How to be upright

From Crossing the Sacred Sea [Cruzando el mar sagrado] by Nathan A. Strait

  1. () The need for more inclusive deliberation on ethics and governance in agricultural and food biotechnology [d]
  2. () 'Holding on to regret as a kind of enrichment': a qualitative exploration of the role that work-related regrets play in therapists' clinical practice [d]
  3. () Restoring sanity: practices to awaken generosity, creativity, and kindness in ourselves and our organizations [i]
  4. () Why we should be curious about each other [d]
  5. () The most important thing about science is values [d]
  6. () Is it bad to prefer attractive partners? [d]
  7. () Epistemic sanity or why you shouldn't be opinionated or skeptical [d] [u]
  8. () The importance of values for science [d]
  9. () Moral disciplining: the cognitive and evolutionary foundations of puritanical morality [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  10. () The illusion of moral decline [p] [d]
  11. () Hip to be square: moral saints revisited [d] [u]
  12. () Cost–benefit analysis as moral science [i] [d]
  13. () Living together: inventing moral science [i] [d]
  14. () The house we live in: virtue, wisdom, and pluralism [i]
  15. () The Buddhist and the ethicist: conversations on effective altruism, engaged Buddhism, and how to build a better world [i]
  16. () Digitising reflective equilibrium [in personal knowledge base software] [d]
  17. () Epistemic dimensions of gaslighting: peer-disagreement, self-trust, and epistemic injustice [d] [u]
  18. () Ethical musicality [i] [d] [u]
  19. () The central role of lifelong learning and humility in clinical psychology [d]
  20. () Ethics in biodiversity conservation [i] [d]
  21. Andrew J. Bacevich & Daniel A. Sjursen [ed] () Paths of dissent: soldiers speak out against America's misguided wars [i]
  22. David Boonin [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of sexual ethics [i] [d]
  23. () Population ethical intuitions [p] [d]
  24. () Moral molecules: morality as a combinatorial system [d]
  25. () Introducing the virtue of good timing and some surprising functions of practical reason [d]
  26. () Work and play as moral categories [d]
  27. () How companies can address their historical transgressions: lessons from the slave trade and the Holocaust [u]
  28. () The law as a conversation among equals [i] [d]
  29. () Pragmatism and the moral life [i] [d]
  30. () Pistols, pills, pork and ploughs: the structure of technomoral revolutions [d] [u]
  31. () Inner development goals: background, method and the IDGs framework [u]
  32. () Normative reasons: between reasoning and explanation [i] [d] [u]
  33. () Humble and apologetic?: predicting apology quality with intellectual and general humility [d]
  34. () What we owe the future: a million-year view [i]
  35. () Empowering young children: how to nourish deep, transformative learning for social justice [i] [d]
  36. () Predictors and consequences of intellectual humility [p] [d]
  37. () Care ethics [u]
  38. William Schweiker & Maria Antonaccio [ed] () Encyclopedia of religious ethics [i] [d]
  39. () The ecological benefits of being irrationally moral [p] [d]
  40. () Vice signaling [and its relation to virtue signaling] [d] [u]
  41. () Humble: free yourself from the traps of a narcissistic world [i]
  42. () Ethics and complexity: why standard ethical frameworks cannot cope with socio-technological change [i] [d]
  43. () Criminality and crime: a social-cognitive-developmental theory of delinquent and criminal behavior [i]
  44. () Argumentative ethics [i] [d]
  45. () 'False positive' emotions, responsibility, and moral character [p] [d]
  46. () The virtue of ambition [i] [d]
  47. () How did she get so good?: on virtue and skill [d]
  48. () Sweatshops, structural injustice, and the wrong of exploitation: why multinational corporations have positive duties to the global poor [d]
  49. () The whole path is ethics [u]
  50. () Intellectual dependability: a virtue theory of the epistemic and educational ideal [i] [d]
  51. () To be honest: lead with the power of truth, justice, and purpose [i]
  52. () The trouble with passion: how searching for fulfillment at work fosters inequality [i] [d] [j]
  53. () Zen and morality: following rules to where there are no rules [i] [d]
  54. () How to do things with emotions: the morality of anger and shame across cultures [i] [j]
  55. () Seeing suffering [book review essay] [d]
  56. () Aspiring to greater intellectual humility in science [d]
  57. () An ethical obligation to ignore the unreliable [d]
  58. () The excellent mind: intellectual virtues for everyday life [i] [d]
  59. () Problems in Lévinas [criticism of the moral philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas] [d]
  60. () The power of ethics: how to make good choices in a complicated world [i]
  61. () Pragmatist ethics: a problem-based approach to what matters [i]
  62. () Talking about good deeds: elaborative discourse and moral virtue [d]
  63. () Being stable in an unstable world [u]
  64. () Managing the aftermath of infidelity: a sequential guide for therapists and couples [i] [d]
  65. () An evolutionary perspective on Kohlberg's theory of moral development [d]
  66. () Honesty: the philosophy and psychology of a neglected virtue [i] [d]
  67. () Moral education for social justice [i]
  68. () Clarifying the content of intellectual humility: a systematic review and integrative framework [p] [d]
  69. Lada T. Price, Karen Sanders, & Wendy N. Wyatt [ed] () The Routledge companion to journalism ethics [i] [d]
  70. () The moral ground to view poverty is injustice [i] [d]
  71. Emanuele Ratti & Thomas A. Stapleford [ed] () Science, technology, and virtues: contemporary perspectives [i] [d]
  72. () Distant posterity (a philosophical glance along time's corridor) [i] [d]
  73. () Ethics matters: ethical issues in pragmatic perspective [i] [d]
  74. Dean Richard & Oliver Sensen [ed] () Respect: philosophical essays [i] [d]
  75. () Against moral judgment: the empirical case for moral abolitionism ['we should make fewer moral judgments much more carefully'] [d]
  76. () Moral responsibility beyond our fingertips: collective responsibility, leaders, and attributionism [i]
  77. () Principles of foodservice ethics: a general review [d] [u]
  78. () The pivotal generation: why we have a moral responsibility to slow climate change right now [i] [d] [j]
  79. () The idea of moral duties to history [d]
  80. () How can information systems make a better world? [i] [d]
  81. () An ethic of kinship [i]
  82. () Ethical north star: the five Buddhist precepts for modern times [u]
  83. () Valuing animals as they are—whether they feel it or not [d]
  84. () Eudaimonistic argumentation [i] [d]
  85. () Intellectual humility and argumentation [i] [d]
  86. Mark Alfano, Michael P. Lynch, & Alessandra Tanesini [ed] () The Routledge handbook of philosophy of humility [i] [d]
  87. Amalia Amaya & Maksymilian Del Mar [ed] () Virtue, emotion, and imagination in law and legal reasoning [i] [d]
  88. (/2021) Overcoming fear by recollecting the Buddha: his role in early Buddhist texts [d]
  89. () The epistemology of justice [d]
  90. () How to be a pragmatist [i] [d]
  91. () It's not too late to do the right thing: moral motivations for climate change action [d]
  92. () Enforcing social norms: the morality of public shaming [d]
  93. () Buddhist humility [i] [d]
  94. () The key to inclusive leadership [u]
  95. () Science and moral imagination: a new ideal for values in science [i] [j] [u]
  96. () Our moral fate: evolution and the escape from tribalism [i] [d]
  97. Alexis Burgess, Herman Cappelen, & David Plunkett [ed] () Conceptual engineering and conceptual ethics [i] [d] [u]
  98. () Unnatural companions: rethinking our love of pets in an age of wildlife extinction [i]
  99. () Ethics and good governance [d]
  100. () The human animal earthling identity: shared values unifying human rights, animal rights, and environmental movements [i] [j]
  101. () The power of and: responsible business without trade-offs [i] [d] [j]
  102. Roberto Frega & Steven Levine [ed] () John Dewey's ethical theory: the 1932 Ethics [i] [d]
  103. () Effective altruism as an ethical lens on research priorities [p] [d]
  104. Anna Gotlib [ed] () The moral psychology of regret [i]
  105. () Folk standards of sound judgment: rationality versus reasonableness [p] [d]
  106. () Moral migration: desires to become more empathic predict changes in moral foundations [d]
  107. () Why practice philosophy as a way of life? [d]
  108. () A good apology: four steps to make things right [i]
  109. Ron Iphofen [ed] () Handbook of research ethics and scientific integrity [i] [d]
  110. () Commercial society: a primer on ethics and economics [i]
  111. () Epistemic radicals and the vice of arrogance as a counterfeit to the virtue of assured epistemic ambition [i] [d]
  112. () Intellectual humility in the sociopolitical domain [d]
  113. () Post-truth and science identity: a virtue-based approach to science education [d]
  114. () Ethics and international relations: a tragic perspective [i] [d]
  115. () The role of knowledge calibration in intellectual humility [i] [d]
  116. () Environmental justice and fairness [i] [d]
  117. () Moral uncertainty [i] [d] [u]
  118. () Mindfulness in good lives [i]
  119. () Compassion with justice: Harari's assault on human rights [d]
  120. Christian B. Miller & Ryan West [ed] () Integrity, honesty, and truth seeking [i] [d]
  121. () Artistic creation and ethical criticism [i] [d]
  122. () Ecocentrism: resetting baselines for virtue development [d]
  123. () The likelihood of actions and the neurobiology of virtues: veto and consent power [d]
  124. () Lost in translation: the construct representation of character virtues [p] [d]
  125. () When we do harm: a doctor confronts medical error [i]
  126. () Freedom trumps profit: a liberal approach to business ethics [d]
  127. () Reason and character: the moral foundations of Aristotelian political philosophy [i] [d]
  128. () The lost moral purpose of science education [d]
  129. () Reframed: self-reg for a just society [self-regulation] [i] [d]
  130. () Justice in Emmanuel Lévinas and John Rawls [d]
  131. () Sandinistas: a moral history [i] [j]
  132. () The hidden face of rights: toward a politics of responsibilities [i] [d] [j]
  133. () Exploring the costs of curiosity: an environmental scientist's dilemma [i] [j]
  134. () We are all in this life together [j] [u]
  135. () Epistemic injustice and the attention economy [d]
  136. () Virtue measurement: theory and applications [d]
  137. () Breaking the epistemic pornography habit: cognitive biases, digital discourse environments, and moral exemplars [d]
  138. () Learning from failure: shame and emotion regulation in virtue as skill [d]
  139. () Moral 'foundations' as the product of motivated social cognition: empathy and other psychological underpinnings of ideological divergence in 'individualizing' and 'binding' concerns [p] [d]
  140. () Humility and self-knowledge [i] [d]
  141. () A pragmatic method for normative conceptual work [i] [d] [u]
  142. () Grandstanding: the use and abuse of moral talk [i] [d]
  143. () Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty [d]
  144. () Ethics, meaningfulness, and mutuality [i] [d]
  145. () Beyond moral efficiency: effective altruism and theorizing about effectiveness [d]
  146. () The dark side of morality: group polarization and moral epistemology [d] [u]
  147. Martin Bohle [ed] () Exploring geoethics: ethical implications, societal contexts, and professional obligations of the geosciences [i] [d]
  148. () Précis of The evolution of moral progress: a biocultural theory [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  149. () Civic honesty around the globe [p] [d]
  150. Bradford Cokelet & Corey J. Maley [ed] () The moral psychology of guilt [i]
  151. Evan J. Criddle, Paul B. Miller, & Robert H. Sitkoff [ed] () The Oxford handbook of fiduciary law [i] [d]
  152. () Supporting the development of a professional identity: general principles [p] [d]
  153. () Is it good to cooperate?: testing the theory of morality-as-cooperation in 60 societies [and comments and reply] [d] [u]
  154. () Why we elect narcissists and sociopaths: and how we can stop! [i]
  155. () Kinship, cooperation, and the evolution of moral systems [d]
  156. () North of home: obligations to families of undocumented patients [p] [d]
  157. () The ethics of eating animals: usually bad, sometimes wrong, often permissible [i] [d]
  158. () Do-gooders [and the need for politically responsible altruism] [book review essay] [d] [u]
  159. () Śāntideva's ethics of impartial compassion [i] [d]
  160. Hilary Greaves & Theron Pummer [ed] () Effective altruism: philosophical issues [i] [d]
  161. () Seeing from all sides [i] [d]
  162. () Ideology justifies morality: political beliefs predict moral foundations [d] [j]
  163. () Global justice and finance [i] [d]
  164. Lene Arnett Jensen [ed] () The Oxford handbook of moral development: an interdisciplinary perspective [i] [d]
  165. () Consequences matter: compassion in conservation means caring for individuals, populations and species [p] [d]
  166. () History and persons [d]
  167. () Between absolutism and efficiency: reply to Professors Geistfeld, Grady, and Priel [d] [u]
  168. () Toward a new (old) theory of responsibility: moving beyond accountability [i] [d]
  169. Deborah Laible, Gustavo Carlo, & Laura M. Padilla-Walker [ed] () The Oxford handbook of parenting and moral development [i] [d]
  170. () After motivational hedonism: feeling bad can be good, feeling good can be bad [i] [d]
  171. () Being good in a world of uncertainty: a reply to Temkin [u]
  172. Annabelle Lever & Andrei Poama [ed] () The Routledge handbook of ethics and public policy [i] [d]
  173. () Medical crowdfunding, political marginalization, and government responsiveness: a reply to Larry Temkin [u]
  174. Adam Lindgreen, François Maon, Joëlle Vanhamme, Beatriz Palacios Florencio, Christine Vallaster, & Carolyn Strong [ed] () Engaging with stakeholders: a relational perspective on responsible business [i] [d]
  175. () Practical ethics given moral uncertainty [d]
  176. () The perils of partnership: industry influence, institutional integrity, and public health [i]
  177. () Précis of Regard for reason in the moral mind [and comments and reply] [d]
  178. () Pragmatism and effective altruism: an essay on epistemology and practical ethics [u]
  179. () Economic design for effective altruism [i] [d]
  180. () The ways of altruism [d]
  181. () Application or construction?: two types of public policy ethics [i] [d]
  182. () The advancement of altruism as a criterion of moral validity [d]
  183. () The economics of higher purpose: eight counterintuitive steps for creating a purpose-driven organization [i]
  184. () Moral transformation and duties of beneficence [d]
  185. () Famine ethics [d]
  186. () Butchering benevolence: moral progress beyond the expanding circle [d] [j]
  187. () The ethics and economics of ecological justice [i] [d]
  188. Mohammadali M. Shoja, Anastasia Arynchyna, Marios Loukas, Anthony V. D'Antoni, Sandra M. Buerger, Marion Karl, & R. Shane Tubbs [ed] () A guide to the scientific career: virtues, communication, research, and academic writing [i] [d]
  189. () The form of the firm: a normative political theory of the corporation [i] [d]
  190. () The ethics of material provisioning: insiders' views of work in the extractive industries [d]
  191. Robert J. Sternberg, Howard C. Nusbaum, & Judith Glück [ed] () Applying wisdom to contemporary world problems [i] [d]
  192. () From moral theology to moral philosophy: Hume's academic scepticism [and epilogue] [i] [d]
  193. () Clean hands?: philosophical lessons from scrupulosity [i] [d]
  194. () Charity vs. revolution: effective altruism and the systemic change objection [d]
  195. () Toward a 'moral economy' [u]
  196. () Human relationships with domestic and other animals: one health, one welfare, one biology [p] [d]
  197. () Being good in a world of need: some empirical worries and an uncomfortable philosophical possibility [u]
  198. () Must politics be war?: restoring our trust in the open society [i] [d]
  199. () Universal ethics: organized complexity as an intrinsic value [i] [d]
  200. () Legacy motivations & the psychology of intergenerational decisions [p] [d]
  201. () Humility in clinical supervision: fundamental, foundational, and transformational [d]
  202. () The crime of aggression: the quest for justice in an age of drones, cyberattacks, insurgents, and autocrats [i] [d] [j]
  203. Mark D. White [ed] () The Oxford handbook of ethics and economics [i] [d]
  204. () Reflections on the purpose of indigenous environmental education [i] [d]
  205. () From advocacy to accountability in experiential learning practices [d]
  206. () Cautioning against overemphasis of normative constructs in conservation decision making [p] [d]
  207. () Zen and deep evolution: the optical delusion of separation [d]
  208. () An economy of well-being: common-sense tools for building genuine wealth and happiness [i]
  209. () Severe poverty as an unjust emergency [i] [d]
  210. Heather Battaly [ed] () The Routledge handbook of virtue epistemology [i] [d]
  211. () One-to-one fellow feeling, universal identification and oneness, and group solidarities [i] [d] [j]
  212. () Corruption & state capture: what can citizens do? [d] [j]
  213. Justin Caouette & Carolyn Price [ed] () The moral psychology of compassion [i]
  214. () Fixing language: an essay on conceptual engineering [i] [d]
  215. () Why compliance programs fail—and how to fix them [u]
  216. Myisha V. Cherry & Owen J. Flanagan [ed] () The moral psychology of anger [i]
  217. () The duty to work? [d]
  218. () Ethical gambling: a necessary new point of view of gambling in public health policies [p] [d]
  219. () Expectations and obligations [d]
  220. () Capabilities in a just society: a theory of navigational agency [i] [d]
  221. Daniel Cozort & James Mark Shields [ed] () The Oxford handbook of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  222. () Concern, respect, and cooperation [i] [d]
  223. () Healing character flaws [i] [d]
  224. () Norms, not moral norms: the boundaries of morality do not matter [p] [d]
  225. () Interpersonal harm aversion as a necessary foundation for morality: a developmental neuroscience perspective [p] [d]
  226. () Food justice and narrative ethics: reading stories for ethical awareness and activism [i] [d]
  227. () Précis of Talking to our selves: reflection, ignorance, and agency [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  228. () This problem belongs to everyone [i] [d] [j]
  229. () Rebuilding public institutions together: professionals and citizens in a participatory democracy [i] [d] [j]
  230. () When is inequality fair? [d]
  231. Elaine E. Englehardt & Michael S. Pritchard [ed] () Ethics across the curriculum—pedagogical perspectives [i] [d]
  232. Peter D. Fernandez & Kelly Tilton [ed] () Applying library values to emerging technology: decision-making in the age of open access, maker spaces, and the ever-changing library [i] [u]
  233. Andrew Fiala [ed] () The Routledge handbook of pacifism and nonviolence [i] [d]
  234. Jennifer A. Frey & Candace Vogler [ed] () Self-transcendence and virtue: perspectives from philosophy, psychology, and theology [i] [d]
  235. () Professionalism [i]
  236. () The complexity of a diverse moral order [u]
  237. Michael Glanzberg [ed] () The Oxford handbook of truth [i] [d]
  238. () The bodhisattva precepts [i] [d]
  239. Martin Guzman [ed] () Toward a just society: Joseph Stiglitz and twenty-first century economics [i] [d] [j]
  240. () The inheritance of wealth: justice, equality, and the right to bequeath [i] [d]
  241. () The tradeoffs we make: ethical technology in the open movement and beyond [i] [u]
  242. () Combating corruption in the twenty-first century: new approaches [d] [j]
  243. () Re-reasoning ethics: the rationality of deliberation and judgment in ethics [i] [d]
  244. () Ethics in Zen [i] [d]
  245. () How Friedman's view on individual freedom relates to stakeholder theory and social contract theory [d]
  246. () Late stages of adult development: one linear sequence or several parallel branches? [u]
  247. () Don't be cruel: the significance of cruelty in the current meat-debate [i] [d]
  248. Angela Kallhoff, Marcello Di Paola, & Maria Schörgenhumer [ed] () Plant ethics: concepts and applications [i] [d]
  249. () Buddhist environmental ethics: an emergent and contextual approach [i] [d]
  250. () Systematizing the theoretical virtues [d] [j]
  251. () Professionalizing leadership [i] [d]
  252. () Young children's ability to recognize and challenge unfair treatment of others in group contexts [d] [j]
  253. () Exploring the why of psychologist misconduct and malpractice: a thematic analysis of court decision documents [d]
  254. () In defense of gun control [i] [d]
  255. () What does it mean to take diversity seriously?: on open-mindedness as a civic virtue [u]
  256. Seth Lazar & Helen Frowe [ed] () The Oxford handbook of ethics of war [i] [d]
  257. Andrew Linzey & Clair Linzey [ed] () The Palgrave handbook of practical animal ethics [i] [d]
  258. () Deliberation and long-term decisions: representing future generations [i] [d]
  259. () Burned to death because of a rumour on WhatsApp [u]
  260. Michelle Mason [ed] () The moral psychology of contempt [i]
  261. () Regard for reason in the moral mind [i]
  262. () Livestock: food, fiber, and friends [i] [j]
  263. () The psychology of moral judgment and perception in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  264. () The character gap: how good are we? [i]
  265. () The pragmatist theory of truth [i] [d]
  266. Lars Moratis, Frans Melissen, & Samuel O. Idowu [ed] () Sustainable business models: principles, promise, and practice [i] [d]
  267. () Increasing the moral sensitivity of professionals [i] [d]
  268. () Not enough: human rights in an unequal world [i] [d] [j]
  269. () Seven steps to control of corruption: the road map [d] [j]
  270. Melissa K. Nelson & Dan Shilling [ed] () Traditional ecological knowledge: learning from indigenous practices for environmental sustainability [i] [d]
  271. () Bankers bashing back: amoral CSR justifications [d] [j]
  272. () Animatio: a history of ideas on the beginning of personhood [p] [d]
  273. () Modesty as an excellence in moral perspective taking [d]
  274. () The anatomy of courage in Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics [d]
  275. () The ethical implications and utility of routine outcome monitoring in determining boundaries of competence in practice [d]
  276. () Five steps to strengthen ethics in organizations and individuals: effective strategies informed by research and history [i] [d]
  277. () Developing habits of moral reflection: Dewey, moral inquiry, and practical ethics [i] [d]
  278. () (You drive me) crazy: how gaslighting undermines autonomy [u]
  279. () Fighting systemic corruption: the indirect strategy [d] [j]
  280. () Corruption & illicit trade [d] [j]
  281. () Developing the good physician: spirituality affects the development of virtues and moral intuitions in medical students [d]
  282. () The inequality delusion: why we've got the wealth gap all wrong [d] [u]
  283. () Normative changes and individual differences in early moral judgments: a constructivist developmental perspective [d] [j]
  284. () The difference between ice cream and Nazis: moral externalization and the evolution of human cooperation [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  285. () The skillfulness of virtue: improving our moral and epistemic lives [i] [d]
  286. Nina Strohminger & Victor Kumar [ed] () The moral psychology of disgust [i]
  287. () Honest to goodness [o] [u]
  288. () The karma of now: why the present moment isn't the goal [o] [u]
  289. () Wisdom over justice [o] [u]
  290. Paul B. Thompson & Kirill O. Thompson [ed] () Agricultural ethics in East Asian perspective: a transpacific dialogue [i] [d]
  291. () Do good: embracing brand citizenship to fuel both purpose and profit [i]
  292. () Well-being as value fulfillment: how we can help each other to live well [i] [d]
  293. () How we learned to put our fate in one another's hands: the origins of morality [d] [u]
  294. () Précis of A natural history of human morality [and comments and reply] [d]
  295. () Cultural humility and Dewey's pattern of inquiry: developing good attitudes and overcoming bad habits [d]
  296. () The inverse invisible hand and heuristics in managerial decision-making [d]
  297. () The objectivity of moral norms is a top-down cultural construct [p] [d]
  298. () Ethics, meditation, and wisdom [i] [d]
  299. Paul Woodruff [ed] () The ethics of giving: philosophers' perspectives on philanthropy [i] [d]
  300. Jaime Ahlberg & Michael Chobli [ed] () Procreation, parenthood, and educational rights: ethical and philosophical issues [i] [d]
  301. () Processes of negotiation in socio-scientific argumentation about vegetarianism in teacher education [i] [d]
  302. () Discrimination and disrespect [i] [d]
  303. () Norms and value based reasoning: justifying compliance and violation [d]
  304. Monica Bhandari [ed] () Philosophical foundations of tax law [i] [d]
  305. () Norms in the wild: how to diagnose, measure, and change social norms [i] [d]
  306. Noell Birondo & S. Stuart Braun [ed] () Virtue's reasons: new essays on virtue, character, and reasons [i] [d]
  307. () Imaginative moral development [d]
  308. Jean-François Bonnefon & Bastien Trémolière [ed] () Moral inferences [i] [d]
  309. () The virtue of modesty and the egalitarian ethos [i] [d]
  310. (/2019) Getting less than your due [meionexia as a virtue] [i]
  311. () Professional virtue reinforcements: a necessary complement to technological and policy reforms [d]
  312. J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon [ed] () The moral psychology of pride [i]
  313. () Buddhism and science as ethical discourse [i] [d]
  314. () Moral rationalism and psychopathy: affective responses to reason [d]
  315. () Employee profit sharing: a moral obligation or a moral option? [u]
  316. () Faces of moderation: the art of balance in an age of extremes [i] [d]
  317. () Disengaged ethics: code development and journalism's relationship with 'the public' [d]
  318. () Equal dignity and rights [i] [d]
  319. Jake H. Davis [ed] () A mirror is for reflection: understanding Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  320. () International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control [p] [d]
  321. () Treating ethics as a design problem [d] [u]
  322. () Corruption: what everyone needs to know [i]
  323. () Individuality and entanglement: the moral and material bases of social life [i] [d] [j]
  324. Anna Gotlib [ed] () The moral psychology of sadness [i]
  325. () Elements of ethics for physical scientists [i]
  326. () Wisdom in context [p] [d]
  327. () Attainable and relevant moral exemplars are more effective than extraordinary exemplars in promoting voluntary service engagement [p] [d]
  328. () Engineering the emergence of norms: a review [d]
  329. Lisa Herzog [ed] () Just financial markets?: finance in a just society [i] [d]
  330. () Humility is the new smart: rethinking human excellence in the smart machine age [i]
  331. () How do social norms influence prosocial development? [p] [d]
  332. () Three remarks on 'reflective equilibrium': on the use and misuse of Rawls' balancing concept in contemporary ethics [d]
  333. () Energy without conscience: oil, climate change, and complicity [i] [d] [u]
  334. () Values and ethics in coaching [i] [d]
  335. () Slavery, carbon, and moral progress [d] [j]
  336. () Ethical considerations for mentors: toward a mentoring code of ethics [i] [d]
  337. () Moral motivation as a dynamic developmental process: toward an integrative synthesis [d]
  338. () On the good in Aristotle and early Buddhism: a response to Abraham Vélez [u]
  339. Ian James Kidd, José Medina, & Gaile Pohlhaus Jr. [ed] () The Routledge handbook of epistemic injustice [i] [d]
  340. () Beautiful bodhisattvas: the aesthetics of spiritual exemplarity [d]
  341. () Common ethical transgressions by private practitioners [i] [d]
  342. () Capital punishment: a Buddhist critique [u]
  343. Claus Kreß & Stefan Barriga [ed] () The crime of aggression: a commentary [i] [d]
  344. () Cognitive and interpersonal features of intellectual humility [p] [d]
  345. () How to create a vegan world: a pragmatic approach [i]
  346. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen [ed] () The Routledge handbook of the ethics of discrimination [i] [d]
  347. () Student counselors' moral, intellectual, and professional ethical identity development [d]
  348. () Moral sources and the reproduction of the Amazonian package [and comments and reply] [d] [j]
  349. () Practical wisdom: a virtue for resolving conflicts among practical reasons [i] [d]
  350. () Self-simulation and empathy [i] [d]
  351. () How to build a better organization? Build better people [u]
  352. () Moral philosophers as ethical engineers: limits of moral philosophy and a pragmatist alternative [d]
  353. () How talk mediates moral development: inescapable frameworks in the measure of moral meaning [book review] [d]
  354. () The moral arc of mindfulness: cultivating concentration, wisdom, and compassion [i] [d]
  355. Lynette M. Monteiro, Jane F. Compson, & Frank Musten [ed] () Practitioner's guide to ethics and mindfulness-based interventions [i] [d]
  356. () Cultural humility [i] [d]
  357. () The other half of effective altruism: selective asceticism [d] [u]
  358. Kathryn Norlock [ed] () The moral psychology of forgiveness [i]
  359. () Self-knowledge and the development of virtue [i] [d]
  360. Christine Overall [ed] () Pets and people: the ethics of our relationships with companion animals [i] [d]
  361. () Virtues and vices in scientific practice [d] [j]
  362. () American pragmatism, evolution, and ethics [i] [d]
  363. Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward [ed] () The Routledge handbook of food ethics [i] [d]
  364. () Teaching ethics in business schools: a conversation on disciplinary differences, academic provincialism, and the case for integrated pedagogy [d] [j]
  365. () On being awesome: a unified theory of how not to suck [i]
  366. () Scientific community: a moral dimension [d]
  367. Péter Róna & László Zsolnai [ed] () Economics as a moral science [i] [d]
  368. () Virtue, positive psychology, and religion: consideration of an overarching virtue and an underpinning mechanism [d]
  369. () Communication and bioethics at the end of life: real cases, real dilemmas [i] [d]
  370. () The unified model of vegetarian identity: a conceptual framework for understanding plant-based food choices [p] [d]
  371. Neil Roughley & Thomas Schramme [ed] () Forms of fellow feeling: empathy, sympathy, concern and moral agency [i] [d]
  372. Michael Ruse & Robert J. Richards [ed] () The Cambridge handbook of evolutionary ethics [i] [d]
  373. () Individual moral development and moral progress [d] [j]
  374. () Reason and justice: the optimal and the maximal [d]
  375. () Peter Singer, R.M. Hare, and the trouble with logical consistency [in moral reasoning] [d] [u]
  376. () Rhetoric, ethics, and the principle of charity: pragmatist clues to the democratic riddle [d]
  377. () Analytic vs. pragmatist food ethics: method and approach [u]
  378. () The long-term value thesis: how important are future generations? [or: Introducing longtermism: the moral significance of future generations] [u]
  379. () Teaching common morality: using Bernard Gert's account of the moral system in the classroom [d]
  380. () Ethical aspects of working with local communities and their biological resources [i] [d]
  381. () Harm to self outweighs benefit to others in moral decision making [p] [d]
  382. () Ethics of research for patients in pain [p] [d]
  383. () The slippery slope argument in the ethical debate on genetic engineering of humans [p] [d]
  384. () Informed reflexivity: enacting epistemic virtue [d]
  385. Ian Werkheiser & Zachary Piso [ed] () Food justice in US and global contexts: bringing theory and practice together [i] [d]
  386. Everett L. Worthington, Don E. Davis, & Joshua N. Hook [ed] () Handbook of humility: theory, research, and applications [i] [d]
  387. () Computational models of ethical decision-making: a coherence-driven reflective equilibrium model [d]
  388. () Exemplarist moral theory [i] [d]
  389. () Straw men, iron men, and argumentative virtue [d]
  390. () Ethical requirements and responsibilities in video methodologies: considering confidentiality and representation in social justice research [d]
  391. Julia Annas, Darcia Narváez, & Nancy E. Snow [ed] () Developing the virtues: integrating perspectives [i] [d]
  392. () Mental models and ethical decision making: the mediating role of sensemaking [d] [j]
  393. () Fostering the virtues of inquiry [d]
  394. () Are fallacies vices? [d]
  395. () Moral disengagement: how people do harm and live with themselves [i]
  396. () Valuing librarianship: core values in theory and practice [u]
  397. () Individual values and delinquency: on considering universals in the content and structure of values [d]
  398. () Gratitude toward things [i] [d]
  399. () The moral economy: why good incentives are no substitute for good citizens [i] [d]
  400. Ben Bramble & Bob Fischer [ed] () The moral complexities of eating meat [i] [d]
  401. () Practicing practical wisdom [o] [u]
  402. () Benevolence in a justice-based world: the powers of sentiments (and reasoning) in predicting pro-social behaviors [i] [d]
  403. Jodey Castricano & Rasmus R. Simonsen [ed] () Critical perspectives on veganism [o] [d]
  404. () Self-with-other in teacher practice: a case study through care, Aristotelian virtue, and Buddhist ethics [d]
  405. Andrew Chignell, Terence Cuneo, & Matthew C. Halteman [ed] () Philosophy comes to dinner: arguments on the ethics of eating [i] [d]
  406. () Beating hearts: abortion and animal rights [i] [d] [j]
  407. () The first two rules of leadership: don't be stupid, don't be a jerk [i]
  408. () Children's rights: from philosophy to public policy [i] [d]
  409. () The gospel of kindness: animal welfare and the making of modern America [i] [d]
  410. () Dōgen [and ethics] [i] [d]
  411. () Interests and epistemic integrity in science: a new framework to assess interest influences in scientific research processes [i]
  412. Mike Dent, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Jean-Louis Denis, & Ellen Kuhlmann [ed] () The Routledge companion to the professions and professionalism [i] [d]
  413. () Beyond 'being good frees us to be bad': moral self-licensing and the fabrication of moral credentials [i] [d]
  414. () Manipulating human memory through reconsolidation: ethical implications of a new therapeutic approach [d]
  415. () Challenge, focus, inspiration and support: processes of values clarification and congruence [d]
  416. () Superwide reflective equilibrium [i] [d]
  417. () The geography of morals: varieties of moral possibility [i] [d]
  418. () Global business ethics: responsible decision making in an international context [i]
  419. () Humility in business: a contextual approach [d] [j]
  420. () The bright and dark side of altruism: demographic, personality traits, and disorders associated with altruism [d] [j]
  421. Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson [ed] () The Oxford handbook of environmental ethics [i] [d]
  422. () Virtue and arguers [d]
  423. () Moral attention: a comparative philosophical study [d]
  424. () Voracious science & vulnerable animals: a primate scientist's ethical journey [i] [d]
  425. Iñigo González-Ricoy & Axel Gosseries [ed] () Institutions for future generations [i] [d]
  426. () The many voices of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  427. () Dude making a difference: bamboo bikes, dumpster dives and other extreme adventures across America [i]
  428. () Veganism as an aspiration [i] [d]
  429. () Derechos de la naturaleza: ética biocéntrica y políticas ambientales [i]
  430. () Questioning the victim status of complainants in professional ethics investigations [d]
  431. () An ethical perspective on accounting standard setting: professional and lay-experts' contribution to GASB's Pension Project [d]
  432. () Finding purpose: environmental stewardship as a personal calling [i]
  433. () Deontological coherence: a framework for commonsense moral reasoning [p] [d]
  434. () Varieties of fairness and procedural cultures: a comparative discussion [d]
  435. () Intellectual humility, confidence, and argumentation [d]
  436. () Morality: cooperation is fundamental but it is not enough to ensure the fair treatment of others: essay review of A natural history of human morality by Michael Tomasello [d] [j]
  437. () Ethics in computing: a concise module [i] [d]
  438. () The distressed body: rethinking illness, imprisonment, and healing [i] [d]
  439. S. Matthew Liao [ed] () Moral brains: the neuroscience of morality [i] [d]
  440. () Who's responsible for global poverty? [d]
  441. () Software evangelism and the rhetoric of morality: coding justice in a digital democracy [i] [d]
  442. () Memoir ethics: good lives and the virtues [i]
  443. () The moral problem of predation [i] [d]
  444. () Equanimity and the moral virtue of open-mindedness [j] [u]
  445. () Why be an intellectually humble philosopher? [d]
  446. () Value uncertainty [in practical decision-making] [i] [d]
  447. () Always the hero to ourselves: the role of self-deception in unethical behaviour [i] [d]
  448. () Rights vs. duties: reclaiming civic balance [u]
  449. () Anger and forgiveness: resentment, generosity, justice [i]
  450. () 'To promote the general welfare': addressing political corruption in America [d]
  451. () Run, Spot, run: the ethics of keeping pets [i] [d]
  452. () Each of us contains the other: James Baldwin's steadfast morality [u]
  453. () Wealth and wrongdoing: social class differences in ethical reasoning and behavior [i] [d]
  454. () Nation on the take: how big money corrupts our democracy and what we can do about it [i]
  455. Jan-Willem van Prooijen & Paul A. M. van Lange [ed] () Cheating, corruption, and concealment: the roots of dishonesty [i] [d]
  456. () I don't want the money, I just want your time: how moral identity overcomes the aversion to giving time to prosocial causes [p] [d]
  457. () The ethical challenges of socially responsible science [p] [d]
  458. () Honest advocacy for nature: presenting a persuasive narrative for conservation [d]
  459. () Good neighbors: the democracy of everyday life in America [i] [d] [j]
  460. () Exposing fraud: skills, process and practicalities [i] [d]
  461. () Moral economy, unearned income, and legalized corruption [i]
  462. () Harm mediates the disgust–immorality link [p] [d]
  463. () Business ethics education and the pragmatic pursuit of the good [i] [d]
  464. () From environmental ethics to environmental action [i] [d]
  465. () Self-reg: how to help your child (and you) break the stress cycle and successfully engage with life [i]
  466. () Ethical decision making for the 21st century counselor [i] [d]
  467. () Pluralism as a bias mitigation strategy [u]
  468. () The ethical principles of effective altruism [d]
  469. () A critique of the moral defense of vegetarianism [i] [d]
  470. () You can't bribe a computer: dealing with the societal challenge of corruption through ICT [u]
  471. () Social justice and educational measurement: John Rawls, the history of testing, and the future of education [i] [d]
  472. () Vegetarianism and animal ethics in contemporary Buddhism [i] [d]
  473. () The role of motivation and wisdom in virtue as skills [i] [d]
  474. () Developmental virtue ethics [i] [d]
  475. () Thick, thin, and becoming a virtuous arguer [d]
  476. () Technology and the virtues: a philosophical guide to a future worth wanting [i] [d]
  477. () 'Something to see here': looking at road-killing and road-killed animals [i]
  478. () The healing virtues: character ethics in psychotherapy [i] [d]
  479. () Don't be a jerk and other practical advice from Dōgen, Japan's greatest Zen master: a radical but reverent paraphrasing of Dōgen's Treasury of the true dharma eye [i]
  480. () The wisdom of frugality: why less is more—more or less [i] [d] [j]
  481. () Thinking about you: perspective taking, perceived restraint, and performance [i] [d]
  482. () The ergonomics of ethics [i] [d]
  483. () What is stupid?: people's conception of unintelligent behavior [d]
  484. () Moral bias and corrective practices: a pragmatist perspective [j]
  485. () Humility in management [d] [j]
  486. () Adversarial operational psychology is unethical psychology: a reply to Staal and Greene (2015) [d]
  487. () Navigating austerity: currents of debt along a South Asian river [i] [d]
  488. () Vegans report less stress and anxiety than omnivores [p] [d]
  489. () Essentials of public health ethics [i]
  490. Jacqueline Boaks & Michael P. Levine [ed] () Leadership and ethics [i] [d]
  491. () Deep violence: military violence, war play and the social life of weapons [i]
  492. () How not to be Reviewer #2 [u]
  493. () The core argument for veganism [d]
  494. () A constructionist review of morality and emotions: no evidence for specific links between moral content and discrete emotions [p] [d]
  495. () Intelligent disobedience: doing right when what you're told to do is wrong [i]
  496. () Theoretical bases of psychotherapeutic practices [i] [d]
  497. () Buddhist concepts as implicitly reducing prejudice and increasing prosociality [p] [d]
  498. () Making conversation about ethical consumption with [u]
  499. () The moral basis for conservation: how is it affected by culture? [d]
  500. () Catching capital: the ethics of tax competition [i] [d]
  501. () Talking to our selves: reflection, ignorance, and agency [i] [d]
  502. () Virtue, values, genes, and psychological well-being [i] [d]
  503. () What's the use of consciousness?: how the stab of conscience made us really conscious [i] [d]
  504. () Neuroenhancement: how mental training and meditation can promote epistemic virtue [i] [d]
  505. () Atheism, wellbeing, and the wager: why not believing in God (with others) is good for you [d]
  506. () Buddhist moral philosophy: an introduction [i] [d]
  507. () Lighter as we go: virtues, character strengths, and aging [i]
  508. () Emotions, narratives, and ethical mindfulness [p] [d]
  509. () The therapy relationship: a special kind of friendship [i] [d]
  510. () Willingness to inquire: the cardinal critical thinking virtue [i] [d]
  511. () Demandingness, well-being and the bodhisattva path [d]
  512. () Respecting ourselves [i]
  513. () Respecting things [i]
  514. Jeroen van den Hoven, Pieter E. Vermaas, & Ibo van de Poel [ed] () Handbook of ethics, values, and technological design: sources, theory, values and application domains [i] [d]
  515. () Choosing hunger [d]
  516. () The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior [d]
  517. () Ethical life: its natural and social histories [i] [d] [j]
  518. () Return on character: the real reason leaders and their companies win [i]
  519. () What develops in moral identities?: a critical review [d] [j]
  520. () Abolition of nuclear weapons as a moral imperative [i]
  521. () Ashoka in Ancient India [i] [d] [j]
  522. () Accounting and happiness [d]
  523. () Ethics in ethnography: a mixed methods approach [i]
  524. () Judicial wisdom: the process of constructing wise decisions [d]
  525. () The ethical significance of antimicrobial resistance [d]
  526. () Moral disengagement in 'war fever': how can we resist? [i] [d]
  527. () Ethics in Buddhist training [d]
  528. () Virtue and irony in American democracy: revisiting Dewey and Niebuhr [i]
  529. () The quest for good governance: how societies develop control of corruption [i] [d]
  530. () Rethinking the very idea of egalitarian markets and corporations: why relationships might matter more than distribution [d]
  531. () Sustainable values, sustainable change: a guide to environmental decision making [i] [d]
  532. () Beyond the war on invasive species: a permaculture approach to ecosystem restoration [i]
  533. () Philosophy and ethics of animal use and consumption: from Pythagoras to Bentham [d]
  534. () Replication of scientific research: addressing geoprivacy, confidentiality, and data sharing challenges in geospatial research [d]
  535. () A rhetoric of nonviolence: the Dalai Lama's 1989 Nobel Peace Prize lecture [d]
  536. Ricardo Rozzi, F. Stuart Chapin, J. Baird Callicott, Steward T. Pickett, Mary E. Power, Juan J. Armesto, & Roy H. May [ed] () Earth stewardship: linking ecology and ethics in theory and practice [i] [d]
  537. Fernando Santos-Granero [ed] () Images of public wealth or the anatomy of well-being in indigenous Amazonia [i] [j]
  538. () The most good you can do: how effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically [i] [d]
  539. Ragnhild Aslaug Sollund [ed] () Green harms and crimes: critical criminology in a changing world [i] [d]
  540. () The roots of goodness and resistance to evil: inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership, and heroism [i]
  541. () Entangled corporeality: taxidermy practice and the vibrancy of dead matter [d]
  542. () Value maps in applied ethics [d]
  543. () From field to fork: food ethics for everyone [i] [d]
  544. () Agroecology as a vehicle for contributive justice [d]
  545. () Morality and prosocial judgments and behavior [i] [d]
  546. () Good and well: the case for secular Buddhist ethics [d]
  547. Tatjana Višak & Robert Garner [ed] () The ethics of killing animals [i] [d]
  548. () Towards a code of conduct for clients of research? [d]
  549. () Social practice or Trojan horse?: the need for an ethical framework to guide art in the public sphere [d]
  550. () Turning up the lights on gaslighting [d]
  551. () Ethics policies and reconcilation procedures for Ancient Dragon Zen Gate [u]
  552. Bruce A. Arrigo [ed] () Encyclopedia of criminal justice ethics [i] [d]
  553. () The fight for ethical fashion: the origins and interactions of the clean clothes campaign [i]
  554. Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod [ed] () Family-making: contemporary ethical challenges [i] [d]
  555. () Law, moral attitudes, and behavioral change [i] [d]
  556. () Engineering and war: militarism, ethics, institutions, alternatives [i] [d]
  557. () When nature and nurture collide: early childhood trauma, adult crime, and the limits of criminal law [i]
  558. () Underestimating our influence over others' unethical behavior and decisions [d]
  559. () Environmental leadership and consciousness development: a case study among Canadian SMEs [small and medium-sized enterprises] [d] [j]
  560. () Mitigating foul blows: rethinking procedural barriers to prosecutorial misconduct claims [u]
  561. () Professionalism, the public interest, and social accounting [i] [d]
  562. () Family values: the ethics of parent–child relationships [i] [d] [j]
  563. () Sentience and animal welfare [i] [d]
  564. () Karma, morality, and evil [d]
  565. () Reflective equilibrium and moral consistency reasoning [d]
  566. () Professionalism, profession and professional conduct: towards a basic logical and ethical geography [i] [d]
  567. () Research ethics and case studies in psychology: a commentary on Taus v. Loftus [p] [d]
  568. Markus Christen, Carel P. van Schaik, Johannes Fischer, Markus Huppenbauer, & Carmen Tanner [ed] () Empirically informed ethics: morality between facts and norms [i] [d]
  569. () Light already defines the darkness: understanding normal and maladaptive personality in the workplace [d]
  570. Jens Clausen & Neil Levy [ed] () Handbook of neuroethics [i] [d]
  571. () The problem of humiliation in peer review [d]
  572. Flavio Comim & Martha Craven Nussbaum [ed] () Capabilities, gender, equality: towards fundamental entitlements [i] [d]
  573. () Opening up ethical dialogue [i] [d]
  574. () Ethics and technology assessment: a participatory approach [i] [d]
  575. () Harm to others outweighs harm to self in moral decision making [p] [d]
  576. () Pragmatist ethics: a dynamical theory based on active responsibility [i] [d]
  577. () Personalism and the natural roots of morality [i] [d] [j]
  578. () Evolution and moral ecology [o] [u]
  579. () The moral terrain of science [d] [j]
  580. () Financial conflicts of interest and criteria for research credibility [d] [j]
  581. Abrol Fairweather [ed] () Virtue epistemology naturalized: bridges between virtue epistemology and philosophy of science [i] [d]
  582. Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Rema E. Reynolds, Katrice A. Albert, & Lori Latrice Martin [ed] () Trayvon Martin, race, and American justice: writing wrong [i] [d]
  583. () The art of the watchdog: fighting fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption in government [i]
  584. Edward F. Fischer [ed] () Cash on the table: markets, values, and moral economies [i]
  585. () The good life: aspiration, dignity, and the anthropology of wellbeing [i] [d]
  586. () Potential self-regulatory mechanisms of yoga for psychological health [p] [d]
  587. () The moral case for the clinical placebo [p] [d]
  588. () Good eating: food as a single-topic ethics course [d]
  589. () With malice toward none and charity for some: ingroup favoritism enables discrimination [p] [d]
  590. () Do not block the way of inquiry [d] [j] [u]
  591. () The leadership shadow: how to recognize and avoid derailment, hubris and overdrive [i]
  592. () Operationalizing ethics in food choice decisions [d]
  593. () The evolution of morality and the end of economic man [d]
  594. () The ethics of mandatory personal psychotherapy for trainee psychotherapists [d]
  595. () Developing corporate reporting in the public interest: the question of mandatory CSR reporting and the potential for its integration with financial reporting [i] [d]
  596. () Corruption, contention and reform: the power of deep democratization [i] [d]
  597. () Tensions in livelihoods: a rural perspective [i] [d]
  598. () Beyond fixed ends and limited moral community: Aristotle, Dewey, and contemporary applications in ethics [i] [d]
  599. () Accounting as personal apology [d]
  600. () Placebo use in pain management: the role of medical context, treatment efficacy, and deception in determining placebo acceptability [p] [d]
  601. () Emotional literacy in criminal justice: professional practice with offenders [i] [d]
  602. () Ethical darkness made visible: Michael Moore's Roger and me [i] [d]
  603. () Metacognition and intellectual virtue [i] [d]
  604. () Distant strangers: ethics, psychology, and global poverty [i] [d]
  605. () The quest for a moral compass: a global history of ethics [i]
  606. () The twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism in clinical practice [p] [d]
  607. () Moral aspects of professions and professional practice [i] [d]
  608. Steven Mintz [ed] () Accounting for the public interest: perspectives on accountability, professionalism and role in society [i] [d]
  609. () The virtues of ingenuity: reasoning and arguing without bias [d]
  610. () The good life: wellbeing and the new science of altruism, selfishness and immorality [i] [d]
  611. () Exploiting liars' verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details [d]
  612. () Selfless or selfish?: generativity and narcissism as components of legacy [d]
  613. () Queer post-gender ethics: the shape of selves to come [i] [d]
  614. () Boosting happiness: one of the best exercises you can do: tips and examples for using your signature strengths in new ways [u]
  615. () Virtue is knowledge: the moral foundations of Socratic political philosophy [i] [d]
  616. () Recover!: stop thinking like an addict and reclaim your life with the PERFECT program [i]
  617. () 'I cheated, but only a little': partial confessions to unethical behavior [p] [d]
  618. () The role of analytic thinking in moral judgements and values [d]
  619. () Anger and moral judgment [d]
  620. () Authentic governance: aligning personal governance with corporate governance [i] [d]
  621. () Making change: norm-based strategies for institutional change to address intractable problems [d]
  622. () The construction of moral agency in mother–child conversations about helping and hurting across childhood and adolescence [p] [d]
  623. Allison D. Redlich, James R. Acker, Robert J. Norris, & Catherine L. Bonventre [ed] () Examining wrongful convictions: stepping back, moving forward [i]
  624. () Psychology and the aims of normative ethics [i] [d] [u]
  625. () Guardians of the Earth: teaching children to care for all living things [i] [d]
  626. () Normative ethics after pragmatic naturalism [d]
  627. () The contemporary relevance of Buddha [d]
  628. () Emotional justifications for unethical behaviour [i] [d]
  629. () Dirty entanglements: corruption, crime, and terrorism [i] [d]
  630. () Life-history theory explains childhood moral development [p] [d]
  631. () Leaders eat last: why some teams pull together and others don't [i]
  632. () In defense of homelessness [d]
  633. () Confronting ethical permissibility in animal research: rejecting a common assumption and extending a principle of justice [p] [d]
  634. () The ethical imperative to think about thinking: diagnostics, metacognition, and medical professionalism [p] [d]
  635. () Teach your children well: preventing domestic violence [u]
  636. () Thanks for the feedback: the science and art of receiving feedback (even when it is off-base, unfair, poorly delivered, and frankly, you're not in the mood) [i]
  637. () Caring orientations: the normative foundations of the craft of management [d] [j]
  638. Dawn Langan Teele [ed] () Field experiments and their critics: essays on the uses and abuses of experimentation in the social sciences [i] [d]
  639. () Intuitions in moral reasoning: normative empirical reflective equilibrium as a model for substantial justification of moral claims [i] [d]
  640. () Interbeing and the 'ethical echo' of Lévinas: exploring communication ethics beyond willed agency [d]
  641. () Towards reducing the harm: workplace bullying as workplace corruption—a critical review [d]
  642. Frans B. M. de Waal, Patricia Smith Churchland, Telmo Pievani, & Stefano Parmigiani [ed] () Evolved morality: the biology and philosophy of human conscience [i] [d]
  643. Cecilia Wainryb & Holly E. Recchia [ed] () Talking about right and wrong: parent–child conversations as contexts for moral development [i] [d]
  644. () Principlism and the ethics of librarianship [d]
  645. () Spatiotemporal neural dynamics of moral judgment: a high-density ERP study [p] [d]
  646. Marvin Zalman & Julia Carrano [ed] () Wrongful conviction and criminal justice reform: making justice [i] [d]
  647. () Courage: a modern look at an ancient virtue [d]
  648. () Morality rebooted: exploring simple fixes to our moral bugs [u]
  649. (/2019) Ethics and social media Q&A [u]
  650. () Character as moral fiction [i] [d]
  651. Randall Amster & Elavie Ndura-Ouédraogo [ed] () Exploring the power of nonviolence: peace, politics, and practice [i] [j]
  652. () Environment, justice and the capability approach [d]
  653. Claudia Basta & Stefano Moroni [ed] () Ethics, design and planning of the built environment [i] [d]
  654. () Compassion and moral guidance [i] [d] [j]
  655. () Argumentation and pseudoscience: the case for an ethics of argumentation [i] [d]
  656. () Evil transformations: social-psychological processes underlying genocide and mass killing [i]
  657. () The developing moralities: a cognitive neuroscience approach [i] [d]
  658. () Political identity and moral education: a response to Jonathan Haidt's The righteous mind [d]
  659. Arthur C. Bohart, Barbara S. Held, Edward Mendelowitz, & Kirk J. Schneider [ed] () Humanity's dark side: evil, destructive experience, and psychotherapy [i] [d]
  660. () A constructivist approach to business ethics [d] [j]
  661. () Ethical maturity in the helping professions: making difficult life and work decisions [i]
  662. () The juror, the citizen, and the human being: the presumption of innocence and the burden of judgment [d]
  663. D. Justin Coates & Neal A. Tognazzini [ed] () Blame: its nature and norms [i] [d]
  664. () Virtue, in context [in argumentation] [d] [u]
  665. () Predicting counterproductive work behavior from guilt proneness [or lack of it] [d] [j]
  666. () The ethics of killing free-living animals [i] [j]
  667. () Why a true account of human development requires exemplar research [p] [d]
  668. () The little engine who could not: 'rehabilitating' the individual in safety research [d]
  669. () On the epistemology and ethics of communicating a Cartesian consciousness [d]
  670. () Second victim: error, guilt, trauma, and resilience [i] [d]
  671. () Current trends in moral research: what we know and where to go from here [d]
  672. Neelke Doorn, Daan Schuurbiers, Ibo van de Poel, & Michael E. Gorman [ed] () Early engagement and new technologies: opening up the laboratory [for review of the ethical, legal and social implications of new technologies] [i] [d]
  673. () Care and companionism: animal ethics at the end of life [u]
  674. () Quality control and due diligence in project management: getting decisions right by taking the outside view [d]
  675. () Vegetarianism and veganism [i] [d]
  676. () Reconstructing Deweyan growth: the significance of James Baldwin's moral psychology [d] [j]
  677. () Scoring firms' codes of ethics: an explorative study of quality drivers [d] [j]
  678. () Ethics and the golden rule [i] [d]
  679. Robert A. Giacalone & Mark D. Promislo [ed] () Handbook of unethical work behavior: implications for individual well-being [i] [d]
  680. () Broken when entering: the stigmatization of goodness and business ethics education [d]
  681. () Take back the economy: an ethical guide for transforming our communities [i] [d] [j]
  682. () Mutualism is only a part of human morality [p] [d]
  683. () Attraction in the field: what we need to acknowledge and implications for research and teaching [d]
  684. () Narrative, truth, and trial [u]
  685. () Legal education's ethical challenge: empirical research on how most effectively to foster each student's professional formation (professionalism) [u]
  686. () The ethics of risk: ethical analysis in an uncertain world [i] [d]
  687. () Structuring case-based ethics training: how comparing cases and structured prompts influence training effectiveness [d]
  688. (/2014) Religion is etiquette in the real world [i] [d]
  689. () Attorneys and negotiation ethics: a material misunderstanding? [d]
  690. () Ethics in counseling & therapy: developing an ethical identity [i] [d]
  691. () Ethical organisational culture as a context for managers' personal work goals [d] [j]
  692. () John Dewey and the ethics of historical belief: religion and the representation of the past [i]
  693. Chris Impey, Anna H. Spitz, & William R. Stoeger [ed] () Encountering life in the universe: ethical foundations and social implications of astrobiology [i] [j]
  694. () The dissolution of ethical decision-making in organizations: a comprehensive review and model [d] [j]
  695. () From smart to wise: acting and leading with wisdom [i]
  696. () An ethical framework for automated, wearable cameras in health behavior research [d]
  697. () Good prose: the art of nonfiction [i]
  698. (/2020) The honorable harvest [i]
  699. () East meets West: toward a universal ethic of virtue for global business [d] [j]
  700. () Seeing green: mere exposure to money triggers a business decision frame and unethical outcomes [d]
  701. () Remembering your (im)moral past: autobiographical reasoning and moral identity development [d]
  702. Hugh LaFollette [ed] () The international encyclopedia of ethics [i] [d]
  703. () The ethics of interrogation: professional responsibility in an age of terror [i] [j]
  704. () Common good [i] [d]
  705. () Returning to the Lakota way: old values to save a modern world [i]
  706. () Living within the Buddhist precepts [u]
  707. () Of mottos and morals: simple words for complex virtues [i]
  708. () Harsh childhood environmental characteristics predict exploitation and retaliation in humans [p] [d]
  709. () Prosecutorial disclosure violations: punishment vs. treatment [o]
  710. () Equanimity and intimacy: a Buddhist-feminist approach to the elimination of bias [d]
  711. () Investigating information-based crimes: a guide for investigators on crimes against persons related to the theft or manipulation of information assets [i]
  712. () Ethically adrift: how others pull our moral compass from true North, and how we can fix it [d]
  713. () Can we handle the truth? [u]
  714. () Moral schemas and corruption in Ugandan public procurement [d] [j]
  715. () Political emotions: why love matters for justice [i]
  716. (/2019) The moral imperative toward cost-effectiveness in global health [i] [d] [u]
  717. () Power, powerlessness and addiction [i] [d]
  718. () Against the profit motive: the salary revolution in American government, 1780–1940 [i] [d] [j]
  719. Janice Gow Pettey [ed] () Nonprofit fundraising strategy: a guide to ethical decision making and regulation for nonprofit organizations [i] [d]
  720. () Life in crisis: the ethical journey of Doctors Without Borders [i] [d] [j]
  721. () The pragmatics of betterment [d]
  722. () Behavioral legal ethics [u]
  723. () A procedural, pragmatist account of ethical objectivity [p] [d] [u]
  724. () Rational versus unreasonable persuasion in doctor–patient communication: a normative account [d]
  725. () The cheater's high: the unexpected affective benefits of unethical behavior [p] [d]
  726. Ronald L. Sandler & John Basl [ed] () Designer biology: the ethics of intensively engineering biological and ecological systems [i]
  727. Ulf Schrader, Vera Fricke, Declan Doyle, & Victoria W. Thoresen [ed] () Enabling responsible living [i] [d]
  728. Ron Schultz [ed] () Creating good work: the world's leading social entrepreneurs show how to build a healthy economy [i] [d]
  729. () Modelling students' knowledge of ethics [i] [d]
  730. () Conspicuous and inconspicuous discriminations in everyday life [i] [d]
  731. () Morally, should we prefer never to have existed? [d]
  732. () The joy of pain: schadenfreude and the dark side of human nature [i]
  733. Helen M. Stacy & Win-chiat Lee [ed] () Economic justice: philosophical and legal perspectives [i] [d]
  734. () Living & loving after betrayal: how to heal from emotional abuse, deceit, infidelity, and chronic resentment [i]
  735. () The servant identity: influences on the cognition and behavior of servant leaders [d]
  736. () Bystander behavior in bullying situations: basic moral sensitivity, moral disengagement and defender self-efficacy [d]
  737. () The ethics of Śaṅkara and Śantideva: a selfless response to an illusory world [i]
  738. Brenda Vale & Robert James Dennis Vale [ed] () Living within a fair share ecological footprint [i] [d]
  739. () Martin Luther King Jr. and the morality of legal practice: lessons in love and justice [i] [d]
  740. () The infirm ethical foundations of conservation [i] [d]
  741. () Pragmatic ethics [i] [d]
  742. Laura Westra, Prue Taylor, & Agnès Michelot [ed] () Confronting ecological and economic collapse: ecological integrity for law, policy and human rights [i] [d]
  743. () Echoes of silence: employee silence as a mediator between overall justice and employee outcomes [d] [j]
  744. () The sins of interviewing: errors made by investigative interviewers and suggestions for redress [i] [d]
  745. () Protecting oneself and others through mindfulness—the acrobat simile in the Saṃyukta-āgama [u]
  746. () Purification in early Buddhist discourse and Buddhist ethics [u]
  747. () Epistemic justice as a virtue of social institutions [d]
  748. () Life and executive coaching: some ethical issues for consideration [i] [d]
  749. () The (honest) truth about dishonesty: how we lie to everyone—especially ourselves [i]
  750. () The pot calling the kettle black: distancing response to ethical dissonance [p] [d]
  751. () Thinking like a lawyer/acting like a professional: communities of practice as a means of challenging orthodox legal education [d]
  752. () Habilitation, health, and agency: a framework for basic justice [i]
  753. () Environmental concern, moral education and our place in nature [d]
  754. () Questioning the idea of the individual as an autonomous moral agent [d]
  755. () What attitudes are moral attitudes?: the case of attitude heritability [d]
  756. () Climate matters: ethics in a warming world [i]
  757. () Socio-economic factors related to moral reasoning in childhood and adolescence: the missing link between brain and behavior [p] [d]
  758. () Dangerous interconnectedness: economists' conflicts of interest, ideology and financial crisis [d]
  759. () The responsible company [i]
  760. () Veganism and living well [d]
  761. () Building sustainable peace and compassionate community [i] [d]
  762. Gary L. Comstock [ed] () Research ethics: a philosophical guide to the responsible conduct of research [i] [d]
  763. () The ethics of argumentation [d] [u]
  764. () Finding faults: how moral dilemmas illuminate cognitive structure [p] [d]
  765. () Ethical considerations of using narrative to communicate science [d]
  766. () The importance of suffering: the value and meaning of emotional discontent [i] [d]
  767. () Evolution and moral diversity [d] [u]
  768. () Nothing to add: the role of White silence in racial discussions [u]
  769. () Only human: exploring the nature of weakness in authentic leadership [d]
  770. () Enhancing social justice by promoting prosocial values in career development interventions [d]
  771. J. C. Upshaw Downs & Anjali Ranadive Swienton [ed] () Ethics in forensic science [i] [d]
  772. () Farmers engaged in deliberative practices: an ethnographic exploration of the mosaic of concerns in livestock agriculture [d]
  773. () Responsible banking: the 10 principles [u]
  774. () Organizational professionalism: relevant competencies and behaviors [p] [d]
  775. () Re-thinking ethical leadership: an interdisciplinary integrative approach [d]
  776. () Coherentism and the epistemic justification of moral beliefs: a case study in how to do practical ethics without appeal to a moral theory [d]
  777. () Even the downhearted may be uplifted: moral elevation in the daily life of clinically depressed and anxious adults [d]
  778. Guido Errygers & John Cunliffe [ed] () Inherited wealth, justice and equality [i] [d]
  779. Didier Fassin [ed] () A companion to moral anthropology [i] [d]
  780. () Buddhism, punishment, and reconciliation [u]
  781. () Hierarchical integration of agency and communion: a study of influential moral figures [p] [d]
  782. () Death competence: an ethical imperative [p] [d]
  783. Jared Genser & Irwin Cotler [ed] () The responsibility to protect: the promise of stopping mass atrocities in our time [i] [d]
  784. () Emotions in sexual morality: testing the separate elicitors of anger and disgust [p] [d]
  785. () Making it difficult to teach journalism ethics [d]
  786. () Truth and objectivity and the dangers of our fictionalizing tendencies [i] [d]
  787. () On settling [i] [d] [j]
  788. () An environmental pedagogy of care: emotion, relationships, and experience in higher education ethics learning [d]
  789. () Challenging the norm of self-interest: minority influence and transitions to helping norms in work units [d]
  790. () The moral dyad: a fundamental template unifying moral judgment [p] [d]
  791. () Veganism, identity and the quest for authenticity [d]
  792. () Ethics: right and wrong do exist when you negotiate [i]
  793. () Good citizens: creating enlightened society [i]
  794. Malcolm Harris & Neal Gorenflo [ed] () Share or die: voices of the get lost generation in the age of crisis [i]
  795. D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld [ed] () Guidance for healthcare ethics committees [i] [d]
  796. () Plant ethics and botanic gardens [d]
  797. () There is no moral faculty [d]
  798. () Place, ethics, and everyday eating: a tale of two neighbourhoods [d]
  799. () Cooperative banking [i] [d]
  800. () Distributed cognitive agency in virtue epistemology [d]
  801. Samuel Knapp, Michael C. Gottlieb, Mitchell M. Handelsman, & Leon D. VandeCreek [ed] () APA handbook of ethics in psychology [i] [d]
  802. () Turning good intentions into good behavior: self-perception, self-care, and social influences [u]
  803. () Post-credit crisis: what new concepts are needed? Which old notions or practices should be abandoned? [d]
  804. () Boosting wisdom: distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior [p] [d]
  805. R. Eric Landrum & Maureen A. McCarthy [ed] () Teaching ethically: challenges and opportunities [i] [d]
  806. () Stewardship of things: the radical potential of product stewardship for re-framing responsibilities and relationships to products and materials [d]
  807. () The objectivity of ethics and the unity of practical reason [d] [j]
  808. () Developing character and values for global citizens: analysis of pre-service science teachers' moral reasoning on socioscientific issues [d]
  809. () How to implement free, prior informed consent (FPIC) [u]
  810. () Doing right leads to doing well: when the type of CSR and reputation interact to affect consumer evaluations of the firm [d] [j]
  811. () Improving ethics education in accounting: lessons from medicine and law [d]
  812. () Agency and outcome expectancies for crime desistance: measuring offenders' personal beliefs about change [d]
  813. () We are the corporation: dispersive CSR [d]
  814. () 'I used to be an offender—now I'm a defender': positive psychology approaches in the facilitation of posttraumatic growth in offenders [d]
  815. () Happiness and the good life [i] [d]
  816. () Emotions, ethics, and choice: lessons from Tsongkhapa [u]
  817. () The firm as a 'community of persons': a pillar of humanistic business ethos [d] [j]
  818. () Professionalism, not professionals [d]
  819. () A short history of Jewish ethics: conduct and character in the context of covenant [i] [d]
  820. () Blue juice: euthanasia in veterinary medicine [i]
  821. () The ethical and social significance of parenting: a philosophical approach [d]
  822. () Psychopathic personality traits and cognitive dissonance: individual differences in attitude change [d]
  823. () Strong mindfulness: integrating mindfulness and character strengths [d]
  824. Barbara A. Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, & David Sloan Wilson [ed] () Pathological altruism [i] [d]
  825. () Self-knowledge and moral stupidity [d]
  826. () Animal welfare: at the interface between science and society [d]
  827. () The meaning of nice: how compassion and civility can change your life (and the world) [i]
  828. () Why have children?: the ethical debate [i] [d] [j]
  829. () What would John Dewey say about deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism? [d]
  830. Louis P. Pojman & Katie McShane [ed] (/2015) Food ethics [i]
  831. () Beyond 'benefits'?: looking at ecosystem services through the capability approach [d]
  832. () Turning pro: tap your inner power and create your life's work [i]
  833. () Wellness as fairness [p] [d]
  834. () Bearing the weight of the world: on the extent of an individual's environmental responsibility [d] [j]
  835. Nora P. Reilly, M. Joseph Sirgy, & C. Allen Gormna [ed] () Work and quality of life: ethical practices in organizations [i] [d]
  836. () The pragmatism of ideals [i]
  837. Rosalie G. Riegle [ed] () Doing time for peace: resistance, family, and community [i]
  838. () Moral emotions as guide to acceptable risk [i] [d]
  839. Sabine Roeser, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Per Sandin, & Martin Peterson [ed] () Handbook of risk theory: epistemology, decision theory, ethics, and social implications of risk [i] [d]
  840. () Ethical progress as problem-resolving [d]
  841. () Vegan is love: having heart and taking action [i]
  842. () Sūtra of the Brahma net: Rocana Buddha pronounces the chapter on the bodhisattva precepts arising from the mind ground [i] [u]
  843. () Leader power and self-serving behavior: the moderating role of accountability [d]
  844. () The ethics of species [i] [d]
  845. () The pillars of ethical banking [i]
  846. () Environmental footprint of foods: the duty to inform [d]
  847. () Capabilities, contributive injustice and unequal divisions of labour [d]
  848. () Speaking of the dead [d]
  849. () Embedding ethical leadership within and across organization levels [d]
  850. () The science of consequences: how they affect genes, change the brain, and impact our world [i]
  851. () Rethinking habits and their role in behaviour change: the case of low-carbon mobility [d]
  852. () Crowding out morality: how the ideology of self-interest can be self-fulfilling [i] [d]
  853. () Use of balanced experiential inquiry to build ethical strength in the workplace [d]
  854. () Socially responsible literacy: teaching adolescents for purpose and power [i]
  855. () Finance and the good society [i] [d] [j]
  856. () Some unfortunate incentives to sleaziness inherent in finance [i] [d] [j]
  857. () Governing the state and the self: political philosophy and practice in the edicts of Aśoka [d]
  858. () Manners in the zendo [u]
  859. () Implicit theories of technique and the values that inspire them [d]
  860. () 'I am the person now I was always meant to be': identity reconstruction and narrative reframing in therapeutic community prisons [d]
  861. () Philosophy has consequences!: developing metacognition and active learning in the ethics classroom [d]
  862. () Rambling through the fields of justice in search of well-being for all [d]
  863. () Social happiness: theory into policy and practice [i] [j]
  864. Allen Thompson & Jeremy Bendik-Keymer [ed] () Ethical adaptation to climate change: human virtues of the future [i] [d] [j]
  865. () What is a responsible supply chain? [d]
  866. () Narrating the environmental apocalypse: how imagining the end facilitates moral reasoning among environmental activists [d]
  867. () Social connection enables dehumanization [d]
  868. () The reputational advantages of demonstrating trustworthiness: using the Reputation Index with law students [d]
  869. Laura Westra, Colin L. Soskolne, & Donald W. Spady [ed] () Human health and ecological integrity: ethics, law and human rights [i] [d]
  870. () Bank regulation [i] [d]
  871. () Where in the brain is morality?: everywhere and maybe nowhere [d]
  872. () The crucible of religion: culture, civilization, and affirmation of life [i]
  873. () Free will as recursive self-prediction: does a deterministic mechanism reduce responsibility? [i] [d]
  874. () The sound of silence—a space for morality? The role of solitude for ethical decision making [d] [j]
  875. () We have met the enemy: self-control in an age of excess [or: Temptation: finding self-control in an age of excess] [i]
  876. () Swans, swine, and swindlers: coping with the growing threat of mega-crises and mega-messes [i]
  877. John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham, & Ian Steedman [ed] () The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing [i] [d] [u]
  878. () What it takes to defend deceptive placebo use [p] [d]
  879. (/2019) A code of conduct for peer reviewers and editors [u]
  880. () Moral hypocrisy: a self-enhancement/self-protection motive in the moral domain [i]
  881. () Blind spots: why we fail to do what's right and what to do about it [i] [d] [j]
  882. () Deception as treatment: the case of depression [p] [d]
  883. () Creating personal presence: look, talk, think, and act like a leader [i]
  884. () The personal life of the behavior analyst [p] [d]
  885. () A cooperative species: human reciprocity and its evolution [i] [d] [j]
  886. () Strategic moral diplomacy: understanding the enemy's moral universe [i]
  887. () 'Pray for those who mistreat you': effects of prayer on anger and aggression [d]
  888. () Don't advocate from a position of hate [or anger/aggression] [u]
  889. () Find the 'universal morality' in your case story [u]
  890. George Cheney, Steve May, & Debashish Munshi [ed] () The handbook of communication ethics [i] [d]
  891. () Detecting linguistic traces of destructive narcissism at-a-distance in a CEO's letter to shareholders [d] [j]
  892. () Patterns of moral judgment derive from nonmoral psychological representations [p] [d]
  893. () Comprehensive law practice: law as a healing profession [i]
  894. () Self-centeredness and selflessness: a theory of self-based psychological functioning and its consequences for happiness [d]
  895. () Being with [d]
  896. () The blame game: how the hidden rules of credit and blame determine our success or failure [i]
  897. () The criminalization of human error in aviation and healthcare: a review [d]
  898. () The economist's oath: on the need for and content of professional economic ethics [i]
  899. () The GIS professional ethics project: practical ethics for GIS professionals [i] [d]
  900. () The transparent supply chain: from resistance to implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss [d] [j]
  901. () Ethical decision-making and implications for decision support [i] [d]
  902. () Ethical dilemmas: a model to understand teacher practice [d]
  903. () Just the facts: the case for workplace transparency [u]
  904. () One life, five precepts: Buddhist ethics for modern living [i]
  905. (/2012) Adversarial inquisitions: rethinking the search for the truth [u]
  906. () The bodhisattva's brain: Buddhism naturalized [i] [d] [j]
  907. () Humans and the soil [d]
  908. () The integration of agency and communion in moral personality: evidence of enlightened self-interest [p] [d]
  909. () Evidence-based practice and the ethics of discretion [d]
  910. () Bullies have enhanced moral competence to judge relative to victims, but lack moral compassion [d]
  911. () Ethics: the good and the right, by Mario Bunge [book review] [u]
  912. () Organizational resistance to destructive narcissistic behavior [d] [j]
  913. (/2014) Debt: the first 5,000 years [i]
  914. () What you don't know can help you: the ethics of placebo treatment [d] [j]
  915. () Ethics and animals: an introduction [i] [d]
  916. () The ethical subject in poststructural therapy [d]
  917. () Plants as persons: a philosophical botany [i]
  918. () Varieties of harm to animals in industrial farming [d]
  919. () Moral maturation and moral conation: a capacity approach to explaining moral thought and action [d]
  920. () Challenging anthropocentricism in social work through ethics and spirituality: lessons from studies in human–animal bonds [d]
  921. () Leader development and the dark side of personality [d]
  922. () Ethics in health services and policy: a global approach [i]
  923. (/2021) Storycraft: the complete guide to writing narrative nonfiction [i] [d]
  924. () Corporate social responsibility in the food sector [d]
  925. () Authorial ethics: how writers abuse their calling [i]
  926. () Public versus private sector procurement ethics and strategy: what each sector can learn from the other [d] [j]
  927. () The evolution and psychology of self-deception [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  928. () Crime, punishment, and the psychology of self-control [u]
  929. () Beyond service learning: civic engagement in ethics classes [d]
  930. () The moralities of obligation and aspiration: towards a concept of exemplary military ethics and leadership [d]
  931. W. Brad Johnson & Gerald P. Koocher [ed] () Ethical conundrums, quandaries, and predicaments in mental health practice: a casebook from the files of experts [i] [d]
  932. () Reframing placebo in research and practice [p] [d]
  933. () Virtuous circles: values, systems and sustainability [u]
  934. () Striving for the moral self: the effects of recalling past moral actions on future moral behavior [d]
  935. () Skillful engagement with wicked issues: a framework for analysing the meaning-making structures of societal change agents [u]
  936. () Personality, leader behavior, and overdoing it [d]
  937. () Grounding human rights in a pluralist world [i] [j]
  938. () Toward effective codes: testing the relationship with unethical behavior [d] [j]
  939. () Military careers and Buddhist ethics [d]
  940. () The ethics of banking: conclusions from the financial crisis [i] [d]
  941. () Configuration of external influences: the combined effects of institutions and stakeholders on corporate social responsibility strategies [d] [j]
  942. () The battle for compassion: ethics in an apathetic universe [i]
  943. () Placebo interventions, placebo effects and clinical practice [p] [d]
  944. () Why do people work?: individual wants versus common goods [d]
  945. () Psychological abuse in young couples: risk factors [d]
  946. () Why leaders lie: the truth about lying in international politics [i]
  947. () What good is moral reasoning? [d]
  948. () The placebo phenomenon and medical ethics: rethinking the relationship between informed consent and risk–benefit assessment [p] [d]
  949. () Punishing the awkward, the stupid, the weak, and the selfish: the culpability of negligence [d]
  950. () Finding your moral compass: transformative principles to guide you in recovery and life [i]
  951. () The harmful, nontherapeutic use of animals in research is morally wrong [p] [d]
  952. () Every twelve seconds: industrialized slaughter and the politics of sight [i] [d] [j]
  953. () Sustainable stakeholder capitalism: a moral vision of responsible global financial risk management [d] [j]
  954. () Apologizing for who I am [d]
  955. () Becoming a mensch: timeless Talmudic ethics for everyone [i]
  956. Jeffrey Stephen Poland & George Graham [ed] () Addiction and responsibility [i] [d]
  957. () Normative ethics does not need a foundation: it needs more science [d]
  958. () Moral psychology is relationship regulation: moral motives for unity, hierarchy, equality, and proportionality [d]
  959. () Ethical decision making in school mental health [i]
  960. () Buddhist ethics in impermanence [i]
  961. Felix Rauschmayer, Ines Omann, & Johannes Frühmann [ed] () Sustainable development: capabilities, needs, and well-being [i] [d]
  962. () A new scale to measure executive servant leadership: development, analysis, and implications for research [d] [j]
  963. () The complexity of moral learning: diversity, deprovincialisation and privilege [d]
  964. () Biased advice [u]
  965. () The moral foundation of economic behavior [i]
  966. () The quality of government: corruption, social trust, and inequality in international perspective [i] [d]
  967. () Culture and the quest for universal principles in moral reasoning [p] [d]
  968. () Salzburg statement on shared decision making [d]
  969. () Geographic disparities and moral hazards in the predicted impacts of climate change on human populations [d]
  970. () Good teaching in difficult times: demoralization in the pursuit of good work [d] [j]
  971. () Why things matter to people: social science, values and ethical life [i] [d]
  972. () How many slaves are working for you? [u]
  973. () Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being [i]
  974. () Relational ethics and moral imagination in contemporary systemic practice [d]
  975. () Learning to be bad: adverse social conditions, social schemas, and crime [d]
  976. () Science, energy, ethics, and civilization [i]
  977. () Non-tracing cases of culpable ignorance [d]
  978. () Dis(appearance): earth, ethics and apparently (in)significant others [u]
  979. () Bringing professional responsibility back in [d]
  980. () Wise up: creating organizational wisdom through an ethic of kaitiakitanga [d] [j]
  981. () Retractions in the scientific literature: is the incidence of research fraud increasing? [p] [d]
  982. () Capital vice in the Midwest: the spatial distribution of the seven deadly sins [d]
  983. () John Dewey and the artful life: pragmatism, aesthetics, and morality [i]
  984. () Responsible careers: systemic reflexivity in shifting landscapes [d]
  985. () Case-based knowledge and ethics education: improving learning and transfer through emotionally rich cases [p] [d]
  986. () Justifying morality, part I: Bernard Gert's justification [d]
  987. () Justifying morality, part II: beyond justification as clarification [d]
  988. () A faithful compass: rethinking the term restorative justice to find clarity [d]
  989. () Corporate ethical values and altruism: the mediating role of career satisfaction [d] [j]
  990. () Corporate ethical values, group creativity, job satisfaction and turnover intention: the impact of work context on work response [d] [j]
  991. () A structured taxonomy of responsibility concepts [i] [d]
  992. Nicole A. Vincent, Ibo van de Poel, & Jeroen van den Hoven [ed] () Moral responsibility: beyond free will and determinism [i] [d]
  993. () We are all stakeholders of Gaia: a normative perspective on stakeholder thinking [d]
  994. () 'And so they ordered me to kill a person': conceptualizing the impacts of child soldiering on the development of moral agency [d] [j]
  995. () Ethics and the media: an introduction [i] [d]
  996. () It's all on sale: marketing ethics and the perpetually fooled [d] [j]
  997. () The fallacy of careless contrarianism [u]
  998. Thomas J. Williams & Carrie H. Kennedy [ed] () Ethical practice in operational psychology: military and national intelligence applications [i] [d]
  999. () A dark side to self-forgiveness: forgiving the self and its association with chronic unhealthy behaviour [d]
  1000. () Moral universals and individual differences [d]
  1001. () When ignorance is no excuse: different roles for intent across moral domains [p] [d]
  1002. () The invention of ecocide: agent orange, Vietnam, and the scientists who changed the way we think about the environment [i] [j]
  1003. László Zsolnai [ed] () Ethical principles and economic transformation—a Buddhist approach [i] [d]
  1004. () Environmental harms, use conflicts, and neutral baselines in environmental law [u]
  1005. () The pursuit of ecotopia: lessons from indigenous and traditional societies for the human ecology of our modern world [i]
  1006. () Combating resistance: the case for a global antibiotics treaty [d]
  1007. () The honor code: how moral revolutions happen [i]
  1008. () Evidence-based practice in psychology: an ethical framework for graduate education, clinical training, and maintaining professional competence [d]
  1009. () Successful reentry: what differentiates successful and unsuccessful parolees? [d]
  1010. () Awakening joy: 10 steps that will put you on the road to real happiness [i]
  1011. () Libraries build autonomy: a philosophical perspective on the social role of libraries and librarians [u]
  1012. () Preventing prisoner abuse: leadership lessons of Abu Ghraib [d]
  1013. (/2016) The origins of fairness: how evolution explains our moral nature [i]
  1014. () From freedom to self-governance: complementing human needs with responsibilities, a critical appraisal [o] [u]
  1015. () Enhancing emotion-regulation skills in police officers: results of a pilot controlled study [p] [d]
  1016. John Raymond Boatright [ed] () Finance ethics: critical issues in theory and practice [i] [d]
  1017. () Ethics as moral inquiry: Dewey and the moral psychology of social reform [i] [d]
  1018. Klaus Bosselmann & J. Ronald Engel [ed] () The Earth Charter: a framework for global governance [i]
  1019. () Civic professionalism [u]
  1020. () Water ethics: foundational readings for students and professionals [i]
  1021. () Civilizing the economy: a new economics of provision [i] [d]
  1022. () Microethical and relational insights from pediatric palliative care [d]
  1023. Brian Bruya [ed] () Effortless attention: a new perspective in the cognitive science of attention and action [i] [d]
  1024. () Psychopaths know right from wrong but don't care [d]
  1025. () Being there: why leaders should not 'fiddle' while Rome burns [d]
  1026. () Moral emotions and unethical bargaining: the differential effects of empathy and perspective taking in deterring deceitful negotiation [d] [j]
  1027. () Can an ethical person be an ethical prosecutor?: a social cognitive approach to systemic reform [u]
  1028. () Why journalism is a profession [i]
  1029. () Practical poetry: Thich Nhat Hanh and the cultivation of a problem-oriented officer [d]
  1030. () How would we know if psychotherapy were harmful? [p] [d]
  1031. () The moral underground: how ordinary Americans subvert an unfair economy [i]
  1032. J. Ronald Engel, Laura Westra, & Klaus Bosselmann [ed] () Democracy, ecological integrity and international law [i]
  1033. Stephen L. Esquith & Fred Gifford [ed] () Capabilities, power, and institutions: toward a more critical development ethics [i]
  1034. () Biological, clinical, and ethical advances of placebo effects [p] [d]
  1035. () Talk on Buddhist ethics [u]
  1036. () Ethics for architects: 50 dilemmas of professional practice [i]
  1037. () Self-disclosure in psychotherapy and recovery [i]
  1038. () Shaping the coherent self: a moral achievement [d]
  1039. () Hindsight: the promise and peril of looking backward [i]
  1040. () On non-harming [u]
  1041. Stephen Mark Gardiner, Simon Caney, Dale Jamieson, & Henry Shue [ed] () Climate ethics: essential readings [i]
  1042. Wojciech Gasparski, Leo V. Ryan, & Stefan M. Kwiatkowski [ed] () Entrepreneurship: values and responsibility [i] [d]
  1043. () Beyond 'compliance': the role of institutional culture in promoting research integrity [p] [d]
  1044. () Increasing leadership integrity through mind training and embodied learning [d]
  1045. () Learning emotions and ethics [i] [d]
  1046. () The increasing complexities of professionalism [p] [d]
  1047. Adrienne Harris & Steven Botticelli [ed] () First do no harm: the paradoxical encounters of psychoanalysis, warmaking, and resistance [i] [d]
  1048. (/2011) An analysis of factors related to the kusala/akusala quality of actions in the Pāli tradition [u]
  1049. () Markets, religion, community size, and the evolution of fairness and punishment [p] [d] [j]
  1050. () Professionalism: self-control matters [p] [d]
  1051. () The arrogance of ethnnography: managing anthropological research knowledge [u]
  1052. () Populist leniency, crime control and due process [d]
  1053. () Ethics: a graphic designer's field guide [i]
  1054. () Social development as preference management: how infants, children, and parents get what they want from one another [i] [d]
  1055. () 'Whose inquiry is this anyway?': money, power, reports, and collaborative inquiry [d]
  1056. () The vice of snobbery: aesthetic knowledge, justification and virtue in art appreciation [d] [j]
  1057. () Cultivating an ecological conscience: essays from a farmer philosopher [i]
  1058. () The ethical professional as endangered person: blog notes on doctor–patient relationships [p] [d]
  1059. () Living with the dragon: acting ethically in a world of unintended consequences [i] [d]
  1060. () Governments demand compliance, ethics demands leadership [d]
  1061. () Social-cognitive development, ethical and legal knowledge, and ethical decision making of counselor education students [d]
  1062. G. Daniel Lassiter & Christian A. Meissner [ed] () Police interrogations and false confessions: current research, practice, and policy recommendations [i] [d]
  1063. () A behavioral and systems view of professionalism [d]
  1064. () From Hiroshima to Baghdad: military hegemony versus just military preparedness [i]
  1065. () The ethical balancing act of hospice care [p] [d]
  1066. () Philosophy, ethics, medicine and health care: the urgent need for critical practice [p] [d]
  1067. () The problem with the problem of professionalism [p] [d]
  1068. () Global value chains, local collective action and corporate social responsibility: a review of empirical evidence [d]
  1069. () Is there harm in silence? [p] [d]
  1070. () The evolution of social and moral behavior: evolutionary insights for public policy [d]
  1071. () Carrots and sticks don't work: build a culture of employee engagement with the principles of RESPECT [i]
  1072. () Does ethical theory have a place in post-Kohlbergian moral psychology? [d]
  1073. () Learning courage: child labour as moral practice in northeast Brazil [d]
  1074. () Are there any true adult-onset offenders? [d]
  1075. () Moral self-licensing: when being good frees us to be bad [d]
  1076. () Constructing a code of ethics: an experiential case of a national professional organization [d] [j]
  1077. Christopher Meyers [ed] () Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach [i]
  1078. () Values for peace: ethnographic lessons from the Semai of Malaysia and the Mardu of Australia [d]
  1079. () Redefining entrepreneurship: a virtues and values perspective [u]
  1080. () Moral-ethical character and science education: ecojustice ethics through socioscientific issues (SSI) [i] [d]
  1081. () Empathy, perspective taking and personal values as predictors of moral schemas [d]
  1082. () Moral complexity: the fatal attraction of truthiness and the importance of mature moral functioning [p] [d] [j] [u]
  1083. Margaret Ann Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix, & Elizabeth Mullen [ed] () Fairness and groups [i] [d]
  1084. () Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India [d]
  1085. () An ethics of emotion? [i] [d]
  1086. () The impact of partial sleep deprivation on moral reasoning in military officers [p]
  1087. () Military ethics and virtues: an interdisciplinary approach for the 21st century [i] [d]
  1088. () Drink water, but remember the source: moral discourse in a Chinese village [i] [d]
  1089. () Dewey, situationism, and moral education [d]
  1090. () CSR, oil palm and the RSPO: translating boardroom philosophy into conservation action on the ground [u]
  1091. () Assessing ethical trade-offs in ecological field studies [d]
  1092. () Developing moral agency through narrative [d] [j]
  1093. (/2013) Strengths of character and work [i] [d]
  1094. () Policy review: thoughts on addressing population and climate change in a just and ethical manner [d]
  1095. () Completely out of control or the desire to be in complete control?: how low self-control and the desire for control relate to corporate offending [d]
  1096. Hans Radder [ed] () The commodification of academic research: science and the modern university [i] [j]
  1097. () Moral aspects of psychiatric diagnosis: the Cluster B personality disorders [d]
  1098. () Information asymmetry and socially responsible investment [d] [j]
  1099. () Being virtuous and prosperous: SRI's conflicting goals [d] [j]
  1100. () A retributive argument against punishment [d]
  1101. () Ethical inquiry as problem-resolution: objectivity, progress, and deliberation [o] [u]
  1102. () Ethics, spirituality and self: managerial perspective and leadership implications [d]
  1103. () Our teachers want to be the best: on the necessity of intra-professional reflection about moral ideals of teaching [d]
  1104. () Why some things should not be for sale: the moral limits of markets [i] [d]
  1105. () Challenges to legitimacy at the Forest Stewardship Council [d] [j]
  1106. Marshall Schminke [ed] () Managerial ethics: managing the psychology of morality [i] [d]
  1107. () From signal to semantic: uncovering the emotional dimension of negotiation [u]
  1108. () The 'shoulds' and 'should nots' of moral emotions: a self-regulatory perspective on shame and guilt [p] [d]
  1109. () Mindful consumption: a customer-centric approach to sustainability [d]
  1110. () NIMBY, agent-relative reasons and public reason: an open peer commentary on Simon Feldman and Derek Turner's 'Why not NIMBY?' [d]
  1111. () Biophilia as a universal ethic for conserving biodiversity [p] [d]
  1112. () Moral intuitions [as unreliable sources of evidence for moral claims] [i] [d]
  1113. () An ethics of interrogation [i] [d]
  1114. () Incivility: the rude stranger in everyday life [i] [d]
  1115. () The etiquette of freedom: Gary Snyder, Jim Harrison, and The practice of the wild [i]
  1116. () Ethical sensitivity [i]
  1117. () Actions speak louder than words [d]
  1118. () Hurtful words: exposure to peer verbal aggression is associated with elevated psychiatric symptom scores and corpus callosum abnormalities [p] [d]
  1119. () Ethical brains [and moral objectivity via empathic needs-based consequentialism] [i] [d] [j]
  1120. () Capabilities, consequentialism, and critical consciousness [i]
  1121. () Avoiding the road to ethical disaster: overcoming vulnerabilities and developing resilience [p] [d]
  1122. () Competencies in adult clinical psychology [i] [d]
  1123. () The development of morality: reasoning, emotions, and resistance [i] [d]
  1124. () What do banks do, what should they do and what public policies are needed to ensure best results for the real economy? [u]
  1125. () Corporate transparency and green management [d] [j]
  1126. () Role conflict, mindfulness, and organizational ethics in an education-based healthcare institution [d] [j]
  1127. () Integrating contextual issues in ethical decision making [d]
  1128. () Giving voice in a culture of silence: from a culture of compliance to a culture of integrity [d] [j]
  1129. Taryn Vian, William D. Savedoff, & Harald Mathisen [ed] () Anticorruption in the health sector: strategies for transparency and accountability [i]
  1130. () Predicting competitive–unethical negotiating behavior and its consequences [d]
  1131. () Bridging Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism with virtue ethics [i] [d]
  1132. () Moral agency, cognitive distortion, and narrative strategy in the rehabilitation of sexual offenders [d]
  1133. () Dewey's moral philosophy [i] [d]
  1134. () Putting sustainable investing into practice: a governance framework for pension funds [d] [j]
  1135. () What can pest management learn from laboratory animal ethics? [d]
  1136. Salman Akhtar & Henri Parens [ed] () Lying, cheating, and carrying on: developmental, clinical, and sociocultural aspects of dishonesty and deceit [i]
  1137. () Attachment styles and ethical behavior: their relationship and significance in the marketplace [d] [j]
  1138. () The skeptical economist: revealing the ethics inside economics [i] [d]
  1139. () Witnessing excellence in action: the 'other-praising' emotions of elevation, gratitude, and admiration [d]
  1140. () The evolution of morality [d]
  1141. () Why we need to teach the evolution of morality [d]
  1142. () Individual and organizational antecedents of misconduct in organizations [d] [j]
  1143. () Developing an ocean ethic: science, utility, aesthetics, self-interest, and different ways of knowing [p] [d]
  1144. () Hierarchical motive structures and their role in moral choices [d] [j]
  1145. () Responsibility as a meta-virtue: truth-telling, deliberation and wisdom in medical professionalism [p] [d]
  1146. Kaushik Basu & S. M. Ravi Kanbur [ed] () Arguments for a better world: essays in honor of Amartya Sen [in two volumes: Ethics, welfare and measurement; Societies, institutions, and development] [i]
  1147. () Wild justice: the moral lives of animals [i] [d]
  1148. () Species extinction and the vice of thoughtlessness: the importance of spiritual exercises for learning virtue [d]
  1149. () Understanding the complex relationship between creativity and ethical ideologies [d] [j]
  1150. Andrea Bloomgarden & Rosemary B. Mennuti [ed] () Psychotherapist revealed: therapists speak about self-disclosure in psychotherapy [i]
  1151. () The problems with blaming [i] [u]
  1152. () Why economics needs ethical theory [i] [d]
  1153. () Right relationship: building a whole earth economy [i]
  1154. Katherine E. Browne & B. Lynne Milgram [ed] () Economics and morality: anthropological approaches [i]
  1155. () The value of vocation: the crucial role of intrinsically motivated people in values-based organizations [d]
  1156. () Case studies in library and information science ethics [i]
  1157. () Experiments in economics: playing fair with money [i]
  1158. Johnna Christian, Damian J. Martinez, & Bonita M. Veysey [ed] () How offenders transform their lives [i]
  1159. Charles E. Closmann [ed] () War and the environment: military destruction in the modern age [i]
  1160. () No harm in a little gossip, right? [u]
  1161. () The moral development of public relations practitioners: a comparison with other professions and influences on higher quality ethical reasoning [d]
  1162. () Foster trust through ability, benevolence, and integrity [i] [d]
  1163. () Hermeneutic analysis of virtuous exemplar narratives of Cambodian-American Buddhists and Christians [d]
  1164. () Does Milton Friedman support a vigorous business ethics? [d] [j] [u]
  1165. () The philosopher leader: on relationalism, ethics and reflexivity: a critical perspective to teaching leadership [d]
  1166. () Fourteen kinds of social contract [o] [u]
  1167. () Vegetarianism, sentimental or ethical? [d]
  1168. () The ethics of recreational hunting [i] [d]
  1169. () Economics, ethics and climate change [i] [d]
  1170. () The compromise trap: how to thrive at work without selling your soul [i]
  1171. () Organizational narcissism and virtuous behavior [d] [j]
  1172. () Leaders forging values-based change: partnership power for the 21st century [d]
  1173. () The ethics of interpersonal relationships [i] [d]
  1174. () A duty to deceive: placebos in clinical practice [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1175. () The virtue of simplicity [d]
  1176. () Bridging the theory-and-practice gap: mediator power in practice [d]
  1177. () Relational being: beyond self and community [i]
  1178. () See no evil: when we overlook other people's unethical behavior [i]
  1179. (/2014) The bounds of reason: game theory and the unification of the behavioral sciences [i] [d] [j]
  1180. () Consequences of compassion: an interpretation and defense of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  1181. () Ethics education and the practice of wisdom [d]
  1182. () Ethical analysis: a structured approach to facilitate the resolution of forest conflicts [d]
  1183. () Signaling virtue: voluntary accountability programs among nonprofit organizations [d]
  1184. () Medical professionalism in the age of online social networking [p] [d]
  1185. () Positive ethics: themes and variations [i] [d]
  1186. () Buddha's brain: the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom [i]
  1187. () Gender differences in the transformation narrative: implications for revised reentry strategies for female offenders [d]
  1188. () 'Society is out there, organisation is in here': on the perceptions of corporate social responsibility held by different managerial groups [d] [j]
  1189. () Enchanted (and disenchanted) Amazonia: environmental ethics and cultural identity in Northern Brazil [d]
  1190. Susan Hunnicutt [ed] () Corporate social responsibility [i]
  1191. Samuel O. Idowu & Walter Leal Filho [ed] () Professionals' perspectives of corporate social responsibility [i] [d]
  1192. () Proscriptive versus prescriptive morality: two faces of moral regulation [p] [d]
  1193. () Becoming ethical: a parallel, political journey with men who have abused [i]
  1194. () Corporate codes of ethics and the bending of moral space [d]
  1195. () The bad and the ugly: ethical concerns in participatory photographic methods with children living and working on the streets of Lima, Peru [d]
  1196. () Buying into conservation: intrinsic versus instrumental value [d]
  1197. () Effective apology: mending fences, building bridges, and restoring trust [i]
  1198. () Time affluence as a path toward personal happiness and ethical business practice: empirical evidence from four studies [d] [j]
  1199. () Furthering organizational priorities with less than truthful behavior: a call for additional tools [d] [j]
  1200. () Nothing less than excellence: ideals of professional identity [d]
  1201. () Putting others in the center [i]
  1202. () How power influences moral thinking [p] [d]
  1203. () Heresies of the heart: developing emotional wisdom [i]
  1204. (/2022) What we say matters: practicing nonviolent communication [i]
  1205. () The undisordered personality: normative assumptions underlying personality disorder diagnoses [d]
  1206. () Emotion and conflict: how human rights can dignify emotion and help us wage good conflict [i]
  1207. () Listening otherwise: the voice of ethics [d]
  1208. Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen, & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge [ed] () Absolute poverty and global justice: empirical data, moral theories, initiatives [i] [d]
  1209. () Understanding the relationship between moral judgment development and individual characteristics: the role of educational contexts [d]
  1210. () Moral disengagement and engagement [d]
  1211. () The effect of implicit moral attitudes on managerial decision-making: an implicit social cognition approach [d] [j]
  1212. () Nonviolence and peace psychology: intrapersonal, interpersonal, societal and world peace [i] [d]
  1213. () When fantasy has consequences [p] [d]
  1214. () Too tired to tell the truth: self-control resource depletion and dishonesty [d]
  1215. () A word to the wise: how managers and policy-makers can encourage employees to report wrongdoing [d] [j]
  1216. () The legitimacy of placebo treatments in clinical practice: evidence and ethics [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1217. () Coaching on the dark side [u]
  1218. () On advocacy by environmental scientists: what, whether, why, and how [p] [d]
  1219. Brigitte Nerlich, Richard Elliott, & Brendon M. H. Larson [ed] () Communicating biological sciences: ethical and metaphorical dimensions [i]
  1220. Jacob Neusner & Bruce Chilton [ed] () The golden rule: analytical perspectives [i]
  1221. () A unifying theory of clinical practice: Relationship, Diagnostics, Management and professionalism (RDM-p) [p]
  1222. () Responsibility in childhood: three developmental trajectories [d]
  1223. Margit E. Oswald, Steffen Bieneck, & Jörg Hupfeld-Heinemann [ed] () Social psychology of punishment of crime [i]
  1224. () Ethical decision-making differences between American and Moroccan managers [d] [j]
  1225. () Religious groups and work values: a focus on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam [d]
  1226. () Optimizing cognitive-dissonance literacy in ethics education [d]
  1227. () Police corruption: preventing misconduct and maintaining integrity [i]
  1228. () Ethics and accountability in criminal justice: towards a universal standard [i]
  1229. () The introspection illusion [i] [d]
  1230. () Rules of engagement [for writing nonfiction] [i] [d] [j]
  1231. (/2015) Lift: the fundamental state of leadership [or: Lift: becoming a positive force in any situation] [i]
  1232. () Promotion of children's rights and prevention of child maltreatment [p] [d]
  1233. () Keeping ethical investment ethical: regulatory issues for investing for sustainability [d] [j]
  1234. () Awareness and ethics in dispute resolution and law: why mindfulness tends to foster ethical behavior [u]
  1235. () The rise of compliance-based ethics management [d]
  1236. () Mindfulness for law students: using the power of mindful awareness to achieve balance and success in law school [i]
  1237. () Ethical considerations in risk communication [i] [d]
  1238. () The idea of justice [i] [j]
  1239. () The ethics of Google Earth: crossing thresholds from spatial data to landscape visualisation [d]
  1240. () Those who work, those who don't: poverty, morality, and family in rural America [i] [j]
  1241. () The normalization of corrupt business practices: implications for Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) [d] [j]
  1242. () Popper and communitarianism: justification and criticism of moral standards [i] [d]
  1243. () Are we talking the walk of community-based research? [d]
  1244. () Yoga for a world out of balance: teachings on ethics and social action [i]
  1245. () Constrained choice and ethical dilemmas in land management: environmental quality and food safety in California agriculture [d]
  1246. () Humility [i] [d]
  1247. () To act or not to act: nonconsequentialism in environmental decision-making [d]
  1248. () Psychotherapy, American culture, and social policy: immoral individualism [i] [d]
  1249. () Corporate responsibility, accounting and accountants [i] [d]
  1250. () Why we cooperate [i] [d]
  1251. () For your client's sake: practicing clinically constructive self-disclosure [i]
  1252. () The empathy gap: building bridges to the good life and the good society [i]
  1253. () Assessing ethical problem solving by reasoning rather than decision making [p] [d]
  1254. () Corporate dynamic transparency: the new ICT-driven ethics? [d]
  1255. (/2013) Punishment and why to avoid it [i]
  1256. () Cooperative behavior and institutions [d]
  1257. () Norms and practices [i] [j]
  1258. () Most good, least harm: a simple principle for a better world and a meaningful life [i]
  1259. () Communicating with Muslim parents: 'the four principles' are not as culturally neutral as suggested [d]
  1260. () Moral disengagement in the corporate world [p] [d]
  1261. () Training professionals in mindfulness: the heart of teaching [i] [d]
  1262. () The six perfections: Buddhism and the cultivation of character [i]
  1263. () Depression is contagious: how the most common mood disorder is spreading around the world and how to stop it [i]
  1264. () Innocent intentions: a correlation between forgiveness for accidental harm and neural activity [p] [d]
  1265. () Bowing to your enemies: courtesy, budō, and Japan [d] [j]
  1266. () Responsible decision making [i] [d]
  1267. () Marketing with integrity: ethics and the service-dominant logic for marketing [d]
  1268. () Classes of agent and the moral logic of the Pali canon [d]
  1269. () Credibility [of scientists] [p] [d]
  1270. () Capabilities and social justice: the political philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum [i]
  1271. () Experiments in ethics [i]
  1272. (/2019) The principle of beneficence in applied ethics [u]
  1273. Sigurd Bergmann & Tore Sager [ed] () The ethics of mobilities: rethinking place, exclusion, freedom and environment [i] [d]
  1274. () The influence of ethics instruction, religiosity, and intelligence on cheating behavior [d] [j]
  1275. () Learning to teach ethics from the heart: a journey of discovery form the inside out [i]
  1276. () Considering the ethical potential of professional communities [d]
  1277. () Socially responsible entrepreneurs: what do they do to create and build their companies? [d]
  1278. Christian Coff, David Barling, Michiel Korthals, & Thorkild Nielsen [ed] () Ethical traceability and communicating food [i] [d]
  1279. () Just health: meeting health needs fairly [i] [d]
  1280. () Mindfulness, compassion, and the police in America: an essay of hope [u]
  1281. () 'She did what? There is no way I would do that!': the potential interpersonal harm caused by mispredicting one's behavior [d] [j]
  1282. () It's all your fault!: 12 tips for managing people who blame others for everything [i]
  1283. () The responsibility to protect: ending mass atrocity crimes once and for all [i]
  1284. Cathy Rozel Farnworth, Janice Jiggins, & Emyr Vaughan Thomas [ed] () Creating food futures: trade, ethics and the environment [i]
  1285. () Ten points on war [d]
  1286. (/2017) Moral reasons: an introduction to ethics and critical thinking [i]
  1287. () Informed consent to psychotherapy: protecting the dignity and respecting the autonomy of patients [p] [d]
  1288. () Architectural design and ethics: tools for survival [i] [d]
  1289. () Addicted?: recognizing destructive behavior before it's too late [i]
  1290. () Dignity for all: how to create a world without rankism [i]
  1291. () Reconciling our aims: in search of bases for ethics [i] [d]
  1292. () Strong reciprocity and the roots of human morality [d]
  1293. () Some principles for ethics education: implementing the acculturation model [d]
  1294. () Life goals matter to happiness: a revision of set-point theory [d]
  1295. () Putting the 'development' in professional development: understanding and overturning educational leaders' immunities to change [d]
  1296. Kenneth Einar Himma & Herman T. Tavani [ed] () The handbook of information and computer ethics [i] [d]
  1297. () Comparative ethics, ideologies, and critical thought [d]
  1298. () Ecology and the limits of justice: establishing capability ceilings in Nussbaum's capabilities approach [d]
  1299. () A course in happiness: mastering the 3 levels of self-understanding that lead to true and lasting contentment [i]
  1300. Jeroen van den Hoven & John Weckert [ed] () Information technology and moral philosophy [i] [d]
  1301. () Ethics for the real world: creating a personal code to guide decisions in work and life [i]
  1302. () The ethical executive: becoming aware of the root causes of unethical behavior: 45 psychological traps that every one of us falls prey to [i] [d]
  1303. () The living code: embedding ethics into the corporate DNA [i]
  1304. () Moral reasoning and concern for the environment [d]
  1305. () The recurrence of an illusion: the concept of 'evil' in forensic psychiatry [p] [u]
  1306. () Codes of ethics and the pursuit of organizational legitimacy: theoretical and empirical contributions [d] [j]
  1307. () Mindfulness and professionalism in dentistry [p] [u]
  1308. () A practical guide to ethics: living and leading with integrity [i] [d]
  1309. () Can strategic investing transform the corporation? [d]
  1310. () Moral distress reconsidered [d]
  1311. () Applying ethics to insider trading [d] [j]
  1312. (/2014) The virtues of a good theory [i] [d]
  1313. () From environmental to ecological ethics: toward a practical ethics for ecologists and conservationists [p] [d]
  1314. () Stakeholder matrix for ethical relationships in the construction industry [d]
  1315. () Who shalt not kill?: individual differences in working memory capacity, executive control, and moral judgment [d]
  1316. () Environmental dilemmas: ethical decision making [i]
  1317. () A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: preliminary evidence of training effectiveness [d]
  1318. Larry P. Nucci, Tobias Krettenauer, & Darcia Narváez [ed] (/2014) Handbook of moral and character education [i] [d]
  1319. () Environmental values [i] [d]
  1320. () The cultivation of moral character: a Buddhist challenge to social workers [d]
  1321. () Peace education: exploring ethical and philosophical foundations [i]
  1322. () Systemic leadership and the emergence of ethical responsiveness [d] [j]
  1323. () John Dewey's ethics: democracy as experience [i]
  1324. () What drives morally committed citizens?: a study of the antecedents of public service motivation [d]
  1325. () The ethics in balancing control and freedom when engineering solutions for sustainable behaviour [d]
  1326. () Long-term benefits of habitual helping: doing well by doing good [i]
  1327. () 'I apologize for being late': the courteous psychotherapist [p] [d]
  1328. () Moral development in a violent society: Colombian children's judgments in the context of survival and revenge [p] [d] [j]
  1329. () Ethics of compassion: bridging ethical theory and religious moral discourse [i]
  1330. Howard L. Rosenthal & David J. Rothman [ed] () What do we owe each other?: rights and obligations in contemporary American society [i] [d]
  1331. () Know thyself and become what you are: a eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being [d]
  1332. () The ethics of investing: making money or making a difference? [i]
  1333. () With a clean conscience: cleanliness reduces the severity of moral judgments [d]
  1334. () Fairness, feelings, and ethical decision-making: consequences of violating community standards of fairness [d] [j]
  1335. () Leadership development and the characteristics/traits of ethical and effective leaders: the Delphi technique [i] [u]
  1336. () Don't be evil [j]
  1337. () The relation between value priorities and proneness to guilt, shame, and empathy [d]
  1338. () Exploring scientific misconduct: isolated individuals, impure institutions, or an inevitable idiom of modern science? [d]
  1339. () The debt of nations and the distribution of ecological impacts from human activities [p] [d] [j]
  1340. () Being good by doing good: daily eudaimonic activity and well-being [d]
  1341. Diane L. Swanson & Dann G. Fisher [ed] () Advancing business ethics education [i]
  1342. () Conversational mindfulness [u]
  1343. William Vitek & Wes Jackson [ed] () The virtues of ignorance: complexity, sustainability, and the limits of knowledge [i]
  1344. () Building a new institutional infrastructure for corporate responsibility [d]
  1345. Cecilia Wainryb, Judith G. Smetana, & Elliot Turiel [ed] () Social development, social inequalities, and social justice [i] [d]
  1346. () Retributive and restorative justice [d]
  1347. () To tell you the truth: the Ethical Journalism Initiative [i] [u]
  1348. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part I) [j]
  1349. () From spheres of civility to critical public spheres: democracy and citizenship in the big house (Part II) [j]
  1350. () The neural basis of belief encoding and integration in moral judgment [d]
  1351. Paul J. Zak [ed] () Moral markets: the critical role of values in the economy [i] [d] [j]
  1352. (/2017) Power in psychotherapy and counseling: re-thinking the 'power differential' myth and exploring the moral, ethical, professional, and clinical issues of power in therapy [u]
  1353. () How sustained conflict makes moral education impossible: some observations from Palestine [d]
  1354. Etiony Aldarondo [ed] () Advancing social justice through clinical practice [i]
  1355. () Why good people make bad choices: how you can develop peace of mind through integrity [i]
  1356. () Impeding ecological sustainability through selective moral disengagement [d]
  1357. () An acculturation model for ethics training: the ethics autobiography and beyond [d]
  1358. Purusottama Bilimoria, Joseph Prabhu, & Renuka M. Sharma [ed] () Indian ethics: classical traditions and contemporary challenges [i] [d]
  1359. () Sustainable economic organisation: simply a matter of reconceptualisation or a need for a new ethics? [d]
  1360. Sarah Bracking [ed] () Corruption and development: the anti-corruption campaigns [i] [d]
  1361. () Religion and attitudes to corporate social responsibility in a large cross-country sample [d] [j]
  1362. () Hooked: ethics, the medical profession, and the pharmaceutical industry [i]
  1363. Michael W. Brough, John W. Lango, & Harry van der Linden [ed] () Rethinking the just war tradition [i]
  1364. () Rational responsibility for preferences and moral responsibility for character traits [d]
  1365. () Awakening warrior: revolution in the ethics of warfare [i]
  1366. () Different crime types and moral reasoning development in young offenders compared with non-offender controls [d]
  1367. () Unintended effects of health communication campaigns [d]
  1368. () Virtue epistemology and argumentation theory [u]
  1369. () Alliance between society and medicine: the public's stake in medical professionalism [d]
  1370. () Eighteen rules for writing a code of professional ethics [p] [d]
  1371. (/2017) Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization [or: Just culture: balancing safety and accountability] [i] [d]
  1372. () Cultural diversity teaching and issues of uncertainty: the findings of a qualitative study [p] [d]
  1373. () Crimes of punishment: America's culture of violence [i]
  1374. () Contemporary reflections on business ethics [i] [d]
  1375. () Reputation and its risks [p] [u]
  1376. () Thriving with social purpose: an integrative approach to the development of optimal human functioning [d]
  1377. () Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing [i] [d]
  1378. () Beyond war: the human potential for peace [i]
  1379. () Moral stealth: how 'correct behavior' insinuates itself into psychotherapeutic practice [i] [d]
  1380. () What got you here won't get you there: how successful people become even more successful [i]
  1381. () Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars [d]
  1382. () When morality opposes justice: conservatives have moral intuitions that liberals may not recognize [d]
  1383. Raja Halwani [ed] () Sex and ethics: essays on sexuality, virtue, and the good life [i]
  1384. () Avoiding unintended harm to the environment and the Buddhist ethic of intention [u]
  1385. () Dāna as a moral category [i] [d]
  1386. (/2019) Organizational ethics: a practical approach [or: Ethics in the workplace: tools and tactics for organizational transformation] [i]
  1387. Barbara Rose Johnston [ed] () Half-lives and half-truths: confronting the radioactive legacies of the cold war [i]
  1388. () The ethical attitude in narrative research: principles and practicalities [i] [d]
  1389. () How professionals can add value to their communities and organizations [u]
  1390. Kent J. Kille [ed] () The UN secretary-general and moral authority: ethics and religion in international leadership [i] [j]
  1391. () Integrity: doing the right thing for the right reason [i] [j]
  1392. () Scientific and religious controversies about the beginning of human life: the relevance of the ethical concept of the fetus as a patient [p] [d]
  1393. () The practice of ethics [i]
  1394. () Defending truth: legal and psychological aspects of Holocaust denial [d]
  1395. () Spinoza's normative ethics [d] [j]
  1396. () Why Bataille now? [i] [u]
  1397. () Through the ethics looking glass: another view of the world of auditors and ethics [d] [j]
  1398. () Creativity: ethics and excellence in science [i]
  1399. () Albert Schweitzer's reverence for life: ethical idealism and self-realization [i]
  1400. () Towards a design science of ethical decision support [d] [j]
  1401. () Youth justice?: the impact of system contact on patterns of desistance from offending [d]
  1402. () Unyielding integrity: the key to creating next-generation transformational partnerships [i] [d]
  1403. () Putting regulation before responsibility: the limits of voluntary corporate social responsibility [u]
  1404. () Buddhist perspectives on the use of force [u]
  1405. (/2016) Ethics management for public and nonprofit managers: leading and building organizations of integrity [i] [d]
  1406. () Sexual selection for moral virtues [p] [d]
  1407. () Deciding versus reacting: conceptions of moral judgment and the reason–affect debate [d]
  1408. () Continuity and change in moral meaning-making: a transactional approach [d]
  1409. (/2014) Inside lawyers' ethics [i] [d]
  1410. () An incomplete diagnosis: John Dewey and the origin of evil [d]
  1411. () Why good things happen to good people: the exciting new research that proves the link between doing good and living a longer, healthier, happier life [i]
  1412. () Ethical decision making: more needed than good intentions [d]
  1413. () The price of truth: how money affects the norms of science [i]
  1414. () The practice of precepts and the rule of realization: ordination ritual in Japanese and American Zen [u]
  1415. () Values as leading principles in acceptance and commitment therapy [d]
  1416. (/2013) Wisdom [as epistemic humility, as epistemic accuracy, as knowledge, as rationality, or as a hybrid of these] [u]
  1417. () Moral courage in the workplace: moving to and from the desire and decision to act [d]
  1418. () The power of one: dissent and organizational life [d] [j]
  1419. () Taking action, saving lives: our duties to protect environmental and public health [i] [d]
  1420. () The ethics of care and empathy [i] [d]
  1421. () The ethical foundations of professionalism: a sociologic history [d]
  1422. () Ethical school leadership: defining the best interests of students [d]
  1423. () An ethical framework for community health workers and related institutions [p] [d]
  1424. () Conversational ethics in psychological dialogues: discursive and collaborative considerations [d]
  1425. () Orientational meliorism in Dewey and Dōgen [d] [j] [u]
  1426. () Ethics education: using inductive reasoning to develop individual, group, organizational, and global perspectives [d]
  1427. () The care of self and environmental politics: towards a Foucaultian account of dietary practice [d]
  1428. (/2020) Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts [i]
  1429. () Truth: new rules for marketing in a skeptical world [i]
  1430. () The internal narrative of desistance [d]
  1431. () Ethics and observation: Dewey, Thoreau, and Harman [d] [j]
  1432. () Are you your own worst enemy?: the nine inner strengths you need to overcome self-defeating tendencies at work [i]
  1433. () Creative problem-solving in ethics [i]
  1434. () A qualitative investigation of eminent therapists' values within psychotherapy: developing integrative principles for moment-to-moment psychotherapy practice [d]
  1435. (/2017) The ethics of style [i]
  1436. () Moral intuition: its neural substrates and normative significance [d]
  1437. () The relative effects of a supervisory emphasis on ethical behavior versus political responsiveness [d]
  1438. () Investigating emotion in moral cognition: a review of evidence from functional neuroimaging and neuropsychology [d]
  1439. () The role of moral reasoning in argumentation: conscience, character, and care [i] [d]
  1440. () When is a patient's behavior unacceptable? [u]
  1441. () Boundaries in psychotherapy: ethical and clinical explorations [i] [d]
  1442. () Cosmopolitanism: ethics in a world of strangers [i]
  1443. () Kindness to strangers [i]
  1444. Stephanie Barrientos & Catherine Dolan [ed] () Ethical sourcing in the global food system [i] [d]
  1445. () Epistemic reasoning and adolescent egocentrism: relations to internalizing and externalizing symptoms in problem youth [d]
  1446. () A field guide to good decisions: values in action [i]
  1447. () Health industry practices that create conflicts of interest: a policy proposal for academic medical centers [d]
  1448. () The Wisdom Development Scale: translating the conceptual to the concrete [d]
  1449. () Virtue ethics: Dewey and MacIntyre [a Deweyan critique of Alasdair MacIntyre's traditionalism] [i]
  1450. () Moral theory in Śāntideva's Śikṣāsamuccaya: cultivating the fruits of virtue [i]
  1451. () Integrity tests and morality: associations with ego development, moral reasoning, and psychopathic personality [d]
  1452. (/2015) Committee on Publication Ethics: flowcharts [u]
  1453. () Teaching professionalism: general principles [p] [d]
  1454. William Damon & Susan Verducci [ed] () Taking philanthropy seriously: beyond noble intentions to responsible giving [i]
  1455. () Informed consent in the practice of group psychotherapy [d]
  1456. Gerald D. Feldman & Wolfgang Seibel [ed] () Networks of Nazi persecution: bureaucracy, business, and the organization of the Holocaust [i] [j]
  1457. () Self-forgiveness versus excusing: the roles of remorse, effort, and acceptance of responsibility [d]
  1458. Kathy Fitzpatrick & Carolyn Bronstein [ed] () Ethics in public relations: responsible advocacy [i] [d]
  1459. () All rise: somebodies, nobodies, and the politics of dignity [i]
  1460. () Respect as the ethic of the open society [u]
  1461. () Why it's hard to be good [i] [d]
  1462. () Professionalism in medical education: an institutional challenge [p] [d]
  1463. () High tech trash: digital devices, hidden toxics, and human health [i]
  1464. () The ethics of care: personal, political, and global [i] [d]
  1465. () And they shall be known by their deeds: ethics and politics in action research [d]
  1466. () Demonstrating environmental citizenship?: a study of everyday life among green activists [i]
  1467. () Conservation as virtue: a scientific and social process for conservation ethics [p] [d] [j]
  1468. () Truth-telling in a culturally diverse world [d]
  1469. () The power of nice: eight ways to kill the business world with kindness [i]
  1470. () The versatile leader: make the most of your strengths without overdoing it [i]
  1471. () Emotional intuitions and moral play [d]
  1472. () Executive wisdom: coaching and the emergence of virtuous leaders [i] [d]
  1473. Melanie Killen & Judith G. Smetana [ed] (/2014) Handbook of moral development [i] [d]
  1474. () What really matters: living a moral life amidst uncertainty and danger [i]
  1475. () National library associations as reflected in their codes of ethics: four codes examined [d]
  1476. () On the paradox of corporate social responsibility: how can we use social science and natural science for a new vision? [d]
  1477. () The constancy of ethics amidst the changing world of work [d]
  1478. () Critique of the 'tragic case' method in ethics education [p] [d]
  1479. () Making enemies: humiliation and international conflict [i]
  1480. () Counseling as a practice of ethics: some implications for therapeutic education [d]
  1481. () Corporate social responsibility in the supply chain: an application in the food industry [d] [j]
  1482. () From morality to mental health: virtue and vice in a therapeutic culture [i] [d]
  1483. Tom Mason [ed] () Forensic psychiatry: influences of evil [i] [d]
  1484. () The evolution of professional competence [i]
  1485. () A desistance paradigm for offender management [d]
  1486. () Credentialed persons, credentialed knowledge [d]
  1487. () Ethics blind spots in organizations: how systematic errors in person perception undermine moral agency [d]
  1488. (/2017) People and nature: an introduction to human ecological relations [i]
  1489. () Integrative ethical education [i]
  1490. () Moral dilemmas and moral rules [p] [d]
  1491. () Education for moral development [i]
  1492. () Corporate legitimacy as deliberation: a communicative framework [d] [j]
  1493. (/2015) Talent is not enough: business secrets for designers [i]
  1494. () Neural foundations to moral reasoning and antisocial behavior [d]
  1495. () Practical ethics for PGIS practitioners, facilitators, technology intermediaries and researchers [u]
  1496. () The lifelong activist: how to change the world without losing your way [i] [u]
  1497. () Knowing yourself: mindfulness [in negotiation and mediation] [i]
  1498. () Disenchanting the rhetoric: human uniqueness and human responsibility [p] [d] [j]
  1499. () The engaged spiritual life: a Buddhist approach to transforming ourselves and the world [i]
  1500. () Consequences, action, and intention as factors in moral judgments: an fMRI investigation [d]
  1501. () Elements of justice [i]
  1502. (/2011) Overnight career choice: discover your ideal job in just a few hours [i]
  1503. () The art of civilized conversation: a guide to expressing yourself with style and grace [i]
  1504. () Writers and the war against nature [i]
  1505. David Thomas Stern [ed] () Measuring medical professionalism [i]
  1506. () Adventure and regulation in contemporary anthropological fieldwork [i] [j]
  1507. () Infotainment and the moral obligations of the multimedia conglomerate [d] [j]
  1508. (/2007) The bloodless revolution: a cultural history of vegetarianism from 1600 to modern times [i]
  1509. () Beyond the physician charter: reflections on medical professionalism [p] [d]
  1510. () Reconciliation, right and wrong [o] [u]
  1511. () To what ends?: psychotherapy goals and outcomes, the good life, and the principle of beneficence [p] [d]
  1512. () Womanist ethics and the cultural production of evil [i] [d]
  1513. () Behavioral ethics in organizations: a review [d]
  1514. (/2014) Morality: epistemology, development, and social opposition [i] [d]
  1515. () Bartolomé de las Casas: great prophet of the Americas [i]
  1516. () Mental balance and well-being: building bridges between Buddhism and Western psychology [p] [d]
  1517. Patrick Williams & Sharon K. Anderson [ed] () Law & ethics in coaching: how to solve and avoid difficult problems in your practice [i]
  1518. () Towards greater professionalism: minimizing miscarriages of justice [i]
  1519. () Rhetoric and anger [j]
  1520. () Struggling with the fragility of life: a relational-narrative approach to ethics in palliative nursing [p] [d]
  1521. () Facilitator core competencies as defined by the International Association of Facilitators [i]
  1522. () Ending life: ethics and the way we die [i] [d]
  1523. () Environmental and sustainability ethics in supply chain management [p] [d]
  1524. () Being ethical as conservation biologists and as a society [d] [j]
  1525. () Moral reasoning, moral pluralism, and the classroom [u]
  1526. () Power over, power with, and power to relations: critical reflections on public relations, the dominant coalition, and activism [d]
  1527. () After harm: medical error and the ethics of forgiveness [i] [d]
  1528. (/2010) What's wrong?: applied ethicists and their critics [i]
  1529. (/2007) Morality stories: dilemmas in ethics, crime & justice [i]
  1530. () Process and the authentic life: toward a psychology of value [i] [d]
  1531. () Challenges in fostering ethical knowledge as professionalism within schools as teaching communities [d]
  1532. () Buddhist ethics? [i] [d]
  1533. () Understanding the link between moral emotions and behavior [i]
  1534. () The immorality of denial [u]
  1535. () Profession and professionalism [i]
  1536. () The ethical implications of Paul Meehl's work on comparing clinical versus actuarial prediction methods [p] [d]
  1537. () Pathological lying revisited [p] [u]
  1538. () The development of a professional: reinterpretation of the professionalization problem from the perspective of cognitive/moral development [d]
  1539. () Self-insight: roadblocks and detours on the path to knowing thyself [i] [d]
  1540. () Giving a voice to posterity: deliberative democracy and representation of future people [d]
  1541. Norman J. Finkel & Fathali M. Moghaddam [ed] () The psychology of rights and duties: empirical contributions and normative commentaries [i] [d]
  1542. () Brain science on ethics: the neurobiology of making choices [i] [d]
  1543. () Power and self-cultivation: aesthetics, development ethics and the calling of poverty [d]
  1544. () The case against punishment: retribution, crime prevention, and the law [i]
  1545. () Becoming good: the role of spiritual practice [d]
  1546. () Keeping the peace: mindfulness and public service [i]
  1547. () Conscious use of self: tuning the instrument of social work practice with cultural competence [u]
  1548. () The physician charter on medical professionalism: a Jewish ethical perspective [p] [d]
  1549. () Western Buddhist motivations for vegetarianism [d]
  1550. () Origins of Buddhist ethics [i] [d]
  1551. () Global dynamics [in ethics] [i] [d]
  1552. () Being benevolence: the social ethics of engaged Buddhism [i] [d] [j]
  1553. () The nature of evil [i] [d]
  1554. () Traditions of compassion: from religious duty to social activism [i] [d]
  1555. () Indigenous peoples, resource extraction and sustainable development: an ethical approach [d] [j]
  1556. () Rules versus principles in psychotherapy: implications of the quest for universal guidelines in the movement for empirically supported treatments [d]
  1557. () The new accountability: environmental responsibility across borders [i] [d]
  1558. () The impact of relative position and relational closeness on the reporting of unethical acts [d] [j]
  1559. Carl Mitcham [ed] () Encyclopedia of science, technology, and ethics [i]
  1560. Don A. Moore [ed] () Conflicts of interest: challenges and solutions in business, law, medicine, and public policy [i] [d]
  1561. () To do no harm: ensuring patient safety in health care organizations [i]
  1562. () Personality factors in professional ethical behaviour: studies of empathy and narcissism [d]
  1563. Arne Næss, Harold Glasser, & Alan R. Drengson [ed] () The selected works of Arne Naess [i] [d]
  1564. () Studying visual ethics by applying a typology of visual behavior [i] [d]
  1565. () The influence of role models on negotiation ethics of college students [d] [j]
  1566. () Moments of greatness: entering the fundamental state of leadership [u]
  1567. () Waking up to what you do: a Zen practice for meeting every situation with intelligence and compassion [i]
  1568. () Composing the reflected best-self portrait: building pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organizations [d] [j]
  1569. () If only: how to turn regret into opportunity [i]
  1570. William Schweiker [ed] () The Blackwell companion to religious ethics [i] [d]
  1571. () Conflict frames and the use of deception: are competitive negotiators less ethical? [d]
  1572. () Waging nonviolent struggle: 20th century practice and 21st century potential [i]
  1573. () Creating language crimes: how law enforcement uses (and misuses) language [i] [d]
  1574. () From conscientization to interbeing: a personal journey [i] [d]
  1575. Bertram I. Spector [ed] () Fighting corruption in developing countries: strategies and analysis [i]
  1576. () Friend, foe, ally, adversary... or something else? [u]
  1577. () Moral heuristics [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1578. () Torsten Hägerstrand and social theory [d]
  1579. () Social hierarchy, social conflicts, and moral development [i] [d]
  1580. (/2016) The world peace diet: eating for spiritual health and social harmony [i]
  1581. () The market for virtue: the potential and limits of corporate social responsibility [i] [j]
  1582. () The irony of environmentalism: the ecological futility but political necessity of lifestyle change [d]
  1583. () Virtue ethics and human development: a pragmatic approach [i] [d]
  1584. () Hypnotic disgust makes moral judgments more severe [d]
  1585. Becky Cox White & Joel Andrew Zimbelman [ed] () Moral dilemmas in community health care: cases and commentaries [i]
  1586. Deb Abbey [ed] () Global profit and global justice: using your money to change the world [i]
  1587. (/2024) Core values of librarianship [u]
  1588. Sudhir Anand, Fabienne Peter, & Amartya Sen [ed] () Public health, ethics, and equity [i]
  1589. () Development of spiritual self-schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addictive and HIV risk behavior: a convergence of cognitive and Buddhist psychology [d]
  1590. () The path of compassion: the Bodhisattva precepts [i]
  1591. () This is war: how the politically astute achieve crimes of obedience through the use of moral disengagement [d]
  1592. () Integrating remorse and apology into criminal procedure [d] [j]
  1593. () 101 defenses: how the mind shields itself [i]
  1594. () Psychology as a moral science: aspects of John Dewey's psychology [d]
  1595. () The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life [i]
  1596. () Motivation by ideal [d]
  1597. () American Indian environmental ethics: an Ojibwa case study [i]
  1598. () Awake at work: facing the challenges of life on the job [i]
  1599. () Ethics: from an artist's point of view [i]
  1600. () Rationality, integrity, and religious behavior [d]
  1601. () The moral advantage: how to succeed in business by doing the right thing [i]
  1602. Environmental Careers Organization [ed] () The ECO guide to careers that make a difference [i]
  1603. (/2015) Hunger, duty, and ecology: on what we owe starving humans [or: Taking hunger seriously] [i]
  1604. () Making good: how young people cope with moral dilemmas at work [i]
  1605. () Ethical issues in therapy: therapist self-disclosure of sexual feelings [d]
  1606. () Ethics as process and practice [d]
  1607. () Common morality: deciding what to do [i] [d]
  1608. () A loss of credibility: patterns of wrongdoing among nongovernmental organizations [d]
  1609. () The hungry man [i]
  1610. () Freedom wherever we go: a Buddhist monastic code for the 21st century [i]
  1611. () A socioanalytic model of maturity [d]
  1612. () Moral cruelty: ameaning and the justification of harm [i]
  1613. () Pampered or enslaved?: the moral dilemmas of pets [d]
  1614. () Building reputational capital: strategies for integrity and fair play that improve the bottom line [i]
  1615. () The turbulence within: how sensitivities throw off performance in executives [i]
  1616. () Self-interest, self-deception and the ethics of commerce [d] [j]
  1617. () I am you: the metaphysical foundations for global ethics [i] [d]
  1618. Roger Lee & David Marshall Smith [ed] () Geographies and moralities: international perspectives on development, justice, and place [i] [d]
  1619. (/2011) Space, time, and crime [i]
  1620. Erin McKenna & Andrew Light [ed] () Animal pragmatism: rethinking human–nonhuman relationships [i]
  1621. Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow, Michael Wheeler, & Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School [ed] () What's fair: ethics for negotiators [i]
  1622. () Facing human suffering: psychology and psychotherapy as moral engagement [i] [d]
  1623. () Hiding from humanity: disgust, shame, and the law [i] [d] [j]
  1624. () Social responsibility as a professional virtue: law, Bourdieu, and community [i] [d]
  1625. () A hidden wholeness: the journey toward an undivided life [i]
  1626. Moses L. Pava & Patrick Primeaux [ed] () Spiritual intelligence at work: meaning, metaphor, and morals [i] [d]
  1627. () 7 tools to beat addiction [i]
  1628. () Perils of proximity: a spatiotemporal analysis of moral distress and moral ambiguity [d]
  1629. Mark Pogrebin [ed] (/2012) About criminals: a view of the offenders' world [i]
  1630. Renzong Qiu [ed] () Bioethics—Asian perspectives: a quest for moral diversity [i] [d]
  1631. () Building the bridge as you walk on it: a guide for leading change [i]
  1632. () The highest goal: the secret that sustains you in every moment [i]
  1633. () The future of philanthropy: economics, ethics, and management [i]
  1634. () The precautionary principle, epidemiology and the ethics of delay [p]
  1635. () International conservation organizations and the fate of local tropical forest conservation initiatives [d] [j]
  1636. Steve F. Sapontzis [ed] () Food for thought: the debate over eating meat [i]
  1637. Wesley G. Skogan, Kathleen Frydl, & National Research Council [ed] () Fairness and effectiveness in policing: the evidence [i] [d] [u]
  1638. () Desistance from persistent serious delinquency in the transition to adulthood [d]
  1639. () The (im)morality of (un)naturalness [questioned] [p] [d]
  1640. () Ethical fading: the role of self-deception in unethical behavior [d]
  1641. () Capacity for self-control and individuals' interest in exercising self-control [d]
  1642. () Strategic virtues: humility as a source of competitive advantage [d]
  1643. (/2015) The invention of journalism ethics: the path to objectivity and beyond [i]
  1644. () Critical questions towards a naturalized concept of karma in Buddhism [u]
  1645. (/2008) Code of birding ethics [u]
  1646. () Sen, ethics, and democracy [d]
  1647. () Employee involvement to improve safety in the workplace: an ethical imperative [d]
  1648. () How (un) ethical are you? [p] [u]
  1649. () Responsible behavior: the importance of social cognition and emotion [d]
  1650. Margaret E. Beare [ed] () Critical reflections on transnational organized crime, money laundering and corruption [i] [d] [j]
  1651. () Avoiding cheap grace: medical harm, patient safety, and the culture(s) of forgiveness [p] [d] [j]
  1652. () The evolution of morality and religion [i] [d]
  1653. () Truth-centred ethics and ideology [i] [d] [j]
  1654. () Virgil, vigilance, and voice: agrifood ethics in an age of globalization [d]
  1655. () Desistance as a developmental process: a comparison of static and dynamic approaches [d]
  1656. () Body posture affects electroencephalographic activity and psychomotor vigilance task performance in sleep-deprived subjects [d]
  1657. Edward C. Chang & Lawrence J. Sanna [ed] () Virtue, vice, and personality: the complexity of behavior [i] [d]
  1658. () On the perfectibility of the individual: going beyond the dialectic of good versus evil [i] [d]
  1659. Kim Chong Chong, Sor-hoon Tan, & C. L. Ten [ed] () The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches [i]
  1660. () Worlds apart: civil society and the battle for ethical globalization [i]
  1661. () The art of waking people up: cultivating awareness and authenticity at work [i]
  1662. () Breaking the cycle of distrust [i]
  1663. () Conscientious objectives: designing for an ethical message [i]
  1664. () What can we learn by looking for the first code of professional ethics? [p] [d]
  1665. Ed De St. Aubin, Dan P. McAdams, & T'ae-ch'ang Kim [ed] () The generative society: caring for future generations [i] [d]
  1666. () On acting responsibly in a disorderly world: individual ethics and administrative responsibility [i] [d]
  1667. () Moral development as the personal education of feeling and reason: from James to Piaget [d]
  1668. () John Dewey and moral imagination: pragmatism in ethics [i]
  1669. () Taking our places: the Buddhist path to truly growing up [i]
  1670. (/2009) Decoding the ethics code: a practical guide for psychologists [i]
  1671. () Enabling ethical economies: cooperativism and class [d]
  1672. () Changes in friendship relations over the life course: implications for desistance from crime [d]
  1673. () Reconstituting development as a shared responsibility: ethics, aesthetics and a creative shaping of human possibilities [i]
  1674. Larry P. Gross, John Stuart Katz, & Jay Ruby [ed] () Image ethics in the digital age [i] [j]
  1675. (/2010) Boundaries: a casebook in environmental ethics [i]
  1676. () Turnaround, corruption and mediocrity: leadership and governance in three state owned enterprises in mainland China [d] [j]
  1677. () The courage to act: 5 factors of courage to transform business [i]
  1678. () Constitutive luck [d] [j]
  1679. () Rhetoric and dialectic in Martin Luther King's 'Letter from Birmingham jail' [i] [d]
  1680. () Making morality: pragmatist reconstruction in ethical theory [i]
  1681. (/2012) Record keeping in psychotherapy and counseling: protecting confidentiality and the professional relationship [i]
  1682. () Radical simplicity: small footprints on a finite earth [i]
  1683. () In memoriam Ivan Illich: critic of professionalized design [d] [j]
  1684. () How identity and perspective constrain moral choice [d]
  1685. () Future generations and the metaphysics of the self: Western and Indian philosophical perspectives [d]
  1686. Philip Quarles van Ufford & Ananta Kumar Giri [ed] () A moral critique of development: in search of global responsibilities [i]
  1687. () Moral identity and the expanding circle of moral regard toward out-groups [p] [d] [u]
  1688. (/2015) Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: a guide to ethical writing [o] [u]
  1689. () Generativity and the politics of intergenerational fairness [i] [d]
  1690. () The impact of gender and setting on perceptions of others' ethics [d]
  1691. () Innocence without naivete, uprightness without stupidity: the pedagogical kavannah of Emmanuel Lévinas [d]
  1692. () The virtues and vices of personal control [i] [d]
  1693. () Psychological aspects of undue influence [u]
  1694. () Ethical argumentation [i]
  1695. () Understanding park visitors' response to interventions to reduce petrified wood theft [u]
  1696. (/2006) The soft addiction solution: break free of the seemingly harmless habits that keep you from the life you want [or: There must be more than this: finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions] [i]
  1697. () Schema therapy: a practitioner's guide [i]
  1698. () Perfectionism and contemporary feminist values [i]
  1699. () Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter [p] [d]
  1700. () Leading quietly: an unorthodox guide to doing the right thing [i]
  1701. () Selective moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency [d]
  1702. () Healing Zen: awakening to a life of wholeness and compassion while caring for yourself and others [i]
  1703. () On being poor and feeling poor: low socioeconomic status and the moral self [p] [d]
  1704. () The feeling of realness: evil and meaning making [d]
  1705. () What should 'forgiveness' mean? [d]
  1706. () Cognitive ethical therapy?: the role of moral judgements in cognitive therapy [d]
  1707. () The end of management and the rise of organizational democracy [i]
  1708. () Economic aspects of social and environmental violence [d] [j]
  1709. () Coercion, social support, and crime: an emerging theoretical consensus [d]
  1710. () Profession, code, and ethics [i]
  1711. (/2006) The field guide to understanding human error [i]
  1712. () Transitional ethics: responsibilities of supervisors for supporting employee development [d] [j]
  1713. () The personal and impersonal dimensions of benevolence [d] [j]
  1714. () Food ethics: a decision making tool for the food industry? [d]
  1715. () Human natures, nature conservation, and environmental ethics [d] [j]
  1716. () Underestimating costs in public works projects: error or lie? [d]
  1717. () The ten trusts: what we must do to care for the animals we love [i]
  1718. () Better hearts: teaching applied virtue ethics [d]
  1719. () Bimaadiziwin, or the 'good life', as a unifying concept of Anishinaabe religion [d] [u]
  1720. () Becoming a reflective practitioner: a continuing professional development strategy through humanistic action research [d]
  1721. Christopher Johns [ed] (/2010) Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice [i] [d]
  1722. () The psychology of secrets [i] [d]
  1723. () Pragmatism in action: themes, tasks and tools [i] [d]
  1724. () Make your values mean something [p] [u]
  1725. () The human face of self-interest [d] [j]
  1726. () Meaningful work and professional ethics: reply to critics [d]
  1727. () Cradle to cradle: remaking the way we make things [i]
  1728. () F1rst among equals: how to manage a group of professionals [i]
  1729. Mary McMurran [ed] () Motivating offenders to change: a guide to enhancing engagement in therapy [i] [d]
  1730. Marvin W. Meyer & Kurt Bergel [ed] () Reverence for life: the ethics of Albert Schweitzer for the twenty-first century [i]
  1731. Peter Miller & Laura Westra [ed] () Just ecological integrity: the ethics of maintaining planetary life [i]
  1732. () The meaning response and the ethics of avoiding placebos [d]
  1733. Wayne Ouderkirk & Jim Hill [ed] () Land, value, community: Callicott and environmental philosophy [i]
  1734. () More than a mirror: the ethics of therapist self-disclosure [d]
  1735. () Enhancing motivation of offenders at each stage of change and phase of therapy [i] [d]
  1736. () Altruism and selfishness [and comments and reply] [p] [d]
  1737. () Energy and the mystery of iniquity [i]
  1738. () Profits and professionalism [p] [d]
  1739. (/2011) Questions to ask when writing and editing a narrative that reconstructs events [u]
  1740. () 'Diagnosing' behaviour: cui bono? [i]
  1741. () Pragmatism, discourse ethics and occasional philosophy [and comment by Pieter Pekelharing] [i] [d]
  1742. (/2019) The ethics of parenting [i] [d]
  1743. () Good lives and meaningful work [comment on Meaningful work by Mike W. Martin] [d]
  1744. (/2007) Becoming evil: how ordinary people commit genocide and mass killing [i]
  1745. () Criminal belief systems: an integrated–interactive theory of lifestyles [i]
  1746. () A philosophy of culture: the case for holistic pragmatism [or: A philosophy of culture: the scope of holistic pragmatism] [i] [d] [j]
  1747. () Truthfulness and relevance [d] [j]
  1748. () Being upright: Zen meditation and the bodhisattva precepts [i]
  1749. Alan R. Andreasen [ed] () Ethics in social marketing [i]
  1750. () Informed consent in psychotherapy [p] [d]
  1751. Arthur C. Bohart & Deborah J. Stipek [ed] () Constructive & destructive behavior: implications for family, school, & society [i] [d]
  1752. (/2010) Reflective practice: writing and professional development [i]
  1753. Gerald E. Caiden, O. P. Dwivedi, & Joseph G. Jabbra [ed] () Where corruption lives [i]
  1754. () Getting real: the ten truth skills you need to live an authentic life [i]
  1755. () Helping the helpers not to harm: iatrogenic damage and community mental health [i]
  1756. () Encounter with enlightenment: a study of Japanese ethics [i]
  1757. () Business ethics: brightening the corner where we are [d]
  1758. Daniel J. Christie, Richard V. Wagner, & Deborah Du Nann Winter [ed] () Peace, conflict, and violence: peace psychology for the 21st century [i]
  1759. () States of denial: knowing about atrocities and suffering [i]
  1760. () Secular wholeness: a skeptic's paths to a richer life [i]
  1761. Michael Davis & Andrew Stark [ed] () Conflict of interest in the professions [i]
  1762. () Self-forgiveness and self-respect [d] [j]
  1763. () The power of apology: healing steps to transform all your relationships [i]
  1764. () Not fair!: the typology of commonsense unfairness [i] [d]
  1765. () Preference pollution: how markets create the desires we dislike [i] [d]
  1766. () The prosecutor's duty to truth [u]
  1767. () Discriminators of moral orientation: gender role or personality? [d]
  1768. (/2006) Transformation at the base: fifty verses on the nature of consciousness [or: Understanding our mind] [i]
  1769. () Toward a comprehensive empathy-based theory of prosocial moral development [i] [d]
  1770. (/2020) Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership: casting light or shadow [i]
  1771. (/2007) The better world handbook: small changes that make a big difference [i]
  1772. () How the way we talk can change the way we work: seven languages for transformation [i]
  1773. () Thomas Merton and Thich Nhat Hanh: engaged spirituality in an age of globalization [i]
  1774. () Cooperative argumentation: a model for deliberative community [i]
  1775. () The holy order of water: healing the earth's waters and ourselves [i]
  1776. () The Lakota way: stories and lessons for living [i]
  1777. () Making good: how ex-convicts reform and rebuild their lives [i] [d]
  1778. () Peace power for adolescents: strategies for a culture of nonviolence [i]
  1779. () Is gratitude a moral affect? [d]
  1780. () Disrespect and the experience of injustice [p] [d]
  1781. () Environmental values and adaptive management [d] [j]
  1782. () Invariances: the structure of the objective world [i]
  1783. () The caligula phenomenon: mentoring relationships and theoretical abuse [d]
  1784. () The value of a developmental approach to evaluating character development programmes: an outcome study of Facing History and Ourselves [d]
  1785. () The rationality of educating for wisdom [d]
  1786. () The moral economy of water: equity and antiquity in the Andean commons [d]
  1787. Kerry S. Walters & Lisa Portmess [ed] () Religious vegetarianism: from Hesiod to the Dalai Lama [i]
  1788. (/2018) A 21st century ethical toolbox [i]
  1789. (/2014) Reverence: renewing a forgotten virtue [i]
  1790. () Methodological altruism as an alternative foundation for individual optimization [d] [j]
  1791. () Public discourse and decision making: exploring possibilities for financial, social and environmental accounting [d]
  1792. () Lives of moral leadership [i]
  1793. (/2014) Becoming vegan: the complete reference to plant-based nutrition [i]
  1794. () Reaching for higher ground in conflict resolution: tools for powerful groups and communities [i]
  1795. () Emotion, regulation, and moral development [p] [d]
  1796. () The immorality of eating meat [i]
  1797. () An introduction to Buddhist ethics: foundations, values, and issues [i] [d]
  1798. William C. Heffernan & John Kleinig [ed] () From social justice to criminal justice: poverty and the administration of criminal law [i]
  1799. () Empathy and moral development: implications for caring and justice [i] [d]
  1800. (/2009) Becoming a reflective practitioner [i]
  1801. () The codes of adversarialism [o] [u]
  1802. () To save all beings: Buddhist environmental activism [i]
  1803. () Human rights in contemporary engaged Buddhism [i]
  1804. () They who burned themselves for peace: Quaker and Buddhist self-immolators during the Vietnam War [d] [j]
  1805. () What is practical judgement? [d]
  1806. () Wisdom as a classical source of human strength: conceptualization and empirical inquiry [d]
  1807. () Mahāyāna Buddhist ritual and ethical activity in the world [d] [j]
  1808. () Meaningful work: rethinking professional ethics [i] [d]
  1809. () Truth, politics, morality: pragmatism and deliberation [i] [d]
  1810. (/2006) Ethical issues in art therapy [i]
  1811. () New ways of thinking about environmentalism: denial and the process of moral exclusion in environmental conflict [d]
  1812. () Change the world: how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results [i]
  1813. () The Bodhisattva vow [i]
  1814. () Truth v. justice: the morality of truth commissions [i] [d] [j]
  1815. Bruce Dennis Sales & Susan Folkman [ed] () Ethics in research with human participants [i]
  1816. () Owning the story: ethical considerations in narrative research [d]
  1817. () Religion, culture, and beliefs about reality in moral reasoning [i] [d]
  1818. () Alcanzar la paz: diez caminos para resolver conflictos en la casa, el trabajo y el mundo [i]
  1819. () The neutral prosecutor: the obligation of dispassion in a passionate pursuit [u]
  1820. () A simple code of ethics: a history of the moral purpose inspiring federal regulation of the securities industry [u]
  1821. (/2003) Dōgen's ceaseless practice [i] [d]
  1822. () Virtue, personality, and social relations: self-control as the moral muscle [p] [d]
  1823. (/2018) Sacred ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management [i] [d]
  1824. (/2014) Ethics in finance [i]
  1825. () Appearing respectful: the moral significance of manners [d] [j]
  1826. () Faust and the ethos of business: a report from Grand Rapids, Ciudad Juárez, and Muskegon [d] [j]
  1827. () Junk skepticism and recovered memory: a reply to Piper [d]
  1828. () The ethics of belief and other essays [i]
  1829. () Advising clients to apologize [u]
  1830. () An ethical perspective: human rights issues in personal relationships [i]
  1831. () Reinventing the wheel: a Buddhist response to the information age [i]
  1832. (/2009) Transforming practices: finding joy and satisfaction in the legal life [i]
  1833. () In the valley of the shadow: reflections on the morality of nuclear deterrence [i]
  1834. () Instilling professionalism in medical education [d]
  1835. () Good cop, bad cop: using cognitive dissonance theory to reduce police lying [u]
  1836. () The idea of moral progress [d] [j]
  1837. (/2008) Caring enough to lead: how reflective practice leads to moral leadership [i]
  1838. () Trials without truth: why our system of criminal trials has become an expensive failure and what we need to do to rebuild it [i]
  1839. () Gender at work: organizational change for equality [i]
  1840. () Springfield, Oregon, resident generates only 20 pounds of trash in year [u]
  1841. () Rationality and reflective equilibrium [i]
  1842. () The great campus goof-off machine [u]
  1843. Leonard J. Swidler [ed] () For all life: toward a universal declaration of a global ethic: an interreligious dialogue [i]
  1844. (/2000) The third side: why we fight and how we can stop [or: Getting to peace: transforming conflict at home, at work, and in the world] [i]
  1845. Kerry S. Walters & Lisa Portmess [ed] () Ethical vegetarianism: from Pythagoras to Peter Singer [i]
  1846. () The fallacy of many questions: on the notions of complexity, loadedness and unfair entrapment in interrogative theory [d]
  1847. () Ethical comportment in organizations: a synthesis of the feminist ethic of care and the Buddhist ethic of compassion [d]
  1848. () Buddhist sexual ethics: main issues [or: Issues in Buddhist sexual ethics] [u]
  1849. () Gratitude and justice [d] [j]
  1850. () Juárez: the laboratory of our future [i]
  1851. (/2011) Humility, augmented by the deep breath technique [i] [d]
  1852. () Stoicism, evil, and the possibility of morality [d] [j]
  1853. () Sharing the world: sustainable living and global equity in the 21st century [i]
  1854. () Self-disclosure as an approach to teaching ethical decision-making [d]
  1855. () Custodians of conscience: investigative journalism and public virtue [i]
  1856. Richard Wightman Fox & Robert B. Westbrook [ed] () In face of the facts: moral inquiry in American scholarship [i]
  1857. Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand [ed] () Creativity and moral vision in psychology: narratives on identity and commitment in a postmodern age [i]
  1858. () The ethical limits of trust in business relations [d] [j]
  1859. () Good news, bad news: journalism ethics and the public interest [i] [d]
  1860. Jack B. Kamerman [ed] () Negotiating responsibility in the criminal justice system [i]
  1861. () Ethics management: auditing and developing the ethical content of organizations [i] [d]
  1862. () Moral disengagement and the role of ideology in the displacement and diffusion of responsibility among terrorists [i]
  1863. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life, by Richard Nielsen [book review] [d]
  1864. () Rethinking feminist ethics: care, trust and empathy [and dialogue] [i] [d]
  1865. (/2011) The evolution of international human rights: visions seen [i] [d] [j]
  1866. Rodney L. Lowman [ed] (/2006) The ethical practice of psychology in organizations [i] [d]
  1867. () Unequal freedoms: the global market as an ethical system [i]
  1868. () The market: ethics, knowledge, and politics [i] [d]
  1869. () Dewey's ethics: morality as experience [i]
  1870. () Medical harm: historical, conceptual, and ethical dimensions of iatrogenic illness [i] [d]
  1871. (/2019) Ethics into action: learning from a tube of toothpaste [or: Ethics into action: Henry Spira and the animal rights movement] [i]
  1872. () Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior [i]
  1873. () A balance theory of wisdom [d]
  1874. () Criminality and community [i]
  1875. () Solidarity and suffering: toward a politics of relationality [i]
  1876. () Cultural humility versus cultural competence: a critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education [d]
  1877. () Ethical coherence [d]
  1878. (/2015) The mind and heart of the negotiator [i]
  1879. () Naturalistic conceptions of moral maturity [d]
  1880. Jonathan P. West & Evan M. Berman [ed] (/2006) The ethics edge [i]
  1881. () Defining moments: when managers must choose between right and right [i]
  1882. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part II: dialectical thinking and psychotherapeutic expertise: implications for training psychotherapists and protecting clients from 'theoretical abuse' [d] [u]
  1883. () A developmental perspective on psychotherapy process, psychotherapists' expertise, and 'meaning-making conflict' within therapeutic relationships: part I: a dialectical-constructivist view of human development, psychotherapy, and the dynamics of meaning-making conflict within therapeutic relationships [d]
  1884. Max H. Bazerman, David M. Messick, Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni, & Ann E. Tenbrunsel [ed] () Environment, ethics, and behavior: the psychology of environmental valuation and degradation [i]
  1885. (/2002) Secondary bodhisattva vows [u]
  1886. (/2002) Root bodhisattva vows [u]
  1887. () Teaching police ethics: what to aim at? [i]
  1888. () Self-respect: moral, emotional, political [d] [j]
  1889. () A schema polarity model for case conceptualization, intervention, and research [d]
  1890. () Psychopathology as adaptive development along distinctive pathways [p]
  1891. (/2014) International environmental law, policy, and ethics [i] [d]
  1892. () The art of the impossible: politics as morality in practice [i]
  1893. Kazumasa Hoshino [ed] () Japanese and Western bioethics: studies in moral diversity [i] [d]
  1894. () Computer ethics and moral methodology [d] [j]
  1895. () Be the person you want to find: relationship and self-discovery [i]
  1896. () The importance of professionalism [i]
  1897. () Self-interest, altruism, and virtue [d]
  1898. () My eye, your face: a conversation [i]
  1899. () Everyday blessings: the inner work of mindful parenting [i]
  1900. () Arguing about public issues: what can we learn from practical ethics? [d] [j]
  1901. Hugh LaFollette [ed] (/2020) Ethics in practice: an anthology [i]
  1902. () Discrimination against women: prevalence, consequences, remedies [i]
  1903. () True professionalism: the courage to care about your people, your clients, and your career [i]
  1904. () Who is arguing about the cat?: moral action and enlightenment according to Dōgen [d] [j]
  1905. () Living ethically, acting politically [i] [d] [j]
  1906. () Ecology, ethics, and advocacy [j] [u]
  1907. () A guide to the Bodhisattva way of life = Bodhicaryāvatāra [i]
  1908. (/2006) The way of the bodhisattva: a translation of the Bodhicharyāvatāra [i]
  1909. () Holding the center: sanctuary in a time of confusion [i]
  1910. () Moral climate and the development of moral reasoning: the effects of dyadic discussions between young offenders [d]
  1911. (/1999) The healing power of the precepts [o] [u]
  1912. () Ecologies of the heart: emotion, belief, and the environment [i]
  1913. (/2004) How to find the work you love [i]
  1914. () The unnatural lottery: character and moral luck [i]
  1915. () November 4, 1995: Deleuze's death as an event [d]
  1916. (/2012) Codes of ethics collection [u]
  1917. () Justice and justification: reflective equilibrium in theory and practice [i] [d]
  1918. () Dōgen's pure standards for the Zen community: a translation of the Eihei shingi [i]
  1919. Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams [ed] () Beyond animal rights: a feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals [i]
  1920. () Gaslighting, the double whammy, interrogation, and other methods of covert control in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis [i]
  1921. (/2005) Multicultural manners: essential rules of etiquette for the 21st century [or: Multicultural manners: new rules of etiquette for a changing society] [i]
  1922. () Rogerian rhetoric: ethical growth through alternative forms of argumentation [i] [u]
  1923. () Lies!, lies!!, lies!!!: the psychology of deceit [i]
  1924. () Medicine of the Cherokee: the way of right relationship [i]
  1925. () Cultivating the mind of love: the practice of looking deeply in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition [i]
  1926. (/2016) Economic analysis, moral philosophy, and public policy [i] [d]
  1927. (/2004) How to be happy at work: a practical guide to career satisfaction [i]
  1928. () Material concerns: pollution, profit, and quality of life [i] [d]
  1929. () Ethical dimensions of leadership [i]
  1930. () Psychotherapy and the ethics of attention [p] [d] [j]
  1931. (/2009) The heart of being: moral and ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism [i]
  1932. () Commitment beyond self and adolescence: the issue of happiness [d]
  1933. () Life without principles: reconciling theory and practice [i]
  1934. Larry May, Marilyn Friedman, & Andy Clark [ed] () Mind and morals: essays on cognitive science and ethics [i]
  1935. () Casuistry and modern ethics: a poetics of practical reasoning [i]
  1936. (/1997) Why doesn't GM sell crack? [i]
  1937. () Naturalism without foundations [i]
  1938. () The politics of ethics: methods for acting, learning, and sometimes fighting with others in addressing ethics problems in organizational life [i]
  1939. (/2009) Wasted: counting the costs of global consumption [i] [d]
  1940. (/2008) The Bodhicaryāvatāra [i]
  1941. () Living high and letting die: our illusion of innocence [i] [d]
  1942. () The assessment of professional competence: developments, research and practical implications [d]
  1943. () Ethical norms, particular cases [i] [d] [j]
  1944. () Aftermath: the remnants of war: from landmines to chemical warfare—the devastating effects of modern combat [i]
  1945. (/1996) Caring about suffering: a feminist exploration [i]
  1946. (/2005) Life is not killed [i]
  1947. () Another turn of the crank: essays [i]
  1948. (/2016) Making good arguments: an overview [i]
  1949. Bruce J. Evensen [ed] (/2008) The responsible reporter: journalism in the information age [i]
  1950. (/2007) Making a living while making a difference: conscious careers for an era of interdependence [i]
  1951. () Objectivity as responsibility [d] [j]
  1952. () Leadership and ethical development: balancing light and shadow [d] [j] [u]
  1953. (/2014) Scientific integrity: text and cases in responsible conduct of research [i] [d]
  1954. () Nonabandonment: a central obligation for physicians [d]
  1955. () Character development and physical activity [i]
  1956. () Is there a moral obligation to have children? [d] [j]
  1957. () A place in space: ethics, aesthetics, and watersheds: new and selected prose [i]
  1958. () Nonconsequentialist decisions [and comments and reply] [d]
  1959. Warren G. Bennis, Jagdish Parikh, & Ronnie Lessem [ed] (/1996) Beyond leadership: balancing economics, ethics, and ecology [i]
  1960. () Poethics: John Cage and Stanley Cavell at the crossroads of ethical theory [i]
  1961. () Business ethics: knowing ourselves [d] [j]
  1962. () The construction of ethics in mediation [d]
  1963. () First things first: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy [i]
  1964. (/1996) Attention to suffering: sympathy as a basis for ethical treatment of animals [i]
  1965. (/2003) Somebodies and nobodies: overcoming the abuse of rank [i]
  1966. () Value and system: notes toward the definition of agri-culture [u]
  1967. () The ground of professional ethics [i]
  1968. () Development of concepts of truth and lying: a developmental task [i] [d]
  1969. () Sociality and optimal functioning [d]
  1970. () The community of those who have nothing in common [i]
  1971. () Virtuous giving: philanthropy, voluntary service, and caring [i]
  1972. () Expanding the circle of caring: from local to global [i] [u]
  1973. () A higher standard of leadership: lessons from the life of Gandhi [i]
  1974. () Philosophy within the limits of wide reflective equilibrium alone [j]
  1975. () Methods of ethics: wide reflective equilibrium and a kind of consequentialism [d]
  1976. (/2009) The therapy of desire: theory and practice in Hellenistic ethics [i] [d] [j]
  1977. () Are there universal aspects in the structure and contents of human values? [d]
  1978. () Ahimsa, justice, and the unity of life: postconventional morality from an Indian perspective [i]
  1979. Claude Whitmyer [ed] () Mindfulness and meaningful work: explorations in right livelihood [i]
  1980. Daniel E. Wueste [ed] () Professional ethics and social responsibility [i]
  1981. () Value in ethics and economics [i]
  1982. () Sex, economy, freedom & community: eight essays [i]
  1983. (/2019) Stress and animal welfare: key issues in the biology of humans and other animals [i] [d]
  1984. () Nonviolence to animals, earth, and self in Asian traditions [i]
  1985. () The call of service: a witness to idealism [i]
  1986. (/1997) To have done with judgment [i]
  1987. () Balance and refinement: beyond coherence methods of moral inquiry [i] [d]
  1988. () Love in action: writings on nonviolent social change [i]
  1989. (/1998) For a future to be possible: commentaries on the five mindfulness trainings [i]
  1990. () Dōgen's thought on the Way as meta-ethical principle [i] [d]
  1991. () Right conduct as a criterion for true religion [i] [d]
  1992. () Redefining the good life in a sustainable society [d] [j]
  1993. () Relativism and wide reflective equilibrium [d] [j]
  1994. () The discipline of freedom: a Kantian view of the role of moral precepts in Zen practice [i]
  1995. () The role of ethics, mapping, and the meaning of place in relations between Indians and Whites in the United States [d]
  1996. () Celebrating the other: a dialogic account of human nature [i] [d]
  1997. () Does business ethics make economic sense? [d]
  1998. () Vessels of evil: American slavery and the Holocaust [i]
  1999. () How much is enough?: the consumer society and the future of the earth [i]
  2000. (/2019) Calls for papers: excerpts ['We need a continuous wake-up call'] [d] [u]
  2001. () The dialogue of justice: toward a self-reflective society [i] [j]
  2002. () As if your life depended on it: promoting cognitive development to promote wellness [d]
  2003. () Biological diversity and biological integrity: current concerns for lakes and streams [d]
  2004. () Anarchic harmony: the spirituality of social disobediance [i]
  2005. () The traditions of the university in the face of the demands of the twenty-first century [and comments] [or: The intellectual, moral and professional values in the face of the modern university in transition] [j]
  2006. (/1995) Conversations on science, culture, and time [i] [d]
  2007. () Toward better problems: new perspectives on abortion, animal rights, the environment, and justice [i] [j]
  2008. F. Herbert Bormann & Stephen R. Kellert [ed] () Ecology, economics, ethics: the broken circle [i]
  2009. () The very structure of scientific research mitigates against developing products to help the environment, the poor, and the hungry [d]
  2010. Judith M. Brown [ed] (/2008) Mahatma Gandhi: the essential writings [i]
  2011. (/2005) The ethics challenge in public service: a problem-solving guide [i]
  2012. () Mutual causality in Buddhism and general systems theory: the dharma of natural systems [i]
  2013. (/2007) World as lover, world as self: courage for global justice and ecological renewal [i]
  2014. () Buddhism and nonviolent global problem-solving [o] [u]
  2015. (/2021) Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling: a practical guide [i]
  2016. () The power of love: the moral use of knowledge amongst the Amuesha of Central Peru [i] [d]
  2017. () The power of balance: transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry [i] [u]
  2018. (/2010) Concepts and cases in nursing ethics [i]
  2019. () Ethnic ethics: the restructuring of moral theory [i]
  2020. (/1995) Negotiations, 1972–1990 [i]
  2021. J. Ronald Engel & Joan Gibb Engel [ed] () Ethics of environment and development: global challenge, international response [i]
  2022. (/2012) Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgments and decisions [i]
  2023. () So animal a human..., or the moral relevance of being an omnivore [d]
  2024. () Beyond justice reasoning: moral development and consideration of a seventh stage [i]
  2025. Hans Küng & Jürgen Moltmann [ed] () The ethics of world religions and human rights [i]
  2026. Jane J. Mansbridge [ed] () Beyond self-interest [i]
  2027. () What is really unethical about insider trading? [d] [j]
  2028. (/1994) What is education for? [i]
  2029. () Ethical judgments in accounting: a cognitive-developmental perspective [d]
  2030. () Human rights in the context of global problem-solving: a Buddhist perspective [i]
  2031. Russell F. Sizemore & Donald K. Swearer [ed] () Ethics, wealth, and salvation: a study in Buddhist social ethics [i]
  2032. () Moral exclusion, personal goal theory, and extreme destructiveness [d]
  2033. (/2009) You don't have to fuck people over to survive [i]
  2034. () Saints and postmodernism: revisioning moral philosophy [i]
  2035. () Intellectual development: the development of dialectical thinking [i]
  2036. () Ethics: the good and the right [i] [d]
  2037. (/2007) Professionalism [i]
  2038. (/1994) For the common good: redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future [i]
  2039. () Irrational systems and rational subsystems; conflicts within persons and conflicts between persons [i]
  2040. () Natural reasons: personality and polity [i]
  2041. (/2007) Everyday morality: an introduction to applied ethics [i]
  2042. (/2010) Introduction to engineering ethics [i]
  2043. () Envisioning a sustainable society: learning our way out [i]
  2044. (/1993) The unreality industry: the deliberate manufacturing of falsehood and what it is doing to our lives [i]
  2045. () Justice and emotional reactions to the disadvantaged [d]
  2046. () The rights of nature: a history of environmental ethics [i]
  2047. () Liberal and socialist egalitarianism [d]
  2048. () Remorse: the echo of inner truth [i]
  2049. () The usefulness of remorse [i]
  2050. (/1996) The dreaded comparison: human and animal slavery [i]
  2051. () Living morally: a psychology of moral character [i]
  2052. (/1995) The Dhammapada: the path of truth [i]
  2053. Larry P. Gross, John Stuart Katz, & Jay Ruby [ed] () Image ethics: the moral rights of subjects in photographs, film, and television [i]
  2054. (/1998) How you do anything is how you do everything: a workbook [i]
  2055. () Ethics and professionalism [i] [d] [j]
  2056. () For the patient's good: the restoration of beneficence in health care [i]
  2057. () Environmental ethics: duties to and values in the natural world [i] [j]
  2058. (/2012) Techniques and guidelines for social work practice [i]
  2059. () Community and alienation: essays on process thought and public life [i]
  2060. () Moral relevance and moral conflict [i] [j]
  2061. () Transferring the ethical hot potato [p] [d] [j]
  2062. () Home economics: fourteen essays [i]
  2063. () Using diaries to promote procedural justice in performance appraisals [d]
  2064. (/2020) Interbeing: fourteen guidelines for engaged Buddhism [i]
  2065. () How well do we acknowledge intellectual debts? [d]
  2066. () Ethics: Tanaka Ōdō and John Dewey [i]
  2067. () Compassion: a critique of moral rationalism [d]
  2068. () Ethical idealism: an inquiry into the nature and function of ideals [i] [d]
  2069. () Toward general principles of managerial fairness [d]
  2070. () Adult maturational processes and the facilitating environment [d] [j]
  2071. () Communication and community: implications of Martin Buber's dialogue [i]
  2072. Elliot D. Cohen, Michael Davis, & Frederick Elliston [ed] (/2009) Ethics and the legal profession [i]
  2073. (/1995) Life as a work of art [i]
  2074. () Environmental ethics for engineers [i]
  2075. (/1991) A testament of hope: the essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. [i]
  2076. () Self-deception and morality [i]
  2077. () The academic ethos [and normatively regulated use of leisure] [d] [j]
  2078. () Respect for nature: a theory of environmental ethics [i] [d] [j]
  2079. () The price of the ticket: collected nonfiction, 1948–1985 [i]
  2080. () Moral rules and moral ideals: a useful distinction in business and professional practice [d] [j]
  2081. () Equality and liberty: a defense of radical egalitarianism [i]
  2082. () The mind of clover: essays in Zen Buddhist ethics [i]
  2083. () Recent calls for economic democracy [d] [j]
  2084. () Intuition, critical evaluation and ethical principles: the foundation for ethical decisions in counseling psychology [d]
  2085. (/2020) Sister outsider: essays and speeches [i]
  2086. () The voice within: love and virtue in the age of the spirit [i]
  2087. () El hombre que murió de un rumor [i]
  2088. () Dominance & affection: the making of pets [i]
  2089. () Knowing our place in the animal world [i] [d]
  2090. () Denial, defect, symptom formation—and construction [d]
  2091. () The modern liberal theory of man [i] [d]
  2092. () Wisdom and the context of knowledge: knowing that one doesn't know [i] [d]
  2093. Harlan B. Miller & William H. Williams [ed] () Ethics and animals [i] [d]
  2094. (/1999) A model for nonviolent communication [o]
  2095. (/1985) Equality, entitlements, and the distribution of income [i]
  2096. () Natural therapy [i] [d] [j]
  2097. () Grounding rights and a method of reflective equilibrium [d]
  2098. () Moralities of everyday life [i]
  2099. () The Buddha speaks the Brahma net sutra: the ten major and forty-eight minor Bodhisattva precepts [i]
  2100. () Antinomian rules: the ethical outlook of American Zen students [i]
  2101. () Getting saved from the sixties: moral meaning in conversion and cultural change [i]
  2102. () Primary speech: a psychology of prayer [i]
  2103. (/2010) Ethics in nursing: cases, principles, and reasoning [i]
  2104. () Anattā and responsibility: and other essays [o]
  2105. Melvin J. Lerner & Sally C. Lerner [ed] () The justice motive in social behavior: adapting to times of scarcity and change [i]
  2106. Ernest Partridge [ed] () Responsibilities to future generations: environmental ethics [i]
  2107. () Cognitive and ethical growth: the making of meaning [i]
  2108. George Abbott White [ed] () Simone Weil, interpretations of a life [i]
  2109. () Teaching ethical principles by means of value confrontations [d]
  2110. () Moral education: a response to Thomas Sobol [u]
  2111. () The real work: interviews & talks, 1964–1979 [i]
  2112. (/2015) Issues and ethics in the helping professions [i]
  2113. () Wide reflective equilibrium and theory acceptance in ethics [d] [j]
  2114. Thomas Donaldson, Patricia Hogue Werhane, & Joseph D. Van Zandt [ed] (/2008) Ethical issues in business: a philosophical approach [i]
  2115. (/1993) Profession and vocation [i]
  2116. (/1983) Promoting moral growth: from Piaget to Kohlberg [i]
  2117. () Desiring the bad: an essay in moral psychology [d] [j]
  2118. Gordon Bermant, Herbert C. Kelman, & Donald P. Warwick [ed] () The ethics of social intervention [i]
  2119. () Ethical problems of psychological jargon [d]
  2120. () Toward a history of needs [i]
  2121. (/1991) Skillful means: patterns for success [or: Skillful means: gentle ways to successful work] [i]
  2122. (/1996) The unsettling of America: culture & agriculture [i]
  2123. () Hero, artist, sage, or saint?: a survey of views on what is variously called mental health, normality, maturity, self-actualization, and human fulfillment [i]
  2124. () The content of moral education, or in defense of the 'bag of virtues' [comment on Kohlberg] [d] [j]
  2125. () Ethical concerns in community mental health [p] [d]
  2126. (/1978) To kill and survive or to die and become: the active life and the contemplative life as ways of being adult [i]
  2127. () Ojibway heritage [i]
  2128. () The flight from reason: essays on intellectual freedom in the academy, the press, and the library [i]
  2129. () Development of sex-role transcendence [p] [d] [j]
  2130. (/2008) Dialogical perspectives [on communication ethics] [i]
  2131. () A dialectical approach to moral judgment and self-esteem [p] [d] [j]
  2132. () Unselfishness: the role of the vicarious affects in moral philosophy and social theory [i] [u]
  2133. () Empathic: an unappreciated way of being [d]
  2134. () The sayings of the Desert Fathers: the alphabetical collection [i]
  2135. (/2011) Human rights and ecology as premises for taking practical standpoints [i] [d]
  2136. (/1985) Cargo cult science [i]
  2137. () Toward a constructional approach to social problems: ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis [p] [j]
  2138. Trina J. Magi & Martin Garnar [ed] (/2015) Intellectual freedom manual [i]
  2139. () Developmental psychology as a guide to value education: a review of 'Kohlbergian' programs [d] [j]
  2140. (/2010) Should trees have standing?: law, morality, and the environment [or: Should trees have standing?: toward legal rights for natural objects] [i]
  2141. (/1981) The rights of past and future persons [i]
  2142. (/1995) Letter to a harsh critic: I have nothing to admit [i]
  2143. (/1974) Energy and equity [i]
  2144. () Ethics and moral activism [d] [j]
  2145. (/1973) Tools for conviviality [i]
  2146. () Development as the aim of education [d]
  2147. (/2003) Humanism of the other [i]
  2148. (/2016) Famine, affluence, and morality [i]
  2149. () A philosopher's view of values and ethics [d]
  2150. () Voluntary service: good will or evil goods? [o]
  2151. (/1988) Spinoza: practical philosophy [i]
  2152. (/1988) On the difference between the Ethics and a morality [i]
  2153. () The one-man revolution in America [i]
  2154. () Celebration of awareness: a call for institutional revolution [o]
  2155. () Entering the path of enlightenment: the Bodhicaryāvatara of the Buddhist poet Śāntideva [i]
  2156. () An essay on liberation [i]
  2157. (/1979) Learning to live [i]
  2158. (/1970) Modern science and social responsibility [and comments] [i] [d]
  2159. (/1970) To hell with good intentions [o]
  2160. () Ojibwa religion and the Midéwiwin [o]
  2161. (/2017) The responsibility of intellectuals [and: The responsibility of intellectuals, redux] [i]
  2162. () The ethics of the cosmos [o] [d]
  2163. () Moral strategy: an introduction to the ethics of confrontation [o] [d]
  2164. Richard L. Johannesen [ed] () Ethics and persuasion: selected reading [o]
  2165. () Human rights U.S.A.: 1948–1966 [o]
  2166. (/2005) Effective discussion [i] [d]
  2167. () Gandhi on non-violence: selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's Non-violence in peace and war [i]
  2168. () In search of the enemy of man [o]
  2169. (/2013) World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects [p] [d]
  2170. (/1985) A talk to teachers [i]
  2171. (/1981) Strength to love [i]
  2172. (/2004) On nuclear disarmament: a letter to the editor ['Nuclear policy is based on the willingness to commit genocide'] [u]
  2173. (/1966) Education in our changing times [o] [d]
  2174. Richard B. Brandt [ed] () Social justice [o]
  2175. () Dōgen's Zen view of interdependence [d] [j]
  2176. () The faith of John Dewey [j]
  2177. (/1970) The wisdom of the desert: sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century [i]
  2178. () Dewey's conception of philosophy [j]
  2179. (/1967) The ethical animal [i]
  2180. () Common sense and nuclear warfare [o]
  2181. () Power and morality: who shall guard the guardians? [o]
  2182. () How much should a country consume? [o]
  2183. (/1963) The atom bomb and the future of man [or: The future of mankind] [i]
  2184. () Valuational naturalism and moral discourse [d] [j]
  2185. () Pointing the way: collected essays [o] [u]
  2186. (/1972) The ethics of Spinoza: the road to inner freedom [i]
  2187. (/2004) The notebooks of Simone Weil [i]
  2188. (/1972) The Russell–Einstein manifesto [against weapons of mass destruction] [i] [u]
  2189. (/1980) The ethics of controversy [i]
  2190. () A biosocial approach to ethics [o]
  2191. Harry W. Laidler [ed] () Needed: a moral awakening in America [o] [u]
  2192. () Outline of a decision procedure for ethics [d] [j]
  2193. (/1991) Neurosis and human growth: the struggle toward self-realization [i]
  2194. (/1987) A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there [i]
  2195. () Science and the moral life: selected writings [o]
  2196. (/2002) The need for roots: prelude to a declaration of duties towards mankind [i]
  2197. (/1995) Concerning the accounts given by the residents of Hiroshima [i]
  2198. () Social science and normative ethics [d] [j]
  2199. (/1985) Hiroshima [i]
  2200. (/2000) The question of German guilt [i] [j]
  2201. (/1966) Our inner conflicts: a constructive theory of neurosis [i]
  2202. () Self-analysis [i]
  2203. (/2021) ALA code of ethics: a framework of values and ethical responsibilities for the profession of librarianship [u]
  2204. () Freedom and culture [o] [u]
  2205. () Write your own ten commandments [o]
  2206. () War is a racket [o] [u]
  2207. (/2018) The power of nonviolence [i] [d]
  2208. () The conservation ethic [d]
  2209. () Dhammapada: verses on dhamma, and Khuddaka-pātha: the text of the minor sayings [o] [u]
  2210. () The quest for social justice, 1898–1914 [o]
  2211. (/2013) Bio-ethics: reviewing the ethical relations of humans towards animals and plants [i]
  2212. (/2009) Philosophy of mathematics and natural science [i]
  2213. (/1970) I and thou [i]
  2214. (/1949) The ethic of reverence for life [o] [u]
  2215. (/1930) Human nature and conduct: an introduction to social psychology [o] [u]
  2216. () The elements of social justice [o] [u]
  2217. () Śikṣā-samuccaya: a compendium of Buddhist doctrine [o] [u]
  2218. () The ethical bases of democracy [d] [j] [u]
  2219. () An ethical philosophy of life presented in its main outlines [o] [u]
  2220. (/2002) A new conscience and an ancient evil [i] [u]
  2221. () Ethics and education [o] [u]
  2222. () Letters from a father to his son entering college [o] [u]
  2223. (/1998) The meaning of the boy scout law [i]
  2224. () Origin and evolution of ethics: were moral laws supernaturally revealed, or are they products of human experience and evolution? [o] [u]
  2225. (/1932) Ethics [o]
  2226. (/2007) Newer ideals of peace [i] [u]
  2227. (/1909) The new ethics [o] [u]
  2228. (/1908) The universal kinship [o] [u]
  2229. (/2002) Democracy and social ethics [i] [u]
  2230. (/1974) A Buddhist manual of psychological ethics: being a translation of the first book in the Abhidhamma Pitaka, entitled Dhamma-saṅgaṇi [i] [u]
  2231. () The scientific basis of morality [o] [u]
  2232. () The map of life: conduct and character [o] [u]
  2233. () Evolutional ethics and animal psychology [o] [u]
  2234. () The ethics of democracy [o] [u]
  2235. (/2000) The equality of the human races [i]
  2236. () The scientific basis of national progress, including that of morality [o] [u]
  2237. (/1999) The ethics of belief [i] [u]
  2238. () The guide to politeness: a hand-book of good manners, and a manual of modern etiquette [o] [u]
  2239. () A manual of moral philosophy [o] [u]
  2240. (/2004) The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex [i] [u]
  2241. (/1879) History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne [o] [u]
  2242. (/1964) Life without principle [i] [u]
  2243. (/1855) What to the slave is the Fourth of July? [o] [u]
  2244. (/1855) Slavery and anti-slavery: a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres; with a view of the slavery question in the United States [o] [u]
  2245. (/1964) Civil disobedience [i] [u]
  2246. () A juvenile guide: or, Manual of good manners: consisting of counsels, instructions & rules of deportment, for the young [o] [u]
  2247. (/1988) Letters on the equality of the sexes, and the condition of women, and other essays [i] [u]
  2248. () Posthumous pieces [o] [d] [u]
  2249. () Universal benevolence [o] [d] [u]
  2250. (/1975) Medical ethics, or, A code of institutes and precepts, adapted to the professional conduct of physicians and surgeons [i] [u]
  2251. (/1806) Principles of nature, or, A development of the moral causes of happiness and misery among the human species [o] [d] [u]
  2252. (/1987) Agrarian justice [i] [u]
  2253. (/2009) A vindication of the rights of woman [i] [u]
  2254. (/1964) Autobiography, parts 9 and 10 ['project of arriving at moral perfection' and 'execution of this plan for self examination'] [o] [j] [u]
  2255. (/1987) The rights of man [i] [u]
  2256. (/1971) Political disquisitions: an enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses [i] [u]
  2257. (/1987) African slavery in America [i] [u]
  2258. (/1772) Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician [o] [u]
  2259. (/1819) An essay on crimes and punishments [o] [u]
  2260. (/1812) The dignity of human nature: or, A brief account of the certain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence [o] [u]
  2261. (/1995) The letters [i]
  2262. (/1996) Ethics [i] [u]
  2263. (/1999) Identifying with cause and effect [i]
  2264. (/2010) Refrain from unwholesome action [i]

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14th edition, last updated: 31 July 2024 (view Zotero library on
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