? [u]
  96. () The sound book: the science of the sonic wonders of the world [i]
  97. () The visual microphone: passive recovery of sound from video [d]
  98. () Supportive communication [i] [d]
  99. () Depending on music to feel better: being conscious of responsibility when appropriating the power of music [d]
  100. Daniel Morat [ed] () Sounds of modern history: auditory cultures in 19th- and 20th- century Europe [i] [d] [j]
  101. () Environmental noise pollution: noise mapping, public health, and policy [i] [d]
  102. () Singing in space and time: the biology of birdsong [i] [d]
  103. () On breathing and geography: explorations of data sonifications of timespace processes with illustrating examples from a tidally dynamic landscape (Severn Estuary, UK) [d]
  104. () Accumulating meaning, purpose and opportunities to change 'drip by drip': the impact of being a listener in prison [d]
  105. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  106. () Peircean thought as core theory for a phenomenological ethnomusicology [d]
  107. () Is background music a boost or a bummer? It depends [u]
  108. () Psychoacoustic cues to emotion in speech prosody and music [p] [d]
  109. () Assessing biodiversity with sound: do acoustic diversity indices reflect phylogenetic and functional diversities of bird communities? [d]
  110. () The sounds of repetition [u]
  111. () Listen with your eyes: towards a filmic geography [d]
  112. () Is low therapist empathy toxic? [p] [d]
  113. () Processing of communication sounds: contributions of learning, memory, and experience [p] [d]
  114. () Visual encoding of acoustic parameters: framework and application to noise mapping [d]
  115. () Chasing sound: technology, culture, and the art of studio recording from Edison to the LP [i] [d]
  116. () Hear where we are: sound, ecology, and sense of place [i] [d]
  117. () The sound of temperature: what information do pouring sounds convey concerning the temperature of a beverage [d]
  118. () Understanding the listening process: rethinking the 'one size fits all' model [d]
  119. Friedrich G. Barth, Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, & Hans-Dieter Klein [ed] () Sensory perception: mind and matter [i] [d]
  120. () Acoustic classification of multiple simultaneous bird species: a multi-instance multi-label approach [d]
  121. () Mapping ocean noise: making a sound map for the oceans [u]
  122. () The power of being heard: the benefits of 'perspective-giving' in the context of intergroup conflict [d]
  123. () Listening and participatory communication: a model to assess organization listening competency [d]
  124. () A new context-based approach to assess marine mammal behavioral responses to anthropogenic sounds [p] [d]
  125. () Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal [p] [d]
  126. () Acoustical imaging: techniques and applications for engineers [i] [d]
  127. () The science and art of listening: why listening is so much more than hearing [u]
  128. () A sonic geography of voice: towards an affective politics [d]
  129. () Subcortical encoding of sound is enhanced in bilinguals and relates to executive function advantages [p] [d]
  130. () A new framework for assessing the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals in a rapidly changing Arctic [d] [j]
  131. () MIM: highlights from the Musical Instrument Museum [i]
  132. () Audio recording everyday talk [d]
  133. () Mastering the art and skill of listening: a guide to negotiation [i]
  134. () The role of auditory cues in the spatial knowledge of blind individuals [u]
  135. () Modeling acoustic diversity using soundscape recordings and LiDAR-derived metrics of vertical forest structure in a neotropical rainforest [d]
  136. () Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
  137. () Whisper of the wild: is silence going extinct? [u]
  138. () Sound, listening and place: the aesthetic dilemma [d]
  139. () The beautiful music all around us: field recordings and the American experience [i] [j]
  140. () Anthropogenic noise exposure in protected natural areas: estimating the scale of ecological consequences [d]
  141. () The sounds of science [d]
  142. () Beyond noise mitigation: managing soundscapes as common-pool resources [d]
  143. () Avian soundscapes and cognitive landscapes: theory, application and ecological perspectives [d]
  144. Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, & John G. Neuhoff [ed] () The sonification handbook [i] [u]
  145. () Four objections to the concept of soundscape [i] [d]
  146. () Analysis and interpretation of variability in soundscapes along an urban–rural gradient [d]
  147. () Measuring and interpreting the temporal variability in the soundscape at four places in Sequoia National Park [d]
  148. () Sound recordings—an essential tool for conservation [d] [j]
  149. () Plasticity of the human auditory cortex related to musical training [p] [d]
  150. () What is soundscape ecology?: an introduction and overview of an emerging new science [d]
  151. () Auditory neuroscience: making sense of sound [i] [d]
  152. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  153. () Soundscape in a context of acoustic and landscape ecology [d]
  154. () A primer of acoustic analysis for landscape ecologists [d]
  155. () Letting the brain speak for itself [p] [d]
  156. () From 'This f***ing life' to 'that's better'... in four minutes: an interdisciplinary study of music therapy's 'present moments' and their potential for affect modulation [d]
  157. (/2016) Audio production and critical listening: technical ear training [i] [d]
  158. () The sound of pictures: listening to the movies, from Hitchcock to High fidelity [i]
  159. () Compassionate, spiritual, and creative listening in teaching and learning [d]
  160. () Just listen: discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone [i]
  161. () Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions [p] [d]
  162. () Sonic maps for hiking—use of sound in enhancing the map use experience [d]
  163. () Acoustic territories: sound culture and everyday life [i]
  164. () When blood and bones cry out: journeys through the soundscape of healing and reconciliation [i]
  165. () Listening, thinking, being [d]
  166. Norie Neumark, Ross Gibson, & Theo van Leeuwen [ed] () Voice: vocal aesthetics in digital arts and media [i] [d]
  167. Kia Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull [ed] () Attention and time [i] [d]
  168. David Suisman & Susan Strasser [ed] () Sound in the age of mechanical reproduction [i] [d] [j]
  169. () Brain connectivity in listening to affective stimuli: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study and implications for psychotherapy [p] [d]
  170. () Listening to noise and silence: towards a philosophy of sound art [i]
  171. () The place where you go to listen: in search of an ecology of music [i]
  172. Nicholas Cook, Eric Clarke, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, & John Rink [ed] () The Cambridge companion to recorded music [i] [d]
  173. () Auditory space, ethics and hospitality: 'noise', alterity and care at the end of life [d]
  174. () One square inch of silence: one man's search for natural silence in a noisy world [i]
  175. () Eavesdropping on social life: the accuracy of stranger ratings of daily behavior from thin slices of natural conversations [d]
  176. () Listening otherwise: the voice of ethics [d]
  177. () Spatiotemporal analysis of an acoustic environment: interactions between landscape features and sounds [d]
  178. (/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
  179. () Listening for avoidance: narrative form and defensiveness in adolescent memories [d]
  180. () Cartographic representation of the sonic environment [d]
  181. () Management and research applications of real-time and archival passive acoustic sensors over varying temporal and spatial scales [d]
  182. () Tuning into others' voices: radical listening, learning from difference, and escaping oppression [d]
  183. () Scale-free music of the brain [p] [d]
  184. () Sonification: listen to brain activity [i] [d]
  185. () Mechanical sound: technology, culture, and public problems of noise in the twentieth century [i] [d]
  186. () Challenging conflict: mediation through understanding [i]
  187. () Cell signalling is the music of life [p] [d]
  188. () Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
  189. () The sound of concepts: four markers for a link between auditory and conceptual brain systems [p] [d]
  190. () Spatio-temporal variability in human and natural sounds in a rural landscape [d]
  191. () Scientists 'listen' to plants to find water pollution [u]
  192. () Thousand mile song: whale music in a sea of sound [i]
  193. () Soundscape composition as global music: electroacoustic music as soundscape [d]
  194. () Attention to touch weakens audiovisual speech integration [d]
  195. () Spaces speak, are you listening?: experiencing aural architecture [i] [d]
  196. () Individual differences in working memory capacity and divided attention in dichotic listening [p] [d]
  197. () Spatio-temporal restrictions as best practice precautionary response to ocean noise [d]
  198. () Auditory attention: focusing the searchlight on sound [d]
  199. (/2018) Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative filmmaking [or: Voice & vision: a creative approach to narrative film and DV production] [i] [d]
  200. () Urban sound environment [i] [d]
  201. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  202. () Moved by nothing: listening to musical silence [d] [j]
  203. () Japanese spirituality and music practice: art as self-cultivation [i] [d]
  204. () Eavesdropping on health: a naturalistic observation approach for social health research [d]
  205. John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] () Listening from the heart of silence [i]
  206. () Discovering the listener within us: the impact of trait-like personality variables and communicator styles on preferences for listening style [d]
  207. () Are we 'experienced listeners'?: a review of the musical capacities that do not depend on formal musical training [p] [d]
  208. () Urban forest acoustics [i] [d]
  209. (/2015) Background noise: perspectives on sound art [i] [d]
  210. () Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
  211. () Experiencing groove induced by music: consistency and phenomenology [d]
  212. () Ambiguity in tempo perception: what draws listeners to different metrical levels? [d]
  213. () Personality in its natural habitat: manifestations and implicit folk theories of personality in daily life [d]
  214. Christina M. Puchalski [ed] () A time for listening and caring: spirituality and the care of the chronically ill and dying [i]
  215. () Narrative perspective: the use of the feedback poem as a tool for advancing interpersonal communication [d]
  216. () Interviewing and diagnostic exercises for clinical and counseling skills building [i] [d]
  217. () Are you really listening?: keys to successful communication [i]
  218. () Echo and reverb: fabricating space in popular music recording, 1900–1960 [i]
  219. Martin Haspelmath & Hans-Jörg Bibiko [ed] () The world atlas of language structures [i] [u]
  220. () Musical imagery: sound of silence activates auditory cortex [p] [d]
  221. () Audiotopia: music, race, and America [i] [d] [j]
  222. () The influence of pitch interval on the perception of polyrhythms [d]
  223. () Deep listening: a composer's sound practice [i]
  224. () Why birds sing: a journey through the mystery of bird song [i]
  225. () Discrete mapping of urban soundscapes [o]
  226. Christoph Cox & Daniel Warner [ed] (/2017) Audio culture: readings in modern music [i] [d]
  227. Jim Drobnick [ed] () Aural cultures [i]
  228. () Acoustic design in the built environment [o]
  229. () Solving tough problems: an open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities [i]
  230. () What is a sound ecologist to do? [o]
  231. () Listening to stories of pain and joy: physicians and other caregivers can help patients find comfort and meaning at the end of life [p]
  232. Charles Spence & Jon Driver [ed] () Crossmodal space and crossmodal attention [i]
  233. Mark Brady [ed] () The wisdom of listening [i]
  234. Michael Bull & Les Back [ed] () The auditory culture reader [i]
  235. () The sounds of social life: a psychometric analysis of students' daily social environments and natural conversations [d]
  236. () Listen and learn [i]
  237. () Plasticity of the human auditory cortex [i] [d]
  238. () Listening: a framework for teaching across differences [i]
  239. () Ocean bio-acoustics and noise pollution: fish, mollusks and other sea animals' use of sound, and the impact of anthropogenic noise in the marine acoustic environment [o]
  240. () Music is as distracting as noise: the differential distraction of background music and noise on the cognitive test performance of introverts and extraverts [d]
  241. Helmi Järviluoma & Gregg Wagstaff [ed] () Soundscape studies and methods [i]
  242. () Wild soundscapes: discovering the voice of the natural world [i]
  243. () Soundscape studies, experimental music, and time geography [i]
  244. () Sudden music: improvisation, sound, nature [i]
  245. () To sing like a river—opening the voice [i]
  246. () Bringing sounds into the everyday classroom [o]
  247. E. Bruce Goldstein, Glyn W. Humphreys, Margaret Shiffrar, & William A. Yost [ed] (/2005) Blackwell handbook of sensation and perception [i] [d]
  248. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  249. () The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR): a device for sampling naturalistic daily activities and conversations [d]
  250. David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus [ed] () The book of music and nature: an anthology of sounds, words, thoughts [i]
  251. () Sound design: the expressive power of music, voice, and sound effects in cinema [i]
  252. () 'With the calm, comes silence' [o]
  253. (/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
  254. () Audio-vision and sound [i]
  255. () Teaching with your mouth shut [i]
  256. () The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling & skill [i] [d]
  257. Patricia Kruth & Henry Stobart [ed] () Sound [i]
  258. () Heart politics revisited [i]
  259. () Performing the (sound)world [d]
  260. () The physics of sound [i]
  261. () Why do whales and children sing?: a guide to listening in nature [i]
  262. () Reformulating dispute narratives through active listening [d]
  263. Howard A. Bacal [ed] () Optimal responsiveness: how therapists heal their patients [i]
  264. () From sound to synapse: physiology of the mammalian ear [i]
  265. (/2002) Meditating with anger [i]
  266. () Relationship among willingness to listen, receiver apprehension, communication apprehension, communication competence, and dogmatism [d]
  267. () Musicking: the meanings of performing and listening [i]
  268. () Lessons from the dying [i]
  269. (/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
  270. (/2000) Deleuze: the clamor of being [i]
  271. () Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
  272. () Stage to studio: musicians and the sound revolution, 1890–1950 [i]
  273. () Bridging the class divide and other lessons for grassroots organizing [i]
  274. () Individual differences in listening styles: Do you hear what I hear? [d]
  275. () Plunderphonics, 'pataphysics & pop mechanics: an introduction to musique actuelle [i]
  276. Carolyn Bereznak Kenny [ed] () Listening, playing, creating: essays on the power of sound [i]
  277. (/2009) The lost art of listening: how learning to listen can improve relationships [i]
  278. () Ocean of sound: aether talk, ambient sound and imaginary worlds [i]
  279. () Audio design: creating multi-sensory images for the mind [d]
  280. () The sounds of silence: cross-world communication and the auditory arts in African societies [d] [j]
  281. () Empathy and listening skills: a developmental perspective on learning to listen [i]
  282. () John Cage, writer: previously uncollected pieces [i]
  283. (/2003) Essays on the blurring of art and life [i]
  284. (/1995) Listening for a change: oral testimony and community development [i]
  285. () A sound education: 100 exercises in listening and sound-making [i]
  286. David Howes [ed] () The varieties of sensory experience: a sourcebook in the anthropology of the senses [i]
  287. () The listening book: discovering your own music [i]
  288. () Auditory scene analysis: the perceptual organization of sound [i]
  289. (/2019) Audio-vision: sound on screen [i] [d] [j]
  290. () The small steps of the therapy process: how they come and how to help them come [i] [u]
  291. Dan Lander & Micah Lexier [ed] () Sound by artists [i]
  292. (/2004) Seek first to understand, then to be understood [i] [u]
  293. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  294. () Listening: an introduction to the perception of auditory events [i]
  295. (/1993) What is an event? [i]
  296. (/2003) Conversing with Cage [i]
  297. (/2018) Listening [i] [d]
  298. (/1990) The other side of language: a philosophy of listening [i] [d]
  299. () The politics of giving therapy away: listening and focusing [i] [u]
  300. Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey, & Carlos P. Zalaquett [ed] (/2013) Intentional interviewing and counseling: facilitating client development in a multicultural society [i]
  301. () Experience as art: aesthetics in everyday life [i]
  302. (/2005) The physics of sound [i]
  303. (/1999) The voice in cinema [i]
  304. (/2012) Sound and sentiment: birds, weeping, poetics, and song in Kaluli expression [i] [d] [j]
  305. (/2002) The science of sound [i]
  306. (/2017) Sensation and perception [i]
  307. (/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
  308. (/2012) How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk [i]
  309. George O. Carney [ed] (/2003) The sounds of people and places: a geography of American music from country to classical and blues to bop [i]
  310. (/1981) Focusing [i]
  311. Barry Truax [ed] () The World Soundscape Project's handbook for acoustic ecology [i]
  312. (/2007) Fundamentals of hearing: an introduction [i]
  313. (/2017) Sight, sound, motion: applied media aesthetics [i]
  314. () Hearing and personality: a review [d]
  315. () The new soundscape: a handbook for the modern music teacher [o]
  316. () A year from Monday: new lectures and writings [i]
  317. () Silence: lectures and writings [i]
  318. (/1967) Julliard lecture [i]
  319. (/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
  320. (/1983) Listening with the third ear: the inner experience of a psychoanalyst [i]
  321. () The problem of noise [o]
  322. (/1986) The art of noises [i]

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14th edition, last updated: 31 July 2024 (view Zotero library on
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