How to express gratitude
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- Will Dubman (2024) Gratitude from Will [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
- Hongbo Yu, Yubo Zhou, & Anne-Marie Nussberger (2024) Gratitude is morally sensitive [p] [d] [u]
- Paula Kane Robinson Arai (2023) The little book of Zen healing: Japanese rituals for beauty, harmony, and love [i]
- Christian Bernhard (2023) Gratitude during times of uncertainty: connections to creativities in music education [i] [d]
- Jennifer E. Abel, Preeti Vani, Nicole Abi-Esber, Hayley Blunden, & Juliana Schroeder (2022) Kindness in short supply: evidence for inadequate prosocial input [p] [d]
- Justin M. Ludwig, Karina Schumann, & Tenelle Porter (2022) Humble and apologetic?: predicting apology quality with intellectual and general humility [d]
- Tony Manela (2022) Gratitude and meaning in life [i] [d]
- Egleé L. Zent & Stanford Zent (2022) Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
- Egleé L. Zent, Stanford Zent, Lojta Jtute, Awelajlu Jtitekyo, Jkatalila̧ Jtute, Lobįko Ijtö, Ilę Jkwayo, Maliela Yaluja, Iva Juae, Noe Jono, Alejadro Molö, Aula Amikoja, Abeto Melomaja, Alabala Aubojkyo, Kyabo Bowijte, Awaïkï Yewi, Jani-Yewi Yewi, Ba̧lejko Jtitekyo, Jkai, Jtobá Jtute, Lila Yolo, Ajti̧ta Uliejteja, Jtujkaybojlae Bowijte, Ulijkule Jtute, Jkwajkya Jlawi, & Late Bowijte (2022) Trekking the Amazon with love and care [d] [j]
- Nate Klemp & Kaley Klemp (2021) 5 research-backed ways to strengthen your relationship with your co-founder [u]
- Jessica L. Navarro & Jonathan R. H. Tudge (2020) What is gratitude? Ingratitude provides the answer [d]
- Stephen Darwall (2019) Gratitude as a second-personal attitude (of the heart) [i]
- Nicole T. Gabana (2019) Gratitude in sport: positive psychology for athletes and implications for mental health, well-being, and performance [i] [d]
- Robert Roberts & Daniel Telech [ed] (2019) The moral psychology of gratitude [i]
- Donna Cameron (2018) A year of living kindly: choices that will change your life and the world around you [i]
- Rick Hanson & Forrest Hanson (2018) Resilient: how to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness [i]
- Laura Johnson (2018) How personal grief connects us to shared compassion [u]
- Amit Kumar & Nicholas Epley (2018) Undervaluing gratitude: expressers misunderstand the consequences of showing appreciation [p] [d]
- Thomas Lickona (2018) How to raise kind kids: and get respect, gratitude, and a happier family in the bargain [i]
- Barrett Mosbacker (2018) 6 reasons why you should keep a journal and tips for journaling [u]
- Catherine Florio Pipas (2018) A doctor's dozen: twelve strategies for personal health and a culture of wellness [i]
- Drew Chastain (2017) Gifts without givers: secular spirituality and metaphorical cognition [d]
- Lawrence K. Ma, Richard J. Tunney, & Eamonn Ferguson (2017) Does gratitude enhance prosociality?: a meta-analytic review [p] [d]
- Patrick A. Boleyn-Fitzgerald (2016) Gratitude toward things [i] [d]
- David Carr [ed] (2016) Perspectives on gratitude: an interdisciplinary approach [i] [d]
- Saul Smilansky (2016) Gratitude: the dark side [i] [d]
- Jo-Ann Tsang & Stephen R. Martin (2016) A psychological perspective on gratitude and religion [i] [d]
- Philip C. Watkins & Duncan McCurrach (2016) Exploring how gratitude trains cognitive processes important to well-being [i] [d]
- Alex M. Wood, Robert A. Emmons, Sara B. Algoe, Jeffrey J. Froh, Nathanial M. Lambert, & Philip Watkins (2016) A dark side of gratitude?: distinguishing between beneficial gratitude and its harmful impostors for the positive clinical psychology of gratitude and well-being [i] [d]
- Ross Buck & Mike Miller (2015) Beyond facial expression: spatial distance as a factor in the communication of discrete emotions [i] [d]
- Arie Nadler (2015) The other side of helping: seeking and receiving help [i] [d]
- Pat Brisson & Mary Azarian (2014) Before we eat: from farm to table [i]
- Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen (2014) Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
- Philip C. Watkins (2014) Gratitude and the good life: toward a psychology of appreciation [i] [d]
- Philip C. Watkins (2014) Parenting styles that may cultivate gratitude [i] [d]
- Sara B. Algoe, Barbara L. Fredrickson, & Shelly L. Gable (2013) The social functions of the emotion of gratitude via expression [p] [d]
- Steven Harper (2013) Meal chant stew [u]
- Norman E. Rosenthal (2013) The gift of adversity: the unexpected benefits of life's difficulties, setbacks, and imperfections [i]
- Rosa Zubizarreta (2013) Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
- Sara B. Algoe & Annette L. Stanton (2012) Gratitude when it is needed most: social functions of gratitude in women with metastatic breast cancer [p] [d]
- Tenshin Reb Anderson (2012) The third turning of the wheel: wisdom of the Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra [i]
- Mauro Bieg (2012) Gratitude and why you shouldn't expect things to 'just work' [u]
- Tony Schwartz (2012) Why appreciation matters so much [u]
- Cameron L. Gordon, Robyn A. M. Arnette, & Rachel E. Smith (2011) Have you thanked your spouse today?: felt and expressed gratitude among married couples [d]
- Marie Kondō (2011/2014) The life-changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing [i]
- Clarence Duncan Sings-Alone (2011) Morning prayer [and Red Path Zen] [u]
- Ernest L. Abel & Michael L. Kruger (2010) Smile intensity in photographs predicts longevity [d]
- Jan G. M. Kooloos, Sophie Bolt, Joop van der Straaten, & Dirk J. Ruiter (2010) An altar in honor of the anatomical gift [d]
- Terry L. Paulson (2010) The optimism advantage: 50 simple truths to transform your attitudes and actions into results [i]
- Sara B. Algoe & Jonathan Haidt (2009) Witnessing excellence in action: the 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration [d]
- Jan Chozen Bays (2009) Mindful eating: a guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food [i]
- Diana Fosha (2009) Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire, and the emergent phenomenology of transformational experience [i]
- Shunmyō Masuno (2009/2019) The art of simple living: 100 daily practices from a Japanese Zen monk for a lifetime of calm and joy [i]
- Robert W. Palmatier, Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Jennifer R. Bechkoff, & Frank R. Kardes (2009) The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing [d]
- Philip C. Watkins, Michael Van Gelder, & Araceli Frias (2009) Furthering the science of gratitude [i] [d]
- Alex M. Wood, Stephen Joseph, & John Maltby (2009) Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the Big Five facets [d]
- William F. Baker & Michael O'Malley (2008) Leading with kindness: how good people consistently get superior results [i]
- Joan Halifax (2008) Being with dying: cultivating compassion and fearlessness in the presence of death [i]
- Lara Honos-Webb (2008) Psychotherapy revolution: translating symptoms into gifts [d]
- Maryjo Prince-Paul (2008) Understanding the meaning of social well-being at the end of life [d]
- Alex M. Wood, John Maltby, Raphael Gillett, P. Alex Linley, & Stephen Joseph (2008) The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: two longitudinal studies [d]
- Robert A. Emmons (2007) Thanks!: how the new science of gratitude can make you happier [i]
- Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter (2007) What got you here won't get you there: how successful people become even more successful [i]
- Ingrid Harris (2007) The gift of suffering [i]
- Mike W. Martin (2007) Albert Schweitzer's reverence for life: ethical idealism and self-realization [i]
- Stephen Garrard Post & Jill Neimark (2007) Why good things happen to good people: the exciting new research that proves the link between doing good and living a longer, healthier, happier life [i]
- Ryan W. Quinn (2007) Energizing others in work connections [i] [d]
- Hillary Rettig (2007) The little guide to beating procrastination, perfectionism and blocks: a manual for artists, activists, entrepreneurs, academics and other ambitious dreamers [u]
- J. Mark G. Williams, John D. Teasdale, Zindel V. Segal, & Jon Kabat-Zinn (2007) The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness [i]
- Keiko Otake, Satoshi Shimai, Junko Tanaka-Matsumi, Kanako Otsui, & Barbara L. Fredrickson (2006) Happy people become happier through kindness: a counting kindnesses intervention [d]
- Alaka Ray, Susan D. Block, Robert J. Friedlander, Baohui Zhang, Paul K. Maciejewski, & Holly G. Prigerson (2006) Peaceful awareness in patients with advanced cancer [d]
- Kennon M. Sheldon & Sonja Lyubomirsky (2006) How to increase and sustain positive emotion: the effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves [d]
- Gary Snyder (2006) Writers and the war against nature [i]
- Ming-Shium Tu (2006) Illness: an opportunity for spiritual growth [d]
- Ellen Birx & Charles Shinkai Birx (2005) Waking up together: intimate partnership on the spiritual path [i]
- Raphael Cushnir (2005) How now: 100 ways to celebrate the present moment [i]
- Roger Fisher & Daniel Shapiro (2005) Beyond reason: using emotions as you negotiate [i]
- Blanche Hartman (2005) Just to be alive is enough [u]
- Jennifer Welchman (2005) Virtue ethics and human development: a pragmatic approach [i] [d]
- Ira Byock (2004) The four things that matter most: a book about living [i]
- Lorne Ladner (2004) The lost art of compassion: discovering the practice of happiness in the meeting of Buddhism and psychology [i]
- Robert Firestone, Lisa A. Firestone, & Joyce Cartlett (2003) Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
- Jan Nattier (2003) A few good men: the Bodhisattva path according to the Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā) [i]
- Judith Wright (2003/2006) The soft addiction solution: break free of the seemingly harmless habits that keep you from the life you want [or: There must be more than this: finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions] [i]
- Howard Karl Butcher & Kathleen Coen Buckwalter (2002) Exasperations as blessings: meaning-making and the caregiving experience [d]
- Gregg Krech (2002) Naikan: gratitude, grace, and the Japanese art of self-reflection [i]
- Michael E. McCullough, Robert A. Emmons, & Jo-Ann Tsang (2002) The grateful disposition: a conceptual and empirical topography [d]
- Nina Wise (2002) A big new free happy unusual life: self-expression and spiritual practice for those who have time for neither [i]
- Beverly Engel (2001) The power of apology: healing steps to transform all your relationships [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2001) Your heart sutra [i]
- Michael E. McCullough, Shelley D. Kilpatrick, Robert A. Emmons, & David B. Larson (2001) Is gratitude a moral affect? [p] [d]
- Ann Belford Ulanov (2001) Finding space: Winnicott, God, and psychic reality [i]
- Darlene Cohen (2000) Finding a joyful life in the heart of pain [or: Turning suffering inside out: a Zen approach to living with physical and emotional pain] [i]
- Mary Jane Ryan (1999/2007) Giving thanks: the gifts of gratitude [i]
- Patrick A. Boleyn-Fitzgerald (1998) Gratitude and justice [d] [j]
- Peter Roger Breggin (1998/2011) Humility, augmented by the deep breath technique [i] [d]
- Joanna Macy & Molly Young Brown (1998) Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
- Peter Roger Breggin (1997) The heart of being helpful: empathy and the creation of a healing presence [i]
- Pema Chödrön (1997) When things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times [i]
- Nonin Chowaney (1997/2001) Intimacy [u]
- Stephen Levine (1997) A year to live: how to live this year as if it were your last [i]
- Saul Smilansky (1997) Should I be grateful to you for not harming me? [d] [j]
- Janelle Barlow & Claus Møller (1996/2008) A complaint is a gift: recovering customer loyalty when things go wrong [i]
- Taigen Daniel Leighton (1996) Now is the past of the future [or: Meeting our ancestors of the future] [u]
- Kenny Werner (1996) Effortless mastery: liberating the master musician within [i]
- Tenshin Reb Anderson & Susan Ichi Su Moon (1995/2005) Warm smiles from cold mountains: Dharma talks on Zen meditation [i]
- Dennis Greenberger & Christine A. Padesky (1995/2016) Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think [i]
- Gary Snyder (1995) A place in space: ethics, aesthetics, and watersheds: new and selected prose [i]
- Jerry Dorsman & Bob Davis (1994) How to achieve peace of mind: your guide for attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being [i]
- Jonathan White (1994) Talking on the water: conversations about nature and creativity [i]
- Agnes Martin & Dieter Schwarz (1992) Writings = Schriften [i]
- Joanna Macy (1991/2007) World as lover, world as self: courage for global justice and ecological renewal [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1990) Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
- Gary Snyder (1990) The practice of the wild: essays [i]
- Gary Snyder (1990/2016) La práctica de lo salvaje: ensayos [i]
- Mike W. Martin (1989/2007) Everyday morality: an introduction to applied ethics [i]
- Richard Solly & Roseann Lloyd (1989) Journeynotes: writing for recovery and spiritual growth [i]
- Manfred Kochen (1987) How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? [d]
- David Dunn (1947/1970) Try giving yourself away: a tonic for these troubled times [i] [u]
- James Burgh (1754/1812) The dignity of human nature: or, A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence [o] [u]