How to die well

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () The little book of Zen healing: Japanese rituals for beauty, harmony, and love [i]
  2. () El ritual lúdico funerario en el pueblo kichwa Otavalo, provincia de Imbabura (Ecuador) [d] [u]
  3. Ruth McManus [ed] () The sustainable dead: searching for the intolerable [i]
  4. John P. Ackerman & Lisa M. Horowitz [ed] () Youth suicide prevention and intervention: best practices and policy implications [i] [d] [u]
  5. () How we live is how we die [i]
  6. () Grief: a philosophical guide [i] [j]
  7. () Introducing the virtue of good timing and some surprising functions of practical reason [d]
  8. () The Interbeing Identity Scale: exploring the integration of our fundamental identity with all other beings, nature, and the cosmos [u]
  9. () Communicating death with humor: humor types and functions in death over dinner conversations [p] [d]
  10. () Ethical reflections on handling digital remains: computing professionals picking up bones [d]
  11. () Rethinking suicide: why prevention fails, and how we can do better [i] [d]
  12. Michael Cholbi & Travis Timmerman [ed] () Exploring the philosophy of death and dying: classical and contemporary perspectives [i] [d]
  13. () Pediatric palliative care: a model for exemplary practice [i] [d]
  14. () The evolutionary origins of life and death [i] [d]
  15. () The biology of death: how dying shapes cells, organisms, & populations [i] [d]
  16. () Suicide prevention: Stahl's handbooks [i] [d]
  17. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
  18. () Enter the animal: cross-species perspectives on grief and spirituality [i] [j]
  19. Karla Maria Rothstein & Christina Staudt [ed] () The future of the corpse: changing ecologies of death and disposition [i]
  20. () Grieving while Black: an antiracist take on oppression and sorrow [i]
  21. () The end of everything (astrophysically speaking) [i]
  22. () Migrar, morir y seguir perteneciendo: el Día de los Muertos centroandino del cementerio de Flores de Buenos Aires [j] [u]
  23. () Do you remember being told what happened to grandma?: the role of early socialization on later coping with death [p] [d]
  24. () Dying in old age: U.S. practice and policy [i] [d]
  25. () When we do harm: a doctor confronts medical error [i]
  26. () A culture of caring: a suicide prevention guide for schools (K–12) [i]
  27. () We are all in this life together [j] [u]
  28. () Who you are: the science of connectedness [i] [d]
  29. () Death: the ultimate transformative experience [i] [d]
  30. Heather Elbourne & Andrée Le May [ed] () Nursing older people: realities of practice [i] [d]
  31. () A comprehensive approach to eliciting, documenting, and honoring patient wishes for care near the end of life: the Veterans Health Administration's Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Initiative [p] [d]
  32. Timothy D. Knepper, Lucy Bregman, & Mary Gottschalk [ed] () Death and dying: an exercise in comparative philosophy of religion [i] [d]
  33. () A beginner's guide to the end: practical advice for living life and facing death [i]
  34. () Mindfulness of death as a tool for mortality salience induction with reference to terror management theory [d]
  35. () That good night: life and medicine in the eleventh hour [i]
  36. Helaine Selin & Robert M. Rakoff [ed] () Death across cultures: death and dying in non-western cultures [i] [d]
  37. Todd K. Shackelford & Virgil Zeigler-Hill [ed] () Evolutionary perspectives on death [i] [d]
  38. () Packed and ready for whatever's next [u]
  39. () The nature of life and death: every body leaves a trace [i]
  40. () Cognitive hypnotherapy for psychological management of depression in palliative care [p] [d]
  41. () Suicide assessment and treatment: empirical and evidence-based practices [i]
  42. () The role of clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis to relief pain and anxiety in severe chronic diseases in palliative care: a 2-year long-term follow-up of treatment in a nonrandomized clinical trial [p] [d]
  43. () Culture and palliative care: preferences, communication, meaning, and mutual decision making [p] [d]
  44. Candi K. Cann [ed] () Dying to eat: cross-cultural perspectives on food, death, and the afterlife [i] [d] [j]
  45. () Clinical hypnosis, mindfulness and spirituality in palliative care [p] [d]
  46. () An examination of the death and dying of companion animals [o] [u]
  47. () Putting death on the table [u]
  48. () Graceful exit: how to advocate effectively, take care of yourself, and be present for the death of a loved one [i]
  49. () Green burial guidebook: everything you need to plan an affordable, environmentally friendly burial [i]
  50. () The suicidal crisis: clinical guide to the assessment of imminent suicide risk [i] [d]
  51. () At peace: choosing a good death after a long life [i]
  52. () Let's talk about death (over dinner): an invitation and guide to life's most important conversation [i]
  53. () How personal grief connects us to shared compassion [u]
  54. () Shedding light on the fundamental mechanism underlying hypnotic analgesia [p] [d]
  55. () Hypnosis in palliative care: from clinical insights to the science of self-regulation [p] [d]
  56. () Follow the child: planning and having the best end-of-life care for your child [i]
  57. () Los vivos se desviven por los muertos: expresiones fúnebres entre los aymaras, quechuas y atacameños en el Norte de Chile [u]
  58. () Understanding and supporting bereaved children: a practical guide for professionals [i] [d]
  59. () On the brink of everything: grace, gravity, and getting old [i]
  60. Antonius C. G. M. Robben [ed] () A companion to the anthropology of death [i] [d]
  61. () Financial capability and asset building in vulnerable households: theory and practice [i]
  62. () Is the cemetery dead? [i] [d]
  63. () Advice for future corpses (and those who love them): a practical perspective on death and dying [i]
  64. () Everyday mortality [u]
  65. Anthony R. Absalom & Keira P. Mason [ed] () Total intravenous anesthesia and target controlled infusions: a comprehensive global anthology [i] [d]
  66. () Even vegans die: a practical guide to caregiving, acceptance, and protecting your legacy of compassion [i]
  67. () Anesthesia: the gift of oblivion and the mystery of consciousness [i]
  68. () Aligning guidelines and medical practice: literature review on pediatric palliative care guidelines [p] [d]
  69. () From here to eternity: traveling the world to find the good death [i]
  70. () International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control [p] [d]
  71. () Destroyed not destroyed [u]
  72. () The global pain crisis: what everyone needs to know [i]
  73. (/2018) When blossoms fall: a Zen guide for death & dying [u]
  74. () How will you die? [u]
  75. () Neuropathology of suicide: recent findings and future directions [p] [d]
  76. () The six extinctions: visualizing planetary ecological crisis today [d]
  77. () Real (and) imaginal relationships with the dead [d]
  78. () The five invitations: discovering what death can teach us about living fully [i]
  79. () Invisible illness increases risk of suicidal ideation: the role of social workers in preventing suicide [p] [d]
  80. () Communication and bioethics at the end of life: real cases, real dilemmas [i] [d]
  81. Mark Schweda, Larissa Pfaller, Kai Brauer, Frank Adloff, & Silke Schicktanz [ed] () Planning later life: bioethics and public health in ageing societies [i] [d]
  82. () Embodied pain—negotiating the boundaries of possible action [p] [d]
  83. () Early maladaptive schemas, meaning making, and complicated grief symptoms after bereavement [d]
  84. () General psychiatric management for suicidal patients, with remarks on chronicity: contending with the angel of death [p] [d]
  85. () Extreme measures: finding a better path to the end of life [i]
  86. () Mindfully facing disease and death: compassionate advice from early Buddhist texts [i]
  87. () 'My pet has passed': relations of adult attachment styles and current feelings of grief and trauma after the event [p] [d]
  88. () To comfort always: a history of palliative medicine since the nineteenth century [i] [d]
  89. Margo DeMello [ed] () Mourning animals: rituals and practices surrounding animal death [i] [j]
  90. () Displaying death and animating life: human–animal relations in art, science, and everyday life [i] [d]
  91. Luis Garcia-Larrea & Philip L. Jackson [ed] () Pain and the conscious brain [i]
  92. () Suicide as escape from psychotic panic [p] [d]
  93. () Life is short [u]
  94. () Palliative care [and hypnosis] [i]
  95. () Caring for those who remain: a practical guide for end-of-life preparation [i]
  96. Darcy L. Harris & Tashel C. Bordere [ed] () Handbook of social justice in loss and grief: exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion [i] [d]
  97. () Dead man's float [i]
  98. () The distressed body: rethinking illness, imprisonment, and healing [i] [d]
  99. () Understanding loss: a guide for caring for those facing adversity [i] [d]
  100. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Techniques of grief therapy: assessment and intervention [i] [d]
  101. () Many did die wishing they spent more time at the office [u]
  102. () Tales: a tool to address death with children [d]
  103. Koshin Paley Ellison & Matt Weingast [ed] () Awake at the bedside: contemplative palliative and end-of-life care [i]
  104. () A guide to psychosocial and spiritual care at the end of life [i] [d]
  105. () Death and finitude: toward a pragmatic transcendental anthropology of human limits and mortality [i]
  106. () It's ok to laugh (crying is cool, too): a memoir [i]
  107. () Design for rituals of letting go: an embodiment perspective on disposal practices informed by grief therapy [d]
  108. () Designing personal grief rituals: an analysis of symbolic objects and actions [p] [d]
  109. Geoffrey Scarre [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of the philosophy of aging [i] [d]
  110. () An unfinished life: David Wildon Carr [d]
  111. () Estate planning [i] [u]
  112. () Neither bereavement nor grief: coping with the death of a cherished person in the Cunda-sutta [d]
  113. () My deathbed playlist (and yours) [u]
  114. () 'Something to see here': looking at road-killing and road-killed animals [i]
  115. () Providing spiritual and emotional care in response to disaster [i] [d]
  116. Diana D. Bergen, Amanda Heredia Montesinos, & Meryam Schouler-Ocak [ed] () Suicidal behavior of immigrants and ethnic minorities in Europe [i]
  117. () How to live well with chronic pain and illness: a mindful guide [i]
  118. Robert Alan Bonakdar & Andrew W. Sukiennik [ed] () Integrative pain management [i] [d]
  119. () Accepting death as part of life: meaning in life as a means for dealing with loss among bereaved individuals [p] [d]
  120. () Life meaning is associated with suicidal ideation among depressed veterans [p] [d]
  121. () Operationalizing pain treatment in the biopsychosocial model: take a daily 'SWEM'–socialize, work, exercise, meditate [p] [d]
  122. Timothy R. Deer, Michael S. Leong, & Albert L. Ray [ed] () Treatment of chronic pain by integrative approaches: the American Academy of Pain Medicine textbook on patient management [i] [d]
  123. Lydia S. Dugdale [ed] () Dying in the twenty-first century: toward a new ethical framework for the art of dying well [i] [d] [j]
  124. () A systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature on self-blame, guilt, and shame [d]
  125. () Compassionate person-centered care for the dying: an evidence-based palliative care guide for nurses [i]
  126. () Seeds for a boundless life: Zen teachings from the heart [i]
  127. () Die wise: a manifesto for sanity and soul [i]
  128. () The proliferation of skulls in popular culture: a case study of how the traditional symbol of mortality was rendered meaningless [d]
  129. () Greening death: reclaiming burial practices and restoring our tie to the earth [i]
  130. () Through the flames: overcoming disaster through compassion, patience, and determination [i]
  131. () Assessing a Buddhist treatment for bereavement and loss: the Mustard Seed Project [p] [d]
  132. () Controlling death: philosophical thanatology meets pragmatism [d]
  133. Theodore J. Price & Greg Dussor [ed] () Molecular and cell biology of pain [i] [d]
  134. () Accelerating the public's learning curve on wicked policy issues: results from deliberative forums on euthanasia [d]
  135. () Common therapeutic factors in bereavement groups [p] [d]
  136. () Living with the stars: how the human body is connected to the life cycles of the Earth, the planets, and the stars [i] [d]
  137. () Group work with bereaved people: developing person-centered practice [d]
  138. () Entangled corporeality: taxidermy practice and the vibrancy of dead matter [d]
  139. Paulina Taboada [ed] () Sedation at the end-of-life: an interdisciplinary approach [i] [d]
  140. () Lived observations: linking the researcher's personal experiences to knowledge development [p] [d]
  141. () Find me the evidence: connecting the practitioner with the evidence on bereavement care [p] [d]
  142. Tatjana Višak & Robert Garner [ed] () The ethics of killing animals [i] [d]
  143. () The conversation: a revolutionary plan for end-of-life care [i]
  144. () Death and the atheist mystic: Zhuangzi's last words [u]
  145. () Dealing with dying, death, and grief during adolescence [i] [d]
  146. () Facing up: psychotherapists writing about dealing with the idea of one's own death [d]
  147. () A pragmatic belief system in family meaning-making after death [p] [d]
  148. () Japanese tree burial: ecology, kinship and the culture of death [i] [d]
  149. () Caregiving at the end of life [i] [d]
  150. () 'I'm not the only one': a collaborative approach to developing a children and young person's bereavement group [d]
  151. () Death and eloquence [d]
  152. () Conmemorando a nuestros muertos: festividades y ritualidades en el Día de Difuntos [i] [u]
  153. () Midwifing distress at end of life: missed opportunities? [p] [d]
  154. () Being mortal: medicine and what matters in the end [i]
  155. () 'I was just trying to stick it out until I realized that I couldn't': a phenomenological investigation of support seeking among older adults with complicated grief [d]
  156. () Bereavement theory: recent developments in our understanding of grief and bereavement [d]
  157. () 'How I kept track of it of course was my business': cancer patient self-monitoring as self-stylized work [p] [d]
  158. () The impact of pet loss: an update on the research and evidence-based ways to help grieving clients [d]
  159. () Grief for animal companions and an approach to supporting their bereaved owners [d]
  160. () Maladaptive medical coping: a means to avoid end-of-life discussions [p]
  161. () Our cosmic insignificance [or significance?] [p] [d] [j]
  162. David W. Kissane & Francine Parnes [ed] () Bereavement care for families [i] [d]
  163. () The body knows the way: working with clients facing illness and dying [i]
  164. () Psychotherapy for families after brain injury [i] [d]
  165. () Gene everlasting: a contrary farmer's thoughts on living forever [i]
  166. () A social constructionist account of grief: loss and the narration of meaning [p] [d]
  167. () How to communicate with patients about future illness progression and end of life: a systematic review [p] [d]
  168. () Talk for Carl Myosen's memorial [u]
  169. () Creating philanthropic foundations to deal with grief: case studies of bereaved parents [p] [d]
  170. () Mindfulness of death [d]
  171. () The grace in aging: awaken as you grow older [i]
  172. () 'Memories are made of this': personal reflections on the creation and maintenance of memorials and mementoes [d]
  173. () Flight ways: life and loss at the edge of extinction [i] [d] [j]
  174. () The beginning and the end: the meaning of life in a cosmological perspective [i] [d]
  175. () Euthanasia in animal shelters: management's perspective on staff reactions and support programs [d]
  176. Andrea Eugenio Cavanna, Andrea Nani, Hal Blumenfeld, & Steven Laureys [ed] () Neuroimaging of consciousness [i] [d]
  177. () Fear of death [i] [d]
  178. () Requiem for roadkill: death and denial on America's roads [i] [d]
  179. () Care and companionism: animal ethics at the end of life [u]
  180. () Pain and suicidality: insights from reward and addiction neuroscience [p] [d]
  181. () Relational suicide assessment: risks, resources, and possibilities for safety [i]
  182. () Communication and trust in the care provided to a dying parent: a nationwide study of cancer-bereaved youths [d]
  183. () Die empty: unleash your best work every day [i]
  184. () 'Funerals aren't nice but it couldn't have been nicer': the makings of a good funeral [d]
  185. Jay Johnston & Fiona Probyn-Rapsey [ed] () Animal death [i]
  186. () Placebo and nocebo: how to enhance therapies and avoid unintended sabotage to pain treatment [d]
  187. () Buddhist ethics and end-of-life care decisions [p] [d]
  188. () Neuroimaging studies of the dwindling self: neurodegenerative dementias [i] [d]
  189. () The dying animal [d]
  190. () Your survival instinct is killing you: retrain your brain to conquer fear, make better decisions, and thrive in the 21st century [i]
  191. () The universe within: discovering the common history of rocks, planets, and people [i]
  192. () From a disconnected society to an interconnected society [j]
  193. () When someone dies: the practical guide to the logistics of death [i]
  194. Sigrid Sterckx, Kasper Raus, & Freddy Mortier [ed] () Continuous sedation at the end of life: ethical, clinical, and legal perspectives [i] [d]
  195. () The helping professional's guide to end-of-life care: practical tools for emotional, social, & spiritual support for the dying [i]
  196. Margaret S. Stroebe, Henk Schut, & Jan Van den Bout [ed] () Complicated grief: scientific foundations for health care professionals [i] [d]
  197. () Voicing my choices [u]
  198. () The use of the faces, legs, activity, cry and consolability scale to assess procedural pain and distress in young children [p] [d]
  199. () ATTEND: toward a mindfulness-based bereavement care model [p] [d]
  200. () The placebo in practice: how to use it in clinical routine [p] [d]
  201. () 'I don't want to die like that...': the impact of significant others' death quality on advance care planning [p] [d]
  202. () Bringing life to completion: reflections on living deeply and ending life well [i]
  203. () Living beautifully with uncertainty and change [i]
  204. () Finding meaning in a traumatic loss: a families approach [p] [d]
  205. () Death is a part of life: considerations for the natural death of a therapy patient [d]
  206. () Death competence: an ethical imperative [p] [d]
  207. () Depression in palliative care settings: the need for training for nurses and other health professionals to improve patients' pathways to care [d]
  208. () Life everlasting: the animal way of death [i]
  209. D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld [ed] () Guidance for healthcare ethics committees [i] [d]
  210. () Will-to-live and survival in a 10-year follow-up among older people [d]
  211. () An integrated view of suffering in palliative care [p]
  212. () Freedom from pain: discover your body's power to overcome physical pain [i]
  213. () Life is uncertain; death is certain: Buddhism and palliative care [p] [d]
  214. () Blue juice: euthanasia in veterinary medicine [i]
  215. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
  216. () Getting the message across: does the use of drama aid education in palliative care? [d]
  217. () Aging as a spiritual practice: a contemplative guide to growing older and wiser [i]
  218. () Speaking of the dead [d]
  219. () 'In pain waiting to die': everyday understandings of suffering [p] [d]
  220. Carla Sofka, Illene Noppe Cupit, & Kathleen R. Gilbert [ed] () Dying, death, and grief in an online universe: for counselors and educators [i]
  221. () Radical acceptance: a nondual psychology approach to grief and loss [d]
  222. () Palliative care and hospice: advancing the science of comfort, affirming the art of caring [i] [d]
  223. () Pain-related fear: exposure-based treatment for chronic pain [i]
  224. () How people who are dying or mourning engage with the arts [u]
  225. () Why different countries manage death differently: a comparative analysis of modern urban societies [d]
  226. () The top five regrets of the dying: a life transformed by the dearly departing [i]
  227. Jonathan S. Watts & Yoshiharu Tomatsu [ed] () Buddhist care for the dying and bereaved [i]
  228. Howard Robin Winokuer & Darcy L. Harris [ed] (/2016) Principles and practice of grief counseling [i]
  229. () On the emotional connection of medical specialists dealing with death and dying: a qualitative study of oncologists, surgeons, intensive care specialists and palliative medicine specialists [p] [d]
  230. Terry Altilio & Shirley Otis-Green [ed] () Oxford textbook of palliative social work [i] [d]
  231. () Spaces, times, and critical moments: a relational time–space analysis of the impacts of AIDS on rural youth in Malawi and Lesotho [d]
  232. () Pet loss and grief: an integrative perspective [i] [d]
  233. () Palliative care: a place for caregivers to thrive [d]
  234. () Meaning-centered group psychotherapy [i] [d]
  235. () HIV infection and mental health: suicidal behaviour—systematic review [d]
  236. () Wiñay Pacha: danzando con los muertos [o] [u]
  237. (/2013) Why you should visit cemeteries: survivorship bias [i]
  238. () Building on community assets to improve palliative and end-of-life care [d]
  239. () Meaning-making through psychological autopsy interviews: the value of participating in qualitative research for those bereaved by suicide [p] [d]
  240. () The missing p in psychiatric training: why it is important to teach pain to psychiatrists [p] [d]
  241. () Confirmatory factor analysis of a revised death transcendence scale [d]
  242. () Life span and end-of-life health communication [i] [d]
  243. Merryn Gott & Christine Ingleton [ed] () Living with ageing and dying: palliative and end of life care for older people [i]
  244. Tom A. Hutchinson [ed] () Whole person care: a new paradigm for the 21st century [i] [d]
  245. () Hypnosis for chronic pain management: therapist guide [i] [d]
  246. () Hypnosis for chronic pain management: workbook [i] [d]
  247. John R. Jordan & John L. McIntosh [ed] () Grief after suicide: understanding the consequences and caring for the survivors [i] [d]
  248. David W. Kissane & Maggie Watson [ed] () Handbook of psychotherapy in cancer care [i] [d]
  249. () Sources of spiritual well-being in advanced cancer [p] [d]
  250. Brenda C. McClain & Santhanam Suresh [ed] () Handbook of pediatric chronic pain: current science and integrative practice [i] [d]
  251. Konrad Michel & David A. Jobes [ed] () Building a therapeutic alliance with the suicidal patient [i] [d]
  252. (/2021) Child and adolescent suicidal behavior: school-based prevention, assessment, and intervention [i]
  253. () The wish to hasten death: a review of clinical studies [d]
  254. () Bereaved elders: transformative learning in late life [d]
  255. () The virtual dream: rewriting stories of loss and grief [p] [d]
  256. Robert A. Neimeyer, Darcy L. Harris, Howard R. Winokuer, & Gordon F. Thornton [ed] () Grief and bereavement in contemporary society: bridging research and practice [i] [d]
  257. Rory C. O'Connor & Jane Pirkis [ed] (/2016) The international handbook of suicide prevention [i] [d]
  258. Maurizio Pompili & Roberto Tatarelli [ed] () Evidence-based practice in suicidology: a source book [i]
  259. Victor R. Preedy [ed] () Diet and nutrition in palliative care [i] [d]
  260. () Death acceptance through ritual [p] [d]
  261. () Bonds of the dead: temples, burial, and the transformation of contemporary Japanese Buddhism [i] [d]
  262. () Constructing the self in the face of aging and death: complex thought and learning [i] [d]
  263. () Sense of presence experiences and meaning-making in bereavement: a qualitative analysis [p] [d]
  264. () Pain management in pediatric palliative care [i] [d]
  265. () About to die: how news images move the public [i]
  266. () Planning for the disposal of the dead [d]
  267. () How to be sick: a Buddhist-inspired guide for the chronically ill and their caregivers [i]
  268. () Last words of notable people: final words of more than 3500 noteworthy people throughout history [i]
  269. () Death and disposal: the universal, environmental dilemma [d]
  270. () Grief and bereavement issues and the loss of a companion animal: people living with a companion animal, owners of livestock, and animal support workers [d]
  271. () The land is dying: contingency, creativity and conflict in western Kenya [i] [d] [j]
  272. () The social agency of dead bodies [d]
  273. () End-of-life care and pragmatic decision making: a bioethical perspective [i] [d]
  274. () Maintaining the will to live of patients with advanced cancer [d]
  275. () An altar in honor of the anatomical gift [d]
  276. () Predictors of complicated grief: a systematic review of empirical studies [p] [d]
  277. () The ethical balancing act of hospice care [p] [d]
  278. () Meaning-making in memories: a comparison of memories of death-related and low point life experiences [p] [d]
  279. () Reflections on dying, our last thought(s), and living a spiritual life [d]
  280. () Clinical hypnosis for pain control [i] [d]
  281. () Teaching palliative care to residents and medical students [p] [u]
  282. () On dogs and dying: inspirational stories from hospice hounds [i]
  283. () The great matter of life and death [u]
  284. () Emotional expressive writing to alleviate euthanasia-related stress [u]
  285. () Improving the efficacy of intervention for bereaved individuals: toward a process-focused psychotherapeutic perspective [d]
  286. () The phenomenology of time: lived experiences of people with HIV/AIDS in China [d]
  287. (/2018) Going out green: one man's adventure planning his own burial [i]
  288. () Making sense of loss, perceiving benefits, and posttraumatic growth [i] [d]
  289. () Hospice: organizational perspectives [d]
  290. () The mindfulness solution to pain: step-by-step techniques for chronic pain management [i]
  291. () A palliative approach to neurological care: a literature review [d]
  292. () Global inequality, death, and disease [d]
  293. () Auditory space, ethics and hospitality: 'noise', alterity and care at the end of life [d]
  294. () If you live long enough [i]
  295. () Counseling strategies for loss and grief [i]
  296. () Wandering souls: journeys with the dead and the living in Viet Nam [i]
  297. () On dying and human suffering [d]
  298. () Caregiving: the odyssey of becoming more human [p] [d]
  299. () Meaning in life and mortality [p] [d]
  300. () The role of humor in transforming stressful life events [i] [d]
  301. () Peace of mind and sense of purpose as core existential issues among parents of children with cancer [d]
  302. () Managing pain in patients with co-occurring addictive disorders [d]
  303. () 'Breaking the fourth wall': activating hope through participatory theatre with family caregivers [d]
  304. () The whole death catalog: a lively guide to the bitter end [i]
  305. () Complex thought and construction of the self in the face of aging and death [d]
  306. () The generalist approach [d]
  307. (/2019) Suicide and self-harm in prisons and jails [i]
  308. () The dynamics of death and meaning: the effects of death-relevant cognitions and personal need for structure on perceptions of meaning in life [p] [d]
  309. () Muscogee Creek spirituality and meaning of death [d]
  310. (/2016) Grief and loss across the lifespan: a biopsychosocial perspective [i] [d]
  311. James L. Werth & Dean Blevins [ed] () Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions [i] [d]
  312. () Communicating with Muslim parents: 'the four principles' are not as culturally neutral as suggested [d]
  313. () How we live and why we die: the secret lives of cells [i]
  314. () Applying the National Quality Forum preferred practices for palliative and hospice care: a social work perspective [d]
  315. () Pain still lords over children [p] [d]
  316. () A practical guide to working in palliative care: finding meaning and purpose in life and death [i]
  317. () The world's major religions' points of view on end-of-life decisions in the intensive care unit [p] [d]
  318. () Making sense of loss: a content analysis of end-of-life practitioners' therapeutic approaches [p] [d]
  319. () 'The wholeness of things': infusing diversity and social justice into death education [p] [d]
  320. () Beyond the good death: the anthropology of modern dying [i] [d] [j]
  321. () Being with dying: cultivating compassion and fearlessness in the presence of death [i]
  322. () Improving psychological and psychiatric aspects of palliative care: the National Consensus Project and the National Quality Forum preferred practices for palliative and hospice care [d]
  323. () The neurophysiology of pain perception and hypnotic analgesia: implications for clinical practice [p] [d]
  324. () Managing difficult behaviors in hospice clients [u]
  325. () Just palliative care: responding responsibly to the suffering of the poor [d]
  326. () How people live with or get over being suicidal: a review of qualitative studies [d]
  327. Frederick T. L. Leong & Mark M. Leach [ed] () Suicide among racial and ethnic minority groups: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  328. () Time and bodily changes in advanced prostate cancer: talk about time as death approaches [d]
  329. () Evidence for improving palliative care at the end of life: a systematic review [p] [d]
  330. () Peace, Equanimity, and Acceptance in the Cancer Experience (PEACE): validation of a scale to assess acceptance and struggle with terminal illness [d]
  331. () End-of-life care: guidelines for patient-centered communication [p] [u]
  332. () Understanding the meaning of social well-being at the end of life [d]
  333. Sandra L. Ragan, Elaine M. Wittenberg-Lyles, Joy Goldsmith, & Sandra Sanchez-Reilly [ed] () Communication as comfort: multiple voices in palliative care [i]
  334. () Ritual: the final expression of care [d]
  335. () A commonsense book of death: reflections at ninety of a lifelong thanatologist [i]
  336. () Meaning in life and personal growth among pediatric physicians and nurses [p] [d]
  337. () Assessment of palliative care needs for people living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda [d]
  338. () When is dying? [p] [d]
  339. () Moving your aging parents: fulfilling their needs and yours before, during, and after the move [i]
  340. () Mapping levels of palliative care development: a global view [d]
  341. () Staring at the sun: overcoming the terror of death [i]
  342. () Time(lessness): Buddhist perspectives and end-of-life [p] [d]
  343. () Spirituality in palliative care: what language do we need?: learning from pastoral care [p] [d]
  344. () Funding for palliative care programs in developing countries [d]
  345. () Woodland burial: memorial arboretum versus natural native woodland? [d]
  346. () Mattering in the later years: older adults' experiences of mattering to others, purpose in life, depression, and wellness [d]
  347. () Culture, spirituality, religion and health: looking at the big picture [p] [u]
  348. () The dying role [d]
  349. () Death to life: towards my green burial [d]
  350. () Moverse para olvidar: la vida inquieta de los nahua [d] [u]
  351. () Dismantling discontent: Buddha's way through Darwin's world [i]
  352. () Treating health anxiety and fear of death: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  353. () The circle of life: end-of-life care and death rituals for Hmong-American elders [p] [u]
  354. () How does it feel to die? [d] [u]
  355. () Pain in women with HIV/AIDS [d]
  356. () Seeking serenity: living with HIV/AIDS in rural Western Canada [p] [u]
  357. () Grave matters: a journey through the modern funeral industry to a natural way of burial [i]
  358. () The end of life: unknown and unplanned? [d]
  359. () Palliative medicine, an urgent public health need in the developing world [d]
  360. () Caregiving at the end of life: perspectives from spousal caregivers and care recipients [p] [d]
  361. Nancy E. Johnston & Alwilda Scholler-Jaquish [ed] () Meaning in suffering: caring practices in the health professions [i]
  362. () Spirituality and health in Punjabi Sikh [d]
  363. () Retrieving the ars moriendi tradition [p] [d]
  364. () Do you look to the future or focus on today?: the impact of life experience on intertemporal decisions [d]
  365. David Meagher & David E. Balk [ed] (/2013) Handbook of thanatology: the essential body of knowledge for the study of death, dying, and bereavement [i] [d]
  366. () Meaninglessness in terminally ill cancer patients: a validation study and nurse education intervention trial [d]
  367. () Palliative care and public health, a perspective from the African palliative care association [d]
  368. () Chemotherapy and cognitive deficits: mechanisms, findings, and potential interventions [p] [d]
  369. () The art of aging: a doctor's prescription for well-being [i]
  370. () Why hospice nurses need high self-esteem [p] [d]
  371. () Becoming dead right: a hospice volunteer in urban nursing homes [i]
  372. () Reversing chronic pain: a 10-point all-natural plan for lasting relief [i]
  373. () When there is nothing left to do, there is everything left to do [d]
  374. () Self-transcendence and well-being in homeless adults [d]
  375. Robert F. Schmidt & William D. Willis [ed] (/2013) Encyclopedia of pain [i] [d]
  376. () Subtle signs of the death bed vigil: responding to hearing-impaired, comatose, and vegetative patients [p] [d]
  377. () Letting go: the paradox of cultural competence in end-of-life care [p] [d]
  378. (/2009) Anticancer: a new way of life [i]
  379. () The public health strategy for palliative care [d]
  380. () Addressing the global tragedy of needless pain: rethinking the United Nations single convention on narcotic drugs [d]
  381. () Selfless time: from life space to death anticipation [d]
  382. () Bereavement rituals in the Muscogee Creek tribe [p] [d]
  383. () To die well: your right to comfort, calm, and choice in the last days of life [i]
  384. () Palliative care: a public health priority in developing countries [d]
  385. (/2014) The biology of cancer [i]
  386. () Responding to patient-initiated humor: guidelines for practice [p]
  387. () The role of religion for hospice patients and relatively healthy older adults [d]
  388. () Going on a journey: understanding palliative care nursing [p] [d]
  389. () Hello, cruel world: 101 alternatives to suicide for teens, freaks, and other outlaws [i]
  390. () The physician's role in the assessment and treatment of spiritual distress at the end of life [p] [d]
  391. Patricia M. Burbank [ed] () Vulnerable older adults: health care needs and interventions [i]
  392. () Making sense of suffering and death: how health care providers' construct meanings in a neonatal intensive care unit [d] [j]
  393. () How should nations measure the quality of end-of-life care for older adults?: recommendations for an international minimum data set [d]
  394. () Being in the safety zone: emotional experiences of suicidal adolescents and emerging adults [d]
  395. () What is a good death?: terminally ill patients dealing with normative expectations around death and dying [d]
  396. () Angels and atheists [d]
  397. () Can end of life care for the pediatric patient suffering with escalating and intractable symptoms be improved? [p] [d]
  398. () Responding to desire to die statements from patients with advanced disease: recommendations for health professionals [d]
  399. () Desire for hastened death in patients with advanced disease and the evidence base of clinical guidelines: a systematic review [d]
  400. () Transcultural nursing principles: an application to hospice care [o]
  401. Renée S. Katz & Therese A. Johnson [ed] (/2016) When professionals weep: emotional and countertransference responses in palliative and end-of-life care [i] [d]
  402. () Moving toward peace: an analysis of the concept of a good death [d]
  403. () An exploration of the good death [p]
  404. () Psychotherapy with suicidal people: the commonalities [p] [d]
  405. () Reclaiming wellness—living with bodily problems, as narrated by men with advanced prostate cancer [p]
  406. () Facing death: theme and variations [i]
  407. () Developing the concept of self-reformulation [d]
  408. () Cognitive assessment and differentiating the 3 Ds (dementia, depression, delirium) [d]
  409. () Effective communication with bereaved child survivors of suicide [d]
  410. Christina M. Puchalski [ed] () A time for listening and caring: spirituality and the care of the chronically ill and dying [i]
  411. () Peaceful awareness in patients with advanced cancer [d]
  412. () A literature review of palliative care, end of life, and dementia [p] [d]
  413. Edward K. Rynearson [ed] () Violent death: resilience and intervention beyond the crisis [i]
  414. () A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, AIDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease [d]
  415. () Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death [i] [d]
  416. () 'Are you at peace?': one item to probe spiritual concerns at the end of life [d]
  417. () Illness: an opportunity for spiritual growth [d]
  418. () The pain survival guide: how to reclaim your life [i] [d]
  419. () Avoiding iatrogenic harm to patient and family while discussing goals of care near the end of life [d]
  420. () Struggling with the fragility of life: a relational-narrative approach to ethics in palliative nursing [p] [d]
  421. () Humor in hospice care: who, where, and how much? [d]
  422. () Rates of euthanasia and adoption for dogs and cats in Michigan animal shelters [p] [d]
  423. () Ending life: ethics and the way we die [i] [d]
  424. () In the Buddha's words: an anthology of discourses from the Pāli canon [i] [u]
  425. () Mindfulness in hospice care: practicing meditation-in-action [d]
  426. () Finding the words to say it: the healing power of poetry [d]
  427. () Dignity therapy: a novel psychotherapeutic intervention for patients near the end of life [d]
  428. () Assessment and intervention with youth exposed to sexual homicide of a family member [d]
  429. () Considering 'meaning' in the context of breast cancer [d]
  430. () 'They wouldn't pay attention': death without dignity [d]
  431. (/2020) Get it together: organize your records so your family won't have to [i]
  432. () Sensing an atmosphere of ease: a tentative theory of supportive care settings [d]
  433. () Professionalization of hospice volunteer practices: what are the implications? [p] [d]
  434. () Evidence of improved knowledge and skills after an elective rotation in a hospice and palliative care program for internal medicine residents [d]
  435. () Just to be alive is enough [u]
  436. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  437. () Reducing the risk of burnout in end-of-life care settings: the role of daily spiritual experiences and training [p] [d]
  438. (/2011) Helping grieving people: when tears are not enough: a handbook for care providers [i] [d]
  439. () Compassionate cities: public health and end-of-life care [i] [d]
  440. () End of life: the Buddhist view [p] [d]
  441. () Grieving mindfully: a compassionate and spiritual guide to coping with loss [i]
  442. John D. Morgan & Pittu Laungani [ed] () Death and bereavement around the world [in five volumes: Major religious traditions; The Americas; Europe; Asia, Australia, and New Zealand; Reflective essays] [o]
  443. () The importance of pet loss and some implications for services [d]
  444. () Saving lives in New York: suicide prevention and public health in New York City [o]
  445. () Hägerstrand matters: life(-path) and death matters—some touching remarks [d]
  446. () African American grief [i] [d]
  447. (/2019) Oxford handbook of palliative care [i] [d]
  448. () Psychological techniques in the management of pain [d]
  449. Everett L. Worthington [ed] () Handbook of forgiveness [i]
  450. Robert I. Yufit & David Lester [ed] () Assessment, treatment, and prevention of suicidal behavior [i]
  451. () Voices of bereavement: a casebook for grief counselors [i] [d]
  452. () The four things that matter most: a book about living [i]
  453. () The meaning of pain: a key to working with Spanish-speaking patients with work-related injuries [d]
  454. () Identifying barriers to psychosocial spiritual care at the end of life: a physician group study [d]
  455. () Issues in psychotherapy with terminally ill patients [p] [d]
  456. () Resolution of spiritual disequilibrium by women newly diagnosed with breast cancer [d]
  457. () Humor and laughter in palliative care: an ethnographic investigation [p] [d]
  458. () Journeying East: conversations on aging and dying [i]
  459. David Duffy & Tony Ryan [ed] () New approaches to preventing suicide: a manual for practitioners [i]
  460. () Talking with terminally ill patients and their caregivers about death, dying, and bereavement: is it stressful? Is it helpful? [d]
  461. () Death of a claim: the impact of loss reactions on bargaining [d]
  462. () Hope at the end of life: making a case for hospice [p] [d]
  463. () The biology of death: origins of mortality [i]
  464. () Psychotherapy with suicidal people: a person-centred approach [i] [d]
  465. () Altruistic suicide: a look at some issues [p] [d]
  466. () Cultural scripts for a good death in Japan and the United States: similarities and differences [d]
  467. () A reflection on the ways veterinarians cope with the death, euthanasia, and slaughter of animals [p]
  468. () Novice to master: an ongoing lesson in the extent of my own stupidity [i]
  469. (/2015) Medicine & compassion: a Tibetan Lama and an American doctor on how to provide care with compassion & wisdom [or: Medicine & compassion: a Tibetan Lama's guidance for caregivers] [i]
  470. () Listening to stories of pain and joy: physicians and other caregivers can help patients find comfort and meaning at the end of life [p]
  471. () Pity, modernity and the spectacle of suffering [p]
  472. () Creating a culture of compassion: developing supportive care for people with cancer [d]
  473. () At the crossroads: making the transition to hospice [p] [d]
  474. () Measuring quality of life at the end of life: validation of the QUAL-E [p] [d]
  475. John Temple & Joel Beeson [ed] () Cancer stories: lessons in love, loss & hope [i]
  476. () Living and dying with dignity: reflections on lived experience [p] [d]
  477. () Elegy for everything [u]
  478. () Pain, anxiety, distress, and suffering: interrelated, but not interchangeable [p] [d]
  479. () Living and dying in zazen: five Zen masters of modern Japan [i]
  480. Clifton D. Bryant [ed] () Handbook of death & dying [i] [d]
  481. (/2011) Delirium: acute confusional states in palliative medicine [i]
  482. (/2009) Learning to be old: gender, culture, and aging [i]
  483. () Death at an early age and the urban scene: the case for memorial murals and community healing [i]
  484. () A human being died that night: a South African story of forgiveness [i]
  485. () A conceptual model and key variables for guiding supportive interventions for family caregivers of people receiving palliative care [p] [d]
  486. () A good death in Uganda: survey of needs for palliative care for terminally ill people in urban areas [d]
  487. () The politics of grief and continuing bonds with the dead: the cases of Maoist China and Wahhabi Islam [p] [d]
  488. () Meaningfulness in palliative home care: an interview study of dying cancer patients' next of kin [p] [d]
  489. () Empowerment and long-living women: return to the rejected body [d]
  490. () Identifying signals of suffering by linking verbal and facial cues [p] [d]
  491. () Aging, death, and human longevity: a philosophical inquiry [i]
  492. () The biology of human survival: life and death in extreme environments [i]
  493. () Leading the way in African home-based palliative care: free oral morphine has allowed expansion of model home-based palliative care in Uganda [p] [d]
  494. () Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers [i]
  495. () Dying to meet you: facing mortality and enabling patient styles [d]
  496. () When death is imminent: where terminally ill patients with cancer prefer to die and why [p]
  497. () The palliative care needs of people with intellectual disabilities: a literature review [p] [d]
  498. () Can we be connected while remaining separate?: forging partnerships between all-volunteer & Medicare-certified hospices [p]
  499. (/2014) The worst is over: what to say when every moment counts [i]
  500. (/2014) Dying: verbal last aid [i]
  501. () Coffinman: a journal of a Buddhist mortician [i]
  502. () Older adults' views on death [i]
  503. () Aspects of grief in conflict: re-visioning response to dispute [d]
  504. () No death, no fear: comforting wisdom for life [i]
  505. () Emotions, morbidity, and mortality: new perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology [p] [d]
  506. () Navigation was always a difficult art: general secretary's report to the International Necronautical Society on the interviews, discussions, screenings and performances conducted at the Office of Anti-Matter [i]
  507. () Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things [i]
  508. () Making the world my body: Simone Weil and somatic practice [d] [j]
  509. (/2018) Chronic sorrow: a living loss [i] [d]
  510. () The function of meaning and purpose for individual wellness [d]
  511. () Not always so: practicing the true spirit of Zen [i]
  512. () Aging well: surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development [i]
  513. () A phenomenographic approach to the meaning of death: a Chinese perspective [p] [d]
  514. () La muerte en el contexto uru: el caso Chipaya [j] [u]
  515. () Duelo andino: sabiduría y elaboración de la muerte en los rituales mortuorios [j] [u]
  516. () Being upright: Zen meditation and the bodhisattva precepts [i]
  517. () El sentido de la muerte en la cosmovisión andina: el caso de los valles andinos de Cochabamba [j] [u]
  518. () Wantiay...! El ritual funerario andino de adultos en Otavalo, Ecuador [j] [u]
  519. () Pure immanence: essays on a life [i]
  520. () Volunteer Hospice Network: a grass-roots model for community coalitions [p]
  521. () Almas y difuntos: ritos mortuorios entre los aymara lacustres del Titicaca [j] [u]
  522. () Negotiating cross-cultural issues at the end of life: 'You got to go where he lives' [d]
  523. () El ritual mortuorio de los aymara de Tarapacá como vivencia y crianza de la vida [j] [u]
  524. David Lester [ed] () Suicide prevention: resources for the millennium [i] [d]
  525. () Making friends with death: a Buddhist guide to encountering mortality [i]
  526. () Psychological considerations, growth, and transcendence at the end of life: the art of the possible [d]
  527. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Meaning reconstruction and the experience of loss [i] [d]
  528. (/2014) To comfort always: a nurse's guide to end-of-life care [i]
  529. () Alma imaña: rituales mortuorios andinos en las zonas rurales aymara de Puno circunlacustre (Perú) [j] [u]
  530. () Escatología andina: metáforas del alma [j] [u]
  531. () Kindness and the end of life [p]
  532. () Zen cancer: an interview with Phil Toshio Sudo [u]
  533. () Will the circle be unbroken?: reflections on death, rebirth, and hunger for a faith [i]
  534. () The importance of culture throughout all of life and beyond [p]
  535. () Parental bereavement: the crisis of meaning [p] [d]
  536. (/2007) Five wishes [o] [u]
  537. () The heart of grief: death and the search for lasting love [i]
  538. () Beautiful work: a meditation on pain [i] [d]
  539. () Finding a joyful life in the heart of pain [or: Turning suffering inside out: a Zen approach to living with physical and emotional pain] [i]
  540. () Spiritual issues at the end of life: a call for discussion [p] [d] [j]
  541. () Dismantling the boundaries between life and death [d]
  542. () They who burned themselves for peace: Quaker and Buddhist self-immolators during the Vietnam War [d] [j]
  543. () Joy in dying [i]
  544. Ruth Malkinson, Simon Rubin, & Eliezer Witztum [ed] () Traumatic and nontraumatic loss and bereavement: clinical theory and practice [i]
  545. John D. Morgan [ed] () Meeting the needs of our clients creatively: the impact of art and culture on caregiving [i] [d]
  546. () Searching for the meaning of meaning: grief therapy and the process of reconstruction [p] [d]
  547. () Living in the light of death: on the art of being truly alive [i]
  548. () Maintaining quality of life at the end of life [p] [d]
  549. () Pain: the science of suffering [i] [j]
  550. () Thinking differently about thinking positive: a discursive approach to cancer patients' talk [d]
  551. (/2022) Estate planning basics: what you need to know about wills, trusts & avoiding probate [i]
  552. () Peace work as grief work in Mozambique and South Africa: postconflict communities as context for child and youth socialization [d]
  553. () Spirituality and trauma: an essay [d]
  554. () The angry dying patient [p]
  555. () Spiritual bonds to the dead in cross-cultural and historical perspective: comparative religion and modern grief [p] [d]
  556. () Being in, being out, being with: affect and the role of the qualitative researcher in loss and grief research [d]
  557. () Dealing with the anger and hostility of those who grieve [d]
  558. () Companion animal death: a practical and comprehensive guide for veterinary practice [i]
  559. () The death of an adult child: a book for and about bereaved parents [i] [d]
  560. () Personal meanings of death in relation to fear of death [p] [d]
  561. () From silencing the self to action: experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS [p] [d]
  562. Kenneth J. Doka & Joyce Davidson [ed] () Living with grief: who we are, how we grieve [i]
  563. Christina Faull, Sharon de Caestecker, Alex Nicholson, & Fraser Black [ed] (/2012) Handbook of palliative care [i] [d]
  564. () Whose dying?: a sociological critique of the 'good death' [d]
  565. John H. Harvey [ed] () Perspectives on loss: a sourcebook [i] [d]
  566. Ya'aḳov Lomrants [ed] () Handbook of aging and mental health: an integrative approach [i] [d]
  567. () Lessons from the dying [i]
  568. () Vile bodies: photography and the crisis of looking [i]
  569. Sushila Blackman [ed] () Graceful exits: how great beings die: death stories of Tibetan, Hindu & Zen masters [i]
  570. () Dying well: the prospect for growth at the end of life [or: Dying well: peace and possibilities at the end of life] [i]
  571. () When things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times [i]
  572. (/1999) At home with dying: a Zen hospice approach [or: Stay close and do nothing: a spiritual and practical guide to caring for the dying at home] [i]
  573. David Field, Jennifer Lorna Hockey, & Neil Small [ed] () Death, gender, and ethnicity [i] [d]
  574. () A year to live: how to live this year as if it were your last [i]
  575. () The semantics of death and dying: metaphor and mortality [j]
  576. () The wholehearted way: a translation of Eihei Dōgen's Bendōwa with commentary [i]
  577. (/2011) How we grieve: relearning the world [i] [d]
  578. () November 4, 1995: Deleuze's death as an event [d]
  579. () Self-transcendence: a resource for healing at the end of life [p] [d]
  580. () Palliative care: the hospice concept [o]
  581. () Changing the culture of dying: a new awakening of spirituality in America heightens sensitivity to needs of dying persons [p]
  582. Howard M. Spiro, Mary G. McCrea Curnen, & Lee Palmer Wandel [ed] () Facing death: where culture, religion, and medicine meet [i]
  583. () Living high and letting die: our illusion of innocence [i] [d]
  584. (/2005) Life is not killed [i]
  585. () Can we talk?: on the elusiveness of dialogue [d]
  586. (/1997) Intimate death: how the dying teach us how to live [i]
  587. () Blood, milk, and death: body symbols and the power of regeneration among the Zaramo of Tanzania [i]
  588. (/2022) Plan your estate [i]
  589. () Meaning and purpose in the lives of persons with AIDS [p] [d]
  590. () How to achieve peace of mind: your guide for attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being [i]
  591. (/2001) Death to dust: what happens to dead bodies? [i]
  592. Antoon A. Leenaars, Robert A. Neimeyer, & John T. Maltsberger [ed] () Treatment of suicidal people [i] [d]
  593. () The community of those who have nothing in common [i]
  594. (/2015) Aging: concepts and controversies [i]
  595. () How we die: reflections on life's final chapter [i]
  596. () Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
  597. () Reflections on death by spiritually mature elders [d]
  598. () Talking on the water: conversations about nature and creativity [i]
  599. (/2002) Letting go, falling to rest: hospice work and Zen practice [i]
  600. () Straight talk about death for teenagers: how to cope with losing someone you love [i]
  601. () Nietzsche and Bankei Zen: on dying rightly [d]
  602. (/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
  603. (/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
  604. () Zen in the art of funerals: ritual salvation in Japanese Buddhism [d] [j]
  605. () Sick societies: challenging the myth of primitive harmony [i]
  606. () The complete fulfillment (dzogchen) tradition and existential psychology [u]
  607. () A chorus of stones: the private life of war [i]
  608. () Befriending old age and death [u]
  609. (/2005) On living and dying [i]
  610. () The hospice movement: easing death's pains [i]
  611. () Person-centered comforting in the hospice interdisciplinary team [d]
  612. (/2015) Caring for patients from different cultures [i] [d] [j]
  613. () Clinical clowning: humor in hospice care [d]
  614. () Guided meditations, explorations, and healings [i]
  615. Danai Papadatou & Constantine J. Papadatos [ed] () Children and death [i]
  616. () The last great necessity: cemeteries in American history [i]
  617. () The lived experience of self-transcendence in women with advanced breast cancer [p] [d]
  618. () Cancer stories: creativity and self-repair [i]
  619. () The absent body [i]
  620. () A visionary journey: The story of the wildwood delights and The story of the Mount Potala delights [i]
  621. (/1998) Apologia [i]
  622. () The heart of understanding: commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra [i]
  623. (/2010) The sun my heart: from mindfulness to insight contemplation [i]
  624. () Our real home: a talk to an ageing lay disciple approaching death [o] [u]
  625. (/2013) The Hastings Center guidelines for decisions on life-sustaining treatment and care near the end of life [i] [d]
  626. (/2014) Ferri's practical guide: fast facts for patient care [or: Practical guide to the care of the medical patient] [i]
  627. (/1995) Life as a work of art [i]
  628. () Shōbōgenzō, Zen essays [i]
  629. (/2004) Widow to widow: how the bereaved help one another [i] [d]
  630. (/2019) The fifteen minute hour: efficient and effective patient-centered consultation skills [or: The fifteen minute hour: applied psychotherapy for the primary care physician] [i] [d]
  631. () A fate worse than death: the fear of changing [d]
  632. Franz R. Epting & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Personal meanings of death: applications of personal construct theory to clinical practice [i]
  633. () Meetings at the edge: dialogues with the grieving and the dying, the healing and the healed [i]
  634. () Toward a personal construct conceptualization of depression and suicide [i]
  635. (/1988) The unavowable community [i]
  636. (/1998) Thinking clearly about death [i]
  637. () Death and personal history: strategies of identity preservation [d] [j]
  638. Maurice Bloch & Jonathan P. Parry [ed] () Death and the regeneration of life [i]
  639. () Who dies?: an investigation of conscious living and conscious dying [i]
  640. (/2000) The fate of the earth: and, The abolition [i] [d]
  641. (/1986) The writing of the disaster [i]
  642. () Suicide after sixty: the final alternative [i]
  643. () The developing consciousness of dying [d]
  644. () Medical hubris: a reply to Ivan Illich [i]
  645. (/1978) To kill and survive or to die and become: the active life and the contemplative life as ways of being adult [i]
  646. () The funeralization process: toward a model of social time [d] [j] [u]
  647. (/1976) Medical nemesis: the expropriation of health [i]
  648. (/1992) The step not beyond [i]
  649. () Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Zenki 'Total dynamic working' and Shōji 'Birth and death' [j]
  650. (/2010) Zen mind, beginner's mind [i]
  651. () The map was redrawn to make man's agony a part of the geography [book review of: Being and time, by Martin Heidegger] [u]
  652. () You can't count on dying: our lengthening life-span makes today's decisions mean tomorrow's happiness [o]
  653. (/1994) Odes to common things [Odas a las cosas comunes] [i]
  654. (/1972) The Russell–Einstein manifesto [against weapons of mass destruction] [i] [u]
  655. (/1995) Concerning the accounts given by the residents of Hiroshima [i]
  656. (/1988) Inner experience [i]
  657. (/1998) On dying daily [i]
  658. (/2003) Darkwater: voices from within the veil [i] [u]
  659. (/1806) Death, or the disorganization of intelligent beings [o] [d] [u]
  660. (/1998) Dialogues concerning natural religion; the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul, and Of suicide; from An enquiry concerning human understanding, Of miracles [i] [u]
  661. (/2007) Now that I come to die: intimate guidance from one of Tibet's greatest masters [i]
  662. (/1986) The whole works [i]
  663. (/1985) Actualizing the fundamental point [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2024 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 31 July 2024 (view Zotero library on
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