How to graphic facilitate
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- Charles Rathkopf (2024) Some benefits and limitations of modern argument map representation [d]
- Mark Bernstein (2023) The indefinite idea plane artistically considered [u]
- Charlie Harry Smith (2023) Digitising reflective equilibrium [in personal knowledge base software] [d]
- Adam Binks, Alice Toniolo, & Miguel A. Nacenta (2022) Representational transformations: using maps to write essays [d]
- Mary Kalantzis & Bill Cope (2022) After language: a grammar of multimodal transposition [or multiform transposition] [i] [d] [u]
- Tammi M. Owens & Camille Hawbaker Voorhees (2022) What fascinates you?: infographics as research-based inquiry for artists [i]
- Andrew W. Brown, Kathryn A. Kaiser, Andrew Keitt, Kevin Fontaine, Madeline Gibson, Barbara A. Gower, James M. Shikany, Colby J. Vorland, Donald C. Beitz, Dennis M. Bier, J. Thomas Brenna, David R. Jacobs Jr., Penny Kris-Etherton, Kevin Maki, Michael Miller, Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Margarita Teran-Garcia, & David B. Allison (2021) Science dialogue mapping of knowledge and knowledge gaps related to the effects of dairy intake on human cardiovascular health and disease [p] [d]
- Guilherme Carneiro, Alice Toniolo, Miguel A. Ncenta, & Aaron J. Quigley (2021) Text vs. graphs in argument analysis [i] [d]
- Joel Chan (2021) Discourse graphs for augmented knowledge synthesis: what and why [like IBIS: issue based information systems] [u]
- Anna De Liddo & Rosa Strube (2021) Understanding failures and potentials of argumentation tools for public deliberation [i] [d]
- Dana Khartabil, Christopher Collins, Simon Wells, Benjamin Bach, & Jessie Kennedy (2021) Design and evaluation of visualization techniques to facilitate argument exploration [d] [u]
- Guy Clarke Marshall & André Freitas (2021) Measuring diagram quality through semiotic morphisms [d]
- Ulrich E. Stegmann (2021) Scientific modelling with diagrams [d]
- Manuela Waldner, Thomas Geymayer, Dieter Schmalstieg, & Michael Sedlmair (2021) Linking unstructured evidence to structured observations [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2020) Reflective consensus building on wicked problems with the Reflect! platform [p] [d]
- Alan Latham (2020) Diagramming the social: exploring the legacy of Torsten Hägerstrand's diagrammatic landscapes [d]
- Gregor Betz, Michael Hamann, Tamara Mchedlidze, & Sophie von Schmettow (2019) Applying argumentation to structure and visualize multi-dimensional opinion spaces [d]
- Charles M. Boisvert & Mohiuddin Ahmed (2019) Using diagrams in psychotherapy: a guide to visually enhanced therapy [i] [d]
- Joseph Corneli, Ursula Martin, Dave Murray-Rust, Gabriela Rino Nesin, & Alison Pease (2019) Argumentation theory for mathematical argument [d]
- W. Martin Davies, Ashley Barnett, & Tim van Gelder (2019) Using computer-aided argument mapping to teach reasoning [i] [d] [u]
- Octavian Iordache (2019) Advanced polytopic projects [i] [d]
- Philip Ording (2019) 99 variations on a proof [i] [d] [j]
- Ole Qvist-Sørensen & Loa Baastrup (2019) Visual collaboration: a powerful toolkit for improving meetings, projects, and processes [i]
- Elizabeth Resnick [ed] (2019) The social design reader [i]
- Sergio Sparviero (2019) The case for a socially oriented business model canvas: the social enterprise model canvas [d]
- Remi Wieten, Floris J. Bex, Henry Prakken, & Silja Renooij (2019) Constructing Bayesian network graphs from labeled arguments [i] [d]
- Antoine C. M. van den Bogaart, Hans G. K. Hummel, & Paul Arthur Kirschner (2018) Explicating development of personal professional theories from higher vocational education to beginning a professional career through computer-supported drawing of concept maps [d]
- Willemien Brand (2018) Visual doing: applying visual thinking in your day-to-day business [i]
- Sabrina Bresciani & Martin J. Eppler (2018) The collaborative dimensions of argument maps: a socio-visual approach [d]
- Sven Ove Hansson & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn (2018) Argument-based decision support for risk analysis [d]
- Faruk Hasić, Johannes De Smedt, & Jan Vanthienen (2018) Augmenting processes with decision intelligence: principles for integrated modelling [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2018) Stimulating reflection and self-correcting reasoning through argument mapping: three approaches [d]
- Jessica Hullman & Benjamin Bach (2018) Picturing science: design patterns in graphical abstracts [i] [d]
- Ana Ivanchikj, Cesare Pautasso, & Silvia Schreier (2018) Visual modeling of RESTful conversations with RESTalk [d]
- Yiannis Laouris & Marios Michaelides (2018) Structured democratic dialogue: an application of a mathematical problem structuring method to facilitate reforms with local authorities in Cyprus [d]
- Nicholas J. Matiasz, Justin Wood, Pranay Doshi, William Speier, Barry Beckemeyer, Wei Wang, William Hsu, & Alcino J. Silva (2018) for integrating and planning research [p] [d] [u]
- Antoni B. Moore, Mariusz Nowostawski, Christopher Frantz, & Christina Hulbe (2018) Comic strip narratives in time geography [d]
- Kabwe Mulenga, Xiujie Zhao, Min Xie, & Chipili Chikamba (2018) Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
- Birger Sevaldson (2018) Visualizing complex design: the evolution of gigamaps [i] [d]
- Christian Voigt (2018) A new beginning: introducing Argdown [u]
- Adele Abrahamsen, Benjamin Sheredos, & William Bechtel (2017) Explaining visually using mechanism diagrams [i] [d]
- Benjamin Bach, Pierre Dragicevic, Daniel Archambault, Christophe Hurter, & Sheelagh Carpendale (2017) A descriptive framework for temporal data visualizations based on generalized space-time cubes [d]
- Brendan Barstow, Lisa Fazio, Jordan Lippman, Mohammad Falakmasir, Christian D. Schunn, & Kevin D. Ashley (2017) The impacts of domain-general vs. domain-specific diagramming tools on writing [d]
- Brendan Barstow, Lisa Fazio, Christian D. Schunn, & Kevin D. Ashley (2017) Experimental evidence for diagramming benefits in science writing [d]
- John A. Bateman (2017) Multimodality and genre: issues for information design [i] [d]
- Alison Black, Paul Luna, Ole Lund, & Sue Walker [ed] (2017) Information design: research and practice [i] [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2017) Use cartoon-style graphics to persuade [u]
- Paul Culmsee (2017) From open space to action in 10 hours: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
- Paul Culmsee (2017) Innovations in decision making on a major infrastructure project: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
- Bart De Langhe, Stefano Puntoni, & Richard P. Larrick (2017) Linear thinking in a nonlinear world [u]
- Felix Dietze, André Calero Valdez, Johannes Karoff, Christoph Greven, Ulrik Schroeder, & Martina Ziefle (2017) That's so meta!: usability of a hypergraph-based discussion model [i] [d]
- Nathan Eng, Marco Aurisicchio, & Rob Bracewell (2017) Mapping software augments engineering design thinking [d]
- John Fox (2017) Cognitive systems at the point of care: the CREDO program [p] [d]
- Kurt Gray (2017) How to map theory: reliable methods are fruitless without rigorous theory [p] [d] [u]
- Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Jennifer Brown Urban, Leah Frerichs, & Gaurav Dave (2017) Extending systems thinking in planning and evaluation using group concept mapping and system dynamics to tackle complex problems [p] [d]
- Michael Kleineberg (2017) Integrative levels [as an organizing principle] [d] [u]
- Krzysztof Kluza, Piotr Wiśniewski, Krystian Jobczyk, Antoni Ligęza, & Anna Suchenia Mroczek (2017) Comparison of selected modeling notations for process, decision and system modeling [i] [d] [u]
- Benoît Leclerc (2017) Crime scripts [as diagrams] [i] [d]
- Ellen Lupton (2017) Design is storytelling [i]
- Michael May (2017) Graphs as images vs. graphs as diagrams: a problem at the intersection of semiotics and didactics [i] [d]
- Fabio Paglieri (2017) A plea for ecological argument technologies [d]
- Joe Ravetz & Amanda Ravetz (2017) Seeing the wood for the trees: Social Science 3.0 and the role of visual thinking [d]
- Mathias Riechert (2017) RIDAL: a language for research information definition argumentation [based on IBIS] [d]
- María Camila Romero, Mario Sánchez, & Jorge Villalobos (2017) Business model loom: a pattern-based approach towards the definition of business models [i] [d]
- Karl Täuscher & Nizar Abdelkafi (2017) Visual tools for business model innovation: recommendations from a cognitive perspective [d]
- Bart Verheij (2017) Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
- Katerina Vrotsou, Gunnel Andersson, Kajsa Ellegård, Claes-Göran Stefansson, Alain Topor, Anne Denhov, & Per Bülow (2017) A time-geographic approach for visualizing the paths of intervention for persons with severe mental illness [d]
- Florian Windhager, Günther Schreder, & Eva Mayr (2017/2019) Designing for a bigger picture: towards a macrosyntax for information visualizations [u]
- Florian Windhager, Paolo Federico, Saminu Salisu, Matthias Schlögl, & Eva Mayr (2017) A synoptic visualization framework for the multi-perspective study of biography and prosopography data [u]
- Christina Wodtke (2017) Pencil me in: the business drawing book for people who can't draw [i]
- William Wright, David Sheffield, & Stephanie Santosa (2017) Argument Mapper: countering cognitive biases in analysis with critical (visual) thinking [i] [d]
- Fran Ackermann, Colin Eden, & Igor Pyrko (2016) Accelerated multi-organization conflict resolution [d]
- Fran Ackermann & James Alexander (2016) Researching complex projects: using causal mapping to take a systems perspective [d]
- Brandy Agerbeck, Kelvy Bird, Sam Bradd, & Jennifer Shepherd [ed] (2016) Drawn together through visual practice: an anthology [i]
- Brandy Agerbeck (2016) The idea shapers: the power of putting your thinking into your own hands [i]
- Marco Aurisicchio, Rob Bracewell, & Becky L. Hooey (2016) Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
- Benjamin Bach, Natalie Kerracher, Kyle Wm Hall, Sheelagh Carpendale, Jessie Kennedy, & Nathalie Henry Riche (2016) Telling stories about dynamic networks with graph comics [i] [d] [u]
- Brendan Barstow (2016) Supporting students' research writing in psychology through argument diagramming [o] [u]
- Simon Bell, Tessa Berg, & Stephen Morse (2016) Rich pictures: encouraging resilient communities [i] [d]
- Steven G. Blank (2016) The mission model canvas: an adapted business model canvas for mission-driven organizations [u]
- Georg Brun & Gregor Betz (2016) Analysing practical argumentation [i] [d]
- John M. Bryson, Fran Ackermann, & Colin Eden (2016) Discovering collaborative advantage: the contributions of goal categories and visual strategy mapping [d]
- Marc Champagne (2016) Diagrams of the past: how timelines can aid the growth of historical knowledge [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2016) Strategic thinking in complex problem solving [i] [d]
- Marcel Danesi (2016) The semiotics of emoji: the rise of visual language in the age of the Internet [i] [d]
- Dov Dori (2016) Model-based systems engineering with OPM and SysML [i] [d]
- Joana Fojo Ferreira, António B. Vasco, Michael Basseches, Andreia Santos, & João M. Ferreira (2016) Exploring phase progression throughout the therapeutic process: the case of Eva [p] [d]
- Valentina Ferretti (2016) From stakeholders analysis to cognitive mapping and multi-attribute value theory: an integrated approach for policy support [d]
- Tim van Gelder, Roger Vodicka, & Nicholas Armstrong (2016) Augmenting expert elicitation with structured visual deliberation [d]
- David Godden (2016) Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
- Esteban Guerrero, Juan Carlos Nieves, & Helena Lindgren (2016) An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health [d]
- David E. Gussak & Marcia L. Rosal [ed] (2016) The Wiley handbook of art therapy [i] [d]
- Hugo J. Herrera, Marleen H. F. McCardle-Keurentjes, & Nuno Videira (2016) Evaluating facilitated modelling processes and outcomes: an experiment comparing a single and a multimethod approach in group model building [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2016) Reflective argumentation: a cognitive function of arguing [d]
- Luca Iandoli, Ivana Quinto, Anna De Liddo, & Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2016) On online collaboration and construction of shared knowledge: assessing mediation capability in computer supported argument visualization tools [d]
- Leonard A. Jason & David S. Glenwick [ed] (2016) Handbook of methodological approaches to community-based research: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods [i] [d]
- Ian M. Kinchin (2016) Visualising powerful knowledge to develop the expert student: a knowledge structures perspective on teaching and learning at university [i] [d]
- Krzysztof Kluza, Krystian Jobczyk, Piotr Wiśniewski, & Antoni Ligęza (2016) Overview of time issues with temporal logics for business process models [i] [d] [u]
- John Krogstie (2016) Quality in business process modeling [i] [d]
- David Lempia, Bill Schindel, Terry Hrabik, Stewart McGill, & Mike Graber (2016) Using visual diagrams and patterns for consistent and complete requirements [d]
- Mateusz Lewandowski (2016) Designing the business models for circular economy—towards the conceptual framework [d]
- Magnus Lien (2016) Contextual search in issue based information systems: towards information discovery in complex discourse graphs [u]
- Elena Mitocariu (2016) Graph representations of discourse structure [d]
- Roger K. Moore (2016) Introducing a pictographic language for envisioning a rich variety of enactive systems with different degrees of complexity [d]
- Bahadir Namdar & Ji Shen (2016) Intersection of argumentation and the use of multiple representations in the context of socioscientific issues [d]
- Charles J. Palus, David Magellan Horth, & Steadman Harrison III (2016) The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
- Michael J. O. Pocock, Darren M. Evans, Colin Fontaine, Martin Harvey, Romain Julliard, Órla McLaughlin, Jonathan Silvertown, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Piran C. L. White, & David A. Bohan (2016) The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management [i] [d]
- Marília Prada, David Rodrigues, Rita R. Silva, & Margarida V. Garrido (2016) Lisbon Symbol Database (LSD): subjective norms for 600 symbols [d]
- Harry Procter (2016) Relational construct psychology [i] [d]
- Chrysi Rapanta & Douglas N. Walton (2016) The use of argument maps as an assessment tool in higher education [d]
- Etiënne Rouwette, Inge Bleijenbergh, & Jac Vennix (2016) Group model-building to support public policy: addressing a conflicted situation in a problem neighbourhood [d]
- Sadaf Salavati (2016) Use of digital technologies in education: the complexity of teachers' everyday practice [i] [u]
- Anna Lena Schiller, Robert Klanten, & Sven Ehmann [ed] (2016) Graphic recording: live illustrations for meetings, conferences and workshops [i]
- Courtney Schriek, Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf, Antony Tang, & Floris J. Bex (2016) Software architecture design reasoning: a card game to help novice designers [i] [d] [u]
- Kamran Sedig & Paul Parsons (2016) Design of visualizations for human–information interaction: a pattern-based framework [i] [d]
- Stefan Sobernig, Bernhard Hoisl, & Mark Strembeck (2016) Extracting reusable design decisions for UML-based domain-specific languages: a multi-method study [d]
- Steve Strang & Anthony J. Masys (2016) Supporting intelligence analysis through visual thinking [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2016) Emotional cognition in urban planning and design [i] [d]
- Sarah-Kristin Thiel & Peter Fröhlich (2016) Gamification as motivation to engage in location-based public participation? [i] [d]
- Lisa M. Vaughn & Daniel McLinden (2016) Concept mapping [in community-based research] [i] [d]
- Bart Verheij, Floris J. Bex, Sjoerd T. Timmer, Charlotte S. Vlek, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Silja Renooij, & Henry Prakken (2016) Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton & Alice Toniolo (2016) Deliberation, practical reasoning and problem-solving [u]
- Olaf Zimmermann, Cesare Pautasso, Gregor Hohpe, & Bobby Woolf (2016) A decade of 'Enterprise integration patterns': a conversation with the authors [d]
- Aamna Al-Shehhi, Zeyar Aung, & Wei Lee Woon (2015) Argument visualization and narrative approaches for collaborative spatial decision making and knowledge construction: a case study for an offshore wind farm project [i] [d]
- Kailash Awati (2015) Beyond entities and relationships: towards an emergent approach to data modelling [u]
- Kimon Batoulis, Andreas Meyer, Ekaterina Bazhenova, Gero Decker, & Mathias Weske (2015) Extracting decision logic from process models [i] [d]
- Neil Benn (2015) Argumentation tools for digital politics: addressing the challenge of deliberation in democracies [i] [d]
- Nitin B. Bilgi (2015) A rule-based graphical decision charting approach to legal knowledge based system [i] [d]
- Richard Brath & David Jonker (2015) A graph for every problem [i] [d]
- Sara Breselor (2015) The big picture [u]
- Annette B. Brühl (2015) Making sense of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) and rtfMRI neurofeedback [p] [d]
- C. Melody Carswell & Will Seidelman (2015) Visuospatial displays: design problems and principles [i] [d]
- Kumari Moothedath Chandran, Monto Mani, & Amaresh Chakrabarti (2015) A spatio-temporal network representation for manufacturing [i] [d]
- Hana Chockler, Norman E. Fenton, Jeroen Keppens, & David A. Lagnado (2015) Causal analysis for attributing responsibility in legal cases [i] [d]
- Haeyong Chung, Chris North, Sarang Joshi, & Jian Chen (2015) Four considerations for supporting visual analysis in display ecologies [i] [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2015) A model of critical thinking in higher education [i] [d]
- Bas De Leng & Hannie Gijlers (2015) Collaborative diagramming during problem based learning in medical education: do computerized diagrams support basic science knowledge construction? [p] [d]
- Ann Del Bianco (2015) A method for collecting lifecourse data: assessing the utility of the lifegrid [i] [d]
- Giancarlo Dimaggio, Antonella Montano, Raffaele Popolo, & Giampaolo Salvatore (2015) Metacognitive interpersonal therapy for personality disorders: a treatment manual [i] [d]
- Mamadou Bilo Doumbouya, Bernard Kamsu-Foguem, Hugues Kenfack, & Clovis Foguem (2015) Argumentative reasoning and taxonomic analysis for the identification of medical errors [d]
- Christopher P. Dwyer, Michael J. Hogan, & Ian Stewart (2015) The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance [d]
- Ben Elijah (2015) The productivity habits: a simple approach to become more productive [i]
- Peter A. Facione & Carol Ann Gittens (2015) Mapping decisions and arguments [d]
- John Fox, Marc Gutenstein, Omar Khan, Matthew South, & Richard Thomson (2015) a platform for creating and sharing knowledge and promoting best practice in healthcare [d]
- Jorge Frascara [ed] (2015) Information design as principled action: making information accessible, relevant, understandable, and usable [i]
- Hans U. Fuchs (2015) From stories to scientific models and back: narrative framing in modern macroscopic physics [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2015) Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2015) Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills [i] [d]
- Björn Gottfried (2015) The systematic design of visual languages applied to logical reasoning [d]
- M. John Hall, Karl Jones, Pablo Bermell-Garcia, & D. David Hansen (2015) Argumentation in virtual collaborative environments addressing complex issues through remote synchronous collaboration [i] [d]
- Maralee Harrell & Danielle Wetzel (2015) Using argument diagramming to teach critical thinking in a first-year writing course [i] [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2015) Changing philosophy through technology: complexity and computer-supported collaborative argument mapping [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Jeremy A. Lingle (2015) Facilitating problem-based learning by means of collaborative argument visualization software [d]
- Michael J. Hogan, Christopher P. Dwyer, Owen M. Harney, Chris Noone, & Ronan J. Conway (2015) Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
- Pi-Sui Hsu, Margot Van Dyke, Yan Chen, & Thomas J. Smith (2015) The effect of a graph-oriented computer-assisted project-based learning environment on argumentation skills [d]
- Chia-Hui Hung & Chen-Yung Lin (2015) Using concept mapping to evaluate knowledge structure in problem-based learning [p] [d] [u]
- Naeem Khalid Janjua, Omar Khadeer Hussain, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, & Elizabeth Chang (2015) Philosophical and logic-based argumentation-driven reasoning approaches and their realization on the WWW: a survey [d]
- Adam Jaworski (2015) Globalese: a new visual-linguistic register [d]
- Ana Jofre, Steve Szigeti, & Sara Diamond (2015) Citizen engagement through tangible data representation [d]
- Ivan Jureta (2015) The design of requirements modelling languages: how to make formalisms for problem solving in requirements engineering [i] [d]
- Eleni Kamateri, Eleni Panopoulou, Efthimios Tambouris, Konstantinos Tarabanis, Adegboyega Ojo, Deirdre Lee, & David Price (2015) A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making [i] [d]
- Hae Young Kim (2015) Modeling the reasoning processes in experts and novices' argument diagramming task: sequential analysis of diagramming behavior and think-aloud data [u]
- Anne Kelly Knowles, Levi Westerveld, & Laura Strom (2015) Inductive visualization: a humanistic alternative to GIS [d]
- Bruce S. Liese & Kate M. Esterline (2015) Concept mapping: a supervision strategy for introducing case conceptualization skills to novice therapists [p] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno, Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, & Deanna Kuhn (2015) Argumentation theory in education studies: coding and improving students' argumentative strategies [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas N. Walton (2015) Classifying the patterns of natural arguments [d] [j] [u]
- Anita Minh, Sejal Patel, Cindy Bruce-Barrett, & Patricia O'Campo (2015) Letting youths choose for themselves: concept mapping as a participatory approach for program and service planning [p] [d]
- Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Olivier Leclerc (2015) The design of insight: how to solve any business problem [i] [d]
- Randall Munroe (2015) Thing explainer: complicated stuff in simple words [i]
- Andrea Nanetti, Angelo Cattaneo, Siew Ann Cheong, & Chin-Yew Lin (2015) Maps as knowledge aggregators: from Renaissance Italy Fra Mauro to web search engines [d]
- Karin Örmon, Marie Torstensson-Levander, Christel Bahtsevani, & Charlotta Sunnqvist (2015) The life course of women who have experienced abuse: a life chart study in general psychiatric care [d]
- Henry Prakken & Giovanni Sartor (2015) Law and logic: a review from an argumentation perspective [d]
- Jonathan C. Roberts, Christopher Headleand, David Perkins, & Panagiotis D. Ritsos (2015) Personal visualization for learning [u]
- Mike Rohde (2015) The sketchnote workbook: advanced techniques for taking visual notes you can use anywhere [i]
- Tobias Ruppert, Jens Dambruch, Michel Krämer, Tina Balke, Marco Gavanelli, Stefano Bragaglia, Federico Chesani, Michela Milano, & Jörn Kohlhammer (2015) Visual decision support for policy making: advancing policy analysis with visualization [i] [d]
- Nick Russell, Wil van der Aalst, & Arthur ter Hofstede (2015) Workflow patterns: the definitive guide [i] [d]
- Tiago Prince Sales & Giancarlo Guizzardi (2015) Ontological anti-patterns: empirically uncovered error-prone structures in ontology-driven conceptual models [d]
- Daan F. J. Schraven, Andreas Hartmann, & Geert P. M. R. Dewulf (2015) Resuming an unfinished tale: applying causal maps to analyze the dominant logics within an organization [d]
- Martina Seidl (2015) UML @ classroom: an introduction to object-oriented modeling [i] [d]
- Albert M. Selvin & Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2015) Constructing knowledge art: an experiential perspective on crafting participatory representations [i] [d]
- David Peter Stroh (2015) Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
- Paul Thagard (2015) Value maps in applied ethics [d]
- Paul Thagard (2015) The cognitive–affective structure of political ideologies [i] [d]
- Alice Toniolo, Timothy J. Norman, Anthony Etuk, Federico Cerutti, Robin Wentao Ouyang, Mani Srivastava, Nir Oren, Timothy Dropps, John A. Allen, & Paul Sullivan (2015) Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
- Sylvia C. Vink, Jan Van Tartwijk, Jan Bolk, & Nico Verloop (2015) Integration of clinical and basic sciences in concept maps: a mixed-method study on teacher learning [p] [d] [u]
- Douglas N. Walton (2015) Goal-based reasoning for argumentation [i] [d]
- Zhenpeng Zhao, Rachael Marr, & Niklas Elmqvist (2015) Data comics: sequential art for data-driven storytelling [u]
- Nancy Averett (2014) The art of inspiration: why companies are hiring artists to record their brainstorms [u]
- Benjamin Bach, Pierre Dragicevic, Daniel Archambault, Christophe Hurter, & Sheelagh Carpendale (2014) A review of temporal data visualizations based on space-time cube operations [u]
- Richard Bagdonas (2014) Fall in love with the problem, not the solution [u]
- John A. Bateman (2014) Text and image: a critical introduction to the visual–verbal divide [i] [d]
- Fabian Beck, Michael Burch, Stephan Diehl, & Daniel Weiskopf (2014) The state of the art in visualizing dynamic graphs [d] [u]
- Floris J. Bex, Mark Snaith, John Lawrence, & Chris Reed (2014) ArguBlogging: an application for the argument web [d] [u]
- Sebastian Bittmann, Balbir Barn, & Tony Clark (2014) Domain-specific reasoning for method engineering based on Toulmin's argumentation theory [d]
- Sunni Brown (2014) The doodle revolution: unlock the power to think differently [i]
- John M. Bryson, Colin Eden, & Fran Ackermann (2014) Visual strategy: a workbook for strategy mapping for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2014) Improve your thinking by mapping it [u]
- Evangelia Chryssafidou (2014) Argument diagramming and planning cognition in argumentative writing [o] [u]
- Timothy W. Clark, Paolo N. Ciccarese, & Carole A. Goble (2014) Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications [d]
- Matthew Cotton (2014) Ethics and technology assessment: a participatory approach [i] [d]
- Karen Cronin, Gerald Midgley, & Laurie Skuba Jackson (2014) Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts [d]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2014) The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
- Lenny Delligatti (2014) SysML distilled: a brief guide to the systems modeling language [i]
- Gerry Derksen, Stan Ruecker, & Piotr Michura (2014) The role of conversational models in design practice [i] [d]
- Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Erik C. W. Krabbe, A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Bart Verheij, & Jean H. M. Wagemans (2014) Handbook of argumentation theory [i] [d]
- Scott D. Findlay & Paul Thagard (2014) Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt (2014) Linkography: unfolding the design process [i] [d] [j]
- Ralf Groetker (2014) Visualized problem structuring for stakeholder consultations: enabling informed decision-making with argument maps and the argument browser [i] [d]
- Najmeh Hassanli & Mike Metcalfe (2014) Idea networking: constructing a pragmatic conceptual frame for action research interventions [d]
- Martin Haußmann (2014/2017) UZMO: thinking with your pen [i]
- Jefferson Heard, Sidharth Thakur, Jessica Losego, & Ken Galluppi (2014) Big board: teleconferencing over maps for shared situational awareness [d]
- Michael J. Hogan, Owen M. Harney, & Benjamin J. Broome (2014) Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
- Thomas Homer-Dixon, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Tobias Schröder, & Paul Thagard (2014) The conceptual structure of social disputes: cognitive-affective maps as a tool for conflict analysis and resolution [d]
- Peter Hosey (2014) The to-do graph [and why to-do lists don't work] [u]
- Peter S. Hovmand (2014) Community based system dynamics [i] [d]
- Weidong Huang [ed] (2014) Handbook of human centric visualization [i] [d]
- Dirk Ifenthaler & Ria Hanewald [ed] (2014) Digital knowledge maps in education: technology-enhanced support for teachers and learners [i] [d]
- Joshua Introne & Luca Iandoli (2014) Improving decision-making performance through argumentation: an argument-based decision support system to compute with evidence [d]
- Jeannel Elizabeth King (2014) Draw forth: how to host your own visual conversations without having to be a professional artist or a full-on facilitator [i]
- Chinmay Kulkarni, Steven P. Dow, & Scott R. Klemmer (2014) Early and repeated exposure to examples improves creative work [i] [d]
- Collin F. Lynch (2014) The diagnosticity of argument diagrams [o] [u]
- Xiaoyue Ma & Jean-Pierre Cahier (2014) Graphically structured icons for knowledge tagging [d]
- Peter W. Martin (2014) Citation alone doesn't make the argument [u]
- Karen Martin & Mike Osterling (2014) Value stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation [i]
- Mike Metcalfe (2014) How concepts solve management problems [i] [d]
- Steven Pinker (2014) The web, the tree, and the string [i]
- Arno Scharl, Alexander Hubmann-Haidvogel, Walter Rafelsberger, Albert Weichselbraun, Heinz-Peter Lang, & Marta Sabou (2014) Visualizing knowledge along semantic and geographic dimensions: a web intelligence platform to explore climate change coverage [i] [d]
- Beat A. Schwendimann (2014) Making sense of knowledge integration maps [i] [d]
- Kamran Sedig, Paul Parsons, Mark Dittmer, & Robert Haworth (2014) Human-centered interactivity of visualization tools: micro- and macro-level considerations [i] [d]
- Albert M. Selvin (2014) Performing knowledge art: understanding collaborative cartography [i] [d]
- David I. Spivak (2014) Category theory for the sciences [i] [u]
- John K. Timberlake (2014) In-session sketching: an adjunctive technique for brief dynamic therapies [d]
- Chris Tomich (2014) Learning more effectively with IBIS diagrams [u]
- Chris Tomich (2014) From analyst to sense-maker [with IBIS] [u]
- Frédéric M. Vanwindekens, Philippe V. Baret, & Didier Stilmant (2014) A new approach for comparing and categorizing farmers' systems of practice based on cognitive mapping and graph theory indicators [d]
- Bart Verheij (2014) To catch a thief with and without numbers: arguments, scenarios and probabilities in evidential reasoning [d]
- Martin Voshell, Sean Guarino, James Tittle, & Emilie Roth (2014) Supporting representation management in intelligence analysis through automated decision aids [d]
- Margaret Wehrenberg (2014) The balance wheel [i]
- Cheryl Williams, Pammla M. Petrucka, Sandra L. Bassendowski, & Claire Betker (2014) Participatory diagramming for engaging youth in a gender equity and community development dialogue: an African exemplar [u]
- Florian Windhager & Michael Smuc (2014) The arts of the possible: information visualization in the field of politics [d] [u]
- Lukas Zenk, Michael Smuc, & Florian Windhager (2014) Beyond the name tag: connecting people and knowledge at conferences [i] [u]
- Mark Aakhus (2013) Managing conflict in information system design stakeholder conferences: the role of transparency work [i] [d]
- Sasan Yadrandji Aghdam (2013) Application of creativity tools to enhance the design of inherently safer urban infrastructure [u]
- Pietro Baroni, Marco Romano, Francesca Toni, Marco Aurisicchio, & Giorgio Bertanza (2013) An argumentation-based approach for automatic evaluation of design debates [i] [d]
- Simon Bell & Stephen Morse (2013) How people use rich pictures to help them think and act [d]
- Gregor Betz (2013) Debate dynamics: how controversy improves our beliefs [i] [d]
- Floris J. Bex, Sanjay Modgil, Henry Prakken, & Chris Reed (2013) On logical specifications of the Argument Interchange Format [d]
- Floris J. Bex, John Lawrence, Mark Snaith, & Chris Reed (2013) Implementing the argument web [d] [u]
- Janet E. Burge & Bo Brinkman (2013) Using rationale to assist student cognitive and intellectual development [i] [d]
- Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli, & Serena Villata (2013) From discourse analysis to argumentation schemes and back: relations and differences [i] [d]
- Elena Cabrio, Sara Tonelli, & Serena Villata (2013) A natural language account for argumentation schemes [i] [d]
- Patrice Caire, Nicolas Genon, Patrick Heymans, & Daniel L. Moody (2013) Visual notation design 2.0: towards user comprehensible requirements engineering notations [i] [d]
- Alberto Cairo (2013) The functional art: an introduction to information graphics and visualization [i]
- Linda Candy (2013) Evaluating creativity [i] [d]
- John M. Carroll [ed] (2013) Creativity and rationale: enhancing human experience by design [i] [d]
- Iliano Cervesato (2013) The deductive spreadsheet [i] [d]
- Arnaud Chevallier (2013) Capture your diagnostic analysis in a hypothesis map [u]
- Neil Cohn (2013) Visual narrative structure [p] [d]
- Neil Cohn (2013) The visual language of comics: introduction to the structure and cognition of sequential images [i] [d]
- Gráinne Conole (2013) Design representations [for learning interventions] [i] [d]
- Ward Cunningham & Michael W. Mehaffy (2013) Wiki as pattern language [i] [u]
- Danny Dorling (2013) Cartography: making sense of our worlds [d]
- Johanna Drucker (2013) Diagrammatic writing [d] [u]
- Marlon Dumas, Marcello La Rosa, Jan Mendling, & Hajo A. Reijers (2013) Fundamentals of business process management [i] [d]
- Kevin Duncan (2013) The diagrams book: 50 ways to solve any problem visually [i]
- Colin Eden & Fran Ackermann (2013) Problem structuring: on the nature of, and reaching agreement about, goals [d]
- Kathrin Figl, Jan Mendling, & Mark Strembeck (2013) The influence of notational deficiencies on process model comprehension [d] [u]
- Harwood Fisher (2013) Geometric icons and conceptual analogies: a doublet of dynamic forms that reveal, express, and impel analogies [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2013) Knowledge acquisition: past, present and future [d]
- Valeria Giardino (2013) A practice-based approach to diagrams [i] [d]
- Gabriela Goldschmidt (2013) A micro view of design reasoning: two-way shifts between embodiment and rationale [i] [d]
- Arash Golnam, Paavo Ritala, Vijay Viswanathan, Valerian Hanser, & Alain Wegmann (2013) A framework for modeling value in service-oriented business models: conceptualizations and graphical representation [i] [d]
- Danielle Arlanda Harris (2013) Using life history plots to visualize criminal careers [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Jason Borenstein (2013) Understanding ill-structured engineering ethics problems through a collaborative learning and argument visualization approach [p] [d]
- Thomas Homer-Dixon, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Matto Mildenberger, Manjana Milkoreit, Steven J. Mock, Stephen Quilley, Tobias Schröder, & Paul Thagard (2013) A complex systems approach to the study of ideology: cognitive-affective structures and the dynamics of belief systems [d] [u]
- Lorraine Hope, Rebecca Mullis, & Fiona Gabbert (2013) Who? What? When? Using a timeline technique to facilitate recall of a complex event [d]
- Hyunjung Kim, Roderick H. MacDonald, & David F. Andersen (2013) Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
- Jeannel Elizabeth King (2013) The difference: sketch notes, graphic recording and graphic facilitation [u]
- Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Melissa Rivard, & Daniel G. Wilson (2013) Visible learners: promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools [i]
- Vijay Kumar (2013) 101 design methods: a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization [i]
- Brendan Larvor (2013) What philosophy of mathematical practice can teach argumentation theory about diagrams and pictures [i] [d]
- Sami Lehesvuori, Jouni Viiri, Helena Rasku-Puttonen, Josephine Moate, & Jussi Helaakoski (2013) Visualizing communication structures in science classrooms: tracing cumulativity in teacher-led whole class discussions [d]
- Alexandra Lorenz, Cornelia Thierbach, Nina Baur, & Thomas H. Kolbe (2013) App-free zone: paper maps as alternative to electronic indoor navigation aids and their empirical evaluation with large user bases [i] [d]
- Fabrizio Macagno & Aikaterini Konstantinidou (2013) What students' arguments can tell us: using argumentation schemes in science education [d]
- D. Scott McCrickard, Shahtab Wahid, Stacy M. Branham, & Steve Harrison (2013) Achieving both creativity and rationale: reuse in design with images and claims [i] [d]
- Mike Metcalfe & Saras Sastrowardoyo (2013) Complex project conceptualisation and argument mapping [d]
- Piotr Michura, Stan Ruecker, Gerry Derksen, Ted Pollari, & Scott Audette (2013) New narratives using conversational sculptures [3D models of conversation] [u]
- Amirouche Moktefi & Sun-Joo Shin [ed] (2013) Visual reasoning with diagrams [i] [d]
- Ian Muehlenhaus (2013) The design and composition of persuasive maps [d]
- Jeffrey V. Nickerson, James E. Corter, Barbara Tversky, Yun-Jin Rho, Doris Zahner, & Lixiu Yu (2013) Cognitive tools shape thought: diagrams in design [d]
- Catrien Notermans & Heleen Kommers (2013) Researching religion: the iconographic elicitation method [d]
- Rosalie J. Ocker (2013) Promoting group creativity in upstream requirements engineering [i] [d]
- Ferjan Ormeling (2013) Cartography as a window to the world [d]
- Ruggero Pagnan (2013) A diagrammatic calculus of syllogisms [i] [d]
- Gregory S. Parnell, Terry A. Bresnick, Steven N. Tani, & Eric R. Johnson (2013) Handbook of decision analysis [i] [d]
- János Podani (2013) Tree thinking, time and topology: comments on the interpretation of tree diagrams in evolutionary/phylogenetic systematics [d]
- Mike Rohde (2013) The sketchnote handbook: the illustrated guide to visual note taking [i]
- Jodi Schneider, Tudor Groza, & Alexandre Passant (2013) A review of argumentation for the social semantic web [d] [u]
- Albert M. Selvin, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Mark Aakhus (2013) The practice level in participatory design rationale: studying practitioner moves and choices [i] [d]
- Patricia B. Seybold (2013) Tackling a wicked problem: water issues! How the Delta Dialogues Project is using dialogue mapping to build shared understanding [u]
- Mayya Sharipova & Gordon McCalla (2013) Modelling students' knowledge of ethics [i] [d]
- David Sibbet (2013) Visual leaders: new tools for visioning, management, & organization change [i] [d]
- Corey Sommers & David Jenkins (2013) Whiteboard selling: empowering sales through visuals [i] [d]
- Rodrigo Rizzi Starr & José Maria Parente de Oliveira (2013) Concept maps as the first step in an ontology construction method [d]
- Charlotta Sunnqvist, Ulla Persson, Åsa Westrin, Lil Träskman-Bendz, & Bo Lenntorp (2013) Grasping the dynamics of suicidal behaviour: combining time-geographic life charting and COPE ratings [d]
- Peggy Taylor & Charlie Murphy (2013) Catch the fire: an art-full guide to unleashing the creative power of youth, adults and communities [i]
- Unsal Umdu Topsakal & John Oversby (2013) What do scientist and non-scientist teachers notice about biology diagrams? [d]
- Frédéric M. Vanwindekens, Didier Stilmant, & Philippe V. Baret (2013) Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems [d]
- Lisa M. Vaughn, Farrah Jacquez, & Daniel McLinden (2013) The use of concept mapping to identify community-driven intervention strategies for physical and mental health [p] [d]
- Keith C. Walker & Douglas W. Oard (2013) Extending argument maps to provide decision support for rulemaking [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2013) Methods of argumentation [i] [d]
- Florian Windhager (2013) On polycubism: outlining a dynamic information visualization framework for the humanities and social sciences [u]
- Jinfeng Zhao, Daniel Exeter, Lauren Moss, Grant Hanham, Tania Riddell, & Susan Wells (2013) Incorporating ringmaps into interactive web mapping for enhanced understanding of cardiovascular disease [i] [d]
- Brandy Agerbeck (2012) The graphic facilitator's guide: how to use your listening, thinking & drawing skills to make meaning [i]
- Arantza Aldea, René Bañares-Alcántara, & Simon Skrzypczak (2012) Managing information to support the decision making process [combining IBIS & MCDM in Compendium] [d]
- Laura J. Black & David F. Andersen (2012) Using visual representations as boundary objects to resolve conflict in collaborative model-building approaches [d]
- Julie L. Booth & Kenneth R. Koedinger (2012) Are diagrams always helpful tools?: developmental and individual differences in the effect of presentation format on student problem solving [d]
- Kenneth T. Broda-Bahm (2012) Talk to the eyes: if it can't be visualized, it's not a story [u]
- Andrew Causey (2012) Drawing flies: artwork in the field [d]
- Bernard Charlin, Stuart Lubarsky, Bernard Millette, Françoise Crevier, Marie-Claude Audétat, Anne Charbonneau, Nathalie Caire Fon, Lea Hoff, & Christian Bourdy (2012) Clinical reasoning processes: unravelling complexity through graphical representation [p] [d]
- Tim Clark, Bruce Hazen, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, & Alan Smith (2012/2022) Business model you: a one-page method for reinventing your career [i]
- Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia (2012) The use of concept maps for knowledge management: from classrooms to research labs [d]
- Philip Cox, Beryl Plimmer, & Peter Rodgers [ed] (2012) Diagrammatic representation and inference: 7th International Conference, Diagrams 2012, Canterbury, UK, July 2–6, 2012: proceedings [i] [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part I [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping and the teaching of critical thinking: part II [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2012) Computer-aided argument mapping as a tool for teaching critical thinking [d]
- Anna De Liddo, Ágnes Sándor, & Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2012) Contested collective intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human–machine annotation study [d]
- Steven P. Dow, Julie Fortuna, Dan Schwartz, Beth Altringer, Daniel L. Schwartz, & Scott R. Klemmer (2012) Prototyping dynamics: sharing multiple designs improves exploration, group rapport, and results [i] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2012) Towards a practice-based philosophy of logic: formal languages as a case study [u]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2012) Formal languages in logic: a philosophical and cognitive analysis [i] [d]
- Matthew W. Easterday (2012) Policy World: a cognitive game for teaching deliberation [i] [d]
- Jean Eells, Michael F. Dahlstrom, & Raeann Ritland (2012) Maps help landowners think beyond human scale [d]
- Thomas Frisendal (2012) Design thinking business analysis: business concept mapping applied [i] [d]
- Andrés García-Silva, Oscar Corcho, Harith Alani, & Asunción Gómez-Pérez (2012) Review of the state of the art: discovering and associating semantics to tags in folksonomies [d]
- Cedric Gaspoz & Yair Wand (2012) Using ontologies and soft systems methodology to provide multi-user support in problem structuring [i] [d]
- Xiaocheng Ge, Rui Rijo, Richard F. Paige, Tim P. Kelly, & John A. McDermid (2012) Introducing goal structuring notation to explain decisions in clinical practice [d]
- Lutz Gericke, Raja Gumienny, & Christoph Meinel (2012) Tele-board: follow the traces of your design process history [i] [d]
- Khondaker Hasibul Kabir (2012) Why is drawing important to research? [d]
- Sathyamyla Kanthabhabhajeya, Petter Falkman, & Bengt Lennartson (2012) System modeling specification in SysML and Sequence Planner Language: comparison study [d]
- Jeroen Keppens (2012) Argument diagram extraction from evidential Bayesian networks [d]
- Nicole Lazzaro (2012) Why we play: affect and the fun of games—designing emotions for games, entertainment interfaces, and interactive products [i] [d]
- Alpha Lo (2012) The unheralded power of facilitation to change the world [u]
- Richard Lowe & Jean-Michel Boucheix (2012) Dynamic diagrams: a composition alternative [i] [d]
- Bella Martin & Bruce M. Hanington (2012) Universal methods of design: 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions [i]
- Ash Maurya (2012) Why lean canvas? [vs. business model canvas] [u]
- D. Scott McCrickard (2012) Making claims: the claim as a knowledge design, capture, and sharing tool in HCI [i] [d]
- Ian Vince McLoughlin, Li Ming Ang, & Wooi Boon Goh (2012) Multi-touch wall displays for informational and interactive collaborative space [i] [d]
- Jan Mendling (2012/2013) Managing structural and textual quality of business process models [i] [d]
- Katharyne Mitchell & Sarah Elwood (2012) From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
- Amirouche Moktefi & Sun-Joo Shin (2012) A history of logic diagrams [i] [d]
- Stephen J. Morris & Orlena C. Z. Gotel (2012) The diagram of flow: its departure from software engineering and its return [i] [d]
- Janet Horowitz Murray (2012) Inventing the medium: principles of interaction design as a cultural practice [i] [j]
- Adam Nieman (2012) Concrete vs abstract visualisation: the real world as a canvas for data visualisation [i]
- Alexander Osterwalder (2012) Achieve product–market fit with our brand-new Value Proposition Designer Canvas [u]
- Niels Pinkwart & Bruce M. McLaren [ed] (2012) Educational technologies for teaching argumentation skills [i] [d]
- Catherine Plaisant (2012) Life on the line: interacting with temporal event sequence representations [i] [d]
- Gerry Rayner (2012) Modelling ecosystem structure and energy flow in a first year environmental biology practical: not a complete waste of energy [u]
- Stephen K. Reed (2012) Learning by mapping across situations [d]
- Christian Schalles (2012/2013) Usability evaluation of modeling languages: an empirical research study [i] [d]
- Ivahn Smadja (2012) Local axioms in disguise: Hilbert on Minkowski diagrams [d] [j]
- John Spriggs (2012) GSN—the goal structuring notation: a structured approach to presenting arguments [i] [d]
- Ileana Stigliani & Davide Ravasi (2012) Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking [d]
- Kirk Strosahl, Thomas Gustavsson, & Patricia A. Robinson (2012) Brief interventions for radical change: principles and practice of focused acceptance and commitment therapy [i]
- Paul Thagard (2012) Mapping minds across cultures [i] [d]
- John C. Thomas & John T. Richards (2012) Achieving psychological simplicity: measures and methods to reduce cognitive complexity [i] [d]
- Barbara Tversky, James E. Corter, Lixiu Yu, David L. Mason, & Jeffrey V. Nickerson (2012) Representing category and continuum: visualizing thought [i] [d]
- Christopher W. Tyler & Lora T. Likova (2012) The role of the visual arts in enhancing the learning process [p] [d] [u]
- Tommaso Venturini (2012) Building on faults: how to represent controversies with digital methods [p] [d]
- Robert Waller (2012/2017) Graphic literacies for a digital age: the survival of layout [i] [d]
- Michelle Winkel & Maxine Borowsky Junge (2012) Graphic facilitation and art therapy: imagery and metaphor in organizational development [i]
- Sarah E. Wolfe (2012) Water cognition and cognitive affective mapping: identifying priority clusters within a Canadian water efficiency community [d]
- Wil van der Aalst (2011/2016) Process mining: data science in action [i] [d]
- Floris J. Bex (2011) Arguments, stories and criminal evidence: a formal hybrid theory [i] [d]
- Duan Biggs, Nick Abel, Andrew T. Knight, Anne M. Leitch, Art Langston, & Natalie C. Ban (2011) The implementation crisis in conservation planning: could 'mental models' help? [d]
- Florian Böttcher & Anke Meisert (2011) Argumentation in science education: a model-based framework [d]
- Helen Brayley, Eleanor Cockbain, & Gloria Laycock (2011) The value of crime scripting: deconstructing internal child sex trafficking [d]
- Marco Castellani (2011) Cognitive tools for group decision making: the repertory grid approach revisited [i] [d]
- Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (2011) When is a bunch of marks on paper a diagram?: diagrams as homomorphic representations [d]
- Emma Chow, Amin Hammad, & Pierre Gauthier (2011) Multi-touch screens for navigating 3D virtual environments in participatory urban planning [i] [d]
- Alison Clark (2011) Multimodal map making with young children: exploring ethnographic and participatory methods [d]
- Paul Culmsee & Kailash Awati (2011/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
- Stephen Davies (2011) Still building the memex [d]
- Philip Dawid, David A. Schum, & Amanda Hepler (2011) Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
- Anna De Liddo & Grazia Concilio (2011) Supporting communities of practice by advancing knowledge management between hybrid collaborative environments [i] [d]
- Christopher P. Dwyer (2011) The evaluation of argument mapping as a learning tool [o] [u]
- Kajsa Ellegård & Jenny Palm (2011) Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable [d] [u]
- Peter A. Facione & Carol Ann Gittens (2011/2016) Think critically [i]
- Heather Foster & Linda L. Viney (2011) Using contrasting drawings or pictures as an assessment tool within a personal construct framework [i] [d]
- James B. Freeman (2011) Argument structure: representation and theory [i] [d]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (2011) Computer-aided constructivism [i] [d]
- Arash Golnam, Gorica Tapandjieva, Sérgio Viana, & Alain Wegmann (2011) Problem structuring methods in system dynamics modeling: a cognitive fit perspective [i] [u]
- Sébastien Griffon, Amélie Nespoulous, Jean-Paul Cheylan, Pascal Marty, & Daniel Auclair (2011) Virtual reality for cultural landscape visualization [d]
- Stephen N. Haynes, William Hayes O'Brien, & Joseph Keaweʻaimoku Kaholokula (2011) Illustrating the functional analysis with functional analytic clinical case diagrams [i]
- James Hines, Thomas W. Malone, Paulo Gonçalves, George Herman, John Quimby, Mary Murphy-Hoye, James B. Rice, James Patten, & Hiroshi Ishii (2011) Construction by replacement: a new approach to simulation modeling [d]
- Garry F. Hoban, John Loughran, & Wendy Nielsen (2011) Slowmation: preservice elementary teachers representing science knowledge through creating multimodal digital animations [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2011) Analyzing framing processes in conflicts and communication by means of logical argument mapping [i] [u]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2011) Cognitive effects of argument visualization tools [and comment by Fabio Paglieri] [i] [u]
- Cat Hope & Lindsay Vickery (2011) Visualising the score: screening scores in realtime performance [u]
- Johan Huysmans, Karel Dejaeger, Christophe Mues, Jan Vanthienen, & Bart Baesens (2011) An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models [d]
- Tim Ingold [ed] (2011) Redrawing anthropology: materials, movements, lines [i]
- Tim Ingold (2011) Drawing together: doing, observing, describing [i] [d]
- Davor Jedlicka (2011) Affinographs: a dynamic method for assessment of individuals, couples, families, and households [i] [d]
- Soojin Jun, Miso Kim, & Joonhwan Lee (2011) The system diagrams: shifting perspectives [d] [j]
- Ian M. Kinchin (2011) Visualising knowledge structures in biology: discipline, curriculum and student understanding [d]
- Stephen M. Kosslyn (2011) Better PowerPoint: quick fixes based on how your audience thinks [i]
- Annalee J. Lamoreaux (2011) Prior learning assessment and the developmental journey: from 'mapless' to cartographer [i] [d]
- William C. Madsen (2011) Collaborative helping maps: a tool to guide thinking and action in family-centered services [d]
- Kim Marriott, Peter Sbarski, Tim van Gelder, Daniel Prager, & Andy Bulka (2011) Hi-trees and their layout [p] [d]
- Daniel D. Matthews (2011) The A3 workbook: unlock your problem-solving mind [i]
- Erin M. McTigue & Amanda C. Flowers (2011) Science visual literacy: learners' perceptions and knowledge of diagrams [d]
- Brian M. Moon, Robert R. Hoffman, Joseph Donald Novak, & Alberto J. Cañas [ed] (2011) Applied concept mapping: capturing, analyzing, and organizing knowledge [i] [d]
- Stephen J. Morris & Orlena C. Z. Gotel (2011) The role of flow charts in the early automation of applied mathematics [d]
- Jörg M. Müller (2011) Evaluation of a therapeutic concept diagram [d]
- Masae Nakazawa & Mitsuru Ikeda (2011) A method to analyze learners' interest changes with concept maps [i] [d]
- Jenny Palm & Kajsa Ellegård (2011) Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy [d] [u]
- Iyad Rahwan, Bita Banihashemi, Chris Reed, Douglas N. Walton, & Sherief Abdallah (2011) Representing and classifying arguments on the semantic web [d]
- Caroline E. Reid (2011) Rationale argument mapping software [d]
- Dan Roam (2011) Blah blah blah: what to do when words don't work [i]
- Joanna Sheridan, Kerry Chamberlain, & Ann Dupuis (2011) Timelining: visualizing experience [d] [u]
- David Sibbet (2011) Visual teams: graphic tools for commitment, innovation, & high performance [i] [d]
- Dušan Stojnov & Ljubomir Savanović (2011) Pyramiding updated [i]
- Andrew Stranieri & John Yearwood (2011) A case for the re-use of community reasoning [i] [d]
- Paul Thagard (2011) The brain is wider than the sky: analogy, emotion, and allegory [d]
- Finn Tschudi & David A. Winter (2011) The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
- Brett Victor (2011) Explorable explanations [u]
- Beverly M. Walker & Nadia Crittenden (2011) The use of laddering: techniques, applications and problems [i] [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2011) Reasoning about knowledge using defeasible logic [d]
- Nancy Worth (2011) Evaluating life maps as a versatile method for lifecourse geographies [d]
- Verna Allee (2010) How is value really created?: the value networks approach [i] [u]
- Trevor Bench-Capon & Katie Atkinson (2010) Argumentation schemes: from informal logic to computational models [i] [u]
- Jamal Bentahar, Bernard Moulin, & Micheline Bélanger (2010) A taxonomy of argumentation models used for knowledge representation [d]
- CogNexus Institute (2010) The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
- W. Martin Davies (2010) Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? [d]
- Guy Downes (2010) Video scribing for The Nous Group: behind the scenes [u]
- Hugh Dubberly (2010) Creating concept maps [u]
- Marc A. Fournier, Debbie S. Moskowitz, & David C. Zuroff (2010) Origins and applications of the interpersonal circumplex [i] [d]
- L. Alberto Franco & Gilberto Montibeller (2010) Facilitated modelling in operational research [d]
- Brian R. Gaines (2010) Visualizing logical aspects of conceptual structures [u]
- David Gray, Sunni Brown, & James Macanufo (2010) Gamestorming: a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers [i]
- Kris Harzinski (2010) From here to there: a curious collection from the Hand Drawn Map Association [i]
- Michael J. Hogan & Zachary Stein (2010) Structuring thought: an examination of four methods [i]
- Meena Kharatmal & Gadiraju Nagarjuna (2010) Introducing rigor in concept maps [i] [d]
- Ash Maurya (2010) How I document my business model hypotheses [u]
- Andrew V. Moere & Stephanie Patel (2010) The physical visualization of information: designing data sculptures in an educational context [i] [d]
- Catherine Hyland Moon [ed] (2010) Materials and media in art therapy: critical understandings of diverse artistic vocabularies [i]
- Satheesha B. Nayak & Soumya Kodimajalu (2010) Progressive drawing: a novel 'lid-opener' and 'monotony-breaker' [d]
- Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, & Tim Clark (2010) Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers [i]
- Alex Soojung-Kim Pang (2010) Paper spaces: visualizing the future [d]
- Pierre Pottier, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Brian D. Hodges, Marc-Antoine Pistorius, Jérome Connault, Cécile Durant, Renaud Clairand, Véronique Sebille, Jacques-Henri Barrier, & Bernard Planchon (2010) Exploring how students think: a new method combining think-aloud and concept mapping protocols [p] [d]
- Lauren B. Resnick, Sarah Michaels, & M. Catherine O'Connor (2010) How (well-structured) talk builds the mind [i]
- Stephen K. Reed (2010/2021) Thinking visually [i] [d]
- Martin Reynolds & Sue Holwell [ed] (2010) Systems approaches to managing change: a practical guide [i] [d]
- Etiënne Rouwette, Ingrid Bastings, & Hans Blokker (2010) A comparison of group model building and strategic options development and analysis [d]
- Oliver Scheuer, Frank Loll, Niels Pinkwart, & Bruce M. McLaren (2010) Computer-supported argumentation: a review of the state of the art [d]
- David Sibbet (2010) Visual meetings: how graphics, sticky notes, & idea mapping can transform group productivity [i] [d]
- Chipp Walters (2010) Scribing? What is it? [u]
- Eugenia L. Weiss, Jose E. Coll, Jennifer Gerbauer, Kate Smiley, & Ed Carillo (2010) The military genogram: a solution-focused approach for resiliency building in service members and their families [d]
- Lingyun Yu, Pjotr Svetachov, Petra Isenberg, Maarten H. Everts, & Tobias Isenberg (2010) FI3D: direct-touch interaction for the exploration of 3D scientific visualization spaces [d]
- Karoline Afamasaga-Fuata'i [ed] (2009) Concept mapping in mathematics: research into practice [i] [d]
- Amaël Arguel & Eric Jamet (2009) Using video and static pictures to improve learning of procedural contents [d]
- Jeff Baker, Donald R. Jones, & Jim Burkman (2009) Using visual representations of data to enhance sensemaking in data exploration tasks [d] [u]
- Elena M. Bennett, Garry D. Peterson, & Line J. Gordon (2009) Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services [p] [d]
- Timo ter Berg, Tim van Gelder, Fiona Patterson, & Sytske Teppema (2009/2013) Critical thinking: reasoning and communicating with Rationale [i]
- Floris J. Bex (2009) Analysing stories using schemes [i] [d] [u]
- Michel Chein & Marie-Laure Mugnier (2009) Graph-based knowledge representation: computational foundations of conceptual graphs [i] [d]
- Jennifer R. Curry (2009) Examining client spiritual history and the construction of meaning: the use of spiritual timelines in counseling [d]
- Donald F. Dansereau & D. Dwayne Simpson (2009) A picture is worth a thousand words: the case for graphic representations [d]
- Antonina Dattolo & Flaminia L. Luccio (2009) A new concept map model for e-learning environments [i] [d]
- W. Martin Davies (2009) Computer-assisted argument mapping: a Rationale approach [d]
- Kamila Dębowska, Paweł Łoziński, & Chris Reed (2009) Building bridges between everyday argument and formal representations of reasoning [u]
- Samuel F. Dennis Jr., Suzanne Gaulocher, Richard M. Carpiano, & David Brown (2009) Participatory photo mapping (PPM): exploring an integrated method for health and place research with young people [d]
- Geoffrey M. Draper, Yarden Livnat, & Richard F. Riesenfeld (2009) A survey of radial methods for information visualization [d]
- Hugh Dubberly (2009) 10 models of teaching + learning [u]
- Hugh Dubberly, Shelley Evenson, Jack Chung, Robin Bahr, & Paul Pangaro (2009) A model of the creative process [u]
- Matthew W. Easterday, Vincent Aleven, Richard Scheines, & Sharon M. Carver (2009) Constructing causal diagrams to learn deliberation [u]
- Brian R. Gaines (2009) Designing visual languages for description logics [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is argument mapping? [u]
- Tim van Gelder (2009) What is decision mapping? [u]
- Nancy L. Green (2009) Representation of argumentation in text with rhetorical structure theory [d]
- Tudor Groza, Siegfried Handschuh, Timothy W. Clark, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Anita de Waard (2009) A short survey of discourse representation models [o] [u]
- Lisa D. Hinz (2009/2019) Expressive therapies continuum: a framework for using art in therapy [i] [d]
- Luca Iandoli, Mark Klein, & Guiseppe Zollo (2009) Enabling on-line deliberation and collective decision-making through large-scale argumentation: a new approach to the design of an internet-based mass collaboration platform [d]
- Tim Ingold (2009) Point, line and counterpoint: from environment to fluid space [i] [d]
- Kristin K. S. Kakiuchi & Gerald R. Weeks (2009) The occupational transmission genogram: exploring family scripts affecting roles of work and career in couple and family dynamics [d]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
- Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey (2009) Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
- Steven Kelly & Risto Pohjonen (2009) Worst practices for domain-specific modeling [d]
- Carolyn Knight & Jessica Glaser (2009) Diagrams: innovative solutions for graphic designers [i]
- Iva Kosutic, Marisol Garcia, Tiffany Graves, Francesca Barnett, Johanna Hall, Erin Haley, Justin Rock, Amber Bathon, & Bethany Kaiser (2009) The critical genogram: a tool for promoting critical consciousness [d]
- Ann Macintosh, Thomas F. Gordon, & Alastair Renton (2009) Providing argument support for e-participation [d]
- Christopher Phillip Martin, Wayne Philp, & William P. Hall (2009) Temporal convergence for knowledge management [d]
- David McCandless (2009) The visual miscellaneum: a colorful guide to the world's most consequential trivia [i]
- Daniel L. Moody (2009) The 'physics' of notations: toward a scientific basis for constructing visual notations in software engineering [d]
- N. Narayanasamy (2009) Participatory rural appraisal: principles, methods and application [i] [d]
- Robert Phaal, Clare J. P. Farrukh, & David R. Probert (2009) Visualising strategy: a classification of graphical roadmap forms [d]
- Eddo Rigotti & Sara Greco Morasso (2009) Argumentation as an object of interest and as a social and cultural resource [i] [d]
- Peter Rober (2009) Relational drawings in couple therapy [d]
- Teri Sosa (2009) Visual literacy: the missing piece of your technology integration course [d]
- Faisal Ahmad (2008) Generating conceptually personalized interactions for educational digital libraries using concept maps [i]
- Verna Allee (2008) Value network analysis and value conversion of tangible and intangible assets [d]
- Marianne Mille Bojer, Marianne Knuth, & Colleen Magner (2008) Mapping dialogue: essential tools for social change [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum & Alexandra Okada (2008/2014) Knowledge cartography for controversies: the Iraq debate [i] [d]
- Alberto J. Cañas & Joseph Donald Novak (2008/2014) Concept mapping using CmapTools to enhance meaningful learning [i] [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2008) Growing a global issue base: an issue-based approach to policy deliberation [u]
- Gráinne Conole (2008/2014) Using Compendium as a tool to support the design of learning activities [i] [d]
- Amy Drahota & Ann Dewey (2008) The sociogram: a useful tool in the analysis of focus groups [d]
- Hugh Dubberly, Satoko Kakihara, Jack Chung, & Paul Pangaro (2008) A model of play [u]
- Maralee Harrell (2008) No computer program required: even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills [d]
- Jim Haudan (2008) The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2008) Reflective argumentation [u]
- Lawrie Hunter (2008) Cmap linking phrase constraint for the structural narrowing of constructivist second language tasks [i] [u]
- Mostafa Jafari, Roozbeh Hesam Amiri, & Atieh Bourouni (2008) An interpretive approach to drawing causal loop diagrams [i] [u]
- David C. Lane (2008) The emergence and use of diagramming in system dynamics: a critical account [d]
- Soh-Leong Lim (2008) Transformative aspects of genogram work: perceptions and experiences of graduate students in a counseling training program [d]
- John Lowrance, Ian Harrison, Andres Rodriguez, Eric Yeh, Tom Boyce, Janet Murdock, Jerome Thomere, & Ken Murray (2008/2014) Template-based structured argumentation [i] [d]
- Jingyan Lu & Susanne P. Lajoie (2008) Supporting medical decision making with argumentation tools [d]
- Emily S. Minor & Dean L. Urban (2008) A graph-theory framework for evaluating landscape connectivity and conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
- Fung Fai Ng (2008) Dialogue mapping and collaborative learning [i] [d]
- Ricky Ohl (2008/2014) Computer supported argument visualisation: modelling in consultative democracy around wicked problems [i] [d]
- Alexandra Okada, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Tony Sherborne [ed] (2008/2014) Knowledge cartography: software tools and mapping techniques [i] [d]
- Alexandra Okada (2008/2014) Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps [i] [d]
- Rosemary Parkinson (2008) The development of the sequential diagrammatic reformulation [u]
- Luc Pauwels (2008) An integrated model for conceptualising visual competence in scientific research and communication [d]
- Constanze Pfeiffer, Stephanie Glaser, Jayshree Vencatesan, Elke Schliermann-Kraus, Axel Drescher, & Rüdiger Glaser (2008) Facilitating participatory multilevel decision-making by using interactive mental maps [p] [d] [u]
- Bruce Porter, Vladimir Lifschitz, & Frank Van Harmelen [ed] (2008) Handbook of knowledge representation [i] [d]
- Iyad Rahwan (2008) Mass argumentation and the semantic web [d]
- Yanna Rider & Neil Thomason (2008/2014) Cognitive and pedagogical benefits of argument mapping: L.A.M.P. guides the way to better thinking [i] [d]
- Dan Roam (2008) The back of the napkin: solving problems and selling ideas with pictures [i]
- Tony Sherborne (2008/2014) Mapping the curriculum: how concept maps can improve the effectiveness of course development [i] [d]
- David Sibbet (2008) Visual intelligence: using the deep patterns of visual language to build cognitive skills [d]
- Durward K. Sobek & Art Smalley (2008) Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system [i]
- Lars Taxén & Joakim Lilliesköld (2008) Images as action instruments in complex projects [d]
- Douglas N. Walton, Chris Reed, & Fabrizio Macagno (2008) Argumentation schemes [i] [d]
- Fahri Yetim (2008) Critical examination of information: a discursive approach and its implementations [u]
- Selma D. Yznaga (2008) Using the genogram to facilitate the intercultural competence of Mexican immigrants [d]
- David F. Andersen, Jac A. M. Vennix, George P. Richardson, & Etiënne Rouwette (2007) Group model building: problem structuring, policy simulation and decision support [d] [j]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum (2007) Hypermedia discourse: contesting networks of ideas and arguments [i] [d] [u]
- Jacquelin Burgess, Andy Stirling, Judy Clark, Gail Davies, Malcolm Eames, Kristina Staley, & Suzanne Williamson (2007) Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
- Hugh Dubberly, Sean Durham, Ryan Reposar, Paul Pangaro, & Nathan Felde (2007) A model of innovation [u]
- Matthew W. Easterday, Vincent Aleven, & Richard Scheines (2007) 'Tis better to construct than to receive?: the effects of diagram tools on causal reasoning [i] [u]
- Peter A. Facione & Noreen C. Facione (2007) Thinking and reasoning in human decision making: the method of argument and heuristic analysis [i]
- Neal Feigenson & Richard K. Sherwin (2007) Thinking beyond the shown: implicit inferences in evidence and argument [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2007) Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
- Lois Hetland, Ellen Winner, Shirley Veenema, & Kimberly M. Sheridan (2007/2013) Studio thinking 2: the real benefits of visual arts education [i]
- Darrin Hodgetts, Kerry Chamberlain, & Alan Radley (2007) Considering photographs never taken during photo-production projects [d]
- Christine Hogan (2007) Facilitating multicultural groups: a practical guide [i]
- Bernie Hogan, Juan Antonio Carrasco, & Barry Wellman (2007) Visualizing personal networks: working with participant-aided sociograms [d]
- Robert E. Horn & Robert P. Weber (2007) New tools for resolving wicked problems: mess mapping and resolution mapping processes [u]
- Carol L. Humphreys & Larry M. Leitner (2007) Using drawings to elicit nonverbal constructs in experiential personal construct psychotherapy [d]
- Steven Kelly (2007) Domain-specific modeling: the killer app for method engineering? [i] [d]
- Thilde Langevang (2007) Movements in time and space: using multiple methods in research with young people in Accra, Ghana [d]
- Ralph Lengler & Martin J. Eppler (2007) Towards a periodic table of visualization methods for management [o] [u]
- Rachel Lev-Wiesel & Revital Liraz (2007) Drawings vs. narratives: drawing as a tool to encourage verbalization in children whose fathers are drug abusers [p] [d] [u]
- Robert McNally (2007/2011) Thinking with Flying Logic [u]
- Mike Metcalfe (2007) Problem conceptualisation using idea networks [d]
- Nick R. Milton (2007) Knowledge acquisition in practice: a step-by-step guide [i] [d]
- Joshua M. Pearce, Sara J. Johnson, & Gabriel B. Grant (2007) 3D-mapping optimization of embodied energy of transportation [d]
- Uta Priss, Simon Polovina, & Richard Hill [ed] (2007) Conceptual structures: knowledge architectures for smart applications: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield, UK, July 22–27, 2007: proceedings [i] [d]
- Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, & Chris Reed (2007) Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web [d]
- Chris Reed & Glenn Rowe (2007) A pluralist approach to argument diagramming [d]
- Chris Reed, Douglas N. Walton, & Fabrizio Macagno (2007) Argument diagramming in logic, law and artificial intelligence [d]
- Gwen R. Rempel, Anne Neufeld, & Kaysi Eastlick Kushner (2007) Interactive use of genograms and ecomaps in family caregiving research [d]
- Alastair Renton & Ann Macintosh (2007) Computer-supported argument maps as a policy memory [d]
- Frederik Stjernfelt (2007) Diagrammatology: an investigation on the borderlines of phenomenology, ontology, and semiotics [i] [d]
- Charlotta Sunnqvist, Ulla Persson, Bo Lenntorp, & Lil Träskman-Bendz (2007) Time geography: a model for psychiatric life charting? [d]
- Bart Verheij (2007) Argumentation support software: boxes-and-arrows and beyond [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (2007) Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
- Nancy J. Adler (2006) The arts & leadership: now that we can do anything, what will we do? [d]
- Moshe Bar & Maital Neta (2006) Humans prefer curved visual objects [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Albert M. Selvin, Maarten Sierhuis, E. Jeffrey Conklin, Charles B. Haley, & Bashar Nuseibeh (2006) Hypermedia support for argumentation-based rationale: 15 years on from gIBIS and QOC [i] [d]
- Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran (2006) Diagrams as physical models [i] [d]
- Mac Chapin (2006) Mapping projects: identifying obstacles, finding solutions [u]
- Carlos Chesñevar, Jarred McGinnis, Sanjay Modgil, Iyad Rahwan, Chris Reed, Guillermo Simari, Matthew South, Gerard Vreeswijk, & Steven Willmott (2006) Towards an argument interchange format [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2006) Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
- FAO (2006) Information and communication for natural resource management in agriculture: a training sourcebook [i] [u]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2006/2007) Seeing problems, seeing solutions: abduction and diagrammatic reasoning in a theory of scientific discovery [o] [u]
- Robert E. Horn (2006) What we do not know: using information murals to portray scientific ignorance [d]
- Karin Jordan (2006) The scripto-trauma genogram: an innovative technique for working with trauma survivors intrusive memories [d]
- René Keller, Claudia Eckert, & P. John Clarkson (2006) Matrices or node-link diagrams: which visual representation is better for visualising connectivity models? [d]
- Stephen M. Kosslyn (2006) Graph design for the eye and mind [i] [d]
- John L. Lewis & Stephen R. J. Sheppard (2006) Culture and communication: can landscape visualization improve forest management consultation with indigenous communities? [d]
- Dennis List (2006) The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
- Patrick M. Markey & Charlotte N. Markey (2006) A spherical conceptualization of personality traits [d]
- Miika Marttunen & Leena Laurinen (2006) Collaborative learning through argument visualisation in secondary school [i]
- Scott McCloud (2006) Making comics: storytelling secrets of comics, manga and graphic novels [i]
- Nick R. Milton, David Clarke, & Nigel Shadbolt (2006) Knowledge engineering and psychology: towards a closer relationship [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller, Duncan Shaw, & Mark Westcombe (2006) Using decision support systems to facilitate the social process of knowledge management [d]
- Gilberto Montibeller & Valerie Belton (2006) Causal maps and the evaluation of decision options: a review [d] [j]
- Stephen J. Morris & Orlena C. Z. Gotel (2006) Flow diagrams: rise and fall of the first software engineering notation [i] [d]
- Jamie Nast (2006) Idea mapping: how to access your hidden brain power, learn faster, remember more, and achieve success in business [i]
- Chris Reed & Glenn Rowe (2006) Translating Toulmin diagrams: theory neutrality in argument representation [i] [d]
- John Rooksby, Ian Sommerville, & Mike Pidd (2006) A hybrid approach to upstream requirements: IBIS and cognitive mapping [i] [d]
- David Sibbet & Grove Consultants International (2006) Graphic facilitation: transforming groups with the power of visual listening [u]
- Janet Silbernagel (2006) Bio-regional patterns and spatial narratives for integrative landscape research and design [i]
- Lori L. Silverman [ed] (2006) Wake me up when the data is over: how organizations use stories to drive results [i]
- Arvind Singhal & Elizabeth Rattine-Flaherty (2006) Pencils and photos as tools of communicative research and praxis: analyzing Minga Peru's quest for social justice in the Amazon [d]
- John F. Sowa (2006) Concept mapping [compared to other notations and formal specifications] [u]
- George Stiny (2006) Shape: talking about seeing and doing [i] [d]
- Olaf Tans (2006) The fluidity of warrants: using the Toulmin model to analyse practical discourse [i] [d]
- Edward R. Tufte (2006) Beautiful evidence [i]
- Carlotta Tyler, Lynne Valek, & Regina Rowland (2006) Graphic facilitation and large group methods [i]
- Bart Verheij (2006) Evaluating arguments based on Toulmin's scheme [i] [d]
- Caroline C. Wang (2006) Youth participation in photovoice as a strategy for community change [d]
- John N. Warfield (2006) Literacy in structural graphics: the higher education imperative [i] [d]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2006) Practical dialogue: emergent approaches for effective collaboration [i]
- Annette Annechild (2005) I can tell her anything: the power of girl talk [i]
- Cliff Atkinson (2005/2011) Beyond bullet points: using Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentations that inform, motivate and inspire [i]
- Christopher F. Chabris & Stephen M. Kosslyn (2005) Representational correspondence as a basic principle of diagram design [i] [d]
- Mac Chapin, Zachary Lamb, & Bill Threlkeld (2005) Mapping indigenous lands [d]
- Donald F. Dansereau (2005) Node-link mapping principles for visualizing knowledge and information [i] [d]
- Stephen Davies, Javier Velez-Morales, & Roger King (2005) Building the memex sixty years later: trends and directions in personal knowledge bases [u]
- Bernd Fichtner (2005) Reflective learning: problems and questions concerning a current contextualization of the Vygotskian approach [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2005) Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning [i] [d] [u]
- Maralee Harrell (2005) Using argument diagramming software in the classroom [d]
- David R. Hodge (2005) Spiritual ecograms: a new assessment instrument for identifying clients' spiritual strengths in space and across time [d]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann (2005) Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management [u]
- Michael H. G. Hoffmann, Johannes Lenhard, & Falk Seeger [ed] (2005) Activity and sign: grounding mathematics education [i] [d]
- Nigel Holmes (2005) Wordless diagrams [i]
- John P. Kretzmann, John McKnight, & Deborah Puntenney (2005) Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
- Reinhard Kuchenmüller & Marianne Stifel (2005) Quality without a name [i]
- Deborah R. Litvin & Bonita L. Betters-Reed (2005) The personal map: a lesson in similarities, differences, and the invisible [d]
- Alan M. MacEachren (2005) Moving geovisualization toward support for group work [i] [d]
- Alyx Macfadyen & Andrew Stranieri (2005) Deliberation using three dimensions [i] [u]
- R. Cynthia Neudoerffer, David Waltner-Toews, James J. Kay, D. D. Joshi, & Mukta S. Tamang (2005) A diagrammatic approach to understanding complex eco-social interactions in Kathmandu, Nepal [u]
- Julianne Hickerson Newton (2005) Studying visual ethics by applying a typology of visual behavior [i] [d]
- Anne Pellowski (2005) Drawing stories from around the world and a sampling of European handkerchief stories [i]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Allen E. Ivey, Kara P. Kunkler-Peck, & Lois T. Grady (2005) Community genograms: using individual, family, and cultural narratives with clients [i]
- Scott P. Robertson (2005) Voter-centered design: toward a voter decision support system [d]
- Colette Rolland & Camille Salinesi (2005) Modeling goals and reasoning with them [i] [d]
- Frank Safayeni, Natalia Derbentseva, & Alberto J. Cañas (2005) A theoretical note on concepts and the need for cyclic concept maps [d]
- Keng Siau & Xin Tan (2005) Improving the quality of conceptual modeling using cognitive mapping techniques [d]
- David Sibbet (2005) Graphic facilitation: the art of drawing out the best in people [i]
- Nigel J. Thrift (2005) Torsten Hägerstrand and social theory [d]
- Rayan Abdullah & Roger Hübner (2004/2006) Pictograms, icons & signs: a guide to information graphics [i]
- Chike Anyaegbunam, Paolo Mefalopulos, & Titus Moetsabi (2004) Participatory rural communication appraisal: starting with the people: a handbook [i] [u]
- Mark T. Brown (2004) A picture is worth a thousand words: energy systems language and simulation [d]
- John M. Bryson (2004) Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
- Tony Buzan (2004) Mind maps at work: how to be the best at your job and still have time to play [i]
- Alberto J. Cañas, Greg Hill, Roger Carff, Niranjan Suri, James Lott, Gloria Gómez, Thomas C. Eskridge, Mario Arroyo, & Rodrigo Carvajal (2004) CmapTools: a knowledge modeling and sharing environment [i] [u]
- Bill Crooks (2004) Working without words: exploring the use of cartooning and illustration in organisational capacity building [u]
- Hugh Dubberly (2004/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
- Colin Eden (2004) Analyzing cognitive maps to help structure issues or problems [d]
- Kajsa Ellegård & Matthew Cooper (2004) Complexity in daily life: a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts [u]
- Ronald M. Epstein, Brian S. Alper, & Timothy E. Quill (2004) Communicating evidence for participatory decision making [d]
- Stephen Few (2004) Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlighten [i]
- Ben B. Graham (2004) Detail process charting: speaking the language of process [i]
- Lou F. Gramling & Rebecca L. Carr (2004) Lifelines: a life history methodology [p]
- Walt Haney, Michael Russell, & Damian Bebell (2004) Drawing on education: using drawings to document schooling and support change [d]
- Art Hobson (2004) Energy flow diagrams for teaching physics concepts [d]
- Karin Jordan (2004) The color-coded timeline trauma genogram [d]
- Scott McCloud & Cliff Atkinson (2004) Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
- Michael J. McGuffin & M. C. Schraefel (2004) A comparison of hyperstructures: zzstructures, mSpaces, and polyarchies [i] [d]
- Uygar Özesmi & Stacy L. Özesmi (2004) Ecological models based on people's knowledge: a multi-step fuzzy cognitive mapping approach [d]
- Charles Twardy (2004) Argument maps improve critical thinking [d]
- Thomas G. West (2004) Thinking like Einstein: returning to our visual roots with the emerging revolution in computer information visualization [i]
- Keith Yamashita & Sandra Spataro (2004/2007) Unstuck: a tool for yourself, your team, and your world [i]
- Jerry Andriessen, Michael J. Baker, & Dan Suthers [ed] (2003) Arguing to learn: confronting cognitions in computer-supported collaborative learning environments [i] [d]
- David Archer & Kate Newman (2003) Communication and power: REFLECT practical resource materials [o] [u]
- Jan M. van Bruggen, Henny P. A. Boshuizen, & Paul A. Kirschner (2003) A cognitive framework for cooperative problem solving with argument visualization [i] [d]
- Evi Chryssafidou & Mike Sharples (2003) Computer-supported planning of essay argument structure [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin (2003) Dialog mapping: reflections on an industrial strength case study [i] [d]
- Tim van Gelder (2003) Enhancing deliberation through computer supported argument mapping [i] [d]
- Mark Harrower (2003) Representing uncertainty: does it help people make better decisions? [u]
- Christine Hogan (2003) Processes to involve all the senses [in group facilitation] [i]
- Robert E. Horn (2003) Infrastructure for navigating interdisciplinary debates: critical decisions for representing argumentaion [i] [d]
- Gellof Kanselaar, Gijsbert Erkens, Jerry Andriessen, Maaike E. Prangsma, Arja Veerman, & Jos Jaspers (2003) Designing argumentation tools for collaborative learning [i] [d]
- Paul Arthur Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Chad S. Carr [ed] (2003) Visualizing argumentation: software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making [i] [d]
- Peter Lauritsen & Stinne Hoejer Mathiasen (2003) Drawing development: analysing local understandings of development in three Andean communities [d]
- William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler, & Kimberly Elam (2003/2010) Universal principles of design: 125 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design [i]
- Cathy A. Malchiodi [ed] (2003) Handbook of art therapy [i]
- Nick R. Milton (2003) Personal knowledge techniques [o] [u]
- David J. Mumford & Gerald R. Weeks (2003) The money genogram [d]
- Anthony Ryle (2003) History and use of the SDR [sequential diagrammatic reformulation] [u]
- Albert M. Selvin (2003) Fostering collective intelligence: helping groups use visualized argumentation [i] [d]
- David J. Staley (2003/2014) Visualization as an alternative to prose [i] [d]
- Bärbel Tress & Tress Gunther (2003) Scenario visualisation for participatory landscape planning: a study from Denmark [d]
- Sheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, & Todd O'Hearn (2003) Illustrating progress through graphing [i]
- Jim Burke (2002) Tools for thought: graphic organizers for your classroom [i]
- Douglas Harper (2002) Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation [d]
- Jessica Helfand (2002) Reinventing the wheel [information wheels or volvelles] [i]
- Anne Sigismund Huff & Mark Jenkins [ed] (2002) Mapping strategic knowledge [i] [d]
- Lawrie Hunter & Robert E. Horn (2002) A pattern language for communication: an interview with Robert E. Horn [d]
- Dale W. Jasinski & Anne Sigismund Huff (2002) Using a knowledge-based system to study strategic options [i] [d]
- Remko van der Lugt (2002) Brainsketching and how it differs from brainstorming [d]
- Catherine Hyland Moon (2002) Studio art therapy: cultivating the artist identity in the art therapist [i]
- Jack Pearpoint (2002) Hints for graphic facilitators [i]
- Donna J. Peuquet & Menno-Jan Kraak (2002) Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization [d]
- Michiel Renger, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, & Gert-Jan de Vreede (2002) Using interactive whiteboard technology to support collaborative modeling [i] [d]
- Lance Robinson (2002) Participatory rural appraisal: a brief introduction [u]
- David Sibbet & Grove Consultants International (2002) Principles of facilitation: the purpose and potential of leading group process [i]
- David Straus (2002) The 64 heuristics [i]
- David Straus (2002) How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
- Barbara Tversky, Julie Bauer Morrison, & Mireille Betrancourt (2002) Animation: can it facilitate? [d]
- Aldo A. Zagonel (2002) Model conceptualization in group model building: a review of the literature exploring the tension between representing reality and negotiating a social order [i] [u]
- Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt (2002) A model for designing action learning and action research programs [d]
- Donald R. Bardill (2001) Nonverbal poetry: family life-space diagrams [d]
- Mac Chapin & Bill Threlkeld (2001) Indigenous landscapes: a study in ethnocartography [o]
- Jorge Frascara (2001) Diagramming as a way of thinking ecologically [u]
- Eileen Gallo (2001) Using genograms to help understand relationships with money [u]
- Alexander Hars (2001) Designing scientific knowledge infrastructures: the contribution of epistemology [d]
- Finn V. Jensen & Thomas Dyhre Nielsen (2001/2007) Bayesian networks and decision graphs [i] [d]
- Michael Kaufmann & Dorothea Wagner [ed] (2001) Drawing graphs: methods and models [i] [d]
- Eugene Eric Kim (2001) Dialog mapping: solving wicked problems [u]
- Shari Lewchanin & Louise A. Zubrod (2001) Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
- Robert A. Neimeyer, Adam K. Anderson, & Leslie Stockton (2001) Snakes versus ladders: a validation of laddering technique as a measure of hierarchical structure [d]
- Charles J. Palus & Wilfred H. Drath (2001) Putting something in the middle: an approach to dialogue [o]
- Claus Rinner (2001) Argumentation maps: GIS-based discussion support for on-line planning [d]
- Albert M. Selvin, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Maarten Seirhuis, E. Jeffrey Conklin, Beatrix Zimmerman, Charles J. Palus, Wilfred H. Drath, David Magellan Horth, John Domingue, Enrico Motta, & Gangmin Li (2001) Compendium: making meetings into knowledge events [u]
- Michaela Wesson & Karen Salmon (2001) Drawing and showing: helping children to report emotionally laden events [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta, & John Domingue (2000) ScholOnto: an ontology-based digital library server for research documents and discourse [d]
- Malcolm Craig (2000) Thinking visually: business applications of fourteen core diagrams [i]
- Altha J. Cravey, Thomas A. Arcury, & Sara A. Quandt (2000) Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
- Clare Hamilton, Raj Kumar Rai, R. B. Shrestha, Maksha Maharjan, Leela Rasaily, & Sibongile Hood (2000) Exploring visions: self-monitoring and evaluation processes within the Nepal–UK community forestry project [i] [d]
- Daniel E. Flage (2000) Flow charts for critical thinking [d] [u]
- Darcy Haag Granello, David Hothersall, & Ann L. Osborne (2000) The academic genogram: teaching for the future by learning from the past [d]
- Panagiotis Louridas & Pericles Loucopoulos (2000) A generic model for reflective design [d]
- Remko van der Lugt (2000) Developing a graphic tool for creative problem solving in design groups [d]
- Scott McCloud (2000) Reinventing comics [i]
- David H. L. Olson (2000) Circumplex model of marital and family systems [d]
- John D. Sterman (2000) Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world [i]
- Frederik Stjernfelt (2000/2007) Moving pictures of thought: diagrams as centerpiece of a Peircean epistemology [i] [d] [u]
- Eva Wollenberg, David Edmunds, & Louise E. Buck (2000) Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool for adaptive forest management: a guide [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta, & John Domingue (1999) Representing scholarly claims in internet digital libraries: a knowledge modelling approach [i] [d]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta, & John Domingue (1999) Managing research knowledge in distributed communities: two approaches to augmented Web infrastructures [i] [d]
- Quinsan Cao & Jean-Pierre Protzen (1999) Managing design information: issue-based information systems and fuzzy reasoning system [d]
- Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, & Ben Shneiderman [ed] (1999) Readings in information visualization: using vision to think [i]
- Rita DeMaria, Gerald R. Weeks, & Larry Hof (1999) Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
- Kim Dent-Brown (1999) The six part story method (6PSM): as an aid in the assessment of personality disorder [d]
- Adrian Frutiger & Simone Frutiger (1999) Worte für einen Strich = Paroles pour un trait = Words for line drawings [i]
- Kaj Grønbæk & Randall H. Trigg (1999) From Web to workplace: designing open hypermedia systems [i] [d]
- Julien Gross & Harlene Hayne (1999) Drawing facilitates children's verbal reports after long delays [d]
- James Haudan & Christ Contardi Stone (1999/2007) The learning map approach [i]
- Rolf G. Jacob, Julian F. Thayer, Stephen B. Manuck, Matthew F. Muldoon, Lisa K. Tamres, David M. Williams, Yijun Ding, & Constantine Gatsonis (1999) Ambulatory blood pressure responses and the circumplex model of mood: a 4-day study [p] [d]
- Thomas Justice & David W. Jamieson (1999/2012) The facilitator's fieldbook: step-by-step guides, checklists, samples and worksheets [i]
- Robert W. Lucas (1999) The big book of flip charts: a comprehensive guide for presenters, trainers, and team facilitators [i]
- Nancy Margulies & David Sibbet (1999/2007) Visual recording and graphic facilitation: helping people see what they mean [i]
- Henry Mintzberg & Ludo Van der Heyden (1999) Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work [p] [u]
- Charles J. Palus & David Magellan Horth (1999/2007) Visual explorer [i]
- Nancy R. Romance & Michael R. Vitale (1999) Concept mapping as a tool for learning: broadening the framework for student-centered instruction [d] [j]
- Frank M. Shipman & Catherine C. Marshall (1999) Formality considered harmful: experiences, emerging themes, and directions on the use of formal representations in interactive systems [d] [u]
- Fran Ackermann & Colin Eden (1998/2011) Making strategy: mapping out strategic success [i]
- Colin Eden & John-Christopher Spender [ed] (1998) Managerial and organizational cognition: theory, methods and research [i]
- Adrian Frutiger & Erich Alb (1998) Geometrie der Gefühle = Géométrie des sentiments = Geometry of feelings [i]
- Julia Halevy (1998) A genogram with an attitude [d]
- Robert E. Horn (1998) Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
- Cathy A. Malchiodi (1998/2007) The art therapy sourcebook [i]
- Joseph Donald Novak (1998/2010) Learning, creating, and using knowledge: concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations [i]
- Mathilda Roos & Mampone Mohatle (1998) Investigating local markets using PRA [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
- Howard G. Rosenthal [ed] (1998/2011) Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: therapists share their most creative strategies [i] [d]
- Michael Stone (1998) Map or be mapped: mapping indigenous people's territory [o]
- Carolyn C. Wang, Wu Kun Yi, Zhan Wen Tao, & Kathryn Carovano (1998) Photovoice as a participatory health promotion strategy [d]
- Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, & Phil Sandahl (1998/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
- Tracey Wright, Ricardo Nemirovsky, & Cornelia C. Tierney (1998) Timelines and rhythm patterns: representing time [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Allan MacLean, Victoria M. E. Bellotti, & Nick V. Hammond (1997) Graphical argumentation and design cognition [d] [u]
- Quinsan Cao & Jean-Pierre Protzen (1997) Managing information with fuzzy reasoning system in design reasoning and issue-based argumentation [i] [d] [u]
- H. William Dettmer (1997/2007) The logical thinking process: a systems approach to complex problem solving [i]
- Thomas F. Gordon & Nikos Karacapilidis (1997) The Zeno argumentation framework [i] [d]
- Nicola Harford & Nicola Baird (1997) How to make and use visual aids [i]
- Severin Isenmann & Wolf D. Reuter (1997) IBIS—a convincing concept... but a lousy instrument? [i] [d]
- John A. Meacham (1997) Autobiography, voice, and developmental theory [i]
- Urvashi Pitre, Donald F. Dansereau, & D. Dwayne Simpson (1997) The role of node-link maps in enhancing counseling efficiency [p] [d]
- Robert Plutchik & Hope R. Conte [ed] (1997) Circumplex models of personality and emotions [i] [d]
- Barry Smith (1997) The cognitive geometry of war [i]
- Milly R. Sonneman (1997) Beyond words: a guide to drawing out ideas [i]
- David Straker (1997) Rapid problem-solving with Post-it Notes [i]
- Edward R. Tufte (1997) Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative [i]
- Jeffrey D. Wilhelm (1997/2008) You gotta BE the book: teaching engaged and reflective reading with adolescents [i]
- J. Anthony Blair (1996/2012) The possibility and actuality of visual arguments [i] [d]
- Bruce A. Byers (1996) Understanding and influencing behaviors in conservation and natural resources management [i] [u]
- Michael Czuchry & Donald F. Dansereau (1996) Node-link mapping as an alternative to traditional writing assignments in undergraduate psychology courses [d]
- Robert Damelio (1996/2011) The basics of process mapping [i]
- Bruce Ecker & Laurel Hulley (1996) Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
- Kevin Forsberg, Hal Mooz, & Howard Cotterman (1996/2005) Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems [i]
- David Hyerle (1996/2009) Visual tools for transforming information into knowledge [i]
- Anne P. Massey & William A. Wallace (1996) Understanding and facilitating group problem structuring and formulation: mental representations, interaction, and representation aids [d]
- Mark A. Mattaini (1996) Envisioning cultural practices [with contingency diagrams and practice diagrams] [p] [u]
- Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler [ed] (1996) Encyclopedia and utopia: the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945) [i]
- Wilhelm Östberg (1996) Looking to the future: map drawing in Madah, Central Tanzania [u]
- Stephen M. Pollan & Mark Levine (1996/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1996) Requirements acquisition [d]
- Douglas N. Walton (1996) The new method of diagramming [arguments] [i] [d] [j]
- Jerry S. Wiggins (1996) An informal history of the interpersonal circumplex tradition [d]
- Michael Edward Anderson & Robert McCartney (1995) Inter-diagrammatic reasoning [i] [u]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (1995) Concept maps as hypermedia components [d]
- Leslie Lamport (1995) TLA in pictures [temporal logic of actions] [d] [u]
- Bob Linney (1995) Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
- Mark A. Mattaini (1995) Visualizing practice with children and families [d]
- Jack Michael & Esther Shafer (1995) State notation for teaching about behavioral procedures [p] [d] [u]
- Steve Moline (1995/2012) I see what you mean: visual literacy K–8 [i]
- Jules N. Pretty, Irene Guijt, Ian Scoones, & John Thompson (1995) A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
- Anna Robinson-Pant (1995) PRA: a new literacy? [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum & Nick V. Hammond (1994) Argumentation-based design rationale: what use at what cost? [d]
- Tony Buzan & Barry Buzan (1994) The mind map book: how to use radiant thinking to maximize your brain's untapped potential [i]
- Roland Calori, Gerry Johnson, & Philippe Sarnin (1994) CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization [d] [j]
- Joann Temple Dennett & Michael Hseih (1994) Issue trees: a tool to aid the engineering writer [d]
- Jim Orford (1994) The interpersonal circumplex: a theory and method for applied psychology [d]
- Larry Raymond (1994) Reinventing communication: a guide to using visual language for planning, problem solving, and reengineering [i]
- Dianne Rocheleau, Barbara Thomas-Slayter, & David Edmunds (1994/1995) Gendered resource mapping: focusing on women's spaces in the landscape [u]
- Rick Ross, Bryan Smith, & Charlotte Roberts (1994) The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
- Rick Ross (1994) The ladder of inference [i]
- Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] (1994) The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
- John D. Sterman (1994) Learning in and about complex systems [d]
- Doug Aberley [ed] (1993) Boundaries of home: mapping for local empowerment [i]
- Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Kenneth M. Ford, Jack R. Adams-Webber, & John H. Boose (1993) Beyond the repertory grid: new approaches to constructivist knowledge acquisition tool development [i]
- Marilia Coutinho (1993) Continuous, overlapping gradients—alternative ecological diagrams: a comment on Taylor & Blum [d]
- Donald F. Dansereau, George W. Joe, & D. Dwayne Simpson (1993) Node-link mapping: a visual representation strategy for enhancing drug abuse counseling [d]
- Kenneth M. Ford, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Jack R. Adams-Webber, & Neil M. Agnew (1993) Knowledge acquisition as a constructive modeling activity [d]
- Brian R. Gaines & Mildred L. G. Shaw (1993) Knowledge acquisition tools based on personal construct psychology [d]
- Giorgio Gallo, Giustino Longo, Stefano Pallottino, & Sang Nguyen (1993) Directed hypergraphs and applications [d]
- John P. Kretzmann & John McKnight (1993) Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
- Richard Lowe (1993) Successful instructional diagrams [i] [d]
- Mark A. Mattaini (1993) More than a thousand words: graphics for clinical practice [i]
- Scott McCloud (1993) Understanding comics: the invisible art [i]
- Gareth Morgan (1993/1997) Imaginization: new mindsets for seeing, organizing and managing [i]
- Ralph E. Wileman (1993) Visual communicating [i]
- Robert W. Zmud, William P. Anthony, & Ralph M. Stair Jr. (1993) The use of mental imagery to facilitate information identification in requirements analysis [d]
- C. Marlene Fiol & Anne Sigismund Huff (1992) Maps for managers: Where are we? Where do we go from here? [d]
- Severin Isenmann (1992) HyperIBIS—a tool for argumentative problem solving [i] [d]
- Fritz Lehmann & Ervin Y. Rodin [ed] (1992) Semantic networks in artificial intelligence [i]
- Anthony Ryle (1992/2005) Cognitive analytic therapy [i] [d]
- Nevin S. Scrimshaw & Gary R. Gleason [ed] (1992) RAP, rapid assessment procedures: qualitative methodologies for planning and evaluation of health related programmes [i]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1992) Kelly's 'geometry of psychological space' and its significance for cognitive modeling [u]
- David Sibbet & Allan Drexler (1992) Graphic guide to best team practices [i]
- Judith E. Sims-Knight (1992) To picture or not to picture: how to decide [u]
- Lyra Srinivasan (1992) Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
- Jonathan Zeitlyn (1992) Appropriate media for training and development [i]
- Simon J. Buckingham Shum (1991) Cognitive dimensions of design rationale [i]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & K. C. Burgess Yakemovic (1991) A process-oriented approach to design rationale [d]
- James B. Freeman (1991) Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure [i] [d]
- Michael J. Hicks (1991/2004) Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft and creative approaches [i]
- Helen B. Landgarten & Darcy Lubbers [ed] (1991) Adult art psychotherapy: issues and applications [i]
- Mitchell D. Lubars (1991) Representing design dependencies in an issue-based style [IBIS] [d]
- Kathy Mason (1991) Going beyond words: the art and practice of visual thinking [i]
- Peter Tillers & David A. Schum (1991) A theory of preliminary fact investigation [u]
- Iris Vessey (1991) Cognitive fit: a theory-based analysis of the graphs versus tables literature [d]
- Anne Sigismund Huff [ed] (1990) Mapping strategic thought [i]
- Ellen Lupton [ed] (1990) Dennis Livingston: social graphics [o]
- Elizabeth Wilde McCormick (1990/2012) Putting a diagram in your pocket [i]
- Wolfgang Schuler & John B. Smith (1990/1992) Author's Argumentation Assistant (AAA): a hypertext-based authoring tool for argumentative texts [i] [u]
- Peter M. Senge (1990/2006) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization [i]
- Lyra Srinivasan (1990) Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
- Richard Thompson (1990) Frog's riddle & other draw-and-tell stories [i]
- Edward R. Tufte (1990) Envisioning information [i]
- James H. Wandersee (1990) Concept mapping and the cartography of cognition [d]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & Michael L. Begeman (1989) gIBIS: a tool for all reasons [d]
- Robert E. Horn (1989) Mapping hypertext: the analysis, organization, and display of knowledge for the next generation of on-line text and graphics [i] [u]
- Rolf G. Jacob, Anne D. Simons, Stephen B. Manuck, Jeffrey M. Rohay, Shari Waldstein, & Constantine Gatsonis (1989) The circular mood scale: a new technique of measuring ambulatory mood [d]
- John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead [ed] (1989/2001) Rational analysis for a problematic world revisited: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty and conflict [i]
- David A. Scanlan (1989) Structured flowcharts outperform pseudocode: an experimental comparison [d]
- Mildred L. G. Shaw & Brian R. Gaines (1989) Comparing conceptual structures: consensus, conflict, correspondence and contrast [d]
- Norbert A. Streitz, Jörg Hannemann, & Manfred Thüring (1989) From ideas and arguments to hyperdocuments: travelling through activity spaces [i] [d] [u]
- E. Jeffrey Conklin & Michael L. Begeman (1988) gIBIS: a hypertext tool for exploratory policy discussion [d]
- Colin Eden (1988) Cognitive mapping [d]
- Michael Gelb (1988) Present yourself! [i]
- G. M. Nijssen, D. J. Duke, & S. M. Twine (1988/1990) The entity-relationship data model considered harmful [i] [d]
- John K. Friend & Allen Hickling (1987/2005) Planning under pressure: the strategic choice approach [i]
- Arthur Robbins (1987) The artist as therapist [i]
- J. J. V. R. Wintraecken (1987/1990) The NIAM information analysis method: theory and practice [i] [d]
- Ed Marquand (1986) Graphic design presentations [i]
- Gareth Morgan (1986/2006) Images of organization [i]
- Torsten Hägerstrand (1985) Time geography: focus on the corporeality of man, society and environment [i]
- Monica McGoldrick, Randy Gerson, & Sueli S. Petry (1985/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
- Charles D. Holley & Donald F. Dansereau [ed] (1984) Spatial learning strategies: techniques, applications, and related issues [i] [d]
- Joseph Donald Novak & D. Bob Gowin (1984) Learning how to learn [i]
- Anne Pellowski & Lynn Sweat (1984) The story vine: a source book of unusual and easy-to-tell stories from around the world [i]
- Jules N. Pretty & Simplice D. Vodouhê (1984/1997) Using rapid or participatory rural appraisal [i] [u]
- Gatt-Fly (1983) Ah-hah!: a new approach to popular education [i]
- Edward R. Tufte (1983/2001) The visual display of quantitative information [i]
- Marlene Wadsworth & Donald H. Ford (1983) Assessment of personal goal hierarchies [d]
- Roland Bunch (1982) Two ears of corn: a guide to people-centered agricultural improvement [i]
- Roland Bunch (1982/1985) Dos mazorcas de maiz: una guía para el mejoramiento agrícola orientado hacia la gente [o]
- Roland Bunch (1982/1995) Duas espigas de milho: uma proposta de desenvolvimento agrícola participativo [o]
- Tommy Carlstein (1982) Time resources, society, and ecology: on the capacity for human interaction in space and time [i] [d]
- Lee Green (1982) 501 ways to use the overhead projector [i]
- Herbert F. Lionberger & Paul H. Gwin (1982) Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
- Arthur G. Snapper, Ronald M. Kadden, & Geoffrey B. Inglis (1982) State notation of behavioral procedures [d]
- Jerry S. Wiggins (1982) Circumplex models of interpersonal behavior in clinical psychology [i]
- William N. Dunn (1981/2018) Public policy analysis: an integrated approach [i] [d]
- Participatory Research Group (1981) Drawing from action for action: drawing and discussion as a popular research tool [o]
- Charles Hampden-Turner (1981) Maps of the mind [i]
- Kurt Hanks & Larry Belliston (1980/2006) Rapid viz: a new method for the rapid visualization of ideas [i]
- Kenneth E. Iverson (1980) Notation as a tool of thought [d]
- Norbert C. Kaggwa, George McBean, & John Buhembe (1980) Illustrations for development: a manual for cross-cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa [o] [u]
- Elizabeth C. Odum & Howard T. Odum (1980) Energy systems and environmental education [using energy diagrams] [i] [d]
- Ralph E. Wileman (1980) Exercises in visual thinking [o]
- Stephen Toulmin, Richard D. Rieke, & Allan Janik (1979/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
- Don Parkes & W. D. Wallis (1978) Graph theory and the study of activity structure [i]
- Anne Zimmer & Fred Zimmer (1978) Visual literacy in communication: designing for development [i]
- Jacques Bertin (1977/1981) Graphics and graphic information-processing [i] [d]
- Chris Gane & Trish Sarson (1977) Structured systems analysis: tools & techniques [i]
- Michael Doyle & David Straus (1976/1993) How to make meetings work!: the new interaction method [i]
- John F. Sowa (1976) Conceptual graphs for a data base interface [d] [u]
- UNICEF (1976) Communicating with pictures in Nepal [o]
- Daniel Weaks (1976) The photonovel: a tool for development [o]
- Don Koberg & Jim Bagnall (1974/2003) The universal traveler: a soft-systems guide to creativity, problem-solving, and the process of reaching goals [i]
- Donis A. Dondis (1973) A primer of visual literacy [i]
- Henry Dreyfuss (1972/1984) Symbol sourcebook: an authoritative guide to international graphic symbols [i]
- Ed Emberley (1972/2006) Ed Emberley's drawing book: make a world [i]
- Robert H. McKim (1972/1980) Experiences in visual thinking [i]
- G. Arthur Mihram (1972) The modeling process [in systems modeling] [d]
- Richard Nelson Bolles (1971/2016) The flower diagram [i]
- Werner Kunz & Horst W. J. Rittel (1970) Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
- Ed Minor & Harvey R. Frye (1970/1977) Techniques for producing visual instructional media [i]
- Dennis W. Pett (1970/1984) Audio-visual communication handbook [o] [u]
- Robert E. Horn, Elizabeth H. Nicol, Joel C. Keinman, & Michael G. Grace (1969) Information mapping for learning and reference [o] [u]
- John Collier & Malcolm Collier (1967/1986) Visual anthropology: photography as a research method [i]
- Douglas C. Engelbart (1962) Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
- Ed Minor (1962/1978) Handbook for preparing visual media [i]
- Stephen Toulmin (1958/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
- Alex F. Osborn (1953/1963) Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving [i]
- Arthur Howard Robinson (1953/1995) Elements of cartography [i]
- Francis John Monkhouse & Henry Robert Wilkinson (1952/1971) Maps and diagrams: their compilation and construction [i]
- Monroe C. Beardsley (1950) Practical logic [o]
- Monroe C. Beardsley (1950/1975) Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers [i]
- Lancelot Thomas Hogben & Marie Neurath (1949) From cave painting to comic strip: a kaleidoscope of human communication [o]
- Otto Neurath, Matthew Eve, & Christopher Burke (1945/2010) From hieroglyphics to Isotype: a visual autobiography [i]
- W. W. D. Sones (1944) The comics and instructional method [j]
- Paul A. Witty (1944) Some uses of visual aids in the army [j]
- Otto Neurath (1936) International picture language: the first rules of Isotype [o]
- Wallace Clark (1922/1952) The Gantt chart: a working tool of management [o]
- Frank Bunker Gilbreth & Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1921) Process charts: first steps in finding the one best way to do work [and comments and reply] [d] [u]