How to do zen

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. Jay L. Garfield, Maria Heim, & Robert H. Sharf [ed] () How to lose yourself: an ancient guide to letting go: classical Buddhist texts [i]
  2. () Lay Zen in contemporary Japan: tradition, interpretation, and invention [i] [d]
  3. () Flourishing goals, metacognitive skills, and the virtue of wisdom [d]
  4. () Experiments in mystical atheism: godless epiphanies from Daoism to Spinoza and beyond [i] [d]
  5. () The fragile robe of liberation [u]
  6. () The little book of Zen healing: Japanese rituals for beauty, harmony, and love [i]
  7. () American religion is not dead yet [u]
  8. () Everyone orthodox to themselves: John Locke and his American students on religion and liberal society [i] [d] [j]
  9. () Interfaith community gardening: growing food justice [i] [d]
  10. () The role of phenomenological control in experience [d]
  11. () Seven things I like about sabbath at the farm [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
  12. () Overcoming religious distance: epiphanies in cross-cultural settings [i] [d]
  13. Sarah Flavel & Chiara Robbiano [ed] () Key concepts in world philosophies: a toolkit for philosophers [i] [d]
  14. () Un sueño imposible: un buda no se hace, un buda se realiza = The four bodhisattva vows: an impossible dream [u]
  15. () The self-extension dimensional assessment: an instrument development study [d]
  16. () The sound of one hand playing: the sonic environment of a Zen training temple [d]
  17. () Going beyond ourselves: the role of self-transcendent experiences in wisdom [p] [d]
  18. () Walk in wisdom's path: contributions of faith, age, and personal wisdom to ideas of cultivating wisdom [d]
  19. () Mindfulness, compassion and skillful means in engaged Buddhism [d]
  20. () 'All humans are strangers—almost everywhere': reflections on human belonging [i] [d]
  21. () Spirituality of science: implications for meaning, well-being, and learning [p] [d]
  22. () The Buddhist and the ethicist: conversations on effective altruism, engaged Buddhism, and how to build a better world [i]
  23. () What's in a concept?: conceptualizing the nonconceptual in Buddhist philosophy and cognitive science [i] [d] [u]
  24. () Ultimate reality in three distinctive traditions [i] [d]
  25. () Paths of synthesis [u]
  26. () The meaning sextet: a systematic literature review and further validation of a universal typology of meaning in life [d]
  27. () Seeing one thing through: the Zen life and teachings of Sojun Mel Weitsman [i]
  28. Paula Kane Robinson Arai & Kevin Trainor [ed] () The Oxford handbook of Buddhist practice [i] [d]
  29. () Sōtō Zen women's wisdom in practice [i] [d]
  30. () How we live is how we die [i]
  31. () None the wiser: year-long longitudinal study on effects of adversity on wisdom [d]
  32. () The Interbeing Identity Scale: exploring the integration of our fundamental identity with all other beings, nature, and the cosmos [u]
  33. () Cosmic consciousness [a history of the term] [d]
  34. () Buddhist ethics as moral phenomenology [i] [d]
  35. () Losing ourselves: learning to live without a self [i] [d] [j]
  36. () Buddhist chaplaincy [i] [d]
  37. () The wisdom researchers and the elephant: an integrative model of wise behavior [p] [d] [u]
  38. () Rest is resistance: a manifesto [i]
  39. () Finding joy in uncertainty [d]
  40. () Awe: the new science of everyday wonder and how it can transform your life [i]
  41. () Consciousness, the unconscious, and the self [d]
  42. () Beyond mindfulness: arousal-driven modulation of attentional control during arousal-based practices [p] [d] [u]
  43. () Sources of Japanese Buddhist philosophy of education: Saichō (766/7–822) on study, reflection, and cultivation [d]
  44. () Religion: the WEIRDest concept in the world? [d]
  45. () The shamanic bones of Zen: revealing the ancestral spirit and mystical heart of a sacred tradition [i]
  46. () A psychologically rich life: beyond happiness and meaning [p] [d]
  47. () The economic study of Buddhism [i] [d]
  48. Charles S. Prebish & On Cho Ng [ed] () The theory and practice of Zen Buddhism: a festschrift in honor of Steven Heine [i] [d]
  49. () 'Wash your bowl': insight on procrastination from a koan [u]
  50. () Untangling karma: intimate Zen stories on healing trauma [i]
  51. Rick Repetti [ed] () The Routledge handbook on the philosophy of meditation [i] [d]
  52. () Aesthetics of care: practice in everyday life [i]
  53. William Schweiker & Maria Antonaccio [ed] () Encyclopedia of religious ethics [i] [d]
  54. () Meditation in the context of a naturalized eudaimonic Buddhism [i] [d]
  55. () Kōan practice [i] [d]
  56. () Xunzi, Dewey, and the reinterpretation of religion [d] [u]
  57. () Education for sustainability: sourcing inner qualities and capacities for transformation [i] [d]
  58. () Overcoming stress-induced brain fog [i]
  59. () Inner tradition made visible: the interpersonal benefits and effects of meditation practice on close relationships [d]
  60. (/2024) Evidence synthesis indicates contentless experiences in meditation are neither truly contentless nor identical [d]
  61. () Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
  62. () A Buddhist reconfiguration of John Hick's pluralistic hypothesis: a Madhyamaka perspective [d]
  63. () Pragmatism and Confucian empiricism [i] [d]
  64. Roger T. Ames, Chen Yajun, & Peter D. Hershock [ed] () Confucianism and Deweyan pragmatism: resources for a new geopolitics of interdependence [i] [d]
  65. () Dependent arising and interdependence [and why they are not the same] [d]
  66. () Hearing, reflection, and cultivation: relating the three types of wisdom to mindfulness [d]
  67. () Superiority conceit in Buddhist traditions: a historical perspective [i]
  68. () Losing ourselves in the Heart sutra [u]
  69. () Religion and democratic commitment: a unifying motivational framework [d]
  70. () The whole path is ethics [u]
  71. () Zen is right now: more teaching stories and anecdotes of Shunryū Suzuki [i]
  72. () Decolonizing pathways towards integrative healing in social work [i] [d]
  73. () Non-symmetric awe: why it matters even if we don't [d]
  74. () Zen and morality: following rules to where there are no rules [i] [d]
  75. () Zen pathways: an introduction to the philosophy and practice of Zen Buddhism [i] [d]
  76. () Mindful wisdom: the path integrating memory, judgment, and attention [d]
  77. () American freethinker: Elihu Palmer and the struggle for religious freedom in the new nation [i] [d] [j]
  78. () The problem of now: the injunction to immerse yourself in the present might be psychologically potent, but is it metaphysically meaningful? [and comments] [u]
  79. () Skill and virtuosity in Buddhist and Daoist philosophy [i] [d]
  80. () The #BuddhistCultureWars: BuddhaBros, alt-right dharma, and snowflake sanghas [d] [u]
  81. () Self-cultivation philosophies in ancient India, Greece and China [i] [d]
  82. () Be the refuge: raising the voices of Asian American Buddhists [i]
  83. () You are more than you think [i]
  84. () Willpower is overrated [p] [d] [u]
  85. () Feasting with Buddhist women: food literacy in religious belonging [d]
  86. () The Buddha was a psychologist: a rational approach to Buddhist teachings [i]
  87. () Intentional solitude and mindfulness: the benefits of being alone [i] [d]
  88. () The Buddhist oxygen mask [u]
  89. () Being stable in an unstable world [u]
  90. () The reactive therapist: the problem of interpersonal reactivity in psychological therapy and the potential for a mindfulness-based program focused on 'mindfulness-in-relationship' skills for therapists [d]
  91. () Volition, action, and skill in Indian Buddhist philosophy [i] [d]
  92. () Self-transcendence and life stories of humanistic growth among late-midlife adults [p] [d]
  93. () Society and the death of God [i] [d]
  94. () What is merit, that it can be transferred? [d]
  95. () Grieving while Black: an antiracist take on oppression and sorrow [i]
  96. () Time as kinship [i] [d] [u]
  97. () Ethical north star: the five Buddhist precepts for modern times [u]
  98. Theresa A. Yugar, Sarah E. Robinson, Lilian Dube, & Teresia Mbari Hinga [ed] () Valuing lives, healing earth: religion, gender, and life on earth [i] [d] [j]
  99. () A brief history of Buddhist absorption [d]
  100. () Confronting racism with mindfulness [d]
  101. () Introducing mindfulness: Buddhist background and practical exercises [i]
  102. () A plea for more attention to mental representations [d]
  103. () Leading as one: inclusive leadership through unity consciousness and the act of oneness [i] [d]
  104. () Buddhist humility [i] [d]
  105. () Informal religious activity outside hegemonic religions: wild traditions and their relevance to evolutionary models [d]
  106. () Adverse events in meditation practices and meditation-based therapies: a systematic review [p] [d]
  107. () The importance of sangha [u]
  108. () Still running: the art of meditation in motion [i]
  109. () Practicing the great perfection: instructions on the crucial points [i]
  110. () Readings of Dōgen's Treasury of the true dharma eye [i] [d] [j]
  111. () The untold history of India's vital atheist philosophy [u]
  112. () Good chemistry: the science of connection, from soul to psychedelics [i]
  113. () A diminishment of desire: exposure to nature relative to urban environments dampens materialism [d]
  114. () What's daoism got to do with it? [u]
  115. () The good ancestor: how to think long-term in a short-term world [i]
  116. () The deepest peace: contemplations from a season of stillness [i]
  117. () Mindfulness in good lives [i]
  118. () Flowing with chaos: including choice in Zen Buddhist practice [i]
  119. () From 'just culture' to a just culture: an Asian American Buddhist on why embodying the cultures from which Buddhism came helps dharma work on us from all angles [u]
  120. () Autumn light: my fifty years in Zen [i]
  121. () Farm refugia and church on the edges [Plainsong Farm] [u]
  122. () We are all in this life together [j] [u]
  123. () Who you are: the science of connectedness [i] [d]
  124. () Before belief: discovering first spiritual awareness [i]
  125. () Death: the ultimate transformative experience [i] [d]
  126. () Why I am not a Buddhist [i] [d] [j]
  127. () Preliminary development and validation of a scale to measure universal love [d]
  128. () Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty [d]
  129. () Seed and soil: psychological affordances in contexts help to explain where wise interventions succeed or fail [d]
  130. () The scientific spirit of American humanism [i] [d]
  131. () The four noble truths [u]
  132. () Buddhism: what everyone needs to know [i]
  133. () Defining and operationalizing chaplain presence: a review [p] [d] [j]
  134. () In the seen just the seen: mindfulness and the construction of experience [d]
  135. () Definitions of right concentration in comparative perspective [u]
  136. () The insight knowledge of fear and adverse effects of mindfulness practices [d]
  137. () Immeasurable meditations and mindfulness [d]
  138. () Entering the mind of Buddha: Zen and the six heroic practices of bodhisattvas [i]
  139. () Painting enlightenment: healing visions of the Heart sutra [i]
  140. () Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators [in guided meditation] [p] [d] [u]
  141. () Metacognitive processes model of decentering: emerging methods and insights [p] [d]
  142. () Learning from adversity: suffering and wisdom [i] [d]
  143. () Welcoming the unwelcome: wholehearted living in a brokenhearted world [i]
  144. Bret W. Davis [ed] () The Oxford handbook of Japanese philosophy [i] [d]
  145. () How gnosis met logos: the story of a hermeneutical verse in Indian Buddhism [u]
  146. () The middle way of the bodhisattva [i] [d]
  147. () Innate human connectivity and Śāntideva's cultivation of compassion [i] [d]
  148. () Philosophical implications of the Japanese language [i] [d]
  149. () How matter becomes conscious: a naturalistic theory of the mind [i] [d]
  150. () The world could be otherwise: imagination and the bodhisattva path [i]
  151. () Emotion-focused mindfulness therapy [d]
  152. Jonathan C. Gold & Douglas S. Duckworth [ed] () Readings of Śāntideva's Guide to bodhisattva practice [i] [d]
  153. () Śāntideva's ethics of impartial compassion [i] [d]
  154. () Seeing from all sides [i] [d]
  155. () Mindfulness is demotivating [but does not negatively affect task performance] [u]
  156. () Zen beyond mindfulness: using Buddhist and modern psychology for transformational practice [i]
  157. () Prescribing the dharma: psychotherapists, Buddhist traditions, and defining religion [i] [j]
  158. () The new science of practical wisdom [p] [d] [u]
  159. () The importance of subtle movement and stillness in Japanese dance movement therapy: a comparison with the Japanese traditional performing art of Noh [i] [d]
  160. () Theoretical foundations to guide mindfulness meditation: a path to wisdom [d]
  161. () A loaf for learning: teaching the study of religion with food [d]
  162. Timothy D. Knepper, Lucy Bregman, & Mary Gottschalk [ed] () Death and dying: an exercise in comparative philosophy of religion [i] [d]
  163. () Psychology's own mindfulness: Ellen Langer and the social politics of scientific interest in 'active noticing' [d]
  164. () Militant Buddhism: the rise of religious violence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand [i] [d]
  165. () Disengaged Buddhism [u]
  166. () The importance of being Thích Quảng Đức [u]
  167. () The inner work of racial justice: healing ourselves and transforming our communities through mindfulness [i]
  168. () The Japanese encounter with and appropriation of Western philosophy [i] [d]
  169. () Creative expertise is associated with transcending the here and now [p] [d]
  170. () Mindfulness of death as a tool for mortality salience induction with reference to terror management theory [d]
  171. () Zen and the way of tidying [u]
  172. () Why meditation isn't enough [u]
  173. () Public libraries as contemplative spaces: a framework for action and research [d]
  174. () Moral transformation and duties of beneficence [d]
  175. C. Pierce Salguero [ed] () Buddhism and medicine: an anthology of modern and contemporary sources [i] [d] [j]
  176. () Unbalanced flows in the subtle body: Tibetan understandings of psychiatric illness and how to deal with it [p] [d] [j] [u]
  177. () Mindful family routines and the cultivation of executive function skills in childhood [d]
  178. Bongrae Seok [ed] () Naturalism, human flourishing, and Asian philosophy: Owen Flanagan and beyond [i] [d]
  179. () The relative efficacy of mindfulness versus distraction: the moderating role of attentional bias [p] [d]
  180. Robert J. Sternberg & Judith Glück [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of wisdom [i] [d]
  181. Robert J. Sternberg, Howard C. Nusbaum, & Judith Glück [ed] () Applying wisdom to contemporary world problems [i] [d]
  182. () The city of Nibbāna in Thai 'Picture books of the three worlds' [Samutphāptraiphūm] [d]
  183. () Choosing compassion: how to be of benefit in a world that needs our love [i]
  184. () Why the indifference of the universe is irrelevant to life's meaning [d]
  185. () Four noble truths based problem solving: a therapeutic view [d]
  186. () Mindfulness, alexithymia, and empathy moderate relations between trait aggression and antisocial personality disorder traits [d]
  187. () Universal ethics: organized complexity as an intrinsic value [i] [d]
  188. () Packed and ready for whatever's next [u]
  189. () Never forget is now [u]
  190. () American sutra: a story of faith and freedom in the Second World War [i] [d]
  191. () Raichō: Zen and the female body in the development of Japanese feminist philosophy [i] [d]
  192. () A sociocultural psychological approach to religion [p] [d]
  193. () Zen and deep evolution: the optical delusion of separation [d]
  194. (/2019) Idealism and religion in Dewey's philosophy [i] [d]
  195. () Practice is the right medicine [u]
  196. Patricia Dai-En Bennage & Eido Frances Carney [ed] () Zen teachings in challenging times [i]
  197. () No recipe: cooking as spiritual practice [i]
  198. () Zen practice as path: six tips [u]
  199. () Clinical hypnosis, mindfulness and spirituality in palliative care [p] [d]
  200. () Living shōjin ryōri: everyday Zen cuisine to nourish and delight [i]
  201. () The changing way of the bodhisattva: superheroes, saints, and social workers [i] [d]
  202. () Religious congregations as community hubs and sources of social bonding [i] [d]
  203. Daniel Cozort & James Mark Shields [ed] () The Oxford handbook of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  204. Donald A. Crosby & Jerome A. Stone [ed] () The Routledge handbook of religious naturalism [i] [d]
  205. () Buddhist modernism and Kant on enlightenment [i] [d]
  206. () Personality systems, spirituality, and existential well-being: a person-centered perspective [d]
  207. () Pragmatic inquiry and religious communities: Charles Peirce, signs, and inhabited experiments [i] [d]
  208. () Zen's nonegocentric perspectivism [i] [d]
  209. () Henry David Thoreau, yogi [d] [u]
  210. () Putting death on the table [u]
  211. () Deepest practice, deepest wisdom: three fascicles from Shōbōgenzō with commentaries [i]
  212. () Neuroscience and psychology of meditation in everyday life: searching for the essence of mind [i] [d]
  213. () Mindful self-hypnosis for self-care: an integrative model and illustrative case example [p] [d]
  214. () Which facets of mindfulness protect individuals from the negative experiences of obsessive intrusive thoughts? [d]
  215. Steven M. Emmanuel [ed] () Buddhist philosophy: a comparative approach [i] [d]
  216. () No teacher of Zen [u]
  217. () Hallucinating oneness: is oneness true or just a positive metaphysical illusion? [i] [d] [j]
  218. Jennifer A. Frey & Candace Vogler [ed] () Self-transcendence and virtue: perspectives from philosophy, psychology, and theology [i] [d]
  219. () The self breathing simultaneously with the great earth and all sentient beings [part 2] [u]
  220. () Attention to greatness: Buddhaghosa [i] [d]
  221. () Efficacy of neurofeedback on the increase of mindfulness-related capacities in healthy individuals: a controlled trial [d]
  222. () Buddhist philosophy as a way of life: the spiritual exercises of Tsongkhapa [i] [d]
  223. () The bodhisattva precepts [i] [d]
  224. () Standing at the edge: finding freedom where fear and courage meet [i]
  225. () Resilient: how to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness [i]
  226. () How to practice bearing witness [u]
  227. () Oneness: a big history perspective [i] [d] [j]
  228. () Buddhist fulfillment of a Protestant dream: mindfulness as scientific spirituality [i] [d]
  229. () From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: a remarkable century of transmission and transformation [i] [d]
  230. () Emergentist naturalism in early Buddhism and Deweyan pragmatism [i] [d]
  231. Philip J. Ivanhoe, Owen J. Flanagan, Victoria S. Harrison, Hagop Sarkissian, & Eric Schwitzgebel [ed] () The oneness hypothesis: beyond the boundary of self [i] [d] [j]
  232. () Ethics in Zen [i] [d]
  233. () Zen on the trail: hiking as pilgrimage [i]
  234. () If you meet the Buddha on the road: Buddhism, politics, and violence [i] [d]
  235. () Buddhism, war, and violence [i] [d]
  236. () How personal grief connects us to shared compassion [u]
  237. () Charles Johnson: The art of fiction No. 239 [u]
  238. () Sadness, the architect of cognitive change [i] [d]
  239. () Engaging Japanese philosophy: a short history [i]
  240. () Buddhist environmental ethics: an emergent and contextual approach [i] [d]
  241. () Zen Buddhist perspectives on religious naturalism [i] [d]
  242. () Adversity, wisdom, and exemplarism [d]
  243. () Mindful of race: transforming racism from the inside out [i]
  244. () Training in tenderness: Buddhist teachings on tsewa, the radical openness of heart that can change the world [i]
  245. () We are all refugees [u]
  246. () The psychological case for disengaged Buddhism [u]
  247. () Classic Morita therapy: consciousness, zen, justice and trauma [i] [d]
  248. () Suggestion as a potential mechanism in meditation [o] [u]
  249. () Finding rest in the nature of the mind [i]
  250. () Finding rest in meditation [i]
  251. () Finding rest in illusion [i]
  252. () Metacognitive variety, from Inner Mongolian Buddhism to post-truth [or variety in epistemic cognition] [i] [d]
  253. () Sanctuary: a meditation on home, homelessness, and belonging [i]
  254. () Why do I seek realization? [u]
  255. () Embodying change: Buddhism and feminist philosophy [i] [d]
  256. () Being Buddha, staying woke: racial formation in Black Buddhist writing [d] [j]
  257. () The psychology of moral judgment and perception in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  258. () Suffering and the six perfections: using adversity to attain wisdom in Mahāyāna Buddhist ethics [d]
  259. () Rethinking time: implications for well-being [d]
  260. () An inquiry into views, beliefs and faith: lessons from Buddhism, behavioural psychology and constructivist epistemology [d]
  261. A. Minh Nguyen [ed] () New essays in Japanese aesthetics [i]
  262. () Solitude as an approach to affective self-regulation [p] [d]
  263. () Sadness, love, openness: the Buddhist path of joy [i]
  264. () The mountains and waters sūtra: a practitioner's guide to Dōgen's Sansuikyō [i]
  265. Doug Oman [ed] () Why religion and spirituality matter for public health: evidence, implications, and resources [i] [d]
  266. () 'Trained satisfaction': self-limiting of inquiry [u]
  267. () Language in the Buddhist tantra of Japan: Indic roots of mantra [i] [d]
  268. () On not capitalizing (on) the dharma [u]
  269. () The knowns and unknowns of boredom: a review of the literature [p] [d]
  270. () Semiotics as soteriology: a different look at mediaeval Japanese Buddhism [i] [d]
  271. () Being-time: a practitioner's guide to Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Uji [i]
  272. () Worldly and unworldly feelings, fabrication and letting go [d]
  273. () After innovation, turn to maintenance [d] [j]
  274. () Don't win the argument, rouse the conscience [u]
  275. () Incorporating mindfulness: questioning capitalism [d]
  276. () A unity with the universe: Schelling, Herder, and Dewey on natural piety [i] [d]
  277. () Sedentary behavior associated with reduced medial temporal lobe thickness in middle-aged and older adults [p] [d] [u]
  278. () Vegetarian Việt Nam [i]
  279. () My bully became a Buddhist [u]
  280. () The functional and dysfunctional aspects of happiness: cognitive, physiological, behavioral, and health considerations [i] [d]
  281. () Honest to goodness [o] [u]
  282. () The karma of now: why the present moment isn't the goal [o] [u]
  283. () Wisdom over justice [o] [u]
  284. () Two notions of empathy and oneness [i] [d] [j]
  285. () Trauma-sensitive mindfulness: practices for safe and transformative healing [i]
  286. () Mind the hype: a critical evaluation and prescriptive agenda for research on mindfulness and meditation [and erratum correcting a mischaracterization of a work by Rick Hanson] [p] [d] [u]
  287. () Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
  288. () Jaspers's philosophical faith: toward a form of religious naturalism [i] [d]
  289. () Ethics, meditation, and wisdom [i] [d]
  290. () African American religious naturalism and the question of the human [i] [d]
  291. () Everyday mortality [u]
  292. () The impact of mindfulness-based interventions on brain activity: a systematic review of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies [p] [d]
  293. () Religion, social signaling, and health: a psychoneuroimmunological approach [d]
  294. () Mechanisms of action in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in people with physical and/or psychological conditions: a systematic review [p] [d]
  295. () Theories of the self, race, and essentialization in Buddhism in the United States during the 'Yellow Peril', 1899–1957 [u]
  296. () Early Buddhist meditation: the four jhānas as the actualization of insight [i] [d]
  297. () Was Bo Diddley a buddha?: and other thoughts on the art of improvisation [u]
  298. () Awe, the diminished self, and collective engagement: universals and cultural variations in the small self [p] [d]
  299. () The system stinks: sources of inspiration for the Buddhist Peace Fellowship [d]
  300. () Could we advance the science of religion (better) without the concept 'religion'? [d]
  301. () Understanding contemplative practices from the perspective of dual-process theories [i] [d]
  302. () Remembering-and-receiving: mindfulness and acceptance in Zen [i] [d]
  303. () Reducing separateness with presence: how mindfulness catalyzes intergroup prosociality [i] [d]
  304. () Imaginative moral development [d]
  305. () Neither ātman nor anattā: tapering our conception of selfhood [d] [u]
  306. Kirk Warren Brown & Mark R. Leary [ed] () The Oxford handbook of hypo-egoic phenomena [i] [d]
  307. () Multiple religious belonging: conceptual advance or secularization denial? [d]
  308. () Countering oppression by cultivating peace [u]
  309. () Tradition's hidden economy [d]
  310. () Syncretism 5.0: could design become a meta-religion for global communion? [i] [d]
  311. () 'Otherness' is never one thing [u]
  312. () Buddhist interdependence and the elemental life [i] [d]
  313. () Gifts without givers: secular spirituality and metaphorical cognition [d]
  314. () Buddhism and science as ethical discourse [i] [d]
  315. () Seeing like the Buddha: enlightenment through film [i]
  316. () Holy smoke: the contextual use of Native American ritual and ceremony [i]
  317. () The immediate and long-term effects of an intensive meditation retreat [d]
  318. () What defines mindfulness-based programs?: the warp and the weft [p] [d]
  319. Jake H. Davis [ed] () A mirror is for reflection: understanding Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  320. () Nostalgia and mental simulation [i]
  321. () Inserting meditation practices into psychotherapy: yes, but... [book review] [d]
  322. () How mindfulness enhances self-control [i] [d]
  323. N. J. Enfield & Paul Kockelman [ed] () Distributed agency [i] [d]
  324. () Mindfulness practice moderates the relationship between craving and substance use in a clinical sample [p] [d]
  325. () Attending: medicine, mindfulness, and humanity [i]
  326. () Forgiveness and the ego: why hypo-egoic states foster forgiveness and prosocial responses [i] [d]
  327. () Guidelines for reflective practice in psychotherapy: a reflection on the benefits of combining moment-by-moment and phase-by-phase mapping in clinical decision making [d]
  328. () Destroyed not destroyed [u]
  329. () Positive emotion correlates of meditation practice: a comparison of mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation [d]
  330. () Which functions assumed to be religious and spiritual in nature are ultimately attributable or reducible to purely secular mechanisms? [d]
  331. () Spiritually informed not-for-profit performance measurement [d] [j]
  332. () Attention, not self [i] [d]
  333. () The self restated [d] [j] [u]
  334. () The compassionate treatment of animals: a contemporary Buddhist approach in eastern Tibet [d]
  335. () Therapeutic relational presence: relationship as a pathway to spirituality [i] [d]
  336. () A practical guide to cultivating therapeutic presence [i] [d]
  337. () Why the Buddha did not discuss 'the problem of free will and determinism' [i] [d]
  338. (/2018) When blossoms fall: a Zen guide for death & dying [u]
  339. () The mindfulness practice, aesthetic experience, and creative democracy [d] [j] [u]
  340. () Wisdom in context [p] [d]
  341. () Walk with me [o] [u]
  342. () The skillful handling of poison: bodhicitta and the kleśas in Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra [d]
  343. Hanna Havnevik, Ute Hüsken, Mark Teeuwen, Vladimir Tikhonov, & Koen Wellens [ed] () Buddhist modernities: re-inventing tradition in the globalizing modern world [i] [d]
  344. () Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  345. () The flexibility hypothesis of healing [d]
  346. () Why should any body have a self? [i] [d]
  347. () We've been here all along [Asian-American Buddhists] [u]
  348. () Buddhism and sexual orientation [i] [d]
  349. () Oneness: East Asian conceptions of virtue, happiness, and how we are all connected [i] [d]
  350. () John Dewey and an ecological philosophy of religion [u]
  351. Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, & John Grim [ed] () Routledge handbook of religion and ecology [i] [d]
  352. Michael K. Jerryson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of contemporary Buddhism [i] [d]
  353. () Mindlessness: the corruption of mindfulness in a culture of narcissism [i]
  354. () Playing the patriarch: representation and transformation in the Zen sermon [d] [j]
  355. () Too early to tell: the potential impact and challenges—ethical and otherwise—inherent in the mainstreaming of dharma in an increasingly dystopian world [p] [d] [u]
  356. Johan C. Karremans & Esther K. Papies [ed] () Mindfulness in social psychology [i] [d]
  357. () On the good in Aristotle and early Buddhism: a response to Abraham Vélez [u]
  358. () Beautiful bodhisattvas: the aesthetics of spiritual exemplarity [d]
  359. () Time to lay the Libet experiment to rest: commentary on Papanicolaou (2017) [d]
  360. () Right speech is not always gentle: the Buddha's authorization of sharp criticism, its rationale, limits, and possible applications [u]
  361. Timothy D. Knepper & Leah Kalmanson [ed] () Ineffability: an exercise in comparative philosophy of religion [i] [d]
  362. () Capital punishment: a Buddhist critique [u]
  363. () How will you die? [u]
  364. () Long strange journey: on modern Zen, Zen art, and other predicaments [i] [d] [j]
  365. () The varieties of contemplative experience: a mixed-methods study of meditation-related challenges in Western Buddhists [p] [d] [u]
  366. Joseph John Loizzo, Miles Neale, & Emily J. Wolf [ed] () Advances in contemplative psychotherapy: accelerating healing and transformation [i] [d]
  367. () Zen and the art of living mindfully: the health-enhancing potential of Zen aesthetics [p] [d]
  368. () The power of suggestion: posthypnotically induced changes in the temporal binding of intentional action outcomes [p] [d]
  369. () Concentration vs. spaciousness in zazen [u]
  370. () How is awe connected to wisdom? [u]
  371. Akihiko Masuda & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () Handbook of Zen, mindfulness, and behavioral health [i] [d]
  372. () Mutualistic cooperation: why religion is common but saints are rare [d]
  373. () A vision for the farther reaches of spirituality: a phenomenologically based model of spiritual development and growth [d]
  374. David L. McMahan & Erik Braun [ed] () Meditation, Buddhism, and science [i] [d]
  375. () How meditation works: theorizing the role of cultural context in Buddhist contemplative practices [i] [d]
  376. David McPherson [ed] () Spirituality and the good life: philosophical approaches [i] [d]
  377. () Enlightenment as a psychological construct and as a Buddhist religious pursuit: a cross-cultural understanding [d]
  378. () In defense of non-reactive attitudes [d]
  379. () The moral arc of mindfulness: cultivating concentration, wisdom, and compassion [i] [d]
  380. Lynette M. Monteiro, Jane F. Compson, & Frank Musten [ed] () Practitioner's guide to ethics and mindfulness-based interventions [i] [d]
  381. () A brief mindfulness practice increases self-reported calmness in young children: a pilot study [d]
  382. () Buddhist origins of mindfulness meditation [i] [d]
  383. () Remembrance of things to come: a conversation between Zen and neuroscience on the predictive nature of the mind [d]
  384. () Trauma, meaning, and spirituality: translating research into clinical practice [i] [d]
  385. () The primacy of social support [in religion] [d]
  386. () Discerning devotion: testing the signaling theory of religion [d]
  387. Rick Repetti [ed] () Buddhist perspectives on free will: agentless agency? [i] [d]
  388. () Keeping the faith [u]
  389. () Entering the way of the great vehicle: Dzogchen as the culmination of the Mahāyāna [i]
  390. () Virtue, positive psychology, and religion: consideration of an overarching virtue and an underpinning mechanism [d]
  391. C. Pierce Salguero [ed] () Buddhism and medicine: an anthology of premodern sources [i] [d] [j]
  392. () How does religious experience work in predictive minds? [d]
  393. () Buddhist insight meditation (vipassanā) and Jon Kabat-Zinn's 'mindfulness-based stress reduction': an example of dedifferentiation of religion and medicine? [d]
  394. () The scope and limits of secular Buddhism: Watanabe Kaikyoku (1868–1912) and the Japanese New Buddhist 'discovery of society' [i] [d] [u]
  395. () Against harmony: progressive and radical Buddhism in modern Japan [i] [d]
  396. () Buddha as the pole of existence, or the flower of cosmos [d]
  397. () The rationality of perception [or lack of rationality] [i] [d]
  398. () From me to we: revolutionising mindfulness in schools [d]
  399. () Appropriate responsiveness as a contribution to therapist effects [i] [d]
  400. () Buddhism and gender [i] [d]
  401. () Buddhist encounters with diversity [i] [d]
  402. () The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation: how the body and mind work together to change our behaviour [i] [d]
  403. () Challenging journey, creative journey [i]
  404. () Hypnosis and top-down regulation of consciousness [p] [d]
  405. () Native hermeneutics: reverse typology and remythologization, or: The theological genius of Black Elk's dual participation [d] [j] [u]
  406. () The supreme medicine of exchanging self-enclosure for altruism [i] [d]
  407. () Religious communities and human flourishing [p] [d] [u]
  408. () Presence: how mindfulness and meditation shape your brain, mind, and life [i] [d]
  409. Frédérique de Vignemont & Adrian J. T. Alsmith [ed] () The subject's matter: self-consciousness and the body [i] [d]
  410. () Reflections on Indian Buddhist thought and the scientific study of meditation, or: Why scientists should talk more with their Buddhist subjects [i] [d]
  411. () Every breath you take: physiology and the ecology of knowing in meditative practice [d]
  412. () 'Religion' is complex and diverse [d]
  413. () Starting with compassion [i] [d]
  414. () Experienced wholeness: integrating insights from Gestalt theory, cognitive neuroscience, and predictive processing [i] [d]
  415. () The nature of religious diversity: a cultural ecosystem approach [d]
  416. Pamela D. Winfield & Steven Heine [ed] () Zen and material culture [i] [d]
  417. Shyam Wuppuluri & Giancarlo Ghirardi [ed] () Space, time, and the limits of human understanding [i] [d]
  418. () The varieties of self-transcendent experience [d]
  419. () Awakening together: the spiritual practice of inclusivity and community [i]
  420. () Buddhism in the age of #BlackLivesMatter [u]
  421. Phil Zuckerman & John R. Shook [ed] () The Oxford handbook of secularism [i] [d]
  422. () Mindfully facing disease and death: compassionate advice from early Buddhist texts [i]
  423. () Converting the environmental movement into a missionary religious force [i] [d] [j]
  424. () A storied sage: canon and creation in the making of a Japanese Buddha [i] [d]
  425. Amy L. Baltzell [ed] () Mindfulness and performance [i] [d]
  426. () How mindfulness training may help to reduce vulnerability for recurrent depression: a neuroscientific perspective [d]
  427. () Imagine no religion: how modern abstractions hide ancient realities [i] [d] [j]
  428. () Creative cognition and brain network dynamics [p] [d] [u]
  429. () The Buddha's teachings on social and communal harmony: an anthology of discourses from the Pāli Canon [i]
  430. () Gratitude toward things [i] [d]
  431. () An embracing thought: contemporary Sōtō interpretations of hishiryō [d]
  432. () Flow and peak experiences [and hypnosis] [i]
  433. () Faithonomics: religion and the free market [i]
  434. (/2024) Don't get lost in your own story [u]
  435. () Don't stop believing: rituals improve performance by decreasing anxiety [d]
  436. () Organizational innovation [in religion] [i] [d]
  437. () Self-with-other in teacher practice: a case study through care, Aristotelian virtue, and Buddhist ethics [d]
  438. () The political potential of mindful embodiment [d]
  439. () Effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction vs cognitive behavioral therapy or usual care on back pain and functional limitations in adults with chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial [p] [d] [u]
  440. () Individual differences in affective states during meditation [d]
  441. () Inside Vasubandhu's Yogācāra: a practitioner's guide [i]
  442. () Cognitive processes are central in compassion meditation [p] [d]
  443. () Dōgen [and ethics] [i] [d]
  444. () Self-compassion in psychotherapy: mindfulness-based practices for healing and transformation [i]
  445. () On the way to mindfulness: how a focus on outcomes (even good outcomes) prevents good outcomes [i] [d]
  446. () Ten ox-herding images [i]
  447. Stuart J. Eisendrath [ed] () Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: innovative applications [i] [d]
  448. () How can physics underlie the mind?: top-down causation in the human context [i] [d]
  449. () Performing mind, writing meditation: Dōgen's Fukanzazengi as Zen calligraphy [d] [u]
  450. Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi [ed] () Critical mindfulness: exploring Langerian models [i] [d]
  451. () What is Zen?: plain talk for a beginner's mind [i]
  452. () Vitalism in America: Elihu Palmer's radical religion in the early republic [d] [j] [u]
  453. () Challenge, focus, inspiration and support: processes of values clarification and congruence [d]
  454. () Teaching individuals in chronic pain [mindfulness] [i] [d]
  455. () Increasing cognitive-emotional flexibility with meditation and hypnosis: the cognitive neuroscience of de-automatization [i]
  456. () Self-healing personalities [i] [d]
  457. () Stars at dawn: forgotten stories of women in the Buddha's life [i]
  458. () Rethinking individuality: the dialectics of the holobiont [d]
  459. () The many voices of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  460. () Mindfulness meditation modulates the conscious experience of pain: a neuroscientific account [i]
  461. () The false comfort of the familiar [u]
  462. () Dead man's float [i]
  463. Ann F. Haynos, Evan M. Forman, Meghan L. Butryn, & Jason Lillis [ed] () Mindfulness & acceptance for treating eating disorders & weight concerns: evidence-based interventions [i]
  464. () Drawing the boundaries between 'religion' and 'secular' in psychotherapists' approaches to Buddhist traditions in the United States [d] [j]
  465. Stefan G. Hofmann [ed] () Emotion in therapy: from science to practice [i]
  466. () Healing the heart and mind with mindfulness: ancient path, present moment [i] [d]
  467. () As opioid prescribing guidelines tighten, mindfulness meditation holds promise for pain relief [p] [d]
  468. () Updating the Vinaya: formulating Buddhist monastic laws and pure rules in contemporary Korea [d]
  469. () Introducing chaplaincy to Japanese society: a religious practice in public space [d]
  470. () Assessing the relationships among wisdom, humility, and life satisfaction [d]
  471. () Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in prevention of depressive relapse: an individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized trials [p] [d]
  472. () Against one method: contemplation in context [i] [d]
  473. Todd Lewis & Gary DeAngelis [ed] () Teaching Buddhism: new insights on understanding and presenting the traditions [i] [d]
  474. () How not to freak out [u]
  475. () Buddhist revivalist movements: comparing Zen Buddhism and the Thai forest movement [i] [d]
  476. () Everyday life, temple life [i] [d]
  477. () Fish sauce and plums: teaching tactics [i] [d]
  478. () Pure mind: the fifth noble truth [i] [d]
  479. () View, emptiness, nowness, and skillful means [i] [d]
  480. () Illusory temporal binding in meditators [p] [d] [u]
  481. () Cure: a journey into the science of mind over body [i]
  482. () 'Meditation is good for nothing': leisure as a democratic practice [d]
  483. Donald McCown, Diane Reibel, & Marc S. Micozzi [ed] () Resources for teaching mindfulness: an international handbook [i] [d]
  484. () Exploring Sōtō Zen in Peru [u]
  485. () Hard lessons learned: tracking changes in media presentations of religion and religious aid mobilization after the 1995 and 2011 disasters in Japan [u]
  486. () Equanimity and the moral virtue of open-mindedness [j] [u]
  487. () A thousand hands: a guidebook to caring for your Buddhist community [i]
  488. () The construct of mindfulness amidst and along conceptions of rationality [i] [d]
  489. () Buddhism and political theory [i] [d]
  490. () The meditator's dilemma: an innovative approach to overcoming obstacles and revitalizing your practice [i]
  491. () The inner holding environment [i]
  492. () Immersive brain entrainment in virtual worlds: actualizing meditative states [i] [d]
  493. () Anger and forgiveness: resentment, generosity, justice [i]
  494. () Sit [a short documentary film about purpose in life, seen through the eyes of a Buddhist monk and his son] [u]
  495. () Hypnosis and mindfulness: the twain finally meet [p] [d]
  496. Koshin Paley Ellison & Matt Weingast [ed] () Awake at the bedside: contemplative palliative and end-of-life care [i]
  497. () Atheists and agnostics are more reflective than religious believers: four empirical studies and a meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  498. () The mindful self in space and time [i] [d]
  499. () Each of us contains the other: James Baldwin's steadfast morality [u]
  500. () Beyond mindfulness: expanding integration of spirituality and religion into psychotherapy [d]
  501. Ronald E. Purser, David Forbes, & Adam Burke [ed] () Handbook of mindfulness: culture, context, and social engagement [i] [d]
  502. () The awakening body: somatic meditation for discovering our deepest life [i]
  503. Amir Raz & Michael Lifshitz [ed] () Hypnosis and meditation: towards an integrative science of conscious planes [i]
  504. () In praise of forgetting: historical memory and its ironies [i] [d]
  505. () Mindfulness or menmitsu? [u]
  506. () Mindfulness within the full range of Buddhist and Asian meditative practices [i] [d]
  507. Jeffrey Samuels, Justin McDaniel, & Mark Rowe [ed] () Figures of Buddhist modernity in Asia [i] [d] [j]
  508. () The training anthology of Śāntideva: a translation of the Śikṣā-samuccaya [i]
  509. Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl & Robert W. Roeser [ed] () Handbook of mindfulness in education: integrating theory and research into practice [i] [d]
  510. () Religion and subjective well-being: Western and Eastern religious groups achieved subjective well-being in different ways [p] [d]
  511. () Towards a sociological framework of religious syncretism in the United States [d] [j]
  512. () Enlightenment is not for the Buddha alone [i] [d]
  513. () Vegetarianism and animal ethics in contemporary Buddhism [i] [d]
  514. () Mindfulness in organizations: a cross-level review [d]
  515. () Maneuvering difficult emotional terrain in psychotherapy: a Buddhist-informed conceptual framework [d]
  516. () Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse [p] [d]
  517. () Embracing each moment: a guide to the awakened life [i]
  518. () Buddhist psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy: a clinician's guide [i]
  519. () Neither bereavement nor grief: coping with the death of a cherished person in the Cunda-sutta [d]
  520. () Mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic low back pain: similar effects on mindfulness, catastrophizing, self-efficacy, and acceptance in a randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  521. () The brain on silent: mind wandering, mindful awareness, and states of mental tranquility [p] [d]
  522. () Reformulating the mindfulness construct: the cognitive processes at work in mindfulness, hypnosis, and mystical states [within a developmental context] [i]
  523. () Teaching Yogācāra Buddhism using cognitive science [i] [d]
  524. () Don't be a jerk and other practical advice from Dōgen, Japan's greatest Zen master: a radical but reverent paraphrasing of Dōgen's Treasury of the true dharma eye [i]
  525. () The artistry of therapy and Zen practice [d]
  526. () A bite of the universe [i]
  527. () Black lives and sacred humanity: toward an African American religious naturalism [i] [d] [j]
  528. () Thinking about you: perspective taking, perceived restraint, and performance [i] [d]
  529. () Does consciousness disappear in dreamless sleep? [p] [d]
  530. () What is Buddhist enlightenment? [i] [d]
  531. () Enlightenment and the practice of meditative reading [i] [d]
  532. () The heart of the fight: a couple's guide to 15 common fights, what they really mean, & how they can bring you closer [i]
  533. () A novel theoretical life course framework for triggering cognitive development across the lifespan [d] [j]
  534. David Yamane [ed] () Handbook of religion and society [i] [d]
  535. () The ergonomics of ethics [i] [d]
  536. () Suggesting mindfulness: reflections on the uneasy relationship between mindfulness and hypnosis [i]
  537. () Great doubt: practicing Zen in the world [i]
  538. () Mindfulness meditation-based pain relief: a mechanistic account [p] [d] [u]
  539. () Deleuze and Zen: an interological adventure [d]
  540. () One practice samādhi [or: Constantly sitting samādhi] [i] [j]
  541. () The Buddha is donkeys and horses [u]
  542. () Emptiness and omnipresence: an essential introduction to Tiantai Buddhism [i] [j]
  543. () Vanishing into things: knowledge in Chinese tradition [i] [d]
  544. () Striking beauty: a philosophical look at the Asian martial arts [i] [d] [j]
  545. () The influence of Buddhist meditation traditions on the autonomic system and attention [p] [d] [u]
  546. () Compassion and emptiness in early Buddhist meditation [i]
  547. Ronald E. Anderson [ed] () World suffering and quality of life [i] [d]
  548. () Providing spiritual and emotional care in response to disaster [i] [d]
  549. () Attention: feedback focuses a wandering mind [p] [d]
  550. () How to live well with chronic pain and illness: a mindful guide [i]
  551. () Decentering and related constructs: a critical review and metacognitive processes model [p] [d] [j] [u]
  552. () Beyond the Judeo-Christian tradition?: restoring America Indian religion to twentieth-century U.S. history [i]
  553. () Cognitive defusion in practice: a clinician's guide to assessing, observing, and supporting change in your client [i]
  554. () Easternization of the East?: Zen and spirituality as distinct cultural narratives in Japan [d] [u]
  555. () The practice of zazen as ritual performance [i] [d]
  556. () Right concentration: a practical guide to the jhānas [i]
  557. () Me, myself, and I: self-referent word use as an indicator of self-focused attention in relation to depression and anxiety [p] [d] [u]
  558. Kirk Warren Brown, J. David Creswell, & Richard M. Ryan [ed] () Handbook of mindfulness: theory, research, and practice [i]
  559. () Nothing holy about it: the Zen of being just who you are [i]
  560. () The evolution of spiritual assessment tools in healthcare [d]
  561. () Learning love from a tiger: approaches to nature in an American Buddhist monastery [d]
  562. () All concepts are ad hoc concepts [i] [d] [j]
  563. () Mindfulness-integrated CBT for well-being and personal growth: four steps to enhance inner calm, self-confidence and relationships [i] [d]
  564. () The scientific study of coma and related states [i] [d]
  565. () The skillful means of engaged research [i] [d]
  566. () Automatic control of negative emotions: evidence that structured practice increases the efficiency of emotion regulation [p] [d]
  567. () Surfing uncertainty: prediction, action, and the embodied mind [i] [d]
  568. () Institutional change in American religion [i] [d]
  569. () Buddhist concepts as implicitly reducing prejudice and increasing prosociality [p] [d]
  570. () Breaking our addiction to problem solving [u]
  571. () Why humans need therapy [i]
  572. () Reconstructing and deconstructing the self: cognitive mechanisms in meditation practice [p] [d] [u]
  573. () Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging [p] [d]
  574. () Moving beyond mindfulness: defining equanimity as an outcome measure in meditation and contemplative research [d]
  575. () Prospects for a clinical science of mindfulness-based intervention [p] [d]
  576. () Buddhist styles of mindfulness: a heuristic approach [i] [d]
  577. () Virtue, values, genes, and psychological well-being [i] [d]
  578. Halvor Eifring [ed] () Meditation and culture: the interplay of practice and context [i] [d]
  579. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  580. () Interoception, contemplative practice, and health [p] [d] [u]
  581. () Clinging to nothing: the phenomenology and metaphysics of upādāna in early Buddhism [d]
  582. () Making sense of suffering: insights from Buddhism and critical social science [i] [d]
  583. Victoria M. Follette, John Briere, Deborah Rozelle, James W. Hopper, & David I. Rome [ed] () Mindfulness-oriented interventions for trauma: integrating contemplative practices [i]
  584. () Eliminating objects across the sciences [i] [d]
  585. () Dispositional mindfulness is predicted by structural development of the insula during late adolescence [p] [d]
  586. () A duet for one [p] [d] [u]
  587. () What's the use of consciousness?: how the stab of conscience made us really conscious [i] [d]
  588. () Neuroenhancement: how mental training and meditation can promote epistemic virtue [i] [d]
  589. () Atheism, wellbeing, and the wager: why not believing in God (with others) is good for you [d]
  590. () Beyond theory: Martin Buber's I and Thou and the role of contemplation in integrated relational counseling [d]
  591. () Non-duality and the integration of mindfulness into psychotherapy: qualitative research with meditating therapists [d]
  592. () Effortless self-control: a novel perspective on response conflict strategies in trait self-control [d]
  593. () Fieldwork: Gary Snyder, libraries, and book learning [i] [u]
  594. Mark Gonnerman [ed] () A sense of the whole: reading Gary Snyder's Mountains and rivers without end [i]
  595. () Buddhist moral philosophy: an introduction [i] [d]
  596. () Enactment of home practice following mindfulness-based relapse prevention and its association with substance-use outcomes [p] [d] [u]
  597. () Demandingness, well-being and the bodhisattva path [d]
  598. () Seeds for a boundless life: Zen teachings from the heart [i]
  599. () Respecting ourselves [i]
  600. () Respecting things [i]
  601. () Good evening, bodhisattvas [i] [u]
  602. () The commodification of William James: the book business and the rise of liberal spirituality in the twentieth-century United States [i] [d]
  603. Wilhelm Hofmann & Loran F. Nordgren [ed] () The psychology of desire [i]
  604. () Metacognitive skill development and applied systems science: a framework of metacognitive skills, self-regulatory functions and real-world applications [i] [d]
  605. () The neural correlates of consciousness: causes, confounds and constituents [i] [d]
  606. () Spiritually bilingual: Buddhist Christians and the process of dual religious belonging [d] [j]
  607. () The triumph of narcissism: Theravāda Buddhist meditation in the marketplace [d] [j]
  608. () Do meditators have higher awareness of their intentions to act? [d]
  609. () Zen and the art of sex: examining associations among mindfulness, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction in dating relationships [d]
  610. () The awakened introvert: practical mindfulness skills to help you maximize your strengths and thrive in a loud and crazy world [i]
  611. () Ashoka in Ancient India [i] [d] [j]
  612. () Natural awareness: the discovery of authentic being in the rDzogs chen tradition [d]
  613. () Accounting and happiness [d]
  614. () Metacognitive education: going beyond critical thinking [i] [d]
  615. () 10 tips for reducing anger [u]
  616. () The five degrees [i]
  617. () Just this is it: Dongshan and the practice of suchness [i]
  618. () Through the flames: overcoming disaster through compassion, patience, and determination [i]
  619. () The ability to live with incongruence: aintegration—the concept and its operationalization [d]
  620. () Meditative dialogue: tuning in to the music of family therapy [d]
  621. () Mindfulness meditation reduces implicit age and race bias: the role of reduced automaticity of responding [d]
  622. () Debatable truths: what Buddhist argumentation reveals about critical thinking [d]
  623. () Investigating the phenomenological matrix of mindfulness-related practices from a neurocognitive perspective [p] [d] [u]
  624. () Promoting radical openness and flexible control [i]
  625. () Mindful capability [d]
  626. () The way of tenderness: awakening through race, sexuality, and gender [i]
  627. () Freedom in words: the art of copying [u]
  628. () The fertile ground of zazen [u]
  629. () Meeting a buddha [u]
  630. () Cultivating intention (as we enter the fray): the skillful practice of embodying presence, awareness and purpose as action researchers [i] [d]
  631. () The application of mindfulness for interpersonal dependency: effects of a brief intervention [d]
  632. () Mādhyamikas on the moral benefits of a self: Buddhist ethics and personhood [d] [j]
  633. () Buddhist therapies of the emotions and the psychology of moral improvement [j]
  634. () Metabolizing anger: a Tantric Buddhist solution to the problem of moral anger [d] [j]
  635. () Ethics in Buddhist training [d]
  636. Steven M. Miller [ed] () The constitution of phenomenal consciousness: toward a science and theory [i] [d]
  637. () The three gates of speech [and the four-way test: a history and critique] [u]
  638. Marianne Moyaert [ed] () Ritual participation and interreligious dialogue: boundaries, transgressions, and innovations [i] [d]
  639. () The soul fallacy: what science shows we gain from letting go of our soul beliefs [i]
  640. () Assessing a Buddhist treatment for bereavement and loss: the Mustard Seed Project [p] [d]
  641. () Mindfulness as medicine: a story of healing body and spirit [i]
  642. () Solution-oriented spirituality: connection, wholeness, and possibility for therapist and client [i]
  643. Brian D. Ostafin, Michael D. Robinson, & Brian P. Meier [ed] () Handbook of mindfulness and self-regulation [i] [d]
  644. () Evoking equanimity: silent interaction rituals in Vipassana meditation retreats [d]
  645. () Grounding desire and motivated behavior: a theoretical framework and review of empirical evidence [i]
  646. Alejandro Peña-Ayala [ed] () Metacognition: fundaments, applications, and trends [i] [d]
  647. () Bodhicitta and charity: a comparison [d] [j]
  648. () Controlling death: philosophical thanatology meets pragmatism [d]
  649. Thomas G. Plante [ed] () The psychology of compassion and cruelty: understanding the emotional, spiritual, and religious influences [i]
  650. () None of the above: the catuṣkoṭi in Indian Buddhist logic [i] [d]
  651. () Clearing the muddled path of traditional and contemporary mindfulness: a response to Monteiro, Musten, and Compson [d]
  652. () The myth of the present moment [d]
  653. () Mindfulness revisited: a Buddhist-based conceptualization [d]
  654. () Four noble truths as tasks [u]
  655. () A splendid opportunity [u]
  656. () Attentional development [i] [d]
  657. () A rhetoric of nonviolence: the Dalai Lama's 1989 Nobel Peace Prize lecture [d]
  658. () Stages of the Buddha's teachings: three key texts [i]
  659. () Strand of jewels: my teachers' essential guidance on dzogchen: heartfelt and straightforward [i]
  660. (/2017) Goodbye, things: the new Japanese minimalism [i]
  661. () Living with the stars: how the human body is connected to the life cycles of the Earth, the planets, and the stars [i] [d]
  662. () Interdependence: biology and beyond [i] [d] [j]
  663. () Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology [d]
  664. Edo Shonin, William Van Gordon, & Nirbhay N. Singh [ed] () Buddhist foundations of mindfulness [i] [d]
  665. () Towards a comparative anthropology of the Buddhist gift (and other transfers) [d]
  666. () Spirituality and making meaning: implications for therapy with trauma survivors [i] [d]
  667. () Connecting with your community [u]
  668. () This present moment: new poems [i]
  669. () Food as practice: recipes [shōjin ryōri] [u]
  670. () The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
  671. Jan Stievermann, Philip Goff, & Detlef Junker [ed] () Religion and the marketplace in the United States [i] [d]
  672. () Inside this moment: a clinician's guide to promoting radical change using acceptance and commitment therapy [i]
  673. () Calm and smart?: a selective review of meditation effects on decision making [p] [d] [u]
  674. () Zen chants: thirty-five essential texts with commentary [i]
  675. () Cognitive complexity, religious cognition, cognitive development, and religious judgment: an empirical study of relationships amongst 'normal' and 'gifted' young people [d]
  676. () Religion and prosociality [i] [d]
  677. () Religion, spirituality, and the working alliance with trauma survivors [i] [d]
  678. () Good and well: the case for secular Buddhist ethics [d]
  679. () Mindfulness training in primary schools decreases negative affect and increases meta-cognition in children [p] [d] [u]
  680. () Spiritual & religious competencies in clinical practice: guidelines for psychotherapists & mental health professionals [i]
  681. () From ethics to aesthetics: a reconsideration of Buddhist monastic rules in the light of Michel Foucault's work on ethics [d]
  682. () Joy within tranquility: Amazonian Urarina styles of happiness [d] [u]
  683. Donald F. Walker, Christine A. Courtois, & Jamie D. Aten [ed] () Spiritually oriented psychotherapy for trauma [i] [d]
  684. () Paths from trauma to intrapersonal strength: worldview, posttraumatic growth, and wisdom [d]
  685. () Patterns in the fabric of nature [i] [d]
  686. () Subjective expansion of extended time-spans in experienced meditators [p] [d] [u]
  687. () The power of one sentient being: the computer simulation of a bodhisattva's altruism using agent-based modelling [d]
  688. () Japanese Buddhism and its responses to natural disasters: past and present [i] [d]
  689. () The role of the teacher in mindfulness-based approaches: a qualitative study [d]
  690. () Arousal vs. relaxation: a comparison of the neurophysiological and cognitive correlates of Vajrayana and Theravada meditative practices [p] [d] [u]
  691. () The Hīnayāna fallacy [u]
  692. () Ethics policies and reconcilation procedures for Ancient Dragon Zen Gate [u]
  693. () Reconsidering personal epistemology as metacognition: a multifaceted approach to the analysis of epistemic thinking [d]
  694. () Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: the generic cognitive model [p] [d]
  695. () Distant neighbors: the selected letters of Wendell Berry and Gary Snyder [i]
  696. () Satisfaction with life and character strengths of non-religious and religious people: it's practicing one's religion that makes the difference [p] [d] [u]
  697. () Japanese tree burial: ecology, kinship and the culture of death [i] [d]
  698. () Mindful anger: a pathway to emotional freedom [i]
  699. () Awakening is not a metaphor: the effects of Buddhist meditation practices on basic wakefulness [p] [d] [u]
  700. () Sentience and animal welfare [i] [d]
  701. () Buddhism: one teacher, many traditions [i]
  702. () Zen living [i]
  703. () Karma, morality, and evil [d]
  704. () Ann Ulanov: the modern Julian of Norwich? [u]
  705. () 'Hidden in plain sight': the significance of religion and spirituality in secular organizations [d]
  706. () Beyond borderline personality disorder: the mindful brain [p] [d]
  707. () Buddhism, science, and the truth about karma [d]
  708. (/2017) Shōjin ryōri: the art of Japanese vegetarian cuisine [i]
  709. () Creating Native American expression of Christian faith: more than the looks on their faces [o]
  710. () Meditation, trauma and suffering in silence: raising questions about how meditation is taught and practiced in western contexts in the light of a contemporary trauma resiliency model [d]
  711. () Inside the grass hut: living Shitou's classic Zen poem [i]
  712. () Consciousness and the brain: deciphering how the brain codes our thoughts [i]
  713. () Mind, brain and the path to happiness: a guide to Buddhist mind training and the neuroscience of meditation [i] [d]
  714. () Mindfulness and sustainability [d]
  715. () Sit with less pain: gentle yoga for meditators and everyone else [i]
  716. () From comrades to bodhisattvas: moral dimensions of lay Buddhist practice in contemporary China [i] [d] [j]
  717. () Metacognitive facilitation of spontaneous thought processes: when metacognition helps the wandering mind find its way [i] [d]
  718. () Are thoughts private? [u]
  719. () Effect of kindness-based meditation on health and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d]
  720. () Participative citizenship in a pluralistic democracy [i]
  721. () Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health [p] [d] [u]
  722. Vincenzo Giorgino [ed] () The pursuit of happiness and the traditions of wisdom [i] [d]
  723. () Paving the great way: Vasubandhu's unifying Buddhist philosophy [i] [d] [j]
  724. () Religious diversity—what's the problem?: Buddhist advice for flourishing with religious diversity [i]
  725. () On whether to meditate before a negotiation: a test of state mindfulness [d]
  726. () No mud, no lotus: the art of transforming suffering [i]
  727. () Unfathomable depths: drawing wisdom for today from a classical Zen poem [i]
  728. () Turning the light around and shining back (ekō henshō) [u]
  729. () Public Zen, personal Zen: a Buddhist introduction [i]
  730. Paolo Inghilleri, Eleonora Riva, Giuseppe Riva, Pietro Cipresso, Aneta Przepiórka, & Matthew Coleshill [ed] () Enabling positive change: flow and complexity in daily experience [i] [d]
  731. () An inexhaustible storehouse for an insurmountable debt: a Buddhist reading of reparations [i]
  732. Leah Kalmanson & James Mark Shields [ed] () Buddhist responses to globalization [i]
  733. () The influence of religion on coping and adaptation of families who have children with disabilities: a comparison of Christianity and Buddhism using the double ABCX model [d]
  734. () The role of deterrence in Buddhist peace-building [u]
  735. Chu Kim-Prieto [ed] () Religion and spirituality across cultures [i] [d]
  736. () Identity and the hybridity of modern finance: how a specifically modern concept of the self underlies the modern ownership of property, trusts and finance [d]
  737. () Serving with spirit: an integrative model of workplace spirituality within service organizations [d]
  738. Todd Lewis [ed] () Buddhists: understanding Buddhism through the lives of believers [or practitioners] [i]
  739. () Applied positive psychology: integrated positive practice [i] [d]
  740. () What Christian liberation theology and Buddhism need to learn from each other [d] [j]
  741. () Group vs. single mindfulness meditation: exploring avoidance, impulsivity, and weight management in two separate mindfulness meditation settings [d]
  742. () The anger fallacy workbook: practical exercises for overcoming irritation, frustration and anger [i]
  743. Andrea Miller [ed] () Buddha's daughters: teachings from women who are shaping Buddhism in the West [i]
  744. Andrea Miller [ed] () All the rage: Buddhist wisdom on anger and acceptance [i]
  745. () Joyful giving [u]
  746. () Effortless mindfulness: genuine mental health through awakened presence [i] [d]
  747. () Turning confusion into clarity: a guide to the foundation practices of Tibetan Buddhism [i]
  748. () The virtues of ingenuity: reasoning and arguing without bias [d]
  749. () Emotion, somatovisceral afference, and autonomic regulation [d]
  750. () Most intimate: a Zen approach to life's challenges [i]
  751. () Act well to be well: the promise of changing personality states to promote well-being [i] [d]
  752. () The path from metaphor to narrative: Gampopa's Jewel ornament of liberation [u]
  753. () Cognitive style and religiosity: the role of conflict detection [p] [d]
  754. () Anger and moral judgment [d]
  755. () A history of religion in 5 1/2 objects: bringing the spiritual to its senses [i]
  756. () Sitting together: essential skills for mindfulness-based psychotherapy [i]
  757. () Staging Zen Buddhism: image creation in contemporary films [d]
  758. () Talk for Carl Myosen's memorial [u]
  759. () The procrastination wheel of suffering [u]
  760. (/2016) A plea for the animals: the moral, philosophical, and evolutionary imperative to treat all beings with compassion [i]
  761. () Phenomenology of positive change: personal growth [i] [d]
  762. () Impact of mindfulness training on attentional control and anger regulation processes for psychotherapists in training [p] [d]
  763. () Guardians of the Earth: teaching children to care for all living things [i] [d]
  764. () Philosophy and the study of religions: a manifesto [i]
  765. () Religious magnanimity: reminding people of their religious belief system reduces hostility after threat [p] [d]
  766. () More mindfulness, less meditation [u]
  767. () The contemporary relevance of Buddha [d]
  768. () Measuring the effects of Zen training on quality of life and mental health among Japanese monk trainees: a cross-sectional study [p] [d]
  769. () Mindfulness for health care professionals and therapists in training [i] [d]
  770. () Mindfulness and mindlessness in early Chan [d] [j]
  771. () Mindfulness of death [d]
  772. () Rethinking the Buddha: early Buddhist philosophy as meditative perception [i] [d]
  773. () The gospel according to Deleuze [i]
  774. () The grace in aging: awaken as you grow older [i]
  775. () Nobody home: writing, Buddhism, and living in places [i]
  776. () Swimming against the stream?: mindfulness as a psychosocial research methodology [d]
  777. () Comprehensive rhetorical pluralism and the demands of democratic discourse: partisan perfect reasoning, pragmatism, and the freeing solvent of Jaina logic [d] [u]
  778. () Mindfulness in context: a historical discourse analysis [d]
  779. () A white tea bowl: 100 haiku from 100 years of life [i]
  780. () Interbeing and the 'ethical echo' of Lévinas: exploring communication ethics beyond willed agency [d]
  781. () Why we may not find intentions in the brain [p] [d]
  782. () Mapping modalities of self-awareness in mindfulness practice: a potential mechanism for clarifying habits of mind [d]
  783. () How does mindfulness reduce anxiety, depression, and stress?: an exploratory examination of change processes in wait-list controlled mindfulness meditation training [d]
  784. () Mindfulness and schema therapy: a practical guide [i] [d]
  785. () Mindful ignorance [i] [d]
  786. () Perspective: the calm within the storm [i]
  787. () Monotonous tasks require self-control because they interfere with endogenous reward [p] [d]
  788. () The paradoxical nature of personal wisdom and its relation to human development in the reflective, cognitive, and affective domains [i] [d]
  789. () The sacred is the profane: the political nature of 'religion' [i] [d]
  790. () The garden of meeting and speaking [or: The monastic field of meeting and speaking] [u]
  791. () Compassion and moral guidance [i] [d] [j]
  792. () Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways [p] [d] [u]
  793. Marcus Bingenheimer, Bhikkhu Anālayo, & Roderick S. Bucknell [ed] () The Madhyama āgama (middle-length discourses) [i] [u]
  794. () Transformational turning points in the process of liberation [d]
  795. () Quiet beauty: Japanese gardens of North America [i]
  796. () Re-problematizing anger in domestic violence advocacy [u]
  797. () The hidden lamp: stories from twenty-five centuries of awakened women [i]
  798. () The question of habit in theology and philosophy: from hexis to plasticity [d]
  799. () Meditating with emotions [u]
  800. () Was the Buddha a vegetarian? [u]
  801. () The straight path to healing: using motivational interviewing to address spiritual bypass [d]
  802. () What makes people healthy, happy, and fulfilled in the face of current world challenges? [p] [d] [u]
  803. () Conceptualizing and experiencing compassion [p] [d] [u]
  804. () Monitoring mindfulness practice quality: an important consideration in mindfulness practice [d]
  805. () Simplicity: a meta-metaphysics [i]
  806. () Mindfulness as a transtheoretical clinical process [p] [d]
  807. () Effects of pre-session centering for therapists on session presence and effectiveness [d]
  808. () Fuzzy pluralism: the case of Buddhism and Islam [d] [u]
  809. Steven M. Emmanuel [ed] () A companion to Buddhist philosophy [i] [d]
  810. Michel Ferrari & Nic M. Weststrate [ed] () The scientific study of personal wisdom: from contemplative traditions to neuroscience [i] [d]
  811. () Training in compassion: Zen teachings on the practice of Lojong [i]
  812. () Meditation in the wild: Buddhism's origin in the heart of nature [i]
  813. () Real-time fMRI links subjective experience with brain activity during focused attention [p] [d] [u]
  814. () Effortless awareness: using real time neurofeedback to investigate correlates of posterior cingulate cortex activity in meditators' self-report [p] [d] [u]
  815. () Ethics and the golden rule [i] [d]
  816. () Mindfulness: a practical guide to awakening [i]
  817. () Label, state, path: three functions of Buddhist identity [u]
  818. () Happiness is best kept stable: positive emotion variability is associated with poorer psychological health [p] [d]
  819. Pierre Hadot, Michael Chase, Stephen R. L. Clark, & Michael McGhee [ed] () Philosophy as a way of life: ancients and moderns: essays in honor of Pierre Hadot [i] [d]
  820. () The art of communicating [i]
  821. () Zen battles: modern commentary on the teachings of Master Linji [i]
  822. () Hardwiring happiness: the new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence [i]
  823. () Meal chant stew [u]
  824. () Mind the gap in mindfulness research: a comparative account of the leading schools of thought [d]
  825. (/2014) Religion is etiquette in the real world [i] [d]
  826. (/2014) Food, sex and strangers: understanding religion as everyday life [i] [d]
  827. () The rise of liberal religion: book culture and American spirituality in the twentieth century [i] [d]
  828. () The forerunner of all things: Buddhaghosa on mind, intention, and agency [i] [d]
  829. Michael F. Hoyt [ed] () Therapist stories of inspiration, passion, and renewal: what's love got to do with it? [i] [d]
  830. () John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
  831. () The wonder called cosmic oneness: toward astroethics from Hindu and Buddhist wisdom and worldviews [i] [j]
  832. () Spiritual-differentiation [i]
  833. () Spirituality in counseling and psychotherapy: an integrative approach that empowers clients [i]
  834. () Mindfulness and de-automatization [d]
  835. () The invisible robe: a comparative study of lay and priest practice in the American Sōtō Zen lineage of Shunryū Suzuki [o]
  836. () Commitment to a purpose in life: an antidote to the suffering by individuals with social anxiety disorder [p] [d] [u]
  837. Hiroko Kawanami & Geoffrey Samuel [ed] () Buddhism, international relief work, and civil society [i] [d]
  838. (/2020) Braiding sweetgrass: indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants [i]
  839. () Living in the shadow of the cross: understanding and resisting the power and privilege of Christian hegemony [i]
  840. () Learning to modulate one's own brain activity: the effect of spontaneous mental strategies [p] [d] [u]
  841. () East meets West: toward a universal ethic of virtue for global business [d] [j]
  842. () Belief buddies versus critical communities: the social organization of pseudoscience [i] [d]
  843. () Buddhist-inspired meditation increases the value of calm [p] [d]
  844. () Neurocognitive and somatic components of temperature increases during g-tummo meditation: legend and reality [p] [d] [u]
  845. () The open hand: arguing as an art of peace [i]
  846. () Numinous experiences with museum objects [d]
  847. () The anger fallacy: uncovering the irrationality of the angry mindset [i]
  848. () Know yourself, forget yourself: five truths to transform your work, relationships, and everyday life [i]
  849. () Using suggestion to modulate automatic processes: from Stroop to McGurk and beyond [d]
  850. () Rethinking mind-body dualism: a Buddhist take on the mind-body problem [d]
  851. () Ecological knowledge reduces religious release of invasive species [d]
  852. () Accompanying: pathways to social change [i]
  853. () Japanese philosophy as a lens on Greco-European thought [d] [u]
  854. () Returning to the Lakota way: old values to save a modern world [i]
  855. () Zazen and the four wheels of the chariot [u]
  856. () Living within the Buddhist precepts [u]
  857. () Student says to the master, 'Do I need therapy?' [u]
  858. () Of mottos and morals: simple words for complex virtues [i]
  859. () Buddhist ethics and end-of-life care decisions [p] [d]
  860. () What have religious groups done after 3.11?: part 1: a brief survey of religious mobilization after the great east Japan earthquake disasters [d]
  861. () What have religious groups done after 3.11?: part 2: from religious mobilization to 'spiritual care' [d]
  862. () Reflections on Silver River: Tokmé Zongpo's Thirty-seven practices of a Bodhisattva [i]
  863. () Equanimity and intimacy: a Buddhist-feminist approach to the elimination of bias [d]
  864. () The priesthood as a family trade: reconsidering monastic marriage in premodern Japan [i]
  865. () Carrying the pain: the journey from suffering to transformation—perspectives from Shakespearean tragedy and pastoral care [p] [d]
  866. () The costs and benefits of mind-wandering: a review [d]
  867. () Mindful relationships [d]
  868. () Toward a unifying taxonomy and definition for meditation [p] [d] [u]
  869. () 'I' without 'I am': on the presence of subjectivity in early Buddhism, in the light of transcendental phenomenology [d]
  870. () Before religion: a history of a modern concept [i] [d] [j]
  871. () Researching religion: the iconographic elicitation method [d]
  872. Kenneth I. Pargament, Julie Juola Exline, James W. Jones, Annette Mahoney, & Edward P. Shafranske [ed] () APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality [i] [d]
  873. () 'What do I know?': scholastic fallacies and pragmatic religiosity in mental health-seeking behaviour in India [d]
  874. () The manifestation of simplicity [u]
  875. (/2015) Altruism: the power of compassion to change yourself and the world [i]
  876. () The sisters of mindfulness [p] [d]
  877. () Comparing mindfulness-based intervention strategies: differential effects of sitting meditation, body scan, and mindful yoga [d]
  878. () Leading from the emerging future: from ego-system to eco-system economies [i]
  879. () Mindfulness and other Buddhist-derived interventions in correctional settings: a systematic review [d]
  880. () The top ten mistakes made by meditation practitioners [u]
  881. () Feeling relational: the use of Buddhist mediation in restorative practices [o]
  882. () The universe within: discovering the common history of rocks, planets, and people [i]
  883. () From a disconnected society to an interconnected society [j]
  884. () Learning wisdom through geographical dislocations [d]
  885. () Stalking nirvana: the Native American (Red Path) Zen way [i] [u]
  886. () Practise what you preach: counsellors' experience of practising Buddhist counselling in Thailand [d]
  887. () Meditation, mindfulness and executive control: the importance of emotional acceptance and brain-based performance monitoring [d]
  888. () The ethics of Śaṅkara and Śantideva: a selfless response to an illusory world [i]
  889. () Action inquiry and the Boston Marathon bombings: unilateral vs. mutual power [u]
  890. () The neural basis of free will: criterial causation [i] [d]
  891. () Relevance, meaning and the cognitive science of wisdom [i] [d]
  892. () Neurodecolonization: applying mindfulness research to decolonizing social work [i] [d]
  893. () On sort of knowing: the Daoist unhewn [d] [u]
  894. () The use of mindfulness practice in the treatment of a case of obsessive compulsive disorder in Sri Lanka [p] [d]
  895. () Deafening silence, unexpected gifts [u]
  896. () The relation between intelligence and religiosity: a meta-analysis and some proposed explanations [d]
  897. () Protecting oneself and others through mindfulness—the acrobat simile in the Saṃyukta-āgama [u]
  898. () Purification in early Buddhist discourse and Buddhist ethics [u]
  899. () The third turning of the wheel: wisdom of the Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra [i]
  900. () Dharma of the founders: Buddhism within the philosophies of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Elihu Palmer [o] [u]
  901. Jamie D. Aten, Kari Ann O'Grady, & Everett L. Worthington [ed] () The psychology of religion and spirituality for clinicians: using research in your practice [i] [d]
  902. () Yoga for meditators: poses to support your sitting practice [i]
  903. Courtney Bender, Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt, & David Smilde [ed] () Religion on the edge: de-centering and re-centering the sociology of religion [i] [d]
  904. () The numerical discourses of the Buddha: a translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya [i]
  905. () Environmental concern, moral education and our place in nature [d]
  906. () How convenient!: the epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems [d]
  907. () True refuge: finding peace and freedom in your own awakened heart [i]
  908. () The Dude and the Zen master [i]
  909. () The credit illusion [u]
  910. () Spreading order: religion, cooperative niche construction, and risky coordination problems [d]
  911. Eido Frances Carney [ed] () Receiving the marrow: teachings on Dōgen by Sōtō Zen women priests [i]
  912. () Religious people discount the future less [d]
  913. () Bringing life to completion: reflections on living deeply and ending life well [i]
  914. () The limits of the Buddhist embrace of science: commentary on 'Compassion, ethics, and neuroscience: neuroethics through Buddhist eyes' [p] [d]
  915. () Signs of spiritual progress [u]
  916. () Life without the story line [i]
  917. () Living beautifully with uncertainty and change [i]
  918. () The unity of art and life: the synthesis concept of Fluxus and Zen [d]
  919. () Buddhism as a value source in the course of new identity and lifestyle formation in the Czech Republic [d]
  920. () Enlightenment in global history: a historiographical critique [d]
  921. () Perceiving reality: consciousness, intentionality, and cognition in Buddhist philosophy [i]
  922. () Competence in teaching mindfulness-based courses: concepts, development and assessment [d]
  923. () Mindfulness-based stress reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  924. () Effects of mindful-attention and compassion meditation training on amygdala response to emotional stimuli in an ordinary, non-meditative state [p] [d] [u]
  925. () Walking in beauty: an American Indian perspective on social justice [d]
  926. (/2024) Unlocking the emotional brain: memory reconsolidation and the psychotherapy of transformational change [or: Unlocking the emotional brain: eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation] [i] [d]
  927. () Even the downhearted may be uplifted: moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults [d]
  928. () Epistemological parallels between the Nikāyas and the Upaniṣads [d]
  929. () Explorations of silence in the religious rituals of Buddhists and Quakers [d]
  930. () Buddhism, punishment, and reconciliation [u]
  931. () Mindfulness and bodily distress [p]
  932. () The importance of religion: meaning and action in our strange world [i]
  933. () Two hands [u]
  934. () Death competence: an ethical imperative [p] [d]
  935. () Buddhist individuals and inward empathy [i]
  936. () Mindfulness and acceptance in couple and family therapy [i] [d]
  937. () Therapeutic presence: a mindful approach to effective therapy [i] [d]
  938. () The time of the explicating process [i] [d]
  939. () Implicit precision [i] [d]
  940. Christopher K. Germer & Ronald D. Siegel [ed] () Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy: deepening mindfulness in clinical practice [i]
  941. () Scientific cognition: human centered but not human bound [d]
  942. () A symbiotic view of life: we have never been individuals [p] [d]
  943. Cheryl A. Giles & Willa B. Miller [ed] () The arts of contemplative care: pioneering voices in Buddhist chaplaincy and pastoral work [i]
  944. () Doing gesture promotes learning a mental transformation task better than seeing gesture [d]
  945. () The moral dyad: a fundamental template unifying moral judgment [p] [d] [u]
  946. () You are already enlightened [u]
  947. () Good citizens: creating enlightened society [i]
  948. () Fear: essential wisdom for getting through the storm [i]
  949. () Manipulations of attention enhance self-regulation [d]
  950. () Meditation is not enough: chaplaincy training for Buddhists [i]
  951. () Rest is not idleness: implications of the brain's default mode for human development and education [p] [d] [j] [u]
  952. () Gestures alter thinking about time [i] [u]
  953. () Postural assessment [i]
  954. () The invention of religion in Japan [i] [d]
  955. () Managing people 'spiritually': a Bourdieusian critique [d]
  956. () Whether, when, and how is spirituality related to well-being?: moving beyond single occasion questionnaires to understanding daily process [p] [d]
  957. () What is systemic about systemic therapy?: therapy models muddle embodied systemic practice [d]
  958. () Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals [d]
  959. () Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses [p] [d]
  960. () Alterity and the particular limits of universalism: comparing Jewish-Israeli Holocaust and Canadian-Cambodian genocide legacies [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  961. () Cultivating an appropriate response: educational foundations for Buddhist chaplains and pastoral care providers [i]
  962. () Distributed cognitive agency in virtue epistemology [d]
  963. () The agile mind [i] [d]
  964. () Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
  965. Irina Kuznetsova, Jonardon Ganeri, & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad [ed] () Hindu and Buddhist ideas in dialogue: self and no-self [i] [d]
  966. () Mindfulness, time affluence, and journey-based affect: exploring relationships [d]
  967. Hélène Landemore & Jon Elster [ed] () Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  968. () Distinct neural activity associated with focused-attention meditation and loving-kindness meditation [p] [d] [u]
  969. () Meditation and the startle response: a case study [p] [d] [u]
  970. () Varieties of attention in hypnosis and meditation [p] [d]
  971. () The influence of traditional Buddhist wildlife release on biological invasions [d]
  972. () Zen gardens: the complete works of Shunmyō Masuno, Japan's leading garden designer [i]
  973. () Sustainable happiness: the mind science of well-being, altruism, and inspiration [i] [d]
  974. () Patience: the art of peaceful living [i]
  975. () Zen and the creative management of dilemmas [d]
  976. () Building capacity for environmental engagement and leadership: an ecosocial work perspective [d]
  977. () Compassion in Buddhist psychology [i]
  978. () Happiness and the good life [i] [d]
  979. () Rethinking occupational deprivation and boredom [d]
  980. () Life is uncertain; death is certain: Buddhism and palliative care [p] [d]
  981. () The impact of Zen meditation on security and satisfaction in monogamous relationships [d]
  982. () The role of mindfulness and psychological flexibility in somatization, depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress in a nonclinical college sample [d]
  983. () Intersections of Buddhism and secularity [i]
  984. () The enchanted secular: Buddhism and the emergence of transtraditional 'spirituality' [j]
  985. () Individual differences in reappraisal ability: links to reappraisal frequency, well-being, and cognitive control [d]
  986. () Emotions, ethics, and choice: lessons from Tsongkhapa [u]
  987. () Everything that is not a belief is true [i]
  988. () Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
  989. () From habituality to change: contribution of activity theory and pragmatism to practice theories [d]
  990. () Regular, brief mindfulness meditation practice improves electrophysiological markers of attentional control [p] [d] [u]
  991. () Preaching to the converted: D.T. Suzuki's Zen Buddhism as a case study of a microsociological model of translation [d]
  992. () Do nothing!: how to stop overmanaging and become a great leader [i]
  993. () Strong mindfulness: integrating mindfulness and character strengths [d]
  994. () Self-knowledge and moral stupidity [d]
  995. () Living by vow: a practical introduction to eight essential zen chants and texts [i]
  996. Michael D. Palmer & Stanley M. Burgess [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell companion to religion and social justice [i] [d]
  997. () What would John Dewey say about deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism? [d]
  998. () Fractal journeys: narrative structure of the path and of tantric practice [u]
  999. (/2013) Why 'Buddhist theology' is not a good idea [u]
  1000. () Attentional networks and consciousness [p] [d] [u]
  1001. () Legitimation mechanisms as third-dimension power practices: the case of the Shakers [d]
  1002. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  1003. () Turning pro: tap your inner power and create your life's work [i]
  1004. () Dongshan's five ranks [u]
  1005. () A serviceable mind is clear seeing [u]
  1006. () Spiritual life is daily and repetitive [u]
  1007. (/2019) Motivational neuroscience [or: Neuroscience and human motivation] [i] [d]
  1008. () The pragmatism of ideals [i]
  1009. () Pragmatism: the restoration of its scientific roots [i]
  1010. () Learning from the body about the mind [d]
  1011. () The essential role of ritual in the transmission and reinforcement of social norms [p] [d]
  1012. () Sūtra of the Brahma net: Rocana Buddha pronounces the chapter on the bodhisattva precepts arising from the mind ground [i] [u]
  1013. () Bodhisattva precepts: selected Mahāyāna sūtras [i]
  1014. Richard M. Ryan [ed] (/2019) The Oxford handbook of human motivation [i] [d]
  1015. () Therapist mindfulness, alliance and treatment outcome [d]
  1016. () Making tea in place: experiences of women engaged in a Japanese tea ceremony [d]
  1017. () Introducing Tibetan Buddhism [i]
  1018. Perry Schmidt-Leukel [ed] () Buddhism and religious diversity [i]
  1019. () Awake in the Anthropocene [d]
  1020. () Complexity and extended phenomenological–cognitive systems [d]
  1021. () Governing the state and the self: political philosophy and practice in the edicts of Aśoka [d]
  1022. () Questions about Red Path Zen [u]
  1023. Peter Skilling, Jason A. Carbine, Claudio Cicuzza, & Santi Pakdeekham [ed] () How Theravāda is Theravāda?: exploring Buddhist identities [i]
  1024. () Escalation and mindfulness [d]
  1025. () Japan's contribution to modern global Buddhism: the World's Parliament of Religions revisited [j]
  1026. () Manners in the zendo [u]
  1027. () Philosophy has consequences!: developing metacognition and active learning in the ethics classroom [d]
  1028. () Sky above, great wind: the life and poetry of Zen Master Ryōkan [i]
  1029. () What makes you not a Buddhist?: a preliminary mapping of values [d]
  1030. () Radical acceptance: a nondual psychology approach to grief and loss [d]
  1031. () Born for this [u]
  1032. () Just this [u]
  1033. Vladimir Tikhonov & Torkel Brekke [ed] () Buddhism and violence: militarism and Buddhism in modern Asia [i] [d]
  1034. Simine Vazire & Timothy D. Wilson [ed] () Handbook of self-knowledge [i]
  1035. () The Western reception of Buddhism as a psychological and ethical system: developments, dialogues, and perspectives [d]
  1036. () Buddhist epistemology and economics: deconstructing dysfunctional delusions [u]
  1037. () Meaning of life: exploring the relation between economics and religion [d]
  1038. () Happiness in Navajos (diné ba' hózhó) [i] [d]
  1039. Michael Yellow Bird & Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson [ed] () For Indigenous minds only: a decolonization handbook [i]
  1040. () Neurodecolonization: using mindfulness practices to delete the neural networks of colonialism [i]
  1041. () The crucible of religion: culture, civilization, and affirmation of life [i]
  1042. () The dilemma of the wounded healer [p] [d]
  1043. () Spinoza and the self-overcoming of solipsism [d]
  1044. () Reasonable atheism: a moral case for respectful disbelief [i]
  1045. () Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
  1046. () The cloud of knowing: blurring the difference with China [d] [u]
  1047. () Living in seclusion and facing fear: the Ekottarika-āgama counterpart to the Bhayabherava-sutta [i] [u]
  1048. () Right view and the scheme of the four truths in early Buddhism: the Saṃyukta-āgama parallel to the Sammādiṭṭhi-sutta and the simile of the four skills of a physician [u]
  1049. () Subversive spiritualities: how rituals enact the world [i] [d]
  1050. () Bringing Zen home: the healing heart of Japanese women's rituals [i] [d] [j]
  1051. () Many entities, no identity [d] [j]
  1052. John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham, & Ian Steedman [ed] () The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing [i] [d] [u]
  1053. () The evolution of religion: how cognitive by-products, adaptive learning heuristics, ritual displays, and group competition generate deep commitments to prosocial religions [d]
  1054. () Mindfulness, openness to experience, and transformational learning [i] [d]
  1055. () Willpower: rediscovering the greatest human strength [i]
  1056. () Common ground with 'A common faith': Dewey's idea of the 'religious' [d] [j] [u]
  1057. () The Buddha as a fully functioning person: toward a person-centered perspective on mindfulness [d]
  1058. () The art of contemplative and mindfulness practice: incorporating the findings of neuroscience into pastoral care and counseling [d]
  1059. () Does effort matter in mindful parenting? [d]
  1060. Luk Bouckaert & László Zsolnai [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of spirituality and business [i] [d]
  1061. () A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  1062. () True belonging: mindful practices to help you overcome loneliness, connect with others, and cultivate happiness [i]
  1063. () 'Pray for those who mistreat you': effects of prayer on anger and aggression [p] [d]
  1064. () Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode network activity and connectivity [p] [d] [u]
  1065. () Money: the global power of an illusion: a Buddhist perspective [i] [u]
  1066. () Fire monks: Zen mind meets wildfire at the gates of Tassajara [i]
  1067. () Spirituality, religion, and emotional labor in the workplace [d]
  1068. () Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
  1069. () Unfinished lives [i]
  1070. () The opacity of mind: an integrative theory of self-knowledge [i] [d]
  1071. () Nonverbal affective phenomena revisited [d]
  1072. () Landscape and rhetoric: the marriage of Native American traditions and Zen Buddhism in selected poems by Gary Snyder [d]
  1073. () Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? [p] [d]
  1074. () Complexity: against systems [d]
  1075. () A way of being: bringing mindfulness into individual therapy [d]
  1076. () Habits of transformation [d] [j]
  1077. () Self-centeredness and selflessness: a theory of self-based psychological functioning and its consequences for happiness [d]
  1078. () Paying attention to mindfulness and its effects on task performance in the workplace [d]
  1079. () What are the benefits of mindfulness?: a practice review of psychotherapy-related research [p] [d]
  1080. () Experimental and theoretical approaches to conscious processing [p] [d]
  1081. () Fear is only as deep as the mind allows: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on the regulation of negative affect [d]
  1082. () Is there a role for contemporary practices of askesis in supporting a transition to sustainable consumption? [d]
  1083. () Health care providers' mindfulness and treatment outcomes: a critical review of the research literature [d]
  1084. () One life, five precepts: Buddhist ethics for modern living [i]
  1085. Siegfried C. A. Fay & Ilse Maria Bruckner [ed] () Buddhism as a stronghold of free thinking?: social, ethical and philosophical dimensions of Buddhism [i] [u]
  1086. () Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
  1087. () Envy up, scorn down: how status divides us [i] [j]
  1088. () The bodhisattva's brain: Buddhism naturalized [i] [d] [j]
  1089. () The relation of emotions to placebo responses [p] [d] [u]
  1090. () Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving? [d]
  1091. () The art of mindful walking: meditations on the path [i]
  1092. () Human nature, buddha nature: an interview with John Welwood [u]
  1093. () Humans and the soil [d]
  1094. () On some definitions of mindfulness [d]
  1095. () The phenomenon of Jewish Buddhists in light of the history of Jewish suffering [d]
  1096. () Rediscovering Buddhist wisdom [for socio-economic systems] [i] [d]
  1097. (/2014) Debt: the first 5,000 years [i]
  1098. () 'Consumption' [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  1099. () A non-elaborative mental stance and decoupling of executive and pain-related cortices predicts low pain sensitivity in Zen meditators [d]
  1100. () Oxford guide to imagery in cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  1101. () Plants as persons: a philosophical botany [i]
  1102. () Being of two minds: switching mindsets exhausts self-regulatory resources [d]
  1103. () Freedom: toward an integration of the counseling profession [d]
  1104. () Moral maturation and moral conation: a capacity approach to explaining moral thought and action [d]
  1105. James W. Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis, & John C. Maraldo [ed] () Japanese philosophy: a sourcebook [i] [d] [j]
  1106. () Negation as a means for emotion regulation?: startle reflex modulation during processing of negated emotional words [p] [d]
  1107. James D. Herbert & Evan M. Forman [ed] () Acceptance and mindfulness in cognitive behavior therapy: understanding and applying the new therapies [i] [d]
  1108. () Whose Buddhism is truest? [u]
  1109. () Dharma: its early history in law, religion, and narrative [i] [d]
  1110. () How does mindfulness meditation work?: proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1111. () Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density [p] [d] [u]
  1112. () Relations among mindfulness, achievement-related self-regulation, and achievement emotions [d]
  1113. () Being alive: essays on movement, knowledge and description [i] [d]
  1114. () Reframing placebo in research and practice [p] [d] [u]
  1115. () Countercurrents from the West: 'blue-eyed' Zen masters, vipassanā meditation, and Buddhist psychotherapy in contemporary Korea [d] [j] [u]
  1116. () Some reflections on the origins of MBSR, skillful means, and the trouble with maps [d]
  1117. () Placebo studies and ritual theory: a comparative analysis of Navajo, acupuncture and biomedical healing [p] [d] [u]
  1118. () Military careers and Buddhist ethics [d]
  1119. () The Buddha's teachings to lay people [d]
  1120. Lisa Kemmerer & Anthony J. Nocella II [ed] () Call to compassion: reflections on animal advocacy from the world's religions [i]
  1121. () Mindfulness: a way of cultivating deep respect for emotions [d]
  1122. () Spirituality: an overlooked predictor of placebo effects? [p] [d] [u]
  1123. (/2014) The life-changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing [i]
  1124. () Therapeutic work with the present moment: a comparative conversation analysis of existential and cognitive therapies [d]
  1125. () Two problems with 'self-deception': no 'self' and no 'deception' [d]
  1126. () Life satisfaction, openness value, self-transcendence, and wisdom [d]
  1127. () Taxonomic counts of cognition in the wild [d]
  1128. () Trust yourself ['How does it feel?'] [i]
  1129. () Zen questions: zazen, Dōgen, and the spirit of creative inquiry [i]
  1130. () Religious experiences, transformative paths and religious goals [d]
  1131. (/2013) Ethnic identity and religious competition: Buddhism and shamanism in southern Siberia [i] [d] [j]
  1132. () Religiousness, spirituality, and psychological distress in Taiwan [d]
  1133. () Multidimensional reality [d] [u]
  1134. () Sources of spiritual well-being in advanced cancer [p] [d]
  1135. () A mirror revealing the crucial points: advice on the ultimate meaning [u]
  1136. () Everything is its own reward [i]
  1137. () Psychotherapists' spiritual, religious, atheist or agnostic identity and their practice of psychotherapy: a grounded theory study [d]
  1138. (/2012) Samsara [i] [u]
  1139. () Religion, clubs, and emergent social divides [d]
  1140. () The 'non-cuttable' space in between: context, boundaries and their natural fluidity [p] [d]
  1141. () The meditative dynamics of the early Buddhist appamāṇas [u]
  1142. () Psychological flexibility mediates the relations between self-concealment and negative psychological outcomes [d]
  1143. (/2018) A monk's guide to a clean house and mind [i]
  1144. () Could EFT have saved the Buddha's marriage?: a reflection on Beckerman and Sarracco [d]
  1145. () Waiting, tolerating, and cooperating: did religion evolve to prop up humans' self-control abilities? [i]
  1146. () Mindfulness, self-care, and wellness in social work: effects of contemplative training [d]
  1147. () The placebo effect and the autonomic nervous system: evidence for an intimate relationship [p] [d] [u]
  1148. () Mature transformations in adulthood facilitated by psychotherapy and spiritual practice [i] [d]
  1149. () A common earth religion: world religions from an ecological perspective [d]
  1150. (/2015) How traditions live and die [i]
  1151. () Finding your moral compass: transformative principles to guide you in recovery and life [i]
  1152. Ivan Nyklíček, Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets, & Marcel Zeelenberg [ed] () Emotion regulation and well-being [i] [d]
  1153. () The construction of mindfulness [d]
  1154. () Becoming a mensch: timeless Talmudic ethics for everyone [i]
  1155. Jeffrey Stephen Poland & George Graham [ed] () Addiction and responsibility [i] [d]
  1156. () A mixed self: the role of symbiosis in development [d]
  1157. () The two truths [u]
  1158. () Buddhist ethics in impermanence [i]
  1159. () Space cannot be cut—why self-identity naturally includes neighbourhood [p] [d]
  1160. () Death acceptance through ritual [p] [d]
  1161. () A life course approach to the development of mental skills [p] [d] [u]
  1162. () The emotional affordances of forest settings: an investigation in boys with extreme behavioural problems [d]
  1163. () Bonds of the dead: temples, burial, and the transformation of contemporary Japanese Buddhism [i] [d]
  1164. () Are Zen people better? [u]
  1165. () Enhanced response inhibition during intensive meditation training predicts improvements in self-reported adaptive socioemotional functioning [p] [d]
  1166. () Daily dynamics of personal identity and self-concept clarity [d]
  1167. () How are you feeling? [u]
  1168. () Perplexities of consciousness [i] [d]
  1169. () One religion too many: the religiously comparative reflections of a comparatively religious Hindu [i]
  1170. () Mindfulness, subjective well-being, and social work: insight into their interconnection from social work practitioners [d]
  1171. () Kinds of environments—a framework for reflecting on the possible contours of a better world [d]
  1172. () Agonistic intimacy and moral aspiration in popular Hinduism: a study in the political theology of the neighbor [d]
  1173. () Morning prayer [and Red Path Zen] [u]
  1174. () On the nature of concepts [d]
  1175. () Dis(appearance): earth, ethics and apparently (in)significant others [u]
  1176. () Wise up: creating organizational wisdom through an ethic of kaitiakitanga [d] [j]
  1177. () Networks of the brain [i] [d]
  1178. () Mindful argument, Deweyan pragmatism, and the ideal of democracy [o]
  1179. () How does mindfulness transform suffering? II: the transformation of dukkha [d]
  1180. () How does mindfulness transform suffering? I: the nature and origins of dukkha [d]
  1181. () Self-compassion, self-regulation, and health [d]
  1182. () More than belief: a materialist theory of religion [i]
  1183. () Materialist spirituality? [d]
  1184. () Fixing our focus: training attention to regulate emotion [d]
  1185. () Applying Buddhist practices to advocacy: the advocacy–serving model [d]
  1186. () Doing and being: mindfulness, health, and quiet ego characteristics among Buddhist practitioners [d]
  1187. () Open source church: making room for the wisdom of all [i]
  1188. () Taking emergence seriously: the centrality of circular causality for dynamic systems approaches to development [d] [j]
  1189. () A cucumber for a cow: a theoretical exploration of the causes and consequences of religious hypocrisy [d]
  1190. () Mindfulness and hypnosis: the power of suggestion to transform experience [i]
  1191. László Zsolnai [ed] () Ethical principles and economic transformation—a Buddhist approach [i] [d]
  1192. () Why we need monasticism [u]
  1193. () Are older adults wiser than college students?: a comparison of two age cohorts [d]
  1194. () Analyzing negative experiences without ruminating: the role of self-distancing in enabling adaptive self-reflection [d]
  1195. Ruth A. Baer [ed] () Assessing mindfulness & acceptance processes in clients: illuminating the theory & practice of change [i]
  1196. () The circle way: a leader in every chair [i]
  1197. () Awakening joy: 10 steps that will put you on the road to real happiness [i]
  1198. () Integrating a One Health approach in education to address global health and sustainability challenges [d]
  1199. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  1200. () Zen and behavior analysis [p] [d] [u]
  1201. () How to be sick: a Buddhist-inspired guide for the chronically ill and their caregivers [i]
  1202. () A moment dead, a moment alive: how a situational personhood emerges in the vegetative state in an Israeli hospital unit [d]
  1203. () Immunizing strategies and epistemic defense mechanisms [d]
  1204. () We are sunlight-animated stardust [u]
  1205. Brian Bruya [ed] () Effortless attention: a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action [i] [d]
  1206. () Matter and mind: a philosophical inquiry [i] [d]
  1207. () Every day is a good day: the visual art of John Cage [i]
  1208. () Can compassionate practice also be good legal practice?: answers from the lives of Buddhist lawyers [u]
  1209. Clare Carlisle & Jonardon Ganeri [ed] () Philosophy as therapeia [i]
  1210. () Helpful and hindering events in psychotherapy: a practice research network study [p] [d]
  1211. () 'I am insubstantial in the universe. But in the universe, there is nothing which is not me': toward a Chan ecocriticism, ecology, and the experience of film [j]
  1212. () Buddhism, Taoism, folk religions, and rebellions: empirical evidence from Taiwan [d]
  1213. () Functional neural correlates of mindfulness meditations in comparison with psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and placebo effect: is there a link? [d]
  1214. () Deconstructing mindfulness and constructing mental health: understanding mindfulness and its mechanisms of action [d]
  1215. () Meditation in modern Buddhism: renunciation and change in Thai monastic life [i] [d]
  1216. (/2017) The abundance of less: lessons in simple living from rural Japan [i]
  1217. () The sentient self [d]
  1218. David A. Crenshaw [ed] () Reverence in healing: honoring strengths without trivializing suffering [i]
  1219. () Inferring attitudes from mindwandering [p] [d]
  1220. () Strange fires, weird smokes and psychoactive combustibles: entheogens and incense in ancient traditions [d]
  1221. () Agnostic meditations on Buddhist meditation [d]
  1222. () Practical poetry: Thich Nhat Hanh and the cultivation of a problem-oriented officer [d]
  1223. () Treasury of the true dharma eye: Zen master Dōgen's Shōbō genzō [i]
  1224. () Kinds and dimensions of mindfulness: why it is important to distinguish them [d]
  1225. () Talk on Buddhist ethics [u]
  1226. () Translating spiritual ideals into daily life: the eight-point program of passage meditation [i]
  1227. () Shaping the coherent self: a moral achievement [d]
  1228. () Incorporating the concept of mindfulness in informal outdoor education settings [d]
  1229. () On non-harming [u]
  1230. () Relational aspects of mindfulness: implications for the practice of marriage and family therapy [d]
  1231. () Mindfulness training modifies cognitive, affective, and physiological mechanisms implicated in alcohol dependence: results of a randomized controlled pilot trial [d]
  1232. () Compassionate, spiritual, and creative listening in teaching and learning [d]
  1233. () The compassionate mind: a new approach to life's challenges [i]
  1234. () Compassion focused therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1235. () Increasing leadership integrity through mind training and embodied learning [d]
  1236. Larry A. Golemon [ed] () Finding our story: narrative leadership and congregational change [i]
  1237. () Medical analogies in Buddhist and Hellenistic thought: tranquillity and anger [d]
  1238. () Beyond beliefs: religions bind individuals into moral communities [d]
  1239. () Religion that heals, religion that harms: a guide for clinical practice [i]
  1240. () Feeding the faith: religious orders are growing vegetables, raising cows and making cheese in the name of the spirit ['it doesn't matter what religion you're practicing'] [u]
  1241. () Savor: mindful eating, mindful life [i]
  1242. () The four ariya-saccas as 'true realities for the spiritually ennobled'—the painful, its origin, its cessation, and the way going to this—rather than 'noble truths' concerning these [d]
  1243. (/2011) An analysis of factors related to the kusala/akusala quality of actions in the Pāli tradition [u]
  1244. () Suffering in a productive world: chronic illness, visibility, and the space beyond agency [d]
  1245. () Zen in the workplace: applying anti-structure to enhance structure [u]
  1246. () Markets, religion, community size, and the evolution of fairness and punishment [p] [d] [j]
  1247. () Two Buddhisms, three Buddhisms, and racism [d] [u]
  1248. () Meditation as medicine: a critique [d]
  1249. () Using spiritually modified cognitive behavioral therapy to help clients wrestling with depression: a promising intervention for some older adults [d]
  1250. () The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: a meta-analytic review [d]
  1251. () Challenging anthropocentric analysis of visual data: a relational materialist methodological approach to educational research [d]
  1252. Michael K. Jerryson & Mark Juergensmeyer [ed] () Buddhist warfare [i] [d]
  1253. () Wisdom—a neuroscience perspective [p] [d]
  1254. () Assessing flexible leadership as a mastery of opposites [d]
  1255. () Moving forward by agreeing to disagree: a response to 'Healing ecology' [u]
  1256. () Psychological flexibility as a fundamental aspect of health [d]
  1257. () A wandering mind is an unhappy mind [p] [d] [j]
  1258. () Living with the dragon: acting ethically in a world of unintended consequences [i] [d]
  1259. () Why religion's burdens are light: from religiosity to implicit self-regulation [d]
  1260. () When blood and bones cry out: journeys through the soundscape of healing and reconciliation [i]
  1261. () Religion, social networks, and life satisfaction [d] [j]
  1262. () Insufficient emotion: soul-searching by a former indicter of strong emotions [d]
  1263. () Replenishing the earth: spiritual values for healing ourselves and the world [i]
  1264. () Mindful parenting and care involvement of fathers of children with intellectual disabilities [d]
  1265. () Place-based narratives: an entry point for ministry to the soul of a community [i]
  1266. () What is intimacy in Zen? [u]
  1267. () The market approach to the rise of the Geluk school, 1419–1642 [d]
  1268. () Teaching mindfulness: a practical guide for clinicians and educators [i] [d]
  1269. () Reactive approach motivation (RAM) for religion [p] [d]
  1270. () Liberating anger, embodying knowledge: a comparative study of María Lugones and Zen Master Hakuin [d] [j]
  1271. () Fanaticism, fundamentalism and the promotion of reflexivity in religious education [i] [d]
  1272. Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, & Eliot R. Smith [ed] () The mind in context [i]
  1273. () Mindfulness: significant common confusions [d]
  1274. () Thinking in Indian: a John Mohawk reader [i]
  1275. Nancey C. Murphy & Christopher C. Knight [ed] () Human identity at the intersection of science, technology, and religion [i] [d]
  1276. () Lessons in spiritual leadership from Kenyan women [d]
  1277. () Realizing Genjōkōan: the key to Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō [i]
  1278. () Similarity in diversity?: four shared functions of contemplative practice systems [i]
  1279. () Wisdom (hikmah) as a holistic basis for inter-religious education [i] [d]
  1280. () Too much sitting: the population-health science of sedentary behavior [d]
  1281. () Non-interference and awareness [d]
  1282. () Dewey and pragmatic religious naturalism [i] [d]
  1283. Sarah E. Pilgrim & Jules N. Pretty [ed] () Nature and culture: rebuilding lost connections [i] [d]
  1284. Thomas G. Plante [ed] () Contemplative practices in action: spirituality, meditation, and health [i]
  1285. Michael Potegal, Gerhard Stemmler, & Charles Donald Spielberger [ed] () International handbook of anger: constituent and concomitant biological, psychological, and social processes [i] [d]
  1286. () Adding Deleuze to the mix [d]
  1287. () Voices of experienced meditators: the impact of meditation practice on intimate relationships [d]
  1288. () Can't control yourself?: monitor those bad habits [p] [d]
  1289. () Religious belonging and the multiple [d]
  1290. () Identifying and integrating helpful and harmful religious beliefs into psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1291. () Contributions of attentional control to socioemotional and academic development [d]
  1292. William Sturman Sax, Johannes Quack, & Jan Weinhold [ed] () The problem of ritual efficacy [i]
  1293. () Seeing ourselves: what vision can teach us about metacognition [i] [d]
  1294. () The cow in the parking lot: a zen approach to overcoming anger [i]
  1295. () The great matter of life and death [u]
  1296. () The psychotherapist's path: psychotherapy practice as Buddhist practice [u]
  1297. () Things pertaining to bodhi: the thirty-seven aids to enlightenment [i]
  1298. () Mindful consumption: a customer-centric approach to sustainability [d]
  1299. () Two cups of tea: building community through self-compassion [u]
  1300. () Stop overreacting: effective strategies for calming your emotions [i]
  1301. () The etiquette of freedom: Gary Snyder, Jim Harrison, and The practice of the wild [i]
  1302. () Standard observances of the Sōtō Zen School [o] [u]
  1303. Gary Storhoff & John Whalen-Bridge [ed] () American Buddhism as a way of life [i]
  1304. () Toward a Deweyan theory of communicative mindfulness [d]
  1305. () Coherence between emotional experience and physiology: does body awareness training have an impact? [p] [d] [u]
  1306. () Zen and the transformation of emotional and physical stress into well being [i]
  1307. () Enough!: a Buddhist approach to finding release from addictive patterns [i]
  1308. () Skill in questions: how the Buddha taught [o] [u]
  1309. () Buddhism on the couch [book review of: The Zen impulse and the psychoanalytic encounter, by Paul C. Cooper] [d] [u]
  1310. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  1311. () Focused attention, open monitoring and automatic self-transcending: categories to organize meditations from Vedic, Buddhist and Chinese traditions [p] [d]
  1312. Peter J. Verhagen, Herman M. Van Praag, Juan José López-Ibor, John Cox, & Driss Moussaoui [ed] () Religion and psychiatry: beyond boundaries [i] [d]
  1313. () Dimensions of intersubjectivity in Mahāyāna-Buddhism and relational psychoanalysis [d]
  1314. () Bridging Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism with virtue ethics [i] [d]
  1315. () The right to inquire into the religious [i] [d]
  1316. () Novelty as a dimension in the affective brain [d]
  1317. () Twelve examples of illusion [i]
  1318. () Zen birding [i]
  1319. () Distributed identity: human beings as walking, thinking ecologies in the microbial world [i] [d]
  1320. () Hypnosis, mindfulness, and acceptance: artful integration [i]
  1321. () 'A dharma of place': evolving aesthetics and cultivating community in an American Zen garden [i]
  1322. () Mind-body interventions to reduce risk for health disparities related to stress and strength among African American women: the potential of mindfulness-based stress reduction, loving-kindness, and the NTU therapeutic framework [d]
  1323. () Energy every day [i]
  1324. () Effects of brief and sham mindfulness meditation on mood and cardiovascular variables [p] [d]
  1325. () Mindfulness meditation improves cognition: evidence of brief mental training [p] [d]
  1326. () Viriya [o] [u]
  1327. () Emotional creativity: toward 'spiritualizing the passions' [i] [d]
  1328. () Embracing the icon: the feminist potential of the trans bodhisattva, Kuan Yin [d] [j]
  1329. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  1330. Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans, & Patrick Wilken [ed] () The Oxford companion to consciousness [i] [d]
  1331. () Mindful eating: a guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food [i]
  1332. () Species extinction and the vice of thoughtlessness: the importance of spiritual exercises for learning virtue [d]
  1333. Sigurd Bergmann [ed] () Nature, space, and the sacred: transdisciplinary perspectives [i]
  1334. () 'Liking' and 'wanting' food rewards: brain substrates and roles in eating disorders [d]
  1335. () Dissecting components of reward: 'liking', 'wanting', and learning [d]
  1336. Barry Campbell Boyce [ed] () In the face of fear: Buddhist wisdom for challenging times [i]
  1337. () Learning without error [i] [d]
  1338. () The Sarvodaya Shramadana movement of Sri Lanka: the elephant moves and we begin to understand the whole [d]
  1339. () Yoga breathing, meditation, and longevity [d]
  1340. () The complete Tassajara cookbook: recipes, techniques, and reflections from the famed Zen kitchen [i]
  1341. () Integrating modern neuroscience and physiology with Indo-Tibetan yogic science [i]
  1342. () Meditation (Vipassana) and the P3a event-related brain potential [d]
  1343. () Zen meditation: an integration of current evidence [d]
  1344. () Taking the leap: freeing ourselves from old habits and fears [i]
  1345. () Stress and disorders of the stress system [p] [d]
  1346. (/2013) Mediation and meditation: the deeper middle way [i] [u]
  1347. () No harm in a little gossip, right? [u]
  1348. () Compassion and mindfulness in research among colleagues [d]
  1349. () Hermeneutic analysis of virtuous exemplar narratives of Cambodian-American Buddhists and Christians [d]
  1350. () Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1351. () The wayfinders: why ancient wisdom matters in the modern world [i]
  1352. () Religion, spirituality, and positive psychology in adulthood: a developmental view [d]
  1353. () The effect of mindfulness on heart rate control [d]
  1354. () Mindfulness and rumination: does mindfulness training lead to reductions in the ruminative thinking associated with depression? [p] [d]
  1355. () Extended life [d]
  1356. Fabrizio Didonna [ed] () Clinical handbook of mindfulness [i] [d]
  1357. William Edelglass & Jay L. Garfield [ed] () Buddhist philosophy: essential readings [i]
  1358. () Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging?: cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres [d]
  1359. () Developmental levels of conceptions of compassion in the ethical decision-making of Western Buddhist practitioners [d]
  1360. () Seeking our place in the web of life: animals and human spirituality [d]
  1361. () Positive affects and the transformation of suffering into flourishing [d]
  1362. () Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire, and the emergent phenomenology of transformational experience [i]
  1363. Diana Fosha, Daniel J. Siegel, & Marion Fried Solomon [ed] () The healing power of emotion: affective neuroscience, development, and clinical practice [i]
  1364. () Rapt: attention and the focused life [i]
  1365. () The water falls but the waterfall does not fall: new perspectives on objects, processes and events [d]
  1366. () The mindfulness solution to pain: step-by-step techniques for chronic pain management [i]
  1367. () Envisioning a future contemplative science of mindfulness: fruitful methods and new content for the next wave of research [d]
  1368. () We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
  1369. () Relational being: beyond self and community [i]
  1370. () Emotional memory, mindfulness and compassion [i] [d]
  1371. () Executive coaching: a real world perspective from a real-life coaching practitioner [u]
  1372. () Living on the edge: shifting between nonconscious and conscious goal pursuit [i]
  1373. () What the Buddha thought [i]
  1374. () Consequences of compassion: an interpretation and defense of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  1375. () Pain sensitivity and analgesic effects of mindful states in Zen meditators: a cross-sectional study [d]
  1376. () Ethics education and the practice of wisdom [d]
  1377. () You are here: discovering the magic of the present moment [i]
  1378. () Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
  1379. () 'Your cell will teach you everything': old wisdom, modern science, and the art of attention [d] [j]
  1380. () The culture of our thinking in relation to spirituality [i]
  1381. () The Śūraṅgama sūtra: a new translation [i]
  1382. () Point, line and counterpoint: from environment to fluid space [i] [d]
  1383. () The wedge and the knot: hammering and stitching the face of Nature [i]
  1384. () Cultivating mindfulness in health care professionals: a review of empirical studies of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) [p] [d]
  1385. () Imperial-Way Zen: Ichikawa Hakugen's critique and lingering questions for Buddhist ethics [i] [d] [j]
  1386. () The role of spirituality in the mediation process [d]
  1387. () Letting everything become your teacher: 100 lessons in mindfulness [i]
  1388. () 'Maybe I made up the whole thing': placebos and patients' experiences in a randomized controlled trial [d]
  1389. () Sitting time and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer [p] [d]
  1390. () Dynamic factor analysis of worldviews/religious beliefs and well-being among older adults [d]
  1391. () Spiritual/religious coping as intentional activity: an action theoretical perspective [d] [u]
  1392. () Caregiving: the odyssey of becoming more human [p] [d]
  1393. () The impact of positive and negative spiritual experiences on distress and the moderating role of mindfulness [d]
  1394. () Putting others in the center [i]
  1395. Joan Konner [ed] () You don't have to be Buddhist to know nothing: an illustrious collection of thoughts on naught [i]
  1396. () The enhancement of visuospatial processing efficiency through Buddhist Deity meditation [d]
  1397. () Association of an educational program in mindful communication with burnout, empathy, and attitudes among primary care physicians [d]
  1398. Morten L. Kringelbach & Kent C. Berridge [ed] () Pleasures of the brain [i]
  1399. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  1400. () Mindfulness versus positive evaluation [i] [d]
  1401. (/2022) What we say matters: practicing nonviolent communication [i]
  1402. () Aboriginal environmental knowledge: rational reverence [i]
  1403. () The Sarvāstivāda doctrine of the path of spiritual progress: a study based primarily on the Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā-śāstra, the Abhidharmakośa-bhāṣya and their Chinese and Sanskrit commentaries [o] [u]
  1404. () Listening otherwise: the voice of ethics [d]
  1405. () A different 'enlightened' jurisprudence? [u]
  1406. () The underlying anatomical correlates of long-term meditation: larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter [d]
  1407. () Enacting the self: Buddhist and enactivist approaches to the emergence of the self [d]
  1408. () The role of psychological flexibility in mental health stigma and psychological distress for the stigmatizer [d]
  1409. (/2019) The art of simple living: 100 daily practices from a Japanese Zen monk for a lifetime of calm and joy [i]
  1410. () Honoring elders: aging, authority, and Ojibwe religion [i] [d] [j]
  1411. () The neural bases of distraction and reappraisal [d]
  1412. () Interfaith dialogue in global perspective and the necessity of youth involvement [d]
  1413. () When you don't like what you feel: experiential avoidance, mindfulness and meta-emotion in emotion regulation [d]
  1414. Maritza Montero & Christopher C. Sonn [ed] () Psychology of liberation: theory and applications [i]
  1415. () The development of rationality [i] [d]
  1416. () Visions of Mahāyāna Buddhism: awakening the universe to wisdom and compassion [i]
  1417. () Think, blink or sleep on it?: the impact of modes of thought on complex decision making [d]
  1418. () Validation of the Chinese version of Underwood's Daily Spiritual Experience Scale: transcending cultural boundaries? [d]
  1419. () Protection throughout the life span [through meditation, diet, and physical exercise] [d]
  1420. () Religious groups and work values: a focus on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam [d]
  1421. () Zen baggage: a pilgrimage to China [i]
  1422. () The neurophysiological bases of emotion: an fMRI study of the affective circumplex using emotion-denoting words [d]
  1423. () Having a practice [u]
  1424. (/2015) Lift: the fundamental state of leadership [or: Lift: becoming a positive force in any situation] [i]
  1425. () Ignorance: on the wider implications of deficient knowledge [i] [j] [u]
  1426. () Unknowability: an inquiry into the limits of knowledge [i]
  1427. () Awareness and ethics in dispute resolution and law: why mindfulness tends to foster ethical behavior [u]
  1428. () Mindfulness for law students: using the power of mindful awareness to achieve balance and success in law school [i]
  1429. () The neurobiology of meditation and its clinical effectiveness in psychiatric disorders [d]
  1430. () Grasping the dynamic nature of intersubjectivity [i] [d]
  1431. () Mindful teaching & teaching mindfulness: a guide for anyone who teaches anything [i]
  1432. () Toward a practice of mindfulness [i] [d]
  1433. () Meditation and positive psychology [i] [d]
  1434. (/2017) The art and science of mindfulness: integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions [i] [d]
  1435. () Why neutral monism is superior to panpsychism [u]
  1436. () Drop the storyline and feel the underlying energy [u]
  1437. () Practicing the jhānas: traditional concentration meditation as presented by the Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw [i]
  1438. () Executive functions, self-regulation, and chronic pain: a review [d]
  1439. John Stanley, David R. Loy, & Gyurme Dorje [ed] () A Buddhist response to the climate emergency [i]
  1440. () Yoga for a world out of balance: teachings on ethics and social action [i]
  1441. () The two horses of behavior: reflection and impulse [i]
  1442. () The benefits of meditation practice in the correctional setting [d]
  1443. () Grounded improvisation [i]
  1444. () Central and autonomic nervous system interaction is altered by short-term meditation [p] [d] [u]
  1445. () The Zen doctrine of 'no-method' [d]
  1446. () Making sense of sense-making: reflections on enactive and extended mind theories [d]
  1447. () Long-term meditation is associated with increased gray matter density in the brain stem [d]
  1448. () The mindful couple: how acceptance and mindfulness can lead you to the love you want [i]
  1449. () Sacred economies: Buddhist monasticism and territoriality in medieval China [i] [d] [j]
  1450. Jonathan S. Watts [ed] () Rethinking karma: the dharma of social justice [i]
  1451. () Worldview and mind: religious thought and psychological development [i]
  1452. () The courage to be present: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the awakening of natural wisdom [i]
  1453. () Momentary reductions of attention permit greater processing of irrelevant stimuli [d]
  1454. () Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression [i]
  1455. () Life stress buffer: the salubrious role of African-centered spirituality [i] [d]
  1456. () The three marriages: reimagining work, self and relationship [i]
  1457. () Training professionals in mindfulness: the heart of teaching [i] [d]
  1458. () The six perfections: Buddhism and the cultivation of character [i]
  1459. () Mirroring and attunement: self realization in psychoanalysis and art [i]
  1460. () Bowing to your enemies: courtesy, budō, and Japan [d] [j]
  1461. () Classes of agent and the moral logic of the Pali canon [d]
  1462. () Feeding your demons: ancient wisdom for resolving inner conflict [i]
  1463. () On silence [u]
  1464. () Mindfulness meditation may lessen anxiety, promote social skills, and improve academic performance among adolescents with learning disabilities [d]
  1465. () The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
  1466. () Mindful social work: from theory to practice [d]
  1467. () Volitional pragmatism [d]
  1468. () Contemplative withdrawal in the Hellenistic age [d] [j] [u]
  1469. () A Buddhist in the classroom [i]
  1470. () Security in Hinduism and Buddhism [i] [d]
  1471. () The world's major religions' points of view on end-of-life decisions in the intensive care unit [p] [d]
  1472. () The Japanese arts and self-cultivation [i]
  1473. () A self-determination theory perspective on the role of autonomy in solitary behavior [d]
  1474. () Supersizing the mind: embodiment, action, and cognitive extension [i] [d]
  1475. () Training the samurai mind: a bushidō sourcebook [i]
  1476. () The healthy aging brain: sustaining attachment, attaining wisdom [i]
  1477. () Sensing change [d]
  1478. () Mindfulness, compassion, and the police in America: an essay of hope [u]
  1479. () Zen architecture: the building process as practice [i]
  1480. () What is debate for?: the rationality of Tibetan debates and the role of humor [d]
  1481. () Is character fate, or is there hope to change my personality yet? [d]
  1482. Michael A. Edwards & Stephen Garrard Post [ed] () The love that does justice: spiritual activism in dialogue with social science [i] [u]
  1483. () Daily spiritual experiences and psychological well-being among US adults [d] [j]
  1484. () Antidotes to envy: a conceptual framework [i] [d]
  1485. () Whole life satisfaction concepts of happiness [d]
  1486. () Balance is everything: bicycle messengers, work and leisure [d]
  1487. () Plant lives: borderline beings in Indian traditions [i]
  1488. () Open hearts build lives: positive emotions, induced through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources [p] [d] [u]
  1489. Yudit Kornberg Greenberg [ed] () Encyclopedia of love in world religions [i]
  1490. () Emotion and cognition in psychotherapy: the transforming power of affect [d]
  1491. () Being with dying: cultivating compassion and fearlessness in the presence of death [i]
  1492. () Too little exercise and too much sitting: inactivity physiology and the need for new recommendations on sedentary behavior [d]
  1493. () Dharma talk: History of engaged Buddhism [and the four noble truths for today] [u]
  1494. () The world we have: a Buddhist approach to peace and ecology [i]
  1495. () The essence of Zen [i]
  1496. () Mahāyāna phoenix: Japan's Buddhists at the 1893 Worlds Parliament of Religions [i]
  1497. () Functional neuroimaging of belief, disbelief, and uncertainty [d]
  1498. Steven Heine & Dale Stuart Wright [ed] () Zen ritual: studies of Zen Buddhist theory in practice [i] [d]
  1499. Steven F. Hick & Thomas Bien [ed] () Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship [i]
  1500. () Buddhism and creativity [i]
  1501. () Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness [p] [d]
  1502. () Motivational concordance: an important mechanism in self-help therapeutic rituals involving inert (placebo) substances [d]
  1503. () Bindings against boundaries: entanglements of life in an open world [d]
  1504. () Experience and 'I' in autoethnography: a deconstruction [d] [j]
  1505. () Mindfulness as a coping mechanism for employment uncertainty [d]
  1506. () Contemplative education and youth development [d]
  1507. () Gardening at the dragon's gate: at work in the wild and cultivated world [i]
  1508. () Support for a neuropsychological model of spirituality in persons with traumatic brain injury [d]
  1509. () Just sitting down: how progressive Buddhists are being peace and embodying justice [i]
  1510. () Commitment to connection in a culture of fear [d]
  1511. Carl Knappett & Lambros Malafouris [ed] () Material agency: towards a non-anthropocentric approach [i] [d]
  1512. () Why self-discipline is overrated: the (troubling) theory and practice of control from within [u]
  1513. () Light comes through: Buddhist teachings on awakening to our natural intelligence [i]
  1514. () The social foundation of religious meaning in life [d]
  1515. () On the irrationality of emotion and the rationality of awareness [p] [d]
  1516. () Zazen as an enactment ritual [i] [d]
  1517. () Altruism and reciprocity of Buddhist monks: evidence from behavioral game experiments in southern India [d]
  1518. () Silent illumination: a study on Chan (Zen) meditation, anxiety, and musical performance quality [d]
  1519. () Mind the gap: religion and the crucible of marginality in the United States and Great Britain [d]
  1520. () Resisting individualism, advocating solidarity [i]
  1521. () Longchenpa's Advice from the heart = sNying gtam sun bcu pa [i]
  1522. () Mindfulness and professionalism in dentistry [p] [u]
  1523. () Regulation of the neural circuitry of emotion by compassion meditation: effects of meditative expertise [p] [d] [u]
  1524. () Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation [p] [d] [u]
  1525. () Meditation and psychiatry [p] [u]
  1526. () A brief history of interdependence [i] [d]
  1527. () The making of Buddhist modernism [i] [d]
  1528. () 'I felt like a new person': the effects of mindfulness meditation on older adults with chronic pain: qualitative narrative analysis of diary entries [p] [d] [u]
  1529. () Karma-Yoga: the Indian work ideal and its relationship with empathy [d]
  1530. () Self-compassion: moving beyond the pitfalls of a separate self-concept [i] [d]
  1531. Melissa K. Nelson [ed] () Original instructions: indigenous teachings for a sustainable future [i]
  1532. Jill D. Onedera [ed] () The role of religion in marriage and family counseling [i]
  1533. () 'Thinking about not-thinking': neural correlates of conceptual processing during Zen meditation [p] [d] [u]
  1534. () John Dewey's ethics: democracy as experience [i]
  1535. () Awareness and authoring: the idea of self in mindfulness and narrative therapy [d]
  1536. () The evolution of the precepts: study material for the 2008 national conference of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association [u]
  1537. () Measuring alertness [d]
  1538. () How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
  1539. () New atheist and religionist identity-polarization as a double-bind for process thought [u]
  1540. () Multiple Buddhist modernisms: jhāna in convert Theravāda [u]
  1541. () Ethics of compassion: bridging ethical theory and religious moral discourse [i]
  1542. () The importance of the dharma discussion guidelines [u]
  1543. () Love's garden: a guide to mindful relationships [i]
  1544. () Ritual: the final expression of care [d]
  1545. () Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being [d]
  1546. () The origins of yoga and tantra: Indic religions to the thirteenth century [i] [d]
  1547. () The unreliability of naive introspection [d] [j]
  1548. () The practice of marriage and family counseling and Buddhism [i]
  1549. () Cultivating mindfulness: effects on well-being [p] [d]
  1550. () Buddhist animal release practices: historic, environmental, public health and economic concerns [d]
  1551. () On the relative independence of thinking biases and cognitive ability [p] [d]
  1552. () Artisans, athletes, entrepreneurs, and other skilled exemplars of the Way [d]
  1553. () Goals and low-dose mindfulness-based stress reduction [u]
  1554. () Conversational mindfulness [u]
  1555. () Reason, irrationality and akrasia (weakness of the will) in Buddhism: reflections upon Śāntideva's arguments with himself [d]
  1556. () Being with that: the relevance of embodied understanding for practice [d]
  1557. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  1558. () Mindfulness: the present moment in clinical social work [d]
  1559. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
  1560. () Toward psychologies of liberation [i] [d]
  1561. Heidi A. Wayment & Jack J. Bauer [ed] () Transcending self-interest: psychological explorations of the quiet ego [i] [d]
  1562. () The philosopher and the neuroscientist: Dewey, Harris, and the nature of religious experiences [u]
  1563. () A web-based survey of the relationship between Buddhist religious practices, health, and psychological characteristics: research methods and preliminary results [p] [d] [j]
  1564. () The compatibility between bodhisattva compassion and 'no-self' [d]
  1565. (/2020) Society without God: what the least religious nations can tell us about contentment [i] [d] [j]
  1566. () Indigenous knowledge and science revisited [d]
  1567. () Why good people make bad choices: how you can develop peace of mind through integrity [i]
  1568. () Indigenous knowledge and western science: the possibility of dialogue [d]
  1569. () Nature farming: integration of traditional knowledge systems with modern farming in rice [o] [u]
  1570. () Let go: a Buddhist guide to breaking free of habits [i]
  1571. () Metacognitive training aids decision making [d]
  1572. () Train your mind, change your brain: how a new science reveals our extraordinary potential to transform ourselves [i]
  1573. Purusottama Bilimoria, Joseph Prabhu, & Renuka M. Sharma [ed] () Indian ethics: classical traditions and contemporary challenges [i] [d]
  1574. () Neural correlates of attentional expertise in long-term meditation practitioners [p] [d] [u]
  1575. () Reclaiming vitality and presence: sensory awareness as a practice for life [i]
  1576. () Mindfulness: theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects [d]
  1577. () The world in which we occur: John Dewey, pragmatist ecology, and American ecological writing in the twentieth century [i]
  1578. () Time(lessness): Buddhist perspectives and end-of-life [p] [d]
  1579. Paul C. Cooper [ed] () Into the mountain stream: psychotherapy and Buddhist experience [i]
  1580. () Objectivity [i]
  1581. () A Zen life in nature: Musō Soseki in his gardens [i]
  1582. () The interrelationships between entrepreneurship and religion [d]
  1583. () U Thant: Buddhism in action [i] [j]
  1584. () Elements of Buddhist philosophy in cognitive psychotherapy: the role of cultural specifics and universals [u]
  1585. () The psychodynamics of self-observation [d]
  1586. () Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference [d]
  1587. () Dismantling discontent: Buddha's way through Darwin's world [i]
  1588. () Universal dimensions of social cognition: warmth and competence [p] [d]
  1589. () Emotion refinement: a theory inspired by Chinese poetics [p] [d] [j]
  1590. () Making up the mind: how the brain creates our mental world [i]
  1591. () The psychology of enhancing human performance: the mindfulness–acceptance–commitment approach (MAC): a practitioner's guide [i]
  1592. () Engaging suffering: towards a mindful re-visioning of family therapy practice [d]
  1593. () The shifting terrain of the tantric bodies of Buddhas and Buddhists from an atiyoga perspective [i]
  1594. () Whose science and whose religion?: reflections on the relations between scientific and religious worldviews [d]
  1595. () Promoting mindfulness in psychotherapists in training influences the treatment results of their patients: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study [d]
  1596. () Into great silence = Le grand silence = Die grosse Stille [o]
  1597. () Nothing to do, nowhere to go: waking up to who you are [i]
  1598. () 'Freedom of the will' in the light of Theravāda Buddhist teachings [u]
  1599. () Avoiding unintended harm to the environment and the Buddhist ethic of intention [u]
  1600. () Dāna as a moral category [i] [d]
  1601. () Experience sampling method: measuring the quality of everyday life [i] [d]
  1602. () Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
  1603. () Making a change for good: a guide to compassionate self-discipline [i]
  1604. () Accidental atheists?: agent-based explanations for the persistence of religious regionalism [d]
  1605. () A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation versus relaxation training: effects on distress, positive states of mind, rumination, and distraction [d]
  1606. () Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention [p] [d]
  1607. () Burma's mass lay meditation movement: Buddhism and the cultural construction of power [i]
  1608. () Each moment is the universe: Zen and the way of being time [i]
  1609. () Dōgen on meditation and thinking: a reflection on his view of Zen [i]
  1610. () Meditation as authentic thinking [i]
  1611. () Insight dialogue: the interpersonal path to freedom [i]
  1612. () Religion and international trade: does the sharing of a religious culture facilitate the formation of trade networks? [d]
  1613. () The first person singular [i] [j]
  1614. () Meditative dialogue: a tool for engaging students in collaborative learning processes [d]
  1615. () Democracy's dharma: religious renaissance and political development in Taiwan [i] [d]
  1616. () Don't remove delusion: don't even seek the truth [i]
  1617. () Awakening through love: unveiling your deepest goodness [i]
  1618. () Albert Schweitzer's reverence for life: ethical idealism and self-realization [i]
  1619. () Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
  1620. () Japanese spirituality and music practice: art as self-cultivation [i] [d]
  1621. () Buddhist perspectives on the use of force [u]
  1622. () Living through the tsunami: vulnerability and generosity on a volatile earth [d]
  1623. () Wisdom, equanimity, caring: principles for every age [i]
  1624. () Head, eyes, flesh, and blood: giving away the body in Indian Buddhist literature [i] [d] [j]
  1625. () Learning from spiritual models and meditation: a randomized evaluation of a college course [d]
  1626. () Meditation practices for health: state of the research [i] [u]
  1627. () Find your focus zone: an effective new plan to defeat distraction and overload [i]
  1628. () Emotional processing in experiential therapy: why 'the only way out is through' [p] [d]
  1629. Sandy Kristin Piderit, Ronald E. Fry, & David L. Cooperrider [ed] () Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics [i] [d]
  1630. Thomas G. Plante & Carl E. Thoresen [ed] () Spirit, science, and health: how the spiritual mind fuels physical wellness [i]
  1631. () The five Buddhist paths [i]
  1632. John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] () Listening from the heart of silence [i]
  1633. () Error: on our predicament when things go wrong [i] [j]
  1634. () In matters of religion: a personal statement [i] [d]
  1635. () Issues in the philosophy of religion [i] [d]
  1636. Ruth Richards [ed] () Everyday creativity and new views of human nature: psychological, social, and spiritual perspectives [i] [d]
  1637. () The practice of precepts and the rule of realization: ordination ritual in Japanese and American Zen [u]
  1638. () More than mindfulness: when you have a tiger by the tail, let it eat you [d]
  1639. () Did meditating make us human? [d]
  1640. () Rumi: bridge to the soul: journeys into the music and silence of the heart [i]
  1641. (/2013) Wisdom [as epistemic humility, as epistemic accuracy, as knowledge, as rationality, or as a hybrid of these] [u]
  1642. () The challenge of placing spirituality within geographies of development [d]
  1643. () What are we?: the social construction of the human biological self [d]
  1644. () The great medicine that conquers clinging to the notion of reality: steps in meditation on the enlightened mind [i]
  1645. (/2009) Anticancer: a new way of life [i]
  1646. () Teaching self-care to caregivers: effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the mental health of therapists in training [d]
  1647. () The mindful brain: reflection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being [i]
  1648. () Individuals with mental illness can control their aggressive behavior through mindfulness training [d]
  1649. () Adolescents with conduct disorder can be mindful of their aggressive behavior [d]
  1650. () Interdependence [d]
  1651. () Back on the fire: essays [i]
  1652. () The continuity of mind [i] [d]
  1653. () Practical mystic: religion, science, and A.S. Eddington [i]
  1654. () Time is not fleeting: thoughts of a medieval Zen Buddhist [d]
  1655. () Orientational meliorism in Dewey and Dōgen [d] [j] [u]
  1656. () Building more solid bridges between Buddhism and Western psychology [p] [d]
  1657. () Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation [p] [d] [u]
  1658. () Sons of the Buddha: the early lives of three extraordinary Thai masters [i]
  1659. () The unshuttered heart: opening to aliveness/deadness in the self [i]
  1660. () Activist forest monks, adult learning and the Buddhist environmental movement in Thailand [d]
  1661. () Insight as a common factor [in psychotherapies] [i] [d]
  1662. () Drop your tools: on reconfiguring management education [d]
  1663. () The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness [i]
  1664. () Love, open awareness, and authenticity: a conversation with William Blake and D. W. Winnicott [d]
  1665. () Storylines as a neglected cause of crime [d]
  1666. () Cognitive interdependence: considering self-in-relationship [i]
  1667. () Tsong-kha-pa's gradual path system for ending mental afflictions and his methods for countering anger [i] [d]
  1668. () Annotated root lines of Mahāyāna mind training [i]
  1669. Susan M. Awbrey, Diane Dana, Vachel W. Miller, Phyllis Robinson, Merle M. Ryan, & David K. Scott [ed] () Integrative learning and action: a call to wholeness [i]
  1670. () Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness [d]
  1671. Ruth A. Baer [ed] (/2014) Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: clinician's guide to evidence base and applications [i] [d]
  1672. () The dialogue of civilizations in the birth of modern science [i] [d]
  1673. () Constructing Buddhism(s): interreligious dialogue and religious hybridity [d]
  1674. () The folk psychology of souls [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1675. () Forty-six faults that cause interference for spiritual study and practice [u]
  1676. () The path of the bodhisattva and the creation of oppressive cultures [i]
  1677. () The Wisdom Development Scale: translating the conceptual to the concrete [d]
  1678. () Wisdom and aging [i] [d]
  1679. () Becoming and un-becoming: the theory and practice of anatta [d]
  1680. () Absent-mindedness: lapses of conscious awareness and everyday cognitive failures [p] [d]
  1681. () Teaching self-care through mindfulness practices: the application of yoga, meditation, and qigong to counselor training [d]
  1682. () Moral theory in Śāntideva's Śikṣāsamuccaya: cultivating the fruits of virtue [i]
  1683. () Creativity through the life span from an evolutionary systems perspective [i]
  1684. () Use of self: a primer revisited [d]
  1685. E. Thomas Dowd & Stevan Lars Nielsen [ed] () The psychologies in religion: working with the religious client [i]
  1686. () Realizing the unreal: Dharmakīrti's theory of yogic perception [d]
  1687. () A comparison of ālaya-vijñana in Yogācāra and Dzogchen [i] [d]
  1688. () Faith and renunciation in early Buddhism: saddhā and nekkhamma [u]
  1689. () The energy of prayer: how to deepen your spiritual practice [i]
  1690. () Animism: respecting the living world [i]
  1691. () Contemplative practices: educating for peace and tolerance [d]
  1692. () Exploring inner experience: the descriptive experience sampling method [i] [d]
  1693. () Religious extremism: the good, the bad, and the deadly [d]
  1694. () Rethinking the animate, re-animating thought [d]
  1695. Thupten Jinpa, Gźon-nu-rgyal-mchog, & Dkon-mchog-rgyal-mtshan [ed] () Mind training: the great collection [i]
  1696. () Memory and reality [p] [d]
  1697. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  1698. () Psychological transformation of mind: the foundation for overcoming dis-ease [i]
  1699. () Reflection on the universal nature of vulnerability [p] [d]
  1700. () Don't believe everything you think: the 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking [i]
  1701. () Kindness and joy: expressing the gentle love [i]
  1702. () Finding the middle way: a multi-domain model of meditation in the treatment of compulsive eating [i] [d]
  1703. Erik Pema Kunsang, Michael Tweed, Ngawang Zangpo, & Marcia Binder Schmidt [ed] () Wellsprings of the great perfection: lives and insights of the early masters in the Dzogchen lineage [i]
  1704. () 12 steps on Buddha's path: Bill, Buddha, and we: a spiritual journey of recovery [i]
  1705. () Hypo-egoic self-regulation: exercising self-control by diminishing the influence of the self [p] [d]
  1706. () Communicating quietly: supporting personal growth with meditation and listening in schools [d]
  1707. () Luminous mind: meditation and mind fitness [i]
  1708. () The precious treasury of pith instructions [i]
  1709. () Scientific analysis of Buddhism and a comparative study of Buddhism and science [d]
  1710. () Melodies of an adamantine song: a chanting meditation on mind training [i]
  1711. () From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
  1712. () Human dignity, human rights, and religious pluralism: Buddhist and Christian perspectives [d] [j]
  1713. Chanju Mun [ed] () Buddhism and peace: theory and practice [i]
  1714. D. K. Nauriyal, Michael S. Drummond, & Yogesh Bihari Lal [ed] () Buddhist thought and applied psychological research: transcending the boundaries [i] [d]
  1715. () Teaching counselors self-care through mindfulness practices [d] [u]
  1716. () Lecture on the 28th chapter of Shōbōgenzō: Bodaisatta-shishōbō: the bodhisattva's four embracing actions [part 6: loving speech] [u]
  1717. () The four hills of life: Ojibwe wisdom [i]
  1718. () When it rains, does space get wet?: living the time–space–knowledge-vision [i]
  1719. () Always separate, always connected: independence and interdependence in cultural contexts of development [i] [d]
  1720. (/2008) The Buddha's teachings on prosperity: at home, at work, in the world [i]
  1721. () Zen body-being: an enlightened approach to physical skill, grace, and power [i]
  1722. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  1723. () Typologies of attentional networks [p] [d]
  1724. () Breaking through: essays, journals, and travelogues of Edward F. Ricketts [i] [d] [j]
  1725. () A concise guide to 'Parting from the four clingings' [i]
  1726. () Unlikely teachers: finding the hidden gifts in daily conflict [i]
  1727. () Knowing yourself: mindfulness [in negotiation and mediation] [i]
  1728. Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Pamela Ebstyne King, Linda M. Wagener, & Peter L. Benson [ed] () The handbook of spiritual development in childhood and adolescence [i] [d]
  1729. () Disenchanting the rhetoric: human uniqueness and human responsibility [p] [d] [j]
  1730. () The engaged spiritual life: a Buddhist approach to transforming ourselves and the world [i]
  1731. () Let the brain explain the mind: the case of attention [d]
  1732. () Acceptance, surrender, and nonduality: response to Sara Weber [d]
  1733. () Staying whole in a fragmented world: one Afro-Caribbean social worker's journey through wholeness—a psycho-spiritual perspective [d]
  1734. () Being Buddhist in Western Europe: cognitive needs, prosocial character, and values [d]
  1735. () A long and winding road: Soto Zen training in America [d]
  1736. () A key to the profound essential points: a meditation guide to 'Parting from the four clingings' [i]
  1737. () Buddhist goddesses of India [i]
  1738. () How to increase and sustain positive emotion: the effects of expressing gratitude and visualizing best possible selves [d]
  1739. () Mindful staff increase learning and reduce aggression in adults with developmental disabilities [d]
  1740. () The importance of feeling whole: learning to 'feel connected', community, and adult development [i]
  1741. () Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death [i] [d]
  1742. () The politics of shamanism and the limits of fear [u]
  1743. () Enhanced communication by developing a non-anxious presence [d]
  1744. () Eight verses on mind training [i]
  1745. () Tibetan meditation: practical teachings and step-by-step exercises on how to live in harmony, peace, and happiness [i]
  1746. () The emotional coherence of religion [i] [d]
  1747. () Reconciliation, right and wrong [o] [u]
  1748. () Untangling the present: the role of appropriate attention [o] [u]
  1749. () To what ends?: psychotherapy goals and outcomes, the good life, and the principle of beneficence [p] [d]
  1750. () Illness: an opportunity for spiritual growth [d]
  1751. (/2013) Original perfection: Vairotsana's five early transmissions [i]
  1752. () Mental balance and well-being: building bridges between Buddhism and Western psychology [p] [d]
  1753. () Detached mindfulness in cognitive therapy: a metacognitive analysis and ten techniques [d]
  1754. (/2010) Searching for the self in Buddhist traditions [i] [d]
  1755. () Frequent social comparisons and destructive emotions and behaviors: the dark side of social comparisons [d]
  1756. () The half-second delay: what follows? [d]
  1757. () Overcoming the illusion of will and self-fabrication: going beyond naïve subjective personal introspection to an unconscious/conscious theory of behavior explanation [d]
  1758. () Knowledge for what?: the Buddhist concept of learning in the Śūraṅgama sūtra [d]
  1759. () There are no degrees in a bodhisattva's compassion [d]
  1760. () Love and knowledge: recovering the heart of learning through contemplation [d]
  1761. () Empathy, psychotherapy integration, and meditation: a Buddhist contribution to the common factors movement [d]
  1762. () The ethics of intercultural travel: Thomas Merton's Asian pilgrimage and orientalism [d]
  1763. () The four immeasurable attitudes in Hīnayāna, Mahāyāna, and Bön [u]
  1764. () Waking up together: intimate partnership on the spiritual path [i]
  1765. () In the Buddha's words: an anthology of discourses from the Pāli canon [i] [u]
  1766. () Who ordered this truckload of dung?: inspiring stories for welcoming life's difficulties [i]
  1767. () Creatures of habit: the problem and the practice of liberation [d]
  1768. () Selling spirituality: the silent takeover of religion [i] [d]
  1769. () Buddhist ethics? [i] [d]
  1770. () No time to lose: a timely guide to the way of the bodhisattva [or: Becoming bodhisattvas: a guidebook for compassionate action] [i]
  1771. () Getting unstuck: breaking your habitual patterns and encountering naked reality [i]
  1772. () Cultivating a compassionate heart: the yoga method of Chenrezig [i]
  1773. () Some Whiteheadian assumptions about religion and pluralism [i]
  1774. () The radical acceptance of everything: living a focusing life [i]
  1775. () Japanese temple Buddhism: worldliness in a religion of renunciation [i] [d] [j]
  1776. () How now: 100 ways to celebrate the present moment [i]
  1777. () A discussion of the concept of spirituality [p] [d]
  1778. () Are we prisoners of Shangrila?: orientalism, nationalism, and the study of Tibet [u]
  1779. () Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself [i] [d]
  1780. () 'Cultural fraud': the role of culture in drug abuse [d]
  1781. () Open to desire: embracing a lust for life using insights from Buddhism and psychotherapy [i]
  1782. () Love promotes health [p]
  1783. () Brain science on ethics: the neurobiology of making choices [i] [d]
  1784. () The enlightened kitchen: fresh vegetable dishes from the temples of Japan [i]
  1785. () Laughing it up: Native American humor as spiritual tradition [d]
  1786. Christopher K. Germer, Ronald D. Siegel, & Paul R. Fulton [ed] (/2013) Mindfulness and psychotherapy [i]
  1787. () At home in nature: modern homesteading and spiritual practice in America [i] [d] [j]
  1788. () Becoming good: the role of spiritual practice [d]
  1789. () Down and up again: allegories of becoming and transcendence [u]
  1790. () The homology of emotionality and rationality [u]
  1791. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  1792. () Was Jesus a Buddhist? [d] [j]
  1793. () Just to be alive is enough [u]
  1794. () Conscious use of self: tuning the instrument of social work practice with cultural competence [u]
  1795. () Spiritual ecograms: a new assessment instrument for identifying clients' spiritual strengths in space and across time [d]
  1796. () Bonds of civility: aesthetic networks and the political origins of Japanese culture [i]
  1797. () Liberating truth: a Buddhist approach to religious pluralism [i]
  1798. () Developmental counseling and therapy: promoting wellness over the lifespan [i]
  1799. () Imaginary relish and exquisite torture: the elaborated intrusion theory of desire [d]
  1800. Stephanie Kaza [ed] () Hooked!: Buddhist writings on greed, desire, and the urge to consume [i]
  1801. () Western Buddhist motivations for vegetarianism [d]
  1802. () The place of multiple meanings: the dragon daughter rides today [d]
  1803. () Origins of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  1804. () End of life: the Buddhist view [p] [d]
  1805. () Leadership group coaching in action: the Zen of creating high performance teams [d] [j]
  1806. () Pure and simple: teachings of a Thai Buddhist laywoman [i]
  1807. () Global dynamics [in ethics] [i] [d]
  1808. () Being benevolence: the social ethics of engaged Buddhism [i] [d] [j]
  1809. () The nature of evil [i] [d]
  1810. () Polishing your heart: artisans and machines in Japan [i] [d]
  1811. (/2006) The role of the lay sangha [u]
  1812. () Becoming alive: psychoanalysis and vitality [i]
  1813. () Traditions of compassion: from religious duty to social activism [i] [d]
  1814. () On becoming an artist: reinventing yourself through mindful creativity [i]
  1815. () Dōgen's zazen as other-power practice [u]
  1816. Anita M. Leopold & Jeppe Sinding Jensen [ed] () Syncretism in religion: a reader [i] [d]
  1817. () Run your business and your life like a Zen monastery kitchen [i] [u]
  1818. () Improv wisdom: don't prepare, just show up [i]
  1819. () The unseemly [d]
  1820. () The invention of world religions, or, How European universalism was preserved in the language of pluralism [i] [d]
  1821. () Religion as a meaning system: policy implications for the new millennium [d]
  1822. () The varieties of religious development in adulthood: a longitudinal investigation of religion and rational choice [d]
  1823. (/2013) Cultivating attention and compassion [i]
  1824. Raymond F. Paloutzian & Crystal L. Park [ed] (/2013) Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality [i]
  1825. () Religion as a meaning-making framework in coping with life stress [d]
  1826. () Mindfulness, Buddhism, and Rogerian argument [u]
  1827. (/2008) Jewel mirror samadhi translation study [u]
  1828. () Moments of greatness: entering the fundamental state of leadership [u]
  1829. () Reflective action [i]
  1830. () Waking up to what you do: a Zen practice for meeting every situation with intelligence and compassion [i]
  1831. () Whose oppression is this?: the cultivation of compassionate action in dissolving the dualistic barrier [i] [d]
  1832. () Mindfulness mediation, the cultivation of awareness, mediator neutrality, and the possibility of justice [u]
  1833. () Neither brain nor ghost: a nondualist alternative to the mind–brain identity theory [i] [d]
  1834. () Tantric revisionings: new understandings of Tibetan Buddhism and Indian religion [i]
  1835. William Schweiker [ed] () The Blackwell companion to religious ethics [i] [d]
  1836. () Mindfulness and self-development in psychotherapy [u]
  1837. () Buddhist meditation: an anthology of texts from the Pali Canon [i]
  1838. () From conscientization to interbeing: a personal journey [i] [d]
  1839. () Conflict, culture, change: engaged Buddhism in a globalizing world [i]
  1840. () How the brain decides what we see [p] [d] [u]
  1841. () Timely and transforming leadership inquiry and action: toward triple-loop awareness [u]
  1842. () Older but not wiser?: the relationship between age and wisdom [d]
  1843. Robert J. Sternberg & Jennifer Jordan [ed] () A handbook of wisdom: psychological perspectives [i] [d]
  1844. (/2012) The practicing mind: developing focus and discipline in your life: master any skill or challenge by learning to love the process [i]
  1845. (/2013) Relational mindfulness [i]
  1846. () The architecture of participation [i]
  1847. (/2016) The world peace diet: eating for spiritual health and social harmony [i]
  1848. () Developmental differences in metacognition and their connections with cognitive development in adulthood [d]
  1849. William M. Bodiford [ed] () Going forth: visions of Buddhist vinaya: essays presented in honor of Professor Stanley Weinstein [i] [d] [j]
  1850. () The other side of Zen: a social history of Sōtō Zen Buddhism in Tokugawa Japan [i]
  1851. () Development of spiritual self-schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addictive and HIV risk behavior: a convergence of cognitive and Buddhist psychology [d]
  1852. Jacquelynn Baas & Mary Jane Jacob [ed] () Buddha mind in contemporary art [i]
  1853. Hilda Gutiérrez Baldoquín [ed] () Dharma, color, and culture: new voices in Western Buddhism [i]
  1854. () The path of compassion: the Bodhisattva precepts [i]
  1855. () Making things better and learning a lesson: experiencing wisdom across the lifespan [p] [d]
  1856. () The importance of being flexible: the ability to both enhance and suppress emotional expression predicts long-term adjustment [d]
  1857. () Buddhism at work: community development, social empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement [i]
  1858. () The four things that matter most: a book about living [i]
  1859. () Gendered religious organizations: the case of Theravāda Buddhism in America [d]
  1860. () Silence as the foundation of learning [d]
  1861. () Awake at work: facing the challenges of life on the job [i]
  1862. () The one who is not busy: connecting with work in a deeply satisfying way [i]
  1863. () Rationality, integrity, and religious behavior [d]
  1864. () Religious identity and consumption [d]
  1865. () Haunting the Buddha: Indian popular religions and the formation of Buddhism [i]
  1866. (/2010) Dōgen's extensive record: a translation of the Eihei kōroku [i]
  1867. () We are one: grief, weeping, and other deep emotions in response to nature as a path toward wholeness [d]
  1868. () Are religious people nicer people?: taking a closer look at the religion–empathy relationship [d]
  1869. () The retreat of the elephants: an environmental history of China [i] [d] [j]
  1870. Carol R. Ember & Melvin Ember [ed] () Encyclopedia of medical anthropology: health and illness in the world's cultures [i] [d]
  1871. () Too proud to let go: narcissistic entitlement as a barrier to forgiveness [d]
  1872. () Reflection on Martha Nussbaum's work on compassion from a Buddhist perspective [u]
  1873. () Boyz 2 buddhas: counseling urban high school male athletes in the zone [i]
  1874. () The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions [p] [d] [u]
  1875. Uwe P. Gielen, Jefferson M. Fish, & Juris G. Draguns [ed] () Handbook of culture, therapy, and healing [i] [d]
  1876. () One breath at a time: Buddhism and the twelve steps [i]
  1877. () Freedom wherever we go: a Buddhist monastic code for the 21st century [i]
  1878. () Clarifying the construct of mindfulness in the context of emotion regulation and the process of change in therapy [d]
  1879. () Theories of the gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain reflections on dāna [i]
  1880. () Bringing Zen practice home [d] [j]
  1881. () A socioanalytic model of maturity [d]
  1882. () The doctrinal transformation of twentieth-century Chinese Buddhism: Master Yinshun's interpretation of the tathāgatagarbha doctrine [d] [u]
  1883. () Zen Buddhism and environmental ethics [i] [d]
  1884. () Seeing nakedly the natural state of the great perfection: necessary instructions for beginners [i]
  1885. (/2018) The elements of mentoring: 75 practices of master mentors [i]
  1886. () Individual differences in emotional complexity: their psychological implications [p] [d]
  1887. () The effects of eye movements, spatial attention, and stimulus features on inattentional blindness [d]
  1888. () I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
  1889. () Acquisitive desire: assessment and treatment [i] [d]
  1890. () The lost art of compassion: discovering the practice of happiness in the meeting of Buddhism and psychology [i]
  1891. () Mind time: the temporal factor in consciousness [i]
  1892. () Trust [i]
  1893. () Self-regulation: context-appropriate balanced attention [i]
  1894. () The coactive construction of selves in cultures [i] [d]
  1895. () Respect and take care of things [i]
  1896. () Tobler's first law and spatial analysis [d]
  1897. () An end to suffering: the Buddha in the world [o]
  1898. Susan Ichi Su Moon [ed] () Not turning away: the practice of engaged Buddhism [i]
  1899. () On beggars [i]
  1900. () Novice to master: an ongoing lesson in the extent of my own stupidity [i]
  1901. () Individual trait anxiety levels characterizing the properties of Zen meditation [d]
  1902. () Cognitive humanistic therapy: Buddhism, Christianity and being fully human [i] [d]
  1903. (/2015) Medicine & compassion: a Tibetan Lama and an American doctor on how to provide care with compassion & wisdom [or: Medicine & compassion: a Tibetan Lama's guidance for caregivers] [i]
  1904. () The bodhisattva precepts in Sōtō Zen Buddhism [u]
  1905. () A hidden wholeness: the journey toward an undivided life [i]
  1906. Moses L. Pava & Patrick Primeaux [ed] () Spiritual intelligence at work: meaning, metaphor, and morals [i] [d]
  1907. Jack Petranker [ed] () A new kind of knowledge: evocations, exhibitions, extensions, and excavations [i]
  1908. () Being religious interreligiously: Asian perspectives on interfaith dialogue [i]
  1909. () The great compassion: Buddhism and animal rights [i]
  1910. Michael I. Posner [ed] (/2012) Cognitive neuroscience of attention [i]
  1911. () Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
  1912. () Interglacial: new and selected poems & aphorisms [i]
  1913. () Tantric treasures: three collections of mystical verse from Buddhist India [i]
  1914. () Presence: exploring profound change in people, organizations, and society [i]
  1915. () Food of bodhisattvas: Buddhist teachings on abstaining from meat [i]
  1916. () Mindful caregiving increases happiness among individuals with profound multiple disabilities [d]
  1917. () The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life [i]
  1918. () Light on body image treatment: acceptance through mindfulness [p] [d]
  1919. () What is dokusan? [u]
  1920. () Japanese forms of psychotherapy: Naikan therapy and Morita theapy [i] [d]
  1921. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  1922. () No title [on Tehching Hsieh and contemporary art] [i]
  1923. () Approaching the great perfection: simultaneous and gradual approaches to Dzogchen practice in Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtig [i]
  1924. () Précis of The illusion of conscious will [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1925. () Critical questions towards a naturalized concept of karma in Buddhism [u]
  1926. () Buddhists and Buddhism in the United States: the scope of influence [d]
  1927. () 'How can I be a Buddhist if I don't like to sit?' [i]
  1928. () The physics of living [i]
  1929. () Satipaṭṭhāna: the direct path to realization [i] [u]
  1930. () Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: a conceptual and empirical review [d]
  1931. () The false duality of work and leisure [d] [u]
  1932. () Elegy for everything [u]
  1933. () Confronting the gaps by being present in 'not knowing' [u]
  1934. Marc H. Bornstein, Lucy Davidson, Corey L. M. Keyes, & Kristin A. Moore [ed] () Well-being: positive development across the life course [i] [d]
  1935. () Radical acceptance: embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha [i]
  1936. Mark Brady [ed] () The wisdom of listening [i]
  1937. () Living and dying in zazen: five Zen masters of modern Japan [i]
  1938. () The evolution of morality and religion [i] [d]
  1939. () The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being [d]
  1940. () 'Soul-less' Christianity and the Buddhist empirical self: Buddhist–Christian convergence? [d] [j]
  1941. () Body posture affects electroencephalographic activity and psychomotor vigilance task performance in sleep-deprived subjects [d]
  1942. () Four illusions: Candrakīrti's advice for travelers on the Bodhisattva path [i]
  1943. Edward C. Chang & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Virtue, vice, and personality: the complexity of behavior [i] [d]
  1944. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  1945. () Discursive practices and their interpretation in the psychology of religious development [i] [d]
  1946. Kathleen H. Dockett, G. Rita Dudley-Grant, & C. Peter Bankart [ed] () Psychology and Buddhism: from individual to global community [i] [d]
  1947. () The power of denial: Buddhism, purity, and gender [i] [d] [j]
  1948. () Nonduality and therapy: awakening the unconditioned mind [i] [u]
  1949. () Moral development as the personal education of feeling and reason: from James to Piaget [d]
  1950. () Dāna: giving and getting in Pali Buddhism [i]
  1951. () Creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1952. () Taking our places: the Buddhist path to truly growing up [i]
  1953. James L. Furrow & Linda M. Wagener [ed] () Beyond the self: perspectives on identity and transcendence among youth [i] [d] [u]
  1954. () Reconstituting development as a shared responsibility: ethics, aesthetics and a creative shaping of human possibilities [i]
  1955. () Joyfully together: the art of building a harmonious community [i]
  1956. () Creating true peace: ending violence in yourself, your family, your community, and the world [i]
  1957. () Mindfulness: method and process [d]
  1958. () More is not always better: the benefits of cognitive limits [i] [d]
  1959. () When we speak of intentions [i] [d]
  1960. () Zen sand: the book of capping phrases for kōan practice [i] [d] [j]
  1961. () Honour Earth Mother = Mino-audjaudauh Mizzu-Kummik-Quae [i]
  1962. () Wabi sabi: the Japanese art of impermanence [i]
  1963. () Mindfulness-based interventions in context: past, present, and future [d]
  1964. () The Buddha teaches an attitude, not an affiliation [i]
  1965. () The hazards of goal pursuit [i] [d]
  1966. (/2011) Zazen as inquiry [i]
  1967. () Positive adaptation to trauma: wisdom as both process and outcome [p] [d]
  1968. () The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
  1969. () Buddhist perspectives on truth in other religions: past and present [d]
  1970. () Transcendence and violence: the encounter of Buddhist, Christian, and primal traditions [i]
  1971. () The path to Buddha: a Tibetan pilgrimage [i]
  1972. () Milarepa: songs on the spot [i]
  1973. (/2006) A song on the six perfections [u]
  1974. (/2006) Upside-down Zen: finding the marvelous in the ordinary [i]
  1975. () A Dalit defense of the Deweyan-Buddhist view of science [i]
  1976. () Modern science as the standpoint of the oppressed: Dewey meets the Buddha of India's Dalits [i]
  1977. () A few good men: the Bodhisattva path according to the Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā) [i]
  1978. (/2011) Japan: the essential guide to customs & culture [i]
  1979. () Causation as folk science [u]
  1980. () The first Buddhist missionaries in Peru: an unknown centennial history [of Japanese Sōtō and Jōdo priests] [u]
  1981. () Future generations and the metaphysics of the self: Western and Indian philosophical perspectives [d]
  1982. () Religion and spirituality: linkages to physical health [p] [d]
  1983. John J. Prendergast, Peter Fenner, & Sheila Krystal [ed] () The sacred mirror: nondual wisdom & psychotherapy [i] [u]
  1984. Christopher S. Queen, Charles S. Prebish, & Damien Keown [ed] () Action dharma: new studies in engaged Buddhism [i] [d]
  1985. () Meditation in higher education: the next wave? [d]
  1986. () Is there a fundamental level? [d] [j]
  1987. () Metta prayer [i] [u]
  1988. Helaine Selin & Arne Kalland [ed] () Nature across cultures: views of nature and the environment in non-western cultures [i] [d]
  1989. () Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
  1990. () The virtues and vices of personal control [i] [d]
  1991. Douglas Sturm [ed] () Belonging together: faith and politics in a relational world [i]
  1992. () Confucian democracy: a Deweyan reconstruction [i]
  1993. (/2007) Tibetan relaxation: the illustrated guide to kum nye massage and movement, a yoga from the Tibetan tradition [i]
  1994. (/2006) Six words of advice [u]
  1995. () The Buddha in the jungle [or: In the cool shade of compassion: the enchanted world of the Buddha in the jungle] [i]
  1996. () The green Buddha of the grotto [i]
  1997. () Worldly wonder: religions enter their ecological phase [i]
  1998. () Zen war stories [i] [d]
  1999. () The Buddhist unconscious: the ālaya-vijñāna in the context of Indian Buddhist thought [i] [d]
  2000. () The perfect wrong note: learning to trust your musical self [i]
  2001. () Dwelling and seeking in late adulthood: the psychosocial implications of two types of religious orientation [d]
  2002. () Religiousness, spirituality, and psychosocial functioning in late adulthood: findings from a longitudinal study [d]
  2003. Lisa Feldman Barrett & Peter Salovey [ed] () The wisdom in feeling: psychological processes in emotional intelligence [i]
  2004. () Le chemin de Saint-Jean [i]
  2005. () The four close placements of mindfulness according to Mahāyāna [u]
  2006. (/2006) Mind and mental factors: the fifty-one types of subsidiary awareness [u]
  2007. (/2006) Cognition of the two truths in the Gelug Sautrāntika, Chittamātra, Svātantrika, and Prasangika systems [u]
  2008. () Mindful recovery: a spiritual path to healing from addiction [i]
  2009. () Healing Zen: awakening to a life of wholeness and compassion while caring for yourself and others [i]
  2010. () What should 'forgiveness' mean? [d]
  2011. () Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame?: catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding [d]
  2012. () Multiple religious belonging and reconciliation [i]
  2013. () Profession, code, and ethics [i]
  2014. () The heart of Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō [i]
  2015. () The personal and impersonal dimensions of benevolence [d] [j]
  2016. () Borderline beings: plant possibilities in early Buddhism [d] [j]
  2017. (/2016) The violence of oneness [i]
  2018. () The ten trusts: what we must do to care for the animals we love [i]
  2019. () Integrating an emotion-focused approach to treatment into psychotherapy integration [d]
  2020. () Bimaadiziwin, or the 'good life', as a unifying concept of Anishinaabe religion [d] [u]
  2021. () The comic vision of Anishinaabe culture and religion [d]
  2022. () Friends on the path: living spiritual communities [i]
  2023. () No death, no fear: comforting wisdom for life [i]
  2024. () Off to the side: a memoir [i]
  2025. Graham Harvey [ed] () Readings in indigenous religions [i]
  2026. () A Zen way into the universe story [u]
  2027. (/2011) Flexibility: the key to a healthy personality [u]
  2028. () Different paths, different summits: a model for religious pluralism [i]
  2029. (/2004) To live is just to live [i]
  2030. () Naikan: gratitude, grace, and the Japanese art of self-reflection [i]
  2031. () Altruism is never self-sacrifice [d]
  2032. John Daido Loori [ed] (/2004) The art of just sitting: essential writings on the Zen practice of shikantaza [i]
  2033. () The hidden genius of emotion: lifespan transformations of personality [i] [d]
  2034. () Buddhist philosophy and the treatment of addictive behavior [d]
  2035. () American Zen and psychotherapy: an ongoing dialogue [i] [d]
  2036. Marvin W. Meyer & Kurt Bergel [ed] () Reverence for life: the ethics of Albert Schweitzer for the twenty-first century [i]
  2037. () The development of Buddhist psychology in modern Japan [i] [d]
  2038. () Ojibwe waasa inaabidaa = We look in all directions [i]
  2039. () John Dewey and his religious critics [d]
  2040. () Making the world my body: Simone Weil and somatic practice [d] [j]
  2041. () The war of art: winning the inner creative battle [i]
  2042. () A teacher's responsibility [u]
  2043. () Visual technologies, cosmographies, and our sense of place in the universe [d]
  2044. () Dancing the self: personhood and performance in the Pāṇḍav līlā of Garhwal [i]
  2045. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Why smart people can be so stupid [i] [d] [j]
  2046. () Not always so: practicing the true spirit of Zen [i]
  2047. () Questions of skill [o] [u]
  2048. () Thinking like a thief [u]
  2049. () De-perception [o] [u]
  2050. (/2010) Life isn't just suffering [o] [u]
  2051. () A real teacher [u]
  2052. () Caught in fading light: mountain lions, Zen masters, and wild nature [i]
  2053. () Zen and the art of dealing with the difficult patron [d]
  2054. () The lotus unleashed: the Buddhist peace movement in South Vietnam, 1964–1966 [i]
  2055. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  2056. () A fresh perspective: a conversation with Bill Torbert, July 11, 2002 [u]
  2057. () The genius within: discovering the intelligence of every living thing [i]
  2058. () Healing with form, energy and light: the five elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen [i]
  2059. () The illusion of conscious will [i] [d]
  2060. Michael Wenger [ed] () Wind bell: teachings from the San Francisco Zen Center 1968–2001 [i]
  2061. () Did Śāntideva destroy the bodhisattva path? [u]
  2062. () Lifespan development revisited: African-centered spirituality throughout the life cycle [d]
  2063. (/2017) Sitting inside: Buddhist practice in America's prisons [i]
  2064. () Truthfulness and relevance [d] [j]
  2065. () A big new free happy unusual life: self-expression and spiritual practice for those who have time for neither [i]
  2066. () Breakdown of will [i] [d]
  2067. (/2015) Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity [i]
  2068. () Being upright: Zen meditation and the bodhisattva precepts [i]
  2069. Bruno Barnhart & Yuese Huang [ed] () Purity of heart and contemplation: a monastic dialogue between Christian and Asian traditions [i]
  2070. () The unfinished system of nonknowledge [i]
  2071. (/2017) Religious traditions and biodiversity [i] [d]
  2072. () Fundamentals of dzogchen meditation [u]
  2073. () Making progress on the spiritual path: network theory [u]
  2074. () Preliminaries for meditation or study: the seven-limb practice [u]
  2075. () Japanese philosophy [i]
  2076. () Sit still and pay attention? [d]
  2077. () Encounter with enlightenment: a study of Japanese ethics [i]
  2078. (/2007) Zen is right here: teaching stories and anecdotes of Shunryū Suzuki [or: To shine one corner of the world: moments with Shunryū Suzuki: stories of a Zen master told by his students] [i]
  2079. () Breathing regulation in Zen Buddhism [i] [d]
  2080. () Working with anger [i]
  2081. () Thinking bigger [i]
  2082. () The places that scare you: a guide to fearlessness in difficult times [i]
  2083. () Toward a tripartite factor structure of mental health: subjective well-being, personal growth, and religiosity [p] [d]
  2084. () Secular wholeness: a skeptic's paths to a richer life [i]
  2085. () Pure immanence: essays on a life [i]
  2086. () Just being [p] [u]
  2087. () Liking and disliking [u]
  2088. () Welcome everything [p]
  2089. () The Tibetan book of the dead: Deleuze and the positivity of the second light [i]
  2090. (/2009) The present alone is our happiness: conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson [i]
  2091. () The art of life: interview with Herbie Hancock [u]
  2092. () Live each moment beautifully [i]
  2093. () Your heart sutra [i]
  2094. () Anger: wisdom for cooling the flames [i]
  2095. (/2006) Transformation at the base: fifty verses on the nature of consciousness [or: Understanding our mind] [i]
  2096. () Cultivating compassion: a Buddhist perspective [i]
  2097. () Growing up together: aging and family practice [u]
  2098. (/2011) Neither monk nor layman: clerical marriage in modern Japanese Buddhism [i] [j]
  2099. () Be careful what you wish for: optimal functioning and the relative attainment of intrinsic and extrinsic goals [i]
  2100. () Visible here and now: the Buddha's teachings on the rewards of spiritual practice [i]
  2101. () Gracious play: discipline, insight, and the common good [d]
  2102. () The hard road to the good life: the happy, mature person [d]
  2103. () Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: engaged spirituality in an age of globalization [i]
  2104. () The treatise on the great virtue of wisdom = Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra [u]
  2105. () Making friends with death: a Buddhist guide to encountering mortality [i]
  2106. () Story medicine: multicultural tales of healing and transformation [i]
  2107. () The precious treasury of the basic space of phenomena [i]
  2108. () A treasure trove of scriptural transmission: a commentary on The precious treasury of the basic space of phenomena [i]
  2109. () The holy order of water: healing the earth's waters and ourselves [i]
  2110. () The Lakota way: stories and lessons for living [i]
  2111. () Upheavals of thought: the intelligence of emotions [i] [d]
  2112. () Addiction as excessive appetite [p] [d]
  2113. () The transformation of American religion: the story of a late-twentieth-century awakening [i] [d]
  2114. () Light waves: fine tuning the mind [i] [d]
  2115. () Vectors: aphorisms & ten-second essays [i]
  2116. () Eight verses for training the mind: an oral teaching [i]
  2117. () Being accepted for who we are: evidence that social validation of the intrinsic self reduces general defensiveness [d]
  2118. () Skillful means: the heart of Buddhist compassion [i]
  2119. () Hearing the news with bodhisattva ears [u]
  2120. () Spiritual practices: the true test of spirituality [d]
  2121. (/2005) Zen 24/7: all Zen all the time [i]
  2122. () Zen cancer: an interview with Phil Toshio Sudo [u]
  2123. (/2005) Zen strolling [i]
  2124. (/2015) Teaching and learning reflective practice in the action science/action inquiry tradition [i] [d]
  2125. () The mind in early Buddhism: a study of the concept of citta as depicted in the Pāli Tipiṭaka [i]
  2126. () Calm energy: how people regulate mood with food and exercise [i]
  2127. () Training psychotherapists in attributes of 'mind' from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part I: core principles, emptiness, impermanence, and paradox [p] [d]
  2128. () Training psychotherapists in attributes of 'mind' from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part II: attention, here and now, nonattachment, and compassion [p] [d]
  2129. () Finding space: Winnicott, God, and psychic reality [i]
  2130. () Practicing presence: the spirituality of caring in everyday life [i]
  2131. Kerry S. Walters & Lisa Portmess [ed] () Religious vegetarianism: from Hesiod to the Dalai Lama [i]
  2132. () Liberating oneself from the absolutized boundary of language: a liminological approach to the interplay of speech and silence in Chan Buddhism [d] [j]
  2133. (/2014) Reverence: renewing a forgotten virtue [i]
  2134. () Creative spirituality: the way of the artist [i]
  2135. (/2010) The great realizations: a commentary on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra [i]
  2136. () Methodological altruism as an alternative foundation for individual optimization [d] [j]
  2137. () Wisdom: a metaheuristic (pragmatic) to orchestrate mind and virtue toward excellence [p] [d]
  2138. (/2006) The major facets of dzogchen [u]
  2139. (/2010) Wise teacher, wise student: Tibetan approaches to a healthy relationship [or: Relating to a spiritual teacher: building a healthy relationship] [i]
  2140. () Be your own coach: your pathway to possibility [i]
  2141. () Mindfulness and interpersonal communication [d]
  2142. () Beautiful work: a meditation on pain [i] [d]
  2143. () Travel broadens the mind [d]
  2144. () Finding a joyful life in the heart of pain [or: Turning suffering inside out: a Zen approach to living with physical and emotional pain] [i]
  2145. () Performativity and the event: enacting a philosophy of difference [d]
  2146. () Passion, activity, and 'the care of the self' [p] [d] [j]
  2147. () How to use your eyes [i] [d]
  2148. () Executive attention and metacognitive regulation [p] [d]
  2149. Ellison Banks Findly [ed] () Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's women: tradition, revision, renewal [i]
  2150. () The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
  2151. () Spiritual Titanism: Indian, Chinese, and Western perspectives [i]
  2152. () Hermit of Go Cliffs: timeless instructions from a Tibetan mystic [i]
  2153. () Uncreativity as a creative practice [u]
  2154. (/2009) Eight steps to happiness: the Buddhist way of loving kindness [i]
  2155. () Be free where you are: a talk given at the Maryland Correctional Institution [i]
  2156. (/2007) Silent meal practice [i]
  2157. (/2007) Chanting from the heart: Buddhist ceremonies and daily practices [i]
  2158. (/2007) Discourse on the middle way [i]
  2159. () An introduction to Buddhist ethics: foundations, values, and issues [i] [d]
  2160. () The implications of unmitigated agency and unmitigated communion for domains of problem behavior [p] [d]
  2161. () Dialectical thinking: neither Eastern nor Western [p] [d]
  2162. () Building a community of love: bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh [u]
  2163. () Dismantling the boundaries between life and death [d]
  2164. () All Buddhism is engaged: Thich Nhat Hanh and the order of interbeing [i]
  2165. () Coincidences of comparison [d] [j]
  2166. (/2003) Do bodhisattvas relieve poverty?: the distinction between economic and spiritual development and their interrelation in Indian Buddhist texts [i] [d]
  2167. Thupten Jinpa & Jaś Elsner [ed] () Songs of spiritual experience: Tibetan Buddhist poems of insight and awakening [i]
  2168. (/2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [i]
  2169. () To save all beings: Buddhist environmental activism [i]
  2170. Stephanie Kaza & Kenneth Kraft [ed] () Dharma rain: sources of Buddhist environmentalism [i]
  2171. () Ecological precepts [i]
  2172. () Human rights in contemporary engaged Buddhism [i]
  2173. () They who burned themselves for peace: Quaker and Buddhist self-immolators during the Vietnam War [d] [j]
  2174. () Compassion for all beings [i]
  2175. () Buddha nature: the Mahāyāna Uttaratantra shāstra [with commentary] [i]
  2176. () Wisdom as a classical source of human strength: conceptualization and empirical inquiry [d]
  2177. () The construct of mindfulness [d]
  2178. () Humor: the psychology of living buoyantly [i] [d]
  2179. () It's a meaningful life: it just takes practice [i]
  2180. () Mahāyāna Buddhist ritual and ethical activity in the world [d] [j]
  2181. () Meaningful work: rethinking professional ethics [i] [d]
  2182. (/2002) Too-blue: colour-patch for an expanded empiricism [i] [d]
  2183. () Going to hell in Asia: the relationship between risk and religion in a cross cultural setting [d] [j]
  2184. () Diversity in reasoning and rationality: metacognitive and developmental considerations [d] [u]
  2185. () Highs!: over 150 ways to feel really, really good... without alcohol or other drugs [i]
  2186. () Mental attention, consciousness, and the progressive emergence of wisdom [d]
  2187. Christopher S. Queen [ed] () Engaged Buddhism in the west [i]
  2188. () The Bodhisattva vow [i]
  2189. () Living in the light of death: on the art of being truly alive [i]
  2190. () Grabbing the tiger by the tail: a conversation with Robert Kegan [u]
  2191. () On slowness in philosophy [d] [j]
  2192. () Creating rituals for the non-religious [i] [d]
  2193. () Let go of imbalance [u]
  2194. () Emotion and peace of mind: from Stoic agitation to Christian temptation [i]
  2195. () Zazen and psychotherapeutic presence [p] [d]
  2196. () Sweeping changes: discovering the joy of Zen in everyday tasks [i]
  2197. () Toward a psychology of awakening: Buddhism, psychotherapy, and the path of personal and spiritual transformation [i]
  2198. () The scripture on the explication of underlying meaning [Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra] [i] [u]
  2199. (/2003) Dōgen's ceaseless practice [i] [d]
  2200. () The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds [d]
  2201. () Women living Zen: Japanese Sōtō Buddhist nuns [i] [d]
  2202. () New church offers powwows for Indians [All Tribes Gathering] [u]
  2203. () The unbearable automaticity of being [d]
  2204. () Toward the Zen of performance: music improvisation therapy for the development of self-confidence in the performer [i]
  2205. (/2018) Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management [i] [d]
  2206. () Numerical discourses of the Buddha: Aṅguttara nikāya: an anthology of suttas from the Aṅguttara nikāya [i]
  2207. () Mindfulness and quasi-religious meaning systems: an empirical exploration within the context of ecological sustainability and deep ecology [d] [j]
  2208. () The hermit and the activist [u]
  2209. () Organizational cultures as holding environments: a psychodynamic look at organizational symbolism [d]
  2210. (/2010) Spiritual diversity in social work practice: the heart of helping [i]
  2211. () Crooked cucumber: the life and Zen teaching of Shunryū Suzuki [i]
  2212. () Why I am not a secularist [i]
  2213. () Serenity [and psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  2214. () Chinnagounder's challenge: the question of ecological citizenship [i]
  2215. () Enlightenment unfolds: the essential teachings of Zen Master Dōgen [i]
  2216. () The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality [i]
  2217. () Children's dreaming and the development of consciousness [i] [j]
  2218. () Buddhism as/in performance: analysis of meditation and theatrical practice [i]
  2219. () Energy, peace, purpose: a step-by-step guide to optimal living [i]
  2220. () Spirituality and trauma: an essay [d]
  2221. () Reinventing the wheel: a Buddhist response to the information age [i]
  2222. () Dialogue and the art of thinking together: a pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life [i]
  2223. Damien Keown [ed] () Buddhism and abortion [i] [d]
  2224. () Spiritual bonds to the dead in cross-cultural and historical perspective: comparative religion and modern grief [p] [d]
  2225. () Zazen and cardiac variability [p] [d]
  2226. () Starving for salvation: the spiritual dimensions of eating problems among American girls and women [i]
  2227. () The development of wisdom: an analysis of Tibetan Buddhist experience [d]
  2228. () Innocence [i]
  2229. () Mindfulness and meditation [in clinical therapy] [i] [d]
  2230. () The way of the human being [i]
  2231. William R. Miller [ed] () Integrating spirituality into treatment: resources for practitioners [i] [d]
  2232. () On being a secularist all the way down [i]
  2233. () Religious conversion and personality change [d]
  2234. () The art of blessing: teaching parents to create rituals [j]
  2235. () Ritual and religion in the making of humanity [i] [d]
  2236. () Values, spirituality, and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2237. () The three principal aspects of the path: an oral teaching [i]
  2238. (/2012) Buddhism in America [i] [j]
  2239. () The Gary Snyder reader: prose, poetry, and translations, 1952–1998 [i]
  2240. (/2010) The Buddha from Dölpo: a study of the life and thought of the Tibetan master Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen [i]
  2241. () Branching streams flow in the darkness: Zen talks on the Sandokai [i] [d] [j]
  2242. Leonard J. Swidler [ed] () For all life: toward a universal declaration of a global ethic: an interreligious dialogue [i]
  2243. (/2005) Transforming adversity into joy and courage: an explanation of The thirty-seven practices of Bodhisattvas [or: Transforming the heart: the Buddhist way to joy and courage: a commentary to the Bodhisattva Togme Sangpo's The thirty-seven practices of Bodhisattvas] [i]
  2244. () The four noble truths: a study guide [u]
  2245. () The distinctive questions developmental action inquiry asks [d] [u]
  2246. Karma Lekshe Tsomo [ed] () Buddhist women across cultures: realizations [i]
  2247. () Meditation and attention: a comparison of the effects of concentrative and mindfulness meditation on sustained attention [d]
  2248. (/2010) The four immeasurables: practices to open the heart [i]
  2249. Froma Walsh [ed] (/2009) Spiritual resources in family therapy [i]
  2250. () The seed of our undoing [u]
  2251. () Ethical comportment in organizations: a synthesis of the feminist ethic of care and the Buddhist ethic of compassion [d]
  2252. () Beyond belief and unbelief [i]
  2253. () Buddhist philosophy and New Testament theology [d] [j]
  2254. () Popular Buddhism in Japan: Shin Buddhist religion & culture [i]
  2255. Howard A. Bacal [ed] () Optimal responsiveness: how therapists heal their patients [i]
  2256. () Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
  2257. () Buddhist sexual ethics: main issues [or: Issues in Buddhist sexual ethics] [u]
  2258. () Gratitude and justice [d] [j]
  2259. () Stoicism, evil, and the possibility of morality [d] [j]
  2260. () The faith of democratic ecological citizenship [d] [j]
  2261. () Therapy and meditation: a path to wholeness [and: Patient wisdom: a conversation with psychiatrist Mark Epstein] [u]
  2262. () Going to pieces without falling apart: a Buddhist perspective on wholeness [i]
  2263. () Another always thinks in me [i]
  2264. () The red thread: Buddhist approaches to sexuality [i] [d] [j]
  2265. (/2004) Double exposure: cutting across Buddhist and Western discourses [i]
  2266. (/2001) Relaxing into your being [i]
  2267. () A logic of the heart: re-reading Taoism and Zen Buddhism [d]
  2268. () Bearing witness: a Zen master's lessons in making peace [i]
  2269. (/2002) Meditating with anger [i]
  2270. () The heart of the Buddha's teaching: transforming suffering into peace, joy & liberation: the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path & other basic Buddhist teachings [i]
  2271. () Fragrant palm leaves: journals, 1962–1966 [i]
  2272. () The sūtra of Hui-neng, grand master of Zen: with Hui-neng's commentary on the Diamond sūtra [i]
  2273. () Rationality and the 'religious mind' [d]
  2274. () Apparitions of the self: the secret autobiographies of a Tibetan visionary: a translation and study of Jigme Lingpa's Dancing moon in the water and Ḍākki's grand secret-talk [i]
  2275. () The quiet in the land: everyday life, contemporary art, and the Shakers: a conversation with Janet A. Kaplan [d] [j]
  2276. () Emptying your cup: non-verbal awareness and general semantics [j]
  2277. (/2012) Faces of compassion: classic Bodhisattva archetypes and their modern expression—an introduction to Mahāyāna Buddhism [i]
  2278. () The precious treasury of the way of abiding and The exposition of the quintessential meaning of the three categories: a commentary on the precious treasury of the way of abiding [i]
  2279. () Inattentional blindness [i] [d]
  2280. () Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
  2281. () The jewel ornament of liberation: the wish-fulfilling gem of the noble teachings [i]
  2282. () Control therapy: an integrated approach to psychotherapy, health, and healing [i]
  2283. () Blessed are the birth-givers: Buddhist views on birth and rebirth [o]
  2284. (/2010) The Buddhist path: a practical guide from the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism [i]
  2285. () Loyalty demands dissent: autobiography of an engaged Buddhist [i]
  2286. () Lessons from the dying [i]
  2287. () The healing wisdom of Africa: finding life purpose through nature, ritual, and community [i]
  2288. () An artless art: the Zen aesthetic of Shiga Naoya: a critical study with selected translations [i]
  2289. () A balance theory of wisdom [d]
  2290. () Solidarity and suffering: toward a politics of relationality [i]
  2291. () On holy ground: the impact of psychotherapists' spirituality on their practice [i]
  2292. () A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment [o]
  2293. () The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep [i]
  2294. () Horney, Zen, and the real self [d]
  2295. (/2003) In praise of silence [i]
  2296. () Wild hunger: the primal roots of modern addiction [i]
  2297. () Philosophical meditations on Zen Buddhism [i] [d]
  2298. (/2002) Secondary bodhisattva vows [u]
  2299. (/2002) Root bodhisattva vows [u]
  2300. () Altars in the street: a neighborhood fights to survive [i]
  2301. () News you can use: Pema Chödrön and bell hooks talk over life and all its problems [u]
  2302. () When things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times [i]
  2303. (/2001) Intimacy [u]
  2304. () Being there: putting brain, body, and world together again [i] [d]
  2305. Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler [ed] () Scientific approaches to consciousness [i]
  2306. (/1999) At home with dying: a Zen hospice approach [or: Stay close and do nothing: a spiritual and practical guide to caring for the dying at home] [i]
  2307. () Emotional unavailability: recognizing it, understanding it, and avoiding its trap [i]
  2308. () The yogins of Ladakh: a pilgrimage among the hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas [i]
  2309. () Finding flow: the psychology of engagement with everyday life [i]
  2310. () The plain sense of things: the fate of religion in an age of normal nihilism [i]
  2311. () A schema polarity model for case conceptualization, intervention, and research [d]
  2312. () On Zen work [u]
  2313. () Lose your face [i]
  2314. Lenore Friedman & Susan Ichi Su Moon [ed] () Being bodies: Buddhist women on the paradox of embodiment [i]
  2315. () Redeeming culture: American religion in an age of science [i] [d]
  2316. () What memory is for: creating meaning in the service of action [and comments and reply] [d]
  2317. (/2007) Teachings on love [i]
  2318. () Sufi meditation [i]
  2319. Jamie Hubbard & Paul L. Swanson [ed] () Pruning the bodhi tree: the storm over critical Buddhism [i]
  2320. () Deregulating religion: the economics of church and state [d]
  2321. () My eye, your face: a conversation [i]
  2322. () Branch points [i]
  2323. () Everyday blessings: the inner work of mindful parenting [i]
  2324. () A year to live: how to live this year as if it were your last [i]
  2325. () Merger and unconditional love as transformative experiences [i] [d]
  2326. () Mindfulness: a proposed common factor [d]
  2327. () Deleuze's philosophy of the concrete [u]
  2328. () Why do Americans practice Zen Buddhism? [o] [u]
  2329. () Who is arguing about the cat?: moral action and enlightenment according to Dōgen [d] [j]
  2330. () Inhuman/nonhuman/human: actor-network theory and the prospects for a nondualistic and symmetrical perspective on nature and society [d]
  2331. () Voices of mountains, trees, and rivers: Kukai, Dōgen, and a deeper ecology [i]
  2332. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  2333. () Personal warmth and psychological health at midlife [d]
  2334. () From global management to global appreciation: a transformative epistemology for aperspectival worlds [d]
  2335. () Humour in Pāli literature and other essays [i]
  2336. () Atisha's lamp for the path: an oral teaching by Geshe Sonam Rinchen [i]
  2337. () The thirty seven practices of Bodhisattvas: an oral teaching [i]
  2338. () Broken-backed naturalism [book review of: Religion, science, and naturalism, by Willem Drees] [d]
  2339. () A heart as wide as the world: living with mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion [i]
  2340. () A guide to the Bodhisattva way of life = Bodhicaryāvatāra [i]
  2341. (/2006) The way of the bodhisattva: a translation of the Bodhicharyāvatāra [i]
  2342. () Absence of the Buddha image in early Buddhist art: towards its significance in comparative religion [i]
  2343. () Sacred dimensions of time and space [i]
  2344. (/1999) One tool among many: the place of vipassanā in Buddhist practice [o] [u]
  2345. (/1999) The healing power of the precepts [o] [u]
  2346. () Great disciples of the Buddha: their lives, their works, their legacy [i]
  2347. Mary Evelyn Tucker & Duncan Ryūken Williams [ed] () Buddhism and ecology: the interconnection of dharma and deeds [i]
  2348. () Automatic but conscious: that is how we act most of the time [i]
  2349. () The wholehearted way: a translation of Eihei Dōgen's Bendōwa with commentary [i]
  2350. () The Vimalakīrti sūtra: from the Chinese version by Kumarajiva [i]
  2351. () Chuang-Tzŭ: the inner chapters [i]
  2352. () Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment [i]
  2353. () Zen and the art of religious prejudice: efforts to reform a tradition of social discrimination [j]
  2354. () Formless: a user's guide [i]
  2355. () November 4, 1995: Deleuze's death as an event [d]
  2356. () The power of focusing: a practical guide to emotional self-healing [i]
  2357. () Dōgen's pure standards for the Zen community: a translation of the Eihei shingi [i]
  2358. () Humanly possible: education and the scope of the mind [i] [d]
  2359. () The golden letters: the three statements of Garab Dorje, the first teacher of Dzogchen, together with a commentary by Dza Patrul Rinpoche [i]
  2360. () Religion, science, and naturalism [i] [d]
  2361. Marianne Dresser [ed] () Buddhist women on the edge: contemporary perspectives from the western frontier [i]
  2362. (/2006) How Buddhism began: the conditioned genesis of the early teachings [i]
  2363. () Emotion and cognition in experiential therapy: a dialectical constructivist perspective [i]
  2364. () Feminism and religion: an introduction [i]
  2365. () Cultivating the mind of love: the practice of looking deeply in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition [i]
  2366. () Liberating intimacy: enlightenment and social virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism [i]
  2367. () All spirituality comes from artists [i]
  2368. () Earth dance drum: a celebration of life [i]
  2369. () Jesus the bodhisattva: Christology from a Buddhist perspective [d] [j]
  2370. () John Dewey and religious non-realism: neither a theist nor an atheist [o] [u]
  2371. () Narrative, social constructionism, and Buddhism [i]
  2372. () Being time through deep time [u]
  2373. () Now is the past of the future [or: Meeting our ancestors of the future] [u]
  2374. (/2000) Beauty and lust [i]
  2375. () Psychotherapy and the ethics of attention [p] [d] [j]
  2376. () Out of control: visceral influences on behavior [d]
  2377. (/2009) The heart of being: moral and ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism [i]
  2378. () Commitment beyond self and adolescence: the issue of happiness [d]
  2379. () Positive affect [and religion] [u]
  2380. () Naturalism without foundations [i]
  2381. () The necessity of experience [i]
  2382. () Inventing our selves: psychology, power, and personhood [i] [d]
  2383. () No self? No problem! Actualizing empty self in psychotherapy [i]
  2384. () Form, formlessness, and formulation [d]
  2385. () Great Fool: Zen master Ryōkan: poems, letters, and other writings [i] [d] [j]
  2386. (/2008) The Bodhicaryāvatāra [i]
  2387. () Yoga: the spirit and practice of moving into stillness [i]
  2388. Edward P. Shafranske [ed] () Religion and the clinical practice of psychology [i] [d]
  2389. () Gary Snyder: The art of poetry No. 74 [u]
  2390. () After theory: from textuality to attunement with the world [d] [j]
  2391. () Spiritual interaction, not interfaith dialogue: a Buddhistic contribution [d] [j]
  2392. () The origin of everyday moods: managing energy, tension, and stress [i]
  2393. () Bare bones meditation: waking up from the story of my life [i]
  2394. () Effortless mastery: liberating the master musician within [i]
  2395. Louwrien Wijers [ed] () Writing as sculpture, 1978–1987 [i]
  2396. () A reconsideration of personal boundaries in space-time [d]
  2397. (/2005) Warm smiles from cold mountains: Dharma talks on Zen meditation [i]
  2398. (/2005) Life is not killed [i]
  2399. () Buddhist yoga: a comprehensive course [Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra] [i]
  2400. () Minding mind: a course in basic meditation [i]
  2401. () The practice of technology: exploring technology, ecophilosophy, and spiritual disciplines for vital links [i]
  2402. () Dismantling fixations [u]
  2403. () Constructing a philosophy of essence: reading Buddhism through the two natures of desire [i]
  2404. () Working emptiness: toward a third reading of emptiness in Buddhism and postmodern thought [i]
  2405. (/2009) Chaosophy: texts and interviews 1972–1977 [i]
  2406. () The role of wisdom in psychotherapy [d]
  2407. () A chorus of powers: American Indian belief [i]
  2408. () Risk, rationality, and religious portfolios [d]
  2409. () The Manitous: the spiritual world of the Ojibway [i]
  2410. () Is 'Buddha-nature' Buddhist?: doctrinal tensions in the Śrīmālā sūtra: an early Tathāgatagarbha text [d] [j]
  2411. () Myriad worlds: Buddhist cosmology in Abhidharma, Kālacakra, and Dzog-chen [i]
  2412. () Zen practice and self-control [u]
  2413. () Jizoku (priests' wives) in Sōtō Zen Buddhism: an ambiguous category [j]
  2414. Baile Oakes [ed] () Sculpting with the environment: a natural dialogue [i]
  2415. () Wisdom of Buddha: the Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra [i]
  2416. (/2007) Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism [i]
  2417. () A handbook for constructive living [i]
  2418. () Integrating self and system: an empty intersection? [d]
  2419. () Lovingkindness: the revolutionary art of happiness [i]
  2420. (/2005) Two Zen classics: the Gateless gate and the Blue cliff records [i]
  2421. () Buddhist modernism and the rhetoric of meditative experience [d] [j]
  2422. () A place in space: ethics, aesthetics, and watersheds: new and selected prose [i]
  2423. () Seeing new worlds: Henry David Thoreau and nineteenth-century natural science [i]
  2424. () A Zennist's vision of the time for dharma (religious truth) to become manifest [d] [j]
  2425. () Nonconsequentialist decisions [and comments and reply] [d]
  2426. () The trail of time = Shih-chien ti tsu-chi: time measurement with incense in East Asia [i]
  2427. () Understanding caring in contemporary America [i]
  2428. () Poethics: John Cage and Stanley Cavell at the crossroads of ethical theory [i]
  2429. () The double mirror: a skeptical journey into Buddhist tantra [i]
  2430. () In the path of the masters: understanding the spirituality of Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad [i]
  2431. () Dai-en: great circle [u]
  2432. () Start where you are: a guide to compassionate living [i]
  2433. () Where is the mind?: constructivist and sociocultural perspectives on mathematical development [d]
  2434. () Dōgen, deep ecology, and the ecological self [d]
  2435. () How to achieve peace of mind: your guide for attaining physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being [i]
  2436. (/2002) Buddhahood without meditation: a visionary account known as Refining one's perception (Nang-jang) [i]
  2437. () 'Critical Buddhism' (hihan bukkyō) and the debate concerning the 75-fascicle and 12-fascicle Shōbōgenzō texts [j]
  2438. () Wherever you go, there you are: mindfulness meditation in everyday life [i]
  2439. () The self as a knowledge structure [i] [u]
  2440. () Wabi-sabi for artists, designers, poets & philosophers [i]
  2441. Carl Avren Levenson & Jonathan Westphal [ed] () Reality [i]
  2442. () The community of those who have nothing in common [i] [j]
  2443. () Interbeing and the 'I' habit: an experiment in environmental literacy [i]
  2444. () Expanding the circle of caring: from local to global [i] [u]
  2445. Melvin E. Miller & Susanne R. Cook-Greuter [ed] () Transcendence and mature thought in adulthood: the further reaches of adult development [i]
  2446. (/2009) The therapy of desire: theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics [i] [d] [j]
  2447. (/1995) Pure heart, enlightened mind: the Zen journal and letters of Maura 'Soshin' O'Halloran [i]
  2448. (/2001) The life of Shabkar: the autobiography of a Tibetan yogin [i]
  2449. () Passionate enlightenment: women in Tantric Buddhism [i] [j]
  2450. () Essential Zen [i]
  2451. () Mastering successful work: skillful means: wake up! [i]
  2452. () Ahimsa, justice, and the unity of life: postconventional morality from an Indian perspective [i]
  2453. () Does a systemic therapist have buddha nature? [d]
  2454. () Four huts: Asian writings on the simple life [i]
  2455. () Talking on the water: conversations about nature and creativity [i]
  2456. Claude Whitmyer [ed] () Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
  2457. () Buddhism [i]
  2458. () Nothing special: living Zen [i]
  2459. () Experiencing: the basis of psychotherapy [d]
  2460. () John Cage, writer: previously uncollected pieces [i]
  2461. () Emotion, depth, and flesh: a study of sensitive space: reflections on Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of embodiment [i]
  2462. () Nonviolence to animals, earth, and self in Asian traditions [i]
  2463. (/2014) The neuropsychology of attention [i] [d]
  2464. (/2002) Letting go, falling to rest: hospice work and Zen practice [i]
  2465. () The evolving self: a psychology for the third millennium [i]
  2466. (/1997) To have done with judgment [i]
  2467. (/1997) Literature and life [i]
  2468. () Human minds: an exploration [i]
  2469. () Chan insights and oversights: an epistemological critique of the Chan tradition [i]
  2470. () Choose love: a Jewish Buddhist human rights activist in Central America [i]
  2471. () Facilitating emotional change: the moment-by-moment process [i]
  2472. () Buddhism after patriarchy: a feminist history, analysis, and reconstruction of Buddhism [i]
  2473. () Ecstatic spontaneity: Saraha's three cycles of dohā [i]
  2474. () Call me by my true names: the collected poems of Thich Nhat Hanh [i]
  2475. () Love in action: writings on nonviolent social change [i]
  2476. (/2009) The blooming of a lotus: guided meditation for achieving the miracle of mindfulness [i]
  2477. () Catalyst for controversy: Paul Carus of Open Court [i]
  2478. () Buddhism and the definition of religion: one more time [d] [j]
  2479. () Zen Buddhist landscapes and the idea of temple: Musō Kokushi and Zuisen-ji, Kamakura, Japan [o]
  2480. () Dōgen's thought on the Way as meta-ethical principle [i] [d]
  2481. (/2003) Essays on the blurring of art and life [i]
  2482. () Right conduct as a criterion for true religion [i] [d]
  2483. (/2007) Learning true love: practicing Buddhism in a time of war [or: Learning true love: how I learned and practiced social change in Vietnam] [i]
  2484. (/2011) Drive yourself sane: using the uncommon sense of general semantics [i]
  2485. () Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations [d]
  2486. () Being elsewhere [i]
  2487. () What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
  2488. () Does life have a meaning? [i]
  2489. () The discipline of freedom: a Kantian view of the role of moral precepts in Zen practice [i]
  2490. () Road to heaven: encounters with Chinese hermits [i]
  2491. () Civilized shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan societies [i]
  2492. Arvind Sharma [ed] () Our religions [i]
  2493. Yoshinori Takeuchi & Jan van Bragt [ed] () Buddhist spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and early Chinese [i]
  2494. () Zen and the art of reflective practice in teacher education [d]
  2495. (/2004) Opening the hand of thought: foundations of Zen Buddhist practice [i]
  2496. (/2009) Abrir la mano del pensamiento: fundamentos de la práctica del budismo zen [i]
  2497. () Wisdom's daughters: conversations with women elders of Native America [i]
  2498. () The Zen teachings of Master Lin-chi: a translation of the Lin-chi lu [i]
  2499. (/1996) Tōrei Zenji's 'Bodhisattva's vow': translation and commentary [i]
  2500. (/2018) Zen vows for daily life [or: The dragon who never sleeps: verses for Zen buddhist practice] [i]
  2501. (/2003) The summary of the Great Vehicle [Mahāyānasaṃgraha] [i] [u]
  2502. () Zen in the art of funerals: ritual salvation in Japanese Buddhism [d] [j]
  2503. Robert E. Buswell Jr. & Robert M. Gimello [ed] () Paths to liberation: the mārga and its transformations in Buddhist thought [i]
  2504. () The complete fulfillment (dzogchen) tradition and existential psychology [u]
  2505. () The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception [d] [u]
  2506. () The mātikās: memorization, mindfulness, and the list [i]
  2507. (/2001) The Buddhist path to awakening [i]
  2508. () Meditation differently, phenomenological-psychological aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Mahāmudrā and Snying-thig) practices from original Tibetan sources [i]
  2509. Janet Gyatso [ed] () In the mirror of memory: reflections on mindfulness and remembrance in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism [i]
  2510. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  2511. () Sacrifice and stigma: reducing free-riding in cults, communes, and other collectives [d] [j]
  2512. (/1998) Rituals for our times: celebrating, healing, and changing our lives and our relationships [i]
  2513. () Buddhist preaching: the persistent main undercurrent of Japanese traditional rhetorical communication [d]
  2514. () Dharma paths [i]
  2515. () Befriending old age and death [u]
  2516. (/2000) Path without destination: the long walk of a gentle hero [i]
  2517. () The art and practice of compassion & empathy [i]
  2518. () Writings = Schriften [i]
  2519. () Religious thinking as transitional conceptualization [p] [u]
  2520. () Anarchic harmony: the spirituality of social disobediance [i]
  2521. () Attunement through the body [i]
  2522. () The sovereign all-creating mind: the motherly Buddha: a translation of the Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo [i]
  2523. () A review of attempts to integrate spiritual and standard psychotherapy techniques [d]
  2524. (/1995) Conversations on science, culture, and time [i] [d]
  2525. () Seeds of peace: a Buddhist vision for renewing society [i]
  2526. () What is it to question? [j]
  2527. (/1995) A village council of all beings [i]
  2528. () Contemplative psychotherapy: a path of uncovering brilliant sanity [u]
  2529. () The key to understanding change: emotions as appetitive wishes and beliefs about their fulfillment [i]
  2530. (/1994) What is philosophy? [i]
  2531. (/2000) Song of the precious mirror samādhi [i] [u]
  2532. (/2002) The Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, its fundamentals and history [i]
  2533. () The rhetoric of immediacy: a cultural critique of Chan/Zen Buddhism [i] [j]
  2534. () Thinking beyond patterns: body, language, and situations [i] [u]
  2535. () Peace is every step: the path of mindfulness in everyday life [i]
  2536. () Religion as 'skilful means': a hint from Buddhism [d] [j]
  2537. () The consequences of religious market structure: Adam Smith and the economics of religion [d]
  2538. () Grace unfolding: psychotherapy in the spirit of the Tao-te ching [i]
  2539. () Buddhism as a historical faith: answer to John Cobb [u]
  2540. () The fine arts of relaxation, concentration, and meditation: ancient skills for modern minds [i]
  2541. () Guided meditations, explorations, and healings [i]
  2542. () Mutual causality in Buddhism and general systems theory: the dharma of natural systems [i]
  2543. (/2007) World as lover, world as self: courage for global justice and ecological renewal [i]
  2544. () The first Buddhist women: translations and commentaries on the Therīgāthā [i]
  2545. (/2005) Should we try to relieve clear cases of suffering in nature? [i] [d]
  2546. () On religious freedom [i]
  2547. (/1998) The user illusion: cutting consciousness down to size [i]
  2548. () Buddhism and nonviolent global problem-solving [o] [u]
  2549. Elizabeth J. Roberts & Elias Amidon [ed] () Earth prayers: from around the world: 365 prayers, poems, and invocations for honoring the earth [i]
  2550. (/1995) A single breath [i]
  2551. (/2000) Cultivating the empty field: the silent illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi [i]
  2552. (/2019) Zen seeds: 60 essential Buddhist teachings on effort, gratitude, and happiness [i]
  2553. () The unifying of rDzogs pa Chen po and Ch'an [u]
  2554. Kalpana Bardhan [ed] () Of women, outcastes, peasants, and rebels: a selection of Bengali short stories [i] [d] [j]
  2555. () Zen in the art of writing [i]
  2556. () 'Buddhist soteriology: the mārga and other approaches to liberation': a conference report [u]
  2557. () The heart of awareness: a translation of the Aṣṭāvakra Gītā [i]
  2558. (/2002) Buddhism and self-healing [i]
  2559. () Flow: the psychology of optimal experience [i]
  2560. () Perspective on psychology through the practice of yoga [u]
  2561. (/1992) The elder brothers [i]
  2562. () Forging new horizons of religious awareness: two reviews of 'Buddhist–Christian dialogue' [book review] [d] [j]
  2563. () Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
  2564. (/2006) Transformation & healing: the sutra on the four establishments of mindfulness [i]
  2565. (/2010) Our appointment with life: sutra on knowing the better way to live alone [i]
  2566. (/1991) Everyday life: the question of Zen [i]
  2567. (/2013) An introduction to Buddhism: teachings, history and practices [i] [d]
  2568. () Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness [i]
  2569. () Changing expectations: a key to effective psychotherapy [i]
  2570. () Beyond justice reasoning: moral development and consideration of a seventh stage [i]
  2571. (/2007) Body-centered psychotherapy: the Hakomi method: the integrated use of mindfulness, nonviolence, and the body [i]
  2572. () The absent body [i]
  2573. () Malcolm X and the Black Muslim search for ultimate reality [d]
  2574. () The loss of wisdom [i] [d]
  2575. (/1996) The development of metalogical understanding [i] [d]
  2576. () Free play: improvisation in life and art [i]
  2577. () Sitting, laboring, and changing: a critical examination of the indigenous Japanese psychotherapies [o]
  2578. (/1997) Opening up: the healing power of expressing emotions [i]
  2579. () Midwest landscape as sacred space: visualizing the sociology of religion [d] [j]
  2580. (/2006) Personal mastery [i]
  2581. () 'Skill in means' in early Buddhism and Christianity [d] [j]
  2582. (/2006) The infinite mirror: commentaries on two Chan classics [i]
  2583. () Human rights in the context of global problem-solving: a Buddhist perspective [i]
  2584. Russell F. Sizemore & Donald K. Swearer [ed] () Ethics, wealth, and salvation: a study in Buddhist social ethics [i]
  2585. () The practice of the wild: essays [i]
  2586. (/2016) La práctica de lo salvaje: ensayos [i]
  2587. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Wisdom: its nature, origins, and development [i] [d]
  2588. () Enhancing empathy: the interpersonal implications of a Buddhist meditation technique [d]
  2589. () Saints and postmodernism: revisioning moral philosophy [i]
  2590. (/1998) Book of serenity [i]
  2591. () Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
  2592. () Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
  2593. () Dialectical thinking and adult creativity [i] [d]
  2594. (/2000) Reading Zen in the rocks: the Japanese dry landscape garden [i]
  2595. () Metta: the philosophy and practice of universal love [i] [u]
  2596. () Process theology and the public square [book review of: Community and alienation: essays on process thought and public life, by Douglas Sturm] [d] [j]
  2597. () Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Buddhismus und klassischer indischer Medizin [j]
  2598. J. Baird Callicott & Roger T. Ames [ed] () Nature in Asian traditions of thought: essays in environmental philosophy [i]
  2599. () The once and future goddess: a symbol for our time [i]
  2600. () Disputers of the Tao: philosophical argument in ancient China [i]
  2601. () From reductionism to creativity: rDzogs-chen and the new sciences of mind [i]
  2602. () Collective identity and sacred space: a study of seven Zen communities in northern California [o] [u]
  2603. (/2004) The Buddha's 'undetermined questions' and the religions [u]
  2604. () Mindfulness [i]
  2605. () The dual brain, religion, and the unconscious [i]
  2606. () A visionary journey: The story of the wildwood delights and The story of the Mount Potala delights [i]
  2607. (/2002) The practice of Dzogchen [i]
  2608. (/2007) Everyday morality: an introduction to applied ethics [i]
  2609. () Philosophy of creativity [i]
  2610. (/1996) Dzogchen: the self-perfected state [i]
  2611. () Divine relations, social relations, and well-being [d] [j]
  2612. David K. Reynolds [ed] () Flowing bridges, quiet waters: Japanese psychotherapies, Morita and Naikan [i]
  2613. () Journeynotes: writing for recovery and spiritual growth [i]
  2614. Lawrence Eugene Sullivan [ed] () Healing and restoring: health and medicine in the world's religious traditions [i]
  2615. (/1995) The Dhammapada: the path of truth [i]
  2616. () The power of myth [i]
  2617. Mihály Csikszentmihályi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihályi [ed] () Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness [i] [d]
  2618. (/1996) Freedom from anger [i]
  2619. () Human development in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition [u]
  2620. () When did I begin?: conception of the human individual in history, philosophy, and science [i] [d]
  2621. (/1991) The meaning of life: reflections in words and pictures on why we are here [i]
  2622. () The heart of understanding: commentaries on the Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra [i]
  2623. (/2010) The sun my heart: from mindfulness to insight contemplation [i]
  2624. () Principled atheism in the Buddhist scholastic tradition [d]
  2625. () Mindfulness as the middle way [i]
  2626. () Returning to silence [i]
  2627. Donald S. Lopez Jr. [ed] () Buddhist hermeneutics [i]
  2628. () The social organization of Zen practice: constructing transcultural reality [i]
  2629. () Morita psychotherapy and Zen Buddhism: a comparison of theoretical concepts [o]
  2630. () Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health [d]
  2631. () Vajra hermeneutics [i]
  2632. () Our real home: a talk to an ageing lay disciple approaching death [o] [u]
  2633. () Quasi-religious meaning systems, official religion, and quality of life in an alternative lifestyle: a survey from the back-to-the-land movement [d] [j]
  2634. (/2003) Conversing with Cage [i]
  2635. () Psycho-spiritual development in Zen Buddhism: a study of resistance in meditation [u]
  2636. () Therapeutic households [u]
  2637. () Religion and radical empiricism [i]
  2638. Peter N. Gregory [ed] () Sudden and gradual: approaches to enlightenment in Chinese thought [i]
  2639. () Sudden enlightenment followed by gradual cultivation: Tsung-mi's analysis of mind [i]
  2640. (/2020) Interbeing: fourteen guidelines for engaged Buddhism [i]
  2641. () Feel the fear and do it anyway [i]
  2642. () Zen Buddhism and psychotherapy: a commentary on Yasenkanna ('A quiet talk in a night boat') by Zen master Hakuin [o]
  2643. () Hatred of health [u]
  2644. (/2000) You are the eyes of the world: a guide to the meaning of pure and total presence [i]
  2645. (/2003) Playfulness, 'world'-travelling, and loving perception [i]
  2646. () The mind of clover: essays in Zen Buddhist ethics, by Robert Aitken [book review] [j]
  2647. () Ethical idealism: an inquiry into the nature and function of ideals [i] [d]
  2648. (/2002) Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan successors [i]
  2649. () Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
  2650. () Dialectical thought in ancient India [d]
  2651. (/2000) The biographical illusion [i]
  2652. (/2003) Spectrum of ecstasy: embracing the five wisdom emotions of Vajrayana Buddhism [i]
  2653. (/1995) Life as a work of art [i]
  2654. () Shōbōgenzō, Zen essays [i]
  2655. () 'Signless' meditations in Pāli Buddhism [u]
  2656. Paul O. Ingram & Frederick J. Streng [ed] () Buddhist–Christian dialogue: mutual renewal and transformation [i]
  2657. () Some personality effects of long-term Zen monasticism and religious understanding [d] [j]
  2658. () Primordial experience: an introduction to rDzogs-chen meditation [i]
  2659. (/2005) Self-realization: an ecological approach to being in the world [i] [d]
  2660. () Tranquillity & insight: an introduction to the oldest form of Buddhist meditation [i]
  2661. (/2000) The vision of dhamma: Buddhist writings of Nyanaponika Thera [i]
  2662. () Choices: making an art of everyday life [i]
  2663. () Zen is not a philosophy, but... [i] [d]
  2664. () Zen and Western thought [i] [d]
  2665. (/1989) The skin ego [i]
  2666. () The meaning of Dōgen today [i]
  2667. () A still forest pool: the insight meditation of Achaan Chah [i]
  2668. (/2012) Attention and concentration in sport and exercise [i]
  2669. () Effects of expectancy on physiological responsivity in novice meditators [p] [d]
  2670. () Moon in a dewdrop [i]
  2671. () The democratic faith [j]
  2672. (/1996) The long road turns to joy: a guide to walking meditation [i]
  2673. () The ending of time [i]
  2674. () Meditation and psychotherapy: a rationale for the integration of dynamic psychotherapy, the relaxation response, and mindfulness meditation [p] [d]
  2675. () Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination [d]
  2676. (/1987) We're all doing time: a guide for getting free [i]
  2677. () Buddhism and psychotherapy in the world today [o]
  2678. (/2005) Gestalt thinking and Buddhism [i] [d]
  2679. () Transcending the buddhas and patriarchs: awareness and transcendence in Zen [awakening as transcendence into the senses] [j]
  2680. () The bodymind experience in Japanese Buddhism: a phenomenological perspective of Kūkai and Dōgen [i]
  2681. () The mind of clover: essays in Zen Buddhist ethics [i]
  2682. (/2000) Women of wisdom [i]
  2683. () Definitions of religion: a matter of taste? [d]
  2684. (/1993) The flower ornament scripture: a translation of the Avataṃsaka sūtra [i]
  2685. () The main stalk: a synthesis of Navajo philosophy [i]
  2686. () What is enlightenment? [i]
  2687. (/1998) The year of the rope: an interview with Linda Montano & Tehching Hsieh [i] [u]
  2688. () The smile of the Buddha: paradigms in perspective [i]
  2689. () Matrix of mystery: scientific and humanistic aspects of rDzogs-chen thought [i]
  2690. () The problem situation [i]
  2691. () The question of doctrinalism in the Buddhist epistemologists [d] [j]
  2692. Kenneth K. Inada & Nolan Pliny Jacobson [ed] () Buddhism and American thinkers [i]
  2693. () Dzog chen and Zen [i]
  2694. () Playing ball on running water: the Japanese way to building a better life [i]
  2695. () Constructive living [i]
  2696. () Navajo art and education [d] [j]
  2697. Deane H. Shapiro & Roger N. Walsh [ed] (/2009) Meditation: classic and contemporary perspectives [i]
  2698. () Knowledge of freedom: time to change [i]
  2699. (/2005) Seven works of Vasubandhu, the Buddhist psychological doctor [i]
  2700. () Self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
  2701. () Entry into the inconceivable: an introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism [i]
  2702. () Enlightenment in Dōgen's Zen [u]
  2703. (/2003) The real experiment [i]
  2704. () A feeling for the organism: the life and work of Barbara McClintock [i]
  2705. () The words of Martin Luther King, Jr. [i]
  2706. () Illusion and human suffering: a brief comparison of Horney's ideas with Buddhistic understanding of mind [i]
  2707. (/1985) Dharma and development: religion as resource in the Sarvodaya self-help movement [i]
  2708. () Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
  2709. () Contemporary thought in Sōtō Zen Buddhism: an investigation of the publications and teachings of the sect in the light of their cultural and historical context [o] [u]
  2710. () Beyond Buddhism and Christianity [d] [j]
  2711. () Executive mind, timely action [u]
  2712. () The situation is hopeless, but not serious (the pursuit of unhappiness) [i]
  2713. () Beyond dialogue: toward a mutual transformation of Christianity and Buddhism [i]
  2714. () Zen in the West: historical and philosophical implications of the 1893 Chicago World's Parliament of Religions [j]
  2715. (/2003) Peasants, rebels, women, and outcastes: the underside of modern Japan [i]
  2716. () Ojibway ceremonies [i]
  2717. () Shamans, mystics, and doctors: a psychological inquiry into India and its healing traditions [i]
  2718. (/1989) Buddhist images of human perfection: the arahant of the Sutta piṭaka compared with the bodhisattva and the mahāsiddha [i]
  2719. () The evolving self: problem and process in human development [i] [d] [j]
  2720. () A Buddhist doctrine of experience: a new translation and interpretation of the works of Vasubandhu, the Yogācārin [i]
  2721. () Process metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism: a critical study of cumulative penetration vs. interpenetration [i]
  2722. () The Buddha speaks the Brahma net sutra: the ten major and forty-eight minor Bodhisattva precepts [i]
  2723. () Antinomian rules: the ethical outlook of American Zen students [i]
  2724. () Primary speech: a psychology of prayer [i]
  2725. () Return of the goddess [i]
  2726. Gary Coates [ed] () Resettling America: energy, ecology, & community [i] [d]
  2727. () Suggestibility and meditation [d]
  2728. (/1995) Philosophy as a way of life: spiritual exercises from Socrates to Foucault [i]
  2729. () Anattā and responsibility: and other essays [o]
  2730. (/1997) Tent posts = Poteaux d'angle [i]
  2731. () Buddhism and behavior modification [d]
  2732. (/1991) The way of the heart: desert spirituality and contemporary ministry [i]
  2733. () The distancing of emotion in psychotherapy [d]
  2734. George Abbott White [ed] () Simone Weil, interpretations of a life [i]
  2735. () Love and sympathy in Theravāda Buddhism [i]
  2736. (/1987) How do you make yourself a body without organs? [i]
  2737. (/1990) The psychology of transcendence [i]
  2738. () The quiet therapies: Japanese pathways to personal growth [i]
  2739. () The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
  2740. Tarthang Tulku, Ralph H. Moon, & Stephen Randall [ed] () Dimensions of thought: current explorations in time, space, and knowledge [i]
  2741. () The alternative tradition: religion and the rejection of religion in the ancient world [i] [d]
  2742. (/2010) The Mishomis book: the voice of the Ojibway [i]
  2743. () Zen and San-Lun Mādhyamika thought: exploring the theoretical foundation of Zen teachings and practices [d] [j]
  2744. (/1990) Fools Crow [i]
  2745. () Effects of Zen meditation on anxiety reduction and perceptual functioning [p] [d]
  2746. () Love and living [i]
  2747. () Existence and serenity [i]
  2748. () Dynamic liberation in Yogācāra Buddhism [u]
  2749. (/2005) Basic call to consciousness [i]
  2750. () Beyond closed-system problem-solving: a study of meta-systematic aspects of mature thought [o] [u]
  2751. Erik H. Erikson [ed] () Adulthood: essays [i]
  2752. (/1981) Focusing [i]
  2753. () The body's releasing steps in experiential process [i]
  2754. () The snow leopard [i]
  2755. () Four noble truths of Buddhism related to behavior therapy [d]
  2756. () Zen and the taming of the bull: towards the definition of Buddhist thought: essays [i]
  2757. () Precision nirvana [i]
  2758. (/1991) Skillful means: patterns for success [or: Skillful means: gentle ways to successful work] [i]
  2759. () Buddhist hermeneutics [d] [j]
  2760. () Hero, artist, sage, or saint?: a survey of views on what is variously called mental health, normality, maturity, self-actualization, and human fulfillment [i]
  2761. (/1987) Dialogues [i]
  2762. (/1997) Nietzsche and Saint Paul, Lawrence and John of Patmos [i]
  2763. () Oglala religion [i]
  2764. (/2001) Advice from a spiritual friend [i]
  2765. () Ryōkan, Zen monk-poet of Japan [i]
  2766. () Time, space, and knowledge: a new vision of reality [i]
  2767. () Language and art in the Navajo universe [i] [d]
  2768. (/1978) To kill and survive or to die and become: the active life and the contemplative life as ways of being adult [i]
  2769. () Creativity in the Buddhist perspective [j]
  2770. () Ojibway heritage [i]
  2771. () Kindly bent to ease us: part one: mind [i]
  2772. () Kindly bent to ease us: part two: meditation [i]
  2773. () Kindly bent to ease us: part three: wonderment [i]
  2774. (/1992) Zen and creative management [i]
  2775. () What can we learn from Zen?: a review and some speculations [o]
  2776. () Zen meditation and behavior self-control: similarities, differences, and clinical applications [p] [d]
  2777. (/1987) The myth of freedom and the way of meditation [i]
  2778. (/1987) Work [i]
  2779. (/2001) The relaxation response [i]
  2780. (/1977) Towards an experience of being through psychological purification [i]
  2781. (/2001) The raft is not the shore: conversations toward a Buddhist/Christian awareness [i]
  2782. (/2004) The natural freedom of mind [i]
  2783. () Golden zephyr: instructions from a spiritual friend = Suhrllekha [i]
  2784. () The sayings of the Desert Fathers: the alphabetical collection [i]
  2785. () Tao: the watercourse way [i]
  2786. (/1989) The laughing Buddha: Zen and the comic spirit [i]
  2787. (/1989) Laughing at the buddhas and abusing the patriarchs [i]
  2788. () Zen, hypnosis and creativity [o]
  2789. () Whose invisible religion? Luckmann revisited [d] [j]
  2790. (/1992) The step not beyond [i]
  2791. (/2004) Nomadic thought [i]
  2792. (/1974) Zen keys [i]
  2793. () The Asian journal of Thomas Merton [i]
  2794. () The book of highs: 250 ways to alter consciousness without drugs [i]
  2795. () Unsui: a diary of Zen monastic life [i] [d]
  2796. (/1987) Cutting through spiritual materialism [i]
  2797. (/2001) Hume [i]
  2798. () Encounter with Martin Buber [i]
  2799. (/2003) Humanism of the other [i]
  2800. () Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Zenki 'Total dynamic working' and Shōji 'Birth and death' [j]
  2801. (/2001) Abhidharmasamuccaya: the compendium of the higher teaching (philosophy) [i]
  2802. () 'Don't mistake the finger pointing at the moon for the moon' (Zen Buddhist saying): on understanding minority group experiences: the Asian American example [d]
  2803. (/1995) Buddhist precept and practice: traditional Buddhism in the rural highlands of Ceylon [i]
  2804. (/1998) Contemplation in a world of action [i]
  2805. () The Buddhist teaching of totality: the philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism [i]
  2806. () A religion for the new materialism [o] [d]
  2807. () I seem to be a verb: environment and man's future [o]
  2808. () Knots [i]
  2809. () Entering the path of enlightenment: the Bodhicaryāvatara of the Buddhist poet Śāntideva [i]
  2810. (/1982) Buddhism and society: a great tradition and its Burmese vicissitudes [i]
  2811. (/2000) Whole-body zazen [u]
  2812. (/2010) Zen mind, beginner's mind [i]
  2813. (/2002) The center of Dōgen Zenji's teaching [u]
  2814. () Notations [o]
  2815. (/2004) Gilles Deleuze talks philosophy [i]
  2816. (/1979) Learning to live [i]
  2817. () Earth house hold: technical notes & queries to fellow dharma revolutionaries [o]
  2818. () Selected writings: the space within [o]
  2819. (/1972) The power of mindfulness [i] [u]
  2820. (/1993) No religion [i] [u]
  2821. () A year from Monday: new lectures and writings [i]
  2822. () The ethics of the cosmos [o] [d]
  2823. () Zeal for Zen [o]
  2824. (/1980) The nine ways of Bön: excerpts from gZi-brjid [i]
  2825. () Conceptions of broad and narrow attention [p]
  2826. () The duality of human existence: an essay on psychology and religion [o]
  2827. (/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
  2828. () Buddhist meditation and depth psychology [o] [u]
  2829. () The music of the new life: thoughts on creativity, sensorial reality, and comprehensiveness [d] [j]
  2830. () Gandhi on non-violence: selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's Non-violence in peace and war [i]
  2831. () In search of the enemy of man [o]
  2832. () With robes and bowl: glimpses of the thudong bhikkhu life [o] [u]
  2833. () The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development [o]
  2834. () The way of Chuang-Tzŭ [o]
  2835. () The Zen outlook on life [d]
  2836. (/1989) Centering in pottery, poetry, and the person [i]
  2837. (/1981) Strength to love [i]
  2838. () Zen and science: a treatise on causality and freedom [o]
  2839. (/1983) Nietzsche and philosophy [i]
  2840. () Dōgen's Zen view of interdependence [d] [j]
  2841. () Zen Buddhism: a psychological review [p] [d]
  2842. () Silence: lectures and writings [i]
  2843. (/2015) The faith of a heretic [i] [d] [j]
  2844. (/2015) Against theology [i] [d] [j]
  2845. () Zen and depth psychology [d]
  2846. (/1988) The origin and meaning of Hasidism [i]
  2847. (/2002) Ojibwa ontology, behavior, and world view [i]
  2848. () The faith of John Dewey [j]
  2849. (/1970) The wisdom of the desert: sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century [i]
  2850. () Dewey's conception of philosophy [j]
  2851. () Philosophical peculiarities of Zen [d]
  2852. (/1994) Odes to common things [Odas a las cosas comunes] [i]
  2853. () Zen for the West: for the Buddhist Society of London [o]
  2854. (/1974) What the Buddha taught [i]
  2855. (/2009) The expanding mental universe [i]
  2856. (/1971) Jewel ornament of liberation [i]
  2857. (/1978) The practice of Zen [i]
  2858. (/2001) Pure happiness [i]
  2859. () To hallow this life: an anthology [o]
  2860. Ainslie Thomas Embree, Stephen N. Hay, & William Theodore De Bary [ed] (/1988) Sources of Indian tradition [i]
  2861. () Zen and the various acts [d] [j]
  2862. (/1971) Zen and the fine arts [i]
  2863. () Zen in psychotherapy: the virtue of sitting [d] [j]
  2864. (/1994) On the nature of the universe [i]
  2865. () Mentorgarten dialogue [d] [j]
  2866. () The four sublime states: brahma-vihara: contemplations on love, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity [o] [u]
  2867. () Basic doctrines of Buddhism and modern science [d]
  2868. (/1959) Beat Zen, square Zen, and Zen [o] [j]
  2869. () Pointing the way: collected essays [o] [u]
  2870. (/1976) Philosophy and psychology in the Abhidharma [i]
  2871. (/1972) The ethics of Spinoza: the road to inner freedom [i]
  2872. (/1998) The sense of wonder [i]
  2873. (/2004) The notebooks of Simone Weil [i]
  2874. (/1994) Ideas and opinions [i]
  2875. () Human ideals and the cosmic view [o]
  2876. (/2002) The ways and power of love: types, factors, and techniques of moral transformation [i]
  2877. (/1967) Julliard lecture [i]
  2878. Clarence Herbert Hamilton [ed] () Buddhism, a religion of infinite compassion: selections from Buddhist literature [o]
  2879. (/1987) Final lectures [i]
  2880. () The dangers of literacy [d] [j]
  2881. (/1952) Religion and philosophy [i]
  2882. () The wisdom of insecurity [o]
  2883. (/1991) Neurosis and human growth: the struggle toward self-realization [i]
  2884. (/1961) Lecture on nothing [i]
  2885. (/2002) The concept of mind [i]
  2886. (/1998) Leisure, the basis of culture; The philosophical act [i]
  2887. (/1988) To have done with the judgment of God [i]
  2888. (/1995) Concerning the accounts given by the residents of Hiroshima [i]
  2889. () Religious liberals reply [o]
  2890. () The faith of a liberal [o]
  2891. (/1985) Hiroshima [i]
  2892. (/1992) Reply to Jean-Paul Sartre (defense of Inner experience) [i]
  2893. (/1992) On Nietzsche [i]
  2894. (/1988) Guilty [i]
  2895. () Buddhism as a philosophy of 'thusness' [o] [u]
  2896. (/1988) Inner experience [i]
  2897. () Saṃvega, 'aesthetic shock' [d] [j]
  2898. Lin Yutang [ed] () The wisdom of China and India [o]
  2899. (/1975) On my philosophy ['a development of the individual into community and from there to the plane of history, without breaking with contemporary life'] [i]
  2900. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  2901. (/1958) The philosophy of physical science [o]
  2902. (/1961) Religious life of the Japanese people: its present status and historical background [o]
  2903. () Write your own ten commandments [o]
  2904. () Liberalism in religion [d] [j] [u]
  2905. () American philosophies of religion [o]
  2906. () Counseling procedures [o]
  2907. () Normative psychology of religion [o]
  2908. () Yoga and western psychology: a comparison [o]
  2909. (/2013) A common faith [i] [d] [j]
  2910. () Art as experience [i]
  2911. (/2009) Mind and nature: selected writings on philosophy, mathematics, and physics [i] [d] [j]
  2912. (/1995) Co-ordination [i]
  2913. () Dhammapada: verses on dhamma, and Khuddaka-pātha: the text of the minor sayings [o] [u]
  2914. (/2009) Einstein on cosmic religion: and other opinions and aphorisms [i]
  2915. () Religion in John Dewey's philosophy [j]
  2916. (/1985) Widening the circle of enlightenment: Hull House and adult education [i]
  2917. (/1963) History of Japanese religion: with special reference to the social and moral life of the nation [o]
  2918. (/1979) Chippewa customs [i] [u]
  2919. (/1960) The quest for certainty: a study of the relation of knowledge and action [o] [u]
  2920. () Intelligent living [o]
  2921. () Experience and nature, by John Dewey [book review] [j]
  2922. (/1929) Experience and nature [i] [u]
  2923. () Creative experience [o] [u]
  2924. (/1970) I and thou [i]
  2925. (/1931) The path of purity: being a translation of Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga [in three volumes: Of virtue; Of concentration; Of understanding] [o] [u]
  2926. (/1949) The ethic of reverence for life [o] [u]
  2927. (/1968) Potestas clavium [o] [u]
  2928. (/1930) Human nature and conduct: an introduction to social psychology [o] [u]
  2929. () A study of caste [o] [u]
  2930. () Śikṣā-samuccaya: a compendium of Buddhist doctrine [o] [u]
  2931. () Evolutionary naturalism [o] [u]
  2932. () Religious education and human welfare [d] [u]
  2933. () The dawn of a new religious era [and other essays] [o] [u]
  2934. () Buddhistic psychology [j]
  2935. () Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism [o] [u]
  2936. Gustav Spiller [ed] () A generation of religious progress: issued in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the Union of Ethical Societies [o] [u]
  2937. (/1994) Ressentiment [i]
  2938. (/2008) The nature of sympathy [i] [d]
  2939. () Creative evolution [o] [u]
  2940. () Contributions of Buddhism to Christianity [d] [j]
  2941. (/1977) A pluralistic universe [i] [u]
  2942. () The four Buddhist āgamas in Chinese: a concordance of their parts and of the corresponding counterparts in the Pāli nikāyas [o] [u]
  2943. (/1943) The dharma: or, The religion of enlightenment [o] [u]
  2944. (/1912) The essence of Buddhism: with illustrations of Buddhist art [o] [u]
  2945. () Navaho myths, prayers and songs [o] [u]
  2946. () The nature of experience [d] [j]
  2947. (/1917) The energies of men [and women] [o] [u]
  2948. (/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
  2949. () Does 'consciousness' exist? [d] [j]
  2950. (/1994) Reality is mobility, from An introduction to metaphysics [i]
  2951. () Vyādhisūtra on the four āryasatyas [j]
  2952. (/1985) The varieties of religious experience [i] [u]
  2953. () Mental growth and decay [d] [j]
  2954. (/1974) A Buddhist manual of psychological ethics: being a translation of the first book in the Abhidhamma Pitaka, entitled Dhamma-saṅgaṇi [i] [u]
  2955. (/1989) Interpretations of poetry and religion [i] [u]
  2956. () The need of sincerity in religious life [u]
  2957. () The scientific basis of morality [o] [u]
  2958. () Faith or fact [o] [u]
  2959. (/1922) Buddhism in translations [o] [u]
  2960. () The fundamental teachings of Buddhism [d] [j]
  2961. () Karma and nirvāna [d] [j]
  2962. () The dawn of a new religious era [d] [j]
  2963. () The Japanese life and customs as contrasted with those of the Western world (with the treaty question) [d] [j]
  2964. () The parliament of religions [d] [j]
  2965. (/1959) The philosophy of poetry: the genius of Lucretius [o]
  2966. (/1895) Some reasons why: a lecture [o] [u]
  2967. (/1912) Spinoza: his life and philosophy [o] [u]
  2968. () Universal benevolence [o] [d] [u]
  2969. (/1806) Principles of nature, or, A development of the moral causes of happiness and misery among the human species [o] [d] [u]
  2970. (/1998) Dialogues concerning natural religion; the posthumous essays, Of the immortality of the soul, and Of suicide; from An enquiry concerning human understanding, Of miracles [i] [u]
  2971. (/1976) The natural history of religion [i] [u]
  2972. (/1978) A treatise of human nature: being an attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects [i] [u]
  2973. (/1901) Of the conduct of the understanding [o] [u]
  2974. (/1995) The letters [i]
  2975. (/1996) Ethics [i] [u]
  2976. (/2007) Theological-political treatise [i] [d]
  2977. (/2007) Now that I come to die: intimate guidance from one of Tibet's greatest masters [i]
  2978. (/2000) An adamantine song on purposeless pursuits [i]
  2979. (/1994) Dream conversations on Buddhism and Zen [i]
  2980. (/2015) Dialogues in a dream [i]
  2981. (/1999) Identifying with cause and effect [i]
  2982. (/1985) Bodhisattva's four methods of guidance [i]
  2983. (/1986) The whole works [i]
  2984. (/1999) Continuous practice [i]
  2985. (/1985) Mountains and waters sūtra [i]
  2986. (/1999) The time-being [i]
  2987. (/2010) Refrain from unwholesome action [i]
  2988. (/2004) Informal talks: recorded by Ejo [i]
  2989. (/1985) Actualizing the fundamental point [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2024 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 December 2024 (view Zotero library on
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