How to coach

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

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  1. () To reconstruct or deconstruct?: a fundamental question for the psychology of men and masculinities [d]
  2. () Productivity is power 2: for creative, business, and other professionals [i]
  3. Erin VanLaningham [ed] () Called beyond our selves: vocation and the common good [i] [d]
  4. () Practical optimism: the art, science, and practice of exceptional well-being [i]
  5. () 'Holding on to regret as a kind of enrichment': a qualitative exploration of the role that work-related regrets play in therapists' clinical practice [d]
  6. () The career arts: making the most of college, credentials, and connections [i] [d] [j]
  7. () Get better at anything: 12 maxims for mastery [i]
  8. Stephen Hupp & Cara L. Santa Maria [ed] () Pseudoscience in therapy: a skeptical field guide [i] [d]
  9. () Neurocognitive model of schema-congruent and -incongruent learning in clinical disorders: application to social anxiety and beyond [p] [d]
  10. () Engaging with difficult topics and emotional experiences in psychotherapy: a study of helpful therapist acts [p] [d]
  11. () The myth of spirituality [in social work] [d]
  12. () Care aesthetics: for artful care and careful art [i] [d]
  13. () The effects of perceived encouragement during adolescence on female career choice [d]
  14. () The central role of lifelong learning and humility in clinical psychology [d]
  15. () Personality change through digital-coaching interventions [d]
  16. () In a pandemic, people might know they need food or housing. But how do you help them realize they also need therapy? [u]
  17. () How to deal with deeper, coaching-resistant behaviors [i] [d]
  18. () None the wiser: year-long longitudinal study on effects of adversity on wisdom [d]
  19. () Buddhist chaplaincy [i] [d]
  20. () More than a feeling: constructing emotion in theory and practice [d]
  21. () Conflict coaching fundamentals: working with conflict stories [i] [d]
  22. () Inner development goals: background, method and the IDGs framework [u]
  23. () Addressing deep poverty-related stress across multiple levels of intervention [d]
  24. () Hero on a mission: a path to a meaningful life [i]
  25. () New information literacy horizons: making the case for career information literacy [i] [d] [u]
  26. Jonathan Passmore, Marshall Goldsmith, & Brian O. Underhill [ed] () Coach me! Your personal board of directors: leadership advice from the world's greatest coaches [i] [d]
  27. () Productivity is power: five liberating practices for college students [i]
  28. Eric A. Storch, Jonathan S. Abramowitz, & Dean McKay [ed] () Training and supervision in specialized cognitive behavior therapy: methods, settings, and populations [i] [d] [j]
  29. () Counseling across cultures: a half-century assessment [d]
  30. () Managing threats: a grounded theory of counseling engagement in clients with experiential avoidance [d]
  31. () Fluctuations in therapist emotions and their relation to treatment processes and outcomes [d]
  32. () Neuroscience, psychotherapy and clinical pragmatism: reflective practice and therapeutic action [i] [d]
  33. () Two-chair dialogue: an emotion-focused technique applied to career counselling [d]
  34. () Disambiguation of psychotherapy: a search for meaning [p] [d]
  35. () The trouble with passion: how searching for fulfillment at work fosters inequality [i] [d] [j]
  36. Joan Y. Chiao, Shu-Chen Li, Robert Turner, Su Yeon Lee-Tauler, & Beverly Pringle [ed] () Oxford handbook of cultural neuroscience and global mental health [i] [d]
  37. () Disentangling the process and content of self-awareness: a review, critical assessment, and synthesis [d]
  38. () Decolonizing pathways towards integrative healing in social work [i] [d]
  39. () You lead: how being yourself makes you a better leader [i]
  40. () Relational dialogue in emotion-focused therapy [p] [d]
  41. () Different domains or grey areas?: setting boundaries between coaching and therapy: a thematic analysis [u]
  42. () The solving problems in everyday living model: toward a demedicalized, education-based approach to 'mental health' [d]
  43. () The case against coaching [u]
  44. Nevin Harper & Will W. Dobud [ed] () Outdoor therapies: introduction to practices, possibilities, and critical perspectives [i] [d]
  45. () Responsiveness, the relationship, and the working alliance in psychotherapy [i] [d] [j]
  46. () Pretreatment in action: interactive exploration from homelessness to housing stabilization [i]
  47. () The reactive therapist: the problem of interpersonal reactivity in psychological therapy and the potential for a mindfulness-based program focused on 'mindfulness-in-relationship' skills for therapists [d]
  48. () Community-engaged research and evaluation in counseling: building partnerships and applying program evaluation [d]
  49. () Implications of identity resolution in emerging adulthood for intimacy, generativity, and integrity across the adult lifespan [p] [d] [u]
  50. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () New techniques of grief therapy: bereavement and beyond [i] [d]
  51. () Team coaching psychology: toward an integration of constructivist approaches [d]
  52. () How do you fight a horse-sized duck?: secrets to succeeding at interview mind games and getting the job you want [i]
  53. () Flux: 8 superpowers for thriving in constant change [i]
  54. () The elementary school counselor's guide to supporting students with learning disabilities: a comprehensive program [i] [d]
  55. () Windows of cultural opportunity: a thematic analysis of how cultural conversations occur in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  56. () Socratic questioning for therapists and counselors: learn how to think and intervene like a cognitive behavior therapist [i] [d]
  57. Jeanne C. Watson & Hadas Wiseman [ed] () The responsive psychotherapist: attuning to clients in the moment [i] [d] [j]
  58. () Potentially harmful therapies: a meta-scientific review of evidential value [d]
  59. () eHealth to redress psychotherapy access barriers both new and old: a review of reviews and meta-analyses [d]
  60. Lorraine T. Benuto, Melanie P. Duckworth, Akihiko Masuda, & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () Prejudice, stigma, privilege, and oppression: a behavioral health handbook [i] [d]
  61. () Monitoring processes and outcomes in routine clinical practice: a promising approach to plugging the holes of the practice-based evidence colander [p] [d]
  62. () The experience of coaching whilst walking: a pilot study [u]
  63. () How the science of memory reconsolidation advances the effectiveness and unification of psychotherapy [d]
  64. () Adverse effects of psychological therapies [i] [d] [u]
  65. () Metatherapeutic processing supports the emergence of flourishing in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  66. () The professional and personal characteristics of effective psychotherapists: a systematic review [p] [d]
  67. () Imagine there are no therapy brands, it isn't hard to do [p] [d]
  68. () Telepsychotherapy in the age of COVID-19: a commentary [d]
  69. Enoch Lambert & John Schwenkler [ed] () Becoming someone new: essays on transformative experience, choice, and change [i] [d]
  70. Richard D. Lane & Lynn Nadel [ed] () Neuroscience of enduring change: implications for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  71. () Reflective practice in clinical psychology: reflections from basic psychological science [d]
  72. () Attachment dynamics in the supervisory relationship: becoming your own good supervisor [d]
  73. () Big assumptions about racism [and immunity to change] [u]
  74. () Responding to self-criticism in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  75. () The Rashomon effect in the perception of coaching sessions and what this means for the evaluation of the quality: a grounded theory study [d]
  76. () The GROWS model: extending the GROW coaching model to support behavioural change [u]
  77. () Skillful use of developmental supervision [d]
  78. () Sociopolitical values: the neglected factor in culturally-competent psychotherapy [i] [d]
  79. () Lessons for a young scientist [u]
  80. () Reflecting on reflective practice [d]
  81. () Decision making across adulthood [d]
  82. () Effects of assessing religious beliefs in initial sessions on aspects of the therapeutic alliance [d]
  83. () Seed and soil: psychological affordances in contexts help to explain where wise interventions succeed or fail [d]
  84. () Personal growth initiative and mental health: a meta-analysis [d]
  85. () A qualitative meta-analytic review of the therapist responsiveness literature: guidelines for practice and training [d]
  86. () What sticks?: patients' perspectives on treatment three years after psychotherapy: a mixed-methods approach [p] [d]
  87. () Old wine in new bottles: exploring pragmatism as a philosophical framework for the discipline of coaching [d]
  88. () Coaching C-suite executives and business founders [d]
  89. () Enhancing employability through developing T-shaped professionals [d]
  90. () Mental imagery: from basic research to clinical practice [d]
  91. () Using diagrams in psychotherapy: a guide to visually enhanced therapy [i] [d]
  92. () Conducting effective and productive psychoeducational and therapy groups: a guide for beginning group leaders [i] [d]
  93. () Sense of mission and subsequent health and well-being among young adults: an outcome-wide analysis [p] [d] [u]
  94. Allan H. Church, David W. Bracken, John W. Fleenor, & Dale S. Rose [ed] () Handbook of strategic 360 feedback [i] [d]
  95. () Autobiographical memory and the self: relationship and implications for cognitive-behavioural therapy [i] [d]
  96. () Coaching olympic athletes with sport psychology [d]
  97. () Conceptual confusion in psychological therapy: towards a taxonomy of therapies [d]
  98. () Integrating self-help and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  99. () A principle-based approach to psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
  100. Barbara H. Fiese, Marianne Celano, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Ernest N. Jouriles, & Mark A. Whisman [ed] () APA handbook of contemporary family psychology [i] [d]
  101. () Open dialogue: a review of the evidence [p] [d]
  102. () Emotion-focused mindfulness therapy [d]
  103. Leslie S. Greenberg & Rhonda N. Goldman [ed] () Clinical handbook of emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
  104. () Risk factors for negative experiences during psychotherapy [p] [d]
  105. () Acceptance and commitment coaching: distinctive features [i] [d]
  106. Stephen Hupp [ed] () Pseudoscience in child and adolescent psychotherapy: a skeptical field guide [i] [d]
  107. () Stargazing: everyday lessons from coaching elite performers [d]
  108. () The wise advocate: the inner voice of strategic leadership [i] [j]
  109. () Personality, personality disorders, and the process of change [p] [d]
  110. () Negotiating therapy goals and tasks in cross-cultural psychotherapy [d]
  111. () Integrating feminist-multicultural perspectives into emotion-focused therapy [i] [d] [j]
  112. () Therapist strategies early in therapy associated with good or poor outcomes among clients with low proactive agency [p] [d]
  113. () Personal growth initiative as a predictor of psychological empowerment: the mediating role of job crafting [d]
  114. () Coaching performing artists [d]
  115. () Emotion-centered problem-solving therapy: treatment guidelines [i]
  116. () An evidence-based critique of contemporary psychoanalysis: research, theory, and clinical practice [i] [d]
  117. Jonathan Passmore, Brian O. Underhill, & Marshall Goldsmith [ed] () Mastering executive coaching [i] [d]
  118. Devon L. L. Polaschek, Andrew Day, & Clive R. Hollin [ed] () The Wiley international handbook of correctional psychology [i] [d]
  119. () Generating psychotherapy breakthroughs: transtheoretical strategies from population health psychology [p] [d]
  120. () A literature review on negative effects of coaching: what we know and what we need to know [d]
  121. () Applied improvisation for coaches and leaders: a practical guide for creative collaboration [i] [d]
  122. Mohammadali M. Shoja, Anastasia Arynchyna, Marios Loukas, Anthony V. D'Antoni, Sandra M. Buerger, Marion Karl, & R. Shane Tubbs [ed] () A guide to the scientific career: virtues, communication, research, and academic writing [i] [d]
  123. () Leading a meaningful life at older ages and its relationship with social engagement, prosperity, health, biology, and time use [p] [d] [u]
  124. () Four noble truths based problem solving: a therapeutic view [d]
  125. () Coaching surgeons and emergency-room physicians [d]
  126. () Humility in clinical supervision: fundamental, foundational, and transformational [d]
  127. () From advocacy to accountability in experiential learning practices [d]
  128. () The personal is political is psychoanalytic: politics in the consulting room [d]
  129. () The use of behaviour change theories and techniques in research-informed coach development programmes: a systematic review [d]
  130. () Effective counseling and psychotherapy: an evidence-based approach [i]
  131. () Ambivalence resolution in emotion-focused therapy: the successful case of Sarah [p] [d]
  132. Mick Cooper & Duncan Law [ed] () Working with goals in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
  133. () A systematic review of mental health care workers' constructions about culturally and linguistically diverse people [p] [d] [u]
  134. () The extant rationale for mandated therapy during psychotherapy and counselling training: a critical interpretive synthesis [d]
  135. Edwin B. Fisher, Linda D. Cameron, Alan J. Christensen, Ulrike Ehlert, Yan Guo, Brian Oldenburg, & Frank J. Snoek [ed] () Principles and concepts of behavioral medicine: a global handbook [i] [d]
  136. () Geographical narcissism in psychotherapy: countermapping urban assumptions about power, space, and time [d]
  137. () Reflexive questions as constructive interventions: a discursive perspective [i] [d]
  138. () The therapeutic reconstruction of affordances [d]
  139. () The destructive pattern: an experiential and existential theory-building case study [d]
  140. () Resilient: how to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength, and happiness [i]
  141. () Meaning in life: a therapist's guide [i] [d]
  142. () Beyond self-care for helping professionals: the expressive therapies continuum and the life enrichment model [i] [d]
  143. () Re-reasoning ethics: the rationality of deliberation and judgment in ethics [i] [d]
  144. () A conceptual model for generating and validating in-session clinical judgments [p] [d] [u]
  145. () Stages of change and psychotherapy outcomes: a review and meta-analysis [p] [d]
  146. () Shared decision-making in youth mental health care: using the evidence to plan treatments collaboratively [p] [d]
  147. Robert L. Leahy [ed] () Science and practice in cognitive therapy: foundations, mechanisms, and applications [i]
  148. () Developing a working model of cross-cultural supervision: a competence- and alliance-based framework [d]
  149. () Classic Morita therapy: consciousness, zen, justice and trauma [i] [d]
  150. () Creating an effective couples therapy practice [i] [d]
  151. () Recovery, meaning-making, and severe mental illness: a comprehensive guide to metacognitive reflection and insight therapy [i] [d]
  152. () How to take your coaching skills up a notch [u]
  153. () Helping students overcome social anxiety: skills for academic and social success (SASS) [i]
  154. () How to spot hype in the field of psychotherapy: a 19-item checklist [d]
  155. () Psychological change in everyday life: an exploratory study [d]
  156. () Cognitive behavioural coaching: distinctive features [i] [d]
  157. () A new therapy for each patient: evidence-based relationships and responsiveness [p] [d]
  158. () The ethical implications and utility of routine outcome monitoring in determining boundaries of competence in practice [d]
  159. () A doctor's dozen: twelve strategies for personal health and a culture of wellness [i]
  160. () What it takes to think deeply about complex problems [u]
  161. () Cultural adaptations and therapist multicultural competence: two meta-analytic reviews [p] [d]
  162. () The impact of accommodating client preference in psychotherapy: a meta-analysis [p] [d]
  163. () CBT with justice-involved clients: interventions for antisocial and self-destructive behaviors [i]
  164. () Well-being as value fulfillment: how we can help each other to live well [i] [d]
  165. () Empathy, challenge, and psychophysiological activation in therapist–client interaction [p] [d] [u]
  166. () Wise interventions: psychological remedies for social and personal problems [p] [d]
  167. () Therapeutic conversations: therapists' use of observational language contributes to optimal therapeutic outcomes [p] [d]
  168. () Lay conceptions of volitional personality change: from strategies pursued to stories told [p] [d]
  169. () Minimizing nocebo effects by conditioning with verbal suggestion: a randomized clinical trial in healthy humans [p] [d] [u]
  170. () Remembering-and-receiving: mindfulness and acceptance in Zen [i] [d]
  171. () A client-centered perspective on 'psychopathology' [d]
  172. () Helping people change: coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth [i]
  173. () Nature, eco, and adventure therapies for mental health and chronic disease [p] [d] [u]
  174. () A multivariate dynamic systems model for psychotherapy with more than one client [p] [d]
  175. () Improving professional psychological practice through an increased repertoire of research methodologies: illustrated by the development of MOL [d]
  176. () Promoting pluralism in counselling: an untapped source of relational mapping as therapeutic process [d]
  177. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () How and why are some therapists better than others?: understanding therapist effects [i] [d]
  178. () Could your personality derail your career?: don't take these traits to the extreme [u]
  179. () Interventions in life and retirement planning [i] [d]
  180. Bruce M. Z. Cohen [ed] () Routledge international handbook of critical mental health [i] [d]
  181. () The training and development of psychotherapists: a life-span perspective [i]
  182. Kurt A. DeBord, Ann R. Fischer, Kathleen J. Bieschke, & Ruperto M. Perez [ed] () Handbook of sexual orientation and gender diversity in counseling and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  183. () Inserting meditation practices into psychotherapy: yes, but... [book review] [d]
  184. () The smartphone psychiatrist [u]
  185. () Improving knowledge about the effectiveness of psychotherapy [d]
  186. () Problem solved: a powerful system for making complex decisions with confidence and conviction [i]
  187. () Emotion-focused therapy for social anxiety (EFT-SA) [d]
  188. () Gaining therapeutic wisdom and skills from creative others (writers, actors, musicians, and dancers) [i] [d]
  189. () Guidelines for reflective practice in psychotherapy: a reflection on the benefits of combining moment-by-moment and phase-by-phase mapping in clinical decision making [d]
  190. Daniel B. Fishman, Stanley B. Messer, D. J. A. Edwards, & Frank M. Dattilio [ed] () Case studies within psychotherapy trials: integrating qualitative and quantitative methods [i]
  191. () Lies we tell ourselves: how to face the truth, accept yourself, and create a better life [i]
  192. () Therapeutic relational presence: relationship as a pathway to spirituality [i] [d]
  193. () A practical guide to cultivating therapeutic presence [i] [d]
  194. () Inner experience and the good therapist [i] [d]
  195. () 7 ways to plant the seed of your story [u]
  196. () Conversational mapping: coaching others (and ourselves) to better have difficult conversations [u]
  197. () The third 'generation' of workplace coaching: creating a culture of quality conversations [d]
  198. () The form of the story: measuring formal aspects of narrative activity in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  199. () The special challenges of psychotherapy with persons with psychosis: intersubjective metacognitive model of agreement and shared meaning [p] [d]
  200. () Therapist presence, absence, and extraordinary presence [i] [d]
  201. () The process of highly effective coaching: an evidence-based framework [i] [d]
  202. () The flexibility hypothesis of healing [d]
  203. () The college and university counseling manual: integrating essential services across the campus [i]
  204. Stefan G. Hofmann [ed] () International perspectives on psychotherapy [i] [d]
  205. () The radical impact of experiencing on psychotherapy theory: an examination of two kinds of crossings [d]
  206. () Values and ethics in coaching [i] [d]
  207. () Improving the efficiency of cognitive-behavioural therapy by using formal client feedback [p] [d]
  208. () Interactive support effects on career agency and occupational engagement among young adults [d]
  209. () Beyond 'crude pragmatism' in sports coaching: insights from C.S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey [and comments] [d]
  210. () Personal informatics, self-insight, and behavior change: a critical review of current literature [d]
  211. () Something to laugh about: humor as a characteristic of effective therapists [i] [d]
  212. () Common ethical transgressions by private practitioners [i] [d]
  213. () The future of philosophical counseling: pseudoscience or interdisciplinary field? [i]
  214. () Things are what you make of them: life advice for creatives [i]
  215. () Behavior change interventions: the potential of ontologies for advancing science and practice [p] [d]
  216. () Editorial: Emerging principles of practice in couple and family therapy [p] [d]
  217. () The professionalization and training of psychologists: the place of clinical wisdom [p] [d]
  218. () Prospection, well-being, and mental health [i] [d]
  219. Akihiko Masuda & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () Handbook of Zen, mindfulness, and behavioral health [i] [d]
  220. () Will SOAR really help organization development soar?: an invited reaction to Zarestky and Cole, 2017 [d]
  221. () The Human Behaviour-Change Project: harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning for evidence synthesis and interpretation [p] [d] [u]
  222. () Entering chair work in psychotherapy: an interactional structure for getting emotion-focused talk underway [d]
  223. () On rooted productivity [using a root document and root commitment] [u]
  224. () Integrative psychotherapies in historical perspective [i]
  225. () Scientific progress in clinical psychology and epistemically virtuous research [j] [u]
  226. () Unity and diversity among psychotherapies [i]
  227. David S. Prescott, Cynthia L. Maeschalck, & Scott D. Miller [ed] () Feedback-informed treatment in clinical practice: reaching for excellence [i] [d]
  228. () A map of the unknown world [u]
  229. () Emotion-focused therapy for clients with autistic process [d]
  230. Tony Rousmaniere, Rodney K. Goodyear, Scott D. Miller, & Bruce E. Wampold [ed] () The cycle of excellence: using deliberate practice to improve supervision and training [i] [d]
  231. () Deliberate practice for psychotherapists: a guide to improving clinical effectiveness [i] [d]
  232. () Process factors explaining psycho-social outcomes in adventure therapy [p] [d]
  233. () Psychotherapy is chaotic—(not only) in a computational world [p] [d] [u]
  234. () Predicting psychotherapy outcome based on therapist interpersonal skills: a five-year longitudinal study of a therapist assessment protocol [p] [d]
  235. () Problem-solving and social work [i]
  236. () Improving the yield of psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  237. () Find your why: a practical guide for discovering purpose for you and your team [i]
  238. Sondra Smith-Adcock & Catherine Tucker [ed] () Counseling children and adolescents: connecting theory, development, and diversity [i] [d]
  239. () Finding the right words: symbolizing experience in practice and theory [d]
  240. () Appropriate responsiveness as a contribution to therapist effects [i] [d]
  241. () Motivational interviewing with offenders: engagement, rehabilitation, and reentry [i]
  242. () A temporal map of coaching [based on the transtheoretical model of change] [p] [d] [u]
  243. () Befriending: active placebo or effective psychotherapy? [p] [d]
  244. () Coaching through walking [u]
  245. () Self-construction and creative 'life design' [i] [d]
  246. () A time-geographic approach for visualizing the paths of intervention for persons with severe mental illness [d]
  247. Steven Walfish, Jeffrey E. Barnett, & Jeffrey Zimmerman [ed] () Handbook of private practice: keys to success for mental health practitioners [i] [d]
  248. () The generic model of cognitive behavioral therapy: a case conceptualization-driven approach [i] [d]
  249. () How to be everything: a guide for those who (still) don't know what they want to be when they grow up [i]
  250. () On principles of educational change and principled action in psychotherapy supervision [d]
  251. () Lifestorming: creating meaning and achievement in your career and life [i]
  252. () Finance-informed citizens, citizen-informed finance: an essay occasioned by the International handbook of financial literacy [d] [u]
  253. () Mindfulness-based interventions for addictive behaviors: implementation issues on the road ahead [p] [d] [u]
  254. () Conceptualizing placebo as active component and adjunct in psychological treatment [i] [d]
  255. () A dual process perspective on the value of theory in psychotherapeutic decision making [i] [d]
  256. () A prospective study of therapist facilitative interpersonal skills as a predictor of treatment outcome [p] [d]
  257. () Which individual therapist behaviors elicit client change talk and sustain talk in motivational interviewing? [p] [d] [u]
  258. Carmela Aprea, Eveline Wuttke, Klaus Breuer, Noi Keng Koh, Peter Davies, Bettina Greimel-Fuhrmann, & Jane S. Lopus [ed] () International handbook of financial literacy [i] [d]
  259. () A new perspective on self-deception for applied purposes [d]
  260. () Working in the present moment: the impact of mindfulness on trainee psychotherapists' experience of relational depth [d]
  261. () A new engineering profession is emerging: decision coach [d]
  262. Asaf Rolef Ben-Shaḥar & Rachel Shalit [ed] () When hurt remains: relational perspectives on therapeutic failure [i] [d]
  263. () Achieving precision mental health through effective assessment, monitoring, and feedback processes [p] [d] [u]
  264. () Communication skills for patient engagement: argumentation competencies as means to prevent or limit reactance arousal, with an example from the Italian healthcare system [p] [d] [u]
  265. () Mathematical mindsets: unleashing students' potential through creative math, inspiring messages, and innovative teaching [i]
  266. () Potential obstacles to treatment success in adults: client characteristics [i] [d]
  267. () Learning from research [in clinical psychology] [i] [d]
  268. () Coherence therapy: the roots of problems and the transformation of old solutions [i] [d]
  269. () Identity development in personal branding instruction: social narratives and online brand management in a global economy [d]
  270. () Designing your life: how to build a well-lived, joyful life [i]
  271. () Are you in the mood?: therapist affect and psychotherapy process [p] [d]
  272. () Motivational interviewing in nutrition and fitness [i]
  273. () Logic-based therapy and everyday emotions: a case-based approach [i]
  274. () 'If it computes, patrons have brought it in': personal information management and personal technology assistance in public libraries [d]
  275. () The road to calm workbook: life changing tools to stop runaway emotions [i]
  276. () Self-compassion in psychotherapy: mindfulness-based practices for healing and transformation [i]
  277. Stuart J. Eisendrath [ed] () Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: innovative applications [i] [d]
  278. () Empirically supported treatments: precept or percept? [d]
  279. () Peak: secrets from the new science of expertise [i]
  280. () Dilemma resolution [i] [d]
  281. () Exploring phase progression throughout the therapeutic process: the case of Eva [p] [d]
  282. () Challenge, focus, inspiration and support: processes of values clarification and congruence [d]
  283. () The use of humor in family therapy: rationale and applications [d]
  284. () Therapist activities preceding setbacks in the assimilation process [p] [d]
  285. () Do psychotherapists improve with time and experience?: a longitudinal analysis of outcomes in a clinical setting [p] [d]
  286. () Reflection, note-taking and coaching: if it ain't written, it ain't coaching! [u]
  287. () Making the case for using personalised outcome measures to track progress in psychotherapy [d]
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  819. () A comparative conversation analytic study of formulations in psychoanalysis and cognitive psychotherapy [d]
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  856. () Psychotherapy as a healing practice, scientific endeavor, and social justice action [p] [d]
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  858. Ellen Piel Cook [ed] () Understanding people in context: the ecological perspective in counseling [i] [d]
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  865. () Enhancing social justice by promoting prosocial values in career development interventions [d]
  866. () A review of developmental networks: incorporating a mutuality perspective [d]
  867. () Cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy: a cognitive-developmental approach [u]
  868. () The role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees [d]
  869. () What if psychology redesigned the criminal justice system? [i] [d]
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  873. (/2024) Emotional coherence and the great attachment debate [i] [d]
  874. () Reconsidering the 'heresy' of using treatment manuals [d]
  875. () Blurring practice–research boundaries using progress monitoring: a personal introduction to this issue of Canadian Psychology [d]
  876. Sarah J. Fletcher & Carol A. Mullen [ed] () The Sage handbook of mentoring and coaching in education [i] [d]
  877. () Quality of life well-being in general medicine, mental health and coaching [i] [d]
  878. () Adventure therapy: theory, research, and practice [i]
  879. () Introducing goal structuring notation to explain decisions in clinical practice [d]
  880. () Mindfulness and acceptance in couple and family therapy [i] [d]
  881. () Therapeutic presence: a mindful approach to effective therapy [i] [d]
  882. Christopher K. Germer & Ronald D. Siegel [ed] () Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy: deepening mindfulness in clinical practice [i]
  883. () Advocacy competency: the helping professional's role in addressing issues of social class [i]
  884. () Counseling through images: using photography to guide the counseling process and achieve treatment goals [d]
  885. () Socio-economic status and mental health—the importance of achieving occupational aspirations [d]
  886. () An integrated model of goal-focused coaching: an evidence-based framework for teaching and practice [u]
  887. () Maximising the benefits of psychotherapy: a practice-based evidence approach [i] [d]
  888. () Conversations for creating star performers: go beyond the performance review to inspire excellence every day [i]
  889. () Engaging reluctant adolescents in family therapy: an exploratory study of in-session processes of change [d]
  890. () Shopping around for theories for counseling psychology practice: reaction [d]
  891. () An introduction to modern CBT: psychological solutions to mental health problems [i]
  892. () Motivational interviewing in social work practice [i]
  893. () Counselling, psychotherapy and creativity [d]
  894. () The freelancer's bible: everything you need to know to have the career of your dreams on your terms [i]
  895. () Goal-focused coaching: theory and practice [i] [d]
  896. () Disequilibrium and development: the family counseling internship experience [d]
  897. () Help them grow or watch them go: career conversations employees want [i]
  898. () What is systemic about systemic therapy?: therapy models muddle embodied systemic practice [d]
  899. () Mapping the process: an exemplar of using situational analysis in a grounded theory study [d]
  900. () Effective psychotherapy with low-income clients: the importance of attending to social class [d]
  901. () How clients' money scripts predict their financial behaviors [u]
  902. () Conceiving change: lay accounts of the human change process [d]
  903. Konstantin Korotov, Elizabeth Florent-Treacy, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, & Andreas Bernhardt [ed] () Tricky coaching: difficult cases in leadership coaching [i] [d]
  904. () 'What are you going to do with that major?': colloquial speech and the meanings of work and education [d]
  905. () Building capacity for environmental engagement and leadership: an ecosocial work perspective [d]
  906. () A transdiagnostic approach to CBT using method of levels therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  907. () Counseling multiple heritage adolescents: a phenomenological study of experiences and practices of middle school counselors [d] [j]
  908. () Playing with race: a theoretical framework and approach for creative arts therapists [d]
  909. () 'Her energy kind of went into a different place': a qualitative study examining supervisors' experience of promoting reflexive learning in students [d]
  910. () Something old, something new: a shortcut to your best work [u]
  911. () What do clients want from therapy?: a practice-friendly review of research into client preferences [d]
  912. () Roadmap to resilience: a guide for military, trauma victims, and their families [i]
  913. () Being Buddha at work: 108 ancient truths on change, stress, money, and success [i]
  914. () From redlining to benevolent societies: the emancipatory power of spatial thinking [d]
  915. () The placebo effect: how the subconscious fits in [p] [d]
  916. () Legislative thinking: responsibility, motivation, and cognitive complexity in U.S. statehouses [u]
  917. Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Techniques of grief therapy: creative practices for counseling the bereaved [i] [d]
  918. () So good they can't ignore you: why skills trump passion in the quest for work you love [i]
  919. () Problem solving [i] [d]
  920. () A family therapist for life: observations and options [d]
  921. () Changeology: 5 steps to realizing your goals and resolutions [i]
  922. () The cognitive science of fiction [d]
  923. () How experienced therapists introduce the technical aspects in the initial alliance formation: powerful decision makers supporting clients' agency [p] [d]
  924. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () Cognitive behavior therapy: core principles for practice [i] [d]
  925. () The change your life book [i]
  926. () Progress monitoring measures: a brief guide [d]
  927. () Working through: in-session processes that promote between-session thoughts and activities [d]
  928. () Strengths-based cognitive-behavioural therapy: a four-step model to build resilience [p] [d]
  929. () Development of self-regulation abilities as predictors of psychological adjustment across the first year of college [d]
  930. () Therapy training as a transformative process [i]
  931. () Information technology and feedback research can bridge the scientist–practitioner gap: a couple therapy example [d]
  932. () Therapist variables in psychotherapy [u]
  933. () Thinking a career [u]
  934. () Inside the 'all is lost' moment [u]
  935. () The girl from WAZE [u]
  936. () Something unique to say [u]
  937. () Critical psychology and career development: unpacking the adjust–challenge dilemma [d]
  938. () Neuroscience and therapist self-disclosure: deepening right brain to right brain communication between therapist and patient [d]
  939. () The deep change field guide: a personal course to discovering the leader within [i]
  940. () The construction of emotional experience requires the integration of implicit and explicit emotional processes [p] [d]
  941. () Evolutionary constructivism and humanistic psychology [d]
  942. () Nothing to fear?: thoughts on the history of family therapy and the potential contribution of research [d]
  943. () Psychotherapist development: integration as a way to autonomy [d]
  944. () Preventing adolescent risk behavior in the rural context: an integrative analysis of adolescent, parent, and provider perspectives [d]
  945. () Tough guys and true believers: managing authoritarian men in the psychotherapy room [i] [d]
  946. () Moral emotions as guide to acceptable risk [i] [d]
  947. () Crossing the cultural divide: issues in translation, mistrust, and cocreation of meaning in cross-cultural therapeutic assessment [d]
  948. () Therapist mindfulness, alliance and treatment outcome [d]
  949. () Cognitive schemas among mental health professionals: adaptive or maladaptive? [p] [u]
  950. () Doublethinking or dialectical thinking: a critical appreciation of Hoffman's 'doublethinking' critique [d]
  951. () Individualized patient-progress systems: why we need to move towards a personalized evaluation of psychological treatments [d]
  952. () How core competencies are taught during clinical supervision: participatory action research in family medicine [p] [d]
  953. () The relationship between social work and environmental sustainability: implications for interdisciplinary practice [d]
  954. () Why appreciation matters so much [u]
  955. () The passionate photographer: ten steps toward becoming great [i]
  956. () Becoming a therapist: on the path to mastery [i]
  957. () Ambivalence: the tension between 'yes' and 'no' [d]
  958. () Implicit theories of technique and the values that inspire them [d]
  959. () Brief interventions for radical change: principles and practice of focused acceptance and commitment therapy [i]
  960. () Practice recommendations for reducing premature termination in therapy [d]
  961. () Radical acceptance: a nondual psychology approach to grief and loss [d]
  962. () What can design thinking learn from behavior group therapy? [i] [d]
  963. () Functional analytic psychotherapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  964. () Case formulation: the heart of the matter [letter] [u]
  965. Elizabeth M. Vera [ed] () The Oxford handbook of prevention in counseling psychology [i] [d]
  966. () Career thoughts, indecision, and depression: implications for mental health assessment in career counseling [d]
  967. () Humanism as a common factor in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  968. () Psychotherapy supervision in the new millennium: competency-based, evidence-based, particularized, and energized [d]
  969. () On demoralization, therapist identity development, and persuasion and healing in psychotherapy supervision [d]
  970. () Transformative emotional sequence: towards a common principle of change [d]
  971. (/2019) Motivation in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  972. () Leaders' conceptions of followers: implications for naturally occurring Pygmalion effects [d]
  973. () A transactional approach to person–environment fit: reciprocal relations between personality development and career role growth across young to middle adulthood [d]
  974. () Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning from the ecological perspective [i] [d]
  975. Howard Robin Winokuer & Darcy L. Harris [ed] (/2016) Principles and practice of grief counseling [i]
  976. () When clients no-show: an empirical analogue study of psychologists' response strategies [d]
  977. (/2018) Reflective writing in counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  978. () The dilemma of the wounded healer [p] [d]
  979. () Resistance or disconnection?: a relational-cultural approach to supervisee anxiety and nondisclosure [d]
  980. () Planning what not to eat: ironic effects of implementation intentions negating unhealthy habits [p] [d]
  981. () Working with narrative in emotion-focused therapy: changing stories, healing lives [i] [d]
  982. () Suggestive techniques in coaching [d]
  983. () Cracking the hidden job market: how to find opportunity in any economy [i]
  984. () The power of specificity in psychotherapy: when therapy works and when it doesn't [i]
  985. () Dyadic moderators of the effectiveness of problem-focused and emotional-approach coping interventions [d]
  986. () Voluntary midlife career change: integrating the transtheoretical model and the life-span, life-space approach [d]
  987. David H. Barlow [ed] (/2014) The Oxford handbook of clinical psychology [i] [d]
  988. () Training research: practical recommendations for maximum impact [p] [d] [u]
  989. () In search of our true selves: feedback as a path to self-knowledge [p] [d] [u]
  990. Liz Bondi, David Carr, Chris Clark, & Cecelia Clegg [ed] () Towards professional wisdom: practical deliberation in the people professions [i] [d]
  991. Gina Hernez-Broome & Lisa A. Boyce [ed] () Advancing executive coaching: setting the course for successful leadership coaching [i]
  992. () Succeeding when you're supposed to fail: the 6 enduring principles of high achievement [i]
  993. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy I: core concepts and hypothesizing [d]
  994. Peter Caputi, Linda L. Viney, Beverly M. Walker, & Nadia Crittenden [ed] () Personal construct methodology [i] [d]
  995. () The old solutions are the new problem: how do we better use what we already know about reducing the burden of mental illness? [p] [d] [j] [u]
  996. () Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  997. () Person-centered therapy: a pluralistic perspective [d]
  998. () Therapists' and clients' experiences of alliance ruptures: a qualitative study [d]
  999. () Speaking freely: my experiences in individual psychotherapies, group therapies, and growth groups [p] [d]
  1000. () Starting off on the right foot: common factor elements in early psychotherapy process [d]
  1001. () An introduction to coaching [i] [d]
  1002. () Breaking addiction: a 7-step handbook for ending any addiction [i]
  1003. () The meaning of career success: avoiding reification through a closer inspection of historical, cultural, and ideological contexts [d]
  1004. () Disorder specific and trans-diagnostic case conceptualisation [d]
  1005. () What do I say?: the therapist's guide to answering client questions [i] [d]
  1006. () Expert reasoning in psychotherapy case formulation [d]
  1007. () Leadership coaching? No thanks, I'm not worthy [u]
  1008. () Acceptance and commitment therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1009. () The natural school counselor: using nature to promote mental health in schools [d]
  1010. (/2015) The older adult psychotherapy treatment planner [i]
  1011. () On taming horses and strengthening riders: recent developments in research on interventions to improve self-control in health behaviors [d]
  1012. () Systems of psychotherapy: dialectical tensions and integration [i] [d]
  1013. James L. Furrow, Susan M. Johnson, & Brent A. Bradley [ed] () The emotionally focused casebook: new directions in treating couples [i]
  1014. () Emotional and personality-related aspects of career decision-making difficulties: facets of career indecisiveness [d]
  1015. () Perceptions: changing the picture [i] [d]
  1016. () The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: exploring one path to therapeutic failure [d]
  1017. () Coaching and positive psychology [i] [d]
  1018. () Is it time to REGROW the GROW model?: issues related to teaching coaching session structures [u]
  1019. (/2017) Emotion-focused therapy [i] [d]
  1020. () Motivating and helping the overspending client: a stages-of-change model [u]
  1021. () The missing middle: communities of practice in a freelance labour market [d]
  1022. () The ethical subject in poststructural therapy [d]
  1023. () Oxford guide to imagery in cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  1024. () Using therapeutic letters to navigate resistance and ambivalence: experiential implications for group counseling [d]
  1025. () Marriage and relationship education: what works and how to provide it [i]
  1026. () Freedom: toward an integration of the counseling profession [d]
  1027. () Integrative life planning: a holistic approach [d]
  1028. () Behavioral assessment and case formulation [i]
  1029. () The evolution of cognitive behavior therapy: the rise of psychological acceptance and mindfulness [i] [d]
  1030. James D. Herbert & Evan M. Forman [ed] () Acceptance and mindfulness in cognitive behavior therapy: understanding and applying the new therapies [i] [d]
  1031. () How to get involved without micromanaging people [u]
  1032. () Engaging the moment with incarcerated youth: an existential–humanistic approach [d]
  1033. (/2016) The counseling practicum and internship manual: a resource for graduate counseling students [i]
  1034. () Workforce 2018: the future is now [u]
  1035. () Theorising life transitions: geographical perspectives [d]
  1036. Tom A. Hutchinson [ed] () Whole person care: a new paradigm for the 21st century [i] [d]
  1037. () Affinographs: a dynamic method for assessment of individuals, couples, families, and households [i] [d]
  1038. W. Brad Johnson & Gerald P. Koocher [ed] () Ethical conundrums, quandaries, and predicaments in mental health practice: a casebook from the files of experts [i] [d]
  1039. () Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
  1040. () Before you make that big decision [p] [u]
  1041. () Impact of therapist emotional intelligence on psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1042. () The hedgehog effect: executive coaching and the secrets of building high performance teams [i]
  1043. () So you're a creative genius—now what? [i]
  1044. () The structure of empathy in social work practice [d]
  1045. () Emerging adults at work and at play: leisure, work engagement, and career indecision [d]
  1046. () Therapist effectiveness: implications for accountability and patient care [d]
  1047. () Letters from the future: suggestions for using letter writing as a school counselling intervention [d]
  1048. () Sourcebook of interactive practice exercises in mental health [i] [d]
  1049. Luciano L'Abate & Laura G. Sweeney [ed] () Research on writing: approaches in mental health [i] [d]
  1050. () Prior learning assessment and the developmental journey: from 'mapless' to cartographer [i] [d]
  1051. (/2019) Attachment style [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1052. () Providing therapy to children and families in foster care: a systemic-relational approach [d]
  1053. () How addiction happens, how change happens, and what social workers need to know to be effective facilitators of change [d]
  1054. (/2019) Narrative therapy [i] [d]
  1055. () Collaborative helping maps: a tool to guide thinking and action in family-centered services [d]
  1056. () 'Needed not wanted': an interdisciplinary examination of the work-related challenges faced by irregular migrants [d]
  1057. Paul R. Martin [ed] () IAAP handbook of applied psychology [i] [d]
  1058. () Handbook of counselor preparation: constructivist, developmental, and experiential approaches [i] [d]
  1059. () Seven types of creative block (and what to do about them) [u]
  1060. () Systematic case study research: a practice-oriented introduction to building an evidence base for counselling and psychotherapy [d]
  1061. () Narrative change in emotion-focused psychotherapy: a study on the evolution of reflection and protest innovative moments [p] [d]
  1062. () Goal conflicts and goal integration: theory, assessment, and clinical implications [i] [d]
  1063. Konrad Michel & David A. Jobes [ed] () Building a therapeutic alliance with the suicidal patient [i] [d]
  1064. () The effects of implicit and explicit security priming on creative problem solving [p] [d]
  1065. () Desire to inspire: using creative passion to transform the world [i]
  1066. () Mature transformations in adulthood facilitated by psychotherapy and spiritual practice [i] [d]
  1067. Olivia S. Mitchell & Annamaria Lusardi [ed] () Financial literacy: implications for retirement security and the financial marketplace [i] [d]
  1068. () The gentle violence of therapists: misrecognition and dis-location of the other [d]
  1069. () The fieldwork model: an anthropological perspective on the process of change in long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy [d]
  1070. () Evaluation of a therapeutic concept diagram [d]
  1071. () Career flow: a hope-centered approach to career development [i]
  1072. () Evidence-based therapy relationships: research conclusions and clinical practices [p] [d]
  1073. John C. Norcross, Gary R. VandenBos, & Donald K. Freedheim [ed] () History of psychotherapy: continuity and change [i] [d]
  1074. () Experience cycle methodology: a method for understanding the construct revision pathway [i] [d]
  1075. Jonathan Passmore [ed] () Supervision in coaching: supervision, ethics, and continuous professional development [i]
  1076. () Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks therapy II: planning, conversing, and reading feedback [p] [d]
  1077. () What went wrong?: therapists' reflections on their role in premature termination [p] [d]
  1078. () Placebo mechanisms across different conditions: from the clinical setting to physical performance [p] [d] [u]
  1079. () Developing practice competencies: a foundation for generalist practice [i]
  1080. () Ethical decision making in school mental health [i]
  1081. () Motivational interviewing for effective classroom management: the classroom check-up [i]
  1082. () Beyond microskills: toward a model of counseling competence [d]
  1083. Michela Rimondini [ed] () Communication in cognitive behavioral therapy [i] [d]
  1084. () Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: a look at theory and practice [d]
  1085. () What's happening in the coaching conversation with an executive at risk of derailing? [u]
  1086. (/2019) Career counseling [i] [d]
  1087. () Energy management of people in organizations: a review and research agenda [d]
  1088. () The power of your past: the art of recalling, reclaiming and recasting [i]
  1089. () Becoming dialogical: psychotherapy or a way of life? [d]
  1090. () Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
  1091. () Use of priming-based interventions to facilitate psychological health: commentary on Kazdin and Blase (2011) [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1092. () Relational ethics and moral imagination in contemporary systemic practice [d]
  1093. () Infusing multicultural and social justice competencies within counseling practice: a guide for trainers [d]
  1094. Kennon M. Sheldon, Todd B. Kashdan, & Michael F. Steger [ed] () Designing positive psychology: taking stock and moving forward [i] [d]
  1095. () Timelining: visualizing experience [d] [u]
  1096. () Mindfulness, subjective well-being, and social work: insight into their interconnection from social work practitioners [d]
  1097. () Being in-between: the relevance of ethnography and auto-ethnography for psychotherapy research [d]
  1098. () Youth leaving foster care: a developmental, relationship-based approach to practice [i] [d]
  1099. () Defusion: a behavior-analytic strategy for addressing private events [p] [u]
  1100. (/2019) Cultural adaptations and multicultural competence [in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1101. () 'She's mean to me!': the shattering conclusion [u]
  1102. () Happy ever after?: a practical guide to relationship counselling for clinical psychologists [o]
  1103. () Pyramiding updated [i]
  1104. () Religious abuse: implications for counseling lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals [d]
  1105. (/2019) Preferences [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1106. () Responsible careers: systemic reflexivity in shifting landscapes [d]
  1107. () The effectiveness of a telephone-based tobacco cessation program offered as part of a worksite health promotion program [p] [d]
  1108. () Developing your counselling and psychotherapy skills and practice [i] [d]
  1109. () The ABC model revisited [i] [d] [u]
  1110. () Psychotherapy with older men [i] [d]
  1111. () Social work under pressure: how to overcome stress, fatigue and burnout in the workplace [i]
  1112. () Making self-help more helpful: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of augmenting self-help materials with implementation intentions on promoting the effective self-management of anxiety symptoms [d]
  1113. () Lifestyle and mental health [p] [d]
  1114. () Mindfulness and hypnosis: the power of suggestion to transform experience [i]
  1115. Sheldon Zedeck [ed] () APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology [i] [d]
  1116. () Is collaboration a viable target for family therapists? [d]
  1117. () Work with passion in midlife and beyond: reach your full potential & make the money you need [i]
  1118. () Evidence-based practice in psychology: an ethical framework for graduate education, clinical training, and maintaining professional competence [d]
  1119. () Who can do what, therapeutically, with whom, in what way? [d]
  1120. () 1001 solution-focused questions: handbook for solution-focused interviewing [i]
  1121. () Negative effects from psychological treatments: a perspective [p] [d]
  1122. () Psychotherapy in the aesthetic attitude [d]
  1123. () Problem structuring and multiple criteria decision analysis [i] [d]
  1124. James Bennett-Levy, David Richards, Paul Farrand, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths, David J. Kavanagh, Britt Klein, Mark A. Lau, Judy Proudfoot, Lee Ritterband, Chris Williams, & Jim White [ed] () Oxford guide to low intensity CBT interventions [i] [d]
  1125. () When callings are calling: crafting work and leisure in pursuit of unanswered occupational callings [d] [j]
  1126. () Challenges and opportunities to integrating traditional healing into counselling and psychotherapy [d]
  1127. () Fostering integrative community leadership [d]
  1128. () Allegiance effects in psychotherapy research: a constructivist approach [d]
  1129. () Tattoos on the heart: the power of boundless compassion [i]
  1130. () Master the moment: fifty CEOs teach you the secrets of time management [i]
  1131. (/2018) Feminist therapy [i] [d]
  1132. () From GROW to GROUP: theoretical issues and a practical model for group coaching in organisations [d]
  1133. Louis D. Brown & Scott Wituk [ed] () Mental health self-help: consumer and family initiatives [i] [d]
  1134. Clare Carlisle & Jonardon Ganeri [ed] () Philosophy as therapeia [i]
  1135. () Evaluating a prototype for geo-referenced collaborative psychotherapy with mobile devices [i] [d]
  1136. () Helpful and hindering events in psychotherapy: a practice research network study [p] [d]
  1137. () If you want to get ahead, get a sequence of general strategies: integrative decision making in real-world psychotherapy [u]
  1138. () Prevention program development and evaluation: an incidence reduction, culturally relevant approach [i] [d]
  1139. () What do psychotherapists really do in practice?: an Internet study of over 2,000 practitioners [p] [d] [u]
  1140. Sarah Corrie & David A. Lane [ed] () Constructing stories, telling tales: a guide to formulation in applied psychology [i] [d]
  1141. Elaine Cox, Tatiana Bachkirova, & David Clutterbuck [ed] (/2018) The complete handbook of coaching [i]
  1142. David A. Crenshaw [ed] () Reverence in healing: honoring strengths without trivializing suffering [i]
  1143. () Case studies within a mixed methods paradigm: toward a resolution of the alienation between researcher and practitioner in psychotherapy research [p] [d]
  1144. () Licensing, philosophical counselors, and barbers [d]
  1145. () How would we know if psychotherapy were harmful? [p] [d]
  1146. () The motivation to serve others: exploring relations to career development [d]
  1147. (/2014) On becoming a better therapist: evidence-based practice one client at a time [i] [d]
  1148. () Unconscious processes in a career counselling case: an action-theoretical perspective [d]
  1149. () Psychotherapy change process research: realizing the promise [p] [d]
  1150. () Psychotherapy-based supervision models in an emerging competency-based era: a commentary [p] [d]
  1151. () You already know how to be great: a simple way to remove interference and unlock your greatest potential [i]
  1152. () The case for needs in psychotherapy [d]
  1153. () Asking about ambivalence: a different kind of therapist neutrality [d]
  1154. () Relational aspects of mindfulness: implications for the practice of marriage and family therapy [d]
  1155. () Applying a systemic procedure to locate career decision-making difficulties [d]
  1156. () From career decision-making styles to career decision-making profiles: a multidimensional approach [d]
  1157. () The checklist manifesto: how to get things right [i]
  1158. (/2014) Mastering competencies in family therapy: a practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation [i]
  1159. () Willing to work: agency and vulnerability in an undocumented immigrant network [d]
  1160. () Innovative moments and change in emotion-focused therapy: the case of Lisa [d]
  1161. () Beyond the 50-minute hour: increasing control, choice, and connections in the lives of low-income women [d]
  1162. Stephen Goss, Kate Anthony, Loriann Sykes Stretch, & DeeAnna Merz Nagel [ed] (/2016) Technology in mental health: applications in practice, supervision and training [i]
  1163. () Cognitive complexity among practicing counselors: how thinking changes with experience [d]
  1164. Mary Banks Gregerson [ed] () The cinematic mirror for psychology and life coaching [i] [d]
  1165. () Religion that heals, religion that harms: a guide for clinical practice [i]
  1166. () When self-help is no help: traditional cognitive skills training does not prevent depressive symptoms in people who ruminate [d]
  1167. T. Mark Harwood & Luciano L'Abate [ed] () Self-help in mental health: a critical review [i] [d]
  1168. () The role of therapist self-disclosure in psychotherapy: a qualitative review [d]
  1169. () When technology fails: getting back to nature [in treatment of substance use disorders] [d]
  1170. () Small steps [d]
  1171. () Personality: life span compass for health [d]
  1172. () Apprenticeship patterns: guidance for the aspiring software craftsman [i]
  1173. () An interpersonal perspective on the personality assessment process [d]
  1174. () What you practice is what you have: a guide to having the life you want [i]
  1175. Lisa R. Jackson-Cherry & Bradley T. Erford [ed] (/2017) Crisis assessment, intervention, and prevention [i]
  1176. (/2018) Social justice, multicultural counseling, and practice: beyond a conventional approach [i] [d]
  1177. Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, & Arthur Freeman [ed] () Cognitive and behavioral theories in clinical practice [i]
  1178. () Psychotherapy after brain injury: principles and techniques [i]
  1179. Dora Kohen [ed] () Oxford textbook of women and mental health [i]
  1180. () Going to the core: deepening reflection by connecting the person to the profession [i] [d]
  1181. () Prevention of treatment failure: the use of measuring, monitoring, and feedback in clinical practice [i] [d]
  1182. () Theoretical orientation and therapists' attitudes to important components of therapy: a study based on the Valuable Elements in Psychotherapy Questionnaire [d]
  1183. () What are your priorities right now?: identifying service needs across recovery stages to inform service development [p] [d] [u]
  1184. () Identity wars, the counselling and psychotherapy profession and practitioner-based research [d]
  1185. () Facilitating client change: principles based upon the experience of eminent psychotherapists [p] [d]
  1186. P. Alex Linley, Susan Harrington, & Nicky Page [ed] (/2013) Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work [i] [d]
  1187. () Psychologism, overpsychologism, and action [d] [u]
  1188. James E. Maddux & June Price Tangney [ed] () Social psychological foundations of clinical psychology [i]
  1189. () What is psychotherapy for?: an alternative to the profession of psychotherapy [i]
  1190. () Prevention and intervention approaches [for lonely children and adolescents] [i] [d]
  1191. () Psychodynamic techniques: working with emotion in the therapeutic relationship [i]
  1192. () Facilitating practitioner flexibility within an empirically supported intervention: lessons from a system of parenting support [d]
  1193. () Career maturity and foreclosure in student athletes, fine arts students, and general college students [d]
  1194. () Narrative change in emotion-focused therapy: how is change constructed through the lens of the innovative moments coding system? [p] [d]
  1195. () The 10 laws of career reinvention: essential survival skills for any economy [i]
  1196. Lyndsey Moon [ed] () Counselling ideologies: queer challenges to heteronormativity [i]
  1197. () Coaching psychology manual [i]
  1198. J. Christopher Muran & Jacques P. Barber [ed] () The therapeutic alliance: an evidence-based guide to practice [i]
  1199. () Therapist personal agency: a model for examining the training context [d]
  1200. () A dialogical model for engaging spirituality in therapy [d]
  1201. () The abiding nature of empathic connections: a 10-year follow-up study [d]
  1202. () Helping college students find purpose: the campus guide to meaning-making [i]
  1203. () The development, evolution, and status of Holland's theory of vocational personalities: reflections and future directions for counseling psychology [d]
  1204. () Problem-solving therapy [i]
  1205. () Making and remaking the world: the influence of constructivism on psychotherapy [u]
  1206. () Behavior change support systems: a research model and agenda [i] [d]
  1207. Michael W. Otto & Stefan G. Hofmann [ed] () Avoiding treatment failures in the anxiety disorders [i] [d]
  1208. () Cognitive-behavioral case formulation [i]
  1209. () Non-interference and awareness [d]
  1210. () The artist in the office: how to creatively survive and thrive seven days a week [i]
  1211. () Meta-analysis of psychological assessment as a therapeutic intervention [d]
  1212. () Boundaries or mutuality in therapy: is mutuality really possible or is therapy doomed from the start? [d]
  1213. () Avoidance goals lack meaning and manageability [u]
  1214. () Patients' performance anxiety and related aspects as factors in resistance to change [d]
  1215. () Ambivalence: the career killer [u]
  1216. () 'We had a constant battle': the role of attachment status in counselling psychologists' experiences of personal therapy: some results from a mixed-methods study [d]
  1217. () Investigating the form and dynamics of crisis episodes in early adulthood: the application of a composite qualitative method [d]
  1218. () The stormy search for self in early adulthood: developmental crisis and the dissolution of dysfunctional personae [d]
  1219. () Identifying and integrating helpful and harmful religious beliefs into psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1220. () Toyota kata: managing people for improvement, adaptiveness, and superior results [i]
  1221. () Personification: using the dialogical self in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
  1222. () Emotion-focused/interpersonal cognitive therapy [i]
  1223. () Innovative moments and poor outcome in narrative therapy [d]
  1224. () A tripartite learning conceptualization of psychotherapy: the therapeutic alliance, technical interventions, and relearning [p] [d]
  1225. (/2017) Existential-humanistic therapy [i] [d]
  1226. () The psychotherapist's path: psychotherapy practice as Buddhist practice [u]
  1227. () Translating science into clinical practice [i] [d]
  1228. Shmuel Shulman & Jari-Erik Nurmi [ed] () The role of goals in navigating individual lives during emerging adulthood [i]
  1229. () A multi-theoretical, evidence-based approach for understanding and managing adolescent resistance to psychotherapy [d]
  1230. () Core competencies in counseling and psychotherapy: becoming a highly competent and effective therapist [i]
  1231. () Metarationality: good decision-making strategies are self-correcting [i]
  1232. () Partners in thought: working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactment [i] [d]
  1233. () Psychotherapist-as-philosopher-of-science [i]
  1234. () Oxford guide to metaphors in CBT: building cognitive bridges [i]
  1235. () Negotiating post-consultation 'homework' tasks between counselors and clients [d]
  1236. () Counsellor presence: bridging the gap between wisdom and new knowledge [d]
  1237. Jay C. Thomas & Michel Hersen [ed] () Handbook of clinical psychology competencies [i] [d]
  1238. () Buddhism on the couch [book review of: The Zen impulse and the psychoanalytic encounter, by Paul C. Cooper] [d] [u]
  1239. () Developmental action inquiry: a distinct integral theory that actually integrates developmental theory, practice, and research [i] [u]
  1240. () Epistemology and allegiance: exploring the role of therapists' epistemic commitments on psychotherapy outcomes [d]
  1241. () The virtues of cultural resonance, competence, and relational collaboration with Native American Indian communities: a synthesis of the counseling and psychotherapy literature [d]
  1242. () Becoming an effective psychotherapist: adopting a theory of psychotherapy that's right for you and your client [i] [d]
  1243. () Learning as core of psychological science and clinical practice [u]
  1244. () Competencies in adult clinical psychology [i] [d]
  1245. (/2016) Combat and operational stress control [o] [u]
  1246. (/2014) No plastic sleeves: portfolio and self-promotion guide for photographers and designers [or: No plastic sleeves: the complete portfolio guide for photographers and designers] [i] [d]
  1247. () Using theories of behaviour change to inform interventions for addictive behaviours [p] [d]
  1248. () Making goals effective: a primer for coaches [d]
  1249. () The military genogram: a solution-focused approach for resiliency building in service members and their families [d]
  1250. () The counselor cognitions questionnaire: development and validation [d]
  1251. () Hypnosis, mindfulness, and acceptance: artful integration [i]
  1252. () CBT: a clinician's guide to using the five areas approach [i]
  1253. () Goal setting in psychotherapy: the relevance of approach and avoidance goals for treatment outcome [p] [d]
  1254. () A person-centered approach to clinical practice [d]
  1255. () Predicting adult occupational environments from gender and childhood personality traits [d]
  1256. () Transition to adulthood: action, projects, and counseling [i] [d]
  1257. Salman Akhtar & Henri Parens [ed] () Lying, cheating, and carrying on: developmental, clinical, and sociocultural aspects of dishonesty and deceit [i]
  1258. () Upsetting experiences for the therapist in-session: how they can be dealt with and what they are good for [d]
  1259. () Cognitive-developmental approach to coaching: an interview with Robert Kegan [d]
  1260. () Psychotherapy as a developmental process [i] [d]
  1261. S. Gayle Baugh & Sherry E. Sullivan [ed] () Maintaining focus, energy, and options over the career [i]
  1262. () Contrasts, symbol formation and creative transformation in art and life [p] [d]
  1263. () Making science matter in clinical practice: redefining psychotherapy [d]
  1264. () Why did I change when I went to therapy?: a qualitative analysis of former patients' conceptions of successful psychotherapy [d]
  1265. () Perspectives on time [i] [d]
  1266. () Writing SMART rehabilitation goals and achieving goal attainment scaling: a practical guide [d]
  1267. James H. Bray & Mark Stanton [ed] () The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of family psychology [i] [d]
  1268. () The functional analytic psychotherapy rating scale: a replication and extension [d]
  1269. () Making cross-racial therapy work: a phenomenological study of clients' experiences of cross-racial therapy [p] [d] [u]
  1270. (/2017) Developing helping skills: a step-by-step approach to competency [i]
  1271. () Dialectical thinking and coping flexibility: a multimethod approach [p] [d]
  1272. () Resistance to change: unconscious knowledge and the challenge of unlearning [i]
  1273. () Influential psychotherapy figures, authors, and books: an Internet survey of over 2,000 psychotherapists [p] [d] [u]
  1274. () Examining client spiritual history and the construction of meaning: the use of spiritual timelines in counseling [d]
  1275. () Using dark side personality traits to identify potential failure [d]
  1276. () A picture is worth a thousand words: the case for graphic representations [d]
  1277. () The making of psychotherapists: an anthropological analysis [i] [d]
  1278. () A grounded theory of relational competencies and creativity in counseling: beginning the dialogue [d]
  1279. () Beyond the self: external influences in the career development process [d]
  1280. () Understanding the mathematics of personal finance: an introduction to financial literacy [i] [d]
  1281. (/2020) 45 techniques every counselor should know [i]
  1282. () Career renegade: how to make a great living doing what you love [i]
  1283. () Metacognitive therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1284. () Working with patients' strengths: a microprocess approach [p] [d]
  1285. () Competency benchmarks: a model for understanding and measuring competence in professional psychology across training levels [d]
  1286. Sharon Morgillo Freeman, Bret A. Moore, & Arthur Freeman [ed] () Living and surviving in harm's way: a psychological treatment handbook for pre- and post-deployment of military personnel [i]
  1287. () Theory and practice in the cognitive psychotherapies: convergence and divergence [d]
  1288. () We can think with the implicit, as well as with fully-formed concepts [i] [d]
  1289. () Executive coaching: a real world perspective from a real-life coaching practitioner [u]
  1290. () The influence of diversity in clinical supervision: a framework for reflective conversations and questioning [d]
  1291. () Clinical reasoning for child and adolescent mental health practitioners: the mindful formulation [p] [d] [u]
  1292. () Idiographic assessment: conceptual and psychometric foundations of individualized behavioral assessment [d]
  1293. () Integrating evidence-based practice, cognitive–behavior therapy, and multicultural therapy: ten steps for culturally competent practice [d]
  1294. Kate F. Hays [ed] () Performance psychology in action: a casebook for working with athletes, performing artists, business leaders, and professionals in high-risk occupations [i] [d]
  1295. () The practice of adaptive leadership: tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world [i]
  1296. () See yourself as a system [i]
  1297. () Assessment of personal goals: an online tool for personal counseling, coaching, and business consulting [d]
  1298. () Problem-solving appraisal and psychological adjustment [i] [d]
  1299. () Therapist characteristics influencing the quality of alliance in long-term psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1300. () Processing the therapeutic relationship [p] [d]
  1301. () Personality theory and positive psychology: strategic self-awareness [i]
  1302. (/2016) The elephant in the room: cultural distrust directed at White counselors [i]
  1303. () Physical activity behavior change interventions based on the transtheoretical model: a systematic review [p] [d]
  1304. (/2021) 50 top tools for coaching: a complete toolkit for developing and empowering people [i]
  1305. (/2018) Relational-cultural therapy [i] [d]
  1306. Robert B. Kaiser [ed] () The perils of accentuating the positive [i]
  1307. () Behavioral activation: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1308. () Competency assessment toolkit for professional psychology [d]
  1309. () Designing tests of your big assumption [i]
  1310. () Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization [i]
  1311. () Creative breakthroughs in therapy: tales of transformation and astonishment [i] [d]
  1312. () Process transforms inputs to determine outcomes: therapists are responsible for managing process [d]
  1313. () Collaborative case conceptualization: working effectively with clients in cognitive-behavioral therapy [i]
  1314. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  1315. () The search for an effective clinical behavior analysis: the nonlinear thinking of Israel Goldiamond [p] [d] [u]
  1316. () Mystery to mastery: an exploration of what happens in the black box of writing and healing [d]
  1317. (/2015) Overcoming barriers to employment success: the key to getting and keeping a job [i]
  1318. Irmo Marini & Mark A. Stebnicki [ed] (/2016) The professional counselor's desk reference [i]
  1319. () Inhabiting the image: photography, therapy and re-enactment phototherapy [d]
  1320. () Forgiveness and reconciliation: essential to sustaining human development [i] [d]
  1321. () Promoting cultural relativism in counselors through the cultural de-centering model [d]
  1322. () Specific, common, and unintended factors in psychotherapy: descriptive and correlational approaches to what creates change [u]
  1323. () The multitheoretical list of therapeutic interventions (MULTI): initial report [p] [d]
  1324. () What assessments do coaches use in their practice and why? [u]
  1325. () Transforming your leadership culture [i]
  1326. () What is the core fear in social phobia?: a new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and treatment [d]
  1327. (/2014) Principles of counseling and psychotherapy: learning the essential domains and nonlinear thinking of master practitioners [i]
  1328. () Constructivist psychotherapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
  1329. () Coaching on the dark side [u]
  1330. () Deleterious effects of psychotherapy and counseling in the schools [d]
  1331. () Competencies proficiency scale [u]
  1332. William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] () General principles and empirically supported techniques of cognitive behavior therapy [i]
  1333. () Growing and eating green: careers in farming, producing, and marketing food [i]
  1334. () From drafter to engineer, doctor to nurse: an examination of career compromise as renegotiated by working-class adults over time [d]
  1335. () Customized transitions: discovering the best in us [d]
  1336. () Self-disclosure as a turning point in psychotherapy [i]
  1337. () Focusing-oriented art therapy: accessing the body's wisdom and creative intelligence [i]
  1338. () Strength-based assessment in clinical practice [p] [d]
  1339. () Experiential wisdom and optimal experience: interviews with three distinguished lifelong learners [d]
  1340. () Helping college students: developing essential support skills for student affairs practice [i]
  1341. () Another way to think about the work we do: counselling for work and relationship [d]
  1342. () Know what you don't know: how great leaders prevent problems before they happen [i]
  1343. () Coaching with the brain in mind: foundations for practice [i]
  1344. () Beyond evidence-based psychotherapy: fostering the eight sources of change in child and adolescent treatment [i]
  1345. () Coping with job transitions over the work life [i] [d]
  1346. () Grasping the dynamic nature of intersubjectivity [i] [d]
  1347. () Helping: how to offer, give, and receive help [i]
  1348. Ingrid Schoon & R. K. Silbereisen [ed] () Transitions from school to work: globalization, individualization, and patterns of diversity [i] [d]
  1349. () 'You were always on my mind': therapists' intersession experiences in relation to their therapeutic practice, professional characteristics, and quality of life [p] [d]
  1350. () Treating child and adolescent aggression through bibliotherapy [i] [d]
  1351. () The pearls and perils of identifying potential [d]
  1352. () Highly effective therapy: developing essential clinical competencies in counseling and psychotherapy [i]
  1353. () Can a control model approach assist case formulation in psychotherapy? [d]
  1354. () Common factors in couple and family therapy: the overlooked foundation for effective practice [i]
  1355. David W. Springer & Allen Rubin [ed] () Substance abuse treatment for youth and adults [i]
  1356. () The thin book of SOAR: building strengths-based strategy [i]
  1357. Jacqui Stedmon & Rudi Dallos [ed] () Reflective practice in psychotherapy and counselling [i]
  1358. () Incorporating photography as a therapeutic tool in counseling [d]
  1359. () Logical operations in theory-building case studies [d] [u]
  1360. () The psychology of lifestyle: promoting healthy behaviour [i]
  1361. () Competing visions of the implications of neuroscience for psychotherapy [d]
  1362. () For your client's sake: practicing clinically constructive self-disclosure [i]
  1363. () Evidence-based treatment and therapist drift [p] [d]
  1364. () The formative method for adapting psychotherapy (FMAP): a community-based developmental approach to culturally adapting therapy [d]
  1365. () Men in therapy: new approaches for effective treatment [i]
  1366. () The role of companion animals in counseling and psychology: discovering their use in the therapeutic process [i]
  1367. () Can clinical judgment hold its own against scientific knowledge?: comment on Zeldow (2009) [p] [d]
  1368. () Dialogical journal writing as 'self-therapy': 'I matter' [d]
  1369. () Real time leadership development [i] [d]
  1370. () Double your income doing what you love: Raymond Aaron's guide to power mentoring [i]
  1371. () Engaging Latinos through the integration of cultural values and motivational interviewing principles [d]
  1372. () Occupational therapy practice framework: domain & process [d]
  1373. Hal Arkowitz, William R. Miller, & Stephen Rollnick [ed] (/2015) Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems [i]
  1374. () Personal decision support systems [i] [d]
  1375. () Current status and future prospects of clinical psychology: toward a scientifically principled approach to mental and behavioral health care [p] [d] [u]
  1376. () The efficacy of problem-focused and emotional approach interventions varies as a function of emotional processing style [d]
  1377. () What's stopping you?: shatter the 9 most common myths keeping you from starting your own business [i]
  1378. () Advisory systems to support decision making [i] [d]
  1379. () The zen of helping: spiritual principles for mindful and open-hearted practice [i]
  1380. () Understanding, respecting and integrating difference in therapeutic practice [d]
  1381. () Mindful social work: from theory to practice [d]
  1382. () The role of work in psychological health and well-being: a conceptual, historical, and public policy perspective [p] [d]
  1383. () What works with children, adolescents, and adults: a review of research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1384. () Girls' and women's wellness: contemporary counseling issues and interventions [i]
  1385. () Essential research findings in counselling and psychotherapy: the facts are friendly [i]
  1386. () The roles of perceived teacher support, motivational climate, and psychological need satisfaction in students' physical education motivation [p] [d]
  1387. () How to coach teachers who don't think like you: using literacy strategies to coach across content areas [i]
  1388. () Following passionate interests to well-being [d]
  1389. David B. Drake, Diane Brennan, & Kim Gørtz [ed] () The philosophy and practice of coaching: insights and issues for a new era [i] [d]
  1390. () Psychotherapy in everyday life [i] [d]
  1391. () Is character fate, or is there hope to change my personality yet? [d]
  1392. () Viewing resistance as ambivalence: integrative strategies for working with resistant ambivalence [d]
  1393. () Informed consent to psychotherapy: protecting the dignity and respecting the autonomy of patients [p] [d]
  1394. () Hope in action: solution-focused conversations about suicide [i]
  1395. () Integrating positive emotions into theory, research, and practice: a new challenge for psychotherapy [d]
  1396. () Work transitions [p] [d]
  1397. Glenn Gamst, Aghop Der-Karabetian, & Richard H. Dana [ed] () Readings in multicultural practice [i]
  1398. () Life entrepreneurs: ordinary people creating extraordinary lives [i]
  1399. () On the process of becoming a great scientist [p] [d] [u]
  1400. () Become a more effective leader by asking one tough question ['What am I willing to change now?'] [u]
  1401. () Emotion-focused couples therapy: the dynamics of emotion, love, and power [i] [d]
  1402. (/2013) Influencer: the new science of leading change [i]
  1403. () The experience of creative activity as a treatment medium [d]
  1404. () Assessing client progress session by session in the treatment of social anxiety disorder: the Social Anxiety Session Change Index [d]
  1405. () Life goals matter to happiness: a revision of set-point theory [d]
  1406. () Design issues related to counseling process research [i]
  1407. Steven F. Hick & Thomas Bien [ed] () Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship [i]
  1408. () Quality control: why leaders need to understand personality [d]
  1409. () Psychotherapy revolution: translating symptoms into gifts [d]
  1410. () Importance of personal goals in people with independent versus interdependent selves [d]
  1411. () A course in happiness: mastering the 3 levels of self-understanding that lead to true and lasting contentment [i]
  1412. () Assessing faculty wellness: critical foundations for the scholarship of teaching and learning [u]
  1413. () Conflict coaching: conflict management strategies and skills for the individual [i]
  1414. () Talking cures and placebo effects [i] [d]
  1415. () Strength test: debunking an unbalanced approach to development [d]
  1416. () Bringing out the best in people: a psychological perspective [p] [d] [u]
  1417. () A brief primer of helping skills [i] [d]
  1418. () Practicing counseling and psychotherapy: insights from trainees, supervisors, and clients [i] [d]
  1419. () The couch and the stage: integrating words and action in psychotherapy [i]
  1420. Jay Lebow [ed] () Twenty-first century psychotherapies: contemporary approaches to theory and practice [i]
  1421. () Effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy [d]
  1422. () How'd you score that gig?: a guide to the coolest jobs—and how to get them [i]
  1423. () Transformative aspects of genogram work: perceptions and experiences of graduate students in a counseling training program [d]
  1424. () Social work with native people: orienting child welfare workers to the beliefs, values, and practices of Native American families and children [d]
  1425. () Power, politics, and psychotherapy: a constructive caution on unification [d]
  1426. () Interns at an international, humanitarian organization: career pathways and meaning making [d]
  1427. () Developing clinical skills in suicide assessment, prevention, and treatment [i]
  1428. () Becoming a resonant leader: develop your emotional intelligence, renew your relationships, sustain your effectiveness [i]
  1429. () Peer consultation for mediators: the use of a holding environment to support mediator reflection, inquiry, and self-knowing [d]
  1430. () Make more, worry less: secrets from 18 extraordinary people who created a bigger income and a better life [i]
  1431. Michael R. Nash & Amanda J. Barnier [ed] () The Oxford handbook of hypnosis: theory, research and practice [i] [d]
  1432. () Narration and vividness as measures of event-specificity in autobiographical memory [d]
  1433. () Toward a further understanding of the relationships between perceptions of support and work attitudes [d]
  1434. () Designing persuasive dialogue systems: using argumentation with care [i] [d]
  1435. Jill D. Onedera [ed] () The role of religion in marriage and family counseling [i]
  1436. () Peer coaching: a relational process for accelerating career learning [d]
  1437. () The development of the sequential diagrammatic reformulation [u]
  1438. Jonathan Passmore [ed] (/2012) Psychometrics in coaching: using psychological and psychometric tools for development [i]
  1439. () Geography of advice seeking [d]
  1440. () Expressing the unexpressed: self-disclosure as interactional achievement in the psychotherapy session [p]
  1441. () Inclusive cultural empathy: making relationships central in counseling and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1442. () Evaluating theories of health behavior change: a hierarchy of criteria applied to the transtheoretical model [d]
  1443. () Decision making in the transtheoretical model of behavior change [p] [d]
  1444. () A trans-disciplinary study of the therapist's self [d]
  1445. () Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being [d]
  1446. () Emotional and personality-related aspects of career-decision-making difficulties [d]
  1447. Kirk J. Schneider [ed] () Existential-integrative psychotherapy: guideposts to the core of practice [i] [d]
  1448. () Unleash your dreams: tame your hidden fears and live the life you were meant to live [i]
  1449. () Coaching questions: a coach's guide to powerful asking skills [i]
  1450. () Process design: making it work: a practical guide to what to do when and how for facilitators, consultants, managers, and coaches [i]
  1451. () Behavioral case formulation and intervention: a functional analytic approach [i] [d]
  1452. () Conversational mindfulness [u]
  1453. () Being with that: the relevance of embodied understanding for practice [d]
  1454. () Action inquiry: interweaving multiple qualities of attention for timely action [i] [d] [u]
  1455. () Beyond cognition: broadening the emotional base of motivational interviewing [p] [d] [u]
  1456. () Toward psychologies of liberation [i] [d]
  1457. Patti Lou Watkins & George A. Clum [ed] () Handbook of self-help therapies [i]
  1458. () Clients' experiences of difference with therapists: sustaining faith in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1459. () Cognitive behaviour therapy: from rationalism to constructivism? [d]
  1460. Jing Jian Xiao [ed] (/2016) Handbook of consumer finance research [i] [d]
  1461. () Using the genogram to facilitate the intercultural competence of Mexican immigrants [d]
  1462. (/2017) Power in psychotherapy and counseling: re-thinking the 'power differential' myth and exploring the moral, ethical, professional, and clinical issues of power in therapy [u]
  1463. Etiony Aldarondo [ed] () Advancing social justice through clinical practice [i]
  1464. () Joining the conversation about educating our poorest children: emerging leadership roles for school counselors in high-poverty schools [d] [j]
  1465. Harlene Anderson & Diane R. Gehart [ed] () Collaborative therapy: relationships and conversations that make a difference [i] [d]
  1466. () Empathic relational bonds and personal agency in psychotherapy: implications for psychotherapy supervision, practice, and research [p] [d]
  1467. () Interactive effects of traits on adjustment to a life transition [p] [d]
  1468. () Metacognitive training aids decision making [d]
  1469. () Families that flourish: facilitating resilience in clinical practice [i]
  1470. () Therapeutic storytelling revisited [p] [d]
  1471. () Positive psychology coaching: putting the science of happiness to work for your clients [i]
  1472. () Adding silence to stories: narrative therapy and contemplation [d]
  1473. () The psychology of working and the advancement of social justice [i]
  1474. () An alternative view of concrete operating procedures from the perspective of the client as active self-healer [d]
  1475. () Building skills for school success: improving the academic and social competence of students [d] [j]
  1476. () I thought it was just me, but it isn't: telling the truth about perfectionism, inadequacy, and power [or: I thought it was just me (but it isn't): making the journey from 'what will people think?' to 'I am enough'] [i]
  1477. () Getting unstuck: how dead ends become new paths [i]
  1478. () Behind the mask: coaching through deep interpersonal communication [i] [d]
  1479. Louis G. Castonguay & Clara E. Hill [ed] () Insight in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1480. () Working through resistance to change by using the 'competing commitments model' [d]
  1481. () A problem solving process model for personal decision support (PSPM-DS) [d]
  1482. () The training and development of managers and entrepreneurs: the role of integrative capacity [i] [d]
  1483. () Developmental counseling and therapy as a model for school counselor consultation with teachers [d] [j]
  1484. () A pluralistic framework for counselling and psychotherapy: implications for research [d]
  1485. () What clients of couple therapy model developers and their former students say about change, part II: model-independent common factors and an integrative framework [p] [d]
  1486. () What clients of couple therapy model developers and their former students say about change, part I: model-dependent common factors across three models [p] [d]
  1487. () Elements of Buddhist philosophy in cognitive psychotherapy: the role of cultural specifics and universals [u]
  1488. () Restructuring implicational meaning through memory-based imagery: some historical notes [p] [d]
  1489. () Treatment models, brand names, acronyms and evidence-based practice [d]
  1490. () The psychodynamics of self-observation [d]
  1491. () Awaken your strongest self: break free of stress, inner conflict, and self-sabotage [i]
  1492. () How to grow as an illustrator [i]
  1493. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  1494. () Second-order change in psychotherapy: the golden thread that unifies effective treatments [i] [d]
  1495. () Treating health anxiety and fear of death: a practitioner's guide [i] [d]
  1496. Duncan Gallie [ed] () Employment regimes and the quality of work [i]
  1497. () Engaging suffering: towards a mindful re-visioning of family therapy practice [d]
  1498. Paul Gilbert & Robert L. Leahy [ed] () The therapeutic relationship in the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies [i]
  1499. () What has psychotherapy inherited from Carl Rogers? [p] [d]
  1500. () What got you here won't get you there: how successful people become even more successful [i]
  1501. () Promoting mindfulness in psychotherapists in training influences the treatment results of their patients: a randomized, double-blind, controlled study [d]
  1502. () Teachers' resilience: a necessary condition for effectiveness [d]
  1503. () Visual art making for therapist growth and self-care [d]
  1504. () Developmental initiation and developmental networks [i] [d]
  1505. () My personal reactions to Rogers (1957): the facilitative but neither necessary nor sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change [p] [d]
  1506. () Training novice psychotherapists: helping skills and beyond [p] [d]
  1507. () Why social work needs mapping [d] [j] [u]
  1508. () The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction [d]
  1509. () Developing spiritual competence in practice [d]
  1510. Stefan G. Hofmann & Joel L. Weinberger [ed] () The art and science of psychotherapy [i]
  1511. () Using consultative methods to investigate professional client interaction as an aspect of process evaluation [d]
  1512. () Predicting nonmutual therapy termination with the personality assessment inventory [d]
  1513. () Using drawings to elicit nonverbal constructs in experiential personal construct psychotherapy [d]
  1514. () Understanding careers: the metaphors of working lives [i] [d]
  1515. () Schemas as memories: implications for treatment [d]
  1516. () Transformational supervision: when supervisors mentor [d]
  1517. (/2017) An introduction to cognitive behaviour therapy: skills and applications [i]
  1518. () Integrating writing into psychotherapy practice: a matrix of change processes and structural dimensions [p] [d]
  1519. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Konstantin Korotov, Elizabeth Florent-Treacy, & Caroline Rook [ed] (/2016) Coach and couch: the psychology of making better leaders [i] [d]
  1520. () Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing: a complementary strategy for improving national mental health [p] [d]
  1521. Richard R. Kilburg & Richard C. Diedrich [ed] () The wisdom of coaching: essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change [i] [d]
  1522. () Showing clients the doors: active problem-solving in person-centered psychotherapy [d]
  1523. (/2015) Emerging and young adulthood: multiple perspectives, diverse narratives [i] [d]
  1524. () How might action learning be used to develop the emotional intelligence and leadership capacity of public administrators? [d] [j]
  1525. Luciano L'Abate [ed] () Low-cost approaches to promote physical and mental health: theory, research, and practice [i]
  1526. () Does psychotherapy training matter?: maybe not [p] [d]
  1527. () Theory, technique, and person: technical integration in experiential constructivist psychotherapy [d]
  1528. () The three signs of a miserable job: a fable for managers (and their employees) [i]
  1529. () Therapeutic collaboration: how does it work? [d]
  1530. Scott O. Lilienfeld & William T. O'Donohue [ed] () The great ideas of clinical science: 17 principles that every mental health professional should understand [i] [d]
  1531. () Culturally proficient coaching: supporting educators to create equitable schools [i]
  1532. (/2009) Trauma stewardship: an everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others [i]
  1533. Brian R. Little, Susan D. Philips, & Katariina Salmela-Aro [ed] () Personal project pursuit: goals, action, and human flourishing [i] [d]
  1534. () The power of story: rewrite your destiny in business and in life [i]
  1535. () Do we need to challenge thoughts in cognitive behavior therapy? [d]
  1536. (/2016) The employee performance handbook: smart strategies for coaching employees [i]
  1537. () If practitioners want new and better methods, shop in the public marketplace [d]
  1538. Garrett J. McAuliffe [ed] (/2020) Culturally alert counseling: a comprehensive introduction [i]
  1539. (/2015) What therapists say and why they say it: effective therapeutic responses and techniques [i] [d]
  1540. (/2011) Counselling skills: a practical guide for counsellors and helping professionals [i]
  1541. () Toward a common-factors approach to supervision [d]
  1542. () Leaving it at the office: a guide to psychotherapist self-care [i]
  1543. () Comparing decision counseling to strategic counseling for individuals with personal dilemmas [d]
  1544. Mustafa Özbilgin & Ayala Malakh-Pines [ed] () Career choice in management and entrepreneurship: a research companion [i] [d]
  1545. Stephen Palmer & Alison Whybrow [ed] (/2019) Handbook of coaching psychology: a guide for practitioners [i] [d]
  1546. () Competency in generalist practice: a guide to theory and evidence-based decision making [i]
  1547. John J. Prendergast & G. Kenneth Bradford [ed] () Listening from the heart of silence [i]
  1548. () Personality assessment in today's health care environment: therapeutic alliance and patient satisfaction [d]
  1549. David C. S. Richard & Dean L. Lauterbach [ed] () Handbook of exposure therapies [i] [d]
  1550. () Values as leading principles in acceptance and commitment therapy [d]
  1551. () Ubiquitous psychotherapy [d]
  1552. () So why aren't counselors reporting n = 1 research designs? [d]
  1553. () Group counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents: theory, research, and practice [i] [d]
  1554. () GAS powered coaching: Goal Attainment Scaling and its use in coaching research and practice [u]
  1555. () Career counseling with African immigrant college students: theoretical approaches and implications for practice [d]
  1556. () Nonverbal techniques in personal construct psychotherapy [d]
  1557. () Making questions work: a guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators [i]
  1558. () Conversational ethics in psychological dialogues: discursive and collaborative considerations [d]
  1559. () Time geography: a model for psychiatric life charting? [d]
  1560. () Engaging depressed patients in psychotherapy: integrating techniques from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing to improve treatment participation [d]
  1561. () Values sell: transforming purpose into profit through creative sales and distribution strategies [i]
  1562. () Creating the breakthrough portfolio: strategies for managing a successful career [i]
  1563. () ME, Inc., how to master the business of being you: a personalized program for exceptional living [i]
  1564. () Advocacy, outreach, and prevention: integrating social action roles in professional training [i]
  1565. () Carl Rogers and the larger context of therapeutic thought [p] [d]
  1566. () Coaching for emotional intelligence: the secret to developing the star potential in your employees [i]
  1567. () Evaluating practical reasoning [d] [j]
  1568. () Insight as a common factor [in psychotherapies] [i] [d]
  1569. () Work, happiness, and unhappiness [i] [d]
  1570. () Reassessing Rogers' necessary and sufficient conditions of change [p] [d]
  1571. () Are you your own worst enemy?: the nine inner strengths you need to overcome self-defeating tendencies at work [i]
  1572. () A qualitative investigation of eminent therapists' values within psychotherapy: developing integrative principles for moment-to-moment psychotherapy practice [d]
  1573. () Therapist as life coach: an introduction for counselors and other helping professionals [i]
  1574. () Principles for facilitating agency in psychotherapy [d]
  1575. () Becoming a professional life coach: lessons from the Institute for Life Coach Training [i]
  1576. () Developmental cognitive behavioral therapy with adults [i]
  1577. () When is a patient's behavior unacceptable? [u]
  1578. () Boundaries in psychotherapy: ethical and clinical explorations [i] [d]
  1579. () Beyond brand names of psychotherapy: identifying empirically supported change processes [p] [d]
  1580. () The mind in therapy: cognitive science for practice [i] [d]
  1581. () Problem solving: the structure of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1582. () Do self-help books help? [d] [j] [u]
  1583. () Privilege and disadvantage [u]
  1584. Ruth A. Baer [ed] (/2014) Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: clinician's guide to evidence base and applications [i] [d]
  1585. () Precaution-adoption process model (PAPM) [i]
  1586. () Transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change [i]
  1587. () Integrating the psychotherapies through their emphases on the future [i] [d]
  1588. () Therapist skills: a cognitive model of their acquisition and refinement [d]
  1589. () The many secure knowledge bases of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1590. () The psychology of working: a new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy [i] [d]
  1591. () Building a meaning bridge: therapeutic progress from problem formulation to understanding [d]
  1592. (/2012) Facilitating reflective learning: coaching, mentoring and supervison [i]
  1593. () Building powerful community organizations: a personal guide to creating groups that can solve problems and change the world [i]
  1594. () Teaching self-care through mindfulness practices: the application of yoga, meditation, and qigong to counselor training [d]
  1595. () Use of self: a primer revisited [d]
  1596. () What changes in cognitive therapy?: the role of tacit knowledge structures [u]
  1597. E. Thomas Dowd & Stevan Lars Nielsen [ed] () The psychologies in religion: working with the religious client [i]
  1598. () Client, not theory, directed: integrating approaches one client at a time [i] [d]
  1599. () Ambivalence in psychotherapy: facilitating readiness to change [i]
  1600. () Robert Kegan, PhD: subject–object theory and family therapy [interview] [d]
  1601. () The cognitive structuring of patient delay in breast cancer [p] [d]
  1602. () Informed consent in the practice of group psychotherapy [d]
  1603. () Self-disclosure in psychotherapy [i]
  1604. () Ill-structured problems and the reference consultation: the librarian's role in developing student expertise [d]
  1605. () Assessing silent processes in psychotherapy: an empirically derived categorization system and sampling strategy [d]
  1606. () Postmodern strategies for working with resistance: problem resolution or self-revolution? [d]
  1607. () Therapeutic alliances in couple and family therapy: an empirically informed guide to practice [i] [d]
  1608. () The power of why: engaging the goal paradox in program evaluation [d]
  1609. () Therapeutic realities: collaboration, oppression, and relational flow [i]
  1610. () Patient-initiated integration [i] [d]
  1611. () Dialogism and psychotherapy: therapists' and clients' beliefs supporting monologism [d]
  1612. () Executive coaching: towards a dynamic alliance of psychotherapy and transformative learning processes [d]
  1613. () Fearless consulting: temptations, risks, and limits of the profession [i] [d]
  1614. () Coaching, mentoring and organizational consultancy: supervision and development [i]
  1615. (/2008) Acting and how to be good at it [i]
  1616. Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand [ed] () Culture, psychotherapy, and counseling: critical and integrative perspectives [i] [d]
  1617. (/2012) Clinical case formulations: matching the integrative treatment plan to the client [i]
  1618. Lucy Johnstone & Rudi Dallos [ed] (/2014) Formulation in psychology and psychotherapy: making sense of people's problems [i] [d]
  1619. () The scripto-trauma genogram: an innovative technique for working with trauma survivors intrusive memories [d]
  1620. () The deeper work of executive development: outgrowing sensitivities [d]
  1621. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  1622. () Can between-session (homework) activities be considered a common factor in psychotherapy? [d]
  1623. () Executive wisdom: coaching and the emergence of virtuous leaders [i] [d]
  1624. () They're not just 'little adults': developmental considerations for implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy with anxious youth [d]
  1625. () Can you feel me now?: worldview, empathy, and racial identity in a therapy dyad [d]
  1626. () Overcoming barriers to employment: a step-by-step guide to career success [i]
  1627. () Motivation and interpersonal regulation across adulthood: managing the challenges and constraints of social contexts [i]
  1628. () Multimodal therapy: a seven-point integration [i] [d]
  1629. () Research for the psychotherapist: from science to practice [i]
  1630. () Psychotherapy with suicidal people: the commonalities [p] [d]
  1631. () Researching the psychotherapy process: a practical guide to transcript-based methods [i]
  1632. () What clients find helpful in psychotherapy: developing principles for facilitating moment-to-moment change [d]
  1633. () Your career in animation: how to survive and thrive [i]
  1634. () The renaissance soul: life design for people with too many passions to pick just one [i]
  1635. () Counseling as a practice of ethics: some implications for therapeutic education [d]
  1636. () Combining MCDA and conflict analysis: an exploratory application of an integrated approach [d] [j]
  1637. () Interest change and continuity from early adolescence to middle adulthood [d]
  1638. () Developing one's own voice as a therapist: a dialogic approach to therapist education [d]
  1639. (/2018) Systems leadership: creating positive organisations [i] [d]
  1640. () From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
  1641. () Treating chronic depression with disciplined personal involvement: cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) [i] [d]
  1642. () Making modern lives: subjectivity, schooling, and social change [i]
  1643. () Counselling and psychotherapy as cultural work [i] [d]
  1644. () Where do we go from here?: the goal perspective in psychotherapy [d]
  1645. () Social problem solving predicts decision making styles among US Hispanics [d]
  1646. () Teaching counselors self-care through mindfulness practices [d] [u]
  1647. John Newton, Susan Long, & Burkard Sievers [ed] () Coaching in depth: the organizational role analysis approach [i] [d]
  1648. () Change 101: a practical guide to creating change in life or therapy [i]
  1649. () The view from the studio door: how artists find their way in an uncertain world [i]
  1650. () The truth about managing your career—and nothing but the truth [i]
  1651. Jonathan Passmore [ed] (/2016) Excellence in coaching: the industry guide [i]
  1652. () Case formulation–driven psychotherapy [d]
  1653. () The developing person: an experiential perspective [i] [d]
  1654. () Embodied categorizing in the grounded theory method: methodical hermeneutics in action [d]
  1655. () The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
  1656. () Quiet leadership: help people think better—don't tell them what to do: six steps to transforming performance at work [i]
  1657. () Coaching from a cultural perspective [i]
  1658. () Hispanic culture and relational cultural theory [d]
  1659. () Using developmental assessment centers to foster workplace fairness [d]
  1660. () Psychotherapy integration: a postmodern critique [d]
  1661. (/2010) How to fail as a therapist: 50+ ways to lose or damage your patients [i]
  1662. () Consultation skills for mental health professionals [i]
  1663. () College students in distress: a resource guide for faculty, staff, and campus community [i]
  1664. (/2011) Overnight career choice: discover your ideal job in just a few hours [i]
  1665. () Letters to a young artist [i]
  1666. () The strength-based counseling model [d]
  1667. Dianne R. Stober & Anthony M. Grant [ed] () Evidence based coaching handbook: putting best practices to work for your clients [i]
  1668. George Stricker & Jerold R. Gold [ed] () A casebook of psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
  1669. () Putting 'counselor' back in the lawyer's job description: why more states should adopt collaborative law statutes [u]
  1670. (/2016) Fundamentals of case management practice: skills for the human services [i]
  1671. Nicholas Tarrier & Judith Johnson [ed] (/2016) Case formulation in cognitive behaviour therapy: the treatment of challenging and complex cases [i] [d]
  1672. (/2012) The people solutions sourcebook [i]
  1673. Sharon Ting & Peter Scisco [ed] () The CCL handbook of coaching: a guide for the leader coach [i]
  1674. () To what ends?: psychotherapy goals and outcomes, the good life, and the principle of beneficence [p] [d]
  1675. Nick Totton [ed] () The politics of psychotherapy: new perspectives [i]
  1676. () Making robust decisions: decision management for technical, business, and service teams [i]
  1677. Patrick Williams & Sharon K. Anderson [ed] () Law & ethics in coaching: how to solve and avoid difficult problems in your practice [i]
  1678. () Integrating decision making and mental health interventions research: research directions [p] [d] [u]
  1679. (/2017) Learning cognitive-behavior therapy: an illustrated guide [i]
  1680. () Constructing an artistic identity [d]
  1681. () A developmental approach to the supervision of therapists in training [d]
  1682. () Emotional intelligence predicts life skills, but not as well as personality and cognitive abilities [d]
  1683. (/2010) Beyond talent: creating a successful career in music [i]
  1684. () Empirically based guidelines for goal-finding procedures in psychotherapy: are some goals easier to attain than others? [p] [d]
  1685. () The value of acceptance in social work direct practice: a historical and contemporary view [d]
  1686. () Beyond time management: how the latest research on time perspective and perceived time use can assist clients with time-related concerns [u]
  1687. Steven D. Brown & Robert W. Lent [ed] (/2020) Career development and counseling: putting theory and research to work [i]
  1688. Robert T. Carter [ed] () Handbook of racial-cultural psychology and counseling [in two volumes: Theory and research; Training and practice] [o]
  1689. () Qualitatively assessing family influence in career decision making [d]
  1690. () Releasing blocks to action with focusing [i]
  1691. () Culturally congruent strategies for addressing the behavioral needs of urban, African American male adolescents [j]
  1692. () Getting started with neurofeedback [i]
  1693. () A premature obituary for the transtheoretical model: a response to West (2005) [p] [d]
  1694. () Personal development in counsellor training: towards a clarification of inter-related concepts [d]
  1695. () Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself [i] [d]
  1696. () The quality of psychotherapy case formulations: a comparison of expert, experienced, and novice cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapists [d]
  1697. () The effects of framing vocational choices on young adults' sets of career options [d]
  1698. () How psychological assessment taught me compassion and firmness [d]
  1699. Fay Fransella [ed] () The essential practitioner's handbook of personal construct psychology [i]
  1700. (/2013) Lifestyle wellness coaching [i]
  1701. Jesse D. Geller, John C. Norcross, & David E. Orlinsky [ed] () The psychotherapist's own psychotherapy: patient and clinician perspectives [i]
  1702. () The role of relationship and technique in therapeutic change [d]
  1703. () Developmental counseling [i]
  1704. () Relationship and techniques in cognitive-behavioral therapy—a motivational approach [using motivational attunement] [d]
  1705. () A theory of team coaching [d] [j]
  1706. () Psychological success: when the career is a calling [d]
  1707. () Nobodies to somebodies: how 100 leaders in business, politics, arts, science, and non profits got started [i]
  1708. () The devaluation of inner subjective experiences by the counseling profession: a plea to reclaim the essence of the profession [d]
  1709. () Should your lips be zipped?: how therapist self-disclosure and non-disclosure affects clients [d]
  1710. () Bibliotherapy: a resource to facilitate emotional healing and growth [d]
  1711. () Moving from empirically supported treatment lists to practice guidelines in psychotherapy: the role of the placebo concept [p] [d]
  1712. () Conscious use of self: tuning the instrument of social work practice with cultural competence [u]
  1713. () Therapist techniques, client involvement, and the therapeutic relationship: inextricably intertwined in the therapy process [d]
  1714. () The aesthetics of behavioral arrangements [p] [d] [u]
  1715. () Spiritual ecograms: a new assessment instrument for identifying clients' spiritual strengths in space and across time [d]
  1716. () Developing a spiritual assessment toolbox: a discussion of the strengths and limitations of five different assessment methods [d]
  1717. () Social work and the house of Islam: orienting practitioners to the beliefs and values of Muslims in the United States [p] [d] [j]
  1718. () Radical careering: 100 truths to jumpstart your job, your career, and your life [i]
  1719. () Developmental counseling and therapy: promoting wellness over the lifespan [i]
  1720. (/2011) Helping grieving people: when tears are not enough: a handbook for care providers [i] [d]
  1721. () Overlooking overkill?: beyond the 1-to-5 rating scale [o] [u]
  1722. () The gift of self: the art of transparent facilitation [i]
  1723. () Leadership group coaching in action: the Zen of creating high performance teams [d] [j]
  1724. () The dangers of feeling like a fake [p] [u]
  1725. (/2015) The parenting skills treatment planner [i]
  1726. () Reflection: look, think and act cycles in participatory action research [d]
  1727. () Levels in reflection: core reflection as a means to enhance professional growth [d]
  1728. () Personal therapy in cognitive-behavioral therapy: tradition and current practice [i]
  1729. (/2010) Making cognitive-behavioral therapy work: clinical process for new practitioners [i]
  1730. () Rigorously respecting the person: the artistic science of experiential personal constructivism [d]
  1731. () Rules versus principles in psychotherapy: implications of the quest for universal guidelines in the movement for empirically supported treatments [d]
  1732. () The personal map: a lesson in similarities, differences, and the invisible [d]
  1733. () Constructive suggestions for the practical education of professional life counselors [p] [d]
  1734. () From calling to vision: spiritual, secular, and gendered notions [in American career advice] [i] [d]
  1735. () Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring levels of work in organisations [u]
  1736. Mary McMurran & James McGuire [ed] () Social problem solving and offending: evidence, evaluation, and evolution [i] [d]
  1737. () Beyond the frying pan: addressing work issues with women in therapy [d]
  1738. () Integrating traditional healing practices into counseling and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1739. () Higher-order dimensions of the big five personality traits and the big six vocational interest types [d]
  1740. () How psychotherapists develop: a study of therapeutic work and professional growth [i] [d]
  1741. Mudita Rastogi & Elizabeth Wieling [ed] () Voices of color: first-person accounts of ethnic minority therapists [i] [d]
  1742. () The long-term negative impacts of managerial career interruptions: a longitudinal study of men and women MBAs [d]
  1743. () Is your genius at work?: 4 key questions to ask before your next career move [i]
  1744. () Composing the reflected best-self portrait: building pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organizations [d] [j]
  1745. () If only: how to turn regret into opportunity [i]
  1746. () African American grief [i] [d]
  1747. () Insights from psychology and psychometrics on measuring risk tolerance [u]
  1748. () The likeability factor: how to boost your L-factor & achieve your life's dreams [i]
  1749. (/2020) Career construction theory and counseling model [i]
  1750. () Clinical dilemmas in psychotherapy: a transtheoretical approach to psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
  1751. () The skilled facilitator fieldbook: tips, tools, and tested methods for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i]
  1752. () Mindfulness and self-development in psychotherapy [u]
  1753. (/2006) Dialogical meetings in social networks [i] [d]
  1754. () Case formulation in psychotherapy: revitalizing its usefulness as a clinical tool [d]
  1755. () Personality and psychotherapy: treating the whole person [i]
  1756. () Assessing strengths, resilience, and growth to guide clinical interventions [d]
  1757. Rachel Tribe & Jean Morrissey [ed] (/2020) The handbook of professional, ethical and research practice for psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists and psychiatrists [i] [d]
  1758. () If only I had known: avoiding common mistakes in couples therapy [i]
  1759. () Functional analysis of behavior: a collaborative–phenomenological approach [d]
  1760. () The intuitive process: the case of psychotherapy [d]
  1761. () Empirically supported complexity: rethinking evidence-based practice in psychotherapy [d]
  1762. (/2007) Your credit score: how to fix, improve, and protect the 3-digit number that shapes your financial future [i]
  1763. () The experiences of voluntary career change in 30-somethings and implications for guidance [d]
  1764. () Management research based on the paradigm of the design sciences: the quest for field-tested and grounded technological rules [d]
  1765. () Changing the message: a handbook for experiential prevention [i]
  1766. () Avoiding patient distortions in psychotherapy with borderline personality disorder patients [d]
  1767. () Voices of bereavement: a casebook for grief counselors [i] [d]
  1768. James Bennett-Levy, Gillian Butler, Melanie J. V. Fennell, Ann Hackmann, Martina Mueller, & David Westbrook [ed] () Oxford guide to behavioural experiments in cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  1769. Gillie Bolton [ed] () Writing cures: an introductory handbook of writing in counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  1770. () The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life [i]
  1771. () The mismanagement of talent: employability and jobs in the knowledge economy [i]
  1772. () Discover true north: a 4-week approach to ignite your passion and activate your potential [i]
  1773. () Constructing a life that works: part 2, an approach to practice [d]
  1774. () Constructing a life that works: part 1, blending postmodern family therapy and career counseling [d]
  1775. (/2008) 100 ways to motivate others: how great leaders can produce insane results without driving people crazy [i]
  1776. () Feeling good: the science of well-being [i]
  1777. () Issues in psychotherapy with terminally ill patients [p] [d]
  1778. () Problem-solving training for couples [i] [d]
  1779. (/2011) Behavioral economics: basic concepts and clinical applications [i] [d]
  1780. () The 8th habit: from effectiveness to greatness [i]
  1781. W. Miles Cox & Eric Klinger [ed] (/2011) Handbook of motivational counseling: goal-based approaches to assessment and intervention with addiction and other problems [i] [d]
  1782. () Expanding the cognitive therapy model: imagery, meditation, and hypnosis [d]
  1783. () TLC at work: training, leading, coaching all types for star performance [i]
  1784. Thomas J. D'Zurilla, Edward C. Chang, & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Social problem solving: theory, research, and training [i] [d]
  1785. Environmental Careers Organization [ed] () The ECO guide to careers that make a difference [i]
  1786. () Learning emotion-focused therapy: the process-experiential approach to change [i] [d]
  1787. () Defining competencies in psychology supervision: a consensus statement [p] [d]
  1788. () Psychotherapy integration: reflections and contributions from a constructivist epistemology [d]
  1789. () Boyz 2 buddhas: counseling urban high school male athletes in the zone [i]
  1790. () Brief integrative therapy comes of age: a commentary [d]
  1791. (/2011) Systematic motivational counseling in groups: promoting therapeutic change through client interaction [i] [d]
  1792. () Integrating integratively oriented brief psychotherapy [d]
  1793. () Lifelines: a life history methodology [p]
  1794. () Cognitive behavioural processes across psychological disorders: a transdiagnostic approach to research and treatment [i]
  1795. () You're on!: consulting for peak performance [i] [d]
  1796. () A socioanalytic model of maturity [d]
  1797. (/2011) Systematic motivational analysis as part of a self-help technique aimed at personal goal attainment [i] [d]
  1798. () The color-coded timeline trauma genogram [d]
  1799. Robin M. Kowalski & Mark R. Leary [ed] () The interface of social and clinical psychology: key readings [i]
  1800. (/2010) Luck is no accident: making the most of happenstance in your life and career [i]
  1801. () Motivational enhancement therapy: a tool for professional school counselors working with adolescents [j]
  1802. () Wealth without a job: the entrepreneur's guide to freedom and security beyond the 9 to 5 lifestyle [i]
  1803. Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, & Ruthellen Josselson [ed] () Healing plots: the narrative basis of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1804. (/2011) Personal projects and motivational counseling: the quality of lives reconsidered [i] [d]
  1805. () Blue-collar work, career, and success: occupational narratives of sisu [d]
  1806. () Therapists' authenticity [i]
  1807. () Facing human suffering: psychology and psychotherapy as moral engagement [i] [d]
  1808. () Just work [i]
  1809. () Cognitive humanistic therapy: Buddhism, Christianity and being fully human [i] [d]
  1810. () Cognitive-behavioral case formulation to treatment design: a problem-solving approach [i]
  1811. () The role of subjective well-being in positive youth development [d]
  1812. () 7 tools to beat addiction [i]
  1813. () The highest goal: the secret that sustains you in every moment [i]
  1814. () The life audit: a step-by-step guide to taking stock, gaining control, and creating the life you want [i]
  1815. (/2011) Systematic motivational counseling at work: improving employee performance, satisfaction, and socialization [i] [d]
  1816. () Creative authenticity: 16 principles to clarify and deepen your artistic vision [i]
  1817. (/2012) Coaching skills: a handbook [i]
  1818. () From client-centered to clarification-oriented psychotherapy [d]
  1819. () Make your creative dreams real: a plan for procrastinators, perfectionists, busy people, avoiders, and people who would really rather sleep all day [i]
  1820. Henri C. Schouwenburg, Clarry H. Lay, Timothy A. Pychyl, & Joseph R. Ferrari [ed] () Counseling the procrastinator in academic settings [i] [d]
  1821. () Taking hold of some kind of life: how developmental tasks relate to trajectories of well-being during the transition to adulthood [d]
  1822. () Common factors and our sacred models [d]
  1823. () The role of social work norms in job searching and subjective well-being [d]
  1824. () Japanese forms of psychotherapy: Naikan therapy and Morita theapy [i] [d]
  1825. () Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
  1826. () Work + life: finding the fit that's right for you [i]
  1827. () Time, space, and the kaleidoscopes of occupation [d]
  1828. () The physics of living [i]
  1829. () Adult development and the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  1830. () Career coaching: an insider's guide [i]
  1831. () Mechanisms of change in cognitive therapy: the case of automatic thought records and behavioural experiments [d]
  1832. () A framework of asset-accumulation stages and strategies [d]
  1833. () Unlocking the cage door: the spatiality of counselling [d]
  1834. (/2015) The life span: human development for helping professionals [i]
  1835. () Emotional support skills [i] [d]
  1836. () Decision aiding and psychotherapy [u]
  1837. () Guía de planificación para el desarrollo de competencias [u]
  1838. () Competency development planning guide [u]
  1839. () Creativity in psychotherapy: reaching new heights with individuals, couples, and families [i]
  1840. () Transforming inquiry and action: interweaving 27 flavors of action research [d] [u]
  1841. () The five patterns of extraordinary careers: the guide for achieving success and satisfaction [i]
  1842. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  1843. () Learning from mistakes in clinical practice [i]
  1844. () Intervening in adolescent problem behavior: a family-centered approach [i]
  1845. () Adlerian, cognitive-behavioral, and constructivist psychotherapies: commonalities, differences, and integration [i]
  1846. () Why aren't you your own boss?: leaping over the obstacles that stand between you and your dream [i]
  1847. Rocío Fernández Ballesteros [ed] () Encyclopedia of psychological assessment [i] [d]
  1848. () More balls than hands: juggling your way to success by learning to love your mistakes [i]
  1849. () Cognitive–behavior therapy: reflections on the evolution of a therapeutic orientation [d]
  1850. () Using theory to evaluate personality and job-performance relations: a socioanalytic perspective [d]
  1851. () Counselling pupils in schools: skills and strategies for teachers [i]
  1852. () Brief gestalt therapy [i] [d]
  1853. () Relapse as a nonlinear dynamic system: application to patients with alcohol use disorders [p] [d]
  1854. () Working identity: unconventional strategies for reinventing your career [i]
  1855. () Profiling new business development: personality correlates of successful ideation and implementation [d]
  1856. () The space between in group psychotherapy: application of a multidimensional model of relationship [d]
  1857. Mary Kopala & Merle A. Keitel [ed] (/2017) Handbook of counseling women [i] [d]
  1858. Jeffrey A. Kottler & W. Paul Jones [ed] () Doing better: improving clinical skills and professional competence [i] [d]
  1859. () Bad therapy: master therapists share their worst failures [i]
  1860. () 'Being called awake': the role of transformative learning in the lives of environmental activists [d]
  1861. () The job hunting guide: transitioning from college to career [i]
  1862. () Compassionate education: a prolegomena for radical schooling [i]
  1863. (/2012) Record keeping in psychotherapy and counseling: protecting confidentiality and the professional relationship [i]
  1864. () Constructive psychotherapy: a practical guide [i]
  1865. () Thinking for a change: 11 ways highly successful people approach life and work [i]
  1866. () Cops, teachers, counselors: stories from the front lines of public service [i] [d]
  1867. () How to find your dream job and make it a reality: solutions for a meaningful and rewarding career [i]
  1868. () The planning process for your job search [i]
  1869. () Personal knowledge techniques [o] [u]
  1870. () The unplanned career: how to turn curiosity into opportunity: a guide and workbook [i]
  1871. () Addictive disorders in context: principles and puzzles of effective treatment and recovery [p] [d]
  1872. () Fostering client creativity in family therapy: a process research study [d]
  1873. () Therapy on paper: therapeutic letters and the tone of relationship [d]
  1874. () The money genogram [d]
  1875. () The self-designed career in later life: a study of older portfolio workers in the United Kingdom [d]
  1876. () Re-incarnating life in the careers of women [d]
  1877. () The journey of the counselor and therapist: research findings and perspectives on professional development [d]
  1878. () Psychology should list empirically supported principles of change (ESPs) and not credential trademarked therapies or other treatment packages [p] [d]
  1879. () Coaching across cultures: new tools for leveraging national, corporate, and professional differences [i]
  1880. () History and use of the SDR [sequential diagrammatic reformulation] [u]
  1881. () Open dialogue integrates individual and systemic approaches in serious psychiatric crises [d]
  1882. () Spiritual role modeling: the teaching of meaning systems [d]
  1883. () Behavioral coaching: how to build sustainable personal and organizational strength [i]
  1884. () Generativity versus stagnation: an elaboration of Erikson's adult stage of human development [d]
  1885. () When we give more: reflections on intangible gifts from therapist to patient [p] [d]
  1886. Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb & Nancy Amendt-Lyon [ed] () Creative license: the art of gestalt therapy [i]
  1887. () Take two apples and call me in the morning [i]
  1888. Richard Strozzi-Heckler [ed] () Being human at work: bringing somatic intelligence into your professional life [i]
  1889. Richard E. Watts [ed] () Adlerian, cognitive, and constructivist therapies: an integrative dialogue [i]
  1890. John R. Weisz & Alan E. Kazdin [ed] (/2017) Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents [i]
  1891. () Therapeutic enactment: integrating individual and group counseling models for change [d]
  1892. Daniel J. Wiener & Linda K. Oxford [ed] () Action therapy with families and groups: using creative arts improvisation in clinical practice [i] [d]
  1893. () Childhood and adolescent predictors of early adult career pathways [d]
  1894. () Repertory grid technique as a psychotherapy research measure [p] [d]
  1895. () Pragmatism, pluralism, and psychotherapy relationships: an interview with John C. Norcross, Ph.D. [d]
  1896. () Treatment planning in psychotherapy: taking the guesswork out of clinical care [i]
  1897. () Personality and quality of life: the importance of optimism and goal adjustment [d]
  1898. () Why are artists poor?: the exceptional economy of the arts [i]
  1899. (/2014) The worst is over: what to say when every moment counts [i]
  1900. () Resistance in psychotherapy: what conclusions are supported by research [p] [d]
  1901. () Religious beliefs and political ideologies as predictors of psychotherapeutic orientations of clinical and counseling psychologists [d]
  1902. () How does the relationship facilitate productive client thinking? [d]
  1903. () Iatrogenic symptoms in psychotherapy: a theoretical exploration of the potential impact of labels, language and belief systems [p] [d]
  1904. () Reawakening your passion for work [p] [u]
  1905. () Cognitive ethical therapy?: the role of moral judgements in cognitive therapy [d]
  1906. () Learning to write case notes using the SOAP format [d]
  1907. () One size cannot fit all: a stage model for psychotherapy manual development [d]
  1908. Kevin Corcoran & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Social workers' desk reference [i]
  1909. () The vision of a champion: advice and inspiration from the world's most successful women's soccer coach [i]
  1910. () Mentor manager, mentor parent: how to develop responsible people and build successful relationships at work and at home [i]
  1911. () The founder of common factors: a conversation with Saul Rosenzweig [d]
  1912. () Candor, connection, and enterprise in adolescent therapy [i]
  1913. (/2019) Reactance level [of clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1914. () The three person field: collaborative consultation to psychotherapy [d]
  1915. () Beyond case management and counseling: teaching human service students to create change through advocacy [u]
  1916. Catherine Fitzgerald & Jennifer Garvey Berger [ed] () Executive coaching: practices & perspectives [i]
  1917. () Single-subject research design for school counselors: becoming an applied researcher [j]
  1918. () Making decisions that matter: how people face important life choices [i]
  1919. (/2015) Developing goals [i]
  1920. () A preliminary survey of counseling psychologists' personal experiences with depression and treatment [d]
  1921. () Assessing the cognitive development of counseling students: changes in epistemological assumptions [d]
  1922. (/2015) Emotion-focused therapy: coaching clients to work through their feelings [i] [d]
  1923. () The development and application of individualized levels systems for the treatment of severe problem behavior [d]
  1924. () Reflection: self-development for the growth of identity and adaptability [i] [d]
  1925. () Careers in and out of organizations [i] [d]
  1926. () Therapy with difficult clients: using the precursors model to awaken change [i] [d]
  1927. () Transition discontinuities and the biographical shaping of early work careers [d]
  1928. (/2003) Not just a living: the complete guide to creating a business that gives you a life [i]
  1929. Michel Hersen & William H. Sledge [ed] () Encyclopedia of psychotherapy [i]
  1930. () Assimilative integration and responsive use of the assimilation model [d]
  1931. () Therapy progress formulation as interventional assessment [d]
  1932. () School counselors: becoming key players in school reform [j]
  1933. (/2017) The coaching manager: developing top talent in business [i] [d]
  1934. () How to stay stuck in the wrong career [p] [u]
  1935. () The psychology of secrets [i] [d]
  1936. () The mental health continuum: from languishing to flourishing in life [d] [j]
  1937. () Science and social work: a critical appraisal [i] [d] [j]
  1938. (/2012) Beginnings: the art and science of planning psychotherapy [i]
  1939. (/2019) Stages of change [in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1940. Arnold A. Lazarus & Ofer Zur [ed] () Dual relationships and psychotherapy [i]
  1941. () Client readiness for change, cultural concerns, and risk taking: a multimodal case presentation [d]
  1942. () The effect of transformational and transactional leadership perceptions on feedback-seeking intentions [d]
  1943. () Stages of change: a critique [p] [d]
  1944. () American Zen and psychotherapy: an ongoing dialogue [i] [d]
  1945. () F1rst among equals: how to manage a group of professionals [i]
  1946. Mary McMurran [ed] () Motivating offenders to change: a guide to enhancing engagement in therapy [i] [d]
  1947. (/2014) Life coaching: a cognitive behavioural approach [i] [d]
  1948. (/2014) Understanding the personal change process [i] [d]
  1949. Greg J. Neimeyer & Robert A. Neimeyer [ed] () Advances in personal construct psychology: new directions and perspectives [i]
  1950. () An assessment-based model for counseling strategy selection [d]
  1951. John C. Norcross & Michael J. Lambert [ed] (/2019) Psychotherapy relationships that work [in two volumes: Evidence-based therapist conributions; Evidence-based therapist responsiveness] [i] [d]
  1952. () Executive coaching: it's not just about the executive [d]
  1953. () Who says change can be managed?: positions, perspectives and problematics [d]
  1954. (/2010) Becoming a successful manager: powerful tools for making a smooth transition to managing a team [i]
  1955. (/2010) Mastering the art of asking questions [i]
  1956. () More than a mirror: the ethics of therapist self-disclosure [d]
  1957. () Enhancing motivation of offenders at each stage of change and phase of therapy [i] [d]
  1958. () How psychotherapists handle difficult clients: lessons for librarians [d]
  1959. () Between director and actor: strategies for effective performance [i]
  1960. () Solutions for the 'treatment-resistant' addicted client: therapeutic techniques for engaging difficult clients [i]
  1961. () The function of meaning and purpose for individual wellness [d]
  1962. () Transference: shibboleth or albatross? [i]
  1963. () Motivating offenders to change through participatory theatre [i] [d]
  1964. () Learning to exercise timely action now: toward a theory and practice of timely action [u]
  1965. () A fresh perspective: a conversation with Bill Torbert, July 11, 2002 [u]
  1966. () The manifesto: a guide to developing a creative career [i]
  1967. (/2019) Goal consensus and collaboration [with clients in psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  1968. () Attachment style and person-centered comforting [d]
  1969. () The gift of therapy: an open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients [i]
  1970. () Patients as partners, patients as problem-solvers [p] [d]
  1971. () Out-of-office experience: when crossing office boundaries and engaging in dual relationships are clinically beneficial and ethically sound [i]
  1972. () Role transitions in organizational life: an identity-based perspective [i] [d]
  1973. () Informed consent in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1974. () The empathic healer: an endangered species? [i] [d]
  1975. (/2010) Family therapy homework planner [i]
  1976. () Planned and actual goals in psychodynamic psychotherapies: do patients' personality characteristics relate to agreement? [d]
  1977. () The flawless consulting fieldbook & companion: a guide to understanding your expertise [i]
  1978. () A meditation on the nature of self-healing and personality change in psychotherapy based on Gendlin's theory of experiencing [d]
  1979. () Now, discover your strengths [i]
  1980. () 101 healing stories: using metaphors in therapy [i]
  1981. (/2008) Careers for scholars & other deep thinkers [i]
  1982. () Commentary on Bohart's 'The client is the most important common factor' [d]
  1983. () Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists [d]
  1984. (/2016) The problem-solving model: a framework for integrating the science and art of practice [i]
  1985. Nick Coady & Peter Lehmann [ed] (/2016) Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice: a generalist-eclectic approach [i]
  1986. (/2013) Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change: selecting and planning interventions [i]
  1987. () Cognitive–analytic therapy [d]
  1988. () A tale of three blind men on the proper subject matter of clinical science and practice: commentary on Plaud's behaviorism vs. Ilardi and Feldman's cognitive neuroscience [p] [d]
  1989. () Humor in therapy: the case for training therapists in its uses and risks [p] [d]
  1990. () Revisiting Prochaska and DiClemente's stages of change theory: an expansion and specification to aid in treatment planning and outcome evaluation [d]
  1991. () Using genograms to help understand relationships with money [u]
  1992. () Person-centered counseling: the culture within [d]
  1993. Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] () How therapists change: personal and professional reflections [i] [d]
  1994. () Integrating work, family, and community through holistic life planning [d]
  1995. (/2016) Addressing cultural complexities in practice: assessment, diagnosis, and therapy [i] [d]
  1996. () Three paths of adult development: conservers, seekers, and achievers [d]
  1997. () Placebo insight: the rationality of insight-oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1998. () The real reason people won't change [o] [u]
  1999. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  2000. () Common processes of change in psychotherapy and seven other social interactions [d]
  2001. () Overcoming resistance in cognitive therapy [i]
  2002. () Sounds of silence in psychotherapy: the categorization of clients' pauses [d]
  2003. () Choices in life: a clinical tool for facilitating midlife review [d]
  2004. () Are you a corporate refugee?: a survival guide for downsized, dissillusioned, and displaced workers [i]
  2005. () Metaphor and change in counseling [d]
  2006. () Ethnic diversity and the use of humor in counseling: appropriate or inappropriate? [d]
  2007. () 10 traits of highly effective teachers: how to hire, coach, and mentor successful teachers [i]
  2008. () An administratively created reality: some problems with the use of self-report questionnaire measures of adjustment in counselling/psychotherapy outcome research [d]
  2009. (/2008) Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: a practical guide [i]
  2010. () Mediation career guide: a strategic approach to building a successful practice [i]
  2011. () Please don't just do what I tell you, do what needs to be done: every employee's guide to making work more rewarding [i]
  2012. () Light waves: fine tuning the mind [i] [d]
  2013. () Continuity in problems of social functioning in adulthood: a cumulative perspective [d]
  2014. () Beyond college for all: career paths for the forgotten half [i] [j]
  2015. Waleed A. Salameh & William F. Fry [ed] () Humor and wellness in clinical intervention [i]
  2016. () Open dialogue in psychosis I: an introduction and case illustration [d]
  2017. () Open dialogue in psychosis II: a comparison of good and poor outcome cases [d]
  2018. (/2016) The resilient practitioner: burnout and compassion fatigue prevention and self-care strategies for the helping professions [i] [d]
  2019. (/2018) The building blocks of motivation: goal phase system [i]
  2020. () The right way to be fired [p] [u]
  2021. (/2015) Teaching and learning reflective practice in the action science/action inquiry tradition [i] [d]
  2022. (/2011) How to succeed at an assessment centre: essential preparation for psychometric tests, group and role-play exercises, panel interviews, and presentations [i]
  2023. () Crossing the unknown sea: work as a pilgrimage of identity [i]
  2024. () Making a life, making a living: reclaiming your purpose and passion in business and in life [i]
  2025. (/2012) Facilitating with ease!: core skills for facilitators, team leaders and members, managers, consultants, and trainers [i]
  2026. Warren K. Bickel & Rudy E. Vuchinich [ed] () Reframing health behavior change with behavioral economics [i]
  2027. () Be your own coach: your pathway to possibility [i]
  2028. () Discomforts of the powerless: feminist constructions of distress [i] [d]
  2029. () Assisting the client/consultee to do what is needed: a functional analysis of resistance and other forms of avoidance [d]
  2030. Audrey Collin & Richard A. Young [ed] () The future of career [i]
  2031. (/2015) The family therapy treatment planner [i]
  2032. (/2011) Practicing harm reduction psychotherapy: an alternative approach to addictions [i]
  2033. () Cognitive hypnotherapy [i]
  2034. (/2004) The heroic client: a revolutionary way to improve effectiveness through client-directed, outcome-informed therapy [or: The heroic client: doing client-directed, outcome-informed therapy] [i]
  2035. () The multidimensional model: teaching students to self-manage high communication apprehension by self-selecting treatments [d]
  2036. () The order in clinical 'disorder': symptom coherence in depth-oriented brief therapy [i] [d]
  2037. () Tuning and practicing the therapeutic instrument: the therapist's life experience [d]
  2038. (/2015) Forgiveness therapy: an empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope [i] [d]
  2039. Colin Feltham, Terry Hanley, & Laura Ann Winter [ed] (/2017) The Sage handbook of counselling and psychotherapy [i]
  2040. () The inner game of work: focus, learning, pleasure, and mobility in the workplace [or: The inner game of work: overcoming mental obstacles for maximum performance] [i]
  2041. () Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work [i]
  2042. () From disordering discourse to transformative dialogue [i] [d]
  2043. () An application of a community psychology approach to dealing with farm stress [p] [d]
  2044. (/2006) Coaching for behavioral change [i]
  2045. Marshall Goldsmith & Laurence Lyons [ed] (/2006) Coaching for leadership: the practice of leadership coaching from the world's greatest coaches [i]
  2046. (/2013) Resource management for individuals and families [i]
  2047. () Constructing psychopathology from a cognitive narrative perspective [i] [d]
  2048. () Career reexplosion: reinvent yourself in thirty days [i]
  2049. () Cycling for profit: how to make a living with your bike [i]
  2050. () 'Follow your bliss': a process for career happiness [d]
  2051. () Client concealment and self-presentation in therapy: comment on Kelly (2000) [p] [d]
  2052. () Some stories are better than others: doing what works in brief therapy and managed care [i]
  2053. () How to get from where you are to where you want to be [i]
  2054. () Helping construct desirable identities: a self-presentational view of psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2055. (/2009) Motivate employee performance through goal setting [i] [d]
  2056. () The best kept secret in counseling: single-case (n = 1) experimental designs [d]
  2057. () Core ordering and disordering processes: a constructive view of psychological development [i] [d]
  2058. () The creativity book: a year's worth of inspiration and guidance [i]
  2059. () PowerSkills: building top-level relationships for bottom-line results [i]
  2060. () The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: a holistic model for treatment planning [d]
  2061. Robert A. Neimeyer & Jonathan D. Raskin [ed] () Constructions of disorder: meaning-making frameworks for psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2062. () The career fix-it book: how to make your job work better for you [i]
  2063. () Psychological inquiry and the pragmatic and hermeneutic traditions [d]
  2064. () Changing others through changing ourselves: the transformation of human systems [d]
  2065. () Relational diagnosis: a coconstructive-developmental perspective on assessment and treatment [p] [d]
  2066. () Reconstructing psychological distress and disorder from a relational perspective: a systemic coconstructive-developmental framework [i] [d]
  2067. () Negotiating the therapeutic alliance: a relational treatment guide [i]
  2068. () Making dreams come true without money, might, or miracles: a guide for dream-chasers and dream-catchers [i]
  2069. (/2006) Coaching and consultation revisited: are they the same? [i]
  2070. () Leadership styles, mentoring functions received, and job-related stress: a conceptual model and preliminary study [d]
  2071. () Self-employment: making it work for you [i]
  2072. (/2012) The courage to lead: transform self, transform society [i]
  2073. () The art of focused conversation: 100 ways to access group wisdom in the workplace [i]
  2074. () Zazen and psychotherapeutic presence [p] [d]
  2075. () A negotiation approach to intake and treatment choice [d]
  2076. () Becoming oneself [u]
  2077. () What makes a good counsellor?: an analysis of ways in which counsellor trainers construe good and bad counselling trainees [d]
  2078. () Clarity quest: how to take a sabbatical without taking more than a week off [i]
  2079. () Acquisition of adaptive skills: psychotherapeutic change in cognitive and dynamic therapies [p] [d]
  2080. (/2004) Learning psychotherapy: a time-efficient, research-based, and outcome-measured psychotherapy training program [i]
  2081. (/2007) The business of consulting: the basics and beyond [i]
  2082. () How clients make therapy work: the process of active self-healing [i] [d]
  2083. () Intuition and creativity in psychotherapy [d]
  2084. () Stages on journeys: some remarks about human geography and psychotherapeutic practice [d]
  2085. () Psychotherapy isn't what you think: bringing the psychotherapeutic engagement into the living moment [i]
  2086. (/2006) Careers for introverts & other solitary types [i]
  2087. (/2007) Careers for perfectionists & other meticulous types [i]
  2088. () Beyond psychotherapy: dialectical therapy [d]
  2089. () Focused genograms: intergenerational assessment of individuals, couples, and families [i]
  2090. () Action coaching: how to leverage individual performance for company success [i]
  2091. Barry L. Duncan, Mark A. Hubble, & Scott D. Miller [ed] (/2010) The heart & soul of change: delivering what works in therapy [i] [d]
  2092. () Self-theories: their role in motivation, personality, and development [i] [d]
  2093. () The psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality [i]
  2094. () Against and beyond core theoretical models [i] [d]
  2095. Colin Feltham [ed] () Controversies in psychotherapy and counselling [i] [d]
  2096. () Facing, understanding and learning from critiques of psychotherapy and counselling [d]
  2097. () Marriage and family consultation with ranch and farm families: an empirical family case study [d]
  2098. () Brief therapy with intimidating cases: changing the unchangeable [i]
  2099. (/2010) Coaching: evoking excellence in others [i]
  2100. () Your money or your life: behavioral and emotional predictors of money pathology [d]
  2101. () Energy, peace, purpose: a step-by-step guide to optimal living [i]
  2102. () Fifty strategies for counseling defiant, aggressive adolescents: reaching, accepting, and relating [d]
  2103. () Working it out: using exercise in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2104. (/2020) Helping skills: facilitating exploration, insight, and action [i] [d]
  2105. () John Holland's vocational typology and personality theory [d]
  2106. () 'Limits to therapy and counselling': deconstructing a professional ideology [d]
  2107. () Internalizing strengths: an overlooked way of overcoming weaknesses in managers [i]
  2108. () Expressing emotion: myths, realities, and therapeutic strategies [i]
  2109. () Automaticity in clinical psychology [d]
  2110. () Psychotherapy process measure research and the evaluation of psychotherapy orientation: a narrative analysis [d]
  2111. () Establishing a sense of personal control in the transition to adulthood [d] [j]
  2112. () Mindfulness and meditation [in clinical therapy] [i] [d]
  2113. () The prostitution of psychotherapy: a feminist critique [d]
  2114. William R. Miller [ed] () Integrating spirituality into treatment: resources for practitioners [i] [d]
  2115. () Planned happenstance: constructing unexpected career opportunities [d]
  2116. () Learning to lead from the middle: an apprenticeship in diversity [d]
  2117. () Problem-solving counseling: integrating Adler's and Glasser's theories [i]
  2118. () Do one thing different: ten simple ways to change your life [i]
  2119. () Why don't continents move? Why don't people change? [d]
  2120. () Vocation as meaning making narrative: implications for vocational education [o]
  2121. () A cultural perspective on resistance [d]
  2122. () Values, spirituality, and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2123. () Giving and receiving help: interpersonal transactions in mutual-help meetings and psychosocial adjustment of members [p] [d]
  2124. () Job search techniques as employment channels: differential effects on the initial employment success of college graduates [d]
  2125. (/2019) Enhancing motivation for change in substance abuse treatment [u]
  2126. () Process consultation revisited: building the helping relationship [i]
  2127. (/2004) The 15-second principle: short, simple steps to achieving long-term goals [i]
  2128. () Career management for the creative person: right-brain techniques to run your professional life and build your business [i]
  2129. () Wholeness: dimensions of power [d]
  2130. () Life planning: anticipating future life goals and managing personal development [i] [d]
  2131. () The choosing by advantages decisionmaking system [i]
  2132. () Self-of-the-therapist work: a balance between removing restraints and identifying resources [d]
  2133. Daniel J. Wiener [ed] () Beyond talk therapy: using movement and expressive techniques in clinical practice [i] [d]
  2134. (/2021) The psychotherapy documentation primer [i]
  2135. Howard A. Bacal [ed] () Optimal responsiveness: how therapists heal their patients [i]
  2136. () Carl Rogers' helping system: journey and substance [i]
  2137. () Characteristics of optimal clinical case formulations: the linchpin concept [p] [d]
  2138. () Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
  2139. () In my wildest dreams: living the life you long for [i]
  2140. (/2011) Humility, augmented by the deep breath technique [i] [d]
  2141. (/2018) Psychoeducational groups: process and practice [i] [d]
  2142. Michael Bruch [ed] (/2015) Beyond diagnosis: case formulation in cognitive behavioural therapy [i]
  2143. (/2007) The child within: taking the young person's perspective by applying personal construct theory [i]
  2144. () Sedimentation and elaborative choice [d]
  2145. () The nature and development of decision making: a self-regulation model [i]
  2146. () Self-disclosure as an approach to teaching ethical decision-making [d]
  2147. (/2012) The heart of coaching: using transformational coaching to create a high-performance culture [i]
  2148. (/2011) Working from client experiential vignettes [i] [d]
  2149. () The art of the question: a guide to short-term question-centered therapy [i]
  2150. Leslie S. Greenberg, Jeanne C. Watson, & Germain Lietaer [ed] () Handbook of experiential psychotherapy [i]
  2151. () The theory of experience-centered therapies [i]
  2152. () A genogram with an attitude [d]
  2153. John H. Harvey [ed] () Perspectives on loss: a sourcebook [i] [d]
  2154. () Assimilation analysis of process-experiential psychotherapy: a comparison of two cases [d]
  2155. Michael F. Hoyt [ed] () The handbook of constructive therapies: innovative approaches from leading practitioners [i]
  2156. (/2003) 150 jobs you can start today: creative ways to make money now [i]
  2157. () TILT: teaching individuals to live together [i] [d]
  2158. () Breathing life into a manual: flexibility and creativity with manual-based treatments [d]
  2159. Gerald P. Koocher, John C. Norcross, & Beverly Greene [ed] (/2013) Psychologists' desk reference [i] [d]
  2160. (/2006) Taking the leap: building a career as a visual artist [i]
  2161. Ya'aḳov Lomrants [ed] () Handbook of aging and mental health: an integrative approach [i] [d]
  2162. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] (/2006) The ethical practice of psychology in organizations [i] [d]
  2163. () Don't wait until you graduate!: how to 'jump-start' your career while still in school [i]
  2164. () The power of personal storytelling: spinning tales to connect with others [i]
  2165. () Enactment: when the patient's and analyst's pasts converge [d]
  2166. Monica McGoldrick & Kenneth V. Hardy [ed] (/2008) Re-visioning family therapy: race, culture, and gender in clinical practice [i]
  2167. () Personal projects, happiness, and meaning: on doing well and being yourself [d]
  2168. (/2009) The adolescent in family therapy: harnessing the power of relationships [i]
  2169. Michael J. Nakkula & Sharon M. Ravitch [ed] () Matters of interpretation: reciprocal transformation in therapeutic and developmental relationships with youth [i]
  2170. (/2021) The addiction treatment planner [i]
  2171. () Personal growth initiative: the construct and its measure [d]
  2172. Howard G. Rosenthal [ed] (/2011) Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: therapists share their most creative strategies [i] [d]
  2173. (/2005) Before you see your first client: 55 things counselors, therapists, and human service workers need to know [i]
  2174. () The relationship of developmental tasks to life satisfaction, moral reasoning, and occupational attainment at age 28 [d]
  2175. () Control therapy: an integrated approach to psychotherapy, health, and healing [i]
  2176. () It's only too late if you don't start now: how to create your second life after forty [i]
  2177. Brian Thorne & Elke Lambers [ed] () Person-centred therapy: a European perspective [i]
  2178. () Resolving conflicts among self-evaluative motives: positive experiences as a resource for overcoming defensiveness [d]
  2179. () A conflict-theory approach to understanding adolescents' health behaviour [o] [u]
  2180. () Empathic: a postmodern way of being? [i]
  2181. (/2014) Motivating students to learn [i]
  2182. (/2007) Co-active coaching: new skills for coaching people toward success in work and life [i]
  2183. () Techniques for reducing therapy-interfering behavior in patients with borderline personality disorder: similarities in four diverse treatment paradigms [p] [u]
  2184. () Interpreting therapeutic process: a constructivist perspective [d]
  2185. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  2186. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
  2187. () Circular questioning: an introductory guide [d]
  2188. () Career counseling: a narrative approach [i]
  2189. () Bibliotherapy with young people: librarians and mental health professionals working together [i]
  2190. Simon Du Plock [ed] () Case studies in existential psychotherapy and counselling [i]
  2191. () A schema polarity model for case conceptualization, intervention, and research [d]
  2192. () Information-gathering and therapeutic models of assessment: complementary paradigms [d]
  2193. () The secrets of effective networking [u]
  2194. () 25 hot tips for managing your career [u]
  2195. () Overcoming your strengths: 8 reasons why successful people derail and how to get back on track [i]
  2196. () Integrative life planning: critical tasks for career development and changing life patterns [i]
  2197. () Beyond the dogmas of conventional psychotherapy: the integration movement [i]
  2198. () Changes: the personal consequences of the practice of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2199. Marcia Hill [ed] () More than a mirror: how clients influence therapists' lives [i] [d]
  2200. () Branch points [i]
  2201. () Leadership and the art of conversation: conversation as a management tool [i]
  2202. () Self-help and support groups: a handbook for practitioners [i]
  2203. () Creating a life worth living: a practical course in career design for aspiring writers, artists, filmmakers, musicians, and others who want to make a living from their creative work [i]
  2204. () How to give advice [u]
  2205. () Counselling: the skills of finding solutions to problems [i]
  2206. (/2016) Behavior modification: principles and procedures [i]
  2207. (/2007) Brief intervention for school problems: outcome-informed strategies [i]
  2208. (/2008) Solution-focused counseling in schools [i]
  2209. (/2002) Lifelong unlearning [i] [d]
  2210. () Marry your muse: making a lasting commitment to your creativity [i]
  2211. () The role of node-link maps in enhancing counseling efficiency [p] [d]
  2212. () Points of influence: a guide to using personality theory at work [i]
  2213. () Clients helping therapists find solutions to their therapy [d]
  2214. () Promoting a development culture in your organization: using career development as a change agent [i]
  2215. () Friendship, therapy, camaraderie: an existential approach to therapy with young people [i]
  2216. () Does development do the deed?: clinical experience and epistemological development together account for similarities in therapeutic style [d]
  2217. () Mentoring: the most obvious yet overlooked key to achieving more in life than you dreamed possible: a success guide for mentors and protégés [i]
  2218. () When is a circumplex an 'interpersonal circumplex'?: the case of supportive actions [i] [d]
  2219. () Breaking the patterns of depression [i]
  2220. () Getting your emotional act together: it's simple but it ain't easy [o]
  2221. () Core transformation: a brief therapy approach to emotional and spiritual healing [i]
  2222. (/2014) The internship, practicum, and field placement handbook: a guide for the helping professions [i]
  2223. () The categorization of serendipitous career development events [d]
  2224. (/2004) How to find the work you love [i]
  2225. () What your boss doesn't tell you until it's too late: how to correct behavior that is holding you back [i]
  2226. () The effects of therapist experience and patient diagnosis on countertransference [d]
  2227. () All work and no play: a focus on leisure time as a means for promoting health [d]
  2228. (/2004) 100 ways to motivate yourself: change your life forever [i]
  2229. Robert L. Craig [ed] () The ASTD training and development handbook: a guide to human resource development [i]
  2230. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  2231. () Implicit learning, tacit knowledge, and implications for stasis and change in cognitive psychotherapy [d]
  2232. () Depth-oriented brief therapy: how to be brief when you were trained to be deep—and vice versa [i]
  2233. () Justifying work: occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens [d] [j]
  2234. () Focusing-oriented psychotherapy: a manual of the experiential method [i]
  2235. () Comparative efficiency of informal (subjective, impressionistic) and formal (mechanical, algorithmic) prediction procedures: the clinical–statistical controversy [d]
  2236. () Precursors of change: pivotal points of involvement and resistance in psychotherapy [d]
  2237. (/2004) How to be happy at work: a practical guide to career satisfaction [i]
  2238. Michael F. Hoyt [ed] () Constructive therapies [i]
  2239. (/2017) Get a financial life: personal finance in your twenties and thirties [i]
  2240. Lynn Kern Koegel, Robert L. Koegel, & Glen Dunlap [ed] () Positive behavioral support: including people with difficult behavior in the community [i]
  2241. (/1997) The tao of coaching: boost your effectiveness at work by inspiring those around you [i]
  2242. Lester Luborsky [ed] () The symptom-context method: symptoms as opportunities in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2243. () Psychotherapy as a social construction [i]
  2244. (/2004) Lifescripts: what to say to get what you want in life's toughest situations [i]
  2245. Hugh Rosen & Kevin T. Kuehlwein [ed] () Constructing realities: meaning-making perspectives for psychotherapists [i]
  2246. () VGM's complete guide to career etiquette: from job search through career advancement [i]
  2247. Edward P. Shafranske [ed] () Religion and the clinical practice of psychology [i] [d]
  2248. () Live the life you love: in ten easy step-by-step lessons [i]
  2249. () Life choices: understanding dilemmas and decisions [i] [d]
  2250. () Corporate therapy and consulting [i]
  2251. () Expanding client worldviews: investigating developmental counselling and therapy assumptions [d]
  2252. (/2016) Counseling techniques: improving relationships with others, ourselves, our families, and our environment [i] [d]
  2253. () Relational therapy concepts [o]
  2254. () A personal construct model of crisis intervention counseling for adult clients [d]
  2255. Scott T. Walters & Frederick Rotgers [ed] (/2012) Treating substance abuse: theory and technique [i]
  2256. () Change your life and everyone in it: how to transform difficult relationships, overcome anxiety and depression, break free from self-defeating ways of thinking, feeling, and acting in one month or less [i]
  2257. () Negotiation as a healing process [u]
  2258. Kenneth Yeager & Albert R. Roberts [ed] (/2015) Crisis intervention handbook: assessment, treatment, and research [i]
  2259. () Doing brief psychotherapy [i]
  2260. () Impostor phenomenon in an interpersonal/social context [d]
  2261. () Perceived limitations of standard cognitive therapy: a consideration of efforts to revise Beck's theory and therapy [d]
  2262. () A failure of early behavior therapy (circa 1966), or, Why I learned to stop worrying and to embrace psychotherapy integration [d]
  2263. (/2007) The career guide for creative and unconventional people [i]
  2264. () The illusion of psychotherapy [i]
  2265. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  2266. () On your own: a guide to working happily, productively & successfully from home [i]
  2267. () A dialectical-constructivist approach to experiential change [i] [d]
  2268. () Self-observation in constructivist psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2269. () Constructivist psychotherapy: a theoretical framework [i] [d]
  2270. Alan S. Gurman, Jay Lebow, & Douglas K. Snyder [ed] (/2015) Clinical handbook of couple therapy [i]
  2271. () The role of wisdom in psychotherapy [d]
  2272. (/2003) Masterful coaching: inspire an 'impossible future' while producing extraordinary leaders and extraordinary results [i]
  2273. T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, & Gary Groth-Marnat [ed] (/2011) Integrative assessment of adult personality [i]
  2274. () Proving you're qualified: strategies for competent people without college degrees [i]
  2275. () Failure in psychotherapy [d]
  2276. (/2021) The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner [i]
  2277. (/2002) Repacking your bags: lighten your load for the rest of your life [i]
  2278. () The storytelling coach: how to listen, praise, and bring out people's best [i]
  2279. () Clinical practice and heuristic reasoning [d] [j]
  2280. () Constructivist psychotherapies: features, foundations, and future directions [i] [d]
  2281. Robert A. Neimeyer & Michael J. Mahoney [ed] () Constructivism in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2282. () A modified balance-sheet procedure for decision making in therapy: cost–cost comparisons [d]
  2283. Joseph G. Ponterotto [ed] (/2001) Handbook of multicultural counseling [i]
  2284. () Finding a path with a heart: how to go from burnout to bliss [i]
  2285. () Lessons learned from therapeutic failure [d]
  2286. (/2005) Overcoming unintentional racism in counseling and therapy: a practitioner's guide to intentional intervention [i]
  2287. () Correlations between avocations, scientific style, work habits, and professional impact of scientists [d]
  2288. () How to succeed on your own: overcoming the emotional roadblocks on the way from corporation to cottage, from employee to entrepreneur [i]
  2289. () Designing creative portfolios [i]
  2290. () Career management: matching the needs of individuals with the needs of organizations [d]
  2291. () Becoming an agent: patterns and dynamics for shaping your life [i]
  2292. Andrés J. Consoli, Larry E. Beutler, & Bruce Michael Bongar [ed] (/2017) Comprehensive textbook of psychotherapy: theory and practice [i]
  2293. (/2015) Cognitive coaching: developing self-directed leaders and learners [i]
  2294. () First things first: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy [i]
  2295. (/2000) Bringing out the best in people: how to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement [i]
  2296. () House of cards: psychology and psychotherapy built on myth [i]
  2297. (/2009) The personal efficiency program: how to get organized to do more work in less time [i] [d]
  2298. (/2003) We are all self-employed: how to take control of your career [i]
  2299. () Personality as problem solving: a framework for the analysis of change in daily-life behavior [d]
  2300. Steven C. Hayes, Neil S. Jacobson, Victoria M. Follette, & Michael J. Dougher [ed] () Acceptance and change: content and context in psychotherapy [i]
  2301. () Orientation to inquiry in a reflective professional psychology [i]
  2302. () Competency-based future-oriented therapy [i]
  2303. () In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life [i] [j]
  2304. () When the therapist needs therapy: characterological countertransference issues and failures in the treatment of the borderline personality disorder [d]
  2305. Susan S. Phillips & Patricia E. Benner [ed] () The crisis of care: affirming and restoring caring practices in the helping professions [i]
  2306. () A buyer's guide to psychotherapy [u]
  2307. () Critical incidents in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2308. () Stages of change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors [d]
  2309. () Changing for good: the revolutionary program that explains the six stages of change and teaches you how to free yourself from bad habits [i]
  2310. () Single-session therapies: intrinsic integration? [d]
  2311. (/2017) The skilled facilitator: a comprehensive resource for consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches [i] [d]
  2312. () Change, loss, and organizational culture: anthropological consultant as facilitator of grief-work [d]
  2313. () Cultivating postformal adult development: higher stages and contrasting interventions [i] [u]
  2314. () Rehearsals for growth: theater improvisation for psychotherapists [i]
  2315. () Experiencing: the basis of psychotherapy [d]
  2316. () Psychological symptoms [i]
  2317. (/1995) Green at work: finding a business career that works for the environment [i]
  2318. () Node-link mapping: a visual representation strategy for enhancing drug abuse counseling [d]
  2319. () Removing barriers to professional growth [j]
  2320. (/1998) Constructive thinking: the key to emotional intelligence [i]
  2321. () Alternative strategies for construct elicitation: experimenting with experience [d]
  2322. () How problems evolve and dissolve: integrating narrative and strategic concepts [p] [d]
  2323. () The conditions of creativity [i]
  2324. () Finding the muse: a sociopsychological inquiry into the conditions of artistic creativity [i]
  2325. () Behavior therapy: redefining strengths and limitations [d]
  2326. () The time-course of analytic psychotherapy: a semiotic phenomenonology [d]
  2327. () Beneath the surface of long-term therapy: therapist and client report of their own and each other's covert processes [d]
  2328. (/2010) Key ingredients to a successful career [i]
  2329. (/2011) Drive yourself sane: using the uncommon sense of general semantics [i]
  2330. (/2007) Counseling skills for teachers [i]
  2331. (/1999) Jobs for people who love to travel: opportunities at home and abroad [i]
  2332. () Tailoring the therapeutic relationship, or being an authentic chameleon [d]
  2333. (/2015) DBT skills training manual [dialectical behavior therapy] [i]
  2334. () Work counseling with the creative [i] [d]
  2335. () Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctions [i] [d]
  2336. () The role of behaviour and cognition in psychotherapy: towards an integration [d]
  2337. () Developmental constructivism: an integrative framework for psychotherapy practice [d]
  2338. () Contrast, contradiction, and change in psychotherapy [d]
  2339. (/2004) The mythology of psychopathology: a social cognitive view of deviance, difference, and disorder [i]
  2340. () Diversity and the dynamics of development in psychotherapy integration [d]
  2341. () What is 'experiencing'?: a critical review of meanings and applications in psychotherapy [d]
  2342. (/2014) The first interview [i]
  2343. (/2016) Introduction to counseling: an art and science perspective [i]
  2344. () Short-term psychotherapy and the rise of the life-sketch [d]
  2345. () The process of change in cognitive therapy: schema change or acquisition of compensatory skills? [d]
  2346. Charles E. Schaefer & Athena A. Drewes [ed] (/2014) The therapeutic powers of play: 20 core agents of change [i]
  2347. () Wellbeing at work: aligning purposes, people, strategies and structures [d]
  2348. Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner [ed] (/2014) Clinical work with substance-abusing clients [i]
  2349. (/2011) Therapeutic communication: knowing what to say when [i]
  2350. () Competence, courage, and change: an approach to family therapy [i]
  2351. (/2009) Making a living without a job: winning ways for creating work that you love [i]
  2352. () Values at work: transforming workplace values with compassion [u]
  2353. () What do clients want?: role of psychological kinship in professional helping [d]
  2354. () The social network of the psychotherapy patient and effective psychotherapeutic process [d]
  2355. (/2005) The future as an integrating force through the schools of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2356. () Un modelo integrador de proceso para la psicopatología y la psicoterapia [u]
  2357. () Metaframeworks: transcending the models of family therapy [i]
  2358. Simon H. Budman, Michael F. Hoyt, & Steven Friedman [ed] () The first session in brief therapy [i]
  2359. (/2019) Systematic treatment selection [and prescriptive psychotherapy] [i] [d]
  2360. () The complete fulfillment (dzogchen) tradition and existential psychology [u]
  2361. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  2362. (/2015) Research design in counseling [i]
  2363. Alfred H. Katz [ed] () Self-help: concepts and applications [i]
  2364. Yechiel Klar, Jeffrey D. Fisher, Jack M. Chinsky, & Arie Nadler [ed] () Self change: social, psychological, and clinical perspectives [i] [d]
  2365. () Beware these job-hunting mistakes [u]
  2366. () Career mastery: keys to taking charge of your career throughout your work life [i]
  2367. (/2005) Taking charge of your career direction [i]
  2368. (/2010) Mastering self-leadership: empowering yourself for personal excellence [i]
  2369. () Development as the aim of clinical intervention [d]
  2370. John C. Norcross & Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] (/2019) Handbook of psychotherapy integration [i] [d]
  2371. () A review of attempts to integrate spiritual and standard psychotherapy techniques [d]
  2372. () In search of the structure of change [i] [d]
  2373. () In search of how people change: applications to addictive behaviors [p] [d]
  2374. (/2019) The transtheoretical approach [i] [d]
  2375. Ronald H. Rooney & Rebecca Mirick [ed] (/2018) Strategies for work with involuntary clients [i] [d]
  2376. (/2005) Cognitive analytic therapy [i] [d]
  2377. (/2013) The strengths perspective in social work practice [i]
  2378. () Understanding major life decisions: a life history approach [d]
  2379. () Schemas in the cognitive and clinical sciences: an integrative construct [d]
  2380. () Autobiographical awareness as a catalyst for managerial and organisational development [d] [u]
  2381. (/1996) The construction of clinical 'realities' [i]
  2382. () Contemplative psychotherapy: a path of uncovering brilliant sanity [u]
  2383. (/2009) Coaching for performance: GROWing human potential and purpose: the principles and practice of coaching and leadership [i]
  2384. () Personal construct psychology in clinical practice: theory, research, and applications [i]
  2385. () Personal construct theory and alternative constructions of psychological disorder and therapy [i]
  2386. () Cognitive therapy as integrative therapy [d]
  2387. () How to change behavior [i] [d]
  2388. Jonathan Baron & Rex V. Brown [ed] () Teaching decision making to adolescents [i]
  2389. () Have all won and must all have prizes?: revisiting Luborsky et al.'s verdict [d]
  2390. (/2012) Lawyers as counselors: a client centered approach [i]
  2391. Rebecca Coleman Curtis & George Stricker [ed] () How people change: inside and outside therapy [i] [d]
  2392. () Toward an integrative theory of psychological change in individuals and organizations: a cognitive-affective regulation model [i] [d]
  2393. (/2006) Careers for good samaritans & other humanitarian types [i]
  2394. () Mediation and psychotherapy: parallel processes [i]
  2395. () Research issues in psychotherapy integration [d]
  2396. () The self in process: toward a post-rationalist cognitive therapy [i]
  2397. (/1999) The adult years: mastering the art of self-renewal [i]
  2398. () Grace unfolding: psychotherapy in the spirit of the Tao-te ching [i]
  2399. Philip C. Kendall [ed] (/2012) Child and adolescent therapy: cognitive-behavioral procedures [i]
  2400. () Mastery: the keys to long-term success and fulfillment [i]
  2401. () Human change processes: the scientific foundations of psychotherapy [i]
  2402. () The GOFER course in decision making [i]
  2403. (/2013) Motivational interviewing: helping people change [i]
  2404. (/2021) Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: a practical guide [i]
  2405. () 'Mental growth' and 'mental health' as distinct concepts in the study of developmental psychopathology: theory, research, and clinical implications [i]
  2406. () Formulation-based psychotherapy research: some further considerations [p] [d]
  2407. () Studying therapeutic modules precedes the integration of models [d]
  2408. () The role of 'accomplices' in preventing and facilitating change [i] [d]
  2409. () The therapeutic relationship according to Carl Rogers: Only a climate? A dialogue? Or both? [i] [u]
  2410. () Rational thinking as a goal of therapy [d]
  2411. () The therapy pathway reformulated [i] [u]
  2412. () A cognitive client-centered perspective on borderline personality development [i] [u]
  2413. () Psychotherapy integration from a client-centered perspective [i] [u]
  2414. () Workplace basics: the essential skills employers want [i]
  2415. (/2013) Psychological consultation and collaboration in school and community settings [i]
  2416. () Cognitive-behavioral and existential-phenomenological approaches to therapy: complementary or conflicting paradigms? [d]
  2417. () Integrating leisure guidance into a career counseling center [d]
  2418. (/2012) Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgments and decisions [i]
  2419. () The small steps of the therapy process: how they come and how to help them come [i] [u]
  2420. () From chaos to cosmos: the telling of a life story reconsidered [d]
  2421. (/2001) Helping the client: a creative practical guide [i]
  2422. () Japanese perspective on client inaction and procrastination: Morita therapy [d]
  2423. () Improvisational therapy: a practical guide for creative clinical strategies [i]
  2424. () Experiencing a well-formed problem [i]
  2425. () Changing expectations: a key to effective psychotherapy [i]
  2426. (/2007) Body-centered psychotherapy: the Hakomi method: the integrated use of mindfulness, nonviolence, and the body [i]
  2427. () Counseling intervention and American Indian tradition [d]
  2428. () Can psychotherapists transcend the shackles of their training and superstitions? [p] [d]
  2429. Germain Lietaer, Jan Rombauts, & Richard van Balen [ed] () Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nineties [i] [u]
  2430. () First- and second-order change: implications for rationalist and constructivist cognitive therapies [d]
  2431. (/2012) Change for the better: self-help through practical psychotherapy [i]
  2432. (/2012) Putting a diagram in your pocket [i]
  2433. () Rationality as a goal of education [d]
  2434. () Sitting, laboring, and changing: a critical examination of the indigenous Japanese psychotherapies [o]
  2435. (/2008) In pursuit of excellence [i]
  2436. (/2015) Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach [i]
  2437. () Fundamental dimensions in experiential therapy: new directions in research [i] [u]
  2438. () Conjoint couple therapy in client-centered practice [i] [u]
  2439. () Concrete interventions are crucial: the influence of the therapist's processing proposals on the client's intrapersonal exploration in client-centered therapy [i] [u]
  2440. Nolan Saltzman & John C. Norcross [ed] () Therapy wars: contention and convergence in differing clinical approaches [i]
  2441. () Assimilation of problematic experiences by clients in psychotherapy [d]
  2442. () A schema-based information processing perspective on client change in experiential psychotherapy [i] [u]
  2443. () Confrontation and non-confrontation as differential techniques in differential client-centered therapy [i] [u]
  2444. () Psychotherapy as shared reconstruction [d]
  2445. () On time in brief therapy [i] [d]
  2446. () Cognitive processes as a cause of psychotherapeutic change: self-initiated processes [i] [u]
  2447. (/2010) Clinician's thesaurus: the guide to conducting interviews and writing psychological reports [i]
  2448. () Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
  2449. () Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding 'anchoring conceptions' for grounding instruction on students' intuitions [d]
  2450. (/2004) The 7 habits of highly effective people: restoring the character ethic [i] [u]
  2451. Gerard Fromm & Bruce L. Smith [ed] () The facilitating environment: clinical applications of Winnicott's theory [i]
  2452. () Positive uncertainty: a new decision-making framework for counseling [d]
  2453. () Crucial decisions: leadership in policymaking and crisis management [i]
  2454. () Becoming a better decision maker [d]
  2455. () A competence paradigm for psychological practice [d]
  2456. () Rationality as a goal of psychotherapy [d]
  2457. Arthur M. Nezu & Christine Maguth Nezu [ed] () Clinical decision making in behavior therapy: a problem-solving perspective [i]
  2458. () The (even) bolder model: the clinical psychologist as metaphysician–scientist–practitioner [p] [d]
  2459. () The key to successful therapy [u]
  2460. David K. Reynolds [ed] () Flowing bridges, quiet waters: Japanese psychotherapies, Morita and Naikan [i]
  2461. (/2008) Overwhelmed: coping with life's ups and downs [i]
  2462. () Teamworks!: building support groups that guarantee success [i]
  2463. () Love's executioner and other tales of psychotherapy [i]
  2464. () A secure base: parent–child attachment and healthy human development [i]
  2465. () Meaning-making: therapeutic processes in adult development [i]
  2466. () A systems, process-oriented approach to cognitive therapy [i]
  2467. () Family evaluation: an approach based on Bowen theory [i]
  2468. () Recent developments in cognitive approaches to counseling and psychotherapy [d]
  2469. () Effectiveness of the GOFER course in decision making for high school students [d]
  2470. () Psychiatric symptoms and conflict among personal plans [d]
  2471. () Integrating psychotherapy research and practice: modeling the change process [d]
  2472. (/2012) Techniques and guidelines for social work practice [i]
  2473. (/2011) Interpersonal process in therapy: an integrative model [i]
  2474. (/2006) Foundations of clinical and counseling psychology [i]
  2475. () Process variables of the life review: counseling implications [p] [d]
  2476. () First-order, second-order, and third-order change and organization development interventions: a cognitive approach [d]
  2477. () The structure of individual psychotherapy [i]
  2478. () The art of the psychotherapist [i]
  2479. (/2015) Counseling for wellness and prevention: helping people become empowered in settings and systems [or: Preventive counseling: helping people to become empowered in systems and settings] [i] [d]
  2480. () Gestalt therapy and feminist therapy: a proposed integration [d]
  2481. John P. van Gigch [ed] () Decision making about decision making: metamodels and metasystems [i]
  2482. () Emotion in psychotherapy: affect, cognition, and the process of change [i]
  2483. () Complexity of the self: a developmental approach to psychopathology and therapy [i]
  2484. () The development of vocational schemas [d]
  2485. () Career decision-making models: espoused theory versus theory-in-use [d]
  2486. () Compromise: the forgotten dimension of career decision-making [d]
  2487. () The myth of power: clinical implications of cybernetics and self-organizing systems [o] [u]
  2488. () Action and insight [in psychotherapy] [i]
  2489. () Individual variations within the vocational decision making process: a review and integration [d]
  2490. (/2014) Applying nursing process: the foundation for clinical reasoning [i]
  2491. (/1999) Problem-solving therapy: a social competence approach to clinical intervention [i]
  2492. () The scientific study of counseling and psychotherapy: a unificationist view [p] [d]
  2493. () Change process research [p] [d]
  2494. (/2010) You and your research [i] [d] [u]
  2495. Owen Hargie [ed] (/2018) The handbook of communication skills [i] [d]
  2496. (/2018) The employment interview [i] [d]
  2497. () Self-control: essence and development [d]
  2498. (/2018) The developmental counselling and therapy interview [or: The helping interview: a cognitive-developmental approach] [i] [d]
  2499. (/2004) Widow to widow: how the bereaved help one another [i] [d]
  2500. (/2001) Life-span development: frameworks, accounts, and strategies [i] [d]
  2501. (/2016) The career fitness program: exercising your options [i]
  2502. () The problem-solving model [in social work] [i]
  2503. () Psychotherapies for writing blocks [i]
  2504. () Mapping practice: problem solving in clinical social work [p] [d]
  2505. () Toward a theory of frames and reframing: the social nature of frames [d]
  2506. Arthur Freeman, Michael J. Mahoney, Paul Devito, & Donna Martin [ed] (/2004) Cognition and psychotherapy [i]
  2507. () A primer of human development for counselors [d]
  2508. (/2015) Introduction to counseling: voices from the field [i]
  2509. () Meditation and psychotherapy: a rationale for the integration of dynamic psychotherapy, the relaxation response, and mindfulness meditation [p] [d]
  2510. () Interview methodologies for construct elicitation: searching for the core [i]
  2511. () Treatment of the impostor phenomenon in psychotherapy clients [d]
  2512. (/2008) Genograms: assessment and intervention [i]
  2513. () Experimental method and psychodynamic theory: discussion paper [p] [d] [u]
  2514. () Humor as a therapeutic tool: another way to experiment with experience [i]
  2515. (/2004) Work with passion: how to do what you love for a living [i]
  2516. (/2012) Counseling adults in transition: linking Schlossberg's theory with practice in a diverse world [i]
  2517. Duane Brown & Linda Brooks [ed] (/2002) Career choice and development [i]
  2518. () A fate worse than death: the fear of changing [d]
  2519. (/2016) Interviewing and change strategies for helpers [i]
  2520. () Counseling: a problem-solving approach [i]
  2521. () The politics of giving therapy away: listening and focusing [i] [u]
  2522. () Developmental eclecticism: Egan's skills model of helping [i]
  2523. () Toward a psychology of behavioral contracting [d]
  2524. Dale Larson [ed] () Teaching psychological skills: models for giving psychology away [i] [u]
  2525. () Playing ball on running water: the Japanese way to building a better life [i]
  2526. () Constructive living [i]
  2527. () The internal politics of psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2528. () Piagetian insights and critical thinking [d] [u]
  2529. () Denial, defect, symptom formation—and construction [d]
  2530. (/2011) Work your way around the world [i]
  2531. Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey, & Carlos P. Zalaquett [ed] (/2013) Intentional interviewing and counseling: facilitating client development in a multicultural society [i]
  2532. () Short-term counseling: guidelines based on recent research [i]
  2533. David Pilgrim [ed] () Psychology and psychotherapy: current trends and issues [i] [d]
  2534. () Constructs are hypotheses [i] [u]
  2535. () Assessment of personal goal hierarchies [d]
  2536. () Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational [i]
  2537. () Identifying implicit assumptions [d] [j]
  2538. (/1993) Challenge and defeat: stability and change in adulthood [i]
  2539. Marvin R. Goldfried [ed] () Converging themes in psychotherapy: trends in psychodynamic, humanistic, and behavioral practice [i]
  2540. () Current status and future directions in psychotherapy [i]
  2541. () Resolving decisional conflict by Gestalt two-chair dialogue: relating process to outcome [d]
  2542. Irving L. Janis [ed] () Counseling on personal decisions: theory and research on short-term helping relationships [i]
  2543. () The use of problem solving and decision making in behavior therapy [d]
  2544. () The evolving self: problem and process in human development [i] [d] [j]
  2545. () Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
  2546. () A political perspective in problem solving [d] [j]
  2547. () Coping with crisis: understanding and helping people in need [i]
  2548. () Refutation and the appropriation of truth in psychoanalysis [p] [d]
  2549. (/2015) Using assessment results for career development [i]
  2550. () Ministry burnout [i]
  2551. (/2000) Flawless consulting: a guide to getting your expertise used [i]
  2552. () Life skills [d]
  2553. (/1989) The practice of multimodal therapy: systematic, comprehensive, and effective psychotherapy [i]
  2554. () On the process and practice of psychotherapy: some reflections [d]
  2555. G. Pirooz Sholevar [ed] () The handbook of marriage and marital therapy [i] [d]
  2556. () Why educational research has been so uneducational: the case for a new model of social science based on collaborative inquiry [i] [u]
  2557. () Principles of cognitive therapy [i] [d]
  2558. Elizabeth A. Carter & Monica McGoldrick [ed] (/2005) The expanded family life cycle: individual, family, and social perspectives [i]
  2559. Michael J. Mahoney [ed] () Psychotherapy process: current issues and future directions [i] [d]
  2560. () The quiet therapies: Japanese pathways to personal growth [i]
  2561. () Occupational choice and placement [i]
  2562. () A practical guide for making decisions [i]
  2563. (/2015) Issues and ethics in the helping professions [i]
  2564. (/1999) The complete job-search handbook: everything you need to know to get the job you really want [i]
  2565. (/2011) Artist's & graphic designer's market: where & how to sell your illustration, fine art, graphic design & cartoons [i]
  2566. () Counseling for effective decision making: a cognitive-behavioral perspective [i] [u]
  2567. () The evolving self: a process conception for ego psychology [d]
  2568. () Behavioral analysis of clinical cases [d]
  2569. (/2018) Systems of psychotherapy: a transtheoretical analysis [i]
  2570. () The focus in brief interpretive psychotherapy: dilemmas, traps and snags as target problems [p] [d]
  2571. (/2004) Wishcraft: how to get what you really want [i]
  2572. () A conceptual framework for the practice of prescriptive eclecticism in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2573. (/1981) Focusing [i]
  2574. () The body's releasing steps in experiential process [i]
  2575. () Ethical problems of psychological jargon [d]
  2576. (/1986) The consulting process in action [i]
  2577. () Experiencing: a humanistic theory of psychology and psychiatry [i]
  2578. () Psychology, mon amour: a countertext [i]
  2579. () Precision nirvana [i]
  2580. Jerome L. Singer & Kenneth S. Pope [ed] () The power of human imagination: new methods in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2581. () Writing: a problem-solving process [d] [j]
  2582. Donald Bannister [ed] () New perspectives in personal construct theory [i]
  2583. () Hero, artist, sage, or saint?: a survey of views on what is variously called mental health, normality, maturity, self-actualization, and human fulfillment [i]
  2584. () Decision making: a psychological analysis of conflict, choice, and commitment [i]
  2585. () Ethical concerns in community mental health [p] [d]
  2586. () The elusive phenomena: an autobiographical account of my work in the field of organizational behavior at the Harvard Business School [i]
  2587. () Loaded and honest questions: a construct theory view of symptoms and therapy [i] [u]
  2588. () Creative process in gestalt therapy [i]
  2589. () Transition: understanding & managing personal change [i]
  2590. () Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making [d] [j]
  2591. () Experiential knowledge: a new concept for the analysis of self-help groups [d]
  2592. () Counseling for indecisiveness: problem-solving and anxiety-management training [d]
  2593. () Psychiatry and psychotherapy as political processes [p] [d]
  2594. (/2014) The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping [i]
  2595. Frederick H. Kanfer & Arnold P. Goldstein [ed] (/1991) Helping people change: a textbook of methods [i]
  2596. () Counseling and counselor education: a developmental approach [d]
  2597. () How psychological education can promote mental health with competence [d]
  2598. () Social casework: a behavioral approach [i]
  2599. (/1997) The inner game of tennis [i]
  2600. () Toward a constructional approach to social problems: ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis [p] [j]
  2601. () A learning theory approach to counseling indecisive clients [o] [u]
  2602. () Developmental psychology as a guide to value education: a review of 'Kohlbergian' programs [d] [j]
  2603. Francis J. Turner [ed] (/2017) Social work treatment: interlocking theoretical approaches [i]
  2604. (/2011) Change: principles of problem formation and problem resolution [i]
  2605. () A cognitive theory of experiencing, self-actualization, and therapeutic process [i]
  2606. David A. Wexler & Laura North Rice [ed] () Innovations in client-centered therapy [i]
  2607. (/1996) Acting-in: practical applications of psychodramatic methods [i]
  2608. () The dynamics of life skills coaching [o] [u]
  2609. () Decision therapy [o]
  2610. Saskatchewan NewStart Incorporated [ed] () Readings in life skills [o] [u]
  2611. () Future oriented psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2612. (/2014) Self-directed behavior: self-modification for personal adjustment [i]
  2613. Michael Barkham, Wolfgang Lutz, & Louis G. Castonguay [ed] (/2021) Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change [i]
  2614. (/2016) What color is your parachute? [i]
  2615. () Problem solving and behavior modification [p] [d]
  2616. () Therapeutic factors in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2617. () A philosopher's view of values and ethics [d]
  2618. (/2003) The education of the un-artist [i]
  2619. Saskatchewan NewStart Incorporated [ed] () Life skills: a course in applied problem solving [o] [u]
  2620. Donald Bannister [ed] () Perspectives in personal construct theory [i]
  2621. () Principles of behavior modification [i]
  2622. () Clinical psychology and personality: the selected papers of George Kelly [i]
  2623. () Types of hopelessness in psychopathological process [d]
  2624. () In support of technical eclecticism [p] [d]
  2625. () The structure of integrative psychology [p] [d]
  2626. () Conceptions of broad and narrow attention [p] [d]
  2627. (/1978) The art of awareness: a textbook on general semantics and epistemics [i]
  2628. () Psychotherapy and the psychology of behavior change [i]
  2629. Louis A. Gottschalk & Arthur H. Auerbach [ed] () Methods of research in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  2630. () Self & society: social change and individual development [o] [d]
  2631. () Natural history method in psychotherapy: communicational research [i] [d]
  2632. () Neurosis and treatment: a holistic theory [o]
  2633. () The use of symptoms as an integral part of hypnotherapy [p] [d]
  2634. () The maturational processes and the facilitating environment: studies in the theory of emotional development [o]
  2635. (/1971) Self-disclosure: an experimental analysis of the transparent self [i]
  2636. (/1998) Contemporary models of psychotherapy: a comparative analysis [i]
  2637. () The therapeutic value of crisis [d]
  2638. (/1977) The psychology of the unknown [i]
  2639. () Psychotherapy today or where do we go from here? [p] [d]
  2640. () Psychoanalytic therapy as an educational process: common denominators in the therapeutic approaches of different psychoanalytic 'schools' [o]
  2641. (/1991) Persuasion and healing: a comparative study of psychotherapy [i]
  2642. () Zen and depth psychology [d]
  2643. () Meaning of learning and knowledge [the four stages of competence] [o]
  2644. () The standpoints of Dewey and Freud: a contrast and analysis [u]
  2645. () Decisional conflicts: a theoretical analysis [d]
  2646. () Comments on two recent methods for analyzing the psychotherapeutic process [d]
  2647. () Zen in psychotherapy: the virtue of sitting [d] [j]
  2648. () Neurotic distortion of the creative process [o]
  2649. () Social casework: a problem-solving process: a fresh, unifying approach to casework practice [i]
  2650. () The education of an artist [o]
  2651. () Critique of recent developments in personality counseling theory [p] [d]
  2652. () Psychotherapy and the placebo effect [p] [d]
  2653. (/1991) Fixed-role therapy [i] [d]
  2654. (/1991) The psychology of personal constructs [i] [d]
  2655. () Counseling as a learning process [d]
  2656. () Case and clinical studies [o] [d]
  2657. () Comfort, effectiveness, and self-awareness as criteria of improvement in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2658. () A biosocial approach to ethics [o]
  2659. (/1987) Final lectures [i]
  2660. () Client-centered therapy, its current practice, implications, and theory [o]
  2661. (/1952) Communication: its blocking and its facilitation [j]
  2662. () Culture and personality: the natural history of a false dichotomy [p] [d]
  2663. () Personality and psychotherapy: an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture [o]
  2664. (/1991) Neurosis and human growth: the struggle toward self-realization [i]
  2665. () A critique of the present status of the psychotherapies [p] [u]
  2666. (/1964) The whole person in a broken world [i]
  2667. () Determinism, 'freedom', and psychotherapy [p] [d]
  2668. (/1966) Our inner conflicts: a constructive theory of neurosis [i]
  2669. () Self-analysis [i]
  2670. () Counseling and psychotherapy: newer concepts in practice [o]
  2671. () Areas of agreement in psychotherapy: section meeting, 1940 [d]
  2672. () Intelligence in the modern world: John Dewey's philosophy [o]
  2673. () Management and the worker: an account of a research program conducted by the Western Electric Company, Hawthorne Works, Chicago [o]
  2674. () Some implicit common factors in diverse methods of psychotherapy [d]
  2675. (/1996) Active and passive therapy [i]
  2676. () Counseling procedures [o]
  2677. () Normative psychology of religion [o]
  2678. (/1998) How we think: a restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process [i]
  2679. (/1989) Art and artist: creative urge and personality development [i]
  2680. () Cultural anthropology and psychiatry [d]
  2681. (/1985) Widening the circle of enlightenment: Hull House and adult education [i]
  2682. (/1996) The Yale lecture: the psychological approach to personal problems [i]
  2683. () Intelligent living [o]
  2684. (/1930) Human nature and conduct: an introduction to social psychology [o] [u]
  2685. () Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education [o] [u]
  2686. () Psychology, general and applied [o] [u]

Copyright © 2010–2025 Nathan A. Strait (contact me)
14th edition, last updated: 1 February 2025 (View Zotero library on
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