How to exercise timely action

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Productivity is power 2: for creative, business, and other professionals [i]
  2. () How using a paper versus mobile calendar influences everyday planning and plan fulfillment [d]
  3. () Sample design theory: using time tracking to improve the intentionality of time at work [u]
  4. () Beware a culture of busyness: organizations must stop conflating activity with achievement [u]
  5. () Stress-free productivity: a personalized toolkit to become your most efficient and creative self [i]
  6. () Introducing the virtue of good timing and some surprising functions of practical reason [d]
  7. () Calendar keepers: the unsung heroes in Indigenous landscape management [i] [d]
  8. () 'Feeling in control': optimal busyness and the temporality of organizational controls [d] [u]
  9. () What we owe the future: a million-year view [i]
  10. () Imaginable: how to see the future coming and be ready for anything [i]
  11. () Productivity is power: five liberating practices for college students [i]
  12. () How exercising now could benefit your future grandchildren [u]
  13. () The future is vast: longtermism's perspective on humanity's past, present, and future [u]
  14. () Making sense of the future [i] [d] [u]
  15. () The specificity gradient [in information system design and implementation] [u]
  16. () Worlds lost and found: regional science contributions in support of collective decision-making for collective action [i] [d]
  17. () Productivity is about your systems, not your people [u]
  18. () The DNA of VUCA: a framework for building learning agility in an accelerating world [DNA: diversity, novelty, adversity; the reflection calendar] [i] [d]
  19. () The pivotal generation: why we have a moral responsibility to slow climate change right now [i] [d] [j]
  20. () The 12 week year for writers: a comprehensive guide to getting your writing done [i]
  21. () 'Timing' of scanning systems [u]
  22. () Your 13 self-made practices [for time-based productivity] [u]
  23. () Time as kinship [i] [d] [u]
  24. () Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
  25. () The organised writer: how to stay on top of all your projects and never miss a deadline [i]
  26. () The risks you can't foresee: what to do when there's no playbook [u]
  27. () The good ancestor: how to think long-term in a short-term world [i]
  28. () GIScience, fast and slow—why faster geographic information is not always smarter [d]
  29. () The precipice: existential risk and the future of humanity [i]
  30. () Do to-do lists work?: new research explores to-do list use in relation to procrastination [u]
  31. () A brief argument for the overwhelming importance of shaping the far future [i] [d]
  32. () How to get through an extremely busy time at work [u]
  33. () Time in relation to goals [p] [d]
  34. () Start finishing: how to go from idea to done [i]
  35. () Psychological time and intertemporal preference [p] [d]
  36. Paul R. Lachapelle & Don Albrecht [ed] () Addressing climate change at the community level in the United States [i] [d]
  37. () The high price of efficiency [u]
  38. () Time in ecology: a theoretical framework [i] [d] [j]
  39. () Scheduling styles [p] [d]
  40. () Temporal focus: thinking about the past, present, and future [p] [d]
  41. () The infinite game [i]
  42. () Opportunity cost neglect and consideration in the domain of time [p] [d]
  43. () This could be our future: a manifesto for a more generous world [i]
  44. () Legacy motivations & the psychology of intergenerational decisions [p] [d]
  45. () Time is a network good [p] [d]
  46. () Integrating decision triggers into conservation management practice [d]
  47. () Timefulness: how thinking like a geologist can help save the world [i] [d] [j]
  48. () The debt metaphor explained [u]
  49. () Unfolding futures: Indigenous ways of knowing for the twenty-first century [d] [j]
  50. () Counterproductive: time management in the knowledge economy [i] [d]
  51. () Time predictions: understanding and avoiding unrealism in project planning and everyday life [i] [d]
  52. () The deep historical roots of organization and strategy: traumatic shocks, culture, and institutions [d]
  53. () Making seconds count: when valuing time promotes subjective well-being [p] [d]
  54. () Deliberation and long-term decisions: representing future generations [i] [d]
  55. () Activity versus outcome maximization in time management [p] [d]
  56. () If you can't save 1/10 of a second, you can't save 1 second [u]
  57. () How to get a 'single minute exchange of brain' [u]
  58. () Rethinking time: implications for well-being [d]
  59. () The leader's calendar: how CEOs manage time [u]
  60. () Temporal design: rethinking time in design [d]
  61. () Temporal affordances in the news [d]
  62. () Space and time matter in social-ecological vulnerability assessments [d]
  63. () Breaking news production processes in US metropolitan newspapers: immediacy and journalistic authority [d]
  64. () To the rescue!?: brokering a rapid, scaled and customized compassionate response to suffering after disaster [d]
  65. () Consequences of thought speed [i] [d]
  66. () Learning to time intervals [i] [d]
  67. () How long can we keep doing this?: sustainability as a strictly temporal concept [d]
  68. () From open space to action in 10 hours: a dialogue mapping case study [u]
  69. () Making work visible: exposing time theft to optimize work flow [i]
  70. () The point of maximum deliberation: thinking is to acting like a torch is to a floodlight [i]
  71. () Freeing up time [d] [u]
  72. () Stop checking off easy to-dos [u]
  73. () Reperceiving the future [d]
  74. () Task and interruption management in activity-centric computing [o] [u]
  75. () Internet addiction?: temporality and life online in the networked society [d]
  76. () Digital health: tracking physiomes and activity using wearable biosensors reveals useful health-related information [p] [d] [u]
  77. () On rooted productivity [using a root document and root commitment] [u]
  78. () When: the scientific secrets of perfect timing [i]
  79. () Beyond settler time: temporal sovereignty and indigenous self-determination [i] [d]
  80. () Replace your to-do list with interstitial journaling to increase productivity [u]
  81. () Beyond productivity porn: moving from tips and tricks to a personal knowledge base [u]
  82. () Eat that frog! action workbook [i]
  83. () From risk and time preferences to cultural models of causality: on the challenges and possibilities of field experiments, with examples from rural southwestern Madagascar [i] [d]
  84. () How to escape the dangerous temptation to 'do stuff now before I forget' [using total task scheduling] [u]
  85. () Buying time promotes happiness [p] [d] [u]
  86. () Where has my time gone? [data center latency] [i] [d]
  87. () The role of Indigenous science and local knowledge in integrated observing systems: moving toward adaptive capacity indices and early warning systems [d]
  88. () Structured nonprocrastination: scaffolding efforts to resist the temptation to reconstrue unwarranted delay [i] [d]
  89. () The productivity project: accomplishing more by managing your time, attention, and energy better [i]
  90. () A new orientation to deal with uncertainty in projects [d]
  91. () Beyond viral: the proliferation of social media usage has not resulted in significant social change [d]
  92. () Indigenous ecological calendars define scales for climate change and sustainability assessments [d]
  93. () Operational excellence in your office: a guide to achieving autonomous value stream flow with lean techniques [i] [d]
  94. () Working on something else for a while: pacing in creative design projects [d]
  95. () Lean execution: the basic implementation guide for maximizing process performance [i]
  96. () Why assessing estimative accuracy is feasible and desirable [d]
  97. () Life is short [u]
  98. () Originals: how non-conformists move the world [i]
  99. () How to tell when it's time to move beyond the editing stage [u]
  100. () What we learned: we really need a plan; no, lots of them [i] [d]
  101. () Quick thinkers are smooth talkers: mental speed facilitates charisma [p] [d]
  102. () Temporal strategies for decision-making [i] [d]
  103. () Information communication technology utilization for effective emergency management networks [d]
  104. () Operational excellence: a concise guide to basic concepts and their application [i] [d]
  105. () Information technology, mutual trust, flexibility, agility, adaptability: understanding their linkages and impact on humanitarian supply chain management performance [d]
  106. () Overview of time issues with temporal logics for business process models [i] [d] [u]
  107. () Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days [i]
  108. () The path to last resort: the role of early warning & early action [d] [j]
  109. () Anticipating flash-floods: multi-scale aspects of the social response [d]
  110. () Building the fit organization: six core principles for making your company stronger, faster, and more competitive [i]
  111. Nada Matta, Hassan Atifi, & Guillaume Ducellier [ed] () Daily knowledge valuation in organizations: traceability and capitalization [i] [d]
  112. () The magic of TK [u]
  113. () What makes successful entrepreneurs different in temporal and goal-commitment dimensions? [d]
  114. () A college student's individual analysis of productivity of four years [u]
  115. () The setup: Viviane Schwarz [on bingo scheduling: aleatory time management using a bingo wheel] [u]
  116. () Attitude: how we learn to inhabit the future [i] [d]
  117. () The missing link in culture change management: a daily management system [i]
  118. () How to use data-driven insights to accomplish 'the informed self' [vs. the quantified self] [u]
  119. () Towards a richer model of deliberation dialogue: closure problem and change of circumstances [d]
  120. () Open-ended tasks and time discipline [d]
  121. () How being busy can increase motivation and reduce task completion time [p] [d]
  122. () A typology of time-scale mismatches and behavioral interventions to diagnose and solve conservation problems [p] [d]
  123. () An integrated total life-management system [i]
  124. Jenny Andersson & Eglė Rindzevičiūtė [ed] () The struggle for the long-term in transnational science and politics: forging the future [i] [d]
  125. () Time perspective coaching [i] [d]
  126. () Privileging physical activity over healthy eating: 'time' to choose? [p] [d]
  127. () Process management for knowledge work [i] [d]
  128. () Two awesome hours: science-based strategies to harness your best time and get your most important work done [i]
  129. () The productivity habits: a simple approach to become more productive [i]
  130. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  131. () Calendars and ecosystem management: some observations [d] [j]
  132. () Better and faster: the proven path to unstoppable ideas [i]
  133. () The royal road to time: how understanding of the evolution of time in the brain addresses memory, dreaming, flow, and other psychological phenomena [p] [d] [j]
  134. () Lean human performance improvement [i] [d]
  135. () Planning for innovation: the critical role of agility [i] [d]
  136. () The uncharted territory: time perspective research meets clinical practice: temporal focus in psychotherapy across adulthood and old age [i] [d]
  137. () Using T-groups to develop action research skills in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments [i] [d]
  138. () Cultivating intention (as we enter the fray): the skillful practice of embodying presence, awareness and purpose as action researchers [i] [d]
  139. () A typical woodland homestead calendar [i]
  140. () Digital humanitarians: how big data is changing the face of humanitarian response [i] [d]
  141. () 'Mountains of work': spatialization of work projects in a virtual geographic environment [d]
  142. () The HEAD game: high efficiency analytic decision-making and the art of solving complex problems quickly [i]
  143. () A space time alarm [i] [d]
  144. () Your next project [u]
  145. () All in a day's work?: early conflicts in expertise, life history and time management [i] [d]
  146. Maciej Stolarski, Nicolas Fieulaine, & Wessel van Beek [ed] () Time perspective theory: review, research and application: essays in honor of Philip G. Zimbardo [i] [d]
  147. () Hyper-productive knowledge work performance: the TameFlow approach and its application to Scrum and Kanban [i]
  148. () Rational action: the sciences of policy in Britain and America, 1940–1960 [i] [d] [j]
  149. () How to program yourself for productivity and stop searching for the ideal software [u]
  150. () How a daily review routine improved my life and work [u]
  151. () Unstoppable: using the power of focus to take action and achieve your goals [i]
  152. () Designing spatio-temporal PIM tools for prospective memory support [i] [d]
  153. () Resource extraction and protest in Peru [i] [j]
  154. () Use the 45/15 rule for productive procrastination [u]
  155. () Tourism and the smartphone app: capabilities, emerging practice and scope in the travel domain [d]
  156. () Your perfect productive day [or: A day in the life of your most productive self: infographic] [u]
  157. () The to-do graph [and why to-do lists don't work] [u]
  158. () Time poverty thresholds in the USA [i] [d]
  159. () The organized mind: thinking straight in the age of information overload [i]
  160. () The behavioral and neural effect of emotional primes on intertemporal decisions [d]
  161. () Your scarcest resource [organizational time resources] [p] [u]
  162. () What event are you training for? [u]
  163. () Value stream mapping: how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation [i]
  164. () The lean mindset: ask the right questions [i]
  165. () Pact: leveraging social networks for goal achievement [i] [d]
  166. () Don't stop thinking about tomorrow: think about your future and you'll have a more productive present [u]
  167. () Benefits of travel: needs versus constraints in uncertain environments [i] [d]
  168. () Project planning and management for ecological restoration [i] [d]
  169. () The innovator's hypothesis: how cheap experiments are worth more than good ideas [i] [j]
  170. () Is there overshoot of planetary limits?: new indicators of human appropriation of the global biogeochemical cycles relative to their regenerative capacity based on 'ecotime' analysis [d]
  171. () How to stop time [u]
  172. () The social roots of risk: producing disasters, promoting resilience [i] [d]
  173. () Use a short knowledge cycle to keep your cool [u]
  174. () The collector's fallacy [u]
  175. () Your life in weeks [u]
  176. () Think forward to thrive: how to use the mind's power of anticipation to transcend your past and transform your life [i]
  177. () Are we what we do?: exploring group behaviour through user-defined event-sequence similarity [d]
  178. () How do top programmers work? [u]
  179. () Models in motion: ethnography moves from complicatedness to complex systems [d]
  180. () Procrastination leads to failure [i]
  181. () Is background music a boost or a bummer? It depends [u]
  182. () Time triage: exploring the temporal strategies that support entrepreneurship and motherhood [d]
  183. () Time management strategies for research productivity [d]
  184. () Time perspective as a predictor of problematic Internet use: a study of Facebook users [d]
  185. () Detection of a temporal error triggers reconsolidation of amygdala-dependent memories [d]
  186. () Time perception in children: a neurodevelopmental approach [p] [d]
  187. () A space–time efficiency model for optimizing intra-intersection vehicle–pedestrian evacuation movements [d]
  188. () Time and crisis [d]
  189. () International mobility of women in science and technology careers: shaping plans for personal and professional purposes [d]
  190. () Beyond the idea: how to execute innovation in any organization [i]
  191. () Decisive: how to make better choices in life and work [i]
  192. () A model of socioemotional flexibility at three time scales [d]
  193. () The importance of velocity, or why speed may matter more than distance [d]
  194. () Managing emergencies and crises [i]
  195. () Could working less reduce pressures on the environment?: a cross-national panel analysis of OECD countries, 1970–2007 [d]
  196. () 'Method cancer': diagnosis, elimination and avoidance [i] [d]
  197. () Implementation management: high-speed strategy implementation [i] [d]
  198. () Applying the happenstance learning theory to involuntary career transitions [d]
  199. John D. Lee & Alex Kirlik [ed] () The Oxford handbook of cognitive engineering [i] [d]
  200. () Environmental monitoring for health and wellness [i] [d]
  201. () 101 proven practices for improving your focus [u]
  202. () Using ecological momentary assessment to understand a construction worker's daily disruptions and decisions [d]
  203. () Location-based services in 2030: from sharing to collective action [i] [d]
  204. () Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
  205. () The 12 week year: get more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months [i]
  206. () Evacuation transportation modeling: an overview of research, development, and practice [d]
  207. () Deep habits: the importance of planning every minute of your work day [u]
  208. () Institutional plasticity and path dependence in seaports: interactions between institutions, port governance reforms and port authority routines [d]
  209. () Beyond DSM and ICD: introducing 'precision diagnosis' for psychiatry using momentary assessment technology [d]
  210. () Real-time analytics and quality of care [i] [d]
  211. () You can develop desired health behaviors [u]
  212. () Overcoming writer's block and procrastination for attorneys, law students, and law professors [u]
  213. () Time pressure undermines performance more under avoidance than approach motivation [p] [d]
  214. () The 3 secrets to effective time investment: how to achieve more success with less stress [i]
  215. () Procrastination and the priority of short-term mood regulation: consequences for future self [d]
  216. () Thinking about space-time connections: spatiotemporal scheduling of individual activities [d]
  217. () The quantified self: fundamental disruption in big data science and biological discovery [d]
  218. () Be happy, don't wait: the role of trait affect in job search [d]
  219. () Energy, time, priority, work/life: 4 new ways to organize your to-do list [with 'contexts' in GTD] [u]
  220. () Combining trip and task planning: how to get from A to Passport [i] [d]
  221. () The restoring ecological health to your land workbook [i] [d]
  222. () Delay discounting as emotional processing: an electrophysiological study [p] [d]
  223. () Enhancing on-task behavior in fourth-grade students using a modified color wheel system [d]
  224. () Travel time and the liability of distance in foreign direct investment: location choice and entry mode [d]
  225. () Religious people discount the future less [d]
  226. () Living beautifully with uncertainty and change [i]
  227. () Developing agility and quickness [i]
  228. () Planetary opportunities: a social contract for global change science to contribute to a sustainable future [d] [j]
  229. () The role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees [d]
  230. (/2019) On gains and losses, means and ends: goal orientation and goal focus across adulthood [i] [d]
  231. () 50+ better questions to ask than how to be more productive [u]
  232. () 7 ways to write better action items [u]
  233. () Feeling stuck in the present?: mania proneness and history associated with present-oriented time perspective [p] [d]
  234. () The role of advanced sensing in smart cities [d]
  235. () About time: an integrative approach to effective environmental policy [d]
  236. (/2021) The together teacher: plan ahead, get organized, and save time! [i] [d]
  237. () Mobilization systems: technologies for motivating and coordinating human action [u]
  238. () Living dangerously on borrowed time during slow, unrecognized regime shifts [d]
  239. () Time as a trade barrier [u]
  240. () Gestures alter thinking about time [i] [u]
  241. () Intentional actions, plans, and information systems [d]
  242. () Daily spatial mobilities: physical and virtual [i]
  243. () Population movement under extreme events [p] [d] [u]
  244. () Rush and relax: the rhythms and speeds of touting perishable products on a Ghanaian roadside [d]
  245. () Developing a concept of choice [i] [d]
  246. () Exploiting temporal network structures of human interaction to effectively immunize populations [p] [d] [u]
  247. () Practice perfect: 42 rules for getting better at getting better [i]
  248. () A new geospatial services framework: how disaster preparedness efforts should integrate neogeography [d]
  249. () Predictability of population displacement after the 2010 Haiti earthquake [p] [d] [u]
  250. () On the importance of getting things done [d]
  251. () To-do lists don't work [instead, create a production plan and schedule] [u]
  252. () A factory of one: applying lean principles to banish waste and improve your personal performance [i]
  253. () Committed but closed-minded: when making a specific plan for a goal hinders success [d]
  254. () Crisis mapping in action: how open source software and global volunteer networks are changing the world, one map at a time [d]
  255. () Giving time gives you time [p] [d]
  256. () A GIS-based method to identify spatiotemporal gaps in public service delivery [d]
  257. () An analysis of day-to-day variations in individual space–time accessibility [d]
  258. () Getting (unremarkable) things done: the problem with David Allen's universalism [in GTD] [and comments] [u]
  259. () The corporate geography of global container terminal operators [d]
  260. () Future thought and behaviour change [d]
  261. () Types of cluster adaptation to climate change: lessons from the port and logistics sector of Northwest Germany [d]
  262. () The role of data repositories in humanitarian information management and crisis mapping [d]
  263. () Productivity and the space-time continuum [u]
  264. () The pace of cultural evolution [p] [d] [u]
  265. () Duration discrimination in the context of age, sex, and cognition [d]
  266. () How can we know if investors are coherently linking sustainability concepts? [d]
  267. () Standardised geo-sensor webs and web-based geo-processing for near real-time situational awareness in emergency management [d]
  268. () Anticipating critical transitions [p] [d] [j]
  269. () Just start: take action, embrace uncertainty, create the future [i]
  270. () Awake in the Anthropocene [d]
  271. () Take back your life in seven simple steps [u]
  272. () Rhythm and entrainment of acquisition and alliance initiatives and firm performance: a temporal perspective [d]
  273. () A temporal perspective of merger and acquisition and strategic alliance initiatives review and future direction [d]
  274. () Geovisual analytics to support crisis management: information foraging for geo-historical context [d]
  275. () The cognitive surplus is made of fossil fuels [d] [u]
  276. () Decisions of the third kind [d]
  277. () Global finance as an action research domain: testing the boundaries [d]
  278. () The evolution of the calendar: how to use a calendar today [u]
  279. () Your best just got better: work smarter, think bigger, make more [i]
  280. () A conceptual model for developing mindsets for strategic insight under conditions of complexity and high uncertainty [d]
  281. () Crisis mapping: the construction of a new interdisciplinary field? [d]
  282. () If money doesn't make you happy, consider time [d]
  283. () Personal geographic information management [o] [u]
  284. () Being more productive: an interview with David Allen and Tony Schwartz [u]
  285. () Leadership takes time: some implications of (not) taking time seriously in leadership research [d]
  286. Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Czesław Mesjasz, John Grin, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Béchir Chourou, Pál Dunay, & Jörn Birkmann [ed] () Coping with global environmental change, disasters and security: threats, challenges, vulnerabilities and risks [i] [d]
  287. () Flooding your brain's engine: how you can have too much of a good thing [u]
  288. () Myopia and the global financial crisis: context-specific reasoning, market structure, and institutional governance [d]
  289. () Touchpoints: creating powerful leadership connections in the smallest of moments [i]
  290. () The efficacy of prototyping under time constraints [i] [d]
  291. () The future of futures: the time of money in financing and society [i] [d]
  292. () Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices [i] [d]
  293. () Time management for department chairs [i]
  294. () Budgeting your time [i]
  295. () The accidental creative: how to be brilliant at a moment's notice [i]
  296. () Skilled throwers use physics to time ball release to the nearest millisecond [d]
  297. () Modeling alternative sequences of events in dynamic geographic domains [d]
  298. () Climate change pedagogy and performative action: toward community-based destination governance [d]
  299. () So you're a creative genius—now what? [i]
  300. () Timescales of human adaptation: the role of epigenetic processes [d]
  301. () Time banking and health: the role of a community currency organization in enhancing well-being [d]
  302. () Productivity tie-breaker: how will you feel afterwards? [u]
  303. () Time abstraction, temporal policy and the right to one's own time [d]
  304. () What happened to the time?: the relationship of occupational therapy to time [d]
  305. () Time-critical social mobilization [p] [d] [j]
  306. () The seven secrets of the prolific: the definitive guide to overcoming procrastination, perfectionism, and writer's block [i]
  307. () Beyond microskills: toward a model of counseling competence [d]
  308. () The lean startup: how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses [i]
  309. () The athlete's clock: how biology and time affect sport performance [i]
  310. () Is timing everything?: temporal considerations in emotion regulation [d]
  311. () Taking one day at a time: temporal experiences in the context of unexpected life course transitions [d]
  312. () Multi-agent systems for real time resource allocation, scheduling, optimization and controlling: industrial applications [i] [d]
  313. () 7 ways you shouldn't be using your calendar [u]
  314. () Improvisation as model for real-time decision making [o] [d]
  315. () Time scarcity: another health inequality? [d]
  316. () How to avoid catastrophe [u]
  317. () A multidimensional perceptual map approach to project prioritization and selection [u]
  318. Chrisoula Andreou & Mark D. White [ed] () The thief of time: philosophical essays on procrastination [i] [d]
  319. () Restoring ecological health to your land [i]
  320. () Master the moment: fifty CEOs teach you the secrets of time management [i]
  321. () A practical plan for when you feel overwhelmed [u]
  322. Brian Bruya [ed] () Effortless attention: a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action [i] [d]
  323. () Do more great work: stop the busywork, and start the work that matters [i]
  324. (/2018) Guide to good practice in the management of time in major projects: dynamic time modelling [or: Guide to good practice in the management of time in complex projects] [i] [d]
  325. () Learning agility: a construct whose time has come [d]
  326. () 'Time sovereignty': its meanings and externalities [i] [d]
  327. () The stingy hour: how accounting for time affects volunteering [p] [d]
  328. () Velocity as a predictor of performance satisfaction, mental focus, and goal revision [d]
  329. () Bad timing [i] [d]
  330. () Sociometabolic regimes in indigenous communities and the crucial role of working time: a comparison of case studies [u]
  331. () Temporal justice [d]
  332. () Instability and discontinuous change in the experience of therapeutic interaction: an extended single-case study of psychodynamic therapy processes [p] [d]
  333. Mitchell R. Haney & A. David Kline [ed] () The value of time and leisure in a world of work [i]
  334. () Procrastination and the extended will [i] [d]
  335. () The hardest time to make a plan is when you need it most [i]
  336. () The structure of well-being in two cities: life satisfaction and experienced happiness in Columbus, Ohio; and Rennes, France [i] [d]
  337. () What is behavioral activation?: a review of the empirical literature [d]
  338. () Dissatisfied with life but having a good day: time-use and well-being of the unemployed [d]
  339. Alexander W. Kott & Gary Citrenbaum [ed] () Estimating impact: a handbook of computational methods and models for anticipating economic, social, political and security effects in international interventions [i] [d]
  340. () Participation under time constraints: landowner perceptions of rapid response to the emerald ash borer [d]
  341. () You are your calendar [u]
  342. () Learning through feedback in the field: reflective learning in a NGO in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  343. () Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
  344. (/2012) Running lean: iterate from plan A to a plan that works [i]
  345. () 'It's almost a mindset that teachers need to change': first-year students' need to be inducted into time management [d]
  346. () The timing of daily demand for goods and services: microsimulation policy results of an aging society, increasing labour market flexibility, and extended public childcare in Germany [d]
  347. Kathleen Dean Moore & Michael P. Nelson [ed] () Moral ground: ethical action for a planet in peril [i]
  348. () Anticipation and dynamics: Rosen's anticipation in the perspective of time [d]
  349. () Dealing with timing and synchronization in opportunities for joint activity participation [d]
  350. Kia Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull [ed] () Attention and time [i] [d]
  351. () The timespace of human activity: on performance, society, and history as indeterminate teleological events [i]
  352. () Innovative lean development: how to create, implement and maintain a learning culture using fast learning cycles [i]
  353. () Tapping the cognitive surplus [u]
  354. () Nutrient timing for peak performance [i]
  355. () Strategies for coping with information overload: you need a machine to help you [p] [d]
  356. () Emotional responses to the speed, frequency and timing of organizational change [d]
  357. Patrik Söderholm [ed] () Environmental policy and household behaviour: sustainability and everyday life [i] [d]
  358. () Perfectionism and task performance: time on task mediates the perfectionistic strivings–performance relationship [d]
  359. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  360. () Speed kills: the complex links between transport, lack of time and urban health [d]
  361. () 168 hours: you have more time than you think [i]
  362. () How long will it take?: power biases time predictions [d]
  363. () Overcoming procrastination through planning [i] [d]
  364. () The image of time: a voxel-wise meta-analysis [d]
  365. () The data-driven life [u]
  366. () Transition to adulthood: action, projects, and counseling [i] [d]
  367. () The phenomenology of time: lived experiences of people with HIV/AIDS in China [d]
  368. () Performance architecture: the art and science of improving organizations [i]
  369. () Taking the long view: environmental sustainability and delay of gratification [d]
  370. () Time and time again: the search for meaning/fulness through popular discourse on the time and timing of work [d]
  371. Robert F. Belli, Frank P. Stafford, & Duane F. Alwin [ed] () Calendar and time diary methods in life course research [i] [d]
  372. () Perspectives on time [i] [d]
  373. () An 18-minute plan for managing your day [u]
  374. () How different groups spend their day: interactive graphic [u]
  375. () Smart but scattered: the revolutionary 'executive skills' approach to helping kids reach their potential [i]
  376. () Writing in the age of distraction [u]
  377. () The compromise trap: how to thrive at work without selling your soul [i]
  378. () Using time perception to measure fitness for duty [d]
  379. () Time is not money [d]
  380. () Time and scheduling [i] [d]
  381. () Average weekly time spent in 30 basic activities across 17 countries [d]
  382. () How do feelings influence effort?: an empirical study of entrepreneurs' affect and venture effort [d]
  383. () Managing the goal-setting paradox: how to get better results from high goals and be happy [d]
  384. () Time, culture, and life-cycle changes of social goals [i] [d]
  385. () Lack of sleep in the workplace: what the psychologist–manager should know about sleep [d]
  386. () It's time to 'do economics' with time-use data [d]
  387. () Moved to action: motivation, participation, and inequality in American politics [i] [d]
  388. () The construction system of the brain [p] [d] [u]
  389. Kate F. Hays [ed] () Performance psychology in action: a casebook for working with athletes, performing artists, business leaders, and professionals in high-risk occupations [i] [d]
  390. () A new conservation politics: power, organization building, and effectiveness [i]
  391. () Time affluence as a path toward personal happiness and ethical business practice: empirical evidence from four studies [d] [j]
  392. () Diurnal and annual rhythms in trees [d]
  393. () How information becomes a resource for action in an uncertain and complex world: sense-making and contingency in the knowing process [d]
  394. () Accumulating care: mothers beyond the conflicting temporalities of caring and work [d]
  395. () The calendar as kanban [u]
  396. () Temporal convergence for knowledge management [d]
  397. () Does time fly when you're having fun, or do you?: affect, agency, and embodiment in temporal communication [d]
  398. () Using a personal digital assistant to increase independent task completion by students with autism spectrum disorder [d]
  399. () Calendars and clocks: cycles of horticultural commerce in nineteenth-century America [i] [d]
  400. () Mismatches between actual and preferred work time: empirical evidence of hours constraints in 21 countries [d]
  401. Christine Owen, Pascal Béguin, & Ger L. Wackers [ed] () Risky work environments: reappraising human work within fallible systems [i]
  402. () Teacher action research: building knowledge democracies [i] [d]
  403. () Time orientations and emotion-rules in finance [d]
  404. () Predicting the effects of time pressure on design work [d]
  405. () The principles of product development flow: second generation lean product development [i]
  406. () The dynamics of action-oriented problem solving: linking interpretation and choice [d] [j]
  407. () Future orientation: developmental and ecological perspectives [i] [d]
  408. Elizabeth Shove, Frank Trentmann, & Richard R. Wilk [ed] () Time, consumption and everyday life: practice, materiality and culture [i] [d]
  409. () The ethics of routine: consciousness, tedium and value [i] [d]
  410. () The creative power: transforming ourselves, our organizations, and our world [i] [d]
  411. () Transforming 'apathy into movement': the role of prosocial emotions in motivating action for social change [d]
  412. () Exploring time diaries using semi-automated activity pattern extraction [o] [u]
  413. () Synchrony and cooperation [d]
  414. () Integrating scientific modeling and supporting dynamic hazard management with a GeoAgent-based representation of human–environment interactions: a drought example in Central Pennsylvania, USA [d]
  415. () Students' study time and their 'homework problem' [d]
  416. () The future is now [i]
  417. () Making it all work: winning at the game of work and the business of life [i]
  418. () An unused system is not a system [i]
  419. () Enhancing social and transition behaviors of persons with autism through activity schedules: a review [j]
  420. () Leaders, followers, and time [d]
  421. () Time-use studies: a potentially feminist tool [d]
  422. Ronald J. Burke & Cary L. Cooper [ed] () The long work hours culture: causes, consequences and choices [i]
  423. () Positive dramas: enacting self-adventures in organizations [d]
  424. () Decision support in turbulent and high-velocity environments [i] [d]
  425. () Precariousness, the secured present and the sustainability of the future: learning from Koselleck and extrapolating from Elias [d]
  426. () Lack of time management as a psychosocial work risk [u]
  427. () Indecision and avoidant procrastination: the role of morningness-eveningness and time perspective in chronic delay lifestyles [d]
  428. () Disaffection or expected outcomes: understanding personal Internet use during work [d]
  429. () On the process of becoming a great scientist [p] [d] [u]
  430. () Discretionary time: a new measure of freedom [i] [d]
  431. () The dynamics of proactivity at work [d]
  432. (/2010) Preventing genocide: practical steps toward early detection and effective action [i] [d]
  433. () Cues for timing and coordination: latitude, Letterman, and longitude [d]
  434. () Getting things done: the science behind stress-free productivity [d]
  435. () ICT and temporal fragmentation of activities: an analytical framework and initial empirical findings [d]
  436. () A pattern language for productivity [u]
  437. () Time and decision making in humans [p] [d]
  438. (/2009) National time accounting: the currency of life [i] [d]
  439. () Time to change, time for change: time as a catalyst for organizational change [d]
  440. () Time and identity: a framework for research and theory formation [d]
  441. () Sleep deprivation and vigilant attention [d]
  442. () Time and bodily changes in advanced prostate cancer: talk about time as death approaches [d]
  443. David Lloyd & Ernest L. Rossi [ed] () Ultradian rhythms from molecules to mind: a new vision of life [i] [d]
  444. () Multiple tasks' and multiple goals' effect on creativity: forced incubation or just a distraction? [d]
  445. () Databases and data warehouses for decision support [i] [d]
  446. () Project management that works: real-world advice on communicating, problem solving, and everything else you need to know to get the job done [i]
  447. () Procrastination and flow experiences: a tale of opposites [u]
  448. () Extending the joint problem space: time and sequence as essential features of knowledge building [u]
  449. () The Internet, mobile phone and space-time constraints [d]
  450. () Struggling with time: investigating coupling constraints [d]
  451. () Exploring the juggling of responsibilities with space-time accessibility analysis [d]
  452. () Waiting and rejection: an organizational perspective: 'cooling out' rejected applicants [d]
  453. () Lacking power impairs executive functions [d]
  454. () Staying vigorous until work is over: the role of trait vigour, day-specific work experiences and recovery [d]
  455. () Perfectionism and efficiency: accuracy, response bias, and invested time in proof-reading performance [d]
  456. () The word shrinks, the world expands: information, energy and relocalization [d]
  457. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  458. () Decision support for emergency situations [i] [d]
  459. (/2010) Focus: use the power of targeted thinking to get more done [i]
  460. () Time, cycles and tempos in social-ecological research and environmental policy [d]
  461. () The time paradox: the new psychology of time that will change your life [i]
  462. () Strategic business management through multiple projects [i]
  463. () Engineering design processes: a comparison of students and expert practitioners [d]
  464. () Time and the biological consequences of globalization [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  465. () A review of the time management literature [d]
  466. () Spatio-temporal restrictions as best practice precautionary response to ocean noise [d]
  467. () The fragility of time: time-insensitivity and valuation of the near and far future [d]
  468. () Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference [d]
  469. () Dynamic prisms and 'instant access': linking opportunities in space to decision making in time [i] [d]
  470. () Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy: a means of improving depression and preventing relapse in bipolar disorder [p] [d]
  471. () Time value of knowledge: time-based frameworks for valuing knowledge [u]
  472. Robert Hassan & Ronald E. Purser [ed] () 24/7: time and temporality in the network society [i] [d]
  473. Lewis D. Hopkins & Marisa Zapata [ed] () Engaging the future: forecasts, scenarios, plans, and projects [i]
  474. () Getting things written [u]
  475. () Leadership agility: five levels of mastery for anticipating and initiating change [i]
  476. () Each moment is the universe: Zen and the way of being time [i]
  477. Sara Louise Kindon, Rachel Pain, & Mike Kesby [ed] () Participatory action research approaches and methods: connecting people, participation, and place [i]
  478. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  479. Brian R. Little, Susan D. Philips, & Katariina Salmela-Aro [ed] () Personal project pursuit: goals, action, and human flourishing [i] [d]
  480. () Do you look to the future or focus on today?: the impact of life experience on intertemporal decisions [d]
  481. () It's not about time [i]
  482. () From decision analysis to the decision organization [i] [d]
  483. () Circadian clocks: setting time by food [d]
  484. () Time for learning: classroom dialogue in its temporal context [i]
  485. () Social exclusion in space and time [i]
  486. () 'You are wasting my time': why limits on connectivity are essential for economies of creativity [u]
  487. () How to become a straight-A student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less [i]
  488. () Find your focus zone: an effective new plan to defeat distraction and overload [i]
  489. () The little guide to beating procrastination, perfectionism and blocks: a manual for artists, activists, entrepreneurs, academics and other ambitious dreamers [u]
  490. () Tiempo y espacio en el Tawantinsuyu: introducción a las concepciones espacio-temporales de los Incas [u]
  491. (/2016) Theory U: leading from the future as it emerges: the social technology of presencing [or: Theory U: leading from the emerging future] [i]
  492. () Systems thinking, lean production and action learning [d]
  493. () Taking action, saving lives: our duties to protect environmental and public health [i] [d]
  494. () Highlighting spacetime patterns: effective visual encodings for interactive decision-making [d]
  495. () A leader's framework for decision making [p] [u]
  496. () Time is not fleeting: thoughts of a medieval Zen Buddhist [d]
  497. () Too busy: why time is a health and environmental problem [d]
  498. () Preferred work patterns of creative artists [d]
  499. () 'OO-OO-OO!': the sound of a broken OODA loop [u]
  500. () Selfless time: from life space to death anticipation [d]
  501. () The time styles scale: a review of developments and replications over 15 years [d]
  502. () A new weave of power, people, and politics: the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation [i] [d]
  503. () Agroecology in action: extending alternative agriculture through social networks [i] [d]
  504. () Facilitating cooperation during times of chaos: spontaneous orders and muddling through in Malinau District, Indonesia [u]
  505. () Means, ends and medical care [i] [d]
  506. Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] () Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
  507. () The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: moderating effects of openness to experience and support for creativity [d]
  508. () The experience of time at work: relationship to communication load, job satisfaction, and interdepartmental communication [d]
  509. () Integrating the psychotherapies through their emphases on the future [i] [d]
  510. () The influence of a sense of time on human development [p] [d] [j] [u]
  511. () Never saw it coming: cultural challenges to envisioning the worst [i] [d]
  512. () Kime and the moving body: somatic codes in Japanese martial arts [d]
  513. () Working minds: a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis [i] [d]
  514. () The cognitive structuring of patient delay in breast cancer [p] [d]
  515. () Breaking from the weight of the eternal present: teaching organizational difference [d]
  516. () Determinants of time allocation across the lifespan: a theoretical model and an application to the Machiguenga and Piro of Peru [p] [d]
  517. () Timeliness and agglomeration [d]
  518. () Timeliness as the appropriate concept of time [i] [d]
  519. () Policymaking for a good society: the social fabric matrix approach to policy analysis and program evaluation [i] [d]
  520. Jody Heymann, Clyde Hertzman, Morris L. Barer, & Robert G. Evans [ed] () Healthier societies: from analysis to action [i] [d]
  521. () Memory for time: how people date events [p] [d]
  522. () Clocking the mind: mental chronometry and individual differences [i]
  523. () Introducing biological rhythms: a primer on the temporal organization of life, with implications for health, society, reproduction and the natural environment [i] [d]
  524. () Cut to the chase: and 99 other rules to liberate yourself and gain back the gift of time [i]
  525. () When do you want it?: time, decisions, and public policy [d]
  526. (/2018) Systems leadership: creating positive organisations [i] [d]
  527. () Your pace or mine?: culture, time, and negotiation [d]
  528. () Task rotation and polychronicity: effects on individuals' creativity [d]
  529. () From knowledge to action: lessons and planning strategies from studies of the upper San Pedro basin [d]
  530. () Unlocking the riddle of time in learning disability [d]
  531. (/2015) Talent is not enough: business secrets for designers [i]
  532. () When it rains, does space get wet?: living the time–space–knowledge-vision [i]
  533. () The psychology of Internet use and misuse [i] [d]
  534. PRATEC [ed] () Calendario agrofestivo en comunidades y escuela [i] [u]
  535. (/2008) The Buddha's teachings on prosperity: at home, at work, in the world [i]
  536. () The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
  537. () Time management step #1: create a time budget [i] [u]
  538. () Time management step #2: create a weekly schedule [i] [u]
  539. Clare Rigg & Sue Richards [ed] () Action learning, leadership, and organizational development in public services [i] [d]
  540. () Unstable in more ways than one: reaction time variability and the neuroticism/distress relationship [p] [d]
  541. () Allocating resources between taking action, assessing status, and measuring effectiveness of conservation actions [d]
  542. () On 'arriving on time', but what is 'on time'? [d]
  543. Claire Simmers, Thompson Teo, & Murugan Anandarajan [ed] () The Internet and workplace transformation [i] [d]
  544. () Benefits of all work and no play: the relationship between neuroticism and performance as a function of resource allocation [d]
  545. () You focus on the forest when you're in charge of the trees: power priming and abstract information processing [d]
  546. () Analysing the temporal organization of daily life: social constraints, practices and their allocation [d]
  547. () The temporal distribution of past and future autobiographical events across the lifespan [p] [d] [u]
  548. () Alliance management teams and entrainment: sharing temporal mental models [d]
  549. () The GTD prayer [u]
  550. () Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
  551. () Faith, evidence, and action: better guesses in an unknowable world [d]
  552. () Doing the barter system one better: I'll teach you to throat sing if she teaches me to crochet [u]
  553. () Speed kills?: speed, accuracy, encapsulations and causal understanding [p] [d]
  554. () My instructor made me do it: task characteristics of procrastination [d]
  555. () Beyond time management: how the latest research on time perspective and perceived time use can assist clients with time-related concerns [u]
  556. () Time perspective, health, and risk taking [i] [d]
  557. () No time to lose: a timely guide to the way of the bodhisattva [or: Becoming bodhisattvas: a guidebook for compassionate action] [i]
  558. () Getting unstuck: breaking your habitual patterns and encountering naked reality [i]
  559. () Rethinking procrastination: positive effects of 'active' procrastination behavior on attitudes and performance [p] [d]
  560. () Time mastery: how temporal intelligence will make you a stronger, more effective leader [i]
  561. () The combination of cultural and time planning [d]
  562. () The effect of caffeine on cognitive task performance and motor fatigue [p] [d]
  563. () Giving a voice to posterity: deliberative democracy and representation of future people [d]
  564. () Revolutions in the times: clocks and the temporal structures of everyday life [i] [d]
  565. () Cognitive and mood improvements of caffeine in habitual consumers and habitual non-consumers of caffeine [p] [d]
  566. () A data model to represent plans and regulations in urban simulation models [i]
  567. () The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
  568. () Reflection: look, think and act cycles in participatory action research [d]
  569. () Facing uncertainty: temporality and biographies in the new century [d]
  570. () Improv wisdom: don't prepare, just show up [i]
  571. () Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring levels of work in organisations [u]
  572. () Time use: expanding explanation in the social sciences [i]
  573. () The least likely of times: how remembering the past biases forecasts of the future [d]
  574. () Cool time: a hands-on plan for managing work and balancing time [i]
  575. () Unfreezing the future: exploring the dynamic of time in organizational change [d]
  576. () A 'time–space odyssey': management control systems in two multinational organisations [d]
  577. () Reflective action [i]
  578. () In the face of conflict: work–life conflict and desired work hour adjustments [d]
  579. () Managing life through personal goals: intergoal facilitation and intensity of goal pursuit in younger and older adulthood [p] [d]
  580. () Neuroticism as mental noise: a relation between neuroticism and reaction time standard deviations [d]
  581. Christian Sartorius & Stefan Zundel [ed] () Time strategies, innovation, and environmental policy [i]
  582. () Rapid results!: how 100-day projects build the capacity for large-scale change [i]
  583. () Timing of the brain events underlying access to consciousness during the attentional blink [p] [d]
  584. () Bridging the intention–behaviour gap: planning, self-efficacy, and action control in the adoption and maintenance of physical exercise [d]
  585. () Timely and transforming leadership inquiry and action: toward triple-loop awareness [u]
  586. Alan Strathman & Jeff Joireman [ed] () Understanding behavior in the context of time: theory, research, and application [i] [d]
  587. () On the importance of tightening feedback loops for sustainable development of food systems [d]
  588. () Looking back versus looking ahead: framing of time and work at different stages of a project [d]
  589. () Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear [d] [j]
  590. () Organizational members' communication and temporal experience: scale development and validation [d]
  591. () Lean logistics: the nuts and bolts of delivering materials and goods [i]
  592. () Seasonality in a Mapuche native population [d]
  593. Sally Blount [ed] () Time in groups [i] [d]
  594. () Groups, boundary spanning, and the temporal imagination [i] [d]
  595. Michael A. Bourlakis & Paul W. H. Weightman [ed] () Food supply chain management [i] [d]
  596. () Networks of action: sustainable health information systems across developing countries [j] [u]
  597. () A bias for action: how effective managers harness their willpower, achieve results, and stop wasting time [i]
  598. () Temporal constraints between cyclic geographic events [i] [u]
  599. () The role of status differentials in group synchronization [i] [d]
  600. () The one who is not busy: connecting with work in a deeply satisfying way [i]
  601. () Space-time orientations and contemporary political-military thought [d]
  602. () Strategy and time: really recognizing the future [i]
  603. () TLC at work: training, leading, coaching all types for star performance [i]
  604. () Complexity in daily life: a 3D-visualization showing activity patterns in their contexts [u]
  605. Cynthia Fuchs Epstein & Arne L. Kalleberg [ed] () Fighting for time: shifting boundaries of work and social life [i] [j]
  606. () Social policy and time [d]
  607. () Sustainability requires the ability to generate useful narratives capable of surfing complex time [i] [d]
  608. () Detail process charting: speaking the language of process [i]
  609. (/2014) Doing research in the real world [i]
  610. () Multiple pasts, converging presents, and alternative futures [d]
  611. () Time management for architects and designers: challenges and remedies [i]
  612. (/2011) Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time [i]
  613. () One small step can change your life: the kaizen way [i]
  614. () Transitions through out-of-keeping acts [d]
  615. () Examining large-scale time-use files through graphic representation [u]
  616. () Tobler's first law and spatial analysis [d]
  617. () Activity graphs of the microstructure of complex work [u]
  618. () The three threats of action research: a discussion of methodological antidotes in the context of an information systems study [d]
  619. () Spending time versus spending money [d]
  620. () Out of time: fast subjects and slow living [d]
  621. Jack Petranker [ed] () A new kind of knowledge: evocations, exhibitions, extensions, and excavations [i]
  622. () Uncertain times: the notion of 'risk' and the development of modernity [d]
  623. () The precautionary principle, epidemiology and the ethics of delay [p]
  624. () The life audit: a step-by-step guide to taking stock, gaining control, and creating the life you want [i]
  625. () Don't have no time: daily rhythms and the organization of time for low-income families [d]
  626. () Leave the office earlier: the productivity pro shows you how to do more in less time—and feel great about it [i]
  627. () The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
  628. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  629. Haridimos Tsoukas & Jill Shepherd [ed] () Managing the future: foresight in the knowledge economy [i]
  630. () Time, space, and the kaleidoscopes of occupation [d]
  631. () Communicating and organizing in time: a meso-level model of organizational temporality [d]
  632. () The false duality of work and leisure [d] [u]
  633. () A framework of asset-accumulation stages and strategies [d]
  634. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  635. () The five patterns of extraordinary careers: the guide for achieving success and satisfaction [i]
  636. Stephen Cummings & David C. Wilson [ed] () Images of strategy [i]
  637. (/2019) Reshaping change: a processual perspective [i] [d]
  638. () Strategic navigation: a systems approach to business strategy [i]
  639. () Supporting families over the life course: mapping temporality [d]
  640. () Understanding the experience of time scarcity [d]
  641. () The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
  642. () Caffeine, fatigue, and cognition [d]
  643. () Science as systemic intervention: some implications of systems thinking and complexity for the philosophy of science [d]
  644. () Past, present, future: biographical time structuring of disadvantaged young people [d]
  645. () Self-regulation and the extended now: controlling the self alters the subjective experience of time [d]
  646. () Indigenous knowledge in space and time [i] [d]
  647. (/2007) Make your contacts count: networking know-how for business and career success [i]
  648. Deborah Barndt, Gene Desfor, & Barbara Rahder [ed] () Just doing it: popular collective action in the Americas [i]
  649. () Lean assembly: the nuts and bolts of making assembly operations flow [i]
  650. () Inside the planning fallacy: the causes and consequences of optimistic time predictions [i] [d]
  651. () Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
  652. () Robust ship scheduling with multiple time windows [d]
  653. () Time, gender, and the negotiation of family schedules [d] [j]
  654. () SpiraClock: a continuous and non-intrusive display for upcoming events [i] [d]
  655. () A psychology of orientation: time awareness across life stages and in dementia [i]
  656. () Time discounting and time preference: a critical review [d]
  657. () A culture of temporal diversity [d]
  658. () Time and timelessness: creativity in (and out of) the temporal dimension [d]
  659. () Shadow times: the temporal and spatial frameworks and experiences of caring and working [d]
  660. Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick [ed] () Innovation in natural resource management: the role of property rights and collective action in developing countries [i]
  661. () Increasing play skills of children with autism using activity schedules and correspondence training [d]
  662. () It's about time: temporal structuring in organizations [d] [j]
  663. () Who says change can be managed?: positions, perspectives and problematics [d]
  664. () The war of art: winning the inner creative battle [i]
  665. () Contested presents: critical perspectives on 'real-time' management [i]
  666. () Doing things right and doing the right things: time and timing in projects [d]
  667. () Energy and the mystery of iniquity [i]
  668. () Time to change: temporal shifts as enablers of organizational change [d] [j]
  669. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  670. () A fresh perspective: a conversation with Bill Torbert, July 11, 2002 [u]
  671. () Focal point: a proven system to simplify your life, double your productivity, and achieve all your goals [i]
  672. () Watching the clock: group pacing behavior under dynamic deadlines [d] [j]
  673. Richard Whipp, Barbara Adam, & Ida Sabelis [ed] () Making time: time and management in modern organizations [i]
  674. () Charting time: timelines as temporal boundary objects [d] [j]
  675. (/2015) Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity [i]
  676. () Being upright: Zen meditation and the bodhisattva precepts [i]
  677. () A timely account of the role of duration in decision making [d]
  678. () Teamwork is an individual skill: getting your work done when sharing responsibility [i]
  679. () When plans change: examining how people evaluate timing changes in work organizations [d] [j]
  680. Hilary Bradbury [ed] (/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
  681. (/2014) Doing action research in your own organization [i] [d]
  682. () Last minute meetings [i]
  683. (/2012) Why life speeds up as you get older: how memory shapes our past [i] [d]
  684. () Relax, it's only uncertainty: lead the way when the way is changing [i]
  685. () Time, temporal capability, and planned change [d] [j]
  686. () Aligning multiple time horizons and multiple functions in strategic planning and budgeting [d]
  687. () Cyberslacking and the procrastination superhighway: a web-based survey of online procrastination, attitudes, and emotion [d]
  688. () Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
  689. () 'Maai': the art of distancing in karate-do mutual attunement in close encounters [d]
  690. () Building better theory: time and the specification of when things happen [d] [j]
  691. Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon [ed] () The self in time: developmental perspectives [i] [d]
  692. () Accounting for time: managing time in project-based teamworking [d]
  693. () Time and wealth: the role of time and temporalities for sustainable patterns of consumption [d]
  694. () Time management: paradoxes and patterns [d]
  695. () The mental accounting of sunk time costs: why time is not like money [d]
  696. (/2007) Eat that frog!: 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time [i]
  697. (/2021) Genius checklist [how to become a genius] [u]
  698. () Time and intimacy: a new science of personal relationships [i]
  699. () From garden to globe: linking time and space with meaning and memory [i] [j]
  700. () How to use your eyes [i] [d]
  701. () The procrastinator's handbook: mastering the art of doing it now [i]
  702. () The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
  703. () Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work [i]
  704. () Who's up?: global interpersonal temporal accessibility [i] [d]
  705. () Failure is not an option: mission control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and beyond [i]
  706. () Human extensibility and individual hybrid-accessibility in space-time: a multi-scale representation using GIS [i] [d] [u]
  707. () Toward a psychology of positive youth development [p] [d]
  708. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  709. () The knowing–doing gap: how smart companies turn knowledge into action [i]
  710. () The time allocation and earnings of artists [d]
  711. () On slowness in philosophy [d] [j]
  712. () The social construction of work times: negotiated time and expected time [d]
  713. () Hacer brillar la chacra: agricultura campesina alto amazónica, San Martín [i] [u]
  714. () The clock of the long now: time and responsibility [i]
  715. Jochen Brandtstädter & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Action & self-development: theory and research through the life span [i] [d]
  716. () Life paths into effective environmental action [d]
  717. (/2003) The art of scanning the environment [i] [u]
  718. () Understanding local people's use of time: a pre-condition for good co-management [d]
  719. () Action coaching: how to leverage individual performance for company success [i]
  720. () Time-related individual differences [d]
  721. Jerome C. Glenn & Theodore J. Gordon [ed] (/2009) Futures research methodology v3.0 [i]
  722. () Take back your time: how to regain control of work, information, and technology [i]
  723. () Make it count: how to generate a legacy that gives meaning to your life [i]
  724. () How children and adolescents spend time across the world: work, play, and developmental opportunities [p] [d]
  725. () Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning [i]
  726. (/2001) The world ahead: our future in the making [i]
  727. (/2004) The 15-second principle: short, simple steps to achieving long-term goals [i]
  728. () The dance of change: the challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organizations [i]
  729. () Smart guide to managing your time [i]
  730. () Life planning: anticipating future life goals and managing personal development [i] [d]
  731. () The timing of adaptive group responses to nonroutine events [d] [j]
  732. () The clockwork muse: a practical guide to writing theses, dissertations, and books [i] [j]
  733. () Scheduling short-term marine transport of bulk products [d]
  734. () The double myth of flexibilization: trends in scattered work hours, and differences in time-sovereignty [d]
  735. () Competing on the edge: strategy as structured chaos [i]
  736. David I. Cleland [ed] (/2004) Field guide to project management [i] [d]
  737. Ann C. Crouter & Reed W. Larson [ed] () Temporal rhythms in adolescence: clocks, calendars, and the coordination of daily life [i]
  738. () Time to be lazy: work, the environment and modern subjectivities [d]
  739. () Different types of 'times' in GIS [i]
  740. () Poverty, market imperfections and time preferences: of relevance for environmental policy? [o]
  741. () A year's memories: the calendar effect in autobiographical recall [p] [d]
  742. () Calendars on the new frontier: challenges of groupware technology [o] [u]
  743. (/2009) First things fast: a handbook for performance analysis [i]
  744. () Democracy and time: an invitation [d]
  745. () It's only too late if you don't start now: how to create your second life after forty [i]
  746. () The role of temporal landmarks in autobiographical memory processes [p] [d]
  747. () A stitch in time: self-regulation and proactive coping [p] [d]
  748. (/2009) The project workout: the ultimate handbook of project and programme management [i]
  749. () The social organization of innovation: a focus on stakeholder interaction [i]
  750. () Time unhinged [d]
  751. () Introduction to the personal software process [i]
  752. () Making a time budget [i]
  753. (/2018) Therapist's guide to clinical intervention: the 1-2-3's of treatment planning [i]
  754. (/2001) The invisible clock: a practical revolution in finding time for everyone and everything [i]
  755. () A year to live: how to live this year as if it were your last [i]
  756. () Recycling time: the temporal complexity of waste management [d]
  757. (/2016) Teach yourself programming in ten years [u]
  758. () Expanding our now: the story of open space technology [i]
  759. () Ecology, ethics, and advocacy [j] [u]
  760. (/1999) Time for life: the surprising ways Americans use their time [i]
  761. () Longitudinal study of procrastination, performance, stress, and health: the costs and benefits of dawdling [d]
  762. () Entrainment: pace, cycle, and rhythm in organizational behavior [i]
  763. () Procrastination and blocking: a novel, practical approach [i]
  764. (/2011) The basics of process mapping [i]
  765. () Palliative care: the hospice concept [o]
  766. () The faster learning organization: gain and sustain the competitive edge [i]
  767. () The ecological impact of time [d]
  768. () Perfectionism: a sure cure for happiness [i]
  769. () Cooperation works!: how people are using cooperative action to rebuild communities and revitalize the economy [i]
  770. () How to procrastinate and still get things done [u]
  771. () Frontiers of illusion: science, technology, and the politics of progress [i] [j]
  772. () The world on time: the 11 management principles that made FedEx an overnight sensation [i]
  773. () Time urgency: conceptual and construct development [d]
  774. () On your own: a guide to working happily, productively & successfully from home [i]
  775. () Action in the physical everyday world [i]
  776. () Work, time and industry [d]
  777. () A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
  778. () The effects of advance notice of activity transitions on stereotypic behavior [d]
  779. (/2000) Future search: an action guide to finding common ground in organizations and communities [i]
  780. (/2019) Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme, hybrid [or: Effective project management: how to plan, manage, and deliver projects on time and within budget] [i] [d]
  781. () 52 ways to reconnect, follow-up, and stay in touch: when you don't have time to network [i]
  782. () First things first: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy [i]
  783. () Market exchange, social structures and time [d]
  784. (/2009) The personal efficiency program: how to get organized to do more work in less time [i] [d]
  785. () Real time strategic change: how to involve an entire organization in fast and far-reaching change [i]
  786. () Problem finding, problem solving, and cognitive controls: an empirical investigation of critically acclaimed productivity [d]
  787. () Mastering successful work: skillful means: wake up! [i]
  788. () The time-course of analytic psychotherapy: a semiotic phenomenonology [d]
  789. () Time and strategic action: a cross-cultural view [d]
  790. () Metaphor and the language of futures [d] [u]
  791. () Past and future in young women's experience of time [d]
  792. () Fast cycle time: how to align purpose, strategy, and structure for speed [i]
  793. (/1997) Working man's Ph.D. [o]
  794. (/2004) From chocolate to morphine: everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs [i]
  795. () Time pollution [u]
  796. (/2005) The future as an integrating force through the schools of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  797. (/2001) Getting things done when you are not in charge [i]
  798. () Time management for teams [i]
  799. () The anthropology of time: cultural constructions of temporal maps and images [i]
  800. () Food, health, and survival in India and developing countries [i]
  801. () Effects of caffeine, time of day and user history on study-related performance [p] [d]
  802. () Time, work and task orientation: a critique of American historiography [d]
  803. () A new look at time, speed, and the manager [j]
  804. Marvin Ross Weisbord [ed] () Discovering common ground: how future search conferences bring people together to achieve breakthrough innovation, empowerment, shared vision, and collaborative action [i]
  805. () The radiant performer: the spiral path to performing power [i]
  806. () Effects of time-management practices on college grades [d]
  807. () Aspects of time in organization [d]
  808. () Executive leadership: a practical guide to managing complexity [i]
  809. () Facilitation in action research [d]
  810. (/1998) The kid's guide to social action: how to solve the social problems you choose–and turn creative thinking into positive action [i]
  811. (/2007) World as lover, world as self: courage for global justice and ecological renewal [i]
  812. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  813. () Psychology of time awareness [p] [d]
  814. () Temporal notations: four lessons in the visualization of time [d] [j]
  815. () Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action [i] [d]
  816. () Time and unemployment [d] [j]
  817. () Freedom at work [i]
  818. () On time in brief therapy [i] [d]
  819. () Naming the moment: political analysis for action: a manual for community groups [i]
  820. () Mental management and creativity: a cognitive model of time management for intellectual productivity [i] [d]
  821. (/2004) Begin with the end in mind [and with the whole in mind] [i] [u]
  822. () Making fast strategic decisions in high-velocity environments [d] [j]
  823. (/2007) The now habit: a strategic program for overcoming procrastination and enjoying guilt-free play [i]
  824. () Crucial decisions: leadership in policymaking and crisis management [i]
  825. () Envisioning a sustainable society: learning our way out [i]
  826. () Cognitive economy: the economic dimension of the theory of knowledge [i] [u]
  827. () On technology, time, and social order: technically induced change in the temporal organization of radiological work [i]
  828. () Some correlates of structure and purpose in the use of time [d]
  829. () Astronomers mark time: discipline and the personal equation [d]
  830. () Time in history: the evolution of our general awareness of time and temporal perspective [i]
  831. () The application of participatory action-research in Latin America [d]
  832. () Evolution of time constructs and their impact on socioeconomic planning [d] [u]
  833. () Meaning making and management action [d] [u]
  834. () Lived time and clockwork culture: Elliott Jaques and the study of time in the human sciences [d]
  835. (/2004) Productive workplaces revisited: dignity, meaning, and community in the 21st century [i]
  836. () Kaironomia: on the will-to-invent [i]
  837. () The timing of biological clocks [i]
  838. () The subjective side of strategy making: future orientations and perceptions of executives [i]
  839. () Men's time allocation to subsistence work among the Ache of Eastern Paraguay [d] [j]
  840. (/2004) Work with passion: how to do what you love for a living [i]
  841. () Time allocation: a tool for the study of cultural behavior [d]
  842. () Personality and patterns of adherence and nonadherence to the social clock [d]
  843. () A sociopsychological contribution to the theory of individual time-alocation [d]
  844. () Looking forward: a guide to futures research [i]
  845. () Formal records of the use of time and movement through space: a conceptual and visual series of artworks [d] [j]
  846. () Cultivating timely executive action [i] [u]
  847. () Executive mind, timely action [u]
  848. () The psychology of chance encounters and life paths [d]
  849. () Time resources, society, and ecology: on the capacity for human interaction in space and time [i] [d]
  850. () An evaluation of the effects of a time management training program on work efficiency [d]
  851. () The form of time [i]
  852. () Time and the inner future: a temporal approach to psychiatric disorders [i]
  853. () The timing of economic activities: firms, households, and markets in time-specific analysis [i]
  854. () The sociology of structuration in time and space: a time-geographic assessment of Giddens' theory [o]
  855. () Drawing from action for action: drawing and discussion as a popular research tool [o]
  856. () Production, family, and free-time projects: a time-geographic perspective on the individual and societal change in nineteenth-century U.S. cities [d]
  857. () Does labor time decrease with industrialization?: a survey of time-allocation studies [and comments and reply] [j]
  858. () Building the collaborative community: mobilizing citizens for action [o]
  859. () The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
  860. (/2001) The geometry of biological time [i]
  861. (/2022) Human adaptability: an introduction to ecological anthropology [i] [d]
  862. (/2004) Wishcraft: how to get what you really want [i]
  863. () Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
  864. (/1991) Skillful means: patterns for success [or: Skillful means: gentle ways to successful work] [i]
  865. () Decision making: a psychological analysis of conflict, choice, and commitment [i]
  866. () Time, space, and knowledge: a new vision of reality [i]
  867. () Time horizon: the moving boundary [d]
  868. (/1991) Getting things done: the ABCs of time management [i]
  869. (/1992) Zen and creative management [i]
  870. () Time use and social organization [o]
  871. (/2009) The time trap [i]
  872. Philip C. Ritterbush [ed] () Talent waste: how institutions of learning misdirect human resources [i]
  873. () The tyranny of time: results achieved vs. hours spent [p]
  874. () Ecological aspects of endogenous rhythmicity [d]
  875. (/2001) Know your time [or: Know thy time] [i]
  876. (/2010) Why we can't wait [i]
  877. (/1971) How to get more done in less time [o]
  878. () The art of decision-making [o] [u]
  879. () Can we survive technology? [u]
  880. (/1959) Management in the home: happier living through saving time and energy [o]
  881. (/1970) Try giving yourself away: a tonic for these troubled times [i] [u]
  882. () Knowledge for what?: the place of social science in American culture [o] [d] [j]
  883. (/1952) The Gantt chart: a working tool of management [o]
  884. () Process charts: first steps in finding the one best way to do work [and comments and reply] [d] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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