How to learn

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () Dialectical thinking as a post-formal organization of human thought and action [i] [d]
  2. () A neuropsychological model of dialectical thinking and its development [i] [d]
  3. () Dialectical thinking is the pinnacle of human intellect: bridging East and West [or is not the pinnacle] [i] [d]
  4. () How to make a philosopher [i] [d]
  5. () Evaluating self-directed learning competencies in digital learning environments: a meta-analysis [d]
  6. () Parallel developmental changes in children's production and recognition of line drawings of visual concepts [p] [d] [u]
  7. () The development of dialectical thinking: an integrative relational systems approach [i] [d]
  8. () On the future of the psychological study of men and masculinities: a developmental perspective [d]
  9. Nick Shannon, Michael F. Mascolo, & Anastasia Belolutskaya [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of dialectical thinking [i] [d]
  10. () Flourishing goals, metacognitive skills, and the virtue of wisdom [d]
  11. () From coding to curing: functions, implementations, and correctness in deep learning [d]
  12. () Learning to pause: fidelity of and biases in the developmental acquisition of gaps in the communicative signals of a songbird [p] [d]
  13. () Reimagining Fowler's stages of faith: shifting from a seven stage to a four step framework for faith development [d]
  14. () Evolving concepts of functional localization [in the brain] [d]
  15. () Neurocognitive model of schema-congruent and -incongruent learning in clinical disorders: application to social anxiety and beyond [p] [d]
  16. () Science beliefs, political ideology, and cognitive sophistication [p] [d] [u]
  17. () The vicious circles of skill erosion: a case study of cognitive automation [d] [u]
  18. () Teaching and learning creativity as content: a tool-dependent process [i] [d]
  19. () Privileged careerists, working-class idealists: complicating the relationship of class, college values, and curricular choices [d]
  20. () The central role of lifelong learning and humility in clinical psychology [d]
  21. () Perception and simulation during concept learning [p] [d]
  22. Susan L. Andersen [ed] () Sensitive periods of brain development and preventive interventions [i] [d]
  23. () Mechanisms underlying training-induced cognitive change [d]
  24. () Heuristics from bounded meta-learned inference [p] [d]
  25. () Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
  26. Daniel Dukes, Eric A. Walle, & Andrea C. Samson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
  27. () Deconstructing depth of knowledge: a method and model for deeper teaching and learning [i]
  28. () The wisdom researchers and the elephant: an integrative model of wise behavior [p] [d] [u]
  29. Olivier Houdé & Grégoire Borst [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of cognitive development [i] [d]
  30. () Evolution without inheritance: steps to an ecology of learning [and comments and reply] [d]
  31. () Learning and the evolution of conscious agents [and comments] [d]
  32. () Cultural appropriation is necessary for cultural development [u]
  33. () It's not a space, it's a philosophy: designing a high-purpose culture within your learning environment [i] [u]
  34. Melanie Munroe & Michel Ferrari [ed] () Post-traumatic growth to psychological well-being: coping wisely with adversity [i] [d]
  35. () A psychologically rich life: beyond happiness and meaning [p] [d]
  36. () Empowering young children: how to nourish deep, transformative learning for social justice [i] [d]
  37. () Making meaning of the meaning in our lives: exploratory study of relationship between adults' psychosocial maturity and personal meaning-in-life [i] [u]
  38. () Cognitive and metacognitive, motivational, and resource considerations for learning new skills across the lifespan [p] [d]
  39. () Toward a theory of evolution as multilevel learning [p] [d] [u]
  40. () Dialectical thinking: a proposed foundation for a post-modern psychology [p] [d] [u]
  41. () Criminality and crime: a social-cognitive-developmental theory of delinquent and criminal behavior [i]
  42. () A psychology of ideology: unpacking the psychological structure of ideological thinking [p] [d] [u]
  43. () Higher education students' reflective journal writing and lifelong learning skills: insights from an exploratory sequential study [p] [d] [u]
  44. () Toward integrated processual theories of crime: assessing the developmental effects of executive function, self-control, and decision-making on offending [d]
  45. () Analogy as a catalyst for cumulative cultural evolution [p] [d]
  46. () Cognitive development for academic achievement: building skills and motivation [i]
  47. () Exchanging humpty dumpties is not a solution: why a representational view of knowledge must be replaced with an action-based approach [p] [d]
  48. () The development of giving in forms of object exchange: exploring the roots of communication and morality in early interaction around objects [d]
  49. () Patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes: II. long-term change and stability, regardless of group membership [p] [d]
  50. () The selectionist rationale for evolutionary progress [d]
  51. () Beyond 'bounded rationality': behaviours and learning in complex evolving worlds [i] [d] [u]
  52. () You can learn anything through reverse engineering [u]
  53. Veronica Schmidt Harvey & Kenneth P. De Meuse [ed] () The age of agility: building learning-agile leaders and organizations [i] [d]
  54. () The programmer's brain: what every programmer needs to know about cognition [i]
  55. (/2023) The 3 core elements of your study system [u]
  56. Markus Knauff & Wolfgang Spohn [ed] () The handbook of rationality [i] [d]
  57. () Pragmatist ethics: a problem-based approach to what matters [i]
  58. () Implications of identity resolution in emerging adulthood for intimacy, generativity, and integrity across the adult lifespan [p] [d] [u]
  59. () Critical integrative argumentation: toward complexity in students' thinking [d]
  60. () Learn like a pro: science-based tools to become better at anything [i]
  61. () The working mind: meaning and mental attention in human development [i] [d] [u]
  62. () The DNA of VUCA: a framework for building learning agility in an accelerating world [DNA: diversity, novelty, adversity; the reflection calendar] [i] [d]
  63. () History of philosophy and the reflective society [i] [d] [u]
  64. () Self-transcendence and life stories of humanistic growth among late-midlife adults [p] [d]
  65. () Don't forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget [d]
  66. () Student success and the high school–university transition: 100 years of chemistry education research [d]
  67. () Posttraumatic growth as an integrative therapeutic philosophy [d]
  68. () Cognitive sophistication and the development of judgment and decision-making [i] [d]
  69. () Is human culture cumulative? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  70. () Play for health across the lifespan: stories from the seven ages of play [i] [d]
  71. () Learning as an important privilege: a life span perspective with implications for successful aging [d]
  72. Aron K. Barbey, Sherif Karama, & Richard J. Haier [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of intelligence and cognitive neuroscience [i] [d]
  73. () Equilibration, development, and epistemic adequacy [i] [d]
  74. () Knowledge restructuring through case processing: the key to generalise expertise development theory across domains? [d]
  75. Lucas Payne Butler, Samuel Ronfard, & Kathleen H. Corriveau [ed] () The questioning child: insights from psychology and education [i] [d]
  76. () Identity development in early adulthood [p] [d]
  77. () The origins of social knowledge in altricial species [d]
  78. () Children's questions in social and cultural perspective [i] [d]
  79. () Neural development of memory and metamemory in childhood and adolescence: toward an integrative model of the development of episodic recollection [d]
  80. () Dual process theories in behavioral economics and neuroeconomics: a critical review [d]
  81. () Let's get (in)formation [i]
  82. () Moral migration: desires to become more empathic predict changes in moral foundations [d]
  83. () Adaptive learning across the life span [i] [d] [u]
  84. () Knowing ourselves together: the cultural origins of metacognition [p] [d]
  85. Eeva Kallio [ed] () Development of adult thinking: interdisciplinary perspectives on cognitive development and adult learning [or: Development of adult thinking: perspectives from psychology, education and human resources] [i] [d]
  86. () From multiperspective to contextual integrative thinking in adulthood: considerations on theorisation of adult thinking and its place as a component of wisdom [i] [d]
  87. () How learning happens: seminal works in educational psychology and what they mean in practice [i] [d]
  88. () Learning from friends and terminating friendships: retrieving friendship as a moral educational concept [d]
  89. () Teaching and learning by questioning [i] [d]
  90. Richard D. Lane & Lynn Nadel [ed] () Neuroscience of enduring change: implications for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  91. () Distracted: why students can't focus and what you can do about it [i]
  92. () The braid of human learning and development: neuro-physiological processes and participation in cultural practices [i] [d] [u]
  93. () Quantum reinforcement learning during human decision-making [p] [d]
  94. () Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood [d]
  95. () 'Learning by thinking' in science and in everyday life [i] [d]
  96. () The development of respect in children and adolescents [p] [d]
  97. () How to approach your problems the right way [as 'problem learning'] [u]
  98. Michael F. Mascolo & Thomas R. Bidell [ed] () Handbook of integrative developmental science: essays in honor of Kurt W. Fischer [i] [d]
  99. () A relational conception of emotional development [and comments and reply] [d]
  100. () Human development at the intersection of culture and globalization: towards a more inclusive future [d]
  101. () Established adulthood: a new conception of ages 30 to 45 [p] [d]
  102. () Flexible learning, rather than inveterate innovation or copying, drives cumulative knowledge gain [p] [d] [u]
  103. Na'ilah Suad Nasir, Carol D. Lee, Roy D. Pea, & Maxine McKinney de Royston [ed] () Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning [i] [d] [u]
  104. () Adaptation for growth via learning new skills as a means to long-term functional independence in older adulthood: insights from emerging adulthood [d]
  105. () Learning to use benefit–cost arguments: a microgenetic study of argument-counterargument integration in an undergraduate seminar course [d]
  106. () Developmental cascades: building the infant mind [i] [d]
  107. () Factors facilitating early emotion understanding development: contributions to individual differences [and reply by Eric A. Walle] [d]
  108. () What makes a good question?: towards an epistemic classification [i] [d]
  109. () Pragmatism's evolution: organism and environment in American philosophy [i] [d]
  110. () Naïve physics: building a mental model of how the world behaves [i]
  111. () Learning in infancy is active, endogenously motivated, and depends on the prefrontal cortices [d]
  112. () The development of emotion reasoning in infancy and early childhood [d]
  113. () What if our species is epistemically immature? [d] [j]
  114. Louis A. Schmidt & Kristie L. Poole [ed] () Adaptive shyness: multiple perspectives on behavior and development [i] [d]
  115. () Integrating epistemic knowledge and logical reasoning skills in adult cognitive development [i] [d]
  116. () Developing an understanding of science [d]
  117. () Learning from failure: shame and emotion regulation in virtue as skill [d]
  118. () Decision making across adulthood [d]
  119. () Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty [d]
  120. () The role of cognitive rigidity in political ideologies: theory, evidence, and future directions [d]
  121. () An ecological approach to learning in (not and) development [d]
  122. () Escape from teaching [i]
  123. () Libraries that learn: keys to managing organizational knowledge [i]
  124. () An integrative memory model of recollection and familiarity to understand memory deficits [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  125. () Metacognitive processes model of decentering: emerging methods and insights [p] [d]
  126. () Dynamics is not enough: an interactivist perspective [d]
  127. () Systematicity, knowledge, and bias: how systematicity made clinical medicine a science [d] [j]
  128. () Learning from adversity: suffering and wisdom [i] [d]
  129. Valerie A. Brown, John A. Harris, & David Waltner-Toews [ed] () Independent thinking in an uncertain world: a mind of one's own [i] [d]
  130. () The brain from inside out [i] [d]
  131. () Malleability, plasticity, and individuality: how children learn and develop in context [d]
  132. () Creating dialectics to learn: infrastructures, practices, and challenges [i] [d]
  133. () Learning from published project failures in conservation [d]
  134. () Patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes: I. long-term change and stability from 2007 to 2016 [p] [d]
  135. () Visual narratives and the mind: comprehension, cognition, and learning [i] [d] [u]
  136. () Perceptual learning: the flexibility of the senses [i] [d]
  137. () Could emotion development really be the acquisition of emotion concepts? [p] [d]
  138. () Frequency in language: memory, attention and learning [i] [d]
  139. () Animal expertise: mechanisms, ecology and evolution [d]
  140. John Dunlosky & Katherine A. Rawson [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of cognition and education [i] [d]
  141. Kara D. Federmeier & Diane M. Beck [ed] () Knowledge and vision [i] [d]
  142. () Designing student reflections to enable transformative learning experiences [d]
  143. () Psychological maturity predicts different forms of happiness [d]
  144. () The evolution of the sensitive soul: learning and the origins of consciousness [i] [d]
  145. () The development of wisdom during adulthood [i] [d]
  146. () Developing a reflective mind: from core metacognition to explicit self-reflection [d]
  147. () Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: a constructionist hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
  148. () Understanding the development of creativity across the life span [i] [d]
  149. () The power of predictions: an emerging paradigm for psychological research [p] [d] [u]
  150. () Transformative social and emotional learning (SEL): toward SEL in service of educational equity and excellence [d]
  151. () How do people learn how to plan? [u]
  152. Lene Arnett Jensen [ed] () The Oxford handbook of moral development: an interdisciplinary perspective [i] [d]
  153. () The new science of practical wisdom [p] [d] [u]
  154. () Adults are more efficient in creating and transmitting novel signalling systems than children [d]
  155. Vanessa Hammler Kenon & Sunay Vasant Palsole [ed] () The Wiley handbook of global workplace learning [i] [d]
  156. () Dialogical argumentation and reasoning in elementary science classrooms [i] [d]
  157. () Learning by writing explanations: computer-based feedback about the explanatory cohesion enhances students' transfer [d]
  158. () The development of cumulative cultural learning [d]
  159. () Neighborhood effects on children's development in experimental and nonexperimental research [d]
  160. () Brain plasticity in human lifespan development: the exploration–selection–refinement model [d]
  161. Vanessa LoBue, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, & Kristin A. Buss [ed] () Handbook of emotional development [i] [d]
  162. () Systematicity is necessary but not sufficient: on the problem of facsimile science [d] [j]
  163. () Evolution and ontogenesis: the deontic niche of human development [d]
  164. Dolores Perin [ed] () The Wiley handbook of adult literacy [i] [d]
  165. () Public libraries as contemplative spaces: a framework for action and research [d]
  166. () Moral transformation and duties of beneficence [d]
  167. () The intelligence trap: why smart people make dumb mistakes [i]
  168. John W. Schwieter [ed] () The handbook of the neuroscience of multilingualism [i] [d]
  169. () Mindful family routines and the cultivation of executive function skills in childhood [d]
  170. () Iterate: ten lessons in design and failure [i] [d]
  171. () Doubly counterintuitive: cognitive obstacles to the discovery and the learning of scientific ideas and why they often differ [i] [d]
  172. () Language comprehension, inference, and alternatives [i] [d]
  173. () Using developmental science to distinguish adolescents and adults under the law [d]
  174. Sharon Tindall-Ford, Shirley Agostinho, & John Sweller [ed] () Advances in cognitive load theory: rethinking teaching [i] [d]
  175. () Becoming human: a theory of ontogeny [i] [d]
  176. () Understanding how we learn: a visual guide [i] [d]
  177. () The effect of content delivery style on student performance in anatomy [p] [d]
  178. () Picture this!: effects of photographs, diagrams, animations, and sketching on learning and beliefs about learning from a geoscience text [d]
  179. () Developmental dynamics: past, present, and future [d]
  180. () Information compression as a unifying principle in human learning, perception, and cognition [d]
  181. () Ultralearning: timeless techniques for mastering hard skills [i]
  182. () A critique of pure learning and what artificial neural networks can learn from animal brains [p] [d] [u]
  183. () Can increased educational attainment among lower-educated mothers reduce inequalities in children's skill development? [p] [d]
  184. () Graduate student writing: complexity in literature reviews [d]
  185. () Great minds and how to grow them: high performance learning [i] [d]
  186. () Knowledge representation and cognitive skills in problem solving: a view from linguistic typology [i] [d]
  187. () Explicating development of personal professional theories from higher vocational education to beginning a professional career through computer-supported drawing of concept maps [d]
  188. () A different kind of animal: how culture transformed our species [i] [d] [j]
  189. () When generating a prediction boosts learning: the element of surprise [d]
  190. () Is a nervous system necessary for learning? [d]
  191. () Longitudinal alterations of frontoparietal and frontotemporal networks predict future creative cognitive ability [p] [d]
  192. Robert E. Clark & Stephen J. Martin [ed] () Behavioral neuroscience of learning and memory [i] [d]
  193. () A nice surprise?: predictive processing and the active pursuit of novelty [d]
  194. () The impact of paper versus digital map technology on students' spatial thinking skill acquisition [d]
  195. () Contextual debiasing and critical thinking: reasons for optimism [d]
  196. David Danks & Emiliano Ippoliti [ed] () Building theories: heuristics and hypotheses in sciences [i] [d]
  197. () Interpersonal harm aversion as a necessary foundation for morality: a developmental neuroscience perspective [p] [d]
  198. (/2020) How we learn: why brains learn better than any machine—for now [i]
  199. () Scientific progress: four accounts [d]
  200. () Instructed fear stimuli bias visual attention [p] [d]
  201. Yehudit Judy Dori, Zemira R. Mevarech, & Dale R. Baker [ed] () Cognition, metacognition, and culture in STEM education: learning, teaching and assessment of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—STEM [i] [d]
  202. () Beyond evolutionary psychology: how and why neuropsychological modules arise [i] [d]
  203. () Rethinking narrative: leveraging storytelling for science learning [d]
  204. () Complex thinking as a result of incongruent information exposure [d]
  205. () Enculturation and narrative practices [d]
  206. () The surprisingly powerful influence of drawing on memory [d]
  207. () Memory and technology: how we use information in the brain and the world [i] [d]
  208. () Drawing boundary conditions for learning by drawing [d]
  209. Frank Fischer, Clark Chinn, Katharina Engelmann, & Jonathan Osborne [ed] () Scientific reasoning and argumentation: the roles of domain-specific and domain-general knowledge [i] [d]
  210. () Thinking and feeling: a social-developmental perspective [i] [d]
  211. () Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
  212. () Re-reasoning ethics: the rationality of deliberation and judgment in ethics [i] [d]
  213. () Late stages of adult development: one linear sequence or several parallel branches? [u]
  214. Laura Kerslake & Rupert Wegerif [ed] () Theory of teaching thinking: international perspectives [i] [d]
  215. () Young children's ability to recognize and challenge unfair treatment of others in group contexts [d] [j]
  216. () The learning benefits of teaching: a retrieval practice hypothesis [d]
  217. () A role for reasoning in a dialogic approach to critical thinking [d]
  218. () Providing written or oral explanations?: differential effects of the modality of explaining on students' conceptual learning and transfer [d]
  219. () Rational metareasoning and the plasticity of cognitive control [p] [d] [u]
  220. () The implications and applications of learning via instructions [p] [d]
  221. David J. Linden [ed] () Think tank: forty neuroscientists explore the biological roots of human experience [i]
  222. () Lifespan differences in a self determination theory model of eudaimonia: a cross-sectional survey of younger, middle-aged, and older adults [d]
  223. () Knowledge organization system (KOS): an introductory critical account [d] [u]
  224. () Learner assessment and remediation [i]
  225. () Psychological change in everyday life: an exploratory study [d]
  226. () Sociocognitive foundations of educational measurement [i] [d]
  227. () Mental flexibility: an MEG investigation in typically developing children [p] [d]
  228. Richard W. Morris, Aaron Bornstein, & Amitai Shenhav [ed] () Goal-directed decision making: computations and neural circuits [i] [d]
  229. () The link between deductive reasoning and mathematics [d]
  230. () Brain food: the surprising science of eating for cognitive power [i]
  231. Albert Newen, Leon de Bruin, & Shaun Gallagher [ed] () Oxford handbook of 4E cognition [embodied, embedded, enactive, extended] [i] [d]
  232. () Augmenting long-term memory [u]
  233. () Learning how to learn: how to succeed in school without spending all your time studying: a guide for kids and teens [i]
  234. () The ethical implications and utility of routine outcome monitoring in determining boundaries of competence in practice [d]
  235. Joëlle Proust & Martin Fortier [ed] () Metacognitive diversity: an interdisciplinary approach [i] [d]
  236. Matthew R. Sanders & Alina Morawska [ed] () Handbook of parenting and child development across the lifespan [i] [d]
  237. () Understanding psychiatric disorder by capturing ecologically relevant features of learning and decision-making [p] [d]
  238. () Efficient cognition: the evolution of representational decision making [i] [d]
  239. () The deep learning revolution [i] [d]
  240. () The universe of algorithms [i] [u]
  241. () A general reinforcement learning algorithm that masters chess, shogi, and Go through self-play [p] [d] [j]
  242. () Normative changes and individual differences in early moral judgments: a constructivist developmental perspective [d] [j]
  243. () Never stop learning: stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and thrive [i]
  244. () Evolution of human cognition: temporal dynamics at biological and historical time scales [i] [d]
  245. () Culture and the extended phenotype: cognition and material culture in deep time [i] [d]
  246. () Neuromyths: debunking false ideas about the brain [i]
  247. () Cultural transmission in an ever-changing world: trial-and-error copying may be more robust than precise imitation [p] [d] [u]
  248. () Big history as a scaffold for futures education [d]
  249. () The illusion of explanatory depth [i] [u]
  250. () Cognitive maps: some people make them, some people struggle [d]
  251. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Gabriel Wittum, & Andreas Dengel [ed] () Positive learning in the age of information: a blessing or a curse? [i] [d]
  252. John W. Adams, Patrick Barmby, & Alex Mesoudi [ed] () The nature and development of mathematics: cross-disciplinary perspectives on cognition, learning and culture [i] [d]
  253. () Understanding the cognitive processes involved in writing to learn [p] [d]
  254. () Memory for space, time, and episodes [i] [d]
  255. Nikolai Axmacher & Björn Rasch [ed] () Cognitive neuroscience of memory consolidation [i] [d]
  256. () Reflective thought and actively open-minded thinking [i] [d]
  257. () Memory reconsolidation interference as an emerging treatment for emotional disorders: strengths, limitations, challenges, and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
  258. () The neuroscience of expertise [i] [d]
  259. () Cognitive dimension of operant learning [i] [d]
  260. () What your innovation process should look like [u]
  261. () Prefrontal cortex and human memory: an integrated account from the cognitive neuroscience of working and long-term memory [i] [d]
  262. () Developmental changes in learning: computational mechanisms and social influences [p] [d] [u]
  263. () Imaginative moral development [d]
  264. () Helping people change: coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth [i]
  265. () Operant behavior in model systems [i] [d]
  266. () Short-term and working memory [i] [d]
  267. () Learning and memory in addiction [i] [d]
  268. David Carré, Jaan Valsiner, & Stefan Hampl [ed] () Representing development: the social constructions of models of change [i] [d]
  269. () Using artificial intelligence to augment human intelligence [d] [u]
  270. () Toward an open learning analytics ecosystem [i] [d]
  271. () Learning to time intervals [i] [d]
  272. () Models of the bibliographic universe [o] [d] [u]
  273. () The interrelations of individual learning and collective knowledge construction: a cognitive-systemic framework [i] [d]
  274. () Ecological commitments: why developmental science needs naturalistic methods [p] [d] [u]
  275. () Hormones and memory [i] [d]
  276. () Assessing science inquiry and reasoning using dynamic visualizations and interactive simulations [i] [d]
  277. Anthony S. Dick & Ulrich Mueller [ed] () Advancing developmental science: philosophy, theory, and method [i] [d]
  278. () Conceptual change in a microcosm: comparative learning analysis of a learning event [d] [j]
  279. () Generality of the laws of learning: from biological constraints to ecological perspectives [i] [d]
  280. () Longitudinal retention of anatomical knowledge in second-year medical students [p] [d]
  281. () Cognitive innovations and the evolutionary biology of expertise [p] [d] [u]
  282. () A review of measures of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development: evidence for a general factor [d]
  283. () Why do protective factors protect?: an evolutionary developmental perspective [on antisocial behavior] [d]
  284. Tobias Egner [ed] () The Wiley handbook of cognitive control [i] [d]
  285. Jill E. Ellingson & Raymond A. Noe [ed] () Autonomous learning in the workplace [i] [d]
  286. () Breaking boundaries: optimizing reconsolidation-based interventions for strong and old memories [p] [d]
  287. () Tackling maladaptive memories through reconsolidation: from neural to clinical science [p] [d]
  288. () Cognition, cultural practices, and the working of political institutions: an adult developmental perspective on corruption in Russian history [d]
  289. () The effect of image quality, repeated study, and assessment method on anatomy learning [p] [d]
  290. () The cognitive science of sketch worksheets [d]
  291. Niall Galbraith, Erica Lucas, & David E. Over [ed] () The thinking mind: a festschrift for Ken Manktelow [i] [d]
  292. () Enactivist interventions: rethinking the mind [i] [d]
  293. () Pursuing fundamental advances in human reasoning [i] [d]
  294. () Deconstructive and constructive dynamics in the clinical process: a step further in the validation of the two-stage semiotic model [d]
  295. () Wisdom in context [p] [d]
  296. () The neuroscience of intelligence [i] [d]
  297. () Understanding associations between low-income mothers' participation in education and parenting [d]
  298. () A comparative analysis of the molecular mechanisms contributing to implicit and explicit memory storage in Aplysia and in the hippocampus [i] [d]
  299. () A new understanding of mental disorders: computational models for dimensional psychiatry [i] [d]
  300. () Humility is the new smart: rethinking human excellence in the smart machine age [i]
  301. () How do social norms influence prosocial development? [p] [d]
  302. () The variability-stability-flexibility pattern: a possible key to understanding the flexibility of the human mind [d]
  303. () Making learning interesting and its application to the science classroom [d]
  304. () Moral motivation as a dynamic developmental process: toward an integrative synthesis [d]
  305. () Culture and biology in the origins of linguistic structure [p] [d] [u]
  306. () Integrative levels [as an organizing principle] [d] [u]
  307. () Procedural learning in humans [i] [d]
  308. () Social anxiety is characterized by biased learning about performance and the self [p] [d]
  309. () Verbal redundancy in a procedural animation: on-screen labels improve retention but not behavioral performance [d]
  310. () Arguing deep ideational change [d]
  311. () Toward a better understanding on the role of prediction error on memory processes: from bench to clinic [p] [d]
  312. () Can engaging in science practices promote deep understanding of them? [d]
  313. () Building machines that learn and think like people [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  314. () Darwin's unfinished symphony: how culture made the human mind [i] [d] [j]
  315. () Cognitive and interpersonal features of intellectual humility [p] [d]
  316. () An update on memory reconsolidation updating [p] [d]
  317. () Cumulative cultural learning: development and diversity [p] [d] [u]
  318. () Learning to feel tired: a learning trajectory towards chronic fatigue [p] [d]
  319. () The professionalization and training of psychologists: the place of clinical wisdom [p] [d]
  320. () Strategy selection as rational metareasoning [p] [d]
  321. () Effects of prior-knowledge on brain activation and connectivity during associative memory encoding [p] [d]
  322. () Student counselors' moral, intellectual, and professional ethical identity development [d]
  323. () A meta-analysis suggests different neural correlates for implicit and explicit learning [p] [d] [u]
  324. () Self-generated drawing: a help or hindrance to learning from animation? [i] [d]
  325. Richard Lowe & Rolf Ploetzner [ed] () Learning from dynamic visualization: innovations in research and application [i] [d]
  326. () In-human development: a micro-cultures alternative [d] [j]
  327. () The transformation of a white supremacist: a dialectical-developmental analysis [d]
  328. () How talk mediates moral development: inescapable frameworks in the measure of moral meaning [book review] [d]
  329. () Enlightenment as a psychological construct and as a Buddhist religious pursuit: a cross-cultural understanding [d]
  330. () Natural-born arguers: teaching how to make the best of our reasoning abilities [d]
  331. () Pursuing Darwin's curious parallel: prospects for a science of cultural evolution [p] [d] [u]
  332. () Emergent patterns in agent–environment interactions and their roles in supporting agile spatial skills [d]
  333. () Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design: a suite of research-based design patterns [i] [d]
  334. () Neural computation theories of learning [i] [d]
  335. () Behavioral epigenetics [d]
  336. () Behaviorally induced synaptic tagging [i] [d]
  337. () Structural basis of semantic memory [i] [d]
  338. () The causes of errors in clinical reasoning: cognitive biases, knowledge deficits, and dual process thinking [p] [d]
  339. () Mindshift: break through obstacles to learning and discover your hidden potential [i]
  340. () Self-knowledge and the development of virtue [i] [d]
  341. () How we think and learn: theoretical perspectives and practical implications [i] [d]
  342. () Believing, remembering, and imagining: the roots and fruits of meanings made and remade [i] [d]
  343. () Learning to argue via apprenticeship [p] [d]
  344. () Working memory, attention, and salience in active inference [p] [d] [u]
  345. () Oscillations, neural computations and learning during wake and sleep [p] [d]
  346. () The evolution of analytic thought? [p] [d]
  347. () Addiction, cognitive decline and therapy: seeking ways to escape a vicious cycle [p] [d]
  348. () Extended cognition and the dynamics of algorithmic skills [i] [d]
  349. () Looking across instead of back and forth: how the simultaneous presentation of multiple animation episodes facilitates learning [i] [d]
  350. () Strategies for learning from animation with and without narration [i] [d]
  351. Albert Postma & Ineke J. M. van der Ham [ed] () Neuropsychology of space: spatial functions of the human brain [i]
  352. () Schemas [in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience] [i] [d]
  353. () Going where the action is to conceptualize the person [d]
  354. () Neurobiology of fear memory [i] [d]
  355. () Philosophy as rational systematization [i] [d]
  356. () Assessment of scientific literacy: development and validation of the Quantitative Assessment of Socio-Scientific Reasoning (QuASSR) [d]
  357. () EEG microstate correlates of fluid intelligence and response to cognitive training [p] [d]
  358. () Reconsolidation: historical perspective and theoretical aspects [i] [d]
  359. () Individual moral development and moral progress [d] [j]
  360. () Learning from animations: from 2D to 3D? [i] [d]
  361. () Digital pictures, videos, and beyond: knowledge acquisition with realistic images [i] [d]
  362. Stephan Schwan & Ulrike Cress [ed] () The psychology of digital learning: constructing, exchanging, and acquiring knowledge with digital media [i] [d]
  363. () Metamemory: an update of critical findings [i] [d]
  364. () Dialogue, argumentation, and education: history, theory, and practice [i] [d]
  365. () Does reactivation trigger episodic memory change?: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  366. () Allocating, tagging, and linking memories [i] [d]
  367. () Cognitive manipulation of brain electric microstates [p] [d] [u]
  368. () Scienceblind: why our intuitive theories about the world are so often wrong [i]
  369. Jan D. Sinnott [ed] () Identity flexibility during adulthood: perspectives in adult development [i] [d]
  370. () Cognitive neuroscience of memory [i] [d]
  371. () Knowledge in mind: Piaget's epistemology [i] [d]
  372. () Social network size and cognitive functioning in middle-aged adults: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations [p] [d] [u]
  373. () Implicit versus explicit memory [i] [d]
  374. () Drawing for promoting learning and engagement with dynamic visualizations [i] [d]
  375. () Developmental aspects of memory processes [i] [d]
  376. () The large-scale functional connectivity correlates of consciousness and arousal during the healthy and pathological human sleep cycle [p] [d]
  377. () Extinction during reconsolidation eliminates recovery of fear conditioned to fear-irrelevant and fear-relevant stimuli [p] [d]
  378. () Toward a neurocentric view of learning [p] [d] [u]
  379. Maggie E. Toplak & Joshua Weller [ed] () Individual differences in judgement and decision-making: a developmental perspective [i] [d]
  380. () The memory labyrinth: systems, processes, and boundaries [i] [d]
  381. () Learning from static and dynamic visualizations: what kind of questions should we ask? [i] [d]
  382. () The constructive mind: Bartlett's psychology in reconstruction [i] [d]
  383. Leonard J. Waks & Andrea English [ed] () John Dewey's Democracy and education: a centennial handbook [i] [d]
  384. Sara Imari Walker, Paul C. W. Davies, & George F. R. Ellis [ed] () From matter to life: information and causality [i] [d]
  385. () Origins of secure base script knowledge and the developmental construction of attachment representations [p] [d] [u]
  386. () On principles of educational change and principled action in psychotherapy supervision [d]
  387. () Informed reflexivity: enacting epistemic virtue [d]
  388. () Problem-oriented learning in geography education: construction of motivating problems [d]
  389. () The reading mind: a cognitive approach to understanding how the mind reads [i]
  390. () The explanatory significance of wholes: how exclusive reliance on antecedent-consequent models of explanation undermines the study of persons [d]
  391. () Personality-dependent differences in problem-solving performance in a social context reflect foraging strategies [p] [d]
  392. () Human connectomics across the life span [p] [d]
  393. () Associative mechanisms allow for social learning and cultural transmission of string pulling in an insect [p] [d]
  394. () Dewey and the art of experience [u]
  395. Julia Annas, Darcia Narváez, & Nancy E. Snow [ed] () Developing the virtues: integrating perspectives [i] [d]
  396. () Varieties of experimentalism [d]
  397. () Life stage concepts across history and cultures: proposal for a new field on indigenous life stages [d] [j]
  398. () Mental models and ethical decision making: the mediating role of sensemaking [d] [j]
  399. () Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
  400. () Actual drawing of histological images improves knowledge retention [p] [d]
  401. () 'Good moves' in knowledge-creating dialogue [u]
  402. () Learning while (re)configuring: business model innovation processes in established firms [d]
  403. () Epistemologies in practice: making scientific practices meaningful for students [d]
  404. Stephen Billett, Darryl Dymock, & Sarojni Choy [ed] () Supporting learning across working life: models, processes and practices [i] [d]
  405. () Concepts as semantic pointers: a framework and computational model [p] [d]
  406. () The Brain Scoop and the sloppy business of learning [u]
  407. () Learning from research [in clinical psychology] [i] [d]
  408. () Children's play and culture learning in an egalitarian foraging society [p] [d]
  409. () Generalisation of fear and avoidance along a semantic continuum [p] [d]
  410. () Search versus knowledge in human problem solving: a case study in chess [i] [d]
  411. () Integrating the analysis of mental operations into multilevel models to validate an assessment of higher education students' competency in business and economics [d]
  412. () Explication as a method of conceptual re-engineering [d] [j]
  413. () Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity [d]
  414. () Choral explanations [u]
  415. () The inquiring organization: how organizations acquire knowledge and seek information [i] [d]
  416. () Unselective overimitators: the evolutionary implications of children's indiscriminate copying of successful and prestigious models [p] [d]
  417. () Mapping the cultural learnability landscape of danger [p] [d]
  418. () A multimodal parallel architecture: a cognitive framework for multimodal interactions [p] [d]
  419. () Meet them in the moment: engaging public library patrons when it matters most [d] [u]
  420. () Children's rights: from philosophy to public policy [i] [d]
  421. () Only humans need apply: winners and losers in the age of smart machines [i]
  422. () How to assess intercultural competence [i] [d]
  423. () Pragmatism, growth, and democratic citizenship [o] [u]
  424. () 'You are as you read': do students' reading interests contribute to their individuality? [d]
  425. () Teaching, learning and leading in today's complex world: reaching new heights with a developmental approach [d]
  426. () Creativity with students [i] [d]
  427. (/2020) Lives of museum junkies: the story of America's hands-on education movement [i]
  428. () An integrative theory of psychotherapy: research and practice [d]
  429. () Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise [i]
  430. Michael A. Evans, Martin J. Packer, & R. Keith Sawyer [ed] () Reflections on the learning sciences [i] [d]
  431. () Adult development meets social sciences—reviewing the state of the art [d]
  432. () The fate of memory: reconsolidation and the case of prediction error [p] [d]
  433. () Interference conditions of the reconsolidation process in humans: the role of valence and different memory systems [p] [d] [u]
  434. () The doxastic shear pin: delusions as errors of learning and memory [p] [d]
  435. () What do Ode to Joy, the Nobel Peace Prize, umbrellas and cartoons have in common?: why critical thinking matters and how higher education moulds [d]
  436. () Learning and education [and personal construct theory] [i] [d]
  437. () A psychoengineering paradigm for the neurocognitive mechanisms of biofeedback and neurofeedback [p] [d]
  438. () Modelling-based teaching in science education [i] [d]
  439. () Creating and promoting lifelong learning in public libraries: tools and tips for practitioners [i]
  440. () Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
  441. Jeffrey Alan Greene, William A. Sandoval, & Ivar Bråten [ed] () Handbook of epistemic cognition [i] [d]
  442. () Beyond born versus made: a new look at expertise [i] [d]
  443. () The cognitive integration of scientific instruments: information, situated cognition, and scientific practice [d]
  444. () The secret of our success: how culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter [i] [d] [j]
  445. () The human advantage: a new understanding of how our brain became remarkable [i] [d]
  446. () Reflective argumentation: a cognitive function of arguing [d]
  447. () Deontological coherence: a framework for commonsense moral reasoning [p] [d]
  448. () Argumentative reasoning [i] [d]
  449. () Learning to feel like a scientist [d]
  450. () Discovery without a 'logic' would be a miracle [d] [j]
  451. () Exploring the psychological benefits of hardship: a critical reassessment of posttraumatic growth [i] [d]
  452. () Social science as a tool in developing scientific thinking skills in underserved, low-achieving urban students [p] [d]
  453. () An everyone culture: becoming a deliberately developmental organization [i]
  454. () Children's intellectual ability is associated with structural network integrity [p] [d] [u]
  455. () The creativity challenge: how we can recapture American innovation [i]
  456. () Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student: a knowledge structures perspective on teaching and learning at university [i] [d]
  457. () Assessing the relationships among wisdom, humility, and life satisfaction [d]
  458. () Learning is the key twenty-first century skill [d]
  459. () Small teaching: everyday lessons from the science of learning [i]
  460. () Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set [u]
  461. () The ontogeny of cultural learning [p] [d]
  462. () Lifespan development of adaptive neurocognitive representations: reciprocal interactions between cognition and motivation [i] [d]
  463. () What could you really learn on your own?: understanding the epistemic limitations of knowledge acquisition [p] [d] [u]
  464. () Plausibility judgments in conceptual change and epistemic cognition [d]
  465. () The intelligent behavior of plants [d]
  466. () Where and how to search?: search paths in open innovation [d]
  467. () Different dimensions of the prediction error as a decisive factor for the triggering of the reconsolidation process [p] [d]
  468. () Developmental stages, Piagetian stages in particular: a critical review [d]
  469. () Uninformed: why people know so little about politics and what we can do about it [i]
  470. Roman Madzia & Matthias Jung [ed] () Pragmatism and embodied cognitive science: from bodily intersubjectivity to symbolic articulation [i] [d]
  471. () Toward dynamic adaptation of psychological interventions for child and adolescent development and mental health [p] [d]
  472. () Enhanced memory as a common effect of active learning [d]
  473. () Believing that humans swallow spiders in their sleep: false beliefs as side effects of the processes that support accurate knowledge [i] [d]
  474. () First person action research: living life as inquiry [i] [d]
  475. () Embodiment and human development [d]
  476. () Developing argumentation strategies in electronic dialogs: is modeling effective? [d]
  477. () Cultivating constructivism: inspiring intuition and promoting process and pragmatism [d]
  478. () Sense-making innovative systems: prestigious MOOCs [d]
  479. () Strengthening causal inference in developmental research [d]
  480. () Scene construction, visual foraging, and active inference [p] [d] [u]
  481. () How developments in psychology and technology challenge validity argumentation [d]
  482. () The construct of mindfulness amidst and along conceptions of rationality [i] [d]
  483. () Thought in action: expertise and the conscious mind [i] [d]
  484. () The developmental systems approach and the analysis of behavior [d]
  485. () Episodic memory and beyond: the hippocampus and neocortex in transformation [p] [d]
  486. () Logical and causal reasoning [i] [d]
  487. () Innovation in the collective brain [p] [d] [u]
  488. Michele Notari, Rebecca B. Reynolds, Samuel Chu, & Beat Döbeli Honegger [ed] () The wiki way of learning: creating learning experiences using collaborative web pages [i]
  489. () Socratic pedagogy: the importance of argument [i] [d] [j]
  490. () Experience cycle methodology: a qualitative method to understand the process of revising personal constructs [i] [d]
  491. Julinna C. Oxley [ed] () Experiential learning in philosophy [i] [d]
  492. () The ties that bind: social capital, families, and children's well-being [d]
  493. () Learning from practice and patients [i] [d]
  494. () Practising insight mediation [i]
  495. () Head in the cloud: why knowing things still matters when facts are so easy to look up [or: Head in the cloud: the power of knowledge in the age of Google] [i]
  496. () Exploring the dynamics of human development: an integrative approach [i] [d]
  497. () Imagine there are no leaders: reframing leadership as collaborative agency [d]
  498. () Covert neurofeedback without awareness shapes cortical network spontaneous connectivity [p] [d] [u]
  499. () The use of argument maps as an assessment tool in higher education [d]
  500. () The structure of ill-structured (and well-structured) problems revisited [d]
  501. () Tapping the power of personalized learning: a roadmap for school leaders [i]
  502. Andrew P. Roddick & Ann Brower Stahl [ed] () Knowledge in motion: constellations of learning across time and place [i] [j]
  503. () Skills-based learning for reproducible expertise: looking elsewhere for guidance [d]
  504. () Cerebral cortex: principles of operation [i] [d]
  505. () Professional development and personal therapy [i] [d]
  506. () Understanding and promoting thinking about knowledge: origins, issues, and future directions of research on epistemic cognition [d] [j] [u]
  507. Frank Scalambrino [ed] () Social epistemology and technology: toward public self-awareness regarding technological mediation [i]
  508. () Where does it come from?: developmental aspects of art appreciation [d]
  509. () A competence development framework for learning and teaching system dynamics [d]
  510. () The reluctant innovator: orangutans and the phylogeny of creativity [p] [d] [u]
  511. () Software architecture design reasoning: a card game to help novice designers [i] [d] [u]
  512. Michael J. Shanahan, Jeylan T. Mortimer, & Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson [ed] () Handbook of the life course: volume II [i] [d]
  513. () Self-reg: how to help your child (and you) break the stress cycle and successfully engage with life [i]
  514. () 'Think with me': David Carr's enduring invitation [d] [u]
  515. () Abduction, complex inferences, and emergent heuristics of scientific inquiry [d]
  516. () An unfinished life: David Wildon Carr [d]
  517. () Assessing complexity in learning outcomes: a comparison between the SOLO taxonomy and the model of hierarchical complexity [d]
  518. () The rationality quotient: toward a test of rational thinking [i] [d]
  519. () Social justice and educational measurement: John Rawls, the history of testing, and the future of education [i] [d]
  520. Robert J. Sternberg, Susan T. Fiske, & Donald J. Foss [ed] () Scientists making a difference: one hundred eminent behavioral and brain scientists talk about their most important contributions [i] [d]
  521. () A preliminary study of the effects of working memory training on brain function [d]
  522. () Developmental virtue ethics [i] [d]
  523. () Knowledge engineering: building cognitive assistants for evidence-based reasoning [i] [d]
  524. () Intelligence analysis as discovery of evidence, hypotheses, and arguments: connecting the dots [i] [d]
  525. () Critical learning incidents in system dynamics modelling engagements [d]
  526. () Thick, thin, and becoming a virtuous arguer [d]
  527. () Embeddedness, social capital and learning in rural areas: the case of producer cooperatives [d]
  528. () Transtheoretic transdiagnostic psychotherapy [d]
  529. () Help your kids with study skills: a unique step-by-step visual guide [i]
  530. () Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? [i]
  531. () Test expectation enhances memory consolidation across both sleep and wake [p] [d] [u]
  532. () Fronto-parietal network reconfiguration supports the development of reasoning ability [p] [d]
  533. David A. Winter & Nick Reed [ed] () The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology [i] [d]
  534. () A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
  535. () Process patterns and conceptual changes in knowledge representations during information seeking and sensemaking: a qualitative user study [d]
  536. Donna Rose Addis, Morgan Barense, & Audrey Duarte [ed] () The Wiley handbook on the cognitive neuroscience of memory [i] [d]
  537. () Bayesian networks in educational assessment [i] [d]
  538. () Media and cognitive development [i] [d]
  539. () Gaining control: how human behavior evolved [i] [d]
  540. () Teaching critical thinking as inquiry [i] [d]
  541. () The brain in your pocket: evidence that smartphones are used to supplant thinking [d]
  542. () Embracing multiple definitions of learning [p] [d]
  543. () The reflective practice guide: an interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection [i] [d]
  544. () Cognitive productivity: using knowledge to become profoundly effective [o] [u]
  545. () Focus on the success of others leads to selfish behavior [p] [d] [u]
  546. () Decentering and related constructs: a critical review and metacognitive processes model [p] [d] [j] [u]
  547. () Learning by doing: the real connection between innovation, wages, and wealth [i] [d]
  548. () Can multiple-choice testing induce desirable difficulties?: evidence from the laboratory and the classroom [d] [j]
  549. () The practice of 'learning history': local and open system approaches [i] [d]
  550. () The importance of language in students' reasoning about heat in thermodynamic processes [d]
  551. () Questions for an open cultural institution: thinking together in provocative places [u]
  552. () Imitate or innovate?: children's innovation is influenced by the efficacy of observed behaviour [p] [d]
  553. () Proofs, mathematical practice and argumentation [d]
  554. () Self-explanation in learning clinical reasoning: the added value of examples and prompts [p] [d]
  555. () Building cognition: the construction of computational representations for scientific discovery [p] [d]
  556. () Temperament and personality [in human development] [i] [d]
  557. () The skillful means of engaged research [i] [d]
  558. () Effects on learning of multimedia animation combined with multidimensional concept maps [d]
  559. () Insight and analysis problem solving in microbes to machines [d]
  560. () Surfing uncertainty: prediction, action, and the embodied mind [i] [d]
  561. () How the hippocampus preserves order: the role of prediction and context [p] [d]
  562. () A model of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  563. Martin Davies & Ronald Barnett [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  564. () Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
  565. () Apprenticeship as method: embodied learning in ethnographic practice [d]
  566. () Intelligence emerging: adaptivity and search in evolving neural systems [i] [d] [j]
  567. () The development of wisdom in judicial decision-making [d]
  568. () Rethinking extinction [of learning] [p] [d] [u]
  569. () Memory reconsolidation understood and misunderstood [d]
  570. () Minding the findings: let's not miss the message of memory reconsolidation research for psychotherapy [p] [d]
  571. (/2016) The restorative workplace: an organizational learning approach to discrimination [u]
  572. () Human development in time and place [i] [d]
  573. Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston, & Danica Kragic [ed] () The pragmatic turn: toward action-oriented views in cognitive science [i] [d]
  574. () The hungry mind: the origins of curiosity in childhood [i] [d] [j]
  575. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  576. () Learning to question everything [d]
  577. () The role of visual representations in scientific practices: from conceptual understanding and knowledge generation to 'seeing' how science works [d]
  578. () Updating memories: the role of prediction errors in memory reconsolidation [p] [d]
  579. Aidan Feeney & Valerie A. Thompson [ed] () Reasoning as memory [i] [d]
  580. () Making students responsible for their learning—empowering learners to build shared mental models [i] [d]
  581. () Cognitive neuroscience of human systems: work and everyday life [i] [d]
  582. () Action errors, error management, and learning in organizations [p] [d]
  583. () Dispositional mindfulness is predicted by structural development of the insula during late adolescence [p] [d]
  584. () If you're not failing, you're not growing [u]
  585. () What's the use of consciousness?: how the stab of conscience made us really conscious [i] [d]
  586. () Developmental changes in reward sensitivity and cognitive control across adolescence: implications for desire [i]
  587. () Cognitive mechanisms of change in delusions: an experimental investigation targeting reasoning to effect change in paranoia [p] [d] [u]
  588. () The effect of distributed practice: neuroscience, cognition, and education [d]
  589. () Individual differences in learning predict the return of fear [d]
  590. () Fieldwork: Gary Snyder, libraries, and book learning [i] [u]
  591. () Lighter as we go: virtues, character strengths, and aging [i]
  592. () Better and faster: the proven path to unstoppable ideas [i]
  593. () Learner-centered design of computing education: research on computing for everyone [i] [d]
  594. () The knowledge capital of nations: education and the economics of growth [i] [d] [j]
  595. () Increases in maternal education and low-income children's cognitive and behavioral outcomes [p] [d]
  596. () 'Chickens are a lot smarter than I originally thought': changes in student attitudes to chickens following a chicken training class [p] [d] [u]
  597. () Theories are knowledge organizing systems (KOS) [d] [u]
  598. () Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
  599. () Memory development [i] [d]
  600. () The effect of a graph-oriented computer-assisted project-based learning environment on argumentation skills [d]
  601. () An evolutionary analysis of learned attention [p] [d]
  602. () Using concept mapping to evaluate knowledge structure in problem-based learning [p] [d] [u]
  603. () Retrieval practice does not safeguard memories from interference-based forgetting [d]
  604. Lene Arnett Jensen [ed] () The Oxford handbook of human development and culture: an interdisciplinary perspective [i] [d]
  605. () Varying use of conceptual metaphors across levels of expertise in thermodynamics [d]
  606. Kathleen M. Kantak & Joseph G. Wettstein [ed] () Cognitive enhancement [i] [d]
  607. () Plant sensing & communication [i] [d]
  608. () Habit, action, and knowledge, from the pragmatist perspective [i] [u]
  609. () The critical role of parenting in human development [i] [d]
  610. () How to learn about teaching: an evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  611. () Innovating minds: rethinking creativity to inspire change [i]
  612. () Integrating the differentiated: a review of the personal construct approach to cognitive complexity [d]
  613. () What develops in moral identities?: a critical review [d] [j]
  614. () Using T-groups to develop action research skills in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments [i] [d]
  615. () Argumentation as core curriculum [d]
  616. () Thinking together and alone [d]
  617. () Developing multivariable thinkers [d]
  618. () The extended evolutionary synthesis: its structure, assumptions and predictions [p] [d]
  619. () Toward developmentally aware practices in the legal system: progress, challenge, and promise [p] [d]
  620. () Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
  621. () Imitation and innovation: the dual engines of cultural learning [p] [d]
  622. Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Handbook of child psychology and developmental science [i] [d]
  623. () Are science comics a good medium for science communication?: the case for public learning of nanotechnology [d]
  624. () From individual to collective learning: a conceptual learning framework for enacting rework prevention [d]
  625. () Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
  626. () When analytic thought is challenged by a misunderstanding [d]
  627. () A developmental perspective on moral emotions [d]
  628. () Neuroscience, embodiment, and development [i] [d]
  629. () The development of temporal cognition [i] [d]
  630. () Directions toward a meta-process model of decision making: cognitive and behavioral models of change [d]
  631. () Teach students how to learn: strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study skills, and motivation [i]
  632. () Addiction as maladaptive learning, with a focus on habit learning [i] [d]
  633. () Enhancing cognition by affecting memory reconsolidation [d]
  634. () Artistic development [through childhood] [i] [d]
  635. () The developing genome: an introduction to behavioral epigenetics [i]
  636. () Epistemic cognition and development: the psychology of justification and truth [i] [d]
  637. () Understanding starts in the mesocosm: conceptual metaphor as a framework for external representations in science teaching [d]
  638. () Why forget?: on the adaptive value of memory loss [p] [d] [j]
  639. () Listen to the map user: cognition, memory, and expertise [d]
  640. () Deweyan approaches to abduction? [i] [u]
  641. () The repurposed social brain [p] [d]
  642. () Phases of inquiry-based learning: definitions and the inquiry cycle [d]
  643. Alejandro Peña-Ayala [ed] () Metacognition: fundaments, applications, and trends [i] [d]
  644. () The architecture of social relationships and thinking spaces for growth [i] [d]
  645. () Stanovich's arguments against the 'adaptive rationality' project: an assessment [d]
  646. () Commonalities between pain and memory mechanisms and their meaning for understanding chronic pain [i] [d]
  647. () Accelerating the public's learning curve on wicked policy issues: results from deliberative forums on euthanasia [d]
  648. () The development of reasoning [i] [d]
  649. () Attentional development [i] [d]
  650. () Creating cultures of thinking: the 8 forces we must master to truly transform our schools [i]
  651. () Personal visualization for learning [u]
  652. () Doors opening: a mechanism for growth after adversity [d]
  653. () The end of average: how we succeed in a world that values sameness [i]
  654. () Episodic future thinking and episodic counterfactual thinking: intersections between memory and decisions [d]
  655. () A new psychology for sustainability leadership: the hidden power of ecological worldviews [i] [d]
  656. () How to improve the teaching of clinical reasoning: a narrative review and a proposal [p] [d]
  657. () Memory development from early childhood through emerging adulthood [i] [d]
  658. () Developing meaning-making to promote critical thinking [i] [d]
  659. () Sleep, cognition, and normal aging: integrating a half century of multidisciplinary research [p] [d] [j] [u]
  660. () 'The times they are a-changin': gene expression, neuroplasticity, and developmental research [d]
  661. () How to train your Bayesian: a problem-representation transfer rather than a format-representation shift explains training effects [p] [d]
  662. () Learning versus performance: an integrative review [p] [d] [j]
  663. () The cognitive cycle [i] [d] [u]
  664. () Improvisation facilitates divergent thinking and creativity: realizing a benefit of primary school arts education [d]
  665. () Principles of neural design [i] [d] [j]
  666. () Brain and cognitive development [i] [d]
  667. Maciej Stolarski, Nicolas Fieulaine, & Wessel van Beek [ed] () Time perspective theory: review, research and application: essays in honor of Philip G. Zimbardo [i] [d]
  668. () Leading to learn [d]
  669. () Cognitive complexity, religious cognition, cognitive development, and religious judgment: an empirical study of relationships amongst 'normal' and 'gifted' young people [d]
  670. () Better but still biased: analytic cognitive style and belief bias [d]
  671. () A model of how different biology experts explain molecular and cellular mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
  672. () Reinforced correct answers to next stage problems produced the highest stage performance in traditional nonliterates found in the world [d]
  673. () Long-term potentiation of pain 'memory' in the spinal cord [p] [d]
  674. () Annual research review: growth connectomics—the organization and reorganization of brain networks during normal and abnormal development [p] [d] [u]
  675. () Integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: a mixed-method study on teacher learning [p] [d] [u]
  676. () Secure base representations in middle childhood across two Western cultures: associations with parental attachment representations and maternal reports of behavior problems [p] [d] [u]
  677. () Paths from trauma to intrapersonal strength: worldview, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom [d]
  678. () First bite: how we learn to eat [i]
  679. () Counseling individuals through the lifespan [i]
  680. () Steps towards an evolutionary account of argumentative competence [d] [u]
  681. () A new computational account of cognitive control over reinforcement-based decision-making: modeling of a probabilistic learning task [p] [d]
  682. () Reorganization of functional brain networks mediates the improvement of cognitive performance following real-time neurofeedback training of working memory [p] [d]
  683. () Learning personalized: the evolution of the contemporary classroom [i]
  684. () Deweyan education and democratic ecologies [d]
  685. () Multiple-documents literacy: strategic processing, source awareness, and argumentation when reading multiple conflicting documents [d]
  686. () The schooled society: the educational transformation of global culture [i] [d]
  687. () Life span theory and career theories: rapprochement or estrangement? [i] [d]
  688. () Reconsidering personal epistemology as metacognition: a multifaceted approach to the analysis of epistemic thinking [d]
  689. () Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: the generic cognitive model [p] [d]
  690. () The central role of assessment in pedagogy [i] [d]
  691. () Incommensurability, relativism, and the epistemic authority of science [d]
  692. () Demystifying 'free will': the role of contextual information and evidence accumulation for predictive brain activity [p] [d]
  693. () Environmental leadership and consciousness development: a case study among Canadian SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises] [d] [j]
  694. () A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia [p] [d] [u]
  695. () Adults can be trained to acquire synesthetic experiences [p] [d] [u]
  696. () Expertise development through schooling and work [i] [d]
  697. () Train your mind for peak performance: a science-based approach for achieving your goals [i] [d]
  698. () Assessment frequency in introductory computer programming disciplines [d]
  699. () Make it stick: the science of successful learning [i] [d]
  700. () Expertise in biological conceptions: the case of the vineyard [d]
  701. () Placebo analgesia: a predictive coding perspective [p] [d]
  702. () Developmental process emerges from extended brain–body–behavior networks [p] [d] [u]
  703. Linnda R. Caporael, James R. Griesemer, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] () Developing scaffolds in evolution, culture, and cognition [i] [d]
  704. () How we learn: the surprising truth about when, where, and why it happens [i]
  705. () Transforming your teaching: practical classroom strategies informed by cognitive neuroscience [i]
  706. () Explicit argumentation instruction to facilitate conceptual understanding and argumentation skills [d]
  707. () Neurotherapy and neurofeedback: brain-based treatment for psychological and behavioral problems [i] [d]
  708. () How do artists learn and what can educators learn from them? [d] [u]
  709. Egan J. Chernoff & Bharath Sriraman [ed] () Probabilistic thinking: presenting plural perspectives [i] [d]
  710. () The interplay among knowledge, cognitive abilities and thinking styles in probabilistic reasoning: a test of a model [i] [d]
  711. () The inherence heuristic across development: systematic differences between children's and adults' explanations for everyday facts [d]
  712. () Complexity in relational processing predicts changes in functional brain network dynamics [p] [d]
  713. Melinde Coetzee [ed] () Psycho-social career meta-capacities: dynamics of contemporary career development [i] [d]
  714. () Using SAFMEDS and direct instruction to teach the model of hierarchical complexity [d]
  715. () Left brain, right brain: facts and fantasies [p] [d] [u]
  716. () Fast mapping rapidly integrates information into existing memory networks [p] [d] [u]
  717. () Method usage in design: how methods function as mental tools for designers [d]
  718. Wim De Neys & Magda Osman [ed] () New approaches in reasoning research [i] [d]
  719. () Consciousness and the brain: deciphering how the brain codes our thoughts [i]
  720. Dori Derdikman & James J. Knierim [ed] () Space, time and memory in the hippocampal formation [i] [d]
  721. () Coming of age in the geospatial revolution: the geographic self re-defined [and reply by Mary Gauvain] [d] [j]
  722. () Don't do it again!: directed forgetting of habits [p] [d]
  723. () What is learning?: a review of the safety literature to define learning from incidents, accidents and disasters [d]
  724. () The development of children's prelife reasoning: evidence from two cultures [p] [d] [j]
  725. () Adaptive expertise and cognitive readiness: a perspective from the expert-performance approach [i] [d]
  726. () Reconsolidation of a well-learned instrumental memory [p] [d] [u]
  727. Thomas Jekel, Eric Sanchez, Inga Gryl, Caroline Juneau-Sion, & John Lyon [ed] () Learning and teaching with geomedia [i]
  728. Stephen M. Fleming & Christopher D. Frith [ed] () The cognitive neuroscience of metacognition [i] [d]
  729. () Metacognitive facilitation of spontaneous thought processes: when metacognition helps the wandering mind find its way [i] [d]
  730. () Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it matters [d]
  731. (/2016) Pragmatic interventions into enactive and extended conceptions of cognition [i] [d]
  732. () Are empathic abilities learnable?: implications for social neuroscientific research from psychometric assessments [d]
  733. () Outsourced cognition [d]
  734. () What is a memory schema?: a historical perspective on current neuroscience literature [p] [d]
  735. () The emerging standard model of the human decision-making apparatus [i]
  736. () Child psychology: a very short introduction [i] [d]
  737. () Innovation and problem solving: a review of common mechanisms [p] [d]
  738. () Categorizing cognition: toward conceptual coherence in the foundations of psychology [i] [d] [j]
  739. () Impact and sustainability of creative capacity building: the cognitive, behavioral, and neural correlates of increasing creative capacity [i] [d]
  740. () Dimensions of integration in embedded and extended cognitive systems [d]
  741. () Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
  742. () Human memory: a constructivist view [i] [d]
  743. () From authoritative discourse to internally persuasive discourse: discursive evolution in teaching and learning the language of science [d]
  744. () Stress selectively affects the reactivated components of a declarative memory [p] [d]
  745. () The cultural ecosystem of human cognition [d]
  746. Dirk Ifenthaler & Ria Hanewald [ed] () Digital knowledge maps in education: technology-enhanced support for teachers and learners [i] [d]
  747. () Epigenetic mechanisms of memory formation and reconsolidation [d]
  748. () Deliberative methods for complex issues: a typology of functions that may need scaffolding [u]
  749. () Connected code: why children need to learn programming [i] [j]
  750. () Making business personal [u]
  751. () A taxonomy of inductive problems [p] [d]
  752. () Building on prior knowledge: schema-dependent encoding processes relate to academic performance [d]
  753. Zafar U. Khan, E. Chris Muly, & Daniel L. Alkon [ed] () Molecular basis of memory [i] [d]
  754. () Decision making through dialogue: a case study of analyzing preservice teachers' argumentation on socioscientific issues [d]
  755. () A behavioural neuroscience perspective on the aetiology and treatment of anxiety disorders [d]
  756. () Heuristics and biases: interactions among numeracy, ability, and reflectiveness predict normative responding [p] [d] [u]
  757. () Childhood cognitive development as a skill [p] [d]
  758. () Coordinated exploration: organizing joint search by multiple specialists to overcome mutual confusion and joint myopia [d]
  759. (/2016) Argue with me: argument as a path to developing students' thinking and writing [i] [d]
  760. () Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
  761. () A teaching strategy with a focus on argumentation to improve undergraduate students' ability to read research articles [d] [u]
  762. () Error in intensive care: psychological repercussions and defense mechanisms among health professionals [p] [d]
  763. () Assessment of uncertainty-infused scientific argumentation [d]
  764. () The contributions of explanation and exploration to children's scientific reasoning [d]
  765. () Metacognition and intellectual virtue [i] [d]
  766. Allison Littlejohn & Anoush Margaryan [ed] () Technology-enhanced professional learning: processes, practices, and tools [i] [d]
  767. () Applied positive psychology: integrated positive practice [i] [d]
  768. () Personal growth initiative and identity formation in adolescence through young adulthood: mediating processes on the pathway to well-being [p] [d]
  769. () Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self-reflection [d]
  770. () Reconstructing metaphorical meaning [d]
  771. () The predictive brain: consciousness, decision and embodied action [i]
  772. () How can students' diagnostic competence benefit most from practice with clinical cases?: the effects of structured reflection on future diagnosis of the same and novel diseases [p] [d]
  773. Henry Markovits [ed] () The developmental psychology of reasoning and decision-making [i] [d]
  774. () Finding a meaningful life as a developmental task in emerging adulthood: the domains of love and work across cultures [d]
  775. () Start a new fire: measuring the value of academic libraries in undergraduate learning [d]
  776. () Motor system evolution and the emergence of high cognitive functions [d]
  777. Hugo Merchant & Victor de Lafuente [ed] () Neurobiology of interval timing [i] [d]
  778. () Guide to teaching puzzle-based learning [i] [d]
  779. Bruce Joshua Miller [ed] () Curiosity's cats: writers on research [i]
  780. () Memory as decision making [i]
  781. Sarah Mills & Peter Kraftl [ed] () Informal education, childhood and youth: geographies, histories, practices [i] [d]
  782. Peter C. M. Molenaar, Richard M. Lerner, & Karl M. Newell [ed] () Handbook of developmental systems theory and methodology [i]
  783. () Sociality influences cultural complexity [p] [d] [u]
  784. Harold F. O'Neil, Ray S. Perez, & Eva L. Baker [ed] () Teaching and measuring cognitive readiness [i] [d]
  785. () Models in science and in learning science: focusing scientific practice on sense-making [i] [d]
  786. () The bilingual mind: and what it tells us about language and thought [i] [d]
  787. () Taking self-help books seriously: the informal aesthetic education of writers [d] [j] [u]
  788. () Unconscious learning of likes and dislikes is persistent, resilient, and reconsolidates [p] [d] [u]
  789. () Connecting to create: expertise in musical improvisation is associated with increased functional connectivity between premotor and prefrontal areas [p] [d] [u]
  790. () The benefit of generating errors during learning [p] [d]
  791. Sandra Prince-Embury & Donald H. Saklofske [ed] () Resilience interventions for youth in diverse populations [i] [d]
  792. () The effect of action experience on sensorimotor EEG rhythms during action observation [p] [d] [u]
  793. () Analytical reasoning task reveals limits of social learning in networks [p] [d]
  794. () The construction of moral agency in mother–child conversations about helping and hurting across childhood and adolescence [p] [d]
  795. () The science of perception and memory: a pragmatic guide for the justice system [i] [d]
  796. () The teaching brain: an evolutionary trait at the heart of education [i]
  797. (/2017) Developmental pragmatics [i] [d]
  798. () Everyday bias: identifying and overcoming unconscious prejudice in our daily lives [i]
  799. () Students' socioscientific reasoning and decision-making on energy-related issues: development of a measurement instrument [d]
  800. () Retrieval is not necessary to trigger reconsolidation of object recognition memory in the perirhinal cortex [p] [d] [u]
  801. () Cognitive success: instrumental justifications of normative systems of reasoning [p] [d] [u]
  802. () Reconsolidation of human memory: brain mechanisms and clinical relevance [d]
  803. () Making sense of knowledge integration maps [i] [d]
  804. () Prediction error demarcates the transition from retrieval, to reconsolidation, to new learning [p] [d] [u]
  805. Lawrence A. Shapiro [ed] () The Routledge handbook of embodied cognition [i] [d]
  806. () Life-history theory explains childhood moral development [p] [d]
  807. () Formative and stealth assessment [i] [d]
  808. () Contemporary directions in theories and psychotherapeutic strategies in treatment of personality disorders: relation to level of personality functioning [d]
  809. () Appraising constructivism in science education [i] [d]
  810. () Training creative cognition: adolescence as a flexible period for improving creativity [p] [d] [u]
  811. () What learning theories can teach us in designing neurofeedback treatments [p] [d] [u]
  812. () Explanatory identities and conceptual change [d]
  813. () Beyond reason and tolerance: the purpose and practice of higher education [i] [d]
  814. () Use a short knowledge cycle to keep your cool [u]
  815. () The collector's fallacy [u]
  816. () Witnessing clients' emotional transformation: an emotion-focused therapist's experience of providing therapy [p] [d]
  817. () A natural history of human thinking [i] [d] [j]
  818. () Learning more effectively with IBIS diagrams [u]
  819. () Assessing the development of rationality [i] [d]
  820. () Plant behaviour and intelligence [i] [d]
  821. () Cognitive neuroscience and psychotherapy: network principles for a unified theory [i] [d]
  822. () Precise minds in uncertain worlds: predictive coding in autism [p] [d]
  823. () The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma [i]
  824. () Learn by doing: lessons from a programmer [u]
  825. () Beyond type 1 vs. type 2 processing: the tri-dimensional way [p] [d] [u]
  826. () When reasoning modifies memory: schematic assimilation triggered by analogical mapping [p] [d]
  827. () Living systems theory of vocational behavior and development [i] [d]
  828. Cecilia Wainryb & Holly E. Recchia [ed] () Talking about right and wrong: parent–child conversations as contexts for moral development [i] [d]
  829. () Dreaming and offline memory consolidation [p] [d] [u]
  830. () Memories of traumatic events in childhood fade after experiencing similar less stressful events: results from two natural experiments [p] [d]
  831. () Maturation of work attitudes: correlated change with big five personality traits and reciprocal effects over 15 years [d]
  832. () Exploring the development of competence in lean management through action learning groups: a study of the introduction of lean to a facilities management function [d]
  833. () Adding dynamics to a static theory: how leader traits evolve and how they are expressed [d]
  834. () Why does guessing incorrectly enhance, rather than impair, retention? [p] [d]
  835. () 'Put your fingers right in here': learnability and instructed experience [d]
  836. () Towards a comprehensive model of the cognitive process and mechanisms of individual sensemaking [d]
  837. () Zone of proximal development (ZPD) as an ability to play in psychotherapy: a theory-building case study of very brief therapy [p] [d]
  838. () The road to walking: what learning to walk tells us about development [i] [d]
  839. () Network-based diffusion analysis reveals cultural transmission of lobtail feeding in humpback whales [p] [d] [j]
  840. () Beyond principles and programs: an action framework for modeling development: commentary on Fields [d] [j]
  841. () Epistemic dependence in interdisciplinary groups [d] [j]
  842. () The role of locomotion in psychological development [p] [d] [u]
  843. () Neural reuse in the evolution and development of the brain: evidence for developmental homology? [d]
  844. () The paradoxical nature of personal wisdom and its relation to human development in the reflective, cognitive, and affective domains [i] [d]
  845. () Confabulation in healthy aging is related to poor encoding and retrieval of over-learned information [d]
  846. () Can the isolated-elements strategy be improved by targeting points of high cognitive load for additional practice? [d]
  847. Roger Azevedo & Vincent Aleven [ed] () International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies [i] [d]
  848. () Experiencing your brain: neurofeedback as a new bridge between neuroscience and phenomenology [p] [d] [u]
  849. (/2017) Interactivity and embodied cues in problem solving, learning and insight: further contributions to a 'theory of hints' [i] [d]
  850. Pierre Barrouillet & Caroline Gauffroy [ed] () The development of thinking and reasoning [i] [d]
  851. () A framework for designing scaffolds that improve motivation and cognition [p] [d]
  852. () Neurons activated during fear memory consolidation and reconsolidation are mapped to a common and new topography in the lateral amygdala [d]
  853. () Learned regulation of brain metabolism [p] [d]
  854. () Self-regulated learning: beliefs, techniques, and illusions [p] [d]
  855. () Initial mental representations of design problems: differences between experts and novices [d]
  856. () The developing moralities: a cognitive neuroscience approach [i] [d]
  857. () An emotion regulation perspective on belief change [i] [d]
  858. () Attitude change [i] [d]
  859. () Developmental pathways among adaptive functioning and externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems: cascades from childhood into adolescence [d]
  860. () Effects of direct and indirect instruction on fostering decision-making competence in socioscientific issues [d]
  861. () Investigating children's Why-questions: a study comparing argumentative and explanatory function [d]
  862. () The influence of prior knowledge on memory: a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective [p] [d] [u]
  863. () Using rationale to assist student cognitive and intellectual development [i] [d]
  864. () Posttraumatic growth in clinical practice [i] [d]
  865. () Irregular assimilation progress: reasons for setbacks in the context of linguistic therapy of evaluation [d]
  866. () Make your brain smarter: increase your brain's creativity, energy, and focus [i]
  867. () Differential functional connectivity within an emotion regulation neural network among individuals resilient and susceptible to the depressogenic effects of early life stress [d]
  868. () Whatever next?: predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  869. () The roles of learning orientation and passion for work in the formation of entrepreneurial intention [d]
  870. () The temporal dynamics of enhancing a human declarative memory during reconsolidation [d]
  871. () Design representations [for learning interventions] [i] [d]
  872. () Designing for learning in an open world [i] [d]
  873. Arthur L. Costa & Pat Wilson O'Leary [ed] () The power of the social brain: teaching, learning, and interdependent thinking [i]
  874. Stephen J. Cowley & Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau [ed] (/2017) Cognition beyond the brain: computation, interactivity and human artifice [i] [d]
  875. () The social neuroscience of education: optimizing attachment and learning in the classroom [i]
  876. () Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory of debiasing [d]
  877. () Cognitive debiasing 2: impediments to and strategies for change [d]
  878. () Educational strategies for improving clinical reasoning [p] [d]
  879. () Why a true account of human development requires exemplar research [p] [d]
  880. () Bats, balls, and substitution sensitivity: cognitive misers are no happy fools [p] [d]
  881. () The little engine who could not: 'rehabilitating' the individual in safety research [d]
  882. () On the epistemology and ethics of communicating a Cartesian consciousness [d]
  883. () Detection of a temporal error triggers reconsolidation of amygdala-dependent memories [d]
  884. () Current trends in moral research: what we know and where to go from here [d]
  885. () Volunteer work, informal learning and social action [i] [d]
  886. () What works, what doesn't: some study techniques accelerate learning, whereas others are just a waste of time [d]
  887. () A dialogical account of deductive reasoning as a case study for how culture shapes cognition [d]
  888. () A cognitive approach to teaching philosophy [d]
  889. () How and why people change: foundations of psychological therapy [i]
  890. Gregory J. Feist & Michael E. Gorman [ed] () Handbook of the psychology of science [i]
  891. () Epistemic beliefs and comprehension in the context of reading multiple documents: examining the role of conflict [d]
  892. Michel Ferrari & Nic M. Weststrate [ed] () The scientific study of personal wisdom: from contemplative traditions to neuroscience [i] [d]
  893. () The history of intelligence: new spectacles for developmental psychology [i] [d]
  894. () Reconstructing Deweyan growth: the significance of James Baldwin's moral psychology [d] [j] [u]
  895. () Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux [p] [d]
  896. (/2018) Fundamentals of cognitive neuroscience: a beginner's guide [i] [d]
  897. () Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
  898. () Humans as scientists: scientists as humans [d]
  899. () Birds of a feather: applied behavior analysis and quality of life [d]
  900. () Analogical learning and reasoning [i] [d]
  901. () The design thinking approaches of three different groups of designers based on self-reports [d]
  902. () Epistemic economics and organization: forms of rationality and governance for a wiser economy [i] [d]
  903. () Towards automated analysis of student arguments [i] [d]
  904. () The psychological and neurological bases of leader self-complexity and effects on adaptive decision-making [d]
  905. () Decay happens: the role of active forgetting in memory [p] [d]
  906. () Structuring case-based ethics training: how comparing cases and structured prompts influence training effectiveness [d]
  907. () Neurocognitive biases and the patterns of spontaneous correlations in the human cortex [p] [d]
  908. () The importance of developing employability [d]
  909. () Informative and inspirational contributions of exemplar studies [p] [d]
  910. () Yes it can: on the functional abilities of the human unconscious [p] [d] [j]
  911. () Guided self-management of transient information in animations through pacing and sequencing strategies [d]
  912. () The relationship between memory and inductive reasoning: does it develop? [p] [d]
  913. Elisabeth Hildt & Andreas G. Franke [ed] () Cognitive enhancement: an interdisciplinary perspective [i] [d]
  914. () The predictive mind [i] [d]
  915. () Reducing health-information avoidance through contemplation [p] [d]
  916. () Macrocognition: a theory of distributed minds and collective intentionality [i] [d]
  917. Tim Ingold & Gísli Pálsson [ed] () Biosocial becomings: integrating social and biological anthropology [i] [d]
  918. () Learning in place: immigrants' spatial and temporal strategies for occupational advancement [d]
  919. () Neural mechanisms of reactivation-induced updating that enhance and distort memory [p] [d] [u]
  920. () What clinicians can learn from schema change in sport [d]
  921. () An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in R [i] [d]
  922. () Information: theory, brain, and behavior [d]
  923. (/2019) Child development: a cultural approach [i]
  924. () Exploring the use of conceptual metaphors in solving problems on entropy [d]
  925. () The evolution of error: error management, cognitive constraints, and adaptive decision-making biases [d]
  926. () It takes a child to raise a parent: stories of evolving child and parent development [i]
  927. J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, Sharon E. Smaldino, Mary C. Herring, & J. Michael Spector [ed] () Learning, problem solving, and mind tools: essays in honor of David H. Jonassen [i] [d]
  928. () The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
  929. () Ungifted: intelligence redefined [i]
  930. () Integrating epistemological perspectives on chemistry in chemical education: the cases of concept duality, chemical language, and structural explanations [d]
  931. () Toward a Peircean theory of human learning: revealing the misconception of belief revision [i] [d]
  932. () The goals behind the goals: pursuing adult development in the coaching enterprise [i] [d]
  933. () Psychology in the brain: integrative cognitive neuroscience [i]
  934. () Differential roles for medial prefrontal and medial temporal cortices in schema-dependent encoding: from congruent to incongruent [p] [d]
  935. () Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
  936. (/2017) Thinking with external representations [i] [d]
  937. () Unfolding mapping practices: a new epistemology for cartography [d] [j]
  938. () Space to reason: a spatial theory of human thought [i] [d]
  939. () Learning to modulate one's own brain activity: the effect of spontaneous mental strategies [p] [d] [u]
  940. () East meets West: toward a universal ethic of virtue for global business [d] [j]
  941. () Change in cognitive errors and coping over the course of brief psychodynamic intervention [p] [d]
  942. () Visible learners: promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools [i]
  943. () Developing norms of argumentation: metacognitive, epistemological, and social dimensions of developing argumentive competence [d]
  944. () Reasoning [and developmental psychology] [i] [d]
  945. () Simulation and learning: a model-centered approach [i] [d]
  946. () What have we learned about learning from accidents?: post-disasters reflections [d]
  947. () Student learning: what has instruction got to do with it? [p] [d]
  948. John D. Lee & Alex Kirlik [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive engineering [i] [d]
  949. () Visualizing communication structures in science classrooms: tracing cumulativity in teacher-led whole class discussions [d]
  950. () Conditioning the mind's eye: associative learning with voluntary mental imagery [d]
  951. () Breaking away from set patterns of thinking: improvisation and divergent thinking [d]
  952. () The concept of homology as a basis for evaluating developmental mechanisms: exploring selective attention across the life-span [d]
  953. Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] () Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
  954. Edwin A. Locke & Gary P. Latham [ed] () New developments in goal setting and task performance [i] [d]
  955. () Structural brain plasticity in adult learning and development [p] [d]
  956. () From distal to proximal: routine educational data monitoring in school-based mental health [d]
  957. () What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
  958. () Promoting conceptual development in physics teacher education: cognitive-historical reconstruction of electromagnetic induction law [d]
  959. () Problem solving [i] [d]
  960. () Learning causes reorganization of neuronal firing patterns to represent related experiences within a hippocampal schema [p] [d] [u]
  961. () An exploratory study of the relationship between changes in emotion and cognitive processes and treatment outcome in borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  962. () Transitions to safety in 'obsessive' thinking: covert links of operant chains in clinical behavior analysis [d]
  963. () The relationships between modelling and argumentation from the perspective of the model of modelling diagram [d]
  964. () Developmental pathways to functional brain networks: emerging principles [p] [d]
  965. () Knowing when to doubt: developing a critical stance when learning from others [p] [d] [u]
  966. () Evidence-centered design for simulation-based assessment [p] [d]
  967. () Importing the homology concept from biology into developmental psychology [d]
  968. () Behavioral genetics, genetics, and epigenetics [i] [d]
  969. () The development of cognitive control from infancy through childhood [i] [d]
  970. () Epistemic cognition and development [i] [d]
  971. () Towards a learning progression of energy [d]
  972. () Achieving the same for less: improving mood depletes blood glucose for people with poor (but not good) emotion control [p] [d]
  973. () Coordinating principles and examples through analogy and self-explanation [d]
  974. () Coherence of pre-service physics teachers' views of the relatedness of physics concepts [d]
  975. () Applying complexity theory to a dynamical process model of the development of pathological belief systems [u]
  976. () Errors in psychological practice: devising a system to improve client safety and well-being [d]
  977. () From perception to memory: changes in memory systems across the lifespan [p] [d]
  978. () The 21st century challenge for science education: assessing scientific reasoning [d]
  979. () Upgrading the sleeping brain with targeted memory reactivation [p] [d]
  980. () Wisdom through adversity: learning and growing in the wake of an error [p] [d]
  981. () Brain mechanisms for emotional influences on perception and attention: what is magic and what is not [d]
  982. () Interplay of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in memory [d]
  983. () Behavioral landscapes and change in behavioral landscapes: a multiple time-scale density distribution approach [d]
  984. () What is meant by argumentative competence?: an integrative review of methods of analysis and assessment in education [d]
  985. () Problematising style differences theory and professional learning in educational psychology [d]
  986. Daniel Reisberg [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology [i] [d]
  987. () Learning the possible: Mexican American students moving from the margins of life to new ways of being [i] [j]
  988. () Student thought and classroom language: examining the mechanisms of change in dialogic teaching [d]
  989. () The holistic phase model of early adult crisis [d]
  990. (/2020) Development through adulthood: an integrative sourcebook [i]
  991. () The developing practitioner: growth and stagnation of therapists and counselors [i] [d]
  992. () The science of the individual [d]
  993. () Planning and performing physical actions [i] [d]
  994. () The gift of adversity: the unexpected benefits of life's difficulties, setbacks, and imperfections [i]
  995. () Synesthetic experiences enhance unconscious learning [d]
  996. () Lifetime memories from persistently supple synapses [d]
  997. John L. R. Rubenstein, Pasko Rakic, Bin Chen, & Kenneth Y. Kwan [ed] (/2020) Comprehensive developmental neuroscience [in five volumes] [i]
  998. Nikol Rummel, Manu Kapur, Mitchell J. Nathan, & Sadhana Puntambekar [ed] () To see the world and a grain of sand: learning across levels of space, time and scale: CSCL2013, June 15–19, 2013, University of Wisconsin–Madison: proceedings [u]
  999. () Complementary approaches to the study of decision making across the adult life span [p] [d] [u]
  1000. () Arguments about deletion: how experience improves the acceptability of arguments in ad-hoc online task groups [i] [d]
  1001. () Causes & cures in the classroom: getting to the root of academic and behavior problems [i]
  1002. () Prediction error governs pharmacologically induced amnesia for learned fear [p] [d] [j]
  1003. () Fundamentals of comparative cognition [i]
  1004. () Mechanisms for widespread hippocampal involvement in cognition [p] [d] [u]
  1005. () Learning wisdom through geographical dislocations [d]
  1006. () STEM career changers' transformation into science teachers [d]
  1007. Bryan W. Sokol, Frederick M. E. Grouzet, & Ulrich Müller [ed] () Self-regulation and autonomy: social and developmental dimensions of human conduct [i] [d]
  1008. () Social learning in regional innovation networks: trust, commitment and reframing as emergent properties of interaction [d]
  1009. () Decision making [i] [d]
  1010. () Why humans are (sometimes) less rational than other animals: cognitive complexity and the axioms of rational choice [d]
  1011. (/2017) Human interactivity: problem-finding, problem-solving, and verbal patterns in the wild [i] [d]
  1012. Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott, & Ben Fraser [ed] () Cooperation and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  1013. () Assessing students' problem solving ability and cognitive regulation with learning trajectories [i] [d]
  1014. Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, & Arjen E. J. Wals [ed] () International handbook of research on environmental education [i] [d]
  1015. () Healing, mental energy in the physics classroom: energy conceptions and trust in complementary and alternative medicine in grade 10–12 students [d]
  1016. () Effects of working memory training on functional connectivity and cerebral blood flow during rest [d]
  1017. () How humans learn to think mathematically: exploring the three worlds of mathematics [i] [d]
  1018. () Developing a theory of ambitious early-career teacher practice [d] [j]
  1019. () Resilience begins with beliefs: building on student strengths for success in school [i]
  1020. () Social strain and executive function across the lifespan: the dark (and light) sides of social engagement [d]
  1021. () 5 ways to keep your skills sharp [u]
  1022. () Learning to lead: a comparison of developmental events and learning among managers in China, India and the United States [d]
  1023. () Relevance, meaning and the cognitive science of wisdom [i] [d]
  1024. David A. Waller & Lynn Nadel [ed] () Handbook of spatial cognition [i] [d]
  1025. () Mobilizing unused resources: using the placebo concept to enhance cognitive performance [p] [d]
  1026. () Developmental technologies: technology and human development [i] [d]
  1027. () A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
  1028. () Understanding as representation manipulability [d] [j]
  1029. () The hazards of explanation: overgeneralization in the face of exceptions [p] [d]
  1030. () Towards a framework for evidence-based and inductive design in information systems research [i] [d]
  1031. () On contemplation in mathematics [d]
  1032. () Personality across working life: the longitudinal and reciprocal influences of personality on work [d]
  1033. () Intrinsic default mode network connectivity predicts spontaneous verbal descriptions of autobiographical memories during social processing [p] [d] [u]
  1034. () Effects of cognitive enrichment on behavioural and physiological reactions of pigs [p] [d]
  1035. Philip David Zelazo [ed] () The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology [i] [d]
  1036. () Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
  1037. () Creativity and the brain: uncovering the neural signature of conceptual expansion [p] [d]
  1038. () From reactive to endogenously active dynamical conceptions of the brain [i] [d]
  1039. () Teaching the nature of science through scientific errors [d]
  1040. () Learning progressions: significant promise, significant challenge [d]
  1041. David N. Aspin, Judith D. Chapman, Karen Evans, & Richard Bagnall [ed] () Second international handbook of lifelong learning [i] [d]
  1042. () Creativity in the wild: improving creative reasoning through immersion in natural settings [p] [d] [u]
  1043. () Constructivism contested: implications of a genetic perspective in psychology [or developmental perspective] [p] [d]
  1044. () What the best college students do [i] [d] [j]
  1045. () Not by luck alone: the importance of chance-seeking and silent knowledge in abductive cognition [i] [d]
  1046. () Constructing anthropologists: culture learning and culture making in U.S. doctoral education [d]
  1047. () Building learning partnerships [d]
  1048. () Assessing meaning making and self-authorship: theory, research, and application [i]
  1049. () Why do ideas get more creative across time?: an executive interpretation of the serial order effect in divergent thinking tasks [d]
  1050. () Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: a scientific and philosophical challenge [d]
  1051. () Enhancing instructional problem solving: an efficient system for assisting struggling learners [i]
  1052. Virginia Wise Berninger [ed] () Past, present, and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology [i] [d]
  1053. () Hitting the road to adulthood: short-term personality development during a major life transition [p] [d]
  1054. () Four slogans for cultural change: an evolving place-based, imaginative and ecological learning experience [d]
  1055. () Self-regulation and social cognition in adulthood: the gyroscope of personality [i] [d]
  1056. () Environmental governance as stochastic belief updating: crafting rules to live by [d]
  1057. () The credit illusion [u]
  1058. () Styles of reasoning: a pluralist view [d]
  1059. () Argumentation step-by-step: learning critical thinking through deliberate practice [d]
  1060. () Emerging findings from research on adolescent development and juvenile justice [d]
  1061. Edward C. Chang & Christina A. Downey [ed] () Handbook of race and development in mental health [i] [d]
  1062. () Work forward in solving problems, not backward [for efficiency in practical problem solving] [u]
  1063. () Seeing deep structure from the interactions of surface features [d]
  1064. () Formative assessment: assessment is for self-regulated learning [d]
  1065. () Personality and problem-solving performance explain competitive ability in the wild [p] [d] [u]
  1066. () 'It was basically college to us': poverty, prison, and emerging adulthood [d]
  1067. () Attention deficits predict phenotypic outcomes in syndrome-specific and domain-specific ways [p] [d] [u]
  1068. () The little book of talent: 52 tips for improving skills [i]
  1069. () Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
  1070. Michel Denis, Valérie Gyselinck, & Francesca Pazzaglia [ed] () From mental imagery to spatial cognition and language: essays in honour of Michel Denis [i] [d]
  1071. () Only human: exploring the nature of weakness in authentic leadership [d]
  1072. () Implications of dispositional and process views of traits for individual difference research in leadership [d]
  1073. () A review of developmental networks: incorporating a mutuality perspective [d]
  1074. () Parallel prototyping leads to better design results, more divergence, and increased self-efficacy [i] [d]
  1075. () Cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy: a cognitive-developmental approach [u]
  1076. () The role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees [d]
  1077. () Their own best teachers: how we help and hinder the development of learners' independence [d]
  1078. () Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study [u]
  1079. () Formal languages in logic: a philosophical and cognitive analysis [i] [d]
  1080. () The field course effect: gains in cognitive learning in undergraduate biology students following a field course [d]
  1081. (/2024) Unlocking the emotional brain: memory reconsolidation and the psychotherapy of transformational change [or: Unlocking the emotional brain: eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation] [i] [d]
  1082. () How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
  1083. () Life chances, learning and the dynamics of risk in the life course [i] [d]
  1084. () Starting well: connecting research with practice in preschool learning [d]
  1085. () Transformative learning in planning and policy deliberation: probing social meaning and tacit assumptions [i] [d]
  1086. () Machine learning: the art and science of algorithms that make sense of data [i] [d]
  1087. () Robustness in biological and social systems [i] [d]
  1088. () Metacognition and reasoning [p] [d] [u]
  1089. (/2019) On gains and losses, means and ends: goal orientation and goal focus across adulthood [i] [d]
  1090. () Effectiveness of holistic mental model confrontation in driving conceptual change [d]
  1091. () Lifelong learning in public libraries: principles, programs, and people [i]
  1092. () Rural resilience through continued learning and innovation [d]
  1093. () Doing gesture promotes learning a mental transformation task better than seeing gesture [d]
  1094. () Expanding the basic science debate: the role of physics knowledge in interpreting clinical findings [d]
  1095. () Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review [d]
  1096. () Assessing 21st century skills: a guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning [i]
  1097. () The value of understanding [d]
  1098. Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings, & Graham Walton [ed] () The road to information literacy: librarians as faciliators of learning [i] [d]
  1099. Peter Hammerstein & Jeffrey R. Stevens [ed] () Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making [i] [d]
  1100. () Trusting what you're told: how children learn from others [i]
  1101. () Associations between positive development in late adolescence and social, health, and behavioral outcomes in young adulthood [d]
  1102. () Cognitive adaptability and an entrepreneurial task: the role of metacognitive ability and feedback [d]
  1103. () The pervasive effects of argument length on inductive reasoning [d]
  1104. () Toward a synthesis of cognitive biases: how noisy information processing can bias human decision making [d]
  1105. () Examining concurrent and longitudinal relations between personality traits and social well-being in adulthood [d]
  1106. () The construction of visual reality [i] [d]
  1107. () Global leadership: a developmental shift for everyone [and comments and reply] [d]
  1108. () Problem solving [i] [d]
  1109. () Personality trait development and social investment in work [d]
  1110. () Negation without symbols: the importance of recurrence and context in linguistic negation [d]
  1111. Dirk Ifenthaler, Deniz Eseryel, & Xun Ge [ed] () Assessment in game-based learning: foundations, innovations, and perspectives [i] [d]
  1112. () Rest is not idleness: implications of the brain's default mode for human development and education [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1113. () Exploring the nature of cognitive flexibility [d]
  1114. () A macro–micro–symbolic teaching to promote relational understanding of chemical reactions [d]
  1115. () Predicting the future: from implicit learning to consolidation [d]
  1116. () Patterns of game playing behavior as indicators of mastery [i] [d]
  1117. Peter Jarvis & Mary H. Watts [ed] () The Routledge international handbook of learning [i] [d]
  1118. () Training the developing brain: a neurocognitive perspective [p] [d] [u]
  1119. () Practice effects in the developing brain: a pilot study [d]
  1120. () Disequilibrium and development: the family counseling internship experience [d]
  1121. () Designing for productive failure [d]
  1122. Kim A. Kastens & Cathryn A. Manduca [ed] () Earth and mind II: a synthesis of research on thinking and learning in the geosciences [i] [d]
  1123. () Changing beliefs and behavior through experience-taking [p] [d]
  1124. () Multistability and metastability: understanding dynamic coordination in the brain [p] [d] [u]
  1125. () How schema and novelty augment memory formation [p] [d]
  1126. Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa, & Cornelia Müller [ed] () Body memory, metaphor and movement [i] [d]
  1127. () The agile mind [i] [d]
  1128. () From movement to thought: executive function, embodied cognition, and the cerebellum [d]
  1129. () Engaging students in scientific practices: what does constructing and revising models look like in the science classroom? [u]
  1130. () A mathematician comes of age [i]
  1131. () Dynamic neural systems enable adaptive, flexible memories [p] [d]
  1132. () Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
  1133. () Developing a concept of choice [i] [d]
  1134. Tamar Kushnir, Janette B. Benson, & Fei Xu [ed] () Rational constructivism in cognitive development [i] [d]
  1135. Hélène Landemore & Jon Elster [ed] () Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  1136. () Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology [i] [d]
  1137. () Bit by bit or all at once?: splitting up the inquiry task to promote children's scientific reasoning [d]
  1138. () Exploring explanation: explaining inconsistent evidence informs exploratory, hypothesis-testing behavior in young children [p] [d] [j]
  1139. () Drawing on liars' lack of cognitive flexibility: detecting deception through varying report modes [d]
  1140. () Practice perfect: 42 rules for getting better at getting better [i]
  1141. Daniel H. Lende & Greg Downey [ed] () The encultured brain: an introduction to neuroanthropology [i] [d]
  1142. () A competence bartering platform for learners [i] [d]
  1143. () Why gamers don't learn more: an ecological approach to games as learning environments [d]
  1144. () 'Noticing' as an alternative transfer of learning process [d]
  1145. () The role of learning in overcoming work dissatisfaction [o] [u]
  1146. Valerie Maholmes & Rosalind Berkowitz King [ed] () The Oxford handbook of poverty and child development [i] [d]
  1147. () Rethinking disorienting dilemmas within real-life crises: the role of reflection in negotiating emotionally chaotic experiences [d]
  1148. () Neuromodulation of neuronal circuits: back to the future [p] [d] [u]
  1149. () Smart thinking: three essential keys to solve problems, innovate, and get things done [i]
  1150. () Piaget as a pioneer of dialectical constructivism: seeking dynamic processes for human science [i] [d]
  1151. () The effect of mental progression on mood [p] [d] [u]
  1152. () Transforming the negotiator: the impact of critical learning on teaching and practicing negotiation [d]
  1153. Louise McHugh & Ian Stewart [ed] () The self and perspective taking: contributions and applications from modern behavioral science [i]
  1154. () Beyond traits: personality as intersubjective themes [d]
  1155. () Suggestion, cognition, and behavior [d]
  1156. () Three things game designers need to know about assessment [i] [d]
  1157. () Four metaphors we need to understand assessment [u]
  1158. () Legislative thinking: responsibility, motivation, and cognitive complexity in U.S. statehouses [u]
  1159. Darcia Narváez, Jaak Panksepp, Allan N. Schore, & Tracy R. Gleason [ed] () Evolution, early experience and human development: from research to practice and policy [i] [d]
  1160. () Six myths about spatial thinking [d]
  1161. () Usability 101: introduction to usability [u]
  1162. () Learning to pose cognitively demanding tasks through letter writing [d]
  1163. () Assessment of student's emotions in game-based learning [i] [d]
  1164. John Oates, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, & Mark H. Johnson [ed] () Developing brains [i] [u]
  1165. () Ecological inheritance and cultural inheritance: what are they and how do they differ? [d]
  1166. () From neurons to neighborhoods: an update: workshop summary [i] [d] [u]
  1167. () Understanding how young children learn: bringing the science of child development to the classroom [i]
  1168. () Developing interdependent leadership [i]
  1169. () Therapy training as a transformative process [i]
  1170. () The neurobiology of the prefrontal cortex: anatomy, evolution, and the origin of insight [i]
  1171. James W. Pellegrino & Margaret L. Hilton [ed] () Education for life and work: developing transferable knowledge and skills in the 21st century [i] [d] [u]
  1172. () The pace of cultural evolution [p] [d] [u]
  1173. () Spatial visualizers, object visualizers and verbalizers: their mathematical creative abilities [d]
  1174. () The role of parenting in the emergence of human emotion: new approaches to the old nature–nurture debate [d]
  1175. () Attentional networks and consciousness [p] [d] [u]
  1176. () Attention in a social world [i]
  1177. () Does classroom explicitation of initial conceptions favour conceptual change or is it counter-productive? [d]
  1178. () Learning through constructing representations in science: a framework of representational construction affordances [d]
  1179. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  1180. () Understanding low reliability of memories for neutral information encoded under stress: alterations in memory-related activation in the hippocampus and midbrain [p] [d] [u]
  1181. () The construction of emotional experience requires the integration of implicit and explicit emotional processes [p] [d]
  1182. () The decline of theory of mind in old age is (partly) mediated by developmental changes in domain-general abilities [d]
  1183. () Learning by mapping across situations [d]
  1184. () Large scale brain activations predict reasoning profiles [d]
  1185. Leigh Riby, Michael A. Smith, & Jonathan K. Foster [ed] () Nutrition and mental performance: a lifespan perspective [i]
  1186. () Teaching the conceptual structure of mathematics [d]
  1187. () Psychotherapist development: integration as a way to autonomy [d]
  1188. () New insights in human memory interference and consolidation [d]
  1189. Sara Rubinelli & A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans [ed] (/2014) Argumentation and health [i] [d]
  1190. () The science of consequences: how they affect genes, change the brain, and impact our world [i]
  1191. () What we know about expertise in professional communication [i] [d]
  1192. () The origins of inquiry: inductive inference and exploration in early childhood [p] [d]
  1193. () Finding new facts; thinking new thoughts [i] [d]
  1194. () Rethinking habits and their role in behaviour change: the case of low-carbon mobility [d]
  1195. () Learning as meaning making [i] [d]
  1196. () Retrieval per se is not sufficient to trigger reconsolidation of human fear memory [p] [d]
  1197. () What is your personal knowledge management ecosystem? [u]
  1198. () Scientific knowledge suppresses but does not supplant earlier intuitions [p] [d]
  1199. () Complexity and extended phenomenological–cognitive systems [d]
  1200. Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] () Problem solving, spatial thinking, and the use of representations in science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
  1201. Susan R. Singer, Natalie Nielsen, & Heidi A. Schweingruber [ed] () Discipline-based education research: understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering [i] [d] [u]
  1202. () Transformational teaching: theoretical underpinnings, basic principles, and core methods [d]
  1203. () Disability across the developmental life span: for the rehabilitation counselor [i]
  1204. () Decisions from experience: adaptive information search and choice in younger and older adults [p] [d] [u]
  1205. () Discovering the human connectome [i] [d]
  1206. () Personality, nations, and innovation: relationships between personality traits and national innovation scores [d]
  1207. () The evolved apprentice: how evolution made humans unique [i] [d]
  1208. () 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
  1209. () Philosophy has consequences!: developing metacognition and active learning in the ethics classroom [d]
  1210. () The large-scale organization of 'visual' streams emerges without visual experience [p] [d]
  1211. () The role of field exercises in ecological learning and values education: action research on the use of campus wetlands [d]
  1212. Ron Sun [ed] () Grounding social sciences in cognitive sciences [i] [d]
  1213. () The importance of attributional complexity for transformational leadership studies [d]
  1214. () Helping medical learners recognise and manage unconscious bias toward certain patient groups [p] [d]
  1215. () Time scales of memory, learning, and plasticity [d]
  1216. () The cognitive science of science: explanation, discovery, and conceptual change [i] [d]
  1217. () Mapping minds across cultures [i] [d]
  1218. () Delta theory and psychosocial systems: the practice of influence and change [i] [d]
  1219. () Higher order thoughts in action: consciousness as an unconscious re-description process [p] [d] [u]
  1220. Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer [ed] () Ecological rationality: intelligence in the world [i] [d]
  1221. () Cognition and neural development [i] [d]
  1222. () The role of the visual arts in enhancing the learning process [p] [d] [u]
  1223. Michael Ungar [ed] () The social ecology of resilience: a handbook of theory and practice [i] [d]
  1224. () Triumphs of experience: the men of the Harvard Grant Study [i] [d]
  1225. () The world in their minds: a multi-scale approach of children's representations of geographical space [i] [d]
  1226. () How to integrate socio-cultural dimensions into sustainable development: Amazonian case studies [d]
  1227. () Reflections on a definition: revisiting the meaning of learning [i] [d]
  1228. () Training attentional control and working memory—is younger, better? [d]
  1229. () Cognitive sophistication does not attenuate the bias blind spot [p] [d]
  1230. () Strategic insight and age-related goal-neglect influence risky decision-making [p] [d] [u]
  1231. Susan Krauss Whitbourne & Martin J. Sliwinski [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of adulthood and aging [i] [d]
  1232. () A transactional approach to person–environment fit: reciprocal relations between personality development and career role growth across young to middle adulthood [d]
  1233. () Age-based differences in strategy use in choice tasks [p] [d] [u]
  1234. () Mindsets that promote resilience: when students believe that personal characteristics can be developed [d]
  1235. () A conceptual model for developing mindsets for strategic insight under conditions of complexity and high uncertainty [d]
  1236. Li-fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg, & Stephen J. Rayner [ed] () Handbook of intellectual styles: preferences in cognition, learning, and thinking [i]
  1237. () Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
  1238. () Drawing to learn in science [d]
  1239. () Fictive kinship as it mediates learning, resiliency, perseverance, and social learning of inner-city high school students of color in a college physics class [d]
  1240. () Practicing physical geography: an actor-network view of physical geography exemplified by the rock art stability index [d]
  1241. () Problem-based learning [d]
  1242. Eric Amsel & Judith G. Smetana [ed] () Adolescent vulnerabilities and opportunities: developmental and constructivist perspectives [i] [d]
  1243. () Pragmatist democracy: evolutionary learning as public philosophy [i] [d]
  1244. () Psychological functioning in adulthood: a self-efficacy analysis [i] [d]
  1245. () Experiential science: towards an integration of implicit and reflected practitioner-expert knowledge in the scientific development of organic farming [d]
  1246. () Seeking chances: from biased rationality to distributed cognition [i] [d]
  1247. () Mindfulness, openness to experience, and transformational learning [i] [d]
  1248. () Beyond the brain: how body and environment shape animal and human minds [i] [d] [j]
  1249. () The relational economy: geographies of knowing and learning [i]
  1250. () Self-actualizing: where ego development finally feels good? [d]
  1251. () Identity processing styles and psychosocial balance during early and middle adulthood: the role of identity in intimacy and generativity [d]
  1252. () The neurobiology of semantic memory [p] [d] [u]
  1253. () Dissenting in reflective conversations: critical components of doing action research [d]
  1254. () Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
  1255. () In search of our true selves: feedback as a path to self-knowledge [p] [d] [u]
  1256. Liz Bondi, David Carr, Chris Clark, & Cecelia Clegg [ed] () Towards professional wisdom: practical deliberation in the people professions [i] [d]
  1257. () Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
  1258. () The cultural niche: why social learning is essential for human adaptation [p] [d] [u]
  1259. () Towards creative learning spaces: re-thinking the architecture of post-compulsory education [i] [d]
  1260. () Personal epistemology: nomenclature, conceptualizations, and measurement [i] [d]
  1261. () Why school is not easy: an analytical perspective [d]
  1262. Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw, & Donna Berthelsen [ed] () Personal epistemology and teacher education [i] [d]
  1263. () Natural learning for a connected world: education, technology, and the human brain [i]
  1264. () Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
  1265. () Open conversations: public learning in libraries and museums [i]
  1266. () Unfinished lives [i]
  1267. () Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling [d]
  1268. () Psychotherapy, psychopathology, research and practice: pathways of connections and integration [d]
  1269. () The influence of medical students' self-explanations on diagnostic performance [p] [d]
  1270. () Peer reviewers learn from giving comments [d]
  1271. () Can expectancies produce placebo effects for implicit learning? [d]
  1272. () How placebo responses are formed: a learning perspective [p] [d] [u]
  1273. () The connection between postformal thought, stage transition, persistence, and ambition and major scientific innovations [i] [d]
  1274. Michael T. Cox & Anita Raja [ed] () Metareasoning: thinking about thinking [i] [d]
  1275. () The developing brain: from theory to neuroimaging and back [d]
  1276. () Does participation in citizen science improve scientific literacy?: a study to compare assessment methods [d]
  1277. () Speaking freely: my experiences in individual psychotherapies, group therapies, and growth groups [p] [d]
  1278. Philip Dawid, William L. Twining, & Mimi Vasilaki [ed] () Evidence, inference and enquiry [i] [d]
  1279. () We are all learning here: cycles of research and application in adult development [i] [d]
  1280. () Discourse-centric learning analytics [and the move to semantically structured online discourse for learning] [i] [d] [u]
  1281. Stanislas Dehaene & Yves Christen [ed] () Characterizing consciousness: from cognition to the clinic? [i] [d]
  1282. () Drift into failure: from hunting broken components to understanding complex systems [i]
  1283. () The dynamics of ontogeny: a neuroconstructivist perspective on genes, brains, cognition and behavior [d]
  1284. () Psychological selection and optimal experience across cultures: social empowerment through personal growth [i] [d]
  1285. () Nutrition and nutritional supplements to promote brain health [i] [d]
  1286. () Mathematically gifted adolescents use more extensive and more bilateral areas of the fronto-parietal network than controls during executive functioning and fluid reasoning tasks [d]
  1287. () From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
  1288. () Developing executive leaders: the relative contribution of cognitive ability, personality, and the accumulation of work experience in predicting strategic thinking competency [d]
  1289. () Road maps for learning: a bird's eye view [d]
  1290. () The innovator's DNA: mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators [i]
  1291. () Attachment and the processing of social information across the life span: theory and evidence [p] [d]
  1292. () Links between attachment and social information processing: examination of intergenerational processes [i] [p] [d]
  1293. () Integrated information increases with fitness in the evolution of animats [p] [d] [u]
  1294. () Expert reasoning in psychotherapy case formulation [d]
  1295. () Perceptual simulation in developing language comprehension [p] [d]
  1296. () Metaknowledge [p] [d] [j]
  1297. () High levels of participation in conservation projects enhance learning [d]
  1298. Karen L. Fingerman, Cynthia A. Berg, Jacqui Smith, & Toni C. Antonucci [ed] () Handbook of life-span development [i]
  1299. () Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
  1300. () A quantitative method for the analysis of nomothetic relationships between idiographic structures: dynamic patterns create attractor states for sustained posttreatment change [d]
  1301. () Extending the dynamics of reason [d] [j]
  1302. () On taming horses and strengthening riders: recent developments in research on interventions to improve self-control in health behaviors [d]
  1303. () The integration of agency and communion in moral personality: evidence of enlightened self-interest [p] [d]
  1304. () The contribution of complex dynamic systems to development [d]
  1305. () Expertise differences in the comprehension of visualizations: a meta-analysis of eye-tracking research in professional domains [d]
  1306. Simona Ghetti & Patricia J. Bauer [ed] () Origins and development of recollection: perspectives from psychology and neuroscience [i] [d]
  1307. () Addiction, adolescence, and the integration of control and motivation [d]
  1308. () When and why incentives (don't) work to modify behavior [d]
  1309. () Personal narratives about states of suffering and wellbeing: children's conceptualization in terms of physical and psychological domain [d]
  1310. () Why do leaders matter?: a study of expert knowledge in a superstar setting [d]
  1311. () Advancing a second-person contemplative approach for collective wisdom and leadership development [d]
  1312. Tilmann Habermas [ed] () The development of autobiographical reasoning in adolescence and beyond [i]
  1313. () Leadership and collective requisite complexity [d]
  1314. () Moral maturation and moral conation: a capacity approach to explaining moral thought and action [d]
  1315. () Leader development and the dark side of personality [d]
  1316. () Understanding, evaluating, and producing arguments: training is necessary for reasoning skills [d]
  1317. Paula E. Hartman-Stein & Asenath La Rue [ed] () Enhancing cognitive fitness in adults: a guide to the use and development of community-based programs [i] [d]
  1318. () The developmental origins of health [d]
  1319. () Commentary on Road maps for learning: a guide to the navigation of learning progressions [d]
  1320. () An integrative mechanistic account of psychological distress, therapeutic change and recovery: the Perceptual Control Theory approach [d]
  1321. Carol Hren Hoare [ed] () The Oxford handbook of reciprocal adult development and learning [i] [d]
  1322. () Slowmation: preservice elementary teachers representing science knowledge through creating multimodal digital animations [d]
  1323. () Time in cognitive development [i] [d]
  1324. () Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density [p] [d] [u]
  1325. () Rationality as effective organisation of interaction and its naturalist framework [d]
  1326. () Human intelligence [i] [d]
  1327. () A life course model of cognitive activities, socioeconomic status, education, reading ability, and cognition [p] [d] [u]
  1328. Lene Arnett Jensen [ed] () Bridging cultural and developmental approaches to psychology: new syntheses in theory, research, and policy [i]
  1329. () Learning about environmental issues with the aid of cognitive tools [d]
  1330. () Learning to solve problems: a handbook for designing problem-solving learning environments [i] [d]
  1331. () Integrative thinking is the key: an evaluation of current research into the development of adult thinking [d]
  1332. () Learning, freedom and the web [u]
  1333. Narinder Kapur [ed] () The paradoxical brain [i] [d]
  1334. () Static snapshots versus dynamic approaches to genes, brain, cognition, and behavior in neurodevelopmental disabilities [i] [d]
  1335. () Cultural niche construction and human learning environments: investigating sociocultural perspectives [d]
  1336. () Indirect goal priming is more powerful than explicit instruction in children [d]
  1337. () Visualising knowledge structures in biology: discipline, curriculum and student understanding [d]
  1338. () Cognitive effort drives workspace configuration of human brain functional networks [p] [d] [u]
  1339. () Transforming the power of education for young minority women: narrations, metareflection, and societal change [d]
  1340. () Resting-state functional connectivity indexes reading competence in children and adults [p] [d] [u]
  1341. () Seven steps toward freedom and two ways to lose it: overcoming limitations of intentionality through self-confrontational coping with stress [d]
  1342. () The influence of text modality on learning with static and dynamic visualizations [d]
  1343. () Rationale for considering typical critical thinking skills [d]
  1344. () Prior learning assessment and the developmental journey: from 'mapless' to cartographer [i] [d]
  1345. () Positive development in a disorderly world [d]
  1346. () Spreadsheets as cognitive tools: a study of the impact of spreadsheets on problem solving of math story problems [d]
  1347. () Rational learning and information sampling: on the 'naivety' assumption in sampling explanations of judgment biases [p] [d]
  1348. () Taxonomic counts of cognition in the wild [d]
  1349. () Effects of an evidence-based text on scepticism, methodological reasoning, values and juror decision-making [d]
  1350. () Behavioral epigenetics [d]
  1351. () Constructing stories of self-growth: how individual differences in patterns of autobiographical reasoning relate to well-being in midlife [p] [d] [u]
  1352. () How yoga made me a better lean startup practitioner [u]
  1353. () Going deep into mechanisms for moral reasoning growth: how deep learning approaches affect moral reasoning development for first-year students [d]
  1354. () Handbook of counselor preparation: constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches [i] [d]
  1355. () The city as a machine for learning [d] [j]
  1356. () Developing organisational decision-making capability: a knowledge manager's guide [d]
  1357. () Consolidation and reconsolidation: two lives of memories? [p] [d] [u]
  1358. (/2018) Effective notetaking [i]
  1359. () Mature transformations in adulthood facilitated by psychotherapy and spiritual practice [i] [d]
  1360. () A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety [p] [d] [u]
  1361. () Bereaved elders: transformative learning in late life [d]
  1362. () Consciousness in culture-based conflict and conflict resolution [d]
  1363. () Development of meaning-conserving memory [i] [d]
  1364. () Implicit social cognition: from measures to mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
  1365. () Critical questions and argument stratagems: a framework for enhancing and analyzing students' reasoning practices [d]
  1366. () Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway [i] [d]
  1367. () Testwise: understanding educational assessment [i]
  1368. () Deep learning: how the mind overrides experience [i] [d]
  1369. () Developmental evaluation: applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation and use [i]
  1370. David J. Pauleen & G. E. Gorman [ed] () Personal knowledge management: individual, organizational and social perspectives [i]
  1371. () Deep processing strategies and critical thinking: developmental trajectories using latent growth analyses [d]
  1372. () Learning through deepening conversations: a key strategy of insight mediation [d]
  1373. () Using manual rotation and gesture to improve mental rotation in preschoolers [i] [u]
  1374. () From scribbles to meanings: social interaction in different cultures and the emergence of young children's early drawing [d]
  1375. (/2018) Building brains: an introduction to neural development [i] [d]
  1376. () Epigenetic mechanisms in experience-driven memory formation and behavior [d]
  1377. () Distinguishing between development and change: reviving organismic-developmental theory [d] [j]
  1378. () The complexity of moral learning: diversity, deprovincialisation and privilege [d]
  1379. () Dual processes in decision making and developmental neuroscience: a fuzzy-trace model [p] [d] [u]
  1380. () A dynamic look at narrative change in psychotherapy: a case study tracking innovative moments and protonarratives using state space grids [p] [d]
  1381. () A life course approach to the development of mental skills [p] [d] [u]
  1382. () Making thinking visible: how to promote engagement, understanding, and independence for all learners [i]
  1383. () Toward a visually-oriented school mathematics curriculum: research, theory, practice, and issues [i] [d]
  1384. () Paradoxes of learning and memory [i] [d]
  1385. () Developing destinies: a Mayan midwife and town [i]
  1386. Todd R. Schachtman & Steve Reilly [ed] () Associative learning and conditioning theory: human and non-human applications [i] [d]
  1387. () Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
  1388. () Teaching minds: how cognitive science can save our schools [i]
  1389. () Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
  1390. () Problem solving in the life cycles of multicellular organisms: immunology and cancer [i] [d]
  1391. () Stealth assessment in computer-based games to support learning [i]
  1392. () Kinds of environments—a framework for reflecting on the possible contours of a better world [d]
  1393. () Learning to be bad: adverse social conditions, social schemas, and crime [d]
  1394. () Constructing the self in the face of aging and death: complex thought and learning [i] [d]
  1395. () Juveniles at risk: a plea for preventive justice [i] [d]
  1396. () The meanings of teaching from the perspective of exemplary and experienced teachers [u]
  1397. () On the nature of concepts [d]
  1398. () Defusion: a behavior-analytic strategy for addressing private events [p] [u]
  1399. () Networks of the brain [i] [d]
  1400. () Rationality and the reflective mind [i] [d]
  1401. Nancy L. Stein & Stephen W. Raudenbush [ed] () Developmental cognitive science goes to school [i] [d]
  1402. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] (/2020) The Cambridge handbook of intelligence [i] [d]
  1403. () Cognitive load theory [i] [d]
  1404. () Responsible careers: systemic reflexivity in shifting landscapes [d]
  1405. () Critical thinking and informal logic: neuropsychological perspectives [d] [u]
  1406. () Parent development in clinical child neurological assessment process: encounters with the assimilation model [p] [d]
  1407. () Development of a 'universal' rubric for assessing undergraduates' scientific reasoning skills using scientific writing [d]
  1408. () Mind, brain, and education science: a comprehensive guide to the new brain-based teaching [i]
  1409. () What is it like to be a person who knows nothing?: defining the active intersubjective mind of a newborn human being [d]
  1410. () The social ecology of resilience: addressing contextual and cultural ambiguity of a nascent construct [d]
  1411. () Effectiveness of past and current critical incident analysis on reflective learning and practice change [p] [d]
  1412. () Out of the classroom and into the world: learning from field trips, educating from experience, and unlocking the potential of our students and teachers [i]
  1413. () Behavioural conditioning as the mediator of placebo responses in the immune system [p] [d] [u]
  1414. () 'And so they ordered me to kill a person': conceptualizing the impacts of child soldiering on the development of moral agency [d] [j]
  1415. () Knowledge-telling and knowledge-transforming arguments in mock jurors' verdict justifications [d]
  1416. () Using technology to personalize learning and assess students in real-time [u]
  1417. () Shapeshifting for memory [d]
  1418. () Constraints on learning from expository science texts [i] [d]
  1419. () Sleep selectively enhances memory expected to be of future relevance [p] [d] [u]
  1420. () No longer simply a practice-based research network (PBRN): health improvement networks [d]
  1421. () Taking emergence seriously: the centrality of circular causality for dynamic systems approaches to development [d] [j]
  1422. () Adolescents' implicit theories predict desire for vengeance after peer conflicts: correlational and experimental evidence [p] [d]
  1423. () Exploring Grade 11 students' conceptual pathways of the particulate nature of matter in the context of multirepresentational instruction [d]
  1424. () How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching [i]
  1425. () Neural reuse: a fundamental organizational principle of the brain [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1426. () The role of ecological constraints on expertise development [u]
  1427. () Are older adults wiser than college students?: a comparison of two age cohorts [d]
  1428. () Neurodiversity: discovering the extraordinary gifts of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other brain differences [i]
  1429. () Body learning: examining the processes of skill learning in dance [d]
  1430. () How cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and emotional self-regulation influence school performance in adolescence and early adulthood [d]
  1431. () Recent surprising similarities between plant cells and neurons [p] [d]
  1432. () Libraries build autonomy: a philosophical perspective on the social role of libraries and librarians [u]
  1433. () Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon [d]
  1434. Pierre Barrouillet & Vinciane Gaillard [ed] () Cognitive development and working memory: a dialogue between neo-Piagetian and cognitive approaches [i] [d]
  1435. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  1436. () Removing brakes on adult brain plasticity: from molecular to behavioral interventions [p] [d] [u]
  1437. Marcia B. Baxter Magolda, Elizabeth G. Creamer, & Peggy S. Meszaros [ed] () Development and assessment of self-authorship: exploring the concept across cultures [i]
  1438. Lisa D. Bendixen & Florian C. Feucht [ed] () Personal epistemology in the classroom: theory, research, and implications for practice [i] [d]
  1439. () The person and the variable in developmental psychology [d]
  1440. () A learning progression for scientific argumentation: understanding student work and designing supportive instructional contexts [d]
  1441. () Darwinian sociocultural evolution: solutions to dilemmas in cultural and social theory [i] [d]
  1442. () Large-scale brain networks in cognition: emerging methods and principles [p] [d]
  1443. () Social identity complexity and acceptance of diversity [i] [d]
  1444. () Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology [d] [j]
  1445. () The interplay of cognition and cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  1446. () Teaching family systems theory: a developmental-constructivist perspective [d]
  1447. () Developmental trajectories in design thinking: an examination of criteria [d]
  1448. () Social understanding through social interaction [i] [d]
  1449. () Enhancing the ability to think strategically: a learning model [d]
  1450. () Psychotherapists, researchers, or both?: a qualitative analysis of psychotherapists' experiences in a practice research network [p] [d]
  1451. () Neural mechanisms for interacting with a world full of action choices [p] [d]
  1452. () Minds in space [i] [d]
  1453. () Learning in the wild [d]
  1454. () Nationalism, cognitive ability, and interpersonal relations [d]
  1455. Richard J. Crisp [ed] () The psychology of social and cultural diversity [i] [d]
  1456. Madalina Croitoru, Sébastien Ferré, & Dickson Lukose [ed] () Conceptual structures: from information to intelligence: 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 26–30, 2010: proceedings [i] [d]
  1457. () Development of geocentric spatial language and cognition: an eco-cultural perspective [i] [d]
  1458. () Learning agility: a construct whose time has come [d]
  1459. () Predictive coding and the neural response to predictable stimuli [p] [d] [u]
  1460. Giancarlo Dimaggio & Paul H. Lysaker [ed] () Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: from research to treatment [i] [d]
  1461. () Synthesis, the synthetic a priori, and the origins of modern space-time theory [i]
  1462. () Are risk aversion and impatience related to cognitive ability? [d]
  1463. Jacobus Donders & Scott J. Hunter [ed] () Principles and practice of lifespan developmental neuropsychology [i] [d]
  1464. (/2014) On becoming a better therapist: evidence-based practice one client at a time [i] [d]
  1465. () Psychotherapy change process research: realizing the promise [p] [d]
  1466. () Engaging multiple epistemologies: implications for science education [i] [d] [u]
  1467. () Developing the person-oriented approach: theory and methods of analysis [d]
  1468. () Surrounded by science: learning science in informal environments [i] [d] [u]
  1469. Michel Ferrari, Ljiljana Vuletić, & Robbie Case [ed] () The developmental relations among mind, brain and education: essays in honor of Robbie Case [i] [d]
  1470. () The intentional personal development of mind and brain through education [i] [d]
  1471. () Meta-action research on a leadership development program: a process model for life-long learning [d]
  1472. () Reconsolidation in humans opens up declarative memory to the entrance of new information [p] [d]
  1473. () Shaping the coherent self: a moral achievement [d]
  1474. () Planning, maps, and children's lives: a cautionary tale [d]
  1475. () Visualizing logical aspects of conceptual structures [u]
  1476. () Human rationality challenges universal logic [d]
  1477. () A 'knowledge profile' of an engineering occupation: temporal patterns in the use of engineering knowledge [d]
  1478. () How culture constructs our sense of neighborhood: mental maps and children's perceptions of place [d]
  1479. () Embodiment as a unifying perspective for psychology [d]
  1480. () Beyond dual-process models: a categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making [d]
  1481. () Brain imaging, cognitive processes, and brain networks [p] [d] [j]
  1482. () Building a professional learning community at work: a guide to the first year [i]
  1483. () Cognitive complexity among practicing counselors: how thinking changes with experience [d]
  1484. () Ignorance and surprise: science, society, and ecological design [i] [d]
  1485. () Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age [p] [d] [u]
  1486. () The power of music: its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people [d]
  1487. () A bridge over troubled water: reconsolidation as a link between cognitive and neuroscientific memory research traditions [p] [d]
  1488. () How students come to be, know, and do: a case for a broad view of learning [i] [d]
  1489. () Structuring thought: an examination of four methods [i]
  1490. () Apprenticeship patterns: guidance for the aspiring software craftsman [i]
  1491. () Cognitive ecology [d]
  1492. () Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing [d]
  1493. () Hidden talent: tacit skill formation and labor market incorporation of Latino immigrants in the United States [d]
  1494. () Do lots of deliberate practice [i]
  1495. () Wisdom—a neuroscience perspective [p] [d]
  1496. () Where good ideas come from: the natural history of innovation [i]
  1497. () Arguing to learn and learning to argue: design justifications and guidelines [d]
  1498. () No knowledge but through information [d] [u]
  1499. () Neuroimaging of the developing brain: taking 'developing' seriously [d]
  1500. () Social development as preference management: how infants, children, and parents get what they want from one another [i] [d]
  1501. () Implicit learning as an ability [p] [d]
  1502. () Mapping student information literacy activity against Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive skills [d] [u]
  1503. () Darwin and development: why ontogeny does not recapitualte phylogeny for human concepts [i] [d]
  1504. () Introducing rigor in concept maps [i] [d]
  1505. () The relation of story structure to a model of conceptual change in science learning [d]
  1506. () Short-term fluctuations in identity: introducing a micro-level approach to identity formation [p] [d]
  1507. () The evolution of childhood: relationships, emotion, mind [i] [j]
  1508. () Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
  1509. Steve W. J. Kozlowski & Eduardo Salas [ed] () Learning, training, and development in organizations [i] [d]
  1510. () Social-cognitive development, ethical and legal knowledge, and ethical decision making of counselor education students [d]
  1511. () Using computer supported collaborative learning strategies for helping students acquire self-regulated problem-solving skills in mathematics [d]
  1512. () How different variants of orbit diagrams influence student explanations of the seasons [d]
  1513. () How life history and demography promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours [p] [d] [u]
  1514. () Long-term effects of social investment: the case of partnering in young adulthood [p] [d]
  1515. () The evidence for the effectiveness of action learning [d]
  1516. Richard M. Lerner, Willis F. Overton, Michael E. Lamb, & Alexandra M. Freund [ed] () The handbook of life-span development [i] [d]
  1517. () Reuse in the brain and elsewhere [d]
  1518. () Perspective-taking as an organizational capability [d] [j]
  1519. () Philosophy, ethics, medicine and health care: the urgent need for critical practice [p] [d]
  1520. () Autonomous cross-cultural hardship travel (ACHT) as a medium for growth, learning, and a deepened sense of self [d]
  1521. Nona Lyons [ed] () Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
  1522. Lorenzo Magnani, Walter A. Carnielli, & Claudio Pizzi [ed] () Model-based reasoning in science and technology: abduction, logic, and computational discovery [i] [d]
  1523. () Adjudicative competence: evidence that impairment in 'rational understanding' is taxonic [d]
  1524. Denis Mareschal, Paul C. Quinn, & S. E. G. Lea [ed] () The making of human concepts [i] [d]
  1525. () Good judgments do not require complex cognition [p] [d] [u]
  1526. () Learning through feedback in the field: reflective learning in a NGO in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1527. () Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
  1528. () Patterns of gender development [p] [d]
  1529. () The dynamic development of thinking, feeling, and acting over the life span [i] [d]
  1530. () Experimenting with rejection builds confidence [u]
  1531. () Letting structure emerge: connectionist and dynamical systems approaches to cognition [p] [d] [u]
  1532. () Teaching for clinical reasoning: helping students make the conceptual links [p] [d]
  1533. () Fanaticism, fundamentalism and the promotion of reflexivity in religious education [i] [d]
  1534. Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] () The mind in context [i]
  1535. () From workplace to playspace: innovating, learning, and changing through dynamic engagement [i]
  1536. Theodore Millon, Robert F. Krueger, & Erik Simonsen [ed] () Contemporary directions in psychopathology: scientific foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-11 [i]
  1537. () Some implications of expertise research for educational assessment [d]
  1538. Kelly S. Mix, Linda B. Smith, & Michael Gasser [ed] () The spatial foundations of language and cognition [and spatiotemporal foundations] [i] [d]
  1539. () Neural reuse as a source of developmental homology [d]
  1540. () Helping college students find purpose: the campus guide to meaning-making [i]
  1541. () Report of a workshop on the scope and nature of computational thinking [i] [d] [u]
  1542. () Strategic information provision and experiential variety as tools for developing adaptive leadership skills [d]
  1543. () Emphasizing intraindividual variability in the study of development over the life span: concepts and issues [i] [d]
  1544. () Analyzing intra-person variation: hybridizing the ACE model with P-technique factor analysis and the idiographic filter [d]
  1545. Marilyn A. Nippold & Cheryl M. Scott [ed] () Expository discourse in children, adolescents, and adults: development and disorders [i] [d]
  1546. () Making and remaking the world: the influence of constructivism on psychotherapy [u]
  1547. (/2016) Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities [i] [d] [j]
  1548. Michael J. O'Brien & Stephen Shennan [ed] () Innovation in cultural systems: contributions from evolutionary anthropology [i] [d]
  1549. () Behavior change support systems: a research model and agenda [i] [d]
  1550. () Moving beyond panaceas: a multi-tiered diagnostic approach for social-ecological analysis [d]
  1551. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  1552. () A developmental theory of mental attention: its application to measurement and task analysis [i] [d]
  1553. () On telling the whole story: facts and interpretations in autobiographical memory narratives from childhood through midadolescence [p] [d]
  1554. () Developing moral agency through narrative [d] [j]
  1555. () Thoughtfully reflective decision making and the accumulation of capital: bringing choice back in [d]
  1556. () Strategic learning: how to be smarter than your competition and turn key insights into competitive advantage [i] [d]
  1557. David Preiss & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Innovations in educational psychology: perspectives on learning, teaching, and human development [i]
  1558. () How (well-structured) talk builds the mind [i]
  1559. () Motivation, learning, and transformative experience: a study of deep engagement in science [d]
  1560. () Brains: how they seem to work [i]
  1561. () The role of developmental social networks in effective leader self-learning processes [i] [d]
  1562. () What is social learning? [u]
  1563. () The playful brain: the surprising science of how puzzles improve your mind [i]
  1564. () It is Developmental Me, not Generation Me: developmental changes are more important than generational changes in narcissism—commentary on Trzesniewski & Donnellan (2010) [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1565. () Enculturing brains through patterned practices [d]
  1566. Mitchell G. Rothstein & Ronald J. Burke [ed] () Self-management and leadership development [i] [d]
  1567. () Contributions of attentional control to socioemotional and academic development [d]
  1568. () Food for thought: conditions for discourse reflection in the light of environmental assessment [d]
  1569. () Evidence-centered design of epistemic games: measurement principles for complex learning environments [u]
  1570. () Cross-grade comparison of students' understanding of energy concepts [d]
  1571. () Seeing ourselves: what vision can teach us about metacognition [i] [d]
  1572. () A tripartite learning conceptualization of psychotherapy: the therapeutic alliance, technical interventions, and relearning [p] [d]
  1573. () Innovative lean development: how to create, implement and maintain a learning culture using fast learning cycles [i]
  1574. () Being wrong: adventures in the margin of error [i]
  1575. () Drawing as a generative activity and drawing as a prognostic activity [d]
  1576. () Interviewing: an insider's insight into learning [i] [d]
  1577. () Informed social reflection: its development and importance for adolescents' civic engagement [i] [d]
  1578. () Translating science into clinical practice [i] [d]
  1579. () John Dewey's reception in 'Schönian' reflective practice [u]
  1580. () Epistemological lenses and group relations learning [o]
  1581. () Signals: evolution, learning, & information [i] [d]
  1582. () More than concepts: how multiple integrations make human intelligence [i] [d]
  1583. () Dissociating response systems: erasing fear from memory [d]
  1584. David A. Sousa, Joanna A. Christodoulou, Donna Coch, & Stanislas Dehaene [ed] () Mind, brain, and education: neuroscience implications for the classroom [i]
  1585. () Developmental perspectives on personality: implications for ecological and evolutionary studies of individual differences [p] [d] [u]
  1586. () Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
  1587. () The bounds of representation: a non-representationalist use of the resources of the model of extended cognition [d]
  1588. () Matching method with theory in person-oriented developmental psychopathology research [d]
  1589. () Developing a hypothetical multi-dimensional learning progression for the nature of matter [d]
  1590. () Constructing a self: the role of self-structure and self-certainty in social anxiety [d]
  1591. () The cognitive processing of politics and politicians: archival studies of conceptual and integrative complexity [p] [d]
  1592. Tim Swanwick, Kirsty Forrest, & Bridget C. O'Brien [ed] (/2019) Understanding medical education: evidence, theory, and practice [i] [d]
  1593. () Developing an integrated self: academic and ethnic identities among ethnically diverse college students [p] [d]
  1594. () How brains make mental models [i] [d]
  1595. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  1596. () Learning as core of psychological science and clinical practice [u]
  1597. () The development of morality: reasoning, emotions, and resistance [i] [d]
  1598. () Typical and atypical development of functional human brain networks: insights from resting-state fMRI [p] [d] [u]
  1599. () The role of intentional self regulation, lower neighborhood ecological assets, and activity involvement in youth developmental outcomes [d]
  1600. () Spatial development [i] [d]
  1601. () Dementia: continuum or distinct entity? [d]
  1602. () Dreaming of a learning task is associated with enhanced sleep-dependent memory consolidation [p] [d] [u]
  1603. () Music making as a tool for promoting brain plasticity across the life span [d]
  1604. () Hippocampal–neocortical interactions in memory formation, consolidation, and reconsolidation [p] [d]
  1605. () Novelty as a dimension in the affective brain [d]
  1606. () The counselor cognitions questionnaire: development and validation [d]
  1607. Margaret Whitehead [ed] () Physical literacy: throughout the lifecourse [i] [d]
  1608. () Patterns of implicit learning below the level of conscious knowledge [d]
  1609. () Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
  1610. () Scientific reasoning and epistemological commitments: coordination of theory and evidence among college science students [d]
  1611. Philip David Zelazo, Michael J. Chandler, & Eveline A. Crone [ed] () Developmental social cognitive neuroscience [i]
  1612. () Asking 'Who are you?' when going into the wild: moving beyond an individualized form of outdoor education [d]
  1613. Karoline Afamasaga-Fuata'i [ed] () Concept mapping in mathematics: research into practice [i] [d]
  1614. () A complex systems methodology to transition management [d]
  1615. () Leadership and adult development theories: overviews and overlaps [u]
  1616. () Reflection as a strategy to enhance task performance after feedback [d]
  1617. () Neurotransmitters and prefrontal cortex—limbic system interactions: implications for plasticity and psychiatric disorders [d]
  1618. () How similar are wise men and women?: a comparison across two age cohorts [d]
  1619. () Argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: indications from protocol analyses of peer-to-peer dialog [p] [d]
  1620. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  1621. Roger Beard, Debra Myhill, Jeni Riley, & Martin Nystrand [ed] () The Sage handbook of writing development [i] [d]
  1622. Philip Bell, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Andrew W. Shouse, Michael A. Feder, & National Research Council [ed] () Learning science in informal environments: people, places, and pursuits [i] [d] [u]
  1623. () Libraries and learning: a history of paradigm change [d]
  1624. () Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning [d]
  1625. () Dissecting components of reward: 'liking', 'wanting', and learning [d]
  1626. () Social learning for solving complex problems: a promising solution or wishful thinking?: a case study of multi-actor negotiation for the integrated management and sustainable use of the Drentsche Aa area in the Netherlands [d]
  1627. Malin Brännback & Alan L. Carsrud [ed] (/2017) Revisiting the entrepreneurial mind: inside the black box: an expanded edition [i] [d]
  1628. () Learning without error [i] [d]
  1629. () Learning as a way of leading: lessons from the struggle for social justice [i]
  1630. () Curriculum and the value of knowledge [i] [d]
  1631. (/2019) The human brain book [i]
  1632. () Facilitating conceptual change in gases concepts [d]
  1633. () Radical embodied cognitive science [i] [d]
  1634. () Dialectical thinking and coping flexibility: a multimethod approach [p] [d]
  1635. () Active–constructive–interactive: a conceptual framework for differentiating learning activities [d]
  1636. Joan Y. Chiao [ed] () Cultural neuroscience: cultural influences on brain function [i] [d]
  1637. Mario Cimoli, Giovanni Dosi, & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () Industrial policy and development: the political economy of capabilities accumulation [i] [d]
  1638. () Resistance to change: unconscious knowledge and the challenge of unlearning [i]
  1639. () The economics and psychology of inequality and human development [d]
  1640. () The philosopher leader: on relationalism, ethics and reflexivity: a critical perspective to teaching leadership [d]
  1641. () Putting perspectives into participation: constructive conflict methodology for problem structuring in stakeholder dialogues [i] [u]
  1642. () An integrative approach to leader development: connecting adult development, identity, and expertise [i] [d]
  1643. () Religion, spirituality, and positive psychology in adulthood: a developmental view [d]
  1644. () Reasoning and self-awareness from adolescence to middle age: organization and development as a function of education [d]
  1645. () Group learning in participatory planning processes: an exploratory quasiexperimental analysis of local mitigation planning in Florida [d]
  1646. () Leading adult learning: supporting adult development in our schools [i]
  1647. () 10 models of teaching + learning [u]
  1648. () It's not how much; it's how: characteristics of practice behavior and retention of performance skills [d]
  1649. () Constructing causal diagrams to learn deliberation [u]
  1650. () From everyday to scientific observation: how children learn to observe the biologist's world [d]
  1651. () Developmental levels of conceptions of compassion in the ethical decision-making of Western Buddhist practitioners [d]
  1652. () Toward a science of exceptional achievement [d]
  1653. () Diagnostic error in medical education: where wrongs can make rights [d]
  1654. () Childhood poverty, chronic stress, and adult working memory [p] [d] [u]
  1655. () A conceptual guide to natural history museum visitors' understanding of evolution [d]
  1656. () Functional brain networks develop from a 'local to distributed' organization [p] [d] [u]
  1657. John Fien, Rupert Maclean, & Man-Gon Park [ed] () Work, learning, and sustainable development: opportunities and challenges [i]
  1658. () Mind, brain, and education: building a scientific groundwork for learning and teaching [d]
  1659. () Democracy and expertise: reorienting policy inquiry [i] [d]
  1660. () Narrow assessments misrepresent development and misguide policy [p] [d]
  1661. () The glorious study hall: how libraries nurture a life of the mind [u]
  1662. () Human reconsolidation does not always occur when a memory is retrieved: the relevance of the reminder structure [p] [d]
  1663. () Building on a strong foundation: five pathways to the next level of motivational theorizing [i]
  1664. () The importance of learning to make assumptions [d]
  1665. () Statistical machine learning and the logic of scientific discovery [u]
  1666. () Philosophical antecedents of situated cognition [i] [d]
  1667. () Hormones and brain plasticity [i]
  1668. () Dynamic systems and the quest for individual-based models of change and development [i] [d]
  1669. () We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
  1670. () Extremism and social learning [d]
  1671. () The mirror neuron system and observational learning: implications for the effectiveness of dynamic visualizations [d]
  1672. () The role of environment in contextual and social influences on motivation: generalities, specificities, and causality [i]
  1673. () Structures for facilitating student reflection [d] [j]
  1674. () Learning styles as self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
  1675. () Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
  1676. () Composing models of geographic physical processes [i] [d]
  1677. () Unconscious priming of a no-go response [d]
  1678. () Episodic memory reconsolidation: updating or source confusion? [p] [d]
  1679. Knud Illeris [ed] () Contemporary theories of learning: learning theorists—in their own words [i]
  1680. () Exploring hierarchies of knowledge in Peru: scaling urban grassroots women health promoters' expertise [d]
  1681. () Letting everything become your teacher: 100 lessons in mindfulness [i]
  1682. () The wick in the candle of learning: epistemic curiosity activates reward circuitry and enhances memory [d]
  1683. () Nativism versus neuroconstructivism: rethinking the study of developmental disorders [p] [d]
  1684. () Developmentally effective experiences for promoting self-authorship [d]
  1685. () Problem solving and situated cognition [i] [d] [u]
  1686. () Subcortical structures and cognition: implications for neuropsychological assessment [i] [d]
  1687. () Beyond cultural competence: critical consciousness, social justice, and multicultural education [p] [d]
  1688. () Tracking the emergence of conceptual knowledge during human decision making [p] [d] [u]
  1689. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  1690. () Cognitive load and science text comprehension: effects of drawing and mentally imagining text content [d]
  1691. () The experience of depth curiosity: the pursuit of congruence despite the danger of engulfment [d]
  1692. () The wisdom of individuals: exploring people's knowledge about everyday events using iterated learning [p] [d]
  1693. () A pragmatist approach to meaning making in children's discussions about gravity and the shape of the earth [d]
  1694. () Understanding without explanation [i] [j]
  1695. () Learning and memory, part II: molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity [p] [d]
  1696. () Epistemological norms and companion meanings in science classroom communication [d]
  1697. () To give is better than to receive: the benefits of peer review to the reviewer's own writing [d]
  1698. () Aging, training, and the brain: a review and future directions [d]
  1699. () Understanding the relationship between moral judgment development and individual characteristics: the role of educational contexts [d]
  1700. () How information becomes a resource for action in an uncertain and complex world: sense-making and contingency in the knowing process [d]
  1701. () Aesthetic experience as an aspect of embodied learning: stories from physical education student teachers [d]
  1702. () Optimising the use of note-taking as an external cognitive aid for increasing learning [d]
  1703. () Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
  1704. () Philosophy and developmental psychology: outgrowing the deficit conception of childhood [i] [d]
  1705. () Social learning through evaluation: a case study of overcoming constraints for management of dryland salinity [d]
  1706. () Age-related changes in modular organization of human brain functional networks [d]
  1707. () The provenance and control of behavior: simplistic answers are doomed to fail [d]
  1708. Nathalie Muller Mirza & Anne Nelly Perret-Clermont [ed] () Argumentation and education: theoretical foundations and practices [i] [d]
  1709. () Advances in dynamic factor analysis of psychological processes [i] [d]
  1710. () Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities [d]
  1711. () The development of rationality [i] [d]
  1712. Ulrich Müller, Jeremy I. M. Carpendale, & Leslie Smith [ed] () The Cambridge companion to Piaget [i] [d]
  1713. () Critical appraisal of physical science as a human enterprise: dynamics of scientific progress [i] [d]
  1714. () Responsibility in childhood: three developmental trajectories [d]
  1715. () Developments in task analysis: new methods to study change [p] [d]
  1716. () Dynamic emotional processing in experiential therapy: two steps forward, one step back [d]
  1717. () Making learning whole: how seven principles of teaching can transform education [i]
  1718. () Toward a physical basis of attention and self-regulation [d]
  1719. () Time-structured and net intraindividual variability: tools for examining the development of dynamic characteristics and processes [d]
  1720. () Examining the 'whole child' to generate usable knowledge [d]
  1721. () Experiential wisdom and optimal experience: interviews with three distinguished lifelong learners [d]
  1722. Henk W. de Regt, Sabina Leonelli, & Kai Eigner [ed] () Scientific understanding: philosophical perspectives [i] [j]
  1723. Philip Robbins & Murat Aydede [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of situated cognition [i] [d]
  1724. () Coaching with the brain in mind: foundations for practice [i]
  1725. () The dynamics of action-oriented problem solving: linking interpretation and choice [d] [j]
  1726. Geoffrey Sampson, David Gil, & Peter Trudgill [ed] () Language complexity as an evolving variable [i]
  1727. () Constructivisms from a genetic point of view: a critical classification of current tendencies [i.e. from a developmental point of view] [p] [d]
  1728. () New territories of positive life-span development: wisdom and life longings [i] [d]
  1729. () Future orientation: developmental and ecological perspectives [i] [d]
  1730. () Beyond just research: experiences from southern Africa in developing social learning partnerships for resource conservation initiatives [d]
  1731. Kim Shifren [ed] () How caregiving affects development: psychological implications for child, adolescent, and adult caregivers [i] [d]
  1732. Harvey Siegel [ed] () The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education [i] [d]
  1733. () Complex thought and construction of the self in the face of aging and death [d]
  1734. () Piaget's developmental epistemology [i] [d]
  1735. () Why do different individuals progress along different life trajectories? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1736. () Environmental regulation of the neural epigenome [d]
  1737. John P. Spencer, Michael S. C. Thomas, & James L. McClelland [ed] () Toward a unified theory of development: connectionism and dynamic systems theory re-considered [i] [d]
  1738. () Dynamic field theory and embodied cognitive dynamics [i] [d]
  1739. () The generalist approach [d]
  1740. () Distinguishing the reflective, algorithmic, and autonomous minds: is it time for a tri-process theory? [i]
  1741. () What intelligence tests miss: the psychology of rational thought [i] [d] [j]
  1742. Jacqui Stedmon & Rudi Dallos [ed] () Reflective practice in psychotherapy and counselling [i]
  1743. () Learning, knowing and being in the world: postformalism, Einstein, and lessons from a kid named Larry [d]
  1744. () Journal keeping: how to use reflective writing for effective learning, teaching, professional insight, and positive change [i]
  1745. () Changes in the interaction of resting-state neural networks from adolescence to adulthood [d]
  1746. () Logical operations in theory-building case studies [d] [u]
  1747. () The two horses of behavior: reflection and impulse [i]
  1748. () Rethinking intergenerational transmission(s): does a wellbeing lens help?: the case of nutrition [d]
  1749. () Bridging the gap: how can information access and exchange between conservation biologists and field practitioners be improved for better conservation outcomes? [d]
  1750. () Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
  1751. () Tuning into others' voices: radical listening, learning from difference, and escaping oppression [d]
  1752. () Why we cooperate [i] [d]
  1753. Luca Tommasi, Mary A. Peterson, & Lynn Nadel [ed] () Cognitive biology: evolutionary and developmental perspectives on mind, brain, and behavior [i] [d]
  1754. () The developmental dimensions of recognizing racist thoughts [d]
  1755. () Perceived barriers and protective factors of juvenile offenders on their developmental pathway to adulthood [j]
  1756. () Neural activity predicts attitude change in cognitive dissonance [p] [d]
  1757. () Human potential: exploring techniques used to enhance human performance [i]
  1758. () Long-term meditation is associated with increased gray matter density in the brain stem [d]
  1759. () Jumping to a conclusion: fallacies and standards of proof [d] [u]
  1760. () Worldview and mind: religious thought and psychological development [i]
  1761. Kathryn R. Wentzel & Allan Wigfield [ed] () Handbook of motivation at school [i]
  1762. () Mental illness and mental health: the two continua model across the lifespan [d]
  1763. () Why don't students like school?: a cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom [i]
  1764. Peter Willis, Stephen McKenzie, & Roger Harris [ed] () Rethinking work and learning: adult and vocational education for social sustainability [i] [d]
  1765. () Edison and science: a curious result [d]
  1766. () Research across the color line: empowerment, mutual learning, and difficult decisions [i] [u]
  1767. () Individual differences in learning to perceive length by dynamic touch: evidence for variation in perceptual learning capacities [d]
  1768. () The illusion of depth of understanding in science [i] [j]
  1769. () Dynamics of life-course transitions: a methodological reflection [i] [d]
  1770. () Exploration and meaning making in the learning of science [i] [d]
  1771. () Mental simulation in language comprehension and social cognition [d]
  1772. () Generating conceptually personalized interactions for educational digital libraries using concept maps [i]
  1773. () Age differences in five personality domains across the life span [p] [d] [u]
  1774. () Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competencies [d]
  1775. () Could the use of a knowledge-based system lead to implicit learning? [i] [d]
  1776. () The native mind and the cultural construction of nature [i] [d]
  1777. () Developmental readiness: accelerating leader development [d]
  1778. () On improving dynamic decision-making: implications from multiple-process cognitive theory [d]
  1779. () Enhancing social and transition behaviors of persons with autism through activity schedules: a review [j]
  1780. () Building on knowledge: developing expertise, creativity and intellectual capital in the construction professions [i] [d]
  1781. Antonio M. Battro, Kurt W. Fischer, & Pierre Léna [ed] () The educated brain: essays in neuroeducation [i] [d]
  1782. () Developing leadership talent [i]
  1783. () The economics and psychology of personality traits [d]
  1784. () The knack: how street-smart entrepreneurs learn to handle whatever comes up [i]
  1785. () The development of knowledge structures in adulthood [i]
  1786. John H. Byrne [ed] (/2017) Learning and memory: a comprehensive reference [i] [d]
  1787. () Considering the ethical potential of professional communities [d]
  1788. (/2014) Concept mapping using CmapTools to enhance meaningful learning [i] [d]
  1789. () Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension [i] [d]
  1790. John J. Clement & Mary Anne Rea-Ramirez [ed] () Model based learning and instruction in science [i] [d]
  1791. () Creative model construction in scientists and students: the role of imagery, analogy, and mental stimulation [i] [d]
  1792. () Cultural progress is the result of developmental level of support [d]
  1793. () Gesturing makes learning last [p] [d] [u]
  1794. () Ecological knowledge shrinks as economies grow [d]
  1795. () The healthy aging brain: sustaining attachment, attaining wisdom [i]
  1796. William Damon & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Child and adolescent development: an advanced course [i]
  1797. () Cerebral constraints in reading and arithmetic: education as a 'neuronal recycling' process [i] [d]
  1798. () Working memory and academic learning: assessment and intervention [i]
  1799. () Developing design propositions through research synthesis [d]
  1800. () Thinking critically about critical thinking: towards a post-critical, dialogic pedagogy for popular visual culture [d]
  1801. (/2013) Conceptual change and evolutionary biology: a developmental perspective [i] [d]
  1802. () The social behavior and reputation of the attributionally complex [d]
  1803. Michel Ferrari & Georges Potworowski [ed] () Teaching for wisdom: cross-cultural perspectives on fostering wisdom [i] [d]
  1804. () Process and skill: analyzing dynamic structures of growth [i]
  1805. (/2021) Better learning through structured teaching: a framework for the gradual release of responsibility [i]
  1806. () Social cognition: from brains to culture [i]
  1807. Alan Fogel, Barbara J. King, & Stuart Shanker [ed] () Human development in the twenty-first century: visionary ideas from systems scientists [i] [d]
  1808. () Learning from extant cultures of peace [i] [d]
  1809. () Cognitive ability, learning approaches and personality correlates of general knowledge [d]
  1810. () Brains and the dynamics of 'wants' and 'cans' in learning [d]
  1811. Raymond W. Gibbs [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of metaphor and thought [i] [d]
  1812. () On the process of becoming a great scientist [p] [d] [u]
  1813. () Why heuristics work [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1814. () The tempest: anthropology and human development [i] [d]
  1815. () Putting the 'development' in professional development: understanding and overturning educational leaders' immunities to change [d]
  1816. () Enrichment effects on adult cognitive development: can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and enhanced? [p] [d]
  1817. () Dewey: a beginner's guide [i]
  1818. () Reflective argumentation [u]
  1819. () Lessons from the public sphere: listening, adversity, and learning [d]
  1820. Toru Iiyoshi & M. S. Vijay Kumar [ed] () Opening up education: the collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge [i] [d] [u]
  1821. () The smoke around mirror neurons: goals as sociocultural and emotional organizers of perception and action in learning [d]
  1822. () Developing a sense of scale: looking backward [d]
  1823. () Keeping found things found: the study and practice of personal information management [i]
  1824. Jossey-Bass [ed] () The Jossey-Bass reader on the brain and learning [i]
  1825. () Drug addiction as a pathology of staged neuroplasticity [p] [d]
  1826. () Discerning the division of cognitive labor: an emerging understanding of how knowledge is clustered in other minds [p] [d]
  1827. () Training writing skills: a cognitive developmental perspective [d]
  1828. () Insight without cortex: lessons from the avian brain [p] [d]
  1829. () Designing cognitive stimulating environments for infants and toddlers [d]
  1830. () What needs to develop in the development of inquiry skills? [d]
  1831. () Beyond control of variables: what needs to develop to achieve skilled scientific thinking? [d]
  1832. () Valuation of the ecosystem services: a psycho-cultural perspective [d]
  1833. () On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
  1834. () Class and the transition to adulthood [i] [j]
  1835. () Social and individual learning of helping in humans and other species [d]
  1836. () Time and identity: a framework for research and theory formation [d]
  1837. () Learning and memory, part I: brain regions involved in two types of learning and memory [p] [d]
  1838. Richard Lowe & Wolfgang Schnotz [ed] () Learning with animation: research implications for design [i]
  1839. () Supporting medical decision making with argumentation tools [d]
  1840. () The concept of domain in developmental analyses of hierarchical complexity [d]
  1841. () Dewey's dynamic integration of Vygotsky and Piaget [d] [j] [u]
  1842. () How curricular content and pedagogical strategies affect moral reasoning development in college students [d]
  1843. () Executive development through consciousness-raising experiences [d]
  1844. () Explaining complex behavior [i] [d]
  1845. () Cognitive development: neo-Piagetian perspectives [i] [d]
  1846. Jeylan T. Mortimer [ed] () Social class and transitions to adulthood [i]
  1847. () A critical review of the theory and application of social learning in participatory natural resource management processes [d]
  1848. () Market discipline and management education: a view from a southern women's cooperative [d]
  1849. Larry P. Nucci, Tobias Krettenauer, & Darcia Narváez [ed] (/2014) Handbook of moral and character education [i] [d]
  1850. () Developing complex mental models in biology through model evolution [i] [d]
  1851. () Writing as thinking [d]
  1852. () Female and male antisocial trajectories: from childhood origins to adult outcomes [d]
  1853. Alexandra Okada, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Tony Sherborne [ed] (/2014) Knowledge cartography: software tools and mapping techniques [i] [d]
  1854. (/2014) Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps [i] [d]
  1855. () On the psychogenesis of the a priori: Jean Piaget's critique of Kant [d]
  1856. () How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
  1857. () Procrastination and flow experiences: a tale of opposites [u]
  1858. (/2014) Cognitive and pedagogical benefits of argument mapping: L.A.M.P. guides the way to better thinking [i] [d]
  1859. () Personality trait change in adulthood [d]
  1860. () Time and temporality as mediators of science learning [d]
  1861. (/2014) The neurobiology of learning and memory [i]
  1862. () The role of intuition in collective learning and the development of shared meaning [d]
  1863. () Durable effects of concentrated disadvantage on verbal ability among African-American children [p] [d] [u]
  1864. () Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
  1865. () Experience, reflect, critique: the end of the 'learning cycles' era [d]
  1866. () Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
  1867. () On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability [p] [d]
  1868. William H. Starbuck, Samuel Holloway, Peter S. Whalen, & Suzanne G. Tilleman [ed] () Organizational learning and knowledge management [i] [d]
  1869. () Children's knowledge of the earth: a new methodological and statistical approach [d]
  1870. () Seduction without cause: uncovering explanatory neurophilia [p] [d]
  1871. () Dissonance induction and reduction: a possible principle and connectionist mechanism for why therapies are effective [d]
  1872. () Mutual learning as an agenda for social development [i]
  1873. () On teaching and learning: putting the principles and practices of dialogue education into action [i]
  1874. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
  1875. Stella Vosniadou [ed] (/2013) International handbook of research on conceptual change [i] [d]
  1876. Cecilia Wainryb, Judith G. Smetana, & Elliot Turiel [ed] () Social development, social inequalities, and social justice [i] [d]
  1877. () Constructive and unconstructive repetitive thought [d]
  1878. () Psychological research and the epistemological approach to argumentation [d] [u]
  1879. () Dramatic insights: a report of the effects of a dramatic production on the learning of student nurses during their mental health course component [d]
  1880. () Manual training of mental rotation in children [d]
  1881. () Beyond the scientific method: model-based inquiry as a new paradigm of preference for school science investigations [d]
  1882. () The locus of the myside bias in written argumentation [d]
  1883. () Mind is primarily a verb: an examination of mistaken similarities between John Dewey and Herbert Spencer [d] [u]
  1884. (/2012) Problem solving in organizations: a methodological handbook for business and management students [i] [d]
  1885. () Overcoming intuition: metacognitive difficulty activates analytic reasoning [p] [d]
  1886. () Psychosocial development and leader performance of military officer cadets [d]
  1887. () Metacognitive training aids decision making [d]
  1888. () Buzz-and-pipeline dynamics: towards a knowledge-based multiplier model of clusters [d]
  1889. () Train your mind, change your brain: how a new science reveals our extraordinary potential to transform ourselves [i]
  1890. () Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: a developmental paradox [d]
  1891. () Why youth is not wasted on the young: immaturity in human development [i]
  1892. () Childhood origins of adult resistance to science [p] [d] [j]
  1893. () Distinguishing between knowledge and beliefs: students' epistemic criteria for differentiating [d]
  1894. () Sharing power: learning-by-doing in co-management of natural resources throughout the world [i] [d]
  1895. (/2016) Learning and behavior: a contemporary synthesis [i]
  1896. () Keeping the audience in mind: relationships between symbol production and social cognition [j]
  1897. Stein Bråten [ed] () On being moved: from mirror neurons to empathy [i] [d]
  1898. () Individual differences in adult decision-making competence [p] [d]
  1899. () Bodily holding in the dialogic–dialectical approach [d]
  1900. () Children's questions: a mechanism for cognitive development [d]
  1901. () Assessment of thinking in adult learners [d]
  1902. () Informal learning: rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance [i]
  1903. () Researchers, indigenous peoples, and place-based learning communities [d]
  1904. () Wikipedia again: an addressable knowledge base [u]
  1905. () 'Tis better to construct than to receive?: the effects of diagram tools on causal reasoning [i] [u]
  1906. () Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology [d]
  1907. Sibel Eruduran & Marilar Aleixandre [ed] () Argumentation in science education: perspectives from classroom-based research [i] [d]
  1908. () Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social-ecological resilience [d]
  1909. () Observations on biology [d] [j]
  1910. () Reflection: a neglected art in health promotion [d]
  1911. () Making up the mind: how the brain creates our mental world [i]
  1912. () Learning from Toyota: how action learning can foster competitive advantage in new product development (NPD) [d]
  1913. Dirk Geeraerts & Hubert Cuyckens [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive linguistics [i] [d]
  1914. () Developmental changes in the coherence of essentialist beliefs about psychological characteristics [p] [d] [j]
  1915. Artin Göncü & Suzanne Gaskins [ed] () Play and development: evolutionary, sociocultural, and functional perspectives [i] [d]
  1916. () Learning community formats [d]
  1917. () Career cycles and mentoring [i] [d]
  1918. () Fostering independent learning: practical strategies to promote student success [i]
  1919. () Change is not always linear: the study of nonlinear and discontinuous patterns of change in psychotherapy [d]
  1920. () The economics, technology, and neuroscience of human capability formation [p] [d] [u]
  1921. () Experience sampling method: measuring the quality of everyday life [i] [d]
  1922. () Style of knowing regarding uncertainties [d] [j]
  1923. () Hyperconnection: natural history museums, knowledge, and the evolving ecology of community [d]
  1924. (/2013) Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education [i]
  1925. () Developmental initiation and developmental networks [i] [d]
  1926. () Fish swim, rocks sit, and lungs breathe: expert–novice understanding of complex systems [d]
  1927. () Instructional animation versus static pictures: a meta-analysis [d]
  1928. () Learning from people, things, and signs [d]
  1929. () Human memory: structures and images [i] [d]
  1930. () Reconsolidation of episodic memories: a subtle reminder triggers integration of new information [p] [d] [u]
  1931. (/2017) How we learn: an introduction to learning and non-learning in school and beyond [i] [d]
  1932. () We feel, therefore we learn: the relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education [d]
  1933. () Schemas as memories: implications for treatment [d]
  1934. Charles W. Kalish & Mark A. Sabbagh [ed] () Conventionality in cognitive development: how children acquire shared representation in language, thought and action [i]
  1935. (/2017) An introduction to cognitive behaviour therapy: skills and applications [i]
  1936. (/2015) Emerging and young adulthood: multiple perspectives, diverse narratives [i] [d]
  1937. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  1938. () Six-year change in affect optimization and affect complexity across the adult life span: a further examination [d]
  1939. () Cognition, emotion, and neurobiological development: mediating the relation between maltreatment and aggression [d]
  1940. () The self-regulating brain: cortical–subcortical feedback and the development of intelligent action [d]
  1941. () Reading new environments: students' ability to generalise their understanding between different ecosystems [d]
  1942. () Neuroconstructivism [i] [d]
  1943. () The opposable mind: how successful leaders win through integrative thinking [i]
  1944. () Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
  1945. () From decision analysis to the decision organization [i] [d]
  1946. () A constructive-developmental approach to mentoring relationships [i] [d]
  1947. () The challenge of challenge: can problem solving opportunities enhance animal welfare? [d]
  1948. (/2018) Ten steps to complex learning: a systematic approach to four-component instructional design [i] [d]
  1949. () How to become a straight-A student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less [i]
  1950. () The emergence of the ability to track a character's mental perspective in narrative [p] [d]
  1951. () Social learning and water resources management [u]
  1952. () Racial and ethnic identity: developmental perspectives and research [d]
  1953. () Transient and robust knowledge: contextual support and the dynamics of children's reasoning about density [d]
  1954. () The learning conference [d]
  1955. () Error: on our predicament when things go wrong [i] [j]
  1956. () Dialectics: a classical approach to inquiry [i] [d]
  1957. () The case for developmental methodologies in democratization [d]
  1958. () Epistemological models and culture conflict: Menominee and Euro-American hunters in Wisconsin [d]
  1959. () Minds, brains, and difference in personal understandings [d]
  1960. (/2016) Theory U: leading from the future as it emerges: the social technology of presencing [or: Theory U: leading from the emerging future] [i]
  1961. () Systems thinking, lean production and action learning [d]
  1962. () Defense mechanism differences between younger and older adults: a cross-sectional investigation [d]
  1963. () The development of coping [p] [d]
  1964. () Case study: planning as learning [d]
  1965. () Situated cognition [i] [d]
  1966. () Leading for results: transforming teaching, learning, and relationships in schools [i]
  1967. () The continuity of mind [i] [d]
  1968. () Natural myside bias is independent of cognitive ability [d]
  1969. () Risk taking in adolescence: new perspectives from brain and behavioral science [d]
  1970. () Learning by doing versus learning by viewing: three experimental comparisons of learner-generated versus author-provided graphic organizers [d]
  1971. (/2012) There's more to mathematics than rigour and proofs [u]
  1972. (/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
  1973. () Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge [d] [j]
  1974. () The psychology of scientific explanation [d]
  1975. () Equity and excellence in the public library: why ignorance is not our heritage [i]
  1976. () Activist forest monks, adult learning and the Buddhist environmental movement in Thailand [d]
  1977. () Self-determination: instructional and assessment strategies [i]
  1978. () The seductive allure of neuroscience explanations [d]
  1979. () Instrumentalizing failure: Edison's invention of the carbon microphone [d]
  1980. () Science is fundamental: the role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning [p] [d]
  1981. () Event perception: a mind–brain perspective [d]
  1982. () Developmental cognitive behavioral therapy with adults [i]
  1983. () Beyond formal education [u]
  1984. () Cognitive interdependence: considering self-in-relationship [i]
  1985. (/2014) Arguing to learn [i] [d]
  1986. Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] () Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
  1987. () Developmental pathways and intersections among domains of development [i] [d]
  1988. () The ties that lead: a social network approach to leadership [d]
  1989. () Epistemic reasoning and adolescent egocentrism: relations to internalizing and externalizing symptoms in problem youth [d]
  1990. Ellen Bialystok & Fergus I. M. Craik [ed] () Lifespan cognition: mechanisms of change [i]
  1991. () The ecology of learning: sustainability, lifelong learning, and everyday life [i] [d]
  1992. () Action perspectives on human development [i] [d]
  1993. () Effects of personal epistemology on the understanding of multiple texts [d]
  1994. () Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
  1995. (/2012) Facilitating reflective learning: coaching, mentoring and supervison [i]
  1996. () The bioecological model of human development [i] [d]
  1997. () The Wisdom Development Scale: translating the conceptual to the concrete [d]
  1998. M. Leann Brown, Michael Kenney, & Michael J. Zarkin [ed] () Organizational learning in the global context [i]
  1999. () Wisdom and aging [i] [d]
  2000. () Rhythms of the brain [i]
  2001. Lawrence G. Calhoun & Richard G. Tedeschi [ed] () Handbook of posttraumatic growth: research and practice [i] [d]
  2002. () Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
  2003. () Efficiency in learning: evidence-based guidelines to manage cognitive load [i]
  2004. () A developmental approach to turning points: 'irony' as an ethics for negotiation pragmatics [o] [u]
  2005. () Creativity through the life span from an evolutionary systems perspective [i]
  2006. () Interpreting the evidence on life cycle skill formation [i] [d]
  2007. () Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence [d]
  2008. () The meaning and measurement of conceptual development in adulthood [i]
  2009. () Effects of children on adult development and learning: parenthood and beyond [i]
  2010. () Concept formation as knowledge accumulation: a computational linguistics study [d]
  2011. () Mindset: the new psychology of success [i]
  2012. Maurice J. Elias & Harriett Arnold [ed] () The educator's guide to emotional intelligence and academic achievement: social-emotional learning in the classroom [i]
  2013. K. Anders Ericsson, Robert R. Hoffman, Aaron Kozbelt, & A. Mark Williams [ed] (/2018) The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance [i] [d]
  2014. () The psychology of science and the origins of the scientific mind [i] [d] [j]
  2015. () Ill-structured problems and the reference consultation: the librarian's role in developing student expertise [d]
  2016. () Dynamic development of action and thought [i] [d]
  2017. (/2022) Cognitive science: an introduction to the study of mind [i]
  2018. () Learning to lead in all domains of life [d]
  2019. () Associative and propositional processes in evaluation: an integrative review of implicit and explicit attitude change [d]
  2020. Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, & Diederik Aerts [ed] () Evolutionary epistemology, language, and culture: a non-adaptationist, systems theoretical approach [i] [d]
  2021. () Broadening perspectives on clinical performance assessment: rethinking the nature of in-training assessment [d]
  2022. () Trust-building, knowledge generation and organizational innovations: the role of a bridging organization for adaptive comanagement of a wetland landscape around Kristianstad, Sweden [d] [j]
  2023. () Germs and angels: the role of testimony in young children's ontology [d]
  2024. () Positive emotionality at age 3 predicts cognitive styles in 7-year-old children [d]
  2025. () Skill formation and the economics of investing in disadvantaged children [p] [d] [j]
  2026. () John Dewey's 'wholly original philosophy' and its significance for museums [d]
  2027. () Psychological factors behind incidental information acquisition [d]
  2028. Carol Hren Hoare [ed] () Handbook of adult development and learning [i]
  2029. Samuel N. Hogan [ed] () Trends in learning research [i]
  2030. () Field trips as cognitive motivators for high level science learning [d] [u]
  2031. () Against human nature [i] [d]
  2032. () Music and brain plasticity [d]
  2033. () How we reason [i]
  2034. Melanie Killen & Judith G. Smetana [ed] (/2014) Handbook of moral development [i] [d]
  2035. () The development of semantic memories through interpretation [u]
  2036. () Motivation and interpersonal regulation across adulthood: managing the challenges and constraints of social contexts [i]
  2037. () Differing profiles of developmental experiences across types of organized youth activities [p] [d]
  2038. Reed W. Larson, Kathryn R. Branscomb, & Angela R. Wiley [ed] () Family mealtime as a context of development and socialization [i]
  2039. () Learning cities, learning regions, learning communities: lifelong learning and local government [i] [d]
  2040. Cathryn A. Manduca & David W. Mogk [ed] () Earth and mind: how geologists think and learn about the earth [i]
  2041. () Action research on land management in the western Amazon, Peru—a research process, its outcomes and the researcher's role [d]
  2042. () Collaborative learning through argument visualisation in secondary school [i]
  2043. () The evolution of professional competence [i]
  2044. Kathleen McCartney & Deborah A. Phillips [ed] () Blackwell handbook of early childhood development [i] [d]
  2045. Gary E. McPherson [ed] (/2016) The child as musician: a handbook of musical development [i] [d]
  2046. () Knowledge restructuring in biology: testing a punctuated model of conceptual change [d]
  2047. () Integrative ethical education [i]
  2048. () Learning to think spatially [i] [d] [u]
  2049. () Neuroscience of cognitive development: the role of experience and the developing brain [i] [d]
  2050. () Development of spatial cognition [i] [d]
  2051. () Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice [d]
  2052. () Education for moral development [i]
  2053. () Unlocking the riddle of time in learning disability [d]
  2054. () Reflecting on life: remembering as a major process in adult development [d]
  2055. () Human error: causes and control [i]
  2056. () Transforming knowledge and ways of knowing for food sovereignty [i] [u]
  2057. () Intuition and metacognition in medical education: keys to developing expertise [i]
  2058. () Always separate, always connected: independence and interdependence in cultural contexts of development [i] [d]
  2059. () Multiple and inseparable: conceptualizing the development of independence and interdependence [d] [j]
  2060. () Neural foundations to moral reasoning and antisocial behavior [d]
  2061. () Learning and livelihood [u]
  2062. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  2063. () Typologies of attentional networks [p] [d]
  2064. Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] () Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
  2065. () Patterns of mean-level change in personality traits across the life course: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies [d]
  2066. () Let the brain explain the mind: the case of attention [d]
  2067. R. Keith Sawyer [ed] (/2014) The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences [i] [d]
  2068. (/2014) Knowledge building and knowledge creation: theory, pedagogy, and technology [i] [d]
  2069. () Common sense clarified: the role of intuitive knowledge in physics problem solving [d]
  2070. () Qualitative differences between naïve and scientific theories of evolution [d]
  2071. () The influence of service learning on students' personal and social development [d] [j]
  2072. () The importance of feeling whole: learning to 'feel connected', community, and adult development [i]
  2073. () Phenomenology and ecological systems theory: development of diverse groups [i] [d]
  2074. () Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives [i]
  2075. () The fall of the word and the rise of the mental model: a reinterpretation of the recent research on spatial cognition and language [i]
  2076. () Organization learning in non-writing communities [d]
  2077. () Hot thought: mechanisms and applications of emotional cognition [i] [d]
  2078. () Mapping brain maturation [p] [d] [u]
  2079. () Student engineers and engineer identity: campus engineer identities as figured world [d]
  2080. (/2014) Morality: epistemology, development, and social opposition [i] [d]
  2081. () Coming to understanding: developing conservation through incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest [d] [j]
  2082. () Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
  2083. () Developmental epistemology and implications for methodology [i] [d]
  2084. () Learner-generated drawing as a strategy for learning from content area text [d]
  2085. () The behavior of tutoring systems [u]
  2086. () Understanding new media: augmented knowledge & culture [i]
  2087. (/2021) Critical reading and writing for postgraduates [i]
  2088. () The attachment working models concept: among other things, we build script-like representations of secure base experiences [p] [d]
  2089. () Reconciling different voices—developing as an integrative scientist practitioner [d]
  2090. () Mindfulness and the quality of organizational attention [d] [j]
  2091. () Identification of informal reasoning fallacies as a function of epistemological level, grade level, and cognitive ability [d]
  2092. () Learning and teaching with maps [i] [d]
  2093. () Development in the arts: drawing and music [i] [d]
  2094. () Understanding dialectical thinking from a cultural-historical perspective [d]
  2095. () Overcoming the illusion of will and self-fabrication: going beyond naïve subjective personal introspection to an unconscious/conscious theory of behavior explanation [d]
  2096. () The role of the brain angiotensin system in learning, memory, and neural plasticity [i]
  2097. () Knowledge for what?: the Buddhist concept of learning in the Śūraṅgama sūtra [d]
  2098. Thomas R. Zentall & Edward A. Wasserman [ed] (/2012) The Oxford handbook of comparative cognition [i] [d]
  2099. () Knowledge [i] [u]
  2100. () The cultural mind: environmental decision making and cultural modeling within and across populations [d]
  2101. () Conversation as experiential learning [d]
  2102. () Interpreting the good life: growth memories in the lives of mature, happy people [d]
  2103. () Imaging brain connectivity in children with diverse reading ability [d]
  2104. () Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
  2105. () Explaining gender differences in crime and violence: the importance of social cognitive skills [d]
  2106. () Developmentally attentive communities [i] [d]
  2107. () Consciousness and reflective consciousness [d]
  2108. () Waking up together: intimate partnership on the spiritual path [i]
  2109. (/2016) Evolutionary developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2110. () Individual–collective dialectic of free-choice learning in a community-based mapping project [d]
  2111. (/2010) Response to intervention: principles and strategies for effective practice [i]
  2112. () Removing pathogenic memories: a neurobiology of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2113. () Personality and intellectual competence [i] [d]
  2114. () Neural mechanisms of autonomic, affective, and cognitive integration [d]
  2115. () Control over brain activation and pain learned by using real-time functional MRI [p] [d] [u]
  2116. (/2015) The psychology of the language learner revisited [i] [d]
  2117. () The development of a professional: reinterpretation of the professionalization problem from the perspective of cognitive/moral development [d]
  2118. () Invisible force: farmers' mental models and how they influence learning and actions [u]
  2119. () At the interface: dynamic interactions of explicit and implicit language knowledge [d] [j] [u]
  2120. () Show me the child at seven II: childhood intelligence and later outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood [d]
  2121. () Show me the child at seven: the consequences of conduct problems in childhood for psychosocial functioning in adulthood [d]
  2122. () Reflective learning: problems and questions concerning a current contextualization of the Vygotskian approach [i] [d]
  2123. Celia B. Fisher & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Encyclopedia of applied developmental science [i] [d]
  2124. () How the body shapes the mind [i] [d]
  2125. Peter Gärdenfors & Petter Johansson [ed] () Cognition, education, and communication technology [i] [d]
  2126. () Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning [i] [d] [u]
  2127. Lisa Gershkoff-Stowe & David H. Rakison [ed] () Building object categories in developmental time [i] [d]
  2128. () Imposing equivalence on things in the world: a dynamic systems perspective [i] [d]
  2129. () Developing the reflective healthcare team [i] [d]
  2130. () Unexpected development of artistic talents [d]
  2131. Gordon Grant [ed] () Learning disability: a life cycle approach to valuing people [i]
  2132. Werner Greve, Klaus Rothermund, & Dirk Wentura [ed] () The adaptive self: personal continuity and intentional self-development [i]
  2133. () Discovering hidden transformations: making science and other courses more learnable [d] [j]
  2134. () The curse of the Hegelian heritage: 'dialectic', 'contradiction', and 'dialectical logic' in activity theory [u]
  2135. Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Johannes Lenhard, & Falk Seeger [ed] () Activity and sign: grounding mathematics education [i] [d]
  2136. () An integrative review of theories of interpersonal cognition: an interdependence theory perspective [i]
  2137. () Developmental counseling and therapy: promoting wellness over the lifespan [i]
  2138. () Embracing confusion: what leaders do when they don't know what to do [d]
  2139. () A developmental model of intercultural maturity [d]
  2140. () Metacognition, distributed cognition, and visual design [i] [d]
  2141. () Domain-specific identity, epistemic regulation, and intellectual ability as predictors of belief-biased reasoning: a dual-process perspective [d]
  2142. () Problem detection [d]
  2143. () Reflection: look, think and act cycles in participatory action research [d]
  2144. () Levels in reflection: core reflection as a means to enhance professional growth [d]
  2145. () Education for thinking [i]
  2146. () Becoming aware of feelings: integration of cognitive-developmental, neuroscientific, and psychoanalytic perspectives [d]
  2147. () The development of strategic thinking: learning to impact human systems in a youth activism program [d] [j]
  2148. () To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure [i] [d]
  2149. () Planting misinformation in the human mind: a 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory [d]
  2150. () Change processes in development: the concept of coactive scaffolding [d]
  2151. () Developmental trajectory modeling: a view from developmental psychopathology [d]
  2152. Richard E. Mayer [ed] (/2014) The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning [i] [d]
  2153. () Strategies for learning proper names: expanding retrieval practice, meaning and imagery [d]
  2154. () The development of scientific knowledge of the Earth [d]
  2155. () Early maladaptive schemas in patients with or without personality disorders: does schema modification predict symptomatic relief? [d]
  2156. () Neural activity during encoding predicts false memories created by misinformation [d]
  2157. () Informal learning and the role of social movements [i] [d]
  2158. David B. Pillemer & Sheldon H. White [ed] () Developmental psychology and social change: research, history, and policy [i] [d]
  2159. () Reflective action [i]
  2160. () Ethnicity and race, Understanding of [i] [d]
  2161. John J. Rieser, Jeffrey J. Lockman, & Charles A. Nelson [ed] () Action as an organizer of learning and development [i] [d]
  2162. () What we regret most... and why [p] [d] [u]
  2163. (/2013) Developmental influences on adult intelligence: the Seattle longitudinal study [i]
  2164. () Mindfulness and self-development in psychotherapy [u]
  2165. Madhu Singh [ed] () Meeting basic learning needs in the informal sector: integrating education and training for decent work, empowerment and citizenship [i] [d]
  2166. () Timely and transforming leadership inquiry and action: toward triple-loop awareness [u]
  2167. () Older but not wiser?: the relationship between age and wisdom [d]
  2168. () Atoms, categorization and conceptual change [i] [d]
  2169. () The promise and practice of learner-generated drawing: literature review and synthesis [d]
  2170. () Patterns—a fundamental idea of mathematical thinking and learning [d]
  2171. () Developmental differences in metacognition and their connections with cognitive development in adulthood [d]
  2172. () A dynamic duo: emotion and development [d]
  2173. () Cognitive bases for effective participation in democratic institutions: argument skill and juror reasoning [d]
  2174. () Virtue ethics and human development: a pragmatic approach [i] [d]
  2175. António Zilhão [ed] () Evolution, rationality, and cognition: a cognitive science for the twenty-first century [i] [d]
  2176. () Accelerating the development of general cognitive processing [i] [d]
  2177. () Management research based on the paradigm of the design sciences: the quest for field-tested and grounded technological rules [d]
  2178. () Designs for learning: studying science museum exhibits that do more than entertain [d]
  2179. () Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
  2180. () Creating a reusable learning objects strategy: leveraging information and learning in a knowledge economy [i]
  2181. () Form and function in introducing narrative and expository texts: a developmental perspective [d]
  2182. () Making things better and learning a lesson: experiencing wisdom across the lifespan [p] [d]
  2183. () Silence as the foundation of learning [d]
  2184. () On mentors, cognitive development, education, and constructivism: an interview with Juan Pascual-Leone [d]
  2185. (/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
  2186. () Feeling good: the science of well-being [i]
  2187. Andreas Demetriou & Athanassios Raftopoulos [ed] () Cognitive developmental change: theories, models, and measurement [i] [d]
  2188. Thomas J. D'Zurilla, Edward C. Chang, & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Social problem solving: theory, research, and training [i] [d]
  2189. () How can I know what I don't know?: poor self assessment in a well-defined domain [d]
  2190. () Changing brain networks for visuomotor control with increased movement automaticity [d]
  2191. () Ideas are not replicators but minds are [d]
  2192. () Exploring cognitive development: the child as problem solver [i] [d]
  2193. () Integration of emotion and cognitive control [d]
  2194. () Learning to live together: preventing hatred and violence in child and adolescent development [i]
  2195. () Epistemological understanding as a metacognitive process: thinking aloud during online searching [d]
  2196. () Learning by developing knowledge networks: a semiotic approach within a dialectical framework [d]
  2197. () Secrets of connecting leadership and learning with humor [i]
  2198. () Individual differences in emotional complexity: their psychological implications [p] [d]
  2199. () Reflective judgment: theory and research on the development of epistemic assumptions through adulthood [d]
  2200. () The new division of labor: how computers are creating the next job market [i] [d] [j]
  2201. () Epistemological resources: applying a new epistemological framework to science instruction [d]
  2202. (/2008) What should we do with our brain? [i] [j]
  2203. Ken I. Manktelow & Man Cheung Chung [ed] () Psychology of reasoning: theoretical and historical perspectives [i] [d]
  2204. (/2011) Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time [i]
  2205. () Competence, persistence, and success: the positive psychology of behavioral skill instruction [d]
  2206. () The cognitive mechanics of economic development and institutional change [i]
  2207. () The coactive construction of selves in cultures [i] [d]
  2208. Michael F. Mascolo & Jin Li [ed] () Culture and developing selves: beyond dichotomization [i]
  2209. () The evolution of learning [p] [d]
  2210. () From inference to reasoning: the construction of rationality [d] [u]
  2211. Karsten Mündel & Daniel Schugurensky [ed] () Lifelong citizenship learning, participatory democracy and social change [o] [u]
  2212. () Stress, coping, and differentiation of self: a test of Bowen theory [d]
  2213. () Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
  2214. () Action in perception [i]
  2215. () The psychology of conditionals [i] [d]
  2216. () Processes of social learning in integrated resources management [d]
  2217. () Learning to evolve: a review of contemporary lean thinking [d]
  2218. () Religious belief, scientific expertise, and folk ecology [d]
  2219. () Dialogic activity structures for project-based learning environments [d]
  2220. Michael I. Posner [ed] (/2012) Cognitive neuroscience of attention [i]
  2221. () Abilities that distinguish the effectiveness of five-year alumna performance across work, family and civic roles: a higher education validation [d]
  2222. () The mind at work: valuing the intelligence of the American worker [i]
  2223. () Specificity of priming: a cognitive neuroscience perspective [p] [d]
  2224. () The transition to adulthood as a critical juncture in the course of psychopathology and mental health [d]
  2225. () The cognitive benefits of interactive videos: learning to tie nautical knots [d]
  2226. () Building general knowledge and skill: cognition and microdevelopment in science learning [i] [d]
  2227. () Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
  2228. Larisa V. Shavinina & Michel Ferrari [ed] () Beyond knowledge: extracognitive aspects of developing high ability [i] [d]
  2229. () Optimal human being: an integrated multi-level perspective [i] [d]
  2230. () No longer theory: correctional practices that work [j]
  2231. () The teacher as partner: exploring participant structures, symmetry, and identity work in scaffolding [d]
  2232. (/2012) 'Sit & get' won't grow dendrites: 20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain [i]
  2233. () Learning through others [d] [j]
  2234. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  2235. () Argument maps improve critical thinking [d]
  2236. () The scientist as philosopher: philosophical consequences of great scientific discoveries [i] [d]
  2237. () Missing the point or missing the norms?: epistemological norms as predictors of students' ability to identify fallacious arguments [d]
  2238. () The development of conscious control in childhood [p] [d]
  2239. () Trajectories of brain development: point of vulnerability or window of opportunity? [p] [d]
  2240. Jerry Andriessen, Michael J. Baker, & Dan Suthers [ed] () Arguing to learn: confronting cognitions in computer-supported collaborative learning environments [i] [d]
  2241. () A life full of learning [d]
  2242. () Adult development and the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2243. () Responsible behavior: the importance of social cognition and emotion [d]
  2244. () Integrating science and management through collaborative learning and better information management [d]
  2245. (/2015) The life span: human development for helping professionals [i]
  2246. () Desistance as a developmental process: a comparison of static and dynamic approaches [d]
  2247. () The promise of cultural institutions [i]
  2248. () Acculturation and psychological adaptation [i]
  2249. () Diagnostic reasoning strategies and diagnostic success [p] [d]
  2250. () Learning as you journey: Anishinaabe perception of social-ecological environments and adaptive learning [j] [u]
  2251. () The missing link in the relations between intelligence and personality [d]
  2252. Jack Demick & Carrie Andreoletti [ed] () Handbook of adult development [i] [d]
  2253. () Learning from mistakes in clinical practice [i]
  2254. () Managing the risk of learning: psychological safety in work teams [i] [d]
  2255. Rocío Fernández Ballesteros [ed] () Encyclopedia of psychological assessment [i] [d]
  2256. () Adult cognitive development: dynamics in the developmental web [i] [d]
  2257. James L. Furrow & Linda M. Wagener [ed] () Beyond the self: perspectives on identity and transcendence among youth [i] [d] [u]
  2258. Usha C. Goswami [ed] (/2011) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development [i] [d]
  2259. David Hardman & Laura Macchi [ed] () Thinking: psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment, and decision making [i] [d]
  2260. () Educating the modern manager [d]
  2261. () Beyond book learning: cultivating the pedagogy of experience through field trips [d]
  2262. () A perspective on judgment and choice: mapping bounded rationality [p] [d]
  2263. () Structure and content: the relationship between reflective judgment and laypeople's viewpoints [d]
  2264. () Designing argumentation tools for collaborative learning [i] [d]
  2265. () Folkscience: coarse interpretations of a complex reality [p] [d]
  2266. () Rethinking the multiplicity of cognitive resources and curricular representations: alternatives to 'learning styles' and 'multiple intelligences' [d]
  2267. () Peirce's notion of abduction and Deweyan inquiry [u]
  2268. () 'Being called awake': the role of transformative learning in the lives of environmental activists [d]
  2269. () Exploring the usefulness of Kelly's personal construct theory in assessing student learning in science courses [d]
  2270. (/2011) Unequal childhoods: class, race, and family life [i] [d] [j]
  2271. Kennon A. Lattal & Philip N. Chase [ed] () Behavior theory and philosophy [i] [d]
  2272. Richard M. Lerner & Peter L. Benson [ed] () Developmental assets and asset-building communities: implications for research, policy, and practice [i] [d]
  2273. Richard M. Lerner, Francine Jacobs, & Donald Wertlieb [ed] () Handbook of applied developmental science: promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs [i]
  2274. () Biocultural orchestration of developmental plasticity across levels: the interplay of biology and culture in shaping the mind and behavior across the life span [p] [d]
  2275. () Positive adaptation to trauma: wisdom as both process and outcome [p] [d]
  2276. () Using focus groups in research [i]
  2277. () On the structure of educational assessments [d]
  2278. () Substance and structure in assessment arguments [d]
  2279. () Meaning making in secondary science classrooms [i]
  2280. Jeylan T. Mortimer & Michael J. Shanahan [ed] () Handbook of the life course [i] [d]
  2281. () Not everything we know we learned [i]
  2282. () Creativity and reinforced variability [i] [d]
  2283. () Epistemology: an introduction to the theory of knowledge [i]
  2284. () Work experiences and personality development in young adulthood [d]
  2285. () The cultural nature of human development [i]
  2286. () What exactly is a youth development program?: answers from research and practice [d]
  2287. () Cognitive reserve and lifestyle [d]
  2288. () Building vs. borrowing: the challenge of actively constructing ideas [o] [u]
  2289. () Construction of collective and individual knowledge in argumentative activity [d]
  2290. () The promotion of social awareness: powerful lessons from the partnership of developmental theory and classroom practice [i] [j]
  2291. () Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the 'problematic situation' [d]
  2292. () Postformal thought and adult development: living in balance [i] [d]
  2293. () Deconstructing differentiation: self regulation, interdependent relating, and well-being in adulthood [d]
  2294. () Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development [d]
  2295. Joan Solomon [ed] () The passion to learn: an inquiry into autodidactism [i] [d]
  2296. () Remarkable properties of human ecosystems [j] [u]
  2297. () Educating the whole child: implications of behaviorism as a science of meaning [d] [j]
  2298. (/2012) Brain architecture: understanding the basic plan [i]
  2299. Jaan Valsiner & Kevin J. Connolly [ed] () Handbook of developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2300. () The everyday production of knowledge: individual differences in epistemological understanding and juror-reasoning skill [d]
  2301. () The perfect wrong note: learning to trust your musical self [i]
  2302. () The scientist as autodidact [i] [d]
  2303. () From fieldwork to mutual learning: working with PRATEC [d] [j]
  2304. () When smart people behave stupidly: reconciling inconsistencies in social-emotional intelligence [i] [d] [j]
  2305. Duncan Barford [ed] () The ship of thought: essays on psychoanalysis and learning [i] [d]
  2306. () Environmental socialization: quantitative tests of the childhood play hypothesis [d]
  2307. () How does the relationship facilitate productive client thinking? [d]
  2308. Paul Brna, Michael J. Baker, Keith Stenning, & Andree Tiberghien [ed] () The role of communication in learning to model [i] [d]
  2309. () From periphery to center: pathways for youth civic engagement in the day-to-day life of communities [d]
  2310. () Mentalism, information, and consciousness [d]
  2311. Peter Carruthers, Stephen P. Stich, & Michael Siegal [ed] () The cognitive basis of science [i] [d]
  2312. () Science without grammar: scientific reasoning in severe agrammatic aphasia [i] [d]
  2313. () Shame: the elephant in the room [d]
  2314. () The reflective practitioner: learning and teaching in community-based forest management [j] [u]
  2315. (/2006) The field guide to understanding human error [i]
  2316. () The role of the child in adult development [d]
  2317. () The learning organization: Foucauldian gloom or utopian sunshine? [d]
  2318. () A psychology of orientation: time awareness across life stages and in dementia [i]
  2319. (/2012) The cognitive neuroscience of memory: an introduction [i] [d]
  2320. () Learning to notice: scaffolding new teachers' interpretations of classroom interactions [u]
  2321. () The baby in the lab-coat: why child development is not an adequate model for understanding the development of science [i] [d]
  2322. () Aging, cognitive complexity, and the fundamental attribution error [p] [d]
  2323. () Assessing the cognitive development of counseling students: changes in epistemological assumptions [d]
  2324. Nira Granott & Jim Parziale [ed] () Microdevelopment: transition processes in development and learning [i] [d]
  2325. William G. Graziano & Brett Paul Laursen [ed] () Social exchange in development [i]
  2326. () How popular musicians learn: a way ahead for music education [i] [d]
  2327. () Reflection: self-development for the growth of identity and adaptability [i] [d]
  2328. () Becoming a reflective practitioner: a continuing professional development strategy through humanistic action research [d]
  2329. () Sixth sense: accelerating organizational learning with scenarios [i]
  2330. () Creative and wise people: similarities, differences, and how they develop [d]
  2331. Barbara K. Hofer & Paul R. Pintrich [ed] () Personal epistemology: the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing [i] [d]
  2332. () Neural plasticity: the effects of environment on the development of the cerebral cortex [i]
  2333. () The development of judgment and decision making during childhood and adolescence [d]
  2334. Christopher Johns [ed] (/2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice [i] [d]
  2335. () The practice revolution: getting great results from the six days between music lessons [i]
  2336. () Heuristic and analytic processing: age trends and associations with cognitive ability and cognitive styles [p] [d]
  2337. () Theorizing is important, and collateral information constrains how well it is done [i] [d]
  2338. John Loughran & Tom Russell [ed] () Improving teacher education practices through self-study [i]
  2339. () The hidden genius of emotion: lifespan transformations of personality [i] [d]
  2340. () Arguments, contradictions, resistances, and conceptual change in students' understanding of atomic structure [d]
  2341. () Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization [d]
  2342. () Representations of space and time [i]
  2343. Donald W. Pfaff & Marian Joëls [ed] (/2017) Hormones, brain and behavior [i]
  2344. () Policy implementation and cognition: reframing and refocusing implementation research [d]
  2345. () In harm's way: toxic threats to child development [p]
  2346. () Seeing reason: image and language in learning to think [i] [d]
  2347. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Why smart people can be so stupid [i] [d] [j]
  2348. (/2019) How parents can maximize children's cognitive abilities [o] [d]
  2349. Henry Stobart & Rosaleen Howard [ed] () Knowledge and learning in the Andes: ethnographic perspectives [i] [d]
  2350. () Weird ideas that work: 11 1/2 practices for promoting, managing, and sustaining innovation [i]
  2351. () Views of nature and self-discipline: evidence from inner city children [d]
  2352. () Bringing the biosphere home: learning to perceive global environmental change [i] [d]
  2353. () Neural network learning theory: unifying radical behaviorism and cognitive neuroscience [o]
  2354. () Aging well: surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development [i]
  2355. () Lifespan development revisited: African-centered spirituality throughout the life cycle [d]
  2356. () A philosophy of culture: the case for holistic pragmatism [or: A philosophy of culture: the scope of holistic pragmatism] [i] [d] [j]
  2357. () Confronting undergraduate dualism with problem-based learning [i]
  2358. () Always under construction [d] [j]
  2359. () A model for designing action learning and action research programs [d]
  2360. (/2018) Developmental neuropsychology: a clinical approach [i] [d]
  2361. () Learning about and learning from expert teachers [d]
  2362. Arthur C. Bohart & Deborah J. Stipek [ed] () Constructive & destructive behavior: implications for family, school, & society [i] [d]
  2363. (/2010) Reflective practice: writing and professional development [i]
  2364. Hilary Bradbury [ed] (/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
  2365. (/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
  2366. () Learning from human tutoring [d]
  2367. (/2014) Mindware: an introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science [i]
  2368. () Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation: an approach/avoidance reformulation [d]
  2369. () Teacher testing and the improvement of practice [d]
  2370. () Where the action is: the foundations of embodied interaction [i] [d]
  2371. Gerald M. Edelman & Jean-Pierre Changeux [ed] () The brain [i]
  2372. () Approach and avoidance motivation [d]
  2373. () Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: creation versus evolution [d]
  2374. John H. Falk, Elizabeth Donovan, & Rosalie Woods [ed] () Free-choice science education: how we learn science outside of school [i]
  2375. () Advanced focus group research [i]
  2376. () Dynamics of reason: the 1999 Kant lectures at Stanford University [i]
  2377. () A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning [d]
  2378. () A critical review of the validity of ego development theory and its measurement [d]
  2379. Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] () How therapists change: personal and professional reflections [i] [d]
  2380. () A developmental psychobiological systems view: early formulation and current status [i]
  2381. () Lifelong learning: towards a theory of practice for formal and non-formal environmental education and training [u]
  2382. () Promoting cognitive complexity in graduate written work: using Bloom's taxonomy as a pedagogical tool to improve literature reviews [d]
  2383. () Hands-on science [i] [u]
  2384. () Costs and benefits of a decision: decision-making competence in adolescents and adults [d]
  2385. () Teaching metacognitively [i] [d]
  2386. () Three paths of adult development: conservers, seekers, and achievers [d]
  2387. () Toward a comprehensive empathy-based theory of prosocial moral development [i] [d]
  2388. () Educating intuition [i]
  2389. () Analytic and heuristic processing influences on adolescent reasoning and decision-making [p] [d] [j]
  2390. () Some predictors of primary control of development in three transitional periods of life [d]
  2391. () Niche construction, ecological inheritance, and cycles of contingency in evolution [i]
  2392. () Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
  2393. () Introducing talk and writing for conceptual change: a classroom study [d]
  2394. Jane J. Mansbridge & Aldon D. Morris [ed] () Oppositional consciousness: the subjective roots of social protest [i]
  2395. Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon [ed] () The self in time: developmental perspectives [i] [d]
  2396. (/2003) Actionable learning: a handbook for capacity building through case based learning [i] [u]
  2397. Charles A. Nelson & Monica Luciana [ed] (/2008) Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience [i] [d]
  2398. Susan Oyama, Paul E. Griffiths, & Russell D. Gray [ed] () Cycles of contingency: developmental systems and evolution [i]
  2399. () Work at the boundaries of science: information and the interdisciplinary research process [i] [d]
  2400. Sue Taylor Parker, Jonas Langer, & Constance Milbrath [ed] (/2005) Biology and knowledge revisited: from neurogenesis to psychogenesis [i] [d]
  2401. () The development of implicit epistemologies during early and middle adulthood [d]
  2402. () Where has all the education gone? [d]
  2403. () Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
  2404. () Cognitive pragmatism: the theory of knowledge in pragmatic perspective [i] [u]
  2405. () The value of a developmental approach to evaluating character development programmes: an outcome study of Facing History and Ourselves [d]
  2406. () New perspectives on autobiographical memory: the integration of narrative processing and autobiographical reasoning [d]
  2407. (/2021) The new behaviorism: foundations of behavioral science [or: The new behaviorism: mind, mechanism, and society] [i] [d]
  2408. () The rationality of educating for wisdom [d]
  2409. () The origins and nature of arguments: studies in conflict understanding, emotion, and negotiation [d]
  2410. () Distributed agency within intersecting ecological, social, and scientific processes [i]
  2411. () Twilight of the perfect-model model [d] [j]
  2412. Bruce Torff & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind: student and teacher learning [i]
  2413. () Successful aging [p] [d]
  2414. () Developmental psychology as a human enterprise [i]
  2415. (/2021) Genius checklist [how to become a genius] [u]
  2416. () The philosophy of Donald T. Campbell: a short review and critical appraisal [d]
  2417. () Wisdom: a metaheuristic (pragmatic) to orchestrate mind and virtue toward excellence [p] [d]
  2418. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  2419. () Science education as conceptual change [d]
  2420. Anna Laura Comunian & Uwe P. Gielen [ed] () International perspectives on human development [i]
  2421. () Toward a mindful psychological science: theory and application [d]
  2422. () Executive attention and metacognitive regulation [p] [d]
  2423. () Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work [i]
  2424. () Beyond the learning organization: creating a culture of continuous growth and development through state-of-the-art human resource practices [i]
  2425. () How the mind grows: a developmental perspective on the biology of cognition [d] [j]
  2426. (/2007) Strategies that work: teaching comprehension for understanding and engagement [i]
  2427. () Training yourself: the 21st century credential [i]
  2428. () Technology in action [i] [d]
  2429. () Creative potential, creative achievement, and personal growth [p] [d]
  2430. () Dialectical thinking: neither Eastern nor Western [p] [d]
  2431. () Empathy and moral development: implications for caring and justice [i] [d]
  2432. () Meaning-making in the learning and teaching process [d]
  2433. David H. Jonassen & Susan M. Land [ed] (/2012) Theoretical foundations of learning environments [i] [d]
  2434. () Personal theories, intellectual ability, and epistemological beliefs: adult age differences in everyday reasoning biases [p] [d]
  2435. () Exploring science: the cognition and development of discovery processes [i] [d]
  2436. () Wisdom as a classical source of human strength: conceptualization and empirical inquiry [d]
  2437. Susanne P. Lajoie [ed] () Computers as cognitive tools, volume two: no more walls: theory change, paradigm shifts, and their influence on the use of computers for instructional purposes [i]
  2438. () Toward a psychology of positive youth development [p] [d]
  2439. () Action research and reflective practice: towards a holistic view [d]
  2440. (/2011) Accidental genius: using writing to generate your best ideas, insights, and content [i]
  2441. Arthur Lupia, Mathew D. McCubbins, & Samuel L. Popkin [ed] () Elements of reason: cognition, choice, and the bounds of rationality [i] [d]
  2442. () Core ordering and disordering processes: a constructive view of psychological development [i] [d]
  2443. () Education as the cultivation of intelligence [i]
  2444. Jack Mezirow [ed] () Learning as transformation: critical perspectives on a theory in progress [i]
  2445. () Learning to think like an adult: core concepts of transformation theory [i]
  2446. Patricia H. Miller & Ellin Kofsky Scholnick [ed] () Toward a feminist developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2447. () Development of logical reasoning: children's ability to verbally explain the nature of the distinction between logical and nonlogical forms of argument [p] [d]
  2448. () Diversity in reasoning and rationality: metacognitive and developmental considerations [d] [u]
  2449. Jonathan Osborne & Justin Dillon [ed] (/2010) Good practice in science teaching: what research has to say [i]
  2450. () Mental attention, consciousness, and the progressive emergence of wisdom [d]
  2451. () Intelligence in the wild: a dispositional view of intellectual traits [d]
  2452. Denis Charles Phillips [ed] () Constructivism in education: opinions and second opinions on controversial issues [i]
  2453. () R3 + D3 = a learning tool for science and engineering [d]
  2454. () A mindful approach to mental retardation [d]
  2455. () Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
  2456. () The making of intelligence [i]
  2457. () Mind sculpture: unlocking your brain's untapped potential [i]
  2458. () Learning to think with emotion [u]
  2459. () Which way cognitive development?: an evaluation of the Piagetian and the domain-specific research programs [d]
  2460. () Systems of knowledge: dialogue, relationships and process [d]
  2461. () Learning from life: turning life's lessons into leadership experience [i]
  2462. () Grabbing the tiger by the tail: a conversation with Robert Kegan [u]
  2463. () Three paradigms of assessment: measurement, procedure, and inquiry [j]
  2464. Jack P. Shonkoff, Deborah A. Phillips, National Research Council, & Institute of Medicine [ed] () From neurons to neighborhoods: the science of early child development [i] [d] [u]
  2465. () Individual differences in reasoning: implications for the rationality debate? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  2466. () Prior learning assessment: the quiet revolution [i]
  2467. () Seeing the big picture: map use and the development of spatial cognition [d]
  2468. () Necessary but not sufficient: the respective roles of single and multiple influences on individual development [i] [d]
  2469. () Self-efficacy and strategy on complex tasks [d]
  2470. () Learning to draw and drawing to learn [d]
  2471. () The wise teacher: a developmental model of teaching [d]
  2472. () Acquisition of adaptive skills: psychotherapeutic change in cognitive and dynamic therapies [p] [d]
  2473. (/2011) Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does [i]
  2474. () Intuition and creativity in psychotherapy [d]
  2475. Jochen Brandtstädter & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Action & self-development: theory and research through the life span [i] [d]
  2476. John Bransford, Ann L. Brown, Rodney R. Cocking, & National Research Council [ed] (/2000) How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school [i] [d] [u]
  2477. () Problems in error correction, learning and knowledge of performance in design organizations [d]
  2478. (/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
  2479. () A theory of life in the round [d]
  2480. () A multiple pathways/multiple endpoints model of graphic development [j]
  2481. () Self-theories: their role in motivation, personality, and development [i] [d]
  2482. () Structuration, human development and desistance from crime [d]
  2483. () Rulers, models, and nonlinear dynamics: measurement and method in developmental research [i]
  2484. () Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
  2485. () Children's dreaming and the development of consciousness [i] [j]
  2486. (/2007) The learning map approach [i]
  2487. () Leadership games: experiential learning for organizational development [i]
  2488. () How children and adolescents spend time across the world: work, play, and developmental opportunities [d]
  2489. () The development of wisdom: an analysis of Tibetan Buddhist experience [d]
  2490. () Designing technology to support reflection [d]
  2491. () Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning [i]
  2492. () Living life as inquiry [d]
  2493. () The dynamic codevelopment of intentionality, self, and social relations [i] [d]
  2494. () Riegel, dialectics, and multiculturalism [d] [j]
  2495. (/2006) Learning journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development [i]
  2496. Ralph L. Mosher, Deborah J. Youngman, & James M. Day [ed] () Human development across the life span: educational and psychological applications [i]
  2497. (/2011) Adolescent rationality and development: cognition, morality, and identity [i] [d]
  2498. () Emotional learning and mechanisms of intentional psychological change [i] [d]
  2499. () Differential participation during science conversations: the interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arrangements [d]
  2500. () The dance of change: the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations [i]
  2501. Stephen Soldz & Leigh McCullough [ed] () Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience: the art and science of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2502. () Clinical-developmental psychology [i]
  2503. (/2009) Memory: from mind to molecules [i]
  2504. () Rationality and reflective equilibrium [i]
  2505. () Who is rational?: studies of individual differences in reasoning [i]
  2506. () Sleep-induced changes in associative memory [p] [d]
  2507. () The distinctive questions developmental action inquiry asks [d] [u]
  2508. () Relations between teachers' approaches to teaching and students' approaches to learning [d]
  2509. () Problem solving in families: research and practice [i]
  2510. () Effective learning: twenty rules of formulating knowledge [for spaced repetition] [u]
  2511. Leonard Bickman & Debra J. Rog [ed] (/2009) The Sage handbook of applied social research methods [i]
  2512. () Evolution, psychology, and John Dewey's critique of the reflex arc concept [d] [j]
  2513. () The nature and development of decision making: a self-regulation model [i]
  2514. (/2010) Mapping the mind [i]
  2515. (/2006) The knowing organization: how organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions [i] [d]
  2516. (/2008) Building expertise: cognitive methods for training and performance improvement [i]
  2517. () Enchanted looms: conscious networks in brains and computers [i]
  2518. A. A. Derksen & Ton Derksen [ed] () The promise of evolutionary epistemology [i]
  2519. () Evolutionary ecology of learning [i]
  2520. () Building a picture of the brain [j]
  2521. () Culture and biology in emotional development [i] [d]
  2522. () Weaving, bending, patching, mending the fabric of reality: a cognitive science perspective on worldview inconsistency [d]
  2523. Wojciech Gasparski & David Botham [ed] () Action learning [i] [d]
  2524. (/2013) Cognitive neuroscience: the biology of the mind [i]
  2525. Gary Greenberg & Maury M. Haraway [ed] () Comparative psychology: a handbook [i]
  2526. () The pictorial context dependency of savant artists: a research note [d]
  2527. Larry A. Hickman [ed] () Reading Dewey: interpretations for a postmodern generation [i]
  2528. () Innate talents: reality or myth? [and comments and reply] [d]
  2529. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life, by Richard Nielsen [book review] [d]
  2530. () Learning development: an introduction to the social impact of public libraries [i]
  2531. () Patterns of artistic development in children: comparative studies of talent [i]
  2532. () The natural limitations of youth: the predispositions that shape the adolescent character [i]
  2533. () Drawing skills and science concepts in young children: a study of relationships [d] [j]
  2534. () The epistemological significance of Piaget's developmental stages: a Lakatosian interpretation [d]
  2535. (/2010) Learning, creating, and using knowledge: concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations [i]
  2536. () Meetings: a swampy terrain for adult development [d]
  2537. () Sailing in Neurath's boat with infants (and avoiding shipwreck) [book review] [d]
  2538. () Leave taking: emotional cutoff as lack of differentiation [d]
  2539. () Talent scouts, not practice scouts: talents are real [d]
  2540. () The relationship of developmental tasks to life satisfaction, moral reasoning, and occupational attainment at age 28 [d]
  2541. () Socioemotional development across cultures: context, complexity, and pathways [i] [d]
  2542. Dinesh Sharma & Kurt W. Fischer [ed] () Socioemotional development across cultures [i]
  2543. (/2010) Cognition, evolution, and behavior [i]
  2544. () Learning in relationship: foundation for personal and professional success [i]
  2545. (/2006) The cultural psychology of development: one mind, many mentalities [i] [d]
  2546. () The development of logic in adulthood: postformal thought and its applications [i] [d]
  2547. Michael A. Stadler & Peter A. Frensch [ed] () Handbook of implicit learning [i]
  2548. () Cognitive ability and variation in selection task performance [d]
  2549. () A balance theory of wisdom [d]
  2550. (/2014) Motivating students to learn [i]
  2551. () On the logical integrity of children's arguments [d]
  2552. () Self-efficacy: the exercise of control [i]
  2553. () History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
  2554. () From evolutionary epistemology via selection theory to a sociology of scientific validity [u]
  2555. () Experienced cognition [i] [d]
  2556. () Being there: putting brain, body, and world together again [i] [d]
  2557. (/2011) The number sense: how the mind creates mathematics [i]
  2558. () The unit of selection: what do reinforcers reinforce? [d]
  2559. () Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators [i]
  2560. () Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways [p]
  2561. Alan Fogel, Maria C. D. P. Lyra, & Jaan Valsiner [ed] () Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes [i]
  2562. Ian H. Gotlib & Blair Wheaton [ed] () Stress and adversity over the life course: trajectories and turning points [i] [d]
  2563. () The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
  2564. () Objective, subjective and intersubjective selectors of knowledge [u]
  2565. () The development of epistemological theories: beliefs about knowledge and knowing and their relation to learning [d]
  2566. (/2015) Developmental cognitive neuroscience: an introduction [i]
  2567. () Knowing and erring: the consolations of error: essay on developmental epistemology [i]
  2568. () Rehearsing for reality: using role-play to transform attitudes and behaviour [u]
  2569. () Autobiography, voice, and developmental theory [i]
  2570. () Avoiding the demonstration of lack of ability: an underexplored aspect of goal theory [d]
  2571. (/2016) Behavior modification: principles and procedures [i]
  2572. (/2016) Teach yourself programming in ten years [u]
  2573. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  2574. () Promoting a development culture in your organization: using career development as a change agent [i]
  2575. () Moral climate and the development of moral reasoning: the effects of dyadic discussions between young offenders [d]
  2576. () Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey on the science of education [d] [j]
  2577. () Does development do the deed?: clinical experience and epistemological development together account for similarities in therapeutic style [d]
  2578. Thomas B. Ward, Steven M. Smith, & Jyotsna Vaid [ed] () Creative thought: an investigation of conceptual structures and processes [i] [d]
  2579. () The liberty tree [u]
  2580. () Repertory grid technique in the diagnosis of learner difficulties and the assessment of conceptual change in physics [d]
  2581. Karen D. Arnold, Kathleen Diane Noble, & Rena Faye Subotnik [ed] () Remarkable women: perspectives on female talent development [i]
  2582. (/2011) How we grieve: relearning the world [i] [d]
  2583. () Developmental aspects of expertise: rationality and generalization [d]
  2584. (/2013) Biological psychology: an introduction to behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience [i]
  2585. () An unused intelligence: physical thinking for 21st century leadership [i]
  2586. () The boat: Neurath's image of knowledge [i] [d]
  2587. () Humanly possible: education and the scope of the mind [i] [d]
  2588. () Implicit learning, tacit knowledge, and implications for stasis and change in cognitive psychotherapy [d]
  2589. David M. Fetterman, Shakeh J. Kaftarian, & Abraham Wandersman [ed] () Empowerment evaluation: knowledge and tools for self-assessment & accountability [i]
  2590. () Acceptable ignorance, negotiable disagreement: alternative views of learning [i] [d]
  2591. () Analogical reasoning and cognitive development [i] [p] [d]
  2592. () The faster learning organization: gain and sustain the competitive edge [i]
  2593. () Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
  2594. () Catching ourselves in the act: situated activity, interactive emergence, evolution, and human thought [i] [d]
  2595. Matt Hern [ed] () Deschooling our lives [i]
  2596. (/2009) Visual tools for transforming information into knowledge [i]
  2597. () Forward to Deschooling our lives [i]
  2598. () A multicultural view is a more cognitively complex view: cognitive development and multicultural education [d]
  2599. () Theory and evidence: the development of scientific reasoning [i] [d]
  2600. (/2009) The improvement guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance [i]
  2601. Mark L. Latash & Michael T. Turvey [ed] () Dexterity and its development [with: On dexterity and development, by Nicholai A. Berstein] [i] [d]
  2602. () Lifelong learning: new vision, new implications, new roles for people, organizations, nations and communities in the 21st century [i]
  2603. Peter K. Lunt & Adrian F. Furnham [ed] () Economic socialization: the economic beliefs and behaviours of young people [i]
  2604. (/2004) Making sense of adult learning [i] [d] [j]
  2605. Larry May, Marilyn Friedman, & Andy Clark [ed] () Mind and morals: essays on cognitive science and ethics [i]
  2606. () Meaning-making, adult learning and development: a model with implications for practice [d]
  2607. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life [i]
  2608. David R. Olson & Nancy Torrance [ed] () The handbook of education and human development: new models of learning, teaching, and schooling [i] [d]
  2609. () The necessity of experience [i]
  2610. () Cognition and complexity: the cognitive science of managing complexity [i]
  2611. () The actor–observer effect revisited: effects of individual differences and repeated social interactions on actor and observer attributions [d]
  2612. () Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
  2613. () Theories in children and the rest of us [d] [j]
  2614. Leslie Smith [ed] () Critical readings on Piaget [i] [d]
  2615. () The individual–society antinomy revisited: productive tensions in theories of human development, communication, and education [i] [d]
  2616. () Psychological maturity in early adulthood: relationships between social development and identity [d]
  2617. () Understanding John Dewey: nature and cooperative intelligence [i]
  2618. Sarita Chawla & John Renesch [ed] () Learning organizations: developing cultures for tomorrow's workplace [i]
  2619. () Beyond one-dimensional change: parallel, concurrent, socially distributed processes in learning and development [d] [j]
  2620. () Sketches of thought [i] [d]
  2621. (/2005) Smart moves: why learning is not all in your head [i]
  2622. () Proving you're qualified: strategies for competent people without college degrees [i]
  2623. () Objectivity as responsibility [d] [j]
  2624. () Coping with intractable controversies: the case for problem structuring in policy design and analysis [d]
  2625. () Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
  2626. () Cognition in the wild [i]
  2627. () Computers as cognitive tools: learning 'with' technology, not 'from' technology [d]
  2628. () Dynamic patterns: the self-organization of brain and behavior [i]
  2629. () Learning dynamics [i]
  2630. () The intelligent use of space [d] [u]
  2631. () Wellsprings of knowledge: building and sustaining the sources of innovation [i]
  2632. () Reasoning as self-constrained thinking [and comment by Graeme S. Halford] [d] [j]
  2633. () Cognitive conflict as a teaching strategy in solving chemistry problems: a dialectic–constructivist perspective [d]
  2634. David Poeppel, George R. Mangun, & Michael S. Gazzaniga [ed] (/2020) The cognitive neurosciences [i]
  2635. () Knowledge growth and maintenance across the life span: the role of print exposure [d]
  2636. (/2000) A warning to students of all ages [o] [u]
  2637. (/1995) Educating the democratic heart: pluralism, traditions and the humanities [i] [d]
  2638. () CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization [d] [j]
  2639. () Adult environmental education: a workbook to move from words to action [o]
  2640. () From things to processes: a theory of conceptual change for learning science concepts [d]
  2641. () Where is the mind?: constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development [d]
  2642. (/2015) Cognitive coaching: developing self-directed leaders and learners [i]
  2643. () Are psychological models of adult development still important for the practice of adult education? [d]
  2644. () Does the use of analogies contribute to conceptual change? [d]
  2645. (/2000) Bringing out the best in people: how to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement [i]
  2646. Andreas Demetriou & Anastasia Efklides [ed] () Intelligence, mind, and reasoning: structure and development [i] [d]
  2647. () Affective splitting and dissociation in normal and maltreated children: developmental pathways for self in relationships [i]
  2648. (/2005) The role of expectations in reasoning [i] [d]
  2649. (/2005) How logic emerges from the dynamics of information [i] [d]
  2650. () Question asking during tutoring [d] [j]
  2651. () Ego development and personality change in adulthood [p] [d]
  2652. () In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
  2653. () The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: from self-improvement to adult education in America, 1750–1990 [i]
  2654. () The educated adult in today's world: wisdom and the mature learner [i]
  2655. () Development of concepts of truth and lying: a developmental task [i] [d]
  2656. () Exploring adult learning from learners' perspectives [i]
  2657. () Expanding the circle of caring: from local to global [i] [u]
  2658. Melvin E. Miller & Susanne R. Cook-Greuter [ed] () Transcendence and mature thought in adulthood: the further reaches of adult development [i]
  2659. () Reason, reasons and reasoning: a constructivist account of human rationality [d]
  2660. () Reasoning, metareasoning, and the promotion of rationality [i] [d]
  2661. () Knowledge in motion: space, time, and curriculum in undergraduate physics and management [i]
  2662. () 10 usability heuristics for user interface design [or: Ten usability heuristics] [u]
  2663. () Empathy and listening skills: a developmental perspective on learning to listen [i]
  2664. () Levels of causal understanding in chimpanzees and children [p] [d]
  2665. () The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
  2666. () The ladder of inference [i]
  2667. Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] () The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
  2668. Jan D. Sinnott [ed] () Interdisciplinary handbook of adult lifespan learning [i]
  2669. () Misconceptions reconceived: a constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition [d]
  2670. () The liberal arts hobbies: a neglected subtype of serious leisure [d]
  2671. () Learning in and about complex systems [d]
  2672. () Learning to use what you already know [i]
  2673. () Cultivating postformal adult development: higher stages and contrasting interventions [i] [u]
  2674. () Taking stock of what there is: the case of cognitive abilities [i] [d]
  2675. (/2002) Learning to listen, learning to teach: the power of dialogue in educating adults [i]
  2676. (/1999) On organizational learning [i]
  2677. () Surpassing ourselves: an inquiry into the nature and implications of expertise [i]
  2678. () The mind's journey from novice to expert: if we know the route, we can help students negotiate their way [u]
  2679. () The evolving self: a psychology for the third millennium [i]
  2680. Jack Demick & Patrice M. Miller [ed] () Development in the workplace [i]
  2681. () Human minds: an exploration [i]
  2682. () The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance [d]
  2683. () The dynamics of competence: how context contributes directly to skill [i]
  2684. Kathleen Rita Gibson & Tim Ingold [ed] () Tools, language, and cognition in human evolution [i]
  2685. Mark Hobart [ed] () An anthropological critique of development: the growth of ignorance [i] [d]
  2686. () Taking flight: dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning [d]
  2687. Mark H. Johnson, Yuko Munakata, & Rick O. Gilmore [ed] (/2002) Brain development and cognition: a reader [i] [d]
  2688. () Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations [d]
  2689. () Science as argument: implications for teaching and learning scientific thinking [d]
  2690. () Developmental constructivism: an integrative framework for psychotherapy practice [d]
  2691. () The neuroscience of animal intelligence: from the seahare to the seahorse [i]
  2692. (/2005) The child as thinker: the development and acquisition of cognition in childhood [i] [d]
  2693. () Fast cycle time: how to align purpose, strategy, and structure for speed [i]
  2694. () Human constructivism: a unification of psychological and epistemological phenomena in meaning making [d]
  2695. () Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for education [i]
  2696. () Implicit learning and tacit knowledge: an essay on the cognitive unconscious [i] [d]
  2697. Gavriel Salomon [ed] () Distributed cognitions: psychological and educational considerations [i]
  2698. () Varieties of learning and memory in animals [p] [d]
  2699. () Use of complex thought and resolving intragroup conflicts: a means to conscious adult development in the workplace [i]
  2700. () Thinking with machines: intelligence augmentation, evolutionary epistemology, and semiotic [d]
  2701. (/1997) Working man's Ph.D. [o]
  2702. () Zen and the art of reflective practice in teacher education [d]
  2703. Robert H. Wozniak & Kurt W. Fischer [ed] () Development in context: acting and thinking in specific environments [i]
  2704. Harry Beilin & Peter B. Pufall [ed] () Piaget's theory: prospects and possibilities [i] [d]
  2705. () The lessons of learning: reconciling theories of policy learning and policy change [d]
  2706. () Developmental systems theory: an integrative approach [i]
  2707. Ronald N. Giere [ed] () Cognitive models of science [i] [j]
  2708. () The cognitive construction of scientific knowledge: response to Pickering [d]
  2709. () Spatial knowledge acquisition by children: route learning and relational distances [d]
  2710. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  2711. () A cognitive-systemic reconstruction of Maslow's theory of self-actualization [d]
  2712. () Knowledge in transition: toward a Winnicottian epistemology [p] [u]
  2713. Yechiel Klar, Jeffrey D. Fisher, Jack M. Chinsky, & Arie Nadler [ed] () Self change: social, psychological, and clinical perspectives [i] [d]
  2714. () Learning from our errors [i] [d]
  2715. () Thinking as argument [d]
  2716. () Piaget's child as scientist [i] [d]
  2717. (/1997) Processing the experience: strategies to enhance and generalize learning [i]
  2718. () Development as the aim of clinical intervention [d]
  2719. Ross D. Parke, Peter A. Ornstein, John J. Rieser, & Carolyn Zahn-Waxler [ed] (/1994) A century of developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2720. () In search of the structure of change [i] [d]
  2721. () Activity theory as a foundation for design [i] [d]
  2722. () Learning by collaborating: convergent conceptual change [d]
  2723. () The theory of inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education [d] [j]
  2724. () Conceptual revolutions [i] [d] [j]
  2725. () Autobiographical awareness as a catalyst for managerial and organisational development [d] [u]
  2726. () Work design for human development [i] [d]
  2727. Jonathan Baron & Rex V. Brown [ed] () Teaching decision making to adolescents [i]
  2728. (/1992) My elders taught me: aspects of Western Great Lakes American Indian philosophy [i]
  2729. () Effects of time-management practices on college grades [d]
  2730. Susan Carey & Rochel Gelman [ed] () The epigenesis of mind: essays on biology and cognition [i] [d]
  2731. () Self-organization as developmental process: beyond the organismic and mechanistic models? [d]
  2732. () Arts as epistemology: enabling children to know what they know [d]
  2733. Kathleen Rita Gibson & Anne C. Petersen [ed] () Brain maturation and cognitive development: comparative and cross-cultural perspectives [i] [d]
  2734. (/1999) The adult years: mastering the art of self-renewal [i]
  2735. () The emergence of theoretical beliefs as constraints on concepts [i] [d]
  2736. () 'Mental growth' and 'mental health' as distinct concepts in the study of developmental psychopathology: theory, research, and clinical implications [i]
  2737. () Inductive learning by machines [d] [j]
  2738. Donald A. Schön [ed] () The reflective turn: case studies in and on educational practice [i]
  2739. () On models, behaviorism and the neural basis of learning [d]
  2740. Robert J. Sternberg & Peter A. Frensch [ed] () Complex problem solving: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  2741. () Beyond education: a new perspective on society's management of learning [i]
  2742. () Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print [i]
  2743. () Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
  2744. () Developmental epistemology and self-knowledge: towards a reinterpretation of self-esteem [i]
  2745. () Thinking in museums: reflections among masks [i]
  2746. () How emotions develop and how they organise development [d]
  2747. () About time: inventing the fourth dimension [i]
  2748. () Evolutionary models of science [i]
  2749. Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach [ed] () Theories of the evolution of knowing [i]
  2750. () The psychology of human cognition: mainstream and Genevan traditions [i]
  2751. () Wisdom and reflective judgment: knowing in the face of uncertainty [i] [d]
  2752. () Beyond justice reasoning: moral development and consideration of a seventh stage [i]
  2753. () A developmental contextual critique of evolutionary epistemology [i]
  2754. Jürgen K. Mai & George Paxinos [ed] (/2012) The human nervous system [i] [d]
  2755. () The loss of wisdom [i] [d]
  2756. () Active talk: the use of discussion in learning [i]
  2757. () Rationality as a goal of education [d]
  2758. (/1996) The development of metalogical understanding [i] [d]
  2759. () Ethical judgments in accounting: a cognitive-developmental perspective [d]
  2760. Nicholas Rescher [ed] () Evolution, cognition, and realism: studies in evolutionary epistemology [i]
  2761. () A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
  2762. () Apprenticeship in thinking: cognitive development in social context [i]
  2763. (/2006) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization [i]
  2764. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Wisdom: its nature, origins, and development [i] [d]
  2765. () A schema-based information processing perspective on client change in experiential psychotherapy [i] [u]
  2766. () Mind bugs: the origins of procedural misconceptions [i]
  2767. () Evolutionary epistemology and its implications for humankind [i]
  2768. () Cognitive processes as a cause of psychotherapeutic change: self-initiated processes [i] [u]
  2769. () The problem of the problem [i]
  2770. () Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
  2771. () Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
  2772. () Dialectical thinking and adult creativity [i] [d]
  2773. () The dialectics of forgetting and remembering across the adult lifespan [i] [d]
  2774. () Learning via model construction and criticism: protocol evidence on sources of creativity in science [i] [d]
  2775. () Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
  2776. (/1996) The logic of failure: why things go wrong and what we can do to make them right [i]
  2777. () Taking thought: the role of conscious processing in the making of meaning [i]
  2778. Barry Gholson [ed] () Psychology of science: contributions to metascience [i] [d]
  2779. () Cognition, construction of knowledge, and teaching [d] [j] [u]
  2780. () Philosophical issues in education: an introduction [i] [d]
  2781. () Crucial decisions: leadership in policymaking and crisis management [i]
  2782. () Mindfulness [i]
  2783. () The cognitive revolution in Western culture [i]
  2784. Elaine P. Maimon, Barbara F. Nodine, & Finbarr W. O'Connor [ed] () Thinking, reasoning, and writing [i]
  2785. () A competence paradigm for psychological practice [d]
  2786. Jan D. Sinnott [ed] () Everyday problem solving: theory and applications [i]
  2787. () The interpersonal basis of everyday problem solving [i]
  2788. () Envisioning a sustainable society: learning our way out [i]
  2789. () A guide to creating self-learning materials [i]
  2790. () The creative construction of rationality: a paradox? [i] [d]
  2791. () Rationality as a goal of psychotherapy [d]
  2792. Elliot Soloway & James C. Spohrer [ed] () Studying the novice programmer [i]
  2793. () An operant pursuit of generalization [d]
  2794. Arthur L. Wilson & Elisabeth Hayes [ed] (/2000) Handbook of adult and continuing education [i]
  2795. (/2008) Thinking and deciding [i] [d]
  2796. (/2001) Developing a scope and sequence for thinking skills instruction [i]
  2797. () Meaning-making: therapeutic processes in adult development [i]
  2798. () Constructive evolution: origins and development of Piaget's thought [i]
  2799. George E. Forman & Peter B. Pufall [ed] () Constructivism in the computer age [i]
  2800. () Explaining science: a cognitive approach [i] [d]
  2801. (/1998) The handbook for focus group research [i]
  2802. () Science as a process: an evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science [i] [d]
  2803. () The development of scientific thinking skills [i]
  2804. () The lessons of experience: how successful executives develop on the job [i]
  2805. () Unlearning and backcasting: rethinking some of the questions we ask about the future [d]
  2806. () There is no subconscious: embryogenesis and memory [d]
  2807. () The creative attitude: learning to ask and answer the right questions [i]
  2808. Sidney Strauss [ed] () Ontogeny, phylogeny, and historical development [i]
  2809. () From schema theory to language [i]
  2810. () First-order, second-order, and third-order change and organization development interventions: a cognitive approach [d]
  2811. David Boud & Virginia Griffin [ed] () Appreciating adults learning: from the learners' perspective [i]
  2812. () The origins of inference [i]
  2813. Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach [ed] () Cognition, language, and consciousness: integrative levels [i]
  2814. () The persistence of error: essays in developmental epistemology [i]
  2815. Lynn S. Liben [ed] () Development and learning: conflict or congruence? [i] [d]
  2816. () Self-complexity as a cognitive buffer against stress-related illness and depression [d]
  2817. (/2004) Medicine: preserving the passion in the 21st century [i] [d]
  2818. () The development of vocational schemas [d]
  2819. Gerard Radnitzky & William Warren Bartley [ed] () Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge [i]
  2820. () Life's seasons: the conceptual phenomenology of age-periodization [i] [d]
  2821. () Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
  2822. () Cognitive-structural development and the conditions of employment [d] [j]
  2823. () Summary writing, Rogerian listening, and dialectic thinking [d] [j]
  2824. () The integrated personality: maximal utilization of information [d]
  2825. () Assessing evolutionary epistemology [d]
  2826. () Learning how to ask: a sociolinguistic appraisal of the role of the interview in social science research [i]
  2827. (/1988) Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences [i]
  2828. () Motivational processes affecting learning [d]
  2829. () On the difficulty of learning from experience [i]
  2830. () A cross-cultural perspective on developmental psychology [d]
  2831. () Language-independent conceptual 'bugs' in novice programming [d]
  2832. (/2018) The developmental counselling and therapy interview [or: The helping interview: a cognitive-developmental approach] [i] [d]
  2833. (/1990) Teaching through self-instruction: how to develop open learning materials [i]
  2834. () The academic ethos [and normatively regulated use of leisure] [d] [j]
  2835. () Learning concepts by asking questions [i] [u]
  2836. (/2019) How to think straight about psychology [i]
  2837. Jean M. Williams & Vikki Krane [ed] (/2021) Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance [i]
  2838. () Heuristic classification [d]
  2839. Arthur L. Costa [ed] (/2001) Developing minds: a resource book for teaching thinking [i]
  2840. (/2012) Sport psychology: concepts and applications [i]
  2841. Arthur Freeman, Michael J. Mahoney, Paul Devito, & Donna Martin [ed] (/2004) Cognition and psychotherapy [i]
  2842. Arthur C. Graesser & John B. Black [ed] () The psychology of questions [i] [d]
  2843. () A primer of human development for counselors [d]
  2844. () Lives of women who became autonomous [p] [d]
  2845. () Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination [d]
  2846. () Beyond amplification: using the computer to reorganize mental functioning [d]
  2847. (/2000) Tools for thought: the history and future of mind-expanding technology [i] [u]
  2848. () The interpersonal world of the infant: a view from psychoanalysis and developmental psychology [i]
  2849. () Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
  2850. (/1993) The ideal problem solver: a guide for improving thinking, learning, and creativity [i]
  2851. (/2002) The winning trainer: winning ways to involve people in learning [i]
  2852. (/2014) Thought and knowledge: an introduction to critical thinking [i] [d]
  2853. Charles D. Holley & Donald F. Dansereau [ed] () Spatial learning strategies: techniques, applications, and related issues [i] [d]
  2854. () Cognitive processes and the persistence of aggressive behavior [d]
  2855. () Adult leadership and adult development: a constructionist view [i]
  2856. (/2015) Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development [i]
  2857. () Cognitive change in technology and science [i] [d]
  2858. () Learning how to learn [i]
  2859. Paul Watzlawick [ed] () The invented reality: how do we know what we believe we know?: contributions to constructivism [i]
  2860. () Piagetian insights and critical thinking [d] [u]
  2861. () Denial, defect, symptom formation—and construction [d]
  2862. () The modern liberal theory of man [i] [d]
  2863. () Cognitive processes and emotional disorders: a structural approach to psychotherapy [i]
  2864. () Perception, learning, and the self: essays in the philosophy of psychology [i]
  2865. () Cognition, metacognition, and epistemic cognition: a three-level model of cognitive processing [d] [j]
  2866. Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
  2867. Lynn S. Liben [ed] () Piaget and the foundations of knowledge [i] [d]
  2868. () Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
  2869. () Science teaching and children's views of the world [d]
  2870. (/2016) Adaptive behavior and learning [i] [d]
  2871. () Constructs are hypotheses [i] [u]
  2872. () From genetic epistemology to historical epistemology: Kant, Marx and Piaget [i] [d]
  2873. () The idea of development in developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2874. () Inquiring systems and problem structure: implications for cognitive development [d] [j]
  2875. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  2876. () Beyond homeostasis: toward a concept of coherence [p] [d]
  2877. () On the concepts of period, phase, stage, and level [d] [j]
  2878. () How do we learn from argument?: toward an account of the logic of problems [d] [j]
  2879. () From background to foreground: toward an anthropology of learning [d] [j]
  2880. () The evolving self: problem and process in human development [i] [d] [j]
  2881. () Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
  2882. () The construction of logical necessity [d] [j]
  2883. () Exogenous, endogenous, and dialectical constructivism [d]
  2884. () Piaget's genetic epistemology and the Marxist theory of knowledge [j]
  2885. () A cognitive-developmental perspective on social reasoning processes [d]
  2886. () Structuring process skills and the solution of verbal problems involving science concepts [d]
  2887. (/1989) The complete problem solver [i]
  2888. (/2021) Principles of neural science [i]
  2889. () The nature and scope of genetic epistemology [d] [j]
  2890. () Hypothesis testing in students: sequences, stages, and instructional strategies [d]
  2891. Ruth H. Munroe, Robert L. Munroe, & Beatrice Blyth Whiting [ed] () Handbook of cross-cultural human development [i]
  2892. () Cognitive and ethical growth: the making of meaning [i]
  2893. () Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
  2894. () Evolution, adaptation, and human understanding [i]
  2895. (/2020) Cognitive psychology and its implications [i]
  2896. () Dialectical schemata: a framework for the empirical study of the development of dialectical thinking [d] [j]
  2897. () Principles of cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  2898. () Experiences with MAUD: aiding decision structuring versus bootstrapping the decision maker [d]
  2899. () Making meaning: the constructive-developmental approach to persons and practice [d]
  2900. () Moral education: a response to Thomas Sobol [u]
  2901. Richard M. Lerner & Laurence D. Steinberg [ed] (/2009) Handbook of adolescent psychology [i] [d]
  2902. (/1994) History of the idea of progress [i] [d]
  2903. () Cognitive science: the newest science of the artificial [d]
  2904. () Leadership and learning: personal change in a professional setting [i]
  2905. () Piaget's theory, behaviorism, and other theories in education [d] [j]
  2906. () The evolving self: a process conception for ego psychology [d]
  2907. () Development of formal hypothesis-testing ability [d]
  2908. (/1983) Promoting moral growth: from Piaget to Kohlberg [i]
  2909. () Cognitive systematization: a systems-theoretic approach to a coherentist theory of knowledge [i]
  2910. () Foundations of dialectical psychology [i] [d]
  2911. () Misconceptions in student's understanding [diagnosed and 'debugged' by a tutor] [d]
  2912. () The origins and rise of ethology: the science of the natural behaviour of animals [i]
  2913. () Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
  2914. () Development of concepts of self, mind, reality, and knowledge [d]
  2915. () Children's minds [i]
  2916. Erik H. Erikson [ed] () Adulthood: essays [i]
  2917. () Experience and the growth of understanding [i]
  2918. () Experiencing: a humanistic theory of psychology and psychiatry [i]
  2919. () Developmental memory theories: Baldwin and Piaget [i] [p] [d]
  2920. () The acquisition of knowledge [i]
  2921. Linda S. Siegel & Charles J. Brainerd [ed] () Alternatives to Piaget: critical essays on the theory [i]
  2922. William Thomas Singleton [ed] () The analysis of practical skills [i] [d]
  2923. () Organizational learning and management information systems [d]
  2924. (/1980) Conversations with Jean Piaget [i]
  2925. (/2017) Physiology of behavior [i]
  2926. () Hero, artist, sage, or saint?: a survey of views on what is variously called mental health, normality, maturity, self-actualization, and human fulfillment [i]
  2927. Pierre R. Dasen [ed] () Piagetian psychology: cross cultural contributions [i]
  2928. Nancy Datan & Hayne Waring Reese [ed] () Life-span developmental psychology, dialectical perspectives on experimental research [i] [d]
  2929. () Childhood interaction and temporal organization [d] [j]
  2930. () Epicycles and the homocentric earth: or what is wrong with 'stages' of cognitive development? [d]
  2931. () Confirmationism vs. falsificationism [i]
  2932. () Dialectics: a controversy-oriented approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
  2933. () Methodological pragmatism: a systems-theoretic approach to the theory of knowledge [i]
  2934. () The systematization of knowledge [d]
  2935. () A comparison between John Dewey's theory of inquiry and Jean Piaget's genetic analysis of intelligence [p] [d]
  2936. () Transition: understanding & managing personal change [i]
  2937. () Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making [d] [j]
  2938. () Human ecology and cognitive style: comparative studies in cultural and psychological adaptation [i]
  2939. () Cognitive complexity and social perspective-taking [d]
  2940. Bärbel Inhelder, Harold H. Chipman, Charles Zwingmann, & Jean Piaget [ed] () Piaget and his school: a reader in developmental psychology [i] [d]
  2941. () An assessment of children's concepts of the Earth utilizing structured interviews [d]
  2942. () Everyone is you—or me [u]
  2943. (/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
  2944. (/2013) The developing child [i]
  2945. () Erikson's theory of human development as it applies to the aged: wisdom as contradictive cognition [p] [d] [j]
  2946. () Dialogue and inquiring systems: the development of a social logic [d] [j]
  2947. () Development of sex-role transcendence [p] [d] [j]
  2948. () Counseling and counselor education: a developmental approach [d]
  2949. () Towards an applied theory of experiential learning [i]
  2950. () How psychological education can promote mental health with competence [d]
  2951. () A dialectical approach to moral judgment and self-esteem [p] [d] [j]
  2952. (/1985) The equilibration of cognitive structures: the central problem of intellectual development [i]
  2953. () Toward a dialectical theory of development [d] [j]
  2954. (/1978) Success and understanding [i] [d]
  2955. () Developmental psychology as a guide to value education: a review of 'Kohlbergian' programs [d] [j]
  2956. () A cognitive theory of experiencing, self-actualization, and therapeutic process [i]
  2957. () The augmented knowledge workshop [o] [d] [u]
  2958. (/1997) Learning to plan—and planning to learn [i]
  2959. () Toward a cognitive social learning reconceptualization of personality [d]
  2960. () Learning 10,000 pictures [p] [d]
  2961. (/2000) The logical categories of learning and communication [i]
  2962. () Learning together: how to foster creativity, self-fulfillment, and social awareness in today's students and teachers [i]
  2963. () A brief introduction to Piaget [i]
  2964. () Development as the aim of education [d]
  2965. Philip C. Ritterbush [ed] () Talent waste: how institutions of learning misdirect human resources [i]
  2966. () Human understanding: the collective use and evolution of concepts [i]
  2967. () Problem solving and behavior modification [p] [d]
  2968. (/2003) The education of the un-artist [i]
  2969. Theodore Mischel [ed] () Cognitive development and epistemology [i] [d]
  2970. (/2012) Understanding reading: a psycholinguistic analysis of reading and learning to read [i]
  2971. () The concept of 'stages' in psychological development [i] [d]
  2972. () Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system [d]
  2973. () Teaching and learning as performing arts = Lehren und Lernen als Auffuehrungskuenste [o]
  2974. () On-line computer augmentation of bio-feedback processes [p] [d]
  2975. (/1999) Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years: a scheme [i]
  2976. () Principles of behavior modification [i]
  2977. (/1993) Education and identity [i]
  2978. () Clinical psychology and personality: the selected papers of George Kelly [i]
  2979. (/1979) Learning to live [i]
  2980. (/1994) Freedom to learn [i]
  2981. (/1996) The sciences of the artificial [i] [d]
  2982. () Ernst Mach's biological theory of knowledge [d] [j]
  2983. () Meditations on genesis [in organismic-developmental psychology] [p] [d] [j]
  2984. () Human neural and behavioral development: a relational inquiry, with implications for personality [o]
  2985. (/2018) Epistemology and its varieties [u]
  2986. Jean Piaget [ed] () Logique et connaissance scientifique [o]
  2987. (/1971) Biology and knowledge: an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes [i]
  2988. () Education for individual development [o] [u]
  2989. () Cognitive complexity and personality development [i] [d]
  2990. (/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
  2991. () Conflict management as a learning process [and comments and reply] [o] [d]
  2992. () Self & society: social change and individual development [o] [d]
  2993. () Critique and reformulation of 'learning-theory' approaches to psychotherapy and neurosis [d]
  2994. () A model for the interpretation and analysis of concept formation [d]
  2995. (/1971) Notes on the synthesis of form [i]
  2996. () Strong inference: certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others [p] [d] [j]
  2997. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  2998. () Psychoanalytic therapy as an educational process: common denominators in the therapeutic approaches of different psychoanalytic 'schools' [o]
  2999. (/1969) A mathematical approach to psychology [i]
  3000. () Blind variation and selective retentions in creative thought as in other knowledge processes [d]
  3001. () Meaning of learning and knowledge [the four stages of competence] [o]
  3002. (/2009) The expanding mental universe [i]
  3003. (/1984) Metamorphosis: on the development of affect, perception, attention, and memory [i] [u]
  3004. () Thinking: an experimental and social study [o]
  3005. (/2015) Personal knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy [i] [d]
  3006. () The education of an artist [o]
  3007. () The shape of content [o]
  3008. () An introduction to cybernetics [o]
  3009. () Design for an intelligence-amplifier [o] [d] [j]
  3010. () Cognitive complexity–simplicity and predictive behavior [d]
  3011. (/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
  3012. () Counseling as a learning process [d]
  3013. () John Dewey, my son, and education for human freedom [j]
  3014. () A biosocial approach to ethics [o]
  3015. () On the parallel between learning and evolution [d] [j]
  3016. () Practical logic [o]
  3017. (/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
  3018. () Personality and psychotherapy: an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture [o]
  3019. () Creative training [d] [j]
  3020. (/1954) The construction of reality in the child [o]
  3021. (/2002) The concept of mind [i]
  3022. (/1981) Theories of learning [i]
  3023. () On the dual nature of learning—a re-interpretation of 'conditioning' and 'problem-solving' [u]
  3024. () Assignment for life [d]
  3025. () As we may think [u]
  3026. () Counseling and psychotherapy: newer concepts in practice [o]
  3027. (/1972) Foundations for a science of personality [i]
  3028. (/1975) On my philosophy ['a development of the individual into community and from there to the plane of history, without breaking with contemporary life'] [i]
  3029. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  3030. (/2020) Does human nature change? [i] [d] [j]
  3031. () Experience and education [o]
  3032. () Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
  3033. () Today's distress and horrors basically intellectual [d] [j]
  3034. (/1952) The origins of intelligence in children [o]
  3035. (/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
  3036. () Remembering: a study in experimental and social psychology [o] [u]
  3037. (/1968) The psychology of study [o]
  3038. William Damon & Richard M. Lerner [ed] (/2006) Handbook of child psychology [i] [d]
  3039. (/1985) Widening the circle of enlightenment: Hull House and adult education [i]
  3040. (/1960) The quest for certainty: a study of the relation of knowledge and action [o] [u]
  3041. (/1947) Gestalt psychology: an introduction to new concepts in modern psychology [o]
  3042. () Intelligent living [o]
  3043. () The meaning of a liberal education [o] [u]
  3044. (/1930) Human nature and conduct: an introduction to social psychology [o] [u]
  3045. () The law of habituation [d]
  3046. () The idea of progress: an inquiry into its origin and growth [o] [u]
  3047. () Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan, and gorilla [d]
  3048. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  3049. (/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
  3050. (/2017) Constructive elements in the class-room [and in independent study] [o] [u]
  3051. (/1917) The aims of education—a plea for reform [o] [u]
  3052. () Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]
  3053. (/1911) Thought and things: a study of the development and meaning of thought or genetic logic [o] [u]
  3054. (/1961) The integrative action of the nervous system [o] [u]
  3055. (/2003) The story of my life [i] [u]
  3056. (/1934) How to theorize [or: On selecting hypotheses] [i] [u]
  3057. () Mental growth and decay [d] [j]
  3058. (/2007) Some stages of logical thought [i] [j] [u]
  3059. (/1963) Los tónicos de la voluntad: reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica: discurso leído con ocasión de la recepción del autor en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales [o] [u]
  3060. (/1992) Training in reasoning [i]
  3061. (/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
  3062. () The inculcation of scientific method by example, with an illustration drawn from the quaternary geology of Utah [u]
  3063. (/1898) Intellectual development [o] [u]
  3064. (/1934) How to make our ideas clear [i] [u]
  3065. (/1934) The fixation of belief [i] [u]
  3066. (/1934) Some consequences of four incapacities [i] [j] [u]
  3067. (/1893) On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge [o] [u]
  3068. () The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by female examples [o] [u]
  3069. () Pursuit of knowledge [o] [u]
  3070. (/1872) The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties: illustrated by memoirs of eminent men [o] [u]
  3071. (/1806) The power of intellect, its duty, and the obstacles that oppose its progress [o] [d] [u]

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14th edition, last updated: 1 December 2024 (view Zotero library on
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