How to breathe
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- Sarah Shaw (2025) Breathing mindfulness: discovering the riches at the heart of the Buddhist path [i]
- Olivia K. Harrison, Laura Köchli, Stephanie Marino, Roger Luechinger, Franciszek Hennel, Katja Brand, Alexander J. Hess, Stefan Frässle, Sandra Iglesias, Fabien Vinckier, Frederike H. Petzschner, Samuel J. Harrison, & Klaas E. Stephan (2021) Interoception of breathing and its relationship with anxiety [p] [d] [u]
- Valentina Jelinčić & Andreas von Leupoldt (2021) To breathe or not to breathe: interoceptive predictions in an anxious brain [p] [d]
- James Nestor (2020) Breath: the new science of a lost art [i]
- Beth Gardiner (2019) Choked: life and breath in the age of air pollution [i] [d]
- Isshō Fujita (2018) The self breathing simultaneously with the great earth and all sentient beings [part 2] [u]
- William W. Nazaroff (2018) Editorial: The air around us [d]
- Peder Wolkoff (2018) Indoor air humidity, air quality, and health: an overview [p] [d]
- James E. Groves & Marlynn Wei (2017) The Harvard Medical School guide to yoga: 8 weeks to strength, awareness, and flexibility [i]
- Lisa Schwarz, Frank M. Corrigan, Alastair Hull, & Rajiv Raju (2017) The comprehensive resource model: effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of complex trauma [i] [d]
- Paul Verhaeghen (2017) Presence: how mindfulness and meditation shape your brain, mind, and life [i] [d]
- Jeremy Wasser (2017) Every breath you take: physiology and the ecology of knowing in meditative practice [d]
- Tom Woolley (2017) Building materials, health and indoor air quality: no breathing space? [i] [d]
- Blandine Calais-Germain & François Germain (2016) Anatomy of voice: how to enhance and project your best voice [i]
- Kirtigandha Salwe Carter & Robert Carter III (2016) Breath-based meditation: a mechanism to restore the physiological and cognitive reserves for optimal human performance [p] [d] [u]
- Reginald A. Ray (2016) The awakening body: somatic meditation for discovering our deepest life [i]
- Elizabeth L. Brainerd (2015) Major transformations in vertebrate breathing mechanisms [i] [d]
- Ashley Davis Bush (2015) Simple self-care for therapists: restorative practices to weave through your workday [i]
- Mak Adam Daulatzai (2015) 'Boomerang neuropathology' of late-onset Alzheimer's disease is shrouded in harmful 'BDDS': breathing, diet, drinking, and sleep during aging [d]
- Ravinder Jerath, Molly W. Crawford, Vernon A. Barnes, & Kyler Harden (2015) Self-regulation of breathing as a primary treatment for anxiety [p] [d]
- James A. Afremow (2014) The champion's mind: how great athletes think, train, and thrive [i]
- Jeffrey Benson (2014) Hanging in: strategies for teaching the students who challenge us most [i]
- Bill Connington (2014) Physical expression on stage and screen: using the Alexander technique to create unforgettable performances [i]
- Jean Erlbaum & Michelle Antonisse (2014) Sit with less pain: gentle yoga for meditators and everyone else [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2014) No mud, no lotus: the art of transforming suffering [i]
- Michaela Palmer & Owain Jones (2014) On breathing and geography: explorations of data sonifications of timespace processes with illustrating examples from a tidally dynamic landscape (Severn Estuary, UK) [d]
- Emma M. Seppälä, Jack B. Nitschke, Dana L. Tudorascu, Andrea Hayes, Michael R. Goldstein, Dong T. H. Nguyen, David Perlman, & Richard J. Davidson (2014) Breathing-based meditation decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in U.S. military veterans: a randomized controlled longitudinal study [p] [d] [u]
- Zoketsu Norman Fischer (2013) Training in compassion: Zen teachings on the practice of Lojong [i]
- Carol Krucoff (2013) Yoga sparks: 108 easy practices for stress relief in a minute or less [i]
- Timothy A. Pychyl (2013) Breathe, count: this is a basic volitional strategy—breathe and count your way to ending procrastination [u]
- Sameer A. Zope & Rakesh A. Zope (2013) Sudarshan kriya yoga: breathing for health [p] [d] [u]
- Richard P. Brown & Patricia L. Gerbarg (2012) The healing power of the breath: simple techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance concentration, and balance your emotions [i]
- Pema Chödrön & Joan Duncan Oliver (2012) Living beautifully with uncertainty and change [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2012) Fear: essential wisdom for getting through the storm [i]
- Russell L. Kolts (2012) The compassionate-mind guide to managing your anger: using compassion-focused therapy to calm your rage and heal your relationships [i]
- Kelly McGonigal (2012) The willpower instinct: how self-control works, why it matters, and what you can do to get more of it [i]
- Adam W. Moore, Thomas Gruber, Jennifer Derose, & Peter Malinowski (2012) Regular, brief mindfulness meditation practice improves electrophysiological markers of attentional control [p] [d] [u]
- Sandra Scheinbaum (2012) How to give clients the skills to stop panic attacks: don't forget to breathe [i]
- Tony Schwartz (2012) Take back your life in seven simple steps [u]
- Christine Caldwell & Himmat K. Victoria (2011) Breathwork in body psychotherapy: towards a more unified theory and practice [d]
- David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper (2011) Overcoming trauma through yoga: reclaiming your body [i]
- Lynne Henderson (2011) The compassionate-mind guide to building social confidence: using compassion-focused therapy to overcome shyness and social anxiety [i]
- Frédéric Delavier, Jean-Pierre Clémenceau, & Michael Gundill (2010) Delavier's stretching anatomy [i]
- Paul Gilbert (2010) Compassion focused therapy: distinctive features [i] [d]
- Jitendra K. Gupta, Chao-Hsin Lin, & Qingyan Chen (2010) Characterizing exhaled airflow from breathing and talking [p] [d]
- Tim Ingold (2010) Footprints through the weather-world: walking, breathing, knowing [d]
- Donald C. Jackson (2010) Life in a shell: a physiologist's view of a turtle [i] [d] [j]
- Alice M. Roberts [ed] (2010/2016) The complete human body: the definitive visual guide [i]
- Judith P. Siegel (2010) Stop overreacting: effective strategies for calming your emotions [i]
- Max Strom (2010) A life worth breathing: a yoga master's handbook of strength, grace, and healing [i]
- Chönyi Taylor (2010) Enough!: a Buddhist approach to finding release from addictive patterns [i]
- Ron Woods & Chris Jordan (2010) Energy every day [i]
- Jane Boston & Rena Cook [ed] (2009) Breath in action: the art of breath in vocal and holistic practice [i]
- Richard P. Brown & Patricia L. Gerbarg (2009) Yoga breathing, meditation, and longevity [d]
- Pema Chödrön & Sandy Boucher (2009) Taking the leap: freeing ourselves from old habits and fears [i]
- Bradley T. Erford (2009/2020) 45 techniques every counselor should know [i]
- Steven H. Flowers (2009) The mindful path through shyness: how mindfulness and compassion can help free you from social anxiety, fear, and avoidance [i]
- Rick Hanson & Richard Mendius (2009) Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
- Holly Hazlett-Stevens & Michelle G. Craske (2009) Breathing retraining and diaphragmatic breathing techniques [i]
- Keren M. Humphrey (2009) Counseling strategies for loss and grief [i]
- Scott L. Rogers (2009) Mindfulness for law students: using the power of mindful awareness to achieve balance and success in law school [i]
- Saradananda (2009) The power of breath: the art of breathing well for harmony, happiness, and health [i]
- Deborah R. Schoeberlein & Suki Sheth (2009) Mindful teaching & teaching mindfulness: a guide for anyone who teaches anything [i]
- Colin Towell (2009/2012) The survival handbook: essential skills for outdoor adventure [i]
- Dennis D. Embry & Anthony Biglan (2008) Evidence-based kernels: fundamental units of behavioral influence [d]
- Michael E. Silverman (2008) Unleash your dreams: tame your hidden fears and live the life you were meant to live [i]
- Mark A. Stebnicki (2008) Empathy fatigue: healing the mind, body, and spirit of professional counselors [i]
- Myoshi Roger Thomson (2008) Conversational mindfulness [u]
- Charlotte Uhlenbroek [ed] (2008/2011) Animal life [i]
- Charles Van Wyck Brooks, Charlotte Selver, Richard Lowe, & Stefan Laeng-Gilliatt (2007) Reclaiming vitality and presence: sensory awareness as a practice for life [i]
- Edna B. Foa, Elizabeth Ann Hembree, & Barbara Olasov Rothbaum (2007) Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD: emotional processing of traumatic experiences: therapist guide [i]
- Irving P. Herman (2007) Physics of the human body [i] [d]
- Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, & Sharon Ellis (2007/2012) Yoga anatomy [i]
- Michael Lugering (2007) The expressive actor: integrated voice, movement, and acting training [i]
- Maria Ospina (2007) Meditation practices for health: state of the research [i] [u]
- Lucy Jo Palladino (2007) Find your focus zone: an effective new plan to defeat distraction and overload [i]
- Steve Parker (2007/2019) The human body book [i]
- Maggie Phillips (2007) Reversing chronic pain: a 10-point all-natural plan for lasting relief [i]
- Stephen W. Porges (2007) The polyvagal perspective [d]
- Daniel J. Siegel (2007) The mindful brain: reflection and attunement in the cultivation of well-being [i]
- Jeanne C. Watson (2007) Reassessing Rogers' necessary and sufficient conditions of change [p] [d]
- J. Mark G. Williams, John D. Teasdale, Zindel V. Segal, & Jon Kabat-Zinn (2007) The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness [i]
- Peder Wolkoff & Søren K. Kjaergaard (2007) The dichotomy of relative humidity on indoor air quality [p] [d]
- György Buzsáki (2006) Rhythms of the brain [i]
- Blandine Calais-Germain (2006) Anatomy of breathing [i]
- Mark Gerzon (2006) Leading through conflict: how successful leaders transform differences into opportunities [i]
- Jeffrey C. May (2006) My office is killing me!: the sick building survival guide [i]
- Lidia Morawska (2006) Droplet fate in indoor environments, or can we prevent the spread of infection? [p] [d]
- Anne Peckham (2006) Vocal workouts for the contemporary singer [i]
- Raphael Cushnir (2005) How now: 100 ways to celebrate the present moment [i]
- Meribeth Bunch Dayme (2005) The performer's voice: realizing your vocal potential [i]
- John N. Demos (2005) Getting started with neurofeedback [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2005) Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
- Pauline Oliveros (2005) Deep listening: a composer's sound practice [i]
- Jerry Evanski (2004/2009) Classroom activators: more than 100 ways to energize learners [i]
- Eric N. Franklin (2004) Conditioning for dance: training for peak performance in all dance forms [i]
- Richard Nelson-Jones (2004) Cognitive humanistic therapy: Buddhism, Christianity and being fully human [i] [d]
- Janice Ross (2004) Anna Halprin's urban rituals [d]
- Tiffany M. Stewart (2004) Light on body image treatment: acceptance through mindfulness [p] [d]
- William R. Torbert, Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Dalmar Fisher, Erica Foldy, Alain Gauthier, Jackie Keeley, David Rooke, Sara Nora Ross, Catherine Royce, Jenny W. Rudolph, Steven S. Taylor, & Mariana Tran (2004) Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership [i]
- Robert M. L. Winston & Don E. Wilson [ed] (2004) Human: the definitive visual guide [i]
- Christopher Gilbert (2003) Clinical applications of breathing regulation: beyond anxiety management [p] [d]
- James E. Loehr & Tony Schwartz (2003) The power of full engagement: managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal [i]
- Michael J. Mahoney (2003) Constructive psychotherapy: a practical guide [i]
- William T. O'Donohue & Jane E. Fisher [ed] (2003/2008) Cognitive behavior therapy: applying empirically supported techniques in your practice [i]
- Tarthang Tulku (2003/2007) Tibetan relaxation: the illustrated guide to kum nye massage and movement, a yoga from the Tibetan tradition [i]
- Alexander Berzin (2002) The four close placements of mindfulness according to Mahāyāna [u]
- Thomas Bien & Beverly Bien (2002) Mindful recovery: a spiritual path to healing from addiction [i]
- Ellen Birx (2002) Healing Zen: awakening to a life of wholeness and compassion while caring for yourself and others [i]
- Margret Elson (2002) Passionate practice: the musician's guide to learning, memorizing, and performing [i]
- John Daido Loori [ed] (2002/2004) The art of just sitting: essential writings on the Zen practice of shikantaza [i]
- Pierre Philippot, Gaëtane Chapelle, & Sylvie Blairy (2002) Respiratory feedback in the generation of emotion [d]
- Shunryū Suzuki & Edward Espe Brown (2002) Not always so: practicing the true spirit of Zen [i]
- Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (2002) De-perception [o] [u]
- Tadashi Chihara (2001) Breathing regulation in Zen Buddhism [i] [d]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2001) Anger: wisdom for cooling the flames [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh & Rachel Neumann (2001/2006) Transformation at the base: fifty verses on the nature of consciousness [or: Understanding our mind] [i]
- Yutaka Haruki [ed] (2001) Respiration and emotion [i] [d]
- Ruth Luban (2001) Are you a corporate refugee?: a survival guide for downsized, dissillusioned, and displaced workers [i]
- Linda Gates (2000/2009) Voice for performance [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (2000) Be free where you are: a talk given at the Maryland Correctional Institution [i]
- Robert Lowe (2000) Improvisation, Inc.: harnessing spontaneity to engage people and groups [i]
- Alex J. Packer & Pamela Espeland (2000) Highs!: over 150 ways to feel really, really good... without alcohol or other drugs [i]
- Sonam Rinchen, Ruth Sonam, & Candragomin (2000) The Bodhisattva vow [i]
- Myoshi Roger Thomson (2000) Zazen and psychotherapeutic presence [p] [d]
- Paul Lehrer, Yuji Sasaki, & Yoshihiro Saito (1999) Zazen and cardiac variability [p] [d]
- Melvin L. Silberman & Kathy Clark (1999) 101 ways to make meetings active: surefire ideas to engage your group [i]
- Alexander Berzin (1998) Developing balanced sensitivity: practical Buddhist exercises for daily life [i] [u]
- Katya Bloom & Rosamund Shreeves (1998) Moves: a sourcebook of ideas for body awareness and creative movement [i]
- Bruce Kumar Frantzis (1998/2001) Relaxing into your being [i]
- Jack Griffin (1998) How to say it at work: putting yourself across with power words, phrases, body language, and communication secrets [i]
- Joanna Macy & Molly Young Brown (1998) Coming back to life: practices to reconnect our lives, our world [i]
- David Roland (1998) The confident performer [i]
- Tenzin Wangyal & Mark Dahlby (1998) The Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep [i]
- Pedro de Alcantara (1997) Indirect procedures: a musician's guide to the Alexander technique [i]
- Leslie S. Greenberg & Sandra C. Paivio (1997) Working with emotions in psychotherapy [i]
- Sharon L. Johnson (1997/2018) Therapist's guide to clinical intervention: the 1-2-3's of treatment planning [i]
- Myla Kabat-Zinn & Jon Kabat-Zinn (1997) Everyday blessings: the inner work of mindful parenting [i]
- Stephen Levine (1997) A year to live: how to live this year as if it were your last [i]
- Donna Farhi (1996) The breathing book: good health and vitality through essential breath work [i]
- Chuck Jones (1996/2005) Make your voice heard: an actor's guide to increased dramatic range through vocal training [i]
- Robert E. Thayer (1996) The origin of everyday moods: managing energy, tension, and stress [i]
- Steven Ungerleider (1996/2005) Mental training for peak performance: top athletes reveal the mind exercises they use to excel [i]
- Sara Black (1995) The supple body: the way to fitness, strength, and flexibility [i]
- Kenneth V. Kardong (1995/2009) Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution [i]
- Shoji Nakamura (1995) Zen practice and self-control [u]
- Beverly H. Timmons & Ronald Ley [ed] (1994) Behavioral and psychological approaches to breathing disorders [i] [d]
- Merrill Collett (1993/2002) Letting go, falling to rest: hospice work and Zen practice [i]
- Margot Lasher (1992) The art and practice of compassion & empathy [i]
- H. E. Barney Burroughs & Shirley J. Hansen (1991/2011) Managing indoor air quality [i]
- Nitya Lacroix (1991) Massage for total stress relief [i]
- Kam Chuen Lam (1991) The way of energy: mastering the Chinese art of internal strength with chi kung exercise [i]
- Joel Levey & Michelle Levey (1991) The fine arts of relaxation, concentration, and meditation: ancient skills for modern minds [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1990) Present moment, wonderful moment: mindfulness verses for daily living [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh, Annabel Laity, & Arnold Kotler (1990/1996) Breathe! You are alive: sutra on the full awareness of breathing [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh, Annabel Laity, & Rachel Neumann (1990/2006) Transformation & healing: the sutra on the four establishments of mindfulness [i]
- Jon Kabat-Zinn (1990) Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness [i]
- Moni Yakim & Muriel Broadman (1990) Creating a character: a physical approach to acting [i]
- Gary Hankins & Carol Hankins (1988/2000) Prescription for anger: coping with angry feelings and angry people [i]
- Michael McCallion (1988/1999) The voice book: for everyone who wants to make the most of their voice [i]
- Kenneth C. Crannell (1987/2000) Voice and articulation [i]
- Kay Porter (1986/2003) The mental athlete [i]
- Amadeu Solé-Leris (1986) Tranquillity & insight: an introduction to the oldest form of Buddhist meditation [i]
- Nancy Zi (1986/2000) The art of breathing: 6 simple lessons to improve performance, health, and well-being [i] [u]
- Mary Gibson [ed] (1985) To breathe freely: risk, consent, and air [i]
- Thad Godish, Wayne T. Davis, & Joshua S. Fu (1985/2014) Air quality [i]
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (1985/1996) The long road turns to joy: a guide to walking meditation [i]
- L. Sherilyn Cormier, Paula S. Nurius, & Cynthia J. Osborn (1984/2016) Interviewing and change strategies for helpers [i]
- Eric Morris & Joan Hotchkis (1979) No acting, please: a revolutionary approach to acting and living [i]
- Eugene T. Gendlin (1978) The body's releasing steps in experiential process [i]
- Augusto Boal (1977/2002) Games for actors and non-actors [i]
- Kristin Linklater (1976/2006) Freeing the natural voice: imagery and art in the practice of voice and language [i]
- Kloṅ-chen-pa Dri-med-'od-zer Longchenpa & Herbert V. Guenther (1976) Kindly bent to ease us: part two: meditation [i]
- Chögyam Trungpa (1976/1987) The myth of freedom and the way of meditation [i]
- Herbert Benson & Miriam Z. Klipper (1975/2001) The relaxation response [i]
- Edward Rosenfeld (1973) The book of highs: 250 ways to alter consciousness without drugs [i]
- Daniel A. Vallero (1973/2014) Fundamentals of air pollution [i] [d]
- Moshé Feldenkrais (1972) Awareness through movement: health exercises for personal growth [i]
- Robert H. McKim (1972/1980) Experiences in visual thinking [i]
- Donald Eaton Carr (1965) The breath of life [o]
- Reihō Masunaga (1964) The Zen outlook on life [d]
- Gaston Bachelard (1960/1969) The poetics of reverie: childhood, language, and the cosmos [i]
- John E. Hall & Michael E. Hall (1956/2021) Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology [i]
- Buddhaghosa & Maung Tin (1923/1931) The path of purity: being a translation of Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga [in three volumes: Of virtue; Of concentration; Of understanding] [o] [u]