How to communicate

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Rethinking openness: a social constructivist approach to the promises of the new museology [d]
  2. () The free web: there is something you can do to help the open web—put yourself on it [u]
  3. () Public spheres of the future [i]
  4. () Understanding data culture/s: influences, activities, and initiatives [d]
  5. () After disruption: a future for cultural memory [i] [d] [j]
  6. () The epistemology of disasters and social change: pandemics, protests, and possibilities [i]
  7. () Empathising in online spaces [d]
  8. () The climate crisis: science, impacts, policy, psychology, sociology, and justice [i] [d]
  9. () Beyond fans: the relational labor and communication practices of creators on Patreon [d]
  10. Maria Bonn, Josh Bolick, & Will Cross [ed] () Scholarly communication librarianship and open knowledge [i] [u]
  11. () Open access literature in libraries: principles and practices [i] [u]
  12. () Apologia pro bibliotheca: more than information [u]
  13. () Teaching and collecting technical standards: a handbook for librarians and educators [i]
  14. () The cloud, the public square, and digital public archival infrastructure [d]
  15. () POSSE: a better way to post on social networks [u]
  16. () Abductive irradiation of cultural values in shared spaces: the case of social education through public libraries [i] [d]
  17. () The Web at war: hypertext, social media, and totalitarianism [i] [d]
  18. () The IndieWeb for everyone [and comments] [u]
  19. () Uncovering the research behaviors of reporters: a conceptual framework for information literacy in journalism [d]
  20. () Plain language + machine translation as a form of cultural hospitality for knowledge representation [i] [d]
  21. () Embrace the power of 'You might be thinking...' [u]
  22. () All software is web software now [u]
  23. () Newsfeeds are a poor intervention for distributing and discovering relevant information [social media news feeds] [u]
  24. Christina Hanganu-Bresch, Michael J. Zerbe, Gabriel Cutrufello, & Stefania Maci [ed] () The Routledge handbook of scientific communication [i] [d]
  25. H. Thomas Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, & Leonora Crema [ed] () Designing libraries for the 21st century [i] [u]
  26. () Infecting museums with joy: seven ways [d]
  27. () How minds change: the surprising science of belief, opinion, and persuasion [i]
  28. Marianne Lykke Nielsen, Tanja Svarre Jonasen, David Haynes, Mette Skov, Martin Thellefsen, & Daniel Martínez-Ávila [ed] () Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services, and technologies: proceedings of the Seventeenth International ISKO Conference, 6–8 July 2022, Aalborg, Denmark [i] [d]
  29. () Semantic knowledge graphs for the news: a review [d]
  30. () Interdisciplinarity can aid the spread of better methods between scientific communities [d]
  31. () Radical interoperability is a political agenda: model the world you want to live in [u]
  32. Mark Tebeau, Serge Noiret, & Gerben Zaagsma [ed] () Handbook of digital public history [i] [d]
  33. () Maintaining repositories, databases, and digital collections in memory institutions: an integrative review [d]
  34. () Not exactly lying: fake news and fake journalism in American history [i] [j]
  35. () Findable, impactful, citable, usable, sustainable (FICUS): a heuristic for digital publishing [i] [d] [u]
  36. () Technologically scaffolded atypical cognition: the case of YouTube's recommender system [d] [u]
  37. () The American Heritage Project: a legacy of public libraries and community discussions [d]
  38. Sven Bernecker, Amy K. Flowerree, & Thomas Grundmann [ed] () The epistemology of fake news [i] [d]
  39. Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing, & Anthony Grafton [ed] () Information: a historical companion [i] [j]
  40. () Disinformation and manipulation in digital media: information pathologies [i] [d]
  41. Jannette L. Finch [ed] () Envisioning the framework: a graphic guide to information literacy [i]
  42. () Seeing suffering [book review essay] [d]
  43. () Vaccine hesitancy: public trust, expertise, and the war on science [i] [j]
  44. (/2022) Foundations of global communication [i] [d]
  45. () Why I love interoperability [u]
  46. () Post-deliberative democracy [d] [u]
  47. () Getting to the heart of science communication: a guide to effective engagement [i]
  48. () 'Fake news' is not simply false information: a concept explication and taxonomy of online content [d] [u]
  49. () Building connective democracy: interdisciplinary solutions to the problem of polarisation [i] [d]
  50. Lada T. Price, Karen Sanders, & Wendy N. Wyatt [ed] () The Routledge companion to journalism ethics [i] [d]
  51. () Don't forget forgetting: the social epistemic importance of how we forget [d]
  52. () English as lingua franca: or the sterilisation of scientific work [d]
  53. () How can information systems make a better world? [i] [d]
  54. () How information systems came to rule the world: and other essays [i] [d]
  55. () Setting the tone for an anti-platform ['designing an app around the data rather than the data around the app'] [u]
  56. Howard Tumber & Silvio R. Waisbord [ed] () The Routledge companion to media disinformation and populism [i] [d]
  57. () The hype machine: how social media disrupts our elections, our economy, and our health—and how we must adapt [i]
  58. () New fundaments for a multi-modal space–time: teaching 3D: what it is, and why it matters [i] [d]
  59. () Weaponized words: the strategic role of persuasion in violent radicalization and counter-persuasion [i] [d]
  60. () Reckoning: journalism's limits and possibilities [i] [d]
  61. () The language of science: how the words we use have evolved over the past 175 years [d] [u]
  62. () Reading experience librarianship: working with readers in the 21st century [d]
  63. () Keep the books on the shelves: library space as intrinsic facilitator of the reading experience [d]
  64. () Searchable Linkable Open Public Indexed (SLOPI) communication: or, Why open source projects should avoid Slack [and other walled gardens] [u]
  65. () Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
  66. () Do they really know what they need?: prototypes and different research methods as a means of testing students' feedback—a case-study [d]
  67. () There are no disciplines here: the causes of who we are and what we do [u]
  68. () The library commons: an imagination and an invocation [u]
  69. () Empathetic understanding and deliberative democracy [d]
  70. () Narrative change: how changing the story can transform society, business, and ourselves [i] [d] [j]
  71. () The political power of platforms: how current attempts to regulate misinformation amplify opinion power [d]
  72. () The anatomy of fake news: a critical news literacy education [i] [d] [j]
  73. () Reducing exclusionary attitudes through interpersonal conversation: evidence from three field experiments [using non-judgmental exchange of narratives] [d]
  74. Annette Leßmöllmann, Marcelo Dascal, & Thomas Gloning [ed] () Science communication [i] [d]
  75. () Mapping change in Canada's local news landscape: an investigation of research impact on public policy [d]
  76. () Flexible learning, rather than inveterate innovation or copying, drives cumulative knowledge gain [p] [d] [u]
  77. () State aid for independent news journalism in the public interest?: a critical debate of government funding models and principles, the market failure paradigm, and policy efficacy [d]
  78. Minako O'Hagan [ed] () The Routledge handbook of translation and technology [i] [d]
  79. () Restructuring democratic infrastructures: a policy approach to the journalism crisis [d]
  80. Joseph M. Reagle & Jackie L. Koerner [ed] () Wikipedia @ 20: stories of an incomplete revolution [i] [d] [u]
  81. () Read in or check out: a four-year analysis of circulation and in-house use of print books [d]
  82. () Voter mobilisation in the echo chamber: broadband internet and the rise of populism in Europe [d]
  83. Jonathan A. Schwabish [ed] () Elevate the debate: a multi-layered approach to communicating your research [i]
  84. () Report for America, report about communities: local news capacity and community trust [d]
  85. () The roots of fake news: objecting to objective journalism [i] [d]
  86. () Political effects of the internet and social media [d]
  87. Sara R. Benson [ed] () Copyright conversations: rights literacy in a digital world [i] [u]
  88. () Why books work: a rebuttal to Andy Matuschak [u]
  89. () Elegant science narratives and unintended influences: an agenda for the science of science communication [d]
  90. () Machine translation and global research: towards improved machine translation literacy in the scholarly community [i] [d]
  91. () The reward and risk of social media for academics [d]
  92. () Humanitarian communication in a post-truth world [d]
  93. () Bad language [i]
  94. () Citizen-scholars: social media and the changing nature of scholarship [d]
  95. () Fake news nation: the long history of lies and misinterpretations in America [i]
  96. () Facilitating collective psychosocial resilience in the public in emergencies: twelve recommendations based on the social identity approach [p] [d] [u]
  97. () 30 years on, reports of the Web's death are exaggerated [u]
  98. () Do-gooders [and the need for politically responsible altruism] [book review essay] [d] [u]
  99. () Libraries in the digital age: a case study in equipping librarians with the tools of idea management [u]
  100. () Stress-free small talk: how to master the art of conversation and take control of your social anxiety [i]
  101. () Natural language semantics: formation and valuation [i]
  102. () Tactical service failure: a case study on public funding as a marketing issue [d]
  103. () Traveling exhibitions in the field: settlements, war-economy, and the collaborative practice of seeing, 1919–1925 [i] [d]
  104. () 3 ways to help give all students 'information privilege' [u]
  105. () Thinking about the 'common reader': Otto Neurath, L. Susan Stebbing and the (modern) picture-text style [i] [d]
  106. () Oblique politics: Julia Wright Merrill and the Public Library Extension Committee, 1925–1946 [d]
  107. () Reimagining the academic library: what to do next [d]
  108. () Accelerating dynamics of collective attention [p] [d] [u]
  109. () No longer newsworthy: how the mainstream media abandoned the working class [i] [d] [j]
  110. () Lazy, not biased: susceptibility to partisan fake news is better explained by lack of reasoning than by motivated reasoning [p] [d]
  111. () Learning 'scholarship as conversation' by writing book reviews [d]
  112. () Illuminating obsolescence: Eastman Kodak's carousel slide projector and the work of ending [i] [d]
  113. Mohammadali M. Shoja, Anastasia Arynchyna, Marios Loukas, Anthony V. D'Antoni, Sandra M. Buerger, Marion Karl, & R. Shane Tubbs [ed] () A guide to the scientific career: virtues, communication, research, and academic writing [i] [d]
  114. () Public libraries and 21st century digital equity goals [d]
  115. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen & Thomas Hanitzsch [ed] () The handbook of journalism studies [i] [d]
  116. Mark J. P. Wolf [ed] () The Routledge companion to media technology and obsolescence [i] [d]
  117. () Interoperability [semantic interoperability] [d] [u]
  118. Robin Andersen & Purnaka L. De Silva [ed] () The Routledge companion to media and humanitarian action [i] [d]
  119. () Apostles of certainty: data journalism and the politics of doubt [i] [d]
  120. () Why StackExchange is superior to Quora and ResearchGate [in quality of discourse] [u]
  121. Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile [ed] () Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts [i] [d]
  122. () Playing to the crowd: musicians, audiences, and the intimate work of connection [i] [d] [j]
  123. () Network propaganda: manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American politics [i] [d] [u]
  124. () Selection bias in news coverage: learning it, fighting it [i] [d] [u]
  125. () Vaccinate against bad arguments [u]
  126. () Race and anti-LGBT legislation: an analysis of 'religion freedom' coverage in Mississippi and national newspapers [d]
  127. () The information politics of journalism in a post-truth age [d]
  128. Sin-wai Chan [ed] () The human factor in machine translation [i] [d]
  129. () Virtual serendipity: preserving embodied browsing activity in the 21st century research library [d]
  130. () The article that shook the public: a comparative study of 'The really big one' and other earthquake coverage [i]
  131. () Preserving for a more just future: tactics of activist data archiving [i] [d]
  132. () Reimagining publics and (non) participation: exploring exclusion from science communication through the experiences of low-income, minority ethnic groups [p] [d] [u]
  133. () Instructed fear stimuli bias visual attention [p] [d]
  134. () Rethinking narrative: leveraging storytelling for science learning [d]
  135. Peter D. Fernandez & Kelly Tilton [ed] () Applying library values to emerging technology: decision-making in the age of open access, maker spaces, and the ever-changing library [i] [u]
  136. Courtney Vail Fletcher & Jennette Lovejoy [ed] () Natural disasters and risk communication: implications of the Cascadia subduction zone megaquake [i]
  137. () Fake news: a definition [d] [u]
  138. Cliff Goddard [ed] () Minimal English for a global world: improved communication using fewer words [o] [d]
  139. Vera Gubnitskaia & Carol Smallwood [ed] () The relevant library: essays on adapting to changing needs [i]
  140. () The tradeoffs we make: ethical technology in the open movement and beyond [i] [u]
  141. () Information privilege outreach for undergraduate students [d] [u]
  142. () 'Truth be told': semantic memory as the scaffold for veridical communication [p] [d]
  143. Øyvind Ihlen & Robert L. Heath [ed] () The handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication [i] [d]
  144. () How far to nudge?: assessing behavioural public policy [i] [d]
  145. Kim Amanda Johnston & Maureen Taylor [ed] () The handbook of communication engagement [i] [d]
  146. () Persuasive power of prosodic features [d]
  147. () Palaces for the people: how social infrastructure can help fight inequality, polarization, and the decline of civic life [i]
  148. () Why libraries still matter: to restore civil society, start with the library [u]
  149. () Design principles for creating the open scholarly commons from Elinor Ostrom [u]
  150. () The implications and applications of learning via instructions [p] [d]
  151. (/2020) Text processing techniques and traditions [i] [d] [u]
  152. () Knowledge organization system (KOS): an introductory critical account [d] [u]
  153. () The information-gathering matrix: a framework for conceptualizing the use of freedom of information laws [d]
  154. () Copyright: what everyone needs to know [i]
  155. () Climate change, cultural cognition, and media effects: worldviews drive news selectivity, biased processing, and polarized attitudes [p] [d]
  156. () The theory and craft of digital preservation [i] [d]
  157. () Leveraging Wikipedia: connecting communities of knowledge [i] [u]
  158. () Open source software and librarian values [i] [u]
  159. Fernanda Ribeiro & Maria Elisa Cerveira [ed] () Challenges and opportunities for knowledge organization in the digital age: proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference, 9–11 July 2018, Porto, Portugal [i] [d]
  160. () Hypertext [or: Hypertextuality of knowledge organization systems, of memory institutions and of the universe] [d] [u]
  161. () Making sense of science: applied improvisation for public communication of science and health [i] [d]
  162. () Attitudes towards science [i] [d]
  163. () A guide to exhibit development [u]
  164. () Shortcut roundup: quick guides to become media literate [and what they have in common] [u]
  165. () Do good: embracing brand citizenship to fuel both purpose and profit [i]
  166. Jacqueline Visconti [ed] () Handbook of communication in the legal sphere [i] [d]
  167. () The desegregation of public libraries in the Jim Crow South: civil rights and local activism [i]
  168. () Media capture in the era of megaleaks [d]
  169. () The blame game: news, blame, and young homicide victims [d]
  170. () Science journalism: an introduction [i] [d]
  171. () Science communication training: what are we trying to teach? [d]
  172. () Multimodality and genre: issues for information design [i] [d]
  173. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  174. Alison Black, Paul Luna, Ole Lund, & Sue Walker [ed] () Information design: research and practice [i] [d]
  175. () Communication activism [i] [d]
  176. () Don't mix up the do's and the don'ts [u]
  177. () Spark curiosity [u]
  178. () Journalistic authority: legitimating news in the digital era [i] [d] [j]
  179. () Field study handbook [i]
  180. () Confronting the 'seeker of newspaper notoriety': pathological lying, the public, and the press, 1890–1920 [d]
  181. () Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence [p] [d] [u]
  182. () The interrelations of individual learning and collective knowledge construction: a cognitive-systemic framework [i] [d]
  183. () Disengaged ethics: code development and journalism's relationship with 'the public' [d]
  184. () How museum work can combine research and public engagement [p] [d]
  185. () Toward a unified framework for research on instructions and other messages: an introduction to the special section on the power of instructions [p] [d]
  186. () Library collections in the life of the user: two directions [d]
  187. () Media control: news as an institution of power and social control, by Robert E. Gutsche Jr. [book review] [d]
  188. () Conversational mapping: coaching others (and ourselves) to better have difficult conversations [u]
  189. () Telling the story of science [d] [j]
  190. () Attainable and relevant moral exemplars are more effective than extraordinary exemplars in promoting voluntary service engagement [p] [d] [u]
  191. () The power of moments: why certain experiences have extraordinary impact [i]
  192. () Delivering effective science communication: advice from a professional science communicator [d]
  193. Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, & Dietram Scheufele [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication [i] [d]
  194. () The public library movement, the digital library movement, and the large-scale digitization initiative: assumptions, intentions, and the role of the public [d] [j]
  195. Kate Kenski & Kathleen Hall Jamieson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of political communication [i] [d]
  196. () Culture and biology in the origins of linguistic structure [p] [d] [u]
  197. () Book reviews in academic journals: patterns and dynamics [d]
  198. () Interpreting straw man argumentation: the pragmatics of quotation and reporting [i] [d]
  199. () Designing instructional science visualizations in the trenches: where research meets production reality [i] [d]
  200. Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, & Carl Rollenhage [ed] () Handbook of safety principles [i] [d]
  201. () Representational contamination: how does an unexpected armed encounter psychologically stunt a peace process? [d]
  202. () Communicating science effectively: a research agenda [i] [d] [u]
  203. () International policy diffusion and participatory budgeting: ambassadors of participation, international institutions and transnational networks [i] [d]
  204. () 'Openness' with and without information technology: a framework and a brief history [d]
  205. () How museums can leverage live streaming technology [u]
  206. () Avoiding obscure topics and generalising findings produces higher impact research [d]
  207. () Languages are still a major barrier to global science [p] [d] [u]
  208. () The news media: what everyone needs to know [i]
  209. () The reputable firm: how digitalization of communication is revolutionizing reputation management [i] [d]
  210. () Multimodality, learning and communication: a social semiotic frame [i] [d]
  211. () Communication skills for patient engagement: argumentation competencies as means to prevent or limit reactance arousal, with an example from the Italian healthcare system [p] [d] [u]
  212. () From argumentative crisis to critical arguments: how to argue in the face of danger [i] [d]
  213. () Can citizen science enhance public understanding of science? [p] [d]
  214. () The Brain Scoop and the sloppy business of learning [u]
  215. () Towards a guide for constructing and disseminating counternarratives to reduce support for terrorism [d]
  216. () Concentration of access to information and communication technologies in the municipalities of the Brazilian legal Amazon [p] [d] [u]
  217. () Identity development in personal branding instruction: social narratives and online brand management in a global economy [d]
  218. () Assembling arguments: multimodal rhetoric & scientific discourse [i] [j]
  219. () The tragedy of the stream [in information architecture] [u]
  220. () Beyond viral: the proliferation of social media usage has not resulted in significant social change [d]
  221. () A multimodal parallel architecture: a cognitive framework for multimodal interactions [p] [d]
  222. () La palabra que camina: comunicación popular para el vivir bien/buen vivir [i]
  223. () Meet them in the moment: engaging public library patrons when it matters most [d] [u]
  224. () Information and communication technology and the social inclusion of refugees [u]
  225. () The why and how of middleware [for scholarly research and communication] [u]
  226. () The advocacy continuum: towards a theory of advocacy in journalism [d]
  227. () Impact: how law affects behavior [i]
  228. () Program Earth: environmental sensing technology and the making of a computational planet [i] [d] [j] [u]
  229. () Free speech: ten principles for a connected world [i] [d]
  230. () Deciding what's true: the rise of political fact-checking in American journalism [i] [d]
  231. Alan G. Gross & Jonathan Buehl [ed] () Science and the Internet: communicating knowledge in a digital age [i] [d]
  232. () The cognitive integration of scientific instruments: information, situated cognition, and scientific practice [d]
  233. () Documentation first [u]
  234. () Quick thinkers are smooth talkers: mental speed facilitates charisma [p] [d]
  235. () I'm right and you're an idiot: the toxic state of public discourse and how to clean it up [i]
  236. () Information communication technology utilization for effective emergency management networks [d]
  237. () Becoming a knowledge-sharing organization: a handbook for scaling up solutions through knowledge capturing and sharing [i] [d]
  238. () Information technology, mutual trust, flexibility, agility, adaptability: understanding their linkages and impact on humanitarian supply chain management performance [d]
  239. () What YouTube can do for museums [u]
  240. () Oral history and the epistemology of testimony [d]
  241. () The new librarianship field guide [i] [d] [j]
  242. () How to teach fundamental communication skills [i] [d]
  243. () Delivering bad news: how procedural unfairness affects messengers' distancing and refusals [d] [j]
  244. () Dangerous speech and dangerous ideology: an integrated model for monitoring and prevention [d] [u]
  245. () Uninformed: why people know so little about politics and what we can do about it [i]
  246. Claudia Magallanes-Blanco & José Manuel Ramos Rodríguez [ed] () Miradas propias: pueblos indígenas, comunicación y medios en la sociedad global [i]
  247. () Software evangelism and the rhetoric of morality: coding justice in a digital democracy [i] [d]
  248. () Ambition and illustration [u]
  249. () Uncertainty is information, too [u]
  250. () Linguistic obfuscation in fraudulent science [d]
  251. () Hard lessons learned: tracking changes in media presentations of religion and religious aid mobilization after the 1995 and 2011 disasters in Japan [u]
  252. () Narratives of nature [d]
  253. () DIY usability: low-barrier solutions for the busy librarian [d] [u]
  254. () Disseminating knowledge [i] [d]
  255. () Agenda-setting, priming, and framing [i] [d] [u]
  256. () How to avoid steering blindly: the case for a robust repository of human knowledge [i] [d]
  257. () Intellectual freedom and freedom of speech: three theoretical perspectives [d]
  258. () Information seeking and use in the context of minimalist lifestyles [d]
  259. Andy Priestner & Matt Borg [ed] () User experience in libraries: applying ethnography and human-centred design [i] [d]
  260. Raymond Pun, Scott Collard, & Justin Parrott [ed] () Bridging worlds: emerging models and practices of U.S. academic libraries around the globe [i] [u]
  261. () Institutional entrepreneurship, Wikipedia, and the opportunity of the commons [d]
  262. Frank Scalambrino [ed] () Social epistemology and technology: toward public self-awareness regarding technological mediation [i]
  263. () Could this be true? I think so!: expressed uncertainty in online rumoring [i] [d]
  264. () Conceptual alignment: how brains achieve mutual understanding [p] [d]
  265. Marko Tkalčič, Berardina De Carolis, Marco de Gemmis, Ante Odić, & Andrej Košir [ed] () Emotions and personality in personalized services: models, evaluation and applications [i] [d]
  266. () How organizations communicate expertise without experts: practices and performances of knowledge-intensive firms [d]
  267. () The conversational firm: rethinking bureaucracy in the age of social media [i] [d]
  268. () Information production and social value for public policy: a conceptual modeling perspective [d]
  269. () The social media trap: how knowledge workers learn to deal with constant social connectivity [i] [d]
  270. () The library as center of meaning [d]
  271. () The end of scientific articles as we know them? [p] [d]
  272. () Process patterns and conceptual changes in knowledge representations during information seeking and sensemaking: a qualitative user study [d]
  273. Sarita Albagli, Maria Lúcia Maciel, & Alexandre Hannud Abdo [ed] () Open science, open issues [i] [u]
  274. () Media and cognitive development [i] [d]
  275. () Constructing 'the others' during conflict: how journalism's norms and structures temper extreme portrayals [d]
  276. () The public professor: how to use your research to change the world [i] [j]
  277. () Conductive argumentation, degrees of confidence, and the communication of uncertainty [i] [d]
  278. () Simple habits for complex times: powerful practices for leaders [i] [d]
  279. () Why static site generators are the next big thing [u]
  280. () Ten simple rules for effective online outreach [p] [d] [u]
  281. () Start a revolution: stop acting like a library [i]
  282. () The garden and the stream: a technopastoral [u]
  283. () Discussing design: improving communication and collaboration through critique [i]
  284. Alice Crawford [ed] () The meaning of the library: a cultural history [i] [d] [j]
  285. () The instruction of imagination: language as a social communication technology [i] [d]
  286. Jorge Frascara [ed] () Information design as principled action: making information accessible, relevant, understandable, and usable [i]
  287. () An interactive realtime map of the world's news [u]
  288. () Creating a culture of usability [d] [u]
  289. () Social influence and sustainable consumption [i] [d]
  290. () Articulating design decisions: communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and deliver the best user experience [i]
  291. Annegret F. Hannawa & Brian H. Spitzberg [ed] () Communication competence [i] [d]
  292. () Discursive strategies of blame avoidance in government: a framework for analysis [d]
  293. () Communicating the UX vision: 13 anti-patterns that block good ideas [i]
  294. () Get the truth: former CIA officers teach you how to persuade anyone to tell all [i]
  295. () Meta-research: evaluation and improvement of research methods and practices [p] [d] [u]
  296. () Globalese: a new visual-linguistic register [d]
  297. (/2017) When scholars use knowledge-step forums to create web-compended guides to the literature of their fields, paradigm shifts will occur in the processes of knowledge creation and in graduate education [d] [u]
  298. () Improbable libraries: a visual journey to the world's most unusual libraries [i]
  299. () Identification and prioritization of coordination barriers in humanitarian supply chain management [d]
  300. () Turning the museum inside out: opening collections, engaging audiences [u]
  301. () The rhetoric of thick representation: how pictures render the importance and strength of an argument salient [d]
  302. Aleksandra Kostić & Derek Chadee [ed] () The social psychology of nonverbal communication [i] [d]
  303. () Are science comics a good medium for science communication?: the case for public learning of nanotechnology [d]
  304. Susan P. Mains, Julie Cupples, & Chris Lukinbeal [ed] () Mediated geographies and geographies of media [i] [d]
  305. () Beyond open access to open publication and open scholarship [d] [u]
  306. Michelle T. McLeod & Roger Vaughan [ed] () Knowledge networks and tourism [i] [d]
  307. () Digital humanitarians: how big data is changing the face of humanitarian response [i] [d]
  308. () Strategies for obtaining access to secretive or guarded organizations [p] [d] [u]
  309. () On the persuadability of memory: is changing people's memories no more than changing their minds? [d]
  310. () Designing online communities: how designers, developers, community managers, and software structure discourse and knowledge production on the Web [i]
  311. () BiblioTech: why libraries matter more than ever in the age of Google [i]
  312. Pamela Spence Richards, Wayne A. Wiegand, & Marija Dalbello [ed] () A history of modern librarianship: constructing the heritage of western cultures [i]
  313. () The really big one: an earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest—the question is when [u]
  314. Troy A. Swanson & Heather Jagman [ed] () Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information [i]
  315. () These maps depict the world's news in real time [u]
  316. () Interrogating the theory and practice of communication for social change: the basis for a renewal [i] [d]
  317. () Wikipedia and the politics of openness [i] [d]
  318. () Wikipedia and the ecosystem of knowledge [d] [u]
  319. () Part of our lives: a people's history of the American public library [i]
  320. () Conversational English: teaching spontaneity [i] [d]
  321. () The other kind of funnies: comics in technical communication [i] [d]
  322. () Digital paper: a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials [i] [d]
  323. () Multiple-documents literacy: strategic processing, source awareness, and argumentation when reading multiple conflicting documents [d]
  324. () Personal library curation: an ethnographic study of scholars' information practices [d]
  325. Joseph Arvai & Louie Rivers [ed] () Effective risk communication [i] [d]
  326. () Intellectual privilege: copyright, common law, and the common good [i]
  327. () Comunicación, política y desarrollo [i]
  328. () The outrage industry: political opinion media and the new incivility [i]
  329. () Norms and beliefs: how change occurs [i] [d]
  330. () Wiki approaches to wicked problems: considering African traditions in innovative collaborative approaches [d]
  331. () Face out: the effect of book displays on collection usage [d]
  332. () Early warning signals for war in the news [d]
  333. () Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications [d]
  334. () The public library: a photographic essay [i]
  335. () Vlogging the museum: YouTube as a tool for audience engagement [o] [u]
  336. () Collection directions: the evolution of library collections and collecting [d]
  337. () The network reshapes the library: Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services and networks [i] [u]
  338. () Not by technology alone: the 'analog' aspects of online public engagement in policymaking [d]
  339. () Open science: one term, five schools of thought [i] [d]
  340. Michael Fosmire & David F. Radcliffe [ed] () Integrating information into the engineering design process [i] [j] [u]
  341. () Why the Indie Web movement is so important [u]
  342. () We have never been digital [d]
  343. () Hacker science versus closed science: building environmental monitoring infrastructure [d]
  344. () Becoming more reflective about the role of design in communication [d]
  345. Maria Anna Jankowska [ed] () Focus on educating for sustainability: toolkit for academic libraries [i]
  346. () Constructing the universal library [o] [u]
  347. () STEM for all: unconventional approaches can extend the reach of science and natural history museums [u]
  348. () Responsible use of language in scientific writing and science communication [d] [j]
  349. () The evolving scholarly record [i] [d] [u]
  350. () Writing in the workplace: constructing documents using multiple digital sources [d]
  351. () Archives, libraries, museums: coming back together? [d] [j]
  352. () Library as infrastructure: reading room, social service center, innovation lab: how far can we stretch the public library? [d] [u]
  353. () Putting the user first: 30 strategies for transforming library services [i]
  354. () Information visualisation for science and policy: engaging users and avoiding bias [d]
  355. () The cultural side of science communication [p] [d] [u]
  356. Sebastian Möller & Alexander Raake [ed] () Quality of experience: advanced concepts, applications and methods [i] [d]
  357. () Museum education in the digital world: The Brain Scoop and The Field Museum's Chief Curiosity Correspondent [u]
  358. David Nicholas & Eti Herman [ed] () Information science [i]
  359. () Find out anything from anyone, anytime: secrets of calculated questioning from a veteran interrogator [i]
  360. () Harnessing reciprocity to promote cooperation and the provisioning of public goods [d]
  361. () Making change: norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems [d]
  362. () Citizen science: convergent evolution across the sciences [u]
  363. () Global muckraking: 100 years of investigative journalism from around the world [i]
  364. () Evoking emotions and evaluating emotional impact [i] [d]
  365. () Useful, usable, desirable: applying user experience design to your library [i]
  366. () Cultural feelings and the making of meaning [d]
  367. () Designing an exploratory visual interface to the results of citizen surveys [d]
  368. () Beyond news: the future of journalism [i] [d] [j]
  369. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  370. (/2017) Pragmatics and information structure [i] [d]
  371. () Top ed-tech trends of 2014: the Indie Web [u]
  372. () Building brand equity with cause-related marketing: a comparison with sponsorship and sales promotion [d]
  373. Guenther Witzany [ed] () Biocommunication of animals [i] [d]
  374. () Influence techniques in phishing attacks: an examination of vulnerability and resistance [d]
  375. (/2019) Ethics and social media Q&A [u]
  376. () The screenwriter activist: writing social issue movies [i] [d]
  377. Margit Böck & Norbert Pachler [ed] () Multimodality and social semiosis: communication, meaning-making and learning in the work of Gunther Kress [i] [d]
  378. () The library: a world history [i]
  379. () Confronting the data-divide in a time of spatial turns and volunteered geographic information [d]
  380. () Public libraries and PBS partnering to enhance civic engagement: a study of a nationwide initiative [d]
  381. () Deep rhetoric: philosophy, reason, violence, justice, wisdom [i] [d]
  382. () Semiotizing a product into a brand [d]
  383. Stephanie Davis-Kahl & Merinda Kaye Hensley [ed] () Common ground at the nexus of information literacy and scholarly communication [i] [u]
  384. () Understanding the collective collection: towards a system-wide perspective on library print collections [i] [u]
  385. () The role of social connectors in seeking computer-mediated information in rural societies [u]
  386. () Modelling information flow for organisations: a review of approaches and future challenges [d]
  387. () The adaptive function of distributed remembering: contributions to the formation of collective memory [d]
  388. () The customer service survival kit: what to say to defuse even the worst customer situations [i]
  389. () Going social: excite customers, generate buzz, and energize your brand with the power of social media [i]
  390. () Writing science in plain English [i] [d]
  391. () Argument kinds and argument roles in the Ontario provincial election, 2011 [d]
  392. () Who's reporting the protests?: converging practices of citizen journalists and two BBC World Service newsrooms, from Iran's election protests to the Arab uprisings [d]
  393. Stephen J. Hartnett, Eleanor Novek, & Jennifer K. Wood [ed] () Working for justice: a handbook of prison education and activism [i] [j]
  394. () Conversations that get results and inspire collaboration: engage your team, your peers, and your manager to take action [i]
  395. () Shapes, scents and sounds: quantifying the full multi-sensory basis of conceptual knowledge [p] [d]
  396. () Principles of social change [i] [d]
  397. () Spreadable media: creating value and meaning in a networked culture [i] [j]
  398. () Power stories: the 8 stories you must tell to build an epic business [i]
  399. () Strategies of visual argumentation in slideshow presentations: the role of the visuals in an Al Gore presentation on climate change [d]
  400. () Video journalism for the web: a practical introduction to documentary storytelling [i] [d]
  401. () Numinous experiences with museum objects [d]
  402. () The web as a platform [u]
  403. () Development of information systems for transparent corporate sustainability using data-driven technologies [i] [d]
  404. () Objectivity in journalism [i]
  405. () Challenging the one-way paradigm for more effective science communication: a critical review of two public campaigns addressing contentious environmental issues [d]
  406. () Creating exhibitions: collaboration in the planning, development, and design of innovative experiences [i]
  407. () Chasing newsroom diversity: from Jim Crow to affirmative action [i] [j]
  408. () Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
  409. () Amazon town TV: an audience ethnography in Gurupá, Brazil [i] [j]
  410. () Beyond the echo chamber [u]
  411. () The nature of psychological reactance revisited: a meta-analytic review [d]
  412. () Synesthetic experiences enhance unconscious learning [d]
  413. () Crisis mapping, bio blitzes, and Google Flu Trends [u]
  414. (/2022) Interpersonal communication: putting theory into practice [i] [d]
  415. (/2022) Emotions and communication [i] [d]
  416. () Healthy heroes, magic meals, and a visiting alien: community-led assets-based social marketing [d]
  417. () What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? [u]
  418. () Negotiating the meaning of brands [d]
  419. () Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: a risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers [p] [d] [u]
  420. () Digital animation as a method to disseminate research findings to the community using a community-based participatory approach [p] [d]
  421. () Creative practices in the design studio culture: collaboration and communication [d]
  422. () Global geographies of the internet [i] [d]
  423. () How to get people to do stuff: master the art and science of persuasion and motivation [i]
  424. () Epistemic justice as a virtue of social institutions [d]
  425. Architecture for Humanity [ed] () Design like you give a damn 2: building change from the ground up [i]
  426. () The complex position of the intermediary in telecenters and community multimedia centers [u]
  427. () Are the new mass media subverting cultural transmission? [d]
  428. () Newspaper journalism and video: motion, sound, and new narratives [d]
  429. () The case for metaphor in political reasoning and cognition [d]
  430. () The charisma myth: how anyone can master the art and science of personal magnetism [i]
  431. () Managing the interdisciplinary information universe: artisan activities in a machine environment [i]
  432. () Ethical considerations of using narrative to communicate science [d]
  433. () The persuasive influence of narrative causality: psychological mechanism, strength in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time [d]
  434. () Unveiling the modernity bias: a critical examination of the politics of ICT4D [information and communication technology for development] [d]
  435. () Design for how people learn [i]
  436. () On images as evidence and arguments [i] [d]
  437. Frans H. van Eemeren & Bart Garssen [ed] () Topical themes in argumentation theory: twenty exploratory studies [i] [d]
  438. () The science of attorney advocacy: how courtroom behavior affects jury decision making [i] [d] [j]
  439. () Why mass media matter to planning research: the case of megaprojects [d]
  440. () Contextual frames and their argumentative implications: a case study in media argumentation [d]
  441. () Universal accessibility and low-literacy populations: implications for human-computer interaction design and research methods [i] [d]
  442. () Knowledge translation of research findings [p] [d] [u]
  443. Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings, & Graham Walton [ed] () The road to information literacy: librarians as faciliators of learning [i] [d]
  444. () Confessions of a field research addict [u]
  445. () New technology, old practices: examining news websites from a professional perspective [d]
  446. () Reasoning and argumentation: towards an integrated psychology of argumentation [d]
  447. () Going my way?: the benefits of travelling in the same direction [d]
  448. () Pictorial argumentation in advertising: visual tropes and figures as a way of creating visual argumentation [i] [d]
  449. Jesús Lau, Anna María Tammaro, & Theo J. D. Bothma [ed] () Libraries driving access to knowledge [i] [d]
  450. () The 11 laws of likability: relationship networking—because people do business with people they like [i]
  451. () Art of explanation: making your ideas, products, and services easier to understand [i]
  452. () Misinformation and its correction: continued influence and successful debiasing [p] [d]
  453. () Doing right leads to doing well: when the type of CSR and reputation interact to affect consumer evaluations of the firm [d] [j]
  454. Daniel C. Mack & Craig Gibson [ed] () Interdisciplinarity and academic libraries [i]
  455. () Personal inner values: a key to effective face-to-face business communication [u]
  456. () Globalization, localization, and cross-cultural user-interface design [i] [d]
  457. () Saving the world: a brief history of communication for development and social change [i] [d] [j]
  458. () YouTube and social movements: a phenomenological analysis of participation, events and cyberplace [d]
  459. Alexander Mehler & Laurent Romary [ed] () Handbook of technical communication [i] [d]
  460. () Advice to future PhDs from 2 unusual graduating PhDs: the blog is the new CV & Twitter the new business card [u]
  461. () Professionalism, not professionals [d]
  462. () If looks could kill: the impact of different rhetorical styles on persuasive geocommunication [d]
  463. () Natural history and information overload: the case of Linnaeus [p] [d] [u]
  464. () A speaker-oriented multidimensional approach to risks and causes of miscommunication [d]
  465. () Information technology for communication and cognitive support [i] [d]
  466. () Usability 101: introduction to usability [u]
  467. () The cognitive science of fiction [d]
  468. Howard H. Pattee & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi [ed] () Laws, language and life: Howard Pattee's classic papers on the physics of symbols with contemporary commentary [i] [d]
  469. () Mobile phones, livelihoods and the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa: review and prospect [d]
  470. () Transformative art: art as means for long-term neurocognitive change [p] [d] [u]
  471. () Neuroscience and therapist self-disclosure: deepening right brain to right brain communication between therapist and patient [d]
  472. () Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
  473. () Stewards of digital literacies [u]
  474. () Winning the story wars: why those who tell—and live—the best stories will rule the future [i]
  475. () What we know about expertise in professional communication [i] [d]
  476. () Behavior theory in health promotion practice and research [i]
  477. () Delta theory and psychosocial systems: the practice of influence and change [i] [d]
  478. () Achieving psychological simplicity: measures and methods to reduce cognitive complexity [i] [d]
  479. () Network interventions [p] [d] [j]
  480. () Blame narratives and the news: an ethical analysis [d]
  481. () Brand relevance: making competitors irrelevant [i]
  482. (/2018) Reclaiming fair use: how to put balance back in copyright [i] [d]
  483. () Local, global and virtual buzz: the importance of face-to-face contact in economic interaction and possibilities to go beyond [d]
  484. () Intuition, reflection & communication in the building of human cultures [u]
  485. () Creating personal presence: look, talk, think, and act like a leader [i]
  486. () Reflective teaching, effective learning: instructional literacy for library educators [i]
  487. () Don't advocate from a position of hate [or anger/aggression] [u]
  488. () Find the 'universal morality' in your case story [u]
  489. () Open conversations: public learning in libraries and museums [i]
  490. George Cheney, Steve May, & Debashish Munshi [ed] () The handbook of communication ethics [i] [d]
  491. () Myopia and the global financial crisis: context-specific reasoning, market structure, and institutional governance [d]
  492. () Change of heart: what psychology can teach us about spreading social change [i]
  493. () Books and journal articles: the textual practices of academic knowledge [and beyond] [i] [d]
  494. () The emergence and challenge of the modern library building: ideal types, model libraries, and guidelines, from the Enlightenment to the experience economy [o] [d] [u]
  495. () Negotiating meaning in a blog-based community: addressing unique, shared, and community problems [i] [d]
  496. () Crowdsourcing systems on the World-Wide Web [d]
  497. () The transparent supply chain: from resistance to implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss [d] [j]
  498. () Education for animal welfare [i] [d]
  499. () Community centered: 23 reasons why your library is the most important place in town [u]
  500. () Shared mind: communication, decision making, and autonomy in serious illness [d]
  501. Sabrina Helm, Kerstin Liehr-Gobbers, & Christopher Storck [ed] () Reputation management [i] [d]
  502. () Argument quality in Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting [or lack of quality] [o] [u]
  503. () Mechanisms of mindfulness in communication training [d]
  504. () Simple marketing techniques and space planning to increase circulation [d]
  505. Jay Jordan [ed] () Weaving libraries into the web: OCLC 1998–2008 [i]
  506. () Learning, freedom and the web [u]
  507. () The atlas of new librarianship [i] [d]
  508. (/2019) Organizational change: creating change through strategic communication [i] [d]
  509. () Narrative nonfiction: essential or overrated? [u]
  510. () In praise of vagueness: malleability of vague information as a performance booster [d]
  511. (/2015) How traditions live and die [i]
  512. (/2019) A workbook for arguments: a complete course in critical thinking [i]
  513. Eric Pardede [ed] () Community-built databases: research and development [i] [d]
  514. () The new WTP: willingness to participate [d]
  515. () Using social norms to reduce bullying: a research intervention among adolescents in five middle schools [d]
  516. () Is the Internet really new after all?: the determinants of telecommunications diffusion in historical perspective [d]
  517. Nicole Pfeffermann & Julie Gould [ed] (/2017) Strategy and communication for innovation: integrative perspectives on innovation in the digital economy [i] [d]
  518. () Time-critical social mobilization [p] [d] [j]
  519. () Infinite possibility: creating customer value on the digital frontier [i]
  520. () How 'geotags' could track developing world science [u]
  521. () Effects of epistemological sensitization on source choices [d]
  522. () Modelling written communication: a new systems approach to modelling in the social sciences [o] [d]
  523. () Translating between language and logic: what is easy and what is difficult [i] [d] [u]
  524. () 'Anyone can know': citizen journalism and the interpretive community of the mainstream press [d]
  525. () Creativity in clinical communication: from communication skills to skilled communication [p] [d]
  526. () Readers as gatekeepers of online news: Brazil, China, and the United States [u]
  527. () What makes a journalist?: story by an Amazon field volunteer [u]
  528. () The convergence of GIS and social media: challenges for GIScience [d]
  529. () Internationalist utopias of visual education: the graphic and scenographic transformation of the universal encyclopaedia in the Work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath [d]
  530. () How scientists use social media to communicate their research [p] [d] [u]
  531. () Patients' direct experiences as central elements of placebo analgesia [p] [d] [u]
  532. Arun Vishwanath & George A. Barnett [ed] () The diffusion of innovations: a communication science perspective [i]
  533. () Ethics and the media: an introduction [i] [d]
  534. () Quieting cognitive bias with standards for witness communications [u]
  535. () Conceptual challenges in the translation of research into practice: it's not just a matter of 'communication' [d]
  536. (/2017) Cognitive processes in audience decision making [i] [d]
  537. (/2017) Persuasive communication: how audiences decide [i] [d]
  538. () Storyworld: the bigger picture—investigating the world of multi-platform/transmedia production and its affect on storytelling processes [d]
  539. () Escape from the ivory tower: a guide to making your science matter [i]
  540. () Social-ecological memory in urban gardens—retaining the capacity for management of ecosystem services [d]
  541. () Long live the web: a call for continued open standards and neutrality [d] [u]
  542. () How to read and review a book like a qualitative researcher [d] [u]
  543. () Engaging performance: theatre as call and response [i] [d]
  544. () The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: an example from science communication [d]
  545. () Why journalism is a profession [i]
  546. () Outside-in and inside-out [resources of libraries] [u]
  547. () Putting the 'where' in the archives: Internet mapping and archival records [o] [u]
  548. () Improving newspapers' economic prospects by augmenting their contributions to democracy [d]
  549. () The interactive evolution of human communication systems [p] [d]
  550. () Two kinds of evidence: how information systems form rhetorical arguments [d]
  551. () Just listen: discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone [i]
  552. () Communication and the natural world [i]
  553. () The role of space and time for knowledge organization on the semantic web [d] [u]
  554. (/2014) Designing with the mind in mind: simple guide to understanding user interface design guidelines [i] [d]
  555. () Visualization and comprehension [i] [d]
  556. () Information comics: knowledge transfer in a popular format [i]
  557. () Rituals of transparency: evaluating online news outlets' uses of transparency rituals in the United States, United Kingdom and Sweden [d]
  558. () Free for all: the Internet's transformation of journalism [i]
  559. () Cultural constraints in the design of pictographic symbols [d]
  560. () Digital Earth's nervous system for crisis events: real-time sensor web enablement of volunteered geographic information [d]
  561. () Stakeholder participation, governance, communication, and outreach [i] [u]
  562. Christopher Meyers [ed] () Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach [i]
  563. () Behavior change support systems: a research model and agenda [i] [d]
  564. () How (well-structured) talk builds the mind [i]
  565. () Communication as changing the negotiation game [d]
  566. () What is social learning? [u]
  567. () The social marketing of giving: a framework for public policy intervention [d]
  568. () Libraries must remain free and open to all [u]
  569. () Making memories available: a framework for preserving rural heritage through community knowledge management (cKM) [d]
  570. Clifford Siskin & William Warner [ed] () This is enlightenment [through communication/mediation] [i] [d]
  571. () Signals: evolution, learning, & information [i] [d]
  572. Carol Smallwood [ed] () Librarians as community partners: an outreach handbook [i]
  573. () Forms of vitality: exploring dynamic experience in psychology, the arts, psychotherapy, and development [i]
  574. () Between understanding and misunderstanding [d]
  575. Brady Wagoner [ed] () Symbolic transformation: the mind in movement through culture and society [i] [d]
  576. () Geographies of media and communication: a critical introduction [i]
  577. () Uniting the tribes of fluency to form a metacognitive nation [d]
  578. () Co-creative labour [d]
  579. () Becoming a better politician: political skills manual [o] [u]
  580. () The art of conversation: a guided tour of a neglected pleasure [i]
  581. () Cognitive segmentation: modeling the structure and content of customers' thoughts [d]
  582. () Normative theories of the media: journalism in democratic societies [i]
  583. () Anti social-computing: indigenous language, digital video and intellectual property [u]
  584. Nancy Courtney [ed] () Academic library outreach: beyond the campus walls [i]
  585. () Global linguistics: an introduction [i] [d]
  586. () The people formerly known as the employers [of journalists] [d]
  587. () Rethinking marketing communication: from integrated marketing communication to relationship communication [d]
  588. () The four conversations: daily communication that gets results [i]
  589. Kenneth J. Gergen, Stuart M. Schrader, & Mary M. Gergen [ed] () Constructing worlds together: interpersonal communication as relational process [i]
  590. () Re-branding social good: social profit as a new conceptual framework [u]
  591. Lynn M. Harter, Mohan J. Dutta, & Courtney Cole [ed] () Communicating for social impact: engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy [i]
  592. (/2015) Our evanescent culture—and the awesome duty of librarians [i] [u]
  593. () The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
  594. () Intelligent participation: communicating knowledge in cross-functional project teams [d]
  595. () Effective apology: mending fences, building bridges, and restoring trust [i]
  596. () Integrated marketing communications: from media channels to digital connectivity [d]
  597. () Non-discursive rhetoric: image and affect in multimodal composition [i]
  598. Robin L. Nabi & Mary Beth Oliver [ed] () The Sage handbook of media processes and effects [i]
  599. () What's next for science communication?: promising directions and lingering distractions [d]
  600. () Ushahidi, or 'testimony': Web 2.0 tools for crowdsourcing crisis information [u]
  601. () The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing [d]
  602. () Teacher practice online: sharing wisdom, opening doors [i]
  603. Monica Prendergast & Juliana Saxton [ed] () Applied theatre: international case studies and challenges for practice [i]
  604. () Strategic reading, ontologies, and the future of scientific publishing [p] [d] [j] [u]
  605. () How to make sense of weak signals [u]
  606. () Transmedia storytelling: implicit consumers, narrative worlds, and branding in contemporary media production [u]
  607. () Ethical considerations in risk communication [i] [d]
  608. () Effective risk communication: a message-centered approach [i] [d]
  609. (/2012) Copywriting: successful writing for design, advertising, and marketing [i]
  610. () 'Sort of set my goal to come to class': evoking expressive content in policy reports [d]
  611. Giovanni Sommaruga [ed] () Formal theories of information: from Shannon to semantic information theory and general concepts of information [i] [d]
  612. () Coping through emotional approach: emerging evidence for the utility of processing and expressing emotions in responding to stressors [i] [d]
  613. () Manufacturing doubt: journalists' roles and the construction of ignorance in a scientific controversy [p] [d]
  614. (/2013) Identifying knowledge to action gaps [i] [d]
  615. () Popular arts and education in community-based participatory research (CBPR): on the subtle craft of developing and enhancing channels for clear conversations among CBPR partners [p] [d]
  616. () Aligning identities, emotions, and beliefs to create commitment to sustainable social and political action [p] [d]
  617. () The Darien statements on the library and librarians [u]
  618. () Corporate dynamic transparency: the new ICT-driven ethics? [d]
  619. () Communicating with Muslim parents: 'the four principles' are not as culturally neutral as suggested [d]
  620. () Advanced presentations by design: creating communication that drives action [i]
  621. () Marketing with integrity: ethics and the service-dominant logic for marketing [d]
  622. () Keep your donors: the guide to better communications & stronger relationships [i]
  623. () Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
  624. () Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: a meta-analysis [d]
  625. () Building on knowledge: developing expertise, creativity and intellectual capital in the construction professions [i] [d]
  626. (/2016) Brand meaning: meaning, myth and mystique in today's brands [i] [d]
  627. Charles Bazerman [ed] () Handbook of research on writing: history, society, school, individual, text [i] [d]
  628. () Humor in the advertising business: theory, practice, and wit [i]
  629. () Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and beyond: from production to produsage [i]
  630. Massimiano Bucchi & Brian Trench [ed] (/2014) Routledge handbook of public communication of science and technology [i] [d]
  631. () Two principles of broadcast media ownership for a democratic society [d] [j]
  632. () The conversational geography of word-of-mouth communication and marketing practices [d]
  633. () Democratizing knowledge: sustainable and conventional agricultural field days as divergent democratic forms [d]
  634. Deborah H. Charbonneau [ed] () Global information inequalities: bridging the information gap [i]
  635. Donghong Cheng [ed] () Communicating science in social contexts [i] [d]
  636. () After the crash: research-based theater for knowledge transfer [d]
  637. () Credibility and the use of geospatial media in activism and advocacy [d]
  638. Wolfgang Donsbach [ed] () The international encyclopedia of communication [i] [d]
  639. () Slide:ology: the art and science of creating great presentations [i]
  640. () The levity effect: why it pays to lighten up [i]
  641. (/2013) Influencer: the new science of leading change [i]
  642. () Shivers down your spine: cinema, museums, and the immersive view [i] [j]
  643. () Real scientists do it with models: the art of science visualization [d]
  644. () Communication and group perception: extending the 'saying is believing' effect [d]
  645. Jeroen van den Hoven & John Weckert [ed] () Information technology and moral philosophy [i] [d]
  646. () Marketing longitude: clocks, kings, courtiers, and Christiaan Huygens [d]
  647. () The politics of gossip and denial in interorganizational relations [d]
  648. () Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  649. () What's your story?: storytelling to move markets, audiences, people, and brands [i]
  650. () Development communication sourcebook: broadening the boundaries of communication [i]
  651. Ana Natalucci & Federico Aringoli [ed] () La comunicación como riesgo: sujetos, movimientos y memorias: relatos del pasado y modos de confrontación contemporáneos [i]
  652. () Writing as thinking [d]
  653. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Per F. V. Hasle, Marja Harjumaa, Katarina Segerståhl, & Peter Øhrstrøm [ed] () Persuasive technology: third international conference, PERSUASIVE 2008, Oulu, Finland, June 4–6, 2008: proceedings [i] [d]
  654. () A systematic framework for designing and evaluating persuasive systems [i] [d]
  655. D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel [ed] () Evolution of communicative flexibility: complexity, creativity, and adaptability in human and animal communication [i] [d]
  656. Elizabeth Parsons, Pauline Maclaran, & Mark Tadajewski [ed] () Nonprofit marketing [i] [d]
  657. () Broadcasting indigenous voices: Sami minority media production [d]
  658. () Data quality and decision making [i] [d]
  659. () How we see ourselves and how we see others [p] [d] [j]
  660. Sandra L. Ragan, Elaine M. Wittenberg-Lyles, Joy Goldsmith, & Sandra Sanchez-Reilly [ed] () Communication as comfort: multiple voices in palliative care [i]
  661. () Presentation Zen: simple ideas on presentation design and delivery [i]
  662. () Staging data: theatre as a tool for analysis and knowledge transfer in health research [p] [d]
  663. () Entertainment marketing & communication: selling branded performance, people, and places [i]
  664. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  665. () Presidential charismatic leadership: exploring the rhetoric of social change [d]
  666. () Development, Geometry of [i] [d]
  667. () The partisan press: a history of media bias in the United States [i]
  668. () Can visualisation save the world?: lessons for landscape architects from visualizing local climate change [i]
  669. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen & Thomas Hanitzsch [ed] () The handbook of journalism studies [i] [d]
  670. () To tell you the truth: the Ethical Journalism Initiative [i] [u]
  671. () News media and peace building in asymmetrical conflicts: the flow of news between Jordan and Israel [d]
  672. () Critical examination of information: a discursive approach and its implementations [u]
  673. () Diagrams for the masses: raising public awareness—from Neurath to Gapminder and Google Earth [i] [d]
  674. () Communication as design [d]
  675. () Sustainable agriculture: towards a conflict management based agricultural extension [u]
  676. () Buzz-and-pipeline dynamics: towards a knowledge-based multiplier model of clusters [d]
  677. () You, Inc.: the art of selling yourself [i]
  678. () Picturing civic journalism: how photographers and graphic designers visually communicate the principles of civic journalism [d]
  679. () A 21st century model for communication in the global war of ideas: from simplistic influence to pragmatic complexity [u]
  680. () Wikipedia again: an addressable knowledge base [u]
  681. () The secret language of leadership: how leaders inspire action through narrative [i]
  682. () The global diffusion of public policies: social construction, coercion, competition, or learning? [d]
  683. () Herd: how to change mass behaviour by harnessing our true nature [i]
  684. () Experience economy strategies: adding value to small rural businesses [u]
  685. Linda K. Fuller [ed] () Community media: international perspectives [i] [d]
  686. () Full disclosure: the perils and promise of transparency [i] [d]
  687. () El poder de la comunicación, la comunicación y el poder: historia de un modelo mexicano de comunicación social: qué es, cómo funciona y dónde se ha aplicado [i]
  688. (/2013) Inside reporting: a practical guide to the craft of journalism [i]
  689. Ted Hart, James M. Greenfield, & Sheeraz D. Haji [ed] () People to people fundraising: social networking and Web 2.0 for charities [i]
  690. () Made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die [i]
  691. () There's no such thing as public speaking: making any presentation or speech as persuasive as a one-on-one conversation [i]
  692. () Language and revolution in Burke, Wollstonecraft, Paine, and Godwin [i] [d]
  693. () Join the conversation: how to engage marketing-weary consumers with the power of community, dialogue, and partnership [i]
  694. () Adjusting your leadership volume [d]
  695. () Promoting peace with information: transparency as a tool of security regimes [i] [j]
  696. () Can you hear us now?: voices from the margin: using Indigenous methodologies in geographic research [d]
  697. () Introduction to multimodal analysis [i]
  698. () The future of human benefit knowledge: notes on a World Brain for the 21st century [d]
  699. () The critical role of the librarian/information officer as boundary spanner across cultures: humans as essential components in global digital libraries [i] [d]
  700. () Estrategias: los desafíos de la comunicación en un mundo fluido [i]
  701. Claire R. McInerney & Ronald E. Day [ed] () Rethinking knowledge management: from knowledge artifacts to knowledge processes [i] [d]
  702. Leila Frances Monaghan & Jane E. Goodman [ed] () A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: essential readings [i]
  703. () Problem structuring without workshops?: experiences with distributed interaction within a PSM process [d] [j]
  704. () Zag: the number-one strategy of high-performance brands: a whiteboard overview [i]
  705. () Intellectuals searching for publics: who is out there? [d]
  706. () Selected readings [on information design] [i] [u]
  707. () On performing concepts during science lectures [d]
  708. () Appreciating the contribution of broadband ICT with rural and remote communities: stepping stones toward an alternative paradigm [d]
  709. () The art of conversation is coordination: common ground and the coupling of eye movements during dialogue [p] [d] [j]
  710. Adrian Sargeant & Walter W. Wymer [ed] () The Routledge companion to nonprofit marketing [i] [d]
  711. () Small talk—big cure!: talking your way to a better life [i]
  712. () Radio, the appropriate technology [o]
  713. () Participatory photography as theory, method and praxis: analyzing an entertainment-education project in India [d]
  714. () Sweet spot: how to maximize marketing for business growth [i]
  715. () Drama theory and entertainment education: exploring the effects of a radio drama on behavioral intentions to limit HIV transmission in Ethiopia [d]
  716. () How to rehearse when there is no rehearsal: acting and the media [i]
  717. Andrew R. Thomas, Dale M. Lewison, William J. Hauser, & Linda M. Orr [ed] () Direct marketing in action: cutting-edge strategies for finding and keeping the best customers [i]
  718. () Values sell: transforming purpose into profit through creative sales and distribution strategies [i]
  719. () Truth: new rules for marketing in a skeptical world [i]
  720. () From documents to knowledge models [i] [u]
  721. () Media argumentation: dialectic, persuasion, and rhetoric [i] [d]
  722. (/2017) The ethics of style [i]
  723. Mark Zachry & Charlotte Thralls [ed] () Communicative practices in workplaces and the professions: cultural perspectives on the regulation of discourse and organizations [i] [d]
  724. () Minerva unbound: knowledge stocks, knowledge flows and new knowledge production [d]
  725. () Advertising strategy: creative tactics from the outside/in [i]
  726. () The epistemology of democracy [d] [u]
  727. () Social marketing in the 21st century [i] [d]
  728. () Collaborative information synthesis I: a model of information behaviors of scientists in medicine and public health [d] [u]
  729. () Collaborative information synthesis II: recommendations for information systems to support synthesis activities [d] [u]
  730. () The role and impact of community newsletters in fostering social cohesion and community development [u]
  731. () Designing a communication strategy: the 4-P workshop [i]
  732. () Marketing that matters: 10 practices to profit your business and change the world [i]
  733. () Ethnic media, community media and participatory culture [d]
  734. () Making meaning: how successful businesses deliver meaningful customer experiences [i]
  735. () The music of form: rethinking organization in writing [j]
  736. () Theatre for development: an introduction to context, applications, and training [i]
  737. () Momentum: igniting social change in the connected age [i]
  738. Kathy Fitzpatrick & Carolyn Bronstein [ed] () Ethics in public relations: responsible advocacy [i] [d]
  739. () Be quiet, be heard: the paradox of persuasion [i]
  740. () Nonverbal communication in close relationships [i] [d]
  741. () Reading and writing book reviews across the disciplines [d]
  742. () Selling your story in 60 seconds: the guaranteed way to get your screenplay or novel read [i]
  743. () Investigative research as a knowledge-generation method: discovering and uncovering [d]
  744. Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn, Yvonne A. W. de Kort, Cees Midden, Berry Eggen, & Elise van den Hoven [ed] () Persuasive technology: first International Conference on Persuasive Technology for Human Well-Being, PERSUASIVE 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 18–19, 2006: proceedings [i] [d]
  745. (/2015) Conservation education and outreach techniques [i] [d]
  746. () The effectiveness of argumentative strategies [d]
  747. () The development of semantic memories through interpretation [u]
  748. () Insights into participatory video: a handbook for the field [i] [u]
  749. () Marketing is a conversation [u]
  750. Valerie Lynn Manusov & Miles L. Patterson [ed] () The Sage handbook of nonverbal communication [i] [d]
  751. () Flock and flow: predicting and managing change in a dynamic marketplace [i]
  752. () Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity: problems with using long words needlessly [d]
  753. (/2018) Book yourself solid: the fastest, easiest, and most reliable system for getting more clients than you can handle even if you hate marketing and selling [i]
  754. () Branching out, digging in: environmental advocacy and agenda setting [i] [j]
  755. () The art of connecting: how to overcome differences, build rapport, and communicate effectively with anyone [i]
  756. Gill Ringland & Laurie Young [ed] () Scenarios in marketing: from vision to decision [i] [d]
  757. () The race beat: the press, the civil rights struggle, and the awakening of a nation [i]
  758. () Communications & capacity building: exploring clues from the literature for rural community development [u]
  759. () The last slide projector: a film [o]
  760. () Stories, visions, and values in voluntary organisations [i]
  761. () The tension between authoritative and dialogic discourse: a fundamental characteristic of meaning making interactions in high school science lessons [d]
  762. () The art of civilized conversation: a guide to expressing yourself with style and grace [i]
  763. Lori L. Silverman [ed] () Wake me up when the data is over: how organizations use stories to drive results [i]
  764. Arvind Singhal & James W. Dearing [ed] () Communication of innovations: a journey with Ev Rogers [i] [d]
  765. () Theory, practice, and public dialogue: a case study in facilitating community transformation [i]
  766. () Infotainment and the moral obligations of the multimedia conglomerate [d] [j]
  767. () Enhanced communication by developing a non-anxious presence [d]
  768. () Brand personality: exploring the potential to move from factor analytical to circumplex models [d]
  769. () Sensemaking and the distortion of critical upward communication in organizations [d]
  770. () Understanding new media: augmented knowledge & culture [i]
  771. () What's your story?: using stories to ignite performance and be more successful [i]
  772. (/2014) Strategic maneuvering through persuasive definitions: implications for dialectic and rhetoric [i]
  773. () The radio in Peru: a participatory medium without conversation or debate [d]
  774. () I can tell her anything: the power of girl talk [i]
  775. Carolyn D. Baker, Michael Emmison, & Alan Firth [ed] () Calling for help: language and social interaction in telephone helplines [i] [d]
  776. Béla H. Bánáthy & Patrick M. Jenlink [ed] () Dialogue as a means of collective communication [i] [d]
  777. () Narrative perspective: the use of the feedback poem as a tool for advancing interpersonal communication [d]
  778. () Power over, power with, and power to relations: critical reflections on public relations, the dominant coalition, and activism [d]
  779. (/2012) Connecting across differences: an introduction to compassionate, nonviolent communication [i]
  780. () The art of the documentary: ten conversations with leading directors, cinematographers, editors, and producers [i]
  781. () Writing and producing radio dramas: communication for behavior change [i] [d]
  782. () The leader's guide to storytelling: mastering the art and discipline of business narrative [i]
  783. () What is journalism?: professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered [d]
  784. () Design, lifestyles and sustainability: aesthetic consumption in a world of abundance [d]
  785. () Are you really listening?: keys to successful communication [i]
  786. (/2007) Social computing technology and genocide prevention [u]
  787. Sam Gregory, Gillian Caldwell, Thomas Harding, & Ronit Avni [ed] () Video for change: a guide for advocacy and activism [i]
  788. () Democratizing innovation [i] [d] [u]
  789. (/2007) Successful communication: a toolkit for researchers and civil society organisations [i] [u]
  790. Richard E. Mayer [ed] (/2014) The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning [i] [d]
  791. () Visual literacy theory [i] [d]
  792. () Large group interventions: change as theater [d]
  793. () Who measures change: an introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation of communication for social change [o] [u]
  794. () Micro-level product-market dynamics: shared knowledge and its relationship to market development [d]
  795. () Something new in the air: the story of First Peoples television broadcasting in Canada [i] [j]
  796. () Revolutionary tides: the art of the political poster, 1914–1989 [i]
  797. (/2019) Family communication [i] [d]
  798. Kenneth L. Smith, Sandra Moriarty, Gretchen Barbatsis, & Keith Kenney [ed] () Handbook of visual communication research: theory, methods, and media [i] [d]
  799. () On the importance of tightening feedback loops for sustainable development of food systems [d]
  800. () Invitation to the party: building bridges to the arts, culture, and community [i]
  801. () Aesthetics theory [i] [d]
  802. () Designs for learning: studying science museum exhibits that do more than entertain [d]
  803. () Advocating for equitable development: a PolicyLink manual [o] [u]
  804. () How to document an event [u]
  805. () A bridge between communities: video-making using principles of community-based participatory research [d]
  806. (/2011) Graphics for learning: proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials [i]
  807. Stephen P. Depoe, John W. Delicath, & Marie-France Aepli Elsenbeer [ed] () Communication and public participation in environmental decision making [i]
  808. () Visual culture isn't just visual: multiliteracy, multimodality and meaning [d] [j]
  809. () Communicating evidence for participatory decision making [d]
  810. () Narrative processing: building consumer connections to brands [d]
  811. () Comunicación para el desarrollo estudio de caso: Yasarekomo: una experiencia de comunicación indígena en Bolivia [u]
  812. (/2019) Translation: an advanced resource book [i] [d]
  813. () Space–time constructs for linking information and communication technologies with issues in sustainable transportation [d]
  814. () Choice words: how our language affects children's learning [i]
  815. Philip J. Lee [ed] () Many voices, one vision: the right to communicate in practice [i]
  816. () Thomas Harrison and his 'ark of studies': an episode in the history of the organization of knowledge [d]
  817. () The cognitive mechanics of economic development and institutional change [i]
  818. () Understanding PowerPoint: Q&A with Scott McCloud [u]
  819. () Participatory communication strategy design: a handbook [i] [u]
  820. () The rainmaker's toolkit: power strategies for finding, keeping, and growing profitable clients [i]
  821. () Interaction design for complex problem solving: developing useful and usable software [i] [d]
  822. () Getting the picture: a brief guide to understanding and creating visual texts [i]
  823. D. Kimbrough Oller & Ulrike Griebel [ed] () Evolution of communication systems: a comparative approach [i] [d]
  824. () From consent to mutual inquiry [d]
  825. () Strategy survival guide [u]
  826. () A prospective and retrospective look at the diffusion model [p] [d]
  827. () Técnicas de investigación: métodos desarrollados en diarios y revistas de América Latina [i]
  828. () Brand babble: sense and nonsense about branding [i]
  829. () Reconsidering geometries of development [d]
  830. () Working PeopleSmart: 6 strategies for success [i]
  831. () Making tacit knowledge explicit: the ready reference database as codified knowledge [d]
  832. () The reference librarian as non-expert: a postmodern approach to expertise [d]
  833. Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco & Desirée Qin-Hilliard [ed] () Globalization: culture and education in the new millennium [i] [d] [j]
  834. (/2012) 'Sit & get' won't grow dendrites: 20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain [i]
  835. (/2015) The invention of journalism ethics: the path to objectivity and beyond [i]
  836. () Is 'empowerment' the answer?: current theory and research on development communication [d]
  837. () The rhetoric of public dialogue [u]
  838. () Communication and power: REFLECT practical resource materials [o] [u]
  839. () Design management: using design to build brand value and corporate innovation [i]
  840. () Why nation-states and journalists can't teach people to be healthy: power and pragmatic miscalculation in public discourses on health [p] [d]
  841. () Emotional support skills [i] [d]
  842. Daniel J. Canary & Marianne Dainton [ed] () Maintaining relationships through communication: relational, contextual, and cultural variations [i] [d]
  843. () The promise of cultural institutions [i]
  844. () Participation, relationships and dynamic change: new thinking on evaluating the work of international networks [o] [u]
  845. () Lessons in evaluating communications campaigns: five case studies [u]
  846. () Skillfully instructing learners: how communicators effectively convey messages [i] [d]
  847. () Tools for development: a handbook for those engaged in development activity [u]
  848. Mirjana N. Dedaić & Daniel N. Nelson [ed] () At war with words [i] [d]
  849. () Persuasion as a social skill [i] [d]
  850. (/2006) Managing information quality: increasing the value of information in knowledge-intensive products and processes [i] [d]
  851. () Power of movement ['Successful movements have internal leadership, a powerful voice for the perspectives of those most affected in the public debate, and a strong role in agenda setting and decision making'] [u]
  852. () Cartoons as information [d]
  853. John O. Greene & Brant Raney Burleson [ed] () Handbook of communication and social interaction skills [i] [d]
  854. () Conceptual models as tools for communication across disciplines [j] [u]
  855. () Processes to involve all the senses [in group facilitation] [i]
  856. David Holman & Richard Thorpe [ed] () Management and language: the manager as a practical author [i] [d]
  857. () Design as meaning making: from making things to the design of thinking [d] [j]
  858. () Persuasion by design: the state of expertise on visual influence tactics [i] [d]
  859. () How to 'do things' with narrative: a communication perspective on narrative skill [i] [d]
  860. () Theories of communication networks [i]
  861. () Working the room: how to move people to action through audience-centered speaking [i]
  862. () The marketing power of emotion [i]
  863. () Informing and explaining skills: theory and research on informative communication [i] [d]
  864. Linda M. Scott & Rajeev Batra [ed] () Persuasive imagery: a consumer response perspective [i] [d]
  865. () Information seeking in the context of writing: a design psychology interpretation of the 'problematic situation' [d]
  866. () Modes of discourse: the local structure of texts [i] [d]
  867. () Communicating for development purposes [in Nigeria] [i]
  868. () Negotiation: communication for diverse settings [i] [d]
  869. () Against ambiguity [in design communication] [d]
  870. () La trama (in)visible de la vida social: comunicación, sentido y realidad [i]
  871. (/2013) The first 90 days: critical success strategies for new leaders at all levels [i]
  872. Shirley A. White [ed] () Participatory video: images that transform and empower [i]
  873. () The conflict and communication activity book: 30 high-impact training exercises for adult learners [i]
  874. () Illustrating progress through graphing [i]
  875. () Wishing for a world without Theatre for Development: demystifying the case of Bangladesh [d]
  876. () Market scoping: methods to help people understand their marketing environment [u]
  877. () 10 tips on writing the living web [u]
  878. James Philip Danky & Sanford Berman [ed] () Alternative library literature, 2000/2001: a biennial anthology [i]
  879. () What makes librarianship exciting to you? [i]
  880. (/2017) Argumentation: analysis and evaluation [i] [d]
  881. Hugues Koné [ed] () Methodological guide for designing and implementing a multimedia communication strategy [u]
  882. () Communication for social change: an integrated model for measuring the process and its outcomes [o] [u]
  883. () Interlocking interactions, the diffusion of innovations in health care [d]
  884. () Briefing illustrators: revisiting the value of sketch images [d]
  885. () The new communicator [u]
  886. () El nuevo comunicador [u]
  887. () A pattern language for communication: an interview with Robert E. Horn [d]
  888. Dennis Jackson & John Sweeney [ed] () The journalist's craft: a guide to writing better stories [i]
  889. () Towards a standard graph-based data model for the open hyperdocument system: enabling interoperability between collaborative knowledge applications [u]
  890. () Drama, emotion, and cultural convergence [d]
  891. (/2007) The exceptional presenter: a proven formula to open up! and own the room [i]
  892. (/2005) Know your audience: a practical guide to media research [i]
  893. () Word people vs. picture people: normative differences and strategies for control over work among newsroom subgroups [d]
  894. () Information design: an introduction [i] [d]
  895. () Selling social change (without selling out): earned income strategies for nonprofits [i]
  896. Alan R. Andreasen [ed] () Ethics in social marketing [i]
  897. () The form of news: a history [i]
  898. (/2009) Clear leadership: sustaining real collaboration and partnership at work [i]
  899. () Managing activism: a guide to dealing with activists and pressure groups [i]
  900. () Haciendo olas: historias de comunicación participativa para el cambio social [i]
  901. () Making waves: stories of participatory communication for social change [i]
  902. () Judgment, rhetoric, and the problem of incommensurability: recalling practical wisdom [i]
  903. () Comunicación y radio para el desarrollo local: una propuesta latinoamericana a partir de la radio ciudadana en el Perú [i]
  904. (/2018) The organization of information [i]
  905. (/2014) The elements of journalism: what newspeople should know and the public should expect [i]
  906. () Conversation: a metaphor and a method for better journalism? [d]
  907. (/2016) Scrolling forward: making sense of documents in the digital age [i]
  908. () Work at the boundaries of science: information and the interdisciplinary research process [i] [d]
  909. () Fissures in the mediascape: an international study of citizens' media [i]
  910. () Creating conversations: improvisation in everyday discourse [i]
  911. () Experience design: a manifesto for the creation of experiences [i]
  912. Jane B. Singer [ed] () Participatory journalism: guarding open gates at online newspapers [i] [d]
  913. () Public dialogue and participatory democracy: the Cupertino community project [i]
  914. Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer [ed] (/2016) Methods of critical discourse studies [or: Methods of critical discourse analysis] [i]
  915. Wilhelmina Wosińska, Robert B. Cialdini, Daniel W. Barrett, & Janusz Reykowski [ed] () The practice of social influence in multiple cultures [i]
  916. () Culturas populares y comunicación participativa: en la ruta de las redediniciones [u]
  917. () The invisible touch: the four keys to modern marketing [i]
  918. () ScholOnto: an ontology-based digital library server for research documents and discourse [d]
  919. () Mindfulness and interpersonal communication [d]
  920. (/2009) Communicate successfully by seeking balance [i] [d]
  921. () Mapping as a means of farmworker education and empowerment [d]
  922. () It's not what you say, it's how you say it [i]
  923. () The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
  924. () Border crossings: gender, development, and communication [i]
  925. () How to become a rainmaker: the people who get and keep customers [i]
  926. () Play and the power of news [d]
  927. Owen Hargie & Dennis Tourish [ed] (/2009) Auditing organizational communication: a handbook of research, theory and practice [i] [d]
  928. () 'They are shouting it whenever they can': beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications [u]
  929. Donald G. Janelle & David C. Hodge [ed] () Information, place, and cyberspace: issues in accessibility [i] [d]
  930. () The shift in thinking to customer intimacy [i]
  931. () Dissemination of innovation as social change [i] [d]
  932. () Action-oriented mass communication [i] [d]
  933. () Communication research and sustainable development in Africa: the need for a domesticated perspective [i]
  934. () The impact of communication media on negotiation outcomes [d]
  935. () Practical information architecture: a hands-on approach to structuring successful websites [i]
  936. () Reporting and writing: basics for the 21st century [i]
  937. () Agenda-setting, priming, and framing revisited: another look at cognitive effects of political communication [d] [u]
  938. () The forms of meaning: modeling systems theory and semiotic analysis [i] [d]
  939. Jan Servaes [ed] () Walking on the other side of the information highway: communication, culture, and development in the 21st century [i]
  940. () Transportation, telecommunications, and the changing geography of opportunity [i] [d]
  941. () People smart: developing your interpersonal intelligence [i]
  942. Karin Gwinn Wilkins [ed] () Redeveloping communication for social change: theory, practice, and power [i]
  943. () Grassroots journalism: a practical manual for doing the kind of newswriting that doesn't just get people angry, but active—that doesn't just inform, but inspires [i]
  944. () Movies as equipment for living: a developmental analysis of the importance of film in everyday life [d]
  945. () Voices for change: rural women and communication [o] [u]
  946. (/2008) Strategic communications for nonprofits: a step-by-step guide to working with the media [i]
  947. () Representing scholarly claims in internet digital libraries: a knowledge modelling approach [i] [d]
  948. () Managing research knowledge in distributed communities: two approaches to augmented Web infrastructures [i] [d]
  949. () Charismatic leadership: strategies for effecting social change [d]
  950. () Permission marketing: turning strangers into friends, and friends into customers [i]
  951. () Knowledge in a social world [i] [d]
  952. (/2013) Get clients now!: a 28-day marketing program for professionals, consultants, and coaches [i]
  953. () Information design: the emergence of a new profession [i]
  954. Robert E. Jacobson [ed] () Information design [i]
  955. () Wedge and bridge: a note on rhetoric as distinction and as identification [d]
  956. () One size does not fit all: the case for tailoring print materials [d]
  957. Pierre Philippot, Robert S. Feldman, & Erik J. Coats [ed] () The social context of nonverbal behavior [i]
  958. () The experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage [i]
  959. () Silencing the opposition: antinuclear movements and the media in the Cold War [i]
  960. () Differential participation during science conversations: the interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arrangements [d]
  961. () Entertainment-education: a communication strategy for social change [i]
  962. () Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most [i]
  963. (/2011) 101 ways to promote your web site: filled with proven Internet marketing tips, tools, techniques, and resources to increase your web site traffic [i]
  964. () Accelerating the diffusion of innovations using opinion leaders [d]
  965. (/2011) Hands-on social marketing: a step-by-step guide to designing change for good [i]
  966. Shirley A. White [ed] () The art of facilitating participation: releasing the power of grassroots communication [i]
  967. () Getting the word out: the artist's guide to self-promotion [i]
  968. (/2006) The knowing organization: how organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions [i] [d]
  969. James Philip Danky & Wayne A. Wiegand [ed] () Print culture in a diverse America [i]
  970. () Custodians of conscience: investigative journalism and public virtue [i]
  971. () Communicating for development: human change for survival [i]
  972. () Science in public: communication, culture, and credibility [i]
  973. () How to say it at work: putting yourself across with power words, phrases, body language, and communication secrets [i]
  974. (/2006) Creating rainmakers: the manager's guide to training professionals to attract new clients [i] [d]
  975. () Visual language: global communication for the 21st century [i]
  976. () Good news, bad news: journalism ethics and the public interest [i] [d]
  977. () Enhancing sustainable development strategies through avoidance of military metaphors [u]
  978. () Una pedagogía de la comunicación [i]
  979. (/2011) Designing visual language: strategies for professional communicators [i]
  980. (/2015) The Oxford guide to library research [i]
  981. () The role of rhetoric in rational argumentation [d]
  982. () Theatre for community, conflict & dialogue: the Hope is Vital training manual [i]
  983. (/2020) Foundations of library and information science [i]
  984. (/2003) Making the news: a guide for activists and nonprofits [i]
  985. () Use of scholarly book reviews: implications for electronic publishing and scholarly communication [d]
  986. Anthony Wilson, Jane Gregory, Steve Miller, & Shirley Earl [ed] () Handbook of science communication [i] [d]
  987. (/2011) Communication mosaics: an introduction to the field of communication [i]
  988. () Cross-cultural filmmaking: a handbook for making documentary and ethnographic films and videos [i]
  989. (/2023) English with an accent: language, ideology, and discrimination in the United States [i] [d]
  990. () Selling the invisible: a field guide to modern marketing [i]
  991. () Artists as experts: a participatory methodology to produce traditional and popular media [u]
  992. () Reaching for the communicating in participatory communication: a meta-theoretical analysis [d]
  993. Jeanne M. Drewes & Julie A. Page [ed] () Promoting preservation awareness in libraries: a sourcebook for academic, public, school, and special collections [i]
  994. (/2007) Making documentary films and videos: a practical guide to planning, filming, and editing documentaries [i]
  995. (/2001) The video activist handbook [i]
  996. () Do not go naked into your next presentation: nifty little nuggets to quiet the nerves and please the crowd [i]
  997. () Giving people a voice rather than a message [u]
  998. () Leadership and the art of conversation: conversation as a management tool [i]
  999. (/2007) Where there is no artist: development drawings and how to use them [i] [d]
  1000. () Dynamics in document design: creating text for readers [i]
  1001. Robert L. Selman, Caroline L. Watts, & Lynn Hickey Schultz [ed] () Fostering friendship: pair therapy for treatment and prevention [i]
  1002. () REFLECT mother manual: regenerated Freirean literacy through empowering community techniques [i] [u]
  1003. () Rewriting: the arts and sciences of improving expository instructional text [i] [d]
  1004. () Public libraries and intellectual freedom [i] [u]
  1005. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  1006. (/2011) The power of framing: creating the language of leadership [i]
  1007. (/2005) The fine art of small talk: how to start a conversation, keep it going, build networking skills, and leave a positive impression [i]
  1008. (/2020) Reading images: the grammar of visual design [i] [d]
  1009. (/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
  1010. () Champions of a cause: American librarians and the Library Bill of Rights in the 1950s [o] [u]
  1011. Don W. Stacks & Michael Brian Salwen [ed] (/2009) An integrated approach to communication theory and research [i]
  1012. () Customer intimacy: pick your partners, shape your culture, win together [i]
  1013. (/1997) How people use pictures: an annotated bibliography and review for development workers [i]
  1014. () Communicating through story characters: radio social drama [i]
  1015. () On printed matter and beyond: media, orality and literacy [i]
  1016. Bruce J. Evensen [ed] (/2008) The responsible reporter: journalism in the information age [i]
  1017. () Signals in the air: Native broadcasting in America [i]
  1018. (/2011) Visual communication: images with messages [i]
  1019. () Going public: a practical guide to developing personal charisma [i]
  1020. () Small participatory media technology as an agent of social change in Nigeria: a non-existent option? [d]
  1021. (/2013) Leading out loud: a guide for engaging others in creating the future [i]
  1022. Ortwin Renn, Thomas Webler, & Peter M. Wiedemann [ed] () Fairness and competence in citizen participation: evaluating models for environmental discourse [i] [d]
  1023. () PRA: a new literacy? [participatory rural appraisal] [u]
  1024. () The origins and development of the diffusion of innovations paradigm as an example of scientific growth [d]
  1025. () Commitment in dialogue: basic concepts of interpersonal reasoning [i]
  1026. (/2012) Communicate with confidence!: how to say it right the first time and every time [i]
  1027. () The origins and practice of participatory rural appraisal [d]
  1028. () Understanding expository text: building mental structures to induce insights [i]
  1029. (/2014) A cognitive psychology of mass communication [i]
  1030. (/2009) Communication in social work [i]
  1031. Pilar Riaño Alcalá [ed] () Women in grassroots communication: furthering social change [i]
  1032. () Balancing inquiry and advocacy [i]
  1033. (/2008) How to write successful fundraising letters [i]
  1034. Shirley A. White, K. Sadanandan Nair, & Joseph R. Ascroft [ed] () Participatory communication: working for change and development [i]
  1035. (/2009) 6 steps to free publicity: for corporate publicists or solo professionals, including: publishers, consultants, conference planners, politicians, inventors, artists, psychotherapists, and anyone else looking to attract media attention to their business or cause [i]
  1036. () The critical villager: beyond community participation [i]
  1037. (/1999) Interpersonal communication [i]
  1038. () Tailoring the therapeutic relationship, or being an authentic chameleon [d]
  1039. () When people play people: development communication through theatre [i]
  1040. (/2011) Therapeutic communication: knowing what to say when [i]
  1041. Richard Bauman [ed] () Folklore, cultural performances, and popular entertainments: a communications-centered handbook [i]
  1042. Ad J. J. M. Boeren & Kees C. P. Epskamp [ed] () The empowerment of culture: development, communication, and popular media [i]
  1043. (/2007) High impact commucation: how to build charisma, credibility and trust [i]
  1044. (/2021) The copyright handbook: what every writer needs to know [i]
  1045. () Achieving 'shared reality' in the communication game: a social action that creates meaning [d]
  1046. () Reaction, response, and realization: from the crisis in scholarly communication to the age of networked information [d]
  1047. () The traditions of the university in the face of the demands of the twenty-first century [and comments] [or: The intellectual, moral and professional values in the face of the modern university in transition] [j]
  1048. () To picture or not to picture: how to decide [u]
  1049. () The professional ACT: acting communication technique [i]
  1050. Nathaniel Teich [ed] () Rogerian perspectives: collaborative rhetoric for oral and written communication [i]
  1051. (/2009) Using communication theory: an introduction to planned communication [i]
  1052. () Some myths of communication and development: why information campaigns fail and how they can succeed [i]
  1053. () Folk media and development communication: myths and realities: a report on experiences in people's communication in Mexico, India, and the Philippines [i]
  1054. () Designing messages for development communication: an audience participation-based approach [i]
  1055. () Awakening the hidden storyteller: how to build a storytelling tradition in your family [i]
  1056. () The human community as a primate society [and comments] [j]
  1057. () Prime time activism: media strategies for grassroots organizing [i]
  1058. (/2000) The communicator's handbook: tools, techniques and technology [i]
  1059. () Thinking in museums: reflections among masks [i]
  1060. () Knowledge-domain interoperability and an open hyperdocument system [i] [d] [u]
  1061. () Active talk: the use of discussion in learning [i]
  1062. (/2007) Writing, directing, and producing documentary films and videos [i]
  1063. Brent D. Ruben & Leah A. Lievrouw [ed] () Mediation, information, and communication [i]
  1064. (/1995) Tell me a story: narrative and intelligence [i]
  1065. () Cultural analysis in communication for development: the role of cultural dramaturgy in the creation of a public sphere [o]
  1066. () Information management: a proposal [u]
  1067. (/1999) Acting skills for life [i]
  1068. (/2004) Seek first to understand, then to be understood [i] [u]
  1069. (/2010) Ethnography: step-by-step [i]
  1070. () Listening: an introduction to the perception of auditory events [i]
  1071. (/2013) The newspaper designer's handbook [i]
  1072. () Rational arguments and irrational audiences: psychology, planning, and public judgment [d]
  1073. (/2002) Social marketing: improving the quality of life [i]
  1074. (/2002) Marketing research that won't break the bank: a practical guide to getting the information you need [i]
  1075. (/2015) Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research [i]
  1076. (/2003) Communication for rural innovation: rethinking agricultural extension [i] [d]
  1077. A. E. Cawkell [ed] () Evolution of an information society [i]
  1078. () Communicating development [i]
  1079. () How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? [d]
  1080. (/2015) Directing the documentary [i] [d]
  1081. (/2008) Organizing knowledge: an introduction to managing access to information [i] [d]
  1082. () A hypertext writing environment and its cognitive basis [i] [d]
  1083. () Effective publicity & design: a do-it-yourself guide to getting your message across [i]
  1084. () How to get your point across in 30 seconds—or less [i]
  1085. Owen Hargie [ed] (/2018) The handbook of communication skills [i] [d]
  1086. Armand Mattelart [ed] () Communicating in popular Nicaragua [i]
  1087. () Social program innovation and dissemination: a study of organizational change processes [d]
  1088. (/2018) Asserting and confronting [i] [d]
  1089. (/1998) Media technology and society: a history: from the telegraph to the Internet [i]
  1090. (/2005) The copywriter's handbook: a step-by-step guide to writing copy that sells [i]
  1091. (/2009) Influence: science and practice [i]
  1092. (/1990) The other side of language: a philosophy of listening [i] [d]
  1093. () Comunicación entre grupos: el método del cassette-foro [i]
  1094. (/2000) Newspaper layout & design: a team approach [i]
  1095. P. A. Mohanrajan [ed] () New trends in international librarianship: S.R. Ranganathan festschrift to mark the platinum jubilee of the Madras University Library [o]
  1096. () Revising functional documents: the scenario principle [i] [d]
  1097. (/2001) How to start a conversation and make friends [i]
  1098. () Messages that work: a guide to communication design [i]
  1099. (/2009) Messages: the communication skills book [i]
  1100. (/1984) The end of libraries [o]
  1101. Spencer A. Ward & Linda J. Reed [ed] () Knowledge structure and use: implications for synthesis and interpretation [i]
  1102. () About understanding: ideas and observations on cross-cultural communication [i]
  1103. () Using video to resolve community conflict [u]
  1104. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  1105. (/1995) The informed writer: using sources in the disciplines [i] [u]
  1106. (/1998) Problem-solving strategies for writing in college and community [i]
  1107. (/2017) Skilled interpersonal communication: research, theory, and practice [or: Social skills in interpersonal communication] [i] [d]
  1108. () Plain talk: clear communication for international development [i]
  1109. () Straight talk: a new way to get closer to others by saying what you really mean [i]
  1110. (/2017) Style: lessons in clarity and grace [or: Style: ten lessons in clarity & grace] [i]
  1111. () Folkcomunicação: a comunicação dos marginalizados [o]
  1112. () Illustrations for development: a manual for cross-cultural communication through illustration and workshops for artists in Africa [o] [u]
  1113. (/1986) People skills: how to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts [i]
  1114. (/2012) How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk [i]
  1115. () Communications pretesting [i]
  1116. () Ethical problems of psychological jargon [d]
  1117. () Producción de programas de radio: el guión, la realización [o]
  1118. () Visual literacy in communication: designing for development [i]
  1119. () Beyond culture [i]
  1120. (/2006) Freeing the natural voice: imagery and art in the practice of voice and language [i]
  1121. () The changing information environment [i] [d]
  1122. () Communicating with pictures in Nepal [o]
  1123. () How real is real?: confusion, disinformation, communication [i]
  1124. () An alternative pattern of basic education: Radio Santa María [i]
  1125. () Monoculture or miniculture?: the impact of communications media on culture in space [i]
  1126. Manfred Kochen [ed] () Information for action: from knowledge to wisdom [i]
  1127. (/1979) The macroscope: a new world scientific system [i] [u]
  1128. (/2008) Your perfect right: assertiveness and equality in your life and relationships [i]
  1129. Trina J. Magi & Martin Garnar [ed] (/2015) Intellectual freedom manual [i]
  1130. () Small technical libraries: a guide for librarians without technological training [i]
  1131. (/2002) Precision journalism: a reporter's introduction to social science methods [i]
  1132. George A. Miller [ed] () Communication, language, and meaning: psychological perspectives [i]
  1133. (/2015) Library programs and services: the fundamentals [i]
  1134. (/2014) Reaching out: interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization [i]
  1135. (/2010) Nonverbal communication in human interaction [i]
  1136. () Conversation with Karl Popper [on 'the knowledge stored in our libraries as more important than the knowledge stored in our heads'] [o]
  1137. (/1977) Techniques for producing visual instructional media [i]
  1138. (/1984) Audio-visual communication handbook [o] [u]
  1139. () Expanded cinema [i]
  1140. () Three not-so-obvious contributions of psychology to peace [d]
  1141. () A rationale for a science museum [d] [u]
  1142. Richard L. Johannesen [ed] () Ethics and persuasion: selected reading [o]
  1143. () Conveying science by visual presentation [o]
  1144. () Libraries of the future [o] [u]
  1145. () The age of the symbol: a philosophy of library education [d] [j]
  1146. () Mechanized document control: a review of some recent research [d]
  1147. (/1964) The automation of library systems [o]
  1148. Barbara Evans Markuson [ed] (/1964) Libraries and automation: proceedings of the Conference on Libraries and Automation held at Airlie Foundation, Warrenton, Virginia, May 26–30, 1963 [o]
  1149. (/1973) Traditional societies and technological change [i]
  1150. () Operation BASIC: the retrieval of wasted knowledge [d]
  1151. (/1978) Handbook for preparing visual media [i]
  1152. (/2003) Diffusion of innovations [i]
  1153. () Special considerations of the individual as a user, generator, and retriever of information [d] [u]
  1154. () Automated intelligence systems: some basic problems and prerequisites for their solution [o]
  1155. (/1983) How to prepare managerial communications [or: How to communicate policies and instructions] [i]
  1156. (/1969) The new rhetoric: a treatise on argumentation [o] [j]
  1157. (/2003) The uses of argument [i] [d]
  1158. Jesse Hauk Shera, Allen Kent, & James W. Perry [ed] () Documentation in action: conference on the practical utilization of recorded knowledge—present and future [o]
  1159. () Foundations of a theory of bibliography [d] [j]
  1160. Margaret Elizabeth Egan & Verner W. Clapp [ed] (/1954) The communication of specialized information: papers presented before the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago, August 11–15, 1952 [o]
  1161. () Information [j]
  1162. () Barriers and gateways to communication [u]
  1163. (/1952) Communication: its blocking and its facilitation [j]
  1164. () The democratization of philosophy [j]
  1165. () Time, communication, and the nervous system [p] [d]
  1166. () Science and world community [j]
  1167. () As we may think [u]
  1168. () The comics as a social force [j]
  1169. Leon Carnovsky & Lowell A. Martin [ed] (/1944) The library in the community: papers presented before the Library Institute at the University of Chicago, August 23–28, 1943 [o]
  1170. (/1973) The normative structure of science [or: Science and technology in a democratic order] [i]
  1171. () Science and the world mind [o] [u]
  1172. () The Southern Negro and the public library: a study of the government and administration of public library service to Negroes in the South [o]
  1173. Douglas Waples [ed] (/1942) Print, radio, and film in a democracy: ten papers on the administration of mass communications in the public interest—read before the Sixth Annual Institute of the Graduate Library School, the University of Chicago—August 4–9, 1941 [o]
  1174. () Freedom and culture [o] [u]
  1175. () Knowledge for what?: the place of social science in American culture [o] [d] [j]
  1176. (/2021) World brain [i] [d] [u]
  1177. () How documentation promotes intellectual world progress [d] [j]
  1178. () Today's distress and horrors basically intellectual [d] [j]
  1179. (/1983) Encyclopedia as 'model' [i] [d]
  1180. () An introduction to library science [o] [u]
  1181. (/1985) Widening the circle of enlightenment: Hull House and adult education [i]
  1182. () The organization of knowledge and the system of the sciences [o] [u]
  1183. (/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
  1184. () Advertising, its use and abuse [o] [u]
  1185. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  1186. () What public libraries can do during and after the war [u]
  1187. (/1903) The laws of imitation [o] [u]
  1188. () Remarks on public libraries: from 'The North American review' for July 1850 [o] [j] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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