How to communicate conservation

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () Ecological and social justice should proceed hand-in-hand in conservation [d] [u]
  2. () The role of non-English-language science in informing national biodiversity assessments [d]
  3. () The climate crisis: science, impacts, policy, psychology, sociology, and justice [i] [d]
  4. () Centering communities in conservation through asset-based quality of life planning [d] [j]
  5. () Connected conservation: rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world [d]
  6. () Promoting climate actions: a cognitive-constraints approach [p] [d]
  7. () Wildlife rehabilitation records reveal impacts of anthropogenic activities on wildlife health [d]
  8. () Soundscapes and deep learning enable tracking biodiversity recovery in tropical forests [p] [d]
  9. () Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts [p] [d]
  10. () Biocultural vulnerability exposes threats of culturally important species [p] [d]
  11. () 'Nature is mine/ours': measuring individual and collective psychological ownership of nature [d]
  12. () The accidental ecosystem: people and wildlife in American cities [i] [d] [j]
  13. () Local forest specialists maintain traditional ecological knowledge in the face of environmental threats to Brazilian Amazonian protected areas [d]
  14. () Ethics in biodiversity conservation [i] [d]
  15. () Conservation enterprises: community-led businesses that contribute to conservation outcomes: a generic theory of change, v 1.0 [d]
  16. () Botanic gardens: seizing the moment while imagining the future [d]
  17. () Global importance of Indigenous peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world's primates from extinction [p] [d]
  18. () Feedback in tropical forests of the Anthropocene [d]
  19. () Eco-types: five ways of caring about the environment [i] [d] [j]
  20. () Wild by design: the rise of ecological restoration [i] [d] [j]
  21. () Ever green: saving big forests to save the planet [i]
  22. () A practical approach to assessing existing evidence for specific conservation strategies [d]
  23. () Beyond polarization: public process and the unlikely story of California's marine protected areas [i]
  24. () Love sustains life: jkyo jkwainï and allied strategies in caring for the Earth [d] [u]
  25. () La preocupación ambiental en estudiantes de educación superior de Madre de Dios, Perú [d] [u]
  26. () Conciencia ambiental y actitudes proambientales en estudiantes de educación secundaria de Madre de Dios, Perú [d] [u]
  27. () From plots to policy: how to ensure long-term forest plot data supports environmental management in intact tropical forest landscapes [d]
  28. () Three frontiers for the future of biodiversity research using citizen science data [d]
  29. () Guiding principles for rewilding [p] [d]
  30. () Wetland spirits and indigenous knowledge: implications for the conservation of wetlands in the Peruvian Amazon [d] [u]
  31. () The social value of zoos [i] [d]
  32. () Regeneration: ending the climate crisis in one generation [i]
  33. Martha Honey & Kelsey Frenkiel [ed] () Overtourism: lessons for a better future [i]
  34. () Getting to the heart of science communication: a guide to effective engagement [i]
  35. () Invasive species and natural function in ecology [d]
  36. () The arbornaut: a life discovering the eighth continent in the trees above us [i]
  37. () Localizing the Indigenous environmental steward norm: the making of conservation and territorial rights in Peru [d]
  38. () Caring for the commons: using psychological ownership to enhance stewardship behavior for public goods [d]
  39. () Applied science facilitates the large-scale expansion of protected areas in an Amazonian hot spot [using rapid inventories] [p] [d]
  40. () Sensing and making sense of tourism flows and urban data to foster sustainability awareness: a real-world experience [d]
  41. () Generic theories of change for conservation strategies: a new series supporting evidence-based conservation practice [d]
  42. () Pathways to success: taking conservation to scale in complex systems [i]
  43. Serge A. Wich & Alex K. Piel [ed] () Conservation technology [i] [d]
  44. () Conductas ambientales en estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, Perú [d] [u]
  45. () The bird-friendly city: creating safe urban habitats [i]
  46. () A framework for evaluating the impact of the IUCN Red List of threatened species [p] [d]
  47. () What is the value of wild animal welfare for restoration ecology? [d]
  48. () Unnatural companions: rethinking our love of pets in an age of wildlife extinction [i]
  49. () Impoverishment of local wild resources in western Amazonia: a large-scale community survey of local ecological knowledge [d]
  50. () Environmental diagnoses and effective planning of protected areas in Brazil: is there any connection? [p] [d]
  51. () A 'global safety net' to reverse biodiversity loss and stabilize Earth's climate [p] [d]
  52. () The cougar conundrum: sharing the world with a successful predator [i]
  53. () The human animal earthling identity: shared values unifying human rights, animal rights, and environmental movements [i] [j]
  54. () Perceiving ecocultural identities as human animal earthlings [i] [d]
  55. () The role of animal cognition in human–wildlife interactions [p] [d]
  56. () Domestication of international norms for sustainable resource governance: elite capture in Peru [d]
  57. () Effects of land use, cover, and protection on stream and riparian ecosystem services and biodiversity [p] [d]
  58. () Primer of ecological restoration [i]
  59. () Global reforestation and biodiversity conservation [p] [d]
  60. () Five lessons to guide more effective biodiversity conservation message framing [p] [d]
  61. () Biodiversity scientists must fight the creeping rise of extinction denial [p] [d]
  62. Tema Milstein & José Castro-Sotomayor [ed] () Routledge handbook of ecocultural identity [i] [d]
  63. Samuel Myers & Howard Frumkin [ed] () Planetary health: protecting nature to protect ourselves [i]
  64. Guillaume Odonne & Jean-François Molino [ed] () Methods in historical ecology: insights from Amazonia [i] [d]
  65. () Strategic corporate conservation planning: a guide to meaningful engagement [i] [d]
  66. () Bird extirpations and community dynamics in an Andean cloud forest over 100 years of land-use change [p] [d]
  67. () Campesino hunting and conservation in Latin America [p] [d]
  68. () Critical skills for environmental professionals: putting knowledge into practice [i] [d]
  69. () An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems [d]
  70. () Exploring the costs of curiosity: an environmental scientist's dilemma [i] [j]
  71. () Actitudes hacia la conservación ambiental en adolescentes de educación secundaria en Madre de Dios, Perú [d] [u]
  72. () Vacant to vibrant: creating successful green infrastructure networks [i] [d]
  73. () Understanding rivers and their social relations: a critical step to advance environmental water management [p] [d]
  74. () Elegant science narratives and unintended influences: an agenda for the science of science communication [d]
  75. () Using the Value of Information to improve conservation decision making [p] [d]
  76. () Global restoration opportunities in tropical rainforest landscapes [p] [d]
  77. () Evidence types and trends in tropical forest conservation literature [p] [d]
  78. () Enhancement of conservation knowledge through increased access to botanical information [p] [d]
  79. Elena Casetta, Jorge Marques da Silva, & Davide Vecchi [ed] () From assessing to conserving biodiversity: conceptual and practical challenges [i] [d] [u]
  80. () Learning from published project failures in conservation [d]
  81. () Incorporating basic needs to reconcile poverty and ecosystem services [p] [d]
  82. () Contemplating climate change: mental models and human reasoning [i] [d]
  83. () A global deal for nature: guiding principles, milestones, and targets [p] [d]
  84. () Detecting deterrence from patrol data [p] [d]
  85. Henrik Ernstson & Sverker Sörlin [ed] () Grounding urban natures: histories and futures of urban ecologies [i] [d]
  86. () Four priorities for new links between conservation science and accounting research [p] [d]
  87. () A concise guide to developing and using quantitative models in conservation management [d]
  88. () Global gap analysis of cactus species and priority sites for their conservation [p] [d]
  89. () Relating characteristics of global biodiversity targets to reported progress [p] [d]
  90. () No net loss for people and biodiversity [p] [d]
  91. () Using social-network research to improve outcomes in natural resource management [p] [d]
  92. () Predicting the time needed for environmental systematic reviews and systematic maps [p] [d]
  93. () Compassionate versus consequentialist conservation [p] [d]
  94. () Underaddressed animal-welfare issues in conservation [p] [d]
  95. () Deconstructing compassionate conservation [p] [d]
  96. () Protecting pollinators: how to save the creatures that feed our world [i]
  97. () Conserving plants within and beyond protected areas—still problematic and future uncertain [d]
  98. () Traveling exhibitions in the field: settlements, war-economy, and the collaborative practice of seeing, 1919–1925 [i] [d]
  99. () Consequences matter: compassion in conservation means caring for individuals, populations and species [p] [d]
  100. () Audience segmentation to improve targeting of conservation interventions for hunters [p] [d]
  101. () Mining location information from life- and earth-sciences studies to facilitate knowledge discovery [d]
  102. () Managing the middle: a shift in conservation priorities based on the global human modification gradient [d]
  103. () Science by the people: participation, power, and the politics of environmental knowledge [i] [j]
  104. () Inside science: stories from the field in human and animal science [i] [d]
  105. Paul R. Lachapelle & Don Albrecht [ed] () Addressing climate change at the community level in the United States [i] [d]
  106. () Designing a network of green infrastructure to enhance the conservation value of protected areas and maintain ecosystem services [p] [d]
  107. () Environmental argumentation [d]
  108. () Dynamics in the global protected-area estate since 2004 [p] [d]
  109. () Influencia de la conservación de bosques en la diversidad y composición florística arbórea en el sureste de la Amazonía peruana [d] [u]
  110. Thomas E. Lovejoy & Lee Jay Hannah [ed] () Biodiversity and climate change: transforming the biosphere [i] [d]
  111. () A post-occupancy evaluation of the impact of exhibit changes on conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of zoo visitors [d]
  112. () Fair ways to share benefits from community forests?: how commodification is associated with reduced preference for equality and poverty alleviation [d]
  113. () The fatal flaws of compassionate conservation [p] [d]
  114. Susan Park & Teresa Kramarz [ed] () Global environmental governance and the accountability trap [i] [d]
  115. () Making conservation science more reliable with preregistration and registered reports [p] [d]
  116. () Saving the Tasmanian devil: how science is helping the world's largest marsupial carnivore survive [i]
  117. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Alejandra Salazar Molano, Felipe Samper Samper, Corine Vriesendorp, Adriana Vásquez Cerón, Álvaro del Campo, Theresa L. Miller, Elio Antonio Matapi Yucuna, Lesley S. de Souza, Diana Alvira, Ana A. Lemos, Douglas F. Stotz, Nicholas Kotlinski, Tatzyana Wachter, Ellen Woodward, & Rodrigo Botero García [ed] () Colombia: Bajo Caguán-Caquetá [i] [u]
  118. () Improving collaboration in the implementation of global biodiversity conventions [p] [d]
  119. () Bringing the heat home: television spots about local impacts reduce global warming denialism [d]
  120. () Defining and using evidence in conservation practice [d]
  121. () The crucial but underrepresented role of philosophy in conservation science curricula [p] [d]
  122. () Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: a review of its drivers [d]
  123. () The global conservation movement is diverse but not divided [d]
  124. () Natural diversity: How taking the bio- out of biodiversity aligns with conservation priorities [i] [d] [u]
  125. Annette Scheersoi & Sue Dale Tunnicliffe [ed] () Natural history dioramas: traditional exhibits for current educational themes: science educational aspects [i] [d]
  126. () Overlooked biodiversity loss in tropical smallholder agriculture [p] [d]
  127. () Ecotourism for conservation? [d]
  128. () Building a tool to overcome barriers in research-implementation spaces: the conservation evidence database [d]
  129. () Nature's best hope: a new approach to conservation that starts in your yard [i]
  130. () How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators [d]
  131. () Understanding complex drivers of wildlife crime to design effective conservation interventions [p] [d]
  132. () Complicity and resistance in the Indigenous Amazon: economía indígena under siege [i]
  133. () Effects of human demand on conservation planning for biodiversity and ecosystem services [p] [d]
  134. () Reflections on the purpose of indigenous environmental education [i] [d]
  135. () On inconvenient images: exploring the design space of engaging climate change visualizations for public audiences [i] [d]
  136. () Cautioning against overemphasis of normative constructs in conservation decision making [p] [d]
  137. () A new wave of marine evidence-based management: emerging challenges and solutions to transform monitoring, evaluating, and reporting [d]
  138. () Multi-criteria decision analysis for nature conservation: a review of 20 years of applications [d]
  139. () Fragmentation of Andes-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower dams [p] [d]
  140. () The essential role of museums in biodiversity conservation [i] [d]
  141. () The Biodiversity Finance Initiative: an approach to identify and implement biodiversity-centered finance solutions for sustainable development [i] [d]
  142. () Deliberative democracy and the environment [i] [d]
  143. Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile [ed] () Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts [i] [d]
  144. () Why conserve biodiversity?: a multi-national exploration of stakeholders' views on the arguments for biodiversity conservation [d]
  145. () Integrating decision triggers into conservation management practice [d]
  146. () Major shifts in Amazon wildlife populations from recent climatic intensification [p] [d]
  147. () Invasive species denialism: sorting out facts, beliefs, and definitions [d]
  148. () Open space: the global effort for open access to environmental satellite data [i] [d]
  149. () Unintended multispecies co-benefits of an Amazonian community-based conservation programme [d]
  150. Noel Castree, Mike Hulme, & James D. Proctor [ed] () Companion to environmental studies [i] [d]
  151. () Backyard bears: conservation, habitat changes, and the rise of urban wildlife [i]
  152. () Reimagining publics and (non) participation: exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups [p] [d]
  153. Jorge A. Delgado, Gretchen F. Sassenrath, & Tom Mueller [ed] () Precision conservation: geospatial techniques for agricultural and natural resources conservation [i] [d]
  154. Eric Dorfman [ed] () The future of natural history museums [i] [d]
  155. () Rediscovering the potential of indigenous storytelling for conservation practice [d]
  156. () Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forest–agriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon [p] [d]
  157. Eric Freedman & Mark Neuzil [ed] () Biodiversity, conservation and environmental management in the Great Lakes Basin [i] [d]
  158. () Alexis Rockman: the Great Lakes cycle [i]
  159. () Effective biodiversity conservation requires dynamic, pluralistic, partnership-based approaches [d]
  160. () The wildlife snaring crisis: an insidious and pervasive threat to biodiversity in Southeast Asia [d]
  161. () Producción de naturaleza: parques, rewilding y desarrollo local [i] [u]
  162. (/2022) Effective conservation: parks, rewilding, and local development [i]
  163. () How far to nudge?: assessing behavioural public policy [i] [d]
  164. (/2019) Rainforest: dispatches from earth's most vital frontlines [i]
  165. () The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions [p] [d]
  166. Peter Bille Larsen & Dan Brockington [ed] () The anthropology of conservation NGOs: rethinking the boundaries [i] [d]
  167. () Countering resistance to protected-area extension [p] [d]
  168. () The science of strategic conservation: protecting more with less [i] [d]
  169. () Comparison of techniques for eliciting views and judgements in decision-making [d]
  170. () Food from the radical center: healing our land and communities [i] [d]
  171. () Climate change, cultural cognition, and media effects: worldviews drive news selectivity, biased processing, and polarized attitudes [p] [d]
  172. () Colombia: Parque Nacional Yaigojé Apaporis se manejará desde el conocimiento indígena [u]
  173. () Emerald ash borer, black ash, and Native American basketmaking: invasive insects, forest ecosystems and cultural practices [i] [d]
  174. () The major barriers to evidence-informed conservation policy and possible solutions [p] [d]
  175. () Making sense of science: applied improvisation for public communication of science and health [i] [d]
  176. () Decision support frameworks and tools for conservation [d]
  177. () A guide to exhibit development [u]
  178. () Entropy and the conceit of biodiversity management [d]
  179. () Mapping social-ecological vulnerability to inform local decision making [p] [d]
  180. () Space and time matter in social-ecological vulnerability assessments [d]
  181. () Land-use history as a guide for forest conservation and management [p] [d]
  182. () Seven Indigenous principles for successful cooperation in Great Lakes conservation initiatives [i] [d]
  183. () A methodological guide to using and reporting on interviews in conservation science research [d]
  184. Stuart K. Allison & Stephen D. Murphy [ed] () Routledge handbook of ecological and environmental restoration [i] [d]
  185. () Science journalism: an introduction [i] [d]
  186. () Science communication training: what are we trying to teach? [d]
  187. Steven R. Beissinger, David D. Ackerly, Holly D. Doremus, & Gary E. Machlis [ed] () Science, conservation, and national parks [i] [d]
  188. () Mapping conservation strategies under a changing climate [d] [j]
  189. () Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation [p] [d]
  190. () Conservation social science: understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation [d]
  191. () A comparative study of human well-being indicators across three Puget Sound regions [d]
  192. () Developing a theory of change for a community-based response to illegal wildlife trade [p] [d]
  193. () Next-generation global biomonitoring: large-scale, automated reconstruction of ecological networks [p] [d]
  194. () Using a Bayesian network to clarify areas requiring research in a host–pathogen system [p] [d]
  195. () A systematic review of motivational values and conservation success in and around protected areas [p] [d]
  196. () Involving citizen scientists in biodiversity observation [i] [d]
  197. () Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence [p] [d]
  198. () From poachers to protectors: engaging local communities in solutions to illegal wildlife trade [d]
  199. () Surviving the 21st century: humanity's ten great challenges and how we can overcome them [i] [d]
  200. () How museum work can combine research and public engagement [p] [d]
  201. () Operationalizing network theory for ecosystem service assessments [d]
  202. () Conservation implications of anthropogenic impacts on visual communication and camouflage [p] [d]
  203. () An ecoregion-based approach to protecting half the terrestrial realm [d] [j]
  204. () Digitization of museum collections holds the potential to enhance researcher diversity [p] [d]
  205. () International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control [p] [d]
  206. () Understanding social processes in planning ecological restorations [i] [d]
  207. () 'The river is us; the river is in our veins': re-defining river restoration in three Indigenous communities [d]
  208. () Integrated models to support multiobjective ecological restoration decisions [p] [d]
  209. () The Mexican National Biodiversity and Ecosystem Degradation Monitoring System [d]
  210. Justin Garson, Anya Plutynski, & Sahotra Sarkar [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of biodiversity [i] [d]
  211. () The long road to sustainability: the past, present, and future of international environmental law and policy [i] [d]
  212. Iain J. Gordon, Herbert H. T. Prins, & Geoff R. Squire [ed] () Food production and nature conservation: conflicts and solutions [i] [d]
  213. Meredith L. Gore [ed] () Conservation criminology [i] [d]
  214. () Telling the story of science [d] [j]
  215. Lesley Head, Katarina Saltzman, Gunhild Setten, & Marie Stenseke [ed] () Nature, temporality and environmental management: Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes [i] [d]
  216. () Environmental protection: what everyone needs to know [i]
  217. () An evaluation of landowners' conservation easements on their livelihoods and well-being [d]
  218. () Delivering effective science communication: advice from a professional science communicator [d]
  219. () Experiential learning theory: the importance of outdoor classrooms in environmental education [d]
  220. () Science curiosity and political information processing [d]
  221. Joseph M. Kiesecker & David E. Naugle [ed] () Energy sprawl solutions: balancing global development and conservation [i] [d]
  222. () Considering the needs of indigenous and local populations in conservation programs [p] [d]
  223. () Climate change, collections and the classroom: using big data to tackle big problems [d]
  224. () The role of the social sciences and economics in understanding and informing tree biosecurity policy and planning: a global summary and synthesis [d]
  225. () The virtualism of 'capacity building' workshops in indigenous Amazonia: ethnography in the new middle grounds [d] [u]
  226. () Setting temporal baselines for biodiversity: the limits of available monitoring data for capturing the full impact of anthropogenic pressures [p] [d]
  227. Tema Milstein, Mairi Pileggi, & Eric Morgan [ed] () Environmental communication pedagogy and practice [i] [d]
  228. () Natural history collections: teaching about biodiversity across time, space, and digital platforms [d]
  229. () Amazon adventure: how tiny fish are saving the world's largest rainforest [i]
  230. () Communicating science effectively: a research agenda [i] [d] [u]
  231. () Nature's allies: eight conservationists who changed our world [i] [d]
  232. () Planning for the future of urban biodiversity: a global review of city-scale initiatives [d] [j]
  233. () Environmental news in South America: conflict, crisis and contestation [i] [d]
  234. () The laws protecting animals and ecosystems [i] [d]
  235. () Environmental impact assessment in Brazilian Amazonia: challenges and prospects to assess biodiversity [d]
  236. () When less is more: innovations for tracking progress toward global targets [d]
  237. () Forest foods and healthy diets: quantifying the contributions [d]
  238. () Conservation performance of different conservation governance regimes in the Peruvian Amazon [p] [d]
  239. () Saving Arcadia: a story of conservation and community in the Great Lakes [i]
  240. () Wild by nature: North American animals confront colonization [i] [d]
  241. () Conservation efforts based on local ecological knowledge: the role of social variables in identifying environmental indicators [d]
  242. () Scaling-up camera traps: monitoring the planet's biodiversity with networks of remote sensors [d]
  243. Gabriela Steier & Kiran K. Patel [ed] () International farm animal, wildlife and food safety law [i] [d]
  244. () Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales [p] [d]
  245. () How museums can leverage live streaming technology [u]
  246. () Ecological restoration in international environmental law [i] [d]
  247. () Avoiding obscure topics and generalising findings produces higher impact research [d]
  248. () Ethical aspects of working with local communities and their biological resources [i] [d]
  249. () Use of demand for and spatial flow of ecosystem services to identify priority areas [p] [d]
  250. () A new approach to conservation: using community empowerment for sustainable well-being [d]
  251. () Mother nature kicks back: review of Sean B. Carroll's 2016 The Serengeti rules [d]
  252. Michele Walters & Robert J. Scholes [ed] () The GEO handbook on biodiversity observation networks [i] [d]
  253. () Natural history: heritage, place and politics [i] [d]
  254. () The contribution of policy, law, management, research, and advocacy failings to the recent extinctions of three Australian vertebrate species [p] [d]
  255. () Abuse of Rachel Carson and misuse of DDT science in the service of environmental deregulation [p] [d]
  256. () Participatory uses of geospatial technologies to leverage multiple knowledge systems within development contexts: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  257. () The role of Indigenous science and local knowledge in integrated observing systems: moving toward adaptive capacity indices and early warning systems [d]
  258. () Linking movement ecology with wildlife management and conservation [d]
  259. () Languages are still a major barrier to global science [p] [d]
  260. () Empty forest or empty rivers?: a century of commercial hunting in Amazonia [p] [d]
  261. () Converting the environmental movement into a missionary religious force [i] [d] [j]
  262. () Green fairs as venues for civic engagement [d]
  263. () Using perceptions as evidence to improve conservation and environmental management [p] [d]
  264. Oded Berger-Tal & David Saltz [ed] () Conservation behavior: applying behavioral ecology to wildlife conservation and management [i] [d]
  265. () From argumentative crisis to critical arguments: how to argue in the face of danger [i] [d]
  266. () Can citizen science enhance public understanding of science? [p] [d]
  267. () The Brain Scoop and the sloppy business of learning [u]
  268. () Conceptualizing and operationalizing human wellbeing for ecosystem assessment and management [d]
  269. () 'A lot of it comes from the heart': the nature and integration of ecological knowledge in tribal and nontribal forest management [d]
  270. () Stochastic dominance to account for uncertainty and risk in conservation decisions [d]
  271. Fábio de Castro, Barbara Hogenboom, & Michiel Baud [ed] () Environmental governance in Latin America [i] [d]
  272. () Indigenous ecological calendars define scales for climate change and sustainability assessments [d]
  273. () Value of information and monitoring in conservation biology [d]
  274. () The role of rewilding in landscape design for conservation [d]
  275. () In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return?: the eternal recurrence of the public deficit [p] [d]
  276. () The challenges of evaluating conservation education across cultures [d]
  277. () Global change and terrestrial plant community dynamics [p] [d]
  278. () Program Earth: environmental sensing technology and the making of a computational planet [i] [d] [j] [u]
  279. Nora Gallagher & Lisa Myers [ed] () Tools for grassroots activists: best practices for success in the environmental movement [i]
  280. () Plant-O-Matic: a dynamic and mobile guide to all plants of the Americas [d]
  281. () Environmental data visualisation for non-scientific contexts: literature review and design framework [d]
  282. () Understanding public perceptions of risk regarding outdoor pet cats to inform conservation action [p] [d]
  283. () Local biodiversity is higher inside than outside terrestrial protected areas worldwide [p] [d]
  284. () Images, imagination and the global environment: towards an interdisciplinary research agenda on global environmental images [d]
  285. () Structural realism, emergence, and predictions in next-generation ecological modelling: synthesis from a special issue [d]
  286. () Conservation planning: informed decisions for a healthier planet [i]
  287. () Why don't we grieve for extinct species? [u]
  288. () State-of-the-art practices in farmland biodiversity monitoring for North America and Europe [p] [d]
  289. () Finding purpose: environmental stewardship as a personal calling [i]
  290. () Human judgment vs. quantitative models for the management of ecological resources [d]
  291. (/2020) Effective science communication: a practical guide to surviving as a scientist [i]
  292. () What YouTube can do for museums [u]
  293. () Types of rural extensionists' expectations of psychology and their implications on psychologists' practice [p] [d]
  294. () Approaches used to evaluate the social impacts of protected areas [d]
  295. () Identification of animals and plants is an essential skill set [u]
  296. () Wildlife trafficking: harms and victimization [i] [d]
  297. () Taking nature seriously in the Anthropocene [d]
  298. () Cat wars: the devastating consequences of a cuddly killer [i] [d] [j]
  299. () Integrating technologies for scalable ecology and conservation [d]
  300. () Improving credibility and transparency of conservation impact evaluations through the partial identification approach [p] [d]
  301. () Environmental communication pedagogy for sustainability: developing core capacities to engage with complex problems [d]
  302. () Quantifying and sustaining biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes [p] [d]
  303. () In science communication, why does the idea of a public deficit always return? [p] [d]
  304. () Narratives of nature [d]
  305. () Biodiversity and human well-being: an essential link for sustainable development [p] [d]
  306. Simon Nicholson & Sikina Jinnah [ed] () New Earth politics: essays from the Anthropocene [i] [d] [j]
  307. () Incorporating explicit geospatial data shows more species at risk of extinction than the current Red List [p] [d]
  308. (/2021) Conservation biology [and philosophy] [u]
  309. () A global assessment of the social and conservation outcomes of protected areas [p] [d]
  310. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Adriana Bravo, Santiago Claramunt, Corine Vriesendorp, Diana Alvira, Ashwin Ravikumar, Álvaro del Campo, Douglas F. Stotz, Tatzyana Wachter, Sebastian Heilpern, Benjamin Rodríguez Grández, Ana Rosa Sáenz Rodríguez, & Richard Chase Smith [ed] () Perú: Medio Putumayo-Algodón [i] [d] [u]
  311. () The visualisation of ecological networks, and their use as a tool for engagement, advocacy and management [i] [d]
  312. () Information seeking and use in the context of minimalist lifestyles [d]
  313. () Environmental planning for oceans and coasts: methods, tools, and technologies [i] [d]
  314. () Changing behavior to being more environmentally friendly: a PCP perspective [i] [d]
  315. () A road map for designing and implementing a biological monitoring program [p] [d]
  316. () Climate politics in the Anthropocene and environmentalism beyond nature and culture in Brazilian Amazonia [d]
  317. () Honest advocacy for nature: presenting a persuasive narrative for conservation [d]
  318. () Culture and conservation: beyond anthropocentrism [i] [d]
  319. () The lure of rationality: why does the deficit model persist in science communication? [p] [d]
  320. () Value pluralism and economic valuation: defendable if well done [d]
  321. () Emerging technologies to conserve biodiversity: further opportunities via genomics: response to Pimm et al. [p] [d]
  322. () Knowing but not knowing: systematic conservation planning and community conservation in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico [d]
  323. () Sixteen years of change in the global terrestrial human footprint and implications for biodiversity conservation [p] [d]
  324. () The Shipibo-Conibo: culture and collections in context [o] [d] [j] [u]
  325. () A typology of time-scale mismatches and behavioral interventions to diagnose and solve conservation problems [p] [d]
  326. () Environmental education indicators system for protected areas management [d]
  327. () Historical ecology and ethnobiology: applied research for environmental conservation and social justice [d]
  328. () Consensus and global environmental governance: deliberative democracy in nature's regime [i] [d]
  329. () Land for food & land for nature? [d] [j]
  330. () Widespread forest vertebrate extinctions induced by a mega hydroelectric dam in lowland Amazonia [p] [d]
  331. Reinette Biggs, Maja Schlüter, & Michael L. Schoon [ed] () Principles for building resilience: sustaining ecosystem services in social-ecological systems [i] [d]
  332. () Ten simple rules for effective online outreach [p] [d]
  333. () Political landscapes: forests, conservation, and community in Mexico [i] [d]
  334. () Titling community land to prevent deforestation: an evaluation of a best-case program in Morona-Santiago, Ecuador [d]
  335. () Risks and decisions for conservation and environmental management [i] [d]
  336. Susan G. Clark, Aaron M. Hohl, Catherine H. Picard, & Elizabeth Thomas [ed] () Large-scale conservation in the common interest [i] [d]
  337. () Measuring impact of protected area management interventions: current and future use of the Global Database of Protected Area Management Effectiveness [p] [d]
  338. () A field guide to the natural communities of Michigan [i] [j]
  339. () Ecosystem services or services to ecosystems?: valuing cultivation and reciprocal relationships between humans and ecosystems [d]
  340. () Citizen-science programs: towards transformative biodiversity governance [d]
  341. () International funding agencies: potential leaders of impact evaluation in protected areas? [p] [d]
  342. () Negotiation support tools to enhance multifunctioning landscapes [i] [u]
  343. () The moral basis for conservation: how is it affected by culture? [d]
  344. () Accelerating the digitization of biodiversity research specimens through online public participation [d] [j]
  345. () Links between media communication and local perceptions of climate change in an indigenous society [p] [d]
  346. () Challenges and opportunities for the Bolivian Biodiversity Observation Network [d]
  347. () Through what mechanisms do protected areas affect environmental and social outcomes? [p] [d]
  348. () A field guide to economics for conservationists [i]
  349. Roberto Gambino & Attilia Peano [ed] () Nature policies and landscape policies: towards an alliance [i] [d]
  350. Alexandros Gasparatos & Katherine J. Willis [ed] () Biodiversity in the green economy [i] [d]
  351. () Defining biocultural approaches to conservation [p] [d]
  352. Lars K. Hallstrom, Nicholas P. Guehlstorf, & Margot W. Parkes [ed] () Ecosystems, society, and health: pathways through diversity, convergence, and integration [i]
  353. () Implications of heterogeneous impacts of protected areas on deforestation and poverty [p] [d]
  354. Anders Hansen & J. Robert Cox [ed] () Routledge handbook of environment and communication [i] [d]
  355. () Smokey the bear should come to the beach: using mascot to promote marine conservation [d]
  356. () The value of educators 'on the floor': comparing three modes of presenting Science On a Sphere [d]
  357. () Biodiversity, conservation and ethnopharmacology [i] [d]
  358. () A systems thinking perspective on the motivations and mechanisms that drive wildlife poaching [i] [d]
  359. () Seven shortfalls that beset large-scale knowledge of biodiversity [d]
  360. () Resolving whether botanic gardens are on the road to conservation or a pathway for plant invasions [p] [d]
  361. () US protected lands mismatch biodiversity priorities [p] [d]
  362. () Environmental philanthropy and environmental behavior in five countries: is there convergence among youth? [d]
  363. () Turning the museum inside out: opening collections, engaging audiences [u]
  364. () Unearthing conflict: corporate mining, activism, and expertise in Peru [i] [d]
  365. () Open maps for everyone [u]
  366. () Integrating human responses to climate change into conservation vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning [p] [d]
  367. () Fear of failure in conservation: the problem and potential solutions to aid conservation of extremely small populations [d]
  368. () Engaging the everyday: environmental social criticism and the resonance dilemma [i] [d] [j]
  369. Peter Akong Minang, Meine van Noordwijk, Olivia E. Freeman, Cheikh Mbow, Jan de Leeuw, & Delia Catacutan [ed] () Climate-smart landscapes: multifunctionality in practice [i] [u]
  370. () Biodiversity at twenty-five years: revolution or red herring? [d]
  371. () Sustainable values, sustainable change: a guide to environmental decision making [i] [d]
  372. () So you think you want to run an environmental conservation meeting?: advice on the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that accompany academic conference planning [d]
  373. () Consequences of residential development for biodiversity and human well-being [d]
  374. () Integrating sustainability into an organization's culture: a grounded model [d]
  375. () Advances in restoration ecology: rising to the challenges of the coming decades [d]
  376. () Emerging technologies to conserve biodiversity [p] [d]
  377. () Making parks make a difference: poor alignment of policy, planning and management with protected-area impact, and ways forward [p] [d]
  378. Mikko Rask & Richard Worthington [ed] () Governing biodiversity through democratic deliberation [i] [d]
  379. () From the inside out to the outside in: exploring the role of parks and protected areas as providers of human health and well-being [d]
  380. () Assessing change in national forest monitoring capacities of 99 tropical countries [d]
  381. () Ten ways remote sensing can contribute to conservation [p] [d]
  382. () Towards a global terrestrial species monitoring program [d]
  383. () A new collaborative methodology for assessment and management of ecosystem services [d]
  384. Ragnhild Aslaug Sollund [ed] () Green harms and crimes: critical criminology in a changing world [i] [d]
  385. () Where roads will never reach: wilderness and its visionaries in the Northern Rockies [i]
  386. () Hybrid MCDA methods to integrate multiple ecosystem services in forest management planning: a critical review [d]
  387. () City creatures: animal encounters in the Chicago wilderness [i] [d]
  388. () Enacting resilience: a performative account of governing for urban resilience [d]
  389. () Shared principles of restoration practice in the Chicago Wilderness region [j] [u]
  390. () Climate change demands behavioral change: what are the challenges? [j] [u]
  391. () Economic values of metro nature health benefits: a life course approach [d]
  392. () Guiding principles for evaluating the impacts of conservation interventions on human well-being [p] [d]
  393. George Wuerthner, Eileen Crist, & Tom Butler [ed] () Protecting the wild: parks and wilderness, the foundation for conservation [i] [d]
  394. () The invention of nature: Alexander von Humboldt's new world [i]
  395. () A case study of librarian outreach to scientists: collaborative research and scholarly communication in conservation biology [d]
  396. () Caring for place: ecology, ideology, and emotion in traditional landscape management [i] [d]
  397. () Estimating climate resilience for conservation across geophysical settings [p] [d]
  398. () Resource extraction and protest in Peru [i] [j]
  399. () Saving the world's deciduous forests: ecological perspectives from East Asia, North America, and Europe [i] [d] [j]
  400. () Cultivating creativity in conservation science [p] [d]
  401. () Indigenous people's detection of rapid ecological change [p] [d]
  402. () Roads, deforestation, and the mitigating effect of protected areas in the Amazon [d]
  403. () Successes and challenges from formation to implementation of eleven broad-extent conservation programs [p] [d]
  404. () Multi-scale dimensions of indigenous land tenure in the Amazon [d] [j]
  405. () Earth system governance: world politics in the Anthropocene [i] [d] [j]
  406. () Environmental leadership and consciousness development: a case study among Canadian SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises] [d] [j]
  407. () Finding generality in ecology: a model for globally distributed experiments [d]
  408. () Voting systems for environmental decisions [p] [d]
  409. () Park scientists: gila monsters, geysers, and grizzly bears in America's own backyard [i]
  410. () Second growth: the promise of tropical forest regeneration in an age of deforestation [i] [d]
  411. () Reappraising the concept of biocultural diversity: a perspective from South Africa [d] [j]
  412. () Simulation games that integrate research, entertainment, and learning around ecosystem services [d]
  413. () Vlogging the museum: YouTube as a tool for audience engagement [o] [u]
  414. () Socially networked citizen science and the crowd-sourcing of pro-environmental collective actions [i] [d]
  415. () What is the future of conservation? [p] [d]
  416. () Space-time analyses for forecasting future incident occurrence: a case study from Yosemite National Park using the presence and background learning algorithm [d]
  417. Jeanette L. Drake, Yekaterina Y. Kontar, & Gwynne S. Rife [ed] () New trends in earth-science outreach and engagement: the nature of communication [i] [d]
  418. () Get that life: How I became a museum's Chief Curiosity Correspondent: Emily Graslie thought she would be an artist; instead, she dissects dead animals and promotes women in the sciences [u]
  419. () The need to change how people think about the consequences of travel [i] [d]
  420. J. Edward Gates, David L. Trauger, & Brian Czech [ed] () Peak oil, economic growth, and wildlife conservation [i] [d]
  421. () Building a citizen science center: a framework [u]
  422. Aarti Gupta & Michael Mason [ed] () Transparency in global environmental governance: critical perspectives [i] [d]
  423. () Community based system dynamics [i] [d]
  424. () The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts [p] [d]
  425. () The complementary niches of anthropocentric and biocentric conservationists [p] [d]
  426. () Defining the impact of non-native species [p] [d]
  427. () Post-treaty politics: secretariat influence in global environmental governance [i] [d] [j]
  428. Michael John Jones [ed] () Accounting for biodiversity [i] [d]
  429. () Tensions in livelihoods: a rural perspective [i] [d]
  430. () STEM for all: unconventional approaches can extend the reach of science and natural history museums [u]
  431. () A new interpretive pedagogy [u]
  432. () Responsible use of language in scientific writing and science communication [d] [j]
  433. () Large-scale forest restoration [i] [d]
  434. () A global strategy for road building [p] [d]
  435. () Interacting regional-scale regime shifts for biodiversity and ecosystem services [d] [j]
  436. James N. Levitt [ed] () Conservation catalysts: the academy as nature's agent [i]
  437. () Contending with uncertainty in conservation management decisions [d]
  438. () Conflicting social norms and community conservation compliance [d]
  439. () Information visualisation for science and policy: engaging users and avoiding bias [d]
  440. () The cultural side of science communication [p] [d]
  441. Sarah Mills & Peter Kraftl [ed] () Informal education, childhood and youth: geographies, histories, practices [i] [d]
  442. () Linking regional planning and local action: towards using social network analysis in systematic conservation planning [d]
  443. () Accounting for the impact of conservation on human well-being [p] [d]
  444. () Global protected area expansion is compromised by projected land-use and parochialism [p] [d]
  445. () Responses of seed-dispersing birds to amount of rainforest in the landscape around fragments [p] [d]
  446. () Museum education in the digital world: The Brain Scoop and The Field Museum's Chief Curiosity Correspondent [u]
  447. () Communicating adaptation to climate change: the art and science of public engagement when climate change comes home [d]
  448. () Enhancing the value and sustainability of field stations and marine laboratories in the 21st century [i] [d] [u]
  449. () The psychology of environmental decisions [d]
  450. () Habitat availability for multiple avian species under modeled alternative conservation scenarios in the Two Hearted River watershed in Michigan, USA [d]
  451. Paulo A. L. D Nunes, Pushpam Kumar, & Tom Dedeurwaerdere [ed] () Handbook on the economics of ecosystem services and biodiversity [i] [d]
  452. () Geospatial considerations for a multiorganizational, landscape-scale program [d]
  453. () Seventy-one important questions for the conservation of marine biodiversity [p] [d]
  454. () Taking the pulse of a continent: expanding site-based research infrastructure for regional- to continental-scale ecology [d]
  455. () Satellite remote sensing for applied ecologists: opportunities and challenges [d]
  456. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Corine Vriesendorp, Diana Alvira, Jonathan A. Markel, Mark Johnston, Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza, Agustín Lancha Pizango, Gloria Sarmiento Valenzuela, Patricia Álvarez-Loayza, Joshua Homan, Tatzyana Wachter, Álvaro del Campo, Douglas F. Stotz, & Sebastian Heilpern [ed] () Perú: Cordillera Escalera-Loreto [i] [d] [u]
  457. () Food security in a perfect storm: using the ecosystem services framework to increase understanding [p] [d]
  458. () Human health as a judicious conservation opportunity [p] [d]
  459. () Guidelines and incentives for conservation development in local land-use regulations [p] [d]
  460. () Project planning and management for ecological restoration [i] [d]
  461. () Citizen science: convergent evolution across the sciences [u]
  462. () Between the remnants of colonialism and the insurgence of self-narrative in constructing participatory social maps: towards a land education methodology [d]
  463. () Assessing the influence of land-cover change and conflicting land-use authorizations on ecosystem conversion on the forest frontier of Madre de Dios, Peru [d]
  464. () Tainted: how philosophy of science can expose bad science [or: Tainted: exposing bad science, practicing philosophy of science] [i] [d]
  465. () Outstanding challenges for urban conservation research and action [d]
  466. () Palms and people in the Amazon [i] [d]
  467. () Putting people on the map through an approach that integrates social data in conservation planning [p] [d]
  468. Stan Stevens [ed] () Indigenous peoples, national parks, and protected areas: a new paradigm linking conservation, culture, and rights [i] [j]
  469. () Perpetual conservation easements and landowners: evaluating easement knowledge, satisfaction and partner organization relationships [d]
  470. () Land management trumps the effects of climate change and elevated CO2 on grassland functioning [d]
  471. () Ancient pathways, ancestral knowledge: ethnobotany and ecological wisdom of Indigenous peoples of northwestern North America [i] [j]
  472. () Flight ways: life and loss at the edge of extinction [i] [d] [j]
  473. () Social justice in outdoor experiential education: a state of knowledge review [d]
  474. () A lighthouse for urban agriculture: university, community, and redefining expertise in the food system [d]
  475. () Exploitation indices: developing global and national metrics of wildlife use and trade [i] [d]
  476. () Four barriers to the global understanding of biodiversity conservation: wealth, language, geographical location and security [p] [d]
  477. () Snares and snaring [i] [j]
  478. Bas Arts [ed] () Forest and nature governance: a practice based approach [i] [d]
  479. () Biological diversity mapping comes of age [d]
  480. () Building an enduring environmental movement [i] [d]
  481. () Environmental geoinformatics: monitoring and management [i] [d]
  482. () Why individuals matter: lessons in animal welfare and conservation [i] [d]
  483. () The promise of practice: the value of the practice based approach for forest and nature governance studies [i] [d]
  484. Marc Bekoff [ed] () Ignoring nature no more: the case for compassionate conservation [i] [d]
  485. () Graduate student's guide to necessary skills for nonacademic conservation careers [p] [d]
  486. () Zooland: the institution of captivity [i] [d]
  487. () Land use determines interest in conservation easements among private landowners [d]
  488. () Lessons learned from the climate change disinformation campaign about responsible scientific skepticism [i] [d]
  489. () Emotional conflicts in rational forestry: towards a research agenda for understanding emotions in environmental conflicts [d]
  490. () Quantifying the presence of written materials and the use of outside texts in nature centers for environmental education [d]
  491. () Ecomyopia meets the longue durée: an information ecology of the increasingly arid southwestern United States [i] [d]
  492. () The vulnerability of Amazon freshwater ecosystems [d]
  493. () Anthropology and environmental policy: joint solutions for conservation and sustainable livelihoods [i] [d]
  494. () Sociological barriers to developing sustainable discretionary air travel behaviour [d]
  495. () The ethics of killing free-living animals [i] [j]
  496. () Tracking change in abundance: the living planet index [i] [d]
  497. Ben Collen, Nathalie Pettorelli, Jonathan E. M. Baillie, & Sarah M. Durant [ed] () Biodiversity monitoring and conservation: bridging the gap between global commitment and local action [i] [d]
  498. James M. Cooper, Christine Hunefeldt, & Yesenia Acosta [ed] () Amazonia: environment and the law in Amazonia: a plurilateral encounter [i]
  499. Lance Craighead & Charles L. Convis [ed] () Conservation planning: shaping the future [i]
  500. (/2015) Four fields [i]
  501. () Requiem for roadkill: death and denial on America's roads [i] [d]
  502. () Protected areas within multifunctional landscapes: squeezing out intermediate land use intensities in the tropics? [d]
  503. () The misdiagnosis: rethinking 'nature-deficit disorder' [d]
  504. () Building sustainable national monitoring networks [i] [d]
  505. () Next-generation field guides [d] [j]
  506. () Science, uncertainty, and values in ecological restoration: a case study in structured decision-making and adaptive management [d]
  507. () Mapping the design process for urban ecology researchers [d] [j]
  508. () Field Museum hires popular YouTube personality [science communicator Emily Graslie] [u]
  509. () Six common mistakes in conservation priority setting [p] [d]
  510. () Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species [p] [d]
  511. () Sense of place and indigenous people's biodiversity conservation in the Americas [i] [j]
  512. () Role-playing game developed from a modelling process: a relevant participatory tool for sustainable development?: a co-construction experiment in an insular biosphere reserve [d]
  513. () Writing science in plain English [i] [d]
  514. () Tracks and shadows: field biology as art [i] [d] [j]
  515. () Scale mismatches, conservation planning, and the value of social-network analyses [p] [d]
  516. () Getting the word out on biosphere crisis [p] [d]
  517. () The science of goal setting: a practitioner's guide to goal setting in the social marketing of conservation [d]
  518. () Identity and tourism mobility: an exploration of the attitude–behaviour gap [d]
  519. () Monitoring and evaluating the socioeconomic impacts of conservation projects on local communities [i] [d]
  520. () Principles of social change [i] [d]
  521. () Forests for the people: the story of America's eastern national forests [i] [d]
  522. Pietari Kääpä & Tommy Gustafsson [ed] () Transnational ecocinema: film culture in an era of ecological transformation [i]
  523. () Rangeland mashups and wikicology?: implementing collaborative Internet technologies for rangeland management [d]
  524. () Geographic searching for ecological studies: a new frontier [p] [d]
  525. () Discovering ecologically relevant knowledge from published studies through geosemantic searching [with JournalMap] [d] [j] [u]
  526. () Anthropological perspectives on ignoring nature [i] [d]
  527. () Strategies of visual argumentation in slideshow presentations: the role of the visuals in an Al Gore presentation on climate change [d]
  528. Helen Kopnina & Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet [ed] () Environmental anthropology: future directions [i] [d]
  529. () Future directions in environmental anthropology: incorporating the ethnography of environmental education [i] [d]
  530. () What is it about Emily? [science communicator Emily Graslie] [u]
  531. () Understanding tourists' perceptions of distance: a key to reducing the environmental impacts of tourism mobility [d]
  532. () Six principles for managing forests as ecologically sustainable ecosystems [d]
  533. Andrew Linzey [ed] () The global guide to animal protection [i] [j]
  534. () Ecological knowledge reduces religious release of invasive species [d]
  535. Margaret Lowman, Soubadra Devy, & T. Ganesh [ed] () Treetops at risk: challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation [i] [d]
  536. David W. Macdonald & Katherine J. Willis [ed] () Key topics in conservation biology 2 [i] [d]
  537. () Establishing reciprocal agreements for water and biodiversity conservation through a social marketing campaign in Quanda Watershed, Peru [u]
  538. () Conservation at the edges of the world [d]
  539. () Challenging the one-way paradigm for more effective science communication: a critical review of two public campaigns addressing contentious environmental issues [d]
  540. () Environmental monitoring for health and wellness [i] [d]
  541. () Creating exhibitions: collaboration in the planning, development, and design of innovative experiences [i]
  542. () Making sense of human ecology mapping: an overview of approaches to integrating socio-spatial data into environmental planning [d] [j]
  543. () The tapir scientist: saving South America's largest mammal [i]
  544. Virginia D. Nazarea, Robert E. Rhoades, & Jenna Andrews-Swann [ed] () Seeds of resistance, seeds of hope: place and agency in the conservation of biodiversity [i] [j]
  545. () Governance regime and location influence avoided deforestation success of protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon [p] [d]
  546. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza, Corine Vriesendorp, Douglas F. Stotz, Tatzyana Wachter, Álvaro del Campo, Diana Alvira, Benjamín Rodríguez Grández, Richard Chase Smith, Ana Rosa Sáenz Rodríguez, & Pablo Soria Ruiz [ed] () Perú: Ere-Campuya-Algodón [i] [d] [u]
  547. () 'Single-minded, compelling, and unique': visual communications, landscape, and the calculated aesthetic of place branding [d]
  548. () Locally adapted textbooks can help biodiversity [d] [j]
  549. () Fads, funding, and forgetting in three decades of conservation [p] [d]
  550. () Understanding and managing conservation conflicts [d]
  551. () Anthropomorphized species as tools for conservation: utility beyond prosocial, intelligent and suffering species [d]
  552. () Crisis mapping, bio blitzes, and Google Flu Trends [u]
  553. () Defining the burden of proof in conservation [d]
  554. () Coca and conservation: cultivation, eradication, and trafficking in the Amazon borderlands [d]
  555. () Personalized measures of consumption and development in the context of biodiversity conservation: connecting the ecological footprint calculation with the human footprint map [i] [d]
  556. () Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses [p] [d]
  557. () Observing changing ecological diversity in the Anthropocene [d]
  558. () Using a blended learning approach to simulate the negotiation of a multilateral environmental agreement [d]
  559. () Finding a middle-ground: the native/non-native debate [d]
  560. () Contradictions at the confluence of commerce, consumption and conservation; or, an REI shopper camps in the forest, does anyone notice? [d]
  561. Navjot S. Sodhi, Luke Gibson, & Peter H. Raven [ed] () Conservation biology: voices from the tropics [i] [d]
  562. () What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? [u]
  563. Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, & Arjen E. J. Wals [ed] () International handbook of research on environmental education [i] [d]
  564. () Sea turtle scientist [i]
  565. () Conservation social work: the interconnections of biodiversity health and human resilience [i] [d]
  566. () Nota científica: Hacia un enfoque biocultural en los programas de conservación de la naturaleza [u]
  567. () Prospects and challenges for disseminating life cycle thinking towards environmental conscious behaviors in daily lives [d]
  568. () Realising the full potential of citizen science monitoring programs [d]
  569. () Rethinking biodiversity: from goods and services to 'living with' [d]
  570. () The infirm ethical foundations of conservation [i] [d]
  571. () Venturing beyond the tyranny of small differences: the animal protection movement, conservation, and environmental education [i] [d]
  572. () Plant conservation: why it matters and how it works [i]
  573. () Doing the right thing willingly: using the insights of behavioral decision research for better environmental decisions [i] [d] [j]
  574. () Bridging knowledges: understanding and applying indigenous and western scientific knowledge for marine wildlife management [d]
  575. () Preparing for climate change: forestry and assisted migration [d] [u]
  576. () 'Return' and extension actions after ethnobotanical research: the perceptions and expectations of a rural community in semi-arid northeastern Brazil [d]
  577. () Ecological restoration and environmental change: renewing damaged ecosystems [i] [d]
  578. () What you can do [to solve environmental problems such as climate change, land degradation, and loss of biodiversity] [u]
  579. () The restoring ecological health to your land workbook [i] [d]
  580. () The influence of childhood: operational pathways to adulthood participation in nature-based activities [d]
  581. () Motivational functionalism and urban conservation stewardship: implications for volunteer involvement [d]
  582. () A participatory assessment of ecosystem services and human wellbeing in rural Costa Rica using photo-voice [d]
  583. Frank Biermann & Philipp H. Pattberg [ed] () Global environmental governance reconsidered [i] [d] [j]
  584. () Toward principles for enhancing the resilience of ecosystem services [d]
  585. () Genetic erosion impedes adaptive responses to stressful environments [d]
  586. () How national context, project design, and local community characteristics influence success in community-based conservation projects [p] [d]
  587. () Community mapping for intercultural dialogue [u]
  588. () Citizen scientists: be a part of scientific discovery from your own backyard [i]
  589. () Web-based environmental simulation: bridging the gap between scientific modeling and decision-making [d]
  590. () A future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán environmental politics [i]
  591. () Strange powers: conservation, science, and transparency in an indigenous political project [d]
  592. Dominique F. Charron [ed] () Ecohealth research in practice: innovative applications of an ecosystem approach to health [i] [d]
  593. Susan D. Clayton [ed] () The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology [i] [d]
  594. () Citizen science in the age of neogeography: utilizing volunteered geographic information for environmental monitoring [d]
  595. () The positive psychology of sustainability [d]
  596. () Developing an integrated history and future of people on earth (IHOPE) [d]
  597. () Multiple use forestry planning: timber and Brazil nut management in the community forests of Northern Bolivia [d]
  598. () Soft systems thinking and social learning for adaptive management [p] [d]
  599. () Communicating ecology through art: what scientists think [d]
  600. () Ethical considerations of using narrative to communicate science [d]
  601. () Planetary opportunities: a social contract for global change science to contribute to a sustainable future [d] [j]
  602. () Uncovering the spatial dynamics of wild rice lakes, harvesters and management across Great Lakes landscapes for shared regional conservation [d]
  603. Sandra H. Dudley [ed] () Museum objects: experiencing the properties of things [i] [d]
  604. () Maps help landowners think beyond human scale [d]
  605. () A new context-based approach to assess marine mammal behavioral responses to anthropogenic sounds [p] [d]
  606. () Community stakeholders' knowledge in landscape assessments: mapping indicators for landscape services [d]
  607. () Why mass media matter to planning research: the case of megaprojects [d]
  608. () Mapping uncertainty in conservation assessment as a means toward improved conservation planning and implementation [d]
  609. () 'A drop of water in the pool': information and engagement of linguistic communities around a municipal pesticide bylaw to protect the public's health [p] [d]
  610. () The use of participatory mapping in ethnobiological research, biocultural conservation, and community empowerment: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  611. () Rubber tapper identities: political–economic dynamics, livelihood shifts, and environmental implications in a changing Amazon [d]
  612. () Comanagement at the fringes: examining stakeholder perspectives at Macassar Dunes, Cape Town, South Africa—at the intersection of high biodiversity, urban poverty, and inequality [d]
  613. () Environmental philanthropy: is it similar to other types of environmental behavior? [d]
  614. () Why gender matters to ecological management and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  615. () The spine of the continent: the most ambitious wildlife conservation project ever undertaken [i]
  616. Geoff Harrison, Mat Erpelding, & Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education [ed] () Outdoor program administration: principles and practices [i]
  617. () Systematic planning for river rehabilitation: integrating multiple ecological and economic objectives in complex decisions [d]
  618. () Use of Landsat and SRTM data to detect broad-scale biodiversity patterns in northwestern Amazonia [d]
  619. () Thinking like a planet [i] [d] [j]
  620. () El humor gráfico y la educación de la mirada ambiental [d]
  621. () Landscape approaches to achieving food production, natural resource conservation, and the Millennium Development Goals [i] [d]
  622. Jane Carter Ingram, Fabrice DeClerck, & Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio [ed] () Integrating ecology and poverty reduction [i] [d]
  623. () Content analysis of newspaper coverage of the Florida panther [p] [d]
  624. () What is conservation science? [d] [j]
  625. () Form matters as much as content in communication about conservation issues [book review] [d]
  626. () Making conservation research more relevant for conservation practitioners [d]
  627. () A generic framework for scenario exercises using models applied to water-resource management [d]
  628. () Art of explanation: making your ideas, products, and services easier to understand [i]
  629. () International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations [p] [d]
  630. Christopher A. Lepczyk & Paige S. Warren [ed] () Urban bird ecology and conservation [i] [d] [j]
  631. () Misinformation and its correction: continued influence and successful debiasing [p] [d]
  632. () Integrating approaches leads to more effective conservation of biodiversity [d]
  633. () Living in harmony with wildlife: considering the animal's 'point of view' in planning and design [i] [d]
  634. () The influence of traditional Buddhist wildlife release on biological invasions [d]
  635. () Impacting community sustainability through behavior change: a research framework [d]
  636. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  637. () Recent advances in applying decision science to managing national forests [d]
  638. () Mapping where ecologists work: biases in the global distribution of terrestrial ecological observations [d]
  639. () When peer-reviewed publications are not enough!: delivering science for natural resource management [d]
  640. () The history of public participation in ecological research [d]
  641. () Rich information on environmental issues and the poor reflections on consumers' green actions: a behavioral economic approach [d]
  642. () A public health frame arouses hopeful emotions about climate change: a letter [d]
  643. () Collective action dynamics under external rewards: experimental insights from Andean farming communities [d]
  644. () The future of citizen science: emerging technologies and shifting paradigms [d]
  645. () Engaging the youth community in environmental management: a participatory approach [u]
  646. () Making maps that matter: situating GIS within community conversations about changing landscapes [d]
  647. () Insights and opportunities offered by a rapid ecosystem service assessment in promoting a conservation agenda in an urban biodiversity hotspot [d]
  648. John A. Parrotta & Ronald L. Trosper [ed] () Traditional forest-related knowledge: sustaining communities, ecosystems and biocultural diversity [i] [d]
  649. () Regional integration and local change: road paving, community connectivity, and social–ecological resilience in a tri-national frontier, southwestern Amazonia [d]
  650. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza, Diana Alvira, Corine Vriesendorp, Debra Karen Moskovits, Álvaro del Campo, Tatzyana Wachter, Douglas F. Stotz, Shapiom Noningo Sesén, Ermeto Tuesta Cerrón, & Richard Chase Smith [ed] () Perú: Cerros de Kampankis [i] [d] [u]
  651. () Market-based conservation of the Amazonian forests: revisiting win–win expectations [d]
  652. () Beyond 'benefits'?: looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach [d]
  653. () Community managed forests and forest protected areas: an assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics [d]
  654. () Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios [d]
  655. () Conservation and the microbiome [and comment] [p] [d] [j]
  656. () Building ties: social capital network analysis of a forest community in a biosphere reserve in Chiapas, Mexico [d]
  657. () Observation and ecology: broadening the scope of science to understand a complex world [i] [d]
  658. () The value of fieldwork in life and environmental sciences in the context of higher education: a case study in learning about biodiversity [d]
  659. () Mobile apps for nature field guides [d]
  660. (/2014) Climate changed: a personal journey through the science [i]
  661. () Enabling remote access to fieldwork: gaining insight into the pedagogic effectiveness of 'direct' and 'remote' field activities [d]
  662. () The role of field exercises in ecological learning and values education: action research on the use of campus wetlands [d]
  663. () Making predictive ecology more relevant to policy makers and practitioners [p] [d]
  664. () Plant and animal endemism in the eastern Andean slope: challenges to conservation [d]
  665. () National Geographic FieldScope: a platform for community geography [d]
  666. () Conservation policy: listen to the voices of experience [p] [d]
  667. () Farming and the nature of landscape: stasis and movement in a regional landscape tradition [d]
  668. () How to integrate socio-cultural dimensions into sustainable development: Amazonian case studies [d]
  669. () Climate policy: hard problem, soft thinking [d]
  670. Norman Walzer & Gisele Hamm [ed] () Community visioning programs: processes and outcomes [i] [d]
  671. () Water cognition and cognitive affective mapping: identifying priority clusters within a Canadian water efficiency community [d]
  672. Jonathan H. Adler [ed] () Rebuilding the ark: new perspectives on Endangered Species Act reform [i]
  673. () A regional perspective on the diversity and conservation of tropical Andean fishes [p] [d]
  674. () Wicked environmental problems: managing uncertainty and conflict [i] [d]
  675. () Palm harvest impacts in north-western South America [d] [j]
  676. () Bridging the gap between 'planning' and 'doing' for biodiversity conservation in freshwaters [d]
  677. () 'We are the lungs of the world': popular environmentalism and the local politics of climate change in the Ecuadorian Amazon [u]
  678. () Missed understandings: cultural and communication disconnects in indigenous livelihood revitalization and conservation [d]
  679. Andrea Belgrano & Charles W. Fowler [ed] () Ecosystem-based management for marine fisheries: an evolving perspective [i] [d]
  680. () Conservation education for advancing natural resources knowledge and building capacity for volunteerism [d]
  681. () Palm management in South America [d] [j]
  682. () Participatory GIS in a sustainable use reserve in Brazilian Amazonia: implications for management and conservation [d]
  683. () The implementation crisis in conservation planning: could 'mental models' help? [d]
  684. () Leadership and conservation effectiveness: finding a better way to lead [d]
  685. () Comparing spatially explicit ecological and social values for natural areas to identify effective conservation strategies [p] [d]
  686. () Conciliation biology: the eco-evolutionary management of permanently invaded biotic systems [d]
  687. () Old and new challenges in using species diversity for assessing biodiversity [p] [d]
  688. () Teaching negotiation in the context of environmental regulatory enforcement: an experiential learning approach [d]
  689. () Adversarial science: conflict resolution and scientific review in British Columbia's central coast [d]
  690. () Defending nation, defending nature?: militarized landscapes and military environmentalism in Britain, France, and the United States [d]
  691. () The conservation game [d]
  692. () Change of heart: what psychology can teach us about spreading social change [i]
  693. () Investigating the impact of interpretive signs at neighborhood natural areas [u]
  694. () Applying the ecosystem services concept to poverty alleviation: the need to disaggregate human well-being [d]
  695. Dominick A. DellaSala [ed] () Temperate and boreal rainforests of the world: ecology and conservation [i] [d]
  696. () The role of natural history institutions and bioinformatics in conservation biology [p] [d] [j]
  697. E. Franklin Dukes, Karen Firehock, & Juliana Birkhoff [ed] () Community-based collaboration: bridging socio-ecological research and practice [i]
  698. () Education for animal welfare [i] [d]
  699. Dave Egan, Evan E. Hjerpe, & Jesse Abrams [ed] () Human dimensions of ecological restoration: integrating science, nature, and culture [i] [d]
  700. () The value, limitations, and challenges of employing local experts in conservation research [p] [d]
  701. () High levels of participation in conservation projects enhance learning [d]
  702. () Motivations influencing the adoption of conservation easements [p] [d]
  703. () Conservation photography as environmental education: focus on the pedagogues [d]
  704. () The natural school counselor: using nature to promote mental health in schools [d]
  705. () The cultural authority of science: public trust and acceptance of organized science [p] [d]
  706. () The dragons of inaction: psychological barriers that limit climate change mitigation and adaptation [p] [d]
  707. () Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices [i] [d]
  708. () Virtual reality for cultural landscape visualization [d]
  709. () Parsing 'participation' in action research: navigating the challenges of lay involvement in technically complex participatory science projects [d]
  710. () Building face, construct, and content validity through use of a modified Delphi: adapting grounded theory to build an environmental field days observation tool [d]
  711. () Evolutionary principles and their practical application [d]
  712. () My work is that of conservation: an environmental biography of George Washington Carver [i] [j]
  713. () South–South exchanges enhance resource management and biodiversity conservation at various scales [d] [j]
  714. () Acknowledging conservation trade-offs and embracing complexity [p] [d]
  715. () Convergence on cattle: political ecology, social group perceptions, and socioeconomic relationships in Acre, Brazil [d]
  716. () Adoption of payments for ecosystem services: an application of the Hägerstrand model [d]
  717. () Using a virtual national park to teach workplace skills in conservation management [d]
  718. () High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services [p] [d]
  719. () Climate change pedagogy and performative action: toward community-based destination governance [d]
  720. () Learning about environmental issues with the aid of cognitive tools [d]
  721. () Knowledge gain and behavioral change in citizen-science programs [p] [d]
  722. () Evaluating the performance of volunteers in mapping invasive plants in public conservation lands [d]
  723. (/2015) Conservation science: balancing the needs of people and nature [i]
  724. () Reaching the people: Isotype beyond the West [i] [d]
  725. () Linking knowledge to action in collaborative conservation [p] [d]
  726. () Toward an integrated history to guide the future [d]
  727. () Image use in field guides and identification keys: review and recommendations [d]
  728. () Interdisciplinary analysis of the environment: insights from tropical forest research [d]
  729. () Spatial tools for modeling the sustainability of subsistence hunting in tropical forests [p] [d]
  730. () How to make a common species rare: a case against conservation complacency [d]
  731. () Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) and its conservation implications [d]
  732. () Trust in the land: new directions in tribal conservation [i] [j]
  733. () A philosophical analysis of David Orr's theory of ecological literacy: biophilia, ecojustice and moral education in school learning communities [d]
  734. () Engaging the public in environmental decisions: strategies for environmental education and communication [i] [d]
  735. () Woody invasions of urban trails and the changing face of urban forests in the Great Plains, USA [d]
  736. () The art and science of multi-scale citizen science support [d]
  737. () Indigenous alliances for conservation in Bolivia [p] [d]
  738. () Los territorios kechwa-Lamas y la superposición de sus modos ancestrales de relacionarse con la tierra [u]
  739. David J. Pannell & Frank Vanclay [ed] () Changing land management: adoption of new practices by rural landholders [i]
  740. () Social and ecological synergy: local rulemaking, forest livelihoods, and biodiversity conservationocal rulemaking, forest livelihoods, and biodiversity conservation [p] [d] [j]
  741. () Reconciling food production and biodiversity conservation: land sharing and land sparing compared [p] [d] [j]
  742. Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Mauro L. Ruffino, Christine Padoch, & Eduardo S. Brondízio [ed] () The Amazon várzea: the decade past and the decade ahead [i] [d]
  743. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Corine Vriesendorp, Debra Karen Moskovits, Rudolf von May, Diana Alvira, Tatzyana Wachter, Douglas F. Stotz, & Álvaro del Campo [ed] () Perú: Yaguas-Cotuhé [i] [d] [u]
  744. () How 'geotags' could track developing world science [u]
  745. () Turning farmers into conservationists?: progress and prospects [d]
  746. () Join the club: how peer pressure can transform the world [i]
  747. () The campesino-to-campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba: social process methodology in the construction of sustainable peasant agriculture and food sovereignty [p] [d]
  748. () Edge of life: forest pathology, art [i]
  749. () Habitats–habits–inhabitants: a biocultural triad to promote sustainable cultures [i] [d] [u]
  750. () How research-prioritization exercises affect conservation policy [p] [d]
  751. () Local actions, global effects?: understanding the circumstances in which locally beneficial environmental actions cumulate to have global effects [u]
  752. () 'El aguajal': el bosque de la vida en la Amazonía peruana [d] [u]
  753. () Allocating logging rights in Peruvian Amazonia—does it matter to be local? [p] [d]
  754. () The right to know: freedom of environmental information in comparative and international law [u]
  755. () The failure of environmental education (and how we can fix it) [i] [d] [j]
  756. () The potential conservation value of non-native species [p] [d]
  757. () Environmental literacy in science and society: from knowledge to decisions [i] [d]
  758. () Conservation means behavior [p] [d]
  759. () Forest policy reform and the organization of logging in Peruvian Amazonia [d]
  760. () Empathy-conditioned conservation: 'walking in the shoes of others' as a conservation farmer [d]
  761. () Attitudes to wolves and wolf policy among Ojibwe tribal members and non-tribal residents of Wisconsin's wolf range [d]
  762. () The role of participant learning in community conservation in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya [d] [j]
  763. () Bottom-up conservation [d]
  764. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  765. () 'Movements that are drawn': a history of environmental animation from The Lorax to FernGully to Avatar [d]
  766. () Methods for collaboratively identifying research priorities and emerging issues in science and policy [d]
  767. () Boundary shifts: from management to engagement in complexities of ecosystems and social contexts [i] [d]
  768. () Mapping evolutionary process: a multi-taxa approach to conservation prioritization [d]
  769. () Core issues in the economics of biodiversity conservation [d]
  770. () Restoring disturbed landscapes: putting principles into practice [i] [d]
  771. () Incentives for cooperation: the effects of institutional controls on common pool resource extraction in Cambodia [d]
  772. () How scientists use social media to communicate their research [p] [d]
  773. () Deliberative assessment in complex socioecological systems: recommendations for environmental assessment in drylands [d]
  774. () Indigenizing invasive species management: Native North Americans and the emerald ash borer (EAB) beetle [d]
  775. () Reel conservation: can big screen animations save tropical biodiversity? [u]
  776. () Climate change and the imagination [d]
  777. ()—experiences from using linked open data for environmental impact information [i] [u]
  778. () The invention of ecocide: agent orange, Vietnam, and the scientists who changed the way we think about the environment [i] [j]
  779. () Barriers to empowerment: fighting eviction for conservation in a southern Brazilian protected area [d]
  780. () Restoring ecological health to your land [i]
  781. () An education programme and establishment of a citizen scientist network to reduce killing of non-venomous snakes in Malappuram district, Kerala, India [u]
  782. () Habitat as architecture: integrating conservation planning and human health [d]
  783. () Participatory action research and environmental learning: implications for resilient forests and communities [d]
  784. () Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon [d]
  785. () Escape from the ivory tower: a guide to making your science matter [i]
  786. () From hunting fish to managing populations: fisheries science and the destruction of Newfoundland cod fisheries [d]
  787. () The biodiversity bank cannot be a lending bank [d]
  788. () Devolution of environment and resources governance: trends and future [d]
  789. Ian Billick & Mary V. Price [ed] () The ecology of place: contributions of place-based research to ecological understanding [i] [d]
  790. () Use of a business excellence model to improve conservation programs [p] [d]
  791. () Beyond the forest edge: ecology, diversity and conservation of the grassy biomes [d]
  792. () Fair deals for watershed services: lessons from a multi-country action-learning project [i] [u]
  793. () Politics and the environment [in the United States] [i] [d]
  794. () Conservation tourism [i] [d]
  795. () Language fouls in teaching ecology: why traditional metaphors undermine conservation literacy [p] [d]
  796. () The bat scientists [i]
  797. () Integrated socio-ecological history: could looking at the past help direct society's future? [u]
  798. () The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: an example from science communication [d]
  799. () Grassroots aerial photography: mapping the BP oil disaster [o]
  800. () Combining facilitated dialogue and spatial data analysis to compile landscape history [d]
  801. () NGOs, the science–lay dichotomy, and hybrid spaces of environmental knowledge [i] [d]
  802. () Land-use and climate change effects on population size and extinction risk of Andean plants [d]
  803. () Local people, scientific inquiry, and the ecology and conservation of place in Latin America [i] [d]
  804. () Surrounded by science: learning science in informal environments [i] [d] [u]
  805. Alyson C. Flournoy & David M. Driesen [ed] () Beyond environmental law: policy proposals for a better environmental future [i] [d]
  806. () Post-normal science and the art of nature conservation [d]
  807. () The influence of type of contact with extension on client satisfaction [u]
  808. () Monitoring forest biodiversity: improving conservation through ecologically responsible management [i] [d]
  809. () Rural housing is related to plant invasions in forests of southern Wisconsin, USA [d]
  810. () Measuring and monitoring illegal use of natural resources [p] [d]
  811. Laura A. German, Joshua Ramisch, & Ritu Verma [ed] () Beyond the biophysical: knowledge, culture, and politics in agriculture and natural resource management [i] [d]
  812. Michael P. Gilmore, Corine Vriesendorp, William Surprison Alverson, Álvaro del Campo, Rudolf von May, Cristina López Wong, & Sebastián Ríos Ochoa [ed] () Perú: Maijuna [i] [d] [u]
  813. () Connectedness to nature, place attachment and conservation behaviour: testing connectedness theory among farmers [d]
  814. Gary P. Green & Ann Goetting [ed] () Mobilizing communities: asset building as a community development strategy [i]
  815. () Restarting the conversation: challenges at the interface between ecology and society [d]
  816. () Environmental education evaluation: reinterpreting education as a strategy for meeting mission [d]
  817. () Communication and the natural world [i]
  818. () Terrestrial reserve networks do not adequately represent aquatic ecosystems [p] [d] [u]
  819. () The atlas of global conservation: changes, challenges and opportunities to make a difference [i]
  820. () Remote sensing for ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques [i]
  821. () Policy networking as capacity building: an analysis of regional road development conflict in Indonesia [d]
  822. (/2017) Systems practice: how to act in situations of uncertainty and complexity in a climate-change world [or: Systems practice: how to act in a climate change world] [i] [d]
  823. () The evolution of Rare Pride: using evaluation to drive adaptive management in a biodiversity conservation organization [d]
  824. Wil de Jong, Denyse J. Snelder, & Noboru Ishikawa [ed] () Transborder governance of forests, rivers, and seas [i] [d]
  825. () 'Whose inquiry is this anyway?': money, power, reports, and collaborative inquiry [d]
  826. () An innovative and practical course for environmental educators [d]
  827. () Opinion leaders and complex sustainability issues [d]
  828. () Citizen science and volunteered geographic information: can these help in biodiversity studies? [u]
  829. () Cultural constraints in the design of pictographic symbols [d]
  830. () From fence-and-fine to participatory conservation: mechanisms of transformation in conservation governance at the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, Indonesia [d]
  831. Sarah A. Laird, Rebecca J. McLain, & Rachel Wynberg [ed] () Wild product governance: finding policies that work for non-timber forest products [i] [d]
  832. () The 'demonization' of rainforest migrants, or: what conservation means to poor colonist farmers [i] [d]
  833. Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams, & Robert J. Smith [ed] () Trade-offs in conservation: deciding what to save [i] [d]
  834. () The American Bird Conservancy guide to bird conservation [i] [d]
  835. () Stakeholder participation, governance, communication, and outreach [i] [u]
  836. () Replenishing the earth: spiritual values for healing ourselves and the world [i]
  837. () Participation under time constraints: landowner perceptions of rapid response to the emerald ash borer [d]
  838. () Biocultural diversity conservation: a global sourcebook [i] [d]
  839. () Examining the use of student extension tours to expose the costs and benefits of tourism to rural communities [u]
  840. () Protecting life on Earth: an introduction to the science of conservation [i] [d] [j]
  841. () Learning through feedback in the field: reflective learning in a NGO in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  842. () Farmers facing rapid agricultural land condition changes in two villages in the Upper Amazon, Peru: can action learning contribute to resilience? [d]
  843. () How should the risk associated with the introduction of biological control agents be estimated? [d]
  844. () 'Opting out': a case study of smallholder rejection of research in western Kenya [i] [d]
  845. () Kakapo rescue: saving the world's strangest parrot [i]
  846. () Dead planet, living planet: biodiversity and ecosystem restoration for sustainable development: a rapid response assessment [i] [u]
  847. () Interdisciplinary training in environmental conservation: definitions, progress and future directions [d]
  848. () Four cultures: new synergies for engaging society on climate change [d]
  849. () Sacred forests of India: a strong tradition of community-based natural resource management [d]
  850. () Oil frontiers and indigenous resistance in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  851. () River advocacy: valuing complex systems as the groundwork for river relationships [i] [d]
  852. Germán Palacio [ed] () Ecología política en la Amazonia: las profusas y difusas redes de la gobernanza [i]
  853. () CSR, oil palm and the RSPO: translating boardroom philosophy into conservation action on the ground [u]
  854. () Buried treasure: soil biodiversity and conservation [d]
  855. () The power of positive deviance: how unlikely innovators solve the world's toughest problems [i] [u]
  856. () Crossing boundaries for environmental science and management: combining interdisciplinary, interorganizational and international collaboration [d]
  857. () Seeing (and doing) conservation through cultural lenses [d]
  858. () Evaluating the role of co-management in improving governance of marine protected areas: an experimental approach in the Colombian Caribbean [d]
  859. () Research in biodiversity hotspots should be free [d]
  860. () Working together: collective action, the commons, and multiple methods in practice [i] [d] [j]
  861. () What is social learning? [u]
  862. () Can ecosystem services lead ecology on a transdisciplinary pathway? [d]
  863. () Hunter reporting of catch per unit effort as a monitoring tool in a bushmeat-harvesting system [p] [d]
  864. () Barriers and triggers to community participation across different stages of conservation management [d]
  865. () Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management [p] [d] [j]
  866. () Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol [d]
  867. () Mobilizing and managing social capital: on roles and responsibilities of local facilitators in territorial development [d]
  868. () Social assessment of conservation initiatives: a review of rapid methodologies [i] [u]
  869. () Making memories available: a framework for preserving rural heritage through community knowledge management (cKM) [d]
  870. () Valuing cattle on mixed smallholdings in the Eastern Amazon [d]
  871. () Biophilia as a universal ethic for conserving biodiversity [p] [d]
  872. () Local studies manual: a researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of local rural systems [u]
  873. () El rincón de los olvidados: participatory GIS, experiential learning and critical pedagogy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic [d]
  874. () The Tallgrass Prairie Center guide to prairie restoration in the Upper Midwest [i] [j]
  875. () Conserving Southeast Asian forest biodiversity in human-modified landscapes [d]
  876. Navjot S. Sodhi & Paul R. Ehrlich [ed] () Conservation biology for all [i] [d] [u]
  877. () Local people value environmental services provided by forested parks [in Southeast Asia] [d]
  878. () A systemic view of biodiversity and its conservation: processes, interrelationships, and human culture [d]
  879. () Local land-use planning to conserve biodiversity: planners' perspectives on what works [p] [d]
  880. () Understanding the diversity of public interests in wildlife conservation [p] [d]
  881. () Reforms from the ground up: a review of community-based forest management in tropical developing countries [d]
  882. Víctor Manuel Toledo [ed] () La biodiversidad de México: inventarios, manejos, usos, informática, conservación e importancia cultural [i]
  883. () Participation in environmental organizations [i] [d]
  884. () The human footprint as a conservation planning tool [i] [d]
  885. Stephen C. Trombulak & Robert F. Baldwin [ed] () Landscape-scale conservation planning [i] [d]
  886. () Ecosystem valuation [d]
  887. () How participation creates citizens: participatory governance as performative practice [u]
  888. Bas Verschuuren [ed] () Sacred natural sites: conserving nature and culture [i] [d]
  889. () Trade-offs and depletion in choice [d]
  890. () Grassroots mapping: tools for participatory and activist cartography [o] [u]
  891. () Effect of local cultural context on the success of community-based conservation interventions [p] [d]
  892. () Tools for thoughtful action: the role of ecosystem approaches to health in enhancing public health [p] [d] [j]
  893. () Analytics and beliefs: competing explanations for defining problems and choosing allies and opponents in collaborative environmental management [d]
  894. () Images of American Indians in environmental education: anthropological reflections on the politics and history of cultural representation [d] [u]
  895. () Allocating monitoring effort in the face of unknown unknowns [d]
  896. () Taking the conservation biology perspective to secondary school classrooms [p] [d]
  897. () A conservation industry for sustaining natural capital and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes [d]
  898. () Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
  899. Catherine Allan & George H. Stankey [ed] () Adaptive environmental management: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  900. () Evaluation of local ecological knowledge as a method for collecting extensive data on animal abundance [p] [d]
  901. () Taking the long view: environmental sustainability and delay of gratification [d]
  902. () Etnobotánica, modernidad y pedagogía crítica del lugar [u]
  903. () Measuring a professional conservation education training program for zoos and wildlife parks in China [d]
  904. () Developing an ocean ethic: science, utility, aesthetics, self-interest, and different ways of knowing [p] [d]
  905. () Interrogating notions of the powerless oustee [d]
  906. Philip Bell, Bruce V. Lewenstein, Andrew W. Shouse, Michael A. Feder, & National Research Council [ed] () Learning science in informal environments: people, places, and pursuits [i] [d] [u]
  907. () Motivations of adults for non-formal conservation education and volunteerism: implications for programming [d]
  908. () Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning [d]
  909. () Multi-level discrepancies with sharing data on protected areas: what we have and what we need for the global village [d]
  910. () The role of social networks in natural resource governance: what relational patterns make a difference? [d]
  911. () Sharing ecological knowledge: the way forward [d]
  912. () Fertility beyond the frontier: indigenous women, fertility, and reproductive practices in the Ecuadorian Amazon [d]
  913. () Parks and tourism [p] [d]
  914. () Lay people's images of nature: comprehensive frameworks of values, beliefs, and value orientations [d]
  915. () Co-management of sea turtle fisheries: biogeography versus geopolitics [d]
  916. () Rapid appraisals: an innovation in search of sustainability [d]
  917. () Population and deforestation: why rural migration matters [d]
  918. () Conservation values, environmental identity, and moral inclusion in the Kunene Region, Namibia: a comparative study [d]
  919. F. Stuart Chapin, Gary P. Kofinas, & Carl Folke [ed] () Principles of ecosystem stewardship: resilience-based natural resource management in a changing world [i] [d]
  920. () Working with indigenous peoples to conserve nature: examples from Latin America [d] [j]
  921. (/2015) Conservation psychology: understanding and promoting human care for nature [i]
  922. () Addressing trade-offs: experiences from conservation and development initiatives in the Mkuze Wetlands, South Africa [u]
  923. () Motivations for conserving urban biodiversity [p] [d]
  924. () Participatory photo mapping (PPM): exploring an integrated method for health and place research with young people [d]
  925. () Graduate students and knowledge exchange with local stakeholders: possibilities and preparation [d]
  926. () Facilitating dialogue between aquaculture and agriculture: lessons from role-playing games with farmers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam [d]
  927. () Environmental conflict resolution: evaluating performance outcomes and contributing factors [d]
  928. () Ecuador's Yasuní Biosphere Reserve: a brief modern history and conservation challenges [d]
  929. () Integrating resilience thinking and optimisation for conservation [d]
  930. () Survival of the unfittest: why the worst infrastructure gets built—and what we can do about it [d]
  931. (/2019) Wildlife law: a primer [for the USA] [i]
  932. () Conservation with justice: a rights-based approach [i]
  933. () Demonstration as a means to translate conservation science into practice [p] [d]
  934. () The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
  935. () Guiding concepts for park and wilderness stewardship in an era of global environmental change [d]
  936. () Folk media for biodiversity conservation: a pilot project from the Himalaya-Hindu Kush [d]
  937. () A cross-national analysis of how economic inequality predicts biodiversity loss [p] [d]
  938. () Environmental representations of local communities' spokespersons in protected areas [d]
  939. Falk Huettmann & Samuel A. Cushman [ed] () Spatial complexity, informatics, and wildlife conservation [i] [d]
  940. () Extreme scientists: exploring nature's mysteries from perilous places [i]
  941. () Collaboration theory and tourism practice in protected areas: stakeholders, structuring and sustainability [d]
  942. () Towards participatory geographic information systems for community-based environmental decision making [d]
  943. () A new conservation politics: power, organization building, and effectiveness [i]
  944. () What should every citizen know about ecology? [d]
  945. () Buying into conservation: intrinsic versus instrumental value [d]
  946. () Partnering for greater success: local stakeholders and research in tropical biology and conservation [d]
  947. () Education and resilience: social and situated learning among university and secondary students [u]
  948. () Developing conditions for environmentally sustainable consumption: drawing insight from anti-smoking policy [d]
  949. () Impacts of roads and linear clearings on tropical forests [p] [d]
  950. () The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds [d]
  951. Simon A. Levin, Stephen R. Carpenter, H. Charles J. Godfray, Ann P. Kinzig, Michel Loreau, Jonathan B. Losos, Brian Harrison Walker, & David S. Wilcove [ed] () The Princeton guide to ecology [i] [d] [j]
  952. () The politics of sewerage: contested narratives on growth, science, and nature [d]
  953. () Leadership: a new frontier in conservation science [p] [d]
  954. () Earth in our care: ecology, economy, and sustainability [i] [d] [j]
  955. () Cross-movement coalition formation: bridging the labor–environment divide [d]
  956. () Waorani at the head of the table: towards inclusive conservation in Yasuní [d]
  957. () Loggers, development agents and the exercise of power in Amazonia [d]
  958. () Getting to better water quality outcomes: the promise and challenge of the citizen effect [d]
  959. () Environmental and science education in developing nations: a Ghanaian approach to renewing and revitalizing the local community and ecosystems [d]
  960. () Frontiers in participatory rural appraisal and participatory learning and action: PRA and PLA in applied research [i]
  961. Shahid Naeem [ed] () Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human wellbeing: an ecological and economic perspective [i] [d]
  962. () Participatory rural appraisal: principles, methods and application [i] [d]
  963. () The power of nature and the nature of power [u]
  964. () On advocacy by environmental scientists: what, whether, why, and how [p] [d]
  965. Brigitte Nerlich, Richard Elliott, & Brendon M. H. Larson [ed] () Communicating biological sciences: ethical and metaphorical dimensions [i]
  966. () What's next for science communication?: promising directions and lingering distractions [d]
  967. () 'Fear won't do it': promoting positive engagement with climate change through visual and iconic representations [d]
  968. (/2019) Nature's matrix: linking agriculture, conservation and food sovereignty [i] [d]
  969. () The intersections of biological diversity and cultural diversity: towards integration [d] [j]
  970. () Amazonía 2009: áreas protegidas e territórios indígenas [u]
  971. () Mapping community values for natural capital and ecosystem services [d]
  972. () Interdisciplinary problem solving workshops for grizzly bear conservation in Banff National Park, Canada [d]
  973. () The models of nature and the politics of sustainable development in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  974. Osvaldo E. Sala, Laura A. Meyerson, & Camille Parmesan [ed] () Biodiversity change and human health: from ecosystem services to spread of disease [i]
  975. () The effect of comic book's story character and color on farmers' knowledge gain about small sheep farm management in Kulur, District of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia [u]
  976. () Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: recommendations for practice and research [d]
  977. () Beyond just research: experiences from southern Africa in developing social learning partnerships for resource conservation initiatives [d]
  978. () Out of the loop: why research rarely reaches policy makers and the public and what can be done [d]
  979. () The ethics of Google Earth: crossing thresholds from spatial data to landscape visualisation [d]
  980. () Beyond 'Leave No Trace' [d]
  981. () The discourse of environmental information: representations of nature and forms of rhetoric in the information center of a Greek reserve [d]
  982. () eBird: a citizen-based bird observation network in the biological sciences [d]
  983. () Bridging the gap: how can information access and exchange between conservation biologists and field practitioners be improved for better conservation outcomes? [d]
  984. () The governance of nature and the nature of governance: policy that works for biodiversity and livelihoods [i]
  985. () Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action [p] [d]
  986. () Participatory planning of interventions to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts [p] [d]
  987. () The frog scientist [i]
  988. () Botanical literacy: what and how should students learn about plants? [d]
  989. Adrian P. Wydeven, Timothy R. van Deelen, & Edward J. Heske [ed] () Recovery of gray wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States: an endangered species success story [i]
  990. () Freshwater ecoregions of the world: a new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation [d] [j]
  991. () Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
  992. () Homes on the range: cooperative conservation and environmental change on California's privately owned hardwood rangelands [d]
  993. Joseph Alcamo [ed] () Environmental futures: the practice of environmental scenario analysis [i]
  994. (/2013) Management planning for nature conservation: a theoretical basis & practical guide [i]
  995. William Surprison Alverson, Corine Vriesendorp, Álvaro del Campo, Debra Karen Moskovits, Douglas F. Stotz, Miryan García Donayre, & Luis A. Borbor L. [ed] () Ecuador, Perú: Cuyabeno-Güeppí [i] [d] [u]
  996. Thora Amend [ed] () Protected landscapes and agrobiodiversity values [i] [u]
  997. () Assessing environmental understanding: an application of the concept mapping strategy [d]
  998. Robert Askins, Glenn D. Dreyer, Gerald R. Visgilio, & Diana M. Whitelaw [ed] () Saving biological diversity: balancing protection of endangered species and ecosystems [i] [d]
  999. () The role of religion in the HIV/AIDS intervention in Africa: a possible model for conservation biology [p] [d]
  1000. () Called to action: environmental restoration by artists [d]
  1001. () Multiple outcomes of class visits to natural history museums: the students' view [d]
  1002. () Evaluation of an adult extension education initiative: the Michigan Conservation Stewards Program [u]
  1003. () Relational epistemology, immediacy, and conservation: or, what do the Nayaka try to conserve? [d]
  1004. () Protecting imperiled 'paper parks': potential lessons from the Sierra Chinajá, Guatemala [d]
  1005. () Communicating traditional environmental knowledge: addressing the diversity of knowledge, audiences and media types [d]
  1006. Gary J. Brierley & Kirstie A. Fryirs [ed] () River futures: an integrative scientific approach to river repair [i]
  1007. () Nature unbound: conservation, capitalism and the future of protected areas [i] [d]
  1008. () Can environmental history save the world? [d]
  1009. Massimiano Bucchi & Brian Trench [ed] (/2014) Routledge handbook of public communication of science and technology [i] [d]
  1010. Caterina Cárdenas, Patricia Peñaherrera, Heidi Rubio Torgler, Didier Sánchez, Luis Espinel, Raúl Petsain, Ramón Yampintsa, & Carlos Fierro [ed] () Tarimiat nunkanam inkiunaiyamu = Tajimat nunkanum inkuniamu: experiencias y conocimientos generados a partir de un proceso para la conservación en la Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador-Perú [i]
  1011. () Democratizing knowledge: sustainable and conventional agricultural field days as divergent democratic forms [d]
  1012. () Bold jaguars and unsuspecting monkeys: the value of fearlessness in Cofán politics [d]
  1013. () Essential commitments: identity and the politics of Cofán conservation [d]
  1014. () Biodiversity conservation issues of Northeast India [d]
  1015. Eric Chivian & Aaron Bernstein [ed] () Sustaining life: how human health depends on biodiversity [i]
  1016. () After the crash: research-based theater for knowledge transfer [d]
  1017. () Science warriors: the battle against invasive species [i]
  1018. () Ecological knowledge shrinks as economies grow [d]
  1019. () Environmental beliefs and endorsement of sustainable development principles in water conservation: toward a new Human Interdependence Paradigm scale [d]
  1020. () Social-psychological principles of community-based conservation and conservancy motivation: attaining goals within an autonomy-supportive environment [p] [d]
  1021. () Crude reflections: oil, ruin and resistance in the Amazon rainforest = Cruda realidad: petróleo, devastación y resistencia en la Amazonía [i]
  1022. () Credibility and the use of geospatial media in activism and advocacy [d]
  1023. () The influence of location on local attitudes toward community conservation on Mount Kilimanjaro [d]
  1024. () Evidence-based kernels: fundamental units of behavioral influence [d]
  1025. () The roles and movements of actors in the deforestation of Brazilian Amazonia [u]
  1026. Louise Fortmann [ed] () Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
  1027. () Some practical suggestions for improving engagement between researchers and policy-makers in natural resource management [d]
  1028. () Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? [d]
  1029. () Children's role in meaning making through their participation in an environmental education program [d]
  1030. () The importance of taboos and social norms to conservation in Madagascar [p] [d]
  1031. () Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  1032. () Information into action: biodiversity data outreach and municipal land conservation [d]
  1033. (/2013) American environmental policy: beyond gridlock [i]
  1034. () Knowing but not doing: selecting priority conservation areas and the research–implementation gap [p] [d]
  1035. () Individual values and social goals in environmental decision making [i] [d]
  1036. () Diffusion of policy discourse into rural spheres through co-management of state forestlands: two cases from West Java, Indonesia [d]
  1037. () Valuation of the ecosystem services: a psycho-cultural perspective [d]
  1038. () Making environmental communications meaningful to female adolescents: a study in Hong Kong [d]
  1039. David G. E. Liverman, C. P. G. Pereira, & Brian Marker [ed] () Communicating environmental geoscience [i]
  1040. () Quantification of extinction risk: IUCN's system for classifying threatened species [p] [d]
  1041. () Who cares about wildlife?: social science concepts for exploring human–wildlife relationships and conservation issues [i]
  1042. () Burning changes: action research with farmers and swidden agriculture in the Upper Amazon [i] [u]
  1043. () Looking beyond protected area networks: a paradigm shift in approach for biodiversity conservation [d]
  1044. () Development communication sourcebook: broadening the boundaries of communication [i]
  1045. () EARTH to farmers: extension and the adoption of environmental technologies in the humid tropics of Costa Rica [d]
  1046. () A graph-theory framework for evaluating landscape connectivity and conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
  1047. () Generalized complementarity and mapping of the concepts of systematic conservation planning [p] [d] [j]
  1048. () Wiki-based extension fact sheets [u]
  1049. () Cofán Indians help map out rain forest, produce DVDs on quickly disappearing tribal traditions [u]
  1050. () Global mapping of ecosystem services and conservation priorities [p] [d]
  1051. () Flow variability and the biophysical vitality of river systems [d]
  1052. () Finding hope in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1053. () Engaging the public in biodiversity issues [p] [d]
  1054. () Up and down with the agrarian question: issue attention and land reform in contemporary Brazil [d]
  1055. () Road networks and forest fragmentation in the Amazon: explanations for local differences with implications for conservation and development [d]
  1056. () Household location choices: implications for biodiversity conservation [p] [d] [j]
  1057. () Ocelot awareness among Latinos on the Texas and Tamaulipas border [d]
  1058. () Biodiversity loss in Latin American coffee landscapes: review of the evidence on ants, birds, and trees [p] [d] [j]
  1059. Jules N. Pretty [ed] () Sustainable agriculture and food [i]
  1060. () Organising to protect: protecting landscapes and livelihoods in the Nicaraguan hillsides [d] [j]
  1061. () Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review [d]
  1062. Alan Reid [ed] () Participation and learning: perspectives on education and the environment, health and sustainability [i] [d]
  1063. () Retaking rationality: how cost–benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health [i]
  1064. () A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1065. Pascal C. Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki, & Chesha Wettasinha [ed] () Innovation Africa: enriching farmers' livelihoods [i] [d]
  1066. () Mediating forest transitions: 'grand design' or 'muddling through' [d] [j]
  1067. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  1068. () Farmlink: promoting conservation buffers farmer-to-farmer [d]
  1069. () Can visualisation save the world?: lessons for landscape architects from visualizing local climate change [i]
  1070. () Is poverty more acute near parks?: an assessment of infant mortality rates around protected areas in developing countries [d]
  1071. () Ecotourism and conservation: two cases from Brazil and Peru [d]
  1072. Amanda Stronza & William H. Durham [ed] () Ecotourism and conservation in the Americas [i] [d]
  1073. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
  1074. () Aquatic habitats in sustainable urban water management: science, policy and practice [i]
  1075. () No way home: the decline of the world's great animal migrations [i] [d]
  1076. () Balancing emotion and cognition: a case for decision aiding in conservation efforts [p] [d] [j]
  1077. () Agroecological economics: sustainability and biodiversity [i] [d]
  1078. () Sustainable agriculture: towards a conflict management based agricultural extension [u]
  1079. () Stakeholders or subject matter experts, who should be consulted? [d]
  1080. (/2013) Conservation and the genetics of populations [i]
  1081. () Landscape images in Amazonian narrative: the role of oral history in environmental research [j]
  1082. () Geointerpretation: the interpretive potential of maps [u]
  1083. Jean-Marie Baland, Pranab K. Bardhan, & Samuel Bowles [ed] () Inequality, cooperation, and environmental sustainability [i] [j]
  1084. () Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature [p] [d]
  1085. () Caring for the community: an exploratory comparison of waste reduction behaviour by British and Brazilian consumers [d]
  1086. Fikret Berkes, Derek R. Armitage, & Nancy Doubleday [ed] () Adaptive co-management: collaboration, learning, and multi-level governance [i]
  1087. () The conservation professional's guide to working with people [i]
  1088. () Stumbling forward: the organizational challenges of building and sustaining collaborative watershed management [d]
  1089. Randall Borman, Corine Vriesendorp, William Surprison Alverson, Debra Karen Moskovits, Douglas F. Stotz, & Álvaro del Campo [ed] () Ecuador: Territorio Cofán Dureno [i] [d] [u]
  1090. () Sharing power: learning-by-doing in co-management of natural resources throughout the world [i] [d]
  1091. () Conservation biology and four types of advocacy [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1092. () Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
  1093. () Tracking trash: flotsam, jetsam, and the science of ocean motion [i]
  1094. () Understanding regional change: a comparison of two lake districts [d] [j]
  1095. () Integrating traditional and local ecological knowledge into forest biodiversity conservation in the Pacific Northwest [d]
  1096. () Cosecha del agua de lluvia: el Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul en la diversificación de las chacras campesinas en las comunidades de su zona de amortiguamiento [o]
  1097. () A new conservation education delivery system [d]
  1098. COMPAS [ed] () Learning endogenous development: building on bio-cultural diversity [i] [d] [u]
  1099. () A 21st century model for communication in the global war of ideas: from simplistic influence to pragmatic complexity [u]
  1100. Viki A. Cramer & Richard J. Hobbs [ed] () Old fields: dynamics and restoration of abandoned farmland [i]
  1101. () Science communication media for scientists and the public [d]
  1102. () A community psychology view of environmental organization processes [p] [d]
  1103. () Education for sustainability in local government: handbook [u]
  1104. () Museums teach evolution [d]
  1105. () Spatio-temporal restrictions as best practice precautionary response to ocean noise [d]
  1106. () Journal writing on wilderness expeditions as a tool for sustainability education—reflections on the potential and the reality [d]
  1107. () Herd: how to change mass behaviour by harnessing our true nature [i]
  1108. () Barry Commoner and the science of survival: the remaking of American environmentalism [i] [d]
  1109. () An elementary school environmental education field trip: long-term effects on ecological and environmental knowledge and attitude development [d]
  1110. () Handbook of environmental protection and enforcement: principles and practice [i] [d]
  1111. () Informe–resumen del proceso de reivindicación territorial del Pueblo Indígena Ese Ejja en el Bajo Heath Boliviano [u]
  1112. () Understanding mental constructs of biodiversity: implications for biodiversity management and conservation [d]
  1113. () Amazonia revealed: forest degradation and loss of ecosystem goods and services in the Amazon Basin [d]
  1114. () Promoting sustainability through social marketing: examples from New Zealand [d]
  1115. () The future of zoos: a new model for cultural institutions [d]
  1116. () Foraging in the fallows: hunting patterns across a successional continuum in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1117. () Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography [d]
  1118. () Storytelling as a medium for balanced dialogue on conservation in Cameroon [d]
  1119. () De vuelta al mundo al revés?: repensando el Perú a partir de sus diversidades [i]
  1120. () Conservation science: ground force [p] [d]
  1121. () Made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die [i]
  1122. () Hyperconnection: natural history museums, knowledge, and the evolving ecology of community [d]
  1123. () Community conservation: practitioners' answer to critics [d]
  1124. () Promoting conservation through the arts: outreach for hearts and minds [p] [d] [j]
  1125. () Farmers' adoption of conservation agriculture: a review and synthesis of recent research [d]
  1126. () Museum outreach programs to promote community engagement in local environmental issues [d]
  1127. () City life in the midst of the forest: a Punan hunter-gatherer's vision of conservation and development [u]
  1128. () Demand for rubber is causing the loss of high diversity rain forest in SW China [d]
  1129. David B. Lindenmayer & Richard J. Hobbs [ed] () Managing and designing landscapes for conservation: moving from perspectives to principles [i]
  1130. David W. Macdonald & Katrina Service [ed] () Key topics in conservation biology [i]
  1131. () From evidence-based practice making to practice-based evidence making: creating communities of (research) and practice [d]
  1132. () Availability of formal academic programs in conservation biology in Latin America [p] [d] [j]
  1133. () The 'Knowledge Exchange Train': a model for capacity building for participatory governance in the south-western Amazon [d]
  1134. () Our forest, your ecosystem, their timber: communities, conservation, and the state in community-based forest management [i] [d] [j]
  1135. () A framework for environmental education strategies [d]
  1136. () Bridges and barriers to developing and conducting interdisciplinary graduate-student team research [u]
  1137. () Designing interpretive signs: principles in practice [i]
  1138. Susanne C. Moser & Lisa Dilling [ed] () Creating a climate for change: communicating climate change and facilitating social change [i] [d]
  1139. () Rivers in peril inside and outside protected areas: a systematic approach to conservation assessment of river ecosystems [d]
  1140. () Preservation or degradation?: communal management and ecological change in a southeast Michigan forest [d]
  1141. () Grassroots comics: a development communication tool [i] [u]
  1142. () Methods for facilitating web-based participatory research informatics [d]
  1143. () Unofficial road building in the Brazilian Amazon: dilemmas and models for road governance [d]
  1144. () Environmental communication: why this crisis discipline should facilitate environmental democracy [d]
  1145. () A cross-regional assessment of the factors affecting ecoliteracy: implications for policy and practice [d]
  1146. () Written accounts of an Amazonian landscape over the last 450 years [p] [d] [j]
  1147. () If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building [d]
  1148. Juan Fernando Reyes, Vera Lucia Reis, Armando Muñante del Castillo, César José Aguilar Jordán, & Mónica Julissa de los Rios [ed] () Mapiense: Madre de Dios–Acre–Pando [u]
  1149. () Taking action, saving lives: our duties to protect environmental and public health [i] [d]
  1150. () Radio, the appropriate technology [o]
  1151. () Frutos del río Amazonas: sabores para la conservación [i]
  1152. () Tropical conservation biology [i]
  1153. (/2009) Bringing nature home: how you can sustain wildlife with native plants [i]
  1154. () The professionalization of museum educators: the case in science museums [d]
  1155. () Partnerships for tropical conservation [d]
  1156. () When participation meets empowerment: the WWF and the politics of invitation in the Chimalapas, Mexico [d]
  1157. () Activist forest monks, adult learning and the Buddhist environmental movement in Thailand [d]
  1158. () Developing and communicating a taxonomy of ecological indicators: a case study from the mid-Atlantic [d]
  1159. () Delivering large-scale conservation results: WWF program management standards for ecoregions and large programs [u]
  1160. () WWF standards of conservation project and programme management [u]
  1161. () Imágenes del paraíso: la Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo-Mishana = Images of paradise: Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve [o] [u]
  1162. () Using spatial information to improve collective understanding of shared environmental problems at watershed level [d]
  1163. () Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1164. () Green infrastructure: linking landscapes and communities [i]
  1165. Guy Bessette [ed] () People, land, and water: participatory development communication for natural resource management [i] [d] [u]
  1166. Citlalli López, Patricia Shanley, & Martha Cuba Cronkleton [ed] () Riquezas del bosque: frutas, remedios y artesanías en América Latina [i] [u]
  1167. () The conundrum of conservation education and the conservation mission [p] [d] [j]
  1168. () Testing hypotheses for the success of different conservation strategies [p] [d] [j]
  1169. () Spinning our way to sustainability? [d]
  1170. () Planted forests and biodiversity [d] [u]
  1171. () Do you see what I see?: examining the epistemic barriers to sustainable agriculture [d]
  1172. () Designing a communication strategy: the 4-P workshop [i]
  1173. (/2007) The Cofán experiment: expanding an indigenous Amazonian world [o] [u]
  1174. () Mapping projects: identifying obstacles, finding solutions [u]
  1175. () Biodiversity loss threatens human well-being [p] [d]
  1176. () Television wildlife programming as a source of popular scientific information: a case study of evolution [d]
  1177. () Protecting life's foundation [d]
  1178. () Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges [d]
  1179. () The pigeon paradox: dependence of global conservation on urban nature [p] [d] [j]
  1180. () Theatre for development: an introduction to context, applications, and training [i]
  1181. () Information and communication for natural resource management in agriculture: a training sourcebook [i] [u]
  1182. () Troubles on the way: an analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms [d]
  1183. () Money for nothing?: a call for empirical evaluation of biodiversity conservation investments [p] [d]
  1184. () The role of science in NGO mediated conservation: insights from a biodiversity hotspot in Mexico [d]
  1185. Mike Green, John O'Brien, Henry Moore, Gordon Cunningham, & John McKnight [ed] (/2009) When people care enough to act: ABCD in action [i]
  1186. () Trust-building, knowledge generation and organizational innovations: the role of a bridging organization for adaptive comanagement of a wetland landscape around Kristianstad, Sweden [d] [j]
  1187. () Critical next steps in research on public meetings and environmental decision making [j] [u]
  1188. () A scientist's guide to talking with the media: practical advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists [i]
  1189. () Evaluating governance: a process for understanding how co-management is functioning, and why, in the Galapagos Marine Reserve [d]
  1190. (/2019) Corridor ecology: linking landscapes for biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation [or: Corridor ecology: the science and practice of linking landscapes for biodiversity conservation] [i]
  1191. () Farmer interest groups: factors influencing their sustainability and the involvement of extension agencies [i] [u]
  1192. () Conservation as virtue: a scientific and social process for conservation ethics [p] [d] [j]
  1193. (/2016) What is environmental history? [i]
  1194. () Field trips as cognitive motivators for high level science learning [d] [u]
  1195. () High value forests, hidden economies and elite capture: evidence from forest user groups in Nepal's Terai [d]
  1196. (/2015) Conservation education and outreach techniques [i] [d]
  1197. () Linking biodiversity, diet and health in policy and practice [p] [d]
  1198. (/2014) How to do ecology: a concise handbook [i] [d] [j]
  1199. () The development of semantic memories through interpretation [u]
  1200. () Finding common ground in land use conflicts using PGIS: lessons from Ghana [u]
  1201. () Plant identification: creating user-friendly field guides for biodiversity management [i] [d]
  1202. () Culture and communication: can landscape visualization improve forest management consultation with indigenous communities? [d]
  1203. () From comparative risk assessment to multi-criteria decision analysis and adaptive management: recent developments and applications [p] [d]
  1204. () Networks of agri-environmental action: temporality, spatiality and identity in agricultural environments [d]
  1205. Michael Lockwood, Graeme Worboys, & Ashish Kothari [ed] () Managing protected areas: a global guide [i] [d]
  1206. () Insights into participatory video: a handbook for the field [i] [u]
  1207. () To see or not to see, that is the question: geoinformation visualisation tools as a means to facilitate stakeholder dialogues in land and water management planning [i] [d]
  1208. () Action research on land management in the western Amazon, Peru—a research process, its outcomes and the researcher's role [d]
  1209. () Preparing students for conservation careers through project-based learning [p] [d] [j]
  1210. Christof Mauch, Nathan Stoltzfus, & Douglas R. Weiner [ed] () Shades of green: environmental activism around the globe [i]
  1211. () From knowledge to action: lessons and planning strategies from studies of the upper San Pedro basin [d]
  1212. Douglas L. Medin, Norbert Ross, & Douglas G. Cox [ed] () Culture and resource conflict: why meanings matter [i] [j]
  1213. () A conceptual model of community capacity for biodiversity conservation outcomes [d]
  1214. () Out of heads and onto paper: writeshops [u]
  1215. () Mapping the economic costs and benefits of conservation [p] [d]
  1216. () Mapping political context: a toolkit for civil society organisations [i] [u]
  1217. () A global crisis for seagrass ecosystems [d] [j]
  1218. () Evolution of agricultural extension and information dissemination in Peru: an historical perspective focusing on potato-related pest control [d]
  1219. () American curiosity: cultures of natural history in the colonial British Atlantic world [i]
  1220. () To play the fool: can environmental conservation and democracy survive social capital? [d]
  1221. () Transforming knowledge and ways of knowing for food sovereignty [i] [u]
  1222. Darrell Addison Posey & Michael J. Balick [ed] () Human impacts on Amazonia: the role of traditional ecological knowledge in conservation and development [i] [d] [j]
  1223. () Branching out, digging in: environmental advocacy and agenda setting [i] [j]
  1224. () Resource use, development planning, and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage: lessons from Fiji Islands [u]
  1225. () Evaluating deliberative and analytical methods for the resolution of environmental conflicts [d]
  1226. () Participatory processes for designing environmental policies [d]
  1227. () Professional capacity building: the missing agenda in conservation priority setting [p] [d] [j]
  1228. () Allocating resources between taking action, assessing status, and measuring effectiveness of conservation actions [d]
  1229. () Biodiversity conservation planning tools: present status and challenges for the future [d]
  1230. () Using psychology to save biodiversity and human well-being [p] [d] [j]
  1231. () The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: a fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons [d]
  1232. () Recognizing local people's priorities for tropical forest biodiversity [d]
  1233. () A transnational perspective on national protected areas and ecoregions in the tropical Andean countries [i]
  1234. () Bio-regional patterns and spatial narratives for integrative landscape research and design [i]
  1235. () Pencils and photos as tools of communicative research and praxis: analyzing Minga Peru's quest for social justice in the Amazon [d]
  1236. Arvind Singhal & James W. Dearing [ed] () Communication of innovations: a journey with Ev Rogers [i] [d]
  1237. () Theory, practice, and public dialogue: a case study in facilitating community transformation [i]
  1238. Susanne Stoll-Kleemann & Martin Welp [ed] () Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management: theory and practice [i] [d]
  1239. () Coming to understanding: developing conservation through incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest [d] [j]
  1240. () Wildlife conservation and management in Mexico [d]
  1241. () Green encounters: shaping and contesting environmentalism in rural Costa Rica [i] [j]
  1242. Corine Vriesendorp, Thomas S. Schulenberg, William Surprison Alverson, Debra Karen Moskovits, & José-Ignacio Rojas Moscoso [ed] () Perú: Sierra Del Divisor [i] [d] [u]
  1243. () Facilitating dialogue and deliberation in environmental conflict: the use of groups in collaborative learning [i]
  1244. () Extending agroecology: grower participation in partnerships is key to social learning [d]
  1245. () Development of Peru's protected-area system: historical continuity of conservation goals [i]
  1246. Karl S. Zimmerer [ed] () Globalization & new geographies of conservation [i]
  1247. () Communicating forest management science and practices through visualized and animated media approaches to community presentations: an exploration and assessment [d]
  1248. () A review of intervention studies aimed at household energy conservation [d]
  1249. () The organizational structure of local environmentalism [d]
  1250. () Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and behavior toward charismatic megafauna: the case of dolphins [d]
  1251. () El diálogo de saberes y la educación ambiental [i]
  1252. Linda Berrón Sañudo [ed] () Todo cuenta: el valor de las iniciativas de conservación con enfoque de género en Latinoamérica [i]
  1253. () Becoming-forest, becoming-local: transformations of a protected area in Honduras [d]
  1254. () Individual–collective dialectic of free-choice learning in a community-based mapping project [d]
  1255. () Facing the wild: ecotourism, conservation, and animal encounters [i] [d]
  1256. () Organizing and running workshops: a practical guide for trainers [u]
  1257. () Pensando la Amazonía desde Pando: el MAP (Madre de Dios, Acre y Pando), una iniciativa trinacional de desarrollo [i]
  1258. () The prairie builders: reconstructing America's lost grasslands [i]
  1259. () You know what land cover is but does anyone else?: an investigation into semantic and ontological confusion [d]
  1260. () Using drawings to assess student perceptions of schoolyard habitats: a case study of reform-based research in the United States [u]
  1261. () Invasive plants of the upper Midwest: an illustrated guide to their identification and control [i]
  1262. () Writing and producing radio dramas: communication for behavior change [i] [d]
  1263. () Collaboration for community-based wildlife management [d]
  1264. () Natural visions: the power of images in American environmental reform [i] [d]
  1265. () Invisible force: farmers' mental models and how they influence learning and actions [u]
  1266. (/2008) Linking conservation and poverty reduction: landscapes, people and power [i] [d]
  1267. () Earth repair: a transatlantic history of environmental restoration [i]
  1268. (/2007) Successful communication: a toolkit for researchers and civil society organisations [i] [u]
  1269. () Chicago Wilderness: a collaborative model for urban conservation [i]
  1270. () When 'health' is not enough: societal, individual and biomedical assessments of well-being among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1271. () Modeling historical ecology, thinking about contemporary systems [d]
  1272. Edward Arnold Johnson & Michael Mappin [ed] () Environmental education and advocacy: changing perspectives of ecology and education [i]
  1273. () Community-based environmental planning: operational dilemmas, planning principles and possible remedies [d]
  1274. (/2008) Last child in the woods: saving our children from nature-deficit disorder [i]
  1275. () Environmental tipping points: a new paradigm for restoring ecological security [u]
  1276. () The new accountability: environmental responsibility across borders [i] [d]
  1277. () The visual core of science: definition and applications to education [d]
  1278. Jeffrey A. McNeely [ed] () Friends for life: new partners in support of protected areas [i] [u]
  1279. Paul van Mele, Salahuddin Ahmad, & Noel P. Magor [ed] () Innovations in rural extension: case studies from Bangladesh [i] [d]
  1280. () Conservation: linking ecology, economics, and culture [i] [d] [j]
  1281. () Heads or tails?: stakeholder analysis as a tool for conservation area management [d]
  1282. () Riparia: ecology, conservation, and management of streamside communities [i] [d]
  1283. () Empowering nature conservation in Japanese rural areas: a planning strategy integrating visual and biological landscape perspectives [d]
  1284. () A diagrammatic approach to understanding complex eco-social interactions in Kathmandu, Nepal [u]
  1285. () Sustainability: a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management [i] [d]
  1286. () Community toolbox: consensus building [u]
  1287. () Who measures change: an introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation of communication for social change [o] [u]
  1288. () Conservation and the myth of consensus [d] [j] [u]
  1289. () Co-management of natural resources: opportunities for and barriers to working with citizen volunteers [d]
  1290. () Participatory extension as basis for the work of rural extension services in the Amazon [d]
  1291. () Community-based monitoring in support of local sustainability [d]
  1292. () The future of zoos and aquariums: conservation and caring [d]
  1293. () Exploring the effects of environmental experience on attachment to urban natural areas [d]
  1294. () Assessing the need for master naturalist programs [u]
  1295. () Values and their relationship to environmental concern and conservation behavior [d]
  1296. () Freshwater microbiology: biodiversity and dynamic interactions of microorganisms in the aquatic environment [i] [d]
  1297. () La esperanza es verde: áreas naturales protegidas en el Perú [i]
  1298. () Conserving Africa's rain forests: problems in protected areas and possible solutions [d]
  1299. () Advancing biodiversity conservation in the Hudson river estuary watershed: a report on the products of a multi-stakeholder workshop series [u]
  1300. () Conservation of biodiversity in the Hudson river estuary: the process: a report on a multi-stakeholder workshop series [u]
  1301. Thaddeus C. Trzyna [ed] () The urban imperative: urban outreach strategies for protected area agencies: how those responsible for protected areas can better serve people in large cities and build stronger urban constituencies for nature conservation: proceedings of a workshop at the Fifth World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa, 8–17 September 2003 [i]
  1302. () Living beyond our means: natural assets and human well-being [o] [u]
  1303. () Introducción al monitoreo de la variabilidad de cultivos nativos y sus parientes silvestres [i] [u]
  1304. Susan W. Vince [ed] () Forests at the wildland–urban interface: conservation and management [i]
  1305. () Though all things differ: pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests [i]
  1306. () Going to SCALE: system-wide collaborative action for livelihoods and the environment [u]
  1307. () Natural hazards and risk communication strategies among indigenous communities: shedding light on accessibility in Mexico's mountains [d]
  1308. () Designs for learning: studying science museum exhibits that do more than entertain [d]
  1309. () Participatory rural communication appraisal: starting with the people: a handbook [i] [u]
  1310. () Home gardens in Amazonian Peru: diversity and exchange of planting material [d]
  1311. () Geographic information systems: a tool to support geography and environmental education? [d]
  1312. () Nature's experts: science, politics, and the environment [i] [j]
  1313. () Indigenous and local communities and protected areas: towards equity and enhanced conservation: guidance on policy and practice for co-managed protected areas and community conserved areas [i]
  1314. () How to document an event [u]
  1315. () El acceso legal a la tierra y el desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas y afroecuatorianas: la experiencia del PRODEPINE en el Ecuador [u]
  1316. () La titulación de tierras de propiedad de comunidades campesinas en el Perú [u]
  1317. David Chittenden, Graham Farmelo, & Bruce V. Lewenstein [ed] () Creating connections: museums and the public understanding of current research [i]
  1318. (/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
  1319. (/2020) Open standards for the practice of conservation [of biodiversity] [u]
  1320. (/2017) Estándares abiertos para la práctica de la conservación [de la biodiversidad] [u]
  1321. () Rain forest 'conservation-through-use'?: chambira palm fibre extraction and handicraft production in a land-constrained community, Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1322. () Targeting conservation–development initiatives in tropical forests: insights from analyses of rain forest use and economic reliance among Amazonian peasants [d]
  1323. () Producing nature(s): on the changing production ecology of natural history TV [d]
  1324. Stephen P. Depoe, John W. Delicath, & Marie-France Aepli Elsenbeer [ed] () Communication and public participation in environmental decision making [i]
  1325. () Learning from traditional knowledge of non-timber forest products: Penan Benalui and the autecology of Aquilaria in Indonesian Borneo [u]
  1326. () Comunicación para el desarrollo estudio de caso: Yasarekomo: una experiencia de comunicación indígena en Bolivia [u]
  1327. () Forging research partnerships across the academic–agency divide [d] [j]
  1328. () The hungry man [i]
  1329. Linda K. Glover & Sylvia A. Earle [ed] () Defying ocean's end: an agenda for action [i]
  1330. () Indigenous peoples, land tenure and land policy in Latin America [u]
  1331. Denise Hamú, Elisabeth Auchincloss, & Wendy Goldstein [ed] () Communicating protected areas [i]
  1332. Samuel Hickey & Giles Mohan [ed] () Participation, from tyranny to transformation?: exploring new approaches to participation in development [i]
  1333. () The Trust for Public Land's conservation finance handbook: how communities are paying for parks and land conservation [i]
  1334. () Agricultural landowners' lack of preference for Internet extension [u]
  1335. () Strategies for managing protected areas: community management agreements in the Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve, central Ecuador [d]
  1336. () In Guyana, indigenous peoples fight to join conservation efforts [u]
  1337. () The environmental enigma: why do producers professing stewardship continue to practice poor natural resource management? [d]
  1338. Citlalli López, Patricia Shanley, & Alfredo Celso Fantini [ed] () Riches of the forest: fruits, remedies, and handicrafts in Latin America [i] [u]
  1339. () Mobilizing grass-roots conservation education: the Florida master naturalist program [d] [j]
  1340. Thomas O. McShane & Michael P. Wells [ed] () Getting biodiversity projects to work: towards more effective conservation and development [i] [d] [j]
  1341. () Participatory communication strategy design: a handbook [i] [u]
  1342. () Failing forward: going beyond PRA and imposed forms of participation [participatory rural appraisal] [i]
  1343. Amitava Mukherjee [ed] () Participatory rural appraisal: methods and applications in rural planning: essays in honour of Robert Chambers [i]
  1344. () Nonformal environmental education programs: guidelines for excellence [i] [u]
  1345. (/2017) Guidelines for the preparation and professional development of environmental educators [i] [u]
  1346. () Programas de educación ambiental no formal: pautas para la excelencia [o] [u]
  1347. () Benefiting local populations?: communal reserves in Peru [u]
  1348. () Understanding public land management through role-playing [d]
  1349. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Richard Chase Smith, Corine Vriesendorp, Debra Karen Moskovits, Renzo Piana, Guillermo Knell, & Tatzyana Wachter [ed] () Perú: Ampiyacu, Apayacu, Yaguas, Medio Putumayo [i] [d] [u]
  1350. () International conservation organizations and the fate of local tropical forest conservation initiatives [d] [j]
  1351. T. Laine Scales & Calvin L. Streeter [ed] () Rural social work: building and sustaining community assets [i]
  1352. () Tropical biologists, local people and conservation: new opportunities for collaboration [d]
  1353. (/2007) Tools for policy impact: a handbook for researchers [i] [u]
  1354. () The value of museum collections for research and society [d] [j]
  1355. () The need for evidence-based conservation [d]
  1356. () Habitat monitoring with sensor networks [d]
  1357. () Kamayoq: promotores campesinos de innovaciones tecnológicas [i]
  1358. () Layering natural resource and human resource data for planning watershed conservation strategies [d]
  1359. () The work of environmentalism in an age of televisual adventures [d]
  1360. () Evaluating governance: a handbook to accompany a participatory process for a protected area [u]
  1361. () Communication and power: REFLECT practical resource materials [o] [u]
  1362. () Synergy between traditional ecological knowledge and conservation science supports forest preservation in Ecuador [j] [u]
  1363. () Seven names for the bellbird: conservation geography in Honduras [i]
  1364. Steven R. Brechin [ed] () Contested nature: promoting international biodiversity with social justice in the twenty-first century [i]
  1365. () Hacer talleres: una guía práctica para capacitadores [i] [u]
  1366. () Effects of conservation education on reasons to conserve biological diversity [d]
  1367. () Participation, relationships and dynamic change: new thinking on evaluating the work of international networks [o] [u]
  1368. Susan D. Clayton & Susan Opotow [ed] () Identity and the natural environment: the psychological significance of nature [i] [d]
  1369. () Conscientious objectives: designing for an ethical message [i]
  1370. () The environmental movement and the modes of political action [d]
  1371. () Learning as you journey: Anishinaabe perception of social-ecological environments and adaptive learning [j] [u]
  1372. () Tools for development: a handbook for those engaged in development activity [u]
  1373. () Science, society and power: environmental knowledge and policy in West Africa and the Caribbean [i]
  1374. () Conservation policy in Brazilian Amazonia: understanding the dilemmas [d]
  1375. () Drafting a conservation blueprint: a practitioner's guide to planning for biodiversity [i]
  1376. David Harmon & Allen D. Putney [ed] () The full value of parks: from economics to the intangible [i]
  1377. () Plant conservation: old problems, new perspectives [d]
  1378. () Environmental justice: environmental adult education at the confluence of oppressions [d]
  1379. () Farming with the wild: enhancing biodiversity on farms and ranches [i]
  1380. () Assessment of farmer attitudes and behavioral intentions toward bird conservation on organic and conventional Florida farms [d] [j] [u]
  1381. () Strangely like war: the global assault on forests [i]
  1382. () Toward ecologically sustainable democracy? [i]
  1383. () 'Being called awake': the role of transformative learning in the lives of environmental activists [d]
  1384. () Drawing development: analysing local understandings of development in three Andean communities [d]
  1385. () Science and the 'good citizen': community-based scientific literacy [d]
  1386. () Cultural foundations for ecological restoration on the White Mountain Apache Reservation [j] [u]
  1387. () Indigenous education: addressing current issues and developments [d] [j]
  1388. () Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
  1389. () Two avenues for encouraging conservation behaviors [j] [u]
  1390. () Self-instruction course: risk communication [u]
  1391. () Curso de autoinstrucción en comunicación de riesgos [u]
  1392. () Designing the world's best exhibits [i]
  1393. () The evolutionary roots of our environmental problems: toward a Darwinian ecology [p] [d]
  1394. () Scenario planning: a tool for conservation in an uncertain world [d] [j] [u]
  1395. Nigel C. A. Pitman, Corine Vriesendorp, & Debra Karen Moskovits [ed] () Perú: Yavarí [i] [d] [u]
  1396. () Análisis y planificación estratégica comunal (APEC) [o]
  1397. () Manual de técnicas participativas [o]
  1398. () Nature matrix: reconnecting people and nature [d]
  1399. () Manual de capacitación para la investigación de campo y la conservación de la vida silvestre [i] [u]
  1400. () Mapping the conservation landscape [d] [j] [u]
  1401. () Public ecology: an environmental science and policy for global society [d]
  1402. () Informing and explaining skills: theory and research on informative communication [i] [d]
  1403. () Conservation area networks [j]
  1404. Helaine Selin & Arne Kalland [ed] () Nature across cultures: views of nature and the environment in non-western cultures [i] [d]
  1405. () The somewhat flawed theoretical foundation of the extension service [u]
  1406. () Electronic field guides and user communities in the eco-informatics revolution [j] [u]
  1407. () Bureaucratic landscapes: interagency cooperation and the preservation of biodiversity [i] [d]
  1408. () Habitat conservation planning [i]
  1409. () Scenario visualisation for participatory landscape planning: a study from Denmark [d]
  1410. (/2008) Conservation biology: foundations, concepts, applications [i] [d]
  1411. () The effect of environmental education on schoolchildren, their parents, and community members: a study of intergenerational and intercommunity learning [d]
  1412. () Environmental activism: a reference handbook [i]
  1413. () Distribution and causes of global forest fragmentation [j] [u]
  1414. Frances Westley & Philip S. Miller [ed] () Experiments in consilience: integrating social and scientific responses to save endangered species [i]
  1415. Shirley A. White [ed] () Participatory video: images that transform and empower [i]
  1416. () Understanding park visitors' response to interventions to reduce petrified wood theft [u]
  1417. () Pluralism and the less powerful: accommodating multiple interests in local forest management [d]
  1418. A. Alonso Aguirre [ed] () Conservation medicine: ecological health in practice [i]
  1419. () Rethinking home: a case for writing local history [i] [d] [j]
  1420. () A model of community-based environmental education [i] [d] [u]
  1421. () From fieldwork to mutual learning: working with PRATEC [d] [j]
  1422. () Local identity processes and environmental attitudes in land use changes: the case of natural protected areas [d]
  1423. () Participatory action research in natural resource management: a critique of the method based on five years' experience in the Transamazônica region of Brazil [i] [d]
  1424. () Environmental education as facilitator of the use of ecological information: a case study in Mexico [d]
  1425. () Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities [i] [d]
  1426. () The reflective practitioner: learning and teaching in community-based forest management [j] [u]
  1427. () Moving towards sustainable agricultural practices: a community plans with popular environmental education [i]
  1428. Thomas Dietz, Paul C. Stern, & National Research Council [ed] () New tools for environmental protection: education, information, and voluntary measures [i] [d] [u]
  1429. () The role of trade-offs in biodiversity conservation planning: linking local management, regional planning and global conservation efforts [p] [d]
  1430. Hugues Koné [ed] () Methodological guide for designing and implementing a multimedia communication strategy [u]
  1431. () Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
  1432. () Community mapping handbook: a guide to making your own maps of communities & traditional lands [i]
  1433. () Sustainable solutions: building assets for empowerment and sustainable development [o] [u]
  1434. () Design and analysis of conservation projects in Latin America: an integrative approach to training [j] [u]
  1435. Catalina Gandelsonas [ed] () Communicating for development: experience in the urban environment [i] [d]
  1436. () Incorporating value trade-offs into community-based environmental risk decisions [d] [j]
  1437. () World atlas of biodiversity: earth's living resources in the 21st century [i]
  1438. () The new communicator [u]
  1439. () El nuevo comunicador [u]
  1440. Jean-Paul Hautecoeur [ed] () Ecological education in everyday life: ALPHA 2000 [i] [d] [j]
  1441. Bertus Haverkort, Katrien van t Hooft, & Wim Hiemstra [ed] () Ancient roots, new shoots: endogenous development in practice [i] [u]
  1442. () Mapping competencies for communication for development and social change: turning knowledge, skills, and attitudes into action [o] [u]
  1443. () Mapa de competencias de la comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social: conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en acción [o]
  1444. () Facilitation toolkit: a practical guide for working more effectively with people and groups [i]
  1445. () Landscapes & labscapes: exploring the lab–field border in biology [i] [d]
  1446. () Mind the gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? [d]
  1447. () Rediscovering rites of passage: education, transformation, and the transition to sustainability [j] [u]
  1448. (/2005) Know your audience: a practical guide to media research [i]
  1449. () Education for sustainable development toolkit [u]
  1450. () Ecological planning: a historical and comparative synthesis [i]
  1451. () Adoption of conservation buffers: barriers and strategies [u]
  1452. () A repertoire approach to environmental information channels [d]
  1453. () The nature of design: ecology, culture, and human intention [i]
  1454. PRATEC [ed] () Allin Kawsay: el bienestar en las concepciones andino amazónicas [i] [u]
  1455. () Participatory 3-dimensional modelling: guiding principles and applications [i]
  1456. () Participatory rural appraisal: a brief introduction [u]
  1457. () Selling social change (without selling out): earned income strategies for nonprofits [i]
  1458. () A global network?: transnational cooperation among environmental groups [d]
  1459. () Improving the practice of conservation: a conceptual framework and research agenda for conservation science [d] [j] [u]
  1460. () The human footprint and the last of the wild [d] [j]
  1461. () Conservando la biodiversidad desde los Andes hasta la Amazonía: un foro internacional sobre conservación comunitaria con perspective de género: memorias del evento realizado en Quito Ecuador del 26 al 29 de marzo de 2001 [i]
  1462. () Engaging local communities in wildlife management area planning: an evaluation of the Lake Ontario Islands search conference [j]
  1463. () Views of nature and self-discipline: evidence from inner city children [d]
  1464. John Terborgh, Carel P. van Schaik, Lisa Davenport, & Madhu Rao [ed] () Making parks work: strategies for preserving tropical nature [i]
  1465. () Bringing the biosphere home: learning to perceive global environmental change [i] [d]
  1466. () Spreading the wealth: graduate students and educational outreach [d] [j]
  1467. William Surprison Alverson, Debra Karen Moskovits, & Lily O. Rodríguez [ed] () Perú: Biabo Cordillera Azul [i] [d] [u]
  1468. Alan R. Andreasen [ed] () Ethics in social marketing [i]
  1469. (/2017) Religious traditions and biodiversity [i] [d]
  1470. Hilary Bradbury [ed] (/2015) The Sage handbook of action research: participative inquiry and practice [i] [d]
  1471. Charles L. Convis [ed] () Conservation geography: case studies in GIS, computer mapping, and activism [i]
  1472. Bill Cooke & Uma Kothari [ed] () Participation: the new tyranny? [i]
  1473. Daniel J. Decker, Shawn J. Riley, & William F. Siemer [ed] (/2012) Human dimensions of wildlife management in North America [i]
  1474. () Ruin & recovery: Michigan's rise as a conservation leader [i] [d]
  1475. () The relationship between 'protecting the environment' as a dominant life goal and subjective well-being [i]
  1476. John H. Falk, Elizabeth Donovan, & Rosalie Woods [ed] () Free-choice science education: how we learn science outside of school [i]
  1477. () Landscape ecology practice by small scale river conservation groups [d]
  1478. () Decision aiding, not dispute resolution: creating insights through structured environmental decisions [d]
  1479. () Haciendo olas: historias de comunicación participativa para el cambio social [i]
  1480. () Making waves: stories of participatory communication for social change [i]
  1481. () A look at the political geography of environmental management [i]
  1482. () Comunicación y radio para el desarrollo local: una propuesta latinoamericana a partir de la radio ciudadana en el Perú [i]
  1483. () Approaches to expand NGO natural resource conservation program outreach [d]
  1484. () A review of Peruvian flood plain forests: ecosystems, inhabitants and resource use [d]
  1485. (/2019) The law of international watercourses [i]
  1486. () Environmental education and outreach: experiences of a federal agency [d] [j]
  1487. () Community-based eco-education: sound ecology and effective education [d]
  1488. () Environmental values and adaptive management [d] [j]
  1489. () Strategies for genetic conservation of trees in the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1490. () Stories at the forest edge: the KEMALA approach to crafting good governance and sustainable futures [o]
  1491. () Adaptive management: a tool for conservation practitioners [o] [u]
  1492. () The structure of environmental concern: concern for self, other people, and the biosphere [d]
  1493. () The influence of personality in determining farmer responsiveness to risk [d]
  1494. () Eco-activism and well-being: between flow and burnout [i]
  1495. () A biospheric natural history [u]
  1496. () Participatory domestication of agroforestry trees: an example from the Peruvian Amazon [d]
  1497. () New ways to promote proenvironmental behavior: the application of persuasion theory to the development of effective proenvironmental Public Service Announcements [d]
  1498. () Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management [d]
  1499. () Public discourse and decision making: exploring possibilities for financial, social and environmental accounting [d]
  1500. Daniel J. Buckles [ed] () Cultivar la paz: conflicto y colaboración en el manejo de los recursos naturales [i]
  1501. () Compartiendo las crianzas: comida, organicidad y biodiversidad en la recuperación agroecológica y nutricional de los Quechua lamistas [i]
  1502. Brian A. Day & Martha C. Monroe [ed] () Environmental education & communication for a sustainable world: handbook for international practitioners [i]
  1503. () Exploring visions: self-monitoring and evaluation processes within the Nepal–UK community forestry project [i] [d]
  1504. () The nation-state and the natural environment over the twentieth century [d] [j]
  1505. () Conflict and engagement: an empirical study of a farmer–extension partnership in a sustainable agriculture program [d]
  1506. Julie Ann Gustanski & Roderick H. Squires [ed] () Protecting the land: conservation easements past, present, and future [i]
  1507. () 'They are shouting it whenever they can': beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications [u]
  1508. Raymond L. Ison & David B. Russell [ed] () Agricultural extension and rural development: breaking out of knowledge transfer traditions: a second-order systems perspective [i]
  1509. () Jungles [i]
  1510. () Reconceptualizing participation for sustainable rural development: towards a negotiation approach [d]
  1511. () Dissemination of innovation as social change [i] [d]
  1512. () Environmental education materials: guidelines for excellence workbook: bridging theory and practice [i] [u]
  1513. () Protecting nature in your community: a guidebook for preserving and enhancing biodiversity [o]
  1514. Heather Newbold [ed] () Life stories: world-renowned scientists reflect on their lives and on the future of life on earth [i]
  1515. Manfred Oepen & Winfried Hamacher [ed] () Communicating the environment: environmental communication for sustainable development [i]
  1516. (/2012) Tropical ecosystems and ecological concepts [i] [d]
  1517. () Systems of knowledge: dialogue, relationships and process [d]
  1518. () Empathizing with nature: the effects of perspective taking on concern for environmental issues [d]
  1519. () Cultural theory and individual perceptions of environmental risks [d]
  1520. Bruce A. Stein, Lynn S. Kutner, & Jonathan S. Adams [ed] () Precious heritage: the status of biodiversity in the United States [i]
  1521. () Farmers' perspectives of Michigan State University Extension: trends and lessons from 1996 and 1999 [u]
  1522. () Uncertain hazards: environmental activists and scientific proof [i] [d] [j]
  1523. () Grassroots journalism: a practical manual for doing the kind of newswriting that doesn't just get people angry, but active—that doesn't just inform, but inspires [i]
  1524. () Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool for adaptive forest management: a guide [i]
  1525. () Using scenarios to make decisions about the future: anticipatory learning for the adaptive co-management of community forests [d]
  1526. () Making collaboration work: lessons from innovation in natural resource management [i]
  1527. Charles Zerner [ed] () People, plants, and justice: the politics of nature conservation [i] [d] [j]
  1528. () Intercultural education and literacy: an ethnographic study of indigenous knowledge and learning in the Peruvian Amazon [i] [d]
  1529. () Schooling and development: eroding Amazon women's knowledge and diversity [i]
  1530. () Voices for change: rural women and communication [o] [u]
  1531. (/2018) Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management [i] [d]
  1532. (/2008) Strategic communications for nonprofits: a step-by-step guide to working with the media [i]
  1533. Daniel J. Buckles [ed] () Cultivating peace: conflict and collaboration in natural resource management [i]
  1534. () Life paths into effective environmental action [d]
  1535. () Understanding local people's use of time: a pre-condition for good co-management [d]
  1536. () Interpreting biodiversity: a manual for environmental educators in the tropics [i] [u]
  1537. () Interpretación de la biodiversidad: manual para educadores ambientales en los trópicos [i] [u]
  1538. () The conservation aesthetic and the microscopic aesthetic [d] [j]
  1539. () Changing the way America farms: knowledge and community in the sustainable agriculture movement [i]
  1540. () Communicating nature conservation: 10 frequently made mistakes [u]
  1541. () La comunicación sobre la naturaleza: 10 errores frecuentes [u]
  1542. (/2009) Communication skills for conservation professionals [i]
  1543. () One size does not fit all: the case for tailoring print materials [d]
  1544. () Into the field: a guide to locally focused teaching [i]
  1545. () Life in the treetops: adventures of a woman in field biology [i]
  1546. () Visual-spatial thinking: an aspect of science overlooked by educators [d]
  1547. Martha C. Monroe [ed] () What works: a guide to environmental education and communication projects for practitioners and donors [i] [u]
  1548. () Adapting environmental education materials [o] [u]
  1549. Bonnie Pitman [ed] () Presence of mind: museums and the spirit of learning [i]
  1550. () Stakeholder analysis and conflict management [i]
  1551. () Greater than the sum of their parts: designing conservation and development programs to maximize results and learning: a practical guide for program managers and donors [o]
  1552. (/2000) Mayor que la suma de sus partes: diseñando programas de conservación y desarrollo para maximizar resultados y aprendizaje: una guía práctica para administradores de proyectos y donantes [o]
  1553. () Participatory rural appraisal and planning: workbook [i]
  1554. () Entertainment-education: a communication strategy for social change [i]
  1555. Gregory A. Smith & Dilafruz R. Williams [ed] () Ecological education in action: on weaving education, culture, and the environment [i]
  1556. () Voices from the forest: what participants expect of a public participation process [d]
  1557. () Accelerating the diffusion of innovations using opinion leaders [d]
  1558. () Exploring the basic ecological unit: ecosystem-like concepts in traditional societies [d] [u]
  1559. Linda J. Lear [ed] () Lost woods: the discovered writing of Rachel Carson [i]
  1560. () The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital [d]
  1561. () Whose knowledge, whose nature?: biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements [d] [u]
  1562. () Science in public: communication, culture, and credibility [i]
  1563. () Sustainable community indicators trainer's workshop [u]
  1564. (/2015) International environmental law and policy [i]
  1565. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction [ed] () Participatory methods in community-based coastal resource management [i]
  1566. () Enhancing sustainable development strategies through avoidance of military metaphors [u]
  1567. () Measures of success: designing, managing, and monitoring conservation and development projects [i]
  1568. () Medidas de éxito: diseño, manejo y monitoreo de proyectos de conservación y desarrollo [u]
  1569. (/2000) Locally developed agriculture—a possibility or obstacle for preventing soil degradation?: an exploratory study with farmers and agronomy students in the province of San Martín, Peru [u]
  1570. () Defining indicators which make sense to local people: intra-cultural variation in perceptions of natural resources [d]
  1571. Niels G. Röling & Mana Anna Elisabeth Wagemakers [ed] () Facilitating sustainable agriculture: participatory learning and adaptive management in times of environmental uncertainty [i]
  1572. Seema Saeed, Wendy Goldstein, & Ram Shrestha [ed] () Planning environmental communication and education: lessons from Asia [i] [u]
  1573. (/2003) Making the news: a guide for activists and nonprofits [i]
  1574. (/2005) Frutíferas e plantas úteis na vida amazônica [i] [u]
  1575. () Losing strands in the web of life: vertebrate declines and the conservation of biological diversity [i]
  1576. () Reasons for success: learning from instructive experiences in rural development [i]
  1577. () Acceptable practices in Ontario's forests: differences between the public and forestry professionals [d]
  1578. Anthony Wilson, Jane Gregory, Steve Miller, & Shirley Earl [ed] () Handbook of science communication [i] [d]
  1579. () Research–extension linkage [i] [u]
  1580. () The ecology of hope: communities collaborate for sustainability [i]
  1581. () Beyond fences: seeking social sustainability in conservation [i]
  1582. () Beyond slash and burn: building on indigenous management of Borneo's tropical rain forests [i]
  1583. () The social organization of innovation: a focus on stakeholder interaction [i]
  1584. Kléber Bertrand Ghimire & Michel P. Pimbert [ed] () Social change and conservation: environmental politics and impacts of national parks and protected areas [i]
  1585. (/2014) International environmental law, policy, and ethics [i] [d]
  1586. () The Chicago Wilderness and its critics: the other side: a survey of arguments [j] [u]
  1587. (/2001) The video activist handbook [i]
  1588. () How to make and use visual aids [i]
  1589. () Start with what the people know: a community based approach to integrated coastal zone management [d]
  1590. () Giving people a voice rather than a message [u]
  1591. () Participatory appraisal of natural resources [i]
  1592. () Ecology, ethics, and advocacy [j] [u]
  1593. Vanessa Scarborough, Scott Killough, Debra A. Johnson, & John Farrington [ed] () Farmer-led extension: concepts and practices [i] [d]
  1594. Stan Stevens & Terry De Lacy [ed] () Conservation through cultural survival: indigenous peoples and protected areas [i]
  1595. (/2000) Designing a geography of hope: a practitioner's handbook to ecoregional conservation planning [o]
  1596. () The cornerstones model: values-based planning and management [o]
  1597. () Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment [i]
  1598. () REFLECT mother manual: regenerated Freirean literacy through empowering community techniques [i] [u]
  1599. () Teaching and learning in agriculture: a guide for agricultural educators [i]
  1600. () Understanding and influencing behaviors in conservation and natural resources management [i] [u]
  1601. () Pluralism and the extension agent: changing concepts and approaches in rural extension [i]
  1602. Helen Collinson [ed] () Green guerrillas: environmental conflicts and initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean: a reader [i]
  1603. Roy Edward Disney, Joyce Greene, Deborah Reber, & Christian Clark [ed] () Drawing insight: communicating development through animation [i]
  1604. () The social construction of nature: a sociology of ecological enlightenment [i]
  1605. () Landscape impact analysis: a systematic approach to landscape impacts of policy [d]
  1606. () Recording and using indigenous knowledge: a manual [i] [u]
  1607. Nicholas Jardine, James A. Secord, & Emma C. Spary [ed] () Cultures of natural history [i]
  1608. () Participatory analysis, monitoring and evaluation for fishing communities: a manual [i] [u]
  1609. (/2004) Environmental education materials: guidelines for excellence [i] [u]
  1610. (/2004) Materiales de educación ambiental: pautas para la excelencia [i] [u]
  1611. () America's private land, a geography of hope [i] [u]
  1612. () Re-ruralizing education [i] [j]
  1613. () Looking to the future: map drawing in Madah, Central Tanzania [u]
  1614. () Agricultural research and the peasants: the Tanzanian agricultural knowledge and information system [i]
  1615. () The passionate fact: storytelling in natural history and cultural interpretation [i]
  1616. William J. Sutherland [ed] (/2006) Ecological census techniques: a handbook [i] [d]
  1617. () Environmental meaning and ecosystem management: perspectives from environmental psychology and human geography [d]
  1618. Don E. Wilson & Abelardo Sandoval [ed] () Manu: the biodiversity of southeastern Peru = la biodiversidad del sureste del Perú [i]
  1619. (/2007) Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters [i] [d]
  1620. (/1997) How people use pictures: an annotated bibliography and review for development workers [i]
  1621. () Communicating through story characters: radio social drama [i]
  1622. () Redemptive communities: indigenous knowledge, colonist farming systems, and conservation of tropical forests [d]
  1623. (/1999) Guide to sustainable community indicators [o]
  1624. () Pictures, people, and power: people-centred visual aids for development [i]
  1625. () Small participatory media technology as an agent of social change in Nigeria: a non-existent option? [d]
  1626. () Indigenous peoples, mapping & biodiversity conservation: an analysis of current activities and opportunities for applying geomatics technologies [i] [u]
  1627. () A trainer's guide for participatory learning and action [i]
  1628. Ortwin Renn, Thomas Webler, & Peter M. Wiedemann [ed] () Fairness and competence in citizen participation: evaluating models for environmental discourse [i] [d]
  1629. () PRA: a new literacy? [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
  1630. () A place in space: ethics, aesthetics, and watersheds: new and selected prose [i]
  1631. Leslie E. Sponsel [ed] () Indigenous peoples and the future of Amazonia: an ecological anthropology of an endangered world [i]
  1632. (/2003) The reporter's environmental handbook [i]
  1633. () Adult environmental education: a workbook to move from words to action [o]
  1634. () The origins and practice of participatory rural appraisal [d]
  1635. Hilary Sims Feldstein & Janice Jiggins [ed] () Tools for the field: methodologies handbook for gender analysis in agriculture [i]
  1636. (/2009) Communication in social work [i]
  1637. () Interbeing and the 'I' habit: an experiment in environmental literacy [i]
  1638. () Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect [i]
  1639. (/1995) Gendered resource mapping: focusing on women's spaces in the landscape [u]
  1640. () Illinois' Volunteer Corps: a model program with deep roots in the prairie [d]
  1641. () The critical villager: beyond community participation [i]
  1642. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  1643. () Social mobilization & social marketing in developing communities: lessons for communicators [i]
  1644. () When people play people: development communication through theatre [i]
  1645. Kay Milton [ed] () Environmentalism: the view from anthropology [i] [d]
  1646. () Participatory rural appraisal: methodology and applications [i]
  1647. () Wildlife field research and conservation training manual [i] [u]
  1648. () Method in ecology: strategies for conservation [i] [d]
  1649. (/1995) Listening for a change: oral testimony and community development [i]
  1650. () Visual communicating [i]
  1651. () Habitat dioramas as ecological theatre [d]
  1652. () Environmental rapid-assessment programs have appeal and critics: are they the domain of the conservation elite? [d] [j]
  1653. Stephan Amend & Thora Amend [ed] () ¿Espacios sin habitantes?: parques nacionales de América del Sur [i]
  1654. () Professional bias, public perspectives, and communication pitfalls for natural resource managers [j]
  1655. () Herramientas para la comunidad: conceptos, métodos y herramientas para el diagnóstico, seguimiento y la evaluación participativos en el Desarrollo Forestal Comunitario [o] [u]
  1656. () Tropical forest biodiversity: distributional patterns and their conservational significance [d] [j]
  1657. () Interpretación ambiental: una guía práctica para gente con grandes ideas y presupuestos pequeños [i]
  1658. () Environmental interpretation: a practical guide for people with big ideas and small budgets [i]
  1659. () Ecological literacy: education and the transition to a postmodern world [i]
  1660. Kent Hubbard Redford & Christine Padoch [ed] () Conservation of neotropical forests: working from traditional resource use [i]
  1661. () The interpreter's guidebook: techniques for programs and presentations [i]
  1662. () Tropical forests and their crops [i] [j]
  1663. () Global biodiversity strategy: guidelines for action to save, study, and use earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably [i] [u]
  1664. () Appropriate media for training and development [i]
  1665. () Folk media and development communication: myths and realities: a report on experiences in people's communication in Mexico, India, and the Philippines [i]
  1666. () Designing messages for development communication: an audience participation-based approach [i]
  1667. () Two-way environmental education [u]
  1668. (/1994) Extensión agrícola: una guía para asesoras y asesores en zonas rurales [i]
  1669. (/1998) Agricultural extension: guidelines for extension workers in rural areas [i]
  1670. () Extension management in the information age [u]
  1671. () Thinking in museums: reflections among masks [i]
  1672. () The community's toolbox: the idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry [o] [u]
  1673. Alwyn H. Gentry [ed] () Four neotropical rainforests [i]
  1674. Alfonso Gumucio Dagrón [ed] () Conservación, desarrollo y comunicación [o]
  1675. () Industry risk communication manual: improving dialogue with communities [i]
  1676. (/1994) What is education for? [i]
  1677. () Tools for community participation: a manual for training trainers in participatory techniques [i]
  1678. () The impact of knowledge and values on perceptions of environmental risk to the Great Lakes [d]
  1679. () Cultural analysis in communication for development: the role of cultural dramaturgy in the creation of a public sphere [o]
  1680. (/2004) Nonformal education (NFE) manual [o] [u]
  1681. () Envisioning a sustainable society: learning our way out [i]
  1682. () Taking the university to the people: seventy-five years of cooperative extension [i]
  1683. () Soil conservation for small farmers in the humid tropics [i]
  1684. (/2002) Marketing research that won't break the bank: a practical guide to getting the information you need [i]
  1685. (/2005) The conservation easement handbook: managing land conservation and historic preservation easement programs [i]
  1686. () Improving dialogue with communities: a risk communication manual for government [o] [d]
  1687. (/2015) Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research [i]
  1688. (/2003) Communication for rural innovation: rethinking agricultural extension [i] [d]
  1689. (/1989) Agricultural extension [i]
  1690. Robert B. Bechtel & Arzah Ts'erts'man [ed] (/2002) Handbook of environmental psychology [i]
  1691. () The application of participatory action-research in Latin America [d]
  1692. () Social program innovation and dissemination: a study of organizational change processes [d]
  1693. () Aube nouvelle à Mobo [o]
  1694. (/2003) The Green Belt Movement: sharing the approach and the experience [i]
  1695. () Conservation education: a planning guide [o] [u]
  1696. (/1997) Improving women farmers' access to extension services [i] [u]
  1697. () Comunicación entre grupos: el método del cassette-foro [i]
  1698. (/1997) Using rapid or participatory rural appraisal [i] [u]
  1699. Burton E. Swanson, Robert P. Bentz, & Andrew J. Sofranko [ed] (/1997) Improving agricultural extension: a reference manual [i] [u]
  1700. (/1997) Técnicas participativas para la educación popular [i]
  1701. () Ah-hah!: a new approach to popular education [i]
  1702. (/2002) Tropical forest expeditions [i] [u]
  1703. () The plantetary trust: conservation and intergenerational equity [j] [u]
  1704. () Two ears of corn: a guide to people-centered agricultural improvement [i]
  1705. (/1985) Dos mazorcas de maiz: una guía para el mejoramiento agrícola orientado hacia la gente [o]
  1706. (/1995) Duas espigas de milho: uma proposta de desenvolvimento agrícola participativo [o]
  1707. () Conservation of species: the need for a new approach [d]
  1708. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  1709. () Plain talk: clear communication for international development [i]
  1710. Trilochan Singh Bakshi & Zev Naveh [ed] () Environmental education: principles, methods, and applications [i] [d]
  1711. () Folkcomunicação: a comunicação dos marginalizados [o]
  1712. () Planning technologies appropriate to farmers: concepts and procedures [o] [u]
  1713. () Illustrations for development: a manual for cross-cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa [o] [u]
  1714. (/1995) Nature drawing: a tool for learning [i]
  1715. (/1995) Management in extension [i]
  1716. () Communications pretesting [i]
  1717. () Producción de programas de radio: el guión, la realización [o]
  1718. () Visual literacy in communication: designing for development [i]
  1719. James L. Aldrich, Anne M. Blackburn, & George A. Abel [ed] () The report of the North American Regional Seminar on Environmental Education: a confrontation with the issues: environmental education for the real world, October 5–8, 1976 [o] [u]
  1720. (/2003) Killing the hidden waters [i]
  1721. () The participatory process: producing photo-literature [i]
  1722. () Two hats [o] [u]
  1723. (/1980) Fotonovelas and comic books: the use of popular graphic media in development [o]
  1724. (/2015) Elements of ecology [i]
  1725. () Communicating with pictures in Nepal [o]
  1726. () Ecology under one perspective [o]
  1727. () Small technical libraries: a guide for librarians without technological training [i]
  1728. (/2020) Biogeography: an ecological and evolutionary approach [i]
  1729. () Geographical ecology: patterns in the distribution of species [i]
  1730. (/1972) Conserving life on earth [i]
  1731. (/1977) Techniques for producing visual instructional media [i]
  1732. (/1984) Audio-visual communication handbook [o] [u]
  1733. () America the raped: the engineering mentality and the devastation of a continent [o]
  1734. (/1987) Help for the small museum: handbook of exhibit ideas and methods [i]
  1735. () A rationale for a science museum [d] [u]
  1736. () Conveying science by visual presentation [o]
  1737. (/1973) Traditional societies and technological change [i]
  1738. (/1978) Handbook for preparing visual media [i]
  1739. (/2003) Diffusion of innovations [i]
  1740. (/1964) Better living through conservation planning [o] [d]
  1741. (/1988) Social change in rural societies: an introduction to rural sociology [i]
  1742. (/1999) Conservation and the gospel of efficiency: the progressive conservation movement, 1890–1920 [i] [j] [u]
  1743. Henry Jarrett [ed] () Perspectives on conservation: essays on America's natural resources [o]
  1744. (/1998) The real world around us [i]
  1745. (/1987) A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there [i]
  1746. () A conservation handbook [o] [u]
  1747. Victor Wolfgang Von Hagen [ed] () The green world of the naturalists: a treasury of five centuries of natural history in South America [o]
  1748. () Fifty years of progress: some of the history of Field Museum (1893–1943) and a forecast of its future [o] [u]
  1749. () The conservation ethic [d]
  1750. () Field Museum and the child: an outline of the work carried on by the Field Museum of Natural History among school children of Chicago through the N.W. Harris public school extension and the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond public school and children's lectures [o] [u]
  1751. () Handbook of nature-study for teachers and parents: based on the Cornell nature-study leaflets, with much additional material and many new illustrations [o] [u]
  1752. () The botanic garden as a field museum of agriculture [p] [d] [j]
  1753. (/2003) Man and nature [i] [u]
  1754. (/1969) The naturalist on the River Amazons [i] [u]
  1755. (/2014) Views of nature [i] [d] [u]
  1756. (/2008) Essay on the geography of plants [i] [d]

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14th edition, last updated: 31 July 2024 (view Zotero library on
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