How to lead
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- Mike Edwardson (2024) Collaborative leadership [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
- Margaret J. Wheatley (2024) Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
- M. Ena Inesi & Kimberly Rios (2023) How prosocial actors use power hierarchies to build moral reputation [d]
- Anastasia Piliavsky (2023) Hierarchy as a democratic value in India: an informal essay [and comments] [d]
- Li Jiang, Leslie K. John, Reihane Boghrati, & Maryam Kouchaki (2022) Fostering perceptions of authenticity via sensitive self-disclosure [p] [d]
- Brian Mathews (2022) It's not a space, it's a philosophy: designing a high-purpose culture within your learning environment [i] [u]
- Kristina Y. Risley, Christina R. Welter, Grace Castillo, & Brian C. Castrucci [ed] (2022) Leading systems change in public health: a field guide for practitioners [i]
- Ron A. Carucci (2021) To be honest: lead with the power of truth, justice, and purpose [i]
- Danbee Chon & Sim B. Sitkin (2021) Disentangling the process and content of self-awareness: a review, critical assessment, and synthesis [d]
- Robert L. Cosby & Janice Berry Edwards (2021) Why people lead and others follow: the Black perspective [d]
- Simon DeDeo & Elizabeth A. Hobson (2021) From equality to hierarchy [p] [d] [u]
- Minter Dial (2021) You lead: how being yourself makes you a better leader [i]
- Veronica Schmidt Harvey & Kenneth P. De Meuse [ed] (2021) The age of agility: building learning-agile leaders and organizations [i] [d]
- Mari Kawakatsu, Philip S. Chodrow, Nicole Eikmeier, & Daniel B. Larremore (2021) Emergence of hierarchy in networked endorsement dynamics [p] [d] [u]
- David B. Peterson (2021) The DNA of VUCA: a framework for building learning agility in an accelerating world [DNA: diversity, novelty, adversity; the reflection calendar] [i] [d]
- Eugene Schlossberger (2021) Moral responsibility beyond our fingertips: collective responsibility, leaders, and attributionism [i]
- Duysal Aşkun (2020) Leading as one: inclusive leadership through unity consciousness and the act of oneness [i] [d]
- Juliet Bourke & Andrea Titus (2020) The key to inclusive leadership [u]
- Jonathan Clifton, Stephanie Schnurr, & Dorien Van De Mieroop (2020) The language of leadership narratives: a social practice perspective [i] [d]
- R. Bruce Hull, David P. Robertson, & Michael Mortimer (2020) Leadership for sustainability: strategies for tackling wicked problems [i]
- Joan Marques [ed] (2020) The Routledge companion to inclusive leadership [i] [d]
- Michael D. Mumford & Cory A. Higgs [ed] (2020) Leader thinking skills: capacities for contemporary leadership [i] [d]
- Gianpiero Petriglieri (2020) The psychology behind effective crisis leadership [u]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2020) Hierarchy's subordination of democracy and how to outrank it [d]
- Jennie C. Stephens (2020) Diversifying power: why we need antiracist, feminist leadership on climate and energy [i]
- Charles Zeiders & Peter Devlin (2020) Malignant narcissism and power: a psychodynamic exploration of madness and leadership [i] [d]
- Mats Alvesson & Martin Blom (2019) Beyond leadership and followership: working with a variety of modes of organizing [d]
- Nicolas Bastardoz & Mark Van Vugt (2019) The nature of followership: evolutionary analysis and review [d]
- Jennifer Garvey Berger (2019) Unlocking leadership mindtraps: how to thrive in complexity [i] [d]
- Allan H. Church, David W. Bracken, John W. Fleenor, & Dale S. Rose [ed] (2019) Handbook of strategic 360 feedback [i] [d]
- Zachary H. Garfield, Christopher R. von Rueden, & Edward H. Hagen (2019) The evolutionary anthropology of political leadership [d]
- April Greene (2019) Why artists make good civic leaders: Randall Szott [u]
- Nathan J. Hiller, Hock-Peng Sin, Ajay R. Ponnapalli, & Sibel Ozgen (2019) Benevolence and authority as WEIRDly unfamiliar: a multi-language meta-analysis of paternalistic leadership behaviors from 152 studies [d]
- Art Kleiner, Jeffrey Schwartz, & Josie Thomson (2019) The wise advocate: the inner voice of strategic leadership [i] [j]
- Frank T. Manheim (2019) Information pollution and academic leadership in America [on 'academic information pollution'] [u]
- Georgianna L. Martin, Brittany M. Williams, Bernard Green, & Matthew J. Smith (2019) Reframing activism as leadership [p] [d]
- Robert E. Quinn & Anjan Thakor (2019) The economics of higher purpose: eight counterintuitive steps for creating a purpose-driven organization [i]
- Susanne Schinko-Fischli (2019) Applied improvisation for coaches and leaders: a practical guide for creative collaboration [i] [d]
- H. Eric Schockman, Vanessa Hernández Soto, & Aldo Boitano de Moras [ed] (2019) Peace, reconciliation and social justice leadership in the 21st century: the role of leaders and followers [i] [d]
- Peter L. Steinke (2019) Uproar: calm leadership in anxious times [i]
- Merlijn Venus, Russell E. Johnson, Shuxia Zhang, Xiao-Hua (Frank) Wang, & Klodiana Lanaj (2019) Seeing the big picture: a within-person examination of leader construal level and vision communication [d]
- Andrew M. Carton (2018) 'I'm not mopping the floors, I'm putting a man on the moon': how NASA leaders enhanced the meaningfulness of work by changing the meaning of work [d]
- Sydney Finkelstein (2018) The best leaders are great teachers [u]
- Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, & J. Yo-Jud Cheng (2018) The leader's guide to corporate culture [u]
- Donna Hicks (2018) Leading with dignity: how to create a culture that brings out the best in people [i] [d] [j]
- Barbara Kellerman (2018) Professionalizing leadership [i] [d]
- Anastasia Piliavsky (2018) Egalitarian fantasy and politics in the real world [u]
- Gary Sandefur & Philip J. Deloria (2018) Indigenous leadership [d] [j]
- Jasmine Vergauwe, Bart Wille, Joeri Hofmans, Robert B. Kaiser, & Filip De Fruyt (2018) The double-edged sword of leader charisma: understanding the curvilinear relationship between charismatic personality and leader effectiveness [p] [d]
- John Antonakis (2017) On doing better science: from thrill of discovery to policy implications [d]
- Cristina Bicchieri (2017) Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
- Amanda H. Goodall & James K. Stoller (2017) The future of clinical leadership: evidence for physician leadership and the educational pathway for new leaders [d]
- Amer Kaissi (2017) How to be a 'humbitious' leader [humbition = humility + ambition] [u]
- Christopher L. Kukk (2017) The compassionate achiever: how helping others fuels success [i]
- Roberta Chinsky Matuson (2017) The magnetic leader: how irresistible leaders attract employees, customers, and profits [i]
- Jennifer Riel & Roger L. Martin (2017) Creating great choices: a leader's guide to integrative thinking [i]
- Nick Riggle (2017) On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
- David Sessions (2017) The rise of the thought leader: how the superrich have funded a new class of intellectual [u]
- Simon Sinek (2017) Find your why: a practical guide for discovering purpose for you and your team [i]
- S. Aqeel Tirmizi & John D. Vogelsang [ed] (2017) Leading and managing in the social sector: strategies for advancing human dignity and social justice [i] [d]
- Hanne Veber & Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen [ed] (2017) Creating dialogues: indigenous perceptions and changing forms of leadership in Amazonia [i] [j]
- Larry Yang (2017) Awakening together: the spiritual practice of inclusivity and community [i]
- Jeremy C. Young (2017) The age of charisma: leaders, followers, and emotions in American society, 1870–1940 [i] [d]
- David Cottrell (2016) The first two rules of leadership: don't be stupid, don't be a jerk [i]
- John Angus D. Hildreth & Cameron Anderson (2016) Failure at the top: how power undermines collaborative performance [p] [d]
- David C. Hofmann (2016) The influence of charismatic authority on operational strategies and attack outcomes of terrorist groups [d] [u]
- Robert B. Kaiser & Wanda T. Wallace (2016) Gender bias and substantive differences in ratings of leadership behavior: toward a new narrative [d]
- Rodney L. Lowman (2016) An introduction to consulting psychology: working with individuals, groups, and organizations [i] [d]
- Chantelle Murtagh (2016) Producing leaders: an ethnography of an indigenous organisation in the Peruvian Amazon [u]
- Eboo Patel (2016) Interfaith leadership: a primer [i]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2016) Imagine there are no leaders: reframing leadership as collaborative agency [d]
- Ken Segall (2016) Think simple: how smart leaders defeat complexity [i]
- Jennifer Garvey Berger & Keith Johnston (2015) Simple habits for complex times: powerful practices for leaders [i] [d]
- Jacqueline Boaks & Michael P. Levine [ed] (2015) Leadership and ethics [i] [d]
- Dan Ciampa & David L. Dotlich (2015) Transitions at the top: what organizations must do to make sure new leaders succeed [i] [d]
- David V. Day & Lisa Dragoni (2015) Leadership development: an outcome-oriented review based on time and levels of analyses [d]
- Aftab Erfan & William R. Torbert (2015) Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
- Amanda H. Goodall & Ganna Pogrebna (2015) Expert leaders in a fast-moving environment [d]
- Steven ten Have, Wouter ten Have, Anne-Bregje Huijsmans, & Niels van der Eng (2015) Change competence: implementing effective change [i] [d]
- Robert B. Kaiser, James M. LeBreton, & Joyce Hogan (2015) The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior [d]
- Barbara Kellerman (2015) Hard times: leadership in America [i] [d]
- Fred Kiel (2015) Return on character: the real reason leaders and their companies win [i]
- Michael Maccoby (2015) Strategic intelligence: conceptual tools for leading change [i] [d]
- Ali Mahmoodi, Dan Bang, Karsten Olsen, Yuanyuan Aimee Zhao, Zhenhao Shi, Kristina Broberg, Shervin Safavi, Shihui Han, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Christopher D. Frith, Andreas Roepstorff, Geraint Rees, & Bahador Bahrami (2015) Equality bias impairs collective decision-making across cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Michael R. Mascellino (2015) How leaders mentor others to be leaders—or don't [i]
- Jeffrey Pfeffer (2015) Leadership BS: fixing workplaces and careers one truth at a time [i]
- Robert E. Quinn (2015) The positive organization: breaking free from conventional cultures, constraints, and beliefs [i]
- Christopher R. von Rueden & Mark van Vugt (2015) Leadership in small-scale societies: some implications for theory, research, and practice [d] [u]
- Steven Schein (2015) A new psychology for sustainability leadership: the hidden power of ecological worldviews [i] [d]
- Steven S. Taylor (2015) Leading to learn [d]
- Marvin Ross Weisbord & Sandra Janoff (2015) Lead more, control less: eight advanced leadership skills that overturn convention [i]
- Mila Baker (2014) Peer-to-peer leadership: why the network is the leader [i]
- Max H. Bazerman (2014) The power of noticing: what the best leaders see [i]
- James W. Begun & Jan Malcolm (2014) Leading public health: a competency framework [i]
- Olivier Boiral, Charles Baron, & Olen Gunnlaugson (2014) Environmental leadership and consciousness development: a case study among Canadian SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises] [d] [j]
- Joey T. Cheng, Jessica L. Tracy, & Cameron Anderson [ed] (2014) The psychology of social status [i] [d]
- Peter T. Coleman & Katharina G. Kugler (2014) Tracking managerial conflict adaptivity: introducing a dynamic measure of adaptive conflict management in organizations [d]
- Alan Cutler (2014) Leadership psychology: how the best leaders inspire their people [i]
- Joseph Daniels, Carey Farquhar, Neal Nathanson, Yohana Mashalla, Frances Petracca, Michelle Desmond, Wendy Green, Luke Davies, Gabrielle O'Malley, & Afya Bora Consortium Working Group Members (2014) Training tomorrow's global health leaders: applying a transtheoretical model to identify behavior change stages within an intervention for health leadership development [p] [d]
- Mark Gerzon (2014) Conflict 101: hot, cold, or just right? [or: To resolve a conflict, first decide: is it hot or cold?] [u]
- Erik de Haan & Anthony Kasozi (2014) The leadership shadow: how to recognize and avoid derailment, hubris and overdrive [i]
- Peter Hawkins (2014/2022) Assessment and evaluation of teams and team coaching [i]
- Peter Hawkins [ed] (2014/2022) Leadership team coaching in practice: case studies on creating highly effective teams [or: Leadership team coaching in practice: developing high performing teams] [i]
- Laurent M. Lapierre & Melissa K. Carsten [ed] (2014) Followership: what is it and why do people follow? [i]
- Michael D. Mumford & Yitzhak Fried (2014) Give them what they want or give them what they need?: ideology in the study of leadership [d]
- Jan-Willem van Prooijen & Paul A. M. van Lange [ed] (2014) Power, politics, and paranoia: why people are suspicious of their leaders [i] [d]
- Hubert K. Rampersad & Saleh Hussain (2014) Authentic governance: aligning personal governance with corporate governance [i] [d]
- R. A. W. Rhodes & Paul 't Hart [ed] (2014) The Oxford handbook of political leadership [i] [d]
- Ronald E. Riggio & Sherylle J. Tan [ed] (2014) Leader interpersonal and influence skills: the soft skills of leadership [i] [d]
- Simon Sinek (2014) Leaders eat last: why some teams pull together and others don't [i]
- Paul Vanderbroeck (2014) Leadership strategies for women: lessons from four queens for leadership and career development [i] [d]
- Liguo Xu, Pingping Fu, Youmin Xi, Lin Zhang, Xinyu Zhao, Chunhui Cao, Ying Liao, Guiquan Li, Xian Xue, & Jing Ge (2014) Adding dynamics to a static theory: how leader traits evolve and how they are expressed [d]
- Kyle E. Blanchfield & Peter D. Ladd (2013) Leadership, violence, and school climate: case studies in creating nonviolent schools [i]
- David De Cremer (2013) The proactive leader: how to overcome procrastination and be a bold decision-maker [i] [d]
- Roy J. Eidelson (2013) How leaders promote war by exploiting our core concerns [d]
- Stewart Gabel (2013) Psychotherapy and relationship-based change: it's about leadership [d]
- Anthony M. Grant & Margie Hartley (2013) Developing the leader as coach: insights, strategies and tips for embedding coaching skills in the workplace [d]
- Sean T. Hannah, Pierre A. Balthazard, David A. Waldman, Peter L. Jennings, & Robert W. Thatcher (2013) The psychological and neurological bases of leader self-complexity and effects on adaptive decision-making [d]
- Ernest L. Hoffman & Robert G. Lord (2013) A taxonomy of event-level dimensions: implications for understanding leadership processes, behavior, and performance [d]
- Doron Isaacs (2013) What is Mandela's secret? [u]
- Thomas Jordan, Pia Andersson, & Helena Ringnér (2013) The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
- Prasad Kaipa & Navi Radjou (2013) From smart to wise: acting and leading with wisdom [i]
- Claus Otto Scharmer & Katrin Kaufer (2013) Leading from the emerging future: from ego-system to eco-system economies [i]
- David Sibbet (2013) Visual leaders: new tools for visioning, management, & organization change [i] [d]
- Peter Y. T. Sun (2013) The servant identity: influences on the cognition and behavior of servant leaders [d]
- Thomas Sy, Jin Nam Choi, & Stefanie K. Johnson (2013) Reciprocal interactions between group perceptions of leader charisma and group mood through mood contagion [d]
- William R. Torbert (2013) Action inquiry and the Boston Marathon bombings: unilateral vs. mutual power [u]
- Ellen Van Velsor, Meena Wilson, Corey Criswell, & N. Anand Chandrasekar (2013) Learning to lead: a comparison of developmental events and learning among managers in China, India and the United States [d]
- Ryan Allen & Paul R. Lachapelle (2012) Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? [d]
- Jennifer Garvey Berger (2012) Changing on the job: developing leaders for a complex world [i] [d]
- C. Brené Brown (2012) Daring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead [i]
- Flavia Cavazotte, Valter Moreno, & Mateus Hickmann (2012) Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance [d]
- Michael L. Cepek (2012) A future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán environmental politics [i]
- Noshir S. Contractor, Leslie A. DeChurch, Jay Carson, Dorothy R. Carter, & Brian Keegan (2012) The topology of collective leadership [d]
- Sheila Cote-Meek, Kathy Dokis-Ranney, Lissa Lavallee, & Dawn Wemigwans (2012) Building leadership capacity amongst young Anishinaabe-Kwe through culturally-based activities and creative arts [u]
- Margaret Diddams & Glenna C. Chang (2012) Only human: exploring the nature of weakness in authentic leadership [d]
- Jessica E. Dinh & Robert G. Lord (2012) Implications of dispositional and process views of traits for individual difference research in leadership [d]
- Silke Astrid Eisenbeiss (2012) Re-thinking ethical leadership: an interdisciplinary integrative approach [d]
- Ben Fuchs & Robin Shohet (2012) Betrayal: an inevitable part of leadership? [d]
- Al Gini & Ronald M. Green (2012) Bad leaders/misleaders [d]
- J. Michael Haynie, Dean A. Shepherd, & Holger Patzelt (2012) Cognitive adaptability and an entrepreneurial task: the role of metacognitive ability and feedback [d]
- Katherine Holt & Kyoko Seki (2012) Global leadership: a developmental shift for everyone [and comments and reply] [d]
- Robert B. Kaiser, Jennifer Lindberg McGinnis, & Darren V. Overfield (2012) The how and the what of leadership [d]
- Ronit Kark, Ronit Waismel-Manor, & Boas Shamir (2012) Does valuing androgyny and femininity lead to a female advantage?: the relationship between gender-role, transformational leadership and identification [d]
- Barbara Kellerman (2012) The end of leadership [i]
- Carolyn Bereznak Kenny & Tina Ngaroimata Fraser [ed] (2012) Living indigenous leadership: native narratives on building strong communities [i]
- Konstantin Korotov, Elizabeth Florent-Treacy, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, & Andreas Bernhardt [ed] (2012) Tricky coaching: difficult cases in leadership coaching [i] [d]
- Mishka Lysack (2012) Building capacity for environmental engagement and leadership: an ecosocial work perspective [d]
- John Keith Murnighan (2012) Do nothing!: how to stop overmanaging and become a great leader [i]
- Charles J. Palus, John B. McGuire, & Chris Ernst (2012) Developing interdependent leadership [i]
- Robert E. Quinn (2012) The deep change field guide: a personal course to discovering the leader within [i]
- Ernesto Reuben, Pedro Rey-Biel, Paola Sapienza, & Luigi Zingales (2012) The emergence of male leadership in competitive environments [d]
- Robert I. Rotberg (2012) Transformative political leadership: making a difference in the developing world [i] [d]
- Diana Rus, Daan van Knippenberg, & Barbara Wisse (2012) Leader power and self-serving behavior: the moderating role of accountability [d]
- John M. Schaubroeck, Sean T. Hannah, Bruce J. Avolio, Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Robert G. Lord, Linda K. Treviño, Nikolaos Dimotakis, & Ann C. Peng (2012) Embedding ethical leadership within and across organization levels [d]
- Paul Schmitz (2012) Everyone leads: building leadership from the community up [i]
- Scott A. Snook, Nitin Nohria, & Rakesh Khurana [ed] (2012) The handbook for teaching leadership: knowing, doing, and being [i]
- John J. Sosik, William A. Gentry, & Jae Uk Chun (2012) The value of virtue in the upper echelons: a multisource examination of executive character strengths and performance [d]
- Peter Y. T. Sun & Marc H. Anderson (2012) The importance of attributional complexity for transformational leadership studies [d]
- Peter Y. T. Sun & Marc H. Anderson (2012) Civic capacity: building on transformational leadership to explain successful integrative public leadership [d]
- Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, & Jennifer A. Griffith (2012) Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: different emotions, different strategies [d]
- Paul Whiteley, Thomas Sy, & Stefanie K. Johnson (2012) Leaders' conceptions of followers: implications for naturally occurring Pygmalion effects [d]
- Xiaojun Zhang, Pingping Fu, Youmin Xi, Lei Li, Liguo Xu, Chunhui Cao, Guiquan Li, Li Ma, & Jing Ge (2012) Understanding indigenous leadership research: explication and Chinese examples [d]
- John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, & Sue Liechti (2011) Can charisma be taught?: tests of two interventions [d]
- Timothy Besley, Jose G. Montalvo, & Marta Reynal-Querol (2011) Do educated leaders matter? [d]
- Simon A. Black, Jim J. Groombridge, & Carl G. Jones (2011) Leadership and conservation effectiveness: finding a better way to lead [d]
- Shamir Boas (2011) Leadership takes time: some implications of (not) taking time seriously in leadership research [d]
- Dianna Daniels Booher (2011) Creating personal presence: look, talk, think, and act like a leader [i]
- Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis (2011) A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Phillip G. Clampitt & Robert J. Dekoch (2011) Transforming leaders into progress makers: leadership for the 21st century [i] [d]
- Douglas R. Conant & Mette Norgaard (2011) Touchpoints: creating powerful leadership connections in the smallest of moments [i]
- Amy J. C. Cuddy, Peter Glick, & Anna Beninger (2011) The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments, and their outcomes in organizations [d]
- David V. Day & Hock-Peng Sin (2011) Longitudinal tests of an integrative model of leader development: charting and understanding developmental trajectories [d]
- Kenneth P. De Meuse, Guangrong Dai, & Joshua Wu (2011) Leadership skills across organizational levels: a closer examination [d]
- Lisa Dragoni, In-Sue Oh, Paul Vankatwyk, & Paul E. Tesluk (2011) Developing executive leaders: the relative contribution of cognitive ability, personality, and the accumulation of work experience in predicting strategic thinking competency [d]
- Vicky Ellam-Dyson & Stephen Palmer (2011) Leadership coaching? No thanks, I'm not worthy [u]
- Etienne Farvaque, Hakim Hammadou, & Piotr Stanek (2011) Selecting your inflation targeters: background and performance of monetary policy committee members [d]
- Lynn Godkin & Seth Allcorn (2011) Organizational resistance to destructive narcissistic behavior [d] [j]
- Amanda H. Goodall, Lawrence M. Kahn, & Andrew J. Oswald (2011) Why do leaders matter?: a study of expert knowledge in a superstar setting [d]
- Sean T. Hannah, Robert G. Lord, & Craig L. Pearce (2011) Leadership and collective requisite complexity [d]
- Peter D. Harms, Seth M. Spain, & Sean T. Hannah (2011) Leader development and the dark side of personality [d]
- Brian J. Hoffman, David J. Woehr, Robyn Maldagen-Youngjohn, & Brian D. Lyons (2011) Great man or great myth?: a quantitative review of the relationship between individual differences and leader effectiveness [d]
- Peter L. Jennings & Sean T. Hannah (2011) The moralities of obligation and aspiration: towards a concept of exemplary military ethics and leadership [d]
- Thomas Jordan (2011) Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
- Robert B. Kaiser & Darren V. Overfield (2011) Strengths, strengths overused, and lopsided leadership [d]
- Robert B. Kaiser & Joyce Hogan (2011) Personality, leader behavior, and overdoing it [d]
- Robert G. Lord & Sara J. Shondrick (2011) Leadership and knowledge: symbolic, connectionist, and embodied perspectives [d]
- John J. Mearsheimer (2011) Why leaders lie: the truth about lying in international politics [i]
- Daniel F. Pinnow (2011) Leadership—what really matters: a handbook on systemic leadership [i] [d]
- Birgit Schyns, Tina Kiefer, Rudolf Kerschreiter, & Alex Tymon (2011) Teaching implicit leadership theories to develop leaders and leadership: how and why it can make a difference [d]
- Sorin Valcea, Maria Riaz Hamdani, M. Ronald Buckley, & Milorad M. Novicevic (2011) Exploring the developmental potential of leader–follower interactions: a constructive-developmental approach [d]
- Mark S. Albion (2010) Monk, architect, diplomat: three types of leadership are needed to build a successful organization [u]
- Chris Argyris (2010) Organizational traps: leadership, culture, organizational design [i]
- Daved Barry & Stefan Meisiek (2010) The art of leadership and its fine art shadow [d]
- Paul T. Bartone (2010) Preventing prisoner abuse: leadership lessons of Abu Ghraib [d]
- Karyn J. Boatwright, Frederick G. Lopez, Eric M. Sauer, Abbie VanDerWege, & Daniel M. Huber (2010) The influence of adult attachment styles on workers' preferences for relational leadership behaviors [d]
- Joyce E. Bono, Winny Shen, & Mark Snyder (2010) Fostering integrative community leadership [d]
- Lisa A. Boyce, Stephen J. Zaccaro, & Michelle Zazanis Wisecarver (2010) Propensity for self-development of leadership attributes: understanding, predicting, and supporting performance of leader self-development [d]
- Harry C. Boyte & Eric Fretz (2010) Civic professionalism [u]
- Kerry A. Bunker, Douglas T. Hall, & Kathy E. Kram [ed] (2010) Extraordinary leadership: addressing the gaps in senior executive development [i]
- Joanne B. Ciulla (2010) Being there: why leaders should not 'fiddle' while Rome burns [d]
- Lucia Crevani, Monica Lindgren, & Johann Packendorff (2010) Leadership, not leaders: on the study of leadership as practices and interactions [d]
- David V. Day (2010) The difficulties of learning from experience and the need for deliberate practice [d]
- Kenneth P. De Meuse, Guangrong Dai, & George S. Hallenbeck (2010) Learning agility: a construct whose time has come [d]
- Stephen Denning (2010) The leader's guide to radical management: reinventing the workplace for the 21st century [i]
- D. Scott DeRue & Susan J. Ashford (2010) Who will lead and who will follow?: a social process of leadership identity construction in organizations [d]
- Sergio Fernandez, Yoon Jik Cho, & James L. Perry (2010) Exploring the link between integrated leadership and public sector performance [d]
- Margaret A. Fletcher, Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Brendan Bartlett, Ruth Albertyn, & Judith Kearney (2010) Meta-action research on a leadership development program: a process model for life-long learning [d]
- Kathryn Goldman Schuyler (2010) Increasing leadership integrity through mind training and embodied learning [d]
- Larry A. Golemon [ed] (2010) Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
- Mark A. Griffin, Sharon K. Parker, & Claire M. Mason (2010) Leader vision and the development of adaptive and proactive performance: a longitudinal study [d]
- Natalia Hakimi, Daan van Knippenberg, & Steffen Giessner (2010) Leader empowering behaviour: the leader's perspective [d]
- Paul L. Hooper, Hillard S. Kaplan, & James L. Boone (2010) A theory of leadership in human cooperative groups [p] [d]
- Bruce Hoppe & Claire Reinelt (2010) Social network analysis and the evaluation of leadership networks [d]
- Robert B. Kaiser & Darren V. Overfield (2010) Assessing flexible leadership as a mastery of opposites [d]
- Robert E. Kaplan & Robert B. Kaiser (2010/2013) Toward a positive psychology for leaders [i] [d]
- Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries (2010) Reflections on leadership and career development [i] [d]
- Donna Marie Ladkin [ed] (2010/2020) Rethinking leadership: a new look at old leadership questions [i] [d]
- James M. Lager (2010) Governments demand compliance, ethics demands leadership [d]
- Alice Mann (2010) Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
- Johnathan K. Nelson, Stephen J. Zaccaro, & Jeffrey L. Herman (2010) Strategic information provision and experiential variety as tools for developing adaptive leadership skills [d]
- Faith Wambura Ngunjiri (2010) Lessons in spiritual leadership from Kenyan women [d]
- Sonia M. Ospina & Erica Foldy (2010) Building bridges from the margins: the work of leadership in social change organizations [d]
- Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, & Monique Sternin (2010) The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
- Edward J. Pavur (2010) Use job descriptions to support leadership [d]
- Jeffrey Pfeffer (2010) Power: why some people have it—and others don't [i]
- Willie Pietersen (2010) Strategic learning: how to be smarter than your competition and turn key insights into competitive advantage [i] [d]
- Niels Quaquebeke & Tilman Eckloff (2010) Defining respectful leadership: what it is, how it can be measured, and another glimpse at what it is related to [d] [j]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2010) The leaderful fieldbook: strategies and activities for developing leadership in everyone [i]
- Krista Langkamer Ratwani, Stephen J. Zaccaro, Sena Garven, & David S. Geller (2010) The role of developmental social networks in effective leader self-learning processes [i] [d]
- Susan Ueber Raymond (2010) Nonprofit finance for hard times: leadership strategies when economies falter [i]
- Benjamin Redekop (2010) 'Physicians to a dying planet': Helen Caldicott, Randall Forsberg, and the anti-nuclear weapons movement of the early 1980s [d]
- Jack Rhoton [ed] (2010) Science education leadership: best practices for the new century [i]
- Mitchell G. Rothstein & Ronald J. Burke [ed] (2010) Self-management and leadership development [i] [d]
- Chris Silvia & Michael McGuire (2010) Leading public sector networks: an empirical examination of integrative leadership behaviors [d]
- Claus Springborg (2010) Leadership as art: leaders coming to their senses [d]
- Glyn Thomas (2010) Facilitator, teacher, or leader?: managing conflicting roles in outdoor education [d]
- William R. Torbert, Reut Livne-Tarandach, David McCallum, Aliki Nicolaides, & Elaine Herdman-Barker (2010) Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
- Gary A. Yukl & Rubina Mahsud (2010) Why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential [d]
- Mark A. Abramson (2009) Getting it done: a guide for government executives [i]
- Scott J. Allen & Jon F. Wergin (2009) Leadership and adult development theories: overviews and overlaps [u]
- Michael Beer (2009) Sustain organizational performance through continuous learning, change and realignment [i] [d]
- Chantal Benoit-Barné & François Cooren (2009) The accomplishment of authority through presentification: how authority is distributed among and negotiated by organizational members [d]
- Arjen Berkvens (2009) Becoming a better politician: political skills manual [o] [u]
- Stephen Preskill & Stephen Brookfield (2009) Learning as a way of leading: lessons from the struggle for social justice [i]
- Donna Chrobot-Mason, Marian N. Ruderman, Todd J. Weber, & Chris Ernst (2009) The challenge of leading on unstable ground: triggers that activate social identity faultlines [d]
- Cathleen Civiello & Nancy Welker (2009) Developing senior technical leaders at the National Security Agency [d]
- Michael S. Cole, Heike Bruch, & Boas Shamir (2009) Social distance as a moderator of the effects of transformational leadership: both neutralizer and enhancer [d]
- Jason A. Colquitt & Sabrina C. Salam (2009) Foster trust through ability, benevolence, and integrity [i] [d]
- Ann L. Cunliffe (2009) The philosopher leader: on relationalism, ethics and reflexivity: a critical perspective to teaching leadership [d]
- David V. Day, Michelle M. Harrison, & Stanley M. Halpin (2009) An integrative approach to leader development: connecting adult development, identity, and expertise [i] [d]
- Eleanor Drago-Severson (2009) Leading adult learning: supporting adult development in our schools [i]
- Axel Dreher, Michael J. Lamla, Sarah M. Lein, & Frank Somogyi (2009) The impact of political leaders' profession and education on reforms [d]
- William D. Eggers & John O'Leary (2009) If we can put a man on the moon: getting big things done in government [i]
- Riane Eisler & Thais Corral (2009) Leaders forging values-based change: partnership power for the 21st century [d]
- Nathanael J. Fast & Serena Chen (2009) When the boss feels inadequate: power, incompetence, and aggression [d]
- Kristian Firing, Ragnheidur Karlsdottir, & Jon Christian Laberg (2009) Social influence in military leadership training [d]
- Mark Grandstaff & Georgia Jones Sorenson [ed] (2009) Strategic leadership: the general's art [i]
- J. Richard Hackman & Ruth Wageman (2009) Foster team effectiveness by fulfilling key leadership functions [i] [d]
- Morten T. Hansen (2009) Collaboration: how leaders avoid the traps, create unity, and reap big results [i]
- Ronald A. Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, & Martin Linsky (2009) The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world [i]
- Ronald A. Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, & Martin Linsky (2009) See yourself as a system [i]
- Joanna Hoare & Fiona Gell [ed] (2009) Women's leadership and participation: case studies on learning for action [i] [d]
- Robert Hogan & Michael J. Benson (2009) Personality theory and positive psychology: strategic self-awareness [i]
- Robert Johansen (2009/2012) Leaders make the future: ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world [i]
- Robert B. Kaiser [ed] (2009) The perils of accentuating the positive [i]
- Jim C. Manolis, Kai M. A. Chan, Myra E. Finkelstein, Scott Stephens, Cara R. Nelson, Jacqualine B. Grant, & Michael P. Dombeck (2009) Leadership: a new frontier in conservation science [p] [d]
- John B. McGuire & Gary B. Rhodes (2009) Transforming your leadership culture [i]
- James L. Perry [ed] (2009) The Jossey-Bass reader on nonprofit and public leadership [i]
- Todd L. Pittinsky [ed] (2009) Crossing the divide: intergroup leadership in a world of difference [i]
- Ryan W. Quinn & Robert E. Quinn (2009/2015) Lift: the fundamental state of leadership [or: Lift: becoming a positive force in any situation] [i]
- Michael A. Roberto (2009) Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
- Deborah Shmueli, Wallace Warfield, & Sanda Kaufman (2009) Enhancing community leadership negotiation skills to build civic capacity [d]
- Eva Sørensen & Jacob Torfing (2009) Making governance networks effective and democratic through metagovernance [d]
- Sarah E. Strang & Karl W. Kuhnert (2009) Personality and leadership developmental levels as predictors of leader performance [d]
- Dean Tjosvold & Barbara Wisse [ed] (2009) Power and interdependence in organizations [i] [d]
- Chris Warner & Don Schmincke (2009) High altitude leadership: what the world's most forbidding peaks teach us about success [i]
- Michael D. Watkins (2009) Your next move: the leader's guide to navigating major career transitions [i]
- Paul R. Yost & Mary Mannion Plunket (2009) Real time leadership development [i] [d]
- Bruce J. Avolio & Sean T. Hannah (2008) Developmental readiness: accelerating leader development [d]
- William F. Baker & Michael O'Malley (2008) Leading with kindness: how good people consistently get superior results [i]
- David Berke, Michael E. Kossler, & Michael Wakefield (2008) Developing leadership talent [i]
- Allen C. Bluedorn & Kimberly S. Jaussi (2008) Leaders, followers, and time [d]
- Joseph H. Boyett (2008) Won't get fooled again: a voter's guide to seeing through the lies, getting past the propaganda, and choosing the best leaders [i]
- Kim S. Cameron (2008/2012) Positive leadership: strategies for extraordinary performance [i]
- Brigid Carroll, Lester Levy, & David Richmond (2008) Leadership as practice: challenging the competency paradigm [d]
- Brian Dive (2008) The accountable leader: developing effective leadership through managerial accountability [i]
- Wilfred H. Drath, Cynthia D. McCauley, Charles J. Palus, Ellen Van Velsor, Patricia M. G. O'Connor, & John B. McGuire (2008) Direction, alignment, commitment: toward a more integrative ontology of leadership [d]
- Sydney Finkelstein, Jo Whitehead, & Andrew Campbell (2008) Think again: why good leaders make bad decisions and how to keep it from happening to you [i]
- Stewart D. Friedman (2008) Total leadership: be a better leader, have a richer life [i]
- Marshall Goldsmith (2008) Become a more effective leader by asking one tough question ['What am I willing to change now?'] [u]
- Robert Hogan & Robert B. Kaiser (2008) Quality control: why leaders need to understand personality [d]
- Robert Hoyk & Paul Hersey (2008) The ethical executive: becoming aware of the root causes of unethical behavior: 45 psychological traps that every one of us falls prey to [i] [d]
- Robert B. Kaiser, Robert Hogan, & S. Bartholomew Craig (2008) Leadership and the fate of organizations [p] [d]
- Barbara Kellerman (2008) Followership: how followers are creating change and changing leaders [i]
- Ken Lizotte (2008) The expert's edge: become the go-to authority people turn to every time [i]
- Michael F. Mascolo (2008) The concept of domain in developmental analyses of hierarchical complexity [d]
- Rita McGrath (2008) Absorb their uncertainty—and get your people unstuck [u]
- Annie McKee, Richard E. Boyatzis, & Frances Johnston (2008) Becoming a resonant leader: develop your emotional intelligence, renew your relationships, sustain your effectiveness [i]
- Philip H. Mirvis (2008) Executive development through consciousness-raising experiences [d]
- Ricardo S. Morse & Terry F. Buss [ed] (2008) Innovations in public leadership development [i] [d]
- Harrison Owen (2008) Wave rider: leadership for high performance in a self-organizing world [i]
- Mollie Painter-Morland (2008) Systemic leadership and the emergence of ethical responsiveness [d] [j]
- Anja Ropo & Erika Sauer (2008) Dances of leadership: bridging theory and practice through an aesthetic approach [d]
- Viviane Seyraniana & Michelle C. Bligh (2008) Presidential charismatic leadership: exploring the rhetoric of social change [d]
- Scott M. Shaw (2008) Leadership development and the characteristics/traits of ethical and effective leaders: the Delphi technique [i] [u]
- Reinout E. de Vries (2008) What are we measuring?: convergence of leadership with interpersonal and non-interpersonal personality [d]
- Ellen S. Amatea & Cirecie A. West-Olatunji (2007) Joining the conversation about educating our poorest children: emerging leadership roles for school counselors in high-poverty schools [d] [j]
- Daniel R. Ames & Francis J. Flynn (2007) What breaks a leader: the curvilinear relation between assertiveness and leadership [p] [d]
- Paul T. Bartone, Scott A. Snook, George B. Forsythe, Philip Lewis, & Richard C. Bullis (2007) Psychosocial development and leader performance of military officer cadets [d]
- Kimberly B. Boal & Patrick L. Schultz (2007) Storytelling, time, and evolution: the role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems [d]
- Ram Charan (2007) Know-how: the 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who don't [i]
- Rivka Davidovitz, Mario Mikulincer, Phillip R. Shaver, Ronit Izsak, & Micha Popper (2007) Leaders as attachment figures: leaders' attachment orientations predict leadership-related mental representations and followers' performance and mental health [d]
- Stephen Denning (2007) The secret language of leadership: how leaders inspire action through narrative [i]
- A. Walter Dorn (2007) U Thant: Buddhism in action [i] [j]
- Alice Hendrickson Eagly & Linda Lorene Carli (2007) Through the labyrinth: the truth about how women become leaders [i]
- Joyce K. Fletcher (2007) Leadership, power, and positive relationships [i] [d]
- Roseanne J. Foti & Neil M. A. Hauenstein (2007) Pattern and variable approaches in leadership emergence and effectiveness [d]
- Bill Joiner & Stephen Josephs (2007) Leadership agility: five levels of mastery for anticipating and initiating change [i]
- Robert E. Kaplan & Robert B. Kaiser (2007) Adjusting your leadership volume [d]
- Barbara Kellerman & Deborah L. Rhode [ed] (2007) Women and leadership: the state of play and strategies for change [i]
- Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Konstantin Korotov, Elizabeth Florent-Treacy, & Caroline Rook [ed] (2007/2016) Coach and couch: the psychology of making better leaders [i] [d]
- Kent J. Kille [ed] (2007) The UN secretary-general and moral authority: ethics and religion in international leadership [i] [j]
- Robert Kramer (2007) How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
- Kathi J. Lovelace, Charles C. Manz, & José C. Alves (2007) Work stress and leadership development: the role of self-leadership, shared leadership, physical fitness and flow in managing demands and increasing job control [d]
- Imre Lövey, Manohar S. Nadkarni, & Eszter Erdélyi (2007) How healthy is your organization?: the leader's guide to curing corporate diseases and promoting joyful cultures [i]
- Roger L. Martin (2007) The opposable mind: how successful leaders win through integrative thinking [i]
- David McGuire & Kate Hutchings (2007) Portrait of a transformational leader: the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr [d]
- Donald C. Menzel (2007/2016) Ethics management for public and nonprofit managers: leading and building organizations of integrity [i] [d]
- Claus Otto Scharmer (2007/2016) Theory U: leading from the future as it emerges: the social technology of presencing [or: Theory U: leading from the emerging future] [i]
- David J. Snowden & Mary E. Boone (2007) A leader's framework for decision making [p] [u]
- Dennis Sparks (2007) Leading for results: transforming teaching, learning, and relationships in schools [i]
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler (2007) The leadership dojo: build your foundation as an exemplary leader [i]
- Noel M. Tichy & Warren G. Bennis (2007) Judgment: how winning leaders make great calls [i]
- Nancy J. Adler (2006) The arts & leadership: now that we can do anything, what will we do? [d]
- Joseph Badaracco (2006) Questions of character: illuminating the heart of leadership through literature [i]
- Prasad Balkundi & Martin Kilduff (2006) The ties that lead: a social network approach to leadership [d]
- Ingrid Bens (2006) Facilitating to lead!: leadership strategies for a networked world [i]
- Michael Jacoby Brown (2006) The way to develop power is to develop leaders [i]
- Michael Jacoby Brown (2006) Building powerful community organizations: a personal guide to creating groups that can solve problems and change the world [i]
- John M. Bryson & Barbara C. Crosby (2006) Leadership for the common good [i]
- Kathleen Budge (2006) Rural leaders, rural places: problem, privilege, and possibility [u]
- Michael L. Cepek (2006/2007) The Cofán experiment: expanding an indigenous Amazonian world [o] [u]
- Peter H. Daly, Michael Watkins, & Cate Reavis (2006) The first 90 days in government: critical success strategies for new public managers at all levels [i]
- Patrick A. Duignan (2006/2012) Educational leadership: together creating ethical learning environments [i]
- Roger Eatwell (2006) The concept and theory of charismatic leadership [especially in fascism] [d]
- Jörg Felfe & Birgit Schyns (2006) Personality and the perception of transformational leadership: the impact of extraversion, neuroticism, personal need for structure, and occupational self-efficacy [d]
- Stewart D. Friedman (2006) Learning to lead in all domains of life [d]
- Mark Gerzon (2006) Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
- Mark Gerzon (2006/2007) Liderazgo ante la adversidad: cómo los buenos líderes transforman los conflictos en oportunidades [i]
- Robert Goffee & Gareth Jones (2006) Why should anyone be led by you?: what it takes to be an authentic leader [i]
- Robert B. Kaiser & Robert E. Kaplan (2006) The deeper work of executive development: outgrowing sensitivities [d]
- Robert E. Kaplan & Robert B. Kaiser (2006) The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
- Richard R. Kilburg (2006) Executive wisdom: coaching and the emergence of virtuous leaders [i] [d]
- Stuart R. Levine (2006) Cut to the chase: and 99 other rules to liberate yourself and gain back the gift of time [i]
- Ian Macdonald, Catherine G. Burke, & Karl Stewart (2006/2018) Systems leadership: creating positive organisations [i] [d]
- Louise E. Porter & Laurence J. Alison (2006) Leadership and hierarchies in criminal groups: scaling degrees of leader behaviour in group robbery [d]
- Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] (2006) Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
- David Rock (2006) Quiet leadership: help people think better—don't tell them what to do: six steps to transforming performance at work [i]
- Christina Schwabenland (2006) Stories, visions, and values in voluntary organisations [i]
- Paul Randal Thomas (2006) Integrating primary health care: leading, managing, facilitating [i]
- Sharon Ting & Peter Scisco [ed] (2006) The CCL handbook of coaching: a guide for the leader coach [i]
- Dennis Tourish & Paul Robson (2006) Sensemaking and the distortion of critical upward communication in organizations [d]
- Tony Wagner & Robert Kegan (2006) Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools [i]
- Michael D. Watkins (2006) Shaping the game: the new leader's guide to effective negotiating [i]
- David J. Wilkinson (2006) The ambiguity advantage: what great leaders are great at [i] [d]
- Monica C. Worline & Sarah Boik (2006) Leadership lessons from Sarah: values based leadership for everyday practice [i] [d]
- Craig Wortmann (2006) What's your story?: using stories to ignite performance and be more successful [i]
- Richard E. Boyatzis & Annie McKee (2005) Resonant leadership: renewing yourself and connecting with others through mindfulness, hope, and compassion [i]
- Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic & Adrian F. Furnham (2005) Personality and intellectual competence [i] [d]
- John Clemens & Scott Dalrymple (2005) Time mastery: how temporal intelligence will make you a stronger, more effective leader [i]
- Stephen Denning (2005) The leader's guide to storytelling: mastering the art and discipline of business narrative [i]
- Barry C. Jentz & Jerome T. Murphy (2005) Embracing confusion: what leaders do when they don't know what to do [d]
- Mark Kriger (2005) What really is strategic process? [i]
- Michael J. Marquardt (2005) Leading with questions: how leaders find the right solutions by knowing what to ask [i]
- Chuck Martin (2005) Tough management: the 7 ways to make tough decisions easier, deliver the numbers, and grow business in good times and bad [i]
- Donna McAleese & Owen Hargie (2005) Five guiding principles of culture management: a synthesis of best practice [d]
- Thomas J. Neff, James M. Citrin, & Catherine Fredman (2005) You're in charge, now what?: the 8 point plan [i]
- Sharon Daloz Parks (2005) Leadership can be taught: a bold approach for a complex world [i]
- Tarrell Awe Agahe Portman & Michael Tlanusta Garrett (2005) Beloved women: nurturing the sacred fire of leadership from an American Indian perspective [d]
- Robert E. Quinn (2005) Moments of greatness: entering the fundamental state of leadership [u]
- Michael A. Roberto (2005/2013) Why great leaders don't take yes for an answer: managing for conflict and consensus [i]
- Dean Williams (2005) Real leadership: helping people and organizations face their toughest challenges [i]
- Martin Wood (2005) The fallacy of misplaced leadership [d]
- Danielle S. Beu & M. Ronald Buckley (2004) This is war: how the politically astute achieve crimes of obedience through the use of moral disengagement [d]
- Ronald J. Burke & Cary L. Cooper [ed] (2004) Leading in turbulent times: managing in the new world of work [i]
- Steve Chandler & Scott Richardson (2004/2008) 100 ways to motivate others: how great leaders can produce insane results without driving people crazy [i]
- Stephen R. Covey (2004) The 8th habit: from effectiveness to greatness [i]
- Vasudha Kathleen Deming (2004) The big book of leadership games: quick, fun activities to improve communication, increase productivity, and bring out the best in your employees [i]
- David L. Dotlich, James L. Noel, & Norman Walker (2004) Leadership passages: the personal and professional transitions that make or break a leader [i]
- Donna Dunning (2004) TLC at work: training, leading, coaching all types for star performance [i]
- Peter M. Jonas (2004) Secrets of connecting leadership and learning with humor [i]
- Robert E. Kaplan & Robert B. Kaiser (2004) The turbulence within: how sensitivities throw off performance in executives [i]
- Barbara Kellerman (2004) Bad leadership: what it is, how it happens, why it matters [i]
- Sonia M. Ospina, Jennifer Dodge, Bethany Godsoe, Joan Minieri, Salvador Reza, & Ellen Schall (2004) From consent to mutual inquiry [d]
- Robert E. Quinn (2004) Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
- Dick Richards (2004) The art of winning commitment: 10 ways leaders can engage minds, hearts, and spirits [i]
- William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Dalmar Fisher, Erica Foldy, Alain Gauthier, Jackie Keeley, David Rooke, Sara Nora Ross, Catherine Royce, Jenny W. Rudolph, Steven S. Taylor, & Mariana Tran (2004) Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
- Debra A. Benton (2003) Executive charisma [i]
- James M. Citrin & Richard A. Smith (2003) The five patterns of extraordinary careers: the guide for achieving success and satisfaction [i]
- Mihály Csikszentmihályi (2003) Good business: leadership, flow, and the making of meaning [i]
- Sydney Finkelstein (2003) Why smart executives fail and what you can learn from their mistakes [i]
- Stewart D. Friedman & Sharon Lobel (2003) The happy workaholic: a role model for employees [d] [j]
- Belle Linda Halpern & Kathy Lubar (2003) Leadership presence: dramatic techniques to reach out, motivate, and inspire [i]
- Frank Hauser & Russell Reich (2003) Notes on directing: 130 lessons in leadership from the director's chair [i]
- David Holman & Richard Thorpe [ed] (2003) Management and language: the manager as a practical author [i] [d]
- Dwayne S. Marsh, Milly Hawk Daniel, & Kris Putnam (2003) Leadership for policy change: strengthening communities of color through leadership development [o] [u]
- Adam Przeworski & José María Maravall [ed] (2003) Democracy and the rule of law [i] [d]
- Joseph A. Raelin (2003) Creating leaderful organizations: how to bring out leadership in everyone [i]
- Larraine Segil, Marshall Goldsmith, & James A. Belasco [ed] (2003) Partnering: the new face of leadership [i]
- Michael D. Watkins (2003/2013) The first 90 days: critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels [i]
- Craig M. Wheeland (2003) Implementing a community-wide strategic plan: Rock Hill's Empowering the Vision 10 years later [d]
- Michael Ayers (2002) Leadership, shared meaning, and semantics [j]
- Joseph Badaracco (2002) Leading quietly: an unorthodox guide to doing the right thing [i]
- J. Stewart Black (2002/2014) It starts with one: changing individuals changes organizations [or: Leading strategic change: breaking through the brain barrier] [i]
- Kerry A. Bunker, Kathy E. Kram, & Sharon Ting (2002) The young and the clueless [p] [u]
- David D. Chrislip (2002) The collaborative leadership fieldbook: a guide for citizens and civic leaders [i]
- Chris Clarke-Epstein (2002) 78 important questions every leader should ask and answer [i]
- Harlan Cleveland (2002) Nobody in charge: essays on the future of leadership [i]
- David L. Dotlich & Peter C. Cairo (2002) Unnatural leadership: going against intuition and experience to develop ten new leadership instincts [i]
- María Elena Figueroa, D. Lawrence Kincaid, Manju Rani, & Gary L. Lewis (2002) Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
- Douglas T. Hall (2002) Reflection: self-development for the growth of identity and adaptability [i] [d]
- Paul E. Levy, Richard T. Cober, & Terri Miller (2002) The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceptions on feedback-seeking intentions [d]
- Roger L. Martin (2002) The responsibility virus: how control freaks, shrinking violets—and the rest of us—can harness the power of true partnership [i]
- Sharon L. McDowell-Larsen, Leigh Kearney, & David Campbell (2002) Fitness and leadership: is there a relationship?: regular exercise correlates with higher leadership ratings in senior-level executives [d]
- Michael D. Mumford, Ginamarie M. Scott, Blaine Gaddis, & Jill M. Strange (2002) Leading creative people: orchestrating expertise and relationships [d]
- Richard N. Osborn, James G. Hunt, & Lawrence R. Jauch (2002) Toward a contextual theory of leadership [d]
- Charles J. Palus & David Magellan Horth (2002) The leader's edge: six creative competencies for navigating complex challenges [i]
- Eric G. Stephan & R. Wayne Pace (2002) Powerful leadership: how to unleash the potential in others and simplify your life [i]
- Peter Stephenson & Rob Balmer (2002) Naked leadership: confronting the truth about leadership [i]
- William R. Torbert & Russ Volckmann (2002) A fresh perspective: a conversation with Bill Torbert, July 11, 2002 [u]
- John H. Zenger & Joe Folkman (2002/2009) The extraordinary leader: turning good managers into great leaders [i]
- Dean Anderson & Linda S. Ackerman-Anderson (2001/2010) Beyond change management: advanced strategies for today's transformational leaders [i]
- Gervase R. Bushe (2001/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
- Ram Charan, Stephen J. Drotter, & James L. Noel (2001/2011) The leadership pipeline: how to build the leadership-powered company [i]
- Christyn L. Dolbier, Mike Soderstrom, & Mary A. Steinhardt (2001) The relationships between self-leadership and enhanced psychological, health, and work outcomes [p] [d]
- Wilfred H. Drath (2001) The deep blue sea: rethinking the source of leadership [i]
- Philip Hodgson & Randall P. White (2001) Relax, it's only uncertainty: lead the way when the way is changing [i]
- Craig E. Johnson (2001/2020) Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: casting light or shadow [i]
- Sara N. King, David G. Altman, & Robert J. Lee (2001/2011) Discovering the leader in you: how to realize your leadership potential [i]
- Jeffrey A. Kottler & Matt Englar-Carlson (2001/2009) Learning group leadership: an experiential approach [i]
- Barbara Mackoff & Gary Alan Wenet (2001) The inner work of leaders: leadership as a habit of mind [i]
- Charles C. Manz & Henry P. Sims (2001) The new superleadership: leading others to lead themselves [i]
- Juan Ansión, Alejandro Diez Hurtado, & Luis Mujica [ed] (2000) Autoridad en espacios locales: una mirada desde la antropología [i]
- The Arbinger Institute (2000/2009) Leadership and self-deception: getting out of the box [i]
- Deborah A. Cai & Edward L. Fink (2000/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
- Robert Coles (2000) Lives of moral leadership [i]
- Marshall Goldsmith & Laurence Lyons [ed] (2000/2006) Coaching for leadership: the practice of leadership coaching from the world's greatest coaches [i]
- Yair Amichai Hamburger (2000) Mathematical leadership vision [p] [d]
- Christine Kawakami, Judith B. White, & Ellen J. Langer (2000) Mindful and masculine: freeing women leaders from the constraints of gender roles [d]
- Kristi M. Lewis (2000) When leaders display emotion: how followers respond to negative emotional expression of male and female leaders [d]
- Edwin A. Locke [ed] (2000/2009) Handbook of principles of organizational behavior [i] [d]
- James P. Masciarelli (2000) PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
- François Matarasso (2000) The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
- Kevin Mattson (2000) The librarian as secular minister to democracy: the life and ideas of John Cotton Dana [j]
- Christopher P. Neck & Kenneth H. Cooper (2000) The fit executive: exercise and diet guidelines for enhancing performance [j]
- Robert E. Quinn (2000) Change the world: how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results [i]
- Robert E. Quinn, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, & Matthew V. Brown (2000) Changing others through changing ourselves: the transformation of human systems [d]
- Marian N. Ruderman & Patricia J. Ohlott (2000) Learning from life: turning life's lessons into leadership experience [i]
- Dietram A. Scheufele (2000) Agenda-setting, priming, and framing revisited: another look at cognitive effects of political communication [d] [u]
- John J. Sosik & Veronica M. Godshalk (2000) Leadership styles, mentoring functions received, and job-related stress: a conceptual model and preliminary study [d]
- R. Brian Stanfield (2000/2012) The courage to lead: transform self, transform society [i]
- James R. Barker (1999) The discipline of teamwork: participation and concertive control [i]
- C. Marlene Fiol, Drew Harris, & Robert House (1999) Charismatic leadership: strategies for effecting social change [d]
- Philip J. Harkins (1999) Powerful conversations: how high-impact leaders communicate [i]
- Stephen S. Kaagan (1999) Leadership games: experiential learning for organizational development [i]
- John N. Kotre (1999) Make it count: how to generate a legacy that gives meaning to your life [i]
- Chris Maser (1999) Vision and leadership in sustainable development [i]
- Leonard O. Pellicer (1999/2008) Caring enough to lead: how reflective practice leads to moral leadership [i]
- Susan A. Wheelan (1999/2005) Creating effective teams: a guide for members and leaders [i]
- David L. Bradford & Allan R. Cohen (1998) Power up: transforming organizations through shared leadership [i]
- Richard L. Daft & Robert H. Lengel (1998) Fusion leadership: unlocking the subtle forces that change people and organizations [i]
- Janet Vinzant Denhardt & Lane Crothers (1998) Street-level leadership: discretion and legitimacy in front-line public service [i]
- Roger Fisher, Alan Sharp, & John Richardson (1998) Getting it done: how to lead when you're not in charge [i]
- Susan M. Katz (1998) A newcomer gains power: an analysis of the role of rhetorical expertise [d]
- Jeffrey Scott Luke (1998) Catalytic leadership: strategies for an interconnected world [i]
- Peter R. Scholtes (1998) Leading by asking good questions [i]
- Peter R. Scholtes (1998) The leader's handbook: making things happen, getting things done [i]
- Ellen Van Velsor, Cynthia D. McCauley, & Marian N. Ruderman [ed] (1998/2010) The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development [i]
- Kerry A. Bunker (1997) The power of vulnerability in contemporary leadership [d]
- Watts S. Humphrey (1997) Managing technical people: innovation, teamwork, and the software process [i]
- Kim H. Krisco (1997) Leadership and the art of conversation: conversation as a management tool [i]
- George H. Labovitz & Victor Rosansky (1997) The power of alignment: how great companies stay centered and accomplish extraordinary things [i]
- Paul C. Nutt & Robert W. Backoff (1997) Crafting vision [d]
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler (1997) Holding the center: sanctuary in a time of confusion [i]
- Andy Bryner & Dawna Markova (1996) An unused intelligence: physical thinking for 21st century leadership [i]
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