How to diagnose problems

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () The virtues and limitations of randomized experiments [d]
  2. () Explaining disease: philosophical reflections on medical research and clinical practice [i] [d]
  3. () A sociology of empathy and shared understandings: contextualizing beliefs and attitudes on why people use opioids [d]
  4. () Neuroplasticity, the prefrontal cortex, and psychopathology-related deviations in cognitive control [p] [d]
  5. () Generalization bias in science [p] [d]
  6. () How to become a successful physicist [d]
  7. () The generalizability crisis [in psychology] [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  8. () Complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  9. () Bleuler revisited: on persecutory delusions and their resistance to therapy [p] [d]
  10. () The solving problems in everyday living model: toward a demedicalized, education-based approach to 'mental health' [d]
  11. () Trust and personality disorders: phenomenology, determinants, and therapeutical approaches [i] [d]
  12. Malcolm MacLachlan & Joanne McVeigh [ed] () Macropsychology: a population science for sustainable development goals [i] [d]
  13. () Classification, kinds, taxonomic stability and conceptual change [d]
  14. () A detailed characterization of the expert problem-solving process in science and engineering: guidance for teaching and assessment [p] [d] [u]
  15. () Generic theories of change for conservation strategies: a new series supporting evidence-based conservation practice [d]
  16. () Novel predictions arise from contradictions [p] [d] [u]
  17. () A diversity of patterns: 10-year trajectories of men and women diagnosed with psychosis for the first time: a time-geographic approach [d]
  18. Theodore P. Beauchaine & Sheila E. Crowell [ed] () The Oxford handbook of emotion dysregulation [i] [d]
  19. Eric Bui, Meredith E. Charney, & Amanda W. Baker [ed] () Clinical handbook of anxiety disorders: from theory to practice [i] [d]
  20. T. Russell Crook, Jane K. Lê, & Anne D. Smith [ed] () Advancing methodological thought and practice [i] [d]
  21. () Effective altruism as an ethical lens on research priorities [p] [d]
  22. () Upstream: the quest to solve problems before they happen [i]
  23. () All we can do is find problems [u]
  24. () Imagine there are no therapy brands, it isn't hard to do [p] [d]
  25. () Beyond linear mediation: toward a dynamic network approach to study treatment processes [d]
  26. () Integrating psychotherapy with the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology (HiTOP) [d]
  27. () Race and medicine in light of the new mechanistic philosophy of science [d]
  28. () Concerning paradigmatic status of psychological science: for a flexible and flowing psychology in the face of practical and theoretical challenges [p] [d]
  29. () When we do harm: a doctor confronts medical error [i]
  30. () Clinical neuropsychology and the psychological care of persons with brain disorders [i]
  31. () For centenarian survivor of 1918 flu pandemic, coronavirus is just another 'problem' [u]
  32. () Understand, manage, and prevent algorithmic bias: a guide for business users and data scientists [i] [d]
  33. () Brain disorders? Not really: why network structures block reductionism in psychopathology research [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  34. () Inverse problems [d]
  35. David Coady & James Chase [ed] () The Routledge handbook of applied epistemology [i] [d]
  36. James J. Cochran [ed] () INFORMS analytics body of knowledge [i] [d]
  37. () Psychopathology and truth: a defense of realism [d]
  38. () Remedy without diagnosis: how to optimize results by leveraging the appropriate dispute resolution and shared decision-making process [u]
  39. () Googling as a mode of inquiry [i] [d]
  40. () Diagnostic reasoning in psychiatry: acknowledging an explicit role for intersubjective knowing [d] [u]
  41. () Vindicating methodological triangulation [d] [j]
  42. () Cognitive errors and diagnostic mistakes: a case-based guide to critical thinking in medicine [i] [d]
  43. () Emergence and evidence: a close look at Bunge's philosophy of medicine [d]
  44. () Explaining delusional beliefs: a hybrid model [p] [d]
  45. () Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care [p] [d]
  46. () Discerning experts: the practices of scientific assessment for environmental policy [i] [d]
  47. () The multiple self-states drawing technique: creative assessment and treatment with children and adolescents [i] [d]
  48. () Teaching novice clinicians how to reduce diagnostic waste and errors by applying the Toyota Production System [or lean management] [p] [d]
  49. () Unbalanced flows in the subtle body: Tibetan understandings of psychiatric illness and how to deal with it [p] [d] [j] [u]
  50. () How to do a systematic review: a best practice guide for conducting and reporting narrative reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-syntheses [p] [d]
  51. () Assessing the accuracy of diagnostic probability estimation: evidence for defeasible modus ponens [d]
  52. () Experienced physician descriptions of intuition in clinical reasoning: a typology [p] [d]
  53. () Genes, brain function, and behavior: what genes do, how they malfunction, and ways to repair damage [i] [d]
  54. () Adjustment disorder: a diagnosis whose time has come [p] [d]
  55. () From a scientific point of view: reasoning and evidence beat improvisation across fields [or: The scientific stance: using evidence-based arguments across fields] [i]
  56. () All for one and one for all: mental disorders in one dimension [p] [d]
  57. Olle ten Cate, Eugène J. F. M. Custers, & Steven J. Durning [ed] () Principles and practice of case-based clinical reasoning education: a method for preclinical students [i] [d] [u]
  58. () Delusions, harmful dysfunctions, and treatable conditions [d]
  59. () Passionate reasoning as emotional understanding: pragmatism and using emotions in inquiry [d]
  60. () Contextual debiasing and critical thinking: reasons for optimism [d]
  61. () Problem–solution history [u]
  62. () Healing character flaws [i] [d]
  63. () Clinically applicable deep learning for diagnosis and referral in retinal disease [p] [d]
  64. () Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials [p] [d] [u]
  65. () The scientific method: reflections from a practitioner [i] [d]
  66. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  67. Edwin B. Fisher, Linda D. Cameron, Alan J. Christensen, Ulrike Ehlert, Yan Guo, Brian Oldenburg, & Frank J. Snoek [ed] () Principles and concepts of behavioral medicine: a global handbook [i] [d]
  68. () The suicidal crisis: clinical guide to the assessment of imminent suicide risk [i] [d]
  69. () Discovering cures in medicine [i] [d]
  70. () Method matters in psychology: essays in applied philosophy of science [i] [d]
  71. () Reasons to randomize: sort-specific effects on construct content in cross-sectional repertory grid studies [d]
  72. () Assessing personal constructs of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a person-centered measure of social cognition [p] [d]
  73. () The role of decision criterion in the Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) false recognition memory: false memory falls and rises as a function of restriction on criterion setting [p] [d]
  74. () The disordered mind: what unusual brains tell us about ourselves [i]
  75. Paul T. Keyser & John Scarborough [ed] () The Oxford handbook of science and medicine in the classical world [i] [d]
  76. () Randomistas: how radical researchers are changing our world [i] [d]
  77. () Network neuroscience: a framework for developing biomarkers in psychiatry [p] [d]
  78. () New machine-learning technologies for computer-aided diagnosis [p] [d]
  79. () Beyond Dr. Google: the evidence on consumer-facing digital tools for diagnosis [p] [d]
  80. () Sociocognitive foundations of educational measurement [i] [d]
  81. () Investigating the root causes of major failures of critical components—with a case study of asbestos cement pipes [d]
  82. () From second to hundredth opinion in medicine: a global consultation platform for physicians [d]
  83. () Real-world problems [d]
  84. J. Peter Rosenfeld [ed] () Detecting concealed information and deception: recent developments [i]
  85. () Adolescent victimization and early-adult psychopathology: approaching causal inference using a longitudinal twin study to rule out noncausal explanations [p] [d] [u]
  86. () Understanding psychiatric disorder by capturing ecologically relevant features of learning and decision-making [p] [d]
  87. () The deep learning revolution [i] [d]
  88. () Psychology, science, and knowledge construction: broadening perspectives from the replication crisis [p] [d]
  89. () Small is beautiful: in defense of the small-N design [p] [d] [u]
  90. () Care and cure: an introduction to philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  91. () Social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world [i] [d]
  92. () Munchausen syndrome and the wide spectrum of factitious disorders [p] [d]
  93. () Mental health assessment: inference, explanation, and coherence [p] [d]
  94. () How to prepare for a crisis you couldn't possibly predict [u]
  95. Nina Wallerstein, Bonnie Duran, John G. Oetzel, & Meredith Minkler [ed] () Community-based participatory research for health: advancing social and health equity [i]
  96. () Automated conflict detection between medical care pathways [d]
  97. () Institutionalised otherness: patients' references to psychiatric diagnostic categories [p] [d]
  98. () A guide to argumentative research writing and thinking: overcoming challenges [i] [d]
  99. () Evidence of disturbances of deep levels of semantic cohesion within personal narratives in schizophrenia [p] [d]
  100. () Linked dimensions of psychopathology and connectivity in functional brain networks [p] [d] [u]
  101. Robyn Bluhm [ed] () Knowing and acting in medicine [i]
  102. () A client-centered perspective on 'psychopathology' [d]
  103. Kevin D. Browne, Anthony R. Beech, Leam Craig, & Shihning Chou [ed] () Assessments in forensic practice: a handbook [i] [d]
  104. () In the beginning was the problem [i] [d]
  105. () Taxonomising delusions: content or aetiology? [p] [d]
  106. Bruce M. Z. Cohen [ed] () Routledge international handbook of critical mental health [i] [d]
  107. () Confabulation and conversation [p] [d]
  108. () What's the problem?: frameworks and methods from policy analysis for analyzing complex problems [d]
  109. () Diagnosis: interpreting the shadows [i] [d]
  110. () Getting beyond analysis by anecdote: improving intelligence analysis through the use of case studies [d]
  111. Connie White Delaney, Charlotte A. Weaver, Judith Jordan Warren, Thomas R. Clancy, & Roy L. Simpson [ed] () Big data-enabled nursing: education, research and practice [i] [d]
  112. Robert J. DeRubeis & Daniel R. Strunk [ed] () The Oxford handbook of mood disorders [i] [d]
  113. () The smartphone psychiatrist [u]
  114. () Scientific revolutions and the explosion of scientific evidence [d] [j] [u]
  115. () The new old (and old new) medical model: four decades navigating the biomedical and psychosocial understandings of health and illness [p] [d] [u]
  116. () Explaining delusions: reducing uncertainty through basic and computational neuroscience [p] [d] [u]
  117. Daniel B. Fishman, Stanley B. Messer, D. J. A. Edwards, & Frank M. Dattilio [ed] () Case studies within psychotherapy trials: integrating qualitative and quantitative methods [i]
  118. Christopher A. Flessner & John Piacentini [ed] () Clinical handbook of psychological disorders in children and adolescents: a step-by-step treatment manual [i]
  119. () Delineating the joint hierarchical structure of clinical and personality disorders in an outpatient psychiatric sample [p] [d]
  120. () Cognitive systems at the point of care: the CREDO program [p] [d]
  121. () Delusions: a project in understanding [i] [d]
  122. () The impact of electronic health records on diagnosis [p] [d]
  123. () The new diagnostic team [p] [d]
  124. () Predictive processing, source monitoring, and psychosis [p] [d] [u]
  125. () What is a good medical decision?: a research agenda guided by perspectives from multiple stakeholders [p] [d] [u]
  126. () A new understanding of mental disorders: computational models for dimensional psychiatry [i] [d]
  127. () A network approach to psychosis: pathways between childhood trauma and psychotic symptoms [p] [d]
  128. () The scientific nature of diagnosis [p] [d]
  129. () 'Dr. Google' and his predecessors [p] [d]
  130. () Getting risk right: understanding the science of elusive health risks [i] [d] [j]
  131. () Evidence in engineering [i] [d]
  132. Martin Kunc, Jonathan Malpass, & Leroy White [ed] () Behavioral operational research: theory, methodology and practice [i] [d]
  133. () Comparing the symptoms and mechanisms of 'dissociation' in dissociative identity disorder and borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  134. () A hierarchical causal taxonomy of psychopathology across the life span [p] [d] [u]
  135. Markus A. Landolt, Marylène Cloitre, & Ulrich Schnyder [ed] () Evidence-based treatments for trauma related disorders in children and adolescents [i] [d]
  136. () Behavior change interventions: the potential of ontologies for advancing science and practice [p] [d]
  137. () Digital health: tracking physiomes and activity using wearable biosensors reveals useful health-related information [p] [d] [u]
  138. () Improving how to think in intelligence analysis and medicine [d]
  139. () The causal explanatory functions of medical diagnoses [p] [d] [u]
  140. Dean McKay, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, & Eric A. Storch [ed] () Treatments for psychological problems and syndromes [i] [d]
  141. () Association of the jumping-to-conclusions and evidence-integration biases with delusions in psychosis: a detailed meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  142. () Diagnostic reasoning [and causal inference] [i] [d]
  143. () Clinically useful brain imaging for neuropsychiatry: how can we get there? [p] [d]
  144. () Assessing model-based reasoning using evidence-centered design: a suite of research-based design patterns [i] [d]
  145. Ahmed Moustafa [ed] () Computational models of brain and behavior [i] [d]
  146. () The causes of errors in clinical reasoning: cognitive biases, knowledge deficits, and dual process thinking [p] [d]
  147. () Latent variables underlying the memory beliefs of chartered clinical psychologists, hypnotherapists and undergraduate students [p] [d]
  148. () What drives false memories in psychopathology?: a case for associative activation [p] [d] [u]
  149. () The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence [i] [d]
  150. () Developing emotion-based case formulations: a research-informed method [p] [d]
  151. () Identifying and analyzing diagnostic paths: a new approach for studying diagnostic practices [p] [d]
  152. () Using fault trees to advance understanding of diagnostic errors [p] [d]
  153. () Observation and experiment: an introduction to causal inference [i] [d]
  154. () When less is more: innovations for tracking progress toward global targets [d]
  155. () An automated method of content analysis for psychotherapy research: a further validation [p] [d]
  156. () Updating labelling theory: normalizing but not enabling [d] [u]
  157. Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards [ed] () Handbook of the philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  158. () A mega-analysis of memory reports from eight peer-reviewed false memory implantation studies [p] [d]
  159. () An alternative paradigm for evidence-based medicine: revisiting Lawrence Weed, MD's systems approach [p] [d] [u]
  160. Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon, & Harold Kincaid [ed] () The Routledge companion to philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  161. () Human trafficking, mental illness, and addiction: avoiding diagnostic overshadowing [p] [d]
  162. () Data-driven phenotypic categorization for neurobiological analyses: beyond DSM-5 labels [p] [d] [u]
  163. () Proof with and without probabilities: correct evidential reasoning with presumptive arguments, coherent hypotheses and degrees of uncertainty [d]
  164. () A time-geographic approach for visualizing the paths of intervention for persons with severe mental illness [d]
  165. () Uncomplicated depression as normal sadness: re-thinking the boundary between normal and disordered depression [i] [d]
  166. () The generic model of cognitive behavioral therapy: a case conceptualization-driven approach [i] [d]
  167. () Are you solving the right problems? [u]
  168. () Nursing knowledge: hints from the placebo effect [p] [d]
  169. () Multidimensional targeting for tailoring: a comment on Ogden (2016) [p] [d] [u]
  170. () Grasping the mechanisms of narratives' incoherence in schizophrenia: an analysis of the temporal structure of patients' life story [p] [d]
  171. () Dewey and the art of experience [u]
  172. () A dual process perspective on the value of theory in psychotherapeutic decision making [i] [d]
  173. () Rationale mapping and functional modelling enhanced root cause analysis [d]
  174. () Open access meta-analysis for psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  175. () Electrophysiology, chronometrics, and cross-cultural psychometrics at the Biosignal Lab: why it began, what we learned, and why it ended [d]
  176. () Achieving precision mental health through effective assessment, monitoring, and feedback processes [p] [d] [u]
  177. () Kinds versus continua: a review of psychometric approaches to uncover the structure of psychiatric constructs [p] [d]
  178. () Examining the link between hoarding symptoms and cognitive flexibility deficits [p] [d]
  179. () Some problems with randomized controlled trials and some viable alternatives [p] [d]
  180. () Single case causes: what is evidence and why [i] [d]
  181. () Is there a scientific method?: the analytic model of science [i] [d]
  182. () A practical guide to big data research in psychology [p] [d]
  183. () Strategic thinking in complex problem solving [i] [d]
  184. () Challenges for the theory and application of dynamic risk factors [d]
  185. () Biting the hand that feeds: current opinion on the interpersonal causes, correlates, and consequences of borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  186. () Psychosis, delusions and the 'jumping to conclusions' reasoning bias: a systematic review and meta-analysis [p] [d] [u]
  187. () Empirically supported treatments: precept or percept? [d]
  188. () Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise [i]
  189. () Robustness is the kind of coherence that matters: a comment on Kendler (2015) [p] [d]
  190. () The making of an expert detective: the role of experience in English and Norwegian police officers' investigative decision-making [d]
  191. () Functional research and cognitive-process research in behavioural science: an unequal but firmly connected pair [p] [d]
  192. () The doxastic shear pin: delusions as errors of learning and memory [p] [d]
  193. Howard S. Friedman [ed] () Encyclopedia of mental health [i] [d]
  194. () Argumentation and decision making in professional practice [d]
  195. () How to catch a black swan: measuring the benefits of the premortem technique for risk identification [d]
  196. () Psychology and disaster: why we do not see looming disasters and how our way of thinking causes them [d]
  197. () What is the DSM?: diagnostic manual, cultural icon, political battleground: an overview with suggestions for a critical research agenda [d]
  198. () Making the case for using personalised outcome measures to track progress in psychotherapy [d]
  199. () An activity-centric argumentation framework for assistive technology aimed at improving health [d]
  200. () A normative framework for argument quality: argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation [d] [j]
  201. () One mechanism, many models: a distributed theory of mechanistic explanation [d] [j]
  202. () Why most clinical research is not useful [p] [d] [u]
  203. () Discovery without a 'logic' would be a miracle [d] [j]
  204. Leonard A. Jason & David S. Glenwick [ed] () Handbook of methodological approaches to community-based research: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods [i] [d]
  205. () Failing in the field: what we can learn when field research goes wrong [i] [d] [j]
  206. () Systems theory as a foundation for discovery of pathologies for complex system problem formulation [i] [d]
  207. () Emotional processing, interaction process, and outcome in clarification-oriented psychotherapy for personality disorders: a process-outcome analysis [p] [d]
  208. () Functional neuromarkers for psychiatry [i] [d]
  209. () Exploring the residual effects of malingering in mock victims of violent crime: an experimental vignette study [d]
  210. () An experimental investigation of the impact of personality disorder diagnosis on clinicians: can we see past the borderline? [p] [d]
  211. () Rethinking diagnosis: the many texts of medicine [i] [d]
  212. () An event-driven, scalable and real-time geo-spatial disaster forensics architecture: decision support for integrated disaster risk reduction [i] [d]
  213. Martin Lipscomb [ed] () Exploring evidence-based practice: debates and challenges in nursing [i] [d]
  214. () Where and how to search?: search paths in open innovation [d]
  215. () Theory, experience and practice [p] [d]
  216. David D. Luxton [ed] () Artificial intelligence in behavioral and mental health care [i] [d]
  217. () Clinical expertise and decision making: an overview of bias in clinical practice [i] [d]
  218. Jeffrey J. Magnavita [ed] () Clinical decision making in mental health practice [i] [d]
  219. Sara Maltzman [ed] () The Oxford handbook of treatment processes and outcomes in psychology: a multidisciplinary, biopsychosocial approach [i] [d]
  220. Anthony J. Masys [ed] () Disaster forensics: understanding root cause and complex causality [i] [d]
  221. () Can network analysis transform psychopathology? [d]
  222. () Coping with life transitions [i] [d]
  223. () How developments in psychology and technology challenge validity argumentation [d]
  224. () John Dewey: the global public and its problems [i] [u]
  225. Robert A. Nash & James Ost [ed] () False and distorted memories [i] [d]
  226. John C. Norcross, Gary R. VandenBos, Donald K. Freedheim, Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez, Bunmi O. Olatunji, Radhika Krishnamurthy, Nnamdi Pole, & Linda Frye Campbell [ed] () APA handbook of clinical psychology [i] [d]
  227. () The design, manufacture, and reporting of weak and pseudo-tests: the case of ACT [d]
  228. Michelle O'Reilly & Jessica Nina Lester [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of adult mental health: discourse and conversation studies [i] [d]
  229. () Latent trajectories of common mental health disorder risk across 3 decades of adulthood in a population-based cohort [p] [d]
  230. () How delusion is formed? [p] [d]
  231. () The enhanced cognitive interview: expressions of uncertainty, motivation and its relation with report accuracy [d]
  232. () An evaluation of understandability of patient journey models in mental health [p] [d] [u]
  233. Amy Phenix & Harry Mark Hoberman [ed] () Sexual offending: predisposing antecedents, assessments and management [i] [d]
  234. () Desistance and dynamic risk factors belong together [d]
  235. () Exposing fraud: skills, process and practicalities [i] [d]
  236. () Case rethinking: a protocol for reviewing criminal investigations [d]
  237. () Emerging technologies to measure neighborhood conditions in public health: implications for interventions and next steps [p] [d] [u]
  238. () Abduction, complex inferences, and emergent heuristics of scientific inquiry [d]
  239. () Editorial: Distinguishing between the challenges posed by surface and deep forms of heterogeneity to diagnostic systems: do we need a new approach to subtyping of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders? [d]
  240. () Transdiagnostic neuroscience of child and adolescent mental disorders: differentiating decision making in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and anxiety: annual research review [p] [d] [u]
  241. () Psychological masquerade embedded in a cluster of related clinical errors: real practice, real solutions, and their scientific underpinnings [p] [d]
  242. () Selecting clinical diagnoses: logical strategies informed by experience [p] [d]
  243. () Diagnosis: the limiting focus of taxonomy [p] [d]
  244. () A comparison of natural language processing methods for automated coding of motivational interviewing [p] [d] [u]
  245. () A review of the diagnosis and management of hoarding disorder [d]
  246. () Transtheoretic transdiagnostic psychotherapy [d]
  247. () Arguments, scenarios and probabilities: connections between three normative frameworks for evidential reasoning [d] [u]
  248. () Truth or truthiness: distinguishing fact from fiction by learning to think like a data scientist [i] [d]
  249. () From dynamic risk factors to causal processes: a methodological framework [d]
  250. () Building a reliable and affordable system of medical care [i] [d]
  251. () Escalating, accusing, and rationalizing: a model of distortion and interaction in couple conflict [d]
  252. David A. Winter & Nick Reed [ed] () The Wiley handbook of personal construct psychology [i] [d]
  253. () Bayesian networks in educational assessment [i] [d]
  254. () Automatically finding relevant citations for clinical guideline development [p] [d] [u]
  255. Ronald E. Anderson [ed] () World suffering and quality of life [i] [d]
  256. Erin Balogh, Bryan T. Miller, John Ball, & Institute of Medicine [ed] () Improving diagnosis in health care [i] [d] [u]
  257. () Interdependence of technical, practical, and emancipatory inquiry in psychotherapy practice and research: a commentary on Carere-Comes' 'One or two psychotherapies?' [d]
  258. () Unfair: the new science of criminal injustice [i]
  259. Andrew Bennett & Jeffrey T. Checkel [ed] () Process tracing: from metaphor to analytic tool [i] [d]
  260. () The need for reporting standards in forensic science [d]
  261. () Personality assessment, 'construct validity', and the significance of theory [d]
  262. () Treatment outcome package: measuring and facilitating multidimensional change [p] [d]
  263. () Implementing routine outcome monitoring in clinical practice: benefits, challenges, and solutions [p] [d]
  264. () Practitioner's guide to health informatics [i] [d]
  265. () A collaborative outcome resource network (ACORN): tools for increasing the value of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  266. () Theorizing in grounded theory and creative abduction [d]
  267. () Ambient diagnostics [i] [d]
  268. () Occupation bedbug: or, the urgency and agency of professional pragmatism [d]
  269. () Self-explanation in learning clinical reasoning: the added value of examples and prompts [p] [d]
  270. () Medical and nursing diagnoses: a critical comparison [p] [d]
  271. Lois W. Choi-Kain & John G. Gunderson [ed] () Borderline personality and mood disorders: comorbidity and controversy [i] [d]
  272. () Theoretical bases of psychotherapeutic practices [i] [d]
  273. () Judging the reality of others' memories [p] [d]
  274. () An integrated approach to treatment of patients with personality disorders [d]
  275. () Problems attract problems: a network perspective on mental disorders [i] [d]
  276. () Clinical decision making [i] [d]
  277. () Thirty years of illness scripts: theoretical origins and practical applications [p] [d]
  278. () Metacognitive interpersonal therapy for personality disorders: a treatment manual [i] [d]
  279. () Neural variability: friend or foe? [p] [d]
  280. () Cognitive fallacies and criminal investigations [d]
  281. () Characterizing emotional dysfunction in borderline personality, major depression, and their co-occurrence [d]
  282. () Argumentative reasoning and taxonomic analysis for the identification of medical errors [d]
  283. () Psychotherapy case formulation [i] [d]
  284. Nady el-Guebaly, Giuseppe Carrà, & Marc Galanter [ed] () Textbook of addiction treatment: international perspectives [i] [d]
  285. () Biases as constraints on planning performance [i] [d]
  286. () How and why thoughts change: foundations of cognitive psychotherapy [i]
  287. () Adapting Scott and Bruce's General Decision-Making Style Inventory to patient decision making in provider choice [p] [d]
  288. () Cognitive neuroscience of human systems: work and everyday life [i] [d]
  289. () a platform for creating and sharing knowledge and promoting best practice in healthcare [d]
  290. () Problematic assumptions have slowed down depression research: why symptoms, not syndromes are the way forward [p] [d] [u]
  291. Niall Galbraith [ed] () Aberrant beliefs and reasoning [i] [d]
  292. () Quantitative approaches to treatment process, change process, and process–outcome research [i] [d]
  293. Omar C. G. Gelo, Alfred Pritz, & Bernd Rieken [ed] () Psychotherapy research: foundations, process, and outcome [i] [d]
  294. () Bipolar illness versus borderline personality: red skies versus red apples [i] [d]
  295. () Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy: co-creating clinical maps for change [i] [d]
  296. () Caught: the prison state and the lockdown of American politics [i] [d] [j]
  297. () Annotating evidence-based argumentation in biomedical text [o] [d]
  298. Michael Heinrich & Anna K. Jäger [ed] () Ethnopharmacology [i] [d]
  299. () Identifying viable 'need–solution pairs': problem solving without problem formulation [d] [j]
  300. () Computational psychotherapy research: scaling up the evaluation of patient–provider interactions [p] [d] [u]
  301. () Case-based reasoning for predicting the success of therapy [d]
  302. () The nocebo effect: overdiagnosis and its costs [i] [d]
  303. () The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior [d]
  304. Gideon Keren & George Wu [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of judgment and decision making [i] [d]
  305. () Quantifying doctors' argumentation in general practice consultation through content analysis: measurement development and preliminary results [d]
  306. () The effects of general practitioners' use of argumentation to support their treatment advice: results of an experimental study using video-vignettes [p] [d]
  307. () Progress feedback and the OQ-system: the past and the future [p] [d]
  308. () The integration of mood, behavior, and temperament in mood spectrum disorders [i] [d]
  309. () Ethics in ethnography: a mixed methods approach [i]
  310. () Delusion proneness and 'jumping to conclusions': relative and absolute effects [p] [d]
  311. () Interpretation-driven guidelines for designing and evaluating grounded theory research: a constructivist–social justice approach [i] [d]
  312. () The integrative challenge in personality science: personal projects as units of analysis [d]
  313. () Correcting psychotherapists' blindsidedness: formal feedback as a means of overcoming the natural limitations of therapists [p] [d]
  314. Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, & Kathleen L. Slaney [ed] () The Wiley handbook of theoretical and philosophical psychology: methods, approaches, and new directions for social sciences [i] [d]
  315. () Incorporating progress monitoring and outcome assessment into counseling and psychotherapy: a primer [i]
  316. () Behaviour change techniques: the development and evaluation of a taxonomic method for reporting and describing behaviour change interventions (a suite of five studies involving consensus methods, randomised controlled trials and analysis of qualitative data) [p] [d] [u]
  317. () Beyond measures and monitoring: realizing the potential of feedback-informed treatment [p] [d]
  318. () Not so abnormal psychology: a pragmatic view of mental illness [i] [d]
  319. () Cognitive and motivational biases in decision and risk analysis [p] [d]
  320. () The life course of women who have experienced abuse: a life chart study in general psychiatric care [d]
  321. () Deweyan approaches to abduction? [i] [u]
  322. (/2020) Overdiagnosis in psychiatry: how modern psychiatry lost its way while creating a diagnosis for almost all of life's misfortunes [i]
  323. () Mining and exploring care pathways from electronic medical records with visual analytics [p] [d]
  324. Barbara Probst [ed] () Critical thinking in clinical assessment and diagnosis [i] [d]
  325. () Cultural adaptation of CBT for serious mental illness: a guide for training and practice [i] [d]
  326. () Addiction as a symptom of failure modes in the machineries of decision making [i] [d]
  327. () Why psychopathy matters: implications for public health and violence prevention [d]
  328. () Daily monitoring of temporal trajectories of suicidal ideation predict self-injury: a novel application of patient progress monitoring [p] [d]
  329. () False memories for dissonance inducing events [d]
  330. () Differentiating procrastinators from each other: a cluster analysis [p] [d]
  331. () The couple's grid: a tool for assessing interpersonal construction in couples [d]
  332. () Attributional 'tunnel vision' in patients with borderline personality disorder [p] [d]
  333. () How to improve the teaching of clinical reasoning: a narrative review and a proposal [p] [d]
  334. () Using measurement-based care to enhance any treatment [d]
  335. () Empirical evidence about recovery and mental health [p] [d] [u]
  336. () Constructing psychological objects: the rhetoric of constructs [d]
  337. () A user's guide to debiasing [i] [d]
  338. () Critical rationalism and engineering: methodology [d] [j]
  339. () Counselling the (self?) diagnosed client: generative and reflective conversations [d]
  340. () Development of an ontology for periodontitis [d]
  341. () On the shoulders of medicine's giants: what today's clinicians can learn from yesterday's wisdom [i] [d]
  342. () Ten commandments for aspiring superforecasters [i]
  343. () Shift toward prior knowledge confers a perceptual advantage in early psychosis and psychosis-prone healthy individuals [p] [d] [u]
  344. () Deconstructing pathology: a narrative view of the intake process [d]
  345. () New developments for case conceptualization in emotion-focused therapy [p] [d]
  346. () Supporting reasoning with different types of evidence in intelligence analysis [i] [u]
  347. () The patient will see you now: the future of medicine is in your hands [i]
  348. () Better but still biased: analytic cognitive style and belief bias [d]
  349. () The power of theory, research design, and transdisciplinary integration in moving psychopathology forward [d]
  350. Lynn A. Watson & Dorthe Berntsen [ed] () Clinical perspectives on autobiographical memory [i] [d]
  351. () A disease called childhood: why ADHD became an American epidemic [i]
  352. Stephen J. Wilson [ed] () The Wiley handbook on the cognitive neuroscience of addiction [i] [d]
  353. () Encouraging eyewitnesses to falsely corroborate allegations: effects of rapport-building and incriminating evidence [d]
  354. () The Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS): merging clinical practice, training, and research [p] [d]
  355. () The challenges in defining and measuring diagnostic error [p] [d] [u]
  356. () The journey to psychosis: an exploration of specific psychological pathways [p] [d]
  357. () Welcome to the party, but... [p] [d]
  358. Rajeev Bhat & Vicente M. Gómez-López [ed] () Practical food safety: contemporary issues and future directions [i] [d]
  359. () Liberties and constraints of the normative approach to evaluation and decision in forensic science: a discussion towards overcoming some common misconceptions [d]
  360. () Statistical solutions for error and bias in global citizen science datasets [d]
  361. () Chronic complex dissociative disorders and borderline personality disorder: disorders of emotion dysregulation? [p] [d] [u]
  362. () Belief bias is stronger when reasoning is more difficult [d]
  363. Ray Bull [ed] () Investigative interviewing [i] [d]
  364. () Big questions come in bundles, hence they should be tackled systemically [p] [d]
  365. () Validation and variability: dual challenges on the path from systems biology to systems medicine [d]
  366. () How to increase value and reduce waste when research priorities are set [p] [d]
  367. () Light already defines the darkness: understanding normal and maladaptive personality in the workplace [d]
  368. () Causal explanatory pluralism and medically unexplained physical symptoms [p] [d]
  369. () Salvaging psychotherapy research: a manifesto [u]
  370. () Comparison of psychotherapies for adult depression to pill placebo control groups: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  371. () The problem of interrogation-induced false confession: sources of failure in prevention and detection [i] [d]
  372. () Great expectations: using whole-brain computational connectomics for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders [p] [d]
  373. () Supporters of a single orientation may do less for science and the health of patients than integrationists: a reply to Govrin (2014) [d]
  374. () The assessment of cognitive errors using an observer-rated method [p] [d]
  375. () What is it like to be diagnosed with bipolar illness, borderline personality disorder or another diagnosis with mood instability? [p] [d]
  376. () Advancing psychotherapy and evidence-based psychological interventions [d]
  377. () Addressing the global burden of mental illness: why transdiagnostic and common elements approaches to evidence-based practice might be our best bet [d]
  378. () Mental health worldwide: culture, globalization and development [i] [d]
  379. () Complex PTSD, affect dysregulation, and borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  380. () The transdiagnostic road map to case formulation and treatment planning: practical guidance for clinical decision making [i]
  381. Thomas Fuchs, Thiemo Breyer, & Christoph Mundt [ed] () Karl Jaspers' philosophy and psychopathology [i] [d]
  382. () A bright side facet analysis of borderline personality disorder [p] [d] [u]
  383. () The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders as a major form of dehumanization in the modern world [d]
  384. () Risk savvy: how to make good decisions [i]
  385. () The meaning of loss codebook: construction of a system for analyzing meanings made in bereavement [p] [d]
  386. () An evolutionary life history framework for psychopathology [d]
  387. () Nanopublishing clinical diagnoses: tracking diagnostic knowledge base content and utilization [o] [d]
  388. () The vices and virtues of monolithic thought in the evolution of psychotherapy [d]
  389. () Developing checklists to prevent diagnostic error in Emergency Room settings [p] [d] [u]
  390. () Let patients help with diagnosis [p] [d]
  391. () Physicians as part of the solution?: community-based participatory research as a way to get shared decision making into practice [d]
  392. () Observation oriented modeling: preparing students for research in the 21st century [d]
  393. () The leadership shadow: how to recognize and avoid derailment, hubris and overdrive [i]
  394. Leonard Handler & Antoinette D. Thomas [ed] () Drawings in assessment and psychotherapy: research and application [i] [d]
  395. () Natural kinds in psychiatry: conceptually implausible, empirically questionable, and stigmatizing [i] [d]
  396. () Parameters for creating culturally sensitive CBT: implementing CBT in global settings [d]
  397. () Discovery of clinical pathway patterns from event logs using probabilistic topic models [p] [d]
  398. Christine M. Hunter, Christopher L. Hunter, & Rodger Kessler [ed] () Handbook of clinical psychology in medical settings: evidence-based assessment and intervention [i] [d]
  399. () Malignant self-regard: accounting for commonalities in vulnerably narcissistic, depressive, self-defeating, and masochistic personality disorders [d]
  400. () How to make more published research true [p] [d] [u]
  401. () Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis [p] [d] [u]
  402. () À la carte or prix fixe?: differing approaches to addressing the gap in dissemination of evidence-based care in mental health [d]
  403. () The integration of social, behavioral, and biological mechanisms in models of pathogenesis [p] [d]
  404. Harold Kincaid & Jacqueline A. Sullivan [ed] () Classifying psychopathology: mental kinds and natural kinds [i] [d]
  405. () Interviewing and case formulation [i] [d]
  406. () Immunity-to-change: are hidden motives underlying patient nonadherence to chronic disease medications? [d]
  407. () Practical ethnography: a guide to doing ethnography in the private sector [i] [d] [u]
  408. () 'Jumping to conclusions' in delusion-prone participants: an experimental economics approach [p] [d]
  409. () A unified protocol for the transdiagnostic psychodynamic treatment of anxiety disorders: an evidence-based approach [p] [d]
  410. () Correcting criminal justice through collective experience rigorously examined [u]
  411. () Misreporting signs of child abuse: the role of decision-making and outcome information [d]
  412. Antis Loizides [ed] () Mill's A system of logic: critical appraisals [i] [d]
  413. Wolfgang Lutz & Sarah Knox [ed] () Quantitative and qualitative methods in psychotherapy research [i] [d]
  414. () The diagnosticity of argument diagrams [o] [u]
  415. () How can students' diagnostic competence benefit most from practice with clinical cases?: the effects of structured reflection on future diagnosis of the same and novel diseases [p] [d]
  416. () The twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism in clinical practice [p] [d]
  417. () The diagnostic field's players and interactions: from the inside out [p] [d]
  418. () Accusatorial and information-gathering interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions: a meta-analytic review [d]
  419. Stephen John Morewitz & Mark L. Goldstein [ed] () Handbook of forensic sociology and psychology [i] [d]
  420. () The mismatch between twenty-first-century forensic evidence and our antiquated criminal justice system [u]
  421. () A common elements treatment approach for adult mental health problems in low- and middle-income countries [d]
  422. () Exploiting liars' verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details [d]
  423. () Unconscious influences on decision making: a critical review [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  424. () A unified conceptual model for diagnostic errors: underdiagnosis, overdiagnosis, and misdiagnosis [p] [d] [u]
  425. () A material dissolution of the problem of induction [d] [j]
  426. () Studying the elusive environment in large scale [p] [d] [u]
  427. () The end of mental illness thinking? [d]
  428. Allison D. Redlich, James R. Acker, Robert J. Norris, & Catherine L. Bonventre [ed] () Examining wrongful convictions: stepping back, moving forward [i]
  429. () Computational thinking for the modern problem solver [i] [d]
  430. () Everyday bias: identifying and overcoming unconscious prejudice in our daily lives [i]
  431. () Evidence-informed person-centered healthcare, part I: do 'cognitive biases plus' at organizational levels influence quality of evidence? [p] [d]
  432. () Evidence-informed person-centred health care, part II: are 'cognitive biases plus' underlying the EBM paradigm responsible for undermining the quality of evidence? [p] [d]
  433. () Criminal law at the crossroads: turn to accuracy [u]
  434. () Lessons from inquisitorialism [u]
  435. () Acting locally and globally: dissemination implementation around the world and next door [d]
  436. () The ethical imperative to think about thinking: diagnostics, metacognition, and medical professionalism [p] [d]
  437. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  438. () Smartphones as pocketable labs: visions for mobile brain imaging and neurofeedback [d]
  439. () The smartphone brain scanner: a mobile real-time neuroimaging system [p] [d] [u]
  440. Peter Sturmey & Robert Didden [ed] () Evidence-based practice and intellectual disabilities [i] [d]
  441. () The use of cognitive task analysis to reveal the instructional limitations of experts in the teaching of procedural skills [p] [d]
  442. () Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them [i]
  443. () No more psychiatric labels: why formal psychiatric diagnostic systems should be abolished [d]
  444. () To catch a thief with and without numbers: arguments, scenarios and probabilities in evidential reasoning [d]
  445. () People with a borderline personality disorder diagnosis describe discriminatory experiences [d]
  446. () Is this testimony truthful, fabricated, or based on false memory?: credibility assessment 25 years after Steller and Köhnken (1989) [d]
  447. () Burden of proof, presumption and argumentation [i] [d]
  448. () Diagnosing diagnostic failure [p] [d]
  449. () Common factors are not so common and specific factors are not so specified: toward an inclusive integration of psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  450. () Emotion regulation in delusion-proneness: deficits in cognitive reappraisal, but not in expressive suppression [p] [d]
  451. () Borderline personality disorder: a personal construct approach [o] [u]
  452. () Empirical research methods for technology validation: scaling up to practice [d]
  453. () Formulation in personal and relational construct psychology: seeing the world through clients' eyes [i] [d]
  454. () The non-codified use of problem structuring methods and the need for a generic constitutive definition [d]
  455. () One quintillion ways to have PTSD comorbidity: recommendations for the disordered DSM-5 [d]
  456. Marvin Zalman & Julia Carrano [ed] () Wrongful conviction and criminal justice reform: making justice [i] [d]
  457. () Epidemiological criminology: a public health approach to crime and violence [i]
  458. () Pragmatic norms in science: making them explicit [d] [j]
  459. () Can a trait-based multi-taxa approach improve our assessment of forest management impact on biodiversity? [d]
  460. () Clinical reasoning difficulties: a taxonomy for clinical teachers [p] [d]
  461. (/2017) Interactivity and embodied cues in problem solving, learning and insight: further contributions to a 'theory of hints' [i] [d]
  462. () Is there a core process across depression and anxiety? [d]
  463. () Intensive longitudinal methods: an introduction to diary and experience sampling research [i]
  464. () Network analysis: an integrative approach to the structure of psychopathology [p] [d]
  465. () Risk, chance, and causation: investigating the origins and treatment of disease [i] [d]
  466. () Medical philosophy: conceptual issues in medicine [i] [d]
  467. () Transactional relationships among cognitive vulnerabilities, stressors, and depressive symptoms in adolescence [p] [d]
  468. () Capture your diagnostic analysis in a hypothesis map [u]
  469. () The evidence that evidence-based medicine omits [evidence of mechanisms] [p] [d]
  470. () Psychoanalysis and creativity in everyday life: ordinary genius [i] [d]
  471. () Deciding how to decide [u]
  472. () Cognitive debiasing 1: origins of bias and theory of debiasing [d]
  473. () Cognitive debiasing 2: impediments to and strategies for change [d]
  474. () Educational strategies for improving clinical reasoning [p] [d]
  475. () Earth repair: a grassroots guide to healing toxic and damaged landscapes [i]
  476. () Assessing aberrant personality in managerial coaching: measurement issues and prevalence rates across employment sectors [d]
  477. () In support of evidence-based case formulation in psychotherapy (from the perspective of a clinician) [d] [u]
  478. () The case formulation approach to psychotherapy research revisited [d] [u]
  479. () Optical satellite imagery for quantifying spatio-temporal dimension of physical exposure in disaster risk assessments [d]
  480. () Use of health information technology to reduce diagnostic errors [d]
  481. () A platform for location based app development for citizen science and community mapping [i] [d]
  482. () How and why people change: foundations of psychological therapy [i]
  483. () Focus on change: implications for the understanding and evaluation of psychological interventions [d]
  484. () Quality control and due diligence in project management: getting decisions right by taking the outside view [d]
  485. () Transmitting delusional beliefs in a hypnotic model of folie à deux [p] [d]
  486. () A primer for the design of practice manuals: four stages of development [d]
  487. () Birds of a feather: applied behavior analysis and quality of life [d]
  488. () Moment-to-moment brain signal variability: a next frontier in human brain mapping? [p] [d] [u]
  489. () Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  490. () Narrative, truth, and trial [u]
  491. () Client subversions of DSM knowledge [d]
  492. () Detecting psychological phenomena: taking bottom-up research seriously [p] [d] [j]
  493. () Individual case formulation [i] [d]
  494. () Neurocognitive biases and the patterns of spontaneous correlations in the human cortex [p] [d]
  495. () Irrationality in health care: what behavioral economics reveals about what we do and why [i] [d]
  496. () Dynamic functional connectivity: promise, issues, and interpretations [p] [d] [u]
  497. () The evolution of error: error management, cognitive constraints, and adaptive decision-making biases [d]
  498. () Validating the interpretations and uses of test scores [d]
  499. () Bringing the laboratory and clinic to the community: mobile technologies for health promotion and disease prevention [p] [d]
  500. () Structuring and analyzing competing hypotheses with Bayesian networks for intelligence analysis [d]
  501. () The forensic confirmation bias: problems, perspectives, and proposed solutions [d]
  502. () How to manage data to enhance their potential for synthesis, preservation, sharing, and reuse—a Great Lakes case study [d]
  503. Julia Koricheva, Jessica Gurevitch, & Kerrie L. Mengersen [ed] () Handbook of meta-analysis in ecology and evolution [i] [d] [j]
  504. Sanjeev V. Kothare & Anna Ivanenko [ed] () Parasomnias: clinical characteristics and treatment [i] [d]
  505. () 'That was helpful... no one has talked to me about that before': research participation as a therapeutic activity [d]
  506. () Culturally competent research: using ethnography as a meta-framework [i] [d]
  507. () Nutrition and mental health [i] [d]
  508. () Why many clinical psychologists are resistant to evidence-based practice: root causes and constructive remedies [d]
  509. () Using decision errors to help people help themselves [i] [d] [j]
  510. () Science, practice and mythology: a definition and examination of the implications of scientism in medicine [d]
  511. () The role of emotions in clinical reasoning and decision making [p] [d]
  512. () Frontiers of test validity theory: measurement, causation and meaning [i] [d]
  513. () Ten simple rules for cultivating open science and collaborative R&D [p] [d] [u]
  514. () The patient is in: patient involvement strategies for diagnostic error mitigation [d]
  515. Dean McKay & Eric A. Storch [ed] () Handbook of assessing variants and complications in anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  516. () Using ecological momentary assessment to understand a construction worker's daily disruptions and decisions [d]
  517. () Constructs, inferences, and mental measurement [d]
  518. () Location-based services in 2030: from sharing to collective action [i] [d]
  519. () Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
  520. () Applying complexity theory to a dynamical process model of the development of pathological belief systems [u]
  521. () Beyond DSM and ICD: introducing 'precision diagnosis' for psychiatry using momentary assessment technology [d]
  522. () The practice of collaborative counseling & psychotherapy: developing skills in culturally mindful helping [i] [d]
  523. Joel Paris & James Phillips [ed] () Making the DSM-5: concepts and controversies [i] [d]
  524. (/2015) The intelligent clinician's guide to the DSM-5 [i] [d]
  525. () Who needs a case formulation and why: clinicians use the case formulation to guide decision-making [d] [u]
  526. () Real-time analytics and quality of care [i] [d]
  527. () Cancer and the goals of integration [d]
  528. () The development of delusion revisited: a transdiagnostic framework [p] [d]
  529. () Establishing normative validity for scientific psychiatric nosology: the significance of integrating patient perspectives [i] [d]
  530. () Behavioral landscapes and change in behavioral landscapes: a multiple time-scale density distribution approach [d]
  531. () Implicitly unjust: how defenders can affect systemic racist assumptions [u]
  532. () People as sensors and collective sensing—contextual observations complementing geo-sensor network measurements [i] [d]
  533. () Implicit bias and the problem of certainty in the criminal standard of proof [u]
  534. () Implicit racial bias in public defender triage [u]
  535. () Case-based reasoning: a textbook [i] [d]
  536. () The science of the individual [d]
  537. () Rational versus unreasonable persuasion in doctor–patient communication: a normative account [d]
  538. () Crisis mapping, bio blitzes, and Google Flu Trends [u]
  539. () The place of context: a theory and strategy for criminology's hard problems [d]
  540. () Solving tough problems with games [p] [d] [u]
  541. () The model of pathways to treatment: conceptualization and integration with existing theory [p] [d]
  542. () Causes & cures in the classroom: getting to the root of academic and behavior problems [i]
  543. Eldar Shafir [ed] () The behavioral foundations of public policy [i] [d] [j]
  544. () Using Mechanical Turk to study clinical populations [d]
  545. () Do you have to re-examine to reconsider your diagnosis?: checklists and cardiac exam [d]
  546. () Checklists improve experts' diagnostic decisions [p] [d]
  547. () The logic of medical diagnosis [p] [d]
  548. (/2015) Gathering data from clients: insights from cognitive task analysis and requirements engineering [i] [d]
  549. () False memories [i] [d]
  550. Eric A. Storch & Dean McKay [ed] () Handbook of treating variants and complications in anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  551. Joachim P. Sturmberg & Carmel M. Martin [ed] () Handbook of systems and complexity in health [i] [d]
  552. () The quantified self: fundamental disruption in big data science and biological discovery [d]
  553. () The secret life of decisions: how unconscious bias subverts your judgement [i]
  554. () Models of argument for deliberative dialogue in complex domains [o] [u]
  555. () Educational agenda for diagnostic error reduction [d]
  556. () The epistemology of scientific evidence [d]
  557. () Karl Jaspers' multiperspectivalism [p] [d]
  558. () Still radical after all these years: George Kelly's The psychology of personal constructs [p] [d]
  559. () The sins of interviewing: errors made by investigative interviewers and suggestions for redress [i] [d]
  560. () Writing to clients and referring professionals about psychological assessment results: a handbook of style and grammar [i] [d]
  561. () Changes in natural language use as an indicator of psychotherapeutic change in personality disorders [d]
  562. () Evidence-based practice at a crossroads: the timely emergence of common elements and common factors [d]
  563. () Understanding endogenously active mechanisms: a scientific and philosophical challenge [d]
  564. () Racism and pathological bias as a co-occurring problem in diagnosis and assessment [i] [d]
  565. () Solving a murder case by asking critical questions: an approach to fact-finding in terms of argumentation and story schemes [d] [u]
  566. () Burdens and standards of proof for inference to the best explanation: three case studies [d] [u]
  567. () The technology of measurement feedback systems [d]
  568. () The therapist's answer book: solutions to 101 tricky problems in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  569. () The practical utility of using repertory grids with sexual offenders maintaining their innocence: a case study [d]
  570. Jan Dirk Blom & Iris E. C. Sommer [ed] () Hallucinations: research and practice [i] [d]
  571. () The placebo phenomenon: implications for the ethics of shared decision-making [p] [d] [u]
  572. () John Dewey's logic of science [d] [j]
  573. () Psychopathology and the human connectome: toward a transdiagnostic model of risk for mental illness [p] [d]
  574. () Styles of reasoning: a pluralist view [d]
  575. () Citizen scientists: be a part of scientific discovery from your own backyard [i]
  576. () Will this policy work for you?: predicting effectiveness better: how philosophy helps [d] [j]
  577. () The citizen science landscape: from volunteers to citizen sensors and beyond [d]
  578. () Clinical reasoning processes: unravelling complexity through graphical representation [p] [d]
  579. () Work forward in solving problems, not backward [for efficiency in practical problem solving] [u]
  580. () Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
  581. Brian L. Cutler [ed] () Conviction of the innocent: lessons from psychological research [i] [d]
  582. (/2024) Unlocking the emotional brain: memory reconsolidation and the psychotherapy of transformational change [or: Unlocking the emotional brain: eliminating symptoms at their roots using memory reconsolidation] [i] [d]
  583. (/2024) Emotional coherence and the great attachment debate [i] [d]
  584. () Grounded rationality: descriptivism in epistemic context [in psychology of reasoning] [d] [j]
  585. () Tunnel vision [i] [d]
  586. () Blurring practice–research boundaries using progress monitoring: a personal introduction to this issue of Canadian Psychology [d]
  587. () Quality of life well-being in general medicine, mental health and coaching [i] [d]
  588. David Gadd, Susanne Karstedt, & Steven F. Messner [ed] () The Sage handbook of criminological research methods [i] [d]
  589. () Using ontologies and soft systems methodology to provide multi-user support in problem structuring [i] [d]
  590. () Scientific method in brief [i] [d]
  591. () Introducing goal structuring notation to explain decisions in clinical practice [d]
  592. () Expanding the basic science debate: the role of physics knowledge in interpreting clinical findings [d]
  593. () Cognitive interventions to reduce diagnostic error: a narrative review [d]
  594. () Maximising the benefits of psychotherapy: a practice-based evidence approach [i] [d]
  595. () From construct validity to theory validation [d]
  596. () Why is achieving good ecological outcomes in rivers so difficult? [d]
  597. () Categories versus dimensions in personality and psychopathology: a quantitative review of taxometric research [d]
  598. () Toward a synthesis of cognitive biases: how noisy information processing can bias human decision making [p] [d]
  599. () All we have to fear: psychiatry's transformation of natural anxieties into mental disorders [i]
  600. () Personal construct system of a runaway adolescent: an illustrative case study [d]
  601. Jane Carter Ingram, Fabrice DeClerck, & Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio [ed] () Integrating ecology and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  602. () Avoiding environmental catastrophes: varieties of principled precaution [d]
  603. () The aha! moment: a scientist's take on creativity [i] [d]
  604. () Implicit bias in the courtroom [u]
  605. Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas [ed] () Philosophical issues in psychiatry II: nosology [i] [d]
  606. () Causation and evidence-based practice: an ontological review [p] [d]
  607. () The uncertain geographic context problem [d] [u]
  608. () How GIS can help address the uncertain geographic context problem in social science research [d] [u]
  609. Kenneth C. Land, M. Joseph Sirgy, & Alex C. Michalos [ed] () Handbook of social indicators and quality-of-life research [i] [d]
  610. () Still convicting the innocent [book review] [u]
  611. Brian Levine & Fergus I. M. Craik [ed] () Mind and the frontal lobes: cognition, behavior, and brain imaging [i] [d]
  612. () Abductive reasoning and qualitative research [p] [d]
  613. () Cognitive contributions to personality disorders [i] [d]
  614. () Validity and measurement [d]
  615. () Universal methods of design: 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions [i]
  616. () Eliciting expert knowledge in conservation science [p] [d]
  617. () Alfred Binet and the concept of heterogeneous orders [p] [d] [u]
  618. () Participatory design of DataONE—enabling cyberinfrastructure for the biological and environmental sciences [d]
  619. () When you need to know quickly: the efficiency and versatility of focus groups for NGOs in conflict and post conflict settings [d]
  620. () The case for informal argument [about assessment] [d]
  621. () Four metaphors we need to understand assessment [u]
  622. () Emotional responding in depression: distinctions in the time course of emotion [p] [d] [u]
  623. Lynn Nadel & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong [ed] () Memory and law [i] [d]
  624. () Computer applications for handling legal evidence, police investigation, and case argumentation [i] [d]
  625. () Policy implications of implicit social cognition [d]
  626. () Insights and opportunities offered by a rapid ecosystem service assessment in promoting a conservation agenda in an urban biodiversity hotspot [d]
  627. () Critical realist grounded theory: a new approach for social work research [d]
  628. () Information technology and feedback research can bridge the scientist–practitioner gap: a couple therapy example [d]
  629. () Understanding low reliability of memories for neutral information encoded under stress: alterations in memory-related activation in the hippocampus and midbrain [p] [d] [u]
  630. () Radical distortion: how emotions warp what we hear [i]
  631. () (Re)forming the jury: detection and disinfection of implicit juror bias [u]
  632. () EnviroGenomarkers: the interplay between mechanisms and difference making in establishing causal claims [d]
  633. () Drawing lessons from case studies by enhancing comparability [d]
  634. () Cognitive schemas among mental health professionals: adaptive or maladaptive? [p] [u]
  635. (/2015) Handbook of analytic philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  636. () Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
  637. () Individualized patient-progress systems: why we need to move towards a personalized evaluation of psychological treatments [d]
  638. () Automated method of content analysis: a device for psychotherapy process research [p] [d]
  639. () Bibliometric review of the repertory grid technique: 1998–2007 [d]
  640. Howard Shaffer, Debi A. LaPlante, & Sarah E. Nelson [ed] () APA addiction syndrome handbook [i] [d]
  641. () Explanatory models are needed to integrate RCT and observational data with the patient's unique biology [d]
  642. () Linking behavioural syndromes and cognition: a behavioural ecology perspective [p] [d]
  643. () In doubt: the psychology of the criminal justice process [i] [d]
  644. () Can remote sensing estimate fine-scale quality indicators of natural habitats? [d]
  645. () Cointegration methodology for psychological researchers: an introduction to the analysis of dynamic process systems [d]
  646. Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer [ed] () Ecological rationality: intelligence in the world [i] [d]
  647. () Paranoid thinking, suspicion, and risk for aggression: a neurodevelopmental perspective [d]
  648. () 'Placebos' and the logic of placebo comparison [d]
  649. Thomas A. Widiger [ed] () The Oxford handbook of personality disorders [i] [d]
  650. () Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning from the ecological perspective [i] [d]
  651. () Virtually you: the dangerous powers of the e-personality [i]
  652. () Right view and the scheme of the four truths in early Buddhism: the Saṃyukta-āgama parallel to the Sammādiṭṭhi-sutta and the simile of the four skills of a physician [u]
  653. () Experiential science: towards an integration of implicit and reflected practitioner-expert knowledge in the scientific development of organic farming [d]
  654. () Mobilizing communities to implement evidence-based practices in youth violence prevention: the state of the art [p] [d]
  655. () Unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: therapist guide [i]
  656. () Mechanism and biological explanation [d] [j]
  657. () Explanation in personality psychology: 'verbal magic' and the five-factor model [d]
  658. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy I: core concepts and hypothesizing [d]
  659. () Lessons learned from flame retardant use and regulation could enhance future control of potentially hazardous chemicals [d]
  660. () Analyzing grids: new and traditional approaches [i] [d]
  661. Peter Caputi, Linda L. Viney, Beverly M. Walker, & Nadia Crittenden [ed] () Personal construct methodology [i] [d]
  662. () Exposure and reorganization: the what and how of effective psychotherapy [d]
  663. () Adjustment disorders: the state of the art [p] [d] [u]
  664. () Psychotherapy, psychopathology, research and practice: pathways of connections and integration [d]
  665. () The influence of medical students' self-explanations on diagnostic performance [p] [d]
  666. () The old solutions are the new problem: how do we better use what we already know about reducing the burden of mental illness? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  667. () Transmuted expertise: how technical non-experts can assess experts and expertise [d]
  668. (/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
  669. () Imaging technology and the philosophy of causality [d]
  670. () To walk in their shoes: the problem of missing, misunderstood, and misrepresented context in judging criminal confessions [u]
  671. () Inference networks: Bayes and Wigmore [i] [d]
  672. Philip Dawid, William L. Twining, & Mimi Vasilaki [ed] () Evidence, inference and enquiry [i] [d]
  673. () Drift into failure: from hunting broken components to understanding complex systems [i]
  674. Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas E. Uebel, & Marcel Weber [ed] () Explanation, prediction, and confirmation [i] [d]
  675. () From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
  676. () Disorder specific and trans-diagnostic case conceptualisation [d]
  677. () Context and clinical reasoning: understanding the perspective of the expert's voice [p] [d]
  678. () Expert reasoning in psychotherapy case formulation [d]
  679. () Checklists to reduce diagnostic errors [p] [d]
  680. () Phagophobia: behavioral treatment of a complex case involving fear of fear [d]
  681. (/2012) Adversarial inquisitions: rethinking the search for the truth [u]
  682. () Journeys through the valley of death: multimethod psychological assessment and personality transformation in long-term psychotherapy [d]
  683. () Inducing visibilities: an attempt at Santiago Ramón y Cajal's aesthetic epistemology [d]
  684. () Philosophical delusion and its therapy: outline of a philosophical revolution [i] [d]
  685. () A quantitative method for the analysis of nomothetic relationships between idiographic structures: dynamic patterns create attractor states for sustained posttreatment change [d]
  686. () Using contrasting drawings or pictures as an assessment tool within a personal construct framework [i] [d]
  687. () Practice-based evidence for healthcare: clinical mindlines [i] [d]
  688. () Computer-aided constructivism [i] [d]
  689. () Evidence-based practice and the ethics of discretion [d]
  690. () Convicting the innocent: where criminal prosecutions go wrong [i] [d] [j]
  691. () Creating dialogic contexts for multidisciplinary clinical reviews: the reflecting team process [d]
  692. Fred Gifford [ed] () Philosophy of medicine [i] [d]
  693. () Heuristic decision making [p] [d]
  694. Gerd Gigerenzer & J. A. Muir Gray [ed] () Better doctors, better patients, better decisions: envisioning health care 2020 [i] [d] [j]
  695. () Causal argumentation schemes to support sense-making in clinical genetics and law [i] [d]
  696. () Leader development and the dark side of personality [d]
  697. () Illustrating the functional analysis with functional analytic clinical case diagrams [i]
  698. () Behavioral assessment and case formulation [i]
  699. (/2015) Structured analytic techniques for intelligence analysis [i]
  700. () The effect of interpersonal psychotherapy and other psychodynamic therapies versus 'treatment as usual' in patients with major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
  701. () The effects of cognitive therapy versus 'treatment as usual' in patients with major depressive disorder [p] [d] [u]
  702. () Reframing placebo in research and practice [p] [d] [u]
  703. () Before you make that big decision [p] [u]
  704. () Think with your head and with your heart [p] [d]
  705. () Whether, how, and when social anxiety shapes positive experiences and events: a self-regulatory framework and treatment implications [d]
  706. () What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? [d]
  707. () Using global positioning systems in health research: a practical approach to data collection and processing [d]
  708. () Thinking critically about critical thinking: ability, disposition or both? [p] [d]
  709. () Complex predictions and assessor mystique [d]
  710. () Doctor, your patient will see you now: gaining the upper hand in your medical care [i]
  711. () Distinguishing scientific from pseudoscientific psychotherapies: evaluating the role of theoretical plausibility, with a little help from Reverend Bayes [d]
  712. () The A3 workbook: unlock your problem-solving mind [i]
  713. () Systematic case study research: a practice-oriented introduction to building an evidence base for counselling and psychotherapy [d]
  714. () The psychodynamic diagnostic manual: an effort to compensate for the limitations of descriptive psychiatric diagnosis [d]
  715. () Ways to improve political decision-making: negotiating errors to be avoided [i] [d]
  716. () When experts argue: explaining the best and the worst of reasoning [d]
  717. () Use of spatial analysis to support environmental health research and practice [p] [d] [u]
  718. Susan Albers Mohrman & Edward E. Lawler [ed] () Useful research: advancing theory and practice [i]
  719. () Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder [d]
  720. () Evaluation of a therapeutic concept diagram [d]
  721. () The art and science of multi-scale citizen science support [d]
  722. () Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway [i] [d]
  723. () Science as psychology: sense-making and identity in science practice [i] [d]
  724. () Diagnosis, pathology, wellness, and evidence-based practices for counselors: figuring out what's wrong, what's right, and the best way to help [i] [d]
  725. Sami Pihlström [ed] () The Continuum companion to pragmatism [i]
  726. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy II: planning, conversing, and reading feedback [p] [d]
  727. () Argumentation without arguments [d]
  728. () Systemic hypothesising for challenging behaviour in intellectual disabilities: a reflecting team approach [d]
  729. () Personality dynamics: insights from the personality social cognitive literature [d]
  730. () Paradoxes of learning and memory [i] [d]
  731. () Garbage in, garbage out: having useful data is everything [d]
  732. () The un-making of a method: from rating scales to the study of psychological processes [d]
  733. () The logic of diagnosis [i] [d]
  734. () The association between trauma and delusional-like experiences [p] [d]
  735. () The association between general psychological distress and delusional-like experiences: a large population-based study [d]
  736. () Memory distortion: an adaptive perspective [p] [d] [u]
  737. () The biasing effect of clinical history on physical examination diagnostic accuracy [p] [d]
  738. () The limited diagnosticity of criminal trials [u]
  739. Léna Soler, Emiliano Trizio, Thomas Nickles, & William C. Wimsatt [ed] () Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science [i] [d]
  740. Peter Sturmey & Mary McMurran [ed] () Forensic case formulation [i] [d]
  741. () Development of a 'universal' rubric for assessing undergraduates' scientific reasoning skills using scientific writing [d]
  742. () John Dewey's conception of scientific explanation: moving philosophers of science past the realism–antirealism debate [d]
  743. () Reclassifying personality disorders [p] [d]
  744. () Participatory approach to identify interventions to improve the health, safety, and work productivity of smallholder women vegetable farmers in the Gambia [d]
  745. () Look at the human being in front of you who's hurting: clients with a borderline personality disorder diagnosis describe their experiences of discriminatory and helpful behaviour from health professionals [o] [u]
  746. () Empirical constitutional economics: onward and upward? [d]
  747. () Geographic variation in diagnosis frequency and risk of death among Medicare beneficiaries [p] [d] [u]
  748. () No longer simply a practice-based research network (PBRN): health improvement networks [d]
  749. () Quieting cognitive bias with standards for witness communications [u]
  750. () Conceptual challenges in the translation of research into practice: it's not just a matter of 'communication' [d]
  751. () Space, time and visual analytics [d]
  752. () Restoring ecological health to your land [i]
  753. () Organizational traps: leadership, culture, organizational design [i]
  754. Neville Ash, Hernán Blanco, Claire Brown, Keisha Garcia, Thomas Henrichs, Nicolas Lucas, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, R. David Simpson, Robert J. Scholes, Thomas P. Tomich, Bhaskar Vira, & Monika Zurek [ed] () Ecosystems and human well-being: a manual for assessment practitioners [i] [u]
  755. () An action research approach to the inclusion of immigrants in work life and local community life: preparation of a participatory realm [d]
  756. () Evidence-based practice in psychology: an ethical framework for graduate education, clinical training, and maintaining professional competence [d]
  757. Michael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, & John Mellor-Clark [ed] () Developing and delivering practice-based evidence: a guide for the psychological therapies [i] [d]
  758. () On the vices of nominalization and the virtues of contextualizing [i]
  759. (/2016) Principles of health interoperability: SNOMED CT, HL7 and FHIR [i] [d]
  760. () Predictors of sustained therapeutic change: some thoughts about conceptualizations [p] [d]
  761. () Immunity to transformational learning and change [d]
  762. () Prudent evidence-fettered shared decision making [p] [d]
  763. () Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework [d]
  764. () Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation [d]
  765. Alex A. T. Bui & Ricky K. Taira [ed] () Medical imaging informatics [i] [d]
  766. () Interpersonal subtypes in social phobia: diagnostic and treatment implications [d]
  767. () Insomnia and anxiety [i] [d]
  768. () Similarities and differences in four views of David [d]
  769. () Foreword: The case of David [d]
  770. () Psychotherapists, researchers, or both?: a qualitative analysis of psychotherapists' experiences in a practice research network [p] [d]
  771. Louis G. Castonguay, J. Christopher Muran, Lynne E. Angus, Jeffrey A. Hayes, Nicholas Ladany, & Timothy Anderson [ed] () Bringing psychotherapy research to life: understanding change through the work of leading clinical researchers [i] [d]
  772. () Does an argument-based approach to validity make a difference? [d]
  773. () Abductive inference and delusional belief [p] [d]
  774. () Understanding character: an actor's approach to formulation [i] [d]
  775. () Hypnotic illusions and clinical delusions: hypnosis as a research method [p] [d]
  776. () Social phobia: further evidence of dimensional structure [d]
  777. () Emotional influences in patient safety [p] [d]
  778. () Case studies within a mixed methods paradigm: toward a resolution of the alienation between researcher and practitioner in psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  779. Jacobus Donders & Scott J. Hunter [ed] () Principles and practice of lifespan developmental neuropsychology [i] [d]
  780. () Sociocultural issues in the diagnosis and assessment of psychological disorders [i]
  781. Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer [ed] () The place of probability in science: in honor of Ellery Eells (1953–2006) [i] [d]
  782. () Psychotherapy change process research: realizing the promise [p] [d]
  783. () Who says there's a problem?: a new way to approach the issue of 'problem patrons' [d] [j]
  784. () Capability and clinical success [d]
  785. () Finding synergy: reducing disparities in health by modifying multiple determinants [d]
  786. () The checklist manifesto: how to get things right [i]
  787. () Telling it like it isn't: the cognitive neuroscience of confabulation [p] [d]
  788. () Anticipatory processing as a transdisciplinary bridge in addiction [i] [d]
  789. () Patients can diagnose too: how continuous self-assessment aids diagnosis of, and recovery from, depression [d]
  790. () Ignorance and surprise: science, society, and ecological design [i] [d]
  791. () Instability and discontinuous change in the experience of therapeutic interaction: an extended single-case study of psychodynamic therapy processes [p] [d]
  792. () The latent structure of dietary restraint, body dissatisfaction, and drive for thinness: a series of taxometric analyses [d]
  793. () The governance of problems: puzzling, powering, participation [i] [d] [j]
  794. () How do socioeconomic characteristics interact with equity and efficiency considerations?: an analysis of hurricane disaster relief goods provision [i] [d]
  795. () Remote sensing for ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques [i]
  796. Bin Jiang & Xiaobai Yao [ed] () Geospatial analysis and modelling of urban structure and dynamics [i] [d]
  797. () Thinking about knowing: conceptual foundations for interdisciplinary environmental research [d]
  798. D. Marc Kilgour & Colin Eden [ed] () Handbook of group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  799. () Psychotherapy after brain injury: principles and techniques [i]
  800. Ann M. Kring & Denise M. Sloan [ed] () Emotion regulation and psychopathology: a transdiagnostic approach to etiology and treatment [i]
  801. () Perceived environmental quality as an input to urban infill policy-making [d]
  802. () Prevention of treatment failure: the use of measuring, monitoring, and feedback in clinical practice [i] [d]
  803. () Delusion and confabulation: mistakes of perceiving, remembering and believing [p] [d]
  804. G. Daniel Lassiter & Christian A. Meissner [ed] () Police interrogations and false confessions: current research, practice, and policy recommendations [i] [d]
  805. Daniel Lathrop & Laurel Ruma [ed] () Open government: collaboration, transparency, and participation in practice [i]
  806. Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams, & Robert J. Smith [ed] () Trade-offs in conservation: deciding what to save [i] [d]
  807. () Systematic reviews of categorical versus continuum models in psychosis: evidence for discontinuous subpopulations underlying a psychometric continuum, implications for DSM-V, DSM-VI, and DSM-VII [d]
  808. () Psychologism, overpsychologism, and action [d] [u]
  809. () Philosophy, ethics, medicine and health care: the urgent need for critical practice [p] [d]
  810. () Good judgments do not require complex cognition [p] [d] [u]
  811. () Emotion in negotiation [i] [d]
  812. () Confabulation, delusion, and anosognosia: motivational factors and false claims [d]
  813. () Teaching for clinical reasoning: helping students make the conceptual links [p] [d]
  814. () Racial and cultural dynamics in group and organizational life: crossing boundaries [i] [d]
  815. Theodore Millon, Robert F. Krueger, & Erik Simonsen [ed] () Contemporary directions in psychopathology: scientific foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-11 [i]
  816. () Some implications of expertise research for educational assessment [d]
  817. () Search patterns: design for discovery [i]
  818. () Effects of personal goal disturbance on psychological distress [d]
  819. Douglas W. Nangle [ed] () Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills [i]
  820. () Analyzing intra-person variation: hybridizing the ACE model with P-technique factor analysis and the idiographic filter [d]
  821. () There are no universal rules for induction [d] [j]
  822. Anthony O'Hagan & Mike West [ed] () The Oxford handbook of applied Bayesian analysis [i] [d]
  823. () Moving beyond panaceas: a multi-tiered diagnostic approach for social-ecological analysis [d]
  824. () How similar are personality scales of the 'same' construct?: a meta-analytic investigation [d]
  825. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  826. () Thoughtfully reflective decision making and the accumulation of capital: bringing choice back in [d]
  827. (/2014) False justice: eight myths that convict the innocent [i] [d]
  828. () Traumatic events, posttraumatic stress disorder, attachment style, and working alliance in a sample of people with psychosis [p] [d]
  829. () Completely out of control or the desire to be in complete control?: how low self-control and the desire for control relate to corporate offending [d]
  830. () Working together: collective action, the commons, and multiple methods in practice [i] [d] [j]
  831. () The interaction between local and general understanding [i] [d]
  832. () The trouble with experts [d]
  833. () Decision making in depression: differences in decisional conflict between healthy and depressed individuals [p] [d]
  834. () Different components of metacognition and their relationship to psychotic-like experiences [p] [d]
  835. () Moral aspects of psychiatric diagnosis: the Cluster B personality disorders [d]
  836. () Geoscience explanations: identifying what is needed for generating scientific narratives from data models [d]
  837. Martin Reynolds & Sue Holwell [ed] () Systems approaches to managing change: a practical guide [i] [d]
  838. () Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  839. () Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a strategic framework and practical guide [d]
  840. () Design of observational studies [i] [d]
  841. () Identifying and integrating helpful and harmful religious beliefs into psychotherapy [p] [d]
  842. Don Ross [ed] () What is addiction? [i] [d]
  843. () The latent structure of social anxiety disorder: consequences of shifting to a dimensional diagnosis [d]
  844. () Observational approaches in ecology open new ground in a changing world [d]
  845. () Participatory methods of integrated assessment—a review [d]
  846. () Between the general and the unique: overcoming the nomothetic versus idiographic opposition [d]
  847. () Normalizing symptoms: neither labeling nor enabling [d]
  848. () Evidence and simplicity: why we should reject homeopathy [p] [d]
  849. () Translating science into clinical practice [i] [d]
  850. () The trauma treatment handbook: protocols across the spectrum [i]
  851. () Participatory sensing: building empowering surveillance [d]
  852. () Local studies manual: a researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of local rural systems [u]
  853. () Regional variations in diagnostic practices [p] [d] [u]
  854. () Core competencies in counseling and psychotherapy: becoming a highly competent and effective therapist [i]
  855. () The multiple propensity score as control for bias in the comparison of more than two treatment arms: an introduction from a case study in mental health [p] [d]
  856. () Social problem construction and its impact on program and policy responses [i] [d]
  857. () Confabulation and delusion: a common monitoring framework [p] [d]
  858. () Spontaneous confabulation, temporal context confusion and reality monitoring: a study of three patients with anterior communicating artery aneurysms [p] [d]
  859. () An overview on the history and concept of care pathways as complex interventions [d]
  860. () Integrating contextual issues in ethical decision making [d]
  861. () The unconscious thought effect in clinical decision making: an example in diagnosis [p] [d]
  862. () Misdiagnosing normality: psychiatry's failure to address the problem of false positive diagnoses of mental disorder in a changing professional environment [d]
  863. () Wrenching from context: the manipulation of commitments [d]
  864. () Why fallacies appear to be better arguments than they are [d] [u]
  865. () Case formulation in EFT [d]
  866. () Analytics and beliefs: competing explanations for defining problems and choosing allies and opponents in collaborative environmental management [d]
  867. () Overdiagnosis in cancer [p] [d]
  868. () A graphical vector autoregressive modelling approach to the analysis of electronic diary data [d]
  869. () The data-driven life [u]
  870. () Mediators, moderators, and evidence-based explanation: comment on Blatt et al. [p] [d]
  871. () Modeling cities as spatio-temporal places [i] [d]
  872. () Developing and validating rapid assessment instruments [i] [d]
  873. () Toward a typology for social-ecological systems [d] [u]
  874. () How to choose a good scientific problem [d]
  875. () The bright side of being blue: depression as an adaptation for analyzing complex problems [d]
  876. Martin M. Antony & Murray B. Stein [ed] () Oxford handbook of anxiety and related disorders [i] [d]
  877. () Why can't we be more idiographic in our research? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  878. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  879. Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández [ed] () Delusion and self-deception: affective and motivational influences on belief formation [i] [d]
  880. () Doctoring the mind: is our current treatment of mental illness really any good? [i] [d] [j]
  881. () Is it necessary to discuss person-oriented research in community psychology? [p] [d]
  882. Patrick J. Bohlen & Garfield J. House [ed] () Sustainable agroecosystem management: integrating ecology, economics, and society [i] [d]
  883. () The end of construct validity [i]
  884. () The functional analytic psychotherapy rating scale: a replication and extension [d]
  885. Richard J. Butler [ed] () Reflections in personal construct theory [i] [d]
  886. () Rapid appraisals: an innovation in search of sustainability [d]
  887. () Decision-making in the supply chain: examining problem solving approaches and information availability [d]
  888. () Turning qualitative into quantitative evidence: a well-used method made explicit [d] [j]
  889. Anne-Lise Christensen, Elkhonon Goldberg, & Dmitri Bougakov [ed] () Luria's legacy in the 21st century [i] [d]
  890. Frans H. J. M. Coenen [ed] () Public participation and better environmental decisions: the promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision-making [i] [d]
  891. () The changing nature of clinical decision support systems: a focus on consumers, genomics, public health and decision safety [p]
  892. () Experience sampling methods: a modern idiographic approach to personality research [d]
  893. Philip J. Corr & Gerald Matthews [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology [i] [d]
  894. () Risk analysis of complex and uncertain systems [i] [d]
  895. () Action research essentials [i]
  896. () A universal model of diagnostic reasoning [p] [d]
  897. Stewart I. Donaldson, Christina A. Christie, & Melvin M. Mark [ed] (/2015) Credible and actionable evidence: the foundations for rigorous and influential evaluations [or: What counts as credible evidence in applied research and evaluation practice?] [i] [d]
  898. () Paranoid personality has a dimensional latent structure: taxometric analyses of community and clinical samples [d]
  899. () Thinking about diagnostic thinking: a 30-year perspective [p] [d]
  900. () Diagnostic error in medical education: where wrongs can make rights [d]
  901. () Democracy and expertise: reorienting policy inquiry [i] [d]
  902. () The importance of learning to make assumptions [d]
  903. () Routes to psychotic symptoms: trauma, anxiety and psychosis-like experiences [p] [d] [u]
  904. () Statistical machine learning and the logic of scientific discovery [u]
  905. () What is hypothesis mapping? [u]
  906. () Collaborative therapeutic neuropsychological assessment [i] [d]
  907. () Borderline personality disorder: ontogeny of a diagnosis [p] [d] [u]
  908. () Exploring personality with the interpersonal circumplex [d]
  909. () Learning styles as self-fulfilling prophecies [i]
  910. () Inference to the best explanation: a neglected approach to theory appraisal in psychology [p] [j]
  911. () Idiographic assessment: conceptual and psychometric foundations of individualized behavioral assessment [d]
  912. () The wisdom of many in one mind: improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping [d]
  913. () The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
  914. William Hirstein [ed] () Confabulation: views from neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and philosophy [i] [d]
  915. Tammy Hoffmann, Sally Bennett, & Chris Del Mar [ed] (/2017) Evidence-based practice across the health professions [i]
  916. () From single-case studies to practice-based knowledge: aggregating and synthesizing case studies [p] [d]
  917. Hendrik Kaptein, Henry Prakken, & Bart Verheij [ed] () Legal evidence and proof: statistics, stories, logic [i] [d]
  918. () When social anxiety disorder co-exists with risk-prone, approach behavior: investigating a neglected, meaningful subset of people in the National Comorbidity Survey–Replication [d]
  919. () Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
  920. () Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
  921. () Linking information to real-life problems: an interdisciplinary collaboration of librarians, departments, and food businesses [d]
  922. () The science and pseudoscience of assessing psychological injuries [i]
  923. () Process transforms inputs to determine outcomes: therapists are responsible for managing process [d]
  924. () Collaborative case conceptualization: working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy [i]
  925. () The search for an effective clinical behavior analysis: the nonlinear thinking of Israel Goldiamond [p] [d] [u]
  926. () Benefit-finding and growth [i] [d]
  927. () The undisordered personality: normative assumptions underlying personality disorder diagnoses [d]
  928. () Thinking and working in the midst of things: discovery, explanation, and evidence in comparative politics [i] [d]
  929. () Giving debiasing away: can psychological research on correcting cognitive errors promote human welfare? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  930. () Adaptive monitoring: a new paradigm for long-term research and monitoring [d]
  931. Robert W. Lissitz [ed] () The concept of validity: revisions, new directions, and applications [i]
  932. () Epistemological norms and companion meanings in science classroom communication [d]
  933. () Abductive cognition: the epistemological and eco-cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning [i] [d]
  934. () Think twice: harnessing the power of counterintuition [i]
  935. () When fantasy has consequences [p] [d]
  936. () Improving criminal justice through better decision making: lessons from the medical system [d]
  937. () Validity from the perspective of model-based reasoning [i]
  938. () Unsimple truths: science, complexity, and policy [i] [d]
  939. () Advances in dynamic factor analysis of psychological processes [i] [d]
  940. () Achieving desired results and improved outcomes: integrating planning and assessment throughout learning activities [d]
  941. () Exposure-based treatments for anxiety disorders: theory and process [i] [d]
  942. () What is the core fear in social phobia?: a new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and treatment [d]
  943. (/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
  944. () Experience sampling research in psychopathology: opening the black box of daily life [d]
  945. () Strengthening forensic science in the United States: a path forward [i] [d] [u]
  946. () Think, blink or sleep on it?: the impact of modes of thought on complex decision making [d]
  947. () A unifying theory of clinical practice: Relationship, Diagnostics, Management and professionalism (RDM-p) [p]
  948. () Ecosystem services: from eye-opening metaphor to complexity blinder [d]
  949. () Prime suspect: an examination of factors that aggravate and counteract confirmation bias in criminal investigations [d]
  950. () Capturing the ebb and flow of psychiatric symptoms with dynamical systems models [p] [d]
  951. () Latent structure of aversion: taxometric exploration [p] [d]
  952. () Scientific bases of macroenvironmental indicators [d]
  953. () Personality factors in the anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  954. () Developments in task analysis: new methods to study change [p] [d]
  955. () Teacher action research: building knowledge democracies [i] [d]
  956. () The introspection illusion [i] [d]
  957. () Strength-based assessment in clinical practice [p] [d]
  958. () Psychosocial functioning in the context of diagnosis: assessment and theoretical issues [d]
  959. () Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
  960. () Criminal investigative failures [i] [d]
  961. () The dynamics of action-oriented problem solving: linking interpretation and choice [d] [j]
  962. () Every patient tells a story: medical mysteries and the art of diagnosis [i]
  963. Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, & Scott O. Lilienfeld [ed] () Psychological science in the courtroom: consensus and controversy [i]
  964. () Can a control model approach assist case formulation in psychotherapy? [d]
  965. () Logical operations in theory-building case studies [d] [u]
  966. () Are we talking the walk of community-based research? [d]
  967. (/2013) Identifying knowledge to action gaps [i] [d]
  968. () Foundations of mixed methods research: integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences [i]
  969. () Using experience sampling methods/ecological momentary assessment (ESM/EMA) in clinical assessment and clinical research: introduction to the special section [p] [d] [u]
  970. () Assessing ethical problem solving by reasoning rather than decision making [p] [d]
  971. (/2013) Behavior analysis for effective teaching [i]
  972. () Explaining human actions and environmental changes [i]
  973. () Accepting the truth of a story about the facts of a criminal case [i] [d] [u]
  974. () Event ecology, causal historical analysis, and human–environment research [d]
  975. () Jumping to a conclusion: fallacies and standards of proof [d] [u]
  976. (/2013) Theory of addiction [i] [d]
  977. () Adding a motivational interviewing pretreatment to cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: a preliminary randomized controlled trial [p] [d] [u]
  978. () Edison and science: a curious result [d]
  979. () Can clinical judgment hold its own against scientific knowledge?: comment on Zeldow (2009) [p] [d]
  980. () Psychiatric comorbidity: more than a Kuhnian anomaly [d] [u]
  981. () Inferential confusion, obsessive beliefs and obsessive–compulsive symptoms: a multidimensional investigation of cognitive domains [p] [d]
  982. () Learning as problem design versus problem solving: making the connection between cognitive neuroscience research and educational practice [d]
  983. Hal Arkowitz, William R. Miller, & Stephen Rollnick [ed] (/2015) Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems [i]
  984. () Sonification: listen to brain activity [i] [d]
  985. () On improving dynamic decision-making: implications from multiple-process cognitive theory [d]
  986. () Overconfidence as a cause of diagnostic error in medicine [p] [d]
  987. () Polarities of experience: relatedness and self-definition in personality development, psychopathology, and the therapeutic process [i] [d]
  988. Eugene Borgida & Susan T. Fiske [ed] () Beyond common sense: psychological science in the courtroom [i] [d]
  989. () Psychometric perspectives on diagnostic systems [p] [d]
  990. () Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving [d]
  991. () Semantic processing in 'associative' false memory [p] [d]
  992. () Democracy as problem solving: civic capacity in communities across the globe [i] [d]
  993. () Hack, mash, & peer: crowdsourcing government transparency [u]
  994. () Personal meaning: a neglected transdiagnostic construct [d]
  995. () Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know [u]
  996. () Diagnosing adjustment disorder with depressive features [p] [d]
  997. () Overconfidence in clinical decision making [p] [d]
  998. () Clinical formulation for mental health nursing practice [p] [d]
  999. Thomas G. Cummings [ed] () Handbook of organization development [i]
  1000. () Evidence-based kernels: fundamental units of behavioral influence [d]
  1001. () The myth of mental disorder: transsubstantive behavior and taxometric psychiatry [u]
  1002. Noreen C. Facione & Peter A. Facione [ed] () Critical thinking and clinical reasoning in the health sciences: an international multidisciplinary teaching anthology [i]
  1003. () Innocents at risk: adversary imbalance, forensic science, and the search for truth [u]
  1004. Louise Fortmann [ed] () Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
  1005. Roger Z. George & James B. Bruce [ed] (/2014) Analyzing intelligence: national security practitioners' perspectives [i]
  1006. () Why heuristics work [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1007. () Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? [d]
  1008. () Psychologists' judgements of diagnostic activities: deviations from a theoretical model [p] [d]
  1009. () Abduction [in management and organization] [i] [d]
  1010. () Design issues related to counseling process research [i]
  1011. Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn [ed] () Handbook of transdisciplinary research [i] [d]
  1012. () Psychotherapy revolution: translating symptoms into gifts [d]
  1013. () Assessing faculty wellness: critical foundations for the scholarship of teaching and learning [u]
  1014. C. Ronald Huff & Martin Killias [ed] (/2013) Wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice: causes and remedies in North American and European criminal justice systems [i]
  1015. Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas [ed] () Philosophical issues in psychiatry: explanation, phenomenology, and nosology [i] [d]
  1016. () The recurrence of an illusion: the concept of 'evil' in forensic psychiatry [p] [u]
  1017. () Closing the loop: promoting synergies with other theory building approaches to improve system dynamics practice [d]
  1018. () The emergence and use of diagramming in system dynamics: a critical account [d]
  1019. () Science and pseudoscience in law enforcement: a user-friendly primer [d]
  1020. () Mixed method nursing studies: a critical realist critique [p] [d]
  1021. () Reason, reality and objectivity—shared dogmas and distortions in the way both 'scientistic' and 'postmodern' commentators frame the EBM debate [p] [d]
  1022. () Supporting medical decision making with argumentation tools [d]
  1023. () Cognitive behavioral processes across psychological disorders: a review of the utility and validity of the transdiagnostic approach [d]
  1024. () Burning changes: action research with farmers and swidden agriculture in the Upper Amazon [i] [u]
  1025. () Developing clinical skills in suicide assessment, prevention, and treatment [i]
  1026. () Databases and data warehouses for decision support [i] [d]
  1027. () Generalized complementarity and mapping of the concepts of systematic conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
  1028. () What explains variations in the clinical use of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a diagnostic category? [d]
  1029. () The case formulation approach to cognitive-behavior therapy [i]
  1030. H. Qudrat-Ullah, J. Michael Spector, & P. I. Davidsen [ed] () Complex decision making: theory and practice [i] [d]
  1031. () A unified framework for addiction: vulnerabilities in the decision process [and comments and reply] [p] [d] [u]
  1032. () Retaking rationality: how cost–benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health [i]
  1033. () Why Dewey matters [d] [u]
  1034. (/2018) The confabulating mind: how the brain creates reality [i] [d]
  1035. () Ecological momentary assessment [p] [d]
  1036. () Grand challenges in clinical decision support [p] [d] [u]
  1037. () The language of violence: distinguishing terrorist from nonterrorist groups by thematic content analysis [d]
  1038. William H. Starbuck, Samuel Holloway, Peter S. Whalen, & Suzanne G. Tilleman [ed] () Organizational learning and knowledge management [i] [d]
  1039. Bradley B. Walters [ed] () Against the grain: the Vayda tradition in human ecology and ecological anthropology [i]
  1040. David Waltner-Toews, James J. Kay, & Nina-Marie E. Lister [ed] () The ecosystem approach: complexity, uncertainty, and managing for sustainability [i] [j]
  1041. () Balancing emotion and cognition: a case for decision aiding in conservation efforts [p] [d] [j]
  1042. () The use of system dynamics simulation in water resources management [d]
  1043. Stephen Wise & Massimo Craglia [ed] () GIS and evidence-based policy making [i] [d]
  1044. () Agroecological economics: sustainability and biodiversity [i] [d]
  1045. () Clinical utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) scales in therapeutic assessment: a case study [d]
  1046. () Critical thinking as disciplinary practice [d]
  1047. () Real kinds but no true taxonomy: an essay in psychiatric systematics [i] [d]
  1048. () Using group model building to inform public policy making and implementation [i] [d]
  1049. () New knowledge from old data: the role of standards in the sharing and reuse of ecological data [d]
  1050. (/2012) Problem solving in organizations: a methodological handbook for business and management students [i] [d]
  1051. () Stakeholders or subject matter experts, who should be consulted? [d]
  1052. () A unified framework for risk and vulnerability analysis covering both safety and security [d]
  1053. () The impact of working memory limitations on the design process during conceptualization [d]
  1054. (/2017) Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization [or: Just culture: balancing safety and accountability] [i] [d]
  1055. () Using participatory design to develop (public) health decision support systems through GIS [d]
  1056. () Teaching from the clinical reasoning literature: combined reasoning strategies help novice diagnosticians overcome misleading information [p] [d]
  1057. () In our clients shoes: theory and techniques of therapeutic assessment [i] [d]
  1058. () Hypothesis testing: what's wrong with ACH? [analysis of competing hypotheses] [u]
  1059. () Gut feelings: the intelligence of the unconscious [i]
  1060. Robert A. Greenes [ed] (/2014) Clinical decision support: the road to broad adoption [i] [d]
  1061. () How doctors think [i]
  1062. () The illusion of knowledge: when more information reduces accuracy and increases confidence [d]
  1063. () Conservation science: ground force [p] [d]
  1064. () Experience sampling method: measuring the quality of everyday life [i] [d]
  1065. (/2019) The neuroscience of clinical psychiatry: the pathophysiology of behavior and mental illness [i]
  1066. Stefan G. Hofmann & Joel L. Weinberger [ed] () The art and science of psychotherapy [i]
  1067. () The loss of sadness: how psychiatry transformed normal sorrow into depressive disorder [i]
  1068. (/2014) How to measure anything: finding the value of 'intangibles' in business [i]
  1069. () Dynamic patterns in mood among newly diagnosed patients with major depressive episode or panic disorder and normal controls [p] [u]
  1070. () A whole new world: complexity theory and mood variability in mental disorders [p] [u]
  1071. () The strategic style in mediation [d]
  1072. Jacqueline P. Leighton & Mark J. Gierl [ed] () Cognitive diagnostic assessment for education: theory and applications [i] [d]
  1073. Scott O. Lilienfeld & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () The great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health professional should understand [i] [d]
  1074. () If practitioners want new and better methods, shop in the public marketplace [d]
  1075. () The opposable mind: how successful leaders win through integrative thinking [i]
  1076. () Reconciling the supply of scientific information with user demands: an analysis of the problem and review of the literature [d]
  1077. () Space–time clustering of case–control data with residential histories: insights into empirical induction periods, age-specific susceptibility, and calendar year-specific effects [d]
  1078. () Non-analytical models of clinical reasoning: the role of experience [p] [d]
  1079. () The enduring sources of failure: organizational, executive, and regulatory [i] [d] [j]
  1080. () An incomplete diagnosis: John Dewey and the origin of evil [d]
  1081. () Error: on our predicament when things go wrong [i] [j]
  1082. () Clinical expertise research: a history lesson from those who wrote it [p] [d]
  1083. () Pseudo-PTSD [p] [d]
  1084. () How can practice-based research contribute to the elimination of health disparities? [d]
  1085. () Ubiquitous psychotherapy [d]
  1086. () Creating an onion: alternatives to biopsychiatry [d]
  1087. () How expertise develops in medicine: knowledge encapsulation and illness script formation [p] [d]
  1088. () Assessing the competence and credibility of human sources of intelligence evidence: contributions from law and probability [d]
  1089. () Quantitative behavior analysis and human values [d]
  1090. () Nonverbal techniques in personal construct psychotherapy [d]
  1091. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  1092. () The evidence missing from evidence-based practice [p] [d]
  1093. () Time geography: a model for psychiatric life charting? [d]
  1094. () Rapid transformation: a 90-day plan for fast and effective change [i]
  1095. (/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
  1096. () Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge [d] [j]
  1097. () The psychology of scientific explanation [d]
  1098. () Developing and communicating a taxonomy of ecological indicators: a case study from the mid-Atlantic [d]
  1099. () Jumping to conclusions and the continuum of delusional beliefs [d]
  1100. () Instrumentalizing failure: Edison's invention of the carbon microphone [d]
  1101. () Science is fundamental: the role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning [p] [d]
  1102. () Mechanisms and psychological explanation [i] [d]
  1103. () John Dewey's view of situations, problems, means and ends [i] [d]
  1104. () Means, ends and medical care [i] [d]
  1105. () Psychiatric disorders: a conceptual taxonomy [p] [d]
  1106. () Cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD: a case formulation approach [i]
  1107. Jean Addington, Shona M. Francey, & Anthony P. Morrison [ed] () Working with people at high risk of developing psychosis: a treatment handbook [i] [d]
  1108. () Storylines as a neglected cause of crime [d]
  1109. () Madness explained: why we must reject the Kraepelinian paradigm and replace it with a 'complaint-orientated' approach to understanding mental illness [p] [d]
  1110. () Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria: stepping stones for the analyst [i] [d]
  1111. () Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
  1112. () Chasing reality: strife over realism [i] [d] [j]
  1113. James Neal Butcher [ed] () MMPI-2: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  1114. () Designing a communication strategy: the 4-P workshop [i]
  1115. () Avoiding failure by using a formal problem diagnosis process [d]
  1116. () Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students [i]
  1117. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  1118. () Working minds: a practitioner's guide to cognitive task analysis [i] [d]
  1119. () Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence [d]
  1120. () Client, not theory, directed: integrating approaches one client at a time [i] [d]
  1121. Paul D. Epstein, Paul M. Coates, Lyle D. Wray, & David Swain [ed] () Results that matter: improving communities by engaging citizens, measuring performance, and getting things done [i]
  1122. () Person-oriented and variable-oriented research: concepts, results, and development [d]
  1123. Eva L. Feindler [ed] () Anger-related disorders: a practitioner's guide to comparative treatments [i]
  1124. () Therapeutic assessment with the MMPI-2 [i] [d]
  1125. () Five misunderstandings about case-study research [d]
  1126. () Is 'shy bladder syndrome' (paruresis) correctly classified as social phobia? [p] [d]
  1127. () Investigative research as a knowledge-generation method: discovering and uncovering [d]
  1128. (/2007) Seeing problems, seeing solutions: abduction and diagrammatic reasoning in a theory of scientific discovery [o] [u]
  1129. () Decision and experience: why don't we choose what makes us happy? [p] [d]
  1130. (/2012) Clinical case formulations: matching the integrative treatment plan to the client [i]
  1131. () How we reason [i] [d]
  1132. Lucy Johnstone & Rudi Dallos [ed] (/2014) Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: making sense of people's problems [i] [d]
  1133. () The scripto-trauma genogram: an innovative technique for working with trauma survivors intrusive memories [d]
  1134. () Don't believe everything you think: the 6 basic mistakes we make in thinking [i]
  1135. () Introducing biological rhythms: a primer on the temporal organization of life, with implications for health, society, reproduction and the natural environment [i] [d]
  1136. () Solution driven versus problem driven design: strategies and outcomes [d]
  1137. Suzanne Lane, Mark R. Raymond, & Thomas M. Haladyna [ed] (/2015) Handbook of test development [i] [d]
  1138. () Multimodal therapy: a seven-point integration [i] [d]
  1139. () Research for the psychotherapist: from science to practice [i]
  1140. () Strategies of abstraction [d]
  1141. () Action research on land management in the western Amazon, Peru—a research process, its outcomes and the researcher's role [d]
  1142. Tom Mason [ed] () Forensic psychiatry: influences of evil [i] [d]
  1143. () A critical realist rationale for using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods [d]
  1144. () Need for closure, jumping to conclusions, and decisiveness in delusion-prone individuals [p] [d]
  1145. () Credentialed persons, credentialed knowledge [d]
  1146. () Multi-criteria decision analysis in natural resource management: a critical review of methods and new modelling paradigms [d]
  1147. () Cognitive assessment and differentiating the 3 Ds (dementia, depression, delirium) [d]
  1148. () Ecological momentary assessment: what it is and why it is a method of the future in clinical psychopharmacology [p] [u]
  1149. () Mind set!: reset your thinking and see the future [i]
  1150. () Mapping political context: a toolkit for civil society organisations [i] [u]
  1151. Ana V. Nikčević, Andrzej R. Kuczmierczyk, & Michael Bruch [ed] () Formulation and treatment in clinical health psychology [i] [d]
  1152. () Evidence-based policy: a realist perspective [i] [d]
  1153. () Case formulation–driven psychotherapy [d]
  1154. () Human error: causes and control [i]
  1155. () Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense: profiting from evidence-based management [i]
  1156. () Embodied categorizing in the grounded theory method: methodical hermeneutics in action [d]
  1157. () Allocating resources between taking action, assessing status, and measuring effectiveness of conservation actions [d]
  1158. () Analytical models for decision making [i]
  1159. Amy J. Schulz & Leith Mullings [ed] () Gender, race, class, and health: intersectional approaches [i]
  1160. () Inter-and intra-individual differences in problem solving across the life span [i]
  1161. () Exceeding our grasp: science, history, and the problem of unconceived alternatives [i]
  1162. () Exercise interventions for mental health: a quantitative and qualitative review [d]
  1163. () 'Are you at peace?': one item to probe spiritual concerns at the end of life [d]
  1164. (/2016) Fundamentals of case management practice: skills for the human services [i]
  1165. Nicholas Tarrier & Judith Johnson [ed] (/2016) Case formulation in cognitive behaviour therapy: the treatment of challenging and complex cases [i] [d]
  1166. () Comparative cultural salience: measures using free-list data [d]
  1167. () Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
  1168. Niels G. Waller, Leslie J. Yonce, William M. Grove, David Faust, & Mark F. Lenzenweger [ed] () A Paul Meehl reader: essays on the practice of scientific psychology [i] [d]
  1169. () Jumping to conclusions and delusion proneness: the impact of emotionally salient stimuli [p] [d]
  1170. () Reconciling different voices—developing as an integrative scientist practitioner [d]
  1171. () Faith, evidence, and action: better guesses in an unknowable world [d]
  1172. () The ambiguity advantage: what great leaders are great at [i] [d]
  1173. Tom Williamson [ed] () Investigative interviewing: rights, research, and regulation [i]
  1174. () Integrating decision making and mental health interventions research: research directions [p] [d] [u]
  1175. () Speed kills?: speed, accuracy, encapsulations and causal understanding [p] [d]
  1176. () Resilience and vulnerability to daily stressors assessed via diary methods [d]
  1177. () Identifying reasoning strategies in medical decision making: a methodological guide [p] [d]
  1178. () Developmentally attentive communities [i] [d]
  1179. () Interviewing and diagnostic exercises for clinical and counseling skills building [i] [d]
  1180. () Just one question: if one question works, why ask several? [p] [d] [u]
  1181. () The science of false memory [i]
  1182. () Personality and intellectual competence [i] [d]
  1183. () Following the wrong footsteps: fixation effects of pictorial examples in a design problem-solving task [p] [d]
  1184. () The ethical implications of Paul Meehl's work on comparing clinical versus actuarial prediction methods [p] [d]
  1185. () A conceptual and psychometric framework for distinguishing categories and dimensions [d]
  1186. () Pathological lying revisited [p] [u]
  1187. () State of mind organization in personality disorders: typical states and the triggering of inter-state shifts [d]
  1188. () The quality of psychotherapy case formulations: a comparison of expert, experienced, and novice cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapists [d]
  1189. () Beyond the DSM story: ethical quandaries, challenges, and best practices [i] [d]
  1190. () Why Paul Meehl will revolutionize the philosophy of science and why it should matter to psychologists [p] [d]
  1191. Celia B. Fisher & Richard M. Lerner [ed] () Encyclopedia of applied developmental science [i] [d]
  1192. Fay Fransella [ed] () The essential practitioner's handbook of personal construct psychology [i]
  1193. () Hidden addictions: assessment practices for psychotherapists, counselors, and health care providers [i]
  1194. () Clinical versus statistical prediction: the contribution of Paul E. Meehl [p] [d]
  1195. () Mixed methods research designs in counseling psychology [d]
  1196. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  1197. () Change process research in couple and family therapy: methodological challenges and opportunities [p] [d]
  1198. () Logical argument mapping: a method for overcoming cognitive problems of conflict management [u]
  1199. Barbara A. Israel [ed] (/2013) Methods for community-based participatory research for health [i]
  1200. () Design and implementation of a space–time intelligence system for disease surveillance [d]
  1201. () The politics of attention: how government prioritizes problems [i]
  1202. () Problem detection [d]
  1203. (/2016) Public health: power, empowerment and professional practice [i]
  1204. () Not all patients want to participate in decision making [d]
  1205. () Deconstructing, reconstructing, preserving Paul E. Meehl's legacy of construct validity [d]
  1206. () Search during decision making [d]
  1207. () Beyond reasonable doubt: reasoning processes in obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders [i] [d]
  1208. () Empiricism, mechanism, and the practice of cognitive-behavior therapy [d]
  1209. Wolfgang F. E. Preiser & Jacqueline Vischer [ed] () Assessing building performance [i]
  1210. () Reflective action [i]
  1211. () Soft system dynamics methodology (SSDM): combining soft systems methodology (SSM) and system dynamics (SD) [d]
  1212. () How forgetting aids heuristic inference [d]
  1213. () The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
  1214. () Case formulation in psychotherapy: revitalizing its usefulness as a clinical tool [d]
  1215. () Measuring similarity between geospatial lifelines in studies of environmental health [d]
  1216. () 'It is a horrible term for someone': service user and provider perspectives on 'personality disorder' [d]
  1217. Susan Standring [ed] (/2016) Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice [i]
  1218. () The capacity to consent to treatment and research: a review of standardized assessment tools [d]
  1219. () Thoughtless acts?: observations on intuitive design [i]
  1220. () Real leadership: helping people and organizations face their toughest challenges [i]
  1221. () Management research based on the paradigm of the design sciences: the quest for field-tested and grounded technological rules [d]
  1222. () Personality disorder prevalence surprises researchers [d]
  1223. () 101 defenses: how the mind shields itself [i]
  1224. () Empirical studies of defense style: relationships with psychopathology and change [d]
  1225. Timothy D. Brewerton [ed] () Clinical handbook of eating disorders: an integrated approach [i]
  1226. () The complete book of personal training [i]
  1227. () Visible thinking: unlocking causal mapping for practical business results [i]
  1228. () Changing the way we study change in psychotherapy [d]
  1229. () Reconsidering the clinical utility of bias as a mental health problem: intervention strategies for psychotherapy practice [d]
  1230. Gary Edmond [ed] () Expertise in regulation and law [i]
  1231. () Learning emotion-focused therapy: the process-experiential approach to change [i] [d]
  1232. () Playing sick?: untangling the web of Munchausen syndrome, Munchausen by proxy, malingering & factitious disorder [i] [d]
  1233. () Wishful reality distortions in confabulation: a case report [p] [d]
  1234. Uwe P. Gielen, Jefferson M. Fish, & Juris G. Draguns [ed] () Handbook of culture, therapy, and healing [i] [d]
  1235. (/2014) Doing research in the real world [i]
  1236. () Cognitive behavioural processes across psychological disorders: a transdiagnostic approach to research and treatment [i]
  1237. Donald G. Janelle, Barney Warf, & Kathy Hansen [ed] () WorldMinds: geographical perspectives on 100 problems: commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Association of American Geographers 1904–2004 [i] [d]
  1238. () The easy guide to repertory grids [i]
  1239. () Mixed methods research: a research paradigm whose time has come [d]
  1240. () Solving tough problems: an open way of talking, listening, and creating new realities [i]
  1241. Tim Kasser & Allen D. Kanner [ed] () Psychology and consumer culture: the struggle for a good life in a materialistic world [i] [d]
  1242. () Acquisitive desire: assessment and treatment [i] [d]
  1243. () Context-based task ontologies for clinical guidelines [i] [p]
  1244. Gerald Midgley & Alejandro Ochoa-Arias [ed] () Community operational research: OR and systems thinking for community development [i] [d]
  1245. () Facing human suffering: psychology and psychotherapy as moral engagement [i] [d]
  1246. () Problem structuring methods in action [d]
  1247. () Smart questions: learn to ask the right questions for powerful results [i]
  1248. () The three threats of action research: a discussion of methodological antidotes in the context of an information systems study [d]
  1249. () Cognitive-behavioral case formulation to treatment design: a problem-solving approach [i]
  1250. () Expanding the search for alternatives during strategic decision-making [d]
  1251. Domenico M. Pisanelli [ed] () Ontologies in medicine [i]
  1252. () If ontology is the solution, what is the problem? [i] [p]
  1253. Rüdiger Pohl [ed] (/2017) Cognitive illusions: intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgement and memory [i] [d]
  1254. Lisa Rosner [ed] () The technological fix: how people use technology to create and solve problems [i] [d]
  1255. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  1256. () The simplest thing that could possibly work: a conversation with Ward Cunningham, part V [u]
  1257. () Abductive reasoning [i]
  1258. (/2012) The secrets of facilitation: the S.M.A.R.T. guide to getting results with groups [i]
  1259. () Your identity zones: Who am I? Who are you? How do we get along? [i]
  1260. () A life full of learning [d]
  1261. () When smart groups fail [d]
  1262. (/2006) Interpersonal reconstructive therapy: an integrative, personality-based treatment for complex cases [i]
  1263. () A cognitive framework for cooperative problem solving with argument visualization [i] [d]
  1264. (/2011) Delirium: acute confusional states in palliative medicine [i]
  1265. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  1266. () Diagnostic reasoning strategies and diagnostic success [p] [d]
  1267. () Dialog mapping: reflections on an industrial strength case study [i] [d]
  1268. Rocío Fernández Ballesteros [ed] () Encyclopedia of psychological assessment [i] [d]
  1269. () Why smart executives fail and what you can learn from their mistakes [i]
  1270. () Practice-based evidence [d]
  1271. () Scientific method in practice [i] [d]
  1272. () Clinical reasoning: the relative contribution of identification, interpretation and hypothesis errors to misdiagnosis [p] [d]
  1273. () The clinical reasoning characteristics of diagnostic experts [p] [d]
  1274. David Hardman & Laura Macchi [ed] () Thinking: psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment, and decision making [i] [d]
  1275. () Representing uncertainty: does it help people make better decisions? [u]
  1276. () More is not always better: the benefits of cognitive limits [i] [d]
  1277. () Practical facilitation: a toolkit of techniques [i]
  1278. () Infrastructure for navigating interdisciplinary debates: critical decisions for representing argumentaion [i] [d]
  1279. () A perspective on judgment and choice: mapping bounded rationality [p] [d]
  1280. () Designing argumentation tools for collaborative learning [i] [d]
  1281. (/2015) The cultural context of clinical assessment [i] [d]
  1282. Paul Arthur Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Chad S. Carr [ed] () Visualizing argumentation: software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making [i] [d]
  1283. () Intuition at work: why developing your gut instincts will make you better at what you do [i]
  1284. () Bad therapy: master therapists share their worst failures [i]
  1285. Richard M. Lerner, Francine Jacobs, & Donald Wertlieb [ed] () Handbook of applied developmental science: promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs [i]
  1286. (/2010) Universal principles of design: 125 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design [i]
  1287. Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, & Jeffrey M. Lohr [ed] (/2014) Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology [i]
  1288. (/2014) Constructing the past: problematic memory recovery techniques in psychotherapy [i]
  1289. () The plausibility of defensive projection: a cognitive analysis [d]
  1290. Meredith Minkler & Nina Wallerstein [ed] (/2008) Community-based participatory research for health: from process to outcomes [i]
  1291. () On the structure of educational assessments [d]
  1292. () Substance and structure in assessment arguments [d]
  1293. () A material theory of induction [d] [j]
  1294. (/2010) Geographic information analysis [i] [d]
  1295. () Análisis y planificación estratégica comunal (APEC) [o]
  1296. () The importance of emotional literacy for building a peace culture: understanding individual and social meanings and individual and social realities [d]
  1297. () Psychology should list empirically supported principles of change (ESPs) and not credential trademarked therapies or other treatment packages [p] [d]
  1298. () History and use of the SDR [sequential diagrammatic reformulation] [u]
  1299. () The blind men and the elephant: mastering project work: how to transform fuzzy responsibilities into meaningful results [i]
  1300. () Fostering collective intelligence: helping groups use visualized argumentation [i] [d]
  1301. () The solution path: a step-by-step guide to turning your workplace problems into opportunities [i]
  1302. (/2006) The leader's guide to skills: unlocking the creativity and innovation in you and your team [i]
  1303. (/2013) The first 90 days: critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels [i]
  1304. () Paradigms of personality assessment [i]
  1305. () Repertory grid technique as a psychotherapy research measure [p] [d]
  1306. () Treatment planning in psychotherapy: taking the guesswork out of clinical care [i]
  1307. () Criteria for evaluating treatment guidelines [d]
  1308. () How practitioners can systematically use empirical evidence in treatment selection [p] [d]
  1309. Larry E. Beutler & Mary L. Malik [ed] () Rethinking the DSM: a psychological perspective [i] [d]
  1310. () Iatrogenic symptoms in psychotherapy: a theoretical exploration of the potential impact of labels, language and belief systems [p] [d]
  1311. () Supplementary interviewing techniques to maximize output in free listing tasks [d]
  1312. () One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
  1313. () Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
  1314. Kevin Corcoran & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Social workers' desk reference [i]
  1315. () The reflective practitioner: learning and teaching in community-based forest management [j] [u]
  1316. (/2006) The field guide to understanding human error [i]
  1317. () Wounded monster: Hitler's path from trauma to malevolence [i]
  1318. Mitchell Eisen, Jodi A. Quas, & Gail S. Goodman [ed] () Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview [i] [d]
  1319. () Single-subject research design for school counselors: becoming an applied researcher [j]
  1320. (/2015) Emotion-focused therapy: coaching clients to work through their feelings [i] [d]
  1321. () Incorporating value trade-offs into community-based environmental risk decisions [d] [j]
  1322. () The development and application of individualized levels systems for the treatment of severe problem behavior [d]
  1323. () Becoming a reflective practitioner: a continuing professional development strategy through humanistic action research [d]
  1324. () Sixth sense: accelerating organizational learning with scenarios [i]
  1325. () Therapy progress formulation as interventional assessment [d]
  1326. () COI stories: explanation and evidence in the history of science [d]
  1327. Christopher Johns [ed] (/2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice [i] [d]
  1328. () Science and social work: a critical appraisal [i] [d] [j]
  1329. (/2012) Beginnings: the art and science of planning psychotherapy [i]
  1330. () Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things [i]
  1331. () When 'stupid' is smarter than we are: mindlessness and the attribution of stupidity [i] [d] [j]
  1332. () Creating student awareness to improve cultural competence: creating the critical incident [p] [d]
  1333. Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
  1334. () Why decisions fail: avoiding the blunders and traps that lead to debacles [i]
  1335. () The tyranny of diagnosis: specific entities and individual experience [p] [d] [u]
  1336. () Winning decisions: getting it right the first time [i]
  1337. () Improving the practice of conservation: a conceptual framework and research agenda for conservation science [d] [j] [u]
  1338. () Applied longitudinal data analysis: modeling change and event occurrence [i]
  1339. () Abnormality: does it define us or do we define it? [i]
  1340. () Thinking in design teams: an analysis of team communication [d]
  1341. Robert J. Sternberg [ed] () Why smart people can be so stupid [i] [d] [j]
  1342. () How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
  1343. () 'Diagnosing' behaviour: cui bono? [i]
  1344. () Decisions, decisions: the art of effective decision making [i]
  1345. () The language of psychoanalytic discourse [d]
  1346. () Patients as partners, patients as problem-solvers [p] [d]
  1347. (/2011) Statistical methods in diagnostic medicine [i] [d]
  1348. () Error types [d]
  1349. (/2018) Developmental neuropsychology: a clinical approach [i] [d]
  1350. Hilary Bradbury [ed] (/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
  1351. () Participatory rural appraisal as qualitative research: distinguishing methodological issues from participatory claims [d]
  1352. () Helping the helpers not to harm: iatrogenic damage and community mental health [i]
  1353. (/2016) The problem-solving model: a framework for integrating the science and art of practice [i]
  1354. (/2014) Doing action research in your own organization [i] [d]
  1355. () Creativity in the design process: co-evolution of problem–solution [d]
  1356. Adrian Edwards & Glyn Elwyn [ed] (/2009) Shared decision-making in health care: achieving evidence-based patient choice [i]
  1357. (/2010) Rational choice in an uncertain world: the psychology of judgment and decision making [i]
  1358. (/2016) Addressing cultural complexities in practice: assessment, diagnosis, and therapy [i] [d]
  1359. () How using the DSM causes damage: a client's report [d]
  1360. (/2014) Decision making in health and medicine: integrating evidence and values [i]
  1361. () Culture-specific mental disorders [i] [d]
  1362. () The real reason people won't change [o] [u]
  1363. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  1364. () An administratively created reality: some problems with the use of self-report questionnaire measures of adjustment in counselling/psychotherapy outcome research [d]
  1365. () Psychological considerations, growth, and transcendence at the end of life: the art of the possible [d]
  1366. (/2021) Clinical decision-support systems [i] [d]
  1367. () Latino immigrants: preventing occupational exposure to pesticides: using participatory research with latino farmworkers to develop an intervention [d]
  1368. () A stage model of behavioral therapies research: getting started and moving on from stage I [d]
  1369. () Adaptive management: a tool for conservation practitioners [o] [u]
  1370. () Behavior as a social construction [d]
  1371. (/2004) Abductive, presumptive and plausible arguments [i]
  1372. () Some notes on theoretical constructs: types and validation from a contextual behavioral perspective [u]
  1373. () Bipolarity... or not?: some conceptual problems relating to bipolar rating scales [d]
  1374. () Beyond risk seeking and risk aversion: personality and the dual nature of economic risk taking [d]
  1375. Leonard Bickman [ed] () Donald Campbell's legacy [in two volumes: Validity and social experimentation; Research design] [i]
  1376. () Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
  1377. () Dynamics of personality test responses: the empiricist's manifesto revisited [p] [d]
  1378. (/2011) Practicing harm reduction psychotherapy: an alternative approach to addictions [i]
  1379. (/2004) The heroic client: a revolutionary way to improve effectiveness through client-directed, outcome-informed therapy [or: The heroic client: doing client-directed, outcome-informed therapy] [i]
  1380. () From disordering discourse to transformative dialogue [i] [d]
  1381. () An application of a community psychology approach to dealing with farm stress [p] [d]
  1382. (/2014) Epidemiology [i]
  1383. (/2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [i]
  1384. () Diagnosing human meaning making: an experiential constructivist approach [i] [d]
  1385. () Toward a science for and of the people: promoting civil society through the application of developmental science [p] [d] [j]
  1386. () The scientific status of projective techniques [p] [d]
  1387. () Developing a graphic tool for creative problem solving in design groups [d]
  1388. () The best kept secret in counseling: single-case (n = 1) experimental designs [d]
  1389. () Geoelectrical investigation of old/abandoned, covered landfill sites in urban areas: model development with a genetic diagnosis approach [d]
  1390. () Providing space for time: the impact of temporality on life course research [d]
  1391. Robert A. Neimeyer & Jonathan D. Raskin [ed] () Constructions of disorder: meaning-making frameworks for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1392. () Nature and understanding: the metaphysics and method of science [i] [d]
  1393. () Relational diagnosis: a coconstructive-developmental perspective on assessment and treatment [p] [d]
  1394. () Plausible rival hypotheses in measurement, design, and scientific theory [i]
  1395. () Wicked problems and networking approaches to resolution [u]
  1396. () Learning to think with emotion [u]
  1397. () Successive free listing: using multiple free lists to generate explanatory models [d]
  1398. () Behavioral epidemiology: a systematic framework to classify phases of research on health promotion and disease prevention [d]
  1399. () Three paradigms of assessment: measurement, procedure, and inquiry [j]
  1400. (/2014) The new public health [i] [d]
  1401. () A negotiation approach to intake and treatment choice [d]
  1402. () Victimized by 'victims': a taxonomy of antecedents of false complaints against psychotherapists [d]
  1403. () Self-efficacy and strategy on complex tasks [d]
  1404. () Real science: what it is, and what it means [i] [d]
  1405. () Standards for educational and psychological testing [i]
  1406. Eta S. Berner [ed] (/2016) Clinical decision support systems: theory and practice [i] [d]
  1407. () Clinical features, psychiatric comorbidity, and health-related quality of life in persons reporting compulsive computer use behavior [p]
  1408. () Influences on solution search processes in design organisations [d]
  1409. (/2011) Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: based on the competing values framework [i]
  1410. () Decision-making in the physician–patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model [p] [d]
  1411. () The six part story method (6PSM): as an aid in the assessment of personality disorder [d]
  1412. Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller [ed] (/2010) The heart & soul of change: delivering what works in therapy [i] [d]
  1413. () How valuable are psychotherapy experiments?: the idiographic problem [p] [d]
  1414. () The case for pragmatic psychology [i]
  1415. () Rethinking the fifth discipline: learning within the unknowable [i]
  1416. () Smart choices: a practical guide to making better decisions [i]
  1417. () Success stories as hard data: an introduction to results mapping [i] [d]
  1418. () On seeking first to understand [d]
  1419. () Typological and topological meaning in diagnostic discourse [d]
  1420. () Action learning in action: transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning [i]
  1421. () Preparing students for competent scientific practice: implications of recent research in science and technology studies [d]
  1422. Bruce L. Miller & Jeffrey L. Cummings [ed] (/2018) The human frontal lobes: functions and disorders [i]
  1423. () Dangerous decisions: problem solving in tomorrow's world [i] [d]
  1424. () Sparks of genius: the thirteen thinking tools of the world's most creative people [i]
  1425. Stephen Soldz & Leigh McCullough [ed] () Reconciling empirical knowledge and clinical experience: the art and science of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1426. () Who is rational?: studies of individual differences in reasoning [i]
  1427. () How scientists explain disease [i] [d] [j]
  1428. (/2021) The psychotherapy documentation primer [i]
  1429. () Characteristics of optimal clinical case formulations: the linchpin concept [p] [d]
  1430. H. Russell Bernard & Clarence C. Gravlee [ed] (/2014) Handbook of methods in cultural anthropology [i]
  1431. Leonard Bickman & Debra J. Rog [ed] (/2009) The Sage handbook of applied social research methods [i]
  1432. Michael Bruch [ed] (/2015) Beyond diagnosis: case formulation in cognitive behavioural therapy [i]
  1433. () The vulnerable therapist: practicing psychotherapy in an age of anxiety [i]
  1434. John L. Davies & Ted Robert Gurr [ed] () Preventive measures: building risk assessment and crisis early warning systems [i]
  1435. () What's in a case formulation?: development and use of a content coding manual [p] [u]
  1436. Howard S. Friedman [ed] () Encyclopedia of mental health [i]
  1437. () Behavior analysis of private events is possible, progressive, and nondualistic: a response to Lamal [d]
  1438. Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, & Germain Lietaer [ed] () Handbook of experiential psychotherapy [i]
  1439. () Patient participation in decision-making [p] [d]
  1440. () Mad travelers: reflections on the reality of transient mental illnesses [i]
  1441. () The hidden traps in decision making [p] [u]
  1442. () Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
  1443. () From the world of science to the world of research? [d] [j]
  1444. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] (/2006) The ethical practice of psychology in organizations [i] [d]
  1445. () Measures of success: designing, managing, and monitoring conservation and development projects [i]
  1446. () Medidas de éxito: diseño, manejo y monitoreo de proyectos de conservación y desarrollo [u]
  1447. () Diagnosing in the here and now: a Gestalt therapy approach [i]
  1448. () Smart thinking for crazy times: the art of solving the right problems [i]
  1449. () Drawings and the design process: a review of protocol studies in design and other disciplines and related research in cognitive psychology [d]
  1450. (/2002) Facilitation skills: helping groups make decisions [i]
  1451. (/2005) Before you see your first client: 55 things counselors, therapists, and human service workers need to know [i]
  1452. () Control therapy: an integrated approach to psychotherapy, health, and healing [i]
  1453. () The development of logic in adulthood: postformal thought and its applications [i] [d]
  1454. (/2019) Case conceptualization and treatment planning: integrating theory with clinical practice [i]
  1455. () History versus science: the evolutionary solution [d] [j]
  1456. Tracy D. Eells [ed] (/2007) Handbook of psychotherapy case formulation [i]
  1457. () Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways [p]
  1458. () Working with emotions in psychotherapy [i]
  1459. (/2019) How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare [i]
  1460. () Beyond strategic research: a value-centered approach to health communication interventions [d]
  1461. () The art of doing science and engineering: learning to learn [i] [d]
  1462. (/2018) Therapist's guide to clinical intervention: the 1-2-3's of treatment planning [i]
  1463. () Making us crazy: DSM: the psychiatric bible and the creation of mental disorders [i]
  1464. (/2010) Tools of critical thinking: metathoughts for psychology [i]
  1465. () Counselling: the skills of finding solutions to problems [i]
  1466. () Changing character: short-term anxiety-regulating psychotherapy for restructuring defenses, affects, and attachment [i]
  1467. (/2015) Culture and psychiatric diagnostic systems [i] [d]
  1468. Meredith Minkler [ed] (/2012) Community organizing and community building for health and welfare [i] [d]
  1469. () The invisible topography of power: electromagnetic fields, bodies and the environment [d]
  1470. (/2015) When psychological problems mask medical disorders: a guide for psychotherapists [i]
  1471. () Rapid problem-solving with Post-it Notes [i]
  1472. () Towards a methodology of psychological practice: the regulative cycle [d]
  1473. Allan Tasman, Jerald Kay, Jeffrey A. Lieberman, Michael B. First, & Michelle B. Riba [ed] (/2015) Psychiatry [i] [d]
  1474. () Repertory grid technique in the diagnosis of learner difficulties and the assessment of conceptual change in physics [d]
  1475. () Breaking the patterns of depression [i]
  1476. () The psychology of waste [d]
  1477. () Rating scales for measuring the interpersonal circle in forensic psychiatric patients [d]
  1478. () Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
  1479. () Commentary on three case formulations of Jim [d]
  1480. () Lies!, lies!!, lies!!!: the psychology of deceit [i]
  1481. () Comparative efficiency of informal (subjective, impressionistic) and formal (mechanical, algorithmic) prediction procedures: the clinical–statistical controversy [d]
  1482. () Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
  1483. (/2015) InterViews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing [i]
  1484. () Shifting our attention from content to process [d]
  1485. () How problems are solved: reconsidering the phase theorem [d]
  1486. Lester Luborsky [ed] () The symptom-context method: symptoms as opportunities in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1487. (/2020) Social factors in the personality disorders: finding a niche [or: Social factors in the personality disorders: a biopsychosocial approach to etiology and treatment] [i] [d]
  1488. () Design and other types of fixation [d]
  1489. () Form, formlessness, and formulation [d]
  1490. () Pathogenic paths?: a time geographical approach in medical geography [i]
  1491. () Requirements acquisition [d]
  1492. () Reinventing the university: a radical proposal for a problem-focused university [i]
  1493. William J. Sutherland [ed] (/2006) Ecological census techniques: a handbook [i] [d]
  1494. () Relational therapy concepts [o]
  1495. () The witch hunt as a structure of argumentation [d]
  1496. Kenneth Yeager & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research [i]
  1497. (/2016) The craft of research [i]
  1498. () A bigger picture: cause and cognition in relation to differing scientific frameworks [d]
  1499. Lance H. Gunderson, C. S. Holling, & Stephen S. Light [ed] () Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions [i]
  1500. () Construing on the edge: clinical mythology in working with borderline processes [i] [d]
  1501. Joy Higgs, Gail M. Jensen, Stephen Loftus, & Nicole Christensen [ed] (/2019) Clinical reasoning in the health professions [i]
  1502. () A note on the concept of 'problem' [d]
  1503. () Wellsprings of knowledge: building and sustaining the sources of innovation [i]
  1504. () Spontaneous creative imagery: problem-solving and life-enhancing skills [i]
  1505. (/2002) Observational studies [i] [d]
  1506. (/2000) Future search: an action guide to finding common ground in organizations and communities [i]
  1507. () Dewey's new logic: a reply to Russell [i]
  1508. (/2023) Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches [i]
  1509. Hilary Sims Feldstein & Janice Jiggins [ed] () Tools for the field: methodologies handbook for gender analysis in agriculture [i]
  1510. () Mechanisms of defense: development and research perspectives [p]
  1511. (/2005) Evaluating training programs: the four levels [i]
  1512. (/2011) Psychoanalytic diagnosis: understanding personality structure in the clinical process [i]
  1513. () Improving the accuracy of group judgment: a process intervention combining group facilitation, social judgment analysis, and information technology [d]
  1514. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  1515. () Behavior and its causes: philosophical foundations of operant psychology [i] [d]
  1516. () Learning to use what you already know [i]
  1517. (/1999) On organizational learning [i]
  1518. (/2010) Discovering complexity: decomposition and localization as strategies in scientific research [i] [d]
  1519. (/1996) Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders [i]
  1520. () Behavior analysis is not ultimately about behavior [p] [d] [u]
  1521. () Alternative strategies for construct elicitation: experimenting with experience [d]
  1522. (/2021) Working through conflict: strategies for relationships, groups, and organizations [i] [d]
  1523. () Facilitating emotional change: the moment-by-moment process [i]
  1524. () Diagnosis of work-related dysfunctions [i] [d]
  1525. (/2006) Philosophy of science: help or hindrance? [i] [d]
  1526. (/2017) Clinical interviewing [i]
  1527. () Goals-and-methods matrix: coping with projects with ill defined goals and/or methods of achieving them [d]
  1528. (/2009) The handbook of project-based management: leading strategic change in organizations [i]
  1529. (/2012) Applications of case study research [i]
  1530. (/2019) Systematic treatment selection [and prescriptive psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1531. (/2005) Leadership for the common good: tackling public problems in a shared-power world [i]
  1532. (/2015) Research design in counseling [i]
  1533. () A self-interpretive behavior analysis [p] [d]
  1534. () Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind [d]
  1535. (/2019) The transtheoretical approach [i] [d]
  1536. (/2005) Cognitive analytic therapy [i] [d]
  1537. (/2013) The strengths perspective in social work practice [i]
  1538. Nevin S. Scrimshaw & Gary R. Gleason [ed] () RAP, rapid assessment procedures: qualitative methodologies for planning and evaluation of health related programmes [i]
  1539. () Egocentric interpretations of fairness and interpersonal conflict [d]
  1540. () Personal construct psychology in clinical practice: theory, research, and applications [i]
  1541. () Personal construct theory and alternative constructions of psychological disorder and therapy [i]
  1542. (/2005) Analysis of evidence [i] [d]
  1543. (/2012) Lawyers as counselors: a client centered approach [i]
  1544. () The very structure of scientific research mitigates against developing products to help the environment, the poor, and the hungry [d]
  1545. Orlando Fals-Borda & Muhammad Anisur Rahman [ed] () Action and knowledge: breaking the monopoly with participatory action research [i] [d]
  1546. () Creative problem solving: total systems intervention [i]
  1547. (/2004) Problem solving and decision making: hard, soft and creative approaches [i]
  1548. (/2010) Learning clinical reasoning [i]
  1549. Paul E. Meehl, C. Anthony Anderson, & Keith Gunderson [ed] () Selected philosophical and methodological papers [of Paul E. Meehl] [i] [j]
  1550. () The use of grounded theory for conceptual analysis in knowledge elicitation [d]
  1551. (/1999) All life is problem solving [and other essays] [i] [d]
  1552. () 'Mental growth' and 'mental health' as distinct concepts in the study of developmental psychopathology: theory, research, and clinical implications [i]
  1553. () Formulation-based psychotherapy research: some further considerations [p] [d]
  1554. Charlotte A. Weaver, Marion J. Ball, George R. Kim, & Joan M. Kiel [ed] (/2016) Healthcare information management systems: cases, strategies, and solutions [i] [d]
  1555. () Wisdom: the art of problem finding [i] [d]
  1556. () Measurement of psychological distress and well-being [p] [d]
  1557. () A cognitive client-centered perspective on borderline personality development [i] [u]
  1558. () Guided imagery in brief psychodynamic therapy: outcome and process [d]
  1559. (/2012) Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgments and decisions [i]
  1560. () System-independent approaches to diagnostic knowledge reasoning and representation for mechanical and thermal systems [i] [d]
  1561. () Predicting human behavior: comparing idiographic, nomothetic, and agentic methodologies [d]
  1562. Oliver P. John & Richard W. Robins [ed] (/2021) Handbook of personality: theory and research [i]
  1563. () Models, methods, roles and tasks: many labels—one idea? [d]
  1564. (/2016) Writing patient/client notes: ensuring accuracy in documentation [i]
  1565. () Why we still use our heads instead of formulas: toward an integrative approach [p] [d]
  1566. () Impaired inquiry [i] [j]
  1567. () Inquiry and change: the troubled attempt to understand and shape society [i] [j]
  1568. () Why summaries of research on psychological theories are often uninterpretable [d]
  1569. (/1995) Creative solution finding: the triumph of breakthrough thinking over conventional problem solving [i]
  1570. () Divided we stand: redefining politics, technology, and social choice [i]
  1571. () Making a friend in youth: developmental theory and pair therapy [i]
  1572. Edward H. Shortliffe, James J. Cimino, & Michael F. Chiang [ed] (/2021) Biomedical informatics: computer applications in health care and biomedicine [or: Medical informatics: computer applications in health care and biomedicine] [i] [d]
  1573. (/2006) Rethinking evidence: exploratory essays [i] [d]
  1574. () Mind bugs: the origins of procedural misconceptions [i]
  1575. (/2010) Clinician's thesaurus: the guide to conducting interviews and writing psychological reports [i]
  1576. () Toward a constructive-developmental understanding of the dialectics of individuality and irrationality [i] [d]
  1577. () Clinical versus actuarial judgment [p] [d] [j]
  1578. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  1579. () Psychodynamic formulation, consensual response method, and interpersonal problems [p] [d]
  1580. John Mingers & Jonathan Rosenhead [ed] (/2001) Rational analysis for a problematic world revisited: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty and conflict [i]
  1581. () The (even) bolder model: the clinical psychologist as metaphysician–scientist–practitioner [p] [d]
  1582. (/2021) Modern psychometrics: the science of psychological assessment [i] [d]
  1583. () Methodology and epistemology for social science: selected papers [i]
  1584. () Five perspectives on validity argument [in psychological assessment] [i] [d]
  1585. () Worse than the disease: pitfalls of medical progress [i] [d]
  1586. (/2007) Why employees don't do what they're supposed to do and what to do about it [i]
  1587. (/2015) Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research [i]
  1588. () Discovery-oriented psychotherapy research: rationale, aims, and methods [p] [d]
  1589. Stanley B. Messer, Louis Arnorsson Sass, & Robert L. Woolfolk [ed] () Hermeneutics and psychological theory: interpretive perspectives on personality, psychotherapy, and psychopathology [i]
  1590. Thomas F. Oltmanns & Brendan A. Maher [ed] () Delusional beliefs [i]
  1591. (/2008) Clinical assessment of malingering and deception [i]
  1592. () Integrating psychotherapy research and practice: modeling the change process [d]
  1593. () The essence of strategic decision making [i]
  1594. () Towards a heuristic theory of problem structuring [d]
  1595. (/2013) Medical decision making [i] [d]
  1596. (/2006) Foundations of clinical and counseling psychology [i]
  1597. () The recovery of practical philosophy [j]
  1598. Howard Wainer & Henry I. Braun [ed] () Test validity [in psychological assessment] [i] [d]
  1599. (/2019) Seidel's guide to physical examination: an interprofessional approach [or: Mosby's guide to physical examination] [i]
  1600. (/2014) Ferri's practical guide: fast facts for patient care [or: Practical guide to the care of the medical patient] [i]
  1601. () Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving [d]
  1602. (/2006) Measuring health: a guide to rating scales and questionnaires [i]
  1603. () The artist as therapist [i]
  1604. (/2014) Applying nursing process: the foundation for clinical reasoning [i]
  1605. () The influence of uninterpretability on the assessment of diagnostic tests [p] [d]
  1606. () Evolution and the triumph of homology, or why history matters [j]
  1607. Edward Seidman & Julian Rappaport [ed] () Redefining social problems [i]
  1608. () Problems, solutions: visual thinking for graphic communicators [i]
  1609. Donald Bannister [ed] () Issues and approaches in personal construct theory [i]
  1610. () The patient's point of view [i]
  1611. David H. Barlow [ed] (/2021) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: a step-by-step treatment manual [i]
  1612. Nigel Beail [ed] () Repertory grid technique and personal constructs: applications in clinical & educational settings [i]
  1613. () Heuristic classification [d]
  1614. () To what degree was Freud wrong—and how much difference does it make in psychotherapy? [d]
  1615. () Perceiving and managing the complexity of ecological systems [i]
  1616. () Interview methodologies for construct elicitation: searching for the core [i]
  1617. () Dialectical thinking and adult development [i]
  1618. (/1993) The ideal problem solver: a guide for improving thinking, learning, and creativity [i]
  1619. () Training parent trainers and ethicists in nonlinear analysis of behavior [i]
  1620. () The role of problems and problem solving in Popper's early work on psychology [d]
  1621. (/1986) Small wins: redefining the scale of social problems [i]
  1622. (/2014) Case study research: design and methods [i]
  1623. () The internal politics of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1624. (/1985) Epistemology & methodology [in three volumes: Exploring the world; Understanding the world; Philosophy of science and technology] [o] [d]
  1625. () Denial, defect, symptom formation—and construction [d]
  1626. () Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
  1627. (/2008) A whack on the side of the head: how you can be more creative [i]
  1628. (/2021) Understanding normal & clinical nutrition [i]
  1629. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  1630. (/2011) Single-case research designs: methods for clinical and applied settings [i]
  1631. () Time and the inner future: a temporal approach to psychiatric disorders [i]
  1632. (/2000) Flawless consulting: a guide to getting your expertise used [i]
  1633. () Letting the data speak for themselves [d]
  1634. () What is a problem that we may solve it? [d] [j]
  1635. Mildred L. G. Shaw [ed] () Recent advances in personal construct technology [i]
  1636. () Inner contradictions of rigorous research [i]
  1637. () New directions in the analysis and interactive elicitation of personal construct systems [d]
  1638. () Editorial: Toward metamedicine [d]
  1639. () The analysis of a repertory grid [d]
  1640. () Quasi-experimentation: design & analysis issues for field settings [i]
  1641. H. Tristram Engelhardt, Stuart F. Spicker, & Bernard Towers [ed] () Clinical judgment: a critical appraisal: proceedings of the Fifth Trans-disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, held at Los Angeles, California, April 14–16, 1977 [i] [d]
  1642. (/2006) Understanding scientific reasoning [i]
  1643. () Behavioral analysis of clinical cases [d]
  1644. () The focus in brief interpretive psychotherapy: dilemmas, traps and snags as target problems [p] [d]
  1645. (/1984) An introduction to reasoning [i]
  1646. () The test–trait fallacy [d]
  1647. (/1986) The consulting process in action [i]
  1648. (/1991) Reliable knowledge: an exploration of the grounds for belief in science [i]
  1649. (/2012) Problem seeking: an architectural programming primer [i]
  1650. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
  1651. () Reliability and validity of traits measured by Kelly's repertory grid [d]
  1652. () Problem finding and creativity [i]
  1653. () The creative vision: a longitudinal study of problem finding in art [i]
  1654. (/2012) Neuropsychological assessment [i]
  1655. () Psychiatry and psychotherapy as political processes [p] [d]
  1656. () Social casework: a behavioral approach [i]
  1657. (/2019) Conceptual blockbusting: a guide to better ideas [i]
  1658. () Toward a constructional approach to social problems: ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis [p] [j]
  1659. () The logical requirements for explanations of systematic desensitization [d]
  1660. () Psychological man as scientist, humanist and specialist [o]
  1661. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  1662. David Faust & Jay Ziskin [ed] (/2011) Coping with psychiatric and psychological testimony: based on the original work by Jay Ziskin [i]
  1663. () The practice of creativity: a manual for dynamic group problem solving [o]
  1664. (/2005) The theory and practice of group psychotherapy [i]
  1665. () Clinical psychology and personality: the selected papers of George Kelly [i]
  1666. (/1998) Logic of problems [i]
  1667. (/1998) Philosophy of science [or: Scientific research; in two volumes: From problem to theory; From explanation to justification] [i]
  1668. () Social technology [in societal futures research] [o]
  1669. () General system theory and systems research: contrasting conceptions of systems science [o] [u]
  1670. (/1998) The conduct of inquiry: methodology for behavioral science [i]
  1671. () Strong inference: certain systematic methods of scientific thinking may produce much more rapid progress than others [p] [d] [j]
  1672. (/2013) World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects [p] [d]
  1673. (/1985) Culture and mental disorders [i]
  1674. (/1966) Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research [i]
  1675. () Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity [o]
  1676. () Toward a science of the person [d] [u]
  1677. () Intuition and science [o]
  1678. () On the epistemology of the inexact sciences [d] [j]
  1679. (/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
  1680. () Social casework: a problem-solving process: a fresh, unifying approach to casework practice [i]
  1681. (/2021) Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology [i]
  1682. (/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
  1683. () Case and clinical studies [o] [d]
  1684. () Methods of research: educational, psychological, sociological [o] [d]
  1685. (/1996) Clinical versus statistical prediction: a theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence [i]
  1686. (/1963) Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving [i]
  1687. () An introduction to scientific research [o]
  1688. (/1984) Essentials of psychological testing [i]
  1689. () Problems of men [and women] [o] [u]
  1690. (/1989) The normal and the pathological [i]
  1691. (/1972) Foundations for a science of personality [i]
  1692. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  1693. (/2002) The formation of the scientific mind: a contribution to a psychoanalysis of objective knowledge [i]
  1694. () Logic: the theory of inquiry [i] [u]
  1695. () A method of diagnosing personality in the psychological clinic [d]
  1696. (/1970) Convicting the innocent: errors of criminal justice [i]
  1697. (/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
  1698. James Ford [ed] () Social problems and social policy: principles underlying treatment and prevention of poverty, defectiveness, and criminality [o] [u]
  1699. () A new system of scientific procedure: being an attempt to ascertain, develop, and systematise the general methods employed in modern enquiries at their best [o] [u]
  1700. (/2007) Essays in experimental logic [i] [u]
  1701. (/1937) The principles of judicial proof: or, The process of proof as given by logic, psychology, and general experience and illustrated in judicial trials [o]
  1702. (/1978) Pragmatism, a new name for some old ways of thinking; The meaning of truth, a sequel to Pragmatism [i] [u]
  1703. (/1963) Los tónicos de la voluntad: reglas y consejos sobre investigación científica: discurso leído con ocasión de la recepción del autor en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales [o] [u]
  1704. () The study of the Negro problems [d] [j]
  1705. (/1992) Reasoning and the logic of things: the Cambridge conferences lectures of 1898 [i]
  1706. (/1981) The principles of psychology [i] [u]
  1707. (/1957) An introduction to the study of experimental medicine [i] [u]
  1708. () On the philosophy of discovery: chapters historical and critical, including the completion of the third edition of The philosophy of the inductive sciences [o] [u]
  1709. (/1900) A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive: being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation [o] [u]
  1710. () The philosophy of the inductive sciences: founded upon their history [o] [u]
  1711. (/1995) The anatomical exercises: De motu cordis and De circulatione sanguinis, in English translation [i]

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