How to graphic facilitate

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Some benefits and limitations of modern argument map representation [d]
  2. () The indefinite idea plane artistically considered [u]
  3. () Digitising reflective equilibrium [in personal knowledge base software] [d]
  4. () Representational transformations: using maps to write essays [d]
  5. () After language: a grammar of multimodal transposition [or multiform transposition] [i] [d] [u]
  6. () What fascinates you?: infographics as research-based inquiry for artists [i]
  7. () Science dialogue mapping of knowledge and knowledge gaps related to the effects of dairy intake on human cardiovascular health and disease [p] [d]
  8. () Text vs. graphs in argument analysis [i] [d]
  9. () Discourse graphs for augmented knowledge synthesis: what and why [like IBIS: issue based information systems] [u]
  10. () Understanding failures and potentials of argumentation tools for public deliberation [i] [d]
  11. () Design and evaluation of visualization techniques to facilitate argument exploration [d] [u]
  12. () Measuring diagram quality through semiotic morphisms [d]
  13. () Scientific modelling with diagrams [d]
  14. () Linking unstructured evidence to structured observations [d]
  15. () Reflective consensus building on wicked problems with the Reflect! platform [p] [d]
  16. () Diagramming the social: exploring the legacy of Torsten Hägerstrand's diagrammatic landscapes [d]
  17. () Applying argumentation to structure and visualize multi-dimensional opinion spaces [d]
  18. () Using diagrams in psychotherapy: a guide to visually enhanced therapy [i] [d]
  19. () Argumentation theory for mathematical argument [d]
  20. () Using computer-aided argument mapping to teach reasoning [i] [d] [u]
  21. () Advanced polytopic projects [i] [d]
  22. () 99 variations on a proof [i] [d] [j]
  23. () Visual collaboration: a powerful toolkit for improving meetings, projects, and processes [i]
  24. Elizabeth Resnick [ed] () The social design reader [i]
  25. () The case for a socially oriented business model canvas: the social enterprise model canvas [d]
  26. () Constructing Bayesian network graphs from labeled arguments [i] [d]
  27. () Explicating development of personal professional theories from higher vocational education to beginning a professional career through computer-supported drawing of concept maps [d]
  28. () Visual doing: applying visual thinking in your day-to-day business [i]
  29. () The collaborative dimensions of argument maps: a socio-visual approach [d]
  30. () Argument-based decision support for risk analysis [d]
  31. () Augmenting processes with decision intelligence: principles for integrated modelling [d]
  32. () Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
  33. () Picturing science: design patterns in graphical abstracts [i] [d]
  34. () Visual modeling of RESTful conversations with RESTalk [d]
  35. () Structured democratic dialogue: an application of a mathematical problem structuring method to facilitate reforms with local authorities in Cyprus [d]
  36. () for integrating and planning research [p] [d] [u]
  37. () Comic strip narratives in time geography [d]
  38. () Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
  39. () Visualizing complex design: the evolution of gigamaps [i] [d]
  40. () A new beginning: introducing Argdown [u]
  41. () Explaining visually using mechanism diagrams [i] [d]
  42. () A descriptive framework for temporal data visualizations based on generalized space-time cubes [d]
  43. () The impacts of domain-general vs. domain-specific diagramming tools on writing [d]
  44. () Experimental evidence for diagramming benefits in science writing [d]
  45. () Multimodality and genre: issues for information design [i] [d]
  46. Alison Black, Paul Luna, Ole Lund, & Sue Walker [ed] () Information design: research and practice [i] [d]
  47. () Use cartoon-style graphics to persuade [u]
  48. () From open space to action in 10 hours: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
  49. () Innovations in decision making on a major infrastructure project: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
  50. () Linear thinking in a nonlinear world [u]
  51. () That's so meta!: usability of a hypergraph-based discussion model [i] [d]
  52. () Mapping software augments engineering design thinking [d]
  53. () Cognitive systems at the point of care: the CREDO program [p] [d]
  54. () How to map theory: reliable methods are fruitless without rigorous theory [p] [d] [u]
  55. () Extending systems thinking in planning and evaluation using group concept mapping and system dynamics to tackle complex problems [p] [d]
  56. () Integrative levels [as an organizing principle] [d] [u]
  57. () Comparison of selected modeling notations for process, decision and system modeling [i] [d] [u]
  58. () Crime scripts [as diagrams] [i] [d]
  59. () Design is storytelling [i]
  60. () Graphs as images vs. graphs as diagrams: a problem at the intersection of semiotics and didactics [i] [d]
  61. () A plea for ecological argument technologies [d]
  62. () Seeing the wood for the trees: Social Science 3.0 and the role of visual thinking [d]
  63. () RIDAL: a language for research information definition argumentation [based on IBIS] [d]
  64. () Business model loom: a pattern-based approach towards the definition of business models [i] [d]
  65. () Visual tools for business model innovation: recommendations from a cognitive perspective [d]
  66. () Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
  67. () A time-geographic approach for visualizing the paths of intervention for persons with severe mental illness [d]
  68. (/2019) Designing for a bigger picture: towards a macrosyntax for information visualizations [u]
  69. () A synoptic visualization framework for the multi-perspective study of biography and prosopography data [u]
  70. () Pencil me in: the business drawing book for people who can't draw [i]
  71. () Argument Mapper: countering cognitive biases in analysis with critical (visual) thinking [i] [d]
  72. () Accelerated multi-organization conflict resolution [d]
  73. () Researching complex projects: using causal mapping to take a systems perspective [d]
  74. Brandy Agerbeck, Kelvy Bird, Sam Bradd, & Jennifer Shepherd [ed] () Drawn together through visual practice: an anthology [i]
  75. () The idea shapers: the power of putting your thinking into your own hands [i]
  76. () Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
  77. () Telling stories about dynamic networks with graph comics [i] [d] [u]
  78. () Supporting students' research writing in psychology through argument diagramming [o] [u]
  79. () Rich pictures: encouraging resilient communities [i] [d]
  80. () The mission model canvas: an adapted business model canvas for mission-driven organizations [u]
  81. () Analysing practical argumentation [i] [d]
  82. () Discovering collaborative advantage: the contributions of goal categories and visual strategy mapping [d]
  83. () Diagrams of the past: how timelines can aid the growth of historical knowledge [d]
  84. () Strategic thinking in complex problem solving [i] [d]
  85. () The semiotics of emoji: the rise of visual language in the age of the Internet [i] [d]
  86. () Model-based systems engineering with OPM and SysML [i] [d]
  87. () Exploring phase progression throughout the therapeutic process: the case of Eva [p] [d]
  88. () From stakeholders analysis to cognitive mapping and multi-attribute value theory: an integrated approach for policy support [d]
  89. () Augmenting expert elicitation with structured visual deliberation [d]
  90. () Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
  91. () An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health [d]
  92. David E. Gussak & Marcia L. Rosal [ed] () The Wiley handbook of art therapy [i] [d]
  93. () Evaluating facilitated modelling processes and outcomes: an experiment comparing a single and a multimethod approach in group model building [d]
  94. () Reflective argumentation: a cognitive function of arguing [d]
  95. () On online collaboration and construction of shared knowledge: assessing mediation capability in computer supported argument visualization tools [d]
  96. Leonard A. Jason & David S. Glenwick [ed] () Handbook of methodological approaches to community-based research: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods [i] [d]
  97. () Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student: a knowledge structures perspective on teaching and learning at university [i] [d]
  98. () Overview of time issues with temporal logics for business process models [i] [d] [u]
  99. () Quality in business process modeling [i] [d]
  100. () Using visual diagrams and patterns for consistent and complete requirements [d]
  101. () Designing the business models for circular economy—towards the conceptual framework [d]
  102. () Contextual search in issue based information systems: towards information discovery in complex discourse graphs [u]
  103. () Graph representations of discourse structure [d]
  104. () Introducing a pictographic language for envisioning a rich variety of enactive systems with different degrees of complexity [d]
  105. () Intersection of argumentation and the use of multiple representations in the context of socioscientific issues [d]
  106. () The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
  107. () The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management [i] [d]
  108. () Lisbon Symbol Database (LSD): subjective norms for 600 symbols [d]
  109. () Relational construct psychology [i] [d]
  110. () The use of argument maps as an assessment tool in higher education [d]
  111. () Group model-building to support public policy: addressing a conflicted situation in a problem neighbourhood [d]
  112. () Use of digital technologies in education: the complexity of teachers' everyday practice [i] [u]
  113. Anna Lena Schiller, Robert Klanten, & Sven Ehmann [ed] () Graphic recording: live illustrations for meetings, conferences and workshops [i]
  114. () Software architecture design reasoning: a card game to help novice designers [i] [d] [u]
  115. () Design of visualizations for human–information interaction: a pattern-based framework [i] [d]
  116. () Extracting reusable design decisions for UML-based domain-specific languages: a multi-method study [d]
  117. () Supporting intelligence analysis through visual thinking [i] [d]
  118. () Emotional cognition in urban planning and design [i] [d]
  119. () Gamification as motivation to engage in location-based public participation? [i] [d]
  120. () Concept mapping [in community-based research] [i] [d]
  121. () Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
  122. () Deliberation, practical reasoning and problem-solving [u]
  123. () A decade of 'Enterprise integration patterns': a conversation with the authors [d]
  124. () Argument visualization and narrative approaches for collaborative spatial decision making and knowledge construction: a case study for an offshore wind farm project [i] [d]
  125. () Beyond entities and relationships: towards an emergent approach to data modelling [u]
  126. () Extracting decision logic from process models [i] [d]
  127. () Argumentation tools for digital politics: addressing the challenge of deliberation in democracies [i] [d]
  128. () A rule-based graphical decision charting approach to legal knowledge based system [i] [d]
  129. () A graph for every problem [i] [d]
  130. () The big picture [u]
  131. () Making sense of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) and rtfMRI neurofeedback [p] [d]
  132. () Visuospatial displays: design problems and principles [i] [d]
  133. () A spatio-temporal network representation for manufacturing [i] [d]
  134. () Causal analysis for attributing responsibility in legal cases [i] [d]
  135. () Four considerations for supporting visual analysis in display ecologies [i] [d]
  136. () A model of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
  137. () Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
  138. () A method for collecting lifecourse data: assessing the utility of the lifegrid [i] [d]
  139. () Metacognitive interpersonal therapy for personality disorders: a treatment manual [i] [d]
  140. () Argumentative reasoning and taxonomic analysis for the identification of medical errors [d]
  141. () The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance [d]
  142. () The productivity habits: a simple approach to become more productive [i]
  143. () Mapping decisions and arguments [d]
  144. () a platform for creating and sharing knowledge and promoting best practice in healthcare [d]
  145. Jorge Frascara [ed] () Information design as principled action: making information accessible, relevant, understandable, and usable [i]
  146. () From stories to scientific models and back: narrative framing in modern macroscopic physics [d]
  147. () Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
  148. () Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
  149. () The systematic design of visual languages applied to logical reasoning [d]
  150. () Argumentation in virtual collaborative environments addressing complex issues through remote synchronous collaboration [i] [d]
  151. () Using argument diagramming to teach critical thinking in a first-year writing course [i] [d]
  152. () Changing philosophy through technology: complexity and computer-supported collaborative argument mapping [d]
  153. () Facilitating problem-based learning by means of collaborative argument visualization software [d]
  154. () Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
  155. () The effect of a graph-oriented computer-assisted project-based learning environment on argumentation skills [d]
  156. () Using concept mapping to evaluate knowledge structure in problem-based learning [p] [d] [u]
  157. () Philosophical and logic-based argumentation-driven reasoning approaches and their realization on the WWW: a survey [d]
  158. () Globalese: a new visual-linguistic register [d]
  159. () Citizen engagement through tangible data representation [d]
  160. () The design of requirements modelling languages: how to make formalisms for problem solving in requirements engineering [i] [d]
  161. () A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making [i] [d]
  162. () Modeling the reasoning processes in experts and novices' argument diagramming task: sequential analysis of diagramming behavior and think-aloud data [u]
  163. () Inductive visualization: a humanistic alternative to GIS [d]
  164. () Concept mapping: a supervision strategy for introducing case conceptualization skills to novice therapists [p] [d]
  165. () Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
  166. () Classifying the patterns of natural arguments [d] [j] [u]
  167. () Letting youths choose for themselves: concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning [p] [d]
  168. () The design of insight: how to solve any business problem [i] [d]
  169. () Thing explainer: complicated stuff in simple words [i]
  170. () Maps as knowledge aggregators: from Renaissance Italy Fra Mauro to web search engines [d]
  171. () The life course of women who have experienced abuse: a life chart study in general psychiatric care [d]
  172. () Law and logic: a review from an argumentation perspective [d]
  173. () Personal visualization for learning [u]
  174. () The sketchnote workbook: advanced techniques for taking visual notes you can use anywhere [i]
  175. () Visual decision support for policy making: advancing policy analysis with visualization [i] [d]
  176. () Workflow patterns: the definitive guide [i] [d]
  177. () Ontological anti-patterns: empirically uncovered error-prone structures in ontology-driven conceptual models [d]
  178. () Resuming an unfinished tale: applying causal maps to analyze the dominant logics within an organization [d]
  179. () UML @ classroom: an introduction to object-oriented modeling [i] [d]
  180. () Constructing knowledge art: an experiential perspective on crafting participatory representations [i] [d]
  181. () Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
  182. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  183. () The cognitive–affective structure of political ideologies [i] [d]
  184. () Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
  185. () Integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: a mixed-method study on teacher learning [p] [d] [u]
  186. () Goal-based reasoning for argumentation [i] [d]
  187. () Data comics: sequential art for data-driven storytelling [u]
  188. () The art of inspiration: why companies are hiring artists to record their brainstorms [u]
  189. () A review of temporal data visualizations based on space-time cube operations [u]
  190. () Fall in love with the problem, not the solution [u]
  191. () Text and image: a critical introduction to the visual–verbal divide [i] [d]
  192. () The state of the art in visualizing dynamic graphs [d] [u]
  193. () ArguBlogging: an application for the argument web [d] [u]
  194. () Domain-specific reasoning for method engineering based on Toulmin's argumentation theory [d]
  195. () The doodle revolution: unlock the power to think differently [i]
  196. () Visual strategy: a workbook for strategy mapping for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  197. () Improve your thinking by mapping it [u]
  198. () Argument diagramming and planning cognition in argumentative writing [o] [u]
  199. () Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications [d]
  200. () Ethics and technology assessment: a participatory approach [i] [d]
  201. () Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts [d]
  202. () The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
  203. () SysML distilled: a brief guide to the systems modeling language [i]
  204. () The role of conversational models in design practice [i] [d]
  205. () Handbook of argumentation theory [i] [d]
  206. () Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
  207. () Linkography: unfolding the design process [i] [d] [j]
  208. () Visualized problem structuring for stakeholder consultations: enabling informed decision-making with argument maps and the argument browser [i] [d]
  209. () Idea networking: constructing a pragmatic conceptual frame for action research interventions [d]
  210. (/2017) UZMO: thinking with your pen [i]
  211. () Big board: teleconferencing over maps for shared situational awareness [d]
  212. () Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
  213. () The conceptual structure of social disputes: cognitive-affective maps as a tool for conflict analysis and resolution [d]
  214. () The to-do graph [and why to-do lists don't work] [u]
  215. () Community based system dynamics [i] [d]
  216. Weidong Huang [ed] () Handbook of human centric visualization [i] [d]
  217. Dirk Ifenthaler & Ria Hanewald [ed] () Digital knowledge maps in education: technology-enhanced support for teachers and learners [i] [d]
  218. () Improving decision-making performance through argumentation: an argument-based decision support system to compute with evidence [d]
  219. () Draw forth: how to host your own visual conversations without having to be a professional artist or a full-on facilitator [i]
  220. () Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
  221. () The diagnosticity of argument diagrams [o] [u]
  222. () Graphically structured icons for knowledge tagging [d]
  223. () Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
  224. () Value stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation [i]
  225. () How concepts solve management problems [i] [d]
  226. () The web, the tree, and the string [i]
  227. () Visualizing knowledge along semantic and geographic dimensions: a web intelligence platform to explore climate change coverage [i] [d]
  228. () Making sense of knowledge integration maps [i] [d]
  229. () Human-centered interactivity of visualization tools: micro- and macro-level considerations [i] [d]
  230. () Performing knowledge art: understanding collaborative cartography [i] [d]
  231. () Category theory for the sciences [i] [u]
  232. () In-session sketching: an adjunctive technique for brief dynamic therapies [d]
  233. () Learning more effectively with IBIS diagrams [u]
  234. () From analyst to sense-maker [with IBIS] [u]
  235. () A new approach for comparing and categorizing farmers' systems of practice based on cognitive mapping and graph theory indicators [d]
  236. () To catch a thief with and without numbers: arguments, scenarios and probabilities in evidential reasoning [d]
  237. () Supporting representation management in intelligence analysis through automated decision aids [d]
  238. () The balance wheel [i]
  239. () Participatory diagramming for engaging youth in a gender equity and community development dialogue: an African exemplar [u]
  240. () The arts of the possible: information visualization in the field of politics [d] [u]
  241. () Beyond the name tag: connecting people and knowledge at conferences [i] [u]
  242. () Managing conflict in information system design stakeholder conferences: the role of transparency work [i] [d]
  243. () Application of creativity tools to enhance the design of inherently safer urban infrastructure [u]
  244. () An argumentation-based approach for automatic evaluation of design debates [i] [d]
  245. () How people use rich pictures to help them think and act [d]
  246. () Debate dynamics: how controversy improves our beliefs [i] [d]
  247. () On logical specifications of the Argument Interchange Format [d]
  248. () Implementing the argument web [d] [u]
  249. () Using rationale to assist student cognitive and intellectual development [i] [d]
  250. () From discourse analysis to argumentation schemes and back: relations and differences [i] [d]
  251. () A natural language account for argumentation schemes [i] [d]
  252. () Visual notation design 2.0: towards user comprehensible requirements engineering notations [i] [d]
  253. () The functional art: an introduction to information graphics and visualization [i]
  254. () Evaluating creativity [i] [d]
  255. John M. Carroll [ed] () Creativity and rationale: enhancing human experience by design [i] [d]
  256. () The deductive spreadsheet [i] [d]
  257. () Capture your diagnostic analysis in a hypothesis map [u]
  258. () Visual narrative structure [p] [d]
  259. () The visual language of comics: introduction to the structure and cognition of sequential images [i] [d]
  260. () Design representations [for learning interventions] [i] [d]
  261. () Wiki as pattern language [i] [u]
  262. () Cartography: making sense of our worlds [d]
  263. () Diagrammatic writing [d] [u]
  264. () Fundamentals of business process management [i] [d]
  265. () The diagrams book: 50 ways to solve any problem visually [i]
  266. () Problem structuring: on the nature of, and reaching agreement about, goals [d]
  267. () The influence of notational deficiencies on process model comprehension [d] [u]
  268. () Geometric icons and conceptual analogies: a doublet of dynamic forms that reveal, express, and impel analogies [d]
  269. () Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
  270. () A practice-based approach to diagrams [i] [d]
  271. () A micro view of design reasoning: two-way shifts between embodiment and rationale [i] [d]
  272. () A framework for modeling value in service-oriented business models: conceptualizations and graphical representation [i] [d]
  273. () Using life history plots to visualize criminal careers [d]
  274. () Understanding ill-structured engineering ethics problems through a collaborative learning and argument visualization approach [p] [d]
  275. () A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
  276. () Who? What? When? Using a timeline technique to facilitate recall of a complex event [d]
  277. () Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
  278. () The difference: sketch notes, graphic recording and graphic facilitation [u]
  279. () Visible learners: promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools [i]
  280. () 101 design methods: a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization [i]
  281. () What philosophy of mathematical practice can teach argumentation theory about diagrams and pictures [i] [d]
  282. () Visualizing communication structures in science classrooms: tracing cumulativity in teacher-led whole class discussions [d]
  283. () App-free zone: paper maps as alternative to electronic indoor navigation aids and their empirical evaluation with large user bases [i] [d]
  284. () What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
  285. () Achieving both creativity and rationale: reuse in design with images and claims [i] [d]
  286. () Complex project conceptualisation and argument mapping [d]
  287. () New narratives using conversational sculptures [3D models of conversation] [u]
  288. Amirouche Moktefi & Sun-Joo Shin [ed] () Visual reasoning with diagrams [i] [d]
  289. () The design and composition of persuasive maps [d]
  290. () Cognitive tools shape thought: diagrams in design [d]
  291. () Researching religion: the iconographic elicitation method [d]
  292. () Promoting group creativity in upstream requirements engineering [i] [d]
  293. () Cartography as a window to the world [d]
  294. () A diagrammatic calculus of syllogisms [i] [d]
  295. () Handbook of decision analysis [i] [d]
  296. () Tree thinking, time and topology: comments on the interpretation of tree diagrams in evolutionary/phylogenetic systematics [d]
  297. () The sketchnote handbook: the illustrated guide to visual note taking [i]
  298. () A review of argumentation for the social semantic web [d] [u]
  299. () The practice level in participatory design rationale: studying practitioner moves and choices [i] [d]
  300. () Tackling a wicked problem: water issues! How the Delta Dialogues Project is using dialogue mapping to build shared understanding [u]
  301. () Modelling students' knowledge of ethics [i] [d]
  302. () Visual leaders: new tools for visioning, management, & organization change [i] [d]
  303. () Whiteboard selling: empowering sales through visuals [i] [d]
  304. () Concept maps as the first step in an ontology construction method [d]
  305. () Grasping the dynamics of suicidal behaviour: combining time-geographic life charting and COPE ratings [d]
  306. () Catch the fire: an art-full guide to unleashing the creative power of youth, adults and communities [i]
  307. () What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
  308. () Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems [d]
  309. () The use of concept mapping to identify community-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health [p] [d]
  310. () Extending argument maps to provide decision support for rulemaking [i] [d]
  311. () Methods of argumentation [i] [d]
  312. () On polycubism: outlining a dynamic information visualization framework for the humanities and social sciences [u]
  313. () Incorporating ringmaps into interactive web mapping for enhanced understanding of cardiovascular disease [i] [d]
  314. () The graphic facilitator's guide: how to use your listening, thinking & drawing skills to make meaning [i]
  315. () Managing information to support the decision making process [combining IBIS & MCDM in Compendium] [d]
  316. () Using visual representations as boundary objects to resolve conflict in collaborative model-building approaches [d]
  317. () Are diagrams always helpful tools?: developmental and individual differences in the effect of presentation format on student problem solving [d]
  318. () Talk to the eyes: if it can't be visualized, it's not a story [u]
  319. () Drawing flies: artwork in the field [d]
  320. () Clinical reasoning processes: unravelling complexity through graphical representation [p] [d]
  321. (/2022) Business model you: a one-page method for reinventing your career [i]
  322. () The use of concept maps for knowledge management: from classrooms to research labs [d]
  323. Philip Cox, Beryl Plimmer, & Peter Rodgers [ed] () Diagrammatic representation and inference: 7th International Conference, Diagrams 2012, Canterbury, UK, July 2–6, 2012: proceedings [i] [d]
  324. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
  325. () Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
  326. () Computer-aided argument mapping as a tool for teaching critical thinking [d]
  327. () Contested collective intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human–machine annotation study [d]
  328. () Prototyping dynamics: sharing multiple designs improves exploration, group rapport, and results [i] [d]
  329. () Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study [u]
  330. () Formal languages in logic: a philosophical and cognitive analysis [i] [d]
  331. () Policy World: a cognitive game for teaching deliberation [i] [d]
  332. () Maps help landowners think beyond human scale [d]
  333. () Design thinking business analysis: business concept mapping applied [i] [d]
  334. () Review of the state of the art: discovering and associating semantics to tags in folksonomies [d]
  335. () Using ontologies and soft systems methodology to provide multi-user support in problem structuring [i] [d]
  336. () Introducing goal structuring notation to explain decisions in clinical practice [d]
  337. () Tele-board: follow the traces of your design process history [i] [d]
  338. () Why is drawing important to research? [d]
  339. () System modeling specification in SysML and Sequence Planner Language: comparison study [d]
  340. () Argument diagram extraction from evidential Bayesian networks [d]
  341. () Why we play: affect and the fun of games—designing emotions for games, entertainment interfaces, and interactive products [i] [d]
  342. () The unheralded power of facilitation to change the world [u]
  343. () Dynamic diagrams: a composition alternative [i] [d]
  344. () Universal methods of design: 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions [i]
  345. () Why lean canvas? [vs. business model canvas] [u]
  346. () Making claims: the claim as a knowledge design, capture, and sharing tool in HCI [i] [d]
  347. () Multi-touch wall displays for informational and interactive collaborative space [i] [d]
  348. (/2013) Managing structural and textual quality of business process models [i] [d]
  349. () From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
  350. () A history of logic diagrams [i] [d]
  351. () The diagram of flow: its departure from software engineering and its return [i] [d]
  352. () Inventing the medium: principles of interaction design as a cultural practice [i] [j]
  353. () Concrete vs abstract visualisation: the real world as a canvas for data visualisation [i]
  354. () Achieve product–market fit with our brand-new Value Proposition Designer Canvas [u]
  355. Niels Pinkwart & Bruce M. McLaren [ed] () Educational technologies for teaching argumentation skills [i] [d]
  356. () Life on the line: interacting with temporal event sequence representations [i] [d]
  357. () Modelling ecosystem structure and energy flow in a first year environmental biology practical: not a complete waste of energy [u]
  358. () Learning by mapping across situations [d]
  359. (/2013) Usability evaluation of modeling languages: an empirical research study [i] [d]
  360. () Local axioms in disguise: Hilbert on Minkowski diagrams [d] [j]
  361. () GSN—the goal structuring notation: a structured approach to presenting arguments [i] [d]
  362. () Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking [d]
  363. () Brief interventions for radical change: principles and practice of focused acceptance and commitment therapy [i]
  364. () Mapping minds across cultures [i] [d]
  365. () Achieving psychological simplicity: measures and methods to reduce cognitive complexity [i] [d]
  366. () Representing category and continuum: visualizing thought [i] [d]
  367. () The role of the visual arts in enhancing the learning process [p] [d] [u]
  368. () Building on faults: how to represent controversies with digital methods [p] [d]
  369. (/2017) Graphic literacies for a digital age: the survival of layout [i] [d]
  370. () Graphic facilitation and art therapy: imagery and metaphor in organizational development [i]
  371. () Water cognition and cognitive affective mapping: identifying priority clusters within a Canadian water efficiency community [d]
  372. (/2016) Process mining: data science in action [i] [d]
  373. () Arguments, stories and criminal evidence: a formal hybrid theory [i] [d]
  374. () The implementation crisis in conservation planning: could 'mental models' help? [d]
  375. () Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
  376. () The value of crime scripting: deconstructing internal child sex trafficking [d]
  377. () Cognitive tools for group decision making: the repertory grid approach revisited [i] [d]
  378. () When is a bunch of marks on paper a diagram?: diagrams as homomorphic representations [d]
  379. () Multi-touch screens for navigating 3D virtual environments in participatory urban planning [i] [d]
  380. () Multimodal map making with young children: exploring ethnographic and participatory methods [d]
  381. (/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
  382. () Still building the memex [d]
  383. () Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
  384. () Supporting communities of practice by advancing knowledge management between hybrid collaborative environments [i] [d]
  385. () The evaluation of argument mapping as a learning tool [o] [u]
  386. () Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable [d] [u]
  387. (/2016) Think critically [i]
  388. () Using contrasting drawings or pictures as an assessment tool within a personal construct framework [i] [d]
  389. () Argument structure: representation and theory [i] [d]
  390. () Computer-aided constructivism [i] [d]
  391. () Problem structuring methods in system dynamics modeling: a cognitive fit perspective [i] [u]
  392. () Virtual reality for cultural landscape visualization [d]
  393. () Illustrating the functional analysis with functional analytic clinical case diagrams [i]
  394. () Construction by replacement: a new approach to simulation modeling [d]
  395. () Slowmation: preservice elementary teachers representing science knowledge through creating multimodal digital animations [d]
  396. () Analyzing framing processes in conflicts and communication by means of logical argument mapping [i] [u]
  397. () Cognitive effects of argument visualization tools [and comment by Fabio Paglieri] [i] [u]
  398. () Visualising the score: screening scores in realtime performance [u]
  399. () An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models [d]
  400. Tim Ingold [ed] () Redrawing anthropology: materials, movements, lines [i]
  401. () Drawing together: doing, observing, describing [i] [d]
  402. () Affinographs: a dynamic method for assessment of individuals, couples, families, and households [i] [d]
  403. () The system diagrams: shifting perspectives [d] [j]
  404. () Visualising knowledge structures in biology: discipline, curriculum and student understanding [d]
  405. () Better PowerPoint: quick fixes based on how your audience thinks [i]
  406. () Prior learning assessment and the developmental journey: from 'mapless' to cartographer [i] [d]
  407. () Collaborative helping maps: a tool to guide thinking and action in family-centered services [d]
  408. () Hi-trees and their layout [p] [d]
  409. () The A3 workbook: unlock your problem-solving mind [i]
  410. () Science visual literacy: learners' perceptions and knowledge of diagrams [d]
  411. Brian M. Moon, Robert R. Hoffman, Joseph Donald Novak, & Alberto J. Cañas [ed] () Applied concept mapping: capturing, analyzing, and organizing knowledge [i] [d]
  412. () The role of flow charts in the early automation of applied mathematics [d]
  413. () Evaluation of a therapeutic concept diagram [d]
  414. () A method to analyze learners' interest changes with concept maps [i] [d]
  415. () Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy [d] [u]
  416. () Representing and classifying arguments on the semantic web [d]
  417. () Rationale argument mapping software [d]
  418. () Blah blah blah: what to do when words don't work [i]
  419. () Timelining: visualizing experience [d] [u]
  420. () Visual teams: graphic tools for commitment, innovation, & high performance [i] [d]
  421. () Pyramiding updated [i]
  422. () A case for the re-use of community reasoning [i] [d]
  423. () The brain is wider than the sky: analogy, emotion, and allegory [d]
  424. () The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
  425. () Explorable explanations [u]
  426. () The use of laddering: techniques, applications and problems [i] [d]
  427. () Reasoning about knowledge using defeasible logic [d]
  428. () Evaluating life maps as a versatile method for lifecourse geographies [d]
  429. () How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
  430. () Argumentation schemes: from informal logic to computational models [i] [u]
  431. () A taxonomy of argumentation models used for knowledge representation [d]
  432. () The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
  433. () Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? [d]
  434. () Video scribing for The Nous Group: behind the scenes [u]
  435. () Creating concept maps [u]
  436. () Origins and applications of the interpersonal circumplex [i] [d]
  437. () Facilitated modelling in operational research [d]
  438. () Visualizing logical aspects of conceptual structures [u]
  439. () Gamestorming: a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers [i]
  440. () From here to there: a curious collection from the Hand Drawn Map Association [i]
  441. () Structuring thought: an examination of four methods [i]
  442. () Introducing rigor in concept maps [i] [d]
  443. () How I document my business model hypotheses [u]
  444. () The physical visualization of information: designing data sculptures in an educational context [i] [d]
  445. Catherine Hyland Moon [ed] () Materials and media in art therapy: critical understandings of diverse artistic vocabularies [i]
  446. () Progressive drawing: a novel 'lid-opener' and 'monotony-breaker' [d]
  447. () Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers [i]
  448. () Paper spaces: visualizing the future [d]
  449. () Exploring how students think: a new method combining think-aloud and concept mapping protocols [p] [d]
  450. () How (well-structured) talk builds the mind [i]
  451. (/2021) Thinking visually [i] [d]
  452. Martin Reynolds & Sue Holwell [ed] () Systems approaches to managing change: a practical guide [i] [d]
  453. () A comparison of group model building and strategic options development and analysis [d]
  454. () Computer-supported argumentation: a review of the state of the art [d]
  455. () Visual meetings: how graphics, sticky notes, & idea mapping can transform group productivity [i] [d]
  456. () Scribing? What is it? [u]
  457. () The military genogram: a solution-focused approach for resiliency building in service members and their families [d]
  458. () FI3D: direct-touch interaction for the exploration of 3D scientific visualization spaces [d]
  459. Karoline Afamasaga-Fuata'i [ed] () Concept mapping in mathematics: research into practice [i] [d]
  460. () Using video and static pictures to improve learning of procedural contents [d]
  461. () Using visual representations of data to enhance sensemaking in data exploration tasks [d] [u]
  462. () Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services [p] [d]
  463. (/2013) Critical thinking: reasoning and communicating with Rationale [i]
  464. () Analysing stories using schemes [i] [d] [u]
  465. () Graph-based knowledge representation: computational foundations of conceptual graphs [i] [d]
  466. () Examining client spiritual history and the construction of meaning: the use of spiritual timelines in counseling [d]
  467. () A picture is worth a thousand words: the case for graphic representations [d]
  468. () A new concept map model for e-learning environments [i] [d]
  469. () Computer-assisted argument mapping: a Rationale approach [d]
  470. () Building bridges between everyday argument and formal representations of reasoning [u]
  471. () Participatory photo mapping (PPM): exploring an integrated method for health and place research with young people [d]
  472. () A survey of radial methods for information visualization [d]
  473. () 10 models of teaching + learning [u]
  474. () A model of the creative process [u]
  475. () Constructing causal diagrams to learn deliberation [u]
  476. () Designing visual languages for description logics [d]
  477. () What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
  478. () What is argument mapping? [u]
  479. () What is decision mapping? [u]
  480. () Representation of argumentation in text with rhetorical structure theory [d]
  481. () A short survey of discourse representation models [o] [u]
  482. (/2019) Expressive therapies continuum: a framework for using art in therapy [i] [d]
  483. () Enabling on-line deliberation and collective decision-making through large-scale argumentation: a new approach to the design of an internet-based mass collaboration platform [d]
  484. () Point, line and counterpoint: from environment to fluid space [i] [d]
  485. () The occupational transmission genogram: exploring family scripts affecting roles of work and career in couple and family dynamics [d]
  486. () Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
  487. () Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
  488. () Worst practices for domain-specific modeling [d]
  489. () Diagrams: innovative solutions for graphic designers [i]
  490. () The critical genogram: a tool for promoting critical consciousness [d]
  491. () Providing argument support for e-participation [d]
  492. () Temporal convergence for knowledge management [d]
  493. () The visual miscellaneum: a colorful guide to the world's most consequential trivia [i]
  494. () The 'physics' of notations: toward a scientific basis for constructing visual notations in software engineering [d]
  495. () Participatory rural appraisal: principles, methods and application [i] [d]
  496. () Visualising strategy: a classification of graphical roadmap forms [d]
  497. () Argumentation as an object of interest and as a social and cultural resource [i] [d]
  498. () Relational drawings in couple therapy [d]
  499. () Visual literacy: the missing piece of your technology integration course [d]
  500. () Generating conceptually personalized interactions for educational digital libraries using concept maps [i]
  501. () Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
  502. () Mapping dialogue: essential tools for social change [i]
  503. (/2014) Knowledge cartography for controversies: the Iraq debate [i] [d]
  504. (/2014) Concept mapping using CmapTools to enhance meaningful learning [i] [d]
  505. () Growing a global issue base: an issue-based approach to policy deliberation [u]
  506. (/2014) Using Compendium as a tool to support the design of learning activities [i] [d]
  507. () The sociogram: a useful tool in the analysis of focus groups [d]
  508. () A model of play [u]
  509. () No computer program required: even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills [d]
  510. () The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
  511. () Reflective argumentation [u]
  512. () Cmap linking phrase constraint for the structural narrowing of constructivist second language tasks [i] [u]
  513. () An interpretive approach to drawing causal loop diagrams [i] [u]
  514. () The emergence and use of diagramming in system dynamics: a critical account [d]
  515. () Transformative aspects of genogram work: perceptions and experiences of graduate students in a counseling training program [d]
  516. (/2014) Template-based structured argumentation [i] [d]
  517. () Supporting medical decision making with argumentation tools [d]
  518. () A graph-theory framework for evaluating landscape connectivity and conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
  519. () Dialogue mapping and collaborative learning [i] [d]
  520. (/2014) Computer supported argument visualisation: modelling in consultative democracy around wicked problems [i] [d]
  521. Alexandra Okada, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Tony Sherborne [ed] (/2014) Knowledge cartography: software tools and mapping techniques [i] [d]
  522. (/2014) Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps [i] [d]
  523. () The development of the sequential diagrammatic reformulation [u]
  524. () An integrated model for conceptualising visual competence in scientific research and communication [d]
  525. () Facilitating participatory multilevel decision-making by using interactive mental maps [p] [d] [u]
  526. Bruce Porter, Vladimir Lifschitz, & Frank Van Harmelen [ed] () Handbook of knowledge representation [i] [d]
  527. () Mass argumentation and the semantic web [d]
  528. (/2014) Cognitive and pedagogical benefits of argument mapping: L.A.M.P. guides the way to better thinking [i] [d]
  529. () The back of the napkin: solving problems and selling ideas with pictures [i]
  530. (/2014) Mapping the curriculum: how concept maps can improve the effectiveness of course development [i] [d]
  531. () Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
  532. () Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system [i]
  533. () Images as action instruments in complex projects [d]
  534. () Argumentation schemes [i] [d]
  535. () Critical examination of information: a discursive approach and its implementations [u]
  536. () Using the genogram to facilitate the intercultural competence of Mexican immigrants [d]
  537. () Group model building: problem structuring, policy simulation and decision support [d] [j]
  538. () Hypermedia discourse: contesting networks of ideas and arguments [i] [d] [u]
  539. () Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
  540. () A model of innovation [u]
  541. () 'Tis better to construct than to receive?: the effects of diagram tools on causal reasoning [i] [u]
  542. () Thinking and reasoning in human decision making: the method of argument and heuristic analysis [i]
  543. () Thinking beyond the shown: implicit inferences in evidence and argument [d]
  544. () Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
  545. (/2013) Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education [i]
  546. () Considering photographs never taken during photo-production projects [d]
  547. () Facilitating multicultural groups: a practical guide [i]
  548. () Visualizing personal networks: working with participant-aided sociograms [d]
  549. () New tools for resolving wicked problems: mess mapping and resolution mapping processes [u]
  550. () Using drawings to elicit nonverbal constructs in experiential personal construct psychotherapy [d]
  551. () Domain-specific modeling: the killer app for method engineering? [i] [d]
  552. () Movements in time and space: using multiple methods in research with young people in Accra, Ghana [d]
  553. () Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
  554. () Drawings vs. narratives: drawing as a tool to encourage verbalization in children whose fathers are drug abusers [p] [d] [u]
  555. (/2011) Thinking with Flying Logic [u]
  556. () Problem conceptualisation using idea networks [d]
  557. () Knowledge acquisition in practice: a step-by-step guide [i] [d]
  558. () 3D-mapping optimization of embodied energy of transportation [d]
  559. Uta Priss, Simon Polovina, & Richard Hill [ed] () Conceptual structures: knowledge architectures for smart applications: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield, UK, July 22–27, 2007: proceedings [i] [d]
  560. () Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web [d]
  561. () A pluralist approach to argument diagramming [d]
  562. () Argument diagramming in logic, law and artificial intelligence [d]
  563. () Interactive use of genograms and ecomaps in family caregiving research [d]
  564. () Computer-supported argument maps as a policy memory [d]
  565. () Diagrammatology: an investigation on the borderlines of phenomenology, ontology, and semiotics [i] [d]
  566. () Time geography: a model for psychiatric life charting? [d]
  567. () Argumentation support software: boxes-and-arrows and beyond [d]
  568. () Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
  569. () The arts & leadership: now that we can do anything, what will we do? [d]
  570. () Humans prefer curved visual objects [d]
  571. () Hypermedia support for argumentation-based rationale: 15 years on from gIBIS and QOC [i] [d]
  572. () Diagrams as physical models [i] [d]
  573. () Mapping projects: identifying obstacles, finding solutions [u]
  574. () Towards an argument interchange format [d]
  575. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  576. () Information and communication for natural resource management in agriculture: a training sourcebook [i] [u]
  577. (/2007) Seeing problems, seeing solutions: abduction and diagrammatic reasoning in a theory of scientific discovery [o] [u]
  578. () What we do not know: using information murals to portray scientific ignorance [d]
  579. () The scripto-trauma genogram: an innovative technique for working with trauma survivors intrusive memories [d]
  580. () Matrices or node-link diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? [d]
  581. () Graph design for the eye and mind [i] [d]
  582. () Culture and communication: can landscape visualization improve forest management consultation with indigenous communities? [d]
  583. () The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
  584. () A spherical conceptualization of personality traits [d]
  585. () Collaborative learning through argument visualisation in secondary school [i]
  586. () Making comics: storytelling secrets of comics, manga and graphic novels [i]
  587. () Knowledge engineering and psychology: towards a closer relationship [d]
  588. () Using decision support systems to facilitate the social process of knowledge management [d]
  589. () Causal maps and the evaluation of decision options: a review [d] [j]
  590. () Flow diagrams: rise and fall of the first software engineering notation [i] [d]
  591. () Idea mapping: how to access your hidden brain power, learn faster, remember more, and achieve success in business [i]
  592. () Translating Toulmin diagrams: theory neutrality in argument representation [i] [d]
  593. () A hybrid approach to upstream requirements: IBIS and cognitive mapping [i] [d]
  594. () Graphic facilitation: transforming groups with the power of visual listening [u]
  595. () Bio-regional patterns and spatial narratives for integrative landscape research and design [i]
  596. Lori L. Silverman [ed] () Wake me up when the data is over: how organizations use stories to drive results [i]
  597. () Pencils and photos as tools of communicative research and praxis: analyzing Minga Peru's quest for social justice in the Amazon [d]
  598. () Concept mapping [compared to other notations and formal specifications] [u]
  599. () Shape: talking about seeing and doing [i] [d]
  600. () The fluidity of warrants: using the Toulmin model to analyse practical discourse [i] [d]
  601. () Beautiful evidence [i]
  602. () Graphic facilitation and large group methods [i]
  603. () Evaluating arguments based on Toulmin's scheme [i] [d]
  604. () Youth participation in photovoice as a strategy for community change [d]
  605. () Literacy in structural graphics: the higher education imperative [i] [d]
  606. () Practical dialogue: emergent approaches for effective collaboration [i]
  607. () I can tell her anything: the power of girl talk [i]
  608. (/2011) Beyond bullet points: using Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentations that inform, motivate and inspire [i]
  609. () Representational correspondence as a basic principle of diagram design [i] [d]
  610. () Mapping indigenous lands [d]
  611. () Node-link mapping principles for visualizing knowledge and information [i] [d]
  612. () Building the memex sixty years later: trends and directions in personal knowledge bases [u]
  613. () Reflective learning: problems and questions concerning a current contextualization of the Vygotskian approach [i] [d]
  614. () Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning [i] [d] [u]
  615. () Using argument diagramming software in the classroom [d]
  616. () Spiritual ecograms: a new assessment instrument for identifying clients' spiritual strengths in space and across time [d]
  617. () Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management [u]
  618. Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Johannes Lenhard, & Falk Seeger [ed] () Activity and sign: grounding mathematics education [i] [d]
  619. () Wordless diagrams [i]
  620. () Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
  621. () Quality without a name [i]
  622. () The personal map: a lesson in similarities, differences, and the invisible [d]
  623. () Moving geovisualization toward support for group work [i] [d]
  624. () Deliberation using three dimensions [i] [u]
  625. () A diagrammatic approach to understanding complex eco-social interactions in Kathmandu, Nepal [u]
  626. () Studying visual ethics by applying a typology of visual behavior [i] [d]
  627. () Drawing stories from around the world and a sampling of European handkerchief stories [i]
  628. () Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
  629. () Voter-centered design: toward a voter decision support system [d]
  630. () Modeling goals and reasoning with them [i] [d]
  631. () A theoretical note on concepts and the need for cyclic concept maps [d]
  632. () Improving the quality of conceptual modeling using cognitive mapping techniques [d]
  633. () Graphic facilitation: the art of drawing out the best in people [i]
  634. () Torsten Hägerstrand and social theory [d]
  635. (/2006) Pictograms, icons & signs: a guide to information graphics [i]
  636. () Participatory rural communication appraisal: starting with the people: a handbook [i] [u]
  637. () A picture is worth a thousand words: energy systems language and simulation [d]
  638. () Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
  639. () Mind maps at work: how to be the best at your job and still have time to play [i]
  640. () CmapTools: a knowledge modeling and sharing environment [i] [u]
  641. () Working without words: exploring the use of cartooning and illustration in organisational capacity building [u]
  642. (/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
  643. () Analyzing cognitive maps to help structure issues or problems [d]
  644. () Complexity in daily life: a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts [u]
  645. () Communicating evidence for participatory decision making [d]
  646. () Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlighten [i]
  647. () Detail process charting: speaking the language of process [i]
  648. () Lifelines: a life history methodology [p]
  649. () Drawing on education: using drawings to document schooling and support change [d]
  650. () Energy flow diagrams for teaching physics concepts [d]
  651. () The color-coded timeline trauma genogram [d]
  652. () Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
  653. () A comparison of hyperstructures: zzstructures, mSpaces, and polyarchies [i] [d]
  654. () Ecological models based on people's knowledge: a multi-step fuzzy cognitive mapping approach [d]
  655. () Argument maps improve critical thinking [d]
  656. () Thinking like Einstein: returning to our visual roots with the emerging revolution in computer information visualization [i]
  657. (/2007) Unstuck: a tool for yourself, your team, and your world [i]
  658. Jerry Andriessen, Michael J. Baker, & Dan Suthers [ed] () Arguing to learn: confronting cognitions in computer-supported collaborative learning environments [i] [d]
  659. () Communication and power: REFLECT practical resource materials [o] [u]
  660. () A cognitive framework for cooperative problem solving with argument visualization [i] [d]
  661. () Computer-supported planning of essay argument structure [i]
  662. () Dialog mapping: reflections on an industrial strength case study [i] [d]
  663. () Enhancing deliberation through computer supported argument mapping [i] [d]
  664. () Representing uncertainty: does it help people make better decisions? [u]
  665. () Processes to involve all the senses [in group facilitation] [i]
  666. () Infrastructure for navigating interdisciplinary debates: critical decisions for representing argumentaion [i] [d]
  667. () Designing argumentation tools for collaborative learning [i] [d]
  668. Paul Arthur Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Chad S. Carr [ed] () Visualizing argumentation: software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making [i] [d]
  669. () Drawing development: analysing local understandings of development in three Andean communities [d]
  670. (/2010) Universal principles of design: 125 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design [i]
  671. Cathy A. Malchiodi [ed] () Handbook of art therapy [i]
  672. () Personal knowledge techniques [o] [u]
  673. () The money genogram [d]
  674. () History and use of the SDR [sequential diagrammatic reformulation] [u]
  675. () Fostering collective intelligence: helping groups use visualized argumentation [i] [d]
  676. (/2014) Visualization as an alternative to prose [i] [d]
  677. () Scenario visualisation for participatory landscape planning: a study from Denmark [d]
  678. () Illustrating progress through graphing [i]
  679. () Tools for thought: graphic organizers for your classroom [i]
  680. () Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation [d]
  681. () Reinventing the wheel [information wheels or volvelles] [i]
  682. Anne Sigismund Huff & Mark Jenkins [ed] () Mapping strategic knowledge [i] [d]
  683. () A pattern language for communication: an interview with Robert E. Horn [d]
  684. () Using a knowledge-based system to study strategic options [i] [d]
  685. () Brainsketching and how it differs from brainstorming [d]
  686. () Studio art therapy: cultivating the artist identity in the art therapist [i]
  687. () Hints for graphic facilitators [i]
  688. () Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization [d]
  689. () Using interactive whiteboard technology to support collaborative modeling [i] [d]
  690. () Participatory rural appraisal: a brief introduction [u]
  691. () Principles of facilitation: the purpose and potential of leading group process [i]
  692. () The 64 heuristics [i]
  693. () How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
  694. () Animation: can it facilitate? [d]
  695. () Model conceptualization in group model building: a review of the literature exploring the tension between representing reality and negotiating a social order [i] [u]
  696. () A model for designing action learning and action research programs [d]
  697. () Nonverbal poetry: family life-space diagrams [d]
  698. () Indigenous landscapes: a study in ethnocartography [o]
  699. () Diagramming as a way of thinking ecologically [u]
  700. () Using genograms to help understand relationships with money [u]
  701. () Designing scientific knowledge infrastructures: the contribution of epistemology [d]
  702. (/2007) Bayesian networks and decision graphs [i] [d]
  703. Michael Kaufmann & Dorothea Wagner [ed] () Drawing graphs: methods and models [i] [d]
  704. () Dialog mapping: solving wicked problems [u]
  705. () Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
  706. () Snakes versus ladders: a validation of laddering technique as a measure of hierarchical structure [d]
  707. () Putting something in the middle: an approach to dialogue [o]
  708. () Argumentation maps: GIS-based discussion support for on-line planning [d]
  709. () Compendium: making meetings into knowledge events [u]
  710. () Drawing and showing: helping children to report emotionally laden events [d]
  711. () ScholOnto: an ontology-based digital library server for research documents and discourse [d]
  712. () Thinking visually: business applications of fourteen core diagrams [i]
  713. () Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
  714. () Exploring visions: self-monitoring and evaluation processes within the Nepal–UK community forestry project [i] [d]
  715. () Flow charts for critical thinking [d] [u]
  716. () The academic genogram: teaching for the future by learning from the past [d]
  717. () A generic model for reflective design [d]
  718. () Developing a graphic tool for creative problem solving in design groups [d]
  719. () Reinventing comics [i]
  720. () Circumplex model of marital and family systems [d]
  721. () Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world [i]
  722. (/2007) Moving pictures of thought: diagrams as centerpiece of a Peircean epistemology [i] [d] [u]
  723. () Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool for adaptive forest management: a guide [i]
  724. () Representing scholarly claims in internet digital libraries: a knowledge modelling approach [i] [d]
  725. () Managing research knowledge in distributed communities: two approaches to augmented Web infrastructures [i] [d]
  726. () Managing design information: issue-based information systems and fuzzy reasoning system [d]
  727. Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, & Ben Shneiderman [ed] () Readings in information visualization: using vision to think [i]
  728. () Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
  729. () The six part story method (6PSM): as an aid in the assessment of personality disorder [d]
  730. () Worte für einen Strich = Paroles pour un trait = Words for line drawings [i]
  731. () From Web to workplace: designing open hypermedia systems [i] [d]
  732. () Drawing facilitates children's verbal reports after long delays [d]
  733. (/2007) The learning map approach [i]
  734. () Ambulatory blood pressure responses and the circumplex model of mood: a 4-day study [p] [d]
  735. (/2012) The facilitator's fieldbook: step-by-step guides, checklists, samples and worksheets [i]
  736. () The big book of flip charts: a comprehensive guide for presenters, trainers, and team facilitators [i]
  737. (/2007) Visual recording and graphic facilitation: helping people see what they mean [i]
  738. () Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work [p] [u]
  739. (/2007) Visual explorer [i]
  740. () Concept mapping as a tool for learning: broadening the framework for student-centered instruction [d] [j]
  741. () Formality considered harmful: experiences, emerging themes, and directions on the use of formal representations in interactive systems [d] [u]
  742. (/2011) Making strategy: mapping out strategic success [i]
  743. Colin Eden & John-Christopher Spender [ed] () Managerial and organizational cognition: theory, methods and research [i]
  744. () Geometrie der Gefühle = Géométrie des sentiments = Geometry of feelings [i]
  745. () A genogram with an attitude [d]
  746. () Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
  747. (/2007) The art therapy sourcebook [i]
  748. (/2010) Learning, creating, and using knowledge: concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations [i]
  749. () Investigating local markets using PRA [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
  750. Howard G. Rosenthal [ed] (/2011) Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: therapists share their most creative strategies [i] [d]
  751. () Map or be mapped: mapping indigenous people's territory [o]
  752. () Photovoice as a participatory health promotion strategy [d]
  753. (/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
  754. () Timelines and rhythm patterns: representing time [i]
  755. () Graphical argumentation and design cognition [d] [u]
  756. () Managing information with fuzzy reasoning system in design reasoning and issue-based argumentation [i] [d] [u]
  757. (/2007) The logical thinking process: a systems approach to complex problem solving [i]
  758. () The Zeno argumentation framework [i] [d]
  759. () How to make and use visual aids [i]
  760. () IBIS—a convincing concept... but a lousy instrument? [i] [d]
  761. () Autobiography, voice, and developmental theory [i]
  762. () The role of node-link maps in enhancing counseling efficiency [p] [d]
  763. Robert Plutchik & Hope R. Conte [ed] () Circumplex models of personality and emotions [i] [d]
  764. () The cognitive geometry of war [i]
  765. () Beyond words: a guide to drawing out ideas [i]
  766. () Rapid problem-solving with Post-it Notes [i]
  767. () Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative [i]
  768. (/2008) You gotta BE the book: teaching engaged and reflective reading with adolescents [i]
  769. (/2012) The possibility and actuality of visual arguments [i] [d]
  770. () Understanding and influencing behaviors in conservation and natural resources management [i] [u]
  771. () Node-link mapping as an alternative to traditional writing assignments in undergraduate psychology courses [d]
  772. (/2011) The basics of process mapping [i]
  773. () Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
  774. (/2005) Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems [i]
  775. (/2009) Visual tools for transforming information into knowledge [i]
  776. () Understanding and facilitating group problem structuring and formulation: mental representations, interaction, and representation aids [d]
  777. () Envisioning cultural practices [with contingency diagrams and practice diagrams] [p] [u]
  778. Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler [ed] () Encyclopedia and utopia: the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945) [i]
  779. () Looking to the future: map drawing in Madah, Central Tanzania [u]
  780. (/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
  781. () Requirements acquisition [d]
  782. () The new method of diagramming [arguments] [i] [d] [j]
  783. () An informal history of the interpersonal circumplex tradition [d]
  784. () Inter-diagrammatic reasoning [i] [u]
  785. () Concept maps as hypermedia components [d]
  786. () TLA in pictures [temporal logic of actions] [d] [u]
  787. () Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
  788. () Visualizing practice with children and families [d]
  789. () State notation for teaching about behavioral procedures [p] [d] [u]
  790. (/2012) I see what you mean: visual literacy K–8 [i]
  791. () A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
  792. () PRA: a new literacy? [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
  793. () Argumentation-based design rationale: what use at what cost? [d]
  794. () The mind map book: how to use radiant thinking to maximize your brain's untapped potential [i]
  795. () CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization [d] [j]
  796. () Issue trees: a tool to aid the engineering writer [d]
  797. () The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
  798. () Reinventing communication: a guide to using visual language for planning, problem solving, and reengineering [i]
  799. (/1995) Gendered resource mapping: focusing on women's spaces in the landscape [u]
  800. () The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
  801. () The ladder of inference [i]
  802. Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] () The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
  803. () Learning in and about complex systems [d]
  804. Doug Aberley [ed] () Boundaries of home: mapping for local empowerment [i]
  805. () Beyond the repertory grid: new approaches to constructivist knowledge acquisition tool development [i]
  806. () Continuous, overlapping gradients—alternative ecological diagrams: a comment on Taylor & Blum [d]
  807. () Node-link mapping: a visual representation strategy for enhancing drug abuse counseling [d]
  808. () Knowledge acquisition as a constructive modeling activity [d]
  809. () Knowledge acquisition tools based on personal construct psychology [d]
  810. () Directed hypergraphs and applications [d]
  811. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  812. () Successful instructional diagrams [i] [d]
  813. () More than a thousand words: graphics for clinical practice [i]
  814. () Understanding comics: the invisible art [i]
  815. (/1997) Imaginization: new mindsets for seeing, organizing and managing [i]
  816. () Visual communicating [i]
  817. () The use of mental imagery to facilitate information identification in requirements analysis [d]
  818. () Maps for managers: Where are we? Where do we go from here? [d]
  819. () HyperIBIS—a tool for argumentative problem solving [i] [d]
  820. Fritz Lehmann & Ervin Y. Rodin [ed] () Semantic networks in artificial intelligence [i]
  821. (/2005) Cognitive analytic therapy [i] [d]
  822. Nevin S. Scrimshaw & Gary R. Gleason [ed] () RAP, rapid assessment procedures: qualitative methodologies for planning and evaluation of health related programmes [i]
  823. () Kelly's 'geometry of psychological space' and its significance for cognitive modeling [u]
  824. () Graphic guide to best team practices [i]
  825. () To picture or not to picture: how to decide [u]
  826. () Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
  827. () Appropriate media for training and development [i]
  828. () Cognitive dimensions of design rationale [i]
  829. () A process-oriented approach to design rationale [d]
  830. () Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure [i] [d]
  831. (/2004) Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft and creative approaches [i]
  832. Helen B. Landgarten & Darcy Lubbers [ed] () Adult art psychotherapy: issues and applications [i]
  833. () Representing design dependencies in an issue-based style [IBIS] [d]
  834. () Going beyond words: the art and practice of visual thinking [i]
  835. () A theory of preliminary fact investigation [u]
  836. () Cognitive fit: a theory-based analysis of the graphs versus tables literature [d]
  837. Anne Sigismund Huff [ed] () Mapping strategic thought [i]
  838. Ellen Lupton [ed] () Dennis Livingston: social graphics [o]
  839. (/2012) Putting a diagram in your pocket [i]
  840. (/1992) Author's Argumentation Assistant (AAA): a hypertext-based authoring tool for argumentative texts [i] [u]
  841. (/2006) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization [i]
  842. () Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
  843. () Frog's riddle & other draw-and-tell stories [i]
  844. () Envisioning information [i]
  845. () Concept mapping and the cartography of cognition [d]
  846. () gIBIS: a tool for all reasons [d]
  847. () Mapping hypertext: the analysis, organization, and display of knowledge for the next generation of on-line text and graphics [i] [u]
  848. () The circular mood scale: a new technique of measuring ambulatory mood [d]
  849. John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead [ed] (/2001) Rational analysis for a problematic world revisited: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty and conflict [i]
  850. () Structured flowcharts outperform pseudocode: an experimental comparison [d]
  851. () Comparing conceptual structures: consensus, conflict, correspondence and contrast [d]
  852. () From ideas and arguments to hyperdocuments: travelling through activity spaces [i] [d] [u]
  853. () gIBIS: a hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion [d]
  854. () Cognitive mapping [d]
  855. () Present yourself! [i]
  856. (/1990) The entity-relationship data model considered harmful [i] [d]
  857. (/2005) Planning under pressure: the strategic choice approach [i]
  858. () The artist as therapist [i]
  859. (/1990) The NIAM information analysis method: theory and practice [i] [d]
  860. () Graphic design presentations [i]
  861. (/2006) Images of organization [i]
  862. () Time geography: focus on the corporeality of man, society and environment [i]
  863. (/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
  864. Charles D. Holley & Donald F. Dansereau [ed] () Spatial learning strategies: techniques, applications, and related issues [i] [d]
  865. () Learning how to learn [i]
  866. () The story vine: a source book of unusual and easy-to-tell stories from around the world [i]
  867. (/1997) Using rapid or participatory rural appraisal [i] [u]
  868. () Ah-hah!: a new approach to popular education [i]
  869. (/2001) The visual display of quantitative information [i]
  870. () Assessment of personal goal hierarchies [d]
  871. () Two ears of corn: a guide to people-centered agricultural improvement [i]
  872. (/1985) Dos mazorcas de maiz: una guía para el mejoramiento agrícola orientado hacia la gente [o]
  873. (/1995) Duas espigas de milho: uma proposta de desenvolvimento agrícola participativo [o]
  874. () Time resources, society, and ecology: on the capacity for human interaction in space and time [i] [d]
  875. () 501 ways to use the overhead projector [i]
  876. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  877. () State notation of behavioral procedures [d]
  878. () Circumplex models of interpersonal behavior in clinical psychology [i]
  879. (/2018) Public policy analysis: an integrated approach [i] [d]
  880. () Drawing from action for action: drawing and discussion as a popular research tool [o]
  881. () Maps of the mind [i]
  882. (/2006) Rapid viz: a new method for the rapid visualization of ideas [i]
  883. () Notation as a tool of thought [d]
  884. () Illustrations for development: a manual for cross-cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa [o] [u]
  885. () Energy systems and environmental education [using energy diagrams] [i] [d]
  886. () Exercises in visual thinking [o]
  887. (/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
  888. () Graph theory and the study of activity structure [i]
  889. () Visual literacy in communication: designing for development [i]
  890. (/1981) Graphics and graphic information-processing [i] [d]
  891. () Structured systems analysis: tools & techniques [i]
  892. (/1993) How to make meetings work!: the new interaction method [i]
  893. () Conceptual graphs for a data base interface [d] [u]
  894. () Communicating with pictures in Nepal [o]
  895. () The photonovel: a tool for development [o]
  896. (/2003) The universal traveler: a soft-systems guide to creativity, problem-solving, and the process of reaching goals [i]
  897. () A primer of visual literacy [i]
  898. (/1984) Symbol sourcebook: an authoritative guide to international graphic symbols [i]
  899. (/2006) Ed Emberley's drawing book: make a world [i]
  900. (/1980) Experiences in visual thinking [i]
  901. () The modeling process [in systems modeling] [d]
  902. (/2016) The flower diagram [i]
  903. () Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
  904. (/1977) Techniques for producing visual instructional media [i]
  905. (/1984) Audio-visual communication handbook [o] [u]
  906. () Information mapping for learning and reference [o] [u]
  907. (/1986) Visual anthropology: photography as a research method [i]
  908. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  909. (/1978) Handbook for preparing visual media [i]
  910. (/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
  911. (/1963) Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving [i]
  912. (/1995) Elements of cartography [i]
  913. (/1971) Maps and diagrams: their compilation and construction [i]
  914. () Practical logic [o]
  915. (/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
  916. () From cave painting to comic strip: a kaleidoscope of human communication [o]
  917. (/2010) From hieroglyphics to Isotype: a visual autobiography [i]
  918. () The comics and instructional method [j]
  919. () Some uses of visual aids in the army [j]
  920. () International picture language: the first rules of Isotype [o]
  921. (/1952) The Gantt chart: a working tool of management [o]
  922. () Process charts: first steps in finding the one best way to do work [and comments and reply] [d] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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