How to do yoga
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- Maria Kozhevnikov, Alina Veronika Irene Strasser, Elizabeth McDougal, Rupali Dhond, & Geoffrey Samuel (2022) Beyond mindfulness: arousal-driven modulation of attentional control during arousal-based practices [p] [d] [u]
- Vanessa Zuisei Goddard (2020) Still running: the art of meditation in motion [i]
- Scott T. Grafton (2020) Physical intelligence: the science of how the body and the mind guide each other through life [i]
- Suzanne Newcombe & Karen O'Brien-Kop [ed] (2020) Routledge handbook of yoga and meditation studies [i] [d]
- Christian Rominger, Andreas Fink, Bernhard Weber, Ilona Papousek, & Andreas R. Schwerdtfeger (2020) Everyday bodily movement is associated with creativity independently from active positive affect: a Bayesian mediation analysis approach [p] [d] [u]
- Jenn Turner [ed] (2020) Embodied healing: survivor and facilitator voices from the practice of trauma-sensitive yoga [i]
- Massimiliano Cappuccio [ed] (2019) Handbook of embodied cognition and sport psychology [i]
- Todd R. Hargrove (2019) Playing with movement: how to explore the many dimensions of physical health and performance [i]
- Miyuki Kaji (2019) The importance of subtle movement and stillness in Japanese dance movement therapy: a comparison with the Japanese traditional performing art of Noh [i] [d]
- Kelly McGonigal (2019) The joy of movement: how exercise helps us find happiness, hope, connection, and courage [i]
- Helen Payne, Sabine C. Koch, Jennifer Tanti, & Thomas Fuchs [ed] (2019) The Routledge international handbook of embodied perspectives in psychotherapy: approaches from dance movement and body psychotherapies [i] [d]
- Ann Swanson (2019) Science of yoga: understand the anatomy and physiology to perfect your practice [i]
- Miriam Cihodariu (2018) Why yoga is the ideal way to stay active for freelancers [u]
- Lisa Mosconi (2018) Brain food: the surprising science of eating for cognitive power [i]
- Chong Chen, Shin Nakagawa, Yan An, Koki Ito, Yuji Kitaichi, & Ichiro Kusumi (2017) The exercise–glucocorticoid paradox: how exercise is beneficial to cognition, mood, and the brain while increasing glucocorticoid levels [p] [d]
- James E. Groves & Marlynn Wei (2017) The Harvard Medical School guide to yoga: 8 weeks to strength, awareness, and flexibility [i]
- Devon E. Hinton & Laurence J. Kirmayer (2017) The flexibility hypothesis of healing [d]
- Vassiliki Karkou, Sue Oliver, & Sophia Lycouris [ed] (2017) The Oxford handbook of dance and wellbeing [i] [d]
- Denise de Ridder, Floor Kroese, Catharine Evers, Marieke Adriaanse, & Marleen Gillebaart (2017) Healthy diet: health impact, prevalence, correlates, and interventions [p] [d]
- Emily A. Waddington, Reid K. Rogers Fuller, Rachel C. K. Barloon, Grace H. Comiskey, Jennifer Dickman Portz, Helen Holmquist-Johnson, & Arlene A. Schmid (2017) Staff perspectives regarding the implementation of a yoga intervention with chronic pain self-management in a clinical setting [p] [d]
- Jeremy Wasser (2017) Every breath you take: physiology and the ecology of knowing in meditative practice [d]
- L. Susan Wieland, Nicole Skoetz, Karen Pilkington, Ramaprabhu Vempati, Christopher R. D'Adamo, & Brian M. Berman (2017) Yoga treatment for chronic non-specific low back pain [p] [d] [u]
- Beth Berila, Melanie Klein, & Chelsea Jackson Roberts [ed] (2016) Yoga, the body, and embodied social change: an intersectional feminist analysis [i]
- Anita Chari (2016) The political potential of mindful embodiment [d]
- Dawn Clifford & Laura Curtis (2016) Motivational interviewing in nutrition and fitness [i]
- Wei Duan-Porter, Remy R. Coeytaux, Jennifer R. McDuffie, Adam P. Goode, Poonam Sharma, Hillary Mennella, Avishek Nagi, & John W. Williams (2016) Evidence map of yoga for depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder [p] [d] [u]
- Christina G. Hibbert (2016) 8 keys to mental health through exercise [i]
- Jo Marchant (2016) Cure: a journey into the science of mind over body [i]
- Michael Namkung (2016) Drawing for sport [d]
- Reginald A. Ray (2016) The awakening body: somatic meditation for discovering our deepest life [i]
- Marco Testa & Giacomo Rossettini (2016) Enhance placebo, avoid nocebo: how contextual factors affect physiotherapy outcomes [p] [d]
- Kate Turner (2016) Superfood breakfasts: great-tasting, high-nutrient recipes to kickstart your day [i]
- René Wormhoudt, Geert Savelsbergh, Jan Willem Teunissen, & Keith W. Davids (2016/2018) Athletic skills model: optimizing talent development through movement education [i] [d]
- Bonnie Beezhold, Cynthia Radnitz, Amy Rinne, & Julie DiMatteo (2015) Vegans report less stress and anxiety than omnivores [p] [d]
- Sarah Dalhoumi & Robert Alan Bonakdar (2015) Yoga for pain management [i] [d]
- Norman A. S. Farb, Jennifer Daubenmier, Cynthia J. Price, Tim Gard, Catherine E. Kerr, Barnaby D. Dunn, Anne Carolyn Klein, Martin P. Paulus, & Wolf E. Mehling (2015) Interoception, contemplative practice, and health [p] [d] [u]
- Victoria M. Follette, John Briere, Deborah Rozelle, James W. Hopper, & David I. Rome [ed] (2015) Mindfulness-oriented interventions for trauma: integrating contemplative practices [i]
- Guido H. E. Gendolla, Mattie Tops, & Sander L. Koole [ed] (2015) Handbook of biobehavioral approaches to self-regulation [i] [d]
- Andrea R. Jain (2015) Selling yoga: from counterculture to pop culture [i] [d]
- Thomas McLaughlin (2015) Reading and the body: the physical practice of reading [i] [d]
- Laura Schmalzl, Chivon Powers, & Eva Henje Blom (2015) Neurophysiological and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the effects of yoga-based practices: towards a comprehensive theoretical framework [p] [d] [u]
- Kate Turner & Annie Nichols (2015/2016) Energy bites: high-protein recipes for increased vitality & wellness [i]
- Mark B. Andersen & Stephanie J. Hanrahan [ed] (2014) Doing exercise psychology [i]
- Jean Erlbaum & Michelle Antonisse (2014) Sit with less pain: gentle yoga for meditators and everyone else [i]
- Ron Friedman (2014) Regular exercise is part of your job [u]
- Tim Gard, Jessica J. Noggle, Crystal L. Park, David R. Vago, & Angela Wilson (2014) Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health [p] [d] [u]
- Duck-chul Lee, Russell R. Pate, Carl J. Lavie, Xuemei Sui, Timothy S. Church, & Steven N. Blair (2014) Leisure-time running reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk [d]
- Greg J. Norman, Gary G. Berntson, & John T. Cacioppo (2014) Emotion, somatovisceral afference, and autonomic regulation [d]
- Bessel A. van der Kolk (2014) The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma [i]
- Vadim Zotev, Raquel Phillips, Han Yuan, Masaya Misaki, & Jerzy Bodurka (2014) Self-regulation of human brain activity using simultaneous real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback [p] [d]
- Manoj K. Bhasin, Jeffery A. Dusek, Bei-Hung Chang, Marie G. Joseph, John W. Denninger, Gregory L. Fricchione, Herbert Benson, & Towia A. Libermann (2013) Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways [p] [d] [u]
- Thomas W. Buford, Michael D. Roberts, & Timothy S. Church (2013) Toward exercise as personalized medicine [d]
- Callista Haggis, Joanie Sims-Gould, Meghan Winters, Kaitlyn Gutteridge, & Heather A. McKay (2013) Sustained impact of community-based physical activity interventions: key elements for success [p] [d]
- Beatrix Hauser [ed] (2013) Yoga traveling: bodily practice in transcultural perspective [i] [d]
- Kirsten Hötting & Brigitte Röder (2013) Beneficial effects of physical exercise on neuroplasticity and cognition [p] [d]
- Carol Krucoff (2013) Yoga sparks: 108 easy practices for stress relief in a minute or less [i]
- Kino MacGregor (2013) The power of ashtanga yoga: developing a practice that will bring you strength, flexibility, and inner peace [i]
- Matthew B. Pontifex, Brian J. Saliba, Lauren B. Raine, Daniel L. Picchietti, & Charles H. Hillman (2013) Exercise improves behavioral, neurocognitive, and scholastic performance in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [d]
- Victor R. Preedy, Lan-Anh Hunter, & Vinood B. Patel [ed] (2013) Diet quality: an evidence-based approach [i] [d]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2013) You can develop desired health behaviors [u]
- Shannon E. Sauer-Zavala, Erin C. Walsh, Tory A. Eisenlohr-Moul, & Emily L. B. Lykins (2013) Comparing mindfulness-based intervention strategies: differential effects of sitting meditation, body scan, and mindful yoga [d]
- Sameer A. Zope & Rakesh A. Zope (2013) Sudarshan kriya yoga: breathing for health [p] [d] [u]
- Toni C. Antonucci, James A. Ashton-Miller, Jennifer Brant, Emily B. Falk, Jeffrey B. Halter, Levent Hamdemir, Sara H. Konrath, Joyce M. Lee, Wayne R. McCullough, Carol C. Persad, Roland Seydel, Jacqui Smith, & Noah J. Webster (2012) The right to move: a multidisciplinary lifespan conceptual framework [p] [d] [u]
- Charlotte Bell (2012) Yoga for meditators: poses to support your sitting practice [i]
- Jay Dawes, Mark Roozen, & National Strength and Conditioning Association (2012) Developing agility and quickness [i]
- Lindsey B. DeBoer, Mark B. Powers, Angela C. Utschig, Michael W. Otto, & Jasper AJ Smits (2012) Exploring exercise as an avenue for the treatment of anxiety disorders [p] [d]
- Timothy G. Dinan & John F. Cryan (2012) Regulation of the stress response by the gut microbiota: implications for psychoneuroendocrinology [d]
- Daniel DiTuro & Ingrid Yang (2012) Hatha yoga asanas: pocket guide for personal practice [i]
- Guido H. E. Gendolla, Rex A. Wright, & Michael Richter (2012/2019) Advancing issues in motivation intensity research: updated insights from the cardiovascular system [or: Effort intensity: some insights from the cardiovascular system] [i] [d]
- Martin S. Hagger (2012/2019) Advances in motivation in exercise and physical activity [i] [d]
- Jane Johnson (2012) Postural assessment [i]
- Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa, & Cornelia Müller [ed] (2012) Body memory, metaphor and movement [i] [d]
- Timothy Noakes (2012) Waterlogged: the serious problem of overhydration in endurance sports [i]
- Leigh Riby, Michael A. Smith, & Jonathan K. Foster [ed] (2012) Nutrition and mental performance: a lifespan perspective [i]
- Michael A. Riley, Kevin Shockley, & Guy Van Orden (2012) Learning from the body about the mind [d]
- Sandra Scheinbaum (2012) How to give clients the skills to stop panic attacks: don't forget to breathe [i]
- Stephen J. Simpson & David Raubenheimer (2012) The nature of nutrition: a unifying framework from animal adaptation to human obesity [i] [d] [j]
- Roy Benson & Declan Connolly (2011) Heart rate training [i]
- Bruce Black (2011) Writing yoga: a guide to keeping a practice journal [i]
- Barbara Ann Bushman [ed] (2011) Complete guide to fitness & health [i]
- John F. Cryan & Siobhain M. O'Mahony (2011) The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior [d]
- David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper (2011) Overcoming trauma through yoga: reclaiming your body [i]
- Susan Folkman [ed] (2011) The Oxford handbook of stress, health, and coping [i] [d]
- Iris W. Hung & Aparna A. Labroo (2011) From firm muscles to firm willpower: understanding the role of embodied cognition in self-regulation [d]
- Michael E. Hyland (2011) Motivation and placebos: do different mechanisms occur in different contexts? [p] [d] [u]
- James K. Luiselli & Derek D. Reed [ed] (2011) Behavioral sport psychology: evidence-based approaches to performance enhancement [i] [d]
- Brian K. Martens & Scott R. Collier (2011) Developing fluent, efficient, and automatic repertoires of athletic performance [i] [d]
- Ash Maurya (2011) How yoga made me a better lean startup practitioner [u]
- Karin Meissner (2011) The placebo effect and the autonomic nervous system: evidence for an intimate relationship [p] [d] [u]
- Antonella Pollo, Elisa Carlino, & Fabrizio Benedetti (2011) Placebo mechanisms across different conditions: from the clinical setting to physical performance [p] [d] [u]
- Fleur Ponton, Kenneth Wilson, Sheena C. Cotter, David Raubenheimer, & Stephen J. Simpson (2011) Nutritional immunology: a multi-dimensional approach [p] [d] [u]
- John J. Ratey & James E. Loehr (2011) The positive impact of physical activity on cognition during adulthood: a review of underlying mechanisms, evidence and recommendations [d]
- Marianne J. Reifschneider, Karen S. Hamrick, & Jill N. Lacey (2011) Exercise, eating patterns, and obesity: evidence from the ATUS and its eating & health module [d]
- Thomas W. Rowland (2011) The athlete's clock: how biology and time affect sport performance [i]
- Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Timothy W. Smith, & Tory A. Eisenlohr-Moul (2011) Positive psychophysiology: the body and self-regulation [i] [d]
- Annette L. Stanton (2011) Regulating emotions during stressful experiences: the adaptive utility of coping through emotional approach [i] [d]
- Wendell C. Taylor (2011) Booster breaks: an easy-to-implement workplace policy designed to improve employee health, increase productivity, and lower health care costs [d]
- Roger Walsh (2011) Lifestyle and mental health [p] [d]
- M. Alejandro Chaoul & Lorenzo Cohen (2010) Rethinking yoga and the application of yoga in modern medicine [d]
- Nathan A. Berger [ed] (2010) Cancer and energy balance, epidemiology and overview [i] [d]
- Leigh Brandon (2010) Anatomy for strength and fitness training for speed [i]
- David H. K. Brown & Aspasia Leledaki (2010) Eastern movement forms as body–self transforming cultural practices in the West: towards a sociological perspective [d]
- Noémie Carbonneau, Robert J. Vallerand, & Sabrina Massicotte (2010) Is the practice of yoga associated with positive outcomes?: the role of passion [d]
- Frédéric Delavier, Jean-Pierre Clémenceau, & Michael Gundill (2010) Delavier's stretching anatomy [i]
- Janine Driver & Mariska van Aalst (2010) You say more than you think: the 7-day plan for using the new body language to get what you want [i]
- Ruella Frank & Frances La Barre (2010) The first year and the rest of your life: movement, development, and psychotherapeutic change [i] [d]
- Stephanie J. Hanrahan & Mark B. Andersen [ed] (2010) Routledge handbook of applied sport psychology: a comprehensive guide for students and practitioners [i] [d]
- Doug Oman (2010) Similarity in diversity?: four shared functions of contemplative practice systems [i]
- Neville Owen, Geneviève N. Healy, Charles E. Matthews, & David W. Dunstan (2010) Too much sitting: the population-health science of sedentary behavior [d]
- Thomas G. Plante [ed] (2010) Contemplative practices in action: spirituality, meditation, and health [i]
- Stephen J. Rossi, Thomas W. Buford, Jim McMillan, Mark S. Kovacs, & A. Elizabeth Marshall (2010) Nutritional strategies and immune function [d]
- Heidi Skolnik & Andrea Chernus (2010) Nutrient timing for peak performance [i]
- Emily Slonina (2010) Anywhere, anytime, any body yoga: a practical guide to using yoga in everyday life [i]
- Aaron J. Stegner & William P. Morgan (2010) Hypnosis, exercise, and sport psychology [i]
- Chris C. Streeter, Theodore H. Whitfield, Liz Owen, Tasha Rein, Surya K. Karri, Aleksandra Yakhkind, Ruth Perlmutter, Andrew Prescot, Perry F. Renshaw, Domenic A. Ciraulo, & J. Eric Jensen (2010) Effects of yoga versus walking on mood, anxiety, and brain GABA levels: a randomized controlled MRS study [p] [d] [u]
- Max Strom (2010) A life worth breathing: a yoga master's handbook of strength, grace, and healing [i]
- Jocelyn A. Sze, Anett Gyurak, Joyce W. Yuan, & Robert W. Levenson (2010) Coherence between emotional experience and physiology: does body awareness training have an impact? [p] [d] [u]
- Margaret Whitehead [ed] (2010) Physical literacy: throughout the lifecourse [i] [d]
- Ron Woods & Chris Jordan (2010) Energy every day [i]
- Katya Bloom (2009) Embodied attentiveness: recognising the language of movement [d]
- Richard P. Brown & Patricia L. Gerbarg (2009) Yoga breathing, meditation, and longevity [d]
- William C. Bushell (2009) Integrating modern neuroscience and physiology with Indo-Tibetan yogic science [i]
- George P. Chrousos (2009) Stress and disorders of the stress system [p] [d]
- Patricia Doyle Corner (2009) Workplace spirituality and business ethics: insights from an eastern spiritual tradition [d] [j]
- Alan Fogel (2009/2013) Body sense: the science and practice of embodied self-awareness [or: The psychophysiology of self-awareness: rediscovering the lost art of body sense] [i]
- Diana Fosha (2009) Emotion and recognition at work: energy, vitality, pleasure, truth, desire, and the emergent phenomenology of transformational experience [i]
- Rebecca Katz & Mat Edelson (2009) The cancer-fighting kitchen: nourishing big-flavor recipes for cancer treatment and recovery [i]
- Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Timothy S. Church, Cora L. Craig, & Claude Bouchard (2009) Sitting time and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer [p] [d]
- Keith A. Kaufman, Carol R. Glass, & Diane B. Arnkoff (2009) Evaluation of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE): a new approach to promote flow in athletes [d]
- Harriet V. Kuhnlein, Bill Erasmus, & Dina Spigelski [ed] (2009) Indigenous peoples' food systems: the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health [i] [u]
- George Lewith, Fiona Barlow, Caroline Eyles, Andrew Flower, Sue Hall, Val Hopwood, & Jan Walker (2009) The context and meaning of placebos for complementary medicine [d]
- Kelly McGonigal (2009) Yoga for pain relief: simple practices to calm your mind & heal your chronic pain [i]
- Erin L. Olivo (2009) Protection throughout the life span [through meditation, diet, and physical exercise] [d]
- Laury Rappaport (2009) Focusing-oriented art therapy: accessing the body's wisdom and creative intelligence [i]
- Miriam D. Rosenthal & Robert H. Glew (2009) Medical biochemistry: human metabolism in health and disease [i]
- Jason Selk (2009) 10-minute toughness: the mental exercise program for winning before the game begins [i]
- Lise Solberg Nes, Abbey R. Roach, & Suzanne C. Segerstrom (2009) Executive functions, self-regulation, and chronic pain: a review [d]
- Mark Stephens (2009) Teaching yoga: essential foundations and techniques [i]
- Michael Stone (2009) Yoga for a world out of balance: teachings on ethics and social action [i]
- Stephanie L. Tourles (2009) Raw energy: 124 raw food recipes for energy bars, smoothies, and other snacks to supercharge your body [i]
- Jason Dougherty (2008) The hard routine [u]
- Marc T. Hamilton, Genevieve N. Healy, David W. Dunstan, Theodore W. Zderic, & Neville Owen (2008) Too little exercise and too much sitting: inactivity physiology and the need for new recommendations on sedentary behavior [d]
- Emily D. Heaphy & Jane E. Dutton (2008) Positive social interactions and the human body at work: linking organizations and physiology [d] [j]
- Laurence E. Holt, Thomas W. Pelham, & Jason Holt (2008) Flexibility: a concise guide to conditioning, performance enhancement, injury prevention, and rehabilitation [i] [d]
- Harry Hubball & Darren West (2008) Assessing faculty wellness: critical foundations for the scholarship of teaching and learning [u]
- Michael Lardon (2008) Finding your zone: ten core lessons for achieving peak performance in sports and life [i]
- Sarah Powers (2008) Insight yoga [i]
- John J. Ratey & Eric Hagerman (2008) Spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain [i]
- Geoffrey Samuel (2008) The origins of yoga and tantra: Indic religions to the thirteenth century [i] [d]
- Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center (2008) Yoga: your home practice companion [i]
- Mark R. Beauchamp & Mark A. Eys [ed] (2007) Group dynamics in exercise and sport psychology: contemporary themes [i] [d]
- Richard Béliveau & Denis Gingras (2007/2017) Foods to fight cancer: essential foods to help prevent cancer [i]
- Tullio Carere-Comes (2007) Bodily holding in the dialogic–dialectical approach [d]
- Karen S. Clippinger (2007/2016) Dance anatomy and kinesiology [i]
- Vern Gambetta (2007) Athletic development: the art & science of functional sports conditioning [i]
- Jean Hall & Doriel Hall (2007) Learn how to use astanga yoga & meditation: a complete sourcebook of yoga and meditation exercises [i]
- Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, & Sharon Ellis (2007/2012) Yoga anatomy [i]
- Kerstin Khattab, Ahmed A. Khattab, Jasmin Ortak, Gert Richardt, & Hendrik Bonnemeier (2007) Iyengar yoga increases cardiac parasympathetic nervous modulation among healthy yoga practitioners [d]
- Luciano L'Abate [ed] (2007) Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: theory, research, and practice [i]
- Kathi J. Lovelace, Charles C. Manz, & José C. Alves (2007) Work stress and leadership development: the role of self-leadership, shared leadership, physical fitness and flow in managing demands and increasing job control [d]
- Domenico Masciotra, Wolff-Michael Roth, & Denise Morel de Marnand (2007) Enaction: toward a Zen mind in learning and teaching [i]
- Michelle McGuire & Kathy A. Beerman (2007/2011) Nutritional sciences: from fundamentals to food [i]
- Marcia Nahikian Nelms, Kathryn P. Sucher, Kristen M. Roberts, Holly Estes Doetsch, Sarah Rusnak, Georgianna Sergakis, Melissa Hansen-Petrik, & Roschelle A. Heuberger (2007/2020) Nutrition therapy and pathophysiology [i]
- Ulrica Norberg (2007/2011) Power yoga: an individualized approach to strength, grace, and inner peace [i]
- Maria Ospina (2007) Meditation practices for health: state of the research [i] [u]
- Maggie Phillips (2007) Reversing chronic pain: a 10-point all-natural plan for lasting relief [i]
- Thomas G. Plante & Carl E. Thoresen [ed] (2007) Spirit, science, and health: how the spiritual mind fuels physical wellness [i]
- David Servan-Schreiber (2007/2009) Anticancer: a new way of life [i]
- Richard Strozzi-Heckler (2007) The leadership dojo: build your foundation as an exemplary leader [i]
- Dan Benardot (2006/2012) Advanced sports nutrition [i]
- Blandine Calais-Germain (2006) Anatomy of breathing [i]
- John Chambers Christopher, Suzanne E. Christopher, Tim Dunnagan, & Marc Schure (2006) Teaching self-care through mindfulness practices: the application of yoga, meditation, and qigong to counselor training [d]
- Einat Bar-On Cohen (2006) Kime and the moving body: somatic codes in Japanese martial arts [d]
- Tara Lynda Guber, Anodea Judith, & Norman Seeff (2006) Contact: the yoga of relationship [i]
- Sat Bir S. Khalsa & Stephen Cope (2006) Effects of a yoga lifestyle intervention on performance-related characteristics of musicians: a preliminary study [p]
- Audrey Mairi (2006) Trager for self-healing: a practical guide for living in the present moment [i]
- Sandy Newsome, John Chambers Christopher, Penny Dahlen, & Suzanne E. Christopher (2006) Teaching counselors self-care through mindfulness practices [d] [u]
- Andrea Pieroni & Lisa Leimar Price [ed] (2006) Eating and healing: traditional food as medicine [i]
- Peter Ralston & Laura Ralston (2006) Zen body-being: an enlightened approach to physical skill, grace, and power [i]
- Judy Ringer (2006) Unlikely teachers: finding the hidden gifts in daily conflict [i]
- Georgia Stathopoulou, Mark B. Powers, Angela C. Berry, Jasper A. J. Smits, & Michael W. Otto (2006) Exercise interventions for mental health: a quantitative and qualitative review [d]
- Brad Walker (2006) The anatomy of stretching [i]
- Brian Wansink (2006) Mindless eating: why we eat more than we think [i]
- Jeremy R. Carrette & Richard King (2005) Selling spirituality: the silent takeover of religion [i] [d]
- Nicole Carroll (2005) Getting off the crack [u]
- Thubten Chödrön (2005) Cultivating a compassionate heart: the yoga method of Chenrezig [i]
- James Gavin & Madeleine Mcbrearty (2005/2013) Lifestyle wellness coaching [i]
- Lisa Hark & Darwin Deen (2005/2006) Nutrition for life [i]
- Graham Kirkwood, Hagen Rampes, Veronica Tuffrey, Janet Richardson, & Karen Pilkington (2005) Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the research evidence [p] [d] [u]
- Liz Lark & Tim Goullet (2005) Healing yoga [i]
- Suzanne Martin (2005) Stretching: the stress-free way to stay supple, keep fit and exercise safely [i]
- Susannah Seton & Sondra Kornblatt (2005) 365 energy boosters: juice up your life, thump your thymus, wiggle as much as possible, rev up with red, brush your body, do a spinal rock, pop a pumpkin seed [i]
- Mark Singleton (2005) Salvation through relaxation: proprioceptive therapy and its relationship to yoga [d]
- Falko F. Sniehotta, Urte Scholz, & Ralf Schwarzer (2005) Bridging the intention–behaviour gap: planning, self-efficacy, and action control in the adoption and maintenance of physical exercise [d]
- Will M. Tuttle (2005/2016) The world peace diet: eating for spiritual health and social harmony [i]
- Joseph S. Alter (2004) Yoga in modern India: the body between science and philosophy [i]
- Jay Blahnik (2004/2011) Full-body flexibility [i]
- George A. Bonanno, Anthony Papa, Kathleen Lalande, Maren Westphal, & Karin G. Coifman (2004) The importance of being flexible: the ability to both enhance and suppress emotional expression predicts long-term adjustment [d]
- Douglas Brooks (2004) The complete book of personal training [i]
- Carol R. Ember & Melvin Ember [ed] (2004) Encyclopedia of medical anthropology: health and illness in the world's cultures [i] [d]
- Eric N. Franklin (2004) Conditioning for dance: training for peak performance in all dance forms [i]
- Uwe P. Gielen, Jefferson M. Fish, & Juris G. Draguns [ed] (2004) Handbook of culture, therapy, and healing [i] [d]
- Martin Kirk, Brooke Boon, & Daniel DiTuro (2004) Hatha yoga illustrated [i]
- Tara Losquadro Liddle & Laura Yorke (2004) Why motor skills matter: improve your child's physical development to enhance learning and self-esteem [i]
- Carol A. Oatis (2004/2009) Kinesiology: the mechanics and pathomechanics of human movement [i]
- James C. Overholser (2004) Contemporary psychotherapy: moving beyond a therapeutic dialogue [d]
- Lavinia Plonka (2004) What are you afraid of?: a body/mind guide to courageous living [i]
- Amanda L. Roth & Susan A. Basow (2004) Femininity, sports, and feminism: developing a theory of physical liberation [d]
- David Shapiro & Karen Cline (2004) Mood changes associated with Iyengar yoga practices: a pilot study [d]
- Judy Smith, Emily Kelly, & Jonathan Monks (2004) Pilates and yoga [i]
- William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Dalmar Fisher, Erica Foldy, Alain Gauthier, Jackie Keeley, David Rooke, Sara Nora Ross, Catherine Royce, Jenny W. Rudolph, Steven S. Taylor, & Mariana Tran (2004) Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
- Kenneth J. Carpenter (2003) A short history of nutritional science: part 4 (1945–1985) [p] [d]
- Kenneth J. Carpenter (2003) A short history of nutritional science: part 3 (1912–1944) [p] [d]
- Kenneth J. Carpenter (2003) A short history of nutritional science: part 2 (1885–1912) [p] [d]
- Kenneth J. Carpenter (2003) A short history of nutritional science: part 1 (1785–1885) [p] [d]
- Jessie Chapman (2003) Yoga for partners: over 75 postures to do together [i]
- Jonathan K. Ehrman (2003/2009) Clinical exercise physiology [i]
- Daria Halprin (2003) The expressive body in life, art, and therapy: working with movement, metaphor, and meaning [i]
- J. Robert Hatherill (2003) The braingate: the little-known doorway that lets nutrients in and keeps toxic agents out [i]
- Diana Holland (2003) Yogapilates [i]
- Gerald T. Keusch (2003) The history of nutrition: malnutrition, infection and immunity [p] [d]
- Staffan Lindeberg (2003/2010) Food and western disease: health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective [i] [d]
- James E. Loehr & Tony Schwartz (2003) The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
- Gabor Maté (2003/2011) When the body says no: exploring the stress–disease connection [i]
- Sharon L. McDowell-Larsen (2003) Exercising for excellence [d]
- William H. Moorcroft (2003/2013) Understanding sleep and dreaming [i] [d]
- Christina H. Stenström & Marian A. Minor (2003) Evidence for the benefit of aerobic and strengthening exercise in rheumatoid arthritis [d]
- Judy Stone (2003) Take two apples and call me in the morning [i]
- Tarthang Tulku (2003/2007) Tibetan relaxation: the illustrated guide to kum nye massage and movement, a yoga from the Tibetan tradition [i]
- Henry B. Biller (2002) Creative fitness: applying health psychology and exercise science to everyday life [i]
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