How to facilitate

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () Possible: how we survive (and thrive) in an age of conflict: lessons from a lifetime of negotiations [i]
  2. () Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
  3. () Why friendship matters in research fieldwork [u]
  4. Lance H. Gunderson, Craig R. Allen, & Ahjond Garmestani [ed] () Applied panarchy: applications and diffusion across disciplines [i]
  5. () An agent that facilitates crowd discussion: a crowd discussion support system based on an automated facilitation agent [d]
  6. () Inner development goals: background, method and the IDGs framework [u]
  7. () It's not a space, it's a philosophy: designing a high-purpose culture within your learning environment [i] [u]
  8. () Imaginable: how to see the future coming and be ready for anything [i]
  9. () Meta-work: how we research is as important as what we research [p] [d]
  10. () Consensus and scientific classification [d] [u]
  11. () Beyond polarization: public process and the unlikely story of California's marine protected areas [i]
  12. () Understanding failures and potentials of argumentation tools for public deliberation [i] [d]
  13. Veronica Schmidt Harvey & Kenneth P. De Meuse [ed] () The age of agility: building learning-agile leaders and organizations [i] [d]
  14. () Improving philosophical dialogue interventions to better resolve problematic value pluralism in collaborative environmental science [p] [d]
  15. () The DNA of VUCA: a framework for building learning agility in an accelerating world [DNA: diversity, novelty, adversity; the reflection calendar] [i] [d]
  16. () Leading conversations in small and rural libraries: facilitation guide [o] [u]
  17. () Science and moral imagination: a new ideal for values in science [i] [j] [u]
  18. () Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
  19. () Fostering change: a team-based guide [o] [u]
  20. () Unlocking leadership mindtraps: how to thrive in complexity [i] [d]
  21. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  22. () Remedy without diagnosis: how to optimize results by leveraging the appropriate dispute resolution and shared decision-making process [u]
  23. () The heart of community engagement: practitioner stories from across the globe [i] [d]
  24. () On relational facilitation: supporting the creative potential of divergent perspectives [u]
  25. () The capability approach in practice: a new ethics for setting development agendas [i] [d]
  26. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  27. Peter D. Fernandez & Kelly Tilton [ed] () Applying library values to emerging technology: decision-making in the age of open access, maker spaces, and the ever-changing library [i] [u]
  28. () Effective biodiversity conservation requires dynamic, pluralistic, partnership-based approaches [d]
  29. () The tradeoffs we make: ethical technology in the open movement and beyond [i] [u]
  30. () Stages of change and psychotherapy outcomes: a review and meta-analysis [p] [d]
  31. () Deliberation and long-term decisions: representing future generations [i] [d]
  32. () Seven steps to control of corruption: the road map [d] [j]
  33. () Conversations worth having: using appreciative inquiry to fuel productive and meaningful engagement [i]
  34. () Well-being as value fulfillment: how we can help each other to live well [i] [d]
  35. () Spontaneous emergence of community OR: self-initiating, self-organising problem structuring mediated by social media [community operational research] [d]
  36. () Do better science by answering your questions in public: StackExchange for open science [u]
  37. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  38. () Developing a theory of change for a community-based response to illegal wildlife trade [p] [d]
  39. () Using artificial intelligence to augment human intelligence [d] [u]
  40. () Balancing epistemic quality and equal participation in a system approach to deliberative democracy [d]
  41. () The interrelations of individual learning and collective knowledge construction: a cognitive-systemic framework [i] [d]
  42. () From open space to action in 10 hours: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
  43. () Pursuing fundamental advances in human reasoning [i] [d]
  44. () Conversational mapping: coaching others (and ourselves) to better have difficult conversations [u]
  45. August John Hoffman [ed] () Creating a transformational community: the fundamentals of stewardship activities [i]
  46. () Why other people wreck brainstorms (and how to stop them) [u]
  47. () Will SOAR really help organization development soar?: an invited reaction to Zarestky and Cole, 2017 [d]
  48. () The virtualism of 'capacity building' workshops in indigenous Amazonia: ethnography in the new middle grounds [d] [u]
  49. () Natural-born arguers: teaching how to make the best of our reasoning abilities [d]
  50. () A plea for ecological argument technologies [d]
  51. Antonino Palumbo [ed] () Models of deliberative democracy [i]
  52. () The Mode Shifting Index (MSI): a new measure of the creative thinking skill of shifting between associative and analytic thinking [d]
  53. () Analyzing and communicating action research data: practical approaches to conveying the quality and texture of experience [d]
  54. () Problem-solving and social work [i]
  55. () Setting the stage for creativity: upstream, mid-stream, and downstream [i] [d]
  56. () The discussion book: 50 great ways to get people talking [i]
  57. () Everyday creative activity as a path to flourishing [d]
  58. () Exploring phase progression throughout the therapeutic process: the case of Eva [p] [d]
  59. () From stakeholders analysis to cognitive mapping and multi-attribute value theory: an integrated approach for policy support [d]
  60. () Now that's a good question!: how to promote cognitive rigor through classroom questioning [i]
  61. () Pushing the bounds of rationality: argumentation and extended cognition [i]
  62. () Making the case for using personalised outcome measures to track progress in psychotherapy [d]
  63. Leonard A. Jason & David S. Glenwick [ed] () Handbook of methodological approaches to community-based research: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods [i] [d]
  64. () Weaving Indigenous and sustainability sciences to diversify our methods [d]
  65. () Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days [i]
  66. () Theoretical explanations for maintenance of behaviour change: a systematic review of behaviour theories [p] [d]
  67. () Types of rural extensionists' expectations of psychology and their implications on psychologists' practice [p] [d]
  68. () Nondeliberative forms of practice in social work: artful, actional, analogic [d]
  69. () The benefits of argumentation are cross-culturally robust: the case of Japan [d]
  70. () How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
  71. () The From Here to There (FHT) model of human development [u]
  72. () You're probably not brainstorming long enough [u]
  73. () Changing to thrive: using the stages of change to overcome the top threats to your health and happiness [i]
  74. () Missed information: better information for building a wealthier, more sustainable future [i] [d]
  75. () Emerging technologies to measure neighborhood conditions in public health: implications for interventions and next steps [p] [d]
  76. () Gamification as motivation to engage in location-based public participation? [i] [d]
  77. () Critical learning incidents in system dynamics modelling engagements [d]
  78. () An evidence-based review of creative problem solving tools: a practitioner's resource [d]
  79. () A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
  80. () Applications of systems engineering for testing and evaluation: a human systems integration perspective [i] [d]
  81. () Interdependence of technical, practical, and emancipatory inquiry in psychotherapy practice and research: a commentary on Carere-Comes' 'One or two psychotherapies?' [d]
  82. () Bringing assumptions to the surface [i] [d]
  83. () The reflective practice guide: an interdisciplinary approach to critical reflection [i] [d]
  84. () Equity, growth, and community: what the nation can learn from America's metro areas [i] [d] [j]
  85. () Enhancing creative problem solving through visual display design [i] [d]
  86. () Decision making and human systems integration [i] [d]
  87. Deborah Ann Boehm-Davis, Francis T. Durso, & John D. Lee [ed] () APA handbook of human systems integration [i] [d]
  88. () Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design [d]
  89. Gervase R. Bushe & Robert J. Marshak [ed] () Dialogic organization development: the theory and practice of transformational change [i]
  90. () The forward-focused model facilitator's manual [i]
  91. () Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
  92. () Breaking our addiction to problem solving [u]
  93. () Human systems integration requirements analysis [i] [d]
  94. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  95. () Systems engineering perspective on human systems integration [i] [d]
  96. () Action errors, error management, and learning in organizations [p] [d]
  97. () Putting the public back into governance: the challenges of citizen participation and its future [d]
  98. () Universal logic as a science of patterns [i] [d]
  99. () Using feedback in organizational consulting [i] [d]
  100. () 3 exercises to smash your creative blocks [u]
  101. () Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
  102. () A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making [i] [d]
  103. () Innovating minds: rethinking creativity to inspire change [i]
  104. () Repertoires: how to transform a project into a research community [d] [j]
  105. Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, & Kathleen L. Slaney [ed] () The Wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology: methods, approaches, and new directions for social sciences [i] [d]
  106. () Sharing cities: a case for truly smart and sustainable cities [i] [d]
  107. () Experts and laymen grossly underestimate the benefits of argumentation for reasoning [d]
  108. () The positive organization: breaking free from conventional cultures, constraints, and beliefs [i]
  109. () Accelerating the public's learning curve on wicked policy issues: results from deliberative forums on euthanasia [d]
  110. () The mental mechanisms of patient adherence to long-term therapies [i] [d]
  111. () Rethinking vulnerability analysis and governance with emphasis on a participatory approach [d]
  112. () Constructing knowledge art: an experiential perspective on crafting participatory representations [i] [d]
  113. () Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology [d]
  114. () Augmented cognition [i] [d]
  115. () Specifying system requirements using cognitive work analysis [i] [d]
  116. () Systems thinking for social change: a practical guide to solving complex problems, avoiding unintended consequences, and achieving lasting results [i]
  117. () Expert and novice facilitated modelling: a case of a Viable System Model workshop in a local food network [d] [j]
  118. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  119. () Motivation [i] [d]
  120. () Goal-based reasoning for argumentation [i] [d]
  121. () Using the Assessment for Signal Clients as a feedback tool for reducing treatment failure [p] [d]
  122. () Let's stop meeting like this: tools to save time and get more done [i]
  123. () Fall in love with the problem, not the solution [u]
  124. Roy A. Bean, Sean D. Davis, & Maureen P. Davey [ed] () Clinical supervision activities for increasing competence and self-awareness [i]
  125. () Norms and beliefs: how change occurs [i] [d]
  126. () Consulting in uncertainty: the power of inquiry [i] [d]
  127. () Visual strategy: a workbook for strategy mapping for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  128. () DCLA meet CIDA: collective intelligence deliberation analytics [u]
  129. () Tracking managerial conflict adaptivity: introducing a dynamic measure of adaptive conflict management in organizations [d]
  130. () Balancing 'we' and 'me': the best collaborative spaces also support solitude [p] [u]
  131. () Opening up ethical dialogue [i] [d]
  132. () Ethics and technology assessment: a participatory approach [i] [d]
  133. () Computing trust as a form of presumptive reasoning [i] [d]
  134. () Emotional change in international negotiation: analyzing the Camp David accords using cognitive–affective maps [d]
  135. Olen Gunnlaugson, Charles Baron, & Mario Cayer [ed] () Perspectives on theory U: insights from the field [i]
  136. () The social labs revolution: a new approach to solving our most complex challenges [i]
  137. (/2022) Assessment and evaluation of teams and team coaching [i]
  138. Peter Hawkins [ed] (/2022) Leadership team coaching in practice: case studies on creating highly effective teams [or: Leadership team coaching in practice: developing high performing teams] [i]
  139. () Strategic facilitation of complex decision-making: how process and context matter in global climate change negotiations [i] [d]
  140. () Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
  141. () Deliberative methods for complex issues: a typology of functions that may need scaffolding [u]
  142. () Practical ethnography: a guide to doing ethnography in the private sector [i] [u]
  143. () Applications of collaborative helping maps: supporting professional development, supervision and work teams in family-centered practice [d]
  144. () The virtues of ingenuity: reasoning and arguing without bias [d]
  145. () Argument schemes for reasoning about trust [d]
  146. () The other voice in the room: restorative justice facilitators' constructions of justice [d]
  147. () Connecting to change the world: harnessing the power of networks for social impact [i]
  148. () Learning to facilitate deliberation: practicing the art of hosting [d]
  149. () Making change: norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems [d]
  150. () Therapeutic collaboration and resistance: describing the nature and quality of the therapeutic relationship within ambivalence events using the Therapeutic Collaboration Coding System [d]
  151. () Citizen science: convergent evolution across the sciences [u]
  152. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  153. () Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them [i]
  154. () Collective interviewing: a transactive memory approach towards identifying signs of truthfulness [d]
  155. () The activist learner: inquiry, literacy, and service to make learning matter [i]
  156. () Evolving the future: toward a science of intentional change [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  157. () The non-codified use of problem structuring methods and the need for a generic constitutive definition [d]
  158. () From conflict to creative collaboration: a user's guide to dynamic facilitation [i]
  159. () Choice-creating as an alternative to decision making [i]
  160. () A guide to continuous improvement transformation: concepts, processes, implementation [i] [d]
  161. () Sharing cities: reinventing and reviving sharing to enhance equity, rebuild community and cut resource use [u]
  162. () 'Borderline' provocations: how not to respond [u]
  163. () Microfoundations of strategic problem formulation [d] [j] [u]
  164. () Groups and facilitators within problem structuring processes [d] [j]
  165. () Inside the box: a proven system of creativity for breakthrough results [i]
  166. () The ways of one and many: exploring the integration of conflict coaching and dialogue-facilitation [u]
  167. () Designing for learning in an open world [i] [d]
  168. () Deciding how to decide [u]
  169. Susan A. David, David Clutterbuck, & David Megginson [ed] () Beyond goals: effective strategies for coaching and mentoring [i] [d]
  170. () Asset assessments and community social work practice [i]
  171. () Envisioning the role of facilitation in public deliberation [d]
  172. () How and why people change: foundations of psychological therapy [i]
  173. () Focus on change: implications for the understanding and evaluation of psychological interventions [d]
  174. () The adaptive function of distributed remembering: contributions to the formation of collective memory [d]
  175. () Multimethodology in metaheuristics [d] [j]
  176. Jan Marie Fritz [ed] () Moving toward a just peace: the mediation continuum [i] [d]
  177. () A primer for the design of practice manuals: four stages of development [d]
  178. () Change your story, change your life: a path to your success [i]
  179. () Being story [u]
  180. () Interpersonal social work skills for community practice [i]
  181. () Principles of social change [i] [d]
  182. () The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
  183. () Establishing evidence through undercover and collective intelligence interviewing [d]
  184. () Simulation and managerial decision making: a double-loop learning framework [d]
  185. () 101 design methods: a structured approach for driving innovation in your organization [i]
  186. () 'That was helpful... no one has talked to me about that before': research participation as a therapeutic activity [d]
  187. () Freeing organizational behavior from inhibitory constraints [d]
  188. Michael Linden & Krzysztof Rutkowski [ed] () Hurting memories and beneficial forgetting: posttraumatic stress disorders, biographical developments, and social conflicts [i] [d]
  189. () Dialogue & deliberation [i]
  190. () The co-creative meeting: practicing consensual effectivity in organizations [i] [d]
  191. () Commenting on process: highlighting a basic psychotherapeutic technique [d]
  192. () Problem-solving therapy: a treatment manual [i]
  193. () Delusions about evidence: on why scientific evidence should not be the main concern in socioscientific decision making [d]
  194. () Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
  195. () Promoting group creativity in upstream requirements engineering [i] [d]
  196. () OR competences: the demands of problem structuring methods [d]
  197. () Improvisation in the cloud: devised theatre in support of problem-finding [i] [d]
  198. () Applying the stages of change [i] [d]
  199. () The manager as facilitator of dialogue [d]
  200. () Imagine: bringing vision into child protective services [d]
  201. () Zig zag: the surprising path to greater creativity [i]
  202. () Tackling a wicked problem: water issues! How the Delta Dialogues Project is using dialogue mapping to build shared understanding [u]
  203. () Social learning in regional innovation networks: trust, commitment and reframing as emergent properties of interaction [d]
  204. () Freedom from constraints: darkness and dim illumination promote creativity [d]
  205. () Conservation social work: the interconnections of biodiversity health and human resilience [i] [d]
  206. Katherine S. Van Wormer & Lorenn Walker [ed] () Restorative justice today: practical applications [i] [d]
  207. () Changing on the inside: restorative justice in prisons: a literature review [u]
  208. () Forgiveness and reconciliation in emotionally focused therapy for couples: the client change process and therapist interventions [d]
  209. () Managing information to support the decision making process [combining IBIS & MCDM in Compendium] [d]
  210. () Help that is not recognized: harmful neglect of decision support systems [d]
  211. () Challenging coaching: going beyond traditional coaching to face the facts [i]
  212. () Empowering students to create and claim value through the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [d]
  213. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () Transformation in psychotherapy: corrective experiences across cognitive behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches [i] [d]
  214. () Slow democracy: rediscovering community, bringing decision making back home [i]
  215. () Contested collective intelligence: rationale, technologies, and a human–machine annotation study [d]
  216. () Bridging between brain science and educational practice with design patterns [i] [d]
  217. () International expertise and local know-how in the trading zone [d]
  218. () How does expansive framing promote transfer?: several proposed explanations and a research agenda for investigating them [d]
  219. () Transformative learning in planning and policy deliberation: probing social meaning and tacit assumptions [i] [d]
  220. () Adventure therapy: theory, research, and practice [i]
  221. () Advocacy competency: the helping professional's role in addressing issues of social class [i]
  222. Rebecca Hardin & Kamari Maxine Clarke [ed] () Transforming ethnographic knowledge [i]
  223. () Engaging reluctant adolescents in family therapy: an exploratory study of in-session processes of change [d]
  224. () Group model-building 'scripts' as a collaborative planning tool [d]
  225. () Plugging the 'whole': librarians as interdisciplinary facilitators [d]
  226. () How to implement free, prior informed consent (FPIC) [u]
  227. () Why gamers don't learn more: an ecological approach to games as learning environments [d]
  228. () The unheralded power of facilitation to change the world [u]
  229. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  230. () The outstanding organization: generate business results by eliminating chaos and building the foundation for everyday excellence [i]
  231. () Transforming the negotiator: the impact of critical learning on teaching and practicing negotiation [d]
  232. () Geting equity advocacy results: tools for navigating change [u]
  233. () Problem solving [i] [d]
  234. () Usability 101: introduction to usability [u]
  235. () Changeology: 5 steps to realizing your goals and resolutions [i]
  236. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () Cognitive behavior therapy: core principles for practice [i] [d]
  237. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d]
  238. () Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios [d]
  239. () Stewards of digital literacies [u]
  240. () Convivial design toolbox: generative research for the front end of design [i]
  241. () Everyone leads: building leadership from the community up [i]
  242. () Why appreciation matters so much [u]
  243. () 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
  244. () Organizing thoughts and connecting brains: material practices and the transition from individual to group-level prospective sensemaking [d]
  245. () What can design thinking learn from behavior group therapy? [i] [d]
  246. () Achieving psychological simplicity: measures and methods to reduce cognitive complexity [i] [d]
  247. Kjell Törnblom & Ali Kazemi [ed] () Handbook of social resource theory: theoretical extensions, empirical insights, and social applications [i] [d]
  248. Norman Walzer & Gisele Hamm [ed] () Community visioning programs: processes and outcomes [i] [d]
  249. () Reflecting team processes in family therapy: a search for research [d]
  250. () Testing a measure of organizational learning capacity and readiness for transformational change in human services [d]
  251. () In search of our true selves: feedback as a path to self-knowledge [p] [d]
  252. () Constructive politics as public work: organizing the literature [d] [j]
  253. () The value of crime scripting: deconstructing internal child sex trafficking [d]
  254. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy I: core concepts and hypothesizing [d]
  255. () Cognitive tools for group decision making: the repertory grid approach revisited [i] [d]
  256. () Why civil resistance works: the strategic logic of nonviolent conflict [i] [j]
  257. () The old solutions are the new problem: how do we better use what we already know about reducing the burden of mental illness? [p] [d] [j]
  258. () Transforming leaders into progress makers: leadership for the 21st century [i] [d]
  259. () Change of heart: what psychology can teach us about spreading social change [i]
  260. (/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
  261. () Comprehensive law practice: law as a healing profession [i]
  262. () We are all learning here: cycles of research and application in adult development [i] [d]
  263. () Supporting communities of practice by advancing knowledge management between hybrid collaborative environments [i] [d]
  264. () Starting off on the right foot: common factor elements in early psychotherapy process [d]
  265. () Honing the stone: refining restorative justice as a vehicle for emotional redress [d]
  266. () Shared mind: communication, decision making, and autonomy in serious illness [d]
  267. () High levels of participation in conservation projects enhance learning [d]
  268. () Post-adversarial and post-inquisitorial justice: transcending traditional penological paradigms [d]
  269. () Collaborative intelligence: using teams to solve hard problems [i]
  270. () Oxford guide to imagery in cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  271. () The emerging role of libraries in data curation and e-science [d]
  272. () How to get involved without micromanaging people [u]
  273. () Analyzing framing processes in conflicts and communication by means of logical argument mapping [i] [u]
  274. () Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
  275. () Analysis and design of advice [i] [d]
  276. () Linking knowledge to action in collaborative conservation [p] [d]
  277. () How addiction happens, how change happens, and what social workers need to know to be effective facilitators of change [d]
  278. () Graphic design thinking: beyond brainstorming [i]
  279. () Collaborative helping maps: a tool to guide thinking and action in family-centered services [d]
  280. () The A3 workbook: unlock your problem-solving mind [i]
  281. Kelly E. Maxwell, Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda, Monita C. Thompson, & Patricia Gurin [ed] () Facilitating intergroup dialogues: bridging differences, catalyzing change [i]
  282. () Ways to improve political decision-making: negotiating errors to be avoided [i] [d]
  283. () Mature transformations in adulthood facilitated by psychotherapy and spiritual practice [i] [d]
  284. () Evaluation of a therapeutic concept diagram [d]
  285. () The art and science of multi-scale citizen science support [d]
  286. () Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy [d] [u]
  287. () Learning through deepening conversations: a key strategy of insight mediation [d]
  288. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy II: planning, conversing, and reading feedback [p] [d]
  289. () Representing and classifying arguments on the semantic web [d]
  290. () Systemic hypothesising for challenging behaviour in intellectual disabilities: a reflecting team approach [d]
  291. () Salzburg statement on shared decision making [d]
  292. () Rethinking conflict: perspectives from the insight approach [d]
  293. () How are you feeling? [u]
  294. () Becoming dialogical: psychotherapy or a way of life? [d]
  295. () Relational ethics and moral imagination in contemporary systemic practice [d]
  296. () Kinds of environments—a framework for reflecting on the possible contours of a better world [d]
  297. () The luck of the draw: the role of lotteries in decision-making [i] [d]
  298. () Methods for collaboratively identifying research priorities and emerging issues in science and policy [d]
  299. (/2019) Preferences [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  300. () Boundary shifts: from management to engagement in complexities of ecosystems and social contexts [i] [d]
  301. () The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
  302. () The use of laddering: techniques, applications and problems [i] [d]
  303. () The effects of neutral, evaluative, and pressing mediator strategies [d]
  304. () No longer simply a practice-based research network (PBRN): health improvement networks [d]
  305. () Libraries build autonomy: a philosophical perspective on the social role of libraries and librarians [u]
  306. () Facilitated dialogues with teachers in conflict-ridden areas: in search of pedagogical openings that move beyond the paralysing effects of perpetrator–victim narratives [d]
  307. () Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
  308. () Teaching family systems theory: a developmental-constructivist perspective [d]
  309. () The IBIS field guide: exploring complexity [u]
  310. () Combining facilitated dialogue and spatial data analysis to compile landscape history [d]
  311. (/2014) On becoming a better therapist: evidence-based practice one client at a time [i] [d]
  312. () Facilitated modelling in operational research [d]
  313. () Community practice skills: local to global perspectives [i] [j]
  314. () Beyond the 50-minute hour: increasing control, choice, and connections in the lives of low-income women [d]
  315. () Building a professional learning community at work: a guide to the first year [i]
  316. () Gamestorming: a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers [i]
  317. Gary P. Green & Ann Goetting [ed] () Mobilizing communities: asset building as a community development strategy [i]
  318. () Switch: how to change things when change is hard [i]
  319. () Engaging emergence: turning upheaval into opportunity [i]
  320. () Facilitating conflict transformation: mediator strategies for eliciting emotional communication in a workplace conflict [d]
  321. () Living with the dragon: acting ethically in a world of unintended consequences [i] [d]
  322. () Collaboration engineering [i] [d]
  323. () Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
  324. () Facilitating client change: principles based upon the experience of eminent psychotherapists [p] [d]
  325. Nona Lyons [ed] () Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry [i] [d]
  326. () Learning through feedback in the field: reflective learning in a NGO in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  327. () The abundant community: awakening the power of families and neighborhoods [i]
  328. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  329. () A strengths-based approach to outdoor and adventure education: possibilities for personal growth [d]
  330. () The effectiveness and relative importance of choice in the classroom [d]
  331. () The leaderful fieldbook: strategies and activities for developing leadership in everyone [i]
  332. () What is social learning? [u]
  333. Martin Reynolds & Sue Holwell [ed] () Systems approaches to managing change: a practical guide [i] [d]
  334. () Teaching and learning with therapists who work with street children and their families [d]
  335. () Informed social reflection: its development and importance for adolescents' civic engagement [i] [d]
  336. Lonnie R. Sherrod, Judith Torney-Purta, & Constance A. Flanagan [ed] () Handbook of research on civic engagement in youth [i] [d]
  337. () Tapping the cognitive surplus [u]
  338. () Facilitator, teacher, or leader?: managing conflicting roles in outdoor education [d]
  339. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  340. () Learning as core of psychological science and clinical practice [u]
  341. () Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
  342. () Advancing out of poverty: social class worldview and its relation to resilience [d]
  343. () How to choose a good scientific problem [d]
  344. () Taking the long view: environmental sustainability and delay of gratification [d]
  345. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  346. () Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning [d]
  347. () Participatory organizational change in community-based health and human services: from tokenism to political engagement [p] [d]
  348. () Democracy, sustainability and dialogic accounting technologies: taking pluralism seriously [d]
  349. () Rapid appraisals: an innovation in search of sustainability [d]
  350. () Resistance to change: unconscious knowledge and the challenge of unlearning [i]
  351. Carol S. Cohen, Michael H. Phillips, & Meredith Hanson [ed] () Strength and diversity in social work with groups: think group [i]
  352. () Putting perspectives into participation: constructive conflict methodology for problem structuring in stakeholder dialogues [i] [u]
  353. () A model of the creative process [u]
  354. () Facilitating dialogue between aquaculture and agriculture: lessons from role-playing games with farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam [d]
  355. () Integrating resilience thinking and optimisation for conservation [d]
  356. () Facilitating youth participation in a context of forced migration: a photovoice project in northern Uganda [d]
  357. () The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world [i]
  358. (/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
  359. (/2019) Expressive therapies continuum: a framework for using art in therapy [i] [d]
  360. () Motivational design for learning and performance: the ARCS model approach [i]
  361. () Linking information to real-life problems: an interdisciplinary collaboration of librarians, departments, and food businesses [d]
  362. () In search of a mental model-like concept for group-level modeling [d]
  363. () Non-adversarial justice [i]
  364. () Process transforms inputs to determine outcomes: therapists are responsible for managing process [d]
  365. () The process of personal change through reading fictional narratives: implications for psychotherapy practice and theory [d]
  366. () Collaborative helping: a practice framework for family-centered services [d]
  367. () What is the core fear in social phobia?: a new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and treatment [d]
  368. (/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
  369. () Developmental editing: a handbook for freelancers, authors, and publishers [i] [d]
  370. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () General principles and empirically supported techniques of cognitive behavior therapy [i]
  371. () Consensus organizing: a community development workbook: a comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and evaluating community change initiatives [i] [d]
  372. () Progressive community organizing: a critical approach for a globalizing world [i]
  373. () Behavioral facilitation: a cognitive model of individual differences in approach motivation [d]
  374. () Collaboration in theatre: a practical guide for designers and directors [i] [d]
  375. () Presencing Institute toolbook [u]
  376. () Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help [i]
  377. () Beyond just research: experiences from southern Africa in developing social learning partnerships for resource conservation initiatives [d]
  378. () The creative power: transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world [i] [d]
  379. () The generalist approach [d]
  380. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  381. () The thin book of SOAR: building strengths-based strategy [i]
  382. () Building trust with parties: are mediators overdoing it? [d]
  383. () Managing facilitated processes: a guide for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, event planners, and educators [i]
  384. (/2013) Identifying knowledge to action gaps [i] [d]
  385. () Melting the glacier: activating neural mechanisms to create rapid large-scale organizational change [i] [d]
  386. (/2013) Behavior analysis for effective teaching [i]
  387. (/2013) Punishment and why to avoid it [i]
  388. () Simple kindness can go a long way: relationships, social identity, and engagement [d]
  389. () Managing conflict in construction megaprojects: leadership and third-party principles [d]
  390. () Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competencies [d]
  391. () Mapping dialogue: essential tools for social change [i]
  392. (/2012) Community conversations: mobilizing the ideas, skills, and passion of community organizations, governments, businesses, and people [i]
  393. (/2012) Positive leadership: strategies for extraordinary performance [i]
  394. () Growing a global issue base: an issue-based approach to policy deliberation [u]
  395. Thomas G. Cummings [ed] () Handbook of organization development [i]
  396. Joseph De Rivera [ed] () Handbook on building cultures of peace [i] [d]
  397. () Following passionate interests to well-being [d]
  398. () 'Wicked', 'messy', and 'clumsy': long-term frameworks for sustainability [d]
  399. () Creativity support systems [i] [d]
  400. () Meeting universal human needs as the foundation of individual and social development and of social and global justice [d]
  401. () Innovating democracy: democratic theory and practice after the deliberative turn [i] [d]
  402. () The art of engagement: bridging the gap between people and possibilities [i]
  403. () Putting the 'development' in professional development: understanding and overturning educational leaders' immunities to change [d]
  404. () The creative music workshop: event, facilitation, gift [d]
  405. () Towards decision support for participatory democracy [i] [d]
  406. () Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  407. () A brief primer of helping skills [i] [d]
  408. () A culture of justification: the pragmatist's epistemic argument for democracy [d] [u]
  409. (/2014) Computer supported argument visualisation: modelling in consultative democracy around wicked problems [i] [d]
  410. () Wave rider: leadership for high performance in a self-organizing world [i]
  411. () Decision making in the transtheoretical model of behavior change [p] [d]
  412. () Large group interventions: whole system approaches to organizational change [i]
  413. Rafael Ramírez, John W. Selsky, & Kees Van der Heijden [ed] (/2010) Business planning for turbulent times: new methods for applying scenarios [i] [d]
  414. () The human contribution: unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries [i]
  415. () Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review [d]
  416. () Contextual shifting: teachers emphasizing students' academic identity to promote scientific literacy [d]
  417. () Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
  418. () Challenging hegemonies: advancing collaboration in community-based participatory action research [d]
  419. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  420. () The role of acceptance and empowerment in promoting reconciliation from the perspective of the needs-based model [d]
  421. () Understanding A3 thinking: a critical component of Toyota's PDCA management system [i]
  422. () Goals and plans: turning points for success [i]
  423. () Process design: making it work: a practical guide to what to do when and how for facilitators, consultants, managers, and coaches [i]
  424. () Preparing facilitators for experiential education: the role of intentionality and intuition [d]
  425. () Facilitate first thyself: the person-centered dimension of facilitator education [d]
  426. () Being with that: the relevance of embodied understanding for practice [d]
  427. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  428. () Beyond ideology: dialogue [i] [d]
  429. () The project meeting facilitator: facilitation skills to make the most of project meetings [i]
  430. () An alternative view of concrete operating procedures from the perspective of the client as active self-healer [d]
  431. () Hypermedia discourse: contesting networks of ideas and arguments [i] [d] [u]
  432. () Working through resistance to change by using the 'competing commitments model' [d]
  433. () A problem solving process model for personal decision support (PSPM-DS) [d]
  434. () Informal learning: rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire innovation and performance [i]
  435. () Creating a recovery-oriented system of behavioral health care: moving from concept to reality [d]
  436. () Using participatory design to develop (public) health decision support systems through GIS [d]
  437. () A model of innovation [u]
  438. () Consensus organizing: building communities of mutual self interest [i] [d]
  439. () Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social-ecological resilience [d]
  440. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  441. () My personal reactions to Rogers (1957): the facilitative but neither necessary nor sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change [p] [d]
  442. () Culture and commitment: the key to the creation of an action learning organization [d]
  443. () Facilitating multicultural groups: a practical guide [i]
  444. () The use and documentation of facilitation techniques [u]
  445. () Creative learning: activities and games that really engage people [i]
  446. () The critical role of the librarian/information officer as boundary spanner across cultures: humans as essential components in global digital libraries [i] [d]
  447. () From decision analysis to the decision organization [i] [d]
  448. (/2015) What therapists say and why they say it: effective therapeutic responses and techniques [i] [d]
  449. () Knowledge acquisition in practice: a step-by-step guide [i] [d]
  450. () Toward a common-factors approach to supervision [d]
  451. () Problem structuring without workshops?: experiences with distributed interaction within a PSM process [d] [j]
  452. () Facilitation practices in decision workshops [d] [j]
  453. () Methods for facilitating web-based participatory research informatics [d]
  454. () Decision conferencing [i] [d]
  455. Sandy Kristin Piderit, Ronald E. Fry, & David L. Cooperrider [ed] () Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics [i] [d]
  456. () The learning conference [d]
  457. () Tools for complex projects [i]
  458. (/2016) Theory U: leading from the future as it emerges: the social technology of presencing [or: Theory U: leading from the emerging future] [i]
  459. () Creating transformative cooperation through positive emotions [i] [d]
  460. Melvin L. Silberman [ed] () The handbook of experiential learning [i]
  461. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  462. () Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
  463. () How to re-imagine the world: a pocket guide for practical visionaries [i]
  464. () Principles for facilitating agency in psychotherapy [d]
  465. () Human factors in project management: concepts, tools, and techniques for inspiring teamwork and motivation [i]
  466. () John Dewey's view of situations, problems, means and ends [i] [d]
  467. () Family therapy, you make me feel like dancing [d]
  468. () The arts & leadership: now that we can do anything, what will we do? [d]
  469. () Precaution-adoption process model (PAPM) [i]
  470. () Transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change [i]
  471. () Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach [i]
  472. () Facilitating to lead!: leadership strategies for a networked world [i]
  473. () The creative community builder's handbook: how to transform communities using local assets, art, and culture [i]
  474. (/2012) Facilitating reflective learning: coaching, mentoring and supervison [i]
  475. () The handbook of large group methods: creating systemic change in organizations and communities [i]
  476. () Caucus mediation—putting conciliation back into the process: the peacemaking approach to resolution, peace, and healing [u]
  477. () Avoiding ghettos of like-minded people: random selection and organizational collaboration [i]
  478. Louis G. Castonguay & Larry E. Beutler [ed] () Principles of therapeutic change that work [i] [d]
  479. () Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
  480. () Towards an argument interchange format [d]
  481. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  482. () The speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything [i]
  483. () Ambivalence in psychotherapy: facilitating readiness to change [i]
  484. () Ways of knowing and inclusive management practices [d]
  485. Lawrence R. Frey [ed] () Facilitating group task and team communication [i]
  486. () The power of why: engaging the goal paradox in program evaluation [d]
  487. Mike Green, John O'Brien, Henry Moore, Gordon Cunningham, & John McKnight [ed] (/2009) When people care enough to act: ABCD in action [i]
  488. () How creating 'communities of learning' and 'common cultures' fosters collaboration: the e-Parliament, the Israeli settlements project, and the Mexican negotiation skills training workshop [d]
  489. () Trust-building, knowledge generation and organizational innovations: the role of a bridging organization for adaptive comanagement of a wetland landscape around Kristianstad, Sweden [d] [j]
  490. () Make-or-break roles in collaboration leadership [i]
  491. () Fostering dialogue across divides: a nuts and bolts guide from the Public Conversations Project [o]
  492. () The 9 disciplines of a facilitator: leading groups by transforming yourself [i]
  493. Lucy Johnstone & Rudi Dallos [ed] (/2014) Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: making sense of people's problems [i] [d]
  494. () Making a difference: on the constraints of consensus building and the relevance of deliberation in stakeholder dialogues [d]
  495. () Ways of questioning that can transform organizations—and people [i]
  496. () What clients find helpful in psychotherapy: developing principles for facilitating moment-to-moment change [d]
  497. () The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
  498. () Combining MCDA and conflict analysis: an exploratory application of an integrated approach [d] [j]
  499. () 'Wisdom', decision support and paradigms of decision making [d]
  500. Rachel MacNair [ed] () Working for peace: a handbook of practical psychology and other tools [i]
  501. () From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
  502. () The social nature of recovery: discussion and implications for practice [d]
  503. () Causal maps and the evaluation of decision options: a review [d] [j]
  504. () Social yet creative: the role of social relationships in facilitating individual creativity [d]
  505. () The art of connecting: how to overcome differences, build rapport, and communicate effectively with anyone [i]
  506. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  507. () There's no such thing as 'nonjudgmental' debriefing: a theory and method for debriefing with good judgment [p]
  508. () Empirically derived training techniques for facilitators of group discussions [i]
  509. Sandy Schuman [ed] () Creating a culture of collaboration: the International Association of Facilitators handbook [i]
  510. () Graphic facilitation: transforming groups with the power of visual listening [u]
  511. Claire Simmers, Thompson Teo, & Murugan Anandarajan [ed] () The Internet and workplace transformation [i] [d]
  512. () Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
  513. () Theory, practice, and public dialogue: a case study in facilitating community transformation [i]
  514. () A model of collaborative knowledge building [i] [d]
  515. () Group cognition: computer support for building collaborative knowledge [i] [d]
  516. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann & Martin Welp [ed] () Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management: theory and practice [i] [d]
  517. () Empathic attunement facilitation: stimulating immediate task engagement in zero-history training groups of helping professionals [i]
  518. () Integrating primary health care: leading, managing, facilitating [i]
  519. () Facilitator education: learning from group counselor education [u]
  520. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  521. () Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
  522. () Change leadership: a practical guide to transforming our schools [i]
  523. () Facilitating dialogue and deliberation in environmental conflict: the use of groups in collaborative learning [i]
  524. () Integrative theory of reflexive dialogues [i] [d]
  525. () Manual for Jim Rough's dynamic facilitation method [u]
  526. () Practical dialogue: emergent approaches for effective collaboration [i]
  527. () How to build your expertise in facilitation [i]
  528. () Facilitator core competencies as defined by the International Association of Facilitators [i]
  529. () Advanced facilitation strategies: tools & techniques to master difficult situations [i]
  530. () The World Café: shaping our futures through conversations that matter [i]
  531. () Participatory methods in community practice: popular education and participatory rural appraisal [i] [d]
  532. () Collaboration for community-based wildlife management [d]
  533. () Sensing an atmosphere of ease: a tentative theory of supportive care settings [d]
  534. () Using methods that matter: the impact of reflection, dialogue, and voice [p] [d]
  535. () Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning [i] [d] [u]
  536. () Extreme facilitation: guiding groups through controversy and complexity [i]
  537. (/2008) Sequencing deliberative moments [i] [d]
  538. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  539. () Democratizing innovation [i] [d] [u]
  540. () Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management [u]
  541. () Developmental counseling and therapy: promoting wellness over the lifespan [i]
  542. () Facilitating the whole system in the room [i]
  543. () The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
  544. () The gift of self: the art of transparent facilitation [i]
  545. () Leadership group coaching in action: the Zen of creating high performance teams [d] [j]
  546. () Reflection: look, think and act cycles in participatory action research [d]
  547. () Levels in reflection: core reflection as a means to enhance professional growth [d]
  548. () Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
  549. () What really is strategic process? [i]
  550. () Overcoming the five dysfunctions of a team: a field guide for leaders, managers, and facilitators [i]
  551. () Not all patients want to participate in decision making [d]
  552. (/2014) The idea agent: the handbook on creative processes [i]
  553. () The role of emotions in envisioning outcomes in conflict analysis [d]
  554. () Conservation and the myth of consensus [d] [j] [u]
  555. () Participatory extension as basis for the work of rural extension services in the Amazon [d]
  556. () Reflective action [i]
  557. () 25 activities for developing team leaders [i]
  558. () Voter-centered design: toward a voter decision support system [d]
  559. Sandy Schuman [ed] () The IAF handbook of group facilitation: best practices from the leading organization in facilitation [i]
  560. () The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
  561. () The architecture of participation [i]
  562. Marie Weil & Michael Reisch [ed] () Handbook of community practice [i] [d]
  563. () Natural mentoring relationships [i] [d]
  564. () Changing the message: a handbook for experiential prevention [i]
  565. () Advocating for equitable development: a PolicyLink manual [o] [u]
  566. () Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
  567. () A bridge between communities: video-making using principles of community-based participatory research [d]
  568. () Roberta's rules of order: sail through meetings for stellar results without the gavel: a guide for nonprofits and other teams [i]
  569. () The big book of leadership games: quick, fun activities to improve communication, increase productivity, and bring out the best in your employees [i]
  570. (/2008) How do you design?: a compendium of models [u]
  571. Thomas J. D'Zurilla, Edward C. Chang, & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Social problem solving: theory, research, and training [i] [d]
  572. () Communicating evidence for participatory decision making [d]
  573. () Lifelines: a life history methodology [p]
  574. () Emotional dynamics in restorative conferences [d]
  575. () Consensus building: clarifications for the critics [d]
  576. () Solving tough problems: an open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities [i]
  577. () Together in rhythm: a facilitator's guide to drum circle music [i]
  578. () Work-related lifelong learning for entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector [d]
  579. Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, & Ruthellen Josselson [ed] () Healing plots: the narrative basis of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  580. () Multiple pasts, converging presents, and alternative futures [d]
  581. () Transitions through out-of-keeping acts [d]
  582. () Problem structuring methods in action [d]
  583. () Equity, diversity, and interdependence: reconnecting governance and people through authentic dialogue [i]
  584. () Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
  585. () Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
  586. () Decision support for practical reasoning: a theoretical and computational perspective [i] [d]
  587. () From client-centered to clarification-oriented psychotherapy [d]
  588. T. Laine Scales & Calvin L. Streeter [ed] () Rural social work: building and sustaining community assets [i]
  589. () Bridging difference through dialogue: a constructivist perspective [d]
  590. () Moving beyond the blame game: toward a discursive approach to negotiating conflict within couple relationships [d]
  591. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  592. (/2012) The secrets of facilitation: the S.M.A.R.T. guide to getting results with groups [i]
  593. (/2007) Unstuck: a tool for yourself, your team, and your world [i]
  594. () The tao of democracy: using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all [i]
  595. () Restorative justice: the empowerment model [i]
  596. () Emotional support skills [i] [d]
  597. () Coping with paradox: multistakeholder learning dialogue as a pluralist sensemaking process for addressing messy problems [d]
  598. () Decision aiding and psychotherapy [u]
  599. () Creativity in psychotherapy: reaching new heights with individuals, couples, and families [i]
  600. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  601. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  602. () Breaking the cycle of distrust [i]
  603. () Good business: leadership, flow, and the making of meaning [i]
  604. () Tools for development: a handbook for those engaged in development activity [u]
  605. () Decision making by communicative design: rational argument in organisations [d]
  606. () Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  607. () Cognitive–behavior therapy: reflections on the evolution of a therapeutic orientation [d]
  608. () Managing group process [i]
  609. () Communication skills for group decision making [i] [d]
  610. () Desde el diagnóstico territorial participativo hasta la mesa de negociación: orientaciones metodológicas [u]
  611. () A road map for facilitating collaborative teams [i]
  612. () Practical facilitation: a toolkit of techniques [i]
  613. () Drawing development: analysing local understandings of development in three Andean communities [d]
  614. () Science as systemic intervention: some implications of systems thinking and complexity for the philosophy of science [d]
  615. () Fixed role in a fishbowl: consultation-based fixed role therapy as a pedagogical technique [d]
  616. () Beyond intractability: a free knowledge base on more constructive approaches to destructive conflict [u]
  617. () Public ecology: an environmental science and policy for global society [d]
  618. (/2005) Making sense of the 'group mind' [i]
  619. () Coaching across cultures: new tools for leveraging national, corporate, and professional differences [i]
  620. () Democracy and its global roots: why democratization is not the same as westernization [u]
  621. () The solution path: a step-by-step guide to turning your workplace problems into opportunities [i]
  622. (/2006) The leader's guide to skills: unlocking the creativity and innovation in you and your team [i]
  623. () Dying to meet you: facing mortality and enabling patient styles [d]
  624. () Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management [d]
  625. () Personality and quality of life: the importance of optimism and goal adjustment [d]
  626. () Contributions of caucusing and pre-caucusing to mediation [u]
  627. () Becoming an ally: breaking the cycle of oppression in people [i]
  628. () The facilitator as gatekeeper: a critical analysis of social order in facilitation sessions [d]
  629. () Environmental education as facilitator of the use of ecological information: a case study in Mexico [d]
  630. () The reflective practitioner: learning and teaching in community-based forest management [j] [u]
  631. () The three person field: collaborative consultation to psychotherapy [d]
  632. () Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
  633. () Sustainable solutions: building assets for empowerment and sustainable development [o] [u]
  634. Catalina Gandelsonas [ed] () Communicating for development: experience in the urban environment [i] [d]
  635. (/2016) Asset building & community development [i] [d]
  636. Lance H. Gunderson & C. S. Holling [ed] () Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems [i]
  637. () Understanding facilitation: theory & principles [i]
  638. () Assimilative integration and responsive use of the assimilation model [d]
  639. () Mapping competencies for communication for development and social change: turning knowledge, skills, and attitudes into action [o] [u]
  640. () Facilitation toolkit: a practical guide for working more effectively with people and groups [i]
  641. (/2012) Beginnings: the art and science of planning psychotherapy [i]
  642. (/2019) Stages of change [in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  643. () The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceptions on feedback-seeking intentions [d]
  644. () Stages of change: a critique [p] [d]
  645. () Brainsketching and how it differs from brainstorming [d]
  646. () Partnerships, information and public safety: community policing in a time of terror [d]
  647. () F1rst among equals: how to manage a group of professionals [i]
  648. Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
  649. () Executive coaching: it's not just about the executive [d]
  650. () A small book about large group games [i]
  651. () Engaging local communities in wildlife management area planning: an evaluation of the Lake Ontario Islands search conference [j]
  652. () The workshop book: from individual creativity to group action [i]
  653. () Moral emotions in restorative justice conferences: managing shame, designing empathy [d]
  654. () The 64 heuristics [i]
  655. () How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
  656. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  657. () The gift of therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients [i]
  658. (/2015) Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity [i]
  659. (/2010) Reflective practice: writing and professional development [i]
  660. () Commentary on Bohart's 'The client is the most important common factor' [d]
  661. () 'Simply to be let in': inclusion as a basis for recovery [d]
  662. Adrian Edwards & Glyn Elwyn [ed] (/2009) Shared decision-making in health care: achieving evidence-based patient choice [i]
  663. () Creative support for innovative decisions [d]
  664. () Time, temporal capability, and planned change [d] [j]
  665. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  666. () Dialog mapping: solving wicked problems [u]
  667. () Choosing between competing design ideals in information systems development [d]
  668. () Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
  669. () Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
  670. () Social influence, empathy, and prosocial behavior in cross-cultural perspective [i]
  671. () Snakes versus ladders: a validation of laddering technique as a measure of hierarchical structure [d]
  672. () Putting something in the middle: an approach to dialogue [o]
  673. (/2017) Deliberative democracy and the case for depoliticising government [i]
  674. Waleed A. Salameh & William F. Fry [ed] () Humor and wellness in clinical intervention [i]
  675. David Louis Schoem & Sylvia Hurtado [ed] () Intergroup dialogue: deliberative democracy in school, college, community, and workplace [i] [d]
  676. () Compendium: making meetings into knowledge events [u]
  677. () Public dialogue and participatory democracy: the Cupertino community project [i]
  678. (/2005) Restorative justice: healing the foundations of our everyday lives [i]
  679. (/2015) Teaching and learning reflective practice in the action science/action inquiry tradition [i] [d]
  680. Bruce Torff & Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind: student and teacher learning [i]
  681. () Facilitating community change [i]
  682. (/2012) Facilitating with ease!: core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers [i]
  683. () The tyranny of small decisions: origins, outcomes, and proposed solutions [i]
  684. Warren K. Bickel & Rudy E. Vuchinich [ed] () Reframing health behavior change with behavioral economics [i]
  685. () Teaching interpersonal skills for negotiation and for life [d]
  686. () Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
  687. (/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
  688. () Science education as conceptual change [d]
  689. Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch, & Eric Colton Marcus [ed] (/2014) The handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice [i]
  690. () Whole-scale change toolkit: tools for unleashing the magic in organizations [i]
  691. () Reaching for higher ground in conflict resolution: tools for powerful groups and communities [i]
  692. () Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work [i]
  693. () From geographical information systems to spatial group decision support systems: a complex itinerary [d]
  694. () IAP2 public participation toolbox [u]
  695. () Education as the cultivation of intelligence [i]
  696. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  697. () The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
  698. () The librarian as secular minister to democracy: the life and ideas of John Cotton Dana [j]
  699. () Adversarial and non-adversarial thinking [i]
  700. () The essential elements of facilitation [i]
  701. () Changing others through changing ourselves: the transformation of human systems [d]
  702. () A survey of design rationale systems: approaches, representation, capture and retrieval [d] [u]
  703. () Making dreams come true without money, might, or miracles: a guide for dream-chasers and dream-catchers [i]
  704. () The art of focused conversation: 100 ways to access group wisdom in the workplace [i]
  705. () The big book of humorous training games [i]
  706. () The discipline of teamwork: participation and concertive control [i]
  707. () Organizational cultures as holding environments: a psychodynamic look at organizational symbolism [d]
  708. () Understanding local people's use of time: a pre-condition for good co-management [d]
  709. Jerome C. Glenn & Theodore J. Gordon [ed] (/2009) Futures research methodology v3.0 [i]
  710. () From Web to workplace: designing open hypermedia systems [i] [d]
  711. () Bold analysis and associative dialogue: freedom and continuity in analytic discourse [d]
  712. (/2003) The facilitator's toolkit [i]
  713. (/2020) Helping skills: facilitating exploration, insight, and action [i] [d]
  714. Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, & Steven Cady [ed] (/2007) The change handbook: the definitive resource on today's best methods for engaging whole systems [i]
  715. () Facilitating integrated resource and environmental management: Australian and Canadian perspectives [d]
  716. (/2012) The facilitator's fieldbook: step-by-step guides, checklists, samples and worksheets [i]
  717. () Leadership games: experiential learning for organizational development [i]
  718. (/2009) Transforming practices: finding joy and satisfaction in the legal life [i]
  719. () Expressing emotion: myths, realities, and therapeutic strategies [i]
  720. () Designing technology to support reflection [d]
  721. (/2007) Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families [i]
  722. () Recovering unimodal latent patterns of change by unfolding analysis: application to smoking cessation [d]
  723. () Why don't continents move? Why don't people change? [d]
  724. () 101 ways to make meetings active: surefire ideas to engage your group [i]
  725. () Wholeness: dimensions of power [d]
  726. () The role of the neutral in intra-orgamzational mediation: in support of active neutrality [d]
  727. () The choosing by advantages decisionmaking system [i]
  728. Lawrence Susskind, Sarah McKearnan, & Jennifer Thomas-Larmer [ed] () The consensus building handbook: a comprehensive guide to reaching agreement [i]
  729. (/2000) The third side: why we fight and how we can stop [or: Getting to peace: transforming conflict at home, at work, and in the world] [i]
  730. () The big book of icebreakers: 50 quick, fun activities for energizing meetings and workshops [i]
  731. Shirley A. White [ed] () The art of facilitating participation: releasing the power of grassroots communication [i]
  732. () Getting agencies to work together: the practice and theory of managerial craftmanship [i]
  733. () Characteristics of optimal clinical case formulations: the linchpin concept [p] [d]
  734. (/2005) Facilitation made easy: practical tips to improve meetings and workshops [i]
  735. Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, & Germain Lietaer [ed] () Handbook of experiential psychotherapy [i]
  736. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life, by Richard Nielsen [book review] [d]
  737. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] (/2006) The ethical practice of psychology in organizations [i] [d]
  738. () Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
  739. () Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
  740. () Pride, shame and empathy among peers: community conferencing as transformative justice in education [i]
  741. (/2010) Learning, creating, and using knowledge: concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations [i]
  742. () The reinventing government facilitator's guide: introducing frontline employees to reinvention [i]
  743. (/2002) Facilitation skills: helping groups make decisions [i]
  744. (/2005) The facilitator excellence handbook [i]
  745. Niels G. Röling & Mana Anna Elisabeth Wagemakers [ed] () Facilitating sustainable agriculture: participatory learning and adaptive management in times of environmental uncertainty [i]
  746. () Learning in relationship: foundation for personal and professional success [i]
  747. () Resolving conflicts among self-evaluative motives: positive experiences as a resource for overcoming defensiveness [d]
  748. () Techniques for reducing therapy-interfering behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder: similarities in four diverse treatment paradigms [p]
  749. (/2015) Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: a practical guide for dynamic times [or: Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations: a practical guide and workbook] [i] [d]
  750. () Agent of change: my life, my practice [i]
  751. () Organizing genius: the secrets of creative collaboration [i]
  752. () The heart of being helpful: empathy and the creation of a healing presence [i]
  753. () Whose reality counts?: putting the first last [i] [d]
  754. () Dialogue and the transformation of memory [u]
  755. () Giving people a voice rather than a message [u]
  756. () Self-help and support groups: a handbook for practitioners [i]
  757. () Art for democracy's sake [o]
  758. Meredith Minkler [ed] (/2012) Community organizing and community building for health and welfare [i] [d]
  759. () Expanding our now: the story of open space technology [i]
  760. (/2008) Open space technology: a user's guide [i]
  761. () The role of node-link maps in enhancing counseling efficiency [p] [d]
  762. () Clients helping therapists find solutions to their therapy [d]
  763. (/2004) The mutual-aid approach to working with groups: helping people help one another [i]
  764. () Towards a methodology of psychological practice: the regulative cycle [d]
  765. (/2005) Creating and implementing your strategic plan: a workbook for public and nonprofit organizations [i]
  766. () The strategy of nonviolent defense: a Gandhian approach [i]
  767. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  768. () The search conference: a powerful method for planning organizational change and community action [i]
  769. Burt Galaway & Joe Hudson [ed] () Restorative justice: international perspectives [i]
  770. () Cognitive roles in the mediation process: development of the mediation inventory for cognitive roles assessment [d]
  771. () Precursors of change: pivotal points of involvement and resistance in psychotherapy [d]
  772. (/2014) Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making [i]
  773. (/2010) Beyond the wall of resistance: why 70% of all changes still fail—and what you can do about it [i]
  774. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life [i]
  775. David R. Olson & Nancy Torrance [ed] () The handbook of education and human development: new models of learning, teaching, and schooling [i] [d]
  776. () Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
  777. () Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
  778. Stephen Toulmin & Bjørn Gustavsen [ed] () Beyond theory: changing organizations through participation [i] [d]
  779. () Negotiation as a healing process [u]
  780. () Coping with intractable controversies: the case for problem structuring in policy design and analysis [d]
  781. () A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
  782. () No more teams!: mastering the dynamics of creative collaboration [i]
  783. () Developing a collaborative model for environmental planning and management [d]
  784. (/2000) Future search: an action guide to finding common ground in organizations and communities [i]
  785. () A pound of cure: facilitating participatory processes in technological hazard disputes [d]
  786. () Career management: matching the needs of individuals with the needs of organizations [d]
  787. () The mind map book: how to use radiant thinking to maximize your brain's untapped potential [i]
  788. () Team-based strategic planning: a complete guide to structuring, facilitating, and implementing the process [i]
  789. () Real time strategic change: how to involve an entire organization in fast and far-reaching change [i]
  790. () Stages of change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors [d]
  791. () Changing for good: the revolutionary program that explains the six stages of change and teaches you how to free yourself from bad habits [i]
  792. () The wheel of learning: mastering the rhythm of a learning organization [i]
  793. () Balancing inquiry and advocacy [i]
  794. () The ladder of inference [i]
  795. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  796. Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Rick Ross, & Bryan Smith [ed] () The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization [i]
  797. (/1998) A guide to community visioning: hands-on information for local communities [i]
  798. () How problems evolve and dissolve: integrating narrative and strategic concepts [p] [d]
  799. () Knowledge acquisition as a constructive modeling activity [d]
  800. () Knowledge acquisition tools based on personal construct psychology [d]
  801. () Taking flight: dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning [d]
  802. () Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations [d]
  803. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  804. () Contrast, contradiction, and change in psychotherapy [d]
  805. (/1997) Imaginization: new mindsets for seeing, organizing and managing [i]
  806. () Thinking with machines: intelligence augmentation, evolutionary epistemology, and semiotic [d]
  807. () Goals-and-methods matrix: coping with projects with ill defined goals and/or methods of achieving them [d]
  808. (/2009) The handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations [i]
  809. (/2011) Therapeutic communication: knowing what to say when [i]
  810. () Competence, courage, and change: an approach to family therapy [i]
  811. (/2007) More than 50 ways to build team consensus [i]
  812. () Values at work: transforming workplace values with compassion [u]
  813. () Changing the essence: the art of creating and leading fundamental change in organizations [i]
  814. () Supporting indirect collaborative design with integrated knowledge-based design environments [d] [u]
  815. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  816. (/1997) Processing the experience: strategies to enhance and generalize learning [i]
  817. () In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors [p] [d]
  818. (/2019) The transtheoretical approach [i] [d]
  819. (/2013) The strengths perspective in social work practice [i]
  820. () Options for educators: a monograph for decision makers on alternative participatory strategies [o] [u]
  821. () Autobiographical awareness as a catalyst for managerial and organisational development [d] [u]
  822. () The eight essential steps to conflict resolution: preserving relationships at work, at home, and in the community [i]
  823. Marvin Ross Weisbord [ed] () Discovering common ground: how future search conferences bring people together to achieve breakthrough innovation, empowerment, shared vision, and collaborative action [i]
  824. () The reflecting team: dialogues and dialogues about the dialogues [i]
  825. () How to change behavior [i] [d]
  826. (/2009) Managing transitions: making the most of change [i]
  827. () A process-oriented approach to design rationale [d]
  828. Rebecca Coleman Curtis & George Stricker [ed] () How people change: inside and outside therapy [i] [d]
  829. () Toward an integrative theory of psychological change in individuals and organizations: a cognitive-affective regulation model [i] [d]
  830. () Making argumentation serve design [d] [u]
  831. () WHAT: an argumentative groupware approach for organizing and documenting research activities [d]
  832. (/2004) Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft and creative approaches [i]
  833. () Facilitation in action research [d]
  834. James M. Nyce & Paul Kahn [ed] () From memex to hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the mind's machine [i]
  835. () The use of grounded theory for conceptual analysis in knowledge elicitation [d]
  836. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  837. () The role of 'accomplices' in preventing and facilitating change [i] [d]
  838. () Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
  839. () Experiencing a well-formed problem [i]
  840. (/1995) Creative solution finding: the triumph of breakthrough thinking over conventional problem solving [i]
  841. () Concrete interventions are crucial: the influence of the therapist's processing proposals on the client's intrapersonal exploration in client-centered therapy [i] [u]
  842. (/2006) The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization [i]
  843. (/2006) Active training: a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips [i]
  844. () Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
  845. () Confrontation and non-confrontation as differential techniques in differential client-centered therapy [i] [u]
  846. () Practical reasoning: goal-driven, knowledge-based, action-guiding argumentation [i]
  847. () Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
  848. Gerard Fromm & Bruce L. Smith [ed] () The facilitating environment: clinical applications of Winnicott's theory [i]
  849. () The facilitators' handbook [i]
  850. John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead [ed] (/2001) Rational analysis for a problematic world revisited: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty and conflict [i]
  851. (/2018) Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement [i]
  852. () Methodology and epistemology for social science: selected papers [i]
  853. () First-order, second-order, and third-order change and organization development interventions: a cognitive approach [d]
  854. () Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving [d]
  855. () The artist as therapist [i]
  856. (/2004) Productive workplaces revisited: dignity, meaning, and community in the 21st century [i]
  857. () Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
  858. () Games for social and life skills [i]
  859. (/1988) Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences [i]
  860. (/1999) Problem-solving therapy: a social competence approach to clinical intervention [i]
  861. () The problem-solving model [in social work] [i]
  862. () Mapping practice: problem solving in clinical social work [p] [d]
  863. () Toward a theory of frames and reframing: the social nature of frames [d]
  864. (/1993) The ideal problem solver: a guide for improving thinking, learning, and creativity [i]
  865. () Counseling: a problem-solving approach [i]
  866. () The politics of giving therapy away: listening and focusing [i] [u]
  867. () Learning how to learn [i]
  868. () Symbiotic, knowledge-based computer support systems [d]
  869. () Toward another view of legal negotiation: the structure of problem solving [o]
  870. () Eliciting the real problem [and comments] [i] [d]
  871. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  872. () Experiments as arguments [d]
  873. () Reforms as arguments [d]
  874. () On the concepts of period, phase, stage, and level [d] [j]
  875. () Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
  876. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  877. Peter Reason & John Rowan [ed] () Human inquiry: a sourcebook of new paradigm research [i]
  878. () Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
  879. () New directions in the analysis and interactive elicitation of personal construct systems [d]
  880. (/1986) The consulting process in action [i]
  881. (/2006) Cooperative games and sports: joyful activities for everyone [i]
  882. () Writing: a problem-solving process [d] [j]
  883. () Two hats [o] [u]
  884. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
  885. () Transition: understanding & managing personal change [i]
  886. () Experiential knowledge: a new concept for the analysis of self-help groups [d]
  887. (/1993) How to make meetings work!: the new interaction method [i]
  888. (/2014) The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping [i]
  889. Frederick H. Kanfer & Arnold P. Goldstein [ed] (/1991) Helping people change: a textbook of methods [i]
  890. () Towards an applied theory of experiential learning [i]
  891. () Toward a constructional approach to social problems: ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis [p] [j]
  892. (/2003) The universal traveler: a soft-systems guide to creativity, problem-solving, and the process of reaching goals [i]
  893. Francis J. Turner [ed] (/2017) Social work treatment: interlocking theoretical approaches [i]
  894. () Learning together: how to foster creativity, self-fulfillment, and social awareness in today's students and teachers [i]
  895. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  896. () Issues as elements of information systems [o] [u]
  897. () The practice of creativity: a manual for dynamic group problem solving [o]
  898. (/2005) The theory and practice of group psychotherapy [i]
  899. () The non-directive approach in group and community work [o]
  900. () The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development [o]
  901. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  902. () Decisional conflicts: a theoretical analysis [d]
  903. (/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
  904. () Social casework: a problem-solving process: a fresh, unifying approach to casework practice [i]
  905. () Design for an intelligence-amplifier [o] [d] [j]
  906. (/1963) Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving [i]
  907. (/1952) Communication: its blocking and its facilitation [j]
  908. () Science and world community [j]
  909. () As we may think [u]
  910. () Science and the world mind [o] [u]
  911. (/1978) Question and answer [i]
  912. () Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
  913. (/2021) World brain [i] [d] [u]
  914. () Today's distress and horrors basically intellectual [d] [j]
  915. (/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
  916. () The art of thought [o] [u]
  917. (/1913) The discovery of the future [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2024 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 31 July 2024 (view Zotero library on
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