How to evolve
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- Mathieu Charbonneau [ed] (2024) The evolution of techniques: rigidity and flexibility in use, transmission, and innovation [i] [d]
- W. Ford Doolittle (2024) Darwinizing Gaia: natural selection and multispecies community evolution [i] [d]
- Luis H. Favela (2024) The ecological brain: unifying the sciences of brain, body, and environment [i] [d]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich & Michael Muthukrishna (2024) What makes us smart? [p] [d]
- W. John Kress, Lonnie G. Bunch, & Margaret Lowman (2024) Smithsonian Trees of North America [i] [d] [j]
- Alexei A. Sharov & George E. Mikhailovsky [ed] (2024) Pathways to the origin and evolution of meanings in the universe [i] [d]
- Gemma Anderson & John Dupré [ed] (2023) Drawing processes of life: molecules, cells, organisms [i] [d] [j] [u]
- Timothy M. Blackburn (2023) The jewel box: how moths illuminate nature's hidden rules [i]
- Julia J. C. Blau & Jeffrey B. Wagman (2023) Introduction to ecological psychology: a lawful approach to perceiving, acting, and cognizing [i] [d]
- Peter A. Corning, Stuart A. Kauffman, Denis Noble, James Alan Shapiro, Richard Irwin Vane-Wright, & Addy Pross [ed] (2023) Evolution 'on purpose': teleonomy in living systems [i] [d]
- Terrence W. Deacon (2023) Minimal properties of a natural semiotic system: response to commentaries on 'How molecules became signs' [d]
- Léo Fitouchi, Jean-Baptiste André, & Nicolas Baumard (2023) Moral disciplining: the cognitive and evolutionary foundations of puritanical morality [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Thomas F. Hansen, David Houle, Mihaela Pavlic̆ev, & Christophe Pélabon [ed] (2023) Evolvability: a unifying concept in evolutionary biology? [i] [d]
- Eva Jablonka & Simona Ginsburg (2023) Sentience as a system property: learning complexity and the evolution of consciousness [d]
- Nancy Kanwisher, Meenakshi Khosla, & Katharina Dobs (2023) Using artificial neural networks to ask 'why' questions of minds and brains [p] [d]
- Yuta Kawamura & Misato Inaba (2023) Trivial giving as a signal of trustworthiness [d]
- Bernd Rosslenbroich (2023) Properties of life: toward a theory of organismic biology [i] [d]
- Abhishek Sharma, Dániel Czégel, Michael Lachmann, Christopher P. Kempes, Sara Imari Walker, & Leroy Cronin (2023) Assembly theory explains and quantifies selection and evolution [p] [d] [u]
- Cathryn Townsend, Joseph V. Ferraro, Heather Habecker, & Mark V. Flinn (2023) Human cooperation and evolutionary transitions in individuality [p] [d] [u]
- Patrick Aryee, Michael Bright, & Lizzie Harper (2022) 30 animals that made us smarter: stories of the natural world that inspired human ingenuity [i]
- Laurence J. Belcher, Philip G. Madgwick, Satoshi Kuwana, Balint Stewart, Christopher R. L. Thompson, & Jason B. Wolf (2022) Developmental constraints enforce altruism and avert the tragedy of the commons in a social microbe [p] [d] [u]
- Marlene D. Berke, Robert Walter-Terrill, Julian Jara-Ettinger, & Brian J. Scholl (2022) Flexible goals require that inflexible perceptual systems produce veridical representations: implications for realism as revealed by evolutionary simulations [p] [d]
- Miriam Brandt, Quentin J. Groom, Alexandra Magro, Dusan Misevic, Claire L. Narraway, Till Bruckermann, Anna Beniermann, Tom Børsen, Josefa González, Sofie Meeus, Helen E. Roy, Xana Sá-Pinto, Jorge Roberto Torres, & Tania Jenkins (2022) Promoting scientific literacy in evolution through citizen science [p] [d] [u]
- Bernardo M. Flores & Arie Staal (2022) Feedback in tropical forests of the Anthropocene [d]
- Tim Ingold (2022) Evolution without inheritance: steps to an ecology of learning [and comments and reply] [d]
- Eva Jablonka & Simona Ginsburg (2022) Learning and the evolution of conscious agents [and comments] [d]
- Nick Lane (2022) Transformer: the deep chemistry of life and death [i]
- Gretchen Reynolds (2022) How exercising now could benefit your future grandchildren [u]
- Michael Rosenberg (2022) The dynamics of cultural evolution: the central role of purposive behaviors [i] [d]
- Patrick Schultheiss, Sabine S. Nooten, Runxi Wang, Mark K. L. Wong, François Brassard, & Benoit Guénard (2022) The abundance, biomass, and distribution of ants on Earth [p] [d]
- Vitaly Vanchurin, Yuri I. Wolf, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, & Eugene V. Koonin (2022) Toward a theory of evolution as multilevel learning [p] [d] [u]
- Konrad Werner (2022) The embodied philosopher: living in pursuit of boundary questions [i] [d]
- Ed Yong (2022) An immense world: how animal senses reveal the hidden realms around us [i]
- Philippe Bertrand & Louis Legendre (2021) Earth, our living planet: the Earth system and its co-evolution with organisms [i] [d]
- Richard Boyd (2021) Rethinking natural kinds, reference and truth: towards more correspondence with reality, not less [d]
- Charlotte O. Brand, Alex Mesoudi, & Paul E. Smaldino (2021) Analogy as a catalyst for cumulative cultural evolution [p] [d]
- Daniel S. Brooks, James DiFrisco, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] (2021) Levels of organization in the biological sciences [i] [d]
- Ian A. Crawford [ed] (2021) Expanding worldviews: astrobiology, big history and cosmic perspectives [i] [d]
- Terrence W. Deacon (2021) How molecules became signs [and comments] [d]
- Jeremy M. DeSilva [ed] (2021) A most interesting problem: what Darwin's Descent of man got right and wrong about human evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Hugh Desmond (2021) The selectionist rationale for evolutionary progress [d]
- Michael R. Dietrich, Mark E. Borrello, & Oren Solomon Harman [ed] (2021) Handbook of the historiography of biology [i] [d]
- Pierre M. Durand (2021) The evolutionary origins of life and death [i] [d]
- Oskar Hagen, Alexander Skeels, Renske E. Onstein, Walter Jetz, & Loïc Pellissier (2021) Earth history events shaped the evolution of uneven biodiversity across tropical moist forests [p] [d] [u]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich & Michael Muthukrishna (2021) The origins and psychology of human cooperation [p] [d]
- Ze Hong & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2021) The cultural evolution of epistemic practices: the case of divination [p] [d]
- Gary C. Howard (2021) The biology of death: how dying shapes cells, organisms, & populations [i] [d]
- Timothy J. Jorgensen (2021) Spark: the life of electricity and the electricity of life [i] [d] [j]
- Eugene V. Koonin, Kira S. Makarova, & Yuri I. Wolf (2021) Evolution of microbial genomics: conceptual shifts over a quarter century [p] [d]
- Kevin N. Laland & Amanda Seed (2021) Understanding human cognitive uniqueness [p] [d]
- Christopher E. Mason (2021) The next 500 years: engineering life to reach new worlds [i] [d]
- Eugene W. Mathes (2021) An evolutionary perspective on Kohlberg's theory of moral development [d]
- Alessandro Minelli (2021) Understanding development [i] [d]
- Brent D. Mishler (2021) What, if anything, are species? [i] [d] [u]
- Michael Muthukrishna, Joseph Patrick Henrich, & Edward Slingerland (2021) Psychology as a historical science [p] [d]
- Elena Pagni & Richard Theisen Simanke [ed] (2021) Biosemiotics and evolution: the natural foundations of meaning and symbolism [i] [d]
- Angela Potochnik (2021) Our world isn't organized into levels [i] [d] [u]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2021) On radical solutions in the philosophy of biology: what does 'individuals thinking' actually solve? [d]
- Isabella Sarto-Jackson (2021) Converging concepts of evolutionary epistemology and cognitive biology within a framework of the extended evolutionary synthesis [d]
- Ted R. Schultz, Richard Gawne, & Peter N Peregrine [ed] (2021) The convergent evolution of agriculture in humans and insects [i] [d]
- Jan Spitzer (2021) How molecular forces and rotating planets create life: the emergence and evolution of prokaryotic cells [i] [d]
- Bernhard Strauss, Marta Bertolaso, Ingemar Ernberg, & Mina J. Bissell [ed] (2021) Rethinking cancer: a new paradigm for the post genomics era [i] [d]
- Rick Szostak (2021) Making sense of world history [i] [d] [u]
- Ryutaro Uchiyama, Rachel Spicer, & Michael Muthukrishna (2021) Cultural evolution of genetic heritability [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Krist Vaesen & Wybo Houkes (2021) Is human culture cumulative? [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- Dennis P. Waters (2021) Behavior and culture in one dimension: sequences, affordances, and the evolution of complexity [i] [d]
- Pascal Boyer (2020) Informal religious activity outside hegemonic religions: wild traditions and their relevance to evolutionary models [d]
- Allen E. Buchanan (2020) Our moral fate: evolution and the escape from tribalism [i] [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky & Derek Turner (2020) Historicity and explanation [d]
- Katerina M. Faust, Samantha Carouso-Peck, Mary R. Elson, & Michael H. Goldstein (2020) The origins of social knowledge in altricial species [d]
- Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods (2020) Survival of the friendliest: understanding our origins and rediscovering our common humanity [i]
- Cecilia M. Heyes, Dan Bang, Nicholas Shea, Christopher D. Frith, & Stephen M. Fleming (2020) Knowing ourselves together: the cultural origins of metacognition [p] [d]
- Daijiang Li, Julian D. Olden, Julie L. Lockwood, Sydne Record, Michael L. McKinney, & Benjamin Baiser (2020) Changes in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene [p] [d] [u]
- Andra Meneganzin, Telmo Pievani, & Stefano Caserini (2020) Anthropogenic climate change as a monumental niche construction process: background and philosophical aspects [d]
- Elena Miu, Ned Gulley, Kevin N. Laland, & Luke Rendell (2020) Flexible learning, rather than inveterate innovation or copying, drives cumulative knowledge gain [p] [d] [u]
- Trevor Pearce (2020) Pragmatism's evolution: organism and environment in American philosophy [i] [d]
- Jason Fischer (2020) Naïve physics: building a mental model of how the world behaves [i]
- Russell Powell (2020) Contingency and convergence: toward a cosmic biology of body and mind [i] [d]
- Carl Safina (2020) Becoming wild: how animal cultures raise families, create beauty, and achieve peace [i]
- J. L. Schellenberg (2020) What if our species is epistemically immature? [d] [j]
- Louis A. Schmidt & Kristie L. Poole [ed] (2020) Adaptive shyness: multiple perspectives on behavior and development [i] [d]
- Dor Shilton, Mati Breski, Daniel Dor, & Eva Jablonka (2020) Human social evolution: self-domestication or self-control? [p] [d] [u]
- Neil Shubin (2020) Some assembly required: decoding four billion years of life, from ancient fossils to DNA [i]
- John Torday & William B. Miller Jr. (2020) Cellular-molecular mechanisms in epigenetic evolutionary biology [i] [d]
- Karen E. Adolph (2019) An ecological approach to learning in (not and) development [d]
- J. Arvid Ågren, Nicholas G. Davies, & Kevin R. Foster (2019) Enforcement is central to the evolution of cooperation [p] [d]
- Joseph M. Brisendine (2019) The equivalence of free energy and information: thermodynamic descriptions as a condition of possibility of objectivity [i] [d]
- Allen E. Buchanan & Russell Powell (2019) Précis of The evolution of moral progress: a biocultural theory [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
- John O. Campbell & Michael E. Price (2019) Universal Darwinism and the origins of order [i] [d]
- James A. Coffman (2019) Why functional genomics is the central concern of biology and the hard problem of abiogenesis [i] [d]
- Lewis Dartnell (2019) Origins: how earth's history shaped human history [i]
- Reuven Dukas (2019) Animal expertise: mechanisms, ecology and evolution [d]
- Benjamin Enke (2019) Kinship, cooperation, and the evolution of moral systems [d]
- Jan Faye (2019) How matter becomes conscious: a naturalistic theory of the mind [i] [d]
- Claudio L. Flores Martinez (2019) Comparative genomics of convergent evolution [i] [d]
- Zachary H. Garfield, Christopher R. von Rueden, & Edward H. Hagen (2019) The evolutionary anthropology of political leadership [d]
- Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, John M. Smart, Claudio L. Flores Martinez, & Michael E. Price [ed] (2019) Evolution, development and complexity: multiscale evolutionary models of complex adaptive systems [i] [d]
- Sophie C. Gibb, Robin Findlay Hendry, & Tom Lancaster [ed] (2019) The Routledge handbook of emergence [i] [d]
- Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka (2019) The evolution of the sensitive soul: learning and the origins of consciousness [i] [d]
- Iain J. Gordon & Herbert H. T. Prins [ed] (2019) The ecology of browsing and grazing II [i] [d]
- Wade W. Grabow & Grace E. Andrews (2019) On the nature and origin of biological information: the curious case of RNA [p] [d]
- Ute Harms & Michael J. Reiss [ed] (2019) Evolution education re-considered: understanding what works [i] [d]
- Henrik Høgh-Olesen (2019) The aesthetic animal [i] [d]
- Ruth Kassinger (2019) Slime: how algae created us, plague us, and just might save us [i]
- Stuart A. Kauffman (2019) A world beyond physics: the emergence and evolution of life [i]
- Michael Lachmann & Sara Imari Walker (2019) Life ≠ alive: What can Schrödinger's cat say about 3D printers on Mars? [u]
- Cristine H. Legare (2019) The development of cumulative cultural learning [d]
- George R. McGhee (2019) Convergent evolution on earth: lessons for the search for extraterrestrial life [i] [d]
- Cailin O'Connor (2019) The origins of unfairness: social categories and cultural evolution [i] [d]
- Mark E. Olson, Alfonso Arroyo-Santos, & Francisco Vergara-Silva (2019) A user's guide to metaphors in ecology and evolution [p] [d]
- Martin J. Packer & Michael Cole (2019) Evolution and ontogenesis: the deontic niche of human development [d]
- Gualtiero Piccinini & Armin W. Schulz (2019) The ways of altruism [d]
- Eric S. Post (2019) Time in ecology: a theoretical framework [i] [d] [j]
- Thomas Pradeu (2019) Philosophy of immunology [i] [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2019) Taxa hold little information about organisms: some inferential problems in biological systematics [p] [d]
- Meredith Root-Bernstein & Richard J. Ladle (2019) Ecology of a widespread large omnivore, Homo sapiens, and its impacts on ecosystem processes [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Ruse (2019) A meaning to life [i]
- Oliver C. Schultheiss & Pranjal H. Mehta [ed] (2019) Routledge international handbook of social neuroendocrinology [i] [d]
- Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill [ed] (2019) Evolutionary perspectives on death [i] [d]
- John M. Smart (2019) Evolutionary development: a universal perspective [i] [d]
- Ricard V. Solé, Melanie Moses, & Stephanie Forrest (2019) Liquid brains, solid brains [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Tomasello (2019) Becoming human: a theory of ontogeny [i] [d]
- Derek Turner & Joyce C. Havstad (2019) Philosophy of macroevolution [u]
- Tobias Uller & Kevin N. Laland [ed] (2019) Evolutionary causation: biological and philosophical reflections [i] [d]
- Douglas Wahlsten (2019) Genes, brain function, and behavior: what genes do, how they malfunction, and ways to repair damage [i] [d]
- Lisa L. M. Welling & Todd K. Shackelford [ed] (2019) The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and behavioral endocrinology [i] [d]
- Anthony M. Zador (2019) A critique of pure learning and what artificial neural networks can learn from animal brains [p] [d] [u]
- Fred W. Allendorf (2018) Zen and deep evolution: the optical delusion of separation [d]
- Michel Anctil (2018) Luminous creatures: the history and science of light production in living organisms [i] [j]
- Michal Arbilly (2018) High-magnitude innovators as keystone individuals in the evolution of culture [p] [d] [u]
- Jan Baedke (2018) Above the gene, beyond biology: toward a philosophy of epigenetics [i] [j]
- Dörte Becher [ed] (2018) Microbial proteomics: methods and protocols [i] [d]
- Marta Bertolaso, Silvia Caianiello, & Emanuele Serrelli [ed] (2018) Biological robustness: emerging perspectives from within the life sciences [i] [d]
- Russell Bonduriansky & Troy Day (2018) Extended heredity: a new understanding of inheritance and evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Robert Boyd (2018) A different kind of animal: how culture transformed our species [i] [d] [j]
- Pascal Boyer (2018) Minds make societies: how cognition explains the world humans create [i] [d]
- Sergio Carrà (2018) Stepping stones to synthetic biology [i] [d]
- José R. Castelló (2018) Canids of the world: wolves, wild dogs, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and relatives [i] [d] [j]
- Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo, & Francesca De Petrillo [ed] (2018) Evolution of primate social cognition [i] [d]
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2018) The enduring enigma of reason [d]
- George F. R. Ellis & Mark Solms (2018) Beyond evolutionary psychology: how and why neuropsychological modules arise [i] [d]
- Yaniv Erlich, Tal Shor, Itsik Pe'er, & Shai Carmi (2018) Identity inference of genomic data using long-range familial searches [p] [d] [j]
- Giulia Frezza & Mauro Capocci (2018) Thomas Hunt Morgan and the invisible gene: the right tool for the job [p] [d] [j]
- Henkjan Honing [ed] (2018) The origins of musicality [i] [d]
- Christon J Hurst [ed] (2018) The connections between ecology and infectious disease [i] [d]
- Ronald Inglehart (2018) Cultural evolution: people's motivations are changing, and reshaping the world [i] [d]
- Oren Kolodny, Marcus W. Feldman, & Nicole Creanza (2018) Integrative studies of cultural evolution: crossing disciplinary boundaries to produce new insights [p] [d] [u]
- Boriana Marintcheva (2018) Harnessing the power of viruses [i] [d]
- Daniel J. Nicholson & John Dupré [ed] (2018) Everything flows: towards a processual philosophy of biology [i] [d] [u]
- Michael J. O'Brien, Briggs Buchanan, & Metin I. Eren [ed] (2018) Convergent evolution in stone-tool technology [i] [d]
- David Reich (2018) Who we are and how we got here: ancient DNA revolution and the new science of the human past [i]
- Andrew S. Reynolds (2018) The third lens: metaphor and the creation of modern cell biology [i] [d]
- Jim Robbins (2018) At home, even in the sky: trillions upon trillions of viruses fall from the sky each day [u]
- Armin W. Schulz (2018) Efficient cognition: the evolution of representational decision making [i] [d]
- Jeffrey H. Schwartz [ed] (2018) Rethinking human evolution [i] [d]
- Ricard V. Solé & Santiago F. Elena (2018) Viruses as complex adaptive systems [i] [d] [j]
- Dan Sperber (2018) Population thinking [i] [u]
- Tobias Starzak & Andreas Roepstorff (2018) Evolution of human cognition: temporal dynamics at biological and historical time scales [i] [d]
- Kim Sterelny (2018) Why reason?: Hugo Mercier's and Dan Sperber's The enigma of reason: a new theory of human understanding [d]
- Kim Sterelny (2018) Culture and the extended phenotype: cognition and material culture in deep time [i] [d]
- Dietrich Stout (2018) Human brain evolution: history or science? [i] [d]
- Michael Tomasello (2018) Précis of A natural history of human morality [and comments and reply] [d]
- Noa Truskanov & Yosef Prat (2018) Cultural transmission in an ever-changing world: trial-and-error copying may be more robust than precise imitation [p] [d] [u]
- Andrew Vallely (2018) Birds of central America: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama [i] [d] [j]
- Michael S Webster [ed] (2018) The extended specimen: emerging frontiers in collections-based ornithological research [i] [d]
- Catherine Wilson (2018) Consciousness as a biological phenomenon: an alternative to panpsychism [d]
- Yuri I. Wolf, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, & Eugene V. Koonin (2018) Physical foundations of biological complexity [p] [d] [u]
- Carl Zimmer (2018) She has her mother's laugh: the powers, perversions, and potential of heredity [i]
- Robin G. Allaby, Chris Stevens, Leilani Lucas, Osamu Maeda, & Dorian Q. Fuller (2017) Geographic mosaics and changing rates of cereal domestication [p] [d] [u]
- Ted Anton (2017) Planet of microbes: the perils and potential of earth's essential life forms [i] [d]
- David A. Bohan, Corinne Vacher, Alireza Tamaddoni-Nezhad, Alan Raybould, Alex J. Dumbrell, & Guy Woodward (2017) Next-generation global biomonitoring: large-scale, automated reconstruction of ecological networks [p] [d]
- Christophe Bouton & Philippe Huneman [ed] (2017) Time of nature and the nature of time: philosophical perspectives of time in natural sciences [i] [d]
- Björn Brembs (2017) Operant behavior in model systems [i] [d]
- Joseph Bulbulia (2017) Tradition's hidden economy [d]
- Judith M. Burkart, Michèle N. Schubiger, & Carel P. van Schaik (2017) The evolution of general intelligence [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Daniel C. Burnston (2017) Real patterns in biological explanation [d] [j]
- Pablo Catalán, Clemente F. Arias, Jose A. Cuesta, & Susanna Manrubia (2017) Adaptive multiscapes: an up-to-date metaphor to visualize molecular adaptation [p] [d] [u]
- Richard J. Chacon & Rubén G. Mendoza [ed] (2017) Feast, famine or fighting?: multiple pathways to social complexity [i] [d]
- Andrew Clarke (2017) Principles of thermal ecology: temperature, energy and life [i] [d]
- James T. Costa (2017) Darwin's backyard: how small experiments led to a big theory [i]
- Laura E. Dee, Stefano Allesina, Aletta Bonn, Anna Eklöf, Steven D. Gaines, Jes Hines, Ute Jacob, Eve McDonald-Madden, Hugh P. Possingham, Matthias Schröter, & Ross M. Thompson (2017) Operationalizing network theory for ecosystem service assessments [d]
- Reuven Dukas (2017) Cognitive innovations and the evolutionary biology of expertise [p] [d] [u]
- Russil Durrant (2017) Why do protective factors protect?: an evolutionary developmental perspective [on antisocial behavior] [d]
- Kyle H. Elliott, Gustavo S. Betini, & D. Ryan Norris (2017) Fear creates an Allee effect: experimental evidence from seasonal populations [p] [d]
- Douglas H. Erwin (2017) The topology of evolutionary novelty and innovation in macroevolution [p] [d] [u]
- Agustín Fuentes (2017) The creative spark: how imagination made humans exceptional [i]
- Shaun Gallagher (2017) Enactivist interventions: rethinking the mind [i] [d]
- Justin Garson, Anya Plutynski, & Sahotra Sarkar [ed] (2017) The Routledge handbook of philosophy of biodiversity [i] [d]
- Herbert Gintis (2017) Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
- Snait Gissis, Ehud Lamm, & Ayelet Shavit [ed] (2017) Landscapes of collectivity in the life sciences [i]
- Sara Green [ed] (2017) Philosophy of systems biology: perspectives from scientists and philosophers [i] [d]
- Chris Haynes, Michael Luck, Peter McBurney, Samhar Mahmoud, Tomáš Vítek, & Simon Miles (2017) Engineering the emergence of norms: a review [d]
- Andrew P. Hendry, Kiyoko M. Gotanda, & Erik I. Svensson (2017) Human influences on evolution, and the ecological and societal consequences [p] [d] [u]
- Elizabeth M. Hill, Lindsey Hunt, & Daniel G. Duryea (2017) Evolved vulnerability to addiction: the problem of opiates [i] [d]
- Scott L. Hooper & Ansgar Büschges [ed] (2017) Neurobiology of motor control: fundamental concepts and new directions [i] [d]
- Christon J. Hurst [ed] (2017) Modeling the transmission and prevention of infectious disease [i] [d]
- Eva Jablonka (2017) The evolutionary implications of epigenetic inheritance [p] [d] [u]
- Daniel Kelly & Patrick Hoburg (2017) A tale of two processes: on Joseph Henrich's The secret of our success: how culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter [d]
- Simon Kirby (2017) Culture and biology in the origins of linguistic structure [p] [d] [u]
- Kevin N. Laland (2017) Darwin's unfinished symphony: how culture made the human mind [i] [d] [j]
- Kristin Laurin (2017) Religion and its cultural evolutionary by-products [i] [d]
- Cristine H. Legare (2017) Cumulative cultural learning: development and diversity [p] [d] [u]
- David Ludwig (2017) Letting go of 'natural kind': toward a multidimensional framework of nonarbitrary classification [d] [j] [u]
- Roman Madzia (2017) Root-brains: the frontiers of cognition in the light of John Dewey's philosophy of nature [d]
- Luke J. Matthews (2017) Mutualistic cooperation: why religion is common but saints are rare [d]
- Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber (2017) The enigma of reason [i] [d]
- Alex Mesoudi (2017) Pursuing Darwin's curious parallel: prospects for a science of cultural evolution [p] [d] [u]
- Makiko Mimura, Tetsukazu Yahara, Daniel P. Faith, Ella Vázquez-Domínguez, Robert I. Colautti, Hitoshi Araki, Firouzeh Javadi, Juan Núñez-Farfán, Akira S. Mori, Shiliang Zhou, Peter M. Hollingsworth, Linda E. Neaves, Yuya Fukano, Gideon F. Smith, Yo-Ichiro Sato, Hidenori Tachida, & Andrew P. Hendry (2017) Understanding and monitoring the consequences of human impacts on intraspecific variation [p] [d] [u]
- David S. Moore & David Shenk (2017) The heritability fallacy [d]
- David S. Moore (2017) Behavioral epigenetics [d]
- Salikoko S. Mufwene, François Pellegrino, & Christophe Coupé [ed] (2017) Complexity in language: developmental and evolutionary perspectives [i] [d]
- Nathan Nunn & Raul Sanchez de la Sierra (2017) Why being wrong can be right: magical warfare technologies and the persistence of false beliefs [d] [j]
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Suse Grutzmacher, & Jonathan Howard (2017/2019) Animal beauty: on the evolution of biological aesthetics [i] [d]
- Trevor Pearce (2017) American pragmatism, evolution, and ethics [i] [d]
- Gordon Pennycook & David G. Rand (2017) The evolution of analytic thought? [p] [d]
- Pierre Pontarotti [ed] (2017) Evolutionary biology: self/nonself evolution, species and complex traits evolution, methods and concepts [i] [d]
- Eleanor A. Power (2017) Discerning devotion: testing the signaling theory of religion [d]
- Donald R. Prothero & Mary Persis Williams (2017) The Princeton field guide to prehistoric mammals [i] [d] [j]
- Adnan Rashid, Osman Hasan, Umair Siddique, & Sofiène Tahar (2017) Formal reasoning about systems biology using theorem proving [p] [d] [u]
- Angelo Romano & Daniel Balliet (2017) Reciprocity outperforms conformity to promote cooperation [p] [d]
- Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards [ed] (2017) The Cambridge handbook of evolutionary ethics [i] [d]
- Robert M. Sapolsky (2017) Behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst [i]
- Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill [ed] (2017) The evolution of psychopathology [i] [d]
- Fotini Stylianopoulou & Antonios Stamatakis (2017) Developmental aspects of memory processes [i] [d]
- Alexis P. Sullivan, Douglas W. Bird, & George H. Perry (2017) Human behaviour as a long-term ecological driver of non-human evolution [p] [d]
- Alfred I. Tauber (2017) Immunity: the evolution of an idea [i] [d]
- Sara Imari Walker, Paul C. W. Davies, & George F. R. Ellis [ed] (2017) From matter to life: information and causality [i] [d]
- Lachlan Douglas Walmsley (2017) Mother nature kicks back: review of Sean B. Carroll's 2016 The Serengeti rules [d]
- David Sloan Wilson, Yasha Hartberg, Ian F. MacDonald, Jonathan A. Lanman, & Harvey Whitehouse (2017) The nature of religious diversity: a cultural ecosystem approach [d]
- Lies Zandberg, John L. Quinn, Marc Naguib, & Kees van Oers (2017) Personality-dependent differences in problem-solving performance in a social context reflect foraging strategies [p] [d]
- Sylvain Alem, Clint J. Perry, Xingfu Zhu, Olli J. Loukola, Thomas Ingraham, Eirik Søvik, & Lars Chittka (2016) Associative mechanisms allow for social learning and cultural transmission of string pulling in an insect [p] [d]
- Jonathan P. Balcombe (2016) What a fish knows: the inner lives of our underwater cousins [i]
- Louise Barrett & Gert Stulp (2016) Revolution, reconciliation, integration: is there a way to bring social and biological anthropology together? [d]
- Michael Baym, Tami D. Lieberman, Eric D. Kelsic, Remy Chait, Rotem Gross, Idan Yelin, & Roy Kishony (2016) Spatiotemporal microbial evolution on antibiotic landscapes [p] [d] [j]
- Aaron T. Beck & Keith Bredemeier (2016) A unified model of depression: integrating clinical, cognitive, biological, and evolutionary perspectives [d]
- Julia C. Boughner & Campbell Rolian [ed] (2016) Developmental approaches to human evolution [i] [d]
- José R. Castelló, Brent Huffman, & Colin Groves (2016) Bovids of the world: antelopes, gazelles, cattle, goats, sheep, and relatives [i] [d] [j]
- Morten H. Christiansen & Nick Chater (2016) Creating language: integrating evolution, acquisition, and processing [i] [d] [j]
- Robert Clark & Joseph E. Wallace (2016) Evolution: a visual record [i]
- Dale H. Clayton, Sarah Elizabeth Bush, & Kevin P. Johnson (2016) Coevolution of life on hosts: integrating ecology and history [i] [d]
- Helen Anne Curry (2016) Evolution made to order: plant breeding and technological innovation in twentieth-century America [i] [d]
- Greg Downey (2016) Being human in cities: phenotypic bias from urban niche construction [d] [j]
- Robin I. M. Dunbar (2016) Human evolution: our brains and behavior [i]
- Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt (2016) The ancient origins of consciousness: how the brain created experience [i] [d] [j]
- Carolyn Fry (2016) Seeds: a natural history [i] [d]
- Agustín Fuentes (2016) The extended evolutionary synthesis, ethnography, and the human niche: toward an integrated anthropology [d] [j]
- Scott F. Gilbert & Alfred I. Tauber (2016) Rethinking individuality: the dialectics of the holobiont [d]
- Georg Glaeser, Hannes F. Paulus, & Werner Nachtigall (2016/2017) The evolution of flight [i] [d]
- Peter Godfrey-Smith (2016) Other minds: the octopus, the sea, and the deep origins of consciousness [i]
- Andrea S. Griffin (2016) Innovativeness as an emergent property: a new alignment of comparative and experimental research on animal innovation [p] [d] [u]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich (2016) The secret of our success: how culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter [i] [d] [j]
- Suzana Herculano-Houzel (2016) The human advantage: a new understanding of how our brain became remarkable [i] [d]
- Eric Hochstein (2016) One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
- Christon J. Hurst [ed] (2016) The mechanistic benefits of microbial symbionts [i] [d]
- Christon J. Hurst [ed] (2016) The Rasputin effect: when commensals and symbionts become parasitic [i] [d]
- Christon J. Hurst [ed] (2016) Their world: a diversity of microbial environments [i] [d]
- Catherine Kendig [ed] (2016) Natural kinds and classification in scientific practice [i] [d]
- Susan Lawler (2016) Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set [u]
- Cristine H. Legare & Paul L. Harris (2016) The ontogeny of cultural learning [p] [d]
- Stefan Linquist, T. Ryan Gregory, Tyler A. Elliott, Brent Saylor, Stefan C. Kremer, & Karl Cottenie (2016) Yes! There are resilient generalizations (or 'laws') in ecology [p] [d]
- Leendert C. van Loon (2016) The intelligent behavior of plants [d]
- Pascual López-López (2016) Individual-based tracking systems in ornithology: welcome to the era of big data [d]
- Miles MacLeod (2016) Heuristic approaches to models and modeling in systems biology [d]
- Rogier B. Mars, Lennart Verhagen, Thomas E. Gladwin, Franz-Xaver Neubert, Jerome Sallet, & Matthew F. S. Rushworth (2016) Comparing brains by matching connectivity profiles [p] [d]
- Luke McNally & Sam P. Brown (2016) Visualizing evolution as it happens [p] [d] [j]
- Barton Moffatt (2016) The philosophy of biological information [i] [d]
- Michael Muthukrishna & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2016) Innovation in the collective brain [p] [d] [u]
- Karl J. Niklas & Stuart Newman [ed] (2016) Multicellularity: origins and evolution [i] [d]
- Andy Norman (2016) Why we reason: intention-alignment and the genesis of human rationality [d]
- Ovidiu Pârvu & David Gilbert (2016) A novel method to verify multilevel computational models of biological systems using multiscale spatio-temporal meta model checking [p] [d] [u]
- Arne Friemuth Petersen (2016) On Popper's contributions to psychology as part of biology [i] [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2016) From a zooming-in model to a co-creation model: towards a more dynamic account of classification and kinds [i] [d]
- Noel Rowe & Marc Myers (2016) All the world's primates [i]
- Carel P. van Schaik, Judith M. Burkart, Laura A. Damerius, Sofia I. F. Forss, Kathelijne Koops, Maria A. van Noordwijk, & Caroline Schuppli (2016) The reluctant innovator: orangutans and the phylogeny of creativity [p] [d] [u]
- Matthias Schemmel (2016) Historical epistemology of space: from primate cognition to spacetime physics [i] [d]
- Bernhard Schmid (2016) Decision-making: are plants more rational than animals? [p] [d]
- Jay Schulkin (2016) Sport: a biological, philosophical, and cultural perspective [i] [d] [j]
- Mike Shanahan (2016) Gods, wasps, and stranglers: the secret history and redemptive future of fig trees [i]
- Paul E. Smaldino & Richard McElreath (2016) The natural selection of bad science [p] [d] [u]
- Kim Sterelny (2016) Adaptable individuals and innovative lineages [p] [d] [u]
- Wenda Trevathan & Karen R. Rosenberg [ed] (2016) Costly and cute: helpless infants and human evolution [i]
- Günter Wächtershäuser (2016) In praise of error [p] [d]
- Ashley Ward & Mike Webster (2016) Sociality: the behaviour of group-living animals [i] [d]
- Richard A. Watson, Rob Mills, C. L. Buckley, Kostas Kouvaris, Adam Jackson, Simon T. Powers, Chris Cox, Simon Tudge, Adam Davies, Loizos Kounios, & Daniel Power (2016) Evolutionary connectionism: algorithmic principles underlying the evolution of biological organisation in evo-devo, evo-eco and evolutionary transitions [d]
- Michael R. Willig & Lawrence R. Walker [ed] (2016) Long-term ecological research: changing the nature of scientists [i]
- Ed Yong (2016) I contain multitudes: the microbes within us and a grander view of life [i]
- David E. Alexander & Sara L. Taliaferro (2015) On the wing: insects, pterosaurs, birds, bats and the evolution of animal flight [i]
- Robert Aunger & Valerie Curtis (2015) Gaining control: how human behavior evolved [i] [d]
- Tudor M. Baetu (2015) From mechanisms to mathematical models and back to mechanisms: quantitative mechanistic explanations [i] [d]
- William Bechtel (2015) Generalizing mechanistic explanations using graph-theoretic representations [i] [d]
- Pieter van den Berg, Lucas Molleman, & Franz J. Weissing (2015) Focus on the success of others leads to selfish behavior [p] [d] [u]
- Matthew F. Bonnan (2015) The bare bones: an unconventional evolutionary history of the skeleton [i] [j]
- Pierre-Alain Braillard & Christophe Malaterre [ed] (2015) Explanation in biology: an enquiry into the diversity of explanatory patterns in the life sciences [i] [d]
- Elizabeth L. Brainerd (2015) Major transformations in vertebrate breathing mechanisms [i] [d]
- Kayleigh Carr, Rachel L. Kendal, & Emma G. Flynn (2015) Imitate or innovate?: children's innovation is influenced by the efficacy of observed behaviour [p] [d]
- Linda Chalker-Scott (2015) How plants work: the science behind the amazing things plants do [i]
- Steven L. Chown, Kathryn A. Hodgins, Philippa C. Griffin, John G. Oakeshott, Margaret Byrne, & Ary A. Hoffmann (2015) Biological invasions, climate change and genomics [p] [d] [u]
- Bruce Clarke [ed] (2015) Earth, life, and system: evolution and ecology on a Gaian planet [i] [d] [j]
- C. Robert Cloninger & Danilo Garcia (2015) The heritability and development of positive affect and emotionality [i] [d]
- Joshua G. Cohen, Bradford S. Slaughter, Michael A. Kost, & Dennis A. Albert (2015) A field guide to the natural communities of Michigan [i] [j]
- Fiona Susan Coward, Robert Hosfield, Matthew Pope, & Francis F. Wenban-Smith [ed] (2015) Settlement, society and cognition in human evolution: landscapes in the mind [i] [d]
- Kenneth Paul Dial, Neil Shubin, & Elizabeth L. Brainerd [ed] (2015) Great transformations in vertebrate evolution [i] [d]
- Keith L. Downing (2015) Intelligence emerging: adaptivity and search in evolving neural systems [i] [d] [j]
- Erle C. Ellis (2015) Ecology in an anthropogenic biosphere [d]
- Elizabeth R. Ellwood, Betty A. Dunckel, Paul Flemons, Robert P. Guralnick, Gil Nelson, Greg Newman, Sarah Newman, Deborah Paul, Greg Riccardi, Nelson Rios, Katja C. Seltmann, & Austin R. Mast (2015) Accelerating the digitization of biodiversity research specimens through online public participation [d] [j]
- Marc Ereshefsky & Thomas A. C. Reydon (2015) Scientific kinds [d] [j]
- Markus I. Eronen (2015) Levels of organization: a deflationary account [d]
- Markus I. Eronen (2015) Are there levels out there? [conclusion: no] [u]
- Mark Fedyk (2015) How (not) to bring psychology and biology together [d] [j] [u]
- Agustín Fuentes (2015) Integrative anthropology and the human niche: toward a contemporary approach to human evolution [d]
- Shaun Gallagher (2015) Doing the math: calculating the role of evolution and enculturation in the origins of geometrical and mathematical reasoning [d]
- Stephen M. Gatesy & David B. Baier (2015) Skeletons in motion: an animator's perspective on vertebrate evolution [i] [d]
- Scott F. Gilbert, Thomas C. G. Bosch, & Cristina Ledón-Rettig (2015) Eco-evo-devo: developmental symbiosis and developmental plasticity as evolutionary agents [p] [d]
- Nathalie Gontier [ed] (2015) Reticulate evolution: symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer, hybridization and infectious heredity [i] [d]
- Bjørn Grinde (2015) Evolution and well-being [i] [d]
- Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu [ed] (2015) Individuals across the sciences [i] [d]
- Alexander H. Harcourt (2015) Humankind: how biology and geography shape human diversity [i]
- Stephen A. Harris (2015) What have plants ever done for us?: Western civilization in fifty plants [i]
- Steven C. Hayes & Brandon T. Sanford (2015) Modern psychotherapy as a multidimensional multilevel evolutionary process [d]
- Joaquín Hortal, Francesco de Bello, José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho, Thomas M. Lewinsohn, Jorge M. Lobo, & Richard J. Ladle (2015) Seven shortfalls that beset large-scale knowledge of biodiversity [d]
- Aimee Lee S. Houde, Shawn R. Garner, & Bryan D. Neff (2015) Restoring species through reintroductions: strategies for source population selection [d]
- Richard A. Hullinger, John K. Kruschke, & Peter M. Todd (2015) An evolutionary analysis of learned attention [p] [d]
- Richard Karban (2015) Plant sensing & communication [i] [d]
- Melvin J. Konner (2015) Women after all: sex, evolution, and the end of male supremacy [i]
- Eugene V. Koonin & Mart Krupovic (2015) Evolution of adaptive immunity from transposable elements combined with innate immune systems [p] [d] [u]
- Kevin D. Lafferty, Giulio DeLeo, Cheryl J. Briggs, Andrew P. Dobson, Thilo Gross, & Armand M. Kuris (2015) A general consumer–resource population model [p] [d] [j]
- Kevin N. Laland, Tobias Uller, Marcus W. Feldman, Kim Sterelny, Gerd B. Müller, Armin P. Moczek, Eva Jablonka, & F. John Odling-Smee (2015) The extended evolutionary synthesis: its structure, assumptions and predictions [p] [d]
- Jorge Landgrave-Gómez, Octavio Mercado-Gómez, & Rosalinda Guevara-Guzmán (2015) Epigenetic mechanisms in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases [p] [d] [u]
- Nick Lane (2015) The vital question: energy, evolution, and the origins of complex life [i]
- Víctor de Lorenzo, Agnieszka Sekowska, & Antoine Danchin (2015) Chemical reactivity drives spatiotemporal organisation of bacterial metabolism [d]
- Pedro C. Marijuán, Jorge Navarro, & Raquel del Moral (2015) How the living is in the world: an inquiry into the informational choreographies of life [d]
- Romina Martin & Maja Schlüter (2015) Combining system dynamics and agent-based modeling to analyze social-ecological interactions—an example from modeling restoration of a shallow lake [d]
- David S. Moore (2015) The developing genome: an introduction to behavioral epigenetics [i]
- Michel Morange (2015) Is there an explanation for... the diversity of explanations in biological studies? [i] [d]
- Álvaro Moreno & Matteo Mossio (2015) Biological autonomy: a philosophical and theoretical enquiry [i] [d]
- Steve Parker [ed] (2015) Evolution: the whole story [i]
- Carolyn Parkinson & Thalia Wheatley (2015) The repurposed social brain [p] [d]
- Michael P. Perring, Rachel J. Standish, Jodi N. Price, Michael D. Craig, Todd E. Erickson, Katinka X. Ruthrof, Andrew S. Whiteley, Leonie E. Valentine, & Richard J. Hobbs (2015) Advances in restoration ecology: rising to the challenges of the coming decades [d]
- Robert A. Philibert & Steven R. H. Beach (2015) The genetic and epigenetic essentials of modern humans [i] [d]
- Michael Pluess [ed] (2015) Genetics of psychological well-being: the role of heritability and genetics in positive psychology [i] [d]
- Kriti Sharma (2015) Interdependence: biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
- Moshe Szyf & Michael Pluess (2015) Epigenetics and well-being: optimal adaptation to the environment [i] [d]
- Gary Tomlinson (2015) A million years of music: the emergence of human modernity [i] [j]
- Roberto Mangabeira Unger & Lee Smolin (2015) The singular universe and the reality of time: a proposal in natural philosophy [i] [d]
- Sara Imari Walker (2015) Is life fundamental? [i] [d]
- Mark F. Watson, Christopher H. C. Lyal, & Colin Pendry [ed] (2015) Descriptive taxonomy: the foundation of biodiversity research [i] [d]
- Andrea Wulf (2015) The invention of nature: Alexander von Humboldt's new world [i]
- Cristián Santibáñez Yáñéz (2015) Steps towards an evolutionary account of argumentative competence [d] [u]
- Carlos Zednik (2015) Heuristics, descriptions, and the scope of mechanistic explanation [i] [d]
- Ramsey R. Affifi (2014) Deweyan education and democratic ecologies [d]
- J. David Archibald (2014) Aristotle's ladder, Darwin's tree: the evolution of visual metaphors for biological order [i] [d] [j]
- Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise [ed] (2014) Essential readings in evolutionary biology [i]
- Elizabeth T. Borer, W. Stanley Harpole, Peter B. Adler, Eric M. Lind, John L. Orrock, Eric W. Seabloom, & Melinda D. Smith (2014) Finding generality in ecology: a model for globally distributed experiments [d]
- Sarah F. Brosnan & Frans B. M. de Waal (2014) Evolution of responses to (un)fairness [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Linnda R. Caporael, James R. Griesemer, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] (2014) Developing scaffolds in evolution, culture, and cognition [i] [d]
- Annamaria Carusi (2014) Validation and variability: dual challenges on the path from systems biology to systems medicine [d]
- Michael C. Corballis (2014) Left brain, right brain: facts and fantasies [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas W. Cronin, Sönke Johnsen, N. Justin Marshall, & Eric J. Warrant (2014) Visual ecology [i] [d] [j]
- Johan De Tavernier (2014) Personalism and the natural roots of morality [i] [d] [j]
- Terrence W. Deacon & Spyridon Koutroufinis (2014) Complexity and dynamical depth [d]
- Tim Dean (2014) Evolution and moral ecology [o] [u]
- Richard Dickinson & France Royer (2014) Weeds of North America [i]
- Josephine Donaghy (2014) Temporal decomposition: a strategy for building mathematical models of complex metabolic systems [d]
- Daniel Dor, Chris Knight, & Jerome Lewis [ed] (2014) The social origins of language [i] [d]
- John Dupré (2014) The role of behaviour in the recurrence of biological processes [d]
- Robert Ekblom & Jochen B. W. Wolf (2014) A field guide to whole-genome sequencing, assembly and annotation [p] [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2014) Species, historicity, and path dependency [d] [j]
- David I. Forrester (2014) The spatial and temporal dynamics of species interactions in mixed-species forests: from pattern to process [d]
- Ignacia Fuentes, Sandra Stegemann, Hieronim Golczyk, Daniel Karcher, & Ralph Bock (2014) Horizontal genome transfer as an asexual path to the formation of new species [p] [d]
- Monica Gagliano, Michael Renton, Martial Depczynski, & Stefano Mancuso (2014) Experience teaches plants to learn faster and forget slower in environments where it matters [d]
- Mhairi A. Gibson & David W. Lawson [ed] (2014) Applied evolutionary anthropology: Darwinian approaches to contemporary world issues [i] [d]
- Georg Glaeser & Hannes F. Paulus (2014/2015) The evolution of the eye [i] [d]
- Elizabeth Hallam & Tim Ingold [ed] (2014) Making and growing: anthropological studies of organisms and artefacts [i]
- Katherine A. Harrisson, Alexandra Pavlova, Marina Telonis-Scott, & Paul Sunnucks (2014) Using genomics to characterize evolutionary potential for conservation of wild populations [p] [d]
- Raha Hassan, Taigan L. MacGowan, Kristie L. Poole, & Louis A. Schmidt (2014/2021) Evolutionary and neuroscientific perspectives on adaptive shyness [i] [d]
- James B. Heffernan, Patricia A. Soranno, Michael J. Angilletta, Lauren B. Buckley, Daniel S. Gruner, Tim H. Keitt, James R. Kellner, John S. Kominoski, Adrian V. Rocha, Jingfeng Xiao, Tamara K. Harms, Simon J. Goring, Lauren E. Koenig, William H. McDowell, Heather Powell, Andrew D. Richardson, Craig A. Stow, Rodrigo Vargas, & Kathleen C. Weathers (2014) Macrosystems ecology: understanding ecological patterns and processes at continental scales [d]
- Bernd Heinrich (2014) The homing instinct: meaning & mystery in animal migration [i]
- Geoffrey M. Hodgson (2014) The evolution of morality and the end of economic man [d]
- Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R. Scholz, Daniel Plenge, & Andreas Hüttemann [ed] (2014) Explanation in the special sciences: the case of biology and history [i] [d]
- Ageliki Lefkaditou, Konstantinos J. Korfiatis, & Tasos Hovardas (2014) Contextualising the teaching and learning of ecology: historical and philosophical considerations [i] [d]
- Jonathan B. Losos, David A. Baum, Douglas J. Futuyma, Hopi E. Hoekstra, Richard E. Lenski, Allen J. Moore, Catherine L. Peichel, Dolph Schluter, & Michael C. Whitlock [ed] (2014) The Princeton guide to evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Nicholas R. Magliocca, Erle C. Ellis, Tim Oates, & Matthew D. Schmill (2014) Contextualizing the global relevance of local land change observations [d]
- Germán Mendoza & Hugo Merchant (2014) Motor system evolution and the emergence of high cognitive functions [d]
- Peter C. M. Molenaar, Richard M. Lerner, & Karl M. Newell [ed] (2014) Handbook of developmental systems theory and methodology [i]
- Padraic Monaghan, Richard C. Shillcock, Morten H. Christiansen, & Simon Kirby (2014) How arbitrary is language? [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Muthukrishna, Ben W. Shulman, Vlad Vasilescu, & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2014) Sociality influences cultural complexity [p] [d] [u]
- Marc Naguib & Katharina Riebel (2014) Singing in space and time: the biology of birdsong [i] [d]
- Gil Nelson, Christopher J. Earle, Richard Spellenberg, & David More (2014) Trees of eastern North America [i] [d] [j]
- Calistus N. Ngonghala, Mateusz M. Pluciński, Megan B. Murray, Paul E. Farmer, Christopher B. Barrett, Donald C. Keenan, & Matthew H. Bonds (2014) Poverty, disease, and the ecology of complex systems [p] [d] [u]
- Elinor Ostrom (2014) Do institutions for collective action evolve? [d]
- David Penny (2014) Cooperation and selfishness both occur during molecular evolution [p] [d]
- Debra P. C. Peters, Kris M. Havstad, Judy Cushing, Craig Tweedie, Olac Fuentes, & Natalia Villanueva-Rosales (2014) Harnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology [d]
- Debra P. C. Peters, Henry W. Loescher, Michael D. SanClements, & Kris M. Havstad (2014) Taking the pulse of a continent: expanding site-based research infrastructure for regional- to continental-scale ecology [d]
- Nathalie Pettorelli, William F. Laurance, Timothy G. O'Brien, Martin Wegmann, Harini Nagendra, & Woody Turner (2014) Satellite remote sensing for applied ecologists: opportunities and challenges [d]
- Dan Riskin (2014) Mother Nature is trying to kill you: a lively tour through the dark side of the natural world [i]
- Gerald E. Schneider (2014) Brain structure and its origins: in development and in evolution of behavior and the mind [i]
- Mark Sheskin, Coralie Chevallier, Stéphane Lambert, & Nicolas Baumard (2014) Life-history theory explains childhood moral development [p] [d]
- Daniel Lord Smail (2014) Neurohistory in action: hoarding and the human past [p] [d] [j]
- Patricia A. Soranno, Kendra S. Cheruvelil, Edward G. Bissell, Mary T. Bremigan, John A. Downing, Carol E. Fergus, Christopher T. Filstrup, Emily N. Henry, Noah R. Lottig, Emily H. Stanley, Craig A. Stow, Pang-Ning Tan, Tyler Wagner, & Katherine E. Webster (2014) Cross-scale interactions: quantifying multi-scaled cause–effect relationships in macrosystems [d]
- Richard Spellenberg, Christopher J. Earle, Gil Nelson, David More, & Amy K. Hughes (2014) Trees of western North America [i] [d] [j]
- Anke Stein, Katharina Gerstner, & Holger Kreft (2014) Environmental heterogeneity as a universal driver of species richness across taxa, biomes and spatial scales [d]
- John Edward Terrell (2014) A talent for friendship: rediscovery of a remarkable trait [i]
- Aurélie Thébault, Pierre Mariotte, Christopher J. Lortie, & Andrew S. MacDougall (2014) Land management trumps the effects of climate change and elevated CO2 on grassland functioning [d]
- Michael Tomasello (2014) A natural history of human thinking [i] [d] [j]
- Anthony J. Trewavas (2014) Plant behaviour and intelligence [i] [d]
- Thom Van Dooren (2014) Flight ways: life and loss at the edge of extinction [i] [d] [j]
- Richard Irwin Vane-Wright (2014) What is life? And what might be said of the role of behaviour in its evolution? [d]
- Frans B. M. de Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani, & Stefano Parmigiani [ed] (2014) Evolved morality: the biology and philosophy of human conscience [i] [d]
- Anna V. Williams, Paul G. Nevill, & Siegfried L. Krauss (2014) Next generation restoration genetics: applications and opportunities [p] [d]
- Paul H. Williams, Robbin W. Thorp, Leif L. Richardson, & Sheila R. Colla (2014) Bumble bees of North America: an identification guide [i] [d] [j]
- David Sloan Wilson & John M. Gowdy (2014) Human ultrasociality and the invisible hand: foundational developments in evolutionary science alter a foundational concept in economics [d]
- David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes, Anthony Biglan, & Dennis D. Embry (2014) Evolving the future: toward a science of intentional change [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
- Guenther Witzany (2014) Pragmatic turn in biology: from biological molecules to genetic content operators [p] [d] [u]
- Guenther Witzany [ed] (2014) Biocommunication of animals [i] [d]
- Jenny Allen, Mason Weinrich, William Hoppitt, & Luke Rendell (2013) Network-based diffusion analysis reveals cultural transmission of lobtail feeding in humpback whales [p] [d] [j]
- Jan P. Amend, Douglas E. LaRowe, Thomas M. McCollom, & Everett L. Shock (2013) The energetics of organic synthesis inside and outside the cell [p] [d]
- Michael L. Anderson & Marcie Penner-Wilger (2013) Neural reuse in the evolution and development of the brain: evidence for developmental homology? [d]
- Oliver S. Ashford, William A. Foster, Benjamin L. Turner, Emma J. Sayer, Laura Sutcliffe, & Edmund V. J. Tanner (2013) Litter manipulation and the soil arthropod community in a lowland tropical rainforest [d]
- Gregory P. Asner (2013) Biological diversity mapping comes of age [d]
- Isabelle Aubin, Lisa Venier, Jennie Pearce, & Marco Moretti (2013) Can a trait-based multi-taxa approach improve our assessment of forest management impact on biodiversity? [d]
- Jan Baedke (2013) The epigenetic landscape in the course of time: Conrad Hal Waddington's methodological impact on the life sciences [d]
- Eric Bapteste & John Dupré (2013) Towards a processual microbial ontology [d]
- Lisa Feldman Barrett (2013) Psychological construction: the Darwinian approach to the science of emotion [d]
- William Bechtel (2013) Understanding biological mechanisms: using illustrations from circadian rhythm research [i] [d]
- Noelle G. Beckman & Haldre S. Rogers (2013) Consequences of seed dispersal for plant recruitment in tropical forests: interactions within the seedscape [d]
- Neil W. Blackstone (2013) Why did eukaryotes evolve only once?: genetic and energetic aspects of conflict and conflict mediation [p] [d]
- Marion Blute (2013) 'Variation and selective retention' as an evolutionary epistemology: were Donald Campbell's life histories sufficient? [d]
- Rudy Boonstra (2013) Reality as the leading cause of stress: rethinking the impact of chronic stress in nature [d]
- Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman [ed] (2013) From groups to individuals: evolution and emerging individuality [i] [d] [j]
- Rogier Braakman & Eric Smith (2013) The compositional and evolutionary logic of metabolism [d]
- Victoria Braithwaite, Felicity Huntingford, & Ruud van den Bos (2013) Variation in emotion and cognition among fishes [d]
- Randy L. Buckner & Fenna M. Krienen (2013) The evolution of distributed association networks in the human brain [p] [d]
- Matthias Bürgi, Urs Gimmi, & Martin Stuber (2013) Assessing traditional knowledge on forest uses to understand forest ecosystem dynamics [d]
- Claudio Carere & Dario Maestripieri [ed] (2013) Animal personalities: behavior, physiology, and evolution [i] [d]
- Kathryn B. H. Clancy, Katie Hinde, & Julienne N. Rutherford [ed] (2013) Building babies: primate development in proximate and ultimate perspective [i] [d]
- Jason A. Clark (2013) Intersections between development and evolution in the classification of emotions [d]
- Richard T. Corlett (2013) The shifted baseline: prehistoric defaunation in the tropics and its consequences for biodiversity conservation [d]
- Maria Dornelas, Anne E. Magurran, Stephen T. Buckland, Anne Chao, Robin L. Chazdon, Robert K. Colwell, Tom Curtis, Kevin J. Gaston, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Matthew A. Kosnik, Brian J. McGill, Jenny L. McCune, Hélène Morlon, Peter J. Mumby, Lise Øvreås, Angelika Studeny, & Mark Vellend (2013) Quantifying temporal change in biodiversity: challenges and opportunities [p] [d] [u]
- Markus I. Eronen (2013) No levels, no problems: downward causation in neuroscience [d] [j]
- Douglas H. Erwin & James W. Valentine (2013) The Cambrian explosion: the construction of animal biodiversity [i]
- Theodore H. Fleming & W. John Kress (2013) The ornaments of life: coevolution and conservation in the tropics [i] [d]
- Liane Gabora (2013) Cultural evolution as distributed computation [i] [d]
- Mauro Galetti & Rodolfo Dirzo (2013) Ecological and evolutionary consequences of living in a defaunated world [d]
- Eric Garnier, Marie-Laure Navas, & Karl Grigulis (2013/2016) Plant functional diversity: organism traits, community structure, and ecosystem properties [i] [d]
- Herbert Gintis (2013) Mutualism is only a part of human morality [p] [d]
- Harry W. Greene (2013) Tracks and shadows: field biology as art [i] [d] [j]
- John Gurche (2013) Shaping humanity: how science, art, and imagination help us understand our origins [i] [d] [j]
- Paul Horwitz (2013) Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way? [i] [d]
- Wei Hou & Ulrich Walz (2013) Enhanced analysis of landscape structure: inclusion of transition zones and small-scale landscape elements [d]
- Tim Ingold & Gísli Pálsson [ed] (2013) Biosocial becomings: integrating social and biological anthropology [i] [d]
- Adrian V. Jaeggi & Michael Gurven (2013) Reciprocity explains food sharing in humans and other primates independent of kin selection and tolerated scrounging: a phylogenetic meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
- Dominic D. P. Johnson, Daniel T. Blumstein, James H. Fowler, & Martie G. Haselton (2013) The evolution of error: error management, cognitive constraints, and adaptive decision-making biases [d]
- Kostas Kampourakis (2013) Teaching about adaptation: why evolutionary history matters [d]
- Kostas Kampourakis [ed] (2013) The philosophy of biology: a companion for educators [i] [d]
- Julia Koricheva, Jessica Gurevitch, & Kerrie L. Mengersen [ed] (2013) Handbook of meta-analysis in ecology and evolution [i] [d] [j]
- John Kuriyan, Boyana Konforti, & David Wemmer (2013) The molecules of life: physical and chemical principles [i]
- Kevin N. Laland, F. John Odling-Smee, William Hoppitt, & Tobias Uller (2013) More on how and why: cause and effect in biology revisited [d]
- Nick Lane, William F. Martin, John A. Raven, & John F. Allen (2013) Energy, genes and evolution: introduction to an evolutionary synthesis [p] [d]
- Robert Lickliter & Lorraine E. Bahrick (2013) The concept of homology as a basis for evaluating developmental mechanisms: exploring selective attention across the life-span [d]
- Daniel Lieberman (2013) The story of the human body: evolution, health, and disease [i]
- Alan C. Love (2013) Interdisciplinary lessons for the teaching of biology from the practice of evo-devo [d]
- Alan C. Love (2013) Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy [i] [d]
- Christopher J. Marx (2013) Can you sequence ecology?: metagenomics of adaptive diversification [p] [d] [u]
- John E. Mayfield (2013) The engine of complexity: evolution as computation [i] [d] [j]
- David P. Mindell (2013) The tree of life: metaphor, model, and heuristic device [d]
- Karin Moelling (2013) What contemporary viruses tell us about evolution: a personal view [d]
- David S. Moore (2013) Importing the homology concept from biology into developmental psychology [d]
- David S. Moore (2013) Behavioral genetics, genetics, and epigenetics [i] [d]
- Corrie S. Moreau & Charles D. Bell (2013) Testing the museum versus cradle tropical biological diversity hypothesis: phylogeny, diversification, and ancestral biogeographic range evolution of the ants [d]
- Akira S. Mori, Takuya Furukawa, & Takehiro Sasaki (2013) Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change [d]
- Michael J. O'Brien, Mark Collard, Briggs Buchanan, & Matthew T. Boulanger (2013) Trees, thickets, or something in between?: recent theoretical and empirical work in cultural phylogeny [d]
- Steven M. Ostoja, Eugene W. Schupp, & Rob Klinger (2013) Seed harvesting by a generalist consumer is context-dependent: Interactive effects across multiple spatial scales [d] [j]
- Gillian Barker, Eric Desjardins, & Trevor Pearce [ed] (2013) Entangled life: organism and environment in the biological and social sciences [i] [d]
- Nigel C. A. Pitman (2013) How many trees are there in the Amazon? [u]
- János Podani (2013) Tree thinking, time and topology: comments on the interpretation of tree diagrams in evolutionary/phylogenetic systematics [d]
- Animesh Ray & Alpan Raval (2013) Introduction to biological networks [i] [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2013) Classifying life, reconstructing history and teaching diversity: philosophical issues in the teaching of biological systematics and biodiversity [d]
- John L. R. Rubenstein, Pasko Rakic, Bin Chen, & Kenneth Y. Kwan [ed] (2013/2020) Comprehensive developmental neuroscience [in five volumes] [i]
- Michael Ruse (2013) The Gaia hypothesis: science on a pagan planet [i]
- Michael J. Russell, Wolfgang Nitschke, & Elbert Branscomb (2013) The inevitable journey to being [p] [d]
- Naruya Saitou (2013) Introduction to evolutionary genomics [i] [d]
- Ronald L. Sandler & John Basl [ed] (2013) Designer biology: the ethics of intensively engineering biological and ecological systems [i]
- Paul E. Smaldino & Peter J. Richerson (2013) Human cumulative cultural evolution as a form of distributed computation [i] [d]
- Hari Sridhar, Ferenc Jordán, & Kartik Shanker (2013) Species importance in a heterospecific foraging association network [d] [j]
- Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott, & Ben Fraser [ed] (2013) Cooperation and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Marjolein Sterk, Gerrit Gort, Agata Klimkowska, Jasper van Ruijven, Astrid J. A. van Teeffelen, & G. W. Wieger Wamelink (2013) Assess ecosystem resilience: linking response and effect traits to environmental variability [d]
- Jeffrey A. Stratford & Philip C. Stouffer (2013) Microhabitat associations of terrestrial insectivorous birds in Amazonian rainforest and second-growth forests [d]
- Liz Stillwaggon Swan [ed] (2013) Origins of mind [i] [d]
- Luis P. Villarreal & Guenther Witzany (2013) Rethinking quasispecies theory: from fittest type to cooperative consortia [p] [d] [u]
- Tyler J. Wereha & Timothy P. Racine (2013) A systems view on revenge and forgiveness systems [p] [d]
- John S. Wilkins (2013) Essentialism in biology [i] [d]
- Douglas John Emlen & Carl Zimmer (2013/2020) Evolution: making sense of life [i]
- Adele Abrahamsen & William Bechtel (2012) From reactive to endogenously active dynamical conceptions of the brain [i] [d]
- Stuart K. Allison (2012) Ecological restoration and environmental change: renewing damaged ecosystems [i] [d]
- Frances M. Ashcroft (2012) The spark of life: electricity in the human body [i]
- Tudor M. Baetu (2012) Mechanistic constraints on evolutionary outcomes [d] [j]
- Emanuele Bardone (2012) Not by luck alone: the importance of chance-seeking and silent knowledge in abductive cognition [i] [d]
- William Bechtel (2012) Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: a scientific and philosophical challenge [d]
- Carl T. Bergstrom & Lee Alan Dugatkin (2012/2016) Evolution [i]
- Jacob Berkowitz (2012/2022) The stardust revolution: the new story of our origin in the stars [i]
- R. Bijlsma & Volker Loeschcke (2012) Genetic erosion impedes adaptive responses to stressful environments [d]
- Mark J. Brandt & Geoffrey A. Wetherell (2012) What attitudes are moral attitudes?: the case of attitude heritability [d]
- Martin H. Brinkworth & Friedel Weinert [ed] (2012) Evolution 2.0: implications of Darwinism in philosophy and the social and natural sciences [i] [d]
- Jason L. Brown & L. Lacey Knowles (2012) Spatially explicit models of dynamic histories: examination of the genetic consequences of Pleistocene glaciation and recent climate change on the American Pika [d]
- Robert M. Brucker & Seth R. Bordenstein (2012) Speciation by symbiosis [d]
- Joseph Bulbulia (2012) Spreading order: religion, cooperative niche construction, and risky coordination problems [d]
- Werner Callebaut (2012) Scientific perspectivism: a philosopher of science's response to the challenge of big data biology [p] [d]
- Renato S. Capellari & Charles Morphy D. Santos (2012) Realism in systematics through biogeographical consilience [d]
- Nessa Carey (2012) The epigenetics revolution: how modern biology is rewriting our understanding of genetics, disease, and inheritance [i] [j]
- Wolfgang zu Castell, Rainer Matyssek, Axel Göttlein, Frank Fleischmann, & Ana Staninska (2012) Learning from various plants and scenarios: statistical modeling [i] [d]
- Daniel Chamovitz (2012) What a plant knows: a field guide to the senses [i]
- Renato Cintra & Luciano N. Naka (2012) Spatial variation in bird community composition in relation to topographic gradient and forest heterogeneity in a central Amazonian rainforest [d]
- Thomas L. Clark & Eric Clark (2012) Participation in evolution and sustainability [d] [j]
- Ella F. Cole & John L. Quinn (2012) Personality and problem-solving performance explain competitive ability in the wild [p] [d] [u]
- Michael H. Crawford & Benjamin C. Campbell [ed] (2012) Causes and consequences of human migration: an evolutionary perspective [i] [d]
- Sasha R. X. Dall, Alison M. Bell, Daniel I. Bolnick, & Francis L. W. Ratnieks (2012) An evolutionary ecology of individual differences [d]
- Michael N. Dawson & Joaquin Hortal (2012) A cure for seeing double?: convergence and unification in biogeography and ecology [u]
- Tim Dean (2012) Evolution and moral diversity [d] [u]
- Jean Decety & Margarita Svetlova (2012) Putting together phylogenetic and ontogenetic perspectives on empathy [d]
- R. Ford Denison (2012) Darwinian agriculture: how understanding evolution can improve agriculture [i] [d] [j]
- Timothy G. Dinan & John F. Cryan (2012) Regulation of the stress response by the gut microbiota: implications for psychoneuroendocrinology [d]
- John Dupré (2012) Processes of life: essays in the philosophy of biology [i] [d]
- Richard Egel (2012) Life's order, complexity, organization, and its thermodynamic–holistic imperatives [d]
- Frank N. Egerton (2012) Roots of ecology: antiquity to Haeckel [i] [d] [j]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2012) Homology thinking [d]
- Melinda Bonnie Fagan (2012) The joint account of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
- Melinda Bonnie Fagan (2012) Waddington redux: models and explanation in stem cell and systems biology [d]
- Karoline Faust & Jeroen Raes (2012) Microbial interactions: from networks to models [p] [d]
- Jessica C. Flack, Peter Hammerstein, & David C. Krakauer (2012) Robustness in biological and social systems [i] [d]
- Leonore Fleming (2012) Network theory and the formation of groups without evolutionary forces [d]
- Mark V. Flinn, Carrie M. Duncan, Davide Ponzi, Robert J. Quinlan, Seamus A. Decker, & David V. Leone (2012) Hormones in the wild: monitoring the endocrinology of family relationships [d]
- Mark V. Flinn, Davide Ponzi, & Michael P. Muehlenbein (2012) Hormonal mechanisms for regulation of aggression in human coalitions [p] [d]
- Clinton D. Francis, Nathan J. Kleist, Catherine P. Ortega, & Alexander Cruz (2012) Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dispersal [p] [d] [u]
- Lauchlan H. Fraser, Hugh A. L. Henry, Cameron N. Carlyle, Shannon R. White, Carl Beierkuhnlein, James F. Cahill, Brenda B. Casper, Elsa Cleland, Scott L. Collins, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Alan K. Knapp, Eric M. Lind, Ruijun Long, Yiqi Luo, Peter B. Reich, Melinda D. Smith, Marcelo Sternberg, & Roy Turkington (2012) Coordinated distributed experiments: an emerging tool for testing global hypotheses in ecology and environmental science [d]
- Scott F. Gilbert, Jan Sapp, & Alfred I. Tauber (2012) A symbiotic view of life: we have never been individuals [p] [d]
- Peter Hammerstein & Jeffrey R. Stevens [ed] (2012) Evolution and the mechanisms of decision making [i] [d]
- Alexander H. Harcourt (2012) Human biogeography [i] [d] [j]
- Robert M. Hazen (2012) The story of Earth: the first 4.5 billion years, from stardust to living planet [i]
- Bernd Heinrich (2012) Life everlasting: the animal way of death [i]
- Mark A. Higgins, Gregory P. Asner, Eneas Perez, Nydia Eléspuru, Hanna Tuomisto, Kalle Ruokolainen, & Alfonso Alonso (2012) Use of Landsat and SRTM data to detect broad-scale biodiversity patterns in northwestern Amazonia [d]
- Peter M. Hoffmann (2012) Life's ratchet: how molecular machines extract order from chaos [i]
- John H. Holland (2012) Signals and boundaries: building blocks for complex adaptive systems [i] [d]
- Sui Huang (2012) The molecular and mathematical basis of Waddington's epigenetic landscape: a framework for post-Darwinian biology? [d]
- Austin L. Hughes (2012) Evolution of adaptive phenotypic traits without positive Darwinian selection [d]
- The Human Microbiome Project Consortium (2012) Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome [p] [d] [u]
- Nina G. Jablonski & George Chaplin (2012) Human skin pigmentation, migration and disease susceptibility [p] [d] [u]
- Johannes Jaeger, David Irons, & Nick Monk (2012) The inheritance of process: a dynamical systems approach [d]
- Catherine L. Jensen Peña & Frances A. Champagne (2012) Epigenetic and neurodevelopmental perspectives on variation in parenting behavior [d]
- Walter Jetz, Jana M. McPherson, & Robert P. Guralnick (2012) Integrating biodiversity distribution knowledge: toward a global map of life [d]
- Sönke Johnsen (2012) The optics of life: a biologist's guide to light in nature [i] [d] [j]
- Eugene V. Koonin & Yuri I. Wolf (2012) Evolution of microbes and viruses: a paradigm shift in evolutionary biology? [p] [d] [u]
- Leonard F. Koziol, Deborah Ely Budding, & Dana Chidekel (2012) From movement to thought: executive function, embodied cognition, and the cerebellum [d]
- Antoine Kremer, Ophélie Ronce, Juan J. Robledo-Arnuncio, Frédéric Guillaume, Gil Bohrer, Ran Nathan, Jon R. Bridle, Richard Gomulkiewicz, Etienne K. Klein, Kermit Ritland, Anna Kuparinen, Sophie Gerber, & Silvio Schueler (2012) Long-distance gene flow and adaptation of forest trees to rapid climate change [d]
- Marcus R. Kronforst, Gregory S. Barsh, Artyom Kopp, James Mallet, Antónia Monteiro, Sean P. Mullen, Meredith Protas, Erica B. Rosenblum, Christopher J. Schneider, & Hopi E. Hoekstra (2012) Unraveling the thread of nature's tapestry: the genetics of diversity and convergence in animal pigmentation [d]
- Christopher W. Kuzawa (2012) Why evolution needs development, and medicine needs evolution [d]
- Peter E. Larsen, Sean M. Gibbons, & Jack A. Gilbert (2012) Modeling microbial community structure and functional diversity across time and space [d]
- Marilyne Laurans, Olivier Martin, Eric Nicolini, & Gregoire Vincent (2012) Functional traits and their plasticity predict tropical trees regeneration niche even among species with intermediate light requirements [d]
- Olga F. Lazareva, Toru Shimizu, & Edward A. Wasserman [ed] (2012) How animals see the world: comparative behavior, biology, and evolution of vision [i] [d]
- Ageliki Lefkaditou (2012) Is ecology a holistic science, after all? [i]
- Daniel H. Lende & Greg Downey [ed] (2012) The encultured brain: an introduction to neuroanthropology [i] [d]
- Carolina Levis, Priscila Figueira de Souza, Juliana Schietti, Thaise Emilio, José Luiz Purri da Veiga Pinto, Charles R. Clement, & Flávia R. C. Costa (2012) Historical human footprint on modern tree species composition in the Purus-Madeira interfluve, Central Amazonia [p] [d] [u]
- David Liittschwager (2012) A world in one cubic foot: portraits in biodiversity [i]
- Michael Marder (2012) Plant intentionality and the phenomenological framework of plant intelligence [p] [d]
- Rainer Matyssek, Hans Schnyder, Wolfgang Oßwald, Dieter Ernst, Jean Charles Munch, & Hans Pretzsch [ed] (2012) Growth and defence in plants: resource allocation at multiple scales [i] [d]
- Eckart Priesack, Sebastian Gayler, Thomas Rötzer, Thomas Seifert, & Hans Pretzsch (2012) Mechanistic modelling of soil–plant–atmosphere systems [i] [d]
- Kim R. McConkey, Soumya Prasad, Richard T. Corlett, Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, Jedediah F. Brodie, Haldre Rogers, & Luis Santamaria (2012) Seed dispersal in changing landscapes [d]
- Bruce S. McEwen, Lisa Eiland, Richard G. Hunter, & Melinda M. Miller (2012) Stress and anxiety: structural plasticity and epigenetic regulation as a consequence of stress [p] [d] [u]
- William K. Michener & Matthew B. Jones (2012) Ecoinformatics: supporting ecology as a data-intensive science [d]
- Armin P. Moczek (2012) The nature of nurture and the future of evodevo: toward a theory of developmental evolution [d]
- Emily Monosson (2012) Evolution in a toxic world: how life responds to chemical threats [i] [d]
- Sue E. Moore, Randall R. Reeves, Brandon L. Southall, Timothy J. Ragen, Robert S. Suydam, & Christopher W. Clark (2012) A new framework for assessing the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals in a rapidly changing Arctic [d] [j]
- Darcia Narváez, Jaak Panksepp, Allan N. Schore, & Tracy R. Gleason [ed] (2012) Evolution, early experience and human development: from research to practice and policy [i] [d]
- Ali Navid [ed] (2012) Microbial systems biology: methods and protocols [i] [d]
- Daniel Nettle & Melissa Bateson (2012) The evolutionary origins of mood and its disorders [p] [d]
- Denis Noble (2012) A theory of biological relativity: no privileged level of causation [p] [d] [u]
- F. John Odling-Smee & Kevin N. Laland (2012) Ecological inheritance and cultural inheritance: what are they and how do they differ? [d]
- Mark E. Olson (2012) The developmental renaissance in adaptationism [d]
- Rubén Ortega-Álvarez & Roberto Lindig-Cisneros (2012) Feathering the scene: the effects of ecological restoration on birds and the role birds play in evaluating restoration outcomes [d]
- Suzanne Palminteri, George V. N. Powell, Gregory P. Asner, & Carlos A. Peres (2012) LiDAR measurements of canopy structure predict spatial distribution of a tropical mature forest primate [d]
- Cynthia S. Parr, Robert P. Guralnick, Nicoletta Cellinese, & Roderic D. M. Page (2012) Evolutionary informatics: unifying knowledge about the diversity of life [d]
- Richard E. Passingham & Steven P. Wise (2012) The neurobiology of the prefrontal cortex: anatomy, evolution, and the origin of insight [i]
- Howard H. Pattee & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi [ed] (2012) Laws, language and life: Howard Pattee's classic papers on the physics of symbols with contemporary commentary [i] [d]
- Bruce D. Patterson & Leonora Pires Costa [ed] (2012) Bones, clones, and biomes: the history and geography of recent neotropical mammals [i] [d]
- Charles Perreault (2012) The pace of cultural evolution [p] [d] [u]
- Steward T. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, & Brian McGrath [ed] (2012) Resilience in ecology and urban design: linking theory and practice for sustainable cities [i] [d]
- Theodore W. Pietsch (2012) Trees of life: a visual history of evolution [i]
- Kathryn S. Plaisance & Thomas A. C. Reydon [ed] (2012) Philosophy of behavioral biology [i] [d]
- Seth D. Pollak (2012) The role of parenting in the emergence of human emotion: new approaches to the old nature–nurture debate [d]
- Angela Potochnik & Brian J. McGill (2012) The limitations of hierarchical organization [d] [j]
- Jonathan D. Raskin (2012) Evolutionary constructivism and humanistic psychology [d]
- Michael Ruse (2012) The philosophy of human evolution [i] [d]
- Sabrina E. Russo, Ryan Legge, Karrie A. Weber, Eoin L. Brodie, Katherine C. Goldfarb, Andrew K. Benson, & Sylvester Tan (2012) Bacterial community structure of contrasting soils underlying Bornean rain forests: inferences from microarray and next-generation sequencing methods [d]
- Rafe Sagarin & Aníbal Pauchard (2012) Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
- Ronald L. Sandler (2012) The ethics of species [i] [d]
- Theresa Schilhab, Frederik Stjernfelt, & Terrence W. Deacon [ed] (2012) The symbolic species evolved [i] [d]
- Jay Schulkin [ed] (2012) Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression [i] [d]
- Ivan R. Schwab, Richard R. Dubielzig, & Charles Schobert (2012) Evolution's witness: how eyes evolved [i]
- Brian M. Sebade, Ann L. Hild, & Brian A. Mealor (2012) Native grasses collected from invasions demonstrate invasion resistance [d]
- Yaki Setty (2012) Multi-scale computational modeling of developmental biology [d]
- Sapna Sharma, Pierre Legendre, Daniel Boisclair, Stéphane Gauthier, & Stephen J. Smith (2012) Effects of spatial scale and choice of statistical model (linear versus tree-based) on determining species–habitat relationships [d]
- Sheng Sheng, Chi Xu, Shaowei Zhang, Shuqing An, Maosong Liu, & Xuejiao Yang (2012) Hot spots of wetland vegetation reduction in relation to human accessibility: differentiating human impacts on natural ecosystems at multiple scales [d]
- Richard M. Sibly, James H. Brown, & Astrid Kodric-Brown [ed] (2012) Metabolic ecology: a scaling approach [i] [d]
- Andrew Sih & Marco Del Giudice (2012) Linking behavioural syndromes and cognition: a behavioural ecology perspective [p] [d]
- Stephen J. Simpson & David Raubenheimer (2012) The nature of nutrition: a unifying framework from animal adaptation to human obesity [i] [d] [j]
- Ben Somers & Gregory P. Asner (2012) Hyperspectral time series analysis of native and invasive species in Hawaiian rainforests [d]
- Judy A. Stamps, Mark Briffa, & Peter A. Biro (2012) Unpredictable animals: individual differences in intraindividual variability (IIV) [d]
- Kim Sterelny (2012) The evolved apprentice: how evolution made humans unique [i] [d]
- William J. Sutherland & Robert P. Freckleton (2012) Making predictive ecology more relevant to policy makers and practitioners [p] [d] [u]
- Jennifer J. Swenson, Bruce E. Young, Stephan G. Beck, Patrick J. Comer, Jesús H. Córdova, Jessica Dyson, Dirk Embert, Filomeno Encarnación, Wanderley Ferreira, Irma Franke, Dennis Grossman, Pilar Hernandez, Sebastian K. Herzog, Carmen Josse, Gonzalo Navarro, Víctor Pacheco, Bruce A. Stein, Martín Timaná, Antonio Tovar, Carolina Tovar, Julieta Vargas, & Carlos M. Zambrana-Torrelio (2012) Plant and animal endemism in the eastern Andean slope: challenges to conservation [d]
- Maggie Tallerman & Kathleen Rita Gibson [ed] (2012) The Oxford handbook of language evolution [i] [d]
- Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer [ed] (2012) Ecological rationality: intelligence in the world [i] [d]
- Piper M. Treuting, Suzanne M. Dintzis, & Kathleen S. Montine [ed] (2012/2018) Comparative anatomy and histology: a mouse, rat and human atlas [i] [d]
- Lawrence R. Walker (2012) The biology of disturbed habitats [i]
- Guenther Witzany [ed] (2012) Viruses: essential agents of life [i] [d]
- Max Wolf & Franz J. Weissing (2012) Animal personalities: consequences for ecology and evolution [d]
- Claudia Wolf & David E. J. Linden (2012) Biological pathways to adaptability—interactions between genome, epigenome, nervous system and environment for adaptive behavior [d]
- Barbara Wolfe, William Evans, & Teresa E. Seeman [ed] (2012) The biological consequences of socioeconomic inequalities [i] [j]
- Tanya Yatsunenko, Federico E. Rey, Mark J. Manary, Indi Trehan, Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello, Monica Contreras, Magda Magris, Glida Hidalgo, Robert N. Baldassano, Andrey P. Anokhin, Andrew C. Heath, Barbara Warner, Jens Reeder, Justin Kuczynski, J. Gregory Caporaso, Catherine A. Lozupone, Christian L. Lauber, Jose Carlos Clemente, Dan Knights, Rob Knight, & Jeffrey I. Gordon (2012) Human gut microbiome viewed across age and geography [p] [d]
- Jon Young & Dan Gardoqui (2012) What the robin knows: how birds reveal the secrets of the natural world [i]
- Haipeng Zhang, Mohammed Korayem, David J. Crandall, & Gretchen LeBuhn (2012) Mining photo-sharing websites to study ecological phenomena [i] [d] [u]
- Gennadiy Zhegunov, Eddie Kalmykov, & Denys Pogozhykh (2012) The dual nature of life: interplay of the individual and the genome [i] [d]
- Lucie Zinger, Angélique Gobet, & Thomas Pommier (2012) Two decades of describing the unseen majority of aquatic microbial diversity [d]
- Raf Aerts & Olivier Honnay (2011) Forest restoration, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning [d]
- Eugene N. Anderson, Deborah M. Pearsall, Eugene S. Hunn, Nancy J. Turner, & Richard I. Ford [ed] (2011) Ethnobiology [i] [d]
- Elizabeth P. Anderson & Javier A. Maldonado-Ocampo (2011) A regional perspective on the diversity and conservation of tropical Andean fishes [p] [d]
- Miguel B. Araújo, Alejandro Rozenfeld, Carsten Rahbek, & Pablo A. Marquet (2011) Using species co-occurrence networks to assess the impacts of climate change [d]
- Gregory P. Asner & Roberta E. Martin (2011) Canopy phylogenetic, chemical and spectral assembly in a lowland Amazonian forest [d]
- Gregory P. Asner, Roberta E. Martin, David E. Knapp, Raul Tupayachi, Christopher B. Anderson, Loreli Carranza, Paola Martinez, Mona Houcheime, Felipe Sinca, & Parker Weiss (2011) Spectroscopy of canopy chemicals in humid tropical forests [d]
- Louise Barrett (2011) Beyond the brain: how body and environment shape animal and human minds [i] [d] [j]
- John Beatty & Isabel Carrera (2011) When what had to happen was not bound to happen: history, chance, narrative, evolution [d]
- William Bechtel (2011) Mechanism and biological explanation [d] [j]
- Rinaldo C. Bertossa (2011) Morphology and behaviour: functional links in development and evolution [p] [d] [u]
- Marion Blute & Paul Armstrong (2011) The reinvention of grand theories of the scientific/scholarly process [d]
- Luciano Boi (2011) Plasticity and complexity in biology: topological organization, regulatory protein networks, and mechanisms of genetic expression [i] [d]
- Thomas C. G. Bosch & Margaret J. McFall-Ngai (2011) Metaorganisms as the new frontier [d]
- Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis (2011) A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Clive E. Bowman (2011) Megavariate genetics: what you find is what you go looking for [d]
- Robert Boyd, Peter J. Richerson, & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2011) The cultural niche: why social learning is essential for human adaptation [p] [d] [u]
- Paul M. Brakefield (2011) Evo-devo and accounting for Darwin's endless forms [p] [d] [u]
- Björn Brembs (2011) Towards a scientific concept of free will as a biological trait: spontaneous actions and decision-making in invertebrates [p] [d] [u]
- Amy J. Burgin, Wendy H. Yang, Stephen K. Hamilton, & Whendee L. Silver (2011) Beyond carbon and nitrogen: how the microbial energy economy couples elemental cycles in diverse ecosystems [d]
- Brett Calcott, Kim Sterelny, & Eörs Szathmáry [ed] (2011) The major transitions in evolution revisited [i] [d] [j]
- J. Gregory Caporaso, Christian L. Lauber, Elizabeth K. Costello, Donna Berg-Lyons, Antonio Gonzalez, Jesse Stombaugh, Dan Knights, Pawel Gajer, Jacques Ravel, Noah Fierer, Jeffrey I. Gordon, & Rob Knight (2011) Moving pictures of the human microbiome [d]
- Scott P. Carroll (2011) Conciliation biology: the eco-evolutionary management of permanently invaded biotic systems [d]
- Alessandro Chiarucci, Giovanni Bacaro, & Samuel M. Scheiner (2011) Old and new challenges in using species diversity for assessing biodiversity [p] [d] [u]
- Dominique Chu (2011) Complexity: against systems [d]
- Maciej Chudek & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2011) Culture–gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality [p] [d]
- Richard Paul Cincotta, Larry J. Gorenflo, & Alfred J. Lotka [ed] (2011) Human population: its influences on biological diversity [i] [d]
- Carol E. Cleland (2011) Prediction and explanation in historical natural science [d] [j]
- Mark Colyvan (2011) A philosopher's view of theory: a response to Gorelick [d]
- Richard Condit, Rolando Pérez, & Nefertaris Daguerre (2011) Trees of Panama and Costa Rica [i] [d] [j]
- Philip Cooke & Dieter Rehfeld (2011) Path dependence and new paths in regional evolution: in search of the role of culture [d]
- Dov Corenblit, Andreas C. W. Baas, Gudrun Bornette, José Darrozes, Sébastien Delmotte, Robert A. Francis, Angela M. Gurnell, Frédéric Julien, Robert J. Naiman, & Johannes Steiger (2011) Feedbacks between geomorphology and biota controlling Earth surface processes and landforms: a review of foundation concepts and current understandings [d]
- John F. Cryan & Siobhain M. O'Mahony (2011) The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior [d]
- Kim Cuddington (2011) Legacy effects: the persistent impact of ecological interactions [d]
- Valerie Curtis, Mícheál de Barra, & Robert Aunger (2011) Disgust as an adaptive system for disease avoidance behaviour [p] [d] [u]
- Joseph O. Dada & Pedro Mendes (2011) Multi-scale modelling and simulation in systems biology [d]
- T. Jonathan Davies & Lauren B. Buckley (2011) Phylogenetic diversity as a window into the evolutionary and biogeographic histories of present-day richness gradients for mammals [p] [d] [u]
- Dominick A. DellaSala [ed] (2011) Temperate and boreal rainforests of the world: ecology and conservation [i] [d]
- Eric Desjardins (2011) Historicity and experimental evolution [d]
- Eric Desjardins (2011) Reflections on path dependence and irreversibility: lessons from evolutionary biology [d] [j]
- Stewart A. W. Diemont, Jessica L. Bohn, Donald D. Rayome, Sarah J. Kelsen, & Kaity Cheng (2011) Comparisons of Mayan forest management, restoration, and conservation [d]
- Anton J. M. Dijker (2011) Physical constraints on the evolution of cooperation [d]
- Valerian V. Dolja & Eugene V. Koonin (2011) Common origins and host-dependent diversity of plant and animal viromes [d]
- Rob R. Dunn (2011) The wild life of our bodies: predators, parasites, and partners that shape our evolution [i]
- Jeffrey A. Edlund, Nicolas Chaumont, Arend Hintze, Christof Koch, Giulio Tononi, & Christoph Adami (2011) Integrated information increases with fitness in the evolution of animats [p] [d] [u]
- Monier Abd El-Ghani, Reinhard Bornkamm, Nadia El-Sawaf, & Hamdiya Turky (2011) Plant species distribution and spatial habitat heterogeneity in the landscape of urbanizing desert ecosystems in Egypt [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2011) Mystery of mysteries: Darwin and the species problem [d]
- Stanley H. Faeth, Christofer Bang, & Susanna Saari (2011) Urban biodiversity: patterns and mechanisms [d]
- Laerte Guimaraes Ferreira, Gregory P. Asner, David E. Knapp, Eric A. Davidson, Michael T. Coe, Mercedes M. C. Bustamante, & Eddie Lenza de Oliveira (2011) Equivalent water thickness in savanna ecosystems: MODIS estimates based on ground and EO-1 Hyperion data [d]
- Robert A. Foley & Marta Mirazón Lahr (2011) The evolution of the diversity of cultures [p] [d] [u]
- Harold W. Gardner (2011) Tallgrass prairie restoration in the midwestern and eastern United States: a hands-on guide [i] [d]
- Pascale Gerbault, Anke Liebert, Yuval Itan, Adam Powell, Mathias Currat, Joachim Burger, Dallas M. Swallow, & Mark G. Thomas (2011) Evolution of lactase persistence: an example of human niche construction [p] [d] [u]
- Scott F. Gilbert (2011) Expanding the temporal dimensions of developmental biology: the role of environmental agents in establishing adult-onset phenotypes [d]
- Snait Gissis & Eva Jablonka [ed] (2011) Transformations of Lamarckism: from subtle fluids to molecular biology [i] [d] [j]
- Nathalie Gontier (2011) Depicting the tree of life: the philosophical and historical roots of evolutionary tree diagrams [d]
- Andrew Gonzalez, Bronwyn Rayfield, & Zoë Lindo (2011) The disentangled bank: how loss of habitat fragments and disassembles ecological networks [d]
- Gerhard Hard (2011) Geography as ecology [i] [d]
- Benoit Hardy-Vallée (2011) Decision making in the economy of nature: value as information [i] [d]
- Dana M. Hawley & Sonia M. Altizer (2011) Disease ecology meets ecological immunology: understanding the links between organismal immunity and infection dynamics in natural populations [d]
- Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre, & Marc Silberstein [ed] (2011/2015) Handbook of evolutionary thinking in the sciences [i] [d]
- Jessica J. Hellmann & Michael E. Pfrender (2011) Future human intervention in ecosystems and the critical role for evolutionary biology [p] [d]
- Andrew P. Hendry, Michael T. Kinnison, Mikko Heino, Troy Day, Thomas B. Smith, Gary Fitt, Carl T. Bergstrom, John G. Oakeshott, Peter S. Jørgensen, Myron P. Zalucki, George Gilchrist, Simon Southerton, Andrew Sih, Sharon Strauss, Robert F. Denison, & Scott P. Carroll (2011) Evolutionary principles and their practical application [d]
- William von Hippel & Robert Trivers (2011) The evolution and psychology of self-deception [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Clifford Alan Hooker [ed] (2011) Philosophy of complex systems [i] [d]
- Kathrin Hörschelmann (2011) Theorising life transitions: geographical perspectives [d]
- Sui Huang (2011) Systems biology of stem cells: three useful perspectives to help overcome the paradigm of linear pathways [p] [d] [u]
- Nancy R. Hugo & Robert J. Llewellyn (2011) Seeing trees: discover the extraordinary secrets of everyday trees [i]
- Luke Hunter (2011/2019) Carnivores of the world [i]
- Dominic D. P. Johnson & James H. Fowler (2011) The evolution of overconfidence [p] [d]
- Andrew L. Kau, Philip P. Ahern, Nicholas W. Griffin, Andrew L. Goodman, & Jeffrey I. Gordon (2011) Human nutrition, the gut microbiome, and immune system: envisioning the future [p] [d] [u]
- Jeremy R. Kendal (2011) Cultural niche construction and human learning environments: investigating sociocultural perspectives [d]
- Kenneth S. Kendler, Peter Zachar, & Carl F. Craver (2011) What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
- Niels Klitgord & Daniel Segrè (2011) Ecosystems biology of microbial metabolism [d]
- John C. Kricher (2011) Tropical ecology [i]
- Ulrich Kutschera (2011) From the scala naturae to the symbiogenetic and dynamic tree of life [d]
- Christopher W. Kuzawa & Zaneta M. Thayer (2011) Timescales of human adaptation: the role of epigenetic processes [d]
- Louis Lefebvre (2011) Taxonomic counts of cognition in the wild [d]
- Barry M. Lester, Edward Z. Tronick, Eric Nestler, Ted Abel, Barry Kosofsky, Christopher W. Kuzawa, Carmen J. Marsit, Ian Maze, Michael J. Meaney, Lisa M. Monteggia, Johannes M. H. M. Reul, David H. Skuse, J. David Sweatt, & Marcelo A. Wood (2011) Behavioral epigenetics [d]
- Robert Levin, Simon Laughlin, Christina de la Rocha, & Alan F. Blackwell [ed] (2011) Work meets life: exploring the integrative study of work in living systems [i] [d] [j]
- Daniel Lieberman (2011) The evolution of the human head [i]
- Mikhail Lipatov, Melissa J. Brown, & Marcus W. Feldman (2011) The influence of social niche on cultural niche construction: modelling changes in belief about marriage form in Taiwan [p] [d] [u]
- Jonathan B. Losos [ed] (2011) In the light of evolution: essays from the laboratory and field [i]
- Eugene L. Madsen (2011) Microorganisms and their roles in fundamental biogeochemical cycles [d]
- Anne E. Magurran & Brian J. McGill [ed] (2011) Biological diversity: frontiers in measurement and assessment [i]
- Kevin C. Matteson & Gail A. Langellotto (2011) Small scale additions of native plants fail to increase beneficial insect richness in urban gardens [d]
- Blake Matthews, Anita Narwani, Stephen Hausch, Etsuko Nonaka, Hannes Peter, Masato Yamamichi, Karen E. Sullam, Kali C. Bird, Mridul K. Thomas, Torrance C. Hanley, & Caroline B. Turner (2011) Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science [d]
- Michael E. McCullough & Evan C. Carter (2011) Waiting, tolerating, and cooperating: did religion evolve to prop up humans' self-control abilities? [i]
- George R. McGhee (2011) Convergent evolution: limited forms most beautiful [i] [d] [j]
- Rodrigo Mendes, Marco Kruijt, Irene de Bruijn, Ester Dekkers, Menno van der Voort, Johannes H. M. Schneider, Yvette M. Piceno, Todd Z. DeSantis, Gary L. Andersen, Peter A. H. M. Bakker, & Jos M. Raaijmakers (2011) Deciphering the rhizosphere microbiome for disease-suppressive bacteria [p] [d] [j]
- Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber (2011) Why do humans reason?: arguments for an argumentative theory [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Armin P. Moczek, Sonia E. Sultan, Susan A. Foster, Cristina Ledón-Rettig, Ian Dworkin, H. Fred Nijhout, Ehab Abouheif, & David W. Pfennig (2011) The role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary innovation [p] [d] [u]
- Alvaro Moreno & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo (2011) The informational nature of biological causality [i] [d]
- Olivier Morin (2011/2015) How traditions live and die [i]
- Monique Borgerhoff Mulder & Bret A. Beheim (2011) Understanding the nature of wealth and its effects on human fitness [p] [d] [u]
- Søren Nors Nielsen & Robert E. Ulanowicz (2011) Ontic openness: an absolute necessity for all developmental processes [d]
- Jörg Niewöhner (2011) Epigenetics: embedded bodies and the molecularisation of biography and milieu [d]
- Denis Noble (2011) Differential and integral views of genetics in computational systems biology [p] [d] [u]
- Holly K. Ober & Lucas W. DeGroote (2011) Effects of litter removal on arthropod communities in pine plantations [d]
- Maureen A. O'Malley & Eugene V. Koonin (2011) How stands the tree of life a century and a half after The origin? [and comments and reply] [d]
- Laura Wegener Parfrey, William A. Walters, & Rob Knight (2011) Microbial eukaryotes in the human microbiome: ecology, evolution, and future directions [p] [d] [u]
- Bernard C. Patten, Milan Straškraba, & Sven E. Jørgensen (2011) Ecosystems emerging. 5: Constraints [d]
- Amy B. Pedersen & Simon A. Babayan (2011) Wild immunology [d]
- Nigel C. A. Pitman, Jocelyn Widmer, Clinton N. Jenkins, Gabriela Stocks, Lisa Seales, Franklin Paniagua, & Emilio M. Bruna (2011) Volume and geographical distribution of ecological research in the Andes and the Amazon, 1995–2008 [u]
- Fleur Ponton, Kenneth Wilson, Sheena C. Cotter, David Raubenheimer, & Stephen J. Simpson (2011) Nutritional immunology: a multi-dimensional approach [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas Pradeu (2011) A mixed self: the role of symbiosis in development [d]
- Rosemary E. Puckett & Farah D. Lubin (2011) Epigenetic mechanisms in experience-driven memory formation and behavior [d]
- Barbara Gabriella Renzi & Giulio Napolitano (2011) Evolutionary analogies: is the process of scientific change analogous to the organic change? [i]
- Rubén J. Requejo & Juan Camacho (2011) Evolution of cooperation mediated by limiting resources: connecting resource based models and evolutionary game theory [d]
- David M. Richardson [ed] (2011) Fifty years of invasion ecology: the legacy of Charles Elton [i] [d]
- Robert E. Ricklefs & David G. Jenkins (2011) Biogeography and ecology: towards the integration of two disciplines [p] [d] [u]
- Alice Roberts, Fiona Susan Coward, Adrie Kennis, & Alfons Kennis (2011/2018) Evolution: the human story [i]
- J. Barkley Rosser (2011) Complex evolutionary dynamics in urban-regional and ecologic-economic systems: from catastrophe to chaos and beyond [i] [d]
- Peter Rowley-Conwy & Robert Layton (2011) Foraging and farming as niche construction: stable and unstable adaptations [p] [d] [u]
- Frank Ryan (2011) The mystery of metamorphosis: a scientific detective story [i]
- Carel P. van Schaik & Judith M. Burkart (2011) Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
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- Niall Shanks & Rebecca A. Pyles (2011) Problem solving in the life cycles of multicellular organisms: immunology and cancer [i] [d]
- Stephen Shennan (2011) Property and wealth inequality as cultural niche construction [p] [d] [u]
- Andrew Shryock, Daniel Lord Smail, & Timothy K. Earle [ed] (2011) Deep history: the architecture of past and present [i] [d] [j]
- Carl Simpson (2011) How many levels are there?: how insights from evolutionary transitions in individuality help measure the hierarchical complexity of life [i] [d] [j]
- Eric Alden Smith (2011) Endless forms: human behavioural diversity and evolved universals [p] [d] [u]
- Bruce D. Smith (2011) General patterns of niche construction and the management of 'wild' plant and animal resources by small-scale pre-industrial societies [p] [d] [u]
- Ricard V. Solé (2011) Phase transitions [i] [d] [j]
- Olaf Sporns (2011) Networks of the brain [i] [d]
- Faraz A. Sultan & Jeremy J. Day (2011) Epigenetic mechanisms in memory and synaptic function [d]
- Robert W. Sussman & C. Robert Cloninger [ed] (2011) Origins of altruism and cooperation [i] [d]
- Peter J. Taylor (2011) Conceptualizing the heterogeneity, embeddedness, and ongoing restructuring that make ecological complexity 'unruly' [i] [d]
- George Terzis & Robert Arp [ed] (2011) Information and living systems: philosophical and scientific perspectives [i] [d]
- Henri A. Thomassen, Trevon Fuller, Wolfgang Buermann, Borja Milá, Charles M. Kieswetter, Pablo Jarrín-V., Susan E. Cameron, Eliza Mason, Rena Schweizer, Jasmin Schlunegger, Janice Chan, Ophelia Wang, Manuel Peralvo, Christopher J. Schneider, Catherine H. Graham, John P. Pollinger, Sassan Saatchi, Robert K. Wayne, & Thomas B. Smith (2011) Mapping evolutionary process: a multi-taxa approach to conservation prioritization [d]
- Tianhai Tian, Sarah Olson, James M. Whitacre, & Angus Harding (2011) The origins of cancer robustness and evolvability [d]
- Enzo Tiezzi (2011) Ecodynamics: towards an evolutionary thermodynamics of ecosystems [d]
- Igor A. Tikhonovich & Nikolai A. Provorov (2011) Microbiology is the basis of sustainable agriculture: an opinion [d]
- David Turnbull (2011) On the trails of markers and proxies: the socio-cognitive technologies of human movement, knowledge assemblage, and their relevance to the etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma [p] [u]
- Derek D. Turner (2011) Paleontology: a philosophical introduction [i] [d]
- Derek D. Turner (2011) Gould's replay revisited [d]
- Jean-Denis Vigne (2011) The origins of animal domestication and husbandry: a major change in the history of humanity and the biosphere [d]
- Christian Ernest Vincenot, Francesco Giannino, Max Rietkerk, Kazuyuki Moriya, & Stefano Mazzoleni (2011) Theoretical considerations on the combined use of system dynamics and individual-based modeling in ecology [d]
- Gandhimohan M. Viswanathan, Marcos G. E. da Luz, Ernesto P. Raposo, & H. Eugene Stanley (2011) The physics of foraging: an introduction to random searches and biological encounters [i] [d]
- Andreas Wagner (2011) The origins of evolutionary innovations: a theory of transformative change in living systems [i] [d]
- Minglei Wang, Ying-Ying Jiang, Kyung Mo Kim, Ge Qu, Hong-Fang Ji, Jay E. Mittenthal, Hong-Yu Zhang, & Gustavo Caetano-Anollés (2011) A universal molecular clock of protein folds and its power in tracing the early history of aerobic metabolism and planet oxygenation [d]
- Helga Weisz & Eric Clark (2011) Society–nature coevolution: interdisciplinary concept for sustainability [d] [j]
- Stuart A. West, Claire El Mouden, & Andy Gardner (2011) Sixteen common misconceptions about the evolution of cooperation in humans [d]
- C. Philip Wheater, Penny A. Cook, & James R. Bell (2011/2020) Practical field ecology: a project guide [i]
- Andrew Whiten, Robert A. Hinde, Kevin N. Laland, & Christopher B. Stringer (2011) Culture evolves [p] [d] [u]
- John J. Wiens (2011) The niche, biogeography and species interactions [p] [d] [u]
- David C. Witherington (2011) Taking emergence seriously: the centrality of circular causality for dynamic systems approaches to development [d] [j]
- Michèle M. Wollstonecroft (2011) Investigating the role of food processing in human evolution: a niche construction approach [d]
- Carlos Zednik (2011) The nature of dynamical explanation [d] [j]
- Carl Zimmer (2011/2015) A planet of viruses [i] [d]
- Jonny Anomaly (2010) Combating resistance: the case for a global antibiotics treaty [d]
- Manuel Arroyo-Kalin (2010) The Amazonian formative: crop domestication and anthropogenic soils [d]
- Tom Auer, Alan M. MacEachren, Craig McCabe, Scott Pezanowski, & Michael Stryker (2010) HerbariaViz: a web-based client-server interface for mapping and exploring flora observation data [d]
- Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp [ed] (2010) Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology [i] [d]
- Jonathan P. Balcombe (2010) Second nature: the inner lives of animals [i]
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- Iain Barber & Niels J. Dingemanse (2010) Parasitism and the evolutionary ecology of animal personality [p] [d] [u]
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- Lawrence W. Barsalou, Christine D. Wilson, & Wendy Hasenkamp (2010) On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
- Nicolas Baumard (2010/2016) The origins of fairness: how evolution explains our moral nature [i]
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- Marion Blute (2010) Darwinian sociocultural evolution: solutions to dilemmas in cultural and social theory [i] [d]
- William J. Bond & Catherine L. Parr (2010) Beyond the forest edge: ecology, diversity and conservation of the grassy biomes [d]
- Timothy C. Bonebrake, Jon Christensen, Carol L. Boggs, & Paul R. Ehrlich (2010) Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation [d]
- Mark Bonta (2010) Ornithophilia: thoughts on geography in birding [d]
- Ingo Brigandt (2010) Beyond reduction and pluralism: toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology [d] [j]
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- Camilla Butti & Patrick R. Hof (2010) The insular cortex: a comparative perspective [d]
- Gustavo Caetano-Anollés [ed] (2010) Evolutionary genomics and systems biology [i] [d]
- Donald E. Canfield, Alexander N. Glazer, & Paul G. Falkowski (2010) The evolution and future of earth's nitrogen cycle [p] [d] [j]
- Charles R. Clement, Michelly de Cristo-Araújo, Geo Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, Alessandro Alves Pereira, & Doriane Picanço-Rodrigues (2010) Origin and domestication of native Amazonian crops [d]
- Richard C. Connor (2010) Cooperation beyond the dyad: on simple models and a complex society [p] [d] [u]
- Caroline M. Coppens, Sietse F. de Boer, & Jaap M. Koolhaas (2010) Coping styles and behavioural flexibility: towards underlying mechanisms [p] [d] [u]
- Fernando Cornejo & John Janovec (2010) Seeds of Amazonian plants [i] [d] [j]
- Julien Cote, Jean Clobert, Tomas Brodin, Sean Fogarty, & Andrew Sih (2010) Personality-dependent dispersal: characterization, ontogeny and consequences for spatially structured populations [p] [d] [u]
- Graham Coulter-Smith (2010) Evolutionary aesthetics: rethinking the role of function in art and design [d]
- Julian Davies & Dorothy Davies (2010) Origins and evolution of antibiotic resistance [p] [d] [u]
- Pawan K. Dhar & Alessandro Giuliani (2010) Laws of biology: why so few? [p] [d] [u]
- Charna Dibner, Ueli Schibler, & Urs Albrecht (2010) The mammalian circadian timing system: organization and coordination of central and peripheral clocks [d]
- Craig Dilworth (2010) Too smart for our own good: the ecological predicament of humankind [i] [d]
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- John Dupré (2010) Emerging sciences and new conceptions of disease; or, beyond the monogenomic differentiated cell lineage [d]
- Ryan L. Earley (2010) Social eavesdropping and the evolution of conditional cooperation and cheating strategies [p] [d] [u]
- Lucas B. Edelman, Sriram Chandrasekaran, & Nathan D. Price (2010) Systems biology of embryogenesis [d]
- Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer [ed] (2010) The place of probability in science: in honor of Ellery Eells (1953–2006) [i] [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2010) Darwin's solution to the species problem [d] [j]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2010) Microbiology and the species problem [d]
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- Kenneth J. Feeley & Miles R. Silman (2010) Land-use and climate change effects on population size and extinction risk of Andean plants [d]
- Patrick Forterre (2010) Defining life: the virus viewpoint [d]
- Sebastian Fraune & Thomas C. G. Bosch (2010) Why bacteria matter in animal development and evolution [d]
- Liane Gabora & Scott Barry Kaufman (2010) Evolutionary approaches to creativity [i] [d]
- Simon Gächter, Benedikt Herrmann, & Christian Thöni (2010) Culture and cooperation [p] [d] [u]
- Daniel Garcia, Regino Zamora, & Guillermo C. Amico (2010) Birds as suppliers of seed dispersal in temperate ecosystems: conservation guidelines from real-world landscapes [p] [d]
- Nikolce Gjorevski & Celeste M. Nelson (2010) Endogenous patterns of mechanical stress are required for branching morphogenesis [d]
- Jennifer L. Goetz, Dacher Keltner, & Emiliana Simon-Thomas (2010) Compassion: an evolutionary analysis and empirical review [p] [d]
- Angela M. Hancock, David B. Witonsky, Edvard Ehler, Gorka Alkorta-Aranburu, Cynthia Beall, Amha Gebremedhin, Rem Sukernik, Gerd Utermann, Jonathan Pritchard, Graham Coop, & Anna Di Rienzo (2010) Human adaptations to diet, subsistence, and ecoregion are due to subtle shifts in allele frequency [p] [d] [u]
- Alexander G. Haslberger & Sabine Gressler [ed] (2010) Epigenetics and human health: linking hereditary, environmental, and nutritional aspects [i] [d]
- Robert M. Hazen & John M. Ferry (2010) Mineral evolution: mineralogy in the fourth dimension [d]
- Mark Hebblewhite & Daniel T. Haydon (2010) Distinguishing technology from biology: a critical review of the use of GPS telemetry data in ecology [p] [d] [u]
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- Matthew E. Herbert, Peter B. McIntyre, Patrick J. Doran, J. David Allan, & Robin A. Abell (2010) Terrestrial reserve networks do not adequately represent aquatic ecosystems [p] [d] [u]
- Robert J. Holdaway, Ashley D. Sparrow, & David A. Coomes (2010) Trends in entropy production during ecosystem development in the Amazon Basin [p] [d] [u]
- Paul L. Hooper, Hillard S. Kaplan, & James L. Boone (2010) A theory of leadership in human cooperative groups [p] [d]
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- Adrian V. Jaeggi, Judith M. Burkart, & Carel P. van Schaik (2010) On the psychology of cooperation in humans and other primates: combining the natural history and experimental evidence of prosociality [p] [d] [u]
- Emmanuelle J. Javaux & Véronique Dehant (2010) Habitability: from stars to cells [d]
- Keith Jensen (2010) Punishment and spite, the dark side of cooperation [p] [d] [u]
- Steven Berlin Johnson (2010) Where good ideas come from: the natural history of innovation [i]
- Giorgos Kallis & Richard B. Norgaard (2010) Coevolutionary ecological economics [d]
- Frank C. Keil & George E. Newman (2010) Darwin and development: why ontogeny does not recapitualte phylogeny for human concepts [i] [d]
- Axel Kleidon, Yadvinder Malhi, & Peter M. Cox (2010) Maximum entropy production in environmental and ecological systems [p] [d] [u]
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- Travis J. LaDuc & Christopher J. Bell (2010) Educating students on the importance of spatial and temporal bias in museum collections: an example using Sonora semiannulata from Texas [o]
- Kevin N. Laland & Neeltje J. Boogert (2010) Niche construction, co-evolution and biodiversity [d]
- Nick Lane & William F. Martin (2010) The energetics of genome complexity [p] [d]
- Daniel J. Lebbin, Mike Parr, & George H. Fenwick (2010) The American Bird Conservancy guide to bird conservation [i] [d]
- Laurent Lehmann & François Rousset (2010) How life history and demography promote or inhibit the evolution of helping behaviours [p] [d] [u]
- Philippe Lemey, Andrew Rambaut, John J. Welch, & Marc A. Suchard (2010) Phylogeography takes a relaxed random walk in continuous space and time [d]
- Björn Lindblom (2010) Reuse in the brain and elsewhere [d]
- David T. Long, Matthew J. Parsons, Catherine H. Yansa, Sharon S. Yohn, Colleen E. McLean, & Ryan G. Vannier (2010) Assessing the response of watersheds to catastrophic (logging) and possible secular (global temperature change) perturbations using sediment-chemical chronologies [d]
- Alan C. Love (2010) Idealization in evolutionary developmental investigation: a tension between phenotypic plasticity and normal stages [p] [d] [u]
- Barney Luttbeg & Andrew Sih (2010) Risk, resources and state-dependent adaptive behavioural syndromes [p] [d] [u]
- James Mallet (2010) Why was Darwin's view of species rejected by twentieth century biologists? [d]
- Mikko Manner & John M. Gowdy (2010) The evolution of social and moral behavior: evolutionary insights for public policy [d]
- Jorg J. M. Massen, Lisette M. van den Berg, Berry M. Spruijt, & Elisabeth H. M. Sterck (2010) Generous leaders and selfish underdogs: pro-sociality in despotic macaques [p] [d] [u]
- Barbara Mazzolai, Cecilia Laschi, Paolo Dario, Sergio Mugnai, & Stefano Mancuso (2010) The plant as a biomechatronic system [p] [d]
- Gin McCollum & Douglas A. Hanes (2010) Symmetries of the central vestibular system: forming movements for gravity and a three-dimensional world [d]
- Doyle McKey, Timothy R. Cavagnaro, Julie Cliff, & Roslyn Gleadow (2010) Chemical ecology in coupled human and natural systems: people, manioc, multitrophic interactions and global change [d]
- John M. McNamara & Olof Leimar (2010) Variation and the response to variation as a basis for successful cooperation [p] [d] [u]
- Brent D. Mishler (2010) Species are not uniquely real biological entities [i] [d]
- David S. Moore & Chris Moore (2010) Neural reuse as a source of developmental homology [d]
- Raquel Moreno-Peñaranda & Giorgos Kallis (2010) A coevolutionary understanding of agroenvironmental change: a case-study of a rural community in Brazil [d]
- Michael P. Muehlenbein [ed] (2010) Human evolutionary biology [i] [d]
- Gary Paul Nabhan (2010) Ethnobiology for a diverse world: microbial ethnobiology and the loss of distinctive food cultures [d]
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- Mihai Nadin (2010) Anticipation and dynamics: Rosen's anticipation in the perspective of time [d]
- John R. Nesselroade & Peter C. M. Molenaar (2010) Analyzing intra-person variation: hybridizing the ACE model with P-technique factor analysis and the idiographic filter [d]
- Daniel Nettle & Lars Penke (2010) Personality: bridging the literatures from human psychology and behavioural ecology [p] [d] [u]
- Denis Noble (2010) Biophysics and systems biology [d]
- Michael J. O'Brien & Stephen Shennan [ed] (2010) Innovation in cultural systems: contributions from evolutionary anthropology [i] [d]
- Kees van Oers & Jakob C. Mueller (2010) Evolutionary genomics of animal personality [p] [d] [u]
- Sophie S. Parker (2010) Buried treasure: soil biodiversity and conservation [d]
- David J. Patterson, Jerry Cooper, Paul M. Kirk, Richard L. Pyle, & David P. Remsen (2010) Names are key to the big new biology [d]
- Liliana Perez & Suzana Dragicevic (2010) Modeling mountain pine beetle infestation with an agent-based approach at two spatial scales [d]
- David W. Pfennig & Karin S. Pfennig (2010) Character displacement and the origins of diversity [p] [d] [j]
- Massimo Pigliucci & Gerd B. Müller [ed] (2010) Evolution, the extended synthesis [i] [d]
- Michael L. Platt & Asif A. Ghazanfar [ed] (2010) Primate neuroethology [i]
- Henry C. Plotkin (2010) Evolutionary worlds without end [i] [d]
- N. LeRoy Poff, Brian D. Richter, Angela H. Arthington, Stuart E. Bunn, Robert J. Naiman, Eloise Kendy, Mike Acreman, Colin Apse, Brian P. Bledsoe, Mary C. Freeman, James Henriksen, Robert B. Jacobson, Jonathan G. Kennen, David M. Merritt, Jay H. O'Keeffe, Julian D. Olden, Kevin Rogers, Rebecca E. Tharme, & Andrew Warner (2010) The ecological limits of hydrologic alteration (ELOHA): a new framework for developing regional environmental flow standards [d]
- Aldo Poiani (2010) Animal homosexuality: a biosocial perspective [i] [d]
- Richard Potts & Christopher Sloan (2010) What does it mean to be human? [i]
- Kevin J. Pugh, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Kristin L. K. Koskey, Victoria C. Stewart, & Christine Manzey (2010) Motivation, learning, and transformative experience: a study of deep engagement in science [d]
- Denis Réale, Dany Garant, Murray M. Humphries, Patrick Bergeron, Vincent Careau, & Pierre-Olivier Montiglio (2010) Personality and the emergence of the pace-of-life syndrome concept at the population level [p] [d] [u]
- Belinda Reyers, Dirk J. Roux, & Patrick J. O'Farrell (2010) Can ecosystem services lead ecology on a transdisciplinary pathway? [d]
- Olivier Rieppel (2010) The series, the network, and the tree: changing metaphors of order in nature [d]
- Alexander Rosenberg & Robert Arp [ed] (2010) Philosophy of biology: an anthology [i]
- Devesh Rustagi, Stefanie Engel, & Michael Kosfeld (2010) Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management [p] [d] [j]
- Karolina Safarzynska & Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh (2010) Evolving power and environmental policy: explaining institutional change with group selection [d]
- Rafe Sagarin & Aníbal Pauchard (2010) Observational approaches in ecology open new ground in a changing world [d]
- Roger Schürch, Susan Rothenberger, & Dik Heg (2010) The building-up of social relationships: behavioural types, social networks and cooperative breeding in a cichlid [p] [d] [u]
- Brian Skyrms (2010) Signals: evolution, learning, & information [i] [d]
- Navjot S. Sodhi & Paul R. Ehrlich [ed] (2010) Conservation biology for all [i] [d] [u]
- Judy A. Stamps & Ton G. G. Groothuis (2010) Developmental perspectives on personality: implications for ecological and evolutionary studies of individual differences [p] [d] [u]
- Eleanor J. Sterling, Andrés Gómez, & Ana L. Porzecanski (2010) A systemic view of biodiversity and its conservation: processes, interrelationships, and human culture [d]
- David L. Strayer & David Dudgeon (2010) Freshwater biodiversity conservation: recent progress and future challenges [d]
- Rod Swenson (2010) Selection is entailed by self-organization and natural selection is a special case [d]
- Péter Szabó (2010) Why history matters in ecology: an interdisciplinary perspective [d]
- Alfred I. Tauber (2010) Reframing developmental biology and building evolutionary theory's new synthesis [p] [d]
- Roger S. Taylor & Michel Ferrari [ed] (2010) Epistemology and science education: understanding the evolution vs. intelligent design controversy [i] [d]
- Sonia Tidemann & Andrew Gosler [ed] (2010) Ethno-ornithology: birds, indigenous peoples, culture and society [i] [d]
- Joseph J. Vallino (2010) Ecosystem biogeochemistry considered as a distributed metabolic network ordered by maximum entropy production [p] [d] [u]
- Tyler Volk & Olivier Pauluis (2010) It is not the entropy you produce, rather, how you produce it [p] [d] [u]
- Baldwin M. Way & Matthew D. Lieberman (2010) Is there a genetic contribution to cultural differences?: collectivism, individualism and genetic markers of social sensitivity [d]
- John J. Wiens, David D. Ackerly, Andrew P. Allen, Brian L. Anacker, Lauren B. Buckley, Howard V. Cornell, Ellen I. Damschen, T. Jonathan Davies, John-Arvid Grytnes, Susan P. Harrison, Bradford A. Hawkins, Robert D. Holt, Christy M. McCain, & Patrick R. Stephens (2010) Niche conservatism as an emerging principle in ecology and conservation biology [d]
- Max Wolf & Franz J. Weissing (2010) An explanatory framework for adaptive personality differences [p] [d] [u]
- Nathan M. Young, Günter P. Wagner, & Benedikt Hallgrímsson (2010) Development and the evolvability of human limbs [p] [d] [u]
- Richard H. Zander (2010) Structuralism in phylogenetic systematics [d]
- Berthoz Alain & Yves Christen [ed] (2009) Neurobiology of 'Umwelt': how living beings perceive the world [i] [d]
- Lilia Alberghina, Thomas Höfer, & Marco Vanoni (2009) Molecular networks and system-level properties [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2009) The evolution of morality [d]
- Douglas Allchin (2009) Why we need to teach the evolution of morality [d]
- Daniel M. Alongi (2009) The energetics of mangrove forests [i] [d]
- Ping Ao (2009) Global view of bionetwork dynamics: adaptive landscape [d]
- Adam Auton, Katarzyna Bryc, Adam R. Boyko, Kirk E. Lohmueller, John Novembre, Andy Reynolds, Amit Indap, Mark H. Wright, Jeremiah D. Degenhardt, Ryan N. Gutenkunst, Karen S. King, Matthew R. Nelson, & Carlos D. Bustamante (2009) Global distribution of genomic diversity underscores rich complex history of continental human populations [d]
- Eric Bapteste & Yan Boucher (2009) Epistemological impacts of horizontal gene transfer on classification in microbiology [p] [d]
- Eric Bapteste, Maureen A. O'Malley, Robert G. Beiko, Marc Ereshefsky, J. Peter Gogarten, Laura Franklin-Hall, François-Joseph Lapointe, John Dupré, Tal Dagan, Yan Boucher, & William F. Martin (2009) Prokaryotic evolution and the tree of life are two different things [d]
- David A. Baum (2009) Species as ranked taxa [d]
- Monika Bertzky & Susanne Stoll-Kleemanna (2009) Multi-level discrepancies with sharing data on protected areas: what we have and what we need for the global village [d]
- Juan Camilo Bohorquez, Sean Gourley, Alexander R. Dixon, Michael Spagat, & Neil F. Johnson (2009) Common ecology quantifies human insurgency [p] [d]
- Luis Boto, Ignacio Doadrio, & Rui Diogo (2009) Prebiotic world, macroevolution, and Darwin's theory: a new insight [d]
- Corey J. A. Bradshaw, Navjot S. Sodhi, & Barry W. Brook (2009) Tropical turmoil: a biodiversity tragedy in progress [d]
- Erez Braun & Shimon Marom (2009) Learning without error [i] [d]
- Nicolas Brucato, Patricia Tortevoye, Sabine Plancoulaine, Evelyne Guitard, Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, Georges Larrouy, Antoine Gessain, & Jean-Michel Dugoujon (2009) The genetic diversity of three peculiar populations descending from the slave trade: Gm study of Noir Marron from French Guiana [d]
- David Buckley (2009) Toward an organismal, integrative, and iterative phylogeography [d]
- Michael S. Carolan (2009) Process sub-politics: placing empirical flesh on Whiteheadian thought [d]
- Noel Castree [ed] (2009) A companion to environmental geography [i] [d]
- F. Stuart Chapin, Gary P. Kofinas, & Carl Folke [ed] (2009) Principles of ecosystem stewardship: resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world [i] [d]
- Oliver T. Coomes, Christian Abizaid, & Michel Lapointe (2009) Human modification of a large meandering Amazonian river: genesis, ecological and economic consequences of the Masisea cutoff on the central Ucayali, Peru [d]
- Flávia R. C. Costa, Jean-Louis Guillaumet, Albertina P. Lima, & Ocirio S. Pereira (2009) Gradients within gradients: the mesoscale distribution patterns of palms in a central Amazonian forest [d]
- Tal Dagan & William F. Martin (2009) Getting a better picture of microbial evolution en route to a network of genomes [p] [d] [u]
- James H. Degnan & Noah A. Rosenberg (2009) Gene tree discordance, phylogenetic inference and the multispecies coalescent [d]
- Donald A. Dewsbury (2009) More on evolution and psychology [d]
- Esther van Dijk & Ulrich Kattmann (2009) Teaching evolution with historical narratives [d]
- Ian S. Dunn (2009) Searching for molecular solutions: empirical discovery and its future [i] [d]
- Catherine Eberbach & Kevin Crowley (2009) From everyday to scientific observation: how children learn to observe the biologist's world [d]
- Scott V. Edwards (2009) Is a new and general theory of molecular systematics emerging? [d]
- Jane Elith & John R. Leathwick (2009) Species distribution models: ecological explanation and prediction across space and time [d]
- Peter Thorpe Ellison & Peter B. Gray [ed] (2009) Endocrinology of social relationships [i] [d] [j]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2009) Homology: integrating phylogeny and development [d]
- E. Margaret Evans, Amy N. Spiegel, Wendy Gram, Brandy N. Frazier, Medha Tare, Sarah Thompson, & Judy Diamond (2009) A conceptual guide to natural history museum visitors' understanding of evolution [d]
- Richard A. Fuller, Jamie Tratalos, & Kevin J. Gaston (2009) How many birds are there in a city of half a million people? [d]
- Susan M. Gaines, Geoffrey Eglinton, & Jürgen Rullkötter (2009) Echoes of life: what fossil molecules reveal about earth history [i]
- Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura (2009) Hormones and brain plasticity [i]
- Theodore Garland & Michael R. Rose [ed] (2009) Experimental evolution: concepts, methods, and applications of selection experiments [i] [d]
- Kevin J. Gaston, Steven L. Chown, Piero Calosi, Joseph Bernardo, David T. Bilton, Andrew Clarke, Susana Clusella-Trullas, Cameron K. Ghalambor, Marek Konarzewski, Lloyd S. Peck, Warren P. Porter, Hans O. Pörtner, Enrico L. Rezende, Patricia M. Schulte, John I. Spicer, Jonathon H. Stillman, John S. Terblanche, & Mark van Kleunen (2009) Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification [p] [d] [j]
- Scott F. Gilbert & David Epel (2009) Ecological developmental biology: integrating epigenetics, medicine, and evolution [i]
- Herbert Gintis (2009/2014) The bounds of reason: game theory and the unification of the behavioral sciences [i] [d] [j]
- Sylvain Glémin & Thomas Bataillon (2009) A comparative view of the evolution of grasses under domestication [d]
- Peter Godfrey-Smith (2009) Darwinian populations and natural selection [i] [d]
- T. Ryan Gregory (2009) Understanding natural selection: essential concepts and common misconceptions [d]
- Elizabeth A. Grice, Heidi H. Kong, Sean Conlan, Clayton B. Deming, Joie Davis, Alice C. Young, Gerard G. Bouffard, Robert W. Blakesley, Patrick R. Murray, Eric D. Green, Maria L. Turner, & Julia A. Segre (2009) Topographical and temporal diversity of the human skin microbiome [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Ramon Guardans & Nina Czeglédy (2009) Oriented flows: the molecular biology and political economy of the stew [d] [j]
- Amy K. Hahs, Mark J. McDonnell, Michael A. McCarthy, Peter A. Vesk, Richard T. Corlett, Briony A. Norton, Steven E. Clemants, Richard P. Duncan, Ken Thompson, Mark W. Schwartz, & Nicholas S. G. Williams (2009) A global synthesis of plant extinction rates in urban areas [d]
- Bernd Heinrich (2009) Summer world: a season of bounty [i]
- Lewis I. Held (2009) Quirks of human anatomy: an evo-devo look at the human body [i] [d]
- Evelyne Heyer, Patricia Balaresque, Mark Jobling, Lluis Quintana-Murci, Raphaelle Chaix, Laure Segurel, Almaz Aldashev, & Tanya Hegay (2009) Genetic diversity and the emergence of ethnic groups in Central Asia [d]
- Kim Hill, Michael Barton, & A. Magdalena Hurtado (2009) The emergence of human uniqueness: characters underlying behavioral modernity [d]
- Geoffrey M. Hodgson (2009) Choice, habit and evolution [d]
- Tamara Hofer, Nicolas Ray, Daniel Wegmann, & Laurent Excoffier (2009) Large allele frequency differences between human continental groups are more likely to have occurred by drift during range expansions than by selection [d]
- Jacob Höglund (2009) Evolutionary conservation genetics [i]
- G. Adrian Horridge (2009) What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?: a critique of scientific reason [i] [d] [j]
- Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (2009) Mothers and others: the evolutionary origins of mutual understanding [i] [j]
- Lawrence Hunter (2009) The processes of life: an introduction to molecular biology [i] [d] [j]
- Tim Ingold (2009) Point, line and counterpoint: from environment to fluid space [i] [d]
- Leslie M. Johnson & Eugene S. Hunn [ed] (2009) Landscape ethnoecology: concepts of biotic and physical space [i] [d] [j]
- Rebecca C. Jordan, Steven A. Gray, Marylee Demeter, Lei Lui, & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (2009) An assessment of students' understanding of ecosystem concepts: conflating ecological systems and cycles [d]
- Hillard S. Kaplan, Paul L. Hooper, & Michael Gurven (2009) The evolutionary and ecological roots of human social organization [p] [d] [u]
- Michael Kaspari, Stephen P. Yanoviak, Robert Dudley, May Yuan, & Natalie A. Clay (2009) Sodium shortage as a constraint on the carbon cycle in an inland tropical rainforest [p] [d] [u]
- Yong-Kyu Kim [ed] (2009) Handbook of behavior genetics [i] [d]
- Axel Kleidon (2009) Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and maximum entropy production in the Earth system [d]
- Kier D. Klepzig, Aaron S. Adams, Jo Handelsman, & Kenneth F. Raffa (2009) Symbioses: a key driver of insect physiological processes, ecological interactions, evolutionary diversification, and impacts on humans [d]
- Eugene V. Koonin & Yuri I. Wolf (2009) The fundamental units, processes and patterns of evolution, and the tree of life conundrum [d]
- Eugene V. Koonin & Yuri I. Wolf (2009) Is evolution Darwinian or/and Lamarckian? [d]
- Eugene V. Koonin (2009) Darwinian evolution in the light of genomics [p] [d]
- John C. Kricher (2009) The balance of nature: ecology's enduring myth [i] [d] [j]
- Ulrich Krohs & Peter Kroes [ed] (2009) Functions in biological and artificial worlds: comparative philosophical perspectives [i] [d]
- Christopher W. Kuzawa & Elizabeth Sweet (2009) Epigenetics and the embodiment of race: developmental origins of US racial disparities in cardiovascular health [d]
- Mark A. LaBarge, Celeste M. Nelson, Rene Villadsen, Agla Fridriksdottir, Jason R. Ruth, Martha R. Stampfer, Ole W. Petersen, & Mina J. Bissell (2009) Human mammary progenitor cell fate decisions are products of interactions with combinatorial microenvironments [d]
- Joseph Lachance (2009) Inbreeding, pedigree size, and the most recent common ancestor of humanity [d]
- David C. Lahti, Norman A. Johnson, Beverly C. Ajie, Sarah P. Otto, Andrew P. Hendry, Daniel T. Blumstein, Richard G. Coss, Kathleen Donohue, & Susan A. Foster (2009) Relaxed selection in the wild [d]
- Pascal Lapierre & J. Peter Gogarten (2009) Estimating the size of the bacterial pan-genome [d]
- Simon A. Levin, Stephen R. Carpenter, H. Charles J. Godfray, Ann P. Kinzig, Michel Loreau, Jonathan B. Losos, Brian Harrison Walker, & David S. Wilcove [ed] (2009) The Princeton guide to ecology [i] [d] [j]
- Simon A. Levin [ed] (2009) Games, groups, and the global good [i] [d]
- Robert Lickliter (2009) The fallacy of partitioning: epigenetics' validation of the organism-environment system [d]
- Jeffrey C. Long & Rick A. Kittles (2009) Human genetic diversity and the nonexistence of biological races [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Alan C. Love (2009) Typology reconfigured: from the metaphysics of essentialism to the epistemology of representation [d]
- Ulrich Lüttge & Brigitte Hertel (2009) Diurnal and annual rhythms in trees [d]
- Thomas W. Miller [ed] (2009) Handbook of stressful transitions across the lifespan [i] [d]
- David B. Miller (2009) The provenance and control of behavior: simplistic answers are doomed to fail [d]
- Brent D. Mishler (2009) Three centuries of paradigm changes in biological classification: is the end in sight? [j]
- Juan José Morrone (2009) Evolutionary biogeography: an integrative approach with case studies [i] [j]
- Philip Myers, Barbara L. Lundrigan, Susan M. G. Hoffman, Allison Poor Haraminac, & Stephanie H. Seto (2009) Climate-induced changes in the small mammal communities of the Northern Great Lakes Region [d]
- Shahid Naeem [ed] (2009) Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human wellbeing: an ecological and economic perspective [i] [d]
- Bence Nanay (2009) Population thinking as trope nominalism [d] [j]
- Brigitte Nerlich & Iina Hellsten (2009) Beyond the human genome: microbes, metaphors and what it means to be human in an interconnected post-genomic world [d]
- Randolph M. Nesse, Carl T. Bergstrom, Peter T. Ellison, Jeffrey S. Flier, Peter Gluckman, Diddahally R. Govindaraju, Dietrich Niethammer, Gilbert S. Omenn, Robert L. Perlman, Mark D. Schwartz, Mark G. Thomas, Stephen C. Stearns, & David Valle (2009) Making evolutionary biology a basic science for medicine [p] [d] [u]
- Søren Nors Nielsen & Felix Müller (2009) Understanding the functional principles of nature—proposing another type of ecosystem services [d]
- Richard B. Norgaard (2009) Ecosystem services: from eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder [d]
- Mark E. Olson & Alfonso Arroyo-Santos (2009) Thinking in continua: beyond the 'adaptive radiation' metaphor [d]
- Susan Oyama (2009) Friends, neighbors, and boundaries [d]
- Douglas Palmer, Simon Lamb, Angeles Gavira Guerrero, & Peter Frances (2009/2012) Prehistoric life: the definitive visual history of life on earth [i]
- Lynne R. Parenti & Malte C. Ebach (2009) Comparative biogeography: discovering and classifying biogeographical patterns of a dynamic Earth [i] [d] [j]
- Donovan H. Parks, Michael Porter, Sylvia Churcher, Suwen Wang, Christian Blouin, Jacqueline Whalley, Stephen Brooks, & Robert G. Beiko (2009) GenGIS: a geospatial information system for genomic data [d]
- Mark S. Peacock (2009) Path dependence in the production of scientific knowledge [d]
- Michael I. Posner & Mary K. Rothbart (2009) Toward a physical basis of attention and self-regulation [d]
- Nikolai A. Provorov & Nikolai I. Vorobyov (2009) Host plant as an organizer of microbial evolution in the beneficial symbioses [d]
- Michael D. Purugganan & Dorian Q. Fuller (2009) The nature of selection during plant domestication [p] [d]
- Mark A. Ragan, James O. McInerney, & James A. Lake (2009) The network of life: genome beginnings and evolution [p] [d] [u]
- Joan Roughgarden (2009) The genial gene: deconstructing Darwinian selfishness [i]
- Michael Ruse & Joseph Travis [ed] (2009) Evolution: the first four billion years [i]
- Geoffrey Sampson, David Gil, & Peter Trudgill [ed] (2009) Language complexity as an evolving variable [i]
- Charles Morphy D. Santos & Renato S. Capellari (2009) On reciprocal illumination and consilience in biogeography [d]
- Eilon Schwartz (2009) At home in the world: human nature, ecological thought, and education after Darwin [i]
- Charlie M. Shackleton, Georgina Cundill, & Andrew T. Knight (2009) Beyond just research: experiences from southern Africa in developing social learning partnerships for resource conservation initiatives [d]
- Thomas N. Sherratt & David M. Wilkinson (2009) Big questions in ecology and evolution [i]
- David Sibley (2009) The Sibley guide to trees [i]
- Jonathan W. Silvertown & Amy Whitesides (2009) An orchard invisible: a natural history of seeds [i] [d]
- Daniel Simberloff (2009) Invasions of plant communities: more of the same, something very different, or both? [d]
- Bruce D. Smith (2009) Resource resilience, human niche construction, and the long-term sustainability of pre-Columbian subsistence economies in the Mississippi river valley corridor [d]
- Judy Sng & Michael J. Meaney (2009) Environmental regulation of the neural epigenome [d]
- Elliott Sober (2009) Did Darwin write the Origin backwards? [p] [d] [u]
- Klara Stefflova, Matthew C. Dulik, Athma A. Pai, Amy H. Walker, Charnita M. Zeigler-Johnson, Serigne M. Gueye, Theodore G. Schurr, & Timothy R. Rebbeck (2009) Evaluation of group genetic ancestry of populations from Philadelphia and Dakar in the context of sex-biased admixture in the Americas [p] [d] [u]
- Anna-Sofie Stensgaard, Christopher F. L. Saarnak, Jürg Utzinger, Penelope Vounatsou, Christopher Simoonga, Gabriel Mushinge, Carsten Rahbek, Flemming Møhlenberg, & Thomas K. Kristensen (2009) Virtual globes and geospatial health: the potential of new tools in the management and control of vector-borne diseases [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas Suddendorf, Donna Rose Addis, & Michael C. Corballis (2009) Mental time travel and the shaping of the human mind [p] [d] [u]
- Brian L. Sullivan, Christopher L. Wood, Marshall J. Iliff, Rick E. Bonney, Daniel Fink, & Steve Kelling (2009) eBird: a citizen-based bird observation network in the biological sciences [d]
- Joanna Swann (2009) Learning: an evolutionary analysis [d]
- Igor A. Tikhonovich & Nikolai A. Provorov (2009) From plant–microbe interactions to symbiogenetics: a universal paradigm for the interspecies genetic integration [d]
- Sebastian Tims, Willem van Wamel, Hubert P. Endtz, Alex van Belkum, & Manfred Kayser (2009) Microbial DNA fingerprinting of human fingerprints: dynamic colonization of fingertip microflora challenges human host inferences for forensic purposes [d]
- Michael Tomasello (2009) Why we cooperate [i] [d]
- Luca Tommasi, Mary A. Peterson, & Lynn Nadel [ed] (2009) Cognitive biology: evolutionary and developmental perspectives on mind, brain, and behavior [i] [d]
- Warren W. Tryon (2009) Darwin's eclipse concerned function versus mechanism [p] [d]
- Gordon E. Uno (2009) Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
- Dawn C. Walker & Jennifer Southgate (2009) The virtual cell—a candidate co-ordinator for 'middle-out' modelling of biological systems [d]
- Bradley B. Walters & Andrew Peter Vayda (2009) Event ecology, causal historical analysis, and human–environment research [d]
- G. Rickey Welch (2009) Physiology, physiomics, and biophysics: a matter of words [d]
- John S. Wilkins (2009) Species: a history of the idea [i] [d] [j]
- Lewis Wolpert (2009) How we live and why we die: the secret lives of cells [i]
- Robin A. Abell, Michele L. Thieme, Carmen Revenga, Mark Bryer, Maurice Kottelat, Nina Bogutskaya, Brian Coad, Nick Mandrak, Salvador Contreras Balderas, William Bussing, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Paul Skelton, Gerald R. Allen, Peter Unmack, Alexander Naseka, Rebecca Ng, Nikolai Sindorf, James Robertson, Eric Armijo, Jonathan V. Higgins, Thomas J. Heibel, Eric D. Wikramanayake, David M. Olson, Hugo L. López, Roberto E. Reis, John G. Lundberg, Mark H. Sabaj Pérez, & Paulo Petry (2008) Freshwater ecoregions of the world: a new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation [d] [j]
- Douglas Allchin (2008) Naturalizing as an error-type in biology [u]
- Ariel D. Anbar (2008) Elements and evolution [p] [d] [j]
- Robert Askins, Glenn D. Dreyer, Gerald R. Visgilio, & Diana M. Whitelaw [ed] (2008) Saving biological diversity: balancing protection of endangered species and ecosystems [i] [d]
- Eric Bapteste & Yan Boucher (2008) Lateral gene transfer challenges principles of microbial systematics [d]
- Jennifer L. Barnes, Tyler Hill, Melanie Langer, Margaret Martinez, & Laurie R. Santos (2008) Helping behaviour and regard for others in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) [d]
- David Batten, Stanley Salthe, & Fabio Boschetti (2008) Visions of evolution: self-organization proposes what natural selection disposes [d]
- Oliver Bossdorf, Christina L. Richards, & Massimo Pigliucci (2008) Epigenetics for ecologists [d]
- Julia C. Boughner & Benedikt Hallgrímsson (2008) Biological spacetime and the temporal integration of functional modules: a case study of dento–gnathic developmental timing [d]
- Andrew J. Boulton, Luz Boyero, Alan P. Covich, Michael Dobson, Sam Lake, & Richard Pearson (2008) Are tropical streams ecologically different from temperate streams? [i] [d]
- Melissa J. Brown [ed] (2008) Explaining culture scientifically [i] [j]
- Brett Calcott (2008) Assessing the fitness landscape revolution [d]
- Kefyn M. Catley & Laura R. Novick (2008) Seeing the wood for the trees: an analysis of evolutionary diagrams in biology textbooks [d] [j]
- Eric Chivian & Aaron Bernstein [ed] (2008) Sustaining life: how human health depends on biodiversity [i]
- Steven L. Chown & Kevin J. Gaston (2008) Macrophysiology for a changing world [p] [d] [u]
- Christopher S. Cronan (2008/2018) Ecosystem biogeochemistry: element cycling in the forest landscape [i] [d]
- Fernando Cruz, Carles Vilà, & Matthew T. Webster (2008) The legacy of domestication: accumulation of deleterious mutations in the dog genome [d]
- Patrizia d'Ettorre & David P. Hughes [ed] (2008) Sociobiology of communication: an interdisciplinary perspective [i]
- Daniel F. Doak, James A. Estes, Benjamin S. Halpern, Ute Jacob, David R. Lindberg, James Lovvorn, Daniel H. Monson, M. Timothy Tinker, Terrie M. Williams, J. Timothy Wootton, Ian Carroll, Mark Emmerson, Fiorenza Micheli, & Mark Novak (2008) Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable? [d]
- David Dudgeon [ed] (2008) Tropical stream ecology [i] [d]
- John Dupré (2008/2012) What genes are, and why there are no 'genes for race' [i] [d]
- E. Margaret Evans (2008/2013) Conceptual change and evolutionary biology: a developmental perspective [i] [d]
- Paul G. Falkowski, Tom Fenchel, & Edward F. Delong (2008) The microbial engines that drive Earth's biogeochemical cycles [p] [d] [j]
- Richard A. Fortey (2008) Dry storeroom no. 1: the secret life of the Natural History Museum [i]
- Otto Fränzle, Ludger Kappen, & Hans-Peter Blume [ed] (2008) Ecosystem organization of a complex landscape: long-term research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany [i] [d]
- John M. Fryxell, Megan Hazell, Luca Börger, Ben D. Dalziel, Daniel T. Haydon, Juan M. Morales, Therese McIntosh, & Rick C. Rosatte (2008) Multiple movement modes by large herbivores at multiple spatiotemporal scales [p] [d] [u]
- Giuseppe Fusco & Alessandro Minelli [ed] (2008) Evolving pathways: key themes in evolutionary developmental biology [i] [d]
- Wayne M. Getz & David Saltz (2008) A framework for generating and analyzing movement paths on ecological landscapes [p] [d] [u]
- Gerd Gigerenzer (2008) Why heuristics work [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Gerd Gigerenzer (2008) Rationality for mortals: how people cope with uncertainty [i]
- Herbert Gintis, Joseph Patrick Henrich, Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, & Ernst Fehr (2008) Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality [d]
- Lev R. Ginzburg & John Damuth (2008) The space-lifetime hypothesis: viewing organisms in four dimensions, literally [p] [d] [j]
- Iain J. Gordon & Herbert H. T. Prins [ed] (2008) The ecology of browsing and grazing [i] [d]
- T. Ryan Gregory (2008) The evolution of complex organs [d]
- Joseph Heath (2008) Following the rules: practical reasoning and deontic constraint [i] [d]
- Andrew P. Hendry & Andrew Gonzalez (2008) Whither adaptation? [d]
- Peter Heuer & Boris Hennig (2008) The classification of living beings [i] [d]
- Marcel Holyoak, Renato Casagrandi, Ran Nathan, Eloy Revilla, & Orr Spiegel (2008) Trends and missing parts in the study of movement ecology [p] [d] [u]
- Linda M. Hunt & Mary S. Megyesi (2008) The ambiguous meanings of the racial/ethnic categories routinely used in human genetics research [p] [d] [u]
- Jonathan Michael Kaplan (2008) The end of the adaptive landscape metaphor? [d]
- Bruce Kershner (2008) National Wildlife Federation field guide to trees of North America [i]
- Janina A. Kirsch, Onur Güntürkün, & Jonas Rose (2008) Insight without cortex: lessons from the avian brain [p] [d]
- Kenneth H. Kozak, Catherine H. Graham, & John J. Wiens (2008) Integrating GIS-based environmental data into evolutionary biology [d]
- Ulrich Kutschera & Karl J. Niklas (2008) Macroevolution via secondary endosymbiosis: a Neo-Goldschmidtian view of unicellular hopeful monsters and Darwin's primordial intermediate form [d]
- Venkat R. Lakshminarayanan & Laurie R. Santos (2008) Capuchin monkeys are sensitive to others' welfare [d]
- Trevor Lamb, Edward Pugh, & Shaun Collin (2008) The origin of the vertebrate eye [d]
- Kristian Larsen & Jason Gilliland (2008) Mapping the evolution of 'food deserts' in a Canadian city: supermarket accessibility in London, Ontario, 1961–2005 [d]
- Roger D. Launius & Howard E. McCurdy (2008) Robots in space: technology, evolution, and interplanetary travel [i] [d]
- Laurent Lehmann, Kevin R. Foster, Elhanan Borenstein, & Marcus W. Feldman (2008) Social and individual learning of helping in humans and other species [d]
- A. Carl Leopold & Jackeline Salazar (2008) Understory species richness during restoration of wet tropical forest in Costa Rica [d]
- Charles H. Lineweaver & Chas A. Egan (2008) Life, gravity and the second law of thermodynamics [d]
- David Lloyd (2008) Biological time is fractal: early events reverberate over a life time [d]
- David Lloyd & Ernest L. Rossi [ed] (2008) Ultradian rhythms from molecules to mind: a new vision of life [i] [d]
- Alan C. Love (2008) Explaining evolutionary innovations and novelties: criteria of explanatory adequacy and epistemological prerequisites [d] [j]
- Danny MacKinnon (2008) Evolution, path dependence and economic geography [d]
- Peggy Macnamara, John Bates, & James H. Boone (2008) Architecture by birds and insects: a natural art [i]
- Joshua S. Madin, Shawn Bowers, Mark P. Schildhauer, & Matthew B. Jones (2008) Advancing ecological research with ontologies [d]
- Tak W. Mak, Mary E. Saunders, & Bradley D. Jett (2008/2014) Primer to the immune response [i] [d]
- Chris Maser, Andrew W. Claridge, & James M. Trappe (2008) Trees, truffles, and beasts: how forests function [i] [j]
- Michael L. McKinney (2008) Do humans homogenize or differentiate biotas?: it depends [d]
- Sandra D. Mitchell (2008) Explaining complex behavior [i] [d]
- David S. Moore (2008) Individuals and populations: how biology's theory and data have interfered with the integration of development and evolution [d]
- Oliver Morton (2008) Eating the sun: how plants power the planet [i]
- Andrés Moya, Juli Peretó, Rosario Gil, & Amparo Latorre (2008) Learning how to live together: genomic insights into prokaryote–animal symbioses [p] [d]
- Ran Nathan, Wayne M. Getz, Eloy Revilla, Marcel Holyoak, Ronen Kadmon, David Saltz, & Peter E. Smouse (2008) A movement ecology paradigm for unifying organismal movement research [p] [d] [u]
- Ara Norenzayan & Azim F. Shariff (2008) The origin and evolution of religious prosociality [p] [d] [j]
- D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel [ed] (2008) Evolution of communicative flexibility: complexity, creativity, and adaptability in human and animal communication [i] [d]
- Mark D. Pagel & Andrew Pomiankowski [ed] (2008) Evolutionary genomics and proteomics [i]
- Margaret A. Palmer, Catherine A. Reidy Liermann, Christer Nilsson, Martina Flörke, Joseph Alcamo, P. Sam Lake, & Nick Bond (2008) Climate change and the world's river basins: anticipating management options [d]
- Lael Parrott, Raphaël Proulx, & Xavier Thibert-Plante (2008) Three-dimensional metrics for the analysis of spatiotemporal data in ecology [d]
- Josephine M. Pemberton (2008) Wild pedigrees: the way forward [p] [d] [u]
- Ivette Perfecto & John H. Vandermeer (2008) Biodiversity conservation in tropical agroecosystems: a new conservation paradigm [d]
- Jeanine M. Pfeiffer & Robert A. Voeks (2008) Biological invasions and biocultural diversity: linking ecological and cultural systems [d]
- Massimo Pigliucci (2008) Sewall Wright's adaptive landscapes: 1932 vs. 1988 [d]
- Anya Plutynski (2008) The rise and fall of the adaptive landscape? [d]
- Marianne Rasmuson (2008) Genealogy and gene trees [d]
- Thomas A. C. Reydon (2008) Species in three and four dimensions [d] [j]
- Victoria Reyes-García, Vincent Vadez, Neus Martí, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, & Susan Tanner (2008) Ethnobotanical knowledge and crop diversity in swidden fields: a study in a Native Amazonian society [d] [j]
- Eric J. Richards (2008) Population epigenetics [d]
- Robert E. Ricklefs (2008) Disintegration of the ecological community [p] [d] [j]
- Olivier Rieppel (2008) Origins, taxa, names and meanings [d]
- Tony Rodd & Jennifer Stackhouse (2008) Trees: a visual guide [i]
- Jerry W. Rudy (2008/2014) The neurobiology of learning and memory [i]
- J. Philippe Rushton, Trudy Ann Bons, & Yoon-Mi Hur (2008) The genetics and evolution of the general factor of personality [d]
- Rafe Sagarin & Terence Taylor [ed] (2008) Natural security: a Darwinian approach to a dangerous world [i] [d]
- Maria Sanchez-Contreras & Isabella Vlisidou (2008) The diversity of insect–bacteria interactions and its applications for disease control [d]
- Hanno Sandvik (2008) Tree thinking cannot be taken for granted: challenges for teaching phylogenetics [d]
- Neil Shubin (2008) Your inner fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body [i]
- Daniel Lord Smail (2008) The new neurohistory [i] [d] [j]
- Elliott Sober (2008) Evidence and evolution: the logic behind the science [i] [d]
- Pierre Taberlet, Alice Valentini, Hamid-Reza Rezaei, Saeid Naderi, François Pompanon, Riccardo Negrini, & Paolo Ajmone-Marsan (2008) Are cattle, sheep, and goats endangered species? [d]
- Chao Tian, Peter K. Gregersen, & Michael F. Seldin (2008) Accounting for ancestry: population substructure and genome-wide association studies [d]
- Wenda Trevathan, Euclid O. Smith, & James J. McKenna [ed] (2008) Evolutionary medicine and health: new perspectives [i]
- Charlotte Uhlenbroek [ed] (2008/2011) Animal life [i]
- Geerat J. Vermeij (2008) Security, unpredictability, and evolution: policy and the history of life [i] [d]
- Philip A. Vernon, Rod A. Martin, Julie Aitken Schermer, & Ashley Mackie (2008) A behavioral genetic investigation of humor styles and their correlations with the Big-5 personality dimensions [d]
- David Waltner-Toews, James J. Kay, & Nina-Marie E. Lister [ed] (2008) The ecosystem approach: complexity, uncertainty, and managing for sustainability [i] [j]
- Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther (2008) Systemic Darwinism [p] [d] [u]
- Jochen B. W. Wolf & Fritz Trillmich (2008) Kin in space: social viscosity in a spatially and genetically substructured network [p] [d] [u]
- S. Joseph Wright, Ana Trakhtenbrot, Gil Bohrer, Matteo Detto, Gabriel G. Katul, Nir Horvitz, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Frank A. Jones, & Ran Nathan (2008) Understanding strategies for seed dispersal by wind under contrasting atmospheric conditions [p] [d] [u]
- Hidenori Yamasue, Osamu Abe, Motomu Suga, Haruyasu Yamada, Mark A. Rogers, Shigeki Aoki, Nobumasa Kato, & Kiyoto Kasai (2008) Sex-linked neuroanatomical basis of human altruistic cooperativeness [p] [d]
- Fred W. Allendorf, Gordon Luikart, & Sally N. Aitken (2007/2013) Conservation and the genetics of populations [i]
- Uri Alon (2007/2019) An introduction to systems biology: design principles of biological circuits [i]
- Francisco José Ayala & Camilo José Cela Conde (2007/2017) Processes in human evolution: the journey from early hominins to Neanderthals and modern humans [i] [d]
- Gero Benckiser & Sylvia Schnell [ed] (2007) Biodiversity in agricultural production systems [i]
- Charles S. Brown & Ted Toadvine [ed] (2007) Nature's edge: boundary explorations in ecological theory and practice [i]
- Judith M. Burkart, Ernst Fehr, Charles Efferson, & Carel P. van Schaik (2007) Other-regarding preferences in a non-human primate: common marmosets provision food altruistically [p] [d] [u]
- Jordi Cat (2007/2017) The unity of science [u]
- Robert R. Crifasi (2007) A subspecies no more?: a mouse, its unstable taxonomy, and western riparian resource conflict [d]
- Judy Diamond & E. Margaret Evans (2007) Museums teach evolution [d]
- Hugh Dingle & V. Alistair Drake (2007) What is migration? [d] [j]
- W. Ford Doolittle & Eric Bapteste (2007) Pattern pluralism and the Tree of Life hypothesis [p] [d] [u]
- Chris S. Duvall (2007) Human settlement and baobab distribution in south-western Mali [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2007) Psychological categories as homologies: lessons from ethology [d]
- Melinda Bonnie Fagan (2007) Wallace, Darwin, and the practice of natural history [d]
- Paul G. Falkowski & Andrew H. Knoll [ed] (2007) Evolution of primary producers in the sea [i] [d]
- Charles Fisher (2007) Dismantling discontent: Buddha's way through Darwin's world [i]
- Jonathan A. Foley, Gregory P. Asner, Marcos Heil Costa, Michael T. Coe, Ruth S. DeFries, Holly K. Gibbs, Erica A. Howard, Sarah Olson, Jonathan A. Patz, Navin Ramankutty, & Peter Snyder (2007) Amazonia revealed: forest degradation and loss of ecosystem goods and services in the Amazon Basin [d]
- Peter Frances, David Burnie, National Audubon Society, & BirdLife International (2007/2009) Bird: the definitive visual guide [i]
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- Artin Göncü & Suzanne Gaskins [ed] (2007) Play and development: evolutionary, sociocultural, and functional perspectives [i] [d]
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- Bradford A. Hawkins, José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho, Carlos A. Jaramillo, & Stephen A. Soeller (2007) Climate, niche conservatism, and the global bird diversity gradient [p] [d] [j]
- Michael J. Heckenberger, J. Christian Russell, Joshua R. Toney, & Morgan J. Schmidt (2007) The legacy of cultural landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon: implications for biodiversity [p] [d] [u]
- Natalie Henrich & Joseph Patrick Henrich (2007) Why humans cooperate: a cultural and evolutionary explanation [i]
- A. G. Hildrew, Dave G. Raffaelli, & Ronni Edmonds-Brown (2007) Body size: the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems [i] [d]
- Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Surabhi Marathe, & Lei Liu (2007) Fish swim, rocks sit, and lungs breathe: expert–novice understanding of complex systems [d]
- James R. Hurford (2007) The origins of meaning: language in the light of evolution [i]
- Tim Ingold (2007) The trouble with 'evolutionary biology' [d] [j]
- Manfred Dietrich Laubichler & Gerd B. Müller [ed] (2007) Modeling biology: structures, behavior, evolution [i] [d]
- William R. Leonard, J. Josh Snodgrass, & Marcia L. Robertson (2007) Effects of brain evolution on human nutrition and metabolism [d]
- Ruth E. Ley, Rob Knight, & Jeffrey I. Gordon (2007) The human microbiome: eliminating the biomedical/environmental dichotomy in microbial ecology [d]
- David B. Lindenmayer & Richard J. Hobbs [ed] (2007) Managing and designing landscapes for conservation: moving from perspectives to principles [i]
- Gary W. Luck (2007) A review of the relationships between human population density and biodiversity [d]
- Mohan Matthen (2007) Defining vision: what homology thinking contributes [d]
- Gin McCollum (2007) Spatial symmetry groups as sensorimotor guidelines [p] [u]
- Alex Mesoudi (2007) Foresight in cultural evolution [d]
- Geoffrey F. Miller (2007) Sexual selection for moral virtues [p] [d]
- Vladimir S. Mukhanov, Olga G. Naidanova, Olga A. Lopukhina, & Richard B. Kemp (2007) Cell-, biovolume- and biosurface-specific energy fluxes through marine picoplankton as a function of the assemblage size structure [d]
- Yair Neuman (2007) The rest is silence [p] [d]
- Marco Pautasso & Michael L. McKinney (2007) The botanist effect revisited: plant species richness, county area, and human population size in the United States [p] [d] [j]
- Elizabeth M. Phillips, Adebola O. Odunlami, & Vence L. Bonham (2007) Mixed race: understanding difference in the genome era [p] [d] [j] [u]
- Donald R. Prothero & Carl Dennis Buell (2007/2017) Evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters [i] [d]
- Didier Reinhardt (2007) Programming good relations—development of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis [d]
- Jessica Snyder Sachs (2007) Good germs, bad germs: health and survival in a bacterial world [i]
- Oswald J. Schmitz (2007) Ecology and ecosystem conservation [i]
- Thomas S. Schulenberg, Douglas F. Stotz, Daniel F. Lane, John Patton O'Neill, & Theodore A. Parker (2007/2010) Birds of Peru [i] [d] [j]
- Lauren H. Seiler (2007) What are we?: the social construction of the human biological self [d]
- Niall Shanks & Rebecca A. Pyles (2007) Evolution and medicine: the long reach of 'Dr. Darwin' [p] [d] [u]
- Bruce D. Smith (2007) Niche construction and the behavioral context of plant and animal domestication [d]
- David N. Stamos (2007) Popper, laws, and the exclusion of biology from genuine science [p] [d]
- Thomas Suddendorf & Michael C. Corballis (2007) The evolution of foresight: what is mental time travel, and is it unique to humans? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Julia Voss & Lori Lantz (2007/2010) Darwin's pictures: views of evolutionary theory, 1837–1874 [i] [d] [j]
- Robert A. Weinberg (2007/2014) The biology of cancer [i]
- William C. Wimsatt (2007) Re-engineering philosophy for limited beings: piecewise approximations to reality [i] [j]
- David J. Witherspoon, Stephen Wooding, Alan R. Rogers, Elizabeth E. Marchani, W. Scott Watkins, Mark A. Batzer, & Lynn B. Jorde (2007) Genetic similarities within and between human populations [p] [d] [u]
- Mieczysław Wolsan (2007) Naming species in phylogenetic nomenclature [d]
- Nicole N. Woods (2007) Science is fundamental: the role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning [p] [d]
- Ann Finney Batiza (2006) Bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics: getting the big picture [i]
- Darold P. Batzer & Rebecca R. Sharitz [ed] (2006/2014) Ecology of freshwater and estuarine wetlands [i] [d] [j]
- William Bechtel (2006) Discovering cell mechanisms: the creation of modern cell biology [i] [d]
- Carl T. Bergstrom & Rustom Antia (2006) How do adaptive immune systems control pathogens while avoiding autoimmunity? [d]
- Juliane Bräuer, Juliane Kaminski, Julia Riedel, Josep Call, & Michael Tomasello (2006) Making inferences about the location of hidden food: social dog, causal ape [p] [d]
- Rose M. Brewer (2006) Thinking critically about race and genetics [d]
- William C. Burger (2006) Flowers: how they changed the world [i]
- Stephen R. Carpenter & Carl Folke (2006) Ecology for transformation [d]
- Mildred K. Cho (2006) Racial and ethnic categories in biomedical research: there is no baby in the bathwater [d]
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- Robert Dingwall & Meryl Aldridge (2006) Television wildlife programming as a source of popular scientific information: a case study of evolution [d]
- David Dudgeon, Angela H. Arthington, Mark O. Gessner, Zen-Ichiro Kawabata, Duncan J. Knowler, Christian Lévêque, Robert J. Naiman, Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard, Doris Soto, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, & Caroline A. Sullivan (2006) Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges [d]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2006) Where the wild things are: environmental preservation and human nature [d]
- Almo Farina & Andrea Belgrano (2006) The eco-field hypothesis: toward a cognitive landscape [d]
- Peter Frances & Angeles Gavira Guerrero [ed] (2006/2014) Ocean: the definitive visual guide [i]
- Peter Godfrey-Smith (2006) The strategy of model-based science [d]
- Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, & Diederik Aerts [ed] (2006) Evolutionary epistemology, language, and culture: a non-adaptationist, systems theoretical approach [i] [d]
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- Ian Humphery-Smith & Michael Hecker [ed] (2006) Microbial proteomics: functional biology of whole organisms [i] [d]
- Tim Ingold (2006) Against human nature [i] [d]
- Rob Kesseler, Wolfgang Stuppy, & Alexandra Papadakis (2006/2009) Seeds: time capsules of life [i]
- Karl-Heinz Kogel, Philipp Franken, & Ralph Hückelhoven (2006) Endophyte or parasite—what decides? [d]
- Frans Lanting & Christine K. Eckstrom (2006) Life: a journey through time [i]
- Richard Levins (2006) Strategies of abstraction [d]
- David B. Lindenmayer & Joern Fischer (2006) Habitat fragmentation and landscape change: an ecological and conservation synthesis [i]
- Russell H. Messing & Mark G. Wright (2006) Biological control of invasive species: solution or pollution? [d]
- James H. Mielke, Lyle W. Konigsberg, & John Relethford (2006/2011) Human biological variation [i]
- Emilio F. Moran (2006/2017) People and nature: an introduction to human ecological relations [i]
- Retha R. Newbold, Elizabeth Padilla-Banks, & Wendy N. Jefferson (2006) Adverse effects of the model environmental estrogen diethylstilbestrol are transmitted to subsequent generations [d]
- Denis Noble (2006) The music of life: biology beyond the genome [i]
- Robert J. Orth, Tim J. B. Carruthers, William C. Dennison, Carlos M. Duarte, James W. Fourqurean, Kenneth L. Heck, A. Randall Hughes, Gary A. Kendrick, W. Judson Kenworthy, Suzanne Olyarnik, Frederick T. Short, Michelle Waycott, & Susan L. Williams (2006) A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems [d] [j]
- Uta Paszkowski (2006) Mutualism and parasitism: the yin and yang of plant symbioses [d]
- Jon Paul Rodríguez, T. Douglas Beard Jr., Elena M. Bennett, Graeme S. Cumming, Steven J. Cork, John Agard, Andrew P. Dobson, & Garry D. Peterson (2006) Trade-offs across space, time, and ecosystem services [u]
- Harry Rubin (2006) What keeps cells in tissues behaving normally in the face of myriad mutations? [d]
- Andrew Shtulman (2006) Qualitative differences between naïve and scientific theories of evolution [d]
- Bruce D. Smith (2006) Eastern North America as an independent center of plant domestication [p] [d] [u]
- Gary Snyder (2006) Writers and the war against nature [i]
- Ricard V. Solé & Jordi Bascompte (2006) Self-organization in complex ecosystems [i] [d] [j]
- Volker Sommer & Paul L. Vasey [ed] (2006) Homosexual behaviour in animals: an evolutionary perspective [i]
- John E. Staller, Robert H. Tykot, & Bruce F. Benz [ed] (2006) Histories of maize: multidisciplinary approaches to the prehistory, linguistics, biogeography, domestication, and evolution of maize [i] [d]
- J. Anthony Stallins (2006) Geomorphology and ecology: unifying themes for complex systems in biogeomorphology [d]
- William D. Stansfield (2006) Textbooks: expectations vs. reality: the DNA story [d] [j]
- Andrew T. Storfer, Melanie A. Murphy, Jeffrey S. Evans, Caren S. Goldberg, Stacie Robinson, Stephen F. Spear, Raymond J. Dezzani, Eric Mathieu Delmelle, Lee Alexander Vierling, & Lisette P. Waits (2006) Putting the 'landscape' in landscape genetics [d]
- Rod Swenson (2006) Spontaneous order, autocatakinetic closure, and the development of space-time [d]
- John Edward Terrell (2006) Human biogeography: evidence of our place in nature [d]
- James H. Thorp, Martin C. Thoms, & Michael D. Delong (2006) The riverine ecosystem synthesis: biocomplexity in river networks across space and time [d]
- Arnoud van der Valk (2006/2012) The biology of freshwater wetlands [i]
- Timothy D. Weaver & Richard G. Klein (2006) The evolution of human walking [i]
- David M. Wilkinson (2006) Fundamental processes in ecology: an earth systems approach [i]
- Richard J. Williams, Neo D. Martinez, & Jennifer Golbeck (2006) Ontologies for ecoinformatics [d]
- Robert Joseph Paton Williams & J. J. R. Fraústo da Silva (2006) The chemistry of evolution: the development of our ecosystem [i]
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- Andreas Wimmer & Reinhart Kössler [ed] (2006) Understanding change: models, methodologies, and metaphors [i] [d]
- Lewis Wolpert (2006) Six impossible things before breakfast: the evolutionary origins of belief [i]
- Shane Wright, Jeannette Keeling, & Len Gillman (2006) The road from Santa Rosalia: a faster tempo of evolution in tropical climates [p] [d] [u]
- Melinda A. Zeder, Eve Emshwiller, Bruce D. Smith, & Daniel G. Bradley (2006) Documenting domestication: the intersection of genetics and archaeology [d]
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- David F. Bjorklund, Carlos Hernández Blasi, & Bruce J. Ellis (2005/2016) Evolutionary developmental psychology [i] [d]
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- Robert Boyd & Peter J. Richerson (2005) The origin and evolution of cultures [i]
- Richard W. Burkhardt (2005) Patterns of behavior: Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, and the founding of ethology [i]
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- Peter A. Corning (2005) Holistic Darwinism: synergy, cybernetics, and the bioeconomics of evolution [i] [d]
- Elizabeth J. Czarapata (2005) Invasive plants of the upper Midwest: an illustrated guide to their identification and control [i]
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- Victor Kunin, Leon Goldovsky, Nikos Darzentas, & Christos A. Ouzounis (2005) The net of life: reconstructing the microbial phylogenetic network [d]
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- Robert J. Naiman, Henri Décamps, & Michael E. McClain (2005) Riparia: ecology, conservation, and management of streamside communities [i] [d]
- Julian D. Olden, Michael E. Douglas, & Marlis R. Douglas (2005) The human dimensions of biotic homogenization [d] [j]
- James D. Proctor & Brendon M. H. Larson (2005) Ecology, complexity, and metaphor [d] [j]
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- Richard L. Rapport (2005) Nerve endings: the discovery of the synapse [i]
- Peter J. Richerson & Robert Boyd (2005) Not by genes alone: how culture transformed human evolution [i] [d]
- Colin Ridsdale, John White, & Carol Usher (2005) Trees [i]
- Juan G. Roederer (2005) Information and its role in nature [i] [d]
- Alex Rosenberg (2005) Lessons from biology for philosophy of the human sciences [d]
- Alessandra Rosso, Sergio Castellano, & Cristina Giacoma (2005) Ecogeographic analysis of morphological and life-history variation in the Italian treefrog [d]
- David J. Schmidly (2005) What it means to be a naturalist and the future of natural history at American universities [d]
- Eric D. Schneider & Dorion Sagan (2005) Into the cool: energy flow, thermodynamics, and life [i]
- David C. Sigee (2005) Freshwater microbiology: biodiversity and dynamic interactions of microorganisms in the aquatic environment [i] [d]
- Peter J. Taylor (2005) Unruly complexity: ecology, interpretation, engagement [i] [d]
- John N. Thompson (2005) The geographic mosaic of coevolution [i] [d]
- Nigel J. Thrift (2005/2007) From born to made: technology, biology and space [i] [d]
- Andreas Wagner (2005) Robustness and evolvability in living systems [i] [d] [j]
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- Barry Allen (2004) Knowledge and civilization [i] [d]
- Gary L. Brase (2004) What we reason about and why: how evolution explains reasoning [i] [d]
- Stephen B. Brush (2004) Farmers' bounty: locating crop diversity in the contemporary world [i] [d] [j]
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- Oliver T. Coomes & Natalie C. Ban (2004) Cultivated plant species diversity in home gardens of an Amazonian peasant village in northeastern Peru [d]
- Whitney Cranshaw & David J. Shetlar (2004/2017) Garden insects of North America: the ultimate guide to backyard bugs [i] [d] [j]
- Dave Dempsey (2004) On the brink: the Great Lakes in the 21st century [i]
- Alexei V. Finkelstein & Oxana V. Galzitskaya (2004) Physics of protein folding [d]
- Liane Gabora (2004) Ideas are not replicators but minds are [d]
- Jean Gayon (2004) Realism and biological knowledge [i] [d]
- Marjorie Grene & David J. Depew (2004) The philosophy of biology: an episodic history [i] [d]
- Yrjö Haila (2004) Making the biodiversity crisis tractable: a process perspective [i] [d]
- Brian Keith Hall, Roy Douglas Pearson, & Gerd B. Müller [ed] (2004) Environment, development, and evolution: toward a synthesis [i] [d]
- Harold A. Herzog, R. Alexander Bentley, & Matthew W. Hahn (2004) Random drift and large shifts in popularity of dog breeds [p] [d] [u]
- Tim Ingold (2004) Beyond biology and culture: the meaning of evolution in a relational world [d]
- Nina G. Jablonski (2004) The evolution of human skin and skin color [d]
- Lynn B. Jorde & Stephen P. Wooding (2004) Genetic variation, classification and 'race' [p] [d]
- Hiroaki Kitano (2004) Biological robustness [p] [d]
- L. Lacey Knowles (2004) The burgeoning field of statistical phylogeography [p] [d]
- Juila Koricheva & Helena Siipi (2004) The phenomenon of biodiversity [i] [d]
- Arthur M. Lesk (2004/2016) Introduction to protein science: architecture, function, and genomics [i]
- Mark V. Lomolino & Lawrence R. Heaney [ed] (2004) Frontiers of biogeography: new directions in the geography of nature [i]
- Bruce R. Moore (2004) The evolution of learning [p] [d]
- Juan José Morrone (2004) Homología biogeográfica: las coordenadas espaciales de la vida [i]
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (2004/2006) Coming to life: how genes drive development [i]
- Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen [ed] (2004) Philosophy and biodiversity [i] [d]
- D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel [ed] (2004) Evolution of communication systems: a comparative approach [i] [d]
- Devereaux A. Poling & E. Margaret Evans (2004) Religious belief, scientific expertise, and folk ecology [d]
- Gary A. Polis, Mary E. Power, & Gary R. Huxel [ed] (2004) Food webs at the landscape level [i]
- William A. Reiners & Kenneth L. Driese (2004) Transport processes in nature: propagation of ecological influences through environmental space [i]
- Douglas L. T. Rohde, Steve Olson, & Joseph T. Chang (2004) Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans [p] [d]
- Joan Roughgarden (2004/2009) Evolution's rainbow: diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and people [i] [d] [j]
- Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo, Juli Peretó, & Alvaro Moreno (2004) A universal definition of life: autonomy and open-ended evolution [d]
- John E. Schulenberg, Arnold J. Sameroff, & Dante Cicchetti (2004) The transition to adulthood as a critical juncture in the course of psychopathology and mental health [d]
- Susan R. Schrepfer & Philip Scranton [ed] (2004) Industrializing organisms: introducing evolutionary history [i] [d]
- Niall Shanks (2004) God, the devil, and Darwin: a critique of intelligent design theory [i] [d]
- Keith E. Stanovich (2004) The robot's rebellion: finding meaning in the age of Darwin [i] [d]
- Andrew V. Suarez & Neil D. Tsutsui (2004) The value of museum collections for research and society [d] [j]
- Nigel J. Thrift (2004) Movement-space: the changing domain of thinking resulting from the development of new kinds of spatial awareness [d]
- Sarah A. Tishkoff & Kenneth K. Kidd (2004) Implications of biogeography of human populations for 'race' and medicine [p] [d]
- Diana H. Wall [ed] (2004) Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in soils and sediments [i]
- Jennifer J. Wernegreen (2004) Endosymbiosis: lessons in conflict resolution [p] [d] [u]
- Robert M. L. Winston & Don E. Wilson [ed] (2004) Human: the definitive visual guide [i]
- M. Norton Wise [ed] (2004) Growing explanations: historical perspectives on recent science [i] [d]
- Jian Xu, Herbert C. Chiang, Magnus K. Bjursell, & Jeffrey I. Gordon (2004) Message from a human gut symbiont: sensitivity is a prerequisite for sharing [d]
- Irma Alm (2003) Designing interactive interfaces: theoretical consideration of the complexity of standards and guidelines, and the difference between evolving and formalised systems [d]
- Mark H. Bickhard & Donald T. Campbell (2003) Variations in variation and selection: the ubiquity of the variation-and-selective-retention ratchet in emergent organizational complexity [d]
- Paola Bonfante (2003) Plants, mycorrhizal fungi and endobacteria: a dialog among cells and genomes [p] [d] [j]
- Donald M. Broom (2003) The evolution of morality and religion [i] [d]
- Anthony K. Campbell (2003) Save those molecules!: molecular biodiversity and life [d]
- Jonathan M. Chase & Mathew A. Leibold (2003) Ecological niches: linking classical and contemporary approaches [i] [d]
- Gregory John Cooper (2003) The science of the struggle for existence: on the foundations of ecology [i] [d]
- Michael C. Corballis (2003) From mouth to hand: gesture, speech, and the evolution of right-handedness [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Linda E. Graham, James M. Graham, & Lee Warren Wilcox (2003/2006) Plant biology [i]
- Brian Keith Hall & Wendy M. Olson [ed] (2003) Keywords and concepts in evolutionary developmental biology [i]
- Bernd Heinrich (2003) Winter world: the ingenuity of animal survival [i]
- Joseph Patrick Henrich & Richard McElreath (2003) The evolution of cultural evolution [d]
- M. Jonathan Sessions Hodge & Gregory Radick [ed] (2003/2009) The Cambridge companion to Darwin [i] [d]
- Jana M. Iverson & Esther Thelen (2003) The hand leads the mouth in ontogenesis too [d]
- Alvaro Jaramillo, Peter Burke, & David Beadle (2003) Birds of Chile [o]
- Jackie King, Cate Brown, & Hossein Sabet (2003) A scenario-based holistic approach to environmental flow assessments for rivers [d]
- Sandra Knapp (2003) Dynamic diversity [p] [d]
- Shu-Chen Li (2003) Biocultural orchestration of developmental plasticity across levels: the interplay of biology and culture in shaping the mind and behavior across the life span [p] [d]
- James F. Luhr & Jeffrey Edward Post [ed] (2003/2013) Earth: the definitive visual guide [i]
- Stéphanie Manel, Michael K. Schwartz, Gordon Luikart, & Pierre Taberlet (2003) Landscape genetics: combining landscape ecology and population genetics [d]
- Sandra D. Mitchell (2003) Biological complexity and integrative pluralism [i] [d]
- Lenny Moss (2003) What genes can't do [i] [d]
- Gerd B. Müller & Stuart Newman [ed] (2003) Origination of organismal form: beyond the gene in developmental and evolutionary biology [i] [d]
- F. John Odling-Smee, Kevin N. Laland, & Marcus W. Feldman (2003) Niche construction: the neglected process in evolution [i] [d] [j]
- Dustin J. Penn (2003) The evolutionary roots of our environmental problems: toward a Darwinian ecology [p] [d]
- Herbert A. Raffaele, James W. Wiley, Orlando H. Garrido, Allan R. Keith, & Janis I. Raffaele (2003/2020) Birds of the West Indies [i] [j]
- Lynn J. Rothschild & Adrian Lister [ed] (2003) Evolution on planet earth: the impact of the physical environment [i]
- Lawrence B. Slobodkin (2003) A citizen's guide to ecology [i]
- Kim Sterelny (2003) Thought in a hostile world: the evolution of human cognition [i]
- Larry W. Swanson (2003/2012) Brain architecture: understanding the basic plan [i]
- John Edward Terrell, John P. Hart, Sibel Barut, Nicoletta Cellinese, Antonio Curet, Tim Denham, Chapurukha M. Kusimba, Kyle Latinis, Rahul Oka, Joel Palka, Mary E. D. Pohl, Kevin O. Pope, Patrick Ryan Williams, Helen Haines, & John E. Staller (2003) Domesticated landscapes: the subsistence ecology of plant and animal domestication [d]
- Timothy G. Wade, Kurt H. Riitters, James D. Wickham, & K. Bruce Jones (2003) Distribution and causes of global forest fragmentation [j] [u]
- Mary Jane West-Eberhard (2003) Developmental plasticity and evolution [i]
- Robert Joseph Paton Williams & João José Rodiles Fraústo da Silva (2003) Evolution was chemically constrained [d]
- Robert E. Blankenship (2002) Molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis [i] [d]
- Mark Samuel Blumberg (2002) Body heat: temperature and life on earth [i]
- Mark C. Brundrett (2002) Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants [d]
- Stuart E. Bunn & Angela H. Arthington (2002) Basic principles and ecological consequences of altered flow regimes for aquatic biodiversity [d]
- F. Stuart Chapin, Pamela A. Matson, & Harold A. Mooney (2002) Principles of terrestrial ecosystem ecology [i]
- Rodney Cotterill (2002) Biophysics: an introduction [i]
- Paul R. Ehrlich (2002) Human natures, nature conservation, and environmental ethics [d] [j]
- Cindy Engel (2002) Wild health: how animals keep themselves well and what we can learn from them [i]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2002/2017) Species [u]
- Kurt D. Fausch, Christian E. Torgersen, Colden V. Baxter, & Hiram W. Li (2002) Landscapes to riverscapes: bridging the gap between research and conservation of stream fishes [d] [j]
- Morris W. Foster & Richard R. Sharp (2002) Race, ethnicity, and genomics: social classifications as proxies of biological heterogeneity [d]
- Frank W. Geels (2002) Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study [d]
- Gregory S. Gilbert (2002) Evolutionary ecology of plant diseases in natural ecosystems [d]
- Joel Greenberg (2002) A natural history of the Chicago Region [i]
- Brian Groombridge & Martin Jenkins (2002) World atlas of biodiversity: earth's living resources in the 21st century [i]
- Michael Gross (2002) Light and life [i]
- Lance H. Gunderson & C. S. Holling [ed] (2002) Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems [i]
- Kayoko Inagaki & Giyoo Hatano (2002) Young children's naive thinking about the biological world [i] [d]
- Roland W. Kays & Don E. Wilson (2002/2009) Mammals of North America [i] [d] [j]
- Robert E. Kohler (2002) Landscapes & labscapes: exploring the lab–field border in biology [i] [d]
- Arthur R. Kruckeberg (2002) Geology and plant life: the effects of landforms and rock types on plants [i]
- Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown (2002/2011) Sense and nonsense: evolutionary perspectives on human behaviour [i]
- Philippe G. Le Prestre [ed] (2002) Governing global biodiversity: the evolution and implementation of the convention on biological diversity [i]
- Arthur M. Lesk (2002/2014) Introduction to bioinformatics [i]
- Steve Olson (2002) The royal we: the mathematical study of genealogy indicates that everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne [u]
- Steve Olson (2002) Mapping human history: discovering the past through our genes [i]
- Mark D. Pagel [ed] (2002) Encyclopedia of evolution [i]
- Donald W. Pfaff & Marian Joëls [ed] (2002/2017) Hormones, brain and behavior [i]
- Frank Ryan (2002) Darwin's blind spot: evolution beyond natural selection [i]
- Gino Segrè (2002) A matter of degrees: what temperature reveals about the past and future of our species, planet, and universe [i]
- Vaclav Smil (2002) The earth's biosphere: evolution, dynamics, and change [i] [d]
- Robert Warner Sterner & James J. Elser (2002) Ecological stoichiometry: the biology of elements from molecules to the biosphere [i] [d] [j]
- Jaana Vormisto (2002) Palms as rainforest resources: how evenly are they distributed in Peruvian Amazonia? [d]
- J. Reese Voshell (2002) A guide to common freshwater invertebrates of North America [i]
- George D. Weiblen (2002) How to be a fig wasp [d]
- Adam S. Wilkins (2002) The evolution of developmental pathways [i]
- Katherine J. Willis & Jennifer C. McElwain (2002) The evolution of plants [i]
- Scott Woodcock & Joseph Heath (2002) The robustness of altruism as an evolutionary strategy [d]
- Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, Shiv Pillai, & David L. Baker (2001/2024) Basic immunology: functions and disorders of the immune system [i]
- Warren D. Allmon & Barbara Page (2001) Rock of ages, sands of time [i]
- Stephen T. Asma (2001) Stuffed animals & pickled heads: the culture and evolution of natural history museums [i]
- Michael Bradie & William Harms (2001/2020) Evolutionary epistemology [u]
- David Burnie & Don E. Wilson [ed] (2001/2017) Animal: the definitive visual guide [i]
- Scott Camazine, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Nigel R. Franks, James Sneyd, Guy Theraulaz, & Eric Bonabeau (2001) Self-organization in biological systems [i] [d] [j]
- Marcelino Cereijido (2001) The biology of time and death [d]
- Charles L. Convis [ed] (2001) Conservation geography: case studies in GIS, computer mapping, and activism [i]
- Paul Sheldon Davies (2001) Norms of nature: naturalism and the nature of functions [i] [d]
- John Emsley (2001/2011) Nature's building blocks: an A–Z guide to the elements [i]
- Marc Ereshefsky (2001) The poverty of the Linnaean hierarchy: a philosophical study of biological taxonomy [i] [d]
- E. Margaret Evans (2001) Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: creation versus evolution [d]
- Charles W. Fox, Derek A. Roff, & Daphne J. Fairbairn [ed] (2001) Evolutionary ecology: concepts and case studies [i] [d]
- Ross E. Freeman & Robert O. Ray (2001) Landscape ecology practice by small scale river conservation groups [d]
- Ronald N. Giere (2001) Critical hypothetical evolutionary naturalism [i]
- Peter Godfrey-Smith (2001) On the status and explanatory structure of developmental systems theory [i]
- Gilbert Gottlieb (2001) A developmental psychobiological systems view: early formulation and current status [i]
- Bernd Heinrich (2001/2002) Why we run: a natural history [i]
- Cecilia M. Heyes & David L. Hull [ed] (2001) Selection theory and social construction: the evolutionary naturalistic epistemology of Donald T. Campbell [i]
- Mahlon B. Hoagland, Bert Dodson, & Judith Hauck (2001) Exploring the way life works: the science of biology [i]
- Kevin N. Laland, F. John Odling-Smee, & Marcus W. Feldman (2001) Niche construction, ecological inheritance, and cycles of contingency in evolution [i]
- Michael E. McClain, Reynaldo L. Victoria, & Jeffrey Edward Richey [ed] (2001) The biogeochemistry of the Amazon Basin [i]
- David M. Olson, Eric Dinerstein, Eric D. Wikramanayake, Neil D. Burgess, George V. N. Powell, Emma C. Underwood, Jennifer A. D'amico, Illanga Itoua, Holly E. Strand, John C. Morrison, Colby J. Loucks, Thomas F. Allnutt, Taylor H. Ricketts, Yumiko Kura, John F. Lamoreux, Wesley W. Wettengel, Prashant Hedao, & Kenneth R. Kassem (2001) Terrestrial ecoregions of the world: a new map of life on earth [d] [j]
- Susan Oyama, Paul E. Griffiths, & Russell D. Gray [ed] (2001) Cycles of contingency: developmental systems and evolution [i]
- Susan Oyama (2001) Terms in tension: what do you do when all the good words are taken? [i]
- Sue Taylor Parker, Jonas Langer, & Constance Milbrath [ed] (2001/2005) Biology and knowledge revisited: from neurogenesis to psychogenesis [i] [d]
- Robert Michael Pyle (2001) The rise and fall of natural history: how a science grew that eclipsed direct experience [u]
- David Sibley, Chris Elphick, & John B. Dunning (2001/2009) The Sibley guide to bird life & behavior [i]
- Bärbel M. Stadler, Peter F. Stadler, Günter P. Wagner, & Walter Fontana (2001) The topology of the possible: formal spaces underlying patterns of evolutionary change [p] [d]
- Kim Sterelny (2001) The evolution of agency and other essays [i]
- Charles Tanford & Jacqueline A. Reynolds (2001) Nature's robots: a history of proteins [i]
- Peter J. Taylor (2001) Distributed agency within intersecting ecological, social, and scientific processes [i]
- Mitchell Thomashow (2001) A biospheric natural history [u]
- Barbara Webb (2001) Can robots make good models of biological behaviour? [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
- Franz M. Wuketits (2001) The philosophy of Donald T. Campbell: a short review and critical appraisal [d]
- Dirk Zeller & Daniel Pauly (2001) Visualisation of standardized life-history patterns [d]
- Robin A. Abell [ed] (2000) Freshwater ecoregions of North America: a conservation assessment [i]
- Frances M. Ashcroft (2000) Life at the extremes [i]
- Filippo Aureli & Frans B. M. de Waal [ed] (2000) Natural conflict resolution [i]
- Connie C. Barlow (2000) The ghosts of evolution: nonsensical fruit, missing partners, and other ecological anachronisms [i]
- Michael Horace Barnes (2000) Stages of thought: the co-evolution of religious thought and science [i] [d]
- Keith R. Benson (2000) The emergence of ecology from natural history [d]
- James H. Brown & Geoffrey B. West [ed] (2000) Scaling in biology [i] [d]
- Stephen B. Brush [ed] (2000) Genes in the field: on-farm conservation of crop diversity [i]
- Thomas J. Carew (2000) Behavioral neurobiology: the cellular organization of natural behavior [i]
- Gary Cziko (2000) The things we do: using the lessons of Bernard and Darwin to understand the what, how, and why of our behavior [i] [u]
- Jean-Louis Dessalles (2000/2007) Why we talk: the evolutionary origins of language [i]
- Richard Gabriel Fox & Barbara J. King [ed] (2000/2002) Anthropology beyond culture [i] [d]
- Don Gilbert & David Lloyd (2000) The living cell: a complex autodynamic multi-oscillator system? [d]
- Melvyn Francis Greaves (2000) Cancer: the evolutionary legacy [i]
- Paul E. Griffiths & Karola Stotz (2000) How the mind grows: a developmental perspective on the biology of cognition [d] [j]
- Cecilia M. Heyes & Ludwig Huber [ed] (2000) The evolution of cognition [i] [d]
- Tim Ingold (2000) The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling & skill [i] [d]
- Marco Lambertini (2000) A naturalist's guide to the tropics [i]
- Frans Lanting & Christine K. Eckstrom (2000) Jungles [i]
- Richard C. Lewontin (2000) The triple helix: gene, organism, and environment [i]
- Rick C. Looijen (2000) Holism and reductionism in biology and ecology: the mutual dependence of higher and lower level research programmes [i] [d]
- Bruce Marshall & Jeremy A. Roberts [ed] (2000) Leaf development and canopy growth [i]
- Patrick L. Osborne (2000/2012) Tropical ecosystems and ecological concepts [i] [d]
- Peter Parham (2000/2021) The immune system [i]
- Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Philippe Clergeau, & Gwenaelle Mennechez (2000) Biodiversity concepts and urban ecosystems [d]
- David Sibley (2000/2014) The Sibley guide to birds [i]
- Alexander F. Skutch (2000) Harmony and conflict in the living world [i]
- Ricard V. Solé & Brian C. Goodwin (2000) Signs of life: how complexity pervades biology [i]
- Stephen C. Stearns & Rolf F. Hoekstra (2000/2005) Evolution: an introduction [i]
- Anthony D. Tramontin & Eliot A. Brenowitz (2000) Seasonal plasticity in the adult brain [p] [d]
- J. Scott Turner (2000) The extended organism: the physiology of animal-built structures [i]
- Achim Walter & Ulrich Schurr (2000) Spatio-temporal variation of leaf growth, development, and function [i]
- Peter Douglas Ward (2000) Rivers in time: the search for clues to earth's mass extinctions [i]
- Pat Willmer, Graham Stone, & Ian A. Johnston (2000/2005) Environmental physiology of animals [i]
- Adrian Woolfson (2000) Life without genes [i]
- John M. Ziman [ed] (2000) Technological innovation as an evolutionary process [i]
- Carl Zimmer (2000) Parasite rex: inside the bizarre world of nature's most dangerous creatures [i]
- John Morgan Allman (1999) Evolving brains [i]
- Bruce Bagemihl (1999) Biological exuberance: animal homosexuality and natural diversity [i]
- Philip Ball (1999/2000) Life's matrix: a biography of water [i]
- Lee Cronk (1999) That complex whole: culture and the evolution of human behavior [i] [d]
- Francis Hallé (1999/2002) In praise of plants [i]
- Bernd Heinrich (1999) Mind of the raven: investigations and adventures with wolf-birds [i]
- Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (1999) Mother nature: a history of mothers, infants, and natural selection [i]
- Carla Keirns (1999) Seeing patterns: models, visual evidence and pictorial communication in the work of Barbara McClintock [d]
- Martin G. Lockley (1999) The eternal trail: a tracker looks at evolution [i]
- Margaret Lowman (1999) Life in the treetops: adventures of a woman in field biology [i]
- Jon R. Luoma (1999/2006) The hidden forest: the biography of an ecosystem [i]
- Arien Mack [ed] (1999) Humans and other animals [i]
- Peter Jay Morin (1999/2011) Community ecology [i] [d]
- Virginia D. Nazarea [ed] (1999) Ethnoecology: situated knowledge/located lives [i] [j]
- Kenneth H. Nealson & Pamela G. Conrad (1999) Life: past, present and future [p] [d] [u]
- Johan Rockström, Line J. Gordon, Carl Folke, Malin Falkenmark, & Maria Engwall (1999) Linkages among water vapor flows, food production, and terrestrial ecosystem services [j] [u]
- Paul Rozin (1999) Food is fundamental, fun, frightening, and far-reaching [j]
- David Schwartzman (1999) Life, temperature, and the earth: the self-organizing biosphere [i]
- John D. Tuxill (1999) Nature's cornucopia: our stake in plant diversity [i]
- Milton Webster Weller (1999) Wetland birds: habitat resources and conservation implications [i]
- C. Philip Wheater (1999) Urban habitats [i] [d]
- Phillip Wolff, Douglas L. Medin, & Connie Pankratz (1999) Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge [p] [d]
- Andreas D. Baxevanis & B. F. Francis Ouellette [ed] (1998/2005) Bioinformatics: a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins [i]
- Fikret Berkes, Mina Kislalioglu, Carl Folke, & Madhav Gadgil (1998) Exploring the basic ecological unit: ecosystem-like concepts in traditional societies [d] [u]
- Linda J. Lear [ed] (1998) Lost woods: the discovered writing of Rachel Carson [i]
- A. A. Derksen & Ton Derksen [ed] (1998) The promise of evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Reuven Dukas (1998) Evolutionary ecology of learning [i]
- Reuven Dukas [ed] (1998) Cognitive ecology: the evolutionary ecology of information processing and decision making [i]
- Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry, George R. Mangun, & Megan S. Steven (1998/2013) Cognitive neuroscience: the biology of the mind [i]
- Michael Gross (1998) Life on the edge: amazing creatures thriving in extreme environments [extremophiles] [i]
- Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson & Thomas Alerstam (1998) Optimal map projections for analysing long-distance migration routes [j]
- Jon C. Herron, Scott Freeman, Jason A. Hodin, Brooks Erin Miner, & Christian A. Sidor (1998/2014) Evolutionary analysis [i]
- Jesper Hoffmeyer (1998) Surfaces inside surfaces: on the origin of agency and life [o] [u]
- David Knighton (1998) Fluvial forms and processes: a new perspective [i]
- John C. Kricher & Gordon Morrison (1998) A field guide to eastern forests, North America [i]
- John C. Kricher & Gordon Morrison (1998) A field guide to Rocky Mountain and southwest forests [i]
- John C. Kricher & Gordon Morrison (1998) A field guide to California and Pacific Northwest forests [i]
- Lynn Margulis (1998) Symbiotic planet: a new look at evolution [i]
- Melvin M. Mark (1998) The philosophy of science (and of life) of Donald T. Campbell [d]
- John McPhee (1998) Annals of the former world [i]
- Virginia D. Nazarea (1998) Cultural memory and biodiversity [i] [j]
- E. C. Pielou (1998) Fresh water [i]
- Sara J. Shettleworth (1998/2010) Cognition, evolution, and behavior [i]
- Elliott Sober & David Sloan Wilson (1998) Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior [i]
- Bruce G. Trigger (1998) Sociocultural evolution: calculation and contingency [o]
- John D. Tuxill & Jane A. Peterson (1998) Losing strands in the web of life: vertebrate declines and the conservation of biological diversity [i]
- Jon Umerez (1998) The evolution of the symbolic domain in living systems and artificial life [i] [d]
- Gertrudis van de Vijver, Stanley N. Salthe, & Manuela Delpos [ed] (1998) Evolutionary systems: biological and epistemological perspectives on selection and self-organization [i] [d]
- Frank R. Wilson (1998) The hand: how its use shapes the brain, language, and human culture [i]
- Lewis Wolpert, Cheryll Tickle, Alfonso Martinez Arias, Peter Lawrence, James Locke, Eleanor Lawrence, & Matthew McClements (1998/2019) Principles of development [i]
- Connie C. Barlow (1997) Green space, green time: the way of science [i] [d]
- Max H. Bazerman, David M. Messick, Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni, & Ann E. Tenbrunsel [ed] (1997) Environment, ethics, and behavior: the psychology of environmental valuation and degradation [i]
- Marion Blute (1997) History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
- Robert Boyd & Joan B. Silk (1997/2020) How humans evolved [i]
- Donald T. Campbell (1997) From evolutionary epistemology via selection theory to a sociology of scientific validity [u]
- Gretchen C. Daily [ed] (1997) Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems [i]
- Stephen D. Davis, Vernon H. Heywood, & Alan C. Hamilton (1997) Centres of plant diversity: a guide and strategy for their conservation [i]
- Manuel De Landa (1997) A thousand years of nonlinear history [i]
- Lee Alan Dugatkin (1997) Cooperation among animals: an evolutionary perspective [i]
- Paul Gilbert (1997) The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy [p] [d]
- Tom Griffiths & Libby Robin [ed] (1997) Ecology and empire: environmental history of settler societies [i] [j]
- Ilkka Hanski & Michael E. Gilpin [ed] (1997) Metapopulation biology: ecology, genetics, and evolution [i] [d]
- Francis Heylighen (1997) Objective, subjective and intersubjective selectors of knowledge [u]
- Clive G. Jones, John H. Lawton, & Moshe Shachak (1997) Positive and negative effects of organisms as physical ecosystem engineers [d]
- John King (1997/2011) Reaching for the sun: how plants work [i] [d]
- Robert P. Lanza, Robert S. Langer, & Joseph Vacanti (1997/2014) Principles of tissue engineering [i] [d]
- Martin W. Lewis & Kären Wigen (1997) The myth of continents: a critique of metageography [i] [d] [j]
- Martin Mahner & Mario Bunge (1997) Foundations of biophilosophy [i] [d]
- Russell A. Mittermeier & Cristina Goettsch Mittermeier (1997) Megadiversity: earth's biologically wealthiest nations [i]
- Karl J. Niklas (1997) The evolutionary biology of plants [i]
- Steven P. R. Rose (1997/2003) Lifelines: life beyond the gene [i]
- John Grant Watterson (1997) The pressure pixel—unit of life? [d]
- Janet N. Abramovitz & Jane A. Peterson (1996) Imperiled waters, impoverished future: the decline of freshwater ecosystems [i]
- Nancy E. Bockstael (1996) Modeling economics and ecology: the importance of a spatial perspective [d] [j]
- Ann B. Butler & William Hodos (1996/2005) Comparative vertebrate neuroanatomy: evolution and adaptation [i] [d]
- Wade Davis (1996) One river: explorations and discoveries in the Amazon rain forest [i]
- Alan Feduccia (1996/1999) The origin and evolution of birds [i]
- Michael T. Ghiselin, Giovanni Pinna, & Kathy Sullivan [ed] (1996) Biology as history: papers from international conferences sponsored by the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and the Museo di Storia Nautrale in Milan [or: New perspectives on the history of life: essays on systematic biology as historical narrative] [i]
- Horst Hendriks-Jansen (1996) Catching ourselves in the act: situated activity, interactive emergence, evolution, and human thought [i] [d]
- Robert J. O'Hara (1996) Mapping the space of time: temporal representation in the historical sciences [i]
- Douglas P. Reagan & Robert Bruce Waide [ed] (1996) The food web of a tropical rain forest [i]
- Sandra A. Rigazio-DiGilio, Oscar F. Gonçalves, & Allen E. Ivey (1996) From cultural to existential diversity: the impossibility of psychotherapy integration within a traditional framework [d]
- Whendee L. Silver, Sandra Brown, & Ariel E. Lugo (1996) Effects of changes in biodiversity on ecosystem function in tropical forests [d] [j]
- Pouwel Slurink (1996) Back to Roy Wood Sellars: why his evolutionary naturalism is still worthwhile [d] [u]
- William J. Sutherland (1996) From individual behaviour to population ecology [i]
- William J. Sutherland [ed] (1996/2006) Ecological census techniques: a handbook [i] [d]
- Don E. Wilson & Abelardo Sandoval [ed] (1996) Manu: the biodiversity of southeastern Peru = la biodiversidad del sureste del Perú [i]
- J. David Allan & María M. Castillo (1995/2007) Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters [i] [d]
- Lynda I. A. Birke & Ruth Hubbard [ed] (1995) Reinventing biology: respect for life and the creation of knowledge [i]
- Gary Cziko (1995) Without miracles: universal selection theory and the second Darwinian revolution [i] [d] [u]
- Clifford Alan Hooker (1995) Reason, regulation, and realism: toward a regulatory systems theory of reason and evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Kenneth V. Kardong (1995/2009) Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution [i]
- Jeanne X. Kasperson, Roger E. Kasperson, & Billie Lee Turner [ed] (1995) Regions at risk: comparisons of threatened environments [i]
- Franklin K. Ligon, William E. Dietrich, & William J. Trush (1995) Downstream ecological effects of dams: a geomorphic perspective [d] [j]
- Denise G. Anderson, Sarah N. Salm, Mira Beins, Deborah Allen, & Eugene W. Nester (1995/2022) Nester's microbiology: a human perspective [i]
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- David Poeppel, George R. Mangun, & Michael S. Gazzaniga [ed] (1995/2020) The cognitive neurosciences [i]
- Michael L. Rosenzweig (1995) Species diversity in space and time [i]
- Connie C. Barlow [ed] (1994) Evolution extended: biological debates on the meaning of life [i]
- Francesc Calafell & Jaume Bertranpetit (1994) Principal component analysis of gene frequencies and the origin of Basques [d]
- Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven Alexander Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Rebecca B. Orr, & Neil A. Campbell (1994/2020) Campbell biology [i]
- Carl H. Ernst & Jeffrey E. Lovich (1994/2009) Turtles of the United States and Canada [i]
- Paul W. Ewald (1994) Evolution of infectious disease [i]
- Bernard R. Glick & Cheryl L. Patten (1994/2017) Molecular biotechnology: principles and applications of recombinant DNA [i]
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- James G. Harris & Melinda Woolf Harris (1994/2001) Plant identification terminology: an illustrated glossary [i]
- Konstantinos J. Korfiatis & Georgios P. Stamou (1994) Emergence of new fields in ecology: the case of life history studies [p] [j]
- Susan W. Morris (1994) Fleeming Jenkin and The origin of species: a reassessment [d] [j]
- Kenneth Murphy & Casey Weaver (1994/2016) Janeway's immunobiology [i]
- Richard B. Norgaard (1994) Development betrayed: the end of progress and a coevolutionary revisioning of the future [i]
- Steward T. Pickett, Jurek Kolasa, & Clive G. Jones (1994/2007) Ecological understanding: the nature of theory and the theory of nature [i] [d]
- Harry Rubin (1994) Epigenetic nature of neoplastic transformation [i]
- Wendy B. Zomlefer (1994) Guide to flowering plant families [i]
- J. David Allan & Alexander S. Flecker (1993) Biodiversity conservation in running waters: identifying the major factors that threaten destruction of riverine species and ecosystems [d] [j]
- John Tyler Bonner (1993) Life cycles: reflections of an evolutionary biologist [i] [d] [j]
- Merlin Donald (1993) Précis of Origins of the modern mind: three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition [and comments and reply] [d]
- Kathleen Rita Gibson & Tim Ingold [ed] (1993) Tools, language, and cognition in human evolution [i]
- David S. Goodsell (1993/2009) The machinery of life [i]
- Stephen Jay Gould [ed] (1993/2001) The book of life: an illustrated history of the evolution of life on earth [i]
- Euan M. Macphail (1993) The neuroscience of animal intelligence: from the seahare to the seahorse [i]
- Norman Myers (1993/1996) Ultimate security: the environmental basis of political stability [i]
- Robert J. O'Hara (1993) Systematic generalization, historical fate, and the species problem [d] [j]
- Jack Selzer [ed] (1993) Understanding scientific prose [i]
- Harold Varmus & Robert A. Weinberg (1993) Genes and the biology of cancer [i]
- Karen Wonders (1993) Habitat dioramas as ecological theatre [d]
- Elazar Barkan (1992) The retreat of scientific racism: changing concepts of race in Britain and the United States between the world wars [i] [d]
- David Blitz (1992) Emergent evolution: qualitative novelty and the levels of reality [i] [d]
- Robert R. Gottfried (1992) The value of a watershed as a series of linked multiproduct assets [d]
- Joel Bartholemew Hagen (1992) An entangled bank: the origins of ecosystem ecology [i]
- James F. Hancock (1992/2004) Plant evolution and the origin of crop species [i] [d]
- Francis Heylighen (1992) A cognitive-systemic reconstruction of Maslow's theory of self-actualization [d]
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- Richard C. Lewontin (1992) Biology as ideology: the doctrine of DNA [i]
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- Robert J. O'Hara (1992) Telling the tree: narrative representation and the study of evolutionary history [d]
- Dorion Sagan (1992) Metametazoa: biology and multiplicity [i]
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- John Terborgh (1992) Diversity and the tropical rain forest [i]
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- David Dressler & Huntington Potter (1991) Discovering enzymes [i]
- Lars Rodseth, Richard W. Wrangham, Alisa M. Harrigan, Barbara B. Smuts, Ron Dare, Robin Fox, Barbara J. King, P. C. Lee, Robert A. Foley, J. C. Muller, Keith F. Otterbein, Karen B. Strier, Paul W. Turke, & Milford H. Wolpoff (1991) The human community as a primate society [and comments] [j]
- Lincoln Taiz & Eduardo Zeiger (1991/2010) Plant physiology [i]
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- Michael Conrad (1990) The geometry of evolution [d]
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- Ronald N. Giere (1990) Evolutionary models of science [i]
- Gary Greenberg & Ethel Tobach [ed] (1990) Theories of the evolution of knowing [i]
- Richard M. Lerner (1990) A developmental contextual critique of evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Anna Lewington (1990) Plants for people [i]
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- Elinor Ostrom (1990) Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action [i] [d]
- Nicholas Rescher [ed] (1990) Evolution, cognition, and realism: studies in evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Nicholas Rescher (1990) A useful inheritance: evolutionary aspects of the theory of knowledge [i]
- Timothy Charles Whitmore (1990/1998) An introduction to tropical rain forests [i]
- Franz M. Wuketits (1990) Evolutionary epistemology and its implications for humankind [i]
- Adrian J. Desmond (1989) The politics of evolution: morphology, medicine, and reform in radical London [i] [d]
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- Bernd Heinrich (1989/1991) Ravens in winter [i]
- John C. Kricher (1989/2017) The new neotropical companion [or: A neotropical companion: an introduction to the animals, plants, and ecosystems of the New World tropics] [i] [d] [j]
- Eldor Alvin Paul [ed] (1989/2015) Soil microbiology, ecology, and biochemistry [i] [d]
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- Raymond Ruyer & R. Scott Walker (1988) There is no subconscious: embryogenesis and memory [d]
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- Jacques Blondel (1987) From biogeography to life history theory: a multithematic approach illustrated by the biogeography of vertebrates [j]
- David L. Hull (1987) Genealogical actors in ecological roles [d]
- Karel F. Liem & Warren F. Walker (1987/2001) Functional anatomy of the vertebrates: an evolutionary perspective [i]
- Peter J. Marchand (1987/1996) Life in the cold: an introduction to winter ecology [i]
- Gerard Radnitzky & William Warren Bartley [ed] (1987) Evolutionary epistemology, rationality, and the sociology of knowledge [i]
- Robert J. Richards (1987) Darwin and the emergence of evolutionary theories of mind and behavior [i] [d]
- Alexander F. Skutch (1987) A naturalist amid tropical splendor [i]
- D. Dudley Williams (1987) The ecology of temporary waters [i]
- Arthur T. Winfree (1987) The timing of biological clocks [i]
- Andrew G. Bjelland (1986) Evolutionary epistemology, durational metaphysics, and theoretical physics: Čapek and the Bergsonian tradition [i]
- Michael Bradie (1986) Assessing evolutionary epistemology [d]
- Michael J. Crowe (1986) The extraterrestrial life debate, 1750–1900: the idea of a plurality of worlds from Kant to Lowell [i]
- Andrew Goudie (1986/2018) The human impact on the natural environment: past, present, and future [i]
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- William A. Reiners (1986) Complementary models for ecosystems [d] [j] [u]
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- Robert Boyd & Peter J. Richerson (1985) Culture and the evolutionary process [i]
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- Richard Levins & Richard C. Lewontin (1985) The dialectical biologist [i]
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- Barbara McClintock (1984) The significance of responses of the genome to challenge [p] [d] [j]
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- Evelyn Fox Keller (1983) A feeling for the organism: the life and work of Barbara McClintock [i]
- Andrew Peter Vayda (1983) Progressive contextualization: methods for research in human ecology [d] [j]
- Marx W. Wartofsky (1983) From genetic epistemology to historical epistemology: Kant, Marx and Piaget [i] [d]
- Thomas Alerstam (1982/1990) Bird migration [i]
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- Robert Kegan (1982) The evolving self: problem and process in human development [i] [d] [j]
- Melvin J. Konner (1982/2002) The tangled wing: biological constraints on the human spirit [i]
- Lynn Margulis & Karlene V. Schwartz (1982/1998) Five kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the phyla of life on earth [i]
- Ernst Mayr (1982) The growth of biological thought: diversity, evolution, and inheritance [i]
- Susan J. Wernert (1982) Reader's Digest North American wildlife: an illustrated guide to 2,000 plants and animals [i]
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- Stephen Toulmin (1981) Evolution, adaptation, and human understanding [i]
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- Herbert A. Simon (1980) Cognitive science: the newest science of the artificial [d]
- Arthur T. Winfree (1980/2001) The geometry of biological time [i]
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- Bernd Heinrich (1979/2004) Bumblebee economics [i]
- Robert Kegan (1979) The evolving self: a process conception for ego psychology [d]
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- Emilio F. Moran (1979/2022) Human adaptability: an introduction to ecological anthropology [i] [d]
- William Homan Thorpe (1979) The origins and rise of ethology: the science of the natural behaviour of animals [i]
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- Eugene P. Odum (1977) The emergence of ecology as a new integrative discipline [p] [d] [j]
- Thomas M. Smith & Robert Leo Smith (1977/2015) Elements of ecology [i]
- John Edward Terrell (1977) Biology, biogeography and man [p] [d] [j]
- Donald Worster (1977/1994) Nature's economy: a history of ecological ideas [i]
- John William Bennett (1976) The ecological transition: cultural anthropology and human adaptation [i]
- Jean Piaget (1976/1978) Behavior and evolution [i]
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- Alfred W. Crosby (1972/2003) The Columbian exchange: biological and cultural consequences of 1492 [i]
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- Robert H. MacArthur (1972) Geographical ecology: patterns in the distribution of species [i]
- Peter Matthiessen, William L. Howarth, & Anne Matthews (1972/1995) The tree where man was born [i]
- Michael C. F. Proctor, Peter Yeo, & Andrew Lack (1972/1996) The natural history of pollination [i]
- Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (1972) How animals work [i]
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- Donald T. Campbell (1970/1974) Evolutionary epistemology [i]
- Roger C. Conant & W. Ross Ashby (1970) Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system [d]
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- Conrad Hal Waddington [ed] (1970/2011) Organization stability & process [i] [d]
- George N. Agrios (1969/2005) Plant pathology [i] [d]
- David Briggs & Stuart Max Walters (1969/2016) Plant variation and evolution [i] [d]
- Paul Shepard & Daniel McKinley [ed] (1969) The subversive science: essays toward an ecology of man [o]
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- Richard Levins (1968) Evolution in changing environments: some theoretical explorations [i] [d] [j]
- Harold J. Morowitz (1968) Energy flow in biology: biological organization as a problem in thermal physics [o]
- Jean Piaget (1967/1971) Biology and knowledge: an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes [i]
- John F. Henahan (1966) Men and molecules [o]
- Jean Piaget (1966/1969) The problem of common mechanisms in the human sciences [i] [d]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1966) Principles of development and differentiation [o]
- Ronald M. Nowak (1964/1999) Walker's mammals of the world [i]
- Gilbert Simondon (1964/1992) The genesis of the individual [i]
- Rachel Carson (1962/2002) Silent spring [i]
- Andrew John Berger (1961/1971) Bird study [i]
- Peter Matthiessen (1961/1996) The cloud forest: a chronicle of the South American wilderness [i]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1961/1962) The nature of life [o] [d]
- Donald T. Campbell (1960) Blind variation and selective retentions in creative thought as in other knowledge processes [d]
- Loren C. Eiseley (1960/1999) The firmament of time [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1960) Panpsychism or evolutionary materialism [d] [j]
- Conrad Hal Waddington (1960/1967) The ethical animal [i]
- Morton Beckner (1959) The biological way of thought [o]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1959) Levels of causality: the emergence of guidance and reason in nature [d] [j]
- Walter M. Elsasser (1958) The physical foundation of biology: an analytical study [o]
- Eugene P. Odum & Gary W. Barrett (1953/2005) Fundamentals of ecology [i]
- John William Sutton Pringle (1951) On the parallel between learning and evolution [d] [j]
- Karl von Frisch (1950/1971) Bees: their vision, chemical senses, and language [i]
- Georges Bataille (1949/1988) The accursed share: an essay on general economy [i]
- Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller (1949) The messes animals make in metaphysics [d] [j]
- Aldo Leopold & Charles Walsh Schwartz (1949/1987) A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there [i]
- Norman Foster Smith (1948/1995) Trees of Michigan and the Upper Great Lakes [i]
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- Stanley Field (1943) Fifty years of progress: some of the history of Field Museum (1893–1943) and a forecast of its future [o] [u]
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- Ruth Benedict (1940/1945) Race: science and politics [o] [u]
- Victor Wolfgang Von Hagen (1940) Jungle in the clouds [o]
- Christopher Sandeman (1939) A forgotten river: a book of Peruvian travel and botanical notes [o]
- John Dewey (1938/2020) Does human nature change? [i] [d] [j]
- Marion Isabel Newbigin (1936/1968) Plant and animal geography [i]
- Jean Piaget (1936/1952) The origins of intelligence in children [o]
- Laurence H. Snyder & Paul R. David (1935/1957) The principles of heredity [o]
- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1934) Embryology and genetics [o] [d] [u]
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- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1932/1935) The scientific basis of evolution [o]
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- Hubert Bradford Vickery & Thomas Burr Osborne (1928) A review of hypotheses of the structure of proteins [d]
- William Morton Wheeler (1928) Emergent evolution and the development of societies [o] [u]
- John Jacob Abel (1927) Chemistry in relation to biology and medicine with especial reference to insulin and other hormones [p] [d] [j]
- Konrad Guenther (1927/1931) A naturalist in Brazil: the record of a year's observation of her flora, her fauna, and her people [o] [u]
- Thomas Hunt Morgan (1927) The relation of biology to physics [p] [d] [j]
- Henry H. Dale, Jack C. Drummond, Lawrence Joseph Henderson, & Archibald Vivian Hill (1926) Lectures on certain aspects of biochemistry [o] [u]
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- Vladimir I. Vernadskiĭ & Mark A. McMenamin (1926/1998) The biosphere [i] [d]
- Robert Mearns Yerkes (1925) Almost human [o] [u]
- Boris Mikhajlovič Kozo-Polyansky, Victor Fet, & Lynn Margulis (1924/2010) Symbiogenesis: a new principle of evolution [i]
- Roy Wood Sellars (1922) Evolutionary naturalism [o] [u]
- Richard K. Rabeler & Vivienne N. Armentrout (1918/2007) Gleason's plants of Michigan [i] [u]
- Lawrence Joseph Henderson (1917) The order of nature: an essay [o] [d] [u]
- Edward Stuart Russell (1916/1982) Form and function: a contribution to the history of animal morphology [i] [u]
- Robert W. C. Shelford & Edward Bagnall Poulton (1916/1985) A naturalist in Borneo [i] [u]
- Edward Stuart Russell (1915/1945) The directiveness of organic activities [o] [u]
- Burton Verne Barnes & Warren H. Wagner (1913/2004) Michigan trees: a guide to the trees of the Great Lakes Region [i] [d]
- William Bateson (1913) Problems of genetics [o] [u]
- Otto Charles Glaser (1912) Is a scientific explanation of life possible? [u]
- Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller (1912) Formal logic: a scientific and social problem [o] [u]
- Henri Bergson (1911) Creative evolution [o] [u]
- Singleton Waters Davis (1910) Origin and evolution of ethics: were moral laws supernaturally revealed, or are they products of human experience and evolution? [o] [u]
- Theodore de Leo De Laguna & Grace Andrus De Laguna (1910) Dogmatism and evolution: studies in modern philosophy [o] [u]
- Edward Bagnall Poulton (1908) Essays on evolution 1889–1907 [o] [d] [u]
- Richard Spruce & Alfred Russel Wallace (1908) Notes of a botanist on the Amazon & Andes [o] [u]
- J. Howard Moore (1906/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
- Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin (1902/1955) Mutual aid, a factor of evolution [i] [u]
- Marion Isabel Newbigin (1898) Colour in nature: a study in biology [o] [u]
- Edward Payson Evans (1897) Evolutional ethics and animal psychology [o] [u]
- William Bateson (1894/1992) Materials for the study of variation treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of species [i] [u]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1894) Science and education: essays [o] [u]
- Edward Bagnall Poulton (1890) The colours of animals: their meaning and use [o] [u]
- Gabriel de Tarde (1890/1903) The laws of imitation [o] [u]
- Charles Darwin & Nora Barlow (1887/1993) The autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1809–1882: with original omissions restored [i] [u]
- Joseph-Anténor Firmin (1885/2000) The equality of the human races [i]
- Chauncey Wright & Charles Eliot Norton (1876/1877) Philosophical discussions [o] [u]
- Augustus Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers & John Linton Myres (1875/1906) The evolution of culture and other essays [o] [u]
- Charles Darwin (1872/1998) The expression of the emotions in man and animals [i] [u]
- Charles Darwin (1871/2004) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex [i] [u]
- Fleeming Jenkin (1867/1887) Darwin and the origin of species [o] [u]
- Claude Bernard (1865/1957) An introduction to the study of experimental medicine [i] [u]
- Henry Walter Bates (1863/1969) The naturalist on the River Amazons [i] [u]
- Charles Darwin (1859/2008) On the origin of species: by means of natural selection [i] [u]
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1854/1896) On the educational value of the natural history sciences [o] [u]
- Alexander von Humboldt (1845/1997) Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe [i] [u]
- Alexander von Humboldt (1808/2014) Views of nature [i] [d] [u]
- Alexander von Humboldt & Aimé Bonpland (1807/2008) Essay on the geography of plants [i] [d]
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- James Hutton (1794) An investigation of the principles of knowledge: in three parts: and of the progress of reason, from sense to science and philosophy [o] [u]