How to collaborate

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () Disagreeing despite the data: the destruction of the factual commons [i]
  2. () Collaborative leadership [at Plainsong Farm] [u]
  3. () Overturning for the common good: membership and mutuality in a world of markets and meritocracy [i] [d]
  4. () The need for more inclusive deliberation on ethics and governance in agricultural and food biotechnology [d]
  5. () The wisdom of the crowd is not a forgone conclusion: effects of self-selection on (collaborative) knowledge construction [p] [d]
  6. () Toward a more collaborative democracy: bridging political divides through dialectical problem-solving [i] [d]
  7. () Possible: how we survive (and thrive) in an age of conflict: lessons from a lifetime of negotiations [i]
  8. () Norms of public argumentation and the ideals of correctness and participation [d] [u]
  9. () The concept of democracy: an essay on conceptual amelioration and abandonment [i] [d]
  10. () The most important thing about science is values [d]
  11. () Can schools save democracy?: civic education and the common good [i]
  12. () Elinor Ostrom on choice, collective action and rationality: a Senian analysis [d]
  13. () Hierarchy as a democratic value in India: an informal essay [and comments] [d]
  14. () The darkened light of faith: race, democracy, and freedom in African American political thought [i] [d] [j]
  15. () Human cooperation and evolutionary transitions in individuality [p] [d] [u]
  16. Mark V. Tushnet & Dimitry Kochenov [ed] () Research handbook on the politics of constitutional law [i] [d]
  17. () Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government, by Christopher H. Achen and Larry M. Bartels [book review] [u]
  18. () Epistemic uncertainty and the support of productive struggle during scientific modeling for knowledge co-development [d]
  19. Katerina Cizek & William Uricchio [ed] () Collective wisdom: co-creating media for equity and justice [i] [d] [u]
  20. () Keep your enemies close: adversarial collaborations will improve behavioral science [and comments and reply] [d]
  21. () The law as a conversation among equals [i] [d]
  22. () Public reason and diversity: reinterpretations of liberalism [i] [d]
  23. () A discursive perspective on Wikipedia: more than an encyclopaedia? [i] [d]
  24. () We need to build: field notes for diverse democracy [i]
  25. () Democracy's rebirth: the view from Chicago [i] [d] [j]
  26. () Consensus and scientific classification [d] [u]
  27. () Beyond polarization: public process and the unlikely story of California's marine protected areas [i]
  28. Roger T. Ames, Chen Yajun, & Peter D. Hershock [ed] () Confucianism and Deweyan pragmatism: resources for a new geopolitics of interdependence [i] [d]
  29. () Must realists be pessimists about democracy?: responding to epistemic and oligarchic challenges [d]
  30. Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes, & Bo Rothstein [ed] () The Oxford handbook of the quality of government [i] [d]
  31. () The fiscal economy of good government: past and present [d]
  32. () The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity [i]
  33. (/2024) What's the point of authors? [d] [u]
  34. Michael Hannon & Jeroen de Ridder [ed] () The Routledge handbook of political epistemology [i] [d]
  35. () Post-deliberative democracy [d] [u]
  36. () The origins and psychology of human cooperation [p] [d]
  37. () Improving philosophical dialogue interventions to better resolve problematic value pluralism in collaborative environmental science [p] [d]
  38. () The uncommon knowledge of Elinor Ostrom: essential lessons for collective action [i]
  39. () Building connective democracy: interdisciplinary solutions to the problem of polarisation [i] [d]
  40. () Drawing out democracy: the role of sortition in preventing and overcoming organizational degeneration in worker-owned firms [d]
  41. B. Guy Peters, Carlos R. Alba, & Conrado Ramos [ed] () The Emerald handbook of public administration in Latin America [i] [d]
  42. () The systems work of social change: how to harness connection, context, and power to cultivate deep and enduring change [i] [d]
  43. () Quantifying collective intelligence in human groups [p] [d] [u]
  44. () Controlling corruption: the social contract approach [i] [d]
  45. Artemis Skarlatidou & Mordechai Muki Haklay [ed] () Geographic citizen science design: no one left behind [i] [j] [u]
  46. () Information elaboration and epistemic effects of diversity [p] [d] [u]
  47. () Fresh teams are associated with original and multidisciplinary research [p] [d]
  48. () Collaboration for impact: lessons from the field [i] [d] [u]
  49. () Time for tools: a review on geospatial tools and their role in co-management [d]
  50. () Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there [d]
  51. () Empathetic understanding and deliberative democracy [d]
  52. () Democracy without shortcuts: a participatory conception of deliberative democracy [i] [d]
  53. () Nonviolent resistance and democratic consolidation [i] [d]
  54. () Striving for consensus: how panels evaluate artistic productions [d]
  55. () Wikipedia outperforms individuals when it comes to hindsight bias [p] [d]
  56. () Innovative citizen participation and new democratic institutions: catching the deliberative wave [i] [d] [u]
  57. () Hierarchy's subordination of democracy and how to outrank it [d]
  58. Joseph M. Reagle & Jackie L. Koerner [ed] () Wikipedia @ 20: stories of an incomplete revolution [i] [d] [u]
  59. () The decline and rise of democracy: a global history from antiquity to today [i] [d] [j]
  60. Eric Thomas Weber [ed] () America's public philosopher: Dewey's essays on social justice, economics, education, and the future of democracy [i] [d] [j]
  61. () Enforcement is central to the evolution of cooperation [p] [d]
  62. () Decentralized collaborative knowledge management using Git [d] [u]
  63. () Deliberative democracy and the problem of tacit knowledge [d]
  64. () Knowledge and communication in democratic politics: markets, forums and systems [d]
  65. () Free, fair, and alive: the insurgent power of the commons [i] [u]
  66. () The innovator's discussion: the conversational skills of entrepreneurial teams [i] [d]
  67. () Facilitating collective psychosocial resilience in the public in emergencies: twelve recommendations based on the social identity approach [p] [d] [u]
  68. () The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation [p] [d]
  69. () Pragmatism and the wide view of democracy [i] [d]
  70. () Workplace democracy—the recent debate [d]
  71. () Legislature by lot: transformative designs for deliberative governance [i]
  72. () Remedy without diagnosis: how to optimize results by leveraging the appropriate dispute resolution and shared decision-making process [u]
  73. () The making of a democratic economy: building prosperity for the many, not just the few [i]
  74. () Bridging silos: collaborating for environment, health, and justice in urban communities [i] [d]
  75. () Metagovernance for sustainability: a framework for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals [i] [d]
  76. Susan Park & Teresa Kramarz [ed] () Global environmental governance and the accountability trap [i] [d]
  77. () Rekindling union democracy through the use of sortition [d] [j]
  78. () Improving collaboration in the implementation of global biodiversity conventions [p] [d]
  79. () Decentralization: an incomplete ambition [d]
  80. () The theory and practice of social machines [i] [d]
  81. () Open science and modified funding lotteries can impede the natural selection of bad science [p] [d] [u]
  82. () 6 kinds of public [u]
  83. () How citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators [d]
  84. () Towards a holistic strategic framework for applying robust facilitated approaches in political decision making [d]
  85. () Must politics be war?: restoring our trust in the open society [i] [d]
  86. () Democracy in theory and practice [i] [d]
  87. () On relational facilitation: supporting the creative potential of divergent perspectives [u]
  88. Pia A. Albinsson & B. Yasanthi Perera [ed] () The rise of the sharing economy: exploring the challenges and opportunities of collaborative consumption [i]
  89. () Why StackExchange is superior to Quora and ResearchGate [in quality of discourse] [u]
  90. () Deliberative democracy and the environment [i] [d]
  91. André Bächtiger, John S. Dryzek, Jane J. Mansbridge, & Mark E. Warren [ed] () The Oxford handbook of deliberative democracy [i] [d]
  92. () Benjamin Barber and the practice of political theory [d] [u]
  93. () One-to-one fellow feeling, universal identification and oneness, and group solidarities [i] [d] [j]
  94. () How to collaborate with a perfectionist [u]
  95. () Awakening democracy through public work: pedagogies of empowerment [i] [j]
  96. () The collaborative dimensions of argument maps: a socio-visual approach [d]
  97. () Interactive democracy [u]
  98. () The capability approach in practice: a new ethics for setting development agendas [i] [d]
  99. () Deliberative democracy as a reform movement [i] [d]
  100. () Library collaboration is hard; effective collaboration is harder [u]
  101. () General standardization theory [i] [u]
  102. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  103. () Rebuilding public institutions together: professionals and citizens in a participatory democracy [i] [d] [j]
  104. () Complexity management and multi-scale governance: a case study in an Amazonian indigenous association [d]
  105. () Democracy when the people are thinking: revitalizing our politics through public deliberation [i] [d]
  106. () Effective biodiversity conservation requires dynamic, pluralistic, partnership-based approaches [d]
  107. () Democracy and its enemies: the American struggle for the Enlightenment [i]
  108. () An epistemic theory of democracy [i] [d]
  109. () Reinforcements: how to get people to help you [i]
  110. () Deliberation and catastrophic risks [i] [d]
  111. () Governance networks [i] [d]
  112. () Structured democratic dialogue: an application of a mathematical problem structuring method to facilitate reforms with local authorities in Cyprus [d]
  113. () Design principles for creating the open scholarly commons from Elinor Ostrom [u]
  114. () Deliberation and long-term decisions: representing future generations [i] [d]
  115. () Superminds: the surprising power of people and computers thinking together [i]
  116. () Seven steps to control of corruption: the road map [d] [j]
  117. Michael A. Neblo, Kevin M. Esterling, & David Lazer [ed] () Politics with the people: building a directly representative democracy [i] [d]
  118. () Deliberation in deeply divided societies [i] [d]
  119. () Just giving: why philanthropy is failing democracy and how it can do better [i] [d] [j]
  120. () Fighting systemic corruption: the indirect strategy [d] [j]
  121. () Deliberative ideals across diverse cultures [i] [d]
  122. () Policy between evolution and engineering [i] [d]
  123. () Everything for everyone: the radical tradition that is shaping the next economy [i]
  124. Julia Schwanholz, Todd Graham, & Peter-Tobias Stoll [ed] () Managing democracy in the digital age: internet regulation, social media use, and online civic engagement [i] [d]
  125. Philip J. Smith & Robert R. Hoffman [ed] () Cognitive systems engineering: the future for a changing world [i] [d]
  126. (/2019) Dewey's pragmatic politics: power, limits, and realism about democracy as a way of life [i] [d]
  127. () Deliberative democracy and public dispute resolution [i] [d]
  128. () Models of law [u]
  129. Nina Wallerstein, Bonnie Duran, John G. Oetzel, & Meredith Minkler [ed] () Community-based participatory research for health: advancing social and health equity [i]
  130. () The will of the people: a modern myth [i]
  131. () Review of 'Common knowledge?: an ethnography of Wikipedia' [d] [u]
  132. () 'Pragmatic complexity' a new foundation for moving beyond 'evidence-based policy making'? [d]
  133. () Do better science by answering your questions in public: StackExchange for open science [u]
  134. () Deliberative citizens, (non)deliberative politicians: a rejoinder [d] [j]
  135. () Making better decisions in groups [p] [d] [u]
  136. () Balancing epistemic quality and equal participation in a system approach to deliberative democracy [d]
  137. Yu-Che Chen & Michael J. Ahn [ed] () Routledge handbook on information technology in government [i] [d]
  138. () The interrelations of individual learning and collective knowledge construction: a cognitive-systemic framework [i] [d]
  139. () Library collections in the life of the user: two directions [d]
  140. N. J. Enfield & Paul Kockelman [ed] () Distributed agency [i] [d]
  141. () Assessing the epistemic quality of democratic decision-making in terms of adequate support for conclusions [d]
  142. () Shared governance for sustainable working landscapes [i] [d]
  143. () The troubling logic of inclusivity in environmental consultations [d]
  144. () Free innovation [i] [d] [u]
  145. () Public deliberation and the fact of expertise: making experts accountable [d]
  146. () The sound of cooperation: musical influences on cooperative behavior [p] [d] [u]
  147. () Validity and scope as criteria for deliberative epistemic quality across pluralism [d]
  148. () Understanding and improving intelligence analysis by learning from other disciplines [d]
  149. () Tools and workflows for collaborating on static website projects [u]
  150. (/2020) Democracy in America?: what has gone wrong and what we can do about it [i] [d]
  151. Antonino Palumbo [ed] () Models of deliberative democracy [i]
  152. () Zapatismo, Luis Villoro, and American pragmatism on democracy, power, and injustice [d] [u]
  153. () The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance of evidence [i] [d]
  154. Alois A. Paulin, Leonidas G. Anthopoulos, & Christopher G. Reddick [ed] () Beyond bureaucracy: towards sustainable governance informatisation [i] [d]
  155. () International policy diffusion and participatory budgeting: ambassadors of participation, international institutions and transnational networks [i] [d]
  156. () Towards scalable governance: sensemaking and cooperation in the age of social media [d]
  157. () Seeing the wood for the trees: Social Science 3.0 and the role of visual thinking [d]
  158. Mark Robison & Lindley Shedd [ed] () Audio recorders to zucchini seeds: building a library of things [i]
  159. () Scientific community: a moral dimension [d]
  160. () Reciprocity outperforms conformity to promote cooperation [p] [d]
  161. () Elections and responsive government: a discussion of Christopher H. Achen and Larry M. Bartels' Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government [book review symposium] [d]
  162. Timothy J. Shaffer, Nicholas V. Longo, Idit Manosevitch, & Maxine S. Thomas [ed] () Deliberative pedagogy: teaching and learning for democratic engagement [i] [j]
  163. () Collusion in restraint of democracy: against political deliberation [as a solution to some failures of democracy] [d] [j]
  164. () Deliberation & the challenge of inequality [d] [j]
  165. () The knowledge illusion: why we never think alone [i]
  166. () The effects of rules on local political decision-making processes: how can rules facilitate participation? [d]
  167. () Science is shaped by Wikipedia: evidence from a randomized control trial [u]
  168. () Strengthening political leadership and policy innovation through the expansion of collaborative forms of governance [d]
  169. Leonard J. Waks & Andrea English [ed] () John Dewey's Democracy and education: a centennial handbook [i] [d]
  170. () The appropriation of GitHub for curation [d] [u]
  171. () Toward the automated detection of individuals' rationales in large-scale online open participative activities: a conceptual framework [d]
  172. () Governing complex systems: social capital for the Anthropocene [i] [d]
  173. () Democracy for realists: why elections do not produce responsive government [in the United States] [i] [d] [j]
  174. () Globalization and the retreat of citizen participation in collective action: a challenge for public administration [d]
  175. () Varieties of experimentalism [d]
  176. () How big should our government be? [i] [d] [j]
  177. () Open access meta-analysis for psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  178. () Discovering collaborative advantage: the contributions of goal categories and visual strategy mapping [d]
  179. () In search of coproduction: smart services as reciprocal activities [d]
  180. () Collaborating against human trafficking: cross-sector challenges and practices [i]
  181. () The Reunited States of America: how we can bridge the partisan divide [i]
  182. () Democracy reinvented: participatory budgeting and civic innovation in America [i] [j]
  183. Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries [ed] () Institutions for future generations [i] [d]
  184. () Raising human beings: creating a collaborative partnership with your child [i]
  185. () Shared collections: collaborative stewardship [i]
  186. () Failure at the top: how power undermines collaborative performance [p] [d]
  187. () Information communication technology utilization for effective emergency management networks [d]
  188. () The bleeding edge: why technology turns toxic in an unequal world [i]
  189. () On online collaboration and construction of shared knowledge: assessing mediation capability in computer supported argument visualization tools [d]
  190. () The social context of decisions [d]
  191. () When freedom is not an endless meeting: a new look at efficiency in consensus-based decision making [d]
  192. Earl Lewis & Nancy Cantor [ed] () Our compelling interests: the value of diversity for democracy and a prosperous society [i] [d] [j]
  193. () When is therapist metacommunication followed by more client collaboration?: the moderation effects of timing and contexts [p] [d]
  194. Panos Markopoulos, Jean-Bernard Martens, Julian Malins, Karin Coninx, & Aggelos Liapis [ed] () Collaboration in creative design: methods and tools [i] [d]
  195. Nada Matta, Hassan Atifi, & Guillaume Ducellier [ed] () Daily knowledge valuation in organizations: traceability and capitalization [i] [d]
  196. () Human computation: the power of crowds [p] [d] [j]
  197. () John Dewey: the global public and its problems [i] [u]
  198. () Why we reason: intention-alignment and the genesis of human rationality [d]
  199. Michele Notari, Rebecca B. Reynolds, Samuel Chu, & Beat Döbeli Honegger [ed] () The wiki way of learning: creating learning experiences using collaborative web pages [i]
  200. () From mental maps to GeoParticipation [d]
  201. () Ten simple rules for taking advantage of Git and GitHub [p] [d] [u]
  202. () Out of the fog: catalyzing integrative capacity in interdisciplinary research [d]
  203. () Imagine there are no leaders: reframing leadership as collaborative agency [d]
  204. () Institutional entrepreneurship, Wikipedia, and the opportunity of the commons [d]
  205. () 'Think with me': David Carr's enduring invitation [d] [u]
  206. () The new ABCs of research: achieving breakthrough collaborations [i] [d]
  207. () Embeddedness, social capital and learning in rural areas: the case of producer cooperatives [d]
  208. () Building problem forums: on troubleshooting in the professional writing classroom [d]
  209. Anthony Webster, Linda Shaw, & Rachael Vorberg-Rugh [ed] () Mainstreaming co-operation: an alternative for the twenty-first century? [i] [d]
  210. () Fostering state–tribal collaboration: an Indian law primer [i]
  211. Michael R. Willig & Lawrence R. Walker [ed] () Long-term ecological research: changing the nature of scientists [i]
  212. () Slow-motion democracy: synthetic and progressive development of the structure of rationalization [i] [d]
  213. () Consensus and global environmental governance: deliberative democracy in nature's regime [i] [d]
  214. () Using argumentation to structure e-participation in policy making [i] [d]
  215. () Argumentation tools for digital politics: addressing the challenge of deliberation in democracies [i] [d]
  216. () Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design [d]
  217. () Engaging the wisdom of crowds and public judgement for land use planning using public participation geographic information systems [d]
  218. () Integration and interdisciplinarity: concepts, frameworks, and education [d]
  219. Stephen Coleman & Deen Freelon [ed] () Handbook of digital politics [i] [d]
  220. () Citizen-science programs: towards transformative biodiversity governance [d]
  221. () Distributed wikis: a survey [d]
  222. () Collaborative developmental action inquiry [i] [d]
  223. () Putting the public back into governance: the challenges of citizen participation and its future [d]
  224. Robert F. Garnett, Paul Lewis, & Lenore T. Ealy [ed] () Commerce and community: ecologies of social cooperation [i] [d]
  225. () Getting democratic priorities straight: pragmatism, diversity, and the role of beliefs [d]
  226. () Network performance assessment for collaborative disaster response [d]
  227. () Wicked problems: implications for public policy and management [d]
  228. () Identification and prioritization of coordination barriers in humanitarian supply chain management [d]
  229. () A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making [i] [d]
  230. () Teams, teamwork, and team effectiveness: implications for human systems integration [i] [d]
  231. () Thinking together and alone [d]
  232. () Democratic deliberation in the modern world: the systemic turn [d]
  233. () Deliberation and disagreement: problem solving, prediction, and positive dissensus [d]
  234. () Repertoires: how to transform a project into a research community [d] [j]
  235. () Law is code: a software engineering approach to analyzing the United States Code [u]
  236. () From individual to collective learning: a conceptual learning framework for enacting rework prevention [d]
  237. () Equality bias impairs collective decision-making across cultures [p] [d] [u]
  238. () Accessing the environment: delivering ecological and societal benefits through knowledge integration—the case of water management [d]
  239. () Sharing cities: a case for truly smart and sustainable cities [i] [d]
  240. () Virtue and irony in American democracy: revisiting Dewey and Niebuhr [i]
  241. () The quest for good governance: how societies develop control of corruption [i] [d]
  242. () ARAMANI: decision-support tool for selecting optimal participatory mapping method [d]
  243. () Accelerating the public's learning curve on wicked policy issues: results from deliberative forums on euthanasia [d]
  244. Mikko Rask & Richard Worthington [ed] () Governing biodiversity through democratic deliberation [i] [d]
  245. () A new collaborative methodology for assessment and management of ecosystem services [d]
  246. () Beyond altruism: sociological foundations of cooperation and prosocial behavior [d]
  247. () Wiser: getting beyond groupthink to make groups smarter [i]
  248. () Governance capabilities for dealing wisely with wicked problems [d]
  249. () Wikipedia and the politics of openness [i] [d]
  250. () Wikipedia and the ecosystem of knowledge [d] [u]
  251. () Collaborative problem structuring using MARVEL [d]
  252. () Shared principles of restoration practice in the Chicago Wilderness region [j] [u]
  253. () A case study of librarian outreach to scientists: collaborative research and scholarly communication in conservation biology [d]
  254. Christopher K. Ansell & Jacob Torfing [ed] () Public innovation through collaboration and design [i] [d]
  255. () Peer-to-peer leadership: why the network is the leader [i]
  256. Sönke Bartling & Sascha Friesike [ed] () Opening science: the evolving guide on how the internet is changing research, collaboration and scholarly publishing [i] [d]
  257. () Introducing GitHub: a non-technical guide [i]
  258. () Earth system governance: world politics in the Anthropocene [i] [d] [j]
  259. () On the nature of distributed organizing [i] [d]
  260. () Wiki approaches to wicked problems: considering African traditions in innovative collaborative approaches [d]
  261. () Finding generality in ecology: a model for globally distributed experiments [d]
  262. Mark A. P. Bovens, Robert E. Goodin, & Thomas Schillemans [ed] () The Oxford handbook of public accountability [i] [d]
  263. () How smart is democracy?: you can't answer that question a priori [d]
  264. () Evolution of responses to (un)fairness [p] [d] [j] [u]
  265. () DCLA meet CIDA: collective intelligence deliberation analytics [u]
  266. () Voting systems for environmental decisions [p] [d] [u]
  267. () Wiki management: a revolutionary new model for a rapidly changing and collaborative world [i]
  268. () Simulation games that integrate research, entertainment, and learning around ecosystem services [d]
  269. () The map and the territory: a practitioner perspective on knowledge cartography [i] [d]
  270. () The network reshapes the library: Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services and networks [i] [u]
  271. () Socially networked citizen science and the crowd-sourcing of pro-environmental collective actions [i] [d]
  272. () Not by technology alone: the 'analog' aspects of online public engagement in policymaking [d]
  273. () Open science: one term, five schools of thought [i] [d]
  274. () The art of the watchdog: fighting fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption in government [i]
  275. Pnina Fichman & Noriko Hara [ed] () Global Wikipedia: international and cross-cultural issues in online collaboration [i]
  276. () Strategic management of global manufacturing networks: aligning strategy, configuration, and coordination [i] [d]
  277. Jennifer Girouard & Carmen Sirianni [ed] () Varieties of civic innovation: deliberative, collaborative, network, and narrative approaches [i] [j]
  278. () Interactive democracy: the social roots of global justice [i] [d]
  279. () Democracy and epistocracy [d]
  280. () Dynamic publication formats and collaborative authoring [i] [d]
  281. () Hacker science versus closed science: building environmental monitoring infrastructure [d]
  282. () Integrating argument mapping with systems thinking tools: advancing applied systems science [i] [d]
  283. () Common knowledge?: an ethnography of Wikipedia [i] [d] [j]
  284. () Post-treaty politics: secretariat influence in global environmental governance [i] [d] [j]
  285. () Corruption, contention and reform: the power of deep democratization [i] [d]
  286. () Deliberative methods for complex issues: a typology of functions that may need scaffolding [u]
  287. () An embarrassment of riches: a critical review of open innovation systems [d]
  288. () Coordinated exploration: organizing joint search by multiple specialists to overcome mutual confusion and joint myopia [d]
  289. () Exploring community collaborations: social network analysis as a reflective tool for public health [d]
  290. () Wikipedia U: knowledge, authority, and liberal education in the digital age [i] [d]
  291. () Public goods in relation to competition, cooperation, and spite [p] [d] [u]
  292. () Applications of collaborative helping maps: supporting professional development, supervision and work teams in family-centered practice [d]
  293. () A systemic approach to civic action [i] [j]
  294. () The state of the field in light of the state of our democracy: my democracy anxiety closet [d]
  295. () Geospatial considerations for a multiorganizational, landscape-scale program [d]
  296. () Do institutions for collective action evolve? [d]
  297. () Taking the pulse of a continent: expanding site-based research infrastructure for regional- to continental-scale ecology [d]
  298. () Social heuristics shape intuitive cooperation [p] [d]
  299. () Harnessing reciprocity to promote cooperation and the provisioning of public goods [d]
  300. () Citizen science: convergent evolution across the sciences [u]
  301. () Beyond single authors: organizational text production as collaborative writing [i] [d]
  302. () Open science and the three cultures: expanding open science to all domains of knowledge creation [i] [d]
  303. () Civic intelligence and the making of sustainable food culture(s) [i] [d]
  304. () Patient involvement in mental health care: one size does not fit all [p] [d] [u]
  305. () 'A story is not a story but a conference': story conferences and the classical studio system [d]
  306. () A natural history of human thinking [i] [d] [j]
  307. () Learn by doing: lessons from a programmer [u]
  308. () From conflict to creative collaboration: a user's guide to dynamic facilitation [i]
  309. () Sharing cities: reinventing and reviving sharing to enhance equity, rebuild community and cut resource use [u]
  310. () Epistemic dependence in interdisciplinary groups [d] [j]
  311. Bas Arts [ed] () Forest and nature governance: a practice based approach [i] [d]
  312. () The promise of practice: the value of the practice based approach for forest and nature governance studies [i] [d]
  313. () Sharing is good: how to save money, time and resources through collaborative consumption [i]
  314. () Plasticity facilitates sustainable growth in the commons [d]
  315. Arthur L. Costa & Pat Wilson O'Leary [ed] () The power of the social brain: teaching, learning, and interdependent thinking [i]
  316. Ann E. Cudd & Sally J. Scholz [ed] () Philosophical perspectives on democracy in the 21st century [i] [d]
  317. () Understanding the collective collection: towards a system-wide perspective on library print collections [i] [u]
  318. () A platform for location based app development for citizen science and community mapping [i] [d]
  319. () The library as research partner and data creator: the Don Valley Historical Mapping Project [d]
  320. () Cultural evolution as distributed computation [i] [d]
  321. () Lessons from a buried past: settlement women and democratically anchored governance networks [d]
  322. () Onward [or: Unity] [i] [d]
  323. () Integration of specialties: an institutional and organizational view [d]
  324. () Agent-based land-use models and farming games on the social web—fertile ground for a collaborative future? [d]
  325. () Law as engineering: thinking about what lawyers do [i] [d]
  326. Jiří Hřebíček, Gerald Schimak, Miroslav Kubásek, & Andrea E. Rizzoli [ed] () Environmental software systems: fostering information sharing: 10th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2013, Neusiedl am See, Austria, October 9–11, 2013: proceedings [i] [d]
  327. () The spectrum of responses to complex societal issues: reflections on seven years of empirical inquiry [u]
  328. Mary Kaldor & Joseph E. Stiglitz [ed] () The quest for security: protection without protectionism and the challenge of global governance [i] [d] [j]
  329. () Managing emergencies and crises [i]
  330. () Rangeland mashups and wikicology?: implementing collaborative Internet technologies for rangeland management [d]
  331. () From competition to collaboration: toward a new framework for entrepreneurship [i] [d]
  332. () On minimal deliberation, partisan activism, and teaching people how to disagree [d]
  333. () Deliberation, cognitive diversity, and democratic inclusiveness: an epistemic argument for the random selection of representatives [d] [j]
  334. () The wisdom of crowds: methods of human judgement aggregation [i] [d]
  335. () Dialogue & deliberation [i]
  336. () The co-creative meeting: practicing consensual effectivity in organizations [i] [d]
  337. () Common good [i] [d]
  338. () Ten simple rules for cultivating open science and collaborative R&D [p] [d] [u]
  339. Malcolm McIntosh [ed] () The necessary transition: the journey towards the sustainable enterprise economy [i]
  340. () Creating exhibitions: collaboration in the planning, development, and design of innovative experiences [i]
  341. () Positive organizational outcomes associated with a penchant for openness [p] [d]
  342. Pietro Michelucci [ed] () Handbook of human computation [i] [d]
  343. () Location-based services in 2030: from sharing to collective action [i] [d]
  344. () Beyond sharing: cultivating cooperative transportation systems through geographic information science [d]
  345. () Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
  346. () Promoting group creativity in upstream requirements engineering [i] [d]
  347. () People as sensors and collective sensing—contextual observations complementing geo-sensor network measurements [i] [d]
  348. () Enhancing stakeholder interaction through environmental risk accounts [d]
  349. () Using a blended learning approach to simulate the negotiation of a multilateral environmental agreement [d]
  350. () Solving tough problems with games [p] [d] [u]
  351. () Tackling a wicked problem: water issues! How the Delta Dialogues Project is using dialogue mapping to build shared understanding [u]
  352. () Human cumulative cultural evolution as a form of distributed computation [i] [d]
  353. () Civil disobedience and deliberative democracy [i] [d]
  354. () Social learning in regional innovation networks: trust, commitment and reframing as emergent properties of interaction [d]
  355. (/2017) Human interactivity: problem-finding, problem-solving, and verbal patterns in the wild [i] [d]
  356. Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott, & Ben Fraser [ed] () Cooperation and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  357. () How ontologies are made: studying the hidden social dynamics behind collaborative ontology engineering projects [d]
  358. Katia Sycara, Michele J. Gelfand, & Allison Abbe [ed] () Models for intercultural collaboration and negotiation [i] [d]
  359. () Patterns for emergent global intelligence [i] [d]
  360. () Action inquiry and the Boston Marathon bombings: unilateral vs. mutual power [u]
  361. () The psychology of cooperation: implications for public policy [i] [d] [j]
  362. () Creative practices in the design studio culture: collaboration and communication [d]
  363. () What kind of scientist are you?: science and interdisciplinary research [d] [u]
  364. () Teamwork and collaboration [and training to improve them] [d]
  365. () To cooperate or not to cooperate: using new methodologies and frameworks to understand how affiliation influences cooperation in the present and future [d]
  366. () Managing the science–policy interface in a complex and contentious world [i] [d]
  367. () Programming the global brain [d]
  368. Frank Biermann & Philipp H. Pattberg [ed] () Global environmental governance reconsidered [i] [d] [j]
  369. () Using visual representations as boundary objects to resolve conflict in collaborative model-building approaches [d]
  370. () Environmental governance as stochastic belief updating: crafting rules to live by [d]
  371. () Empowering students to create and claim value through the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [d]
  372. () Money in politics [i] [d]
  373. () Slow democracy: rediscovering community, bringing decision making back home [i]
  374. () The use of concept maps for knowledge management: from classrooms to research labs [d]
  375. () Co-engineering and participatory water management: organisational challenges for water governance [i] [d]
  376. () Managing wicked problems in agribusiness: the role of multi-stakeholder engagements in value creation [u]
  377. () Prototyping dynamics: sharing multiple designs improves exploration, group rapport, and results [i] [d]
  378. () Parallel prototyping leads to better design results, more divergence, and increased self-efficacy [i] [d]
  379. () Not in my watershed! Will increased federal supervision really bring better coordination between land use and water planning? [d]
  380. David M. Estlund [ed] () The Oxford handbook of political philosophy [i] [d]
  381. Stephen E. Finn, Constance T. Fischer, & Leonard Handler [ed] () Collaborative/therapeutic assessment: a casebook and guide [i]
  382. () Human behavior and sustainability [d]
  383. () Transformative learning in planning and policy deliberation: probing social meaning and tacit assumptions [i] [d]
  384. () Coordinated distributed experiments: an emerging tool for testing global hypotheses in ecology and environmental science [d]
  385. () Polycentric systems and interacting planetary boundaries: emerging governance of climate change–ocean acidification–marine biodiversity [d]
  386. () Using private rights to manage natural resources: is stewardship linked to ownership? [d]
  387. Sören Holmberg & Bo Rothstein [ed] () Good government: the relevance of political science [i] [d]
  388. Herman A. Karl, Lynn Scarlett, Juan Carlos Vargas-Moreno, & Michael Flaxman [ed] () Restoring lands: coordinating science, politics and action: complexities of climate and governance [i] [d]
  389. () Plugging the 'whole': librarians as interdisciplinary facilitators [d]
  390. Hélène Landemore & Jon Elster [ed] () Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms [i] [d]
  391. () Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology [i] [d]
  392. () Key processes, ingredients and components of successful systems collaboration: working with severely emotionally or behaviorally disturbed children and their families [p] [d]
  393. () How to implement free, prior informed consent (FPIC) [u]
  394. () The unheralded power of facilitation to change the world [u]
  395. () Provoking more productive discussion of wicked problems [d]
  396. () California's Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta conflict: from cooperation to chicken [d]
  397. () Material participation: technology, the environment and everyday publics [i] [d]
  398. () The firm as a 'community of persons': a pillar of humanistic business ethos [d] [j]
  399. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow [ed] () Multi-party dispute resolution, democracy and decision-making [i]
  400. () Participatory design of DataONE—enabling cyberinfrastructure for the biological and environmental sciences [d]
  401. () Legislative thinking: responsibility, motivation, and cognitive complexity in U.S. statehouses [u]
  402. () Collective action dynamics under external rewards: experimental insights from Andean farming communities [d]
  403. () Making maps that matter: situating GIS within community conversations about changing landscapes [d]
  404. () Collaboration technologies [i] [d]
  405. () What would John Dewey say about deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism? [d]
  406. () FPIC and beyond: safeguards for power-equalising research that protects biodiversity, rights and culture [u]
  407. () Eliciting expert knowledge to inform landscape modeling of conservation scenarios [d]
  408. () Networked: the new social operating system [i] [d] [j]
  409. () Designing institutions for governing planetary boundaries: lessons from global forest governance [d]
  410. () Expanding the pie: fostering effective non-profit and corporate partnerships [i]
  411. () Everyone leads: building leadership from the community up [i]
  412. () Private multi-stakeholder governance in the agricultural market place: an analysis of legitimization processes of the roundtables on sustainable palm oil and responsible soy [u]
  413. () Together: the rituals, pleasures, and politics of cooperation [i]
  414. () Disaggregating international regimes: a new approach to evaluation and comparison [i] [d] [j]
  415. () Civic capacity: building on transformational leadership to explain successful integrative public leadership [d]
  416. () Sensor mania!: the Internet of things, wearable computing, objective metrics, and the Quantified Self 2.0 [d]
  417. () National Geographic FieldScope: a platform for community geography [d]
  418. () Confronting power: the practice of policy advocacy [i]
  419. () Temporal stability and psychological foundations of cooperation preferences [d]
  420. () Open design now: why design cannot remain exclusive [i] [u]
  421. () Pragmatist democracy: evolutionary learning as public philosophy [i] [d]
  422. () Sustainable webs of interests: property in an interconnected environment [i] [d]
  423. () The dream is freedom: Pauli Murray and American democratic faith [i] [d]
  424. () Wicked environmental problems: managing uncertainty and conflict [i] [d]
  425. () Dissenting in reflective conversations: critical components of doing action research [d]
  426. () Crowdsourcing, citizen sensing and sensor web technologies for public and environmental health surveillance and crisis management: trends, OGC standards and application examples [d]
  427. () Constructive politics as public work: organizing the literature [d] [j]
  428. () Transmuted expertise: how technical non-experts can assess experts and expertise [d]
  429. Andrea Cornwall [ed] () The participation reader [i]
  430. (/2013) The heretic's guide to best practices: the reality of managing complex problems in organisations [i]
  431. () Supporting communities of practice by advancing knowledge management between hybrid collaborative environments [i] [d]
  432. () Crowdsourcing systems on the World-Wide Web [d]
  433. () From belief to knowledge: achieving and sustaining an adaptive culture in organizations [i] [d]
  434. E. Franklin Dukes, Karen Firehock, & Juliana Birkhoff [ed] () Community-based collaboration: bridging socio-ecological research and practice [i]
  435. () To comply or not to comply—that isn't the question: how organizations construct the meaning of compliance [i] [d]
  436. () Shared mind: communication, decision making, and autonomy in serious illness [d]
  437. () Metaknowledge [p] [d] [j]
  438. () Determinants of the efficiency of regional innovation systems [d]
  439. () Creating dialogic contexts for multidisciplinary clinical reviews: the reflecting team process [d]
  440. () Collaborative transportation sharing: from theory to practice via a case study from France [i] [d]
  441. () Free and equal: Rawls' theory of justice and political reform [i]
  442. () Structured decision making: a practical guide to environmental management choices [i] [d]
  443. () Governance spaces for sustainable river management [d]
  444. () Collaborative intelligence: using teams to solve hard problems [i]
  445. () Leadership and collective requisite complexity [d]
  446. () Consensus-oriented decision-making: the CODM model for facilitating groups to widespread agreement [i]
  447. () The emerging role of libraries in data curation and e-science [d]
  448. () To tell the truth: on scientific counterpublics [d]
  449. () Nongovernmental organizations and the forces against them: lessons of the anti-NGO movement [u]
  450. () Linking knowledge to action in collaborative conservation [p] [d]
  451. () Interdisciplinary analysis of the environment: insights from tropical forest research [d]
  452. () The gardens of democracy: a new American story of citizenship, the economy, and the role of government [i]
  453. () The art and science of multi-scale citizen science support [d]
  454. () Why do we need to protect institutional diversity? [d]
  455. () Dewey's ethical-political philosophy as resource in today's global crises and as a guide to a post-ideological politics for the 21st century [i] [d]
  456. Eric Pardede [ed] () Community-built databases: research and development [i] [d]
  457. Christine Parker & Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen [ed] () Explaining compliance: business responses to regulation [i] [d]
  458. () Deliberative democracy, institution building, and the pragmatics of cumulative effects assessment [d]
  459. () 'Anyone can know': citizen journalism and the interpretive community of the mainstream press [d]
  460. () The quality of government: corruption, social trust, and inequality in international perspective [i] [d]
  461. () Salzburg statement on shared decision making [d]
  462. () The evolution of local partnerships for sustainable agriculture [d]
  463. () The luck of the draw: the role of lotteries in decision-making [i] [d]
  464. () A case for the re-use of community reasoning [i] [d]
  465. () Methods for collaboratively identifying research priorities and emerging issues in science and policy [d]
  466. () Boundary shifts: from management to engagement in complexities of ecosystems and social contexts [i] [d]
  467. () Incentives for cooperation: the effects of institutional controls on common pool resource extraction in Cambodia [d]
  468. () The political economy of power-sharing [d]
  469. () No ownership of common factors [p] [d]
  470. John Yearwood & Andrew Stranieri [ed] () Technologies for supporting reasoning communities and collaborative decision making: cooperative approaches [i] [d]
  471. () Is collaboration a viable target for family therapists? [d]
  472. () The visible hand: coordination functions of the regulatory state [u]
  473. () Transparency in nonstate certification: consequences for accountability and legitimacy [d]
  474. () Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon [d]
  475. Peter H. F. Bekker, Rudolf Dolzer, Michael Waibel, & Detlev F. Vagts [ed] () Making transnational law work in the global economy: essays in honour of Detlev Vagts [i] [d]
  476. () Public sector administration of ecological economics systems using mediated modeling [d]
  477. () Devolution of environment and resources governance: trends and future [d]
  478. () Long live the web: a call for continued open standards and neutrality [d] [u]
  479. () Using ICTs to create a culture of transparency: e-government and social media as openness and anti-corruption tools for societies [d]
  480. () Civic professionalism [u]
  481. Valerie A. Brown, John A. Harris, & Jacqueline Y. Russell [ed] () Tackling wicked problems through the transdisciplinary imagination [i] [d]
  482. () Democracy & rhetoric: John Dewey on the arts of becoming [i]
  483. () Jane Addams on citizenship in a democracy [d]
  484. () Foundations and frontiers of deliberative governance [i] [d]
  485. () Regoverning the workplace: from self-regulation to co-regulation [i]
  486. () Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks [p] [d] [u]
  487. () Culture and cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  488. () Using the Delphi method to engage stakeholders: a comparison of two studies [d]
  489. Laura A. German, Joshua Ramisch, & Ritu Verma [ed] () Beyond the biophysical: knowledge, culture, and politics in agriculture and natural resource management [i] [d]
  490. () Crowdsourcing geographic information for disaster response: a research frontier [d]
  491. Gary P. Green & Ann Goetting [ed] () Mobilizing communities: asset building as a community development strategy [i]
  492. () The arrogance of ethnnography: managing anthropological research knowledge [u]
  493. () Design to thrive: creating social networks and online communities that last [i] [d]
  494. () Policy networking as capacity building: an analysis of regional road development conflict in Indonesia [d]
  495. () Facilitated group decision making in hierarchical contexts [i] [d]
  496. () Punishment and spite, the dark side of cooperation [p] [d] [u]
  497. Wil de Jong, Denyse J. Snelder, & Noboru Ishikawa [ed] () Transborder governance of forests, rivers, and seas [i] [d]
  498. () Coevolutionary ecological economics [d]
  499. () 'Whose inquiry is this anyway?': money, power, reports, and collaborative inquiry [d]
  500. () Opinion leaders and complex sustainability issues [d]
  501. () Thinking about knowing: conceptual foundations for interdisciplinary environmental research [d]
  502. D. Marc Kilgour & Colin Eden [ed] () Handbook of group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  503. () Living with the dragon: acting ethically in a world of unintended consequences [i] [d]
  504. Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Thomas Herrmann, & Stephan Lukosch [ed] () Collaboration and technology: 16th international conference, CRIWG 2010, Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 20–23, 2010: proceedings [i] [d]
  505. () Collaboration engineering [i] [d]
  506. () The 'demonization' of rainforest migrants, or: what conservation means to poor colonist farmers [i] [d]
  507. Daniel Lathrop & Laurel Ruma [ed] () Open government: collaboration, transparency, and participation in practice [i]
  508. () Deliberative polling as the gold standard [d] [u]
  509. () Emotion in negotiation [i] [d]
  510. () Forest certification as a global environmental governance tool: what is the macro-effectiveness of the Forest Stewardship Council? [d]
  511. () The abundant community: awakening the power of families and neighborhoods [i]
  512. () The social capital of global ties in science: the added value of international collaboration [d]
  513. () 'Opting out': a case study of smallholder rejection of research in western Kenya [i] [d]
  514. () Empathy and democracy: feeling, thinking, and deliberation [i] [j]
  515. () Four cultures: new synergies for engaging society on climate change [d]
  516. () Out of sync and unaware?: exploring the effects of problem frame alignment and discordance in community collaboratives [d]
  517. () Optimising economic, environmental, and social objectives: a goal-programming approach in the food sector [d]
  518. () An action learning method for increased innovation capability in organisations [d]
  519. () Building bridges from the margins: the work of leadership in social change organizations [d]
  520. () Paradox and collaboration in network management [d]
  521. () Polycentric systems for coping with collective action and global environmental change [d]
  522. () NGO–anthropologist collaboration: lessons learned from working in Argentina [d] [j]
  523. () Crossing boundaries for environmental science and management: combining interdisciplinary, interorganizational and international collaboration [d]
  524. () Seeing (and doing) conservation through cultural lenses [d]
  525. () Evaluating the role of co-management in improving governance of marine protected areas: an experimental approach in the Colombian Caribbean [d]
  526. () Analyzing water institutions in the 21st century: guidelines for water researchers and professionals [d]
  527. () Working together: collective action, the commons, and multiple methods in practice [i] [d] [j]
  528. () Good faith collaboration: the culture of Wikipedia [i] [j] [u]
  529. () Systems thinking, mapping, and modeling in group decision and negotiation [i] [d]
  530. Gert de Roo & Elisabete A. Silva [ed] () A planner's encounter with complexity [i]
  531. () Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management [p] [d] [j]
  532. Joseph Sarkis, James Jude Cordeiro, & Diego Vazquez Brust [ed] () Facilitating sustainable innovation through collaboration: a multi-stakeholder perspective [i] [d]
  533. () Computer supported reflection of good practice [i] [d]
  534. () Participatory sensing: building empowering surveillance [d]
  535. () Tapping the cognitive surplus [u]
  536. () NIMBY, agent-relative reasons and public reason: an open peer commentary on Simon Feldman and Derek Turner's 'Why not NIMBY?' [d]
  537. () Leading public sector networks: an empirical examination of integrative leadership behaviors [d]
  538. () Dealing with environmental responsibilities: living everyday life as political participation [i] [d]
  539. () The effects of repeat collaboration on creative abrasion [d]
  540. () The multi-professional approach: front-line professionals' behaviours and interactions [d]
  541. () Put everything under version control [i]
  542. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  543. () How participation creates citizens: participatory governance as performative practice [u]
  544. () Why people cooperate: the role of social motivations [i] [d] [j]
  545. () Cooperation and the commons [p] [d] [j]
  546. () Analytics and beliefs: competing explanations for defining problems and choosing allies and opponents in collaborative environmental management [d]
  547. () Fullness and dearth: depth experience and democratic life [d]
  548. () Embodied interdisciplinarity: what is the role of polymaths in environmental research? [d]
  549. W. Neil Adger & Andrew Jordan [ed] () Governing sustainability [i] [d]
  550. () Meeting in the middle: desirable but not easy [d]
  551. () Beyond NGO-ization?: reflections from Latin America [d]
  552. () Challenges in multiple cross-sector partnerships [d]
  553. () Looking beyond traditional volunteer management: a case study of an alternative approach to volunteer engagement in parks and recreation [d]
  554. () Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning [d]
  555. Frank Biermann, Bernd Siebenhüner, & Anna Schreyögg [ed] () International organizations in global environmental governance [i] [d]
  556. () Social learning for solving complex problems: a promising solution or wishful thinking?: a case study of multi-actor negotiation for the integrated management and sustainable use of the Drentsche Aa area in the Netherlands [d]
  557. () Co-management of sea turtle fisheries: biogeography versus geopolitics [d]
  558. () Appointments to boards and committees via lottery, a pathway to fairness and diversity [d]
  559. () Experiments in economics: playing fair with money [i]
  560. Frans H. J. M. Coenen [ed] () Public participation and better environmental decisions: the promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision-making [i] [d]
  561. () Creating or destroying business value: understanding the opportunities and the limits of a win-win collaboration [i] [d]
  562. () Fourteen kinds of social contract [o] [u]
  563. () How festivals nurture resilience in regional communities [i] [d]
  564. () The work of environmental governance networks: traceability, credibility and certification by the Forest Stewardship Council [d]
  565. () Democracy and expertise: reorienting policy inquiry [i] [d]
  566. () When the people speak: deliberative democracy and public consultation [i] [d]
  567. () Catalyzing collaboration: Wisconsin's agency-initiated basin partnerships [d]
  568. () Relational being: beyond self and community [i]
  569. Stephen Goldsmith & Donald F. Kettl [ed] () Unlocking the power of networks: keys to high-performance government [i]
  570. () Building the Latin America we want: supplementing representative democracies with consensus-building [u]
  571. () Collaboration: how leaders avoid the traps, create unity, and reap big results [i]
  572. () Notes on collaboration: assessing student behaviors [d]
  573. () Relationship connection: a redux on the role of minding and the quality of feeling special in the enhancement of closeness [i] [d]
  574. () The potentials and limitations of civil society research: getting undone science done [d]
  575. () Film collaboration and creative conflict [d]
  576. () Intelligent participation: communicating knowledge in cross-functional project teams [d]
  577. () Linking information to real-life problems: an interdisciplinary collaboration of librarians, departments, and food businesses [d]
  578. () Collaborative case conceptualization: working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy [i]
  579. () The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds [d]
  580. Simon A. Levin [ed] () Games, groups, and the global good [i] [d]
  581. () Providing argument support for e-participation [d]
  582. () Collaborative helping: a practice framework for family-centered services [d]
  583. Carmen Malena [ed] () From political won't to political will: building support for participatory governance [i]
  584. () Waorani at the head of the table: towards inclusive conservation in Yasuní [d]
  585. () Social learning through evaluation: a case study of overcoming constraints for management of dryland salinity [d]
  586. () Citizen participation in the making of environmental decisions: evolving obstacles and potential solutions through partnership with experts and agents [u]
  587. () Wiki government: how technology can make government better, democracy stronger, and citizens more powerful [i] [j]
  588. () Ushahidi, or 'testimony': Web 2.0 tools for crowdsourcing crisis information [u]
  589. () Managing the rivalry of competing institutional logics [d]
  590. () Collaboration in theatre: a practical guide for designers and directors [i] [d]
  591. () Distributed creativity: how collective creations emerge from collaboration [d]
  592. () Beyond just research: experiences from southern Africa in developing social learning partnerships for resource conservation initiatives [d]
  593. () Unite and conquer: how to build coalitions that win—and last [i]
  594. () Investing in democracy: engaging citizens in collaborative governance [i]
  595. () Making integration work requires more than goodwill [p]
  596. () Making governance networks effective and democratic through metagovernance [d]
  597. () Work after globalization: building occupational citizenship [i] [d]
  598. () The generalist approach [d]
  599. () The sense of dissonance: accounts of worth in economic life [i] [d] [j]
  600. () Popper and communitarianism: justification and criticism of moral standards [i] [d]
  601. () eBird: a citizen-based bird observation network in the biological sciences [d]
  602. () Bridging the gap: how can information access and exchange between conservation biologists and field practitioners be improved for better conservation outcomes? [d]
  603. () The governance of nature and the nature of governance: policy that works for biodiversity and livelihoods [i]
  604. () Why we cooperate [i] [d]
  605. () Cooperative behavior and institutions [d]
  606. () Coalitions, science, and belief change: comparing adversarial and collaborative policy subsystems [d]
  607. () What's wrong with empathy? [u]
  608. () Synchrony and cooperation [d]
  609. () Democratic assessment of collaborative planning processes [d]
  610. () Homes on the range: cooperative conservation and environmental change on California's privately owned hardwood rangelands [d]
  611. () Exploring collaborative environmental governance: perspectives on bridging and actor agency [d]
  612. () Managing conflict in construction megaprojects: leadership and third-party principles [d]
  613. () Collaborative governance in theory and practice [d]
  614. () Learning to negotiate reality: a strategy for teaching intercultural competencies [d]
  615. () Passionate participation: emotional experiences and expressions in deliberative forums [d]
  616. Lisa Bingham & Rosemary O'Leary [ed] () Big ideas in collaborative public management [i] [d]
  617. () Mapping dialogue: essential tools for social change [i]
  618. () Crowdsourcing as a model for problem solving [d]
  619. () Democracy as problem solving: civic capacity in communities across the globe [i] [d]
  620. () Hack, mash, & peer: crowdsourcing government transparency [u]
  621. () Blogs, Wikipedia, Second life, and beyond: from production to produsage [i]
  622. (/2014) Knowledge cartography for controversies: the Iraq debate [i] [d]
  623. () Democratizing knowledge: sustainable and conventional agricultural field days as divergent democratic forms [d]
  624. () Developing interorganizational networks [i]
  625. () Student/teacher co-construction of visualizable models in large group discussion [i] [d]
  626. () Negotiation, meet new governance: interests, skills, and selves [d]
  627. () Growing a global issue base: an issue-based approach to policy deliberation [u]
  628. () Social-psychological principles of community-based conservation and conservancy motivation: attaining goals within an autonomy-supportive environment [p] [d]
  629. () The political potential of sortition: a study of the random selection of citizens for public office [i]
  630. () What's mine is yours: open source as a new paradigm for sustainable healthcare education [p] [d]
  631. () From teams to knots: activity-theoretical studies of collaboration and learning at work [i] [d]
  632. Louise Fortmann [ed] () Participatory research in conservation and rural livelihoods: doing science together [i]
  633. () The librarian as bridge-builder [d]
  634. Kathleen Gallagher [ed] () The methodological dilemma: creative, critical, and collaborative approaches to qualitative research [i]
  635. () Some practical suggestions for improving engagement between researchers and policy-makers in natural resource management [d]
  636. () Meeting universal human needs as the foundation of individual and social development and of social and global justice [d]
  637. () Innovating democracy: democratic theory and practice after the deliberative turn [i] [d]
  638. () Making research relevant: if it is an evidence-based practice, where's the practice-based evidence? [d]
  639. () Distributed knowing: a conversation with Philippe Descola [o]
  640. Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn [ed] () Handbook of transdisciplinary research [i] [d]
  641. () In search of dialogue: staging science communication in consensus conferences [i] [d]
  642. () Towards decision support for participatory democracy [i] [d]
  643. () The politics of gossip and denial in interorganizational relations [d]
  644. () Information into action: biodiversity data outreach and municipal land conservation [d]
  645. () Individual values and social goals in environmental decision making [i] [d]
  646. () Resisting individualism, advocating solidarity [i]
  647. () A typology of collaboration efforts in environmental management [d]
  648. () Getting to 'let's talk': comments on collaborative environmental dispute resolution processes [u]
  649. () A culture of justification: the pragmatist's epistemic argument for democracy [d] [u]
  650. () A critical review of the theory and application of social learning in participatory natural resource management processes [d]
  651. () Dialogue mapping and collaborative learning [i] [d]
  652. () Finding hope in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment [p] [d] [j] [u]
  653. Alexandra Okada, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Tony Sherborne [ed] (/2014) Knowledge cartography: software tools and mapping techniques [i] [d]
  654. () Systemic leadership and the emergence of ethical responsiveness [d] [j]
  655. () Makkala Panchayats: institutionalization of children's participation in local decision-making [d]
  656. () Large group interventions: whole system approaches to organizational change [i]
  657. () Mass argumentation and the semantic web [d]
  658. () Organising to protect: protecting landscapes and livelihoods in the Nicaraguan hillsides [d] [j]
  659. () Retaking rationality: how cost–benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health [i]
  660. () Challenging hegemonies: advancing collaboration in community-based participatory action research [d]
  661. () Liberating voices: a pattern language for communication revolution [i] [d] [u]
  662. Brandon A. Sullivan, Mark Snyder, & John L. Sullivan [ed] () Cooperation: the political psychology of effective human interaction [i]
  663. () The conflict-positive organization: it depends upon us [d]
  664. () Joyful ignorance and the civic mind [i]
  665. () Life's recurring challenges and the fundamental dimensions: an integration and its implications for cultural differences and similarities [d]
  666. () New knowledge from old data: the role of standards in the sharing and reuse of ecological data [d]
  667. () Stakeholders or subject matter experts, who should be consulted? [d]
  668. () The perverse effects of competition on scientists' work and relationships [p] [d]
  669. Harlene Anderson & Diane R. Gehart [ed] () Collaborative therapy: relationships and conversations that make a difference [i] [d]
  670. Jean-Marie Baland, Pranab K. Bardhan, & Samuel Bowles [ed] () Inequality, cooperation, and environmental sustainability [i] [j]
  671. Fikret Berkes, Derek R. Armitage, & Nancy Doubleday [ed] () Adaptive co-management: collaboration, learning, and multi-level governance [i]
  672. () Stumbling forward: the organizational challenges of building and sustaining collaborative watershed management [d]
  673. () Employing philosophical dialogue in collaborative science [d] [j]
  674. () Public values and public interest: counterbalancing economic individualism [i] [j]
  675. () Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions [d]
  676. () Cooperation versus competition: is there really such an issue? [d]
  677. () Wikipedia again: an addressable knowledge base [u]
  678. () The real wealth of nations: creating a caring economics [i]
  679. () Full disclosure: the perils and promise of transparency [i] [d]
  680. () Evaluating the imperative of intraorganizational collaboration: a school improvement perspective [d]
  681. () The purpose (and perils) of government–nonprofit partnership [d]
  682. () Critical perspectives on global governance: rights and regulation in governing regimes [i]
  683. () From participatory systematisation to a regional network for policy change [u]
  684. () Hyperconnection: natural history museums, knowledge, and the evolving ecology of community [d]
  685. () Leadership agility: five levels of mastery for anticipating and initiating change [i]
  686. () Democracy as discussion: civic education and the American forum movement [i]
  687. () Therapeutic collaboration: how does it work? [d]
  688. () The critical role of the librarian/information officer as boundary spanner across cultures: humans as essential components in global digital libraries [i] [d]
  689. () Bridges and barriers to developing and conducting interdisciplinary graduate-student team research [u]
  690. () Democracy at its best?: the consensus conference in a cross-national perspective [d]
  691. () Markets, deliberation, and environment [i] [d]
  692. () Social learning and water resources management [u]
  693. Sandy Kristin Piderit, Ronald E. Fry, & David L. Cooperrider [ed] () Handbook of transformative cooperation: new designs and dynamics [i] [d]
  694. () The learning conference [d]
  695. () The case for developmental methodologies in democratization [d]
  696. () Group genius: the creative power of collaboration [i]
  697. () Democracy and legal change [i] [d]
  698. () Co-operative identity [u]
  699. () Maps narratives and trails: performativity, hodology and distributed knowledges in complex adaptive systems—an approach to emergent mapping [d]
  700. () A new weave of power, people, and politics: the action guide for advocacy and citizen participation [i] [d]
  701. () The rise of the unelected: democracy and the new separation of powers [i] [d]
  702. () On the evolution of trust, distrust, and formal coordination and control in interorganizational relationships: toward an integrative framework [d]
  703. Jeroen Warner [ed] () Multi-stakeholder platforms for integrated water management [i]
  704. Thomas George Weiss & Sam Daws [ed] () The Oxford handbook on the United Nations [i] [d]
  705. () Facilitating cooperation during times of chaos: spontaneous orders and muddling through in Malinau District, Indonesia [u]
  706. () Ten essential wiki attitudes [i]
  707. () Wikis for dummies [i]
  708. () Minerva unbound: knowledge stocks, knowledge flows and new knowledge production [d]
  709. () The epistemology of democracy [d] [u]
  710. (/2014) Arguing to learn [i] [d]
  711. () Enlarging the societal pie through wise legislation: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [j] [u]
  712. Srilatha Batliwala & L. David Brown [ed] () Transnational civil society: an introduction [i]
  713. () Leadership for the common good [i]
  714. () The handbook of large group methods: creating systemic change in organizations and communities [i]
  715. () Social contracting in a pluralist process of moral sense making: a dialogic twist on the ISCT [d] [j]
  716. () Avoiding ghettos of like-minded people: random selection and organizational collaboration [i]
  717. () Sustainable consumption research as democratic expertise [d]
  718. () Dialogue mapping: building shared understanding of wicked problems [i]
  719. () Citizen-centered collaborative public management [d]
  720. () The speed of trust: the one thing that changes everything [i]
  721. () Appreciating mediation's global role in promoting good governance [o] [u]
  722. () Troubles on the way: an analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms [d]
  723. () Varieties of participation in complex governance [d]
  724. () Perspectival knowledge and distributed cognition [i] [d]
  725. () The role of science in NGO mediated conservation: insights from a biodiversity hotspot in Mexico [d]
  726. Mike Green, John O'Brien, Henry Moore, Gordon Cunningham, & John McKnight [ed] (/2009) When people care enough to act: ABCD in action [i]
  727. () How creating 'communities of learning' and 'common cultures' fosters collaboration: the e-Parliament, the Israeli settlements project, and the Mexican negotiation skills training workshop [d]
  728. () Critical next steps in research on public meetings and environmental decision making [j] [u]
  729. () Make-or-break roles in collaboration leadership [i]
  730. (/2012) Dialogical planning in a fragmented society: critically liberal, pragmatic, incremental [i]
  731. () John Dewey's 'wholly original philosophy' and its significance for museums [d]
  732. () Fostering dialogue across divides: a nuts and bolts guide from the Public Conversations Project [o]
  733. () Between consensus and compromise: acknowledging the negotiation dimension in participatory approaches [d]
  734. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  735. () Making a difference: on the constraints of consensus building and the relevance of deliberation in stakeholder dialogues [d]
  736. Elliott C. Kulakowski & Lynne U. Chronister [ed] () Research administration and management [i]
  737. () The leaf of goals: the use of a metaphor in conflict management [u]
  738. () Exploring the wiki world: the new face of collaboration [d]
  739. () Learning cities, learning regions, learning communities: lifelong learning and local government [i] [d]
  740. () On complex communication [d] [j]
  741. () Why hasn't the world gotten to yes?: an appreciation and some reflections [d]
  742. () Out of heads and onto paper: writeshops [u]
  743. () Co-operative business: the role of co-operative principles and values [u]
  744. () Corporate legitimacy as deliberation: a communicative framework [d] [j]
  745. () Evidence-based policy: a realist perspective [i] [d]
  746. () To play the fool: can environmental conservation and democracy survive social capital? [d]
  747. () Regulation and social solidarity [d]
  748. () Participatory processes for designing environmental policies [d]
  749. () The development of collaboration of response to Hurricane Katrina in the Dallas area [d]
  750. () Promoting a paradigm of collaboration in an adversarial legal system: an integrated problem solving perspective for shifting prevailing attitudes from competition to cooperation within the legal profession [o] [u]
  751. (/2014) Knowledge building and knowledge creation: theory, pedagogy, and technology [i] [d]
  752. Sandy Schuman [ed] () Creating a culture of collaboration: the International Association of Facilitators handbook [i]
  753. () Involving multiple stakeholders in large-scale collaborative projects [i]
  754. () A model of collaborative knowledge building [i] [d]
  755. () Alliance management teams and entrainment: sharing temporal mental models [d]
  756. () Putting 'counselor' back in the lawyer's job description: why more states should adopt collaborative law statutes [u]
  757. () Journey to successful collaborations [u]
  758. () Organization learning in non-writing communities [d]
  759. () Corporate governance and the Mondragón Cooperatives [d]
  760. () Sensemaking and the distortion of critical upward communication in organizations [d]
  761. () Facilitating dialogue and deliberation in environmental conflict: the use of groups in collaborative learning [i]
  762. () Critical success conditions of collaborative methods: a comparative evaluation of transport planning projects [d]
  763. () Four perspectives on public participation process in environmental assessment and decision making: combined results from 10 case studies [d]
  764. () Wicked policies and righteous economists [u]
  765. () The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945, by I. C. Jarvie [book review] [d] [j]
  766. () Joint cognitive systems: patterns in cognitive systems engineering [i] [d]
  767. () Practical dialogue: emergent approaches for effective collaboration [i]
  768. () Collaborative learning techniques: a handbook for college faculty [i]
  769. () The World Café: shaping our futures through conversations that matter [i]
  770. () Adapting and combining deliberative designs: juries, polls, and forums [i]
  771. () Getting to 'we': examining the relationship between geographic scale and ingroup emergence in collaborative watershed planning [j] [u]
  772. () White knights of spatial data infrastructure: the role and motivation of key individuals [u]
  773. () Collaboration for community-based wildlife management [d]
  774. (/2006) Wiki: web collaboration [i] [d]
  775. () Giving a voice to posterity: deliberative democracy and representation of future people [d]
  776. () Democracy, cooperation and business success: the case of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa [d] [j]
  777. John Gastil & Peter Levine [ed] () The deliberative democracy handbook: strategies for effective civic engagement in the twenty-first century [i]
  778. (/2008) Sequencing deliberative moments [i] [d]
  779. () Unlikely alliances: treaty conflicts and environmental cooperation between Native American and rural white communities [d] [u]
  780. () Medical generalists: connecting the map and the territory [d]
  781. () Democratizing innovation [i] [d] [u]
  782. () Managing to collaborate: the theory and practice of collaborative advantage [i]
  783. () Using collaboration as a governance strategy: lessons from six watershed management programs [d]
  784. () We finished the plan, so now what?: impacts of collaborative stakeholder participation on land use policy [d]
  785. () Discovering community power: a guide to mobilizing local assets and your organization's capacity [o] [u]
  786. Robert Latham & Saskia Sassen [ed] () Digital formations: IT and new architectures in the global realm [i] [d] [j]
  787. () Desenho institucional e participação política: experiências no Brasil contemporâneo [i]
  788. () Community toolbox: consensus building [u]
  789. () Co-management of natural resources: opportunities for and barriers to working with citizen volunteers [d]
  790. () Coordination as energy-in-conversation [d] [j]
  791. () Social traps and the problem of trust [i] [d]
  792. () The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
  793. () Deliberative group dynamics: power, status and affect in interactive policy making [d]
  794. () Taking conversation, dialogue, and therapy public [d]
  795. () Humanitarian aid logistics: supply chain management in high gear [d] [j]
  796. () Cognitive bases for effective participation in democratic institutions: argument skill and juror reasoning [d]
  797. () The unacknowledged convergence of open source, open access, and open science [d] [u]
  798. () Though all things differ: pluralism as a basis for cooperation in forests [i]
  799. () NGO capacity analysis toolkit: a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS [i] [u]
  800. () Connecting levels: a systems view on stakeholder dialogue for sustainability [d]
  801. () Everyday politics: reconnecting citizens and public life [i] [d] [j]
  802. () What to do when stakeholders matter [d]
  803. () Forging research partnerships across the academic–agency divide [d] [j]
  804. () Meta-design: a manifesto for end-user development [d]
  805. () Empowered participation: reinventing urban democracy [i] [d] [j]
  806. () Deliberation's darker side: six questions for Iris Marion Young and Jane Mansbridge [d]
  807. () The partnership charter: how to start out right with your new business partnership (or fix the one you're in) [i]
  808. () Strong opposition: frame-based resistance to collaboration [d]
  809. (/2014) Doing research in the real world [i]
  810. Leslie Christine Groves & Rachel Barbara Hinton [ed] () Inclusive aid: changing power and relationships in international development [i] [d]
  811. () Democracy in and around organizations: is organizational democracy worth the effort? [d]
  812. () Consensus building: clarifications for the critics [d]
  813. John M. Kamensky & Thomas J. Burlin [ed] () Collaboration: using networks and partnerships [i]
  814. () Collaborative environmental management: what roles for government? [i]
  815. () Managing uncertainties in networks: a network approach to problem solving and decision making [i]
  816. () The hothouse effect: intensify creativity in your organization using secrets from history's most innovative communities [i]
  817. () Information sharing and group conflict: going beyond decision making to understand the effects of information sharing on group performance [d]
  818. () From consent to mutual inquiry [d]
  819. () Processes of social learning in integrated resources management [d]
  820. () Partnering for the environment: multistakeholder collaboration in a changing world [i]
  821. Vijayendra Rao & Michael Walton [ed] () Culture and public action [i] [d]
  822. (/2007) Tools for policy impact: a handbook for researchers [i] [u]
  823. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  824. () Evaluating governance: a handbook to accompany a participatory process for a protected area [u]
  825. () Sen, ethics, and democracy [d]
  826. Jerry Andriessen, Michael J. Baker, & Dan Suthers [ed] () Arguing to learn: confronting cognitions in computer-supported collaborative learning environments [i] [d]
  827. () The tao of democracy: using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all [i]
  828. () When smart groups fail [d]
  829. () Integrating science and management through collaborative learning and better information management [d]
  830. () A cognitive framework for cooperative problem solving with argument visualization [i] [d]
  831. () The six dilemmas of collaboration: inter-organisational relationships as drama [i]
  832. () Dealing with wicked problems in networks: analyzing an environmental debate from a network perspective [d]
  833. () Coping with paradox: multistakeholder learning dialogue as a pluralist sensemaking process for addressing messy problems [d]
  834. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  835. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  836. () Dialog mapping: reflections on an industrial strength case study [i] [d]
  837. () Managing the risk of learning: psychological safety in work teams [i] [d]
  838. () Working together: how workplace bonds strengthen a diverse democracy [i]
  839. James S. Fishkin & Peter Laslett [ed] () Debating deliberative democracy [i] [d]
  840. Archon Fung, Erik Olin Wright, & Rebecca Abers [ed] () Deepening democracy: institutional innovations in empowered participatory governance [i]
  841. Archon Fung, Erik Olin Wright, Rebecca Abers, César A. Rodríguez Garavito, & Lilia Solano [ed] () Democracia en profundidad: nuevas formas institucionales de gobierno participativo con poder de decisión [i]
  842. () Communication skills for group decision making [i] [d]
  843. () A road map for facilitating collaborative teams [i]
  844. () Conceptual models as tools for communication across disciplines [j] [u]
  845. Virginia Ann Hodgkinson & Michael W. Foley [ed] () The civil society reader [i]
  846. () Infrastructure for navigating interdisciplinary debates: critical decisions for representing argumentaion [i] [d]
  847. () Toward ecologically sustainable democracy? [i]
  848. Roger L. Kemp [ed] () Regional government innovations: a handbook for citizens and public officials [i]
  849. Paul Arthur Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, & Chad S. Carr [ed] () Visualizing argumentation: software tools for collaborative and educational sense-making [i] [d]
  850. () Practice—thought—practice [i]
  851. Adam Przeworski & José María Maravall [ed] () Democracy and the rule of law [i] [d]
  852. () The role of cognition in managing conflict to maximize team effectiveness: a team member schema similarity approach [i] [d]
  853. () Public ecology: an environmental science and policy for global society [d]
  854. (/2005) Making sense of the 'group mind' [i]
  855. () Fostering collective intelligence: helping groups use visualized argumentation [i] [d]
  856. () Democracy and its global roots: why democratization is not the same as westernization [u]
  857. (/2011) The partnering toolbook: an essential guide to cross-sector partnering [i] [u]
  858. () Bureaucratic landscapes: interagency cooperation and the preservation of biodiversity [i] [d]
  859. () Habitat conservation planning [i]
  860. Michael A. West, Dean Tjosvold, & Ken G. Smith [ed] () International handbook of organizational teamwork and cooperative working [i] [d]
  861. Frances Westley & Philip S. Miller [ed] () Experiments in consilience: integrating social and scientific responses to save endangered species [i]
  862. () It's good to talk: deliberative institutions for environmental policy [d]
  863. () From fieldwork to mutual learning: working with PRATEC [d] [j]
  864. () Managing policy reform: concepts and tools for decision-makers in developing and transitioning countries [i]
  865. () The collaborative leadership fieldbook: a guide for citizens and civic leaders [i]
  866. () Nobody in charge: essays on the future of leadership [i]
  867. () The end of management and the rise of organizational democracy [i]
  868. () The three person field: collaborative consultation to psychotherapy [d]
  869. () Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability: beyond deadlock and conflict [i] [d]
  870. () Factors influencing local government cooperation in rural areas: evidence from the Tennessee Valley [d]
  871. Philippe G. Le Prestre [ed] () Governing global biodiversity: the evolution and implementation of the convention on biological diversity [i]
  872. () Working across boundaries: making collaboration work in government and nonprofit organizations [i]
  873. () Deliberative dialogue to expand civic engagement: what kind of talk does democracy need? [d]
  874. () Participatory 3-dimensional modelling: guiding principles and applications [i]
  875. (/2003) Smart mobs: the next social revolution [i]
  876. () The democracy owners' manual: a practical guide to changing the world [i]
  877. () The 64 heuristics [i]
  878. () How to make collaboration work: powerful ways to build consensus, solve problems, and make decisions [i]
  879. () Decisions, decisions: the art of effective decision making [i]
  880. () Teamwork is an individual skill: getting your work done when sharing responsibility [i]
  881. () What are we gaining from stakeholder involvement?: observations from environmental planning in the Great Lakes [d]
  882. Jill M. Bystydzienski & Steven P. Schacht [ed] () Forging radical alliances across difference: coalition politics for the new millennium [i]
  883. Pat Campbell & Barbara Burnaby [ed] () Participatory practices in adult education [i] [d]
  884. () Mediating dangerously: the frontiers of conflict resolution [i]
  885. Adrian Edwards & Glyn Elwyn [ed] (/2009) Shared decision-making in health care: achieving evidence-based patient choice [i]
  886. () The market for social norms [d]
  887. () The republic of science: the emergence of Popper's social view of science, 1935–1945 [i]
  888. () The performer's guide to the collaborative process [i]
  889. () Building a creative hothouse: strategies of history's most creative groups [u]
  890. () Transparency in supply relationships: concept and practice [d]
  891. () The wiki way: quick collaboration on the web [i]
  892. () Doing democracy: the MAP model for organizing social movements [i]
  893. (/2017) Deliberative democracy and the case for depoliticising government [i]
  894. (/2004) The three enlightenments [i]
  895. () Public reflection as the basis of learning [d]
  896. () Cultivating society's civic intelligence: patterns for a new 'world brain' [d]
  897. () The trouble with disciplines [i]
  898. () Inventing local democracy: grassroots politics in Brazil [i]
  899. () The collaboration challenge: how nonprofits and businesses succeed through strategic alliances [i]
  900. () Collaborative inquiry in practice: action, reflection, and making meaning [i]
  901. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Hilton L. Root [ed] () Governing for prosperity [i]
  902. () Dewey on democracy [i] [d] [j]
  903. () Reaching for higher ground in conflict resolution: tools for powerful groups and communities [i]
  904. Ann Florini [ed] () The third force: the rise of transnational civil society [i] [j]
  905. () IAP2 public participation toolbox [u]
  906. () Creative collaboration [i]
  907. (/2014) Constructive controversy: the value of intellectual opposition [i]
  908. () Toward a science for and of the people: promoting civil society through the application of developmental science [p] [d] [j]
  909. () The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: rethinking public library values [d]
  910. () Building partnerships toward a common goal: the experiences of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines [i] [j]
  911. () Truth, politics, morality: pragmatism and deliberation [i] [d]
  912. () Critical choices: the United Nations, networks, and the future of global governance [i]
  913. () Coalitions across the class divide: lessons from the labor, peace, and environmental movements [i] [d] [j]
  914. () Rhetorical power, accountability and conflict in committees: an argumentation approach [d]
  915. () A negotiation approach to intake and treatment choice [d]
  916. (/2009) Manage intra-team conflict through collaboration [i] [d]
  917. () Making collaboration work: lessons from innovation in natural resource management [i]
  918. () Real science: what it is, and what it means [i] [d]
  919. () The discipline of teamwork: participation and concertive control [i]
  920. () Random selection in politics [i]
  921. () Understanding local people's use of time: a pre-condition for good co-management [d]
  922. () The deliberative practitioner: encouraging participatory planning processes [i]
  923. () Deep democracy: community, diversity, and transformation [i]
  924. Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, & Steven Cady [ed] (/2007) The change handbook: the definitive resource on today's best methods for engaging whole systems [i]
  925. Stephen Macedo [ed] () Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement [i]
  926. (/2007) Collaborative therapy with multi-stressed families [i]
  927. () Bioregional conflict resolution: rebuilding community in watershed planning and organizing [d]
  928. () Bread or chainsaws?: paths to mobilizing household labor for cooperative rural development in a Oaxacan village (Mexico) [d]
  929. Adam Przeworski, Susan Carol Stokes, & Bernard Manin [ed] () Democracy, accountability, and representation [i] [d]
  930. Lawrence Susskind, Sarah McKearnan, & Jennifer Thomas-Larmer [ed] () The consensus building handbook: a comprehensive guide to reaching agreement [i]
  931. () Voices from the forest: what participants expect of a public participation process [d]
  932. Mark Warren [ed] () Democracy and trust [i] [d]
  933. (/2007) Democracy [i]
  934. () Getting agencies to work together: the practice and theory of managerial craftmanship [i]
  935. () Power up: transforming organizations through shared leadership [i]
  936. () Getting it done: how to lead when you're not in charge [i]
  937. () Patient participation in decision-making [p] [d]
  938. Peter Harris & Ben Reilly [ed] () Democracy and deep-rooted conflict: options for negotiators [i]
  939. () From the world of science to the world of research? [d] [j]
  940. () Catalytic leadership: strategies for an interconnected world [i]
  941. () Symbiotic planet: a new look at evolution [i]
  942. () Solidarity and suffering: toward a politics of relationality [i]
  943. () The jigsaw classroom: building cooperation in the classroom [i]
  944. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  945. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
  946. () Agent of change: my life, my practice [i]
  947. () Organizing genius: the secrets of creative collaboration [i]
  948. () The ecology of hope: communities collaborate for sustainability [i]
  949. Geoffrey C. Bowker, Susan Leigh Star, William Turner, & Les Gasser [ed] () Social science, technical systems, and cooperative work: beyond the great divide [i]
  950. () An examination of the constraints on mutual inquiry in a participatory action research project [d]
  951. () Exploring collaborative problem solving in adulthood [d]
  952. () Building a collective knowledge management system: knowledge-editing versus knowledge-elicting techniques [i]
  953. () Against deliberation [d]
  954. (/2004) The mutual-aid approach to working with groups: helping people help one another [i]
  955. () The liberty tree [u]
  956. () Local government and community-based strategies: evidence from a national survey of a social problem [d]
  957. () The search conference: a powerful method for planning organizational change and community action [i]
  958. () Democracy and disagreement [i]
  959. () Human judgment and social policy: irreducible uncertainty, inevitable error, unavoidable injustice [i]
  960. () Integrated resource planning and management: the ecosystem approach in the Great Lakes basin [i]
  961. () Some surprising things about collaboration—knowing how people connect makes it work better [d]
  962. () Cooperation works!: how people are using cooperative action to rebuild communities and revitalize the economy [i]
  963. () Models of teaching and learning: participation in a community of learners [i] [d]
  964. () Sequencing to build coalitions: with whom should I talk first? [i]
  965. () Creating strategic alliances which endure [d]
  966. () Bridging the class divide and other lessons for grassroots organizing [i]
  967. () Solving decision problems by distributed decomposition and delegation: foundations of a theory and its application within a normative group decision support system framework [i] [d]
  968. () Communication and the other: beyond deliberative democracy [i]
  969. () Understanding John Dewey: nature and cooperative intelligence [i]
  970. Sarita Chawla & John Renesch [ed] () Learning organizations: developing cultures for tomorrow's workplace [i]
  971. () Proving you're qualified: strategies for competent people without college degrees [i]
  972. (/1997) The principles of representative government [i] [d]
  973. Ortwin Renn, Thomas Webler, & Peter M. Wiedemann [ed] () Fairness and competence in citizen participation: evaluating models for environmental discourse [i] [d]
  974. () No more teams!: mastering the dynamics of creative collaboration [i]
  975. () Democracy and technology [i]
  976. () Developing a collaborative model for environmental planning and management [d]
  977. Michael Walzer [ed] () Toward a global civil society [i] [d] [j]
  978. () Of one mind: the collectivization of science [i]
  979. () How to think about social problems: American pragmatism and the idea of planning [i]
  980. () Collaborative leadership: how citizens and civic leaders can make a difference [i]
  981. Francine Lavoie, Thomasina Borkman, & Benjamin Gidron [ed] () Self-help and mutual aid groups: international and multicultural perspectives [i]
  982. () Improving the accuracy of group judgment: a process intervention combining group facilitation, social judgment analysis, and information technology [d]
  983. (/2009) Collaboration handbook: creating, sustaining, and enjoying the journey [i]
  984. (/1999) On organizational learning [i]
  985. Frank Fischer & John Forester [ed] () The argumentative turn in policy analysis and planning [i] [d]
  986. () Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations [d]
  987. () Building communities from the inside out: a path toward finding and mobilizing a community's assets [i]
  988. (/2009) Communicating in groups and teams: sharing leadership [i]
  989. (/2019) The civic index: measuring your community's civic health [u]
  990. () The lessons of learning: reconciling theories of policy learning and policy change [d]
  991. (/2005) Leadership for the common good: tackling public problems in a shared-power world [i]
  992. () Supporting indirect collaborative design with integrated knowledge-based design environments [d] [u]
  993. () The dialogue of justice: toward a self-reflective society [i] [j]
  994. (/2001) Collaboration—what makes it work [i]
  995. () Learning by collaborating: convergent conceptual change [d]
  996. (/1995) A village council of all beings [i]
  997. Nathaniel Teich [ed] () Rogerian perspectives: collaborative rhetoric for oral and written communication [i]
  998. Marvin Ross Weisbord [ed] () Discovering common ground: how future search conferences bring people together to achieve breakthrough innovation, empowerment, shared vision, and collaborative action [i]
  999. () A dream deferred: America's discontent and the search for a new democratic ideal [i]
  1000. () John Dewey and American democracy [i] [d] [j]
  1001. () Toward a comprehensive theory of collaboration [d]
  1002. (/1995) Mining group gold: how to cash in on the collaborative brain power of a group [i]
  1003. Jane J. Mansbridge [ed] () Beyond self-interest [i]
  1004. () Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action [i] [d]
  1005. () Shared minds: the new technologies of collaboration [i]
  1006. () Making a friend in youth: developmental theory and pair therapy [i]
  1007. (/2006) Why people obey the law [i]
  1008. () Psychotherapy as shared reconstruction [d]
  1009. () Collaborating: finding common ground for multiparty problems [i]
  1010. () Supporting collaboration in hypermedia: issues and experience [in NoteCards] [d]
  1011. () The competitive ethos and democratic education [i]
  1012. Jack Quarter & George Melnyk [ed] () Partners in enterprise: the worker ownership phenomenon [i]
  1013. () Teamworks!: building support groups that guarantee success [i]
  1014. José Barreiro [ed] (/1992) Indian roots of American democracy [i]
  1015. () Methodology and epistemology for social science: selected papers [i]
  1016. () Meaning making and management action [d] [u]
  1017. () Communication and community: implications of Martin Buber's dialogue [i]
  1018. (/1988) Science's social system of validity-enhancing collective belief change and the problems of the social sciences [i]
  1019. (/1992) Free spaces: the sources of democratic change in America [i]
  1020. (/2006) Images of organization [i]
  1021. () Democracy is fun [o]
  1022. (/2003) Strong democracy: participatory politics for a new age [i]
  1023. () Recent calls for economic democracy [d] [j]
  1024. () The modern liberal theory of man [i] [d]
  1025. () Communication strategies: a guide for agricultural change agents [i]
  1026. () Issue-based information system (IBIS) [i]
  1027. Peter Reason & John Rowan [ed] () Human inquiry: a sourcebook of new paradigm research [i]
  1028. () Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
  1029. () Building the collaborative community: mobilizing citizens for action [o]
  1030. (/2006) Cooperative games and sports: joyful activities for everyone [i]
  1031. () The emergence of ecology as a new integrative discipline [p] [d] [j]
  1032. (/1979) The macroscope: a new world scientific system [i] [u]
  1033. () The augmented knowledge workshop [o] [d] [u]
  1034. () Representative democracy via random selection [d]
  1035. (/1991) Methods for the experimenting society [d]
  1036. (/1998) The psychology of computer programming [i]
  1037. (/1972) The tyranny of structurelessness [o] [u]
  1038. () The practice of creativity: a manual for dynamic group problem solving [o]
  1039. (/2010) The end of liberalism: the second republic of the United States [or: The end of liberalism: ideology, policy, and the crisis of public authority] [i]
  1040. () Where do we go from here: chaos or community? [o]
  1041. () The fallacy of the one big brain [u]
  1042. (/2004) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: precursor of Kafka, Céline, and Ponge [i]
  1043. () Augmenting human intellect: a conceptual framework [o] [u]
  1044. () Can we survive technology? [u]
  1045. () Phases in group problem-solving [p] [d]
  1046. Gail Kennedy [ed] () Pragmatism and American culture [o]
  1047. () The democratization of philosophy [j]
  1048. () Problems of men [and women] [o] [u]
  1049. (/1973) The normative structure of science [or: Science and technology in a democratic order] [i]
  1050. (/2013) The small community: foundation of democratic life [i]
  1051. () Reason, social myths and democracy [o] [u]
  1052. (/1983) Encyclopedia as 'model' [i] [d]
  1053. () Liberalism and social action [o]
  1054. (/2020) Intelligence and power [i] [d] [j] [u]
  1055. (/1995) Co-ordination [i]
  1056. (/2012) The public and its problems: an essay in political inquiry [i] [u]
  1057. () Creative experience [o] [u]
  1058. () The ethical bases of democracy [d] [j] [u]
  1059. (/1998) The new state: group organization the solution of popular government [i] [u]
  1060. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  1061. () The next step in democracy [o] [u]
  1062. () Liberalism [o] [u]
  1063. (/1921) Human nature in politics [o] [u]
  1064. (/2007) Newer ideals of peace [i] [u]
  1065. (/1909) Democracy and reaction [o] [u]
  1066. (/2002) Democracy and social ethics [i] [u]
  1067. (/1955) Mutual aid, a factor of evolution [i] [u]
  1068. (/1968) Fields, factories, and workshops: or, Industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work [o] [u]
  1069. () The ethics of democracy [o] [u]
  1070. (/1879) The history of co-operation in England: its literature and its advocates [o] [u]
  1071. () An enquiry relative to the moral & political improvement of the human species: an oration, delivered in the City of New-York on the fourth of July, being the twenty-first anniversary of American independence [o] [u]
  1072. () Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France, &c. [o] [u]
  1073. (/1971) Political disquisitions: an enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses [i] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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