How to laugh
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- Stella A. Gilbert (2023) Artist profile: comedian Karen 'Big Dog' Chee on embracing comedy with kindness [u]
- Amelia Hill (2022) Standup comedy course for men at risk of suicide wins NHS funding ['Comedy on Referral'] [u]
- Andrea Lambert South, Jessica Elton, & Alison M. Lietzenmayer (2022) Communicating death with humor: humor types and functions in death over dinner conversations [p] [d]
- Jennifer Lynn Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas (2021) Humor, seriously: why humor is a secret weapon in business and life: and how anyone can harness it, even you [i]
- Sara Ödmark (2021) Making news funny: differences in news framing between journalists and comedians [d]
- Caspar Addyman (2020) The laughing baby: the extraordinary science behind what makes babies happy [i]
- Lydia Amir (2020) 'Pure joy': Spinoza on laughter and cheerfulness [d]
- Daniel S. Lobel (2020) Why some families laugh together and others fight [u]
- Laura E. Mercer Traavik (2020) Are you joking?: humor and inclusive leadership [i] [d]
- Dannagal G. Young (2020) Irony and outrage: the polarized landscape of rage, fear, and laughter in the United States [i] [d]
- Jennifer Hofmann & Willibald Ruch (2019) Moving forward in fostering humour: towards training lighter forms of humour in multicultural contexts [i] [d]
- Jackson G. Lu, Ashley E. Martin, Anastasia Usova, & Adam D. Galinsky (2019) Creativity and humor across cultures: where aha meets haha [i] [d]
- Sarah R. Luria, John Baer, & James C. Kaufman [ed] (2019) Creativity and humor [i] [d]
- René T. Proyer, Nancy Tandler, & Kay Brauer (2019) Playfulness and creativity: a selective review [i] [d]
- Jack Taylor (2019) Laugh! The revolution is here: humor and anger in the speeches of Malcolm X [d] [u]
- Fausto Caruana (2017) Laughter as a neurochemical mechanism aimed at reinforcing social bonds: integrating evidence from opioidergic activity and brain stimulation [p] [d] [u]
- Sarah Knox, Meghan C. Butler, Dakota J. Kaiser, Graham Knowlton, & Clara E. Hill (2017) Something to laugh about: humor as a characteristic of effective therapists [i] [d]
- Sandra Manninen, Lauri Tuominen, Robin I. M. Dunbar, Tomi Karjalainen, Jussi Hirvonen, Eveliina Arponen, Riitta Hari, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams, & Lauri Nummenmaa (2017) Social laughter triggers endogenous opioid release in humans [p] [d] [u]
- Elizabeth O'Nions, César F. Lima, Sophie K. Scott, Ruth Roberts, Eamon J. McCrory, & Essi Viding (2017) Reduced laughter contagion in boys at risk for psychopathy [p] [d] [u]
- Stewart James Everett (2016) On being seriously funny: what we can learn about humor from Ann Ulanov [d]
- Russell Ford (2016) Humor, law, and jurisprudence: on Deleuze's political philosophy [d]
- Lauren E. Fox (2016) The use of humor in family therapy: rationale and applications [d]
- Christopher Olsen [ed] (2016) Acting comedy [i] [d]
- Nora McInerny Purmort (2016) It's ok to laugh (crying is cool, too): a memoir [i]
- Alan Seidman (2016) I'm not joking. But maybe I should start? [u]
- Caleb Warren & A. Peter McGraw (2016) Differentiating what is humorous from what is not [p] [d]
- Ciera V. Scott, Lee A. Hyer, & Laura C. McKenzie (2015) The healing power of laughter: the applicability of humor as a psychotherapy technique with depressed and anxious older adults [d]
- Barbara J. Thomas, James P. Roehrig, & Peggy H. Yang (2015) Humor and healing in college counseling [d]
- Meredith Van Vleet & Brooke C. Feeney (2015) Play behavior and playfulness in adulthood [d]
- Don Waisanen, Hershey H. Friedman, & Linda Weiser Friedman (2015) What's so funny about arguing with God?: a case for playful argumentation from Jewish literature [d]
- Jeffrey Brown (2014) Kids are weird: and other observations from parenthood [i]
- Sophia A. McClennen & Remy M. Maisel (2014) Is satire saving our nation?: mockery and American politics [i] [d]
- Willibald Ruch, Tracey Platt, & Jennifer Hofmann (2014) The character strengths of class clowns [p] [d] [u]
- Matt Hoyle (2013) Comic genius: portraits of funny people [i]
- Steven M. Sultanoff (2013) Integrating humor into psychotherapy: research, theory, and the necessary conditions for the presence of therapeutic humor in helping relationships [d]
- Jeff Bridges & Bernard Glassman (2012) The Dude and the Zen master [i]
- Robin I. M. Dunbar, Rebecca Baron, Anna Frangou, Eiluned Pearce, Edwin J. C. van Leeuwen, Julie Stow, Giselle Partridge, Ian MacDonald, Vincent Barra, & Mark van Vugt (2012) Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold [p] [d] [u]
- Jessica Mesmer-Magnus, David J. Glew, & Chockalingam Viswesvaran (2012) A meta-analysis of positive humor in the workplace [d]
- René T. Proyer, Stephanie Estoppey, & Willibald Ruch (2012) An initial study on how families deal with ridicule and being laughed at: parenting styles and parent–child relations with respect to gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism [d]
- Shelley A. Crawford & Nerina J. Caltabiano (2011) Promoting emotional well-being through the use of humour [d]
- Jeffrey A. Hall (2011) Is it something I said?: sense of humor and partner embarrassment [d]
- Ramon Mora-Ripoll (2011) Potential health benefits of simulated laughter: a narrative review of the literature and recommendations for future research [d]
- Erin Rothwell, Kassidy Siharath, Steven Bell, Kim Nguyen, & Carla Baker (2011) Joking culture: the role of repeated humorous interactions on group processes during challenge course experiences [d]
- Terje Slåtten, Göran Svensson, & Sander Sværi (2011) Empowering leadership and the influence of a humorous work climate on service employees' creativity and innovative behaviour in frontline service jobs [d]
- Gordon Hodson, Cara C. MacInnis, & Jonathan Rush (2010) Prejudice-relevant correlates of humor temperaments and humor styles [d]
- Tim Kirkby, Robert Popper, & Peter Serafinowicz (2010) Look around you [i]
- Nicholas A. Kuiper & Catherine Leite (2010) Personality impressions associated with four distinct humor styles [d]
- Josephine Chinying Lang & Chay Hoon Lee (2010) Workplace humor and organizational creativity [d]
- George Loewenstein (2010) Insufficient emotion: soul-searching by a former indicter of strong emotions [d]
- Cris Mayo (2010) Incongruity and provisional safety: thinking through humor [d]
- Terry L. Paulson (2010) The optimism advantage: 50 simple truths to transform your attitudes and actions into results [i]
- René T. Proyer, Tracey Platt, & Willibald Ruch (2010) Self-conscious emotions and ridicule: shameful gelotophobes and guilt free katagelasticists [d]
- Dan Rosengren (2010) Seriously laughing: on paradoxes of absurdity among Matsigenka people [d]
- John M. Capps & Donald Capps (2009) You've got to be kidding!: how jokes can help you think [i] [d]
- Charles E. Case & Cameron D. Lippard (2009) Humorous assaults on patriarchal ideology [d]
- Joan Konner [ed] (2009) You don't have to be Buddhist to know nothing: an illustrious collection of thoughts on naught [i]
- Clifford C. Kuhn, Michael R. Nichols, & Barbara L. Belew (2009) The role of humor in transforming stressful life events [i] [d]
- Nicholas A. Kuiper & Nicola McHale (2009) Humor styles as mediators between self-evaluative standards and psychological well-being [p] [d]
- Whitney Meers (2009) The funny thing about mediation: a rationale for the use of humor in mediation [u]
- Louise Peacock (2009) Serious play: modern clown performance [i]
- Willibald Ruch, René T. Proyer, & Marco Weber (2009) Humor as a character strength among the elderly: empirical findings on age-related changes and its contribution to satisfaction with life [d]
- Kyle Baker (2008) How to draw stupid and other essentials of cartooning [i]
- Fred K. Beard (2008) Humor in the advertising business: theory, practice, and wit [i]
- Georges B. Dreyfus (2008) What is debate for?: the rationality of Tibetan debates and the role of humor [d]
- Ann Bainbridge Frymier, Melissa Bekelja Wanzer, & Ann M. Wojtaszczyk (2008) Assessing students' perceptions of inappropriate and appropriate teacher humor [d]
- Adrian Robert Gostick & Scott Christopher (2008) The levity effect: why it pays to lighten up [i]
- Thomas R. Herzog & Sarah J. Strevey (2008) Contact with nature, sense of humor, and psychological well-being [d]
- Loyal Jones (2008) Country music humorists and comedians [i]
- Donna Koller & Camilla Gryski (2008) The life threatened child and the life enhancing clown: towards a model of therapeutic clowning [d]
- Tim Reid, Tom Dreesen, & Ron Rapoport (2008) Tim & Tom: an American comedy in black and white [i] [d]
- Eric J. Romero & Anthony Pescosolido (2008) Humor and group effectiveness [d]
- Graham St John (2008) Protestival: global days of action and carnivalized politics in the present [d]
- Philip A. Vernon, Rod A. Martin, Julie Aitken Schermer, & Ashley Mackie (2008) A behavioral genetic investigation of humor styles and their correlations with the Big-5 personality dimensions [d]
- Melanie Booth-Butterfield, Steven Booth-Butterfield, & Melissa Wanzer (2007) Funny students cope better: patterns of humor enactment and coping effectiveness [d]
- Wallace L. Chafe (2007) The importance of not being earnest: the feeling behind laughter and humor [i] [d]
- Jim Lyttle (2007) The judicious use and management of humor in the workplace [d]
- Daniel L. Segal, Frederick L. Coolidge, & Hideaki Mizuno (2007) Defense mechanism differences between younger and older adults: a cross-sectional investigation [d]
- Kathleen N. Adamle & Beatrice Turkoski (2006) Responding to patient-initiated humor: guidelines for practice [p]
- Randall L. Garner (2006) Humor in pedagogy: how ha-ha can lead to aha! [d] [j]
- Lotta Linge (2006) The function of humor in relation to affects: a longitudinal case study [d]
- Eric J. Romero & Kevin W. Cruthirds (2006) The use of humor in the workplace [d]
- Jeremy A. Yip & Rod A. Martin (2006) Sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and social competence [d]
- Kathleen N. Adamle & Ruth Ludwick (2005) Humor in hospice care: who, where, and how much? [d]
- Ajahn Brahm (2005) Who ordered this truckload of dung?: inspiring stories for welcoming life's difficulties [i]
- George W. Burns (2005) 101 healing stories for kids and teens: using metaphors in therapy [i]
- Michael Tlanusta Garrett, J. T. Garrett, Edil Torres-Rivera, Michael Wilbur, & Janice Roberts-Wilbur (2005) Laughing it up: Native American humor as spiritual tradition [d]
- Leon Rappoport (2005) Punchlines: the case for racial, ethnic, and gender humor [i]
- Ben Shepard (2005) The use of joyfulness as a community organizing strategy [d]
- Ruth Anne Kinsman Dean & David M. Gregory (2004) Humor and laughter in palliative care: an ethnographic investigation [p] [d]
- Peter M. Jonas (2004) Secrets of connecting leadership and learning with humor [i]
- Kolonel Klepto (2004) Making war with love: the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army [d]
- Parker J. Palmer (2004) On laughter and silence: not-so-strange bedfellows [i]
- Granville Ganter (2003) 'He made us laugh some': Frederick Douglass's humor [d] [j]
- Mariam Ginman & Sara von Ungern-Sternberg (2003) Cartoons as information [d]
- Amelia J. Klein [ed] (2003) Humor in children's lives: a guidebook for practitioners [i]
- Alexandre Surrallés (2003) Por qué el humor hace reír?: humor, amor y modestia ritual en la lírica amazónica [d] [u]
- Mark Bergren, Molly Cox, & Jim Detmar (2002) Pro choices: the right to laugh [i]
- Mark Bergren, Molly Cox, & Jim Detmar (2002) Improvise this!: how to think on your feet so you don't fall on your face [i]
- Lawrence William Gross (2002) The comic vision of Anishinaabe culture and religion [d]
- David Chadwick (2001/2007) Zen is right here: teaching stories and anecdotes of Shunryū Suzuki [or: To shine one corner of the world: moments with Shunryū Suzuki: stories of a Zen master told by his students] [i]
- Louis R. Franzini (2001) Humor in therapy: the case for training therapists in its uses and risks [p] [d]
- Mary Finn Maples, Peggy Dupey, Edil Torres-Rivera, Loan T. Phan, Linwood Vereen, & Michael Tlanusta Garrett (2001) Ethnic diversity and the use of humor in counseling: appropriate or inappropriate? [d]
- Waleed A. Salameh & William F. Fry [ed] (2001) Humor and wellness in clinical intervention [i]
- Robert Epstein (2000) The big book of stress-relief games: quick, fun activities for feeling better at work [i]
- Herbert M. Lefcourt (2000) Humor: the psychology of living buoyantly [i] [d]
- John C. Meyer (2000) Humor as a double-edged sword: four functions of humor in communication [d]
- Nancy E. Mooney (2000) The therapeutic use of humor [p]
- Joanna Overing (2000) The efficacy of laughter: the ludic side of magic within Amazonian sociality [i]
- Doni Tamblyn & Sharyn Weiss (2000) The big book of humorous training games [i]
- Peter C. Badgio, Gregory S. Halperin, & Jacques P. Barber (1999) Acquisition of adaptive skills: psychotherapeutic change in cognitive and dynamic therapies [p] [d]
- Patch Adams (1998) When healing is more than simply clowning around [d]
- Willibald Ruch [ed] (1998) The sense of humor: explorations of a personality characteristic [i] [d]
- S. R. Bindler (1997/1999) Hands on a hard body: the documentary [o]
- Ron Hoff (1997) Do not go naked into your next presentation: nifty little nuggets to quiet the nerves and please the crowd [i]
- Walpola Rāhula, Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, Tapovanaye Sutadhara, & Golkande Dhammananda (1997) Humour in Pāli literature and other essays [i]
- Nicholas Roukes (1997) Humor in art: a celebration of visual wit [i]
- Paulina F. Kernberg (1994) Mechanisms of defense: development and research perspectives [p]
- Barton Wright (1994) Clowns of the Hopi: tradition keepers and delight makers [i]
- Patch Adams & Maureen Mylander (1993/1998) Gesundheit!: bringing good health to you, the medical system, and society through physician service, complementary therapies, humor, and joy [i]
- Mary Ellen Killeen (1991) Clinical clowning: humor in hospice care [d]
- Neil F. Ravella (1988) The serious business of humor in therapy [d]
- Steve Allen & Jane Wollman (1987/1998) How to be funny: discovering the comic you [i]
- Herbert M. Lefcourt & Rod A. Martin (1986) Humor and life stress: antidote to adversity [i]
- May McCreaddie & Jon Harrison (1986/2018) Humour and laughter [i] [d]
- Linda L. Viney (1985) Humor as a therapeutic tool: another way to experiment with experience [i]
- M. Conrad Hyers (1974/1989) The laughing Buddha: Zen and the comic spirit [i]
- M. Conrad Hyers (1974/1989) Laughing at the buddhas and abusing the patriarchs [i]
- Gilles Deleuze (1973/2004) Nomadic thought [i]
- Edward Rosenfeld (1973) The book of highs: 250 ways to alter consciousness without drugs [i]
- Georges Bataille (1958/2001) Pure happiness [i]
- Georges Bataille (1945/1992) Reply to Jean-Paul Sartre (defense of Inner experience) [i]
- Georges Bataille (1945/1992) On Nietzsche [i]
- Georges Bataille (1944/1988) Guilty [i]
- Georges Bataille (1943/1988) Inner experience [i]
- Athene Seyler, Stephen Haggard, & Robert Barton (1943/2013) The craft of comedy: the 21st century edition [i]
- Max Eastman (1936) Enjoyment of laughter [o]